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Ku Klux Klan

Ku Klux Klan
Le Ku Klux Klan, appel souvent par son sigle KKK ou galement le Klan, est une organisation
suprmatiste blanche des tats-Unis fonde le 24 dcembre 1865. Classe l'extrme-droite sur
l'chiquier politique amricain, elle n'a cependant jamais t un parti politique, mais une
organisation de dfense ou de lobbying des intrts et des prjugs des lments traditionalistes et
xnophobes de certains Blancs protestants, les White Anglo-Saxon Protestant (WASP - acronyme en
jeu de mots avec la gupe en anglais) qui se revendiquent en tant que communaut ethnicoreligieuse et appuient leur revendication d'une suprmatie blanche sur une interprtation trs
particulire de la Gense 9:27 (trs prsente dans le Bible belt )1 et sur les doctrines racistes de
l'anthropologie du XIXe sicle2.
Au XXIe sicle, elle est surtout une nbuleuse d'organisations plus ou moins formelles et
structures, lgales ou clandestines, souvent rivales entre elles. Bien qu'elle demeure un symbole
fort, elle n'en est pas moins concurrence aujourd'hui par des organisations l'image moins
archaque, comme les groupes nonazis, plus ouvertement rvolutionnaires, ou les milices prives
d'autodfense, plus communautaires et communalistes.
Le Ku Klux Klan prne schmatiquement la suprmatie de la race blanche sur les autres
races Noirs (descendants des anciens esclaves), Asiatiques (immigrs chinois et japonais), la
communaut Arabe, Hispaniques (Mexicains, Cubains, Portoricains et autres peuples issus
d'Amrique latine), ainsi que gnralement l'antismitisme, l'anticatholicisme (ici sont surtout viss,
l'origine du moins, les immigrs d'obdience catholique : Polonais, Italiens et Irlandais),
l'antiorthodoxie (ici sont viss les levantins et les Europens orientaux tels les Grecs, Roumains,
Yougoslaves, Russes ou Ukrainiens...), l'anticommunisme et l'homophobie. Il est d'abord
conservateur et xnophobe. Dans une large mesure, il est aussi trs anticentraliste (trs hostile ce
qu'il considre comme des empitements des autorits fdrales sur les droits des tats) et plutt
isolationniste en politique trangre.
Le Ku Klux Klan est primitivement issu de la dfaite et de l'occupation des onze tats
scessionnistes de l'Union en 1860-1861 et membres des tats confdrs d'Amrique (CSA),
territoire familirement appel Dixieland par les troupes fdrales et de la raction spontane des
lments les plus actifs de la population devant les excs commis par celles-ci et surtout par leurs
collaborateurs civils.
Il renat beaucoup plus tard au moment de la Premire Guerre mondiale, mais cette fois-ci sous la
forme d'une association lgale et culturelle, ouverte tous les WASP, du Nord comme du Sud,
dsireux de dfendre les valeurs qu'ils considrent comme fondamentales de la Nation blanche
amricaine. Le second Ku Klux Klan disparat officiellement en 1944.

#OpKKK Phone and Email KKK (#3) #Anonymous

#OPKKK dox #3 #AntiSec #Anonymous @YourAntiSec
Part 1 :http://pastebin.com/An3jXvEt
Part 2 :http://pastebin.com/9K8gfnPL
+1 229 883 0909
+1 870 587 8051
+1 800 226 0344
+1 402 296 9520
+1 512 219 4525
800 332 1455
312 243 2000
+1 312 243 3954
+1 866 387 8602
+1 202 296 4810
+1 609 771 7165
+1 606 771 7780
+254 73 06 2000
+254 70 995 5000
800 472 0072
+1 516 663 5990
877 336 7200
+1 978 970 2115
+1 770 499 4633
+1 517 321 6121
+1 800 825 8131
+1 516 663 5990
+1 978 970 2212
Emails :

#OpKKK Phone members KKK - Anonymous

#OPKKK dox #1 #AntiSec #Anonymous @YourAntiSec
WEBSITE -- edpdlaw@comcast.net
Email -- klanman1866@kkkknights.com
+1 636 296 6670
034 755 5043
+1 573 244 5723
+1 184 755 4011
724 575 0700
800 293 5781
724 575 0700
+1 226 755 4010
+1 336 432 0386
+1 214 755 4012

#OpKKK Phone members KKK (#2)- Anonymous

#OPKKK dox #2 #AntiSec #Anonymous @YourAntiSec
800 293 5781
+1 888 276 6760
+1 336 432 0386
+1 703 753 7817
+1 561 744 9604
+1 804 248 2557
+1 573 244 5723
+1 202 482 5607
+1 502 428 6112
+1 502 277 2776
+1 423 357 3552
Website Email:iwtak@traditionalistamericanknights.com

La Liste Du KKK

Chris Barker Imperial Wizard and Amanda Barker Imperial Kligrapp

2. Loyal White Knights
3. Current Address: Reidsville, NC
4. Phone: 336-432-0386
5. Email: Klanman1866@yahoo.com
6. Password: Passw0rd666
8. Timothy Alan Cahill, 54
9. DOB: September 1960
10. Current Address: 6901 Lake Park Bellville RD, Lake Park, GA 31636, 5365 Golf Dr, Lake Park, GA 31636
11. Phone: 229-559-8645, 229-559-5113, 540-989-6887
12. Social Accounts: N/A
13. Relatives: Karen Cahill, Kim R Cahill
15. Ronald Edwards, 1959
16. Imperial Wizard of the IKA
17. Phone: 270-797-8196
18. Current Address: P.O.Box 177 Dawson Springs, KY 42408
19. Vehicle: 1995 Ford Contour, 1991 Plymouth Voyager
20. VIN: 1falp6536sk107503, 1p4gh44r1mx643330
21. IP:,
23. Richard A Piglowski, 66
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24. Current Address: 544 Malinmor Dr and 673 Willow Lake Ct Weldon Spring, MO 63304
25. Phone Numbers: 636-300-4663, 636-928-0960, 636-278-4073, 314-780-0960
26. Vehicle: 2012 Mercedes C Class
27. VIN: wddgf8bb7cr207078

28. Relatives: Jean Marie Piglowski, Jennifer Ann Piglowski

30. William Walters Update
31. Grand Dragon of the East Coast Knights of the Truly Visible Empire
32. http://www.phillymag.com/news/2014/06/25/kkk-william-walters-tacony-town-watch-philadelphia/
33. Current Address: 7111 Torresdale Ave Apt.1 Tacony Philadelphia, PA 19135
34. Phone: 215-624-3995, 215-333-0228
35. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/william.walters.50
36. IP:
37. Relatives: Lisa Walters
39. Everette Webster Ellis, 69
40. Chairman and Treasurer of Jefferson Davis Memorial Committee
41. Current Address: 620 N James st Ashland VA 23005,
42. Phone: 804-357-9231
43. Email: 2ndltcmdr@scvva.org, rebel.yonder2@gmail.com
44. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/everette.ellis.3
45. http://www.scvva.org/contacts/DivOfficers.html
46. Relatives: Florence Ellis, Bradley Scott Ellis, James Rodney Ellis
48. Charles "Chuck" Ernest McMichael,
49. Commander SCV http://www.ksscv.org/images/ksdivisionnewsletter200809.pdf
50. Phone: 318-929-4848, 318-758-1601, 318-423-0709
51. Current Address: 7994 Blanchard Furrh Rd Shreveport, LA 71107
52. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chuck.mcmichael
53. LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/pub/chuck-mcmichael/8/351/2b6
54. Relatives: Mary Mcmichael, Marinell Land Mcmichael, Ralph A Mcmichael, Belinda Mcmichael, Charlie
55. Email: Cic@scv.org, charlie.mcmichael@gmail.com, confederater@yahoo.com

56. IP:
58. Fred Carver Wilhite, 74
59. Chairman for Kentucky State Heritage SCV
60. http://www.southernwarroom.info/post/the-yankee-klan-3181521
61. Current Address: P.O. Box 10 Calhoun, KY 42327, 4880 State Route 81 N Calhoun, KY 42327-9769
62. Phone: 270-785-4594
63. Relatives: Joyce Wilhite, Le Hoover, Fred W Wilhite, Aja Wilhite
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64. Twitter: @nightshiffer999
65. Email: Fredc@hotmail.com, fredwilhite@msn.com
66. Vehicles: 2007 Ford Focus, 1995 Ford Probe
67. VIN in order:1fafp34n97w279765, 1zvlt20a3s5152222
68. IP:
70. William G Bill Hicks , 63
71. Also commander of Lt. Robert J. Tipton #2083, Elizabethton, TN
72. http://wagsofnetn.files.wordpress.com/2012/09/allen-farm-davis-branch-split-rocks-murray-ellis.pdf
73. Current Address: 150 Sapphire Dr. Elizabethton, TN 37643
74. Phone: 423-542-6782
75. Relatives: Pamela Gwen Hicks
76. Vehicles: 1994 toyota halfton pickup
77. VIN: 4tavn01d2rz175928
79. Valerie Protopapas: 65
80. Antiochian Orthodox Christians Diaconessa Valerie Protopapas,
81. Educational Director and ExecutiveSecretary
82. http://dixieoutfitters.com/pdfcatalogs/pbs-program-lee-04032011.pdf
83. http://dixienet.org/rights/open_letter_to_bill_oreilly_20112909.php

84. Current Address: 14 Peartree Ln Huntington Station, NY 11746

85. Phone: 631-271-4408
86. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/valerie.protopapas
87. Email: vaproto@aol.com vaproto@optonline.net
88. Relatives: John W Protopapas(same address)
90. Tripp Lewis A.K.A. Norwell Lewis:
91. http://cwmemory.com/2013/01/13/virginia-flagger-arrested/
92. Current Address: 612 S Pine St. Richmond, VA 23220 and 2733 Indian Hollow Rd Winchester, VA 22603
93. Phone: 540-888-4192
94. Relatives: Perry Betsy Lewis, Jack Lewis, Mary Lewis(mom) Carly Lewis all at same address.
96. Andrew Bevier Hartwell, 45
97. https://www.facebook.com/1623014149/posts/10203018546097592
98. Current Address: 8217 Silverton Ct, Chesapeake Bch, MD 20732
99. Phone: 410-286-5276, 443-684-0689
100. Relatives: James Meeker, Ted Hartwell, 75, Jennifer Hartwell, 37
101. Vehicle: 2013 chrysler town and country
102. VIN: 2c4rc1bg6dr667911
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104. Kevin Shiflet, 55
105. Photographer, President of Monroe County History Center (SCV)
106. http://www.mccwrt-in.org/sentinels/2012_May.pdf
107. Current Address: 1104 Forest View Dr S Ellettsville, IN 47429
108. Phone: 812-876-2415, 361-7491
109. Email: shiflet.photography@gmail.com, keshift@aol.com
110. Twitter:@kevinshiflet

111. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ShifletPhotos

112. Relatives: Joshua Shiflet, Melanie Shiflet, same address
114. Monroe County Civil War Roundtable
115. c/o Monroe County History Center
116. 202 E. 6th St.Bloomington, IN 47408
117. 812-332-2517
118. http://www.mccwrt-in.org/
120. Connie Louise Chastain a.k.a. Connie C Ward a.k.a. Connie Ward Chastain: 65
121. League of the south
122. http://mybacksass.blogspot.com/2011_09_01_archive.html
123. http://vimeo.com/user2395264
124. Current Address: 4679 Cerny Rd Pensacola, FL 32526-2752
125. Phone: 850-748-7205 850-457-7678
126. Email: southernwriter@cox.net
127. Twitter: @ConnieChastain
128. Relatives: Hayward T ward Jr.(same address)
129. http://conniechastain.com/
130. http://wordslingerboutique.biz/
132. Susan Frise Hathaway: 46
133. http://vaflaggers.blogspot.com
134. http://southernflagger.blogspot.com
135. Current Address: 608 Candlewood Ln Sandston VA 23150 Henrico County
136. Phone: 804-328-1201
137. Email: shathaway@verizon.net
138. Twitter: @VAFlagger
139. Relatives: Jesse L Hathaway, Elizabeth Hathaway (daughter) Jesse Hathaway (son)

141. Grayson Jennings: 60s
142. http://southernflaggers.blogspot.com/2013/08/va-flaggers-vmfa-update-8-23-2013-by.html
http://deadconfederates.com/2013/08/31/whatopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API pdfcrowd.com
143. Current Address: 7095 Old Lantern Trl Mechanicsville VA 23111 Hanover County
144. Phone: 804-746-4970
145. Email:mwj819@aol.com
146. Twitter: @GraysonRebel
147. Relatives: Marie Jennings, wife, 60s Jared (son)
149. Karen Cooper: 40s (the token black for VAFlaggers, we are not fooled)
150. http://mhconstitution.com/2013/10/01/northern-racism/
151. https://cwcrossroads.wordpress.com/2014/0/page/21/
152. Current Address: 7409 Kwantre Park Ave Richmond VA 23237 Chesterfield County
153. Phone:804-275-8079 804-271-2152
154. Email: ashleyg71373@hotmail.com
155. Relatives: Courtney Cooper (daughter)
156. Vehicle: 2009 nissan Altima
157. VIN: 1n4al21e69n467575
159. VA Flaggers: P.O. Box 547 Sandston VA 23150 info@vaflaggers.com http://vaflaggers.blogspot.com/
161. Robert Michael Givens:
162. Leader of SCV: http://cwmemory.com/2012/08/11/the-other-michael-givens
163. Movie director, writer.
164. Current Address: 4221 West Lawndale, CA 90260.
165. Phone:310-579-2572.
166. Email: MicGivens@gmail.com,

167. Twitter:@MGivensDirector
169. "Dr." James Michael Hill:
170. League of the South president and founder:
171. http://www.splcenter.org/get-informed/intelligence-report/browse-all-issues/2000/summer/a-league-oftheir-own
172. Current Address: 1506 Oak Lea Rd Decatur, AL 35603, 44 Moccasin Trl. Odenville, AL 35120.
173. Phone: 256-351-2807
174. Email:craftman@charter.net, craftman1506@att.net
175. Relatives: Lloyd Hill, Mike Hill, Jimmy Hill, Margaret Hill
177. Matt Heimbach and Matt Parrott are inseperable and live together, their info has been combined.
179. Matthew Warren Heimbach:
180. Supervisor at Swarm Strategies
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181. www.swarmstrategies.com
182. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2013/04/24/mostly-noise-riding-along-with-towson-s-white-pridesafety-patrol.html
183. http://www.tradyouth.org/2014/05/our-sabbatical/
184. Twitter: @matthew-heimbach
185. LinkedIn: linkedin.com/pub/matthew-heimbach/5a/574/129
186. Relatives: Karl Steven Heimbach, Margaret Heimbach
188. Matt Parrott:
189. Leader of traditionalist Youth Network
190. Consultant at Swarm Strategies
191. www.swarmstrategies.com
192. http://spe-lunk-ing.blogspot.com/2013/06/traditionalist-youth-network-leaders.html


193. Current Address: 1145 Golfview Dr Apt F Carmel, IN 46032

194. Phone: 317-324-8282
195. Email: parrott.matt@gmail.com
196. Stormfront.org Forum ID: Evolian
197. Relatives: Sandra Parrot(mom) 828-515-0084. 5 Haden Dr. Leicester, NC 28748
199. Justin Burton & Freda Mincey (fiance)
200. http://alabamaflaggersinfo.blogspot.com/2014/11/alabama-flaggers-unity-dedication.html
201. http://confederateheritageandprideblog.blogspot.com/2014/03/university-greys-article-by-freda_31.html
202. Current Address: 864 n merrill st 64 park ridge Illinois 60068
203. Phone: 847-318-0988
204. Email:Jburtman55@gmail.com, Fredamincey69@gmail.com
205. Twitter: @fredaMincey @confederateburt
206. Relatives: Jennifer White (freda's daughter) Daniela Burton
207. IP:,
209. Jared F Taylor:
210. American Renaissance editor
211. http://alabamaflaggersinfo.blogspot.com/2014/11/alabama-flaggers-unity-dedication.html
212. http://www.adl.org/assets/pdf/combating-hate/jared-taylor-extremism-in-america.pdf
213. Current Address: 2705 Green Holly Springs ct. Oakton, VA 22124.
214. Phone: 703-716-0932, 703-716-0900
215. Email: jared.taylor@amren.com
216. Twitter: @Jartaylor
217. Relatives: Charlotte Taylor, Samuel Taylor
218. IP:
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221. Merlin L Miller:
222. Presidential candidate of the white nationalist American Third Position part: interview:
223. Current Address: 345 Deer Path Ln Gaitlinburg, TN 37738
224. Phone: 865-430-2234 865-325-8180 865-436-4923
225. Email:brainwashme@aol.com
226. Twitter: @VoteMerlin2012
227. Vehichle: 2002 mitsubishi eclipse spyder
228. VIN: 4a3ae45g62e027211
229. Relatives:(daughters) Amanda and Heidi Miller: 3645 Moonshine way, Gaitlinburg TN 37738 and 345
Deer Path Ln. Gaitlinburg TN 37738.
231. Steve Kukla:
232. http://gawker.com/5898493/my-kasual-kountry-weekend-with-the-knights-of-the-ku-klux-klan
233. Current Address: 1100 Stonegate Dr. Auburn, AL 36832.
234. Phone: 334-826-7853
235. Relatives: Bonnie Kukla(same address), Joseph A Kukla, Natalie S Kukla
237. Billy Joe Roper:
238. Founder of the white power group White Revolution
239. http://www.splcenter.org/blog/2011/09/08/bill-roper-shutters-white-revolution-joins-klan/
240. Current Address: 607 NE Kelly Dr. Walnut Ridge, AR 72476 P.O. Box 832 Walnut Ridge, AR 72476
241. Twitter: @RoperBilly
242. Relatives: Melissa Ann Roper, Edith Jackso Roper
243. Vehicles: 2000 Oldsmobile Alero
244. VIN: 1g3nl52t1yc307897

246. Rachel Pendergraft
247. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlHhEK1BlBg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkjoNaXvESg
248. Current Address: 900 w Drake st Fayetteville, AR 72704 and 6377 Lead Hill Rd Harrison, AR 726017330
249. Phone: 870-577-8535, 479-443-6745, 479-443-6776
250. Email: zippy0714@hotmail.com
251. Twitter: @rachelpen
252. Relatives: Thomas Robb (dad) Shelby and Charity (sisters)
254. Norman Lee Fowler, 65
255. Brigade commander http://www.florida-scv.org/officers.html
256. Current Address: 4223 Deerpoint Lake Dr Southport, FL 32409. a.k.a. 4223 Deerpoint Lake Dr Panama
City, FL 32409
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257. Phone: 850-265-2096, 850-524-6598
258. Email: nfowler9@hotmail.com
259. LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/pub/norman-fowler/65/768/317
260. IP:
261. Relatives: Angeli M Fowler 60
262. Vehichle: 2003 Honda Accord
263. VIN: 1hgcm56363a016283
265. Thomas Ashley Blanks
266. Virginia Division Genealogist http://www.scvva.org/Join.html
267. Current Address: (work)P.O. Box 6 Evington, VA 24550, 2241 Leda Grove Rd Nathalie, VA, 24577,
P.O. Box 46 Lynch Station, VA 24571
268. Phone: 434-369-7399
269. Email: tablanks@embarqmail.com

270. Relatives: Tammy W Blanks, Pamela A Blanks, Larry W Blanks, Ernest G blanks, Rebecca L Vaughan
272. Dexter E Oliver
273. SCV 2nd lt. command
274. Current Address: 2240 Cardiff Way Richmond, VA 23236
275. Phone: 804-745-9441
276. Email: VABN22@aol.com, antode@hotmail.com
277. IP:
278. Vehicles: 2005 Ford Focus
279. VIN: 1faf034n75w101432
281. Ernst Christof Friedrich Zundel 24 Apr1 '93
282. Racist, Nazi, Holocaust denier http://www.nndb.com/people/289/000025214/
283. Current Address in States: 1819 Natures Ln Sevierville, TN 37862 and 2662 Wears Valley Rd Sevierville
TN 37862,
284. Phone: 865-429-2501, 865-774-1560, 865-774-7756
285. Twitter: @ZundelFromHell
286. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/klint.eastwood.5249, and
287. Relatives:Janick (div 1977), Pierre, Hans, Irene(div 1997), Ingrid Rimland (wife)
288. Website: zundelsite.org
289. IP:,
291. Harold Charles Hal Turner 15 Mar 1962
292. Racist, Nazi, Blogger http://www.splcenter.org/get-informed/intelligence-files/profiles/hal-turner
293. Current Address: 1906 Patterson Plank Rd. Unit 1A #10P North Bergen, NJ 07047
294. Phone: 201-348-8388, 201-348-8449
295. Email: secret12@optonline.net
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296. Twitter: @halturner2014

297. Relatives: Madeline Beatrice, Michael Turner

298. IP:
300. Kevin Alfred Strom 1957
301. Racist and pedophile: Founder, National Vanguard
302. Last known Address from registered sex offenders: 316 Owen Dr, Johnstown, PA 15904
303. Website: http://www.kevinalfredstrom.com/2009/01/kevin-alfred-strom-address-to-the-court/
304. I.P.
305. Last known Address from registered sex offenders: 316 Owen Dr, Johnstown, PA 15904
307. Thomas Linton Metzger 9 Apr 1938
308. Former California Grand Wizard of KKK
309. http://www.snipview.com/q/Ku%20Klux%20Klan%20Grand%20Dragons
310. Current Address: 4026 Calle Marlena San Clemente, CA 92672-4514
311. Phone: 949-498-2321
312. Twitter: @RealTomMetzger
313. Relatives: Nancy J Metzger (same address) Kate R Metzger,
315. Erich Josef Gliebe 1964
316. Chairman, National Alliance
317. https://www.indymedia.org/es/2006/03/835597.shtml
318. Current Address: 7463 Akins Rd North Royalton, OH
319. Phone: 440-628-8031
320. Stormfront ID: Proud Anglo-Saxon
321. Relatives: Hollie Gliebe
322. Vehichle: 1984 Oldsmobile 88
323. VIN: 1g3an37y6e9711711
325. David Ernest Duke 1 Jul 1950

326. "Former" KKK Grand Wizard

327. US Senator
328. https://www.stormfront.org/david_duke/persecution.html
329. Current Address: 240 Garden Ave Mandeville, LA 70471
330. Phone: 985-626-7714, 985-676-4433
331. Email: info66@davidduke.com
332. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/drdaviddukeFANpage/info?tab=page_info
333. Twitter: @RealDrDuke, @DrDavidDuke
334. Relatives: Kristine Duke
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336. Willis Allison Carto aka Bill Young, 88
337. Founder of Liberty Lobby, IHR
338. http://www.nizkor.org/faqs/ihr/ihr-faq-02.html
339. http://imagine2050.newcomm.org/2009/12/17/willis-carto-reaches-out-to-more-extreme-anti-semites/
340. Current Address: 28802 Po Box San Diego, CA 92198, PO Box 1248 and 1306, Torrance, CA 50505,
4009 Pacific Coast Highway, Box 412,
341. No phone found.
342. Relatives: Elisabeth W Carto
344. Stephen Donald B Black 28 Jul 1953
345. Stormfront.org founder https://www.stormfront.org/dblack
346. Current Address: 24742 Walnut Dr, Elkmont, AL 35620
347. Phone: 256-732-4796, 256-393-9903, 303-807-0694
348. Email: dblack@webtv.net
349. Twitter: @StormfrontWPWW
350. Relatives: Christopher L Black, Daniel Gilbert Black, Margaret Jones Black, Michael B Black
352. Gordon Lee Baum 1940-2015
353. Council of Conservative Citizens http://www.kmov.com/community/blogs/news-4-investigates-daily-


354. Current Address: 2412 Park Ave. St Charles, MO 63301

355. Phone: 636-734-0165, 636-942-1196
356. Email: esoballa@yahoo.com
357. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gordon.baum.3
358. Relatives: James P Baum, Mildred Osner, Linda G Baum, Renee G Baum
359. IP:
360. Vehicle:2000 ford windstar
361. VIN: 2fmza5147ybc42163
363. Kirk David Lyons, 58
364. Adjutant of Issac Newton Griffen Camp 758 Black Mountain SCV
365. https://www.stormfront.org/kirk.html
366. Current Address: P.O. Box 1235 Black mtn, NC 28711, 2 Arosa Ct in BlackMtn, NC
367. Phone: 828-669-5189, 828-712-2115
368. Email: kdl@slrc-csa.org, kirkdelyons@gmail.com
369. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LoneStarFamilyTrusts
370. Website: lonestarfamilytrusts.com
371. IP:
372. Relatives: Brenna S Lyons
374. Joe Wilson, 31 Jul 1947
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Torrance, CA 90505, 7777 Alvarado Rd ste 712, La Mesa CA 91942
375. Congressman http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2009/09/11/joe-wilsons-rebel-yell.html
376. Current Address: 2229 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington DC 20515, 2825 Wilton Rd West
Columbia, SC
377. Phone: 202-225-2452, 803-794-1116
378. Email: joe.wilson@mail.house.gov
379. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JoeWilson

380. Twitter: @RepJoeWilson @CongJoeWilson

381. Relatives: Roxanne Wilson, Allan Wilson, Addison Graves Wilson JR. Julian Dusenbury Wilson, Hunter
Taylor Wilson

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