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ISAE Année académique : 2023-2024



Intitulé du cours : Anglais

Durée : 20 heures

Enseignant: …Dr. N’GUESSAN Gervais…………

Le cours a pour objectif d’améliorer la compréhension orale en anglais et la fluidification de la
Ce cours durant ce semestre est divisé en deux parties ; un thème, lié à des actualités économiques
que les étudiants doivent préparer, est donné. Ils discutent et chacun doit expliquer son point de
La deuxième partie du cours est dédiée à des présentations. Une liste de sujets est donnée aux
étudiants. Ils doivent choisir un sujet dans la liste pour le présenter. Cela dans le but d’améliorer
l’expression orale et la fluidification de la prononciation.

Listes des thématiques abordées :

Global brands, International marketing, Traditional education versus online education, Job
automation and artificial intelligence in the workplace, supply chain, Finance, job and employment

Exemples de tâches intermédiaires et finales pouvant être réalisées :

- Expression Ecrite : rédaction de note de synthèse, synthèse critique, compte-rendu de projet,
article, texte argumentatif
- Composition Orale : écoute portant sur des émissions ou reportages (radio/télé)
- Expression Orale / Interaction Orale : jeux de rôles, exposés, débats, enregistrements audio/

Démarche pédagogique
o Cours magistral
o Simulations de cas avec vidéo.

o L’évaluation est basée sur deux contrôles continus, un au milieu du semestre et l’autreà la fin,
plus la note de présentation.
o Le contrôle continu final: consiste à analyser le sujet que chacun choisi
pour sa présentation et des questions sur les autres présentations dans le
but de mesurer la compréhension de chacun des autres sujets présentés
par les étudiants.

NB :
• Les cours ont lieu 1 fois par semaine
• Durée hebdomadaire du cours : 2 h (lundi-vendredi)
• Retard toléré : 30 mn (les heures ne sont pas rattrapées)
• Les cours et évaluations (continue et examens) se font en présentiel
• Les supports de cours des intervenants et leurs sujets sont remis au
secrétariat 24h avant le démarrage des cours et évaluations pour
validation, mise en page et impression)
• Le cours est interrompu après deux (2) retards constatés. Les heures
réalisées ne sont pas payées.

I. Class debate

Topic 1: cell phone is not important.

Topic 2: digital currencies and the future of economy.

Topic 3: investment: from microeconomy to macroeconomy.

II. Term Paper

Select one of the following topics for presentation:

1. Impact of artificial intelligence on marketing strategies;

2. Digital transformation and supply chain management;
3. Economic implications of blockchain technology;
4. Strategic management in the era of digital disruption;
5. Data-driven decision making in marketing;
6. Sustainable practices in corporate management;
7. Role of big data in economic forecasting;
8. Blockchain applications in streamlining logistics processes;
9. Digital marketing trends: navigating the future;
10. Ethical considerations in AI and machine learning;
11. Economic challenges and opportunities in the digital age;
12. Innovations in product management in the digital era;
13. Cross-border logistics challenges and solutions;
14. Green logistics; sustainable practices in transportation;
15. The future of work: AI and human collaboration;
16. E-commerce trends shaping the global economy;
17. Marketing analytics: leveraging data for success;
18. Challenges and solutions in global supply chain management;
19. Cold chain logistics: ensuring the quality of perishable goods;
20. Strategies for reducing transportation costs in logistics;
III. Pronunciation
1. What is pronunciation?

Pronunciation refers to a way in which a word or a language is spoken, including the articulation of
sound, stress patterns, intonation and rhythm. It involves the correct and clear vocalization of words to
convey meaning effectively. Improving pronunciation often requires attention to individual sounds,
stress placement within words and the overall rhythm and flow of spoken language.

2. Practice
2.1. Words reading

Technical Skills, Interpersonal Skills, Conceptual Skills, Diagnostic Skills, Communication Skills,
Decision-Making Skills, Time-Management Skills, Leading, good, business, girl, great, greet.

2.2. Text Reading

Text 1

Some people question the value of history and theory. Their arguments are usually based on the
assumptions that history has no relevance to contemporary society and that theory is abstract and of no
practical use. In reality, however, both theory and history are important to all managers today. A theory
is simply a conceptual framework for organizing knowledge and providing a blueprint for action.
Although some theories seem abstract and irrelevant, others appear very simple and practical.
Management theories, used to build organizations and guide them toward their goals, are grounded in
reality' In addition, most managers develop and refine their own theories of how they should run their
organizations and manage the behavior of their employees. An awareness and understanding of
important historical developments are also important to contemporary managers.'' Understanding the
historical context of management provides a sense of heritage and can help managers avoid the mistakes
of others.

Text 2

At the dawn of the twentieth century, the preliminary ideas and writings of these and other managers
and theorists converged with the emergence and evolution of largescale businesses and management
practices to create interest and focus attention on how businesses should be operated. The first important
ideas to emerge are now called the classical management perspective. This perspective actually includes
two different viewpoints: scientific management and administrative management. Productivity emerged
as a serious business problem during the first few years of this century. Business was expanding and
capital was readily available, but labor was in short supply. Hence, managers began to search for ways
to use existing labor more efficiently. In response to this need, experts began to focus on ways to improve
the performance of individual workers. Their work led to the development of scientific management

This section intends to develop the students’ writing and speaking skills in English. Key tasks
are on the agenda.

1. Interview

This subsection aims at providing with tools for successful job interviews. As future managers,
they will have a clear insight into the fundamentals and processes to acquire a job.

1.1.Direct interview

It is chart-based between the employer and the applicant

1.2.Indirect interview

It is when the applicant makes a presentation to convince the employer for the vacant post. The
applicant speaks for a long time, listened by the employer, by providing with more information
about his profile, competence and so forth. It requires a master of the self-presentation trends,
one’s training and professional experiences.

2. Email

Sending a mail to someone is a frequent task in the professional realm. That calls for such
politeness formula as best regards, sincerely, kind regard and so on dependently on the context.

Here are some politeness formulas and their contextual meanings

• Kind regards : Cordialement. Il est utilisé lorsque nous nous trouvons dans un contexte
plus décontracté, approprié pour des relations professionnelles.
• Best regards : Meilleures salutations. C’est une formule de politesse standard pour
conclure un mail professionnel.
• Sincerely : sincèrement. Il est poli et formel, souvent utilisé dans des contextes
• Thanks and regards : merci et cordialement: formule formelle pour conclure une lettre
ou courriel.
• Yours Faithfully : veuillez agréer, l’expression de mes salutations distinguées. C’est
une combinaison de gratitude et de politesse.
• Best wishes : meilleurs vœux. Formule très formelle, souvent utilisée dans un contexte
professionnels traditionnels.
• Looking forward to hearing from you: dans l’attente d’une suite…………..
• Warm regards : cordialement chaleureux. Indique l’attente d’une reponse. C’est une
formule plus aimable tout en restant professionnelle.

3. Curriculum Vitae
Personal Information picture


Professional Profile (experiences and trainings)



Scientific Publications





4. Report writing
• Define purpose and scope: clearly outline the purpose and scope of your report to
provide focus.
• Research and gather information: collect relevant data and information through
thorough research
• Organize and analyze data: arrange the gathered information logically and analyze it
to draw meaningful conclusion.
• Create an outline: structure your report with a clear outline including sections such as
introduction, methodology, findings and conclusion.
• Write the introduction: introduce the topic, state the purpose, and provide an overview
of what the report will cover.
• Methodology: describe the methods used to gather data, ensuring transparency and
• Present findings: share the results of your analysis in a clear and organized manner,
using visuals if necessary.
• Discussion: summarize the key points, restate the purpose and offer any
recommendations or next steps.
• References: cite all sources used in your report to give credit and allow for verification.
• Proofread and edit: review your report for clarity, coherence and correctness. Ensure
it follows any specific guidelines or requirements.
• Finalize and submit: make any necessary revisions and submit the polished report by
the deadline
5. Letter
• Addresser (address, phone number, Email);
• Date;
• Addressee’s information (address, phone number, Email);
• Greeting or salutation (dear…..);
• Body (content);
• Closing (sincerely, best regards);
• Signature if the letter is to be printed;
• Postscript (cancellable).

1. Listening Class

Reading of videos

2. Translation Class

Une facture, Passer une commande, Rédiger une note à la hiérarchie, décommander, yango
livraison, mon équipe de travail, le personnel de travail, Yango expresse, La gestion des
ressources humaines, Une chute, La bonne gestion, Une entreprise, Une usine, l’Entrepôt, Un
supermarché, Un chiffre d’affaires, Un billet, Un ticket, l’Approvisionnement, la Distribution,
Chaîne d’approvisionnement, Gestion des stocks, Transport, la Logistique inversée,
l’Optimisation des itinéraires, l’Echange de données informatisé (EDI), Juste-à-temps (JAT), le
Système d’information logistique, Conditionnement, segmentation, positionnement, stratégie
omnicanal, recrutement, entretien d’embauche, Curriculum vitae, lettre de motivation,
intégration, évaluation des performances, avantages sociaux, congés, aujourd’hui est férié,
formation professionnelle, mobilité interne, gestion du temps, évaluation 360 degrés, gestion
des compétences, politique de diversité et d’inclusion, plan de succession, gestion de conflits,
rémunération, flexibilité au travail, bien-être au travail, bilan social, gestion d’équipe, prise de
décision, communication interpersonnelle, planification stratégique, objectifs SMART,
motivation des employés, feedback constructif, gestion du changement, développement
professionnel, délégation, autorité, culture d’entreprise, éthique professionnelle, gestion du
temps, équipe autonome, innovation, tableau de bord.


Cross-docking, Logistique verte, Last mile delivery : livraison du dernier kilométre, Picking:
processus de collecte des produits dans un entrepôt pour satisfaire les commandes, Warehouse
Management Système (WWS) : Systéme Informatisé de gestion d’entrepôt pour l’optimisation
des opérations, Supply Chain Visibility, Return on investment (ROI), persona, call-to-action
(CTA), Search Engine Optimization (SEO), marketing viral, swot analysis, lead generation,
inbound marketing, brand equity, Key performance indicator, Buzz marketing, loyalty program,
content marketing, guérilla marketing, target audience, conversation rate, A/B testing.
Onboarding, leadership, coaching.

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