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A. Cases before the Second World War

A. Cas ant~rieurs i la seconde guerre mondiale
Observations du Gouvernement du Mexiquel
Au Mexique, le ph~nom~ne de Ia succession d'Etats (ou, plus exactement
peut-etre, de la substitution de la souverainet6) n'a eu que quelques
applications, dont, parmi les principales, les suivantes :
1) Le seul cas de succession totale a 60 celui enregistr6 le 27 septembre
1821, lorsque le Mexique est d6finitivement devenu ind6pendant de l'Espagne
et a donc assum6 tous les droits et obligations de 'ancienne m6tropole dont
faisaient partie le Vice-Royaume de. Ia Nouvelle-Espagne, Ia Capitainerie
g6n6rale du Yucatan, les Provinces int6rieures d'Orient et d'Occident, Ia
Haute et la Basse-Californie et les iles adjacentes dans les eaux situ6es de part
et d'autre du pays.
L'Espagne n'a reconnu l'ind6pendance du Mexique qu'i la conclusion,
entre les deux pays, du Trait6 de paix et d'amiti6 du 28 d6cembre 1836.
Comme le Mexique avait entre-temps reconnu (par un acte unilat6ral aussi
g6n~reux qu'inexplicable) les dettes contract6es jusqu'au 17 septembre 1810
par le Gouvernement du Vice-Roi et comme, d'autre part, le Gouvernement
du Mexique ind~pendant s'6tait abstenu de confisquer les biens des sujets
espagnols, le Trait6 de 1836 ent~rine ces deux faits et d6clare qu'il n'y a donc
aucune question en suspens entre les deux pays concernant des biens
territoriaux de quelque nature que ce soit.

1 Transmises par le Repr6sentant permanent du Mexique aupr~s de l'Organisation des

Nations Unies. Traduction par le Secretariat de l'Organisation des Nations Unies.
B. Cases after the Second World War
B. Cas post6rieurs Ala seconde guerre mondiale

(i) Trait6s


•NOIR, 3 JUILLET 19621

Lettre du Prsident de la Ripublique franpaise

au Presidentde I'Exdcutif provisoire de l'Etat algirien

La France a pris acte des r6sultats du scrutin d'autod6termination du

lerjuillet 1962 et de la mise en vigueur des d6clarations du 19 mars 1962.
Elle a reconnu l'ind6pendance de I'Alg6rie.
En cons6quence et conform6ment au chapitre V de la d6claration g6n6rale
du 19 mars 1962, les comp~tences aff6rentes i la souverainet sur le territoire
des anciens d6partements franqais d'Alg6rie sont, A compter de ce jour,
transf6r6es 'l'Ex6cutif provisoire de l'Etat alg6rien.


Lettre du Presidentde l'Exdcutif de l'Etatalgirien

au President de la Ripublique franfaise

J'ai l'honneur, au nom de l'Ex6cutif provisoire alg~ien, de vous accuser

r6ception de votre message et de prendre acte de la reconnaissance officielle,
par la Rpublique frangaise, de l'ind6pendance de I'Alg6rie.
Conform6ment au chapitre V des d6clarations d'Evian du 19 mars 1962,
I'Ex6cutif provisoire a ainsi requ ce jour transfert des comptences aff~rentes
i la souverainet6 sur le territoire alg~rien.
Le peuple frangais a, par le r6f6rendum du 8 janvier 1961, reconnu aux
Alg6riens le droit de choisir, par voie d'une consultation au suffrage direct et
universel, leur destin politique par rapport h la R6publique frangaise.
1 Nations Unies, Recueil des Traits, vol. 507, p. 25. Entr6 en vigucur le 3 juiUet
Les pourparlers qui ont eu lieu A Evian du 7 mars au 18 mars 1962 entre
le Gouvemement de la R6publique et le F.L.N. ont abouti 4 la conclusion
suivante :

Les garanties relatives h la mise en oeuvre de l'autod6termination et

l'organisation des pouvoirs publics en Algfrie pendant la p6riode transitoire
ont t& d6finies d'un commun accord.
La formation, h 'issue de l'autod6termination d'un Etat ind~pendant et
souverain paraissant conforme aux r6alit6s algbriennes et, dans ces conditions,
la coop6ration de la France et de l'Alg6rie r~pondant aux int6r~ts des deux
pays, le Gouvemement frangais estime avec le F.L.N. que la solution de
l'ind6pendance de l'Alg6rie en coop6ration avec la France est celle qui
correspond A cette situation. Le Gouvernement et le F.L.N. ont donc d6fini
d'un commun accord cette solution dans des d6clarations qui seront soumises
i l'approbation des 6lecteurs lors du sc'rutin d'autod6termination.

Chapitrejer - De l'organisationdes pouvoirs publics pendant

la piriode transitoireet des garantiesde l'autodgtermination
a) La consultation d'autod6termination permettra aux 61ecteurs de faire
savoir s'ils veulent que 'Alg6rie soit ind6pendante et, dans ce cas, s'ils veulent
que la France et l'Alg6rie coop~rent dans les conditions d6finies par les
pr6sentes d6clarations.

d) Jusqu'k l'accomplissement de l'autod6termination, l'organisation des

pouvoirs publics en Alg6rie sera 6tablie conform6ment au r~glement qui
accompagne la pr6sente d6claration.
II est institu6 un Ex6cutif provisoire et un Tribunal de l'ordre public.
La R6publique est repr6sent6e en Alg6rie par un Haut Commissaire.
Ces institutions et notamment 'Ex6cutif provisoire seront install6es d~s
l'entr6e en vigueur du cessez-le-feu.
e) Le Haut Commissaire sera d6positaire des pouvoirs de la R6publique
en Alg6rie, notamment en matire de d6fense, de s6curit6 et de maintien de
l'ordre en dernier ressort.
f) L'Ex6cutif provisoire sera charg6 notamment:
- d'assurer la gestion des affaires publiques propres h l'Alg6rie. I1dirigera
l'administration de l'Alg6rie et aura pour mission de faire acceder les
_A6riens aux emplois dans les diff6rentes branches de cette administration;
- de maintenir l'ordre public.II disposera, A cet effet, de services de police
et d'une force d'ordre plac6e sous son autorit6;
- de pr6parer et de mettre en oeuvre l'autod6termination.
g) Le.Tribunal de l'ordre public sera compos6 d'un nombre 6gal de juges
europ6ens et de juges musulnans.
h) Le plein exercice des libert6s individuelles et des libert~s publiques
sera r6tabli dans les plus brefs d6lais.
i)Le F.L.N. sera consid6r6 comme une formation politique de caract~re
m) Le scrutin d'autod~termination aura lieu dans un dMlai minimum de
trois mois et dans un d6lai maximum de six mois. La date en sera fix6e sur
proposition de l'Ex6cutif provisoire dans les deux mois qui suivront
l'instailation de celui-ci.

Chapitre II. - De l'indipendance et de la coopiration

Si la solution d'ind~pendance et de coop6ration est adoptbe, le contenu
des pr6sentes d6clarations s'imposera A l'Etat alg6rien.

A. - De l'indipendance de l'Algirie
I. - LEtat algirien exercera sa souveraineti pleine et entiire d l'intirieur
et d l'extdrieur
Cette souverainet6 s'exercera dans tous les domaines, notamment la
d6fense nationale et les Affaires 6trang~res.
L'Etat alg6rien se donnera librement ses propres institutions et choisira le
regime poitique et social qu'il jugera le plus conforme h ses int6rets. Sur le
plan international, il d6finira et appliquera en toute souverainet6 la politique
de son choix.
L'Etat alg~rien souscrira sans r6serve h la Dclaration universelle des droits
de l'homme et fondera ses institutions sur les principes d~mocratiques et Sur
l'6galit6 des droits politiques entre tous les citoyens sans discrimination de
race, d'origine ou de religion. 11 appliquera, notamment, les garanties
reconnues aux citoyens de statut civil franqaia

1I. - Des droits et libertis des personnes et leurs garanties

1. - Dispositions communes
Nul ne pourra faire l'objet de mesures de police ou de justice, de sanctions
disciplinaires ou d'une discrimination quelconque en raison :
- d'opinions 6mises A I'occasion des 6vbnements survenus en Alg6rie avant
le jour du scrutin d'autod6termination;
- d'actes commis h l'occasion des mimes 6v0nements avant le jour de la
proclamation du cessez-le-feu.
Aucun Alg~rien ne pourra etre contraint de quitter le territoire hlg6rien ni
empech d'en sortir.
2. - Dispositions concernant les citoyens franfais de statut civil de droit
a) Dans le cadre de la 16gislation alg6rienne sur la nationalit6, ia situation
l~gale des citoyens frangais de statut civil de droit commun est rtgl6e selon lea
principes suivants:
Pour une p6riode de trois ann6es A dater du jour de I'autod6termination,
les citoyens frangais de statut civil de droit commun :
- n~s en Alg6rie et justifiant de dix ann6es de residence habituelle et
r6guli~re sur le territoire alg6rien au jour de l'autod6termination;
- ou justifiant de dix ann6es de residence habituelle et itgulitre Sur le
territoire alg~rien au jour de I'autod6termination et dont le pire ou la mere n6
en Alg6rie remplit, ou aurait pu remplir, les conditions pour exercer les droits
- ou justifiant de vingt ann~es de r6sidence habitueUe et r6uli6re sur le
territoire alg6rien au jour de l'autod6termination, b6n6fideront. de plain
droit, deg droits ciicfu6k al646ns et ser6ftt onsidr6s, de ce fait, comme ifes
nationaux frangais exergant les droits civiquexp a4grien.,
Les nationaux frangais exergant les droits civiques algeriens ne pauvent
exercer simultan6ment les droits civiques frangais.
Au terme du d61ai de trois ann6es susvis6, Us acqui~rent la nationalit6
alg~rienne par une demande d'inscription ou de confirmation de leur
inscription sur les listes 6lectorales; h d6faut de cette demande, ils sont admis
au b6n6fice de Is convention d'6tablissement.
b) Afin d'assurer, pendant un d6lai de trois ann6es, aux nationaux
frangais exergant les droits civiques alg6riens et h l'issue de ce d61a, de faqon
permanente, aux Alg6riens de statut civil fran;ais, la protection de leur
personne et de leurs biens et leur participation r6gulitre h la vie de I'AIg6rie,
les mesures suivantes sorit pr6vues :
Us auront une juste et authentique participation aux affaires pubiques.
Dans les Assembles, leur repr6sentation devra correspondre i leur impor-
tance effective. Dans les diverses branches de la fonction publique, Us seront
assur6s d'une 6quitable participation.
Leur participation k Is vie municipale A Alger et h Oran fera l'objet de
dispositions particulibres.
Leurs droits de propri6t6 seront respect6s. Aucune mesure de d6po-
session ne sera prise h leur encontre sans l'octroi d'une indemnit6 6quitable
pr~alablement fix~e.
Ils recevront les garanties appropri~es A leurs particularismes culturel,
linguistique et religieux. lls conserveront leur statut personnel qui sera
respect6 et appliqu6 par des juridictions alg6ribnnes comprenant des magis.
trats de meme statut. Ils utiliseront la langue franqaise au sein des assembl6es
et dans leurs rapports avec les pouvoirs publics.
Une association de sauvegarde contribuera A la protection des droits qui
leur sont garantis.
Une cour des garanties, institution de droit intemne alg6rien, seracharg6e
de veiller au respect de ces droits.

B. - De la coopdration entre la France et l'Algirie

Les relations entre les deux pays seront fond6es, dans le respect mutual de
leur ind~pendance, sur la r~ciprocit6 des avantages et l'int~ret des deux
L'Alg~rie garantit les intrets de la France et les droits acquis des
personnes physiques et morales dans les conditions fix6es par les pr6sentes
dclarations. En contrepartie, la France accordera h l'Algirie son assistance
technique et culturelle et apportera A son d~veloppement 6conomique et
social une aide financi~re privigi~e.
1* Pour une p~riode de trois ns renouvelable, 'aide de la France sera
fix6e dans des conditions comparables et &un niveau dquivalent A ceux des
programmes en cours.
Dans le respect de l'ind~pendance commerciale it douanibre de l'Alg~rie,
les deux pays d6termineront les diff6rents domaines oi les 6changes
commerciaux b6n~ficieront d'un r6gime pr~frentieL
L'Alg6rie fera partie de la zone franc. Elle aura sa propre monnaie et ses
propres avoirs en devises. II y aura entre la France et l'Alg6rie libert6 des
transferts dans des conditions compatibles avec le d6veloppement 6cono-
mique et social de l'Alg~rie.
2 Dans les D6partements actuels des Oasis et de la Saoura, la mise en
valeur des richesses du sous-sol aura lieu selon les principes suivants :
a) La cooperation franco-alg6rienne sera assur~e par un organisme
technique de coop6ration saharienne. Cet organisme aura un caract~re
paritaire. Son rble sera notamment de d~velopper l'infrastructure n6cessaire i
1'exploitation du sous-sol, de donner un avis sur les projets de loi et de
r~glement k caract~re minier, d'instruire les demandes relatives i l'octroi des
titres miniers : l'Etat alg6rien d livrera les titres miniers et 6dictera la
legislation mini~re en toute souverainet6.
b) Les intrt&&s frangais seront assur6s notamment par:
- l'exercice, suivant les rigles du code p6trolier saharien, tel qu'il existe
actuellement, des droits attach6s aux titres miniers d~livr6s par la France;
- la pr~f6rence, A fgalit6 d'offre, aux soci~t6s franqaises dans l'octroi de
nouveaux permis miniers, selon les modalit6s pr6vues par la l6gislation mini~re
- le paiement en francs frangais des hydrocarbures sahariens h concur-
rence des besoins d'approvisionnement de la France et des autres pays de la
zone franc.
30 La France et l'Alg6rie d6velopperont leurs relations culturelles.
Chaque pays pourra cr6er sur le territoire de l'autre un office universitaire
et culturel dont les 6tablissements seront ouverts &tous.
La France apportera son aide i la formation de techniciens alg6riens.
Des personnels' franqais, notamment des enseignants et des techniciens,
seront mis h la disposition du Gouvernement algfrien par accord entre les
deux pays.


Premiere partie. - Dispositions g~nfrales

10 De la s~curitides personnes
Nul ne peut 8tre inquit6, recherch6, poursuivi, condamn6 ni faire l'objet
de d6cision p~nale, de sanction disciplinaire ou de discrimination quelconque,
en raison d'actes commis en relation avec les 6v0nements politiques survenus
en Alg6rie avant le jour de la proclamation du cessez-le-feu.
Nul ne peut ftre inquit , recherch6, poursuivi, condamn6, ni faire l'objet
de d6cision p6nale, de sanction disciplinaire ou de discrimination quelconque,
en raison de paroles ou d'opinions en relations avec les 6v~nements politiques
survenus en Alg6rie avant le jour du scrutin d'autod~termination.

2' De la liberti de circulerentre l'Algirie et la France

Sauf d6cision de justice, tout Alg~rien muni d'une carte d'identit6 est
libre de circuler entre l'Alg~rie et la France.
Les Alg6riens sortant du territoire algfien dans l'intention de s'6tablir
dans un autre pays pourront transporter leurs biens mobiliers hors d'Alg6rie.
Ils pourront liquider sans restrictions leurs biens immobiliers et transf6rer
les capitaux provenant de cette op6ration dans les conditions pr6vues par la
D6claration de principes relative A la coop6ration 6conomique et financire.
Leurs droits i pension seront respect6s dans les conditions pr6vues dans cette
meme d6claration.

Deuxi~me partie

Chapitreler. - De 1'exercice des droits civiques algiriens

ChapitreII. - Protection des droits et libertis des citoyens algiriens

de statut civil de droit commun
Afin d'assurer aux Alg6riens de statut civil de droit commun la protection
de leurs personnes et de leurs biens et leur participation harmonieuse h la vie
de l'Alg6rie, les mesures 6num6r6es au pr6sent chapitre sont pr6vues.
Les nationaux frangais exergant les droits civiques alg6riens dans les
conditions pr6vues au chapitre I ci-dessus b6n6ficient de ces memes mesures.
1. Les Alg6riens de statut civil de droit commun jouissent du meme
traitement et des memes garanties en droit et en fait que les autres Alg6riens.
Ils sont soumis aux memes devoirs et aux m8mes obligations.
2. Les droits et libert6s dffinis par la Dclaration universelle des droits
de rhomme sont garantis aux Alg6riens de statut civil de droit commun. II ne
peut etre pris i leur 6gard notamment aucune mesure discriminatoire en
raison de leur langue, de leur culture, de leur religion, et de leur statut
personnel. Ces traits caract6ristiques leur sont reconnus et doivent tre
3. Les Alg6riens de statut civil de droit commun seront, pendant cinq
ans, dispens6s du service militaire.
4. Les Alg6riens de statut civil de droit commun ont une juste part k la
gestion des affaires publiques, qu'il s'agisse des affaires g6n6rales de l'Alg6rie
ou de celes des collectivit6s locales, des 6tablissements publics et des
entreprises publiques.
Danls le cadre d'un coll~ge 6lectoral unique commun A tous les Algeriens,
les Alg6riens de statut civil de droit commun jouissent de l'61ectorat et de
5. Les Alg6riens de statut civil de droit commun ont, dans toutes les
Assembl6es A caract~re politique, administratif, 6conomique, social et
culturel, une juste et authentique repr6sentation.
a) Dans les Assembl6es h caract~re politique et dans les Assembl6es A
caractbre administratif (conseils r6gionaux, g6n6raux et municipaux), leur
repr6sentation ne pourra tre inferieure i leur importance au sein de la

1 Les dispositions de ce chapitre sont identiques i celles du paragraphe 2, a, de la

section A, II, chapitre II, d6claration gOn~rale (supra, p. 98).
population. A cet effet, dans chaque circonscription 6lectorale, un certain
nombre de si~ges A pourvoir sera, selon la proportion des Alg~riens de statut
civil de droit commun dans cette circonscription, r6serv6 aux candidats
alg6riens de ce statut, quel que soit le mode de scrutin choisi
b) Dans les Assembl6es A caract~re 6conomique, social et culturel, leur
representation devra tenir compte de leurs int6r~ts moraux et mat~riels.
6. a) La repr6sentation des Alg~riens de statut civil de droit commun au
sein des assembl6es municipales sera proportionnelle h leur nombre dans la
circonscription consid6r~e.

7. Une proportion 6quitable d'Alg6riens de statut civil de droit commun

sera assur6e dans les difffrentes branches de la fonction publique.
8. Les Alg6riens de statut civil de droit commun sont en droit de se
pr6valoir de leur statut personnel non coranique jusqu'A la promulgation en
Alg6rie d'un code civil Al'6aboration duquel ils seront associ6s.
9. Sans pr6judice des garanties ,r6sultant, en ce qui concerne la
composition du corps judiciaire alg~rien, des r~gles relatives i la participation
des Alg6riens de statut civil de droit commun au sein de la fonction publique,
les garanties spbcifiques suivantes sont pr6vues en mati6re judiciaire :

A. Quelle que puisse etre l'organisation judiciaire future de l'Alg6rie,

celle-ci comportera, dans tous les cas, en ce qui concerne les Alg~riens de
statut civil de droit commun :
- le double degr6 de juridiction, y compris en ce qui concerne les
juridictions d'instruction;
- le jury en mati~re criminelle;
- les voies de recours traditionnelles : pourvoi en cassation et recours en
B. En outre, dans 'ensemble de l'Algrie
a) Dans toute juridiction civile ou p6nale, devant laquelle devra compa-
raftre un Alg~rien de statut civil de droit commun, si~gera obligatoirement un
juge alg6rien de meme statut.
En outre, si la juridiction de jugement comporte un jury, le tiers des jur~s
seront des Alg6riens de statut civil de droit commun.
b) Dans toute juridiction p6nale si6geant i juge unique devant laquelle
comparaft un Alg6rien de statut civil de droit commun et dans laquelle le
magistrat ne serait pas un Alg~rien de meme statut, le juge unique sera assist6
d'un 6chevin choisi parmi les Alg~riens de statut civil de droit commun et qui
aura voix consultative.
c) Tout litige int6ressant exclusivement le statut personnel des Alg~riens
de statut civil de droit commun sera port6 devant une juridiction composke
en majorit6 de juges relevant de ce statut.
d) Dans toutes lesjuridictions ob est requise la presence d'un ou plusieurs
juges de statut civil de droit commun, ceux-ci peuvent 8tre suppl 6s par des
magistrats franqais d6tach~s au titre de a coop6ration technique.
10. .L'Alg6rie garantit la libert6 de conscience et la libert6 des cultes
catholique, protestant et isra6lite. Elle assure h ces cultes la libert6' de leur
organisation, de leur exercice et de leur enseignement ainsi que l'inviolabilit6
des lieux du culte.
11. a) Les textes officiels sont publi6s ou notifies dans la langue
frangaise en m~me temps qu'ils le sont dans la langue nationale. La langue
frangaise est utilis6e dans les rapports entre les services publics alg6riens et les
Alg6riens de statut civil de droit commun. Ceux-ci ont le droit de l'utiliser,
"notamment, dans la vie politique, administrative et judiciaire.
b) Les Alg6riens de statut civil de droit commun exercent librement leur
choix entre les divers 6tablissements d'enseignement et types d'enseignement.
c) Les Alg6riens de statut civil de droit commun, comfne les autres
Alg6riens, sont libres d'ouvrir et de g6rer des 6tablissements d'enseignement.
d) Les Alg6riens de statut civil de droit commun pourront fr6quenter les
sections franqaises que l'Alg6rie organisera dans ses 6tablissements scolaires de
tous ordres conform6ment aux dispositions de la Dclaration de principes
relative Ala cooperation culturelle.
e) La part faite par la radiodiffusion et ia t6l6vision alg6riennes aux
6missions en langue franqaise devra correspondre h l'importance qui est
reconnue A celle-ci
12. Aucune discrimination ne sera 6tabfie i 1'6gard des biens appartenant
i des Alg~riens de statut civil de droit commun, notamment en mati~re de
requisition, de nationalisation, de r6forme agraire et d'imposition fiscale.
Toute expropriation sera subordonn6e A une indemnit6 6quitable pr6ala-
blement fix6e.
13. L'Alg~rie n'6tablira aucune discrimination en mati~re d'accas h
l'emploi Aucune restriction A l'acc~s d'aucune profession, sauf exigence de
competence, ne sera ftablie.
14. La libert d'association et la libert6 syndicale sont garanties. Les
Alg~riens de statut civil de droit commun ont le droit de cr6er des
associations et des syndicats et d'adh6rer aux associations et syndicats de leur

ChapitreIl. - De l'association de sauvegarde

Les Alg6riens de statut civil de droit commun appartiennent, jusqu'h la
mise en vigueur des statuts, h une association de sauvegarde reconnue d'utilitO
publique et r6gie par le droit alg~rien.

Chapitre IV. - De la Cour des garanties

Les litiges sont, i la requete de toute partie alg6rienne int6ress6e, d6f6r6s &
la Cour des garanties.

Troisi~me partie

Franfaisrisidanten Algirie en qualiti d'trangers

Les Franqais, h 'exception de ceux qui b/6nficient des droits civiques
alg~riens, seront admis au b~n~fice d'une convention d'6tablissement
conforme aux principes suivants:
1. Les ressortissants frangais pourront entrer en Alg6rie et en sortir sous
le couvert soit de leur carte d'identit6 nationale franqaise, soit d'un passeport
frangais en cours de validit6.
lls pourront circuler librement en Alg6rie et fixer leur r6sidence au lieu de
leur choix.
Les ressortissants franqais r6sidant en Alg6rie, qui sortiront du territoire
alg6rien en vue de s'6tablir dans un autre pays, pourront transporter leurs
biens mobiliers, liquider leurs biens immobiliers, transf6rer leurs capitaux,
dans les conditions pr6vues au titre III de la D6claration de principes relative A
la coop6ration 6conomique et financiire et conserver le b~n6fice des droits i
pension acquis en Alg6rie, dans les conditions qui sont prevues dans la
Dclaration de principes relative h la coop6ration 6conomique et financi~re.
2. Les ressortissants frangais b6n6ficieront en territoire alg~rien de
l'6galit6 de traitement avec les nationaux en ce qui concerne
- la jouissance des droits civils en g6n6ral,
- le libre acc6s h toutes les professions assorti des droits n6cessaires pour
les exercer effectivement, notamment celui de g6rer et de fonder des
- le b6n6fice de la legislation sur 'assistance et la s6curit6 sociale,
- le droit d'acqu6rir et de ceder la proprit6 de tous biens meu'bles et
immeubles, de les g6rer, d'en jouir sous r6serve des dispositions concernant la
r6forme agraire.
3. a) Les ressortissants frangais jouiront en territoire alg6rien de toutes
les libert6s 6nonc~es dans la Dclaration universelle des droits de l'homme.
b) Les Frangais ont le droit d'utiliser la langue frangaise dans tous leurs
rapports avec la justice et les administrations.
c) Les Frangais peuvent ouvrir et g6rer en Alg~rie des 6tablissements
priv6s d'enseignement et de recherche, conform6ment aux dispositions pr6vues
dans la Dclaration de principes relative i la coop6ration culturelle.
d) L'Alg6rie ouvre ses 6tablissements d'enseignement aux Franqais.
Ceux-ci peuvent demander &suivre 'enseignement dispens6 dans les sections
pr~vues Ala Dclaration de principes relative aux questions culturelles.
4. Les personnes, les biens et les int~rets des ressortissants frangais seront
plac6s sous la protection des lois, consacr6e par le libre accbs aux juridictions.
Ils seront exempt6s de la caution judicatum solvt.
5. Aucune mesure arbitraire ou discriminatoire ne sera prise h 'encontre
des biens, int6rets et droits acquis des ressortissants fran~ais. Nul ne peut 6tre
privA de ses droits, sans une indemnit6 6quitable pr6alablement fixde.
6. Le Statut personnel: y compris le r~gime successoral, des ressortissants
frangais sera r~gi par la loi frangaise.
7. La legislation alg~rienne d6terminera 6ventuellement les droits ci-
viques et politiques reconnus aux ressortissants frangais en territoire alg~rien
ain&, que les conditions de leur admission aux emplois publics.
8. Les ressortissants frangais pourront participer dans le cadre de la
lbgislation alg~rienne aux activit~s des syndicats, des groupements de d~fense
professionnelle et des organisations repr~sentant les int~rets 6conomiques.
9. Les soci~t~s civiles et commerciales de droit frangais ayant leur sifge
social en France, et qui ont ou auront une activitO 6conomique en Algerie,
jouiront en territoire alg~rien de tous les droits, reconnus par le present texte,
dont une personne morale peut 8tre titulaire.
10. Les ressortissants frangais pourront obtenir en territoire alg6rien des
concessions, autorisations et permissions administratives et etre admis k
conclure des march6s publics dans les memes conditions que les ressortissants
11. Les ressortissants frangais ne pourront etre assujettis en territoire
alg6rien h des droits, taxes ou contributions, queue qu'en soit la d~nomi-
nation, diff6rents de ceux pergus sur les ressortissants alg6riens.
12. Des dispositions ult6rieures seront prises en vue de r6priner 1'vasion
fiscale et d'6viter les doubles impositions. Les ressortissants franqais b6ndfi-
cieront sur le territoire alg6rien, dans les memes conditions que les
ressortissants alg6riens, de toute disposition mettant A la charge de l'Etat ou
des collectivit6s publiques la r6paration des dommages subis par les personnes
ou les biens.
13. Aucune mesure d'expulsion h 'encontre d'un ressortissant franqais
jug6 dangereux pour l'ordre public ne sera mise i execution sans que le
Gouvemement franqais en ait Wt pr6alablement inform6. Sauf urgence
absolue, constat6e par une d6cision motiv6e, un d6lai suffisant sera laiss6 k
l'int6ress6 pour r6gler ses affaires instantes.
Ses biens et int6rets seront sauvegard~s, sous la responsabilit6 de 'Alg6rie.
14. Des dispositions compl6mentaires feront l'objet d'un accord ult6-



La coop6ration entre la France et l'Alg6rie dans les domaines 6conomique
et financier est fond6e sur une base contractuelle conforme aux principes
suivants :
10 L'Alg6rie garantit les int6r~ts de la France et les droits acquis des
personnes physiques et morales.
2 La France s'engage en contrepartie A accorder h l'Alg6rie son
assistance technique et culturelle et A apporter au financement de son
dveloppement 6conomique et social une contribution privil6gi~e que justifie
l'importance des intfrets franqais existant en Alg6rie.
30 Dans le cadre de ces engagements r6ciproques, la France et l'Alg6rie
entretiendront des relations privil6gi6es, notarnment sur le plan des 6changes
et de la monnaie.

Titre I. - Contributionfranfaise au dveloppement dconomique

et social de l'Alghrie
Article ler. - Pour contribuer de faqon durable I la continuit6 du
d6veloppement 6conomique et social de l'Alg6rie, la France poursuivra son
assitance technique et une aide financi~re privil~gi6e. Pour une premiere
p6riode de trois ans, renouvelable, cette aide sera fix6e dans des conditions
comparables et A un niveau 6quivalant &ceux des programmes en cours.

Titre II. - Echanges

Article 5. - Dans le cadre du principe de l'ind6pendance commerciale et
douanire de 'Alg~rie, les 6changes avec la France, 6tablis sur la base de la
r6ciprocit6 des avantages et de l'int6ret des deux parties, b6n6ficieront d'un
statut particulier correspondant aux rapports de coop6ration entre les deux

Article 7. - Les ressortissants algriens r~sidant en France et notamment

les travailleurs auront les memes droits que les nationaux franqais, h
l'exception des droits politiques.

Titre III. - Relations monitaires

Article 8. - L'Alg6rie fera partie de la zone franc. Ses relations avec cette
zone seront en outre d6finies contractuellement sur la base des principes
6nonc6s aux articles 9, 10 et I I ci-apr~s.
Article 9. - Les op6rations de conversion de monnaie alg6rienne en
monnaie franqaise et vice versa, ainsi que les transferts entre les deux pays,
s'effectuent sur la base des parit6s officielles reconnues par le Fonds
mon6taire international.
Article 10. - Les transferts A destination de la France b6n6ficieront d'un
r6gime de libert6. Le volume global et le rythme des op6rations devront
n6anmoins tenir compte des imp6ratifs du d6veloppement 6conomique et
social de l'Alg6rie, ainsi que du montant des recettes en francs de l'Alg6rie
tir6es notamment de l'aide financi~re consentie par la France.
Pour r'application de ces principes et dans le souci de pr6server I'Alg6rie
des effets de la sp6culation, la France et I'Algfrie se concerteront au sein
d'une commission mixte groupant les autorit~s mon6taires des deux pays.
Article 11. - Les accords relatifs h la coop6ration mon6taire entre ia
France et 'Alg6rie pr6ciseront notamment :
- les modalit6s de transfert du privifge d'6mission, les conditions
d'exercice de ce privilege durant la p6riode qui prtc6dera la mise en place de
lInstitut d'6mission alg6rien, les. facilit~s n6cessaires au fonctionnement de
cet institut;
- les rapports entre cet institut et la Banque de France en ce qui
conceme les conditions de participation de l'Alg6rie 5 la tr6sorerie commune
des devises, l'individualisation et le volume initial des droits de tirage en
devises, l'octroi d'allocations suppl6mentaires 6ventuelles en devises, le rtgime
des avoirs alg6riens en francs frangais correspondant aux droits de tirage en
devises et les possibilits de d6couvert en francs franqais;
- les conditions d'6tablissement de r~gles communes h '6gard des
op6rations trait6es dans des monnaies 6trang~res i Ia zone franc.

Titre IV. - Garantiesdes droits acquis et des engagements antdrieurs

Article 12. - L'Alg~rie assurera sans aucune discrimination une libre Ot
paisible jouissance des droits patrimoniaux acquis sur son territoire avant
'autod6termination. Nul ne sera priv6 de ces droits sans indemnitt 6quitable
pr6ablement fix~e.
Article 13. - Dans le cadre de la r6forme agraire, la France apportera i
l'Alg6rie une aide sp6cifique, en vue du rachat, pour tout ou pattie, de drdits
de proprit d6tenus par des ressortissants franqais.
Sur la base d'un plan de rachat 6tabli par les autorit6s aloriennes
comp6tentes, les modalit6s de cette aide seront fix6es par accord entre les
deux pays, de mani~re &concilier l'ex~cution de la politique 6conomique et
sociale de l'Alg6rie avec l'6chelonnement normal du concours financier de la
Article 14. - L'Alg~rie confirme l'int6gralit6 des droits attach6s aux titres
miniers ou de transports accord6s par la R6publique frangaise pour la
recherche, l'exploitation ou le transport des hydrocarbures liquides ou gazeux
et des autres substances min6rales des treize d6partements alg6riens du Nord;
le r6gime de ces titres restera celui de l'ensemble des dispositions applicables
la date du cessez-le-feu.
Le present article concerne l'ensemble des titres miniers ou de transport
d6livr6s par la France avant 'autod6termination; toutefois, apr~s le cessez-
le-feu, ilne sera pas d~livr6 de nouveaux permis exclusifs de recherche sur des
surfaces non encore attribu6es, sauf si les zones int~ress~es ont fait l'objet
d'un avis de mise h l'enquete publi6 avant cette date au Journalofficiel de la
R6publique frangaise.
Article 15. - Sont garantis les droits acquis, i la date de l'autod6ter-
mination, en mati~re de pension de retraite ou d'invalidit6 aupr~s d'orga-
nismes alg6riens.
Ces organismes continueront A assurer le service des pensions de retraite
ou d'invalidit6; leur prise en charge d6finitive, ainsi que les modalit6s de leur
6ventuel rachat, seront fix6es d'un commun accord entre les autorit6s
alg6riennes et frangaises.
Sont garantis les droits h pensions de retraite ou d'invalidit6 acquis aupr~s
d'organismes frangais.
Article 16. - L'Alg6rie facilitera le paiement des pensions dues par la
France aux anciens combattants et retrait6s. Elle autorisera les services
franqais comp6tents 4 poursuivre en territoire alg6rien l'exercice de leurs
activit6s en mati~re de paiements, soins et traitement des invalides.
Article 7. - L'Alg~rie garantit aux socict~s franqaises install~es sur son
territoire, ainsi qu'aux soci6t~s dont le capital est en majorit6 d6tenu par des
personnes physiques ou morales frangaises, l'exercice normal de leurs activit6s
dans des conditions excluant toute discrimination i leur pr6judice.
Article 18. - L'Alg6rie assume les obligations et b6n~ficie des droits
contracts en son nom ou en celui des tablissements publics alg~riens par les
autorit6s fran aises comp~tentes.
Article 19. - Le domaine immobilier de I'Etat en Algrie sera transffr6 A
l'Etat alg6rien, sous d6duction, avec l'accord des autorit~s alg~riennes, des
immeubles jug6s n6cessaires au fonctionnement normal des services frangais
temporaires ou permanents.
Les 6tablissements publics de l'Etat ou soci~t6s appartenant 4 l'Etat,
charges de la gestion de services publics alg6riens, seront transforms i l'Alg~rie.
Ce transfert portera sur les 6lments patrimoniaux effectu~s en Alg~rie la
gestion de ces services publics ainsi qu'au passif y afferent. Des accords
particuliers d~termineront les conditions dans lesquelles seront r6ailses ces
Article 20. - Sauf accord A intervenir entre la France et l'Alg~rie, les
cr~ances et dettes libell~es en francs existant Ala date de l'autod~termination,
entre personnes physiques ou morales de droit public ou privb, sont r6put~es
libell~es dans la monnaie du domicile du contrat.

1. Dans le cadre de la souverainet6 alg~rienne, l'Alg~rie et la France
s'engagent A coop6rer pour assurer la continuit6 des efforts de mise en valeur
des richesses du sous-sol saharien.
2. L'Alg6rie succ~de h la France dans ses droits, pr6rogatives et
obligations de puissance publique conc6dante au Sahara pour l'application de
la 16gislation mini~re et p6troli~re, compte tenu des modalit6s pr6vues au titre
III de la pr6sente d6claration.
3. L'Alg6rie et la France s'engagent, chacune en ce qui la concerne, h
observer les principes de coop6ration ci-dessus 6nonc6s, h respecter et faire
respecter 'application des dispositions ci-apr~s :

Titre I. - Hydrocarburesliquides et gazeux

A. - Garantiedes droits acquii et de leurs prolongements
1. L'Alg6rie confirme l'int6gralit6 des droits attach6s aux titres miniers
et de transport accord~s par la R6publique frangaise en application du code
p6trolier saharien.
Le pr6sent paragraphe concerne l'ensemble des titres miniers et de
transport d6livr~s par la France avant l'autod6termination; toutefois, apr~s le
cessez-le-feu, il ne sera pas dlivr6 de nouveaux permis exclusifs de recherche
sur des surfaces non encore attribu6es, sauf si les zones int6ress6es ont fait
l'objet d'un avis de mise &l'enqu~te publi6 avant cette date au Journalofficiel
de la R6publique frangaise.
a) Par "titres miniers et de transport", il faut entendre essentiellement
1) Les autorisations de prospection;
2) Les permis exclusifs de recherche, dits permis II;
3) Les autorisations provisoires d'exploiter;
4) Les concessions d'exploitation et les conventions correspondantes;
5) Les approbations de projets d'ouvrages de transport d'hydrocarbures
et les autorisations de transport correspondantes.
b) Par "code p~trolier saharien", il faut entendre 1'ensemble des
dispositions de toute nature applicables, i la date du cessez-le-feu, h la
recherche, i 1'exploitation et au transport des hydrocarbures produits dans les
d6partements des Oasis et de la Saoura et notarnment au transport de ces
hydrocarbures jusqu'aux terminaux marins.
2. Les droits et obligations des d~tenteurs de titres miniers et de
transport vis6s au paragraphe 1 ci-dessus et des personnes physiques ou
morales qui leur sont associ6es dans le cadre de protocoles, accords ou
contrats,..approuv6s par la R~publique frantaise, sont ceux d6finis par le code
p6trolier saharien et par les pr6sentes dispositions.
3. Le droit pour le d6tenteur de titres miniers et ses associ~s de
transporter ou faire transporter par canalisations, dans des conditions
6cothomiques normales sa production d'hydrocarbures liquides ou gazeux
jusqu'aux points de traitement ou de chargement et d'en assurer I'exportation
s'exerce, en ce qui concerne la fixation du trac6 des canalisations, selon les
recommandations de l'Organisme.
4. Le droit du concessionnaire et de ses associ6s, dans le cadre de leur
organisation commerciale propre ou de celle de leur choix, de vendre et de
disposer librement de la production, c'est-A-dire do la ceder, de l'6changer ou
de lutiliser en Alg6rie ou h l'exportation, s'exerce sous r6serve de la
satisfaction des besoins de la consommation int~rieure alg6rienne et du
raffinage sur place.
5. Les taux de change et les parit6s mon6taires applicables A toutes les
op6rations comrnmerciales ou financi~res devront tre conformes aux parit6s
officielles reconnues par le Fonds mon6taire international
6. Les dispositions du present titre sont applicables sans distinction h
tous les titulaires des titres miniers ou de transport et h leurs associ6s, queUe
que soit la nature juridique, l'origine ou la r6partition de leur capital et
ind~pendainment de toute condition de nationalit6 des personnes ou de lieu
du si~ge social.
7. L'Alg~rie s'abstiendra de toute mesure de nature A rendre plus
on6reux ou h faire obstacle h l'exercice des droits ci-dessus garantis, compte
tenu des conditions 6conomiques normales. Elle ne portera pas atteinte aux
droits et int6r~ts des actionnaires, porteurs de parts ou cr6anciers des
titulaires de titres miniers ou de transport, de leurs associ6s ou des entreprises
travaillant pour leur compte.

B. - Garanties concernant I'avenir (nouveaux titres miniers ou de transport)

8. Pendant une p6riode de six ans A compter de la mise en vigueur des
pr~sentes dispositions, l'Alg~rie accordera la priorit6 aux soci6t~s frangaises en
mati~re de permis de recherche et d'exploitation, A6galit6 d'offre concernant
les surfaces non encore attributes ou rendues disponibles. Le regime
applicable sera celui d~fini par la 16gislation alg~rienne en vigueur, les soci~t~s
franqaises conservant le regime du code p~trolier saharien vis6 au para-
graphe 1er ci-dessus i l'6gard des titres miniers couverts par la garantie des
droits acquis.
Par "socits franqaises", au sens du pr6sent paragraphe, il faut entendre
les soci~t~s dont le contrble est effectivement assur6 par des personnes
morales ou physiques franqaises.
9. L'Alg~rie s'interdit toute mesure discriminatoire au pr6judice des
soci6t6s frangaises et de leurs associ6s intervenant dans la recherche,
l'exploitation ou le transport des hydrocarbures liquides ou gazeux.

C. - Dispositions communes
10. Les op6rations d'achat et de vente A 'exportation d'hydrocarbures
d'origine saharienne destin6s directement ou par voie d'6changes techniques
l'approvisionnement de la France et des autres pays de la zone franc donnent
lieu h r~glement en francs franqais.
Les exportations d'hydrocarbures sahariens hors de la zone franc ouvrent,
concurrence des gains nets en devises en resultant, des droits de tirage en
devises au profit de l'Alg~rie; les accords de cooperation mon~taire, vis~s
l'article 11 de la DMclaration de principes sur la cooperation conomique et
financi~re, pr~ciseront les modalit~s pratiques d'application de ce principe.
Titre II. - Autres substances mindrales
11. L'Alg6rie confirme l'int6gralit ° des droits attach6s aux titres miniers
accord6s par la R6publique frangaise pour les substances min6rales autres que
les hydrocarbures; le r6gime de ces titres restera celui de 1'ensemble des
dispositions applicables Ala date du cessez-le-feu.
Le pr6sent paragraphe oncerne 'ensemble des titres miniers d61ivr6s par
la France avant l'autod6terinination; toutefois, aprbs le cessez-le-feu, il ne
sera pas d6livr6 de nouveaux permis exclusifs de recherche sur des surfaces
non encore attribu6es, sauf si les zones int6ress6es ont fait l'objet d'un avis de
mise k l'enquete publi6 avant cette date au Journal officiel de la R6publique
12. Les soci6t6s frangaises pourront pr6tendre A l'octroi de nouveaux
permis et concessions dans les memes conditions que les autres soci6t6s; elles
b6n6ficieront d'un traitement aussi favorable que ces derni~res pour l'exercice
des droits r6sultant de ces titres miniers.

Titre III. - Organisme technique de mise en valeur des richesses

du sous-sol saharien
13. La mise en valeur rationnelle des richesses du sous-sol saharien est
confi6e, dans les conditions d6finies aux paragraphes suivants, A un organisme
technique franco-alg6rien, ci-apr~s d6nomm6 "1'Organisme".
14. L'Alg6rie et la France sont les cofondateurs de l'Organisme qui sera
constitu6 d~s la mise en vigueur des pr6sentes d6clarations de principes.
L'Organisme est administr6 par un conseil qui comprendra un nombre
6gal de repr6sentants des deux pays fondateurs. Chacun des membres du
conseil, y compris le pr6sident, dispose d'une voix.

15. L'Organisme a la personnalit6 civile et l'autonomie financi~re.

17. Le rble de l'Organisme dans le domaine minier est d~fini comme

suit :
1) Les textes A caract~re 16gislatif ou r6glementaire relatifs au r6gime
minier ou p6trolier sont 6dict6s par l'Alg~rie apr~s avis de l'Organisme;
2) L'Organisme instruit les demandes relatives aux titres miniers et aux
droits d6riv6s de ces titres. L'Alg6rie statue sur les propositions de l'Organisme
et d61ivre les titres miniers;

Titre IV. - Arbitrage

Nonobstant toutes dispositions contraires, tous litiges ou contestations
entre la puissance publique et les titulaires des droits garantis par Jg titre 1-A
ci-dessus rel6vent en premier et dernier ressort d'un tribunal arbitral
international dont l'organisation et le fonctionnement seront fond6s sur les
principes suivants :
- chacune des parties d6signe un arbitre et les deux arbitres nommeront
un troisi~me arbitre qui sera le pr6sident du tribunal arbitral; A d6faut
d'accord sur cette nomination, le pr6sident de la Cour internationale de
Justice sera pri6 de proc6der a cette d6signation h la requate de la partie la
plus diligente;
- le tribunal statut A la majorit6 des voix;
- le recours au tribunal est suspensif;
- la sentence est ex6cutoire, sans exequatur, sur le territoire du pays des
parties: elle est reconnue ex6cutoire de plein droit, en dehors de ces
territoires, dans les trois jours su"vants le prononc6 de la sentence.


Titre I. - La cooperation
Article ler. - La France s'engage, dans la mesure de ses possibilit6s, i
mettre h la disposition de l'Alg6rie les moyens n6cessaires pour l'aider h
d~velopper l'enseignement, la formation professionnelle et la recherche
scientifique en Alg6rie.
Dans le cadre de l'assistance culturelle, scientifique et technique, la
France mettra h la disposition de l'Algfrie, pour l'enseignement, l'inspection
des 6tudes, l'organisation des examens et concours, le fonctionnement des
services administratifs et la recherche, le personnel enseignant, les techniciens,
les sp6cialistes et chercheurs dont elle peut avoir besoin.
Ce personnel recevra toutes les facilit6s et toutes les garanties morales
n6cessaires A l'accomplissement de sa mission; il sera r6gi par des dispositions
de la Dclaration de principes sur la cooperation technique.
Article 2. - Chacun des deux pays pourra ouvrir sur le territoire de l'autre
des 6tablissements scolaires et des instituts universitaires dans lesquels sera
dispens6 un enseignement conforme A ses propres programmes, horaires et
m6thodes p6dagogiques, et sanctionn6 par ses propres diplbmes; l'acc~s en
sera ouvert aux ressortissants des deux pays.
La France conservera en Alg~rie un certain nombre d'6tablissements
d'enseignement. La liste et les conditions de la r6partition des immeubles
entre la France et l'Alg6rie feront l'objet d'un accord particulier.
Les programmes suivis dans ces 6tablissements comporteront un en-
seignement de la langue arabe en Alg6rie et un enseignement de la langue
frangaise en France. Les modalit6s du contrble du pays de r6sidence feront
l'objet d'un accord particulier.

Article 4. - La France mettra h la disposition de l'Alg6rie les moyens

n6cessaires pour 'aider h d~velopper l'enseignement sup~rieur et la recherche
scientifique et i assurer, dans ces domaines, des enseignements de qualit6
6gale aux enseignements correspondants dispenses par les universit~s fran-
L'Alg6rie organisera, dans la mesure de ses possibilit6s, dans les universit6s
alg6riennes, les enseignements de base communs aux universit6s frangaises,
dans des conditions analogues de programmes, de scolarit6 et d'examens.
Article 5. - Les grades et diplbmes d'enseignement d6livr6s en Alg~rie et
en France, dans les memes conditions de programmes, de scolarit6 et
d'examens, sont valables de plein droit dans les deux pays.
(ii) Dclarations d'autorit6s gouvernementales frangaises'
Dette publique alg~rienne

"Aucune modification des conditions de garantie ni des modalitgs

d'amortissement n'a W apport6e aux emprunts de la caisse d'6quipement
pour le d6veloppement de l'Alg6rie, d'Electricit6 et Gaz d'Algfrie et de la
caisse d'accession h la propri6t6 et & l'exploitation rurales 6mis avec la
garantie de l'Etat franqais. Le retard constat6 dans la mise en paiement de
l'6ch6ance en capital et int6rets du ler d6cembre 1963 des obligations
Caper 6% 1956 r6sulte de ce que, par suite de la d6faillance prolong6e de
la Caper et de l'Alg6rie, une procedure a dti etre mise en oeuvre pour
permettre la mise en jeu de la garantie. Un 6tablissement bancaire frangais
a 6 charg6 d'assurer, pour le compte de l'Etat frangais et en France
exclusivement, le service financier de ces titres. Le coupon 6chu le
ier d6cembre 1963 a W mis en paiement Acompter du ler juin 1964 et il
a 6t proc6d6 le 8 juin 1964 au tirage au sort du chiffre de s6rie d6signant
les obligations amortissables au ler d6cembre 1963." (Minister of
Finance, Journal Officiel, Assemblie nationale, 11 July, 1964, p. 2456.)
"Contrairement h ce que pense l'honorable parlementaire, le Gouver-
nement frangais est bien loin de se d6charger de ses responsabilit6s A
'6gard des porteurs de 'emprunt 31/2% 1952 - tranche alg6rienne - non
plus que des autres emprunts 6mis avant l'ind6pendance de I'Alg6rie sous
la seule signature de la collectivit6 algrienne puisqu'il n'a cess6
d'effectuer des d6marches auprls du Gouvernement alg~rien en vue
d'obtenir la reprise, dans des conditions satisfaisantes, du service de ces
emprunts. C'est dans cet esprit que, les premilres d6marches effectu6es en
vue d'amener le Gouvernement alg6rien h approvisionner rfguli~rement
l'6tablissement charg6 d'assurer le service des emprunts en question
n'ayant pas abouti, ila, comme ilest indiqu6 dans la r~ponse faite h la
question 6crite n0 10930 (J.O.A.N. 6 f6vrier 1965, p. 210), engag6 une
nouvelle n6gociation aupr s du Gouvernement d'Alger en vue de mettre
en oeuvre une procedure diff6rente, de nature h permettre la reprise, aux
6ch6ances pr6vues, du paiement r6gulier des int~rets comme du rembour-
sement du capital amort!" (Minister of Finance, Journal Officel,
Assemblie nationale, 10 April, 1965, p. 759.)
"En ce qui concerne le respect des engagements pris par I'Etat, ily a
lieu de noter que les difficult~s rencontr6es au cours de I'ann6e 1964 par
Electricitb et Gaz d'Algbrie pour obtenir le transfert AParis des provisions
n6cessaires h la couverture des 6ch6ances normales qui demeurent & sa
charge, ont conduit le Tr6sor public A intervenir A plusieurs reprises, h

1 Le texte de ces dlclarations, publi6es dans leJournal Officiel de laR~publique

franfalse, a t6 reproduit dans : The International Law Association Report of the
Fifty.fourth Conference, La Hague, 1971, p. 113 i 120. Pour d'autres problames de
succession d'Etats dans les matidres autres que les traites concernant I'Algerie et
particuliirement l'application des Accords d'Evian, voir aussi les nombreuses d6clarations
d'autorit~s gouvernementales franqaises publies dans le Journal Officiel de laRepu-
blique franpaise et reproduites et organis6es par Jean Charpentier dans "Pratique
franaise du droit international", Annuaire francais de droit international,vol. IX, 1963,
p. 1015 A 1025; vol. X, 1964, p. 900 a 914; vol. XI, 1965, p. 984 i 993; vol. XIII, 1967,
p. 867 &876; vol. XIV, 1968, p. 880 i 884; vol. XVI, 1970, p. 942 i 944.
titre de relais, pour assurer i bonne date, i la caisse nationale de l'6nergie
qui est charg6e du service des emprunts d'E.G.A., les moyens de
pr6financement n~cessaires. Par ailleurs, les droits des porteurs de divers
emprunts 6mis par E.G.A. ont W int~gralement respect~s, conform~ment
aux clauses du contrat d'6mission, lorsqu'ils ont us6 de la facult6 de
remboursement anticip6 qui leur 6tait offerte. Les r~glements aff6rents i
ces remboursements ont 6t0 assum6s par le Tr6sor fran;ais en application
des engagements de garantie donn6s. I apparaft donc que, dans toutes les
circonstances, le Gouvernement a, comme i se doit, pleinement rempli les
obligations lui incombant du fait de la garantie." (Minister of Finance,
Journal Officiel, Assamblee nationale, 10April, 1958, p. 759.)
"L'emprunt 5% 1930 6mis par l'office public d'habitations bon
march6 de la ville d'Alger, comme tous les autres emprunts mis sous la
signature de la collectivitO alifrienne, a W pris en charge par la
R6publique alg6rienne en application des accords d'Evian (article 18 de la
d6claration de principes du 19 mars. 1962 relative la coop6ration
6conomique et financi~re). Les inconv6nients qui r~sultent pour les
porteurs des retards constat6s dans le rfglement des 6ch~ances aff6rentes i
lemprunt en cause n'ont pas 6chapp6 i l'attention du Gouvernement, qui
s'efforce d'obtenir l'extension aux emprunts 6mis par les collectivit~s
locales algriennes des dispositions de 'accord conclu avec le Gouver-
nement de la R6publique alg~rienne d~mocratique et populaire relatif au
service des emprunts 6mis par 'ancien Gouvernement g6ntral de
l'Ag6riel ."
"En vertu de l'article 18 de la d6claration de principe relative i la
coop6ration 6conomique et financi6re, sign6e le 19 mars 1962 h Evian,
"l'Alg6rie assume les obligations et b~n6ficie des, droits contract6s en son
nom par les autorit6s frangaises". Parmi ces obligations figure notamment
le rfglement de I'ensemble des droits acquis par les agents en service en
Alg6rie avant la date de l'accession de cet Etat i l'ind6pendance. Aucune
disposition des accords du 19 mars 1962 n'a pr~vu lasubstitution de la
France h l'Alg6rie au cas o cet Etat n'ex~cuterait pas les obligations ainsi
mises h sa charge. Toutefois, par une initiative qui relkve de la notion de
paiement pour autrui, l'Etat franqais a d~cid6 d'honorer, pour le compte
de l'Alg6rie tenue au remboursement et par imputation sur un compte de
tr~sorerie cr66 i cet effet, certains droits acquis, objectivement liquidables
et dont le r6glement pr6sentait un caract~re d'urgence. Ainsi ont pu tre
imput6s les traitements et leurs accessoires forfaitaires demeur6s impay6s.
Les indemnit6s de licenciement qui satisfont aux m6mes crit6res relatifs
la liquidation et i l'urgence sont 6galement imputables au compte de
tr6sorerie, sous r6serve que les int6ress6s n'aient pas b6n6ficie de
possibilit6s de reclassement ou d'une prise en charge au cours de la
p6riode durant laquelle les tranches mensuelles de leur indemnit6 de
licenciement auraient dQ leur etre verskes." (Minister of Economics and
Finance, Journal Officiel, Assemblie nationale, 12 March 1966, p. 393.)

1 Aux termes duquel "le service des emprunts de I'cx-gouvernement g~n6ral de

I'Alg6rie serait assure sur le territoire de laR~publique franqaise, i partir du IS
septembre 1965, par le Tresor franqais pour le compte du Trisor algrien". (Minister of
Economics and Finance, JournalOfficiel, Assemblke nationale, 27 May, 1966, p. 1535.)
"En vertu de l'article 18 de la dclaration de principe relative i la
cooperation dconomique et financi~re du 19 mars 1962, c'est A l'Alg6rie
qu'incombe le paiement des traitements et indemnit6s dus A des
personnels frangais en activit6 dans ce pays la date de l'autod~termi-
nation. C'est donc pour le compte de l'Etat alg6rien que le Gouvernement
frangais a d~cid6, selon les modalit~s pr6vues par la circulaire 02-46 du 14
juin 1963, de proc6der en raison de l'urgence, au r~glement de certaines
cr6ances d6tenues i ce titre (notamment les r~mun6rations principales A
'exclusion des avantages accessoires). Une nouvelle d6cision doit 6tendre
incessamment la proc6dure exceptionnelle de paiement du ci-dessus
rendement. Toutefois, s'agissant de r~glement pour le compte d'autrui,
r'intervention de l'Etat frangais doit rester limit6e aux seules d6penses
mises h la charge de l'Alg6rie en vertu de l'article 18 de la d~claration de
principe; ilen r6sulte que seules pourront 8tre r6gl6es les cr~ances fond6es
sur des textes approuv6s par les autorit6s financi~res de tutelle de
l'Spoque et r6guli~rement publi6s avant l'accession de l'Alg~rie i
l'ind6pendance. En cons6quence, les rappels demand~s au titre des
indemnit~s d'exploitation en r6gie et des primes de rendement par les
ing6nieurs et les ing6nieurs des travaux, des eaux et forets en service en
Alg~rie en 1961 et 1962 ne pourront tre pay~s que dans la mesure oh
auront 6t express~ment et r~gulirement 6tendues 4 l'Alg6rie les
dispositions des d~crets no 61-1544 du 30 d6cembre 1961, no 62-1466 du
27 novembre 1962 et no 63-969 du 20 septembre 1963." (Minister of
Economics and Finance, JournalOfficiel, 27 August, 1966. P. 2870.)
"En application de l'article 18 de la d6clarat-on de principes rqlative A
la coop6ration 6conomique et financi~re des accords d'Evian, l'Alg6rie
assume les obligations et b6n6ficie des droits contract6s en son nom ou en
celui des 6tablissements publics alg~riens par les autorit~s frangaises
comptentes avant l'ind~pendance. I1appartient en cons6quence Al'office
national de la r~forme agraire, organisme alg~rien qui a suec6d6 A la caisse
d'accession la proprit8 et Al'exploitation rurale (C.A.P.E.R.) d'assumer
les engagements non r6gl~s de son pr~d~cesseur. En ce qui concerne les
obligations 6mises par la C.A.P.E.R. et dont le service est garanti par
l'Etat frangais, le Tr~sor public s'est normalement substitu6 lors des
6ch~ances contractuelles, i l'organisme alg~rien d6faillant. En ce qui
concerne r'indemnisation des terres expropri6es au b~n~fice de la
C.A.P.E.R. ou d'autres organismes publics algriens avant l lerjuillet
1962, deux cas sont A consid~rer : si les op6rations d'expropriation ont
t6 suivies d'une consignation aupr~s d'un comptable public frangais, une
proc6dure de liquidation est actuellement A 1'6tude dans les d~partements
minist~riels int~ress~s; si les sommes dues aux expropri~s n'ont pas fait
robjet d'une consignation, c'est h l'office national de la r6forme agraire
qu'incombe le paiement des indemnit~s dues. Le Gouvernement frangais
n'est pas, en effet, en mesure d'6tendre aux dettes de la C.A.P.E.R.
aff~rentes i 1'expropriation des terrains de cet organisme ou des
collectivit~s locales la procedure d'apurement sur l'aide h l'Aig~rie des
d~penses non r6gl6es avant la cltture de la gestion 1962, soit sur le budget
de 'Etat, soit sur le budget des services civils de l'Alg~rie i laquelle fait
allusion l'honorable parlementaire." (Minister of Economics and Finance,
JournalOfficiel, Sgnat, 23 August, 1966, p. 1191.)
"Le Tr6sor frangais assure depuis le ler septembre 1965 le service des
emprunts de 'ex-gouvernement g~n6ral de 'Alg6rie en tant que man-
dataire du Tr6sor alg6rien en application d'un 6change de lettres entre les
gouvernements frangais et alg~rien en date du 30 juilet, 1965. Aux
termes de cet 6change de lettres, le Gouvernement alg~rien s'est
notamment engag6 i communiquer au Gouvernement frangais la liste des
titres sortis au tirage d'amortissement ainsi que la valeur de rembour-
sement des titres aff6rents A 'emprunt 3V% 1952. Le Tr6sor alg6rien ne
lui ayant pas communiqu6 en temps utile les documents n6cessaires &la
mise en parement de '6ch6ance du ler juin 1966 de l'emprunt 3 % 1952,
le Tr6sor frangais n'a pu assurer & bonne date le mandat qui lui a 6t6
confi6. Cependant, le gouvernement ayant obtenu, dans les accords
franco-alg6riens en date du 23 d6cembre 1966, confirmation du mandat
donn6 par le Tr6sor alg6rien au Tr6sor frangais pour le service des
emprunts de l'ex-gouvernement g6n6ral de l'Alg6rie, les difficult6s
rencontr6es en 1966 par les porteurs de 1'emprunt 32%1952 ne devraient
plus se reproduire dans l'avenir." (Minister of Economics and Finance,
Journal Officiel, Assemblde nationale, 25 February 1967, p. 337.)
"L'emprunt "Ville d'Alger 6% 1956" 6mis sous la seule signature de la
collectivit6 algrienne a 6t0 pris en charge par la R~publique alg6rienne en
application des accords d'Evian (art. 18 de la d6claration de principes du
19 mars 1962, relative h la coop6ration 6conomique et financi~re).
L'emprunt en cause, de m~me que les autres emprunts publics 6mis par
des colectivit6s alg6riennes, n'a jamais 6t6 couvert par une garantie de
'Etat. Les inconv6nients qui r6sultent pour les porteurs des retards
constat6s dans le r6glement des 6ch6ances.aff6rentes i 1'emprunt en
question n'ont pas 6chapp6 au Gouvernement. L'honorable parlementaire
apprendra avec satisfaction que les efforts du Gouvernement sur cette
question ont port6 leurs fruits puisque, dans l'accord franco-alg6rien du
23 d6cembre 1966, l'Alg6rie s'est engag6e A assurer dor6navant le service
de certains emprunts de divers 6tablissements et collectivit6s publiques
alg6riens 6mis sur le march6 financier frangais, notamment celui de la vile
d'Alger 6%, 1956. Aux termes de l'accord' pr~cit6, le Gouvernement
alg~rien fera parvenir au Gouvernement frangais les documents n6cessaires
(liste des obligations tir6es, liste des oppositions) pour que le service
desdits emprunts puisse etre assur6 pour le compte des 6tablissements et
villes alg6riens int~ress~s par les comptables du Tr6sor frangais sur le
territoire de la R~publique frangaise. Cette proc6dure est en effet de
nature t mieux prot6ger les int6rets des porteurs frangais de ces titres. La
mise en oeuvre des dispositions qui precedent est actuellement en cours
d'6tude. Cependant, la centralisation de la documentation n6cessaire au
service desdits emprunts et A son exploitation par les services frangais
comptents entrafneront quelques d~lais. Les porteurs int~ress~s seront,
aussitbt que possible, inform6s par voie de presse des modalit6s de
rfglement des titres et coupons aff6rents aux emprunts vis6s par I'accord
franco-alg~rien du 23 d~cembre 1966." (Minister of Economics and
Finance, Journal Officiel, Assemble nationale, 25 February, 1967,
p. 337.)
"Le remboursement des bons 5,75% 1959 6mis par la Compagnie
immobili~re (C.I.A.) avec la garantie de l'Alg6rie et arriv6s h;6ch6ance
incombe en premier lieu h la soci6t6 6mettrice. Les 6v6nements survenus
en Alg6rie depuis 1962 n'ont pas permis h la Compagnie immobilire
alg6rienne de respecter les engagements qu'ele avait contract6s. Reste
alors la garantie de l'Alg6rie, qui s'est trouv6e transffr6e en droit par les
accords d'Evian au nouvel Etat. Le Gouvernement s'est efforc6 h plusieurs
reprises d'obtenir des autorit6s alg6riennes la mise en oeuvre de cette
garantie. II n'a pas 6t6 possible, pour l'instant, de r6gler ce probl~me, qui
continue de retenir toute l'attention du minist~re des affaires trangres
ainsi que celle du minist6re de l'6conomie et des finances. Dis qu'un
616ment nouveau aura pu 8tre d6gag6, il sera port6 i la connaissance des
porteurs de bons." (Minister for Foreign Affairs, Journal Officiel,
Assemblge nationale, 20 January, 1968, p. 147.)

Administrative debts of Algerian "collectives publiques"

"Le Gouvernement franqais a fait de nombreuses d~marches aupr~s du
Gouvernement alg6rien pour l'inviter h respecter les obligations qui lui
incombent au titre de rglement des cr6ances publiques n6es avant
l'ind6pendance, conform6ment aux stipulations des accords d'Evian et
aux rfgles g~n6rales du droit international en mati~re de succession
d'Etat. Ces d6marches n'ayant pas abouti, le iecr6tariat d'Etat aux affaires
alg6riennes a W autoris6 d~s 1963 A proceder au r~glement, pour le
compte de l'Alg6rie, de certaines d~penses des anciens services franqais
rest6es impay6es. Le principe de l'extension de ces mesures de prise en
compte h certaines d6penses des collectivit6s locales et des 6tablissements
publics vient en outre d'6tre r6cemment admis." (Secretary of State,
Charg6 des affaires alg6riennes, Journal Officiel, Assemblde nationale, 18
July, 1964, p. 2494.)

Debts of Public Utilities of Algeria

"Aux termes des accords d'Evian (art. 18 de la d6claration de principe
relative h la coop6ration 6conomique et financi~re), l'Alg6rie assume les
obligations et b6n6ficie des droits contract6s avant l'ind~pendance en son
nom, ou en celui des 6tablissements publics alg6riens, par les autorit6s
franqaises; il en r~sulte que le rfglement des dettes de la caisse d'accession
A la propri6t6 et h l'exploitation rurale (C.A.P.E.R.), 6tablissement public
alg~rien, devenue l'office national de la r6forme agraire, incombe aux
autorit~s alg~riennes. Ce principe n'a pas t mis en cause par la d6cision
prise par le Gouvernement, en accord avec le Gouvernement d'Alger, de
d~sint~resser pour le compte de l'Alg~rie nos compatriotes d~tenant
certaines cr6ances sur les collectivit6s publiques ou les 6tablissements
publics d'Alg6rie, pour les fournitures ou des prestations effectu~es avant
le lerjanvier 1963. En ce qui concerne les 6tablissements publics, et
notanment la C.A.P.E.R., les dispositions en vigueur ne sont pour le
moment applicables qu'aux seules d~penses de fonctionnement. Toute-
fois, les services comptents 6tudient la possibilit6 d'6tendre leur b~n~fice
aux d6penses d'6quipement, mais aucune decision n'a encore W prise."
(Minister for External Affairs, Journal Officiel, Assemblie nationale,
2 March, 1968, p. 604.)
Various Administrative Debts
"Les cr6ances r6sultant de d6cisions des autorit6s frangaises sont donc
d6sormais h la charge de 'Alg6rie si ces d6cisions peuvent atre consid6r6es
comme ayant 6t6 prises au nom de cette demire ou d'un 6tablissement
public alg6rien. D'autre part, les cr6ances sur des 6tablissements publics de
l'Etat ou de soci6t6s appartenant h l'Etat, transf6r~s h l'Alg6rie en
application des dispositions pr6cit~es, sont A la charge des nouveaux
6tablissements auxquels sont transf6r6s l'actif et le passif des anciens. Ces
dispositions sont notamrnment applicables aux indemnit6s d'expropriation
pour cause d'utilit6 publique, observation faite qu'en Alg6rie le finan-
cement des investissements publics 6tait le plus souvent assur6 par un
6tablissement public national, la caisse d'6quipement pour le dvelop-
pement de l'Alg6rie (C.E.D.A.). Le rfglement de ces indemnit6s incombe
donc h 'Alg6rie ou a 1'6tablissement charg6 d'assurer le financement de
l'op6ration et il appartient aux seuls tribunaux alg6riens de connaftre des
litiges relatifs h '6valuation ou au r~glement de celes-ci Toutefois, en
raison des retards mis par les autorit6s alg6riennes pour le r~glement des
d~penses en cause ou des difficult6s qu'eUes alfguent parfois pour
prendre en charge certaines cr6ances, le Gouvernement franqais a pris les
dispositions n6cessaires pour proc~der, dans certains cas, A des r~glements
pour le compte de l'Alg6rie. Ces mesures ne sont applicables qu'en cas
d'urgence incontestable et sous r6serve qu'il s'agisse d'une d6pense qui
aurait W imputable soit au budget de l'Etat franqais (affaires alg6riennes,
Sahara), soit au budget des services civils de 'Alg6rie. Se trouvent d's lors
exclues du b6n6fice de cette proc6dure les d6penses dont le r~glement
incombe ' la C.E.D.A. : leur paiement continue h tre assur6 par cet
organisme ou par son homologue alg6rien, la caisse algfrienne de
d~veloppement, dans le cadre des conventions pass6es entre ces deux
tablissements. D'autre part, la cr6ance dont le r~glement est demand6
doit tre certaine, liquide et exigible. En cons6quence, seules les d6cisions
de justice devenues d6finitives peuvent faire I'objet d'un rfglement."
(Secretary of State, Charg6 des affaires algriennes, Journal Officiel,
Assembl~e nationale, 28 September, 1963, p. 4919.)
"La question pos6e par I'honorable parlementaire est celle du
paiement des primes ' la construction accord6es en Alg6rie. Ces primes
6taient octroy6es par d6cisions pr6fectorales, au titre des bonifications
forfaitaires d'int6ret; les d~penses correlatives 6taient support~es par le
budget de l'Alg6rie et non par le budget m6tropolitain. Aux termes des
accords d'Evian, c'est donc au budget de la R6publique d6mocratique
alg6rienne qu'il appartient d'assurer le paiement des bonifications
forfaitaires d'intfrtt prc demment accord~es. Cette question a retenu
l'attention de l'administration, et l'agence de d6fense des biens et int6rets
des rapatri6s intervient actuellement aupr~s des ordonnateurs du budget
alg6rien pour obtenir le mandatement des 6ch6ances 6chues." (Minister of
Repatriation, Journal Officiel, Assetnbke nationale, 24 August, 1963,
p. 4739.)
Laws and Decrees


4. Consequentialmodification of other enactments

(1) Notwithstanding anything in the Interpretation Act 1889, the
expression "colony" in any Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom
passed on or after the appointed day shall not include Barbados.
(2) On and after the appointed day
(a) The expression "colony" in the Army Act 1955, the Air Force Act
1955 and the Naval Discipline Act 1957 shall not include Barbados, and
(b) (amends the Army Act 1955, s. 225 (1), the Air Force Act 1-955,
s. 223 (I), and the Naval Discipline Act 1957, s. 135 (I), Vol. 29, title Royal
(3) If any enactment contained in an Act of the present Session passed
before the appointed day (whether before or kfter the passing of this Act)
provides for the continuance in force of the said Acts of 1955 after the end
of the year 1966, no Order in Council made under that enactment which
continues either of those Acts in force for a further period shall extend to
Barbados as part of its law.
(4) For the purposes of the making, on or after the appointed day, of
Orders in Council under the West Indies Act 1962, and for the purposes of
the making on or after that day of grants under section 8 of that Act,
Barbados, shall be treated as not being a colony within the meaning of that

5. Power to provide new constitution for Barbados

(1) Her Majesty may by Order in Council made before the appointed day
provide a constitution for Barbados to come into effect on that day.
(2) An Order in Council under this section (in this section referred to as a
"Constitution Order") may include provision as to the manner in which the
legislature of Barbados may alter any provisions of that Order, or may alter
any law which alters any of those provisions; and a constitution provided by a
Constitution Order may include provision as to the manner in which the
legislature of Barbados, may alter that constitution or any provisions of that
constitution, or may alter any law which alters that constitution or any
provisions thereof.
(3) In this section references to altering a constitution or to altering any
provision or law include references
(a) to revoking it, with or without re-enactment thereof or the making of
different provision in lieu thereof;
(b) to modifying it (whether by omitting, amending or overriding any
of its provisions or inserting additional provisions in it or otherwise); and

1 Halsbury's Statutesof England, 3rd ed., vol. 4, p. 154.

2 The provisions of sections 1, 2, 3, 4 (5) (6) of this Act are basically similar to those
of sections 1, 2 (2) (3), 3 and 4 (3) (4) of the Fiji Independence Act 1970 (infra.
p. 178).
(c) to suspending its operation for any period or terminating any such
(4) A Constitution Order may contain such transitional or other
incidental or supplementary provisions as appear to Her Majesty to be
necessary or expedient.
(5) Any Constitution Order shall be laid before Parliament after being

6. Short title and interpretation

(2) Except in so far as the context otherwise requires, references in this

Act to any enactment are references to that enactment as amended or
extended by or under any other enactment."



1. Citation, commencement and construction

(2) This Order shall come into operation on 30th November 1966 (in this
Order referred to as "the appointed day"):
Provided that the Governor may at any time after 22nd November 1966
exercise any of the powers conferred upon the Governor-General by sections
4(3) and 10 (1) of this Order and sections 60 (1), 89.(2), 90 (1) and 91 (1)
of the Constitution set out in the Schedule to this Order (in this Order
referred to as "the Constitution") to such extent as may, in his opinion, be
necessary or expedient to enable the Constitution to function as from the
appointed day.
(3) For the purposes of the exercise by the Governor under the proviso
to subsection (2) of the powers conferred by the said sections 89 (2), 90 (1)
and 91 (1), the references therein to the Primer Minister and the Leader of
the Opposition shall be construed as if they were references respectively to
the Premier and to the Leader of the Opposition as defined for the purposes
of Schedule 2 to the Barbados (Letters Patent Consolidation) Order 1964:
and the other powers referred to in that proviso shall be exercised by the
Governor acting in accordance with the advice of the Premier.

2. Revocations and amendments

(1) The Barbados (Letters Patent Consolidation) Order 1964 (in this
Order referred to as "the existing Order") is revoked; but the revocation of
the existing Order shall not affect the operation on and after the appointed

1 The provisions of the first and second schedules are basically similar to those of the
correiponding schedules to the Gambia Independence Act 1964 (infra, p. 191).
2 Statutory Instruments 1966, Part III, Sect. 1, p. 3858.
day of any law made or having effect as if made in pursuance of the existing
Order and having effect as part of the law of Barbados immediately before
the appointed day (including any law made before the appointed day and
coming into operation on or after that day).
(2) The British Caribbean Court of Appeal Order in Council 1962 .(as
amended by the British Caribbean Court of Appeal (Amendment) (No. 2)
Order in Council 1962) is amended by the deletion of subparagraph (b)
(which specifies Barbados) of the definition of "the Territories" in article
2 (1); and the last mentioned Order is amended by the deletion of the words
"and the Chief Judge and other judges of the Island of Barbados" in
paragraph (b) of article 3 (1) (which specifies the judges of which the Court
Provided that, if provision is made by an order under paragraph (b) of
section 10(1) or by any other law for the continuance on or after the
appointed day before the British Caribbean Count of Appeal of any such
pending appeals as are mentioned in that paragraph, then, for the purposes of
such appeals, Barbados shall continue to be a Territory for the purposes of
the first mentioned Order and the Chief Justice and other Judges of the
Supreme Court of Barbados shall be members of the Court ex officio.
(3) The West Indies (Dissolution and Interim Commissioner) Order in
Council 1962 is amended by the deletion of sub-paragraph (b) (which
specifies Barbados) of the definition of "the Territories" in article 2 ( 1); but
nothing in this subsection shall affect the operation on and after the
appointed day of any law having effect as part of the law of Barbados
immediately before that day by virtue of the provisions of article 15 or 16 of
that Order.
3. Establishmentof constitution
Subject to the provisions of this Order, the Constitution shall come into
effect on the appointed day.
4. Existing laws
(1) Subject to the provisions of this section, the existing laws shall be
construed with such modifications, adaptations, qualifications and exceptions
as may be necessary to bring them into conformity with the Barbados
Independence Act 1966 and this Order.
(2) Where any matter that fails to be prescribed or otherwise provided
for under the Constitution by Parliament or by any other authority or person
is prescribed or provided for by or under an existing law (including any
amendment to any such law made under this section) or is otherwise
prescribed or provided for immediately before the appointed day by or under
the existing Order, that prescription or prov'ision shall, as from that day, have
effect (with such modifications, adaptations, qualifications and exceptions as
may be necessary to bring it into conformity with the Barbados Indepen-
dence Act 1966 and this Order) as if it had been made under the Constitution
by Parliament or, as the case may require, by the other authority or person.
(3) The Governor-General may by order made at any time before 30th
November 1967 make such amendments to any existing law as may appear to
him to be necessary or expedient for bringing that law into conformity with
the provisions of the Barbados Independence Act 1966 and this Order or
otherwise for giving effect to or enabling effect to be given to those
(4) An order made by the Governor-General under subsection (3) shall
have effect from such day, not earlier than the appointed day, as may be
specified therein.
(5) The provisions of this section shall be without prejudice to any
powers conferred by this Order or by any other law upon any person or
authority to make provision for any matter, including the amendment or
repeal of any existing law.
(6) In this section "existing law" means any law having effect as part of
the law of Barbados immediately before the appointed day (including any law
made before the appointed day and coming into operation on or after that
5. Parliament
(1) The persons who immediately before the appointed day are members
of the Senate established by the existing Order (in this section referred to as
"the existing Senate"), having been appointed as such under sub-paragraphs
(a), (b) and (c) respectively of paragraph 10 (2) of Schedule 2 to that Order,
shall as from the appointed day be members of the Senate established by the
Constitution as if they had been appointed as such under subsections (2), (3)
and (4) respectively of section 36 of the Constitution and shall hold their
seats as Senators in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution.
(2) The persons who immediately before the appointed day are President
and Deputy President of the existing Senate shall as from the appointed day
be President and Deputy President respectively of the Senate established by
the Constitution as if they had been elected as such under section 40 of the
Constitution and shall hold office in accordance with.the provisions of that
(3) The persons who immediately before the appointed day are members
of the House of Assembly then established for Barbados (in this section
referred to as "the existing Assembly") shall as from the appointed day be
members of the House of Assembly established by the Constitution as if
elected as such in pursuance of section 41 (2) of the Constitution and shall
hold their seats in that House in accordance with the provisions of the
(4) The persons who immediately before the appointed day are Speaker
and Deputy Speaker of the existing Assembly shall as from the appointed day
be Speaker and Deputy Speaker respectively of the House of Assembly
established by the Constitution as if elected as such by that House in
pursuance of any provisions in that behalf.
(5) Any person who is a member of the Senate or the House of Assembly
established by the Constitution by virtue of the preceding provisions of this
section and who, since he was last appointed or elected as a member of the
existing Senate or the existing Assembly before the appointed day, has taken
the oath of allegiance in pursuance of paragraph 21 of Schedule 2 to the
existing Order shall be deemed to have complied wiih the requirements of
section 59 of the Constitution relating to the taking of the oath of allegiance.
(6) The Standing Orders of the existing Senate and the existing Assembly
as in force immediately before the appointed day shall, except as may be
otherwise provided in pursuance of section 50 ( I ) of the Constitution, be the
Standing Orders respectively of the Senate and the House of Assembly
established by the Constitution, but they shall be" construed with such
modifications, adaptations, qualifications and exceptions as may be necessary
to bring them into conformity with the Constitution.
(7) Notwithstanding anything contained in section 61 (3) of the Consti-
tution (but subject to the provisions of subsections (4) and (5) of that
section) Parliament shall, unless sooner dissolved, stand dissolved on the
expiration of five years from the first sitting of the existing Assembly after
the general election of members of the Assembly last preceding the appointed
6. Ministers and ParliamentarySecretaries
(1) The person who immediately before the appointed day holds the
office of Premier under the existing Order shall, as from the appointed day,
hold office as Prime Minister as if he had been appointed thereto under
section 65 (1) of the Constitution.
(2) The persons (other than the Premier) who immediately before the
appointed day hold office as Ministers under the existing Order shall, as from
the appointed day, hold the like offices as if they had been appointed thereto
under section 65 (2) of the Constitution.
(3) Any person holding the office of Prime Minister or other Minister by
virtue of subsection (1) or (2) who immediately before the appointed day was
charged with responsibility for any subject or department of government
shall, as from the appointed day, be deemed to have been assigned
responsibility for the corresponding business or department of the Government
under section 72 of the Constitution.
(4) The persons who immediately before' the appointed day hold office
as Parliamentary Secretaries under the existing Order shall, as from the
appointed day, hold the like offices as if they had been appointed thereto
section 73 (1) of the Constitution.
(5) Any person who holds office as Primer Minister or other Minister or
Parliamentary Secretary as from the appointed day by virtue of the provisions
of this section shall be deemed to have complied with the requirements of
section 69 or -section 73 (2), as the case may be, of the Constitution relating
to the taking of oaths.
7. Leader of the Opposition
The person who immediately before the appointed day is the Leader of
the Opposition (as defined for the purposes of Schedule 2 to the existing
Order) shall, as from the appointed day, hold office as Leader of the
Opposition as if he had been appointed thereto under section 74 of the
8. Privy Council
The persons who immediately before the appointed day are members of
the Privy Council established by the existing Order, having been appointed as
such under clause 3 of the Barbados Royal Instructions 1964, shall, as from
the appointed day, hold office as members of the Privy Council established
by the Constitution as if they had been appointed thereto under section
76 (1) of the Constitution:
Provided that for the purposes of subsection (3) of that section the date
of appointment of any such person shall be the date on which the period of
his last appointment under the said clause 3 commenced or was deemed to
have commenced for the purposes of that clause.
9. Existingjudges and public officers
(1) Every person who immediately before the appointed day holds or is
acting in a public office shall, as from the appointed day, hold or act izi that
office or the corresponding office established by the Constitution as if he
had been appointed to do so in accordance with the provisions of the
Provided that any person who under any existing law would have been
required to vacate his office on the attainment of any age or on the
expiration of any period shall vacate his office on the attainment of that age
or at the expiration of that period.
(2) The provisions of subsectioft (1) shall applyin relation to the office
of a Judge as if that office were a public office.
(3) Any person who, by virtue of the provisions of this section, holds or
is acting in the office of the Director of Public Prosecutions or a Judge as
from the appointed day shall be deemed to have complied with the
requirements of section 79 (7) or, as the case may be, section 83 of the
Constitution relating to the taking and subscribing of oaths.
(4) In this section "existing law" has the same meaning as in section 4.

10. Pendinglegal proceedings

(1) The Governor-General may by order make such provision as may
appear to him to be necessary or expedient for
(a) the continuance on or after the appointed day before the High Court
or the Court of Appeal established by the Constitution of any proceedings
pending immediately before that day before the Supreme Court of Barbados;
(b) the continuance on or after the appointed-day before the said Court
of Appeal or the British Caribbean Court of Appeal or the abatement of any
appeal pending immediately before that day before the British Caribbean
Court of Appeal from the Supreme Court of Barbados;
(c) the enforcement of any judgment of the Supreme Court of Barbados
or the British Caribbean Court of Appeal given but not satisfied before the
appointed day; and
(d) the enforcement of any judgment of the British Caribbean Court of
Appeal given on or after that day by virtue of provision made in pursuance of
paragraph (b).
(2) In subsection (1)
"appeal" includes a case stated or question of law reserved;
"judgment" includes a decree, order, ruling, sentence or decision;
"the Supreme Court of Barbados" includes the Full Court of that Court.
(3) The provisions of this section shall be without prejudice to the
provisions of section 4 and to any powers conferred by this Order or by any
other law upon any person or authority to make provision for any of the
matters referred to in subsection (1).

11. Appeals to Her Majesty in Council

Until Parliament otherwise provides, an appeal shall lie under section
88 (1) of the Constitution from decisions of the Court of Appeal established
by the Constitution to Her Majesty in Council in the cases mentioned in
paragraphs (a) and (b) of section 3 of the British Caribbean (Appeal to Privy
Council) Order in Council 1962 as if references therein to the 'British
Caribbean Court of Appeal were references to the Court of Appeal
established by the Constitution.



ChapterII. Citizenship

2. Persons who become citizens on 30th November 1966

(1) Every' person who, having been born in Barbados, is on 29th
November 1966 a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies shall become a
citizen of Barbados on 30th November 1966.
(2) Every person who, having been born outside Barbados, is on 29th
November 1966 a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies shall, if his
father becomes or would but for his death have become a citizen of Barbados
in accordance with the provisions of subsection (1), become a citizen of
Barbados on 30th November 1966.
(3) Any person who on 29th November 1966 is a citizen of the United
Kingdom and Colonies
(a) having become such a citizen under the British Nationality Act 1948
by virtue of his having been naturalised in Barbados as a British subject before
that Act came into force; or
(b) having become such a citizen by virtue of his having been naturalised
or registered in Barbados under that Act,
shall become a citizen of Barbados on 30th November 1966.
3. Persons entitled to be registered as citizens
(1) Any woman who on 29th November 1966 is or has been married to a
(a) who becomes a citizen of Barbados by virtue of section 2; or
(b) who, having died before 30th November 1966, would but for his
death have become a citizen of Barbados by virtue of that section,
shall be entitled, upon making application, and, if she is a British protected
person or an alien, upon taking the oath of allegiance, to be registered as a
(2) of Barbados.
Any person who is a Commonwealth citizen (otherwise
than by
virtue of being a citizen of Barbados) and who
(a) has been ordinarily resident in Barbados continuously for a period of
seven years or more at any time before 30th November 1966; and
(b) has not, since such period of residence in Barbados and before that
date, been ordinarily resident outside Barbados continuously for a period of
seven years or more,
shall be entitled, upon making application, to be registered as a citizen of
Provided that the right to be registered as a citizen of Barbados under this
subsection shall be subject to such exceptions or qualifications as may be
predcribed in the interests of national security or public policy.
(3) Any woman who on 29th November 1966 is or has been married to a
person who subsequently becomes a citizen of Barbados by registration under
subsection (2) shall be entitled, upon making application, and, if she is a
British protected person or an alien, upon taking the oath of allegiance, to be
registered as a citizen of Barbados:
Provided that the right to be registered as a citizen of Barbados under this
subsection shall be subject to such exceptions or qualifications as may be
prescribed in the interests of national security or public policy.

5. Persons born outside Barbadosafter 29th November 1966

A person born outside Barbados after 29th November 1966 shall become
a citizen of Barbados at the date of his birth if at that date his father is a
citizen of Barbados otherwise than by virtue of this section or section 2 (2).
6. Marriage to citizen of Barbados
Any woman who, after 29th November 1966, marries a person who is or
becomes a citizen of Barbados shall be entitled, upon making application, in
such manner as may be prescribed an , if she is a British protected person or
an alien, upon taking the oath of aUllgiance, to be registered as a citizen ,f

8. Commonwealth citizens
(1) Every person who under this Constitution or any Act of Parliament is
a citizen of Barbados or under any enactment for the time being in force in
any country to which this section applies is a citizen of that country shall, by
virtue of that citizenship, have the status of a Commonwealth citizen.
(2) Every person who is a British subject without citizenship under the
British Nationality Act 1948, continues to be a British subject under
section 2 of that Act or is a British subject under the British Nationality Act
1965 (a) shall, by virtue of that status, have the status of a Commonwealth
(3) Save as may be otherwise provided by Parliament, the countries to
which this section applies are the United Kingdom and Colonies, Canada,
Australia, New Zealand, India, Pakistan, Ceylon, Ghana, Malaysia, Nigeria,
Cyprus, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Uganda,
Kenya, Malawi, Malta, Zambia, The Gambia, Singapore, Guyana, Botswana,
Lesotho and Southern Rhodesia.
9. Powers of Parliament
Parliament may make provision
(a) for the acquisition of citizenship of Barbados by persons who do not
become citizens of Barbados by virtue of the provisions of this Chapter; or
(b) for depriving of his citizenship of Barbados any person who is a
citizen of Barbados otherwise than by virtue of subsection (1) or (2) of
section 2 or section 4 or section 5.
10. Interpretation
(1) In this Chapter
"alien" means a person who is not a Commonwealth citizen, a British
protected person or a citizen of the Republic of Ireland;
"British protected person" means a person who is a British protected
person for the purposes of the British Nationality Act 1948;
"prescribed" means prescribed by or under any Act of Parliament.
(2) Any reference in this Chapter to the father of a person shall, in
relation to any person born out of wedlock other than a person legitimated
before 30th November 1966, be construed as a reference to the mother of
that person.
(3) For the purposes of this Chapter, a person born aboard a registered
ship or aircraft, or aboard an unregistered ship or aircraft of the government
of any country, shall be deemed to have been born in the place in which the
ship or aircraft was registered or, as the case may be, in that country.
(4) Any reference in this Chapter to the national status of the father of a
person at the time of that person's birth, shall, in relation to a person born
after the death of the father, be construed as a reference to the national
status of the father at the time of the father's death; and where that death
occurred before 30th November 1966 and the birth occurred after 29th
November 1966 the national status that the father would have had if he had
died on 30th November 1966 shall be deemed to-be his national status at the
time of his death.

Chapter VIII. The Public Service

Part 3. Pensions
103. Protection of pension rights
(1) Subject to the provisions of section 104, the law applicable to the
grant and payment to any officer, or to his widow, children, dependants or
personal representatives, of any pension, compensation, gratuity or other like
allowance (in this section and section 104 referred to as an "award") in
respect of the service of that officer in a public office shall be that in force
Qn the relevant date or any later law that is not less favourable to that person.
(2) In subsection (1) "the relevant date" means
(a) in relation to an award granted before 30th November 1966, the date
on which the award was granted;
(b) in relation to an award granted or to be granted on or after 30th
November 1966 to or in respect of any person who was a public officer
before that date, 29th November 1966;
(c) in relation to an award granted or to be granted to or in respect of
any person who becomes a public officer on or after 30th November 1966,
the date on which he becomes a public officer.
(3) Where a person is entitled to exercise an option as to which of two or
more laws shall apply in his case, the law specified by him in exercising the
option shall, for the purposes of this section, be deemed to be more
favourable to him than the other law or laws.
(4) Awards granted under any law in respect of service in a public office
(not being awards that are a charge upon some other public fund of
Barbados) are hereby charged on the Consolidated Fund.
(5) For the purposes of this section and of section 104, service as a Judge
shall be deemed to be service in the public service.
Chapter IX. Finance
107. Consolidated Fund
There shall be in and for Barbados a Consolidated Fund, into which,
subject to the provisions of any law for the time being in force in Barbados,
shall be paid all revenues of Barbados.

111. Public debt

The public debt of Barbados, including the interest on that debt, sinking
fund payments and redemption monies in respect of that debt and the costs,
charges and expenses incidental to the management of that debt, is hereby
charged on the Consolidated Fund.




Article jer
La R6publique du Dahomey accede, en plein accord et amiti6 avec la
R6publique franqaise, Ala souverainet6 internationale et Al'ind6pendance par le
transfert des comp6tences de la Communaut6.

Article 2

Toutes les comp6tences institu6es par l'article 78 de la Constitution du

4 octobre 1953 sont, pour ce qui la concerne, transf6r6es A la R6publique du
Dahomey, ds l'accomplissement par les parties contractantes de la proc6dure
pr6vue A l'article 87 de ladite constitution.


[Note. - Les dispositions de cet accord sont, mutatis mutandis, identiques
celles de l'Accord du 24 avril 1961, entre la France et la Cbte d'Ivoire (voir
infra, p. 225).]

1 Formerly Dahomey.
2 Voir aussi la Convention (a) sous Niger, infra, p. 370).
3JournalOfficiel de la Republique franeaise, 30 juillet 1960, p. 7050.
4 Ibid, 6 f6vrier 1962, p. 1277. Entr6 en vigucur le 6 octobre 1961.
[Note. - Les dispositions de cet accord, ainsi que celes de son annexe,
sont, mutafis mutandis, identiques h celles de 'Accord du 24 avril 1961 entre
la France'et la Cbte d'lvoire (voir infra, p. 228).]


[Note. - Les dispositions de cet accord sont, mutatis mutandis, identiques
A celles de I'Accord du 24 avril 1961 entre la France et la Cte d'Ivoire (voir
infra, p. 231).1


PARIS, LE 24' AVRIL 19613
[Note. - Les dispositions de cet accord sont, mutatis mutandis, iden-
tiques A celles de l'Accord du 24 avril 1961 entre la France et la Cbte d'Ivoire
(voir infra, p. 233).]


[Note. - Les dispositions de cet accord, ainsi que celles de son annexe,
sont, mutatis mutandis, identiques h ceUes de I'Accord du 24 avril 1961 entre
la France et la Cbte d'Ivoire (voir infra, p. 236).]
PARIS, 24 AVRIL 19615

Le President de la Republique du Dahomey

Monsieur le PremierMinistre de la Republique franfaise

L'accord particulier sign6 i Paris, le II juillet 1960, a eu pour effet de

transfrer & la R~publique du Dahomey Ia comptence de Ia Communaut6
concernant le contrble de Ia justice.
1 Ibid., 6 fvrier 1962, p. 1279. Entri en vigueur Ic 6 octobre 1961.
Journal Officiel de la Republique franaise 6 f~vricr 1962, p. 1'285. I'ntr6 en
vigucur Ic 6 octobre 1961.
3 Ibid., 6 fivricr 1962, p. 1286. Entr6 en vigucur Ic 6 octobre de 1961.
4 Ibid., 6 f6vrier 1962, p. 1289. Entr6 en vigucur le 6 octobre 1961.
5 Ibid., 6 fivricr 1962, p. 1285.
En consequence, le Conseil d'Etat et la cour de cassation de la R6publique
frangaise ont, h dater du jour de 'entr6e en vigueur dudit accord, cessk d'etre
comptents pour connaftre des recours et pourvois int6ressant la R6publique
du Dahomey dont ces hautes juridictions 6taient alors saisies.
Fai 'honneur de vous demander de bien vouloir me faire savoir si le
Gouvernement de la R6publique frangaise admet cette interpr6tation de
L'accord portant transfert des comptences de la Communaut6.
Dans 'affirmative, je vous serais oblig6 de bien vouloir donner les
instructions n6cessaires pour que les dossiers de ces proc6dures soient remis
au ministre de la justice de la R6publique du Dahomey par l'interm6diaire du
ministre de la justice de La R6publique frangaise.

Le PremierMinistre de la Rdpublique franpaise

d Monsieur le Prisidentde la Rdpublique du Dahomey

Vous avez bien voulu, A la date du 24 avril 1961, m'adresser La lettre dont
la teneur suit :

[Voir texte ci-dessus.]

J'ai l'honneur de vous confirmer que le Gouvernement de la R6publique
frangaise partage votre interpr6tation de l'accord particulier signt &Paris le 1
juillet 1960.
Je donne en cons6quence les instructions n6cessaires pour que les dossiers
des proc6dures vis~es dans votre lettre soient remis au ministre de la justice de
la R6pubique du Dahomey.

Laws and decrees


1. Establishmentof Republic of Botswana

On 30th September 1966 (in this Act referred to as "the appointed day")
the territory which immediately before that day constitutes the Bechuana-
land Protectorate shall cease to be a protectorate and shall become an
independent republic under the name of Botswana; and on and after that day
Her Majesty shall have no jurisdiction over that territory.

1 Halsbury's Statutes of England, 3rd ed., vol. 4, p. 160.

2 The provisions of sections 3 (3) (4) and 4 of this Act are basically similar to those
of sections 2 (2) (3) and 3 of the Fiji Independence Act 1970 (infra, p. 178). The same
similarity exists between the provisions of sections 3 (1) (2) and 5 of the Act on the one
hand and those of sections 2 (1) (2) and 5 (1) (3) (4) (5) of the Gambia Independence
Act on the other hand (infra, p. 189).
2. Operation of existing law
(1) Subject to the following provisions of this Act, on and after the
appointed day all law which, whether being a rule of law or a provision of an
Act of Parliament or of any other enactment or instrument whatsoever, is in
force on that day or has been passed or made before that day and comes into
force thereafter, shall, unless and until provision to the contrary is made by
Parliament or some other authority having power in that behalf, have the
same operation in relation to Botswana, and persons and things belonging to
or connected with Botswana, as it would have apart from this subsection if on
the appointed day the Bechuanaland Protectorate had been renamed
Botswana but there had been no change in its status.
(2) Part I of the Schedule to this Act (which relates to enactments
applicable to Commonwealth countries having fully responsible status) and
Part II of that Schedule (which relates to enactments excepted from the
operation of the preceding subsection) shall have effect on and after the
appointed day in relation to the enactments therein mentioned; but that
Schedule shall not extend to Botswana as part of its law.
(3) Subsection (1) of this section applies to law of, or of any part of, the
United Kingdom, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man, and, in relation
only to any enactment of the Parliament of the United Kingdom or any
Order in Council made by virtue of any such enactment whereby any such
enactment applies in relation to the Bechuanaland Protectorate, to law of any
other country or territory to which that enactment or Order extends.
3. Consequentialmodifications of British Nationality Acts

(5) So much of the British Protectorates, Protected States and Protected

Persons Order 1965 as relates to former protectorates, and section 5 of the
British Nationality (No. 2) Act 1964 in so far as that Order vas made by
virtue of that section, shall have effect in relation to the Bechuanaland
Protectorate as if that Order had been made immediately after the appointed
day; and accordingly after the appointed day that Order shall have effect as
if, at the beginning of Part I of Schedule 4 thereto, there were inserted in the
first column the words "Bechuanaland Protectorate" and in the second
column the words "Botswana Independence Act 1966, section 3 (2)".
(6) Nothing in subsection (I) of this section shall affect the meaning of
"protectorate" in any law or instrument passed or made before the passing of
this Act, not being a law or instrument contained in or made under any of the
British Nationality Acts 1948 to 1965.

6. Pendingappeals to Her Majesty in Council

(1) Without prejudice to any power conferred by or under section 5 of
this Act, Her Majesty may by Order in Council confer on the Judicial
Committee of the Privy Council such jurisdiction in respect of appeals to Her
Majesty in Council from the Basotoland, Bechuanaland Protectorate and
Swaziland Court of Appeal, being appeals which are pending immediately
before the appointed day, and in which the records have been registered in
the Office of the Privy Council before that day, as appears to Her to be
appropriate for giving effect to any arrangements to which this subsection
(2) The preceding subsection applies to any arrangements
(a) made before the appointed day between Her Majesty's Government in
the United Kingdom and the Government of the Bechuanaland Protectorate,
(b) made on or after the appointed day between Her Majesty's
Goverment in the United Kingdom and the Government of Botswana,
for any such appeals to be continued before and disposed of by the said
(3) An Order in Council under this section may, if the arrangements so
require, direct that any appeal continued before the Judicial Committee of.
the Privy Council under this section shall abate on a date specified in the
Order unless it has been heard by the Committee before that date; and an
Order containing such a direction may contain provisions to facilitate the
hearing of any 'such appeal before that date, including provisions as to the
sittings of the said Committee and provisions for expediting the steps to be
taken by the parties preliminary to the hearing of an appeal.
(4) An Order in Council under this section may determine the practice
and procedure to be followed on any appeal continued before the said
Committee under this section, and in particular may provide for the form of
any report or recommendation to be made by the Judicial Committee of the
Privy Council in the exercise of the jurisdiction conferred on that Committee
under this section, and for its transmission to such authority in Botswana as
may be specified in the Order.
(5) Except so far as otherwise provided by an Order in Council under this
section, and subject to such modification as may be so provided, the Judicial
Committee Act 1833 shall apply in relation toappeals continued before the
Judicial Committee of the Privy Council under this section as it applied in
relation to those appeals before the appointed day.

7. Provisions as to Orders in Council and other instruments

(I) An order in Council instrument made under any Act of Parliament
passed before the appointed day, other than this Act, which varies or revokes
a previous Order in Council or instrument in consequence of the change in
the status of the Bechuanaland Protectorate taking effect on the appointed
day, and any Order in Council under section 6 of this Act, may, if made after
the appointed day, be made so as to take effect on the appointed day.
(2) An Order in Council under section 6 of this Act
(a) may contain such transitional or other incidental or supplemental
provisions as appear to Her Majesty to be necessary or expedient;
(b) may be varied or revoked by a subsequent Order in Council; and
(c) shall be subject to annulment in pursuance of a resolution or either
House or Parliament.

8. Short title and interpretation

(2) References in this Act to any enactment are references to that

enactment as amended or extended by or under any other enactment.


PartII. Exceptions from s. 2 (I) of Act

10. Section 2 (I) of this Act shall not apply to the Army Act 1955, the
Air Force Act 1955 or the Naval Discipline Act 1957.
11. Notwithstanding anything in section 2(I) or section 3 (6) of this
(a) the Colonial Development and Welfare Act 1959 shall not apply in
relation to Botswana as if it were a colony within the meaning of that Act,
(b) section 2 (7) (b) of the Civil Aviation (Licensing) Act 1960 shall not
apply-in relation to Botswana as if it were a protectorate within the meaning
of that Act.


2. Revocations
The Orders specified in Schedule 1 to this Order (hereinafter reterred to
as "the existing Orders") are revoked to the extent specified therein.

4. Existing Laws
(1) Subject to the provisions of this section, the existing laws shall,
notwithstanding the revocation of the existing Orders or the establishment of
a Republic in Botswana, continue in force after the commencement of this
Order as if they had been made in pursuance of this Order.
(2) The existing laws and any Act of Parliament of the United Kingdom
or Order of Her Majesty in Council (other than the Botswana Independence
Act 1966 or this Order) having effect as part of the law of Botswana or any
part thereof immediately before the commencement- of this Order shall be
construed with such modifications, adaptations, qualifications and exceptions
as may be necessary to bring them into conformity with this Order.
(3) The President may by order made at any time before 30th September
1967 make such amendments to
(a) the existing laws; or
(b) any Act of Parliament of the United Kingdom or Order of Her
Majesty in Council (other than the Botswana Independence Act 1966 or this
I The provisions of Part I of this schedule are basically similar to those of the second
schedule to the Gambia Independence Act 1964 (Infra, p.191).
2 Statutory Instruments, 1966, Part III, Sect. 1, p. 2842. Came into operation
immediately before 30 September 1966.
3 The provisions of sections 4 (4) (5), 5 (1) and of 8 (2) (4) of this Order are
basically similar to those of sections' 4 (2) (5), 5 (4) (6) and 9 (1) of the Barbados
Independence Order 1966 (supra, pp. 120, 121 and 123).
Order) having effect as part of the law of Botswana or any part thereof
immediately before the commencement of this Order,
as may appear to him to be necessary or expedient for bringing those laws or
that Act of Parliament or Order into conformity with the provisions of this
Order or otherwise for giving effect or enabling effect to be given to those

(6) In this section, the expression "the existing laws" means all
Proclamation, Ordinances, laws, rules, regulations, orders and other instru-
ments made by the High Commissioner for South Africa, the High
Commissioner for Basutoland, the Bechuanaland Protectorate and Swaziland
or any other person or authority in Bechuanaland and having effect as part of
the law of the Bechuanaland Protectorate or any part thereof immediately
before the commencement of this Order (including any such instrument made
before the commencement of this Order and coming into operation on or
after the commencement of this Order) and includes any law applied to the
Bechuanaland Protectorate by any such instrument.
5. Existing Officers

(2) For the purposes of subsection (1) of this section the expression
"public office" shall include the office of Chief Justice and of Chairman or
member of the Public Service Commission, and any pergon who holds or is
acting in any such office as from the commencement of this Order shall be
deemed to have taken and subscribed any necessary oath under the
(3) The provisions of this section shall be without prejudice to the
provisions of sections 7 and 8 of this Order.
(4) In this section "existing law" means such a law as is referred to in
section 4 (6) of this Order.
6. Judges of the Basutoland, BechuanalandProtectorateand Swaziland
Court of Appeal to be judges of the new Court of Appeal
(1) Any person who, immediately before the commencement of this
Order, holds or is acting in the office of President of the Basutoland,
Bechuanaland Protectorate and Swaziland Court of Appeal shall -be deemed
to have been appointed as from the commencement of this Order to hold or
act in the office of President of the Court of Appeal established by the
(2) Any person who immediately before the coming into effect of this
Order holds or is acting in the office of an appointed judge (other than the
President) of the Basutoland, Bechuanaland Protectorate and Swaziland
Court of Appeal shall be deemed to have been appointed as from the
commencement of this Order to hold or act in the office of Justice of Appeal
of the Court of Appeal established by the Constitution and such number of
offices of Justice of Appeal as may be necessary for that purpose shall be
deemed to have been established in accordance with the provisions of section
100 (2) (b) of the Constitution.
(3) Any person who holds or is acting in the office of President or a
Justice of Appeal of the Court of Appeal of Botswana as from the
commencement of this Order shall be deemed to have taken and subscribed
any oath which may subsequently be prescribed by Parliament under section
103 of the Constitution.
(4) Any person who holds or is acting in the office of President or a
Justice of Appeal of the Court of Appeal as from the commencement of this
Order and who at the commencement of this Order has attained the age of
sixy-two years shall be deemed to have been appointed to hold or to act in
the office of President or Justice of Appeal of the Court of Appeal until 30th
September 1969 or until such earlier date, if any, as may have been
prescribed as the limit of his term of office when he was appointed to the
Basutoland, Bechuanaland Protectorate and Swaziland Court of Appeal.
7. First Vice-President and Ministers
(1) Any person who immediately before the commencement of this
Order, holds the office of Deputy Primer Minister established under -the
existing Orders shall be deemed to have been appointed as from the
commencement of this Order to hold the office of Vice-President in
accordance with the provisions of the Constitution.
(2) Where any office of Minister (other than the office of Prime Minister
or Deputy Prime Minister) or of Parliamentary Secretary is established under
the existing Orders immediately before the commencement of this Order the
equivalent office of Minister or, as the case may be, Assistant Minister shall be
deemed to have been established, from the commencement of this Order,
under the Constitution, and any person holding that office immediately
before the commencement of this Order shall be deemed to have been
appointed as from the commencement of this Order, to hold the equivalent
office in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution.
8. Parliament
(1) Any person who immediately before the commencement of this
Order is an Elected or Specially Elected Member of the Legislative Assembly
constituted by the existing Orders (in this section keferred to as "the existing
Assembly") shall, if he is qualified to be elected as a member of the National
Assembly, be deemed as from the commencement of this Order to have been
elected as an Elected or Specially Elected Member, as the case may be, of the
National Assembly in pursuance of the provisions of the Constitution and
shall hold his seat in the National Assembly in accordance with the provisions
of the Constitution:
Provided that any such person who does not become a citizen of
Botswana on the commencement of this Order shall be deemed to be such a
citizen for the purpose of section 62 of the Constitution until he becomes
such a citizen or until 30th September 1967, whichever is the earlier.

(3) Any person who on 29th September 1966 is a registered voter for the
purpose of elections of Elected Members of the existing Assembly and who
does not become a citizen of Botswana on the commencement of this Order
shall be deemed to be such a citizen for the purposes of paragraph (a) of
section 68 (1) of the Constitution until he becomes such a citizen or until
30th September 1967, whichever is the earlier.

(5) Any person who immediately before the commencement of this

Order is an Elected Member of the House of Chiefs constituted by the
existing Orders (in this section referred to as "the existing House of Chiefs")
shall as from the commencement of this Order be deemed to have been
elected as an Elected Member of the House of Chiefs in pursuance of the
provisions of the Constitution and shall hold his seat in the House in
accordance with the provisions of the Constitution.
(6) The rules of procedure of the existing House of Chiefs, as in force
immediately before the commencement of this Order, shall, until it is
otherwise provided under section 84 of the Constitution, be the rules of
procedure of the House of Chiefs established by the Constitution, but they
shall be construed with such modifications, adaptations, qualifications and
exceptions as may be necessary to bring them into conformity with the
provisions of the Constitution; and any person who immediately before the
commencement of this Order holds office as Chairman of the existing House
of Chiefs under the said rules shall accordingly hold office as from the
commencement of this Order as Chairman of the House of Chiefs established
by the Constitution.
(7) The Chairman of the House of Chiefs shall cause a general election of
Specially Elected Members of the House of Chiefs to be held as soon as
practicable after the commencement of this Order.
(8) Notwithstanding anything contained in section 92 (3) of the Consti-
tution (but subject to the provisions of subsections (4) and (5) of that
section) Parliament shall, unless sooner dissolved, stand dissolved on 23rd
March 1970.
9. Citizenship
(1) Any person who, at the commencement of this Order, is entitled to
be registered as a citizen of Botswana under subsection (2) or (3) of section
23 or section 25 of the Constitution shall, until he becomes a citizen of
Botswana or until 30th September 1968 (whichever is the earlier) and subject
to the provisions of subsection (3) of this section, have the status of a citizen
of Botswana.
(2) Any person who has the status of a citizen of Botswana by virtue of
the provisions of this section shall be regarded as such a citizen for the
purposes of the provisions of the Constitution (other than Chapter III) and
the provisions of any other law for the time being in force in Botswana (other
than sections 11 and 12 of this Order or a law made or having effect as if
made in pursuance of section 27 of the Constitution).
(3) Where provision is made by any law for the time being in force for
depriving any person of citizenship of Botswana those provisions shall apply
to the status conferred by this section and any person may de deprived of
that status under those provisions accordingly.

13. Legal Proceedings

(1) Any proceedings pending immediately before the commencement of
this Order on appeal from the High Court of-the Bechuanaland Protectorate
to the Basutoland, Bechuanaland Protectorate and Swaziland Court of Appeal
may be continued after the commencement of this Order before the Court of
appeal established by the Constitution.
(2) Any decision given before the commencement of this Order by the
Basutoland, Bechuanaland Protectorate and Swaziland Court of Appeal in an
appeal from the High Court of the Bechuanaland Protectorate shall, for the
purpose of its enforcement or for the purpose of any appeal therefrom, have
effect after the commencement of this Order as if it were a decision of the
Court of Appeal established by the Constitution.
(3) All proceedings that, immediately before the commencement of this
Order, are pending before any court established by or under the existing
Orders other than the Basutoland, Bechuanaland Protectorate and Swaziland
Court of Appeal may be continued after the commencement of this Order
before the corresponding court established by or under the Constitution.
(4) Any decision given before the commencement of this Order by any
such court as aforesaid shall, for the purpose of its enforcement or for the
purpose of any appeal therefrom, have effect after the commencement of this
Order as if it were a decision of the corresponding court established by or
under the Constitution.
14. Appeals to Judicial Committee
(1) Until Parliament otherwise provides under section 108 of the
Constitution, an appeal shall lie from decisions of the Court of Appeal to the
Judicial Committee in the cases mentioned in paragraphs (a) and (b) of
section 4 of the Basutoland, Bechuanaland Protectorate and Swaziland
(Appeals to Privy Council) Order in Council 1954(a) as if references therein
to the Basutoland, Bechuanaland Protectorate and Swaziland Court of Appeal
were references to the Court of Appeal established by the Constitution and
references to Her Majesty in Council were references to the Judicial
(2) Until Parliament 'otherwise provides under section 108 of the
Constitution, and without prejudice to the provisions of subsection (1) of this
section, and appeal shall, with the special leave of the Judicial Committee, lie
to the Judicial Committee from the decision of the Court of Appeal in any
civil or criminal matter.
(3) The provisions of subsections (2) and (3) of section 108 of the
Constitution shall apply in relation to appeals under this section as they apply
in relation to appeals under that section.
15. Prerogativesand privileges of Crown
Where under any law in force in the Bechuanaland Protectorate
immediately before the commencement of this Order any prerogatives or
privileges are vested in Her Majesty, those prerogatives or privileges shall,
from the commencement of this Order, vest in the President.
16. Property and assets
(1) Subject to the provisions of this section, any property and assets
which immediately before the commencement of this Order are vested in Her
Majesty or in the Commissioner, for the purposes of the Government of the
Bechuanaland Protectorate, shall, from the comencement of this Order, vest
in the President on behalf of the Government of Botswana.
(2) Any property which, immediately before the commencement of this
Order, is liable to escheat or be forfeited to Her Majesty for the purposes of
the Government of the Bechuanaland Protectorate, shall, from the com-
mencement of this Order, be liable to escheat or be forfeited to the President
on behalf of the Government of Botswana.
(3) Where, immediately before the commencement of this Order, any
person holds any property or assets in trust for Her Majesty or for the
Commissioner for the purposes of the Government of the Bechuanaland
Protectorate, that person shall, from the commencement of this Order, hold
such property or assets on the like trust for the President.
17. Rights, liabilitiesand obligations
(1) All rights, liabilities and obligations of
(a) Her Majesty in respect of the Government of the Bechuanaland
Protectorate; and
(b) the Commissioner or the holder of any other office under the Crown
in respect of the Government of the Bechuanaland Protectorate on behalf of
that Government,
shall, from the commencement of this Order, be rights, liabilities and
obligations of the President on behalf of the Government of Botswana and,
subject to the provisions of any law, shall be enforceable by or against the
President accordingly.
(2) In this section, rights, liabilities and obligations include rights,
liabilities and obligations arising from contract or otherwise (other than any
rights referred to in the preceding section and any rights, liabilities or
obligations of Her Majesty in respect of the Government of the Bechuanaland
Protectorate arising under any treaty, convention or agreement with another
country or with any international organisation).



Chapter III. Citizenship

23. Persons entitled to be registered as citizens of Botswana by virtue of

connection with Bechuanaland
(1) Any person born outside the former Protectorate of Bechuanaland
before 30th September 1966, who does not become a citizen of Botswana in
accordance with section 20 (2) of this Constitution, but whose father
becomes or would but for his death have become, a citizen of Botswana in
accordance with section 20(1) of this Constitution shall be entitled, upon
making application before the specified date in such manner as may be
prescribed by or under an Act of Parliament, to be registered as a citizen of

(2) Any person who, on 30th September 1966, is a citizen of the United
Kingdom and Colonies, having become such a citizen by virtue of his having
been naturalised or registered under the British Nationality Act 1948 (a) in
the former Protectorate of Bechuanaland or whilst in the service of the
1 The provisions of sections 20, 28 and 30 (2) (3) of the Constitution of Botswana
are, mutatis mutandis, essentially similar to the provisions of sections 2 (1) (2), 8 and 10
(3) (4) of the Constitution of Barbados (supra, pp. 124, 125 and 126).
Bechuanaland Government, shall be entitled, upon making application before
the specified date in such manner as may be prescribed by or under an Act of
Parliament, to be registered as a citizen of Botswana:

(3) Any woman who,. on 30th September 1966, is or has been married to
a person
(a) who becomes a citizen of Botswana by virtue of subsection (1) or
subsection (2) of section 20 of this Constitution; or
( who, having died before that date would, but for his death,
become a citizen of Botswana by virtue of that section,
shall be entitled, upon making application before the specified date in such
manner as may be prescribed by or under an Act of Parliament, to be
registred as a citizen of Botswana.
(4) Any woman who
(a) on 30th September 1966, is married to a person who becomes
entitled to be registered as a citizen of Botswana under subsection (1) or
subsection (2) of this section but whose marriage is terminated after that date
by death or dissolution and before that person exercises his right to be so
registered; or
(b) on 30th September 1966, has been married to a person who becomes
or would but for his death have become entitled to be registered as a citizen
of Botswana under subsection (I) or subsection (2) of this section, but whose
marriage has been terminated by death or dissolution before that date,
shall be entitled, upon making application before the specified date in such
manner as may be prescribed by or under an Act of Parliament, to be
registred as a citizen of Botswana.
(5) In this section "the specified date" means 1st October 1968, or such
later date as may be prescribed by or under an Act of Parliament.

25. Registration of Commonwealth citizens and citizens of certain

African countries
(1) Any person who
(a) has attained the age of twenty-one years or is a woman who is or has
been married;
(b) is a citizen of any country to which this section applies; and
(c) has been ordinarily resident in Botswana (including the former
Protectorate of Bechuanaland) for the period of five years immediately
preceding that person's application for registration or for such shorter period
as the President may in exceptional circumstances in any particular case
shall be entitled, upon making application in such manner as may be
prescribed by or under an Act of Parliament, to be registered as a citizen of
(2) This section applies to
(a) any country to which section 28 of this Constitution applies; and
(b) any other country which is a country in Africa and if f9r the time
being declared by the Minister, by notice published in the Gazette, to be a
country which grants to citizens of Botswana a right to obtain citizenship of
that country corresponding to that conferred by this section.

27. Powers of-Parliament

(1) Parliament may make provision for the acquisition of citizenship of
Botswana by persons who are not eligible or who are no longer eligible to
become citizens of Botswana under the provisions of this Chapter.
(2) Parliament may make provision for depriving of his citizenship of
Botswana any person who is a citizen otherwise than by virtue of section
20, 21 or 22 of this Constitution.
(3) Parliament may make provision for the renunciation by any person of
his citizenship of Botswana.
(4) Parliament may make provision to regulate the procedure relating to
the acquisition and loss of citizenship of Botswana.

30. Interpretation
(1) In this Chapter
"the Minister" means the Minister who is for the time being responsible
for matters relating to citizenship in Botswana.
"British protected person" means a person who is a British protected
person for the purposes of the British Nationality Act 1948.

Chapter VII The Public Service

117. Pensions laws and protection of pensions rights

(1) The law to be applied with respect to any pensions benefits that
were granted to any person before the coming into operation of this
Constitution shall be the law that was in force at the date on which those
benefits were granted or any law in force at a later date that is not less
that to
(2) Thetolaw
favourable person.
be applied with respect to any pensions benefits (not
being benefits to which subsection (1) of this section applies) shall
(a) in so far as those benefits are wholly in respect of a period of service
as a public officer that commenced before the date on which this
Constitution comes into operation, be the law that was in force immediately
before that date; and
(b) in so far as those benefits are wholly or partly in respect of a period
of service as a public officer that commenced after the date on which this
Constitution comes into operation, be the law in force on the date on which
that period of service commenced,
or any law in force at a later date that is not less favourable to that person.
(3) Where a person is entitled to exercise an option as to which of two or
more laws shall apply in his case, the law for which he opts shall, for the
purposes of this section, be deemed to be more favourable to him than the
other law or laws.
(4) All pensions benefits shall (except to the extent to which under any
law providing for the funding of pensions benefits they are a charge on a fund
established by that law and have been duly paid out of that fund to the
person or authority to whom payment is due) be a charge on the
Consolidated Fund.
(5) In this section "pensions benefits" means any pensions, compen-
sation, gratuities or other like allowances for persons in respect of their
service as public officers or as members of the armed forces or for the
widows, children, dependants or personal representatives of such persons in
respect of such service.
(6) References in this section to the law with respect to pensions benefits
include (without prejudice to their generality) references to the law regulating
the circumstances in which such benefits may be granted or in which the
grant of such benefits may be refused, the law regulating the circumstances in
which any such benefits that have been granted may be withheld, reduced in
amount or suspended and the law regulating the amount of any such benefits.
(7) In this section references to service as a public officer include
references to service as a public officer of the former Protectorate of

Chapter VIII. Finance

119. ConsolidatedFund
All revenues or other moneys raised or received for the purposes of the
Government of Botswana (not being revenues or other moneys that are
payable by or under any law into some other fund established for a specific
purpose or that may by or under any law be retained by the department of
Government that received them for the purposes of defraying the expenses of
that department) shall be paid into and form one Consolidated Fund.

125. Public debt

(1) There shall be charged on the Consolidated Fund all debt charges for
which Bechuanaland is liable.
(2) For the purposes of this section debt charges include interest, sinking
fund charges, the repayment or amortization of debt, and all expenditure in
connection with the raising of loans on the security of the revenues or the
Consolidated Fund of the former Protectorate of Bechuanaland or Botswana,
and the service and redemption of debt thereby created.

129. Interpretation

(12) Any reference in this Constitution to a law made before 30th

September 1966 shall be construed as a reference to that law as it had effect
on 29th September.1966.
(13) The Interpretation Act 1889 (a) shall apply, with the necessary
adaptations, for the purpose of interpreting this Constitution and otherwise
in relation thereto as it applies for the purpose of interpreting and in relation
to Acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom.
(i) Treaties



His Majesty's Government and the Delegation of the Burma Executive

Council having discussed all the matters affecting the future relations between
Great Britain and Burma which were raised by the Delegation have reached
the following agreed conclusions as to the methods by which the people of
Burma may achieve their independence, either within or without the
Commonwealth, as soon as possible:
1. The Constituent Assembly
In order that the people of Burma may decide on the future constitution
of their country as soon as possible a Constituent Assembly shall be elected
instead of a Legislature under the Act of 1935. For this purpose the electoral
machinery of the 1935 Act will be used.
Elections will take place in April for the general non-communal, the
Karen, and the Anglo-Burman constituencies as constituted under the Act of
1935, and for each constituency two members shall be returned. Any Burma
nationals (as defined in Annex A) registered in a general constituency other
than one of those mentioned above shall be placed on the register of a general
non-communal constituency.
2. TransitionalForm of Government
During the period of transition the Government of Burma will be carried
on as at present under the special powers of Section 139 of the Act of 1935
and the Temporary Provisions Act of 1945 together with any Orders in
Council made thereunder.
If any exceptional circumstances arise which, in the opinion of either
Government, require special treatment, His Majesty's Government will
consider what, if any, alteration can be made to meet such circumstances.
3. Interim Legislature
During the interim period there will be a Legislative Council as provided
by the Act of 1945. Power will be sought by His Majesty's Government by
Order in Council to increase the numbers authorised from 50 to 100.
As soon as the elections to the Constituent Assembly are completed, the
Governor will nominate a Legislative Council of 100. It will be drawn from
among those elected to the Constituent Assembly with the inclusion of a
small number of persons to represent the non-indigenous minorities.
The powers of the Legislative Council will be identical with those
possessed by the recently dissolved Legislative Council of 50.
4. Interim Government
The Executive Council of the Governor will constitute the Interim
Government of Burma.

1 Commander 7029.
While it is not possible to alter the legal powers of the Executive Council,
or of the Governor, which must continue within the framework set out in
paragraph 2 above, the Interim Government will be conducted generally in
the same manner as the Interim Government of India at the present time, and
in particular:
(a) The Executive Council will be treated with the same close consul-
tation and consideration as a Dominion Government, and will have the
greatest possible freedom in the exercise of the day-to-day administration of
the country.
The convention exercised during the currency of the Act of 1935 as to
the Governor presiding at the meetings of the Council of Ministers shall be
continued in relation to the Executive Council.
(b) His Majesty's Government agree in principle that the Government of
Burma shall have financial autonomy (see Annex B).
(c) Matters concerning Defence and External Affairs will be brought
before the Executive Council, which will be fully associated with the disposal
of business in such matters.
(d) The Governor will depute to his Counsellor for Defence and External
Affairs the day-to-day administration of those subjects.
Subject only to the limitations inherent in the legal position, the
Executive Council will be at full liberty to raise, consider, discuss and decide
on any matters arising in the field of policy and administration.
5. ExternalAffairs
There shall be appointed forthwith a High Commissioner for Burma to
represent the Burmese Government in London. His Majesty's Government
will request the Governments of the countries with which Burma wishes to
exchange diplomatic representatives to agree to such an exchange..
6. Membership of InternationalOrganisations
His Majesty's Government will lend their full support to any application
by Burma for membership of the United Nations Organisation as soon as
Burma's constitutional position makes it possible for such an application to
be entertained. In the meantime His Majesty's Government will explore with
the Secretary-General hQw, far it is possible for Burma to be represented at
any meetings of, or under the auspices of, the United Nations Organisation.
They will also approach any other international bodies which the
Government of Burma may desire, with a view to ascertaining whether Burma
can be associated with the work of such bodies as a member nation or
7. Defence
(a) In accordance with settled practice all British forces stationed in
Burma will remain under the ultimate control of His Majesty's Government.
(b) All Burmese forces will forthwith come under the control of the
Government of Burma.
(c) His Majesty's Government have agreed in principle that the G.O.C. in
Burma shall become subordinate to the Governor and Government of Burma
at the earliest practicable moment, but for the present, until the liquidation
of inter-Allied arrangements of Command which cover many countries, the
G.O.C. in Burma will remain under S.E.A.L.F. During thisperiod there will of
course be close collaboration between the Governor, the Government of
Burma, and the authorities concerned.
Appropriate arrangements on similar lines will apply in respect of the
Naval and Air Services.
(d) The question of assistance in building up the Defence Forces of
Burma will be a matter for discussion between the two Governments. His
Majesty's Government wish to do their utmost to help the Government of
Burma in this matter, but must have regard to their already heavy
commitments in other parts of the world.
(e) The question of the retention or use of any British Forces in Burma
after the coming into operation of the new Constitution will be a matter for
agreement between His Majesty's Government and the Government of Burma.

8. FrontierAreas
It is the agreed objective of both His Majesty's Government and, the
Burmese Delegates to achieve the early unification of the Frontier Areas and
Ministerial Burma with the free consent of the inhabitants of those areas. In
the meantime, it is agreed that the people of the Frontier Areas should, in
respect of subjects of common interest, be closely associated with the
Government of Burma in a manner acceptable to both parties. For these
purposes it has been agreed:
(a) There shall be free intercourse between the peoples of the Frontier
Areas and the people of Ministerial Burma without hindrance.
(b) The leaders and representatives of the peoples of the Frontier Areas
shall be asked, either at the Panglong Conference to be held at the beginning
of next month or at a special Conference to be convened for the purpose, to
express their views upon the form of association with the Government of
Burma which they consider acceptable during the transition period: whether
(i) by the appointment of a small group of Frontier representatives to
advise the Governor on Frontier affairs and to have close liaison with
the Executive Council; or
(ii) by the appointment of one Frontier Area representative as Executive
Councillor in charge of Frontier affairs; or
(iii) by some other method.
(c) After the Panglong meeting, or the special conference, His Majesty's
Government and the Government of Burma will agree upon. the best method
of advancing their common aims in accordance with the expressed views of
the peoples of the Frontier.Areas.
(d) A Committee of Enquiry shall be set up forthwith as to the best
method of associating the Frontier peoples with the working out of the new
Constitution for Burma. Such Committee will consist of equal numbers of
persons from Ministerial Burma, nominated by the Executive Council, and of
persons from the Frontier Areas, nominated by the Governor after consul-
tation with the leaders of those areas, with a neutral Chairman from outside
Burma selected by agreement. Such Committee shall be asked to report to the
Government of Burma and His Majesty's Government before the summoning
of the Constituent Assembly.

9. Finance
A number of financial questions have been considered and an agreement
has been arrived at as to how these matters should be dealt with, which is set
out in Annex B attached hereto.
10. Other Matters
A number of other questions will arise for settlement between His
Majesty's Government and the Government of Burma connected with the
change in the status of Burma. These will be taken up as they arise and will be
dealt with in the same friendly and co-operative spirit that has marked the
present discussions.
BQth His Majesty's Government and the Delegates of the Burma
Executive Council are convinced that by a continuation of the present
method of consultation and co-operation smooth and rapid progress can be
made towards their common objective of a free and independent Burma,
whether within or without the British Commonwealth of Nations, and they
have, therefore, agreed to co-operate in the settlement of all future matters
which shall arise between them through the transitional period until Burma's
new Constitution comes into operation.

Note: The Hon. Thakin Ba Sein and the Hon. U Saw are unable to
associate themselves with these conclusions.

A Burma National is defined for -the purposes of eligibility to vote and to stand as a
candidate at the forthcoming elections as a British subject or the subject of an Indian
State who was born in Burma and resided there for a total period of not less than eight
years in the ten years immediately preceding either 1st January, 1942, or 1st January,


1. His Majesty's Government have agreed in principle that Burma should have
financial autonomy.
2. His Majesty's Government have undertaken to do all they can to secure her
effective membership, as soon as she is in a position to make the aipplication and should
she so desire, of the International Monetary Fund and the International Bank.
3. Burma has received as an interest-free loan approximately L8 million (net) for the
Burma financial year October 1945 to September 1946 and it has already been agreed
that, for the financial year October 1946 to September 1947, she should receive a
further £7.5 million (net). His Majesty's Government have now agreed that they will
make a further contribution towards this year's deficit on the Ordinary Budget, taking
account of any contribution for the Frontier Areas.
4. As regards the Projects Budget (which deals mainly with the governmental
trading activities) His Majesty's Government will examine the possibility of a credit with
a definite ceiling, without United Kingdom control, but with the fullest exchange of
5. His Majesty's Government are prepared to agree in principle to the possibility of
converting a part of any interest-free loan into an outright grant in the light of the results
of the further joint study of the facts of the financial situation (see next paragraph).
6. It is agreed that there should be a further joint study in Burma of the facts of the
financial situation, without commitment on either side. Should further financial
assistance be needed from His Majesty's Government beyond that agreed in paragraphs 3
and 4 of this Annex, this assistance, if given, will be subject to such conditions as may be
agreed upon.
(ii) Laws and decrees


I.- Independence of Burma

(1) On the appointed day, Burma shall become an independent country,
neither forming part of His Majesty's dominions nor entitled to His Majesty's
(2) In this Act, the expression "the appointed day" means the fourth day
of January, nineteen hundred and forty-eight.
(3) The suzerainty of His Majesty over the part of Burma known as the
Karenni States shall lapse as from the appointed day, and with it all treaties
and agreements in force between His Majesty and the rulers of the Karenni
States, all functions exercisable by His Majesty with respect to the Karenni
States, all obligations of His Majesty towards the Karenni States or the rulers
thereof, and all powers, ights, authority or jurisdiction exercisable by His
Majesty in or in relation to the K arenni States by treaty, grant, usage,
sufferance or otherwise.
2. Certain persons to cease to be British subjects
(I) Subject to the provisions of this section, the persons specified in the
First Schedule to this Act, being British subjects immediately before the
appointed day, shall on that day cease to be British subjects:
Provided that a woman who immediately before the appointed day is the
wife of a British subject shall not cease by virtue of this subsection to be a
British subject unless her husband ceases by virtue of this subsection to be a
British subject.
(2) A person who by virtue of subsection (1) of this section ceases to be
a British subject on the appointed day and is immediately before that day
domiciled or ordinarily resident in either
(a) any part of the United Kingdom;
(b) any of the Channel Islands;
(c) the Isle of Man;
(d) Newfoundland;
(e) any colony;
(f) any territory in respect of which a mandate from the League of
Nations was accepted by His Majesty, being a territory under the sole
administration of His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom;
(g) any territory administered under the trusteeship system of the United
Nations, being a territory under the sole administration of His Majesty's
Government in the United Kingdom;
(h) any British protectorate;
(i) any British protected state outside Burma; or
(k) any other place outside Burma in which, by treaty, capitulation,
grant, usage, sufferance or other lawful means, His Majesty has jurisdiction
over British subjects,
may, by a declaration made before the expiration of the two years beginning
with the appointed day to such person and in such manner as may be
prescribed, elect to remain a British subject, and if he so elects, the provisions
1 Public General Acts and Measures. 1947, 11 Geo. 6, Chap. 3.
of subsection(l) of this section- (including the proviso thereto) shall be
deemed never to have applied to or in relation to him or, except so far as the
declaration otherwise provides, any child of his who is under the age of
eighteen years at the date of the declaration:
Provided that a declaration under this subsection shall be of no effect
unless it is registered in the prescribed manner in pursuance of an application
made within,, or within the prescribed period after the expiration of, the said
two years.
In this subsection, the expression "prescribed" means prescribed by
regulations of the Secretary of State or of such Government, authority or
person as may be authorised in that behalf by the Secretary of State, and
different provision may be made under this subsection for different classes of
(3) A person who by virtue of subsection (1) of this section ceases to be
a British subject on the appointed day, not being such a person as is
mentioned in subsection (2) of this section, shall, if on that day he neither
becomes, nor becomes qualified to become, a citizen of the independent
country of Burma for which provision is made by section one of this Act,
have the like right of election as is provided for by subsection (2) of this
section, and the said subsection (2) shall have effect accordingly.
(4) If a provision is made by the law of any part of His Majesty's
dominions not mentioned in subsection (2) of this section for the exercise by
any persons, being persons domiciled or ordinarily resident in that part of His
Majesty's dominions or in any territory administered by the Government
thereof, of a right to elect not to cease to be British subjects on the appointed
day by reason of Burma becoming an independent country on that day, then,
so far as is necessary to give effect under the law of the United Kingdom to
the results flowing under the law of that part of His Majesty's dominions
from the exercise of the right of election, the provisions of subsection (l)of
this section shall be deemed never to have applied to or in relation to, or to or
in relation to the children of, the persons who duly exercise that right.
(5) Save as provided in this section, no person who is a British subject
immediately before the appointed day shall cease to be a British subject by
reason of Burma ceasing on that day to be part of His Majesty's dominions.
(6) The exercise by a person of any such right of election as is referred to
in subsection (2), subsection (3) and subsection (4) of this section shall not
render unlawful anything done before the date of the election which would
have been lawful if the election had no been made.
3. Temporary continuation of customs preferences
(1) Notwithstanding any of the provisions of this Act, the enactments
relating to customs (including the enactments relating to customs in the Isle
of Man) shall, on and after the appointed day, have effect, until such date as
may be specified by His Majesty by Order in Council, as if Burma were part
of His Majesty's dominions:
Provided that His Majesty may by Order in Council direct that, as from a
specified date, all goods or goods of specified classes or descriptions shall be
charged under the said enactments either as if the preceding provisions of this
section had not passed or at such rates as may be specified in the Order, not
being rates higher than would have been chargeable if the said provisions had
not passed.
(2) Any Order in Council made under this section may be revoked or
varied by a subsequent Order in Council made thereunder.
(3) Any Order in Council made under this section shall be laid before
both Houses of Parliament after it is made and if, within a period of forty
days beginning with the day on which any such Order is so laid before it,
either House of Parliament presents an Address to His Majesty praying that
the Order may be revoked, His Majesty may revoke the Order accordingly,
but without prejudice to the making of a new Order.
(4) In reckoning the said period of forty days, no account shall be taken
of any time during which Parliament is dissolved or prorogued, or during
which both Houses are adjourned for more than four days.
(5) Section one of the Rules Publication Act, 1893 (which requires
notice to be given of a proposal to make statutory rules) shall not apply to
any Order in Council made under this section.
4. Legal proceedings
(1) Any appeal to His Majesty in Council from any court in Burma which
is pending on the appointed day shall abate on that day.
(2) No proceedings shall be brought in any court on or after the
appointed day against the Secretary of State in any such case as is mentioned
in section one hundred and thirty-three of the Government of Burma Act,
1935, and any proceedings brought by or against the Secretary of State by
virtue of that section which are pending immediately before the appointed
day shall abate on that day so far as the Secretary of State is concerned.
(3) Nothing in this Act shall affect the jurisdiction of the High Court in
England or the Court of Session in Scotland under the Indian and Colonial
Divorce Jurisdiction Acts, 1926 and 1940, as respects decrees or orders made
in Burma which, before the appointed day, have been registered in those
Courts respectively under those Acts:
Provided that
(a) notwithstanding anything in those Acts, the said Courts may
entertain applications for the modification or discharge of orders notwith-
standing that the person on whose petition the decree for dissolution was
pronounced is resident in Burma; and
(b) no regard shall be had to any order made in Burma on or after the
appointed day modifying or discharging any decree or order made before the
appointed day.
5. Short title, interpretation,repeals and construction of existing Orders
in Council and other instruments
(2) Any reference in this Act to any other enactment shall be construed
as a reference to that enactment as amended by any subsequent Act or by an
order or other instrument made under any subsequent Act, including,
without prejudice to the generality of the preceding words, the Government
of India (Adaptation of Acts of Parliament) Order, 1937, and any subsequent
Orders in Council made under subsection (5) of section three hundred and
eleven of the Government of India Act, 1935.
(3) The enactments specified in the Second Schedule to this Act are
hereby repealed as from the appointed day to the extent specified in that
Provided that if, by the law of Burma, any such enactment is continued
na or after the appointed day as part of the law of Burma, nothing in this
repeal shall be taken to prevent the recognition outside Burma of that
enactment as part of the law of Burma.
(4) It is hereby declared that references (however worded) to Burma or
British Burma in Orders in Council and other instruments made before the
passing of this Act under any enactments not repealed by this Act do not
include references to, or to any part of, the independent country of Burma
for which provision is made by section one of this Act, but nothing in this
subsection shall be construed as affecting any power to make a new Order in
Council or other instrument under any such enactment in relation to the said
independent country.



Persons who cease to be British subjects

1. The persons who, being British subjects immediately before the
appointed day, are, subject to the provisions of section two of this Act, to
cease on that day to be British subjects are the following persons, that is to
(a) persons who were born in Burma or whose father or paternal
grandfather was born in Burma, not being persons excepted by paragraph 2 of
this Schedule from the operation of this sub-paragraph; and
(b) women who were aliens at birth and became British subjects by
reason only of their marriage to any such person as is specified in
sub-paragraph (a) of this paragraph.
2. (1) A person shall be deemed to be excepted from the operation of
sub-paragraph (a) of paragraph 1 of this Schedule if he or his father or his
paternal grandfather was born outside Burma in a place which, at the time of
the birth,
(a) was within His .Majesty's dominions, was a British protectorate, was a
British protected state, was a territory in respect of which a mandate from
the League of Nations had been accepted by His Majesty and which was
under the administration of fhe Government of any part of His Majesty's
dominions or was a territory under the trusteeship system of the United
Nations which was under the administration of the Government of any part
of His Majesty's dominidns; or
(b) was a place where, by treaty, capitulation, grant, usage, sufferance or
other lawful means, His Majesty had jurisdiction over British subjects:
Provided that a person shall not be excepted under this sub-paragraph
from the operation of the said sub-paragraph (a) by virtue of the place of
birth of his father or paternal grandfather unless his father or, as the case may
be, his paternal grandfather, was at some time before the appointed day a
British subject.
(2) A person shall also be deemed. to be excepted from the operation of
the said sub-paragraph (a) if he or his father or his paternal grandfather
became a British subject by naturalisation or by annexation of any territory
which is outside Burma.
(3) Where, in pursuance of the British Nationality and Status of Aliens
Act, 1914, the name of a child has been included in a certificate of
naturalisation granted to his parent, or where, in pursuance of any Act
repealed by that Act, any child has been deemed to be a naturalised British
subject by reason of residence with his parent, that child shall, for the
purposes of this paragraph, be deemed to have become a British subject by
3. For the purposes of this Schedule, a person born in a ship, other than
an unregistered ship, shall be deemed to have been born in the country in
which the ship was registered.
4. In this Schedule the expression "Burma" means the territories which,
immediately before the appointed day, were included in Burma.


(i) Traitks



Article er
La R6publique centrafricaine accede, en plein accord et amiti6 avec la
R6publique frangaise, A la souverainet6 internationale et i l'ind6pendance par
le transfert des comptences de la Communaut6.

Article 2
Toutes les comp6tences institu6es par I'article 78 de Ia Constitution du
4 octobre 1958 sont, pour ce qui la concerne, transf6r~es i la R~publique

Article 3
Chacune des parties contractantes notifiera h l'autre l'accomplissement
des proc6dures requises par sa constitution pour la mise en vigueur du pr6sent
accord. Celui-ci prendra effet h la date de la derni~re de ces notifications.

1 Formerly Central African Republic.

2 Journal Officiel de la Republique franaise, 30 juillet 1960, p. 7042. Entr6 en
vigueur le 12 aotzt 1960.
[Note. - Les dispositions de cet accord sont, mutatis mutandis, iden-
tiques h celles de l'Accord du 15 juillet 1960 entre la France et le Gabon (voir
infra, p. 181).]


[Note. - Les dispositions de cet accord sont, mutatis mutandis, iden-
tiques i celles de l'Accord du 12 juillet 1960 entre la France et le Congo (volt
infra, p. 163).]



Article ler

La R6publique centrafricaine est membre de la Communaut6 h laquelle

elle participe dans les conditions d~finies par des accords de coop6ration.

Article 2
Chacune des parties contractantes notifiera i I'autre I'accomplissement
des proc6dures constitutionnellement requises pour la mise en vigueur du
pr6sent accord qui prendra effet i la date de la dernire notification.


BANGUI, LE 13 AOUT 19604

1 Ibid., p. 7042.
2 Ibid., p. 7043.
3Journal Officiel de la R~publique franFaise, 30 juillet 1960, p. 7043. Entr6 en
vigueur le 12 aofit 1960. (Renseignement tire de Roilet, Henri, Liste des engagements
bilatbraux et multilateraux, Paris 1973, p. 60.)
41bid, 24 novembre 1960, p. 10463. Entri en vigueur le 27 janvier 1961.
Consid~rant que par 'effet de I'accord de transfert en date du 12 juillet
1960, entr6 en vigueur le 12 aotit 1960, la R6publique centrafricaine a acc6d
lI'ind~pendance et que la R6publique franqaise l'a reconnue en tant qu'Etat
ind6pendant et souverain,
Consid6rant que la R~publique centrafricaine manifeste la volont6 de
coop6rer avec la R~publique franqaise au sein de la Communaut ,

Art. 1er . - La R6publique centrafricaine est membre de la Communaut6 i

laquelle elle participe dans les conditions d6finies au present accord et par des
accords de cooperation.
Art. 2. - La R~publique centrafricaine reconnaft que le President de la
R~publique franqaise est de droit President de la Communaut6.
Art. 3. - La Rpublique franqaise et la R~publique centrafricaine parti-
cipent h une conf6rence priodique des chefs d'Etat et de gouvernement
r~unie .sous la pr~sidence du Pr6sident de la Communaut6 pour se concerter
sur les probl~mes essentiels int~ressant celle-ci.
Elles participent aussi des comit~s de ministres ou d'experts auxquels
sont repr~sent6s 6ventuellement les autres Etats.
Art. 4. - La R~publique centrafricaine a la facult6 d'envoyer une d616-
gation un s6nat interparlementaire consultatif compos6 de d6lgu~s des
assembl6es 16gislatives des Etats de la Communaut .


BANGUI, LE 13 AOUT 19601

Consid~rant que, par 'effet de I'accord de transfert en date du 12 juillet

1960, entr6 en vigueur le 12 aofit 1960, la R6publique centrafricaine a acc~d6
l'ind6pendance et que la R6publique franqaise a reconnu son ind~pendance
et sa souverainet6,

Art. 1er . - II est institu6 une commission mixte paritaire qui 61aborera,
dans un dM1ai de six mois i dater de I'entre en vigueur du present accord, une
convention en mati~re domaniale.
Art. 2. - La commission mixte 6tablira la liste des immeubles requis ou
constitu6s sur cr6dits du budget de l'Etat franqais dont la proprit6 sera
reconnue 4 la R6publique franqaise. Elle dterminera 6ventuellement les
compensations qui apparaftront n6cessaires i la satisfaction des besoins des
parties en pr6sence.
Art. 3. - La commission pr6voira 'affectation en jouissance i la R6pu-
blique frangaise de ceux des biens revenant i la R6publique centrafricaine qui
resteraient n~cessaires aux besoins des services de la Rpublique frangaise sur
le territoire de cet Etat.

1Journal Officiel de la Republique franfaise, 24 novembre 1960, p. 10466. Entree

en vigueur le 27 janvier 1961.
Art. 4. - La commission 6tabira la liste des organismes de droit public
franqais jouissant de l'autonomie administrative ou financi~re dont les biens
sont proprit priv6e.
Art. 5. - La R~publique centrairicaine dOclare confirmer les concessions
accord6es ant~rieurement h la date h laquelle prend effet le pr6sent accord,
sans pr6judice des dispositions internes actuellement applicables.
Art. 6, - Ds l'entr~e en vigueur du present accord, le droit de conces-
sion, en ce qui concerne les terrains immatricults, sera exerc6 par les autorit6s
de la R~publique centrafricaine.
Art. 7. - Les dispositions du pr6sent accord ne s'appliquent pas aux
terrains et batiments affect6s A la d6fense; ceux-ci feront I'objet de
conventions particuli~res
Art. 8. - Chacune des parties contractantes notifiera i I'autre I'accom-
plissement des proc6dures constitutionnellement requises pour la mise en
vigueur du present accord, qui prendra effet A la date de la derni~re



Art. jer. - La Rbpublique centrafricaine confirme A I'Etat franqais la

pleine propriWt des immeubles suivants :

Art. 2. - La R~publique franqaise confirme le transfert de la propri~t6

dite "palais du haut-commissariat" (T. F. 1.528). qui sera immatricul6e au
nom de la R~publique centrafricaine.
Art. 3. - La R6publique franqaise transflre difinitivement i Ia R~pu-
blique centrafricaine ses droits sur les immeubles suivants

Art. 4. - La R pubfique centrafricaine cede en pleine propritk A la

Rpublique franqaise les immeubles suivants

Art. 5. - La R~publique centrafricaine accorde en jouissance i la R6pu-

blique franqaise les immeubles suivants, qui seront immatriculs au nom de la
R~publique centrafricaine :

Cette jouissance est consentie i titre gratuit pour une dur6e de trois ans
renouvelable par tacite reconduction, sauf prtavis de six mois.
Art. 6. - La liste des organismes de droit public franqais dont les biens
sont proprits privies est 6tablie comme suit :

I Ibid., 21 mars 1963, p. 2718.

Art. 7. - Ne rentrent pas dans le cadre du pr6sent accord :
Les immeubles n6cessaires A la paierie de France, en application des
articles 29 et 30 de la convention sur les rapports du Tr6sor frangais et du
Tr6sor centrafricain;
Les terrains et btiments militaires (arm6e de 'air, arm6e de terre et
gendarmerie), qui doivent faire l'objet de conventions particuli~res;
Les installations de l'aviation civile et commerciale et de la m6t6orologie
utilises par l'agence pour la s6curit6 de la navigation a6rienne en Afrique et h
Madagascar (A. S. E. C. N. A.).
Art. 8. - Les cessions et transferts r6sultant' du pr6sent protocole sont
consentis &titre gratuit. Les mutations seront effectu6es sans frais ni taxes.


BANGUI, LE 13 AOUT 19601
[Note. - Les dispositions de cette convention sont, mutatis mutandis,
identiques A celles de la Convention du 15 aofit 1960 entre la France et le
Congo (infra, p. 167).]



Le PremierMinistre de la R~publique frangaise d Monsieur le President

du Gouvernement de la Rdpublique centrafricaine

11 est de l'int6rOt de la R6publique centrafricaine et de la R6publique

frangaise que certains 6tablissements publics de la R6publique frangaise
puissent poursuivre sur le territoire de la R6publique centrafricaine les
diverses activit6s aff6rentes Aleur mission, en particulier dans les domaines de
la recherche et de l'aide et de la coop6ration.
J'ai en cons6quence l'honneur de proposer que, jusqu'A intervention
6ventuelle de conventions sp6ciales les concernant, les 6tablissements publics
de la R6publique frangaise 6num6r6s en annexe A la pr~sente lettre continuent
A exercer leurs activit6s sur le territoire de la R~publique centrafricaine selon
les modalit6s actuellement en vigueur.
Je serais heureux que vous veuilhiez me confirmer votre accord h ce sujet.

I Journal Of/lciel "dela Ripubliue franraise, 24 novembre 1960, p. 10467. Entre

en vjgueur le 27 janvier 1.961.
2Ibid., p. 10467. Entr6 en vigueur le 13 aoat 1q60.
Le Presidentdu Gouvernement de la Rdpublique centrafricaine
d Monsieur le PrenierMinistre de la Ripublique frangaise

Vous avez bien voulu m'adresser en date de ce jour la lettre suivante:

J'ai l'honneur de vous confirmer mon accord i ce sujet.



Institut g6ographique national.
Mission m~tropolitaine des tabacs en Afrique 6quatoriale.
Bureau des recherches g6ologiques et miniires.
Caisse centrale de coop6ration 6conomique.
Centres relevant de l'office de larecherche scientifique et technique pour 'outre-mer
du centre technique forestier tropical et de l'institut d'6levage et de m6decine v6t6rinare
des pays tropicaux.
Mission d'Afrique centrale du commissariat i l'6nergie atomique.

(ii) Lois et d6crets



Chapitre premier. - Difinition et composition du domaine public

Article premier. - Le domaine public comprend tous les biens qui, par
leur destination ou leur affectation sont i la disposition du public et, par
suite, ne sont pas susceptibles de propri6t6 priv6e. Le domaine public est
inali6nable et imprescriptible.
Article premier. - "Le domaine public compriv6e. Le domaine public est
inali6nable et imprescriptible."
Art. 2. - Font partie du domaine public naturel de la R6publique:
a) Les sources et cours d'eau dans les limites d6termin6es par la hauteur.
des eaux coulant &pleins bords avant de d6border, et en ce qui concerne les
cours d'eau navigables ou flottables une zone de 25 mtres de large A partir de
ces limites sur chaque ive et sur chacun des bords des lies;
b) Les lacs et 6tangs dans les limites d6termin6es par le niveau des plus
hautes eaux avant d6bordement ainsi qu'une zone de 25 mtres de lrge i
partir de ces limites sur chaque rive et sur chacun des bords des ties.

I Loi n0 62.289, Journal Officiel de laR4publique centrafricaine, 1-15 juin 1962,

p. 341.
Art. 3. - Les collectivit6s qui, jusqu'A l'adoption de la pr6sente loi,
b6n6ficiaient de droits coutumiers sur ce domaine naturel conservent le droit
de jouissance.
Art. 4. - Font partie du domaine public artificiel de la R6publique:
a) Le domaine de circulation: les routes, les ponts et les voies de
communication de toute nature et les dispositifs de protection de ces voies,
les ports fluviaux, les canaux de navigation et leurs chemins de halage, les
canaux d'irrigation et de dess~chement et les aqueducs ex6cut6s dans un but
dutiit6 publique, les chemins de fer, les a6rodromes ou a6roports civils ou
militaires, les lignes et postes t616graphiques, t6l6phoniques ou de T.S.F.
Les ouvrages ex~cut6s dans un but d'utilit6 publique ou d~clar6s d'utilit6
publique en vue de l'utilisation des forces hydrauliques.
Le transport de l'6nergie 6lectrique, ainsi que toutes las d6pendances
imm6diates et n6cessaires des ouvrages ci-dessus 6num6r6s.
b) Le domaine de la d6fense :
Les ouvrages de fortification des places de d6fense ou des postes
militaires, les arsenaux manufactures d'armes, ies batteries, avec leurs
ouvrages annexes.
c) Les monuments publics.
d) Le domaine mobilier :
Les documents et objets d'art composant les collections d'Etat.

Chapitre II. - Des servitudes publiques

Art. 5. - Tous les terrains et bitiments de propri6t6 priv6e sont soumis A
toutes les servitudes de passage, d'implantation, d'appui et de circulation
n6cessit6es par l'am6nagement, l'entretien et l'exploitation des conduits
d'eau, des conduits d'6gotits, des dispositifs de protection des voies de
communications des lignes t6l6graphiques et t6l6phoniques et des conducteurs
d'6nergie 6lectrique ou de force hydrauliques class6es dans le domaine public.
Art. 6. - Toutes les propri6t6s priv6es sont, en outre, susceptibles d'etre
assujetties aux servitudes d'hygi~ne, d'esth6tique, d'urbanisme, d'alignement
et de s6curitb publique qui peuvent tre impos6es par un plan d'am6nagement
et d'extension.
Art. 7. - Tous les terrains et bitiments de propri6t6 priv6e sont soumis
aux servitudes de la navigation a6rienne.
Art. 8. - Des servitudes pourront 6tre impos6es aux propri6t6s priv6es en
vue de permettre ou faciliter l'ex6cution d'un travail d'int6ret public,
d'assurer le fonctionnement normal et r6gulier d'un service d'int6r~t public,
de permettie l'utilisation normale d'un ouvrage d'utilit6 publique.
Art. 9. - Aucune indemnit6 n'est due aux propri6taires en raison des
servitudes 6tablies en vertu des articles 5 et 7 de la pr6senteloi.

Chapitre III. - Gestion du domaine public

Art. 10. - Le "classement est l'acte de l'autorit6 qui constate ou qui
consacre l'incorporation d'un bien au domaine public. Il peut donner lieu
6ventuellement Aune indemnit6.
Art. 11. - Le d6classement a pour but de retirer A un bien son caract~re
de domanialit6 publique.
Art. 12. -Le classement et le d6classement font l'objet d'un d~cret pris
en Conseil des ministres sur proposition du Ministre de l'int~rieur.
Art. 13. - Toute indemnit6 due en application de la pr6sente loi sera
d6termin6e conform6ment i la proc6dure pr6vue pour l'expropriation
d'utilit6 publique.
Art. 14. -- En cas de doute ou de contestation sur les limites du domaine
public ou l'6tendue des servitudes 6tablies par les articles 5, 6, 7 et 8 de la
pr~sente loi, les recours seront port~s devant le Tribunal administratif.
Art. 15. - Les r6gles relatives h la police, h la conservation et i
l'utilisation du domaine public, A la police du roulage ainsi qu'h l'exercice des
servitudes d'utilit0 publique et des servitudes militaires, seront fix~es par voie
de r~glement.
Les infractions k ces r~glements' seront passibles de peine de 100 i
50 000 francs d'amende et d'un jour i un mois d'emprisonnement, ou de
l'une de ces deux peines seulement, le tout sans pr6judice de la r6paration des
dommages caus6s ou de la d6molition aux frais du contrevenant des ouvrages
indtiment 6tablis sur le domaine public et dans les zones de servitude, ou de
l'ex6cution, 6galement Ases frais, des travaux prescrits.




Article ler
La R6publique du Tchad accede, en plein accord et amiti6 avec la
R~publique frangaise, A la souverainet6 internationale et i l'ind~pendance par
le transfert des comp6tences de la Communaut6.

Article 2
Toutes les comptences institu6es par l'article 78 de la Constitution du
4 octobre 1958 sont, pour ce qui la concerne, transf6r6es i la R6publique du

Article 3
Chacune des parties contractantes notifiera h l'autre l'accomplissement
des proc6dures requises par sa constitution pour la mise en vigueur du pr6sent
accord. Celui-ci prendra effet 4 la date de la derni~re de ces notifications.

1Journal Officiel de la R~publique frangaise, 30 juillet 1960, p. 7044. Entr6 en

vigueur le 10 ao0t 1960.
. 157


[Note. - Les dispositions de cet accord sont, mutatis mutandis, iden-
tiques h celles de 'Accord du 15 juilet 1060 entre la France et le Gabon (voir
infra, p. 181).]


[Note. - Les dispositions de cet accord'sont, mutatis mutandis, iden-
tiques A celles de l'Accord du 12 juillet 1960 entre la France et le Congo
(infra, p.163).]


CEMBRE 19703

A Son Excellence Monsieur Joseph Brahim Seid, Ministre de la justice

de la Rdpublique du Tchad, Fort-Lamy.

Lors de la n6gociation de l'Accord de coop6ration en mati~re de justice

entre la R6publique frangaise et la R6publique du Tchad, il a tb convenu de
traiter s6par6ment la question des recours et des pourvois form6s contre des
juridictions tchadiennes et qui sont derneur6s en instance devant le Conseil
d'Etat et la Cour de Cassation.
Ainsi que le sait Votre, Excellence, le r~glement de cette question est
pr6vu par l'Accord du 12 juillet 1960 entre la R6publique frangaise et la
R6publique du Tchad' relatif aux dispositions transitoires en mati6re de
L'article ler, alin6a 1 de cet Accord dispose en effet que "jusqu'h
l'installation par la R6publique du Tchad de juridictions de cassation
comp6tentes pour connaftre des recours form6s contre les d6cisions rendues
par les juridictions tchadiennes de l'ordre administratif et de l'ordre judiciaire,
ces recours continueront d'tre port6s devant les formations ordinaires du
Conseil d'Etat et de la Cour de Cassation si6geant A Paris, lesquelles statueront
en outre sur les recours form6s h la date d'entr6e en vigueur du present

12 Ibid., 30 juillet 1960, p. 7044. Entri en vigueur le 10 ao0t 1960.

jIbid, entr6 en vigueur le 10 aofit 1960.
3 Journal Officiel de laRepublique franpaise, 5 mai 1971, p. 4302. Entr6 en vigueur
le 7 d6cembre 1970.
D'autre part, le meme Accord pr6voit en son article 3 qu' "i la fin de la
phriode transitoire pr~vue h 'article ler, alin6a 1, un Accord entre la
R6publique frangaise et la R6publique du Tchad d6terminera les conditions
dans lesquelles seront r6gl6es les instances pendantes devant le Conseil d'Etat
et la Cour de Cassation".
D'ordre de mon Gouvernement, j'ai l'honneur de vous proposer que cette
question soit r6g16e de la fagon suivante :
1. Le Conseil d'Etat et la Couf de Cassation demeurent compltents i
l'6gard des recours et des pourvois lorsqu'ils auront W form6s avant le
ier juin 1967 contre les d6cisions des juridictions tchadiennes.
2. En cas de cassation, 'affaire sera renvoy6e devant la Cour d'appel de
Fort-Lamy autrement compos6e.
3. Le Conseil d'Etat et la Cour de Cassation ont cess&d'etre comphtents
i l'6gard des recours et des pourvois form6s le lerjuin 1967 ou post6rieu-
rement h cette date, contre les dcisions des juridictions tchadiennes.
4. Les dossiers de procedures pendantes devant les deux Hautes
Juridictions i la suite des recours ou des pourvois form~s le 1er juin 1967 ou
post6rieurement i cette date seront transmis au Minist~re de la Justice de la
R6publique du Tchad.
J'ai l'honneur de proposer i Votre Excellence que la pr~sente lettre
constitue, avec la r6ponse que vous voudrez bien m'adresser, l'Accord entre le
Gouvernement de la R~publique du Tchad et le Gouvernement de la
R~publique frangaise pour l'application des articles ier et 3 de l'instrument
susvis6 du 12 juillet 1960.

Le Ministre de la Justice d Monsieur l'Ambassadeur, Haut Reprisentant

de Franceau Tchad, Fort-Lamy

Par sa lettre en date du 7 d6cembre 1970, Votre Excellence a bien voulu

me faire savoir ce qui suit
[ Voir texte ci-dessus.I
J'ai l'honneur de confirmer A Votre Excellence l'Accord du Gouver-
nement de la R6publique du Tchad sur ces propositions.


LAMY, LE 11 AOUT 19601
[Note. - Les dispositions de cette convention sont, mutatis mutandis,
identiques i celles de la Convention du 15 aofzt 1960 entre la France et le
Congo (infra, p. 167).]

1 Journal Officiel de la Rdpublique franfaise, 24 novembre 1960, p. 10479. Entree

en vigueur le 8 fevrier 1961.
DU TCHAD. 11 AOUT 19601

Le PremierMinistre de la R~publique fran~aised M. le Premier Ministre

de la Ripublique du Tchad

II est de l'int6rbt de la R6publique du Tchad et de la R6publique frangaise

que certains 6tablissements publics de la R6publique frangaise puissent
poursuivre sur le territoire de la Rbpublique du Tchad les diverses activit~s
affbrentes h leur mission, en particulier dans les domaines de la recherche et
de l'aide et de la coop6ration.
J'ai en cons6quence I'honneur de proposer que jusqu'i intervention
6ventueUe de conventions sp6ciales les concernant, les 6tablissements publics
de la R6publique frangaise 6num6r6s en annexe i la pr6sente lettre,
continuent 4 exercer leurs activit6s sur le territoire de la R6publique du Tchad
selon les modalit6s actuellement en vigueur.
Je serais heureux que vous veuilez me confirmer votre accord i ce sujet.

Le PremierMinistre de la R publique du Tchad

d M. le PremierMinistre de la R~publique francaise

Vous avez bien voulu m'adresser en date de ce jour la lettre suivante

[Voir texte ci-dessus.]
J'ai l'honneur de vous confirmer mon accord i ce sujet.


LE 11 AOUT 19602

Consid6rant que, par l'effet de l'accord de transfert en date du 12 juillet

1960 entr6 en vigueur le 10 aoft 1960, la R6publique du Tchad a accd6
l'ind6pendance et que la R6publique frangaise a reconnu son ind6pendance et
sa souverainet6,

Art. jer. - I1est institu6 une commission mixte paritaire qui 61aborera
dans un d6lai de six mois k dater de I'entr6e en vigueur du pr6sent accord une
convention en mati~re domaniale.

1 Ibid., 24 novembre 1960, p. 10480. Entr6 en vigueur le 11 aott 1960.

2 Journal Officiel de laR~publique francaise, 24 novembre 1960, p. 10478. Entr6 en
vigueur le 8 f6vrier 1961.
Art. 2. - La commission mixte 6tablira la liste des immeubles acquis ou
constitu~s sur cr6dits du budget de l'Etat frangais, dont la propri6t6 sera
reconnue A la R6publique frangaise. Elle d~terminera 6ventuellement les.
compensations qui apparattront n6cessaires h la satisfaction des besoins des
parties en pr6sence.
Art. 3. - La commission pr6voiera l'affectation en jouissance A la R6pu-
blique frangaise de ceux des biens revenant A la R6publique du Tchad qui
resteraient n6cessaires aux besoins des services de la R6publique frangaise sur
le territoire de cet Etat.
Art. 4. - La commission 6tablira la liste des organismes de droit public
frangais jouissant de l'autonomie administrative ou financiire dont les biens
sont propri6t6 priv6e.
Art. 5. - La R6publique du Tchad d6clare confirmer les concessions
accord6es ant6rieurement i la date i laquelle prend effet le present accord
sans pr6judice des dispositions internes actuellement applicables.
Art. 6. - D~s 'entr6e en vigueur du pr6sent accord, le droit de concession
en ce qui concerne les terrains immatricul6s sera exerc6 par les autorit6s de la
R6publique du Tchad.
Art. 7. - Les dispositions du pr6sent accord ne s'appliquent pas aux
terrains et bAtiments affect6s i la d6fense; ceux-ci feront l'objet de
conventions particuli~res.
Art. 8. - Chacune des parties contractantes notifiera l'autre l'accom-
plissement des proc6dures constitutionnellement requises pour la mise en
vigueur du pr6sent accord qui prendra effet i la date de la derni~re



Art. Ier . - La R6publique du Tchad confirme i I'Etat frangais la

propri6t6 des immeubles suivants :

Art. 3. - La R6publique frangaise transf~re d6finitivement A la R~pu-

blique du Tchad ses droits sur les immeubles suivants:

Art. 4. - La R6publique frangaise reconnaft la proprit de la R~publique

du Tchad sur les immeubles suivants financ6s par le F. I. D. E. S., actuel-
lement immatricul6s au nom de la R6publique frangaise:

Art. 5. - La R6publique du Tchad c~de h la Rpublique frangaise, qui en

aura la libre disposition, la propri6t6 des immeubles suivants :

1 Journal Officiel de la Republique franaise, 21 mars 1963, p. 2721. Entr6 en

vigueur le 25 octobre 1961. (Renseignement tir6 de Rollet, op. cit., p. 200.)
Art. 6. - Aux termes de l'article 29 de la Convention du 19 mars 1960
relative aux relations entre le Tr6sor frangais et le Tr6sor du Tchad, la
R6publique du Tchad s'6tait engag~e A assurer l'installation de la paierie de
'France. Se trouvant dans l'impossibilit6 de d6gager un immeuble appropri6, la
R6publique du Tchad cde en compensation &la R6publique frangaise :

Art. 7. - La R6publique du Tchad accorde en jouissance, h titre gratuit, A

la R6publique frangaise :
a) Pour la satisfaction des besoins de l'ambassade de France

b) Pour la satisfaction des besoins permanents du contrble financier de la

R6publique frangaise:

c) Pour la satisfaction des besoins de la paierie de France & Fort-Lamy,

pour une dur6e de deux ans A compter de la s6paration des Tr~sors frangais et

Art. 8. - La liste des organismes de droit public fran~ais dont les biens
sont propri6t6 priv6e est 6tablie comme suit :

Art. 9. - Ne rentrent pas dans le cadre du pr6sent accord

Les a6rodromes (pistes et installations techniques) de Fort-Lamy (titre
foncier 404 et totre foncier 459 et aggrandissement) et de Fort-Archambault
(titre foncier 542), dont la situation sera examin6e dans le cadre des accords
de defense.
Les terrains et batiments militaires (arm6e de l'air, arm6e de terre et
gendarmerie), qui doivent faire l'objet de conventions partiuli~res.

Art. 10. - Les cessions et transferts r6sultant du pr6sent protocole sont

consentis h titre gratuit. Les mutations seront effectu6es sans droits ni taxes.


Au protocole d'accord domanialentre la Rdpublique franvaise

et la Ripublique du Tchad

Le Gouvernement de la R6publique frangaise, d'une part, et le Gouver-

nement de la R6publique du Tchad, d'autre part, sont convenus de ce qui
suit :
Le protocole d'accord domanial entre la R6publique du Tchad et la
R6publique frangaise est consid6r6 comme ayant pris effet la date de sa
signature, le 25 octobre 1961.



Article er
La R6publique du Congo accede, en plein accord et amiti6 avec la
R6publique franqaise, & la souverainet6 internationale et i l'ind~pendance par
le transfert des comptences de la Communaut6.

Article 2
Toutes les comp'tences institu6es par l'article 78 de la Constitution du
4 octobre 1958 sont, pour ce qui la concerne, transf6r6es i la Rbpublique du

Article 3
Chacune des parties contractantes notifiera A l'autre 'accomplissement
des proc6dures requises par sa constitution pour la mise en vigueur du pr6sent
accord. Celui-ci prendra effet &la date de la demi~re de ces notifications.



Article I er
Jusqu'h l'entr~e en vigueur des accords de coopbration intervenus en
chaque mati~re, les dispositions ci-apr~s seront appliqu6es

Article 2
La R6publique franqaise continuera d'assurer la protection diplomatique
des ressortissants de la R6publique du Congo i 1'6tranger.

1Journal Officiel de la Republique franfaise, 30 juiet 1960, p. 7043. Entr6 en

vigueur le 14 aotit 1960.
2 Ibid, 30 juillet 1960, p. 7043. Entri en vigueur le 14 aofit 1960.
Article ,3
Les forces armies frangaises csntinueront d'assurer les missions qui leur
sont actuellement assign6es selon les rfgles et proc6dures applicables A la date
d'entr6e en vigueur du pr6sent accqd.
Le Comit6 de d6fense pr~vu au projet d'accord de defense, paraph6 en
date de ce jour, sera constitu6 sans d6lai pour pr6parer la mise sur pied des
forces arm6es de la R6publique du Congo.

Article 4
Les modalit6s de coop6ration au sein de la Zone Franc, les r6gimes des
6changes, de I'6mission mon6taire, de, l'organisation g6n6rale des transports
maritimes et a6riens et des t616communications ainsi que le statut du
Domaine actuellement en vigueur continueront d'8tre appliqu6s.

Article 5
Le pr6sent accord entrera en vigueur en meme temps et dans les memes
conditions que I'accord particulier portant transfert A la R6publique du
Congo des comp6tences de la Communaut6.



Article 1er
La R6publique du Congo est membre de la Communaut6 h laquelle eUe
participe dans les conditions d6finies par des accords de 'oop6ration.

Article 2
Chacune des parties contractantes notifiera A l'autre I'accomplissement
des proc6dures constitutionnellement requises pour la mise en vigueur du
pr6sent accord qui prendra effet A la date de la dernire notification.



1 Journal Officiel de la Rdpublique frangaise, 30 juillet 1960, p. 7044. Entr6 Ln

vigueur le 15 aoiat 1960.
2 Ibid., 30 juillet 1960, p. 7043. Entr6 en vigueur le 14 aotzt 1960.
Article Ier
Jusqu'h l'installation par la R6publique du Congo de juridictions de
cassation comptentes pour connaftre des recours form6s contre les d6cisions
rendues par les juridictions congolaises de l'ordre adnministratif et de l'ordre.
judiciaire, ces recours continueront d'6tre port6s devant les formations
spciales du Conseil d'Etat et de la Cour de Cassation.
En cas de cassation, 'affaire sera renvoy6e devant une juridiction de la
R6publique du Congo. Si la juridiction de renvoi est celle dont la d6cision est
annul6e, elle devra 8tre autrement compos~e. La juridiction de renvoi sera
tenue de se conformer, sur le point de droit jug6, i la d6cision de cassation.

Article 2
Les d6cisions rendues par les juridictions si6geant sur le territoire de la
R~publique frangaise ou sur le territoire de la R6publique du Congo
continueront, jusqu'h la fin de la p6riode transitoire pr~vue i l'article ler, &
6tre ex6cut6es sur le territoire de l'autre Etat selon la proc6dure appliqu6e
lors de 1'entr6e en vigueur de l'accord particulier portant transfert A la
R6publique du Congo des comp~tences de la Communaut6.

Article 3
A la fin de la p6riode transitoire pr6vue h l'article ler, les formations
sp6ciales du Conseil d'Etat et de la Cour de Cassation resteront saisies des
affaires qui avaient fait l'objet d'un recours ant6rieurement h cette date. En
cas de cassation, l'affaire sera renvoy6e et jug6e sur renvoi ainsi qu'il est dit A
l'alin6a 2 de l'article ler.

Article 4
La transmission et la remise des actes judiciaires, la transmission et
l'ex6cution des commissions rogatoires, la comparution des t6moins en
mati~re p6nale, les formalit6s relatives &l'inscription au casier judiciaire et A la
demande des extraits de casier judiciaire, les inscriptions et les formalit6s
relatives h l'6tat civil, les dispenses de l6galisation seront r6gl6es, jusqu'i la
signature d'un accord entre les parties, selon la proc6dure en vigueur avant le
transfert des comp6tences de la Communaut6.

Article 5
Le pr6sent accord entrera en vigueur en meme temps et dans les m6mes
conditions que 'accord particulier portant transfert h la R6publique du
Congo des comp6tences de la Communaut6.



1 Journal Officiel de laRepublique franpalse, 24 novembre 1960, p. 10469. Entr6 en

vigueur le 24 janvier 1961.
Consid6rant que, par 'effet de l'accord de transfert en date du 12 jullet
1960, entr6 en vigueur le 14 aotit 1960, la R6publique du Congo a acc6db i
l'ind6pendance et que la Rpublique frangaise l'a reconnue en tant qu'Etat
ind6pendant et souverain,
Consid6rant que la R6publique du Congo manifeste la volont6 de
coop6rer avec la R6publique frangaise au sein de la Communaut6,

Art. jer. - La R6publique du Congo est membre de la Communaut6

laquelle eUe participe dans les Conditions d6finies au pr6sent accord et par des
accords de coop6iation.
Art. 2. - La R6publique du Congo reconnaft que le Pr6sident de la
R6publique frangaise est de droit Pr6sident de la Communau.
Art. 3. - La R6publique frangaise et la-R6publique du Congo participent
A une conf6rence p6riodique des chefs d'Etat et de Gouvernement r6unie sous
la pr6sidence du Pr6sident de la Communaut6 pour se concerter sur les
prob1bmes essentiels int6ressant celle-ci
Elles participent aussi h des comit6s de ministres ou d'experts auxquels
sont repr6sent~s 6ventuellement les autres Etats.
Art. 4. - La R6publique du Congo a Ia facult6 d'envoyer une d616gation &
un s6nat interparlementaire consultatif compos6 de d616gu6s des assembl6es
16gislatives des Etats de la Communaut6.



Consid6rant que par 'effet de l'accord de transfert en date du 12 juillet

1960, entr6 en vigueur le 14 aotit 1960, la R6publique du Congo a accd6
l'ind6pendance et que Ia R6publique frangaise I'a reconnue en tant qu'Etat
ind6pendant et souverain;
Consid6rant que Ia R6publique du Congo manifeste Ia volont6. de
coop6rer avec la R6publique frangaise au sein de la Communaut6 i laquelle
elle participe dans les conditions pr ,vues aux accords en date de ce jour,

Art. jer. - Conform6ment h 'article 6 de 'accord de d6fense entre Ia

R6publique franqaise, la R6publique centrafricaine, la R6publique du Congo
et la R6publique du Tchad, la R6publique frangaise apporte son concours i Ia
R6publique du Congo pour la constitution de sa gendarmerie et de son arm6e
Art. 2. - Le Gouvernement de la Rpublique du Congo accepte que ses
ressortissants servant actue'llement dans les forces arm6e's frangaises et qui ne
seront pas transf6r6s pour servir dans les forces arm6es de Ia R6publique du
Congo continuent leur service dans les forces arm6es frangaises.

1 Journal Officiel de la Republiquefranpaise,24 novembre 1960, p. 10470. Entr6 6n

vigueur le 24 janvier 1961.
Les personnels transf~rgs aux forces arm6es congolaises conservent dans
ces forces le b6n6fice des droits acquis par leurs services dans les forces arm6es
frangaises, notamment en matigre de pension.
Les ressortissants de la R6publique du Congo pourront servir dans les
forces arm6es frangaises selon les rfgles en vigueur dans ces forces.
Art. 3. - La R6publique frangaise fournit A titre gratuit la premiere
dotation en mat6riels et 6quipements n6cessaires A la constitution des forces
arm6es de la R6publique du Congo dans les limites fix~es d'un commun

Art. 10. - Les personnels militaires mis h la disposition de la R6publique

du Congo demeurent sous juridiction militaire frangaise dans les conditions
pr6vues h 'annexe du pr6sent accord. Ils sont soumis aux r~gles de la
discipline g6n6rale en vigueur dans les forces arm6es de la R6publique du
11s servent dans les forces arm6es de la R6publique du Congo selon les
rbgles traditionnelles d'emploi de leur arne ou service. II leur est reconnu le
grade de la hi6rarchie des forces arm6es de la R6publique du Congo
correspondant h celui dont ils sont titulaires dans les forces arm6es frangaises
ou le grade imm6diatement sup6rieur.
Toutes les d6cisions les concernant prises par le commandement de
l'arm6e nationale de la R6publique du Congo doivent tre communiqu6es au
chef de la commission d'aide militaire. Notamment les sanctions disciplinaires
6ventuellement encourues sont port6es A la connaissance du chef de la
mission. Ces sanctions peuvent entrafner la r6affectation imm6diate dans les
forces arm6es frangaises.
Inversement, toutes d6cisions de l'autorit6 militaire frangaise les concer-
nant doivent 8tre port6es h la connaissance du commandement militaire de
l'arm6e nationale.



Consid6rant que, par 1'effet de 'accord de transfert en date du 12 juillet

1960, entr6 en vigueur le 14 aotit 1960, la R6publique du Congo a accgd6 A
rind6pendance et que la R6publique frangaise a reconnu son ind6pendance et
sa souverainet6,

Art. jer. - II est institu6 une commission mixte paritaire qui 61aborera
dans un d6ai de six mois A dater de 1'entrge en vigueur du pr6sent accord une
convention en matibre domaniale.
Art. 2. - La commission mixte 6tablira la liste des immeubles acquis ou
constitu.6s sur credits du budget de 'Etat frangais, dont la propri~tb s.ra

1JournalOfficiel de la Republique frangaise, 24 novembre 1960, p. 10473. Entr6 en

vigueur le 24 janvier 1961.
reconnue & la R6publique frangaise. Elle d~terminera 6ventuellement les
compensations 'qui apparaftront n~cessaires &la satisfaction des besoins des
parties en pr6sence.
Art. 3. - La commission pr6voiera I'affectation en jouissance h la R6pu-
blique frangaise de ceux des biens revenant A la R~publique du Congo, qui
resteraient n6cessaires aux besoins des services de la R6publique frangaise sur
le territoire de cet Etat.
Art. 4. - La commission 6tablira la liste des organismes de droit public
frangais jouissant de I'autonomie administrative ou financire dont les biens
sont propri6t6 priv6e.
Art. 5. - La R6publique du Congo d6clare confirmer les concessions
accord6es ant6rieurement h la date h laquelle prend effet le pr6sent accord.
Toutefois, la R6publique du Congo se r6serve le droit de prononcer, dans les
conditions d6termin6es par sa 16gislation interne, le retrait total ou partiel des
concessions inexploit6es.
Les contestations sur les conditions du retrait de concession seront
port6es devant le comit6 restreint franco-congolais de la commission mixte
pr6vue A l'article 25 de l'accord de coop6ration en mati~re mon6taire
6conomique et financi~re.
Art. 6. - Ds l'entr6e en vigueur du pr6sent accord, le droit de concession
en ce qui concerne les terrains immatricul6s sera exerc6 par les autorit6s de la
R6publique du Congo.
Art. 7. - Les dispositions du pr6sent accord ne s'appliquent pas aux
terrains et bAtiments affect6s A la d6fense; ceux-ci feront l'objet de
conventions particulires.



D6sireux d'assurer 4 leurs nationaux respectifs, entre les droits garantis

par l'accord multilat6ral sur les droits fondamentaux des nationaux des Etats
de la Communaut6, le b6n6fice d'un statut inspir6 de l'esprit qui anime leurs
relations mutuelles, conforme i l'amiti6 qui unit leurs pays et de nature i
d6velopper les rapports entre leurs peuples,

Art. Ier. - Sans pr6judice des conventions intervenues ou h intervenir

entre les parties contractantes, les nationaux de chacune de ces parties
pourront acc6der aux emplois publics de l'autre Etat dans les conditions
d6termin6es par la 16gislation de cet Etat.
Art. 2. - En ce qui concerne l'ouverture d'un fonds de commerce, la
cr6ation d'une exploitation, d'un 6tablissement i caract~re industriel,
commercial, agricole ou .artisana4 l'exercice des activit6s correspondantes et
l'exercice des activit6s professionnelles salari6es, les nationaux de l'une des
parties contractantes sont assimil6s aux nationaux de l'autre partie contrac-
2Ibid., entr6e en vigueur le 24 janvier 1961.
Art. 3. - Tout national de l'une des parties contractantes b6n6ficie, sur le
territoire de l'autre partie, du traitement des nationaux de cette partie pour
tout ce qui concerne l'acc~s aux professions libfrales et leur exercice.
Toutefois, h titre exceptionnel et temporaire, l'acc~s sur le territoire d'une
partie contractante h certaines professions lib6rales pourra tre r~serv6 en
priorit6 aux nationaux de cette partie en vue de permettre leur promotion
Art. 4. - Tout national de l'une des parties contractantes a la facult6
d'obtenir, sur le territoire de l'autre partie, des concessions, autorisations et
permissions administratives, ainsi que de conclure des marches publics dans
les mmes conditions que les nationaux de cette partie.
Art. 5. - Les nationaux d'une des parties contractantes seront, sur le
territoire de l'autre partie, repr~sent~s dans les m~mes conditions que les
nationaux de celle-ci aux assembl6es consulaires et aux organismes assurant la
repr6sentation des int~rets 6conomiques.
Art. 6. - Les nationaux de chacune des parties contractantes b~n~fi-
cieront, sur le territoire de 'autre partie, de la 16gislation du travail, des lois
sociales et de s~curit sociale dans les m~mes conditions que les nationaux de
cette partie.

Art. 7. - Tout national de l'une des parties contractantes jouit, sur le

territoire de I'autre partie contractante, des mmes droits civils que les
nationaux de ladite partie. I1 les exerce selon la loi applicable d'apr~s les r~gles
de conflits de loi
En particulier, le statut personnel des Franqais sur le territoire de la
R6publique du Congo est. r~gi par la loi franqaise et le statut personnel des
Congolais sur le territoire de la R~publique franqaise est r~gi par la loi
Art. 8. - Tout national de l'une des parties contractantes r~sidant sur le
territoire de l'autre partie contractante peut participer aux activitgs syndicales
et faire partie des organismes de d6fense professionnelle dans les mames
conditions que les nationaux de cette partie.
La dur~e de la residence exig~e est d~termine par chaque Etat.
Art. 9. - Les nationaux de l'une des parties contractantes ne peuvent tre
assujettis sur le territoire de l'autre partie contractante h des droits, taxes ou
contributions, quelle qu'en soit la d6nomination, autres ou plus 6lev~s que
ceux perqus sur les nationaux de cette partie.

Art. 10. - Si l'une des parties contractantes se propose de prendre une

mesure d'expulsion contre un national de 'autre partie contractante dont
l'activit6 constitue une menace pour l'ordre public, ou le credit public, elle en
fait part h l'autre partie. Faute par celle-ci d'avoir pr~sent6 des observations
dans un d~lai de vingt jours k dater de la reception de la communication, ou
s'il est pass6 outre h ces observations, l'expulsion peut tre prononc6e. Elle a
lieu en vertu d'une d6cision individuelle et motiv6e du chef du gouver-
nement. Un d~lai suffisant est accord6 h l'intfress6 pour lui permettre de
pourvoir aux mesures n6cessit~es par son depart.
Toutefois, en cas d'urgence absolue, reconnue par d6cision motiv6e, une
mesure d'expulsion assortie d'effet imm~diat peut tre prise. Cette mesure est
imm6diatement notifi6e au gouvernement de l'Etat dont relive la personne
L'Etat qui proc~de i l'expulsion doit assurer par tous les moyens
appropri6s la sauvegarde des biens et des intfrtts de la personne expuls6e.
Art. 11. - Chacune des parties contractantes s'engage h respecter les
droits acquis sur son territoire par les personnes physiques et morales
ressortissant de l'autre partie.
Les Frangais 6tablis sur le territoire de la R6publique du Congo et les
Congolais 6tablis sur le territoire de la R6publlque frangaise Ala date d'entr~e
en vigueur de la pr~sente convention peuvent continuer i exercer librement
leur profession dans les m~mes conditions que les nationaux de l'Etat de
De m~me, les soci~t6s ayant leur siege social sur le territoire de la
R6publique du Congo au lerjanvier 1960 dont la majorit6 du capital
appartient 4 des Frangais et dont plus de la moiti6 des administrateurs ou
g6rants sont de nationalit6 frangaise, pourront, sur declaration faite au
r6gistre du commerce, conserver leur statut actuel en ce qui concerne les
r~gles r6gissant leur constitution, leur fonctionnement, leur liquidation et,
d'une mani~re g6n6rale, les rapports entre associ~s ou actionnaires.
Art. 12. - Les soci~t~s civiles et commerciales constitu6es conform6ment
i la 16gislation d'une partie contractante et ayant leur siege social sur son
territoire sont assimil6es aux nationaux de cette partie contractante, quanti
la jouissance, sur le territoire de l'autre partie contractante, de tous les droits
6nonc6s au pr6sent accord et dont une personne morale peut etre titulaire.
Le droit d'6tablissement des soci6t~s de transports maritimes et a~riens
fera l'objet d'accords sp~ciaux.
Art. 13. - La personnalit6 morale des associations but non lucratif,
16galement constitu6es sur le territoire de l'une des parties contractantes, est
reconnue de plein droit par l'autre partie contractante. Ces associations
b6n6ficient notamment sur le territoire de cette derni6re des dispositions des
alin6as 1 et 2 de l'article 4 de l'accord multilateral sur les droits fonda-
mentaux des nationaux des Etats de la Communaut6, ainsi que de celles de
l'alin6a 1 de l'article 9 de la pr6sente convention.
Art. 14. - Chacune des parties contractantes r6serve aux nationaux de
l'autre le statut particulier d6fini par la pr6sente convention h raison du
caract~re sp6cifique des relations entre les deux Etats. Le b6n6fice de ces
dispositions particulires ne peut pas etre automatiquement 6tendu aux
ressortissants d'un Etat tiers.
Si l'une des parties contractantes vient h accorder aux ressortissants d'un
Etat tiers un statut plus favorable que celui d~fini par la pr6sente convention,
l'autre partie sera fond6e h en revendiquer le b~n6fice pour ses nationaux.
Art. 15. - Chacune des parties contractantes notifiera A 'autre l'ac-
complissement des proc6dures constitutionnellement requises pour la mise en
vigueur de.la pr6sente convention, qui prendra effet h la date de la derni~re

Le Premier Ministre de la Ripublique fran~aise

d Monsieur le Prisidentde la Ripublique du Congo

II est de l'int6ret de la R6publique du Congo et de la R6publique frangaise

que certains 6tablissements publics de la R6publique frangaise puissent
poursuivre sur le territoire de la Rbpublique du Congo les diverses activit6s
aff6rentes leur mission en particulier dans les domaines de la recherche et de
I'aide et de la coop6ration.
J'ai en cons6quence l'honneur de proposer que, jusqu'A intervention
6ventuelle de conventions sp6ciales les concernant, les 6tablissements publics
de la R6publique franqaise numfr6s en annexe k la pr6sente lettre continuent
i exercer leurs activit6s sur le territoire de la R6publique du Congo selon les
modalit6s actuellement en vigueur.
Je serais heureux que vous veuilliez me confirmer votre accord Ace sujet.

Le Prdsidentde la Ripublique du Congo

d Monsieur le PremierMinistre de la Ripublique franfaise

Vous avez bien voulu m'adresser en date de ce jour la lettre suivante

[Voir texte ci-dessus.]
J'ai I'honneur de vous confirmer mon accord h ce sujet.



Consid6rant que, par I'accord relatif h 'enseignement sup6rieur entre la

R6publique franqaise, la R6publique centrafricaine, la R6publique du Congo
et la R6publique du Tchad, en date du 15 aotit 1960, il a W convenu qu'un
centre d'6tudes administratives et techniques sup6rieures assurerait la for-
mation des cadres des Etats d'Afrique 6quatoriale et serait 6rig6 en centre
d'enseignement sup6rieur;
Consid6rant que cet 6tablissement est appel6 h fonctionner sur le
territoire de la R~publique du Congo,

I Journal Officiel de la R~publique franfaise, 24 novcmbre 1960, p. 1074. Entr en

vigucur lc .15 aoO t 1960.
2 Ibid., 24 novembre 1960, p. 10475. ELntr6 en vigueur Ic 24 janvicr 1961.
Art. ler. - Les deux gouvernements faciliteront par tous les moyens en
leur pouvoir le fonctionnement du centre d'6tudes administratives et
techniques sup6rieures de Brazzaville et sa transformation en centre d'en-
seignement sup~rieur.
En particulier, la R~publique franqaise maintiendra au centre d'ensei-
gnement supfrieur de Brazzaville l'affectation des terrains, batiments et
installations, propri6t6 de l'Etat frangais, actuellement utilis6s par le centre
d'6tudes administratives et techniques sup~rieures.
Art. 2. - Le centre d'enseignement sup~rieur de Brazzaville sera ouvert
sans distinction de nationalit6 aux 6tudiants justifiant des diplbmes ou titres
Art. 3. - Le personnel enseignant et administratif du centre d'enseigne-
ment sup6rieur b6n~ficiera des conditions d'exercice, des garanties et des
franchises professionnelles traditionnellement accord6es par la R6publique
franqaise au personnel universitaire.
En particulier, les agents de la force publique ne p6n6treront dans
l'enceinte des 6tablissements relevant du centre d'enseignement sup6rieur qu'h
la demande ou avec l'accord de son directeur.
Art. 4. - Le mat6riel d'6quipement et les fournitures n6cessaires au
fonctionnement des biblioth6ques et laboratoires du centre d'enseignement
sup~rieur seront admis librement en franchise des droits de douane sur le
territoire de la Rpublique du Congo.
Art. 5. - Chacune des parties contractantes notifiera h l'autre l'accom-
plissement des pr6c6dures constitutionnellement requises pour la mise en
vigueur du pr6sent accord, qui prendra effet h la date de la derni~re

(i) Laws and decrees


1. (1) Subject to the proviso to subsection (1) of section four of the

Cyprus Act, 1960, and to this Article, any person who, immediately before
the sixteenth day of February, 1961, is a citizen of the United Kingdom and
Colonies shall cease to be such a citizen on that day if he possesses any of the
qualifications specified in paragraph 2 of Section 2 of Annex D to the Treaty
concerning the Establishment of the Republic of Cyprus concluded on the
sixteenth day of August, 1960 (which Annex is set out in the Schedule to this
Order and is hereinafter referred to as "Annex D"):
Provided that if any person would, on ceasing to be a citizen of the
United Kingdom and Colonies under this paragraph, become stateless, he shall
not cease to be such a citizen thereunder until the sixteenth day of August,
(2) A person shall not cease to be a citizen of the United Kingdom and
Colonies under this Article if he possesses any of the qualifications specified.
1 Statutory Instruments, 1960, Part I, p.421.
in paragraph 2 of Section 3 of Annex D; and for the purposes of this
(a) save as hereinafter provided, any expression used in the said
paragraph 2 shall be construed as having the same meaning as in the British
Nationality Act, 1948;
(b) the reference in sub-paragraph (b) of the said paragraph 2 to a person
naturalised in the United Kingdom and Colonies shall include a person who
would, if living immediately before the commencement of the British
Nationality Act, 1948, have become a person naturalised in the United
Kingdom and Colonies by virtue of subsection (6) of section thirty-two of
that Act (which relates to persons given local naturalisation before that
commencement in a colony or protectorate);
(c) the protectorates of Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland shall be
excepted from the operation of any reference to a protectorate in
sub-paragraph (f) or (g) of the said paragraph 2.
(3) A person shall not cease to be a citizen of the United Kingdom and
Colonies under this Article if he is such a person as is mentioned in
sub-paragraph (b) of paragraph 1 of Section 4 of Annex D, and loss of
citizenship of the United Kingdom and Colonies would render him stateless.
2. Subject to the proviso to subsection (1) of section four of the Cyprus
Act, 1960, any citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies who is granted
citizenship of the Republic of Cyprus in pursuance of an application such as
is referred to in Section 4, 5 or 6 of Annex D shall thereupon cease to be a
citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies.
3. Subsection (3) of section four of the Cyprus Act, 1960, shall apply to
those persons who cease to be citizens of the United Kingdom and Colonies
under Article 1 of this Order.
4. This Order may be cited as the British Nationality (Cyprus) Order,
1960, and shall come into operation on the sixteenth day of February, 1961.


Section 1
For the purposes of this Annex:
(a) "The agreed date" means the 16th of February, 1961;
(b) "Colony", "protectorate", "protected State" and "United Kingdom
trust territory" refer to territories which have that status immediately after
the entry into force of this Treaty for the purpose of the application of the
nationality law of the United Kingdom;
(c) "The date of this Treaty" means the date on which this Treaty enters
into force ;

1 See United Nations, Legislative Series, Materials on Succession of States,

ST/LEG/SER.B/14, p. 21.
2 Under Article 12 of the Treaty, it entered into force on 16th August, 1960, on
signature by all the parties to it.
(d) A person born before the agreed date aboard a registered ship or
aircraft or aboard an unregistered ship or aircraft of the Government of any
country shall be regarded as having been born in the place in which the ship
or aircraft was registered, or, as the case may be, in that country;
(e) It is understood that a person shall not be regarded as having ceased
to be ordinarily resident in a country if it can be shown to the satisfaction of
the authorities concerned that his absence from that country was temporary
and for the purpose of receiving medical treatment or education.

Section 2
1. Any citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies who on the date of
this Treaty possesses any of the qualifications specified in paragraph 2 of this
Section shall on that date become a citizen of the Republic of Cyprus if he
was ordinarily resident in the Island of Cyprus at any time in the period of
five years immediately before the date of this Treaty.
2. The qualifications referred to in paragraph I of this Section are that
the person concerned is
(a) a person who became a British subject under the provisions of the
Cyprus (Annexation) Orders in Council, 1914 to 1943; or
(b) a person who was born in the Island of Cyprus on or after the 5th of
November, 1914; or
(c) a person descended in the male line from such a person as
is referred
to in sub-paragraph (a) or (b) of this paragraph.
3. Any citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies born between the
date of this Treaty and the agreed date shall become a citizen of the Republic
of Cyprus at the date of his birth if his father becomes such a citizen under
this Section or would but for his death have done so.

Section 3
1. Any citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies who on the date of
this Treaty (or, in the case of a person born between that date and the agreed
date, who on the date of his birth) possesses any of the qualifications
specified in paragraph 2 of Section 2 of this Annex shall on the agreed date
cease to be a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies unless he possesses
any of the qualifications specified in paragraph 2 of this Section.
2. The qualifications referred to in paragraph I of this Section are that
the person concerned is
(a) a person born outside the Island of Cyprus in the United Kingdom or
in a colony; or
(b) a person naturalised in the United Kingdom and Colonies; or
(c) a person who was registered as a citizen of the United Kingdom and
Colonies; or
(d) a person who became a British subject by reason of the annexation of
any territory included in a colony outside the Island of Cyprus; or
(e) a person whose father or father's father is or was such a person as is
referred to in sub-paragraph (a), (b), (c) or (d) of this paragraph; or
(f) a person born in a protectorate, protected State or United Kingdom
trust territory; or
(g) a person whose father or father's father was born in a protectorate,
protected State or United Kingdom trust territory and was at any time a
British subject; or
(h) a person who was born on or after the 1st of January, 1949, and
whose father was, or would but for his death have been, a British subject
without citizenship at the date of that person's birth and immediately before
the date of this Treaty; or
(i) a person who was born before the 1st of January, 1949, and whose
father was, or would but for his death have been, a British subject at the date
of that person's birth and a British subject without citizenship immediately
before the date of this Treaty; or
(j) a person who was immediately before the date of this Treaty
ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom or in a colony, protectorate,
protected State or United Kingdom trust territory or in the territory of any
country within the British Commonwealth of Nations then having separate
citizenship from that of the United. Kingdom and Colonies or any
dependency of that territory; or
(k) a person who was born between the date of this Treaty and the
agreed date and whose father was a citizen of the United Kingdom and
Colonies who was immediately before the date of this Treaty (or, if he was
dead at that date, then at the date of his death) ordinarily resident in any
country or territory referred to in sub-paragraph (j) of this paragraph.

Section 4
1. A person who immediately before the date of this Treaty was a
citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies and possessed any of the
qualifications specified in paragraph 2 of Section 2 of this Annex but does
not under that Section become a citizen of the Republic of Cyprus shall be
entitled, on application to the appropriate authority of the Republic of
Cyprus, to be granted on or after the agreed date citizenship of the Republic
of Cyprus if
(a) he was immediately before the date of this Treaty ordinarily resident
in any country or territory specified in sub-paragraph (j) of paragraph 2 of
Section 3 of this Annex; or
(b) he was immediately before that date ordinarily resident in Greece or
Turkey; or
(c) he was immediately before that date ordinarily resident elsewhere
than in a country or territory mentioned in sub-paragraphs (a) and (b) of this
paragraph and became or may become stateless by reason of this Annex.
2. A person of Cypriot origin who immediately before the date of this
Treaty was not a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies shall be
entitled, on application to the appropriate authority of the Republic of
Cyprus, to be granted on or after the agreed date citizenship of the Republic
of Cyprus. For the purpose of this paragraph, "a person of Cypriot origin"
means a person who was, on the 5th of November, 1914, an Ottoman subject
ordinarily resident in the Island of Cyprus or who is descended in the male
line from such a person.
3. A woman who was married before the date of this Treaty to a person
who is entitled to make an application for citizenship of the Republic of
Cyprus under paragraph I or 2 of this Section and is making or has made such
an application shall be entitled, on application during the subsistence of the
marriage made to the appropriate authority of the Republic of Cyprus, to be
granted on or after the agreed date citizenship of the Republic of Cyprus.
4. A woman who is a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies and
was married before the date of this Treaty to a person possessing any of the
qualifications specified in paragraph 2 of Section 2 of this Annex but whose
marriage has been terminated by death or divorce shall be entitled, on
application to the appropriate authority of the Republic of Cyprus, to be
granted on or after the agreed date citizenship of the Republic of Cyprus if at
the date of this Treaty any of the conditions specified in sub-paragraph (a),
(b) or (c) of paragraph I of this Section were satisfied in the case of her
husband (or, if the marriage was terminated before the date of this Treaty,
then in her case).
5. A woman who was married.before the date of this Treaty to a person
of Cypriot origin within the meaning of paragraph 2 of this Section not being
a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies but whose marriage has been
terminated by death or divorce shall be entitled, on application to the
appropriate authority of the Republic of Cyprus, to be granted on or after
the agreed date citizenship of the Republic of Cyprus.
6. A person born between the date of this Treaty and the agreed date
shall be entitled, on application to the appropriate authority of the Republic
of Cyprus, to be granted on or after the agreed date citizenship of the
Republic of Cyprus if either of his parents is entitled to make an application
for such citizenship under paragraphs 1 to 5 of this Section and is making or
has made such an application.
71 (a) Subject to paragraph 8 of this Section, the number of applications
which may be granted under paragraphs 1 to 6 of this Section on the basis of
such residence as is referred to in sub-paragraph (a) or (b) of paragraph I or
on the basis of Cypriot origin as referred to in paragraph 2 of this Section
shall be limited in each calendar year to the numbers given in The Table below
in respect of each class of applicants. Applications shall be granted up to the
full number given in each space in that Table in respect of applicants of each
class irrespective of the number of applications made by or granted to
applicants of any other class.

(b) The numbers in the Table above may be altered for any year by
agreement between the President and Vice-President of the Republic of

9. Section 3 of this Annex shall not apply to such a person as is

mentioned in sub-paragraph (b) of paragraph I of this Section if loss of
citizenship of the United Kingdom and Colonies under Section 3 of this
Annex would render him stateless.
10. Notwithstanding Section 3 of this Annex, the United Kingdom may
provide that the citizenship of the United Kingdom and Colonies of persons
who may become stateless on the agreed date by the operation of that
Section may continue to subsist until the 16th of August, 1961. Where a
child is born to such a person during such subsistence of citizenship of the
United Kingdom and Colonies paragraph 6 of this Section shall apply to that
child as if he had been born before the agreed date.

14. A citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies who becomes a

citizen of the Republic of Cyprus under this Section shall thereupon cease to
be a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies. The United Kingdom may
provide that any person who loses citizenship of the United Kingdom and
Colonies under this paragraph as a result of an application made on his behalf
under paragraph 13 of this Section shall be entitled to resume that citizenship
after he attains the age of 21 years.
15. Particulars of every grant of citizenship under thig Section to a
person who is a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies shall be notified
by the Government of the Republic of Cyprus to the Government of the
United Kingdom.

Section 5
1. Any citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies shall be entitled, on
application to the appropriate authority of the Republic of Cyprus not later
than 12 months after the agreed date, to be granted on or after the agreed
date citizenship of the Republic of Cyprus if he satisfies the authority that he
possesses any of the qualifications specified in paragraph 2 of this Section and
was ordinarily resident in the Island 'of Cyprus 0t any time in the period of
five years immediately before the date of this Treaty.
2. The qualifications referred to in paragraph I of this Section are that
the person concerned is
(a) a person who was granted a certificate of"naturalisation by the
Governor of Cyprus, or whose name was included in such a certificate; or
(b) a person who was registered as a citizen of the United Kingdom and
Colonies (otherwise than on the ground of marriage to such a citizen) by the
Governor of Cyprus; or
(c) a person descended in the male line from such a person as is referred
to in3.sub-paragraph (a) or (b) of this paragraph.
A citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies born between
the date
of this Treaty and the agreed date shall be entitled, on application to the
appropriate authority of the Republic of Cyprus not later than 12 months
after the agreed date, to be granted citizenship of the Republic of Cyprus if
(a) his father is entitled to make an application for citizenship of the
Republic of Cyprus under this Section and is making or has made such an
application; or
(b) his mother is entitled to make an application for citizenship of the
Republic of Cyprus under paragraph 2 of Section 6 of this Annex by virtue of
the fact that his father possessed any of the qualifications specified in
paragraph 2 of this Section and she is making or has made such an
4. An application under this Section may be made on behalf of a child
'who has not attained the age of 16 years by any person who satisfies the
appropriate authority that he is the father or guardian of the child.
5. A person who becomes a citizen of the Republic of Cyprus under this
Section shall thereupon cease to be a citizen of the United Kingdom and
Colonies. The United Kingdom may provide that a person who loses
citizenship of the United Kingdom and Colonies under this paragraph as a
result of an application made on his behalf under paragraph 4 of this Section
shall be entitled to\,resume that citizenship after he attains the age of 21
6. Particulars of every grant of citizenship of the Republic of Cyprus
under this Section shall be notified by the' Government of the Republic of
Cyprus to the Government of the United Kingdom.

Section 6
1. A woman who is a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies and
was married before the date of this Treaty to a person who becomes a citizen
of the Republic of Cyprus under Section 2 or 5 of this Annex shall be
entitled, upon application to the appropriate authority of the Republic of
Cyprus during the subsistence of the marriage and not later than one year
after the date when her husband becomes such a citizen, to be granted on or
after the agreed date citizenship of the Republic of Cyprus.
2. A woman who is a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies and
was married before the date of this Treaty to a person possessing any of the
qualifications specified in paragraph 2 of Section 2 or in paragraph 2 of
Section 5 of this Annex, but whose marriage has been terminated by death or
divorce shall be entitled, upon application to the appropriate authority of the
Republic of Cyprus not later than two years after the agreed date, to be
granted on or after the agreed date citizenship of the Republic of Cyprus if
either of the conditions specified in paragraph 3 of this Section is satisfied in
her case.

4. A woman who acquires citizenship of the Republic of Cyprus under

this Section shall thereupon cease to be a citizen of the United Kingdom and
5. Particulars of every grant of citizenship of the Republic of Cyprus
under this Section shall be notified by the Government of the Republic of
Cyprus to the Government of the United Kingdom.
6. A woman who is the wife of a citizen of the United Kingdom and
Colonies shall not cease to be a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies
under any provision of this Annex unless her husband ceases to be such a
citizen under this Annex.

Section 7
.Any person who ceases to be a citizen of the United Kingdom and
Colonies under Section 3 of this Annex shall, until the expiration of a period
of two years after the agreed date, have the same right to acquire citizenship
of the United Kingdom and Colonies by registration as if he were a British
subject who is not a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies.

(This Note is not part of the Order, but is intended to indicate

its generalpurport.)
Articles 1 and 2 of this Order, which is made under section 4 of the
Cyprus Act, 1960, specify the persons who are to cease to be citizens of the
United Kingdom and Colonies under section 4 (1) of the Act in accordance
with the agreement for the establishment of the Republic of Cyprus.
Article 3 relates to the re-acquisition of citizenship of the United
Kingdom and Colonies lost, by virtue of the Order, under section 4 (1) of the
Act. Section 6 of the British Nationality Act, 1948, includes provisions
enabling a citizen of a Commonwealth country to acquire citizenship of the
United Kingdom and Colonies by registration. Section 4 (3) of the Cyprus
Act provides that until 16th February, 1963, certain persons who cease to be
citizens of the United Kingdom and Colonies by virtue of the Order shall have
the same rights as citizens of a Commonwealth country to apply for
registration as citizens of the United Kingdom and Colonies under section 8
of the British Nationality Act; the persons who are to have this right are those
persons to whom section 4 (3) of the Cyprus Act is applied by the Order.
Article 3 applies section 4 (3) to those persons who cease to be citizens of the
United Kingdom and Colonies automatically by virtue of Article 1.

(ii) Statements from governmental authorities


From: The Ministry of Finance, Cyprus, 26th August, 1963

The Republic continued the preparation of accounts on a calendar year
basis and no separate accounts were prepared for the period up to
Independence. The Public Debt at the end of 1960 is shown at statement 13,
Page 61, and at the end of 1959, at statement 10, page 57. During 1960, year
of Independence, there was no significant change in the amount of the Public

10. FIJI
Laws and decrees


1. Fully responsiblestatus of Fiji

(1) On and after 10th October 1970 (in this Act referred to as "the
appointed day") Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom shall have
no responsibility for the government of Fiji.
1 Text reproduced from: The International Law Association, Report of the
Fifty.fourth Conference, The Hague, 1971, p. 140.
2 Public GeneralActs and Measures, 1970 (Part 11), p. 1475.
(2) No Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom passed on or after
the appointed day shall extend, or be deemed to extend, to Fiji as part of its
law; and on and after that day the provisions of Schedule 1 to this Act shall
have effect with respect to the legislative powers of FijL
2. Consequentialmodifications of British Nationality Acts
(1) On and after the appointed day the British Nationality Acts 1948 to
1965 shall have effect as if in section 1 (3) of the British Nationality Act
1948 (Commonwealth countries having separate citizenship) there were
added at the end the words "and Fiji".
(2) Except as provided by section 3 of this Act, any person who
immediately before the appointed day is a citizen of the United Kingdom, and
Colonies shall on that day cease to be such a citizen if he becomes on that
day a citizen of Fiji
(3) Section 6(2) of the British Nationality Act 1948 (registration as
citizens of the United Kingdom and Colonies of women who have been
married to such citizens) shall not apply to a woman by virtue of her marriage
to a person who on the appointed day ceases to be such a citizen under
subsection (2) of this section, or who would have done so if living on the
appointed day.
(4) In accordance with section 3 (3) of the West Indies Act 1967, it is
hereby declared that this and the next following section extend to all
associated states.

3. Retention of citizenship of United Kingdom and Colonies by certain

citizens of Fiji
(1) Subject to subsection (5) of this section, a person shall not cease to
be a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies under section 2 (2) of this
Act if he, his father or his father's father
(a) was born in the United Kingdom or in a colony or an associated state;
(b) is or was a person naturalised in the United Kingdom and Colonies; or
(c) was registered as a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies; or
(d) became a British subject by reason of the annexation of any territory
included in a colony.
(2) A person shall not cease to be a citizen of the United Kingdom and
Colonies under the said section 2 (2) if either
(a) he was born in a protectorate or protected state, or
(b) his father or his father's father was so born and is or at any time was
a British subject.
(3) A woman who is the wife of a citizen of the United Kingdom and
Colonies shall not cease to be such a citizen under the said section 2 (2)
unless her husband does so.
(4) Subject to subsection (5) of this section, the reference in sub-
section (1) (b) of this section to a person naturalised in the United Kingdom
and Colonies shall include a person who would, if living immediately before
the commencement of the British Nationality Act 1948, have become a
person naturalised in the United Kingdom and Colonies by virtue of section
32 (6) of that Act (persons given local naturalisation in a colony or
protectorate before the commencement of that Act).
(5) In this section
(a) references to a colony shall be construed as not including any
territory which, on the appointed day, is not a colony for the purposes of the
British Nationality Act 1948 as that Act has 'effect on that day, and
accordingly do not include Fiji, and
(b) references to a protectorate or protected state shall be construed as
not including any territory which, on the appointed day, is not a protectorate
or a protected state (as the case may be) for the purposes of that Act as it has
effect on that day;
and subsection (1) of this section shall not apply to a person by virtue of any
certificate of naturalisation granted or registration effected by the Governor
or Government of a territory which by virtue of this subsection is excluded
from references in this section to a colony, protectorate or protected state.
(6) Part III of the British Nationality Act 1948 (supplemental provisions)
as in force at the passing of this Act shall have effect for the purposes of this
section as if this section were included in that Act.
4. Consequential modification of other enactments
(1) Notwithstanding anything in the Interpretation Act 1889, the
expression "colony" in any Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom
passed on or after the appointed day shall not include Fiji.
(2) On and after the appointed day
(a) the expression "colony" in the Army Act 1955,.the Air Force Act
1955 and the Naval Discipline Act 1957 shall not include Fiji, and
(b) in the definitions of "Commonwealth force" in section 225 (1) and
223(1) respectively of the said Acts of 1955, and in the definition of
"Commonwealth country" in section 135 (1) of the said Act of 1957, at the
end there shall be added the words "or Fiji";
and no Order in Council made on or after the appointed day under section 1
of the Armed Forces Act 1966 which continues either of the said Acts of
1955 in force for a further period shall extend to Fiji as part of its law.
(3) On and after the appointed day the provisions specified in Schedule 2
to this Act shall lave effect subject to the amendments specified respectively
in that Schedule.
(4) Subsection (3) of this section, and Schedule 2 to this Act, shall not
extend to Fiji as part of its law.
5. Interpretation
(1) In this Act, and in any amendment made by this Act in any other
enactment, "Fiji" means the territories which immediately before the
appointed day constitute the Colony of Fiji.
(2) References in this Act to any enactment are references to that
enactment as amended or extended by or under any other enactment.


1The provisions of the first and second schedules are basically similar to those of the
corresponding schedules to the Gambia Independence Act 1964 (infra, p. 191).



Article ler
La R6publique gabonaise accede, en plein accord et aniti6 avec la
R6publique frangaise, h la souverainet6 internationale et h l'ind6pendance par
le transfert des comp6tences de la Communaut6.

Article 2
Toutes les comp6tences institu6es par l'article 78 de la Constitution du
4 octobre 1958 sont, pour ce qui la concerne, transf6r6es A la R6publique
gabonaise, dbs l'accomplissement par les parties contractantes de la proc6dure
pr6vue h 'article 87 de ladite constitution.



Article jer
La Rbpublique gabonaise confirme son appartenance h la Communaut6 A
laquelle elie participe dans les conditions d6finies par des accords de

Article 2
Chacune des parties contractantes notifiera h 1'autre l'accomplissement
des proc6dures requises pour la mise en vigueur du pr6sent accord qui prendra
effet i la date de la demire notification.



1Journal Officiel de la Republique franfaise, 30 juillet 1960, p. 7047. Entri en

vigueur le 16 aofit 1960.
2 Ibid, 30 juillet 1960, p. 7048. Entr6 en vigueur le 16 aocit 1960.
3 Journal Officiel de la Republique franfaise, 30 juillet 1960, p. 704& Entri en
vigueur le 16 aot 1960.
Article jer
Jusqu'k l'entr6e en vigueur des accords de coop6ration, les dispositions
pr6vues aux articles ci-apr~s seront applicables.

Article 2
La R6publique frangaise continuera d'assurer la protection diplomatique
des ressortissants gabonais A l'6tranger.

Article 3
Les forces arm6es franqaises continueront d'assurer les missions qui leur
sont actuellement assign6es selon les r~gles et procbdures applicables A la date
de la signature du pr6sent accord,
Le Comit6 de dffense franco-gabonais, pr6vu i l'accord de coop6ration en
mati~re de d6fense, sera constitu6 sans d6lai pour pr6parer la mise sur pied des
forces arm6es gabonaises.

Article 4
Les r6gimes actuels des 6changes et de l'6mission mon6taire, les modalit6s
de coop6ration au sein de la Zone Franc, le statut du domaine, l'organisation
g6n6rale des transports ext6rieurs et communs, et des t616communications
continueront d'ftre appliques.

Article 5
Le pr6sent accord entrera en vigueur simultan6ment avec l'accord en date
de ce jour portant transfert des comptences de la CommunauL6 h la
RMpublique gabonaise.



Article ier
Jusqu'h l'installation des juridictions supremes de la R6publique gabo-
naise, les recours en cassation form6s contre les dcisions rendues par les
juridictions gabonaises de l'ordre administratif et de l'ordre judiciaire seront
port6s devant la Section de la Communaut6 du Conseil d'Etat et devant la
Chambre de la Communaut6 de la Cour de cassation.
En cas de cassation, 'affaire sera renvoy6e devant une juridiction de la
R6publique gabonaise. Si la juridiction de renvoi est celle dont la d6cision est
annul6e, elle devra etre autrement compos6e. La juridiction de renvoi sera
tenue de se conformer sur le point de droit jug6 a la d6cision de cassation.

1 Ibid., 30 juillet 1960, p. 7048. Entr6 en vigueur le 16 aobt 1960.

Article 2
Les d6cisions rendues par les juridictions si6geant sur le territoire de la
R6publique Franqaise ou sur le territoire de la R6publique gabonaise
continueront, jusqu'h la fin de la p6riode transitoire pr6vue a l'article ler, k
6tre ex6cut6es sur le territoire de l'autre Etat selon la proc6dure appliqu6e
lors de l'entr6e en vigueur de 'accord portant transfert des comptences de la

Article 3
A la fin de la p6riode transitoire pr6vue A l'article ler, la Section de la
Communaut6 du Conseil d'Etat et la Chambre de la Communaut6 de la Cour
de cassation resteront saisies des affaires qui avaient fait l'objet d'un recoups
ant6rieurement cette date. En cas de cassation, 'affaire sera renvoy6e et
jug6e sur renvoi ainsi qu'il est dit A 'alin~a 2 de l'article ler.

Article 4
Le pr6sent accord entrera en vigueur simultan6ment avec l'accord en date
ce jour portant transfert des comptences de la Communaut6 h la
R6publique gabonaise.



Le PremierMinistre de la Republique francaise

6 M. le PremierMinistre de la Republique gabonaise

Au moment oii viennent d'tre sign6s l'accord portant transfert pour ce

qui la concerne 4 la R6publique gabonaise de l'ensemble des comp6tences
institu6es par l'article 78 de la Constitution du 4 octobre 1958, l'accord sur la
participation de la R~publique gabonaise k la Communaut6 et les accords
relatifs aux dispositions transitoires, j'ai I'honneur de vous donner l'assurance
que le Gouvernement de la R6publique franqaise engagera, avant la clbture de
'actuefle session du Parlement, les proc6dures constitutionnelles n6cessaires
en vue de permettre, dans les plus brefs d6lais, la mise en vigueur simultan6e
de ces actes, mise en vigueur qui marquera l'accession de la R6publique
gabonaise i l'ind6pendance.
Je vous serais oblig6 de bien vouloir, en accusant r6ception de cette
communication, me confirmer que, d~s la proclamation de l'ind6pendance de
la R6publique gabonaise, le Gouvernement de la R6publique gabonaise
proc6dera la signature des accords de cooperation, de l'accord particulier sur
les conditions de participation de la R6publique gabonaise la Communaut6
et de la convention d'6tablissement, actes dont le texte a W paraph6 en date
de ce jour, et qu'il prendra aussit6t les mesures propres assurer leur prompte
entt6e en vigueur. I1 va de soi qu'il en sera de mme de la part du
Gouvernement de la Rpublique frangaise.
I Journal Officiel de la R~publique francaise 30 juillet 1960, p. 7048,
Je vous serais oblig6 de bien vouloir 6galement me confirmer que le
Gouvernement de Ia R6publique gabonaise engagera, dans le meme temps, les
proc6dures n6cessaires pour permettre, d~s la proclamation de l'ind6pen-
dance, l'adh6sion de la R6publique gabonaise A la convention sur la
conciliation et la Cour d'arbitrage et A l'accord multilat6ral sur les droits
fondamentaux des nationaux des Etats de la Communaut6.

Le PremierMinistre de la Ripublique gabonaise

d M. le PremierMinistre de la Ripublique francaise

J'ai l'honneur d'accuser r6ception de Ia lettre par laquelle vous avez bien
voulu me faire savoir que le Gouvernement de la R6publique franqaise
engagera, avant la cl~ture de l'actuelle session du Parlement, les proc6dures
constitutionnelles n6cessaires en vue de permettre dans les plus brefs d6lais la
mise en vigueur simultan~e de l'accord sign6 en date de ce jout et portant
transfert, pour ce qui la concerne, A la R6publique gabonaise de l'ensemble
des comptences institutes par l'article 78 de la Constitution du 4 octobre
1958, de l'accord sur la participation de la Rpublique gabonaise A la
Communaut6 et des accords relatifs aux dispositions transitoires qui doivent
prendre effet en meme temps que ledit accord, mise en vigueur qui marquera
l'accession de la R6publique gabonaise A l'ind6pendance.
En vous remerciant de cette communication, je tiens A vous confirmer
que, d~s la proclamation de l'ind6pendance de la R6publique gabonaise, le
Gouvernement de la Rpublique gabonaise proc6dera i la signature des
accords de coop6ration, de l'accord particulier sur les conditions de
participation de la 'Rpublique gabonaise A la Communaut6 et de la
convention d'6tablissement, actes dont le texte a 6t0 paraph6 en date de ce
jour, et qu'il prendra aussitbt les mesures propres assurer leur prompte
entr6e en vigueur.. J'enregistre avec satisfaction les assurances analogues que
vous avez bien voulu me donner A ce sujet au nom du Gouvernement de Ia
R~publique frangaise.
Je tiens 6galement i vous confirmer que le Gouvernement de la
R6publique gabonaise engagera, dans' le meme temps, les proc6dures
n6cessaires pour permettre, d~s la proclamation de l'ind6pendance, l'adh6sion
de la Rpublique gabonaise i Ia convention sur la conciliation et la Cour
d'arbitrage et i 'accord multilat6ral sur les droits fondamentaux des
nationaux des Etats de la Communaut6.
J'ajoute que le Gouvernement de la R6publique gabonaise ne voit aucune
objection i ce que Ia pr6sente lettre soit port6e i la connaissance du
Parlement franqais en meme temps que l'ensemble des textes sign~s ou
paraph6s en date de ce jour.


VILLE, LE 6 JUIN 1961'

1Journal Officiel de la Republique franfaise, 21 mars 1963, p. 2719. Entri en

vigueur le 6 juin 1961.
Art. jer. -La R6publique gabonaise reconnaft A l'Etat franqais la pleine
propri6t6 des immeubles suivants :

Art. 2. - La R6publique frangaise transf~re d~finitivement 4 la R6pu-

blique gabonaise ses droits sur les immeubles suivants :

et, d'une facon g6n6rale, tous terrains immatricul6s au nom de l'Etat frangais
mais non affect6s.
Art. 3. - La R~publique frangaise reconnaft la propri6t6 de la R~publique
gabonaise sur les immeubles suivants financ6s par le budget de l'Etat ou le
F. I. D. E. S. et qui demeurent i la disposition de I'A. S. E. C. N. A. selon les
dispositions de la convention de Saint-Louis;

Art. 4. - La R6publique gabonaise c6de i la R6publique frangaise, qui en

aura la libre disposition, la propri6t6 des imi'neubles suivants sis A Libreville

Art. 5. - La R6publique gabonaise accorde en jouissance, h titre gratuit, h

la R6publique frangaise 4 Libreville :
Pour la satisfaction des besoins de la haute repr6sentation

Pour la satisfaction des besoins permanents du contr6le financier de la

R6publique frangaise :

Art. 6. - La liste des organismes de droit public franqais dont les biens
sont propri6t6 priv6e est 6tablie comme suit :

Art. 7. - Ne rentrent pas dans le cadre du pr6sent accord

Les terrains et bitiments militaires (arm6e de l'air, arm6e de terre et
gendarmerie), qui doivent faire l'objet de conventions particulires;
Les immeubles n6cessaires h la paierie de France, qui feront l'objet d'une
n6gociation particuli~re en application des articles 29 et 36 de la convention
sur les
Lesrapports du Tr6sor frangais et du Tr6sor gabonais;
installations suivantes de l'aviation civile et commerciale
et de la
m~t6orologie utilis6es par l'agence pour la s6curit6 de la navigation a~rienne
en Afrique et h Madagascar (Aseena) et dont la situation sera examin6e
ult6rieurement dans le cadre des accords de d6fense :

Art. 8. - Les cessions- et transferts r6sultant du pr6sent protocole sont

consentis A titre gratuit. Les mutations seront effectu6es sans droits ni taxes.



1 Journal Officiel de la R4publique franfaise, 23 juin 1971, p. 6042. Entr6e en

vigueur le 22 juilet 1970.
Le Gouvernement de la R6publique gabonaise, d'une part, et le
Gouvemement de la R6publique frangaise, d'autre part,
Exposent au pr6alable :
Qu'aux termes du Protocole d'accord domanial en date du 6 juin 1961,
certains biens immeubles situ~s sur le territoire de la R~publique gabonaise
sont demeur6s la propri6t6 de la France'parce que devant faire l'objet de
conventions particuli~res;
Que les conditions 6conomiques dans lesquelles ce protocole est intervenu
ont subi d'importantes modifications 6tant observt que depuis 1961 de gros
investissements ont 6t6 r6alis6s sur ces biens pour le compte de 'Etat
Qu'il y a lieu de compl6ter le Protocole d'accord domanial susvis6,
et conviennent en cons6quence de ce qui suit

Article jer
La R6publique frangaise transf~re h la R~publique gabonaise ses droits de
propri6t6 sur les immeubles suivants :

Article 2
Les titres fonciers 1126, 1132, 1137 et le terrain Radiophare devenus la
propri6t6 de la R6publique gabonaise restent affect6s 'A. S. E. C. N. A.
selon les dispositions de la Convention de Saint-Louis.

Article 3
Les propri~t6s d6sign6es ci-apr~s, occup6es par le d6tachement franqais,
demeurent la proprit6 de la France :

Article 4
Les transferts r6sultant du pr6sent protocole sont consentis A titre gratuit.
Les mutations seront effectu6es sans droits ni taxes.

(i) Treaties



1 United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 551, p. 193. Came into force on 22 February
1965, upon signature, in accordance with article 10.
1. (1) In this Agreement
(a) "the appointed day" means the 18th day of February, 1965 or such
other date as may be set for the attainment of Independence for The Gambia;
(b) "conditions of service" means the laws, rules, regulations, orders and
other instruments that regulate the terms of service of an overseas officer
relating to his tenure of office, disciplinary control, salary (including salary
scales), pensionable allowances and passages;
(c) "overseas officer" means an officer whose conditions of service
before the appointed day included an-entitlement to free passages from The
Gambia for the purpose of leave of absence upon the completion of a tour of
duty and who was before that day the substantive holder of a pensionable
office in the Public Service of The Gambia being a person
(i) who was selected for or offered appointment to the Public Service of
The Gambia by a Secretary of State; or
(ii) whose appointment to the Public Service of The Gambia was
approved by a Secretary of State; or
(iii) who had entered into an agreement with the Crown Agents for
Oversea Governments and Administrations to serve in the Public
Service of The Gambia; or
(iv) who (although not an officer falling within heads (i), (ii), or (iii) of
this sub-paragraph) is or has been a member of Her Majesty's Oversea
Civil Service or Her Majesty's Oversea Judiciary, of has been a
member of a former Colonial Unified Service, or is or was a
designated officer for the purposes of the Oversea Service (Gambia)
Agreement 196 1;
(d) "pension" means any pension, gratuity, compensation and interest
thereon, retiring allowance or other like benefit payable by the Government
of The Gambia to or in respect of any overseas officer or to the widow or
child of any overseas officer or their legal personal representatives, including
any increase of pension, and any contributions repayable and interest payable
to any officer under any law providing for payment of pensions to widows
and children of officers.
(2) "Substantive holder" in relation to any office includes a person
serving in that office on probation but does not include a person (other than
a person serving under a probationary agreement) serving in the office for a
specified term under a contract.

Conditions of Service
2. The conditions of service applicable to an overseas officer who
continues to be the substantive holder of a pensionable office in the Public
Service of The Gambia on or after the appointed day shall not be less
favourable than those which were applicable to him immediately before the
appointed day.

Retirement and Pensions

3. The entitlement to retire and the eligib'lity to receive a pension of
any overseas officer who continues to be the substantive holder of a
pensionable office in the Public Service of The Gambia on or after the
appointed day and of the eligibility of his widow, children, dependants or
personal representatives to receive a pension shall be as provided for in the
laws, regulations and administrative directions in force immediately before
the appointed day or in such other laws, regulations and administrative
directions made thereafter as are not less favourable; and pensions shall be
granted and paid to such officers and other persons accordingly.

Preservation of Pensions
4. The pension of any overseas officer who has ceased to be the
substantive holder of a pensionable office in the Public Service of The
Gambia before the appointed day, or of the widow, children, dependants or
personal representatives of any such officer, shall be granted and paid, 'or if
granted before that date shall continue to be paid, in accordance with the
laws, regulations and administrative directions governing those pensions
immediately before the appointed day or in accordance with such other laws,
regulations and administrative directions made thereafter as are not less

Increase of Pensions
6. The Government of The Gambia undertakes that, in future schemes
to increase pensions payable to any class or description of pensioner, there
shall be no discrimination against overseas officers or the widows or children
of such officers:
Provided that this undertaking shall not apply to any increase granted to
local pensioners by the Government of The Gambia to meet a change in the
cost of living in The Gambia to the extent that that change is agreed by the
two Governments to be attributable solely to the process of assimilating the
economy of The Gambia to that of the Senegal as part of a closer association
between those two countries.

8. (1) Overseas officers who are members of Her Majesty's Oversea Civil
Service of Her Majesty's Oversea Judiciary shall continue to be eligible for
consideration by Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom for
transfer or promotion to employment in the Public Service of some other
(2) The Government of The Gambia shall comply with any reasonable
request that may at any time be made by Her Majesty's Government in the
United Kingdom for the release of an overseas officer for transfer or
promotion in pursuance of paragraph (1) of this Article and shall take any
action that may be necessary to preserve his pension rights when he is
transferred or promoted.
(3) Before he is released an overseas officer shall be required to make
arrangements satisfactory to the Government of The Gambia for the
repayment to that Government of any compensation or instalments of
compensation he may be required to make under The Gambia (Compensation
and Retiring Benefits) Order 1964, but not of any interest paid on
outstanding instalments.
Appeals Board
9. Section 9 (Appeals Board) of The Gambia Independence Order 1965
relating to benefits, to which Section 113 of the Constitution applies, that
may or that may have been granted to or be granted in respect of any
overseas officer, shall not be revoked or amended to the prejudice of the
interests of any such officer.

(ii) Laws and dectees


1. Fully responsiblestatus of The Gambia

(1) On and after 18th February, 1965 (in this Act referred to as "the
appointed day") all those territories which immediately before the appointed
day are comprised either in the Colony of the Gambia or in the Protectorate
of the Gambia shall together form part of Her Majesty's dominions under the
name of The Gambia; and on and after that day Her Majesty's Government in
the United Kingdom shall have no responsibility for the government of those

(3) Subsection (1) of this section shall not affect the operation in The
Gambia or any part thereof of any enactment, or any other instrument having
the effect of law, passed or made before the appointed day.
2. Consequential modifications of British Nationality Acts, 1948.
C.56.1949, No. 140.
(1) Subject to subsection (2) of this section, the British Nationality Acts
1948 to 1964 shall have effect on and after the appointed day as if in
section 1 (3) of the British Nationality Act 1948 (Commonwealth countries
having separate citizenship) there were added at the end the words "and The
Gambia", and as if in Schedule I to the British Protectorates, Protected
States and Protected Persons Order in Council 1949 the words "Gambia
Protectorate" were omitted.
(2) A person who, immediately before the appointed day, is for the
purposes of the said Acts and Order in Council a British protected person by
virtue of his connection with the Protectorate of the Gambia shall not cease
to be such a British protected person for any of those purposes by reason of
anything contained in the preceding provisions of this Act, but shall so cease
upon his becoming a citizen of The Gambia.

4. Consequential modification of other enactments

1 Public GeneralActs and Measures, 1iz. II, chap. 93, p. 1368.

2 The provisions of sections 1 (2), 2 (3) (4), 3 and 4 (I) (2) (3) of this Act are
basically similar to those of sections 1 (2), 2 (2) (3), 3 and 4 (I) (2) of the Fiji
Independence Act 1970 (supra, pp. 179 and 180).
(4) On and after the appointed day the provisi6ns specified in Schedule 2
to this Act shall have effect subject to the amendments respectively specified
in that Schedule, and Her Majesty mayi by Order in Council make such further
adaptations in any Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom passed
before this Act, or in any instrument having effect under any such Act, as
appear to Her Majesty to be necessary in consequence of section Iof this Act.
(5) Any Order in Council under the last preceding subsection may be
varied or revoked by a subsequent Order in Council under that subsection,
and may, if made after the appointed day, be made so as to take effect on
that day; and any statutory instrument made under that subsection shall be
subject to annulment in pursuance of a resolution of either House of
(6) Subsections (4) and (5) of this section, Schedule 2 to this Act and
any Order in Council made under subsection (4) of this section shall not
extend to The Gambia as part of its law.
5. Judicial Committee of Privy Council
(1) Her Majesty may by Order in Council made before the appointed day
confer on the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council such jurisdiction in
respect of appeals from any court having jurisdiction under the law of The
Gambia, and in 'espect of any proceedings concerning judges of any such
court, as appears to'Her Majesty to be appropriate.
(2) An Order in Council under this section may determine the classes of
cases in which, and the conditions as to leave and othdtwise subject to which,
any such appeal or other proceedings may be entertained by the said
Committee, and the practice and procedure to be followed in any such
proceedings, and
(a) may confer on the said Committee any of the jurisdiction or powers
possessed by any.court under the law of The Gambia;
(b) may require-that the decisions of the said Committee in exercise of
any jurisdiction conferred under this section shall be enforced in the same
way as decisions of any court having jurisdiction under the law of The
(c) may exclude an appeal to Her Majesty in Council, whether as of right
or by special leave, in all or any cases; and
fd) may contain transitional provisions with respect to appeals to Her
Majesty in Council and other proceedings which are pending on the appointed
day, arid may contain such other incidental or supplemental provisions as
appear to Her Majesty to be expedient.
(3) Except so far as otherwise provided by an Order in Council under this
section, and subject to such modifications as may be so provided, the Judicial
Committee Act 1833 shall apply in relation to appeals and other proceedings
in respect of which any jurisdiction is conferred under this section as it
applies in relation to appeals to Her Majesty in Council.
(4) Provisions made in pursuance of this section may be included in any
Order in Council revoking the existing Constitution Order.
(5) So much of any Order in Council as is made under this section may
be varied or revoked by a further Order in Council, whether made before, on.
or after the appointed day; but any Order in Council made under this section
on or after the appointed day shall not extend to The Gambia as part of its
Legislative Powers of The Gambia
1. The Colonial Laws Validity Act 1865 shall not apply to any law made
on or after the appointed day by the legislature of The Gambia.
2. No law and no provision of any law made on or after the appointed
day by that legislature shall be void or inoperative on the ground that it is
repugnant to the law of England, or to the provisions of any Act of the
Parliament of the United Kingdom, including this Act, or to any order, rule
or regulation made under any such Act, and, subject to paragraph 5 of this
Schedule, the powers of that legislature shall include the power to repeal or
amend any such Act, order, rule or regulation in so far as it is part of the law
of The Gambia.
3. The legislature of The Gambia shall have full power to make laws
having extra-territorial operation.
4. Without prejudice to the generality of the preceding provisions of this
(a) sections 735 and 736 of the Merchant Shipping Act 1894 shall be
construed as if references therein to the legislature of a British possession did
not include references to the legislature of The Gambia; and
(b) section 4 of the Colonial Courts of Admiralty Act 1890 (which
requires certain laws to be reserved for the signification of Her Majesty's
pleasure or to contain a suspending clause) and so much of section 7 of that
Act as requires the approval of Her Majesty in Council to any rules of court
for regulating the practice and procedure of a Colonial Court of Admiralty
shall cease to have effect in The Gambia.
5. Nothing in this Act shall confer on the legislature of The Gambia any
power to repeal, amend or modify the constitutional provisions otherwise
than in such manner as may be provided for in those provisions; and for the
purposes of this paragraph "the constitutional provisions" means the
following, that is to say
(a) this Act;
(b) any Order in Council revoking the existing Constitution Order and
providing for a new constitution for The Gambia to come into effect on the
appointed day;
(c) any law, or instrument made under a law, of the legislature of The
Gambia which, being a law or instrument made on or after the appointed day,
amends, modifies, re-enacts with or without amendment or modification, or
makes different provision in lieu of, any provisions of this Act, of the Order
in Council first mentioned in this paragraph, or of any such law or instrument
previously made.

Amendments not affecting the Law of The Gambia
Diplomatic immunities
1. In section 461 of the Income Tax Act 1952 (exemption from income
tax in the case of certain Commonwealth representatives and their staffs)
(a) in subsection (2), before the words "for any state" there shall be
inserted the words "or The Gambia";
(b) in subsection (3), before the words "and 'Agent-General' " there shall
be inserted the words "or The Gambia".
2. In section 1 (6) of the Diplomatic Immunities (Commonwealth
Countries and Republic of Ireland) Act 1952, before the words "and the
Republic of Ireland" there shall be inserted the words "The Gambia".
3. In section 1 (5) of the Diplomatic Immunities (Conferences with
Commonwealth Countries and Republic of Ireland) Act 1961, before the
words "and the Republic of Ireland" there shall be inserted the words,"The

4. In section 2 (4) of the Import Duties Act 1958, before the words
"together with" there shall be inserted the words "The Gambia".

Visiting forces
5. In the Visiting Forces (British Commonwealth) Act 1933, section 4
(attachment and mutual powers of command) shall apply in relation to forces
raised in The Gambia as it applies in relation to forces raised in Dominions
within'the meaning of the Statute of Westminster 1931.
6. In the Visiting Forces Act 1952
(a) in section 1 (1) (a) (countries to which that Act applies) at the end
there shall be added the words "The Gambia or";
(b) in section 10 (1) (a) the expression "colory'" shall not include The
Gambia or any part thereof;
and, until express provision with respect to The Gambia is made by Order in
Council under section 8 of that Act (application to visiting forces of law
relating to home forces), any such Order for the time being in force shall be
deemed to apply to visiting forces of The Gambia.

Ships and aircraft

7. In section 427 (2) of the Merchant Shipping Act 1894, as set out in
section 2 (1) of the Merchant Shipping (Safety Convention) Act 1949, before
the words "or in any" there shall be inserted the words "or The Gambia".
8. In the proviso to section 6 2) of the Merchant Shipping Act'1948, at
the end there shall be added the words "or The Gambia"
9. The Ships and Aircraft (Transfer Restriction) Act 1939 shall not
apply to any ship by reason only of its being registered in or licensed under
the law of The Gambia; and the penal provisions of that Act shall not apply
to persons in The Gambia (but without prejudice to the operation with
respect to any ship to which that Act does apply of the provisions thereof
relating to the forfeiture of ships).
10. In the Whaling Industry (Regulation) Act 1934, the expression
"British ship to which this Act applies" shall not include a British ship
registered in The Gambia.
11. In section 2 (7) (b) of the Civil Aviation (Licensing) Act 1960, the
expression "colony" shall not include The Gambia or any part thereof.
12. If the Copyright Act 1911, so far as in force in the law of The
Gambia, is repealed or amended by that law at any time when sub-para-
graph (2) of paragraph 39 of Schedule 7 to the Copyright Act 1956 (which
applies certain provisions of that Act in relation to countries to which the
said Act of 1911 extended) is in force in relation to The Gambia, the said
sub-paragraph (2) shall thereupon cease to have effect in relation thereto.

Commonwealth Institute
13. In section 8 (2) of the Imperial Institute Act 1925, as amended by
the Commonwealth Institute Act 1958 (power to vary the provisions of the
said Act of 1925 if an agreement for the purpose is made with the
governments of certain territories which for the time being are contributing
towards the expenses of the Commonwealth Institute), at the end there shall
be added the words "and The Gambia".

Laws and decrees


1. Provision for the fully responsible status of the Gold Coast under the
name of Ghana
The territories included immediately before the appointed day in the
Gold Coast as defined in and for the purposes of the Gold Coast
(Constitution) Order in Council, 1954, shall as from that day together form
part of Her Majesty's dominions under the name of Ghana, and
(a) no Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom passed on or after
the appointed day shall extend, or be deemed to extend, to Ghana as part of
the law of Ghana, unless it is expressly declared in that Act that the
Parliament of Ghana has requested, and consented to, the enactment thereof;
(b) as from the appointed day, Her Majesty's Government in the United
Kingdom shall have no responsibility for the government of Ghana or any
part thereof;
(c) as from the appointed day, the provisions of the First Schedule to
this Act shall have effect with respect to the legislative powers of Ghana:
Provided that nothing in this section other than paragraphs (a) to (c)
thereof shall affect the operation in any of the territories aforesaid of any

1 Public GeneralActs and Measures, 1957, 5 and 6 Eliz. 2, Chap. 6, p. 1.

2 The provisions of section 4 (1) (2) (3) of this Act are basically similar to those of
section 4 (1) (2) of the Fiji Independence Act 1970 (supra, p. 180). The same similarity
exists between section 4 (4) of the Act and section 4 (4) (5) (6) of the Gambia
Independence Act 1964 (supra, p. 190).
enactment, or any other instrument having the effect of law, passed or made
with respect thereto before the appointed day.

2. Consequential modification of British Nationality Act

As from the appointed day, the British Nationality Act, 1948, shall have
(a) with the substitution in subsection (3) of section one thereof (which
provides for persons to be British subjects or Commonwealth citizens by
virtue of citizenship -of certain countries) for the words "and Ceylon" of the
words "Ceylon and Ghana";
(b) as if in the British Protectorates, Protected States and Protected
Persons Order in Council, 1949, the words "Northern Territories of the Gold
Coast" in the First Schedule thereto and the words "Togoland under United
Kingdom Trusteeship" in the Third Schedule thereto were omitted:
Provided that a person who, immediately before the appointed day, was
for the purposes of the said Act and Order in Council a oBritish protected
lerson by virtue of his connection with either of the territories mentioned in
paragraph (b) of this section shall not cease to be such a British protected
person for any of those purposes by reason of anything contained in the
foregoing provisions of this Act, but shall so cease upon his becoming a
citizen of Ghana under any law of the Parliament of Ghana making provision
for such citizenship.

3. Consequential modifications with respect to development schemes,

(1) No scheme shall be made on or after the appointed day under the
Colonial Development and Welfart Acts, 1940 to 1955, wholly or partly for
the benefit of Ghana.
(2) Any scheme in force under the said Acts immediately before the
appointed day which was made solely for the benefit of Ghana or any part
thereof shall cease to have effect on that day without prejudice to the making
of payments in pursuance of that scheme on or after that day in respect of
any period falling before that day; and, so far as practicable, no part of any
sums paid out of moneys provided by Parliament for the purposes of any
other scheme made under those Acts before that day shall be employed in
respect of any period falling on or after that day for the benefit of Ghana.
(3) Nothing in the two foregoing subsections shall restrict the making of,
or the employment of sums paid out of moneys provided by Parliament for
the purposes of, any scheme under the said Acts with respect to a body
established for the joint benefit of Ghana and one or more of the following
territories, that is to say, the Federation or any Region of Nigeria, Sierra
Leone and the Gambia, in a case where Ghana has undertaken to bear a
reasonable share of the cost of the scheme.
(4) Without prejudice to the continuance of any operations commenced
by the Colonial Development Corporation in any part of Ghana before the
appointed day, as from that day the expression "colonial territories" in the
Overseas Resources Development Acts, 1948 to 1956, shall not include
Ghana or any\part thereof.


1. Operation of existing law in relation to Ghana

(1) On and after the date on which Ghana becomes a Republic, all
existing law, that is to say, all law which, whether being a rule of law or a
provision of an Act of Parliament or of any other enactment or instrument
whatsoever, is in force on that date or has been passed or made before that
date and comes into force thereafter, shall, until provision to the contrary is
made by an authority having power to alter that law and subject to the
provisions of this Act, have the same operation in relation to Ghana, and to
persons and things in any way belonging to or connected with Ghana, as it
would have had if Ghana had not become a Republic.
(2) This section extends to law of, or of any part of, the United
Kingdom, Southern Rhodesia, a colony, a protectorate or a United Kingdom
trust territory:
Provided that this-section
(a) does not extend to any law passed by the Federal Legislature of
Rhodesia and Nyasaland;
(b) extends to other law of, or of any part of, Southern Rhodesia so far
only as concerns law which can be amended neither by a law passed by the
Legislature thereof nor by a law passed by the said Federal Legislature; and
(c) extends to other law of, or of any part of, Northern Rhodesia or
Nyasaland so far only as concerns law which cannot be amended by a law
passed by the said Federal Legislature.
The references in this subsection to a colony, to a protectorate and to a
United Kingdom trust territory shall be construed as if they were references
contained in the British Nationality Act, 1948.
(3) Her Majesty may by Order in Council make provision for such
modification of any Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom passed
before Ghana becomes a Republic, or in any instrument having effect under
any such Act, as may appear to Her to be necessary or expedient in view of
Ghana's becoming a Republic while remaining a member of the Common-
wealth, and subsection (1) of this section shall have effect in relation to any
such Act or instrument as modified by such an Order save in so far as the
contrary intention appears in the Order.
An Order in Council under this section
(a) may be made either before or after Ghana becomes a Republic, and
may be revoked or varied by a subsequentr Order in Council; and
(b) may, though made after the date on which Ghana becomes a
Republic, be made so as to have effect from that date; and

1 The provisions of the first and second schedules are basically similar to those of the
corresponding schedules to the Gambia Independence Act 1964 (supra, p. 191).
2 Public General Acts and Measures, 1960, 8 and 9 Eliz. 2, Chap. 41, p. 414.
3 The provisions of section 2 (1) (2) (3) (a) (4) are basically similar to those of
section 6 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) of the Botswana Independence Act 1966 (supra, p. 130).
(c) shall be subject to annulment in pursuance of a resolution of either
House of Parliament.
2. Pending appeals to Her Majesty in Council

(3) An Order in Council under this section

(b) may contain such other incidental and supplemental provisions as

appear to Her Majesty to be desirable, and
(c) may be made either before or after Ghana becomes a Republic, and
may be revoked or varied by a subsequent Order in Council, and
(d) may, though made after the date on which Ghana becomes a
Republic, be made so as to have effect from that date.

(5) Subject to the provisions of any Order under this section, nothing in
this Act shall be construed as continuing in force any right of appeal to Her
Majesty in Council from any court or judge in Ghana.



2. Modifications of the Colonial Stock Acts, 1877 to 1948

(1) On and after the date on which Ghana becomes a Republic, the
Colonial Stock Acts, 1877 to 1948, shall apply in relation to Ghana subject
to the modifications set out in paragraphs (2), (3) and (4) of this Article.
(2) In subsection (1) of section 1 of the Colonial Stock Act, 1934,
(which provides for an alternative for one of the conditions to be observed in
order that any stock under the said Acts is to be a trustee security) as it
applies on and after the said date to stock of the Government of Ghana
(a) for the reference to any legislation being submitted for Royal Assent,
there shall be substituted a reference to that legislation becoming law; and
(b) for any reference to Her Majesty's Government in a Dominion or to
the Parliament of a Dominion, there shall be substituted a reference to the
Government, or the legislature, of Ghana.
(3) During any period on and after the date of Ghana's becoming a
Republic during which there is in force as part of the law of Ghana any
instrument passed or made before that date which makes provisiorn
corresponding to the undertaking required by paragraph (a) of subsection (1)
of section 1 of the Colonial Stock Act, 1934, as modified by paragraph (2) of
this Article, paragraphs (a) and (b) of that subsection shall be deemed to have
been complied with in the case of Ghana.
(4) The second paragraph of section twenty of the Colonial .Stock Act,
1877 (a), (which authorises the bringing of proceedings in England against the

1 Statutory Instruments, 1960, Part 1I, No. 969, p. 1604. Came into.operation on
1st July t960.
Crown by a person claiming to be interested in stock to which that Act
applies), shall on the said date cease to apply to stock of the Government of
Ghana, but on and after the said date
(a) any person claiming to be interested in stock of the Government of
Ghana, being stock to which the said Act applies, or in any dividend thereon,
may institute civil proceedings in the United Kingdom against the registrar (as
defined in the said Act) in relation to .that stock or dividend; and
(b) notwithstanding anything in the provisions of the said section
twenty, the registrar shall not by virtue of an order made by any court in the
United Kingdom in any proceedings brought by virtue of this subsection be
liable to make any payment otherwise than out of money in his possession in
the United Kingdom as registrar.
3. Modification of Ghana Independence Act, 195 7
Paragraph 4 of the Second Schedule to the Ghana Independence Act,
1957, shall be modified by the deletion of the words from "and, during" to
the end of the paragraph.

Laws and decrees


1. Citation, commencement and construction

(2) Subject to the provisions of sections 4 and 13 of this Order, this

Order shall come into operation on 26th May 1966 (in this Order referred to
as "the appointed day").

2. Revocations and amendments

(1) The Orders in Council specified in Schedule 1 to this Order
(hereinafter referred to as "the existing Orders") are revoked.
(2) The British Caribbean Court of Appeal Order in Council 1962 (b) (as
amended by the British Caribbean Court of Appeal (Amendment) (No. 2)
Order in Council 1962) is amended by the deletion of paragraph (c) (which
specifies British Guiana) of the definition of "the Territories" in article 2(1);
and the last mentioned Order is amended by the deletion of the words "and
of the Supreme Court of British Guiana" in paragraph (b) of article 3(1).
3. Establishment of Constitution
Subject to the provisions of the next following section and to the other
provisions of this Order, the Constitution of Guyana set out in Schedule 2 to
this Order (hereinafter referred to as "the Constitution") shall come into
effect on the appointed day.

1 Statutory Instruments, 1966, Part II, Sect. 1.

2 The provisions of sections 5 (2) (4) (5) (6), 7 (2) (4), 10 and I1 (1) (2) are
basically similar to those of sections 4 (2) (3) (4) (5), 5 (4) (6), 9 (1) (4) and II of the
Barbados Independence Order 1966 (supra, pp. 120, 121 and 123).
4. Exercise before appointed day by the Governor of powers of the
(1) Where the Governor-General has power by or under this Order to
make any appointment or make any order (other than an order under section
5(4) of this Order relating to any Act of the Parliament of the United
Kingdom or any Order of Her Majesty in Council) or to do any other thing
for the purposes of this Order, that power may be exercised by the Governor
and Commander-in-Chief of the Colony of British Guiana (hereinafter
referred to as "the Governor") at any time after the making of this Order to
such extent as may, in his opinion, be necessary or expedient to enable the
Constitution to function as from the appointed day.
(2) For the purposes of the exercise by the Governor under the preceding
subsection of any power conferred by the Constitution, the provisions of the
Constitution relating to the exercise of that power by the Governor-General
(including any provisions requiring any person or authority to consult with,
or obtain the concurrence of, any other person or authority before tendering
any advice or recommendation to the Governor-General) shall apply and have
effect, but any references therein to the Prime Minister, the Attorney-
General, the Cabinet, the Government or the National Assembly of Guyana or
the Speaker or members of the National Assembly shall be construed as if
they were references respectively to the Prime Minister, the Attorney-
General, the Cabinet, the Government or the National Assembly of Guyana
or the Speaker or members of the National Assembly shall be construed as if
they were references respectively to the Prime Minister, the Attorney-
General, the Council of Ministers, the Government or the House of Assembly
of the Colony of British Guiana or the Speaker or members of the House of
5. Existing laws
(1) Subject to the provisions of this Order, all laws (including laws made
or having effect as if made under the existing Orders) in force in, or otherwise
having effect as part of the law of, British Guiana immediately before the
appointed day (in this section referred to as "exsiting laws") shall continue to
have effect as part of the law of Guyana on and after that day but all such
laws shall, as from that day, be construed with such modifications,
adaptations, qualifications and exceptions as may be necessary to bring them
into conformity with the Guyana Independence Act 1966 and this Order.

(3) Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing provisions of this

section, if a proclamation of emergency is in force under article 14 of the
Constitution set out in the Annex to the British Guiana (Constitution) Order
in Council 1961 immediately before the appointed day by virtue of a
resolution of the House of Assembly, the proclamation shall, as from the
appointed day, have effect as if it had been made under article 16 of the
Constitution of Guyana and (without prejudice to its continuance in force for
further periods by virtue of the provisions of paragraph (3)(c) of the said
article) as if its continuance in force to the date referred to in that resolution
had been approved by a resolution of the National Assembly; and if any
person is on the appointed day detained or restricted in the manner referred
to in article 17(1) of the Constitution of Guyana the provisions of that article
requiring his case to be reviewed by a tribunal established for the purposes of
that article not later than three months from the commencement of the
detention or restriction shall, in relation to that person, have effect as if the
detention or restriction had commenced on the appointed day.

(7) Nothing contained in or done under the authority of any written law
having effect as part of the law of British Guiana immediately before 18th
July 1961 (being the date appointed under section 1(2) of the British Guiana
(Constitution) Order in Council 1961) and, except in proceedings com-
menced before 26th November 1966, nothing contained in or done under the
authority of any law made under the existing Orders shall be held to have
been inconsistent with or in contravention of any provision of articles 2 to 12
(inclusive) of the Constitution set out in the Annex to the said Order of
1961; and accordingly, except in so far as any such law has before the
appointed day been repealed or held to be inconsistent with any such
provision, and without prejudice to any proceedings commenced before 26th
November 1966 (including proceedings commenced before the appointed
day) with respect to a law made under the existing Orders, any such law shall,
notwithstanding any inconsistency with any such provision, be deemed for
the purposes of subsection (1) of this section and of article 18(1) of the
Constitution to be a law having effect as part of the law of British Guiana
immediately before the appointed day.
(8) In this section "amendment" includes modification and adaptation.
6. Ministers, A ttorney-Generaland ParliamentarySecretaries
(1) The persons who immediately before the appointed day hold office
as Prime Minister or other Minister, Attorney-General or Parliamentary
Secretary shall, as from the appointed day, hold the like offices as if they had
been appointed thereto in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution,
and shall be deemed to have taken and subscribed any necessary oath under
the Constitution.
(2) Any person holding the office of Prime Minister or other Minister by
virtue of the provisions of the preceding subsection who, immediately before
the appointed day, was charged with responsibility for any matter or
department of Government under the existing Orders shall, as from the
appointed day, be deemed to have been assigned responsibility for that
matter or department under article 36 of the Constitution.
7. High Court'
(1) The persons who immediately before the appointed day are members
of the House of Assembly constituted by the existing Orders (in this section
referred to as "the existing Assembly") shall as from the appointed day be
deemed to have elected as members of the National Assembly in pursuance of
the provisions of article 58 of the Constitution, and shall hold their seats in
the National Assembly in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution;
and accordingly any reference in the Constitution to a list of candidates
entered at, or anything done as a result of, the preceding election of members
of the National Assembly shall, until an election to the Assembly is held, be
construed as a reference to a list of candidates entered at, or the

I The provisions of sections 7 and 8 are presented under the titles appearing in the
official publication from which the text of the Order has been reproduced.
corresponding thing done as a result of, the election of members of the
existing Assembly next preceding the appointed day.

(3) Unless and until the National Assembly otherwise resolves, any
person who is a member of the Assembly by virtue of the preceding
provisions of this article shall be deemed to have made and subscribed before
the Assembly the oaths referred to in article 76 of the Constitution.

8. Parliament
(1) The Supreme Court of British Guiana in existence immediately
before the appointed day shall, as from that day, be the High Court for the
purposes of the Constitution, and any proceedings pending before the
Supreme Court immediately before the appointed day may be continued and
any judgment of that Court given, but not satisfied, before that day may be
enforced accordingly.
(2) The provisions of section 11 of this Order shall apply in relation to
the offices of Chief Justice or Puisne Judge as if those offices were public
offices, and any person who, by virtue of the provisions of this subsection,
holds or acts in any such office as from the appointed day shall be deemed to
have taken and subscribed any necessary oath under the Constitution.

9. Appeals to British Caribbean Court of Appeal

(1) Any proceedings pending immediately before the appointed day on
appeal from the Supreme Court of British Guiana to the British Caribbean
Court of Appeal may be continued on or after that day before the Court of
Appeal established by the Constitution.
(2) Any judgment of the British Caribbean Court of Appeal in an appeal
from the Supreme Court given, but not satisfied, before the appointed day of
this Order, may be enforced on or after that day as if it were a judgment of
the Court of Appeal established by the Constitution.

11. Existing public officers

(3) Nothing in this section shall be construed as applying to any person

who immediately before the appointed day holds or is acting in the Office of
Clerk or Deputy Clerk of the House of Assembly, appointed member of the
Judicial Service Commission or member of the Public Service Commission or
the Police Service Commission established by the existing Orders.
12. Delegation of powers of appointment, etc., of public officers
(1) Any power of the Governor that, immediately before the appointed
day, is validly delegated to any person under the existing Orders or is deemed
to have been so delegated by virtue of section 17 of the British Guiana
(Constitution) Order in Council 1961 shall, to the extent that that power
could be delegated under article 94(2) or 96(2) of the Constitution to that
person, be deemed, as from the appointed day and until the Judicial Service
Commission or the Public Service Commission, as the case may be, otherwise
directs, to have been so delegated:
Provided that, where a power is deemed by virtue of the provisions of this
subsection to have been delegated in a manner which, if the delegation had
been made under the said article 96(2), would have required the consent of
the Prime Minister, the Prime Minister (in addition to the Public Service
Commission) may direct that the power shalq no longer be deemed to have
been so delegated.
(2) Where any law having effect immediately before the appointed day
confers on any member of the Police Force any of the powers referred to in
paragraph'(1) or (3) of article 108 of the Constitution that power shall, to the
extent that it could have been delegated under paragraph (2) or (4) of that
article to that member, be deemed, as from the appointed day and until the
Police Service Commission or the Commissioner of Police, as the case may be,
otherwise directs, to have been so delegated.
(3) Any act done by way of the exercise of disciplinary control by a
member of the Police Force over another such member at any time between
the coming into force of Part VI of the Constitution set out in the Annex to
the British Guiana (Constitution) Order in Council 1961 and the appointed
day that would have been valid had regulation 56 or 57 of the Police
Regulations(a) or the Delegation of Powers-(Police Officers) Regulations
1960(b) been a law of the Legislature in force at that time for the purposes of
article 103 of that Constitution shall be deemed to have been validly done:
Provided that nothing in this subsection shall affect any proceedings with
respect to any such act instituted before the making of this Order.
13. Regulations relating to retirement of certain public officers and the
payment of benefits thereto
(1) The Governor may, with the concurrence of a Secretary of State,
make by regulations such provision as appears to him to be necessary or
expedient for the retirement 'from the public service of such persons or classes
of persons holding office in that service as may be specified by or under those
regulations and for the payment of compensation, pensions, gratuities and
other like allowances in such cases.
(2) The preceding subsection shall have effect as if service as a Judge of
the Supreme Court established by the existing Orders or as a Judge of the
Supreme Court of Judicature or the Clerk or Deputy Clerk of the National
Assembly established by the Constitution were service in the public service.
(3) All sums payable by virtue of regulations made under this section
shall be a charge on and paid out of the revenues of British Guiana or, as from
the appointed day, the Consolidated Fund of Guyana.
(4) This section shall come into operation" forthwith.

15. Temporary provision relating to recruitment to the Police Force

During the period beginning with the appointed day and ending
immediately before 22nd December 1970, nothing in article 15 of the
Constitution shall prevent the power to make appointments to offices in the
Police Force under article 108(3) of the Constitution from being exercised in
accordance with the recommendation contained in paragraph 69 of the
Report of the Commission of Inquiry referred to in the British Guiana
(Constitution) (No. 3) Order 1965(a), being the recommendation set out in
section 2 of the said Order.
16. Emergency Powers Order in Council 1939
The Emergency Powers Order in Council 1939 and any Order in Council
amending that Order shall cease to have effect as part of the law of Guyana
on 26th May 1967 or such earlier date as Parliament may prescribe.
17. Alteration of certain provisions of Amerindian Lands Commission
Ordinance 1966 1
(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in the Constitution, sections 2
and 3 of the Amerindian Lands Commission Ordinance 1966 enacted by the
Legislature constituted by the existing Orders, as in force immediately before
the appointed day, may be altered by Parliament only in the same manner as
the provisions specified in paragraph (b) of article 73(3) of the Constitution.
(2) Article 73(4) of the Constitution shall apply for the purpose of
construing references in this section to any provision of the Amerindian
Lands Commission Ordinance 1966 and to the alteration of any such
provision as it applies for the purpose of construing references in the said
article 73 to any provision of the Constitution and to the alteration of any
such provision.
18. Appeals to Her Majesty in Council and to Judicial Committee if a
resolution is passed under article 73(5) of Constitution
If the National Assembly passes a resolution in accordance with the
provisions of article 73(5) of the Constitution then
(1) as from the day specified in the resolution
(a) subject to the provisions of paragraph (2) of this section, no appeal
shall lie to Her Majesty in Council, whether as of right or by leave either of
Her Majesty in Council or of any court established for Guyana, from any
decision given in any civil or criminal matter by any such court;
(b) the Judicial Committee shall have and exercise the jurisdiction in
respect of appeals from the Court of Appeal and in respect of proceedings
concerning Judges of the Supreme Court of Judicature that, in the law of
Guyana, is conferred on the Committee by Chapter VII of the Constitution
or any Act of Parliament;
(c) the provisions of the Judicial Committee Act 1833 and of any rules
made thereunder from time to time shall, in so far as they relate to the
powers of the Committee and the procedure to be adopted with respect to
proceedings before the Committee, apply in relation to such appeals to or
other proceedings before the Committee, and for that purpose they shall be
construed with such modifications, adaptations, qualifications and exceptions
as may be necessary by reason of the nature of those proceedings or
otherwise to bring them into conformity with the provisions of the
Constitution and any such Act;
(2) any appeal or petition for special leave to appeal to Her Majesty in
council from a decision of the Court of Appeal, being an appeal or a petition
that is pending immediately before the day specified as aforesaid and
(a) in the case of an appeal, is one in which the records have been
registered in the Office of the Privy Council before that day; or
(b) in the case of a petition, is one that has been filed in that Office
before that day,
shall continue to lie to Her Majesty in Council and may be prosecuted and
disposed of in accordance with/ the law regulating the procedure in such
appeals that is in force immediately before that day;
(3) any Order made by Her Majesty in Council on any appeal that lies to
Her Majesty in Council by virtue of the preceding paragraph or on any appeal
that has been made to Her Majesty in Council at any time before the day
specified as aforesaid shall be enforced in accordance with the law regulating
the enforcement of such Orders that is in force immediately before that day.





22. Persons entitled to be registered as citizens

(1) Any woman who,-on 25th May 1966, is or has been married to a
(a) who becomes a citizen of Guyana by virtue of the preceding article;
(b) who, having died before 26th May 1966, would, but for his death,
have become a citizen of Guyana by virtue of that article,
shall be entitled, upon making application and, if she is a British protected
person or an alien, upon taking the oath of allegiance, to be registered as a
citizen of Guyana:
Provided that, in the case of any woman who on 26th May 1966 is not a
citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies, the right to be registered as a
citizen of Guyana under thi§ paragraph shall be subject to such exceptions or
qualifications as may be prescribed in the interests of national security or
public policy.
(2) Any person who, on 25th May 1966, is a citizen of the United
Kingdom and Colonies
(a) having become such a citizen under the British Nationality Act 1948,
by virtue of his having been naturalised in the former Colony of British
Guiana as a British subject before that Act came into force; or
(b) having become such a citizen by virtue of his having been naturalised
or registered in the former Colony of British Guiana under that Act,
shall be entitled, upon making application before 26th May 1971, to be
registered as a citizen of Guyana.
1 The provisions of sections 21, 22 (4), 24, 27, 28, 29, 109 and 114 of the
Constitution of Guyana are basically similar to those of sections 2 (1) (2), 3 (3), 5, 8,
9, 10, 107 and 111 :of the Constitution of Barbados (supra, pp. 124, 125 and 127);
section 2-8 (c) of the Constitution in question is similar to section 27 (3) of the
Constitution of Botswana (supra, p. 139).
(3) Any person who, on 26th May 1966, is a Commonwealth citizen
(otherwise than by virtue of being a citizen of Guyana) and is ordinarily
resident in Guyana and has during the period of ten years preceding that day
been so resident in the former Colony of British Guiana for a period of, or
periods amounting in the aggregate to, five years shall be entitled, upon
making application before 26th May 1971, to be registered as a citizen of

25. Marriageto citizen of Guyana

Any woman who, after 25th May 1966, marries a person who is or
becomes a citizen of Guyana shall be entitled, upon making application in
such manner as may be prescribed and, if she is a British protected person or
an alien, upon taking the oath of allegiance, to be registered as a citizen of
Provided that the right to be registered as a citizen of Guyana under this
article shall be subject to such exceptions or qualifications as may be
prescribed in the interests of national security or public policy.
26. Deprivation of citizenship on acquisition of, or exercise of rights of,
another citizenship
(1) If the Governor-General is satisfied that any citizen of Guyana has at
any time after 25th May 1966 acquired by registration, naturalisation or
other voluntary and formal act (other than marriage) the citizenship of any
country other than Guyana, ihe Governor-General may by order deprive that
person of his citizenship.
(2) If the Governor-General is satisfied that any citizen of Guyana has at
any time after 25th May 1966 voluntarily claimed and exercised in a country
other than Guyana any rights available to him under the law of that country,
being rights accorded exclusively to its citizens, the Governor-General may by
order deprive that person of his citizenship.

(i) Laws and decrees


5. The Governor-Generalof the new Dominions

For each of the new Dominions, there shall be a Governor-General who
shall be appointed by His Majesty and shall represent His Majesty for the
purposes of the government of the Dominion:
Provided that, unless and until provision to the contrary is made by a law
of the Legislature of either of the new Dominions, the same person may be
Governor-General of both the new Dominions.
I Public General Acts and Measures, 1947, 10 and 1 Geo. 6, Chap. 30, p. 237.
2 The provisions of section 17 (1) (2) (3) are basically similar to those of section 7 of
the Kenya Independence Act 1963 (infra, p. 249). For the provisions of other sections
of the Act in question, see United Nations Legislative Series, "Materialson Succession of
States", ST/LEG/SER.B/14, p. 127.
6. Legislation for the new Dominions
(1) The Legislature of each of the new Dominions shall have full power
to make laws for that Dominion, including laws having extra-territorial
(2) No law and no provision of any law made by the Legislature of either
of the new Dominions shall be void or inoperative on the ground that it is
repugnant to the law of England, or to the provisions of this or any existing
or future Act of Parliament of the United Kingdom, or to any order, rule or
regulation made under any such Act, and the powers of the Legislature of
each Dominion include the power to repeal or amend any such Act, order,
rule or regulation in so far as it is part of the law of the Dominion.
(3) The Governor-General of each of the new Dominions shall have full
power to assent in His Majesty's name to any law of the Legislature of that
Dominion and so much of any Act as relates to the disallowance of laws by
His Majesty or the reservation of laws for the signification of His Majesty's
pleasure thereon or the suspension of the operation of laws until the
signification of His Majesty's pleasure thereon shall not apply to laws of the
Legislature of either of the new Dominions.
(4) No Act of Parliament of the United Kingdom passed on or after the
appointed day shall extend, or be deemed to extend, to either of the new
Dominions as part of the law of that Dominion unless it is extended thereto
by a law of the Legislature of the Dominion.
(5) No Order in Council made on or after the appointed day under any
Act passed before the appointed day, and no order, rule or other instrument
made on or after the appointed day under any such Act by any United
Kingdom Minister or other authority, shall extend, or be deemed to extend;
to either of the new Dominions as part of the law of that Dominion.
(6) The power referred to in subsection (1) of this section extends to the
making of laws limiting for the future the powers of the Legislature of the

8. Temporary provision as to government of each of the new Dominions

(1) In the case of each of the New Dominions, the powers of the
Legislature of the Dominion shall, for the purpose of making provision as to
the constitution of the Dominion, be exercisable in the first instance by the
Constituent Assembly of that Dominion, and references in this Act to the
Legislature of the Dominion shall be construed accordingly.
(2) Except in so far as other provision is made by or in accordance with a
law made by the Constituent Assembly of the Dominion under subsection (1)
of this section, each of the new Dominions and all Provinces and other parts
thereof shall be governed as nearly as may be in accordance with the
Government of India Act, 1935; and the provisions of that Act, and of the
Orders in Council, rules and other instruments made thereunder, shall, so far
as applicable, and subject to any express provisions of this Act, and with such
omissions, additions, adaptations and modlifications as may be specified in
orders of the Governor-General under the next succeeding section, have effect
Provided that
(a) the said provisions shall apply separately in relation to each of the
new Dominions and nothing in this subsection shall be construed as
continuing on or after the appointed day any Central Government or
Legislature common to both the new Dominions;
(b) nothing in this subsection shall be construed as continuing in force on
or after the appointed day any form of control by His Majesty's Government
in the United Kingdom over the affairs of the new Dominions or of any
Province or other part thereof;
(c) so much of the said provisions as requires the Governor-General or
any Governor to act in his discretion or exercise his individual judgment as
respects any matter shall cease to have effect as from the appointed day;
(d) as from ihe appointed day, no Provincial Bill shall be reserved under
the Government of India Act, 1935, for the signification of His Majesty's
pleasure, and no Provincial Act shall be disallowed by His Majesty thereunder;
(e) the powers of the Federal Legislature or Indian Legislature under that
Act, as in force in relation-to each Dominion, shall, in the first instance, be
exercisable by the Constituent Assembly of the Dominion in addition to the
powers exercisable by that Assembly under subsection (1) of this section.
(3) Any provision of the Government of India Act, 1935, which, as
applied to either of the new Dominions by subsection (2) of this section and
the orders therein referred to, operates to limit the power of the legislature of
that Dominion shall, unless and until other provision is made by or in
accordance with a law made by the Constituent Assembly of the Dominion in
accordance with the provisions of subsection (1) of this section, have the like
effect as a law of the Legislature of the Dominion limiting for the future the
powers of that Legislature.
9. Ordersfor bringing this Act into force
(1) The Governor-General shall by order make such provision as appears
to him to be necessary or expedient
(a) for bringing the provisions of this Act into effective operation;
(b) for dividing between the new Dominions, and between the new
Provinces to be constituted under this Act, the powers, fights, property,
duties and liabilities of the Governor-General in Council or, as the case may
be, of the relevant Provinces which, under this Act, are to cease to exist;
(c) for making omissions from, additions to, and adaptations and
modifications of, the Government of India Act, 1935, and the Orders in
Council, rules and other instruments made thereunder, in their application to
the separate new Dominions;
(d) for removing difficulties arising in connexion with the transition to
the provisions of this Act;
(e) for authorising the carrying on of the business of the Governor-
General in Council between the passing of this Act and the appointed day
otherwise than in accordance with the provisions in that behalf of the Ninth
Schedule to the Government of India Act, 1935;
(f) for enabling agreements to be entered into, and other acts done, on
behalf of either of the new Dominions before the appointed day;
(g) for authorising the continued carrying on for the time being on behalf
of the new Dominions, or on behalf of any two or more of the said new
Provinces, of services and activities previously carried on on behalf of British
India as a whole or on behalf of the former Provinces which those new
Provinces represent;
(h) for. regulating the monetary system and any matters pertaining to the
Reserve Bank of India; and
(i) so far as it appears necessary or expedient in connection with any of
the matters aforesaid, for varying the constitution, powers or jurisdiction of
any legislature, court or other authority in the new Dominions and creating
new legislatures, courts or other authorities therein.
(2) The powers conferred by this section on the Governor-General shall,
in relation to their respective Provinces, be exercisable also by the Governors
of the Provinces which, under this Act, are to cease to exist; and those powers
shall, for the purposes of the Government of India Act, 1935, be deemed to
be matters as respects which the Governors are, under that Act, to exercise
their individual judgment.
(3) This section shall be deemed to have had effect as from the third day
of June, nineteen hundred and forty-seven, and any order of the Governor-
General or any Governor made on or after that date as to any matter shall
have effect accordingly, and any order made under this section may be made
so as to be retrospective to any date not earlier than the said third day of
Provided that no person shall be deemed to be guilty of an offence by
reason of so much of any such order as makes any provision thereof
retrospective to any date before the making thereof.
(4) Any orders made under this section, whether before or after the
appointed day, shall have effect
(a) up to the appointed day, in British India;
(b) on and after the appointed day, in the new Dominion or Dominions
concerned; and
(c) outside British India, or, as the case may be, outside the new
Dominion or Dominions concerned, to such extent, whether before, on or
after the appointed day, as a law of the Legislature of the Dominion or
Dominions concerned would have on or after the appointed day,
but shall, in the case of each of the Dominions, be subject to the same powers
of repeal and amendment as laws of the Legislature of that Dominion.
(5) No order shall be made under this section, by the Governor of any
Province, after the appointed day, or, by the Governor-General, after the
thirty-first day of March, nineteen hundred and forty-eight, or such earlier
date as may be determined, in the case of either Dominion, by any law of the
Legislature of that Dominion.
(6) If it appears that a part of the Province of Assam is, on the appointed
day, to become part of the new Province of East Bengal, the preceding
provisions of this section shall have effect as if, under this Act, the Province
of Assam was to cease to exist on the appointed day and be reconstituted on
that day as a new Province.

11. Indian armed forces

(1) The orders to be made by the Governor-General under the preceding
provisions of this Act shall make provision for the division of the Indian
armed forces of His Majesty between the new Dominions, and for the
command and governance of those forces until the division is completed.
(2) As from the appointed day, while any member of His Majesty's
forces, other than His Majesty's Indian forces, is attached to or serving with
any of His Majesty's Indian forces
(a) he shall, subject to any provision to the contrary made by a law of
the Legislature of the Dominion or Dominions concerned or by any order of
the Governor-General under the preceding provisions of this Act, have, in
relation, to the Indian forces in question, the powers of command and
punishment appropriate to his rank and functions; but
. (b) nothing in any enactment in force at the date of the passing of this
Act shall render him subject in any way to the law governing the Indian
forces in question.

14. Provisions as to the Secretary of State and the Auditor of Indian

Home Accounts
(1) A Secretary of State, or such other Minister of the Crown as may be
designated in that behalf by Order in Council under the Ministers of the
Crown (Transfer of Functions) Act, 1946, is hereby authorised to continue
for the time being the performance, on behalf of whatever government or
governments may be concerned, of functions as to the making of payments
and other matters similar to the functions which, up to the appointed day,
the Secretary of State was performing on behalf of governments constituted
or continued under the Government of India Act, 1935.
(2) The functions referred to in subsection (1) of this section include
functions as respects the management of, and the making of payments in
respect of, government debt, and any enactments relating to such debt shall
have effect accordingly:
Provided that nothing in this subsection shall be construed as continuing
in force so much of any enactment as empowers the Secretary of State to
contract sterling loans on behalf of any such Government as aforesaid or as
applying to the Government of either of the new Dominions the prohibition
imposed on the Governor-General in Council by section three hundred and
fifteen of the Government of India Act, 193.5, as respects the contracting of
sterling loans.
(3) As from the appointed day, there shall not be any such advisers of
the Secretary of State as are provided for by section two hundred and
seventy-eight of the Government of India Act, 1935, and the section, and any
provisions of that Act which require the Secretary of State to obtain the
concurrence of his advisers, are hereby repealed as from that day.
(4) The Auditor of Indian Home Accounts is hereby authorised to
continue for the time being to exercise his functions as respects the accounts
of the Secretary of State or any such other Minister of the Crown as is
mentioned in subsection (I) of this section, both in respect of activities
before, and in respect of activities after, the appointed day, in the same
manner, as nearly as may be as he would have done if this Act had not passed.

16. Aden
(1) Subsections (2) to (4) of section two hundred and eighty-eight of the
Government of India Act, 1935 (which confer on His Majesty power to make
by Order in Council provision for the government of Aden) shall cease to
have effect and the British Settlements Acts, 1887 and 1945, (which
authorise His Majesty to make laws and establish institutions for British
Settlements as defined in those Acts) shall apply in relation to Aden as if it
were a British Settlement as so defined.
(2) Notwithstanding the repeal of the said subsections (2) to (4), the
Orders in Council in force thereunder at the date of the passing of this Act
shall continue in force, but the aid Orders in Council, any other Orders in
Council made under the Government of India Act, 1935, in. so far as they
apply to Aden, and any enactments applied to Aden or amended in relation
to Aden by any such Orders in Council as aforesaid, may be repealed, revoked
or amended under the powers of the British Settlements Acts, 1887 and
(3) Unless and until provision to the contrary is made as respects Aden
under the powers of the British Settlements Acts, 1887 and 1945, or, as
respects the new Dominion in question, by a law of the Legislature of that
Dominion, the provisio.is of the said Orders in Council and enactments
relating to appeals from any courts in Aden to any courts which will, after
the appointed day, be in either of the new Dominions, shall continue in force
in their application both to Aden and to the Dominion in question, and the
last mentioned courts shall exercise their jurisdiction accordingly.

17. Divorce jurisdiction

(4) Nothing in this section affects any court outside the new Dominions,
and the power conferred by section two of the Indian and Colonial Divorce
Jurisdiction Act, 1926, to apply certain provisions of that Act to other parts
of His Majesty's dominions as they apply to India shall be deemed to be
power to apply those provisions as they would have applied to India if this
Act had not passed.

19. Interpretation
(1) References in this Act to the Governor-General shall, in relation to
any order to be made or other act done on or after the appointed day, be
(a) where the order or other act concerns one only of the new
Dominions, as references to the Governor-General of that Dominion;
(b) where the order or other act concerns both of the new Dominions
and the same person is the Governor-General of both those Dominions, as
references to that person; and
(c) in any other case, as references to the Governors-General of the new
Dominions, acting jointly.
(2) References in this Act to the Governor-General shall, in relation to
any order to be made or other act done before the appointed day, be
construed as references to the Governor-General of India within the meaning
of the Government of India Act, 1935, and so much of that or any other Act
as requires references to the Governor-General to be construed as references
to the Governor-General in Council shall not apply to references to the
Governor-General in this Act.
(3) References in this Act to the Constituent Assembly of a Dominion
shall be construed as references
(a) in relation to India, to the Constituent Assembly, the first sitting
whereof was held on the ninth day of December, nineteen hundred and
forty-six, modified
(i) by the exclusion of the members representing Bengal, the Punjab,
Sind and British Baluchistan; and
(ii) should it appear that the North West Frontier Province will form
part of Pakistan, by the exclusion of the members representing that
Province; and
(iii) by the inclusion of members representing West Bengal and East
Punjab; and
(iv) should it appear that, on the appointed day, a part of the Province of
Assam is to form part of the new Province of East Bengal, by the
exclusion of the members theretofore representing the Province of
Assam and the inclusion of members chosen to represent the
remainder of that Province;
(b) in relation to Pakistan, to the Assembly set up or about to be set up
at the date of the passing of this Act under the authority of the
Governor-General as the Constituent Assembly for Pakistan:
Provided that nothing in this subsection shall be construed as affecting
the extent to which representatives of the Indian States take part in either of
the said Assemblies, or as preventing the filling of casual vacancies in the said
Assemblies, or as preventing the participation in either of the said Assemblies,
in accordance with such arrangements as may be made in that behalf, of
representatives of the tribal areas on the borders of the Dominion for which
that Assembly sits, and the powers of the said Assemblies shall extend and be
deemed always to have extended to the making of provision for the matters
specified in this proviso.
(4) In this Act, except so far as the context otherwise requires
references to the Government of India. Act, 1935, include references to
any enactments amending or supplementing that Act, and, in particular,
references to the India (Central Government and Legislature) Act, 1946;
"India", where the reference is to a state of affairs existing before the
appointed day or which would have existed but for the passing of this Act,
has the meaning assigned to it by section three hundred and eleven of the
Government of India Act, 1935;
"India forces" includes all His Majesty's Indian forces existing before the
appointed day and also any forces of either of the new Dominions;
,pension" means, in relation to any person, a pension whether con-
tributory or not, of any kind whatsoever payable to or in respect of that
person, and includes retired pay so payable, a gratuity so payable and any
sum or sums so payable by way of the return, with or without interest
thereon or other additions thereto, of subscriptions to a provident fund;
"Province" means a Governor's Province;
"remuneration" includes leave pay, allowances and the cost of any
privileges or facilities provided in kind.
(5) Any power conferred by this Act to make any order includes power
to revoke or vary any order previously made in the exercise of that power.

1. Operation of existing law in relation to India in view of India's

becoming a Republic

(2) This Act extends to law of, or of any part of, the United Kingdom, a
colony, a protectorate or a United Kingdom trust territory, and also, but so
far only as concerns law which cannot be amended by a law of the legislature
thereof, to law of Southern Rhodesia or of any part thereof.
The references in this subsection to a colony, to a protectorate and to a
United Kingdom trust territory shall be construed as if they were references
contained in the British Nationality Act, 1948.
(3) His Majesty may by Order in Council make provision for such
modification of any existing law to which this Act extends as may appear to
him to be necessary or expedient in view of India's becoming a Republic
while remaining a member of the Commonwealth, and subsection (1) of this
section shall have effect in relation to any such law as modified by such an
Order save in so far as the contrary intention appears in the Order.
An Order in Council under this section
(a) may be made either before or after India becomes a Republic, and
may be revoked or varied by a subsequent Order in Council; and
(b) shall be subject to annulment in pursuance of a resolution of either
House of Parliament.
(4) Any increase attributable to an Order in Council under this section in
sums payable out of moneys provided by Parliament or out of the
Consolidated Fund of the United Kingdom or the growing produce thereof
shall be defrayed out of moneys so provided, or out of that Fund or the
growing produce thereof, as the case may be.

(ii) Decisions of national courts


(a) Rights of Civil Servants

State of Madras v. Raja Gopalan, 1956 Supreme Court Journal 203
The _gpse concerned the effect of independence on the tenure of Indian
Civil Service officers in respect of their contract with the Secretary of State
for India under the British rule. The question turned on whether the Union of
India was bound to honour the service contracts entered into by the former
British Government.
held: The Government of India was entitled under the principles of
international law to terminate the service of the Respondents. As a
1Public GeneralActs and Measures, 1949, 12, 13 and 14 Geo. 6, Chap. 92, p. 1910.
2 The provisions of section 1 (1) are basically similar to those of section 2 (1) of the
Botswana Independence Act 1966 (supra, p. 130)
3 Indian Yearbook of InternationalAffairs, 1957, vol. VI,.p. 301.
consequence of independence the Supreme Court observed "that the
contracts as well as the statutory protection attached thereto came to an
automatic and legal termination".

(b) Succession and Private Rights

Farid Ahmad v. United Provinces Government. (All India Reporter 1950 All
The Government of the United Provinces claimed possession of a plot of
land in Muttra, which was conquered by Lord Lake's Army in 1803 from the
Marathas. For several years there was a big British cantonment on the plot of
land (for which possession is claimed). It was held "that the position is that,
though on the conquest of Muttra, all private rights and titles must be
deemed to have come to an end, the British did not desire to interfere with
private ownerships and allowed persons to remain in possession of land which
was in their possession. . . It may be implied that the British Government did
not want to dispossess and recognized the old rights of Fakirs. It was not
necessary in 1803 that there should be a written document executed by the
sovereign authority transferring title to the occupiers". It was held that the
holder of the land (the present plaintiff) could not be dispossessed.

(c) State Succession and ContractualObligations

(i) Scindia Steam Navigation Co. Ltd. v. Union of India. (All India Reporter,
1966, Supreme Court 1810)2

In this case the plaintiffs sued the Union of India for freight charges in
respect of a contract to ship timber from Marmagoa in India to Karachi in
Pakistan. The goods were shipped before partition but arrived in Pakistan
after. On the question whether the Dominion of India was responsible for the
freight charges, the Supreme Court ruled that the test to be applied was one
of the "purposes" of the contract. If it could be proved that the object of the
contract was a purpose to be carried on in India, then only could the Indian
Government be liable. As the timber was to be used for the N. Western
Railway in Pakistan the contract was held to be for the purpose of Pakistan
and hence the suit for freight charges failed.

(ii) Shri Shublaxmi Mills Ltd. v. Union of India. (All India Reporter 1967,
Supreme Court 750)
In this case an agreement by the Ruler to grant exemption from income
tax with the appellant company was held not to be binding on the Union of
India on the accession of the State of Cambay to the Union of India.
Accession is regarded as an act ot State. No claim under the covenant could
be sustained in Indian Courts. Unless the Union of India recognized the claim
of the company either by legislation or proclamation the covenant by the
erstwhile Ruler was not binding on the Union of India.
1 Ibid., 1952, vol. 1,p. 283.
2 Indian Journal of InternationalLaw, vol. 7, 1967, p. 67.
3 Indian Journalof InternationalLaw, vol. 7, 1967, p. 209.
(iii) Bhai Ardaman Singh v. State of Punjab. (All India Reporter, 1965,
Punjab 354)P
A grant of a subsidy in perpetuity by a former ruler to a religious
institution could be revoked by the successor State even after payment for a
short period of the subsidy after succession. It being an act of State no claim
in the municipal courts could be sustained. In this case the payment was
stopped after the Government came to a final decision in 1951. Prior
payments therefore were held not to constitcite recognition.

(iv) The Jaipur Udyog Ltd. v. Commissioner of Income Tax. (All India
Reporter 1965 Rajasthan 162)2
An agreement to grant exemption from taxation was held to be in the
nature of a contract between the Ruler and the company and not a legitimate
contract which could be held to be binding on the successor State.
Consequently on the authority of MahajaraShree Umaid Mills Ltd. AIR 1963
SC 953 the court held that the agreement was not binding on the successor
(v) Pema Chibar v. Union of India. (All India Reporter 1966 Supreme Court
The question was whether the Government of India on conquest of
Portuguese territories was bound to recognize and issue new licences to
import goods in respect of old licences under which goods tho:.gh ordered yet
did not arrive in time. The Court relying on'Dalmia Dadri Cement Co. Ltd. v.
Commissioner of Income Tax 1959 Supreme Court Repbrts 729 held that on
conquest the citizens of the former State could not enforce the same rights
against the new State. The Union of India was within its rights to refuse to
give permission to import the goods.

(vi) Chaudhary Jawaharlal v. State of Madhya Pradesh. ((1970) 1I S.C.J

A promissory note executed by the former Ruler in consideration for the
cost of the construction of a court house in the State of Surguja could not be
enforced against the successor State and the successor State was within its
rights to refuse to recognize the promissory note. An act of State can always
be pleaded however unjust the result and the petitioner was without remedy.

(vii) Rang Rao v. State of Mysore. (All India Reporter 1972 Mysore 98)5
The State of Mysore could on succession to the Nizam abolish cash grants
prospectively but not retrospectively after it had recognized the rights of the
recipients by paying such grants. Such retrospective repudiation is unconstitu-
1 Ibid., vol. 5, 1965, p. 508.
2 Ibid., vol. 5, 1965, p. 514.
3 Ibid., vol. 6, 1966, p. 254.
bid., vol. 10, 1970, p. 377.
5 Indian Journalof InternationalLaw vol. 12, 1972, p. 494.
(d) Succession and Concessions
Firm Bansidhar Premsukhdas v. State of Rajasthan. (All Indian Reporter,
1967, Supreme Court, 40)1
The question turned on whether the State of Rajasthan was bound to
continue the concessions granted to the appellants in respect of custom
duties. It was held that on succession there is no subrogation ipso lure and the
succeeding State is within its rights to disclaim onerous concessions granted
by the merging State. Relied on (i)Dalmia Dadri Cement Co. Ltd. v.
Commissioner of Income tax AIR 1958 SC 729; (ii)State of Surashtra v.
JamadarMohd. Abdullah AIR 1962 SC 445.

AUGUST 19542
The Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Government
of the Republic of Indonesia,
Considering that it is desirable to reach a settlement concerning the
transfer by Indonesia of claims arising before 1 January 1954 and held by
Indonesia against individuals who on that date were Netherlands nationals,
Desiring to give effect to the agreement concluded on 12 January 1954
between the Ministers of Finance of the Netherlands and of Indonesia and
relating to the transfer of the aforesaid claims,
Have agreed as follows:
Article 1
The Government of the Republic of Indonesia shall, up to the amounts
outstanding on 12 January 1954, transfer to the Government of the Kingdom
of the Netherlands full title to such claims arising before 1 January 1954 of a
personal or corporate character as the Republic of Indonesia, including the
former political entities which have been absorbed into the Republic of
Indonesia, holds against individuals who on 1 January 1954 were Netherlands
The transfer shall be deemed to have taken place on 12 January 1954 and
shall be effective against debtors as soon' as this Agreement enters into force
and from the date on which such entry into force is published in the
Netherlands Treaty Series.
All additional sums, whether or not obtained under a previous action for
recovery, which have become due to the Republic of Indonesia since 12
January 1954 in settlement of the transferred claims shall be paid over to the
Netherlands by the Republic of Indonesia, payments in Netherlands currency
being remitted to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at The Hague and payments
1 Ibid., vol. 7, 1967, p. 70.
2 United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 241lp.134. Came into force on 19 March 1956.
in Indonesian currency being remitted to the Office of the Netherlands High
Commissioner at Djakarta.

Article 2
In consideration of the claims mentioned in article 1, the Government of
the Kingdom of the Netherlands shall, within two weeks after the entry into
force of this Agreement, pay to the Government of the Republic of Indonesia
the sum of f. 20,000,000 (twenty million guilders) in Netherlands currency.

Article 3
The Government of the Republic of Indonesia shall, so far as possible,
transfer to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at The Hague or, as the case may
be, to the Office of the Netherlands High Commissioner at Djakarta all
Government records relating to the claims mentioned in article 1; and if the
transfer of such records is not possible, Indonesia shall make them available
for inspection and shall permit copies of them to be made.
To the extent that the claims referred to in article 1 have not yet been
determined by the Indonesian authorities, Indonesia shall, in so far as it
considers it possible to do so, co-operate in determining such claims with the
Netherlands agencies to be appointed for this purpose.

Article 4
If the Netherlands so requests, the Indonesian Pension Fund shall
withhold from the payments Ihich it is required to make such sums as are
specified by the Netherlands in particular cases.

Article 5
This Agreement shall enter into force on the date on which the
Netherlands Government informs the Indonesian Government that the
Agreement has received the constitutional approval required in the Nether-




1 Not reproduced in-this volume.

2 United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 86, p. 232. Came into force on 30 March 1950,
as from the date of signature.
Desiring to reach a full and final settlement of their respective claims and
counter-claims regarding the assets and liabilities of the former Palestine
Government (hereinafter called "the Mandatory Government") and of other
financial matters outstanding between them as a result of the termination of
the Mandate for Palestine:

Article 1
For the purposes of this Agreement, the expression "Israel" shall mean
the territory administered by the Government of Israel at the date of
signature of this Agreement.

Article 2
The Government of Israel shall make or facilitate payments to the
Government of the United Kingdom, and make a contribution towards the
discharge of the liabilities of the Mandatory Government, as follows:
(a) Subject to the provisions of Article 9 (b) hereof, the Government of
Israel shall, immediately after the signature of this Agreement, permit the
remittance to the Government of the United Kingdom, and the conversion
into sterling, of a sum of 1,118,000 Israel Pounds in discharge of the
following commercial debts:
(i) The balance owing by Steel Brothers, Steel Brothers and Company
Ltd., or both, as agents for the Mandatory Government, in respect of
food ,supplies procured by the Government of the United Kingdom
on behalf of the Mandatory Government: £669,000.
(ii) Bank balances standing to the credit of the Mandatory Government
in Israel, with the exception of such balances as are standing to the
credit of the Custodian of Enemy Property of the Mandatory
Government: £381,000.1
(iii) The balance due in respect of telephone exchange equipment
supplied by the Crown Agents for the Colonies to the Government
of Israel since June, 1949: £68,000.
b) Subject to the provisions of Article 9 (a) hereof, the Government of
Israel shall pay to the Government of the United Kingdom the sum of
£5,882,000 in payment of other commercial debts and for the assets to be
transferred to the Government of Israel under Article 7 hereof, and, as part of
the general settlement, by way of contribution towards the servicing of the
3 per cent. Guaranteed Stock, which liability is being discharged by the
Government of the United Kingdom, the claims mentioned in Article 6
hereof, and abolition benefits paid, or to be paid, by the Government of the
United Kingdom to former officials of the Mandatory Government resident in
(c) Subject to the provisions of Article 3 hereof, the Government of
Israel shall pay the pensions of former officials of the Mandatory Government
resident in Israel up to an amount -not exceeding 200,000 Israel Pounds
annually, the capitalised value of which is estimated at £2,400,000.
i See Exchange of letters I and Il, ibid., p. 246. See also Exchange of letters of 15
April 1965, ibid.,
vol. 551, p.39.
(d) The Government of Israel shall relinquish their claim to any share in
the surplus of the Palestine Currency Board which may be properly allocable
to Israel, which share is, for the purposes of this Agreement, assessed at

Article 3
Subject to the provisions of Article 9 (a) hereof, the Government of Israel
shall reimburse the Government of the United Kingdom for all payments
made by them during the period between the 15th day of May, 1948, and the
31st day of May, 1950, both dates inclusive, and in respect of that period or
any part thereof, at the rates and in accordance with the conditions approved
by His Majesty's Secretary of State for the Colonies under the relevant
legislation, in. respect of pensions due to former officials of the Mandatory
Government, who, at the date of signature of this Agreement, are resident in
Israel, up to an amount of 200,000 Israel Pounds annually, and shall assume
and meet all payments becoming so payable to such officials on and after the
1st day of June, 1950, up to the said amount.'

Article 4
The.assets available for the discharge of all bearer bonds issued by the
Mandatory Government and the responsibility for the discharge of liability in
respect of those bonds shall be apportioned as follows:
(a) The Government of Israel shall be entitled to all sums due in respect
of loans made to municipal corporations and local councils in Israel from the
various issues of the said bonds, which loans are agreed at the figure of
(b) The Government of Israel shall assume responsibility for the
discharge of liability in respect of all such bonds as are held and registered in
Israel at the date of signature of this Agreement. The aggregate nominal value
of such registered bonds is provisionally assessed at £4,340,000, and when it
is finally agreed that bonds to that amount are held and registered in Israel as
aforesaid, the Government of Israel shall be entitled to receive from the
Government of the United Kingdom, by way of credit in accordance with
Article 9 (a) hereof, the sum of £1,425,600, being the difference between the
aggregate nominal value of the bonds mentioned in this paragraph, namely,
£4,340,000 and the aggregate amount of the loans mentioned in para-
graph (a) of this Article, namely, £2,914,400.
(c) The Government of Israel shall, if the aforesaid provisional figure of
£4,340,000 is finally agreed upon, be entitled to receive from the
Government of the United Kingdom, by way of credit in accordance with
Article 9 (a) hereof, the sum of £460,000 representing: (i) a proportionate
share in the aggregate amount of the sinking funds for the redemption of the
said bonds and interest accrued thereon, agreed at £374,000, and (ii) a
proportionate share in the interest accrued on the unspent balance of
£2,644,033 from the proceeds of the bonds, agreed at £86,000.
(d) The Government of the United Kingdom shall assume responsibility
for the bonds not so held and registered in Israel as aforesaid, arid shall be
1 See Exchange of letters III and IV, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 86, p. 248.
entitled to the remainder of the said interest, sinking funds and unspent
balance of £2,644,033:
Provided that, if it is finally agreed that the aggregate nominal value of
the bonds so held and registered in Israel as aforesaid is more or less than the
said provisional figure of £4,340,000, the figure finally agreed upon shall be
substituted for the said figure of £4,340,000 in the preceding paragraphs of
this Article and the necessary consequential alterations shall be made in the
figure of £1,425,600 appearing in paragraph (b) and the figures appearing in
paragraph (c) of this Article.
For the purposes of this Article, the expression "registered" shall mean
registered with a bank in Israel in pursuance of a notice published in Israel by
the Anglo-Palestine Bank, Ltd., on the 12th day of February, 1950, at the
request of the Government of Israel.I

Article 5
(a) Subject to the provisions of Article 9 (a) hereof, the Government of
the United Kingdom will credit the Government of Israel with the sum of
£1,052,000 in respect of monies of residents or nationals of former Allied
and other countries, except Germany, which were held by the Custodian of
Enemy Property of the Mandatory Government. 2
(b) The Government of Israel will assume responsibility for dealing with
all claims properly brought in respect of any of the aforesaid monies, and
should any such claim be brought against the Government of the United
Kingdom in circumstances which, in their considered opinion after consulta-
tion with the Government of Israel, justify the satisfaction of the claim by
the Government of the United Kingdom, the Government of Israel will, on
request, repay to the Government of the United Kingdom, as provided in
Article 9 (a) hereof, the monies credited to them in respect of such claim.
(c) The Government of Israel will deal with property subjected to the
control of the said Custodian and appertaining to residentsof the following
countries, namely, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, France, Greece,
Luxembourg, Netherlands and Norway, being countries with which property
agreements were made by the Government of the United Kingdom and
extended to Palestine before the termination of the Mandate, in accordance
with the terms of the said agreements as extended to Palestine.
(d) The Government of Israel will arrange to deal with monies of
residents or nationals of countries other than those mentioned in para-
graph (c) of this Article which are credited under paragraph (a) of this Article
to the Government of Israel by the Government of the United Kingdom, in
accordance with the relevant terms of any treaties or agreements made with
any of the said countries by the Government of the United Kingdom before
the termination of the Mandate, which may be applicable thereto, or of any
treaties or agreements which may be made with any of the said countries by
the Government of Israel.

I See Exchange of letters V to VIII, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 86,
p. 248-252.
2 See Exchange of letters IX and X, ibid., pp. 254-255. See also Exchange of letters
of 15 April 1965,ibid., vol. 551, p. 35.
(e) The Government of the United Kingdom will, as regards monies of
German nationals, former German nationals and persons deemed to be
enemies or enemy subjects because of their German origin or connection
which were subjected to the control of the said Custodian, credit the
Government of Israel with the sum of £346,000 subject to the provisions of
Article 9 (a) hereof, and will arrange for the withdrawal of the claim of the
Crown Agents for the Colonies for the sum of £1,793,000 now pending
against the Anglo-Palestine Bank, Ltd., and relinquish all claim thereto, and
the Government of Israel will relinquish all other claim against the
Government of the United Kingdom in respect of such of the said monies, if
any, as are not in Israel.

Article 6
The Government of the United Kingdom, while not admitting any
liability whatever in respect of claims against the Mandatory Government,
will give sympathetic consideration to such claims properly brought by
persons who, at the date of signature of this Agreement, are resident in Israel,
provided that the decision as to whether any particular claim should be paid,
the amount which should be paid in respect thereof, and the manner of
payment shall be in the sole discretion of the Government of the United
The Government of Israel will afford to the Government of the United
Kingdom all reasonable facilities, including access to any available relevant
records, to enable them to examine any claims against the Mandatory
Government concerning property situated in Israel, and to elicit information
in regard to such claims.'

Article 7
(a) The Government of the United Kingdom shall transfer to the
Government of Israel their rights and interests in assets, including land, in
Israel, other than those described below, held by, or on behalf of, His
Majesty's Secretary of State for War or His Majesty's Secretary of State for
Air. The rights and interests of the Government of the United Kingdom in the
following assets shall not be transferred to the Government of Israel:
(i) Allenby Barracks Married Quarters, Jerusalem, and the land on
which they stand;
(ii) Any asset which the Government of the United Kingdom have
already agreed to sell to some other person and in respect of which
they have already received a deposit on account of the purchase
(iii) Various temporary structures in Jerusalem.
The exclusion of the above assets shall not imply any admission by the
Government of Israel of the title of the Government of the United Kingdom
thereto, while the Government of the United Kingdom at the same time
maintain their claim to such title. 2
1 See Exchange of letters X1 and XII, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 86,
pp. 254-256.
2 See Exchange of letters XIII and XIV, United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 86,
pp. 256-258. See also Exchange of letters of 15 April 1965, ibid., vol. 551, p. 43. •
Article 8
Save as herein provided, the Government of Israel shall make no claim to
any property of the Mandatory Government outside Israel, and the
Government of the United Kingdom shall make no claim to any property of
the Mandatory Government in Israel.

Article 9
(a) The obligation of the Government of Israel under Article 2 (b) hereof
to pay to the Government of the United Kingdom the sum of £5,882,000 and
the obligation of the Government of Israel under Article 3 hereof to
reimburse the Government of the United Kingdom shall be discharged as
(i) £3,283,600 shall be deemed to have been paid by setting off that
amount against the amounts due to the Government of Israel by the
Government of the United Kingdom under Article 4 hereof
(£1,885,600) and Article 5 hereof (£1,052,000 and £346,000).
(ii) The remaining £2,598,400 and the amount payable to the Govern-
ment of the United Kingdom under Article 3 hereof shall be funded,
interest being chargeable at the rate of one per centum per annum on
all outstanding amounts, and the said sums and interest shall be
payable in sterling by the Government of Israel over a period of 15
years beginning on the date of signature of this Agreement, by thirty
equal half-yearly instalments, the first instalment to be paid on a date
six months from the said date:
(b) The Government of the United Kingdom shall remain liable to deal
with any claim of any person resident in Israel to reinstatement of land upon
which there is a fixed asset, the rights and interests of the Government of the
United Kingdom wherein are transferable to the Government of Israel
hereunder, to the extent and in so.far as they were liable at the time of the
evacuation of such land by His Majesty's Forces, if such claim has been
submitted to the Government of the United Kingdom before the date of
signature of this Agreement or is submitted to them within six months of
such date, and such land has been restored to the owner thereof before the
date of signature of this Agreement or is restored to the owner thereof within
six months of such date. The Government of Israel shall deal with any such
claim for reinstatement of land upon which they retain such a fixed asset for
more than six months after the date of signature of this Agreement.
Provided that the amount to be funded shall be increased or decreased, as the
case may be, by the amount, if any, by which the figure of £1,885,600
mentioned in sub-paragraph (i) of this paragraph is decreased or increased
pursuant to the provisions of Article 4 hereof, and increased by the amount,
if any, which the Government of Israel may be required to repay to the
Government of the United Kingdom under the provisions of Article 5 (b)
hereof, and the amount to be set off under sub-paragraph (i) of this paragraph
shall be adjusted accordingly.
(b) The Government of the United Kingdom shall make special releases
of sterling in respect of the sum of 1,118,000 Israel Pounds mentioned in
Article 2 (a) hereof and the half yearly instalments due under this Article so
long as there are unreleased Israel sterling balances, and the Contracting
Governments shall give all such instructions and authorisations as may be
necessary to give effect to the provisions of Article 2 (a) hereof in respect of
all balances standing to the credit, or at the disposal, of the Mandatory
Government in banks in Israel.

Article 10
The Government of the United Kingdom shall, within the terms of the
bequest of the late Sir Ellis Kadoorie, make available to the Government of
Israel one half of the balance of that bequest, which balance amounts to
£86,237, to be used for the purposes of the Kadoorie Agricultural School
near Mount Tabor, Israel.





The Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs to the Israel Ambassador

I have the honour to refer to the financial negotiations held in London

from the 10th of June to the 28th of October, 1964, between representatives
of the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
Ireland and the Government of Israel, and, in particular, to the regret
expressed by members of both delegations that certain former employees of
the Mandatory Government of Palestine resident in Israel have not hitherto
received compensation for loss of office upon termination of the Mandate.
I have to state that the Government of the United Kingdom will remit to
the Government of Israel the sum of £100,000 (one hundred thousand
pounds sterling) as an ex gratia payment to be distributed by the Government
of Israel to former employees of the Mandatory Government of Palestine who
entered the service of the Government of Israel at any time after the
establishment of the State of Israel, in full and final settlement of any claims
which such persons may have against either the Mandatory Government of
Palestine or the Government of the United Kingdom for compensation for
loss of office upon the termination of the Mandate.

1 See Exchange of letters XV to XXII, United Nations, Teaty Series, vol. 86,
pp. 260-264.
2 United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 551, p. 19. Came into force on 15 April 1965
by the exchange of the said notes.
I have the honour to suggest that if these proposals are also acceptable to
the Government of Israel, Your Excellency's reply to that effect, together
with my present Note, shall constitute an agreement between the two
Governments in full and final settlement of this matter.


The Israel Ambassador to the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs

I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your Note of today's date

which reads as follows:
[See note I./
In reply I have the honour to state that the foregoing proposals are
acceptable to the Government of Israel who therefore agree that your Note
and the present reply shall constitute an agreement between the two
Governments in full and final settlement of this matter.



The Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs to the Israel Ambassador

I have the honour to refer to my Note of today's date about former

employees of the Mandatory Government of Palestine resident in Israel.
I have to state that the Government of the United Kingdom will, as an ex
gratia payment, distribute a sum of approximately £40,000 (forty thousand
pounds sterling) (the exact sum still to be ascertained), to former employees
of the Mandatory Government of Palestine resident in Israel, who have not
entered the service of the Government of Israel at any time after the
establishment of the State of Israel, in full and final settlement of any claims
which such persons may have against either the Mandatory Government of
Palestine or the Government of the United Kingdom for compensation for
loss of office upon the termination of the Mandate.

I have the honour to suggest that if these proposals are also acceptable to
the Government of Israel, Your Excellency's reply to that effect, together
with my present Note, shall constitute an agreement between the two
Governments in full and final settlement of this matter.

The Israel Ambassador to the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs
I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your Note of today's date
which reads as follows:
[See note LI
In reply I have the honour to state that the foregoing proposals are
acceptable to the Government of Israel who therefore agree that your Note
and the present reply shall constitute an agreement between the two
Governments in full and final settlement of this matter.



The Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs to the Israel Ambassador

I have the honour to refer to the financial negotiations which took place
in London from the 10th of June to the 28th of October, 1964, between
representatives of the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain
and Northern Ireland and the Government of Israel and, in particular, to the
discussions between members of the Israel and the United Kingdom
delegations relating to claims made by the Jewish National Fund (KKL) and
the Hadera Founders Associations in connexion with the re-instatement of
land previously occupied by Her Britannic Majesty's Forces and the payment
of rent therefor.
I have to confirm that subject to the verification of the factual position in
respect of each of the items concerned, the Government of the United
Kingdom are prepared to meet such claims as are still unpaid, and to make
payments in accordance with and subject to the relevant Hiring Agreements
and the provisions of the Financial Agreement of the 30th of March, 1950
between the two Governments, such payments to be effected in sterling at
the rate of one Pound Palestine to one Pound Sterling.
I have the honour to suggest that if the foregoing proposals are acceptable
to the Government of Israel, Your Excellency's reply to this effect, together
with my present Note, shall constitute an agreement between the two
Governments in full and final settlement of this matter.

The Israel Ambassador to the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs

I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your Note of today's date

which reads as follows:
[See note 1.]
In reply I have the honour to state that the foregoing proposals are
acceptable to the Government of Israel who therefore agree that your Note
and the present reply shall constitute an agreement between the two
Governments in full and final settlement of this matter.



The Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs to the Israel Ambassador

I have the honour to refer to the financial neogitations held in London

from the 10th of June to the 28th of October, 1964, between representatives
of the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
Ireland and the Government of Israel, and, in particular, to the discussions
between members of the two delegations regarding the settlement of a claim
by the Government of the United Kingdom for the release to them of the
sum of 97,299 (ninety-seven thousand, two hundred and ninety-nine) Pounds
Israel standing to the credit of Steel Brothers in Barclays Bank D.C.O., Haifa
(hereinafter referred to as "the Bank") in an account known 7S account "M"
which Steel Brothers have instructed the Bank to hold at the disposal of the
British Embassy in Israel or the Colonial Office, London.
I have to state that the following proposals for the settlement of this
claim are acceptable to the Government of the United Kingdom:
(a) The Government of Israel will release to the Government of the
United Kingdom the aforesaid monies together with any accrued interest
(b) The Government of the United Kingdom will instruct the Bank to
pay to the Government of Israel out lof the aforesaid monies the sum of'
33,782 (thirty-three thousand, seven hundred and eighty-two) Pounds Israel,
together with a proportionate part of any accrued interest on the principal
amount and to pay to the Government of the United Kingdom out of the
aforesaid monies, the sterling equivalent of the sum of 63,517 (sixty-three
thousand, five hundred and seventeen) Pounds Israel, together with a
proportionate part of any accrued interest on the principal amount,
calculated at the Bank's current market selling rate for sterling in terms of
Pounds Israel.
I have the honour to suggest that if these proposals are also acceptable to
the Government of Israel, Your Excellency's reply to that effect together
with my present Note shall constitute an agreement between our two
Governments in full and final settlement of these matters.

The Israel Ambassador to the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs
I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your Note of today's date
which reads as follows:
[See note I.]
In reply I have the honour to state that the foregoing proposals are
acceptable to the Government of Israel who therefore agree that your Note
and the present reply shall constitute an agreement between the two
Governments in full and final settlement of these matters.


Trait6s 1



Art. jer. - La R6publique de C6te d'ivoire accede, en plein accord et

amiti6 avec la R6publique franqaise, i la souverainet6 internationale et i
l'ind6pendence par le transfert des comp6tences de la Communaut6.
Art. 2. - Toutes les comp6tences institu6es par l'article 78 de la Consti-
tution du 4 octobre 1958 sont, pour ce qui la concerne, transfir6es A la
R6publique de C6te d'lvoire, d~s l'accomplissement par les parties contrac-
tantes de la procidure pr6vue i l'article 87 de ladite constitution.



Art. 1er. - La R6publique de C6te-d'Ivoire d6clare vouloir poursuivre son
d6veloppement en 6troite association avec la R6publique frangaise et les autres
pays de la zone franc, tout en b6n6ficiant des possibilit6s d'6changes qui
s'offrent i elle dans les autres pays du monde.
Art. 2.- L'association contractuelle de la R6publique de C6te-d'Ivoire et
de la R6publique frangaise proc~de de deux principes fondamentaux :
Chaque Etat d6tient l'int6gralit6 des pouvoirs 6conomiques, mon6taires et
financiers reconnus aux Etats souverains.
Les parties acceptent de coordonner leurs politiques commerciale,
mo'n6taire et financi~re externes entre elles et avec les autres Etats de la zone

1 Voir aussi la Convention (a) sous Niger, infra, p. 370.

2Journal Officiel de la Rdpublique frangcise, 30 juillet 1960, p. 7049.
3 Ibid., 6 fivrier 1962, p. 1262. Entr6 en vigueur le 4 septembre 1961. (Renseigne-
ment tir6 de : Rollet Henri, Liste des engagements bilatbraux et multilateraux, Paris,
1973, p. 69.)
franc, de fagon i s'entraider r6ciproquement et i promouvoir le d6velop-
pement 6conomique le plus rapide possible de chacun d'eux.
Art. 3. - La R6publique frangaise continuera i apporter i la R6publique
de Cbte-d'Ivoire l'aide mat6rielle et technique qui lui est n6cessaire pour
atteindre les objectifs de progr~s dconomique et social que celle-ci s'est fix6s.
Art. 4. - Le pr6sent accord a t6 librement discut6 et conclu avec le souci
d'6tablir entre la R6publique frangaise et la R6publique de C6te-d'Ivoire,
compte tenu de leurs structures diff6rentes et de l'in6galit6 de leur niveau de
ddveloppement, une intime collaboration leur permettant de normaliser leurs
rapports et de les rendre mutuellement plus f6conds.


De la monnaie
Art. 19. - La R6publique de C6te-d'Ivoire declare maintenir son apparte-
nance A l'Union mon~taire ouest-africaine caract~ris~e par un institut
d'6mission commun.
La monnaie 16gale ayant pouvoir ib6ratoire sur toute l'6tendue du
territoire de la R6publique de C6te-Ivoire est le franc de la Communaut6
financi~re africaine (C. F. A.) 6mis par la Banque centrale de cette Union
Art. 20. - Les r~formes pr~vues aux articles 21 i 27 ci-dessous entreront
en vigueur apres accord n6goci6 avec tous les Etats membres de la zone
d'6mission dans un d~lai de six mois i dater de la signature du present accord.
Art. 21. - La convertibflit6 entre le franc C. F. A. et le franc frangais est
illimit6 et garantie par le fonctionnement d'une compte d'op~rations ouvert
au nom de l'institut d'6mission dans les 6critures du Tr~sor franqais. Ce
compte fera l'objet d'une convention appropri6e.
Les transferts de fonds sont libres entre les deux Etats.
Art. 22. - La definition et la parit6 de l'unit6 mon~taire sont maintenues.
Elles ne pourront dtre modifi6es que par accord entre tous les Etats membres
de l'Union mon6taire et la R~publique frangaise.
Art. 23.- Les signes mon6taires 6mis dans chaque Etat sont identifies par
une marque particulire.
Art. 24. - L'institut d'6mission tiendra pour chaque Etat membre de
l'Union mon~taire ouest-africaine une comptabilit6 'distincte de l'6mission
mon6taire et de ses contreparties.
Art. 25. - L'institut d'6mission sera un 6tablissement multi-national dont
le si~ge social sera fix6 i Paris.
L'institut sera g6r6 par un conseil d'administration qui tiendra s6ance
dans les Etats membres.
Le conseil d'administration groupera des repr~sentants des Etats membres
de l'Union mon~taire ouest-africaine et de la R~publique franaise, de fagon
que les Etats membres disposent d'environ trois cinqui~mes des sieges,
r~partis 6galement entre eux.
I1 sera cr66 dans chaque Etat membre de l'Union mon6taire ouest-
africaine un comit6 mon~taire national comprenant notamment un des
administrateurs de l'Etat au sein du conseil d'administration et un repr6-
sentant de la R~publique franQaise.
Les directeurs des agences seront nomm6s apr6s accord des gouver-
nements int6ress6s.
Art. 26. - Les statuts de l'institut d'6mission fixeront notamment les
op6rations g6n6ratrices de l'6mission que seront identiques pour toute la
Le conseil d'administration sera seul comp6tent pour tous-les problfmes
mettant en cause la valeur de la monnaie, ainsi que pour la d6termination des
rfgles g6n6rales applicables i la distribution du cr6dit, les d6cisions 6tant
prises A la majorit6 des deux tiers.
Les comit6s mon6taires nationaux seront comp6tents, en conformit6
notamment des rfgles g6n'rales arrdt~es par le conseil d'administration dans le
cadre des status pour l'ensemble de la zone d'6mission, en matifre
Du contr6le des 6tablissements de credit;
De la distribution du cr6dit.
Art. 27. - Les op6rations de cr6dit effectu6es par l'institut d'6mission
concerneront :
Pour le court terme, le r6escompte d'effets commerciaux et la prise en
pension d'effets publics pr~sent6s par les banques;
Pour le moyen terme, le r6escompte d'effets repr6sentatifs de cr6dits
d'6quipement concernant des op6rations incluses dans les programmes de
d6veloppement 6conomique et social arret6s par la R6publique de C6te-
d'Ivoire, ainsi que d'effets repr6sentatifs de cr6dits aff6rents A des op6rations
d'exportation de produits industriels.
Art. 28. - La Rfpublique de C6te-d'Ivoire pourra, si elle. le juge utile,
adh6rer A tout organisme mon6taire international eh tant qu'Etat souverain et
Art. 29. - En attendant l'entr6e en vigueur de l'accord pr6vu A l'article
20, il n'est pas apport6 de modification aux relations mon6taires existant
entre la R6publique frangaise et la R6publique de C6te-d'Ivoire, non plus
qu'au r6gime mon6taire actuel.


Dispositions diverses
Art. 30. - La R6publique de C6te-d'Ivoire, ou les personnes morales de
droit public qui en d6pendent, auront accfs au march6 financier fran~ais.
Elles pourront en cons6quence, dans le cadre de la l6gislation et de la
r6glementation en vigueur, contracter des emprunts sur le march6 financier ou
aupr~s des 6tablissements de cr6dit frangais. Elles pourront 6galement, sous
r6serve des dispositions pr6vues en matifre de change, contracter des
emprunts dans des pays tiers et aupr~s des organismes internationaux de
Art. 31. - En ce qui concerne les op6rations incluses dans les programmes
de d6veloppement 6conomique et social arr6t6s par la R6publique de
C6te-d'Ivoire, le r6escompte A moyen terme pourra dtre complt par des
financements d'origine non mon~taire provenant d'institutions sp6cialis6es
frangaises i d~faut d'dtablissements nationaux.
Art. 32. - Dans le cas oii la R6publique de Cbte-d'Ivoire cr6erait une
banque nationale de d6veloppement, la R6publique frangaise se d6clare
dispos~e i lui apporter une aide, dans des conditions i fixer par un accord
Art. 33.- La transformation des statuts des soci~t~s d'Etat et des soci6t~s
d'6conomie mixte cr66es sur le territoire de la R~publique de C6te-d'lvoire
avec la participation de la caisse centrale de cooperation 6conomique fera
l'objet d'accords avec cet tablissement.
Art. 34. - A 1'6chelon le plus 616v6, la R~publique frangaise et la
R6publique de C6te-d'Ivoire se concerteront sur les probl~mes de la politique
6conomique, mon~taire et financi~re, ainsi que sur ceux du d6veloppernent.
Cette consultation pourra s'6tendre A d'autres Etats de la zone franc.
Art. 35. - La R6publique de C6te-d'Ivoire est repr~sent6e au comit6
mon~taire de la zone franc. Elle participe, en tant que de besoin, A tous autres
organismes communs aux Etats de la zone franc, ainsi qu'h toute formation
multilat6rale de caract~re 6conomique et financier.
Art. 36. - Les relations entre le Tr6sor frangais et le Tr6sor ivoirien
restent r6gies par un accord sp6cial.
Art. 37. - La R6publique franaise et la R~publique de C6te-d'Ivoire se
consulteront sur la solution i apporter au probl~me pos6 par la prise en
charge des dettes contract6es par l'ex-groupe de territoires de l'Afrique
occidentale franqaise envers la caisse centrale de coop6ration 6conomique
pour l'ex~cution des programmes du F. I. D. E. S.
Art. 38. - Un accord special r6glera les probl~mes domaniaux qui
pourraient se poser entre la R~publique frangaise et la R6publique de
Art. 39. - Le present accord entrera en vigueur en m~me temps que le
Trait6 de coop6ration sign6 en date de ce jour.



Art. Ier. - A la demande de la R~publique de Cbte d'Ivoire, la R~pu-

blique frangaise s'engage i apporter A la R~publique de Cbte-d'lvoire
'assistance de personnels militaires frangais pour l'organisation, 'encadre-
ment et l'inf4ruction des forces armies.

Art. 5. - Les nationaux ivoiriens servant actuellement dans les forces

arm6es frangaises seront librs a la demande du Gouvernement de la
R6publique de C6te-d'Ivoire de leurs obligations i l'6gard de ces forces
arm6es, afin de servir dans les forces arm6es ivoiriennes.
En particulier, les nationaux ivoiriens en service dans la gendarmerie
frangaise seront transf6r6s d~s l'entr6e en vigueur du pr6sent accord.
Art. 6. - Les personnels tranf6r6s en ex6cution de l'article 5 conser-
veront, A la charge de la R6publique frangaise, les droits A pension et les
b6n6fices acquis pendant leur service dans les forces arm6es frangaises.

1 Journal Officiel de la R~publique franpaise, 6 f6vrier 1962, p. 1263. Entr6 en

vigueur le 4 septembre 1961.
Les personnels qui n'auront pas W transf~r6s auront la facult6 de
demander i cesser de servir dans ces forces. Cette disposition prendra effet i
partir de l'entr~e en vigueur du pr6sent accord et demeurera applicable
pendant une p~riode de douze mois. Les personnels ainsi lib6r~s b~n6-
ficieront, notamment pour la retraite, des avantages acquis proportionnel-
lement i leur temps de service. Ces droits acquis restent i la charge de la
R~publique frangaise. I
Le Gouvernement de la R6publique de Cbte-d'Ivoire accepte par le pr6sent
accord que les nationaux qui servent actuellement dans les forces arm6es
franqaises et qui n'auront pas W transf6r6s en vertu de l'article 5 ou n'auront
pas exerc6 la facult6 ouverte i l'alin6a 2 du pr6sent article continuent leur
service dans les forces arm6es frangaises suivant les r~gles en vigueur dans ces
Art. Z - Le Gouvernement de la R6publique de C6te-d'Ivoire pourra
autoriser les nationaux ivoiriens i servir dans les forces arm6es frangaises
suivant les r~gles en vigueur dans ces forces A condition, toutefois, qu'ils
soient ddgag6s de toutes les obligations d'activit6 du service militaire.
De meme, le Gouvernement de la R6publique frangaise pourra autoriser
les nationaux franqais A servir dans les forces arm6es ivoiriennes selon les
r6gles en vigueur dans ces forces arm6es i condition, toutefois, qu'ils soient
d6gag6s de toutes les obligations d'activit6 du service militaire.

Art. 9. - La R6publique frangaise met A la disposition de la R6publique

'de C6te-d'Ivoire, en fonction des besoins exprim6s par celle-ci, les officiers,
sous-officiers et hommes de troupe frangais dont le concours lui est n6cessaire
pour l'organisation, l'instruction et rencadrement des forces arm6es
Ces personnels sont mis a la disposition des forces arm6es ivoiriennes pour
remplir des emplois correspondants A leur qualification.
Ils sont sold6s de tous leurs droits par l'autorit6 franqaise et sont log6s,
ainsi que leur famille, par l'autorit6 ivoirienne.
La liste des postes i pourvoir est arrdt6e d'un commun accord par les
ministres frangais et ivoiriens comp6tents. Elle est revis6e en principe tousles ans.
Art. 10. - Les personnels militaires franqais mis i la disposition de la
R6publique de C6te-d'Ivoire sont d6sign6s par le Gouvernement frangais.

Art. 11. - Les personnels militaires frangais mis A la disposition de la

R6publique de C6te-d'Ivoire demeurent sous juridiction militaire franqaise
dans les conditions pr6vues i l'annexe I au pr6sent accord, mais sont soumis
aux r~gles de la discipline g6n6rale en vigueur dans l'arm6e ivoirienne.
Il servent avec le grade de la hi6rarchie des forces arm6es ivoiriennes
correspondant i celui dont ils sont titulaires dans les forces arm6es frangaises
ou avec le grade imm6diatement sup6rieur.

Art.12. - Les personnels militaires frangais en service dans les forces

arm6es ivoiriennes sont i la disposition du commandement ivoirien selon les
r~gles traditionnelles d'emploi de leur arme ou service. Toutes les d6cisions du
commandement les concernant sont port6es i la connaissance de l'autorit6
militaire frangaise.
De m~me, toutes les d6cisions du commandement frangais les concernant
sont port6es i la connaissance de l'autorit6 militaire ivoirienne.
Art. 13. - Le pr6sent accord entrera en vigueur en mame temps que le
Trait6 de coop6ration sign6 en date de ce jour.

Art. Ier. - Les installations militaires, notamment les casernements, terrains et
bitiments militaires, y compris ceux de la gendarmerie se trouvant sur le territoire de la
R~publique de C6te-d'Ivoire, sont propri6t6 de la R6publique de C6te-d'Ivoire.
Art. 2. - En vue de leur permettre de remplir efficacement leur mission conform6-
ment aux articles 3 et 4 de l'accord de ddfense, la R6publique de C6te-d'Ivoire laissera
aux forces arm6es francaises la libre disposition de casernements, bitiments et terrains
situ~s dans les localit6s qui seront d~sign~es en conseil r6gional de d6fense.
L'empire de ces installations et casernements ainsi que les conditions de leur
utilisation seront d6termin6s d'un commun accord en conseil r6gional de d6fense.
Art. 3. - Par "libre disposition" les parties contractantes entendent 'ensemble des
droits et facilit~s d'implantation, de protection, de ravitaillement, d'instruction, de
liaison et de transmission, de mouvement et de circulation, dans les espaces terrestres et
a6riens et dans les eaux territoriales, entre les installations n6cessaires 'existence et i la
s~ret6 des forces, ainsi qu'a l'ex~cution de leurs missions, tels qu'6tablis par l'article 4 de
l'accord de d6fense.
Pour leur entrafnement et leurs manoeuvres, les forces armies frangaises disposent de
ces facilit6s dans rutilisation de leurs installations, ainsi que dans celles des champs de tir.
Art. 4. - La R6publique de C6te-d'Ivoire garantit aux forces arm6es frangaises
l'utilisation de ses reseaux publics postaux et de t 6 l6communications, de ses infrastruc-
tures portuaire, maritime, fluviale, routi~re, ferroviaire et a6rienne, le libre transport de
leurs personnels, materiels et denr6es, ainsi que la facult6 d'installer, de faire usage sur
son territoire et dans ses eaux territoriales des balisages a6riens et maritimes et des
moyens de transmission n6cessaires Ala s~curit6 et i l'accomplissement de leurs missions.
Le commandement militaire frangais est tenu d'informer pr~alablement les autorit6s
de la R6publique de Cbte-Ivoire de tout mouvement important de ses unit6s par voie
terrestre, maritime ou a6rienne.
Pour l'usage des facilit6s pr~vues au pr6sent article, les. forces arm6es frangaises
respecteront les accords ou r~glements en vigueur en ces mati~res et seront, en tout cas,
trait~es sur un pied d'6galit6 avec les forces arm6es ivoiriennes.

Art. 9. - Si les forces arm6es franqaises sont appel6es A modifier leur implantation,
les deux gouvernements se mettront d'accord en conseil rgional de d6fense sur
l'attribution de nouveaux emplacements pour les installations adapt6es aux besoins de
ces forces.
Les dispositions de 'accord de d6fense et de ses annexes seront applicables aux
installations situ6es sur ces nouveaux emplacements.
Au cas ois, i la suite de ces modifications, des installations ne seront plus utilis~es par
les forces armies franqaises, celles-ci feront retour Ala R6publique de C6te-d'lvoire dans
l'6tat oh elles se trouvaient lors de leur mise a la disposition de ces forces. Toutefois, les
immeubles et leurs voies d'acc6s 6difi6s apr6s cette date par les forces armies frangaises
deviendront la propri~t6 de la R6publique de CUte-d'lvoire.
Art. 10. - La R6publique de C6te-d'Ivoire s'engage i respecter les servitudes
existantes des installations militaires des forces armies franqaises et A permettre la
modification de ces servitudes en cas de n~cessit6 technique.

Le Prisidentde la Ripublique de C6te-d'Ivoire

d Monsieur le PremierMinistre de la Rdpublique francaise

L'accord particulier sign6 i Paris, le 11 juillet 1960, a eu pour effet de

transf6rer i la R6publique de C6te-d'Ivoire la comptence de la Communaut6
concernant le contr6le de la justice.
En cons6quence, le Conseil d'Etat et la cour de cassation de la R6publique
franqaise ont, i dater du jour de 1'entr6e en vigueur dudit accord, cess6 d'6tre
comp6tents pour connaftre des recours et iourvois int6ressant la R6publique
de C6te-d'Ivoire dont ces hautes juridictions 6taient alors saisies.
J'ai 'honneur de vous demander de bien vouloir me faire savoir si le
Gouvernement de la R6publique frangaise admet cette interpr6tation de
l'accord portant transfert des comp6tences de la Communaut6.
Dans 'affirmative, je vous serais oblig6 de bien vouloir donner les
instructions n6cessaires pour que les dossiers de ces proc6dures soient remis
au ministre de la justice de la R6publique de C6te-d'Ivoire par l'interm6diaire
du ministre de la justice de la R6publique franqaise.

Le PremierMinistre de la Rdpublique frangaise h

Monsieur le Prisidentde la Ripublique de C6te-d'Ivoire

Vous avez bien voulu, i la date du 24 avril 1961, m'adresser la lettre dont
la teneur suit :
[Voir texte ci-dessus.!
J'ai I'honneur de vous confirmer que le Gouvernement de la R6publique
franqaise partage votre interpr6tation de l'accord particulier sign6 i Paris le 11
juillet 1960.
Je donne, en cons6quence, les instructions n6cessaires pour que les
dossiers des proc6dures vis6es dans'votre lettre soient remis au ministre de la
justice de la R6publique de C6te-d'Ivoire.



Consid6rant les liens particuliers qui unissent librement la R~publique de

C6te-d'Ivoire a la R6publique franqaise dans la solidarit6 morale et spirituelle
des nations d'expression franqaise;

1Journal Officiel de 1a Rdpubliquefranpaise,6 fivrier 1962, p. 1269.

2 Ibid,, 6 f6vrier 1962, p. 1270. Entr6 en vigueur le 4 septembre 1961.
Consid6rant que la langue officielle de la R6publique de C6te-d'Ivoire,
comme de la R6publique frangaise, est le frangais,

De l'enseignement supirieur

Art. 5. - Les dipl6mes et certificats d6livr6s par les ktablissements

d'enseignement sup~rieur de Cbte-d'Ivoire, autres que ceux visas au titre II du
present accord, pourront 6tre admis par la R6publique frangaise sur son
territoire en 6quivalence des diplbmes frangais, sur avis de la commission
mixte pr6vue Particle 16 ci-dessous qui fera rapport aux autorit6s
universitaires comp6tentes.

Des 9tablissement universitaires
Art. 7. - L'enseignement sup~rieur universitaire est dispens6 sur le terri-
toire de la R6publique de C6te-d'Ivoire par le centre d'enseignement sup6rieur
d'Abidjan et les tablissements qui le composent ou en dependent.

Art. 9. - Le centre d'enseignement sup6rieur d'Abidjan est un 6tablisse-

ment public de la R~publique de C6te-d'Ivoire.
I1 est plac6 sous la tutelle du ministre de l'ducation nationale de la
R~publique de C6te-d'Ivoire et g~r6 par un conseil d'administration dont les
decisions seront ex6cut~es par le directeur du centre.

Art. 12. - Sous r6serve d'adaptations n~cessaires, i d6finir ult6rieurement

d'un commun accord, .l'initiative de l'une ou de l'autre des Parties
contractantes, sont introduites dans le droit de la R6publique de C6te-d'Ivoire
les dispositions 16gislatives et r6glementaires du droit frangais relatives i
l'enseignement sup~rieur en vigueur i la date de la publication du pr6sent
accord, notamment en ce qui conceme le statut des personnels universitaires
et la r6glementation relative aux programmes, i la scolarit6 et aux examens.
Art. 13. - Les grades et diplmes d6livr6s par le centre d'enseignement
sup~rieur d'Abidjan, dans les memes conditions de programmes, de scolarit6
et d'examens que les grades et dipl6mes frangais correspondants sont valables
de plein droit sur le territoire de la R6publique franqaise et - sous r6serve de
dispositions contraires concernant l'6tablissement des ressortissants de la
R~publique de C6te-d'Ivoire sur le territoire de la R~publique frangaise - y
produisent tous les effets qui leur sont attach6s par les lois et r~glements
Les grades et diplbmes frangais d'enseignement sup6rieur sont valables de
plein droit sur le territoire de la R6publique de C6te-d'Ivoire et - sous r6serve
de dispositions contraires concernant '6tablissement des ressortissants de la
R6publique frangaise sur le territoire de la R6publique de C6te-d'Ivoire - y
produisent les m6mes effets que ceux attach6s aux grades et diplbmes
correspondants de la R6publique de C6te-d'Ivoire.
Afin de maintenir l'6galit6 effective des diplbmes, les modifications qui
seraient apport~es sur le territoire de la R6publique frangaise A la r~glemen-
tation concernant les programmes, la scolarit6 et les examens, seront
introduites dans le droit de la R6publique de C6te-d'Ivoire, sous reserve des
adaptations reconnues n6cessaires par accord entre les deux gouvernements, A
l'initiative de Fun ou de 'autre.
Des enseignements sp6ciaux r6pondant aux n~cessit6s particuli~res de la
R6publique de C6te-d'Ivoire pourront 6tre organis6s par les autorit6s
universitaires comp6tentes de la R6publique de C6te-d'Ivoire. Les dipl6mes
sanctionnant ces enseignements pourront tre admis par la R6publique
frangaise sur son territoire en 6quivalence des dipl6mes frangais correspon-
dants dans les conditions pr6vues h 'article 5 ci-dessus.

Art. 15. - Les Parties contractantes arr~tent annuellement le montant des

cr6dits de programme et des cr6dits de paiement affect6s au d6veloppement
du centre d'enseignement sup6rieur, ainsi que le budget de fonctionnement de
ce centre.
La R6publique frangaise contribue aux d6penses d'investissements et aux
d6penses de fonctionnement.
Elle assume la charge exclusive et assure le versement direct des
traitements et indemnit6s aff6rents au personnel enseignant.
Sont applicables au personnel enseignant frangais les dispositions statu-
taires r6gissant en France les personnels de m~mes categories ainsi que les
dispositions d'ordre financier dont b6n~ficient les personnels franais en
service sur le territoire de la R6publique de -C6te-d'Ivoire.



Consid6rant les liens qui unissent librement la R6publique de C6te-

d'Ivoire h la R6publique franqaise dans la solidarit6 morale et spirituelle des
nations d'expression frangaise;
Consid6rant que la langue officielle de la R6publique de C6te-d'Ivoire,
comme de la R6publique frangaise, est le frangais;
Pr~occup~s de promouvoir par le moyen d'une 6troite coop6ration les
6changes les plus fructueux dans le domaine de la science, de la culture,
comme dans celui de 1'6ducation,

1 Journal Officiel de la R~publique franpaise, 6 f~vrier 1962, p. 1271. Entr6 en

vigueur le 4 septembre 1961.
De la cooperation en matiere d'enseignement primaire,
secondaire et technique
Art. jer. - Le Gouvemement de la R6publique frangaise s'engage A
coop~rer avec le Gouvernement de la R~publique de Cbte-d'Ivoire pour aider
au d6veloppement de l'enseignement sur le territoire de la R6publique de
C6te-d'Ivoire et i faciliter sur son propre territoire la formation des
ressortissants ivoiriens.
Il prendra en particulier les mesures appropri~es afin de mettre A la
disposition du Gouvernement de la R~publique de C6te-d'Ivoire du personnel
enseignant qualifi6 ainsi que celui n6cessaire Al'inspection p6dagogique dans
les diff~rents ordres d'enseignement, y compris la jeunesse et les sports, A
l'organisation et A la sanction des examens et concours et au fonctionnement
des services administratifs de 'enseignement.
La procedure de mise Ala disposition de ce personnel, ses devoirs, droits
et garanties sont d6finis par les dispositions de l'accord g6n6ral de coop6ration
technique en mati~re de personnel sous reserve des dispositions du pr6sent
accord et des dispositions de l'accord de cooperation en mati~re d'enseigne-
ment sup~rieur.
Art. 2. - La R6publique de C6te-d'Ivoire s'engage dans le mdme esprit A:
S'adresser par priorit6 au Gouvemement frangais pour le recrutement de
ce personnel;
Accorder toutes facilit6s A ce personnel dans l'accomplissement de sa
mission, ainsi qu'au personnel des corps d'inspection et des jurys d'examens
et concours;
Accorder 6ventuellement toutes fadilit6s au Gouvernement de la R6pu-
blique frangaise pour ouvrir et entretenIr sur le territoire de la R6publique de
C6te-d'Ivoire dans le respect des lois et r~glements relatifs Al'ordre public et
aux bonnes moeurs, des 6tablissements d'enseignement relevant de son
autorit6; ces 6tablissements b6n6ficient du r6gime fiscal et parafiscal conc6d6
aux tablissements correspondants de la R6publique de C6te-d'Ivoire.
Art. 3. - L'6tat des besoins en personnel enseignant est arrt6 annuelle-
ment par la R6publique de Cbte-d'Ivoire et notifi6 A la R6publique fraingaise
avant le Ier avril de chaque ann6e, pour l'ann6e universitaire suivante.
La nomination du personnel enseignant est prononc6e par les autorit6s
comp6tentes de la R6publique de C6te-d'Ivoire Acompter d'une date fix6e de
mani~re A6viter toute interruption du service scolaire en cours.

Art. 5. - Le personnel mis A la disposition de la R6publique de

Cbte-d'Ivoire en vertu du pr6sent accord jouit, dans le cadre de la 16gislation
relative A la position de fonctionnaire d6tach6,.des conditions d'excercice et
des garanties et franchises professionnelles traditionnellement accord6es aux
membres de 'enseignement par la R6publique frangaise.
Art. 6. - Le contrble p6dagogique du personnel enseignant frangais en
service sur le territoire de la R~publique de C~te-d'lvoire sera assur6 par des
inspecteurs g6n~raux de l'instruction publique dans le cadre de missions
organis6es d'un commun accord entre les deux gouvernements et par
l'inspecteur d'acad~mie et les membres du corps d'inspection mis & la
disposition de la R~publique de C6te-d'Ivoire.
La notation administrative des personnels vis6s par le pr6sent accord.est
assur~e par les fonctionnaires frangais ou ivoiriens de l'ordre universitaire
qualifi6 et par le ministre de 'Mducation nationale de la Rpublique de

Art. 7. - La R6publique de C~te-d'Ivoire peut demander que l'inspection

d6finie au premier alin6a de 'article precedent porte sur les personnels autres
que ceux qui sont vis~s audit alin6a.
Les charges affrentes aux missions d'inspection g6n~rale incombent A la
R6publique franqaise.
Le Gouvernement de la R6publique de C6te-d'Ivoire accorde toutes
facilit6s pour accomplir leur mission aux membres du personnel enseignant et
des corps d'inspection, ainsi qu'aux jurys des examens et concours appel~s A
exercer sur le territoire de la R~publique de C6te-d'Ivoire en vertu de la
pr6sente convention.

Art. 9. - Un haut fonctionnaire qualifi6 de l'ordre universitaire, d~sign6

d'un commun accord, a la responsabiliti6 des examens et concours devant 6tre
sanctionn~s par des diplbmes franqais.
I1 les organise en liaison avec les corps d'inspection comptents dans les
conditions fix~es par la rglementation frangaise, sous r~serve 6ventuellement
des adaptations d~finies d'un commun accord entre les Parties contractantes.
Les diplbmes et titres d6Livr~s sur le territoire de la R6publique de
C6te-d'Ivoire dans les mdmes conditions de programme, de scolarit6 et
d'examens que les diplkmes et titres frangais correspondants, sous r6serve de
l'application des dispositions du deuxi~me alin6a de 'article 8 ci-dessus, sont
valables de plein droit sur le territoire de la Rpublique frangaise et
produisent tous les effets qui sont attach6s A ces derniers par les lois et
r~glements francais, sous r6serve de dispositions contraires concernant
l'6tablissement des ressortissants de la R~publique de C6te-d'lvoire sur le
territoire de la Rpublique frangaise.
Les diplbmes et titres 6ventuellement d6livr6s par les autorit6s comp6-
tentes de la R~publique de C6te-d'Ivoire dans des conditions autres que celles
qui sont d~finies A l'article 9 ci-dessus pourront etre admis en 6quivalence
avec les dipl6mes et titres frangais correspondants dans les conditions pr6vues
par la r~glementation en vigueur sur le territoire de la R6publique frangaise.
Les diplbmes et titres frangais sont valables de plein droit sur le territoire
de la R6publique de Cbte-d'Ivoire et produisent tous les effets qui sont
attach6s par les lois et r~glements ivoiriens aux dipl6mes et titres correspon-
dants d6livr~s sur le territoire de la R~publique de C~te-d'Ivoire, sous r~serve
de dispositions contraires concernant l'6tablissement des ressortissants de la
R~publique frangaise sur le territoire de la R~publique de C6te-d'Lvoire.
Les autorit6s universitaires frangaises ont la possibilit6, apr~s en avoir
inform6 la R6publique de C~te-d'Ivoire, d'organiser sur son territoire des
concours et examens destin6s aux seuls ressortissants frangais.
Des 6changes culturels
Art. 12. - Le Gouvemement de la R~publique frangaise et le Gouverne-
ment de la Rpublique de C6te-d'Ivoire d6cident d'oeuvrer en commun pour
l'6panouissement des sciences, des arts et des lettres et la connaissance
respective de leur patrimoine culturel. Cette coop6ration sera symbolis~e en
particulier par la creation i Abidjan d'une maison de la culture franco-
ivoirienne qui sera pour les deux pays un centre de rayonnement et
d'66hanges entre les ides et les hommes.
Cette coop6ration comportera 6galement, dans des conditions fix6es d'un
commun accord, la participation du Gouvernement frangais au d~veloppe-
ment des institutions nationales ivoiriennes Avocation litt6raire ou artistique.
Art. 13. - Les parties contractantes encourageront par tous les moyens A
leur disposition les 6changes culturels entre elle-m~mes et entre leurs

Art. 14. - Les ressortissants de chacun des deux Etats disposent sur le
territoire de l'autre, dans le domaine de la pens~e et de l'art, de toute la
libert6 compatible avec le respect de l'ordre public et des bonnes moeurs.
L'entr~e, la circulation et la diffusion des moyens d'expression de la
pens6e et de l'art de chacun des deux pays sont assur6es librement, et, dans
toute la mesure possible, encourag6es sur le territoire de l'autre, sous
r6serve du respect de l'ordre public et des bonnes moeurs.
Des facilit~s seront accord~es dans chacun des deux pays pour l'importa-
tion en franchise de livres, films et disques, en provenance du territoire de
l'autre partie contractante.

De la coopgration en matire de recherche scientifique et technique
Art.. 15. - Le Gouvernement de la R~publique frangaise et le Gouverne-
ment de la R6publique de C6te-d'Ivoire organiseront leur coop6ration
mutuelle dans le domaine de la recherche scientifique et technique dans les
conditions suivantes

Art. 1 7. - Le pr6sent accord entrera en vigueur en meme temps que le

Trait6 de coop6ration sign6 en date de ce jour.


LE 24 AVRIL 19611

1 Journal Officiel de la Rdpublique fran!aise, 6 f~vrier 1962, p. 1274. Entr6 en

vigueur le 4 septembre 1961.
Art. Ier - Les deux gouvernements r6affirment leur volont6 de coop6rer
en mati~re de personnel.
A cet effet, la R6publique frangaise cr6e au sein de sa repr6sentation i
Abidjan une mission d'aide et de coop6ration.
Art. 2. -,Le Gouvernement de la R6publique frangaise met, dans la
mesure de ses moyens, i la disposition du Gouvernement de la R6publique de
C6te-d'Ivoire les personnels que celui-ci estime n6cessaires au fonctionnement
de ses services publics. Cette prestation est ind6pendante des concours faisant
l'objet de conventions sp6ciales, soit pour le fonctionnement de certains
services ou 6tablissements, soit pour l'ex6cution de missions temporaires A
objectifs d6termin6s.
Art. 3. - En conformit6 des accords conclus entre les deux gouveme-
ments, la. R6pubique franaise facilite, dans la mesure de ses moyens, la
formation ou le perfectionnement professionnel des personnels des secteurs
public et priv6 pr6sent~s par la R6publique de C6te-d'Ivoire.

Art. 7. - Les personnels r6gis par la l6gislation et la r6glementation de la

R6pubique frangaise qui, i la date de 'entr6e en vigueur du pr6sent accord,
sont en fonction sur le territoire de la R6publique de C6te-d'Ivoire, dans les
services relevant de l'autorit6 de son gouvernement, sont consid6r6s comme
mis i la disposition de la Rdpublique de C6te-d'Ivoire en vue de continuer i
exercer les fonctions dont ils sont charg6s.
Ils sont soumis aux dispositions du pr6sent accord.

Art. 12. - Les personnels de coop6ration technique qui sont mis i la

disposition du Gouvemement de la Rpublique de C6te-d'Ivoire en vertu du
prisent accord exercent leurs fonctions sous l'autorit6 de ce gouvernement et
sont tenus de se conformer Ases rglements et directives.

Art. 16. - La R6publique frangaise prend i sa charge la r6muniration

contractuelle des personnels vis6s par le pr6sent accord.
La R6publique de C6te-d'Ivoire contribuera A cette charge selon les
modalit6s arret6es d'un commun accord entre les deux gouvernements.
Art. 17. - Incombent 6galement au Gouvernement de la R6publique
frangaise les charges financi&res correspondant, sous r6serve des dispositions
des articles 9 et 10 ci-dessus :
Au transport des personnels mis A la disposition de la R6publique de
C6te-d'Ivoire et de leur famille du lieu de leur r6sidence au lieu d'entr6e dans
la R6publique de C6te-d'Ivoire et, lors du rapatriement, du lieu de sortie de la
R6publique de C6te-d'Ivoire au lieu fix6, en ce qui les concerne, par la
r6glementation en vigueur dans la R6publique franQaise;
Aux indemnit6s aff6rentes aux d6placements ci-dessus vis6s sous les
m~mes r6serves;
A la contribution pour la constitution des droits i pension des personnels
int~ress6s selon les taux en vigueur dans la r6glementation de la R6publique
Art. 18. - La R6publique de C6te-d'Ivoire assure aux personnels de
coop6ration technique les avantages en nature attach6s aux emplois d6finis
dans les actes de nomination. Le logement et l'ameublement sont assur6s sans
retenue aux personnels mis i sa disposition en consid6ration des emplois
occup6s, du classement indiciaire et de la situation de famille des int6ress~s.
Le Gouvernement de la R6publique de Cbte-d'Ivoire assure sans retenue i
ces personnels et a leur famille le b6n6fice des soins et traitements m6dicaux
dans ses formations sanitaires.
Le Gouvernement de la R~publique de C6te-d'Ivoire garde i sa charge les
r6mun6rations particuli~res et les indemnit6s sp6cifiques attach6es aux
emplois ou aux fonctions occup6es telles qu'elles sont fix6es par la
r6glementation ivoirienne, les indemnit~s pour heures suppl6mentaires ou
vacations, les frais et indemnit6s de d~placement ou de mission i l'int6rieur
ou i l'ext6rieur de la C6te-d'Ivoire effectu~s sur d6cision du Gouvernement de
la Rpublique de C6te-d'Ivoire.

Art. 21. - Le pr6sent accord entrera en vigueur en meme temps que le

Trait6 de cooperation sign6 en date de ce jour.


Art. Ier. - La pr6sente annexe a pour objet de d6terminer dans le cadre de I'accord
gn6ral de cooperation technique en mati~re de personnel les conditions particulires de
la coop6ration entre la Rpublique frangaise et la R6publique de Cbte-d'Ivoire en ce qui
concerne les magistrats.
Les prescriptions de 'accord g6nral sont applicables aux magistrats, dans la mesure
oi il n'y est pas d6rog6 par les dispositions de la pr6sente annexe.
Art. 2. - La R~publique franqaise et la R~publique de Cbte-d'lvoire d6velopperont
leur cooperation en matire judiciaire, notamment en organisant des stages destines aux
magistrats des deux pays et en instituant des 6changes r6guliers d'informations en
matire de technique juridictionnelle.
Art. 3. - En vue de permettre au Gouvernement de la R16publique de Cbtc-d'lvoire
d'assurer le fonctionnement de ses juridictions et I'administration de la justice, le
Gouvernement de la R~publique franqaise s'engage, dans toute la mesure de ses
possibilit6s, it mettre i la disposition du Gouvernement de la R6publique de Cbte-d'lvoire
les magistrats qui lui sont n6cessaires.
Art. 4. - Les deux gouvernements arr~tent la liste des emplois de magistrats i
pourvoir au titre de I'assistance technique.
Le nom du magistrat propos6 pour chaque cat6gorie d'emplois par le Gouvernement
de la R16publique franqaise est soumis, accompagn6 d'une notice d~taille de renseigne-
ments, it I'agr6ment du Gouvernement de la R16publique de Cbte-d'Ivoire.
Le President de la R6publique de Cbte-d'lvoire proc~de aux nominations des
magistrats mis a sa disposition, qui reqoivent ]'affectation correspondant it leur grade.
Art. 5. - Les magistrats sont mis i la disposition de la Rpublique de Cbtc-d'lvoire
en vue d'exercer des fonctions dans un emploi 6termin6 pendant une dur6e de deux ans
Lcs magistrats mis i la disposition de la R6publique de Cbte-d'Ivoire peuvent sans
leur accord recevoir une nouvelle affectation, en vue d'assurer l'indispensable continuit6
du service; dans ce cas, ils sont d61igu6s dans une fonction au moms 6quivalente i celle
qu'ils occupent, et sur 'avis de la commission pr6vue i I'article II ci-dessous.
En aucun cas, si ce n'est a titre de d616gation, un magistrat servant au titre de
'assistance technique ne peut se voir confier de fonctions lui donnant autorit6 sur lcs
magistrats appartenant a un grade sup6rieur au sien, dans sa carri6re d'origine.

Art. 8. - Les prescriptions de l'accord g6n6ral ne s'appliquent aux magistrats quc

dans la mesure os elles sont compatibles avec les dispositions statutaires qui leur sont
propres et avec !eurs obligations professionnelles.

(i) Laws and decrees


2. Consequential modifications of British Nationality Acts

(9) The protectorates of Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland shall be

excepted from the operation of any reference in subsection (4) or sub-
section (8) of this section to a protectorate.

3. Consequentialmodification of other enactments

(3) For the purposes of the making, on or after the appointed day, of
Orders in Council under the West Indies Act, 1962, and for the purposes of
the making on or after that day of grants under-section eight of that Act,
Jamaica shall be treated as not being a colony within the meaning of that Act.
(4) Subsection (3) of section five of the West Indies Act, 1962 (which
enables provision made by Order in Council for the government of the
Cayman Islands and the Turks and Caicos Islands to include provision for the
performance of functions by the legislature or other authorities of Jamaica,
or by any court of Jamaica) is hereby repealed as from the appointed day:
Provided that this subsection shall not affect
(a) the operation (whether as part of the law of Jamaica or as part of the
law of the Cayman Islands or of the Turks and Caicos Islands) of any Order in
Council made before the appointed day, or
(b) the exercise, on or after the appointed day, of any power to revoke
or vary an Order in Council made before that day, in so far as any such Order
forms part of the law of the Cayman Islands or of the Turks and Caicos
(5) As from the appointed day, the provisions specified in the Second
Schedule to this Act shall have effect subject to the amendments respectively

1 Public GeneralActs and Measures, 1962, 10 and 11, Eliz. 2, Chap. 40, p. 67.
2 The provisions of sections 1, 2 (1) to (8) and (10) and 3 (1) (2) of this Act are
basically similar to those of sections 1, 2 (1) (2) (3), 3 (1) to (6) and 4 (1) (2) of the Fiji
Independence Act 1970 (supra, pp. 178, 179 and 180).
specified in that Schedule, and Her Majesty may by Order in Council, which
shall be subject to annulment in pursuance of a resolution of either House of
Parliament, make such further adaptations in any Act of the Parliament of
the United Kingdom passed before this Act, or in any instrument having
effect under any such Act, as appear to Her necessary in consequence of
section one of this Act; and any Order in Council made under this subsection
may be varied or revoked by a subsequent Order in Council so made, and,
though made after the appointed day, may be made so as to have effect from
that day.
(6) The last preceding subsection shall not extend to Jamaica as part of
the law thereof.



1. Citation, commencement and interpretation

(2) Subject to the provisions of subsection (2) of section 3 of this Order,

this Order shall come into operation immediately before the appointed day
(in this Order referred to as "the commencement of this Order"):
Provided that where by or under this Order the Governor-General has
power to make any appointment or to make any Order or to do any other
thing for the purposes of this Order that power may be exercised by the
Governor of the Colony of Jamaica at any time after the twenty-fourth day
of July 1962 to such extent as may, in his opinion, be necessary or expedient
to enable the Constitution established by this Order to function as from the
commencement of this Order.
2. Revocations
(1) The Orders in Council specified in the First Schedule to this Order
(hereinafter referred to as "the existing Orders") are hereby revoked.
(2) Notwithstanding the revocation of the existing Orders the following
(a) the Public Service Regulations, 1961,
(b) the Judicial Service Regulations, 1961,
(c) the Police Service Regulations, 1961, and
(d) the Jamaica (Constitution) (Retirement of Entitled Officers) Regula-
tions, 1961,
made thereunder and all amendments thereto shall continue in force subject
to such adaptations or modifications as may be made thereto by or under
1 The provisions of the first and second schedules are basically similar to the
provisions of the corresponding schedules to the Gambia Independence Act 1964 (supra,
pp. 191-193).
2 Statutory Instruments, 1962, Part II, No. 1550, p. 1678.
3 The provisions of sections 6 (2) (3) (4) (5), 7 and 10 of this Order are basically
similar to those of sections 5 (3) (4) (6) (7) and 6 (1) (2) (3) of the Barbados
Independence Order 1966 (supra, pp. 121-122).
section 4 of this Order and subject to amendment or repeal by the authority
having power to amend or revoke the same.
(3) With effect from the commencement of this Order, paragraph (f)
(which specifies Jamaica) of the definition of "the Territories" in sub-
section (1) of section.2 of the British Caribbean Court of Appeal Order in
Council 1962 is revoked.
3. Establishmentof the Constitution
(1)" Subject to the provisions of subsection (2) of this section and the
other provisions of this Order, the Constitution of Jamaica set out in the
Second Schedule to this Order (in this Order referred to as "the Constitu-
tion") shall come into force in Jamaica at the commencement of this Order.
(2) This subsection and the following provisions of the Constitution
(a) sections 80 and 81,
(b) subsections (1) and (2) of section 94,
(c) sections 103 and 104,
(d) section 111,
(e) section 124,
(f) section 125 to the extent only as to enable a Director of Public
Prosecutions to be appointed before the appointed day,
shall come into force in Jamaica on the twenty-fifth day of July 1962:
Provided that in relation to any period prior to the appointed day
references in these provisions of the Constitution
(a) to the Governor-General and the Prime Minister shall be construed as
references to the Governor and Premier respectively of the Colony of
(b) to Parliament and to the House of Representatives shall be construed
as references to the Legislature and the House of Representatives constituted
under the existing Orders; and
(c) to the Chief Justice or a Judge of the Supreme Court shall be
construed as references to the Chief Justice or a Judge of the Supreme Court
holding office under the existing Orders.
4. Existing laws
(1) All laws which are in force in Jamaica immediately before the
appointed day shall (subject to amendment or repeal by the authority having
power to amend or repeal any such law) continue in force on and after that
day, and all laws which have been made before that day but have not
previously been brought into operation may (subject as aforesaid) be brought
into force, in accordance with any provision in that behalf, on or after that
day, but all such laws shall, subject to the provisions of this section, be
construed, in relation to any period beginning on or after the appointed day,
with such adaptations and modifications as may be necessary to bring them
into conformity with the provisions of this Order.
(2) Without prejudice to the generality of the preceding subsection, in
any law which continues in force on and after the appointed day or which,
having been made before that day, is brought into force on or after that day,
unless the context otherwise requires
(a) references to the Governor shall, in relation to any period beginning
on or after the appointed day, be construed as references to the
(b) references to the Legislature or to either chamber thereof shall, in
relation to any period as aforesaid, be construed as references to the
Parliament, or to the corresponding House thereof, established by the'
(c) references to any office (or to the person holding or acting in it)
connected with either chamber of the Legislature shall, in relation to any
such period as aforesaid, be construed as references to the corresponding
office (or the person holding or acting in it) constituted by or under the
(d) references to the Cabinet, to the Premier or to any other Minister
shall, in relation to any such period as aforesaid, be construed as references
respectively to the Cabinet established by the Constitution, to the Prime
Minister appointed for the time being under the Constitution and to the
corresponding Minister so appointed;
(e) references to the Secretary to the Cabinet shall, in relation to any
such period as aforesaid, be construed as references to the Secretary to the
Cabinet established by the Constitution;
(f) references to the Privy Council shall, in relation to any such period as
aforesaid, be construed as references to the Privy Council established by the
(g) references to the Judicial Service Commission, the Public Service
Commission or the Police Service Commission shall, in relation to any such
period as aforesaid, be construed as references respectively to the Judicial
Service Commission, the Public Service Commission or the Police Service
Commission established by the Constitution;
(h) references to any other office (or to the person holding or acting in
it) constituted by or under the existing Orders or to any other authority or
body so constituted shall, in relation to any such period as aforesaid, be
construed as references respectively to the corresponding office (or to the
person holding or acting in it) or the corresponding authority or body
constituted by or under the Constitution.
(3) For the purposes of this Order the Senate is the corresponding House
to the Legislative Council constituted under the existing Orders.
(4) The Governor-General may, by Order published in the Gazette,
(a) for the purposes of paragraphs (c) and (h) of subsection (2) of this
section, what is the corresponding office, authority or body referred to in
either of those paragraphs; and
(b) for the purposes of paragraph (d) of that subsection, who is the
corresponding Minister referred to in that paragraph.
(5) (a) The Governor-General may, by Order made at any time within a
period of two years commencing with the appointed day and published in
the Gazette, make such adaptations and modifications in any law which
continues in force in Jamaica on and after the appointed day, or which
having been made before that day, is brought into force on or after that day,
as appear to him to be necessary or expedient by reason of anything
contained in this Order.
(b) Without prejudice to the generality of paragraph (a) of this sub-
section any Order made thereunder may transfer to the Director of Public
Prosecutions any function by any such law vested in the Attorney-General.
(c) An Order made by the Governor-General under this subsection shall
have effect from such date, not earlier than the appointed day, as may be
specified therein.
5. Finance
Without prejudice to the provisions of the preceding section and for the
avoidance of doubt, it is hereby declared that any resolution of the House of
Representatives passed before the appointed day and any law enacted by the
Legislature before that day (whether such resolution was passed or such law
enacted before or after the making of this Order) may have effect for the
purposes of section 117 of the Constitution as if they were respectively a
resolution of the House of Representatives established by the Constitution or
a law enacted by the Parliament so established.
6. House of Representatives
(1) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Order, the House of
Representatives constituted under the existing Orders (in this section referred
to as "the existing House of Representatives") shall be the House of
Representatives of Jamaica during the period beginning with the commence-
ment of this Order and ending with the first dissolution of Parliament

8. Remuneration of Members of Parliament,etc.

Until other provision is made in that behalf, the salary and allowances
payable to members of either House, the President and Deputy President of
the Senate, the Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the House of Representa-
tives, Ministers and Parliamentary Secretaries shall be those payable to the
persons last holding the co rresponding offices immediately before the
commencement of this Order.
9. Clerks to Houses of Parliamentand their staffs
(1) Any person who, immediately before the commencement of this
Order, holds office as Clerk or Deputy Clerk of the Legislative Council or of
the House of Representatives shall, as from that time, hold the like office of
Clerk or Deputy Clerk of the Senate or of the House of Representatives as if
he had been appointed thereto under section 47 of the Constitution, and
shall, until other provision is made in accordance with the provisions of that
section, hold office on the same terms of service as applied to him
immediately before the commencement of this Order.
(2) Any other person who, immediately before the commencement of
this Order, holds an office on the staff of the Clerk of the Legislative Council
or on the sfaff of the Clerk of the House of Representatives shall hold the
like office on the staff of the Clerk of the Senate or on the staff of the Clerk
of the House of Representatives as from that time as if he had been
appointed thereto under section 47 of the Constitution.

11. ParliamentarySecretaries
Any person who, immediately before the commencement of this Order,
is a member of the House of Representatives, and holds office as a
Parliamentary Secretary shall, as from that time, hold office as Parliamentary
Secretary as if he had been appointed thereto under the provisions of section
78 of the Constitution.
12. Secretary to the Cabinet
The person who, imme'diately before the commencement of this Order,
holds office as Secretary of the Cabinet shall, as from that time, hold office
as Secretary to the Cabinet as if he had been appointed thereto under the
provisions of section 92 of the Constitution.
13. Supreme Court and Judges
(1) The Supreme Court in existence immediately before the commence-
ment of this Order shall be the Supreme Court for the purposes of the
Constitution, and the Chief Justice and other Judges of the Supreme Court
holding office immediately before the commencement of this Order shall, as
from that time, continue to hold the like offices as if they had been
appointed thereto under the provisions of Chapter VII of the Constitution.
(2) Until other provision is made under and in accordance with the
provisions of section 101 of the Constitution, the salaries and allowances of
the Judges of the Supreme Court shall be the salaries and allowances to
which the holders of those offices were entitled immediately before the
commencement of this Order.
14. Pending appeals
(1) Any proceedings pending immediately before the commencement of
this Order on appeal from the Supreme Court to the British Caribbean
Court of Appeal may be continued after the commencement of this Order'
before the Court of Appeal established by the Constitution.
(2) Any judgment of the Supreme Court of the Federation of the West
Indies or of the British Caribbean Court of Appeal in an appeal from a court
of Jamaica given, but not satisfied, before the commencement of this Order,
may be enforced after the commencement of this Order as if it were a
judgment of the Court of Appeal established by the Constitution.
15. Appeals from Cayman Islands and Turks and Caicos Islands
The court of Appeal established by the Constitution may have and
exercise such jurisdiction and powers in respect of the Cayman Islands and
the Turks and Caicos Islands as may be conferred upon it by any law for the
time being in force in the Cayman Islands or the Turks and Caicos Islands, as
the case may be, and may for the purpose of exercising that jurisdiction sit
either in Jamaica or in the Cayman Islands or in the Turks and Caicos Islands,
as the case may be
16. Remuneration of Auditor-General
Until provision is made under and in accordance with subsection (4) of
section 120 of the Constitution, the salary and allowances of the Auditor-
General shall be the salary and allowances to which the holder of that office
was entitled immediately before the commencement of this Order.
17. Existing officers
(1) Where any office has been established for the former Colony of
Jamaica by or under the existing Orders or any existing law, and the
Constitution establishes the same or an equivalent office for Jamaica, not
being the office of Prime Minister, Minister, or Parliamentary Secretary, any
person who, immediately before the commencement of this Order, is holding
or acting in the former office shall, so far as is consistent with the provisions
of this Order, be deemed as from the commencement of this Order to have
been appointed to or to act in the latter office in accordance with the
provisions of this Order and to have taken any necessary oath under this
(2) Subject to the provisions of this Order, every person who, im-
mediately before the commencement of this Order, holds or is acting in a
public office shall, as from that time, continue to hold or act in the like
office as if he had been appointed thereto or to act therein in accordance
with the provisions of this Order.
(3) The provisions of this section shall be without prejudice to
(a) the provisions of section 6 of this Order; and
(b) any powers conferred by or under this Order upon any person or
authority to make provision for the abolition of offices and the removal of
persons holding or acting in any office.
. (4) In this section "existing law" means such a law as is referred to in
subsection (1) of section 4 of this Order.

18. Transitionalprovisions relating to Privy Council

Any matter which, immediately before the commencement of this Order,
is pending before the Privy Council established under the existing Orders
shall as from the commencement of this Order be continued before the Privy
Council established by the Constitution.

19. Transitionalprovisions relating to existing Commissions

(1) Any power of the Governor of the Colony of Jamaica acting on the
recommendation of a Commission established by the existing Orders (in this
section referred to as "an existing Commission") which has been validly
delegated to any person or authority under those Orders shall, as from the
commencement of this Order, be deemed to have been delegated to that
person or authority in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution.
(2) Any matter which, immediately before the commencement of this
Order, is pending before an existing Commission or, as the case may be,
before any person or authority to whom the power to deal with such matter
has been validly delegated under the existing Orders shall as from the
commencement of this Order be continued before the Judicial Service
Commission established by the Constitution of the Public Service Com-
mission or the Police Service Commission so established or, as the case may
be, the said person or authority:
. Provided that were an existing Commission or, as the case may be, any
person or authority as aforesaid has, immediately before the commencement
of this Order, partly completed the hearing of a disciplinary proceeding (in
this section referred to as "the original hearing"), no person shall take part in
the continued hearing unless he has also taken part in the original hearing;
and where by virtue of this subsection the original hearing cannot be so
continued the hearing of the disciplinary proceeding shall be"recommenced.

20. Transitionalprovisions relating to certain officers

(1) Any person who, immediately before the commencement of this
Order, holds any office established by or under the existing Orders and who
does not, as from the date of such commencement, hold any public office
shall be entitled to the leave, beginning with the commencement of this
Order, for which under the terms of service applicable to him immediately
before the commencement of this Order he was then eligible:
Provided that if any such person holds, or is acting in, as from the
commencement of this Order, any office established by or under the
Constitution, the leave to which he is entitled under this section shall begin
when he relinquishes that office.
(2) When any person is on leave under the provisions of subsection (1) of
this section, he shall be regarded as still in the office which he held
immediately before the commencement of this Order.
21. Alteration of this Order
(1) Parliament may alter any of the provisions of sections 1 to 22
(inclusive), other than section 15, of this Order including this section in the
same manner as it may alter the provisions of the Jamaica Independence Act,
(2) Parliament may amend from time to time or repeal, in so far as it
forms part of the law of Jamaica, section 15 of this Order by an Act passed
in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (b) of subsection (4) of
section 49 of the Constitution.
22. Interpretation
(1) In this Order references to any body or to any office shall be
construed, in relation to any period before the commencement of this Order,
as references to such body or such office as constituted by or under the
existing Orders, and references to the holder of any office shall be similarly
(2) The provisions of section 1 of the Constitution shall apply for the
purposes of interpreting this Order as they apply for interpreting the


Second Schedule

Chapter . Preliminary

2. Effect of this Constitution

Subject to the provisions of sections 49 and 50 of this Constitution, if
any other law is inconsistent with this Constitution, this Constitution shall
prevail and the other law shall, to the extent of the inconsistency, be void.
1 The provisions of sections 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12. 114, 119 and 132 of this
Constitution are basically similar to those of sections 2 (1) (2), 3 (1) (3), 5, 6, 8,
9, 10, 103, 107 and 111 of the Constitution of Barbados (supra, pp. 124-127). The same
similarity exists between the provisions of section 8 of the Constitution in question and
those of section 26 of the Constitution of Guyana (supra, p. 204).
Chapter II. Citizenship

10. Criminal liability of Commonwealth

A Commonwealth citizen who is not a citizen of Jamaica, or a citizen of
the Republic of Ireland who is not a citizen of Jamaica, shall not be guilty of
an offence against any law in force in Jamaica by reason of anything done or
omitted in any part of the Commonwealth other than Jamaica or in the
Republic of Ireland or in any foreign country unless
(a) the act or omission would be an offence if he were an alien; and
(b) in the case of an act or omission in any part of the Commonwealth
or in the Republic of Ireland, it would be an offence if the country in which
the act was done or the omission made were a foreign country.

(ii) Statem rots from governmental authorities


From: The Ministry of Finance,Jamaica; 30th September, 1963

The public debt of Jamaica does not consist solely of inscribed stock
under tile Colonial Stocks Acts, 1877-1948, nor of loans under the Colonial
Development and Welfare Act, 1959.
Other categories of debt include stock issued under the Local Registered
Stock Law, Cap. 229 of the 1953 Revised Edition of the Laws of Jamaica. In
addition, -there is, of course, a floating debt made up of Treasury Bills
(Tender and Tap). Other local debt consists of Debentures issued under the
Debentures (Local) Law, Cap. 92 as well as Perpetual Annuities, Premium
Bonds (now replaced by National Savings Bonds) and Land Bonds issued
under authority of the Land Bonds Law, Law 48 of 1965.
External Debt is not confined to Inscribed Stock issued in the United
Kingdom but also comprises Bonds issued in the United States as well as
direct Governmental loans from Her Majesty's Government in the United
Briefly, while loans are raised under the general authority of, for
example, The Local Registered Stock Law, Cap. 229, or the Debentures
(Local) Law, Cap. 52, specific loan laws are also enacted indicating the
amounts to be raised, the purposes for which the sum is to be expended, etc.
Action is now being taken to amend certain loan laws but I am not now in a
position to indicate the details of such amendments. The Loan Laws are:
The Local Registered Stock Law, Cap. 229.
The Debentures (Local) Law, Cap. 92.
The Treasury Bills Law, Cap. 391.
The Loans (General Development) Law, 1953.
The Loan Law, 1954, Law 26 of 1954.
The Land Bonds Law, 1955, Law 48 of 1955.
The Loan Law, 1956, Law 40 of 1956.
1 Text reproduced from the International Law Association, Report of the
Fifty.fourth Conference, The Hague, 1971, p. 139.
The Loan Law, 1959, Law 53 of 1959.
The Canadian and United States of America General Loan Law, 1957,
Law 2 of 1957.
The Loan Law, 1959 (Amendment) Law, 1962, Law 9 of 1962.
The Loan Law, 1959 (Amendment) (No. 2) Law, 1962, Law 17 of 1962.
The Loan Law, 1959 (Amendment) (No. 3) Law, 1962, Law 18 of 1962.

Laws and decrees

1. Provision for fully responsible status of Kenya

(3) In this Act "Kenya" includes the territories comprised immediately

before the appointed day in the Kenya Protectorate.

3. Persons retaining citizenship of United Kingdom and Colonies

although becoming citizens of Kenya

(7) The protectorates of Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland shall be

excepted from the operation of any reference in this section to a

5. Termination of assistance to East African Common Services Organisa-

(1) Any scheme under section 1 of the Colonial Development and
Welfare Act 1959 made with respect to the East African Common Services
Organisation shall cease to have effect on the appointed day, without
prejudice to the making of payments in pursuance of the scheme on or after
that day in respect of any period falling before that day.
(2) No loan under section 2 of the said Act of 1959 shall be made on or
after the appointed day to the said Organisation; and section 4 (3) of the
Tanganyika Independence Act 1961 and section 4 of the Uganda Indepen-
dence Act 1962 (by virtue of which loans may be made to that Organisation
under the said section 2) shall cease to have effect on the appointed day,
without prejudice to anything done by virtue of the said sections 4 (3) and 4,
or either of them, before that day.
(3) In this section "the East African Common Services Organisation"
means the organisation established under that name by an agreement made on
9th December 1961 between the Governments of Tanganyika, Kenya and

I Public GeneralActs andMeasures, 1963, Chap, 54, p. 1388.

2 The provisions of sections 1 (1) (2), 2 (2) (3) (4), 3 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) and 4 (1)
(2) (5) of this Act are basically similar to those of sections 1, 2 (2) (3) and 3 (6), 3 (1)
(2) (3) (4) (5) and 4 (1) (2) (3) (4) of the Fiji Independence Act 1970 (supra, pp. 178,
179 and 180); section 4 (4) is basically similar to section 4 (4) (5) (6) of the Garbia
Independence Act (supra, p. 189); section 2 (1) is similar to section 2 of the Ghana
Independence Act 1957 (supra, p. 194); section 6 of the Act is similar to section 5 of the
Gambia Independence Act 1964 (supra, p. 190).
7. Divorce jurisdiction
(1) On and after the appointed day no court having jurisdiction under
the law of Kenya or any part thereof shall, by virtue of the Colonial and
Other Territories (Divorce Jurisdiction) Acts 1926 to 1950, have jurisdiction
to make a decree for the dissolution of a marriage, or as incidental thereto to
make an order as to any matter, unless proceedings for the decree were
instituted before the appointed day.
(2) Except as provided by the foregoing subsection, and subject to any
provision to the contrary which may be made on or after the appointed day
by or under any law made by any legislature established for Kenya or any
part thereof, all courts having jurisdiction under the law of Kenya or any part
thereof shall on and after that day have the same jurisdiction under the said
Acts as they would have had if this Act had not been passed.
(3) Any rules made on or after the appointed day under section 1 (4) of
the Indian and Colonial Divorce Jurisdiction Act 1926 for a court having
jurisdiction under the law of Kenya or any part thereof shall, instead of being
made by the Secretary of State with the concurrence of the Lord Chancellor,
be made by such authority as may be determined by the law of Kenya, and so
much of the said section 1 (4) and of any rules in force thereunder as requires
the approval of the Lord Chancellor to the nomination for any purpose of
any judges of any such court shall cease to have effect.
(4) The references in subsection (1) of this section to proceedings for the
dissolution of a marriage include references to proceedings for such a decree
of presumption of death and dissolution of marriage as is authorised by
section 16 of the Matrimonial Causes Act 1950.
8. Interpretation
(1) In this Act "the existing Constitution Order" means the Kenya Order
in Council 1963 as amended by the Kenya (Amendment) Order in Council
1963; and references in this Act to Kenya shall be construed in accordance
with section 1 (3) of this Act.
(2) References in this Act to any enactment are references to that
enactment as amended or extended by or under any other enactment.



1. Citation, commencement and construction

1 The provisions of the first and second schedules to this Act are basically similar to
those of the corresponding schedules to the Gambia Independence Act 1964 (supra,
pp. 191-193).
2 Statutory Instruments 1963, (lII), No. 1968, p. 3846.
3 The provisions of sections 4 (3) (4) (6) and 5 (1) (proviso) of this Order are
basically similar to those of sections 4 (2) (3) (5) and 9 (1) (proviso) of the Barbados
Independence Order 1966 (supra, pp. 119-123). The same similarity exists between the
pro 'isions of sections 5 (1) (2) and 15 (1) (2) of the Order on the one hand and those of
sections 17 (1) (3) (4) and 19 of the Jamaica (Constitution) Order in Council 1962 on
the other hand (supra, pp. 244-245).
(2) This Order shall come into operation immediately before 12th
December 1963:
Provided that where the Governor-General or the President of a Regional
Assembly established by this Order has power by or under this Order to make
any appointment or make any order or do any other thing for the purposes of
this Order, that power may be exercised by the Governor and Commander-
in-Chief of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya or, as the case may be, by
the President of a Regional Assembly established by the Orders revoked by
this Order at any time after the making of this Orderto such extent as may,
in his opinion, be necessary or expedient to enable the Constitution of
Kenya established by this Order to function as from 12th December 1963.

2. Revocation
The Kenya Order in Council 1963 and the Kenya (Amendment) Order in
Council 1963 (hereinafter referred to as "the existing Orders") are revoked.
3. Establishment of Constitution
Subject to the provisions of this Order, the Constitution of Kenya set out
in Schedule 2 of this Order (hereinafter referred to as "the Constitution")
shall come into effect in Kenya at the commencement of this Order.
4. Existing laws
(1) Subject to the provisions of this Order, the existing laws shall,
notwithstanding the enactment of the Kenya Independence Act 1963 and the
revocation of the existing Orders, continue in force after the commencement
of this Order as if they had been made in pursuance of this Order, but they
shall be construed with such modifications, adaptations, qualifications and
exceptions as may be necessary to bring them into conformity with this
(2) Any existing law
(a) to the extent to which it makes provision with respect to any matter
with respect to which, under the Constitution, a Regional Assembly may, and
Parliament may not, make laws; or
(b) to the extent to which
(i) it makes provision with respect to any matter with respect to which,
under the Constitution, both Parliament and a Regional Assembly
may make laws; and
(ii) it was made by a Regional Assembly established by the existing
Orders or it has effect under the existing Orders immediately before
the commencement of this Order as if it had been so made,
shall have effect, as from the commencement of this Order, as if it had been
made by (or, as the case may require, as if it had been made under a law made
by) that Regional Assembly, but the existing laws shall otherwise have effect,
as from the commencement of this Order, as if they had been made by
Parliament (or, as the case may require, as if they had been made under an
Act of Parliament).

(5) The President of a Regional Assembly may by order made at any

time before 12th December 1964 make such amendments to any existing law,
to the extent to which it makes provision with respect to any matter with
respect to which, under the Constitution, that Regional Assembly may make
laws, as may appear to him to be necessary or expedient for bringing that law
into conformity with the provisions of the Constitution or otherwise for
giving effect or enabling effect to be given to those provisions.

(7) The existing laws which are specified in column 1 of Schedule 1 of

this Order shall, notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this section and
notwithstanding that those laws are not in conformity with the other
provisions of this Order, continue in force after the commencement of this
Order with the respective modifications specified in column 2 of that
Schedule until the respective dates specified in column 3 of that Schedule or
until they are earlier revoked by the Governor-General by notice published in
the Kenya Gazette and they shall then expire.
(8) For the purposes of this section, the expression "existing law" means
any Ordinance, Enactment, law, rule, regulation, order or other instrument
made or having effect as if it had been made in pursuance of the existing
Orders and having effect as part of the law of Kenya or of any part thereof
immediately before the commencement of this Order or any Act of the
Parliament of the United Kingdom or Order of Her Majesty in Council (other
than the Kenya Independence Act 1963 and this Order) so having effect.

9. Commonwealth citizenship
The Governor-General may, by order published in the Kenya Gazette,
direct that, with effect from such date as may be specified in that order, the
reference in section 9 (3) of the Constitution to the Federation of Rhodesia
and Nyasaland shall be replaced by a reference to Southern Rhodesia.
10. Emergency Powers Orders in.Council 1939 to 1963
The Emergency Powers Orders in Council 1939 (a) to 1963 (b) shall cease
to have effect as part of the law of Kenya.
11. King's African Rifles Order in Council 1960
The King's African Rifles Order in Council 1960 (c) and any order made
by the Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Colony and Protectorate of
Kenya under section 7 of that Order in Council are revoked.
12. Financialprovisions
Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 137, 138, 140, 141 and 146 of
the Constitution, no sums shall be payable by the Government of Kenya to
any Region under any of those sections inorespect of the financial year ending
on 30th June 1964.

14. Compulsory retirement to facilitate appointment of local candidates

(1) If the Prime Minister so requests, the authorities having power to
make appointments in any branch of the public service shall consider and
report to the Prime Minister whether there are more candidates belonging to
Kenya (hereinafter referred to as "local candidates") who are suitably
qualified for appointment to, or promotion in, that branch than there are
vacancies in that branch that could appropriately be filled by such local
candidates; if those authorities report to the Prime Minister that such is the
case, the authority having power to remove from office persons holding office
in that branch (in this subsection and in subsection (2) of this section referred
to as "the nominating authority") shall, if so requested by the Prime Minister,
select officers to whom this section applies who are serving in that branch and
whose retirement would, in the opinion of the nominating authority, cause
vacancies that could appropriately be filled by such suitably qualified local
candidates as are available and fit for appointment and inform the Prime
Minister of the number of officers so selected; if the Prime Minister specifies a
number of officers to be called upon to vacate their appointments (not
exceeding the number of officers so selected), the nominating authority shall
nominate that number of officers from among the officers so selected and the
provisions of subsections (2), (3) and (4) of this section shall apply in the case
of any officer so nominated.

(7) This section applies to any officer who holds a pensionable public
office and
(a) is designated under the Overseas Service Aid Scheme; or
(b) is a member of Her Majesty's Overseas Civil Service or Her Majesty's
Overseas Judiciary; or
(c) whose conditions of service include an entitlement to free passages
from East Africa for the purpose of leave of absence, other than sabbatical
leave, upon the completion of a tour of duty; or
(d) is an overseas officer who, after the commencement of this Order, is
appointed to any public office (otherwise than on promotion or transfer from
another public office) and who is notified at the time of his appointment that
this section will apply to him.
(8) In this section "overseas officer" means an officer in the public
service who is, either individually or as a member of a class, declared by the
appropriate Commission to be an overseas officer, and "the appropriate
Commission" means
(a) in relation to an officer who can be removed from his office by the
Judicial Service Commission, that Commission;
(b) in relation to an officer who can be removed from his office by the
Police Service Commission, that Commission; and
(c) in any other case, the Public Service Commission.
15. Transitionalprovisions relating to existing Commissions, etc.
(1) Any power that, immediately before the commencement of this
Order, is vested ipi a Commission established by the existing Orders (in this
section referred to as "an existing Commission") and that, under the existing
Orders, is then delegated to some other person or authority shall, as from the
commencement of this Order, be deemed to have been delegated to such
person or authority in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution.
(2) Any matter that, immediately before the commencement of this
Order, is pending before an existing Commission shall be continued before
the corresponding Commission established by the Constitution, and any
matter that, immediately before the commencement of this Order, is pending
before a person or authority to whom power to deal with such matter has
been delegated by an existing Commission shall be continued before that
person or authority:
Provided that where the hearing of a disciplinary proceeding has begun
but has not been completed immediately before the commencement of this
Order, the continued hearing shall not be held before any person unless the
hearing that has already taken place was also held before him; and where, by
virtue of this proviso, the hearing cannot be continued, it shall be

16. Legal proceedings

(1) All proceedings that, immediately before the commencement of this
Order, are pending before any court established by or under the existing
Orders (or deemed to have been so established) or before the Court of Appeal
for Eastern Africa may be continued and concluded after the commencement
of this Order before the corresponding court established by or under the
Constitution (or deemed to have been so established) or, as the case may be,
before the Court of Appeal for Eastern Africa.
(2) Any decision given before the commencement of this Order by any
such court as aforesaid shall, for the purpose of its enforcement or for the
purpose of any appeal therefrom, have effect after the commencement of this
Order as if it were a decision of the corresponding court established by or
under the Constitution (or deemed to have been so established) or, in the case
of a decision given by the Court of Appeal for Eastern Africa, as if it were a
decision given by that court in exercise of the jurisdiction conferred on it
under this Order.
17. Transitional provisions relating to appeals to Judicial Committee
from Supreme Court and Court of Appeal for Eastern Africa
(1) Subject to the provisions of subsection (4) of this section, no appeal
shall lie to Her Majesty in Council, whether as of right or by leave either of
Her Majesty in Council or of any court established for Kenya, from any
decision given in any civil or criminal matter by any such court.
(2) Subject to the provisions of subsection (4) of this section, the
provisions of the Constitution and of any other law that regulate appeals to
the Judicial Committee shall apply in relation to decisions given by the
existing Supreme Court and to decisions given by the existing Court of
Appeal for Eastern Africa as they apply in relation to decisions given by the
Supreme Court established by this Order and to decisions given by the Court
of Appeal for Eastern Africa in exercise of any jurisdiction conferred on it
under the Constitution; and appeals to the Judicial Committee from decisions
given by the existing Supreme Court or by the existing Court of Appeal for
Eastern Africa may be prosecuted and disposed of accordingly.
(3) For the purposes of subsection (2) of this section a decision given by
the existing Supreme Court in any of the cases specified in section 170 (1) of
the Coristitution established by the existing Orders shall be deemed to be a
decision given in the corresponding case specified in section 180 (1) of the
Constitution established by this Order.
(4) Any appeal to Her Majesty in Council from a decision given by the
existing Supreme Court or by the existing Court of Appeal for Eastern Africa,
being an appeal that is pending immediately before the commencement of
this Order and in which the records have been registered in the Office of the
Privy Council before the commencement of this Order, shall continue to lie
to Her Majesty in Council and may be prosecuted and disposed of in
accordance with the law regulating the procedure in appeals to Her Majesty in
Council from decisions given by those Courts that is in force immediately
before the commencement of this Order.
(5) Any Order made by Her Majesty in Council on any appeal that lies to
Her Majesty in Council under subsection (4) of this section or on any appeal
that has been made to Her Majesty in Counc4 at any time before the
commencement of this Order shall be etforced in accordance with the law
regulating the enforcement of such Orders that is in force immediately before
the commencement of this Order.
(6) In this section "the existing Supreme Court" means the Supreme
Court established by the existing Orders and- "the existing Court of Appeal
for Eastern Africa" means the Court of Appeal for Eastern Africa exercising
any jurisdiction conferred on it under the existing Orders, or having effect as
if it had been so conferred on it.





Chapter L Citizenship

2. Persons entitled to be registered as citizens by virtue of connection

with Kenya before 12th December 1963
(1) Any person who, but for the proviso to subsection (1) of section 1 of
this Constitution, would be a citizen of Kenya by virtue of that subsection
shall be entitled, upon making application before the specified date in such
manner as may be prescribed by or under an Act of Parliament, to be
registered as a citizen of Kenya:

(4) Any person who, on 1 lth December 1963, is a citizen of the United
Kingdom and Colonies or of the Republic of Ireland and is on that day
ordinarily and lawfully resident in Kenya (otherwise than under the authority
of a pass issued under the Immigration Ordinance and conferring on him the
right to remain in Kenya only temporarily) shall be entitled, upon making
application before the specified date in such manner as may be prescribed by
or under an Act of Parliament, to be registered as a citizen of Kenya:

1 The provisions of sections 1 and 9 of this Constitution are basically similar to those
of sections 2 (1) (2) and 8 of the Constitution of Barbados (supra, pp. 124 and 125).
The same similarity exists between the provisions of sections 2 (2) (3) (5), 11, 13 and
195 (1) (2) (3) (7) (8) of the Constitution in question on the one hand and the
provisions of sections 23(2) (3) (4), 27(1) (2), 30 and 117 (1) (2) (3) of the
Constitution of Botswana on the other hand (supra, pp. 137, 138 and 139).
(6) In this section "the specified date" means
(a) in relation to a person to whom subsection (1) of this section refers,
12th December 1965:
(b) in relation to a woman to whom subsection (3) of this section refers,
12th December 1965 or the expiration of such period after the termination
of her marriage as may be prescribed by or under an Act of Parliament
(whichever is the later);
(c) in relation to a person to whom subsection (4) of this section refers,
12th December 1965; and
(d) in relation to a person to whom subsection (5) of this section refers,
12th December 1965,
or such later date as may in any particular case be prescribed by or under an
Act of Parliament.

6. Persons entitled to be registered as Kenya citizens by virtue of

connection with Kenya after 11th December 1963
(1) Any person who, being a Commonwealth citizen or a citizen of any
country in Africa to which this subsection applies, has been ordinarily
resident in Kenya for such period (whether commencing before, on or after
12th December 1963) and un der such authority as may be prescribed by or
under an Act of Parliament shall be entitled, upon making application in such
manner as may be so prescribed, to be registered as a citizen of Kenya.
(2) A person shall be entitled, upon making application in such manner
as may be prescribed by or under an Act of Parliament, to be registered as a
citizen of Kenya if, at the date of his application, one of his parents is a
citizen of Kenya:
Provided that a person who has not attained the age of twenty-one years
(other than a woman who is or has been married) may not himself make an
application under this subsection, but an application may be made on his
behalf by his parent or guardian.
(3) The countries in Africa to which subsection (1) of this section applies
(other than the countries to which section 9 of this Constitution applies) are
any countries which are for the time being declared by the Minister, by notice
published in the Kenya Gazette, to be countries which permit citizens of
Kenya to become citizens of those countries by registration.

10. Reciprocal and transitionalprivileges for citizens of other countries

(1) A citizen of any country to which section 9 of this Constitution
applies and a citizen of any other country which the Minister may for the
time being specify by notice published in the Kenya Gazette shall enjoy the
same rights and privileges (being rights and privileges that, under this
Constitution or any other law in force in Kenya, are enjoyed by citizens of
Kenya) as a citizen of Kenya enjoys under the constitution of the country
concerned or under any other law in force in that country.
(2) In any proceedings to determine whether a citizen of any country
other than Kenya should enjoy any right or privilege in Kenya by virtue of
subsection (1) of this section, a certificate signed by the Minister shall be
prima facie evidence on the question whether a citizen of Kenya enjoys that
right or privilege under the constitution of that other country or under any
other law in force in that other country.
(3) Without prejudice to the provisions of subsection (1) of this section,
a person to whom section 2 (4) or section 2 (5) of this Constitution refers
and the wife of any such person shall, until he becomes a citizen of Kenya or
until 12th December 1965 (whichever is the earlier), be regarded as a citizen
of Kenya for the purposes of all the provisions of this Constitution other than
this Chapter, sections 40 (1) (a) and 95 (a) and paragraphs 1 (a) of Part I of
Schedule 5, 1 (a) of Part II of Schedule 5 and 1 (a) of Part III of Schedule 5.

Chapter XI. The public service in Kenya

195. Pensions laws and protection of pensions rights

(4) All pensions benefits shall (except to the extent to which, in the case
of benefits under the Provident Fund Ordinance, the Widows' and Orphans'
Pensions Ordinance, the Asiatic Widows' and Orphans' Pensions Ordinance
and the Asian Officers'. Family Pensions Ordinance, or under any law
amending or replacing any of those Ordinances, they are a charge on a fund
established by any of those Ordinances or by any such law and have been
duly paid out of that fund to the person or authority to whom payment is
due) be a charge on the Consolidated Fund.
(5) All sums, that, under any of the Ordinances referred to in
subsection (4) of this section or under any law amending or replacing any of
those Ordinances, are to be paid by the Government of Kenya into any fund
established by any of those Ordinances or by any such law or are otherwise to
be paid by the Government of Kenya for the purposes of any of those
Ordinances or any such law shall be a charge on the Consolidated Fund.
(6) Any person who is entitled to the payment of any pensions benefits
and who is ordinarily resident outside Kenya may, within a reasonable time
after he has received that payment, remit the whole of it (free from any
deduction, charge or tax made or levied in respect of its remission) to any
country of his choice outside Kenya:
Provided that nothing in this subsection shall be construed as preventing
(a) the attachment, by order of a court, of any payment or part of any
payment to which a person is entitled in satisfaction of the judgment of a
court or pending the determination of civil proceedings to which he is a party
to the extent to which such attachment is permitted by the law with respect
to pensions benefits that applies in the case of that person; or
(b) the imposition of reasonable restrictions as to the manner in which
any payment is to be remitted.

(9) For the purposes of this section

(a) any office in any naval, military or air force established by or under
any law made by any legislature in Kenya;
(b) to the extent to which pensions benefits in respect of service in such
an office are payable under any of the Ordinances referred to in sub-
section (4) of this section or under any law amending or replacing any of
those Ordinances, any office in the service of the East Africa High
Commission or the East African Common Services Organization; and
(c) any office in the service of a body that is specified in Schedule 9 of
this Constitution (which specifies certain bodies that are no longer in
existence but in respect of former service in which pensions are payable out
of Kenya funds)
shall be regarded as an office in the public service.
(10) Parliament may, to the exclusion of any Regional Assembly, make
laws with respect to pensions benefits.
(11) The power conferred on Parliament by subsection (10) of this
section shall include a power to make provision under which persons holding
or acting in offices on the establishment of a Region may be required to make
contributions to any fund established by any of the Ordinances specified in
subsection (4) of this section or by any law amending or replacing any such

Chapter XII. Land

Part 2. Land tenure

202. Interpretation
(1) In this Part of this Chapter "the Special Areas" means the areas of
land the boundaries of which were specified in the First Schedule to the Trust
Land Ordinance as in force on 31st May 1963.
(2) In this Part of this Chapter references to a county council shall, in
relation to the areas of land specified in column 1 of Schedule 10 of this
Constitution, be construed as if they were references to the local government
authorities specified in column 2 of that Schedule.

203. Confirmation of titles and interests in land

(1) All estates, interests or rights in or over land which the Governor of
the former Colony and Protectorate of Kenya or any other officer or
authority of the Government of the former Colony and Protectorate, acting
in exercise or purported exercise of any power in that behalf conferred by
any law, had at any time before 1st June 1963 created, granted or recognised
are hereby confirmed
(a) as having been validly created, granted or recognised;
(b) to the extent to which they were still subsisting on 31st May 1963, as
continuing as from 1st June 1963 according to their respective tenors and
subject to the provisions of the Kenya Order in Council 1963, and of any
other law for the time being in force; and
(c) to the extent to which they were still subsisting on 11th December
1963, as continuing as from 12th December 1963 according to their
respective tenors and subject to the provisions of this Chapter and of any
other law for the time being in force.
(2) Where, on 31st May 1963, any land was subject to an unadjudicated
claim made under the Land Titles Ordinance(b), that claim shall be deemed
to have continued unabated on 1st June 1963 and to have continued as from
1st June 1963 subject to adjudication in accordance with the provisions of
that Ordinance or any law amending or replacing that Ordinance.
204. Land vested in Regions
Subject to the provisions of sections 205 and 208 of this Constitution, all
estates, interests and rights in or over land situated in a Region that, on 31 st
May 1963, were vested in Her Majesty, or in the Governor of the former
Colony and Protectorate of Kenya on behalf of Her Majesty, in right of the
Government of the former Colony and Protectorate shall be deemed to have
vested in the Region on 1st June 1963 and, except in so far as they were
lawfully granted or disposed of to some other person or authority before
12th December 1963 or were otherwise lawfully acquired by some other
person or authority before 12th December 1963, shall be deemed to have
re-vested in the Region on 12th December 1963.
205. Land vested in Government of Kenya
(1) All estates, interests and rights in or over land situated in the Nairobi
Area that on 31st May 1963
(a) were vested in Her Majesty, or in the Governor of the former Colony
and Protectorate of Kenya on behalf of Her Majesty, in right of the
Government of the former Colony and Protectorate; or
(b) were registered in the name of the Trust Land Board under the Land
Registration (Special Areas) Ordinance
shall be deemed to have vested on Ist June 1963 or, as the case may be, to
have re-vested on 1st June 1963 in the Governor of the former Colony and
Protectorate on behalf of Her Majesty in right of the Government of the
former Colony and Protectorate.
(2) There shall also be deemed to have vested in the Governor of the
former Colony and Protectorate of Kenya on behalf of Her Majesty in right
of the Government of the former Colony and Protectorate on 1st June 1963
such estates, interests or rights in or over land situated within a Region as the
Governor may have designated in that behalf in exercise of powers conferred
on him by or under the Kenya Order in Council 1963.
(3) All estates, interests or rights in or over land that, on 11th December
1963, were vested in the Governor of the former Colony and Protectorate of
Kenya on behalf of Her Majesty in right of the Government of the former
Colony and Protectorate shall be deemed to have vested on 12th December
1963 in the Governor-General on behalf of Her Majesty in right of the
Government of Kenya.
206. Disposition of land by Regions
Subject to the provisions of section 211 of this Constitution and of any
law, the Regional Assembly of a Region or any person or authority
authorised in that behalf by the Regional Assembly may make grants or
dispositions of any estates, interests or rights in or over land that are for the
time being vested in the Region.
207. Disposition of land by Government of Kenya
Subject to the provisions of section 211 of this Constitution and of any
law, the Governor-General or any person or authority authorised in that
behalf by the Governor-General may make grants or dispositions of any
estates, interests or rights in or over land that are for the time being vested in
the Governor-General on behalf of Her Majesty in right of the Government of
208. Trust land
(1) Subject to the provisions of section 205 of this Constitution and of
subsection (2) of this section, the following descriptions of land shall be Trust
land, that is to say:
(a) land in the Special Areas which was, on 31st May 1963, vested in the
Trust Land Board by virtue of any Order of Her Majesty in Council or which
was then registered in the name of the Trust Land Board;
(b) the areas of land that were known before Ist June 1963 as Special
Reserves, Temporary Special Reserves, Special Leasehold Areas and Special
Settlement Areas and the boundaries of which were described respectively in
the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Schedules to the Crown Lands
Ordinance as in force on 31st May 1963, the areas of land that were on
31st May 1963 communal reserves by virtue of a declaration under section 58
of that Ordinance, the areas of land referred to in section 59 of that
Ordinance as in force on 10th April 1963 and the areas of land in respect of
which a permit to occupy was in force on 31st May 1963 under section 62 of
that Ordinance;
(c) land situated in a Region the freehold title to which is registered in
the name of a county council; and
(d) land the freehold title to which is vested in a county council by virtue
of an escheat under the provisions of section 211 of this Constitution.

209. Acquisition of land for Kenya Government purposes, and setting

apartof Trust land for Kenya Government or Regional purposes
(1) Where the Prime Minister is satisfied that any estate, interest or right
in or over land that is vested in a Region is required for
(a) the purposes of the Government of Kenya; or
(b) the purposes of any body corporate established for public purposes
by an Act of Paliament; or
(c) the purposes of the East African Common Services Organization; or
(d) the purpose of the extraction of minerals (other than common
minerals) or mineral oils,
he may, after consultation with the President of the Regional Assembly of
that Region, so declare by notice which shall be published in the Kenya
Gazette and that estate, interest or right shall then cease to be vested in the
Region and shall vest instead in the Governor-General on behalf of Her
Majesty in right of the Government of Kenya or, as the case may be, in such
body corporate referred to in paragraph (b) of this subsection, in the East
African Common Services Organization, in such officer or authority of that
Organization or in such person or authority for the purpose referred to in
paragraph (d) of this subsection as may be specified in such notice:
Provided that where the President of the Regional Assembly informs the
Prime Minister that the land in question is occupied or is intended shortly to
be occupied for the purposes of the Region, the Prime Minister shall not
exercise his powers under this subsection except to the extent to which, in his
opinion, he is strictly required so to do by the exigencies of the national
(2) Where any estate, interest or right in or over land is acquired from a
Region under the provisions of subsection (1) of this section, the Government
of Kenya shall make prompt payment of full compensation therefor to that
Region and the provisions of sections 19 (2) and 180 of this Constitution
shall apply in relation to that payment of compensation and in relation to the
adjudication of questions relating thereto as they apply in relation to those
matters when property is compulsorily acquired from any person.
(3) Where the Prime Minister is satisfied that the use and occupation of
any area of Trust land is required for any of the purposes specified in
subsection (1) of this section, he may, after consultation with the President
of the Regional Assembly of the Region in which the land is situated and
with the county council in which the land is vested, give written notice to
that county council that the land is required to be set apart for use and
occupation for those purposes; the land shall then be set apart accordingly
and, subject to the provisions of any law, there shall vest in the
Governor-General on behalf of Her Majesty in right of the Government of
Kenya or in such other person or authority referred to in the said
subsection (1) as may from time to time be specified by written notice given
by the Prime Minister to the county council such estates, interests or rights in
or over that land or any part of it as may be so specified:
Provided that where the land in question or any part of it is already set
apart under subsection (4) of this section or where the President of the
Regional Assembly informs the Prime Minister that the land or any part of it
is intended shortly to be set apart under that subsection, the Prime Minister
shall not exercise his powers under this subsection except to the extent to
which, in his opinion, he is strictly required so to do by the exigencies of the
national interest.
(4) Where the President of the Regional Assembly of any Region is
satisfied that the use and occupation of any area of Trust land is required for
(a) the purposes of the Region; or
(b) the purposes of any body corporate established for public purposes
by.a law made by the Regional Assembly; or
(c) the purpose of the extraction of common minerals,
he may, after consultation with the county council in which the land is
vested, give written notice to that county council that the land is required to
be set apart for use and occupation for those purposes; the land shall then be
set apart accordingly and, subject to the provisions of any law, there shall vest.
in the Region or, as the case may be, in such body corporate referred to in
paragraph (b) of this subsection or in such person or authority for the
purpose referred to in paragraph (c) of this subsection as may from time to
time be specified by written notice given by the President of the Regional
Assembly to the county council such estates, interests or rights in or over that
land or any part of it as may be so specified.
(5) Where land is required to be set apart under subsection (3) or
subsection (4) of this section
(a) Parliament, in the case of a setting apart under subsection (3) of this
section, or a law made by the Regional Assembly of the Region, in the case of
a setting apart under subsection (4) of this section, may prescribe the manner
in which and the conditions subject to which such setting apart shall be
(b) subsection (8) of section 208 of this Constitution shall apply in
relation to such setting apart as it applies in relation to a setting apart in
pursuance of subsection (7) of that section; and
(c) the Government of Kenya, in the case of a setting apart under
subsection (3) of this section, or the Region, in the case of a setting apart
under subsection (4) of this section, shall make prompt payment of full
compensation for the setting apart to such persons as, under subsection (10)
of the said section 208, are entitled to such compensation when land is set
apart in pursuance of subsection (7) of that section.
(6) The provisions of subsections (3) and (4) of this section shall apply as
well in relation to land that has already been set apart in pursuance of section
208 (7) of this Constitution as in relation to other land, and in such case a
setting apart under this section shall extinguish any estate, interest or right in
or over the land or any part thereof that may be vested in any person or
authority in consequence of the setting apart in pursuance of the said section
208 (7) but the provisions of section 19 of this Constitution shall apply in
relation to any such setting apart under this section as if it were a compulsory
acquisition by the Government of Kenya under an Act of Parliament or, as
the case may be, by the Region under a law made by the Regional Assembly
of the estate, interest or right so extinguished.
(7) The provisions of subsection (3) of this section shall apply as well in
relation to land that has already been set apart under subsection (4) thereof
as in relation to other land, and in such case a setting apart under
subsection (3) shall extinguish any estate, interest or right in or over the land
or any part thereof that may be vested in the Region or any body corporate
or any person or authority engaged in the extraction of minerals in
consequence of a setting apart under subsection (4) but the provisions of
section 19 of this Constitution (other than, in the case where the estate,
interest or right is vested in the Region, paragraphs (a) and (b) of
subsection (1) thereof) shall apply in relation to such setting apart under
subsection (3) of this section as if it were a compulsory acquisition by the
'Government of Kenya under an Act of Parliament of the estate, interest or
210. Land no longer required for Kenya Government or Regional
purposes, etc.
(1) Where any estate, interest or right in or over any land (other than
Trust land) situated in a Region that is vested in the Governor-General on
behalf of Her Majesty in right of the Government of Kenya is no longer
(a) for the purposes of the Government of Kenya; or
(b) for the purposes of any body corporate established for public
purposes by an Act of Parliament; or
(c) for the purposes of the East African Common Services Organization,
the Government of Kenya shall offer to release that estate, interest or right to
the Region.
(2) Every offer made in pursuance of subsection (1) of this section shall
be made in writing to the President of the Regional Assembly of the Region
and shall be subject to the condition that the Region shall pay to the
Government of Kenya the market value (at the date of the offer) of the
estate, interest or right concerned.
(3) If, within six months from the receipt by the President of a Regional
Assembly of an offer made in pursuance of subsection (1) of this section, he
gives written notice to the Government of Kenya that the Region accepts the
offer, the estate, interest or right concerned shall thereupon cease to be
vested in the Governor-General and shall vest instead in the Region and the
market value or such smaller sum as the parties may have agreed shall then
become payable by the Region to the Government of Kenya, but if no such
notice is given within the six months, the estate, interest or right shall, subject
to the provisions of section 207 of this Constitution, remain vested in the
Governor-General on behalf of Her Majesty in right of the Government of
(4) Where the Prime Minister or the President of a Regional Assembly is
satisfied that any land that has been set apart under subsection (3) or, as the
case may be, subsection (4) of section 209 of this Constitution is no longer
required for any of the purposes specified in subsection (1) or, as the case
may be, subsection (4) of that section, the Prime Minister or the President of
the Regional Assembly shall in writing so notify the county council in whose
area of jurisdiction the land is situated and thereupon the setting apart shall
cease to have effect and any estate, interest or right vested in any person or
authority in consequence of the setting apart shall be extinguished and
(without prejudice to the subsequent making of a further setting apart under
any provision of this Chapter) the land shall again be held by the county
council in accordance with the provisions of section 208 of this Constitution:
Provided that where any estate, interest or right that is vested in a person
or authority other than the Government of Kenya, a Region, the East African
Common Services Organization or any officer or authority of that Organiza-
tion is extinguished in pursuance, of this subsection, the provisions of section
19 of this Constitution (other than paragraphs (a) and (b) of subsection (1)
thereof) shall apply in relation to that extinguishment as if it were a
compulsory acquisition by the Government of Kenya under an Act of
Parliament or, as the case may be, by the Region under a law made by the
Regional Assembly of the estate, interest or right so extinguished.
(5) Where any dispute arises between the Government of Kenya and any
Region as to the market value of any estate, interest or right for the purposes
of this section, either party may refer the question to the Supreme Court
whose decision thereon shall not be subject to appeal; and the Chief Justice
may make rules as to the practice and procedure of the Supreme Court in
relation to any reference to it under this subsection.

213. Minerals and mineral oils

(1) All unextracted minerals (other than common minerals) and mineral
oils that were situated in any part of Kenya on 31st May 1963 shall be
deemed to have vested in the Governor of the former Colony and
Protectorate of Kenya on behalf of Her Majesty in right of the Government
of the former Colony and Protectorate on 1st June 1963.
(2) All unextracted common minerals that were situated in the Nairobi
Area on 31st May 1963 shall be deemed to have vested in the Governor of the
former Colony and Protectorate of Kenya on behalf of Her Majesty in right
of the Government of the former Colony and Protectorate on 1st June 1963.
(3) All unextracted common minerals that were situated in a Region on
31st May 1963 shall be deemed to have vested in that Region on 1st June
(4) The vesting of minerals and mineral oils, in accordance with the
provisions of this section, in the Governor of the former Colony and
Protectorate of Kenya or in a Region on 1st June 1963 shall be deemed to
have been subject to
(a) any rights in respect thereof that, by or under any law, were granted
to or recognised as being vested in any person (other than the Governor of
the former Colony and Protectorate) before 1st June 1963 and that were
subsisting on 31st May 1963; and
(b) any rights in respect thereof that were lawfully granted to any person
on or after 1st June 1963 by the Governor of the former Colony and
Protectorate (or by any person or authority authorised in that behalf by him
or by or under any law) or, as the case may be, by the Regional Assembly of
the Region (or by any person or authority authorised in that behalf by the
Regional Assembly or by or under any law).
(5) All minerals and mineral oils that were vested on 11 th December
1963 in the Governor of the former Colony and Protectorate of Kenya on
behalf of Her Majesty in right of the Government of the former Colony and
Protectorate or in a Region shall be deemed to have vested or, as the case may
be, to have re-vested on 12th December. 1963 in the Governor-General on
behalf of Her Majesty in right of the Government of Kenya or in the Region;
but such vesting shall be subject to
(a) any rights in- respect of those minerals and mineral oils that, by or
under any law, were granted to or recognised as being vested in any person
(other than the Governor of the former Colony and Protectorate) before
12th December 1963 and that were subsisting on 11th December 1963; and
(b) any rights in respect of those minerals and mineral oils that may,
subject to any law, be granted to any person on or after 12th December 1963
by the Governor-General (or by any person authorised in that behalf by him
or by or under any law) or, as the case may be, by the Regional Assembly of
the Region (or by any person authorised in that behalf by the Regional
Assembly or by or under any law).
214. Water
(1) The water of every body of water in Kenya which, on 31st May
1963, was vested in the Crown in respect of the former Colony of Kenya and
in His Highness the Sultan of Zanzibar in respect of the former Protectorate
shall be deemed to have vested on 1st June 1963 in the Governor of the
former Colony and Protectorate of Kenya on behalf of Her Majesty in right
of the Government of the. former Colony and Protectorate; but such vesting
shall be deemed to have been subject to any rights of user
(a) that, by or under any law, were granted to or recognised as being
vested in any person before 1st June 1963 and were subsisting on 31st May
1963; and
(b) that were lawfully granted by the Governor of the former Colony and
Protectorate (or by any person or authority authorised in that behalf by him
or by or under law) on or after 1st June 1963.
(2) The water of every body of water which, on 1 th December 1963,
was vested in the Governor of the former Colony and Protectorate of Kenya
on behalf of Her Majesty in right of the Government of the former Colony
and Protectorate shall be deemed to have vested on 12th December 1963 in
the Governor-General on behalf of Her Majesty in right of the Government of
Kenya; but such vesting shall be subject to any rights of user
(a) that, by or under any law, were granted to or recognised as being
vested in any person (other than the Governor of the former Colony and
Protectorate) before 12th December 1963 and were subsisting on 1 th De-
cember 1963; and
(b) that may, subject to any law, be granted by the Governor General (or
by any person or authority authorised in that behalf by him or by or under
any law) on or after 12th December 1963.

1. Citation and commencement

(2) This Order shall come into operation immediately before 12th De-
cember 1963.
2. Interpretation
The Interpretation Act 1889 shall apply, with the necessary adaptations,
for the purpose of interpreting this Order and otherwise in relation thereto as
it applies for the purpose of interpreting, and in relation to, Acts of
Parliament of the United Kingdom.
3. Application of Schedule
The provisions contained in the Schedule to this Order shall have effect in
relation to the public service of Kenya.
4. Transitionalprovisions
(1) Where any officer or authority has before the commencement of this
Order in pursuance of any provision of the limited compensation scheme or
the general compensation scheme given any permission or consent or
prescribed any condition or granted any benefit or made any payment or
made any declaration or done any other thing for the purposes of that
scheme, that permission, consent, condition, benefit, payment, declaration or
other thing shall be deemed to have been given, prescribed, granted, made or
done, as the case may be, under the corresponding provision of the Schedule
to this Order, and the provisions of that Schedule shall have effect
(2) Where any officer has before the commencement of this Order in
pursuance of any provision in the limited compensation scheme or the general
compensation scheme given any undertaking or given or received any notice
or retired or received any benefit he shall, provided that any conditions
prescribed or deemed to have been prescribed by or under the Schedule to
this Order are satisfied, be deemed to have given that undertaking, to have
given or received that notice, or to have retired, or to have been granted or
received that benefit, as the case may be, under the corresponding provision
1 Statutory Instruments 1963 (III), No. 1969, p. 4140.
in that Schedule, and the provisions of that Schedule shall have effect
(3) (a) Any officer who has, before the commencement of this Order,
been required under the provisions of the limited compensation scheme or
the general compensation scheme or under the provisions of section 10 B of
the Kenya Order in Council 1963, as amended by the Kenya (Amendment)
Order in Council 1963, to retire to facilitate the localisation of the public
service of Kenya shall, for the purposes of the Schedule to this Order, be
deemed to have retired in the circumstances described in paragraph 5 of that
(b) For the purposes of paragraph (a) of this subparagraph, a person who,
being an officer who fulfilled heads (a), (c) and (e) of the definition of
"entitled officer" in paragraph 1 (1) of the Schedule to this Order, was
required to retire as a result of constitutional change and ceased to be the
substantive holder of an office before the date on which the limited
compensation scheme was introduced, that is to say 20th July 1961, shall be
deemed to be an officer who has been required to retire in the circumstances
described in paragraph (a) of this subparagraph, and in relation to such an
officer the expression "operative date" means the date of the officer's
(4) The notice prescribed by the general compensation scheme to be
given by officers who elect to retire from the public service shall be deemed
to have been prescribed by the appropriate Service Commission under
paragraph 4 of the Schedule to this Order; any declaration made by the
Governor under the limited or general compensation scheme as to whether an
officer has been or is required to retire in the circumstances described in
paragraphlO of that Schedule shall be deemed to have been made by the
appropriate Service Commission under that paragraph; and any permission to
retire given by the Governor under the limited compensation scheme in the
circumstances described in paragraph 11 of that Schedule shall be deemed to
have been given by the appropriate Service Commission under that paragraph.
(5) In this section "the limited compensation scheme" means the Scheme
of Retirement Benefits for Pensionable Overseas Officers who retire in the
Interests of Localization that was published by the Government of Kenya on
20th July 1961, and "the general compensation scheme" means the Scheme
of Retirement Benefits for Members of Her Majesty's Overseas Civil Service
and for Officers Designated under the Overseas Service (Kenya) Agreement
1961 that was published by the Government of Kenya on Ist May 1963.


2. Power to make consequential adaptations

(1) Her Majesty may by Order in Council make such adaptations in any
Act of Parliament passed before 12th December 1964 as appear to Her
necessary or expedient in consequence of Kenya having become a Republic.
1 Public GeneralActs and Measures, 1965 (I) Eliz. II, Chap. 5, p. 67.
2 The provisions of section I of this Act are basically similar to those of section 2 (1)
(2) of the Botswana Independence Act 1966 (supra, p. 130).'
(2) Any Order in Council made under subsection (1) of this section, and
any Order in Council or other instrument made under any other enactment
which varies or revokes a previous Order in Council or instrument in
consequence of Kenya having become a Republic, may be made so as to have
effect from 12th December 1964.
(3) Any Order in Council under subsection (1) of this section shall be
subject to annulment in pursuance of a resolution of either House of
Parliament, and may be varied or revoked by a subsequent Order in Council.

21. LAOS'




Article premier
Les dispositions de la pr6sente Convention s'appliquent aux droits et
avantages que chacune des Hautes Parties Contractantes est dispos6e A
reconnaftre ou i consentir, sur son territoire, aux nationaux de l'autre partie,
sur une base de r6ciprocit6 absolue.

Article 2
Les ressortissants de chacune des Hautes Parties Contractantes pourront
librement entrer sur le territoire de r'autre pays, y voyager, y 6tablir leur
r6sidence et en sortir h tous moments, dans le cadre des lois et r~glements
applicables aux nationaux, sous riserve des dispositions des lois de police et
de sOret6 publique.
Dans les mimes conditions et sous les m6mes r6serves, ils y jouiront des
mdmes libert6s que les nationaux.

Article 3
Les ressortissants de chacun des deux pays signataires jouiront sur le
territoire de l'autre pays du mime traitement que les nationaux en ce qui
concerne le droit d'acqu6rir, de poss6der ou de louer tous biens meubles et
immeubles et d'en disposer.

Article 4
Les ressortissants de chacun des deux pays signataires auront, sur le
territoire de l'autre partie, accis devant les tribunaux conform6ment aux
dispositions de la Convention judiciaire franco-lao.

1 At present, "Lao People's Democratic Republic".

2 La documentation franpaise, notes et 6tudes documentaires, 5 d~cembre 1953,
no 1811, p. 5 et 6. Entr6e en vigueur i la date de sa signature.
Article 5
Chacun des deux pays signataires s'engage h ne prendre vis-A-vis des biens,
droits et int6r~ts 16galement poss6d6s sur son territoire par les ressortissants
de l'autre pays, aucune mesure de disposition ou d'int6ret g6n~ral qui ne
serait pas applicable dans les m~mes conditions A ses nationaux. I1en sera de
meme pour les indemnit6s auxquelles ces mesures donneront lieu. Les
titulaires de ces indemnit6s auront la libert6 d'op6rer le transfert imm6diat et
int6gral de leur montant dans la monnaie de l'autre partie.

Article 6
Les ressortissants des deux pays signataires ne seront astreints, en temps
de paix et en temps de guerre, qu'aux r6quisitions impos6es aux nationaux et
ils auront droit aux indemnit6s accord6es h ces derniers par la legislation

Article 7
Les Frangais 6tablis au Laos et les Lao 6tablis en France, de m~me que les
Frangais ou les Lao voulant s'6tablir dans le pays dont ils ne sont pas
ressortissants, seront, en ce qui concerne l'ouverture d'un fonds de commerce,
la cr6ation d'une exploitation, ou d'un 6tablissement i caract~re industriel,
commercial ou artisanal, l'exercice des professions lib6rales et des activit6s
professionnelles salari6es, assimil6s aux ressortissants du pays dans lequel ils
veulent s'6tablir.
Aucune restriction pr6vue par l'une des 16gislations des pays signataires et
relative A l'exercise par les 6trangers d'une des activit6s professionnelles vis6es
par le pr6sent article ne sera opposable aux ressortissants de l'un des deux
pays 6tablis ou d6sirant s'6tablir dans l'autre pour y exercer l'une desdites
activit6s professionnelles.
Les soci6t6s civiles et commerciales, si elles sont constitu6es conform6-
ment A la l6gislation de l'un des pays contractants, seront reconnues par
l'autre comme existant r6guli~rement.
Les ressortissants de chaque Etat jouiront, et tout 6tat de cause, de la
libert6 de transf~rer dans la monnaie du territoire de l'Etat dont ils relvent,
tous les b6n6fices resultant de leurs activit6s 6conomiques ainsi que le produit
de la cession volontaire des biens investis sur le territoire de l'autre Etat.

Article 8
Les ressortissants de chacune des Hautes Parties Contractantes ne seront
pas assujettis sur le territoire de l'autre partie A des droits, taxes, imp6ts ou
contributions, sous quelque denomination que ce soit, autres ou plus 6lev6s
que ceux qui seront pergus sur les nationaux. Ces dispositions s'appliquent
aussi bien aux personnes morales qu'aux personnes physiques.
Quand les dispositions fiscales 6dict6es par chacune des Hautes Parties
Contractantes auront, sur les ressortissants de l'autre partie, qu'il s'agisse de
personnes physiques ou de personnes morales, une incidence particulire qui
pourrait 6tre cohsid6r6e comme discriminatoire, elles seront soumises A
l'arbitrage pr6vu par l'article 12 ci-apr~s.
Article 9
Les ressortissants de chacune des Hautes Parties Contractantes b6n6ficie-
ront, sur le territoire de l'autre partie, de la mime 16gislation du travail ainsi
que des memes lois sociales que les nationaux.
Article 10
L'application de la r6glemenfation des changes dans chaque Etat ne devra
pas se traduire par des traitements discriminatoires A l'encontre des
ressortissants de l'autre Etat.
Article 11
Le Gouvernement de la R6publique frangaise et le Gouvernement royal
du Laos s'accorderont mutuellement toutes les facilit6s n6cessaires pour
l'ouverture sur leurs territoires respectifs d'6tablissements scientifiques,
culturels et hospitaliers.
Article 12
Les Hautes Parties Contractantes constitueront une Commission consul-
tative et d'arbitrage mixte qui se r6unira alternativement en France et au Laos
Ala demande de l'une ou de l'autre des Parties.
Elle aura pour mission d'assurer l'application r6guli~re de la pr6sente
La Commission sera compos6e de trois repr6sentants au plus des
administrations int6ress6es de chaque Etat. Chaque d6l gation pourra
s'adjoindre des experts.
La pr6sidence sera assur6e alternativement par un repr6sentant du
Gouvernement frangais et par un repr6sentant du Gouvernement du Laos.
Cette Commission sera saisie de toutes demandes d'avis et de tous
diff6rends relatifs A l'interpr6tation ou A l'application de la pr6sente
Tout diff6rend qui n'aurait pu tre r~gl6 par la Commission vis6e au
pr6sent article sera soumis, Ala demande de l'une des Parties, au Haut Conseil
de l'Union frangaise.


DU 22 OCTOBRE 19531

Art. ler. - Le Gouvernement de la R6publique frangaise transf~re au

Gouvernement royal du Laos toutes les comp6tences judiciaires qu'il exergait
jusqu'h ce jour sur le territoire du royaume du Laos.
En cons6quence, les juridictions de l'Union frangaise, cr66es par la
convention du 6 f6vrier 1950, disparalssent.

1 Journal Officiel de la Ripublique frangaise, 3 mai 1959, p. 4768-69. Entree en

vigueur le 15 novembre 1953. (Renseignement tir6 de Roilet, op. cit., p. 137.)
Art. 2. - Le transfert affectera tous les justiciables des juridictions de
l'Union frangaise.
Toutes les proc6dures seront imm6diatement pass6es en l'6tat aux
jurisdictions lao correspondantes.
En ce qui concerne les instances encore en cours, elles seront jug6es selon
la l6gislation qui leur a t6 appliqu6e jusqu'alors.
Art. 3. - Les archives des juridictions de l'Union frangaise seront trans-
f6r6es sous inventaire aux greffes des juridictions lao correspondantes,,
toutefois, les actes de l'6tat civil frangais seront d6pos6s au si~ge de la
repr6sentation frangaise au Laos.
Les reliquats des provisions consign6es dans les instances p6nales, civiles ou
commerciales entre les mains des greffiers des juridictions de l'Union frangaise
seront vers6s avec un 6tat explicatif pour chaque affaire entre les mains des
greffiers des juridictions lao, qui en donneront d6charge.
Art. 4. - Pour les jugements et arrats rendus par les juridictions de
l'Union frangaise avant le transfert, la formule ex6cutoire de la convention du
6 f6vrier 1950 restera la mame, mais sera appos6e par le greffier lao.
Art. 5. - A la date du transfert, le Gouvernement lao acquerra la
jouissance des batiments et du mat6riel affect~s jusqu'ici aux juridictions de
l'Union frangaise; des inventaires et 6tats des lieux en seront dress6s.
La question de la propri6t6 de ces biens, meubles et immeubles, sera
r6gl6e en meme temps que les autres questions relatives au domaine.
Art. 6. - Les d6tenus jug6s d6finitivement et en cours de peine i la date
du transfert seront, s'ils sont citoyens franqais, 6vacu6s par les soins du
Gouvernement frangais sur des 6tablissements p6nitentaires franrais; pour
tous les autres, ils seront pris en charge par le Gouvernement lao.
Art. 7. - Le droit de grace continuera d'6tre exerc6 par le Pr6sident de la
Rpublique frangaise pour les individus condamn6s d6finitivement par les
juridictions de l'Union frangaise, s'ils sont citoyens frangais.
Pour les non-citoyens frangais, le droit de grace sera exerc6 par Sa Majest6
le Roi du Laos.
Art. 8. - A dater du transfert, les mesures de lib6ration conditionnelle
seront de la seule comptence des autorit6s lao pour tous les condamn6s
d6tenus, A 'exception des citoyens frapg9ais devant etre 6vacu6s sur la France
pour lesquels les autorit6s frangaises resteront comp6tentes.
Art. 9. - Les citoyens francais condamn6s par les juridictions de l'Union
frangaise conserveront un recours en r6vision qui sera exerc6 selon la loi
frangaise et devant les juridictions frangaises.
Pour tous les autres justiciables des juridictions de l'Union frangaise, le
recours en r6vision sera exerc6 selon la loi lao et devant les juridictions lao.
Art. 10. - En ce qui concerne les citoyens frangais condamn6s par les
juridictions de l'Union frangaise en application de la loi p6nale frangaise, le
Gouvernement lao reconnaft au Gouvernement frangais le droit de leur
6tendre les lois d'amnistie votaes actuellement et dans l'avenir par le
Parlement frangais.
En ce qui conceme tous les autres justiciables des juridictions de l'Union
frangaise, le Gouvernement lao se raserve la facult6 de leur 6tendre le banafice
des lois d'amnistie frangaises.
Art. 11. - Le Gouvernement lao s'engage h assurer aux citoyens frangais
toutes les garanties de droit et d'impartialit6 dasirables en matiare judiciaire.
A cet effet, cinq experts franQais en mati~re judiciaire seront plac6s aupr~s
des services judiciaires lao dans les conditions suivantes :
Deux aupr~s des justices de paix et des juridictions de premiere instance;
Un aupr~s des cours criminelles ou d'appel;
Un aupr~s de la cour de cassation;
Un comme conseiller aupr6s du ministre de la justice.
Ces cinq experts seront choisis, d'une part, apr~s accord des int6ress~s,
d'autre part, apr~s accord des deux gouvernements.
Ces magistrats seront d6tach6s pour 6tre mis A la disposition du
Gouvernement lao qui les nommera aux emplois indiqu6s plus haut; ils
conserveront le statut de magistrat en service d~tach6.
Leurs soldes et accessoires de solde ainsi que les avantages en argent ou en
nature auxquels ils peuvent pr6tendre seront A la charge du Gouvernement
Ces magistrats seront en r6sidence fixe A Vientiane; ils peuvent, toutefois,
tre appel6s A se d6placer dans l'int6rieur pour l'exercice de leurs fonctions.
Les postes de conseiller du ministre et d'expert pros la cour de cassation
ne pourront 6tre tenus par des magistrats d'un grade inf6rieur au 4e degr6
(conseiller de cour d'appel ou substitut g6n6ral).
Les magistrats frangais d~tach6s seront not6s par le ministre de la justice;
paralllement, ils seront not6s, proposes et promus par les instances
comp6tentes frangaises.
En cas de faute professionnelle grave, ils pourront, apr~s avis du haut
repr6sentant de la France au Laos, etre remis h la disposition du Gouverne-
ment frangais.
En cas d'infraction, les poursuites ne pourront 6tre ouvertes que sur ordre
du ministre de la justice apris information pr6alable du haut repr6sentant de
la France.
Les magistrats ainsi d6tach6s le seront pour trois ans avec cong6 de deux
mois chaque ann6e Apasser en France.
Le ministre de la justice pourra, s'il le d6sire, appeler ces magistrats A
participer A l'61aboration des lois lao, Al'enseignement des sciences juridiques,
et d'une fagon g6n6rale, A donner leur avis sur toutes affaires.
Art. 12. - Les experts franqais plac6s aupr~s des juridictions lao seront
tout sp6cialement charg6s d'assister de leurs avis et observations 6crites les
magistrats lao dans l'instruction et le jugement des affaires oil seront partie ou
en cause des citoyens frangais.
Les dossiers de toutes les affaires int6ressant des citoyens frangais leur
seront communiqu6s :
a) Quand ils en feront la demande, en tout 6tat de la proc6dure, en
mati~re civile et commerciale;
b) Avant la cl6ture de l'information et avant le jugement, en mati~re
•p6nale, ou h tout autre 6tat de la proc6dure quand ils en feront la demande.
Art. 13. - Le Gouvernement frangais et le Gouvernement lao sont
d'accord pour poser le principe d'une convention 6tablissant une proc6dure
d'exequatur simplifi6e et une aide judiciaire r6ciproque.
Art. 14. - Sa Majest6 le Roi du Laos exercera seul le droit de grace pour
tous les individus condamn6s apr6s le transfert. Lorsqu'il s'agira de mesures
gracieuses concernant un Frangais, le magistrat frangais plac6 comme
conseiller aupr~s du ministre de la justice sera consult6.
Art. 15. - Deux greffiers frangais seront, avec leur accord et l'agr6ment
du Gouvernement royal, d6tach6s aupr~s de celui-ci pour les affaires
judiciaires frangaises. L'un-sera affect6 A la cour de cassation, h la cour d'appel
et i la cour criminelle; l'autre sera affect6 i la juridiction de premiere instance
de Vientiane qui sera seule habilit6e i connaftre de toutes les affaires civiles
ou commerciales int6ressant des citoyens frangais.
Le greffier frangais aupris de la cour de cassation, de la cour d'appel et de
la cour criminelle se d6place pour l'exercice de ses fonctions. L'un et
l'autre seront pay6s par le budget frangais.
Art. 16. - 10 Le greffier frangais aupr~s de la cour de cassation et de la
cour d'appel fera fonction de notaire A l'6gard des Frangais suivant la
r6glementation actuellement en vigueur;
20 Les fonctions d'huissier seront, h d6faut d'huissiers titulaires, confi6es
A des fonctionnaires ad hoc;
30 Le greffier frangais pros la juridiction de Vientiane fera fonction de
commissaire-priseur pour les Frangais de la province de Vientiane; pour les
autres provinces, ces fonctions seront remplies par un fonctionnaire ad hoc.
Art. 1 7. - Les avocats frangais r~gulirement inscrits h un barreau soht
autoris6s A plaider et conclure, quand il y a des Frangais en cause, tant pour
les Francais eux-mdmes que pour les autres parties int6ress6es h l'affaire.
Art. 18. - Le frangais est admis comme langue judiciaire toutes les fois
qu'un Frangais est int6ress6 &l'affaire.
Art. 19. - 10 En mati~re p6nale, la loi est seule applicable.
Toutefois, en cas de silence de la loi lao, i sera fait application aux
citoyens frangais de la loi frangaise telle qu'elle 6tait applicable au Laos au
jour de la pr6sente convention;
20 En matinre civile et commerciale, la loi frangaise est applicable toutes
les fois qu'un citoyen frangais est int6ress6 l'affaire;
30 Pour ce qui concerne le statut personnel, les Frangais resteront soumis
i la loi francaise.
Le statut personnel frangais comprend tout ce qui est relatif i l'tat et i
la capacit6, au mariage, aux droits et devoirs r6ciproques des 6p6ux, au r6gime
des biens entre 6poux, au divorce, A la s6paration, A la filiation, A la
reconnaissance et au d6saveu de paternit6, aux relations entre ascendants et
descendants, h l'obligation alimentaire entre parents et allis, h la 16gitimation,
A l'adoption, A la tutelle, A la curatelle, A l'interdiction,' l'6mancipation, aux
domaines, aux successions, aux testaments et autres dispositions A cause de
mort, A l'absence et Ala pr6somption de d6c~s;
40 Dans tous les cas ott les conflits de lois ne seront pas pr6vus par la loi
lao, ils seront r~solus selon les r~gles frangaises de conflits de lois.
Art. 20. - 10 L'expert frangais plac6 aupr~s de la cour de cassation
exercera 6galement ses fonctions auprs du tribunal administratif;
20 Les instances entre Frangais et Etat frangais, ouvertes au Laos, seront
d6f6r6es directement devant le conseil d'Etat frangais.
Art. 21. - A titre temporaire, les juridictions militaires frangaises subsiste-
ront et fonctionneront comme actuellement.
Art. 22. - La pr~sente convention sera applicable A compter du 15
novembre 1953.



D6sireux d'amdnager l'accord conclu entre eux le 25 janvier 1944 et

d6nonc6 par le Gouvernement frangais, d6sireux 6galement de r6gler i la fois
1'ensemble des problmes financiers r6sultant de la liquidation du pass6 et
leurs relations mon6taires et financi~res pour l'avenir,

Titre Ier
Regime applicable aux avoirs libanais en francs de la Banque de Syrie et du
Liban, institut d'dmission
Le Gouvernement frangais, d'une part, le gouvernement libanais, d'autre
part, d6cident d'un commun accord de consid6rer comme caduques les
dispositions relatives aux avoirs libanais en francs de la Banque de Syrie et du
Liban, contenues dans le paragraphe no 4 de la lettre adress6e le 25 janvier
1944 par M. le g6n6ral Catroux. A M. le pr6sident du conseil de la R6publique
libanaise et d'adopter pour 1'avenir le r~gime suivant :
Art. ler. - Les avoirs libanais en francs d6tenus, A la date de la signature
du pr6sent accord, par la Banque de Syrie et du Liban, institut d'6mission de
La R6publique libanaise, seront, dans les conditions d6finies ci-apr~s, inscrits
i des comptes ouverts dans les livres de la Banque de Syrie et du Liban sous les
rubriques suivantes : "Compte ancien no 1 Liban" et "Compte ancien no 2
Art. 2. - Au cr6dit du compte ancien no 1 sera inscrite une somme de
8 milliards de francs.
Le compte ancien no 1 ne pourra dtre utilis6, pendant la dur6e du pr6sent
accord, que pour les op6rations suivantes :
10 En vue du r glement, par le d6bit de ce compte, des sommes dues par
le gouvernement libanais au Gouvernement frangais pour les montants et dans
les conditions pr6vues aux articles 8 et 9 ci-apr~s;
20 A partir du ier janvier 1953, en vue de virements au compte nouveau
d6fini A l'article 4 ci-apr~s, dans une proportion qui ne pourra exc6der
annuellement le dixi6me de la somme initiale port6e au compte ancien no 1
en ex6cution du pr6sent accord et sur demande adress6e express6ment par le
gouvernement libanais tr6is mois au moins avant la date i laquelle iI d6sire
voir effectuer ces virements;
30 En vue de virements au compte nouveau d6fini i 'article 4 ci-apr6s et
pour des montants sup~rieurs A la proportion d6finie au paragraphe 20
ci-dessus, si, par suite d'une contraction de la circulation mon6taire libanaise
ou pour toute autre raison, il apparaissait qu'll y efit int6rdt i d6passer cette
proportion et si les parties contractantes en convenaient ainsi.

1 Journal Officiel de la Ripublique franfaise, 15 mars 1949, p. 2651.

Art. 3. - Au cr6dit du compte ancien no 2 sera inscrite une somme 6gale A
la diff6rence entre le montant des avoirs libanais en francs d6tenus, A la date
de la signature du pr6sent accord, par la Banque de Syrie et du Liban,
institut d'6mission, et la somme port6e au compte ancien no 1 comme il
est pr6vu h 'article 2 ci-dessus.
Le compte ancien n ° 2 pourra 8tre d6bit6 du montant des op6rations
suivantes :
1P Achats de mat6riel et de marchandises originaires et en provenance de
l'Union frangaise;
20 Achats, au cours officiel de la Banque de France, de certaines devises
europ~ennes autres que le franc frangais.
La proportion et les d6lais dans lesquels les sommes inscrites au compte
ancien n° 2 seront utilisables en devises europ6ennes seront mis au point d'un
commun accord entre les parties contractantes, 6tant entendu que la fraction
utilisable pour des achats de devises ne pourra 8tre sup6rieure Ala moiti6 du
30 Eventuellement, virements au cr6dit du compte nouveau (compte
n° 3) libanais d~fini par l'article 4 ci-apr~s.
Art. 4. - Il est ouvert dans les 6critures de la Banque de Syrie et du
Liban, gestionnaire de l'office syro-libanais des changes, un compte en francs
d6nomm6 "Compte nouveau Liban" (compte no 3), au cr6dit et au d6bit
duquel seront port6es, A dater de la signature du pr6sent accord, toutes les
op6rations qui interviendront entre le Liban, d'une part, et l'Union frangaise,
d'autre part.
Ces comptes seront notamment cr6dit6s du montant des op6rations
suivantes :
R~glement des importations frangaises originaires ou en provenance du
Tous transferts de fonds effectu6s de l'Union frangaise vers le Liban dans
les conditions d6finies par le titre IV du pr6sent accord (art. 16, § 2).
Le compte n0 3 pourra 6galement 8tre cr6dit6 librement par le d6bit du
compte ancien no 2.
Le compte n0 3 sera notamment d6bit6 du montant des op6rations
'suivantes :
R~glement des importations originaires et en provenance de l'Union
frangaise qui ne seront pas r6gl6es par le d6bit du compte ancien n0 2,
Et plus g6n6ralement tous mouvements de fonds du Liban vers 'Union
frangaise dans les conditions pr6vues par le titre IV du pr6sent accord (art. 16,
paragraphe 10).
Art. 5. - Si, au cours de la p~riode de dix ans qui suivra la signature du
pr6sent accord, la parit6 officielle entre le franc et la livre sterling, r6sultant
du rapport des parit6s d6clar6es au fonds mon6taire international, venait A
subir des modifications, le solde du compte ancien n0 1 d6fini ci-dessus,
existant i la date de ces modifications, serait imm6diatement ajust6.
L'ajustement se ferait, par versement du Tr6sor frangais au cr6dit du
compte ancien no 1, ou par d6bit de ce compte au profit du Tr6sor frangais,
suivant le cas, de telle mani~re que la contre-valeur en livres sterling, A la
nouvelle parit6 officielle, des soldes du compte ancien n ' ainsi ajust6 soit
6gale A la contre-valeur en livres sterling, A la parit6 pr6c6dente, de ce mime
solde avant son ajustement.
Art. 6. - Les sommes qui viendraient 6ventuellement en accroissement du
cr6dit du compte ancien n' 1, par suite des ajustements pr6vus A 'article 5
ci-dessus, porteront int6ret au taux de I p. 100 'an, A 1'exception des
accroissements 'qui seraient provoqu6s par l'ajustement de la fraction du
compte ancien n' 1 correspondant au chiffre des cr6ances frangaises sur le
Liban mentionn6es A 'article 9 ci-apr~s. Ces derni~res sommes ne porteront
pas int6r~t.
Art. 7. - Un an avant l'expiration du pr6sent accord, les parties contrac-
tantes se concerteront en vue d'une 6ventuelle reconduction totale ou
partielle de la garantie pr6vue A l'article 5.
En cas de non-reconduction, il sera proc6d6, A l'expiration de 'accord, A
la liquidation du solde du compte ancien no 1.
Ce solde sera port6 au cr6dit du compte ancien no 2 pour 8tre liquid6 dans
les conditions suivantes :
a) Si, A 1'expiration de l'accord, il n'existe pas de restriction de change,
toutes sommes figurant dans le compte ancien no 2 seront utilis6es au gr6 du
gouvernement libanais;
b) Si, A cette 6poque, il existe certaines restrictions de change, toutes
sommes, figurant dans le compte ancien n0 2, pourront etre utilis6es suivant la
proc6dure d6termin6e Al'article 3 du pr6sent accord.
Jusqu'A ce qu'une entente intervienne entre les parties contractantes sur
une 6ventuelle reconduction, ou jusqu'I ce que la liquidation soit achev6e, la
garantie pr6vue A l'article 5 continuera d'avoir son plein effet.

Titre II
Reglement des criances et des dettes
Le Gouvernement frangais, d'une part, le gouvernement libanais, d'autre
part, conviennent de proc6der comme suit au r~glement g~n~ral de toutes les
cr~ances et dettes existant entre eux.
Art. 8. - Dtermination des cr6ances frangaises
10 Biens frangais. - Le Gouvernement frangais cde, dans leur 6tat
actuel, au gouvernement libanais, qui accepte, les biens figurant A 1'6tat
annexe n* 1, dont la valeur globale est fix~e forfaitairement A la somme de
livres libanaises 18 000 000, qui est port~e au cr6dit de la France sur le Liban.
Le gouvernement libanais fera 6vacuer par son administration ou son
arm6e, dans un d6lai de trois mois A dater de 1'entr6e en vigueur du present
accord, les immeubles frangais qu'elles occuperaient et dont il n'aurait pas
acquis la propri6t6 en vertu du pr6sent article.
Les biens, situ6s au Liban et appartenant A 'Etat frangais, qui n'ont pas
fait l'objet des cessions vis~es ci-dessus, pourront 6tre librement utilis~s ou
alien~s par lui, conform~ment aux lois et r~glements en vigueur au Liban;
20 Cessions de materiel militaire. - Le materiel militaire c~d6 par le
Gouvernement frangais au gouvernement libanais lors du transfert au Liban
des troupes sp~ciales, en sus de la dotation normale des unites, est port6 au
credit de la France sur le Liban pour un montant forfaitaire de livres
libanaises 1 640 000;
30 R~seau t~l~phonique. - Le reliquat dfi par le gouvernement libanais
au Gouvernement frangais, au titre de la cession au Liban du r6seau
t~lphonique libanais, est port6 au credit de la France sur le Liban pour
montant de livres libanaises 80/000;
40 Poste de radiodiffusion de Beyrouth. - Le montant de la cession par
le Gouvernement frangais au gouvernement libanais du poste de radio-
diffusion de Beyrouth, qui a tA fix6 forfaitairement A livres libanaises
150 000 par un 6change de lettres entre la d6ldgation g6n6rale du Gouverne-
ment frangais et le gouvernement libanais, est port6 au cr6dit de la France sur
le Liban;
50 Mat6riel de s6curit6 a6rienne "Radiotransmission" et "Mto". - Le
montant de la valeur du materiel appartenant A 'Etat frangais, 6quipant les
trois postes de "radiotransmission" et les cinq postes "mto" fonctionnant
au Liban et transforms au gouvernement libanais depuis le 1er janvier 1947,
soit livres libanaises 130 000, est port6 au credit de la France sur le Liban.
Art. 9. -Le montant des cr~ances frangaises 6num6r6es A l'article 8, soit
au total livres libanaises 20 000 000, cr6ance totale sur le Liban, portera
int6ret A 1 p. 100 l'an. II fera l'objet d'un payement en francs au cours officiel
du franc frangais par rapport A la livre libanaise le jour du payement.
Ce payement sera effectu6 par le d~bit du compte ancien no 1 vis6 A
'article 2 ci-dessus, en cinq tranches annuelles 6gales, venant A 6ch6ance les
30juin 1949, 30 juin 1950, 30 juin 1951, 30 juin 1952 et 30 juin 1953.
Si h l'une quelconque des dates ci-dessus la parit6 officielle, d6clar6e au
fonds mon6taire international, entre la livre sterling et la livre libanaise 6tait
sup6rieure A 8,83125, le montant de 1'6ch6ance en livres libanaises devrait etre
compl6t6 de telle fagon que la contre-valeur en livres sterling de cette
6chance, au taux de 8,83125, ne soit pas modifi~e.
Art. 10. - Dans un d6lai de six mois, Acompter de 1'entr6e en vigueur du
pr6sent accord, le Gouvernement frangais remettra au conseil sup6rieur des
int~rets communs syro-libanais, ou A tout organisme qui aurait tA d6sign6 A
cet effet conjointement 'par le gouvernement syrien et le gouvernement
libanais, les sommes et valeurs d6tenues par les autorit6s frangaises pour le
compte des int6r~ts communs syro-libanais et d6finies A l'tat annexe no II.
Ces sommes et valeurs seront remises sous r6serve que le gouvernement
syrien et le gouvernement libanais donnent quitus de la gestion des comptes
correspondants et substituent vis-A-vis des tiers leurs responsabilit6s A celle du
Gouvernement frangais.
Art. 11. - Le Gouvernement frangais d6clare renoncer A toutes cr6ances
qu'il pourrait avoir A presenter au gouvernement libanais au sujet de droits et
de faits ant6rieurs A la date de la signature du present accord et qui n'y
auraient pas tA mentionn6es.
Le Gouvemement libanais d~clare d'autre part renoncer A toutes cr6ances
qu'il pourrait avoir Apresenter au Gouvernement frangais au sujet de droits et
de faits ant6rieurs A la date de la signature du present accord et qui n'y
auraient pas WtA mentionn6es.
Ces renonciations respectives ne prendront effet que par l'entre en
vigueur du present accord.
Titre III
Art. 12. - D'une mani6re g~nrale, 'exportation et l'importation des
marchandises entre l'Union frangaise, d'une part, et le Liban, d'autre part,
seront soumises aux r6glementations et autorisations existant dans chacun des
pays int~ress~s.
Art. 13. - En ce qui concerne les produits dont l'importation ou
l'exportation est limit6e, les Gouvernements int6ress6s se mettront d'accord,
par l'entremise de leurs repr~sentants respectifs, sur les quantit6s dont
l'exportation et l'importation seront autoris6es et sur les p6riodes d'utilisation
des contingents ainsi octroy6s.
Pour l'tablissement des contingents d'exportations, les parties contrac-
tantes tiendront compte des 6changes traditionnels entre leurs pays et des
besoins propres Aleur 6conomie.
Le Gouvernement frangais s'efforcera, en outre, de favoriser, par ses
exportations, '6quipement du Liban.

Titre IV
Rdgime applicable aux mouvements de fonds entre l'Union franvaise, d'une
part, et le Liban, d'autre part
Art. 14. - Sauf en ce qui concerne les op6rations pr6vues aux articles 2 et
3 ci-dessus, tous les r6glements entre l'Union frangaise, d'une part, le Liban,
d'autre part, s'effectueront par le d6bit ou le cr6dit du compte nouveau n? 3
d6fini A l'article 4 ci-dessus.
Aucune transaction entre l'Union frangaise, d'une part, le Liban, d'autre
part, ne pourra s'effectuer, A moins que les organismes de contrble des
changes des parties contractantes nen conviennent express6ment, en une
autre monnaie que le franc frangais ou la livre libanaise.
Art. 15. - Les transferts de fonds destin6s h des r~glements de marchan-
dises pourront 6tre librement effectu6s de part et d'autre, A condition qu'ils
soient r6alis6s par l'entremise des interm6diaires agr66s et qu'ils se rapportent
A des importations ou A des exportations effectu6es suivant les r~gles g6n6rales
et la proc6dure en vigueur dans chaque pays.
Art. 16. - 10 Les transferts du Liban, autres que ceux pr6vus A rarticle 15
ci-dessus, A destination de l'Union frangaise seront admis sans limitation de
nature ni de montant. Toutefois, ils ne pourront 6tre effectu6s que par
'entremise des interm6diaires agr66s;
2' En ce qui concerne les transferts de l'Union franqaise, autres que ceux
vis6s A l'article 15 ci-dessus, A destination du Liban, la r6glementation
frangaise des changes devra pr6voir, dans certaines limites, la facult6 de
transf6rer les sommes relatives :
Aux secours familiaux et frais de s6jour;
Aux frais de scolarit6;
Aux revenus;
Aux primes d'assurances et aux frais de justice;
Aux rapatriements des avoirs appartenant Ades Libanais qui liquident leur
6tablissement dans l'Union frangaise et s'installent d6finitivement dans leur
Art. 17. - Des modifications au r6gime actuel des transferts pourront
intervenir d'un commun accord entre les autorit6s mon6taires frangaises,
d'une part, et libanaises, d'autre part. Ces modifications seront pr6alablement
6tudi~es de concert par les organismes de contrble des changes des parties
int6ress6es. Elles seront rendues ex6cutoires par ces m~mes organismes.
Art. 18. - La situation du compte nouveau no 3 d~fini i l'article 4
ci-dessus sera examin6e p6riodiquement et au moins une fois chaque ann6e
d'un commun accord entre les parties contractantes. Au cas oil ce compte
pr6senterait un d6s~quilibre r6sultant notamment de l'6volution de la balance
commerciale, les organismes de contr~le des changes des parties int6ress~es se
concerteraient pour assouplir ou restreindre, suivant le cas, le regime des
transferts A destination du Liban en vue de rechercher un r6tablissement de
l'6quilibre de ce compte.
Art. 19. - Les parties contractantes s'engagent A appliquer les principes
ci-dessus de la mani~re la plus conforme & 1'esprit g6n6ral du pr6sent accord.
La Banque de Syrie et du Liban et l'office des changes syro-libanais
fourniront aux parties int6ress6es tous documents qui leur seraient n6ces-
Art. 20. - Dans un d61ai de trois mois i compter de l'entr6e en vigueur
du pr6sent accord, le protocole en date du 19 avril 1944 r6glant le statut du
contr~le des -changes syro-libanais sera, par entente mutuelle, annul6 et
remplac6 par un nouveau protocole. Celui-ci mettra au point les conditions
dans lesquelles sera assur6e la coop6ration qui sera n6cessaire tant au bon
fonctionnement des relations financi~res du Liban avec l'Union franqaise
qu'A la participation 6ventuelle du Liban au b6n6fice des accords conclus avec
la France par des pays tiers pour leurs payements avec la zone franc.

Titre V
Art. 21. - Le Gouvernement franqais, d6sireux de prendre en consid6ra-
tion les int6r~ts particuliers des porteurs libanais de titres de soci6t6s
frangaises exploitant en Syrie et au Liban, s'engage i modifier, en faveur de
ces porteurs, dans les conditions d6finies A l'annexe IV, les r~gles actuellement
en vigueur sur le d6pbt des actions frangaises A la caisse centrale de d6p6ts et
de virements de titres.
Les int~r8ts, dividendes et autres produits des titres de ces soci6t6s
frangaises qui seront repr6sent6s par les certificats vis6s A l'annexe III
(§ A 10) seront exon6r6s de l'imp6t frangais sur le revenu des valeurs
Art. 22. - Le pr6sent accord est conclu pour une dur6e de dix ans. Un an
avant son expiration, les parties contractantes se concerteront en vIle de
decider s'il doit 8tre renouvel6 pour une nouvelle p6riode ou modifi6.
Art. 23. - Les hautes parties contractantes conviennent que les diff6rends
que pourrait soulever l'application du present accord ou de ses annexes
seront, i la requete de la partie int6ressee, soumis A l'arbitrage de la haute
cour de justice internationale.
Art. 24. - Le pr6sent accord est 6tabli en deux exemplaires authentiques,
un pour chacune des hautre parties contractantes. II sera soumis par celles-ci &
1'approbation de leurs parlements respectifs et ratifi. II entrera en vigueur le
lendemain de l'6change des ratifications qui se fera i Paris.



Laws and decrees


1. Citation, commencement and construction

(2) This Order shall come into operation immediately before 4th October
1966 (in this Order referred to as "the appointed day").

2. Revocations
(1) The Basutoland Order 1965 (b) (hereinafter referred to as "the
existing Order") is revoked.
(2) The Basutoland, Bechuanaland Protectorate and Swaziland Court of
Appeal Order in Council 1954 and the Orders in Council amending that
Order (c) (hereinafter referred to as "the existing Court of Appeal Orders")
are revoked in so far as they have effect as part of the law of Basutoland.
3. Establishment of Constitution
Subject to the provisions of this Order, the Constitution set out in the
Schedule to this Order shall come into effect at the commencement of this
4. Existing laws

(3) The King may by regulations made at any time betore 4th October
1967 make such amendments to any existing law as may appear to him to be
necessary or expedient for bringing that law into conformity with the
provisions of the Lesotho Independence Act 1966 and this Order or
otherwise for giving effect or enabling effect to be given to those provisions.

1 Statutory Instruments, 1966 (III) Sect. 2, No. 1172, p. 2923.

2 The provisions of sections 4 (1) (2) (4), 5, 6, 10 (1) are basically similar to those of
sections 4 (1) (2) (5), 5, 6 (1) (2) (3) and 9 (1) of the Barbados Independence Order
1966 (supra, pp. 120, 121, 122 and 123). The same similarity exists
between section 7 of the Order and section 8 of the Guyana Independence Order 1966
(supra, p. 200); sections 16 and 17 are similar to sections 16 and 17 of the Botswana
Independence Order 1966 (supra, pp. 136-137); section 12 is similar to section 19 of the
Jamaica (Constitution) Order in Council 1962 (supra, p. 245); section 14 is similar to
section 14 of the Kenya Independence Order in Council 1963 (supra, p. 251).
(5) For the purposes of this section, the expression "existing law" means
any proclamation, law, rule, regulation, order or other instrument made or
having effect as if it had been made in pursuance of (or continuing in
operation under) the existing Order or the existing Court of Appeal Orders
and having effect as part of the law of Basutoland immediately before the
appointed day or any Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom or Order
of Her Majesty in Council so having effect and includes the customary law of
Basutoland and any other unwritten rule of law so having effect.
(6) For the avoidance of doubt it is hereby declared that nothing in this
section is to be construed as continuing in force the Concessions Veto
Proclamation (a).

8. Existing appointments of judges of Court of Appeal

(1) Any person who immediately before the appointed day holds the
office of President or other judge of the Basutoland, Bechuanaland
Protectorate and Swaziland Court of Appeal by virtue of having been
appointed thereto in accordance with the provisions of the Basutoland,
Bechuanaland Protectorate and Swaziland Court of Appeal Order 1954, as
amended from time to time, shall as from that day be deemed, subject to
subsection (2) of this section, to have been appointed to hold office in the
Court of Appeal established by the Constitution as if they had been
appointed thereto in accordance with the provisions of proviso (a) to section
117 (8) of the Constitution, in the case of the person holding the office of
President, to the office of President of the Court, and, in the case of a person
holding the office of such other judge, to the office of Justice of Appeal of
the Court.
(2) A person deemed to have been appointed under subsection (1) of this
section to the office of President or to the office of Justice of Appeal of the
Court shall vacate his office at the expiration of two years from the
commencement of this Order.
9. Transitionalprovisions respecting appeals
(1) Any proceedings pending immediately before the appointed day on
appeal from the High Court of Basutoland to the Basutoland, Bechuanaland
Protectorate and Swaziland Court of Appeal may be continued and
concluded after that day in the Court of Appeal established by the
(2) Any judgment of the Basutoland, Bechuanaland Protectorate and
Swaziland Court of Appeal in an appeal from the High Court of Basutoland
given, but not satisfied, before the appointed day may be enforced after that
day as if it were a judgment of the Court of Appeal established by the
(3) Any Order made before the appointed day by Her Majesty in Council
in an appeal from a decision of the Basutoland, Bechuanaland Protectorate
and Swaziland Court of Appeal from a court of Basutoland shall be enforced
in accordance with the law regulating the enforcement of such Orders that
was in force in Basatoland immediately before that day.
10. Existingpublic officers
(2) In this section "existing law" has the same meaning as in section 4 of
this Order.
(3) Without prejudice to the generality of subsection (1) of this section,
the persons who, immediately before the appointed day, hold the following
offices established by or under the existing Order, that is to say, the office of
appointed member of the Judicial Service Commission and the office of
Chairman or other member of the Public Service Commission shall be deemed
as from that day to have been appointed to the corresponding office
established by the Constitution.

11. Temporary provisions relating to Prihcipal Legal Adviser and

Director of Public Prosecutions
(1) The Public Service Commission, by notice which shall be published in
the Gazette, may, in respect of appointments to hold or act in the office of
Principal Legal Adviser to the Government of Lesotho or the office of
Director of Public Prosecutiohs during the period of two years beginning with
the appointed day, substitute for the period of five years that is mentioned in
sections 130 (2) (a) and 131 (1) (a) of the Constitution such shorter period as
may be specified in such notice.
(2) Any person who is appointed to hold or act in the office of Principal
Legal Adviser or the office of Director of Public Prosecutions by virtue of
subsection (1) of this section may continue to hold or act in that office after
the expiration of the period of two years aforesaid notwithstanding that he
still has not held for a total period of not less than five years one or other of
the specified qualifications (which expression shall have the meaning
attributed to it in sections 130 (2) (b) and 131 (1) (b) of the Constitution).

15. College of Chiefs, Standing Committee of College of Chiefs and

pending proceedings
(1) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 89 of the Constitution, any
person who, immediately before the appointed day, is an additional member
of the College of Chiefs established by the existing Order, having been elected
as such under section 73 (2) (b) of the Basutoland (Constitution) Order in
Council 1959, shall continue in office as from the appointed day as an
additional member of the College of Chiefs established by the Constitution
(a) any circumstances arise which, under the law in force in that behalf
immediately before the appointed day, would have caused him to vacate his
office; or
(b) the proceedings referred to in subsection (3) of this section have been
finally disposed of,
whichever is the earlier; but a person continuing in office under this
subsection may, subject to the provisions of paragraph (a) of the proviso to
subsection (2) of this section, take part in the business of the College or of
any of its committees only so far as may be necessary for the disposal of the
said proceedings.
(2) The persons who, immediately before the appointed day, constitute
the Standing Committee of the College of Chiefs established by the existing
Order shall be deemed as from the appointed day to have been constituted
under section 89 (6) of the Constitution as a Standing Committee of the
College of Chiefs established by the Constitution and that Committee shall
thereafter, subject to the provisions of this section, perform such functions
on behalf of the College of Chiefs as the College may confer upon it until
such time as it is dissolved or reconstituted by the College:
Provided that
(a) if the Chairman of the Standing Committee immediately before the
appointed day is a person who was appointed as such from among persons
who were not members of the College or from among the additional members
of the College, he may continue to act as Chairman for the purpose of all the
functions of the Committee but only until the proceedings referred to in
subsection (3) of this section have been finally disposed of;
(b) the College of Chiefs may, by its rules of procedure, provide for the
election or appointment of a person (whether from among persons who are
members of the College or from among other persons) to be Chairman of the
Standing Committee when the office of Chairman becomes vacant or in the
absence of the Chairman and for the tenure of office of any person so elected
or appointed and any person elected or appointed in pursuance of this
paragraph may act as Chairman for the purpose of all the functions of the
Committee, but only until the proceedings referred to in subsection (3) of
this section have been finally disposed of; and
(c) the College of Chiefs shall not dissolve or reconstitute the Standing
Committee until the said proceedings have been finally disposed of.
(3) All proceedings that, in pursuance of the provisions of section 11 (3)
of the existing Order and in accordance with those provisions, are pending
immediately before the appointed diy before the College of Chiefs
established by the existing Order or before its Standing Committee or before
Motlotlehi or before the High Court of Basutoland may be continued and
concluded on and after that day before the corresponding authorities or
bodies under this Order and for that purpose the provisions of section 11 (3)
of the existing Order shall be construed with any necessary modifications,
adaptations, qualifications and exceptions.
(4) References in the Constitution to a public officer shall not be
construed as including references to the office of a person who is or who acts
as Chairman of the Standing Committee of the College of Chiefs under this
.section notwithstanding that he is.not otherwise a member of the College.

18. Remuneration of certain officers

Until other provision is made by Parliament in pursuance of section 107
of the Constitution and subject to the other provisions of that section, there
shall be paid to the holders of the offices to which that section applies the
salaries payable to the holders of the corresponding offices immediately
before the commencement of this Order.

.19. Emergency Powers Order in Council 1939

The Emergency Powers Order in Council 1939 and any Order in Council
amending that Order shall cease to have effect as part of the law of Lesotho.
20. Alteration of this Order
(1) Parliament may alter any of the provisions of this Order (in so far as
those provisions form part of the law of Lesotho) in the same manner as it
may alter any of the provisions of the Constitution:
Provided that
(a) sections 3, 7, 8, 9 (1) and (2), 15 and this section may be altered by
Parliament only in the same manner as the provisions specified in para-
graph (a) of section 70 (3) of the Constitution; and
(b) sections 6 (6), 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 may be altered by Parliament
only in the same manner as the provisions specified in paragraph (b) of the
said section 70 (3).
(2) Section 70 (4) of the Constitution shall apply for the purpose of
construing references in this section to any provision of this Order and to the
alteration of any such provision as it applies for the purpose of construing
references in the said section 70 to any provision of the Constitution and to
the alteration of any such provision.



Chapter IV. The King

32. The office of the King

(3) The person holding the office of Paramount Chief (styled Motlotlehi)
under the Basutoland Order 1965 immediately before the coming into
operation of this Constitution is hereby recognised and confirmed as the
holder of the office of King as from the commencement of this Constitution.

Chapter VIII. Land

92. Land vested in Basotho Nation

Without prejudice to any allocation of land that was made before the
commencement of this Constitution -and was subsisting immediately before
such commencement or to any interests or rights in or over land that were
otherwise vested in any person immediately before such commencement and
without prejudice to any allocation of land or any grant of any interest or
right in or over land that may, in accordance with the provisions of this
Constitution and, subject thereto, of any other law, be made after the
commencement of this Constitution, all land in Lesotho is vested in the
Basotho Nation.

1 The provisions of sections 23, 26, 29 and 31 of this Constitution are basically
similar to those of sections 2, 5, 8 and 10 (1) (3) (4) of the Constitution of Barbados
(supra, pp. 124, 125). The same similarity exists between the provisions of sections 30,
108 and 35 of the Constitution of Lesotho on the one hand and those of sections 27 (1)
(2) (3), 117 and 125 of the Constitution of Botswana on the other hand (supra, pp. 139,
(i) Resolutions of the General Assembly of the United Nations



The General Assembly

Approves the following articles:

Article I
1. Libya shall receive, without payment, the movable and immovable
property located in Libya owned by the Italian State, either in its own name
or in the name of the Italian administration of Libya.
2. The following property shall be transferred immediately:
(a) The public property of the State (demanio pubblico) and the
inalienable property of the State (patrimonio indisponibile) in Libya, as well
as the relevant archives and documents of an administrative character or
technical value concerning Libya or relating to property the transfer of which
is provided for by the present resolution;
(b) The property in Libya of the Fascist Party and its organizations.
3. In addition, the following shall be transferred on conditions to be
established by especial agreement between Italy and Libya:
(a) The alienable property (patrimonio disponibile) of the State in Libya
and the property in Libya belonging to the autonomous agencies (aziende
autonome) of the State;
(b) The rights of the State in the capital and the property of institutions,
companies and associations of a public character located in Libya.
4. Where the operations of such institutions, companies and associations
extend to Italy or to countries other than Libya, Libya shall receive only
those rights of the Italian State or the Italian administration which appertain
to the operations in Libya. In cases where the Italian State or the Italian
administration of Libya exercised only managerial control over such
institutions, companies and associations, Libya shall have no claim to any
rights in those institutions, companies or associations.
5. Italy shall retain the ownership of immovable property necessary
for the functioning of its diplomatic and consular services and, when the
conditions so require, of the schools necessary for the present Italian
community whether such property is owned by the Italian State in its own
name or in the name of the Italian administration of Libya. Such immovable
property shall be determined by special agreements concluded between Italy
and Libya.
6. Buildings used in connexion with non-Moslem public worship and
their appurtenances shall be transferred by Italy to the respective religious
1 Formerly Libya.
7. Special agreements may be concluded between Italy and Libya to
ensure the functioning of hospitals in Libya.

Article II
Italy and Libya shall determine by special agreements the conditions
under which the obligations of Italian public or private social insurance
organizations towards the inhabitants of Libya and a proportionate part of
the reserves accumulated by the said organizations shall be transferred to
similar organizations in Libya. That part of the reserves shall preferably be
taken from the real property and fixed assets in Libya of the said

Article III
Italy shall continue to be liable for the payment of civil or military
pensions earned as of the coming into force of the Treaty of Peace with Italy
and owed by it at that date, including pension rights not yet matured.
Arrangements shall be concluded between Italy and Libya providing for the
method by which this liability shall be discharged.

Article IV
Libya shall be exempt from the payment of any portion of the Italian
public debt.

Article V
Italy shall return to their owners, in the shortest possible time, any ships
in its possession, or that of its nationals, which are proved to have been the
property of former Italian nationals belonging to Libya or to have been
registered in Libya, except in the case of ships acquired in good faith by Italy
or its nationals.

Article VI
1. The property, rights and interests of Italian nationals, including
Italian juridical persons, in Libya, shall, provided they have been lawfully
acquired, be respected. They shall not be treated less favourably than the
property, rights and interests. of other foreign nationals, including foreign
juridical persons.
2. Italian nationals in Libya who move, or who have since 3 September
1943 moved, to Italy shall be permitted freely to sell their movable and
immovable property, realize and dispose of their assets, and, after settlement
of any debts or taxes due from them in Libya, to take with them their
movable property and transfer the funds they possess, unless such property
and funds were unlawfully acquired. Such transfers of property shall not be
subject to any import or export duty. The conditions of the transfer of this
movable property to Italy will be fixed by agreement between the
administering Powers or the Government of Libya upon its establishment on
the one hand, and the Government of Italy on the other hand. The conditions
and the time-periods of the transfer of the funds, including the proceeds of
above-mentioned transations, shall likewise be determined.
3. Companies incorporated under Italian law and having their siege social
in Italy shall be dealt with under the provisions of paragraph 2 above.
Companies incorporated under Italian law and having their siege social in
Libya and which wish to remove their siege social to Italy shall likewise be
dealth with under the provisions of paragraph 2 above, provided that more
than 50 per cent of the capital of the company is owned by persons usually
resident outside Libya and provided also that the greater part of the activity
of the company is carried on outside Libya.
4. The property, rights and interests in Italy of former Italian nationals
belonging to Libya and of companies previously incorporated under Italian law
and having their siige social in Libya, shall be respected by Italy to the same
extent as the property, rights and interests of foreign nationals and of foreign
companies generally. Such persons and companies are authorized to effect the
transfer and liquidation of their property, rights and interests under the same
conditions as may be established under paragraph 2 above.
5. Debts owed by persons in Italy to persons in Libya or by persons in
Libya to persons in Italy shall not be affected by the transfer of sovereignty.
The Government of Italy and the administering Powers or the Government of
Libya after its establishment shall facilitate the settlement of such obliga-
tions. As used in the present paragraph, the term "persons" includes juridical

Article VII
Property, rights and interests in Libya which, as the result of the war, are
still subject to measures of seizure, compulsory administration or sequestra-
tion, shall be restored to their owners, and, in cases submitted to the Tribunal
referred to in article X of the present resolution, following decisions of that

Article VIII
The former Italian nationals belonging to Libya shall continue to enjoy all
the rights in industrial, literary and artistic property in Italy to which they
were entitled under the legislation in force at the time of the coming into
force of the Treaty of Peace. Until Libya becomes a party to the relevant
international convention or conventions, the rights in industrial, literary and
artistic property which existed in Libya under Italian law shall remain in
force for the period for which they would have remained in force under that

Article IX
The following special provisions shall apply to concessions:
1. Concessions granted within the territory of Libya by the Italian State
or by the Italian administration of Libya, and concession contracts (patti
colonici) existing between the Ente per la Colonizzazione della Libia or the
Istituto della Previdenza Sociale and the concessionaires of land to which
each contract related shall be respected, unless it is established that the
concessionaire has not complied with the essential conditions of the
2. Land placed at the disposal of the Ente per la Colonizzazione della
Libia and of the colonization department of the Istituto della Previdenza
Sociale by the Italian State or the Italian administration of Libya and which
has not been the object of a concession shall be transferred immediately to
3. Land, buildings and their appurtenances referred to in sub-para-
graph (d) of paragraph 4 below shall be transferred to Libya in accordance
with the arrangements to be made under that sub-paragraph.
4. Special agreements between Italy and Libya shall provide for:
(a) The liquidation of the Ente per la Colonizzazione della Libia and of
the colonization department of the Istituto della Previdenza Sociale, the
interim status of those institutions for the purpose of enabling them to fulfil
their obligations towards concessionaires whose contracts are still in
operation, and, if necessary, the taking over of their functions by new
(b) The repayment of those institutions to financial concerns of the
quotas subscribed by the latter in the establishment of the Ente per la
Colonizzazione della Libia, and in the case of the Istituto della Previdenza
Sociale, the reconstitution of that part of its reserves invested by that
institution in its colonization department;
(c) The transfer to Libya of the residual assets of the institutions to be
(d) Arrangements relating to land placed at the disposal of these
institutions and to the buildings on and appurtenances to that land, in which,
after their abandonment by the concessionaires, no further investment could
be made by the institutions;
(e) Payments in amortization of the debts of concessionaires owed to
those institutions.
5. In consideration of the renunciation by the Italian Government of its
claims against those institutions, the latter shall cancel the debts of the
concessionaires and the mortgages securing those debts.

(ii) Treaties
Whereas the General Assembly of the United Nations by its Resolutions
of 21st November, 1949, and 17th November, 1950, decided that Libya
(comprising Cyrenaica, Tripolitania and the Fezzan) should be constituted an
Independent and Sovereign State and that a Constitution for Libya, including
the form of the Government, should be determined by a National Assembly
of Libya:
And Whereas the Constitution for Libya was duly determined and
promulgated on 7th October, 1951, and provided that Libya should have a

1 United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 172, p. 286. Came into force on 25 March
federal form of government and that Cyrenaica and Tripolitania should be
Provinces of Libya:
And Whereas Libya became an Independent and Sovereign State in
accordance with the said Resolutions on 24th December, 1951, and His
Majesty The King of Libya, in accordance with the Constitution, appointed a
duly constituted Government of Libya:
And Whereas by virtue of the Transitional Powers Proclamation of
Cyrenaica, which was made by the Chief Administrator of Cyrenaica on 16th
September, 1949, a Government was established in Cyrenaica with executive
and legislative authority in relation to internal affairs, including full authority
to raise internal revenues:
And Whereas by virtue of the Transitional Powers Proclamation of
Tripolitania, which was made by the Chief Administrator of Tripolitania on
5th March 1951, a Government was established in Tripolitania with similar
And Whereas in connection with the establishment of the said Govern-
ments of Cyrenaica and Tripolitania all stores and equipment (approximately
valued at £3,036,025 sterling) belonging to the former British Administration
were handed over to them:
And Whereas a loan of £351,599 was made by the Government of the
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (hereinafter referred
to as the "United Kingdom Government") to the Government of Cyrenaica
on 30th September, 1949, in order to provide them with initial funds:
And Whereas a loan of £250,000 sterling was made by the United
Kingdom Government to the Government of Cyrenaica on 1st September,
1951, to enable them to purchase grain:
And Whereas financial assistance has been given by the United Kingdom
Government to facilitate the introduction of a Libyan currency:
And Whereas the Government of Libya recognise that certain financial
arrangements are necessary by reason of the matters above recited:
Now, Therefore, the United Kingdom Government and the Government
of Libya have agreed as follows:

Loans to the Government of Cyrenaica to provide them with initial funds

and to enable them to purchase grain
1. The Government of Libya guarantee the repayment free of interest to
the United Kingdom Government, on terms to be agreed between the two
Governments, of the loan of £351,599 sterling made by the United Kingdom
Government to the Government of Cyrenaica on the 30th September, 1949,
for the purpose of providing that Government with initial funds, and of the
loan of £250,000 which was made by the United Kingdom Government to
the Government of Cyrenaica on the 1st September, 1951, to enable that
Government to purchase grain.

Currency Loan
2. The Government of Libya guarantee the repayment of the United
Kingdom Government on or before 14th August, 1953, or such later date as
may be agreed between the two Governments, of all loans made to the
Preparatory Currency Committee of Libya, and of all loans made to the
Libyan Currency Commission, to facilitate the introduction of a Libyan
currency; and the Government of Libya also guarantee the payment annually
to the United Kingdom Government of interest at the rate of two per centum
per annum on the amount from time to time outstanding in respect of such
loans, the first payment of interest to be made on 14th August, 1952.

Obligations of the former British Administrations

in Cyrenaicaand Tripolitania
3. The Government of Libya will
(a) indemnify and keep indemnified the United Kingdom Government
in respect of all claims, costs and expenses relating to things which have been
done or omitted by or on behalf of the United Kingdom Government or the
Chief Administrators as part of the administration of Cyrenaica prior to 30th
September, 1949, and of Tripolitania prior to 31st March, 1951;
(b) subject to the contractor's agreement, take over, or arrange for the
Province of Cyrenaica or Tripolitania to take over, as may be appropriate, the
benefit and the burden of all outstanding contracts which have been made by
or on behalf of the United Kingdom Government or the Chief Administrator
as part of the administration of Cyrenaica prior to 30th September, 1949,
and of Tripolitania prior to 31st March, 1951; and indemnify and keep
indemnified .the United Kingdom Government in respect of all claims, costs
and expenses relating to any such contract or to any like contracts which
were determined in whole or in part by reason of the establishment of the
said Governments of Cyrenaica and Tripolitania.
This paragraph shall not apply to the contract made on 3rd July, 1947,
between the Admiralty and Messrs. Mackenzie Metcalfe & Co., for the
clearance of the ports of Benghazi and Tobruk or to the contract made on
21st March, 1947, between the Admiralty and Captain Rippon for the
clearance of the ports of Tripoli, Massawa and Assab, which contracts were
not made as part of the administration of Cyrenaica and Tripolitania.

Other agreements and contracts

4. The Government of Libya will indemnify and keep indemnified
(a) the United Kingdom Government in respect of all claims, costs and
expenses in connection with any contracts heretofore made by the United
Kingdom Government for the benefit of Libya with the United Nations or
the Specialised Agencies;
(b) the United Kingdom Government and their Agents as. the case may be
in respect of all claims, costs and expenses in connection with any contracts
heretofore made by the United Kingdom Government or their Agents on
behalf of the Governments of Cyrenaica and Tripolitania.
In witness whereof the undersigned, being duly authorised therein by
their respective Governments, have signed the present Agreement.



Article ier
La R6publique malgache accede, en plein accord et amiti6 avec la
R6publique franqaise, & la souverainet6 internationale et i l'ind6pendance par
le transfert des comp6tences de la Communaut6.

Article 2
Toutes les comptences institu6es par r'article 78 de la Constitution du
4 octobre 1958 sont, pour ce qui la concerne, transf6r6es i la R6publique

Article 3
Chacune des parties contractantes notifiera i 1'autre 'accomplissement
des proc6dures requises par sa Constitution pour la mise en vigueur du pr6sent
accord. Celui-ci prendra effet i la date de la derni~re de ces notifications.



Article jer

La R6publique malgache est membre de la Communaut6 laquelle elle

participe dans les conditions d6finies par des accords de coop6ration.

Article 2
Chacune des parties contractantes notifiera A 'autre I'accomplissement
des proc6dures requises par sa Constitution pour la mise en vigueur du pr6sent
accord. Celui-ci prendra effet i la date de la derni~re notification.

1 Journal Officiel de la R4publique franCaise, 2 juillet 1960, p. 5968.

2 Ibid., p. 5969 .
(Note. - Les dispositions de cet accord sont, mutatis mutandis, iden-
tiques A celles de l'Accord du 15 juillet 1960 entre la France et le Gabon (voir
supra, p. 181).]



[Note. - Les dispositions de cet accord sont, mutatis mutandis, iden-

tiques A celes de l'Accord du 15 juilet 1960 entre la France et le Gabon (voir
supra,p. 182).]



Consid6rant qu'aux termes de la d6claration commune en date du 26 juin

1960, la Republique malgache a acc6d6 l'ind6pendance et que la R6publique
frangaise l'a reconnue en tant qu'Etat ind6pendant et souverain,
Considerant que la R6publique malgache manifeste la volont6 de coop6rer
avec la R6publique franqaise au sein de la Communaut6,

Article jer
La R6publique malgache est membre de la Communaut6 A laquelle elle
participe dans les conditions d6finies au pr6sent accord et aux accords de
coop6ration franco-malgaches en date de ce jour.

Article 2
La Republique malgache reconnaft que le Pr6sident de la R6publique
frangaise est de droit Pr6sident de la Communaut6.

Article 3
La R6publique francaise et la R6publique malgache participent i une
Conf6rence periodique des chefs d'Etat et de gouvernement r6unis sous la
pr6sidence du Pr6sident de la Communaut6 pour se concerter sur les
probl~mes essentiels int6ressant celle-ci.
1 JournalOfficiel de la Rdpublique frangaise, 2 juillet 1960, p. 5968.
2 Ibid.
3 Journal Officiel de la Rdpublique franCaise, 20 juillet 1960, p. 6607. Entr6 en
vigueur le 18juillet 1960.
Elles participent aussi A des Comit6s de ministres et d'experts auxquels
sont repr6sent6s 6ventuellement les autres Etats.

Article 4

La R6publique malgache a la facult6 d'envoyer une d616gation i un S6nat

interparlementaire consultatif compos6 de d6l6gu6s des assembl6es 16gislatives
des Etats de la Communaut6.

Article 5
Chacune des parties contractantes notifiera i l'autre I'accomplissement
des proc6dures requises par sa Constitution pour la mise en vigueur du pr6sent
accord. Celui-ci prendra effet i la date de la derni~re notification.


RIVE, LE 27 JUIN 19601

Consid6rant qu'aux termes de la d6claration commune en date du 26 juin

1960, la R6publique malgache a acc6d6 i l'ind6pendance et que la R6publique
frangaise l'a reconnue en tant qu'Etat ind6pendant et souveram,
Conscients des responsabilit6s qui leur incombent en ce qui concerne le
maintien de la paix, conform6ment aux principes de la Charte des Nations
Consid6rant que la R6publique malgache manifeste la volont6 de coop6rer
avec la Ripublique franqaise au sein de la Communaut6 A laquelle elle
participe d6sormais dans les conditions pr6vues aux accords franco-malgaches
en date de ce jour,
D6sireux de d6terminer les modalit6s de leur coop6ration en mati~re de

Article jer
La R6publique frangaise et la R6publique malgache se pr6tent aide et
assistance pour pr6parer et assurer la d6fense de la Communaut6 dont elles
font partie.

Article 2
La R6publique malgache a la responsabilit6 de sa d6fense int6rieure et
ext6rieure. Elle peut demander A la R6publique frangaise une aide dans des
conditions d6finies par des accords sp6ciaux.
La R6publique malgache participe avec la R6publique frangaise A la
d6fense de la Communaut6.

1 Journal Officiel de la R~publique franfaise, 20 juillet 1960, p. 6608. Entr6 en

vigueur le 17 juilet 1960. [Voir art. 5 du Protocole domanial, infra, lettre (1).]
Article 7
Afin de permettre A la R6publique frangaise d'assumer ses responsabilit6s
dans la d6fense commune et A 1'6chelle mondiale, la R6publique malgache lui
reconnaft la libre disposition de bases et d'installations militaires et lui assure
les facilit6s n6cessaires.

Article 8
Des annexes d6finissent les modalit6s d'application du pr6sent accord et
notamment celles qui concernent la mise sur pied des forces arm6es malgaches
et l'assistance militaire technique, le statut des forces arm6es franqaises A
Madagascar, l'aide et les facilit6s mutuelles en mati6re de d6fense ext6rieure et

Annexe III sur l'aide et les facilit~s mutuelles en mati~re

de d6fense ext6rieure et commune

Article Ier
La Rpublique franqaise transf6rera i la R6publique malgache les casernements,
terrains et bitiments militaires, y compris ceux de la gendarmerie, se trouvant i
Madagascar i la date d'entr6e en vigueur de l'accord de d6fense, sous r6serve des
dispositions des articles 2 et 3 ci-dessous.
Les casernements et installations militaires 6num6r6s i l'appendice no 1i la pr6sente
annexe seront transforms en premier lieu et sur simple demande du Gouvemement
Les dates et modalit6s des autres transferts seront arr~t~es d'un commun accord au
sein du Comit6 de d~fense franco-malgache, en fonction des besoins que le Gouver-
nement malgache exprimera pour la r 6 alisation de son programme d'organisation et de
mise sur pied des forces arm6es et de la gendarmerie malgaches.

Article 2
Les parties contractantes reconnaissent que l'efficacit6 du syst&me de defense
commune repose sur l'6quipement, le maintien en condition et la pleine utilisation de la
base strat~gique de Di6go-Suarez.
En cons6quence, pour permettre i la R6publique franqaise d'assumer ses responsabi-
lit6s a l'6chelle mondiale, de remplir sa mission de d6fense commune et de garantir en
toute occurrence et effectivement le concours qu'elle s'est engag~e i apporter a la
R6publique malgache, celle-ci lui reconnait la libre disposition de cette base ainsi que la
libre circulation dans les eaux territoriales et dans l'espace a~rien malgaches.

Article 3
Dans le cadre des n6cessit6s de la d6fense de Madagascar et pour permettre A la
R6publique franqaise de remplir ses engagements en mati~re d'assistance et de soutien
logistique des forces armies malgaches, la R6publique malgache met la libre disposition
de la R6publique franqaise des installations militaires A Ivato, Antsirab6, Tamatave,
Fort-Dauphin, ainsi que des installations de commandement et de services.
L'appendice n0 2 a la pr6sente annexe d6finit l'emprise de ces installations.
La R6publique malgache peut, en cas de besoin, faire stationner des unit6s de ses
forces dans les localit6s ci-dessus d6sign6es.
Article 4
Par "libre disposition", les parties contractantes entendent l'ensemble des droits et
facilit6s d'implantation, de protection, de ravitaillement, d'instruction, de liaison et de
transmission, de mouvement et de circulation entre les installations n~cessaires i
l'existence et a la sfret6 des forces ainsi qu'i I'ex~cution de leurs missions.
Pour leur entrainement et leurs manoeuvres, les forces arm6es frangaises disposent de
ces facilit~s dans l'utilisation de leurs installations ainsi que dans celle de champs de tir
d'Ankazob6 et d'Itongafeno.
L'administration civile des locait~s oi stationnent les forces arm6es frangaises est et
demeure du ressort de la R~publique malgache.

Article 5
La R6publique malgache garantit aux forces arm6es frangaises, la libre utilisation de
ses r6seaux publics de transmission, de ses infrastructures portuaires, maritimes, fluviales,
routiires, ferroviaires et a6riennes, le libre transfert de leurs personnels, mat6riels et
denr6es, ainsi que la facult6 d'installer et de faire usage sur son territoire et dans ses eaux
territoriales des balisages a6riens et maritimes et des moyens de transmission n~cessaires a
la s6curit6 et a l'accomplissement de leurs missions.
Le Commandement militaire franais est tenu d'informer pr~alablement les autoritis
de la R6publique malgache de tout mouvement important de ses unitis par voie terrestre,
maritime ou a6rienne.
Pour l'usage des faciit~s privues au pr6sent article, les forces armies frangaises
respecteront les accords ou raglements en vigueur en ces matires et seront, en tout cas,
trait~es sur un pied d'lgalit6 avec les forces arm6es malgaches.

Article 6
La R~publique malgache garantit a la Ripublique fran~aise l'exon~ration des impats,
droits et taxes de toute nature tant en ce qui conceme les installations que les denr6es et
mat6riels appartenant aux forces arm6es frangaises ou utilis~es par celles-ci.

Article 7
A la demande des autorit6s frangaises, le Gouvernement malgache peut exercer son
droit de r6quisition au profit des forces arm6es franaises.

Article 8
Le Commandement militaire frangais est responsable de l'ordre et de la s6curit6 1
l'int6rieur des installations vis6es aux articles 2 et 3 de la pr6sente annexe.

Article 9
Les forces armies franaises ont, sur le territoire de la R6publique malgache, la
libert6 d'emploi, de recrutement et de licenciement de la main-d'oeuvre civile qui leur est
n6cessaire, conform~ment a la ligislation du travail en vigueur i Madagascar.

Article 10
Si les forces arm6es frangaises sont appeles i modifier leur implantation, les deux
Gouvernements se mettront d'accord, en Comit6 de defense, sur l'attribution de
nouveaux emplacements pour les installations adapt6es aux besoins de ces forces.
Les dispositions de l'accord de d6fense et de ses annexes seront applicables aux
installations situ~es sur ces nouveaux emplacements.
Article 11
La R6publique malgache s'engage i respecter les servitudes existantes pour
l'utilisation de la base de Di6go-Suarez et des installations militaires des forces armies
frangaises et i permettre la modification de ces servitudes en cas de n6cessit6 technique.

Appendice n 16t IAnnexe III
Les installations, immeubles et casernements 6num~r~s ci-dessous seront transf~r6s en
premier lieu et sur simple demande au Gouvernement malgache

Appendice n0 2
Portant statut de la base stratdgique de Diggo-Suarez et ddfinissant l'emprise de cette
base et des autres installations militaires mises h la libre disposition de la Ripublique
franpaised Madagascar.
I. - La base strat~gique de Di6go-Suarez, essentiellement maritime et a6rienne, est
soumise dans toute son 6tendue i la souverainet6 de la R6publique malgache.
La R6publique frangaise en a la libre disposition et est responsable de sa d6fense.
II. - La base strat~gique est constitu6e par des installations au sens de l'annexe III
l'accord de defense franco-malgache et par des zones soumises i des servitudes de
III. - Les installations de la base comprennent:
a) Dans Di6go-Suarez le port militaire et les installations indiqu6es sur la carte
annexe n0 1 i l'exception des 6l6ments qui seraient 6ventuellement n~cessaires aux forces
arm6es malgaches;
b) En dehors de Di6go-Suarez, les installations indiqu6es sur la carte annexe no 2.
Celles de ces installations dont la propri~t6 sera transferee a la Ripublique malgache
en vertu des dispositions convenues en matire domaniale, continueront d'etre affect6es
en jouissance aux forces armies franaises.
IV. - Les zones soumises aux servitudes de d6fense s'6tendent au territoire du
district d'Anivorano-Nord et aux approches maritimes et a~riennes de la province de
Di6go-Suarez. Les dispositions ci-apr~s leur sont applicables.
Ind~pendamment des servitudes existantes, d'autres servitudes pourront itre cr66es
pour les besoins de la d6fense, en particulier sur les "points hauts", les "sites souterrains"
et le littoral, et en ce qui conceme la circulation terrestre, maritime et aerienne.
Toute mesure de nature A modifier les conditions de la defense est prise d'un
commun accord entre les autorit~s malgaches comp~tentes et le commandant de la base
Les autorit6s malgaches et le commandant de la base strat6gique se concertent sur
l'6laboration et la r~alisation des plans d'infrastructure et de d6veloppement civils.
V. - En dehors des installations de la base, la police et le maintien de l'ordre public
sont assures par les autorit6s malgaches.
Les plans de s6curit6 et les plans de d6fense int6rieure de la base sont 6tablis en
liaison entre le commandant de la base strat6gique et les autoritis malgaches.
L'activit6 des services concourant a la surveillance des approches terrestres, maritimes
et a6riennes de la base strat~gique et a la police des fronti~res est coordonn6e par le
commandant de la base strat~gique.
En cas de crise ou de conflit arm6, le commandant de la base strat6gique prend, dans
le cadre des plans 6tablis, les mesures necessalres a la s~curit6 de la base. A cet effet, i
regoit du Gouvernement malgache les pouvoirs n6cessaires.
VI. - Le commandant de la base strat6gique de Di6go-Suarez relive du Gouverne-
ment malgache pour ce qui conceme le commandement militaire territorial sur
l'ensemble des zones constituant la base.
Sa d6signation est soumise i l'agr~ment du Gouvemement malgache.

Consid6rant qu'aux termes de la d6claration commune en date du 26 juin

1960, la R6publique malgache a acc6d6 i l'ind6pendance et que la R~publique
franraise l'a reconnue en tant qu'Etat ind6pendant et souverain,

Consid6rant que la R6publique malgache est prete &coop6rer avec les

autres Etats membres de la Zone Franc sur la base d'une association
contractuelle proc6dant des deux principes fondamentaux suivants :
- Chaque Etat ind6pendant d6tient l'int6gralit6 des pouvoirs mon6taires,
6conomiques et financiers reconnus aux Etats souverains;
- Les Etats membres acceptent de coordonner leurs politiques commer-
ciale et financire, extemes au sein d'organismes communs, en vue du
d6veloppement 6conomique le plus rapide possible de chacun d'eux,


Article Ier
La R6publique frangaise reconnait que la qualit6 d'Etat souverain acquise
par la R6publique malgache confure i celle-ci le droit de cr6er une monnaie
nationale et un Institut d'6mission national.

Article 2
La R6publique malgache declare confier le service de l'6mission A un
tablissement public, d6nomm6 Institut d'6mission malgache, et cr6er tine
monnaie nationale rattach6e au franc suivant une parit6 fixe.

Article 3
La R6publique frangaise se d6clare dispos6e A garantir la monnaie
malgache. La R~publique malgache et la R6publique franqaise s'engagent i
maintenir la libert6 des transferts entre Madagascar et la France.
A cet effet, le Tr~sor frangais ouvrira dans ses 6critures, au nom de
l'Institut d'6mission malgache, un compte d'op6rations qui fonctionnera dans
les m6mes conditions que le compte d'op6rations ouvert actuellement au nom
de la Banque de Madagascar et des Comores.
Une convention entre le Tr6sor frangais et l'Institut d'6mission malgache
pr6cisera les modalit6s de fonctionnement de ce compte d'op~rations.

1Journal Officiel de la R4publique malgache, 20 juillet 1960, p. 6612. Entr6 en

vigueur le 18 juillet 1960.
Article 4
Tant que la convention relative au compte d'op6rations pr6vue A
l'article 3 ci-dessus demeurera en vigueur :
a) Le . Conseil d'administration de l'Institut d'6mission malgache sera
compos6, en nombre 6gal, de repr6sentants de chacun des deux Etats, dont le
pr6sident, qui n'aura pas voix pr6pond6rante;
b) La dotation de l'Institut d'6mission malgache sera constitu6e pour
moiti6 par la R6publique malgache, pour moiti6 par la R6publique frangaise;
c) La convention relative au compte d'op6rations fixera les statuts de
l'Institut d'6mission malgache.

Article 5
La R6publique malgache et la R6publique frangaise d6termineront par
convention les conditions dans lesque~les le service de l'mission sera transf6r6
par la Banque de Madagascar et des Comores i l'Institut d'6mission malgache.
Ce transfert aura lieu dans les plus courts d6lais possibles.

Article 6
Pour une p6riode transitoire de trois ans, n6cessaire i 1'installation
mat~rielle de l'Institut d'6mission malgache, et susceptible de prolongation, la
gestion de l'Institut d'6mission malgache sera confi6e i la Banque de
Madagascar et des Comores. Cette gestion sera assur6e pendant cette p6riode
suivant les instructions et sous le contr6le du conseil d'administration de
l'Institut d'6mission malgache.

Article 7
En attendant que soit effectif le transfert pr6vu i l'article 5, le
Gouvernement de la R6publique malgache aura la facult6 de demander h la
Banque de Madagascar et des Comores :
- d'isoler dans ses 6critures les operations relevant du service de
I'6mission mon6taire;
- de scinder son bilan en cons6quence;
- de cr6er un Comit6 de 1'6mission comprenant, sous la pr6sidence du
pr6sident directeur g6n6ral, les trois repr6sentants du Gouvernement de la
R6publique malgache et deux autres repr6sentants du Gouvernement frangais
si6geant au Conseil d'administration.

Article 8
La parit6 actuelle entre l'unit6 mon6taire en vigueur A Madagascar et le
franc frangais est maintenue. Toute modification de la parit6 entre l'unit6
mon6taire malgache et le franc frangais ne pourra 6tre faite que par accord
entre les deux gouvernements.
Le Gouvernement frangais consultera le Gouvernement malgache dans le
cadre des 6tudes pouvant dtre effectu6es pr~alablement A toute modification
6ventuelle du rapport entre le franc frangais et les monnaies 6trang~res et
n~gociera avec lui les mesures propres Asauvegarder les int6r~ts l~gitimes de la
Rpublique malgache.
Article 31
Les parties contractantes conviennent de substituer au r6glement doma-
nial fond6 sur la nature des d6pendances un r~glement forfaitaire fond6 sur
l'6quit6 et satisfaisant Aleurs besoins respectifs.

Article 32
En contrepartie de ses droits sur le domaine priv6, la R6publique frangaise
conservera ou recevra en propri6t6 les d6pendances du domaine priv6
n6cessaire au fonctionnement de ses services et de ses forces arm6es qui seront
6tablis ou maintenus apr~s l'entr6e en vigueur des accords de coop6ration.
La propri6t6 de toutes les autres d6pendances domaniales, notamment des
d6pendances du domaine public, tel qu'il 6tait d6fini par le d6cret du 28
septembre 1926, sera reconnue A la R6publique malgache.

Article 33
I1 est institu6 une commission mixte paritaire charg6e d'61aborer un projet
d'6tat liquidatif, qu'elle soumettra aux deux Gouvernements dans un d6lai de
six mois A dater de 1'entr6e en vigueur du pr6sent accord, ce d6lai pouvant
etre prorog6 en tant que de besoin.

Article 34
La Commission mixte proc6dera au recensement et i 1'6valuation des
d6pendances du domaine, tant public que priv6.
Elle recevra du Gouvernement franqais communication des besoins
immobiliers des services d6finis i l'article 32.
Elle d6terminera une masse de d6pendances domaniales de valeur 6gale i
celle des immeubles n6cessaires au fonctionnement desdits services. Cette
masse est dite : masse des services de la R6publique frangaise.
Article 35
La commission mixte recommandera, le cas 6ch6ant, l'change de
d6pendances comprises dans la masse des services de la R6publique frangaise
contre d'autres immeubles offerts par la R6publique malgache.

Article 36
Chaque partie contractante conservera la disposition des d6pendances
qu'elle utilise i la date d'entr6e en vigueur du pr6sent accord jusqu'au terme
des op6rations de liquidation, sous r6serve de ce qui est dit i 'appendice no 1
de l'annexe III de l'accord de difense.

Article 37
La commission mixte dtablira la liste des organismes de droit public
frangais jouissant de l'autonomie administrative et financi~re dont les biens
sont propri6t6 priv6e.
Article 38
La R6publique malgache d6clare confirmer les concessions accord6es
ant~rieurement i la date A laquelle prend effet le present accord, sans
pr6judice des dispositions internes actuellement applicables.
D~s 1'entr6e en vigueur du pr6sent accord, le droit de concession en ce qui
concerne les terrains immatricul6s sera exercd par les autorit6s de 'Etat

Article 39
Chacune des parties contractantes notifiera A 'autre 'accomplissement
des proc6dures requises par sa Constitution pour la mise en vigueur du present
accord. Celui-ci prendra effet i la date de la derni~re notification.



Le Prisidentde la Ripublique malgache, chef du Gouvernement,

a Monsieur le PremierMinistre de la Ripublique franfaise

L'article 10 de l'Accord de coop6ration en mati~re mon6taire, 6cono-

mique et financi~re, sign6 le 27 juin 1960, entre le Gouvernement de la
R6publique malgache et le Gouvernement de la R6publique frangaise, donne A
la Rpublique malgache toute libert6 dans la dtermination de sa politique
contingentaire et tarifaire, sous reserve des engagements qu'elle souscrit au
sein ou en dehors de la Zone Franc et des limitations 6ventuelles arretes.d'un
commun accord.
Le Gouvernement de la R6publique malgache tient A informer le
Gouvemement de la R6publique franqaise qu'il entend, au cours des
prochains mois, faire usage de la facult6 qui lui est ainsi reconnue en mati~re
Le Gouvernement de la R6publique malgache consid6re en effet que
1'6tablissement d'un tarif douanier particulier constitue" l'un des attributs
fondamentaux de la souverainet6 internationale; ce tarif serait en outre une
arme essentielle au service du d6veloppement de 1'6conomie malgache, tout en
permettant i Madagascar de participer plus activement i la libre expansion
des 6changes intemationaux.
II va de soi, comme il est d'aifleurs pr6cis6 aux termes de l'Accord, que la
Rdpubiique malgache ne saurait, i 'occasion de 1'6tablissement de ce tarif,
aller A 'encontre des engagements qu'elle a pu souscrire dans ce domaine et
notamment des principes qui r~gissent ses 6changes avec les pays de la
Communaut6, ainsi que de ceux qui dcoulent de son statut d'Etat associ6
avec les pays signataires du Trait6 instituant la Communaut6 6conomique

1Journal Officiel de la R~publique franaise, 20 juillet 1960, p. 6616.

Compte tenu des difficult6s que ne manquera pas de soulever la mise en
oeuvre des mesures .ci-dessus envisag6es, la R6publique malgache souhaite
s'attacher A cette occasion le service d'experts frangais, qui devraient 6tre mis
A sa disposition dans les meilleurs d6lais au titre de 1'aide et de la coop6ration.
Je serais heureux que vous veuilliez bien me confirmer l'accord du
Gouvernement de la R6publique frangaise sur les termes de la pr6sente lettre.

Le Premier Ministre de la Rdpublique fran~aise d Monsieur le Prisident

de la Rdpublique malgache, chef du Gouvernemen t

Par lettre en date de ce jour, vous avez bien voulu me faire savoir ce qui
suit :
[ Voir tex te ci-dessus.]

J'ai I'honneur de vous confirmer mon accord sur les termes de cette lettre.



Consid6rant qu'aux termes de la d6claration commune en date du 26 juin

1960, la R6publique malgache a acc6d6 i l'ind6pen'dance et que la R6publique
frangaise l'a reconnue en tant qu'Etat ind6pendant et souverain,
Consid6rant que la R6publique malgache manifeste la volont6 de coop6rer
avec la R6publique frangaise au sein de la Communaut6 i laquelle elle
participe d6sormais dans les conditions pr6vues aux accords franco-malgaches
en date de ce jour,
Consid6rant la similitude des principes g6n6raux sur lesquels sont fond6s
la l6gislation, l'organisation judiciaire et le statut des magistrats de la
R6publique franqaise et de la R6publique malgache, fiddles i un m~me id6al
de justice et de libert6.
Consid6rant leur d6sir commun de maintenir et de resserrer les liens qui
les unissent notamment dans les mati6res juridiques et judiciaires,

Article l
Les juridictions de cassation de la R6publique malgache sont seules
comp6tentes pour connaitre des d6cisions rendues par les tribunaux mal-
gaches de l'ordre judiciaire et de 'ordre administratif.

1 Journal Officiel de la R4publique franfaise, 20 juillet 1960, p. 6616. Entri en

vigueur le 18juiUet 1960.
Article 2
En vue de permettre A la R6publique malgache d'assurer le fonction-
nement de ses juridictions, le Gouvernement franqais s'engage, dans la mesure
du possible, i mettre A ]a disposition du Gouvernement malgache les
magistrats qui lui seront n6cessaires.
Cette mise A la disposition est effectu6e dans le cadre de la convention
franco-malgache du 22 juillet 1959 relative i l'emploi du personnel judiciaire.
La R6publique franqaise coop~re 6troitement avec la R6publique mal-
gache pour la formation des futurs magistrats et pour l'organisation de stages
destin6s aux magistrats.
Article 3
La R6publique franqaise et la R6publique malgache instituent un 6change
r6gulier d'informations en mati~re d'organisation judiciaire, de 16gislation et
de jurisprudence.
Article 4
A dfaut de textes malgaches, les dispositions l6gislatives et r6glementaires
du Droit franrais en vigueur A Madagascar A la date i laquelle prend effet le
pr6sent accord continuent A dtre appliqu6es par les juridictions malgaches.

Article 5
La R6publique francaise et la R6publique malgache s'engagent A prendre
toutes dispositions en vue d'harmoniser leurs 16gislations commerciales
respectives dans toute la mesure compatible avec les exigences pouvant
r6sulter de circonstances particuli6res Achacune d'elles.

Article 6
Tout national franqais condamn6 par une juridiction malgache A une peine
privative de libert6 d'une dur6e sup6rieure a une ann6e ou A une peine plus
grave sera remis aux autorit6s frangaises, si le Gouvernement frangais en fait la
demande au Gouvernement malgache.
Tout national malgache condamn6 par une juridiction franqaise A une
peine privative de libert6 d'une dur~e sup6rieure A une annie ou A une peine
plus grave sera remis aux autorit6s malgaches, si le Gouvernement malgache
en fait la demande au Gouvemement frangais.

Article 7
Les transmissions de documents judiciaires relatives A l'ex6cution du
pr6sent accord et de ses annexes, sous la r6serve des dispositions contraires
qui y sont tablies, se feront directement entre les ministres de la justice des
deux Etats.
Article 8
Les tribunaux judiciaires de chaque Etat sont seuls comptents pour
connaftre des contestations 6lev6es A titre principal sur la question de savoir si
un individu a la nationalit6 de l'Etat.
Article 9
Des annexes fixent les r~gles applicables entre les parties contractantes en
ce qui concerne 1'entraide judiciaire, 1'exequatur et 1'extradiction simplifi6e.

Article 10
Chacune des parties contractantes notifiera i 'autre l'accomplissement
des proc6dures requises par sa Constitution pour la mise en vigueur du pr6sent
accord et de ses annexes qui prendront effet A la date de la derni~re


LE 27 JUIN 1960'
[Note. - Les dispositions de cette convention sont, mutatis mutandis,
identiques A celles de Ia Convention du 15 aoflt 1960 entre la France et le
Congo. (voir supra, p. 167).]



Consid6rant que, par sa situation g6ographique, l'fle Sainte-Marie cons-

titue une d6pendance naturelle du territoire de Ia R6publique malgache,
D~sireux de conserver, apr~s l'ind6pendance de la R6publique malgache,
aux originaires de 'fle Sainte-Marie les droits et le statut dont ils b6n6ficient

Article 1er

L'fle Sainte-Marie est partie int6grante du territoire de In R6publique


Article 2
La R6publique malgache s'engage i maintenir aux originaires de I'fie
Sainte-Marie et A leurs descendants 'application, sur son territoire, du statut
personnel auquel ces personnes sont soumises &Ia date d'entr6e en vigueur du
pr6sent accord.
Ce statut pourra dtre modifi6, de convention entre les parties, apr~s Is
promulgation par Ia R6publique malgache d'un code civil de droit moderne.

1 Journal Officiel de la Ripublique franpalse, 20 juilet 1960, p. 6627. Entr6 en

vigueur le 18 juillet 1960.
2 JournalOfficiel de la Ripublique frangaise, 20 juillet 1960, p. 6629.
Article 3
Les originaires de rfle Sainte-Marie seront admis, sur le territoire de la
R6publique fran~aise, i exercer les droits attach6s i la qualit6 de citoyen
frangais tout en conservant la nationalit6 malgache.


[Note. - Le texte de cet accord est reproduit sous (Mali, Federation of)
infra, p. 326).]



Consid6rant qu'aux termes des articles 31 et suivants de l'accord de

coop6ration en mati~re mon6taire, 6conomique et financi~re en date du 27
juin 1960, entr6 en vigueur le 17 juillet 1960, les parties contractantes sont
convenues de substituer au r~glement domanial fond6 sur la nature des
d6pendances un r~glement forfaitaire fond6 sur 1'6quit6 et satisfaisant i leurs
besoins respectifs;
Consid6rant qu'aux termes de l'article 7 de 'accord de d6fense en date du
27 juin 1960, pour permettre i la R6publique frangaise d'assurer ses
responsabilit6s dans la d6fense commune et i l'6chelle mondiale, la
R6publique malgache lui reconnaft la libre disposition des bases et d'installa-
tions militaires et lui assure les facilit6s n~cessaires;
Consid6rant qu'aux termes de l'article 11 de 'annexe III dudit accord de
d6fense la R6publique malgache s'engage A respecter les servitudes existantes
pour l'utilisation de la base de Digo-Suarez et les installations militaires des
forces arm6es franqaises et A permettre la modification de ces servitudes en
cas de n6cessit6 technique;
Consid6rant les propositions formul6es par la commission mixte paritaire
charg6e d'61aborer un projet d'6tat liquidatif et d'6tablir la liste des
organismes de droit public franqais jouissant de l'autonomie administrative et
financi~re dont les biens sont propri6t6 priv6e,

Art. jer. - L'6tat liquidatif pr6vu par l'article 33 de 'accord de coop6ra-

tion en mati~re mon6taire, 6conomique et financi~re en date du 27 juin 1960
est constitu6 par les listes I et II ci-annex6es.
La liste des organismes de droit public frangais pr6vue par l'article 37
dudit accord est constitu6e par la liste no III ci-annex6e.
Art. 2. - La Rdpublique frangaise reconnaft i la R6publique malgache la
propri6t6 de toutes les d6pendances domaniales situ6es i Madagascar non
vis6es i l'article ci-dessus.
1 JournalOfficiel de la R4publique franfaise, 11 mars 1963, p. 2720.
Art. 3. - La R6publique malgache reconnaft A la R6publique frangaise la
propri6t6 des immeubles avec les constructions qui s'y trouvent mentionn6es
dans les listes I et II.
Art. 4. - La R6publique frangaise et la R6publique malgache reconnais-
sent aux organismes de droit public frangais la propri6t6 des immeubles
mentionn6s dans la liste III avec les constructions qui s'y trouvent.
Art. 5. - La R6publique malgache reconnaft aux forces armdes de la
R6publique frangaise la libre disposition des immeubles avec les constructions
qui s'y trouvent 6num6r6es dans la liste IV, sous r6serve, le cas 6ch6ant, de
l'application de l'accord de d6fense du 27 juin 1960, entr6 en vigueur le 17
juillet 1960.
Art. 6. - Sur simple r6quisition de l'Etat ou de l'organisme reconnu ou
devenu propri6taire, les conservateurs de la propri6t6 fonci~re de la
R6publique malgache proc6deront aux inscriptions n6cessaires sur les titres
Pour les immeubles non immatricul6s, le service des domaines de la
R6publique malgaclie procbdera aux formalit6s r6glementaires en vue de
l'6tablissement d'un titre foncier au nom de la collectivit6 int~ress6e.
Toutes les formalit6s seront effectu6es sans frais ni taxe.

Laws and decrees


[Note: The provisions of sections 1, 2, 4 and 5 of this Act are basically

similar to those of sections 1, 2, 4 and 5 of the Gambia Independence Act
1964 (supra, p. 189). The same similarity exists between section 3 of the Act
and section 3 of the Fiji Independence Act 1970 (supra, p. 178), and between
its section 6 and section 7 of the Kenya Independence Act 1963 (supra,
p. 248).
The provisions of the first and second schedules are basically similar to
those of the corresponding schedules to the Gambia Independence Act 1964
(supra, p. 189).]


1Public GeneralActs and Measures, 1964, Part I, Chap. 46, p. 662.

2 Statutory Instruments 1964, Part II, p. 1955.
3 The provisions of sections 1 (3), 4 (3) (4), 7 (3) (4) of this Order are basically
similar to those of sections 1 (4), 4 (2) (5) and 5 (4) (6) of the Barbados Independence
Order 1966 (supra, p. 119). The same similarity exists between sections 5 (2) (3) and 7
(1) of the Order in question on the one hand and sections 6 (1) and 7 (3) (4) of the
Jamaica (Constitution) Order in Council 1962 on the other hand (supra, p. 240).
Sections 7 (5) and 13 of the Order are similar to sections 8 (8) and 13 (1) (2) of the
Botswana Independence Order 1966 (supra, p. 132); section 12 is similar to section 14
of the Kenya Independence Order in Council 1963 (supra, p. 249).
1. Citation and commencement

(2) This Order shall come into operation immediately before 6th July
Provided that where the Governor-General has power by or under this
Order to make any appointment, or make any order (other than an order
under section 4 (2) of this Order relating to any Act of the Parliament of the
United Kingdom or any Order of Her Majesty in Council) or to do any other
thing for the purposes of this Order, that power may be exercised by the
Governor and Commander-in-Chief of Nyasaland at any time after 29th June
1964 to such extent as may, in his opinion, be necessary or expedient to
enable the Constitution of Malawi established by this Order to function as
from 6th July 1964.

2. Revocations
The Orders specified in column 1 of Schedule 1 to this Order are revoked
to the extent specified in column 2 of that Schedule.
3. Establishment of Constitution
Subject to the provisions of this Order, the Constitution set out in
Schedule 2 to this Order (hereinafter referred to as "the Constitution") shall
come into effect in Malawi at the commencement of this Order.
4. Existing laws
(1) Subject to the provisions of this section, the existing laws shall,
notwithstanding the revocation of the provisions mentioned in Schedule 1 to
this Order, continue in force after the commencement of this Order as if they
had been made in pursuance of this Order but they shall be construed with
such modifications, adaptations, qualifications and exceptions as. may be
necessary to bring them into conformity with this Order.
(2) The Governor-General may by order made at any time before
6th January 1965 make such amendments to any existing law or to any Act
of Parliament of the United Kingdom or Order of Her Majesty in Council
(other than the Malawi Independence Act 1964 or this Order) having effect as
part of the law of Malawi or any part thereof immediately before the
commencement of this, Order as may appear to him to be necessary or
expedient for bringing that law, Act of Parliament or Order into conformity
with the provisions of this Order or otherwise for giving effect or enabling
effect to be given to those provisions.

(5) For the purposes of this section, the expression "the existing laws"
means all Ordinances, laws, rules, regulations, resolutions, orders or other
instruments having the effect of law made or having effect as if they had been
made in pursuance of the provisions revoked by section 2 of this Order and
having effect as part of the law of Malawi or any part thereof immediately
before the commencement of this Order or any Act of the Parliament of the
United Kingdom so having effect by virtue of the provisions revoked by
section 2 of this Order.
5. Existing offices
(1) Where any office has been established by or under the provisions
revoked by section 2 of this Order and the Constitution establishes a similar
or an equivalent office, any person who immediately before the commence-
ment of this Order holds or is acting in the former office shall, so far as is
consistent with the provisions of the Constitution, be deemed to have been
appointed, elected or designated as from the commencement of this Order to
hold or to act in the latter office in accordance with the provisions of the
Constitution and to have taken any necessary oath under the Constitution:
Provided that
(a) any person who under the provisions revoked by section 2 of this
Order or under any existing law would have been required to vacate his office
at the expiration of any period or on the attainment of any age shall vacate
his office at the expiration of that period or upon the attainment of that age;
(b) if any person holds the office of Director of Public Prosecutions
immediately before the commencement of this Order who was appointed to
that office for a fixed period he shall vacate that office at the expiration of
that period instead of upon the attainment of the age prescribed for the
purposes of section 98 of the Constitution.

8. Qualifications and disqualifications for membership of National

(1) During the period commencing on 6th July 1964 and ending on
5th July 1965 any person who, being a member of the National Assembly
immediately before the commencement of this Order, is not a citizen of
Malawi may, notwithstanding the provisions of section 34 (1) (a) and
39 (2) (a) of the Constitution, hold his seat in the Assembly, but any such
person shall, if he is not a citizen of Malawi on 6th July 1965, vacate his seat
in the Assembly on that day.
(2) Until Parliament otherwise provides in pursuance of section 35 (4) of
the Constitution, a person shall be disqualified for membership of the
National Assembly if he holds or is acting in any public office or he belongs
to any of the armed forces of the Crown and, for the purposes of this
subsection, a person shall not be considered as belonging to the armed forces
of the Crown by reason only of the fact that he is in receipt of a pension or
other like allowance in respect of service in such forces.

10. Emergency Powers Ordersin Council 1939 to 1964

The Emergency Powers Orders in Council 1939 to 1964 shall cease to
have effect as part of the law of Malawi on 6th July 1966 or such earlier date
as Parliament may prescribe:
Provided that section 6 (2) (d) and section 8 of the Emergency Powers
Order in Council 1939 shall cease to have effect as part of the law of Malawi
as from the commencement of this Order:

14. Appeals to Her Majesty in Council

(1) Subject to the provisions of subsection (2) of this section, no appeal
shall lie to Her Majesty in Council (whether as of right or by leave either of
Her Majesty in Council or of any court established for Malawi) from any
decision given in any civil or criminal matter by any such court.
(2) Any appeal to Her Majesty in Council from a decision given by the
existing Supreme Court of Appeal, being an appeal that is pending
immediately before the commencement of this Order and in which the
records have been registered in the Office of the Privy Council before the
commencement of this Order, shall continue to lie to Her Majesty in Council
and may be prosecuted and disposed of in accordance with the law regulating
the procedure in appeals to Her Majesty in Council from decisions given by
that Court that is in force immediately before the commencement of this
15. Exercise of jurisdiction of High Courtand other courts
Until Parliament otherwise provides
(a) the civil and criminal jurisdiction of the High Court and of all
subordinate courts shall, subject to the provisions of this Order and of any
law in force in Malawi, be exercised in conformity with the statutes of general
application in force in England on the 11 th August 1902 and the substance of
the English common law and doctrines of equity;
(b) in cases in which all parties are Africans of Malawi, that is to say,
members of a tribe or race of Africa which ordinarily resides in Malawi or
persons who ordinarily reside in Malawi as members of such a tribe or race,
and in such other cases as may be prescribed by any law in force in Malawi
the High Court and any subordinate court shall, in the exercise of their civil
and criminal jurisdiction, be guided by customary law so far as it is applicable
and is not repugnant to justice or morality or inconsistent with any law in
force in Malawi and shall decide such cases according to substantial justice
without regard to technicalities of procedure.

17. Public land and minerals

(1) All public land (as defined in the Nyasaland Protectorate (African
Trust Land) Order in Council 1950) (a) shall, as from the commencement of
this Order, vest in the Governor-General subject to any rights and interests
which, before the commencement of this Order, have by or under any law in
force in the former Nyasaland Protectorate, or otherwise, been granted to, or
recognised as vested in, any other person (not being the Governor of the said
(2) All rights in respect of minerals and mineral oils on or under any land
which is not
(a) public land; or
(b) African trust land (as defined in the said Order) shall, as from the
commencement of this Order, vest in the GoverAor-General unless, before the
commencement of this Order, they have by or under any law in force in the
former Nyasaland Protectorate, or otherwise, been granted to, or recognised
as vested in, any other person (not being the Governor of the said
(3) Subject to the provisions of any law in force in Malawi, the Minister
responsible for land matters of any public officer for the time being
authorised by that Minister, may make and execute grants, leases or other
dispositions of public land.
(4) The provisions of subsections (1), (2) and (3) of this section shall
have effect until Parliament makes other provision.

Chapter I. Citizenship
1. Persons who become citizens on 6th July 1964
Every person who, having been born in the former Nyasaland Protecto-
rate, is on 5th July 1964 a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies or a
British protected person shall become a citizen of Malawi on 6th July 1964:
Provided that a person shall not become a citizen of Malawi by virtue of
this subsection if neither of his parents was born. in the former Nyasaland

2. Citizens of former Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland

(1) Any person who was on 31st December 1963 a citizen of the former
Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland and who has a substantial Malawi
connection (as defined in subsection (2) of this section) shall be entitled,
upon making application before 6th July 1965 in such manner as may be
prescribed by Parliament, to be registered as a citizen of Malawi.
(2) For the purposes of subsection (1) of this section a person has a
substantial Malawi connection if, and shall not be regarded as having such a
connection unless,
(a) he was born in the former Nyasaland Protectorate;
(b) his father was born in the former Nyasaland Protectorate;
(c) he was, immediately before he became a citizen of the former
Federation, a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies by virtue of his
having been registered or naturalised as such in the former Nyasaland
Protectorate under the British Nationality Act 1948 or his father had at the
time of that person's birth been so registered or naturalised there under that
(d) he was registered or naturalised as a citizen of the former Federation,
having been ordinarily resident in the former Nyasaland Protectorate at the
time of such registration or naturalisation or his father had at the time of that
person's birth been so registered or naturalised and had been so resident at
the time of the registration or naturalisation;
(e) he or his father was, as a minor child, registered as a citizen of the
former Federation, the responsible parent or the guardian upon whose
application he was so registered being ordinarily resident in the former
Nyasaland Protectorate at the time of the registration;
(f) he is, or his father was (his father also being or having been a citizen
of the former Federation), the adopted child of a citizen or of citizens of the
former Federation who or all of whom were resident and domiciled in the
former Nyasaland Protectorate at the time of the adoption;
1 The provisions of sections 3 (2), 5, 8 and 10 of this Constitution are basically
similar to those of sections 3 (1), 5, 8 and 10 of the Barbados Constitution (supra,
p. 124). The same similarity exists between the provisions of sections 1 (2), 9, 87, 92
and 105 of the Constitution in question on the one hand and those of sections 20 (2), 27
(1) (2) (3), 117, 119 and 125 of the Constitution of Botswana on the other hand (supra,
p. 137).
(g) he was, or his father had at the time of that person's birth been,
registered, by virtue of, inter alia, his possession of associations with the
former Nyasaland Protectorate as a citizen of the former Federation under
section 16A of the Citizenship of Rhodesia and Nyasaland and British
Nationality Act 1957 (a) as inserted by the Citizenship of Rhodesia and
Nyasaland and British Nationality Amendment Act 1959 (b); or
(h) his or his father's name had been included by virtue of section 13 (7)
of the Electoral Act 1958 (c) in the list of general voters registered in the
former Nyasaland Protectorate.

(4) Any woman who was on 31st December 1963 a citizen of the former
Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland and who does not become a citizen of
Malawi on 6th July 1964 under any other provision of this Chapter shall be
entitled, upon making application before 6th July 1965 in such manner as
may be prescribed by Parliament, to be registered as a citizen of Malawi, if
(a) she was, immediately before she became a citizen of the former
Federation, married to a person who becomes or would, but for his death
have become, entitled to be registered as a citizen of Malawi under
subsection (1) of this section by virtue of any connection with Malawi that is
described in subsection (2) of this section;
(b) she was, immediately before she became a citizen of the Federation,
the widow of a person who would, but for his death, have become entitled to
be registered as a citizen of Malawi under subsection (1) of this section by
virtue of such a connection with Malawi as is described in subsection (2) (a)
or (2) (c) of this section;
(c) she was, immediately before she became a citizen of the Federation,
the widow of a person whose father becomes, or would but for his death have
become, entitled to be registered as a citizen of Malawi under subsection (1)
of this section by virtue of such a connection with Malawi as is described in
subsection (2) (a) or (2) (c) of this section.
3. Other persons entitled to be registeredas citizens
(1) Any person who, but for the proviso to section 1 (1) of this
Constitution would be a citizen of Malawi by virtue of that subsection, shall
be entitled, upon making application before the specified date in such manner
as may be prescribed by Parliament, to be registered as a citizen of Malawi:

(3) Any woman who, on 5th July 1964, is married to a person who
subsequently becomes a citizen of Malawi by registration under subsection
(1) or (5) of this section shall be entitled, upon making application before the
specified date in such manner as may be prescribed by Parliament, to be
registered as a citizen of Malawi.
(4) Any woman who, on 5th July 1964, has been married to a person
who becomes, or would, but for his death, have become entitled to be
registered as a citizen of Malawi under subsection (1) or (5) of this section,
but whose marriage has been terminated by death or dissolution shall be
entitled, upon making application before the specified date in such manner as
may be prescribed by Parliament, to be registered as a citizen of Malawi.
(5) Any person who, on 5th July 1964, is a citizen of the United
Kingdom and Colonies, having become such a citizen by virtue of his having
been naturalised or registered in the former Nyasaland Protectorate under the
British Nationality Act 1948, shall be entitled, upon making application
before the specified date in such manner as may be prescribed by Parliament,
to be registered as a citizen of Malawi:

(6) In this section "the specified date" means

(a) in relation to a person to whom subsection (1) of this section refers,
6th July 1965;
(b) in relation to a woman to whom subsection (3) of this section refers,
the expiration of such period after her husband is registered as a citizen of
Malawi as may prescribed by or under an Act of Parliament;
(c) in relation to a woman to whom subsection (4) of this section refers,
6th July 1965, and
(d) in relation to a person to whom subsection (5) of this section refers,
6th July 1965,
or such later date as may in any particular case be prescribed by or under an
Act of Parliament.

Chapter IX. Miscellaneous

110. Interpretation

(11) Any reference in this Constitution to a law made before 6th July
1964 shall, unless the context otherwise requires, be construed as a reference
to that law as it had effect on 5th July 1964.
(12) Any reference in this Constitution to a law that amends or replaces
any other law shall be construed as including a reference to a law that
modifies, re-enacts, with or without amendment or modification, or makes
different provision in lieu of that other law.

(i) Treaties



1 United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 314, p. 254. Came into force in 1 July 1958.

Article 1
In this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires
"the Federation" means the Federation of Malaya;
"the Judicial Committee" means the Judicial Committee of the Privy
"leave to appeal" includes special leave to appeal;
"the Privy Council" means Her Britannic Majesty's Privy Council;
"the Supreme Court" means the Supreme Court of the Federation.



Article 2
The Judicial Committee shall have such jurisdiction as is necessary to
allow it to entertain references made to it by His Majesty The Yang
di-Pertuan Agong under this Agreement and as is necessary otherwise to give
effect to this Agreement.

Article 3
Appeals shall lie from the Supreme Court to His Majesty The Yang
di-Pertuan Agong and shall be referred by Him to the Judicial Committee in
the following cases
(a) In the case of any decision from which an appeal from the Supreme
Court would have been entertained by Her Britannic Majesty in Council (with
or without special leave) immediately before 31st August, 1957;
(b) in the case of any decision as to the effect of any provision of the
Constitution of the Federation, including any opinion pronounced on a
reference under Article 130 thereof.

Article 7
The following matters shall be provided for and regulated by the law of
the Federation
(a) In cases where appeal lies by leave of the Supreme Court, the time
and manner of applying for such leave and the procedure relating to the
granting of such leave;
(b) The requirement that steps which.would or might otherwise be taken
in the Federation shall be taken as provided in Article 6 of this Agreement;
(c) Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 6 of this Agreement,
the procedure, as respects things to be done in the Federation, regarding
applications for special leave of His Majesty The Yang di-Pertuan Agong;
(d) The giving effect, otherwise than in the United Kingdom, to
recommendations of the Judicial Committee in relation to appeals referred to
the Judicial Committee, including recommendations as to the costs in any
matter so referred.
Article 8
The following matters shall be provided for and regulated by the law of
the United Kingdom
(a) Except as provided in paragraphs (b) and (c) of Article 7 of this
Agreement, the procedure regarding applications for special leave to appeal to
His Majesty The Yang di-Pertuan Agong, and the making of recommendations
by the Judicial Committee to His Majesty The Yang di-Pertuan Agong
respecting such application;
(b) Proceedings before the Judicial Committee in appeals and applica-
tions for. special leave to appeal referred to it under this Agreement,
(i) the making of recommendations respecting the disposal of any such
(ii) the making of recommendations to His Majesty The Yang di-Pertuan
Agong as to thin,s otherwise to be done within the Federation; and
(iii) the giving of directions as to things to be done within the United

Article 9
The provisions of this Agreement shall apply to appeals and applications
for leave to appeal as well from decisions given before 31st August, 1957, as
from decisions given thereafter.

Article 10
Appeals and applications for leave to appeal pending on 31st August
1957, shall be treated as appeals, or (as the case may be) applications for
leave to appeal, to His Majesty The Yang di-Pertuan Agong and shall be dealt
with accordingly under this Agreement.

Article 11
Reports and recommendations of the Judicial Committee shall be made in
whatever form may from time to time appear convenient to the Judicial
Committee and shall be sent by the Registrar of the Privy Council to one of
Her Britannic Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State for transmission to His
Majesty The Yang di-Pertuan Agong.

Article 12
On receipt of areport or recommendation of the Judicial Committee, His
Majesty The Yang di-Pertuan Agong shall make such order as may be
necessary to give effect to it.

Article 13
Copies of all orders made by His Majesty The Yang di-Pertuan Agong
under this Agreement shall be sent to one of Her Britannic Majesty's Principal
Secretaries of State for transmission to the Registrar of the Privy Council.

1. (1) In this Agreement unless the context otherwise requires:

"appointed day" means the date on which Malaysia was established;

"compensation" means any sum of money, not being a pension or the

commutation thereof or a gratuity, which is payable by the Government of
Malaysia, on or after the appointed day, either in one payment or by
instalments, including any sum payable by way of commutation of additions
to a pension, to a designated officer by virtue of arrangements for the
payment of compensation approved by a Secretary of State for the purpose
of this Agreement;
"contract officer" means a designated officer seconded from the service
of the Government of Sabah or the Government of Sarawak to the service of
the Government of Malaysia or recruited by the Government of Malaysia for
service in Sabah or Sarawak who is on or after the appointed day a party to a
contract of service in writing with one or other of the aforementioned
Governments and whose service under that contract does not qualify him for
a pension;
"designated officer" means an officer designated as such by a Secretary of
State who is
(i) an expatriate officer who, on or after the appointed day, is seconded
by the Government of Sabah or the Government of Sarawak for
service under the Government of Malaysia or is recruited by the
Government of Malaysia for service in Sabah or Sarawak or is
transferred to the service of the Government of Malaysia in the office
of Judge of the High Court of Borneo having immediately before
such transfer been the substantive holder of a pensionable office in
the service of the Government of Sabah or the Government of
Sarawak; and
(ii) who
(a) is a member of Her Majesty's Overseas Civil Service; or
(b) was selected for appointment by or with the approval of a
Secretary of State, or was recruited by the Crown Agents for Oversea
Governments and Administrations; or
(c) was otherwise recruited to a post for which a normal channel of
recruitment is either the Ministry of Overseas Development or the
Crown Agents for Oversea Governments and Administrations and
whose appointment for the purpose of this Agreement is approved
by a Secretary of State;
"gratuity" means the- sum payable to a contract officer, in addition to
salary and allowance, under his contract of service, and described therein as

1 United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 552, p. 260; deemed to have come into force on
1 January 1964.
such or in the laws and regulations applicable thereto, in return for service
rendered, whether such sum is paid at the conclusion of that service or
"passage" means transportation of a designated officer, his wife, children
and effects by such means, by such routes, in such classes of accommodation
and in accordance with such conditions as the Government of Malaysia may
with the concurrence of the Government of the United Kingdom prescribe;
"6pension" means the pension payable to a designated officer under
pensions Laws and Regulations applicable to him, including any sum paid to
him by way of commutation of such pension, but excluding any compen-
"Secretary of State" means one of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of
State in the United Kingdom.
(2) Reference in this Agreement to Sabah shall in relation to any period
prior to the appointed day be construed as a reference to North Borneo.
2. In the event of the Government of Malaysia on or after the appointed
day paying the allowances, and providing for the passages referred to in
clause 3 of this Agreement, the Government of the United Kingdom will, in
accordance with such procedure as may mutually be agreed between the said
two Governments, reimburse the Government of Malaysia the following
(a) the aggregate amount of the allowance, referred to in paragraphs (a)
and (b) of clause 3 of this Agreement, and paid to designated officers less
such sum as may be agreed by the said two Governments as being equivalent
for the purpose of this Agreement to the proceeds of taxation payable by
designated officers on the inducement allowance referred to in paragraph (a)
of clause 3 of this Agreement;
(b) one half of the aggregate amount paid by the Government of
Malaysia in providing for designated officers the passages referred to in
paragraph (c) of clause 3 of this Agreement;
(c) that part of any gratuity paid by the Government of Malaysia to a
designated officer which accrues to that officer by virtue of the addition to
his emoluments, after the appointed day, of the inducement allowance
referred to in paragraph (a) of clause 3 of this Agreement;
(d) that part of any pension paid by the Government of Malaysia to a
designated officer which accrues to that officer by virtue of the addition to
his pensionable emoluments, after the appointed day, of the inducement
allowance referred to in paragraph (a) of clause 3 of this Agreement which
shall bear the same proportion to the total pension payable to that officer by
the Government of Malaysia as the total amount of inducement as aforesaid
paid to him by the Government of Malaysia bears to the aggregate
pensionable emoluments earned by him, before or after the appointed day
while in the public service of the Government of Malaysia.
3. The allowances and passages mentioned in clause 2 of this Agreement
are as follows:
(a) an inducement allowance paid to a designated officer at such annual
rate as may be specified from time to time by the Government of the United
Kingdom after consultation with the Government of Malaysia;
(b) any education allowance to which a designated officer may be
entitled at rates and under conditions specified from time to time by the
Government of the United Kingdom after consultation with the Government
of Malaysia;
(c) passages on such occasions as the Government of Malaysia may with
the concurrence of the Government of the United Kingdom prescribe.
4. In the event of the Government of Malaysia on or after the appointed
day paying a pension, gratuity or compensation to a person who was a
designated officer for the purposes of the Overseas Service (Sarawak)
Agreement, 1961, or the Overseas Service (North Borneo) Agreement, 1961,
the Government of the United Kingdom will, in accordance with such
procedure as may mutually be agreed between the said two Governments,
reimburse the Government of Malaysia the following sums:
(a) that part of any gratuity paid by the Government of Malaysia to such
a person which accrues to that person by virtue of the addition to his
emoluments of the inducement allowance referred to in whichever of those
Agreements apply in relation to him;
(b) that part of any pension paid by the Government of Malaysia to any
such person which accrues to such person by virtue of the addition to his
pensionable emoluments of the inducement allowance referred to in
paragraph (a) of this clause which shall bear the same proportion to the total
pension payable to that person in respect of his service in Sarawak or Sabah,
as the case may be, as the total amount of inducement allowance as aforesaid
paid to him by the Government of Malaysia bears to the aggregate
pensionable emoluments earned by him while in the public service of the
Government of Sabah or Sarawak;
(c) one half of the aggregate amount paid by the Government of Malaysia
as compensation to such a person.
5. The Government of the United Kingdom will take such steps as may
be necessary to exempt the allowance referred to in paragraph (b) of clause 3
of this Agreement from the operation of any income tax law for the time
being in force in the United Kingdom, and the Government of Malaysia will
take such steps as may be necessary either to exempt the said allowance from
the operation of any income tax law for the time being in force in Malaysia,
or to ensure that the amount after the deduction of income tax received by a
designated officer by way of the said allowance is equal to the allowance
specified by the Government of the United Kingdom in pursuance of
paragraph (b) of clause 3.

(ii) Statements from governmental authorities


From: The Treasury, Federation of Malat'a, 4th September, 1963

I am unfamiliar with the Colonial Stock Act, 1877, or the Colonial
Development and Welfare Act, but I have endeavoured in preparing a list of
all the public debts of the country from the year 1956 to 1958 which is
attached, 2 for your information. In the list of the public debt which I am
I Text reproduced from: The International Law Association, Report of tile
Fifty.fourth Conference, The Hague, 1971, p. 124.
2 List not rcpioduced in this volume.
sending you, I have given the full title of the various loans and the legal
authority by which they were raised. The amount raised through the various
loans is also stated in the list. Prior to 1958, the Federation of Malaya did not
raise any loans from World Banks, but the Federation Government obtained
grants and not loans of about $1,228,740 for 1957 and $1,729,277 for 1956
from the Colonial Development and Welfare Fund.
It will be noted from the list given to you that a few of the loans were not
given to the Federation Government, but to various public authorities in the
country. For example, Items 23, 24, 25 and 30 were loans granted to the
public authorities with the guarantee of the Federation Government.
Together with the list of public debt, I have also prepared some notes
explaining certain aspects of some of the loans for your information.





Les comp~tences institutes par Particle 78 de la Constitution du

4 octobre 1958 sont, pour ce qui les concerne, transf6r6es h la R6publique du
S6n6gal et i la R6publique soudanaise, group6es au sein de la F6d6ration du
Mali, d s 'accomplissement par les parties contractantes de la proc6dure
pr6vue h l'article 87 de ladite Constitution.


[Note. - Les dispositions de cet accord sont, mutatis mutandis, iden-
tiques celles de l'Accord du 15 juillet 1960 entre la France et le Gabon
(supra, p. 181).]


[iVote. - Les dispositions de cet accord sont, mutatis mutandis, iden-
tiques a celles de l'Accord du 12 juillet 1960 entre la France et le Congo
(supra, pp. 163-164.]
1 Former name of the union of Mali and Senegal, later dissolved.
2 Voir aussi la Convention (a) sous Niger, infra, p. 370.
3 Journal Officiel de la R6publique fran~aise, 2 juillet 1960, p. 5969. Entr6 en
vigueur le 19 juin 1960 (voir Ic pr6ambule de I'Accord n' 5 plus loin).
4 Ibid. Entr6 en vigueur le 19 juin 1960.
5 Ibid. Entr6 en vigueur le 19 juin 1960.

Consid6rant que, par l'effet de l'accord de transfert en date du 4 avril

1960 entr6 en vigueur le 19 juin 1960, la F6d6ration du Mali a acc6d6 h
l'ind6pendance et que la R6publique frangaise 'a reconnue en tant qu'Etat
ind6pendant et souverain.
Consid6rant que la Fd6ration du Mali manifeste la volont6 de coop6rer
avec la R6publique frangaise au sein de la Communaut6,

Article jer
La F1d6ration du Mali adhere a la Communaut6 dans les conditions
d6finies au pr6sent accord et aux accords de coop6ration franco-maliens en
date de ce jour.

Article 2
La F6d6ration du Mali reconnaft que le Pr6sident de la R6publique
franqaise est de droit Pr6sident de la Communaut6.

Article 3
La R6publique franiaise et la Fd6ration du Mali participent i une
Conf6rence p6riodique des chefs d'Etat et de gouvernement, r6unie sous la
pr6sidence du Pr6sident de la Communaut6, pour se concerter sur les
probl~mes essentiels int6ressant celle-ci.
Elles participent aussi i des Comit6s de ministres ou d'experts auxquels
sont repr6sent6s 6ventue1ement les autres Etats.

Article 4
La Fd6ration du Mali a la facult6 d'envoyer une d616gation un S6nat
interparlementaire consultatif compos6 de d6l6gu6s des assembl6es 16gislatives
des Etats de la Communaut6.



Consid6rant que, par 'effet de l'accord de transfert en date du 4 avril

1960 entr6 en vigueur le 19 juin 1960, la F6d6ration du Mali a acc6db h

1 Journal Officiel de la Ripublique franpaise, 20 juillet 1960, p. 6629. Entr6 en

vigueur le 19 juillet 1960. (Renseignement tir6 de Rollet, op. cit., p. 182.)
2 Ibid., p. 6630. Entr6 en vigueur le 19 juillet 1960. (Renseignement tiri de Rollet,
op. cit., p. 183.)
1'ind6pendance et que la R6publique frangaise l'a reconnue en tant qu'Etat
ind6pendant et souverain,
Conscients des responsabilit6s qui leur incombent, en ce qui concerne le
maintien de la paix, conform6ment aux principes de la Charte des Nations
Consid6rant que, si la d6fense tant int6rieure qu'ext6rieure du Mali
d6pend de la seule Fd6ration du Mali, celle-ci peut, avec l'accord de la
R~publique frangaise, faire appel aux forces arm6es frangaises pour sa d6fense
int6rieure ou ext6rieure,
Consid6rant que la Fd6ration du Mali manifeste la volont6 de coop6rer
avec la R6publique frangaise au sein de la Communaut6 a laquelle elle
participe d6sormais dans les conditions pr6vues aux accords franco-maliens en
date de ce jour,
D6sireux de d6terminer les modalit6s de leur coop6ration en mati re de

Article 4
La R6publique frangaise s'engage transf6rer la Fd6ration du Mali la
propri6t6 et lajouissance :
1 Des casernements et bftiments n6cessaires h l'arm6e malienne;
20 De tous les casernements et b~timents non compris dans les bases
c6d6es h la France.

Article 6
Des conventions annexes d6finissent les modalit6s d'application du
pr6sent accord, notamment en ce qui concerne :
- la mise sur pied de 'arm6e malienne et l'assistance militaire technique;
- le statut des membres des forces arm6es frangaises au Mali;
- les bases et l'infrastructure.



Article Ier. - Les bases c~d6es par la F~d6ration du Mali i laR6publique franqaise
sont la base stratigique du Cap-Vert (Dakar-Thiis), les bases de Saint-Louis et de Kati et
les bases a6riennes de Bamako, Gao et Tessalit.
Les forces arm6es frangaises ont la ibre utilisation, i des fins militaires, des 616ments
constitutifs des bases c~d~es.
Les e11ments constitutifs de chaque base, ainsi que leurs 616ments complmentaires,
sont d~finis dans les appendices no s 1 i 6 du present accord.
Article 2. - La R6publique frangaise transf6rera i la F6d6ration dtiMali les
casernements, terrains et bitiments militaires, y compris ceux de lagendarmerie, non
inclus dans les 616ments constitutifs et compl6mentaires des bases enumer6es a
r'article 1er.
Les dates et"les modalit6s des transferts seront arr6t6es d'un commun accord en
tenant compte du rythme de mise sur pied des forces armies maliennes.
Article 3. - Les forces armies fraiiqaises ont lafacult6 de circuler entre leurs
garnisons et d'organiser les exercices et les manoeuvres necessaires a leur entrainement.
Les autorit~s de la F6d6ration du Mali sont inform6es, pour avis, pr6alablement i tout
mouvement important effectu6 par voie terrestre.
Les forces arm6es franqaises ont la facult6 d'utiliser l'infrastructure portuaire,
maritime et fluviale, routiire, ferroviaire et a6rienne. Elles ont lalibert6 de circulation
dans 'espace a~rien et dans les eaux territoriales de la F6dration du Mali.
Elles ont la facult6 d'installer et de faire usage des balisages n~cessaires sur le
territoire et dans les eaux territoriales de laFd6ration du Mali.
Article 4. - Les forces armies franqaises peuvent utiliser les postes et t~lcom-
munications de la F~d~ration du Mali.
Pour leurs besoins strictement militaires, elles ont lafacult6 d'6tablir et d'exploiter
au Mali des moyens de liaison propres.
Les conditions d'exploitation des liaisons radio- lectriques 5 l'int~rieur du Mali font
l'objet de conventions techniques.
Article 5. - La Fdration du Mali reconnaft i la R~publique franqaise le droit de
faire transiter librement le personnel de ses forces arm6es par le territoire de la
Fdration. Elle lui reconnait le droit, de transit en franchise douani~re et fiscale des
denr6es et materiels militaires.
Article 6. - A la demande des autorit6s de laR6publique franqaise, le Gouvernement
de la F6 dration du Mali peut exercer son droit de r6quisition au profit des forces arm6es
Article 7. - A l'int6rieur des 616ments constitutifs de chaque base ddfinis dans les
appendices n 1 i 6 au pr6sent accord, Ic Commandement des forces armies franqaises
est seul responsable de l'ordre et de la s~curit6.
Article 8.- Les forces arm6es fran~aises ont, au Mali, la libert6 d'emploi, de
recrutement et de licenciement de la main-d'oeuvre civile qui leur est n~cessaire,
conform~ment i lalegislation du travail en vigueur au Mali.
Article 9. - La Fdration du Mali s'engage respecter les servitudes existantes pour
l'utilisation des bases et i en permettre la modification en cas de n6cessit6 technique.
Article 10. - Si les forces armies franqaises sont appel6es i modifier leur implan-
tation, les deux gouvernements se mettront d'accord sur la cession de nouveaux
emplacements adapt6s aux besoins de ces forces.
Les dispositions des accords de cooperation militaires seront applicables aux
nouveaux emplacements.

En application des articles ier et 10 du present accord, les 616ments constitutifs, les
616ments compl6mentaires de chaque base et le cas ch6ant les 6l6ments transf6r6s en
premier lieu sont d6finis dans les appendices suivants :



Consid6rant que, par 1'effet de l'accord de transfert en date du 4 avril

1960 entr6 en vigueur le 19 juin 1960, la F6dration du Mali a acc6d6
l'ind6pendance et que la R6publique frangaise 'a reconnue en tant qu'Etat
ind6pendant et souverain;
1 Journal Officiel de la R4publique franpaise, 20 juillet 1960, p. 6634. Entr6 en
vigueur le 19 juillet 1960. (Renseignement tir6 de Rollet, op. cit., p. 183.)
Consid6rant que la Fdration du Mali manifeste la volont6 de coop6rer
avec la R6publique. frangaise au sein de la Communaut6, A laquelle elle
participe d6sormais dans les conditions pr6vues aux accords franco-maliens en
date de ce jour,


Article Ier
La F6dration du Mali d6clare vouloir poursuivre son d6veloppement en
6troite association avec les Etats africains de l'Ouest et en collaboration avec
les pays de la Zone Franc, tout en b6n6ficiant des possibilit6s d'6change qui
s'offrent h elle dans les autres parties du monde.

Article 2
La R6publique frangaise assure qu'elle continuera h apporter h la
F6d6ration du Mali l'aide mat6rielle et culturelle qui lui est n6cessaire pour
r6aliser les objectifs de progr~s 6conomique et social qu'elle s'est fix6s.

Article 3
La Fd6ration du Mali est prete A coop6rer avec les autres Etats membres
de la Zone Franc. L'association contractuelle de chaque Etat ind6pendant A
cette zone proc~de de deux principeg fondamentaux :
- chaque Etat ind6pendant d6tient l'int6gralit6 des pouvoirs 6conomiques
et financiers reconnus aux Etats souverains;
- les Etats membres acceptent de coordonner leurs politiques commer-
ciales financi~res externes au sein d'organismes communs, de fagon A
s'entr'aider et h promouvoir le d6veloppement 6conomique le plus rapide
possible de chacun d'eux.

Article 4
La pr6sente convention, sur laquelle l'accord s'est r6alis6, a W librement
discut6e et conclue avec le souci d'6tablir entre les deux parties une intime
association leur permettant, en tenant compte de leurs structures diff6rentes
et de leurs ressources propres, de stabiliser leurs rapports et de les rendre
mutuellement plus f6conds.


Article 9
La R6publique frangaise et la F6d6ration du Mali conviennent que la
France secondera les efforts de la F6d6ration du Mali pour son d6velop-
Article 10
L'aide de la R6publique frangaise h la F6d6ration du Mali se manifestera,
notamment, par la r6alisation d'6tudes, la fourniture d'6quipements, l'envoi
d'experts et de techniciens, l'octroi de concours financiers.

Article 11
Les modalit6s et les montants des aides consenties feront l'objet de
conventions n6goci6es entre les deux parties.


Article 22
La R6publique frangaise reconnaft que la qualit6 d'Etat souverain acquise
par la Fd6ration du Mali conf~re h celle-ci le droit de cr6er une monnaie
nationale et un institut d'6mission qui lui soit propre.

Article 23
La F6d~ration du Mali d~clare maintenir son appartenance h l'union
mon6taire ouest-africaine. La F6d6ration du Mali reconnaft comme monnaie
16gale ayant pouvoir lib6ratoire sur toute 1'6tendue de son territoire le franc
C. F. A. 6mis par la banque centrale de cette union mon6taire.

Article 24
La F6d6ration du Mali et la R6publique frangaise se reconnaissent
mutuellement le droit -de mettre fin, pour ce qui les concerne, au r6gime
mon6taire vis6 h rarticle pr6c6dent si ce r6gime paraissait h l'une ou l'autre
devenir contraire la sauvegarde de ses int~r~ts 16gitimes.
En ce cas, les deux parties conviennent qu'elles entameraient des
n~gociations au sein de la Commission. franco-malienne afin de d6terminer,
d'tine part, le d6Lai pr6paratoire a la r6forme, d'autre part, les modalit6s de
celle-ci, pour autant qu'elles int6ressent les deux parties, et notamment les
relations de la nouvelle monnaie avec le franc frangais et les autres unit6s
mon6taires de la Zone Franc, ainsi que les rapports du nouvel institut
d'6mission avec les autres organismes mon6taires de la zone.
La R6publique franqaise s'engage k apporter, en cette hypoth~se, h la
Fd6ration du Mali, dans toute la mesure du possible, l'assistance technique
que celle-ci lui demanderait.

Article 25
Toute modification apport6e i la parit6 entre 'unit6 mon6taire utilis6e au
Mali et le franc frangais ne s'effectuerait qu'apr~s accord entre les parties.
Le Gouvernement de la R6publique frangaise consultera le Gouvernement
de la F~d~ration du Mali dans le cadre des 6tudes pouvant etre effectu6es
pr6alablement h toutes modifications 6ventuelles de rapport entre le franc et
les monnaies 6trang~res et n6gociera avec lui les mesures propres a sauvegarder
les int~r~ts 16gitimes de la Fdfration du Mali.

Article 26
La Banque centrale des Etats de l'Afrique de l'Ouest recherchera, en
liaison avec la Fdration du Mali, les moyens d'6tablir une 6valuation
statistique des mouvements de billets entre la Fd6ration du Mali et les autres
pays de la zone d'6mission. Elle communiquera r6guli6rement au Gouver-
nement de la F6d6ration du Mali les r6sultats de cette 6valuation.

Article 27
Les directeurs des agences de la Banque centrale des Etats de l'Afrique de
l'Ouest, au Mali, sont nommds apr~s agr6ment des autorit6s de la Fdration
du Mali.

Article 28
La Fd~ration du Mali pourra cr6er, dans les meilleurs d~lais, un Conseil
malien du credit.
Ind6pendamment de toutes autres attributions 6ventuelles, le Conseil
malien du cr6dit est charg6 de d6finir, dans des conditions compatibles avec le
maintien de l'union mon~taire ouest-africaine, l'orientation i donner i la
politique du cr6dit au Mali, notamment en vue de 1'affectation des ressources
financi~res par secteurs d'activit6 au mieux des besoins de l'6conomie de la
F6d6ration du Mali. La Banque centrale des Etats de l'Afrique de l'Ouest
communiquera r6gulirement au Conseil des donn6es statistiques permettant
d'appr6cier l'6volution, dans la Fdration du Mali
- des d6p.bts bancaires;
- des emplois bancaires;
- des concours de r6escompte accord6s aux banques;
- des risques bancaires recens6s, class6s par cat6gorie d'activit6 6cono-
- des mouvements de transfert avec l'ext6rieur r~alis6s par son inter-

Article 31
A compter de la signature du pr6sent accord, toute modification aux
statuts de la Banque centrale des Etats de l'Afrique de l'Ouest r6sultera d'un
accord entre la Fd6ration du Mali et les autres autorit6s comp6tentes.

Article 32
Est confirm6e la convention du 11 juillet 1959 relative aux relations entre
le Tr6sor frangais et le Tr~sor du Mali, ainsi qu'aux concours r6ciproques et h
la coop6ration de la Fd~ration du Mali et de la R~publique franqaise pour
l'organisation et le fonctionnement des services du Tr6sor.

Article 35
Un accord particulier d6terminera 6ventuellement les conditions dans
lesquelles la Fd6ration du Mali serait associ6e au Conseil sup6rieur du cr6dit
pour 'harmonisation des principes g6n6raux de la r6glementation du cr6dit et
de l'organisation bancaire. Le Conseil malien du cr6dit pourrait, en ce cas,
suivant des modalit6s convenues en Commission franco-malienne, assumer,
sur le territoire de la F6d6ration du Mali, ind6pendamment des attributions
vis6es I'article 28 du pr6sent accord, les comp6tences susceptibles d'Stre
d616gu6es par le Conseil sup6rieur du cr6dit.
Le meme accord pourra 6ventuellement pr6voit l'association de la
F6d6ration du Mali i la Commission de contr6le des banques et les modalit6s
de cette association.

Article 36
Une Commission paritaire franco-malienne sera sp6cialement constitu6e
afin d'61aborer une convention en mati~re domaniale.
La propri6t6 de toutes les d6pendances domaniales immatricul6es au nom
de la R6publique frangaise sera transf6r6e A la F6d6ration du Mali. La
Commission paritaire pr6voira I'affectation en jouissance i la R6publique
frangaise de celles de ces d6pendances, ou de biens 6quivalents, qui resteront
n6cessaires aux services de la R6publique frangaise sur le territoire de la
F6d6ration du Mali.
La Commission d6terminera la liste des fonds de terre acquis sur cr6dits
du budget de l'Etat frangais, dont la propri6t6 sera reconnue i la R6publique
franqaise, ainsi que la liste des constructions de toute nature constitu6es au
moyen de tels cr6dits, sur lesquels un droit de superficie lui sera reconnu. Elle
d6terminera, dans ce dernier cas, les compensations 6ventuellement dues au
propri6taire du sol.
La Commission devra d6poser ses conclusions avant le Ier octobre 1960.

Article 37
La Commission vis6e i l'article pr6c6dent 6tablira la liste des organismes
de droit public frangais jouissant de l'autonomie administrative ou financi6re
dont les biens sont propri6t6 priv6e.

Article 38
La F6d6ration du Mali d6clare confirmer les concessions accord6es
ant6rieurement & 'entr6e en vigueur du pr6sent accord.
Jusqu't '6tablissement de la convention vis6e A 'article 36, le droit de
concession, en ce qui concerne les terrains du domaine priv6 immatricul6s au
nom de la Rpublique franqaise, sera exerc6 au sein de la Commission
franco-malienne pr~vue au titre Ier.
Article 39
Dans les six semaines suivant la date de mise en vigueur du pr6sent accord,
sera r6unie une premi6re session de la Commission franco-malienne qui
pr6cisera en tant que besoin les modalit6s de mise en oeuvre effective de cet


JUIN 19601
Le PremierMinistre de la Ripublique frangaised Monsieur le Prisident
du Gouvernement de la Fiddrationdu Mali

J'ai 'honneur de vous confirmer que les expressions "fonds de terre" et

"constructions de toute nature" vis6es i I'article 36, alin6a 3, de l'accord de
coop6ration en mati~re 6conomique, mon6taire et financi6re sont interpr6t6es
par le Gouvernement frangais comine ne s'6tendant ni aux biens acquis ou
constitu6s sur des cr6dits des diverses sections du F. I. D. E. S. ni aux biens
ou partie des biens dont la R6publique frangaise est devenue propri6taire sans
contrepartie par le seul effet de 1; proc6dure d'immatriculation.
Je vous serais oblig6 de bien vouloir me faire savoir si les dispositions qui
pr6c~dent recueillent votre agr6ment.

Le Prisidentdu Gouvernement de la F6drationdu Mali

d M. le Premier Ministre de la Ripublique franaise

Par lettre en date de ce jour, vous avez bien voulu me faire savoir ce qui
suit :

[Voir texte ci-dessus.]

J'ai l'honneur de vous confirmer mon accord A ce sujet.



1Journal Officiel de la Ripublique frangaise, 20 juillet 1960, p. 6637.

2 ibid., p. 6638.
Article jer
Sur le territoire de la F6d6ration du Mali, l'enseignement sup6rieur est
dispens6 par l'Universit6 de Dakar et les tablissements qui la composent ou
en d6pendent, existant ou A cr6er.
L'Universit6 de Dakar et les tablissements qui la composent ou en
d6pendent sont des 6tablissements publics de la Fd6ration du Mali.

Article 3
La F6d6ration du Mali confie A la R6publique frangaise,'qui accepte cette
mission, la gestion et l'administration de l'Universit6 de Dakar.
Nonobstant la 16gislation malienne sur les 6tablissements publics, l'Uni-
versit6 de Dakar et les 6tablissements qui la composent ou en d6pendent
continuent d'dtre r6gis par les dispositions applicables i la date d'entr6e en
vigueur du pr6sent accord.
Les modifications 6ventuelement apport6es A ces dispositions leur seront
applicables, sauf opposition du Gouvernement de la F6d6ration du Mali.

Article 4
L'Universit6 de Dakar est g6r6e dans des conditions propres A maintenir et
A d6velopper un enseignement sup6rieur de qualit6 6gale A celui des universit6s
L'Universit6 de Dakar est ouverte A tous les 6tudiants justifiant des titres
requis pour l'acc~s aux 6tablissements qui la composent ou en d6pendent.

Article 5

Dans le cadre ce ce plan, l'UniversitO de Dakar d6veloppera les recherches

et les enseignements r6pondant A sa vocation particulire au service du Mali,
de la Communaut6 et de l'Afrique.
Ele s'emploiera notamment A assurer la formation et le perfectionnement
des cadres sup6rieurs scientifiques, techniques et administratifs, n6cessaires A
la F6d6ration du Mali, aux autres Etats de la Communaut6 et de 'Afrique, qui
en feraient la demande.

Article 6
Le Recteur de l'Universit6 de Dakar est d6sign6 d'un commun accord par
les parties contractantes et nomm6 dans les m6mes conditions que les recteurs
des universit6s frangaises.
Sont applicables aux personnels en service A l'Universit6 de Dakar les
dispositions r6gissant les personnels des m6mes cat6gories des universits
frangaises ainsi que les dispositions concernant le personnel frangais en service
sur le territoire de la F6d6ration du Mali.
Article 10 ,
Les grades et diplOmes conf6r~s par l'Universit6 de Dakar ont au Mali
comme en France la valeur de grades et dipl6mes d'Etat. Ils font l'objet, a
l'Universit6 de Dakar, d'un double enregistrement pour le compte du
ministre de l'Education nationale de la R6publique frangaise et du minist~re
de l'Education de la Fdration du Mali.
Les grades et dipl6mes conf6r6s par les universit6s franqaises sont valables
en plein droit sur le territoire de la F6d6ration du Mali.

Article 11
Le r6gime financier de l'Universit6 de Dakar et des 6tablissements qui la
composent ou qui en d6pendent demeure tel qu'il est fix6 A la date d'entr6e
en vigueur du pr6sent accord.
Article 12
Les parties contractantes font dotation A l'Universit6 de Dakar des biens
meubles et immeubles leur appartenant et dont cette Universit6 a la
jouissance A la date de l'entr6e en vigueur du pr6sent accord.

Article 13
Les modalit6s d'utilisation par l'Universit6 de Dakar de l'H6pital Aristide
Le Dantec et des installations hospitali~res de Farn sont fix6es dans un
accord sp6cial.
Article 14
Compte tenu de la volont6 commune exprim6e A l'article 4 ci-dessus de
maintenir la qualit6 de l'enseignement dispens6 par l'Universit6 de Dakar, la
R6publique frangaise s'engage i faciliter par tous les moyens en son pouvoir
aux candidats de nationalit6 malienne l'acc~s aux fonctions d'enseignement
Le Recteur de l'Universit6 de Dakar soumettra A ce sujet des propositions
aux autorit6s comp6tentes des deux pays.

Article 15
Le rapport annuel de gestion du Recteur de l'Universit6 de Dakar est
communiqu6 aux deux Gouvernements.


[Note. - Les dispositions de cette convention sont, mutatis mutandis,
identiques A celles de la Convention du 15 aolt 1960 entre la France et le
Congo (voir supra, p. 167).]

1 Journal Officiel de la R4publique franfaise, 20 juillet 1960, p. 6640. Entr6e en

vigueur le 19 juillet 1960. (Renseignement tire de Rollet, op. cit., p. 183.)
JUIN 19601

Consid6rant qu'il est conforme i 1'esprit de la Communaut6 que tout

national d'un des Etats qui la composent puisse jouir sur le territoire de tous
les autres Etats de droits fondamentaux, sans pr6judice de ceux qui
pourraient lui 6tre attribu6s en vertu de conventions d'6tablissement,
D6sireux de d6finir ces droits,

Article ier
Tout national d'un Etat de la Communaut6 jouit des libert6s publiques
sur le territoire de chaque Etat de la Communaut6 dans les m6mes conditions
que les nationaux de cet Etat.
Sont notamment garantis, conform6ment A la D6claration universelle des
droits de l'homme, le libre exercice des activit6s culturelles, religieuses,
6conomiques, professionnelles, sociales, les libert6s individuelles et publiques,
telles que la libert6 de pens6e, de conscience, de religion et de culte,
d'opinion, d'expression, de r6union, d'association et la libert6 syndicale.
Ces droits et libert6s s'exercent conform6ment A la l6gislation en vigueur
sur le territoire de chacune des parties contractantes.

Article 2
Tout national d'un Etat de la Communaut6 peut entrer librement sur le
territoire de tout autre Etat de la Communaut6, y voyager, y 6tablir sa
r6sidence dans le lieux de son choix et en sortir.
Cette disposition ne porte pas atteinte au droit de chaque Etat de prendre
les mesures n6cessaires au maintien de l'ordre public, A la protection de la
sant6, de la moralit6 et de la s6curit6 publiques.

Article 3
Sans pr6judice des conventions entre les parties contractantes, tout Etat
de la Communaut6 d6termine, par sa 16gislation, les conditions d'exercice sur
son territoire des droits civiques et politiques par les nationaux des autres
Etats de la Communaut6.

Article 4
Tout national d'un Etat de la Communaut6 jouit, sur le territoire de
chaque Etat de la Communaut6, de la pleine protection l6gale et judiciaire
pour sa personne, ses biens et ses autres int6rdts.
II a accs aux juridictions de tout Etat de la Communaut6 dans les m6mes
conditions que les nationaux de cet Etat.

1 Ibid., 20 juillet 1960, p. 6643.

I1 jouit sur le territoire de chaque Etat de la Communaut6 du mdme
traitement que les natioaux de cet Etat en ce qui concerne notamment le
droit d'investir des capitaux, d'acqu6rir, de poss6der, de g6rer-ou de louer
tous biens meubles et immeubles, droits et int6r~ts, d'en jouir et d'en

Article 5
Tout national d'un Etat de la Communaut6 b6nofie, sur Je territoire de
chaque Etat de la Communaut6, dans les mdmes conditions que les nationaux
de cet Etat, de toutes dispositions mettant A la charge de l'Etat ou d'une
collectivitO publique la r6paration des dommages subis par les personnes et les

Article 6
Aucun national d'un Etat de la Communaut6 ne peut dtre..frapp6 d'une
mesure arbitraire ou discriminatoire de nature A compromettre ses biens ou
ses int6rdts, notamment lorsque ceux-ci consistent en une participation
directe ou indirecte A l'actif d'une soci6t6 ou autre personne morale. Ses biens
ne peuvent dtre l'objet d'expropriation pour cause d'utilit6 publique ou de
nationalisation que sous la condition du paiement d'une juste indemnit6
pr6alablement vers6e ou garantie.

Article 7

Le pr6sent accord est ouvert k la signature de tout Etat de la

Communaut6 k compter du ......... 1960.
I1 entre en vigueur, pour ce qui les concerne, A dater du jour oi deux
Etats signataires au moins ont fait savoir au Gouvernement d6positaire qu'ils
ont accompli les formalit6s constitutionnelles requises A cette fin.
I1 prend effet A 1'6gard de chaque autre Etat signataire du jour oil celui-ci
a proc6d A cette communication.

Article 8
Du consentement unanime des parties contractantes et sous condition de
r6ciprocit6, les dispositions du pr6sent accord pourront 6tre 6tendues aux
nationaux d'autres Etats, notamment des Etats africains.

Article 9
Le pr6sent accord sera d6pos6 dans les archives du Gouvernement de la
R6publique malgache qui en d61ivrera une copie certifi6e conforme A chacun
des Etats signataires et des Etats qui y deviendront parties en vertu de
l'article 8.
29. MALI



Art. jer. - Le Gouvernement de la R6publique frangaise mettra i la

disposition du Gouvernement de la R6publique du Mali, dans toute la mesure
de ses moyens, les personnels que ce gouvemement estimera n6cessaire au
fonctionnement de ses services et 6tablissements publics; cette prestation est
ind6pendante des concours pouvant faire l'objet de conventions particuli~res,
soit pour le fonctionnement de certains services ou 6tablissements, soit pour
l'ex6cution de missions temporaires i objectifs d6terminls.


Des modalit~s de la mise d disposition

Art. 2. - D~s l'entr6e en vigueur du pr6sent accord, le Gouvemement de
la R6publique du Mali fait connaftre au Gouvernement de la R6publique
franqaise la liste des emplois et des postes qu'il d6sire confier A des personnels
frangais, titulaires ou contractuels.
Cette liste est renouvel6e et communiqu6e tous les ans.
Art. 3. - Le Gouvernement de la R6publique frangaise soumet, dans les
deux mois qui suivent ces communications, a l'agr~ment du Gouvernement de
la R6publique du Mali, les candidatures aux postes qu'il accepte de pourvoir.
Les propositions de candidatures sont accompagn6es de dossiers d6taill6s.
Le Gouvemement de la R6publique du Mali fait connaltre dans le d61ai
d'un mois son acceptation ou son refus des candidats pour les emplois et les
postes consid6rs.
Pass6 ce d~lai ou en cas de refus du Gouvernement de la R6publique du
Mali, le Gouvernement de la R6publique frangaise reprend la libre disposition
des personnels non agr66s. Il proc6de toutefois i de nouvelles propositions qui
pourront 6tre suivies d'agr6ment ou de refus dans les m6mes conditions que
Le Gouvernement de la R6publique du Mali pourra demander la mise A sa
disposition de personnels nomm6ment d6signs et dont il souhaite le
La mise en route des candidats agr66s est assur6e dans les meilleurs d61ais
par le Gouvernement de la R6publique frangaise.
Dans le cas oii l'arriv6e d'un candidat agr66 serait de plus de deux mois
post6rieure A la date initialement pr6vue, son affectation pourra etre modifi6e
i la demande du Gouvernement de la R6publique du Mali.
Art. 4. - La p6riode de mise A la disposition couvre le temps de s6jour et
le cong6 faisant suite A ce s6jbur. Toutefois, en ce qui concerne les personnels

1 Voir aussi la Convention (a) sous Niger, infra, p. 370.

JournalOfficiel de la Rubliaue francaise. 10 iuillet 1964. v. 6123.
soumis au r6gime du cong6 annuel, elle couvre le temps de deux sjours
cons6cutifs et la dur6e des cong6s y aff6rents.
Les personnels sont nomm6s par le Gouvernement de la R6publique du
Mali, pour une dur6e de deux ans Acompter de leur arriv6e sur le territoire de
ladite r6publique.
Les mutations en cours de s6jour sont prononc6es par le Gouvernement
de la R6publique du Mali. Les mutations ayant pour effet de modifier le
niveau et la nature de l'emploi sont prononc6es sous r6serve du consentement
des int6ress~s.
Art. 5.- A l'expiration de la p6riode fix6e i l'article 4 ci-dessus, les
personnels se trouvent de plein droit remis i la disposition du Gouvernement
de la R6publique frangaise.
Le temps de s6jour au Mali peut 6tre prolong6 d'une dur6e maximum de
six mois, sur la demande du Gouvernement de la R6publique du Mali,
pr6sent6e au moins un mois avant l'expiration du s6jour normal, apr~s
consultation des autorit6s m6dicales et sous r6serve de l'accord des int6ress6s.
L'6vacuation sanitaire, les cong6s de convalescence et de longue dur6e,
ainsi que les congds de maladie accord6s aux personnels consid6r6s hors du
territoire de la R6publique du Mali, mettent fin i la mise A disposition.
It en est de m6me lorsque ces personnels sont mis A la retraite, en
application du statut qui les r6git.
Art. 6. - Dans tous les cas, la mise A disposition peut 6tre renouvel6e dans
les formes o i elle a 6t6 prononc6e.
Art. 7. - Le Gouvernement de la R~publique du Mali peut, en cas de
n6cessit6, remettre tout agent i la disposition du Gouvernement de la
R6publique frangaise A charge de notification motiv6e A ce gouvernement,
ainsi qu'A l'int6ress6 et moyennant pr6avis d'un mois A compter du jour de la
notification. La cessation de service pou'rra n6anmoins tre imm6diate.
Dans ce cas, 'agent sujet de cette mesure devra avoir quitt6, avant
expiration du d6lai de pr6avis, le territoire de la R6publique du Mali.
Les frais de retour sont alors A la charge du gouvernement de ladite
De mdme, en cas de n6cessit6, le Gouvernement de la R6publique
frangaise peut reprendre la disposition d'un agent, A charge de notification
mo.iv~e au Gouvernement de la R6publique du Mali. Dans ce cas, la cessation
de servine intervient dans le d&lai d'un mois A compter de la date de cette
notificattion. Dans le m~me d~lai, le Gouvemement de la R6publique frangaise
pr6sente des propositions en vue de pourvoir au remplacement de l'int6ress6.


Art. 13. - Le Gouvernement de la R6publique franqaise prend A sa
charge :
La r6mun6ration des personnels qu'il met A la disposition du Gouverne-
ment de la R6publique du Mali;
Les frais de transport de ces personnels, de leurs familles, ainsi que de
leurs bagages, du lieu de leur r6sidence A Bamako et, lors du rapatriement, de
Bamako au lieu de r6sidence, sous r6serve des dispositions des articles 7 et I I
Les indemnit6s aff6rentes aux d6placements vis6s ci-dessus;
La contribution de l'Etat i la construction des droits i pension de ces
personnels, selon les taux en vigueur dans la r6glementation frangaise.
Art. 14. - Le Gouvernement de la R6publique du Mali prend i sa charge:
A titre de contribution &la r6mun6ration de ces personnels, et pour toute
la dur6e de la mise i disposition telle qu'elle est d6finie A l'article 4 ci-dessus,
une allocation dont le montant et les modalit6s de versement sont d6termin6s
d'un commun accord et constat6s dans un protocole particulier;
Dans les conditions fix6es par sa propre r6glementation les 6moluments
ou indemnit6s repr6sentatifs de frais ou la r6mun6ration des travaux
suppl6mentaires effectifs, les 6moluments ayant le caract~re de remises ou
ristournes sur les perceptions fiscales ou douani~res et les frais et indemnit6s
de d6placements ou de missions &l'int6rieur ou A l'ext6rieur de la R6publique
du Mali effectu6es sur d6cision du gouvemement de ladite r6publique;
Les avantages en nature attach6s A l'emploi d6fini &l'acte de nomination
le logement et l'ameublement assur6s dans tous les cas, les soins, les
prestations de midicaments, 'hospitalisation pour ces personnels et leurs
familles, le tout conform6ment A la 16gislation en vigueur au Mali, sauf accord
Art. 15. - Les conditions d'imposition des personnels mis A la disposition
du Gouvemement de la R6publique du Mali sont d6termin6es par un
protocole particulier.

Dispositions diverses

Art. 18. - Les dispositions du pr6sent accord s'appliquent de plein droit

aux personnels mis A la disposition du Gouvernement de la R6publique du
Mali conform6ment A la convention du 26 octobre 1959.



Le Gouvernement de la R6publique frangaise et le Gouvernement de la

R6publique du Mali, d6sireux de d6velopper les relations amicales existant
entre les deux pays dans le respect mutuel de leur souverainet6 et dans leur
.int6ret r6ciproque, sont convenus de d6finir leurs relations 6conomiques,
mon6taires et financi~res selon les dispositions du pr6sent accord.

1JournalOfficiel de la Ripublique frangaise, 10 juillet 1964, p. 6131.


Des relations monitaires

Art. 8. - La R6publique du Mali se r6serve le droit de cr6er une monnaie
nationale et un institut d'6mission qui lui soit propre et de demander,
6ventuellement, A la R6publique franqaise d'apporter son concours i ladite
monnaie, notamment par le jeu d'un compte d'avances.
Art. 9. - La R6publique frangaise prend acte de la d6claration malienne
et se d6clare dispos6e, dans l'6ventualit6 envisag6e & 'article pr6c6dent, &
engager avec la R6publique du Mali des Aidgociations en vue de d6terminer les
conditions et les modalit6s de ce concours.
La R6publique frangaise d6clare toutefois consid6rer comme souhaitable
que les relations mon6taires entre les deux parties se poursuivent au sein de
l'Union mon6taire ouest-africaine en voie de r6organisation.
Art. 10. - La R6publique du Mali d6clare vouloir poursuivre son d6velop-
pement en association avec les Etats africains de l'Ouest, de pr6f6rence au sein
de l'Union mon6taire ouest-africaine en voie de r6organisation.


Des r~glements commerciaux et financiers

Art. 11. - D~s l'entr6e en vigueur du pr6sent accord, un compte de droits
de tirage en devises sera ouvert par la Banque de France au nom de la
R6publique du Mali. Ce compte sera libell6 en dollars des Etat's-Unis, monnaie
de compte.
Art. 12. - Le compte vis6 A l'article pr6c6dent est destin6 i enregistrer
tous les r6glements avec les pays ext6rieurs A la zone franc int6ressant le Mali
op6r6s sur le march6 des changes de Paris, d'ordre et pour le compte des
banques agr66es 6tablies au Mali, soit par cession ou achat de devises sur le
march6 des changes, soit par le d6bit ou le cr6dit des comptes 6trangers en
francs ouverts dans les 6critures des banques agrA6es 6tablies en France.
Les modalit6s d'ouverture et de fonctionnement de ce compte sont fix6es
d'un commun accord.
.Art. 13. - Les deux Gouvernements pourront n6gocier chaque ann6e le
montant d'un droit de tirage suppl6mentaire qui serait inscrit au compte
pr6vu A l'article 11 ci-dessus.
Art. 14. - La R6publique du Mali est souveraine en matire de l6gislation
concernant les r glements commerciaux et financiers avec tous pays.
Les deux Gouvemements prendront toutes mesures utiles pour 6viter que
des discordances qui auraient pour effet d'en restreindre l'application
n'apparaissent entre leurs l6gislations dans ce domaine. A cet effet, ils
6changeront les informations n6cessaires.
Les deux Gouvernements veilleront, chacun en ce qui le concerne, A ce
que les dispositions ci-dessus ne fassent pas obstacle A celles du titre I du
present accord, ainsi qu'aux op6rations financi~res courantes.

De la participation franfaise au diveloppement du Mali

Art. 15. - Compte tenu des dispositions qui prfctdent, la R6publique
frangaise pourra, &la demande de la R6publique du Mali, apporter une aide
soit directement, soit par l'interm6diare d'organismes sp6cialis6s, i la
r6alisation de certaines tiches ayant pour objet le d6veloppement 6conomique
et social de la R6publique du Mali.
Cette aide pourra consister, notamment, dans l'envoi d'experts ou de
personnels d'assistance technique, dans la fourniture de mat6riels ou
mat6riaux, la r6alisation de travaux, dans la participation - sous quelque
forme que ce soit - au financement d'op6rations ou groupes d'op6rations
inscrites au plan de d6veloppement 6conomique et social de la R6publique du
Les modalit6s de cette aide feront l'objet de conventions appropri6es.
Art. 16. - Lorsqu'il s'agira de projets donnant lieu i un concours
financier franais, et dans la limite de ce concours, les mat6riels, mat6riaux ou
fournitures introduits ou acquis au Mali par la R6publique du Mali ou toute
autre personne physique ou morale r6alisant ou prenant part A la r6alisation
de tout projet entrepris en ex6cution du prisent accord devront etre, sauf
d6rogations convenues d'un commun accord, originaires et en provenance de
la zone franc.
La partie de ces concours financiers affect6e A des 6tudes ou Al'ex6cution
de travaux donnera lieu & march6s r6serv~s aux entreprises maliennes ou
franqaises dans les conditions d6termin6es par les conventions pr6vues &
l'article 15 (alin6a 3).
Art. 17. - En ce qui concerne les perceptions effectuies par les services
douaniers et fiscaux, le Gouvernement de la R6publique du Mali fera
b6n6ficier les biens vis6s aux articles 15 et 16 ci-dessus, import6s pour
l'ex6cution des op6rations pr6vues au pr6sent accord, du r6gime de la nation
la plus favoris6e, sans pr6judice des dispositions de 'article ier ci-dessus.
Les mat6riels import6s pour la r6alisation de ces op6rations b6n6ficieront,
s'ils sont destin6s & etre r6export6s, du r6gime de l'admission temporaire,
conformiment a la r6glementation en vigueur au Mali.
Art. 18. - Les ressortissants franqais charg6s d'6tudier et d'ex6cuter les
op6rations financdes sur fonds franqais b~n6ficieront des garanties accord~es
aux personnels frangais de l'assistance technique mis Ala disposition de la
R6publique du Mali en vertu de 'accord g6n6ral de cooperation technique
franco-malien, sans prejudice des conventions pr6vues i l'article 15 (alin6a 3).
Art. 19. - Les investissements frangais r6aliss dans le cadie du plan
malien de d6veloppement bin6ficieront des avantages et garanties accord~s
par la legislation malienne aux entreprises conventionn6es.
Dans le cas oh cette legislation viendrait i etre modifi6e, les droits acquis
seraient en tout 6tat de cause respectis.
Art. 20. - Les ressortissants, fondations, associations et soci6t6s de
chacune des parties contractantes bdn6ficieront sur le territoire de l'autre
partie, pour les investissements ainsi que les biens, droits et int6rets leur
appartenant, du traitement accord6 aux ressortissants, fondations, asso-
ciations et-societes de la nation la plus favoris~e.

Relations entre le Trisor malien et le Trisorfran~ais

Art. 21. - Les relations entre le'Tr6sor frangais et le Tr6sor malien
demeurent r6gies par un accord sp6cial.
Le r~glement des cr6ances entre le Tr6sor frangais et le Tr6sor malien fera
l'objet d'un protocole qui sera annex6 au pr6sent accord.



D6sireux d'6tendre leur coop6ration au domaine mon6taire;

Convaincus que seule l'adh6sion de la R6publique du Mali A l'Union
mon6taire ouest-africaine, peut permettre le maintien durable d'une telle
Conscients de la n6cessit6 de pr6parer progressivement cette adh6sion,


De l'adhdsion du Mali d l'Union montaire ouest-africaine

Art. 1er. - Le Gouvernement de la R6publique du Mali s'engage i adh6rer
A l'Union mon6taire ouest-africaine, institu6e par le trait6 du 12 mai 1962, au
terme d'un d6lai qui est d6termin6 par accord mutuel. Ce d61ai comprend une
p6riode pr6paratoire et une p6riode de coop6ration bilat6rale.
Art. 2. - Le Gouvernement de la R publique frangaise s'engage A pour-
suivre sa coop6ration, telle qu'elle a tA d6finie par les accords du 12 mai
1962 et du 27 f6vrier 1963, avec les rpubliques membres de l'Union
mondtaire ouest-africaine, lorsque la Rpublique du Mali aura 6 admise A
participer A cette union.

De la piriode priparatoire
Art. 3. - A une date convenue entre les deux parties, s'ouvre une p6riode
pr6paratoire au cours de laquelle le Gouvernement de la R6publique du Mali,
dans le cadre d'un programme d'ensemble, procdera aux adaptations
n6cessaires de ses structures 6conomiques, mon6taires et financi~res afin de
pouvoir se conformer, A l'issue de la p6riode pr6paratoire, A 1'ensemble des
r~gles en vigueur au sein de l'Union mon~taire ouest-africaine.
Art. 4. - Le Gouvernement de la R6publique frangaise accordera son
concours au Gouvernement de la R6publique du Mali pour l'aider A proc6der
A ces adaptations au fur et A mesure de la mise en oeuvre du programme.
1 Journal Officiel de laR~publique fran~aise, 27 juin 1967, p. 6348. Entr6 en
vigueur le Ier juin' 1967. (Renseignement tir6 de Rollet, op. cit., p. 149.)
Art. 5. - La p6riode pr6paratoire prendra fin lorsque les effets de ce
programme auront 6t6 jug6s satisfaisants par les deux Gouvemements.


De la piriode de coopirationbilatdrale
Art. 6. - Dbs l'ouverture de la p6riode de coop6ration bilat6rale et jusqu'k
l'adh6sion effective du Mali A 'Union mon6taire ouest-africaine, les dis-
positions suivantes entreront en vigueur.
Art. 7. - L'institut d'6mission malien sera g6r6 par un conseil d'adminis-
tration dont les membres seront d6sign6s en nombre 6gal par chacun des
deux Gouvernements.
. Art. 8. - Les r~gles relatives aux op6rations g6n6ratrices de l'6mission
appliqu6es par cet institut seront analogues A celles de la Banque centrale des
Etats d'Afrique de l'Ouest.
Art. 9. - La R6publique frangaise assurera la libre convertibilit6 de la
monnaie malienne. Un compte d'op6rations sera ouvert A cet effet au nom de
l'institut d'6mission malien dans les 6critures du Tr6sor frangais. Les
modalit6s d'ouverture et de fonctionnement de ce compte feront l'objet
d'une convention appropri6e.

Laws and decrees


[Note: The provisions of sections 1, 2, 3 and 4 (1) (2) (3) of this Act are
basically similar to those of sections 1, 2, 3 and 4 (1) (2) of the Fiji
Independence Act 1970 (supra, pp. 178-179 and 180). The same similarity
exists between section 4 (4) (5) (6) (7) of the Act and section 4 (4) (5) (6) of
the Gambia Independence Act 1964 (supra, p. 190).
The provisions of the first and second schedules are basically similar to
those of the corresponding schedules to the- Gambia Independence Act 1964
(supra, pp. 191-193).]


1. Citation and Interpretation

1 Public GeneralActs and Measures, Eliz. II, 1964, Chap. 8 6, p. 1305.

2 Statutory Instruments, 1964, Part III, Sect. 1, No. 1398, p. 3207.
3 The provisions of sections 7 (1) (3) and 11 (3) of this Order are basically similar to
those of sections 4 (2) and 5 (3) (4) (6) of the Barbados Independence
Order 1966 (supra, pp. 119-122). Section 6 (1) is similar to section 5 (1) of the Malawi
Independence Order in Council 1964 (supra, pp. 304-305). Section 7 (4) is similar to
section 8 (8) of the Botswana Independence Order 1966 (supra p. 135).
(2) In sections I to 15 (inclusive) of this Order
"the appointed day" means the day appointed by section 2 of this Order;
"the Constitution" means the constitution set out in the Schedule to this

2. The appointed day

The appointed day for the purposes of section 1(1) of the Malta
Independence Act 1964 shall be 21st September 1964.
3. Revocation
The Malta (Constitution) Order in Council 1961 (b) as amended (c)
(which Order, as amended, is hereinafter referred to as "the 1961 Order") is
revoked as from the appointed day; and the provisions of section 38 (2) of
the Interpretation Act 1889 (d) shall apply in relation to such revocation as
they apply in relation to the repeal of an Act of the Parliament of the United
4. Establishmentof the Constitution of Malta
The Constitution shall be, and may be cited as, the Constitution of Malta
and it shall come into effect on the appointed day.
5. Exercise of powers of Governor-Generalbefore appointed day
Where the Governor-General has power under the Constitution to make
any appointment or to make any order or to do any other thing for the
purposes of the Constitution, that power may be exercised by the Governor
of the State of Malta at any time before the appointed day to such extent as
may, in his opinion, be necessary or expedient to enable the Constitution to
function as from the appointed day.

8. Law as to elections
(1) The provisions of the Electoral (Franchise, Method of Election and
Registration of Voters) Ordinance and the Electoral (Polling) Ordinance and
any regulations made thereunder shall (subject to their amendment or
replacement by the Parliament of Malta or other competent authority) apply
to the registration of voters for the election of members of the House of
Representatives and to the election of such members.
(2) The electoral register as revised by virtue of the Electoral (Franchise,
Method of Election and Registration of Voters) Ordinance shall continue
after the appointed day to be in force as a valid electoral register subject to
further revision or to replacement under the said Ordinance or any other law
amending or replacing the same.
9. Transitional provisions relating to appointment and discipline of
public officers
(1) Any power of the Prime Minister which, by virtue of any instrument
having effect immediately before the appointed day under, or as if it had
been made under, section 86 of the 1961 Order is at that time delegated to a
public officer or other authority, shall as from the appointed day be deemed
to have been delegated to that officer or authority in accordance with the
provisions of the Constitution.
(2) Any matter which immediately before the appointed day is pending
before the Public Service Commission established by the 1961 Order or, as
the case may be, before any officer or authority to whom the power to deal
with such matters has been delegated in the manner mentioned in
subsection (1) of this section shall as from the appointed day be continued
before the Public Service Commission established by the Constitution or, as
the case may be, that officer or authority.

11. Continuance and adaptation of laws

(1) Subject to the provisions of this Order, all laws (including laws made
under the 1961 Order) in force in, or otherwise having effect as part of the
law of, Malta immediately before the appointed day (hereinafter referred to
as "the existing laws") shall (subject to amendment or repeal by the
Parliament of Malta or other competent authority) continue so to have effect
on and after that day; but all such laws shill be construed with such
modifications, adaptations, qualifications and exceptions as may be necessary
to bring them into conformity with this Order or in consequence of the
enactment of the Malta Independence Act 1964.
(2) The Governor-General may (without prejudice to the powers of the
Parliament of Malta or other competent authority) by order made at any time
within twelve months after the appointed day make such amendments to any
existing law (other than the Malta Independence Act 1964 and this Order) as
may appear to him to be necessary or expedient for bringing that law into
conformity with the provisions of this Order or otherwise for giving effect or
enabling effect to be given to those provisions, or in consequence of the
enactment of the Malta Independence Act 1964; and any such order shall
have effect from such date, not earlier than the appointed day, as may be
specified therein.

(4) On and after the appointed day no provision of any law subsisting
immediately before 3rd March 1962 shall be regarded as having ceased to
have effect as part of the law of Malta by reason of any inconsistency with
the 1961 Order if that provision is one which, were it a provision having
effect immediately before the appointed day, would continue to have effect
as aforesaid by virtue of section 48 (7) of the Constitution.
12. Validity of Letters Patent, Orders in Council, Ordinances and Acts
It is hereby declared that
(a) the Letters Patent and Order in Council set out in the First Schedule
to the Malta Constitution Act 1932 (a) were validly passed and made and
were within the powers reserved to His Majesty;
(b) the Acts of the Legislature of Malta so set out were validly enacted
and were within the powers of the Legislature;
(c) the Ordinances of the Governor of Malta so set out were validly
promulgated and were within the powers of the Governor;
(d) all Ordinances of the Governor of Malta enacted and promulgated
during the period between the commencement of the Malta Constitution Act
1932 and the commencement of the Malta (Letters Patent) Act 1936 were
validly enacted and promulgated and were within the powers of the

Chapter XI. Miscellaneous

(12) Any reference in this Constitution to a law made before the
commencement of this Constitution shall, unless the context otherwise
requires, be construed as a reference to that law as in force immediately
before the appointed day.
(13) Any reference in this Constitution to a law that amends or replaces
any other law shall be construed as including a reference to a law that
modifies, re-enacts, with or without amendment or modification, or makes
different provisions in lieu of that other law.
(14) The Interpretation Act 1889 as in force on the appointed day shall
apply, with the necessary adaptations, for the purpose of interpreting this
Constitution and otherwise in relation thereto as it applies for the purpose of
interpreting, and in relation to, Acts of Parliament of the United Kingdom.

(i) Trait6s



Vu l'article 86 (alin6a 3) de la Constitution du 4 octobre 1958 compl6te

par la loi constitutionnelle du 4 juin 1960,

Sont convenus de ce qui suit:

Art. 1 er. La R6publique islamique de Mauritanie accede en plein accord
et amiti6 avec la R6publique frangaise A la souverainet6 intemationale et i
l'ind6pendance par le transfert des comp6tences de la Communaut6.
Art. 2. - Toutes les comp6tences institu6es par l'article 78 de la Consti-
tution du 4 octobre 1958 sont, pour ce qui la concerne, transf6r6es A la
R6publique islamique de Mauritanie d~s l'accomplissement par les parties
contractantes de la proc6dure pr6vue A l'article 87 de ladite Constitution.

1 The provisions of sections 105, 109 and 116 of this Constitution are basically
similar to those of sections 103, 107 and 11 of the Constitution of Barbados (supra,
pp. 126-127).
2 Voir aussi la Convention (a) sous Niger, infra, p. 370.
3 Journal Officiel de la Rgpublique francaise, 24 novembre 1960, p. 10459.

Conscients des responsabilit6s qui leur incombent en ce qui concerne le

maintien de la paix, conform6ment aux principes de la Charte des Nations
Soucieux de mat6rialiser les liens d'amiti6 et de confiante coop6ration qui
les unissent;
Consid6rant que les parties contractantes manifestent A cette fin la
volont6 de coop6rer dans le domaine de la d6fense, notamment de la d6fense
D6sireux de d6terminer les modalit6s de cette coop6ration dont les
engagements ont un caract~re essentiellement d6fensif;

Article ler
La R6publique frangaise et la R6publique islamique de Mauritanie se
pratent aide et assistance pour pr6parer et assurer leur d6fense.

Article 2
La R6publique islamique de Mauritanie a la responsabilit6 de sa d6fense
int6rieure et ext6rieure.. Elle peut demander A La R6publique francaise une
aide dans des conditions d6finies par des accords sp6ciaux.

Article 3
Les parties contractantes se concertent sur les problmes g6n6raux de
d6fense et, A cet effet, assurent entre elles une collaboration efficace et
r6guli~re aux niveaux n6cessaires.
A 1'chelon de la R6publique islamique de Mauritanie, les probl~mes
communs de d6fense sont 6tudi6s par un comit6 de d6fense permanent et

Article 4
La R6publique frangaise s'engage A apporter A La R6publique islamique de
Mauritanie 'aide n6cessaire Ala constitution de ses forces arm6es.

Article 5
Chacune des parties contractantes s'engage A donner A 'autre toutes
facilit6s et toutes aides n~cessaires A la d6fense et, en particulier, A La
constitution, au stationnement, aux mouvements, i la mise en condition et A
l'emploi des forces de d6fense.

1 Ibid., 6 f6vrier 1962, p. 1325. Entr6 en vigueur le 14 novembre 1961. Cess6 d'etre
en vigueur le 31 d6cembre 1972 par 6change de lettres en date du 15 fevrier 1973.
Les forces de d6fense sont compos6es essentiellement des forces arm6es
de la R6publique frangaise et de celles de la R6publique islamique de

Article 6
Les facilit6s reconnues i la R6publique frangaise en application de
l'article 5 ci-dessus comportent :
La libre circulation sur le territoire mauritanien, dans l'espace a6rien et
dans les eaux territoriales;
L'utilisation des infrastructures portuaire, ferroviaire, routi~re et a6rienne
et des r6seaux postaux et de t6l6communications;
L'6tablissement et l'utilisation sur le territoire et dans les eaux terri-
toriales des balisages a6riens et maritimes et des moyens de transmission
n6cessaires A la s6curit6 et Al'accomplissement des missions des forces arm6es;
La libre disposition des casernements, batiments et terrains ainsi que les
droits de stockage, de gardiennage militaire et d'escale n6cessaires aux besoins
de la d6fense;
En outre, aux abords de Port-Etienne, la libre disposition des terrains
reconnus d'un commun accord n6cessaires aux besoins de la d6fense.

Article 7
L'importance num6rique des troupes frangaises appel6es A occuper les
casernements et installations mis i la disposition des forces arm6es franaises
pour les besoins de la d6fense sera d6termin6e d'un commun accord apr~s
consultation du comit6 de d6fense franco-mauritanien.
Des plans de d6fense arr6t6s en comit6 de d6fense d6termineront les
conditions dans lesquelles il pourra tre procd6, en cas de crise ou de menace
de crise, aux renforcements et mouvements n6cessaires.

Article 8
Le pr6sent accord entrera en vigueur en meme temps que le trait6 de
coop6ration sign6 le 19 juin 1961 entre la R6publique frangaise et la
R6publique islamique de Mauritanie.



[Note. - Les dispositions de cet accord ainsi que celles de son annexe
sont, mutatis mutandis, identiques celles de l'Accord du 24 avril 1961 et de
son annexe II, entre la France et la C6te-d'Ivoire (voir supra, p. 228).]

1 Journal Officiel de la Rgpublique frangaise, 6 f~vrier 1962, p. 1326. Entr6 en

vigueur le 14 novembre 1961. Cess6 d'6tre en vigueur le 31 d~cembre 1972 par 6change
de lettres du 15 f6vrier 1973.
19 JUIN 19611

R6solus A poursuivre leurs relations dans un esprit de compr6hension

mutuelle, de confiance r6ciproque et de coop6ration, notamment dans les
domaines 6conomique, mon6taire et financier,


Article er

La R6publique islamique de Mauritanie d6clare vouloir poursuivre son

d6veloppement, en 6troite association avec la R6publique frangaise et les
autres pays de la zone franc, tout en b6n6ficiant des possibilit6s d'6changes et
de coopration qui s'offrent h elle dans les autres pays du monde.

Article 2
L'association contractuelle de la R6publique islamique de Mauritanie et
de la R6publique franqaise proc~de de deux principes fondamentaux :
Chaque Etat d6tient l'int6gralit6 des pouvoirs 6conomiques, mon6taires et
financiers reconnus aux Etats souverains.
Les parties acceptent de coordonner leurL politiques commerciale,
mon6taire et financi~re externes entre elles et avec les autres Etats de la zone
franc, de fagon i s'entraider r6ciproquement et h promouvoir le d6veloppe-
ment 6conomique le plus rapide pdssible de chacun d'eux.


Article 19
La R6publique islamique de Mauritanie d6clare maintenir son ap-
partenance h l'Union mon6taire ouest-africaine.
La monnaie 16gale ayant pouvoir lib6ratoire sur toute l'6tendue du
territoire de la R6publique islamique de Mauritanie est le franc C. F. A. 6mis
par l'institut d'6mission commun aux Etats de l'Union mon6taire.

Article 20
La convertibilit6 entre le franc C. F. A. et le franc francais est illimit6e et
garantie par le fonctionnement d'un compte d'op6rations ouvert au nom de
rinstitut d'6mission dans les 6critures du Trisor franqais. Ce compte fera
l'objet d'une convention appropri6e.
Les transferts de fonds sont libres entre les deux Etats.
1 Journal Officiel de la R~publique franpaise, 6 f6vrier 1962, p. 1328. Entr6 en
vigueur le 14 novembre 1961. Cess6 d'8tre en vigueur le 31 d6cembre 1972 par 6change
de lettres du 15 f6vrier 1973.
Article 21
La d6finition et la parit6 de l'unit6 mon6taire sont maintenues. Elles ne
pourront 8tre modifi6es que par accord entre tous les Etats membres de
l'Union mon6taire et la R6publique frangaise.

Article 22
Les signes mon6taires 6mis dans chaque Etat sont identifi6s par une
marque particuli~re.

Article 23
L'institut d'6mission tiendra pour chaque Etat membre de l'Union
mon6taire ouest-africaine une comptabilit6 distincte de l'6mission mon6taire
et de ses contreparties.

Article 24
L'institut d'6mission sera un 6tablissement multinational dont le conseil
d'administration groupera des repr6sentants des Etats membres de l'Union
mon6taire ouest-africaine et de la R6publique frangaise de fagon que les Etats
membres disposent d'environ trois cinqui~mes des sieges r6partis 6galement
entre eux.
Le conseil d'administration sera seul competent pour tous les probl6mes
mettant en cause la valeur de la monnaie, ainsi que pour la d6termination des
rfgles g6nfrales applicables i la distribution du cr6dit, les d6cisions 6tant
prises h la majorit6 des deux tiers.
I1 sera cr66 dans chaque Etat membre de l'Union montaire ouest-
africaine un comit6 mon6taire.

Article 25
Les parties contractantes conviennent de poursuivre les n6gociations
entreprises avec les Etats membres de l'Union mon6taire ouest-africaine en
vue de confirmer cette union par un acte international et de proc6der h une
r6forme respectant les principes ci-dessus 6nonc6s.
Jusqu'A l'entr6e en vigueur de cet acte, il n'est pas apport6 de
modifications aux relations mon6taires existant entre la R6publique frangaise
et la Rpiblique islamique de Mauritanie.

Article 26
La R~publique islanique de Mauritanie pourra, si elle le juge utile,
adh6rer k tout organisme mon6taire international en tant qu'Etat souverain et


Article 27
La R6publique islamique de Mauritanie ou les personnes morales de droit
public qui en d6pendent auront acc~s au march6 financier frangais. Elles
pourront en cons6quence, dans le cadre de la 16gislation et de la r6gle-
mentation en vigueur, contracter des emprunts sur le march6 financier ou
aupr~s des 6tablissements de cr6dit frangais. Eles pourront 6galement, sous
r6serve des dispositions pr6vues en matire de change, contracter des
emprunts dans des pays tiers et aupr6s des organismes internationaux de

Article 28
En ce qui concerne les op6rations incluses dans les programmes de
d6veloppement 6conomique et social arrdt6s par la R6publique islamique de
Mauritanie, le r~escompte A moyen terme pourra 6tre compl~t6 par des
financements d'origine non mon6taire provenant d'institutions sp6cialis6es
frangaises A d6faut d'6tablissements nationaux.

Article 29
La R6publique frangaise se d6clare dispos6e A apporter son aide h la
Banque mauritanienne de d6veloppement, dans le cadre des dispositions du
pr6sent accord.

Article 30
A l'6chelon le plus 6lev6, la R6publique frangaise et la R6publique
islamique de Mauritanie se concerteront sur les probl~mes de la politique
6conomique, mon~taire et financi~re, ainsi que sur ceux du d6veloppement.
Cette consultation pourra s'6tendre i d'autres Etats de la zone franc.

Article 31
La R6publique islamique de Mauritanie est repr~sent6e au comit6
mon6taire de la zone franc. Elle participe, sur sa demande, h tous autres
organismes communs aux Etats de la zone franc et, en tant que de besoin, i
toute formation multilat6rale de caract~re 6conomique et financier.

Article 32
Les relations entre le Tr6sor frangais et le Tr6sor mauritanien restent
r6gies par un accord sp6cial.

Article 33
La R6publique islamique de Mauritanie exerce sans r6serve sur le domaine
public et priv6 en Mauritanie tous les droits de toute nature exerc6s
ant6rieurement par la R~publique frangaise, qui y renonce express6ment.

Article 34
La R6publique frangaise et la R6publique islamique de Mauritanie
conviennent de confier le r~glement des probl~mes domaniaux qui peuvent se
poser entre eUes h une commission paritaire franco-mauritanienne qui 6tablira
une convention particulire sur les principes suivants :
10 La R~publique frangaise recevra, h titre d6finitif, en propri6t6 les
dpendances du domaine priv6 n6cessaires au fonctionnement de ses services
civils qui seront 6tablis en Mauritanie ;
20 La R6publique islamique de Mauritanie accordera h la R~publique
franqaise la jouissance des installations n6cessaires h 'ex6cution de la mission
de d6fense qui est confi6e aux forces militaires frangaises dans le cadre des
accords de d6fense
30 Celles de ces installations militaires destin6es exclusivement h usage
d'habitation seront r6troc~d~es en propri6t6 i la R6publique frangaise.

Article 35
La commission paritaire domaniale recommandera, le cas 6ch6ant,
'6change de d~pendances entre les parties contractantes.

Article 36
La commission paritaire domaniale 6tablira la liste des organismes de droit
public franqais jouissant de r'autonomie administrative ou financi~re dont les
biens sont propri~t6 priv~e.

Article 37
La R6publique islamique de Mauritanie d6clare confirmer les concessions
accord~es ant6rieurement i l'entr~e en vigueur du pr6sent accord.
Le droit de concession sera exerc6 par les autorit6s de la R6publique
islamique de Mauritanie d~s l'entr6e en vigueur du pr6sent accord.

Article 38
Le present accord entre en 'vigueur en m6me temps que le trait6 de
coop6ration sign6 en date de ce jour.


19 JUIN 19611

Le Premier Ministre de la Ripublique islamique de Mauritanie

a Monsieur le PremierMinistre de la Ripublique fran~aise

L'accord particulier sign6 A Paris, le 19 juin 1961, a eu pour effet de

transf6rer A la R6publique islamique de Mauritanie la comp6tence de la
Communaut6 concernant le contrble de la justice.
1 Journal Officiel de la Ripublique franaise, 6 f'vrier 1962, p. 1335.
En consequence, le Conseil d'Etat et la cour de cassation de la R~publique
frangaise ont, A dater du jour de l'entr~e en vigueur dudit accord, cess6 d'dtre
comp6tents pour connaftre des recours et pourvois int6ressant la R~publique
islamique de Mauritanie dont ces hautes juridictions 6taient alors saisies.
Fai l'honneur de vous demander de bien vouloir me faire savoir si le
Gouvernement de la R6publique frangaise admet cette interpr6tation de
l'accord portant transfert des comptences de la Communaut6.
Dans l'affirmative, je vous serais oblig6 de bien vouloir donner les
instructions n6cessaires pour que les dossiers de ces procedures soient remis
au ministre de la justice de la R6publique islamique de Mauritanie par
l'interm6diaire du ministre de la justice de la R~publique fran aise.

Le Premier Ministre de la Ripublique fran~aise i Monsieur le PremierMinistre

de la Ripublique islamique de Mauritanie

Vous avez bien voulu, A la date du 19 juin 1961, m'adresser la lettre dont
la teneur suit :
[ Voir texte ci-dessus..]
J'ai l'honneur de vous gonfirmer que le Gouvernement de la R6publique
frangaise partage'votre interpr6tation de l'accord particulier sign6 Paris le ...
Je donne, en, cons6quence, les instructions n6cessaires pour que les
dossiers des proc6dures vis6es dans votre lettre soient remis au ministre de la
justice de la R6publique islamique de Mauritanie.


A PARIS, LE 19 JUIN 19611
[Note. - Les dispositions de cet accord sont, mutatis mutandis,
identiques i celles de l'Accord du 24 avril 1961 entre la France et la
C6te-d'Ivoire (supra, p. 236).]



Article ler
La pr6sente annexe a pour objet de diterminer dans le cadre de I'accord g6niral de
coopration technique en matiire de personnel, les conditions...particuliires de
coop6ration entre la R6publique franqaise et la R6publique islamique de Mauritanie en ce
qui concerne les magistrats.
Les prescriptions de l'accord g6n6ral sont applicables aux magistrats, dans la mesure
oi il n'est pas d6rog6 par les dispositions de la pr6sente annexe.

1 Journal Officiel de la Rdpublique franfaise, 6 f6vrier 1962, p. 1339. Entr6 en

vigucur le 14 novembre 1961. Cesse d'etre en vigueur le 31 d6cembre 1972 par 6change
de lettres du 15 f6vrier 1973.
Article 2
La R6publique frangaise et la R~publique islamique de Mauritanie d6velopperont leur
coop6ration en mati6re judiciaire, notamment en organisant des stages destin6s aux
magistrats des deux pays et en instituant des 6changes r6guliers d'informations en
mati~re de technique juridictionnelle.

Article 3
En vue de permettre au Gouvernement de la R~publique islamique de Mauritanie
d'assurer le fonctionnement de ses juridictions et l'administration de la justice, le
Gouvernement de la R6publique frangaise s'engage, dans toute la mesure de ses
possibilit~s, i mettre i la disposition du Gouvernement de la R~publique islamique de
Mauritanie les magistrats qui lui sont n6cessaires.

Article 4
Les deux Gouvernements arretent la liste des emplois de magistrats i pourvoir au
titre de l'assistance technique.
Le nom du magistrat propos6 pour chaque cat6gorie d'emplois par le Gouvernement
de la R6publique franqaise est soumis, accompagn6 d'une notice dtaill6e de renseigne-
ments, i 1'agr6ment du Gouvernement de laR~publique islamique de Mauritanie.
Le President de laR6publique islamique de Mauritanie proc~de aux nominations des
magistrats mis i sa disposition, qui regoivent l'affectation correspondant leur grade.

Article 5
Les magistrats sont mis ladisposition de laR6publique islamique de Mauritanie en
vue d'exercer des fonctions dans un emploi d6termini pendant une duroe de deux ans
Les magistrats mis i ladisposition de la R~publique islamique de Mauritanie peuvent
sans leur accord recevoir une nouvelle affectation, en vue d'assurer l'indispensable
continuit6 du service ; dans ce cas, ils sont d6l6gu~s dans une fonction au moins
6quivalente i celle qu'ils occupent, et sur l'avis de la commission prevue a 'article 11
En aucun cas, si ce n'est i titre de d6l6gation, un magistrat servant au titre de
I'assistance technique ne peut se voir confier de fonctions lui dormant autorit6 sur les
magistrats appartenant un grade sup6rieur au sien, dans sa carriire d'origine.



Ayant r6solu de proc6der au r~glement domanial pr6vu h l'article 34 de

I'accord de coop6ration en mati~re 6conomique, mon6taire et financi~re du
19juin 1961 ;
Vu 6galement les articles 33, 35, 36 et 37 dudit accord,

Art. 1er . - Conform~ment I l'article 33 de l'accord susvis6, la R~publique

frangaise confirme le transfert h titre d6finitif h la R~publique islamique de

1 Journal Officiel de la R~publique franpaise, 31 octobre 1963, p. 9708. Entr6 en

vigueur le 10 mai 1963.
Mauritanie de ses droits sur tous les immeubles ayant constitu6 le domaine
public ou le domaine priv6 de l'Etat frangais.
Art. 2. - La R~publique islamique de Mauritanie accorde h la R6publique
franqaise, qui pourra en disposer librement et les faire immatriculer A son
nom, la propri6t6 des immeubles n6cessaires h la satisfaction des besoins des
services civils et du logement des fonctionnaires de l'Etat frangais. Ces
immeubles sont mentionn6s Al'annexe I au present protocole.
Art. 3. - La R6publique islamique de Mauritanie r6troc~de A la R6-
publique frangaise la propri6t6 des immeubles militaires h usage d'habitation
qui sont 6num6r6s A rannexe II au pr6sent protocole.
Art. 4. - La R6publique islamique de Mauritanie reconnaft h la R-
publique frangaise la libre disposition, sans contrepartie financi6re, des
installations n6cessaires A l'ex6cution de la mission de d6fense confi6e aux
forces militaires frangaises dans le cadre de l'accord de d6fense, qui sont
6num6r6es h l'annexe III au pr6sent protocole.
Art. 5. - Les immeubles et installations militaires qui ont d6jh fait l'objet
d'un transfert de fait k l'arm6e mauritanienne sont 6num6r6s Al'annexe IV au
pr6sent protocole.
Art. 6. - Les deux Etats conviennent que les attributions ou r~trocession
d'immeubles, en propri6t6 ou en jouissance, pr6vues par le pr6sent protocole
interviendront dans 1'6tat oii se trouveront lesdits immeubles au moment oil
s'effectueront les op6rations consid6r6es et ne donneront lieu i aucune
indemnit6 de part et d'autre.
Ils s'interdisent, en cons6quence, toute r6clamation i ce sujet.
Art. 7. - Le pr6sent protocole ne modifie pas les conditions d'utilisation
par l'Agence pour la s6curit6 de la navigation a6rienne (ASECNA) des
logements et installations acquis ou construits sur les cr6dits de l'a6ronautique
civile frangaise et devenus la propri6t6 de la R6publique islamique de
Mauritanie conform6ment i l'article I er ci-dessus.
Art. 8. - Le conservateur de la propri6t6 fonci~re de la R6publique
islamique de Mauritanie proc6dera aux mutations et immatriculations
n6cessaires et, le cas 6ch~ant, au morcellement ou A la mention confirmative
sur le titre foncier.
Les formalit6s d'inscription fonci~re seront donn6es gratuitement.
Art. 9. - Le pr6sent protocole entre en vigueur h la date de sa signature.

(ii) Lois et d6crets

L'Assembl6e nationale a d6lib&r6 et adopt6,
Le Premier Ministre promulgue la loi dont la teneur suit
Article premier. - Les terres vacantes et sans maftre appartiennent A
l'Etat. I1 en est de meme des terres non immatricul6es ou non conc6d~es en
vertu d'un acte de concession r6gulier qui sont inexploit6es ou inoccup6es
depuis plus de dix ans.

1 Journal Officiel de la R~publique islamique de Mauritanie, 17 aofit 1960, p. 415 (le

Journal Officiel ne contient aucune indication concernant la date de la loi ou son entree
en vigueur).
La vacance sera suffisamment 6tablie par l'absence de constructions,
cultures, plantations ou puits.
Art. 2. - Toute personne voulant pr6tendre i la proprit6 d'un terrain
domanial, h moins que ses pr6tentions ne portent sur un terrain n6cessaire Ala
r6alisation de travaux d'int6ret g6n6ral, pourra obtenir un acte de concession
A titre provisoire, qui deviendra d6finitif apr~s r6alisation des conditions
impos6es par le cahier des charges.
Des d6crets pris en Conseil des Ministres pr6ciseront les modalit6s
d'attribution des terrains domaniaux.
Art. 3. - Sont confirm6s les droits fonciers coutumiers comportant une
emprise 6vidente et permanente sur le sol. Nul ne peut cependant en faire un
usage prohib6 par les lois et r~glements.
Art. 4.- Les droits coutumiers individuels comportant une emprise
6vidente et permanente, telle qu'ele est d6finie ci-dessous, peuvent 6tre,
immatricul~s. A l'appui de la demande d'immatriculation devra etre joint un
certificat du Chef de la circonscription administrative 6tablissant, apr~s
enquate publique, les conditions dans lesquelles l'immeuble est d6tenu.
Ce certificat administratif sera 6tabli sous la forme d'un proc~s-verbal
aussi d6taill6 que possible oh seront expos6es, sans en tirer aucune conclusion,
les conditions dans lesquelles les requ6rants d~tiennent l'immeuble envisage.
Art. 5. - Le Chef de subdivision ou le Maire pour les localit6s 6rig6es
communes devra adresser au Ministre comp6tent (Domaines) dans un d~lai de
deux mois A compter de la reception de la demande, outre le certificat, un
proc~s-verbal de mise en valeur 6tabli par une Commission compos6e comme
suit :
- le Chef de la circonscription administrative (Pr~sident);
- les repr~sentants des services techniques comp6tents (Travaux publics,
Agriculture, etc.);
- le Chef de la collectivit6;
- le Cadi;
- le requ6rant.
Le proc~s-verbal devra etre revetu de la signature de toutes les parties ou
d'une empreinte digitale dont l'authenticit6 sera certifi~e par le President de
la commission.
Art. 6. - L'emprise 6vidente et permanente devra consister en construc-
tions compitement termin~es, plantations, cultures ou puits.
Dans les agglom6rations non soumises h des dispositions particuli~res,
seront consid6r6es comme suffisantes les constructions en tous mat6riaux
agr66s par le Ministre des Travaux publics y compris le banco.
Art. 7. - En fonction des crit6res de mise en valeur sus-dnoncds, les
terrains pourront dtre immatricul6s pour des superficies maxima d6termin~es
10 Constructions : 1 000 metres carr~s;
20 Puits : cercle d'un rayon 6gal h deux fois la profondeur;
30 Culture n6cessitant une jach re : 4 fois la superficie;
40 Cultures p~rennes (arbres fruitiers y compris les palmiers dattiers)
superficie mise en valeur Araison de 100 unites &I'hectare;
50 Culture de cases: superficie mise en valeur.
Art. 8. - Lorsque le terrain Avocation agricole sera entour6 d'une cloture
infranchissable aux animaux domestiques, la mise en valeur sera consid6r~e
comme r~alise en totalit6, quelle que soit l'importance des constructions et
cultures. La cloture devra soit dtre en mat~riaux, soit consister en une haie
vive et dense.
Art. 9. - Le regime de l'expropriation pour cause d'utilitO publique est
applicable aux droits coutumiers. Nul individu ou nulle collectivit6 ne peut
etre contraint de c6der ses droits si ce n'est pour cause d'utilit6 publique et
moyennant une juste compensation.
Art. 10. - Sauf dans les cas d'application des textes r6glementant
'expropriation pour cause d'utilit6 publique ou le regime de l'immatricula-
tion, toutes les contestations sont de la comp6tence de la juridiction
Art. 11. - Sont abrog~es toutes les dispositions contraires i la pr6sente loi
qui sera ex~cut6e comme loi de l'Etat.

(i) Treaties



1. (1) In this Agreement
(a) "the appointed day" means 12th March, 1968;
(b) "conditions of service" means the laws, rules, regulations, orders and
other instruments that regulate the terms of service of an officer relating to
his tenure of office, disciplinary control, salary (including salary scales),
pensionable allowances and passages;
(c) "officer" means an officer who was before the appointed day the
substantive holder of a pensionable office in the Public Service of Mauritius
being a person who is not a citizen of Mauritius and -
(i) who was selected for or offered appointment to the Public Service of
Mauritius by a Secretary of State; or
(ii) whose appointment to the Public Service of Mauritius was approved
by a Secretary of State; or
(iii) who had entered into an agreement with the Crown Agents for
Oversea Governments and Administrations to serve in the Public
Service of Mauritius; or
(iv) who (although not an officer falling within heads (i), (ii) or (iii) of
this sub-paragraph) is or has been a member of Her Majesty's
Overseas Civil Service or Her Majesty's Overseas Judiciary, or has
been a member of a former Colonial Unified Service, or is or was a
designated officer for the purposes of the Overseas Service
(Mauritius) Agreement 1961;

1 British Treaty Series, No. 49 (1968) (Commander 3668).

(d) "pension" means any pension, gratuity, compensation and interest
thereon, retiring allowance or other like benefit payable by the Government
of Mauritius to or in respect of any officer or to the widow or child of any
officer or their legal personal representatives, including any increase of
pension, and any contributions repayable and interest payable to any officer
under any law providing for payment of pensions to widows and children of
(2) "Substantive holder" in relation to any office includes a person
serving in that office on probation but does not include a person (other than
a person serving under a probationary agreement) serving in the office for a
specified term under a contract.

Conditions of Service
2. The conditions of service applicable to an officer who continues to be
the substantive holder of a pensionable office in the Public Service of
Mauritius on or after the appointed day shall not be less favourable than
those which were applicable to him immediately before the appointed day.

Retirement and Pensions

3. The entitlement to retire and the eligibility to receive a pension of
any officer who continues to be the substantive holder of a pensionable office
in the Public Service of Mauritius on or after the appointed day or of his
widow, children, dependants or personal representatives shall be as provided
for in the laws, regulations and administrative directions in force immediately
before the appointed day or in such other laws, regulations and administrative
directions made thereafter as are not less favourable; and pensions shall be
granted and paid to such officers, and other persons in accordance with such
laws, regulations and administrative directions.

Preservation of Pensions
4. The pension of any officer who has ceased to be the substantive
holder of a pensionable office in the Public Service of Mauritius before the
appointed day, or of the widow, children, dependants or personal representa-
tives of any such officer shall be granted and paid, or if granted before that
date shall continue to be paid, in accordance with the laws, regulations and
administrative directions governing those pensions immediately before the
appointed day or in accordance with such other laws, regulations and
administrative directions made thereafter that are not less favourable.

7. For the purposes of this Agreement, in so far as the law, regulations
or administrative directions applicable to the grant of a pension or to other
conditions of service depends on the option of the person to or in respect of
whom the pension is granted or is to be granted, or if the officer to whom the
conditions of service apply, the law, regulations or administrative directions
for which such person or officer opts shall be taken to be more favourable to
him than any other law, regulation or administrative directions for which he
might have opted.
Officers in H.M.O.C.S. and H.M.O.J.
8. (1) Officers who are members of Her Majesty's Overseas Civil Service
or of Her Majesty's Overseas Judiciary shall continue to be eligible for
consideration by Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom for
transfer or promotion to employment in the Public Service of some other
(2) The Government of Mauritius shall comply with any reasonable
request that may at any time be made by Her Majesty's Government in the
United Kingdom for the release of an Overseas officer for transfer or
promotion in pursuance of paragraph (1) of this Article and shall take any
action that may be necessary to preserve his pension rights when he is so
transferred or promoted.
(3) Before he is released an officer shall be required to make arrange-
ments satisfactory to the Government of Mauritius for the repayment to that
Government of any compensation or instalments of compensation he may be
required to make under the Mauritius (Compensation and Retiring Benefits)
Order in Council 1967, but not of any interest paid on outstanding
Appeals Board
9. Section 16 of the Mauritius (Independence) Order in Council 1968,
which relates to benefits to which section 94 of the Constitution of Mauritius
applies, that may be granted or that may have been granted to or in respect of
any officer, shall not be revoked or amended to the prejudice of the interests
of any officer.

Citation and Commencement

10. This Agreement may be cited as the Public Officers (Mauritius)
Agreement 1968 and shall come into operation on the date of signature.

(ii) Laws and decrees


2. Interpretation
(1) In this Order
"the Constitution" means the Constitution of Mauritius set out in the
Schedule to this Order;
"the appointed day" means 12th March 1968;
"the existing Assembly" means the Legislative Assembly established by
the existing Orders;
1 Statutory Instruments, 1968, Part 1, Sect. 2, p. 1871.
2 The provisions of sections 5 (2) (3) (6), 8 (1) (2) and 9 of this Order are basically
similar to those of sections 4 (2) (3) (5) and 5 of the Barbados Independence Order 1966
(supra, pp. 119-121). Section 6 is similar to section 5 of the Malawi Independence Order
in Council 1964 (supra, pp. 304 and 305); sections 14 and 15 are similar to sections 14
and 15 (1) (2) of the Kenya Independence Order in Council 1963 (supra, pp. 251 and
"the existing laws" means any Acts of the Parliament of the United
Kingdom, Orders of Her Majesty in Council, Ordinances, rules, regulations,
orders or other instruments having effect as part of the law of Mauritius
immediately before the appointed day but does not include any Order
revoked by this Order;
"the existing Orders" means the Orders revoked by section 3(1) of this
(2) The provisions of sections 111, 112, 120 and 121 of the Constitution
shall apply for the purposes of interpreting -sections 1 to 17 of this Order and
otherwise in relation thereto as they apply for the purpose of interpreting and
in relation to the Constitution.
3. Revocations
(1) With effect from the appointed day, the Mauritius Constitution Order
1966, the Mauritius Constitution (Amendment) Order 1967 and the
Mauritius Constitution (Amendment No. 2) Order 1967 and the Mauritius
Constitution (Amendment No. 3) Order 1967 are revoked.
(2) The Emergency Powers Order in Council 1939, and any Order in
Council amending that Order, shall cease to have effect as part of the law of
Mauritius on the appointed day:
Provided that if Part II of the Emergency Powers Order in Council 1939 is
in operation in Mauritius immediately before the appointed day a Proclama-
tion such as is referred to in paragraph (b) of section 19(7) of the
Constitution shall be deemed to have been made on that day and to have
been approved by the Assembly within seven days of that day under
paragraph (a) of section 19(8) of the Constitution.
4. Establishment of Constitution
(1) Subject to the provisions of this Order, the Constitution shall come
into effect in Mauritius on the appointed day.
(2) The Governor (as defined for the purposes of the existing Orders)
acting after consultation with the Prime Minister (as so defined) may at any
time after the commencement of this subsection exercise any of the powers
conferred upon the Governor-General by section 5 of this Order or by the
Constitution to such extent as may in his opinion be necessary or expedient
to enable the Constitution to function as from the appointed day.
5. Existing laws
(1) The revocation of the existing Orders shall be without prejudice to
the continued operation of any existing laws made, or having effect as if they
had been made, under any of those Orders; and any such laws shall have
effect on and after the appointed day as if they had been made in pursuance
of the Constitution and shall be construed with such modifications,
adaptations, qualifications and exceptions as may be necessary to bring them
into conformity with the Mauritius Independence Act 1968 and this Order.

(4) An order made under this section may be amended or revoked by

Parliament or, in relation to any existing law affected thereby, by any other
authority having power to amend, repeal or revoke that existing law.
(5) It is hereby declared, for the avoidance of doubt, that, save as
otherwise provided either expressly or by necessary implication, nothing in
this Order shall be construed as affecting the continued operation of any
existing law.

8.- The Legislative Assembly

(3) The persons who imtnediately before the appointed day were
unreturned candidates at the general election of members of the existing
Assembly shall, until the dissolution of the Assembly next following the
appointed day, be regarded as unreturned candidates for the purposes of
paragraph 5(7) of Schedule I to the Constitution; and for those purposes
anything done in accordance with the provisions of Schedule 1 to the
Constitution established by the existing Orders shall be deemed to have been
done in accordance with the corresponding provisions of Schedule 1 to the
(4) For the purpose of section 57(2) of this Constitution the Assembly
shall be deemed to have had its first sitting after a general election on 22nd
August 1967 (being the date on which the existing Assembly first sat after a
general election).

10. The Speaker

If by virtue of section 10(1) of the Mauritius (Constitution) Order 1966
the person referred to in section 9(1) of the Mauritius (Constitution) Order
1964 is immediately before the appointed day holding the office of Speaker
of the existing Assembly, then, with effect from the appointed day
(a) that person shall be deemed to be a member of the Assembly and to
have been elected Speaker of the Assembly under section 32 of the
Constitution; and
(b) the provisions of the Constitution (other than paragraphs (a), (b)and
(e) of section 32(3)) shall apply to him accordingly,
until such time as he vacates the office of Speaker under paragraph (c) or (d)
of section 32(3) of the Constitution or under section 32(5) of the
Constitution or becomes a candidate for election as a member of the
11. Pending proceedings
All proceedings commenced or pending before the Supreme Court, the
Court of Civil Appeal or the Court of Criminal Appeal of Mauritius
immediately before the appointed day may be carried on before the Supreme
Court, the Court of Civil Appeal or the Court of Criminal Appeal, as the case
may be, established by the Constitution.
12. Jurisdiction of Court of'Appeal in relation to Seychelles
(1) Unless it is otherwise prescribed by Parliament, the Court of Appeal
may exercise on and after the appointed day such jurisdiction and powers in
relation to appeals from the Supreme Court of Seychelles as may be
conferred upon it by or in pursuance of the Seychelles Civil Appeals Order
1967(b) or of any other law in that behalf for the time being in force in
(2) The provisions of section 81 of the Constitution shall not apply in
relation to decisions of the Court of Appeal given in the exercise of any
jurisdiction and powers conferred upon it in relation to appeals from the
Supreme Court of Seychelles, and appeals shall lie to Her Majesty in Council
from such decisions in accordance with the Seychelles (Appeals to Privy
Council) Order 1967(c) or any other law in that behalf for the time being in
force in Seychelles.
(3) The Seychelles Civil Appeals Order 1967 and the Seychelles (Appeals
to Privy Council) ,Order 1967 shall cease to form part of the law of Mauritius
with effect from the appointed day.
13. Remuneration of certain officers
(1) Until such time as a salary and allowances are prescribed by
Parliament, there shall be paid to the holder of any office to which section
108 of the Constitution applies a salary and allowances calculated at the same
rate as the salary and allowances paid immediately before the appointed day
to the holder of the office corresponding thereto.
(2) If the person holding the office of Governor immediately before the
appointed day becomes Governor-General his terms and conditions of service,
other than salary and allowances, as Governor-General shall, until such time
as other provisions are made in that behalf, be the same as those attaching to
the office of Governor immediately before the appointed day.



ChapterIlL Citizenship

21. Persons entitled to be registered, etc., as citizens

(1) Any woman who, on 12th March 1968, is or has been married to a
(a) who becomes a citizen of Mauritius by virtue of the preceding
section; or
(b) who, having died before 12th March 1968 would, but for his death,
have become a citizen of Mauritius by virtue of that section,
shall be entitled, upon making application and, if she is a British protected
person or an alien, upon taking the oath of allegiance, to be registered as a
citizen of Mauritius:
Provided that, in the case of any woman who on 12th March 1968 is not
a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies, the right to be registered as a
citizen of Mauritius under this section shall be subject to such exceptions or
qualifications as may be prescribed in the interests of national security or
public policy.

1 The provisions of sections 20 (1) (2) (3), 23, 25 and 27 of this Constitution are
basically similar to those of sections 2 (1) (2) (3), 5, 8 and 10 of the Constitution of
Barbados (supra, pp. 124 and 125). The same similarity exists between sections 26 (a)
(b) (c), 94, 103 and 109 of the Constitution of Mauritius on the one hand and those of
sections 27 (1) (2) (3), 117 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5), 119 and 125 of the Constitution of
Botswana'on the other hand (supra,pp. 139 and 140).
24. Marriage to citizen of Mauritius
Any woman who after 11th March 1968 marries a person who is or
becomes a citizen of Mauritius shall be entitled, upon making application in
such manner as may be prescribed and, if she is a British protected person or
an alien, upon taking the oath of allegiance, to be registered as a citizen of
Provided that the right to be registered as a citizen of Mauritius under this
section shall be subject to such exceptions or qualifications as may be
prescribed in the interests of national security or public policy.

26. Powers of Parliament

Parliament may make provision

(d) for the maintenance'of a register of citizens of Mauritius who are also
citizens of other countries; or
(e) for depriving of his citizenship of Mauritius any citizen of Mauritius
who has attained the age of 21 years after 11th March 1968, and who, being a
citizen of some other country, has not, within such period after his
attainment of that age as may be prescribed, renounced his citizenship of that
other country or, if the law of that other country does not permit him to
renounce his citizenship of that other country, made such declaration as may
be prescribed.




Le Gouvernement de la R6publique frangaise et Sa Majest6 Mohammed V,
Sultan du Maroc, affirment leur volont6 de donner son plein effet A la
D6claration de La Celle-Saint-Cloud du 6 novembre 1955.
Ils constatent qu'h la suite de l'6volution r6alis6e par le Maroc sur la voie
du progr~s le Trait6 de F~s du 30 mars 1912 ne correspond plus d6sormais
aux n6cessit6s de la vie moderne et ne peut plus r6gir les rapports
En cons6quence, le Gouvernement de la R6publique frangaise confirme
solennellement la reconnaissance de l'ind6pendance du Maroc, laquelle
implique en particulier une diplomatie et une arm6e, ainsi que sa volont6 de
respecter et de faire respecter l'int6grit6 du territoire marocain garantie par les
trait6s internationaux.

1 La documentation franfaise, articleset documents, no 0328, 6 mars 1956, p. 1 i 4.

Le Gouvernement de la R6publique frangaise et Sa Majest6 Mohammed V,
Sultan du Maroc, d6clarent que les n6gociations qui viennent de s'ouvrir-A
Paris entre le Maroc et la France, Etats s6uverains et 6gaux, ont pour objet de
conclure de nouveaux accords qui d6finiront l'interd6pendance des deux pays
dans les domaines o4 leurs int6r6ts sont communs, qui organiseront ainsi leur
cooperation sur la base de la libert6 et de l'6galit6, notamment en mati~re de
d6fense, de relations ext6rieures, d'6conomie et de culture, et qui garantiront
les droits et libert6s des Frangais 6tablis au Maroc et des Marocains 6tablis en
France, dans le respect de la souverainet6 des deux Etats.
Le Gouvernement de la R6publique frangaise et Sa Majest6 Mohammed V,
Sultan du Maroc, conviennent qu'en attendant l'entr6e en vigueur de ces
accords les rapports nouveaux entre la France et le Maroc seront fond6s sur
les dispositions du Protocole annex6 i la pr6sente D6claration.

I. Le pouvoir 16gislatif est exerc6 souverainement par Sa Majest6 le
Sultan. Le repr6sentant de la France a connaissance des projets de dahirs et de
d6crets : il soumet des observations lorsque ces textes concernent les int6rets
de la France, des Frangais ou des 6trangers, durant la p6riode transitoire.
II. Sa Majest6 Mohammed V, Sultan du Maroc, dispose d'une arm6e
nationale. La France prete son assistance au Maroc pour la constitution de
cette arm6e. Le statut actuel de l'arm6e frangaise au Maroc demeure inchang6,
durant la p6riode transitoire.
I1. Les pouvoirs de gestion jusqu'ici r6serv6s feront l'objet d'un transfert
dont les modalit6s seront arretees d'un commun accord.
Le Gouvernement marocain est represent6, avec voix d6lib6rative, au
Comite de la Zone Franc, organe directeur central de la politique mon6taire
pour rensemble de la Zone Franc.
D'autre part, sont maintenues les garanties dont jouissent les fonction-
naires et agents frangais servant au Maroc.
IV. Le repr6sentant de la R6publique frangaise au Maroc porte le titre de
Haut Commissaire de France.


entre Son Excellence Embarek Bekkai prisident du Gouvernement marocain,
president de la D6lgation marocaine, et M. ChristianPineau, ministre des
Affaires d trang~res,pr~siden t de la Diligationfranfaise
Paris, le 2 mars 1956

Comme suite A la D6claration commune et au Protocole en date de ce

jour, j'ai l'honneur de vous faire savoir que le Gouvernement marocain
demande au Gouvernement frangais de continuer i assurer la conduite des
relations ext6rieures du Maroc et la repr6sentation et la protection des
nationaux et des interets marocains h l'6tranger, en attendant que les deux
Gouvernements soient convenus de nouvelles dispositions pour la p6riode
transitoire A la demande du Gouvernement marocain.

Paris, le 2 mars 1956

Par lettre en date de ce jour, vous avez bien voulu me faire connaftre ce
qui suit :

J'ai 'honneur de vous confirmer 'accord du Gouvernement frangais i

cette demande.


entre M. Christian Pineau, ministre des Affaires 6trang~res, prdsident de la
Diligation franfaise, et Son Excellence Embarek Bekkai, president du
Gouvernement marocain, prisident de la Diligation marocaine
Paris, le 2 mars 1956

J'ai l'honneur de vous proposer qu'une Commission comportant des

repr6sentants du Gouvernement marocain et du Gouvernement franqais se
r6unisse le 12 mars 1956, soit h Rabat soit h Paris, afin d'assurer 1'ex6cution
de l'article II du Protocole du 2 mars 1956.

Paris, le 2 mars 1956

Par lettre en date de ce jour, vous avez bien voulu me faire connaftre ce
qui suit :

J'ai l'honneur de vous confirmer que le Gouvernement marocain accepte

cette proposition.


entre Son Excellence Embarek Bekkai: presidentdu Gouvernement marocain,
prisident de la Deligation marocaine, et M. ChristianPineau, ministre des
Affaires itrangires,prisident de la Diligationfranpaise
Paris, le 2 mars 1956

Je tiens k vous confirmer .'accord du Gouvernement marocain pour

n'apporter, dans les domaines mon6taire et financier, aucun changement au
r6gime actuel en attendant que les modalit6s nouvelles de la coop6ration de
nos deux pays dans ces domaines aient t6 d6finies conform6ment A la
D6claration commune et au Protocole en date de ce jour.
Paris, le 2 mars 1956

Par lettre en date de ce jour, vous avez bien voulu me faire connaitre ce
qui suit:

* J'ai rhonneur de vous confirmer l'accord du Gouvernement frangais sur

les dispositions qui pr6c~dent.


entre Son Excellence Embarek Bekkai, president du Gouvernement marocain,
president de la Delegation marocaine, et M. ChristianPineau, ministre des
Affaires gtrang~res,presiden t de la Delegation fran~aise
Paris, le 2 mars 1956

En application de l'article III du Protocole du 2 mars 1956, j'ai 'honneur

de vous proposer qu'une Commission compos6e de repr6sentants frangais et
marocains se r6unisse le 10 mars 1956, i Rabat, pour examiner la question du
transfert des pouvoirs de gestion jusqu'ici r6serv6s, i 1'exception des
problmes mon6taires, financiers, militaires et diplomatiques qui seront
trait6s soit i Rabat soit h Paris.

Paris, le 2 mars 1956

Par lettre en date de ce jour, vous avez bien voulu me communiquer ce

qui suit :

J'ai 'honneur de vous faire connaitre l'accord du Gouvernement franqais

sur les dispositions qui pr6c~dent.

de M. ChristianPineau, ministre des Affaires gtrang~res
(2 mars 1956)
Le Gouvernement frangais a l'intention, conform6ment aux r~gles
constitutionnelles frangaises, de soumettre, en temps utile, 4 la ratification du
Parlement l'ensemble des accords r6sultant de la pr6sente d6claration et des
conventions qui r~sulteront des conversations actuelles portant sur les
rapports d'interd6pendance entre le Maroc et la France et la garantie des
droits et int6r~ts des Frangais r6sidant au Maroc.
Le Gouvernement espagnol et Sa Majest6 Mohammed V, Sultan du Maroc,
ayant le d6sir de se traiter mutuellement d'une fagon particulifrement
amicale, sur la base de la r6ciprocit6, de renforcer leurs liens s6culaires
d'amiti6 et de consolider la paix dans la r6gion oh leurs deux pays respictifs
se trouvent situ6s, ont d6cid6 de rendre publique la d6claration suivante :
1. Le Gouvernement espagnol et S.M. Mohammed V, Sultan du Maroc,
consid6rant que le r6gime instaur6 au Maroc en 1912 ne correspond pas i la
r6alit6 pr6sente, d6clarent que la convention sign6e A Madrid le 27 novembre
1912 ne peut plus r6gir 4 l'avenir les relations hispano-marocaines.
2. Par cons6quent, le Gouvernement espagnol reconnait l'ind6pendance
du Maroc proclam6e par S.M. le Sultan Mohammed V, et sa pleine
souverainet6, avec tous les attributs de cette derni~re, y compris le droit du
Maroc A une diplomatie et i une arm6e propres. Il r6affirme sa volont6 de
respecter 'unit6 territoriale de l'Empire, que garantissent les trait6s inter-
nationaux. I1s'engage h prendre toutes les mesures n6cessaires pour la rendre
Le Gouvernement espagnol s'engage 6galement h donner k S.M. le Sultan
l'aide et l'assistance qui seraient reconnues n6cessaires d'un commun accord,
sp6cialement en ce qui concerne les relations ext6rieures et la d6fense.
3. Les n6gociations ouvertes i Madrid entre le Gouvernement espagnol et
S.M. Mohammed V ont pour objet la conclusion de nouveaux accords entre
les deux parties.
Celles-ci 6tant souveraines et 6gales, accords ayant pour but la d6finition
de la libre coop6ration des deux nations sur le terrain de leurs int6r6ts
communs. Ces accords garantiront 6galement, dans 'esprit particuli~rement
amical mentionn6 ci-dessus, les libert6s et les droits des Espagnols 6tablis au
Maroc ainsi que des Marocains 6tablis en Espagne, et cela sur les plans priv6,
6conomique, culturel et social, sur la base de la r6ciprocit6 et du respect de
leurs souverainet6s respectives.
4. Le Gouvernement espagnol et S.M. le Sultan sont d'accord pour que,
jusqu'& 'entr6e en vigueur des accords ci-dessus mentionn6s, les relations
entre 'Espagne et le Maroc soient r6gies par le protocole annexe joint h la
pr6sente d6claration.


1. Le pouvoir l6gislatif sera exerc6 souverainement par S.M. le Sultan. Le
repr6sentant de l'Espagne aura connaissance h Rabat des projets de dahirs et
d6crets se rapportant aux int6rets espagnols el pourra formuler les observa-
tions n6cessaires.
2. Les pouvoirs exerc6s jusqu'h pr6sent par les autorit6s espagnoles au
Maroc seront transf6r6s au Gouvernement marocain en harmonie avec les

1 La documentation frangaise,articles et documents, no 0343, 10 avril 1956, p. 1.

2 La documentation franfaise, articles et documents, no 0343, 10 avril 1956, p. 1
proc6dures qui seront d6cid6es d'un commun accord. On maintiendra les
garanties des fonctionnaires espagnols au Maroc.
3. Le Gouvernement espagnol donnera son aide au Gouvernement
marocain pour l'organisation de son arm6e. Le statut actuel de l'arm6e
espagnole au Maroc demeurera en vigueur pendant la p~riode de transition.
4. La situation actuelle de la peseta ne subira aucune modification
jusqu'h la conclusion d'un nouvel accord i ce sujet.
5. A compter de la publication de la pr~sente d6claration, les visas et
toutes les formalit6s administratives requises jusqu'A pr6sent pour la circula-
tion des personnes d'une zone Al'autre sont supprim6s.
6. Le Gouvemement espagnol continuera d'assumer la protection des
int6rets des Marocains originaires de la zone pr~c~demment d6finie par la
convention du 27 novembre 1912 et qui resident k l'tranger, jusqu'i ce que
le Gouvernement de S.M. le Sultan se charge lui-m~me de cette protection.


Sur l'invitation de Sa Majest6 le Sultan du Maroc, une conference
internationale s'est r6unie 4 F~dala et Tanger du 8 octobre au 29 octobre
1956 sous la pr6sidence de S. E. le Ministre des Affaires 6trang~res,
repr6sentant Sa Majest6 le Sultan, en vue du r glement des questions
soulev~es par l'abrogation du r6gime sp6cial de la zone de Tanger.
Les gouvernements de :
Belgique, Espagne, Etats-Unis d'Am6rique, France, Italie, Maroc, Pays-
Bas, Portugal, Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et de l'Irlande du Nord,
repr6sent6s par leurs pl6nipotentiaires soussign6s;

D6sireux de consacrer les principes de l'ind6pendance du Maroc, de l'unit6

et de l'int~grit6 de son territoire,
Sont d'accord pour reconnaitre l'abolition du regime international de la
zone de Tanger et d6clarent abrog6s, pour autant qu'ils y aient particip6, tous
les actes, accords et conventions concernant ledit r6gime;
Reconnaissent en cons6quence que Sa Majest6 Ch~rifienne a recouvr6
l'int6gralitO de ses pouvoirs et comp6tences dans cette partie de l'Empire
Ch6rifien qui ne rel~ve plus d6sormais que de Sa Souverainet6 enti~re et
exclusive et qu'il en r6sulte pour Elle le libre droit h la d6termination du
r6gime futur de Tanger.

1 Upited Nations, Treaty Series, Vol. 263, No. 3772, p. 166. Entr6 en vigueur le 29
octobre 1956.

Consid6rant la Haute Sollicitude affirm6e par Sa Majest6 Ch6rifienne A

'6gard des int6rets priv6s n6s sous I'ancien r6gime de Tanger et Son Haut
Souci d'assurer leur s6curit6 dans le pr6sent et de favoriser leur d6veloppe-
ment dans 'avenir,
Anim6s du d6sir de r6gler les questions soulev6es par la disparition du
r6gime international de Tanger selon les principes de justice et d'6quit6 et
dans 'esprit de compr6hension et d'amiti6 qui a toujours pr6sid6 aux rapports
du Maroc avec les autres puissances signataires de la pr6sente D6claration,
Ont arrt6 d'un commun accord les dispositions contenues dans le
Protocole ci-annex6.

En vue du r~glement des questions soulev6es par l'abrogation du Statut special de la
Zone de Tanger, les signataires de la D6claration du 29 octobre 19561 ont adopt6
l'unanimit6 les dispositions qui font l'objet du present protocole.


Article premier
L'abrogation du r6gime special de Tanger met fin i la d6,6gation g6n6rale et
permanente conf6r~e i I'Administration internationale par le Dahir du 16 f6vrier 1924.
En consequence, l'Administration internationale cesse d'exercer les pouvoirs de gestion
qui lui avaient 6t6 confi~s.

Article 2
L'Etat marocain, qui reprend possession des domaines public et priv6 confi6s i
'Administration internationale en vertu du Dahir du 16 f~vrier 1924, recueille les biens
propres, de celle-ci constitu~s conform6ment aux stipulations de l'article 43 du Dahir
susmentionn6. Sous r6serve des dispositions relatives aux concessions, locations et
autorisations pr~vues au chapitre IV, l'Etat marocain prend A sa charge les dettes et les
obligations r~gulirement contractes par I'Administration internationale dans les limites
de la d6l6gation accord6e i celle-ci par Sa Majest6 le Sultan.

Article 3
Les dispositions l6gislatives et r~glementaires en vigueur dans la Zone de Tanger la
date de la signature du pr6sent protocole demeurent applicables tant qu'elles n'auront
pas 6t6 modifi~es ou abrog6es.

Article 4
La situation des personnes exerqant une profession lib6rale i Tanger i la date de la
signature du pr6sent protocole sera respect~e. Toutefois le Gouvemement marocain se
reserve le droit de verifier la r6gularit6 des conditions auxquelles elles ont 6t6 admises a
exercer leurs professions et de les soumettre" ? la l~gislation marocaine concernant
l'exercice de leurs activit~s professionnelles.

1 Entr6 en vigueur le 29 octobre 1956, d6claration finale.

Article 5
Dans le cas oa l'extension i Tanger de la l6gislation en vigueur au Maroc mettrait en
cause le fonctionnement des soci6t6s et des 6tablissements bancaires ou financiers, le
Gouvemement marocain prendrait en consid6ration la situation des int6ress6s et leur
accorderait un d61ai raisonnable pour leur permettre de se conformer aux dispositions de
cette 16gislation.


Article 6
Dans un d6lai maximum de six mois i compter de l'entr~e en vigueur du present
protocole, le Gouvernement marocain notifiera a chacun des fonctionnaires de
rAdministration internationale son intention de le conserver ou non i son service et fera
connaltre, i ceux qu'il d6sire conserver, les conditions d'emploi qui leur sont offertes.

Article 7
Pour les fonctionnaires que le Gouvernement marocain ne d6sire pas conserver i son
service, la notification pr6cit6e ouvrira un pr6avis de trente jours au terme duquel lesdits
fonctionnaires seront d6finitivement ray6s des cadres et cesseront de percevoir un

Article 8
Les fonctionnaires que le Gouvernement marocain d6sire conserver a son service
devront faire connattre dans le mois qui suivra la communication des propositions i eux
faite s'ils les acceptent. En cas de refus, ils seront licencis et d6finitivement ray6s des

Article 9
Les fonctionnaires ray6s des cadres en application des dispositions des articles 7 et 8
auront droit :
a) au p6cule pr6vu par la loi du 20 mars 1950 organisant la Caisse de Pr6voyance de
1'Administration internationale;
b) i l'indemnit6 forfaitaire pour frais de d6m6nagement et d'instaliation telle qu'ele
est fix6e par rarticle 34 de la loi du 17 aofit 1950 pour les fonctionnaires recrut6s hors
de 'ancienne zone, i la condition qu'ils transportent leur domicile hors de cette zone
dans un d6lai maximum de dix-huit mois i compter de la cessation de leurs fonctions;
c) au traitement correspondant aux journ6es de cong6 auxquelles ils pouvaient avoir
droit au moment de leur radiation des cadres, conformiment i l'article 36 de la loi du 17
aoft 1950;
d) i une indemnit6 de licenciement calcul6e de la fagon suivante:
1) les fonctionnaires appartenant i une administration du pays dont ils sont les
ressortissants percevront une indemnit6 6gale i six mois de traitement en principal et
2) les fonctionnaires qui n'appartiennent pas i une administration du pays dont ils
sont les ressortissants percevront :
soit une indemnit6 6gale i six mois de traitement en principal et accessoires lorsqu'ils
seront ray6s des cadres i la stiite de leur refus d'accepter les conditions d'emploi qui leur
seront offertes;'
soit une indemniti 6gale i un an de traitement en principal et accessoires lorsqu'ils
seront ray6s des cadres sans avoir 6ti l'objet de propositions de r~emploi de la part de
l'Administration marocaine.
Les dispositions ci-dessus sont applicables au personnel statutaire et judiciaire comme
au personnel administratif.
Article 10
Si i 'expiration du d6lai de six mois, pr6vu i l'article 6, le Gouvernement marocain
ajourne au-deli de trois mois la manifestation de ses intentions i l'6gard d'un
fonctionnaire, celui-ci pourra i tout moment 6tre ray6 des cadres sur sa demande et il
percevra alors, suivant la cat6gorie i laquelle il appartient, les indemnit6s privues i
l'article 9.
Article 11
Les fonctionnaires que le Gouvernement marocain conserverait i son service
pourront, sur leur demande, obtenir le versement du p6cule qui leur est do par la Caisse
de Pr6voyance.
Article 12
Jusqu'i l'expiration du pr~avis fix6 i l'article 7 pour les fonctionnaires qui ne seront
pas repris par l'Administration marocaine, ou jusqu'i la conclusion du contrat d'emploi
pour les fonctionnaires maintenus en service, les rapports entre les fonctionnaires
int6ress~s et 'Administration marocaine resteront r6gis, en ce qui concerne leurs droits et
obligations respectifs, notamment en matiire d'6moluments, discipline, attributions, par
les textes qui fixaient le statut des fonctionnaires sous 'empire de la l6gislation de la
zone et sous reserve des modifications qui interviendraient en raison de la disparition des
anciens organismes et autorit6s disciplinaires.


Article 13
Les 6tablissements culturels, scientifiques et hospitaliers existant i Tanger i la date
de la signature du pr6sent protocole sont maintenus. Toutefois, le Gouvernement
marocain se r6serve le droit de les soumettre aux dispositions 16gislatives qui r6giraient le
fonctionnement de ces 6tablissements, compte tenu des stipulations des conventions
culturelles bilatrales i conclure. Un d~lai raisonnable sera accord6 aux int6ress6s pour
l'application desdites dispositions l6gislatives.

Article 14
En matiire de concessions, locations et autorisations, 'abrogation du r6gime special
de Tanger et l'int~gration dans rEmpire Ch6rifien qui en r~sulte entrafnent sur cette
partie du territoire 'application de la l6gislation marocaine dans les conditions pr6vues
aux articles du pr6sent chapitre.

Article 15
Seront respect6es les concessions r~guli~rement acquises et dfiment agr~6es par Dahir
de Sa Majest6 le Sultan,nt~rieurement i la promulgation du Statut ou post~rieurement
i cette promulgation, dans la mesure oit elles sont conformes i l'Article 45 du Statut et i
la condition qu'elles soient assujetties i la l6gislation en vigueur au Maroc.

Article 16
Seront prises en consideration par Sa Majest6 le Sultan, pour un raglement aussi
rapide que possible, selon le principe de justice et d'6quit6, les concessions octroy6es par
l'Administration internationale pour une dur6e exc6dant celle du Statut.
Article 17
Seront pris en consid6ration par Sa Majest6 le Sultan, pour un raglement aussi rapide
que possible, selon le principe de justice et d'6quit6, les avenants qui ont 6t6 obtenus de
bonne foi de l'Administration internationale, lorsque lesdits avenants n'auront pas t6
accord~s dans les limites de la comp6tence de l'Administration ou n'auront pas...te'
express6ment agr66s par Sa Majest6 le Sultan.

Article 18
Seront respect6es les locations et autorisations intervenues dans les limites de la
d6l~gation statutaire conf6r6e i l'Administration internationale.

Article 19
Seront prises en consid6ration par Sa Majest6 le Sultan, pour un r6glement aussi
rapide que possible, selon le principe de justice et d'6quit6, les locations et autorisations
conc6d6es par I'Administration internationale dans des conditions non conformes i la
d616gation statutaire et aux dispositions des lois en vigueur.



Article 20
L'abrogation du r6gime special de la Zone de Tanger entraine l'extension, sur cette
partie du territoire, du monopole des Postes, T616graphes et T6l6phones, de la
Radiodiffusion et des Radiot6l6communications appartenant i rEtat marocain. Dans le
respect de ce principe, de l'ordre public marocain et des dispositions de la 16gislation
actuellement en vigueur, les 6tablissements des Postes, T6l6graphes, T61phones, de la
Radiodiffusion et des Radiot~l~communications pourront continuer a fonctionner
pendant un d~lai raisonnable pour permettre aux gouvernements et aux soci~t6s
int6ress6s :
a) soit de parvenir avec le Gouvernement marocain des arrangements particuliers
concemant leurs 6tablissements pour lesquels il sera tenu compte des dispositions du
chaptire IV du pr6sent protocole,
b) soit, le cas 6ch6ant, de demander des d6lais suffisants pour leur permettre de
prendre des mesures appropri~es .aleur situation.



Soucieux de manifester l'esprit de coop6ration qui les anime, dans le

cadre des rapports particuliers d~finis d'un commun accord entre la France et
le Maroc;
D6sireux de d6terminer les conditions dans lesquelles la France est prete h
apporter au Maroc son assistance dans le domaine judiciaire ainsi que les
garanties que le Maroc s'engage i accorder aux magistrats du corps judiciaire
frangais qui seront mis Asa disposition, en vue de preserver l'ind6pendance de
leurs fonctions;

1 Journal Officiel de la R~publique franfaise, 14 janvier 1960, p. 421 et 422. Entree

en vigueur le 5 octobre 1957.
Ont r6solu de conclure la pr6sente Convention judiciaire et son annexe
relative au contrat type.

Article er
En vue d'assurer la coop6ration de la France et du Maroc dans le domaine
judiciaire, le Gouvernement franqais s'engage i mettre A la disposition du
Gouvernement marocain, sur la demande de celui-ci, les magistrats frangais
n6cessaires au fonctionnement des juridictions du Maroc.
Le Gouvernement marocain s'engage, de son c~t6, A faire appel, par
priorit6, aux magistrats du corps judiciaire franqais pour assurer le fonctionne-
ment des juridictions institu6es par le dahir du 12 aoilt 1913.
I1 s'engage, d'autre part, A faire appel, dans la mesure de ses possibilit6s et
de ses besoins, A des magistrats franqais pour l'ensemble des tribunaux du
Maroc, y compris la Cour supreme.
Les conditions de recrutement, de licenciement et la situation des
magistrats frangais servant, en application du pr6sent article, dans les
juridictions du Maroc sont fix6es par le contrat type annex6 A la pr6sente
Le Gouvernement frangais mettra les agents des secr6tariats greffes
n6cessaires A la disposition du Gouvernement marocain dans les conditions
pr6vues par la Convention sur la Coop6ration administrative et technique
sign6e A Rabat le 6 f6vrier 1957.
La France et le Maroc d6velopperont leur coop6ration en mati6re
judiciaire, notamment en organisant des stages destin6s aux magistrats des
deux pays et en instituant des 6changes r~guliers d'information en mati6re de
technique juridictionnelle.

Article 2
Sous r6serve des dispositions du contrat type annex6 k la pr6sente
Convention, les magistrats franqais mis i la disposition du Gouvernement
marocain continuent A 6tre r6gis par les dispositions statutaires qui leur sont
Dans r'exercice de leurs fonctions, ces magistrats b6n6ficient des
immunit6s, privileges, honneurs et pr6rogatives auxquels ces memes fonctions
leur donneraient droit en France. Le Gouvernement marocain garantit
l'ind6pendance aux magistrats du si~ge. Les magistrats sont assur6s de
'inamovibilit6; ils ne peuvent faire l'objet d'une mutation que par la voie
d'avenants aux contrats qu'ils ont sign6s.
Les magistrats ne peuvent 6tre inqui6t6s d'aucune maniere pour les
d6cisions auxquelles ils ont particip6 ni pour les propos qu'ils tiennent A
l'audience ni pour les actes relatifs i leurs fonctions. Ils prennent l'engage-
ment de garder secretes les d6lib6rations et de se conduire en tout comme de
dignes et loyaux magistrats.
Le Gouvernement marocain protege les magistrats contre les menaces,
outrages, injures, diffamations et attaques de quelque nature que ce soit dont
ils seraient l'objet dans 1'exercice de leurs fonctions et r6pare, le cas 6ch6ant,
le pr6judice qui en serait r6sult6.
1 365

En dehors des fonctions pr6vues dans leur contrat, les magistrats ne

peuvent etre requis pour un autre service public.
Sous r6serve des dispositions du present article, les magistrats franqais
servant dans les juridictions marocaines ont, dans 1'exercice de leurs
fonctions, les m~mes droits et les mimes devoirs que les magistrats marocains.

Article 3

La langue judiciaire officielle des tribunaux du Maroc est l'arabe.

La langue frangaise sera toutefois employ6e devant les juridictions
institu6es par le dahir du 12 aofit 1913, vis6es A r'article ler de la pr6sente
Convention comme langue de travail, aussi longtemps que des magistrats
franqais participeront A leur fonctionnement. Dans le m6me temps, les
jugements et arr~ts rendus par ces juridictions seront r6dig6s dans les deux

Article 4
Les avocats frangais inscrits aux barreaux du Maroc exercent librement
leur profession devant les juridictions de ce pays conform6ment A la
16gislation marocaine et dans le respect des traditions de la profession.
Les citoyens frangais ont acc~s, au Maroc, aux professions lib6rales
judiciaires dans les m~mes conditions que les nationaux marocains, sans
qu'aucune mesure discriminatoire puisse Wtre prise Aleur 6gard.
Les nationaux marocains ont acc~s, en France, aux professions lib6rales
judiciaires dans les m6mes conditions que les citoyens franqais, sans
qu'aucune mesure discriminatoire puisse 6tre prise A leur 6gard.
Les avocats inscrits aux barreaux marocains pourront assister ou repr6-
senter les parties devant toutes les juridictions franqaises, tant au cours des
mesures d'instruction qu'A 'audience, dans les memes conditions que les
avocats inscrits aux barreaux frangais.
A titre de r~ciprocit6, les avocats inscrits aux barreaux frangais pourront
assister ou repr6senter les parties devant toutes les juridictions marocaines,
tant au cours des mesures d'instruction qu'A 'audience, dans les mdmes
conditions que les avocats inscrits aux barreaux marocains.
. Toutefois, l'avocat qui use de la facult6 d'assister ou repr6senter les
parties devant une juridiction de 'autre pays devra, pour la r6ception de
toutes notifications pr6vues par la loi, faire 6lection de domicile chez un
avocat dudit pays.
A titre de r6ciprocit6, les citoyens de chacun des deux pays pourront
demander leur inscription A un barreau de 'autre pays sous r6serve de
satisfaire aux conditions 16gales requises pour ladite inscription dans le pays
oit l'inscription est demand~e. Ils auront acc~s A toutes les fonctions du
conseil de r'ordre.
Les ressortissants marocains licenci6s en droit seront admis au stage dans
les barreaux frangais sans avoir A justifier de l'obtention du certificat
d'aptitude A la profession d'avocat. Mais, dans ce cas, leur stage en France ne
sera valable que pour l'inscription dans les barreaux marocains.
Article 5
Le Gouvernement frangais et le Gouvernement marocain s'engagent h
prendre les mesures internes de caract~re l6gislatif ou reglementaire n6ces-
saires 4 'application de la pr6sente Convention.



Soucieux de manifester l'esprit de coop6ration qui les anime dans le cadre

des rapports particuliers d6finis d'un commun accord entre la France et le
D6sireux de d6terminer les nouvelles conditions dans lesquelles la France
est pr~te A apporter au Maroc son assistance dans le domaine judiciaire, ainsi
que les garanties que le Maroc s'engage h accorder aux magistrats du corps
judiciaire qui seront mis h sa disposition, compte tenu des dispositions de la
loi du 26 janvier 1965 sur l'unification des juridictions marocaines, ont r6solu
de modifier les dispositions de la convention judiciaire sign6e le 5 octobre
1957 par le Maroc et la France en vue de les harmoniser avec la loi marocaine
susvis6e, en ce sens qu'A compter du 31 d6cembre 1965 les fonctions
juridictionneles ne seront plus exerc6es par les magistrats frangais, le role de
ces magistrats devant devenir, h partir de cette date, d'ordre strictement
Art. jer. - En vue d'assurer la coop6ration du Maroc et de la France dans
le domaine judiciaire, le Gouvernement francais s'engage, dans la mesure de
ses possibilit6s, A mettre a la disposition du Gouvernement marocain, sur la
demande de celui-ci, les magistrats frangais dont l'assistance technique parait
Les conditions de recrutement, de licenciement et la situation des
magistrats franmais mis A la disposition du Gouvernement marocain en
application du pr6sent accord sont fix6es par le contrat type annex6 h la
convention judiciaire du 5 octobre 1957, tel qu'il est modifi6 par les
dispositions des annexes I et II au pr6sent accord.
Le Gouvernement frangais mettra les agents de secr6tariats-greffes
n6cessaires 5 la disposition du Gouvernement marocain dans les conditions
pr6vues par la convention sur la coop6ration administrative et technique,
sign6e A Rabat le 6 f6vrier 1957.
Le Maroc et la France d6velopperont leur coop6ration en matire
judiciaire, notamment en organisant des stages destin6s aux magistrats des
deux pays et en instituant des 6changes r6guliers d'informations en mati~re de
technique juridictionnelle.
Art. 2. - Sous r6serve des dispositions du contrat type, les magistrats
frangais mis i la disposition du Gouvernement marocain continuent i 6tre
r6gis par les dispositions statutaires qui leur sont propres.

1Journal Officiel de la R~publique franpaise, le janvier 1966, p. 23. Entr6 en

vigueur le 1er janvier 1966.
Ces magistrats sont tenus i la discretion la plus absolue A l'6gard de tous
faits, informations et documents dont ils ont eu connaissance en raison de
l'exercice de leurs fonctions ou Al'occasion de celles-ci.
Ilsne peuvent se livrer A aucune activit6 politique sur le territoire
Les magistrats fran~ais mis la disposition du Gouvernement marocain ne
peuvent tre inqui~t~s d'aucune mani~re pour les actes relatifs A leurs
Le Gouvernement marocain les protege contre les menaces, injures,
outrages, diffamations et attaques de quelque nature que ce soit dont ils
seraient l'objet dans l'exercice ou a l'occasion de leurs fonctions et r6pare, le
cas 6ch6ant, le prejudice qui en serait r6sult6.
Ces magistrats ne peuvent faire l'objet d'un changement de fonctions ou
de lieu d'affectation que par la voie d'avenants aux contrats qu'ils ont sign6s.
En dehors des fonctions pr~vues dans leur contrat, ils ne peuvent 6tre
requis pour un autre service public.
Art. 3. - Les magistrats frangais qui, en application de la convention
judiciaire du 5 octobre 1957, auront exerc6 des fonctions juridictionnelles
dans les juridictions marocaines demeureront tenus de garder secretes les
Ils ne pourront 6tre inqui~t~s d'aucune manifre pour les decisions
auxquelles ils auront particip6, ni pour les propos qu'ils auront tenus A
l'audience, ni pour les actes qu'ils auront accomplis dans r'exercice de leurs
Le Gouvernement marocain les prot6gera contre les menaces, injures,
outrages, diffamations et attaques dont ils seraient l'objet en raison des
fonctions qu'ils auront exerc6es dans ces juridictions et riparera, le cas
6ch~ant, le prejudice qui en serait r~sult6.


MARS ET 5 AOUT 19611

Article ler. - Transfert des responsabilits

A compter de ce jour, la responsabilit6 des services de l'aviation civile est
transf6r6e kl'Etat marocain.
Les responsabilitfs ainsi transferees sont celles qui incombent actuelle-
a) A la direction de l'a6ronautique civile, notamment l'information de
vol, le contrle de la circulation a6rienne, les t6lcommunications, les aides A
la navigation a6rienne appartenant l'aviation civile, exploitation de
l'afrodrome de Casablanca-Cazes et la zone civile de l'a6rodrome de
Nouaceur, l'information a6ronautique, le contrble des mat6riels de bord, le
contr~le des licences du personnel navigant;
b) A la direction de la m6t6orologie;
c) Au service des bases a6riennes pour le domaine de l'aviation civile.
1 Journal Officiel de laRgpublique fran~aise, 20 dfcembre 1961, p. 11670 i 11673.
Lettres non reproduites dans le pr6sent document.
Les responsabilit6s concernant le service de recherches et sauvetage
(S. A. R.) sont tranf6r6es A l'Etat marocain, i compter de ce jour. Le
Gouvernement frangais s'engage & mettre A la disposition du Gouvernement
marocain, sur sa demande, en attendant que celui-ci ait 6quip6 son service
S. A. R., les moyens occasionnels de recherches et sauvetage qu'il pourrait
6ventuellement conserver au Maroc.
Les transferts de responsabilit6s faisant l'objet du pr6sent article seront
notifi6s. par les Gouvernements frangais et marocain, i l'Organisation de
l'aviation civile internationale (0. A. C. I.) et A l'Organisation m6t~orologique
mondiale (0. M. M.), chacune pour ce qui la concerne.
Les deux Gouvernements se concerteront sur les modalit6s de cette
notification qui devra intervenir d~s que possible.
Article 2. - Frais de fonctionnement des services
A compter de la date du transfert des responsabilit6s, les frais de
fonctionnement des services sont pris en charge par le Gouvernement

Article 3. - Echelons liquidateurs

Le Gouvernement frangais pourra maintenir aupr~s de chacun de ses deux
ordonnateurs comptents pour les d6penses de l'aviation civile, et jusqu'A
I'apurement de leurs comptes, un 6chelon liquidateur disposant des moyens et
du personnel n~cessaires.

Article 4. - Materiels et biens mobiliers

Les mat6riels, pieces de rechange et mati6res consommables apparteivant
actuellement aux services de l'aviation civile 6numfr6s A l'article premier sont
c6d6s en toute propri6t6 au Gouvernement marocain.
Un inventaire descriptif et estimatif de ces biens sera dress6 au moment de
leur prise en charge par les services du Gouvernement marocain.

Article 5. - Biens immeubles

Les biens immeubles des services de 'aviation civile sont mis la
disposition du Gouvernement marocain. Les conditions de cette mise i
disposition feront l'objet d'un 6change de lettres annex6es au pr6sent Accord.
II sera proc6d6 A la d6volution d6finitive de 'ensemble de ces biens par
l'interm6diaire des deux services des domaines et dans le cadre du r~glement
g6n6ral du prob1~me domanial.

Article 6. - Assistance technique

La coop6ration administrative et technique concernant l'aviation civile est
r6gie par les dispositions de la convention de coop6ration administrative et
technique du 6 f6vrier 1957.
L'aide que le Gouvernement frangais est dispos6 A fournir au Gouverne-
ment marocain dans le cadre de cette convention pour faciliter la constitution
et le d6veloppement des services de l'aviation civile concerne
La formation des personnels techniques;
Conform6ment i l'article 12 de la convention pr~cit6e, la mise A la
disposition du Gouvernement marocain de techniciens, pour servir sous
contrat le Gouvernement marocain;
Le concours technique des services centraux sp6cialis~s du secretariat
g6n6ral l'aviation civile.
En particulier, le Gouvernement franqais est dispos6 i fournir le concours
de sa section d'6tudes et de coordination S. A. R. pour l'organisation des
services S. A. R. marocains et l'61aboration de la r6glementation qui leur sera

Article 7. - Mesures transitoiresconcernant le personnel

Afin de permettre au Gouvernement marocain de mettre au point les
dispositions des contrats A passer avec le personnel franqais dont il d6sire
s'assurer le concours, le Gouvernement franqais accepte de conserver i sa
charge la r6mun6ration du personnel, jusqu'au Ier septembre 1961, 6tant
entendu que, tout en maintenant les effectifs indispensables, des d6parts
d6fmitifs ou en cong6s pourront avoir lieu pendant 1't6 et que certains
contrats pourront prendre effet avant le I er septembre 1961.
Pendant cette pkriode, les services de la direction de l'a6ronautique civile
et de la m6t6orologie seront Ala disposition du Gouvernement marocain pour
emploi et plac6s sous son autorit6. Les chefs de ces services feront appliquer
les directives qu'ils recevront des autorit~s marocaines de l'aviation civile. Le
personnel franqais conservera son r6gime statutaire actuel.

(i) Observations du Gouvernement du Niger,

I1 n'existe au Niger aucun texte lgislatif ou r~glementaire au sujet de la

succession d'Etats aux biens publics, ni aucune decision des tribunaux
nig6riens en la mati~re. Le Niger n'a saisi aucune juridiction internationale
pour le r~glement de conflits d cette nature.

Le transfert des biens publics de l'ancien territoire du Niger A la

R6publique du Niger n'a pas donn6 lieu A la conclusion d'accords sp6ciaux
entre le Niger et la France. On ne trouve aucune sp6cification A ce propos, ni
parmi les actes (internationaux ou nationaux) qui ont accompagn6 I'accession
du territoire du Niger au statut d'Etat membre de la Communaut6 le 18
dcembre 1958 (cf. Journal Officiel de la Republique du Niger, num6ro
sp6cial du 31 dcembre 1958), ni dans l'Accord particulier du I1 juillet 1960
entre le Gouvernement de la Rpublique du Niger et le Gouvernement de la
Rpublique franqaise portant transfert des comptences de la Communaut6 A
'Etat indipendant du Niger (cf. Journal Officiel de la R~publique du Niger,
num6ro special du 30 juillet 1960).
Quant A la succession d'Etats aux dettes publiques, la dvolution de l'actif
et du passif de l'ex-Afrique Occidentale Franqaise (A. 0. F ) a fait l'objet
1 Reques du Ministre des affaires ktrangires et de la cooperation du Niger.
d'une Convention sign6e h Paris le 22 mars 1960 entre la R6publique de Cbte
d'Ivoire, la R6publique du Dahomey, la R6publique de Haute-Volta, la
R6publique Islamique de Mauritanie, la R6publique du Niger, la R6publique
du S6n6gal et la R6publique du Soudan, Convention ratifi6e par le Niger A la
suite de la loi 60-050 du 22 octobre 1960... I

(ii) Trait6s


MARS 1960

Article premier. - La d~volution de l'actif et du passif de l'ancien groupe
de territoires de r'A.O.F. sera effectu6e suivant les crit~res et conform6ment
aux dispositions arret~es par les conferences des Pr6sidents et des Premiers
Ministres des R6publiques de 1'ex-A.O.F., tenues A Paris les 5 et 6 juin 1959 et
22 mars 1960.
Art. 2. - En ex6cution de ces dispositions:
10 l'actif mobilier et immobilier est attribu6 aux diff6rents Etats Apartir
des localisations g6ographiques.
Le S6n6gal, qui regoit ainsi une part d'actif sup6rieure k celle qui lui est
due, abandonne aux autres Etats sa part sur l'actif de la caisse de reserve.
2' l'un ou 'autre des Etats pourra transf6rer la R~publique franqaise les
immeubles n~cessaires Ala satisfaction de ses besoins propres.
30 les soldes cr~diteurs ou d~biteurs en faveur ou A charge de la Guin6e
sont r~serv6s pour atre affect~s par la R6publique franqaise.
Les pourcentages de r6partition sont, en consequence, fix6s ainsi que


Garantie et con testations

Art. 12. - L'ex6cution de la pr~sente convention sera assur~e par les
services financiers relevant de la R~publique franqaise.
Toutes contestations pouvant survenir dans 'ex~cution de la pr6sente
convention et ne pouvant 6tre r6gl6es A l'amiable seront soumises a la cour
arbitrale de la Communaut6.
Art. 13. - Toutes les op6rations qui d6couleront de la pr6sente conven-
tion quant au fond et quant A la forme sont exon6r6es de tout imp6t, droit et
1 Volt le texte ci-apris.
2 Texte requ du Ministre des affaires 6trangires et de lacoop6ration du Niger.

Art. 14. - Dans un'd6lai de trois mois, la pr6sente convention devra 6tre
ratifi6e par les assemb16es 16gislatives des diff6rents Etats signataires.



Article jer
La R6publique du Niger accede, en plein accord et amiti6 avec la
Rbpublique frangaise, A la souverainet6 internationale et h l'ind6pendance par
le transfert des comptences de la Communaut6.

Article 2
Toutes les comp6tences institu6es par l'article 78 de la Constitution du 4
octobre 1958 sont, pour ce qui la concerne, transf~r6es A la R6publique du
Niger, d~s 'accomplissement par les parties contractantes de la proc6dure
pr6vue A1'article 87 de ladite Constitution.


[Note. - Les dispositions de cet accord sont, mutatis mutandis, iden-
tiques A celles de l'Accord du 24 avril 1961 entre la France et la C6te d'Ivoire
(volt supra, p. 225).]


[Note. - Les dispositions de cet accord ainsi que celles de son annexe II
sont, mutatis mutandis, identiques A celles de l'Accord du 24 avril 1961 et de
son annexe II, entre la France et la C6te d'Ivoire (voir supra, p. 228).]


[Note. - Les dispositions de cet accord ainsi que celles de son annexe
sont, mutatis mutandis, identiques h celles de 'Accord du 24 avril 1961 et de
son annexe entre la France et la C6te d'Ivoire (voir supra, p. 236).]

1 Journal Officiel de la R~publique franaise, 30 juillet 1960, p. 7050. Entr6 en

vigueur le 2 aofit 1960. (Renseignement tir6 de Rollet, op. cit., p. 162.)
2Ibid., 6 f6vrier 1962, p. 1292.
3 Ibid., p. 1294.
4 Ibid., p. 1302.
24 AVRIL 19611

Le Prisidentde la Rdpublique du Niger

d Monsieur le Premier Ministre de la Ripublique fran~aise

L'accord particulier sign6 A Paris, le 11 juillet 1960, a eu pour effet de

transf6rer A la R6publique du Niger la comp6tence de la Communaut6
concernant le contr6le de la justice.
En cons6quence, le conseil d'Etat et la cour de cassation de la R6publique
frangaise ont, A dater du jour de 1'entr6e en vigueur dudit accord, cess6 d'dtre
comp6tents pour connaitre des recours et pouvoirs int6ressant la R6publique
du Niger dont ces hautes juridictions 6taient alors saisies.
J'ai l'honneur de vous demander de bien vouloir me faire savoir si le
Gouvernement de la R6publique frangaise admet cette interpr6tation de
l'accord portant transfert des comp6tences de la Communaut6.
Dans 'affirmative, je vous serais oblig6 de bien vouloir donner les
instructions n6cessaires pour que les dossiers de ces proc6dures soient remis
au ministre de la justice de la R6publique du Niger par l'interm6diaire du
ministre de la justice de la R6publique frangaise.

Le PremierMinistre de la Rdpublique fran~aise

d Monsieur le Prisident de la Rdpublique du Niger

Vous avez bien voulu, i la date du 24 avril 1961, m'adresser la lettre dont
la teneur suit :
[Voir texte ci-dessus.]
J'ai 'honneur de vous confirmer que le Gouvernement de la R6publique
franqaise partage votre interpr6tation de l'accord particulier sign6 AParis le 11
juillet 1960.
Je donne en cons6quence les instructions n6cessaires pour que les dossiers
des proc6dures vis6es dans votre lettre soient remis au ministre de la justice de
la R6publique du Niger.


[Note. - Les dispositions de cet accord sont, mutatis mutandis, iden-
tiques i celles de l'Accord du 24 avril 1961 entre la France et la C6te d'Ivoire
(voir supra, p. 231).]

1 JournalOfficiel de la Ripublique franpaise, 6 f6vrier 1962, p. 1306.

2 ibid., p. 1296

Laws and decrees

[Note: See Indian Independence Act 1947, under India, supra, p. 2041

(i) Treaties
The Government of the United States of America and the Government of
the Republic of the Philippines, considering that in accordance with the
expressed Will of the Congress and people'of the United States of America
and of the Congress and people of the Philippines, the political ties which
have united these two peoples are to be dissolved on July 4, 1946,
Considering also the mutual desire that the friendship and affection which
have long existed between the two peoples shall be reaffirmed and continued
without interruption for all time, and
Desiring to establish a basis for relations between the Governments of the
two countries pending the conclusion, by established constitutional processes,
of definitive treaties,
Do now make of record this provisional agreement concerning friendly
relations and diplomatic and consular representation.

Article I
The Government of the United States of America recognizes the Republic
of the Philippines as a separate, independent and self-governing nation and
acknowledges the authority and control of the Government of the Republic
of the Philippines over the territory of the Philippine Islands.

Article I
The Government of the United States of America will notify the
Governments with which it has diplomatic relations of the independence of
the Republic of the Philippines and will invite those Governments to
recognize the Republic of the Philippines as a member of the family of

Article III
The diplomatic representatives of each contracting party shall enjoy in
the territories of the other the privileges and immunities derived from
generally recognized international law. The consular representatives of each
contracting party, duly provided with exequaturs, shall be permitted to reside

1 United Nations, Treaty Series, Vol. 6, No. 86, p. 336-338. Came into force on
4 July 1946.
in the territories of the other; they shall enjoy the privileges and immunities
accorded to such officers by general international usage; and they shall not be
treated in a manner less favorable than similar officers of any third country.

Article IV
The two contracting parties mutually agree that they will forthwith enter
into negotiations for the conclusion of treaties and agreements regulating
relations between the two countries, including a treaty of friendship,
commerce and navigation, an executive agreement relating to trade, a general
relations treaty, a consular convention, and other treaties and agreements as
may be necessary, and will endeavor to conclude these instruments as soon
as may be possible.

(ii) Laws and decrees


Whereas the United States of America by the Treaty of Peace with Spain
of December 10, 1898, commonly known as the Treaty of Paris, and by the
Treaty with Spain of November 7, 1900, did acquire sovereignty over the
Philippines, and by the Convention of January 2, 1930, with Great Britain
did delimit the boundary between the Philippine Archipelago and the State of
North Borneo; and
Whereas the United States of America has consistently and faithfully
during the past forty-eight years exercised jurisdiction and control over the
Philippines and its people; and
Whereas it has been the repeated declaration of the legislative and
executive branches of the Government of the United States of America that
full independence would be granted the Philippines as soon as the people of
the Philippines were prepared to assume this obligation; and
Whereas the people of the Philippines have clearly demonstrated their
capacity for self-government; and
Whereas the Act of Congress approved March 24, 1934, known as the
Philippine Independence Act, directed that, on the 4th Day of July
immediately following a ten-year transitional period leading to the indepen-
dence of the Philippines, the President of the United States of America
should by proclamation withdraw and surrender all rights of possession,
supervision, jurisdiction, control, or sovereignty of the United States of
America in and over the territory and people of the Philippines, except
certain reservations therein or thereafter authorized to be made, and, on
behalf of the United States of America, should recognize the independence of
the Philippines:
Now, therefore, I, Harry S. Truman, President of the United States of
America, acting under and by virtue of the authority vested in me by the
1 The Department of State Bulletin, Vol. XV, numbers 366-391, July 7-December
29, 1946, p. 66.
aforesaid act of Congress, do proclaim that, in accord with and subject to the
reservations provided for in the applicable statutes of the United States,
The United States of America hereby withdraws and surrenders all rights
of possession, supervision, jurisdiction, control, or sovereignty now existing
and exercised by the United States of America in and over the territory and
people of the Philippines; and,
On behalf of the United States of America, I do hereby recognize the
independence of the Philippines as a separate and self-governing nation and
acknowledge the authority and control over the same of the government
instituted by the people thereof, under the constitution now in force.
In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of
the United States of America to be affixed.
Done at the City of Washington this Fourth day of July in the year of our
Lord, nineteen hundred and forty-six, and of the Independence of
the United States of America the one hundred and seventy-first.

By the President:
Acting Secretary of State.

(iii) Decisions of national courts


Ricardo Aguado, plaintiff and appellee, vs. The City of Manila, as administra-
tor of the water supply and Carriedo funds, defendant and appellant.
1. "Ayuntamiento de Manila;" City of Manila. The old Ayuntamiento de
Manila in making contracts did not act as trustee or agent, but in its corporate
capacity, subject to the limitations imposed by law.
2. Id.; Id. Although the present city government exercises certain of the
powers which were formerly exercised by the Ayuntamiento, it is not, in law,
the successor of the Ayuntamiento de Manila and can not be charged with the
obligations of the latter.
Appeal from a judgment of the Court of First Instance of Manila. 2

Johnson, J.:
This was an action commenced by the plaintiff, as assignor of certain
claims held by Tomas Luna Mufioz against the defendant, on the 28th day of
April, 1903, in the Court of First Instance of the city of Manila, for the
purpose of recovering of the city of Manila the sum of P5,621.40, with interest
and costs.
1 Transmitted by the Acting Representative of the Philippines.
2 No. 3282. January 9, 1908. Cases Nos. 3449, Vasquez, plaintiff; 3558, Rosario et
al., plaintiffs; and 3703, Otero et al., plaintitts, all seeking to charge the present
government of Manila with liabilities of the old Ayuntamiento de Manila, were decided
upon the same principle, citing Aguado vs. City of Manila.
The complaint contains three separate causes of action against the
defendant, two of them being for coal sold and delivered to the predecessor
of the present city of Manila, the Ayuntamiento de Manila, as administrator
de las aguas de Carriedo, for which the plaintiff claims there was due him
upon the first cause of action the sum of P3,116.40 and upon the third cause
of action the sum of P585. The second cause of action alleges that the
plaintiff deposited with the said Ayuntamiento de Manila the sum of 101,920
as a guaranty for the fulfillment of the contract sued upon. The plaintiff
prayed for judgment for the sum of P5,621.40, with interest and costs.

The appellant assigns many errors alleged to have been committed by the
lower court. The questions presented by all the said assignments of error are
(1) whether or not the present city of Manila is liable under the contracts
referred to in the agreed statement of facts, for the obligations created
therein by the old city of Manila (Ayuntamiento de Manila) as its successor,
and (2) if it is, whether the plaintiff is entitled to a writ of execution against
any of the property of the present city for the purpose of satisfying that
liability when the same has been reduced to a judgment.
The lower court held that the present city of Manila was liable upon such
contracts, upon the theory that it was the successor of the old city of Manila
(Ayuntamiento de Manila) as it existed under the Spanish Government. The
lower court held that the old city of Manila (Ayuntaniento de Manila) was
the trustee and administrator of the Carriedo waterworks, and as such trustee
was responsible for all the debts created or contracted in the administration
of such works. This fact is neither admitted nor denied in the agreed
statement of facts; neither is there anything in the record which justifies that
conclusion. The contracts upon which the plaintiff relies for recovery in no
way indicate that the Ayuntamiento de Manila made said contracts as trustee,
nor in a representative capacity, but, upon the contrary, the contracts
themselves show that they were made by the Ayuntamiento de Manila with
the assignor of the present plaintiff simply as the Ayuntamiento de Manila
and not as trustee or agent. Our conclusion is, then, upon this question, that
the contract which the assignor of the present plaintiff made with the
Ayuntamiento de Manila was made with the old city in its corporate capacity
simply and not in a representative capacity as trustee or agent. If there has
been a violation of the terms of the contract such violation was made by the
Ayuntarniento de Manila and not by the present city of Manila. This
conclusion makes it unnecessary for us to discuss the relation of trust so ably
presented in the briefs of the different attorneys.
A municipal corporation is a governmental agent of the state, given
authority to govern the people in a limited portion of the state. This power,
however, is limited to certain particular governmental functions, which are
always expressed in writing in the form of a charter or grant of powers. To
ascertain what this power is in each particular case, reference must be made
to such grant of powers. Powers not expressly given therein or necessarily
implied from such express powers can not be exercised by such governmental
Experience has taught nations that when men congregate in large numbers
in a small portion of the state, it is convenient to permit such persons, in a
limited way, to govern themselves, the state retaining the authority to
modify, enlarge, restrain, or to absolutely revoke such grant of power at any
time this convenience ceases. In all cases a municipal corporation is a mere
instrumentality of the state for the convenient administration of a local
government over limited territory, and as such is vested with subordinate
power for local purposes only. The very moment it subverts these powers or
arrogates to itself others not granted, or for any other reasons deemed to be
sufficient, the state may revoke its authority, dissolve such corporation, and
bring all the inhabitants and such property again under the direct control of
the state or central government in all their relations among themselves and
with the state. There is no contract between the state and the public that the
charter of a city shall not be at all times subject to legislative control. There is
no such thing as a vested right held by any individual in the granting of
legislative power to municipal corporations. (Meriwether vs. Garrett, 102
U. S., 472, 511; U. S. vs. Ry. Co., 17 Wallace, 322; Commissioners vs. Lucas,
Treasurer, 93 U. S., 108; Philadelphia vs. Fox, 64 Penn. State, 169; Cooley
Constitutional Limitations, 192, 193.)
" Many instances might be cited to show where the central government has
exercised this prerogative.
It being a doctrine well established then that a municipal corporation is a
mere agent of the state, what then is the status of said corporation when the
state itself is destroyed? Certainly the general consequences of the death of
the principal must follow in its effect upon the authority of the agent. The
death of the principal always revokes the agency when there are no vested
rights involved. A municipal corporation has no vested right to exist as such.
The state may at any time revoke its charter. Of course the state might, by
such revocation, incur certain moral obligations, but the performance of these
obligations would always rest upon the conscience of the law-making of
charter-granting authority of the state. The courts have no equitable or legal
authority to compel the state to comply with obligations of this kind in the
absence of proper legislation.
The principal of the old city of Manila (Ayuntamiento de Manila) was the
Spanish Government in the Philippine Islands, and when that Government, on
the 1 1th day of April, 1899, at least, ceased to exercise any power or control
over this territory (the Philippine Islands), all its agents, including the
Ayuntamiento de Manila, also ceased to exist, and therefore this agent was
without authority either to make or to perform contracts. There was no
functionary of either Government left with any authority whatever. The
Spanish Government, with all its governmental agencies, upon the 1 lth day
of April, 1899, at least, ceased to have or to exercise any functions within the
Philippine Islands. Upon that day the people who formerly constituted the
Ayuntamiento de Manila became subject to the general laws (not political)
applicable to the whole territory and to such rules and regulations as the new
authority might see fit to promulgate. After that date all persons who had
rights or obligations preexisting against such defunct governments were left to
their remedy against such defunct governments, unless such rights were vested
rights, or unless by treaty obligations or otherwise the new government had in
some way obligated itself to respond to such individuals. It becomes
important, therefore, to ascertain whether the new authority has in any way
obligated itself to respond to the plaintiff herein. Our attention is called to
article 8 of the treaty of Paris. But this is a compact between the United
States Government and the Crown of Spain, and of course the city of Manila
could not, if it would, be obligated by any terms of that compact without an
express authorization on the part of the proper power or authority.
The city of Manila is in no way the successor of the Ayuntamiento de
Manila in law. The mere fact that the present authority in these Islands has
given to the present city powers like those exercised by the Ayuntamiento de
Manila in no way makes the former the successor of the latter. It is an
entirely new organization, a new agent of a new principal, and only has such
authority, such powers, and such obligations and responsibilities as the new
principal has seen fit to grant and impose. The grant of powers (the Charter
of Manila) has been examined in vain to find anything which would make the
present city of Manila liable in any way to comply, even though it desired to
do so, with the obligations contracted by the Ayuntamiento de Manila, and
therefore we must hold, as we do hereby, that the present city of Manila is in
no wise responsible to the plaintiff upon the contracts made between its
assignor and the old city of Manila.
These foregoing conclusions do not amount to a denial of the obligations
or a refusal to comply with the same. They are simply that the obligations
upon which the plaintiff seeks to recover never were incurred by the present
city of Manila; neither can the foregoing conclusions be construed to be an
attempt to violate the terms of the contracts. They are simply to the effect
that no contract obligation, with reference to the claim of the plaintiff, ever
These conclusions make it unnecessary for us to, discuss the second
question above suggested, for the reason that the city not being liable upon
the contract, no question as to the right to take out a writ of execution
against the property of said city can arise in the present case.
For the foregoing reasons the judgment of the lower court is hereby
revoked, and, without any finding as to costs, it is so ordered.
Arellano, C. J., Torres, Carson, and Williard, JJ., concur.
Mapa, J., did not sit in this case.
Tracey, J., concurs in the result.
Judgment reversed.



Verisimo Vasquez Vilas, plaintiff in error and appellant,

vs. City of Manila. (No. 53)
Esperanza Otero Trigas et al., plaintiffs in error and
appellants, vs. City of Manila. (No. 54)
Ricardo Aguado, appellant vs. City of Manila. (No.207.)'

I Nos. 53, 54 and 207, 3 April 1911. 220 U.S., 345; 552 ed. 491; Philippine appeals,
42, p. 953.
Result of Cession; Municipal Property. Public property belonging to the
city of Manila as a municipal corporation cannot be regarded as having passed
to the United States under the cession by Spain of the Philippine Islands for a
cash consideration, under the treaty of Paris of December 10, 1898, of all
"buildings, wharves, barracks, forts, structures, public highways, and other
immovable property which, in conformity with law, belong to the public
domain, and as such belong to the Crown of Spain,"-especially in view of the
further stipulation protecting and safeguarding the property and property
rights of municipal corporations precisely as were those of individuals.
Id.; Obligations of Reincorporated Municipality. The present city of
Manila, reincorporated by the Philippine Commission with substantially the
same municipal powers, area, and inhabitants as the Spanish municipality of
the same name, is liable upon municipal obligations incurred prior to the
cession of the Philippine Islands by the treaty of Paris of December 10, 1898,
to the United States.
In Error to and Appeal from the Supreme Court of the Philippine Islands
to review decrees which affirmed decrees of the Court of First Instance of the
city of Manila, sustaining demurrers to and dismissing complaints which seek
to establish the liability of the city of Manila for obligations incurred prior to
the cession of the Philippine Islands. Reversed with directions to overrule the
demurrers. Also an
Appeal from the Supreme Court of the Philippine Islands to review a
judgment which affirmed a judgment of the Court of First Instance in the
city of Manila in favour of defendant in an action to enforce the liability of
the city of Manila for a debt incurred for coal supplied for its waterworks
system prior to the cession of the Philippine Islands to the United States.
Reversed and remanded with directions to render judgment for plaintiff.

Mr. Justice Lurton delivered the opinion of the court:

The plaintiffs in error, who were plaintiffs below, are creditors of the city
of Manila as it existed before the cession of the Philippine Islands to the
United States by the treaty of Paris, December 10, 1898 (30 Stat. at L.,
1754). Upon the theory that the city, under its present charter from the
Government of the Philippine Islands, is the same juristic person and liable
upon the obligations of the old city, these actions were brought against it.
The Supreme Court of the Philippine Islands denied relief, holding that the
present municipality is a totally different corporate entity, and in no way
liable for the debts of the Spanish municipality.
The fundamental question is whether, notwithstanding the cession of the
Philippine Islands to the United States, followed by a reincorporation of the
city, the present municipality is liable for the obligations of the city incurred
prior to the cession to the United States.
We shall confine ourselves to the question whether the plaintiffs in error
are entitled to judgments against the city upon their several claims. Whether
there is a remedy adequate to the collection when reduced to judgment is not
presented by the record. But whether there is or is not a remedy affords no
reason why the plaintiffs in error may not reduce their claims to judgment.
(Mt. Pleasant vs. Beckwith, 100 U. S., 514, 530; 25 L. ed., 699, 703). The
city confessedly may be sued under its existing charter, and that implies at
least a right to judgment if they establish their demands.
The city as now incorporated has succeeded to all of the property rights
of the old city and to the right to enforce all of its causes of action. There is
identity of purpose between the Spanish and American charters and
substantial identity of municipal powers. The area and inhabitants incorpo-
rated are substantially the same. But for the change of sovereignty which has
occurred under the treaty of Paris, the "question of the liability of the city
under its new charter for the debts of the old city would seem to be of easy
solution. The principal question would therefore seem to be the legal
consequence of the cession referred to upon the property rights and civil
obligations of the city incurred before the cession. And so the question was
made to turn in the court below upon the consequence of a change in
sovereignty and a reincorporation of the city by the substituted sovereignty.
This disposes of the question of the jurisdiction of this court, grounded
upon the absence from the petition of the plaintiffs of any distinct claim
under the treaty of Paris, since, under section 10 of the Philippine Organic
Act of July 1, 1902 (32 Stat. at L., 695, chap. 1369; U. S. Com. Stat. Supp.,
1909, p. 226), this court is given jurisdiction to review any final decree or
judgment of the Supreme Court of the Philippine Islands where any treaty of
the United States "is involved." That treaty was necessarily "involved," since
neither the court below nor this court can determine the continuity of the
municipality nor the liability of the city as it now exists for the obligation of
the old city, without considering the effect of the change of sovereignty
resulting from that treaty. (See Reavis vs. Fianza, 215 U. S., 16, 22; 54 L. ed.,
72, 75; 30 Sup. Ct. Rep., 1.)
The historical continuity of a municipality embracing the inhabitants of
the territory now occupied by the city of Manila is impressive. Before the
conquest of the Philippine Islands by Spain, Manila existed. The Spaniards
found on the spot now occupied a populous and fortified community of
Moros. In 1571 they occupied what was then and is now known as Manila,
and established it as a municipal corporation. In 1574 there was conferrred
upon it the title of "Illustrious and ever loyal city of Manila." From time to
time there occurred amendments, and, on January 19, 1894, there was a
reorganization of the city government under a royal decree of that date.
Under that charter there was power to incur debts for municipal purposes and
power to sue and be sued. The obligations here in suit were incurred under
the charter referred to, and are obviously obligations strictly within the
provision of the municipal power. To pay judgments upon such debts it was
the duty of the Ayuntamiento of Manila, which was the corporate name of
the old city, to make provision in its budget.
The contention that the liability of the city upon such obligations was
destroyed by a mere change of sovereignty is obviously one which is without
a shadow of moral force, and, if true, must result from settled principles of
rigid law. While the contracts from which the claims in suit resulted were in
progress, war between the United States and Spain ensued. On August 13,
1898, the city was occupied by the forces of this government, and its affairs
conducted by military authority. On July 31, 1901, the present incorporating
act was passed, and the city since that time has been an autonomous
municipality. The charter in force is Act No. 183 of the Philippine
Commission, and now may be found as chapters 68 to 75 of the compiled
acts of the Philippine Commission. The first section of the charter of 1901
reads as follows:
"The inhabitants of the city of Manila, residing within the territory
described in section 2 of this Act, are hereby constituted a municipality,
which shall be known as the city of Manila and by that name shall have
perpetual succession, and shall possess all the rights of property herein
granted or heretofore enjoyed and possessed by the city of Manila as
organized under Spanish sovereignty."
The boundaries described in section 2 include substantially the area and
inhabitants which had theretofore constituted the old city.
By section 4 of the same Act, the government of the city was invested in
a municipal board.
Section 16 grants certain legislative powers to the board, and provides that
it shall "take possession of all lands, buildings, offices, books, papers, records,
moneys, credits, securities, assets, accounts, or other property or rights
belonging to the former city of Manila, or pertaining to the business or
interests thereof, and, subject to the provisions herein set forth, shall have
control of all its property except the building known as the ayuntamiento,
provision for the occupation and control of which is made in section 15 of
this Act; shall collect taxes and other revenues, and apply the same in
accordance with appropriations, as hereinbefore provided, to the payment of
the municipal expenses; shall supervise and control the discharge of official
duties by subordinates; shall institute judicial proceedings to recover property
and funds of the city wherever found, or otherwise to protect the interests of
the city and shall defend all suits against the city," etc.
Section 69 of the charter expressly preserved "all city ordinances and
orders in force at the time of the passage of this Act, and not inconsistent
herewith," until modified or repealed by ordinances passed under this Act.
Section 72 is the repealing clause, and provides for the repeal of "all acts,
orders, and regulations" which are inconsistent with the provisions of the
The charter contains no reference to the obligations or contracts of the
old city.
If we understand the argument against the liability here asserted, it
proceeds mainly upon the theory that inasmuch as the predecessor of the
present city, the ayuntamiento of Manila, was a corporate entity created by
the Spanish government, when the sovereignty of Spain in the Islands was
terminated by the treaty of cession, if not by the capitulation of August 13,
1898, the municipality ipso facto disappeared for all purposes. This
conclusion is reached upon the supposed analogy to the doctrine of principal
and agent, the death of the principal ending the agency. So complete is the
supposed death and annihilation of a municipal entity by extinction of
sovereignty of the creating state that it was said in one of the opinions below
that all of the public property of Manila passed to the United States, "for a
consideration, which was paid," and that the United States was .therefore
justified in creating an absolutely new municipality, and endowing it with all
of the assets of the defunct city, free from any obligation to the creditors of
that city. And so the matter was dismissed in the Trigas Case by the Court of
First Instance, by the suggestion that "the plaintiff may have a claim against
the Crown of Spain, which has received from the United States payment for
that done by the plaintiff."
We are unable to agree with the argument. It loses sight of the dual
character of municipal corporations. They exercise powers which are
governmental and powers which are of a private or business character. In the
one character a municipal corporation is a governmental subdivision, and for
that purpose exercises by delegation a part of the sovereignty of the state. In
the other character it is a mere legal entity or juristic person. In the latter
character it stands for the community in the administration of local affairs
wholly beyond the sphere of the public purposes for which its governmental
powers are conferred.
The distinction is observed in South Carolina vs. United States (199 U. S.,
437, 461; 50 L. ed., 261, 269; 26 Sup. Ct. Rep., I10; 4 A. & E. Ann. Cas.,
737), where Lloyd vs. New York (5 N. Y., 369, 374; 55 Am. Dec., 347), and
Western Say. Fund Soc. vs. Philadelphia (31 Pa., 175; 72 Am. Dec., 730), are
cited and approved. In Lloyd vs. New York, supra, it is said:
"The corporation of the city of New York possesses two kinds of
powers: one governmental and public, and to the extent they are held and
exercised, is clothed with sovereignty; the other private, and to the extent
they are held and exercised, is a legal individual. The former are given and
used for public purposes, the latter for private purposes. While in the
exercise of the former, the corporation is a municipal government; and
while in the exercise of the latter, is a corporate legal individual." (See
also Dill. Mun. Corp., 4th ed., 66; Petersburg vs. Applegarth, 28 Gratt.,
321, 343; 26 Am. Rep., 357, and Oliver vs. Worcester, 102 Mass., 489;
3 Am. Rep., 485.)
In view of the dual character of municipal corporations there is no public
reason for presuming their total dissolution as a mere consequence of military
occupation or territorial cession. The suspension of such governmental
functions as are obviously incompatible with the new political relations thus
brought about may be presumed. But no such implication may be reasonably
indulged beyond that result.
Such a conclusion is in harmony with the settled principles of public law
as declared by this and other courts and expounded by the text-books upon
the laws of war and international law. (Taylor, International Pub. Law,
section 578.)
That there is a total abrogation of the former political relations of the
inhabitants of the ceded region is obvious. That all laws therefore in force
which are in conflict with the political character, constitution, or institutions
of the substituted sovereign, lose their force, is also plain. (Alvarez y Sanchez
vs. United States, 216 U. S., 167; 54 L. ed., 432; 30 Sup. Ct. Rep., 367.) But
it is equally settled in the same public law that that great body of municipal
law which regulates private and domestic rights continues in force until
abrogated or changed by the new ruler. In Chicago, R. I. & P. R. Co. vs.
McGlinn (114 U. S., 542, 546; 29 L. ed., 270, 271; 5 Sup. Ct. Rep., 1005), it
was said:
"It is a general rule of public law, recognized and acted upon by the
United States, that whenever political jurisdiction and legislative power
over any territory are transferred from one nation or sovereign to
another, the municipal laws of the country, that is, laws which are
intended for the protection of private rights, continue in force until
abrogated or changed by the new government or sovereign. By the
cession, public property passes from one government to the other but
private property remains as before, and with it those municipal laws
which are designed to secure its peaceful use and enjoyment. As a matter
of course, all laws, ordinances, and regulations in conflict with the
political character, institutions, and constitution of the new government
are at once displaced. Thus, upon a cession of political jurisdiction and
legislative power-and the latter is involved in the former-to the United
States, the laws of the country in support of an established religion, or
abridging the freedom of the press, or authorizing cruel and unusual
punishments, and the like, would at once cease to be of obligatory force
without any declaration to that effect; and the laws of the country on
other subjects would necessarily be superseded by existing laws of the
new government upon the same matters. But with respect to other laws
affecting the possession, use, and transfer of property, and designed to
secure good order and peace in the community, and promote its health
and prosperity, which are strictly of a municipal character, the rule is
general, that a change of government leaves them in force until, by direct
action of the new government, they are altered or repealed."
The above language was quoted with approval in Downes vs. Bidwell (182
U. S., 244,,298; 45 L. ed., 1088, 1110; 21 Sup. Ct. Rep., 770).

The qualifying words touching property rights relinquished by Spain limit

the relinquishment to "property which, in conformity with law, belonging to
the public domain, and as such belong to the Crown of Spain. " It did not
affect property which did not, in "conformity with law, belong to the Crown
of Spain." That it was not intended to apply to property which, "in
conformity with law," belonged to the city of Manila as a municipal
corporation, is clear. This is demonstrated by the second paragraph of the
same article, which reads: "And it is hereby declared that the relinquishment
or cession, as the case may be, to which the preceding paragraph refers,
cannot in any respect impair the property or rights which by law belong to
the peaceful possession of property of all kinds, of provinces, municipalities,
public or private establishments * * * having legal capacity to acquire and
possess property in the aforesaid territories renounced or ceded, or of private
individuals." Thus, the property and property rights of municipal corpo-
rations were protected and safeguarded precisely as were the property and
property rights of individuals.
That the cession did not operate as an extinction or dissolution of
corporations is herein recognized, for the stipulation against impairment of
their property rights has this plain significance.
The conclusion we reach, that the legal entity survived both the military
occupation and the cession which followed, finds support in the cases which
hold that the Pueblos of San Francisco and Los Angeles, which existed as
municipal organizations prior to the cession of California by Mexico,
continued to exist with their community and property rights intact. (Cohas
vs. Raisin, 3 Cal., 443; Hart vs. Burnett, 15 Cal., 530, Townsend vs. Greeley,
5 Wall., 326; 18 L. ed., 547; Merryman vs. Bourne, 9 Wall., 592, 602; 19 L.
ed., 683, 686; Moore vs. Steinbach, 127 U. S., 70; 32 L. ed., 51; 8 Sup. Ct.
Rep., 1067; Los Angeles Farming & Mill. Co. vs. Los Angeles, 217 U. S., 217;
54 L. ed., 736; 30 Sup. Ct. Rep., 452.)
Were corporate ident-ity and corporate liability extinguished as a
necessary legal result of the new charter granted in 1901 by the Philippine
Commission? The inhabitants of the old city are the incorporators of the
new. There is substantially identity of area. There are some changes in the
form of government and some changes in corporate powers and methods of
administration. The new corporation is endowed with all of the property and
property rights of the old. It has' the same power to sue and be sued which
the former corporation had. There is not the slightest suggestion that the new
corporation shall not succeed to the contracts and obligations of the old
corporation. Laying out of view any question of the constitutional guaranty
against impairment of the obligation of contracts, there is, in the absence of
express legislative declaration of a contrary purpose, no reason for supposing
that the reincorporation of an old municipality is intended to permit an
escape from the obligations of the old, to whose property and rights it has
succeeded. The juristic identity of the corporation has been in no wise
affected, and, in law, the present city is, in every legal sense, the successor of
the old. As such it is entitled to the property and property rights of the
predecessor corporation, and is, in law, subject to all of its liabilities.
(Broughton vs. Pensacola, 93 U. S., 266; 23 L. ed., 896; Mt. Pleasant -,.V
Beckwith, 100 U. S., 520; 25 L. ed., 699; Mobile vs. Watson, 116 U. S., 289;
29 L. ed., 620; 6 Sup. Ct. Rep., 398; Shapleigh vs. San Angelo, 167 U. S.,
646, 655; 42 L. ed., 310, 313; 17 Sup. Ct. Rep., 957; O'Connor vs, Memphis,
6 Lea, 730); Colchester vs. Seaber (3 Burr., 1866, 1870).

(i) Trait6sl



Ayant r6solu de proc6der au r~glement domanial pr6vu i l'article 36 de

l'accord de coopdration en matifre 6conomique mon6taire et financi~re du 22
juin 1960;
Vu 6galement l'article 37 dudit accord,

1 Voir aussi'la Convention (a) sous Niger, supra, p. 370, ainsi que les trait6s
reproduits sous Mali (Federation of).
2Journal Officiel de la R~publique ranvaise, 21 mars 1963, p. 2720. Entr6e en
vigueur le 18 septembre 1962.
Art. jer. - A dater de l'entr6e en vigueur du pr6sent r~glement est
transf6r6e h la R6publique du S6n6gal la propri6t6 des d6pendances
domaniales immatricul6es sur son territoire au nom de la R6publique
Art. 2. - Sont n6anmoins propri6t6 de la R6publique frangaise et
inmatricul6es A son noma les d6pendances domaniales reconnues n6cessaires au
fonctionnement de ses services et de ses forces arm6es sur le territoire de la
R6publique du S6n6gal et qui sont 6num6r6es h I'annexe I au pr6sent
Art. 3. - La remise A la R6publique de S6n6gal par la R6publique
frangaise des d6pendances domaniales aura lieu aux dates et selon les
modalit~s fix6es AF'annexe II du pr6sent r~glement.
Art. 4. - La liste des organismes de droit public frangais vis6s h l'article
37 de 'accord de cooperation en mati~re 6conomique, mon~taire et
financibre du 22 juin 1960 figure A l'annexe III, avec indication des biens qui
sont leur propri6t6 priv~e.
Art. 5. - Le present r~glement entre en vigueur A la date de sa signature.
Les operations qui y donnent lieu sont effectu~es gratuitement.
Sur simple r6quisition de 'Etat ou de l'organisme reconnu ou devenu
propri6taire en vertu du pr6sent r glement, les conservateurs de la propri6t6
fonci~re de la R~publique du S~n6gal proc~deront aux mutations et
immatriculations n~cessaires et, le cas 6ch6ant, au morcellement ou A la
mention confirmative sur le titre foncier.
Les formalit6s d'inscription fonci~re seront donn~es gratuitement.

(ii) Lois et d~crets

17 FEVRIER 19601

L 'Assemblde legislative,
Apr~s en avoir d~libfr6, a adopt6 dans sa s6ance du 1er f6vrier 1960 la loi
dont la teneur suit

Article premier. - Est constat6e la d6volution Ala R~publique du S6n6gal,

conform6ment aux d6cisions prises par la conference des 5 et 6 juin 1959 et
aux conditions fix6es par cette conference, des biens mobiliers et immobiliers
situ~s sur le territoire de la R~publique du S6n~gal et d~pendant du domaine
priv6 de l'ancien groupe de territoires de I'A.O.F.
Partie de ces immeubles ainsi d~volus au S~n6gal pourra 6tre ult~rieure-
ment transfbr~e par la loi soit i la F~d6ration du Mali, soit A tout autre Etat
de la Communaut6.

1 JournalOfficiel de la R~publique du Sdndgal, 22 f6vrier 1960, p. 228.

Art. 2. - La mutation des biens mobiliers s'effectuera dans les formes
propres A chacune des cat6gories de ces biens. Celle des biens immobiliers fera
1'objet de mentions au livre foncier au fur et A mesure de l'inscription des
droits r6els constitu6s sur les titres fonciers appartenant A l'ancien Gouver-
nement g6nral ou A l'ex-groupe de territoires de I'A.O.F., ou de la d6livrance
d'6tats de droits r6els sur les m6mes titres.


(i) Laws and decrees


[Note: The provisions of sections 1 (2) (b), 2 (2) (3) to (8) and (10) and
3 (1) (2) of this Act are basically similar to those of sections 1 (2), 2 (2) (3),
3 (1) to (6) and 4 (1) (2) of the Fiji Independence Act 1970 (supra, pp. 179
and 180). The same similarity exists between the provisions of sections 1 (1)
(2) (a) (3), 2 (1) and 3 (3) of this Act on the one hand and those of sections 1
(1) (3), 2 (1) (2) and 4 (4) (5) of the Gambia Independence Act 1964 (supra,
pp. 189 and 190). Section 2 (9) is similar to section 2 (9) of the Jamaica
Independence Act 1962 (supra, p. 239). The second and third schedules to
the Act are basically similar to the first and second schedules to the Gambia
Independence Act 1964 (supra, pp. 191-193).1



1. Citation, commencement and interpretation

(2) This Order shall come into operation immediately before the
twenty-seventh day of April, 1961:

(3) The Interpretation Act, 1889, as in force at the commencement of

this Order, shall apply, with the necessary adaptations, for the purpose of
interpreting this Order and otherwise in relation thereto as it applies for the
purposes of interpreting, and in relation to, Acts of Parliament of the United
1 Public GeneralActs and Measures, 9 and 10 Eliz. 11,chap. 16.
2 Statutorylnstruments, 1961, No. 741, p. 1475.
3 The provisions of sections 1 (2) (proviso), 4 (2) (3), 5 (1) (proviso) and
6 (3) (4) (7) of this Order are basically similar to those of sections 1 (2) (proviso),
4 (3) (5). 5 (3) (4) (6) and 9 (1) (proviso) of the Barbados Independence Order 1966
(supra, pp. 119-123). The same similarity exists between sections 5 (1) (2) (3), 6 (1) and
13 of the Order on the one hand and sections 6 (1), 17 (1) and 20 (1) of the Jamaica
(Constitution) Order in Council 1962 (supra, pp. 243, 244, 245); section 6 (8) (b) is
similar to section 8(8) of the Botswana Independence Order 1966 (supra, p. 135);
section 12 (2) is basically24similar to section 19 (2) of the Jamaica (Constitution) Order in
Council 1962 (supra, p. 5).
2. Revocations
(1) The Orders in Council specified in Column 1 of Part I of the First
Schedule to this Order (hereinafter referred to as "the existing Orders") are
revoked to the extent specified in Column 2 of that Part.
(2) The Letters Patent specified in Part II of the First Schedule to this
Order (hereinafter referred to as "the existing Letters Patent") are revoked.
(3) The Schedule to the Sierra Leone (Constitution) Order in Council,
1958 (as set out in the Schedule to the Sierra Leone (Constitution)
(Amendment) (No. 3) Order in Council, 1960 is amended as specified in
Part III of the First Schedule to this Order.
(4) The Sierra Leone and the Gambia Court of Appeal Order in Council,
1959, as amended by the Sierra Leone and the Gambia Court of Appeal
(Amendment) Order in Council, 1960, is revoked in so far as it applies to
Sierra Leone:
Provided that in so far as they relate to the powers, authority, jurisdiction
or procedure of the former Sierra Leone and the Gambia Court of Appeal the
provisions of that Order or any law made in pursuance of that Order by the
Legislature of the former Colony and Protectorate of Sierra Leone or any
rules of court made under that Order in force in the former Colony and
Protectorate of Sierra Leone immediately before the commencement of this
Order shall, until it is otherwise provided by or under any Act of the
Parliament of Sierra Leone, apply with the necessary adaptations and
modifications in relation to the Court of Appeal established by the
Constitution as they applied in relation to the former Sierra Leone and the
Gambia Court of Appeal.
3. Establishment of Constitution
Subject to the provisions of this Order, the Constitution of Sierra Leone
set out in the Second Schedule to this Order (in this Order referred to as "the
Constitution") shall come into effect in Sierra Leone at the commencement
of this Order.
4. -Existinglaws
(1) Subject to the provisions of this section, the existing laws shall,
notwithstanding the revocation of the existing Orders, have effect after the
commencement of this Order as if they had been made in pursuance of this
Order and shall be read and construed with such modifications, adaptations,
qualifications and exceptions as may be necessary to bring them into
conformity with this Order.

(4) Where any matter falls to be prescribed under this Order by

Parliament or any other person or authority that matter shall be regarded as
being so prescribed if it is prescribed by any existing law, including any
amendment to any such law made under this section.
(5) For the purposes of this section the expression "the existing laws"
means all Ordinances, laws, rules, regulations, orders and other instruments
having the effect of law made or having effect as if they had been made in
pursuance of the existing Orders and having effect as part of the law of the
Colony and Protectorate of Sierra Leone or any part thereof immediately
before the commencement of this Order.
6. House of Representatives

(2) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Order, during the interim
period the provisions of the Constitution mentioned in Part IV of the First
Schedule to this Order shall not have effect and in lieu thereof the provisions
of the Sierra Leone (Constitution) Order in Council, 1958, as in force
immediately before the commencement of this Order, mentioned in Part V of
that Schedule shall continue to have effect but shall be construed subject to
the adaptations and modifications specified in that Part.

(5) During the interim period laws enacted or deemed to have been
enacted in pursuance of section 53 of the Sierra Leone (Constitution) Order
in Council, 1958, and in force immediately before the commencement of this
Order shall, except as may be otherwise provided by Parliament, continue to
apply in relation to the matters mentioned in that section but shall be read
and construed with such modifications, adaptations, qualifications and
exceptions as may be necessary to bring them into conformity with this
Order, and the power conferred on the Governor-General by subsection (2) of
section 4 of this Order shall include power to amend such laws.
(6) Any law in force in the former Colony and Protectorate of Sierra
Leone immediately before the commencement of this Order which makes
provision for determining or regulating the privileges, immunities or powers
of the existing House of Representatives or its members shall, except as may
be otherwise provided by Parliament, continue to apply during the interim
period in relation to those matters but shall be read and construed with such
modifications, adaptations, qualifications and exceptions as may be necessary
to bring it into conformity with this Order, and the power conferred on the
Governor-General by subsection (2) of section 4 of this Order shall include
power to amend any such law.

(8) (a) Notwithstanding anything contained in section 54 of the Consti-

tution, the Governor-General shall summon Parliament to meet within three
months after the commencement of this Order.

9. Pending legal proceedings

Any proceedings pending immediately before the commencement of this
Order before the former Supreme Court of Sierra Leone, or any proceedings
on appeal from that Court so pending before the Sierra Leone and the
Gambia Court of Appeal, may be continued after the commencement of this
Order before the Supreme Court, or the Court of Appeal, established by the
Constitution, as the case may be.

10. Disposal of Sierra Leone and the Gambia Court of Appeal Fund
The moneys in the Sierra Leone and the Gambia Court of Appeal Fund
(being the fund established by section 23 of the Sierra Leone and the Gambia
Court of Appeal Order in Council, 1959) immediately before the commence-
ment of this Order shall be applied in discharge of any outstanding liabilities
attaching to the Fund; and any moneys remaining after those liabilities have
been discharged shall be divided between the Government of Sierra Leone
and the Government of the Gambia so that each Government receives such
share of those moneys as bears the same proportion to the total amount of
those moneys as the aggregate amount of the contributions made by that
Government under paragraph (b) of subsection (2) of section 23 of that
Order bears to the aggregate amount of the contributions made by both
Governments under that paragraph.
11. Pending matters under Scheme of Retirement Benefits
All things done before the commencement of this Order in pursuance of
the provisions of the Scheme of Retirement Benefits set out in the Schedule
to the Sierra Leone (Constitution) Order in Council, 1958(b) (as set out in
the Schedule to the Sierra Leone (Constitution) (Amendment) (No. 3) Order
in Council, 1960) in respect of any matter pending at the date of such
commencement shall have effect as if they had been done under the
provisions of that Schedule as amended by this Order.
12. Transitionalprovisionsrelating to existing Commissions
(1) Any power of a Commission established by the existing Orders (in
this section referred to as "an existing Commission") which has been validly
delegated to any person or authority under those Orders shall, as from the
commencement of this Order, be deemed to have been delegated to that
person or authority in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution.

14. Emergency Powers Ordersin Council, 1939 to 1961

(1) The Emergency Powers Orders in Council, 1939 to 1961, shall cease
to have effect as part of the law of Sierra Leone on the twenty-sixth day of
April, 1963, or such earlier date as may be prescribed by Parliament.



ChapterI. Citizenship

2. Persons entitled to be registered as citizens

(2) Any woman who on the twenty-sixth day of April, 1961, was a
citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies or a British protected person and
who is or has been married to a person
(a) who becomes a citizen of Sierra Leone by virtue of section 1 of this
Constitution; or

1 The provisions of sections 1, 2 (3), 3 (1), 5, 7, 10 and 100 of this Constitution are
basically similar to those of sections 2 (1) (2) (3). 3, 5, 8, 10 and 103 of the Constitution
of Barbados (supra, pp. 124-126). The same similarity exists between section 2 of the
Constitution of Sierra Leone and section 2 (1) of the Constitution of Kenya (supra,
p. 254); section 8 is similar to section 10 of the Constitution of Jamaica (supra, p. 247);
section 9 is similar to section 27 (1) (2) (3) of the Constitution of Botswana (supra,
p. 139).
(b) who, having died before the twenty-seventh day of April, 1961,
would, but for his death, have become a citizen of Sierra Leone by virtue of
that section,
shall be entitled, upon making application in such manner as may be
prescribed, to be registered as a citizen of Sierra Leone.

(4) Any women who on the twenty-sixth day of April, 1961, was a
citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies or a British protected person and
who has been married to a person who becomes, or would but for his death
have become, entitled to be registered as a citizen of Sierra Leone under
subsection (1) of this section, but whose marriage has been terminated by
death or dissolution of marriage, shall be entitled, upon making application
before the twenty-seventh day of April, 1963, in such manner as may be
prescribed, to be registered as a citizen of Sierra Leone.
(5) The provisions of subsections (2), (3) and (4) of this section shall be
without prejudice to the provisions of section 1 of this Constitution.

(ii) Statements from governmental authorities


From: The Ministry of Finance, SierraLeone, 1st May, 1964

The General Loan and Stock Ordinance which governs the Government's
borrowing power is out of date and is to be repealed to reflect our
Independent status as already the powers of borrowing have more or less been
transferred to the Cabinet and the Minister of Finance. The Finance (Control
and Management) Act, 1961, provides that the product of loans raised by
Government shall form part of the receipts of the Development Fund.
All financial commitments which impose a charge upon any public fund
of Sierra Leone should have the prior consent of the legislature. Section 52,
paragraph (a) (ii), of the Constitution requires that the House shall not
proceed upon any bill "for the imposition of any charge upon the
Consolidated Revenue Fund", etc., except upon the recommendation of the
Governor-General signified by a Minister.

(i) Treaties


1 Text reproduced from: The International Law Association, Report of the
Fifty-fourth Conference held at The Hague, 1971, p. 129.
2 British Treaty Series No. 44 (1960), Commander 1101. Came into force on 26
June 1960.
(a) Interim Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of
Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Somaliland
for a United Kingdom aid mission

Article I In this Agreement

(a) "the appointed day" means the 26th of June, 1960;
(b) "an officer who was the substantive holder of an office" means an
officer who is not domiciled in Somaliland and who, before the appointed
day, was the substantive holder, whether on contract or on pensionable
terms, of an office in the Public Service of Somaliland being a person
(i) who was selected for or offered appointment to the Public Service of
Somaliland by one of Her Britannic Majesty's Secretaries of State; or
(ii) whose appointment was approved by one of Her Britannic Majesty's
Secretaries of State; or
(iii) who had entered into an agreement with the Crown Agents for
Oversea Governments'and Administrations to serve in any such
office; or
(iv) who (although not an officer falling within sub-paragraphs (i), (ii), or
(iii) of this paragraph) is or has been a member of Her Britannic
Majesty's Overseas Civil Service or Her Britannic Majesty's Overseas
(c) "pension" means
(i) any pension, gratuity or compensation payable by the Government of
Somaliland to or in respect of any officer including any increase of
pension; and
(ii) any pension including any increase of pension payable to the widow
or child of an officer and any contributions repayable and interest
payable to an officer under any law providing for payment of
pensions to widows and children of officers;
(d) "compensation" means any compensation, gratuity or retiring
allowance or benefit that may be granted under regulations made under
section 62 of the Somaliland (Constitution) Order in Council, 1960;
(e) "conditions of service" means the laws, rules, regulations, orders and
other instruments that regulate the terms of service of an officer including,
without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, provision relating to his
tenure of office, transfer, promotion, disciplinary control, salary (including
salary scales), pension, compensation, allowances, quarters, leave and pas-
Article 11. (1) The Government of the United Kingdom, at the request
of the Government of Somaliland, shall arrange for the appointment of
officers to be available for civilian employment in the Public Service of
Somaliland for a period not exceeding six months from the coming into force
of this Agreement.
(2) The Government of Somaliland has requested the Government of the
United Kingdom to arrange for the appointment of officers to be available for
the offices shown in the first and second columns of the Schedule attached to
this Agreement and the Government of the United Kingdom propose, subject
to the agreement of the officers concerned, to arrange for the appointment of
the officers shown in the third column of the said Schedule.
(3) Officers so appointed shall remain members of the Public Service of
Article 111. (1) The conditions of service applicable to an officer who
was the substantive holder of an office appointed in pursuance of Article II of
this Agreement shall be not less favourable than those which were applicable
to him immediately before that date.

Article IV. The entitlement of an officer appointed in pursuance of

Article II of this Agreement to any compensation shall not be affected by his
appointment or otherwise by the provisions of this Agreement.
Article V. (1) The appointment of an officer in pursuance of Article II
of this Agreement may be terminated only by the Government of the United
(2) Subject to the provisions of paragraph (1) of this Article, disciplinary
control (including the right to suspend from duty) over any such officer shall
be exercised by the Government of Somaliland;
(3) Any such officer who is subjected to disciplinary measures by the
Government of Somaliland and who is aggrieved by a decision of that
Government shall have the right to make representations through the United
Kingdom representative in Somaliland to Her Britannic Majesty's Secretary of
State for the Colonies and in the event of the latter supporting such
representations and the resultant dispute not being amicably disposed of,
such dispute shall be submitted to an Arbitral Tribunal. The Tribunal shall
consist of three persons, two of whom shall be nominated respectively by the
Government of Somaliland and by the Government of the United Kingdom
and the third who shall be the Chairman shall be nominated by the former
two members of the Tribunal but such third member of the Tribunal shall not
be a citizen of Somaliland nor a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies.
The Somaliland Government and the Government of the United Kingdom
shall be bound by the Award of such Tribunal;
(4) The Government of Somaliland will ensure that any legislation
necessary to implement the provisions of this Article will be enacted.
Article VI. The Government of the United Kingdom shall, on behalf of
the Government of Somaliland, undertake the payment of the emoluments of
officers appointed in accordance with Article II of this Agreement, and of all
pensions and compensation payable by the Government of Somaliland during
the period of six months from the appointed day.
Article VII. The Government of the United Kingdom shall account to
the Government of Somaliland for all payments made under this Agreement.
Article VIII. This Agreement shall come into force on the date of its

(b) Public Officers Agreement between the Government of the United

Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of

Article L In this Agreement

(a) "the appointed day" means the 26th of June, 1960;
(b) "officer" means an officer who is not domiciled in Somaliland and
who, before the appointed day, was the substantive holder of a pensionable
office in the Public Service of Somaliland, being a person
(i) who was selected for or offered appointment to the Public Service of
Somaliland by one of Her Britannic Majesty's Secretaries of State; or
(ii) whose appointment was approved by one of Her Britannic Majesty's
Secretaries of State; or
(iii) who had entered into an agreement with the Crown Agents for
Oversea Governments and Administrations to serve in any such
office; or
(iv) who (although not an officer falling within sub-paragraphs (i), (ii), or
(iii) of this paragraph) is or has been a member of Her Britannic
Majesty's Overseas Civil Service or Her Britannic Majesty's Overseas
(c) "pension" means
(i) any pension, gratuity, compensation, disturbance grant or other like
retirement benefit payable by the Government of Somaliland to or in
respect of any officer including any increase of pension; and
(ii) any pension including any increase of pension, payable to the widow
or child of an officer and any contributions repayable and interest
payable to an officer under any law providing for payment of
pensions to widows and children of officers.
(d) "Substantive holder" in relation to any office includes a person
serving in that office on probation but does not include a person (other than
a person serving under a probationary agreement) serving in that office for a
specified term under a contract.
Article IL (1) An officer who does not cease to be in the Public Service
of Somaliland before the appointed day shall be entitled to conditions of
service not less favourable than those applicable to him immediately before
the appointed day.
(2) In this Article the expression "conditions of service" means the laws,
rules, regulations, orders and other instruments that regulate the terms of
service of an officer including, without prejudice to the generality of the
foregoing, provisions relating to his tenure of office, transfer, promotion,
disciplinary control, salary (including salary scales), pension, allowances,
quarters, leave and passages.
Article III. An officer who does not cease to be in the Public Service of
Somaliland before the appointed day shall be entitled to retire and his
eligibility and that of his widow, children, dependants and personal
representatives to receive a pension shall be governed by the laws, regulations,
and administrative directions in force immediately before the appointed day
or by such other laws, regulations and administrative directions made
thereafter that are not less favourable; and pensions shall be granted and paid
to such officers and other persons accordingly.
Article IV. Pensions of officers who have ceased to be in the Public
Service of Somaliland before the appointed day or to the widow, children,
dependents or personal representatives of such persons shall be granted and
paid or, if granted before that date, shall continue to be paid, in accordance
with the laws, regulations, and administrative directions governing those
pensions immediately before that date or in accordance with such other laws,
regulations and administrative directions made thereafter that are not less

Article VII. This Agreement shall come into force on the date of its

(c) Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great

Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Somaliland
regarding the interim arrangements in respect of the Somaliland Scouts

Considering that the Government of Somaliland have informed the

Government of the United Kingdom that the Somaliland Scouts as
maintained and governed under existing legislation shall continue in being for
an interim period of of six months following the attainment of independence
by Somaliland and that they are willing to provide funds within present limits
for this purpose, and that the Government of Somaliland have requested the
Government of the United Kingdom to provide certain United Kingdom
military personnel to be seconded for service with the Somaliland Scouts
during this interim period;
Considering that the Government of the United Kingdom have indicated
their willingness to make such personnel available, subject to the conditions
hereinafter specified, as part of their general assistance to Somaliland in the
interim period of six months following independence;

Article L In this Agreement:

(a) "United Kingdom military personnel" means commissioned officers,
warrant officers and non-commissioned officers of Her Britannic Majesty's
Armed Forces, seconded for service with the Somaliland Scouts under this
(b) "conditions of service" means the laws, rules, regulations, orders and
other instruments that regulate the terms of service of United Kingdom
military personnel including, without prejudice to the generality of the
foregoing, provision relating to their tenure of office, transfer, promotion,
disciplinary control, salary (including salary scales), pension, compensation
allowances, quarters, leave and passages.
Article IL (1) The Government of the United Kingdom shall at the
request of the Government of Somaliland and subject to the agreement of the
personnel concerned, second commissioned officers, warrant officers and
non-commissioned officers of Her Britannic Majesty's Armed Forces for
service with the Somaliland Scouts, within the present establishment, during
an interim period not exceeding six months from the coming into force of
this Agreement.
(2) During the period of six months from the coming into force of this
Agreement the Commander of the Somaliland Scouts shall be the senior
British officer seconded for service with the Somaliland Scouts under this
Article 111. (1) The conditions of service of United Kingdom military
personnel shall be similar to and not less favourable than those which were
applicable immediately before the coming into force of this Agreement.
(2) The emoluments of such personnel shall be paid by the Government
of the United Kingdom, on behalf of the Government of Somaliland.
(3) The Government of the United Kingdom shall account to the
Government of Somaliland for all payments made under this Agreement.
Article IV. (1) United Kingdom military personnel shall remain subject
to United Kingdom Service law at all times and shall be dealt with under this
law wherever applicable.
(2) Notwithstanding that United Kingdom military personnel shall be an
integral part of the Somaliland Scouts they shall, so that they may be dealt
with under United Kingdom Service law, be formed into a unit called "United
Kingdom Element, Somaliland Scouts" and the Commander of the Somali-
land Scouts or, in his absence, the senior British seconded officer acting in his
place shall be the commander of this unit.
(3) If necessary a court martial under United Kingdom Service law may
be held locally and British officers may be brought into the country as
members of such a court. Essential witnesses may also if necessary be brought
into the country for the purpose of giving evidence at such a court.
(4) United Kingdom military personnel shall be subject to the law of
Somaliland other than Service law.
Article V. No United Kingdom military personnel will be required to
take part in military operations against a third country.
Article VI. (1) The Commander of the Somaliland Scouts, and through
him the other United Kingdom military personnel, shall receive their orders
from the appropriate Minister of the Government of Somaliland and they will
obey such orders, provided that such orders would, if given by anyone subject
to United Kingdom Service law, constitute lawful commands under that law
and do not conflict with the allegiance of such personnel to Her Britannic
(2) United Kingdom military personnel shall have power of command
over .all officers and other ranks in the Somaliland Scouts junior to them in
rank or seniority or-placed under their command. Similarly, other personnel
in the Somaliland Scouts will have power of command over all personnel
including United Kingdom military personnel junior to them in rank or
seniority or placed under their command.
(3) United Kingdom military personnel shall have the powers of
discipline over United Kingdom military personnel junior to them in rank or
seniority or placed under their command provided for under United Kingdom
Service law. Power of discipline over all other members of the Somaliland
Scouts shall be exercised by the Commander of the Somaliland Scouts.
Article VII. The Government of the United Kingdom reserve the right to
withdraw United Kingdom military personnel from service with the Somali-
land Scouts should conditions arise where they consider such action
Article VIII. United Kingdom military personnel shall be indemnified by
the Government of Somaliland for all sums paid or payable in respect of
costs, damages and any personal costs awarded against them in civil
proceedings arising out of accidents or incidents occurring during the
performance of their military duty.
Article IX. United Kingdom military personnel shall have the right to
approach the appropriate representative of the Government of the United
Kingdom in the area on matters pertaining to their own Service or personal
interests. Normally such an approach shall be made to the Commander, Land
Forces, Arabian Peninsula, through the Commander of the Somaliland Scouts
who will keep the Government of Somaliland informed on those matters
concerning their interests.
Article X. This Agreement shall come into force on the date of its

(d) Exchange of Letters between the Government of the United Kingdom of

Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Somaliland
providing that, should the Government of Somaliland be a party to any
agreement transferring jurisdiction over the territory of Somaliland to
any other Government, such agreement should provide that the obli-
gations of the Government of Somaliland in respect of certain specified
instruments are transferred to that other Government

No. 1
Mr. T. E. Bromley to the Members of the Council of Ministers of Somaliland
British Consulate-General
Hargeisa,June 26, 1960.
I have the honour to ask you to confirm on behalf of the Government of
Somaliland that, should they in any way be a party to any agreement for, or
any instrument having the effect of, transferring, or confirming the transfer
of, jurisdiction over the territory of the Government of Somaliland, to any
other Government, such agreement or instrument shall provide that the
obligations of the Government of Somaliland in respect of the following
instruments are transferred to, and accepted by, that other Government,
(a) The Interim Agreement between the Government of the United
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of
Somaliland for a United Kingdom Aid Mission;
(b) The Public Officers Agreement between the Government of the
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government
of Somaliland;
(c) The Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of
Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Somaliland
regarding interim arrangements in respect of the Somaliland Scouts;
(d) The lease entered into on the 12th of April, 1960, between the
Government of the Somaliland Protectorate and the Minister of Works of the
United Kingdom.
I have the honour to propose that this letter and Your Excellencies' reply
giving the confirmation aforesaid should constitute an Agreement between
the two Governments.
No. 2
The Council of Ministers of Somaliland to Mr. T. E. Bromley
The Council of Ministers of Somaliland,
Hargeisa,June 26, 1960.

We have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of to-day's

date, which reads as follows:
[As in No. 1.]
On behalf of the Government of Somaliland, we have pleasure in giving
the confirmation for which your letter asks and agree that Your Excellency's
letter and this reply shall constitute an agreement between the two

(e) Exchange of Letters between the Government of the United Kingdom of

Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Somaliland
concerning the continued availability of currency of the East African
Currency Board in Somalilandfor a transitionalperiod

No. 1
The Council of Ministers of Somaliland to Mr. T. E. Bromley
The Council of Ministers of Somaliland,
Hargeisa,June 26, 1960.

We have the, honour to request that, following the attainment of

independence by Somaliland, the currency of the East African Currency
Board (hereinafter described as "the Board") should continue to be made
available for circulation in Somaliland for a transitional period until provision
can be made for its replacement. We propose that if Her Majesty's
Government in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
agree to this request, arrangements should be made on the following basis:
(a) The duration of the transitional period shall be a matter for
consideration by the Government of Somaliland and Her Majesty's Govern-
ment, shall be only so long as is practicable and necessary, and shall not in
any event exceed 12 months beginning from to-day's date.
(b) During the transitional period:
(i) the Board shall use their best endeavours to ensure that an adequate
supply of currency notes and coins of the Board continues to be
available to meet the demand in Somaliland;
(ii) The Government of Somaliland shall not do any act or enact any
legislation which might prejudice the interests of the Board and shall
afford the Board such assistance as may be necessary.
If the above proposals are acceptable to Her Majesty's Government, we
have the honour to suggest that the present letter and your reply to that
effect should constitute an agreement between the two Governments in this
No. 2
Mr. T. E. Bromley to the Members of the Council of Ministers of Somaliland
British Consulate-General,
Hargeisa,June 26, 1960.

I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of to-day's

date, which reads as follows:
[As in No. 1.]
I have pleasure to confirm that the above proposals are acceptable to Her
Majesty's Government who agree that your letter and this reply shall
constitute an agreement between the two Governments in this matter.

(ii) Laws and decrees


Whereas it is intended that the territories known as the Somaliland

Protectorate (hereinafter referred to as "Somaliland") shall become an
independent country on the 26th day of June, 1960 (hereinafter referred to
as "the appointed day"):
And Whereas Her Majesty has, by Proclamation, declared that, as from
the beginning of the appointed day, Her protection over Somaliland shall
cease and all functions, powers, rights, authority or jurisdiction exercisable by
Her immediately before that day in or in relation to Somaliland shall lapse:
And Whereas it is accordingly expedient to make new provision for the
Government of Somaliland:
Now, therefore, Her Majesty, by virtue and in exercise of the powers in
that behalf by the Foreign Jurisdiction Act, 1890, or otherwise in Her
Majesty vested, is pleased, by and with the advice of Her Privy Council, to
order, and it is hereby ordered, as follows:

(2) This Order shall come into operation immediately before the
appointed day.
2. Constitution to have force of law
The Constitution set out in the Annex to this Order shall have the force
of law in Somaliland.
3. Revocation
(1) The Somaliland Orders in Council, 1929 to 1955, the Somaliland
(Constitution) Order in Council, 1960, and the Somaliland (Constitution)
(Amendment) Order in Council, 1960, are revoked.
(2) (a) The Somaliland Protectorate Order in Council, 1909 (which
relates to appeals from the High Court of Somaliland to the Judicial
Committee of Her Majesty's Privy Council) is revoked.

1 Statutory Instruments, 1960, Part III, p. 1279.

(b) The Eastern African Court of Appeal shall cease to be a Court of
Appeal for the Courts of Somaliland and accordingly the Eastern African
Court of Appeal Order in Council, 1950, as amended (c), is hereby amended
by the deletion of any reference therein to Somaliland, and the Appeals to
the Court of Appeal Ordinance, 1950, and the Appeals to the Court of
Appeal (Amendment) Ordinance, 1957, of Somaliland are revoked.
(c) Any appeal
(i) to the Judicial Committee of Her Majesty's Privy Council or to the
Eastern African Court of Appeal from a judgment of the High Court
of Somaliland, or
(ii) to the said Judicial Committee from a judgment of the Eastern
African Court of Appeal given in any appeal from a judgment of the
High Court of Somaliland,
that is pending or part heard on the coming into operation of this Order shall
(d) In the preceding paragraph "judgment" includes decree, order,
conviction, sentence and decision.
(3) Save as provided in paragraph (c) of the last foregoing subsection,
nothing in the foregoing provisions of this section shall prejudice anything
done under or by virtue of any of the instruments and laws revoked or
amended thereby and in particular the continued operation of any law made



Part L Introductory

2. Territory of Somaliland
(1) The territory of Somaliland shall be all that territory which, on the
commencement of this Constitution, is comprised in Her Britannic Majesty's Protec-
torate of Somaliland.

PartI. The Executive

5. First Council of Ministers

On the commencement of this Constitution those members of the Legislative
Assembly who immediately before that commencement were the Unofficial Members of
the Executive Council of Somaliland shall become the first members of the Council of
Ministers, and, of those members, the person who was the leader of Government business
in the Legislative Council of Somaliland immediately before that commencement shall
become the first Prime Minister.

Part II. The Legislature

18. First Legislative Assembly
(1) On the commencement of this Constitution the person who immediately before
that commencement was the Speaker of the Legislative Council of Somaliland shall
become the first Speaker of the Legislative Assembly and the persons who immediately
before that commencement were elected members of the Legislative Council shall
become members of the Legislative Assembly and shall be deemed to have been elected
thereto under this constitution.

(3) On the commencement of this Constitution the member of the Legislative

Assembly who immediately before that commencement was the Deputy Speaker of the
Legislative Council of Somaliland shall become the first Deputy Speaker of. the
Legislative Assembly. If the office of Deputy Speaker falls vacant the Legislative
Assembly shall, as soon as practiable, elect a member of the Assembly who is not a
Minister or an Assistant Minister to that office.

PartIV. The Judicature

42. Application of certainIndian enactments and the law of England

(1) The criminal and civil jurisdiction of the Courts of Somaliland shall, so far as
circumstances permit, be exercised in conformity with the enactments set out in the
Second Schedule to this Constitution and subject thereto and so far as the same do not
extend or apply shall be exercised in conformity with the substance of the common law,
the doctrines of equity and the statutes of general application in force in England on the
16th day of March, 1900, and with the powers vested in and according to the procedure
and practice observed by and before the Courts of Justice and Justices of the Peace in
England according to their respective jurisdiction and authorities at that date, save in so
far as the said enactments and the said common law, doctrines of equity and statutes of
general application, and the said powers, procedure and practice have been, or hereafter
may be, modified, amended or replaced by any written law made for Somaliland:
Provided always that the said common law, doctrine of equity and statutes of general
application shall be in force in Somaliland so far only as the circumstances of Somaliland
and its inhabitants permit and subject to such qualifications as local circumstances
render necessary.
(2) For the purpose of facilitating the application of the enactments set out in the
Second Schedule to this Constitution
(a) a Court may construe any such enactment with such alterations not affecting the
substance as may be necessary or proper in order to adapt the same to the matter before
the Court;
(b) the Council of Ministers may by order direct by what authority any jurisdiction,
powers or duties incident to the operation of any such enactment and for the exercise or
performance of which no convenient provision has been otherwise made shall be
exercised or performed:
(cj any order of me Council 6f Ministers madeina pursuance of this subsection shall
be published in the Gazette anti -shall have effect as from a date to be specified in the
43. Courts to be guided by Somali customary law in certain cases
In all cases, civil and criminal, to which only Somalis are parties, every Court shall
(a) be guided by Somali customary law (including Somali customary law which is
based upon Islamic law) so far as it is applicable and is not repugnant to justice, equity
and good conscience or is inconsistent with any written law in force in Somaliland or
any regulation or rule made thereunder; and
(b) decide all such.cases according to substantial justice, without excessive regard to
technicalities of procedure and without undue delay.
Part V. The Public Service

48. Preservationof pensions, etc.

(1) All pensions, gratuities or other like allowances which have been or which may
be granted to any persons who have been and have ceased to be, in the public service of
the Protectorate of Somaliland at any time before the commencement of this
Constitution, or to the widows, children, dependents or personal representatives of such
persons, shall be governed by the law under which they were granted or, if granted after
the commencement of this Constitution, by the law in force at that commencement, or,
in either case, by any law made thereafter which is not less favourable.
(2) All pensions, gratuities and other like allowances which may be granted to
persons who are public officers on the commencement of this Constitution, or to the
widows, children, dependents or personal representatives of such persons, shall be
governed by the law in force at that commencement or by any law made thereafter
which is not less favourable.
(3) Any pension, gratuity or other like allowance which may be granted to any
person who may be appointed to be a public officer after the commencement of this
Constitution, or to the widow, children, dependents or personal representatives of any
such person, shall be governed by the law in force on the date on which such person is so
appointed or by any law made thereafter which is not less favourable.

Part VII. TransitionalProvisions

54. Existing laws
(1) Without prejudice to the repeal or revocation of any existing law with effect
from the commencement of this Constitution, the existing law shall continue to be the
law of Somaliland as from the commencement of this Constitution except in so far as it
is thereafter amended, modified, repealed or revoked by competent authority but shall
be construed with such adaptations and modifications as may be necessary to bring it
into conformity with the provisions of this Constitution.
(2) The Council of Ministers may by order published in the Gazette, at any time
within twelve months after the commencement of this Constitution, make such
amendments and modifications of the existing law as appear to the Council of Ministers
to be necessary or expedient for bringing the existing law into conformity with this
Constitution or otherwise for giving effect or enabling effect to be given to this
Constitution; and the existing law shall have effect accordingly from such time as may be
specified in the order, not being earlier than the commencement of this Constitution.
(3) An order made under this section may be revoked or amended by a further order
made under this section or, in relation to any law or instrument affected thereby, by the
authority having power to repeal, revoke or amend that law or instrument.
(4) In this section "the existing law" means the written and unwritten law of
Somaliland as it exists immediately before the commencement of this Constitution.
55. Existing officers
(1) Subject to the next following subsection, any person who, immediately before
the commencement of this Constitution, held or was acting in any office in the public
service of the Protectorate of Somaliland (other than the office of Governor and
Commander-in-Chief) shall, unless he resigns or retires or accepts appointment to some
other office, continue as from that commencement to hold or to act in the like public
office as if he were appointed thereto under this Constitution.
(2) The offices of Chief Secretary and Financial Secretary are abolished.
(3) Any person who, immediately before the commencement of this Constitution,
held an office in the public service of thc Protectorate of Somaliland and who does not
continue as from that commencement to hold a public office shall be entitled to the
leave for which, under the terms of service applicable to him immediately before that
commencement, he is then eligible.
(4) In respect of any period during which a person is on leave under the provisions
of the preceding subsection he shall be regarded as holding office in the service of the
Government of Somaliland on the same terms of service (including terms relating to any
pension, gratuity or other like allowance) as were applicable to him immediately before
the commencement of this Constitution.
56. Legal proceedings
(1) Any proceedings pending or part-heard immediately before the commencement
of this Constitution before the High Court of the Protectorate of Somaliland or any
subordinate Court of the Protectorate may, as from that commencement, be carried on
before the High Court or the like subordinate Court, as the case may be, established by
or under this Constitution as if they had been commenced in that Court.
(2) In any such proceedings as aforesaid to which Her Britannic Majesty in right of
the Government of the Protectorate of Somaliland or that Government or any person or
authority on behalf of that Government is a party, the Council of Ministers or such
person or authority on behalf of the Council as the Council may direct shall be
substituted as a party.
(3) Subject to the preceding subsection, any such proceedings as aforesaid may, for
the purposes of being carried on after the commencement of this Constitution, be
amended by order of any Judge or magistrate of the Court concerned in such manner as
appears necessary or proper in consequence of the provisions of this Constitution.
57. Succession to property
Any property (including any rights arising from contract, or otherwise) that
immediately before the commencement of this Constitution is vested in Her Britannic
Majesty, or in some person or authority on behalf of Her Britannic Majesty, for the
purposes of the Government of the Protectorate of Somaliland or is vested in that
Government or in some person or authority on behalf of that Government shall, on the
commencement of this Constitution, vest in the Council of Ministers, or in such person
or authority on behalf of the Council of Ministers as the Council may, by order
published in the Gazette, direct.
58. Succession to liabilities
Any liability or obligation, whether arising from contract or otherwise, incurred by
Her Britannic Majesty, or some person or authority on behalf of Her Britannic Majesty,
for the purposes of the Government of the Protectorate of Somaliland or by that
Government or by some person or authority on behalf of that Government and
subsisting immediately before the commencement of this Constitution shall, on that
commencement, be a liability or obligation of the Council of Ministers or of such person
or authority on behalf of the Council of Ministers as the Council may, by order
published in the Gazette, direct.


Laws and decrees


1. Provision for the fully responsible status of Ceylon

(1) No act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom passed on or after
the appointed day shall extend, or be deemed to extend, to Ceylon as part of

1 Formerly Ceylon.
2 Public General Acts andMeasures, 1947, 11, Geo. Chap. 7, p. 1953.
3 The provisions of section 3 of this Act are basically similar to those of section 7 of
the Kenya Independence Act 1963 (supra, p. 249).
the law of Ceylon, unless it is expressly declared in that Act that Ceylon has
requested, and consented to, the enactment thereof.
(2) As from the appointed day His Majesty's Government in the United
Kingdom shall have no responsibility for the government of Ceylon.
(3) As from the appointed day the provisions of the First Schedule to
this Act shall have effect with respect to the legislative powers of Ceylon.

4. Consequentialamendments not affecting the law of Ceylon

(1) As from the appointed day, the Acts and Regulations referred to in
the Second Schedule to this Act shall have effect subject to the amendments
made by that Schedule, and His Majesty may by Order in Council make such
further adaptations in any Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom of
an earlier session than this Act, or in any instrument having effect under any
such Act, as appear to him necessary in consequence of section one of this
Provided that this subsection shall not extend to Ceylon as part of the law
(2) Notwithstanding anything in the Interpretation Act, 1889, the
expression "colony" shall not include Ceylon in any Act of the Parliament of
the United Kingdom passed on or after the appointed day or in any such Act
passed before that day, but in the same session as this Act, to provide for the
independence of Burma as a country not within His Majesty's dominions.
(3) Any Order in Council made under this section may be varied or
revoked by a subsequent Order in Council and, though made after the
appointed day, may be made so as to have effect from that day.
(4) Every Order in Council made under this section shall be laid before
Parliament forthwith after it is made, and if either House of Parliament
within the period of forty days beginning with the day on which any such
Order is laid before it resolves that an Address be presented to His Majesty
praying that the Order be annulled, no further proceedings shall be taken
thereunder and His Majesty in Council may revoke the Order, so, however,
that any such resolution or revocation shall be without prejudice to the
validity of anything previously done under the Order or to the making of a
new Order.
In reckoning any such period of forty days as aforesaid, no account shall
be taken of any time during which Parliament is dissolved .or prorogued, or
during which both Houses are adjourned for more than four days.
(5) Notwithstanding anything in subsection (4) of section one of the
Rules Publication Act, 1893, an Order in Council made under this section
shall not be deemed to be or to contain a statutory rule to which that section


1 The provisions of the first and second schedules to this Act are basically similar to
those of the corresponding schedules to the Gambia Independence Act 1964 (supra,
-pp. 191-193).

1. Operation of existing law

(3) Notwithstanding anything in subsections (1) and (2) of this section,

the provisions set out in Appendix C to Schedule 1 to the Immigration Act
1971 (whereby a person becoming a citizen of the United Kingdom and
Colonies by registration may in certain circumstances be required to take an
oath of allegiance) shall, when those provisions are brought into operation
under section 35(1) of that Act, have effect in relation to citizens of Sri
Lanka as if subsection (1) of this section had not been enacted.
(4) Where in any enactment of the Parliament of the United Kingdom
passed before this Act, or in any Order in Council or other instrument made
by virtue of any such enactment before the passing of this Act, reference is
made to Ceylon by that name, the name "Sri Lanka" shall be substituted for
that name for the purposes of the oepration of that enactment, Order in
Council or instrument in relation to any time on or after 22nd May 1972.
(5) In accordance with section 3(3) of the West Indies Act 1967, it is
hereby declared that this section, in so far as it amends the law relating to
nationality or citizenship, extends to all associated states.
(6) This section shall be deemed to have had effect from 22nd May 1972.

Laws and decrees


1. Fully responsiblestatus of Swaziland

On 6th September 1968 (in this Act referred to as "the appointed day")
Swaziland shall cease to be a protected state; and on and after that day Her
Majesty shall have no jurisdiction over Swaziland.

3. Consequential modifications of British Nationality Acts

(1) The British Nationality Acts 1948 to 1965 shall have effect on and
after the appointed day as if
(a) in section 1(3) of the British Nationality Act 1948 (Commonwealth
countries having separate citizenship) there were added at the end the words
"and Swaziland", and

1 Public GeneralActs and Measures, 1972, Chap. 55, p. 1567.

2 The provisions of section 1 (1) (2) of this Act are basically similar to those of
section 2 (1) (3) of the Botswana Independence Act 1966 (supra, p. 130).
3 Public GeneralActs and Measures, 1968, Part II, Eliz. II, chap. 56.
4 The provisions of sections 3 (2) (3) and 4 of this Act are basically similar to those
of sections 2 (1) (2) (3) and 3 of the Fiji Independence Act 1970 (supra, p. 179). The
same similarity. exists between sections 2 and 5 of the Act in question on the one hand
and sections 2 and 6 of the Botswana Independence Act 1966 on the other hand (supra,
p. 130).
(b) in Article 9(1) of the British Protectorates, Protected States and
Protected Persons Order 1965, as amended by the British Protectorates,
Protected States and Protected Persons (Amendment) Order 1967, the words
"and to Swaziland", and in Schedule 3 to the said Order of 1965, as so
amended, the entry relating to Swaziland, were omitted.

(4) Nothing in subsection (1) of this section shall affect the meaning of
"protected state" in any law or instrument passed or made before the passing
of this Act, not being a law or instrument contained in or made under any of
the British Nationality Acts 1948 to 1965.
(5) In accordance with section 3(3) of the West Indies Act 1967, it is
hereby declared that this and the next following section extend to all
associated states.

6. Provisionsas to Orders in Council and other instruments

(1) An Order in Council or other instrument made under any Act of
Parliament passed before the appointed day, other than this Act, which varies
or revokes a previous Order in Council or instrument in consequence of the
change in status of Swaziland taking effect on the appointed day, and any
Order in Council under section 5 of this Act, may, if made after the
appointed day, be made so as to take effect on the appointed day.
(2) An Order in Council under section 5 of this Act
(a) may contain such transitional or other incidental or supplementary
provisions as appear to Her Majesty to be necessary or expedient;
(b) may be varied or revoked by a subsequent Order in Council; and
(c) shall be subject to annulment in pursuance of a resolution of either
House of Parliament.
7. Interpretation
(1) In this Act, and in any amendment made by this Act in any other
enactment, "Swaziland" means the territory which immediately before the
appointed day constitutes the Kingdom of Swaziland.
(2) References in this Act to any enactment are references to that
enactment as amended or extended by or under any other enactment.

Amendments not Affecting the Law of Swaziland


1 The provisions of this schedule are basically similar to those of the second schedule
to the Gambia Independence Act 1964 (supra, p. 191).
2 Statutory Instruments, 1968 (ii), part 2, p. 3838.
3 The provisions of sections 5 (1) (2) (6), 6 (1) (3), 8 (2) and 11 of this Order are
basically similar to those of sections 4 (1) (2) (5) (6), 5 (4) (6) and 6 (1) (2) of the
Barbados Independence Order 1966 (supra, pp. 120, 121 and 122). The same similarity
exists between section 6 (2) of the Order and section 5 (1) of the Malawi Independence
Order in Council 1961 (supra, p. 304); section 13 is similar to section 13 (1) (2) of the
Botswana Independence Order 1966 (supra, p. 135); sections 14 and 17 are similar to
sections 15 (1) (2) and 14 of the Kenya Independence Order in Council 1963 (supra,
p. 249).
1. Citation and commencement

(2) This Order shall come into operation immediately before 6th
September 1968:
Provided that the King may at any time after 30th August 1968 exercise
any of the powers conferred upon him by section 5(3) of this Order or
section 58 of the Constitution, to such extent as may be necessary or
expedient to enable the Constitution to function from 6th September 1968.
2. Interpretation
(1) In this Order
"the Constitution" means the Constitution of the Kingdom of Swaziland
set out in the Schedule to this Order;
"the existing House of Assembly" means the House of Assembly
established by the existing Orders;
"the existing laws" means any Acts of the Parliament of the United
Kingdom, Orders of Her Majesty in Council, any Acts of the Parliament of
Swaziland, proclamations, rules, regulations, orders or other instruments
having effect as part of the law of Swaziland at the commencement of this
Order but does not include any Order revoked by this Order;
"the existing Orders" means the Orders revoked by section 3(1) of this
"the existing Senate" means the Senate established by the existing
(2) The provisions of sections 137 to 144 of the Constitution shall apply
for the purpose of interpreting sections 1 to 19 of this Order and otherwise in
relation thereto as they apply for the purpose of interpreting and in relation
to the Constitution.
3. Revocations
(1) The Swaziland Constitution Order 1967, the Swaziland Constitution
(Amendment) Order 1967 and the Swaziland Constitution (Amendment)
Order 1968 are revoked with effect from the commencement of this Order.
(2) The Emergency Powers Order in Council 1939 and the United
Kingdom Forces (Jurisdiction of Colonial Courts) Order 1965 and any Order
in Council amending those Orders shall cease to have effect as part of the law
of Swaziland at the commencement of this Order.
(3) The Swaziland (Appeals to Privy Council) Order 1967 is revoked with
effect frorm the commencement of this Order.
4. Establishment of Constitution
Subject to the provisions of this Order, the Constitution shall come into
effect in Swaziland at the commencement of this Order.
5. Existing laws

(3) The King may, by order published in the Gazette, at any time before
6th March 1969 make such amendments to any existing law (other than the
Swaziland Independence Act 1968 or this Order) as may appear to him to be
necessary or expedient for bringing that law into conformity with the
provisions of this Order or otherwise for giving effect or enabling effect to be
given to those provisions.
(4) An order made under subsection (3) of this section may provide that
any grant, lease or other disposition of minerals and mineral oils subsisting on
5th September 1968 shall be deemed, with effect from 6th September 1968,
to include such provisions (being provisions which on 5th September 1968
attach to that grant, lease or disposition by virtue of any law) as may be
specified in that order.
(5) An order made under this section may be amended or revoked by Act
of Parliament or, in relation to any existing law affected thereby, by any
other authority having power to amend, repeal or revoke that existing law.

7. Senate
(1) The persons who, immediately before the commencement of this
Order, are members of the existing Senate having been elected as such by the
existing House of Assembly shall be deemed, as from the commencement of
this Order, to have been elected as Senators in pursuance of section 39 of the
Constitution; and the persons who, immediately before the commencement
of this Order, are members of the existing Senate having been appointed as
such by the King shall be deemed, as from the commencement of this Order,
to have been appointed as Senators in pursuance of section 38 of the
Constitution; and those persons shall, subject to the provisions of subsection
(3) of this section, hold their seats in the Senate in accordance with the
(2) The persons who, immediately before the commencement of this
Order, are Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the existing Senate shall be
deemed, as from the commencement of this Order, to have been elected as
President and Deputy President of the Senate, respectively, in pursuance of
section 47 of the Constitution and shall hold their offices in accordance with
the Constitution.
(3) Any person deemed by subsection (1) of this section to be a member
of the Senate established by the Constitution who is not a citizen of
Swaziland on 6th September 1968 shall not be required until 6th March 1969
to vacate his seat in the Senate on the grounds that he is not a citizen of
Swaziland, but he shall vacate his seat on that date if he is not then such a
8. House of Assembly
(1) The persons who, immediately before the commencement of this
Order, are elected members of the existing House of Assembly shall be
deemed, as from the commencement of this Order, to have been elected as
members of the House of Assembly in pursuance of section 41 of the
Constitution; and the persons who, immediately before the commencement
of this Order, are nominated members of the existing House of Assembly
shall be deemed, as from the commencement of this Order, to have been
nominated as members of the House of Assembly in pursuance of section 42
of the Constitution; and those persons shall, subject to the provisions of
subsection (3) of this section, hold their seats in the House of Assembly in
accordance with the Constitution.

(3) Any person deemed by subsection (1) of this section to be a member

of the House of Assembly established by the Constitution who is not a citizen
of Swaziland on 6th September 1968 shall not be required until 6th March
1969 to vacate his seat in the House of Assembly on the grounds that he is
not a citizen of Swaziland, but he shall vacate his seat on that date if he is not
then such a citizen.
9. Constituencies
Until such time as it is otherwise provided under section 55 of the
Constitution, the respective boundaries of the constituencies established by
that section shall be those prescribed in the Electoral Provisions Regulations
1966 made under section 2 of the Swaziland (Electoral Provisions) Order
10. Oaths of members of Parliament
Any person who, by virtue of the provisions of section 7 or 8 of this
Order, is from the commencement of this Order a member of the Senate or of
the House of Assembly established by the Constitution shall be deemed to
have taken and subscribed any necessary oath under the Constitution.

15. Remuneration of certain officers

Until such time as a salary and allowances are prescribed by Act of
Parliament, there shall be paid to the holder of any office to which section
131 of the Constitution applies a salary and allowances calculated at the same
rate as the salary and allowances payable immediately before the commence-
ment of this Order to the holder of the office corresponding thereto.
16. Rights, property, etc.
For the avoidance of doubt it is hereby declared that the revocation of
the existing Orders shall not affect any right, liability, obligation, property or
assets vested in the Government of the Kingdom of Swaziland or any person
by virtue of section 89 of the Constitution set out in the Schedule to the
Swaziland Constitution Order 1967 or by virtue of section 10a or 10b of that
Order as inserted by section 2 of the Swaziland Constitution (Amendment)
Order 1968.





Art. jer*- Dhs 'entr~e en vigueur de la pr~sente convention, le Gouver-

nement frangais remettra au Conseil sup~rieur des int6rets communs
syro-libanais ou h tout autre organisme qui aurait W d6signe i cet effet
conjointement par le Gouvernement syrien et le Gouvernement libanais, les
sommes et valeurs d6tenues par les autorit6s frangaises pour le compte des
int6rdts communs syro4ibanais et d6finies A l'tat annexe A.
1 Formerly Syria.
2 Journal Officiel de la Ripublique franfaise, 10 mars 1950, p. 2698. Entr6e en
vigueur le 19 octobre 1949. (Renseignement tir6 de Rollet, op. cit., p. 199.)
Ces sommes et valeurs seront remises sous reserve que le Gouvernement
syrien et le Gouvernement libanais donnent quitus de la gestion des comptes
correspondants et substituent vis-h-vis des tiers leurs responsabilit~s k celle du
Gouvernement franqais.
Art. 2. - La montant des crances de la France sur la Syrie,d~finies h
'annexe B, a 6t fix6 d'un commun accord entre les Hautes Parties
Contractantes, h la somme globale de 23 200 000 livres syriennes.
Art. 3. - Le r~glement de cette somme aura lieu, d~s 'entr6e en vigueur
de la pr~sente Convention, dans les conditions suivantes:
La contrevaleur en francs, calcul6e au cours officiel 4 la date de la
signature de la pr~sente Convention, de la somme indiqu~e A I'article 2
ci-dessus, sera imput~e sur la premi~re fraction s'61evant h 3 188 858 850 F,
des avoirs syriens en francs de la Banque de Syrie et du Liban qui n'a pas 6t6
comprise dans la Convention de liquidation conclue en date de ce jour.
Art. 4. - Apr6s cette imputation, le solde de la premiere fraction des
avoirs syriens en francs de la Banque de Syrie et du Liban non comprise dans
la Convention de liquidation, sera conserv6 4 un "compte provisoire sp6cial",
pour 6tre utilis6 en achats, au cours officiel de la Banque de France, de
certaines devises europ6ennes autres que le franc francais.
La proportion et les d6lais dans lesquels la somme inscrite h ce "compte
provisoire special" sera utilisable en devises seront mis au point d'un commun
accord entre les parties contractantes, sans que les d~lais puissent exc~der
deux ans A dater de la mise en vigueur de la pr~sente Convention.
Au cas ob, pour une raison quelconque, le Gouvernement syrien d~sirerait
utiliser tout ou partie de cette somme dans le cadre de r'accord de payement
conclu en date de ce jour, il pourrait effectuer les virements n6cessaires du
"compte provisoire sp6cial" au cr6dit du "compte A" de 'accord de
Art. 5. - I1 est formellement entendu que les r~glements pr6vus aux
articles ier et 3 ci-dessus comporteront pour chacune des Hautes Parties
Contractantes renonciation h toutes cr6ances qu'elle pourrait avoir h pr6senter
A 'autre au sujet de droits et de faits ant6rieurs h la signature de la pr6sente
Convention et qui n'y auraient pas W mentionn6es.
Ces renonciations respectives ne prendront effet que par 1'entr6e en
vigueur de la pr6sente Convention et de la Convention de liquidation conclue
en date de ce jour.
La pr6sente Convention et la Convention de liquidation conclue en date
de ce jour seront sign6es simultan6ment par les Hautes Parties Contractantes.
Elles sont 6tablies en deux exemplaires authentiques, un pour chacune des
Hautes Parties Contractantes. Elles devront Wtre soumises par ceUes-ci i
I'approbation de leurs Parlements respectifs et ratifi6es. Elles entreront en
vigueur le lendemain de '6change des ratifications qui se fera i Paris.



1 Journal Officiel de la Ripublique franfaise, 10 mars 1950, p. 2699. Entr6 en

vigueur le 19 octobre 1949.
Les conditions dans lesquelles pourront etre d6sormais danou6es les
transactions entre la Syrie et les territoires, de la zone franc 6num6r6s dans
l'annexe A sont d6finies par les dispositions suivantes :
Art. jer. - Les r~glements de toute nature eriumerts i l'annexe B
donneront lieu A inscription journali~re de leur montant dans deux comptes
en francs franqais que la Banque de Syrie et du Liban ouvrira dans ses
6critures et qui seront intitul6s "Accord de payement du 7 f6vrier 1949
compte A" et "Accord de payement du 7 f6vrier 1949 compte B". Ces
cofnptes fonctionneront dans les conditions suivantes:
10 Au cr6dit du compte A seront parties les sommes pr6lev6es sur le
compte de liquidation, en application de 'article 2 de la Convention de
liquidation conclue en date de ce jour ainsi que les sommes qui seraient
pr6lev~es sur le compte provisoire spbcial en application des dispositions du
dernier alin6a de l'article 4 de la Convention de r~glement des cr6ances
conclue en date de ce jour.
20 Au cr6dit du compte B seront port6s les r~glements des territoires
ci-dessus vis6s de la zone franc A destination de la Syrie;
30 Les rglements effectu6s de Syrie h destination desdits territoires de la
zone'franc seront normalement inscrits au d~bit du compte B.
Toutefois, si le compte B se trouvait d6biteur, ils pourraient, dans la
limite des disponibilit6s du compte A, tre inscrits au d6bit de ce dernier
compte, aussi longtemps que le compte B resterait d6biteur.
Le compte A ne pouvant etre d6biteur, la facult6 ci-dessus cesserait de
jouer s'il arrivait que les sommes figurant au cr6dit du compte A se
trouvassent 6puis6es; les r~glements en question seraient alors effectu6s, en
tous cas, par le d6bit du compte B.
Art. 2. - Les arrdt6s et la liquidation de ces comptes s'effectueront dans
les conditions sp6cifi6es A l'annexe C.
Art. 3. - Les rglements d'engagements conclus en livres syriennes s'effec-
tueront sur la base du taux de change cntre le franc et la livre syrienne, tel
qu'il sera d6termin6 par le rapport des parit6s de ces deux monnaies d6clar6es
au Fonds mon~taire international.
Art. 4. - Les op6rations commerciales libell6es en livres syriennes ou en
francs, d~j& conclues entre les deux pays et non encore liquid6es h la date de
la signature du pr6sent accord seront r6gl~es selon la proc6dure fix6e par ledit
Art. 5. - Le pr6sent accord est conclu pour une p6riode de six ans h dater
de sa signature. Il sera renouvel6 par tacite reconduction, pour de nouvelles
p~riodes de trois ans, 4 moins que l'une des parties ne le d6nonce six mois au
moins avant l'expiration de chaque p6riode.
Art. 6. - Le present accord sera sign6 par les Hautes Parties Contractantes
en m~me temps que la Convention de liquidation et la Convention de
r~glement des cr6ances conclues en date de ce jour.
Art. 7. - Les Hautes Parties Contractantes s'engagent h appliquer les
principes posds tant dans le present accord que dans les conventions vis6es A
l'article pr~cddent, de la mani~re la plus conforme A 1'esprit g~nral des textes
en question.
En particulier, en ce qui concerne la rglementation des 6changes
commerciaux entre les deux pays, les plus grandes facilit~s seront accord6es
par la France, en vue de favoriser les exporations, notamment celles qui sont
destinies A 1'6quipement de la Syrie.
Art. 8. - En vue de 'application du pr6sent accord, tous les contacts
n6cessaires seront maintenus entre les autorit6s mon~taires des deux pays
auxquelles les contrbles des changes et la Banque de Syrie et du Liban
fourniront tous les renseignements utiles.



Titre jer
Le Gouvemement de la R6publique frangaise, d'une part, et le Gouver-
nement de la R6publique syrienne, d'autre part, ont consid6r6 qu'i l'occasion
du r~glement des cr6ances encore en suspens entre les deux Etats il y avait
lieu, en ce qui concernait les avoirs en francs chez la Banque de Syrie et du
Liban, d'am6nager 1'accord conclu entre eux le 25 janvier 1944 et d6nonc6
par le Gouvernement frangais.
En cons6quence, le Gouvernement frangais, d'une part, et le Gouverne-
ment syrien, d'autre part, d6cident de substituer la pr6sente convention audit
accord et en particulier aux dispositions relatives aux avoirs syriens en francs
de la Banque de Syrie et du Liban contenues dans le paragraphe IV de la
lettre adress&e le 25 janvier 1944 par M. le g6n6ral Catroux h M. le pr6sident
du conseil des ministres de la R6publique syrienne.

Titre II
Le Gouvernement de la R6publique frangaise et le Gouvernement de la
R6publique syrienne, constatant que les avoirs d6finis ci-dessus s'61evaient au
24 janvier 1968, date accept6e par les deux parties comme date d'application
de la pr6sente convention, 4 F : 10 203 millions 864 576, d6cident de diviser
ces avoirs en deux parts :
La premiere s'61evant h F : 3 188 858 850 est liquid6e suivant les
modalit6s indiqu6es dans la convention de r~glement des cr6ances (art. 3
et 4).
La seconde s'61evant A F : 7 015 005 726 fait l'objet des dispositions

Titre III
Art. 1er. - Cette somme de F : 7 015 005 726 est port6e dans les livres
de la Banque de Syrie et du Liban k un compte sp6cial dont il est trait6 h
1'annexe n* 1.
Pendant un6 p6riode de dix annes h compter du 24 janvier 1948, le
Gouvernement de la R6publique frangaise et le Gouvernement de la

1 Journal Officiel de la Ripublique franpaise, 10 mars 1950, p. 2697. Entr6e en

vigueur le 19 octobre 1949.
R6publique syrienne s'engagent l'un et l'autre, en cas de modification de la
parit6 officielle de la livre sterling et du franc, A en compenser imm~diatement
les effets sur la contrevaleur en livres sterling du solde que pr6sentera ce
compte A la date de la modification consid6r6e.
Les modalit6s de cette compensation sont indiqu6es aux paragraphes
10 b) et 20 a) de l'article 2 de 'annexe 1.
La parit6 officielle prise pour base de 'application des dispositions de
'alin6a pr6c6dent sera celle r6sultant du rapport des parit6s d6clar6es au fonds
mon6taire international.
Art. 2. 7- L'objet de cette convention 6tant, d'autre part, de donner au
Gouvernement syrien la possibilit6 de proc6der i la liquidation progressive de
ces avoirs tels qu'ils r6sulteront de l'application de l'article pr6c6dent, il est
express6ment entendu que le Gouvernement syrien aura le droit de faire, h
compter du 24 janvier 1948, des pr6l vements sur ces avoirs dans les
conditions et jusqu'[ concurrence des sommes indiqu6es h l'annexe II.
Les sommes ainsi pr6lev6es seront utiliskes dans le cadre de l'accord de
payement sign6 entre les deux parties en date de ce jour.
Art. 3. - La Banque de Syrie et du Liban assurera mat6riellement
1'ex6cution de la convention tant en sa qualit6 d'institut d'6mission de la
R6publique syrienne qu'en celle de gestionnaire de l'office des changes syrien.
Tous les contacts n6cessaires seront maintenus entre les autorit6s
mon6taires des deux pays auxquelles les contr~les des changes et la Banque de
Syrie et du Liban fourniront tous les renseignements utiles A l'application de
la pr6sente convention.
La pr6sente convention et la convention de r~glement des cr6ances
conclue en date de ce jour seront sign6es simultan6ment par les hautes parties
contractantes. Elles sont 6tablies en deux exemplaires authentiques, un pour
chacune des hautes parties contractantes. Elles devront 6tre soumises par
celles-ci A rapprobation de leurs Parlements respectifs et ratifi6es. Elles
entreront en vigueur le lendemain de '6change des ratifications qui se fera A

(i) Laws and decrees


4. Property vested in, and grants to Tanganyika Agricultural Corpo-

ration, and loans under Colonial Development and Welfare Act, 1959
1 Currently, a part of the United Republic of Tanzania. See also, Part I, Section III,
B, 4.
2 Public GeneralActs and Measures, 1961, 10 Eliz. 2, chap. 1, p. 1008.
3 The provisions of sections 1, 2 (1) (2) (6) and 3 (4) of this Act are basically similar
to those of sections 1, 2 (1) (2) (3) (4) and 4 (4) (6) of the Gambia Independence Act
1964 (supra pp. 189 and 190). The same similarity exists between the provisions f
sections 2 (3) (4) (5) (7) (8) (9) (10) and.3 (1) (2) (3) of the Act in question on the w~e
hand and those of sections 3 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) and 4 (1) (2) of the Fiji Independence
Act 1970 on the other hand (supra, p.179).
(1) The Overseas Resources Development Act, 1954 (which, so far at still
in force, provides for the reservation or disposal of property vested by that
Act in the Tanganyika Agricultural Corporation and for the payment to the
Secretary of State of the net proceeds of any such disposal of any such
disposal) shall cease to have effect.
(2) The Tanganyika Agricultural Corporation Act, 1957 (which au-
thorises the Secretary of State to make grants to the Governor of Tanganyika
for the carrying on by the Tanganyika Agricultural Corporation of the
undertaking transferred to it by section one of the said Act of 1954) shall
have effect, as from the appointed day, as if for the references to the
Governor there were substituted references to the government of Tanganyika.
(3) If, under any agreement made on or after the appointed day between
the governments of Tanganyika and one or more territories which are
colonies within the meaning of the Colonial Development and Welfare Act,
1959, an organisation is established for the purpose of providing or
administering services which are common to, or relate to matters of common
interest to, Tanganyika and that territory or those territories, section two of
that Act (which authorises the making of loans by the Secretary of State)
shall apply in relation to that organisation and the revenues and assets of
Tanganyika as it applies in relation to the government of a colony and the
revenues and assets of a colony.



1. Operation of existing law

(2) Her Majesty may by Order in Council make such adaptations in any
Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom passed before the appointed
day, or in any instrument having effect under any such Act, as appear to Her
necessary or expedient in consequence of Tanganyika becoming a Republic;
and any such Order may, though made after the appointed day, be made so as
to have effect from that day.
(3) Any Order in Council under subsection (2) of this section shall be
subject to annulment in pursuance of a resolution of either House of
Parliament and may be varied or revoked by a subsequent Order in Council.

1 The provisions of the first and second schedules are basically similar to those of the
corresponding schedules to the Gambia Independence Act 1964 (supra, p. 191).
2 Public GeneralActs and Measures, 1962, 11 Eliz. 2, chap. 1, p. 1310.
3 The provisions of sections 1 (1) (4) and 2 of this Act are basically similar to those
of sections 2 (1) (3) and 6 of the Botswana Independence Act 1966 (supra, p. 130).
(ii) Statements from governmental authorities'

From: The Treasury, Tanganyika, 9th August, 1963

At Independence-9th December, 1961-our public debt stood as shown
in the Table at Appendix "A" attached. This is an Appendix to the Annual
Financial Statements of Tanganyika for the year 1960/61. Public Stock Issues
may be divided into the Inscribed Stock series raised on the London Market
under the Colonial Stock Act and the registered stock issues raised locally in
East Africa.
The Annual Financial Statement for the year 1961/62 has not yet been
printed but this particular Appendix is unchanged except for the normal
accretions to sinking funds and reductions in amounts outstanding where
loans are repaid on an annuity basis and the following alterations:

On the 9th December, 1961, the Investment in Tanganyikan Government

Securities Ordinance 1961, came into operation. This Act replaced the
Trustee Investment in Tanganyika Government Securities Ordinance, 1948,
and is a measure designed to continue, after independence, the obligations of
the Government under the conditions on which securities registered under
Colonial Stock Acts, 1877-1948 were issued before the 9th December, 1961,
and to enable future issues to be made on similar condition. Your attention is
drawn to section 6 of the Ordinance which safeguards the holders of existing
securities against future changes in legislation.
The Loans and Guarantees Act, 1962, gave, inter alia, the Minister for
Finance power to raise loans up to £20 million in any one year and to charge
the Principal and Interest to the Consolidated Fund.
Under Section 60 of the Republican Constitution Act (9th December,
1962), the Public Debt is secured on the Consolidated Fund and, for the
purposes of this section, public debt includes interest, sinking fund payments
and management expenses.
As you will appreciate none of the legislation passed since Independence
affects the legal situation of debts existing at the date of independence other
than to provide additional safeguards to the lenders.

44. TOGO



1 Text reproduced from: The International Law Association, Report of the

fifty.fourth Conference, The Hague, 1971, p. 142.
Journal Officiel de la R~publique franfaise, 10 juin 1964, p. 4995. Entr6e en
vigueur le 10 juillet 1963. (Renseignement tir6 de Rollet, op. cit., p. 204.)
D6sireux d'assurer dans un esprit de r6ciprocit6 aux ressortissants de
chacun des deux Etats sur le territoire de l'autre Etat le b6n6fice d'un statut
particulier r6pondant l'amiti6 qui unit les deux pays,

Article jer
Les ressortissants de chacune des hautes parties contractantes peuvent
entrer librement sur le territoire de l'autre partie, y voyager, y 6tablir leur
r6sidence et en sortir h tout moment sous r6serve de 'application des lois de
police, de s6curit6 et de sant6 publique.

Article 2
A l'exclusion des droits politiques, les ressortissants de chacune des hautes
parties contractantes jouissent, sur le territoire de l'autre partie, des libert6s
publiques dans les memes conditions que les ressortissants de cette partie.

Article 3
En ce qui concerne l'ouverture d'un fonds de commerce, ]a cr6ation d'une
exploitation, d'un 6tablissement A caractre industriel, commercial, agricole
ou artisanal, l'exercice des activit6s correspondantes et l'exercice des activit6s
professionnelles salari6es, les ressortissants de chacune des hautes parties
contractantes sont assimil6s aux ressortissants de 'autre partie.

Article 4
Tout ressortissant de l'une des hautes parties contractantes b6n6ficie, sur
le territoire de l'autre partie, du traitement des ressortissants de cette partie
pour tout ce qui concerne l'acc~s aux professions lib6rales et leur exercice.
Toutefois, h titre exceptionnel et temporaire, l'acc~s sur le territoire de
l'une des deux parties certaines professions lib6rales pourra dtre r6serv6 en
priorit6 aux nationaux de cette partie en vue de permettre leur promotion

Article 5
Les ressortissants de chacune des hautes parties contract~ntes seront, sur
le territoire de l'autre partie, repr6sent6s dans les m~mes conditions que les
ressortissants de celle-ci aux assembl6es consulaires et aux groupements de
defense des int6r~ts 6conomiques et professionnels.

Article 6
Les ressortissants de chacune des hautes parties contractantes b6n6ficient,
sur le territoire de l'autre partie, du meme traitement que les nationaux en ce
qui concerne la jouissance et l'exercice des droits civils, soit de nature
patrimoniale conform~ment k la legislation en vigueur dans chaque pays, soit
de nature personnelle, notamment le droit d'investir des capitaux, d'acqu6rir,
de poss6der, de g6rer ou de louer tous biens meubles ou immeubles, droits et
int6rts, d'en jouir et d'en disposer.
N6anmoins, le status personnel des Frangais sur le territoire de la
R6publique togolaise est r6gi par la loi frangaise, le statut personnel des
Togolais sur le territoire de la R6publique frangaise est r6gi par la loi

Article 7
Aucune des hautes parties contractantes ne peut prendre vis-i-vis des
biens, droits et int6rets poss6d6s sur son territoire par les personnes physiques
morales de l'autre partie des mesures arbitraires ou discriminatoires de nature
k compromettre ces biens, droits et int6rets, notamment lorsque ceux-ci
r6sultent d'investissements ou consistent en une participation directe ou
indirecte A l'actif d'une soci6t6 ou autre personne morale..
Les biens appartenant aux personnes physiques et morales d'une des
hautes parties contractantes sur le territoire de 'autre partie ne peuvent etre
l'objet d'une expropriation pour cause d'utilit6 publique ou de nationalisation
que sous la condition du paiement d'une juste indemnit6 fix6e au plus tard au
moment de l'expropriation.

Article 8
Les ressortissants de chacune des hautes parties contractantes ont sur le
territoire.de l'autre partie libre et facile acc~s devant les tribunaux i tous les
degr6s de juridiction tant pour r6clamer que pour d6fendre leurs droits et
int6rets. Ils jouissent i cet 6gard des mdmes droits et avantages que les
ressortissants de cette derni~re partie.

Article 9
Les ressortissants de chacune des hautes parties contractantes ont la
facult6 d'obtenir, sur le territoire de l'autre partie, des concessions,
autorisations et permissions administratives ainsi que de conclure des march6s
publics dans les mimes cohditions que les ressortissants de cette derni~re

Article 10
Les ressortissants de chacune des hautes parties contractantes b6n6ficient
sur tout le territoire de 'autre partie, de la 16gislation du travail, des lois
sociales et de s6curit6 sociale dans les memes conditions que les ressortissants
de cette dernire partie.
Un Accord technique pr6cisera les conditions d'application de la
disposition qui pr~c~de en ce qui concerne les prestations de s~curit6 sociale.
Les hautes parties contractantes s'engagent k ne faire aucune discrimi-
nation entre leurs ressortissants respectifs en ce qui concerne le b~n~fice des
services et tablissements sociaux et sanitaires.

Article 11
Les ressortissants de l'une des hautes parties contractantes ne seront pas
assujettis, sur le territoire de l'autre partie, A des droits, taxes, imp6ts ou
contributions, sous quelque d6nomination que ce soit, autres ou plus 6lev6s
que ceux qui seront pergus sur les ressortissants de cette dernire partie; ils
b~n6ficieront notamment, dans les mdmes conditions que les nationaux, des
reductions ou exemptions d'imp6ts ou taxes et des d6gr~vements A la base, y
compris les deductions accord6es pour charge de famille.
Les hautes parties contractantes conviendront, en tant que de besoin, des
mesures permettant de r6primer l'6vasion fiscale et d'6viter les doubles

Article 12
Les ressortissants de chacune des hautes parties contractantes r6sidant
sur le territoire de l'autre ne peuvent 6tre expuls~s que s'ils menacent la
s6curit6 de l'Etat ou ont gravement contrevenu A l'ordre public ou aux bonnes
Dans les cas vis6s au paragraphe ler, la haute partie contractante qui se
propose de prendre une mesure d'expulsion contre un ressortissant de l'autre
partie en avise cette derni~re d~s que la decision est prise par le chef du
En cas d'urgence motiv6e, une mesure d'expulsion assortie d'effet
imm~diat peut etre prise. Dans les autres cas, un d6lai suffisant est accord6 A
l'int6ress6 pour lui permettre de pourvoir aux mesures n6cessit~es par son
La haute partie contractante qui proc~de l'expulsion prendra les
mesures appropries par la conservation des biens appartenant la personne

Article 13
Les soci6t6s civiles et commerciales constitutes conform~ment i la
16gislation de L'une des hautes parties contractantes et ayant leur sifge social
sur son territoire sont assimil6es, pour 'application des dispositions de la
pr6sente convention, aux personnes physiques de cette partie quant A la
jouissance sur le territoire de 'autre partie de tous les droits 6nonc6s a la
pr6sente Convention dont une personne morale peut ktre titulaire.
Le droit d'6tablissement des socit6s de transports maritimes et a~riens
fera l'objet d'accords sp~ciaux.

Article 14
Sans pr6judice des dispositions de l'article 7 (§ 2), chacune des hautes
parties contractantes respectera les droits acquis sur son territoire par les
personnes physiques et morales ressortissantes de l'autre partie.
Les Frangais 6tablis au Togo et les Togolais 6tablis en France A la date
d'entr6e en vigueur de la pr6sente Convention peuvent continuer A exercer
librement leur profession dans les mdmes conditions que les ressortissants de
'Etat de residence.

Article 15
Le b6n6fice des dispositions particulieres de cette Convention, stipulees
en raison des relations etroites existant entre les hautes parties contractantes
dans diff6rents domaines, ne peut etre automatiquement 6tendu aux
ressortissants d'un Etat tiers en vertu des clauses g6n6rales des conventions
conclues par l'une des hautes parties contractantes avec cet Etat tiers.

Article 16
Si, A l'avenir, en dehors des arrangements r6gionaux auxquels elle peut
adh6rer, l'une des hautes parties contractantes venait i accorder i des
ressortissants d'un Etat tiers le traitement de la nation la plus favoris6e dans
'un des domaines relatifs A l'6tablissement, les ressortissants de l'autre partie
obtiendraient le meme traitement.

Article 17
Chaucune des hautes parties contractantes accordera une consid6ration
bienveillante A toute requete que l'autre partie pourra pr6senter concernant
toute question int6ressant l'application de la pr6sente Convention et se
prtera A des 6changes de vues h ce sujet.
Les diff6rends 6ventuels entre les hautes parties contractantes relatifs
l'interpr6tation ou a l'application de la pr6sente Convention seront r6gl6s par
la voie diplomatique. A d6faut, ils seront port6s devant un tribunal arbitral.

Article 18
La pr6sente Convention est applicable aux territoires respectifs de la
R6publique franqaise et de la R6publique togolaise.

Article 19
La pr6sente Convention entrera en vigueur i la date de l'6change des
instruments de ratification qui aura lieu A Lom6.
La pr6sente Convention aura une dur6e de dix ans. Elle restera en vigueur
apr~s ce terme tant que l'une des hautes parties contractantes n'aura pas
notifi6 par un pr6avis d'un an son intention d'en faire cesser les effets.



Article jer
La pr6sente annexe a pour objet de d6terminer, dans le cadre de l'Accord
g6n6ral de coop6ration technique en mati~re de personnel, les conditions
particuli~res de la coop6ration entre la R6publique frangaise et la R6publique
togolaise en ce qui concerne les magistrats. Les prescriptions de l'accord
g6n6ral sont applicables aux magistrats dans la mesure ob il n'y est pas d6rog6
par les dispositions de la pr6sente annexe.

1 Journal Officiel de la R~publique fran~aise, 10 juin 1964, p. 5000.

Article 2
La R6publique franqaise s'engage i assurer la formation professionnelle
des candidats aux fonctions judiciaires originaires de laRpublique togolaise.
En vue de permettre A celle-ci d'assurer le fonctionnement de ses institutions
judiciaires, le Gouvernement de la R~publique franqaise s'engage A mettre i sa
disposition, dans toute la mesure de ses possibilit~s, les magistrats qui lui
seront n~cessaires.
Article 3
Sous reserve des stipulations de la pr~sente annexe, les magistrats mis i la
disposition de la R6publique togolaise continuent e tre r6gis par les
dispositions statutaires qui leur sont propres.

Article 5
Les magistrats mis i la disposition du Gouvernement togolais ne peuvent,
sans leur accord, recevoir une nouvelle affectation que pour assurer
l'indispensable continuit6 du service, dans le cas d'une d~l~gation i une
fonction au moins 6quivalente A celles qu'ils occupent et sur avis conforme de
la commission pr~vue Al'article 8.

Articie 6
Lorsqu'I la suite d'une promotion de grade ou d'une nomination i un
poste d'un nouveau groupe dans son cadre d'origine le magistrat demande
qu'il soit mis fin A sa mise & la disposition, ilest fait droit d'office h la
demande, si le Gouvernement de la R6publique togolaise ne peut lui confier
un poste correspondant A ce nouveau grade, ou i ce nouveau groupe. Dans ce
cas, le Gouvernement de la R~publique franqaise prend toutes dispositions
pour assurer le remplacement de ce magistrat avant son dpart.

Article 7
Sauf s'il s'agit d'un magistrat relevant du statut de la magistrature
togolaise ou qui s'y trouve en position de d~tachement, un magistrat ne peut
se voir confier des fonctions judiciaires lui donnant autorit6 sur les magistrats
appartenant i un grade sup~rieur au sien dans son cadre d'origine.

Article 8
En mati~re correctionnelle et criminelle, aucune poursuite ne peut tre
engag6e i rencontre d'un magistrat que sur avis conforme d'une commission
compos6e de deux magistrats du sifge d6sign~s par le ministre de la justice
togolaise et des deux magistrats franqais mis i la disposition de la R(publique
togolaise pour occuper les fonctions du siige les plus 61ev~es.
La commission 61it elle-mdme son pr6sident. En cas de partage des
voix, la commission est consid~r6e comme ayant donn6 un avis d~favorable
aux poursuites. La commission se r6unit sur convocation du ministre de la
justice togolaise; I'avis de la commission est transmis, le cas 6ch~ant, au
parquet competent.
Au cas oii des poursuites sont engag6es, le Gouvernement de la
R6publique frangaise est tenu inform6 et le magistrat poursuivi b6n6ficie du
privilege de juridiction pr6vu par la 1dgislation applicable au Togo au moment
de l'entr6e en vigueur du pr6sent accord.




Article jer
La R6publique togolaise d6clare vouloir poursuivre son d6veloppement en
association avec la R6publique frangaise, tout en b6n6ficiant des possibilit6s
d'6changes qui s'offrent A elle dans les autres pays du monde.

Article 2
L'association contractuelle de la R6publique togolaise et de la R6publique
frangaise proc~de de deux principes fondamentaux :
Chaque Etat d6tient l'int6gralit6 des pouvoirs 6conomiques, mon6taires et
financiers reconnus aux Etats souverains;
Les parties se consulteront en vue de coordonner leurs politiques
6conomique, mon6taire et financi6re externes entre elles et avec les autres
Etats de la zone franc de fagon As'entraider r6ciproquement et A promouvoir
le d6veloppement 6conomique le plus rapide possible de chacun d'eux.

Article 3
La R6publique frangaise continuera A apporter une aide mat6rielle et
technique en vue d'atteindre les objectifs de progr~s 6conomique et social que
la R6publique togolaise s'est fix6s.


Article 10
Il appartient A la R6publique togolaise, en tant qu'Etat souverain, de
choisir son r6gime mon6taire.

Article 11
La R6publique togolaise et la R6publique frangaise d6clarent maintenir la
libert6 des transferts de fonds entre les deux pays.

1Journal Officiel de la Ripublique fran~aise, 10 juin 1964, p. 5000. Entr6 en

vigueur le 8 f~vrier 1964.
Article 12
La R6publique togolaise et la R6publique frangaise conviennent d'ap-
pliquer les dispositions du pr6sent titre dans le cadre d'une coop6ration
mon6taire au sein de la zone franc. Les modalit6s de cette coop6ration sont
d~termin6es bilat6ralement ou multilat6ralement, en tant que de besoin, entre
les parties int6resskes, compte tenu du r6gime mon6taire choisi par la
R6publique togolaise.


Article 13
Compte tenu des dispositions qui pr6c~dent, la R6publique frangaise
pourra, & la demande de la R6publique togolaise, apporter une aide, .soit
directement, soit par l'interm6diaire d'organismes sp6cialis6s, i la r6alisa-
tion de certaines tAches ayant pour objet le d6veloppement 6conomique et
social de la R6publique togolaise.
Cette aide pourra consister, notamment, dans l'envoi d'experts ou de
personnels d'assistance technique, dans la fourniture de mat6riels ou
mat6riaux, la r6alisation de travaux, dans la participation - sous quelque
forme que ce soit - au financement d'op6rations ou groupes d'op6rations
inscrites au plan de d6veloppement 6conomique et social de la R6publique
Les modalit6s de cette aide feront l'objet de conventions appropri6es.

Article 14
Lorsqu'il s'agira de projets dormant lieu A un concours financier frangais,
et dans la limite de ce concours, les materiels, mat~riaux ou fournitures
introduits ou acquis au Togo par la R6publique togolaise ou toute autre
personne physique ou morale r6alisant ou prenant part h la r6alisation de tout
projet entrepris en execution du pr6sent accord devront atre, sauf d6rogations
convenues d'un commun accord, originaires et en provenance de la zone
La partie de ces concours financiers affect6e k des 6tudes ou & 'ex~cution
de travaux donnera lieu & des march6s r~serv~s aux entreprises togolaises ou
frangaises dans les conditions d~termin~es par les conventions pr6vues i
'article 13, alin~a 3.

Article 15
En ce qui concerne les perceptions effectu6es par les services douaniers et
fiscaux, le Gouvernement de la R6publique togolaise fera b6n6ficier les biens
vis6s aux articles 13 et 14 ci-dessus, import6s pour l'ex~cution des op6rations
pr6vues au present accord, du r6gime de la nation la plus favoris~e, sans
prejudice des dispositions de l'article 1er ci-dessus.
Les mat6riels import6s pour la r~alisation de ces operations b~n~ficieront,
s'ils sont destines A 6tre r~export~s, du regime de Ladmission temporaire,
conform~ment k la r~glementation en vigueur au Togo.
Article 16
Les ressortissants frangais charg6s d'6tudier et d'ex6cuter les op6rations
financkes sur fonds franqais b6n6ficieront des garanties accord6es aux
personnels frangais de l'assistance technique mis h la disposition de la
R6publique togolaise en vertu de l'Accord g6n6ral de coop6ration technique
franco-togolais, sans pr6judice des conventions pr6vues l'article 13, alin6a 3.

Article 17
Les investissements frangais r6alis6s dans le cadre du plan togolais de
d6veloppement b6n6ficieront des avantages et garanties accord6s par la
l6gislation togolaise aux entreprises conventionn6es.
Dans le cas oii cette l6gislation viendrait A tre modifi6e, les droits acquis
seraient en tout 6tat de cause respect6s.


Article 18
Sans pr6judice des dispositions de la Convention d'6tablissement, les
ressortissants, fondations, associations et soci6t6s de chacune des parties
contractantes b6n6ficieront sur le territoire de l'autre partie, pour les
investissements ainsi que les biens, droits et int6r6ts leur appartenant, du
traitement accord6 aux ressortissants, fondations, associations et soci6t~s de
la nation la plus favoris6e.
Les droits qu'ils auront acquis en application de la l6gislation de l'autre
partie seront en tout tat de cause sauvegard6s.

Article 19
La R6publique frangaise et la R6publique togolaise assurent le libre
transfert du capital, des dividendes, redevances et revenus des investissements,
ainsi que du produit de la liquidation, en cas de liquidation totale ou partielle.

Article 20
Les relations entre le Tr6sor franqais et le Tr6sor togolais sont r6gies par
une convention en date de ce jour.

Article 21
La R6publique togolaise participe, en tant que de besoin, A tous
organismes communs aux Etats de la zone franc, ainsi qu'a toute formation
multilat6rale de caract~re 6conomique et financier groupant ces Etats.

Article 22
En vue de faciliter l'application du pr6sent Accord et d'en suivre
r'ex6cution, les deux parties conviennent d'organiser, conform6ment aux
usages internationaux, des rencontres p6riodiques entre d6l6gu6s frangais et
togolais au sein d'une commission paritaire cr66e A cet effet.
Cette commission se r6unit au moins deux fois par an, en principe
alternativement A Paris et i Loe6, et, en tant que de besoin, &la demande de
l'une ou l'autre des parties.



soucieux de mettre en oeuvre les moyens n~cessaires h la bonne application

des conventions et accords du 10 juillet 1963,
ont r6solu de proc~der h un rglement immobilier entre les deux Etats.

Art. l e r . - La R6publique frangaise transf~re h la R6publique togolaise la

pleine propri6t6 des immeubles suivants:

Art. 2. - La R6publique frangaise renonce au droit de superificie qui lui

avait 6t6 c~d6 par la convention des 25 mars-17 avril 1952 sur les terrains
constituant 'emprise de l'a6rodrome de Lom6 ainsi que sur les bitiments
existants dans l'enceinte de cet a6rodrome, tels qu'ils sont 6numh6s i la liste
annex6e Ala pr6sente convention.
A compter de la mise en vigueur du pr6sent accord, la R6publique
togolaise assurera la responsabilit6 'pleine et enti~re du fonctionnement
(personnel et mat6riel) et de l'6quipement de l'a6rodrome de Lom6.
Toutefois, les dispositions qui prkc~dent ne modifient pas les conditions
d'utilisation par l'Agence pour la s6curit6 a6rienne des logements et
installations mentionn6s i ralin6a 1 du pr6sent article.
Art. 3. - La R6publique togolaise donne A bail emphyt6otique pour une
dur6e de trente-trois ans renouvelable k la R6publique frangaise, moyennant
un loyer A d6terminer d'un commun accord, les immeublas situ~s i Lomd,
dont la d6signation suit :

Art. 4. - La R6publique togolaise reconnaft A l'Etat frangais le droit de

superficie comprenant, outre la possession des constructions, ouvrages et
plantations existants, le droit d'en 6tablir de nouveaux sur les terrains
d6sign6s ci-aprts :

Art. 5. - La liste des organismes de droit public franqais dont les biens
sont propri6t6 priv6e est 6tablie comme suit :

Art. 6. - Les deux Etats conviennent que les attributions d'immeubles, en

propri6t6 ou en jouissance, pr6vues par le pr6sent accord interviendront dans
l'6tat oii se trouvent lesdits immeubles au moment ott s'effectueront les
oprations consid6r6es.
1 Journal Officil de la Ripublique frangaise, 20 juin 1969, p. 6228.
Art. 7. - Ces op6rations ne donneront ouverture A aucun droit ou taxe.
Art. 8. - Chacune des deux Parties contractantes notifiera i l'autre
l'accomplissement des proc6dures constitutionnelles requises pour la mise en
vigueur du pr6sent protocole, qui prendra effet i la date de la derni~re

Laws and decrees

TONGA ACT 19701, 2

1. Operation of existing law

(1) The following provisions of this section shill have effect on and after
4th June 1970 (the date on which Tonga ceases to be a protected state and
becomes an independent State within the Commonwealth); and that day is in
the following provisions of this Act referred to as the appointed day.

2. Consequential modifications of British Nationality Acts

(1) The British Nationality Acts 1948 to 1965 shall have effect on and
after the appointed day as if
(a) in section 1(3) of the British Nationality Act 1948 (Commonwealth
countries having separate citizenship) there were added at the end the words
"and Tonga"; and
(b) in Schedule 2 to the British Protectorates, Protected States and
Protected Persons Order 1969 the entry relating to Tonga were omitted
(2) Nothing in subsection (1) of this section shall affect the meaning of
"protected state" in any law or instrument passed or made before the passing
of this Act, not being a law or instrument contained in or made under any of
the British Nationality Acts 1948 to 1965.
(3) In accordance with section 3(3) of the West Indies Act 1967, it is
hereby declared that this section extends to all associated states.

PartI. Extension of certain enactments aplilicable to Common-
wealth countries having fully responsible status

1 Public GeneralActs and Measures, 1970, Eliz. II, Part I, chap. 22, p. 884.
2 The provisions of section 1 (2) (3) (4) of this Act are basically similar to those of
section 2 of the Botswana Independence Act 1966 (supra, p. 130). The same similarity
exists between section 3 of the Act and section 5 (1) of the Zanzibar Act 1963 (infra,
p. 475).
3 The provisions of Part I of this schedule are basically similar to those of the
second schedule to the Gambia Independence Act 1964, (supra,p. 191).
PartII. Exceptions from section 1(2)
9. Section 1(2) of this Act shall not apply
(a) to the Army Act 1955, the Air Force Act 1955 or the Naval
Discipline Act 1957, or
(b) to the Fugitive Offenders Act 1967.
10. Notwithstanding'anything in section 1(2) of this Act, the Colonial
Development and Welfare Act 1959 shall not apply in relation to Tonga as if
it were a colony within the meaning of that Act.


(i) Laws and decrees


2. Consequential modifications of British Nationality Acts

(2) Subject to the following provisions of this section, any person who
immediately before the appointed day is a citizen of the United Kingdom and
Colonies shall on that day cease to be such a citizen if
(a) under the law of Trinidad and Tobago he becomes on that day a
citizen of Trinidad and Tobago, and
(b) he, his father or his father's father was born in Trinidad and Tobago.

(6) Subsection (2) of section six of the British Nationality Act, 1948
(which provides for the registration as a citizen of the United Kingdom and
Colonies of a woman who has been married to such a citizen) shall not apply
to a woman by virtue of her marriage to a person who ceases to be such a
citizen under subsection (2) of this section, or who would have done so if
living on the appointed day.

(9) The protectorates of Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland shall be

excepted from the operation of any reference in subsection (4) or subsec-
tion (8) of this section to a protectorate.

3. Consequential modification of other enactments

(3) For the purposes of the making, on or after the appointed day, of
Orders in Council under the West Indies Act, 1962, and for the purposes of

1 Public General Acts and Measures, 1962, 10 and 11 Eliz. 2, Chap. 54, p. 1169.
2 The provisions of sections 1, 2 (1) (3) (4) (5) (7) (8) (10), 3 (1) (2) of this Act are
basically similar to those of sections 1, 2 (1), 3 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) and 4 (1) (2) of the
Fiji Independence Act 1970 (supra, pp. 178, 179, 180 and 181). The same similarity
exists between sections 3 (4) (5) of the Act and section 4 (4) (5) (6) of the Gambia
Independence Act 1964 (supra, p. 190).
the making on or after that day of grants under section eight of that Act,
Trinidad and Tobago shall be treated as not being a colony within the
meaning of that Act.

4. Interpretation
(1) In this Act, and in any amendment made by this Act in any other
enactment, "Trinidad and Tobago" means the Island of Trinidad, the Island
of Tobago and any territories which at the passing of this Act are
dependencies of the Colony of Trinidad and Tobago.
(2) References in this Act to any enactment are references to that
enactment as amended or extended by or under any other enactment.




1. Citation, commencement and interpretation

(2) Subject to the provisions of subsection (2) of section 3 of this Order,

this Order shall come into operation immediately before the 31st August
1962 (in this Order referred to as "the commencement of this Order"):
Provided that where by or under this Order the Governor-General has
power to make any appointment, to make any order or to do any other thing
for the purposes of this Order that power may be exercised by the Governor
of the Colony of Trinidad and Tobago at any time after the 25th August
1962 to such extent as may, in his opinion, be necessary or expedient to
enable the Constitution established by this Order to function as from the 31st
August 1962.

2. Revocations and amendments

(1) The Trinidad and Tobago (Constitution) Order in Council, 1961
(hereinafter referred to as "the existing Order") is revoked.
(2) Article 2 (1) of the British Caribbean Court of Appeal Order in
Council 1962 is amended by the deletion of sub-paragraph (n) of the
definition of "the Territories".

1 The provisions of the first and second schedules are basically similar to those of the
corresponding schedules to the Gambia Independence Act 1964 (supra, pp. 191-193).
2 Statutory Instruments, 1962, Part 11, No. 1875, p. 2239.
3 The provisions of sections 4, 5, 6 (2) (5) (6) (8) (9) (10) and 7 of this Order are
basically similar to those of sections 4, 9 (1), 5 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (7) and 6 of the
Barbados Independence Order 1966 (supra, pp. 120, 121, 122 and 123). The same
similarity exists between the provisions of section 6 (1) of the Order and those of
section 6 (1) of the Jamaica (Constitution) Order in Council 1962 (supra, p. 243).
(3) (a) Article 2 (1) of the West Indies (Dissolution and Interim
Commissioner) Order in Council 1962 is amended by the deletion of
sub-paragraph (k) of the definition of "the Territories".
(b) The provisions of section 4 of this Order shall apply in relation to
article 15 (1) (4) and (5) of the West Indies (Dissolution and Interim
Commissioner) Order in Council 1962 but shall not apply in relation to any
other, provision of that Order; but nothing in this Order shall prejudice the
operation of that section in relation to any law that by virtue of the
provisions of article 16 of the West Indies (Dissolution and Interim
Commissioner) Order in Council 1962 was in force as part of the law of the
Colony of Trinidad and Tobago immediately before the commencement of
this Order.
3. Establishment of Constitution
(1") Subject to the provisions of subsection (2) of this section and the
other provisions of this Order, the Constitution shall come into force in
Trinidad and Tobago at the commencement of this Order.
(2) This subsection and the following provisions of the Constitution
(a) section 66,
(b) section 73 to such extent only as to enable the Judges of the Court of
Appeal to be appointed before the 31st August 1962,
(c) sections 78 and 79, and
(d) section 83,
shall come into force in Trinidad and Tobago on the 26th August 1962:
Provided that in relation, to any period prior to the 31st August 1962
references in these provisions of the Constitution
(a) to the Governor-General and the Prime Minister shall be construed as
references to the Governor and Premier respectively of the Colony of
Trinidad and Tobago;
(b) to Parliament and to the House of Representatives shall be construed
as references to the Legislature and the House of Representatives constituted
under the existing Order;
(c) to a Judge of the High Court shall be construed as references to a
Judge of the Supreme Court holding office under the existing Order; and
(d) to the Chairman of the Public Service Commission shall be construed
as references to the Chairman of the Public Service Commission established
under the existing Order.

6. Senate and House of Representatives

(3) Nothing in this section shall affect the rights of the Prime Minister or
the Leader of the Opposition to advise the Governor-General to fill any
vacancies in the Senate which exist as from the commencement of this Order.
(4) A Senator to whom the provisions of subsection (2) of this section
apply shall not vacate his seat by reason only. of his not being a citizen of
Trinidad and Tobago if he is entitled, under the provisions of subsection (1)
of section 10 or subsection (I) of section 11 of the Constitution, to be
registered as such a citizen and is in fact so registered within six months of
the commencement of this Order.
(7) A member of the House of Representatives to whom the provisions
of subsection (6) of this section apply shall not vacate his seat by reason only
of his not being a citizen of Trinidad and Tobago if he is entitled under the
provisions of subsection (1) of section 10 or subsection (1) of section 11 of
the Constitution to be registered as such a citizen and is in fact so registered
within six months of the commencement of this Order.

8. Supreme Court and Judges

(1) The Supreme Court in existence immediately before the commence-
ment of this Order shall, as from the commencement of this Order, be the
High Court for the purposes of the Constitution and the Judges of the
Supreme Court, other than the Chief Justice, holding office immediately
before that time shall, as from that time, continue to hold offices as if they
had been appointed thereto under the provisions of Chapter VI of the
(2) Until other provision is made under section 89 of the Constitution,
the salaries and allowances of the Judges of the High Court shall be the
salaries and allowances to which, immediately before the commencement of
this Order, the Judges of the Supreme Court were entitled.
9. Pendingappeals
(1) Any proceedings pending immediately before the commencement of
this Order on appeal from the Supreme Court to the British Caribbean Court
of Appeal may be continued after the commencement of this Order before
the Court of Appeal established by the Constitution.
(2) Any judgment of the Supreme Court of the Federation of The West
Indies or of the British Caribbean Court of Appeal in an appeal from a court
of the Colony of Trinidad and Tobago given, but not satisfied, before the
commencement of this Order, may be enforced after the commencement of
this Order as if it were a judgment of the Court of Appeal established by the

13. Special powers relating to functions of Commissions

The Governor-General may by order at any time within twelve months
after the commencement of this Order make provision for the definition and
trial of offences connected with the functions of any Commission established
by the Constitution and the imposition of penalties for such offences.
14. Transitionalprovisions for certain officers
(1) Any person who, immediately before the commencement of this
Order, holds any office established by or under the existing Order and who
does not, as from the date of such commencement, hold any public office
shall be entitled to the leave beginning with the commencement of this Order,
for which under the terms of service applicable to him immediately before
the commencement of this Order, he was then eligible:
Provided that if any such person holds, or is acting in, as from the
commencement of this Order, any office established by or under the
Constitution, the leave to which he is entitled under tfiis section shall begin
when he relinquishes that office.
(2) When any person is on leave under the provisions of subsection (1) of
this section, he shall be regarded as still in the office which he held
immediately before the commencement of this Order.



Chapter II. Citizenship

10. Persons entitled to be registered as citizens

(1) Every person who on the 1st January 1962 was a citizen of the
United Kingdom and Colonies or a British protected person and was on that
day ordinarily resident in Trinidad and Tobago, and is not a person who has
ceased to be a citizen of Trinidad and Tobago under the provisions of section
14 of this Constitution shall be entitled, upon making application before the
1st January 1967 in such manner as may be prescribed, to be registered as a
citizen of Trinidad and Tobago:

(4) Any woman who before the 31st August 1962 had been married to a
person who becomes, or would but for his death have become, entitled to be
registered as a citizen of Trinidad and Tobago under subsection (1) of this
section, but whose marriage had been terminated by death or dissolution of
marriage, shall be entitled, upon making application before the 31st August
1964 in such manner as may be prescribed and, if she is a British protected
person or an alien, upon taking the oath of allegiance, to be registered as a
citizen of Trinidad and Tobago.
(5) The provisions of this section shall be without prejudice to the
provisions of section 9 of this Constitution.

I The provisions of sections 9, 10 (2) (3), 11, 12 (2), 13 (1), 15, 17 and 18 of the
Constitution of Trinidad and Tobago are basically similar to those of sections 2 (1) (2)
(3), 3 (1) (3), 5, 6, 8, 9 and 10 of the Constitution of Barbados (supra, pp. 124, 125 and
126). The same similarity exists between section 17 of the Constitution in question and
section 27 (1) (2) (3) of the Constitution of Botswana (supra, p. 139), and betwceen its
section 16 and section 10 of the Constitution of Jamaica (supra, p. 247).
(ii) Statements from governmental authorities


From: The Treasury, Trinidadand Tobago, 2nd September, 1963

The public debt of the Territory of Trinidad and Tobago at the date of
Independence on 31st August, 1962, consisted of the following:
Inscribed stock (Colonial Stock Act 1877) ........ £12.6m.
World Bank Loan ($23.5m. U.S.) .............. $1.5m. U.S. (disbursed)
Colonial Development and Welfare Act .......... Nil
Local Debs. and others ..................... $47m. W.I.
There was no legislation passed after independence which might affect the
legal situation of debts existing at the date of Independence.



Le 3 juin 1955, i la suite de libres n6gociations qui 6taient intervenues
entre leurs d616gations, le Gouvernement frangais et le Gouvernement tunisien
convenaient de reconnaftre A la Tunisie le plein exercice de la souverainet6
interne. Is manifestaient ainsi leur volont6 de permettre au peuple tunisien
d'atteindre son plein 6panouissement et d'assumer par 6tapes le contr6le de
son destin. '
Les deux Gouvemements reconnaissent que le d6veloppement harmo-
nieux et pacifique des rapports franco-tunisiens r6pond aux imp6ratifs du
monde moderne. Ils constatent avec satisfaction que cette 6volution permet
l'accession A la complete souverainet6 sans souffrances pour le peuple et sans
heurts pour l'Etat. Ils affirment leur conviction qu'en fondant leurs rapports
sur le respect mutuel et entier de leurs souverainet6s, dans l'ind6pendance et
l'6galit6 des deux Etats, la France et la Tunisie renforcent la solidarit6 qui les
unit, pour le plus grand bien des deux pays.
A la suite de la d6claration d'investiture du Pr6sident du Conseil franqais,
et de la r6ponse de Son Altesse le Bey, r6affirmant leur commune volont6 de
promouvoir leurs relations dans le m6me esprit de paix et d'amiti6, les deux
Gouvernements ont ouvert des n6gociations A Paris, le 27 f6vrier.
En cons6quence :
La France reconnaft solennellement l'ind6pendance de la Tunisie.
I1en d6coule :
a) que le Trait6 conclu entre la France et la Tunisie le 12 mai 1881 ne
peut plus r6gir les rapports franco-tunisiens;

1 Text reproduced from: the International Law Association, Report of the

Fifty-fourth Conference, The Hague, 1971, p. 131. 0
2 La documentation francaise,articleset documents, 22 mars 1956, n 0335, p. 1.
b) que celles des dispositions des Conventions du 3 juin 1955 qui seraient
en contradiction avec le nouveau statut de la Tunisie, Etat ind6pendant et
soqverain, seront modifi6es ou abrog6es.
WIen d6coule 6galement
c) 1'exercice par la Tunisie de ses responsabilit6s en mati6re d'affaires
ext6rieures, de s6curit6 et de d6fense ainsi que la constitution d'une arm6e
nationale tunisienne.
Dans le respect de leurs souverainet6s, la France et la Tunisie conviennent
de d6finir ou complter les modalit6s d'une interd6pendance librement
r6alis6e entre les deux pays, en organisant leur coop6ration dans les domaines
ou leurs int6rets sont communs, notamment en mati~re de d6fense et de
relations ext6rieures.
Les accords entre la France et la Tunisie 6tabliront les modalit6s du
concours que la France apportera A la Tunisie dans 1'6dification de l'arm~e
nationale tunisienne.
Les n6gociations reprendront le 16 avril 1956 en vue de conclure, dans
des d6lais aussi brefs que possible et conform6ment aux principes pos6s dans
le pr6sent Protocole, les actes n6cessaires A leur mise en oeuvre.

(i) Laws and Decrees


1. Provision for fully responsible status of Uganda
(1) On the ninth day of October, nineteen hundred and sixty-two (in this
Act referred to as "the appointed day"), the territories which at the passing
of this Act are comprised in the Uganda Protectorate (that is to say, all those
territories which, whether designated as kingdoms, districts or otherwise, are
specified in section one of the Constitution set out in the Second Schedule to
the existing Constitution Order, and whose boundaries are as mentioned in
section two of that Constitution) shall together form part of Her Majesty's
dominions under the name of Uganda; and as from the appointed day Her
Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom shall have no responsibility for
the government of Uganda or any part thereof.

(3) The agreements which, in the Second Schedule to this Act, are
specified by their titles as mentioned in that Schedule, and any agreement
(whether made before or after the passing of this Act) whereby any of those
agreements is varied or superseded, shall cease to have effect as from the
appointed day.

1 Public GeneralActs and Measures, 10 and 11 Eliz. 2, Chap. 57, p. 1182.

2 The provisions of sections 1 (2), 2 (2) to (8) (10) and 3 (1) (2) of this Act are
basically similar to those of sections 1 (2), 2 (2) (3), 3 (1) to (6) and 4 (1) (2) of the Fiji
Independence Act 1970 (supra, pp. 179 and 180). The same basic similarity exists
between sections 1 (4) and 3 (4) (5) of the Act and sections 1 (3) and 4 (4) (5) (6) of the
Gambia Independence Act 1964 (supra, p. 189); section 2 (1) is similar to section 2 of
the Ghana Independence Act 1957 (supra, p. 194).
2. Consequential modifications of British Nationality Acts

(9) The protectorates of Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland shall be

excepted from the operation of any reference in subsection (4) or subsec-
tion (8) of this section to a protectorate.

4. East African Common Services Organization

(1) For the purposes of the making of loans to the East African Common
Services Organisation, and in relation to loans made at any time to that
organisation, section two of the Colonial Development and Welfare Act, 1959
(which authorises the making of loans by the Secretary of State) shall have
effect on and after the appointed day as if Uganda had not ceased to be a
colony within the meaning of that Act.
(2) In this section "the East African Common Services Organisation"
means the organisation established under that name by an agreement made on
the ninth day of December, nineteen hundred and sixty-one, between the
Governments of Tanganyika, Kenya and Uganda.



1. Citation and commencement

(2) This Order shall come into operation immediately before 9th October
Provided that where the Governor-General has power by or under this
Order to make any appointment, or make any order or to do any other thing
for the purposes of this Order, that power may be exercised by the Governor
and Commander-in-Chief of Uganda at any time after 2nd October 1962 to
such extent as may, in his opinion, be necessary or expedient to enable the
Constitution of Uganda established by this Order to function as from 9th
October 1962.

1 The provisions of the first and third schedules are basically similar to those of the
first and second schedules to the Gambia Independence Act 1964 (supra, pp. 191-193).
2 Statutory Instruments, 1962, part I11, No. 2175, p. 2745.
3 The provisions of section 4 (1) to (4) of this Order are basically similar to those of
section 4 (1) (2) (3) (5) of the Barbados Independence Order 1966 (supra, pp. 120 and
121). The same similarity exists between sections 4 (5) and 5 (1) (c) of the Order on one
hand and sections 4 (6) and 8 (8) of the Botswana Independence Order 1966 on the
other hand (supra, pp. 133 and 135). Sections 5 (1) (a) and 6 (1) of the Order are similar
to sections 5 (1) (a) and 10 of the Malawi Independence Order in Council 1964 (supra,
p. 305); section 5 (2) of the Order is similar to section 17 (3) (b) of the Jamaica
(Constitution) Order in Council, 1962 (supra, p. 245); section 27 is similar to section 14
of the Kenya Independence Order in Council 1963 (supra, pp. 251-252).
2. Revocations
Sections 2, 3 (1), 3 (2), 7, 13, 14, 15 (2), 16 and 23A of the Uganda
Order in Council 1902(b) and the whole of the Uganda (Constitution) Order
in Council 1962(c) and of the Uganda (Constitution) (Amendment) Order in
Council 1962(d) are revoked.
3. Establishmentof Constitution
Subject to the provisions of this Order, the Constitution of Uganda set
out in the Schedule to this Order shall come into effect in Uganda at the
commencement of this Order:
Provided that section 24 (8) of the Constitution of Uganda shall come
into effect on 9th October 1964 and section 107 of the Constitution of
Uganda shall come into effect on 1st July 1963.

6. Emergency Powers Orders in Council 1939 to 1961

(2) References in the Emergency Powers Orders in Council 1939 to 1961

to the Governor shall, in so far as those Orders form part of the law of
Uganda, be construed as from the commencement of this Order as references
to the Governor-General of Uganda.
(3) Until the Emergency Powers Orders in Council 1939 to 1961 cease to
have effect as part of the law of Uganda regulations made under those Orders
shall, for the purposes of section 30 (5) of the Constitution of Uganda, be
deemed to be made under an Act of Parliament.

18. Appeals
(1) Until Parliament otherwise provides. Her Majesty's Court of Appeal
for Eastern Africa shall be the court of appeal for Uganda and, for the
purposes of the Constitution of Uganda, shall be deemed to have been
established under section 96 (2) (a) of that Constitution.
(2) Until it is otherwise provided by Parliament the court of appeal shall
possess the same jurisdiction and powers in connection with appeals from
courts in Uganda, and shall observe the same rules of procedure in connection
with those appeals, as were respectively possessed and observed by Her
Majesty's Court of Appeal for Eastern Africa immediately before the
commencement of this Order.
(3) Until Parliament otherwise provides appeals shall lie from the court
of appeal to Her Majesty in Council (in addition to appeals which lie under
the proviso to section 96 (1) of the Constitution of Uganda) in such cases as,
immediately before the commencement of this Order, appeals lay from Her
Majesty's Court of Appeal for Eastern Africa to Her Majesty in Council in
proceedings or matters originating in the courts of Uganda, and upon the
same conditions and in accordance with the same procedure as was then
applicable to those appeals.
(4) References in section 95 and 96 (1) of the Constitution of Uganda to
any question as to the interpretation of the Constitution of Uganda shall be
construed as including references to any question as to the interpretation of
this Order.
19. Financialprovision for Buganda
(1) The Government of Uganda shall, in respect of the period between
1st October 1962 and 30th June 1963, pay to the Kabaka's Government a
contribution towards the cost of services administered by the Kabaka's
Government in pursuance of arrangements entered into under section 79 of
the Constitution of Uganda or referred to in section 14 (1) of this Order of
such amount as the Government of Uganda, after consultation with the
Kabaka's Government, may determine, which amount shall not be less than
£75,000 in respect of each month:
Provided that any payment so made may include sums equal to

(3) The amounts required for the making of payments under this section
shall be a charge on the Consolidated Fund.

21. Forests
(1) The forests transferred to the Buganda Land Board in pursuance of
article 20 of the Buganda Agreement 1961 shall be administered and
controlled on behalf of the Board by the Government of Uganda from the
commencement of this Order until such date as may be agreed between the
Government of Uganda and the Kabaka's Government and, while those
forests are being so administered and controlled, the cost of the administra-
tion of those forests, and the profits derived therefrom, shall be divided
between those governments in such manner as they may agree.
(2) The forests transferred to the Land Board of a Federal State (other
than the Kingdom of Buganda) or of a District under the Public Lands
Ordinance 1962(a) shall, until such time as it appears to the Government of
Uganda that the Federal State or the District has adequate staff and resources
to administer them, be administered and controlled by the Government of
Uganda and, while those forests are being so administered and controlled, the
cost of administering those forests, and the profits derived therefrom, shall be
divided between those governments in such manner as they may agree.
22. Protectionof certain urban authority leases
The rights and interests vested by or under section 15 of the Public Lands
Ordinance 1962, as in force at the commencement of this Order, in any urban
authority as defined by that Ordinance shall not be compulsorily acquired or
compulsorily taken possession of.
23. Mailo land tenure
The continuance of the system of mailo land tenure in force in the
Kingdom of Buganda immediately before the commencement of this Order
shall not be affected by reason only that the Buganda Agreement 1961 ceased
to have effect as from 9th October 1962.
24. Protection of certain land rights in Buganda
(1) Where, immediately before the commencement of this Order, any
person is occupying any land vested in the Land Board of the Kingdom of
Buganda by virtue of a licence that was granted before 1st March 1962 under
section 24 of the Crown Lands Ordinance(b) and that continued in force by
virtue of section 17 (4) of the Public Lands Ordinance 1962 that person shall,
so long as he complies with the terms of the licence, be entitled to a renewal
from time to time on similar terms.
(2) This section shall cease to have effect when any Buganda law for the
general regulation of, or for the alteration of, the system of mailo land tenure
in force in the Kingdom of Buganda comes into operation.



ChapterIX. The Judicature

Part 2. Appeals
96. Appeals to H.M. in Council and the court of appeal
(1) An appeal shall lie as of right direct to Her Majesty in Council from
final decisions of the High Court of Uganda on any question as to the
interpretation of this Constitution:
Provided that if a court of appeal is established under subsection (2) of
this section an appeal shall lie as of right
(a) to the court of appeal from final decisions of the High Court of
Uganda on the interpretation of the provisions of Chapter III of this
(b) to Her Majesty in Council from final decisions of the court of appeal
in any such appeal.
(2) Parliament may make provision
(a) for the establishment of a court of appeal;
(b) for appeals to lie from decisions of the High Court of Uganda or the
High Court of Buganda to the court of appeal in cases other than those
mentioned in subsection (1) of this section; and
(c) for appeals in cases mentioned in paragraph (b) of this subsection to
lie from the court of appeal to Her Majesty in Council.
(3) The provisions of this section shall be subject to the provisions of
section 49 (3) of this Constitution.

Chapter X. Finance

109. Existing powers

(1) Where by virtue of any provision of any law in force immediately
before 9th October 1962 a Federal State has power to collect and retain the
1 Section 7 (1) (2) of this Constitution is basically similar to section 2 (1) (2) of the
Constitution of Barbados (supra, p. 124), with the difference that the former applies not
only to a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies but also to a British protected
person. Section 7 (1) adds: "Provided that a person shall not become a citizen of Uganda
by virtue of this subsection if neither of his parents was born in Uganda". The provisions
of sections 8 (2) (3) (4) (5) and 15 of this Constitution are basically similar to those
of sections 23 (2) (3) (4) and 27 (1) (2) (3) of the Constitution of Botswana (supra,
pp. 137, 138 and 139). The same similarity exists between section 8 (1) (6) of the
Constitution in question and section 3 (1) (6) of the Constitution of Malawi (supra,
pp. 308 and 309); sections 10, 13, 16 and 116 of the Constitution of Uganda are similar
to sections 5, 8, 10 (1) (3) (4) and 103 (1) (2) (3) (4) of the Constitution of Barbados
(supra, pp. 125 and 126).
proceeds of any tax, that provision shall not be altered by or under any Act
of Parliament to the disadvantage of that Federal State without the
concurrence of the Government of that Federal State:
Provided that, for the purp6ses of this section, a provision shall not be
regarded as having been altered to the disadvantage of a Federal State if
(a) other provision is made in lieu of that provision that is not less
favourable to the Federal State than was the former provision; or
(b) where the collection and retention of the proceeds of a tax by the
Federal State is incidental to the administration of any service, or the
performance of any other function, by the Federal State for the purposes of
any law if provision is made under which the Federal State ceases to be
entitled to collect and retain those proceeds upon its ceasing to administer
that service or to perform that function, as the case may be.
(2) The provisions of subsection (1) of this section shall not apply to any
provision of law empowering a Federal State to collect or retain tax in
Kampala or in a town to which section 126 of this Constitution applies.
(3) In this section "tax" includes rate, rent, due, fee, fine, royalty or
other revenue.



(d) UGANDA ACT 19643, 4

2. Power to make consequentialadaptations

(1) Her Majesty may by Order in Council make such adaptations in any
Act of Parliament passed before 9th October 1963 as appear to Her necessary
or expedient in consequence of Uganda having ceased to form part of Her
Majesty's dominions.
(2) Any Order in Council made under subsection (1) of this section, and
any Order in Council or other instrument made under any other enactment
which varies or revokes a previous Order in Council or instrument in
consequence of Uganda having ceased to form part of Her Majesty's
dominions, may be made so as to have effect from 9th October 1963.
(3) Any Order in Council under subsection (1) of this section shall be
subject to annulment in pursuance of a resolution of either House of
Parliament, and may be varied or revoked by a subsequent Order in Council.

1 Statutory Instruments 1962 (II1) No. 2176, p. 2888.

2 The provisions of this Order are basically similar to those of the Kenya
(Compensation and Retiring Benefits) Order in Council 1963 (supra, p. 264).
3 PublicGeneralActsand Measures, 1964, Part 1, Chap. 20, p. 140.
4 The provisions of sections 1 (1) (2) and 3 of this Act are basically similar to those
of sections 2 (1) (3) and 6 (1) (2) (4) (5) of the Botswana Independence Act 1966
(supra, pp. 130 and 131).
(ii) Statements from governmental authorities

From: The Treasury, Uganda, 10th October, 1963

The position of our public debt for the financial years immediately
preceding and immediately following independence may be summarised as
Asat 30th June, 1962
Inscribed Stock issued under the Colonial Stock Act 1877 ........... 13,933,000
Loans under the Commonwealth Development and Welfare Act 1959 .... 10,800,000
Special U.K. Loan in respect of compensation, etc., for retiring ex-patriate
civil servants ........................................ 965,300
I.B.R.D. $8.4m. Loan . ................................... 1,519,600
Local Borrowing ........................................ 5,413,835
Total 32,631,735
As at 30th June, 1963
Inscribed Stock issued under the Colonial Stock Act, 1877 ........... 13,933,000
Loans under the Commonwealth Development and Welfare Act, 1959 ... 11,250,000
Special U.K. Loan in respect of compensation, etc., for retiring ex-patriate
civil servants . ...................................... 1,995,300
I.B.R.D. $8.4m. Loan ............... .................. .2,289,600
U.K.2-Uganda Credit Agreement 1963-L2.4m... .................. 55,000
Local Borrowing ........................................ 4623,440
Total 34,146,340


Trait6s 2

Article jer
La R6publique de Haute-Volta accede, en plein accord et amiti6 avec la
R6publique frangaise, A la souverainet6 intemationale et A l'ind6pendance par
le transfert des comp6tences de la Communaut6.

1 Text reproduced from: InternationalLaw Association, Report of the Fifty-fourth

Conference, The Hague, 1971, p. 131.
2 Voir aussi la Convention (a) sous Niger, supra, p. 370.
3 Journal Officiel de la R~publique frangaise, 30 juillet 1960, p. 7050. Entri en
vigueur le 4 aofit 1960. (Renseignement tiri de R. H. Rollet, op. cit., p. 113.)
Article 2
Toutes les comp6tences institu6es par l'article 78 de la Constitution du
4 octobre 1958 sont, pour ce qui la concerne, transf6r6es Ala R6publique de
Haute-Volta, d~s 'accomplissement par les parties contractantes de la
proc6dure pr6vue A 'article 87 de ladite Constitution.


[Note. - Les dispositions de cet accord sont, mutatis mutandis, iden-
tiques A celles de l'Accord du 24 avril 1961 entre la France et la C6te-d'Ivoire.
(voirsupra, p. 225).]


[Note. - Les dispositions de cet accord sont, mutatis mutandis, iden-
tiques h celles de l'Accord du 24 avril 1961 entre la France et la C6te-d'Ivoire.
(voir supra, p. 228).]



Art. 1er . - Les installations militaires, notamment les casernements, terrains et
bitiments militaires, y compris ceux de la gendarmerie, se trouvant sur le territoire de la
R6publique de Haute-Volta, sont la propri~t6 de la Haute-Volta.
Art. 2. - Afin de permettre i la R~publique franqaise d'ex~cuter ses engagements a
l'gard de la Cte-d'Ivoire, du Dahomey et du Niger, et dans I'esprit de solidarit6 qui
anime le Conseil de I'Entente, la R~publique de Haute-Volta reconnait i la R6publique
frangajse le droit de survol de son territoire et d'escale sur ses a6rodromes.
Art. 3. - Pour l'ex~cution des m~mes engagements de la R~publique franqaise, la
R6publique de Haute-Volta autorise le transit des forces armies franqaises sur son
territoire, dont elle sera pr6alablement inform6e, avec admission en franchise des
materiels et denr~es en transit, et leur accordera les facilit~s n~cessaires.


PARIS, 24 AVRIL 19613

1 Ibid., 6 f~vrier 1962, p. 1307. Entr6 en vigueur le 30 aodit 1961.

2 Ibid., 6 f~vrier 1962, p. 1309. Entr6 en vigueur le 30 aofit 1961.
3 JournalOfficiel de la Republique franfaise, 6 f~vrier 1962, p. 1310.
A Monsieur Michel Debrd, premier ministre de la Rdpublique franpaise

L'article 2 de l'annexe II a l'accord d'assistance militaire technique entre

la France et la Haute-Volta pr6voit que la R6publique de Haute-Volta
reconnaft A la R6publique frangaise le droit de survol de son territoire et
d'escale sur ses a6rodromes.
J'ai l'honneur de vous confirmer que la R6publique de Haute-Volta
s'engage A mettre A la disposition de la R6publique frangaise les installations
n6cessaires A l'exercice des facilit6s en cause, notamment celles qui sont
actuellement affect6es A l'arm~e de l'air frangaise A Ouagadougou.
Je vous serais oblig6 de bien vouloir me faire part de l'accord du
Gouvernement de la R6publique franqaise sur les termes de la pr6sente lettre.

Monsieur Maurice Yamdogo, prdsident de la Rdpublique

et du Gouvernement de la Haute-Volta

En date du 24 avril 1961 vous avez bien voulu m'adresser la lettre dont la
teneur suit :
[Voir texte ci-dessus.]

J'ai l'honneur de vous confirmer l'accord du Gouvernement de la

R6publique frangaise sur les termes de cette lettre.


Le Prdsident de la Rdpublique de Haute-Volta
6 Monsieur le PremierMinistre de la Rdpublique frangaise

L'Accord particulier sign6 A Paris, le 11 juillet 1960, a eu pour effet de

transf~rer A la R6publique de Haute-Volta la comptence de la Communaut6
concernant le contr6le de la justice.
En cons6quence, le Conseil d'Etat et la Cour de cassation de la
R6publique franqaise ont, Adater du jour de l'entr6e en vigueur dudit Accord,
cess6 d'dtre comp6tents pour connaftre des recours et pourvois int6ressant la
R6publique de Haute-Volta dont ces hautes juridictions 6taient alors saisies.
J'ai l'honneur des vous demander de bien vouloir me faire savoir si le
Gouvernement de la R6publique franqaise admet cette interpr6tation de
l'Accord portant transfert des comp6tences de la Communaut6.

1 JournalOfficiel de la Rdpubliquefran aise, 6 f6vrier 1962, p. 1315.

Dans l'affirmative, je vous serais oblig6 de bien vouloir donner les
instructions ndcessaires pour que les dossiers de ces proc6dures soient remis
au Ministre de la Justice de la R6publique de Haute-Volta par l'interm6diaire
du Ministre de la Justice de la R~publique frangaise.

Le PremierMinistre de la R~publique fran~aise

d Monsieur le Prisidentde la Rdpublique de Haute-Volta

Vous avez bien voulu, Ala date du 24 avril 1961, m'adresser la lettre dont

la teneur suit :

[Voir texte ci-dessus.]

J'ai l'honneur de vous confirmer que le Gouvernement de la R6publique

franqaise partage votre interpretation de l'accord particulier sign& i Paris le 11
juillet 1960.
Je donne en cons6quence les instructions n6cessaires pour que les dossiers
des proc6dures visbes dans votre lettre soient remis au ministre de la justice de
la R6publique de Haute-Volta.


[Note. - Les dispositions de cet accord sont, mutatis mutandis, iden-
tiques i celles de 'Accord du 24 avril 1961 entre la France et la C6te-d'Ivoire.
(voir supra, p. 231).]


[Note. - Les dispositions de cet accord, ainsi que celles de son annexe,
sont, mutatis mutandis, identiques Acelles de l'Accord du 24 avril 1961 entre
la France et la C6te-d'Ivoire (voir supra, p. 236).]

1 Journal Officiel de la Rdpublique francaise, 6 f6vrier 1962, p. 1315. Entr6 en

vigueur le 30 aoat 1961.
2 Ibid., p. 1319. Entr6 en vigueur le 30 aofit 1961.




Article premier
La France reconnaft le Vietnam comme un Etat pleinement ind6pendant
et souverain, investi de toutes les comp6tences reconnues par le droit

Article 2
Le Vietnam est substitu6 i la France dans tous les droits et obligations
r6sultant des trait6s internationaux ou des conventions contract6s par la
France pour le compte ou au nom de 'Etat du Vietnam ou de tous autres
trait6s et conventions conclus par la France au nom de rIndochine frangaise
dans la mesure oiu ces actes concernaient le Vietnam.

.Article 3
La France s'engage A transf6rer au Gouvernement vietnamien les
comp6tences et les services publics encore assur6s par elle sur le territoire du

Article 4
Le pr6sent trait6, qui entrera en vigueur i la date de sa signature, abroge
les actes et dispositions ant6rieurs contraires. Les instruments de ratification
du pr6sent trait6 seront 6chang6s ds son approbation par les instances
qualifi6es de Ia France et du Vietnam.



1 The inclusion of -the' materials hereunder does not imply on the part of the
Secretariat any judgement as to the position of the Socialist Republic of Viet-Nam
2 La documentation franraise, articles et documents, n0 067, 15 juin 1954, p. 1.
Entr6 en vigueur le 4 juin 1954. Pour des d6clarations d'autorit6s gouvernementales
franqaises sur certains probl~mes de succession d'Etats concemant le Viet-Nam et
l'Indochine en general, qui ont 6t6 publiies dans le Journal Officiel de la Rdpublique
franaise, voir Jean Charpentier, "Pratique fran ise du droit international", Annuaire
fran~aisde droit international,voL I1, 1957, p. 823 et 824.
3 La documentation franvaise, articles et documents, n0 067, 15 juin 1954, p. 2.
Entr6 en vigueur le 4 juin 1954.
R6solus i maintenir dans l'amiti6 et la confiance les liens qui les unissent
et affirmant leur volont6 commune de d6velopper leur coop6ration pour le
bien de leurs peuples respectifs,

Article premier
Le Vietnam et la France affirment leur volont6 de s'associer librement au
sein de l'Union Frangaise et d6cident d'un commun accord de proc6der i
l'6tablissement des conventions, qui seront annex6es au pr6sent trait6 et qui,
seules, fixeront disormais toutes les conditions d'organisation et de fonction-
nement de cette association.

Article 2
Le Pr6sident de la R6publique frangaise, qui est Pr6sident de l'Union,
incarne A ce titre et en cette qualit6, l'id6e d'une association durable et
amicale entre la France et le Vietnam, Etat souverain, 6gaux en droits et en

Article 3
La France et le Vietnam conviennent de d6velopper leur libre coop6ration
en Haut Conseil sous la pr6sidence du Pr6sident de l'Union.
Us y assureront conjointement et dans le respect du principe de l'6galit6
souveraine des Etats la coordination de leurs efforts et l'harmonisation de
leurs politiques respectives dans les affaires d'int6rdt commun.

Article 4
Les sessions du Haut Conseil sont tenues deux fois par an et, en outre,
chaque fois que les Etats membres le jugeront n6cessaire.
L'ordre du jour de chaque session est arrdt6 d'un commun accord.
Les r6solutions des Gouvernements r6unis en session du Haut Conseil sont
prises par voie d'accord mutuel.
Leur mise en oeuvre est assur6e dans le cadre de chaque Etat par le
Gouvernement int~ressd, conform6ment A sa procedure nationale.

Article 5
Le Haut Conseil disposant d'un Secr6tariat g~n~ral permanent, le
r~glement int6rieur de ce Secretariat sera arrtA d'un commun accord A la
premi6re session tenue apr~s la mise en application du pr6sent trait6. Ce
r6glement int6rieur tiendra compte du caract~re inter6tatique du Secr6tariat

Article 6
Les diff6rents juridiques relatifs A l'interpr6tation ou h l'application du
pr6sent trait6 et des conventions annexes seront port6s devant une Cour
d'arbitrage composde en nombre 6gal d'arbitres frangais et vietnamiens.
La Cour statue A la majorit6. En cas de partage des voix, la Cour est
compldt6e par des arbitres de nationalit6 6trang~re.
Les r~gles relatives A la composition, au fonctionnement de la Cour et A la
proc6dure suivie par elle, sont fix6es d'un commun accord entre les deux
Hautes Parties Contractantes, par une convention annex6e au pr6sent trait6.

Article 7
Le pr6sent trait6, qui entrera en vigueur A la date de sa signature, abroge
les actes et dispositions ant6rieurs contraires. Les instruments de ratification
du pr6sent trait6 seront 6chang6s d~s son approbation par les instances
qualifi6es de la France et du Vietnam.



Art. ler. - Le Viet-Nam recouvre sa pleine et enti&re souverainet6 dans

les domaines 16gislatif, r6glementaire et judiciaire.
Les dispositions d'ordre l6gislatif et jiadiciaire de l'accord du 8 mars 1949,
la convention judiciaire d'application du 30 d6cembre 1949, la convention sur
la police et sOret6 du 30 d6cembre 1949, 'accord du 17 juin 1950 ainsi que
toutes leurs annexes sont abrog6s.
Sont supprim6s les juridictions mixtes de droit commun et d'ordre
administratif ainsi que les services frangais de police et de s6curit6.
Art. 2. - Des 6changes de lettres et protocoles pr6ciseront les am6nage-
ments n6cessaires h la mise en application de la pr6sente convention, laquelle
entrera en vigueur d~s sa signature.

Saigon, le 16 septembre 1954
M. Bordaz, commissaireg~n~ral adjoint de France en Indochine, h M. Bai Van Thinh,
secrdtaired'Etat d la justice du Gouvernement du Viet-Nam

Me ref6rant a l'article 2 de la convention de transfert des comp6tences et services en

mati~re judiciaire et de police et sfiret6 en date de cc jour et comme suite aux 6changes
de vues qui ont eu lieu entre nos deux d6legations, j'ai I'honneur de vous confirmer
I'accord r6alis6 sur les points ci-apr~s :
Art. Ier. - Les citoyens franqais au Viet-Nam, d'une part, et les citoyens vietnamiens
residant sur le territoire de la R16publique franqaise, d'autre part, sont admis i jouir des
droits civils attribus aux nationaux, sauf dispositions contraires contenues dans des lois
Art. 2. - Les Frangais et les ressortissants frangais au Viet-Nam et les citoyens
vietnamiens r~sidant tant sur le territoire de la R6publique franqaise que sur les
territoires associ6s ou sur le territoire des Etats prot6ges sont r6gis par leur statut
1 Journal Officiel de la R9publiquefranfaise,3 mai 1959, p. 759. Entree en vigueur
le 16 septembre 1954.
Art. 3. - La disposition de la loi nationale ne sera pas appliqu6e si elle heurte, dans le
pays o elle est invoqu6e, 'ordre public ou les bonnes moeurs.
Art. 4. - A. titre de r~ciprocit6, les deux Hautes Parties contractantes conviennent
que chacun des deux Etats jouira devant les tribunaux de l'autre pays de l'immunit6
juridictionnelle traditionnellement reconnue aux Etats souverains.
Art. 5. - Jusqu'i la promulgation par le Viet-Nam de ses nouveaux codes, les lois de
fond et de procedure applicables aux citoyens franqais seront celles en vigueur devant les
juridictions nationales du Sud-Viet-Nan au jour de la signature de la convention de
transfert des comptences et services judiciaires.
Seront notamrrient applicables les dispositions l6gislatives et r6glementaires
suivantes :
a) En mati&e pdnale. - Le code p6nal modifi6 par le d6cret du 31 d6cembre 1912 et
les textes qui l'ont modifi6 ou compl6t6;
b) En matiere de proc&dure pinale. - Le d~cret du 16 f~vrier 1921 et les textes qui
l'ont modifi6 ou complet6;
c) En mati&e de lMgislation civile. - Les dispositions du code civil franqais et les
textes qui 'ont modifi6 ou compl6t6, Al'exclusion de la mati~re du statut personnel;
d) En matire de lMgislation commerciale. - Les dispositions du code de commerce
franqais et les textes modificatifs ainsi que les lois ou d6crets sp6ciaux au commerce;
e) En matire de procedure civile. - L'arr~t6 du 16 mars 1910 et les textes
modificatifs; pour les mati~res non r~glement6es par cet arr t6, il sera fait application des
dispositions du code de procedure civile franqais et des textes qui l'ont modifi6 ou
f) En mati&e de procddure commerciale. - La l6gislation fix6e par l'article 122 du
d6cret du 16 f6vrier 1921, modifi6 par les textes subs~quents.
La l6gislation et la r6glementation franqaise vis~es dans les dispositions ci-dessus sont
celles qui ont 6t6 r6guli&rement promulgu~es au Viet-Nam et qui ne sont pas
incompatibles avec l'organisation judiciaire du Viet-Nam et les textes r6glementaires pris
par les autorit6s locales vietnamniennes.
Art. 6. - La convention de transfert des comptences et services judiciaires ne
portera aucune atteinte aux droits acquis au moment de sa mise en vigueur et r6sultant
des contrats authentiques 6tablis par les officiers minist~riels franqais ou de d6cisions
judiciaires rendues par les juridictions mixtes ou les anciennes juridictions franqaises
devenues d6finitives.
Les porteurs des grosses ou arr~ts et jugements des grosses des actes d6livr6es avant la
suppression d6finitive des juridictions mixtes, qui voudraient les faire ex6cuter, devront
pr6alablement les presenter soit aux greffiers en chef des cours et tribunaux, s'il s'agit de
grosses d'arrets ou de jugements, soit Aun notaire, s'il s'agit de grosses d'actes notari6s, et
ce, afin que la nouvelle formule ex6cutoire de I'Etat du Viet-Nam soit ajout~e i celles
dont elles 6taient pr6c6demment rev~tues.
Art. 7 - Les Frangais ou ressortissants frangais d~finitivement condamn6s par les
juridictions franqaises pr6existantes ou par les juridictions mixtes, qui purgent
actuellemert leur peine au Viet-Nam, seront transforms en territoire franqais par les soins
du Gouvernement franqais.
Les recours en revision, de m~me que les mesures d'amnistie, de grice, de remise de
peine, de liberation conditionnelle rel~vent dor6navant des autorit6s vietnamiennes;
toutefois, les m~mes mesures et proc6dures i l'gard des citoyens franqais et
ressortissants franqais condamn6s tant par les.juridictions mixtes que par les juridictions
franqaises pr6existantes relveront des instances franqaises qualifi6es.
Art. 8. - En mati~re civile et commerciale, les proc6dures pendantes seront remises,
en l'6tat, aux juridictions vietnamiennes comptentes.
Le transfert des proc6dures s'op6rera sans qu'il y ait lieu de renouveler les actes,
formalit6s etjugements avant dire droit r~guli~rement intervenus.
A titre transitoire et pendant un d6lai d'un mois i compter de la signature de la
convention, les affaires civiles et commerciales int6ressant des personnes physiques ou
morales frangaises et d6ji engag6es demepreront soumises aux anciennes juridictions
mixtes. Pass6 ledit dtlai, les procedures non r6gl6es seront transmises, en 'tat, aux
juridictions vietnamiennes.
La pr6c6dente disposition n'est applicable qu'au seul tribunal de Saigon et i la cour
d'appel de Saigon.
Art. 9. - En matire civile et commerciale frangaises l'appel ou le pourvoi en
cassation des d6cisions 6manant des juridictions mixtes ou des juridictions frangaises
pr6existantes, formalis6s avant la signature de Ia convention, seront port 6 s devant les
juridictions vietnamiennes dont relivera le tribunal ou la cour qui a rendu le jugement ou
l'arr~t attaqu6.
[Is seront jug6s selon la loi en vigueur au moment oa a 6t6 rendue la dcision
Art. 10. - Les proc6dures pendantes devant la juridiction mixte de cassation et sur
lesquelles cette haute juridiction n'aura pas encore statu6 i la date d'entr6e en vigueur de
la convention seront remises, en l'tat, au ministire de la justice du Gouvernement du
Viet-Nam par i'entremise du haut commissaire du Viet-Nam en France.
Art. 11. - En mati~re p6nale, les poursuites d6ji engag~es devant les juridictions
mixtes seront continu~es devant lesjuridictions vietnamiennes. La Ioi p~nale vietnamien-
ne leur sera applicable, i moins que les dispositions de celie-ci ne soient plus s~v~res que
la loi p~nale frangaise en vigueur lors de la perpetration de l'infraction, auquel cas la Ioi
frangaise continuera i s'appliquer.
Les droits des parties l6s6es, reconnus, constituent des droits acquis.
Art. 12. - En matire administrative les proc6dures int6ressant I'Etat et les services
publics du Viet-Nam sont imm~diatement transf6rees, en I'6tat, aux autorit6s victnamien-
Les procedures int~ressant I'Etat franqais sont transf&r6cs, en I'6tat, aux autorit6s
Le transfert des proc6dures s'op6rera sans qu'il y ait lieu de renouveler les actes,
formalit6s et jugements avant dire droit r6guli~rement intervenus.
Art. 13. - A la date du transfert, le Gouvernement vietnamien acquiert la jouissance
des bitiments, des ocaux et du mat6riel affect~s aux services transf6r6s.
Des inventaires et 6tats des lieux en seront contradictoirement dress6s.
La propri6t6 de ces meubles et immeubles sera r~gl6e par la convention sur le
Art. 14. - Toutes les archives des juridictions mixtes et des services annexes, sauf
celles qui concernent les magistrats et fonctionnaires franqais, seront transf6rees, sous
inventaire, aux juridictions vietnamiennes compdtentes i compter de la date d'entr~e en
application de la convention de transfert des comptences et services judiciaires.
,Les reliquats des provisions consignees en toutes mati~res par les justiciables des
juridictions mixtes seront verses, avec un 6tat explicatif pour chaque affaire, entre les
mains des greffiers en chef vietnamiens comptents qui en d~livreront d~charge.


Saigon, le 16 septembre 1954

M. Bui Van Thinh, secr~taired'Etat i la justice du. Gouvernement du Viet-Nam,
h M. Bordaz, commissaireginral adjoint de Franceen Indochine

i'ai l'honneur d'accuser r6ception de votre lettre en date de ce jour par laquelle je
donne mon accord et r~dig~e comme suit :

Saigon, le 16 septembre 1954

M. Bordaz, commissairegendral adjoint de France en Indochine, h M. Bui Van Thinh,
secrdtaired'Etat a la justice du Gouvernement du Viet-Nam

Me r6f6rant i l'article 2 de la convention de transfert des comp6tences et services en

mati~re judiciaire et de police et stret6 en date de ce jour et comme suite aux 6ehanges
de vues qui ont eu lieu entre nos deux d~l6gations au sujet des jurisconsultes, j'ai
l'honneur de vous confirmer l'accord r6alis6 sur les points ci-apr~s :
Le Gouvernement de la R6publique frangaise s'engage a mettre A la disposition du
Gouvernement du Viet-Nam des jurisconsultes. Cet engagement s'inscrit dans le cadre de
I'assistance technique que le Viet-Nam pourra demander i la France.
Le Gouvernement du Viet-Nam se r6serve le droit de choisir ces jurisconsultes sur
une liste que lui adressera le Gouvernement de la R~publique frangaise.
I1leur confiera tels travaux juridiques qu'il jugera utiles.
Le traitement des jurisconsultes sera i la charge du Gouvemement franqais. Us
b6n6ficieront en outre auprs du Gouvernement vietnamien de tous les avantages qui
seront consentis aux experts de m8me rang dans les autres branches d'assistance
technique et culturelle.
Lorsque le jurisconsulte sera un magistrat il b~n6ficiera des privileges et immunit~s
juridictionnelles accord6s aux magistrats vietnamiens de m~me grade.
Ces jurisconsultes pourront 8tre remis Ala disposition de leur gouvernement apr~s un
pr6avis de six mois.


Saigon, le 16 septembre 1954

M. Bui Van Thinh, secrdtaired'Etat h la justice du Gouvernement du Viet-Nam,
d M. Bordaz, commissairegeneral adjoint de Franceen Indochine

J'ai I'honneur d'accuser r6ception de votre lettre en date de ce jour A laquelle je

donne mon accord et r6dig6e comme suit.



Consid6rant que le changement du statut politique de 'Etat du Viet-Nam

r6sultant des accords du 8 mars 1949 et des conventions subs~quentes, d'une
part, le rattachement au Viet-Nam des territoires pr6c6demment soumis au
statut colonial, d'autre part, ont suscit6 des problmes fort complexes se
rattachant i la question de nationalit6;
Consid6rant qu'il y a un int6r~t majeur aussi bien pour la R6publique
frangaise que pour l'Etat du Viet-Nam i r6soudre ces problmes;

1 Journal Officiel de la Republique francaise, 3 mai 1959, p. 4767 et 68. Entree en

vigueur le 17 aofit 1965.
Art. ler. - Aux termes de la pr6sente convention :
L'expression "originaire du Viet-Nam" d6signe les personnes issues de
pare et mere de g~n6ration vietnamienne ou faisant partie des minorit6s
ethniques dont l'habitat se trouve sur le territoire du Viet-Nam.
L'expression "Vietnamien" d6signe la personne "originaire du Viet-Nam"
n'ayant pas la qualit6 de citoyen frangais ou y renongant.
Art. 2. - Conservent la nationalit6 frangaise, les Frangais non originaires
du Viet-Nam, domicili6s au Sud-Viet-Nam (Cochinchine) et dans les anciennes
concessions de Hanoi, Haiphong et Tourane, Ala date du rattachement de ces
territoires au Viet-Nam, m6me s'ils n'ont pas 6tabli effectivement leur
domicile hors du Viet-Nam.
Art. 3. - Ont la nationalit6 vietnamienne, en quelques lieux qu'ils se
fussent trouv6s au 8 mars 1949, les anciens sujets frangais originaires du
Sud-Viet-Nam (Cochinchine) et des anciennes concessions de Hanoi,
Haiphong et Tourane.
Art. 4. - Les personnes originaires du Viet-Nam, fg6es de plus de dix-huit
ans Ala date d'entr~e en vigueur de la pr6sente convention et qui ont acquis
par mesure administrative individuelle ou collective ou par d6cision de justice
la citoyennet6 franqaise ant6rieurement A la date du 8 mars 1949, conservent
la nationalit6 frangaise avec facult6 d'option pour la nationalit6 vietnamienne
en se conformant aux dispositions 6tablies par la pr6sente convention.
Les memes dispositions sont applicables aux personnes originaires du
Viet-Nam qui, antrieurement A la date d'entr6e en vigueur de la pr6sente
convention, ont acquis la nationalit6 frangaise en France, sous le r6gime du
droit commun des 6trangers.
Les personnes originaires du Viet-Nam, Ag6es de plus de dix-huit ans Ala
date d'entr~e en vigueur de la pr~sente convention et qui ont acquis par
mesure administrative individuelle ou collective ou par d6cision de justice la
citoyennet6 franqaise post~rieurement A la date du 8 mars 1949, ont la
nationalit6 vietnamienne avec facult6 d'option pour la nationalit6 frangaise
en se conformant aux dispositions 6tablies par la pr6sente convention.
Art. 5. - Les personnes originaires du Viet-Nam mais citoyens franqais de
naissance, fig6es de plus de dix-huit ans i la date d'entr6e en vigueur de la
pr6sente convention, conservent la nationalit6 frangaise avec facult6 d'option
pour la nationalit6 vietnamienne, en se conformant aux dispositions 6tablies
par la pr~sente convention.
Art. 6. - Ont la nationalit6 frangaise avec facult6 d'option pour la
nationalit6 vietnamienne, les personnes dg~es de plus de dix-huit ans Ala date
d'entr6e en vigueur de la pr6sente convention, de filiation l6gitime ou
naturelle :
10 Nes d'un pare originaire du Viet-Nam et d'une mere frangaise;
20 N6es d'un pre frangais et d'une mere originaire du Viet-Nam;
30 N6es de parents tous deux issus soit d'un pare originaire du Viet-Nam
et d'une mere frangaise, soit d'un pare frangais et d'une m~re originaire du
40 N6es au Viet-Nam de pare inconnu et de m~re originaire du Viet-Nam,
pr6sum6es de g6n6ration frangaise ou pr6sum~es de nationalit6 frangaise et
reconnues par les tribunaux comme 6tant de nationalit6 frangaise.
Art. Z - Dans les cas de d6claration d'option pour la nationalit6
vietnamienne pr6vue aux articles 4 (alin6as 1 et 2, 5 et 6 ci-dessus, les enfants
mineurs Ag6s de moins de dix-huit ans A la date d'entr6e en vigueur "de la
pr6sente convention suivent la condition de leur p~re, lorsque la filiation est
6tablie A 1'6gard de celui-ci; ils suivent la condition de leur m~re lorsque la
filiation n'est 6tablie qu'A 1'6gard de celle-ci.
Si la d6claration d'option pour la nationalitO vietnamienne n'a pas tA
faite par celui de leurs auteurs dont ils suivent la condition, ils ont un droit
propre d'option A1'Age de dix-huit ans.
Toutefois, les enfants mineurs n6s de personnes originaires du Viet-Nam
ayant acc6d6 A la qualit6 de citoyen frangais apr~s le 8 mars 1919 et qui, ou
bien sont n6s post6rieurement i ladite accession ou bien ont fait eux-mdmes
l'objet d'une mesure d'accession, ne peuvent pas opter pour la nationalit6
frangaise A l'Age de dix-huit ans, si l'auteur dont ils suivent la condition n'a
pas fait de d6claration d'option pour cette nationalit6, sauf dans le cas oit cet
auteur est dc6d avant 1'expiration du d6lai d'option pr6vu par la pr6sente
convention. Dans le cas ofi ledit auteur a opt6 pour la nationalit6 frangaise, ils
suivent la condition de celui-ci, mais ils ont la facult6 d'opter pour la
nationalit6 vietnamienne i l'dge de dix-huit ans.
Art. 8. - Ont la nationalit6 franqaise avec droit d'option pour la
nationalit6 vietnamienne A l'Age de dix-huit ans en se conformant aux
dispositions 6tablies par la pr6sente convention, les enfants mineurs Ag6s de
moins de dix-huit ans ant6rieurement A la date d'entr6e en vigueur de la
pr6sente convention d'un p~re frangais et d'une m~re originaire du Viet-Nam.
Art. 9. - Ont la nationalit6 vietnamienne avec facult6 d'option pour la
nationalit6 frangaise A 1'Age de dix-huit ans en se conformant aux dispositions
6tablies par la pr6sente convention, les enfants mineurs ages de moins de
dix-huit ans n6s antrieurement A la date d'entr6e en vigueur de la pr~sente
convention d'un p~re vietnamien et d'une m~re frangaise ou d'une m~re
originaire du Viet-Nam et citoyenne franqaise.
Art. 10. -Pour les enfants n6s post6rieurement A la date d'entr~e en
vigueur de la pr~sente convention :
10 Sont Franqais, les enfants n6s d'un pre .de nationalit frangaise et
d'une m~re de nationalit vietnamienne;
20 Sont Vietnamiens, les enfants n~s d'un pere de nationalit6 vietnamien-
ne et d'une m~re de nationalit6 franqaise.
Dans les deux cas ci-dessus, ces enfants ont, A l'dge de dix-huit ans, la
facult6 d'option soit pour la nationalit6 vietnamienne, soit pour la nationalit6
frangaise, en se conformant aux dispositions 6tablies par la pr~sente
Art. 11. - La femme frangaise marine A un Vietnamien et la femme
originaire du Viet-Nam marine A un Frangais avant la date d'entre en vigueur
de la prsente convention ont la facult6 d'opter pour la nationalit6
vietnamienne en se conformant aux dispositions tablies par la prsente
L'autorisation maritale n'est pas n~cessaire pour L'exercice de cette
Art. 12. -Post~rieurement A la date d'entr~e en vigueur de la prsente
a) Lorsque le mariage est c6lbrA sur le territoire de la Rpublique
franqaise ou hors du Viet-Nam, la femme de nationalit franqaise qui 6pouse
un Vietnamien conserve la nationalit frangaise, A moins que dans les formes
pr6vues par la loi frangaise elle ne d6clare express6ment avant la c616bration
du mariage vouloir acqu6rir la nationalit6 vietnamienne;
b) Lorsque le manage est c6lbr6 au Viet-Nam, la femme de nationalit6
frangaise qui 6pouse un Vietnamien acquiert la nationalit6 vietnamienne, A
moins que dans les formes pr6vues par la loi vietnamienne elle ne. d6clare
ant6rieurement ou lors de la c616bration du mariage qu'elle d~cline la
nationalit6 vietnamienne.
Art. 13. -Post6rieurement A la date d'entr6e en vigueur de la pr6sente
a) Lorsque le madage est c616br6. au Viet-Nam ou hors du territoire de la
R6publique franqaise, la femme de nationalit6 vietnamienne qui 6pouse un
Frangais conserve sa nationalit6, A moins que dans les formes pr6vues par la
loi vietnamienne elle ne d6clare express6ment avant ou au moment de la
c616bration du mariage vouloir acqu6rir la nationalit6 frangaise;
b) Lorsque le mariage est c61fbr6 sur le territoire de la R6publique
frangaise, la femme acquiert la nationalit6 frangaise, A moins que dans les
formes pr6vues par la loi frangaise elle ne d6clare express6ment avant la
c6l6bration du madage qu'elle d6sire conserver la nationalit6 vietnamienne.
Art. 14. - Les femmes mari6es qui ont acquis la nationalit6 de leur man
en raison du mariage ont le droit, apr~s la dissolution du mariage, de
demander la r6int6gration dans leur nationalit6 d'origine.
Art. 15. - Le droit d'option pr6vu aux articles 4, 5, 6 et 11 ci-dessus doit
tre exerc6 dans un d6lai de six mois A compter de la date d'entr6e en vigueur
de la pr6sente convention.
Dans les cas pr6vus aux articles 7, 8, 9 et 10, le d6lai commence A courir A
partir du jour oii l'enfant mineur atteint l'Age de dix-huit ans.
En cas d'empdchement grave A l'exercice du droit d'option, ce d6lai ne
commence A courir qu'A partir du jour ott l'empechement grave prend fin.
Art. 16. - Lad6eclaration d'option en triple exemplaire doit 6tre souscrite
personnellement par l'int6ress6 et remise A l'autorit6 administrative comp6-
tente de l'Etat du Viet-Nam ou de la R6publique frangaise.
La d6claration d'option souscrite en faveur de la nitionalit6 vietnamienne
est remise au chef de la circonscription administrative (chef de province,
maire, pr6fet) dans le territoire de laquelle le d~clarant a son domicile ou sa
La d6claration d'option souscrite pour la nationalit6 frangaise est remise
au reprsentant de la France ou son d~l~gu6 territorialement competent au
Lorsque le d~clarant reside en France, la d~claration d'option souscrite en
faveur de la nationalit6 vietnamienne est remise au reprsentant du
Gouvernement du Viet-Nam en France ou son d~l~gu6 territorialement
comptent et la d~claration d'option souscrite en faveur de la nationalitO
frangaise est remise au juge de paix du canton dans lequel le d~clarant a sa
L'autoit6 comp~tente du pays qui regoit la d~claration en d6livre un
rnc~piss6 au d~clarant; elle fait parvenir imm6diatement l'un des exemplaires
de ladite d~claration A l'autorit6 comp6tente de l'autre pays qui v6rifie la
validit6 de l'option.
Art. 1 7. - Lorsque le d~clarant se trouve A l'6tranger, la d~claration est
souscrite dans les memes formes devant les repr~sentants diplomatiques ou
consulaires du pays dont la nationalit6 a fait l'objet de son choix. A d6faut de
representation diplomatique ou consulaire, une d6claration 6crite doit 6tre
adress6e, pour le Viet-Nam, au minist~re de la justice et, pour la France, au
ministare de la sant6 publique et de la population.
Art. 18. - L'option prend effet A la date du d6p6t de la d6claration
aupr~s de l'autorit6 qualifi6e pour la recevoir. Elle comporte, pour l'avenir,
changement de nationalit6 de l'optant et de ses enfants mineurs de moins de
dix-huit ans, sous r6serve du droit propre d'option pr6vu en leur faveur. Elle
ne saurait porter atteinte A la validit6 des actes pass6s par l'int6ress6 ni aux
droits r6gulirement acquis par les tiers sur le fondement de l'ancienne
Art. 19. - Tout Vietnamien peut acqu6rir la nationalit6 franqaise par voie
de naturalisation apr~s consultation pr6alable du Gouvernement du Viet-Nam
qui formule ses observations, le cas 6ch6ant, dans un d6lai de six mois A
compter de la notification A lui faite par le Gouvernement frangais A la
demande de naturalisation.
Inversement, et A titre de r6ciprocit6, tout Franqais peut acqu6rir la
nationalitd vietnamienne par voie de naturalisation apr~s consultation du
Gouvernement de la R6publique frangaise qui formule ses observations, le cas
6ch6ant, dans un d6lai de six mois A compter de la notification i lui faite par
le Gouvernement du Viet-Nam de la demande de naturalisation.
Art. 20. - Les dispositions respectives du code de la nationalit6 franqaise
et du code de la nationalit6 vietnamienne relatives A l'acquisition de la
nationalit6 A raison du lieu de naissance et de la r6sidence ne sont pas
applicables aux ressortissants des deux pays.
Art. 21. - Au cas oil des conflits de nationalit6 apparaftraient dans
l'avenir, les Gouvernements frangais et vietnamien se concerteront en vue de
la modification des clauses de la pr6sente convention.
Art. 22. - La pr6sente convention entre en vigueur d6s sa signature.



Article ier
La propri6t6 de tous les immeubles faisant partie de l'ancien domaine de
l'Etat frangais au Viet-Nam est transf6r6e d6finitivement Al'Etat vietnamien,
y compris ceux dont les services vietnamiens ont d6j& la jouissance A quelque
titre que ce soit avant la signature du pr6sent Accord.

1 Journal Officiel de la Republique franfaise, 22 mars 1970, p. 2749. Entr6 en

vigueur le 24 mars 1960. Annexe et lettres non reproduites dans le pr6sent volume.
Article II
Le Gouvernement vietnamien met A la disposition du Gouvernement
frangais, en toute proprit6, un terrain d6sign6 A l'Annexe I et d~limit6
conform6ment au plan cadastral joint A ladite annexe pour la construction
d'un immeuble destin6 aux bureaux de l'Ambassade, des services annexes et
du Consulat g6n6ral de France A Saigon.
La remise au Gouvernement vietnamien des immeubles actuellement
occup6s par les bureaux de l'Ambassade, des services annexes et du Consulat
g6n6ral de France A Saigon aura lieu A l'ach~vement de la construction du
nouveau btiment dans le d6lai pr6vu d'un an.
Le Gouvernement vietnamien remet en outre au Gouvernement frangais,
pour les besoins de sa repr6sentation au Viet-Nam, la pleine propri6t des
immeubles faisant l'objet de l'Annexe I du pr6sent Accord.

Article III
Les 6tablissements culturels frangais existants, 6num6r6s A l'annexe 1I-A
du pr6sent Accord, feront l'objet d'un bail pour un prix symbolique, pour
une dur6e de cinquante ans renouvelable en ce qui concerne les centres
scolaires Saint-Exup6ry et Colette sis A Saigon - et pour une dur6e de sept
ans renouvelable en ce qui concerne les autres immeubles sis A Saigon et en
Un immeuble sis 29, rue Gia-Long, et figurant A l'Annexe I-A est mis Ala
disposition du Gouvernement frangais aux m~mes conditions que les
6tablissements scolaires pour la r6installation du Centre culturel frangais.
L'immeuble actuellement occup6 par le Centre culturel frangais sera remis
au Gouvernement vietnamien d~s que les travaux d'am6nagement du nouveau
local auront W terminus, et au plus tard lors des prochaines vacances

Article IV
L'ensemble des bdtiments et installations de l'h6pital Grail fera 6galement
l'objet d'un bail pour un prix symbolique et pour une dur6e de sept ans

Article V
Le Gouvernement vietnamien contribuera aux efforts faits par le
Gouvernement frangais dans le cadre de la coop6ration culturelle en mettant A
sa disposition, sous forme de bail pour un prix symbolique et dans les memes
conditions que pour les 6tablissements scolaires, les immeubles figurant A
'Annexe I-B destin6s au logement du personnel des enseignements primaire,
secondaire, technique et sup6rieur, des experts frangais et du personnel
m6dical de l'h6pital Gral, en service au Viet-Nam.

Article VI
Afin de permettre au Gouvernement frangais de disposer de logements
suppl6mentaires pour le logement de son personnel diplomatique et consulaire,
le Gouvernement vietnamien mettra Asa disposition pour une dur6e de douze
ans renouvelable sous forme de bail, pour un prix symbolique, les immeubles.
figurant A l'Annexe I1.

Annexe VII
La remise au Gouvernement vietnamien des immeubles domaniaux
actuellement occupds par les services frangais au Viet-Nam et ne figurant pas
dans les annexes 6num~r6es ci-dessus, aura lieu aux -dates indiqu6es dans
l'Annexe IV.

Article VIII
Le Gouvernement vietnamien s'engage i mettre en oeuvre la proc6dure
n6cessaire pour r6gulariser la situation des immeubles priv6s qui ont fait l'objet
d'un commencement d'acquisition ou d'expropriation par les services franqais
lors des travaux d'extension des a~rodromes de Tdn-Son-Nhut et de Bien-Hoi.

Article IX
Les cimeti~res fran~ais de Tdn-Son-Nhut et du Cap Saint-Jacques seront
maintenus dans leurs lieux actuels. Leurs statuts feront l'objet d'un 6change
de lettres entre les deux Gouvernements.

Article X
Lors de la remise des immeubles qui seront transf6r6s au Gouvernement
vietnamien apr~s conclusion de l'Accord, les objets mobiliers se trouvant dans
ces immeubles qui ont 6t6 acquis avant 1954 et dont la date d'acquisition
aura pu etre 6tablie par factures seront 6galement transforms en vertu
d'accords particuliers.

Article XI
Le present Accord entrera en vigueur A la date de sa signature.

51. ZAIRE'
(i) Trait6s


Sa Majestd le Roi des Belges, d'une part, et
Le Pr6sident de la R6publique d6mocratique du Congo, d'autre part,

1 Formerly Democratic Republic of Congo.

2 Nations Unies, Recueil des Traltes, vol. 540, p. 229 et seq. Entr&e en vigueur le 11
mai 1965.
D6sireux de maintenir et de renforcer les relations d'amiti6 et de
coop6ration entre les deux pays en vue de promouvoir le d6veloppement
6conomique et social du Congo dans le respect mutuel de la souverainet6 des
deux Etats;
Consid6rant le rapport du 27 d6cembre 1962 de la mission de la Banque
internationale pour la reconstruction et le d6veloppement, rapport contenant
les 616ments de fait sur la base desquels ont t6 men6es les n6gociations entre
les deux Gouvernements et auxquels il a 6t6 fait appel pour l'61aboration de la
pr6sente Convention,
Sont convenus de ce qui suit:

Article 1
Au sens de la pr6sente Convention, les termes "Belgique", "Congo" et
"Congo belge" d6signent respectivement le Royaume de Belgique, la
R6publique d6mocratique du Congo et la Colonie du Congo belge.


Article 2
Les charges de la dette publique du Congo belge sont assum6es
conform6ment aux dispositions ci-apras.
Les emprunts constitutifs de la dette pr6cit6e sont repris , la liste 1 qui
est annex6e i la pr6sente Convention et qui en fait partie int6grante.
En vue de la r6partition desdites charges, la dette publique pr6cit6e a 6t6
subdivis6e en :
0 dette exprim6e en francs congolais, ainsi que la dette exprim6e en

devises d6tenue au 30 juin 1960 par des organismes publics du Congo, vis6es i
l'article 3 ci-apr~s;
20 dette exprim6e en devises et garantie par la Belgique, vis6e A l'article 4
30 dette exprim6e en devises et non garantie par la Belgique i l'exception
des titres de cette dette qui sont d6tenus par des organismes publics du
Congo, vis6e Al'articte 6 ci-apr~s.

Article 3
§ 1. Le Congo assume, A tous 6gards, la responsabilit6 exclusive de la
partie de la dette publique reprise A la liste 2 qui est annex6e A la pr6sente
Convention et qui en fait partie int6grante.
§ 2. En ce qui concerne les titres de la dette vis6e au § I ci-avant, qui
sont d6tenus par I'Office de s6curit6 sociale d'outre-mer et par la Caisse
d'Assurance du Congo belge et du Ruanda-Urundi, le Congo assume la charge
des obligations, 6chues ou A 6choir, telles qu'elles r6sultent desdits titres et
des contrats d'emprunt.
Le service financier est assur6 en francs congolais dont le transfert n'est
soumis qu'aux dispositions g6n6rales de la r6glementation congolaise des
§ 3. Les titres mentionn6s sous le § 2 de la liste 2 dont question au § 1
du pr6sent article, seront pr6sent6s par le Congo au Fonds belgo-congolais vis6
rl'article 5 de la pr6sente Convention, pour leur estampillage avant l'6mission
de 1'emprunt pr6vu A l'article 5, § 2, 20, ci-apr~s.

Article 4
§ 1. La Belgique assume, A tous 6gards, la responsabilit6 exclusive de la
partie de la dette publique reprise A la liste 3 qui est annex6e A la pr6sente
Convention et qui en fait partie int6grante.
La prise en charge du pret "Loan no 252 BE 6% 1960" octroy6 en dollars
des U. S. A. par la Banque internationale pour la reconstruction et le
d6veloppement est r~gl6e entre les deux Gouvernements par un 6change de
lettres qui font partie int6grante de la pr6sente Convention.
§ 2. Pour ce qui concerne les Conventions de pret intervenues entre le
Congo belge et la Banque internationale pour la reconstruction et le
d6veloppement, la partie de la dette publique vis6e au § 1 du pr6sent article
ne comprend que les pr6l vements effectu6s par le Congo belge, avant le 30
juin 1960, en ex6cution de ces Conventions.

Article 5.
§ 1. La Belgique et le Congo cr6ent conjointement, par la pr6sente
Convention, une institution autonome de droit public international d6-
nommde "Fonds belgo-congolais d'amortissement et de gestion", ci-apr~s
d6sign6e par le mot "Fonds". Les statuts du Fonds sont 6tablis par une
Convention particulire'.
§ 2. Le Fonds a pour objet:
10 d'estampiller comme suit les titres qui lui seront pr6sent6s en
application de l'article 3, § 3, de la pr6sente Convention : "Titre non admis en
lib6ration de l'emprunt trois et demi pour cent 'an 6mis par le Fonds
belgo-congolais d'amortissement et de gestion";
20 d'6mettre en son nom et pour son compte exclusif un emprunt en
-francs belges, d6nomm6 "l'emprunt du Fonds" dans les dispositions qui
suivent, au taux de trois et demi pour cent l'an, jouissance le I er juillet 1965,
amortissable en quarante ans maximum A partir de sa date de jouissance, soit
par rachats, soit par tirages au sort;
30 d'assurer la gestion de l'emprunt du Fonds;
40 d'assurer la gestion des dotations airnuelles vis6es A l'article 11 de la
pr6sente Convention;.
50 d'affecter ses ressources au r~glement de ses frais d'administration, en
ce compris toutes les obligations 16gales, r6glementaires ou contractuelles, au
r~glement de ses frais d'6tablissement et de fonctionnement, au r~glement des
frais d'6mission et de gestion de 'emprunt du Fonds; au service des int6r6ts
de cet emprunt et A 'amortissement dudit emprunt;
60 d'acc6l6rer dans toute la mesure du possible l'amortissement dudit
70 d'assurer toute autre mission que les deux Gouvernements d6cide-
raient, par 6change de lettres, de lui confier.
Article 6
Les titres de l'emprunt du Fonds seront offerts au pair de leur valeur
nominale, en souscription publique libre et volontaire, aux porteurs des titres
des emprunts mentionn~s A la liste 4 qui est annex6e A la pr6sente Convention
et qui en fait partie int6grante.
Le Fonds fixera la date de cl6ture de la souscription.
Cette cl6ture ne pourra avoir lieu moins de six mois apr~s la date
d'ouverture de la souscription.

Article 7
§ 1. Les porteurs des titres des emprunts mentionn~s Ala liste 4 annex6e
A la pr6sente Convention, pourront lib6rer sans frais leur souscription aux
titres de l'emprunt du Fonds au moyen des titres des emprunts mentionn6s A
ladite liste 4 munis de tous leurs coupons non mis en paiement, dans les
conditions d6crites aux § 2 et § 3 du pr6sent article.
Lorsque les titres des emprunts mentionn6s A la liste 4 annex6e A la
pr6sente Convention ne sont pas munis de tous leurs coupons non encore mis
en paiement, le Fonds statuera sur la suite A r6server A la souscription
§ 2. Hormis dans les cas pr6vus au § 3 ci-apr~s, les titres des emprunts
mentionn6s A la liste 4 sont accept6s soit pour leur valeur nominale en francs
beiges, soit pour la contre-valeur en francs beiges de leur valeur nominale en
dollars des Etats-Unis, calcul6e sur base des parit~s officielles de ces deux
monnaies accept6es par le Fonds mon6taire international au lerjuillet 1965.
En outre, lorsque ces titres sont remis dans un d6lai maximal de six mois
apr~s l'ouverture de la souscription A l'emprunt du Fonds, par des personnes
physiques qui 6tablissent leur identit6, ils sont accept6s pour leur valeur
nominale telle que d6finie A l'alin6a pr6cddent, augment6e d'une bonification
forfaitaire en capital de dix-sept et demi pour cent.
Toutefois, la valeur nominale des coupons aff6rents aux titres dont ilest
question A l'alin6a pr6c6dent, mis en paiement depuis le 30 juin 1960, est
d6duite des dix-sept et demi pour cent dont question ci-avant.
En aucun cas, la bonification forfaitaire en capital, vis6e aux deux alin6as
pr6c6dents, ne peut exc~der quatre-vingt-sept mille cinq cents francs beiges
pour une mdme personne physique.
La bonification forfaitaire en capital est arrondie A la centaine de francs
sup6rieure ou inf6rieure selon qu'elle atteint un montant sup6rieur A
cinquante francs ou un montant 6gal ou inf6rieur A cinquante francs.
§ 3. Les titres des emprunts mentionn6s A laliste 4 pr6cit6e, auxquels un
lot a tA attribu6 par tirage, sont accept6s pour la valeur de ce lot. En aucun
cas, cette valeur n'est augment6e de la bonification forfaitaire en capital
pr~vue aux quatre derniers alin6as du § 2 du pr6sent article.

Article 8
Le fait, pour les porteurs des titres des emprunts mentionn6s A la liste 4
annex6e A la pr6sente Convention, de souscrire, dans les conditions
d6termin6es par l'article 7 qui pr6c~de, aux titres de l'emprunt du Fonds,
comporte pour ces porteurs, nonobstant toute r6serve contraire de leur part,
renonciation par eux A tous les droits attaches aux titres remis par eux au
Fonds en lib6ration de leur souscription.

Article 9
Le montant de l'emprunt du Fonds sera 6gal au montant des souscriptions
lib6r6es conform6ment aux dispositions de l'article 7 ci-avant.
Le Fonds determine les modalit6s techniques des op6rations de sous-
cription et du service financier de 1'emprunt du Fonds.

Article 10
§ 1. Les titres de l'emprunt du Fonds sont exempt6s en Belgique du
droit de timbre, de m~me que les bulletins de souscription, requs et r6cdpiss~s
dress6s i l'occasion de l'6mission de cet emprunt.
La d6livrance, au souscripteur, des titres dudit emprunt est aussi
exempt6e en Belgique de la taxe sur les op6rations de bourse.
En mati~re d'imp6ts sur les revenus, les int6r~ts de l'emprunt du Fonds
sont soumis en Belgique au mdme regime que les int6rdts des fonds publics
belges 6mis ant6rieurement en exemption d'imp6ts reels ou de taxe mobili~re
et qui b6n6ficient, en vertu. du Code des imp6ts sur les revenus, de
l'exemption du pr6compte mobilier et de l'imputation d'un pr6compte
mobilier fictif.
§ 2. Au Congo, les int~r~ts b6n~ficient du r6gime fiscal le plus favorable
pr6vu par la l6gislation congolaise i la date d'entr6e en vigueur de la pr6sente
Convention en ce qui concerne les revenus des fonds publics 6mis par la
R6publique ddmocratique du Congo.

Article 11
§ 1. A dater de 'entr6e en vigueur de la pr~sente Convention et pendant
une p6riode maximale de quarante ans, il est servi au Fonds jusqu'i
remboursement de 'emprunt du Fonds, une dotation annuelle de cinq cent
dix millions de francs belges. Cette dotation est fournie au Fonds, A
concurrence de trois cents millions de francs belges par le Congo et de deux
cent dix millions de francs belges par la Belgique.
§ 2. L'obligation contract~e par chacune des Hautes Parties Contrac-
tantes dans le cadre du § 1 du pr6sent article sera confirm6e par un
engagement direct de chacune d'elles envers le Fonds dis la constitution de

Article 12
§ 1. En vue d'assurer l'ex6cution des dispositions de l'article 11, § 1,
ci-avant, les Hautes Parties Contractantes s'engagent mutuellement Aconf6rer,
et conf~rent conjointement par la pr6sente, mandat A la Banque Nationale de
Belgique de prilever d'office, mensuellement, les montants suivants et de les
transf6rer au profit d'un compte A ouvrir dans les livres de ladite Banque au
nom du Fonds:
a) une somme mensuelle de vingt-cinq millions de francs belges i pr6lever
par le d6bit du compte courant ouvert dans les livres de la Banque nationale
de Belgique au nom de la Banque nationale du Congo;
b) une somme mensuelle de dix-sept millions cinq cent mille francs beiges
A pr6lever par le d6bit du compte courant ouvert dans les livres de la Banque
nationale de Belgique au nom du Tr6sor beige.
§ 2. Chacun de ces pr61vements est op6r6 par moiti6 le quinze de
chaque mois et le dernier jour ouvrable de chaque mois.
Au cas oii le quinze n'est pas un jour ouvrable, le prl~vement a lieu le
jour ouvrable pr6c6dant le quinze.
Le premier prlvement sera op6r6 A la premiere 6ch6ance de quinzaine
qui suivra la date de l'entr6e en vigueur de la pr6sente Convention.
§ 3. Les Hautes Parties Contractantes conviennent respectivement que
les comptes de la Banque nationale du Congo et du Tfesor beige seront
maintenus et aliment6s de mani~re telle que les pr6lvements vis6s aux § 1 et
§ 2 ci-avant puissent dtre op6r6s normalement. Au cas oi, par suite d'une
insuffisance de disponibilit6s, un pr6l vement ne pourrait avoir lieu, en tout
ou en partie, aux dates fix6es ci-avant, la Banque nationale de Belgique
proc6dera d'office au pr6l vement de la somme en cause, d~s que les
disponibilit6s le permettront, de telle mani~re que le compte du Fonds soit
cr6dit6 en un an de respectivement trois cents et deux cent dix millions de
francs belges.
§ 4. Le mandat conjoint, conf6r6 conform6ment au § 1 du pr6sent
article, ne peut dtre modifi6 ou r6voqu6 que du consentement conjoint des
Hautes Parties Contractantes, la Banque nationale de Belgique n'assumarit, de
son c6t6, dans son propre chef, que la responsabilit6 exclusive du mandataire
vis-i-vis de ses mandants.
Pour l'ex6cution de ce mandat, la Banque nationale de Belgique
correspond directement avec la Banque nationale du Congo.

Article 14
Le rglement de la dette publique du Congo beige, faisant l'objet des
dispositions qui-pr6c~dent, constitue une solution oi chacune des Hautes
Parties Contractantes r6serve sa position juridique en ce qui concerne la
reconnaissance-de la dette publique du Congo beige.


Article 15
La propri6t6 des titres constituant le portefeuille du Congo beige
appartient au Congo. Ces titres sont 6num6r6s Ala liste 5 qui est annex6e A la
pr6sente Convention et qui en fait partie int6grante.

Article 16
§ 1. La Belgique effectue, le jour mame de la" signature de la pr6sente
Convention, de son Protocole d'application provisoire et de la Convention
relative aux statuts du Fonds, les formalit6s n6cessaires pour assurer, A la date
de l'entr6e en vigueur de la pr6sente Convention, l'inscription ou toute autre
proc6dure qui serait requise pour constater la propri6t6 du Congo sur les titres
constitutifs du portefeuille du Congo beige.
§ 2. Par d6rogation aux dispositions du § 1 du pr6sent article, les
formalit6s vis~es audit paragraphe ne seront effectu6es pour ce qui conceme
les titres et droits cit6s A la liste 6 qui est annex6e Ala pr6sente Convention et
qui en fait partie int6grante que lorsqu'un accord aura tA conclu entre les
parties int6ress6es.

Article 17
§ 1. Tous droits et obligations, li6s au portefeuille du Congo beige,
quelles que soient la date de leur origine ou leur nature, appartiennent ou
incombent au Congo.
Parmi ces obligations figurent
10 les engagements pris en ex6cution des dispositions fdgaIes ou contrac-
tuelles reprises A la liste 7 qui est annex6e i la pr6sente Convention et qui en
fait partie int6grante;
20 les Conventions conclues respectivement le 3, le 5 et le 6 f6vrier 1965
avec la Compagnie du Katanga et la Compagnie des chemins de fer du Congo
sup6rieur aux grands lacs africains, et la Soci6t6 belgo-africaine du Kivu,
Conventions dont 1'entr6e en vigueur .st r6gl6e par leurs dispositions
§ 2. Le Congo confirme que la remise des titres du portefeuille ne
modifie pas les engagements qui incombaient au Congo beige envers les
soci6t6s et organismes.
Les modifications 6ventuelles ult6rieures auront lieu par voie de Conven-
tions avec ces soci6t6s et organismes.
§ 3. Au cas oti la R6publique d6mocratique du Congo d6sirerait ali6ner
tout ou partie des titres figurant A la liste 5, les soci6tds int6ress6es auront la
facult6 de racheter leurs propres titres par pr6f6rence A tout acqu6reur autre
qu'un ressortissant congolais. En ce cas, le Congo notifiera aux soci6t6s
int6ress6es son intention de vendre et le prix offert par l'acqu6reur 6ventuel.
Cette vente ne sera valable que si la soci6t6 n'a pas, dans le d6lai de deux
mois, notifi au Congo sa volont6 de les acheter. La vente sera parfaite par la
notification de la soci6t, faite dans le d6lai imparti.
§4. Sont exempts de toutes impositions, taxes ou redevances quel-
conques en Belgique et au Congo, les actes et op6rations ou b6n6fices r6alis6s
par application des Conventions conclues par le Congo respectivement le 3 et
le 5 f6vrier 1965 ave la Compagnie du Katanga et la Compagnie des chemins
de fer du Congo sup6rieur aux grands lacs africains ainsi que de la Convention
A conclure avec la Soci6t belgo-africaine du Kivu.


Article 18
Les dispositi6ns qui pr6c~dent ayant pour but de r6gler d6finitivement les
problmes qui en font 'objet, les Hautes Parties Contractantes s'interdisent
toute discussion future et renoncent A toute action ou recours quelconque au
sujet tant de la dette publique que du portefeuille du Congo beige. Elles se
donnent mutuellement d6charge totale et irr6vocable de toute responsabilit6
pour tout acte de gestion ou autre accompli par 'une ou 'autre d'entre elles
en ce qui concerne la dette publique et le portefeuile du Congo beige avant la
date d'entr6e en vigueur de la pr6sente Convention.
En ce qui concerne les pr6l vements op6r6s par le Congo depuis le 30 juin
1960 dans le cadre des Conventions de pret intervenues entre le Congo beige
ou l'Otraco et la B. I. R. D., les Hautes Parties Contractantes sont d'accord de
ne pas les consid6rer comme inclus dans la dette publique du Congo beige.
Ces pr6lbvements constituent un engagement direct du Congo envers la
B. I. R. D. auquel ne s'appliquent pas les dispositions de I'alin6a qui pr6c~de.

Article 19
La position juridique respective des Hautes Parties Contractantes con-
cernant les objets non pr6vus par les dispositions de la pr6sente Convention ne
saurait 6tre mise en cause par lesdites dispositions.


1. Articles 1 et 2 de la loi du 7 aofit 1931, l'article 20 de La loi du 22
juillet 1931, l'article 21 de la loi du 19 juillet 1932 et I'article 6 de la loi du
13 mai 1938 autorisant le Ministre des Colonies A accorder la garantie du
Congo beige A l'int6rdt et A l'amortissement des actions privil6gi~es et
d'emprunts A6mettre par la Soci6t6 des chemins de fer vicinaux du Congo;
2. Article 14 de la loi du 10 mars 1959 autorisant le Ministre des
Colonies A accorder la garantie du Congo beige A la bonne fin des op6rations
de la SocitA de cr6dit au colonat etA l'industrie;
3. Article 7 de la loi du 16 juin 1953, l'article 15 de la loi du 11 juillet
1955 et 1'article 10 de la loi du 10 juillet 1957, autorisant le Ministre des
Colonies A accorder la garantie du Congo beige A l'int6rdt et A l'amortissement
d'emprunts A6mettre
4. Article 12 de par l'Office des cit6s africaines;
La loi du 4 janvier 1951 autorisant le Ministre
Colonies A accorder la garantie du Congo beige aux d6p6ts, et aux int6rets y
aff6rents, confi6s A la Caisse d'6pargne du Congo beige et du Ruanda-Urundi,
au principal et aux int6rets des pr~ts et avances consentis Ala Caisse ainsi qu'A
la bonne fin des op6rations de cr6dit faites par la Caisse en vue du bien-etre et
de l'6mancipation sociale et 6conomique des Congolais;
5. Article 11 de la loi du 27 juillet 1953 autorisant le Ministre des
Colonies A accorder la garantie du Congo beige au ji6ficit annuel de l'Office
d'exploitation des transports coloniaux et au remboursement des emprunts A
6mettre par l'Office;
6. Article 12 de la loi du 10 juillet 1957 autorisant le Ministre des
Colonies A accorder la garantie du Congo beige Al'int6rdt et A 'amortissement
d'emprunts A 6mettre par la Soci6t6 des transports en commun de
L6opoldville, au paiement d'un premier dividende au capital de la SocitA
ainsi qu'au d6ficit du compte d'exploitation de la Socit6;
7. Article 11 de la loi du 10 juillet 1957 autorisant le Ministre des
Colonies A accorder la garantie du Congo beige A l'int6ret et A l'amortisse-
ment d'emprunts A 6mettre par la Soci6t6 des forces hydro- lectriques du
8. Article 13 de la loi du 10 mars 1959 et l'article 9 de la loi du 22 juin
1960 autorisant le Ministre des Colonies A accorder la garantie du Congo beige
A l'int6ret et A l'amortissement d'emprunts A 6mettre par la Soci6t6 des forces
hydro-6lectriques de 'Est de la Colonie;
9. Article 12 de la loi du 10 mars 1959 autorisant le Ministre des
Colonies A accorder la garantie du Congo belge Al'int~r~t et A l'amortissement
d'emprunts A 6mettre par la Soci6t6 des transports en commun d'Elisabeth-
ville, au paiement d'un premier dividende au capital de la Soci6t, ainsi qu'au
d6ficit du compte d'exploitation de la Soci6t6;
10. Article 4 de la Convention conclue le 22 juin 1936, approuv6e par
l'Arret6 Royal du 31 juillet 1936, entre la Colonie du Congo Beige et la
Socit6 "Unatra", par lequel le Congo beige s'est engag6 A verser chaque
ann6e A l'Unatra la somme n~cessaire au paiement de l'int6rdt et de
l'amortissement en 40 ans du capital de la Soci6t6, ainsi que des redevances et
primes en contrepartie de la cession de l'activit6 de la SocitA A 'Otraco.


J'ai l'honneur de confirmer A Votre Excellence nos conversations relatives

A l'emprunt B. I. R. D. vis6 au second alin6a du § 1 de l'article 4 de la
convention sign6e ce jour et relative A la dette publique et au portefeuille du
Congo belge.
Le Gouvernement belge assumera la charge exclusive de cet emprunt et
renoncera A tout recours de ce chef contre la Rpublique d6mocratique du
Congo et 1'OTRACO si, en contrepartie, ce dernier organisme transf~re A
l'Etat beige, avant la date d'entr6e en vigueur de la susdite convention, la
propri6t6 des immeubles qu'il poss~de en Belgique.
Je note que dans ce but le Gouvernement congolais s'engage de son c6t6 A
exposer ces points de vue, qu'il juge raisonnables, aupr~s du Conseil de
g6rance de F'OTRACO afin que ce dernier puisse prendre en temps voulu les
d6cisions et dispositions n6cessaires.
Si ce transfert de propri6t6 n'est pas effectu6 dans les d6lais convenus, les
engagements de I'OTRACO vis-A-vis de la B. I. R. D. du chef de l'emprunt
susvis6 seront consid6r6s comme s'ajoutant A ceux qui sont cit6s A la liste 7
annex6e Ala susdite convention.
Je prie Votre Excellence de vouloir bien marquer Son accord sur le
contenu de la pr6sente.

A Son Excellence Monsieur Moi'se Tshomb6

Premier Ministre de la R6publique D6mocratique du Congo


Votre Excellence m'a adress6 ce jour la lettre suivante

[Voir lettre I.]
J'ai rhonneur de marquer A Votre Excellence mon accord sur le contenu
de cette lettre.



En attendant la mise en vigueur de la Convention pour le r~glement des

questions relatives A la dette publique et au portefeuille de la Colonie du
Congo belge, sign6e ce jour entre le Royaume de Belgique et la R6publique
d~mocratique du Congo, les Hautes Parties Contractantes sont convenues de
l'ensemble des dispositions suivantes :
Le Gouvernement beige et le Gouvernement congolais donnent d~s ce
jour et conjointement A la Banque nationale de Belgique le mandat d'op6rer
les pr61vements pr6vus A l'article 12, § 1, § 2 et § 3, de la Convention pr6cit6e
et ce aux conditions suivantes:
10 les pr~l~vements en question seront op6r6s Apartir du 15 juillet 1965;
20 les montants pr61ev~s seront vers6s au credit d'un compte bloqu6
provisoire A ouvrir dans les livres de la Banque nationale de Belgique sous
l'intitul6: "Fonds provisoire d'alimentation du Fonds belgo-congolais
d'amortisqement et de gestion (compte bloqu6)";
30 les sommes port6es au cr~dit du compte bloqu6 provisoire mentionn6
au 20 ci-avant, seront lib6r6es et mises dans leur totalit6, par la Banque
nationale de Belgique, d'office et sans autre instruction de la part des deux
Gouvemements, A la disposition effective du Fonds belgo-congolais d'amor-
tissement et de gestion, d~s le jour de la mise en vigueur de la susdite
Convention sign6e ce jour.
Les deux Gouvernements conviennent que le Gouvernement du Royaume
de Belgique adressera sans d6lai A la Banque nationale de Belgique le texte de
la Convention pr6cit6e et de son Protocole d'application provisoire, certifi6s
conformes par le Ministre belge des Affaires 6trang6res, cette notification
6tant consid6r6e par eux comme entrainant, A 1'6gard de la Banque nationale
de Belgique, octroi du mandat conjoint d'op6rer les pr6lvements pr6vus A
l'article 12, § 1 et § 2, de la Convention pr6cit6e, et ce aux conditions
6num6r6es dans le pr6sent Protocole d'application provisoire de ladite


Sa Majest6 le Roi des Belges, d'une part, et
Le Pr6sident de la R6publique d6mocratique du Congo, d'autre part,

I Nations Unies, Recueil des Traitds, vol. 540, p. 276 et seq. Entr6e en vigueur le I1
mai 1965.
Consid6rant les articles 5 A 13 de la Convention du 6 f6vrier 19652 entre
le Royaume de Belgique et la R6publique d6mocratique du Congo pour le
r~glement des questions relatives A la dette publique et au portefeuille de la
Colonie du Congo belge,
Sont convenus de ce qui suit


Article 1
Le Fonds belgo-congolais d'amortissement et de gestion, ci-apr~s d6sign6
par le mot "Fonds", est cr66 par l'article 5, § 1, de la Convention du 6 f6vrier
1965 entre le Royaume de Belgique et la R6publique d6mocratique du Congo
pour le r~glement des questions relatives A la dette publique et au portefeuille
de la Colonie du Congo beige.

Article 2
Le Fonds est r6gi tant par les dispositions des articles 5 A 13 de la
Convention pr6cite'e\que par les' pr6sents statuts. II est r6gi en outre, A titre
subsidiaire toutefois, par la loi de l'Etat de son sifge.

Article 3
Le Fonds jouit de la personnalit6 juridique.

Article 4
Le si~ge du Fonds est situ6 h Bruxelles, cette expression devant etre
entendue comme comprenant toutes les communes de l'agglom6ration

Article 5
L'objet du Fonds est d6fini A l'article 5, §'2, de-a Convention pr6cit~e.

Article 13
§ 1. Le conseil d'administration est investi des pouvoirs les plus 6tendus
pour agir au nom du Fonds et faire ou autoriser tous les actes et operations
n6cessaires Ala r6alisation de son objet.
§ 2. I1 a notamment les pouvoirs suivants qui ne peuvent pas 6tre
d6gu6s :
il d6finit la politique g6n6rale du Fonds;
il arrete le rfglement int6rieur du Fonds;
il conclut avec le directeur gon6ral le'contrat d'engagement .de ce dernier
compte tenu de l'article 10, § 2, qui r -6cde;

2 Voir supra, (a).

ilarrate l'6tat de prevision des recettes et des d~penses du Fonds;"
ilarrete le rapport annuel, les 6tats de situation, les inventaires et les
comptes du Fonds;
il autorise l'acquisition, l'6change, la vente des biens immobiliers;
ildonne son avis, chaque fois qu'il est consult6 par les Gouvernements
beige ou congolais, ou par le Comit6 mixte, sur toutes les questions relevant
de l'activit6 du Fonds.
§ 3. ilpeut d~lguer par d6lgations g~n~rales ou sp~ciales, au directeur
g#n~ral, tout ou partie de ses pouvoirs et notamment ceux relatifs aux objets
suivants qui sont 6num6r6s d'une mani~re indicative et non limitative
l'organisation et le fonctionnement des services du Fonds;
l'engagement par contrat du personnel du Fonds;
le placement des sommes disponibles;
les contrats, soumissions et adjudications passes Aiforfait ou autrement,
intbressant l'activit6 du Fonds;
les actions judiciaires tant en demandant qu'en defendant;
les transactions, compromis, acquiescements, d~sistements et subroga-
tions, les mains-lev6es d'inscription, saisies, oppositions et tous actes

Article 14
§ 1. Doivent etre approuv6es par le Comit6 mixte les d6cisions du conseil
d'administration concernant :
la politique g~n~rale du Fonds;
la fixation de la date de cloture de la souscription i l'emprunt 6mis par le
Fonds en vertu de l'article 5, § 2, 20, de la Convention pr6cit6e du 6 f6vrier
1965 entre le Royaume de Belgique et la R(publique d~mocratique du Congo
pour ler~glement des questions relatives a la dette publique et au portefeuille
de la Colonie du Congo beige;
l'6tat de pr6vision des recettes et des d~penses du Fonds;
le rapport annuel du Fonds, les inventaires et les comptes;
le rapport de la fiduciaire qui sera d~sign~e pour proc6der i 'examen des
comptes et bilans conform~ment aux dispositions de l'article 17, § 1 et § 2,
la dissolution du Fonds par l'accomplissement de son objet.
Les susdites decisions du conseil d'administration sont adress~es, en vue
de leur approbation, par le pr6sident dudit conseil aux membres du Comit6
Les decisions pr~cit~es du conseil d'administration sont r~put&s ap-
prouv~es si aucun membre du Comit6 mixte n'y amarqu6 son opposition
dans le dMlai d'un mois a compter de la date d'envoi, par recommand6 i la
poste, de ces decisions.
Si l'un des membres du Comit6 mixte marque son opposition, ilest fait
application de la proc6dure pr6vue h l'article 7,§ 2, ci-avant.
§ 2. Le pr6sident du conseil d'administration peut, en outre, s'il le juge
n6cessaire, soumettre au Comit6 mixte toute question ayant trait A la gestion
du Fonds.
Article 17
§ 1. Le bilan du Fonds est arrdt6 au 30 juin de chaque ann6e et pour la
premiere fois Ala fin du premier exercice complet.
§ 2. Le conseil d'administration arrte chaque ann6e et avant le 30
novembre un compte g6n~ral des recettes et d6penses et le bilan de 1'exercice
cltur6 au 30 juin pr6c6dent.
Avant son approbation par le conseil, ce compte et ce bilan doivent 6tre
examin6s par une fiduciaire d~sign6e par le conseil d'administration.
Le directeur g6n6ral soumet au conseil d'administration, pour le 31
octobre au plus tard, le projet de compte g6n6ral et de bilan auxquels est joint
le rapport de la fiduciaire.
Apr~s leur approbation par le conseil d'administration et le Comit6 mixte,
le compte et le bilan sont publi6s au Moniteur Congolais, 2 e partie et aux
annexes du Moniteur belge.
§ 3. Le conseil d'administration arrete chaique ann6e, avant le 30 avril, le
projet d'6tat de pr6visions des recettes et des d6penses de l'exercice suivant.

Article 24
Les titres qui seront remis au Fonds en liberation des souscriptions en
application des dispositions de l'article 5, § 2, 20, de la Convention pr6cit6e
du 6 f6vrier 1965 seront munis d'un signe recognitif.

Article 25
Les titres de l'emprunt vis6 i l'article 5, § 2, 20, de la Convention du
6 f6vrier 1965, rachet6s pour l'amortissement ou amortis par tirages au sort
seront annul6s par perforation et par l'apposition d'un timbre au moment de
leur pr6sentation A l'organisme qui sera charg6 du service financier de cet

Article 26
Les titres de 'emprunt cit6 h l'article pr6c6dent qui sont amortis soit par
rachats, soit par tirages, doivent tre d6truits par-devant huissier, en pr6sence
d'un d616gu6 du conseil d'administration.
I1 est dress6 proc~s-verbal en triple exemplaire de cette destruction, dont
un est conserv6 par le Ministre des Finances de Belgique, l'autre par le
Ministre des Finances du Congo et le troisi~me par le Fonds.


Article 27
Le Fonds a une dur6e maximale de quarante ans.
Le Fonds ne peut tre dissous que par l'accomplissement de son objet.
Cet accomplissement est constat6 par d6cision du conseil d'administration.
Article 28
§ 1. Lors de la dissolution du Fonds, le conseil d'administration prend
les mesures n6cessaires pour constituer, sur les avoirs du Fonds, les provisions
destin6es & assurer le paiement des charges 6chues qui n'ont pas 6t6 r6clam6es
A la date de Is dissolution.
§ 2. Aprgs extinction du passif, le solde disponible des biens et avoirs
propres du Fonds est r6parti entre les deux Etats Araison de 210/51 Oe pour le
Royaume de Belgique et de 300/5 10e pour la R6publique d6mocratique du
§ 3. Apr~s sa dissolution, le Fonds est r6put6 exister pour les besoins de
sg liquidation.
§ 4. Le solde des provisions constitu6es lors de la dissolution pour
assurer le paiement des charges 6chues qui n'ont pas t6 r6clam6es A la date de
la dissolution, est r6parti dans les memes proportions entre les deux Etats, A
l'expiration des d61ais 16gaux de prescription en vigueur dans l'Etat du sifge.

(ii) Lois et d6crets


DU 19 MAI 19601

Baudouin, Roi des Belges, &tous pr6sents et h venir, salut.

Les Chambres ont adopt6 et Nous sanctionnons ce qui suit:

Article 1
Dans la pr6sente loi, les termes "Etat", "Parlement", "Chambres",
"Chambre des Repr6sentants", "S6nat", "Gouvernement", "Constitution",
"loi" et "arrOt6" :d6signent, s'ils ne sont autrement pr6cis6s, les institutions
congolaises et les actes constitutionnels, l6gaux et r6glementaires accomplis
par elles.

Article 2
Les lois, d6crets et ordonnances 16gislatives, leurs mesures d'ex6cution
ainsi que toutes dispositions r6glementaires, existant au 30 juin 1960 restent
en vigueur tant qu'ils n'auront pas 6t6 express6ment abrog6s.

Article 3
Les dispositions qui suivent'resteront en vigueur jusqu'A la mise en place
des institutions publiques qui auront te organis6es par la Constitution.
Les Chambres ne peuvent modifier la presente loi qu'A la majorit6 pr6vue
h rarticle 99.

1 Moniteur Congolais, 27 mai 1960, p. 119.

Article 4
Le Chef de 'Etat et les deux Chambres composent le pouvoir constituant.

Article 5
Aucune des dispositions de la pr6sente loi ne peut 6tre interpr6t6e dans un
sens oppos 6 .



Article 250
Les fonctionnaires et agents beiges, les officiers et sous-officiers beiges de
la Force publique, les magistrats de carri~re en service au Congo au 30 juin
1960, sont mis A la disposition du Gouvernement.
Les rbgles du statut qui sera applicable A ces agents et dbnt le respect est
garanti, les modalit6s de leur mise h la disposition du Gouvernement ainsi que
les garanties dont jouissent ces agents pendant rexercice des fonctions qui
leur seront confi6es, seront d6termin6es par voie de convention entre le
-Congo et la Belgiqup.


Article 253'
Jusqu'h ce que la Cour constitutionnelle soit l6galement organis6e
conform6ment aux articles 229, 230, 232 et 236, le Conseil d'Etat de
Belgique exerce, selon la proc6dure qu'il d6termine les comp6tences de la
Cour constitutionnelle telles qu'elles r6sultent des articles 229 i 235.

Article 254
Jusqu'A ce que la Cour des Comptes soit l6galement organis6e conform6-
ment A 1'article 243 et en tout cas pour rexercice 1960, la Cour des Comptes
de Belgique est charg6e des op6rations suivantes :
- elle examine si aucun article des d6penses du budget n'a 6t6 d6pass6 et
si les virements et les d6penses suppl6mentaires ont 6t6 approuv6s par la loi;
- elle arrete les comptes des diff6rentes administrations de 'Etat et
recueille A cet effet, aupr~s des Ministres comp6tents, tout renseignement et
toute piece comptable n6cessaires;
- elle formule ses observations au compte g6n6ral de 'Etat, qui est
communiqu6 aux Chambres.
467 •

Article 255
Sauf disposition contraire, la loi 6lectorale du 23 mars 1960 r6gle toute
6lection l6gislative ou provinciale ant6rieure h la mise en vigueur de la
Article 256
§ 1. Dans l'6ventualit6 oii le Gouvernement central ne serait pas
constitu au 30 juin 1960 et jusqu'au jour de sa constitution, les affaires
courantes de 'Etat sont trait6es par un college compos6 du pr6sident et des
membres du coll~ge ex6cutif g6n6ral, d'une part, et de six s6nateurs, d'autre
Ces s6nateurs sont d6sign6s A raison d'un par province par les s6nateurs
repr6sentant celle-ci.
, La d6signation de ces s6nateurs se fait selon la proc6dure pr~vue par
'article 89.
§ 2. Dans l'6ventualit6 ot, le Gouvernement provincial ne serait pas
constitu6 au 30 juin 1960 et jusqu'au jour de sa constitution, les affaires
courantes de la province sont trait~es par un college compos6 du pr6sident et
des membres du collfge ex~cutif provincial, d'une part, et de trois conseillers
provinciaux, d'autre part.
Ces conseillers provinciaux sont d6sign6s par l'assembl6e provinciale.
La d6signation se fait en s6ance pl6ni~re i un tour de scrutin. Ces
conseilers sont 6lus dans l'ordre des voix obtenues.
§ 3. Ces collfges sont pr6sid6s respectivement par le pr6sident du
collfge ex~cutif g6n6ral et par le pr6sident du collage ex6cutif provincial.


Article 25 7
A 'exception des dispositions de la pr~sente rubrique, qui entrent en
vigueur le jour de la publication de Iapr6sente loi, le Roi fixe la date d'entr6e
en vigueurdes autres dispositions de cette loi.

Article 258
Au fur et A mesure de la mise en. vigueur des dispositions de la pr6sente
loi, les dispositions 16gales et r6glementaires existantes qui leur sont
contraires, identiques ou semblables, sont abrog~es.

Article 259
Sont abrog6es au 30juin 1960 :
- la loi du 18 octobre 1908, telle que modifi6e i ce jour, sur le
Gouvernement du Congo beige en tant qu'elle s'applique au Congo beige;
- la loi du 21 mars 1959 portant institution du Conseil de l6gislation du
Congo beige.
Laws and decrees


1. Establishment of Republic of Zambia

On 24 October 1964 (in this Act referred to as "the appointed day") the
-territories which immediately before the appointed day are comprised in
Northern -Rhodesia shall cease to be a protectorate and shall together become
an independent republic under the name of Zambia; and on and after that
day Her Majesty shall have no jurisdiction over those territories.

3. Consequential modificationsof British Nationality Acts

(1) Subject to subsections (2) and (5) of this section, the British
Nationality Acts 1948 to 1964 shall have effect on and after the appointed
day as if in section 1 (3) of the British Nationality Act 1948 (Comonwealth
countries having separate citizenship) there were added at the end the words
"and Zambia", and as if
(a) in Schedule 1 to the British Protectorates, Protected States and
Protected Persons Order in Council 1949 the words "Northern Rhodesia"
were omitted, and
(b) the paragraph set out in Schedule 2 to this Act were substituted for
paragraph (b) of section 74 (1) of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland
(Dissolution) Order in Council 1963.
(2) A person who, immediately before the appointed day, is for the
purposes of those Acts and of the said Order in Council of 1949 a British
protected person by virtue of his connection with Northern Rhodesia shall
not cease to be such a British protected person for any of those purposes by
reason of anything contained in the preceding provisions of this Act, but shall
so cease upon his becoming a citizen of Zambia.

(5) Nothing in subsection (1) of this section shall affect the meaning of
"protectorate" in any law or instrument passed or made before the passing of
this Act, not being a law or instrument contained in or made under any of the
British Nationality Acts 1948 to 1964.

5. JudicialCommittee of Privy Council

(1) Her Majesty may by Order in Council confer on the Judicial
Committee of the Privy Council such jurisdiction and powers in respect of

1 Public GeneralActs and Measures, 1964, chap. 65, p. 1125.

2 The provisions of sections 2 and 6 of this Act are basically similar to those of
sections 2 and 6 of the Botswana Independence Act 1966 (supra, pp. 130 and 131). The
same similarity exists between the provisions of section 5 (3) (4) (5) of the Act in
question on the one hand and those of section 5 (3) (4) (5) of the Gambia
Independence Act 1964 on the other hand (supra, pp. 189 and 190); sections 3 (3) (4)
and 4 are similar to sections 2 (2) (3) and 3 of the Fiji Independence Act 1970 (supra,
pp. 179-180); section 7 is similar to section 7 of the Kenya Independence Act 1963
(supra, p. 249).
appeals from any court having jurisdiction under the law of Zambia as may be
specified in, or determined in accordance with any provisions contained in,
the Order in Council.
(2) Any Order in Council under this section may contain such incidental
and supplemental provisions as appear to Her Majesty to be expedient.

9. Power to make consequentialprovisions

Her Majesty may by Order in Council make such adaptations in any Act
of Parliament passed before this Act, or in any instrument made or having
effect under any such Act, as appear to Her necessary or expedient in
consequence of the change in the status of Northern Rhodesia taking effect
on the appointed day.
10. Provisions as to Orders in Council and other instruments
(1) An Order in Council or other instrument made under any Act of
Parliament passed before the appointed day, other than this Act, which varies
or revokes a previous Order in Council or instrument in consequence of the
change in the status of Northern Rhodesia taking effect on the appointed
day, and any Order in Council under section 6 or section 9 of this Act, may,
if made after the appointed day, be made so as to take effect on the
appointed day.
(2) An Order in Council under section 6 or section 9 of this Act
(a) may contain such transitional or other incidental or supplemental
provisions as appear to Her Majesty to be necessary or expedient;
(b) may be varied or revoked by a subsequent Order in Council; and
(c) shall be subject to annulment in pursuance of a resolution of either
House of Parliament.
11. Short title, interpretationand repeal

(2) References in this Act to any enactment are references to that

enactment as amended or extended by or under any other enactment.
(3) The Act mentioned in Schedule 3 to this Act shall on the appointed
day be repealed to the extent specified in the third column of that Schedule.


Amendments not Affecting the Law ofZambia

PartI. Extension of Certain Enactments Applicable to Commonwealth

Countries Having Fully Responsible Status

•1 The provisions of Part I of the first schedule are basically similar to the provisions
of the second schedule to the Gambia Independence Act 1964 (supra, pp. 191-193).
PartII. Exceptions from S,2 (1) of Act
11. Section 2 (1) of this Act shall not apply to the Army Act 1955, the
Air Force Act 1955 or the Naval Discipline Act 1957.
12. Notwithstanding anything in section 2 (1) or section 3 (5) of this
(a) the Colonial Development and Welfare Act 1959 shall not apply in
relation to Zambia as if it were a colony within the meaning of that Act, and
(b) section 2 (7) (b) of the Civil Aviation (Licensing) Act 1960 shall not
apply in relation to Zambia as if it were a protectorate within the meaning of
that Act.

Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland (Dissolution) Order in Council 1963

Paragraphsubstituted for section 74 (1) (b)

"(b) any reference in those Acts to a period of residence in a
protectorate included any period of residence in Northern Rhodesia or
Nyasaland before the dissolution of the Federation, any period of residence
in Northern Rhodesia after the dissolution of the Federation but before 24th
October 1964 and any period of residence in Nyasaland after the dissolution
of the Federation but before 6th July 1964."


2. Revocations
The Orders specified in Schedule 1 to this Order (hereinafter referred to
as "the existing Orders"), excepting sections 19 and 20 of the Northern
Rhodesia (Procedure in Appeals to Privy Council) Order in Council 1963 (c),
are revoked.
3. Establishment of Constitution
Subject to the provisions of this Order the Constitution set out in
Schedule 2 to this Order (hereinafter referred to as "the Constitution") shall
come into effect in Zambia at the commencement of this Order:
Provided that section 20 (8) of the Constitution shall come into effect in
Zambia on 24th October 1966 or such later date as Parliament may prescribe.

1 Statutory Instruments 1964 (III), p. 3643. Came into operation immediately

before the 24th October 1964.
2 The provisions of sections 4 (1) (2) (3), 6, 17, 18, 19 (1) (2) (3) and 20 of this
Order are basically similar to those of sections 4 (1) (2) (3), 9, 13 (1) (2), 15, 16 and 17
of the Botswana Independence Order 1966 (supra, pp- 132,7135, 136 and 137). The
same similarity exists between the provisions of section 4 (4) (5) of the Order in
question and those of section 4 (2) (5) of the Barbados Indepehdence Order 1966
(s&fra, pp. 120 and 121); section 5 (1) of the Order is similar to section 5 41) (a) of the
Malawi Independence Order in Council 1964 (supra, p. 305); section 16 is similar to
section 14 of the Kenya Independence Order in Council 1963 (supra, pp. 251-252).
4. Existing laws

(6) For the purposes of this section, the expression "the existing laws"
means all Ordinances, laws or statutory instruments having effect as part of
the law of Northern Rhodesia or any part thereof immediately befqre the
commencement of this Order (including any Ordinance, law or statutory
instrument made before the commencement of this Order and coming into
operation on or after the commencement of this Order) which were made or
had effect as if they were made in pursuance of the existing Orders or were
continued in force by the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland (Dissolu-
tion) Order in Council 1963 (d).
5. Existing offices

(2) Where any office of Minister (other than the office of Prime Minister)
or of Parliamentary Secretary is established under the existing Orders
immediately before the commencement of this Order an equivalent office
shall be deemed to have been established, from the commencement of this
Order, under the Constitution, and any person holding that office im-
mediately before the commencement of this Order shall be deemed to have
been appointed, immediately after the assumption of office by the first
President of the Republic of Zambia, to hold the equivalent office in
accordance with the provisions of the Constitution.
(3) The President may, at any time after the commencement of this
Order, require any person who continues in office by virtue of the provisions
of this section to take an oath of allegiance and any oath for the due
execution of his office that is prescribed by or under an Act of Parliament.
(4) The provisions of this section shall be without prejudice to the
provisions of section 9 or 10 of this Order.
(5) In this section "existing law" means such a law as is referred to in
section 4 (6) of this Order.

19. Property and assets

(4) Nothing in subsection (1) or (3) of this section shall apply in relation
to any property or assets which, immediately before the commencement of
this Order, are vested in Her Majesty, the Secretary of State or the Governor
of Northern Rhodesia by virtue of the Northern Rhodesia (Crown Lands and
Native Reserves) Orders in Council 1928 to 1963 (a) or the Northern
Rhodesia (Native Trust Land) Orders in Council 1947 to 1963 (b).

21. Remuneration of certain officers

21. Until other provision is made in that behalf by Parliament in
pursuance of section 111 of the Constitution and subject to the other
provisions of that section, there shall be paid to the holders of the offices to
which that section applies the salaries payable to the holders of the
corresponding offices immediately before the commencement of this Order.

Orders revoked by this Order

The Northern Rhodesia (Barotseland) Order in Council 1953 (c)
The Northern Rhodesia (Barotseland) (Amendment) Order in Council
1963 (d)
The Northern Rhodesia (Constitution) Order in Council 1963 (e)
The Northern Rhodesia (Procedure in Appeals to Privy Council) Order in
Council 1963 (f)(except ss. 19/20)
The Northern Rhodesia (Constitution) (Amendment) Order 1964 (a)
The Northern Rhodesia (Constitution) (Amendment No. 2) Order
1964 (b)
The Zambia (Election of First President) Order 1964 (c)


The Constitution of Zambia'

Chapter1. Citizenship

8. Persons entitled to be registered as Zambia citizens by virtue of

connection with Zambia
(1) Subject to the provisions of this section, any person who
(a) has attained the age of twenty-one years or is a woman who is or has
been married;
(b) is a Commonwealth citizen or a citizen of the Republic of Ireland or
a citizen of any country in Africa to which this subsection applies; and
(c) has been ordinarily resident in Zambia for the prescribed period, shall
be entitled, upon making application in such manner as may be prescribed by
or under an Act of Parliament, to be registered as a citizen of Zambia.

(4) The countries in Africa to which subsection (1) of this section applies
(other than countries to which section 9 of this Constitution applies) are any
countries which are for the time being declared by the Minister, by notice
published in the Gazette, to be countries which permit citizens of Zambia to
become citizens of those countries by registration.
(5) Any period during which a person was resident in former Protector-
ate of Northern Rhodesia may, if that period was continuous until the
commencement of this Order, be taken into account in determining whether
that person has been resident in Zambia for the prescribed period.

1 The provisions of sections 4 and 120 of this Constitution are basically similar to
those of sections 23 (2) (3) (4) and 117 (1) to (6) of the Constitution of Botswana
(supra, pp. 137, 138, 139 and 140). The same similarity exists between sections 6 and 9.
(1) (2) of the Constitution in question on the one hand and sections 5 and 8 (1) (2) of
the Constitution of Barbados on the other hand (supra, p. 125). Section 3 is similar to
section 2 (1) (2) of the Constitution of Barbados (supra, p. 124) with the only difference
that the former applies to "a British protected person" instead of "a citizen of the
United Kingdom and Colonies", as does the latter.
(6) In this section "the prescribed period" in relation to any person,
means the period of four years immediately preceding that person's
application for registration.
9. Commonwealth citizens

(3) Save as may be otherwise provided by Parliament, the countries to

which this section applies are the United Kingdom and colonies, any country
that on 23rd October 1964 is specified in section 1 (3) of the British
Nationality Act 1948 and any other country that may be prescribed by
10. Reciprocalprivileges for citizens of other countries
(1) A citizen of any country to which section 9 of this Constitution
applies and a citizen of any other country which the Minister may for the
time being specify by notice published in the Gazette shall enjoy the same
rights and privileges (being rights and privileges that, under this Constitution
or any other law in force in Zambia, are enjoyed by citizens of Zambia other
than any rights and privileges under section 61 or 66 (1) of this Constitution)
as a citizen of Zambia enjoys under the Constitution of the country
concerned or under any other law in force in that country.
(2) In any proceedings to determine whether a citizen of any country
other than Zambia should enjoy any right or privilege in Zambia by virtue of
subsection (1) of this section, a certificate signed by the Minister shall be
prima facie evidence on the question whether a citizen of Zambia enjoys that
right or privilege under the Constitution of that other country or under any
other law in force in that other country.



[Note: The provisions of this Order are basically similar to those of the
Kenya Compensation and Retiring Benefits Order in Council 1963 (supra,
p. 264).]


1. Citation, commencement and construction

(2) This Order shall come into operation immediately before 24th
October 1964.
(3) This Order shall be construed as one with the Northern Rhodesia
(Native Trust Land) Orders in Council 1947 to 1963.

1 Statutory Instruments, 1964 (I11), No. 1653, p. 3723. Caine into operation
immediately before the 24th of October 1964.
2 Statutory Instruments 1964 (111), p. 3753.
2. A inendmen t of Order of 1947
The Northern Rhodesia (Native Trust Land) Order in Council 1947, as
amended, is further amended in the respects specified in the Schedule to this
3. Vesting of native trust lands in President
All Native Trust Land that immediately before the commencement of this
Order is vested in the Secretary of State shall, on the commencement of this
Order, be transferred to and vest in the President of the Republic of Zambia.
4. Saving of existing rights
Nothing in this Order or the Zambia Independence Order 1964 shall
affect any estate right or interest in or over any land which the Governor or
any other officer or authority of the Government of Northern Rhodesia,
acting in exercise of any power in that behalf conferred by or under the
Northern Rhodesia (Native Trust Land) Order in Council 1947 or any Order
amending that Order has at any time before the commencement of this Order
created, granted, recognised or otherwise acknowledged, and, accordingly,
those estates, rights and interests shall continue to have the same validity as
they had before the commencement of this Order and the Zambia
Independence Order 1964.


1. Citation, commencentent and construction

(2) This Order shall come into operation immediately before 24th
October 1964.
(3) This Order shall be construed as one with the Northern Rhodesia
(Crown Lands and Native Reserves) Orders in Council 1928 to 1963
2. Amendment of Order of 1928
The Northern Rhodesia (Crown Lands and Native Reserves) Order in
Council 1928, as amended, is further amended in the respects specified in the
Schedule to this Order.
3. Vesting of rights in Crown lands, etc. in President
All rights in or in relation to Crown lands or other immovable property in
Northern Rhodesia that are vested in Her Majesty immediately before the
commencement of this Order shall, on the commencement of this Order, be
transferred to and vest in the President of the Republic of Zambia.
4. Vesting of native reserves in President
All native reserves that, immediately before the commencement of this
Order, are vested in the Secretary of State shall, on the commencement of
this Order, be transferred to and vest in the President of the Republic of
5. Saving of existing rights
Nothing in this Order or the Zambia Independence Order 1964 shall
affect any estate, right or interest in or over any land or other immovable
property which
I StatutorI, Instruments, 1964 (Part 111). p. 3750.
(a) the Governor or any other officer or authority of the Government of
Northern Rhodesia, acting in exercise of any power in that behalf conferred
by or under the Northern Rhodesia (Crown Lands and Native Reserves) Order
in Council 1928 or any Order amending that Order, has at any time before
the commencement of this Order created, granted, recognised or otherwise
acknowledged; or
(b) is recognised or otherwise acknowledged by any provision of the
Northern Rhodesia (Crown Lands and Native Reserves) Order in Council
1928 or any Order amending that Order as an estate, right or interest of any
person other than Her Majesty or the Secretary of State,
and accordingly those estates, rights and interests shall continue to have the
same validity as they had before the commencement of this Order and the
Zambia Independence Order 1964.

Laws and decrees

2. Modifications of British Nationality Acts

(4) Part III of the British Nationality Act 1948 (which contains
supplemental provisions) shall have effect' for the purposes of the last
foregoing subsection and Schedule 2 to this Act as if those provisions were
included in that Act.
(5) The amendment of the Order in Council of 1949 made by
subsection (1) (b) of this section shall not affect the meaning of the
expression "protectorate" in any law or instrument passed or made before
the passing of this Act, other than the British Nationality Acts 1948 and
1958 or any instrument made under those Acts.

4. Power to make consequentialprovisions

Her Majesty may by Order in Council make such adaptations in any Act
of Parliament passed before this Act, or in any instrument made or having
effect under any such Act, as appear to Her necessary or expedient in
consequence of the change in the status of Zanzibar taking effect on the
appointed day.
5. Provisions as to Orders in Council and other instruments
(1) An Order in Council or other instrument made under any Act of
Parliament passed before the appointed day, other than this Act, which varies

1 Currently a part of the United Republic of Tanzania. See also Part I, Section
I1, B, 4.
2 Public GeneralActs and Measures, 1963, Chap. 55, p. 1397.
3 The provisions of section 1 and 3 of this Act are basically similar to those of
sections 2 and 6 of the Botswana Independence Act 1966 (supra, pp. 130 and 131). The
same similarity exists between the provisions of section 2 (1) of the Act and those of
sections 2 (1) of the Gambia Independence Act 1964 (supra, p. 189). The provisions of
section 2 (2) (3) of the Act are basically similar to those of section 2 (2) (3) of the Fiji
Independence Act 1970 (supra, p. 179).
or revokes a previous Order in Council or instrument in consequence of the
changes in the status of Zanzibar taking effect on the appointed day, and any
Order in Council under section 3 or section 4 of this Act, may, if made after
the appointed day, be made so as to take effect on the appointed day.
(2) An Order in Council under section 3 or section 4 of this Act
(a) may contain such transitional or other incidental or supplemental
provisions as appear to Her Majesty to be necessary or expedient,
(b) may be varied or revoked by a subsequent Order in Council, and
(c) shall be subject to annulment in pursuance of a resolution of either
House of Parliament.
6. Short title, interpretationand repeals

(2) References in this Act to any enactment are references to that

enactment as amended or extended by or under any other enactment,
including this Act.
(3) The Acts and Order in Council mentioned in Schedule 3 to this Act
shall on the appointed day be repealed to the extent specified in the third
column of that Schedule.


PartI. Extension of certain Enactments applicable to Commonwealth

Countrieshaving fully Responsible Status

Part II. Exceptions from s. 1 (1) of Act

Colonial development and welfare

14. Section 1 (1) of this Act shall not apply to the definition of
"colony" in section 9 of the Colonial Development and Welfare Act 1959.

Foreign JurisdictionAct 1890 and Orders in Council thereunder

15. (1) Section 1 (1) of this Act shall not apply to the Foreign
Jurisdiction Act 1890 or any Order in Council made under that Act, but the
provisions of the Orders in Council made under the said Act which are set out
below (and which apply in relation to Zanzibar the Colonial Probates Act
1892 and the enactments listed in Schedule 1 to the Foreign Jurisdiction Act
1890 as originally enacted) shall, subject to the provisions of this paragraph,
continue in force on and after the appointed day.
(2) The provisions of this paragraph shall have effect subject to any
Order in Council made under section 4 of this Act.

1 The provisions of Part I of this schedule are basically similar to those of the second
schedule to the Gambia Indepencence Act 1964 (supra, pp. 191-193).
Description of Order Provisions continued in force

Order in Council dated 30th March 1916

and applying the Colonial Probates
Act 1892 to Zanzibar. (S.R. & Q.
1916 No. 275) ................. The whole Order.
The Zanzibar Order in Council 1924. (S.R.
& 0. 1924 No. 1401.) ........... Section 25 except so far as it applies the
Admiralty Offences (Colonial) Act
1849, the Admiralty Offences (Colonial)
Act 1860 or any provisions of the
Merchant Shipping Act 1894.

Section 27.


Exemptions from Operation ofs.2 (2) of Act

1 The provisions of this schedule are basically similar to those of section 3 (1) (2) (3)
(4) (5) of the Fiji Independence Act 1970 (supra, pp. 179-180).

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