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sd crAo DUC vA oAo rAo

ot, cniNn rntrc ri'rnr
cHgN Hec sINH cr6r Lop 9 THcs
Nim hoc 2020 -2021
Thli gian ldm bii: 150 philt khdng k€ thdi gian giao di

Ciu 1 (8,0.Ii6in)
Hdy vi6t bdi vdn nghi lufn trinh bdy suy nghi cta em vO y nghia cta cdu
chuyQn sau:
*1if'LAM HrSx cuoc sONc
MQt cflu bd tdmtu6i lai gAn mQt lgudi ddn 6ng drmg tu6i vd ngu6c mlt h6i:
- Ch6u bii5t chfi ld ngrdi r6t th6ng th6i, ch6u -.r5n Ui6t Ui m4t ctra cuQc sting
la gi? Chir n6i cho ch6u biCt di!
Ngudi dirn 6ng ciri xu6ng bdn dria tr6 vd d6p:
- Chir dd nghi rdtldutrong sudt cuQc ddi minh. Bi mft cuQc s5ng dugc tdng
k6t trong b6n tu:.
Tt thir nhdt ld "suy nghT'. Hdy suy nghi vO nhinrg gi5 tr! md ch6u mu6n cuQc
^". cua cnau co.
Tt tht hai "tin tudn9".Hdy tin tucmg vdo b6n thdn minh dlra tr6n nhirrrg
viQc ch6u ldm, vi giftri ch6u muOn c6.
Tt thir ba li "mo u6c". Hdy mcv u6c ,rA nhmrg di€u c6 th6 dtin, dua tr6n niAm
tin tu6rng vdo bin thdn vi rrtrimg gi6 tri minh mu5n c6.
Tt cui5i cing ld "can dfrm". Hdy can d6m d6 bi6n u6c mo thdnh hi6n thgc,
dpa tr6n ntrfiTrg ni€m tin vdo ban then vd nhirng giStri cria chinh minh.
Ve d6 h nhtng di6u md Walt Disney dd n6i vcri cflu b6: "Suy nghi, tin tu6rng,
mo u6c vd can dim".
(Ddn theo "TAm h6n cao thugng", N)G HiNQi 2018)
Ciu 2 (12,0 tli6m)
" Tdcphern vha ld t<6t tinn cria t6m hdn ngudi s6ng t5c, vtra ld scyi ddy truy6n
cho mgi ngudi sg s6trg md nghQ si mang trong ldng. Nghe si gi6i thiQu v6i chirng ta
mQt cim gifuc,tinh t.u, mQt tu tu6rng bd"g c6ch lim s5ng hi6n hign ngay trong tdm
t I 1 , !\ t
h6n chring ta chm gi6c, tinh tg, tu tudrng 6y".
Trich ' Ti6ng n6i cria vdn nghQ", Nguy6n Dinh Th| SGK Ngt vdn 9, tQp hai,
N)GGD ViQt Nam,20l7)
, Bing bdi thcv " Mira xudn nho nh6' cria nhd tho Thanh Hii em hdy lim sdng t6 ;f
ki6n tr6n.i.

Hg vir t6n thi sinh: ...........o.....o......................o.......... SBD.....o.................................

UBND riNu rHAI NcuvsN ri uu cHeN HQC sINH cr6r LoP q
so crAo DUC vA DAo rAo NAm ITQC 2o2o - 2021
of cnirrtn rHltc Thdi gian: 150 phtit kh6ng k€ thdi gian phdt dA

CAu I (3,0 di1@. Tir sau Chi6n tranh thti gi6i thri nhAt drin tru6c khi Dang CQng sin
Viet Nam ra dhi, phong frdo yOu nu6c cr Vigt Nam. dA di6n ra theo nhimg khuynh hucrng chinh ri
ndo? Hdy ldm 16- OiAu nen:lich sri t6c dQng dt5n sU hinh thdnh cria nhfrng khuynh hudng
criu nudc d6.
CAu II (4,0 di€m)."Sry ra ddi cila ba tii chuc cQng sdn ddu ndm 1930 td mqt xu
tne tiit yAu ct)a cdch mang ViQt Nam. Tuy nhi€n, cdc t6 ch*c c|ng sdn lgi hoqt dQng
riAng rlA, ffanh gidnh dnh haong v6i nhau, ldm cho phong trdo cdch mqng trong nudc
cd nguy co ddn d6n sa chia rd l6n.
v6i tu cdch td phdi vian ctm Quiic rc cpng sdn, H6 chi Minh dd chfi d1ng trigu tQp
dqi bi€u cin cdc td chac ld Ddng Daong C|ng sdn ddng, An Nam CQng fin ddng, E6ng Drong
Cpng sdn hAn dodn ddn Thaqng Hdi (Trung Quoc) d€ bdn viQc h.p nhdt.
H1i nshi hqp nh(it bat ddu hgn tir ngdy 3-2-1?10 ryOi "gryi Y nhtit tr{ tdn thdnh viQc
thiSng nniit Jc n itrt, cQng sdn d€ thdnh tln m1r ddng dtll nhdt ldy tAn ld Edng CQng
E6ig Duong; th6ng qua Cifnh caang vdn tdt, Sdch laqc vdn tdt... do Trdn Phil soqn thdo.
Do4n vi6t tr€n v6 Hqi nghf thdnfr lap D6ng Cong sdn Viet Nam c6 nhirng chi ti6t
ndo chua chinh xdc? Hdy sria l4i cho tfiing vd giii thich vi sao?
Ciu IfI (4,0 di€m). Trong phong trio ddn chri 1936 - 1939, Eryg C0ng san D6ng Ducrng
x6c dinh ke tht cu th6 fu6c mft cria nhdn ddn D6ng Duong nhu th€ ndo? Vi sao l4i x6c
nhu v4y?
Cffu IV (5,0 di€m). HOi nghf Ianta (2.-1945) da dinh ra khu6n khd mOt ffat thti gi6i
"Trflt t.u hai cgc Ianta"?
-oi ,uu cttiAr u"rrt tn6 lioi itti ttui nhu th6 ndo? N€u t14c di€m cria
Ciu V (4,0 di€m). Trung uong D6ng, Chinh phu vg Chri tich UO Ctri Minh quy6t
ainrr mJ dich Bi€n gidi tq* - oong nam tgso trgnq P9i ta*.ndo?.Phdn tich t6c dOng
;il.ra" ru, rguii giao ctra chien dich riay eOi vOi cu6c kh6ng chi6n toan qudc ch6ng thgc
ddn Ph6p (1946 - 1954).

Tht sinh kh6ng ctwqc sft dlrng tdi liQu. cdn bQ coi thi kh6ng gidi thfch
gi tham.

Ho vd ftn thf sinh:... ... """50 bdo danh:

sd crAo DUC vA oAo rAo @
Thdi gian ldm bdi:150 philt, kh6ng lC thdi gian giao di

CAU 1 (4,0 di€m):
a. T4i sao con ngudi cAn bio vQ ldp v6 khi cria Tr6i D6t?
b. Phan tfch anh huong c:ira cdc nh6n t6 t.u nhi€n vd con ngudi di5n sg phdn bO thUc
vQt vd ctQng vflt tr€n Tr6i Ddt.

Cdu2 (4,0 did@: Dya vao Atlat Dia li ViQt Nam vd kitin thric dd hsc, hdy:
a. So siinh cfr6 eg nudc s6ng vd mua lt trdn cilc sOng ngdi o Bic B0 voi sdng ngdi o
Trung BQ.
b. Tai sao d miAn Nam Trung BQ vd Nam B0 c6 sp phdn bO cdy triing da d4ng, ph6t
tri€n manh theo hu6ng s6n xuAt hdng h6a?

CAu 3 (4,0 di€m):

a. PhAn tfch mi5i quan
L,,'V!. hp gita ngudn lao dQng, viQc ldm viph6ttri€n kinh tti 0 nu6c ta.
b. So s6nh c6c yilu t6 dAu vdo, dAu ra c6 6nh hu&ng t6i sin xu6t c6ng nghiQp vdi
, A,
s6n xudt ndng nghiQp 0 nudc ta.

CAu 4 (4,0 di€m); Dga vdo Atlat Dia li ViQt Nam vd kii5n thfc dE hgc, h5y:
a. Phdn tich anh h.o*g cria phdn UO Aicn vu 0 nufc ta d6n doi s6ng vd san xu6t.
b. Tai sao cAn dAy m4nh phSt triOn ngdnh c6ng nghidp ch6 bi6n luong thuc thUc
phdm 0 DOng bing s6ng Criu Long?

CAu 5 (4,0 did@: Cho bang s5 [Qu sau:

cIA rnl xuAr NH{p rnAu HANc n6e cOe xUdc ra

(Donvi: tri€uD6la Mi)

Nh6m tring xuSt khiu Gi6 tr! Nhom hing nhqp khiu Gi6 tr!
Hang c6ng nghiQp nang 124 711,7 M5y m6c, thiCt bi, 102 046,6
vd khodns san duns cu. phu tuns
Hang c6ng nghiQp nhg 89 804.6 Nguy0n, nhi6n, vflt liQu rl0 914,2
vi ti6u thir c6ne nehiOp
Hane n6ng. l6m. thirv s6n t7 484.6 Hane ti€u dtns 24 t33.2
T6ne 232 000.9 Tdne 237 094.0
Q'{gu6n: NiAn gidm thdng kC ViCt Nam 2019, T6ng cqtc Thiing kA)
a. Vd bi6u dO thich hqp th6 hiQn co c6u gi|tri nh6m hang xuAt L*rAu vd nh6m hang
r A tr i , t
nhflp khdu cta nudc ta n6m 2018.
b. l.{han x6t vA co c6utrdng h6a xu6t, nhap khAu & nufc ta vd giii thich.
c. Co !6u h*g h6a xu6t nh"flp khAu 6 nu6c ta cdn chuy6n dich ruriu th6 ndo? Tai sao?

Th{ sinh duqc sir dqtng Atlat Eia li ViCt Nam vd mdy tinh cdm tay
Ho vd ftn thi sinh:............. ..-............,SBD
UBND TINH T}IAI NGI.IYEN rci rm cHeN Hec srrYH cr6r cAp rNn
so cno Dvc vA EAo rao LoP g NAM HQC 2020 -202r
M6n: Gi6o dgc cdng d6n
DE CHINH THUC Thdi gian ldm bdt 150 phit
Ciu I (5 di6m)
Trong bdi ph6t bi6u dAu ndrn m6i 2021,n6i v€ dinh hucrngphdttridn d6t nu6c
T6ng Bi thu, Chri tich nu6c Nguy6n Phri Trgng c6 nh6n m?nh d6n vigc: "Vira fidp
thu nhicng tinh hoa vdn h6a nhdn logi, .vba phdt huy nhtrng giqfti 4nyA",thiing t6t
dgp cila ddn'tQc". Em hdy trinh bdy hi6u bi6t cta minh vC truy€n th6ng t6t dgp cria
dAn tOc?

Trong ndm2020 vd dAu ndm202l vta qu4 khi nu6c ta bi inh.hucrng bcri dlch
benh Covid 19 vd miAn trung bi thiet hpi do bdo lst thi c6 ohqg truyAn th6ng ttit dgp
ndo cua ddn tQc ViQt Nam dugc ph6t.huy m?nh m€? Em hay k€ ra nhirng viQc ldm cq
the bi6u hiQn diAu d6 md em dugc bietZ
Ciu 2 (s di6m)
Em hdy cho bi6t vi€c k6t hdn hi€n nay dugc ph6p ludt nudc ta quy dinh cu th€
nhu th6 ndo? Theo em, t4i sao ph6p luat Nhd nu6c ta ph6i quy cllnh 16 vd dO tudi
dugc k6t trOnt

. HiQn nay, 6 mQt,s6 vtng mi6n 6 nudc tavdncdn tdn*f4i hir 4c "t6o h6n" vir sg
bi5n tudrng cira tgc."bqt vg-'. Theo em, nhirng tflp tUc ndy dd vi phqm <ltin quy tlfnh
ndo ctra ph6p 1u0t vO v6n d0 ki5t h6n? Cdc tap tgc ndy c6 th6 t6c dQng ti6u cgc nhu thti
ndo d6n cuQc <ldi khdng ft nhimg cd g6i tr6?
Ciu 3 (5 diem) "
. Em hdy cho bi€t th€ "ndo ld vi ph4m ph6p luQt vd tr6ch nhiQm ph6p li? Em hdy
ldy mQt vdi vi dp v6 hanh vi vi pha* phSp luat hinh sg vd henh chinh xhy ra trong
thdi gian gdn il6y md em dugc bi6t?
Theo em, l6y trQm tidn cria ngudi kh6c ld vi phpm ph6p luQt hay vi ph4m d4o
dric? Vi sao?
Ciu 4 (s dicm)
"Hda binh ld ddcc hqnh cila nhdn loqi. Chidn ftanh ld tqi dc" (Tictor Hugo).
Em hdy lirm rd hcrn c6u n6i tr6n qua viQc trinh bdy hi6u bi6t cta minh v6 chi6n tranh
vd hda binh? Tpi sao chirng ta phii b6o vQ nAn hda binh cho d6t nu6c?
N5u co mQt s6 ngudi lp, hira sE cho em nhirng khoan ti6n kh6ng nh6 vn dA nghi
em hing ngey ddng nhtug th6ng tin mir hq gyi cho em l6n m4ng xd hQi (nQi dung n6i
x6u E6ng, Nhe nu6c, k6u ggi ngudi ddn ch6ng AOi Nhd nu6c). E* sd lim gi? Tpi

-- Htit

Hg vd t€n thi sinh: .SBD:

UBND TiNH THAI NcuveN THI cHgN Hec sINH clot cAp riNn LoP 9
sd crao DUC vA EAo r4o NAtvt Hoc zozo - 2o2r
^rvr0N THI: roAN
nn rur cniNn rntlc Thdi gian ldm bdi:1 50 phut, kh6ng k€ thdi gian phdt di

Bii I 1O ai6m;.

,-( x+z[x+q *x+2J{+t

]'I.|l*t * 1, )
a. chobi6uthric
, I xvx-8 x-r ./ \G-.mnl
Chrnrgminh916dcuabi€uthirc x (v6i ) *1,
klrOngphgthuQcviio x 0, x x +3, x + 4).
b. Trong mit phdng tqa dQ Oxy, cho duirng thing (a), V = ax - a(a +0)ve hai di6m
A(O;-Z),n(e;O). fim chc giittri cria a de dubng thang (a) cht hai tryc tqa d0
Ox, Oy lAn luqt tpi hai di6m phdn biQt M, N sao cho Soor, = Soorr.
Bai 2 (6 tli6m).
a. TimnghiQmnguy6n ducmg x, y ciaphucrngtrinh *'+ y'-6x+4y-4:0.
b. Chrmg minh rdng v6i mgi si5 tg nhi6n n thi (ZOZO"' + Z) kh6ng ph6i ld lap
phucrng cria mQt st5 tU nhi6n.
Tim cdc c{p s5 nguy6n t6 (p, A) thOamdn 3pq2 * P = q3 +3p3 +3.
Bii 3 (6 tli6m). Cho tam gi6c nhgn ABC ngi ti6p ducng trdn (O). TrOn cung nho
AC cua ducyng trdn (O) l6y hai ttitim M, N sao cho MI,{ song song v6i AC vd'
AM <,4ff. Ggi P liL giao di6m clua BM vd AC. Tr€n cung nh6 BC cria ducrng tron
(O) tdy di6m Q sao cho PQ vudng g6c vdi BC. Ggi R le giao ditim c:iua AC va
QN; F li giao di6m cin AQ vd B//. Chrmg minh reng'
a. Cdc di6m B, P, R, Q ctng thuQc mQt ducrng trdn.
b. BR vudng g6cvoi AQ.
^ ^ ^
c. AFB = BPQ+ ABR.
Bni 4 (1 tli6m). C6 n v4n dQng vi6n tham gia mQt giai thi d6u cAu 16ng theo.lhe.tltr:
loai tr.uc- ti6p, nghia li vfln dQng vi6n thua s€ bi lo4i ngay (kh6ng c6 tr4n {au hda).
Theo thC le cuQc thi, hai vfn dQng vi€n chi c6 th6 du.gc thi ddu v6i nhau n6u ch€nh
lgch gifia sti tr6n de thi d6u ctra hqkhOng qu6 1. eiCt ting, cu6i cirng chi c6 dung mQt
v4n <lQng vi€n v6 dich, cdc vQn dQng vi€n kh6c ddu dd bi loai. Tim n nho nhdt sao
cho v$n dQng vi6n v6 dich th6ng duqi dung 10 tr$n thi d6u.
Bai s (1 tli6m).
Cho c6c s6 t.u nhi6n a, b thba man (+a2 +2b2 + 4ab +12a+ 8b + 2020) chia h6t cho 3.
Chtmg minh rang (a -b) chiahtit cho 3.

H6t --------
(Cdn b0 coi thi kh6ng giafthich gi th1m)

H9 vi 10n.......... SBD
IJBNDTINII THAI NGUTEN ri rnr clreN HQc sINH cr6r rirsn Lop s
so crAo DIrc vA DAo rAo NAwI Hoc 2020-2021
nnON rrirr noA HQC
Thiri gian: 150 phrrit (khdng t<C tnUi gian giao tld)
BE rm cniNrH THtIc @6 tnt cd 02 trang, g6m 10 cAu)

Ciu 1. (2,0 tli6m) Trong phdng thi nghiQm c6 citc ,1,

dung dich: HCI c14c, NaOH; cdc chdftin: CaCO3,
MnO2, A1aC3, Capz.
a. Tir chch6ach6t tren c6 th€ tliOu ch6 dugc nhtng
khi ndo trong si5 c6c chAt khi 5au: H2, C,2, CI2, CO2,
CHq, CzHz. Vi6t PTHI{ oia chc phan tmg xiy ra. .
b. Hinh v€ b6n m6 ti b0 dUng cp thi nghiQm tli6u
rfr6 ua thu khi X. Hay cho bitit X ld nhirng khi ndo
trong s6 c6c chat thi 6 !' a' Gi6i thich'
CaiZ. (2,0 tli6m) H6n hqp X g6+ CuO vd MgO. Chi dirng th6m dung dich HCI vd bOt Al,
hay trinh biry 2.a"tt ruta. nt
eiAu ctr0 loai tt6ng nguy0n ctrSt ttr hdn hq'p X. Vi6t
PTHH ctra c6cphdn img ry6Y ra.
Ciu 3. (2,0 tli6m) ChorAt tU tu dung dich A chrla x mol HCl vdo dung dich B chria y mol
NazCOr. Sau khi cho h6t A vdo B tluqc dung dich C. Dung dich C chrla nhirng chSt gi, bao
nhiOu mol tinh theo x, y?
Ciu 4. (2,0 tli6m) Cho so c16 chuy6n h6a sau:
Mr lL> Mz-l?r+ M, c) > I\4r-11+ Ms-cL+ M6--(o+ M7
Hdy chgn cbc chhtMr, Mz, Ms, M+, Ms,Mo, M7 vd. vi6t PTIIH cuacdc phan rmg xdy ra theo
so dO tren. Bi6t rdng (1),(2) la phan img h6a hqp; (3) ld phan img trung hda; (4),(5) Le phan
img trao AOi; (O) ld phin rmg nhiQt phan. Mr 1A kim 1o4i, c6c chAt cdn lai h hqp chdt kh6c
nhau cria M1.
Ciu 5. (2,0 tli6m) X6c rtinh c6c chAt htu co A, B, C, D vd viet ptfnt cria c6c phan r?ng x6y
ra theo sodO chuydn h6a sau, ghi rd diOu kiQn phan ung (ntiu c6).
$ ta] rfuniedlen
i,Ian;is.retst ili rSitets"nil+fure&?en {il lS
t6} rFslivinl,lc}arua

hc*-ft-+D ie) >cao sr B*ua

Ciu 6. (2,0 tliGm) OOt chay hoan toan 15,68 gam kim 1o4i M trong binh tlpng khi clo du thu
dugc 45,5 gam mu6i clorua.
t.Xirc tlinh t6n kim loai M.
b. Ei5 hod tan hodn todn 9,2 gamh6n hqrp X gOm kim loai M yd mQt oxit cria kim loai M cAn
ding vira tr6t tOO ml dung Airft FICI ZtU. Mat kh6c, ddn luiing H2 du di qua 9,2 gam h6n
hqp X nung n6ng, sau khi phT ung xiy ra hoan toan thu dugc 7,28 gam chAt rdn. Tim c6ng
thric ctaoxit kim lopi trong h6n hqrp X.
Ciu 7. (2,0 tli6m) Cho 7 ,62 ggm rnQt n6n hqp g6m 2 kim,lopi ki€m A, B (ngqV€n tu khiii
cira A nh6 hon nguy€n tri *frOi cria B) thuQc chu ki k6 tii5p trong bing tu6n hodn c6c
nguyOn tO h6a hgc vdo nu6c du, thu dugc 2,8 lit khi H2bay ra (c1ktc).
a.Xhc dinh 2 kim loai A, B.
b. Cho 16,8 lit khi CO2 (dlctc) t6c dpng hoan toan voi 600 ml dung dich AOH 2M thu dugc
dung dich X. Tinh t6ng 1ft6i luqng mu6i c6 trong dung dich X.
c6u 8. (2,0 tli6m) Cho 6,44 gamh6n hqrp Q eb. Mg; F9 vio 500m1 dung dich AgNos PM'
Sau kfii'c6c phan im gxay ra hoan toan, thu dugc chSt ran e n1ng24,36.gam
vi dung dich
B. Cho aung Oictr. N-aOfi (du) t6c dUng v6i dung dich B, lqc.k6t tua r6i.det nTg ",9:?1
Lh6"g khiaE,,-mOi lugng i.rtory eoi, ttr" dugc 7,0 gam chhtrhn. Tinh phan trdm theo khdi
tuome cria mdi kim loAi trong hdn hqrp Q vd tinh p'
Cd; 9. (2,0 tli6m) Cho gurn h6n hqrp g6m AlaC3 vd CaC2 t6c dpng v6i nu6c du, thu dugc
tt,iliti.inr.j trai, hq'p khl X. Chia ttr*tt hai phdn, cho phdn 1 t6c dpng l"El"T
dung dich brom tnay'cO 1.6 gam fr2 tham gia phan rmg. Ddt ch6y hoan_toan phdnz r6i
toa;b6 san phAm .iray nap trru nct vdo binh dwg dung dich Ba(OH)z du, sau phin img lgc
ffi6*t;ifrith|iilqtd dung dich trong binh;iamks,szs sam so vdi kh6i lusns duns
dich tru6c phin img.
a. Tinh ei|trir,ru ,i vd phAn trdm theo the tich ctn chcktri trong h6n hqp X.
b. Ni5u iro ptrAn 2 t6c &Tngvdi luqng du dung dich AgNO3 trong NH3 thi thu clugc a gam
k6t tria. Tinh gi6tri cria a.
Cfru 10. 12,0 tti6mliar hqp X giim ankin A vd anken B. Bi6t A, B dOu c6 mpch thang.
Chia 11 gam X ldm 2 phan bqng nhau, dtit ch6y hoan toan phdn I thu tlugc 8,96 lit lfti CO2
tUO"l. H?p ths hoan toim pnai Z vdo dung dich brom , thhy can
dri 200v{ d
brorn lM. Tim c$ng thric phdn trl cta A, B. X6c dinh.cdng thric cdu t4o cria A, B biCt A
kh6ng ph6n img vcri AgNO3 trong dung dich NHg cho k6t tua'

(Ctto: H=1; C:12; N:14; O=16;3--32; P=31; Na:23; K=39; Ca:40; Al=27; Mg=24; Fe=56;

(Hgc sinh kh6ng etuqc sir dqtng tdi liQu, gidm th! coi thi khdng gid.i thich gi thAm)
IIg vir teninisinh:......... sii teo danh.........
UBND TiNH THAI NGI-IYEN oE rHr cHeN Hgc sII\H cr6l LoP e
socrAo DUc vAoAo r4o NAU Hgc zozo^ - 202t
nr cniNn rntlc Thdi gian ldm bdi: 150 phtfrt, khhng ki thdi gian giao iti
@A thi g6m 05 cdu 02 trang)

Ciu 1 (4,0 di\m). Lric 7 gid, mQt ngudi di xe m6y tir thenh phO e ve thanh phd e
v6i vQn ttSc 40kmlh, tha'nh phO e c6ch thdnh phO n ld 150 km. Lric 8 gio ct_ng ngdy, mQt
xe 6-t6 di t& thdnh phO e vC thanh pnO a cfing tr6n con dudrng d6 vdi v{n t6c 60km/h.
1) H6i hai xe g{p nhau hic m6y gi} vd noi gpp cSch thdnh ph6 B bao nhi€u km?
2)k€ndudrng AB c6 rirQt ngudi tti xe tlpp hic ndo cfing ciich dAu xe m6y vd xe 6-
,^..^, J ..1.r1r.r\ 1 \ 1z
t6, bi6t rdng ngudi d6 khdi hanh cung hic v6i xe 6-td (hic 8 gid). Tinh vdn tdc cria nguli
di xe dpp, vi tri khdi hanh cria ngudi di xe d4p c6ch thdnh phO e bao nhi0u km vd nguoi
d6 di theo hucrng ndo?
(Xem nhu chuyCn dQng cria ba xe ld thing dAu).
Cdu 2 (4,0 di€m). Hai qu6 cdu d[c, tl6 tictr m6i qu6 cAu ld
V:200cm', dugc ndi v6i nhau blng sqi ddy m6nh, nhg, k*rdng co
ddn, thi trong nudc (HiS 1). BiCt kh6i luqng ri€ng cta nudc, qui
;, I t a ,.
cdu phfa
' ' tr€n^vd qu6 cdu phia dudi l6n luqt ldL:.Dn: l000kg/m';
D1:300kg/m';Dz: l200kgim'. Khi h€ v$t cdn bdng, xrlc tlinh:
Hinh I
1) Th6 tich ph6n nh6 l€n kh6i m[t nudc cria qui c6u phia t6n.
2)Lr7c cdng cria sgi ddy.
Ciu 3 (4,0 di€m). C6ta binh cSch nhiet gi6ng nhau chria cilng mQt lo4i chAt l6ng
t6i mQt nr?a th6 tich cria m6i Uintr. NhiQt tlQ cria ch6t l6ng trong binh 1, 2,3 ldn luqt li
200C,400C, 800C. 86 qua sg gi6n nd vi nhiet cria ch6t 16ng, sg trao AOi nfipt v6i c6c
binh chria vd v6i m6i trudrng.
1) R6t tir binh I vi binh 2 nhimg lugrng ch6t 16ng bdng nhau cho dAy binh 3. X6c
dinh nhiet d0 cria ch6t l6ng trong binh 3 kfii xiy ra cdn b5ng nhiQt.
2) Sau r6t ntri6u 16n r6t di r6t lqi c6c ch6t l6ng trong 3 binh tr€n vdi nhau vd binh 3
chria ddy ch6t 16ng thi nhiet d0 cria cbc chdtl6ng trong m5i Uintr ld bao nhi6u?
Cffu 4. (4,0 di€m). Cho m4ch diQn nhu hinh 2. Hi€u cli$n th6 hai dAu doan mach
kh6ng eOi U :21Y;MN la mQt bitin trd c6 diQn tr0 todn phdn R:4,5C), R1 :3O, ddn E
c6 diQn trd khdng ddi RE :4,5Q. Ampe k6, ddy n6i vd kh6a K
c6 dipn tr0 khdng dring k6.

. 1) Khi kfr6a 5 d6ng, con chpy C cria bi6n tr& d vi tri

di6m N, thi ampe k0 chi 44. Tim gi|tri cta R2.

/)Xac dinh giri tri cria doan bitin trd Ry (tu M td'i C) dC
ddn t6i nhat khi kh6a K m&.
3) Khi kh6a K m0, dich con chpy C tL M dtin N thi dO
Hinh 2
s6ng cfia ddn thay AOi tniS ndo? Gi6i thich.
Cffu 5 (4,0 di€m). OC nem tra mQt t<trOi ntrOm hinh l$p phucmg c4nh 5cm ld ilac
hoan toan hay c6 phan bi r6ng, bAn Nam ldm nhu sau: L6y mQt binh hinh trg dimg, d6y
phdng, diQn tich m{t trong ct.r- dily bing 50cm2, chfa nudc v6i mgc nydc trong binh cao
20cm. Thi chim khdi nh6m vdo binh nudc k6 tr6n. M{t tr6n cta kh6i nhdm duqc m6c
b&i mQt sgi dAy m6nh, $e, khdng ddn. Niiu git vft 1o ltmg trong binh nudc thi phii k6o
sqr d6y mQt lgc 2N. Bi6t trgng lugmg ri6ng cria nudc, nh0m l6n luqt h d1 : 100b0N/m3,
dz:27000N/m3. Gia thitit nudc kfrdng bi tdn hong qu6 hinh ldm thi nghiQm vd b6 qua
hi-Cn tuqmg cdng b6 mpt.
1) KhOi nh6m d6 r6ng hay tt{c? Vi sao?
z).Tirh cdng.cl6 $am k6o dAu *tr5i ntrOm d6 tu itrly binh l6n theo phuong thattg
itung iti5n Ltri vgbhtddu roi khdi m4t nudc?
3) Em hdy n6u mQt phuong rin kfi6c ctiS x6c dinh kfi5i nh6m li rdng hay <tac?
Cdn b0 coi thi khdng gidi thich gi thAm.
Ho ftn thi sinh:.... ................,S8D
so crAo oU9 vA DAo r4o ri rnr cHeN Hgc sINH GIoI cAr riNn Lop 9
TINH THAI NGUYEN NAwI Hec zo2o -202r
Oditni mdn: TIN HQC
lim bii: 150 phft
Thcri gian
ut csimr rHLIc Ngiy thi: 301312021
@6 thi g6m 02 ft-g, 03 bai)

Bni TGn biri File chuolg trinh Dft liQu vio K6t qui
I Tinh tidn TINH.PAS Tir bin phim In ra min hinh
2 Dny s6 DAYSO.PAS Tir bin phim In ra min hinh
3 Nhfmg s6 nguyOn t6 SNT.PAS Tir birn phfm In ra min hinh

Hdy lQp trinh girti cdc bdi todn saaz

Bii 1. (7 iti6m) TIIIH TIEN
TGn file:
NhAn dfp ndm hgc m6i, cria hang b6n d6 dtng cho hgc sinh c6 chucmg trinh
r r A !. +v r. r 4a
khuy6n mdi ctac biQt. Trong d6, gi6 mua 16 m6i chi6c c{p hgc sinh ld P, tuY nhi6n
n6u mua v6i s5 lugng c{p kh6ng nh6 hcm q thi duqc gi6m k% sd tiAn ph6i trh. Lop
cta Nam c6 n b4n, vi ld lop trucrng n6n Nam dugc c6c bqn cir ili mua cho m5i ban
trong lorp 01 chi6c c[p. Hdy tfnh giirp Nam s6 tiAn ft nhAt ph6i thu cria m5i b9n (kC
ci Nam) dO c6 th6 mua dir n c{p hgc sinh.
Dir IiQu: Nhflp vio tu bin phim btin sO nguydn ducmg n, k, P, q <10e.
Kift qud: In ra man hinh sti ti6n tOi ttri6u cAn phii thu cria m5i ben.
Bitiz. (7 tli6m) nAv SO
a A
Cho sd nguy6n
i d
^ ducmg S vd ddy s6 g6m N sO nguy6n duong Fr, Fz, ..., FN. Ddy
tO dachodugcggildddytE gd6nn6u:Fi < Fi*r vi e[,2,...,n-l\ (huyFr <Fz < Fg <
... < FN).
Chring ta ggi hai sd hang F1 vi F2 trong ddy dd cho (voi il* i2;il,i2 e{,2,...,r\ ):
- Ld mQt "cdp d6i xung khdc" n6u F1 -F Fiz: S.
- Lg mQt "cQp d6j tf, tiong'n6u chring c6 ba cht s5, c6c cht s5 cria sO ttang
ndy giiSng het cua sO ttAng kia nhtmg kfr6c v6 thir t.u xu6t hien - vf dU 123 vir L3}hay
l2I vitzlllilcdc c{p d6i li tuong cdn 121 vdI22 hay 457 vit457 thi kfidng phai.
Y6u cAu: Cho biiSt S vd ddy s5 F,, Fz, ...,FN. Hdy x6c ttinh xem ddy dd cho c6 phii
ddy tdng ddn hay kh6ng, tinh sd c{p d6i xung kfi6c vd tim mQt cap <16i ly tucrng (n6u
c6) trong ddy dd cho.
pt rieu vio: Nhdp vio tt bdn phim hai s6 N vi S (N< 50000, S <1000) vd N s6
nguy6n ducrng Fr, Fz, ..., FN (Fi < 500).
Dfr liQu ra:. K€t qua gli ra trOn man hinh b6n ddng:
- Ddng ddu ghi ba sO N, S vd FN.
- OOng tnri nui gl" CO ni5u ddy.ddcho lir dey finqaan, ghi KHONG n6u nguo. c 14i.
- Ddng thti ba ghi mQt s6li s6 c{p d6i xung khdc trong ddy ild cho.
- Ddng thf tu ghi hai sti ta mQt c{p d6i li tucrng tim du-ry. c trong ddy dd cho, n6u
kh6ng c6 c{p d6i ly tucrng ndo thi ghi hai s6 0.
Vf du:
Nhip tir birn phfm K6t qui tr6n min hinh
55 555
2 2
J 00
10 111 10 111 101
110 7
t 110 101

BAi 3. (6 tti6m)
TGn file: SNT.PAS
Bpn Nam vira dugc hgc vA c6c sO nguy€n t6 vd bpn 6y r'5t thfch vi nhirng tinh
ch6t dac bi€t cira n6. MQt hdm Nam tim ra m6t sO nguy6n t6 moi vd ghi ra mQt td
.i ar ,t \ I . m I .^ t i . \ 1r \T I .
gidy sau d6 thi ra sdn
choi. Tuy nhi6n, khi viro 16p Nam nghi ngb s6 d6 dd bi ban
ndo d6 ghi thdm c6c cht s6 vlro phfa cu6i (cf,ng c6 th6 khdng ghi gi vi Nam kh6ng
nh6 rd).
rr^ i-'
- Y€u c0u: Hdy cho bi6t ntrirng sO nguy€n td ndo c6 th6 ld sO mi ban Nam dd
tim dugc hic ddu.
- Dfr IiQu vho: Nhap fi bdn phim s6 nguyCn ducmg n(205n9* 1000000000000)
r\ A t t' . 1 ? tY
ldr s0 sau khi c6c bpn ctra Nam dd thay d6i.

- Xiit qui ra: Xu6t ra mdn hinh nhimg s,5 nguy6n t6 c6 th6 ld s6 md bqn Nam
tim dugc lirc dAu.
Dfr liQu nh$p KGt qui
30792 3079
so crAo oU9 vA DAo rAo TI{r crreN Hgc srNH cr6r LoP 9 THCS
TINH TIIAI NGTIYEN NAvr Hoc zozo - 2ozr
ivrOu'srNH Hoc

nn cuinH THrrc Thdi gian: 150 phrit (kh6ng kd thdt gian giao dd)
Ngay thi:301312021
DC thi g6m2 trang.

Cdu 1 (2,0 iti€m)

Bang dudi ddy ld k6t qui do mQt sO thdnh phAn kh6ng khi hit vdo vd thd
ra d mQt ngudi binh thulng:
Oz COz Nz Hoi nufc
Khi hftvio 20.96% 0,03yo 79,jlYo It
Khi thd ra 16.40% 4.10% 79,500A B5o hod
a) Gi6ii thich su kh6c nhau 0 kh6ng khi hit vdo vd thd ra.
ohdn kh6ns
thdnh ph6n
b) Gia sri ngudi n6i tr6n hO h6p binh thulng ld 18 nhip/l phrit, mdi nnip
hft vdo mQt luqng khf la 450 mililft (ml). Hdy tinh (theo dcrn vi lit):
- Luqng khi 02 mi ngudi d6 dA l6y tir m6i trulng bdng con dudng hd h6p
trong mQt ngdy.
Luqng khf CO2 md nguli d6 da thhi ra mdi trudng bing con duong h6
hdp trong mQt ngdy.
Ciu2 (3,0 itihm)
a)Laiphdn tfch ld gi? Hey cho bi6t mpc dich cria ph6p lai ph6n tich.
b) N6u khdng duttg ph6p lai ph6n tich c6 th€ su dung thi ngiriQm iai ndo
kh6c dO x6c dinh mQt co th6 c6 ki6u hinh trQi ld d6ng hqp hay di hqp kh6ng?
Ciu 3 (3,0 itihm)
6 dflu.Hd Lan, alen A quy dinh thAn cao trdi hoan todn so v6i alen a quy
dinh thdn th6p; alen B quy dfnh.hoa d6 trQi hoan todn so v6i alen b quy dinh hoa
trrng. Hai cflp gen ndy di tmyon phdn li.dQc lpp v6i nhau. Trong mot phdp lai
gifra hai cdy (P) thu dugc F1 c6 ti 16 kiOu hinh 37,5Yo cdy than cao, hoa d6 :
l2,5yo cAy thAn th6p, hoa d6 :37,5o/o c6y thdn cao, hoa trhng: l2,5Yo c6y thdn
thdp, hoa trlng
a) HAy x6c clinh ki6u gen, ki6u hinh cua (P) vd ti lQ ki6u gen cria F1.
b) Cho ? th6n- cao, hoa t EneFr tU thp ph6n thu dugc F2. H6y x6c rlinh
ti 19 phdn li kiOu gen, ki6u hinh cria F2.
CAu 4 (3,0 itihm)
O mQt lodi elQng vgt, c6 mQt tO bdo sinh dpc so khai dgc vi mQt t6 bao
sinh dpc so khai cdi nguy6n phdn mQt sO lAn bing nhau. Toan b0 sO tti bdo con
dugc tqo racl0u bu6c vdo vung chin giimphdn rho tu 320 giaotu clpc vd giao tir
c6i. 56 NST don trong c6c tinh trung nhieu hcrn trong cdcl€ bdo tnmg h gS+0.
Tdng sO NSt dcvn c6 ngu6n g6c tir bti trong c6c hgp ttr dugc t4o thdnh bdi c6c
tinh trung vi tnmg n6i tr6n le 160. Hdy x6c dinh:
a) SO tinh trung vd trfug dugc tpo ra.
b) SO hqp tt hinh thanh.
c) Hipu su6t thr,r tinh cria tinh trung vd trimg.
Cffu 5 (3,0 iti6m)
a) MOi quan hQ gifra gen vd tinh trqng c6 th6 kh6i qu6t theo so dd sau:
Gen (mQt do?n ADN) r+ 6ARN :-+ PrOtOin 4 Tinh trpng.
Hdy gihithich ban chAt cria mtii quan hQ trong so dii.
b) MOt phan tt ADN mpch k6p nhdn d6i mQt sO tan [0n ti6p dd t4o ra
dugc 62 m4chp6linucl66tit mdi. Hdy x6c dfnh:
r), r
- ^i
SO lan nhdn ddi.
- Trong,tdng sO c6c ADN dugc t4o 14 c6 bao nhi6u phen ffi hoan toan m<ri?

Ciu 6 (2,0 itihm)

Cho c6c vi dp sau:
a) Cdy mp (c6y lua non) bi m6t khi n5ng t6"g hqp di-Cp lUc ndn c6 mdu f6ng.
b) Con t8c kd hoa bii5n <lOi mau s6c theo n6n m6i trudrng.
Cdc vi dp tr6n thuQc 1o4i bitin di ndo? Phan biQt c6c bit5n di d6 vO dpc
tli6m bi6u hiQn vi kh6 ndng di truy6n.
Cdu 7 (2,0 itihm)
Tei bpnh vi6n, mQt bQnh nhdn dugc b6c sT kh6m vd k6t luqn h bi benh
Dao, hdy cho bitit:
a) Ki6u NST cua bQnh nhan.
b) Nguy6n nhdn, co ch6 ph6t sinh vd bi6u hiQn cta ngudi bQnh ndy.
Ciu 8 (2,0 itihm)
A A, . !\ r r.A , t v r A i r.
O mQt gia dinh, nghiOn criu sy di truy6n ctra mQt cdn bQnh di truydn hi6m
gip, cdc nhe tu vdn di truyOn xdy dpg dugc ph6 hQ dudi d6y:
rhti he t r o Nii bi benh

rh6 he rr I Nam bi bQnh

Th6 ho rrr O Ntbinhthuong

Th6 hC IV n Nam binh thulng

Trong vai trd cira ngudi tu vdn, em hdy:

a) X6c dinh quy luQt di truyAn chi ph6i tinh hqng benh ke tr6n vd gi6i thich.

b) Chi ratdt ch cdc c6 thO c6 th6 x6c dinh dugc kitiu gen tir ph6 hQ n6i tr6n
vd gi6i thfch.
c) C6c phen tfch di.truyAn cho th6y nguoi ddn 6ng s5 4 c6 ki6u gen d6ng
hgp, h5y x6c ttlnh x6c su6t cip vg ch6ng 7-8 sinh ra ngudi con ti6p theo ld con
trai bi benh.
----- uct

Hq vi t6n: . SBD:
Thi sinh kh6ng st dpng tdi liQu khi hm bdi. Gi6m thi khdng gi6i thich gi thdm.
An Engtish testfor gifted students - Grade 9' 2020-2021

ri rur cHQN Hqc srNu crOr cAr rixn NgiY ttaliz 301312021
NAnl ngc 2o2o -202r Thli gian lim biri: 150 phrfit (kh6ng k€ thdi gian giao dA)


(Thi sinh lhm bii trgc ti6p vio tI6 thi theo hudnrg dfin du5ri m6i cau;

Gi6m kh6o s6 Gi6m khAo s6 2 Sd ph6ch

Di6m 1

cht kv) (ho tdn, chfr kf) (do chu tich HD ghi)
fto tOn,
Bdng s6 Bdng chft

Bi ttti ndy gim I0 trang rfuqc ttdnh sa * t- 10. Thi sinh kiam tra sd ffung trrdc khi ldm bdi"
A. LISTENING (40 Points)
Hwbng rldn phdn thi nghe hiiiu:
t.u ch?y 2lAn.
- NOi dung nghe [O* OZ pb.an,m6i pnan thi sinh dusc nghe 2le"., tru 9P
- Hucmg uai crri iiet cho thi sinh (bang ti6ng Anh) dd c6 trong bii nghe.

- 1. Questions
Part I - 5 (10 Points)
A girl is shopping foi a present. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best option to answer
each questlon. You *itt tr.* the dialogue TWICE. Write your answer
in the box.
1. What is the girl shoPPing for?
A. a present for her mother B. a present for her brother C. a present for her father
2. How much is the black wallet?
A. $49.9s B. $40.95 c. $44.9s
3. 'il/hy doesn't the girl like the brown wallet?
A. There isn't a piace to put pictures. B. It's too big and heavy. C. She doesn't like the
4. About how much does the girl have to spend?
A. $5.00 B. $10.00 c. $13.00
5. What does the girl decide to buY?
A. a pair of tights B. a belt C. a tie

1. 2.
- 4. 5.

Prt2. Questions 6 - 10 (10 Points)

You will hear a matt ott the radio talking about a new TV quiz show' Listen and complete
use all the words. You will
each question with numbers or words in the box. You will not need to
hear the information twice.

quiz eieht Thursday a laptop

a camera
05735 789 655 Monday music 05735 709 655 slx

New quiz show

Name: Answer That!

Day: (6)

Number of teams:
An English test for gifted students - Grade 9, 2020-202 I
Questions willabout:
be Films, TV and (8)
This week's prize: (9)

To be on the show, phone: (10)

Part 3. Questions ll -20 (20 points)

A geography teacher is describing the work students will do on the geography course. Listen
and complete the table with a NUMBER or NO MORE THAN THREE words for each blank. You
will listen TMCE. Write your answer in the box below.

Number of modules pgr year (0). 4 modules

Topic of Term I module: (1 1) Teacher: Mr. Taylor

Topic of Term I module: (r2) Teacher: (1 3)

Topic of Term 2 module: Population Teacher: Miss Holidav

Topic of Term 3 module: Climate Teacher: (14)

Exam I
(1 s) Questions about: All topic

(16) Questions about: Geographical skills

(r7) Time: (18)
How often?
Total number of projects this (1e) Leng1h of each: (20) words


Once a month
How often?

B. LEXICO - GRAMMAR (40 points)

Part 1. Questions 2l - 35 (15 points)
Choose the best option A, B, C, or D to complete or answer each of the following questions.
Write your answer (A, B, C, or D) in the box.
21. Jeans have never been out of , and today young generation is still fond of wearing
A. price B. colour C. fashion D. order
22.For most North American households, lighting 15 percent of the electricity bill.
A. looks after B. depends on C. accounts for D. tums off
23. Nobody can _ the benefits of the Intemet in our life.
A. deny B. define C. refuse D. know
24.Maryl. "I suggest for a swim this afternoon."
Jane: "Good idea!"
A. to have gone B. us going C. we went D. going
25. Don't wory. I have to pass your house anyway, so I'll give you a (n)
A. elevator B.lift C. move D. riding
26. Could you tell me ? -.
A. where is the manager B. about where is the manager
C. the manager is where D. where the manager is
An English testfor gifted students _ Grade g, 2020_2021
27.People are not allowed to drive the influence of alcohol.
A. under B. in c.bv D. with
28. You have to go right now, _?
A. don't you B. have you C. haven't you D. do you
29. Your car is different mine.
A. at B. from C. to D. of
30. I didn't want to be late, I ran all the way to school.
A. because B. but C. or D. so
31. Jack: "Do you want to have a break now?"
Ben: 'Not yet. I _ a report for tomorrow,s meeting.,'
A. have written B. am writing c. will have written D. will write
32.Mary: "What's up?"
Peter: o'_"
A. Nothing much. B. Where are you going?
C. Thank you. D. What a nice compliment!
33. The car was running so fast that I could hardly a glimpse of the man sitting next to the
A.launch B. catch C. cast D. send
34. The new series of comic books for children from 5 to 1l years old.
A. meet B. suit C. convenience D. cater
35. The little boy got injured at a of speed while he was riding his bike.
A. pass B. start C. break D. burst

21. 22. z).

^a 24. 25.
26. 27. 28. 29. 30.
31. 32. 33. aA
J+. 35.

Part2. Questions 36 - 45 (10 points)

Supply the correct form of the words in brackets to complete the passage. Write your answer
in the box.

when was the t",, and your mother often take

photos together? If my questions sound like a wake up call to remind youof your
precious (36.
relate) with your mother, check out Luk Bao Ngoc studio's projlct 'spiing is when *",r.
with our mother', you may well find it relatable. "When I was yo"ng ana iiviig in Budapest,
Hungary, my mother spent a lot of time with me. She often picked u! after school and then we
would go out for ice cream. We would just stand there (37. eag
__irl ,r.*
nonstop no matter
if it was summer or winter. My mom loved it," said Itztrs. worldwide z01g Duong Thuy Linh. ,,The
best thing I remember about my mom is that she was very courageous. She lost her
mom when she
was 2 years old. I often dream about my grandmother. In my dreams, she always told me that
I need
to protect my mom. So every time I face adversity, I just think of my mom and feel (3g. inspire)
to keep going," MC Thanh Van (Van Hugo) said.
What Duong Thuy Linh, and Thanh Van have shared were collected by (39. journaD
Nguyen Bao Ngoc under a project called "spring is when we're with our 11oth.ri. Ngoc
*id, "I
think mothers and daughters have so many stories to tell. But in modern life, the (4-0. connect)
are often missing. Sometimes, there's distance between them. So I really want to remini --
them that whether they live in the same house or far from each other, the bond is still there.
I want
to capture it and save those memories in this project.,,
The project started out with photoshoot of 4 mother-daughter couples. All of them are (41.
succeed) celebrities who lead a very busy life. A mother in this project said: ,.We wanted to
An English testfor gtfted students - Grade 9, 2020_202I
27.People are not allowed to drive the influence of alcohol.
A. under B. in c.bv D. with
28. You have to go right now, _?
A. don't you B. have vou C. haven't you D. do you
29. Your car is different mine.
A. at B. from C. to D. of
30. I didn't want to be late, I ran all the way to school.
A. because B. but C. or D. so
31. Jack: o'Do you want to have a break now?"
Ben: "Not yet. I _ a report for tomorrow's meeting.,,
A. have written B. am writing c. will have written D. will write
32.Mary: "What's up?"
Peter: "_"
A. Nothing much. B. Where are you going?
C. Thank you. D. What a nice compliment!
33. The car was running so fast that I could hardly a glimpse of the man sitting next to the
A.launch B. catch C. cast D. send
34.The new series of comic books for children from 5 to 11 years old.
A. meet B. suit C. convenience D. cater
35. The little boy got injured at a of speed while he was riding his bike.
A. pass B. start C. break D. burst

21. 22. 23. 1A

26. 27. 28. 29. 30.
31. 32. 33. 34. 35.

Part2. Questions 36 - 45 (10 points)

Supply the correct form of the words in brackets to complete the passage. Write your answer
in the box.
Spring is when we're with our mothers!
When was the last time you hung out with your mother? Do you and your mother often take
photos together? If my questions sound like a wake up call to remind you of your precious (36.
relate) with your mother, check out Luk Bao Ngoc studio's project 'spiing is when *.'r.
with our mother', you may well find it relatable. "'When I was yo"ng aO iiviig in Budapest,
Hungary, my mother spent a lot of time with me. She often picked
would go out for ice cream. We would just stand there (37. eat)
-e up after school and then we
icl rr.url nonstop no matter
if it was summer or winter. My mom loved it," said Mrs. World*iae ZOf g Duong Thuy Linh. ,,The
best thing I remember about my mom is that she was very courageous. She lost her mom when she
was 2 years old. I often dream about my grandmother. In my dreams, she always told me that I need
to protect my mom. So every time I face adversity, I just think of my mom and feel (38. inspire)
to keep going," MC Thanh Van (Van Hugo) said.
What Duong Thuy Linh, and Thanh Van have shared were collected by (39. journal)
Nguyen Bao Ngoc under a project called "Spring is when we're with our motheri. Ngoc *id, "I
think mothers and daughters have so many stories to tell. But in modern life, the (40. connect)
are often missing. Sometimes, there's distance between them. So I really want to remind
them that whether they live in the same house or far from each other, the bond is still there. I want
to capture it and save those memories in this project.',
The project started out with photoshoot of 4 mother-daughter couples. All of them are (41.
succeed) celebrities who lead a very busy life. A mother in this project said: "We wanted to
for gifted students - Grade 9, 2020-2021
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do a photoshoot together long ago so this is a very (42. surprise) _ opportunity, especially
when it takes place during the Tet holiday. It means a lot to us both now and for years to come."
Bao Ngoc also wrote a song (43. title) 'Spring with mother', which pictures a phone
conversation between a daughter and her mother. Ngoc invited her photoshoot characters, who are
all amateur (44. sing) to record the song. The recording was very (45. emotion) for
them. The music video for "Spring with mother" was shared on Luk Bao Ngoc photography's
facebook fanpage and attracted tens of thousands of views and comments.
(Adapted from THE VOICE OF VIETNAM - VOV WORLD on March 5th,2019

Part 3. Questions 46 - 50 (5 points)

Choose the statements in the table to complete the conversation. Use each stafement only
ONCE. Write your answer in the box.

What do vou mean? I don't understand. That would be fun!

Of course it does. What is gravity? You're joking.

Mary: Gravrty is very important.

Tom: 0
Mary: It's the force that pulls everything down.
Tom: 46_
Mary: If you pour water into a glass, the water goes down into the glass.
Tom: 47_
Mary: Without gravrf, the water would go up.
Tom: 48_
Mary: Without gravity, you would go up.
Tom: 49-
Mary: You would float into the sky like a balloon.
Tom: 50

46. 47. 48.

49. 50.

Part 4. Question 51 - 60 (10 points)

Complete the texts using ONE word for each blank Write your answer in the box.
We moved into our new house on a wann September day. It was not really a new house; it was a
hundred and four years (51) _, but it was new to us. The house had running (52) _, gos
and electricity, but for (53) reasons there was no electric light in the kitchen. We had not
noticed this shortage (5a) we had fust looked (55) the house. It was something
quite unexpected: a house with electricity but (56) _ a kitchen light. It was especially pwzling
because our (57)
a(n) (59) He came and fixed it for us. And he charged $85 for (60) _ the job.

An English testfor gifted students - Grade 9, 2020-2021

C. READING (50 points)

Part L. Questions 61 - 65 (10 points)
Read the following letters and choose the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions. Write your answer in the box.

1802 Green Ln Apt #307

Woolwich. ME 04579
October 24, 2006
Eden Mail Order
PO Box 34
New London, CT 4fi20
Dear Sirs,

I recently ordered several items from the Eden Mail Order Fall catalog. This is the first time
that I have used your services. Although one of my acquaintances warned me that she had
experienced problems with your company, I put it down to her bad luck, and, attracted by the
designs of your products, placed and order of my own using the order form enclosed with the
As a first-time customer, I was entitled to free delivery on orders of over $50. I easily
qualified for this, but on receiving my credit card statement, I discovered I had been charged $20
for delivery. Despite t}ree phone calls to your customer service agents, this has yet to be rectified.
Next, of the five items which I ordered, three were the wrong color, and four were the wrong size.
Again, despite several phone calls, I am still waiting for replacements.
I am willing to give Eden one more chance, but if these problems have not been resolved
before the end of the month. I will be demandine a refund and will be informins the Better Business
Sarah Martin

Bringing the Best to Your Doorstep

Eden Mail Order
PO Box34
New London, CT 06320
Sarah Martin
November Ltt
IB02 Green Ln Apt # 307
Woolwich, ME 04579
Dear Ms. Martin,
On behalf of Eden Mail Order, I offer our sincerest apologies for all the trouble you have had
with your order. As you may know, Eden is a new business, and while this does not excuse
incompetence, we have had a lot of problems and have made a lot of mistakes due to our lack of
experience. We have now changed our supplier and as of next week, will be using the services of a
different delivery company. We hope that this will eliminate errors of the kind you experienced.
I have contacted vour credit card to remove the deli and I am confident
An English test for gifted students - Grade 9, 2020-202 I
any of our
and understanding, please find enclosed a $50 gift voucher, redeemable for items is
Again, I apologize for any inconvenience which you may have suffered.
Laura French

61. Why did Sarah Martin write to Eden Mail Order?

A. To place an order. B. To enquire about delivery charges.
C. To complain about Poor service. D. To request a catalog.
62.Why did Sarah ignore warnings about Eden Mail Order?
A. She didn't understand them.
B. She didn't think she would have any problems.
C. She thought her friend was talking about a different company.
D. She likes to take risks.
63. What should Sarah have received as a first time customer?
A. A free gift. B. A $50 gift voucher.
C. Free delivery. D. Interest-free credit.
64. According to Laura French, why were there so many problems?
A. They are a young, inexperienced company.
B. They didn't have a suPPlier.
C. They made a lot of mistakes.
D. They used the services of a different delivery company.
65. Why did Laura French send Sarah Martin a $ 50 voucher?
A. As a reward for her loYaltY.
B. To compensate her for the inconvenience she suffered.
C. Because she was overcharged for the items she ordered.
D. To thank her for recommending Eden to her friends.

61. 62. 63. 64. 65.

Part2. Questions 66'72 (L4 points)

Choose the best option A, B, C, or D to complete the passage. Write your answer (A, B, C, or
D) in the box.
It is the nature of athletic records that they are broken and their place is taken by others. Yet
in many sports (66) _____-__, there is a mark which is not significant in itself, but which becomes a
legend as-athletes try to break it. The most (67) of these is the attempt to run the mile in
(68) than four minutes.
h l945,the mile record was brought down to 4 minutes, 1.5 seconds. And there, for nine
years, it stuck. Then, in 1954, a medical student called Roger Bannister decided to try and break the
record. He had been (69) for this day since running the mile in four minutes, 2 seconds the
previous year.
(70) 250 yards to go he burst ahead for
Two other runners set the pace for him, and
the finish. He wrote afterwards: "My body had exhausted all its energy, but it (71) on
running just the same....Those last few seconds seemed never-ending. I could see the line of the
finishing tape... I jumped like a man making a desperate attempt to save himself from danger..."
Bannister's time was 3 minutes, 59.4 seconds, (72) this record has been broken on -
many occasions since, Bannister's achievement will never be forgotten.
66. A.happenings B. C.games D. matches
67. A.known publicB. C.popular D. famous
68. A. smaller B.less C.lower D. under

An English testfor girted students - Grade g, 2020_2021
69. A. trying B. studying C. running D. training
70. A. on B. in C. with D.bv
71. A. went B. continued C. ran D. got
/ 72. A.But B. In spite of C. However D. Although

Part 3. Questions 73 - 80, 16 marks.

Read the following,passage about a model village and choose the most
suitable heading from the
list A - H for each paragraph numbered from 73 - 80. Writ" your answer in the box.

A. High quality sets new standards. E. Difficult growing conditions
B. Some important instructions F. Open to suggestions
C. Preparing the ground G. Typical village features
D. Choosing the best materials H. Land nobody wanted

When you first enter the Model Village jt is hard to imagine that a few short years
ago this was a
piece of waste ground, flat and completely ou.tgro*r, with brambles. Foi years
considered a worthless piece of land. The- careful ptu*i"g and hard work
it had been
of one man, supported
*Pgq by his wife, turned this piece of ground into thetasterpiece you see today.
174 |

Many thousands of tons of soil and clay were moved during the construction of
the village to
change a flat site into the sculptured landscape you see toda!. Although bulldozers
and diiging
machines helped to transform the land, it also involved an enonnous amount
of hard labour. Once
shaped, approximately 1000 tonnes of top soil were brought in and laid over
it to create the lawns,
flower-beds and rocker-ies.

In the creation of the Model Village, hundreds of trees and shrubs were planted. These
had to be
carefully selected for the area. Only those plants which were able to tolerate the
atmosphere so close to the sea could be used. They also had to stand up to the
severe winter gales in
this very exposed position. Most of the plants were provided by local
larden centres but some came
from as far away as Canada and New Zealand.
The whole village was conceived by Colin Sims and the models, over 100, were individually
by him over a period of nine years from when the village was first opened, in 1972.
Themodels are
constructed from a variety of materials stone, concrete, specially treated wood
- and plastics - to
withstand all kinds of weather. Initially, Colin had to seek considerable assistance
fromlxperts who
explained to him how various materials would stand up to years of changing weather.
But very soon
he became an expert himself.
yoi wittioon notice that a constant scale has been strictly adhered to and that attention has
paid to even the smallest detail on the models. This has been achieved
by patience and the
development of unique construction techniques. The Model Village has proved
io t. u very popular
attraction and is noted for its high standard of workmanship and maintenance. The
techniques used
to construct such true-to-life models have since been used in other model villages aroundEngland
and have even been included in some courses at colleges where modelling can
All model buildings you will
be studied.

see in the village portray traditional British architectural forms

and are
not based strictly on one particular place or structure. One of the most impressive
buitdings is the
for gifted students - Grade 9, 2020-202 I
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Manor House. This is a typical l3th century stone structure with a brick tower and stone walls. It is
based on the style of manor houses commonly found in the West Country.As you walk round the
village you will also notice the Castle, St Mary's Church, a zoo and mini golf course, the latter
being the most recent addition to the village.
l7e I

We ask you to keep to the paths during your visit and not to touch any of the models; a slip on your
part can result in hours of repair work for us. Photography is allowed from the pathways only. Dogs
are welcome on a short lead. To furtlrer your enjoSrment of the Model Village, you will see buttons
mounted in front of some of the working models. Press these and you will make the models operate.
At the end of your visit we would welcome any comments you might have. New models are being
planned all the time and any new.ideas will help us design a more varied and interesting display.
We would also like to know which models, if any, you thought were not up to the standard of the
rest of the village. We are continually replacing and updating the models and we need to know
which ones require some attention. We hope you enjoy your visit and we look forward to seeing
you another day. Don't forget to tell your friends about it.

t5. 74. 75. 76.

77. 78. 79. 80.

Part 4. Questions 81-85 (10 points)

Choose the best answer (A,8, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text.
A geyser is the result of underground water under the combined conditions of high
temperatures and increased pressure beneath the surface of the earth. Since temperature rises
appropriately one degree F for every sixty feet under the earth's surface, and pressure increases with
depth, water that seeps down in cracks and fissures until it reaches very hot rocks in the earth's
interior becomes heated to a temperature in excess of 290 degrees F. Because of the greater
pressure, it shoots out of the surface in the form of steam and hot water. The result is a geyser.
For the most part, geysers are located in three regions of the world: New Zealand, Iceland, and
the Yellowstone National Park area of the United States. The most famous geyser in the world is
Old Faithful in Yellowstone Park. Old Faithful erupts almost every hour, rising to a height of 125 to
170 feet and expelling more than ten thousand gallons during each eruption.
81. In order for a geyser to erupt,
A. hot rocks must rise to the surface of the earth B. water must flow undersround
C. it must be a warm day D. the earth must not be rugged or broken
82. Old faithfirl is located in
A. New ZeaJand B. Iceland C. the United States D. Ensland
83. Old faithtul erupts
A. every ten minutes B. every 60 minutes
C. every 125 minutes D. every 170 minutes
84. A geyser is _.
A. hot water and steam B. cracks and fissures
C. hot rocks D. great pressure
85. As depth increases,
A. pressure increases but temperature does not
B. temperature increases but pressure does not
C. both pressure and temperature increase.
D. neither pressure nor temperature increases

81. 82. 83. 84. 85.

An English test for gifted students - Grade 9, 2020-202l
D. WRITING (50 points)
Part 1. Questions 86 - 90 (10 points)
Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the
sentence printed before it.
86. He appears to be running away from your fierce dog.

It looks
87. I haven't eaten this kind of food before.

This is the first

88. We can't afford to buv the car.

The car

89. Keeping the environment clean is very important.

90. As he gets older, he wants to travel more.
The older

Part2. Question 91- 95 (10 points)

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the
word given. DO NOT CHANGE THE WORD GIVEN. You must use between two and five
words, including the word given. Write your answer in the blanks.
91. You'll have to make the speech instead of Brian. (stand)
You'll have to and make the speech.
92.Don't stay out in the sun too long. (avoid)
You should in the sun too long.
93. While I was driving,Irealized that the car wasn't working properly. (wrong)
While I was driving,I realized that the car.
94. What caused him to change his mind? (reason)

What was of mind?

95. They decided to build a new school immediately. (should)
They decided that a new immediately.
Part 3. (30 points)
Write an essay (around 180 words) to describe a beautiful place to visit in your
country to introduce it to tourists.
An English test for gifted students - Grade 9, 2020-202 ] \

Total mark: 180:9 = 20

The end


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