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1. Match the words with the photos. Write 1 – 6 in the boxes.

1 bicycle l 2 bus l 3 boat l 4 car l 5 plane l 6 train

2. Name other kinds of transports in English.



3. Read about these people and for each one, say how you think they could travel.

a) A British family – wife, husband and two children – want to go to the USA on holiday.

b) A student living in London wants to go to Paris.


c) A businesswoman who works in a city is going to a meeting on the other side of the

d) Three teenagers in a city want to go to a party at a house that is five kilometres away.

4. Essay:

Think about the ways of travelling in Exercises 1 & 2 and say which one(s) is(are):

 Cheap? Dangerous?
 Expensive? Boring?
 Exciting? Your favourite?
 An adventure? Your least favourite?
Grammar point

Le comparatif et le superlatif
Pour rappel, nous avons vu dans la séquence précédente le comparatif avec MORE + X +
THAN (plus de…) et FEWER / LESS + X + THAN (moins de…).


On compare deux choses ou deux EMPLOI :
personnes. On situe une personne ou un objet dans
un grand groupe.
Il y a 3 cas :
- Pierre est plus grand que Sandra Il y a 2 cas :
(comparatif de supériorité) - Ma voiture est la plus belle de tout le
- Mon travail est aussi épuisant que le tien quartier (superlatif de supériorité)
(comparatif d'égalité) - Paul est l'élève le moins intelligent du
- Une Mini est moins chère qu'une Ferrari lycée (superlatif d'infériorité)
(comparatif d'infériorité)

a) Adjectifs courts : THE + adj -EST
a) Adjectifs courts : adj + -ER THAN
Tom is the tallest boy of the school.
Peter is taller than Sandra.
Tom est le plus grand garçon de l'école.
Peter est plus grand que Sandra.
b) Adjectifs longs :
b) Adjectifs longs : MORE + adj + THAN
THE MOST + adjectif
A Ferrari is more expensive than a Mini.
This is the most pleasant place on Earth!
Une Ferrari est plus chère qu'une Mini.
C'est le plus bel endroit au monde!

Adjectifs courts et adjectifs longs :
AS... adjectif... AS
N'existe pas.
English is as easy as German.
L'anglais est aussi facile que l'allemand.

INFERIORITE : Adjectifs courts et adjectifs longs :
Adjectifs courts et adjectifs longs : THE LEAST + adjectif
LESS + adjectif + THAN This is the least interesting movie of the
July is less cold than January. year!
Juillet est moins froid que janvier. C'est le film le moins intéressant de


Adjectifs courts :

Adjectifs d'une syllabe, par exemple : young + adjectifs de deux syllabes se terminant par –y
par exemple : pretty.
Adjectifs longs : tous les autres.

Comparatif de supériorité :
a) Si l'adjectif se termine par Consonne-Voyelle-Consonne, on double la consonne finale, par
exemple : big -> bigger.
b) S'il se termine par -y, le -y se transforme en -i : pretty -> prettier.
c) Exceptions :



Superlatif de supériorité :
Exceptions :



Training time
Avant de traduire, identifie si les phrases sont au comparatif ou au superlatif. Puis,
identifie s’il s’agit de supériorité, d’égalité (comparatif) ou d’infériorité.

Translate :

Le train est le moyen de transport le plus écologique.

Un trajet en train peut être aussi cher qu’un vol en avion.

L’avion est plus rapide que le train.

La voiture est plus pratique (= convenient) que les transports en commun.

Les transports en commun sont le moyen de transport le moins convivial. (= friendly)

Written comprehension
Ted’s Travel Blog

25th July 2015

The non-stop traveller

Hello to all my readers. This week, I’ve decided to write about travel. Perhaps, like me,
you’ve always thought that travelling is something for rich people. Well, now I think I’ve
been wrong all this time. Why? Well, I’ve discovered Nora Dunn.

Nora is of a new kind of traveller – a professional world traveller. She travels all the time.
Nora is from Toronto, Canada and until she was 30, she had a business there. But then she
made a big decision. Her dream was to travel the world – and to do it before she got old! So
she sold her business and got rid of her belongings. And off she went.

Nora hasn’t got rich parents or anyone who gives her money. And she doesn’t have a
high-paying job. But she’s learned how to travel without spending lots of money.

Nora goes to a place and stays there for some time. She works to earn enough money to
have a good time and to save a bit, then she moves on to another place. She prefers simple
forms of transport like trains or buses, but of course there are times when planes are a
necessity. And she writes from wherever she is, which earns her some money too. She’s
done a lot of different jobs, including working in hotels and in restaurants. And she’s learned
things like cooking and meditation.

So where has Nora been? Well, everywhere! She’s been to all five continents and she’s
travelled to over thirty countries. All in six years! She’s taken a train across Canada and she’s
travelled by train from Portugal to Vietnam – an incredible journey. She’s lived on a boat in
the Caribbean and she’s worked for her accommodation in Hawaii, Australia, New Zealand,
Spain, England, Grenada and Switzerland, and a number of other places too. And she’s been
on television shows in three countries. She’s had a lot of fantastic adventures, and she
hasn’t stopped finding new things!

Some of her experiences have not been easy ones. In 2008 she helped people in Thailand
and Burma after a cyclone hit their countries. And in 2009 she helped to fight forest fires in

So, she’s seen a lot so far. She’s learned that full-time travel doesn’t have to be expensive,
and she knows now that there are plenty of ways to do it – so many ways, in fact, that she’s
started a website to tell other people about them. It’s theprofessionalhobo.com. I’ve seen
lots of travel sites, and this is one of the best. Have a look. Perhaps you’ll be the next ‘world

See you next week. Ted x

1. Nora Dunn:

Where is she from?

What is her job?

Where has she been?

What is her way of travelling?

2. Right or wrong? Justify by quoting the text.

Nora gets her money from some rich friends. R/W


She travelled by boat to the Caribbean. R/W


She has appeared on television in every country she has visited. R/W

She has a website where she tells people that full-time travel can be cheap. R/W

3. Read what people said about Nora Dunn. Match the comments with the values.
Write a – d in the boxes.
a helping other people l b self-improvement l c not worrying about money l
d learning about other cultures

1- ‘She’s seen so many different countries, so I think she probably understands all
kinds of people.’

2- ‘She’s probably a better person now, because she’s learned so many things.’

3- ‘I think it’s wonderful, what she did in Burma with the cyclone and in Australia with
the fire.’

4- ‘I think it’s great that she’s living her life without thinking about money all the

4. Vocabulary:

Se débarrasser de : Trajet :

Affaires / possessions : Hébergement :

Un travail bien payé : Jusqu’à présent :

Gagner (de l’argent) : À plein temps :

Économiser : Beaucoup de :

Grammar point

Le present perfect et le prétérit

Observe les formes verbales dans le texte et répond aux questions suivantes :
Quels verbes sont au present perfect ? En gras En italique

Quels verbes sont au prétérit ? En gras En italique

Complète le tableau suivant :


EMPLOI : Dans le texte, EMPLOI : Dans le texte,





How important are the following values for you when you are travelling?

1) helping other people

2) self-improvement
3) not worrying about money
4) learning about other cultures

In groups of 4, say why you think the values (from 1 – 4) are important or not. Put them in
order. Compare your ideas in class.

Expression: Write a blog article about your best or your worst holiday. You can tell anecdotes!

Listening comprehension
Answer the following questions:
 Can you WWOOF everywhere?

 Do you get a salary?

WWOOF is about ………………………… and ………………………… on ………………………… ………………………… . It provides

people with an .............................. to ………………………… about organic agriculture and …………………………
………………………… by helping ………………………… on a house farm or small holding. …........................... is
welcome, you ………………………….. ………………………… experience, just openness and a willingness to try
something different.

What type of tasks will you be in charge of?


………………………………………………………. tasks.

4 things you will learn from the farmers:


Worldwide: Include:

Link (verb): Fence:

Trust: Be grateful:

Sustainable: Teamwork:

Openness: Sharing:

Willingness: Own (adjective):

Grammar Point

Le Present Perfect et les adverbes EVER, YET, NEVER et ALREADY

1. Les adverbes ever et yet
a. Points communs
• Les adverbes ever et yet se traduisent par « déjà ».
• Ils ne s’emploient que dans les phrases interrogatives.

b. Nuances
• L’adverbe ever sert à interroger quelqu’un sur une expérience, dans le sens de « cela t’est-
il déjà arrivé ? ». Il se place devant le verbe.
Exemple :
Have you ever been abroad?
Es-tu déjà allé à l’étranger ?

• L’adverbe yet s’emploie pour demander si une action est terminée. Il se place en fin de
Exemple :
Have you arrived home yet?
Es-tu déjà arrivé à la maison ?

Repère :
Yet s'emploie également dans les phrases négatives et se traduit alors par « pas encore ».
Le verbe doit être conjugué au present perfect.
Yet se place à la fin de la phrase.

Exemple :
I haven't met his friend yet.
Je n'ai pas encore rencontré son ami.

2. L’adverbe never
• L’adverbe never ne s’emploie que dans les phrases affirmatives.
• Comme tout adverbe, il se place devant le verbe (donc entre l’auxiliaire et celui-ci).
• Il se traduit par « jamais ».

Exemple :
I have never smoked.
Je n’ai jamais fumé.

3. L’adverbe already
• L’adverbe already ne s’emploie que dans les phrases affirmatives.
• Comme tout adverbe, il se place devant le verbe (donc entre l’auxiliaire et celui-ci).
• Il se traduit par « déjà ».

Exemple :
We have already studied this novel.
Nous avons déjà étudié ce roman.

« Déjà » peut se traduire par plusieurs adverbes en anglais :

• dans une phrase interrogative :
- par ever (s'il s'agit d'une expérience vécue.)
- par yet (s'il s'agit d'une action terminée.)
• dans une phrase affirmative :
- par already.

« Jamais » se traduit obligatoirement par never dans une phrase affirmative.

Seul yet peut s'employer dans une phrase négative.

Written comprehension

How does WWOOF work?
Volunteers (WWOOFers) help for 4-6 hours a day, and hosts provide the food and
accommodation. The length of your stay at the farm is negotiated directly between you and
your host. Most WWOOF visits are between one and two weeks.

How do I start?
The first thing you need to decide is where you want to go WWOOFing. There are over 100
countries to choose from.

If you read about a farm you would like to visit you will need to enrol as a volunteer to
access the contact details for that farm. It is then your responsibility to make direct contact
with a host farm of your choice to arrange a mutually convenient time for your visit.

Please note that if you want to WWOOF in more than one country you MUST contact and
subscribe to the WWOOF organisation in EACH country you want to volunteer in. For
example: to WWOOF in Portugal – join WWOOF Portugal, to WWOOF in Australia join
WWOOF Australia.

How old do I have to be to go WWOOFing?

Most WWOOF groups require you to be 18 years old. This is actually a legal issue. The good
news is that some WWOOF groups do take younger people.

So you need to decide where you want to go and then contact the group that organizes
WWOOF in the country you would like to go to in order to find out their current policy on

1. Complete the following chart:

How long do you have to work for during the


How long can you stay on a farm?

Can you WWOOF anywhere?

How old must you be to WWOOF?

2. Vocabulary:

Fournir : S’inscrire : Opportun :

Durée : Bénévole : S’abonner à :

Séjour : Ferme d’accueil : Demander :

Grammar Point

Les propositions infinitives

Observe les formes verbales dans le texte et répond aux questions suivantes :
Quelle est la forme verbale qui permet d’exprimer ce que je veux ? ………………………………………

Quelle est la forme verbale qui permet d’exprimer ce que j’aimerais ? ………………………………….

Quelle est la forme verbale qui permet d’exprimer ce dont j’ai besoin ? ………………………………..

De quoi sont-ils suivis ? Ils sont suivis …………………………………………………………………………………….

Une proposition infinitive s’emploie après des verbes tels que :


Lorsque la proposition infinitive a un sujet différent de la proposition principale, ce sujet

devient un complément.

Sujet I You He She It We You Them

Compléments Me You Him Her It Us You Them
Exemples : Parents wanted us to be busy. Les parents voulaient que nous soyons occupés.

His parents asked him not to go out. Ses parents lui ont demandé de ne pas sortir dehors.

Exercice 1 – Mettez les mots dans l’ordre pour former des phrases :

a) English / I / learn / want / my son to .


b) asked / to / with / dance / He / him / Sue .


c) you / you / me / help / want / Do / to ?


d) told / tidy / Our parents / us / our room / to .


e) to / them / me / I / understand / would like .


f) asked / come / not / to / her / They .


Exercice 2 – Construisez des phrases avec une proposition infinitive en utilisant les
éléments proposés que vous transformerez si nécessaire :

Exemple : My parents want… (I go to school on time)

My parents want me to go to school on time.

a) Our teacher asks… (We do our homework every evening.)


b) My neighbour would like… (You go to the concert with her.)


c) Kate’s father told… (She writes a letter.)


d) The children outside want… (He comes and plays with them.)


e) My best friend doesn’t expect… (I go to London with her.)


Exercice 3 – Traduisez les phrases ci-dessous :

a) Je ne veux pas qu’il travaille le dimanche.


b) Il vous dit de courir plus vite.


c) J’aimerais qu’elle vienne à ma fête.


d) Elle leur demande de rentrer à 8 heures.


e) Nos parents nous obligent à ranger notre chambre.


f) Mon frère s’attend à ce que je vienne le voir.


Listening comprehension
1. Answer the following questions:

Who is he?
What is he talking about?

Was it a positive or negative experience? Pick out words.


2. Find names for each category of things he talks about.

3. What did he learn in these four categories? Complete the chart.

a) b)

c) d)


Region specific:





Grammar point

Exprimer ce qu’une expérience m’a permis de faire / d’apprendre

Il existe 3 façons d’exprimer cette idée :
 It allowed me to….
 It made it possible for me to… + BV
 I was able to…

Attention à bien changer le complément en fonction du sujet de la phrase !

It made it possible for him to learn about organic agriculture. Cela lui a permis d’en
apprendre plus à propos de l’agriculture biologique.

WWOOFing allowed them to meet people from different cultures. Faire du WWOOFing leur
a permis de rencontrer des personnes issues de cultures différentes.

He was able to travel abroad. Il a pu voyager à l’étranger.

On parle ici de ce que ces expériences m’ont permis de faire ou d’apprendre dans le passé.
Si je souhaite parler de ce qu’elles pourraient m’apporter si je les réalisais (= conditionnel), il
faut donc rajouter WOULD (rappel séquence précédente).

 It would allow me to…

 It would make it possible for me to… + BV
 I would be able to…

Rédige des phrases pour expliquer ce que l’expérience du WWOOFing a apporté à Jeff :


Final task: Would you like to go WWOOFing?

- Where would you like to WWOOF? (country) Why?
- What skills would you like to learn? What kind of knowledge would you need or want
to gain?
- Would it be a good thing for your professional career?

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