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19/12/2021 21:26 Les directeurs des NIH, Fauci et Collins, ciblent la déclaration de Great Barrington – The Expose

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Les directeurs des NIH, Fauci et Collins, ciblent la déclaration de

Great Barrington

Écoute maintenant

Inclus dans les e-mails obtenus par le biais d'une loi sur la liberté de l'information (https://twitter.com/MichaelPSenger/status/1471973647476609028?
t=WJidCxHU4ScmRcoa6lv5aQ&s=19) (« FOIA »), le directeur des NIH, le Dr Francis Collins, a envoyé un e-mail au Dr Anthony Fauci pour demander
un « retrait publié rapide et dévastateur » de la Déclaration de Great Barrington rédigée par le Dr Martin Kulldorff, Dr. Sunetra Gupta et le Dr
Jay Bhattacharya.

Jay Bhattacharya

So now I know what it feels like to be the subject of a

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19/12/2021 21:26 Les directeurs des NIH, Fauci et Collins, ciblent la déclaration de Great Barrington – The Expose
So now I know what it feels like to be the subject of a
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12:31 AM · Dec 18, 2021

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Le 4 octobre 2020, trois scientifiques de haut niveau ont lancé une déclaration intitulée «  La (https://gbdeclaration.org/) déclaration de Great Barrington
(https://gbdeclaration.org/)  » exhortant la communauté médicale à lancer un plan d'action comprenant une «  protection ciblée  ». Le groupe a expliqué
comment l'immunité collective devrait être l'objectif et pourrait être accomplie dans un laps de temps relativement court où même les personnes âgées
et malades seraient finalement en sécurité pour sortir du verrouillage.
«Ce plan de 23 'protection ciblée' allait à l'encontre du plan diabolique du Dr Fauci pour le monde. Et donc le Dr Fauci et le Dr Collins ont décidé de lancer
une attaque de propagande contre les centaines de médecins internationaux qui ont signé la déclaration », a écrit
(https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/12/new-emails-show-dr-fauci-dr-francis-scheming-doctors-group-challenged-authority-common-sense-focused-protection-policies/)The Gateway
Pundit (https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/12/new-emails-show-dr-fauci-dr-francis-scheming-doctors-group-challenged-authority-common-sense-focused-protection-policies/) .

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19/12/2021 21:26 Les directeurs des NIH, Fauci et Collins, ciblent la déclaration de Great Barrington – The Expose

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12 pages de courriels concernant la déclaration de Great Barrington

Les créateurs de la déclaration de Great Barrington que le Dr Collins décrit comme « trois épidémiologistes marginaux » sont :
Dr Martin Kulldorff , professeur de médecine à l'Université Harvard, biostatisticien et épidémiologiste avec une expertise dans la détection et la
surveillance des épidémies de maladies infectieuses et des évaluations de la sécurité des vaccins.
Dr Sunetra Gupta , professeur à l'Université d'Oxford, épidémiologiste avec une expertise en immunologie, développement de vaccins et
modélisation mathématique des maladies infectieuses.
Dr Jay Bhattacharya , professeur à la faculté de médecine de l'Université de Stanford, médecin, épidémiologiste, économiste de la santé et expert
en politiques de santé publique spécialisé dans les maladies infectieuses et les populations vulnérables.
Au moment de la rédaction, la Déclaration compte plus de 890 000 signataires, dont environ 60 500 sont des médecins et des scientifiques de la santé
publique du monde
23 entier.

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19/12/2021 21:26 Les directeurs des NIH, Fauci et Collins, ciblent la déclaration de Great Barrington – The Expose

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Déclaration d'exception : signatures

Vous pouvez signer la déclaration de Great Barrington ICI (https://gbdeclaration.org/#sign) .

Les 12 pages de courriels (https://coronavirus.house.gov/sites/democrats.coronavirus.house.gov/files/CombinedDec2021NewEvidence.pdf) qui incluent le « retrait » des «
épidémiologistes marginaux » comprennent également des courriels montrant que le Dr Bhattacharya correspondait avec l'épidémiologiste du CDC, le
Dr Jennifer McQuiston (https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jennifer-Mcquiston) dès le 23 mai 2020, il a écrit : « Ce n'est pas une bonne santé publique – Je suis
très troublé ce dimanche matin qu'il y ait des gens qui vont tomber malades et peut-être mourir à cause de ce que nous avons été contraints de faire.
Notre équipe a fait du bon travail, seulement pour le compromettre. »
En août 2020, en réponse à un e-mail concernant les remarques du président Trump lors de sa rencontre avec des experts médicaux - le Dr Scott
Atlas, le Dr Bhattacharya, le Dr Joseph Ladapo, le Dr Kulldorff et le Dr Cody Meissner - le Dr Deborah Birx a envoyé un e-mail à Marc Short
(https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/02/incompetent-failed-not-good-guy-vp-pences-chief-staff-marc-short-prevented-recounts-january-6th-per-president-trump-confidant-peter-navarro/) , VP
Pence's Chef d'état-major, "Je ne peux pas faire partie de cela avec ces gens qui croient en l'immunité collective …
En décembre 2020, après avoir défié ses propres directives de voyage, le Dr Birx a démissionné et a rejoint une entreprise de purification d'air « dont
les produits éliminent
Covid (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9356753/Former-Trump-coronavirus-coordinator-Birx-join-Texas-air-purifier-maker.html) ».
Le 8 octobre, dix minutes après avoir reçu l'e-mail de Collins pour « retirer » la déclaration de Great Barrington, Fauci répond :
"Francis, je colle ci-dessous un article de Wired qui démystifie cette théorie."
Fauci colle ensuite le texte d'un article écrit par Matt Reynolds, rédacteur scientifique de Wired , intitulé : Il n'y a pas de « division scientifique » sur
l'immunité collective (https://www.wired.co.uk/article/great-barrington-declaration-herd-immunity-scientific-divide) publié trois jours après le lancement de la déclaration de

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19/12/2021 21:26 Les directeurs des NIH, Fauci et Collins, ciblent la déclaration de Great Barrington – The Expose

Barrington.10L'article indique que « à part les trois principaux signataires, il y a peu de choses sur la Déclaration de Great Barrington qui semblent
JOURS RESTENT POUR SAUVER L'EXPOSÉ - Moins de 0,1% des lecteurs nous soutiennent actuellement même
scientifiquement convaincantes ».
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Début octobre 2021, Collins a annoncé qu'il quittait (https://thenationalpulse.com/analysis/6-scandals-the-media-wont-tell-you-about-outgoing-nih-director-francis-collins/) son poste
année... (https://dailyexpose.uk/2021/12/03/december-fundraising-campaign/)

au NIH "à la suite d'un certain nombre de rapports d'enquête sur Collins et ses sous-fifres".
Quelques semaines plus tard, "#ArrestFauci" a fait son apparition sur Twitter alors (https://www.dailywire.com/news/social-media-erupts-in-calls-to-arrestfauci-as-doctor-
accused-of-lying-funding-cruel-puppy-testing) que Fauci, l'un des hauts responsables du NIH, a reçu une vague de réactions suite à plusieurs révélations sur
Si Wired souhaite conserver une quelconque crédibilité, il serait peut-être sage de publier un article de suivi rétractant celui de Reynold ou à tout le
moins, comme l'ont tenté dès le départ les scientifiques de la Déclaration de Barrington, d'encourager un débat ouvert. Le débat ouvert est, après tout,
la voie scientifique.

Martin Kulldorff

A year ago, @NIHDirector Francis Collins asked Fauci to

do a "devastating published take down" of the Great
Barrington Declaration. A public debate would have been
better. Invitation still open.

Phil Magness @PhilWMagness

New email dump showing Anthony Fauci and Francis Collins coordinating
a propaganda campaign to attack the Great Barrington declaration last
October. More coming soon so here's a teaser...


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11:03 PM · Dec 17, 2021

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Dr. Gupta Recent Articles

Our ability to block Covid infections, even with vaccines, is short lived, Dr. Sunetra Gupta, Times of India
We have been deprived a national conversation about moving on from restrictions forever.  The costs of restrictions have been devastating, as
everyone can see. Yet we are poised once more to add to the collateral damage, by Sunetra Gupta, The Telegraph
Professor Sunetra Gupta: “Herd immunity probably takes the prize for being the most misunderstood term of 2020.”, The Exposé
Revelations from Previously Obtained Fauci Emails
“More than 3,200 pages of emails (https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/20793561-leopold-nih-foia-anthony-fauci-emails) obtained through a Freedom of Information
Act lawsuit filed by BuzzFeed News — covering the period from January to June 2020 — provide a rare glimpse into how Fauci approached his job
during the biggest health crisis of the last century, showing him dealing directly with the public, health officials, reporters, and even celebrities.” –
Buzzfeed News (https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/nataliebettendorf/fauci-emails-covid-response)
“Fauci’s correspondence from March and April 2020, obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, offers a peek into his world during the frantic
early days of the coronavirus crisis.” – The Washington Post (https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/interactive/2021/tony-fauci-emails/)
“Six Bombshell Revelations from Fauci’s Emails.  Townhall read through the thousands of pages of emails Dr. Fauci sent and received about the Wuhan
coronavirus that Buzzfeed and the Washington Post obtained via FOIA requests so you don’t have to, and here’s our roundup of the best of the worst
takes.” – Townhall
23 (https://townhall.com/tipsheet/spencerbrown/2021/06/02/fauci-emails-list-n2590371)

“In private emails between Mark Zuckerberg and Anthony Fauci – obtained exclusively by The National Pulse – the Facebook founder and CEO offered
to send “data reports” on users to “facilitate decisions” about COVID-19 lockdowns.” – The National Pulse (https://thenationalpulse.com/exclusive/private-fauci-

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spent many months … At the freedom protest on 4 pressure from her … Another “conspiracy theory” Call,” …
December in York, Sarah, has been proved to be
whose husband … correct with the possibility …

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NIH Directors Fauci and Collins Target the Great Barrington Declaration – The Expose - Nota
Akhir Zaman

 1 day ago

[…] Source link […]

0 Reply

NIH Directors Fauci and Collins Target the Great Barrington Declaration – Infinite Unknown

 1 day ago

[…] – NIH Directors Fauci and Collins Target the Great Barrington Declaration […]
0 Reply

 1 day ago

Collins pretends to be a Christian. He is nothing other than a demon.

Many Christians followed his advice on getting jabbed, when he intimated that the vaccines were
a ‘gift from god’. Well, his ‘god’ seems to none other than lucifer. May he join him soon.
A truly evil man.
7 Reply

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The Great Barrington Declaration is disgusting. In it, the authors lament the slowdown – that’s
SLOWDOWN – in jabbing kids. The Devil take them all. They are his.
-8 Reply

mrs joan steed

 Reply to Arby  1 day ago

Arby . you had better join Collins. the Barrington Declaration is nothing but the truth. you have
been hypnotised by governments and main stream media. wake up
9 Reply

 Reply to mrs joan steed  19 hours ago

Hypnotized by police State governments? Ignore these trolls people. Visit my blog and
decide for yourselves whether I’ve been hypnotized by governments? I’ve got over 200
blog posts just on covid. Find ONE that indicates that I’m with the fascist authorities on the
covid 19 pandemic hoax. (My blog is called “A Yappy Trade Barrier.”
(https://arrby.wordpress.com)) Also, Read the declaration and see for yourself exactly what I
reported. The authors lamented the slowdown (a one-time thing obviously) of child
From the second paragraph of the GBD:
“Current lockdown policies are producing devastating effects on short and long-term
public health. The results (to name a few) include lower childhood vaccination rates…”
-5 Reply

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 18 hours ago
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They are talking about OTHER vaccinations, not the Covid-19 vaccination. Is that not
clear? Can you not understand context? Someone correct me if I am wrong…Arby get a
grip on what is actually being declared here please.
4 Reply

jim peden
 Reply to Diane  9 hours ago

You’re quite right Diane. I read and signed the GBD a day or two after it was released and
that part certainly refers to normal public health procedures that were being neglected
because of the Covid interventions like lockdowns.
-1 Reply

 Reply to jim peden  2 hours ago

Then you solved nothing. 2 days or 2 weeks they will lie a big about the next pandemic.
That’s for one.
Did you know that graphene oxide was found not only in covid vaccines but at least in two
flu vaccines, saline solutions, a vaccine meant for children!, too? DID YOU?
If they have to stop with the covid ‘vaccines’ you will get the same poisonous stuff on
another name and your children, too. Read back orwell.city that in which ‘vaccines’ it were
You are people, most of you, are deluded, sorry or worse.
Anyone who is with the vaccines are against humanity. Period.
0 Reply

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supprimer cette bannière ennuyeuse car The Reply to Diane
 Exposé aurait les fonds pour continuer à fonctionner pendant une autre  4 hours ago
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You’re not clued in at all or a seriously uncaring troll. All vaccines are toxic and dangerous.
Do you take the position (as The Expose does) that vaccines are okay? And, not that you
care about details and facts, I reject germ theory. From my standpoint, vaccines are not
vaccines (going by the definition of Rockefeller devotees). They are ‘only’ poison. I’ll be
ignoring you from here on, now that I have your measure.
1 Reply

 Reply to Diane  2 hours ago

Other vaccinations are equally wrong, maybe not so deadly but still poisons saving no
one. And if you people ever would fetch the time to read after true science or at least true
historical notes on pandemics / epidemics then we wouldn’t be in this situation now. Your
blind, ignorant belief made it possible you know. I blame no one, I made the same mistake
when believed the dogma and paid the price, rather my son and later my poor pets paid it.
But at least then I started to read after things and you should do it, too.
Anyone here older than 50-60 who still remember?? There was no such thing that autism
or must be extremely rare. I knew no one with serious allergy unable to eat peanuts,
eggs, bread or milk, or G-Barré (just another name for polio).
What do you think, what caused that these are now ‘epidemics’? Egg allergy… maybe the
eggs used in vaccine-developing (flu), peanuts, maybe the peanut oil used during vaccine
23 development? I don’t know whether to cry or laugh when saw those rows of ‘fake food’,
pizza from cauliflower and the rest. When will you run out of edible, normal, healthy food
due to more and more allergy? What then?
They can’t see viruses, the only way to see them is electron microscope but the process
kills everything. How they know how many ‘live virus’ is in a certain vial? Too much, too
less? How they count it??
They never was able to clean the vaccines from the ‘soil’ where they ‘breed’ them
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(exosomes of foreign materials), we ended up with injected foreign DNA from different
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animals. – The very reason of the countless autoimmune conditions when your immuneFaire un don
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system turns against you. Raise a hand who has none of these condition because I – who
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got only 10-15 ‘vaccines’ in my life had at least 3-4.
They used poisonous heavy metals as adjuvants, mercury, aluminum. They have no place
in a healthy human body.
They are fraudulent: The same manufacturer’ rabies vax is valid in one country for 3
years, but in another just for one year. You decide, how long does it work then? 1 year, 3
year, forever, doesn’t work at all? Then what’s the point to poison our pets with it? (In
many countries it’s compulsory.)
Go and read true history, not yet falsified via the dogs of the Big Pharma, like the book of
E. McBean, The Poisoned Needle. Watch Dr. Susan Humpries on tetanus or on small pox
(both are on youtube, they didn’t dare to delete them).
The history of vaccinations was a failure from the start, causing just illness, ‘outbreaks’,
death. They saved absolutely no one. And the so feared illnesses started to disappear
with better living conditions, less poverty, cleaner environments like running water in our
houses. But even back then only the weak died to certain children illnesses because of
the lack of food / vitamins – poverty. Eg. chicken pox – if I recall well – was very mild with
adequate vitamin A. (There is a chart on whale.to about illnesses and vitamins.) Almost
every child illness is mild with the help of certain vitamins.
No vaccine will substitute proper food and clean water.
0 Reply

23 not sure
 Reply to Arby  5 hours ago

Come on, man…. Noam Chomsky and Howard Zinn can’t explain their own shadows….
Need to update your book list.
0 Reply

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19/12/2021 21:26 Les directeurs des NIH, Fauci et Collins, ciblent la déclaration de Great Barrington – The Expose

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si nous comptons uniquement sur votre soutien. Mais si chaque lecteur nous soutenait aujourd'hui, nous pourrions
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That’s a serious non comment from someone who just wants to smear me. I’m sure I’ll be
ignoring you from here on.
0 Reply

 Reply to Arby  3 hours ago

I read it when it was new, I think after a half page or so I decided that it was fake, a
controlled opposition to mislead the sheep and herd them to a certain direction.
0 Reply

 Reply to Arby  2 hours ago

They are clearly trolls Arby, the most of them. It’s not personal and they are not the best –
I hope our ‘lords’ running out of money to ‘hire’ only such dilettantes.
Watch any other article. For true questions, opposition there are no answers, they just
ignore it, but pushing the like in numbers when they want to push an opinion.
Or threaten The Exposé with withdrawing support. When you can dictate what the other
can wrote it is not independent journalism anymore.
23 The Gates’ article, the satirical one’ comments said everything about them. While usually
there are just 5-20 comments (and part of it advert/scam), there were 200+. I doubt 200
individuals are so much in love with Gates they suddenly bothered to comment when
otherwise they never tend to.
 Last edited 2 hours ago by GundelP

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si nous comptons uniquement sur votre soutien. Mais si chaque lecteur nous soutenait aujourd'hui, nous pourrions
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 Reply to GundelP  1 hour ago

Yes. Indeed. Thanks.

0 Reply

 Reply to mrs joan steed  3 hours ago

Truth?! Where. Did they isolated the virus? No? Then why are the talk about herd
They look just another controlled opposition. What about going after the real causes what
makes us ill?
In many times, when arguing came to this point I asked people, where were the FLU 200-
300 years ago??? Why there are no books about big flu pandemics or epidemics where
there are several about Plague, cholera, leper (bacterial illnesses). If flu was non existent
or just very rare, what makes it an often visiting guest?
When one of the Great-Barrington guy manage to win the offered 1.500.000 EUR for
proving that ANY corona virus exists – ANY! I might consider to know more about
them or their ideas.
0 Reply

A Person
 16 hours ago

I see that Francis Collins can’t correctly write “takedown” or “online”. Why would I trust the health
of my body to someone who lacks the English skills of a primary school student?
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16 hoursL'EXPOSÉ
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Vicar’s Wife Says Since the Roll-Out of Covid Injections There’s Been Funeral, After Funeral,
After Funeral – “It’s Tragic” – The Expose - Nota Akhir Zaman

 9 hours ago

[…] December 18, 2021NIH Directors Fauci and Collins Target the Great Barrington Declaration
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 Last edited 7 hours ago by SallyButcher
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not sure
 4 hours ago

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19/12/2021 21:26 Les directeurs des NIH, Fauci et Collins, ciblent la déclaration de Great Barrington – The Expose

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The problem with the GBD is that it doesn’t go anywhere near far enough. Statements like thisFaire un don
si nous comptons uniquement sur votre soutien. Mais si chaque lecteur nous soutenait aujourd'hui, nous pourrions
are euphemistic and way too polite to be considered serious: “Unfortunately, the public health
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messaging about COVID-19 around the world has created many misperceptions that have
spread fear.”
We’re talking about LIES. If you can’t say that four letter word, I don’t want to hear anything about
Fauci, Birx, et al, emails read like a committee meeting whose sole purpose is to scrabble
together the same language to push forward a consolidated and agreed upon deception.
The GBD reads like a polite, toothless disagreement about macroeconomics where everyone
keeps their job.
0 Reply

 3 hours ago

…’expertise in immunology, vaccine development, and mathematical modelling of infectious

diseases…‘ – Thank you, no thank you. Controlled opposition in the best case.
Show me that virus, show it to me. Fed up with these so called oppositions.
0 Reply

 2 hours ago

Ces personnes sur la photo sont-elles derrière le GBD ? Quelle photo de propagande, croyez-
nous, le fond est tellement anglais, vert et destiné à instaurer la confiance. Tellement faux.
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