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Nom : Nazorek

Prénom : Clémence
Classe : 1G10

Compléter cette méthode guidée de rédaction en anglais pour répondre à une des problématiques suivantes
ou une problématique que vous créez.
Petit rappel:
“To what extent” (= dans quelle mesure) invite à la nuance
Characterization is a name for the methods a writer uses to reveal a character's values, feelings, goals, etc. to readers. the creation
or construction of a fictional character

Problématique possible:

 What does the title of the movie mean?

 To what extent is Evelyn an antihero?
 Is Evelyn a hero?
 To what extent does this movie represent our modern society?
 The characterization of Evelyn
 The characterization of Joy
 To what extent is this movie a drama?

Étape 1: Comprendre le sujet

 Lisez attentivement le sujet de la rédaction pour bien comprendre ce qui est demandé.
 Identifiez les mots clés et les instructions spécifiques.

Étape 2: Faire une planification

 Prenez quelques minutes pour réfléchir à vos idées et organiser votre rédaction.
 Faites une liste des points principaux que vous souhaitez aborder.
 Déterminez l'ordre dans lequel vous allez présenter vos idées.
Points principaux à aborder :

Everything, everywhere, all at once, multiverse,

Votre plan :

1. Everything
2. Everywhere
3. All at once
Étape 3: Rédiger l'introduction

 Commencez par une phrase d'accroche qui capte l'attention du lecteur.

 Présentez brièvement le sujet de la rédaction et son contexte.
 Formulez votre thèse ou votre point de vue principal sur le sujet, annoncer votre plan et ses différentes parties

The movie « everything, everywhere, all at once » was released in 2022, it is an adventure and science-
fiction film. The antagonist being portrayed by Michelle Yeoh. The title of this movie has a meaning who is
highlighted in the film.
What does the title of the movie mean ?
In a first part we will see the meaning of « everything » then « everywhere » in a second and finally to
finish « all at once ».

Étape 4: Développer les paragraphes principaux

 Chaque paragraphe devrait traiter d'une idée principale ou d'un argument spécifique.
 Commencez chaque paragraphe par une phrase d'introduction qui annonce l'idée principale.
 Utilisez si possible des exemples, des faits pour appuyer vos arguments.
 Expliquez et développez vos idées de manière claire et cohérente.
 Assurez-vous de relier vos idées entre elles en utilisant des connecteurs logiques appropriés.

The title is composed of 5 words, « everything » is the first and has its own meaning.
« Everything » is represented in the film by the different worlds that Evelyn can take hold of, she
never expected that all the life choices she didn't make would continue to exist. Everything is this
representation of the multiverse with a world with sausage fingers, a world where Evelyn is a karate
master or even a world where she is not with Waymond. All paths, even the most improbable, are
possible, this is "everything". However, not all of these worlds can be exploited at the same time,
which can create a mental overload like for Jobu Tupaki, who can change worlds as she wishes.
"Everything" can therefore also be represented by a surplus of contradictory emotions that can
lead to toxic choices and the destruction of different worlds.

Next, the second word is « everywhere » and has its own meaning too. « Everywhere » in the
film could be the fact that we can find each character in all the worlds, that each has a different life.
It is also a way to introduce the alphaverse, with for example Alpha Waymond who is Evelyn's
husband but in a parallel world, Alpha Waymond comes to warn Evelyn of the existence of the
alphaverse and manages to come and go like he wishes. It is therefore the representation of
"everywhere" in the film, the fact of being able to change the world regardless of its distance from
your original life, it is also the fact that each character has its representation in another world and
that this is also their other life choice, with their regret or otherwise. "Everywhere" could mean that
there is not only 1 of us but a multitude in other universes and that it is possible to find them and
live with them no matter where they are and how far away they are.

Finally, the last 3 words are « all at once », they bring together the different ideas of the title.
"all at once" is the grouping of the first 2 ideas of the title. Which shows that in the film
"everything" and "everywhere" are grouped together and interact with each other. "All at once"
means that it is possible to combine the different universes in order to be stronger, as Evelyn or
Jobu Tupaki does in the film, and that it is possible to move to other worlds while remaining
present in hers, like when Evelyn takes someone else's karate skill but manages to take her place
and asks Waymond, who she hasn't made her life with in this world to stay with her.
These words therefore mean that the alphaverse allows you to go everywhere, and in different
lives and to combine all these lives to improve your own or solve problems that have arisen
because of this multiverse.

Étape 5: Conclure la rédaction

 Résumez brièvement vos idées principales et les arguments présentés.

 Formulez une conclusion claire qui renforce votre thèse ou votre point de vue.
 Terminez sur une note forte et mémorable pour laisser une impression durable ou ouvrez sur un thème lié, une suite logique, qui peut
prendre la forme d’une question par exemple

To conclude, the meaning of the movie title is that we have several life paths and that those we don’t
choose still live in worlds parallel to ours, in the film the title represents the fact that Evelyn manages to
bring all these worlds together to form only one world.
Other movies approaching this subject in a different way like Docteur Strange 2.

Dernière étape : Révision et correction

 Relisez attentivement votre rédaction pour détecter d'éventuelles erreurs grammaticales, de ponctuation ou de style.
 Corrigez les fautes d'orthographe et de grammaire.
 Assurez-vous que votre rédaction est fluide, cohérente et bien structurée.

N'oubliez pas de respecter les règles de grammaire et d'utilisation des temps verbaux en anglais.

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