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Nous le savons tous, dans tous les pays et dans toutes les sociétés, les filles et les garçons

jamais eu la même éducation. En général, les filles participent plus aux tâches ménagères par
exemple tandis que leur frère s’occupe de faire les courses puis une fois de retour, il reste dans sa
chambre toute la journée sans que ses parents lui fassent aucune remarque. Le garçon a aussi plus
de libertés, il peut sortir quand il veut. Cependant, les générations commencent à évoluer et les
parents préfèrent répartir les tâches ménagères pour créer un équilibre au sein du foyer. Cet
équilibre va installer une sorte d’équité entre frères et sœurs, et donc la fille ne ressentira pas de
l’injustice et n’en voudra pas à ces parents. Ces nouvelles pratiques restent cependant plus rependue
dans les sociétés occidentales. En effet, ces sociétés sont plus avancées que nous car leurs méthodes
d’éducation ont évolué avec le temps.

Notre société reste moins avancée car l’éducation des filles et des garçons n’a toujours pas évolué à
travers les décennies. Les parents éduquent leurs enfants comme ils ont été éduqués et apporte peu
de changement. La société est donc reculée. Quelques décennies en arrière, l’homme travaillait dur
du levée du jour jusqu’au coucher du soleil, afin de nourrir sa famille tandis que la femme s’occupait
d’éduquer ses enfants. Lorsque les enfants grandissaient, les garçons prenaient la relève et
travaillaient, tandis que les filles, n’allant pas à l’école, aidaient leur mère. Dans ce cas, tout le monde
est utile au sein de sa famille et chacun comble un besoin spécifique donc tout le monde participe à
la vie de famille. Aujourd’hui, les familles sont moins nombreuses, le père travaille toujours et dans la
plupart des foyers la mère aussi. Par contre, les filles participent toujours au tâches ménagères, mais
les garçons ont plus de libertés : ils sortent souvent, ils passent la journée dans leur chambre à jouer
au jeux vidéo par exemple tandis que leurs sœurs aident leurs mères : elles nettoient la maison et
elles apprennent à cuisiner. Les parents préfèrent aussi que le garçon ait de bonnes notes et soit
studieux pour avoir un bon métier plus tard et pour leur faire honneur, mais, pour leurs filles, ils
préfèrent quelle sache s’occuper de la maison pour être une bonne épouse plutard et ne prêtent pas
attention à ces résultats scolaires. Malgré les attentes des parents, en général, la fille est plus
studieuse que son frère qui lui, a tendance à être fainéant.

Avec toutes ses conditions, la fille sera donc plus autonome mais elle aura une sorte de
responsabilité dès son plus jeune âge. Sans oublier que notre société met beaucoup de pression sur
la fille dès son enfance il faut qu’elle se comporte bien, quelle s’occupe de ses frères et sœurs elle
veut qu’elle soit discrète et réservée et il faut qu’elle ne discute pas les ordres et les avis des adultes
et bien sur elle doit obéir. En grandissant, la fille est certes plus responsable capable d’affronter sa
vie aussi bien professionnelle que familiale mais elle n’aurait pas profité pleinement de son enfance
et peut être se lasser de la responsabilité a un âge très précoce. Par contre le garçon continuera à
trainer cette éducation alors que la vie économique et sociale de la famille change c’est a dire la
femme a plus tendance à travailler et avoir des revenues tout en s’occupant de son foyers alors que
l’homme participe moins aux taches dédiés généralement à la femme.

Toute fois certains hommes prennent parfaitement conscience du nouvel ordre social et contribue
équitablement à la vie de famille.


As we all know, in all countries and societies, girls and boys have never had the same education. In
general, girls are more involved in household chores for example, while their brother does the
shopping and then when he comes back, he stays in his room all day without his parents making any
comments. The boy also has more freedom, he can go out whenever he wants. However, the
generations are beginning to change and parents prefer to divide up the household chores to create
a balance in the home. This balance will create a kind of equity between brothers and sisters, so the
girl will not feel injustice and will not resent her parents. However, these new practices are more
widespread in Western societies. Indeed, these societies are more advanced than ours because their
education methods have evolved over time.

Our society remains less advanced because the education of girls and boys has still not evolved over
the decades. Parents educate their children as they were educated and make little change. Society is
therefore backward. A few decades ago, the man worked hard from sunrise to sunset to feed his
family while the woman was busy educating her children. When the children grew up, the boys took
over and worked, while the girls, not going to school, helped their mother. In this case, everyone is
useful in the family and everyone fulfils a specific need, so everyone participates in family life. Today,
families are smaller, the father still works and in most homes the mother also works. On the other
hand, the girls still participate in the household chores, but the boys have more freedom: they often
go out, they spend the day in their room playing video games for example, while their sisters help
their mothers: they clean the house and they learn to cook. The parents also prefer the boy to have
good grades and be studious to have a good job later and to honour them, but for their daughters
they prefer her to be able to take care of the house to be a good wife later and do not pay attention
to these school results. Despite the parents' expectations, the daughter is usually more studious than
her brother who tends to be lazy.

With all these conditions, the girl will be more autonomous but she will have a kind of responsibility
from a very young age. Without forgetting that our society puts a lot of pressure on the girl from her
childhood: she has to behave well, she has to take care of her brothers and sisters, she has to be
discreet and reserved and she has to not question the orders and opinions of adults and of course
she has to obey. As she grows up, the girl is certainly more responsible and able to face her life, both
professionally and at home, but she would not have enjoyed her childhood to the full and may have
grown tired of the responsibility at a very early age. On the other hand, the boy will continue to carry
on this education while the economic and social life of the family changes, i.e. the woman is more
inclined to work and have income while taking care of her home, while the man participates less in
the tasks generally dedicated to the woman.

However, some men are becoming more aware of the new social order and are contributing equally
to family life.

Traduction Corrigée
As we all know, in all countries and societies, girls and boys have never had the same
education. In general, girls are more involved in housework for example, while the
boys are more involved in outdoor tasks like shopping. Boys also have more
freedom; they can go out whenever they want.
However, new generations begun to change their mind and a lot of parents prefer to
share the housework tasks between their children to create a balance in the home.
This balance will create a kind of equity between brothers and sisters, so girls will not
feel that their parents’ behaviour is unfair.
But these new practices are more widespread in Western societies. Indeed, these
societies are more advanced than ours because their education methods have been
changed rapidly over time.
However, our society remains less advanced because education of girls and boys still
changes verry slowly. Lot of parents, in our society prefer educate their children as
they were educated.
A few decades ago, men worked hard from sunrise to sunset to feed their families
while the women were busy educating her children and doing all housework. When
the children grew up, the boys took over and worked, while the girls, not going to
school, helped their mothers. In this case, everyone is useful in the family and
everyone fulfils a specific need, so everyone participates in family life.
Today, families are smaller, and all participate in outdoor activities: The father works,
the mother works also, children boys and girls go to school. But, in our society the
girls still participate more in the housework, however the boys have more freedom:
they often go out, they spend time in their room playing video games for example,
while their sisters help their mothers: they clean house, learn cooking and take care
of theirs young sisters and brothers.
Also, certain parents prefer their sons to have a good education: to be studious, to
have good grades in order to have a good job later and to honour them. In the other
hand, for their daughters the most important think is that they would be able to take
care of the home in order to be a good wife in the future and they don’t pay attention
to their school results. But despite this way of thinking and parents’ behaviour, we
note that the girls are usually more studious than the boys who tend to be lazy.
Under all these conditions, the girl will be more autonomous but she will have a part
of responsibility from a very young age. Without forgetting that our society puts a lot
of pressure on the girl from her childhood: she has to behave well, she has to be
discreet and reserved and she has to not discuss the orders and opinions of adults
and of course she has to obey. As she grows up, the girl is certainly more responsible
and able to face her life, both professionally and at home, but she would not have
enjoyed her childhood and may become tired of responsibilities at a very early age.
On the other hand, the boy will continue to carry on this education while the
economic and social life of the family changes, i.e. the woman is more inclined to
work and have income while taking care of her home, while the man participates less
in the tasks generally dedicated to the woman.
However, some men, in our society are becoming more aware of the new social order
and are contributing equally to family life.

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