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Prépas scientifiques et commerciales À

_ Jean-Pierre Ancèle
Prépas Sciences-Po + Prépas Scientifiques et Commerciales


Jean-Pierre ANCELE
Agrégé de l'Université
Professeur en Classes préparatoires
au lycée Jean-Baptiste Corot, Savigny-sur-Orge
ISBN 2-7298-4702-2
© ellipses / édition marketing S.A., 1997
32 rue Bargue, Paris (15°).

La loi du 11 mars 1957 n'autorisant aux termes des alinéas 2 et 3 de l'Article 41, d'une part, que les
« copies ou reproductions strictement réservées à l'usage privé du copiste et non destinées à une
utilisation collective », et d'autre part, que les analyses et les courtes citations dans un but
d'exemple et d'illustration, « toute représentation ou reproduction intégrale, ou partielle, faite sans
le consentement de l'auteur ou de ses ayants droit ou ayants cause, est illicite ». (Alinéa 1er de
l'Article 40).
. Cette représentation ou reproduction, par quelque procédé que ce soit, sans autorisation
l'éditeur ou du Centre français d'Exploitation du Droit de Copie (3, rue Hautefeuille, 75006
constituerait donc une contrefaçon sanctionnée par les Articles 425 et suivants du Code

Cet ouvrage se compose de 60 extraits de la presse anglo-saxonne traitant d'un

large éventail de sujets (société, sciences, arts, lettres, spectacles, sports, etc.) suivis de
leur exploitation linguistique systématique sous forme d'exercices permettant de
travailler la conjugaison, la syntaxe et autres points épineux de la grammaire anglaise,
ainsi que le thème et l'accentuation.
Il est destiné aux élèves qui, dès le seuil de leurs études post-baccalauréat, doivent
s'entraîner de manière efficace aux épreuves d'anglais des concours.
La compétence linguistique, au sens large du terme, constitue le support
indispensable à l'approche de tous les autres types d'exercices. En effet, comment
répondre à des questions de compréhension, comment rédiger un essai, un compte
rendu ou un résumé sans une maîtrise suffisante de la syntaxe et de la conjugaison,
sans savoir où placer les articles ni quelles prépositions employer ?
Les exercices proposés ici ne permettent pas seulement aux futurs candidats de
faire le point sur leur acquis linguistique au terme des études secondaires, ils leur
offrent surtout le moyen d'approfondir leurs connaissances et de surmonter les
difficultés de la langue afin de se hisser au niveau requis pour passer avec succès les
épreuves d'anglais des différents concours.
Afin de permettre un travail autonome, chaque unité se termine par un rappel
lexical permettant d'éviter le recours à un dictionnaire. L'élève désireux d'évaluer ses
besoins ou ses progrès trouvera en fin d'ouvrage le corrigé intégral des vingt derniers
sujets. Quarante autres textes et séries d'exercices destinés au travail en classe avec le
professeur peuvent en outre fournir matière à des exercices complémentaires (version,
expression orale ou écrite, etc.).
Bonne préparation à tous.


Electronic communications (to affect), and (to continue) to affect, language (...)
three distinct ways. First, they change the way language (to use). Secondly, they (to
create) a need (....) a global language —and English (to fill) that slot. Third, they will
influence the future of other languages which people will (perhaps perversely)
continue (to speak).
Start (...) the simplest sort of change: the way English is used (...) electronic
converse. The language of electronic chat (to splatter) (...) abbreviations that (to
make) it not just faster to type but also impenetrable (...) the novice. Plenty of
activities have vocabularies (...) their own, badges of identity (...) the cognoscenti:
(to think) of motoring enthusiasts. So, too, (...) electronics.
The Economist

1. Rétablissez la forme correcte des verbes entre parenthèses.

2. Insérez les prépositions manquantes.
3. Entourez la syllabe accentuée :
electronic - secondly - influence - perversely - impenetrable - vocabularies - identity - motoring -

4. Construisez une phrase cohérente à l'aide de chaque série d'éléments ci-dessous :

some / has / language / broadcasting / already / novel / forms / created
sussossoosssssessesesessesessessesscsecsssseosessesesecsesensssseseessse esse se se sesseseocnsesecessseseseenenssessssecenessseresssssssssse



5. Complétez le paragraphe suivant à l'aide des éléments ci-dessous :

telling / when / far/ like / alone / either/ of / body

concentration on the voice (.......…. ), Stripped (......… ) misleading (.......… ) language, can be
ÉnnE ) more (.......…. ) than a face-to-face conversation. One study found that it was easier
to detect (.....…. ) a person was lying in a telephone call than (......…. ) in a video call or face-

6. Traduisez
Les Etats-Unis comptent à présent quatre fois plus d'anglophones de naissance que
n'importe quel autre pays. Vient ensuite la Grande-Bretagne. À eux deux ces pays comptent
70% des 320 millions de personnes dont l'anglais est la première langue. Ce nombre ne tient
pas compte des 57 millions de personnes qui parlent créole ou une forme créolisée d'anglais
dans des pays tels que le Libéria ou la Jamaïque.

Rappel lexical
global mondial to type taper (sur un clavier)
splattered constellé chat discussion
slot niche motoring enthusiasts amateurs d'automobile


In 1903 four members of (...) France's Académie des Sciences (to write) to their
Swedish counterparts to nominate Pierre Curie and Henri Becquerel, two of (...)
discoverers of (...) radioactivity, for (...) recently instituted Nobel prize for physics.
(...) third, Marie Curie —who (to coin) the term “radioactivity”, and who (to isolate)
(...) radium— (to include) only after (...) colleague (to write) to Pierre to tell him of
his wife's omission. For whatever (..) reason, (...) nominators (at least two of whom
knew her work well) (to find) (...) science and (...) womanhood to be ty)
unconscionable mixture, and (to determine) to suppress it.
These days, few people would admit to entertaining (...) idea that (...) women are
inherently less able scientists than (...) men. That idea, nonetheless, (to seem) to
remain pervasive. In (...) 1970s and 1980s, for example, (...) proportion of (...)
American women taking science degrees (to rise) sharply in all (...) fields. By now, it
might (to expect) that (...) corresponding fraction of those graduates would be
moving into (..) senior research and (..) teaching jobs.
The Economist

1. Conjuguez les verbes entre parenthèses.

2. Complétez le texte à l'aide des articles a / an /the / ou du symbole ©.

3. Entourez la syllabe accentuée :
counterparts - discoverers - recently - colleague - nominators - pervasive - research

4. Construisez une phrase cohérente à l'aide de chaque série d'éléments ci-dessous :

that / against / hope / not / science / discriminate / one / women / would / would



5. Traduisez
Depuis 1988 plus de la moitié des étudiants licenciés en biologie sont des femmes.
Cependant, à chaque étape de la carrière scientifique plus de femmes que d'hommes
quittent la profession. La révélation de ce qui semble être une véritable « fuite » a fortement
étonné ceux qui pensaient que l'égalité était quasiment acquise.

Rappel lexical
counterparts homologues pervasive bien ancrée
to coin inventer degrees diplômes
womanhood condition de femme sharply sensiblement
unconscionable déraisonnable graduates lauréats
nonetheless néanmoins senior research troisième cycle
to remain demeurer
When Elizabeth (to become) (...) Queen in 1952, (...) leading cartoonists were so
awed by her popularity that initially they (to sketch) her only from (...) back. Her face
(not to show).
But Elizabeth's honeymoon gradually (to come) to (...) end in (...) rebellious
19605, when (....) irreverence (to become) (.…..) article of (...) faith among (...) young
in (...) Britain. (...) Cartoons in Private Eye, (...) satirical weekly, (to lead) (...) way
with impertinent potshots at (...) Queen and Prince Philip, and by (...) time (...)
marriages of Elizabeth's children (to begin) to collapse around their protruding ears,
(...) cartoonists everywhere (to let) (..) acid flow from their pens.
But in (...) end it (to be) all good, clean fun. [...] Over (...) centuries [...] (...)
truly big characters in (...) British history —both (...) royalty and (...) politicians—
(to survive) their lampooning with ease and grace. And some actually (to enjoy) it.
George IV (to be) (...) avid collector of (...) cartoons, as (to be) Prince Philip today.

1. Conjuguez les verbes entre parenthèses.

2. Complétez le texte à l'aide des articles a / an / the / ou du symbole @.
3. Entourez la syllabe accentuée :
cartoonists - popularity - initially - gradually - rebellious - irreverence - satirical - impertinent -
collapse - characters - politicians - lampooning - collector

4. Construisez une phrase cohérente à l'aide de chaque série d'éléments ci-dessous :

reflect / the / more / mood / time / than / their / cartoonists / no / of/the
ons sonnnnsssssnssoseecsseeeseseeesnssssseessssessssessoocseecsssen ns esseren ss sessesensesescessssene ses sens sense

000000000000 000000000000 600000000000 000000000600 000000000000 00e ss esse een sense csssssssesecee

5. Complétez le paragraphe suivant à l'aide des éléments ci-dessous :

in /at/on /'in / for /in / during / by / at / about / in
Cartoonists [...] tend to be harshest (......…. ) royals-(.......… )-waiting. But once a new
monarch is securely (......…. ) office, a touch of deference sets (......…. ). This was especially
true (......… ) the 19th century. Cartoonists sniped gently (.......…. ) an inexperienced Queen
Victoria (.......…. ) her very early years. In one cartoon the Prime Minister is shown leading the
new Queen (.......…. Etre ) her nose. But soon Victoria became sacrosanct, and
cartoonists had to settle (.......….. ) swipes (.......… ) Albert, her beloved consort.

6. Traduisez
La satire politique semble avoir existé de tout temps. Elle constitue un élément majeur
de la
liberté d'expression. Les journaux à scandale Spécialisés dans les révélation
s sur les
histoires sentimentales des vedettes peuvent-ils arguer de cette tradition pour
justifier leurs
articles ? C'est aux lecteurs qu'il revient d'en juger.

Rappel lexical
cartoonists dessinateurs satiriques lampooning satire
awed admiratifs harsh âpre
faith foi securely de manière ferme
weekly hebdomadaire to snipe critiquer
potshots attaques to settle for se contenter de
to collapse s'effondrer swipes piques
protruding en feuille de chou beloved bien aimé
“Equipped with passenger-side air bag” —that ringing phrase, now nearly
ubiquitous in U.S. car ads, may not be as desirable as it sounds. Although air bags (to
save) hundred of lives, according to the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration they (to implicate + also) in the deaths of 21 children, including six
infants who (properly + to strap) into rear-facing child seats. Because the bags (to
design) with adults in mind, a bag bursting out at a force of up to 320 km/h can slam a
child in the head rather than the chest and cause severe injury. [...]
Chrysler (to work) with a maker of infant car seats on a design that (to keep) rear
facing seats from (to throw) backward when an air bag (to deploy). General Motors,
too, (to focus) on car seats and last week (to announce) a $10.6 million advertising
campaign to educate the public about proper car-seat installation.
Eventually, auto experts (to say), car (to come) equipped with an air bag that (to
switch off) automatically if no one (to occupy) the passenger seat, or (to adjust) to
match the height of the seat's occupant.

1. Conjuguez les verbes entre parenthèses.

2. Entourez la syllabe accentuée :
passenger - ubiquitous - desirable - administration - properly - adults - severe - injury - design -
backward - advertising - educate - eventually - automatically - occupant

3. Construisez une phrase cohérente à l'aide de chaque série d'éléments ci-dessous :

figure / Big / auto / air/makers / trying / The / to / out / how / to / bags / safer / U.S /
children / for/ Three / are / make

a / new / world / in / love / with / you / simply / wouldn't / car / not / care / brand / the /
driving / a / ?

4. Complétez le paragraphe suivant à l'aide des éléments ci-dessous :

off / safety / many/ back / / little / whole / however /up
“The safest place for the child is in the (.......… ) seat, all buckled (........ ).” As all too (.......… )
parents know, (........ ), an antsy (.......… ) passenger can take the driver's eyes (.......…. ) the
road posing a (......…. ) new sort of (.......… ) problem.

5. Traduisez
La plupart des véhicules sont soumis à un nombre croissant de contrôles. Conducteurs et
passagers profitent de ce surcroît de sécurité qui devrait conduire dans un avenir
relativement proche à une baisse sensible des accidents de la route. Espérons cependant
que le coût élevé de ces améliorations ne se traduira pas par une augmentation exagérée du
prix des voitures.

Rappel lexical
ringing phrase formule qui sonne bien to slam frapper
infants enfants en bas âge chest poitrine
to strap attacher to switch off débrancher
to burst out se gonfler d'un coup to match correspondre
at a force of up avec une force pouvant atteindre


(...) sight (...) small, dazed-looking peasants emerging (...) throngs (...) (...)
railway station, (...) bundle of belongings (...) their shoulders, is (...) familiar one
(...) most people who have visited China's booming coastal provinces. (...) number of
“migrant” workers (..) China is usually estimated (...) over 100m, or about one (...)
every 12 Chinese.
They come (...) (..) hinterland, these peasants, and (...) people (...) (...) eastern
cities look down (...) them (...) doing (...) menial work that (...) more sophisticated
town-dwellers would not dream (..….) doing, and (...) (...) migrants’ undoubtedly
embellished reputation (...) filth and violence.
China's leadership also views (...) migrants (...) distaste, perhaps recalling Marx's
dictum that “(...) peasant is simply (...) least brutal animal (...) (...) farmyard.” (...)
leaders know that (...) past challenges (...) authority, including that (...) (...)
communists themselves, have always come (...) China's countryside.
The Economist

1. Complétez le texte à l'aide des articles a / an /the / ou du symbole @.

2. Insérez les prépositions manquantes.
3. Entourez la syllabe accentuée :
familiar - provinces - estimated - sophisticated - undoubtedly - authority - communists

4. Complétez le paragraphe suivant à l'aide des éléments ci-dessous :

over his / plots / unleashed / established order / also / threaten / over the / officials /
over/ economic
Many (......… ) regret that the (.......… ) changes (......… ) by Deng Xiaoping in 1979 have
Rae: ) helped unchain China's peasantry from their meagre (......… ). They fear that hordes
of surly, roaming malcontents will (......… ) China's (......… ), where the peasant lords it
Cet ) pig, the urban dweller lords it (......... ) peasant, and the Communist Party lords it
Cr ) all.
5. Traduisez
Aujourd'hui encore pour beaucoup d'Occidentaux, la Chine reste un pays assez mystérieux.
Même si nous disposons de plus d'informations qu'autrefois sur la vie et les mœurs
chinoises, il est toujours très difficile de se faire une idée juste sur ce sujet. Il est sûr
néanmoins que l'avenir de la Chine aura un effet certain sur le destin du reste du monde.

Rappel lexical
dazed-looking à l'air hébété town-dwellers habitants des villes
throngs foules distaste dégoût
bundle of belongings ballot de vêtements challenges défis
hinterland intérieur surly renfrognés
menial work basses tâches to roam vagabonder


Europe's software industry loses an estimat(...) $6 billi(.…) a year —half of all
global losses from ill(...) duplication and distribution. The recording and film
industr(...) in Europe together rack up annual losses of $2 billi(...) because of
counterfeit CDs and videotapes. Surprisingly, Europe also holds the dub(...)
distinction of account(..) for 50% of world(.…..) losses from software pira(...), more
than any other region, including runn(...)-up Asia. And contrary to received wis(.…),
the major culprits are not rogue hackers in base(.…) lairs but corpor(.…) buccaneers in
office suites.
The European software industry is so alarmed at the run(..….) copyright
copywrongs that intellectual property protection is one area in which busines(.…..) are
clamoring for more —rather than less— E.U. legislation.

1. Ajoutez aux mots inachevés leur terminaison correcte.

2. Entourez la syllabe accentuée :
industry - duplication - recording - Europe - counterfeit - piracy - contrary - intellectual - property
- area

3. Construisez une phrase cohérente à l'aide de chaque série d'éléments ci-dessous :

quite / companies / seriously / this / London-based / take


uns sssmsssssonneessesssseeesesesesecssessesesenesessesesssecssescesesssccsssesesseseseseeeesssesessecessssessesssesessscessssesssssess

4. Complétez le paragraphe suivant à l'aide des éléments ci-dessous :

may soon be / would-be / no match / entire / across / even / still / work
DURE Lure ) the best detective (......….. ) will be (.......… ) for pirates trolling the Internet,
Ca ) terra incognita to (.......…. ) enforcers of intellectual property rights. Music can already
be broadcast (.......… ) the virtual airwaves of cyberspace. And as the quality of online images
improves, it (.......…. ) possible to download (.......… ) films to personal computers.
5. Traduisez
Les copies, en général de mauvaise qualité portent préjudice à l'image des marques les plus
renommées. Les pays qui possèdent une législation efficace contre la contrefaçon doivent
aussi s'efforcer de prévenir ce fléau. On envisage différentes possibilités, mais les pirates
deviennent plus malins chaque jour.

Rappel lexical
software logiciel culprits coupables
rack up ratissent rogue hackers pirateurs de logiciels
counterfeit piratés lairs repaires
received wisdom ce que l'on croit souvent to troll parcourir
to clamor for réclamer à grand cris to download copier sur logiciels


Computer viruses have (...) maddening simplicity. (...) tiny programs-even (...)
most devastating take up only (...) small slice of (...) floppy disc-work (...)
insinuating themselves (..) (...) heart of (...) machine and then feverishly replicating.
(...) effects can be lethal; one infection can “wipe” (...) hard disc, erasing (...)
otherwise healthy computer's memory (...) hours. And though not all (...) viruses are
that destructive-some display (...) cheery “happy birthday” message, for instance-
there are 10,000 of them (...) (...) existence, with some 200 actively circulating (...)
(...) discs or (...) (...) Internet, which passes (...) digital infections (...) like (...)
influenza (...) (...) airliner.

1. Complétez le texte à l'aide des articles a / an /the / ou du symbole ©.

2. Insérez les prépositions manquantes.
3. Entourez la syllabe accentuée :
computer - simplicity - machine - effects - memory - message - digital - influenza

4. Construisez une phrase cohérente à l'aide de chaque série d'éléments ci-dessous :

we / next /in/the / on / to / determined / revolution / cash / are / computer



5. Complétez le paragraphe suivant à l'aide des éléments ci-dessous :

never/ that /its / yet/how / every/ before
Working in a specially isolated lab, the scientists are teaching machines to recognize
Ce ) they're sick and immediately find a cure. In (.......… ) early form, the immunology
software, called AntiVirus, scans (......…. ) bit of code on a PC, looking for strandbs it's
Cat ) seen (.......… ) and doesn't (.......… ) know (......... ) to combat.

6. Traduisez
Comment peut-on arrêter la prolifération des virus informatiques ? Certains chercheurs
mettent actuellement au point un logiciel qui protégerait les ordinateurs avec une efficacité
semblable à celle du système immunitaire protégeant le corps humain. C'est un travail long
et complexe, et de toute façon, une solution parfaite n'existe pas.

Rappel lexical
maddening déroutante lethal mortels
tiny minuscules otherwise sans cela
slice partie to display afficher
floppy disc disquette cheery enjoué


When Macbeth (to tell) that he would rule as long as Birnam Wood (to stay) put,
he (to think) himself safe. Shortly afterwards he (to vanquish) (...) an army (...) the
south that (to advance) behind branches chopped (...) Birnam's trees. The men who
run the great forestry companies (...) North America and Western Europe should
perhaps brush up (...) their Shakespeare. They too (to threaten) (...) invading
foresters (...) the south.
For more than a century the woods (...) the northern hemisphere (to supply) most
of the world's forest products. Forestry companies in North America and Europe (to
have) two advantages (...) their southern competitors: vast forests that are close (...)
the world's biggest markets, and a ready supply (...) capital to pay (...) the capital-
intensive business (...) turning trees (...) paper. But they (to face) also a growing
handicap, (...) the shape of forest-loving environmentalists. And the South (to make)
better use (...) an advantage (...) its own: a climate (...) which trees (to grow) faster.
The Economist

1. Conjuguez les verbes entre parenthèses.

2. Insérez les prépositions manquantes.

3. Entourez la syllabe accentuée :

afterwards - forestry - companies - America - Europe - advantages - competitors -

4. Construisez une phrase cohérente à l'aide de chaque série d'éléments ci-dessous :

of / famous / Shakespeare's / is / most /characters / one / Macbeth
noms seosssosssesssesemerenesessesssesesssssesesessseeseseecesessesseseuseesesvescestersssesesecscsrecsseseesesssessesseosssesesesosses

nsc sssnsseseesesenereesesssessescossessseseressesenessesecesessseessseseeesesssosesescvesseserescccoesssssceceseescosssesssseccsssss


5. Traduisez
Nous sommes allés voir la semaine dernière une pièce de Shakespeare. Les comédiens
n'étaient malheureusement pas très bons, mais la traduction de la pièce, en revanche, était
excellente. Voilà donc une semaine que nous relisons les œuvres du grand dramaturge
anglais, et au train où nous allons, j'ai bien peur que nous ne soyons pas près d'avoir
Rappel lexical!
to rule régner competitors concurrents
safe en sécurité close proches
to chop couper supply réserve
to run gérer environmentalists défenseurs de l'environnement
to brush up revoir


As Stephen Wenn, of Canada's Wilfrid Laurier University (to put) it, television
and the money it (to bring) (to have) an enormous impact on the Olympic games,
including on the timing of events and their location. For instance, an Asian Olympics
(to pose) a problem for American networks: viewers (to learn) the results on the
morning news.
The money that television (to bring) into professional basketball (to put) some of
the top players among the world's highest-paid entertainers: a few (to get) multi-year
contracts worth over $100m. Rugby (to begin) to be reorganised to make it more
television-friendly; other sports (to follow). And though soccer and American football
(to draw) the largest audiences, television (also +to promote) the popularity of sports
which (to stir) more local passions: rugby league in Australia, cricket in India, table
tennis in China, snooker in Britain.
The Economist

1. Conjuguez les verbes entre parenthèses.

2. Entourez la syllabe accentuée :
university - enormous - olympic - professional - entertainers - popularity - Australia

3. Construisez une phrase cohérente à l'aide de chaque série d'éléments ci-dessous :

television / and / changing / the / sport / has / each / in / between / resulted / other / the
/ relationship
vossesorsososesssesoeseeesesscssesesesssesessesessecessesssssersecesesessessessseeesssss sense ssseeesssessssssessosssseseenesssesesesss

soso oeenesces seen nsesese ess esse es eee eee esse ses es sense sense eee nes seen sense ss ses senc senssesessnsensssssssesessessssssessses

000000000000 000000000000 000000000000 000006000000 000000000000 sense o eos sesssssscse

4. Complétez le paragraphe suivant à l'aide des éléments ci-dessous :

seeing / as / merely / out of / sporting / ever-more / it / any other
The reason television companies love sport is not (......… ) that millions want to tele-gawk at
Re ) -wonderful sporting feats. Sport also has a special quality that makes RETRAITE )
unlike (.......…. ) sort of television programme: immediacy. [..] Miss (......… ) your team beat
the hell (.......… ) its biggest rival, and the replay will leave you cold. “A live Gie..att ) event
loses almost all its value (......….. ) the final whistle goes,” says Steven Barnett, author of a
British book on sport.

5. Traduisez
L'argent et le sport ne font pas toujours bon ménage. || semble pourtant impossible
refuser le parrainage commercial des grands événements Sportifs. Les jeux olympique
offrent une occasion exceptionnelle de promouvoir sport, Sportifs et produits en tous
qui ne susciteraient peut-être pas autant d'intérêt autrement.

Rappel lexical
location situation géographique to stir attiser
networks réseaux snooker billard
entertainers vedettes to gawk rester bouche bée
television-friendly adapté à la télévision whistle sifflet
soccer football


What is it that draws young athletes to hoist themselves atop a ton of furiously
spinning and kicking bull-flesh, and try to stay on for eight seconds? To ride bucking
broncos bareback, or wrestle long-horned steers? And what makes people want to
watch them?
When rodeos began, a century ago, they had practical value as training for real
range Work. That is no longer true. In a high-tech, urban age, rodeos conjure up a
romanticised view of gritty days on the frontier. They throw back to America (...)
image of itself hallowed by (..) decades of film makers, of (...) time and (....) place
when (...) men were men, carving out their destiny with their bare hands, at one with
(...) nature.
(.…) reason people continue to watch (...) rodeo is that it still epitomises (...)
freedom, being (...) individual, braver, and living by (...) code in which you don't
have to answer to anybody else,” says Pat Beard. On (...) rodeo circuit from 1978 to
1986, he now helps to run (...) company that provides (...) bucking horses and (...)
The Economist

1. Complétez le texte à l'aide des articles a / an / the / ou du symbole @.

2. Entourez la syllabe accentuée.
furiously - seconds - rodeos - century - romanticised - America - image - decades - individual -
company :

3. Construisez une phrase cohérente à l'aide de chaque série d'éléments ci-dessous :

some / can / crowds / places / rodeos / draw / still / large / in


the / did / not / in / today / they / serve / 19th / same / do / rodeos / century / as /
purposes / the

4. Complétez le paragraphe suivant à l'aide des éléments ci-dessous :

in / from / because / other/ the / as well as / many / up to /
Riding in rodeos costs money (......…. ) time. À competitor (......... ) an event involving horses
can expect to pay $15,000 for a horse-box, $30,000 for a lorry and (......…. ) $25,000 for a
horse, as well as to find money for (.......… ) equipment, stable fees, and food and lodging on
the road.[...] (.......… ) of these financial constraints, (........ ) rodeo athletes come (.....……. )
ranching or farming families who already possess (.......…. ) proper accessories.

5. Traduisez
Il avait toujours rêvé d'être cow-boy. Après avoir fait des économies pendant de longues
années, il était parti aux Etats-Unis un été et avait essayé de travailler dans un ranch. Mais il
avait vite compris que ce travail n'était pas pour lui. À son retour, il avait publié un article
relatant son expérience américaine.

Rappel lexical
to hoist themselves se hisser range work travaux du ranch
spinning tournant sur lui-même | gritty days époque héroïque
bucking ruant hallowed mythifiée
broncos cheval demi-sauvage to carve out graver
bareback à cru to provide fournir
wrestle lutter lorry camion
steers bouvillons stable fees frais d'écurie


Until (...) recent times (...) near universal disdain for (...) British food (to be) (...)
reminder that although (...) national stereotypes (to be) palimpsests on which (...)
new verdicts can (to write), some things rarely (to change). (...) grub served in (...)
country's pubs, for example, (to be) little more than (...) gastric blotting paper for
(...) warm beer, while in (...) British households, (...) (to cook) (to be) (...) long-
distance event designed (to extract) (...) maximum of flavor from (..) food before (to
serve) it up. (To eat) well, as Somerset Maugham (to observe), it (to be) advisable to
breakfast three times (..) day-or find (..) kitchen (to run) by (...) French chef[...]
But now hang on to your napkin rings. (...) food revolution (to sweep) (...)
Britain, (to replace) such staples as soggy vegetables and overcooked meat with more
palate pleasing innovations and (to spur) (...) restaurant renaissance.

1. Rétablissez la forme correcte des verbes entre parenthèses.

2. Complétez le texte à l'aide des articles a / an/ the / ou du symbole ©.

3. Entourez la syllabe accentuée :
universal - stereotypes - palimpsests - event - maximum - preferably - vegetables - innovations -
4. Construisez une phrase cohérente à l'aide de chaque série d'éléments ci-dessous :
of / full / London / good /'is / restaurants / now
conso esssetesssseseoessesesessssessssssssosesesees senc sseseosoeseosecessssesssesssenesesssecsseseeesssesssssmesecsssesssessmssemesssesse

Posessssesooessoees es ensneseooossessseeeeseoessere ses be nseessoteeeeeessee sente sssodosseseenssensesessntesesessssresesssessssessessessssss

sooessosensneses sensor ontesessessss ess essessssesesessessosenesesssessesssseseescsesesessseseesscssstssessessseossesssessssssssssosesessse

5. Complétez le paragraphe suivant à l'aide des éléments ci-dessous :

night after night / enjoying / a parallel trend / urge / led / 300-seat / past few years /
shoot for stars
But the (..::..… ) to eat well is not confined to the clientele of these expensive restaurants,
which (.....:24 ) with the kind of Frenchified menus and fussy style that impresses Michelin
inspectors. The (.....… ) have seen the emergence (......… ) in sprawling, flashy
megarestaurants. Conran (.......… ) the way in 1991 when he opened Quaglino's, a (.....…… )
auditorium-size room creatively disguised as a restaurant. Quag's, as it is known, is jammed
(rue ) with a young, jittery crowd (..…....…. ) the ambiance and good food.

6. Traduisez
Le terme « nouvelle cuisine » est difficile à définir. L'éclectisme y joue un rôle important,
ne pas dire primordial. L'absence d'une réelle tradition est peut-être ce qui, en fin
de compte,
Sauvera la cuisine britannique en permettant aux chefs anglais de se livrer à de
expérimentations. Ces derniers sont en effet plus libres que leurs homologue
s français ou
italiens de concocter de nouvelles recettes.

Rappel lexical
reminder rappel advisable recommandé sprawling démesurés
grub bouffe hang on to accrochez-vous bien à | flashy tape-à-l'œil
blotting paper papier buvard | napkin rings ronds de serviettes jammed plein à craquer
households foyers SOggy détrempé jittery agitée
designed conçu to spur déclencher staples mets de base
flavor saveur maniéré


(...) a seaside slum (...) (...) edge of Cotonou, near (...) capital of Benin, (...)
sound of (...) bongo drums signals (...) start of (...) evening of magic and ritual.
Throngs of Beninese wade (...) (...) alleys flooded knee deep (...) (...) tropical
downpour. They enter (...) tent, where shirtless young men beat furiously (...) (...)
drums and shake (...) cattle bells. (...) Female ‘“adepts” (...) to enter (...) voodoo
priesthood dance (...) (...) aisle, their nearly naked bodies smeared (...) powdered
chalk and draped (...) cowrie-shell necklaces. Suddenly, one of (...) initiates begins
to moan and shriek. She writhes (...) (...) spell of Mami Wata, (...) sea goddess who
often appears (...) (...) form of (...) crocodile. Her hands twist (....) reptilian claws;
her eyes widen, and she hisses and snaps her jaws (...) (...) entranced crowd. “She's
possessed!” her fellow acolytes exclaim rushing to tear off her necklaces before she
strangles herself.

1. Complétez le texte à l'aide des articles a / an / the / ou du symbole G.

2. Insérez les prépositions manquantes.
3. Entourez la syllabe accentuée :
capital - tropical - furiously - suddenly - initiates - reptilian - possessed

4. Construisez une phrase cohérente à l'aide de chaque série d'éléments ci-dessous :

highly / what /were / was / they/ told / of / incredible / most
nnnnnnnncsnnno nee sense seseesnnsssesssee seems cesesssessenesessensssssessessesenenesesensseeseseesssssesesesesssssesescssssesssecessse


onsnssnssnnsonsennss none nes ees ones ess seen ssssoessseesesssensssesenessesesessssessenoceresssesessssssesessesessseessseeessssssessssesesse

5. Complétez le paragraphe suivant à l'aide des éléments ci-dessous :

used to / to / the more / world's / which / darker /many of/its / trade
“Zombification”: the Western (.......…. ) fear of voodoo, (.......…. ) arose in Benin's coastal
villages in the 15th century, has (.......… ) origins in the slave (.......….. ). In the 18th and 19th
centuries, local chiefs (.......… ) imprison practitioners of voodoo's (.......… ) form, juju. Often
they sold them (......... ) Western slave traders. So, (......…. ) the 1 million slaves sent to the
Americas brought (.......…. ) sinister brand of voodoo to the new world.
6. Traduisez
Les adversaires du vaudou n'hésitent pas à dire qu'il s'agit de magie noire, même si ses
partisans voient dans cette pratique les forces du bien à l'œuvre. Au cœur du vaudou on
trouve le culte de milliers d'esprits parmi lesquels figurent le dieu du tonnerre et celui du fer.
Ils protègent les humains du malheur et de la maladie.

Rappel lexical
slum taudis smeared barbouillés snaps her jaws fait claquer ses mâchoires
throngs foules to writhe se contorsionner| to tear off arracher
wade pataugent |spell emprise cowrie-shell colliers de coquille de cauris
flooded inondées | claws griffes necklaces
downpour averse to widen se dilater to moan gémir
aisle allée to hiss siffler to shriek pousser des cris
slave-traders trafiquants d'esclaves


Though (...) chess lately (to be) (...) best-publicized measure of (...) machine's
humanity, it (to be) not (...) standard gauge. That (to invent) by (...) great British
computer scientist Alan Turing in (...) 1950 essay in (...) journal Mind.. Turing (to
set out) to address (...) question “can (...) machines think?” and (to propose) what
now (to call) (...) Turing test. Suppose (...) interrogator (to communicate) by (...)
keyboard with (...) series of entities that (to conceal) from (...) view. Some entities
are people, some are computers, and (...) interrogator has to guess which is which. To
(....) extent that (...) computer (to fool) (...) interrogators, it can be said to think.
At least that's (...) way (...) meaning of (...) Turing test is usually put. In truth,
midway through his famous essay, Turing (to write), “The original question, ‘Can
(...) machines think?’ I believe to be too meaningless to deserve (..) discussion.”

1. Conjuguez les verbes entre parenthèses.

2. Complétez le texte à l'aide des articles a / an /the / ou du symbole @.
3. Entourez la syllabe accentuée :
machine - humanity - scientist - essay - address - interrogator - communicate - entities - original
- meaningless

4. Construisez une phrase cohérente à l'aide de chaque série d'éléments ci-dessous :

deep / researchers / that / is / some / argue / a / puzzle / consciousness
Séoosssesoosceoseen esse esse ses sesessnossssessssesesecssscsroessesssesescesssssssssssesseso ss ssseses ess ss sense oscsseseessessosessssssssse

sonne nesen soso sso nn sn secs seen esse nes esesssesneessssesnessesesess esse ses sense ses secs ssssssssss ss ses ssssesenssssessossssses


5. Complétez le paragraphe suivant à l'aide des éléments ci-dessous :

generally / just that / in the process / get / once / a long list of / from
Hisné(..….. ) as these machines (.....……. ) more powerful they do more jobs (......…. ) done
only by people, (.......…. ) financial analysis to secretarial work to world-class chess playing.
(ESuthali(..2 ), they seem to underscore the (......… ) dispiriting drift of scientific inquiry.
First Copernicus said we're not at the center of the universe. Then Darwin said we're just
protozoans with (.......….. ) add-ons mere “survival machines”, as modern Darwinians put it.

Rappel lexical
lately récemment to deserve mériter
gauge référence to underscore souligner
keyboard clavier drift courant
midway through à la moitié de add-ons ajouts
meaningless dénué de sens


Using (...) specially developed photogra(..) equipment that makes (...) world
normally invisible to (...) human eye seem larger than (...) life, Microcosmos is (2)
typical day in (...) life of (...) insect population teeming in (...) grassy meadow in
(...) southwestern France. But (...) film is far from (...) dry scientific lesson in
entomology. Microcosmos portrays (...) activities of (...) insects as (...) mysterious
and magnifi(..) daily grind composed of work, food and reproduction. “We wanted
to avoid (...) didacti(...) documentary and (...) ghetto of (...) nature film,” explains
Claude Nuridsany, who co-directed (...) film with wife and (...) fellow biolog(..….)
Marie Pérennou. “We also rejected (...) Disney approa(...) of projecting human
sentiments onto (..) animal subjects to make them more familiar and sympa(.…).”

1. Complétez le texte à l'aide des articles a / an /the / ou du symbole Q.

2. Complétez les terminaisons manquantes.
3. Entourez la syllabe accentuée :
developed - equipment - entomology - activities - documentary - sentiments - familiar

4. Construisez une phrase cohérente à l'aide de chaque série d'éléments ci-dessous :

many / creatures / survive / these / must / another/ trial / face / a / to / day


nono nsnmssenoneseonssessesssmsseseseeresesesesseseeeeeeeeeseesessssceesesescoeseeeseevesseserenssesceseseeeeescesesssssesscsesesessses

5. Complétez le paragraphe suivant à l'aide des éléments ci-dessous :

both / about / yet / once / on / would / added / so that
(re } the script was done, the directors set (.......… ) “casting” insects capable of (.......…. )
evoking reactions from viewers and acting (......…. ) cue. The duo worked with engineers to
develop miniature crane and suspended rail systems (........ ) cameras could follow the
insects unpredictable and rapid movements smoothly. They also designed intense (.......… )
cool lighting that (......…. ) not bother their actors with (.......…. ) heat.

6. Traduisez
Le but n'était pas de rendre ces créatures plus humaines. Il s'agissait de permettre aux
spectateurs de les voir sous un éclairage différent. À un moment où la nature est menacée
de tous côtés, il est important de dire aux gens qu'il existe sous leurs pieds un monde naturel
presque invisible. Le film nous fait plonger dans ce monde miniature et normalement
inaccessible régi par des lois complexes et rigoureuses.

Rappel lexical
teeming grouillant crane grue
meadow pré smoothly en douceur
grind labeur to bother gêner
to develop mettre au


Though state-run lotteries (to exist) fuss-free in most of the rest of Europe for
decades, Britain only recently (to repeal) an 1826 parliamentary ban on this type of
gambling. The first draw (to hold) on Nov. 18, 1994, and since then each week some
30 million Britons —3 out of 4 households— (to spend) an average $155 million on
instant-lottery scratch cards and the main weekly draw, making Britain's lottery one
of the world's biggest in terms of sales. Although the top prize for a winning “instant”
(to be) only $77,500, the main draw so far (to create) 132 new millionaires and (to
raise) expectations among the 13 million or so viewers who (to tune in) to the BBC
on Saturday nights to see the winning numbers.

1. Conjuguez les verbes entre parenthèses.

2. Ecrivez en toutes lettres les nombres et dates suivants :
155/ 77,500/ 132/ 13/ 1826 / Nov. 18, 1994
sonsosssssseesessssecessscsesseesesesseenesssesese nee seen eeeeesessss ses sssssneeesssesce sense ssmnesseesesensnssensssnesssnessesnsssssseussse

3. Entourez la syllabe accentuée :

lotteries - Europe - decades - Britain - recently - parliamentary - instant - millionaires -

4. Construisez une phrase cohérente à l'aide de chaque série d'éléments ci-dessous :

it's / working / that / lottery / the / the / play / just / not / classes
osssssoensreseeeeeseseoeseseeesesssosseseneeesseesssscscesesssseeseesseseseceoseseseseno ss essreressesesnessssssessssssssoseseessessssesse



5. Complétez le paragraphe suivant à l'aide des éléments ci-dessous :

just about/ far from / rather than / sales / as well as / into / source / an overall
Britain's charities, (........… ) being delighted at this new (........…. ) of income, claim that
donations are down (........… ) 6% because loose change in (.......…. ) everyone's pockets and
purses now goes (........… ) the lottery (......…. ) in collection boxes or to buy raffle tickets.
Some of them have seen serious drops in ticket (........… ) for their draws (......... ) in street

6. Traduisez
La loterie fait rêver bien des gens, mais elle leur fait aussi parfois dépenser des sommes
supérieures à leurs moyens. La perspective de gagner le gros lot et de changer de vie nourrit
bien des espoirs, mais en fin de compte ce ne sont pas les parieurs à qui le jeu rapporte le

Rappel lexical
state-run d'état scratch cards billets à gratter
fuss-free sans histoires viewers téléspectateurs
ban interdiction income revenu
gambling jeu loose change menue monnaie
draw tirage collection boxes sébilles
households foyers raffle tombola
average moyen
D —


Big Brother (to watch) (...) Britain, (...) more electronic eyes and more closely
than anywhere else (...) earth. (...) the name (...) crime prevention, closed-circuit-
television cameras (to monitor) increasingly anyone who (to walk) (..….) city streets,
(to cash) checks, (to ride) buses or trains, (to shop), (to work), (to drive), (to park) a
car or (to go) (..….) sports or cultural events. Panning, tilting and swiveling, some
cameras can see (...) the dark and read newspapers (...) 100m. Police dogs even (to
fit) (...) tiny head and chest cameras to track down dangerous suspects inside
buildings. Fully three quarters of Britain's local authorities (to have) closed-circuit-
TV systems watching over 250 town centers. The use of CCTV (to grow) as part of
police efforts to combat crime, soccer hooliganism and terrorism.

1. Conjuguez les verbes entre parenthèses.

2. Insérez les prépositions manquantes.

3. Entourez la syllabe accentuée :
electronic - prevention - cameras - monitoring - cultural - events - dangerous - suspects -
authorities - efforts - hooliganism - terrorism

4. Construisez une phrase cohérente à l'aide de chaque série d'éléments ci-dessous :

in / there / more / the / surveillance / of / or / acceptance / nowhere / it / is / world more


5. Complétez le paragraphe suivant à l'aide des éléments ci-dessous :

under / over/metropolitan / across / having / throughout / subway / like
On the London Underground, the (.......… ) police advertise that there are more than 14,000
cameras (.........) the transport system.
Eormost{-... ) riders —and strollers and drivers (.......…. ) the country— knowing they are
Care ) the camera feels less (.......… ) an intrusion than like the reassurance of (.......… )
someone watch (.......… ) them

6. Traduisez
L'utilisation de caméras de surveillance constitue une réelle arme contre la criminalité. Cela
permet en outre de réaliser des économies substantielles dans la mesure où le recours à la
police et à la justice diminue. Faut-il pour autant installer des systèmes de vidéo-surveillance
partout ? Ici comme ailleurs l'abus pourrait avoir des conséquences imprévues et
probablement néfastes.

Rappel lexical
closely de près to swivel faire une rotation
increasingly de plus en plus fully three quarters les trois-quarts
to pan effectuer un balayage panoramique | soccer football
tilt s'incliner strollers promeneurs


Like armed conquer(...), mythmakers impose them(...) (...) history and its
players. (...) all the conventional wisd(...) these days (..) exploitation of the frontier,
the Anglo-American settlers had a different view of them(...). As histori(...) Patricia
Nelson Limerick writes, the dornin(...) motive (...) mov(...) West was “improv(...)
and opportunity, not injury (...) others. Few white Americans went West intending to
ruin the nati(...) and despoil the continent. Innocence of intention placed the course
of events (...) a bright and positive light; only (...) time would the shadows compete
(...) our attention.” American Indians were not simply the only frontier people (...)
earth to give way (...) encroaching civilization. But they were (...) the first to have
their defeat recorded in detail, and the very first to become subjects (...) Hollywood.

1. Insérez les prépositions manquantes.

2. Ajoutez aux mots inachevés leur terminaison correcte.

3. Entourez la syllabe accentuée :

conquerors - history - conventional - historian - dominant - opportunity - injury - innocence

4. Construisez une phrase cohérente à l'aide de chaque série d'éléments ci-dessous :

for/not/making / going / mean / people / West/necessarily/history/most/did


sonore sososssno sonne essesen see sesesessene ses sense sense cesse es ssssensesss esse scene ssenesssesssessessssssos sonne ssssssnsses

5. Complétez le paragraphe suivant à l'aide des éléments ci-dessous :

into/ far from / on / down / of all that/one of the / as
Instead of going (.......… ) in history (.......…. ) the last-in-his-class West Pointer who went
Cross ) to become (......…. ) youngest generals in U.S. Army history, Custer evolved
He se) a Rorschach test: a hero, a vilain, a symbol (.......… ) was right and wrong with
Manifest Destiny.
Judging from the book lists, America's fascination with Custer is (..…....... ) over.

Rappel lexical
settlers pionniers encroaching envahissante
to despoil dépouiller recorded consignée


Richard III once (to offer) his kingdom for (...) horse. Today, (...) handful of
dedicated naturalists (to give) time, money and even (...) occasional home mortgage
(to help) (to preserve) (...) different kind of horse —(...) seahorse. (...) captivating
little creatures of (...) legend and myth are fish despite their name, but are unique in
(...) nature. Among other things that (to make) them special is (...) fact that-like it or
not, guys-it is (...) male of (...) species that (to become) pregnant, (to endure) labor
and (to give) (...) birth to (...) young.
Their special qualities (to make) (...) seahorses highly (to seek)-after for
everything from (to adorn) exotic aquariums (to provide) ingredients for (5%)
For creatures in such high demand, surprisingly little (to know) about seahorses.
They (to exist) an estimated 40 million years and (to credit) with (...) curative
properties by Greek and Roman writers, as far back as 342 B.C.

1. Complétez le texte à l'aide des articles a / an / the / ou du symbole ©.

2. Rétablissez la forme correcte des verbes entre parenthèses.
3. Entourez la syllabe accentuée :
naturalists - occasional - unique - aquariums - ingredients - curative - properties

4. Construisez une phrase cohérente à l'aide de chaque série d'éléments ci-dessous :

a / medecine / to / the / real / is / Asian / threat/ traditional / seahorses
sonne sssensnenesosenssserenesseeesesessceseceseseseseseceosesecoessseecenssssreceseccseesssessesvessesceeessesesesessssssesecesesecssssee

msn sssnssesssesssesesssssesesenesessseeessesessenenseessescesesesesescessseseeseoeeessosseseseeeessereeeseresesessssesecssssesssssesss


5. Complétez le paragraphe suivant à l'aide des éléments ci-dessous:

even / throughout / call for/outright/is it / yet / around
These most unfishlike of fish are found (......…. ) the world in shallow waters (.......… ) the
Americas, Europe, the Persian Gulf countries, Africa, Asia and Australia. Only in Tasmania
(remise ) legal to catch and sell seahorses without a permit. (........ ) there enforcement is
difficult. [...]
With no accurate count of seahorse numbers, no one (.......…. ) knows if there will come a
time when scientists will (.......…. ) limits on trade-or an (......……. ) ban on seahorse fishing.

Rappel lexical
kingdom royaume to seek rechercher
handful poignée to provide fournir
mortgage hypothèque shallow peu profondes
despite malgré enforcement application
species espèce accurate précis
pregnant enceinte
04 -


(...) passionate love affair rages between (...) children and (...) computers. I have
seen it in cities, suburbs, farms and jungles; in poor and rich, well-educated and
illiterate families. (...) Children across (...) world know they are (...) computer
generation. .
(....) Passionate love affairs of (...) young are seldom understood by their elders,
and although (...) parents cannot always be specific about their concerns, (...)
unusually wide generation gap feeds fears that (...) children are off in (...) dangerous
places. In America, worrying about bad company in (...) cyberspace has captured first
place from worrying about (...) children becoming isolated nerds. [...]
Today (...) computer with (...) interface no more restrictive than (...) keyboard
can open (...) door to (...) entire heritage of (...) human knowledge and culture and
to making friends and working productively anywhere in (...) vastness of cyberspace.

1. Complétez le texte à l'aide des articles a / an / the / ou du symbole @.

2. Entourez la syllabe accentuée :
passionate - computers - suburbs - illiterate - specific - restrictive - heritage - productively

3. Construisez une phrase cohérente à l'aide de chaque série d'éléments ci-dessous :

chip / will / clever / protect / your/ a / kids

tossrnssossonsosseenensesesronossesssssenesesessessseeesssessseneressessesssoesssencs css ecosssessessssnenssscesescessssssseenssemsnsssssses

ons non nn nn none nn nee ns sente emo enneeeene 000000000000 00 000000000000 0000060000ee060000000ss000s00ssssssssesessnsssssee

4. Complétez le paragraphe suivant à l'aide des éléments ci-dessous :

ways / enough / often / need / hot / in addition / toward / might / the
Children (.......… ) get the knowledge they (.....……. ), when they need it, from networks of
friends, (.......… ) lines and, when they are old (......……. ), magazines and (......... ) Internet. A
first step (.......…. ) building a new relationship with kids is to join them in their exploration of
new (......... JOIN Ce. ) to giving us their trust, children (........ ) teach us something
about learning.

5. Traduisez
Le partage de nouvelles méthodes d'apprentissage avec les enfants ne passe pas
nécessairement par le jeu. Ce peut être, par exemple, l'utilisation des mathématiques
comme un langage permettant de construire des navettes spatiales ou de nouveaux jeux
vidéos. En plaçant les problèmes à l'intérieur d'un contexte qui lui est familier, on rend leur
résolution accessible à l'enfant qui “fait des maths” sans le savoir.

Rappel lexical
suburbs banlieues wide vastes
seldom rarement nerds asociaux
elders aînés keyboard clavier
concerns préoccupations trust confiance


What is man? Philosophers (to debate) this question (...) millenia, (to reach) no
very serious conclusion. Lately, however, philosophy (to become) rather less
fashionable than genetics, which is in the throes of a hugely expensive effort, (to
know) as the Human Genome Project, (to answer) the same question. This project (to
show + already) great promise. It should produce many medical benefits. But it (to
throw up + also) some ethical dilemmas. [...] When a geneticist (to ask) what man is,
one obvious answer is: “99% a chimpanzee”. This is the percentage (...) which a
person's DNA (to appear) (to match) that of his nearest non-human relation. What it is
to be human is, (...) that sense, crowded (...) 1% of the 3 billion genetic “letters”? that
(to go) (to make up) a person's genetic material-the human genome.
The Economist

1. Rétablissez les formes correctes des verbes entre parenthèses.

2. Insérez les prépositions manquantes.

3. Entourez la syllabe accentuée :
philosophers - fashionable - genetics - effort - benefits - ethical - geneticist - percentage

4. Construisez une phrase cohérente à l'aide de chaque série d'éléments ci-dessous :

genetic / strongly / some / object / form / screening / any / people / to / of
noms onmnnnmnnmnnemsnsmssnenenessse secs eenenssesessseosessseseesesssvesssssenesssssossesssesssesesesessesessssssessesossesesssseossses

nnnonnnnns sn s mme mess essesesemsseseessssseeeesssesessceseseseceesessseesescesseesesessocssssscessceesesesessesessssscessecssesseseeeses

as / consequences / will / the / medical / well / of / be / engineering / ethical / genetic /

nn nnsssennsessseneesseessensssenessesessseeesesesseceesesesrosssosesssesenesssssseceuseseevcesesscevcoseescesescsseseesesesssssesssens

5. Complétez le paragraphe suivant à l'aide des éléments ci-dessous :

in the / will / what/ often / be / at/own / too much / have /
Should humans (.......…. ) genetically engineered; should insurers (......… ) access to
customers’ genetic make-up to assess their risk of disease? And, (.......… ) longer run, it is in
danger of creating a philosophical misconception of its (.......…. ): that men's actions are
determined by their genes, not by their own free (......…. ). It is not the geneticists who are
ÉPFFRNE ) fault. the trouble is that other people (........ ) read (.......… AMOR EEE ) geneticists

Rappel lexical
to reach atteindre obvious évidente
lately récemment crowded entassé
in the throes aux prises avec insurers assureurs


France's CIBY 2000 (to begin) making movies (...) English —generally (to
acknowledge) as the lingua franca of international box office. It (also + to carve out) a
niche (...) middle-budget films like “The Piano” that (to break out) of the art-house
circuit to make it big (...) the American marketplace (...) a combination of star power
and creativity. London-based Working Title successfully (to follow) that strategy,
too- most dramatically (..) “Four Weddings and a Funeral,” which (to make) (...) $5
million and (to gross) $250 million worldwide. “There definitely (to be) a mood
swing,” (to say) Stewart Till, head of international operations (...) PolyGram. “Rather
than (to try) to beat the Americans or (to complain) (...) a lack of government support
or (to say) how tough life generally is, the major preoccupation now is to make films
that can work commercially.”

1. Rétablissez la forme correcte des verbes entre parenthèses.

2. Insérez les prépositions manquantes.
3. Entourez la syllabe accentuée :
acknowledged - international - office - marketplace - creativity - strategy - dramatically -
definitely - government - support - commercially

4. Construisez une phrase cohérente à l'aide de chaque série d'éléments ci-dessous :

the / why / so / few / suburbs / in / theatres / there/ wonder/are /1

made / much / in / so / producers / by / that / money / investing / that / the / big / movie /
a / mistake
sonne soso nn ss esse ss sssess esse sonne sens sense esse ssssss esse se esse ss ses see sesessssseneseseneessssssssesssesse


5. Complétez le paragraphe suivant à l'aide des éléments ci-dessous :

film / comes to what/stem / other/about/wary/sought
France, always (.......…. ) of cultural “invasions”, has tried to (.....…. ) the trend for years with
European Union regulations mandating a majority of local programming on European TV
SCRETS NE ) laws and subsidies have (.......… ) to underwrite the local (......… )
industries. But when it (......…. ) plays in Europe's theaters, the effort has been (.....… ) as
successful as the Magjinot Line.

6. Traduisez
Les salles de cinéma semblent encore très fréquentées, surtout dans les grandes villes,
même si le prix des places est de plus en plus élevé. La concurrence de la télévision, avec la
vidéo, est un nouveau défi lancé à une industrie qui doit sans cesse trouver de nouveaux
moyens de retenir le public.

Rappel lexical
to acknowledge reconnaître a mood swing un changement d'état d'esprit
to carve out se creuser tough dure
to make it big pour remporter du succès subsidies subsides
to gross rapporter to underwrite soutenir
= 2Jhe


(...) Heavy weather, of course, long (to be) (...) TV passion in (...) U.S. Nothing
(to get) (...) network newsman's juices flowing like (...) good hurricane, with its
made-to-order suspense (“(...) eye of (...) storm (to expect) to hit (...) land at 9
p.m...”) and (..) opportunity for (...) daredevil theatrics.[...] (...) Local
weathercasters in (...) Northeast (to treat) every approaching snowstorm as if it (to
be) (...) coming Armageddon.
Why are we so fascinated (...) rampaging nature? For one thing, it's something we
can all relate (...) and be in awe (...).[...] Watching people get manhandled (...)
violent storms, moreover, adds a little excitement (..) our humdrum battles (...) the
elements. Perhaps, too, it makes us a little more comfortable (...) our good sense.
Those crazy storm chasers may get some neat pictures, but at least we know enough
to come in (...) (...) the rain.

1. Conjuguez les verbes entre parenthèses.

2. Complétez le premier paragraphe à l'aide des articles a / an / the / ou du symbole ©.
3. Insérez les prépositions manquantes.
4. Entourez la syllabe accentuée :
hurricane - suspense - opportunity - weathercasters - manhandled elements - comfortable

5. Construisez une phrase cohérente à l'aide de chaque série d'éléments ci-dessous :

face / in / to / have / natural / those / people / places / disasters

onnnnnonesmssrensonessesesereneesssceensseessceessssseecececeseesesseesesecees esse eseseesesessesseeoesseesseescesssssscseocsssesscseese


6. Complétez le paragraphe suivant à l'aide des éléments ci-dessous :

these / power / what/ how/ with / likely/ still / even
Et SHC ESP'OSSISE ) all they've learned about the physical forces that (.......… ) the creation
of twisters, meteorologists (.......…. ) cannot say beforehand what path a particular tornado is
se ) to take or (.......… ) much damage it is to do.That's (.......… ) makes (.......…. )
fearsome creatures so fascinating and so deadly.

7. Traduisez
Le montant total des dégâts causés par le passage de l'ouragan dans cette zone le mois
dernier est difficile à chiffrer. Nous pouvons cependant d'ores et déjà estimer qu'il se
montera à plusieurs millions de dollars. Les autorités ont mis en place des équipes de
secours afin de retrouver les disparus et de préparer des hébergements pour tous ceux qui
se retrouvent sans abri.

Rappel lexical
juices adrénaline to get manhandled se faire brutaliser
made-to-order sur commande humdrum monotones
daredevil theatrics cascades spectaculaires | beforehand par avance
weathercasters présentateurs météo deadly mortels
i déchaînée


(...) Rhodes Farm clinic in London recent(...) revealed that one of its “sickest
patients”, (..) severely anorex(...) 15-year-old, was courted by (...) two model(...)
reps. (..) girl stands 5 feet 7 and weighs 98 pounds. (...) photograph(...), eager to
make (...) splash, style (...) models to look decadent and wast(...). In spread after
spread (...) models appear desex(...), easily brok(...). Few psycholog(...) believe
(...) fashion spreads directly cause eat(...) disorders. But, they arg(...), (...) media
images contribute to (...) “climate” that can lead to anorexia or bulimia.
Both (...) emaciated images and their criti(...) fit another shift in our cultur(...)
weather. At (...) time when (...) women have gained power in (...) society, we are
awash in depict(...) of teenage girls as (...) passive victims —of abuse, of (...)
oversex(...) media, of predat(..) boys— and of girl(...) as damage and degradation.

1. Complétez le texte à l'aide des articles a / an / the / ou du symbole ©.

2. Ajoutez aux mots inachevés leur terminaison correcte.

3. Entourez la syllabe accentuée :

severely - decadent - directly - images - contribute - emaciated - society - teenage - abuse -

4. Construisez une phrase cohérente à l'aide de chaque série d'éléments ci-dessous :

it / is / what/different / of / used / the / women / from / be / really / to / image / ?
sossossssessesesesnssescesesesseesesensssss sense esesss sense sssssssensosesseseeeesssesessscsessssesssssesssesssesesesssesssssssssesse

tososrenssosese sens eesseseesssesesseses secs esse sesesesesseses esse sens scenesssssssesecessesessssesessessnsssesssssssssssssssssssesssssese

sonores soso sense re seen sense sssenesessssseseessnsensonses esse esse sessesss css senc cessssssssssscsessssesssessnssesessssscsses

5. Complétez le paragraphe suivant à l'aide des éléments ci-dessous :

drinking / is no better than / last/to recirculating / out/has the / as the / had caught up
AstudVi(. are ) week noted that teenage girls (.......… ) with boys in (......... ) and illegal drug
use. But there is a risk (.......…. ) images of girls as powerless victims. (......… ) critics of
fashion point (.......…. ), our pop culture (.......…. ) power to shape as well as reflect. And a
culture that tells girls they're victims (.......…. ) one that tells girls they're objects.

6. Traduisez
Depuis longtemps on reproche à la mode d'encourager la minceur excessive. Certaines
femmes en viennent même, paraît-il, à détester leur propre image et sont prêtes à essayer
n'importe quel traitement pour ressembler aux mannequins des magazines. Les médecins et
autres conseillers devraient insister sur les risques que comportent de si dangereuses

Rappel lexical
reps recruteurs changement
to stand mesurer submergés
to weigh peser dégât
spread dicter


(..) times only swear words can truly do (...) justice (...) (...) emotion. That is
why few people never swear, and it would be (...) shame if more were (..) join them.
Nor should one rule apply (...) (...) real life and another (...) (.….) media. True, some
people are offended (...) swearing (...) (...) television. But, as has been demonstrated
(...) several studies (...) (...) Broadcasting Standards Council, Britain's guardian (...)
television morals, most people recognise that swearing (...) screen has (....) important
role if done (...) (...) appropriate circumstances. They would forget (...) over-zealous
use (...) (..) censor's bleep.
But (...) problem is this. (...) Words that once were treasured and saved (...)
moments (...) extreme emotion now spring (...) (...) tongue (...) (...) mildest
invitation. Some swear words are now deployed so often they (...) effect become
punctuation, (...) sort (...) comma substitute, and so lose their power (...) shock or
The Economist

1. Complétez le texte à l'aide des articles a / an / the / ou du symbole @.

2. Insérez les prépositions manquantes.
3. Entourez la syllabe accentuée :
emotion - television - important - appropriate - circumstances - punctuation - substitute

4. Construisez une phrase cohérente à l'aide de chaque série d'éléments ci-dessous :

when / best / words / used / swear/ work / sparingly
sono nsnmnenensomeeseeeneseeesesssoeseeseseressseseseneneseseeessesseeeeseseeesesesesssesesesssssrossssssssessesssesssssssecssssssssssses

nn ssssesnssseosossesssessseneseseeessesseeeseeresescressesseceseseseereeseseresscccosesseessesescoceesesesssessescsesesesssescsssesee

nn nnmnnnmenssssensesssessnsosessssessseseesemsssesesesssesessseceessssscsenesesseseesssesesssseesesssseesssesseeecsssssssseee

5. Traduisez
Jurer n'est plus aujourd'hui le moyen le plus sûr ou le plus efficace de choquer votre
adversaire lors d'un échange verbal. Les expressions vulgaires ou les mots grossiers
d'autrefois semblent être devenus courants. Ils ont perdu beaucoup de leur force et ne
peuvent plus être considérés comme un moyen de se calmer les nerfs.

Rappel lexical
swear words jurons bleep bip
shame honte to spring jaillir
to apply s'appliquer comma virgule
over-zealous excessivement zélé to relieve soulager


As (...) cigarettes taxes, higher taxes (...) car use in general look like good ways
to raise reven(...). It is surely sensi(...) to tax social(...) and economical(...)
damag(...) behaviour rather than such desir(...) activities as sav(...) and hard work. If
voters see such taxes as substit(...) (...) more undesir(...) ones, they may grudgingly
accept them. But they will always be more unpopular than taxes merely aimed (...)
persuading drivers to switch: for instance, those that have sucessfully promoted
(...)leaded (..….) leaded petrol. Taxes of this sort should be able to boost sales of less-
polluting cars, such as today's natural-gas vehic(...) and tomorrow's hybrid electr(...)
cars, which will use tiny intern(...)-combustion engines running (...).a steady, low-
polluting rate to gener(...) electricity (...) the engine.
The Economist

1. Insérez les prépositions manquantes.

2. Ajoutez aux mots incomplets l'élément absent.
3. Entourez la syllabe accentuée :
cigarettes - behaviour - activities - unpopular - successfully - electricity

4. Construisez une phrase cohérente à l'aide de chaque série d'éléments ci-dessous :

a / humanity / been / the / blessing / for/ car/has / real / ?

tossnsesssoresessssseesssssresesessssesssesesseseseceneseseeseseseesesesssesennesenesene css ste sesssseessococsssseseseeseosesessssssesssssse

tonoronsessseonnneseessensssessesseseesesosssresesesssssssessoeseseesesesesssesssessosenesessseseesesssenssssssnsso sense sssessesescssse

5. Complétez le paragraphe suivant à l'aide des éléments ci-dessous :

to let / not only / what / hugely / this might/so does / also / should / could be
Politicians (.......… ) also encourage local experiment; (......… ) does the damage done by a
car vary (.......….. ) between, say, a city centre and the open road; (......… ) also the costs to
the local economy. It would be wise, therefore, (......…. ) local authorities choose (......… )
charges to levy: access taxes and parking charges in particular, (..….....… ) ramped up by
towns prepared to tolerate the economic disruption (......…. ) cause.

Rappel lexical
to raise augmenter leaded contenant du plomb
behaviour conduite to boost donner un coup d'accélérateur
grudgingly à contre-cœur steady régulier
aimed drestinées rate
to switch changer wise
| -


The more that companies (to support) athletes, the less sportsmen (to have) to rely
on the state. Is that so bad? Corporate sponsorship ensures that far more money finds
its way into sports than (otherwise + to be) the case. Companies, more than
governments, have a powerful interest in making sure that sporting events (to see) by
as many people as possible. They also have an interest in sport that (to see) to be
clean, fair and exciting. That is surely in fans’ interest too.
(...) Television (to provide) (...) main link between (...) sport and (...) corporate
sponsorship. Its effect (to be) profoundly democratising: (...) people who (once + to
see) only their local teams can now (to enjoy) (...) ringside seats at (...) world-class
events. It (also + to be), on balance, benign for sport: as (...) television companies
spend (..….) increasing share of their budgets on (...) sports rights, they acquire (...)
strong interest in making sure that (..) sporting bodies run their games efficiently and
fairly, developing (...) new talent and (...) new audiences.
The Economist

1. Conjuguez les verbes entre parenthèses.

2. Complétez le texte à l'aide des articles a/an/the/ou du symbole ©.
3. Entourez la syllabe accentuée :
companies - corporate - sponsorship - governments - interest - efficiently - developing -

4. Construisez une phrase cohérente à l'aide de chaque série d'éléments ci-dessous :

powertul / become / afraid / some / television / that / might / are / too



5. Complétez le paragraphe suivant à l'aide des éléments ci-dessous :

many/ sheer/all / to / never/ far more / existed / with / ever/synchronised / for
Above (.......… ), the power of corporate hype linked (......… ) global television is a marvellous
machine (.......… ) promoting sports. (.......…. ) people run or swim or kick a ball for (.......… )
pleasure than (.......…. ) before. Thanks (.......…. ) television, (.......…… ) have discovered sports
they might (.......…. ) have known (.......…. ): rock-climbing, perhaps, or archery or (......... )

Rappel lexical
to rely on compter sur benign salutaire
link lien bodies organisations
ringside seats premières loges | hype publicité
on balance tout compte fait


(..) earth, the evolution of intelligence (to involve) (...) least four giant leaps. The
first, and (...) many ways hardest, was (...) bacteria (...) the more complex cells of
which animals and plants (to compose). The second (to come) when these cells
formed viable colonies (i.e., bodies). This (to mean) some cells (to give up) the sacred
right of reproduction in order to specialise (...) other functions, something that (to go)
strongly against the evolutionary grain. The third was for animals (to become)
complex enough, and (to develop) sufficiently sophisticated nervous systems, to
allow (...) intelligence. Even when this (to happen), (...) the beginning of the period
(to know) as the Triassic, it still (to take) (...) 250m years before the fourth leap,
when man's ancestors (to start) to develop a brain big enough to support such
intelligence. It is quite possible, therefore, that the galaxy (to teem) (...) primitive life,
but that none of it, other than that (...) earth, is intelligent.
The Economist

1. Rétablissez la forme correcte des verbes entre parenthèses.

2. Insérez les prépositions manquantes.

3. Entourez la syllabe accentuée :
intelligence - bacteria - animals - colonies - evolutionary - develop - sophisticated - ancestors -

4. Construisez une phrase cohérente à l'aide de chaque série d'éléments ci-dessous :

is / any / of / the / of / mysteries / chance / ever / hardly / understanding / there /
Sesssssoneenosessessenenesses esse sense sens seen seseesesnsesessesensesesessesesesesessssesssnseeoesesenenssessssssssessssssssnsssenssssee

a / body / strange / cells / tiniest / person's / change / how / to / determine / that / think /
the /'in

nero nos e sr eme ce eeeto restes soso n secs esse see ece ss sosnne ses roses sspees essor es onesases esse sesossescans secs esse cs...

5. Complétez le paragraphe suivant à l'aide des éléments ci-dessous :

yet’/ others / up / effective / in / nowhere / each / yet
Unfortunately the (.......… ) treatment of this disorder is (......... ) in sight. (.......… ) some
scientists are more hopeful than (......… ) and have started investigating new possibilities. It
IS NO CL. ) possible to tell what their efforts will result (.....… ) but patients must certainly
not give (.......…. ) hope. (......... ) day brings us closer to success.

6. Traduisez
Je ne sais pas si je veux devenir médecin, mais je m'intéresse beaucoup à la biologie.
J'aimerais me lancer dans la recherche, mais les domaines d'investigations sont si variés et
si vastes qu'il est difficile de faire un choix. En tout cas c'est une activité qui correspond
à fait à mon goût pour le travail en équipe.

Rappel lexical
to involve impliquer | cells cellules
leaps bonds to teem regorger


Art galleries all over Africa worry about “airport art”. Commercial exploitation,
they claim, is devaluing the work of Africa's creat(.…) painters, potters, carvers and
sculpt(...). A visit to any gift shop shows what they are up against: winsom(.…) naive
carv(...) of animals, West African figur(...) engaging in grot(..….) sexual contortions,
stridently decorated ostrich eggs parodying the subtle designs of the Kalahari
In essence, it is much (...) same kind of (....) stuff that is displayed for sale on (nr)
park rail(...) in (...) rich world. (...) big difference, say (...) African galleries, is that
in Africa, unlike in Paris, London and New York, there is no critic(...) mass of (...)
knowledge(...) comment(...) and collectors to sustain (...) market for creat(..) work.
(...) African market is dominated by (...) foreigners. Because few local people can
afford their prices, (...) African artists are cut off from (...) people who understand
their spiritual, cultural and political influences and themes.
The Economist

1. Complétez le texte à l'aide des articles a/an/the/ou du symbole ©.

2. Ajoutez aux mots inachevés leur terminaison correcte.

3. Entourez la syllabe accentuée :

galleries - commercial - Africa - animals - essence - difference - foreigners - political - influences

4. Construisez une phrase cohérente à l'aide de chaque série d'éléments ci-dessous :

much / days / demand / is / African / these / in / art / very

snnsnmnsoseonssnmsnnssmsssessss sense seen ssssssssssssensnsssesessssensssesssssesssssesesssssssssenenssessssssessscesesesssssessssse

mnmnnnosnnunesenenesosssessss esse esmessenesssesesssesessecesesescseeressenenessesssssesenesesessesscssssseesesccsevesssesssssesese

5. Complétez le paragraphe suivant à l'aide des éléments ci-dessous :

inside / wedding / president / sadly / only / often / too / state-owned / with
Governments, (.......…. ) could help, starting (.......…. ) more authentic architecture. The soggy
American (........… ) cakes they commission for their ministries and (.......…. ) companies seem
Carre ) inappropriate. and (........ ) the building, the (......… ) African picture is (.......… )a
flattering mugshot of the (.......…. 1:

6. Traduisez
La télévision ne cesse de nous montrer une Afrique où sévissent sécheresse, famine, et
guerres. Mais il se passe en Afrique beaucoup de choses positives. Quant à l'art africain, la
question n'est pas de savoir qui l'a créé mais d'essayer de comprendre des formes jaillies
d'une tradition très différente de celle de l'Occident.

Rappel lexical
carvers sculpteurs to afford se permettre
stridently de manière criarde SOggy détrempés
to display exposer mugshot portrait
unlike à la différence de


For (.…) drug companies, all (...) collaboration in (...) world does not remove (.. .)
need to get (...) product to (...) market as quickly as possible. How can (...) firm
develop (...) good production process quickly? In (...) case of (...) drug that can be
synthesised using fairly simple chemistry, (...) best idea is to decide quickly on
(...)process, move from (...) laboratory to (...) factory as soon as possible, and then
rush (...) drug into clinical trials. Little money will be saved by experimenting with
lots of different ways of making it.
If, (...) the other hand, the chemistry is knottier, it makes sense to set several
teams (....) scientists (...) work (...) different ways to make the compound, and then
to pick the best. Some firms give their scientists a completely free hand (...) this. That
may do wonders (.…) their creativity, but it creates havoc (...) factory designers, who
have no idea until the last moment what kind (...) equipment they should be
The Economist

1. Complétez le texte à l'aide des articles a/an/the/ou du symbole ©.

2. Insérez les prépositions manquantes.

3. Entourez la syllabe accentuée :

companies - collaboration - develop - process - chemistry - laboratory - factory - clinical -
experimenting - creativity

4. Construisez une phrase cohérente à l'aide de chaque série d'éléments ci-dessous :

always / looking / up / the / for/ of / with / new / ways / is / coming / products / industry/


sossnsosessnssnssns sense seossssseseecesussesesesnessosecsseesnesssseeeessssssseseneesosscneessnesesssessssscssenemerensssemsssmssessssse

5. Complétez le paragraphe suivant à l'aide des éléments ci-dessous :

make / of the / then / even / straight / the two / may / worth paying / each other/ for the
A more sensible technique is to fix (.......… ) final steps (.......… ) process first, and (......…. ) to
make the chemists search (.......… ) most cost-effective combination of earlier steps. The
engineers can then start building the factory (.......…. ) away.
As competition grows (......….. ) more fierce, more companies (......….. } try to Re ) sure
that their boffins and factory designers talk to (.......…. ) early on. For the money it saves, it
might even be (.......… ) for an interpreter.

Rappel lexical
to remove ôter to do wonders faire des merveilles
to develop mettre au point havoc pagaille
trials essais designers concepteurs
knottier plus compliquée fierce dure
it makes sense il est logique boffins chercheurs
05 -

Texte 30 DADA DAYS

Dadaism —its name made (...) baby-talk syllables, its intent to disorient fie.)
bourgeois expectations of (.…..) culture (...) any means possible— was (...) short-lived
but fecund movement born and raised in Europe in (....) century's teens. It was more
like (...) tiny religion than (...) art event, with (...) prozelytizing spirit, (...) code of
behavior, (...) core of (...) faithful, and (...) hope of transforming (...) existence. It
relied (...) irrationality, negation, sarcastic humor. Its most durable legacy lay (...)
(...) French Surrealism ((...) Surrealist fascination (...) (...) unconscious was largely
inherited (...) Dada, and several artists, most notably Max Ernst, began as Dadas and
drafted themselves (...) (...) Surrealist movement.
Dada left its traces in America, but never struck (...) deep roots there. It never
acquired (...) criticality, (...) indignation or (...) longing (...) social subversion that
marked it in Europe.

1. Complétez le texte à l'aide des articles a/an/the/ou du symbole @.

2. Insérez les prépositions manquantes.
3. Entourez la syllabe accentuée :
Europe - religion - event - prozelytizing - existence - irrationality - sarcastic - legacy - Surrealism
- criticality

4. Construisez une phrase cohérente à l'aide de chaque série d'éléments ci-dessous :

some / others / insupportable / were / very /ironic / titles / totally
CELLES nn nennnnnnsenmsensoesensscnsesssesseenssncsesssesssesosssssessssssssesseeeeseseneseeresessesssssoesessssceesoseessssesnss

ss... nnesseossossnesseesssessesesesesesonseseneeesensesesssesereseeseeesssesessessecesessesssecssesssessscocessesesssssssssessseesessesse


5. Complétez le paragraphe suivant à l'aide des éléments ci-dessous:

about / other / parts of / prime / inside / are / as / beyond / most
Picabia saw machinery as the (.......… ) metaphor of modern society and, particularly, of love.
PRAPRRE ) telling machine images were (.........) sex. They present the act of love (.........)
a ballet of soulless machines, pistons (.......…. ) cylinders, valves opening and closing, cogs
driving into (......... ) cogs. Though (......…. ) his erotic gizmos are identifiable, their functions,

Rappel lexical
expectations attentes to rely s'appuyer
means moyens drafted themselves s'enrolèrent
tiny minuscule to strike roots faire souche
event événement longing besoin
behavior conduite cogs engrenages
core noyau izmos machins


Until 1979 no British government (to dare) to face down the unions, though most
(old Labour and Tory alike) (to know) it (to need) (to do). Margaret Thatcher's
government (to take up) the challenge, and how. With the brutal clarity Mrs Thatcher
(to bring) to such matters, the unions (to see) no longer as a partner to be coaxed or
even arm-twisted into greater co-operation, but as an enemy to be smashed. And
smashed they (to be), to an extent that (to seem) incredible in the 1970s.
(...) Successive rounds of industrial-relations laws severely (to restrict) (...)
unions’ immunities. Their right to (...) recognition (to curb), (...) closed shop and
secondary picketing (to outlaw), (...) freedom of unions to call (...) strikes (to
narrow). [...]. In all (...) cases, (...) infringement (to expose) (...) unions to severe
civil penalties.[...]
(...) Union membership (to fall) from more than (...) half of (...) workforce in
1979 to less than (....) third in 1995. (..) number of firms recognising (...) unions (to
fall) sharply too, from about two-thirds to less than (...) half.
The Economist

1. Conjuguez les verbes entre parenthèses.

2. Complétez le texte à l'aide des articles a/an/the/ou du symbole 9.

3. Entourez la syllabe accentuée :
government - clarity - enemy - extent - incredible - successive - industrial - immunities -
recognition - secondary - penalties

4. Construisez une phrase cohérente à l'aide de chaque série d'éléments ci-dessous :

the / will /the / long / by / years / unions / remembered / Thatcher / be / British
annonces sssessesssssenesesnesessesessessssesenseneseseeees esse esessseeseseeneseesseneneeeennsennesensnenmenensenses

ans ssssoensnnossssessseseseemssssssesecssssasssesssesosesessssssseseeseesssssseneeassesensssecensseeennssssssesesesenmsessessensense


5. Complétez le paragraphe suivant à l'aide des éléments ci-dessous :

and large / those / as a / on / rather than / to be / crushed / thanks
In 1984, in an event of enormous symbolic importance, the government took (......… ) the
union that had paralysed the country and broken Edward Heath's administration in 1974
—the National Union of Mineworkers— and, (.......… ) partly to the incompetence of the
union's leadership, (.......…. )it.
[...] More important, the relationship between employers and (.......… ) unions that continued
(ee ) recognised changed radically. By (.......…. ) the unions became more co-operative,
and began to regard srikes (......… JA ) first resort.

Rappel lexical
to dare oser to curb restreindre
to face down s'opposer picketing piquets de grève (de solidarité)
to take up the challenge relever le défi infringement infraction
to coax cajoler workforce travailleurs
recognition reconnaissance resort recours


Back in (...) days of (...) Empire, (...) British (to know) quite what
to make of
(...) wondrous works of art. Thus in 1897 when (...) troops of (...) punitive
expedition (to send out) by London (to enter) Benin city to seize (...) control of and
“pacify” what (to be) now southern Nigeria, they (to discover) statues, plaques and
masks so exquisitely designed and so expertly fabricated that (...) invaders (to
conclude) (...) trove could not possibly be (...) product of what (..) colonial
mentality judges to be (...) unsophisticated people. Inventive theories (to devise) to
explain (...) works. Perhaps (...) ancient Egyptians —or even (...) lost tribe of
Israel— (to have) (...) hand in casting them. Back in London, (...) art experts (to
take) one look at (...) clean, naturalistic lines in (...) African busts and (to declare)
that (...) works (to reflect) (...) undeniable influence of (...) classical Greek

1. Conjuguez les verbes entre parenthèses.

2. Complétez le texte à l'aide des articles a/an/the/ou du symbole ©.
3. Entourez la syllabe accentuée :
punitive - control - exquisitely - unsophisticated - Egyptians - experts - naturalistic - African -
undeniable - classical

4. Construisez une phrase cohérente à l'aide de chaque série d'éléments ci-dessous :

over/ of/this / art / debate / why / validity / African / the / ?
sn nnsosneenennsonenennenesenessssesesenensessseereseesssecencesceesessessssesrosecssesecoensssesessesesssesesasesessssecsescessesesee


sossoronosensn ses ssoesereseosssveseseoesecsscesessceessesesscsececcosesesessssssssssecossessssccessesesessessesssesscesenssescescesessesses

5. Complétez le paragraphe suivant à l'aide des éléments ci-dessous :

the state of / however / inconveniently / much of / off to the side / in what seems /
(nes ) this sense of spirituality,(......… ), is lost in the Royal Academy exhibits. The objects
are bathed in spotlights and viewed in darkened rooms (.......… ) to be an attempt to elevate
them to (.......….. ) high art. The effect is stunning. The works are wonderful to observe, but
they are (.....… ) of their context. Identifying labels are brief and (.......…. ) located (....:..… ) of
massive display cases.

Rappel lexical
wondrous merveilleux tribe tribu
thus aussi to cast mouler
trove découverte exhibits objets exposés
unsophisticated grossier stunning stupéfiant
to devise échaffauder display cases vitrines


Every year (...) hordes of (...) Brazil's land-starved peasants press deeper and
deeper (...) (...) Amazon rain forest, clearing patches of (...) earth (...) putting
torches (...) (...) trees. It's (...) largely self-defeating exercise, since (..) forest soil is
unsuitable (..) (...) farming. After (...) few seasons, when (...) land plays out, (...)
peasants move on, clearing more ground and cutting (...) swath of (...) devastation
(...) one of (...) world's most precious ecosystems. [.. a]
(....) land is (...) even greater pressure (...) Bangladesh, where (...) population of
120 million crowds (...) (...) river delta region (...) (...) mouth of (...) Bay of (...)
Bengal. (...) Rain running off (...) deforested northern hills has badly eroded (...)
soil, and low-lying areas are flooded much of (...) time.
Even though (...) bangladeshis shed so much blood to win their independence (...)
(...) Pakistan in 1971, thousands of them are now leaving (...) homeland they prize
and migrating west (...) (...) India.

1. Complétez le texte à l'aide des articles a/an/the/ou du symbole 9.

2. Insérez les prépositions manquantes.

3. Entourez la syllabe accentuée :

Amazon - defeating - unsuitable - devastation - deforested - independence

4. Construisez une phrase cohérente à l'aide de chaque série d'éléments ci-dessous :

to / the / has / government / protect / forest / Brazilian / pledged / the
nono sons nnnsossonesessssssssessessnesessesesnesessssseceessessessonesssessesssessensssesesessesesenenenenesnnnsnennnnnnnnsssenes

nono sssnonssesoonesensesssssssssssssssseresesenesesssssessseeesesenssessssenessesenensnenessseesesssssnesssssnesnsesesse

nsc ssssnesnos soso secs sesessssneseessesssssnssssssssessssessesesssnssessseeseseseessssonessesssssesssssnnssesssesssnesenesnssnessssnes

5. Complétez le paragraphe suivant à l'aide des éléments ci-dessous :

what/ by the minute / the / such basic / many areas / over/may see / much of/ while /
or/ supplies
(en ) the arable land becomes less arable (......…. ), assaulted by urbanization, chemical
pollution, desertification and (.......…. ) overuse of limited water (.......… ). The exhaustion of
land in (.......…. ) has created a new class of displaced person: (......…. ) experts call the
environmental migrant. And (.......… ) wars have always been fought (......… ) terrritory, the
future (.......… ) “green wars” triggered by shortages of (.......…. ) resources as topsoil (........…. )
6. Traduisez
Les problèmes démographiques ne peuvent être dissociés des questions alimentaires. La
Terre pourra-t-elle subvenir aux besoins de dix milliards d'habitants, voire davantage ? les
résultats des recherches menées dans le domaine de la bioculture semblent prometteurs,
mais l'optimisme des uns est parfois tempéré par les craintes des autres notamment au sujet
de la remise en cause de nos habitudes et de nos modes de vie.

Rappel lexical
land-starved en mal de terres unsuitable impropre to trigger déclencher
patches petites parcelles swath voie shortages pénuries
self-defeating voué à l'échec to shed verser topsoil couche arable


Creating (...) jobs? This isn't supposed to be what's going on (...) Europe.
Continent's economies are (...) crisis, so Say (...) pundits, and (...) welfare state
near (..….) collapse. Newly minted high-school graduates can't find (...)
anywhere. (...) Spain, (...) miracle economy right (...) (...) 1980s, nearly one worker
(...) four lacks (...) job. (...) Germany and France, simply trying to start (...)
business leads (...) (...) tangle of red tape. (....) idea that university professors should
turn their discoveries (...) profits is frowned (...). (...) Venture capital is scarce,
because (...) European investors don't much like (...) unknown companies (...)
untried fields. Most of all, (...) very idea (...) competition is threatening (...) (...)
cartels and oligopolies that call (...) shots.

1. Complétez le texte à l'aide des articles a/an/the/ou du symbole ©.

2. Insérez les prépositions manquantes.

3. Entourez la syllabe accentuée :

Europe - economies - collapse - miracle - discoveries - capital - European - oligopolies

4. Construisez une phrase cohérente à l'aide de chaque série d'éléments ci-dessous :

to /the / become / state / an / seems / welfare / proposition / have / obsolete
nn nn nn sn nn nn ns nn nn nn nee nn nn nn nn nn nn nn nes sens neo o nee nes esse nes ess esse sense nesnssess see ss ssssssss esse erssescessssssssseuee



5. Complétez le paragraphe suivant à l'aide des éléments ci-dessous :

ways / support / less than / theworst/general / back / increasingly / amid / them all / in
their way
Almost unnoticed (.......… A:1: STE ) gloom, a crowd of fast-moving businesses is injecting
new economic vigor and showing (......…. J10” DUL&EUrOpE (207: ) to work. What
distinguishes (.......… ) is a gumption to succeed that defies (......… ) that Europe's
megastates can throw (......… JEAN 'ÉEEURE ), these businesses are getting government
(rte ) as politicians realize they may represent nothing (.......… ) the future.

6. Traduisez
Les entreprises françaises comme toutes les autres en Europe doivent aujourd'hui faire face
à la concurrence mondiale. L'avenir semble devoir appartenir dans ce domaine comme dans
d'autres à ceux qui feront preuve du plus grand dynamisme et de la meilleure faculté
d'adaptation à la demande des marchés.

Rappel lexical
pundits pontes venture capital capital-risques
collapse effondrement scarce rare
newly minted frais émoulus threatening menaçant
graduates lauréats gloom morosité
red tape paperasserie gumption bon sens
to frown froncer les sourcils
A -


It's widely assumed that ideals (...) beauty vary (...) era (...) era and (...) culture
(...) culture. But a harvest (...) new resear(.…) is confounding that idea. Studi(..….)
have established that people everywhere —regard(...) (...) race, class or age— share
a sense (...) what's attract(...). And though no one knows just how our minds
translate the sight (...) a face or a body (...) rapt(...), new studies suggest that we
judge each other (...) rules we're not even aware (...). We may conscious(...) admire
Kate Moss's legs or Arnold's biceps, but we're also viscer(...) attuned (...) small
variations (.….) the size and symmetry (...) facial bones and the place(...) (...) weight
(....) the body.
This isn't to say that our preferences are purely inna(...) —or that beauty is all that
matters (..) life. Most (...) us manage to find jobs, attract mates and bear off(...)
despite our phys(...) imperfections.

1. Insérez les prépositions manquantes.

2. Ajoutez aux mots inachevés leur terminaison correcte.

3. Entourez la syllabe accentuée :

ideals - research - consciously - viscerally - symmetry - preferences - physical - imperfections

4. Construisez une phrase cohérente à l'aide de chaque série d'éléments ci-dessous :

it/ matter/ taste / is / said / have /I / heard / that/ a / of / all /it
osnnsssns soso ososssnosssesesnsesessesessseeeonesssssesesssssssssessssssesssesssssessessnesssssnenesensssssssenessnsnssessnsesenensssssss



5. Complétez le paragraphe suivant à l'aide des éléments ci-dessous :

average / anyone / the / get / on earth / certain / though / over/ count as
As far as (......… ) knows, there isn't a village (.......… ) where skin lesions, head lice and
rotting teeth (.......…. ) beauty aids. But the rules (.......… ) subtler than that. Like scorpion flies,
we love symmetry. And (........ ) we generally favor (.......… ) features (......… ) unusual ones,
(er ) people we find extremely beautiful share (.......…. ) exceptional qualities.

Rappel lexical
widely largement taille
harvest récolte poids
to confound battre en brèche partenaires
aware conscients
1 0


Large satellites, such as those (...) distributing video signals, last (...) (...) 12
years. And smaller satellites have dramatically boosted their capacity. Orbital is
building a global communications network (...) a satellite that weighs under 100
Not all of (..) satellite constellations now (...) (...) drawing board will succeed.
Those with (...) biggest war chests, and most influential partners, will make money.
But plenty of pitfalls await those without (...) sufficient capital or political clout. For
one thing, because (...) investors must recoup expensive lauch costs, (...) prices (...)
space-based phone systems will be significantly higher than (...) competing terrestrial
systems. (...) addition, regional video networks must confront (..) language barriers,
(...) unresolved regulatory issues and (...) limited spectrum space. And, of course,
getting (...) satellites (...) (...) sky remains (...) risky proposition.

1. Complétez le second paragraphe à l'aide des articles a/an/the ou du symbole @.

2. Insérez les prépositions manquantes.

3. Entourez la syllabe accentuée :
satellites - dramatically - capacity - influential - sufficient - investors - significantly - terrestrial -
barriers - proposition

4. Construisez une phrase cohérente à l'aide de chaque série d'éléments ci-dessous :

slowed / race / reason / lately/some / the / to / down / have / for/space / seems



5. Complétez le paragraphe suivant à l'aide des éléments ci-dessous :

since / space / more to the point/moon / satellite / national / station / government
(Rate ) the Soviet Union launched Sputnik 1 in 1957, nation-states have sustained (.......…. )
projects. America's Apollo (.......…. ) missions, Europe's Arianespace (.......…. ) launchers,
Russia's Mir space (......…. ) —all were bold (.......…. ) ideas with huge price tags. (.......…. ), all
were knit tightly into the fabric of (.......… ) (or in Europe's case, regional) pride.

Rappel lexical
dramatically de façon spectaculaire pitfalls pièges
to boost augmenter clout volonté
network réseau to recoup récupérer
to weigh peser to remain demeurer
drawing board table de dessin bold téméraires
chests coffres fabric étoffe


Forget art for a moment, let's talk sex. Picasso was a woman(.….) like a salmon is a
swimmer. In our era of Tailhook convention(...) and Antioch rules, such boundl(.…..)
heterosexual enthus(...) (Picasso had two wives, a half-dozen mistresses and
count(.…..) affairs) doesn't play that well. But in his paintings (and impish photogr(...)
of him(...)) Picasso makes the old male-gaze/female-object shtik seem as health(...)
and joy(...) as a picnic in Antibes. Even art-world feminists concede there's
something dangerously cute about Picasso. Of course, Picasso wasn't very nice to the
ladies, but who wants a paint(...) by Alan Alda?
“My mother said to me,” Picasso once remarked, “ ‘if you become a soldier you'll
be a general. If you become a monk you'll end up as the pope.' Instead, I became a
painter and wound up as Picasso.”

1. Complétez les terminaisons manquantes.

2. Entourez la syllabe accentuée :
Picasso - mistresses - photographs - feminists - dangerously - general

3. Construisez une phrase cohérente à l'aide de chaque série d'éléments ci-dessous :

anything / circles / some / matters / else / more / art / than /'in

tonnes reossesesssseonessssese ses resemsseseseesonssnseseeeeeesseseesesesesesssseesssssssossssecesesessneesssssesesseessssssemsesssose


4. Complétez le paragraphe suivant à l'aide des éléments ci-dessous :

over/ arm / worry / these / tread / trademark / alone / unlicensed
The biggest (......… ) of the Picasso gatekeepers (.......… ) days is how to (.......…. ) the fine
line between glorification and exploitation. Picasso Administration, the corporate (......… ) of
his estate, worries about (.......…. ) “Picasso” wine, shoes and champagne. PA has spent
more than $1 million on (........ ) lawyers in the United States (......... d'A pa ent ) the last two
5. Traduisez
Lorsque l'on se tient devant un portrait peint par Picasso, on ne peut s'empêcher de voir que
l'artiste possédait le génie de montrer la vie intérieure de son modèle. Ceci est d'autant plus
merveilleux que souvent, sinon toujours, celui ou celle qui était pris pour sujet ne
Soupçonnait probablement pas les raisons profondes du choix de l'artiste, ni l'insondable
profondeur de son regard.

Rappel lexical
Tailhook allusion à une retentissante affaire de
conventioneers harcèlement sexuel aux États Unis
impish espiègle
shtik truc
cute séduisant
monk moine
to wind up se retrouver
atekeepers ardiens


In some resear(.….) centers, (...) investigat(.…) are studying (...) area at (...) tip of
(...) chromosomes that appears to short(...), fuse-like as we grow older. Extingu(...)
(...) chemi(...) fire that consumes (...) fuse, and you might be able to bring (...)
aging to(...) halt. Elsewhere, (...) scient(...) are studying how (...) waste produced
when (...) cell consumes (...) food can contaminate its innards, (....) process that can
lead to (...) body-wide break(...) we associate with (...) aging. Clean up (...) cells,
and you should be able to buck up (...) entire organ(...). Still elsewhere, et
genetic(...) are beginning to map (...) very genes that direct us to get old in (....) first
place. After mapping (...) genes, (...) next logi(...) step is manipulating them, and
once you start reweav(...) (.….) DNA codes for (..) life itself, anything is
theoretic(...) possible.

1. Complétez le texte à l'aide des articles a/an/the/ou du symbole @.

2. Ajoutez aux mots inachevés leur terminaison correcte.
3. Entourez la syllabe accentuée :
investigators - area - chromosomes - chemical - scientists - contaminate - process - organism -
geneticists - theoretically

4. Construisez une phrase cohérente à l'aide de chaque série d'éléments ci-dessous :

even / many / optimistic / demographers / are / good / a / more



5. Complétez le paragraphe suivant à l'aide des éléments ci-dessous :

only/ designed / likelihood / in coming / into / once / about
Researchers are starting to talk (.......….. JUNE. ) of people living well (.......… ) their
second centuries with the smooth skin, firm muscles, clear vision, high energy and vigorous
sexual capabilities they (.......…. ) could enjoy (.......… ) in youth.
For human beings, the sea change in aging has been a long time(......…… ). In the past
decade or two, there has been an explosion in new therapies (.......…. ) to slow the
senescence process.

Rappel lexical
tip extrémité to buck up stimuler
fuse mèche smooth lisse
waste déchet to weave tisser
innards intérieur

Advances in technology (to multiply) the way messages can be sent. Deregulation
and privatization of companies (to end) the exclusive franchise of state-owned
monopolies. Together these forces (to bring) competition (. …) a service industry that
hardly (to know) it. l
Not long ago, Europe's PTTSs (Posts, Telephones, Telegraphs) (to repose) (...) the
center of their national networks of phone lines, secure (...) their control of
everything that (to move) (...) the strands. The idea of a competing phone service (to
seem) as absurd as the notion that a national post office could have rivals (...) the
stamp-selling business. [...]
Not any more. [In 1984] British Telecom (to privatize), an example that (now + to
follow) (...) most European countries and some elsewhere, enfranchising millions of
first-time shareholders, and, so governments (to hope), instilling entrepreneurial spirit
(...) managements.

1. Conjuguez les verbes entre parenthèses.

2. Insérez les prépositions manquantes.
3. Entourez la syllabe accentuée :
technology - messages - deregulation - privatization - companies - monopolies industry - secure
- European - governments - entrepreneurial - managements

4. Construisez une phrase cohérente à l'aide de chaque série d'éléments ci-dessous :

the / for/a / has / calls / market / long-distance / U.S. / large

nn nono osesssesesesesoneseeteseonseesesesescesessseeesesenenesesenessssscsessneneesessseeennsosnesnrenensesesenmnesnssss

none senc snsesessssosesesessseeessecosseseseseeseessssessesesscseeesessesesssesenesesessssessssenssssmesensenenssensees

5. Complétez le paragraphe suivant à l'aide des éléments ci-dessous :

of delivering/a thousandth/much less/plenty of room/use of them/ the fact that / outside
the established system
The cost (.......…. ) a phone call is now about (.......… ) of what it was forty years ago. Since
phone charges have come down (.......…. ), there is (.......…. ) for competitors big and small.
The rise of resellers, who lease transmission lines and sell (......... ), Shows that providers
don't need to own the hardware. (......…. ) so many of the important innovations in
telecommunications service, like cordless phones, have come from (.......… ) suggests that
opportunities will abound, but not for the somnolent.

6. Traduisez
Les pays membres de l'Union Européenne se sont engagés à ouvrir leurs marchés à la
concurrence. Des négociateurs commerciaux européens et américains travaillent
actuellement à mettre au point un accord qui permettra d'offrir des chances égales aux
entreprises des deux côtés de l'Atlantique. La taille du marché et les progrès technologiques
en matière de télécommunications permettent en effet d'envisager l'avenir avec optimisme.

Rappel lexical
brawl querelle | strands lignes cablées | to provide fournir
advances progrès | shareholders actionnaires | hardware équipement lourd
state-owned d'État | managements directions the stamp-selling business le commerce
networks réseaux des timbres

Texte 40 BORN TO WAR

Children's Aid Direct, a British-based charity, (to say) war (probably + to claim)
the lives of some 2m children (...) the past ten years; (...) Somalia, over half (sa)
children under five who (to be) alive (...) the beginning of 1992 (to be) dead (...) the
end. War (also + to leave) 4m-5m disabled and 10m traumatised. The psychological
effect can only be guessed (...). (...) 3,000 children questioned by UNICEF (....)
Rwanda during the massacres of 1994, 90% (to believe) that they were going to die.
Children (...) general started to become victims (...) their elders' quarrels when
warfare (to become) total: bombs and missiles (to make) no age distinction (...) their
killing. Civil wars —the common ones nowadays— often (to consume) entire
countries. (..) some places aid agencies now (to have) to give as much attention (...)
demobilising child soldiers as (...) supplying basic foodstuffs. Everywhere they (to
go) they can expect to find children (...) the refugees, the wounded and the dead.
The Economist

1. Conjuguez les verbes entre parenthèses.

2. Insérez les prépositions manquantes.

3. Entourez la syllabe accentuée :
charity - beginning - psychological - massacres - agencies - refugees

4. Construisez une phrase cohérente à l'aide de chaque série d'éléments ci-dessous :

so / for / together / seem / and / common / to / difficult / good / it / live / work / does /
why/ the / ?


sms sossossssessssmsssssssssenessessesessssesesesesessssscesesesesesescsesssesessecsesesessosescsecesssecscessesssesesscecesscecsssesese

5. Complétez le paragraphe suivant à l'aide des éléments ci-dessous :

little / of them / again / beyond / will / both / enough / should
Many reports show (.......… ) all doubt that war harms children (......…. ) physically and
emotionally. Some (.......…. ) experience wartime situations in which they believe they
ERA ) certainly be killed. (.......… ) wonder then that so many (........ ) find it so difficult to
learn to live normally (.......…. ) if they are lucky (.......… ) to escape those extreme situations.

Rappel lexical
charity organisation caritative foodstuffs produits alimentaires
elders aînés wounded blessés
to suppl approvisionner to harm blesser
M6 -

Texte 41 ROUTE 66

The swimming-pool floor (..….) the Quality Inn (...) Kingman, Arizona, is
emblazoned (.….) a giant sign saying “Route 66”. (...) the lobby, Route 66
memorab(.….), (...) T-shirts and caps (...) key-rings and maps are (...) sale. Outside
(...) the forecourt, in front of some old petrol pumps, a 1964 Corvette is being raffled
(...) $5 a ticket. The proc(.…..) are (..) Kingman's Route 66 museum, one (sahsevetal
springing up (...) the “Main Street (...) America”, as early boost(...) called the road
that twisted its way (...) 2,400 miles (...) eight states (...) Chicago (...) Los Angeles.
Growi(…) numbers of people are heading back (...) it. Some 80% of the road has
survived (.….) the age of the Interstates. Now it is not so much a mean(...) (...) getting
(slowly) (...) À (...) B, but a place to watch nostalg(...) baby-boom(...), clutching
their cop(.…) of Jack Kerouac and John Steinbeck and humming the lyr(...) of “Route
The Economist

1. Ajoutez aux mots inachevés leur terminaison correcte.

2. Insérez les prépositions manquantes.
3. Entourez la syllabe accentuée :
Arizona - memorabilia - proceeds - museum - Chicago - Interstates

4. Construisez une phrase cohérente à l'aide de chaque série d'éléments ci-dessous :

museums / have / keen / he / that/never/ very / heard /I / was / on

onnnnnosesssessssenessssssssnsnessoensnsse se sssssesesesssssssssesssesssceeceessesseseeeeessesesssseronsecessseessssensessnmssseseeeneresse


5. Traduisez
Il connaît très bien la littérature américaine. Ce qu'il préfère, ce sont les romans des années
50. Ce genre de livres ne coûte pas trop cher, car la plupart se trouvent en livre de poche
dans toutes les bonnes librairies. On peut même en acheter certains dans les supermarchés
à des prix incroyablement bas.

Rappel lexical
lobby hall d'entrée to spring up pousser
memorabilia souvenirs boosters enthousiaste
raffle lotterie copies exemplaires
proceeds ] to hum fredonner


Wh(...) of these situation-comedies would you laugh most (...)? À young woman
who pref(...) home (...) job becomes an unpaid agony aunt to two girlfriends; a
chari(...) worker (...) a dead-end affair (...) a married man and a public-relati(...)
agent who pines (...) a gay hospital doctor. A jaded ex-dictator (...) Africa ekes out
retir(..) in London's swish St John's Wood, lording it (...) two remain(.…..) servants
and unable to fall asleep unless watching Disney's “The Lion King”. A cave-dwelling
tribe in 25,001 BC is riven (...) gend(...) war, but the tribe's unclubbable femin(..….)
are throw(.….) (...) the arriv(...) of a gorge(..) mammoth-hunter (.….) another valley.
If none of the three sounds promising, it may be because it is seldom the “sit” that
makes sit-coms funny. As most professional jokemen will tell you, plots matter less
than characters, situations less than scripts.
The Economist

1. Ajoutez aux mots inachevés leur terminaison correcte.

2. Insérez les prépositions manquantes.
3. Entourez la syllabe accentuée :
comedies - agony - affair - agent - Africa - unclubbable - promising - professional

4. Construisez une phrase cohérente à l'aide de chaque série d'éléments ci-dessous :

very / and / has / business / that/say/always / some / been / a / humour /'is / delicate
sonne nnnnnnn nec nenesene sense sesesesssesesessesseesesssoreesssecesesessssesesess esse seeceressssscessescssseessesessssssesesessesses

ons ronn sense msn snsmenenensesseesesenoscesessssensseenenesssenssssesssessesssseeeceseesesesssnssseessssesesosssséossssesssssssssssee


5. Traduisez
On m'a dit que l'humour des comédies américaines des années 40 était le fruit d'un travail
très sérieux. Dans ces films les situations de départ sont assez simples et fournissent
cependant des occasions de gags qui permettent aux acteurs de jouer sur différents
registres allant parfois des larmes au rire, mais la règle d'or du genre est le ‘happy end.

Rappel lexical
agony aunt journaliste au courrier du cœur swish douillet
dead-end sans issue riven déchiré
to pine soupirer unclubbable asociales
jaded blasé seldom rarement
to eke out améliorer plots intrigues


Right (...) (...) start, (...) cars had their critics as well as their admirers. (...)
century ago one French writer, seeing (...) smoke belching (...) early automobiles, (to
predict) that “(...) petroleum spirit cab will never be (...) practical proposition (...)
(...) large towns.” People have been coming up) (...) variations (...) that warning
ever since. But (...) enthusiasm (...) (...) new toy generally prevailed. (...) (...) early
days, well-publicised races, such as (...) one (...) Peking (...) Paris in 1907, were
held to demonstrate that (...) new-fangled contraption was reliable and capable (...)
covering (...) long distances. But production runs were still short. (...) Europe, (...)
largest producer was Argyll Motor Works (...) (..….) Vale of Leven near Glasgow,
making about 1,000 cars (...) year. Only Henry Ford (...) Detroit did better; in his
first year, 1903, he produced 1,700.
The Economist

1. Complétez le texte à l'aide des articles a / an / the / ou du symbole 9.

2. Insérez les prépositions manquantes.
3. Entourez la syllabe accentuée :
admirers - century - automobiles - practical - proposition - enthusiasm - generally - demonstrate
- distances

4. Construisez une phrase cohérente à l'aide de chaque série d'éléments ci-dessous :

they / the / to / future / thought / had / is / car/believe / future / hard / it / that
nn ssnoonosnesssesssnsesesssssssseeeenenessssssseeesssessesessseesoessssesessoseseessesenmessesecessesesesssessnsenmssssssses



5. Traduisez
Il est difficile aujourd'hui de comprendre comment certains pouvaient douter de l'avenir de
l'automobile il y a un siècle. Mais qui peut prédire par exemple ce que seront demain les
moyens de communication ou les nouvelles thérapies ? Beaucoup de gens aujourd'hui se
montrent sceptiques, sinon hostiles. Les problèmes liés à l'utilisation de l'automobile dans les
zones de forte urbanisation ne sont d'ailleurs toujours pas résolus.

Rappel lexical
to belch sortir en toussottant new-fangled contraption machine toute nouvelle
cab cabriolet reliable fiable
warning mise en garde production runs rythmes de production
to prevail prévaloir


Madmen, recluses, folk (...) (...) Strong sense of (...) supernatural: some
of (...)
best artists this century have sprung (...) their ranks. They are (...) marginal men and
women, as (...) name “Outsiders” suggests, belonging neither to (...) art academies
nor to (...) fashionable avant-garde. Some do not even consider themselves artists;
there are (...) few who have no idea that what they create so compulsively is (....) art.
Untaught and free (...) (...) commonplace cultural conditioning, they make (...)
pictures and objects (even large domestic and garden creations) that are elaborate (8)
strange, hallucinatory imagery and intricate, kaleidoscopic patterns, glowing often
(....) (...) psychedelic colour and (...) deep spiritual feeling.
Outsider art is not (...) new phenomenon. (...) first issue of The Economist, (..….)
1843, carried (...) article (...) Richard Dadd, (...) English painter who had just killed
his father. Dadd had worked (...) (...) conventional lines before then but spent (...)
rest of his life (...) Bedlam and Broadmoor painting highly imaginative fantasy
The Economist

1. Complétez le texte à l'aide des articles a / an /the / ou du symbole Q.

2. Insérez les prépositions manquantes.
3. Entourez la syllabe accentuée :
marginal - academies - compulsively - domestic - hallucinatory - imagery - intricate -
kaleidoscopic - psychedelic - phenomenon - imaginative - fantasy

4. Construisez une phrase cohérente à l'aide de chaque série d'éléments ci-dessous :

ups / some / market / lately/has / and / art/downs / the / known
ononnnnssssnnonnenenesessesensseensnessseessecenseseessesesesesenesenenesvreneecesessseessessesesesesesessessss sense cssecessess

onsnsnnsesmenssonsssesesessensecnsssessseessessnsessse sense eescesessesesesesesececsssresesesseeesssesssseeessesesessssssesecsssssssssese

sonne onmsensssesssnsssmesenssnsssesesesesseenesssesssesenesssesssssssensesseeesssssecesssecssecesssssessssesssese sense sssssssssssese

5. Complétez le paragraphe suivant à l'aide des éléments ci-dessous :

hand'ul / beyond / style / heated / backed /'s / actually / though


Rappel lexical
ranks rangs to glow flamboyer
to belong appartenir issue numéro
compulsively sans pouvoir s'en empêcher | Bedlam and Broadmoor maison de fous
intricate complexes stunning éblouissant
patterns motifs focus centre
16p -


He died (...) Paris, attended (...) his longtime love Catherine Deneuve and their
daughter Chiara. But Marcello Mastroianni's compatriots would not let the actor
known as “(...) face of Italy” pass (...) (...) memory without (...) poetic farewell. So
just after (...) sunset (...) (...) day he succumbed, (...) 72, (...) pancreatic cancer, his
wife Flora stood with the mayor of Rome and 500 other mourners (...) (...) Trevi
Fountain, (...) whose waters Anita Ekberg had lured Mastroianni in (...) famous
scene (...) Federico Felini's 1960 La Dolce Vita. Now (...) lights faded, (...) water
from (...) Neptune statue stopped, (...) lone flutist played the theme (...) 81/3 as (...)
two black drapes were stretched (...) the fountain. It was (...) last token of (...) love
(...) (...) man who was imperfect and irresistible.

1. Complétez le texte à l'aide des articles a / an /the / ou du symbole @.

2. Insérez les prépositions manquantes.

3. Entourez la syllabe accentuée :

compatriots - Italy - memory - pancreatic - imperfect - irresistible

4. Construisez une phrase cohérente à l'aide de chaque série d'éléments ci-dessous :

to / blind / was / he / a / near/ carpenter/ went / Rome / who / born



5. Complétez le paragraphe suivant à l'aide des éléments ci-dessous :

straight/because of/ a kind of / anything / being / anyone but/ nothing / up
“Mastroianni” became (.......… ) emotional cologne for the modern man. And no one wore the
style as elegantly as he: the dark suit, the narrow tie, the eyes of a man who's been (......… )
three nights (.......… ) doing things that would excite (........ ) him. These art films won

Rappel lexical
to attend assister to fade s'estomper
farewell adieu to stretch tendre
sunset le coucher du soleil token témoignage
mourners amis en deuil allure distinction
to lure attirer


(...) the ancient Greeks, the Chimera was a fem(...) monster [...] Modern biology,
too, recognises chimeras. Like the one that terrorised ancient Lycia, they are mixed-
up creat(...). They are composed (...) cells which, while not (...) different spec(...),
have more than one genet(.….) pedigree. They are also generally fem(.…..). But far (...)
being unique, they are ubiquit(...). For, (...) biologists, every pregnant mam(.…..) is a
This creates an awkwardness (...) a pregnant creature's immune system. This
system is designed to recognise forei(..….) tissues (which usually belong (...)
parasites), and destroy them. A fetus, how(...), is also foreign tissue, because half of
its genes (and there(.…..) lots of the proteines of which it is made) are paternal. And,
though a few mothers might regard their fetuses as parasites, natural selection cannot
afford to. So, (...) a mechanism that is not yet well underst(...), fetuses are exempted
(...) the attentions of the maternal immune system.
The Economist

1. Ajoutez aux mots inachevés leur terminaison correcte.

2. Insérez les prépositions manquantes.
3. Entourez la syllabe accentuée :
biology - different - unique - awkwardness - parasites - paternal - mechanism

4. Construisez une phrase cohérente à l'aide de chaque série d'éléments ci-dessous :

very / the / to /in / a / poetic / seem / have / science / way / approached / Greeks

nn nsmnssmnsmmnsn messes ssesnsessessresesseesssesssessecessessesessssesesesesssesesseesesesesesssesesssscccessssesesssccseseese

msn nnnmmssusensenmssnessnesseensssnessenessssssssessssesesescseresssssesesessesceccessetescessssesesseseeceecossssesesssssssssscsessee

5. Complétez le paragraphe suivant à l'aide des éléments ci-dessous :

up / by/up to / to / particularly/through / through / the
In 1347 rats and fleas stirred (.......…. NOT ) Tartar traders cutting caravan routes (.......… )
Central Asia brought bubonic plague to Sicily. In (......…. ) space of four years, the Black
Death killed (.......… ) 300 million people. In 1520 Cortés' army carried smallpox (......…. )
Mexico, wiping out half the native population. In 1918 a (......…. ) virulent strain of flu swept
(eusnt. ) troops in the trenches of France.

Rappel lexical
cells cellules to stir s'agiter
pregnant enceinte plague peste
to belong appartenir smallpox variole
to regard considérer to wipe out décimer
to afford permettre flu p


Officially (...) egalitar(...) France has no aristocra(..….). (...) titles were abolished
in (....) first year of (...) revolution. Yet few nations are as caste-consci(...) as (...)
French —at least among that social elite who, for (...) want of (...) more appropr(...)
term, describe them(..…) as be(..) de bonne famille. Its members are to be found in
(...) Bottin Mondain, (..….) snob's bible without which no self-respecting French
hoste(...) or mother would wish to find her(...).
The Bottin [...] contains (...) names, (...) addres(...) and (...) telephone numbers
of (...) 44,000 families (0.5% of (..) population) who, in (...) words of (...) Bottin's
public(...) blurb, “recognise themselves as belong(...) to (...) same cultur(...) and
social commu(..) by (...) virtue of their shared decision to regist(...) them(...) in
(...) Bottin”.
But how do they get in? On (...) face of it, just by apply(...). (...) Bottin gets as
many as 1,600 requ(...) (..….) year, but full(...) (...) third are rebuffed. (...) vast
majority of those who make it are (..) children of (...) families already in.
The Economist

1. Complétez le texte à l'aide des articles a / an /the / ou du symbole ©.

2. Complétez les terminaisons manquantes.

3. Entourez la syllabe accentuée :

officially - abolished - elite - telephone - recognise - majority - families

4. Construisez une phrase cohérente à l'aide de chaque série d'éléments ci-dessous :

application / would / said / his / even / not / letter / read / they / they / of



5. Complétez le paragraphe suivant à l'aide des éléments ci-dessous :

however / too many / helps / so does / afford / very/on the / so is
Ovwing a chateau or a large estate (.......… CARE. ) belonging to the “right” club. Schooling,
Césssuee ) other hand, is pretty unimportant. (.......…. ) wealth: many of the “best” French
families are now impoverished.
Indeed the nec plus ultra of snobbery is to refuse inclusion in the Bottin. That is a luxury,
CENTER ), that only the (......…. ) socially confident or insouciant can (.......…. ) —and there are
NO Ce ) of them in the egalitarian France of today.

Rappel lexical
texte de présentation to belong appartenir
rebuffed repoussés wealth fortune
to owe posséder
= SE


About 230 people die in (...) car accidents every tWo days in America: as many
died when (...) TWA flight exploded over (...) Atlantic.
In fact, (...) air accidents barely register in America's mortality statistics. In 1993,
5,751 children died from gunfire and 3,240 people of all ages died from food-related
suffocation. Only 800 died in (....) air crashes. In 1994, (...) figure was 855.
In general, heart disease, cancer and strokes are the biggest killers, but (...) leading
causes of (...) death vary according to age, sex and race. For those aged one to 24,
accidents top (...) list. In (...) 25-44 age group, the biggest single killer is now (...)
(...) Men are more likely to die of accidents, (...) AIDS and suicide, whereas (32)
women tend to die of pneumonia and influenza. Far more blacks than whites,
proportionally, are murdered.
(...) homicide rate has declined in (...) recent years; in 1994, it was not one of Ca)
top ten causes of (...) death. But (...) suicide has crept up.
The Economist

1. Ecrivez en toutes lettres les nombres et les dates suivants :

230/ 5,751 / 3,240 / 800 / 855 / 63% /
1993 / 1980/
noms nnsnsn memes nnsnnenensnsseneseneneneseseneseneeseessss se sseenesessesoessscesensessesosssse esse soscssse esse sssesesscsssssesee

2. Complétez le texte à l'aide des articles a / an / the / ou du symbole Q.

3. Entourez la syllabe accentuée :
accidents - Atlantic - register - mortality - statistics - pneumonia - proportionally

4. Construisez une phrase cohérente à l'aide de chaque série d'éléments ci-dessous :

a/is /to / what/ very/ determine / person's / caused / it / difficult/death / sometimes


sons sossnnesssensnseseseneseesmsseenesensesossesesesssessmsesescesssscssesssreessssssesossesesssesencesecenssssseesssssssssssesssuseses

5. Complétez le paragraphe suivant à l'aide des éléments ci-dessous :

almost / while / regardless / from / among / for/ in / for
BEL... ) of race, suicide trends are grim (........ ) young Americans. Since 1950, the rate
of suicide (.......… ) those between 15 and 19 has risen (......……. ) fourfold. The reason (......……. )
the growth seems to be the proliferation of guns. Available evidence suggests that attempted
suicides have stayed flat (.......….. ) recent years, (......…. ) deaths (.......… ) suicides have

Rappel lexical
flight vol to creep up grimper
strokes attaques grim sinistre
to top se placer en tête | fourfold quatre fois
influenza grippe available disponible
rate taux to soar augmenter sensiblement


For most Australians, the benign image of the rabbit (to convey) by Peter Rabbit
simply (not + to apply). Ever since a landowner (to import) and (to release) 12 wild
rabbits in 1859, they (to multiply) into a ravenous horde that (to nibble away) at the
nation's crops and agricultural profits. (to plan) for systematic extermination programs
(to begin) in the 1940s, when an (to estimate) 1 billion rabbits (to devour) produce,
(to cause) land erosion and (to destroy) native habitats. Government scientists (to
introduce) myxomatosis, an anti-rabbit virus from Brazil, in the 1950s; though the
campaign (to reduce) the rabbit population to 100 million within two years, the
survivors quickly (to build up) immunity and (to restock) their numbers.

1. Ecrivez en toutes lettres les nombres et les dates suivants :

110/ 10,000/ 11,001 / 1,010/ 101 / 1900/ 1919/2000 / 2001
Apr.11th / Sept.3rd/Jan.1st/Dec.31st
veto ee si pasnesneerérssssssnesneneet sont se erras eee 0er es RSR EEE ONRNEEEESS
css TT en oesanenassonesnevecseonestenscse see



2. Rétablissez la forme correcte des verbes entre parenthèses.

3. Entourez la syllabe accentuée :

image - landowner - ravenous - agricultural - systematic - programs - produce - government -
Brazil - immunity

4. Construisez une phrase cohérente à l'aide des éléments ci-dessous :

new / virus / began / 1984 / rabbit / through / China's / sweeping / population / gave / in
/ Australians / hope / that /a
consonnes sssonoossensssssssessssssseseesesssseseessseosssscssseesssseeesessecseosseseeseseeseseesessassssseesnsseeesnsessnesssee

nono ssseensosesenesesesseseseeosessssesesessseseesssseesessseseesssssseeesseceesssesecsesesesssenssssssssssesnessecsses

5. Complétez le paragraphe suivant à l'aide des éléments ci-dessous :

from / introduced / / well-documented / harmless / safety / field / smuggled / batch
(ab ) to humans, rabbit calicivirus disease (RCD) was (......… ) to Europe in the '80s,
probably via (......…. ) rabbit products, and has helped bring rabbit population down to
tolerable levels. Impressed by the (......… ) results, Australia's Commonwealth Scientific and
Industrial Research Organization imported a (.......… F'OUUNS VUS ee ) the Czech
Republic in 1991 and, after three years of (.......…. ) tests, set up the experimental station on
Wardang Island for (.......… ) trials.

6. Traduisez
De nombreux Chinois et Brésiliens se trouvaient à la soirée donnée à l'ambassade
d'Australie vendredi dernier. Un Mexicain qui avait passé plusieurs années en Suisse
prononça un discours que tous les invités apprécièrent beaucoup. Tout le monde se quitta
en disant espérer se revoir bientôt.

Rappel lexical
landowner propriétaire terrien to restock reconstituer (des réserves)
to release libérer to smuggle passer en fraude
ravenous vorace batch quantité
to nibble away dévorer (à belles dents) | field trials expérimentations de terrain
within en l'espace de


“Dead Man” is (...) odyssey that takes its young hero, (...) accountant (...)
Cleveland named William Blake (Johnny Depp), (...) (...) hell. It will leave him,
perhaps, (...) (...) portals of (...) heaven. (...) Hell is (....) pitiless, violent frontier
town of Machine, where Blake has been promised (...) accounting job that never
materializes (...) (...) Dickinson Mining Works. Instead, this timid, peaceable man
finds himself wounded (...) (...) gunfight in which he kills (...) son of (...) mining-
works owner (Mitchum). (...) (...) price (...) his head, (...) piece of land near his
heart and (...) three notorious and bizarre hired guns (...) his trail [...] (...) fugitive
begins his flight. His only ally is (...) strange outcast Indian named Nobody [.…] who,
conversant in English literature, takes him (...) (...) great apocalyptic English poet
William Blake. But this is America, where (...) gun is mightier than (...) tongue.

1. Complétez le texte à l'aide des articles a / an / the / ou du symbole ©.

2. Insérez les prépositions manquantes.
3. Entourez la syllabe accentuée :
odyssey - accountant - materializes - notorious - fugitive - conversant - literature - apocalyptic

4. Construisez une phrase cohérente à l'aide de chaque série d'éléments ci-dessous :

Old West /always / life / been / must / the / in / have / not/pleasant

sononnonsnssesensecsnesssensese seen sensseceeseseeeeensesoeneneseessssosesesssssesseceeeeesecesseesessesessseseessesesessesscsssessssssse

onnonnnnnnnmnnenso sense esenessecssssssesenssssseessseeceessseecessssscesssssesssseseneresesscesesessseseseneesseeeesesssssssssssesss

5. Complétez le paragraphe suivant à l'aide des éléments ci-dessous :

through / off the / by the / deeply /'is in for / in the
But anyone expecting an anachronistic, hipster sendup of the Old West (........ ) a surprise.
The mordant, deadpan humor that streaks (.......…. ) “Dead Man’ is echt Jarmusch, but it's
Pres ) service of his most mysterious and (.......…. ) felt movie, a meditation on death and
transfiguration that, (.......… ) end, has thrown (.......…. ) protective veil of irony.

6. Traduisez
Je ne vais pas aussi souvent au cinéma qu'avant. D'une part mes études me prennent
énormément de temps, d'autre part les places sont bien trop chères. Aujourd'hui il ne s'agit
plus de se tromper lorsqu'on veut aller voir un film. Malheureusement, quand on voit la
quantité hebdomadaire de films nouveaux, on a vraiment l'embarras du choix.

Rappel lexical
accountant comptable flight fuite
portals portes outcast marginal
peaceable paisible conversant versé
notorious de triste réputation hipster « branché », au goût du jour
hired guns chasseurs de prime deadpan pince-sans-rire
trail piste to streak parcourir


Most people are cont(…..) to assume that their salad is (...) whole(...) thing. How
splendid, as you tuck in, to summon into (...) mind's eye (...) picture of (...) sun-
baked olive grove in (...) Mediterran(...), (...) peas(...) farmer leading his donkey to
(...) market, (...) baskets on its-back brimming with (...) fresh(.….) picked olives. It is
not (.…) intention of this article to spoil anyone's apetite. But (...) consum(...) should
know that at some point between (...) donkey ride, (...) press(.…) of those olives into
olive oil, and (...) arriv(...) of the oil in (...) local supermarket, (...) stuff may have
underg(..) (...) little “mispractice” —as it is sometimes called in (...) scienti(...)
literature. In (...) other words (...) bottle may have been mislab(..….) to indicate that it
is rather better than it is, or it may contain something in (...) addition to (...) olive oil-
sunflower oil, for example.
Spot(...) mispractice can be hard, unless (...) mispracti(...) are so stupid as to
adulter(.…) (..) product with something poison(.….). Sometimes they are this stupid.
The Economist

1. Complétez le texte à l'aide des articles a / an /the / ou du symbole 9.

2. Ajoutez aux mots inachevés leur terminaison correcte.
3. Entourez la syllabe accentuée :
Mediterranean - apetite - supermarket - mispractice - literature - indicate - mispractitioners -

4. Construisez une phrase cohérente à l'aide de chaque série d'éléments ci-dessous :

adulterated / people / several / caused / the / death / of / oil / hundred
non nssnosns oo essossssosssesesnoneessscessesesesssscesseseesseresenesseseesesecssesseneeoensecssesesensenensnssenensssssessssee

nn ss noseseenosssesssseseseseeseesssseesssensessesesssssseseseeensnsesesossssseeneseesenssenesesesensnneesenensessenensenene

their / a / world / with / income / olive / Mediterranean / provides / market / the oil / of /
quarter / farmers
mms nenssceossossesssecessesensssseseesssssessessessenessscseseesesessesosssseeensnesesesessssenssnssessessessesstesmssessssessssne

5. Complétez le paragraphe suivant à l'aide des éléments ci-dessous :

based / whether/ cost-effective / not that / however/ with
One [...] trick is “extending” fruit juices-particularly orange juice-(......…. ) cane or beet sugar.
Sugar is cheaper than fruit juice, so this is quite (.......… ). In 1993 Paramount Citrus (a fruit-
juice company (.......… ) in California) was fined $6.9m for this practice.[...]
Chemically(.......…. ), sugar is sugar. Working out (......…. ) it came from a citrus fruit is

6. Traduisez
Beaucoup de gens ne font pas assez attention à la qualité des produits qu'ils achètent. Les
consommateurs n'ont pas toujours le temps de lire attentivement les informations qui figurent
sur les emballages. Parfois aussi le style de ces petits textes est si étrange qu'on n'en
comprend pas le message. Il est bien difficile d'être un acheteur averti.

Rappel lexical
to tuck in boulotter donkey mulet
to summon faire apparaître brimming pleins à ras bord
sun-baked brûlée par le soleil to spoil gâcher
olive grove oliveraie to fine infliger une amende

Texte 52 | NEXT STOP: MARS

Time was, Mars was a busy place. Everybody, it ssemed-or at least
everybody (...)
the National Aeronautics and Space Administration-wanted to fling something the red
planet's way.[...] But [...] as America's interest (...) space travel waned (...) the post-
Apollo years, Washington's willingness to bankroll every grand scheme the space
agency (to come up) (...) vanished. (...) the late 1970s, NASA —once the trust-fun
baby of a doting Congress— had to be choosy (...) where it (to spend) its money; for
the most part, it didn't choose Mars.
Now, however, just as public interest (to rekindle) (...) first hints that there might
(to be) life (...) Mars, ships (...) the U.S. and Russia (to start) to fly again. [...]
Ironically, much of the trans-Mars traffic (to come) (...) a change not so much in
science as in economics: the new craft are dirt cheap-dirt cheap (...) space standards.

1. Conjuguez les verbes entre parenthèses.

2. Insérez les prépositions manquantes.

3. Entourez la syllabe accentuée :

aeronautics - interest - agency - ironically - economics - standards

4. Construisez une phrase cohérente à l'aide de chaque série d'éléments ci-dessous :

bigger/ better/bigger/better/ the / ones / spacecraft /are / and / are / still
ons nososseensnsmssmenesessessenenessesessoeescessssesseseeesseseseseesessesseceesececceeseseesssssssssssesesesesscsressesesesssscscecsee


sonores sosmessossessesesemssesserenessessesesesessssessesceecensosesseesvesesesecesessseesesecsesssecsesessseeeessssssessesscceessssessee

5. Complétez le paragraphe suivant à l'aide des éléments ci-dessous :

get / long-range / a bit of / for/ it appears / back to / sample
“What we're hoping (.......… ),” says a director of the Mars exploration program, “is a ship that
will return a soil (.......… ) from Mars. That's the (.......… ) goal of the program.” Smaller ships,
sir Lot ), may not (........…. ) a human being to Mars, but they may help bring (.......…. ) Mars
Ur ) earth

Rappel lexical
to fling lancer a doting Congress du Congrès prêt à tout pour lui
to wane faiblir hints indications
to bankroll financer dirt cheap ridiculement bon marché
to vanish disparaître sample échantillon
58 -


There (to be + always) color crazes, historically (to bring on) (...) mere
availability. In the early 1800s, bright yellows (to popularize) (...) the introduction of
chromate and cadmium pigments, a development that greatly affected the painting of
J.M.W. Turner. Likewise, the Impressionists made generous use of the new blues and
greens that emerged (.…..) their days. In this century, novelty gave way (...) marketing
as manufacturers came to shape public tastes (...) color. In 1934, for instance, the
American Tobacco Co. found that women wouldn't buy Lucky Strikes because the
then green box clashed (...) their clothes. The solution: make green hot. In short
order, the company (to set up) a “color-fashion bureau,” (to underwrite) a green-
theme society ball, enlisted magazine editors, and bought off French couture houses.
(...) year's end hordes of newly sensitized women started buying Lucky Strike packs
as fashion accessories.

1. Rétablissez la forme correcte des verbes entre parenthèses.

2. Insérez les prépositions manquantes.

3. Entourez la syllabe accentuée :
historically - availability - development - Impressionists - generous - novelty - manufacturers -
company - accessories

4. Construisez une phrase cohérente à l'aide de chaque série d'éléments ci-dessous :

important/people / color/not / many/ issue / for/a / very /'is
seosonseresssenoeeeseneesssseseeeseseseeseseessesesssssonessesesesesessssseeseceeseess sos ssesseesssessessesosscosssesseeessnosssssssseee

tonnes no osesonee ner sens esse see esese scene esse eee sens senenessssssnosesesess ss sesseestesss ses ssssonssesseesesessssesessssssse


5. Complétez le paragraphe suivant à l'aide des éléments ci-dessous :

not all / only / total / still / up / Speaking / if / of us
The human eye can distinguish roughly 6 million colors, and as most (......… KNOW: CESR }
hues are created equal, chromatically (.......… ). À blue can be nearly black or nearly green
andif.724 ) be blue. Moreover, ambient light changes everyhting. How many mornings
have you dressed in semidarkness (.......…. ) to show (.......…. ) at work in an outfit that looks
as (4.8 ) it was assembled in (.....…. ) darkness?

Rappel lexical
crazes engouements make green hot mettre le vert à la mode
availability disponibilité to underwrite financer
likewise de la même manière to buy off s'offrir les services
to shape former outfit tenue
- 59-


During (...) first years of (...) life, (...) brain undergoes (...) series of
extraordinary changes. Starting shortly after (...) birth, (...) baby's brain, in (...)
display of biological exuberance, produces trillions more connections between (3)
neurons that it can possibly use. Then, through (...) process that ressembles (4)
Darwinian competition, (...) brain eliminates (...) connections, or (.. .) synapses, that
are seldom or never used. (...) excess synapses in (...) child's brain undergo (...)
draconian pruning, starting around (...) age of 10 or earlier, leaving behind (...) mind
whose patterns of emotion and thought are, for better or worse, unique.

1. Complétez le texte à l'aide des articles a / an /the / ou du symbole @.

2. Entourez la syllabe accentuée :

extraordinary - biological - exuberance - competition - eliminates

3. Construisez une phrase cohérente à l'aide de chaque série d'éléments ci-dessous :

newbomn / enable / circuits / perceive / mental / father's / will / a / to / the / infant / voice
000000000000 000000000000 000000000000 000000000000 000000000000 een sons ss soso essences

of/of/the /the / the / the / brain / brain / physical / activity / electrical / changes / cells /
osnnnsenosmosennen ses esmesensessnesesseeseseneesssses sense seescessseseseseseseesssesessessenesseesesesesssssresesesesssesesesssseesesse


4. Complétez le paragraphe suivant à l'aide des éléments ci-dessous :

for / yet / after/ at/ while / there are / ever/in place
(rinsssse ) birth a baby's brain contains 100 billion neurons, roughly as many nerve cells as
(RE ) Stars in the Milky Way. Also (......…. ) are a trillion glial cells, named (.......…. ) the
Greek word (......… ) glue, which form a kind of honeycomb that protects and nourishes the
neurons. But (.......… ) the brain contains virtually all the nerve cells it will (......... ) have, the
pattern of wiring between them has (........ ) to stabilize.

5. Traduisez
Certains enfants présentent plus de risques que d'autres. Nous ne devons pas pour autant
négliger la capacité de l'environnement à remodeler le cerveau. Dès les années 70 les
chercheurs avaient commencé à accumuler les preuves de l'influence de l'activité sur le
développement du cerveau. Depuis peu ils utilisent des outils suffisamment puissants pour
mettre en évidence les mécanismes qui permettent ces changements.

Rappel lexical
to undergo subir patterns schémas
seldom rarement honeycomb miellée
to prune élaguer
- 60 -


People are more of (...) threat (...) (...) sharks than vice versa. (...) Shark attacks
average only 70-100 each year, and (...) number of humans actually killed is much
lower. Many fewer, (...) all probability, than (...) number of sharks who give their all
to supply soup (...) (...) medium-sized Chinese restaurant each week. But (...) sight
of (...) dorsal fin slicing (...) (...) water can still clear (...) holiday beach faster than
you can say “Jaws”, and in some waters (..) danger (...) (...) surfers and (...) divers
is very real.
(....) good news for those (...) risk is that there's now (...) new way to keep (...)
sharks (...) bay. It's called (...) POD -short (...) Protective Oceanic Device —and it
has been developed by (...) South Africa's Durban-based Natal Sharks Board, one of
(.….) world's foremost shark research institutes.

1. Complétez le texte à l'aide des articles a / an / the / ou du symbole ©.

2. Insérez les prépositions manquantes.
3. Entourez la syllabe accentuée :
average - probability - developed - institutes

4. Construisez une phrase cohérente à l'aide de chaque série d'éléments ci-dessous :

involved / with / fields / experiments / approaches / some / force / electrical
snsssssseserensssssesssossesssesseessesesseesssesoneeessseseeesssssesescecesssssssessssseseesessessssssessesssesense sons sssese

snssssosssssoossesencesesenesnesssesessessseseeesesseessssssscecceseseecesesessescssesseseseseseressesecsssesssssses COEEEELELEEEELLEELLE)

nssssssssssosossssssessnesssesssssesessesssesessssssseesessssesessssssssesenessesessesenessssnsseseesssesnsssnesssse snnonsnossnssssnsssss

5. Complétez le paragraphe suivant à l'aide des éléments ci-dessous :

during / for/downed / on / to / have / quickly/ various
Scientists (.......….. ) battled(.......… ) years to find an effective shark repellent. (.......… ) World
War Il the quest took (.......… ) a particular urgency (......… ) protect (....…. ) aviators or
sailors forced to abandon ship. (......…. ) chemical repellents and detergents were tried, but
hey rs ) dispersed in the water.

Rappel lexical
to average atteindre en moyenne | fin nageoire
actually effectivement divers plongeurs
to suppl fournir repellent repoussoir
- 61-


“TI put a girdle ‘round about the earth in 40 minutes,” declared Puck in À
Midsummer Night 's Dream. Four hundred years after the play (to produce + first), the
globe (to girdle) more thoroughly than Shakespeare ever (to dream). The transoceanic
copper wires that (to make) communications possible in the presatellite era (to
replace) by arrays of sophisticated fiber optics capable of carrying huge amounts of
data more reliably than the electronic birds circling in the upper atmosphere. These
new data links are the oil pipelines of the information age, the prime conduits for the
technological revolution. Where and how they (to build) (to point) the way to future

1. Conjuguez les verbes entre parenthèses.

2. Entourez la syllabe accentuée :
Sophisticated - reliably - electronic - atmosphere - information - technological

3. Construisez une phrase cohérente à l'aide de chaque série d'éléments ci-dessous :

its / by / approved / countries / project / involved / the / in / construction / the / was



4. Complétez le paragraphe suivant à l'aide des éléments ci-dessous :

as / tend / fearful / nerve-gas / crazed / has been done / themselves / into / faulty /
Recently a lot of worrying (......…. ) about the Internet. People who are (......… ) about
anarchy (.......….. ) to see it as a thrumming hive of villainy, where (.......… ) extremists
exchange (......…. ) recipes and whip (.......…. PORN ) a frenzy by exchanging (......…. )
information about black helicopters. People who are (.......… ) about government see the
Internet (.......… ) the perfect tool for Big Brother.

5. Traduisez
Le cable en fibre optique présente un certain nombre d'avantages sur la transmission par
satellite. La circulation de la voix et des données est plus rapide et coûte moins cher.
Cependant le cable présente le problème de sa vulnérabilité. A la différence du satellite, il
peut souffrir entre autres choses, des ravages de la corrosion et court à l'occasion le risque
des morsures de requins.

Rappel lexical
girdle corset data données
thoroughly sûrement links liens
copper wires cables de cuivre a thrumming hive une ruche débordant d'activité
arrays batteries recipes recettes
huge énormes tools outils
amounts quantités
: 62-


Blyton (to write) prodigiously —some 700 books and 10,000 short stories around
58 sets of characters before she (to die) in 1968. About 500 books (to remain) in print
and 8.5 million (to sell) every year in more than thirty languages. Indonesia, Turkey
and Japan somewhat surprisingly (to go) for the English girls’ boarding schools series,
the French (to adore) Oui-Oui, as Noddy (to know), and in Germany the Famous
Five, who (to solve) their mysteries by (to sleuth) around ruined castles and secret
passages, are so popular that the state broadcaster ZDF (to invest) a 40% stake in the
26-episode TV series.
And all this without really (to try). Marvels Enid Blyton Company's managing
director David Lane: “On reputation alone and without any marketing whatsoever,
Blyton (to sell) upwards of 300 million books.”

1. Ecrivez en toutes lettres les nombres et les dates suivants :

700 / 10,000 / 58 / 500 / 8.5 million / 40% / 26 / 300 million / in 1968
sonressesossseseesscesenoesseceossesesesesssscesseseseseseessesessssoeeeessssesesssseseseesseseessscesenssss cesse essesssessssssssssss


2. Rétablissez les formes correctes des verbes entre parenthèses.

3. Entourez la syllabe accentuée :
prodigiously - characters - Indonesia - Japan - managing - director

4. Construisez une phrase cohérente à l'aide de chaque série d'éléments ci-dessous :

waned / readers / never /among / popularity / her/has / her

toossss esse sessens serons sssosssnsssesseesesese sense ssseses esse sssessesessseeesseccsessssesesesosssnssseseseessecessesssrsssseses

tonrssssssoosssonennonsssesen se neessressesesseneeecenee ess sense nes eenesesesssseensssssesen eee seseessesesssssesss essences sssssssesse

5. Complétez le paragraphe suivant à l'aide des éléments ci-dessous :

as / on / even though / these / with / still
NOW Cr: ) the books she wrote in the ‘40s and '50s revised and edited for the sensibilities
of the ‘90s, Blyton is deemed clean, safe and morally sound again —(.......… ) her girl
characters (.......….. ) happily take (.....….. ) all the cleaning and dishwashing. [Says a BBC
executive]: “Americans are deeply concerned about violence (.....……. ) days. These delightful,
innocent books will be seen (......… ) an antidote.”
6. Traduisez
Enid Blyton compte parmi les auteurs pour enfants les plus traduits dans le monde. Assez
curieusement elle est peu connue aux Etats-Unis. Mais la firme familiale a vendu les droits
d'auteurs à un groupe qui compte lancer une série de produits destinés à faire connaître le
Club des Cinq aux jeunes lecteurs américains et à leurs parents.

Rappel lexical
short stories nouvelles whatsoever d'aucune sorte
to remain demeurer upwards of plus de
somewhat plutôt to deem considérer
boarding schools pensionnats sound sain
to sleuth enquêter to be concerned être préoccupé
- 09


Lipstick was (not + to invent) by Max factor. Even Cleopatra (to redden) her lips
to increase her allure. But Mr Factor (may + to think) of (...) name. (...) professio
(to prefer) to call their trade maquillage. But (...) lipstick, eye-shadow, make-up, all
(..) terms that (to popularise) by Mr Factor, (to compose) of (...) simple words,
easily (to understand). “Make-up in seconds, look lovely for hours,” (to be) (...)
headline in (...) typical Max Factor advertisement featuring (...) stunningly lovely
movie goddess. For (...) millions of ordinary women Mr Factor (to simplify) (...)
complicated task of looking, or at least feeling, like (...) goddess, and in (...) process
(to help) to create (...) first major international cosmetic business. “Before Max
Factor (to make) it respectable,” according to one social historian, “nice girls (not to
wear) make-up.”
By the 1950s the company (to have) 10,000 employees and (to sell) its goods in
more than 100 countries. In one year sales (to go up) by 600%. Of other Americans
whose names (to become) identified world wide with a product, only Henry Ford (to
have) this degree of fame.
The Economist

1. Rétablissez la forme correcte des verbes entre parenthèses.

2. Complétez le texte à l'aide des articles a / an / the / ou du symbole ©.

3. Entourez la syllabe accentuée :
professionals - advertisement - ordinary - complicated - international - cosmetic - company

4. Construisez une phrase cohérente à l'aide de chaque série d'éléments ci-dessous :

they/ by/men / using / could / their/enhance / persuaded / manliness / scent / were



5. Traduisez
Les produits français de luxe sont célèbres dans le monde entier. Ils représentent une part
importante des exportations nationales et sont, au-delà de cette simple dimension
économique, un moyen de faire connaître un certain mode de vie à la française. La
concurrence étrangère ne saurait être ignorée, notamment dans le domaine des
cosmétiques, cependant la couture et les parfums dont le prestige est inégalé restent
largement en tête.

Rappel lexical
eye-shadow mascara stunningly à vous couper le souffle
make-up maquillage goods produits
headline titre fame célébrité
featuring où trônait


The Edinburgh International Festival (to found) in 1947, a time of rationing and
auster(.….). Europe (to struggle + still) to recover from the war. It was a dar(...)
attempt to encourage the arts of peace by bringing to this previous(...) austere
north(...) capital the best music, theatre and so forth that could (to find). Succe(...)
was beyond all expecta(.….), partly because there was then little competition.
Salzburg, Bayreuth and the othe(.….) great festivals were still in suspen(.….) and only
Edinburgh was brave or reck(...) enough to fill the gap. The reputation which
Edinburgh then (to establish) (to remain), desp(...) the subse(..….) proliferation of
festivals almost every(...).
Perhaps because of this reputation, a great diver(...) of other activities, some
brill(.…) and some abysmal, (to draw) to Edinburgh. The so-called Fringe, which is
unplanned and uncontrolled, grows irresistibly and now has over 9,000 perform(.…)
in 14,000 perform(.…). There are separ(.…) festivals of film, television and jazz.
The Economist

1. Conjuguez les verbes entre parenthèses.

2. Ajoutez aux mots inachevés leur terminaison correcte.

3. Entourez la syllabe accentuée :
recover - attempt - encourage - previously - festivals - suspense - irresistibly - performances -

4. Construisez une phrase cohérente à l'aide de chaque série d'éléments ci-dessous :

introduced / young / great / year/ artists / festival / number/ of / this / the / a
msn nesens one sssonesssessssssssoseeeesssessesssessesesessesecessessessesccessseenssesensessesesessesesesessesesssessessenesssenee

snnnnnssensmnnsessm ne ssssessosessseesessnesseseeosesenesssssssensessssssonseseseneeesesesessesrenessesenesesssesessssesensseunsessasesssssse

smsssosssnsesnsssse seen enesesssssssssessssssesssesseessssecsesssssssssesessssessesesesennsssnsessseconmesensnnsssssenesssessesssees

5. Traduisez
Durant l'année nous avons peu de temps pour sortir. Heureusement, les festivals d'été
offrent d'excellentes occasions de voir certains des spectacles que nous avons manqués.
Bien sûr il convient d'être prudent et de réserver les places longtemps à l'avance si l'on veut
avoir une chance de profiter de ces représentations estivales.

Rappel lexical
to recover se remettre to fill the gap pour combler le vide
attempt tentative to remain demeurer
- 65-


Descartes did it (..) a stove. Diderot did it (...) the garden of the Palais Royal. But
there really (to be) nowhere like a Paris café to think (...) the world. In the 1940s and
1950s Jean-Paul Sartre and other intellectuals (to preach) (...) small knots of disciples
(....) the Lipp, the Flore and the Deux Magots. In the 1960s students (to argue) (...)
anarchism and the different brands of Marxism (...) smoke-filled cafés (+. tne
Sorbonne. The hot topics after that —grand theories of culture known as structuralism
and deconstruction— (to be) now in turn as stale as yesterday's croissants. But
speculative café talk (never + to die). The earnestness is still there, even if the mood
(to change): ‘“isms” are (...), Socrates is (...).
The Economist

1. Conjuguez les verbes entre parenthèses.

2. Insérez les prépositions manquantes.
3. Entourez la syllabe accentuée :
intellectuals - structuralism - deconstruction - speculative - Socrates

4. Construisez une phrase cohérente à l'aide de chaque série d'éléments ci-dessous :

the / round / off / meals / generally/good / debates

nono nesnnesesensseseesesenmeesssessessessssecesssesesenesseseosesesesoesescesececeessesesssssssesssesssssessseseesesssssssssereesee

nn nssensenssoocsmssenssenssesesesssessssesnesesseseseseseseeesesesessecesessssesccessesecesssssseesecessesececesesssssssesessessesesse

5. Complétez le paragraphe suivant à l'aide des éléments ci-dessous :

what/such as / themselves / up / with / other way/ use of/ beyond
Speakers grapple (......…. ) subjects (........ ) eternity, the (.......… ) paradox in philosophy,
and light and darkness; try to peer (........ ) good and evil; and ask (......… ) whether to be
free is to accept (........ ) happens to us, whether one should give (.......… ) trying to search
for answers, whether man should adapt to nature or the (.......…. ) round.

6. Traduisez
Le succès de tels cafés philosophiques est peut-être dû au besoin de certains de faire
entendre leur voix dans un monde qui laisse de moins en moins aux gens le temps de
s'arrêter pour écouter ce que veulent leur dire ceux qu'ils côtoient. Les nouveaux disciples de
Socrate ne changeront pas le monde autour d'un repas mais nul en tout cas ne peut leur
reprocher la convivialité de leurs débats.

Rappel lexical
stove poêle earnestness véhémence
knots groupes mood humeur
to argue débattre to grapple se colleter
topics sujets to peer scruter
stale rassis
_ 66-


corrigé 41
1.2. The swimming-pool floor at the Quality Inn in Kingman, Arizona, is emblazoned with a
giant sign saying “Route 66”. In the lobby, Route 66 memorabilia, from T-shirts and caps to
key-rings and maps are on sale. Outside in the forecourt, in front of some old petrol pumps,
a 1964 Corvette is being raffled for $5 a ticket. The proceeds are for Kingman's Route 66
museum, one of several springing up along the “Main Street of America”, as early boosters
called the road that twisted its way for 2,400 miles across eight states from Chicago to Los
Growing numbers of people are heading back along it. Some 80% of the road has survived
into the age of the Interstates. Now it is not so much a means of getting (slowly) from A to
B, but a place to watch nostalgic baby-boomers, clutching their copies of Jack Kerouac and
John Steinbeck and humming the lyrics of “Route 66”.
3. Arizona / memorabilia / proceeds / museum / Chicago / interstates /
4. | have heard that he never was very keen on museums
have you ever won anything at a raffle or a lottery?
“Route 66” is famous for being one of the most recorded songs ever
5. He is very familiar wih American literature. The novels of the fifties are his favorite. This
kind of books is not too expensive as most of them can be found in pocket editions in all
good bookstores. You can even buy some in supermarkets at incredibly low prices.

corrigé 42
1.2. Which of these situation-comedies would you laugh most at? À young woman who
prefers home to job becomes an unpaid agony aunt to two girifriends; a charity worker in a
dead-end affair with a married man and a public-relations agent who pines for a gay
hospital doctor. A jaded ex-dictator from Africa ekes out retirement in London's swish St
John's Wood, lording it over two remaining servants and unable to fall asleep unless
watching Disney's “The Lion King”. À cave-dwelling tribe in 25,001 BC is riven by gender
war, but the tribe's unclubbable feminists are thrown by the arrival of a gorgeous mammoth-
hunter from another valley.
If none of the three sounds promising, it may be because it is seldom the “sit” that makes sit-
coms funny. As most professional jokemen will tell you, plots matter less than characters,
situations less than scripts.
3. comedies / agony / affair / agent / Africa / unclubbable / promising / professional
4. some say that humour is and has always been a very delicate business
the question is to know whether this will be funny
this is the most hilarious situation he has ever thought of
5. | have been told that the humour in the American comedies of the forties resulted from
very serious work. In those films the initial situations are rather simple and yet they provide
opportunities for gags which allow the actors to play on various registers sometimes going
from tears to laughter but the golden rule of the genre is the ‘happy end'.
- O7

corrigé 43
1. 2. Right from the start, © cars had their critics as well as their admirers. A century ago
one French writer, seeing the smoke belching from early automobiles, predicted that “the
petroleum spirit cab will never be a practical proposition in @ large towns.” People have been
coming up with variations on that warning ever since. But 9 enthusiasm for the new toy
generally prevailed. In the early days, well-publicised races, such'as the one from Peking to
Paris in 1907, were held to demonstrate that the new-fangled contraption was reliable and
capable of covering @ long distances. But production runs were still short. In Europe, the
largest producer was Argyll Motor Works in the Vale of Leven near Glasgow, making about
1,000 cars a year. Only Henry Ford in Detroit did better; in his first year, 1903, he produced
3. admirers / century / automobiles / practical / proposition / enthusiasm / generally /
demonstrate / distances
4. itis hard to believe that they thought the car had no future
few people today can see themselves without a car
in many places cars could be done without
5. It is difficult today to understand how some people could doubt the future of automobiles a
century ago. But who, for instance, can foretell what the means of communication or the new
therapies will be tomorrow?
Many people show scepticism, even hostility. Indeed, the problems linked to car use in highly
urbanized zones have not been solved yet.

corrigé 44
1. 2. Madmen, recluses, folk with a strong sense of the supernatural: some of the best
artists this century have sprung from their ranks. They are @ marginal men and women, as
the name “Outsiders” suggests, belonging neither to 9 art academies nor to the fashionable
avant-garde. Some do not even consider themselves artists; there are a few who have no
idea that what they create so compulsively is Q art. Untaught and free from 9 commonplace
cultural conditioning, they make 9 pictures and objects (even large domestic and garden
creations) that are elaborate in strange, hallucinatory imagery and intricate, kaleidoscopic
patterns, glowing often with © psychedelic colour and © deep spiritual feeling.
Outsider art is not a new phenomenon. The first issue of The Economist, in 1843, carried an
article about Richard Dadd, an English painter who had just killed his father. Dadd had
worked along © conventional lines before then but spent the rest of his life in Bedlam and
Broadmoor painting highly imaginative fantasy works.
3. marginal / academies / compulsively / domestic / hallucinatory / imagery / intricate /
kaleidoscopic / psychedelic /phenomenon / imaginative / fantasy
4. the art market has known some ups and downs lately
some museums have been going through serious financial trouble
they are putting out a list of next year's exhibitions
5. Jardin à Auvers, a stunning landscape [...] has become the focus of a heated controversy.
Though the world's leading Van Gogh specialists insist that his authorship is beyond any
doubt, questions raised by a French art critic, backed by a handful of independent
researchers, suggest that the painting is actually a Van Gogh-style pastiche [...]
- 68-

corrigé 45
1.2. He died in Paris, attended by his longtime love Catherine Deneuve and their daughter
Chiara. But Marcello Mastroianni's compatriots would not let the actor known as “the face of
Italy” pass into S memory without a poetic farewell. So just after 9 sunset on the day he
succumbed, at 72, to pancreatic cancer, his wife Flora stood with the mayor of Rome and
500 other mourners atthe Trevi Fountain, into whose waters Anita Ekberg had lured
Mastroianni in the famous scene from Federico Felini's 1960 La Dolce Vita. Now the lights
faded, the water from the Neptune statue stopped, a lone flutist played the theme from 8’,
as 9 two black drapes were stretched over the fountain. It was a last token of 9 love to a
man who was imperfect and irresistible.
3. compatriots / Italy / memory /pancreatic / imperfect / irresistible
4. he was born near Rome to a carpenter who went blind
during the war he escaped from a German labour camp
he acted in a surprising variety of roles over the decades
5. “Mastroianni” became a kind of emotional cologne for the modern man. And no one wore
the style as elegantly as he: the dark suit, the narrow tie, the eyes of a man who's been up
three nights straight doing things that would excite anyone but him. These art films won
international success because of his effortless allure.[...] We could happily watch Marcello
being unhappy, doing anything or nothing.

corrigé 46
1.2. To the ancient Greeks, the Chimera was a female monster [...] Modern biology, too,
- recognises chimeras. Like the one that terrorised ancient Lycia, they are mixed-up creatures.
They are composed of cells which, while not from different spedes, have more than one
genetic pedigree. They are also generally female. But far from being unique, they are
ubiquitous. For, to biologists, every pregnant mammal is a chimera.
This creates an awkwardness for a pregnant creature's immune system. This system is
designed to recognise foreign tissues (which usually belong to parasites), and destroy them.
A fetus, however, is also foreign tissue, because half of its genes (and therefore lots of the
proteines of which it is made) are paternal. And, though a few mothers might regard their
fetuses as parasites, natural selection cannot afford to. So, by a mechanism that is not yet
well understood, fetuses are exempted from the attentions of the maternal immune system.
3. biology / different / unique / awkwardness / parasites / paternal / mechanism
4. the Greeks seem to have approached science in a very poetic way
biology is a source of never-ending philosophical questions
what will be left when all the questions are answered?
5. In 1347 rats and fleas stirred up by Tartar traders cutting caravan routes through Central
Asia brought bubonic plague to Sicily. In the space of four years, the Black Death killed up
to 300million people. In 1520 Cortés' army carried smallpox to Mexico, wiping out half the
native population. In 1918 a particularly virulent strain of flu swept through troops in the
trenches of France.

corrigé 47
1.2. Officially @ egalitarian France has no aristocracy. 9 titles were abolished in the first
year of the revolution. Yet few nations are as caste-conscious as the French —at least
- 69 -

among that social elite who, for @ want of a more appropriate term, describe themselves
being de bonne famille. Its members are to be found inthe Bottin Mondain, the snob's bible
Without which no self-respecting French hostess or mother would wish to find herself.
The Bottin [...] contains the names, @ addresses and 9 telephone numbers of @ 44,000
families (0.5% of the population) who, in the words of the Bottin's publicity blurb, “recognise
themselves as belonging to the same cultural and social community by © virtue of their
shared decision to register themselves in the Bottin”. |
But how do they get in? On the face of it, just by applying. The Bottin gets as many as 1,600
requirements a year, but fully a third are rebuffed. The vast majority of those who make it
are the children of © families already in.
3. officially / abolished / elite / telephone / recognise / majority / families
4. they said they would not even read his letter of application
why put so much stock in having your name on a list?
he insisted on being admitted among the chosen few
5. Owing a chateau or a large estate helps. So does belonging to the “right” club. Schooling,
on the other hand, is pretty unimportant. So is wealth: many of the “best” French families are
now impoverished.
Indeed the nec plus ultra of snobbery is to refuse inclusion in the Bottin. That is a luxury,
however, that only the very socially confident or insouciant can afford —and there are not
too many of them in the egalitarian France of today.

corrigé 48
1. two hundred and thirty / five thousand seven hundred and fifty one / three thousand two
hundred and forty / eight hundred / eight hundred and fify five / sixty three per cent/ nineteen
ninety three / nineteen eighty
2. About 230 people die in @ car accidents in every two days in America: as many as died
when the TWA flight exploded over the Atlantic.
In fact, © air accidents barely register in America's mortality statistics. In 1993, 5,751 children
died from gunfire and 3,240 people of all ages died from food-related suffocation. Only 800
died in Q air crashes. In 1994, the figure was 855.
In general, heart disease, cancer and strokes are the biggest killers, but the leading causes
of 9 death vary according to age, sex and race. For those aged one to 24, accidents top the
list. In the 25-44 age group, the biggest single killer is now 9 AIDS.
9 Men are more likely to die of accidents, @ AIDS and suicide, whereas @ women tend to
die of pneumonia and influenza. Far more blacks than whites, proportionally, are murdered.
The homicide rate has declined in @ recent years; in 1994, it was not one of the top ten
causes of © death. But 9 suicide has crept up.
3. accidents / Atlantic / register/mortality / statistics / pneumonia / proportionally
4. it is sometimes very difficult to determine what caused a person's death
studies help but they do not provide real explanations
tighter road safety regulations should result in fewer casualties
5. But regardless of race, suicide trends are grim for young Americans. Since 1950, the rate
of suicide among those between 15 and 19 has risen almost fourfold. The reason for the
growth seems to be the proliferation of guns. Available evidence suggests that attempted
suicides have stayed flat in recent years, while deaths from suicides have soared.

corrigé 49
1. one hundred and ten / ten thousand / eleven thousand and one / one thousand and ten / a
hundred and one / nineteen hundred / nineteen nineteen / two thousand / two thousand and
one / April eleventh / September third / January first / December thirty first
2. For most Australians, the benign image of the rabbit conveyed by Peter Rabbit simply
doesn't apply. Ever since a landowner imported and released 12 wild rabbits in 1859, they
have multiplied into a ravenous horde that nibbles away at the nation's crops and
agricultural profits. Planning for systematic extermination programs began in the 1940s,
when an estimated 1 billion rabbits devoured produce, causing land erosion and
destroying native habitats. Government scientists introduced myxomatosis, an anti-rabbit
virus from Brazil, in the 19505; though the campaign reduced the rabbit population to 100
million within two years, the survivors quickly built up immunity and restocked their
3. image / landowner / ravenous / agricultural / systematic / programs / produce /
government/ Brazil / immunity.
4. in 1984 a virus that began sweeping through China's rabbit population gave Australians
new hope
5. Harmless to humans, rabbit calicivirus disease (RCD) was introduced to Europe in the
‘80s, probably via smuggled rabbit products, and has helped bring rabbit population down to
tolerable levels. Impressed by the well-documented results, Australia's Commonwealth
Scientific and Industrial Research Organization imported a batch of the virus from the Czech
Republic in 1991 and, after three years of safety tests, set up the experimental station on
Wardang Island for field trials.
6. There were many Chinese and Brazilians at the party last Friday at the Australian
embasssy. À Mexican who had spent some years in Switzerland made a speech which all
the guests liked very much. Everybody left saying said they hoped they would see each other
again soon.

corrigé 50
1.2. “Dead Man’ is an odyssey that takes its young hero, an accountant from Cleveland
named William Blake (Johnny Depp), through 9 hell. It will leave him, perhaps, onthe
portals of @ heaven. 9 Hell is the pitiless, violent frontier town of Machine, where Blake has
been promised an accounting job that never materializes at the Dickinson Mining Works.
Instead, this timid, peaceable man finds himself wounded in a gunfight in which he kills the
son of the mining-works owner (Mitchum). With a price on his head, a piece of land near his
heart and © three notorious and bizarre hired guns on his trail [...] the fugitive begins his
flight. His only ally is a strange outcast Indian named Nobody [.…] who, conversant in English
literature, takes him for the great apocalyptic English poet William Blake. But this is America,
where the gun is mightier than the tongue.
3. odyssey / accountant / materializes / notorious / fugitive / conversant / literature /
4. life in the Old West must not always have been pleasant
Robert Mitchum had the leading part in a number of famous movies
it is difficult to say whether this young actor will become famous
5. But anyone expecting an anachronistic, hipster sendup of the Old West is in for a
Surprise. The mordant, deadpan humor that streaks through “Dead Man’ is echt Jarmusch,

but it's in the service of his most mysterious and deeply felt movie, a meditation on death
and transfiguration that, by the end, has thrown off the protective veil of irony.
6. 1 do not go to the movies as much as | used to. For one thing | spend a lot of time studying
and tickets are far too expensive. Today you cannot afford to choose the wrong movie.
Unfortunately when you see the number of new films which come out every week, you have
a hard job making your choice.

corrigé 51
1.2. Most people are content to assume that their salad is a wholesome thing. How
Splendid, as you tuck in, to summon into the mind's eye the picture of a sun-baked olive
grove in the Mediterranean, a peasant farmer leading his donkey to @ market, the baskets
on its back brimming with Q freshly picked olives. It is not the intention of this article to spoil
anyone's apetite. But @ consumers should know that at some point between the donkey
ride, the pressing of those olives into olive oil, and the arrival of the oil in the local
supermarket, the stuff may have undergone a little “mispractice” —as it is sometimes called
in the scientific literature. In 9 other words the bottle may have been mislabelled to indicate
that it is rather better than it is, or it may contain something in @ addition to the olive oil-
sunflower oil, for example.
Spotting mispractice can be hard, unless the mispractitioners are so stupid as to adulterate
the product with something poisonous. Sometimes they are this stupid.
3. Mediterranean / apetite / supermarket /mispractice / literature / indicate / mispractitioners
/ adulterate
4. adulterated oil caused the death of several hundred people
very often the consumer does not get what is promised
the world olive oil market provides Mediterranean farmers with a quarter of their income
5. One [...] trick is “extending fruit juices —particularly orange juice— with cane or beet
sugar. Sugar is cheaper than fruit juice, so this is quite cost-effective. In 1993 Paramount
Citrus (a fruit-juice company based in California) was fined $6.9m for this practice.[.…..]
Chemically, however, sugar is sugar. Working out whether it came from a citrus fruit is not
that easy.
6. Many people do not pay enough attention to the quality of the products they buy.
Customers do not always have enough time to read carefully the information on the
packages. Sometimes too those short texts are written in such a strange style that you
cannot understand the message. Being a wise shopper is not easy.

corrigé 52
1. 2. Time was, Mars was a busy place. Everybody, it seemed-or at least everybody at the
National Aeronautics and Space Administration-wanted to fling something the red planet's
way.[...] But [...] as America's interest in space travel waned in the post-Apollo years,
Washington's willingness to bankroll every grand scheme the space agency came up with
vanished. By the late 1970s, NASA-once the trust-fund baby of a doting Congress-had to be
choosy about where it spent its money; for the most part, it didn't choose Mars.
Now, however, just as public interest has been rekindled by first hints that there might have
been life on Mars, ships from the U.S. and Russia are starting to fly again. [...]

lronically, much of the trans-Mars traffic comes from a change not so much in science as in
economics: the new craft are dirt cheap —dfirt cheap by space standards.
3. aeronautics / interest / agency / ironically / economics / standards
4. the bigger spacecraft are better and bigger ones are better still
it is expected to reach Mars ten months after launch
where there's water there could be signs of long-ago life
5. “What we're hoping for,” says a director of the Mars exploration program, “is a ship that
will return a soil sample from Mars. That's the long-range goal of the program.” Smaller
ships, it appears, may not get a human being to Mars, but they may help bring a bit of Mars
back to earth.

corrigé 53
1.2. There have always been color crazes, historically brought on by mere availability. In
the early 18005, bright yellows were popularized by the introduction of chromate and
cadmium pigments, a development that greatly affected the painting of J.M.W. Turner.
Likewise, the Impressionists made generous use of the new blues and greens that emerged
in their days. In this century, novelty gave way to marketing as manufacturers came to
shape public tastes in color. In 1934, for instance, the American Tobacco Co. found that
women wouldn't buy Lucky Strikes because the then green box clashed with their clothes.
The solution: make green hot. In short order, the company set up a “color-fashion bureau,”
underwrote a green-theme society ball, enlisted magazine editors, and bought off French
couture houses. By year's end hordes of newly sensitized women started buying Lucky
Strike packs as fashion accessories.
3. historically / availability / development / Impressionists / generous / novelty /
manufacturers / company / accessories
4. for many people color is not a very important issue
is mismatching colors necessarily a sign of bad taste?
too many colors in the same place can be hard to swallow
5. The human eye can distinguish roughly 6 million colors, and as most of us know, not all
hues are created equal, chromatically speaking. A blue can be nearly black or nearly green
and still be blue. Moreover, ambient light changes everyhting. How many mornings have you
dressed in semidarkness only to show up at work in an outfit that looks as if it was
assembled in total darkness?

corrigé 54
1. During the first years of © life, the brain undergoes a series of extraordinary changes.
Starting shortly after © birth, a baby's brain, in a display of biological exuberance, produces
trillions more connections between Q neurons that it can possibly use. Then, through a
process that ressembles © Darwinian competition, the brain eliminates © connections, or 9
synapses, that are seldom or never used. The excess synapses in a child's brain undergo a
draconian pruning, starting around the age of 10 or earlier, leaving behind a mind whose
patterns of emotion and thought are, for better or worse, unique.
2. extraordinary / biological / exuberance / competition / eliminates /
3. mental circuits will enable the newborn infant to perceive a father's voice
the electrical activity of the brain cells changes the physical structure of the brain
nature cannot turn on a brain the way you would a computer
- #0

4. At birth a baby's brain contains 100 billion neurons, roughly as many nerve cells as there
are stars in the Milky Way. Also in place are a trillion glial cells, named after the Greek word
for glue, which form a kind of honeycomb that protects and nourishes the neurons. But while
the brain contains virtually all the nerve cells it will ever have, the pattern of Wiring between
them has yet to stabilize.
5. Some children are at greater risk than others. Still we should not ignore the environment's
power to remodel the brain. As early as the 70s the scientists had begun accumulating
evidence concerning the influence of activity over brain development. They have recently
begun using tools powerful enough to reveai the mechanisms which make those changes

corrigé 55
1.2. People are more of a threat to © sharks than vice versa. 9 Shark attacks average only
70-100 each year, and the number of humans actually killed is much lower. Many fewer, in
all probability, than the number of sharks who give their all to supply soup for a medium-
sized Chinese restaurant each week. But the sight of a dorsal fin slicing through the water
can still clear a holiday beach faster than you can say “Jaws”, “and in some waters the
danger to © surfers and © divers is very real.
The good news for those at risk is that there's now a new way to keep the sharks at bay. It's
called the POD-short for Protective Oceanic Device —and it has been developed by 9
South Africa's Durban-based Natal Sharks Board, one of the world's foremost shark
research institutes.
3. average / probability / developed / institutes
4. some approaches involved experiments with electrical force fields
the sharks' responses to relatively small impulses were surprising
areas previously considered too risky might be opened up
5. Scientists have battled for years to find an effective shark repellent. During World War II
the quest took on a particular urgency to protect downed aviators or sailors forced to
abandon ship. Various chemical repellents and detergents were tried, but they quickly
dispersed in the water.

corrigé 56
1. “ll put a girdle ‘round about the earth in 40 minutes,” declared Puck in A Midsummer Night
‘s Dream. Four hundred years after the play was first produced, the globe is being girdied
more thoroughly than Shakespeare ever dreamed. The transoceanic copper wires that
made communications possible in the presatellite era are being replaced by arrays of
sophisticated fiber optics capable of carrying huge amounts of data more reliably than the
electronic birds circling in the upper atmosphere. These new data links are the oil pipelines of
the information age, the prime conduits for the technological revolution. Where and how they
are built points the way to future change.
2. sophisticated / reliably / electronic / atmosphere / information / technological /
3. the project was approved by the countries involved in its construction
it will offer uninterrupted data traffic between Europe and Asia
the underwater cable sneaks its way across the ocean floor
«00 +

4. Recently a lot of worrying has been done about the Internet. People who are concerned
about anarchy tend to see it as a thrumming hive of villainy, where crazed extremists
exchange nerve-gas recipes and whip themselves into a frenzy by exchanging faulty
information about black helicopters. People who are fearful about government see the
Internet as the perfect tool for Big Brother.
5. The fiber-optic cable offers a number of advantages over satellite transmission. Voice and
data traffic is faster and cheaper. Yet the cable presents the problem of its vulnerability.
Unlike the satellite it may suffer among other things from the ravages of corrosion and runs
the occasional risk of shark bites

corrigé 57
1. seven hundred / ten thousand / fifty eight / five hundred / eight point five million / forty per
cent / twenty six / three hundred million / nineteen sixty eight
2. Blyton wrote prodigiously —some 700 books and 10,000 short stories around 58 sets of
characters before she died in 1968. About 500 books remain in print and 8.5 million sell
every year in more than thirty languages. Indonesia, Turkey and Japan somewhat
Surprisingly go for the English girls’ boarding schools series, the French adore Oui-Oui, as
Noddy is known, and in Germany the Famous Five, who solve their mysteries by sleuthing
around ruined castles and secret passages, are so popular that the state broadcaster ZDF
invested a 40% stake in the 26-episode TV series.
And all this without really trying. Marvels Enid Blyton Company's managing director David
Lane: “On reputation alone and without any marketing whatsoever, Blyton has sold upwards
of 300 million books.”
3. prodigiously / characters / Indonesia / Japan / managing / director
4. her popularity has never waned among her readers
the children live in their own virtually adultless world
She came under criticism for lacking in literary quality
5. Now with the books she wrote in the ‘40s and '50s revised and edited for the sensibilities
of the ‘90s, Blyton is deemed clean, safe and morally sound again —even though her girl
characters still happily take on all the cleaning and dishwashing. [Says a BBC executive]:
“Americans are deeply concerned about violence these days. These delightful, innocent
books will be seen as an antidote.”
6. Enid Blyton is one of the world's most translated children's authors. Curiously enough she
is little known in the U.S. But the family firm sold the copyrights to a group which
intends to
launch an array of products destined to introduce The Famous Five to young
readers and their parents.

corrigé 58
1.2. Lipstick was not invented by Max factor. Even Cleopatra reddened her
lips to increase
her allure. But Mr Factor may have thought of the name. The professio
nals prefer to call
their trade maquillage. But © lipstick, eye-shadow, make-up, all
@ terms that were
popularised by Mr Factor, are composed of @ Simple words, easily understo
od. “Make-up
in seconds, look lovely for hours,” was the headline in a typical Max
Factor advertisement
featuring a stunningly lovely movie goddess. For @ millions of ordinary
women Mr Factor
simplified the complicated task of looking, or at least feeling, like a
goddess, and in the

process helped to create the first major international cosmetic business. “Before Max
made it respectable,” according to one social historian, “nice girls did not wear make-up.”
By the 1950s the company had 10,000 employees and was selling its goods in more than
100 countries. In one year sales went up by 600%. Of other Americans whose names
become identified world wide with a product, only Henry Ford had this degree of fame.
3. professionals / advertisement / ordinary / complicated / international / cosmetic /
4. men were persuaded they could enhance their manliness by using scent
entirely new markets have been created
Soldiers look even fiercer when camouflaged with cosmetic paint
5. French products are famous worldwide. They are an important part of domestic exports as
well as, beyond this mere economic dimension, a means of advertising a certain ‘à la
française’ lifestyle. Foreign competition cannot be overlooked, especially in the field of
cosmetics, nevertheless couture and perfumes whose prestige remains unequalled still rank

corrigé 59
1.2. The Edinburgh International Festival was founded in 1947, a time of rationing and
austerity. Europe was still struggling to recover from the war. It was a daring attempt to
encourage the arts of peace by bringing to this previously austere northern capital the best
music, theatre and so forth that could be found. Success was beyond all expectation, partly
because there was then little competition. Salzburg, Bayreuth and the other great festivals
were still in suspense and only Edinburgh was brave or reckless enough to fill the gap. The
reputation which Edinburgh then established has remained, despite the subsequent
proliferation of festivals almost everywhere.
Perhaps because of this reputation, a great diversity of other activities, some brilliant and
some abysmal, has been drawn to Edinburgh. The so-called Fringe, which is unplanned and
uncontrolled, grows irresistibly and now has over 9,000 performers in 14,000 performances.
There are separate festivals of film, television and jazz.
3. recover / attempt / encourage / previously / festivals / suspense / irresistibly /
performances / separate
4. this year the festival introduced a great number of young artists
some think there should not have been so many performances
a large number of companies would like to be invited to participate
5. We have little time to go out during the year. Fortunately summer festivals offer great
opportunities to see some of the shows we missed. Of course you have to be careful and
make very early reservations if you want a chance to enjoy those summer performances.

corrigé 60
1. 2. Descartes did it by a stove. Diderot did it in the garden of the Palais Royal. But there
really is nowhere like a Paris café to think about the world. In the 1940s and 1950s Jean-
Paul Sartre and other intellectuals preached to small knots of disciples at the Lipp, the Flore
and the Deux Magots. In the 1960s students argued about anarchism and the different
brands of Marxism in smoke-filled cafés around the Sorbonne. The hot topics after that
—grand theories of culture known as structuralism and deconstruction— are now in turn as

stale as yesterday's croissants. But speculative café talk has never died. The earnestness is
still there, even if the mood has changed: “isms” are out, Socrates is in.
3. intellectuals / structuralism / deconstruction / speculative / Socrates
4. good meals generally round off the debates
there is no lecturing and little talking down
some may have a training in philosophy and others may be self-taught
5. Speakers grapple with subjects such as eternity, the use of paradox in philosophy, and
light and darkness; try to peer beyond good and evil; and ask themselves whether to be
free is to accept what happens to us, whether one should give up trying to search for
answers, whether man should adapt to nature or the other way round.
6. The success of such philosophy cafés may be attributed to some people's need to make
themselves heard in a world which gives people less and less time to stop and listen to what
the person next to them has to say. Socrates' new disciples may not change the world over a
meal but no one can blame them anyway for the conviviality of their discussions.

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Texte 60............ The Economist, Feb. 8, 1997

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DETTE PP IC ADNSION in Des oi ne tenerelne ss osnepebaees ete creme cesse ti steonnes 34
Texte 34 1he Europe that Works... 59
Texte 35 The Biology of Beauty... 40
Texte 36 Space RACE... 41
outre pere ere Adi ueot NN 42
Texte 38 Staying YOUNG ss. 43
Texte 39 Global Phonrëé Brawl. re 44
Texte 40 Born t0 War. nn rereerer ec era 45
Texte 41 Route 66%. sense AR na en 46
Texte 42 Absolütely.Unpredictable. 2eme ee 47
Texte 43 Livingiwith.the Car... ia Re 48
Texte 44 Outside rte nn RE mare nt 49
Texte.45 Impertect.lrresistible...........s...
mt tes teen. Let. en 50
Texte.46.Incompatible Matings RIRERER 51
Texte.47.France's Bottin: Line. éssssssssmsssnssssrteusest
2 DORE, 52
Texte 48 The American Way of Death 53
Texte. 49.Rabbits Everywhere... 220 OEM. 54
Texte.50.Riding.the:Trail.to. Hell... to EME 55
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Texte.57:Enid BMON.ccce TU 0 ON SOON EE 62
Texte58 Max RacdO ls tlatset ERRTRERERE 63
Texte 59 The Edinburgh International Festival …............................................... 64
Téxte:60 PhilosophyiCafés.......1...mnsnc tmp ne HT AT an 65
Corrigés des textes. 41:à,60 .......0.esssiesen MR AE RMI TT on 66


Aubin Imprimeur Achevé d'imprimer en septembre 1997
LIGUGÉ. POITIERS N° d'impression L 54638
ue. R: Dépôt légal septembre 1997 / Imprimé en France
COMPÉTENCE EN PRÉPA ANGLAIS est destiné à aider les étudiants et les
élèves des classes préparatoires à faire face aux exigences linguistiques
des concours.
Composé de 60 extraits des grands hebdomadaires anglo-saxons accom-
pagnés de plus de 300 exercices d'exploitation grammaticale et syn-
taxique (dont un tiers corrigés intégralement), COMPÉTENCE EN PRÉPA
ANGLAIS se présente comme le support indispensable à un entraînement
régulier et méthodique aussi bien individuel que dans le cadre de la
Approfondir ses connaissances, élargir ses possibilités, mettre toutes les
chances de réussite de son côté sont les objectifs naturels du prépara-
tionnaire ; COMPÉTENCE PRÉPA ANGLAIS offre un atout maître pour
les atteindre.

ISBN 2-7298-4702-2

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