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méthode de français destinée à permettre à l’apprenant(e)
de comprendre et saisis les règles fondamentales et
élémentaires de la langue française le plus simple et
rapidement possible.
adapté à tout niveau d’âge. Son enseignement part du plus
bas niveau jusqu’au niveau professionnel dans
l’apprentissage de la langue française.
très simple à utiliser, pour cela il part de niveau en niveau
selon la compréhension de l’apprenti(e), faisant de ce livre
l’un des livres les plus conseillés pour débutant(e)s et
professionnel(le)s. il contient aussi des livres d’exercices
correspondant à chaque chapitre et niveau permettant ainsi
à l’apprenant de s’exercer régulièrement, puis s’habituer à
chaque enseignement reçu.
conçu pour permettre aux apprenants Anglophone de mieux
comprendre et les règles et phonétiques de la française, afin
de leur donner une prononciation net et juste selon le parler
de de la langue française.
Contenu du livre
Chapitre 1 : l’alphabet française et les syllabes (the french alphabet and syllables)

Leçon 1 : l’alphabet français (the french alphabet)

 Tout comme la langue anglaise, la langue française aussi contient vingt-six (26) lettres de
l’alphabet. Likewise in English french also contains twenty-six (26) alphabet letters.

A (ah) B (bay) C (say) D (day) E (œ) F (eff) G (gé) H (ash) I (ee)

J (gee) K (kah) L (ell) M (em) N (en) O (o) P (pay) Q (cue) R (air)

S (ess) T (tay) U (ue) V (vay) W (dooble-vay) X (ix) Y (igreck) Z (zed)

 L’alphabet français contient aussi six (6) voyelles et vingt (20) consonnes.
(French alphabet also contains six (6) vowels and twenty (20) consonants).

 Les six (6) voyelles de l’alphabet français sont:

(The six (6) vowels of the french alphabet are :)

A (ah) E (œ) I (ee) O (o) U (ue) Y (igreck)

 Les vingt (20) consonnes de l’alphabet français sont:

(The twenty (20) consonants of the french alphabet are :)

B (bay) C (say) D (day) F (eff) G (gé) H (ash)

J (gee) K (kah) L (ell) M (em) N (en) P (pay)

Q (cue) R (air) S (ess) T (tay) V (vay) W (dooble-vay)

X (ix) Z (zed)
 ACTIVITÉ (activity)

1. Ecris vrai (v) ou faux (f) à la fin de chaque phrase pour l’indentifier.
(Write true (t) or false (f) at the end of each sentence to identify it).

A. L’alphabet français contient vingt-six (26) lettres. ___________

B. A est prononcé (ee). (A is pronounced (ee)). ____________
C. Z est prononcé (zed). ____________
D. L’alphabet français contient vingt (20) voyelles. _________
E. B, G, J, K, L, M sont des consonnes. (B, G… are consonants). ________

2. A. Ecris les six (6) voyelles de l’alphabet français.

(Write the six (6) vowels of french alphabet)

3. Ecris la lettre qui correspond à chaque son.

(Write the letter that corresponds to each sound ).

(say) ______ (tay) ______ (cue) ______ (vay) ______

(ah) ______ (pay) ______ (air) _______ (eff) ______

(gé) ______ (ee) ______ (ix) ______ (day) _____

(ell) ______ (igreck) ______ (ash) _____ (kah) _____

(em) ______ (o) ______ (zed) _____ (day) ______

(bay) ______ (œ) ______ (ess) ______ (en) ______

(dooble-vay) ________ (gee) ______ (ue) ______

Leҫon2: la phonétique de l’alphabet français.
(The phonetic of french alphabet)

 French alphabet letters sounds are in majority the same as English

alphabet letters. The consonants have the same sound but the vowels
sounds are different.

 The french vowels sounds.

In french the letter A sounds /ă/ like the short sound of the letter
A in English.
How do you read this? La daba (the hoe)
Did you say "lah dah-bah"? If yes, then that’s great!

The letter E sounds /œ/

How do you read this? Le Seneca (the Seneca)
Did you say "lœ sœ-nœ-kah" if yes, then that’s great!

The letter I sounds /ee/

How do you read this? Le lit (the bed)
Did you say "lœ lee" without pronouncing the "t"? If yes, then that’s

The letter U sounds /ue/

How do you this? La rue (the street)
Did you say "lah rue" without pronouncing the "e"? If yes, then that’s

The letter O sounds /o/ as English.

How do you read this? La moto (the motorbike)
Did you say "lah mo-to"? If yes, then that’s great!

Whenever the letter Y begins a syllable, its sound is the same as in

How do you read this? Le yola (the yola)
Did you say "lœ yo-lah"? If yes, then that’s great!
Whenever the letter Y is not beginning a syllable, it sounds /ee/.
How do you read this? La syllabe (the syllable)
Did you say "lah seel-lah-b" without pronouncing the "e"? If yes, then
that’s great!

 ACTIVITÉ (activity)
Maintenant lisons les mots suivants: (Now let’s read the following words)

Ma camarade (my friend) Le sena (the sena)

Le sac (the bag) La pelade (the pelade)

La patate (the potato) La menace (the menace)

La tata (the auntie) La vedika (the altar)

La limite (the limit) Le robot (the robot)

Le cil (the eyelash) La mode (the mode)
La ville (the town) Le loto (the bingo)
La villa (the villa) Le goto (the goto)

La lune (the moon) La yuca (the yuca)

La cupule (the cupule ) Le yoga (the yoga)
La jupe (the skirt) Le type (the skirt)
Le tumulus (the tumulus) La pyramide (the pyramid)
Leҫon 3: union des voyelles (vowels blend)

 Union de deux(2) voyelles (two (2) vowels blend)

E ae These letters sound individually as "ah-œ"

I ai These letters sound as "ĕ" the short sound of letter "E"

O ao These letters sound individually as "ah-o"
U au These letters sound as "o" the long sound of letter "O"
Y ay These letters sound as "ay" the long sound of letter "A"

A ea These letters sound individually as " œ-ah"

I ei These letters sound as "ĕ" the short sound of letter "E"

O eo These letters sound individually as "œ-o"
U eu These letters sound as "œ" the long sound of letter "A"
Y ey These letters sound as "ĕ" the short sound of letter "E"

A ia These letters sound individually as "ee-ah"

E ie These letters sound individually as "ee-œ"

I io
O These letters sound individually as "ee-o"
U iu These letters sound individually as "ee-ue"

A oa These letters sound individually as "o-ah"

E oe These letters sound individually as "o-œ"

I oi These letters sound as "o-ah" pronouncing them faster

O oo
O These letters sound as "o"
U ou These letters sound "Ʊ" as could, would, should, do…
Y oy These letters sound "o-ah" as in voyage
A ua These letters sound individually as "ue-ah"
E ue At the beginning and in mist of word, they sound individually as
"ue-œ", but at the of a word they sound as "ue"
U I ui These letters sound individually as "ue-ee"
O uo These letters sound individually as "ue-o"
Y uy These letters sound individually as "ue-y"

A ya These letters sound individually as " y-ah"

I yi These letters sound individually as "y-ee"

O yo These letters sound individually as "y-o"
U yu These letters sound individually as "y-ue"
E ye These letters sound individually as "y-œ"

Activity: can you read these words?

Put what you have learned into practice
La daba (the hoe) La plaie (the wound)
Le Seneca (the Seneca) Le cacao (the cocoa)
Le lit (the bed) La baleine (the whale)

La rue (the street) Le tuyau (the hose)

La moto (the motorbike) La coupe (the cup)

Le yola (the yola) La pluie (the rain)

La syllabe (the syllable) Le jeu (the game)

Leҫon4: les accents et les sons spéciaux.
(The accidents and special sounds)

 Les accents (the accents)

French language has five (5) accents, which are:

A. L’accent aigu "é", this accent gives the letter "E" a sound "a"
like the long sound of letter "A".

B. L’accent grave "è", this accent gives the letter "E" a sound "ĕ"
like the short sound of letter "E". It’s also used for
C. L’accent circonflexe "ê", this accent also gives the letter "E" a
sound "ĕ" like the short sound of letter "E". It’s also used to
remind us of word that have lost the "H" due to modernization
of words.

D. L’apostrophe "l’", this accent tells us that a vowel was omitted

to attach the sound of the previous letter to the next letter

E. Le tréma "ë", this accent tells us to read the previous letter

and the letter on which it’s placed individually. It is an
exception to the rule of vowel blend.

 Les sons spéciaux (the special sounds)

Aille/Ail (ah-ee-y) Travail, paille
Eille/ Eil (ĕ-y) Vieille, orteil
Ille (ee-y) Famille, papille
Euil/Euille (er-y) Feuille, feuil
Ph (f) Téléphone, philosophe
Qu (k) Qui, que, quelque
Gn (y) Ligne, igname
Ien (ee-un) Mien, tien
Ienne (ee-n) Mienne, tienne
Ch (sh) Chaque, chou
Sc (s) Science, sciable
Ps (s) Psaume, psychologue
Gu (g) Guide, langue
Ouille (ou-ee-y) Trouille

 Now practice reading these words.

Pagaille (pa-ga-ee-y) Equipe (æ-kee-p)

Bétail (bay-ta-ee-y) Ignoble (ee-yor-bl)

Merveille (mer-vĕ-y) Comedien (co-may-dee-un)

Musicienne (mu-zee-cee-n)
Soleil (so-lĕ-y)
Chacal (sha-kal)
Camille (ka-mee-y)
Scientifique (cee-an-tee-feek)
Fauteuil (fo-ter-ee-y)
Psyché (see-shay)
Treuille (trer-ee-y)
Guigne (gi-y)
Phiale (fee-a-l) Rouille (rou-ee-y)
Chapitre 2 : La salutation et la présentation (The greeting and presentation)

Leçon 1 : La salutation (the greeting)

3 2
Oui, je vais Hey, bo
1 njo
bien aussi. Je vais b ur Franck !
r Jean! ien et to
Bonjou Merci ! i ?
nt tu
De r i
en m
o n am

 La salutation est une marque de civilisation, de respect, que

l’on donne à une personne lorsqu’on la trouve ou lorsqu’on la
quitte. (greeting is a mark of civilisation, respect, which is
given to a person whenever we meet him/her or leave

 Les marques de salutation sont (the greeting’s marks are)

o Bonjour (goodmornig)
o Bon après-midi (afternoon)
o Bonsoir (good evening)
o Bonne nuit (good night)
o Au revoir (bye bye)
o A demain (see you tomorrow)
o Comment tu vas? (how are you doing)
o Je vais bien (I am doing good)
o Enchanté de faire votre connaissance (nice to meet you)
Leçon 2 : La salutation inclue aussi la politesse.
(Greeting also include good manner)

Quelques formules de politesse sont. (Some good manners are)

Merci (Thanks)
S’il te plait (Please)
Puis-je… ? (Can I… ?)
Permettez-moi de… (Allow me to…)
De rien (You are welcome)
Je suis désolé (I am sorry)
Pardon (Sorry)

 Salutation et Dialogue (Greeting and Dialogue)

Dans le cas du dialogue, l’usage des questions
suivantes sont nécessaires. Surtout si la personne
est inconnue. (In a dialogue with an unknown
person, these questions are necessaries)

Comment tu t’appelles ? (what’s your name ?)

Quel âge as-tu? (How are you?)
Où habites-tu? (Where do you live?)
D’où viens-tu? (Where are you from?)
Tu es de quel nationalité? (What’s nationality ?)


Translate these in French.
a. Good morning Joseph. f. Thanks Grace!
b. How are you doing Louis? g. Sorry Julie!
c. How old are George? h. good evening Prince
d. Where do you live Marry? i. See you tomorrow Tio.
e. I am sorry Victoria! j. Goodnight Emmanuel.
 Lisons ce dialogue. (let’s read this dialogue)

- Bonjour Madame!
- Bonjour monsieur!
- Comment allez-vous?
- Je vais bien monsieur et vous?
- Je vais bien aussi madame, merci.
- De rien, comment vous vous appelez ?
- Je m’appelle David et vous ?
- Je m’appelle Amelia.
- Amelia quel âge avez-vous ?
- J’ai 29 ans et vous ?
- J’ai 28 ans.
- Tu es de quelle nationalité David ?
- Je suis Ivoirien et toi ?
- Je suis Libérienne.
- Où habites-tu Amelia ?
- J’habite à Sinkor, 13eme rue et toi ?
- J’habite à Matadi, KTC.
- Enchanté de faire votre connaissance !
- Enchanté aussi !
- A demain !
- Au revoir !

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