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Analyser un dossier pour préparer l’épreuve orale


Adopter une méthodologie pour analyser un dossier vous fera gagner en confiance et en
stratégies pour mieux répondre aux attentes du baccalauréat.

Dans cet entraînement au bac, vous verrez comment se déroule la constitution et l’analyse
d’un dossier (ici, un dossier personnel). La composition de ce dossier sera journalistique,
littéraire, artistique et culturelle.

Vous apprendrez à créer un fil conducteur dans votre dossier et à formuler des problématiques
pertinentes pour ensuite les traiter.

1. Méthodologie
Tout d’abord, avant de commencer la constitution d’un dossier, il convient de bien connaitre la
thématique à traiter.

Dans notre cas, nous avons exploré le thème : Sciences et techniques, promesses et défis.

Une fois ce thème maitrisé, il nous est possible d’organiser notre réflexion mais avant toute
chose voici quelques notions essentielles à connaitre :
− Le fil conducteur : l’axe principal d'un scénario ou d'une histoire.
− La problématique : le problème considéré du point de vue des différents aspects
à traiter.
− L’idée principale d’un texte : l'information la plus importante que l'auteur veut
− Le message d’une œuvre : le sens de l’œuvre, les intentions de l’auteur, de
− Dossier composé : le dossier est composé de quatre à six documents textuels
et /ou iconographiques (étudiés ou non en classe) en lien avec une ou plusieurs
thématiques du programme du cycle terminal. Il comprend :
- au moins un article de presse ;
- au plus deux textes d’une autre nature ;
- au plus deux documents iconographiques.

Structure de l’épreuve orale

L’épreuve consiste en un oral de 20 minutes qui s’appuie sur un dossier personnel présenté
par le candidat et visé par son professeur de l’année de terminale.

Le candidat remet un exemplaire de son dossier à l’examinateur au début de sa prise de parole

et en conserve un qu’il utilise selon ses besoins durant l’épreuve.


Sans temps de préparation, le candidat présente son dossier dans la langue cible pendant 10
minutes au plus pour en justifier les choix et en exprimer la logique interne, puis interagit avec
l’examinateur dans la langue cible pendant 10 minutes au plus.

La problématique est le fil conducteur de votre dossier ! Définition : art, science de poser les

En choisissant une problématique, vous délimitez votre sujet et vous l'orientez selon un angle

Formuler votre problématique : utilisez des formules qui vous permettent d'ouvrir le
questionnement : Pourquoi ? Comment ? En quoi ? Doit-on considérer que ? Dans quelle
mesure ? = question ouverte !

Attention : la problématique n’est pas une question fermée = on ne peut y répondre par oui ou
par non !

Préparez votre feuille de brouillon, votre accès à internet et les notes de vos cours précédents.


A. Fiche méthodologique pour analyser un document littéraire
Les œuvres littéraires comptent une large gamme des styles et des mouvements littéraires qui
ont traversé différentes époques. Pour les analyser en ouvre complète ou en extraits nous
devons d’abord l’identifier puis l’analyser et adapter notre analyse à notre projet demandé.

1. Identification
− L’œuvre : présenter le texte, titre, date, connaissances littéraires assez brèves
sur l’œuvre et le genre littéraire.
− L’auteur : son parcours, ses idées, éventuellement ses autres œuvres.
− Le passage étudié : le situer, le contextualiser, faire un bref résumé de ce qui
s’est passé avant si nécessaire.
− Le texte : Lire le texte de façon expressive.

2. Analyse
Etape 1 : Introduction
− Prendre connaissance du texte, convoquer vos connaissances sur l’auteur, le
genre, le contexte littéraire, culturel, historique, etc.
− Noter au brouillon les premiers éléments de connaissances qui serviront à l’étude
du texte.

Etape 2 : Explication linéaire

− Interroger le texte de façon méthodique en suivant l’ordre du texte.
− Genre du texte ? Type de texte ?
− Thème(s) : De quoi parle-t-il ? Quel est (apparemment) son objectif ?
− Situation d’énonciation ? (locuteur(s) ; destinataire(s) ; indices spatio-temporels/
reprises nominales et pronominales)
− Point(s) de vue ?
− Paroles rapportées ?
− Registre(s) littéraire(s) ?
− Champs lexicaux dominants ?
− Temps employés ? Modes ? Valeurs ?
− Structure des phrases ?
− Références culturelles explicites et implicites (mythologie, littérature, histoire, etc.)

Etape 3 : Conclusion
Récapitulez les grandes étapes de la présentation en répondant au projet de lecture (dans
notre cas, la construction d’un dossier composé).


B. Fiche méthodologique pour analyser un article de presse
Un article de journal a bien souvent un caractère informatif mais il peut également être
analytique ou argumentatif. Pour analyser un article, il convient de suivre ces étapes :

1. Pour identifier :
− Repérer le titre du journal :
Parmi les titres nombreux de journaux et magazines anglophones nous avons : The New York
Times, The Guardian, The Washington Post, The Economist, The Telegraph, The Atlantic.
− Distinguer journal :
En ligne, version papier, magazine.
− Définir la périodicité du journal :
La fréquence de parution du support ; de nombreuses variantes existent mais il faut connaître
les trois principales :
- Quotidien : parution chaque jour,
- Hebdomadaire : parution chaque semaine, un jour prédéfini et normalement
- Mensuel : parution une fois par mois.
− Préciser la date de l'article pour situer celui-ci dans un contexte :
Par exemple : parler des conséquences de la Grande Dépression en 1939 ou en 2020.
− Repérer les noms des journalistes :
Pour pouvoir les citer.
− Distinguer les éléments qui composent l'article :
- Le titre de l’article.
- Le chapeau : entre le titre et le début de l'article, il présente en le résumant le
contenu de l'article.
- Les intertitres : ils anticipent et résument le contenu du paragraphe qui suit.
Souvent en gras, ils permettent de procéder à une lecture rapide de l'article.
- L'encadré : donne des informations supplémentaires ou précise certains points.
- Le document iconographique : photo, dessin, caricature voire diagramme sont
destinés à illustrer l'article, à éclairer son sens.

2. Pour analyser :
− Entourer les liens logiques pour déterminer les grandes lignes de la structure de
− Distinguer idées / exemples.
− Utiliser deux couleurs différentes : dans la synthèse de documents, ce sont
principalement les idées principales qui seront surlignées d’une couleur et les
secondaires d’une autre.
− Souligner pour chaque paragraphe l'idée clé développée et la résumer sous forme
d'une courte phrase nominale.
− Résumer cette idée avec vos mots : cela vous permet de faire un effort de
vocabulaire ; une telle démarche est indispensable pour réutiliser ces idées dans
l’expression écrite. Au terme de cette analyse, reformulez en quelques lignes : le
thème de l'article, l'idée principale qui est défendue.
− Récapitulez les grandes étapes en répondant le projet de lecture (Dans notre cas,
la construction d’un dossier composé).


C. Fiche méthodologique pour analyser un document
L'analyse d'une œuvre est un travail d'observation et de réflexion. Il s'agit de bien regarder et
de faire travailler sa sensibilité et sa logique. L'analyse d'œuvre est un exercice personnel qui
doit s'adapter à l'œuvre présentée.

La méthode proposée vous expose les points les plus importants à traiter.

1. Présenter un document
Présentez le document iconographique, en relevant ses principales caractéristiques, comme
sa nature, son titre, le nom de son auteur, la date à laquelle il a été créé...
a. La nature du document
Un document iconographique peut être de différente nature : ce peut être une peinture, une
photo, une mosaïque, un vitrail, une caricature, etc.
La nature même du document renseigne sur l'époque pendant laquelle il a été réalisé. Ainsi,
les peintures murales, papyrus peints ou mosaïques datent souvent de l'Antiquité. Quant aux
affiches, photographies ou caricatures, elles sont souvent conçues pendant l'époque
moderne et contemporaine.
b. Le titre
Le titre est particulièrement intéressant. Il informe bien sûr sur le sujet de l’œuvre, mais il
peut aussi révéler les intentions de son auteur.
c. L'auteur
Si l'auteur est connu, indiquez son nom, prénom, surnom, sa nationalité, son métier ou sa
fonction, mais aussi sa date de naissance, sa date de décès. De même, les lieux où il a
vécu, ses autres œuvres connues et les événements importants de sa vie peuvent apporter
un éclairage sur le document iconographique.
d. La date
A quelle date de création ou de parution ce document a-t-il été réalisé ?
e. Le thème principal du document
Qu’est-ce qui est représenté sur l’image ? Quel est le sujet, la thématique principale ?
f. Le destinataire du document
A qui est destinée cette œuvre ? Interrogez-vous toujours sur les publics de l’image : par qui
peut-elle être vue ?
Et éventuellement, indiquez aussi les dimensions du document, le support (bois, toile, pierre)
et son lieu de conservation, ainsi que la technique utilisée par son auteur.

2. Décrire un document
− Que se passe-t-il dans cette peinture ou cette photo ?
− Quels sont les personnages ? Sont-ils connus ou non ?
− Quel est l’élément central de l’image ? Pourquoi les personnages sont-ils plus ou
moins hauts et plus ou moins éloignés du centre de la composition ?


3. Analyser un document
Il s'agit d'interpréter le document iconographique et de le confronter à la période à laquelle il
a été réalisé, à l'aide de nos connaissances.
a. Le message derrière l’œuvre
Pourquoi les personnages sont-ils disposés comme cela ?
Quelles sont les intentions de l’auteur (ou de son commanditaire) ? Quel est son message ?
À qui s’adresse-t-il ?
b. Remettre le document dans le contexte de l'époque
Rattachez l’œuvre avec le contexte historique (politique, économique, culturel)
Pourquoi ce document permet-il de comprendre un fait, une époque ?
c. La portée de l’œuvre
Quel a été l'impact de cette peinture, affiche ou photo, sur les contemporains ?


2. Mise en pratique de la méthodologie
A. Key Questions
To ensure you know how to write a good key question (problématique), select all of
the well formulated ones. If a question wouldn’t be a good problématique, explain why.

To what extent, does AI represent both a threat and an opportunity for mankind?
Is AI beneficial for humanity?
In what ways can AI be considered necessary?
Why could AI progress have both benefits and consequences for humanity?
Does AI represent a danger for mankind?

B. Match the implementation to the correct step

To understand how to construct a dossier, match the sentences to the correct steps.
a) Write three questions that encourage reflection on the general topic.
b) Begin your documentary research. Look for a literary excerpt or poem, a newspaper or
magazine article and a painting or photo. Remember that we are building a “dossier
c) Classify the documents by order of importance, according to your own judgement.
d) Think about what interested you most in the work you did during the first chapter. Write it
down on a draft sheet of paper.
e) Pull out your old notes, research, etc.
f) Take the time to read and analyze the documents you have chosen. Remember that you
must always follow the main theme and respond to the key question.
g) Write a key question. Don't forget to start with: To what extent, In what way, How...?
Steps Implementation
1. Find a main theme that interests you.

2. Propose a key question in relation to the main theme.

3. Think about the previously studied documents that correspond to

the main theme and the chosen key question.
4. Search for documents on digital or paper supports that correspond
to your main theme and that answer your key question.
5. Read your documents carefully. Extract the main ideas. Use the
worksheets proposed for each type of document.
6. Organize the documents according to their relevance to the key
7. Propose three interesting questions that stimulate reflection and
that are related to your main theme and your key question.


C. Match the objectives with each step
To understand the purpose of the steps, match the objectives to the correct steps.
a) To improve your written comprehension and analysis.
b) To consolidate and assimilate what you have learned.
c) To be able to write imaginative and original questions like you will need to do for the “bac”
d) To be able to write key questions with the correct structure.
e) To be able to classify information.
f) To develop the skill of researching documents.
g) To be able to link different documents around a common theme.

Steps Objectives
1. Find a main theme that interests you.

2. Propose a key question in relation to the main theme.

3. Think about the previously studied documents that correspond to

the main theme and the chosen key question.
4. Search for documents on digital or paper supports that correspond
to your main theme and that answer your key question.
5. Read your documents carefully. Extract the main ideas. Use the
worksheets proposed for each type of document.
6. Organize the documents according to their relevance to the key
7. Propose three interesting questions that stimulate reflection and
that are related to your main theme and your key question.


3. Production: Work on a « dossier composé »
To practice working on a dossier, study the documents and answer the questions.
− “Fil conducteur”: Evaluate the place humans will have in a future world of robots
and AI.
− A: Compare the two images and what Robotic Hand suggests about the
relationship between man and robots.
− B: What is Yang’s role and place in the family? What does this suggest? (200
− C: To what extent will AI affect the job market? (200 words)
− D: What does this image imply about robots’ relationship to humanity? (250 words)


A. Documents: Robotic Hand and The Creation of Adam

Title: Robotic Hand

Title: Creation of Adam, Michelangelo

Compare The Creation of Adam (TCOA) and the picture Robotic Hand (RH).
Comparison between The Creation of Meaning
Adam (TCOA) and Robotic Hand (RH)
In RH, the robot’s hand is limp and soft, like
Adam’s hand in TCOA, just before he is
awakened by God.
In RH, robot’s hand in same picture area as
God in TCOA.
In RH, the robot’s hand is bigger than the
man’s hand.
In RH, the robot’s hand is higher than the
man’s hand.
In RH, robot’s hand to the right of the picture.


B. Document: Extract from Children of the New World: Stories
When we adopted Mika three years ago, it seemed like the progressive thing to do. We
considered it our one small strike against cloning. Kyra and I are both white, middle-class and
have lived an easy and privileged life; we figured it was time to give something back to the
world. It was Kyra who suggested she be Chinese. The earthquake had left thousands of
orphans in its wake, Mika among them. It was hard not to agree. My main concern – one I
voiced to Kyra privately, and quite vocally to the adoption agency during our interview – was
the cultural differences. The most I knew about China came from the photos and “Learn
Chinese” translations on the placemats at Gold Dragon. The adoption agency suggested
purchasing Yang.
“He’s a Big Brother, babysitter, and storehouse of cultural knowledge all in one,” the woman
explained. She handed us a colorful pamphlet – China! – it announced in red dragon-shaped
letters – and said we should consider. We considered. Kyra was putting in forty hours a week
at Crate & Barrel, and I was still managing double shifts at Whole Foods. It was true, we were
going to need someone to take care of Mika, and there was no way we were going to use
some clone from the neighborhood. Kyra and I weren’t egocentric enough to consider
ourselves worth replicating, nor did we want our neighbor’s perfect kids making our daughter
feel insecure. In addition, Yang came with a breadth of cultural knowledge that Kyra and I could
never match. He was programmed with grades K through college and had an in-depth
understanding of national Chinese holidays like flag-raising ceremonies and Ghost Festivals.
He knew about moon cakes and sky lanterns. For two hundred more, we could upgrade to a
model that would teach Mika tai chi and acupressure when she got older. I thought about it. “I
could learn Mandarin,” [...] and said, “Okay, it’ll be two kids then”.
He came to us fully programmed [...]. He lived with us, ate food, privately dumped his stomach
canister, brushed his teeth, read Mika goodnight stories, and went to sleep when we shut off
the lights.
All the same, he was an important addition to our lives. You could always count on him to keep
conversation going with some fact about China that none of us knew [...]. There was a lack of
passion to his statements, as though he wasn’t interested in the facts. But Kyra and I
understood this to be the result of his being an early model, and when one considered the
moments when he’d turn to Mika and say, “I love you, little sister,” there was no way to deny
what an integral part of our family he was.
Source: extrait du livre Children of the New World: Stories par Alexander Weinstein (2016)


C. Artificial intelligence will be net UK jobs creator, finds report

Artificial intelligence will be net UK jobs creator, finds report

AI and robotics forecast to generate 7.2m jobs, more than will be lost due to automation.
By Julia Kollewe, 17 Jul 2018

Artificial intelligence is set to create more than 7m new UK jobs in healthcare, science and
education by 2037, more than making up for the jobs lost in manufacturing and other sectors
through automation, according to a report.
A report from PricewaterhouseCoopers argued that AI would create slightly more jobs (7.2m)
than it displaced (7m) by boosting economic growth. The firm estimated about 20% of jobs
would be automated over the next 20 years and no sector would be unaffected.
AI and related technologies such as robotics, drones and driverless vehicles would replace
human workers in some areas, but also create many additional jobs as productivity and real
incomes rise and new and better products were developed, PwC said.
Increasing automation in factories is a long-term trend but robots such as Pepper, created by
Japan’s Softbank Robotics, are beginning to be used in shops, banks and social care, raising
fears of widespread job losses.
However, PwC estimated that healthcare and social work would be the biggest winners from
AI, where employment could increase by nearly 1 million on a net basis, equivalent to more
than a fifth of existing jobs in the sector.
Professional, scientific and technical services, including law, accounting, architecture and
advertising firms, are forecast to get the second-biggest boost, gaining nearly half a million
jobs, while education is set to get almost 200,000 extra jobs.
John Hawksworth, the chief economist at PwC, said: “Healthcare is likely to see rising
employment as it will be increasingly in demand as society becomes richer and the UK
population ages. While some jobs may be displaced, many more are likely to be created as
real incomes rise and patients still want the ‘human touch’ from doctors, nurses and other
health and social care workers.
Source: www.theguardian.com


D. Robot Looking at Skull

Title: Robot Looking at Skull

4. Going further
To continue your training, you can follow the methodological worksheets and the example of
the "dossier composé" and make your own.
− Choose your four to six documents: literary, journalistic and artistic,
− Read and analyze them, then classify them,
− Choose a main theme and write a key question,
− Write down questions for each document,
− Answer the questions following the methodology.


A. Key Questions
To ensure you know how to write a good key question (problématique), select all of
the well formulated ones. If a question wouldn’t be a good problématique, explain why.
 To what extent, does AI represent both a threat and an opportunity for mankind?
Is AI beneficial for humanity?
 In what ways can AI be considered necessary?
 Why could AI progress have both benefits and consequences for humanity?
Does AI represent a danger for mankind?

B. Match the implementation to the correct step

Steps Implementation
1. Find a main theme that interests you. d

2. Propose a key question in relation to the main theme. g

3. Think about the previously studied documents that correspond to e

the main theme and the chosen key question.
4. Search for documents on digital or paper supports that correspond b
to your main theme and that answer your key question.
5. Read your documents carefully. Extract the main ideas. Use the f
worksheets proposed for each type of document.
6. Organize the documents according to their relevance to the key c
7. Propose three interesting questions that stimulate reflection and a
that are related to your main theme and your key question.

C. Match the objectives with each step

Steps Objectives
1. Find a main theme that interests you. g

2. Propose a key question in relation to the main theme. d

3. Think about the previously studied documents that correspond to b

the main theme and the chosen key question.
4. Search for documents on digital or paper supports that correspond f
to your main theme and that answer your key question.
5. Read your documents carefully. Extract the main ideas. Use the a
worksheets proposed for each type of document.
6. Organize the documents according to their relevance to the key e
7. Propose three interesting questions that stimulate reflection and c
that are related to your main theme and your key question.


3. Production: Work on a « dossier composé »
To practice working on a dossier, study the documents and answer the questions.
− “Fil conducteur”: Evaluate the place humans will have in a future world of robots
and AI.
− A: Compare the two images and what Robotic Hand suggests about the
relationship between man and robots.
− B: What is Yang’s role and place in the family? What does this suggest? (200
− C: To what extent will AI affect the job market? (200 words)
− D: What does this image imply about robots’ relationship to humanity? (250 words)

A. Documents: Robotic Hand and The Creation of Adam

Compare the two images and what Robotic Hand suggests about the relationship
between man and robots.

Comparison between The Creation of Meaning

Adam (TCOA) and Robotic Hand (RH)
In RH, the robot’s hand is limp and soft, like Man is creator of robot.
Adam’s hand in TCOA, just before he is
awakened by God.
In RH, robot’s hand in same picture area as This implies that robot is the new god.
God in TCOA.
In RH, the robot’s hand is bigger than the Robot is more powerful than man.
man’s hand.
In RH, the robot’s hand is higher than the Robot is superior to man.
man’s hand.
In RH, robot’s hand to the right of the picture. This suggests that the future belongs to
robots, while men are already part of the
past. In photodynamics, the left represents
the past and the right represents the future.

B. Document: Extract from Children of the New World: Stories

What is Yang’s role and place in the family? What does this suggest? (200 words)

This extract shows a robot named Yang functioning as a big brother to Mika. Yang is
programmed with in-depth Chinese cultural knowledge that Mika’s non-Chinese parents
cannot provide. The narrator has a positive opinion of Yang but admits that Yang also has
some limits: “there was a lack of passion to his statements, as though he wasn’t interested in
the facts”. The extract raises the question of if robots could ever fully replace humans. Could
robots truly express human feelings and emotions? Moreover, should we design them to do
On the one hand, robots could be of great help to many people, such as assisting the elderly
and disabled or even helping with childcare. A robot could take care of monotonous tasks such
as vacuuming, cleaning, cooking, etc. A robot that has been programmed to simulate human
emotions might be better accepted by some people. On the other hand, robots are not human
and no matter how human-like we program them to be, they cannot actually feel emotions.
Yang seems a bit artificial because he cannot fully replicate passion about a subject since he
is just a machine. There is also the possibility that a robot might misinterpret a situation and
display the wrong emotion since human emotions are so complex.
(212 words)


C. Artificial intelligence will be net UK jobs creator, finds report
To what extent will AI affect the job market? (200 words)

Many people fear that the rise of AI and automation will cause mass unemployment as robots
replace humans. However, this fear appears to be unjustified as a new report from
PricewaterhouseCoopers claims that AI will create more jobs than it displaces. Although AI
and robots will definitively replace some human jobs there will be many other human jobs
created. There will be a need for AI researchers and developers as well as engineers.
Undoubtedly, certain sectors will be heavily impacted such as bus and taxi drivers being
replaced by driverless cars but the overall benefit to humanity must be taken into account.
Replacing drivers with driverless cars would eliminate human error. AI never gets tired or has
too much to drink and it would make our roads safer. On the other hand, there are many jobs
where people prefer a human touch and wouldn’t want to interact with robots. It would be
difficult, if not impossible, to replace human health care workers with robots. Many people
simply wouldn’t accept a robot doctor or nurse. Robots don’t have feelings or emotions and
while they could be programmed to simulate empathy, it would ring false.
(193 words)

D. Robot Looking at Skull

What does this image imply about robots’ relationship to humanity? (250 words)

This image is a really good example of photo dynamics, where movement occurs from the left
towards the right, and so movement is often associated with time, therefore the human skull is
in the past, and the robot is in the future. And the body position of the robot with the human
skull is clearly a reference to Hamlet, the main character in a Shakespearean play entitled
Hamlet. And this is referencing a specific scene where Hamlet is holding the human skull and
asks the question “to be or not to be?” And by asking this question he is asking a lot. To take
action or not to take action, to define himself as an individual and as a human or not to, to kill,
or not to kill, it’s a very big question. And so, to have the robot holding a human skull asking
himself the same questions, it’s as if the robot is asking: “To define myself as a being, or to
follow in the footsteps of humanity? To be like them or not to? To kill them or not to? To be
superior, or not to? It’s a very big question. And it’s even heavier, recognizing the gaze between
the robot to the human skull. It’s as if the robot is staring into the eyes of its own creator, the
eyes of its own god, which makes this question even stronger: “To kill the ones who created
me in order to be superior, or not to?”
(249 words)


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