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For success in the digital economy

4. Lifelong Learning – Continuing to learn throughout your life is

vital for success. This course will show you how to adopt a growth
mindset. Embracing challenges and adapting to change, Having
greater confidence in your abilities, and Developing skills to stay

4.1 Intro to Growth Mindset – Do you have a growth mindset?

Find out what this means, how it differs from a fixed mindset, and
how it can affect our everyday lives. (20 min.)

4.2 Growth Mindset and the Brain – Do you know what brain
plasticity is? Find out here and discover how our brain reacts to
learning new things. (15 min.)

4.3 Intro to the Learning Quotient – Learn about the Learning

Quotient, its importance, and how a growth mindset is the basis
of it. (20 min.)

4.4 Importance of Lifelong Learning – Continuously learning

throughout life is so significant. Learn why along with some tips to
improve self-confidence. (20 min.)

4.5 How to Master Mistakes – Mistakes are a part of life, so learn

some tips on how to deal with the consequences and how to
rectify them. (20 min.)

4.6 Four (4) Steps to a Growth Mindset – Learn about the 4-step
strategy to develop your growth mindset and stick to it. (20 min.)

4.7 Growth Mindset in Daily Life – Get some tips and tricks on
using a growth mindset with practical examples. (15 min.)

5. Emotional Intelligence – Discover strategies for managing

emotions, coping with stress, and communicating effectively. These are vital elements of working with others.
Managing and monitoring your responses, Staying grounded and calm, and Improving your communication.

5.1 Emotional Self-Regulation – Discover what it means to be able to regulate your emotions and why it is
so important. (15 min.)

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5.2 Self-Regulation Scenarios

– Look at everyday situations
that require emotional self-
regulation, and find solutions.
(15 min.)

5.3 Grounding Exercises –

Get to know a few quick
exercises that help you
ground yourself and calm
down in the heat of the
moment. (10 min.)

5.4 Knowing Your Audience –

Learn how to gather
information about your
audience and adapt your
communication to their
interests and needs. (15 min.)

5.5 Active Listening – Learn how to improve communication with anyone by practicing active listening. (15

5.6 Managing Conflict – Conflicts in the workplace are perfectly normal - all you need to know is how to
manage and resolve them correctly. (20 min.)

6. Solving Problems – Everyone faces problems. This course will teach you methods to make problem-solving
easier. Identifying a challenge or issue; Successful problem-solving techniques; Tackling complex problems.

6.1 Welcoming the Problem – Understand how to recognize when you have a problem and ways to solve
it. (5 min.)

6.2 Handling Problems Better – Learn about the four-step approach to problem-solving and some common
causes of problems. (20 min.)

6.3 Solving Complex Problems – In addition to simple problems, there are also complex problems. Learn
what they are and how to approach them. (20 min.)

6.4 Pros and Cons – See how considering the pros and cons of possible solutions can be used to solve
complex problems. (20 min.)

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6.5 Good, Better, Best? – Learn how weighting, rating, and

scoring can be used to make a difficult decision. (15 min.)

6.6 Creating a Hypothesis – Learn more about hypotheses and

which aspects of your life may appear. (5 min.)

6.7 Verifying Assumptions – We often make assumptions rather

than understand the root cause of a problem. Learn how to
analyze and verify assumptions. (10 min.)

6.8 Evaluating and Measuring – Learn how to evaluate the

effectiveness of a solution and whether additional steps are
necessary to solve a problem. (15 min.)

7. Thinking Critically – This course will teach you to evaluate

information and think through decisions. Validating
information; Forming a judgment or assessment; Applying
critical thinking at work.

7.1 Introduction to Critical Thinking – Discover what critical

thinking is and how it is used daily. (5 min.)

7.2 Four (4) Cs for Future Success – Learn about the four Cs and
why critical thinking is essential. (20 min.)

7.3 Traits of a Critical Thinker – Learn about traits you can focus
on developing to improve your critical thinking. (10 min.)

7.4 Skills for Critical Thinking – Identify skills you can use in
critical thinking and barriers that may hold you back. (10 min.)

7.5 Is this Real or Fake? – Understand how to differentiate

between real and fake news or information. (15 min.)

7.6 Three (3) Skills for Success at Work – Discover the most important skills to thrive in today’s workforce.
(15 min.)

7.7 Five (5) Steps to Think Critically – Use this five-step approach to help you think critically when making
a decision. (15 min.)

7.8 Taking Time to Solve Problems – See how thinking through problems, using critical thinking, and
avoiding jumping to conclusions can help you solve issues. (5 min.)

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7.9 Reflecting on Critical

Thinking – Reflect on critical
thinking and identify any
areas for further
development. (20 min.)

8. Understanding Technology –
Explore the basics of technology
and the history and future of
technological development.
Understanding the technology
landscape; Identifying when and
how to use specific software;
Past and present technology

8.1 Technology Then and Now – Learn about developments in

technology over the years. (15 min.)

8.2 What’s New on the Market – See some examples of how new
technology is changing how we perform tasks. (15 min.)

8.3 Quiz on Everyday Technology – Take this quiz to see how much
you know about the technology you can use at home and work. (10

8.4 Changing Technology – See how technology constantly changes

and the importance of keeping up with the latest developments. (5

8.5 Cloud – Learn what Cloud is and why it is one of the most
innovative technologies of our time. (15 min.)

8.6 Artificial Intelligence – Understand what Artificial Intelligence

is, how it is applied, and why it matters. (15 min.)

8.7 Blockchain – Learn how Blockchain works and why it redefines

how the world shares data. (15 min.)

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9. Technology at Work – Improve

your digital literacy with this
introduction to computers and the
internet and how they are used in
the workplace. Working with
different tools and technology,
Using email and communicating
virtually, and navigating the

9.1 What is Digitalization? – Explore

what digitalization is and how it
impacts your daily life. (15 min.)

9.2 Computer Basics – Understand

the basics of the critical
components, how they work, and
internet access. (40 min.)

9.3 Internet Basics – Learn internet

basics such as how it works, using a
search engine, and avoiding
phishing and spam. (30 min.)

9.4 Quiz on Technology Basics –

Identify how much you’ve learned
about computer basics, internet
basics, and digitalization or if you need to develop more areas. (10 min.)

9.5 Hardware and Software – Learn what hardware and software are and how they are used. (5 min.)

9.6 Email Basics – Email is necessary for many online functions and activities. Learn how to create and use
an email account. (15 min.)

9.7 Working Efficiently – Being efficient improves your work and saves time. Learn about keyboard
shortcuts, bookmarks, and having an organized workspace. (10 min.)

9.8 Virtual Communication – Learn about the importance of communicating virtually and the options for
communicating in both work and personal life. (15 min.)

9.9 How Search Engines Work – Do you know the different search engines? Learn how search engines work
and how to optimize your search. (5 min.)

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9.10 Security at Work – Learn about the different types of

security and how they protect various aspects of our work and
private lives. (15 min.)

9.11 Digital Transformation – See how technology is

constantly changing, and it is important to keep up with it. (10

9.12 Deep Dive Into Tools – Learn more details about specific
technologies and tools. (15 min.)

10. Exploring Coding – This course provides an overview of coding

and introduces vital programming languages. Understanding
computer programming languages; Writing basic coding
commands. Considering career paths in coding.

10.1 What is Coding? – Explore the basics of coding and the

difference between compiling and interpreting programs. (5

10.2 JavaScript and Python – Get an introduction to the most

common coding languages, JavaScript and Python, as well as
their benefits. (10 min.)

10.3 Common Coding Structures – Learn how a computer

works, including coding concepts such as algorithms, binary
and programming languages. (20 min.)

10.4 Intro to Web Development – Get an introduction to web

development, including the differences between front-end
and back-end development and the daily life of a web
developer. (5 min.)

10.5 Types of Web Development – Understand how to develop what a user sees on a website versus what
happens on the back end. (10 min.)

10.6 Intro to App Development – Explore what apps are, how they are used daily, and the basics of coding
an app. (5 min.)

10.7 Becoming an App Developer – Learn the basics of JavaScript syntax and coding. (60 min.)

10.8 Comparing iOS and Android – Do you know the difference between Apple iOS and Google Android?
Get an introduction and comparison of the two operating systems. (15 min.)

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10.9 Intro to Software Development –

Explore the basics of software
development, including the tools,
programs, and languages used. (15 min.)

10.10 Game Development – Interested

in game development? Learn more
about Unity and Unreal Engine 4, the
most common gaming engines. (50 min.)

10.11 How to Create a Video Game – Do

you want to develop a video game?
Learn about the different gaming
engines available and how to get started.
(5 min.)

10.12 Python Coding Game 1 – Improve

your Python coding skills by playing this
interactive game. (30 min.)

10.13 Python Coding Game 2 – Learn

about Python and programming
concepts by playing an engaging game.
(60 min.)

10.14 JavaScript Coding Game 1 –

Improve your JavaScript coding skills by playing this interactive game. (30 min.)

10.15 JavaScript Coding Game 2 – Practice the basics of JavaScript language and syntax through an
interactive game. (60 min.)

10.16 Block-Based Coding Game – Play an online game to improve your common coding skills. (30 min.)

11. Discovering Data – Learn ways to collect and interpret data and how it can guide decision-making.
Collecting, managing, and working with data; Data interpretation techniques; Using data to help make

11.1 Data Interpretation Simplified – Learn what data is and what different types there are. (20 min.)

11.2 It’s All About Data! – Explore the importance of data and its purpose through practical examples. (20

11.3 Exploring Data – Discover the power of data and how it equips us to make informed decisions. (15

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11.4 How to Collect Data – Discover how to collect data and the sources and learn about the reliability and
best practices of data. (45 min.)

11.5 Five Scales of Measurement – Learn about the advantages and disadvantages of five (5) different
measurement scales. (10 min.)

11.6 Methods of Data Interpretation – Explore some examples of data interpretation to get a better
understanding. (25 min.)

11.7 Excel Basics – Excel has many functions for data interpretation. Learn some of the basics here. (15

Skills to Succeed Academy. (2019). Accenture. Retrieved May 17, 2023, from https://s2sacademy.ph/

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