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Financial Economie - Crypto

Présentation orale: en anglais

Durée: 10 min environ
Format powerpoint: -Diapo avec du texte, explications


Plan de la présentation

I- Présentation de solana et principe de blockchain (explication de ce que c’est)

Histoire de Solana et de sa crypto SOL
Les investisseur initiaux de Solana et ce qu’ils ont fait
La force de Solana : une architecture spécifique
Les performances du token SOL
Comment à été fait l'émission de token
Qui possède les token (investisseurs institutionnels…)

Les 3 caractéristiques
- Sa technologie
- Adresse à un public spécifique
- Comment elle est gérée (différent des autres blockchain)
II- Problématique à laquelle à fait face solana
- Analyser pour savoir ce qui est bien ou pas
- Couché technologique de Solana, ce qu’elle apporte de différents
- Pourquoi blockchain en panne
- Actualité brûlante valeur: 200 avant 24 mtn: il y a eu des soucis que s'est-il passé ?


Hello everyone, today we are going to introduce you the Solana blockchain. First of
all we will make a presentation of solana and the blockchain principle (History, performance,
investors, etc). Then, we will expose the problems faced by Solana. Finally we will make a

I- Presentation of solana and the blockchain principle (3 characteristics: technology,

Addresses a specific audience, How it is managed)

History of Solana and its crypto SOL

Solana is a high-performance decentralized blockchain built with the goal to enable

the scalability of user-friendly applications. Solana is thought to have one of the
fastest-growing ecosystems in the world, with thousands of projects spanning DeFi, NFTs,
Web3, and beyond.

The Solana blockchain is best known for its lightning-fast and inexpensive transactions.
Solana’s scalability ensures that all transactions remain under $0.01.

Solana differentiates itself from Eterum by addressing an issue related to blockchain

overload, thus reducing transaction costs.

With this innovative hybrid consensus model, Solana attracts both amateur and professional
traders. One of the main goals of the Solana Foundation is to make decentralised finance
more widely available.

The genesis of Solana can be attributed to Anatoly Yakovenko, who started working on the
project as early as the end of 2017, when he published the White Paper of this new
blockchain. The paper in question introduces the concept of "Proof of History", a novel
method for determining the date of transactions, and a key technology of the platform, which
we will come back to in more detail below. Then, on 16 March 2020, the first Solana block
was created.

SOL is the native cryptocurrency of the Solana blockchain.SOL is used in two ways:

- Pay for transaction fees: Though Solana's fees are supposed to be cheaper than those of
other cryptocurrencies, it still charges a fee to send transactions or run smart contracts, the
blockchain-based computer programs that cut out intermediaries from digital transactions.
Smart contracts are the building blocks of more complicated apps on Solana, such as
finance apps or apps for music streaming.
-Staking: Like many other blockchains, Solana is secured through a consensus mechanism.
People who want to help secure the cryptocurrency by being a "validator," can "stake" some
of their SOL, or lock it up to secure the network and earn money while doing so.
Thirty-seven percent of the SOL tokens that were initially distributed went to investors, 25%
was split between Solana's team and the Solana Foundation, the nonprofit steering
development of the cryptocurrency, and 38% was sent to Solana Foundation's community
fund reserve.

The initial investors of Solana and what they did

The crypto-currency platform has the backing of major investors, including leading global
Solana a été créée par Anatoly Yakovenko, un ingénieur logiciel expert des
algorithmes de compression et des systèmes distribués, qui a commencé à travailler
sur le projet dès fin 2017, date à laquelle il a publié le White Paper de cette nouvelle
blockchain.Il s’est associé à Greg Fitzgerald, Raj Gokal et Eric Williams, ils
cofondent l’entreprise Solana Labs la même année

L’équipe de Solana Labs a publié le testnet de la blockchain Solana au mois de février 2018, et a
entamé une série de levées de fonds en 2019. Plusieurs dizaines de millions de dollars ont ainsi
été récoltés pour financer le projet, qui aboutira finalement en mars 2020 avec le lancement
officiel de Solana et de sa crypto SOL. La volonté de concevoir un concurrent capable de
rivaliser avec Ethereum suscitant l’intérêt de nombreux investisseurs.

Proof of History (PoH)

Solana uses a technology called Proof-of-History (PoH) which, in theory, helps the
network to determine the date of transactions more efficiently, and ensures its scalability. It is not
a classic consensus mechanism, but a rather innovative solution in the form of a decentralised
cryptographic clock, which makes the platform faster and more efficient, as validators do not
need to communicate with each other in order to validate a block on the blockchain. Each node
has its own clock...

To achieve this, Solana implements an algorithm called Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance,
abbreviated pBFT, which uses the nodes' cryptographic clocks to help them reach consensus
without having to send a large stream of communications to each other. This proof-of-history
algorithm thus allows for a significant improvement in transaction speed.

The nodes agree on the temporal order of events recorded on the blockchain, within an optimal
time interval, known as the "slot time", during which a validator will submit a block to the network.
In the case of Solana, this interval is normally 400 milliseconds. Thanks to this way of recording
transactions, Solana can easily keep track of events, especially their order.

● Solana's technological layer, what it brings different

What sets Solana apart from other cryptocurrencies is its proof of history (PoH) technology to
verify transactions on the network. Timestamps are used as part of the process, allowing
computers around the world to agree on a time that the transaction took place and to
determine which order the transactions occur.

Better Transaction Speeds

According to Solana's developers, this technology, coupled with other innovations,
significantly accelerates the speed of transactions while ensuring good security on the
blockchain. This is what makes it capable of processing more than 50,000 transactions per
second, without going through second layer networks.

This transaction speed also leads to energy savings in the long run. Indeed, the
transactions carried out by solana will require for example half as much energy as a
simple google search

How the token issuance was done

Who owns the tokens (institutional investors...)

Token: Ce que l’on appelle de façon générique des cryptomonnaies, sont avant tout des
tokens, ou jetons en français. Ce sont des actifs numériques, non duplicables, créés et
échangeables sur les blockchains. Pour mémoire, un actif est un bien qui possède une
valeur. Et cette dernière peut être financière bien sûr, mais il peut s'agir également d’un droit
de vote ou de propriété par exemple.

Les données de Solana Compass indiquent que la société de trading Alameda Research
contrôlait 48 636 772 tokens SOL. Cela signifie que la société, actuellement en faillite, de
Sam Bankman-Fried gérait plus de 643 millions de dollars de SOL. Cette réserve SOL est
actuellement gérée par les liquidateurs d’Alameda Research, dans le cadre du processus de
faillite de l’entreprise

II- Problems faced by solana

● Analyze to know what is good or not


Like all other blockchains and cryptocurrencies, Solana also has its drawbacks. Even though
this blockchain can compete with the most renowned projects, it is vulnerable to
centralisation as there are not many block validators.

Anyone on the network can become a Solana validator, but this requires significant
computing resources. Moreover, the protocol is still presented as a beta version of the main
network. Therefore, there may be bugs and errors.

Despite these weaknesses, Solana remains one of the leading blockchains in the crypto
world and looks set to grow over the years. Its token released in March 2020 has quickly
become one of the top 10 crypto-currencies by capitalisation.
Le hack de Solana
In August 2022, Solana was hacked. According to experts, one of the private keys was
compromised, leading to the stealing of SOLs from Slope, Phantom and TrustWallet.

The Solana Foundation's official Twitter account Solana Status commented on the incident,
stating that "the impacted addresses were created, imported or used on the Slope mobile
wallet applications. This exploit has been isolated to a wallet on Solana, and the hardware
wallets used by Slope remain secure.

The foundation says the information was inadvertently transmitted to an application

monitoring service. This incident inevitably leads to a loss of confidence from some investors
which could greatly damage the image of the Solana blockchain.

● Why is the Solana cryptocurrency collapsing ?. The difficulties it has face

The SOL has seen many fluctuations since its creation in 2020. Indeed, since its creation,
the Solana platform with its innovative response to the problem of transaction costs and the
speed of exchanges, has managed to make its way into the market. Starting in 2021 with a
value of $1.61, Solana's token managed to peak at $227.14 in November of that year.
However, like many other blockchains, Solana was impacted by the crypto-currency market
crash related to the giant FTX and thus ended 2022 with a value of $13. During this year the
SOL has seen a negative fluctuation of more than 70%. Currently the value of a sol is

Pourquoi un effondrement soudain de Solana?

Cette cryptomonnaie est lié à l'ancien patron de FTX, Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF), qui
aujourd'hui a des problèmes avec la justice.
Depuis trois ans, SBF a en effet investi des millions de dollars dans cette crypto et sa
blockchain associée. Ce qui a fait un coup de pub énorme pour Solana, jusqu'au jour où le
scandale FTX a explosé.
SOL a chuté de 51,14 % depuis que la fureur autour de FTX a commencé à se dérouler le 2
novembre. Au cours de la même période, l'éther a chuté d'environ 21,3 % et le bitcoin de
17,6 %.

Plusieurs pannes ont entamé la crédibilité de Solana

In recent years, it has been affected by several outages. One of the most notable was
in April 2022, when the blockchain crashed for 7 hours due to an influx of bots. More than 4
million transactions per second were sent to the network, far more than it is able to handle.
During 2021, in September, it suffered a Distributed Denial-of-Service ( DDoS) attack that
disrupted traffic on the network, which had already caused the Solana blockchain to go
offline for more than 17 hours.

Definition: A Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attack is a malicious attempt to disrupt the

normal traffic of a targeted server, service or network by overwhelming the target or its
surrounding infrastructure with a flood of Internet traffic.

Conclusion:Solana is a promising project, supported by important figures in the

crypto ecosystem, and in a definite upswing since early 2021. However, it should not
be forgotten that Solana is evolving in the highly competitive world of decentralised
application platforms, with one still largely dominant player: Ethereum, and multiple
projects each with their strengths and weaknesses.
But beware, the project is still young, and investors are not immune to setbacks like the
blockchain shutdown that occurred in September 2021 and April 2022.
selon crypto news “nous avons cherché sans succès des raisons pour un retour en
force de Solana sur le devant de la scène crypto. Les problèmes se sont accumulés sur le projet,
et pour le moment, il semble véritablement en perte de vitesse par rapport à ses concurrents. Il
est bien entendu possible qu’un retour en grâce ait lieu au cours de l’année 2023, mais à l’heure
actuelle, il y a bien peu d’indications qui montreraient un regain d’intérêt pour ce projet.
Les signes éventuels à surveiller pour un regain d’intérêt sur Solana seraient des annonces de
développements techniques intéressants, en particulier des fonctionnalités qui lui permettraient
de se démarquer d’Ethereum, ainsi qu’un regain d’intérêt pour les projets en finance
décentralisée basés sur cette blockchain.”

Solana differs from other technologies like ethereum or bitcoin when it comes
to cryptocurrencies, NFTs, and blockchains. But why is the Solana blockchain so
distinctive ? What exactly is it ?
To answer these questions we will introduce you to the Solana blockchain.
First of all we will make a presentation of solana and the blockchain principle
(History, performance, investors, etc). Then, we will expose the problems faced by
Solana. Finally we will make a conclusion.

I- Presentation of solana and the blockchain principle

History of Solana

What it is ?

Solana is one of the few blockchains based on proof-of-history, rather than

proof-of-work, like Bitcoin, or proof-of-stake, like Ethereum now. Solana uses
proof-of-stake in conjunction with PoH, and did so even before Ethereum did, we'll
talk more about this later. Solana is thought to have one of the fastest-growing
ecosystems in the world, with thousands of projects spanning DeFi, NFTs, Web3,
and beyond.

Who created it ?
Solana was created by Anatoly Yakovenko, a software engineer expert in
compression algorithms and distributed systems, he founded the open-source, public
blockchain in 2017. It is a pretty recent item of technology when compared to bitcoin,
which debuted in 2009, and ethereum, which was formed in 2013. Like a lot of other
blockchains and cryptocurrencies, Solana had a whitepaper to get things going.
Unlike the well-known Bitcoin whitepaper, which was only nine pages long, the
Solana document was 32 pages long and divided into seven pieces. Proof of History,
a consensus mechanism that uses a trustworthy clock for network synchronization
and maintains time amongst machines that do not trust one another, was described
in the Solana whitepaper.
When he published the White Paper of this new blockchain, is associated with
Greg Fitzgerald, Raj Gokal and Eric Williams, they co-founded the company Solana
Labs the same year. The Solana Labs team published the Solana blockchain testnet
in February 2018, and began a series of fundraisers in 2019. Several tens of millions
of dollars were thus collected to finance the project, which will finally succeed. in
March 2020 with the official launch of Solana and its crypto SOL. The desire to
design a competitor capable of competing with Ethereum arousing the interest of
many investors.

It’s specificity ?

The Solana blockchain is best known for its lightning-fast and inexpensive
transactions. Solana’s scalability ensures that all transactions remain under $0.01.

Solana differentiates itself from Eterum by addressing an issue related to blockchain

overload, thus reducing transaction costs.
With this innovative hybrid consensus model, Solana attracts both amateur and
professional traders. One of the main goals of the Solana Foundation is to make
decentralised finance more widely available.

The genesis of Solana can be attributed to Anatoly Yakovenko, who started working
on the project as early as the end of 2017, when he published the White Paper of
this new blockchain. The paper in question introduces the concept of "Proof of
History", a novel method for determining the date of transactions, and a key
technology of the platform, which we will come back to in more detail below. Then, on
16 March 2020, the first Solana block was created.

It’s crypto SOL and it’s avantages

SOL is the native cryptocurrency of the Solana blockchain. SOL is used in two ways:

- Pay for transaction fees: Though Solana's fees are supposed to be cheaper than
those of other cryptocurrencies, it still charges a fee to send transactions or run
smart contracts, the blockchain-based computer programs that cut out intermediaries
from digital transactions. Smart contracts are the building blocks of more complicated
apps on Solana, such as finance apps or apps for music streaming.
-Staking: Like many other blockchains, Solana is secured through a consensus
mechanism. People who want to help secure the cryptocurrency by being a
"validator," can "stake" some of their SOL, or lock it up to secure the network and
earn money while doing so

Strength of Solana

Proof of history

Solana uses a technology called Proof-of-History (PoH) which, in theory, helps

the network to determine the date of transactions more efficiently, and ensures its
scalability. It is not a classic consensus mechanism, but a rather innovative solution
in the form of a decentralised cryptographic clock, which makes the platform faster
and more efficient, as validators do not need to communicate with each other in
order to validate a block on the blockchain. Each node has its own clock...

To achieve this, Solana implements an algorithm called Practical Byzantine Fault

Tolerance, abbreviated pBFT, which uses the nodes' cryptographic clocks to help
them reach consensus without having to send a large stream of communications to
each other. This proof-of-history algorithm thus allows for a significant improvement
in transaction speed.

The nodes agree on the temporal order of events recorded on the blockchain, within
an optimal time interval, known as the "slot time", during which a validator will submit
a block to the network. In the case of Solana, this interval is normally 400
milliseconds. Thanks to this way of recording transactions, Solana can easily keep
track of events, especially their order.

Better transactions speeds

The Solana blockchain's transactions are ultimately faster, more scalable, and
more sustainable thanks to the mix of PoH and PoS consensus algorithms. This is
what makes it capable of processing more than 50,000 transactions per second,
without going through second layer networks.
Due to its speed, lack of congestion, and affordable rates, experts claim that Solana
could one day compete with Visa as a platform for processing payments. It is one of
the initial steps toward global decentralization of finance.

This transaction speed also leads to energy savings in the long run. Indeed, the
transactions carried out by solana will require for example half as much energy as a
simple google search

Solana’s token
Tokens are digital assets, non-duplicable, created and exchangeable on blockchains.

II- Disadvantages of Solana

Like all other blockchains and cryptocurrencies, Solana also has its
drawbacks. Even though this blockchain can compete with the most renowned
projects, it is vulnerable to centralisation as there are not many block validators.
Anyone on the network can become a Solana validator, but this requires significant
computing resources. Moreover, the protocol is still presented as a beta version of
the main network. Therefore, there may be bugs and errors.

Despite these weaknesses, Solana remains one of the leading blockchains in the
crypto world and looks set to grow over the years. Its token released in March 2020
has quickly become one of the top 10 crypto-currencies by capitalisation.

III- Problems faced by solana

Solana’s hack
In August 2022, Solana was hacked. According to experts, one of the private keys
was compromised, leading to the stealing of SOLs from Slope, Phantom and

The Solana Foundation's official Twitter account Solana Status commented on the
incident, stating that "the impacted addresses were created, imported or used on the
Slope mobile wallet applications. This exploit has been isolated to a wallet on
Solana, and the hardware wallets used by Slope remain secure.

The foundation says the information was inadvertently transmitted to an application

monitoring service. This incident inevitably leads to a loss of confidence from some
investors which could greatly damage the image of the Solana blockchain.

Several breakdowns have damaged Solana's credibility

In recent years, it has been affected by several outages. One of the most
notable was in April 2022, when the blockchain crashed for 7 hours due to an influx
of bots. More than 4 million transactions per second were sent to the network, far
more than it is able to handle.
During 2021, in September, it suffered a Distributed Denial-of-Service ( DDoS)
attack that disrupted traffic on the network, which had already caused the Solana
blockchain to go offline for more than 17 hours.

Definition: A Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attack is a malicious attempt to

disrupt the normal traffic of a targeted server, service or network by overwhelming
the target or its surrounding infrastructure with a flood of Internet traffic.
(a mettre sur le diapo)
Collapse in the value of Solana

The SOL has seen many fluctuations since its creation in 2020. Indeed, since its
creation, the Solana platform with its innovative response to the problem of
transaction costs and the speed of exchanges, has managed to make its way into the
market. Starting in 2021 with a value of $1.61, Solana's token managed to peak at
$227.14 in November of that year. However, like many other blockchains, Solana
was impacted by the crypto-currency market crash related to the giant FTX and thus
ended 2022 with a value of $13. During this year the SOL has seen a negative
fluctuation of more than 70%. Currently the value of a sol is $23.19

Why a sudden collapse of Solana?

This cryptocurrency is linked to the former boss of FTX, Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF),
who today has problems with the law.

For three years, SBF has indeed invested millions of dollars in this crypto and its
associated blockchain. Which was a huge publicity stunt for Solana, until the FTX
scandal broke.
SOL has fallen 51.14% since the furor around FTX began to unfold on November 2.
During the same period, ether fell by around 21.3% and bitcoin by 17.6%.


Solana is a promising project, supported by important figures in the crypto

ecosystem. However, According to crypto news "we have unsuccessfully sought
reasons for a return of Solana to the forefront of the crypto scene. Problems have
accumulated on the project, and for the moment, it seems to be really losing speed
compared to its competitors."
With her promising ideas and high technology, Solana can still bounce back
but for that she will have to show even more innovation

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