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SUPERHEROES / Ms Schmidt / Lycée Mermoz St-Louis/ PAGE 1


Tâche finale:
Because there are superheroes everywhere, not only in films…
For the World Kindness Day, you have chosen to present one person who would be an
everyday superhero for you and explain why.

Task 1: What is a super-hero? Giving a definition of superheroes

1A/ Introduction:  Look at this picture:

- Do you know superheroes?

I know batman, iron man and joker
- What inspired the superheroes on the screen today?
(Where do they originally come from?)
The superheroes were inspired by the comics.

- Which films starring (mettant en scène) superheroes have you seen?

I have seen suicide squad and the batman.
- Who is your favorite SH?
My favorite superhero is bat man

1B/ VOCABULARY: Match the words with the definitions

A superhero /an alias /a cosplay /a spandex costume /a comic /a comic-con /a villain / a

a. The hero's enemy a villain

b. What some superheroes are wearing
c. When someone disguises into a superhero for a "role-play" or photo shooting
d. A strong character in a film or comic book
e. An exceptional, non-human skill superpower
f. A special event where you can discover new films, books, games all related to comics
g. A magazine or small book with superheroes' stories
h. A name protecting your real identity

SUPERHEROES / Ms Schmidt / Lycée Mermoz St-Louis/ PAGE 2


Entraînement à la compréhension d'une vidéo et prise de notes, puis compte-rendu

 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2JJ3ToZhAkw

→ Watch the video 2 times and take notes in English!

→ Relevez les mots clés que vous comprenez.
→ If you need help, watch the video once 1x with the subtitles

→ Find the information to answer these questions:

- De qui/quoi parle la vidéo? Où a-t-on interviewé des personnes?

- Qui sont les personnes qui s'expriment?

- De quoi n'a-t-on pas besoin pour être un super-héros?

- Quelles sont les caractéristiques qui font un super-héros?

- Qui peut être un super-héros?

RECAP: → Rédigez un compte-rendu en français, du contenu de la vidéo dans votre cahier.

- Faites une mini introduction qui présente la vidéo

- Reprenez vos notes et les idées principales des questions pour la rédaction.

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