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Aux États-Unis, ce sont les différents états qui ont choisi de

confiner ou non, le gouvernement central n’ayant rien imposé.
La plupart des états a donc été confinée mais les états les plus
ruraux comme l’Arkansas, l’Iowa, le Nebraska, le Dakota du
nord et le Dakota du sud ne l’ont pas été.
Ce thème pourra donc permettre aux élèves de s’exprimer sur
le sujet.
Les documents de cette unité ne se veulent pas inquiétants et
doivent être considérés avec le tout le recul nécessaire, comme
parlant d’un mode de vie marginal chez des citoyens américains
qui se préparent à une hypothétique fin de la civilisation.
La vidéo Before Class! en page d’ouverture a été tournée par
l’entreprise Vivos qui se sert beaucoup de la peur pour
convaincre des clients potentiels de rejoindre sa communauté.
On veillera donc à bien demander aux élèves de prendre
du recul au moment de regarder la vidéo afin d’identifier la
stratégie utilisée par Vivos.
Présentation de l’unité
Le mot « survivaliste » évoque l’image d’une personne qui fait EXTRAIT DU PROGRAMME DE TRONC COMMUN (B.O.)
des réserves de nourriture, d’eau et de médicaments en grande Axe 2 – Espace privé et espace public
en quantité afin de survivre à l’apocalypse, terrée dans un abri
Comment la frontière entre espace public et espace privé est-elle
antiatomique, à plusieurs mètres sous terre. tracée en fonction des cultures, des croyances, des traditions et
Cette unité présente ce que sont réellement les « preppers » comment évolue-t-elle dans le temps dans chaque aire géogra-
et « survivalistes », et ce à quoi ils se préparent, en se focalisant phique étudiée ? L’espace privé (l’habitation) prend des formes et
sur les États-Unis. des dimensions variables […] selon des modalités multiples. Étudier
les différentes configurations d’espaces privés et publics, leur fré-
Les élèves découvriront d’abord des survivalistes américains quentation et leurs transformations permet de mieux comprendre
puis verront que cette idéologie prend en partie sa source dans comment est structurée une société. […].
l’histoire et la géographie de ce pays.
Nous aborderons le cas de la FEMA (Federal Emergency Man- Mots-clés en lien avec l’unité : liberté de mouvement /
agement Agency), cette instance publique censée apporter de émancipation / lieux de convivialité / type d’habitat /
l’aide à la population lorsque le pays est frappé par une catas- espaces publics
trophe naturelle. Nous verrons ainsi pourquoi il est difficile de
compter sur les instances publiques en cas de catastrophe et
qu’il est par conséquent tentant de se tourner vers la sphère
privée en entreprenant sa propre préparation, ce qui nous image d’ouverture 46
mènera vers les offres existantes sur le marché pour fournir aux
personnes qui le souhaitent et en ont les moyens, une place Présentation du document
dans une communauté survivaliste.
L’unité abordera en dernier lieu de quelle manière la littérature
traite le survivalisme sous des facettes très diverses, de l’expé- This is the poster of the post-apocalyptic American film
rience de retrait du monde de Henry David Thoreau à l’univers “Goodbye World”, directed by Denis Henry Hennelly
apocalyptique d’un monde ravagé par une pandémie, où les and released in April 2013.
frontières entre espaces public et privé sont brouillées. It is about a couple who leads a self-reliant life with their
daughter in the countryside. When a terrorist cyber-at-
Remarque : Cette unité a été conçue bien avant la pandémie tack makes the whole world collapse into chaos, their
de Covid-19 et résonne pourtant fortement avec ce que le friends, seeking protection and shelter, join them in their
monde a vécu et vit encore au moment de l’écriture du Fichier safe haven. But this new community life will soon impact
pédagogique. De mars à juin 2020, les pays anglophones ont the relationships within the group.
été touchés à des degrés divers et ont réagi différemment face
à la pandémie. La Nouvelle-Zélande a par exemple fermé ses
frontières à tous les étrangers et a sanctionné les dirigeants Mise en œuvre
politiques qui ne respectaient pas les mesures de distanciation 1. En phase d’anticipation, on peut dans un premier temps, si
physique et sociale à la lettre (le ministre de la santé, David Clark l’on utilise le manuel numérique, recourir à un déficit d’infor-
a été réprimandé et même rétrogradé pour s’être rendu à la mations en cachant la partie gauche de l’image pour ne laisser
plage en famille). La Première ministre Jacinda Ardern a pris apparaître que l’homme et la petite fille. On demandera en
ensuite la décision de confiner la population pendant 7 semaines premier lieu aux élèves de formuler des hypothèses quant à la
et a mis en place une politique intensive de dépistage. présence de l’homme et de la petite fille dans cet environne-

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ment, puis on leur demandera d’imaginer ce qui est masqué Since the title of the film is “Goodbye World” we can imagine
sur la partie gauche de la photo. that the father and his daughter are going to lead a secluded
→ It must be a father and his daughter who are taking a walk life to escape civilisation. However, the fact that they have no
and are admiring the landscape. The sky is dark so there will rucksacks /backpacks and are wearing everyday clothes sug-
probably be a thunderstorm. On the left, there may be the sea, gests that they are not dressed/prepared for living in the wild/
a city or a breathtaking view. wilderness. Therefore, we can guess that the world as they know
it is going to disappear because of a major catastrophe /disaster.
→ I disagree with you. I don’t think there is a beautiful view. They will certainly have to learn how to survive on their own
There must be a hurricane or a tornado because we can see
without the bare necessities.
that the sky is very dark.
→ I don’t think the sky is dark because of the weather but Remarque : On attirera l’attention des élèves sur la prononcia-
because of smoke, I’d bet my life on it! So, I guess there must tion de « catastrophe » /kəˈtæstrəfi/, civilisation /ˌsɪvəlaɪˈzeɪʃən/
have been a plane crash. et « wilderness » /ˈwɪldənəs/.
On notera les hypothèses au tableau et on mettra en valeur la
traduction de « il y a » (there is, there are, there will be, there
may be, there must/may/can’t have been). 46
2. On pourra ensuite leur laisser découvrir la partie gauche
tout en cachant, si on le souhaite, le titre et la problématique Présentation du document
de l’unité afin de ne pas les influencer. On leur demandera de
vérifier leurs hypothèses et d’en formuler de nouvelles. Cette courte vidéo (45’’) fait partie d’une campagne promo-
On pourra aussi leur demander de deviner le thème de l’unité tionnelle pour les abris survivalistes de l’entreprise américaine
et/ou l’axe qui va être travaillé. Vivos. Les informations ci-dessous ne seront pas communiquées
aux élèves en début d’unité afin de ne pas compromettre le
→ It is definitely not a breathtaking view! I think you were right, travail sur Vivos mené plus loin dans l’unité p. 49.
there must have been a plane crash or a factory may have
exploded. Since something seems to have exploded (a plane
or a factory), I think the notion is “Scientific innovations and Vivos is a California-based company that modernises
responsibility”. We will probably study what impact technology old military fallout shelters in the United States and in
has on the environment. Europe and sells them to create underground
3. Enfin, on pourra donner des informations sur l’image et révé- This video posted by Vivos Group uses several tech-
ler le titre de l’unité. niques (images, text, music) that arouse a feeling of
On demandera alors aux élèves de mettre en relation l’image anxiety in the viewer. The objective is to encourage
et tous ces nouveaux éléments. Les expressions de l’opinion, him/her to prepare for a large-scale catastrophe that
de l’accord et du désaccord seront travaillées à cette occasion. would destroy our civilisation.

→ To my mind/In my opinion, the man and his daughter are

probably looking at their house burning. They may be trying to
find a shelter for the night. script VIDEO N°10

→ I disagree, I think something more disastrous has happened

because this is a “post-apocalyptic” film, so it means that the (Stressful music)
whole humanity must have been impacted by a catastrophe/ Text: “XPoint: the point in time when only the prepared
disaster, not just the man and his daughter. will survive.”
→ As for me, I have the feeling that this chapter is about “sur- [Images: a city with skyscrapers / a man walking in a park,
vivalism” so I guess that the man and his daughter may be the there is an obelisk in the background –maybe the Wash-
only survivors of a disaster and they need to learn how to sur- ington Monument in Washington, DC / a highway / a
vive on their own. demonstration / riot police]
Text: “We live in a delicate balance”
Remarque : Tout au long de cette phase d’anticipation, on
[Images: a factory or a nuclear power plant? / a burning
pourra mettre en évidence l’utilisation du present perfect
police car / destroyed buildings / a suspension bridge in
(résultat d’une action passée) et renvoyer les élèves au précis
a city]
grammatical p. 299.
Text: “In an uncertain world”
[Images: satellite images of the earth, probably from a
Mise en œuvre alternative weather broadcast / police or riot police / a war or a build-
ing being bombed.]
On peut aussi choisir de donner aux élèves toutes les informa-
Text: “When disaster strikes, the time to prepare… has
tions sur l’image dès le départ (voir encadré jaune ci-dessus) et
already passed. Prepare.”
leur demander de formuler des hypothèses sur l’image.
[Images: police / police car burning / highway / satellite
Productions possibles : images of the earth]
→ In the foreground, we can see a man holding a little girl in
his arms. She is resting her head on the man’s shoulder and
seems to feel reassured/comforted by his presence. This little
girl must be the man’s daughter. They seem to be standing on
a hill or a mountain because they can see /overlook what is hap-
pening down in the valley. They are looking at a fire whose thick
black smoke is rising into the sky. They may have gone there to
escape from the fire and find shelter in the mountain.

70 Unit 5

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Mise en œuvre
Les élèves pourront regarder la vidéo à la maison en suivant le
1 Ready for the worst

principe de la classe inversée, en flashant le QR code ou au clic

dans le manuel numérique élève, et en feront un compte rendu Présentation du document
en classe. Lors de la mise en commun, on leur demandera de
Cet audio de 2’ est un enregistrement adapté d’un témoignage
rendre compte des images aperçues, de la musique, de l’at-
d’un membre de la communauté « Guildbrook Farm » située
mosphère, du texte et de l’objectif de ce document.
dans les Appalaches, en Caroline du Nord.
Production possible :
→ This video was made by Vivos Group. The music used script MP3 N°18

arouses/provokes a feeling of anxiety, so do the images that

are shown: pictures of destroyed buildings, demonstrations, Man prepper: Today I want to talk about prepping. What
riot police officers or even a nuclear plant flash up quickly on are preppers? Are we preppers, and if so what are we
screen. This induces/creates a tense atmosphere. preparing for? So, what are preppers?
I think a lot of people think about preppers as somebody
In addition, the text stirs up fear. It informs us that we live in an who's preparing for a post-apocalyptic world. Somebody
uncertain world in which a disaster (man-made or natural) can who has 30 to 40 years’ worth of food storage. Somebody
happen. It encourages/urges us to prepare/get ready/get pre- who maybe practices bushcraft survival skills on the week-
pared for such a disaster. It says that if we do not prepare now, ends. And certainly, there are those types of people and
it will be too late to do so when a disaster strikes, because we that's the more exciting end of prepping, but there's actu-
will not have the resources to survive. ally a whole wide range of prepping.
Vivos aims at scaring the viewer in order to make him/her want I think of preppers as being risk assessors and risk miti-
to get prepared/ready for the worst. gators. These are people who play the "What If" game:
what if there's an emergency? What if there's a job loss?
La trace écrite pourra faire l’objet d’un travail sur le lexique What if there's a catastrophic event?
permettant d’exprimer la conséquence (arouse, induce, stir up, And then they try to take precautions to help mitigate
cause, create), l’influence (encourage, urge, make sb do sth). that risk either to eliminate it or help to mitigate it as best
On pourra aussi travailler les subordonnées relatives (précis as possible for their situation.
grammatical p. 317) et les subordonnées en if et when (précis
So, some of the things that you might not consider when
grammatical p. 305).
you think about preppers is that preppers are possibly
→ If we do not prepare now, it will be too late to do so when a preparing for an emergency phone call in the middle of
disaster strikes. When a disaster strikes, we will survive only if the night just in case they need to rush to their safe room.
we are prepared. Do you have a full tank of gas or do you have to stop by
the gas station to fill up?
Maybe a job loss... Are you prepared to not have income
Mise en œuvre alternative
due to a job loss or maybe even due to an injury? What
Il serait intéressant de scénariser cette activité en demandant about natural disasters? Are you prepared if there is a
aux élèves de créer la voix-off de cette vidéo à la façon d’une flood in your area?
bande annonce. Cette activité de production orale en continu What if there's an ice storm? North Carolina is known for
leur donnera l’occasion de réactiver un grand nombre d’élé- having ice storms and we don't have the resources to coat
ments vus lors du travail sur l’image d’ouverture. the roads that they do in the northern states. It's possible
we could be stuck in our house for three weeks or for
three days up to a week and it has happened.
Are we prepared to not have to go to the grocery store
because we can't travel on the roads?
So, these are the things that preppers think about when
47 1 American Preppers they decide to prepare for a certain situation.

Sur cette page, les élèves découvriront en premier lieu qui sont
les preppers et quelles sont les raisons qui les poussent à se On pourra donner en amont une ou plusieurs définition(s)
préparer, puis dans un second temps ils comprendront que le du terme « prepper » que l’on peut également trouver sous
besoin de se préparer à une éventuelle catastrophe est ancré l’appellation « Doomsday prepper ». On fera remarquer aux
dans la culture américaine notamment lors de la guerre froide. élèves que ce terme a été inventé aux États-Unis.

Les deux premiers documents pourront être travaillés de deux (Doomsday) prepper /ˈprepə/ (North American term)
façons :
• A person who gathers materials and makes plans in
l’un après l’autre, en étudiant les deux documents en classe
preparation for surviving a major disaster or cataclysm
ou en en étudiant un en classe et en demandant aux élèves (…) (www.merriam-webster.com)
d’étudier l’autre à la maison.
• Someone who believes that a war or disaster will
simultanément en groupes : un binôme étudie le document happen soon, and who learns skills and collects food and
1 à la maison et un autre binôme le document 2. De retour en equipment, in order to be ready for it. (www.dictionary.
classe on procèdera alors au partage des informations recueil- cambridge.org)
lies en groupe suivi d’une mise en commun en classe entière.

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• A person who believes a catastrophic disaster or
emergency is likely to occur in the future and makes The Blevins’s preparation
active preparations for it, typically by stockpiling food,
ammunition, and other supplies. (www.lexico.com)
Présentation du document
• Someone who actively prepares for worst-case
scenarios, such as the end of the world, by practicing La vidéo est un court reportage sur une famille américaine de
survivalist techniques, including hoarding food. « preppers » vivant à Berryville (Virginie).
This video was posted by the AFP News Agency on their
Youtube channel. It shows a family of preppers, the
Mise en œuvre et réponses aux questions Blevins, who are preparing for any type of disaster. This
family was featured on the American reality TV series
A. Preppers may get prepared for the apocalypse or for a “Doomsday Preppers” aired on the National Geo-
natural disaster such as a hurricane or a tornado. They may get graphic channel.
ready in case there is a nuclear attack or if a nuclear power plant
explodes. They may also get prepared for a pandemic, by hav-
ing a large stock of food in their pantry.
script VIDEO N°11

Journalist: It looks like any other suburban home, but if

B. Stereotypes: A prepper is somebody who is preparing for
disaster strikes, Jay Blevins has what he needs to trans-
a post-apocalyptic world / somebody who has 30 to 40 years’ form his house into a bunker.
worth of food storage / somebody who practises bushcraft
Jay Blevins: We have precut boards that we can put over
survival skills on weekends.
the windows in the event that there are looters and things
Definition: There are many types of preppers. Preppers can be like that to protect the house.
considered as risk assessors and risk mitigators by anticipating Journalist: Jay and his family are what’s known as “prep-
different types of situations and being prepared. pers”, people who make it a priority to be ready for the
worst, from catastrophic floods to terrorist attacks. For
Prepping situations:
protection: an array of firearms including revolvers and
– Having an emergency → make sure you have a full tank of some semi-automatics. And down in the basement,
gas in the car. enough food to survive for months. For Jay’s wife Holly,
– Job loss or injury → be prepared in case you have no income. the prepper’s mindset is something she takes everywhere,
even shopping.
– Catastrophic event, natural disaster (flood or ice storm)
→ ensure that you have enough food stored at home in case Holly Blevins: Just on a regular basis I go to the grocery
you cannot go to the grocery store for several weeks. store and I happen to see that gallons of water are on
sale for 59 cents, I’ll buy 6 gallons of water. It’s always in
my mind, in the back of my mind.
C. Cette question sera l’occasion pour les élèves d’utiliser les
expressions de l’opinion, de l’accord et du désaccord, et les Journalist: In the US, large-scale catastrophes like 9/11
mots de liaison afin de structurer leur propos. Elle permettra or super storm Sandy have boosted interest in prepared-
également de travailler la tournure hypothétique avec would. ness training. Patrick Troy is a former soldier who teaches
survival skills to his friends and neighbours. He says “a
→ As far as I am concerned, I don’t think it would be necessary prepper attitude doesn’t come easily”.
for my family to prepare by having a full tank of gas because Patrick Troy (emergency preparedness coach): For the
we live in the city, so we do not need to take the car to go to most part, we don’t want to think about these things, we
the grocery store as we have a supermarket next door. don’t want to say “gosh tomorrow, I might not be able
However, during the lockdown, when there was the Coronavi- to go to the grocery store and buy milk or something!”,
rus pandemic, some products were unavailable, that is why we but then an event happens and we’re forced to deal with
now keep extra packs of flour in our pantry. this reality that our supply chains are actually fragile.
Journalist: But being ready for the worst doesn’t mean
→ Well, I disagree with you. All the time when we were in living in fear. And Jay takes care not to let his philosophy
lockdown, there was food available everywhere, that is why my interfere with his family’s everyday life.
family and I don’t feel the need to store many grocery products
Jay Blevins: There is a fine line I think between prepara-
at home, leaving aside the fact that our apartment is very small.
tion and paranoia. I don’t want to go over that line. We
In other words, even if we wanted to store extra food, we
have a normal family life: our kids play soccer and football
couldn’t because we don’t have enough space. and we go on vacations to Disney and things like that,
→ As for me, I think it would be useful to have a lot of food and then we have this thing on the side, just like insurance
stored at home since no one can guarantee that this situation if we ever need it, we use it.
will not happen again and be worse. Journalist: Now, others can use it too: Jay has published
a book on preparedness, it claims to contain everything
→ I, for one, would grow a vegetable garden in order to have you need to survive the end of the world.
fresh food close at hand and stop relying on supermarkets.
→ I personally think it is useless to get prepared for disasters
like hurricanes or ice storms because in France, we don’t have Mise en œuvre et réponses aux questions
as many natural disasters as in the USA.
A. On proposera aux élèves de travailler en binômes afin de se
répartir les tâches. On pourra leur demander de regarder la
vidéo à la maison pour ensuite mettre en commun les informa-

72 Unit 5

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tions comprises en classe. On pourra également projeter direc- Remarque : Pour approfondir ce sujet, il est possible de s’ap-
tement le document vidéo en classe. puyer sur les pages consacrées à la guerre froide dans l’unité
de DNL intitulée « Propaganda in Times of War ». Cette unité
B. Pupil A - Information about the Blevins: est accessible dans le manuel numérique p. 71, en lien avec
l’axe 3. Elle est aussi téléchargeable sur le site compagnon
Jay Blevins: father / Holly Blevins: mother / They have three kids. enseignant (onglet Ressources → Annexes).
They are preppers: they transform their house into a bunker Pour en savoir plus sur cette unité, voir p. 459 de ce Fichier.
(they have boards to put over the windows so as to protect the
house against looters) and they have a stock of food in the
basement. Mise en œuvre et réponses aux questions
Holly Blevins buys extra water or food on a regular basis when A. On pourra communiquer aux élèves la date de diffusion de
she shops (for example, if she sees gallons of water on sale, she la brochure (1959).
will buy them). She has the “prepper’s mindset”. This is a poster that must have been designed by the American
They say they are not paranoid and lead a normal life: the kids government in 1959. On the right, we can read “Your one
have hobbies, they go on vacation to Disneyland. defense against FALLOUT. Get free booklet from local civil
Jay considers prepping as “insurance” in case a disaster strikes / defense.”
We understand that this brochure encourages people to go to
Jay has written a book entitled “Survival and Emergency Pre- the Local Civil Defense in order to get a free booklet that will
paredness Skills”. tell them how to build a fallout shelter.
The image shows two people, probably a couple, who are build-
Pupil B - Information about prepping:
ing the foundations of a building. The woman is reading a book-
Preppers make it a priority to be ready for the worst, from let entitled “Family Fallout Shelter”, so we can guess that they
natural disasters like floods, to terrorist attacks. are building the walls of a fallout shelter. They may be reading
They have different types of firearms for protection (revolvers the booklet to find advice about what to do next. Building a
and semi-automatics). bunker seems to be an easy task that anybody can carry out.
They also have enough food stored to survive for months. In the background, the black sky may symbolise the danger that
looms/a pending threat over the country.
In the USA, people got interested in prepping after large-scale
catastrophes/disasters like 9/11 and super storm Sandy.
B. The text is an extract from an article written by Mariana Zap-
ata in Atlas Obscura on 29 September, 2016. The author anal-
Information about Patrick Troy:
yses and criticises some instructional videos the American
Former soldier. Teaches survival skills to his friends and neigh- government made in the 1950s, during the Cold War, to teach
bours. He’s an “emergency preparedness coach”. the population how to protect their family and home in the
He says that people usually do not want to think about such event of a nuclear attack. Apparently, the advice given was not
situations, they do not want to imagine/picture themselves in always accurate and did not prepare the Americans effectively.
a situation where they cannot go to the grocery store to buy The article echoes the poster because they both deal with the
food. He says that our supply chains are fragile. same topic: how to protect yourself from fallout? The videos
described in the article and in the poster were made by the
Après un retour à la classe, on pourra demander aux élèves American government during the same decade.
d’utiliser leurs notes afin de faire un compte rendu des deux
documents et d’expliquer qui sont les preppers, ce à quoi ils C. The Federal Civil Defense Administration was formed by Pres-
se préparent et ce que leur préparation leur permettra de faire ident Truman in the 1950s to prepare Americans/the American
le jour où une catastrophe se produira (on renverra les élèves population for a possible nuclear attack by making instructional
à la rubrique « Rule the grammar » p. 52 pour qu’ils travaillent videos about what to expect in the event of an attack and by
l’expression de la capacité au futur). giving advice about how to protect one’s family and home.

Remarque : Dans la trace écrite, on pourra faire un point sur

3 The origins of prepping

47 les articles et l’article zéro ainsi que sur l’expression du moyen
avec « By + V-ing ».
On donnera aux élèves au moment jugé le plus opportun les
Présentation des documents informations ci-après.

Cette activité permettra de découvrir quelles sont les origines

du survivalisme aux États-Unis à travers l’étude : The mission of the Federal Civil Defense Administration
and its local branches was “to protect life and property
d’une affiche de 1959 encourageant la population améri- from the effects of attack by preparing for and by carry-
caine à créer un abri antiatomique ; ing out emergency functions to prevent, minimize, and
d’un article de 2016 qui analyse des vidéos diffusées par le repair injury and damage.”
gouvernement américain dans les années 1950 dans le but Source: Annual Report of the Federal Civil Defense
de préparer la population à une éventuelle attaque nucléaire. Administration (1958)
L’article proposé provient de www.atlasobscura.com : www.training.fema.gov/hiedu/docs/historicalinterest/
Atlas Obscura is an online magazine that provides a
database of the world’s most unusual places and foods.
It publishes articles on different topics: travel, food, his-
tory or science. Atlas Obscura is also a travel company.

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D. “the target” = the American population ; The “free men” =
Americans ; “those who trample the liberties of the free men”= 48-49 2 In Ourselves We Trust
the enemies, the Communists.

Remarque : À l’issue de ce travail, on demandera aux élèves

d’expliquer pourquoi on peut considérer que ces vidéos et
affiches sont à l’origine des activités actuelles de « prepping ».
The videos made in the 1950s instilled fear: the American pop-
ulation indeed lived with the fear of a nuclear attack constantly
hanging over them. It must have encouraged them to take steps
in order to get prepared.
The Cold War must have left its marks on the Americans’ minds,
which would explain why they feel they need to get prepared
for new modern threats.
En conclusion de ce travail sur les preppers, on pourra commu-
niquer les éléments ci-après.

During the Cold War, the American government made

flyers and videos that encouraged the population to Les documents de la page 48 montrent que les Américains ne
take responsibility for their own protection. It provided peuvent pas compter sur l’agence fédérale des situations
safety tips in the event of a nuclear attack or gave advice d’urgence qu’est la Federal Emergency Management Agency
for building a fallout shelter. These measures urged the (FEMA) pour être protégés en cas de catastrophe majeure.
population to prepare and instilled fear in their minds. Inorganisée, impuissante, la FEMA ne remplit pas sa mission.
Se protéger pour faire face à des catastrophes naturelles devient
Today, the context and the threats are different, but the dès lors une affaire privée pour les Américains.
Americans are still preparing.
Les documents de la page 49 présentent l’entreprise califor-
According to a study carried out by Chapman University nienne Vivos, qui propose des solutions, aux États-Unis et en
in 2018 on America’s top fears (https://blogs.chapman. Europe, pour survivre à des catastrophes de grande ampleur.
edu/wilkinson/2018/10/16/americas-top-fears-2018/), NB. : L’étude des documents de la page 49 est indispensable
around one in two Americans fears climate change. The si l’on souhaite que les élèves réalisent le projet final.
USA indeed experiences the adverse effects of climate
change and witnesses an increasing number of natural
On pourra dans un premier temps faire réfléchir les élèves sur
disasters: three hurricanes in the course of the year 2017
le titre de cette double page. Que signifie-t-il ? À quoi leur fait-il
(Harvey, Irma and Maria), recurrent fires in Southern Cal-
penser ?
ifornia, unexpected snowstorms in the Southeastern
states (Louisiana, Virginia, etc.) in 2014, recurrent floods → It may mean that as a prepper you need to rely on yourself
in North and South Carolina between 2015 and 2019, and not on other people (your neighbours for instance).
→ It reminds me of the expression “if you want something done,
Climate is not the only preoccupation of the American do it yourself”, meaning that you cannot trust anyone but your-
population: in the top 20, there is the fear of being self when you want something to be done.
involved in a world war, the fear of a global financial col-
lapse, a bacterial war or even a pandemic. → It also reminds me of the American national motto “In God
We Trust”, which we can find on the US dollar coins and
banknotes. It must be a play on words, meaning that Americans
Remarque : À l’heure de la rédaction du fichier pédagogique, need to rely on themselves and not on God or on the American
l’étude de Chapman University n’a pas été mise à jour, mais on State in case of a disaster.
peut supposer qu’avec la crise sanitaire liée au Covid-19, la

peur d’une pandémie figure en tête dans le classement. Le Pew
Research Center a d’ailleurs mené une enquête en mars 2020 48
qui confirmerait cette tendance : The U.S. Disaster Agency
of-disease-as-top-international-threat-along-with-terrorism- Présentation du document
L’article proposé provient du Scientific American :

Scientific American is an online magazine that publishes

science-related articles. It is the longest continuously
published magazine in the Unites States: it was founded
in 1845. Many renowned figures have written for the
magazine. Among the authors, there have been more
than 150 Nobel laureates such as Albert Einstein or Linus
Pauling, but also writers from different fields: world
leaders like former United Nations Secretary-General
Trygve Lie, U.S. Government Officials such as former
U.S. Vice President Al Gore, and several economists and
industrialists. More on: www.scientificamerican.com/

74 Unit 5

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Mise en œuvre et réponses aux questions
A. This text is an extract from an article written by Thomas Frank
2 Together is better

published on August 20, 2019. It was taken from Scientific Ame- Présentation des documents
rican, which must be either a magazine or a website. It must
deal with the U.S. disaster agency. Les photos :

B. FEMA stands for Federal Emergency Management Agency.

The pictures show Vivos Xpoint, a survival community
Its role is to send emergency workers and money to the states
located near the Black Hills, in South Dakota. This is a
that need help when they are hit by a natural disaster.
former US army base with 575 military bunkers that can
On pourra compléter les réponses par les informations suivantes :
accommodate more than 5,000 survivalists. Real-estate
salesman Robert Vicinos, founder of the Vivos Company,
The FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) describes Vivos Xpoint as “the largest survival commu-
or /ˈfiːmə/ was created in 1979 and is described as “the nity on earth”. Bunkers are provided without interior
nation’s lead emergency management and prepared- improvements or equipment and cost $35,000 plus an
ness agency”. Its mission is to help American citizens annual rent of $1,000 per bunker.
before, during and after any type of disasters (natural or
man-made) “to help prepare for the worst and to provide Le document audio :
care and assistance after”.
Source: www.fema.gov/pdf/about/brochure.pdf
This is an interview of Robert Vicinos, founder and CEO
FEMA’s website: www.fema.gov/
of Vivos Group. It was made in 2013 and deals with the
creation of an underground shelter near Atchison,
C. FEMA is criticised for having wasted money and misused its Kansas.
staff by responding to small events that could have been dealt
with by the states themselves. It has however failed to respond Remarque : Dans le document audio, il n’est pas question de
to large disasters by overestimating the states’ capacity to la communauté Vivos Xpoint mais d’un projet de construction
respond to them. In other words, FEMA has sent staff to states non loin d’Atchison, Kansas, qui n’a finalement pas été pour-
that did not need any help and has not sent anybody to the suivi pour des raisons de sécurité (instabilité sismique).
states that needed its help. Climate change is causing more and Bien que le projet ait été avorté, l’interview de Robert Vicinos,
more violent disasters, therefore one may wonder whether fondateur de Vivos, est très représentative de la démarche et
FEMA will be able to cope with the situation in the near future/ de la mission de l’entreprise.
in the years to come.
Remarque : Ne pas hésiter à mettre en valeur les mots de script MP3 N°19
liaison, l’expression du moyen (By + V-ing) et le present perfect
(pour faire le bilan d’une situation). Robert Vicinos: The reason we're down, we will be down
here with the door sealed is because we have to, it's not
D. Since FEMA has not sent money or staff to the states that because we want to, it's because something has caused
needed its help, Americans cannot rely on it for major disasters, us to go underground to lock the doors, to seal this place
which means that they can only rely on themselves. It could thus up, to make it resilient to a nuclear blast or nuclear, bio-
explain why some Americans become preppers. logical or chemical agents, and the only way to survive.
Okay, well, we're sitting in what will become the world's
E. This picture shows a car and some buildings that were rav- largest underground survival shelter, and it will accommo-
aged/wrecked/destroyed by hurricane Harvey in Rockport, date five thousand people for virtually any catastrophic
Texas, in 2017. The ground is covered with bits of wood and event: biblical, epic, man-made, natural event, whatever.
other debris, the car roof and the windscreen were crushed by We're good for a minimum of one year with the supplies
several pieces of wood. Such damage shows how violent a that we have, but we also have hydroponics and aqua-
hurricane can be and how devastating the situation must be for ponics, so we're constantly replenishing. So there's fresh
those who lose their homes overnight. greens and just about anything you'd ever want to eat
down here.
In the text, we learn that FEMA had almost half of its workforce
deployed to other disasters or was unavailable when hurricane Well once underground people are going to get to know
Harvey struck Texas. Thus, this picture is a good illustration of each other and there's a real sense, it will be a real sense
FEMA’s inefficiency. of community of like-minded people, a cross-section of
really America: we have doctors, scientists, nurses, den-
Remarque : La trace écrite permettra de mettre en évidence tists, farmers. We become a complete community of sup-
l’utilisation du passif et des structures exclamatives. porting each other. Doctors will be providing free services
On pourra aussi mettre en valeur les préfixes négatifs dans to other members, some people will be chefs and they
« unavailable » et « inefficiency » et ainsi travailler sur les anto- will be doing the cooking, others will be doing cleaning,
others will do maintenance but every day there's going
nymes. On proposera aux élèves de trouver d’autres mots for-
to be things to be done down here, and there's going to
més de la même manière (uninhabited, inhospitable, unfair,
be things to be happy about and things to be sad about…
injustice, inequality, etc.)
I can tell you that one thing I'm sure, certain of is there's
going to be a lot to talk about.

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Mise en œuvre et réponses aux questions → You’re absolutely right, it’s better to be alone than in bad
company, all the more so as community life is not easy! This is
A. On pourra si on le souhaite, à l’aide du manuel numérique, why I would interview the people to determine whether we
dévoiler progressivement les photos du lieu (ne montrer par would get along or not.
exemple que l’image A, puis la B, et enfin la C), et ainsi valider
ou invalider les hypothèses des élèves à chaque étape, et en
émettre de nouvelles.
→ It seems to be an isolated place where there are some sort
of warehouses.
Because the title is “Together is better”, I think it is a place
3 A community of
like-minded people

where survivalists can come together and share survival tips. Mise en œuvre et réponses aux questions
It may be a survivalist holiday camp.
→ I don’t know exactly what it is, but I think it is weird to have À l’issue de cette activité, les élèves en sauront plus sur Vivos
such a well-decorated interior in such an isolated environment. et la manière dont les membres de la communauté sont sélec-
Indeed, who would want to spend their holidays there? tionnés. Cette activité permettra de leur donner des idées pour
le projet final (manuel p. 51).
→ In my opinion, this is where wealthy people will go to when
Pour que les élèves puissent anticiper sur le titre sans être
there is an economic collapse or a disaster.
influencés, il faudra leur demander de fermer les manuels afin
qu’ils ne lisent pas « VIVOS » et son slogan au bas du texte.
B. On fera écouter le document audio une fois à la classe afin On écrira alors le titre au tableau.
que les élèves confirment ou non les hypothèses formulées à
la question A. → This is not a holiday camp. These are fallout A. I guess this is about a community of survivalists.
shelters. People will not go there on vacation but to survive a It must be about a community of survivalists who have the same
catastrophic event. values and state of mind, because it is said that it is a commu-
nity of “like-minded” people.
C. Pour cette question, on pourra demander aux élèves de tra- In my opinion, the document we are going to study echoes the
vailler en binômes et de se répartir les questions. last question we answered in activity 3 (question D). It will
L’élève A se concentrera sur “The reasons for joining (or for probably be about how people are selected to join a survivalist
going down)” et “The community (people, jobs)”. community.
L’élève B se concentrera sur “The place (capacity, food and Après avoir noté les hypothèses au tableau, on demandera aux
equipment)”. élèves d’ouvrir leur manuel et de vérifier leurs hypothèses. Une
On demandera ensuite de mettre en commun les informations. simple lecture des titres en gras et du paratexte leur permettra
d’avoir des réponses concrètes : We were right, this is about a
– Reasons for joining (or for going down): because there is community of survivalists created by Vivos. The document was
no other choice, because something has caused them to go taken from the company’s website and gives the different steps
underground and lock/seal the doors, because of a disaster that are necessary to become a member.
(nuclear blast or chemical agents) / because there has been a
catastrophic event (biblical, epic, man-made, natural), because B. Step 1: to become a member, candidates must apply and
it is the only way to survive. give their personal information, the number of people who are
– The place: part of their group, their skills/expertise and their motivation
Capacity: It can accommodate 5,000 people (world’s largest for wanting a shelter.
underground shelter). Step 2: Vivos then selects the best candidates on several crite-
Food: There is a minimum of one year of supplies but they are ria. The key criterion is the candidate’s skills and expertise: Vivos
constantly replenishing, they can produce fresh vegetables. determines how valuable / worthy they would be for the com-
munity’s survival.
Equipment: They have hydroponics and aquaponics to produce
vegetables. Step 3: If the candidate is considered valuable enough to be
Ce sera l’occasion de préciser les termes suivants : part of the community, he/she is sent an e-mail to schedule a
Hydroponics = growing plants in liquid ; phone conversation.
Aquaponics = aquafarming techniques. Step 4: Phone conversation. During this conversation, the can-
didate will be able to ask all his/her questions about Vivos.
– The community:
People: Like-minded people / there will be a real sense of com- Step 5: As soon as membership candidacies are approved,
munity. candidates can secure a space in a Vivos shelter.
Jobs: Many different types of jobs will be represented: doctors, Remarque : pour le Step 2, le texte mentionne d’autres critères
scientists, nurses, dentists, farmers. Some people will do the qui ne sont pas décrits. On pourra demander aux élèves d’ima-
cooking, others will do the cleaning or maintenance. giner ces autres critères.
→ hobbies, work experience, studies, qualities, interpersonal
D. Cette question permettra de travailler la structure hypo- skills, etc.
thétique, les expressions de l’opinion et les mots de liaison.
C. In its slogan, Vivos instills fear in the reader’s mind by saying
→ If I created my own survival community, I would certainly that the world is a dangerous place. However, since Vivos is
accept whoever wants to join. Indeed, I think only a few people
described as a “life assurance”, the reader may feel reassured
would like to be part of such a community, so whoever they are,
/ comforted because the world’s dangers can be avoided by
they could join: the more, the merrier!
owning a Vivos shelter.
→ I can see your point, but I really feel that it is much better to
have a small community of people you get on well with in order À l’issue de ce travail on pourra demander aux élèves de réflé-
to avoid future problems. That’s why I would choose to select chir au slogan qu’ils utiliseraient s’ils devaient créer leur propre
the people who want to join my community. communauté. Ils pourront ensuite le présenter à la classe en

76 Unit 5

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cherchant à convaincre les futurs membres de se joindre à leur

D. Ce travail en groupes à l’aide de la Worksheet n°10 permet-

tra aux élèves de découvrir le projet Vivos plus en détails, en
particulier son offre d’abris. Ce travail de recherche sur le site
internet de Vivos (www.terravivos.com/secure/shelters.htm) pourra
soit être fait au CDI, en salle informatique ou à la maison.
On pourra faire travailler les élèves en groupes de 4 (la Work-
sheet est composée de 4 pages distinctes, une page par
groupe). Chaque groupe se concentrera sur un abri différent
et remplira le tableau correspondant sur la worksheet.
Groupe A : Vivos X-Point
Groupe B : Vivos Indiana
Groupe C : Vivos Europa One
Groupe D : Vivos Trine Complex

On réservera en priorité le travail de recherche sur Vivos Indiana
(Group B) pour des élèves en difficulté car il ne présente pas
de difficulté particulière.

De retour en classe, les élèves échangeront les informations

recueillies au sein du groupe et prendront des notes.
On procèdera dans un second temps à une mise en commun
en classe entière : on pourra demander aux élèves de rédiger
un communiqué promotionnel qui résume les différents types
d’abris proposés par Vivos. Pour cela on demandera à un(e)
secrétaire de venir au tableau et de prendre note dans un pre-
mier temps de la structure du communiqué ainsi que des idées
clés. Puis dans un second temps, les élèves pourront à tour de
rôle participer à la rédaction de ce communiqué en utilisant
les éléments portés au tableau, que le/la secrétaire notera.
On encouragera les élèves à s’inter-corriger.
On peut aussi demander aux élèves de faire ce travail de rédac-
tion de façon individuelle à la maison.
Cette question permettra de travailler les noms composés
(par exemple : military-built concrete and steel all-risk bunkers,
high crime anarchy zones, steel blast door entrance).

Worksheet disponible sur

le site compagnon
enseignant (en version PDF
et en version

Unit 5 77

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Corrigés de la Worksheet n°10 - Stocked with food, toiletries, medicines, fuel,
water, geothermal heating and cooling, a theatre
area, lounge area, garden area, workshop,
kennels, ATV (= All Terrain Vehicles), exercise
Group VIVOS X-POINT equipment.
A www.terravivos.com/secure/vivosxpoint.htm - The site is surrounded by excellent farming,
fishing, hunting and water resources.
Type of - Private military-built, concrete and steel, all-risk
shelters bunkers Why it is safe - One of the most fortified, nuclear hardened
shelters that Vivos owns.
Number + - 575 shelters that can accommodate more than
Capacity 5,000 people. - Far from known nuclear targets.
- Each bunker can accommodate 10 to 24 people. - Low risk of earthquakes (at a safe distance from
the New Madrid Seismic Zone).
Location - Near the Black Hills, South of the city of
Edgemont, South Dakota, USA. - Low submersion or tsunami risks.
- Grasslands of South Dakota. Members’ - A wide variety of profiles: members have
profiles different professions that are all useful to the
- Within a 24-hour drive from almost any place in community and will provide the best chances of
the USA. survival.
- At a high and dry altitude (around 3,800 feet)
Size - Almost as large as Manhattan Group EUROPA ONE
Origin of the - Originally built by the Army Corps C www.terravivos.com/secure/vivoseuropaone.htm
site of Engineers* and used as a fortress
to store bombs and munitions (1942 Location - In the heart of Europe (NB: in Germany)
to 1967).
- Built under a 400 feet tall mountain. (NB: 1 foot
* The USACE’s mission is to “Deliver vital public = 0.3048 m)
and military engineering services; partnering
in peace and war to strengthen [the] Nation’s Origin - Built by the Soviets during the Cold War. It
security, energize the economy and reduce risks used to be a fortress for military equipment and
from disasters.”(source: munitions.
www.usace.army.mil/About/Mission-and-Vision/) Why it is safe - It is one of the most fortified and massive
Why it is safe - One of the safest areas of the USA: far from underground survival shelters on Earth.
the nearest known military targets, far from - The underground complex is secured and blast
submersion zones, far from high crime anarchy proof.
- It can withstand a nuclear blast, a direct airliner
- Each bunker has a massive front bulkhead wall, a crash, biological and chemical agents, massive
solid concrete and steel blast door entrance. shock waves, earthquakes, electro-magnetic
pulses, flooding and virtually any armed attack.
- Bunkers are designed to withstand almost
anything. Size - 76 acres (NB: 1 acre = 4047 m² / environ ½
- There is a Vivos security team that can spot
anyone approaching the property from 3 miles - Over 23,000 square meters for the underground
away (just one road in and out). complex

Price and - Nearly 2,200 square feet of underground floor - 4,079 square meters for the above-ground
equipment area. office, apartments, warehouse buildings and
train depot.
- There will be amenity bunkers that provide - Over 5 kilometres of continuous tunnel
comfort, support, training, entertainment and chambers.
- 34 private living quarters.
- Each bunker can be customised.
Description - Each private living quarter will have a 232m2
- Two possibilities: either you can buy a private of the floor area (with the possibility
bunker for $35,000 or you can rent your space shelters of having two storeys).
in a shared bunker for $60 per month.
Bunkers then need to be outfitted. - Can be compared to a “mega-yacht”.
- Each family can choose the outfitting
of their quarters.
Group VIVOS INDIANA - They can choose to add amenities such as pools,
theatres, gyms, deluxe bathrooms, etc.
B www.terravivos.com/secure/indiana.htm
How to - Prior to lockdown, members can arrive on their
Place - Located within a one-day drive from anywhere in access it own by car or private plane (they can land at
the Midwest and the Eastern coast of America. when disaster nearby airports).
Origin - Built during the Cold War to withstand a - Vivos will then deploy helicopters to fly the
20-megaton nuclear blast. members back to the shelter.

Capacity - Can welcome up to 80 people. Target - “high-net worth customers”

customers = customers who are very wealthy.
Autonomy - At least one year of fully autonomous survival.
Price - €2M for private apartments (= no outfitting).
Description / - Very comfortable, well-decorated and outfitted, - €35,000 per person for a semi-private fully
equipment like a 4-star hotel. furnished suite.

78 Unit 5

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– Should you need any further information, feel free to contact
D – Yours sincerely (if you know the name of the person you are
writing to) / Yours faithfully (if you do not know the name of
Location - No specific location – can be built anywhere in the person you are writing to) / Best wishes…
the world.
Specificity - Can be customised to the customers’ tastes. Scénarisation alternative :
Capacity - Large groups of 100 to 500 people or more. Nous suggérons également de donner la possibilité aux élèves
de choisir de travailler sur un sujet alternatif qui leur permettrait
Why it is safe - Massive concrete and steel underground shelter. d’exprimer leur opposition, leurs réserves ou leurs critiques
- Blast doors. vis-à-vis de l’entreprise Vivos. On pourrait pour cela imaginer
qu’ils rédigent un courriel à destination de l’entreprise Vivos
Customers - Wealthy people because it must be very
expensive (the price is not mentioned). et qu’ils expliquent les raisons pour lesquelles ils n’adhèrent
pas à la démarche de l’entreprise.
Organisation - Several private residences are built around a
and central area made of different types of public Exemple de consigne : Imagine you disagree with Robert
equipment spaces (library, theatre, gym, classroom, pub, Vicinos’s world view and his company’s marketing strategies.
etc.). Write an e-mail to explain your point of view.
- The safety equipment needed and even a Dans le but de faire de l’interaction écrite, on pourra demander
security force are provided. à certains élèves d’imaginer qu’ils travaillent pour Vivos et
- There are enough food supplies to survive for répondent à la critique qui a été adressée à leur directeur dans
one year. un autre courriel.
- There are quality air filtration systems, fire
systems, water purification systems.
- There can also be aquaponics and hydroponics
to constantly have fresh food. From Romantic Isolation
- Vivos can provide staff (chef, waiters, doctors,
educators, private security team, etc.).
to Forced Survival
- The security team will transport the group to
the shelter from the nearest airport or even with
door to door extraction.
- Optional DNA Vault (gametes and DNA of
millions of people would be stored).

4 Write an e-mail

Ce Your Turn! Invite les élèves à candidater pour intégrer une

communauté survivaliste. Il va de soi qu’il s’agit d’une tâche
actionnelle scénarisée imaginaire et à visée pédagogique uni-
quement, même si elle est ancrée dans le réel. L’enseignant
prendra soin d'expliquer aux élèves qu’en aucun cas ils ne
sont réellement invités à rejoindre un abri Vivos ou une com-
De Henry David Thoreau qui s’est isolé dans les bois pendant
munauté survivaliste et on veillera, bien entendu, à ne mention-
un peu plus de deux ans, à Tara Westover qui a été élevée dans
ner aucune adresse électronique qui puisse faire croire de
une famille de survivalistes, en passant par Emily St. John Man-
quelque manière que ce soit à une véritable candidature.
del qui a imaginé comment serait le monde après une pandé-
On donnera aux élèves des conseils pour la rédaction d’un mie meurtrière, nous verrons dans cette double page comment
courriel (objet, introduction, but du courriel, conclusion, salu- le survivalisme est perçu, vécu et traité dans la littérature anglo-
tations, etc.), on demandera aux élèves de penser à utiliser le phone.
present perfect pour parler de leurs expériences (précis gram-
matical, p. 299).
Subject line:
– Application for Vivos membership
1 Living with the
bare necessities

Salutation: Présentation du document

– Dear Mr Vicinos, / To whom it may concern / Dear Madam
or Sir, La photo et le Cultural fact peuvent être complétés par les
Reason for writing: éléments suivants :
– I am writing to apply for Vivos membership. / I am interested
in becoming a Vivos member and am submitting my candi- Henry David Thoreau, (July 12, 1817, Concord, Massa-
dacy… chusetts – May 6, 1862, Concord) was an American
Closing formulas: essayist, poet and philosopher. He is renowned for his
– I look forward to hearing from you. / I look forward to your masterwork, Walden; or Life in the Woods (1854), in
reply. which he described and reflected upon the simple life he

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led for more than two years in a cabin on Walden Pond end of the world by stockpiling bottles of canned
near Concord, Massachusetts. He is considered as a peaches. Her father strongly believed that the world
“practical philosopher” for having lived the doctrines of would end with the arrival of the year 2000.
Transcendentalism. He was also an abolitionist.
A. The document is an extract from a novel entitled “Educated”
Anticipation written by Tara Westover. The narrator is an adult who looks
Avant de demander aux élèves de répondre aux questions, on back at his/her childhood, when he/she lived with his/her par-
pourra leur demander de décrire la photo. ents in a family of preppers.
This is a wooden sign located in a forest. There is a quote writ- However, because of the style and the first-person narrator, we
ten on it with the author’s name below. can suppose that this may be a testimony or an autobiography.
Remarque : Il faudra veiller à bien utiliser l’expression de
Mise en œuvre et réponses aux questions l’incertitude dans la réponse à cette question afin que les élèves
A. Henry David Thoreau may have wanted to get rid of the ne pensent pas que le narrateur à la première personne est
unessential aspects of his life to experiment what living with the forcément l’auteur d’un texte.
bare necessities meant. To do so, he spent two years in a cabin On pourra à ce moment dire aux élèves que Educated est l’auto-
he built in the woods and led a self-sufficient life. He did not biographie de Tara Westover.
want to die without having had such an experience. He proba-
bly believed that life was not worth living if he did not know B. Contrary to/Unlike/As opposed to children in other families,
how to live on his own. the narrator and her siblings do not go to school.
Four of them have never been to the doctor’s or seen a nurse,
B. On insistera sur l’expression de la capacité dans une situa-
so they have no medical records. They have no birth certificate,
tion hypothétique (could(n’t) / would(n’t) be able to / would be
which means that the government does not know they even
(im)possible for me to / would be (un)able to).
exist. The narrator’s family is also different from other families
On fera réaliser aux élèves l’importance dans leur production
because they “prepare for the Days of Abomination”.
orale d’utiliser ou non la forme pleine de « not » (par exemple
dans « could not », « would not » ou « do not ») qui est un pro-
C. The “Days of Abomination” (l. 15) must be a religious expres-
cédé d’insistance permettant de mettre en avant son point de
sion, a synonym for the Apocalypse. Later in the text, we indeed
vue (Ex : Titre de l’activité 2 p. 50 « I do not exist »).
learn that this will be when “the World of Men” has failed
Cette question sera aussi l’occasion de travailler les connec-
(l. 17-18). It is supposed to happen when the sun darkens
teurs logiques, les expressions de l’opinion, de l’accord et du
or when the moon “drips as if with blood” (l. 15-16). To get
désaccord, de la cause et de la conséquence.
prepared, she bottles peaches during the summer and rotates
→ I think Thoreau was extremely courageous to dare to go to supplies during the winter.
the woods and live there on his own. It would be impossible for
me to do it, I would be too scared! D. The rhythm of nature was important to her because this is
→ As far as I am concerned, I could not live isolated / in a remote what structured her life and her work. The activities she did were
location for such a long period of time. What’s more, I do not done according to the seasons (e.g.: bottling peaches during
feel the need to experience such a situation, I love my life the the summer or rotating supplies during the winter). The cycle
way it is, I could not/never live without modern comfort! of nature was what governed her family’s life.
→ Unlike you, I think it would be an enlightening and enriching
E. → She probably means that her family’s way of life cannot
experience to discover how to live without any “modern com-
last forever.
fort”. Most people are indeed unable to live without the com-
fort of their homes. However, I believe we are much too She may mean that one day her family members will have to
disconnected from nature nowadays. This is why I think living stop living this way.
in the wilderness / the wild with only the bare minimum could This sentence makes us understand that this situation will not
be a way to have a closer relationship with nature. I really do last forever: either her family will be arrested for not having
not know if I would be able to do it from one day to the next/ made birth certificates for their children or the narrator will
overnight, I would probably need to read Jay Blevins’s book on leave her family. We can indeed suppose that she leaves her
survivalism first! family at some point, otherwise where would she have learnt
to write a novel?

→ She may mean that their lives will not last forever contrary
“I do not exist” to/unlike nature that is eternal/everlasting.
→ I think that it has to do with the fact that she no longer shares
her family values regarding religion. Contrary to/Unlike her
Présentation du document
parents, she thinks eternity only belongs to nature, not to
On fournira les informations ci-après au moment le plus humans.
opportun :

Tara Westover (b. 1986) grew up in a Mormon fundamen-

talist family in Idaho. In her memoir entitled Educated
(2018), she chronicles her unusual childhood in a surviv-
3 Interview
Tara Westover

alist family and explains how she gradually studied her Ce travail permettra aux élèves d’imaginer les activités d’une
way out of her family. As a child she did not go to school famille de survivalistes, ce qui pourra les aider pour leur projet
(she set foot in a classroom for the first time at 17) but final. Ils pourront aussi s’entraîner à poser des questions, ce
helped her six siblings and parents to prepare for the qui sera également utile pour le projet final puisque les élèves

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spectateurs devront poser des questions aux élèves qui pré-
Station Eleven is a novel written by Canadian author
senteront leur communauté.
Emily St. John Mandel (born in 1979). It was published in
Les élèves pourront travailler la phrase interrogative dans la 2014. It is about the collapse of our civilisation but it is
rubrique « Rule the grammar » p. 52 et en faisant l’exercice 2 not a dystopian novel: the world that is portrayed is not
p. 53. as dark and grim as in many other post-apocalyptic nov-
els. In Station Eleven, the “Georgia flu” destroys 99% of
On demandera aux élèves de faire ce travail en binômes. On the world’s population. We are told the stories of differ-
pourra travailler de deux façons : ent characters before and after the flu episode: an actor
– Assigner un rôle différent à chacun (interviewer, Tara Westo- who dies on stage before the flu, a man who stockpiles
ver) : préparation des questions d’un côté et description de food when he hears about the epidemic and goes to his
l’enfance de Tara Westover de l’autre. brother’s apartment, a group of nomadic actors who
– Préparer chacun de son côté les questions et imaginer l’en- brave danger to tour the region of the Great Lakes in
fance de Tara Westover. Chaque élève jouera alors à tour de order to bring art and entertainment to the survivors.
rôle l’interviewer et Tara Westover. We gradually understand how these people are
On pourra à l’issue de ce travail demander à quelques binômes connected.
de jouer l’interview devant la classe. Après avoir écouté les
interviews, on pourra remédier aux erreurs concernant la for- Les informations ci-dessous sur les personnages (et leur sort
mulation des questions avec le groupe classe. dans le roman) sont fournies à titre d’information à l’enseignant :
Remarque : On insistera pour que cette activité soit une réelle
interaction orale. En effet, il ne suffira pas pour l’interviewer The extract is about two brothers: Frank and Jeevan.
de poser des questions et pour l’interviewé(e) d’y répondre.
In the novel, Frank is a minor character. He commits sui-
Chaque élève devra réagir aux questions et propos de l’autre.
cide in order to give his brother a chance to survive.
Les éléments suivants pourront être donnés afin de guider les Before the pandemic, it was difficult for Jeevan to find a
élèves : purpose in life, but after the “Georgia flu” episode, he
• Giving one’s opinion: did by working as a medic.
To my mind…; To me; In my opinion…; I think / I feel / I believe
that; Don’t forget that…; Don’t you think that…?
Mise en œuvre et réponses aux questions
• Agreeing:
I agree with you; I share your view; That’s right/true; Exactly!; On proposera aux élèves de travailler en binômes pour étudier
Absolutely!; Of course! ce texte, à l’aide de la Worksheet n°11 . Ils se partageront ainsi
les tâches (student A et student B).
• Disagreeing:
On pourra si on le souhaite demander aux élèves de faire le
I don’t agree with you; I disagree with you; I don’t see it that
travail de compréhension à la maison avec la Worksheet.
way / (I think) you’re wrong!; Certainly not!; Nonsense!
En classe, on procédera d’abord à un échange d’informations
• Giving examples/Explaining:
en binômes, puis à une mise en commun en classe entière. Cette
For example/For instance; Let me give you an example; We mise en commun se fera sous la forme de prise de parole en
could also say …; I’ll explain it to you. continu (Chain speaking). On évitera dans la mesure du possible
• Organising one’s ideas: la simple correction des questions qui ne permet pas aux élèves
First of all… Secondly… Then … And finally…; On the one de travailler leurs compétences orales. La Worksheet servira
hand … On the other hand; On the whole ; In other words … ; surtout à la production orale.
To sum up I’d say …
• Asking for explanations:
Sorry, I didn’t get that; Can you repeat what you said, please?
What’s that again?; What exactly do you mean?; What do
you mean when you say that…; I didn’t get your point…
• Conceding:
You may be right, but… ; It may be true, but…; I suppose
you’re right, but…; That’s all very well but…; In a way… / To
some extent; Sure, but still…
• Interrupting:
Excuse me but…; Sorry to interrupt you, but…; Can I just
say something?...

4 After the apocalypse


Présentation du document
Cet extrait littéraire est tiré du roman d’Emily St. John Mandel.
Ce dernier traite d’une pandémie meurtrière qui change le des-
tin de l’humanité. Bien que les événements de cette œuvre de
fiction prennent des proportions autrement plus graves que ce
que le monde a vécu au moment de la crise sanitaire liée au
Covid 19, il est difficile de ne pas faire le rapprochement et de
voir que la fiction peut parfois rejoindre la réalité.

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2. a. b.
– “smoke rising in the distance” (l.1-2) → dangerous, unsafe,
violent, disturbing
– There are no firefighters in the city → empty, uninhabited
(l. 4)
– Gunshots can be heard at night (l. 6) → violent, dangerous
– “the stench from the hallway” (l. 8) → decayed, dead,
– There is a “crush of stopped cars” → quiet, motionless,
on the expressways (l. 22-25) lifeless, still
– “They hadn’t heard anyone in the → quiet, lifeless, silent,
corridor for over a week” (l. 28) empty
– “Moonlight glinted on glass but → dark, destroyed,
there was no other light” (l. 33-34) broken
– “silent metropolis, no movement” → quiet, still, motionless,
(l. 35) lifeless
Worksheet disponible sur le site compagnon enseignant
(en version PDF et en version personnalisable) :
– “I saw the news report before the → isolated, silent,
stations went dark” (l. 41-42) broken, destroyed
– “without electricity” (l. 46) → destroyed, damaged,
dark, motionless, still

3. They cannot be considered as survivalists because they do

Corrigés de la Worksheet n°11
not have the skills to survive without modern technology: they
Student A don’t know how to farm and grow their own food. Jeevan
does not know how to hunt because he has never fired a gun.
1. Names: Frank and Jeevan
Frank may know how to fire a gun because he seems to have
How they are related: they are brothers
spent some time in the army, but even if he wanted to do so,
Details / personal story: Jeevan lives in his brother’s apart-
it would be impossible for him to hunt since he cannot walk
ment because there has been a dangerous epidemic. Frank
and is in a wheelchair.
is in a wheelchair because he was shot during the war, pro-
bably because he was a soldier. We can however say that they were prepared because they
stored enough food in their apartment to survive for 47 days
2. There has been an epidemic, so they stay in the apartment.
without going out.
Jeevan decides to go out (on the building’s roof) on the
forty-seventh day after the beginning of the epidemic. The
food they have stored in the apartment can sustain them only
for two more weeks, which means that they will eventually B. Cette question permettra de travailler la structure should
have to leave the apartment. have + participe passé permettant d’exprimer un regret.
– The characters should have learnt how to survive in the
3. They disagree on whether they should leave the apartment
to find food or not.
– They should have learnt survival skills.
4. Frank does not want to leave because he knows that the – They should have bought a farm and learnt how to grow food
outside world is dangerous. He doubts that they are going in order to be self-reliant.
to survive there. What’s more, he is pessimistic about the – They should not have stayed in the city.
situation outside, it reminds him of what he experienced – They should have left.
during the war. He does not want to face such a situation – They should have joined a survivalist community.
again where there is no life, but only survival. – They should have stored more food in their apartment.
5. Frank will probably commit suicide because he cannot pic-
ture himself living in this new world, he thinks the world is not C. Cette question sera l’occasion de travailler les quantifieurs
suitable for him anymore. In addition, he knows that Jeevan et leurs composés (someone, no one, anyone, anybody, some-
will not leave without him so he does not want to be a burden body, everybody, something, anything).
to his brother. By ending his life, he gives his brother a chance On pourra renvoyer les élèves au précis grammatical p. 311-312
to survive. et à l’exercice 5 p. 53 pour s’entraîner.
In such a situation, the line between public and private spaces
Student B is blurred. Does the idea of “property” still mean anything when
1. The characters live holed up in an apartment (in Frank’s the world has changed so much? Many people have either died
apartment) located in a city. There has been a dangerous or left the city, which means that many places are empty. Thus,
epidemic that must have killed many people. The story takes these empty places do not belong to anyone anymore.
place on the forty-seventh day after the epidemic started. Jeevan thinks about finding a farm. He is not a farmer though.
In other words, he wants to go and live on a farm that used to
belong to someone else. No one will ask him to leave the place
because everybody does the same. In a world like this, what
matters is finding a way to survive: the laws and regulations of
the “old world” do not matter anymore in a post-apocalyptic

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your project 51 Critères Non En cours
d’évaluation POC acquis d’acquisition

L’élève respecte bien le

On formera des groupes de deux ou trois. On demandera aux format de la présentation.
élèves de préparer une présentation orale et s’ils le souhaitent
L’élève donne son point de
un diaporama qui illustrera leur projet (mais on insistera sur le vue et argumente de façon
fait que le diaporama doit enrichir la présentation et ne pas étayée pour convaincre.
être la retranscription écrite de leur présentation orale).
L’élève illustre ses propos à
Les élèves pourront aussi créer des prospectus ou une affiche l’aide d’exemples précis.
pour faire la promotion de leur projet auprès de leurs cama-
rades. Il s’agira en effet de scénariser cette activité pour lui La langue riche lexicalement
donner du sens, et non pas de faire un simple exposé devant et syntaxiquement permet
les nuances.
la classe. Les élèves devront convaincre et jouer le rôle de
« recruteur », et donc promouvoir leur communauté. La prononciation est correcte
et rythmée.
On demandera à chaque élève du groupe de parler pendant
L’élève ne lit pas ses notes et
au moins deux minutes. On pourra leur conseiller de se répar- la présentation est fluide.
tir le travail.
Voir aussi la grille d’évaluation critériée adossée au CECRL
Voici des idées d’éléments que les élèves pourront aborder et
(A1 → C1), p. 399 de ce Fichier.
décrire dans leur présentation:
– Description of the place and infrastructures;
– Location (why this place, advantages);
– How people can get there;
– Which catastrophes/disasters the community will be pro- language lab 53
tected against;
– Estimated number of members;
– How the candidates will be selected (criteria): qualities, skills,
personality, etc;
– Community’s values;
– Goals;
– Community life (activities, jobs, hobbies, public spaces, private
spaces, etc.);
– Policies and governance (laws? leaders?);
– Why and how the community will be self-sufficient;
– Resources (food, water, etc.).

On demandera également aux élèves de réfléchir à la stratégie

qu’ils utiliseront (slogan, thèmes récurrents, champ lexical à
utiliser, etc.) pour que leurs camarades ressentent le besoin de
rejoindre leur communauté de survivalistes. On les renverra au
travail effectué sur la vidéo « Before Class! » p. 46 (travail sur la
musique, les images et le texte) et sur le texte 3 p. 49 (travail
sur le slogan).

On conseillera aux élèves d’utiliser la rubrique « Rule the

grammar » p. 52 et l’exercice 4 p. 53 pour exprimer la capacité
au futur car ils en auront besoin pour décrire de quoi leur com- Exercice 1
munauté sera capable. A. contaminated polluted clean
Le jour de la présentation, on demandera aux élèves specta-
teurs (candidats à la communauté des survivalistes) de poser B. edible eatable poisonous
des questions afin d’en savoir plus sur les communautés
présentées (on les renverra à la rubrique « Rule the grammar » C. dried dehydrated fresh
p. 52). On leur demandera à la fin de choisir la communauté qui
les a le plus convaincus, en justifiant leur choix. D. stockpile hoard waste

On pourra éventuellement leur demander d’écrire une lettre

ou un courriel de candidature pour demander à rejoindre cette Exercice 2
communauté (afin qu’ils réinvestissent ce qu’ils ont vu lors de
l’activité 4 « Your Turn! » p. 49). A. Will closing your blinds make any difference in the event of
a nuclear attack?
B. Does the government’s video help people prepare for a
C. Are candidates provided with an invitation to secure space
in a Vivos shelter?
D. Is living in a bunker the solution?

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Exercice 3
It's easy to focus on gear and supplies when you start thinking
about preparedness, though these aren’t the only things you’d
need in an emergency. Every family should have an emergency candidate, inflate, certificate, create, alternate, accommodate,
plan that addresses the most likely disasters in their region. climate, educate, debate, intoxicate, investigate
Practical survival skills should also be part of every family’s
game plan. These skills need to be learned and practiced
before things get tough, because you simply won’t have time
to read a survival book.
Exercice 4 challenge 53
A. She will be able to survive if she builds a bunker.
B. You will be able to hunt and fish if we run out of canned food.
Le but de ce « Picture challenge » est de rebrasser le champ
C. They won’t be able to run away if they haven’t got a good
lexical étudié tout au long de cette unité.
D. If there is a major epidemic, Sam will be able to go see his Présentation du document
E. We will be able to flee to Canada in case of emergency
“Doomsday Preppers” is a reality TV show aired on the
Exercice 5 National Geographic channel that portrays survivalists.
It shows what they do to get prepared and gives a grade
A. Don’t tell anyone about the possible threat. depending on their degree of preparedness and how
B. Nobody knows what’s going to happen if there is a nuclear long they would initially survive in the event of a disaster.
blast. This poster is a parody of Norman Rockwell’s Freedom
C. Not everybody prepares for the worst. from Want (1943).
D. Ask anybody. They will tell you that everybody knew. More about Norman Rockwell’s painting:
Exercice 6 → Interactive Test

Production possible :
– This poster promotes a new season of a show about surviv-
alists entitled “Doomsday Preppers”.
– The people in the picture are about to eat canned food that
was probably taken from a survivalist pantry.
– They seem to be in a house, not in a bunker / fallout
– The air must be contaminated because they are all wearing
gas masks.
– The earth must be uninhabitable if people need to wear gas
masks at all times.
– They will not be able to survive for a long time if the air is
– They must be part of a survivalist community and must have
Autres ressources numériques pour les élèves survived a disaster.
(QR code/site compagnon)
– It must be Thanksgiving because they are about to eat
canned turkey.
Audio Words: Sonorisation des principaux termes de l’unité :
– They will probably run out of food supplies if they cannot go
out and grow their own food.
– They will probably have to ration their food.
– This poster makes me think of a famous painting by Norman
Rockwell (“Freedom from Want”, made in 1943).

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