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complexity generally refers to the level of intricacy, difficulty, or

intricateness of a system or a phenomenon. It can refer to a wide
range of things, from the complexity of a mathematical algorithm to
the complexity of a biological organism, social system, or economic
In science and engineering, complexity is often measured in terms
of the number of components or interactions within a system. The
more components or interactions, the more complex the system is
said to be.
In computer science, complexity theory is concerned with
understanding the amount of resources required to solve
computational problems. This is often measured in terms of time
and space complexity, which refer to the amount of time and
memory required by an algorithm to solve a problem as a function
of the size of the input.
Overall, complexity is a fundamental aspect of many fields and
disciplines, and understanding and managing complexity is an
important challenge in science, engineering, business, and many
other areas.
Complexity :

selon Edgar Morin::

La théorie de complexité c’est une théorie qui s'occupe des

systèmes dont les processus sont liés et en interaction et qui sont
difficiles de prévoir leurs avenir et leurs résultats, tous système
quelques soit et complexe. Tout objet on le considère étant un
système. On ne peut comprendre un système que lorsqu’ on
comprend ses relations avec le système. Y a 4 sortes de
complexité :
La complexité empirique des processus complexe de théorie
complexe .La complexité empirique des connaissances énorme
qui s'accumulent se trouve au compartimenté les unes par
rapport aux autres pour traiter un problème important comme
Qu’est-ce que la mondialisation ?qu'est-ce que l'homme ? Qu’est-
ce que la mort? Etc. La reliance, la capacité de relier les
connaissances séparées pour traiter un objet important.
La complexité à un caractère logique, il est impossible de déduire
par la logique les qualités de tous à partir les qualités des parties.
Donc se problème logique nous allons le retrouver dans
l'apparition des contradictions au cours d'une investigation
rationnelle par exemple en microphysique on a découvert qu’il
était impossible de définir la particule sinon à la fois comme
corpuscules. Comme à montrer le grand fondateur de la micro
Si on regarde l'individu on regarde plus la société, si on regarde la
société on regarde plus l'individu. si on regarde l'espèce on
regarde plus l'individu "selon ces processus la causalité n'est pas
simple il y a toujours un principe de causeeffet "Nous sommes des
produits et des producteurs".

Mr. wolfram answered the question How

does our universe work? Is there a
fundamental theory?

wolfram physics project

the first question which is the sort of a foundational one is kind of
what the universe made of that is the most obvious about universe is
there's space in the universe and people have thought since Euclid
and so on space isn't made of anything it's just something you put
things in and you place them at certain positions and on well we've
learned that lots of other stuff is made of things we've learned that
materials are made of atoms that light is made of photons and so on
but still we think that space is just a thing that isn't made of anything I
think that's not correct i think space is made of things you can think
of them as kind of atoms of space these underlying elements that
make up our physical universe what can we say only that an element
exist and that it's distinct from other elements and we say then that
what we specify about these elements is how they're related one
element is related to other.so we have this giant collection of elements
and relations between elements we can think about that as some kind
of graph or hypo graph is a representation of sort of everything that
exists in the universe the structure of space and the his content as well
We can think also of the content of space electrons, particles and
whatever else. It’s a little bit like what happens in a fluid like water at
the lowest level they're just a bunch of molecules but when we see
things like vortices and the water those are made of sort of the
collective motion of lots of molecules.
there are many features so when we look at for example fluid
dynamics and we start off this molecules we know that from all these
molecules bouncing around we can derive the equations of fluid
mechanics from as the large-scale limit of what happens with all these
individual molecules the corresponding thing that happens in space is
that we derive Einstein's equations for the structure of space-time and
for gravity that's the similar things that happens from these processes
with typography time in this model is something very distinct from
space it is the progressive computational rewriting of this hypo graph
using rules that are well they're not the same as the rules for a cellular
automation .to answer the question what actually happening in the
system at the lowest level all these atoms of space are doing very
complicated things they're sort of interacting with each other in effect
through this hypo graph and the process that's going on there is one
that shows lots of computational irreducibility if we were down at the
level of atoms of space we would have no idea what was going on in
the universe.
Complexity and
engineering :
presented by the speakers :

Engineering is concerned with designing and creating practical solutions

to real-world problems. Complexity refers to the degree to which a
system or problem is composed of interconnected parts or involves
intricate relationships.

In engineering, complexity is often a key consideration in the design

process, as complex systems can be more difficult to design, implement,
and maintain. Engineers must take into account the potential for
interactions and interdependencies between different components, as
well as the impact of external factors such as environmental conditions
or user behavior.

In many cases, engineers strive to simplify complex systems in order to

make them more efficient, reliable, and user-friendly. This can involve
breaking down complex problems into smaller, more manageable
components, or using advanced techniques such as optimization and
simulation to identify the most effective design solutions.

Overall, the relationship between complexity and engineering is

complex in itself, as engineers must balance the need to create effective
solutions with the challenges posed by complex systems and problems.
However, by understanding and managing complexity, engineers can
create innovative and effective solutions that meet the needs of users
and stakeholders.
complexity and
presented by the Speakers: • Jean STAUNE • Amine BELEMLIH

Complexity and management are two interrelated

concepts that play a significant role in the success of
organizations. Complexity refers to the degree to which a
system or organization is composed of interconnected
and interdependent parts, and how these parts interact
with each other. Management, on the other hand,
involves the process of planning, organizing, directing,
and controlling resources to achieve specific goals.
In today's dynamic and fast-paced business environment,
complexity has become a major challenge for managers.
With the increasing complexity of organizational
systems, managers need to develop new ways of
managing and leading their organizations. They need to
be able to adapt quickly to changing circumstances,
anticipate and manage risks, and leverage the potential of
emerging technologies.
To effectively manage complexity, managers must
develop a deep understanding of their organization's
structure, processes, and systems. They must also be able
to identify and manage different types of complexity,
such as structural complexity, process complexity, and
dynamic complexity.
To address the challenges of complexity, many
organizations are adopting new management
approaches, such as agile management, design thinking,
and systems thinking. These approaches emphasize
collaboration, flexibility, and continuous improvement,
and enable organizations to adapt to changing
circumstances and customer needs more quickly.
In summary, complexity and management are two
interrelated concepts that require careful attention and
management in today's business environment. Effective
management of complexity can help organizations to
remain competitive, agile, and innovative, and ultimately
achieve their strategic goals.
“Complexity and
presented by the Speaker: • Gregory CHAITIN

the speaker talks about Fas , formal axiomatic system is a

formal system used to describe mathematical theories,
which consists of a set of axioms, a set of rules for
manipulating these axioms, and a set of theorems
derived from the axioms using these rules.
Axioms are statements that are assumed to be true
without proof, and theorems are statements that can be
derived from the axioms using logical deduction. The
rules for manipulating the axioms are typically based on
logic, such as the modus ponens rule, which allows one to
infer a conclusion from two premises, or the deduction
theorem, which allows one to derive a theorem from a
set of assumptions.
A formal axiomatic system is also known as a formal
system, a deductive system, or a logical system. Examples
of formal axiomatic systems include Zermelo-Fraenkel
set theory, Peano arithmetic, and propositional logic.
Formal axiomatic systems are important in mathematics
because they provide a rigorous framework for the
development and exploration of mathematical theories.
They also enable mathematicians to reason about
abstract concepts in a precise and systematic way, and to
prove theorems that can be relied upon as true.
“Complexity and
presenting by the Speaker: • Gregory CHAITIN

Complexity theory and metamathematics are two related fields of study

that explore the limits of mathematical knowledge and the complexity
of mathematical problems.
Metamathematics is the study of mathematics itself, including its
foundations, structures, and methods. It aims to provide a rigorous
framework for the development of mathematical theories, and to
explore the limits of what can be proven and known within those
Complexity theory, on the other hand, is concerned with the study of
complex systems, including those that arise in mathematics. It explores
the computational complexity of problems, and how the size of the
problem affects the resources (such as time and space) required to solve
One of the key insights of complexity theory is that not all problems can
be solved efficiently by algorithms, even in mathematics. For example,
the decision problem for first-order logic, which asks whether a given
first-order formula is provable, is undecidable. This means that there is
no algorithm that can solve this problem for all inputs, and that there are
some first-order formulas for which it is impossible to determine
whether they are provable or not.
Metamathematics also deals with undecidability and other limits of
mathematical knowledge. For example, Gödel's incompleteness
theorems show that in any consistent formal system that is powerful
enough to encode arithmetic, there are true statements that cannot be
proven within the system itself. This implies that there are limits to what
we can know and prove within any given mathematical theory.
Overall, the study of complexity and metamathematics provides
valuable insights into the nature of mathematical knowledge and the
limits of what can be known and proven within mathematical systems. It
also helps us to understand the computational complexity of
mathematical problems, and the trade-offs between different methods
for solving them
complexity and
presented by the Speakers: •Stuart KAUFFMAN • Ivar EKELAND • Johan BOLLEN

The Anthropocene is a proposed geological epoch

characterized by significant human impact on the Earth's
ecosystems, geology, and climate. Complexity refers to
the degree to which a system is composed of
interconnected components, and how difficult it is to
predict or understand the behavior of that system.
There is a strong relationship between complexity and
the Anthropocene because the complex systems that
make up the Earth's natural and human systems have
become intertwined and impacted by human activities.
As humans have continued to develop technologies and
extract resources at an unprecedented rate, they have
altered ecosystems and climate systems, leading to a
highly complex and interconnected global system that is
difficult to fully understand or predict.
Moreover, the Anthropocene represents a time of
accelerating complexity, where the interactions between
different systems are increasingly complex and difficult
to manage. For example, climate change, ocean
acidification, and the loss of biodiversity are all examples
of complex, interconnected problems that are difficult to
solve because of their many interdependent components.
In summary, the Anthropocene and complexity are
strongly related because the complex, interdependent
systems that make up the Earth's ecosystems and climate
have been significantly impacted by human activities,
leading to an increasingly complex and challenging
global system.
and algorithms

Complexity and algorithms are two related concepts in computer science and mathematics.
Complexity refers to the study of the resources (such as time, space, or other computational
resources) required to solve a given problem or perform a given computation. Algorithms,
on the other hand, are step-by-step procedures or methods used to solve a particular
problem or perform a computation.

The complexity of an algorithm is typically measured by its time complexity or space

complexity, which are measures of the amount of time or space required to perform the
computation as a function of the size of the input. For example, a sorting algorithm might
have a time complexity of O(n log n), which means that the time required to sort a list of n
items grows logarithmically with the size of the list.

One of the key insights of complexity theory is that not all problems can be solved efficiently
by algorithms. In fact, some problems are proven to be computationally intractable, meaning
that no algorithm exists that can solve the problem in a reasonable amount of time. The most
well-known example of such a problem is the traveling salesman problem, which involves
finding the shortest possible route that visits a set of cities exactly once.

Complexity theory also helps us to understand the trade-offs between different algorithms
for a given problem. For example, one algorithm might be faster than another for small
inputs, but slower for larger inputs. Similarly, one algorithm might use less space than
another, but take longer to run. By understanding the complexity of algorithms, we can
choose the most appropriate algorithm for a given problem based on our available resources
and the size of the input.

Overall, the study of complexity and algorithms is essential for understanding the limits and
possibilities of computation, and for developing efficient algorithms to solve practical
Emergence and
Human Sciences”
presented by the Speakers:
-Raphaël LIOGIER
-Frédérick BAITINGER

Complexity emergence is a concept that refers to the way that complex systems
can give rise to unexpected, emergent behaviors or properties that cannot be
predicted from the behavior of their individual components. In the context of
human sciences, complexity emergence can help us to better understand and
explain complex social phenomena such as cultural evolution, economic systems,
and the emergence of social norms.

One of the key insights of complexity science is that complex systems are often
characterized by feedback loops, where the behavior of the system as a whole
feeds back into the behavior of its individual components, and vice versa. This
feedback can lead to the emergence of new properties and behaviors that cannot
be reduced to the behavior of the individual components alone. For example, the
emergence of social norms is often the result of a complex feedback loop
between individual behavior and the behavior of the larger social group.

Another important aspect of complexity emergence is the way that small changes
or perturbations in a complex system can have large-scale effects. This is known
as the butterfly effect, and it means that even small changes in a complex system
can have unpredictable and potentially significant consequences. In the human
sciences, this insight can help us to understand how seemingly small changes in
social systems can have large-scale impacts on culture, economy, and other
aspects of human society.

Overall, complexity emergence provides a valuable framework for understanding

the complex, dynamic, and unpredictable nature of human systems. By
recognizing the importance of feedback loops and the potential for small changes
to have large-scale effects, researchers in the human sciences can better
understand and explain the complex social phenomena that shape our world.
“Complex problems and
collective solutions”
presented by the Speakers:

-Geoffrey WEST - David NAPIER

- Virgnia CHAITIN - Katherine PEIL KAUFFMAN

Complex problems are those that are characterized by a high degree of

interdependence, uncertainty, and ambiguity. These problems are often
difficult to solve because they involve multiple stakeholders with different
interests, perspectives, and values.
Collective solutions, on the other hand, are those that are developed
through collaboration and cooperation among stakeholders. These
solutions recognize the interdependence of the various actors involved in
addressing the problem and seek to incorporate their perspectives and
In many cases, complex problems require collective solutions because no
single stakeholder has all the necessary knowledge or resources to solve the
problem alone. For example, climate change is a complex problem that
requires collaboration among governments, businesses, and individuals to
reduce carbon emissions and mitigate its impact.
Effective collective solutions require a number of key elements, including
trust, communication, shared goals, and a willingness to compromise. They
also require a commitment to ongoing collaboration and a willingness to
adapt as new information or challenges arise.
Overall, complex problems require collective solutions that draw on the
knowledge and expertise of a diverse range of stakeholders. By working
together, stakeholders can develop more effective and sustainable solutions
that address the underlying causes of the problem and lead to positive
outcomes for all involved.

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