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Programme Master Grande École (MGE)

Master Grande Ecole Program (MGE)


Intitulé du cours / Course Title Writing a business plan

Année / Year 2017 - 2018

Semestre / Semester S4

Département /Department Management

Responsable du cours /Course Coordinator Olivier Giacomin

Heures de face à face pédagogique / 15

Contact Hours

Heures de travail personnel / 30

Personal Work Hours


Code / Course code

Descriptif du cours / Course description

The first goal is to familiarize students with the notion of “Business Plan”. The notion of the business
plan concept will be defined and the big question "How to build your business plan" will be analyzed.
As part of this course, and as an example, the following questions will be addressed: What is a Business
Plan? What is the structure of a business plan? How can I develop my Business Plan? What are the
questions / issues to address in my Business Plan and why?

The second goal will be to allow the students to carry out a first business plan (with particular attention
to the description of the business opportunity identified by students).
Objectifs pédagogiques du cours (connaissances et compétences) / Course’s pedagogical objectives
(Knowledge & Skills)
A l’issue de ce cours l’étudiant aura développé les capacités suivantes / At the end of the course
students will have developed the following knowledge and skills:

- Team work
- Entrepreneurial mindset/spirit development
- Ideas generation/structuration
- Soft skills development

Rôle de ce cours pour les 5 objectifs d’apprentissage du programme / Role of this course for the 5
Learning Objectives of the program

Acquisition de Objectifs d’apprentissage Importance

Acquisition of Learning Objectives Relevance
0, 1, 2, 3
Savoir utiliser les principaux outils et concepts des domaines
clés du Management 1
Be able to use the key tools and concepts in all key areas of
Faire preuve d’esprit d’entreprise, de créativité et de
responsabilité 3
Develop a responsible and creative mindset, oriented toward
Travailler efficacement en groupe, être moteur dans la conduite
du changement, la transformation numérique et la conduite de 3
Be active team members, be able to spur change, foster digital
Compétences / transformation and lead projects
Raisonner de façon globale, être capable de travailler dans un
contexte multiculturel 2
Think globally and be used to working in a multicultural
Comprendre les enjeux de l’éthique des affaires, de la
responsabilité sociale, du développement durable et de la 0
diversité organisationnelle
Have an understanding of business ethics, social responsibility,
sustainable development and organizational diversity

Contenu des séances / Content of Lectures or Tutorials

- The first two sessions will be devoted to the study of the notion and the methodology of "Business
Plan". Different Business Plan templates will be discussed and analyzed. In the second session, the
students (by team) will present the projects/the ideas on which they will work/for which they will carry
out a business plan.
- Sessions three and four will be devoted to the question "What kind of information should I
present/explain to a potential investor ? Sessions three and four will also be devoted to the coaching
sessions in order to help/advice the students in the realization of their Business Plan project.

- The last session will be devoted to the presentation of the Business Plan by each team.

Méthodes Pédagogiques / Pedagogical Methods

- Coaching

Evaluation / Assessment

Indiquer le ou les modes d’évaluation et le poids de chaque format dans la note finale / Indicate the
assessment method (s) and weight of each format in the final grade

- Contrôle Continu / Continuous Assessment : 30 %

- Examen Intermédiaire / Mid-Term Test : %
- Examen Final / Final Exam : 30 %
- Dossier, Projet / File, Project: 40 %
- Autre / Other : %

Bibliographie / Bibliography

Books :

McKeever M. (2012), « How to Write a Business Plan », éditions Nolo, p. 274

Osterwalder A. et Pigneur Y. (2010), « Business Model Generation: A Handbookfor Visionaries, Game

Changers, and Challengers », éditions Wiley, p. 288

Date de rédaction / Date : 29 Mars 2017

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