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Wm. H. ALLEN & Co.


J. & H. COX, BROTHERS (late & SONS),
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Sir HENRY WILLOCK, K.L.S., Chairman. | g 4 J"

JAMES WEIR HOGG, Esq., M.P., Deputy Chairman.


Major-Gen. Sir J. L. LUSHINGTON, G.C.B. Major-Gen. Sir JEREMIAH BRYANT, C.B.


JDoitouraolr %$ Company,







London, \2tkMay, 1845.


The conviction that great advantage is likely to accrue to

Candidates for the Indian Service, from the acquisition of some
elementary and grammatical acquaintance, with the most common and
practically useful dialect of India, previous to their arrival in that
country, is now become so prevalent, that argument seems hardly
needed to extend or strengthen it. And, as in India a knowledge
of the languages of that region, but especially of the Hindustani,
is made indispensable to the attainment of staff, as well as of other
extraordinary beneficial appointments, no opportunityno time
should be let slip or lost by those about to go thither, for commencing
and continuing the study of that dialect. To facilitate this study, the
author or compiler of the following sheets has before prepared and
passed through the press, various editions of a Grammar, Dictionary,
and two volumes of Selections, the utility of which is best proved by
the uninterrupted public countenance shewn them ; and, for such
learners as can obtain the assistance of a fit instructor, these helps might
have sufficed. From the manner, however, in which some persons are
obliged, without much previous notice and with little or no instruction
in the language, to proceed to India, a compendious work, made as easy
as possible, has been judged still requisite for individuals thus circum
stanced : and, though some little instruction from a qualified teacher
is earnestly recommended where it can be obtained, to guide the reader
in the pronunciation and other particulars, yet it is hoped this book
may prove essentially useful to the assiduous student, whether aided
by others or obliged to rely solely on his own application and dis

Chapter I.Grammar 1 Present Participle 32
Persian alphabet, with the diacritical Past Conjunctive Participle ... 32
marks and the composition of the Past Tenses ... 32
letters 2 Present Tenses ... 34
Devanagari alphabet, with the com Future Tenses ... 35
pounds ... ... ... ... 6 Imperative ... 36
Pronunciation of the Persian and Na- Transitive and Causal Verbs . . . ... 38
gari, with diacritical signs adopted in Compound Verbs ... 39
them as well as in the Roman ... 9 Derivative Verbs ... 42
Chapter II.Nouns substantive ... 13 Passive Verbs ... 42
Gender... ... ... ... ... 13 Auxiliary Verb, conjugation of ... 43
Plural, how formed ... ... ... 14 Intransitive Verb, - j, Go ... ... 45
Cases, how formed ... ... ... 15 Transitive Verb, conjugation of, Active
Postpositions, how used ... ... 16 and Passive ... ... 49
Vocative ... ... ... ... 18 Chapter V.Indeclinable words ... 57
Persian and Arabic words, how con Postpositions, the most usual 57
structed 18 Adverbs 59
Declension ... ... ... ... 19 Conjunctions 61
Adjectives, how inflected and used ... 21 Interjections ... ... ... ... 61
Adjunct of Similitude, l> se ... ... 23 Chapter VI. Numerals, Cardinals ... 62
Chapter III.Pronouns ... ... 24 Ordinals and Aggregates 66
Chapter IV.Verb 30 Numerals, used distributively 66
Root 30 Fractionals ... ... ... ... 67
Infinitive ... ... ... ... 30 Chapter VII.Derivatives 68
Past Participle 30 Chapter VIII.Syntax 76

Vocabulary, English and Hindustani ... 88 Things relating to Fire ... ... 93
Nouns, Celestials, Infernis ... ... 88 Things relating to Air 93
Fabulous beings. Some general terms 89 Things relating to Water ... ... 94
The Elements 90 Things relating to the surface of the
Heavenly bodies, signs, appearances, &c. 90 Earth 95
vin INDEX.
ocabulary (continued) Morals,moral and immoral Actions... 146
Minerals, Metals, &c . 97 Professions, Occupations 147
Trees, Shrubs, Plants, and Herbs . 99 People of Professions, Trades, &c. 147
Esculent Roots and Vegetables . 109 Meats and Drinks 165
Flowers . 110 Spices, Condiments ... ... ... 169
Fruits . 113 Apparel, Dress... 170
Grains, Seeds ... . 115 Buildings 172
Food in general for Animais ... . 117 Household Furniture ... 175
Worms, Reptiles, Insects, Spiders . 117 Country and Country Affairs ... 179
Fishes ... ... ... ... . 120 Society and Government 180
Birds ... . 121 War, Military Affairs 181
Beasts ... ... ... . 123 Naval Affairs ... 185
Man ... .; . 127 Divisions of Time 195
Human beings in relationship . 128 Other useful Nouns, alphabetically ar
The Body and what relates to it . 132 ranged ... ... ... 196
Hurts and Diseases of the Body- . 139 Verbs of frequent use, alphabetically
Persons employed in curing Diseases ... 143 arranged ... ... ... ... 293
Medical Means . 144 Adjectives, Adverbs, &c, of frequent
The Mind and its Attributes . 144 use ... ... ... ... ... 347

Short Sentences of common use... ... 400 | Dialogue ... ... ... ... 423

Short Stories, in Persian and Nagari characters, with translation and grammatical analysis 467

Hindustani Composition, or facilities for translating English into Hindustani 510

Forms of Letters and Notes, with verbal Military Words of Command, English and
translations ... 530 Hindustani, in Nagari and Roman
Grammatical Terms, with examples of characters 543
their application ... ... ... 537 Corrections ... ... ... 563






Alphabets, Orthographical Signs, and Pronunciation.

The most common dialects of India, whether that of Hindustan

proper, or that of the Dakhan, are often found written in the Persian
or Arabic characters, especially by the Musalman population of the
country ; by Hindus, however, the Devangari (a word often con
tracted to Ngari), or characters allied to the Devangari, are usually
adopted : the alphabets and other orthographical signs, therefore,
made use of in each of those two systems of writing claim the earliest
attention of the learner ; and, will in the first place be submitted to
his notice.
2 A Grammar of

Persian Alphabet.*

Letters Names in Usual Letters Names in Usual

uncon Persian and equivalents in uncon Persian and equivalents in
nected. Roman. Roman. nected. Roman. Roman.

1 t-Jll // a, a, i, . U t>Le s<f ?

. J> oL zd Z.

- \> t.

t. b i/js s' Z.

S- , , , , &c.

j- ghain g.
: t
LS*- C ch. ii xj fi /

h. .

. kh A.

Jb rfZ l. <_Jlf g5/

5- J Z.

j r. ^-^o .
Z z. ^yj .
A zh. jlj ' w, V, , , au, &.
s. .
sh. , , e, ai, &.

* The characters of this alphabet are to be read from right to left.

+ Called h' hutti Q^a^ui ^)by way of distinction from the other he.

% Called h' hawwaz (jyk ug W) or h' mudazewara (y^* i_ >).

the Hindustani Language. 3

The Persian characters, as above described, are used when standing

alone ; and, the letters jjjj \ neither admit of junction to a fol
lowing one, nor are liable to any material change from another letter
being prefixed : the rest of the characters, however, become apparently
abridged, retaining their essential portion only or assuming some varia
tion of form, when used in composition ; as in

kk kl k kz ghf i* ssr shsh sr rs zr jd pch bb ba ab

jJ _> Ii Jl jK ^ ^ji> j y ^ I i3 or if
ym ye hhh h II we mm nn hy yh nw mn ma Ik l g
iXcs ks jjt \jib tj; - * iXsj-J <~^' '"""fi
k*d fkt ghghgh *** ttt 222 shst djd jjj ttt bbb
^ j^o JlJ J
AAA AAA mmm III khh kkk

To represent some sounds peculiar to the Hindus, additional marks

are commonly assumed with a few of the Persian letters, or certain
combinations may be adopted ; as,
t_-^J ^ ^< ^ ^ Jbj ja JO ^> ^) Jf j cJL
jpAaS / gA A rA dA * cAA j'A A th ph bh r d t

<~r*4*> 1 *? *t'
nhab mhab khab rhdb dhab chhab thab

In uttering <JL> or or J the point of the tongue is to be reverted

to the palate ; and the aspiration intended in ^> bh, &c. is to be ex
pressed at once with the preceding consonant.
Of the letters above recited, the term e^lc harf-i-illat (infirm
letter) is technically given to \ or j or ^j, as that of ^si <*j>- harf-

i-sahih (sound letter) is applied to each of the rest.

The short vowels are three, namely ' (yj) zabar or (issxi) fat'ha,
to which may correspond the Roman a ; , (yj) zer or (^) kasr,
4 A Grammar of

which may be represented by i ; and ' {{J^) psh or (**) xamm, by

: so, in Jo bad ; S> bid ; Jj bud.*
The long vowels and the diphthongs are formed by the adjunction of
the infirm letters (,_? j \) to consonants uttered with the short vowels ;
yet, at the beginning of a word or syllable, each of these infirm letters
may perform the office of a consonant; and, instead of writing \ \ (two
alifs) at the commencement of a word, one of those letters with the
sign "*~ (X*) madda, is commonly adopted : so,

jus- jus- Ju>- CJji e-Jjj iZJfx b aj s3 <_>T

jaid je%d fid baut bft bt b aub f b yah wah ab

5 l i ^ l/- t/* ^
yai ye% yi y sai sj si s

* These short vowels are but rarely marked by the natives in writing
Hindustani; yet, for the guidance of European learners in pronunciation,
they may with much convenience be frequently used ; the most common
of them, however, fat'ha or zabar, will be left generally unmarked in
this work ; and, must then be understood after a consonant, which is not
final, nor marked with either of the other short vowels, or with
+ For the sound here intended there is no discriminating mark in the
Arabic orthography, because it is unknown in that language : and the
w' in such case termed ww-i mafhl (unknown w') is left without
any vowel accompanying the preceding consonant, which circumstance
will sufficiently distinguish it from the w' when following a vowel and
taking another sound.
J The y-i mafhl (unknown ) is, for the like reason as the
ww-i mafhl, left without any vowel accompanying the foregoing con
the Hindustani Language. 5

Other orthographical signs are

(ij^Jb) hamza, which is always initial in a syllable and accompanied
or moved by a short vowel either written or understood ; as, in
* t *
c_\ (ai), 1/y> {hx), JjIc (e'/d).
or (fj-) Jazm shews that the subscribed letter has no vowel to be
' coo
sounded after it; so, in *J\ {ism), J*s ijC), /*- (fiarf).
" (joAiJ) tashdid, which shews that the letter underneath is to be
pronounced double ; as, in CA> {shiddai) : and the letter so
marked must be distinctly twice sounded.

"* (J*9j) wasl, which serves to join together two Arabic words, the latter
having the articleJl {at) prefixed, the vowel of which is dropped in
pronunciation ; as, inj^i \JA (khiru-l-amr) : and, the J {lm)
of the article becomes converted in sound to the following letter,
if this betUtliJJjj (./-t/ijjOuisljJor^, which may
then be marked with tashdid, and is to be uttered as double ;
so, in (jJ I p\y {wmmu-n-ns).
\* *S (ijijj) tanwin, giving the nasal sound to the final vowel ; as,
S >* P fi * fi fi
in .< (khussun). ^py2~ {khususin), Lya- (khussan).
Some few words, in which the use of these letters and signs will be
farther exemplified.
_ ^ j> ? *

siddha zhola khair jabbr buda bojh bud aur yat andar abad
^yi < J3 <V*S 1 jL jLc je Ju> ^Ji
l-snt lla ll gumbaz kghaz ghubbar iyar turra zidd shubha
w fi s w fi fi
jj& \ ^ <0J J^S \ (Jj \ . J*o
-l-faur alhamdu lillh mda-l-hakl maghrab muddat muzakkar
fi^ / * ^ (c~o

5 nujab kal' ts zu-l-fakr hakikatan fauran fi-l-haktkat

6 A Grammar of
* u V" ' fc i -b * '

shu'* dkndhn dbn thandh thor shhanshh shuhab

tam*bhf bismirl-lhi-r^rafimni-r-rahm

Devanagaei Alphabet.^

* a, ^ 5; T i, t; ^ m, ^5; ^ ri, ^r;|| * /ri, ||

W/ri;H 4 , tai; 5, ^ au.

Gutturals, ^ ka, ^ kha, ga, ^ gha, ^ nga.\\
Palatals, ^ cha, * cMa, ^ja, ^jha, .
Cerebrals, ^ to, 7 , * rfa,f ^ dha ^ .
Dentals, T ta, aj ^ da> 4 7f> .
Labials, ' j>a, ^ , ^ 5, ^ Aa, * ma.

Semivowels, f ya, \ ra, ^ Za, * .

Sibilants and Aspirate, sa, ** 4 sa,ft ' sa, ka.

* The () before <) (be) or <_> (pe) becomes in pronunciation.

+ When * (he) sensibly expressed is preceded by a vowel, it may be
thus represented to distinguish it from the h- mukfltaf (concealed he)
as in iKi ga, or from the aspirated compound as in ^ gha.
J Frequently called Ngar alphabet, and read from left to right.
II But very rarely, if ever, used in writing Hindustani.
1 and <o are often pronounced rather as ra and rha by reverting
the tip of the tongue to the palate ; and, to mark this variation, a point
may be subscribed, as , rha.
is a palatal sibilant ; and often adopted to represent the Arabic
is sometimes uttered as kha.
the Hindustani Language. 7

la addition to the above are the two characters, anuswra ( * ) and

visarga (), the first of which placed over a letter imparts to the
vowel a slight nasal sound, somewhat stronger however than the
French n in bon ; and the latter placed after a letter denotes a soft
aspiration (not perceptible, and but rarely used in Hindustani).*
The forms of the vowels, as above described, are used when standing
alone or when initial in a syllable : after consonants, however, there
is no character for ^ (a), which is to be understood in case no other
vowel be noted, or no consonant be added as a compound, or no
mark called virma (rest) be appended, as in Yet, in Hindus
tani, this unwritten vowel is not to be understood at the end of a
word, where indeed no vowel, unless expressly marked, is to be
After consonants, and as compounded with them, the rest of the
vowels are represented by the following forms :

T ; fi \ ; ^ ; ; ri; t ri; ^ Iri; Irl; l; ai ;

1 ; 1 au.

And the composition of vowels and other marks with consonants

may be exemplified in

TR ^ Tf f?Pt ^ WfT WS
k iki uku kri rlkri Iriklri Irklr

xKff ^1|- ^fctr: -

tkc aikai aukau aka akah kasah dis

* Though in repeating the alphabet, it is usual to say a, 5, , , &c.

ka} kha, ga, gha, &c. simply, as before noted, yet in naming the letters
41 1 ^ kra (or kr) is added to the sound of each ; so T*'<* ' ^ (akr)

the letter ^, 41 *K () the letter

8 A Grammar of

If two or more consonants come together without the intervention

of a vowel, they should coalesce and become one compound character.
Such compounds are formed in various ways ; either by placing the
body of the subsequent consonant under the first, as in kw ; by
arranging them in their usual order, omitting however the perpendicular
line in all but the last, as smy ; or, by varying somewhat the
elementary characters and blending them together, as in jn, *
ksh, ddh. With the semivowels " y, and T r, composition is
of most frequent recurrence : the adjunction of the first to a pre
ceding consonant does not much, if at all, change its original shape ;
as, in *H ky, ^ khy, *4 jy, 4 dy, 4 py, f phy, ^ sy, H hy :
but, the latter, when immediately following a consonant, usually takes
the form f beneath, as when preceding a consonant it is denoted by the
character placed above ; so, ' kr, " gr, ^ tr, T sr, sr,
Ar ; * r&, ^ rg, dharm.
Other compounds, of most frequent use, are the following :

^ kk, * fci, 'S , 481 fcw, t|, "SgAn^gA^W dich, * chchh,

^ cAcAAr, ^ jj, ^jm, jny, "^jhjh, T , ^ wrf, Ttt,
^ tty, T in, T fry, ^ AA, Aw, 1 dg, T <ZZ, <, J. dn,
eZAw, ^1 ddhw, dbh, <Zm, F ir, * da?, * ZAm, ^ ?,
^ tZAw?, nn, , ^ ntry, ^ rccZy, ^p, ^, ^, ^i?Z,
""^, ^ps, ^fjtc, ' Z>Z>, ^ 6;, W Z>Z, My, *e Z>An, ,
mZ, ^ ra, ^ , ' ZZ, ^ vor, wri, seh, * scAA, " sry,
41 ss, "4 SA, 'S sAi, shty, shtw, ' s<A, ^ sn, ^ , 3 Am,
W ?/,. ^ An, An, m,^IT Am, H Ay, ^ hl, >.
represent such Arabic or Persian letters as have no exact cor
respondents in the Ngar, the following characters, which approach
most nearly in pronunciation, are commonly used in writing this lan
guage ; and, though not the practice of the people of India, points
the Hindustani Language. 9

may be adopted beneath the letters, in such cases, to shew the extra
ordinary use made of them : thus,

for tl for ' for i_J

_ _ -

T (final) ^(/
? for ' (<>).


or * for 41 a, as in America.
or I' or T } as a in all.

or i or f4, as i in fin.

or * ort ^ as in peer.

1 or or 4 it, as u in pull.
I or i ^3f or ^ , as oo in cool.
ij\ or j ^ or e or , as ai in pair.
tj\ or ^ $ or a*> as e' in height.
j\ or * or T or 5, as in bone.

j\ or S or *^ au, as ou in our.

t_> or J b, as the English b.

* or g Vf bh, as in abhor.
_ or j 4 ^, as the English p.
ft or i 4 ph, as ph in up-hill.

CJ or j ri t, as t in tube.

f* f) /, as the last aspirated.

J!j or 5 ^ , as t in true.
oi ~Z \h, as the last aspirated.

10 Grammar of

a s, as s in sin.
or J for
or asj in judge.
er or jh, as the last aspirated.
or ^ ch, as ch in church.

or chh,* as the last aspirated.

or >- ^ h, as h in horse.

or A. ^ Jch, as the German ch.

J or A ^ d, as d in dew.

JO or V dh, as the last aspirated.

a tt
or ^ d, as d in dim.
a ^ dA, as the last aspirated.
J or z, as z in zeal.

or ^ r, as r in rain.
or ri, as ri in river.

or r, as the last prolonged.

or M r, as r in rim nearly.

A, or <g , as the last aspirated.

or z,asz in zeal.
j j
or zh, as s in pleasure.
or a) ? s, as s in sin.
or I[ s, as sh in shine.

or a0 4 s, as s in sin.
1 0 z, as z in zeal.
or rf t, as t in tub.

or z, as z in zeal.

* The Nagari compound ^ is occasionally represented by ^>-, and

similarly pronounced.
the Hindustani Language.

or for , , , as a, i, or u.*

*T gh, as the Northumberland .

g. or
i-J or i 4} /, as f in fin.

or A;, as peculiarly uttered .J

or , as in king.
*sT kh, as the last aspirated.
4 or
of or *T g, as g in give.
gh, as the last aspirated.
4 or 4
or ! I, as the English 1.
or m, as the English m..
or i n, as n in tint.

or i * n, as n in king.

or j T n, as n, in singe.

* With the Arabs, this letter is a guttural consonant of peculiar

utterance, which is hardly attempted in Hindustani ; and the mere vowel
used with it is noted, in the Nagari character, when it- occurs at the
beginning of a syllable : so, in that character, for may be
adopted ; for U, ^F; for , for ^fi, ^; for ^; for s , ^ ;
> _ - *\ > - v-
forjc, ; for yi, . In the Roman characters, this letter when
initial in a syllable will be here represented by a small form of itself
written over its subsequent vowel; and, when in the middle or at the
end of a syllable, by the same mark placed after the vowel which pre-
cedes ; so, Jc akl, ma kL
+ Or, as the sound gha, gha, gha, formed in gargling.
J With the root of the tongue pressed back on the throat, so as to
check the voice gently and to occasion a clinking intonation.
The Nagari may occasionally be sounded like this and represented
by the same Persian or Roman letters.
12 A Grammar of

^ or j for
or j , a slight nasal.*
j or j 4 , or w, as V in voice.f
j or If h, as h in horse, how.%
or i ^ y, as y in yoke.

* The Nagari sign may be used for any nasal not initial in a syllable.
+ Pronounced as w when compounded with some other consonant. In
the Arabic orthography, moreover, this letter, subsequent to fat'ha be
comes au ; to zamm, ; and, when mafhul, it is sounded 5, as before
noted under the vowels. In some Persian words, j though written is
scarcely, if at all, sounded ; as in s\y>- (khwh) desire, (ichush)
pleasant. When thus used it is technically termed !jx^c jlj (jdw-
modula) ; and may in the Nagari translation be either wholly omitted,
or distinguished by a point underneath, as well as in the Roman, so
W or v. In a few instances, too, of Arabic words, this letter may take
the sound of alif ; so, jLs salt.
J When final, however, in Indian and Persian words, this letter is
sometimes, but very slightly, if at all, sounded, and is then termed
^ji^sr* i_s lb (h'e-mukhtaf) ; in which case, it may be denoted by ;
(visarga) in the Nagari character, and omitted in the Roman. At the
end of certain Arabic words, too, this letter may occur with two points
marked above it, when it takes the sound of t, as it is often transmuted
to CL ; so, in &*^\ idU- (khulsatu-l-hind).
In the Arabic character, however, this letter when secondary in
a syllable becomes, together with the preceding vowel, if fat'ha, ai;
if kasr, ; and, if it be maj'hl, it is sounded e, as before instanced
under the vowels. A final moreover, preceded by fafha, in Arabic
words, is sounded as alif; so J^iW (ja'dla) : but, when followed
by J! ia), as fat'ha only ; so, 1 ^c- {la-s-sabh).
the Hindustani Language. 13

Words may be divided into Nouns substantive or Adjective, Pro
nouns, Verbs comprising participles, Prepositions, Adverbs, Conjunc
tions, and Interjections.
Nouns Substantive.
1. Nouns substantive may be, in gender, masculine or feminine; in
number, singular or plural ; and for case, are frequently liable to in
flection or change in the termination.
2. The gender of nouns is sometimes to be determined from the

nature of the beings to which words are applied ; as ~c (maro) man,
lzJjjz {aurat) woman : in numerous instances, however, the distinction
is conventional, and to be learned by practice in the language only ;
yet words terminating in n (a), \ (),* ^1 {an), are generally mascu
line, and those ending in ^$ (), (j), (), ji, (s), ^ (),
will most commonly be found to be feminine.
a. As marked exceptions to the foregoing rule, may be noticed
^3b {pant) water, (gA) clarified butter, (dahi) curdled
milk, (Jt) life, <^-* (mot) a pearl, which are perhaps the only
masculines, unless by nature, terminating in _s () ; and, many words
ending with <SJ (t), ^ (sA), or ^ (w) will occur in use as of the mas
culine gender,f

* Most of the pure {sanskrit and Arabic nouns ending in 1 () are

feminine, as well as some of the latter tongue terminating in (e).
Arabic verbal nouns ofthe form iJ^J (taf'l) are said to be all feminine in
the Dakhni of Madras; and, in Urdu or proper Hindustani, to exhibit but
one exception, j^j*J (tu*:;tz) an amulet, which in this dialect is masculine.

+ Some words are naturally of both genders; such as, (dmt)

f *
and ijjX* (rnnus) a human being, ^y^l (asmi) a client; whilst,
14 A Grammar of

3. To form feminine nouns from masculines, such of the latter

description as end in s (a), \ (a), or b (ya), usually convert those
finals to () ; such as end in u\ (an), or wb (yn), to (j) ;
and such as end in ^ () to ^ (an or in) : so ^\ (shahzdi) a
princess, from *-^/*> (shakzda) a prince ; i^j^p (ghrt) a mare,
from \jj(ghra) a horse ; (para'i), from \j\jt (prya) foreign ;
^yLs (satwl), from ^^' (siwii) seventh; (dhbin)
washerwoman, from ^jb (dhbf) a washerman.
a. Masculines, ending in other letters, may either assume certain of
the above-mentioned feminine terminations, or take \ (a), ^ (w), ^J>\
(am), ^ (yan), or ^1 (yan) ; so ^jjy* (harnt) a doe, from
(harn) a deer; IGU (nayaka) the female of tl&b (nyak) a
leader ; ^jy () a peahen, fromjye (mr) a peacock ; ^\^>
(mihtarni), from (mihtar) a sweeper ; ^U^J (banyyan), the
wife of a LiJ (banya) shopkeeper.
4. To form the nominative plural, masculine nouns ending in
(a) or \ (a) change the termination to ^ () ; as ^SLi (piyle) cups,
from dJU (piyala) ; ^JLi (bete) sons, from lio (ii) : other termi-
nations remain unaltered ; as (mard) a man or men ; (chr)
thief thieves.*
a. Certain nouns substantive masculine, as well as adjectives,
though ending in \ (a) remain unchanged in the nominative plural ;
such as, (khuda) God} (umara) nobles or a nobleman,

others, likeJj (fikr) care, ,^- (jn) life, may be used indifferently as
masculines or feminines. On the subject of gender, indeed, considerable
difference will be found to exist between the Hindustani and Dakhni; and,
even speakers or writers of the same dialect are sometimes at variance.
* In Dakhni, however, ^ (an) is subjoined to such nouns ; so, ^l*^*
(mardan) men, fj\fj>- (chr) thieves.
the Hindustani Language. 15

L (mulla) a doctor, \sAj (raja) a prince, ii (lla) master, bb (baba)

or b-> (pita) father, ^-> (sauda) melancholy, lilj (dna) wise, \\
(data), liberal, \Jui (paida) produced, and various others.*
. Feminine nouns ending in (_ () assume (ra) for the nomi
native plural, as those of all other terminations take ^ (en) ;f so,
^Llo (betiyn) daughters, from () ; (kitabe) books,
from _> (kitab).
. Persian nouns may form their plurals in ^ (w) b> (A) cj! (i)
or cyb>- (jai), or by changing a singular s (a) to ^if (gr') ; as,
yUSL (skiyn) cupbearers, from ^SL-* (sA) j L^L (sVA) years,
from JL> (sal) ; cubij (waujzisAi) favours, from (-
zsA). Arabic plurals, too, of various forms may occur ; as, jebc
(nsir) from ^s (wnsir), jblH (akhbr) from^-d- (khabar), 1^1
() from (amir).
5. Cases of nouns, excepting the nominative, are fotmed in this
language by the means of small words, generally placed after the
nouns, whence the term postposition is conveniently applied by
Europeans to these words ; and, such masculine nouns as have for
their final in the nominative singular (a) or \ () mostly change it
to (e) in the other cases of that number ; so, (darwaze
) to the door, from (darwza), l ^Sf (lark ka) of the boy,
from ISjj) (larka),^ ijjjp (ghrt par) on the horse, from (ghora).

* In the Dakhan, (n) is usually added to nouns ending in \ (a)

unchangeable, to form the nominative plural; so, ^. (khuda'n) gods.
+ In Dakhni, jj (n) or more rarely ^* (an) is added to feminine
nouns whose singular final is \ (a) to form the plural, whilst other femi
nines assume ^\ (n) or sometimes change () to jb (yun) ; so,
(ybe (ma'n) or ^jbc (mwn) mothers^ from bo (me), ^boo naddVn
(or naddyn) rivers^ from i^Jj (nadrfi).
16 A Grammar of

Masculines in ! (a) which are not liable to change in the nominative

plural, some of which are enumerated at paragraph 4. a., as well as
masculines of all other terminations, and all feminines, admit of no
inflection before postpositions in the singular ; so, ^> j (raja se)
from the prince ; l^ j (ghar men) in the house ; ^-j \jJ (daw se)
with medicine ; ^$~\ ijSjjp (ghor ge) before the mare.
a. The inflection for the plural is, in proper Hindustani, constantly
^ (on), though in Dakhni it is more usually ^\ (an) ; excepting,
however, the vocative, in which it is commonly _j () ; so, ^ ^
(larko he ta'tn) to boys ; jA ^$ u?"^^ (dn'n kps) near the wise;
J utfJjP (ghvTiy par) onmares; lj~o jjjjbS (kitbn men) in books.*
b. It may here be noticed that words of two syllables, the first of
which has any short vowel and the second is sounded with ' (a), drop
the latter when any termination beginning with a vowel is affixed ;
so, (baras) a year becomes ^fj, (barsn), -^>- (jagah) aplace,
\)pT (jag'hon) : and, on the contrary, nouns ending in \ (a) un
changeable may assume ^ (y) before the affixes of the plural ; as,
(ai ) mothers ! from U (ma) ; ^> yjAyi (dawyn se)
with medicines, from \j (dawa).
6. The simple postpositions used with nouns, inflected if capable of
inflection, are
For the Genitive case, IS (ko) ^ (k) ^ () of.
For the Dative, or 1 . . N *' . . .
. \ () (he ta'in), &c, to, for, &c.
tor the Accusative J '
j"^ (se) ^ (sen) ur> (son) (sit) from, by,

For the Ablative, \ with.

[jj (par) or <u (pa) on, at : {}ir* () in, among.

* jib (pnw) a foot, becomes contracted to ^y'b (p'n) in the inflec

tion of the plural.
the Hindustani Language. 17

Of these postpositions, l alone is liable to change, as above noted,

to agree with the noun to which it has reference ; and, most com
monly this noun follows immediately the postposition : thus, before a
masculine nominative singular, l is used; as, lio \ \^y* (saudgar
k bta) the merchant's son : before a masculine singular acted upon
by another postposition, or before a masculine plural in every case,
^ (k); as,^j ^^'U ^ (raja k hthipar) on the prince's ele-
phant; i^s'jp ^ ^J>\j (rani k ghofe) the princess's horses ; ^J>
^j-s t^gp^ (lark hthii se) from the hands of the boys : and
before a feminine noun in every case of each number, {) ; as

i_& ^J>j) (nauhar kl pagri) the servant's turban ; ^U ^

(ganwr kl murghiyn) the peasant's hens. The rest of the postpo-
sitions remain unchanged ; as (kutt ) or ^ (kutt
ke ta'in) to the dog or the dog ; ^ (bandar se) by the monkey ;
fa ?
j)^ j~o (mz par) on the table ; - {j-^ (us rs men) in that
space of time.*
a. Many other words, moreover, are adapted to the like postpositive
use ; and, as some of them generally take (ke), whilst others re
quire (kt) before them, they have been termed compound postpo-
sitions ; so, in (_/b
iLijb (badshah kepas) near the king; ^$jO

(dar ke upar) at the door ; ^-^j \J" j-Jl (waz*r waste) for the
vizir ; ^\ ^J> i^Sjj4' (ghor kt ge) before the horse; ^ ^
(dost k We) for the sake of the friend ; ^J^f^ , j4 (ghar ke
pchh) behind the house ; i_ija ^ (masjid taraf) towards
the mosque ; ^ ^ (**P^ tarah) in the manner of a sol-
dier : yet ^ (k) is sometimes omitted ; as, jJ (dar upar),

* tlio (talc, or dakh. C# tag), lL^Ij (talak, or dakh. i*Jk talag),

(ag\ ('f0 '> UP t> near, are also much used as simple
postpositive words ; so CSj j (ghar tak) up to the house.
18 A Grammar of

(jJj <J>jy$ (ghre ps) : occasionally, moreover, words of this descrip-

tion may precede the noun or pronoun ; as, tli^jj (nazdik us-ke)
near him : and two or more of the simple postpositions may occur
together ; as, ^ j (ghar mm se) from within the house. It
may be noticed, too, that with pronouns, such words require an inflected
masculine or a feminine genitive ; so, jJj (mere ps) near me,
i^jjo 1_$ (ter taraf) towards thee.
7. The vocative may be the same in form as the nominative; or, it
may be denoted by some one of the signs (ai), (e), (he),
j\ (o), v_Ja-! (a)) (abe), b (ya), or (are) before the noun
singular, inflected if capable of inflection ; but the usual termination in
the plural is_j (o); and, to a plural with this termination one of the
signs above-mentioned may be prefixed. The vocative may likewise
be expressed by CJy> (hot), jj (re), or ^ (be) after the noun ; but,
j\ (are) is changed to (art), as ^ (r) is to jj (rt) if applied
to a feminine : the interjectional words, moreover, or ? and ^jj
or ^jj, are generally used in a disrespectful or contemptuous sense,
and as well as ^! is perhaps always so applied. So, 12^ (beta), or
(_S- (a* befe) O son ! j* ^ ( mard) O man ! jl (o larke)
O boy ! \fj Jj\ (ar ramchera) holla servant ! <j>/ (ar
rand) O woman! jjb (yro) or (ai yro) O friends!
8. With Persian and Arabic words, the construction and preposi
tions peculiar to those languages are frequently adopted. Thus, to
shew the connexion between two substantives, or between a substantive
and its following adjective, the Persian izfat may be used ; and it is
denoted, if actually written, after a consonant by , (zer or kasr), after
s (he) silent, or after ^ (ye) by * (hamza), and after \ (alif) or
(w'o) by (y) : so, 1 js\~ j~<, (mushir-i khss-i shh) privy

counsellor of the king; \&- Joj (banda-i khuda) servant of God;

i_>j- i^j-5* (haw-e khub) good air ; a\j i_5Uj! (asn-e rh) midst of
the Hindustani Language. 19

the way. And, when two Arabic substantives come together, or a

substantive is followed by its adjective in the Arabic construction, the
latter of the two words has the article J! {at) prefixed, and they be
come united in pronunciation, the sign wasl being occasionally used
in writing ; so, jJjJ \ t-JU? (tlibu-l-ilm) a seeker of knowledge, a

student ; k+n-J 1 (lillhi-r-rahmn) to the merciful God.

9. Declension, according to the preceding remarks, may now be
formally exemplified ; as, with a masculine noun substantive ending
in i (he) silent, thus
Singular. Plural.

N. Jcj (banda) a slave. N. lJ<^ (bande) slaves.

G. ^ ^ of a slave. G. ^ i ^ f slaves-
D. to a slave. D. u}1^ io slaves.
Ac. a slave. Ac. y> slaves.
V. slave ! V. jiJ or jAU slaves !

Ab. ^-i from a slave. Ab. ^ ^J^J from slaves.
Or, as with a masculine noun ending in 1 (a) liable to inflection,
Singular. Plural.
N. \jj(ghra) a horse. N. <-fjj& (ghore) horses.
G. ^ iJjjp of a horse.
D. <fi ij'jp to a horse. D. UJs t horses.
Ac. <f j>j4 a horse. Ac. ^ U9r Worses.
or horse ! V. jj^i or O Aora>s .'
Ab. jj-j lJ'^P from a horse. Ab. LT- /r<wn horses.

And nouns ending in (), the last letter being the obscure
nasal, change that termination to ^ (iti) in the inflection of the sin
guiar as well as in the nominative plural ; so ^./^ (pnchwen), from
yljisrU (panchwan), fifth ; or, sometimes, to s(e), as ^-j (baniyt),
20 A Grammar of

from \~> (baniyan), a trader ; and they may convert it to (.on),

and j (o) if used, in the oblique cases and vocative of the plural.
Or, as with a masculine noun ending in \ {a), not liable to inflection,
Singular. Plural.
N *- (r4/'*0 a, prince. N. (<) princes.
G. (_5^ ^ ^ 4"^J f a prince. G. ^ ^ IS /" princes.
D. jS o a prince. D. jS >/" o Vr^nces-
Ac. U>-^ a prince. Ac. jS UJj princes.
V. or prince ! V.j U-l^ orj*U-!^ princes !
Ab. (_5- / a prince. Ab. ^-^ from princes.

And, according to this example, are declined all masculine nouns

ending in a consonant, or in any vowel not liable to inflection ; as, j
(ghar) a house, IS j of a house, j$ houses, IS of houses ;
^Jl (dmt) man, IS of man, &c.

Or, as with a feminine noun terminating in (), thus

Singular. Plural.
N. (ghfi) a mare. N.y\j*jp(jrhoriy) mares.
G. /^// of a mare. G. of mares.
D. *-ji t0 a mare' D. utfji^ to mares.
Ac. y> ij>jy$ a mare. Ac. &} mares.
V. 0 mare! V. jjjj^f ,J\ 0 mares !
Ab. LS"- Srom a mare. Ab. ^ from mares-

Or, as with a feminine noun having any other termination than ^

(), thus

* This particular word has been met with inflected like Ijj^ pre
ceding, though this is very uncommon.
the Hindustani Language. 21

Singular. Plural.
N. di\> (bai) a word, an affair. N. ^jjjb (orr) words.
G. 0>b of a word. G. kJ1 id?V / words.
D. tub to a word. D. j 0 words.
Ac. cjb a wore?. Ac. j i^ijjb words.
V. cub ^ ti-ord .' V. or yb worcfe .'
Ab. a ?. Ab. (yb /rom words.

And a dissyllabic noun, which drops the short vowel of the second
syllable before affixes beginning with a vowel, as explained at para
graph 5. b., might be exemplified in the feminine *fis>- (jagah) aplace,
which becomes in the plural j^-^f- (jag'hn) places, l &}$&r (jag'k
ka) ofplaces, &c.
10. The affix c,j (on), or j (), is often taken, in an emphatic as
well as plural sense, by numerals, whether cardinals or aggregate,
whether in the nominative or in some other case ; so, ^y>y (dono) or
jJ (dno), all two, the two, both ; jyJi (tlnn) all three, j^>
(lkhn shahr) hundreds of thousands of cities. And, the nouns of
time, <j~j>. (baras) a year, (mahina) a month, ^ (din) a day,
(pahar) a watch, not unfrequently, and for the like purpose, as-
sume the adjunct ^ () ; as, (bursM giizre) years (many)
have elapsed; ^^-j (mahnm se) for (many) months, or months
11. Adjectives are generally liable to the same changes in their finals
for gender, number, and case, as substantives: in the plural, too,
they may assume the same adjuncts, with the exception of ^ (w) ;
yet when followed immediately by nouns in this number, the plural
signs ,1 (an), or (on) are usually, though not always, omitted, the
substantives for the most part alone retaining them, as may be ex-
emplified in (chhota larka) a little boy, thus
22 A Grammar of

Singular. Plural.

D. D.

Ac. .

V. V.
- " "
Ab. Ab.

Or, in Jtf>- (chhoG larki) a little girl, as

Singular. Plural.



D. D.

Ac. Ac.

V. V.
Ab. Ab.

The adjective, however, may occasionally stand alone, as when used

substantively, or it may follow its substantive, in either of which cases
it requires in the plural the affixes ^\ () or ().
12. The ordinals of numbers are declined and used as adjectives,
though they seem hardly capable, like the latter, of following the sub-
o -
stantives to which they relate ; sojb ^jf*- (chauthi-br) fourth time,
^fiv* *A~** (.tisr darwze par) at the third door, liU ^jasrb
{jpanchwn bta) fifth son, ^.y^- (chhatwe bef se) from
the sixth son.
13. The comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives are
denoted by means of postpositions and adverbs, or occasionally by
reduplication : thus, for the comparative may be used ^> from, than,
the Hindustani Language. 23

among, ^ ^< from among, l of, after the noun to which com
parison is made, as well as *jbj (ziyda) or jj\ (aur) more, \j great,
(thora) or jJ (zarra) a little, &c. before the adjective ; so,
v_5* 4>W if- u^^ W *^* tambe* se bkrl hai) iron from copper
heavy is : for the superlative, such adverbs as i^-^ (bahut) much,
cuoly (nihyai) or CLJ> (nipat) or ^1 () extremely, (hadd)
for *^1 ( hadd) beyond bounds, excessively, Lj (basa) most, very,
\ji (bara) great, before the adjective; or, the expression ^ (ai
:) or \ (sa A) / aZZ, as well as a reduplication ; so W^l l^-^>.
(bahut nch) very high; j\jt>yt> (nipat hoshyar) extremely pru-
dent; \Jj> (nihyat burijagah) very bad place; \y l
(sab ic bara) or \y ^ t_^.-i (sab se bara) greatest; \>-\ \>\
(achchh achchha) very good, best.
a. With Persian adjectives, J> (tar) is at times suffixed for the
G f
comparative, as ^J> (tarin) is for the superlative ; so J^.y>- (khb-
" t f
tar) handsomer, ^jxjyi. (khubtarin) handsomest, from <-r>y>- (khub) :
and, Arabic forms, like JJM (azlam) more unjust, (zallm) most
of ' '
unjust, from jjij () injustice, may occur, though but rarely.
14. The adjunct of similitude, L> (so), ^> (se), ^-> (s) like,\
varying in its termination to agree with the noun to which it has re
ference, is much used after other adjectives, as well as after substan
tives and pronouns. To adjectives, which like it must be made to
accord in gender, number, and case with the governing noun, it seems
often to convey but little, if any, additional meaning, though in many
instances it corresponds to the English useful affix, ish, and in
others it imports a degree ofintensity to the expression ; so t_.- L>\S$

* Observe that ^ before -> or t_> is pronounced as m.

+ (sareka), of similar import, sometimesoccurs ; and in Dakhani,
(sartka) like, is extremely common in use.
24 A Grammar of

{khatt s mb) a sour or sourish mango ; i^J'ji?' ichht se

- <-
Icele) little plantains ; \j ^ sdjr^ (karici si dawa) bitter physic ;
L> {bahut s prii) much or very much water.
a. Before this adjunct, substantives or pronouns become inflected,
and its meaning is fully intended ; so, j* L> ^fb (bgh s mard) a
tiger-like man ; ^ji <>Ji {larki si larki) a boy-like girl, ^ .fs-*
Jjt (mujh si achchhi larki) a good girl like me : I1 (aisa)
for L' (is-s) like this ; Ljj (wais) for Lj (us-sa) like that ;
' *
and, upon the same principle, (kaisa) what-like? L-- (Jaisa)
which-like? L-J (taisa) that-like. Sometimes, however, it is sub
joined to pronominale in their uninflected form, when it has a dise
en s
minative meaning; as LJj (kaun-sa) which? what? what sort ofl
Lj}5- (jaun-sa) whichever, LJy (taun-sa) that, U S (k'i-sa)
* ^ >
some one, certain person.



15. Pronouns, in Hindustani, may be personal, demonstrative,

common or reflective, interrogative, relative, correlative, or indefinite.
Generally they are the same for feminine as for masculine ; yet, the
interrogative and indefinite exhibit each two forms, and each of these
forms is, in great part, appropriated to a distinct gender. In the
changes for case and number, pronouns differ essentially from
nouns ; as
the Hindustani Language. 25
First Person.
Singular. Plural.
N. tjs* (main) I. N. & (ham) we.
lbs-* (mer), (mre), ljU> (hamra), ^Ua (kam-
I lSj? (fieri), of me, mine. re), j^U (hamri) ofus, our.

f ^> (mujh ko), or ^sr* D. "J ^ |Jb ( fco), or li)--*Jb

(mujhe), to me, me. Acj () io ms,

Ab. i<j (' se) from me. Ab. ^> (ham se) from us.

Second Person
Singular. Plural.
N. y (tu), or ^ (tain) thou N. *j (turn) ye or .
I <,r
(tumhra),^J^ (tum-
\\jf3 (tira), lJjJ {tare), j^j
G kre), lj\$ (tumhrt), of
I (tri) of thee, thine.
you, your.
IUP ofi if <-/>
(tujh ), or L5fsr D. |W (uk fco), or (tum-
Ac|(izyAe) to thee, thee. Ac.jw) to you, you.
V. y ,_$\ (ai tu) thou ! V. p> u\ (ai tum) you;
Ab. ^> (tujh se) from thee. Ab. j (mk se) from you.
Third Person.
Singular. Plural.
N. Sj (wuk) he, she, it. N. ijj (we) they.
f y !" f t
I ^ U\ (MS &<*), ^ /-' (MS Ii u! ( fc) ^ u! (un ) or
or^ ^! (uski) of him,her,it. wl (un ) of them, their.

y* V~\ (us ) or (--il (se)

jS" ^1 ( fco), or ^\ (un-
heti) to them, them.
Acj^l (ms fco),or ^1 (ws) .
Ab. .g-) ^1 (ms se) /row him, &c. Ab. ^j-j \ (un se) from them.
26 A Grammar of

And the same word is declined in like manner when used for the
remote demonstrative, Sj that, in contradistinction to which is the
proximate demonstrative, ~J (yih) this, declined as follows

Singular. Plural.
N. (yiti) this, it. N. .J (y) Aese.
*\ (is ), ^ (is kt), i d ( A) / ^ (* A) or
G. G. '
or ^J> <jJ\ (is ) of this. |l/ ( / these.

D. 1 j (in ) or (inhi)
Ac. to this, this. Ac.Jo Aese, iAese.
Ab. ^> (^\ (is se) from this. Ab. ^-) ^1 (' se) from these.


Singular and Plural.
N. t>T (p) seZf, myself, thyself, himself, ourselves, &c.

G. \ t_>! (p ft) ^ <-J\ ( ke) ^ _ ( ) or 1 (apna)
() (apn) of myself, &c, , &c.
D. j _ ( /) or j ^yj) () to myself, &c.
Ac. j t-M ( A) or ( ) myself, &.
Ab. t- (p s) or lS~ j^jjI ( s) /rom myself, &c.
This pronoun is applicable to each of the three persons, according
to the nominative, expressed or understood, with the verb in the same
sentence : (pas), moreover, is frequently adopted before post
positions, especially in a plural sense ; so, ^jI (pas men) among

This is of two forms, the one ^ (kaun) being generally applied,

whether absolutely or adjectively, to persons, as the other \S (kya) is
to actions or things ; yet, (Ais) the inflection of ^ may occa
sionally be applied to things ; and, \S in the uninflected state only
the Hindustani Language. 27

seems fitted to precede, as an adjective, the names of inanimate ob-

jects : so, ^ jj {tum kaun ho) you who are ? \t>
chahte ho) what desiring are you 1 J~- (kis chlz ) to which
(or what) thing 1 \ij> \> (ky karna) what (is) to do ? L (ky
chiz) what thing ?
Singular. Plural.

N. ^ (kaun) who ? which? what? N. ^(kaun)who? which? what?

( (kis k) (kis k) IS ^ (kin ka) ^ (kin ke)
G. G.
I ^Jj^S(kiskt)ofwhom1 whose? ^^(kinki)ofwhoml whose?

D. <fi (kis ko) or (kise) D. j> ^ (kin ko) orlj^ (kinhln)

to whom ? to whom ?

Ac. ijS (kis ko) or (kise) Ac.^j (kin ko) or^j^ (kinhen)
whom ? whom ?
Ab.(_su- (kisse)from whom,&Lc Ab. ^^(kin se)from whom,&Lc.

Singular and Plural.

N. and Ac. L (kya) what ?
G. ^jX (khl ko) J. ^ (khl ke) ^jt (khe ki) of what ?
D. ^j (kahl ) to or for what ?
Ab. ^j-j (kahe se) from what 1
Singular. Plural.

N.j>- (jo)* or ^>- (jaun) who, N. (jo) or (jaun) who,

which, what. which, what.

* In an indefinite sense, this pronoun may be repeated ; as,^=>-

(jjo) whoever, whatever ; l (j-sj- {jisjis ka) of whichever : and,
it is very frequently compounded with the indefinite pronoun; as, j y>-
(j ko'i) whoever; l ^jS j~>- (jis kisz ka) of whomever; -je? sy
(jo kuchh) whatever ; (_r^>- (jis kis ) to whatever.
28 A Grammar of

Singular. Plural.
^U=r (jis ka) ^^ (jiske) * urT ink)^J xfr (jinke)
G G.
i -*~ (jkt) ofwhom, &c. l/ cJ?~ 0 ) of whom, &c.
D. if t_r^- (jis ko) or (jise) D- / vfT (jin ) or (jin-
to whom. ), to whom, &c.

Ac.f^jj>- (jis ko) or l_s~i- (jise) Ac-/ urT 0'*5)^"0'*-
whom. ), whom, &c.
Ab. ^nj^-(jisse)from whom,&c. Ab.^j-j^p-^'iVi s) from whomfiic.

Singular. Plural.
N. (so) or (tauri) that, he, N. j- (so) or^jj (taun) those, they.
fa (jy-J (tis ha) ^ (tis ke) l ^ (iira ) Ji (tin kl)
\S (tis ) of that, &c. ^J) J) (tin ) of those, &c.
D. ijj) (tis ) or ^j-J (tis) to D. ^ (tin ko) or ^pgJ (tin-
that. hn), to those, &c.
Ac. i-J (tis k) or (tise) Ac. ^ (tin ko) or j+J (tin
hat), those, &c.
Ab. ^j- ^-J (is s) from that,bx. Ab. ^jj (tin se)from them, &c.

This is of two forms ; the one being more commonly applied
to persons, as the other is to things : and, for number, each form
admits of no change ; thus
N. J (ko!) a, an, any, some. N. ^s* (kuchh) some, a little, afew.
s >
^(kisik)J ^Jkist (kis k) JyJ (IS
G. I ke) (kis ) of any, G. ke) ^ (kisu k) of some,
some, &c. &c.
the Hindustani Language. 29
D. ^^(kisi ko) to any^omefac. D. (kis ko) to some, &c.

Ac. (kisi ) any, some,bic. Ac. (kis ko) some, &c.

Ab. ^j-i (kisi se) from any, Ab.^ (kis se) from some.

16. In pronouns, the genitive terminations \j (ra) U (na) admit of

inflection, like l (ka), so as to agree with the nouns to which they
relate ; thus,^J (mere ghor par) my horse on ; cSjtf <Jy?>
(teri ghr) thy mare ; ^Ja~>\j ^ ( dost ke waste) on
account of his friend. When, however, any word intervenes between
? of. t
the pronoun and postposition, gjs.-* and -^sT as well as * and J are
I 9
then used with the genitive of the succeeding word ; as \ f?
(mujh gharb ka) of poor me. and ^ and too, when
separated from any postposition, may remain uninflected ; as, ^f
k_^>-ltf ( sAiJ A admi hat) what gentleman's ser
vant is it ? ^- j ^ t^*^ (kl din main chal

ja'ga) I shall depart on some day ; j>- $sr (kuchh chiz

men) in something. To ^ ^j>- ^ ^\ ^\ ^> j*a> the plural sign ^
(on) may still be subjoined, provided that no noun having the like
termination immediately follows ; the finals of ^ J> ^ ^ jJ
moreover may be aspirated, when used with, or without, the affix
(n)* ; so, (ham ) or ^^> (hamn ) to us ; ^ *> (tum
oy Of
se) or ^) 4*j (tumh se) or ^ ^tf (tumh se) from you;
^j~c ^j>j> jj\ or J (un or unh logon men) among those people.
of of
And, by the poets, ^s"0 and are frequently adopted in a posses-

* The word t_-~J (sab) all, becomes on the same principle ^jfc-"
(sabhn) for the inflection of the plural.
30 A Grammar of
sive sense, instead of the regular genitives ; as, JJ ^t* (mujh dit)
my heart, (tujh *shk) thy love.


17. Verbs denote the motion or action intended in a sentence, and
admit of two principal divisions ; verb intransitive and verb transi
tive ; the latter of these, moreover, may be subdivided into active and
18. The most simple form of the verb, and which may be termed
the root, is the imperative in the second person singular : this form,
also, serves frequently as a verbal noun ; so,jlc (mr) beat or a beat
ing ; {bot) speak or speech ; *U- (chh) desire (thou) or the
19. The infinitive requires the addition of b (na) to the root ; and
before postpositions, when the infinitive often comes into use as a
gerund or verbal noun, this \i is changed to (ne) ; so, from jin beat,
comes lijUi to beat or a beating ; from Jy speak, ^ (pi) drink,
(boln par) on speaking or about to speak, ^j^J (pine
ko) for drinking : the same inflection also takes place when the
infinitive is in construction with certain verbs ; as, if) (kahn laga)
he was applied to saying or he began to say. This termination,
moreover, may be changed to (ri) ^ (rii) or ^Li (niyn) when
a feminine noun, singular or plural, is the object of the verb ; so,
U^J <*iS (*A zaban bolni) to speak a language.
20. The past participle is obtained by subjoining to the root, 1 (a)
lJ 00 d> , () ^ (bi) or jjl) ^ (iya) according to the gender and
the Hindustani Language. 31

number of the governing noun ; so, for a masculine noun in the singu
lar jt (bola) and in the plural (bole) ; for a feminine noun in the
singular ^Jy> (boll) and in the plural (blin) or (jUjj (bliyn)
spoken, from JjJ .
a. If the root, however, ends in \ (a) or () the letter ^ becomes
inserted before a subsequent \ (a) ; but, it may be either assumed or
omitted when followed by an affix consisting of, or beginning with, ^ :
so, from (la) bring, come W (laya), ^ (laye) or ^jl (l'e),
(ly) or / (ll), &c. brought ; from y (bo) sow, bjj (bya),
(boye) or ijji (b'e), (boyi) or (bo'i), &c. sown. And,
when to roots ending in ^j, an affix consisting of, or beginning with
(*) would regularly follow, to form the feminine of this participle,
one of the long vowels is usually dropped ; so, ^4 (di), ^J (din) or
J (diyn), from J (diya) given ; (li) ^ (fi?i) or (liya),
from U (liya) taken ; () ^ (km) or (kiyn), from Li
(kiya) made.
b. Roots consisting of more than one syllable, having any short
vowel in the penultimate and fafha (a) followed immediately by a
consonant in the final syllable, drop the latter vowel before all affixes
beginning with a vowel ; hence, \j&> (guzra) from i (guzar) pass ;
\*-> (samjha) from -^s^ (samajh) understand.
c. The few anomalies are L (gaya) gone, from U- (ja) ; L (kiya)
dowe, marfe, from j> (kar) ; !y> (hua) been, become, from _j> (ho);*
\y* (') dead, from j* (mar); b_J (diya) given, from (<&0; and,
U (liya) taken, from ,-1 (le).

* The regular forms, however, sometimes occur ; but, more especially,

\- (jya) and (), when used with \jj (karna) to form a
species of compound ; and \ (kara) under other circumstances, though
but very rarely.
32 A Grammar of

d. When used adjectively or substantively, this participle is often

followed by (') been, become; as \ \jb \$ (likh k'
kghaz) the become written, or the written, paper; \b 1 (kt h'a)
the cut.
21. The present participle is had by affixing to the root, \j (ta) ^
(te) ^J> (t) ^ (fin) or ^Li (tiyn), agreeable to the gender and
number of the governing noun ; so, from ab- (chh) wish, come

bj>l>- (chhta) he wishing, ^^- (chhtl) she wishing, ^\jb\&- (chh-
tiyn) they (females) wishing : and, to adapt it for use as an adjec-
tive or even substantive, Ij become is frequently subjoined, like as to
the past ; so, \jb bjU (marta h'a) striking, the person striking.
22. The past conjunctive participle may be the same in form as the
root of the verb, or it may be formed by subjoining to the root, 00*

(ke) (kar) ^J> (karke) or J>Ji (karkar) ; so, (kah) or ^J^f
(kahke) orjL (kahkar), &c, having said : and, from I (a) come, ^1
(an) or I (nke), as well as the regular I or ^ 1 , 8cc, having come.
23. The past indefinite tense is the same in form as the simple past
participle, explained at paragraph 20 ; so, {^r< (main bola) I (a
male) spoke, ^Jy) Sj (wuh bolt) she spoke, ^> (ham botn) we
(females) spoke, -f-^Uo (us rie mardi) he or she struck,
\\Ju> ^\ (un ne ) they (males or females) struck.

* With this affix, verbs become generally the same as for the inflected
past participle masculine singular ; so, $ (') from (ho),
() fromJ> (kar), (dlye) from i_fJ (de), ^ (%) from (le).
+ Before transitive verbs in any past tense, viz. any tense formed with
the past participle in the active voice, the particle (J (n) at once fol
lows, or is affixed to, the noun or pronoun denoting the agent, which, if
not the first or second personal pronoun, is inflected before it, if capable
the Hindustani Language. 33

a. The pluperfect or past past tense is obtained by adding the

auxiliary past to the past participle ; as, Ifi Sjj (main bol tha)
I had spoken? \ =?# ^^>^\ ^ {tum ne d dmiyn
bhej tha) you had sent two men.
b. The past definite or past present tense is had by the addition of
the auxiliary present to the past participle ; as, ^Js Sjj (tu bol ha)
thou hast spoken ; *{^t> l$SL>J (bill ne bghm dekh
hat) the cat has seen the tigers.
c. The past future is obtained by the addition of the auxiliary
future to the past participle ; as, ^gjb or lS^> ^Jj j (wuh bolt hwe
or hg) she may (shall or will) have spoken, or she might (should or
would) speak ;* oo y& or ^ ( ne rakh hwe or
hwega) they may (shall or >) have placed, or might (could or
would) place.

of inflection ; the verb being made to agree with its object, provided thia
be, as is most customary, in the nominative case : when, however, the
object is placed in an oblique case, or is not a word but a sentence, the
verb is then invariably constructed as the third person masculine singular.
Thus, \jlc \bj>- ^Jj (bill! rie chh ) the cat killed the rat ;
<-i^ 1. "P V (bagh ne ghr mart) the tiger killed the mare ;
i-$jS$ <^^i jb\y* (saudgar ne pnch ghr bch) the
merchant sold five horses ; \jVo <-5jjf tj> tp ^ (bghn ne ghori ko
) the tigers killed the mare; ^j^ ( '?*^ ^ clrl^
J^bte (larko ne pchh tum kaun-si kitb pafht ho) the boys
asked, "what book are you (female) reading?" In the Dakhani of
Madras, however, though ^ is often used, it does not interrupt the
agreement of the verb with the nominative or name of the agent ; whilst
the dialect of Bombay conforms to that of Hindustan in this respect as
well as in most other particulars.
* See note t on the foregoing page.
34 A Grammar of

d. The past conditional or optative is formed by the addition of the

present indefinite of the verb ji> (ho) be, become, to the past participle
of the verb conjugated, with a conditional or optative adverb, ex
pressed or understood, in the same sentence; so, jJ j>\ {agar
main bol hta) if I had spoken; bl j\ {agar wuh aya hta)
if he had come ; by> \^Lc ! (ksh us-ne hta) would to
God he had struck ! It may be noticed, moreover, that when any
plural feminine form of the auxiliary verb yt>, terminating in ^ (n) or
^\ {an), is used in construction with participles preceding, these
commonly drop the like plural signs ^ (n) or ^\ {an) ; as, ^Jy_ *S>
{ham bolt hain) we {females) have spoken ; (jJjyb i_Sjbe lSj {we
mri ga'i h'gln) they (females) may have been struck : yet, some
times, they are retained; as, (j-js ,jbJ^ ^ (ham bliyrt hain) we
(females) have spoken.
24. The present indefinite tense is the same in form as the present
participle, already explained at paragraph 21 ; so, UjjJ l^ (main
dawrta) I (a male) run ; ^J>] i (wuh tz) she comes ; ^- f& (ham
jte) we (males) go ; ^^y, jj (turn boltln) ye (females) speak.*
a. The imperfect or present past tense is obtained by adding the
CO s
auxiliary past to the present participle ; as, bJ h$ {^ (main likht
CO ? '
tha) I (a male) was
fi ; - ^jj
-' v Sj (wuh parhtl th) she was
reading ; i^ ^J^y. f> (tum bltl thin) ye (females) were speaking.-]-

* The present indefinite tense, moreover, with a conditional con

junction or adverb of wishing, expressed or understood, is much used to
convey the sense of a past conditional or optative ; as, ij y bljj {j*<cj> \
b.gl (agar main blt t wuh likhta) if I should speak, then he -would
write ; yet such sentences when rendered word for word are intelligible,
if I speak, then he writes.
+ When one or more feminine participles precede an auxiliary verb in
the plural, the plural sign ^ (n) or ^1 (n) is generally omitted in all
the Hindustani Language. 35

b. The present definite or present present is formed by the addition

of the auxiliary present to the present participle ; so, jyb
{main daurt hn) I (a male) am running ; ^y! y (t ti hai)
thou (a female) art coming.
c. The present future is had by the addition of the auxiliary future
J i CO
to the present participle ; so, uij^fc or ^ y> {main parhta
h' or ho'ga) I (a male) may (shall or will) be reading;
^J^^y* or 5* ^jj'^ *j (jamA gr or hwgi) she may (shall or
wilt) be singing.
25. The future indefinite or aorist* is obtained by affixing to the
root, for the first, second, and third persons singular of either gender,
() () ij (e), and for the like persons of the plural, ^ (en)
S 00 ^ (en) ; so, ^ (main ) I may do, ^j y (tu kare)
thou mayest dofJj Sj (wuh kare) he (or she) may do ; ^ * (ham
karen) we may do, j w (tum karo) ye may do, ^ ^ (we karln)
they may do : and, in a more strictly future sense, by subjoining if
\J Vf?, (sl") 0 ^ Cgy")i agreeable to the
gender and number of the governing noun, together with the afore
mentioned affixes, to the root ; so, \j - (main j'Mga) I (a
male) will go, L5&jl *j (wuh wg) she will come, ^~ *b (ham
kahlge) we (males) shall say, ^Zi^ ^> (ham kahlgln) we
(females) shall say.

but the final auxiliary, as above exemplified ; yet, sometimes, though but
rarely, the participle retains it, as t)W*b * (ham boltiyn thVn).

* This form serves for a subjunctive mood, and has occasionally an

indefinite present meaning ; so, ^ - Sj (wuh we to main
ja'un) (if) he should come, then I shall go ; ^j \^>^ ^t**" (khud
chh so kare) (what) God wills, that he does.
36 A Grammar of

a. To such verbal roots, however, as end in \ (a) j () ^ (e) or |_?_

(), the letter j may be optionally affixed, or not, before every future
termination beginning with () ; so, from t come, may be formed
iJjT (ato) (ii'n), &c. ; from jj sow, (bwgi) {)\J^jj]
(bdwtngiyn) : and, on the contrary, verbs ending in (_s () or j
() may admit of contraction or elision ; so, ^ (db'n) or {dun)
(l) may give ; lJ$ (dw) or J (e) ( or sAe) may give ;
l&jjj (de'ga) or (a*wg) (/) sAaZZ give ; jJ (ae') or ()
(/) / gtwe ; (dewen) or ^J (^) (> or Aey) way give ;
^jjA (h'n) or (5) (7) ; (hwe) or _y> (A'e)
or y (ho) (thou or he or sAe or it) may become ; {j^i^> (hdwngin)
or ^p&jji (h'ngn) or yo . (^jjjtgti'i) (we or Ae?/ females) shall

become; (l'un) or yjj (Zmw) (i) may iae; ,_fjJ (/) or J

(?) (Ae or she) may take ; jJ (Z') orj5 (Z) (ye) may take.
b. Roots of more than one syllable, having a short vowel in the
penultimate and fat'ha (a) in the final, drop the latter vowel when the
signs of the future are subjoined; so, (niklga) from J&
(nikal) issue ; lj (guzrtga) iromjs (guzar) pass.
26. The imperative for the second person singular is the mere root
of the verb ; and, for the second person plural, it is formed by adding
j () to the root; so, Jy (bol) or Jy y (t bol) speak thou; jly
(bolo) or *j' (tum bolo) speak ye. The other persons of each
number may be the same as in the aorist ; so, ^ [^^ (main bolun)
I may speak, or (if) I may speak ; ^Jy ij (wuh bole) (if) he or she
may speak : yet, to express the imperative sense in these persons, the
verb ijii (de) give (thou), or in the plural jJ (do), or in the respectful
form (-I^ (dijiye) be pleased to give, or - (dijiyo) you must give,
is more commonly used, like the English " let" ; so, ^j ^Jjj ^sr
(mujh ko boln de) let me speak ; ^j^- ^\ ( boln dtjiy)
the Hindustani Language. 37

be pleased to let him (or her) speak; y*s ^ j&l (- hoirie

dtjiyo) you must let them speak.
a. In this mood of the verb, moreover, and of very frequent use, is
the respectful or precative form j (iye) or in a future sense
(iylga), which some honorific term, such as l- (p) self (you, Sir),
^-- (hazrat) the presence, (shib) the lord or master, &c,
generally precedes; so, <>\ (p bliye) be pleased, Sir, to
speak ; ^^sJ c->l (p tjiyga) you, Sir, will be pleased to take :
but, the termination ^ ^ (iye) is at times adopted impersonally, and
- ? S-
as an indefinite future or present; so, J~~> ^.- j*> =^
^Jjj>- (jo marja!iye to sansr kb dukh se chhtiye) when one
dies, then one escapes from the trtmble of the world; ^^-al (chhiye)
one should desire, (one must). And, to give intensity to the impera
tive sense, or to express command respectfully, or even with a precative
or future meaning, the termination j ^ (iy) comes, also, frequently
into use ; as, ^JU (mera, kah mniyo) mind my saying ;
jjjj jL*\ (us-kd mera, paighm bliy) speak to him my
message; j*>j ^~^> jb \j~o (niera yar salamat rahiyo) may my
friend remain in safety !; (mar ja'iyo) may you die. After
words ending in () or j (o), too, it must be noticed that the affixes
.. (ye) or (iyg) and (iyo) become (jiye) or ^
(je), &xrT (jiyga), _j~r (jiy) or p- (jo) ; so, ^fifT 4^ (p
dtjiye) be pleased, Sir, to give ; i^gci^ t_- (sahib kijiyga) the
gentleman will be pleased to do ; fffd }1 (zm Ujiyo) you will take
(and) try. Before these terminations, we may add, the roots (ho)
j> () i^J (de) (le) usually become (Am) ^ (k) ^j (di)
() ; so, (hjiye) yjs (kijiyo) ^-=TJ (djiyl) ^ (llji-

b. Another way of expressing an absolute command is by the use
38 A Grammar of

of the infinitive ; as, Ii I csjis- *j {tum jaldi ana) you (are) to come
immediately ; Ai j~\ (us-k na kahna) not to tell him.
c. In a prohibitive sense, i^-* (mai) is generally used before the

verb ; as, jjto jJ (us-k mat mro) do not beat him ; -fs5 pi
Li (m kuchh mat bdlo) do you not say anything ; lzj\j
y~ c^v< (us-ki bat mat suniyo) hear not his word : for the like pur
pose, however, < () may occasionally be adopted ; so, J J < $
(laga na dil kahtn) place not the heart (or affection) anywhere.
27. A transitive verb is formed from an intransitive, or a causal
from a transitive, by the addition of \ (a) or \j (wa), and sometimes of
j (o) to the root, the vowel of the primitive, if long, being frequently
shortened before those additions ; so, h>- (jala) burn (transitively),
ljls- (jalwa) cause to burn (by another), from J.p- (jal) burn (intran
sitively), be burnt ; (hila) move (transitively), ljb> (hilwa) cause to
move (by another), from Jjb (hit) move (intransitively), be moved ; h
(bula) call, \b (bulwa) cause to call (by another), from J^j (bol)
it "a
speak ; j> (dubo) drown, from iu (dub) be immersed or drowned ;
jL$> (bhigo) wet, steep, from &~# (bhig) be wet : and if the primitive
root end in I () , () (e) or (), the letter J () is to be inserted
before the transitive or causal sign, the vowel being shortened ; so,
\ (khila) feed, (khilwa) cause (another) to feed, from l$s (kha)
eat; (pila) give to drink, Ijb (pilwa) cause (another) to give to drink,
from ^ (pf) drink ; ilo (dila) cause to give, l^SJ (dilwa) cause (ano-
ther) to cause to give, from J (de) give ; & (dhula) cause to wash,
\j1aj (dhulwa) cause (another) to cause to wash, from (dho)
a. In other cases, these verbs are obtained by lengthening, if short,
the vowel of monosyllabic, or the last vowel of dissyllabic, roots ; as,
<JL>1 (kt) cut, from eU (kat) be cut ; w\.$s>- (chhld) bore, from
the Hindustani Language. 39

(chhid) be bored; J^> (ghol) dissolve (transitively), from J^i (ghuf)

be dissolved ; jy>- (jof) join, from Je- (jur) be joined; (nikal)
make issue, expel, from J& (nikal) issue : yet, when the termination
!j (tea) is used, the short vowel of the primitive remains; as, \&

(katwa) cause {another) to cut; (nikalwa) cause to be expelled,
b. In a few instances, especially if the root be a monosyllable ter
minating in an aspirated consonant, either \ (ja) or i (la), as before
described, or very rarely Jl (l) may be added to form the causal ;
(, Ol/ /
so, l^J (dikha) or i^J (dikhla) shew,irom (dkh) see; \~> (sikha)
* s
or L^Lj (sikhla) teach, from {sikh) learn ; \$b (bitha) or (bithla)

or Jl$5-J (baith) seat, from .Lj (jbaith) sit ; J^$~j (paithl) cause to
enter, from ^Lj (paith) enter, the long vowel being continued in the
syllable before Jl (ai). On a principle nearly analogous, too, are
formed iL^j (jiahla) cause to bathe, and (nahalwa) cause to cause
to bathe, from (nah or n) Jaie : and, a very few causals seem
to deviate more from analogy ; as, - (bch) sell, from CSj (bik) be
soZrf ; jrf*- (chhor) let go, from cU^*- (chhut) be let go ; j^i (phor)
and (phar) break or iwrsi, from (phut) and <JL-$J (phat) be
broken ; *y (tor) break, from c>y (f) 5e broken ; j--3 (niber) finish,
from JJ (raiiar) Z>e ended.
c. In dissyllabic roots, the short vowel of the last syllable, if it be
fat'ha (a), is dropped when \ (a) but not when \j (wa) is suffixed ; so,

l^^**- (samjha) inform, from (samajh) understand; (sarka)
mofe, and ly^-j (sarakwa) cause to move, from (sarak) be moved ;
lyj (bahla) amuse, from J^j (bahat) be amused.
28. Compound verbs may be formed in various ways. If regard
be had to the structure of the words, a compound may be obtained,
firstly, by the addition of some verb, regularly conjugated, to a sub
40 A Grammar of

stantive or adjective, which remains unchanged as a masculine singu

lar uninflected ; secondly, by the addition of a verb, regularly conju
gated, to the root, or the infinitive, or the past participle, or the pre
sent participle of another verb ; and, thirdly, by the construction of
two verbs, both admitting the usual changes of conjugation : and,
verbs of this description may, according to their import in English, be
arranged under particular terms, as follows :
1st. Nominis; so, \> CJb (bat ) to discourse; U s^-ii
(shur* karna) to begin ; <> (yd rakhna) to recollect ; li-J

(mol Una) to purchase ; li^Lo 4sjc (ghota marna) to dive ;^> fUJ
(tamm karna) tofinish ;\t> \jy (pura hna) to be complete.
2nd. Intensives; as, L>J (bl dina) to declare; U^J (de
dlna) to give away ; liJ Jlj (dl dna) to throw away ;
(mr dlna) to kill downright ; Uls^ (khjna) to eat up ; ^j^
(gir parna) to fall down ; Uta "y (tor dlna) to break to pieces ;
Jy (fil ?^) to speak out; liW- I (jn) to come suddenly.
3rd. Potentials, formed by the addition of (sakn) to be able,
to the root of another verb ; so, ^$3 (likh sakna) to be able to
write ; UCj J>- (chai sakna) to be able to walk.*
4th. Compltives, formed by adding \ib>~ (chukn) to be finished,
to the root of another verb ; as, \iL>- j (pi chukn) to have done
9 * *
drinking ; \ (kh chukna) to have finished eating.
5th. Inceptives or Inchoatives, formed by the addition of L (lagn)
to come in contact, to be applied, to begin, to the inflected infinitive
of a verb ; as, US (boln lagn) to begin to speak ; li3
(kahne lag) he began to say ; ^-bj^ (parhn lag) he began to

* Sometimes, however, especially in Dakhani, may be constructed

with an inflected infinitive, or even an uninflected one.
the Hindustani Language. 41

read: and, sometimes, though but rarely, l^J precedes ; as, ^U- lj
(Jogajane) he began to go.*
6th. Permissives, formed by adding bj J (den) to give, to let, to
permit, to an inflected infinitive ; as, J ^3 - {jane den) to permit
to go ; > ^yl (ant dena) to let come.
7th. Acquisitives, formed by the addition of lib (pna) to get, to
acquire, to an inflected infinitive ; as, bb ^yt (ne pna) to be allowed
to come; lib (jne pna) to be allowed to go.
8th. Desideratives, Requisitives, and Proximatives, formed by adding
LaU- (chhna) to desire, to require, regularly conjugated, to the past
participle of a verb, which remains unchanged in the state of the
masculine singular, whatever the gender and number of the governing
noun may be ; so, la>b>- ( chha) or ^jbb- \r< ( chh)
he or she wished to die, or was about to die ; LbU- bb>- (jy chhna)
to wish to go, to be about to go ; >1>- \] (likh chhna) to wish to
write, to be about to write.f In this compound, the regular past
forms \jk (mar) and - (jy) are preferred, as in the examples
> -y
above, to the more common \y* (m') and LT (gay).
9th. Frquentatives, formed by the addition of \>J> (karna) to do, to
make, to the past participle of a verb, which is invariably used as an
uninflected masculine singular, whatever the gender and number of
the governing noun may be ; so, li^ bl (y karna)) to make aprac-
tice of coming ; l$! (likh karna) to make a practice of writing ;
\ji bb>- (jy karna) to make a practice of going. In this com
pound, too, like as in the last described, bb>- is preferred to bf.

* In Dakhani, especially in poetry, the verbal noun in ^ may be

used with b$ ; as bl he began to open.
+ In Dakhani, or even in Hindustani occasionally, an inflected in-
finitive, or in Dakhani even an uninflected one, may precede bjfcl-.
42 A Grammar of

10th. Continuatives, formed by adding Ul- (jna) to go, or \&j

(rahna) to remain, to a present participle made to agree in gender

and number with the governing noun ; so, UU- Ujj (bltjna) to go
on speaking {a male) ; Lb> - (jt rahna) to keep going, to go
entirely away (a male) ; ^*- (rti jtt hat) she goes on
weeping; ^ ^U- jJb*i (parkte jte hain) or ^ ^jJt>j
(parkte rahte hain) they (males) continue reading.
11th. Statistical, formed by adding a verb regularly conjugated,
to a present participle used invariably as an inflected masculine singu-
iar; so, liU- ^J^tf (boite jna) to go (in the state of one) speaking ;
^ ^yl ^Jj^ (gte tl liai) she comes (in the state of one) singing;
^jb ^Jijj (rte daurt hai) he runs (in the state of one) weeping.
12th. Reiteratives, formed by using together two verbs regularly
conjugated ; as, bJl>- U^j (bdln chaina) to converse ; > J
(dlkhn bhln) to see.

29. Verbs may be derived from either substantives or adjectives, by
affixing the verbal signs only in some instances ; or, more commonly,
by shortening the vowel of the original, if long, and inserting \ (a)
or b ^ (iya) before those signs : so, Wjj>j- (chaurn) to widen, from
\jf>- (chaura) wide ; liLsJ (latiyn) to kick, from aS$ (lt) a kick ;
liLlS' (galiyn) to abuse, from (gli) abuse ; ILj- (jutiyn)
to beat with ^^r 0*) a slipper.

30. The Passive voice is formed on the past participle of an active
verb, by the addition of lils>- to go, both parts of the compound being
made to agree in gender and number with the governing noun ; so,
i^ (main gaya) I was struck ; 1- i^U lj~c (main
mr jt ) I am struck ; &jU- 1* (main mr j'r'ig)
the Hindustani Language. 43

I shall be struck; ^fiy>- ^* jf$ (jarkt mart jaweg) the girl will
be struck.
31. The auxiliaries,* used in forming the definite tenses of verbs,
are to denote the
Singular. Plural.
I was. IA we were.
t(i)V". y thou wast. |J ye were.
\ he was. ,_j they were.


(hun) ^ lij-^> / am. (hain) ijJd jb we are.

{ha) ^jJb thou art. II {ho) jj ye are.

(jiai) ij he is. (hain) [ipS c they are.

Aorist or Future.


(hn) or, (h'n) u3 y> j** I

(ho) y> or, (h'e) Jy> or, (hw) ^> thou a

()y> or, (h'e) ?> or, (hbwe) ^3y> j he, she)

* Which are, also, the substantive verb, answering to the English be,
am, art, is, are, was, wast, were.
+ The above is for the masculine gender : with a feminine nominative,
it would be (tht), and in the plural % (thin) or ^Ijf (th?n) ;
in Dakhani, the latter only.
Dakh. ij (wah) or j\ (), <&;c.
^ 9
I Dakh. ^rJb jJ (tum hai) as in the two other persons.
44 A Grammar of

(hon) ^> or, (k'en) ^ or, (howen) ^ we

* (ho) or, (h'o) j pi ye > 0 S

(An) or, (') ^*j or, (howen) ^j^> ij Aey J


+ (M?ig) \iy> or, (h'ga) l&jy> / I

(Aog) , (ho'ga) or, (jiwga) l&jg* y iAoa j

(hoga) \^ or, (A'g) or, (jiwtga) ^> *j Ae J "|


J (hnge)^iybor{h'ge) ^fcjjor (Awwg) Jjyb pbwe I

(Ag) ^ or, A'g ^ jj ye j *

(A7ig)^ybor(A'ng)l_^iy>or(Azcwg)^_^jjyi) AeyJ s<

Conditional or Optative.
Singular. Plural.
I become. j we become.
(hta) \j> j 0 becomest. (htty^Jijb i ye become.
tj he becomes. \ (_j they become.

* Dakh. or ^ jJb or ^.jy* j-> like as in the other two persons.

Remark that the ^ in all these forms is the soft nasal letter ().
+ For the feminine, the termination If (go) becomes (gi) in the
For the feminine, this termination (g) becomes (g) or
(jl^(g/y0ij) in the plural ; and the latter only in Dakhani.
' . <-
Dakh. [Xjjj (wng) &c, like as in the first and third persons.
the Hindustani Language. 45

32. The intransitive verb UW. (Jana) to go, is much used in form
ing the passive voice of transitive verbs, as well as in other compounds
and it is conjugated as follows, for the masculine gender.
Imperative for the second person singular, or The Root.
(Ja) U go.

Infinitive and Gerund,

(jne) or, (jna) UU- to go, going.

Past Participle.
Singular. Plural.
*> ^ or, (gaya) I
\gone. gone.
(gaya h') J (ga' h'e) J

Present Participle.
s- -
\j& li'W or, (jta)
(jt h'a) J

Past Conjunctive Participle.

Singular and Plural.
j^U- or (J^V jl>- V having gone.

Past Indefinite Tense.


(gaya) \ thou
Aoa wei

ij he went.

Pluperfect or Past Past Tense.

Ilj~c I was gone, *fc we were gone.

thou wast gone. 2 ye were gone.

Xj he was gone. t_j they were gone.

46 A Grammar of

Past Definite or Past Present Tense.

Singular. Plural.
Lf {^ lam gone. ^ we are gone.

LT j ar gone. *y ye are gone.

- ij,
\ i} he is gone. yjjA ^^j-^ Aey are gowe.

Pas Future Tense.

jp\j.i Yay'shaii> r may, sAaZ, or
^J ' [will have gone, Aaz>e gone,

. go. eA^u/s Aeyl^c. go.

sAaZl, mjZ, or \shall, will, or
may have gone; IwiayAawegorte;
l& Li y ! or, might, Sec. [or, might, Sfc.
\&jjb\J> Xj he Jgo.

Past Conditional or Optative Tense.

//, would to iy, would to

GW, /, frc, ^ God,we,Sfc,
V, had gone; or, Aaa* gone; or,
7, #<:., ") ice, $"c,
should have should have
*> 40
gone, #*c. gone, #-c.

* Dakh.^^-^j-i'j'. + Dakh.ynor^yb^^jJ. + Dakh.^/j^s'^',

But the conjugation of Dakhani verbs varies in many particulars from
the proper Hindustani, as may be seen in the 4 Short Grammar of the
Dakhani," appended to the author's more extended " Grammar of the
Hindustani Language."
the Hindustani Language. 47

Present Indefinite Tense.

Singular. i Plural.

IB*}* Ig- 1 we go.

y goes. p ye go.

j Ae goes. g3 they go.

Imperfect or Present Past Tense.

l^o I was going. | we were going.

thou wast going. ijf (_S"i^

^" {| > V were going.

j Ae teas going. i_S they were going.

Present Definite or Present Present Tense.

[j~< I am going, *}* lt'^ j*"1 we are ging-

^jn IjU- y thou art going. . J*' are going-

^ UU- j Ae is going. 3 are going-

Present Future Tense.

jo ^
LtfJ* ^V "* ^ may, sAaZZ,
or will be &Jbrye U will be
going. gOg.
tijy* L>- j Ae

^- ) shall,will,

bV^Ae \90ng- going.

* This form of the verb, if a conditional conjunction or an adverb of

wishing accompanies it, may be used in the sense of a conditional or
optative, like the tense immediately preceding : see paragraph 24, note *.
48 A Grammar of
Future Indefinite or Aorist.
Singular. Plural.
5 &
(j'n) (jwen) wj jU- j we I
"S fee a
(jwe) ijj\>-y thou } " *
(jwe) ij he or she\ | *| (jwen) ^jl> ieyJ I =

Future Indefinite Tense.

(j'ng) -7 (^wwg)^XJjU- Jb we
. / i -
(jweg) o_j^>- J Aowf 5 (j'g) ^J}\ ye \ 5

(jweg) VSjW- Hj he J ^ (jweg)^i^.^}they) -|


(j'n) U- yjj^o Z go, Ze (jwen) jl\- ji> we may go, let

me go. us go.
(ja) U- go thou, (j'o) f go ye.
(jwe) <_)- let him or her (jwn) ^ Ze go.
Respectful and Precatiue forms of the Future and Imperative.
(j'iye) . <>- ( . .
17 " W I * I3/0M, <, or excellency, of. may,
or, / i_^>-l<e ss^aZZ, or wiZZ go ; or, may you, Sir, go ;
{j'iyeg) l4Vl ^-) 0 11> &c- -

(j'iye) we may, shall, or will go ; or, may we go.

< mayest, shalt, or go ; or, go zAoa.

Xj he may, shall, or >ZZ go ; or, may he go.
jj ye may, shall, or will go ; or, go /.

iAey may, shall, or tciZZ go ; or may they go.

For the feminine gender, the masculine singular final \ (a) of the
infinitive, the participles, the auxiliaries, and the future, as above
the Hindustani Language. 49

described, must be changed to ^ () in that number, and to ^ _

(m) or (jb (iyn) for the plural ; but, where two or more feminine
plurals come together, it is usual for the last only to take the numerical
sign ^ (n) or ^ (an), the preceding participle or participles being
constructed in the feminine singular form : sometimes, however, the
plural termination is repeated, as shewn at note to par. 24. a.
33. Conjugation of a regular transitive verb for the masculine gen-
der, exemplified in U^U (mama) to beat or strike.
Imperative for the second person singular, or The Root,
(mr) jU beat, strike.
Infinitive and Gerund.
(marne) ^jj^ or (mama) U to beat, beating.
Past Participle.
Singular. Plural.
\fb or, () \J* beaten, ^ or, (mare) beaten,
(mr h'a) (mre h')
Present Participle.
\jjV< or, (mrta) lijb beating. |J>U or, (mrte) ^J>j\-* beating,
(mrt h'a) (mrte h'e) \j^t
Past Conjunctive Participle.
Singular and Plural.
A)^* ^J'j'J^_>^"* t_^* having beaten
Past Indefinite Tense.
Singular. Plural.
*l5^ *"* I beat. i* ^jj j we ra.
(mar) \J^ ^ thou beatedst. (mra) 1^tc < ye beat.
L ^ (jJ\ he beat. ^ji they beat.

* See the note to paragraph 23, for the reason of this particle in con
struction with the past tenses of transitive verbs.

50 A Grammar of

Pluperfect or Past Past Tense

Singular. Plural.

j ^j-^o I had beaten. ^ p&we had beaten.

j thou hadst beaten. via* ye had beaten.

he had beaten. ^\ they had beaten.

Past Definite or Past Present Tense.

' have beaten. > we have beaten.

thou hast beaten ?* ^* j ^ ^ have beaten.

he has beaten. 4lS^ ^ ^, beaten.

Past Future Tense.

Jf shall vnay, shall
bj* lip* 7 Jor w// have ja we lorwiZZAare
y^jj. |A* j thoulbeaten ; or, ye \beaten; or,
, |migAi,$"c,
meat. J theV )beat.

IsAaZZ, toi'ZZ \shall, will
or may have |or may have
J thou)beaten> or> \ ^ yg \beaten ; or,
? \should,Sc, > ]should,Sfc,
^ U~\ he \beat. {^J Jthey)beaU

Past Conditional or Optative Tense."

Tjf, would to If, would ta
5* ^ ^>God, I, ire, ^God,we,^c,
had beaten ; AacZ beaten ;
then I, Sfc, then we, Sfc,

f would have would have
LS3 -1 beaten, Sfc. beaten, Sfc.
/e Hindustani Language. 51

Present Indefinite Tense.

Singular. Plural.

we beat.

y thou beatest. > j ye beat.

Xj he beats. 2 they beat.

Imperfect or Present Past Tense.

[^o I was beating. i> we were

thou wast beating, jj ye were beating.

he was beating. [ ijj they were beating.

Present Definite or Present Present Tense.

^ IJjU I am beating, jj- ^j^> wz o-re beating.

^jb \jj\*> thou art beating. ^Jij^o jJ ye are beating.

^Jb Ij^L aj he is beating. j^j- (^t* <_} iey are beating.

Present Future Tense.

ujj* * ^ ^ may, shall ^jU. we may, shall

* " . J
^} l^,L y or will be ) or 7/

eye - I
& ^/ ifl/Z) W7/

ISyfc bjU y Aom or may 6e or may e


* When a conditional conjunction or adverb of wishing precedes in

the sentence, this form of the verb is often used in a past conditional or
optative sense, like the tense last described : see the note to paragraph 24.
52 A Grammar of
Future Indefinite or Aorist Tense.
Singular. Plural.

Imay, shall or we may, shall or

will beat ; or, ' w?i# beat ; or,
beat, Sfc.
0 theyj

Future Indefinite Tense.

0 J>
/ , > or sAaZ/, will
may beat; or, may beat ;
6eai, Sfc. 6eai, Sfc.


^^Lo j> we may beat, let us beat.

jVe y beat thou. jjVc beat ye.

i_^Lo Hj he may beat, let him ^J^* they oeai> let them
beat. beat.
Respectful and Precative forms of the Future and Imperative.

(mriye) ( <_JT ) > Sir> excellency, Sfc, may,

! , I shall or will be pleased to beat; be pleased,
J i^^s-le \
j ' " [ Sir, to beat; may your excellency, fc, be
(.mriyeg) lL,L [ e^-b- J ^fe^ o Jea.

(jmriye) we , saZZ, $"c, ea ; may we beat.

thou mayest, shalt or wilt beat ; or, beat thou,

Sj he may, shall or will beat ; or, may he beat.
(mariyo) j>j\* 9
*ji ye may, shall or will beat; or, beat ye.

they may, shall or will beat ; or, ^ they beat.

* Dakbni ctij^* and ^SjjU

the Hindustani Language. 53


Imperative for the second person singular, as The Root.

\>- be beaten.

Infinitive and Gerund.

Singular, Plural.
^jibj- or lilsj- l^U to be beaten, ^- 01 4?J^> to oe beaten,
being beaten. being beaten.

Past Participle.
Li'i^U been beaten. \ been beaten.

Present Participle.
\i\=- \jto being beaten. j ,J;U- ewg beaten.

Past Conjunctive Participle.

J)^-ov j\pt j^r Vbu I Jk-*j)>/^-1*

having been beaten.

Past Indefinite Tense.

I was beaten. lJb we were beaten.

f i i '
1" < J Aom uw beaten. Li^ *> ye were beaten.

ij he was beaten. } Aey were beaten.

Pluperfect or Past Past Tense.

\j^o I had been beaten. & we had been

y Aom hadst been
beaten. l^fi^r J } beaten.

Sj he had been beat- ^ they had been

54 A Grammar of

Past Definite or Past Present Tense.

Singular. Plural.

^yt, \ I have been beat jb we have been

en. beaten.
^jS Lf thou hast been f V have been
^jb \ bb> he has been beat ^jtc bjj they have been
en. beaten.

Past Future Tense.

will have i or will have

- . z. . ' \beenbeaten; [been beaten;
^\S\j\,ythou^ migAti i or, might,
$"c. Je -ea- <- *2 \frc. be beat-
\J> IjU *j Ae J . ^i^^hfJ^^fj they)en.


shall, Uit -f shall, will

may have I - 1
or have
been beaten;
Jfpj^fy* for, should,
Sfc. be beat-
L> I^U j ^ en. jyn^^^J^^they^en,

Past Conditional or Optative Tense.

//, would to //, would to

^ GW, 2, #<:. '*
"^S GW, we,
4^ /? iee h^Sfchadbeen
by* Lf ;^> beaten ; or, ^ beaten ; ,
^ 7, $"c. u thenwe,Sfc.
, would have i-^would have
beaten. been beaten.
the Hindustani Language. 55

Present Indefinite Tense.

Singular. Plural.

|tlj-^ I am beaten, we are beaten.

thou art beaten. jj ye are beaten.

Sj he is beaten. } they are beaten.

Imperfect or Present Past Tense.

J was beaten.
ig 1 we were

/om was jj ye were f

Ae was i4><s ijj they were J

Present Definite or Present Present Tense.

F '
VjIs*- {1p*o I am S^W" ^* i** we are
- ! y Aow ar ? ^
" ' I "1
jjb bU- j Ae is ) - i^flb V <jf^ tffj they are

Present Future Tense

t J^Vl^i^* ^ J I ttjijj* lib*- ij^U *fc we may to

I "I
I -=>
5 b'U- l^tc thoumayesv) IP,
j'yb tj\i>- jj ye
I "S
IjU- I^Lo *j Ae J ^ *4^ &>^> they may]


^Lc ^j;-* I shall "j -| ^6 S^^" -jj^> j*^ we sAa#

bjj)U'U-ljtc thou shalt 1^5* j1' ye AaZZ > .f

lijA - Ae sAaZZ * Aey sAa#
66 A Grammar of

Future Indefinite or Aorist Tense.

Singular. Plural.
may, shall 4 may, shall
Ii V !A* t?* 1 we
9 or will be or will be
) beaten ; or, ^ beaten ; or,
be beaten, be beaten,
- 1^to y he

Future Indefinite Tense.

jLfc^pwe \shall)Wi
sAaZZ, wiZZ
IjU y om >or may
> \ beaten. beaten.


\j\* let me be beaten. lJj\*> e ^e beaten.

* /
- \jVc be thou beaten. p-1 ^e V beaten.

ijjW- ^Lo X) let him be beaten. ^- (j^U Ze Aem bebeaten.

Respectful and Precative forms of the Future aud Imperative.

l/O^" , Sir, or, / excellency shall, will or may

or t-r%s^"* 1 6e beaten ; be you, Sir, beaten ; may your ex-

^/- ^* I ^* Vi*- cellency, Sc, be beaten.

^ - > we sAaZZ or w'ZZ e beaten ; may we be beaten.

J Aom mayest, shalt, Sfc. or e Aom beaten.

Ae may, sAaZZ, ^c. or way /e be beaten.

^ I |j ye may, shall, Sfc. or be ye beaten.

I they may, shall, Sfc, or may they be beaten.

For the feminine of both the active and passive voices, the singular
masculine final \ (a) of the infinitive, the participles and the auxiliaries,
the Hindustani Language. 57

where it occurs in conjugation, must be changed to () in the

singular, and to () or (iyn) in the plural : when, how
ever two or more words are constructed together, each of which might
assume the feminine plural sign ^ () or (an), as in many of the
definite tenses, whether active or passive, that sign is usually omitted in
all such words but the last; so, wLjy> or jJmjj ^- lJj they
{jemales) shall be going; ^,L&yi> or p&^b ^2- iJj^0 fb we {females)
shall be being beaten. Sometimes, though but rarely, the plural
termination is repeated : see in paragraph 23, d. also paragraph 24,
note f.



To words of this description, answering to our prepositions, adverbs,

conjunctions, and interjections, the word i/>- {harf) borrowed from the
Arabic, is generally applied. The preposition, which in Hindustani usage
is mostly a postposition, may be termedj>- -JjS- (harf-i jarr) : and,
this is of two kinds : the simple (oyu mufrid) which follows the noun
it governs without the intervention of any other word ; and, the com-
pound (u--^-* murakkab) which usually requires ^ (ke) or ^J> ^ {la)
to intervene between the noun and itself.
34. Of the simple postpositions some notice has already been taken
at paragraph 6 ; to which reference may be made : and, the most
usual postpositions, which become compounds by taking ^ (.ke), or
the inflected masculine genitive of a pronoun, in common before them,
68 A Grammar of

(^Aj near, at the side, by. # near, to, as far as.

near, about, with, yLjJ between, among,

(yahan) at the abode, with. ^.j among, in, between.

^jSa-l^ on account, for. i^^acy among, in the midst.

^ (liye) on account, for. (j^L-l round about.

>1 by reason. jAj! equal to, opposite to.

by reason. <J$ fit, suitable, worthy.

<-i-%cb by reason, Jj capable, worthy.

^^>-yo by means. i^y according to.

\ in front, before. (Jj^o conformable to.

,jifL> in front, before. jJo without, besides.

J^liUi in front, opposite. i^yJ besides, without.

l5=u in the rear, behind. jj'L: in company, with.

A*j after (in point of time). (jjC instead.

over, upon, above. Jjo (jbadat) in exchange, instead.

^^s^j beneath, under, below. -gi'lfc into the hand.

^Jj beneath, under, below. Jj over, across, through,

within, in the inside. by reason, for, to.

jb>\) orj&\> without, out.


clb' to, up to, till. jface to face, in the presence.

the Hindustani Language. 59

The most usual, too, of the postpositions, which become compounds

by taking (.k), or the feminine genitive of a pronoun before them,
i^j^s on the side, towards. > in relation, in respect.

in the manner, like. b on the subject.

^>\i-for the sake, for. * means, by.

35. Adverbs admit of various divisions ; and are too numerous to

be here fully detailed. The adverb of time or place is often derived
from the demonstrative, interrogative, or relative pronouns, though
many are of other sources ; and, a few of the words before described
as compound postpositions, are of frequent use as adverbs : so,
in front, before.
till when, until.
^jfsaj in the rear, back.

jS>\l out.

L-j] .

il$J or <_>! till now, yet.

\tillthen, so long.
d or l-J when ?

"'> % ever, sometime.
<- i.
^^ &c- sometimes.

LS some time or other. hitherto, to this

since when ? how long ago ?

(j-y ^ never.

y>~ or J- or t^sf when.

fiO -4 Grammar of

exactly there, ever?/ where.

where ? ^jyO , within.

somewhere, anywhere. J~$> within,

P^ < somewhere or other, ijjj on this side, near,

{^^ nowhere, ijjj on that side, beyond.

t^fjb every where. jbjlj on both sides, across.

jj\ elsewhere. ^ to day.

ij\i>- where, which place. j yesterday or io morrow.

uV?" wherever. J j-t nowadays, shortly.

^?" here and there, every ^j-^j wo ays a^ro or io .
where. / ays ago or to come.

iP ^" wherever. / days ago or io <.

ijly there, that place. ^jJj ai Ae aww of day, early,

or^j! Aere, hither. in the morning, early,

or>1 there, thither. always, ever,

-^ or^j^ w/ ? whither ? i always, ever,

jbA*^- or_^- where, whither. always, eternally.

jJ-j' oryjj Aere, thither. ilS' some time or other.

,j> ^todS 8ic. whence? Jy-b yet.

^^'- Aere awa" Aere. also, too, moreover, even.

The most common adverb of interrogation is () or JjJ

(jtyukar) why? how? or ^JaJ^yS (kiswste) wherefore? why ?
the Hindustani Language. 61

The adverb of cause or reason, (kyki) because that, or

^a-dj-l (iswste) for this reason.
The adverb of similitude, \~-sj- (jaisa) as, like as, or bj^ (goya) one
might say, as it were.
" 9
The adverb of explanation, l$ L-s^- (jais ) or ^^>- (chunn-
chi) like as, so as, or * (mislan) for example.
The adverb of peculiarity, (ht) or ^pb (hi, used as an affix or
a separate word) or ^ (, as an affix only) very, exactly.
The adverb of assent, (hn) or (hn) or ^gb (JaZ) yes.
The adverb of negation, (na) or (nahm) no, not, nay, nor,
neither, (ahah) or () way, , o .
The adverb of prohibition, ti-vc (mat) not, do not.

36. The Conjunction (<-*>- <jp- harfijumla) may be

Conditional (jo) if, when, or^fl (agar) if.

Consequential (to) then (answering to the conditional).
Of exceptionji (par) but, moreover, jLb (lekin) but, yet, jL*
() but, unless, except, b (balki) but.
Of explanation (ki) that, because.
Conjunctive jj\ (aur) or () and : or (dakh.) jjB> (haur).
Disjunctive b (ya) or, x\j=- (khwh) whether, or, (ki)
that, or.

37. The Interjection may be

Of addressing or calling to <j\ (ai) or (e) or \ () or

(a) ! ijji (are) or ^1 (abe) you fellow ! &c,
j! (lo) look ! see ! there now !
Of astonishment or of applause \j (wh) or i\j i\j (wh wh)
well done ! bravo ! \$~\ (achchha) or ^- (khub) well !
excellent !
62 A Grammar of

Of grief or pain iT (ah) or ,_/lfi> (Ji'e) or /1> (w'e) or lj

() or L_jlj (wwaila) or ^'U (A' ') wo .' alas !
lackaday !
Of applause or exultation (^bL> (shbsh) bravo ! j^-s- LS=-
(jai jai kr) huzza !
Of blame or censure (chhz), <y &y (tauba tauba),
U>\ (/), tush ! fy !



38. The Cardinal numbers, from one to one hundred, with Indian,
Arabic, and European figures representing them, are as follows :


2 f
1 1 1 (k) Sj) 9 4 (waw) y

2 (d) j 10 I* (das)

3 r () ^ 11 1 1 (igrah) )J\
4 (cAr) jU- 12 ir (brah)

5 (pnch) 13 ir (trah) ^j

6 1 i (chha) q>- 14 IF ... (chaudah) s$>-

7 V (sai) CL>\~> 15 u 14 (pandrah) jMJ

8 t (fith) \ 16 11 (solah)
the Hindustani Language. 63


lb r
1 S
17 IV a . . . (satrak) 38 (at'htis)

18 \ n (at'hrah) *,l3! 39 n 3* (untls) L^-Jlbil

19 n ... (unis) Lrr\ 40 p. ... (chlis) j~J\s*-

20 * ... (>7s) j~~ 41 PI (iktlis) ^~Jbt

21 ... (kkis) 42 83 (be'lis) (j-JLj

22 rr 33 ... (b'is) u~j\ 43 IT 83 (ttlis) ^-Jl^jJ

23 rr =4 ... (t'is) 44 ff- 88 ... (chau'lis)

24 rr 38 (chaubis) (j~+jf>- 45 84 (paintlis) y^l^x*)

25 34 (pachis) v-fFf* 46 (ckhi'lis) ~2\$&~

26 M 4 (chhabbis) {J~^>- 47 8v9 ..(saintlis)

27 rv 3\9 (sat'is) u~>*\i~ 48 8b ... (at'Malis) (j-Jb^jl
28 (at'h'is) j^'l^!
3* 49 f] 8 (unchs)

29 M 3 ... (untis) 50 fi* Mo (pachs) (_^^

30 r 4 ... (ils) (j~-J 51 Cl (ikwan)

31 ri ... (iktis) j~~\ 52 (bwan) j^jb

32 rr ^ ... (btis) ^rrr^ 53 cr (Arpara) ^

33 rr ... (ttis) 54 f 48 (chauwan) ^>-

34 3* (chautis) u-Jfs- 55 ce 44 ... (pachpan)

35 34 (paintis) (j~~-j 56 cl $ ... (chkappan) jtff-

36 ri (chhattis) ~>. 57 cv 4V9 ... (sattwan) ^I-j

37 rv (saintis) u~f.*~> 58 4t ... (at'hwan)
64 A Grammar of


1 i 1
4 4
59 b\ 4 (unsat'h) 80 * to ... ... (assi)

60 V (st'ti) -L) 81 AI (iks)

61 11 (iksat'h) ^L\ 82 (b's)

62 ir (bast'h) Lsb 83 AT ... (tirs) i*^/>

63 ir ft ... (tirsat'h) -Ljj 84 Ap ta ... (chaursf)

64 IIe A
ft ... (chausat'Ji) ^Ly 85 ... (pachsi)
- ^
65 le ft ... (painsat'h) .fi.,.;,,, 86 Al t ... (chh's) ^-sL^>-

11 87 AV
66 ft (chhTsafh) ,$L>[*$>- t\9 ... (sais) ^j*cli3

67 IV (satsaVh) 88 M tt ... (at'hast) ^\$

68 1A (at'hsath) ^L^i\ 89 vi te ... ('st) i->V
. ^
69 \ ft ... (unliattar) j^i\ 90 eo (nauwe)

70 V ... ... (sattar) 91 ei ... (iknawe) oyll

71 vi V9<) (ikhattar) 92 ir (bnaive) i_s>jb

72 vr ... (jbahattar) j^) 93 ir ... (tirnawt) Ly]f

73 vr ^ (tihattar)J^j 94 es (chaurnawt)
m S *
74 . . . (chauhattar)j^>y~ 95 4c (pachanawt) ^

75 v V94 ... (pachhattar) 96 11 (chht'nawe) ,_cyl^js.

76 vi . (chhihattar) j^tf^- 97 iv e\9 ... (satnaioe) t^ybi

m ^
77 vv \9\9 ... (sat'hattar) j*~> 98 1 et ... (aVhnawe)
78 VA ... (aVhhattar) 99 11 ... (ninnawe) ,_<jjLi
79 vi \ (unsf) 1 100 ^00 (sau) j-o or (sai) ^j-

the Hindustani Language. 65

Some variations from the above occur in the dialects, even, of

Hindustan and Bombay ; and still more in the Dakhni of Madras :
for the latter, reference may be made to the appendix of the author's
Hindustani Grammar ; but the most striking differences discovered in
the former are here subjoined. So, j^f gyarah, 11; \J^\ at'hr,
18 ; \j~>\ unnis, 19 ; {j-^j) k!s, 21 ; ktls, 31 ; [j-*~J
s 9
taintis, 33; (_>rjja- chauntls, 34; ars, 38; yJls?!
<. -
unchalts, 39; ^-JbiLi! ktls, 41 ; ^^Jbi-J taintts, 43 ; ^^Jb^-
chhatts, 46; ^-JIj^I artlts, 48; ^Ml ekawan, 51; ^^j- chaupan,
54; \ffc$ pachwan, 55; ^SLil ksafh, 61; l!U^>-1^ chhchhat
or ^L^>- chha-safh, 66; .L^l arsat'h, 6S ; j^A khattar, 71;
tirhattar, 73; jUb-$>- chha-kattar, 76; cfcs, 81 ;
>m, or birs, 82; ^bsi panchas!, 85 ; ^^f- chhsi, 86;
nauwad, 90 ; ^^ tkanawt, or iknauwe, 91 ;
bnauw or ty]/ birnauw, 92; ijyj/ tirnauw, 93, &. ; ^
panchnawe, 95 ; ^^- chhanawe, 96 ; | nau'naioe, 99.
a. The series after one hundred is continued thus, tl&J j-i ilX>j
saa &, 101 ; _j-> J o saw pach'is, 225 ; LUol jj! jlps >\
i hazar aur , 1001 ; l<r-l j^J uJ^ ek hazar panch sau
ikkis, 1521.
b. When the word CS>} is immediately subsequent to another
numeral or other numerals, it may convey the meaning of near or
about, one more or less than such number or numbers ; as,
about a hundred ; j y near two hundred and two : and, if
a noun is used, it generally precedes the numeral, when this sense is
intended ; so, <JS\ ^j<S\ about ten men ; am tlSo! _jj two
ghafis or so afterwards.

66 Grammar of

39. The Ordinals are

1st. L^ pabla. 6th. l<%>- chhat'h or ^^>~
2nd. dsr.
G 7th. siwH.
3rd. tlsr. cc_
8th. ^ljfl t'kwn.
4th. Vj?" chaut'h.
9th. raaaicr.
5th. ^Ijq^b pnchwn. 10th. (^Ij-jJ daswn.
And so forth, by adding generally ^ (wra) or occasionally u!
(aw) to other cardinal numbers.
40. The common aggregate or collective numbers are

saikra, 100. $ lk'h, 100,000.

Jjb hazar, 1000. )sj> karr, 10,000,000*
41. In a distributive sense the numerals, whether cardinals or
ordinals, are repeated; as, <S>) cl>j one by one; j^-J by tens ;

u!A>Jj i^V^V ??' twelfth Proportionals and reduplicatives are
formed by adding \ guna, or, more especially with regard to the folds
or rows of any material, taha, or \jt lam, or \J^j part to the
modified forms of the cardinals as used in composition, and in some

cases to the unaltered forms ; so, single, double, l^-J treble,
f * ' '
quadruple, 12>=^ quintuple, Vji sextuple, septuple,
Us . octuple, U^y nine fold> tenfold. With Persian numerals,

* In the decimal arrangement of numbers, the rank or degree of

units is termed \ ek't; that of tens, l*^ dah'i ; that of hundreds,
VjSL-j saikr (or at Bombay, ^(.mi snkra) ; that of thousands, l^l^b
hazr ; that of tens of thousands, ^JjJb jj-.J das-hazr ; that of hundreds
of thousands, lakk'ha, &c.
the Hindustani Language. 67

is much used for the same purpose ; as, jojs-^J twofold, twice as
much; Jki>- <Uj treble; ^>- jV?" quadruple; sus- j ninefold;
x tenfold: whilst or <0 may be subjoined in a like meaning
to the simple forms of the cardinals as before given, or to the Persian
nouns of number; so,^^J twice as much; 3 ^ threefold; ji\j> CuL
or j seuen fold.
42. The usual terms for fractionate are

4 jb p'. Ii 1j- saw (with

f jb >j)j derh p'. lf jJ (quarter
less) do.
I bo c?A.
21 j saw rfo.

1 V iJ ^ tihal. 3 ^ sr'A (with a
half) .
19f y~+3 j^ijJ paune bis.

And with the aggregate numbers, these terms are used as follows

75 ~ (Jjj paun sau (100-^). f 1,250 Vj-s saw hazr.

125 Ij-: saw (+). 1,500 jlj JjJ derh hazar.

150^ rfr sa (100+). 1,750j^^J jijj paune do hazr.

\lby jt^paunt do sau(2Q0-^) 2,250 _jJ saw d hazr.

225j-,jJ saw ao sa(200+^) 2,500j|jJb ^ Uji afha't hazr.

250 ^-j ^ ljl arhl sau. 75,000 ^1 jj paun lk'h.%

750 L ^jJ'i-j sr si saM.J 125,000 ^3 \y> saw lk'L

* At Bombay, li^J paun. + At Bombay, ^^ sah.

% At Bombay,j^ Ij^J paun hazr. At Bombay, ^f Xi^paun lk'h.

68 A Grammar of

150,000 t*) derh lk'h. 225,000 jlyi \y* saw d lk'h.

175,000 ^patin do lk'h. 250,000 & J\$ afhl lk'h.

43. Abstract nouns are often obtained from adjectives by subjoining

s?* (0* as iJ^jf*- breadth, Ijj. broad.

* (pa) f blb*j old age,

(pan) \u\<L+> widowhood Ij-j widow.

U- (s) f^l^lc sweetness, s

cUa> (hat) iJUfcjf bitterness, fitter.

\j (t) bLo^ softness. > JcjS so/i.



Sometimes, though but rarely, by subjoining to primitive

' {at) as l~wciM humanity, from ^-Jt .
(yai) c-%ilsu council, ,, ^\:five.

* When the original word terminates in i silent, i becomes substi

tuted for that letter before the affix (_$ () ; so, ^j^> freshness, from
ijfresh: and, in Dakhni, (ag) or i^>\ ('egt) occurs as an affix
to form abstracts.
+ A long vowel is sometimes shortened before the affixes, as in these
the Hindustani Language. 69

Abstract or verbal nouns, moreover, are abundantly derived from

verbs ; some having the same form as the imperative in the second
person singular ; others resembling the past or present participle in
either gender ; so, speech ; jjfear; jU beating; b!jj the faculty
of speech, from J^j speak ; ^jix> a reckoning, from ^ count ; a
saying or order, dictum, from -yS say. They are, also, to be obtained
from the second person singular of the imperative, by adding

as /bo pressure, from

il ascent, ascend.
i^V feeding, 14 feed.
/1 () t_i ijj a sowing, ) sow.

^ (an) i [^s>- a burning, J- .

lj () deception, ^Uj deceive.

tbj (wai) il tijbj contrivance, bj contrive.

9 9
L2-.4 (Aai) iJUbib a calling, h call.

And, to Persian adjectives, or to imperatives of verbs, ji. , {ish) is

often added to form nouns of this description, not unfrequently used in
Hindustani ; so, production, from \xj produced ; l-Pij^ know
ledge, from ^Ij know.
44. The name of the agent or doer is commonly obtained by sub
joining i\j (wla) or (jira) each liable to change for gender, num-
ber, and case, to the inflected infinitive of a verb ; as, lj ^J-^ writer,
smiter : nouns of the like use are, moreover, sometimes had
from verbal roots by affixing

S(ak) as tl^y a writer, from write.

(k) a swimmer, ^ swim.

(ha) W\"}ii a runner, jyl run.

70 Grammar of

\jj (jora) as a deserter, from i*f\#flee.

Gj (waiya) ,, \ a singer, ^ sing.

And, words denoting the manager or agent in anything, are occa
sionally formed from nouns, by the addition of
J ^ * i a wharfinger,from <J1>U/ a wharf.
j\} (war)
? !
\& (ha) a trotter, ^Jl a trot.
t >
(hr) j\?3)!?~ bracelet-seller, ,, lSj}!>- bracelet.

j\ (r) jtk>- a currier, lW leather.

\j (wa) l^s-* a fisherman,

j(S) a watchman, j^j a watch.

\j_ (ira) I ^1 snake-catcher, ,, i_^jL: snake.

^^.'.^^ a messenger, a message.

V. / $ butter-man, " Gutter.

bV. / (iyra) grass-cutter, grass.

' (ait) spearman, \q spear.

Jb (pe) " Jb^S a cowherd, cow.
(>) " U^.f a carter, >} LSj^cart.

,, Lbljbi ploughman, J> a plough,

() {Jj a porter, tt j a door.

0CJ (band) iAJa a farrier, J*J a horseshoe.

j (bar) " a guide, *\j away.

? o;
jb (Jz) JtV* cockfighter,
^ (C*) i^fVJ^ a drummer, a drum.

jlj (d>) >, jtaiwcj a landholder,
the Hindustani Language. * 71

() as ujji? an archer, from j an arrow.

jL) {saz) jL> ^j- orator, ,, speech.

jl (&>) j&w evildoer, Jo em.

(gr) JJb\ sinner, l sin.

(gar) \yt a merchant Ij^-i trade.

45. The noun of place is sometimes the same in form as the infini-
tive of the verb; as, in it is a range or park for deer ;
but, it is more frequently formed from substantives by affixing
ijc~>, (istn) as yl^Ji burying-place, from ^ a grave.
/ 9G
,^b-j (siw) ^b-jjiXA India, jAi Indian.
c^ -\
(si) J**?*
, \a temple, 3^ a god.
J~> (sthal) &~y J
SI (7) Slj-s Siva's temple, _j~> .

J ' (0 JjiJ temple, j* a god.

~> (5.r) c?Ul .
V , flower-garden, , ' flower.

(wan) i^ljjf* J

JL> (so7) a stable, a horse.

a cow-house, )b a cow.

- - proper
(nagar) JjAoA city of Ahmad, names.
jW (bd) ^- city of Haidar, jJus

^lo (dn) ,, ^ J**ii a pen-case, X> a pew.
jlj (zr) ,, a tulip-bed, a tulip.

(shan) ^- a rose-bower, ,, parse.

st(gh) s*J\j\ a resting-place, Aj\ rest.

72 Grammar of

46. The noun of instrument may be the same in form as the infi
nitive of a verb ; or, it may be obtained by adding ^ (an) or ()
to the second person singular of an imperative ; so, U-j or ^J^i a
rolling-pin, from (J-J roll ; \J>j& a Pair f scissors, fromj& clip. In
the instance of if a ball, this noun seems formed from the adjective
f round, by the addition of \ (a) : and, from substantives it may be
had by affixing
J\ (at) as JV.jt^ an hour-bell, from 'ghart.

Jj (l) ,, a camel's nose-stick tA$ a nose.

a (a) ,, <&~jJ a handle, ,, t^-jJ a hand.

j\ (na) jhj\ a thimble, u^tSi] a finger.

CJ (ak) aj>- spectacles, an eye.

47. A diminutive noun is obtained from the common noun by
\ () as Lii a little daughter,irom ^JLj a daughter.

J>." (0 jji 1y. a tiger ,s whelp,

, , a tiger.
h(m) LJ
\.,(iy) \r asmallbedstead, db\ a bedstead.

\j (wa) a manikin, <^o a man.

CS(ak) Cjjji a musket, cy a cannon.
, (cha) sn_b a Zittfe garden, Ij a garden.

* >a kettle, Ci a caldron,

(cht) ^jfiJ

Or, by changing a final \ (a) to , (); as, a string, from L,

a rope; ^f a bullet, a pill, from ^a .

48. Adjectives may be formed from substantives by prefixing

the Hindustani Language.

K) as Ji>\ fruitless, from

\J (an) impossible, to be, being.

U (na) Ju^olU hopeless, Jwcl hope.

j(e) II jU- helpless, *,U help.

(ni) (1 jSj fearless, fear.

() disrespectful, ,, j\ respect.

M () undefiled, filth.

? jfisxj incautious, ,, j+- care.

8* (0
(Jad) t Jo ill-bred, tZi\ nature.
b b
^ (kam) ff lu-o;^ wretch, \j^ssTfortune.

1 {ham) ft C&Jl jjb concordant, ), iZJ>\ sound.

V (U) ft <>jj~> well-formed, tJ)jform, shape.

cS(ku) ti JjS ill-mannered, t&AiS manners.

Or, by affixing
4^(0 as Kf])^i of the market, from jljlj market.

^)f- wooden, i?
<> , () silken, >>
<b , (iyna) dUL> annual, JL> year

i, (ja) juicy, ij-jjuice.

h () w hj domestic, j house.
j J-ijJ tusked,
b O b ^
J^e (mand) Ai^sJjJ wealthy, tz-rJjO wealth.
,jU (wmra) ^UbdJ wise, iJj wisdom.
(want) t> t^-jjb powerful, Jj power.
9 b
j (B) tt jlVpf- quarrelsome, >7 quarrel.
4 Grammar of

1(5)- as from hunger.

.<) lLj biennial, JL^t) -o years.

' () l^jj! golden,

() hindermost, If^U iAe rear.

,00 jjljoJ sightly, .

K(it) \S1 single, ul$\ .

Ij () IjjJ double,

\j(r) ^ Aree.

() >J ^Ij-J tenth, e/.
1 () aquatic, ^yb water.

(^.^jiLj marriageable, > U-Lj marrying.

jlj (wer) >i grievous, r> grief.

3j (band) Jcj armed, ^L^iA arms.

(mand) JoJig intelligent, J intelligence.

\ (na) <lL childish, Jib a /.

jb (dar) jIjUj faithful, \ij fidelity.

(sr) jL-s^ mountainous, t a mountain.

^jXj sorrowful, I sorrow.

C\ (nk) C/Uy> terrible, Jys> terror.

jj (war) J renowned, IU a .

j)\ (war) jA)jj strong, jjj strength.\try.

\j (za) \jsSj foreign-born, ^J^ foreign coun-

S\j (zda) *j|ji^sr -, >'>_^wsr 5? (man).

(gn) ^LLj blue-coloured, Jj Wwe, indigo.

the Hindustani Language. 75

(jam) as ^U^^fij saffron-coloured, from ^^iej saffron.

JjU (ma' il) JjU^Jy yellowish, ,, tJ^jj yellowness.

X> (kona) four-cornered, f>~'mcorap.four.

JL (gsha) ,, Ji^^jtJ> hexagonal six.

49. Adjectives of intensity may be obtained from verbs, by affixing

to the second person singular of the imperative Cil (k) 1 (ka) or
ISol ianka) or (waiya) ; as, /IjjJ a greai runner, fromJjJ ;
quarrelsome, from j! fight; bji eloquent, from jT speak.
50. Adjectives, as well as adverbs, *of which latter some notice has
already been taken at par. 35, may be derived from pronouns in
various ways ; and, like their originals, they are used demonstratively,
interrogatively, or relatively : so, from * (or Dakh. ^ yah) this,
are deduced UjI or Is1 orW or >! this-much, so much, so many ;

this-like, such; uj or j&j)t in this manner, thus : from ij (or Dakh.

op '
j waA) Aa, bJl or \ or Isjj or hjj that-much, so many ; l~Jj that-
Zie, so; or that manner, so: from who ? what?
tc/cA ? Li or bs- or b or ? .? many ? ^ how

many ? L-o what-like ? sor of? how ? uj orJy how ? in

what manner ? why ? somewhere, anywhere : from y>- or ,jj>-
who, what, which, or wAai quantity, as much as, as many as ;
as many ; what-like, as ; or ^f- or>&- as, like as :
and, from or ^i Aa, come orb-J so much, so many ; so
# ; L~J such, so ; or or ^jiJ so, in that manner.
51. Transitive and causal verbs have been already noticed at para
graph 27. They are generally formed from other verbs by the inter
position or addition of ! or } or or lj or 1 The letter \ is frequently
inserted after the first consonant of the root; and sometimes, though
but rarely, it follows the second ; in other cases, it is added to the
76 A Grammar of

last : so, L5l o ca, from o Je ca ; o tofe oa, from Ulj

o issue; liW1 o save, from lisr fo escape: and are used imme-
diately before the last consonant of the root ; as, to open, from
io opened ; to pound or grind, from I: io be ground : and
or 3 is always subjoined to the root ; so, toljjj o caMse io frighten,
from tjJ to fear ; liSo io cause to give, from >0 to give. When the
root, moreover, is a monosyllable ending in \ or j or , the last letter
is commonly dropped and J inserted before the causal sign \ or \j ; as,
and Uljl^ tofeed and io caase to feed, from Ijl^ o ca ; ULj and

IIjLj io caase to sleep and io caase to put to sleep, from to sleep ;

ILj and UIjLj o caase io sew and o cawse io be sewed, from L-~* io


52. The terms usually applied to grammar are ysr ii^e (sarf
nahw) which may be translated inflection or accidence and syntax :
the first has already been treated of, in Chapters ., III., and IV.
especially ; and the latter, with which practice in the language will
give the best acquaintance, seems not to require here any very minute
or lengthened explanation.
53. The noun in the genitive case usually precedes that with which
it is constructed, as does the adjective its substantive : with these
exceptions, and unless a conjunction occurs, a relative pronoun, an
interjection or vocative, or some word which by way of especial dis
tinction or of emphasis takes the lead, the nominative case to the
verb generally presents itself first in a sentence ; nouns in other cases
if required, a participle or adverb, may follow almost promiscuously ;
the Hindustani Language. 77
s * *
but, the verb generally finishes the whole : so, ^jt> ^ Joli ^^aS ^1
l Ma > ^ / 4>T ^ < *
or?/ ie advantage this is, that of the low bred the society (makes)
the free born a slave, and the slave ruined makes. In poetry, how
ever, but little regard is sometimes had to this arrangement: as,
' jJj ^bjj jU tirS-"' ' X~Jb lij-J!) jlOJs ^ (Jj~i studious of

language are the intelligent ; by language is the name of the good

54. Nouns of various genders, coming together in a sentence, re
quire the adjective, verb, or participle, governed in common by them,
to have the masculine form; as, yj\> ^~>\ uji? <-?^# ^J* L*^
^jfi jj ^Ji her mother, father, brother {alt) the three in the
meditation of the marriage of her were. With regard to inanimate
beings, however, the adjective or participle usually agrees in gender
with the noun, nearest which it is placed ; so, <>h ^ ^JL)
i^* hfji u4 S son s book and paper are lying here.
55. Two nouns, having reference to the same person or thing, may
S- f
stand in apposition without any word intervening ; as, pJJ i_$ l^j \
his brother Bikram.
56. Notice has already been taken, at par. 6, of the changes to
which the postposition \ is liable in construction : and, though this
particle serves generally to link together words of various import,
yet on certain occasions it seems to be idiomatically dropped, and
especially after a noun of weight or measure ; so, Ganges-
bank-on; ^Jj j\j> a thousand tolas {of) gold: and, on the con
trary, its use in some cases may appear to us redundant ; as, in
ksl l Jj fikr's word, or the word fikr. This postposition, moreover,
is adopted to denote purpose, worth, size, possibility, totality, 8tc, as
well as mere relationship; so, ^ J\4 an eating room;
78 A Grammar of
la < \ j j-s jj of two hundred rupees a horse ; Jjjfj^f-
o/" a Zarge Aead a boy ; [^^> ^ [^rr^ -\l ^s (.female*) cannot live ;
l t^~ the whole field ; ^- l _^ aZZ together; jx&- \
all a picture; ^ CL>\j ^ cd\j in the dead of the night; cLfb
cub in the mere word; ^ ^jt^ concealed.
57. The nominative case is very often used when it is the object to
a transitive verb ; and, indeed, no inflection of a noun, except for the
nominative case plural, can take place without a postposition or pre
position immediately expressed or understood ; the latter circumstance,
however, not unfrequently occurs, there being many expressions which
from use are become idiomatical without the postposition : so, j^J
jbj y do tell me the name of this; U- j house go, go home;

li~> < l^J 1^^' neither seen (with) eyes nor heard (with)
ears; ^jJJs l&T Ganges bank (on) ; -Jo (in) good manner;
jP ^JLj j ^J> (at the abode) of him were two daughters, an
ellipsis of some word, perhaps occurring in this and generally
in similar sentences. The nominative case, moreover, supplies the
place of the accusative, when another word with the dative postposi
tion occurs in the same sentence ; unless both words happen to be
pronouns, when each may be followed by its casual sign : so,

^j jj lJj~ L5^S thou thy own daughter to my son give;

ISjjJ jj / will give him to you.
58. When two or more words in the same oblique case are used
together, the postposition is usually subjoined to the last only; as,
u 'jfi 3 * .> mines fgld> silver> copper,
iron, &.C. : and, if they are in an oblique case of the plural, though
even a conjunction intervene, the plural sign may be omitted in all
such words but the last; so, ^j> LS jfl how shall
we give a description of the elks and deer ?
the Hindustani Language. 79

59. The simple postpositions follow immediately the nouns they

govern; but, such nouns, participles, or adverbs, as are in common
use postpositively, may sometimes precede the words with which they
are constructed : so, {_^\ -gb or .Lj ^\ with him ; c^U
i or (j?>Lo ^J i^L&iS through fear {stricken of fear);
l U"4 or w4 l/ ^ horse.
60. Adjectives, if immediately preceding or following the substan
tives they qualify, must be made to agree with them in gender, case,
and number ; but, when separated by any other word, they may be
used in the uninflected form of the masculine singular, whatever the
state or gender of the substantives may be ; as, *j W ^
make his face black.
61. With numerals, the singular form of a noun, whether in the
nominative or any other case, is generally preferred to the plural ; so,
l^U j*o jU- ^jj ^L ^ three soldiers beat four men ; J^jSa

Isyb ^> ^s? there may be something less than a thousand horse:
yet masculine nouns capable of inflection usually take the nominative
plural form, as feminine nouns may occasionally take the latter, when
more than one in number is to be denoted; so, ^Jj ^ three
horses; four daughters.
62. When the feminine genitive of a pronoun or adjective, or even
some feminine form of a verb, is used without any noun expressed,
such common word as ob affair, matter, is generally understood ;
so, lii-j ^ j < he neither mentions his own {affair)

nor attends to {that) of others; l y> ff* whatever

was to be, that {has) happened.
63. In speaking of one's self with another, it is customary to give

* Yet jj may be regarded as a compound (nominal) verb : see

par. 28.
80 A Grammar of

the first person the precedence, and, for that person even the plural
is often adopted, though an individual only is intended; so, ^ j** or
^^ijjb- J! S> I and you will go.
64. If the saying of a third person be reported, the same pronouns
and the same words, in every respect, are commonly retained, as were
used by the first speaker ; so, ^jtf- < ^ he said that
I shall not go, meaning in our idiom, that he should not go ; U-lj
\)j*> jLo ^il^ S the king wished that striking the sword I
will die, meaning, that he would die.
65. The second personal pronoun is rarely used in the singular,
unless from motives of adoration, endearment, familiarity, or contempt:
in speaking respectfully to any one, the plural of this person at least
must be adopted ; but, when a dependant addresses his superior, or a
great degree of deference is intended, t->l self, master, <Jjs-
the presence, ^j\^o great prince, or some other such term of honour,
must be used, and generally with a verb in the third person plural.
In mentioning a third person, moreover, respectfully, the plural is
substituted for the singular, as it is not unfrequently done in the first
person ; yet, when any one speaks of his own actions or circumstances
with humility to a superior, or seeks even to address his friend with
great respect, it is customary to substitute such words as or *1
slave, ljA devoted, weak, ^J beggar, sinner, &c. ; or,
in the latter case, j\&~ij friendly, ij? sincere, aly^-- wellwisher,
&c. for the first personal pronoun.
66. When a possessive pronoun, referring to the same person or
thing as the subject of the sentence or the nominative case before the
verb, is required, the common or reflective 8tc. must then be used ;
as, tu tell thy name ; $ ^) the prince
began to say in his own mind: and this reflective possessive may even
the Hindustani Language. 81

be used substantively ; as, \J\jj ^ i^S^ y 1 ^yjl
/ yow sAa/ 7/ / very own, then the protection of whom will
you make ? In a second member of a sentence, however, the peculiar
possessive, and not the common, must be adopted ; as, t_>b \jro jj\
I and my father.
67. If used in a respectful sense merely, as noted at paragraph 65,
the word <_ does not admit of inflection before postpositions ; so,
^jb ^j^sr0 .i*; jrFfjf- <>l I have pleasure, Sir, in your
living a long life : and, to when used as a term of respect, the
Persian <^- (Jhud), of similar meaning, is at times subjoined ; or,
even the word people, or ^^jl if plurality be intended.
68. The interrogative, L what ? which ? seems not immediately
applicable to persons. It is often used by way of scorn, as well as to
express satisfaction, astonishment, or desire : and, in these senses it
may be followed by the appellations of human beings ; so, s\yo\j. L
what a scoundrel ! It may be, also, adopted discriminatively ; as,
^Uiwc j3& \J whether Hindu or Musalman.
69. The interrogative adverbs and are very emphati
cally used to denote non-existence, dissimilitude, or difference ; as,
LS^b lAv^ li>4^ where (is) that prince? where that princess?
meaning, that they exist not ; ^jLy \& \s>-\j where is
king Bhoj 1 where Ganga the oilman ? importing that there is no
resemblance between them.
70. Though the indefinite pronoun is generally applied to ani-
mate beings, as -fs* is to inanimate, yet this distinction is not always
observed ; as, inj>- ci <fc any thing, some man.
71. The verb commonly agrees in gender and number with the
nominative or subject of the sentence ; except, however, that to a
number of irrational beings, taken collectively, a singular verb may
be attributed ; and, that in general a plural verb is used with such
82 A Grammar of

terms of honour or respect in the singular as are often substituted for

the second personal pronoun : so, \i J *} he makes a practice
/ guarding ; ^j ^J^jJ the girl was reading a lesson;
\j\ or I ^jj^ a hundred horse or horses came ; -Aj\*>
I ^3~' >^ cu-je-* <_>! majesty has with
great labour come on my account. And, when two or more nomina
tives of different genders come together in the same member of a sen
tence, the verb and participles usually accord with the masculine in
this particular, as exemplified at paragraph 54.
72. Transitive verbs in any past tense of the active voice, in con
struction with which the particle must follow the subject or agent,*
if actually expressed, are made to agree in gender and number with
the object of the sentence, provided that it is a noun, either understood,
or stated as is most usual in the nominative case ; but if the object be
placed in the oblique case, or if it be a member of a sentence, the verb
has invariably the form of the third person singular masculine. In
this construction, the subject or agent, if actually expressed, is gene
rally inflected by if capable of inflection ; the first and second per
sonal pronouns being the only words liable to change for case, that
retain the form of the nominative, whether in the singular or plural,
before this affix.+ With the verb W to bring, however, which is in
fact compounded of take and lit to come, or with Ljy to speak,
though the former seems in all cases to convey a transitive meaning
and the latter sometimes so, this construction is never admitted ; as,
&>j>- jjjLo ^ f>- a Brahman purchased (and) brought

an egg-plant ; i he said that

* These remarks do not apply to the Dakhni, in which dialect the

particle ^ does not interrupt the usual concord of the verb with the
nominative case.
+ See, moreover, the note to paragraph 23.
the Hindustani Language. 83

73. The form of the infinitive serves for the gerund or verbal noun,
and in many cases for the noun of instrument or of place, as has before
been noticed : but, it is also not unfrequently used as an imperative, and
imports the absolute necessity of the action intimated ; so, Jilc ^> ^\
Lb; (it is necessary) not to remain neglectful of hint ; ^j^r
Lsiyj you (must) arrive quickly ; l ^j^L 4)V^ \s* I can ty
no means obey your (word) ; 1 ~v this (is under the abso
lute necessity) of not remaining.
74. The past and present participles, whether in the simple form or
compounded with \ , are much used in the state of the inflected
masculine singular, whatever the gender or number of the governing
noun may be, to denote some action incidental with, or preceding,
that which the subsequent verb declares ; as, (in the) taken
of him or for his sake ; ^jj\*o ^J^-^r (in the) stricken of which or
by reason of which; ^^i^-U jj> ^ j l1^jLs

having made to accord all the instruments in one tone (she) was
' s fib?
dancing ;jijV*y) j y \" <J>j& j{ <j~\ Lv ^* l5*^~ *J

on going away he had kept saying that (on) becoming mounted on this
do not use the whip nor strike the spur. With ^ the adverb of pecu-
liarity or identity, or with t^-J) time, subjoined, the simple present
participle, too, is thus very frequently brought into use ; as,
LS^ Li*- 1 * LS* \JflP immediately on seeing that she
remained as one aghast.
75. Both the past and present simple participles, moreover, are
often used absolutely, and sometimes substantively, in the invariable
state of the inflected masculine singular, when constructed with a
preceding noun, or even with a postposition or preposition, or with a
genitive case ; so, Li (on) the become evening ; (on)
the becoming morning ; ^ Jj (in) the striking an eyelid ; Lfs.'*~ Lj
84 A Grammar of

without having understood ; Uj without having heard a
word ; ^ja>j i_^ (in) the remaining of me or before me ; ^4 LS^*^
(at) the sight of which ; ^J^ ^ t-^-s (in) the sight of all ;
; < L5*-j~ 15 (*J one moment without the meditation
of deceit he rests not. It should be remarked, too, that both these
participles are occasionally used as nouns in either gender : and, by
the repetition of a participle, continuance of the action is frequently
76. The indefinite future or aorist may not only convey a present
meaning, but it may be constructed with an auxiliary verb as a pre
sent participle even ; yet, when used in the latter way, it may be
often understood as retaining its future sense : so, ^y tj~
jS> 1 y ^j^-J UT Jj in this (space of time) he went forth
(many) kos, (when) he looks then evening is become ; ^j>j ^f> <0
*j ^jb neither cold nor hot pleases ; I am opening,
or / am about to open.
77. The adverb of prohibition c^v* as well as that of negation <
or (^1fj may be used either before, or after, verbs ; but, though
unfit for construction with an imperative, is more emphatical and in
more general use than < with other forms of the verb ; so, e^v<
j$f-)i do not ask; by no means forget ; J\s^ j do not
suppose. And, when the emphatic is adopted, it frequently
supplants the present of the substantive verb at the end of a sentence ;
as, jjj-^J |JJ ^ ^Ul tj^jj' acts of cruelty (are) not becoming thy
78. The conjunctions and y>- that, are used at the beginning of
one member of a sentence, which explains the object or reason of
another generally preceding. The conjunction too may be used
in the way of comparison or distinction ; as, jx^i cj* ^-*^'
the Hindustani Language. 85

|Uj (that) one man die is better than a whole city ; y(~>\ jLJi
thou mayest take either this or that: it may, also, convey
the sense of saying that ; as, tl3 j" bl* ^1^1-; JL
j& ci-wjp-l <_>! jj blSj ^\ Jj saying this, he called for the
throne, and having given him pan and tilak seated (him) on it,
(saying) that you are now become invincible. At times, though but
rarely, may be adopted as the relative pronoun, after the idiom of
the Persians : and, in some cases, the application of it seems intended
merely to connect the members of a sentence, the meaning in other
respects appearing redundant.
79. The conditional conjunction \ or y>- if requires the conse
quential y or -j then in the following member of the sentence ; as,
u-\ =- y i^rjO ja* v~\ "/ j>\ if any one
should interrupt thee in this, then (fail not) to bring him to me : yet,
the conditional is sometimes idiomatically omitted ; so, *>\
J* ' * r "
j ^y y jrbV* (persn) said, Sir, (if ) you will
give, then why shall I not eat ?
80. The adverb ^y>- or ^y?? must in general be answered by the
correlative ^y or and ^y>- by ^y ^y ; in like manner,
the emphatic adverb of time t^y>- is followed by p'j ; so,
/^?" t&#33 j vflVfr as soon as the dog ate
it, at that very moment he tossing about expired. As adverbs of
9 ? 9 9 '
manner ^ypr and frequently assumeJ> ; so, ' j^ytT t>y jr*
9 s-' -
' jyP ^ lj~> ^5* f as I may say, so it is incumbent on
thee to perform the business.
81. The usual term of affirmation or assent is (h) yes; but,
this may be understood, and <dJ> or J^ or i^&X* or some
other appellation of respect only be expressed, especially in the reply
of a servant to his master, or of an inferior to his superior.
86 A Grammar of

82. The residence of any one is often denoted by ^lyj and, if more
than one place is mentioned, (jibj may be used distinctively for a
similar purpose ; as "> ^^s-\e jU- u-^^-e go to
the gentleman's house here, not to that there. Sometimes, however,
the mere genitive case is adopted, the adverb being understood ; and
the postposition (^-b may be applied in the same manner as ^; : so,
? ! s >
\ 1 U-4 J V* S J U~S fT >V Jj the
servants, who ran to her house, seized and took her away from it.
83. Two words of similar meaning, which resemble each other in
sound, are often brought into use where one alone might have sufficed,
as in the instance of ji[>- exemplified in the last paragraph : one
of such words, however, seems frequently to have little or no meaning,
and to be adopted for the sake of the sound chiefly ; so, ^iyo -f^#>-
falsehood, a whisper. By a repetition, moreover, of nouns
or pronouns, as well as of some other words, individuality may be
intended ; as, Jj l jO_j0 \jp * J* eacn man
having filled each a pitcher of milk; ^,^oj\ bjJ let us
each try his own skill : and, when two past participles of the same
transitive verb come together, the latter of them being in the feminine
gender, reciprocity of action is intended ; so, ^f^J$ pulling
and hauling ; ^ altercation ; ^sj^c \ scuffle ; ^jfi^ ^.^
competition, emulation. Here, too, may be noticed such idiomatical
repetitions of participles as bbj ready made ; U> l> ready
cooked ; ^ l^b in sitting still : or, of nouns ; as, ^^>
in the very midst; in the dead of the night; ,JS with
all {his) ears.
84. To the names of different classes or sects of men, different
appellatives are by way of distinction prefixed or subjoined ; thus
Brhmans take ^>- or ^jj\y or or ^ib ; Musalman Fakirs
the Hindustani Language. 87

are addressed with alb or or ; Hindu devotees or religious

people, with or c^jj or ^ or ^ L ; Rjpts, with \$ ; or
Rjpts and Sikhs, with ,^f\j or ; Moghuls, with before the
proper name, or tj after ; Saiyids, with or Ju> ; Shaikhs, with
*.i> ; Pathns, with ^U- ; Doctors, with C?Jj or (jj!^ or Lo ;
Merchants or Bankers, with iU or -$5^ ; Ladies, with or JLj or
t f Ii
^yU- or ylc- or <U-L> or , which are placed after the proper
name, as ^jU- t-^l , iU-le , -y ;J : and, some of the most common
terms of respectful address, used generally, are * \ ^^V*
or JU <dJ> your Majesty ! ^^ or jJ^A- Sire / t-^-le or ^L*
or ^j>- orjil^ or 1 or Sir.' Master! jj <--*/ cherisher of the
poor !



9 '
God, Deity, \je- khuda, j^^cji paramtswar, <d!l allh.

Lord,jjA tswar, -Jj rabb.

Creator, khlik, Jj kartr,JSs>4j\ frdgr.

Godhead, Divinity, i^>'\- khud', ^>jy>} tswart, t-~^l ilhiyt.

A god, a deity, dv, j~ sur, lJjj<J dvt.

Goddess, i_^>J dtwi, debt, jj> d'tin (f.).*

Angel, izJbJs firishla, malak, CLSjJ dt, i_ajla> htif.

Heaven, <jy swarg, ^UJ smn, e^-^ bihisht (f.).

Sky, Firmament, Atmosphere, ^iTf &s (or jj-.lS! akas), ^U-j!
asman, falak.


Devil, Satan, ^1- shaitn, j^r-W iSZs.

* For the convenience of the learner, feminine words not terminating

in bj () will be marked (f.) generally ; as masculines ending in ()
will be marked (m.).
Vocabulary Nouns. 89
Demon, asur, J dtv, t^oylc ifrit.

Ghost, Goblin, Fiend, trj^ bhut, bhutn, C-^J ^rtf.

Hell, (-ifi- jahannam, dozaMi, c)j> narak.

Fabulous beings.

One of the Genii, j>-jinn.

Fairy, lJj pari.

Some general Terms.

Thing, j*s- (f.), shai (f.), bast, darb.

Mode, Manner, ^~b dhab, jj& taur, uslb, was? (f.).

Kind, Species, ^-i^- jins (f.), *, |-J &, cjlj gi (f.).

Whole, &&- jumla, ^-As^-jam* (f.), sa.

' c a t"
Part,Jz?- juz, iUi- , ans, Jl ftwd, khand.

Cause, v_ sabab, 1_^-< mjib, kran, ti^cb b'is.

Nature, izj\ zt (f.), cuJy prakrit (f.), Z>/b, oLi nihd.

Essence,^^>-jauhar, tuli si (f.), i^-U mahiyat (f.), t^-- *oi.

Element, jca unsur, tat, (proper sphere) li\# thikn.

Fortune, Lot, t_ 1> nasb, </U? bhg,LZ Jismat (J.),^srbakht.

o O'
Fate, Destiny, 1^3 Zi/c, LS as (f.),J&i takdr, \^^Ji kismat (f.).

Beginning, ibtid (f.), J-^ pahal, jUl ghaz, shuru*.

End, ls>3^ aw,^M khir. intih(f.)9 *^5 (f.)

Time, ^; zamn, Jl Z, ^^^ samai, u^jj wakt,j& dahr,

Space (absolute), ^fel ad/har, IST fezs.

Order, tadbtr (f.), -^ rfAaJ, fariJ (f.).

90 Vocabulary. Nouns.

Number, dad, \j ti*dd (f.), W^-4 sankhy (f.).

Form, Figure, isJ srat (f.), J-> shakl (f.), cu Lb Aai'ai (f.).

Matter, Vft hayl, jbfr jauhar, iVe mdda.

Body, ^>-jism, 5^'^ kthi, (jjj badn, UJ dA (f.).

World, jL-i-j sansr, jjlc lam, l^>- jahn, Li J dunya (f.).

^ .
East, <_> purab, mashrik, jj-ii shark.

West, |=f pachchham, <-r^i-< maghrab, <-r^ gharb.

North,y 1 uttar, JU-) shaml (or shiml).

South, jj^J dakhan or dakkhan, t_>j^>- janub.

Spirit, Soul, j-jj (f.), (j-i /s, (jU*- Jt (m. f.).

Life, l5-j (.), C^U Aayi (f.), fj^-jan (m. f.), ^pran ox paran.

Light, U-l ujl,jy> nur, CL>y>-jt (f.), roshn't.

CO cl
Darkness, andher, ^J*j tr'iki, ts-vJ] zulmat (f.).

Heat, ^- harrat, ^ tapan (f.), ^o garnit.

Cold, Coldness, i> thand (f.), ^-5 sard, \j\s? jara.

The Elements.

Ether, (j-\^T frs (or aks),jJ\ asir.

Fire, ti/ 5g (f.), y-iT tas (f.).

Air, Lfe Aa? (f.), ^pawan or / (f.), /b 6' (f.).

Water, t_Jl &, Jsrjal, ^Jbprii (m.),^J wir.

Earth, j^j-^cj zamtn (f.), (JU ', ti/Ui. MA (f.), ^ 5 (f.).

Heavenly bodies, signs, appearances, fc.

Sun, ju> srcy, CJk.iT /ifi, Ju^p- khurshaid.


Moon, JU- chnd, U mah,jA kamar, chandar.

New Moon, dJU-SU bl-chnd, Jib hill, JjU- Lj na?/ cAwrf.

Full Moon, j> ladr, punim, ^ ^jj pran-msl.

Star, tr, sitara, ss? najm.

Constellation, akhtar, kaukab.

Planet, )U-> saiyra.

t -
Saturn, ff~* sanlchar, zuhal, ^S kaiwn.

Jupiter, : brihaspat, i_r~~ mushtari.

Mars, Jx* manga, mirrkh.

CP * ' /
Venus,^-s sm/, tii^- sm, ^bj zuhra (f.), JuU nhid.

Mercury, Jo ZmrfA, J,lkc utrid.

Comet, jhr (m. f.), i_ e, I^ jJ rfam tara.

Meteor, 4->ly<> shihb.

Falling Star, luk, ->-& shihab.

Zodiac, rs-chakr, ^j^J I Aaki^i mintakatu-l-burvj .

Sign of the Zodiac, 0/, (^Jj rs.

Aries, the Ram, ao- -yJ burj-i-hamal, mkh.

Taurus, the Bullay ^ burj-i-saur, brikh.

Gemini, the Twins, ~ burj-i-jauz, mithun.

Cancer, the Crab, w%-> yJ burj-i-saratn, CJ kark.

Leo, the Lion, burj-i-asad, singh.

Virgo, *Li~j sumbula, kaniy (f.).

Libra, the Balance, Jj-* (f.), ^ < (f.).

92 Vocabulary Nouns.

Scorpio, the Scorpion, <_.yb akrab, yog1, bichchhu.

Sagittarius, the Centaur, (f.), dhan or dhanu.

Capricornus, the Goat, ^/ burj-i-jad,jL* makar.

O,/ Lb?
Aquarius, ^ij burj-i-dalv, kumbh.
Pisces, the Fish, cu^s- ^^ burj-i-ht, .

Milky way, Galaxy, ^J^J^ kahkashn.

Mansion of the Moon, nachhattar, manzil.

Zenith, ^J^l c^v*-j samtu-r-ras,J2\ samtu-n-nazar.

Nadir, -^v4J! j-laj nazru-s-samt, J^ ^Jj nazru-r-rijl.

' > .
Sunshine, tjys cZp (f.), p\ ghm (f.), ^U shu'* (f.).

Moonshine, ^yjuls- chandni, -jIsU mhtab.

Eclipse, gahan, (of the sun) kusuf, (of the moon) i_Jj-

Rainbow, ^.j (j.y kaus-i-kuzah (f.), ^ 65r5.

Cloud, a&r, Job badal, wieg (m. f.)-

Rain, , ^jb brn, brish (f.), (dakh.) ^j-f mhy.

Shower, ^jj>- jhar, ^..^yjhs, Ijj&jJ daungra, (jJu^~jhaps (f.).

Fog, Mist,ytij kohar, \jb kohra, kuhasa.

9 9
Vapour, jLi. ghubr, iW; bukhr.

Lightning, ^# (-

Thunder, ^fgarj (f.),jJoJ tundar, S&j raxd.

Dawn, Daybreak, ijj (f.), K*J terA, (f.), ^ arww,

^V5 su (f.).
Vocabulary. Nouns. 93
9 , 9
Twilight (evening), ^tfaf gdht, (jkL shafak, \ muh-
Things relating to Fire.
Flame, > shuxla, _-^5 lahab, (of a fire) ^ \ nch, (of a caudle or

lamp) p5 tern (f.).

Flash, uXy! lahak (f.), bhabhak (f.), LlX^- chamak (f.).

Blaze, ljf^J bhabhk, CJjg bharak (f.) : see Flame.

Spark, chingri, l5&*- chingl, <dl^ parkla, xJjZ sharra.

9 9 '
Smoke, dh'n, pj&J dhm, id.
^ 9 '
Soot, Ijjj-i saunr, <J$\ klik, ntyii duda, sawd.

Ashes, rkk (f.), chhr (f.), ^-^ bhasam (f.), ^-U-
khakistar (f.).

Cinders, (cold) / ', (hot) ^1

Embers, (J#_j# bhubhal, \j>\ angr.

Firebrand, <fc-^-) sokhta, ^J&} lukt, (dakh.) kblti.

Fireworks, ^JLi\ tash-bzi.

Firewood, Fuel, hezam (f.), ^JcjI indhan, <U*a> .

Coal, Charcoal, Lj k'el, JUj zughl.

Things relating to Air.

Wind, jb ' (f.), Jb (f.), otc (f.)

Squall, ^JT , uUjb tfn,jfes?jhakkar.

94 Vocabulary.Nouns.

Whirlwind, i>b j gird-bad (f.), > bagl,jdiy bawandar.

Stormy Wind, 3 b bd-i-tund (f.).
9 9
Hot pestilential Wind, ^y*^> samm (f.), fy*~> Jb bd-i-samm.

Gust, Blast, Breeze, \)<>- jhakr, (^- jhk, CSif phnk.

Fair or favourable Wind, jl b bad-i-murad (f.).

Contrary or adverse Wind, islUr* Jb bd-i-mukhlif.

Zephyr, morning breeze, ob bd-i-sab (f.)

Things relating to Water.

Drop, Jy Jtwd (f.), ajh katra, (of rain) ILS tapk.
9<*9 -9 9
Bubble, Lb bulbul, bulla, ->>- hubb.
Foam, Froth, Scum, {^phen, i kaf(f.).
9 i*
Vapour, steam, Jvk? bukhr, ^jb bph (f.), 6p (f.).

Dew, s (f.), shabnam (f.), si (f.).

' > J>
Fog, Mist, jbj> kohar, \jbji khr,Jjkr , Lb kuhs.
Frost, Hoar-frost, Sb pl,j\$ thr.

Snow, uJ^J barf (. f.), b^>i,jb3 Aar.

Hail, Jj! Z, A] zhala, ^fj tagarg.

Ice, ^ yakh, <i barf (m. f.).

Wave, Billow, ; (f.), te-^ mauja}J^ lahar (f.).

Ocean, samundar, jX*~ samudr, ksr* yac; bahr-i-mufit.

Sea, ^<) , jJo*j samundar, bjJ darya,y\~> sugar.

Lake, J#>-j'AZ (f.), jj>y> sarwar, t-Jl tlb, pokhar.

Bay, Gulf, J^S kU,ja] bahr, khalij.

Vocabulary.Nouns. 95

Creek, Cove, kl.

Abyss, Gulf, jX ka*r, <j\f girdb, dLs! lujja.

River, t^jJ naddi, b^J darya, jj rd, \jj~t sarta (f.).

Rivulet, Brook, Canal, nahr (f.), ^li w/.

Pool, Pond, af &<2, ii.

Deluge, u^jb ffn, tjL*b tughyni.

Inundation, 11 <, -1~> sailab (f.) : see Deluge.

Whirlpool, Eddy, Vortex, girdb, bhawar, (dakh.)


Harbour, Haven, Port, bandar.

Tank, <_->Ul iZi, j/> sarwar, <^><f>- hauz.

Quagmire, JjJ^ daldal (f.), pnfc, ^jfci) dhasan (f.).

Bog, Slough, il&b pw, JjJj daldal (f.).

Fen, Marsh,^l$s>- jhbar (f.), (dakh.) **> .

Spring, Fountain, <U->- chashma, \y sota, Jc wrf.

Well, IjS ', *U- cA, (large one of masonry) \J,j\ indr, ^
Pit, b>- cA.

Ditch, Moat, b/ M7, JJ^=- khandak (m. f.).

Shore, Strand, Beach, Coast, Bank, tir, iJ^S kinra, lab,

Things relating to the surface of the Earth.

Land, Ground, Soil, ^ bhm (f.), * mitt or ^JL* mat,

zamn (f.), .
96 Vocabulary. Nouns.

Dry land, khushkl (in opposition to i_$Ji tari, water).

Island, tpu, dip, xjjs*- jazira.

Peninsula, y>- jazira, i_-oJ dtp.

Plain, Level, musattah, ^X-yo maidn.

Field, khtt, ^)&+ maidn.

Park, Chase, ramna, ilfJLi> shikr-gh.

Mountain, jl^j pahf, kdh, J->- jabal, i-J^ parbat, (dakh.)

J>jyi dongar.

Hill, Mount, L3 i?Z, Jj , pahf, xfi kh, (dakh.)

w t.
Hillock, L5 , JJ tall, (dakh.) \jLj tekr, cS^-^ tnkrl.

Rock, J~) siZ (f.), pahar, kh.

Stone, jfj patthar, <~ sang, j& hajar, (dakh.) phattar.

Block of Stone, ^j&>- chatn or chattn (f.).

Pebble, *jl~> sang-reza, *jij&~> f gl sangriza.

o- o
Gravel, Grit, t#J patthri,JjS kankar : see Pebble.

Sand, (-i^j re (f.), j!b bl (f.), cl>j ''g (f-)> J*> ram-

Mould, Loam, ^JU mitf or : see Clay.

Chalk, khar or ^fjp khari-mitti, chhu'l.

Clay, gil (f.), ^JLv ^J^>- chiknl-mittt.

Mud, Mire, Dirt, jS^ kichar (f.), kick, chahl or chihl,


Dust, Jy>J tfZ (f.),jjJJ d/wr (f.), gardii.).

Vocabulary, Nouns.

Turf, jfU- chr (f.), cai.

Clod, Laj i?AZ, kulukh, dal, IIj pinda.

Minerals, Metals, Sfc.

A Metal, Mineral, Ore, A5, Jli ^.

Gold, Uj-j son, _j , ffS kanchan, ills iifi.

Silver, bjy , p~> sim, ^jijjU- chandra, xj nukra.

Tin, ^Jj kala', Kil^ ranga, arziz, jbej rasas.

Copper, tamba, mis.

Brass, Ji-J piaZ, birinj.

Pewter, i^^yjast, UL^-ag^j -jast, ranga.

Lead, L-~> sisa, -^~> swr, ^lo, ?-asas.

White Lead, IjujLj safed.

Black Lead, ^JLc ^11^ kali mitti.

Red Lead, jjA^ sendr, j>\ ingur.

Iron, Uj Z5A5, , cVJ^- hadid.

Untempered Iron, ^jl-f5 kach-lohi.
Steel, Sij)ilM (or faulct).
Zinc, Tutanag, Lapis calaminaris, "asa.

Lapis lazuli, ^y^ ljaward.

Mercury, Quicksilver, c-jU^-j sim-ab, \J para.
Salt, (jjl 5n, cliUi namak, .
Saltpetre, Nitre, Xjy> shdra.
Brimstone, Sulpkur, f gogird, t^-o^ kibrit.

Coal (fossil), 1>j ^^f^ patthar ka k'el, hj> k'l.

98 Vocabulary Nouns.
<> ,9
Alum, phitkart (.), zj-i-sufaid.
Amber, b kah-rub.
Lime, chuna, (quicklime) CS&\ ahak.
Marble,^*^ marmar, j*yc \* sang-i marmar, ^>-j rukhm.
Alabaster, rukhm.
Porphyry, jU-j i~> sang-i sumk.
9 -
Ochre, L^U> ^J~j pili mitti, gern.

Loadstone, Magnet, ^JsU-o <J~> sang-i miknatis, ^*-!>bJL mik-

9 ^ 9 m9
ntls, bj^jjbl han-rub, lLX-**- chumbak, iJL*j>- chummak.

Jewel, Gem, j&>y>-jauhar, jawhir, ^ man, ratan.

Diamond, \~Jb hir, <_/.Ull almas.

Ruby, J^ la*l, CJyb ykt, i^jLc mnik.

Garnet, CUyb ykt : see Ruby.

Carbuncle, ^sxi shab-ckirgh.
it9 9
Emerald, J^j zumurrud, Uj pann.
Sapphire, ^JuJ nilam, ^ J-3 / mani,jJu> safir.
Topaz, pukhrj, j zabarjad.
Turkois, Beryl, sjjj+i ftroza.
Amethyst, f>y^f- jabalkm.
Agate, Onyx, ^yU-Le <>-> sang-i sulaimni.

Jasper, Agate, (~> sang-i yashm.
m 9
Opal,^fj LbJjJ ddhiy patthar (?).

Cornelian, J^c Vi#.

Corundum stone, i^ kurand.
Vocabulary Nouns. 99

Crystal,jjb billaur, phatak.

Glass, shlsha, knch.

Talk, Mica, ^1 ara# or tijl ara/c, lis jfaZ/t, Jjys oraZ, Jj^J
g -J.
Arsenic, jj zarw, ^Ul \ ^ sammu-1-fr.
, i<
Orpiment, jj zarnikh, J^/> hartal.

Cinnabar, Vermilion, <_jw> shangarf, jj dardar.

Blue Vitriol, Tutty, Ljy ttiy.

Naphtha, Bitumen, Lj / or k /.

Red Earth or Ochre, ger.

Armenian Bole, ^j^jl gil-i armant, ^JLc ^ multn .

Natron, , ..js- yj'.

Trees, Shrubs, Plants, and Herbs.

Tree, darakht,j~ipr (f.), .^s-^gcAA, (dakh.) ^*-jhr.

Shrub, *\p>-jhr, 6jj 55, ijif^rjhri.

Plant, Herb, C^Lj (f.).

Oak, aZ.

Chesnut, L>_jb li sAA 6.

Cypress, Cedar, sari?. Trees, foreign to India; and,

bearing foreign names.
Pine, Fir, jSy~e sanaubar.

Willow, Juj bed (f.).

Poplar or Plane Tree,jL&- chaar.

Teak tree, Tectona grandis, ^j^L sgaun (f.) or sgivn (f.).

Bassia latifolia, mahu'.
100 VocabularyNouns.

Mesua frrea, </li ng-kesar.

Nauclea orientalis, pS kadam or kadamb.

Xanthyocymus pictorius, JtJ tamal.

Dalbergia Sisu, sis.

Lagerstroemia regina or Flos regina, Roxb. jj^-jaral.

Mango tree, Mangifera Indica, jl am, mb.

Embryopteris glutinifera, Roxb. <_>\? gab.
Melia Azedirachta, , nmb.

Melia sempervirens, bakyan.

Michelia Champaca, < * Cos- champak.

Cratva Tapia, or Capparis trifoliata, ^yj barun, U_ barn.

Amyris Agallocha, J^" ggal.

Mimosa Arabica, Jj-j babl(.), j^J babr (O

Mimosa natans, ^j^jj rthnl, jIU* Iqjl.

Mimosa pdica, j!U lajal.

Mimosa scandens, gel.

Mimosa Seris, /-y siris.

Mimosa Suma, samt.

Dillenia Indica, bL- chalt.

Echytes caryophyllata, mlat.

Shorea robusta, JU sal, JL> s/ii.

Ficus glomerata, udumbar.

Ficus Guleria,j^f guiar (f.).

Ficus Indica, C-*> bat,jJ bar.
Ficus religiosa, ppal.
Vocabulary Nmns..:. ' "' >: "'''101

Ficus venosa (or infectoria), jb pkar.

Zizyphus Jujuba, Z>eni.

Laurus Cassia, Cassia or wild Cinnamon, ^ taj.

Salvadora Prsica (also, in the Dakh. Careya arbrea), jLj pl.

Mimusops Elengi, lSj-^j* maulsarl.

Mimusops Kauki, khirri.

Cedrela Toona, Ji tun, or tun.

Celastrus (staff-tree) mlkangnl.

Morinda citrifblia, J I l.

Uvaria longifolia,^\JujO dlbdar, jjb^jJ devdr, <yJ\ asog.

Webera tetrandra, 1 Tiara.

Butea frondosa, palas, ci/US dhk.
Tamarix Indica, \#>- jh'.

Acanthus ilicifolius, c^-^ji> harkat.

Terminaba alata or glabra, ilfrJ* arjun.

Terminaba alata or tomentosa, ^\ asan.
Terminaba Beierica, Beleric Myrobolan, lj-^J balitra.

Phoenix sylvestris, wild Date,^s^ khajr.

Justicia Adhatoda, j~J\ arus.

Justicia Gandarussa, bkas.

Justicia nasuta, ^>- plakjh.

Achjrranthes spera, \rj~j^- chirchir, Ijl^T gr.

Tamarindus Indica, ^jLol iml, ^Jj^ tintirl.

jEgle Marmelos, bilb.

jEschynomene paludosa, shol.

102 ** : ' "'<" ' ' .Vbcbjilary. Nouns.

iEschynomene Sesban, *bZ~~~>~ jait.

Hyperanthera Morunga, Lsir" sahajn, ban.

Jack fruit tree, Artocarpus integrifolia, kat'kal.

Chironjia spida, ^^s- ckirnji, \jpiyal.

Plantain or Banana tree, Musa sapientum, l>-^ mocha, L kl.

Bombax heptaphyllum, J^- simal, J--- stmbal.

Bauhinia variegata, kachnr, kachnl.

Palm or Toddy tree, Borassus flabelliformis, j\J tr, Jli'Jj bal-tr.

Pinus longifolia, Jj-j saral.

Sappan wood, Csalpinia Sappan, ^su bakam.

Papaw tree, Carica Papaya, L-j papaiya.

Cane, Ratan, Calamus Rotang, t^-J bet (f.).
Creeper, J-j >e (f.), lata (f.).

Agrostis linearis, t-JjJ </&, |j~>- janew.

Alangium hexapetalum, a/.

Aloe perfoliata, J\^^ ghikuwr.

Alpinia Galanga, Galangal, ^J^^s- khlinjn.

Andropogon muricatum, khas (f.), j~\ uslr (f.).

Anethum Sowa, Fennel, Uc s'.

Annona squamosa, ai.

Argemone Mexicana, J^I^j bharbhnd.

Artemisia vulgaris, !a.

Arum campanulatum, J.l 5Z.

Arum Colocasia, i^jjl arwt, kachch.

Arundo tibialis, (J2-^3 narkat.

VocabularyNouns- 103
U .
Asclepias gigantea, Swallow-wort, cJJi ark, JJ^\ akwand.

Asclepias rosea, ^<^ dudhi.

Barleria longifolia, 13 tal makhna.

Boerhavia diffusa, bj^j 1> gadh-prn.

Bryonia grandis, Linn., Momordica monodelpha, Roxb., otZ.

Callicarpa Americana, kuj bastara.

Cannabis sativa, Hemp plant, ^f^^ gnjh, i*Jj\g bhang.

Carissa Carandas, Corinda or Caronda, 1^ karnd.

Cassia alata, << ta dad-mardan.

Cassia fistula, ^-bU amaltas.

Cassia Tora, ^j^- chakaunda, (or obtusifolia ?) jIjj panwr.

Cassia Sophera, ^j^j^S kasaundi.

Chrysanthemum Indicum, t/^j*^ J5 gul-i-d'd.

Cissus quadrangularis, Vy-jlb hr-jor.

Cleome ViscosajjJ^ib hurhur,

Chtoria ternatea, b-^ aparjit.

Cordia latifolia, IjyJ |^ ara lasor.

Cordia , \J^J lasor.

Crinum Asiaticum and Zeylanicum, ^jJ^Cj sukhdarsan.

Crotalaria juncea, ^ san (whence, a kind of flax).

Cucumis Colocynthis, ^jAil indrayan.

Cucumis Madraspatanus, ~~> senrf (f.).

Cucumis momordica, phuti, <-bj^ pwi (f.)

Cucumus sativus, khira.

104 Vocabulary.Nouns.

Cucumis utilissimus, bjjf kakr.

Cucurbita citrullus, jyji tarbuz.

Cucurbita lagenaria, kadd, ghiy.

Cucurbita Melopepo, jJ ^jfi?* rmtht kadd.

Cucurbita Pepo, <Uj kadima, \&y kamrh.

Curcuma reclinata or Zerumbet,^^ kachr.

Curcuma Zedoaria, ^p~{j> nirbisi, jadwr.

Curcuma Zerumbet, ljj zurumbad, jy kachr.

Cuscuta reflexa, Air plant or Dodder, ^ jJ 1 ks-pawan.

Cyperus pertenuis or juncifolius, \$>f* ^f\j ngar-mth.

Cyperus rotundus, Igi^o motha.

Dolichos bifloras (kind of pulse), kurtl or ^jgAZ kulthi.

Dolichos pruriens (Cowitch or Cowach), <^<f kiwnch or


Dolichos Sinensis (kind of bean), Ujj! lbiy.

Echinops echinatus, Globe thistle, \Jci katara or \J&> \L}\ nt-
Echites caryophillata, mlafi.
Eclipta prostrata, ^j/j^ bkringrj.

Elaeocarpus serratus, ^'[^.jalpl.

Epidendrum tessellatum, Mistletoe, 1 banda, \j banda, \j
o# o
Euphorbia antiquoram, li^.-.- schund, \j\&S> tidhr.
Vocabulary. Nouns.

Euphorbia hirta and thymifolia, duddh.

Euphorbia neriifolia, Jb}4> thuhar.

Euryale ferox, makhn.

Feronia elephantum, t-~ kait.

Flacourtia cataphracta, paniyl.

Gsertnera racemosa, blybjU madholata, U mlti lata.

Gardenia florida, ^ gandhrj.

Gardenia latifolia, Vjjb papra.

Gossypium herbaceum, Cotton plant, j^t kaps.

Grewia Asitica, LJlgj^fo.

Grislea tomentosa, ^laJ dhari.

Hedysarum Alhagi, l-!}*- jawasa.

t 9
Helianthus annuus, Sunflower, ^4^ sraj-mukhi.

Helicteres Isora, marr-phal.

Hibiscus Phniceus, ^ sadsuhgan.

Hibiscus Populneoides, Jj-j wj1^ pras-plpal.

Jasminum auriculatum, ^j>y>-jul.

Jasminum grandiflorum, great flowered jasmine, ^Ji\^- jtt.

Jasminum Zambac, 5 bla.

Jatropha Curcas, ji; bagrendi.

Jonesia Asoca, ^ asok or ashk.

Ixora undulata, tli^b palahjht.

Kmpferia rotunda, Lj- ^jj bhn-champ.

Lawsonia inermis, ^^< mehdi, Lp- hinn l^f.).
106 Vocabulary. Nouns.

Linum usitatissimum, LS atasi, LS~-~> tlsi.

Luffa acutangula, jhng.

Luffa pentandra, jJ Uf> ghiy-tral.

Lycopodium imbricatum, - Ifta hth-jofi.

Menispermum glabrum, ^j gurch (f.), ^.Ji gurach, jl gilau.

Menispermum hirsutum, ^jj jj^i farid-bti.

Menyanthes Indica or cristata, ^y^ kamdini (or kamdam).

Momordica Charantia, \ karel.

Myrtle (Myrtus communis) ^\ s (in Arab.), j* murd (Gilch.).

Nelumbium Speciosum, Lotus, jJo padam, Jl*S kamal, Jy kawal.

Nerium odorum, sweet scented Rosebay, fcanr (f.), J^kanl (f.).

Nerium oleander, Oleander or Rosebay, xj^jj*- khar-zahra.

Nyctanthes arbor-tristis, jbb singr-hr.

Nymphsea Lotus, ^ <fi kl, iJ^. srang,j^j nllfar, kamal,

kawal, ambuj.

Ocimum basilicum, sweet Basil, > sabza, sabzi.
Ocimum pilosum, mar', )srj , yjU nazbo.

Ocimum sanctum, Jj mZs, IoJ^j brinda, ^j-Aj ArZ7 mZs.

Oldenlandia biflora, l^jb c^o pit-ppr, sj a\> shh-tara.

Orange tree, kaunl.

Origanum Majorana, \f marw (?).

Ovieda verticillata, ^> ^-b bamn-hattt.

Pedalium murex, ^jjsty bara gdkhr.


Pharnaceum Mollugo, \*< gim.

Phyllanthus Emblica, Emblic Myrobalan, !T amia.

Physalis flexuosa, iXS~i] asgandh.
Piper Betle, Betel plant, J^j t/li nag-bel.
Piper Cubeba, Cubebs, yJJ>- 4->L kabab chini, <u\S kababa.

Piper longum, long pepper, J-j pipal, ^Lj ^ipZI.

Plumbago Zeylanica, b*&- chitt.

Poa Cynosuroides, fcasA, <_j1j tfe (f.).

Pteris lanulata, ^UijL-^j parisiywashn.

r -f
Rhus coriaria, j\*~>sumak (prop. JjU-j summk).

Ricinus communis, O^1 arand, 3j\ and, i^mjj rend, Sij rand.
Rosa Chinensis, i-J&gZ kathgulb.

Rottlera Indica, y\*Xj pindlu.

Rubia Manjith, ^Ls* majth (f.), l~s<> man/t (f.).
/ ^
Ruellia longifolia, gkhr.

Rumex vesicarius, \y>~ chk.

99 S9
Saccharum cylindricum, jjt ul, ^\ l (f.).
Saccharum Munja, gye mnj.
o >
Saccharum officinarum, m&.

Saccharum procerum, <--*j^j sarpat.
Saccharum Sara, sar, ^ sentha, ^j^-'-^ senthi.
Santalum album, Sandal wood or tree, ^^f- chandan.

Serratula anthelmintica, bakchi.

Sesamum orientale, Jj Z.
108 Vocabulary. Nouns.

Sinapis dichotoma, a species of mustard, ^yj* sarsdn.

Solanum Jacquini, ^ bhat-katl.

Solanum melongena, {JL baigan, JL) baigan.

Solanum nigrum, Nightshade, mako, ^Jjk tuUdn.

Sonchus, ^\ kmrj.

Sphranthus Indicus, ^<^< mund.

Strychnos nux-vomica, kuchl.

Symplocas racemosa, xj> lodh.
Thymus, Thyme, j\A ipr.

Trapa natans, singhr.

Trianthema pentandra, ^ bis-khapr.

Trichosanthes dioica,jy parwar, Jjb palwal.

Trigonella fnugrsecum, LS$2~* >.

Trophis spera, s'r.

Typha (a species ?), ^J>^ gndn : (elephantina) i^fc hugl.

Valeriana Jatamansi, Spikenard, ^JA^ov ^j-sU ^.jat-msior-mnsi.

Vallisneria spiralis or octandra, jsy siwr.

Vangueria spinosa, ^<\ madan.

Verbesina prostrata or scandens, ^fijtf bhringrj, bhangr.

Vitex Negundo, ^J>\ indrani, j!U~j saml.

Vitex trifolia, j!U-> saml.

Volkamria infortunata, L-*3^ bhnt.

Urtica interrupta, stinging Nettle, b'lgacr bichht, anjira (?).

Xanthium Indicum, \j\> ghghr.

Vocabulary Nouns.

Esculent Roots and Vegetables.

Potato, ji 1 l.
9- f
Yam,j!l l, jfcj ratl.

Sweet Potato, J3 JJ* shakar-kand.

Turnip, jjt)-) shalgham.

Carrot,jsy ifgjar (f.).

Radish, ^Jy* .

Onion, JLj piyz (f.), UK A5nrf(?), J-oJ W(f.),V^ga?<A5.

<- .
Leek, Ujco gandan.

Garlick, ^ ^ lahsan,j~* sir.

/ J>
Beet, 1j^s*~ chichind, jJc- chukundur.

Ginger in the undried state, \jjj\ adrak.

A Vegetable, ^jjj> tarkrl.

Egg-plant, ^jCj baigan, {^-^. baingan, liDl# bhnt.

Greens, </L sg or tub L sag-pat, bhaji.

Cabbage, ^ karam-, ^ .
Cauliflower, ^ ^^phl-kbl.

Cucumber, khir.

Gourd, Pumpkin, j kadu.

Vea,j~< matar, (dakh.) bl2j batana.

Bean, iljb bkl.
Kind of bean (Dolichos Sinensis) Ljj! lbiy.

Spinage, CJW^plak.
Mint, <u.;jJ podna.
1 10 Vocabulary.Nouns.

Parsley, ^abA ajmd.

Endive, ksrii, b> hindb.

Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) kalm.

Portulaca olercea, Purslain, Uj! lona, IJj! loniy, noniya,

kand, khurfa.
Cresses (garden), CJ tara-tezak,j~s>- chansur, Jl ///.

Cresses (water), Ljj cjj lt-ptiy, jSj^yJ de'kndar.

Arum campanulatum (root), \)jy* sran.

Arum Colocasia (root),^!ls^ kachal, ^{^ ghyn.

Amaranthus Gangeticus, </Lj ll-sg.

Amaranthus oleraceus, mars.

Amaranthus polygamus, chaulai.

Basella alba and nigra, p'.

Chenopodium album, \*fJ bath'.

Convolvulus repens, Ly^ kalrr.

Dioscorea fasciculata (root of), ^J-^y sthm.

Dolichos Sinensis (kind of bean from), Ujj! lobiya, ^-Hjj rowans.

Hibiscus esculentus, cA^j bhindt, ^'ji \j rm-tura'.

Hyperanthera morunga (the root used for horseradish), Ixsir" sahajn.

Lathyrus sativus, ufj~ kisrt.


Althea rosea, gul-i-khaira.

Vocabulary Nouns. Ill

Bassialatifolia (flowers of), ^J^>- J> gul chikn.

Chndnl, , JAiU*- .

Chrysanthemum Indicum, ^Jj'Ij JS gul-i-d'di.


Clitorea ternatea, ^^ ^ kaww-thenthi.

Cockscomb flower, Amaranthus cruentus, \J~Q gul-ksh, ^j*- ^

Globe Amaranth, Gomphrena globosa, J*j* gul-i-makhmal.

Hibiscus mutabilis, i_-jbs? guli-aj'ib.

Hibiscus rosa Sinensis, jaw.

Hibiscus Syriacus, J^p gurhal.

Impatiens Balsamina, ^y0 l)^ gul-mihdt.
Jasmine, ^*- ysmin or ^jj^^-jb ysrrin.

Jasmine (white), a lily or an Iris (?), zambak.

Jasmine (a sort of), t/jflji niwf.

Jasminum auriculatum, ^>^- jithi.

Jasminum grandiflorum, ^jL*i- chambli.

Jasminum multiflorum or pubescens, Lj kath-blla.
Jasminum Zambac, J^j bel.
Jasminum Zambac, var. , Ujj^o motiya.

Jasminum Zambac, var. y, \J>y> mogr.

Lily, ^^jj- ssan (f.), (of the valley) ljA~> saman.

Linum trigynum, i^/^jafarl, ^j>\ JS gul-i-ashrafi.

Madan ban, ^Jo ^Jui .

1 12 Vocabulary. Nouns.

Mango-tree (blossom of),^ maur.

Marigold, \<xS gend.

Michelia Champaca, L^- champ.

Mimusops Elengi, ^j^yo maulsarl.

Mirabilis Jalapa, Marvel of Pera, /-Le j gul-i-bbs.

Nafarmn, ^/^

Narcissus, Narcissus Tagetes, j-^j nargis (f.), yjj nargis-i-


Nelumbium speciosum, Lotus, *Ai padam, kamal, Jy kawal.

Nerium odorum, sweet-scented Rosebay, j leaner (f.), J- karil (f.).

Nerium Oleander, common Rosebay or Oleander, sjbj ji. Miar zahra.

Nyctanthes arbor-tristis,j&~*j> harsingr orjl-^l hrsingr.

Nympha Lotus, ^j'k'e, Jj kawal, ij\~ srang, nilfar.

Pandanus odoratissimus, \jy k'r, ketaki.

Pantapetes Phnicea, dupahriy.

Plumera, (rj-^b gul-chin.

Poinciana pulcberrima, ) JS gul-i-turra.

Polianthes tuberosa, yJ* JS guiri shab-, or y t_^> shab-bo.

R'l-bl, J-J s'\j .

Ratan-ml, tc .

Ratan-manjar, ^jj^Xc .

Rosa centifolia, _^ gulb, JS gwZ.

Rosa chinensis, t_^l^S kathgulab.

Rosa glandulifera, ^3^ s'i, <Sj>, > sad-barg, > nastaran.


White Rose of India, Rosa glandulifera (?), <r~j nastaran,


Sinapis ramosa, uy>j-> sarsn.

Sunflower, Helianthus annuus, LS^U mraj-mukhi.

Tagetes patula, i_g^ix- gul-i-ja*far.

TuHp, ! la, J^Ui shak'ik.

Vinca rosea, Ji gul-i farang.

Violet, <Cjj banafsha (f.).

Zizyphus Jujuba (flower of), <y*& khichr.


Mango, |l m, ^Jl wi.

Plantain (fruit), u eZ, kadali, jya mauz.

Custard apple, J^j sit-phal, b'l i, <> sharfa.

Annona reticulata (fruit of), Lij! 55, lji .

Jack fruit, J^2 kathal.

Barhai, Ja)? .

Rose apple, jman.

Hog Plum, L! .

Guava, ^j^ amrut, \ ^~ safr am.

Date, \ chhuhara, \*j~ khurm.

Pomegranate, J\ anr,j\j nr, darim.

Pineapple, (j~\x>\ ananns.

Cocoa-nut J/5 nriyal, J^^^ nrl.

] 14 Vocabulary. Nouns.

Lemon or Lime, * , *^ .
ju '
Orange, ^ij nrangt, ^rj nranj, kaula, ij&~>

Citron, ^y turunj, JL galgal, U karn.
Pompelmoose, Shaddock, xjj>- chaktara.

Fig, j*sr\ anr.

Grape, jifj\ angwr, mab.

Mulberry, c-Jc^ii shahtut, CJy tut.

Musk Melon, karbza, ^Usj- jamli, ^.Jaj bitkh.

Water Melon, j}J tarbz.

Kind of Melon (Cucumis Momordica), Jjft phut, <-bjfc phut.

Gourd (Cucurbita Pepo) \s>Ja kamraha, kndh.

? - s
Gourd (Cucurbita lagenaria), jJ kad, or kadd, lj lauk.

Gourd (of uncertain species), IgiJ petha, parwar, (j~y~&

* i
Apple, _ sb, sv.

Pear, ^y'Liti nshptl.

Quince, bihl, <D bih, Js>-yu- safarjal.

Peach, jlls shaftl, jj\ r, f\ l-bukhr.

Apricot, t zard Z.

Cherry, J I s f.

Almond, j!jb bdm, jj lauz.

Olive, ^jsjj zaitn, Lbf- jalp4.

Betel nut, from Catechu, ^t- suprt.

Vocabulary Nouns. 115
Cashew nut, fruit of Anacardium orientale, y>-^ kj.

Nut jf>-jauz. Filbert, ifinduk (f.). Pistachio, <J pista.

Tamarind, ^^J tamr-i hindi.

~ *r S S
Emblic Myrobalan, 1*\ ml.

Rottlera Indica (fruit of), $\<iJ pindl.

Scytalia Litchi (fruit of), licht.

Vangueria spinosa (fruit of), {^c main-phal.

Jujube, Zizyphus Jujuba (fruit), blr.

Phyllanthus Cheramela (fruit of), gfJji^Vffc harphrTri.

Cordia (fruit of), lasr.

Cordia latifolia (fruit of), Vfj-J VjJ bar lasr.
Averrhoa Carambola (fruit of), -4j> kamrakh.

Mimusops Kauki (fruit of), \_j>j4 khirni.

Chironjia spida (nut of), ^sTjj*- chirn.

Flacourtia cataphracta (fruit of), 1\~J paniyal.

Grains, Seeds.
Rice (in the husk), ^IaJ dhan.

Rice (cleared of the husk), J.3b~ chmiwal, > birinj, JxJ tandul.

Wheat, ^#~> g/, gandum, (dakh.) -^" ghyau.

Barley, _js>- Jaw.

to ^
Holcus Sorghum, j\y>- j'r, ^jjsjjs^- jaundri, (dakh. also)
ijj\>- j'rl.

Maize, Zea Mays, Indian corn, bhu, j; kukri, (dakh.)

ijyV ^^L makkijri.

116 Vocabulary. Nouns.

Rgee, Elusine Coracana, \}y~e manr', or ', (dakh.

TEL.) rg.

Millett (kind of), Panicum Italicum, china, ^J& kangnt,

(dakh.) \j rl.
Millett (kind of), Panicum colonum, Uli shm.

Millett (kind of), Panicum frumentaceum, lyU snw, Uli shm.

Millett (kind of), Panicum miliaceum (?), chaina.

Millett (kind of), Panicum pilosum, arzan.

Millett (kind of), Panicum spicatum, \j>\ bjr, L<1 laharr.

Pulse, Vetches, Jb dal.

Vetches, Lentils, 4L mth.

Vetch or Pulse, masin.

Pulse (kind of), Ervum hirsutum, masr.

Pulse (kind of), Cicer arietinum, L>- chana.

Pulse (kind of), Phaseolus Mungo, && mng (f.).
Vetch (kind of), Phaseolus radiatus, ^U msh.

Vetch (kind of), Dolichos biflorus, kulthi, kurthi.

Vetch (kind of), Vicia sativa, ^Jj\ .

Coriander seed, LiAJ dhaniy, kishriz.

Cumin seed, ^jJ zra, 1;>->;', ^j^^ .

Anise seed, - , (_jj-> saunf(f,j.

Cardamoms, ^>^ ilchl, lilS kkula.

Serratula anthelmintica (seed of), ^^j- somrj.

Sinapis ramosa (seed of), rl.

Vocabulary.Nouns. 117

Food in general for Animals.

Grass, Hay, Straw, ghs (f.), \$ giyah (f.).
. m
Leaf, ^jupattt, ^j^J^j banspattt, ifj> barg.

Root, Jc kand, I f.

Flower, Jj^j /)/, Js gul.

Fruit, J$j phal, iy** mewa, &y fawkih.

Grain, Corn, <di ghalla, anj, <lj dana.

Milk, JbJjJ ddh, jJit shir,j*g>- chhir, j*jf g-ras.

G 1.
Honey, Jcy-i shahd, J-c asaZ, -AX< madh.
Sugar, ^Li> shakar (f.).
Insects, Reptiles, Grubs, Worms, k'ire, i^jf~* lj kre makr.
Fish, L5l^f:* machhl.
g ^
Fowl, jJ^ parando, jy\s^ jnwar.

Flesh, i^fJLo rns, (j~to mas, ij^Ji>js gosht.

Worms, Reptiles, Insects, Spiders.

Worm, Grub, Maggot, Reptile, Insect, \jJ kir, kirm, \j
Earth-worm, |j=b kenchw.

Small Worm, CS^f kirmak, \yS kr.

Snail, ghng, &jI aint.

Leech, ul&js- ^& (f.), jllj / (f.), ljL>- jalauk (f.).

Snake, Serpent, t_jL smp.

Kind of Snake, jjS' ghna, u-o^ karait, j dorn, ^IJ tiA-

O/ G
min, jjKi-s sunktar, barwat (f.).
118 Vocabulary. Nourm.

Boa constrictor, >\ ajgar.

Coluber Naja, {f\j nag.
Dragon, jj\ azhdar, azhdaha.

Viper, ^j\ afi (.), i_^L> smp, <f\j nag.

Lizard, ljI^*- chhipka, U>LL- chilpsa, ^l^S girgit.

t > <-
Tortoise, Ijfs^ kachh', U-b bkh, \*Zj ^ sang-pusht.

Crocodile, JVjj^ ghariyl, j> kumhr, nihang.

Alligator,^ magar, \ grh, ^sfjLc magar-machh, xf goh.

Chameleon, girgit, jj^iiiy bukalamn.

Frog, cSai~o mldak or mduk, jjlj ddur, j ghk.

Toad, -$ kath-, <J_^ ghk.

Salamander (fabulous inhabitant of fire), jJc--o samandar.

Centipede, l^ys^ kankhajma, j^- gojar.

Beetle, jJj^'j gobaronda, gubraut.

Fire-fly, Glowworm, ^S^-jugni.

Grasshopper, !j m, Ulf phang.

Locust, t^jS fin, jl^- jarad.

Bug, J-*^3 khatmal, kth-klr, LUj ntny.

"y * * " ^
Bug (green), gandhi.

Cricket, ^l-^jAzHgMr, jhillt.

Mole Cricket, Gryllus gryllotalpa, ghurghur.

Butterfly, fiir, parwna.

Moth, tiL patanga, parwna.

Vocabulary.Nouns. 119

Caterpillar, \$s?\#>~ jknjh, \y .

Silkworm, <JL>\j pt-kirm, <d-j kirm-i-ptla.

Hornet, j^Jj zambr, (dakh.) dikf: see Wasp.

Wasp, birri,j) harr (f.), 1 hadd.
Bee (honey), ^^sU. mumkhl or UjiX* madhumkht, *(>

shahd-makkht or (_<$< ^ wV^i shahd makkhl.

Bee (humble or large black), bhringi.

Bee (large black), j^> bhawar or \j bhawrd, or lyj^j bhaura,

^1 , CL&^# bhring.

Ant, Pismire, mr, narnZ.

o >
Ant (black), ljj-^- chynt, (large) tlL pilak, (small) ^^^-

Ant (large), chnt, , (dakh.) Vj^SLo makhor.

Ant (small), chnti, ^J>- chin.

Ant (white), dimak (f.), cL&O dwak (f.).

Fly, ^e^Ce makkht, ijJLc magas (f.).

Gadfly or large Mosquito, ^brfares^dakh. gadfly) ^^Ljs gbmachi.

m m ?
Mosquito, Gnat, Midge,^s'* machchhar, <tj pashsha, ^ kutkl.
Midge (that flies into the eyes at night), $&T nkh-phr.
f m y
Louse, i^j^j (f),jl>- chillar (f.). Lice, ^>- j', 8cc.

Nit, 1 , (f.)-

Flea, ~j piss, y phu, CS kaik.

Weevil (small insect in rice, corn, &c), \Sjy^ snda, i^J^{ pitan,
^ ghun.
120 Vocabulary Nouns.

Spider, i_fj-< makr, VjSU .

Scorpion, j$= bichchu, tlss^j brischik, kazhdum.


Fish, L5l^f:<' machhi, (ff* machchhi, , ^ , ^

Aw (f.).
el, |* 2><.

Lamprey, ^^ff-"* ^ tamb machhl.

Mango fish, Polynemus paradiseus, j^^ff-"* tapassl (or tapst)


Bikt, ^jfi^ bhikthl.

Species of Herring, Clupea alosa, Lia i7s5 (f.).

Species of Herring, Clupea cultrata, \yu>- chalw.

Cyprinus denticulatus, y&jj (f.).

A species of Silurus, tengr.
Silurus pelorius, maguri.

Silurus pungentissimus, ^~~> singt.

Silurus sagittatus, pangas.

Mullet, ^Jj parhin (f.).
Porpoise, jUw-jj~) ssmr, ~~> sus.

Sprat, or fish resembling a sprat, L^S* khair.

Prawn or Shrimp, l^gs- jhng (f.).

Crab, V , IsLS'ggf.

Oyster, kastr (f.).

Muscle, VL stpl ka (shell-worm).
Vocabulary. Nouns.


Phoenix (fabulous), Lj> huma, lir nk, (_<rS kuknus.

Griffin (fabulous), ^/V simurgh.

Eagle, t_>\ kab.

Vulture, Jb giddh, JbJJ* gdh, kargas, j~i nasr.

Falcon (species of), j>- jurra or \j>-jurra (male ofjb haz).

Falcon (royal white), ^^bb shhn.

Falcon (female), j\> baz.

Falcon (Falco calidus), bahrt or <jy=< bahrl.

Hawk,jb bz, iJJu shikra, j=r jhagar.

Hawk (Falco cristatellus), ^Jtif kohl.

Hawk (Falco fasciatus or dubius), \J~*j> turmatt.

Hawk (Sparrow), Lib bsh,^\py* msh-gir.

Kite (Falco Cheela), J-a> chtl (f.), zaghan (f.)

Owl, j>\ ullu, J1 ulagh, bum, chughd, b^u pecha.

Sparrow, gauriy (f.) chir, (hen) bj^- chiriya (f.).

Lanius Boulboul (Nightingale of Persia, &c), JJj bulbul.

Turdus slica or Gracula religiosa (Moina), l^L srik.

Swallow, J-obl abbl.

Swallow (Hirundo apus Batassia), ^-> spbin.

Lark, bhadr, ^\ agin, (Alauda Aggia) agiy.

Starling (kind of), J^a sr (f.).

Raven, ^ ^JSs>- jangli kaww, \ J>J dhar-kaww.

122 Vocabulary.Nouns.

Crow, \fi kaww, f& kg, <--^ ghurab.

Rook, Jackdaw, \fi kawwa, &^ kg : see Crow.

Coracias Bengalensis, -$51J riil-hanth.
Hoopoe, Upupa, > hudhudfJ~> <U> shna-sar.
Hornbill, Buceros, dharis.

Woodpecker, ^ kath-phor,jypj$j patthar-phr.

Cuckoo (the black or Indian), JjS kkil (f.), Jjj koyal (f.), il&


Cuculus castaneus, \(* mahkh.

Cuculus melanoleucos, chtak.

> / * *
Parrot, \jy tota, \y> s', C~ suk, ^Je> tt}, ^jy .
9 } 9
Paroquet, \y s', -i sg, tf, hlrman.

Domestic Cock, kukkut, \f kkr, U^ murgh.

Domestic Hen, ^gfi , L5r< murghi.

. {
Peacock, jyt mr, ^Jbj barht, (j-j s t's.

Peahen, jy* worm. Peachick, hj* mrela.

Fowl, murgh, mkiyn.

Turkey, jjJ ^ JJ fil-murgh.

Pheasant, jjJJ tadarv.

Partridge (Perdix francolinus),^iJ Citar, durrj.

Partridge (unknown species), durraj, kabk.

Quail (kind of. Perdix olivcea), jf-iJ bater.

Quail (kind of. Perdix Chinensis), IjJ Zawa.

Pigeon, Dove, kapt, \j>J parewa,J>y& kabtar.

Vocabulary.Nouns. 123

Pigeon (green. Columba Hurriala), Jjy> hariyal.

Pigeon (tumbler), Ui\< mandaliy.

Ortolan (Emberiza hortulana ?) JJ>j bargel, lj~>j> pargirt.

Ostrich, g^ejJ* shutur-murgh.

Sort of Bustard (Otis Bengalensis), jy>- charz.

Crane, <& kulang, ^jr knj : see Heron.

, A
Heron (Ardea torra and putea), Kj aga or 5j bagula, aA,
jU-jjJ butimar.

Heron (Ardea Antigone), j^Lj sras.

Heron (Ardea Argala), Adjutant Bird, L^a> harg'ila, khags,


Heron (Ardea Indica), J$U>- jnghal.

Bittern (Ardea stellaris), ^jlL chamar-bagU, ^UJjJ btlmr.

Stork, laglag, jisi laklak.

Sandpiper (Tringa Goensis, Lath.), ijj~> tatirt, lJ/^ tatthrt.

Waterfowl, ^* murghab.

Coot or Diver, ^J pandubi.

Flamingo, ^ raj-hans (?).

Pelican, Js!j5>- hawal, (Pelecanus onocrotalus) ^gagan-bher.

Swan, A?w, -^ rj-hans.

Goose, Duck, ^-A , Lj 6a (f.), jl taz.

Gander, Drake, UaJ batp, j> j\s kaz-nar.

Beast, haiwn, nx>y>- charanda, j-j ^as.
124 Vocabulary.Nouns.

Horse, gkr, u-*J asp9 u~j* fat'as.

Mare, \J\y$ ghori, ^\>\*> mdiyn (f.), (dakh. also) mdwn.

Foal, Filly, ^jfsj? bachhrl.

Colt, 'i-fsT bachhtr, n-kand, kurra.

Pony, Galloway, jjb yab, y*> tattu, c^jt tnghan.

Gelding, <fcH , L>. kutiy.

Mule,^?"" khachchar, astar.

Ass, \n> gadh, (she Ass) ^Jbgadh, j- , Jus- himr.

Wild Ass, Onager, Zebra, gr-khar, ^jiJLjj* khar-i-dashtt.

Camel, ljjl nt, j! shutur, ushtur.

Camel (female), ,_5^5^ , ^jJj^sndrii, (dakh. also) ^J-* samt.

Dromedary, ^yJLi sndri.

Camelus Bactrianus (camel with two humps) UjSjO d-kh-.

(- <*
Stag, IL-j i^b brah-sing, j\~i<x kandsr, harn.

Elk, Moose, jJLj sambar, ^jf gawazn : see Stag.

Spotted Deer of India (Cervus axis), J^>- chltal.

Deer, tj* mirg, ^Jb haran, *&\ ,^ klhar.

Buck, Hart, UfJb harn, haran.

Doe, Hind, ^Jjb harm.

Fawn, vyjb harnaut, sy jb\ h-bara.

Camelopard, or Giraffe (from Arab. >\jj zarrfa), d&b j\S gw-

Antelope, ^jb haran, \fc>~ chikr : see Deer.
Antelope (painted or white-footed. Antilope picta), -#>-j rjh.
Vocabulary.Nouns. 125
Goat (Caper aegagrus), \Jj bakr, (fem.) ^Jj , Js\>- chhgal,

(dakh.) chhl, (fem.) ^J^*- chhi.

faj fa
Kid, l<*^ mmn, <Jlc^ buzghla, halwn.
fa fa ^ /
Sheep, jf-# Mr (f.), gspand (f.), gdar (t.), (dakh.) \J*}
Ewe, J-^ bhr (f.), i_|-# iAr, (dakh.) lj/j .

Ram, Ijc-^o mendh, bhr, ^jt^t msh, (dakh.) \J* bakr.

Lamb, L> y^ bhr k bachcha, 5L lel, xj> bara.

Cow, ' g'e (f.),j\Tgw (f.), (cow or one of the cow kind) ^ g.

Bull, J-J j3j\ nd-bail, barad, war gw,jy saur.

Ox, Bullock, J-j JiZ, Lajo badhiya.

fa fa fa
Calf, ^= bachhr or V|$e bachhr, bchh, (female) Lfart

bachhiy, (dakh.) jjr, (fem.) i^j^pri.

Heifer, jijl kal5r,j~j\ sar (f.).

Steer, young bullock, dhn, \ khail.

Buffalo (male), bhains, l^-^ maihik, ^J~* ^ gw-msh.

Buffalo (female), (./-^J bhais (f.), ^J-^> maihiki, {J*~* jo gaec-

Buffalo, (wild, male), , (female) ^jjjl .

Buffalo (calf), prhl, Ara, l/^j-s sngr, pf.

s- t
Bos grunniens, Yak, i3^*r sara-g' or j\f sara-g'.
Hog (wild), Lj&jj barhel or u^j barhl.
if r f
Boar, Hog,j^js s'r, i^b brh, (y<. khuk.^y* skar.

Sow, c^j- '.

1 26 Vocabulary Nouns.
Pig, ght, (female) /^# gheti: see Hog, Sow.

Rhinoceros, gaind, ^J> kargadan.

Elephant, ^jf^b hathi (m.), (female) hathni, J^fd.
<*9 9
Elephant (large) <Jss& kuvjal, (small) -^ kumedy.

Hare, Rabbit, bU! lamkan, If*] lamh, (Jf j- khar-gosh,
Porcupine, ^^ibVa z, JjbL: si/, i^-*.j jU- khar-pusht.
9 ? 9b
Rat, bsj- chuh, \~>yc ms, ndur.
9 9 .
Bandicote Rat, Mus giganteus, Hardw., ghs, ghs.
9 9
Musk Rat, Sorex caerulescens, chhuchhndar.
9 V 9 f
Mouse, ,_<^- chuh, ^Jj^y* msrt, <J^y* msh.
/ J>
Squirrel, gilahrl, chlkhur, rkhi, (dakh.), c^-lS

giZr (?).
Cat, ib nZZ, (fem.) ^b nZZi, jb bil', (fem.) c_/ib nZa^, jj gurba,
jbsu manjar, jjU> mno, (dakh. also)j!jl> bilwar.

Kitten, <b Ii n'ZZ bachcha.

Lion, singh, cr-^ ksarl, >Jj^ ktha,jJ> sher, asad.

Lioness, singhint, ^jJt> shernt.

Tiger, -$sb bgh,jJi> sher,jfi babar, nhar.

tj, o
Tigress, (^b baghan or ^^> b bghni, ^ shernt.
o, feo
Tiger's Whelp, baghel, jjjjb dahwru, (dakh.) Z>r (?).

Panther, b~- chtt,j yz, <b palang.
Leopard, Lynx, b,J-J tend', <&b palang, (small hunting)
Vocabulary.Nouns. 127

Persian Lynx (Felis Caracal), j^ijf aU~ siyh-gosh.

Hyena, fgirir, lakr, Ja kaftr.

Ichneumon or Mongoose, ^jSQ blji, yJ\j rs, J^J newal, (dakh.)


Dog, li kutt, kukar, (JL sag, ^\y> swan.

Fox, t_/*^ tmfi, i\>)j robah (f.).

Wolf, bj^J bhriy, \fjuS lndg, <j> gurg, jiteJb hundr.

Jackal, gdar, Jl*~i shaghl, JU~> siyZ.

Otter, jSoJjl d-bil', j t\* mhi-gir.

Weasel, Ferret, Fitchat, Marten, J^J riwal, jdj rs.

Polecat, ^l5g khats, Ji katr.

Bear, rchh, Jl# 5AZ, bhal, khirs.

Mole, chhuchhndar (which is the musk rat).

Hedge-hog, t^ jU- khr-pusht, smh.

Bat,Jj-t^- chamgtdar, bdur, Vi t-~i shab-para.

(, ce
Monkey, Ape,jJCJ bandar, (fm.) ^J bandrl, tijy bozna.

Baboon, jj&J langr, ^j**** : see Monkey.

Man, human being, j^wjU mnus, rfm, {^-jan, insn,
(jLjj purush.

Man (in opposition to woman), mard.

Man (servant), naukar,J nafar.

Woman, ,_50^ randt, CJ^e urat, ^- istr, A) b'ik, zan.

128 Vocabulary. Nouns.

Old man, brk, ^ pir, ^-b shaikh, (dakh. also) Wxj buddha.

Old woman, LJj burhiya (f.), ptr-zan, (dakh. also) Uu bud-

hiya (f.), buddJi or ^/Jj 6?7.

Young man, ^^-y jatean, j gabr.

Young woman, ^Jy>. juvati, k'r, ij^>- chhkr.

Maid, Virgin, bakira, k'rt, dshiza, ^jj krt.

Boy, Lad, lark, ]y>>- chhkr, (servant) IjOj launda.

Girl, (>_sjJ larkt, t_/j$f- chhbkr,ji~ii dukhtar, (servant) t_?jj! laund.

Child, Babe, Infant, <fcs~ bachcha, (fem.) ^yxr bachchl, \> blak,

Jib i/?, jJjji farzand.

Giant, danav, ic^jyU t/ri: see Tall, Big.

Dwarf, 15^ bauna, (fem.) baunl, tli ni, (dakh.) thlngu.

A Human being by relationship may be

Husband, j*3- khasam, jb> shauhar, zauj.

Wife, ,jy>~j5r, zauja (f.), jj zan.

Father, <_jb bp, bb 66, \yb Jic, \sjpit. jJj pidar.

Grandfather, (paternal) cftzfti, Wl ya, (maternal) lilj nana, Jc>-

Great Grandfather, (paternal) bb^j par-dd, (maternal) bb^j ^ar-


Father-in-law (husband's or wife's father), j~~> sasur (or susar), 1^>

susr,j~~ khusar.

Adopted Father or God-father, <_jb dharm-bp.

Vocabulary Nouns. 129

Mother, U ma, ^U> man, li'L mata, jjto madar, ijJij wlida.

Grandmother, (paternal) > , (maternal) .

Great Grandmother, (paternal) ^\jjt par-dd, (maternal) .ili ^


Mother-in-law (husband's or wife's mother), ss, ~*~


Step-mother, cyU-J bernt, \$~yc maibha.

Brother, bh' (m.),^^ birdar,^ .

Own brother, (_s*l# tL sag bh'l, t,/l# sahdar bh'.

Brother-in-law (sister's husband), ij bahril, bahn'.

Brother-in-law (husband's elder brother), ^Ls>- jeth.

Brother-in-law (husband's younger brother), jjjJ dlwar.

Brother-in-law (wife's brother), L s/.

Brother-in-law (husband's sister's husband), i% nando'.

Brother-in-law (wife's sister's husband), _jJL> srh, i_a!j ^ -

Step-brother (brother by the father only), Ljj-j satl bh'.

Step-sister (sister by the father only), ^-^y^ sautt bahin.

Son, \!L> beta, CLiy^ put, j~j pisar.

Son-in-law (daughter's husband), oUlo dmd, ^ U>- jamcfi.

Adopted Son or God-son, 1!Lj j& dharm-bet.

Stepson (son by a former husband), j rabtb, (or dakh.) 1Lj i_-^j

Daughter, ^JLj bt,jn>~ dukhtar (f.), ^ju putr, ^jt dh.

130 Vocabulary. Nouns.
9 ft*
Daughter-in-law (son's wife), y bah, badh, ^j path.
Step-daughter, <-oj rabba, (or dakh.) ^JLi <U^ rabiba bfi.

Sister, bahin or bahan, ^ja> bhagint, yy .

Sister-in-law (wife's sister), ^L sali.

Sister-in-law (husband's sister), JcJ nand (f.).

Sister-in-law (husband's elder brother's wife), ^yl^Lj- jethunt.

Sister-in-law (husband's younger brother's wife), \J^J^ dt'rnt.

Sister-in-law (brother's wife), ^.jlgj bhwaj (f.), j^-ji*. bhau.

Sister-inTlaw (younger brother's wife), bhaihu, a^s bhwah (f.).

Grandson (son's son), l"^ pota, (daughter's son) \~>Sy naws.

Grandaughter (son's daughter), ^JS.j poti, pautri.

Grandaughter (daughter's daughter), ^\> ntin, ^j natni, (dakh.

also) ^ylj nti, ^j^i> naws.

Great Grandson, Ujj par-pota, \jiyt par-potra.

Great Grandaughter, ^Jy y par-, i^syy y par-ptrl.
Uncle (father's elder brother), y\j t', (dakh.) UJ taya.

Uncle (father's younger brother), Is?- chach (or dakh.) Is?" chicha.

Uncle (father's sister's husband), phph, yj^ phph.

Uncle (mother's brother), yc\*> mama, mama, (Jj'Lc matul.

Uncle (mother's sister's husband), jiU>- khl.

Aunt (father's sister), phuphi, (or dakh.) ^yJ phpi,

ph' (f.).
Aunt (mother's sister), ^ maust, ls- khl (f.).

Aunt (father's elder brother's wife), /l 1.

Vocabulary.Nouns. 131

Aunt (father's brother's wife, or father's younger brother's wife),

chacKi or ^j^f" chachchi, (dakh.) ^^?" chachan!.

Aunt (mother's brother's wife), ^*^> mam!, ^yU^i mumam.

Nephew (brother's son), bhatij, s\j j\j> biradar-zda.

Nephew (sister's son), bhnj, s\j j^=- Jdmhir-zda.

Niece (brother's daughter), bhatiji.

Niece (sister's daughter), 1>_5^\# bhn.

Cousin (dakh. father's elder brother's son), \j)3 ta'era bh'.

Cousin (dakh. father's elder brother's daughter), ^ ^jj>}J t'er!


Cousin (father's brother's son), * /1 ]^f?" chochera bh'.

Cousin (father's brother's daughter), + ^ ^f?" chachen bahan.

Cousin (father's sister's son), X -f W phupher bh'.

Cousin (father's sister's daughter), ^ Lgfitfti phupher! bahan.

Cousin (mother's brother's son), marnera bh'. \\

Cousin (mother's brother's daughter), ^ ^Jp^0 marner! bahan.^

* In Dakhni, said to be " father's younger brother's son."

f In Dakhni, said to be " father's younger brother's daughter."

J Dakh. lri?i phuper bh'.

\ Dakh. ^jjf) iJijrzQ phuper! bahan.

II Dakh. maulr bh'.

4 Dakh. ij^i Jj^y0 mauler! bahan.

132 Vocabulary. Nouns.

Cousin (mother's sister's son), <_/1# [pr^f* mausr bhl.*

Cousin (mother's sister's daughter), ^ iJjf'y mausert bahan.f

The Body and what belongs to the body.

Body, jj-i sartr, utj badn, < J dh (f.).

Limb, Member, Joint, ys. zv, ang, Ifi tukr.

Sense, (^-s- iss (plur. i^\>~ hawss, senses).

Sight, Ll^-bjJ HsA (f.), ^ Lj blnl, CJiLa basrat (f.), ^b cyJ

kwat-i-bsira, J> nazar.

Hearing, *^Lj ii>j3 kwat-i-smi'a, ii-tl-i sam't (f.).

Smell, <uli> Llij kuwat-i-shmma, <ul shmma.

Taste, z'lk, &A J CJy kwat-i-z'ika.

Touch or Feeling, ~<$ lmisa, <U~<H CJjS kwat-i-lmisa, ^-3 Zams.

Voice, Speech, Lti ntik, iAi kwat-i-ntika, wz.

Colour, <&j rcmg, ^ Zaan.

Stature, J arf, j j Aarfd o kmat, JjJ d/Z.

Skin, Hide, c^-jjJ psi, Jl^ MZ (f.), Vj**- chamr, jJj>- ^' (f.).

Cuticle, Pellicle, Membrane, ^J^-jhil, fy parda.

Pore, masm, (Pores) cjUL. masmt.

Flesh, 5, t^wjS gsht, Vj-A ra.

Bone, t'** haddi, jf\j> r, ^^sul ustukjhwn, ^z zm.

* Also, l# Mullera bh'.

f Also, ^jtf iJj^>- khalrt bahan.

Vocabulary Nouns. 133
ff * f
Blood, jj! lh,^ lah, (dakh.) $ lhau, tc-j rakat or rakt, ^ji-
f s f '
Chyle, kails, /-ja-^ kaims.

Humour (of the body), khilt, ras.

Serum, mnj, ,_yb pni.
f ff
Saliva, Spittle, CJ^i thk, \j rl (f.), tuf, <-->Ui Zw'.

Urine, peshb, J^j bal, CLSy* mut, (jL\> shsh.

Sweat, pasma, pase'o, j^c- rak.

Phlegm, jiJj balgham, i_J kf(f.), kaph (f.).

O mi
Bile, Gall, p, J^le sa/r (f.), pitta.

Milk, >L>}J ddh, jJa shr,jg>- chhir.

Marrow, \j gd, j)u> maghz.

Muscle, Tendon, 1$2j patth, ^ , was (f.).

Nerve, Sinew, ^ saZi, \fb patth, ^ pai, ^ nos (f.).

Fibre, <tl^ rds/a, rag (f.), (jjT ns (f.).

Membrane, khalfl, (of the ftus) ^J^s-jhill, parda.

Artery, (^ shiryn (f.), rag (f.).

Vein, rag (f.), (f.).

Great vein in the arm, vena basilica, JuL>b bsak, &Sjy* shahrag,

+\\ ti-%ft* haft-andm.
-f ^ ff
Gristle, Cartilage, , -J^y-ic ghuzrf.

Gland, .Sgiltl, ghudud, guthli.

Joint, -^231> gni/ (f.), JbU band, j*>- jr, x girih (f.).

Hair of the head, Jb bal, Lrr kls (f.),f* m.

134 Vocabulary Nouns.

Hair, small of the body, rb'a, ^j rm, Vm, ^ pashm (f.).

Feather, par, pankh.

f M t / f - I
Head, j sir, iL mund, (J-.-.! sis, sar, kalla.

Crown of the head, chndi, taP> J^ rale, Jiy- ma-
o >
Skull, Pate, Pericranium, ^sj khpr, ~> <K~il ksa-e-sar.
/ . / t y j> ^
Face, g^c muh, mukh, (dakh.) , chihra, ^ .
Forehead, Front, IgjL matha, Jl# >Aa (f.), ^^^ peshar, fj>^r
jabn (f.).
Horn, ).Cv;..i sing, shkh, kam.
Brain, bhej, guda,jx* maghz, Uti dimgh.

Pia mater,J<> aoy parda-i-maghz.

Temple (of the head), JL kanpati, <UuLi> shakika.

Occiput, back of the head, l3 -<z/a (f.).

(. /
Eye, ^jl nA, ^ or nayan, *;- chashm, XtJ dida.

Eyebrow, ^jgJ (f.), & (f.), /^# bhirkuti.

Eyelid, y jsi, iLb jpafoi; (f.).

Eyelash, J- mizha (plur. ^l^ mizhgn), j> baran.

9 ! .PO
Pupil of the eye, ^ puti, C*f mardumak, ^Z>- mardum-

9 / o
Tear, ns, _jfsrl njh, H ashk,j$ lr.

Nose, cJ\j (f.), ^-> </ (f.), 2>.

Nostril, Ufr-.j nathn,jsx< minkhar (f.)

Bridge of the nose, Lib bns.
Vocabulary Nouns. 135
/ J '
Snot, Mucus, pnt or pf, \2j renta, l2 wa, <_>U! Zw'ai.

Mouth, ^< muh, mukh, ^> dahan, ^\ anan.

9 /
Roof of the mouth, Palate, jSLi talti, ^ km, mazl.

Tongue, -$--s- j'& (f.), (dakh.) -->- ^'>, ^bj za&ra (f.), (jlJ

Zisw (f.).

Breath, jJ cfam, ^-JLs sns (f.), jJ nafas (f.).

Tooth, u^jlj cftzw, ^Jj J dandan, dasan.
Gums, masf, Ai) lisa.
Lip, hnth, c-J ZaS (m. f.).

Beard, ^j^ dr, ^jj rtsh (f.), ^a<.

^ Ear, ^JS , J.^ gosh, &)j~> srawan.

Lobe or tip of the ear, Jt\ bina-gosh, narma-e-gosh.

Drum of the ear, Tympanum, iy l^l k parda.

Cheek, j^ gl, rukhsr, kapl.

Jaw, \^>-jabr, \^>- jabhr, (jaws) kall.

Chin, ufJ^5 thuddi, (dakh.) ^jlp thuddi, Ji zakan, zanakh.

Pit or dimple in the chin, zanakh, ^1} zanaMidan, i\>~


Dewlap, u^*- ghabghab.

Throat, gaZ, ^^U- :, (yibs- halkm.

Larynx, Throttle, Windpipe, Gullet, ?^ narkhafi, \> tent',

^~&j> narkasi, ^Jj nat, j& guli, > gal.

Neck, ^j> gardan (f.), ^ gal, Ijjjb grw (f.), ghanch.

Nape of the neck, guddi, U /fco/5 (f.).

136 Vocabulary.Nouns.

Shoulder, kndh, \bSiyc mndh, J^j dsh, (dakh.)

/ /
Shoulder blade, <Ll fihna, isz katif.

Wing, y par, pankh, ^=f,pachh, j\ bz. t

/ /
Arm, ^jl) >w, ^jU Ai.

Arm (from the shoulder to the elbow), jjb bz, ^f ftAiy, jjJ a*and\

Arm (from the elbow to the wrist), pahunch.

Wrist, kal'l, bsiyJ pahunch, (dakh.) mangat.

Hand, ^jila hth, <L~i rfas, J^>- chang, (extended) &su panja.
Palm of the hand, ^J-&b hathlli, t_i kaff(f.), uuO kaff-i-dast.

Fist, i<$5*> mutthi,

" <^L*> musht.
// o^o
Thumb, IfjjxH anguthfj t^~zJj\ angusht-i-nar, ^\\ bham.

Finger, \J^>\ ungli or 5^1 awg, <^j\ angusht (f.).

Forefinger, tUjl^i <^~j\ angusht-i-shahdat, ^J&\ ^ kalme

ungti, sabbaba.

Middle finger, ^J&\ ^ ^ btch ungli.

Ring finger, (dakh.) J^>\ ^J> CUJly-b shahdat angl.

Little finger, (Gilch. ,A&I kn angli?), ^:>- chhingul (?).

Tips of the fingers, J^lil anmil.

Nail of the finger, &c, [j^> nkhun, ,j nakh, j nah.

Claw, J&>.>- chang, <lsj panja, nkhun.

Elbow, LS^ kuhnl, (jif* mirfak, ^> hm.

Knuckle, -$23b ^ ^^^ ungUyo gnth, Joj &*.
Vocabulary Nouns. 137

Armpit, Jjo baghal (f.), ^fj kakhr.

Breast, Bosom, ^'*- chht, sna.

Pap, Nipple, Teat, Dug, ^b-J sar-i-pistn, bhitnt, Vs=r

jijiy (f.), ^>>- chnchl.

Breast-bone, *~ sar-sna.
Back, -^/* (f.), CUJjJMsA(f.).

Backbone, rtrh (f.), Jub <?, (dakh.) ^Jb A bns.

Side, Ribs, j=\ pnjar, ^^L-j ^asie.

\' Bosom, Jjf grf (f.), i kaul, J kanr or kinr (f.), ^^1

aghosh (f.).

Belly, -J /ei, jL> shikam.

Stomach, *^ mi*da, ^-^-jhdjh, -p-^ /.

Maw, Craw, Crop, -^*. hausila, IS^j /wia.

Point of the sternum or ensiform cartilage, kauri.

Navel, / (f.), nbhi (f.), inrf.

Bowels, Intestines, tjjj\ ctntf, or plur. ^bjjjl antriy,

nten (f.)-

Mesentery, ^ ^tfjr^ antriyn kl thait.

Heart, \j> hird, Ara/, Jj efZ.

Liver, 2 kalja, t>- jigar, kabid.

Lungs, Lights, &j riya, or plur. riyat (f.), shush, ^jj^^j

phtphri (?), (dakh.) phps.

Spleen, Milt, ^ ftffi, JU.b iiAZ (f.), svpurz.

138 VocabularyNouns.

Pluck, Aj$\>j\ l {Jiyz>~ kaiwn k antary kalja.

Pancreas, <J oblaba.

Kidney, j> gurda.

i.? /
Bladder, \iL^phukn or phkn, <b< masara.
Gall-bladder, Gall, Bile, pitt, Xjbj zahra.

Abdomen, dU-J jXi* shikam, kkh (f.), AoM (f.).

Loins, Waste, ja kamar (f.), ^L miyn (f.). cU Aa? (f.)-

Flank, ^ij Zco (f.), Jj baghal (f.) ; see Loins.

Pelvis (lower part of the belly), jJ-j ptr, \ kkh.

Private parts, |*^' andm-i nihnl, ji~ satr.

Hip, Buttock, Ham, Haunch, Rump, if kl, ^>~ chutar,

surin (f.), -I pth, \gj putth.

Thigh, Jij ran (f.), ^iWjngh (f.), \=rjangh (f.).

Knee, LSf> ghutn, y\j zn, the'n.

Kneepan, \j khuriya, J^~ chakki, <> I 7na.

. t
Lap, f gd (t.),y\j zn.

Leg li^ s (*")> ^ pw> "y gT> philR.

Calf of the leg, Jjcj , J-J ff, (dakh.) c^-b/tf

A gsht.

Shin, Shin-bone, ^ haddi, (dakh.) ^Jj ^ ,j0j

^ nall.

Ankle, ghtl, Aa*>, <.&Jb-i shitlang, (joint) LsH takJin.

Pastern (of a horse), Uj-$j the'n, Jj ght.

Heel, >! en, bpashna.

Vocabulary.Nouns. 139
Instep, b CUnj puskt-i p.

Foot, yb paw, b pair, pag, ^y>- charan.

Sole of the foot, lyj' tal' or lyj talwa, b t__ p.

Toe, ^jl&l ^ yb ung, (great) j li^il angusht-i nar.

Hoof, sum,j khur.

Hurts and Diseases of the Body.

Blow, Stroke, Stripe, chapt (f.), <_yj zarb (f.), wr,J^

mr (f.).

Blow with the fist, i-w< musht, , ghs.

Bruise, Blow, Hurt, <-byj~ c^i (f.).

Sprain, Strain, ^-y , (dakh.) \jyo mora.

Cut, Slash, ]^=- /, jr-j zakhm.

Scratch, small wound, ^j>- chark.

Wound, Sore, j^s-j zakhm, j\f gh', ^'\ gh'e, jarhat

(f-)> J^ij rsh.

Ulcer, Abscess, jyJi nsr, >-Js karha, Vjj^ phr.

Fistula,jj-jU nsr.

Issue, Running sore, cu^Jcj bandarkhat.

Gangrene, Mortification, Vjs- khr, ,g*> sarn.
- j>
Imposthume, Bile, Blain, JJ dummal, phr.
Whitlow, Felon, ijj^>- chhalrt.

Pimple, Pustule, small Bile, JyJj baltr, ^^- phuns, chhl,

L-J pans (f.).

Blister, tfrfj phaphl, SU- chhl, VIq phulk, abila.

140 Vocabulary.Nouns.

Kibe, Chap on the foot, Chilblain, biwaTi.

Scar, Cicatrix, Mark, clj dgk, >- chink, chittt, li=>- ckakt.

Bump, gmr, Uf gathiy, (from the bite of an insect) JJjJJ

Swelling, Tumour, J*>J dummal,

Wen, gmr, (dakh.) ^j-*; ras.

Bronchocele, Goitre, ghg, \^> ghgh.

Scrofula, King's evil, SU ^L kanth mala, ^jb- khanzir.

Cancer, ^Jbj~> saratn, &*JL>-j\j& hazr-chashma.

Chancre, tnki, ti-o- chat (f.).

Wart, Excrescence, L< nass, ^-~< masbird, \ 7/.

Pain, Ache, Ail, ^0 dukh, JiJ dard, pr (f.), Jrfan.

Sickness, Illness, Disease, Disorder, Distemper, ^J^. bimr, ^J>j^

marz or ^,^ marass,j\j\ azar, <yj fbg.

Contagion, Infection, U-j saryat (f.).

Sickness at Stomach, Nausea, <JJ^ /c (f.), i^Xa> /, matlal.

Indigestion, l_5^> bad-hazmi, ^j^>-\ ajiran.

Fainting, Swoon, \J^ ghash, ^JL ghashi, \$>-j}<<> mrchh (f.).
Co *
Fit, ,A^r- blmri kt charht, c~Jj3 naubat (f.).
"^ s
Headach,^! OjO dard-i-sar, ^Ia-a suda', (dakh.) oj^y sir-phor.

Vertigo, Giddiness, Swimming in the head,y- ^j daurn-i-sar.

Ear-ach, O^J dard-i-gosh (?).

Toothach, ^-j t^-JJ dant-ptr (f.), ^IjJJ ^i dard-i dandn.

Vocabulary Nouns. 141

Ophthalmia, ~>- 4->j->l shb-i chashm, ^j>j<* ^ ^ol & ka maraz.
Quinsy, Jb- khunk.

Sore throat, J;J \ ^J gale k dard.

Ringworm, Herpes, olj daa", \ L~^j bhaisiya-dad.

Cold, f> thand (f.), sard, j zukam.

Catarrh, Rheum, dJ^3 nazla, zukam.

Cough, (^ji^ khnst, ij~ surfa, (dakh.) j^lbj dhns.

Hiccough, Hickup, ,Xs*

v ^ hichk.
Hoarseness, ^ giriftagl-wz (f.).

Fever, ap (f.), ip (f*), fr jar, cUj\j>- hararat (f.).

Ague, i^ji tap-i-larza, i-f'frjrl.

Ague, quartan, ^1*5- humm-e rb'l.

Ague, tertian, tib" tijrl, t_-* tap-i ghbb.

Intermittent fever, b^\ antriy, u^Jji iap-i naubat.

Hectick fever, jJ ap-i i/tA:, J-j siZZ.

Quotidian fever, <jlj^ t_^J fap-t muwzaba.

Burning fever, Jj^* c-^J ap- muhrik.

Madness, Phrenzy, diwnagi, !j~> saud, y> sir (f.).

Consumption, Phthisis, J-s siZZ, <jjj chhai-rg (or, vulg.


Dropsy, Hydropsy, ^!- jalandhar, U ... . istiska.

w CO
Anasarca, .Jij i~s->l istiska-i zikkl.
G ^
Tympany, j^Lt istisk-i tabU.
142 Vocabulary.Nouns.

Pleurisy, t_^JTcil ztu-l-jamb, p\-*j>-jirsm, ^L^j barsam.

Plethora, )oi>\ il ifrt-i akhlt, ifrt-i khn.
- *
Asthma, i^OLj sn (f.), j^^-Jlj;^ zku-n-nafas, <UJ dama.
O ti,
Palsy, tsy-. sitang, (or hemiplegia) JJ* ./5Zy, i^ajl adhang.

Paralysis, yS lakwa, it^j ra sha : see Palsy.
Gout, (^yi nikris (improp. nakris), (dakh.) L$2S gathiyrb't.

Rheumatism, /b 67 or J' (f.), CL>b bat (m.), J-ell -sfj waja'

mafsil, (dakh.) cf'^^- jhanakwl.

Jaundice, Jj kawal or jb Jj kawal-bd, ylj yarkn.

Gravel, Stone, <b* t&~) sang-i masjna.

A stone in the bladder, Calculus, patthr.

To have a palpitation of the heart, U^JJ \^~ dharakn.

Smallpox, L- sfaft (f.), \\a mai (f.) or (dakh.) ULc mth, ^Jstf

gti, chchak (f.). A Pock, ^Jjj* gt.

_ JO
Measles, ij\^f garmi-dana (?), ^ pangt (Gilch. ?).

Chincough, khasi, (dakh.) khang.
A sty on the eyelids. ^^ I 5wM anjari, ^b^sci anjanhrt.
Gripes, Colic, i^fi^nj peckish (f.), ^jj^-* maror, klinj.

Tenesmus, ^lt Aags (f.), plchish (f.),j^-s sr.

OJ s
Vomiting, ^ ll ubk' tai, (f.), istifrgh.

Cholera, <U- haiza, bj wai (f.).

Piles, Hemorhoids,^^!^ bawsir.

Stoppage of the nose, Coryza, Juj sudda.

Vocabulary.Nouns. 143

Hemorrhage, (from the nose) i_Jlcj ru'f, (from other part) ^\ J-*-

Polypus, Inflammation in the nose, Vb' nkr.

Obstruction of the liver, ?^xxa sudda-i jigar.

Diarrhoea, Flux, Dysentery, atisr, \j->j~~> sitras, JlyJ is'h,

ji> jiryn-i shikam.

Constipation, Costiveness, j^-a-J #ao? (f.), u^*~ kabziyat (f.) ^w-J


Venereal, . b o' (f.), i/3i bd-ifarang, CJ\ atashak (f.).

Gonorrhoea, d/Jj^ szk, parme'd, <U*^ pramth.
Diabetes, J^j JL $ilsil~i haul*

Dysury, Strangury, J^JI i,/"-*" habsu-l-baul, JjJ\ sru-1-baul.

Epilepsy, ^c^-o mirg, jU apasmr.

Rupture, Hernia, <U- jb a , i /

Leprosy, Jkjjs , f\>> juzm, ^--j pes, ^'--j svfaidi.

Elephantiasis, b iSz*ftl'P> -< wa /*.

Plague, Pestilence, bj (f.), l_crc .

Epidemie, jU\^ mah-mr, *lc (./r* maraz-i-mm.

Famine, las' aAf, ksi kaht-sli, Jl fcZ, ^JJ dubhuk.

Hunger, -g^jgJ bhukh (f.), gursinagi, ^js>-j*.

Thirst, ^-Uj piys (f.), irs (f.), tishnag, ^Jiac. tash (f.).

Persons employed in curing diseases.

Physician, - hakim, iaio, <xo oad.

144 Vocabulary. Nouns.

Surgeon, ^\j>~ jarrah.

Apothecary, Dmggist,j^as-ttr,j\^>\yidaw-sz, ijj\~jpansrl(iri.s).

Phlebotomist, iSj rag-zan, lilci fassd.

Cupper, (=!>" hajjm, flj ^--j sng-wl.

Bonesetter,yU kamn-gar.

Medical means.
y 9 *
Medicine, Drug, j daw (f.), dr (f.), xa>j\ aushadh (f.).
Remedy, Cure, ^le *Zy, chra.

Emetic, i^* mukaiy, IjJ ^ ^ kai dawa.

Purge, <Asf-jullb,j\>-jhr.

Bleeding, s^ifasd (f.).

Electuary, ^ys*-* ma*jn, ,Jiy rish-dr.

Ointment, jfcte^ marham, /.

Plaster, Salve, marham, ep, iiU- zamad (f.).

Fomentation, i * senk, i)U kimd.

Embrocation, Jc3 tatar (f.), jU- zamad (f.), 5 .

Poultice, lopri, jj tikor.

Bandage, jU-j zamd (f.), patt.

Clyster, <fcjL>- hukna.

The Mind and its Attributes or Affections.

9 9 9
Mind, ^ man, ^>- bjh (f.), <t^Ju> mudrika, .

Intellect, Understanding, Jc <? (f.), JLjb As, JbJo JwdA (f.),

Vocabulary.Nouns. 145

Reason, Jir kl (f.) ; reasoning faculty, Ja3 nutk.

Will, Wish, irda, \> ichchh (f.), bichar.

Desire, jy- shauk, aW- cAA (f.), <j-.y hawas (f.), (-ris>\p- khw-
hish (f.).

Avarice, llach, JT", bukhl. J>j>- hirs (f.)-

Ambition, (j~y> hawas (f.), c&-ot umang (f.), }:>- hausila.

Affection, vr^*-"* muhabbat (f.), jIj piyr, (f.), <J>jO rfard.

Love, (Ji^ *sA#, iU- cAA, jLj ^>yr, 1yi> Aat (f.).

Hatred, Dislike, Aversion, LZ)J nafrat (f.), * bad-khwhl,

Jl gurz.

Disgust, Abhorrence, {j^jt>\ karhiyat (f.), Ci^si nafrat (f.), ^

gAi, (f.), lSj]}^ bezrl.
Anger, Passion, Rage, ~jj> brdh, ^tJ* chashm, <Ua ghussa, .-.^
ghazab, ris (f.), (./rr^ * (f.).
y 's.
Pleasure, Joy, Mirth, Gladness, ^>y>- khushi, J^c- aish, ^-^
99 -9
farhat (f.), (ji bils, nand, surr, - khurramt.

Happiness, Felicity, ^ji^cl^ kmrri, Jo! nand, ^jxsybyi- khiish-

mfi _
Hope, J^l ummed (f.), ^1 5s (f.), s (f.).

Reliance, Faith, Trust, s (f.), jUc^ Ptimd, Lm^J bhros,
takiya,jLss\ ixtibr.

Fear, Dread, Apprehension, far, j^j-y wasws, bhai, l-

sank (f.).
! /
Doubt, Suspicion, X> shakk, -^.J^ sandeh, UjoJ dubdh (f.).
i shubha.
146 Vocabulary Nouns.
. f
Courage, Valour, iZ>\jZ>-jur'at (f.), c^J himmat (f.), dilri.
m Cp
Cowardice, ^j^ be-himmti, iJj*o U n-mardi.
Shame, Bashfulness, Modesty, sharm (f.), ^.3 fty (f.), I*-
Aay (f.).

Jealousy, ^Jzann, <J$>~jkal (f.), i^S rfA (f.), CX> shakk.

Spite, Malice, Grudge, Envy, j^^Lj bughz, J*j rashk, S kina.

Animosity, Enmity,^ hair, <fi lag (f.), iSJ^Ss- adwat (f.).

Vengeance, Revenge, intkam,^ bair, jo badl.

Mercy, Compassion, Pity, ram, I0 day (f.).^ ?"" ()

Patience, sbr (f.), sabri, dhiraj.

Morals, moral and immoral Actions.

Morals, Manners, ti^-j sirat (f.), akhlk, _jj1 acaJ.

Ceremonies, Custom, Etiquette, t_>taT rf>, rasm (f.), JU- (f.).

Politeness, good manners, ij>- khulk, cl:^ muruwat (f.).

Civility, cl^La smZm/c, khulk, Ci-^JLil insniyat (f.).

Honesty, Probity, i/'lf- sachchl, ^j^Jj rst, i/j-*- sachaut.

Immorality, Dishonesty, L?iU^JJ bad-ma'ashi, adharm.

Knavery, Treachery, ^bUj dagha-bazi. ^ ^ be-imni.

Falsehood, Deceit, JL< makr, QjJ darogh.

Temperance, Sobriety, parhez, sanjam, <^j% wara*.

Intemperance, Extravagance, ^ bad-parhtzi, ^Jy fazl.

Prodigality, Waste, t-i^t '??'^f> ^"J^~J3 war-kharchi, iab" aZa/".

Niggardliness, Stinginess, (^yaciS' kanjst, ^Jm^j tangdilt.

Vocabulary. Nouns. 147

Liberality, Generosity, iZi^s^ sakhwat (f.), >- jd, .

) -
Beneficence, ^L.^ ihsan, jJ\ upakr, uJ faiz.

Friendship, Kindness, ^jb-y* mihrbi, \Skirp (f.).

Professions, Occupations.
Theology, Divinity, tsi fikh (f.), ^ - .

Medicine (practice of), Physic, uuoUs tabbat (f.), i--^ ()

Law, Jurisprudence, < yM (f.), dalat (f.), Aar*.

Military Profession, iL- siph-gart.

Agriculture, Husbandry,^--s7r, ^jL> kishtkrl, v^sSjj zir'at (f.)-

Merchandise, Commerce, C^W1 tijrat (f.), saudagari,

jL-j baipar, banij,\yj>saud.

Servitude, Slavery, ^sAj bandagi, ^b>- chkari, ijf> naukri,

ghulmt, J^j iaAaZ (f.).

People of Professions, Occupations, or Trades.

Theologian, <ui falih, Jj>! aA- maxrifat, achraj.

Lawyer, <Ui fakih, J-^j l Sdlat k wakil.

Soldier, ^>|--> siphi, ^j-bb-i sipht pesha, lashkar.

Physician, i_ tabib, iXj a, j*^=>- hakim.

Author (writer), mu'allif, JS ^jj> granth-kr, musannif.

Cultivator, Husbandman, ^lS kisn, ^UbJ dihkan, 'yo muzan.

Merchant, Trader, \<Sy* saudagar,j>~ tajir, baipari (.).

Grain-merchant, ^1 banjr, <>1 ghalla-farsh.

148 Vocabulary.Nouns.
Banker, Moneychanger, [fr\^ makjan, t_J^ sarrf, ^L* sttk.

Broker, Salesman, J dallai, ^ .

Artificer, Artisan, krgar, kasb(m.\jj~j pesha-war.

Draper, Linen-draper, Mercer, Cloth-merchant, j\j> bazzaz.

Silk-mercer, ^jji <S-*->y1 abrshmtna-farsh, ybjjiJj>- harlr-farsh.

Weaver, ^'^, tntt(m.\ JcJb bfinda.

Embroiderer, jjiiy zar-doz,jii^j>- chikan-dz.

Carpet-weaver, i_Jb ^j^rJaJi shatran-bf.

Tailor, darz (.), s (.), bL- khaiyt.

Shoemaker, Cobbler, (_?&-j*o mcA (.), jjjJ kafshdz.

Saddler zngar, ^j^j* mchi (.), sarrj.

Tanner, Currier, chamar, dabbgh, j dabgar.

Grocer, JUb bakkl, pansrl, jlka aar.

Druggist, Apothecary, t_;UJ pansrl (.), jlks Sttr.

Ironmonger, (^jj/ ^> han-farsh.

Blacksmith, jbkj! lhr, hangar, haddd.

Farrier, joJjw na*l-band, lJJ>^^> sltar: see Horse-doctor.

Coppersmith, Brasier, Tinker, jL~* misgur, kaslra, j^Sfr*

Jeweller, i^j^jT jauhari, bj- jariy, jj zwar-farsh.

Goldsmith, Silversmith, jLj sunr, j>jj zargar.

Cutler, kradgar, jbsj! Ar.

Needle-maker, j>jjy* szan-gar.

Arrow-maker, jJ r-gar.
Vocabulary.Nouns. 149
Cartwright, Carpenter, Cabinet-maker, Lj->^ barha' (m.), ^J>\ kht

(m.\j\ss? najjr,j>jjJ dardgar.

Cook, ^jfyjV bwarchi (.), \yj ras'iy, U? tabbkh.

Sutler, Innkeeper, !J^ty bhathiyr.
Baker, Ljlj nnbl (m.\jJ\j nnpaz, tabbkh.

Butcher, t_>L kassb, /^^ kasl (.), zii.

Poulterer, ^Lc^ murghbn, murghiwl.

Fishmonger, t/-j/ mhi-farosh, ^^^s^ machhl-wl.
Green-grocer or -seller, (J^f xj> tara-fardsh, kunjr.
Gardener, mal, ^U^V bghbn, (dakh.) ^b baghwl.

Architect, Builder, Mason, Bricklayer, jUjk mi*mr, ^j'jg thawa'l

Stonecutter, ^/Ijj/ sang-farosh.
Brickmaker, u^vtS- khisht-paz, "\j (JL-oM mt-wl.

Potter, jV*^ kumhr, JK MZZ, kas-gar.

Plasterer, ^x-S kas-gar.

Accountant, Cashier, Clerk, Writer, ijXa^o mutasaddi,jjS^> muharrir

Village Accountant, ijfj^fji karamchrl (.).

Steward, <J}& bakwal, bhandri (.), ^^^ dwn.

House-Steward, Butler, wULJl>- khnsmn, Jik*<iS- khidmatgr,

uf;ljLi^J bhandri, .

Brewer, jfljjj iz-gar.

150 Vocabulary. Nouns.

Printer, UIj^jI^s- chhpt-wal, (of cloth) ^jfti>- chhtpl, j^ili


Engraver,J kalam-kar,J kanda-kr.

Carver, Sculptor, Statuary, JS tx kanda-kr, ^U nakksh.

-' )
Painter, Draftsman, JS>jx>- chitr-kr, j^z* musauwir, tJ&i nakksh.

Actor, Mimic, Player, S>\> bhnd, swngi, bahurpiy,

Jli nakkl.

Adjutant, Aide de camp, nak'ib, {^sXa^a mushib.

Administrator, Executor (of a will), wast.

Advertiser, Reporter, Intelligencer, j*s*> mukhbir, khabar-dr,

j^Jtt shahr-khabr.

Alchymist, u^y^ muhawwis, \^S klmiygar.

Amanuensis, c^Jt ktib, <j-\ likhni-ds, tl^J Ukhak.

Ambassador, Envoy, LS^i.\ tlch, JJj wakl, CJj dut,j*si~> safir.

Angler, jb ^j*.j banst-bz.

Annotator, y-Le mufassir, ^/-i> shrih.

Appraiser, Valuer, Assizer, ^j>~j nirkhl, pJL* mukim.

Arbitrator, Umpire, ci-Jlj salis, >- hakam, i_J-2i* munsif.
<- -
Archer, jljj^ tlr-andz,j}iSj\* kamn-dr,jSsi} tl&jbJ dhanuk-dhar.

Arithmetician, t-^W* muhsib, CS& ganak, ^\i3 jL-j siyk-dn.

Armourer, .S J~ mikal-gar.

Artist, j& vj^-J dast-kar, S~t\ ustd, ij^ krigar.

Ascetic, L5-J tapst (m.), <Lbjf gsAa nishbi.

Vocabulary Nouns. 151

Assassin, ktil, cS\L> saffk, iS^ thag.

Assayer (of coins), nkid, li nakkd, Wjy parakhaiy.

Assistant (in office), jJ ijLi ptsh-dast, ^jLj pesh-kr.

-9 99
Astrologer, Astronomer, munajjim, ^Jy^jotikhi (.),


Attorney, i--olj na' ib, J-^j wakl.

Auctioneer, Slj ^Jt ^Lj nilm -wl.

, 9 9
Auditor (of accounts), * mustauf (.), u_^-ilsr muhsib.
Augurer, L3j> shugniy.
Barber, A?*" hqjjm, t^-oli npit, wsi.

Bearer (of a letter, &c), J-*b- hamil, (porter) JU>- hammal, IJ^<

motiy, ^3 kuli, (chairman) mahra,Ju kahar, ^> bh'.

Beggar, >1$# bhikhrl (m.),jJi fakir, \ gada, JjL s'iZ.

Bell-founder, jLj jaras-saz.

Binder (of a book),^> A~jild-gar, uls.*8 sahhf.

Bird-catcher, nir-sAir^UjJ*- chirimr, Le saiyd.

Boatman, ^X mollah, L}\--"''( kishbn, ^jgs* mnjhi, (rower)

^jjii dndl (.).

Bookkeeper, yiy <>\~>- hisab-nawis, jjS^> muharrir.

Bookseller, uJUi0 sahhf, Jt}y kitb-farsh.

Bootmaker, moza-gar.

Bowmaker, kamngar.
Boxer, \~*c musht-zan, JU mal, J-< mall.
152 Vocabulary. Nouns.

Bracelet-maker,J^jy>- chfl-kr.

Buffoon, XjS!" maskhara, Ju\# bhnd.

Burnisher, jfjiu-tf saikal-gar.

Butterman, L'.^(< makhaniy.

Calenderer, j,^ kund-gar.

Camel driver or keeper, ^bjL srbn, jj shutur-bn.

Cardmaker, jL Just ganjifa-saz.

Carman, Carter, Coachman, dyf gfwn, ^[f gfibn.

Carpet-maker, i_ib ^jsrJbJt) shatran-bf.

Cashier, ^dJjjar tahwll-dr,j\ cy fta-dr, \>jfj rokariy.

Cavalier,jl^- sawr,JS sawr-kr, bjfj$i J# bhal-ghoriy.

Chairman (president), (j-ls-* ^- mir-majlis: (bearer) see Bearer.

Chandler, jLs sAam -.

Charioteer, ^b ^Jj rath-ban, ^i>j^> srathi (.).

Cheesemonger, j parir-farsh.

Chess-player, jLiS^k^ shatranj-bz, Je\> shtir.
Chiromancer, samudraki (.).
- *
Chronologer, Chronicler, )> mu'arrikh.

Chymist, kmiy-gar, ^}~>j rasyanl (.).

Clockmaker, jL c^-bj s'at-sz.

Coiner, ->^9 zarrab, (counterfeiter, forger) ^^j^bu taghallubi (.).

Collector (tax-gatherer), J-as^ tahsl-dr, JiteAi baj-dr.

Colonel, LSj\yt> hazari (.), jSL s&.

Vocabulary.Nouns. 153
99 Jb. -
Comedian, \->4)j* bahu-rupiy, ^_>^ sawngi, Jli nakkl.

Commander, j\j~> sardr, jL slr, ^U- hakim, amr.

m 9
Commentator, mufassir, ^'- shrih, J tlk-kr.

Commissary, JS \j sarbarali-kar, J darogha.
o* O/
Commissioner, amtn,JJc?> mukhtr-kr, f*^ muhtamim.
-it oo
Compiler, i_^4j mu'allifyj ^j granth-kr, ^U-jmi*.

Composer, _:,. musannif, )\Jt \->\ insh-pardz.

' 'it,
Conductor, l*j rah-numa, j lj rali-bar, \\ agw.

Confectioner, l/4jL>- halw'J, \s mitha'i-gar.

Conjurer,j\s- jdgar, \$>ji tnh, J}\j\- hazira, ^J^- jan.

Consul, wakl: see Commissioner.

Contractor, yS>-\i~~c mustajir.

Controller, is.^J\ti drgha, (of accounts) ^f~~c mustauf.

Cooper, bj L-j ^7p bannt-wal.

A Corporal, nayak.
9-9 Co
Counsellor,^-^ muslr, jX mudabbir, ^sjx-* mantri (m.).

Courier, t^-J ^ai, jueli #<md, a^l^i harkra.

; cl
Courtier, u;bj darbari, ^jy>- huzrl, JaI aAZ- majlis.

Cow-herd, Cowkeeper, Jb^gpZ, ^ gwl or igwla, j~thahr.

Crier, bj^JijobJ dhandhoriya, ^ck^a mundi.

Critic, ^-i />- barf-gir, uJUli^ -shigf.

Cuirassier, J^jj baktar-psh.

Cupbearer, s&7, bakwal.

154 Vocabulary.Nouns.

Darner, j rafu-gar.

Dervis, \jZ->,)j darwshjj^ fakir.

Devotee, b\j zhid, Jolc abid, riyza, ^j^jgi-

Dier, ^L<e sabbgh, jij <Sj rang-rez.

Digger, j\jJ-j bel-dr, kodgar.

! < f
Director (manager), j^^J j& kr-pardz, J& kr-kun, J J^

Disciple, siM, ) 1 shgird, )Lo- chel, talmiz.

Distiller, jK/f b-kr,$ kalr, >? snfi (m.), (dakh.) ^ kall.

Diver, (jo^ ghawws, Lp-^o marjiy,jy=- ghota-khdr.

Diviner, IJ *-^ ghaib dan, Ujj>-> shugniy : see Astrologer.

Doctor, jjlc maulawt (m.)> pandit : see Physician.

Doorkeeper, ^bjO darbn or darwn, ^J"*?^ d'rh-dr.

Drover, baldiy, <nb galla-bn.

Drudge, Ijly tahl', ^^e* mihnat (m. f.).

Drummer, Uys^ dholiy, tambur-ch, jly JJs tabl-nawz.

Embroiderer, jjJ ^^s- chikan-doz, zar-dz.

Enameller, jl mn-kr.

Enchanter,^ jd-gar, afsn-gar, j>-\~> shir.

Executioner, Js- jalld, badhik.

Factor, Agent, fc-bUS' gumshta, jlo^ jl kr-pardz, J\'& kr-


Falconer, j^jb bz-dr,jjj> ,^-li> shhtn-parwar.

Farmer, ^-^ kisn, ^jiS- milkt, ^~ chs,j\ ^t^j zamin-dr.

Vocabulary.Nouns. 155

Fencer, Cudgeller, jb ^Jb pall-bz, jbjj) lakar-bz.

Ferryman, ^Vjs guzar-, ^jb patri, Li naiy.

Fiddler, LfijL. srangiy, j\y ^L> srangl-nawz.

Fisherman, j-i mhi-gir, 'j^f* machhw, Lb>- jaliy.

Footpad, rh-zan, j\j cUj bat-pr: see Robber.

Forester, (j~b ^ ban-bs : see Ranger.

Fortuneteller, ^J>jS*~ samudrik (m.), JU> rammal, ^j*? nu~

jtn (.).

Founder, Caster, L~ kasr, (dakh.) jL kasr : see Coppersmith.

Friar, j+si fakir, zhid, jJcl kalandar : see Monk.

Fruiterer, mewa-farsh.

Furbisher, Polisher, jfjjue saikal-gar.

Furrier, ^!ljjijj*~ samr-farsh.

Fusileer, ^>-jy) zambr-chl, ^j?jj bandk-chi.

Gambler, Gamester, ljJ1^ jwri (.), j\i J|$j phar-bz, j\i


General, J^ slr,Ji^ aL-i siph-slr, j\j~> sardr.

Generalissimo, l^oL^ snapat, \ \ -1-umar.

Geometrician, ^^x muhandis, <UJJt handasa-dn.

Gilder, XL til-kr, J>' kft-gar.

Glass-maker,^^!^ shlsha-gar.

Glazier, 'j lJFT shisha jarne-wala.

Governess (female teacher), ji't (f.).

Governor, jU. hakim, UUU <rai/, jjs nzim, J*<ij> sardr.

156 Vocabulary Nouns.

Grammarian, ^.Jysr i_J^e sarf-nahv-dn, ^J*^. bykaram.

Grass-cutter, \J*~~^> ghasiyr.

Grave-digger, ^jf gdr-kan.

Grazier, Wj^- charwh, 1\>)/>- charne-wl : see Sheplierd.

Groom, ^-j L s7s, yl) nafar, sa's.

Gunner, j\ glandz, Is" gulchal, ^ylfeJCJ bandhni.

Haberdasher, ^l-J Jsa or bistl, \j2j patw : see Pedler.

Harper, chang,j\y y barbat-nawz.

CG -^
Helmsman, , ^rto mnjht (.), sukkm (.) : see Steersman.

Herald, mundl, bj^jLJ dhandhriy.

Herdsman, ^\.<iigalla-bn, bjJj baldiy, charwh.

Hermit, i^pZJ&Z.^ gsha-nishln, l^LjiiJi^>- khalwat-nishtn.

Highwayman, slj rh-zan, (jjL kazzk : jb cL-o bat-pr.

Historian, mu'arrikh, _^j riei.

s 9
Horsebreaker,j^j-i il>l>- chbuk-sawr, J>y^Ji shah-sawr.

Horse-doctor, fjji\~ sltarl, J^j baitr.

Horseman (trooper), Jiy sawr,jJj brgir, J1^ &j turk-sawr.

Hosier, i^i\},_jyc mz-bf, ^joj^t mze-farsh.

Hostler, (j-j L Is iJUi- ^L^j bhathiyari khri k s's.

' "s s
Housebreaker, Loo-^ slndhiy, ^ji^iw nakb-zan.

Hunter, Huntsman, jbjVJ* shikr-bz, iiL* saiyd.

Jailer, (jVv^ ^ tjU-t/A^ bandi-khnt k nigahbn.

Jester, i^s.^ mskhara, (funny fellow) j ta thatht-bz.

Vocabulary. Nouns. 157
- 9
Inlayer, ^lie^wo munabbat-kr.

Innkeeper, bhathiyr, & halr, (dakh.) JK kall.

Interpreter, ^\^- tarjumn, db-bhaslya.
- 9 s
Jockey, jLj CSj^>- chabuk-sawr, sawar, Js^^ shah-sawar.
* 9
Joiner, ^>y. barlialfja* sutr : see Cartwright, Carpenter.

Judge, i^j-^i kz (m.), \s>- hkim, imJLai* munsif, mufti.

Juggler, jbj>- hukka-bz, Joj -$5jj dth-band, j\i^J batte-bz.

Justice (of the peace), e kzi : see Judge.

Co t, y
Keeper, f^^j rakh-wala, nigh-bn.

Labourer, j .U> mazdr, ^r* mihnati (m. f.), /.

Land-steward, j\fispcttwr, J^> soztoaL

Land-surveyor or -measurer, ^lu-^j^- jarlb-kash.
t>p 9 t,9
Language-master, ^yi-x* munsht, khun, )-)1 Msfrf.

Lecturer, mudarris : see Professor, Preacher.

Lexicographer, ^y\^ lughat-nawis.

Librarian, l ijU-c_>b kitab-khn k darogha.

Lighterman, 'jjg bhar-wl, ^Lc l y bhar ka mollah.

\Amaer,cLljye srat-gar, j musauwir : see Painter.

Mace-bearer,jljjj>- chb-dr, ^j.^y* sntt-bardr.

Machinist, kal-sz,ji^M^ san't-gar (?).

Magician, ^- jdu-gar, >>\ afsn-gar, bhkas.

Magistrate, J\*-y faujdr, kzl, ^S\s- hkim: see Judge.

Major-domo, kulkuln, J i\jj~> sarbarh-kr.

]58 Vocabulary.Nouns.
Manager, j\j\ kr-guzr, j&^J pshkar : see Director.

Manufacturer, J>iJ& hangar, Jz*> dast-kr: see Artificer.

Mariner, JL* mallah, ^La kish-ban : see Sailor.

Mathematician, ^^bj riyzi-dn, ^^ muhandis.

. 00
Mechanic,y^ krtgar, jj~ Jj>1 ahl-i-hirfa, psha-war.

Mendicant, gada, (^.jj^ darweshyjJfakr, ^s>- jangam.

Messenger, uuAS ksid, sjjb harkra, tZJj dt, ^^cVi-o sandsl.

Midwife, t^'lisj- (_?*^ dl-janl.

/ /
Milkman, UljJjo) ddk-wl : Milkmaid, ^lykJjJ ddh-wl.

Miller, V>\^-j plsan-hr.

Minister (of state), jjjj icaztr, y^J^ pardhan : see Priest.

Mint-master, Acjjlj l JLJo taksl k drgha.
Monk, uZjjj^ darwsh, jJ fakir, Aftlj zhid, iS]^ bairg.

Muleteer, kJiachchar-bn.
/ _ j> c^
Musician, <-J^2-<> mutrb, ^^- mughannt, e^-JjK kalwant.

Mustermaster, ^ aVis, karor, j *U- j'iza-glr.

00 /
Musketeer, J^Jjy barkandz, Joj bandkchi.
m CO
Navigator, ^.L mallah, ^l. kishtibn, ^jtsf^ mnjht (.).

Necromancer,^SjOU- jdgar, jb tone-baz, j>\~> sahxr.

Needle-maker, ^'jy* sdzan-gar.

Notary, ^-j dabir.

Nurse (of a sick person), j^U-j bimar-dar.

Nurse (of a child), , dd (f.), '.

Vocabulary Nouns. 159

Nurse (wet), / ^/ta d'i-pl'i, (dry) ^jtys / dl-khill.

Nurse (male), bta efy, Iii ann.

Oculist, JlsT kahhl, L~j sathiy (?).

Officer, -*< mansab-dr, j\ s^a uhda-dr, Jip, sardar.

Oilman, Oil-merchant, tl, ^ijy raughan-farosh.

Ostler, i^Lj s's, jIj^j*- chirwadar (?) : see Groom.

Overseer, \*^ karr, J\ drgha, ^s^Ui! ihtimmch.

Palmiste^ ^^*^ samudriki, ^jj^> bhadr (.).

Papermaker, kgha,^ l kghaz-gar.

Parcher of grain, ^ bharbhnj.

m '
Pastor, td^ galla-bn, ^^- chaupn, (jU-jU psbn, (spiritual

guide) guru, ij\s> hdt, dJbj* murshid.

Pastry-cook, halw'i: see Confectioner.

Patcher, J pra-doz9JS j^-j paiwand-kr.

Paver, Pavier, jcj Jj farsh-band.

Pawn-broker, ^-Jjj bandhak-gr, ^j** murtahin: see Banker.

Paymaster, ^f\j>- khazn-cht, l<^s bakhsht, (general) (^-^


Pedler, ^l-J iisi (m), oJt3 dast-farsh, bjgj phariy.

Penman, /"}*' khush-naws, \b~ khattt.

Perfumer, gandhi (.), jlLc zttr, ^^ atr-farsh.

Pewterer, j-^ kaser : see Brasier.

Philosopher, uJyJu failsf, ^yili fasaf (.), haktm.

160 Vocabulary. Nouns.
Physiognomist, ^x*^ samudrikl, ,Jj <L3 kiyfa-dn.
<- 9
Pickpocket, \j 1^ jb-katr, j> kisa-bur.

Pilgrim, cu^jI aii, ijji\>-jtri (m.), ^X^saiy, (to Mecca) ^jr^-

A/ (.).

Pilot, jjjto mu'allim, ^>J\ arkti,j\&J krn-dhr.

Pioneer, Ljj! lniy, j\jLj bel-dr.
's '
Pirate, ^-^-> daka.it, dk : see Robber.

Plaiter,^j'l utt-gar, ^J\ urt-gar.

Planter, kjfjJijS 'er (.), mAssT nakhlband.; see Gardener.

Plasterer,^L kasgar.
m CO
Player (stage), Jli nakkl, pkhniy, ^J^^y swng (.).

Ploughman, ljy>-jA hal-jot, Wjb> halwh, Jjy>- jtr.

Plumber, (^ ^ v_s-~-a ss km-karnewl.

i '
Poet,jC.\> sh'r, kab, ..,. kabishar, ^~ijs? sukhan-sanj.

Polisher,^JJue saikal-gar,J*h>- jil-gar, ghotan-hr.

Porter, (carrier) j^jb brbardr, \J^ mtiy, ^J3 : see Door
Postman, L1j dkiy, J-t ksid, (dakh.) !j JUS tappLwl.
o? .o o.?
Potter, kumhr,LS kasgar, (dakh.) jL kunbr.

Poulterer, ^^* murghJ-wl, (Jyj^s* murgh-farsh.

Preacher, lclj ', j*^} waxz-go, ^^Jb~ khatib.
(.9 9^ -
Preceptor, ustad, &> khun, k**> mu'allim.

Prefect, Afcim : see Governor.

Prelate, Primate, *U mm, .X^i^sT* mujtahid.

Vocabulary.Nouns. 161

President, b bl-nishin, (_/-Lsr-/o mir-i majlis.

Priest, jj> gurjj^ pir, vi^jkjji purhit : see Preacher, Prelate.

Professor (teacher), ^jb* mudarris, vLf>b pthak, jJjk mu'llim.

Prophet, naZu ^m.),^vLj paighambar, rikh.

Pursuivant, J^lJ yaswal, j\<X>f>- chb-dr.

Purveyor, oj^J^ bhandrt, Jz\jj~ sarbarh-kr.

Quarter-master, J^o^< mr-i manzil, Cj>jj~* mr-i-tuzuk.

Ranger (ofa forest), J^^S karwal, jlLi^o mr-shikr.

Recorder, sar-rishta-dar, \j~iy> J^i daftar-naws.

Renter, ^.g bharai, J\sJ*>-\ ijra-dr, J\j}J> kirya-dr.

Retailer, jA^i *jy>- khurda-farsh, \jJ^ phariy.

Robber, jy>- chr, chtt, dakait, rh-zan.

Ropedancer,^jjb bazi-gar, \j2j natw, jV^rf rasan-baz.

Ropemaker, J^^^ rasan-sz.

Rower, ^^ dandi, < ."j^ khewat, khwak.

Ruler, jU. hakim, <_L\c //, j^sli nzim, (or dakh.) j nimm.

Sailor, jX mallah, ^jj\^>- jahzi (m.), ^^. khalsi (m.).

Salt-maker, Ljj! lniy, ^^-o malangi, L3y nniy.

Sawyer, ^^/ arra-kash, karntl.

Scarifier, f\f*" fagjm.'

Scholar, sikh, \> shgird: see Disciple, Student.

Schoolmaster, fchun, ^-^L^ miyn- (.), iL mull.

Schoolmistress, mullni, y \ at (f.), (dakh.) tn.

162 Vocabulary Nouns.

Scullion, j><^ deg-sho.

Sculptor, ^t\yi^j but-tarsh, nakksh, j!i\iS~> sang-tarsh.

Secretary, munsh (m.), mir-munshi, dabr.

Sentinel, Sentry, ^L"*^ psbn, pahriya, j\J^y>- chaukl-dr.

Servant, naukar, v>- chakar, Ichidmat-gr.

Shaver, fbs*" hajjm, cu^lj npit : see Barber.

Shepherd, IjlyjJ-^j bherihara, galla-bn, (dakh.) dhangar.

Shoemaker, ^>- mcht, j ^^J^ kafsh-dz, J^*~ chamar.

Shopkeeper, Lj baniy, ^Ij^Is dkn-dr, ^^j^ dknt (.).

Skinner, ^c^-j^J post-, )L> sallkh, jUs chamar.

Slave, Jcj banda, *i ghulm, cAZ, IjJjS laund, rfs.

Slave (female), bnd, $&> laundi, Cy& kanizak (f.).

Slave merchant, (jjjiijj barda-farsh.

Smuggler, ghat-mr, jVc^jf- chauk-mr.

Snake-catcher,j-^,L mar-gir, gunt (.).

Snake-keeper, |<r^ sampr.

Soap-boiler or -maker, ^^^jLo sbn-gar.

Soothsayer, bij ^1 gam-bakt, ^^ khin, JUj rammal.

Sophist, Li t-o bat-ban, LS=^>" hujjat (.), ?/.

Sorcerer, jS^^-il afsun-gar, bhkas, j>j\&- jd-gar.

Sorceress, j\s^ jd-garni, ^J^ kanklin, / <057.

* G
Spearman, : ~&>! barchhait, J^ji * neza-bardar.

Spinner, Spinster, charkh-zan, ^J^J^ htanhr (f.)
Vocabulary Nouns. 163

Sportsman, jbjlLb shikr-bz, ^JJ* shikari, b^jbl ahlriy.

Standardbearer, JiJjJ ^lJ nishn-bardr, ^>^ bairak- (.).

Stationer, ,_A1
** kghazi : see Bookseller.

Steersman jhingt, ijj\5& kandrl (.) : see Helmsman.

Steward ^ULjl^ khnsmn, $J\lug bhandr (.), bakawal.

Steward (agent), jjla krbri (.), ^^ dwn : see Factor.
Stonecutter, (^ sang-tarsh : see Carver, Sculptor.

Student, jJjMi_J\b tbu-1-ilm or jLck_Js tlib-i ilm.

9 t.
Sugar-boiler, knd. Sugar-seller, shakar-farsh.

Sutler, };$2# bhathiyr, (dakh.) ^U^ bhaftara.

Sweeper,^i^o mihtar, ^J&jf^r jhru-kash, -^- jrub-kash.

Swimmer, Ci^-J pairk, jj\i> shinawar.

Swordman, Swordplayer, uj^^-b shamsher-zan, bJj talwariy.

Targetier, la^jiaj dhalait.

Tavern-keeper, jK kalr,j^ kalwr,\jJ-^i bhangr.

Tax-gatherer, jlo^-b ity-dr^^L-aasr1 tahsildr.

Tenant, jlj <u^ kirya-dr, <-~s-j ra'iyat, ^ bharaiti (ja.).

Tent-maker, J J<Uwo- khaima-dz, jyi *>b pra-dz.

j> - f
Testator, v_ysj-<! 7. Testatrix, -y msiya.

Thatcher, chhappar-band, b^^- chhawaiy, ^*)jp ghar-

ari (.).

Thief, j^- cr, chtt, OjJ duzd,jL taskar.

Thief-catcher,jb ^lj nazar-bz,j j duzd-gir.

164 Vocabulary Nouns.

Thrasher, bylisii dhnwaiy.

Tiler, Jcj khapre-band.

Timber-merchant, ^IJ lkarhara, J^j/ Kzam-farsh.

Tinman, jf^Jj kal'-gar, ; rasss.

Tirewoman, Az^c mashshta (f.), ^yj^v pahar'rii.

Tobacconist,Js \3 tambk-gar, JLjj\~j tambk-farosh.

Toll-gatherer, ^1-5 dandiy : see Tax-gatherer.

Torchbearer, ^cf^*""* mash'l-ch, <fcJi falta-bardar.

Toyman, (^j/ "^jV bazicha-farosh, rngbhar.

Trader, Tradesman, saudagar, baiprt : see Artificer.
^ 9 ' /
Translator, i^-Jjj ry tarjuma-nawis, ^-f-^ mutarjim.

Traveller,yL^i musfir, ^.U-s saiyah, bath (va.).

Treasurer, ^sr^- khaznch (m.), bj.j rokariya, jlj iy3^ tahvl-


Trooper, jl^-i sawar, \&y>-y ghur-charh, Jij~> <jjp turk-sawr.

Tumbler, j^jb bazigar, na, jbK kala-baz, kautuki (.).

Turner, Jhard (.), ^5/- (.), kharrt.

9 -9
Tutor, Jbl atltk, ^y>-\ khiin, (patron) murabbi (.) : see


Varnisher, lakhr.
s. s
Vicegerent, |liU k'm makm, <__>* u^oli '/ manb.

Viperoy, Jijye suba-dr, -J^ji nawwab: see Vicegerent.

Victualler <l.jlJ l -^ rasad k dargha : see Purveyor, Sutler.

Vocabulary Nouns. 165

Vintner, yjji ^j* mai-farosh : see Distiller.

Usher, ^JL) jjC rz-bgJ : see Mace-bearer.

Waiter, C-^J parsaiy, jlc- khidmatgr.

Warden, jj^j^ darvoazi (.), s.jj\j dardgha : see Keeper.

Warrior, L5^=r jang (.), jj\~c mubriz, bahdur.

Washer-man, ^^bJ dhb (.), CS^rj rajak, jjlf gzur.

Washer-woman, ^J^&O dhobin (f.), ^^2^ barlthan.

Watchman, J\J>- chaukidr, (^V*^ psbn, pahr.

o c.-
Water-carrier, l_="-^ bihish (.), jISjT abkr, U- sakk.

Water-cooler, <_> b-dr.

Waterman, u'j^ khwat, ^Lc maliah : see Water-carrier,

Wharfinger, J\tf ghatwr or ghatwl.

Wiredrawer, tr-kash.

Wizard, u>& bhkas, lSJ^t jantr : see Magician.

Wood-cutter, \J>jfl lakar-hr, J*> |jJb hzam-kash.

Woodmonger, hzam-farsh, ^U>j lakar-hr.

Workman, yoj^ krlgar, \^ kamer, Js~> dastkr.

Wrestler, ^j&^j^S kush-gir or -gar, j\i ^tS kushti-bz.

Writer, ^rsr* muharrir, lL^J Ukhak, ktib, rkim.

Writer (one in the Company's service), ^^ mutasaddi.

Writingmaster, ^-Jy khush nawis : see Master.

O/* Meats and Drinks.

Food, Victuals, khn, khtirk(f.), ! gfe (f.), ^-^
bhjan, iSyj ras'tfjjbi hr (or vulg. jU! ahr), tZJy m.
166 Vocabulary.Nouns.

Drink, UJjii shurb. Meat and Drink, <_>jZ> j JI akl 5 shurb,

Ljj Ul^ khn pina, ^ Ail J dna pant.

Fodder, sj>- chara, ghs, CJb gfis-pt.

Grain, Corn, <d ghalla, anj, j\ daa, ^s? tukhm.

Rice (cleared of the husk, but not cooked), JjU- chwal, JyU-
chawal, birinj, JocJ tandul.

Rice (boiled), JA, Ll~ khushka.

Rice-milk,^ klr (f.), firm, j> ^jS> hawikh-firni.

Wheat, geh, gandum, (dakh. also) ^^> ghyau.

Flour, Meal, f, rrf, ^^j 5;?, eA^ P^san-

Flour of Wheat, 13 1 l ^j^geA A t.

Flour of pulse (especially of Us- Cicer arietinum), saw.

Flour, fine or twice sifted, Jua> maida.

Bread, ^Jijj rti, ^Jj nn (f.).

Thick Bread, Loaf, <-bjj rt, ^Jijj rti.

Small loaf of bread, Cake, .Jj z, j> girda, kulicha.

Parched grain, Ij /, JgS / (f.), chabtn, thuddt.

Parched grain, reduced to meal and made into a paste, ^ satt.

Parched grain ofj\y>-j'r ^- bjr, parimal.

Milk, -OjJ dudh,*J* shir, ^pai, (j-y*> gras, ja$>- chhir.

Butter, li^Co makkhan, mkhan, wc maska, ^yJ '.

Butter clarified by boiling and straining, gAi (m.).

Buttermilk, <>A{- chhachh (f.), l^U matth, dgh.

Thick sour coagulated Milk, ^iO ? (m-)-

Vocabulary. Nouns.

Cream, ^fLc mall, ) sari.

Whey, \ U m'u-1-jubn, ^yb \ &) J ddh k pant, tor.

Curd, chakk, ->- chhen.

Cheese, j~j partir. Round (of a cheese), chakt.

Meat, Flesh, i-~> gosht, maws, (dakh. also) hem.

Broth, Soup, b;j-b shrb or ^^-> shrw, ij~j>- jus, pareh.

Porridge, Pottage, laps!, s (f.) : see Broth.

Flummery, iJjlls flda : see Porridge, Rice-milk.

Gravy, ij^y _> b-i-gsht, jLj>-u-)\ b-jsh, ^j^kTyaMini.

Roast meat, <AS kabb, iAS LV sikhiy kabb.

Stew (of meat), dam-pukht, ^^l yakhni.
s .
Curry (said to be from the Arab. <Oi), slan, UJL sln.

A certain dish made of flesh and rice, pul'o.

Meat dressed dry with onions, dpiyza.

Minced meat, Hash, <U-S .

Pie, L>^mwj smbsa, u^*~: sarnosa.

Forced meat, t_jb /. Pounded meat, <fcj /a.

Beef, cl Ajf g'e fc gosht, ~* ^ 1? g'5 gosht.

Mutton, i^.>^'lJ-$J J/ gs/ii.

Veal, c^->j^ ^ iJSjf bachhr k gosht.

Pork, e^~>ji I j\j-9 s'ar gsA.

Ham, raw (f. .).

/ <-
Lamb, Kid, l ^^ halwn k gsht.
168 Vocabulary. Nouns.

Venison, e^.SjS'l^ ^Jb liaran k gosht.

Hare, Rabbit, J^ff*- khargosh, lambha.

Fish, (J^* machhti.

Fowl, <j<o murgh.
L. ? CL
Wild fowl, y-c (J^r JawgZ murgh.

Turkey, JJ _/Z murgh, .

Peacock, j^ . Peachick, hj* mrela.

Goose, (j~3b> Aws.
Duck, Waterfowl, ^/< murghbl.

Partridge,^-! 7ar.

Pigeon, kabutar, .

Vegetables (esculent), Greens, ^^r1' tarkrt, ^>-\^ bh.
Sausage, UK kulma, langch, <uls kulma.

Pastry, Pasty, sambdsa, Ig^^J paralha, khj.

Sweet cakes fried in butter, &c, gulgul.

Confection, Conserve, Jam, Preserve, <^ murabba.

Sweetmeat, ^ mithl, Ul>- halw, Sb ladd.

Egg, awrf, <t^j baiza.

Omelet, <^>- khglna.

Rice-water, Rice-gruel, -f==u pcAA (f.), (dakh.) gan/.

Barley-water, Watergruel, sh-i-jau.

Water, pw (m.), 55, Jr jal.

Wine, Spirituous liquors, t-J\j& sharb (f.), ^ (f.), Jt< ".

Vocabulary. Nouns. 169

Arrack (from the Arab, j^c , juice, spirit), tari (toddy),

^Jc^-j sendhi.

Beer, IjjJ isr or xj boza.

Tea, U. (f.).

Coffee, kahwa, (unground) ^ bun.

Breakfast, lS/*^- hziri, cJ^ nn-i-nahri, b.-il3 nsht.

Luncheon, Tiffin, cold meat, i^-K kaUw, izJ& nashta, i^J*[>-

chsht (f.).

Dinner, khn (eating), ^lri. khssa.

Supper, t^Lj , sha, \>\ l tllj ri k khn.

Spices, Condiments.
Spices, Condiment, Seasoning, masalih,j\L baghr.

Salt, Zw, Saj namk, (rock) bnM^-i sendh.

Pepper, ^.^ (f.), Jili ^Z^Z (f.).

Pepper, black, Jj' gZ mirch (f.), fcZ mirch, ^

mirch (f.).
Pepper, red or Capsicum, mirch (f.).

Ginger (dry), sttiA (f.), J-^sQ zanjabtl (f.).

Ginger (undried), uL^O^ adrak (f.), loi cf.

Clove, ij$ laung (f.), Jjuy karanfal.

Mace, ^jy^r jwatri or jwitri, <S~jLj basbsa.

Cinnamon, ^>-J\ drchint.

Nutmeg, qS^ j'e phal, jf>- jauz.

Allspice, Jamaica pepper, Myrtus pimenta, <J~~> sital chn.

1 70 VocabularyNouns.

Turmeric, ^jA, haldi, <-r>j>- j) zard chb (f.), uyhi pitras.

Saffron,y~- ksar (f.), ijj&j zcffarn (f.).

" 9
Anise-seed, i_j_j-s saunf(t.\ ariisn.

Cumin-seed, l^-s- jira, \jj zira, .

Mustard-seed, /1^ r't, khardal, i_l>^ sarshaf, jjy tori.

Pickles, jl*- ! chr. Pickle (brine), ^^XtJ namkln pant (.).

Apparel, Dress.

Apparel, Clothes, Dress, ^ , j^U Zi&s, ti/L>jJ pshk (f.).

Hat, j^jp #5, *K mZ (f.).

Cap, wZA (f.), tj, tpi.

Turban, iJj^Jpagri, ^S^pg(.), \j>- chira, Jv~i dastr (f.).

Tiara, Diadem, Crown, Aj <y, mukut, j~\ afsar.

A kind of Turban, <uUx mama.

Ornaments for the turban, JjJ- mandil (f.), ^i^^-i sar-psh or

-^cA, b fjlfgdsh-pech or -wara, <tx*&-jlgha, kalght,

i^a turra.
i.9 'S C
Veil (woman's), jJ burka%, LL~jrf> ghnghat (f.), ^JU makna*.
Veil or woman's cloak, ^^Jjl rhrii.
9 /
Handkerchief, JUjj rml, lf="-jH angchh; see Neckcloth.

Neckcloth, AiJjb guluband.

Necklace, ill* /, , -2 kanth, ,\s> liar, %* kanth-ml.

Shirt, Chemise, /frams <J kurta.

Long vest resembling a shirt, <U>- jubba.

Vocabulary.Nouns. 171
Co f
Waistcoat, ^>- ehlt, \fi>\ angarkk, ^- fathl.

Bodice, Stays, ^>- chl, \+>\ angiy (f.), ^jS? mahram.

Coat, wrii, \ cmg, angarkk.

Cloak, Great-coat, Jj/ farghul (f.), brm, sU lubda.

Gown (female's), jly^ peshwz (f.), Z/c (f.).

Gown (male's), Robe, <- jama, pairaban.

? <-?
Frock, jhagul, \i kurt, 1J daghl.
Jacket, c'l^< mirz', l&! ang, < kurta, angarkk.

Mantle, jU lubda, ^ pati : see Cloak.

Drawers, Trousers, Pantaloons, ubsrb p'yma, ^Uj tumbn or

tambn, shar', J'jJ* shilwr, Jij\ izr (f.), Jb>j- sirwl.
Garter, iJijye moza-band, ^Jjpattt.

Girdle, kamarband, l&b patk.

Breeches (short), \~>\i>- jnghiy, \i# kachhn, U^e- chama.

Breeches (that reach below the knees, and fit tight), (dakli.)

Cloth worn round the waist and passing between the legs, lung,

lungi, cfcj j tah-band, langdfi.

Belt round the loins, to which the langot is attached, <U~i tasma,
^jt) d'li.

Petticoat, liiyl lahang or t^ Ihang, ghaghr, <L> sy.

Night-clothes, ^V*- *-r~i> shab-khmbi.

Stocking or Sock, u-s^jurrb, kbjb p'etba.

Shoe, Slipper, y^jt, .J!^ jtt, Jijh ppsh (t.), kafsh (f.).
172 Vocabulary.Nouns.
g '
Boot, ifjp^o , <uC=- chakma : (leg of) ,_s lyJ pawl.

Glove, <k-jJ dastna.
Ear-ring, j\y*if gshwra : (kiad of), J^j karn-phl,

Ring, (worn on the finger) ^jjS^\ angushtari, (on the thumb)

<b^iij! angushtana.
G GC /
Ring, (worn in the nose) -^ nath, nathnl, Jjb bulk,
bsar (f.).

Bracelet, churi, ^S> kangan, bz-band.

gj> '>
Button, <Uj tukma, ^ gkundt.
Buckle, (_,J chaprs (f.) : (tongue of) ^J baks'.
Clasp, t/]^- chaprs, 1 ^ Jcj Z>and /carne Ai anJcf.

A Building, Edifice, ey>Ufi imarat (f.).

Wall, jljjJ (f.), Z/ (f.), J^.g> dwal (f.).

Roof, c^= cMa (f.), &\$f~ chhn (f.), (of thatch) j-f>- chhappar.

Arch, Vault, Dome, Cupola, js i, b gumbaz, Js Iubba.

S G -
House, Mansion, j ghar, L5b^- hawll, ^> ktht, J>sr* mahall.
Dwelling, Abode, , ^L^ maskan, Ul$3 thikn.
CG 7
Cottage, Cot, Hut, \Jjl?r jhompri, ^J, .
0_ G G G
Palace, <\s^Jjg> daulat-khna, j^s kasr, ja&Aj rjmandir.

Castle, Fort, <u!Ji #aZ' (Hind. kiYa), Jtff garh, jLas- hisr.

Tower, Bastion, Bulwark, ^ /.

Obelisk, Steeple, Minaret, cL-S Zi (f.), (f.), minar.
Vocabulary.Nouns. 173
9 ^9
Pillar, Column, &^ khambh, satn, ^yp thni, rulen.
o o
Temple (Mahommedan), iXsr~* masjid (f. a mosque), Ju4 maxbid.
Temple (Hind), Jjj J dwal,j~* mandir, LyJ dthra.
Shrine, alfp dargh (f.),j\j< mazr (m. f.).

Altar, (_$Ju icd, ^^byi kutbn-gh (f.), mazbih.

Church, Chapel, AJ kalsa, girja, mbid.

Bridge, Jj^aZ, ^~ si.

Inn, ^ ^ sar' (f.), <U-^iL~ musr-khna.

Storehouse, Magazine, Granary, y}sr makhzan, ^ef^ .

Cow-house, !^ gausla,j\~> sr, kharak, lf*j kth.

** -'
Stable, J^J^ ghursl, JJL^l istabal, Ljb tawela.

Elephant stable, fil-khana.
9 9
Shop, Warehouse, d/cw (f.), tila i (f.), tfoftra (f.).
Workshop, <U-jl kr-khna. kar-gah (f.), dkn (f.).

Gate, Door, tlkl^j phatak, darwza, paurt.

Gateway, Porch, Threshold,jJj&J dahliz (f.), Lj*Jji>i dewrht, (dakh.)

Window, Casement, khirki, \'ypr jharkh.

Floor, (f. ground), (of cement) gach, (of plank) <&r

i^-Jcj takhta-band.

Chamber, Room, Apartment, \j kamar, \Jj$ kothrt, iSjsr* hujra.
C'C 9
Closet, Cabinet, j\s?^. khalwat-ldina, ^s?" hujra, gsha.
* . 1.9 ce
Cell, hujra, J* gosha, <ul kulba, kothri.
174 Vocabulary Noitm.

Hall, (jlj dln, aiwn, (of entrance) ^JjJ dar dln.

Dining room, j\s- ^U^o mihmn-khna.

Hall of audience,Juj darbar, ti\s- ^j0 diwn-khna.

Kitchen, *jU- ^j^ijb bwarchi-khna, ^3- matbakh.

Balcony, Gallery, <U- bl-khna. <b> shah-nishtn.

Verandah, j^I^j bar-amada.

Garret, b <Li? tabkabl, lJj$}* \J j* ^ ma^n upar


Theatre, Playhouse, l^li>Uj' tamsh-gh (f.), <U- Ji nakl-khna.

Brick, (JUul Ini (f.), Misi (f.).

Tile, khapr, b nariy, la^** Mi^i (f.).

Stone, patthar, ^b/j pakhan, J-j siZ (f.), (&~> sang.

Mortar, Plaster, ^ gack, <fcsrj rtkhta.

Thatch, ghs (f.), J^ (f.).

Glass, knch, <C-j^> shsha : (pane of) ll^ parkla.

Beam, Bar, ^- shahtr, ^ kart, .

Rafter, Spar, &ar, 5*& kndt,jS , cJp tarak (f.).

Chimney, ^IjjybJ dhnwr, dd-kash.

Fire-place, bjj*- chlh, tash-dn, ^laijJ dtg-dn.

9 ti.
0\en,jjij tanr,jjj tandr, iJUgJ Mai (f.).
Shutter or fold of a door, fl^ ktwar, h palla, <Ji-o pat.

Palisade, Balustrade, Railing, l^S kathara.

Plate or clamp of metal,^> pattar.

? >
Hinge, kulaba, f>- chl (f.), <U=J> /raJza.
Vocabulary.Nouns. 175
Pivot on which a door turns, J^s- chul (f.).
Lock, ,Jj kufl, iXi tola.

Key, kunjl, c kilid (f.), chbi.

m CC
Bolt, 6, ^$>- chhitkari, OJjJ dar-band.

Bar of a door, hurk, aujjJ darband, \j ^ ardanda.

e 9
Staple (of a lock), ^/- si'r?, <b kulaba.
Hasp, <j kulaba.
Ce -9
Hook, uf^il ankr, tA kullab : see Hasp.
Stair, Step, Ladder, ^jrr1 sirhi, ^.j nardbn, <Uj .

Stairs, Steps, *j zna. Staircase, Steps, c^i nard-bn.

Bedchamber, Dormitory, khwb-gh (f.), \j>j ^ sri


Cellar, Vault, j\- 3 tah-khna, \j$# bhnghar.

Well, lj t', (large one of masonry) 1^ indura, ^ b '
^ -
Cistern, Reservoir, awz, Acs- chahbachcha.

Household Furniture.

Table, * miz (f.), ^1 l miz ka takhta.
Tablecloth, ^-^ dastar-khwn. yus sufra, j<x>- chaddar (f.).
9 '
Chair, Stool, L~^ , ^^j- chaukt, ^J^* sandal.
ce e
Footstool, IbJjj^c mndh, \&jyc morha.
e e
Shelf, jib i/c, Js tabka, takht, \Jj patr.
Trivet, Tripod, & <U si-yaya, ^ L-> sipaPi, cUy tirpad.

Clock, iJj$> gha, Jbjj^f ghariyl, i^*L> s'i (f.).

176 Vocabulary.Nouns.
Carpet, JLJt farsh, ^Xi , isa! 13 kltcha, ^srJsJii shatran.

Carpet, (to sit or pray on) ^\ san, (to pray on) wW" sajjada.

Carpet (to clean the feet on),j!jj\ b p-andz.

Cloth spread over a carpet, ^Jl- chndnt.

Cushion, ij gaddl.
Bed, Couch, sej (f.), bichhauna, <JL>\^ kht (f.).

Bedstead, bjW- cAerp',- plang, kht (f.).

Bedding, lijfs? bichhauna, JZ.J> farsh, bistar.

Mattress, ily tshak (f.), sznl, toj^s? bichhauna.

Pillow, Bolster, <l> takiya, Jb balish, usis.

"s S "s

Coverlet, Quilt, Counterpane, t/i^b bl-psh, ^jJ^/Jj palang-

Sheet, jtiU- chdar (f.),jA- chaddar (f.), rhn.

Blanket, <J<* kammal, ^J-* kamli, ^ 15'.

Curtain, O^ parda, (of a bed, against mosquitos) <_?/-< masahr.

Looking-glass, Mirror, <> t 'wa, darpan, <J\jc mir't{i.\

b ce
Picture,j>y taswr (f.), chitr, iJLs nksh.

Wash-hand bason, chilamcht, \ -^j*Ub /* dhri

k basan.

Goglet, Ewer, Water-jug, <bi| ftba, IjbiT ftw.

Towel, Jtcjj rmal, JU-j^ dastml, Jjw\~ mindll (f.).

Comb, ^jS^ kanghi, <l> shna.

Brush, (English) barash, ^=^^ knchl.

Vocabulary.Nouns. 177

Box, Chest, Trunk, Coffer, JjJ^ sanduk (ra. f.), <J~J plli.

Small box, Casket, s^jo-e sandkcha, & >, di.

Basket, \y tkr, jj>y tkri, Lb daliy, IjISj pitara.
LO -
Bellows, ^jjs dhaunkrii, JL khl (f.), <UJ c?am.

Spit (for roasting meat), Q~ sikh, (smaller) Af-*^ stkhcha.

Caldron, Boiler, Copper, dig (f.), !^> handa, V karh.

Kettle, Pot, dgcha, tatabra, ^Jula hndi, L-j tasl.

Lid, Potlid, liiaj dhakn, dhapna, (j!^j~> sarposh.

Chafing dish, ^^5\ angth, ^jI tash-dn.

Trivet or fireplace (for a kettle, 8tc), dgdn.

Fryingpan, karht, ay mhi-tawa, <b" (.

Ladle, Wooden spoon, fif', Vfir karchh, A^?" chamcha.

Skimmer, ^jf <_i kaf-gir, Xi^s*- jharna, (of iron) ^>-J> karchhani.

Dish, Platter, Salver, ^l^i /, c_> #i> (f.), il&^y-o sahnak (f.),

Js tabak.

Plate, rikb, rikb, Jjji bartan, CS^ sahnak (f.).

Plate (silver), ^j*^ iijj zurf-i-siml, l'j <~-ijJ zurf-i-nukra'i.

Spoon, Aj*?" chamcha, ^^~J> karchht : see Ladle.
Knife, Ljf- chhur, J krd (f.), (pen) Jj kalam-tarsh (f.).

Clasp knife, >- chakk, \Jj bakiy (f.).

Fork, 12 fcwi.

Saltcellar, namak-dn. Cuet, ^1*^ sirka-dni.

Bowl, (j-lb S5, i -..V as/, |U-jffl, (of brass) kalr.

2 A
178 Vocabulary.Nouns.
CO 9 f
Jug, Goblet, Ij^ii kulhr, ksa, j kuza, (^.\b ts.
f _
Bottle, Flagon, <~b shisha, [^>~]/B surhl, gulbt.

Cup, Glass, Can, JLj piyl, p\z~jm, (As ts, ksa.

Phial, small Glass, , eii> shishi.

Decanter, -> rni, 1-^> shisha, &~>\ bgina.

Water-pot, Pitcher, Jar, V^gAar, ^ sa&, l&U matk.

Porringer, L^c m*, jjb bdiya : see Cup.

Pan, Bason, ^b bsan, j> bartan : see Fryingpan, Bowl.

Funnel, b^>- chonga, nal], (dakh.) purni (?).

Tub, kathr,j\*j taghr, u^Uj taghr1, \j> gaml (?).

Pail, Bucket, J?y$& kathau,j\x taghr, (milkpail) ^j&yi dhn.

Milkpan, dudh-handi.

Churn, bL mathaniy (f.), -* mihni.

Cask, Barrel, Pipe, ^j^.

Tray, (^j- khwn, taci^- khwncha, \jf& kathr.
oo >
Trough, 1^ kathr, ^> ^rcg, Jb warad : see Tub.
^ j>
Besom, Broom, Jjfe-jhr (f.), i-J}j\*-jrdb, ljJ^. buhri.
c 4-^
Sieve, Riddle, Lj^b>- chaln, Jb^i ghirbl, <j-J pezna, b 1 fcA.
CC /
Mortar, yjbb hwan, khl, jjj> ktndl.
? fi
Pestle, ktak, J~^ msal, O dasta, l5jj-j snt, bsjj! lrh.
Lamp, chirgh, bj tfiy, t_^>o> c%>, CS^ dpak.

Oil, ulJ j^jj raughan.

Candle, Sa, sham* (f.), (of wax), mmfczt.
Vocabulary.Nouns. 179

Chandelier, Lustre, j\p^jhr.

f g
Shade (fora candle), ^.ylifans (f.), JJ kandl (f.)-
Candlestick, ^0 sham dan.
f G
Lantern, (j~j\ifns (f.), JJ kandl (f.).

Torch, Flambeau, J* mash'l (),^ dmar.

Snufers, gul-gr, gul-tarsh.

Country and Country Affairs.

Gf - !
Country (not Town), culyjJ dihat, ^Li\sf^ btrunjat, ^ni^cmufassal.
^ g
Village, gwhw, J~~\ bast, gram, <$jJ A.

Field, Aei, ^1 Ju- maidn, J^i>- chhe.tr.

Farm, cAa, *;-1 yara, (dakh. also) gMii : see Field.
Garden, Orchard, b gA, ^b r, (small) ^b bghcha, &^ib
G? G t
Flower garden, iJ^^Q phulwr, ^b-JS gulistn.
Forest, Wood, J&s- jangal, ^ ban, e^S>t) dasht.

Heath, Copse, Brushwood, i^j^prjhfi, "\$>-j/ir.

Hedge, Jb r, ^Jjj[$>-jhr-bandt, gher.

Meadow, Mead, Marsh, \j> tarfft,J^ji-f marghzr.

Pasture, Meadow, *bLa- chargh,Jij&s- alafzr.

Park, Chase, <Jo^ ramna, *\f .L> shikr-gh (f.), mirg-sl.

' GG
Agriculture, Husbandry,^! sr, kishtkrt, ^^-^jj zira't (f.).

Cart, Waggon, gn, chhakr, < araba.

Plough, Jj> AaZ, < kulba, ngal, Jli nngal.

180 Vocabulary. Nouns.
O '
Harrow, \~J> htng, ', ^* sarwan.

Spade, Shovel, J-j , ^J\ kudli, \* 1$j ph'r.

Hoe, kudli, bllcha, \jj ph'r.

Dibble, ^^^ khan, ^Jt kudli.

J> OJ> ^,
Mattock, Pick, Pickaxe, Jlj^ kudl, kudr, ph'r,
Ploughshare, chau, \jy tr, <>j>- hars, l Ja /aZ A phal.
Pitchfork, \j<\n>-jandr.
Axe, Hatchet, cfjk^ kulhri, tobar.
Sickle, Scythe, Ij.,,,'. hans', ^y^J/ darntl, ds.

Sieve, chalni, Jb^ ghirbl, tijj pezna, l^T AA.

Society and Government.

People, Nation, ijl pj* # (f-)> (f-)> *J>guroh.

Family, Tribe, J /, | (f.), *LJ> kabila.

oy -
Family, Household, L kumb, ^ kutum, gharn.

A Country, Region, rfs, tl^U wmZA, dip,j^ diyr.

Territory, lj,e) sar-zamn (f.), ds, kishwar.
Province, <js , jl^-j sarkr : see Country.

King, Sovereign, Monarch, Potentate, liiJb bdshh, \=Aj raja,

-^ ly-c mah-rj, \jj ^toy farmn-raw.

Queen, Empress, L malika, rni, ly -.

oj> <-
Prince, kunwr, jj rj-kunwar iS\j^i> shahzda.

Princess, ^jljLi shh-zdi, rj-kumrt, ^J\j rni.
Vocabulary Nouns. 181

Chief, Ruler, Prince, \s?\j raja, ^J\ wll, ra'is.

Minister (of state), jjjwzr, iJj-*> mantri (m.),j^ dastr.

Secretary (of state), ^sjii-c mantri (m.), diwn.
Officer (military), Commander,J, sar-dr, j]j -dr.

Officer (civil) c^flJ^i- Jj&l aAZ-i khidmat, j\ __^^ mansab-dr.

Judge, kzl, S\s>- hkim, LL&Lj nyyak.

Magistrate, chief officer of police, J\)j/ ktwl, J*J>-y faujdr.

Nobleman, Grandee, amir, (or plur.) \^c\ umar, s*. mda.

Of noble birth, u-sj tharlf, i-i^l ashraf, /.

Landholder, jljc^ zamndr, J*jJ>\>-jgirdr .

Plebeian, Commoner, <<* , rfw?.

Townsman, Citizen, c^^ shahr, ^J>L kasbti.

Villager, Peasant, ganwr, ljrc\f gramin, ^jUbJ dihkani.

War, Military Affairs.

War, i&~jang, ran, <-r^/- harb (f-)> tarai, ^-jadal.
Battle, ufljS lar't, Jb^judh, (>- jang, ^jj\s^> muhraba.
Peace, smA (f.).
Dissension, Discord, jti bigar, x fitna, pht (f.).
Pacification, Reconciliation, l_j}L> milp (f.), as)libc mumlaha.
Enemy, Foe, ,j*> dushman, durjan, <JL~SiJ dusht.
Adversary, Antagonist, ie^>- harif, ^j^j bairi (.), j>* ghanim.
Friend, Ally, .f*; pachchhi, ^J~ (.), miir, J^jj rafik.
Stratagem, Lo- Afo, ,Jj J^- chhal-bal, i_o _j ^ /anra farb.
Slaughter, Carnage, Jj aZ, ^jjijyi- khun-rtzi.
Massacre, see Slaughter : (general) Ju katl-i-amm.
Victory, Conquest, (_^s>- jai, ^sfath(f.), t~.>-jlt (f.),jS zafar.
182 Vocabulary. Nouns.

Triumph, ^j>- ^f? jai-jai-kr, ^-jai, bijai, ^ifath.

Defeat, Discomfiture, Loss, u^~L> shikast (f.),jb> har (f.).
Flight, u-v*Ji> hazmat (f.),jfbj bhgar (f.),j>J>gurz (f.),j\jirr.
Pursuit, \$sajplchh, <^\*j ta'kub, pairau'.
Pillage, Plunder, <JL>ji lt (f.), uu_vt^c ghanlmat (f.), <JL>b <JL>jJ
lt-pt (f.).
Onset, Attack, Assault, Charge, ~ hamla, charh'.
Incursion, Inroad, Invasion, u^o-U takht (f.), ^^- charh'i.
Devastation, Depredation, is~o-b" tkht-trj. ^JIaAj p'emTi.
Destruction, ^ia> halki, kharbl, ^U^ mismar.
Army, lashkar, b-j~> sn (f.), **p (f.), ^ji fauj (f.).
Battalion, ll>2b paitan, Is ^ji / k k hissa.
Brigade, Squadron, z~ dasta, J|j gfvl.
Troop, Corps, js>- jauk, ^yghl, (of horse), !> risla.
File, <e ajf (f.), jllaji jfcatr (f.), t^b ^ni (f.).
Rank, ti-ob pi or pnti (f.), < (f.).
Centre or main body (of an army), t-^li #a$.
Wing or Flank (of an army), ^pahl, -bs- janh (f.).
Right wing, <ti<*~ maimana. Left wing, maisara.
Watch, Sentinel, 1^ pahr, b^j pahriy, J*&y>- chaukldr.
Guard, Patrole, Uy> pahr, Ij^j pahr', b^ pahriy, jL^ shab-
Soldier, ^jJbb-j sipA (.), dsj^ lashkar (.).
Foot soldier, ^Lj piyda. Infantry, JjJ paidal, piydt.
Horse soldier, sawr, \&ya~Jp ghur-charh.
Pioneer, jIjIj beldr.
Ensign, Standard, Colours, ^lJ nishn, jhand, Jj+i bairak.
Ensign-bearer, j\j) ^lli nishn-bardr, Jiji lam-bardr.
Hostage, JUi^i yarghamal, ,JJi kafil, l.
Captive, Prisoner, j+~>\ asir, Jci giriftr, i^Ju kaidi.
Parade, ilf^ely kaw'id-gh (f.), xsu> saff-gh (f.), ^>V* maidn.
Muster, ^jJ> ginti, CL}\jy>-ytmaujdt({.), JA*j \~ifauj k taUka.
Vocabulary. Nouns. 183

Arms, jLff> hathyr or hathiyar (m. f.), ^}L> siZ (f.).

Sword, j\yj talwr (f.), IjoI^ khnd, j~~*~> shamsher, j_J egA.
Dagger,^s. khanjar, katr, chhur.
Spear, bhl, Lef=^/ barchht, sjj nza, jJj ballam.
Bow, lU^J dhanuk (f.), kamn (f.), jtaws (f.).
Arrow, ir, bn,j4i sar, <^ij- khadang.
Quiver, ^i^/ tarkash, ^J&i tukkash, ^y tn, nihhang (f.).
Bowstring, la- chilla, xj zih (f.).
Sling. ^/s5Phan (f-)> vf&sfalkhun (f.), b^f gopw (f.).
Poleaxe, Ul^ gands, \~ijQphars, bt belcha.
Shield, Target, Jl&S dhl (f.), ^^-j sipar (f.), phar.
Helmet, y~ khd, c_jy top, ^ mighfar.
Coat of mail, X>- jhilam, yLi baktar, i3 Jif=- chihal-tah.
Cuirass, i^>y>- jaushan, j&> baktar, (f.), jj\ \- chr-lna.
Musket, Firelock, JjJcj bandk (f.), C tupak (f.).
Swivel, large Musket, wall-piece, ^\>- jaz'il.
Barrel, Bore, Chase (of a gun), JU nl, ^Jj na.
Chamber (of a gun), ^py* kothi, khazna.
Pistol, <tsx*J tamancha, sxJ tabancha.
Bayonet, l^^ sangin (f.).
Pike, xjj nza, knt.
Flint, (for striking fire) sang-i-chakmak.
Powder, <-^jjb bart (f.)>jjV br (f.), jjlj (f.).
Ball, Bullet, (for a musket) ^j gli, (for a cannon) ^ gol.
Cartridge, liiy tonta, ^jyj& krts.
Match, (for a gun) Vjy tora, sAi falta, (brimstone) -j b diy-
Cannon, Gun, piece of Ordnance, t)y top (f.).
Ordnance, 1^ tpen (f. plur.).
Fieldpiece, ilX, rahkal, t-jy *jsy~> safari top (f.).
Park of Artillery, <U- L->y top-khna.
Arsenal, \d~ ^1~ silh-khna, <U- L-)y top-khna.
1 84 Vocabulary Nouns.

Gun carriage, j\j\ araba.

Cannoneer, Gunner, ijy top-andz, jljJj* glandz.
Bomb, Mortar, Shell, >Lc ghubra, (small mortar) Jj^ garnal.
Bombardier, ^f^iy tbp-chi (.), jljcJj^ glandz.
Fusileer, Musketeer, (-s?jJcj bandkchi, j\i barkandz.
Fort, Fortress, Castle, Jbj garh, dL hot, <ul hal'.
Redoubt, '-cha, ^jub garht: see Fort.
Bastion, Bulwark, ^y burj, As-j^ marhala.
Battery, k>-jy* morcha, <UnW> damdama, marhala.
Embrasure, xSij randa, l^jyp? t^jy top kjharkh.
Ditch, Trench, Fosse, Moat, JA- khamdak, tjf\ khl.
Trenches, Lines, JU-^yo morchai (f.), sangar, l\ khl.
Wall or intrenchments round a town, *^^ shahr-panh (f.).
Walls of a city, Jcj^i> shahr-band.
Rampart, Breast-work, Parapet, ^j^i fasti (f.), iy^S. kangara.
Ponton (bridge of boats), Jj l ^-*^ ^sA k pul.
Tent, Pavilion, \^J dira, <U-- khaima, yi tamb.
Camp, Encampment, xJj^l lashkar-gh (f.), y\b par'.
Decampment, March, ^ kch.
Halt, place of residence or encamping, ^\Lc mukm, y\>j rah'5.
Field of battle, pjj razm-gh (f.), iy^< mraka.
Drill, \ kaw'id-i-fauj .
Furlough, i^^ai-j rukhsat (f.), chhuttl, (f.).
Drum, Jib e?A/, J-L> <aZ>Z, Ll^jyi dhlak.
Kettledrum, xjjij nakkra, J dank, ^y* kos.
Trumpet, Jtijy" trhl or ^by turhi, singa, jJ nafir (f.).
Clarion, or karn', , i^^i shahnl.
Bugle, Horn, \~ijj narsing, jy> sur (f.): see Trumpet.
Hautboy, ^- surn'e.
Flute, Flagelet, Fife, Pipe, alghza, i^ib bnsri, ^Jj* murli,
^S^y^ pung, 6 (f.).
Vocabulary Nouns. 185

Naval Affairs.

Navy, Fleet, jssr bahr (f.), ^s ^j^j- jahzn kifauj.

Ship, jahz, kish, ^ wn, {^n\ whan. (Roebuck.)
Ship (or Man) of war,j\y>- jangl jahz.
Merchant-ship or -man,jly- saudgari jahz.
Boat, ^J~& kishf,j\j n' (f.), ^jji tarnl, \ machw. (Roeb.)
Barge, bajr, Ijfjy, niwf, ^j^^jyc mor-pankhi.
Barge, large Boat, Lighter, J# bhar,jg bhar. (Roeb.)
Brig, ^JjJ d-dljahz. (Roeb.)
Rudder, Helm, ^J~> sukkan,j\ja patwr kanhar.
Prow, Head of a ship, l$U> mth, j*> sir, tjoL mng. (f.)
Stern, Ly dabs, J#pichhil. (Roeb.)
Poop, i^fj^f- chhatri. (Roeb.)
Deck, zs? takhta, j** manzil (f.), iLsj tutak. (Roeb.)
Quarter deck, (JJJ 1 ^b jyi daur ke ps k tutak. (? Roeb.)
Main deck, CJcJ l l upar k blch k tutak. (? Roeb.)
Forecastle, U^j phan, bi j\ gal-fan (Roeb.), (dakh.) Jsl gal(j).
Mast, JjJ dl, Jjb- mastl. (Roeb.)
Afore, J^l giZ, J^ gaZ. (Roeb.)
Abaft, Aft, Astern, J^Jj plchhil, phichwr. (Roeb.)
Ahead, J.fl gil, J\ gal. (Roeb.)
Aloft, upar, ji^ JiJ dl par. (Roeb.)
Amidships, ^Asxj blch-a-bich, i^ ^> bich men. (Roeb )
Anchor,J^t langar, Jj nangar. (Roeb.)
Anchorage, -y&>- ^j langar kme kl jagah, l^&J langar-
gh. (f.)
Ashore, ljJ^S kinre, (aground) jj (j^US kinre par.
Ballast, niram, jLi nilm, jJJ lilam. (Roeb.)
Bank orShoal,^>- char,to}j>- kharba. (Roeb.)
Beam, bim, r. (Roeb.)
Bell, ghart. (Roeb.)
186 Vocabulary. Nouns.

Between decks, ^ <1&J tutak ke blch. (Roeb.)

Birth, ~^>- jagah (f.), ^\~ makn.
Boatswain, <6 C^Aj-j sarhang, ^A^iy bsmn, ^**> bochmn. (Roeb.)
Bottom (part of the ship in the water), -$Lj pith, (f.)
Bore or Boar in the Ganges, Uj> humm, \*a& humba, ban.
Broadside, Volley, shaljh (f.), vlL salak. (Roeb.)
Bucket, ?! bldl, bltl. (Port, balde : Roeb.)
Cabin, \ kmar (Port, cmara : Roeb.), L>y,J dabs.
Cable,jUa hamar. (Port, amarra: Roeb.)
Call (boatswain's), sifi. (Roeb.)
Callipers, <_->Uj map, (^-by' kps or fj~\*;fi kmps. (Roeb.)
Can (jug), 15jJ lt, lu\j pat (from Eng. pot : Roeb.).
Cannon, <_y top (f.) : to cannonade, li^U or ip or iop?i

Cap (for the head), topi or fopi. (Roeb.)
Cape, tlXJ A, < * SjbJ in, pont, ~~>> sis. (Roeb.)
Captain, (European) kaptn, (Indian, 8tc.) nlchud.
Cargo, ^Jj^> bhartl, jb bar, bjkl. (Roeb.)
Carpenter, ^ji^-c mistrl (m.), jb~> sutr, L?b/J barhai. (Roeb.)
Carriage (of a gun), t-Jy fp Tri gr.
Cartouch, ^\< tsdn.
Cartridge, (j-yjS krts, Ijy ii or bjy" w. (Roeb.)
Case shot, if chhlnta gol. (Roeb.)
To be cast away, (a person) UU tawal kliana, (a ship) Ulsj- cLy

ttjn, lib>- l^U mrjn. (Roeb.)

Catamaran, J^iS katmarl, katmarm, \=^\ 1.
Caulk, ^ Jl klpattl karna. (Roeb.)
Centry or Sentry, ?^-- santrl,J* \jy pora dar. (Roeb.)
Chain, jFfj zanjlr, J&Lj snkal,J>j\> snkar. (Roeb.)
Chain pump, Ljj lj~=j zanjtr k bamba. (Port, bomba : Roeb.)
Chain shot, if ^jj^sfj zanjiri gol.
Channel, jlJ dhar. Mid-channel, j\bsx< manjdhr. (Roeb.)
Vocabulary Nouns. 187

Chest, ^JL , JjJo^ sanduk, (for arms) JL ^ banduk

To clear for action, U^jLi ^ ^yjS / taiyr .
Coboose, ^jJl*- chuldn. (Roeb.)
Cockswain, lp~^ kksen. (Roeb.)
Coil (of a rope), KiL> snkl. (Roeb.)
Colours, toy vaut, lJJ baut, nishn. (Roeb.)
Compass, <b hukka, {~\~*fi kmps. (Roeb.)
Cook, t^Ailj bhndri, ^^-j^ bwarcht. (Roeb.)
Cooking place, Galley, ^jJ^- chuldn, j\- ^a^yb bwarchi-khna.
Cooking kettle, & deg. (Roeb.)
A Cot, ^Jy=r khtjli : see Hammock. (Roeb.)
A Crane, katri. (Roeb.)
Crew, iJj\^- jahz, J- laskar. (Roeb.)
Cuddy (in E. I. ships), ^s>- ^ Jz kaptn klin khne
To Discharge (unload), utrn, (a gun) ljj- chhrn, \>jU
mama, \u\ dghn. (Roeb.)
Discipline (regulation), c^Jj<xj bandobast, (punishment) \j~ saz
(f.), saj, c^-J^U mar-pt. (f,)
Dismasted, jcjJL lund bund, ljj jj nang bng. (Roeb.)
Dock, t_s g<. Dock yard, j\~>> l godi k bansr, lis lS>
JLj gdt k bansl. (Roeb.)
Double headed shot, ^f i\j ^jSj j or lJ^ dandi or dandi wl gola.
To Dress (a ship), Uj~> singrn.
To Drop anchor, Ulli^oJ nungar dln, Ii^ langar karn.
East, prab, ugman, Lr-< mashrik. (Roeb.)
Ebb-tide, I^^j bhth.
Eddy, J>%>. bhaunr, Sj*$ ghumri, ^ ghumt pai.
Ensign, Flag, nishn, IjjJ baut, vaut. (Roeb.)
Fair (as wind), IaOu-j sldh, muumfik, jhm. (? Roeb.)
Fair (not cloudy), 1$*-^ pharchh, i_JL s/, Ul^ khul-s. (Roeb.)
188 Vocabulary Nouns.

To Fall in with, miln, \>J> cl\L mulkt karn. (Roeb.)

False fire or blue flames, -^* mahtab, ^jye moram, moram.
To Fasten, bjS ^^.'f mazbt karn, XJ> band karn, LbJb
bndhn. (Roeb.)
Fathom, p\j wm, jb bm. (Roeb.)
Flag, see Ensign. Flagstaff, ^Sj waut kti, ^Xij*- chhar
bns. (Roeb.)
Fleet, is-J^j philit, <dib" kfila, bhr, jsrbahr. (Roeb.)
Float (of a fishing line), \jj> tarind, tirind. (Roeb.)
Flood-tide, the flow, Jjo- jawr, .^> bharf. (Roeb.)
Fore, Jf\ agil, j\ gal. Fore and aft, J^]j J^l gil pichhil.
Foreland, i-~ tth, t ' nk. (Roeb.)
Fore mast, JiJ <sJ>Ji trikat (or tirkat) dol. (Roeb.)
Fore sail, m-j trikat. (Roeb.)
Freight (hire), Jy naul, Jy nuwal, \>\j> kiry. (Roeb.)
Freight (cargo), JL Is Jy nuwal k mal. (Roeb.)
Fresh water, ^yb mith pni. (Roeb.)
Gale of wind, ^by tfn, ^_J*^\ ndht.
Quarter gallery, J kandl. (Roeb.)
Stern gallery, <UyJ dabusa.
Gangway, ,_j y*ol^ gngwa'e. (Roeb.)
Glass (hour), l_?~> ^J> ghaT* A shish.
Glass (spy or telescope), durbin or ^^eyO drtrin. (Roeb.)
Glass (spy or telescope for night), c^*yi> \ cii^ rt k drmin.
Grape shot, L^Jl$- gzrab chhnt. (Roeb.)
A gun-shot, L IS ^Jyf gU k tapp. (Roeb.)
Gun tackles, ^jiJ IS <_jy ip k laptt. (Roeb.)
Gunnel (of a boat), J** mez or ^-L.< rrich. (Roeb.)
Gust, jhapet, LbJ dhap.
VocabularyNouns. 189

To Hail, \> .--i J.jj bngal se bat karn. (Roeb.)

Half pike, \q> bhl, ^^-y, barchhi.
Hammock, ^J^-jli, ^J^pr jhoU, ^j^pr jhli. (Roeb.)
All hands, t_-v-i sab dmi, sab khalsi. (Roeb.)
Hand pump,
Handspike, c1Xm-JU> hnspik.
Harbour, jJkij bandar or bindar, Cb\> ght. (Roeb.)
Harpoon, jfjls lj ij^Ij <-L&) k dnt wl kwar. (Roeb.)
Hatch or Hatch way, t3lgj phlk or \iflk. (Roeb.)
Hatches, l phlke k klwr, sj\j ^fi^ fiilke k
Hatchet, oj^ kuwfl, ^J\jfi kurll. (Roeb.)
Head (ornamented figure), hj putl, ^Jjyc mrat. (Roeb.)
To Heave the lead, U^J prum dln. (Roeb.)
A heavy sea, bjj Lfj^ khr dary, bjJ garni dary.
Heel, jlfcJ , S ^J^-* sukn dhr. (Roeb.)
Helmsman, Steersman, , 31-: sukkni.
Hold, ^ khan,y^ khanr. (Roeb.)
Hook (for fish), Js gal. (Roeb.)
Horizon, jlbO l yjLk-jl smn k dhr. (Roeb.)
Hoy, \js^ machw: see Boat.
Hull, \l~c> mund jahz, \Ai/o IaJ lunda mundjahz.
Jib, i^j>-jib. (Roeb.) Jib boom, jy i^+s-jlb bum.
Insurance, U-o bim, Lwj vim. (Roeb.)
Jolly boat, CJjj ^J\s>-jl bot. (Roeb.)
Journal, iLclij.j \ jahz k rbz-nma.
Island, Isle, ^jIj tp, \j1s^>- janfir (for j>j>- jaz'ira: Roeb.).
Jury mast, J.J ^JWj phlt dl, Jj3 ^Jb' yZiw doZ. (Roeb.)
Keel, ^l^u pathn, -^ rJ, iibl Irf. (Roeb.)
Key, Quay, l&J dank, <Jll$f Lj&Aib bndhel ght, JL\ pa&
gAi. (Roeb.)
Ladder, ^|^-= s/fA. Stern ladders, ^j^r- ^ dabst kl s'irhl.
1 90 Vocabulary.Nouns.

Land, jci kinra,Jj tar. (Roeb.)

Lantern, (^yli farms, or t^-y^ phns. (Roeb.)
Larboard, yij^i \j\ dw bwrda. (Roeb.)
Lascar, ^j^s- khalsl, khrw or khr'. (Roeb.)
To Launch, j\j^>- jahz utrn.
Lead (used to heave), ^ prum. To heave the lead, Ult ^ prum
League, J dtrh ks (one and a half ks : Roeb.).
Leak, i^/Lj sulk, <A*f- chhd.
To spring a leak, Uy> Levels gamat hn, lijA Uj) bmb hn. (Roeb.)
Lee-side, L-ij> ,_c,l# JAr tara/, j ^re brd. (Roeb.)
Lee-shore, xJcS j~<> ijj^i bhre kinra. (Roeb.)
A Light (candle), ^ju batti.
Light-house, Ub.J^ kandiliy, Jyo Ii ^jj batti k mnra. (Roeb.)
Fishing Line jjl ^ ^jb*?* machhi k dor, jjy gal kl dort.
To Load (a gun) U) c-y top bharn, (a ship) l3> jl^sf- jahz
Log, t^J tap. Log-book, <uli i^J tap-nma. Log-line, ^ ^
tap k Un. (Roeb.)
Low water, ^jb ^ k'im (for ^Xs k'im) pnt; (if in a river)
sr bhth. (Roeb.)
Lubbers hole, Uli Ii u^rfb pnjre k gl. (Roeb.)
Magazine, <U- CJNyb brt-fchna.
Magnet,jj 9- chamak pathar, la^l busj- j7i A. (Roeb.)
To Make sail, \> srh karn. (Roeb.)
To Make stern way, ^jf^J ptchhe parn, Uib ^ste ptchhe hatn.
Mallet, d>y* mgri, ijj&yo mngri. (Roeb.)
Marines, ^- j^r jahz kl sipht (lit. ship soldiers : Roeb.).
Mast, Jj4i dl, (by landsmen called) Jy:< mastl. (Roeb.)
Main mast, J^J Vjj bar dl. Fore mast, J_jJ tirkat or trikat
dl. Mizzen mast, JjJ kilml dl or J^J ^^^ kalml dl.
Vocabulary Nouns. 191

Mate (of a ship), jJU malam (for Arab. mu'llim: Roeb.).

Midshipmen, iip*s\ bchmn, cj~1U michlmen. (Roeb.)
Midships, l jahz h bich.
Mortar, ^\ haw', khll, CLy ktht top. (Roeb.)
Muster, ^j gint, ^Jj-\s>~ hzirl, hjiri. (Roeb.)
Mutineer, ^Ji dangal, i_fj\~sfasd, mutfarnl. (Roeb.)
Mutiny, \ J dang, CJjUj baghwat (f.), jL fasd, -^ shb.
Neap tides, j^p- bhang kajawar, Jb^j markatl. (Roeb.)
North, J\ ttar, t^lf gal, JU- shimal. (Roeb.)
Oakum, ^J^fgaAral, (Roeb.) t>jt~>\ istub, _^~>1 istap. (Port, estopad)
Oar, lJj> hales, dnd (Roeb.), rf>- chappu.
Officer (of a ship), jJU mlam : see Mate.
Over board, 1 \>j dary me gir.
To out sail, \A>~ u-j^ saras chaina, lil^- obj ziyda chaina. (Roeb.)
Packet, c^-^b pklt, j\>- ^ ksid k jahz. (Roeb.)
Paddle 1~Jj& ^U hth-haUs, <***- chamcha, pangai. (Roeb.)
Pass or Passport, <ly rawna, <!^j parwna.
Passage boat, Ij* l jb tart pr hone k machw. (Roeb.)
Pig of ballast, (if of iron) ^J~ ktl, (if of lead) cub pat. (Roeb.)
Pike (spear), ^j^-ji barchhi, i\f> bhl.
Pilot, Jr&J* arkti, (at Surat) tjs>) dwigvt, (with Arabs) ^bjj ruban.
Pirate (ship), jl^sj- ^ dakait kajahaz, \\^s>- ^ jjf- chr k
Pitch,^cb dmar, ^fplchh. (Roeb.)
Pistol, <*Lj tabancha, Jj^j pistaul. (Roeb.)
Plank, zkr takhta, ,jj~ib patiy. (Roeb.)
Pleasure boat, l >|$> sawrl k machw.
Pole axe, khri,jZ tabar. (Roeb.)
Priming, CSsT) ranjak, ^ kn. (Roeb.)
Privateer, J lyp- jj>- chor k jahz, CLl \ >- chanchiy k
galwat. (Roeb)
Prize, j\^>- kaid'ijahz, jbrT pakarel jahz. (Roeb.)
192 Vocabulary. Nouns.

Pump, Lj bamb (from Port, bomba: Roeb.).

Punt, lji) dng, \j$ thpar, ^_J dlng. (Roeb.)
Purser, j\ \ jahz k kirni, j~j pasar. (Roeb.)
Quadrant, Sextant, kamn. (Roeb.)
Quicksand, jlbj^>- chr bl, Ja!j daldal zamin. (Roeb.)
Raft, parancha, \\y trapa. (Roeb.)
Reel, [_j!>~j!>- char/chl.
Rocket, ^\j!t> hawl.
Bread Room, <b- ^Jjjj ro chana.
Spirit Room, <L- <_J^ii sharb khna.
Ropes, lt. (Roeb.)
Rowers, \ ^cb hlese wl. (Roeb.)
Sail, srh, sj~>> srh, j* sar. (Roeb.)
To set sail, Ii Xj~> srh karn. (Roeb.)
Salute (from a ship or fort), ^j<b~> salami.
Scull, 1.1| Ii }* hot* hals, 1Jj> chhot hals. (Roeb.)
Sheet, lj^ daman, daman, daman. (Roeb.)
To Ship (put on board a ship), j\^>- jahz par charhn.
To ship a sea, ^y< mauj khn.
Shipping, Ii jl^>- jahz k bhr, lili Ii jahz k kfila.
Shipwright, o^~< j\^>- jahz kmistrl. (Roeb.)
Shoal, j!b bl char. (Roeb.)
Shore, kinra, dr. (Roeb.)
To shot the guns, "^ l^1r< topn gol bharn.
Shrouds, (JjJ labrn. (Roeb.)
Sick birth, lil> Ii t)]j\ zrik thikn. (Roeb.)
Side, jji burd, >Jj> brd. (Roeb.)
Signals, (J.vC.o sknl, J~c~j sitnl, Xj\>\ ishra. (Roeb.)
Skiff, i^jili kghz machw. (Roeb.)
Slack water, j> naram pnl. (Roeb.)
Sloop, jjL salp, i_-J^- salup. (Roeb.)
Smuggler, l J^Jbto mhsl k chutt. (Roeb.)
Vocabulary.Nouns. 193

South, dakhan, <-rJ)^>- janub, ^Jy suit. (Roeb.)

Speaking trumpet, J&j bungal, bhungal. (Roeb.)
Spring tide, j\y>- \j> barjawr, Jb Jjj bar katl. (Roeb.)
Sponge, (_5^1^ pinchi, l^i- sumbh (Roeb.), (ofa gun) \j\=ipuchara.
Squadron, ^Jy \^ j\^>- jahz k tl. (Roeb.)
Staff, Lcfil ljJ chht bauta ktht, '^r?" chhl waut
Ensign staff, ^ VjJ Jar waut ktht. (Roeb.)
Jack staff, ^^l^jj cJ\=^jk waut ktht. (Roeb.)
A flag staff, ^j^i'l \ ^^^ upar k waut ktht. (Roeb.)
Stage (for carpenters or caulkers, &c), ^ parnch. (Roeb.)
Starboard, ^y U^jj- jaman burd, y /' burdu. (Roeb.)
To Steer, sa&n pakarn, jl^- jahz chaln.
Stern ports, ^^ or ^ ^-y^ dabs bri or briyn. (Roeb.)
Steward, istr or istr. (Roeb.)
Stores (naval), ^Is*^ or fbf^ ^^?" johzt sarinjm or saramjm.
Store-keeper, i_-o-U l J^j bansr k shib. (Roeb.)
Stowage, JU^ khaml, JU-j samal. (Roeb.)
A strait, f gl, ^ khuch. (Roeb.)
Studding sail, jf~> dastr, (lower) jj~i ^js nicli dastr. (Roeb.)
Supercargo, (if an Englishman) tarn, 3 tannl, (if a Musalman)
idc^U n-khud, (if a Parsee) ^\ kiram, <JU gumshta.
Surf,^J 1er. (Roeb.) Surge, mauj, mauja.
Surgeon, dktar, j daktar, ^4> hakim. (Roeb.)
Swivel, j^Ai>-jambra, *jy*>j zambra. (Roeb.)
Tar, alkatar (for Port, alcatram), J3 tr. (Roeb.)
Teak (wood), Wl/L sagwan. (Roeb.)
Tide, l ^jbprii k tn. Tide way,jta> dhr. (Roeb.)
Tier, j thar,Jjt> hr. (Roeb.)
Tiller (of a ship), \js bakr, t->U l ^&~> sukn k lt. (Roeb.)
Tilt, tr?" chhatri. (Roeb.)
Tonnage, ^jsj-j or ^jJS ^j\^-y bojh't k wazan or wajan. (Roeb.)
194 Vocabulary Nouns.

Trade winds, ^ maum haw, \y ^j^yemausami kaw. (Roeb.)

Trousers, <- p-jma, jW-l ijr,j\j\ izar. (Roeb.)
Trunnions, ZJyc <_jy top mt, ^ l LZJy top k . (Roeb.)
Turn of the tide,^J & ^Ju tan kpher. (Roeb.)
Vane, Jo-j blndh, ^ , <s\j katw'i. (Roeb.)
To Unmoor, \>j j> J eknangar par rahn. (Roeb.)
To Unship, nikln, \jj Jo br karn. (Roeb.)
Upper deck, tl&J l jij par k tutak. (Roeb.)
Watch, j por, chaukl. Dog watch, jy chht por.
Middle watch, j \j>>} dsr por, jj Isu bichil por. Morning
watch,J}j \jf goriy por, j ghariypr, jj b^fghuriy
por. (Roeb.)
Fresh water, ^yb \$L mlth pant. (Roeb.)
Salt water, \J khr prii, ^Ju \jy nonpni. (Roeb.)
Way (of a ship), rus, JU- chal,j rav, CJ/>- chark. (Roeb.)
Weather, ^>yo mausim : see Wind.
Weather or Weathergage (windward), j) Jj w' par, y Jo b' par.
To weigh anchor, JLj nangar uthn, Xtj oJ\ ti nangar
atrang karn. (Roeb,)
Wharf, ilApght, dhak. (Roeb.)
Wheel of the helm, ^j^-j^- ^ sukn k charkh. (Roeb.)
West, -^*< maghrab, pachham, ^J^Ji labia'i. (Roeb.)
Wind, \ haw (f.), Jj w', Jo b'. (f.) Fair wind, 1_jJ> \} yhm
haw, \ (*>- jliom haw, \ \j*> b b murd haw. Side
wind, ^*>y^- chaugst haw, \y ^*J>- chr gsi haw.
Head wind, \ JiJ^^ gostl haw, ^Jbji ^* muhpar haw.
Wind's eye, j l \jb haw k ghar. (Roeb.)
Windlass, JjJ chin't daur, ^Jo%b dhig. (Roeb.)
To windward, Jj w'par, \ haw k muh. (Roeb.)
Worm-eaten, VA ^ ghun-kh'll, b>\ ^ ghunk khdl.
Wreck, \jy khkhr, \js* khkher, jl^a- LSjS ttel jahz.
Vocabulary Nouns. 195

Yacht, Ii l>V*! sawr k machw. (Roeb.)

Yard (for a sail), ^jj> parwn, pirman. (Roeb.)
Zenith,^jjl ^ JL kapl kl upar. (Roeb.)

Divisions of Time.
A moment, As*^ lamha, ilb palak, ^aj nimikh, Jj />aZ, p<i dam.
Minute, *S-5*> daklka.
A twenty-four minutes (Indian hour)jf^gAan, ghant.
Hour (may be denoted by the Arab.) l^%L> s'i. (f.)
Watch (term of three hours), pahar, ) ps.
Day, din,jj rz, pji yaum, (in oppos. to night) din, nahr.
Night, cy\j ri (f.), _^ saJ (f.), JJ Zat7(f.), ram. (f.)
Midnight, ^jb\ dhl rt (f.), t^-i> jJ nlm shab. (f.)
Morning, Morn, subh (t.), jjs> fajar, (f.)
Dawn of day,jj$J bhor (f.), tjj tark,Jsr' sahar (f.), ^1 .
Forenoon, jj^j Jjl awwal-i-d pahar.
Midday, Noon, _jJ d-pahar (f.), uJ ^ jJ do pahar din, u_iL
misfu-n-nahr, jjj -rz.
Afternoon,^j -j si-pahar, lL& do pahar st sham tak.
Evening, -f=f^Lj siy' (f.), aIii sAm (f.), ^ sar-i-shm.
Twilight, ^J)> gdhli, \jJt>>\ muh-andhtra.
Week, athwra, fcJLb hafta.
Decade, ^-c shara.
Fortnight, z& jJ dd-hafta, pakh or -sr; pachh.
Month, li-^o mahin, ^Lc mas, iU mh, shahr.
Year, baras, JL) s7, ^ san, i-s sawa.
Age (period, cycle),^^ asr, ^ aAd, jwg.
To day, j, (adv.) ^ ^ j kl din.
To night, CL>\j ^\ j rt or ^1 j-rt.
Yesterday, J kal, jjjjJ diroz, ^Igg pichhl din.
Last night, kal rt, dsh.
Day before yesterday, or day after to morrow, pans. (adv.)
194 Vocabulary Nouns.

Trade winds, 1 \^y* maurni haw, ly> ^^ycmausami haw. (Roeb.)

Trousers, <- p-jma, jW ijr,J\j\ izar. (Roeb.)
Trunnions, Zyo i <_>y top mt, ^ IS tzJy top k kan. (Roeb.)
Turn of the tide, j-^j IS tan k phr. (Roeb.)
Vane, isx^J bendh, ^ , katw'i. (Roeb.)
To Unmoor, j ji cJo! ek nangar par rahn. (Roeb.)
To Unship, Ul& nikln, \jj jo bar karna. (Roeb.)
Upper deck, i^Jcj \S upar k tutak. (Roeb.)
Watch, j^j pr, chaukl. Dog watch, jjj chht pr.
Middle watch,j^j ly-sjJ dsr pr,jyj SU btchil pr. Morning
watch,j^j griy pr,j \>_j ghariypr,jji \j ghuriy
pr. (Roeb.)
Fresh water, ^yb biL<> liiA pnt. (Roeb.)
Salt water, ^J\) khr pnt, ,Jb Uy nnpnl. (Roeb.)
Way (of a ship), rus, JU- chl,jj rav, cSj>- chark. (Roeb.)
Weather, ^yo mausim : see Wind.
Weather or Weathergage (windward), ji jj w' par, jb b' par.
To weigh anchor, JUj nangar uthn, \jj nangar
atrang karn. (Roeb.)
Wharf, ilAgghut, \a dhak. (Roeb.)
Wheel of the helm, ,j>-j>- ^ ^J&~> sukn k charkh. (Roeb.)
West, i-JjM maghrab, ^^pachham, ^iL kibla't. (Roeb.)
Wind, \y haw (f.), jj w', j\) b'. (f.) Fair wind, ly> yhm
haw, ly> (*y*>b>- jhm haw, lys b b murd haw. Side
wind, iy* ^jfjf- chau gsi haw, lys ^-yfjb- chrgsi haw.
Head wind, 1 ^Ji\~j> gosfi haw, |^ -f* h par haw.
Wind's eye, j IS ly* gAar. (Roeb.)
Windlass, 'j t,/b~>- chln'i daur, dhtgl. (Roeb.)
To windward, jjjlj w' par, IS lyj haw k muh. (Roeb.)
Worm-eaten, \ yfi ghun-kh'll, \>4 ^ ^ ghun k khdel.
Wreck, khkhr, \ khkher, jly- LSji tutela jahz.
Vocabulary.Nouns. 195

Yacht, Ii sawri k machw. (Roeb.)

Yard (for a sail), parwn, pirman. (Roeb.)
Zenith, ^ JL kapl ke par. (Roeb.)

Divisions of Time.
A moment, &s.^ lamha, lLj palak, nimikh, Jj pal, p dam.
Minute, <t-j>0 dafika.
A twenty-four minutes (Indian hour),^^ ghar , ghant.
Hour (may be denoted by the Arab.) kji^eLo s't. (f.)
Watch (term of three hours), ^ pahar, ^-b ps.
Day, din,jj rz, |j yaum, (in oppos. to night) diw, nahr.
Night, d>!j rt (f.), sAaJ (f.), JJ lail (f.), ^j rain, (f.)
Midnight, ci^ ^5*"^ dhi rt (f.), c^^i j^J rim shob. (f.)
Morning, Morn, subh (.), js> fajar, (f.)
Dawn of day,j^J bhr (f.), tark,Jsr' sahar (f.), ^yl arwn.
Forenoon, j awwal-i-do pahar.
Midday, Noon, j^jjJ db-pahar (f.\ ti d pahar din, tia
misfu-n-nahr, jj ntm-rz.
Afternoon,^j *> si-pahar, Sj p\> (_j->rvi JJ ^ pahar s shm tak.
Evening, -f*^^ s/y'A (f.), jl> sA/ (f.), y; sar-i-shm.
Twilight, ijyjp gdhlt, munh-andher.
Week, Sj\tfj\ athwra, fcJi hafta.
Decade, jLs- shara.
Fortnight, <A j d-hafta, pakh or .^sc; pachh.
Month, \~y mahin, j^-U ms, U mh,j^!i shahr.
Year, baras, JL s7, ^ san, sawa.
Age (period, 1),^ , ^ "Arf, Jwg.
To day, ^ /, (adv.) ^ ^ 5/ din.
To night, dlj ^ \ j k rt or zj]j ^\ j-rt.
Yesterday, J kal, jjji dtrz, ^l^pichhl din.
Last night, iz\j j ^ r<*t, t/ij^ osA.
Day before yesterday, or day after to morrow, , (adv.)
196 Vocabulary.Nouns.

Three days ago, or to come, ^j-y tars. (adv.)

Four days ago, or to come, yj-y narsdn. (adv.)
To morrow, j kal, farda (adv.), ^ bihn.
Spring, e ->;.>,) basant (f.), j\i bahr (f.), rab'', (f.)
Summer, \*c gorma, ^jj girekham, ^bj\j tbistn, u.c..? sai/".
Autumn,Jp- li-o pat-jhar (f.), ^jd> khizn (f.), i_sjyi- khafif. (f.)
Winter, Vjl^-Jr, -> sarm, ^b-^ zamistn, bi> A.

Other useful Nouns alphabetically arranged.

Abatement, ^j^> ghatti, kamt, kamt, i,.rir takhfif. (f.)
Abbreviation, ikhtisr, jLail iktisr, ^y^yLi sanchhepan.
Abdication, i^/Lj tyg, tl^i* tar/c
Abhorrence, tlJy nafrat (f.), i^->l^ karahiyat. (f.)
Ability, jjjJJL makdr, ^^ tkat (f.), ,>y dast-ras. (f.)
Ablution, J ghusl, ^lis sn or ^liJ asnn, y waz.
Abode, thikn, ^ICo makn, Jj) bdbsh (f.),jj thaur. (f.)
Abroad,^Jsb bhir, i^ri^ pardts, bids.
Absence, <j>^J biyg, j- ghair-hzir ; (in the) ^e^V pichhe.
Abstinence, Abstemiousness, u^<bj riyazat (f.), ^JJJt^ parhz-
Abstract (abridgment), J^sr* mujmal, khulsa.
Absurdity, ^y^ bhdagl, i&12j t-patng, ywa-gl.
Abundance, ^ i/rjf, ^^ bahutt (f.), ir-^ kasrat. (f.)
Abuse (contumely), galt, zabn-darzi.
Abyss (cavern), jlc ghr, >$ dahak, y> khh, \s> garh.
Acacia, (gum) LStl akkiy, (tree) kkar, ^-*-* mvghailn.
Academy, <^< madrasa, JL L-^- chat-sl, maktab.
Accent, st) lahja,j* sur, -Jj* zarb (f.), ^jb dhqran.
Acceptation (of a word), , ^J>**e "Qj* ^ ^3 fyfs ^ mUm
rauwaj .
Accessary, Accomplice, madad-gr, sharik, ^j\~ sthl.
Accident, jUjl ittifak, djjU- hdisa, (f^sL* sanjg.
Vocabulary.Nouns. 197

Account, accompt, <_->L>- hisb, <U-jb=* muhsaba, (narration) ^Lj

hayan, khabar (f.), (value)jU-S> shumr, (sake, cause) ^<-^
waste, sabab, i^-ob babat. (f.)
Accusation, ^J nlish (f.), J^c^ dd*w, X<Sj> bar-amad, (f.)
Ace, (at dice) (f.), (at cards or dice) & nakk, (at cards)
\j l ^b' is k yakk.
Acquaintance, (familiarity) u^J\j wkiyat (f.), /-iil shnl,
(associate) b-H shn,j\pj>- chinhr, (j-li-b j -shins.
Acquisition, J-*a=^ tahsl (f.), i_ < kasb, 0-U kam'l.
Act, Action, <, kj, t^/ kartab, J*j y*/.
Addition, AsUl izo/a, (in arithmetic) i}j?< mlzn. (f.)
Address, (skill) ^31- chlki, (of a letter) <U>l3 j~> sar-nma.
Adjective, u^< ya (f.), (j^-jLe ism-i-sifat, i>^*j wa*. (f.)
Adjustment (settlement), Lui faisala : see Arrangement.
Admonition, l-^st^ naslhat (f.), lcj wa*z, upads.
Adoration, tSALe ibdat (f.), U-jJ (f.), ^-...^j parastish. (f.)
Advantage, (gain) ZiA, jJ /*, JjU f'ida, (superiority)
<uli ghalaba, ^Jy>- charhtl, c^-i^T" ^'i. (f.)
Adverb, i_J^s zar/, i_iy>- harf,j+*j <j^>- harf-i-tamlz.
Adversary, t_suj>- harlf, t-sllsr* mukhlif: see Enemy.
Adversity, ipa (f.), ^? bad-bakhtl, o-! falkat. (f.)
Advertisement, jlyii! ishtihr, <Uli jl^il ishtihr-nma.
Advice, ti naslhat (f.), (_~JJjl upads, ^.L salh. (f.)
Adulation, Jt! ^j- khmh-mad (f.), ^^^bl- chplsl.
Adulteiy, bj zin (f.), >^ zin-krl, Sb^- chhinl.
Affair, i, cub o (f.), <d.bt< mu'mala, <UJU mukaddama.
Affection, , t^sJI Z/a (f.),u^s--* muhabbat, (f.)
Affliction, <j-: sog, ;', dukh, --a> tasd*. (f.)
Age (time of life),y*c wrer (f.), Jjyj ayurbal : see Time.
Agent, (doer) J^b _/'/, \j kart, (deputy) Ju^j wakll : see Factor.
Agility, ^>- chlki, LS^>- chustl, ^JijQ phurtl, ^^ chabukl.
Agreement, (concord) jb! Ittifk, (compact) shart, <db kabla.
198 Vocabulary. Nouns.

Aid, kumak (f.), JJ^ madad (f.), ^j^Jc-O dast-girt.

Alacrity, J^ shauk, dildihl, ^Sb- chlala.
Alien, pardesi, ^<~* ajndbi, lJj\ .
Alliteration, |>rwu^' tajnls. (f.)
Almanac, ^^j takwim (f.), patra.
Almighty (the), jJIH al-kadir,jyL^oj^ parameshwar : see God.
Alms, (f.), khairt (plur. f.), da.
Aloes, (gum) tjbl lw,j~bc (f.), (wood) agar, >je d.
Alphabet, ^ t_s!l alifb (f.), ^-sV <ijj>- hurf-i-tahajji.
Amber, kalwrub. Ambergris, mbar.
Amount, iiusfjumla, ^Acr-jam* (f.), gathrt, wiA. (f.)
Amusement, Li>LJ tamsh, ^j'sCi tafarruj, J-$ eZ.
Ancestor, l^jpwrAAa, o-jadd.
Ancestors, ii!j>-\ b! ab-ajdd, purkh.
Ancients, ^p^jjJb-c mutakaddimin, purnt. (plur.)
Angle, <JU3j^ khnt, ij , gsha, jj\j zwiya.
Anguish, - azab, i-^>\ aztyat, (f.), jJl /, l-*^ kasht.
Animal, haiwn, y~i pas.
Answer, Ji\ uttar, <-^>- jawab, \J\ utr. r*
Anvil, nih'l, ^Ji~ sindn. (f.)
Anxiety, *^ andsha, J fikr, JJy taraddnd, udasl.
Appellation, *li /, lakab, (plur. l-jUJI alkb) : see Name.
Appointment, cJ*2 ta'Siyun, (office) sJy; , (promise) Jisj wa*da.
Argument, ci-^sc? JaAs, ^SsUaj munzara, JJj daffl. (f.)
Arithmetic, gart (f.), ,jU~> siyk, jL~i ^ fann-i-siyk.
Arrangement, ari (f.), u^w.> ^ j band-o-bast.
Art,^iA hunar, jjx "im, ^fann, i^xu*a san't. (f.)
Artifice,^* mar, *L>- , J$o- cMaZ, y ^ fann-farb.
Ashes, r&A (f.),jl^- cMr (f.),^iU- khkistar. (f.)
Assaftida, Ang, ij^H angza, c^-sls- 7.
Assembly, ju^sr"0 mama*, majlis (f.), J* mahfil. (f.)
Assessment, ^-l^s- khirj, J_yts-* mahsttl, Ja;.
Vocabulary.Nouns. 199

Assistance, iSX* madad (f.), upakr, >,1^~> sahyat. (f.)

Assistant, jlibjko madadgr, ^J* , c/l^~> sah'l. (m.)
Astonishment, hairnt, t_^s*^ ta'ajjub,j+s? tahaiyur.
Astrolabe, c_>^L.H usturlab.
Attendant, jlik^jcS- khidmatgr, pjLc mulzim.
Attention, ^^ hoshyrl, iz^ surt (f.); (to a guest) j-^j-i tawzu*.
Attraction, khainch (f.), kashish (f.), jazb.
Attribute, u^Le sifat (f.), ij icas/", c^eU- khssiyat. (f.)
Auction, jLj nllm, ^y& harrj, csjL bikri.
Authority, jLi-1 ikhtiyr, c^-<^>- hukmat. (f.)
Awe, dar, ru*b,jjp ghr, uu-wJb kaibat. (f.)
Axis, axle, axle-tree, tjsytO dAar ; (pole of the earth) c_JaS fcat.
Babbler, Ll#jb ba'bhak, uLS^-jb b'jhak, j&jb, ywa-g.
Babe, baby, bachcha, Zarft (.), crrA?. (f.)
Backbiter, J*>- chughul-khor, jU ghammz.
Badge, ^1^^*- chaprs, ^liJ nishn, lz^Ac lamat. (.)
Bag, !_)-^| thailt, kharlta, (sack to carry grain) ^ gon. (f.)
Baggage, asbab, JJ->- chiz-bast (f.), (slut) Lsu behay.
Bail, (surety) ^c^bs zmin-, (person) zmin.
Balance, ^Jj^-* mlzra (f.),jjly tarz (f.), (of account)
Bale,^$iga<ar, < (f.), ^1^ gnth. (f.)
Ball, 1<f gola, ^Jj? gl, (for play) gend, (dance) ^Ai ncA.
Bamboo, ^jb is.
Band, (bandage) LJ2^ pa, Jcj band, (company) Xj gurh. (f.)
Bane,^j zahr, bis, kharbl, ^tci nuksn.
Banishment, !Jlj jj-jJ des-nikl, ^jo-jil-watan.
Bank (of a river, &c), *>l kinra,jJ fir.
Bank (for money), <U>- cJUo sarrf-khna. bank.
Bankruptcy, Jl_jtb> dtwala, $j\k n-drl, jJi\ ifls.
Banquet, l^U- ziyfat (f.), CJy:J da*wat. (f.)
Bard, <3^j ZAi, k^-^js karkhait, i-oy bardait.
Bargain, Vid, Jj kaul-karr, \>jL shart. (f.)
200 Vocabulary. Nouns.

Bark (of a tree), J\$>- chhal, llf- chhilka, i~~y post.

Barm, j^>- khamtr.
Barter, jjjJ ^ len den, Sjo ilol adl-badl, jL< mubdala.
Bastard, bS\j ^\^~ harm-zda, s~ harami pilla.
Bdellium, Jjj ggal, JiU mukl.
Bead, \_ guriya (f.), b l U mZ daa, Iii. .
Beak, ^j^- chdnch (f.), cLil) w (f.), jUi^> minkr. (f.)
Beauty, ^jf^.y*- khbsrafi, \jj~> sundart (f.), JU*~ jaml.
Beginning, rambh, jJt> shur*, \c\ ibtida. (f.)
Behalf, karan, Js\~ khtir (f.), J^- hakk, ^ liye.
Behaviour, Jl>- chai (f.), JtaS JU- chal-dhl (f.), dhang.
Being, Lc> Aas, yfj wujd, ^^- andar.
Belch, j'ij dakr (f.), ^jjl argh.
Belief, iJuc kida, ^UjI imn,j\j bwar.
Believer, jJcjt< muxtakid, j\j^\aj) tmn-dr, mmin.
Bell, ghant, {j-j>- jaras, (small) ghunghr.
Belt, JJ and, (girdle) (_j2-j ^<7, jj kamar-band, (sword)

Bench, ^S>- chauki, zse? takhta, (of justice) <uCsr* mahkama.

Bend, Jcham. ^/ifcjJ trh', (twist) Jj Z>aZ, ^>ec/.
Benediction, j^^l asis (f.), tV (O, ob^-! shtrbd.
Benefaction, in'm, ihsn, ^J*, bakhshish, (f.)
Benefit, JjI fa' ida, i}^~>-\ ihsn, (profit) j- /.
Benevolence, ^ljr-,-- khair-khwhl, ^f^j nikl, \j kirp. (f.)
Berry, <b dna, J^J l ^ <* dne srat k phal.
Betel-nut, i_$^U~j suprl or lJj\^ supyrl.
Betel-leaf, pn, <J}~>j tambl.
Bier, xj\s>- janza, ci^jIj aM.
Biestings, ^jt* p's, -^ phenus, <j~% pys.
Bill, (of parcels) CS^> bijak, UL-i siyh, (of exchange) ,_cjLb
hundt, (account) c->l~- hisab, l^-l lekha, (of a bird) see Beak,
(instrument) jlo d'.
Vocabulary.Nouns. 201

Billet (note), chitthl, ixij ruk', lib pti.

Billet (of wood), \j>- chail, kunda.
Bin, it^ kothl, djpf kothrt.
Binding (of a book), <aL>- jild (f.), ,_cJojj>- juz-bandi.
Bird, b *>- chiriy (f.), pakhr, J^ parand, murgh.
Birth, pisfjanam, (^Ixj paid'ish (f.), jJjj tawallud.
Birthday, ^JL sal-girih (f.), ^ilf baras-gnth. (f.)
Biscuit, A/t, kulcha, ^J^ tikki.
Bit, (piece) Vj tukr, jj zarra, sjj> purza.
Bit (of a bridle), IJ dahna, *uJ lagm. (f.)
Bitch, ^^i? kuttt, Ls kutiya (f.), kkarl.
Bitterness, eUJbljj^ karwhat (f.), ^^j^"1 lalkhl.
A black (negro), ^<^>- habshi, ^fjj zang (.), hind.
Blackguard, luchch, 1 shuhd, jj rind.
Blade, (of grass) patta, (of a sword) j>AaZ, (a fellow) &b
Blame, ds, cf/cA, mazammat (f.), fljll ilzam.
Blank book, bayaz, tJ~ safna.
Blemish, elJ dagh, tljl kalank, djj kht (f.), ib.
Blessing, Uli m' (f.), ass (f.), i^-~y barakat (f.),
nixmat. (f.)

Blindman's buff, 1^ -giol nA mndaur.

Blindness, ^IbjJ andhlpan, ^Sj^> krt, /.;0 n-b'm'J.
Block, (of wood) kunda, kth, (of stone) chatn.
Blockhead, i-Jfy^ be-wukf, ahmak, gwdl.
Bloodshed, i_f>j ^y>- khn-rz, kail.
Bloom, &ijLz> shigfa, ^i^phl, (of youth) J^fry nau-jawani.
Blossom, ,Jyj phl, ^ kali, (of the mango) jy> mam.
Blot, 1j dagh, <-^>- chhtt (f.), chinh.
Bludgeon, ^jpi lthl, sont, dunda.
Blueness, ^iJ ril', j kabd.
Blunder, Uj&J dhkh or \y>J dhk, <y?~ chk. (f.)
2 D
202 Vocabulary Nouns.

Board, fcr takhta, (table) j~< mez (f.), (food) b-j kkn pln.
Board-wages, , *\J \J^J^*~ .11 dam.
Boast, boasting, ^Jj i_JH lf-zanl, bar'l.,j>\s tafkhur.
Boaster, khud-farsh, j <_J lf-zan.
Boldness, ditr, jur'at (f.), dhith'.
Bond, (fastening) jj band, ^Jcj bandhan, (written obligation)
tamassuk, j}^a~> dast-awlz.
Bondsman, zmin, J-i kafil.
Book, pothi, <_>b /ci& (f.), ^*0 sahifa.
Boon, ^ ar, bakhshish (f.) : see Bounty.
Boor, gawar, ^J>- jangl (m. f.), .ylM dihknl. (m. f.)
Booty cJbj! (f.), ghanmat (f.), U> yaghm.
Borax, lb^ shg, Jj tinkr, ^j brak.
Border, (side) xjc kinra, jj$>- chhr, (edging)^ kr.
Botany, cjL jklc ilm-i-nabt, ^s- IS btn k *lm.
Bottom, tala, ^J tait, x\g thah (f.), pend.
Bough, da, \ d7 (f.), Ib . 0*0
Bound, (leap) Jj fcd (f.), (boundaiy) J. hadd (f.), <- sar-hadd
(f.), (limit, end) 1^1 intih (f.), kinra.
Bounty, uJ faiz, ^j kirp (f.), ^ , e^-^fi inyat. (f.)
Bow (obeisance), \Jjj krnish (f.), ^L-J tasUm. (f.)
Boyhood, larakpan, lark'l.
Brand, (burning stick) <t^-^ skhta, ^J&ji lktl, (mark) ^jj dgh.
Brat, liJjl laund, \y>- chhokr, %j> gurga,
Bravery, ij^Jj diUri, z-*&> himmat (f.), bahdur.
Brawl, \j$>-jhagr. Brawler, ^\^>-jhagrl, j! lark.
Breach, Jbjgjpi (f.),j\jJ darar, (quarrel) jt> bigr, Jl- khalal.
Breadth, l/\j)>- chamal., ^^jpahna', (of cloth or a river) <JL>\jpat.
Breech of a gun, ^ ^ i3i^4 bandk kth.
Breed, J-J nasi (f.), CJlo si (f.), asi (f.), kism. (f.)
Breeding, (education) (^jy tarbiyat (f.), (manners) (;;- chalan.
Bribe, rishwat (f.), ^-^ ghs, -*c muh-bhari.
Vocabulary.Nouns. 203

Brickbat, rora. Brickdust, ^> surkht.

Brick-kiln, pazawa (f.), n}\ssr pqjwa.
Bride, ^dulhan (f.), {j~jZ rs. (f.) Bridegroom, 1^0 dlh.
Bridle, *w lagm (f.), /b Jog (f.), ^bx . (f.)
Brightness, roshni, -l /, chamak. (f.)
Brim, Brink, kinra, vi_J Zai, karr.
Brine, ^yb ij-f^ namUin pai, ^ib khara prii.
Bristie, Jb i^jlj-o s'ar kl pith k bal.
Brushwood, ^j\^jhr,j\^-jhr, ^ *\$>- jhr but.
Brute, )\yt*- haiwn, ^L^-jwahshl, jyb>- jnwar.
Bud, kali, J-jj hnpal (f.), *=^i ghuncha.
Bulk, iJ^y* mtl, ?*^ barl, Jjii d/.
Bunch, (of fruit) $s? guchchha, ajj=- kfisha, (of ribbons) J^pZ.
Bundle, iJjz> gathri (.), /^-<! tri, <ts4 buhcha.
Bung, b5 dhatth.
Burden, -p-^J bjh, Jo bar, J-4o- haml: see Grief.
Bush, jjfjl$>- jhfi, j\>- jhr, Zy but, b> shkh.
Business, m, ^li <y, (avocation) see Calling.
Butt, (mark) l-j^ hadaf, <lJ nishna.
Buying and Selling, t-^^i kliarid-farkht. (f.)
Cage, pinjr, -a kafs, (large) \ katahr.
Calamity, iz-*s\ fat (f.), bipat (f.), L Ja?. (f.)
Calculation, <>L-=*- hisab, ginti, jU- shumr.
Calendar, ^ patr, .\ takwm. (f.)
Calling, JL^pesha, Ibjjjso dhandh, Jjb-> byohr.
Camphor, Camphire, kapur,j^ kfr.
Cane, (stick) * chhafi, id (f.), (sugar-) ^jl w (f.), Lf
Canon, yji knn, WkclS Jf'ida', ^ \ .
Canopus, J-^-4 suhail.
Canopy, ^bob sayaban, <L<bi> shamiyna, chatr.
Canter (pace), to poya. To canter, bl- chaina.
204 Vocabulary. Nouns.

Canvass (cloth), dbt tat, *\s>-\ ajar, <J1>\3 Jij)} wilyati tat.
Capacity, (space) JliAsi gunj'ish (f.), (ability) i^Jj kbitt-
yat. (f.)
Capital, (city) s^kse? takht-gh (f.), (sum) pn.
Caprice, capriciousness, *j wahm, ^r^j* talauwun-miz.
Captive (prisoner), uiJu Iaid, asir, Jvsf giriftr.
Caravan, ^jj^ krwn, <i\5 kfila, (car) grl.
Caravansary, ^J krwn-sar, ij\j~> sar'e. (f.)
Carcass, jH lsh (f.), ^J loth (f.), **^< murda, maiyit. (f.)
Card (visiting), <Uj 1$ |5L> salm k ruk', j^warah.
Cards (playing), (jJj ts, (j-li \ ^jii-^ khln k ts.
Care, kii- chint (f.),Jjkr, andsha, \jj parw. (f.)
Carefulness, ^li^ui- khabardrt, ^Liy> hoshyrl.
Carelessness, e^JLc ghaflat (f.), ^^-s^j bekhabari, J**-^ susti.
Carnage, J> AaZ, Jb> AiiZ (f.), Jjljy*- khnrezi.
Carriage, J^j JaAaZ (f.), see Cart, (carrying) *J>j>j. barbardri.
Carrion, Jij* murdr : see Carcass.
Cascade, jharn, j'-> i_>\ b-shr, j\>- chdar. (f.)
Case, (covering) i_Ji ghilf, J^ MZ: see State, Condition, Box.
Case, (in grammar) ^- hlat (f.), <JJ& krak.
Cash, pais, J nakd,>j rkar. (f.)
Cast, (throw) ^jC-.^) phenk (f.), (form) Ali naksha, (tribe) <JLj\j
st. (f.)
Catalogue, u^w^yi fihrist{i.\ IfcL-i siyh, (list) uL^sb 5ya&.
Cattle, (^^l^o mawshi, jjbJ dhr, j<f \ g'e-gr.
Cave, cavern, x klih, j\ ghr, \ guph (f.), i_^ kahf.
Caution, ^> ihtiyt (f.), ja- hozar, ^Liys hoshyrl.
Celebrity, nmwart, shuhrat (f.).
Celerity, chlki, |__1 chustl, shitbi.
Celibacy, k'r-pan, lz-JW. ^ n-katkhud'i ki
Cell, ilif gosha, i^sr*- //, <ul /6, fcMr.
Vocabulary. Nouns. 205
Censure, ilzam, ^jo taxn, l^-vXc malamat (f.), \> nind. (f.)
Cent, (hundred) sau, (or, per cent.) \%*~> saikr.
Centre, 'j* markaz, ^L^J darmiyan.
Certificate,^! dast-awtz (f.), <uSj wasik.
Cessation, i^Jy tawakkuf, farghat (f.), uuJu^ muhlat. (f.)
Chaff, ^ftf bhsi, phkar.
Chain, j^sfj zanjir (f.),jj\~ snkar (f.), <dLi silsila.
Champion, ^ pahlawn, jj~ sr.
Chance, (accident) jsUj! ittifk, (fortune) kismat. (f.)
Change, JjJ^J tabdil (f.),jJ taghaiyur, Jjj badal.
Change (small money), ^J>j>j rzg, ^Jjf L~o paisa kauri.
Chaplet, \jj^> sihr, (rosary) j tasbih. (f.)
Chapter, _> bb, <sL<^ adhyya, J-ai fad. (f.)
Character, (mark) nishn, ar/", (writing) l.-J as-
khatt, ^sj rakam (f.), (reputation) Ctibar, nam.
Charcoal, k'l, Jlc) zughl, i~-j\ ankisht.
Charge, (care, custody) t\^>~ hawla, Uni zimma, uu-U amnat (f.),
(office) tr-~<J- khidmat (f.), (expense) kharch, \J& lgat
(f.), (assault) <iL>- hamla, (accusation) jljJ\ ilzm, ^>j tf/c/i.
Chariot, i^Sjb grl, ghur-bahal (f.), ^jj rai. (f.)
Charity, (benevolence) ^^^1 j^- khair-andshi : see Alms.
Charles's Wain, jS\ <_>ii dubb-i-akbar, ^J~~> saptarikh.
Charm, (spell) ^\^-jd, j^c mantar, (amulet) si,y ta wis, \y
Chart, <J naksha, iiJ l ^ bjj dary k kinrt k naksha.
Charter, oo-> sanad (f.), farman, <uU iX^c hd-nama.
Chase, (hunting) JLL shikr, (park) t*j ramna : see Pursuit.
Chastisement, \y saz (f.), ^\> goshml, tdib. (f.)
Chastity, ^y^JiSb pakdamani, paklzagt, i~~*~a smat. (f.)
Chat, ^gap (f.), bak (f.), f _JKj" ^ J takallufguftg.
Cheat, dagh (f.), Jf>- chhal, (cheater) jb IcJ dagh-bz, f>
206 Vocabulary. Nouns.

Cheer, CLlj~.< masarrat (f.), ^**f- khurrami, (food) tf^^ bhjan.

Chess, ^yoJti shatranj. (f.) Chess-board, LL-j ^ <^1~' shatranj
oist. Chess-man, muhra, y nard, got. (f.) King
at chess, \> shh, Liob pdshh. Queen, ^jj> farzin, jj
waztr. Castle or rook, ^ rukh. iJi-Ojl nt (?). Bishop, J^ipil,
^^U htht. Knight, asp, 'ghbra. Pawn, iSupiyda,
jjj baidak.
Chick, chicken, chuza, ^J&>- chingri.
Chief, chieftain, j\j~> sardar, j~* mir, u^ij ra'ls.
Chisel, f^j^J tnkl, j rkhni, ^^>- chhtrii.
Chitchat, gapshap, CJU bat-chit (f.), Jb>- JjJ bol-
chal. (f.)
Choice, (will) ikhtiyr, (selection) c_j\&1 intikhb.
Christianity, u^Jl^ai nasrntyat (f.), i^j^c isaw mazhab.
Chronicles, i^Jy tawrlkh..
Chronology, ^cjiy lm-i-tawrkh.
A Churl, j\j> ganwr, ^\&s>J dihhnl, (miser) J-r bakhil.
Chymistry, k'imiya, ^^\ -gari, rasayan.
Cipher, (in numbers)jLa fifr, li-i sunn, (letter) <if>- harf, A nk.
Circle, Jjc kundal, Xj\ da'ira, ghtra, aL>- halka.
Circuit, jj daur,jL>~ chakkar, (J^^f gardish (f.), s\&A ihta.
Circumference, gird, \^ ghtra, _^*J phtr, Sa^.-* muht.
Circumstance, ls-JU- halat, is JiS kaifiyat (f.), It_^>- chigunagi.
Citizen, tjg^-b shahr,j4(> ^JaI ahl-i-shahr, ii-jjjbt ahli-psha.
City,^i shahr, j nagar, sAi balda, \ madna.
Civet, libj zabad.
Civility, i^JLJ\ insntyat (f.), c>i^< murwat. (f.)
Claim, da*w, jsIsx-jI istihkk, hakk.
Clamour, j^i sr, U^c ghaugh, J g^M.
Clamp, pattar, (of bricks) sj\=f, pajwa.
Clap, (blow) chamela, khatk, (of hands) ^Ib" /.
Clasp-knife, ^3b>- chaku, chakk, Lj bakiy. (f.)
Vocabulary.Nouns. 207

Class, (division) iiiji firka, *~ kism, (degree) <fc^>J darja.

Clause, (sentence) iju fikra, A^-jumla, (condition) )sj~> short, (f.)
Clearness, ,_/lw> saf'l, shaffft, ujll.
Cleaver, (butcher's) bvghda, oU khnd.
Cleft, <s-j rakhna, jj darz, Jj darar, J^ii shakk.
Climate, clime, ^ii\ ikUm, \ ds, b-o-haw. (f.)
Cloth, J- kapaf, , j^j bastar, ^>-j^ parcha.
Clown, ganwr, ^UJ dihkri, H.^nH anchhl.
Club, l2i~j snt, Lac asa, . ^iU Zf, \b gada.
Cluster, <Li4^- khsha, guchchha, (crowd) /U>- jam'.
Coach, ^jj grt, ,_Lj bahal(f.\ J^J^ ghur-bahal. (f.)
Cobweb, l makfi k jl.
Cochineal, y*Js kirmiz, kirm-dna.
Coffin, ti7 kafan, jjJ-a sandk, cj^jIj tbt.
Coil, kundlt, Jj bal, j^phtr, khum.
Complaint, nlish (f.), j'.^i faryd (f.), <JL> wZa: see Disease.
Coin, aSLj s//ca, zar (f.), !^* mudra. (f.)
Collection, ^Ui?-! ijtim", majrna", (sum) jam'.
College, it-^iX madrasa, ULj pth-sl. (f.)
Collusion, (jiJ^o bandish (f.), ^3^ sa2^A (0> ^j saii a.
Collyrium, j^^*^ anjan, J^s AmAZ, surma.
Colour, &^ rang, baran, (pretext) - ja, AjLj bahna.
Column, i^y** sitn, ^! lath (f.), <b J-j pll-pya.
Combat, W lar't, muharaba : see Battle, Fight.
Combination, J^a mel, tLo milp (f.), jliul ittifk.
Comfort, LUj dil-s, smA, rm.
Command, Commandment, |~ hukm, \J>\ aggya,j^\ amr.
Commencement, ibtida (f.), -i> shuru, jl| ghz.
Comment, Commentary, ^.^-> shark (f.), <i (f.), <U>U- hshiya.
Commission, (warrant) ~j sanad (f.), (acting) -jIS^ irtikb.
Committee, uuol^ panchayat (f.), j_/-Lsr* majlis. (f.)
Commodity, j~is>-jins (f.), JU mZ, J*>- cz (f.), l-v-j Z>as. (f.)
208 Vocabulary. Nouns.

Common shore, jjSi badar-rau, (f.), lljj parnala.

Commotion, (tumult) Ijb balw, <Uii fitna : see Motion.
Community, (whole people) j jamhur: see Society.
Compact, J* J^S haul karr, \sj> shart (f.), ^- hd.
Companion, ^j>\~> sth (m.), J^ij rafk, *-Lte mushib.
Company, (society) z~S~ sangat (f.), l^jU; rifkat, (assembly)
t/Lsr* majlis (f.), (guests) WU^ mihman, (partnership) <J\jL
sharkat (f.), (body of people) is^ guroh. (f.)
Compass, ghtra, ihata, j*q plier : see Circuit.
Compasses (pair of), jl^J pargr (f.), or (dakh.) jl^j parkr.
Compassion, JjJ dard, j^pir (f.), bo day (f.), raAw.
Compensation, talfl, Sjj badl, \j-jaz. (f.)
Complaint, (lament) jhyfaryd (f.), nlish: see Disease.
Complexion, (colour) t^&j rawg-, ^ -?- chihr k rang.
Compliment, (salutation) A~ salm, (service) ^Jcj bandagi.
Computation, k~s.* muhasaba, \j tixdd. (f.)
Concern, (care) parw (f.), 1J\ andesha: see Affair.
Concord, (agreement) J- meZ, ij^Jii^- muwafakat (f.), t* milp
(f.), (harmony) ^^! ^ ham-hangt, U-> sam.
Concourse, (*^s- hujv,m,y*# bhrf.), (meeting) c-A. milp. (f.)
Condition, JU- A7, AVai (f.), (stipulation) \>jL shart. (f.)
Conduct, {J^>- chalan, CJ^L sulk,J\^a\ atwr.
Confidence, bhars, i>\Sss\ i*tikd, cSj diUri.
Congratulation, ^ob tl^L mubrak-bdi, tahniyat. (f.)
Conquest, fath (f.), yiis zafar, jjs-* taskhir. (f.)
Conscience, zamlr (f.), -fs-***1 samajh (f.), ^Uj^ man.
Consent, ^Ji^eLsj raz-mandi, kabl, ,J~o )Uj\ ittifk.
Consequence, nattja, (moment) AiLic , \^ parwa. (f.)
Conserve of roses, Jci jf gul-kand, lJJ&> S gul-shakari.
Consideration, ^LJ dhyan,j\=f, bichar,Jj fikr.
Consolation, LSLj tasallt, LJ dils, ^-.jlao dhras.
Conspiracy, lAxj Jaw^is (f.), <L>/ gsht (f.), ^;,L szisA. (f.)
Vocabulary Nouns. 209

Consternation, iS^bS^p ghabrhat (f.), <-^^>- hairat. (f.)

Constitution, mizj, c^-xJs tab'yat, ^^>- jibillat (f.), <*z~Jbj~>
sirisht. (f.)
Consultation, ^jf>~ salh-khwhl, CL2jt~< mashwarat. (f.)
Contemplation, J^Aj ta'ammul, ^LfcJ dhyn,jj ghaur.
Contempt, cl^Is- hikrat (f.)> apamn, c-JW ihnat. (f.)
Content, contentment, i^^^ khush, c--il kan'at. (f.)
Contract,^ # karr, hd, hr. (f.)
Contrivance, olrf^ y(Z, ii-~f&>- hikmat (f.),^oJJ tadbir. (f.)
Controversy, ci^sr oaAs (f.), JajJ> radd-badal (f.), JUm kaziya.
Conversation, cJ& gvftg (f.), CJb bt-chlt. (f.)
Copy, Jj raa# (f.), <J' nuskha, (first or foul) Oj_~ musauwada.
Coquetry, jU n2, Ijiir nakhr, atZ (f.), ^~>-j- chchl ^Jy^=r
Coquette, jb^ir nakhr-bz, ijLs. shwa-gar.
Coral, mng, ^-* marjn, (child's) ^^^>- chsrii.
Cord, rassi, j dor (f.), ljj-s>- jt'ra.
Cork, (plug) \$2J> dhatth, : thlnthi.
Corner, \jj kn, >j gsha, iJU5j$> khnt, kunj.
Corpse, XJyemurda, ytl lsh (f.), ^^ loth (f.), dyc mirtak.
Correction, (amending) ^sf^ tafhih (f.), (punishment) \j~>.saza. (f.)
Correspondence, (by letter) c^ASlas- khatt-kitbat (f.) : see Rela
Cost, J^< /, /* (f.), L^j &/, kharch.
Cotton, (undressed) kaps, (dressed) j r', pumba.
Covenant, <uU hd-nma, Jy /rawZ, sari. (f.)
Cover, dhkna, ij^j^ sar-psh, (shelter) 'j panait, (f.)
Covetousness, lalach, ^ lobh, u*r~ hirs. (f.)
Coulter, ^^-j was, j\q plir.
Council, (j-ls-* majlis (f.), saJA (f.), cu^l^u panchyat. (f.)
Counsel, u^s^i nashat (f.), ocj pawrf : see Counsellor, Attorney.
Countenance, *j*>- chihra, -f< muh, (favour) < tawajjuh. (f.)
2 E
210 Vocabulary.Nouns.

Country, (region) j~> sar-zamin (f.), bhim (f.), ilXl* mulk,

^/-J ds, (opposed to town) cuLjJ dht, J-sil mufassal, (na
tive land) ^ watan, *>-janam-bhm.
Countryman, (of the same country) ^s> ham-watan, ^\$> (j~>,
ds-bhl, (peasant) ^iltJ dihkrii, J>j gawar.
County (division of a country), j-L zll%, j^ pargana.
Couple, jii do, jora, u^-=>- juft.
Couplet, Ci-o bait (f.), dha.
Course, JjJ daur (f.), rfapa (f.), (race-couree)j?j>Jghur-dauf.
Court, (of justice) adlat (f.), dj*c kachahrl, (yard)
saw, (hall of audience) Joj darbar : see Palace.
Cracker, (squib) patkh, (boaster) laf-zan.
Cradle, SjJLa> hindl, tjyf gahwra, J^,* mahd.
Crane, (for raising goods) K^J damkala, (dakh.) CJ>jLe malst.
Crease, JJ! shikan (f.), ^j*** c/k (f.), ij->*- chunat. (f.)
Creation, 1_/~>/1 frinish (f.), ^^i^j^j paid'ish (f.) : see World.
Creature, y^"* makhlk, (irrational) haiwn.
Credit, i'tibr, p> bharam, -$L> skh (f.) : see Reputation.
Creditor, !\fi- ijji karz-khwh, >^ byohariy.
Crew, jjgj bhtr (f.), t^cUs- jam't (f.), (ship's) jly>- JaI aZ-t-
Crime, j~a> takslr (f.), kgunh, t^ihpp, ^j>-jurm.
Criminal, jlj ^au takstr-wr, j^ gunh-gr.
Crisis of a disease, buhrn.
Critic, JS u-ilj wkif-kr, ^\J <&3 nukta-dn, <tAc llma.
Crop, (harvest) Ja /asZ (f.), (produce) Jel- AsiZ : see Maw, Craw.
Cross, salib, chap.
Crowd,J-^ bhtr (f.), oh\aj>- jam't (f.), ^js* hujm.
Crumb, (particle of bread) Vjf \ iwr, (soft) \pgd.
Crush, / dab', (shove, push) 1& dhakk,J5 takkar. (f.)
Crust, (shell) ll$=- chhilk, (of bread) js, V^j papr.
Crutch, LJ$J lathi, baiskh, Lac s, i^j/kj ph'ri.
Vocabulary.Nouns. 211

Cry, J6j pukr (f.),j^i shr, (lament) h^j wawaila.

Cub, < bachcha, h pill.
Cube, t_^* kab, jJ> shashdar.
Cubit, -ib hth, t>to jq) -gJl iA Aar , : ->0 as.
Cuckold, daiys, i^serj zan-jalab, } kaltabn.
Cud, ^J\- jug, \ pgur.
Cudgel, ^j lthtfjfi lakar, theng.
Cupping glass, l>_5&-~ sng. Cupper, ^J*~> sng-wl.
Curd, chakk, \~&>- chhn, dahi. (m.)
Curl, J kkul (f.), y4gs, _j zulf (f.) : see Bend.
Currency, (of money) rawj, i^>- chalan.
Currycomb, kharahr.
Curse, _j~> sarp, us.-) la%nat (f.) : see Calamity.
Custody, !\>- hawla, ^yL^ nigah-bnt: see Imprisonment.
Custom, Jl>- chai (f.), ^j>- chalan, cuAs. dat (f.), jy~* dastr,
(tax) Jj^s.-* mahsl.
Custom-house, >J^>- chabtara, j^*^ parmit-ghar.
Customer, CSs ghak, khardr.
Cut, (gash) kit (f.), zakhm, (shape) JjJ daul.
Cut-throat,jlj^f- khn-rtz. g thag, JjjJL-j bat-pr.
Cycle, jJ daur, xj>\ d'ira, daurn: see Circle.
Dalliance, jU-j^ r'-ch'5, nz--niyz: see Delay.
Dam, (bank) j&Aib bndh, Jj pul: see Mother.
Damage, iJ;L- khisrat (f.), ^Usi nuksn, ^y- kharbl.
Damask, (silk) ys"*"* mushajjar, (cloth) ^\>- jmdrii.
Dance, dancing, ^.U nach, ^jij raks.
Dancing girl, ^5^'^ kanchani : (band of) i_ taw'if. (f.)
Danger, jt2~ chaira, j L> dar, ^y>~jkhim. (f.)
Darning (s.), jij raf.
Date (time), s^t tfikh (f.), -f tA (f.),
Day-book, <tsr*lij^j 02-51, khasr.
Dearth, Jt\ oZ, ks? kaht, tang, kamt.
212 Vocabulary Nouns.

Death, iZJyc maut (f.), marg (f.), tZJ/ifaut (f.), J?H qjl. (f.)
Debate, t-i-sr JoAs (f.), <U*> kaziya, ia-L* mubaham.
Debauchery, (_-jb?^ aubshi, rind, jU>. khumr.
Debt, daire, jUt udhr, \J>j harz, .
Debtor, j^Ju^ Jcarz~dr, J\i< dain-dr, \j riniy.
Deceit, --/ fareb, li dagh (f.), jul, J^- chhal.
Decision, jLa\ infisl, ^i, ra/*, ^j\2-j niptr.
Decree, j>s- hukm, ^yii fatw, JLal infisl.
Deed, , ^jxifi'l, (written) jj^b-:J dast-wlz. (f.)
Defect, j^ai' , ib, j$> ghat.
Defence, c^isU- hifzat (f.), ibo panh (f.), *^>;j r/c. (f.)
Defendant, (in law) <uLi J^J^ mudda'q laihi, e^~>\ asml.
Deficiency, \J~ kamtl, ghat, jyci .
Defile, (narrow pass) , ^J galt, ghtt.
Definition, iJ^J bakhn, hadd (f.), t_sj toTrif. (f.)
Degree, <b^i> darja, t+Jj* martaba, jSi kadr (f.), &Jj rutba.
Delay, jiJ der (f.), rfr, t* bilamb, " \ r. (f.)
Deliberation, J^oU ta'ammul, j* fikr, y*> sch, j ghaur. (f.)
Delight, JojT nand, ^_<~>>~ khusht, ^j*j>- khurraml.
Delirium, ^j&jfc} -hshl, ^jjssx) b-IchudrJ~i sir. (f.)
Deliverance, delivery, ^ najt (f.), ^* bach' : see Birth.
Delusion, l^jAJ dhkh, farb, lio dagh. (f.)
Demand, (claim) l^cj daxw, (question) i_JJs aZaZ. (f.)
Demolition, flj^l inhidm, ^jbte- kharab-bdi.
Den, (lion's, &c.) Aar, AiU wnd (f.) : see Cave.
Denial, J&>\ inkr, naf (.), \ tanfi.
Dependant, d*i- muta'llik, j dman-gir, u-!j> parbas.
Depth, (J-*s- muk, j \j gahr', (dakh.) j dngn.
Deputy, -iiUS" gumshta, cJ psh-dast, ol n'ib.
Derision, ^J$ thathdl, < taxna, \$2i thatth.
Derivation, ishtikk, \jSsL>\ istikhrj.
Descendant, Jans, wbi~s santn, (plur.) Jjl auld.
Vocabulary. Nouns. 213

Desert, J$>- jangal, ^blo bayaban, <UJb bdiya.

Deserter, bhagr, lSj^j* firr, cJJ trik.
Design, (purpose) <D*3i^ mansuba, irada: see Plan.
Desire, chh (f.), ^ibLi- khwhish (f.), (j~s> hawas. (f.)
Despair, ^^Wj n-ummd, ys (f.), nirs, ^^A m-
Destiny, jiaSJ takdir (f.), L kam (f.), y>.^-J kismat. (f.)
Destruction, |^>. p'eml, cSht>\ ihlak, kharbi.
Detail, J-aw tafstl (f.), (in detail) J^Le mufassal.
Determination, JwaS jfcasrf, jc. zm,J>ssr tajwlz. (f.)
Detestation, i karh (f.), cuy nafrat (f.) : see Abhorrence.
Detraction, t^-- ghbat (f.), ^^i bad-gl, <^-~^ tuhmat. (f.)
Detriment, ^Ia nnksn, tZJj* mazarrat (f.), lj fi.
Devastation, tiJ^lc gharat (f.), ^.^ p'ml, ^Jd\j tabh.
Deuce (at cards, dice, &c), \jJ d', (dakh.) la^J doga.
Device, (contrivance) hikmat (f.), (on a shield, &c.) ^bJ
Devotion (worship), cyjLc ibdat (f.), U-jj (f.) : see Prayer.
Dexterity, e^-~"> dast-karl, chlkl.
Dialect, ^Jyi , bhkh : see Language, Idiom.
Dialogue, zs guftg (f.), JLv i-j\f>- jawb suwl.
Diameter, ^15 Atr, a- ^ d'ire ke blch k khatt.
Diary, <uU j}j rz-nma, *sAjj.j roznamcha, &>-J*\ wrja.
Dice, ps (plur. of Lb ps, a die), (dakh.) ^^ phnse.
Dice-board, LLj sai. (f.)
Dictionary, i*JJbji farhang (f.), <^-**5 lughat (f.), s.
Die (colour), rawg, (stamp) ~> sikka, thappa.
Diet, \ ghiz (f.), khurk (f.), liU/ khn, ZJy /et.
Difference, /, CJtU tafwut, \j bilag : see Discord.
Difficulty, ^jj\jJt> dushwrt, JlLiH ishkl : see Labour, Trouble.
Diffidence, ^^> sankoch, l^jAii dharka, Ji> shakk.
Digestion, wil hazm, <U-\a CJy /fctca--/<mia.
214 Vocabulary. Nouns.

Digit, angul, (of the moon's diameter) kal. (f.)

Dignity, \s*- jh (f.),jJ kadr (f.), JlJ^c martaba, ^Lb sn. (f.)
Dilemma, IJJ dubdh (f.), (dakh.) Jls^j# bhnjl.
Diligence, ^cj> j~> sar-garmi, ^ dhun (f.), tan-dihi.
Dimension, tU mp,J\&* mikdr, sj\j\ andza.
Diminution, ^Jip ghat, i_jftr takhfif (f.), -.
Din, j^-i sAr, Ji .gAuZ, (dakh.) \5L Ji- ghul ghapt.
Diploma, Ai-> sanad (.\jJL^ manshr, Jjjb^J dastwz.
Direction, (way) rA (f.), (label) pai, (of a letter) <uU
Dirt, (filth) maiZ (f.), J*e /, (mud) ys kichar. (f.)
Disagreement, iz-i\y>\j n-muwfakat (f.), (discord) L^j>- Ii -
khusl, anban'o, jj bigr.
Disappointment, n-km-, l^ybJ dhkh, ^- hirmn.
Disaster, musbat (f.), ^^isC ^ bad-bakht-, fat. (f.)
Disbelief, ^IjH^j b-i*tikd, ljJ^^^ b-*tibr.
Disbursement, ^^- kharj, ^,J>- kharch, <u\sAjs-\ ikhrajt.
Discernment,J-^j tamz (f.), \ Sjij ztrak-, U.C.) Z>Z>A\
Discharge, chhutti, Sjoj>. bar-taraf-, (of debt) bl 5. (f.)
Disciple, ^>~> sikh, cAZa, j>\> shgird, S~j talmlz.
Discipline, c-^to irflJ (f.), ^Jy tarbiyat (f.) : see Punishment.
Discovery, c^ibjJ daryft (f.), i_Jli^j| inkishf: see Invention.
Discount, \5j 5aM, 15^- chota,
Discourse, ci>b ai (f.), <-^~*- &a cAI (f.), fij guftg. (f.)
Discretion, imtTyz, J a/tZ, ^ hdshyrl.
Discus, chakr or chakkar.
Discussion, t>\so mubham, Jaj J> ratZd badal, (f.)
Disdain, ^ ihnat (f.), dJ^l- hikarat. (f.)
Disease, jljl zr, <J^ rog, uar< maraz, dukh.
Disgrace, uJ^j rusw'l, jU r, (dismission) u^-j taghrl.
Disguise, ^/-^J bhs, bhkh, (sham) *La- hla.
Disgust, izij nafrat (f.), ^ ghin (f.), karhiyat. (f.)
Vocabulary Nouns. 215

Dishonour, ls'jj! --, ^J~*j>- ^ bt-hurmati.

Disk (of the sun or moon), jsji kurs : see Discus.
Dislike, Crz, -b=- chirh (f.),jij>gurez. (f.)
Dismission, ruldisat (f.), bar-taraf-1.
Disorder, ^^jj^j bt-tarfib-, (illness) u^W? 6bnr-.
Dispatch, shitab-i: see Messenger, Epistle.
Displeasure, zurdagt, ^t>^-\j n-khushl, ^>~ khafag.
Disposition, |s3 intizm, (nature) jrl- kh (f.), ^1^ mizaj.
Dispute, ui-%sc* 5a* (f.), (quarrel) Vj^>- jhagr, <Ui kaziya.
Disregard, Vj^ be-parw'I, ^bbJl ^ be-iltift-i.
Disrespect, ^jl ^ be-adab-i, <j\ cSji tark-i-adab : see Disregard.
Dissembler, \j riy-kr, j\Lc makkr, L<~ .
Distance, cjfy^ dr-, cJjUj tafwut, v-iL* masfat. (f.)
Distemper, maras,j\j\ azar, tS^j rg, lJj^ bimr. (f.)
Distich, a (f.), Uj rfA, J^fejJ dhr.
Distraction, t-j^k^l iztirb, sarsma-g.
Distress, \A iza (f.), l!U-^ asi, e>-J ipa (f.), /af. (f.)
District, jJ- z*, chakl, J^-* mahall, tsSji pargana.
Disturbance, <ulj& hangma, j* ^j> harj-marj.
Diversion, (turning aside) i_Jlya^ inhirf, (sport) L>Uj tamsh.
Divination, Cy-yc jJ- ilm-i-ghaib, ramal, s$M fcU-gol.
Division, j~-" taksim (f.), (share) kismat : see Difference.
Divorce, jilt iaZ# (f.), (_^*1>- ^ ^>~j jj^jr khasam kjud-.
Dizziness, j~> daurn-sar, ghumr.
Doctrine, ta'tm (f.), k_^s>jt< maz'hab, &Jo tarlka.
Doer, \Jv<j karri-hara, \i kart, JxU_/5'*Z.
Doings, m, ^ji kartt, L Aiy, JUit a/'/.
Doll (child's), bjf guriy(i.), LSbj paiZ7, Ijjl^ khilaun.
Domestic (a servant), teA* wabasta, j&*cs- khidmatgr.
Dominion, <*z~oif>- hukmat (f.), u^L*c mamlukat (f.), ^ ry.
Donation, Donative, ^'..-^ bakhshish (f.), y! J dw.
Doom, (sentence) ^j>- hukm, fatwa, (fate) L aza.
216 Vocabulary. Nouns.

Dot, dtiaj nukta, hunda, hindi, sn.

Double-dealer, toj do-ranga, j\> 1J dagh-bz.
Double-entendre, &&-janik, jlJuUb j d-ma'n-dr bt.
Doubt, jw shakk, ^J> shubha, guman, 1~j sank. (f.)
Dovecot, <L- kabtar-khna. ij^bbJ dhbfi.
Dough, ^Jjjf gndhan, kharnlr. ^j/'yt lui or Z'.
Down (hair, small feathers), rm,ji narmpar: see Plain.
Drain, ty- mn, n/, badar-rau. (f,)
Draught, (of liquor) ghnt, (of a carriage) yUc$ khtnch',
(plan) j naksha, (of a letter) Jj~~ musauwada, (of soldiers)
^ pifauj k ek gurdh, (for money) u/Jcj* hund.
Draughts (the game), ^l^b Jju> mughal palhan, 8cc.
Drawer, (of a bill) ^-y (_A> hund-nawis, (of a chest) <U. khna.
Drawing (delineation), ^1 nakksht, ^J> naksh.
Dream, c_>l^i. khwb, sapri, (fancy) JU- khayl.
Dregs, tirchhat (f.), dUfs^ talchhat (f.), t,J dard, (f.)
Drink, -jyi shurb, i^-~yi> sharbat, sharab.
Drollery, maskhar-pan, ^Jjfip thathll, khillt.
Dross, J-*> mail (f.), (JU- Ali, jij zangar.
Drove, (of cattle) <*ls galla, (crowd) bhlr (f.), c^*sU>- jam't.
Drudgery, Jy aAaZ (f.), c^xs-0 l^s-*- saM mihnat. (f.)
Drunkard, ^1^1 sar-i,ji^sx< mai-kjtr.
Dung, (JL-^ o< (f.), xjf gh (f.), (of the cow) gbar, (of the
horse or elephant) jJ lid (f.), (of birds) Jbs^J pikhl: see
Dungeon, bhaksi, s\>- L-j si^ c/i, ^j^ gidangi.
Dunghill, mazbala, \y$ guhariya, ghr.
Dusk (twilight), ^srLjt dhur-snjh (f.), ^J)bj> gdhul.
Dust, J^J cZAmZ (f.),jj*J cZAr (f.), f gard (f.), jL ghubr.
Duty, (obligation) ^j farz, (service) ,Jy tahal (f.) : see Tax.
Dwelling (habitation), j ghar, ^<Lo mukm, ^J~~* maskan.
Earnest (money), <l*-J bai'ana, dadni.
Vocabulary.Nouns. 217

Earthquake, Jb>- bh-chal, <Jj!j zalzala.

Ease, rm, J kal (f.), chain, (facility) snl.
Eaves, (of a roof), ^jAj] , or, ^J^fyl parchhat.
Ebb (of the tide), bjl# bhth, jj>- jazr, Js ghattt.
Ebony, abnus.
Echo, gunj (f.), \a> iad. (f.)
Economy, ^jjT juz-ras : see Arrangement, System.
Ecstacy, Jc^j wajd, ^J^kX) b-khiid.
Edge, (of a blade),Jaj (f.), Jb br (f.) : see Border.
Edging,J\>-jhlar (f.), maghzi, <_JbsL sanjf. (f.)
Edict, farman, Sj rakam (f.), ssan.
Edition (of a book), bl$- chhp, iJ^^f- chhap'i.
Editor, (compiler) t_!^ mu'allif, (arranger) i murattib.
Education, e^jy tarbiyat (f.), parwarish. (f.)
Eel, |b Jam (f.), ^UjLo mr-mhT, LUf:< (* bam-machhli.
Effect, (impression) y! asar, tsir (f.), (result) JueU- AmZ.
Effects, JU ?^, <_jLJ asbb, j JU / mata*.
Effigy, jLi> shakl (f.), CJ^j-e srai (f.), mrat. (f.)
Effort, ^ys-i sa , {~> kshish (f.), ic-.tc mihnat. (f.)
Eft (newt), <^>j ^ i_^^~ chhipkali ek kism.
Egg, ^Jol anrf, <Ui-J baiza.
Egotist, ^ijji L>^> khifd-farosh, Ui y- khud-numa.
Egress, khurj. A*o\j> bar-amad (f.), rawnagl.
Election, ^^i'ji barguzidagi, l^Jj- makbliyat. (f.)
Elegance, _ Zw/, ^ latafat (f.), Li-^^i nazkat. (f.)
Elegy, ^ marsiya, jua3 l> j\djj~ sz-gudz k kasda.
Elevation, L^<Ab bulund-, ^^ji barht, ^ las?l -.
Elixir, ^-^ aAw : see Essence.
Elocution, ,_jjt ^bj zabn-war, u^sXas fashat. (f.)
Eloquence, lJjIJu u~f~ khush-takriri, e^t&j balght : see Elo
Embryo, cP?>- jarin, bsrL snch, gbh.
2 F
218 Vocabulary Nouns.

Emersion, ^!i> tul uth', <x*^ bar-amad.

Eminence, ^=f\ unchn, ^J/j buzurgi, J^jj fazl.
Emissary, u-jJe>- jss, b bhediy, Sj^yn harkra.
Emperor, illifcL shhanshh, ^j^y* mah-rj.
Empire, ^jbllil shhanshh-, i^ucJaL saltanat. (f.)
Employ, Employment, Ji-> shughl, m, j^c wArfa.
Emporium, (j^j^ arang, bazar, bandar.
Empress, ij^V maha-rani, aU^bl> btgam-i-shahanshah.
Emulation, <du ghbta, 1 hisk, <>j rashk.
Enamel, , <_j , ^- jtfi, mina-kari.
End, uuO aw, lj-> sr,^-l khir, (object) gharaz. (f.)
Engine, Ji ZraZ (f.), san'at (f.), ^^ hathyar.
Enigma, ^j^ pahti, ^. chistan, U* mu'mma.
Enjoyment, tamattu*, y* maza, - ish, ^>y>- khushi.
Enmity, cu>^ adwat (f.), v-J air, dushmani.
Entertainment, (JU^* mihmrii : see Feast, Amusement.
Entrance, -$5-j paith, Js*- dakhl, ^Lj psh-mad. (f.)
Entry, <L.b dkhila, <fc~y rasta : see Door, Insertion.
Environs, i atrf (f.), pairaman, as-pas.
Epistle, k- khatt, jj ruk', <uU nama, ob jai.
Epitaph, <ub hitaba : see Inscription.
Epithet, k_-> lakab, -j^xj naxt (f.), i/*a, jb .

Epitome, ikhtimr, us.* mukhtasar.

Epoch, ^jb" trkh (f.), , sambat, JL> sZ.
Equator, j^aJ k- khatt-i-istiw.
Equipage, <_>LJ asbb, ^LL saman, tsj>y> sawr, i-Jj rikab. (f.)
Equity, (_iUwl tnff, Jj^ <#, ^aJ; rsti, /- sach'.
Era, ^TjIj tarikh (f.), lL s, *-' sambat.
Ermine, jjI kkum, <_>-; sanjab.
Errand, L-jjii-j sandes, |^ paighm, *l m.
Errata (in a book), ulj kL ghalat-nma.
Error, ^jbLc ghalati, CJ>- chk (.),jy kusr, J^j JmZ. (f.)
VocabularyNouns. 219

Eruption, j~ khurj. ubhr, (of the skin) ^jx> rakt-pitti.

Essay, ^jt~> sa*l, j^Uyl zm'ish (f.), (treatise) risla.
Essence, tz\ zt {f.),j*> , (spirit) jy: araA, (perfume) ^kc Str.
Estate, (condition) JU- hl, (possession) <SLo milk : see Degree.
Esteem, cl/Lj tapk, izi^s- izzat,J^t pyar,j kadr. (f.)
Eternity, |!ji> dawm, &>) abad, ^***> hamsha-gi.
Ethics, jjU-l akhlk, J$>-^ jj-c ilm-i-akhlk.
Etiquette, d&, i^-J-s* cyliK takalluft-i-majlis.
Event, (incident) JjjU- hdisa, i^J^ij^ sar-guzasht. (f.)
Evidence, ^t>\ gawhi, JJ da/ (f.), (witness) JJsli shhid.
Evil, ^I^j bur4, ^J>^j zbm-, (calamity) L Z>af. (f.)
Evildoer, jl Jj bad-kr, j i\& gunh-gr.
Eulogy, iwye tarif (f.), ia? (f.), Uj tana, (f.)
Eunuch, -f>- khja. \^ te>-\j*- Jdiwja-sar, tes* AyV.
Examination, ^jlejl zm'ish (f.), ^*! imtihn.
Example, <j*j namna, ^ji^jS udharan: see Pattern.
Excellence, c^-jy faukiyat (f.), (as an address) CUj*>- hazrat. (f.)
Excess, fi"i> \J?\j ziydati : see Intemperance.
Exchange, j \ adl badl, J>f- waz, (place) <Jy>- chauk.
Excrement, i gih (f.), gh'it: see Dung.
Excrescence, i girih (f.), (fleshy) L mass, masbird.
Excuse, jbe- ?zsr, (pretence) <l^ bahna, hvjjat. (f.)
Execution, <i^l kr-gvzr-, (killing) Ji Aa?.
Executor, was? (m.). Executrix, <u>j wasiya. (f.)
Exercise, c-c mihnat (f.), (practice) J-ke mashk. (f.)
Exertion, ^j^jb kshish (f.), ^^j-j sa*, l-xs^ mihnat. (f.)
Exhibition, ^1^ iz'hr, ^jl^ dikhl'i, (show) liUi' tamsh.
Exhortation, ^^ nafihat (f.), lcj *2, targhib. (f.)
Exile, (banishment) ^"hs*- jil-watan, (banished) ^^-J lZ-watan.
Existence, ^yi hastl, js^j wujd, (life) ^^SjJj zindagi.
Expedient,^ojJ tadbir (f.), chra, up't.
Expense, s3 lgat (f.), ^/>- kharch : see Money, Cost.
220 Vocabulary.Nouns.

Experience, Experiment, toj=? tajriba, I zm'ish. (f.)

Explanation, ^Lj bayn, J^-af (f.), ^-> shark, (f.)
Express, (messenger) ksid, cICj paik : see Message.
Expression, lail talaffuz, cub ii (f.), (squeezing out) "y^ nichdr.
Extension, j%^)phail', ^^jllS kushdagl.
Extract,^) Air, *A- khulsa : see Essence, Selection.
Extreme, Extremity, sir, i^jl^i nihyat (f.) : see Distress.
Exuviae (slough or skin), J-ato kenchlt, J^u kenchul. (f.)
Eyesore, IS ^j^l jb>- Mar nkhn k.
Fable, L^olG- hikyat (f.), Ji3 wa/W (f.), ^yb^ kahnt.
Fabrication, cibjbj banwat (f.), >^> (f.)
Facility, san?, l^Jj^- sahlat (f.) : see Readiness.
Fact, (deed) <, Jxsjfl, (reality) c^-Jus*- haktkat. (f.)
Factory, , <U- j\ kr-khna.
Factotum, ^bys har-bb-, ^KIS kulkullan.
Faculty, CJj kwat (f.), (quality) gun, (skill) hunar.
Fair, (market) iL , c>b> hat (f.), ^5-j penth. (f.)
Faith, (belief) (jLH , Ju Skida, (religion) millat. (f.)
Falsehood, Falsity, ^^>-jhth, ^j dargh, l_j &.
Fame, jb nam, j\j^Jt>\ ishtihr, y-s^jas, ci^-i shuhrat. (f.)
Familiarity, SoL,! irtibt, c^^-?" mhbat (f.), ^% nZ/a. (f.)
Family, gharbr, \>\j gharan, (race) ^jJbi- khndn.
Famine, ks? kaht, JIS1 akal, cl#t> dubhuk.
Fan, 1j pankh, ^j^J pankh, (for grain) ^^j^ parti, c-Jj- sp.
Fancy, JU- khiyl. ^ wahm, (whim) lahar. (f.)
Fare, (food) khurk (f.), (hire) ljb bhara, t kirya.
Farewell, alwid*, SsU- khuda hfiz.
Fashion, JjJ daul,j$o taur, (form) J> sAaW. (f.)
Fast, i\ifka, ijj rza, <Jj> barat, (_/-b\ upas.
Fat (of animals), L^- charbi, <_/bil- chlknal.
Fate, jJJJu takdir (f.), L^vtJi kismat (f.), (death) ?<. (f.)
Fathom, -jU ^ _3la>jb>- cAr Aar , jj Jam. (f.)

Fatigue, i_S^" thak'l, ^h* mndagt, ^^y sus.

Fault, jje Jusur, ib, (crime) j^oa! taksir. (f.)
Favour, mihrbani, ^- tawajjuh (f.) : see Gift.
Feast, c^JLe ziyafat (f.), izJjs-J da'wat (f.) : see Festival.
Feature, jLi shakl (f.), <Ci naksha, rukh, chinh.
ajr, py^j rusum, <bis.-* mihnatna, ajra.
Feeling, lmisa, (sense) ^o- hiss, (affection) j\j pyr.
Feint, <^ bahna, l^ytJ dhkh, *=- hila.
Felloe, 1- U l J>- chakkar k ghr or halka.
Fellow, (equal) j*->- p& ham-chashm : see Companion, Manikin.
Fellowship, u^" suhbat (f.), , J-* /.
Felon, fjS* mujrim,j\} takstr-war : see Whitlow.
Felony, ij* b gunah-i-kabira, ^c- j>-jurm-irzm.
Fence, \^ gher, Uj panh (f.), tatrl : see Defence.
Fermentation, (JL^josh, JIH mJ7, (ferment) ^-^>- khamr.
Ferry, (passage) *jl guzra,j-*sc mbar : see Boat.
Festival, jlj-j te'hr, c-^j parab, Ju* zd. (f.)
Festivity, shdt, l^s>-jashn, J^z ish, i^y*- khush.
Fetter, Fetters, ^j^i bf, paikarh, ^bj-j btriya.
Fiddle, sarangi, kingrJ, jj\~> srinda.
Fidelity, ^^! -dar, bj wo/5 (f.), ^s^ sachaut.
Fight, ^/Vj! ?ar7, AA-judk, i^S^-jang, cy : see Battle.
Figure, (for number) tlio &, ^^ rakam : see Form, Image.
File, (instrument) ^^j- (f.), ^^j ; see Row.
Filings, jy>- chr, burada, (of iron) j-!S^ Ibh-chun.
Filth, mail (f.), <^f~ //, ^^^T l'ish. (f.)
Fin (of a fish) jjb k_Ji^sr* machhli k par or &.
Finance, iJ\ JU> ml-guzri, khirj, mad. (f.)
Firman, ^/ farman, parwna, <ul3 *>- hukm-nama.
Fish-hook, bansi, L2 katiy (f.), l5jl knt.
Fissure, t/b>- c, ^ terai, shigffjj darz.
Fitness, u^iU liykat (f.), u/|> sazawarl, ^,&**.<l> shayustagi
222 Vocabulary. Nouns.

Flannel, *jJ ll, LyJ dhs.

Flask, (powder-horn) \j^*~> singr, wta t?jV bart-dn : see Bottle*
Flattery, J^lij- khushmad (f.), ^-jLU- chplus.
Flavour, xjcmaza, \y*isawd, tijJ lazzat (f.), (j-bj^ m-Js. (f.)
Fleam, jitj nashtar.
Flight, (of a bird) jV^ parwaz (f.), (running away) Jj^f gurez. (f.)
Flock, (of animals) (^ galla, lu^-jhund, (of cotton) J^j pahal.
Flood, L)L sailab (f.), jb 5rA (f.), (tide) jawr (f.) : see
Flower, t phl, gui, (prime) jl^ bahr (f.), ^j=r jban.
Flowers on cloth, ljjj <_ bel-bt.
A Fluid, iS^pnt (.), Jys rak,j>- ^j^ bahne chz.
Fold, (plait) 3 tah (f.), {^>- chin (f.), (of a door) palla.
Folk, #>g, |4^<1 mardum, ^j>\s~'\ ashkhs.
Folly, Foolishness, Jiyj-? btwukuft, cu-jU= himakat. (f.)
Fondness, jLj shank, cAA. (f.)
Food, Ul^ khn, C\)~ khurk (f.), lcg/jis (f.), cyy .
A Fool (buffoon), HjS^ maskhara, Sj\> bhnd.
Footman, naukar, sjjb harkra, W\J piyda.
Footpath, i\j rah (f.), ^xiS^Jii^ pag-dandl, gal.
Footstep, Jj naksh-i-p, (step) pS kadam.
Fop, \&b bnk, iL#>- chhaila, albel, \&>- chikaniy.
Force, jj zr, Jj bal, iZf kwat (f.),^>- jabr.
Ford, <-rVj pyb, thh, (f.), <JL>\ght.
Forefather, -jadd, j^fj'/ buzurgwar : see Ancestor.
Foreman, j^t.^ peshkr, pshw, j\j~> sardr.
Forepart, agwr, \fT g, if1 agZ hissa.
Forerunner, j psh-rau, Ui jt^j psh-num.
Foresight, ^jXo ptsh-birii, ^^-j j dr-bini : see Prudence.
Forfeit, Forfeiture, dnd, <Uj^>. jarlmna.
Forge, <U- jlfcj! lhr-khna, ^c$> bliathl.
Forgery, (./Li Ztis, taghallub, '^" jl-ssi.
Vocabulary Nouns. 223

Fornication, i!b^>- chhinl, Uj zin (f.), J^-J fisk.

Fornicator, SL^>- chhinl. Fornicatress, Jb>f&- chhinal. (f.)

Fortitude, \>- jur'at (f.), 4$j*j\f>- jawnmardi : see Courage.

Fortune, (chance) kismat (f.), (portion) <f ^ >A5g, ^j*^
Foundation, (of a building) \m (f.), ^Ut ss. (f.)
Fraction, (bit) \j& tukr, xjj reza, (in numbers) j~ kasr. (f.)
Fragrance, > i^rf^- khush- (f.), JsJcjL su-gandh.
Frame, (plan) dhnch, (shape) JjJ dawi: see Shape.
Frankincense, jjlJ lubn, ,jb^ lbn, jfx? bakhr.
Fraud, i^jjh farb, l0 dagh (f.), chhal,jLc makr.
Freckle, magas (f.), ^ lahsan, b dgh.
Freedom, zdagi, [_'^>- khalsJ, euW1 najt. (f.)
Freehold, ^^-} ^oU- |_5H opn Mas* zamn, jgr. (f.)
Freight, Jy /, bhartl, (hire) Ijl^j bhf.
Friday, <U>- jum', dlna, j\^~> sukrwr.
Friend, t^-vjjj aos, muhbbfj^ yr,j~* mitr.
Friendship, dsti, c^wc muhabbat (f.), c^-sN //. (f.)
Fright, dar, <_Jy- khauf, dahshat (f.), |*y-> saAjw.
Fringe,^!l#>- jA/ar (f.), nchal.
Fruit, ,J$J j>AaZ, ij-^i mtwa, (profit) ^J samara, ^J na/*.
Fruition, ^L^ kmyabi, ^*> tamattu*, Jy- husul.
Fulness, Ljy*** ma*mri, ,_s'\j^) , lJj^ sri, <*i) bharti.
Fun, LUj tamsh, J^S AAZ, ,_jb z, ^y^j- shkhi.
Fund, (^yf^ pnji, <oU maya, <l< ^o sar-mya.
Funeral, j^-xj tadfin (f.), J^^sT taj'htz (f.), sj\^>-janza.
Fur, postn, samr, ^Zj pashm (f.), (scum) /'.
Furnace, bhathi, *l# JAr, tash-dn.
Furniture, <_ l j ghar k asbab, ^UL smn,
Furrow, k- lys Uj ^j-j Ja AaZ se 5aw A khatt, rtghri.
Fury, J&- jazba, <jj/>- Jif? jsh kharsh, ^^ ghazab.
Gain, (earning) kam', J*eU- htil, (profit) jJ /*.
224 Vocabulary.Nouns.

A Gallant, jb ishk-baz, rasiya, fj^p- iyash.

Gallows, j\ dar, ^Jf> suit, ^Sl^^j-Jl^ phnsl-kth.
Game, (play) ^b bazi, J-$ khll, (prey) shikar.
Gaming-house, <b- ijyr j'-khna, j> phar. (f.)
Gang, J^ ghl, ^>- jath, ISs t'ifa, -y>- jth.
Gaol, <b- i^Aj bandi-khna, <b>- JuS kaid-khna.
Garb, (JilijJ poshk (f.), (j>.U Zii, (guise) JAes.
Garland, l* J^j phl-ml (f.), sihr,j\> hr.
Garner, U-jLil ambr-Jchna, i gola, j\- Ac- ghalla-khna.
Gas, jls^ bukhar, -$jb Jp (f.), ^jI^j bhph. (f.)
Gauze, Jj^j^ kapar-phl, Jj^ kapardhl.
Gazette, <ubjLH akhbr-nma.
Gender, ^j^-jins: (fem.) ^'li' ?.? (f.), (mas.) tazkir. (f.)
Generation, jJy tawallud, (race) J-J nasZ (f.), c^iJ pusht. (f.)
Generosity, cljUs.*- sakhawat (f.), bakhshish, (f.)
Genitive case, c^jLH us-ll- hlat-i-isfat.
Gentleman, j* mard-i-dml, <fc*-\j#- khwja. t_^-Ls shib.
Gentlewoman, ashraf-zdi, l51^j bha btbi.
Geography, i^\yu>- jughrfiya.
Geomancy, J-*j ramal, ramml-.
Gesture, \~S>j>- harakat (f.), utM>- jumbish (f.), was*, (f.)
Ghost, (spectre) bht, k^-^ prt, (spirit) -j ruh. (f.)
Giant, ^jj jJi mard-i Szm tan, oJ daiyat.
Gift, |Ui in'm, \J-&?, baJchshish (f.), cftzn, L>
Gilding, ^J^^b til-krl, ijfjj zar-nigrl, hall.
Gills, (of a fish) \j$J gal-phar, (dewlap, &c.) ghabghab.
Girth (of a horse), <&j tang, pi7, (y.*.j pushtang.
Gladness, ^^-khushi, ^jLb shd,jjj~> surr, JcJI anand.
Glass, (substance) kanch, i~> shisha, (vessel) .
Globe, kura, i'gl, (world) jahn.
Gloom, Gloominess, ^jltO dhuml', (sadness) u^JSL malalat. (f.)
Glory, (praise) - hamd (f.), (splendor) jjj , Jjjj raunak. (f.)
Vocabulary.Nouns. 225

Glossary, (JJbji farhang (f.), &j^* zj\J lughat matrka.

Glue, sarsh.
Goodness, bhal'l, i^/^j nik'l, ^J>f>- khubT.
Goods, (furniture) t_->L~j\ l ghar k asbb, (effects) JU mal.
Gossip, CinjjSii harza-gard, (sponsor) U> \i ->b j^J dharam-bap or
Government, <^~<j- hukmat (f.), raj, (state) jij* sarkr. (f.)
Grace, (divine) ^J-i fazl, (favour) tJ1ifaiz: see Beauty.
Gracefulness, i_aU lutj (f.), t/\ j z^bl, ljLs-' sajwat. (f.)
Grammar, =cr i^j^e sarf 5 naho (f.), *<Acl Iwfida.
Grandee, mda, amlr, ^j rukn, uj^i ashraf.
Grandeur, barl, ii-**kc zamat (f.), ^? buzurgl.
Grant, \j\ in'm, bakhshish (f.), af. (f.)
Gratitude, ji> shukr, ^jjSjJ* shukr-guzrl.
Grave, gor (f.), ^J> kabr (f.),j]y mazr (f.), ^x madfan.
Gravitation, uJ,!? markaz kl taraf rnailn.
Grease, ^j/>- charbl, ,_/L>- chlkn'l, jj raughan.
Greatness, ^\, barl, kalnl, ^$jj buzurgl.
Green (the colour) sabza, (grassy plot)^J j*> sabza-zr.
Greyhound, tazl kutt, b ^JSJ* shikari kutt.
Grief, ^ gham, j dukh, jjl alam, ^jU mtam, ranj.
Grimace, \j->^> khls (f.), ^IgjXj bandar-bh'.
Gripe, (grasp) jfapakar (f.), <UiJ kabza, (squeeze) "y^ nickr. (f.)
Grot, Grotto, a/", iy AA, <l>- 3 tah-khna.
Grove, Ij bgh, ^ kunj, li$>- l ^t^i-jJ darakhtM kjhund.
Groundwork, jLj bunyad (f.), J-el asZ (f.),y>- jar. (f.)
Growth, (vegetation) ^jj r'ldagl, (increase) ^>. barhtl.
Grudge, S klna, ix l DA muddat k klna : see Envy.
Guard, (watch) j\J>f>- chaukldr, (protection) klib- hifsat. (f.)
Guess, J3! aiaZ (f.), i/-^ yes,j!j\ awf?^,j!jcj pindr.
Guest, ,)tY<> mihmn, j\*e J\ wrid sdir.
Guidance, lj>\^Jij rahnum'l, ^ hidyat. (f.)
2 G
226 Vocabulary.Nouns.

Guide, Ui i\j rah-numa, \f\ agw, ^jlb hdl. (m.)

Guilt, A^gunh, ^ji) dokh, jy , ILri- khat. (f.)
Guitar, jbJ> ltr,Ja~i sitar.
Gum, Si^gond (f.), samagh.
Gutter, ^-^ muhr, &\jji parnla, ^joVi nabdn.
Habit, (dress) ^L) libas, (custom) irAiU aa (f.) : see Mode.
Habitation, j ghar, ^IC* makan, |\JLc mukm.
Haft, .Le wwA (f.), <t3-j kabza, <-.-t> dasta.
Hag, (witch) ^jii rf' (f.), (fury) Jjjf- churail. (f.)
Halo, <sSla> AZa, Jjc^ mandai, JL kundal.
Halter, (for a horse) j>!> i\ bag-dor (f.), (noose) plitm.
Ham (of pork), JjlT ^ J\~> su'ar namak-lda ran.
Hammer, (sledge) hathora, (small) ijjjjf* hathaurt.
At hand, ^f-j-< maujud, j\>- hazir.
From hand to hand, l^-wjJo i^l.o dast ba-dast.
Handful, muthi, j> lap-bhar, il-*~o musht.
Handle, to-O dasta, ciL-o-J &nf, <LJs kabza, -y<> math, (f.)
Handmaid, ^ji^- sahel, J*<H aji (f.), t^Jj! laundi.
Handwriting, k- Jhatt, \- c^ dast-khatt.
, (accident) jUjI ittifk, (luck) -%.....* kismat. (f.)
Happiness, , JcJT nand, .
Hardware, lokhar, ^j^>- ^ ^^bji lohe kichize.
Harm, ^ nuksn, jj zarar, ^bj ziyan, ranj.
Harmony, ml, jWI itiihad, szgrt.
Harp, ki^ barbat (f.), <A>- cang (f.), ^ 5. (f.)
Harvest, (time) jjJ ui*j wakt-i-dirau, (grain) ^ anaj.
Haste, ^jAsf jaldl, ^b- shitb, ^J/\j\ ut'li: see Rage.
Hate, Hatred, iSJji nafrat (f.), c^Ac adwat (f.), ^ ghin. (f.)
Haughtiness, jgj ghurr, &~t^ ghamand,jS kbr.
Health, tandurus, l^s" sihhat (f.), ^\\ aram.
Heap,^Jo dher, j\J>\ mbar, xy toda, jJj ras.
By heart, ^bj^LSjj nk-i-zabn.
Vocabulary Nouns. 227

Hearth, chauk, chlh, (dakh.) jo- chul.

Heat, ^c garm, CLsJ\y>- hararat (f.), ^jk- jalan: see Summer.
Heathen, j kafir, e^^ji^o but-parast, j gabr.
Height, i^W^l nch'i, charh', ^Jb bulandi.
Heir, wris, w, ^ wal-hd.
Help, X* madad (f.), ^- isti'nat (f.) : see Aid.
Hem, (border) maghzi, i_JbsL> sanjaf (f.), 5r. (f.)
Hemisphere, bol l /,? Zc dh, i \ adh-gl.
Hemistich <\j&> misr*, CSj tuk (f.), ^j>~ charan.
Heptagon, ^jyv musabba*, j zjL st-kn.
Herd, (flock) J nr, galla, (crowd) ghl, Jc^s>- jhund.
Heresy, l-^jo Jid'ai (f.), olsll i'Zd, ^ kupath.
Heritage, ^j\^ miras (f.), irs, ^^> bapauti.
Hermaphrodite, J^i^- khuns, l^s^ hijr.
Hero,j* bir, pahlawn, bahadur, ?* shuj*.
Hexagon, ^x^o musaddas, Ji-ii^l^j shash-pahl shakl.
Highlander, 1^^ pahriy, ^z~Jt kohistni.
Highness, (_b bulandi, (an address) CL^- hazrat (f.): see Height.
Highwater, l^J bharjawr, JUa< madd-i-kaml.
Highway, *lj L> sAA rh (f.), <&J^ Ijj bar rsta.
Hilt, -f^e wmA (f.), <UL kabza, i*S dasta.
Hinderance, atk', j^j ruk', JjU- ha!il, jT 5r. (f.)
Hint, >Li>! ishra, \aj\ tm (f.), kinya.
Hire, te?a6 (f.), jl^ kirya, Sjj>~\ qjra, \*\f bhr.
Hireling, j\Sjf>~\ ajradar,^ <> jjj rozina-dr.
History, ^Zj\j> tawrkh (f.), ^ijo trkh (f.), fc^-Aj rawyat. (f.)
Hive, li=>- chhatt, JL$C<. makhiyl, <U- zambr-khna.
Hock (of a horse) ^gjH ^ ^j> glwrc kl tri.
Hole, (pit) Ujfgarh, (rent) $- chhd, \j*> srkh.
Hollow, i . ..>*.> nasheb gh (f.), ijy>-jauf,jb khalr.
Holyday, <- td (f.), jUjjj' te'hr, t-jjj parab.
Home,j ghar, ^~c makn, ^0 der, ^-^ maskan, ^Jot watan.
228 Vocabulary Nouns.

Homicide, mardum-kusht : see Murderer.

Honesty, /^ sach', ^J^j rasti, <_ kharl, jJw sidk.
Honey-comb, \>- chhatt ^li shn, <U- Jyi shahd-khna.
Honour, LUJc izzat (f.), e^-j ^a (f.), (rank) j*> martaba.
Hoop, <tL>- halka, kundl,j~*>- chambar.
Horoscope, janam-patrl, zlcha.
Horror, d ~*Jb haibat (f.), Jy& haul, wahshat. (f.)
Horserace, "j^J^ ghur-daur. (f.)
Horseshoe, Jjc na*/.
Horticulture, ^jj^*^- chaman-bandi, ^yUcb bagh-bn.
Hospital, <U-jU-o btmr-khna, 11^'j dru-sh-shaf.
Hospitality, (jfjjjjyL*! musr-parwarl, ,_c,ljuU^< mihmndrl.
Host, (entertainer) mzbn, jIjU^ mihmndr: see Army.
Hovel, jhmpr, j+>- chhappar, .
Hound, i^tL shikr kutt.
Hour-glass, i^cLs ~> shtsha-e-s't, ' ^J> jib iV 7 ghaf.
Householder, ^bgirhist, ji j\~ khna-dr.
Hubbub, ,Lc J ghul-ghapra, ijy.jb harbaf.
Hue and cry, j\G titila hnk-pukr (f.), Jx g^w.
Humanity, i^weiM dmiyat (f.), CjL/d# bhalmanst. (f.)
Human kind, ^Ljl insn, ^^iJ dam.
Humility, (_<^ gharb, b-Jot adhint. (f.)
Humour, (juice) <^ ras, , (of the body) Lir- Mitf.
Hunger, (f.), ^rju (f.), ^p^ gursinag.
Hunt, Hunting, jlCi shikar, Ju-e said (f.), khader.
Hurry, ij^jald, shitbl, ^jfj> harbaf.
Husbandry, kisnal, kht, ,jsjz kishtkr.
Husk, chhilkj'K) bakl: see Chaff.
Hyperbole, AilL mubalagha, ighrk.
Hypocrisy, n'y, jj-jSL) s/s, jL* makr, cU-i kapat.
Jack, (engine) j kal (f.), (for raising weights) iiCcJ damkal.
Jail, <U- Ju kaid-khna. j\sTJj bandtkhna.
Vocabulary. Nouns. 229

Jalap, Js>- ^ (j,Lc JS gwZ- Jas ? j'ar.

Idea, JL- khiyl, jjoj tasauwur, ^LbtJ dhyn.
Idiom, ^ jja tarz-i-kalm (f.), ^-ik-el istilh. (f.)
Idiot, -^j-< ^g^^-janamt mrakh, ^sJ> gidl, J*b pgal.
Idleness (want of employment), lJ*> blkri, (laziness) r..i sws :
see Sloth.
Idol, ts^J Jwf, jie sanam, ^jy murat. (f.)
Idolater, but-parast, cSjL^c mushrik, jS gabr.
Jealousy, ^ zann, ^yUfjj bad-gumri, <Jj+ ghairat. (f.)
Jest, khill, y* mazkh, l$5$3 thatha.
Jesus Christ, ^ :r. hazrat-is.
Jet, Jet d'eau, j\j fawwra, ^j^ abkhezi, CDyisot.
Jew, <J>^j yahd, LSytf. yahd.
Jews-harp, i^is^ murchang, ^s"0 muchang.
Ignorance, jahlat (f.), nadar: see Folly.
Ill, (evil) ', (harm) t^iT /a (f.), L bala, (f.)
Image, ibj pwiZ, ^jy wrai (f.) : see Idol, Likeness.
Imagination, jyai tasauwur, JL- khiyl, dhyn.
Immodesty, ^{s^- be-hijbi, ^L^u bt-hayci.
Impatience, ?^^ bsabrl, ^ n-shikeb4.
Impertinence (disrespect), ^ -adabi, L5&-bf gustkhl.
Impiety, J~i fisk, ^j Ii n-khud-tarsi, >Jb\ adharm.
Import (meaning), ,j*- , mazmn.
Impostor, jb l0 dagh-bz, i*jt5 thag,j\L* makkr.
Impression, (mark) (^ri3 naksh, (print, edition) chhp.
Imprisonment, iXJ AaiJ, (j--. Aais, Jj Jand.
Improvement, bihtari, ^Jiji tarakkt, islh. (f.)
Inability, ^rilbli n-tkati, ^J> be-makdr.
Incarnation, (of a divinity) autr, (of a wound) JLcJal indiml.
Incendiary, ^Jl tash-afroz, (seditious) jJo\ ^1 tash-angz.
Incense, ^bj! toban, j^ss^bajdmr, je ud.
Inch,jJ tass, J^l ungalov J&! angul,jpor. (f.)
230 Vocabulary. Nouns.

Incision, <JL>l hat (f.), iJLj) burrish (f.), chira.

Inclination, iJL~* mailn, mail, (wish) raghbat.
Income, (rent) tA kiraya, (revenue) \ amad, (f.)
Inconvenience, u^i\y>\j n-muwfakat (f.), ujLKj taklif. (f.)
Increase, ^sJ^ barhti, ^jfi afzm, ^Jiji tarakki.
Incubus, (j-jJ^ kbs, (dakh.) <?~> stna-kndt.
Indenture, <u\i ^2 hd-nama, machalka, SUj kabla.
Index, (pointer out) Jlj , JJj ?, (of a book) t^-^i fihrist.
Indigo, (die) J-j ml, (plant) u^-jJ l J-i / darakht.
Indisposition, (disinclination) ^/^> nmarzl, (illness) ^JL> man-

Individual, j> fard, jas** iL>\ tk shakhs, Jo-|j wahid.

Indolence, ^jS> sust, khil, (_/L> dhll.
Industry, ; -.'..-41 mihnat (f.), -^ S^-jidd jahd.
Infancy, bachpan, c^-JjiL tufliyat (f.), ^^ib </?.
Infection, siryat (f.), l^Jjc fnat. (f.)
Inference, *> natija, <Jsls*- AmZ, J&l atkal. (f.)
Infidel, yl^ kafir,j gabr, ^.-j bedin, cSjt~c mushrik.
Infidelity,^ Am/", iL^> sirfc, i^Uj^ be-imni.
Inflammation, ^ji- jalan, ij^jy~> szish (f.), < iltihb.
Influence,^! asar, j\ tslr, s>~ hukm, <J^> byp.
Information, ^o- khabar (f.), ittax (f.), -bJ^ smc?A. (f.)
Informer, |U nammm, khufya-nawis.
Infraction, fas/ch. (j^-X> shikast (f.), bhang.
Ingot, , lf> thakk, dl A int. (f.)
Ingratitude, i^/->^ n-shukrl, cu-**j i}J& kufrn-i-nixmat.
Inhabitant, ^L skin, ^JLn mukim, m>{> bashanda.
Inheritance, lj\ irs, cJij** miras, ^j-J bapau.
Injury, (hurt) i, \ jj! (f.) : see Detriment, Injustice.
Injustice, ^bw! be-insf, (wrong) ^ zulm.
Ink, ^U-i siyahi, ,_s\Jijj rshn'J, (red) ^^ surklii.
Inkhorn, Inkstand, dawat (f.), ^Ij jji kalam-dan.
Vocabulary Nouns. 23 1

Innocence, ^Jt\^ bgunh, ^^^ ismat (f.), S^ pkl.

Inquiry, 4>-ji pchh-fchh (f.), t~i pursish. (f.)
Inscription, j\ hitaba, likhat (f.), pj* .
Insertion, Jli-iM idkJil, indirj, d-lj dkhila.
Inspection, ij nigh (f.), J nazar (f.), bis) likz.
Inspector, arriin, ^*s^o muhtamim, jj!j drgha.
Inspiration, (drawing in the breath) ^^p damkashi, (divine) ^>-j
wahi. (f.)
Instalment, (to office) ^JJ^otLi- khil'at-dihi, (portion) k-.j> kist. (f.)
Instance, (entreaty) >\j-j darkhwst (f.) : see Affair, Example.
For instance, masalan, \-~c>- jais ki.
Instruction, ^-luu ta*ltm, (f.), sikh't: see Education.
Instrument, <Ut ala, jx^>- jantr, J^fJt> hathyar, ti-^b bcs.
Musical Instrument, - bj,j\~> sz.
Insult,J-$>- chJir (f.), JiL tanz (f.), c^U> shamtat. (f.)
Insurance (against loss), U-j ma.
Insurrection, \b blwa, <u\> hangama, fosad.
Integer or Integral number, adad-i-sahih.
Intellect, Intelligence, Jc kl (f.), As, -bj^ Jmc?. (f.)
Intelligence (news)j^S- khabar (f.), ^SW ittil*, ^1^1 ght.
Intent, Intention, si kasd, i\j\ irada, i^-w ntyat. (f.)
Intercession, c^U^> shaf'at (f.), c^-SsL wastat. (f.)
Intercourse, > <xl mad-shud (f.), <Glc alka.
Interest, (for money) sd, byj : see Concern, Benefit.
Interference, J-0 dakhl, t^Jjl C^-J dast-andzi.
Interjection (in grammar), lju<_Jy>- harf-i-nid, <ij=- harf.
Interim (in the), is darmiyn men.
Interposition, Intervention, ts-LLj wastat (f.), L-y wasila.
Interpretation, Us^y tarjuma, tashrlh. (f.)
Interrogation, istifsr, p\ija~f\ istifhm.
Interruption, harakat (f.), JL>- khalal, ^jS> harj.
Interstice, A^Mfsila, (between fingers or toes) ^\ gh*.
232 Vocabulary Nouns.

Interval, ^J^*)^ darmiyn, bch,j\ antar.

Interview, zXsL* mulkt (f.), uiUbgfl bhnt. (f.)
Intimation, Xj\>\ ishra, &>Li kinya, U1 . (f.)
Intoxication, liJ nash, mastt, ^ytf bhsk.
Introduction, JU-l idkhl, (of a book) dibuja.
Invective, gft, ) ^bj zabn-darzt.
Invention, bibfCl jd, ikhtir*, C-*:>-L> skht. (f.)
Inventor, Jcj-j-< mjid, wzi*, ^ ni.
Inventory, lL-j siyh, J /ard (f.), <&Jju taxlka.
Investigation, tlsh (f.), ^...j taftlsh. (f.)
Invitation, e^JjcJ da*wat (f.), b^J nyota, talab. (f.)
Invoice, ^bj^ i^~>j* fihrist-i-ajns, C\> bjak.
Job, (work) Jy teAa/ (f.), l-$S <AA &, (stab) Jy& mZ. (f.)
Jointure, mahr.
Joke, 1^2^ thath, ^ khilli, ^j* mazakh.
Jolt, iCbJ dhakk, cJprjhok (f.), jLs.a hachkl.
Jot, Iota, zarra, bi nukta, <Jj 7.
Journal, <Clj r^-nma, <^1 wrja, khasr.
Journey,^i- safar, iZiJ>\~~ musfarai. (f.)
Journeyman, kamra, xj kranda.
Joy, ^ khush, ^j<j>- kJiurramJ, bils, ^g-jai.
Irony, ^Lc ^s. ; waZzA (f.XjSZ-^ tasaklikhur.
Itch, (disease) ZcAy (f.), khujU : see Desire.
Judgment, (decision) i_la3l h?/, (sentence) hukm : see Intel
Judgment (day), c^^U kiyamat (f.),jts>- hashr. (f.)
Juice, ijmj ras, jjS- rak, XjJt> shira, ^y>-js, ^Jb pai, (m.)
Jump, kulnch (f.), kd (f.), is-w>- jast. (f.)
Junction, j^rjf, ^ paiwand, J^^wasl.
Juncture (time) ts-Jj >, ij^-SU- hlat (f.) : see Junction.
Ivory, ic-Jlo ^' hthi-dnt, y, w!jJjL fil-dandn.
Jurisdiction, hukm, cu-vjSo. hukmat (f.),^jjj kalam-rau.
Vocabulary.Nouns. 233

Jury, iju-jIsL panchyat (f.), panch.

Justice, i_JLi3^ insf, Jac dl, jLi nyw>: see Judge.
Kalendar, tkwim (f.), I^j patra.
Kali, ^Ij fcaZ,
Keepsake, ^ifjb ydgri, yob yd-bd, ^lJ nishnt.
Kennel, (for dogs) iU-^jlj tzt-khna : see Gutter.
Kermes, J^ kirmiz.
Kernel, J< maghz, \f gd, (of cocoa-nut) xjs gari.
Kick, 1 St (f.),J)$ thkar (f.), Mad. (f.)
Kiln, bhathi, (especially for grain) j\g bhr, (potter's) \j\ w.
Kin, j\ \j\j nata-dar, lf-s saga, j\<2>j rishta-dr.
Kind, (genus, race) i-r^-jins, CL3\ zt (f.), *.
Kindness, ^yb/v* mihrbri, &-y tawajjuh. (f.)
Kindred, jj u/^ bh'-band, byl akrib, ^.f- khwsh.
Kingdom, <^-ikL: saltanat (f.), i^li Jb bds/ihat. (f.)
Kinsman, J\iz>j rishta-dr, ^J^]/ karabat.
Kiss, tej^- chuma, <t~ijj 65sa, ^ef^0 machhi.
Paper Kite, ^jS guddi, *Jsj patang, J>" tukkal. (f.)
Knack, (habit) _-> dhab, iA~> saUka : see Dexterity.
Knapsack, jhl, Li thail, ^<- jma-dnl.
Knave, jbliJ dagh-bz, J^s. iyr,j\Lc makkr.
Kneading-trough, 1^2 kathr,j^ taghr, kathauti.
Knight, j\> bahdur, \j^o mirz, (at chess) ghr.
Knob, gnth (f.), (dakh.) gundl.
Knocker (of a door), L>- halka, .s- halka-dar.
Knot, -$S3lf gnth (f.), , igirih (f.), ^ ^ec.
Knowledge, -fcAJ Smc?A (f.), tsJIj dnist. (f.)
Label, pata, (_<$2-j- chitthi, <ub^-s sar-nma.
Labour, c-o4 mihnat (f.), rfwfc, (in birth) j J)J dard-i-zih.
Lace, (gold or silver) Vj gt, ^jj^ kinrl, (cord) dri.
Lacker, (varnish) Cjb luk, f-jj ravghan.
Lady, bibi, )f\>- khtn (f.), khnam. (f.)
234 Vocabulary Nouns.

Lamentation, Sli nala, zart, s-y nauha, & giriya.

Lampblack, J^-l kajal, JjJ dda, hJ kajl.
Lampoon, jjs*1 haj (f.), bhandauw.
Lancet, jitj nashtar. (f.)
Landlord, jljc-^j zamtndr, (of an inn) mezban.
Landmark, <lj-: siwna, 5~ mend (f.), ota dnd.
Landscape,^yi b is mulky sawdki taswlr.(i.)
Lane, ^^jls go, r^ C^Oi ^ 55.
Language, ^bj zabn (f.), ^y ?, bhkh. (f.)
Lap, gd(i.), ,_sj> gdt, ^/)\ ^J> y^i / Spar kjagah.
Lappet, <sL*-> shamla, pairman.
Lard, !_^=- L5& ^ s'ar pakki charbi.
Lascar (from (_J lashkarl, soldier), ^gois- khalsi.
Lash, (thong) \j kr, (stroke) ^ s-^r* zarb-i-chbuk.
Lass, (young woman) 2^ dshlza (f.), ICiU n'tk. (f.)
Last (for a shoe), (>/ i_-Jl klib-i-kafsk, oJl klbud.
Lathe, ad (f.), ^ kharrt. (f.)
Latitude, .-'Jjy^- ckaur't, jj^c (f.), ^^cto-jJ darja-e-rz.
Lattice, cliLii shabak, ^^- jhanjhr, J^~jl, khirki.
Laudanum, jj^c /7 k ra/.
Laughing-stock, ^s^ maskhara, lL^s.*^0 muzhik.
Laughter, Laugh, t^C^ tazhlk (f.), ^^-Jb hasi.
Law, (rule) k'ida, (statute) ', ^yt knn.
Lawnjjl^^ marghzr, maidn : see Muslim
Lawsuit, IjJ daxw, *a> kaziya, UjJU mukaddama.

Laziness, ^j^ susti, ^J^ maj'huli, J-Jt (f.)

Leader, lyt-j plshwa, j\<j~> sardr, x^j*> sar-gurh.
Leaf, patt, ij\jpat, (fj barg, (of a book) jjj warak.
League, (alliance) J~ /, (three miles) <~ji farsang.
Leanness, bLo dublapa, lghar : see Poverty.
Leap, kd(f.), ^~~>- jast (f.), Jobj phnd: see Jump.
Learning, J-s bj^ iirfya (f.), <^--* fazlat. (f.)
Vocabulary Nouns. 235

Lease, &>}j> kiraya, *> ijara, (deed) l5; patta.

Leather, chamra, ^j>- charm, jild. (f.)
Leave, > ijzat (f.), , (f.), (to depart) ^-j rukh-
sat. (f.)
Leaven (ferment), j^>- khamir. <oU maya.
Leavings (offal), jhlh, ij y>- ^ pas-khurda.
Legacy, <Ub hiba, c^-j-y wasyat. (f.)
Legerdemain, u^Xj -$2jJ dth-band, ,_s}yJuJb> shaxbada-bzi.
Leisure, fursat (f.), CL^cl^i farghat (f.), ^f- chhutti. (f.)
Length, lambci, Jjb Z, iMjc^I imtidd.
Lesson, Jm-s sabak, dars, (precept) Jj pand.
Letter, <_>j>- harf, (epistle) la:*, khatt, ^2- chitthi.
Lexicographer, <~Jkyo mu'allif-i-lughat.
Liberality, j>-jd (f.), ^^\ li-himmatl : see Generosity.
Liberty, (freedom) ^Jlj I zdt, ^*> riA^ ; see Leave.
Library, <l- kutub-khna, c^-*~*>- jam't-i-kutub.
License, js>- hukm, ^J^c^ farman, j\jj parwna : see Leave.
Licorice, Ms, (_/-j-J! aslu-s-ss, JXo ^<$L>- jetl-madh.
Lie, ^}>- jhth, CiyJ dargh, c_> &.
Lieutenant (deputy), ^liU jjlj '/ makam, 57.
Life, (m.),^^, J*- jan, (living) ^Aij ^iwdagi.
Lighter, (large boat) JAar.
Likelihood, ihtiml, ^->jy> rat (f.), ^Uf gumn.
Likeness, <^bLb shabhat (f.), c^JjU^ mumsalat (f.) : see Form.
Limit, Limitation, Jo- Aarfd (f.), dkW ihta, Ulj- siww.
Line, (string) j. dr (f.), (_-^ 5, (streak) jJ] lakr (f.), (of a
book) Ja~> atar (f.), (hemistich) r^-* misr*, (equinoctial)
k>- khatt:i-istiw : see Limit, Row, Lineage.
Lineage, Jj was (f.), ,Jij\- khndn, nasab.
Lineament, JU- Mai, L- M see Feature.
Linen, kattn or kaan, \jJ kapr.
Lining,^-^ astar, marhan. (f.)
236 Vocabulary.Nouns.

Link, (of a chain) iS& halaba, ^j~f kafi, (torch) J*i< mash'l.
Linseed, L?JI alsi, ^JsS ^kr tukhm-i-katn, atasl.
Liquefaction, pighl', ^ galn, l^-Ij^ gudakht. (f.)
Liquid, Liquor, J^c ral, tjb prii (m.), ras, shurb.
List, (roll) ij^-^j fihrist (f.), L*ji fard (f.), (bandage) ^Jb pattl,
(border) kinra, (palaestra) Vj\ \ akhr : see Desire.
Litharge, iS*> murdr sang, t*> y murda sang.
Litter, (chair) plkt, (straw) jy>-\ khr (f.), (brood) ^y^-jhl.
A Little, .fs? kuchh, ijS zarra, JJj j*\> kadr-i-kaRl.
Livelihood, rbzi, jjjj rizk, ma'ishat. (f.)
Load, ^- bjh,j\# bhr, Jiyo mi (f.), Zd. (f.)
Loaf, ro, jjjj rti, y\j pnw ro.
Loan, #, i^OjI riyat-diht, J&i\ udhr.
Lock, (of a door) Ji /?, i/, (of a gun) <-^^ chmp (f.),
J* / (f.), (of hair) uJj zmZ/ (f.), 2 (f.), (for water)

Lodge (small house), ^jfr?- chhot ghar, i*S> kthr.

Lodger, aJLc mukim, iJ*\ bshanda,J\tj\ kirya-dr.
Loftiness, (height) lS&^. bulandl, (pride) ghurr.
Log, kunda, <U tana : see Block.
Logic, Jai- mantik (f.), xj\i^e ^s. ilm-i-munzara.
Logician, (__sla^<! mantiki, >\*> naiyyik.
Longitude, JjL tul, ,^Li lamban.
Looby, ^as^ XA~t\y\j n-tarshlda shakhs, (dakh.) \jA~Jb htndra.
Loom, i^\ tnt (f.) : see Instrument.
Loop, ^jJ^j pha, <uj tukma, &- halka, LS phnsl.
Looseness, ^jll^ kushdag, i_SJLj bekaid : see Diarrhoea.
Lord, (master) i^U> mlik, c^o-L sahib, (nobleman) ^U- M,
C&J ig, j^o ; see Husband, God.
Lordship, L5-s-Us shib, c^U! inirat (f.), cu~i3U malikiyat. (f.)
Lore, jLc , liJo (f.), ^afazl.
Loss, ^jLii nuksn, c^jL^i. khisrat (f.), (defeat, q. v.)^I Aar. (f.)
Vocabulary Nouns. 237

Lot, t_ ...n't nafib, l^-.*"> kismat (f.), (share) <Uaa- hissa.

Lottery, ^Jsj> shartl, isji kur'a-bazi, J-$ i_c*?- chitthi k
Lover, ashik, t-^JUs tp,lb,jyt yr, jsr' sajjan. (m. f.)
Lowland, L. i jrr*') zamtn-i-nasheb, ,;b nichn.
Lowness, ,_/5 rich', pust, (meanness) c^-Ji zillat. (f.)
Lucifer, (the planet Venus) a^j zuhra (f.), swAr : see Devil.
Luck, (chance) jjUil ittifak, (fortune) t_.w?> mosJ : see Lot.
Lucre, ^J naf\ xAj) f'ida, j^ sd, ^ lbh.
Luggage, chiz-bast (f.), <_jLJ \^ sair k asbab.
Lumber, 1 J-^- lJ&\ nakri ckiz-bast,jt^\ agarbagar.
Lump, dal, tukr, tl53 buk, (of sugar, meat) ^JS dal.
Lunacy, ^j\g diwnagi, J-o sir (f.), saud.
Lunch, Luncheon, LJ kalew, b-i>lj nsht, ^^j tafannun.
Lust, < masti, shahwat (f.), /-y* _j ly> / hawas. (f.)
Lustre, jy nr,C*&- chamak (f.), l>-jil (f.), sy\s^jalwa.
Lute (instrument), barbat (f.), tambur, ^ bin. (f.)
Luxury, ^^ ms shrat (f.), ^^^ aiyshl.
Lyre, laJ barbat (f.) : see Harp : (constellation) jl_j!L nasru-l-
Mace, (club) l23j~s snt, Lie asa, jj> gurz : see under Spices.
Machine, J aZ (f.), - jantr, ST Za, t-^c-e san'at. (f.)
Madam, ^^g--? J7Zz, u-^L shib, <Us>-L begann shiba.
Mademoiselle, ZarI, <jf&>- ch/, &~*e sablya. (f.)
Madness,J-j sir (f.), ^yj>- junn, j^Lo diwnagi.
Magazine, (store) jlj- khizna, ^j^* makhzan, (book) &L>j risla.
Magi (one of the), majs, ^* mugh,jJ>gabr.
Magic, tulj\s- hzirt (f.), jOlsj- jdu, jS" sihr, \5y ttk.
Magician, j>y&>- jdgar, jL <^^J nairang-sz, j>-\~> shir.
Magistrate, faujdr, ^W- hakim, J^lt
Majesty, (royal title) Lj ^U^r jahn-panh, e^*- hazrat: see
238 Vocabulary. Nouns.

Maintenance, (protection) ^^. lwhargiri, (food) ^jj{ par-

warish. (f.)
Majority, (greater part) CLij& kasrat (f.), (full age) jb bulugh.
Make, (form) Jo daul, (structure) cIjjUj banawat (f.) : see Fashion.
Maker, \i harta, SLjU bannhol: see Creator.
Malady, ^/yo maraz, i_f;U-J blmrt, tj rg, azar.
Malice, &S kina, i^iu bughz, cu^Iac dawat (f.), ^jj Jaa7.
Mallet, \j>yc mgr, \j?y mgri] y>- -ch, kba.
Mam, Mamma, UU mama, W amm, U ma, L maiya. (f.)
Manacle, jji hath-kari, (Manacles) ^b^^i hath-kariya.
Management, ^Lyo sarbarhl, ^J\j karguzari : see Care.
Mane, Jb yol (f), JbJ ayl (f.), J-'jf- chnt.
Mange, J^J~ khrish (f.), ^jLs^ uVf^ jnwarn khujlt.
Manger, ^Jj khurl, Lf2 kathr, ^Ifi than.
Manhood, ^y>- jawni, .>L> shabab, lS^/* mardi'
Manikin, UJb b'n, cJj* mardak, Zar ; see Dwarf.
Mankind, ^bjl insn, 5 adam,jL bashar.
Manna (in medicine), shirkhisht, iip^JJ taranjubtn.
Manner, ^ jfaraA (f.), Jj.j ?aZ, ^- rfa, jjL <.
Manners, (morals) akhlk, (politeness) c_>ljt dJ.
Manufactory, <Uyl krkhna. Manufacture, karlgar!.
Manure, ^b pws, cub/ khat (f.), u>b Mat? (f.): see Dung.
Manuscript, (writing) k.~>o daskhatt, (book) <t-iy i~*~dast-nawishta.
Map, 4 naksha, iJJjL J nahsha-i-mulk, ei-o |>ai.
A Marble (for playing with), l2\ ani, gU.
March, (journey) kch, J>~> safar, (month) t-->- chait (?).
Margin, <!Ui>U~ hshiya, kinra, t__-J lab.
Mark, (sign) ^liJ nishn, (stamp) dgh: see Coin, Butt.
Market, dSj*- chauk,j\jb bazar, <JL>\s> hat (f.), .$2^ penth. (f.)
Marriage, iL? Jy, nikh, shdi, ,_/|jc-j kadkhudl.
Martingal, Jcj ^jj zlr-band, ocj plsh-band.
Martyr, J^i> shahtd.
Vocabulary Nouns. 239

Mass, (lump) Ijcj pind, dal, (multitude) j*Uc^ jam'o.

Massacre, Jii katl, \s- Ji katl-i-mm : see Carnage.
Master, (proprietor) cLU malk, (lord) (-o-L? jiJ, (teacher)
h~i\ ustd.
Mastich, ^Lk mastaki.
Mat, bjjJ briy, ij*&>- chatn, sq/f (f.), ^ta .
Match, (contest) LUu mukbala, <_sj\ bz, (an equal) ^-lii wazlr.
Mate, (comrade) ^jL siA, juft : see Husband, Mate (of a
Materials, asbb, ^ULi smn, <U^j! lawzima.
Mathematics, ^^^^* ilm-toiyz.
Matrice, Matrix, (mould) W'Lj snch, (womb) s-j rihm.
Matter, (substance) yJb hayl, (pus) t_^-J p& (f.) : see Affair.
Maxim, (axiom) iAclS k'ida, (adage) sl< makla.
Meadow, J^'fj* marghzr, tarai, chargh.
Meal, (flour) 15 1 t, j\ rd, (eating) lil^p khana.
Meaning, *, f\j\ irada, ^J\ arth, asuo makmd.
Measure, ^/jU-j paim'ish (f.), t_>l> wp (f.), c_U np, (in verse)
^jj wazn, }js*> mlzn, (in music) J\j ta?, (portion) - hissa,
(means) J^J aawZ, i tarkib (f.), (a land measure) <
jano (f.), a, (for cloth) jfgaz.
Meat, (flesh) <*z~Jiij> gsht, wrls, (food) 01^ khn: see Food.
Mechanics, JJO ^Jls ilm-i-jarr-i-sakll.
Medal, <UiJ taghma, L sikka, \jX mudra. (f.)
Mediation, j'UsT" bich-bich', wastat. (f.)
Meditation, wLfcJ dhyn, (thought) jZjfikr, JcIj ta'ammul.
Meed, L> sila,j=A ajr, \j>.jaza(f.j, titssr tuhfu.
Meeting, sabh (f.), j'\a- jam', u: -^u>- jam'yat. (f.)
Melancholy, Uj-U mkhliy, ljj-> saud, JL malal.
Melody, <Ux3 naghma, jj* sard, c^&JM hang.
Memoir, y tawrlkh, t^.> c&j* sar-guzasht (f.), i^jJ tazkira.
Memorandum, L^-wi> ob yd-dsht (f.), yd-war.
240 Vocabulary. Nouns.

Memorial, jUjb yad-gar, (petition) c>->^ rz-dsht. (f.)

Memory (faculty of), dliU- hafiza, )ak=- hifz, (remembrance) Jl yad. (f.)
Mendicity, gadl, ^jJ fakirt.
Mending (repair), c^-^yc marammat. (f.)
Mensuration, (_;U-j paim'ish (f.), (of land) ^ji^ j>- jarib-kasht.
Mention,^J zikr, - charcha, mazlmr, tsj bat-kah'.
Merchandise (goods), JU mal, u-u^jins (f.), rakam. (f.)
Meridian, (noon) t-i-ai nisfu-n-nahr, (line) lJu
Merit, ^gun,j^ kadr (f.), jauhar, ls-jU liyakat. (f.)
Mermaid, ^jUlis-JaZmraKS (m. iMer-wai),^c\!tc--: bintu-l-bahr. (f.)
Merryandrew, ^r-* maskhara, Ju\# bhnd, ^>\y* swngt. (m.).
Message, jLj paym, paighm, L-jA-j sandsa.
Messenger, paighmbar, Jo-s sands, njb harkra, Jw>l3

Messiah, ^ maslh, \ssx~,< mash, J^ CJ^i- hazrat ts.

Metaphor, ^ isti'ara, majz, (simile) Uj\ upam. (f.)
Metempsychosis, tansukh, autr, jjf^ wgawan.
Method, (order) <--jLn uslb, (manner) tewr, JjJ rfaaZ, <LLj

Metre, ^^j-* nz11 (?)> bahr (f.), jj nazm (f.), wazn.

Metropolis, c;UJIjb dru-s-saltanat, il&r takhtgh. (f.)
Mettie, cUjQ phurt (f.), l^v* himmat (f.), ^IjU-jnz?.
Mice, ^L^s- chhiyri, ^j^- chuhz.
Mien, ili kiyfa, >- chihra, ^0 </, ?. (f.)
Might, CJy kwat (f.), Jj bal, jj z0r,j>&* makdr.
Mildew, ULj lndh, ls2ls chit, ^JjS grul, ]jS> hard.
Mile, J- /, UjI cZ As.
Milestone, jli* manor, ^^ rnnr, jljolJ J^e mZ nishn-
dr patthar.
Mill, chakki, cLAs- chk, *5- junta, L- siy, (wind)
^s^jj pawan-chakki, (water) L5^ pan-chakkl.
Vocabulary.Nouns. 241

Minaret, manr, xj[u* manara, J~* minar.

Mine, ^ khn (f.), kn (f.), (under walls) Jjj~> surang.
Mint (place of coining), JLiu taksl (f.), -^JJ daru-z-zarb. (f.)
Miracle, oolfi ,i- khark-i-adat, ~ karmat (f.), mu*jiza.
Misbehaviour, ^^ bad-sulki, ^j&jsA^ kudhangi.
Miscarriage, (failure) ^b\j>jJ na-sarbarahi, (abortion) J*i*- \s\'iJ\
Miscellany, Jj^f-^ kachkol (f.), {^S^-jung (f.), ic-y*~sr majmu'.
Mischief, ^ iffi, bur', ^La nuksn,jj zarar.
Misery, t]/>- kharabl, olj (f.), pareshni.
Misfortune, ^jssTJj bad-bakh, c^-j bipat (f.), L; bala, (f.)
Miss, (young woman) , ^^io /, (lady) ^jljv^-o-le shib-
Miss, <^>- c (f.), J^j oZ (f.), (loss) jj-ai kusr, nah.
Mission, ts-JL; rislat (f.), ^Jj^aj^j paighambari, JLj^ irsZ.
Mistake, Iki- Ma.'. (f.), / (f.), Jjfl (f.)
Mistress, <U-L> shiba, btbt, (sweetheart) ^ pyari.
Misunderstanding, SaLc ghalat-fahmi : see Disagreement.
Mite, (particle) Xj3 zarra, xj>j rza, (insect) ^ ghun: see Weevil.
Mixture, Lo mil', {J^*\ mzish (f.), (compound) l-^^c -
Mob, br (f.), fjjsb hujm, Xj\ ambh, te-jojs* majm'.
Mock, Mockery, Ls^ maz'haka, chir', \g thatth.
Mode, (custom) JLjj rawish (f.), ^ 'in (f.), (form) CJjyo mrat
(f.) : see Manner.
Model, <tiJj naksha, ijy , J.S daul, kalib.
Moderation, J^Jocl i*tidl, kanoVat (f.), jb parhz.
Modesty, ^ lj (f.), fj> sharm (f.), La- haya (f.) : see Chastity.
Moistness, Moisture, rutbat(f.), iSJj\Jitarwat({.),^*j nanit.
Mole, (spot) Jj iiZ, JU- khl, (mound) <lj pushta, Wb bndh.
Molestation, is-Kj fa/" (f.), Iji! z (f.), j_>J* todi* (f.), Jl=>-
2 i
242 Vocabulary.Nouns.

Monarchy, ^Jkli.jb bdshhi, i -obLi saltanat (f.), ; r;.

Monastery, IjU- kfinkh (f.), ^Ij da'ira.
Monday, <Ui-_jJ do shamba, pir,J\yoj~ smwr.
Money, jj zar, ^-J pais (plur.), ^j rupai (plur.), LS5 take.
Monk, (^jjj darwcsh, j& fakir, jJoJi kalandar, rhib.
Monument, jl^ib yd-gr, (pillar, &c.) ^j^-a sutin, (tomb) <Ljy
Mood, (state) i^-JU- A&zi (f.), was* (f.), (in grammar) ,w
Moonlight, Moonshine, ^yJjU- chandra, <_>1 mhtab.
Moor, (negro) ^joj awg (m.), .-- habsh (m.) : see Marsh, Bog.
Moral, (of a fable) i^-*sx^ nafihat (f.), <LLi- khulsa, <tsn.ii natija.
Morality, Morals, jLiH akhlk, <i\ adab, nk-sulk.
Morsel, <U! lukma, y' nawala, Jj kawal, \j& tukr, xjo para.
Mortality, Iii fana (f.), chhai (f.), (deaths) maui.
Mortgagee, rfj* murtahin, j$ b girau- or bandhak-gir.
Mortgager, rahin, J\} giraudar, \j ^li ul&bJCJ bandhak
Moss, t'li /', jlj-j siwr (Vallisneria spiralis), (dakh.) rim
(? Harris).
Mother (on vinegar, &c), ^Jt> tiy> j> ^j* y>- ^JJ^J phaphnd
jo sirk^ar ht hai.
Mother of perl, <_JJw9 sadaf (f.), ^j** sipi.
Motion, e^ip- harakat (f.), ^/^r jumbish (f.), _j1ta> ' . see

Motive, yicb o'?s, -t-^-^ mjb, L-y sabab, IxJj wsita.
Motto, i-ob kitbat (f.), 0-vJfi lmat. (f.)
Moveables, <djv< Jl ml-i-mankla, c^v-J cAlz oas. (f.)
Mountaineer, bjl pahriy, ^Jb khl, ^ju^t parbatl, /.
Mourning, (grief) ji gham, jjU matam, (dress) j^-U ^^'^ mtaml

Vocabulary.Nouns. 243

Mouse-trap, ^bjf~ chuht-dan, jL dbkar. (f.)

Mouth, muh, (of a river, &c.) muhana, (of a water-bag)
lUbj dahna.
Mouthful, <U! lukma, <0|y nawala, Jji kawal. <
Mucus, chitk, <_>U1 Zw'i, lS-oj^ rewi, j*L balgham.
Mud wall, jljJ kachchi diwr, J\ ^ ^JLc mittt dwr.
Mullar (for grinding colours), lib batt, Ljj! lrhiy, l|j! fr.
Mulatto, I masis (m. f.) : see Mongrel.
Multiplication, (in arithmetic) zarb (f.), \J?jJ>- jrtl, (table)
Multitude, (great number) iZJji kasrat (f.), J^ ghl : see Crowd.
Mummy, \~oyo momiya, (a medicine) ^'L^ mmiyl.
Munificence, tU^ls.-' sakhawat (f.), itys- jwc? (f.), w"> Ja-
sisA. (f.)
Murder, khn, Ub Aaiy (f.), jjc ^j> ^^io baghz se katl.
Murderer, khirii (m. .),jij ^y. khm-rez, {jt j* mardum-
Murrain, \ij ^ oi^i jV" chr-pyon wab, \}ys- Jbj wabl-i-
Mushroom, Jjg l ^Jjjb dhar k phl, jjU- samrgh, (dakh.)
^Jj kudratt.
Music, L5%~^ msik, <U naghma, l^\ alhn, <f\j rag.
Musk, CJ~* niushk, LLL-< tosA.
Muslin, J*L< malmal (f.), j!^ shabnam, iJ\ ab-i-rawn.
Mustaches, -$>-* mchh (f.), (plur. f.), O^ -
ri. (f.)
Muzzle, 4c muh (f.), muhr, (bore of a gun) lJjy muhr, (for
cattle) i)\s>-jb.
Myriad, (ten thousand) j^ j- das bazar, ^Uy toman.
Myrrh, (a gum-resin) j* murr, Jy bol.
Mystery, j\j raz, t_^-i ghaib, dug Med, (trade) u-^ AasJ.
Mythology, tcj-O de'-ml, J> i>/^)! dwt' kahm.
244 Vocabulary.Nouns.

Nag, jih\yabu, j2 tatt, ghr.

Nail, (of iron, &c.) y mtkh (f.), J- kil (f.), (in measure) if
girih. (f.)
Nakedness, ^^^J barahnagi, ^j^jZ uryan'i, l/^*> nangl.
Name, jl3 nam, y\j naw, ism, (title) t-^! lakab: see Fame.
Namesake, ^ ham-, ly^-> samt, sanmt (?).
Nap, (short sleep) Jou3 gpjjf iAr wncZ (f.), (of cloth) JLij resha.
Napkin, JUi-jJ dastmal, JUjj rumal, \>-fj\ angchh.
Narration, Narrative, J-i nall (f.), ts-o&- hikyat (f.), A=3 sa.
Narrator, rM, Jli n/riZ, jii #, (_/^ k.
Narrowness, ^J3 tang, ^*] sakr't, (meanness) l>_5s-"i i&> tang-
Nastiness, ciW najsat (f.), J-*> 7, ^fi ldagi,
ghilzat. (f.)
Native country, watan, ^j- des, pi <i\j zad-bm.
Nativity, jJy tawallud, ^s>- janam, (place) jJj* maulid.
Nature, (constitution) tab't (f.), ^l^o mt#/ : see Custom,
Navigation, ^y-^ mallhi, ,_/\si~\> nakhud4, ^Jj^rjahazi /.
Nearness, ^j nazdiki, l-jJs Jcurb, JLaJt ittisl: see Covetousness.
Necessaries (things needed), ijjjj* <--)\~>\ asbb-i-zarrt, <uj!j! la-
Necessity, <Jjj zarrat (f.), <-r>j>-} wujb, (need) u^o-U- hajat
(f.) : see Force.
Necromancy, _jjU- j'dw, ^jU- jdgart, (jf^-> shirl, j^sr^
taskhir. (f.)
Nectar, CJ^I amrit, \jy^> ^ sharaban tahr,Jj> _>1 ab-i-kausar.
Need, ^W1*^ fytiyj (f. .), gharaz (f.), OJ\J ltparj : see
Needle, (for sewing) sw', ^jj-s szaw (f.), (packing) I^j s',
(of the compass) ^ U _- kutb-num s'i, l2l knt.
Eye of a needle, 1U nka,Jiy sfr. (m. f.)
Vocabulary. Nouns. 245

Negation,J\ inkr, ^j nafl (m.), i_^L salb, Jj radd.

Neglect, Negligence, l^-J. ghaflat (f.), ^Jj^Z khili, sust.
Negotiation, L*\x^o mu'mala,j[>jj krbbr.
Negro, |>_?~>*' babsh, ^jj zangi, L-j siyh, sidi or ^aJ*
shid (?).
Neighbour, < hamsya, ^>jjJ parsifjiys** hamjawr.
Neighbourhood, <j~jj> paros, y>- jawr, Awt hamsya.
Nest, Lj^ ghnsl, lJj^ khndh, AiLil shiyna, Lb is.
Nestling, ljuf gtd, ^Lil ashiyni, IjJ Zerf.
Net, Jb^'Z, bbiS dhb, dam.
News, akhbr, (sing.) khabar (f.), luUSIj wki'at.
Nib, (point) Cijj (f.), ijl , (beak)^^j thr. (f.)
Niche (recess in a wall), jjlL, fA, tkcha.
Nickname, t^^J jj 5ad lakab, p\j ^JjC- vrfi nam.
Niggard, (J-s? bakhil. C~^> mumsik, kanjus, sum.
Nitre, Saltpetre, ij shora,*\ abkir or abkar (?).
Nobility, c^jl^- sharfat (f.), t^jlasT nqjbat (f.), (nobles) U^i

Noble, Nobleman, j~<\ amir, j\j~*z~* mansabdr, Sas- umda.

Nobody, ^- ' nahi, (figurt.) J-*- n-chiz.
Noise, jj> shr, &b ing (f.), j\\ (f.), J ^mZ, 1j
Nomenclature, to |b* nm-ml, ^Si&jifarhang (f.), lughat, (f.)
Nominative (in gram. ), *fi.% cudils ^\s~hlat-i-fi.'yat.({.)
Nonce (purpose), irada, 5 ted, t_.Jd* matlab, Joji
gharaz. (f.)
Nonentity, Nonexistence, e dam, ^ *, <_<^U -?.
Nonsense, ^pjb b-ma*n bten, <^*j^*jb ywa-g'i.
Nook, bj , iljs gsha, (narrow place) *s*- i^*f>- kam-
Noose, ^i-jW^J phnsi, ^bJ phnd, a kamand. (f.)
North-east, jS sn-An, \~>} tsn.
246 Vocabulary.Nouns.

North pole or star, t-^L kutb-irshimti, t-Jjb dhrub.

North-west, k_-J,b byab.
Nosegay, <fcjli gul-dasta, sjs turra, ^s? l pkln k
Notch (in a log of wood), khandn.
Note, (mark) ^li-i nishn, (letter) ^fif- chitthl : see Comment.
Nothing, kuchh nahm, ^t> hch, (worthless) }^f^> n-chiz.
Notice, (attention) jyi ghaur, cuUJl iltift (f.), (information)
ittil* (f.), (notification) |! flm,j+~ khabar. (f.)
Notion, c^bjii daryft (f.), jlj^J pindr (f.), r'e (f.), Jl;-

Novel (tale), <Li\ afsna, <U fsa, kahnl, ^- dstn. (f.)

Novelty, JArsr tajaddud, naya-pan, jjjb y -tarzi.
Nought, j^jj^i ^s.^ kuchh nahm, ^t> hch.
Novice, jy\ y nau-mz, ,_Oa~c mubtadi, anri, kfim,
Noun, , nm.
Nourishment, (Jy^ parwarish((.), \ ghiz(f.), cJ\j<- khork. (f.)
Nuisance, J*>- j&Vj ziynkr chiz (f.), Jbj wabl, jgj l ^V?-
chhti k patthar.
Number, dad, tl \ nk, (reckoning) ^jx ginti, jU-> shumqr :
(in gram.) singular, whid; dual, <Uii tamiya ; plur.
jam*, (f.)
Numbness, (JUfc};^!) thithrhat (f.), b-hiss, ^^ysjj -
Numeration, t_L.-- hisb, gint, ti*dd (f.),jl*ii shumr.
Nuptials, Lj JyA, shad, nikh.
Nursery, <\rfb dl-khna, (for plants) bihnaur, bl'ar. (f.)
Nursling, shir-khwra, Jib Uj JJjJ ddh-piy tifl.
Nutriment, Nutriture, 1 ghiz (f.), (j^J parwarish. (f.)
Nymph, l^asgl apchhar (f.), (f.), t)j>- #.
Oaf, C^jl , jll ull, ahmak : see Idiot, Dunce.
Vocabulary.Nouns. 247

Oath, kasam (f.), jc^-j saugand (f.), -y snh (f.), (dakh.)

sapat. (f.)
Obedience, u^cllH tt'ai (f.), ^ tabi%dr, I^JI dlnt. (f.)
Obeisance, <_IjT dJ, \Jj krnisk (f.), jJL salm, ejyuj **-
ica. (f.)
Obelisk, jb* , <JLtf (f.), kands.
Object, (purpose) JwLo maksad, u/ gharaz (f.) : see Affair,
Objection, ^ i*tirz (f.), JSj pakar (f.), (argument) t-vsf- -
jai. (f.)
Oblation, jLj (f.), jjj (f.), ,5 kurbn, Jj JaZ.
Obligation, (contract) Is^i sAari (f.), aAc?, (duty) ^jffarz, <>y>-j
wujib, (favour) ^Lj-! iAsn, nihr.
Oblivion, ^j>yo\J> farmshi, ^L-J nisyn, cL^^-j bisrwat.
Obloquy, ^^L taxn, ^" ^^S ta* tashri* (f.), lzam.
Obsequies, ^j^i^j ^J^^sr tajhz 5 takfin (f.), *j kriy-karm.
Observance, (respect) ikrm, (attention) <a-l< mulhaza.
Obstacle, jJto mni ', JjI>- A'/'^ f (f-)> / muzhamat. (f.)
Occasion, (cause) ci^cb bafis, (need) <jjj> zarrat (f.), (time)
u~e>j fersat, (f.)
Occupation, (business) m, IfeJcJtui dhandh : see Calling, Abode.
Occurrence, <u3lj wki', jW hdisa, &aer\~ sniha.
Ode, J^ ghazal (f.), (long) Ju> kasda, (Hindustani) *m5<j

Odour, J bo or J (f.), iJkif gandh (f.), lLX^ mahak (f.), ^L-i

subs. (f.)
Offal, Lis fuzla, jyi-\ akhor (f.), *<^> (j-J pas-khurda.
Offence, jj-aiu (f.), i\ gunah : see Injury, Displeasure.
Offender, J^s>\^gunhgr, ^j^^s taksirwr, L5ebi .
Offering, ^b^s kurban, Jj ai, (present) jjj wasr, >> hadtya.
Office, (service, duty) khidmat (f.), A^c wAda, (room) i^rV^
248 Vocabulary. Nouns.

Offset, IbJjj paudh, kagh (?).

Offspring, (child) oJ^i farzand (m. f.), (children) ij\ aulad (f.) :
see Lineage.
Oil, J-ji tel, ravghan, (scented) <JJ^ phull.
Oil-press, yi kolh, J>\ ghani.
Omen, u^ shugn, JU/Z. (f.)
Omission, CJjf- chk (f.), bhl (f.), sah (f.\jyo> kusr.
Omnipotence, iZJji kudrat (f.), vJj^s kdirl, ^Ji CDjZ kudrat-i-
Omniscience, <UJ> hama-dm, J jj* ilm-i-kull.
Openness, ^jbi kushdagl, (candour) sadagl, i_ U* safil.
Operation, J^c. maZ, j\ Aar, (effect) asar, ^Jl tslr. (f.)
Opinion, r'e (f.), .p-jJ / (f.), JW*- Mkayl, ^ zann,J
Opium, yjJl (f-)> ^ a/*m (*")> j\_/ tiryk.
Opportunity, cu--s,i fursat (f.),jj\3 Aa&, uuJj wa#, gaun. (f.)
Oppression, jjlj zhZw, sitam, jjs>- jaur, 3 ta'add.
Oppressor, zalim, jL*t sitamgar,J\j\ pj* mardum-azar.
Optative (mood, in grammar), 15 mutamann.
Option, ikhtiyr, \- chh (f.), LSr marzi, pasand. (f.)
Opulence, cs-JjO daulat (f.), jj&^y tawngart, i^~~a~ sampat. (f.)
Oration, |K kalm,j)jj takrr (f.), uJrs sukhun, bt. (f.)
Orb, * , charkh, gardun, JjL mandai: see Globe.
Orbit, d'ira, (of the eye) |^-<L>- halka-e-chashm.
Order, (command) hukm,j amr, (method) i-wJ tartib (f.) :
see Class, Rank.
Ordinance, ^j> shar*, ^yit , (rite) ^ rasm: see Law.
Orifice, chhed, srakh. shigf, manfaz.
Origin, J-e! a?Z (f.), oLj bunyad (f.), M (f.) : see Root, Family.
marnent,^J zwar, i-^jJ < (f.),jl&-j singar, {J)j\ r'tsh. (f.)
Orphan, *~j yatim, by* murh.
Orthography, rasm-i-khatt, 5L! iwZ, achhravtl.
Vocabulary.Nouns. 249

Oscillation, j'il dul', j\$>-j/iul', ^j>^ thartharl.

Outcry, jj> shr, lj ghaugh, <J ghul, xJLc. <J ghul ghapra.
Outrage, ^zulm, ^z~ sitam, \sc^-jaf (f.), jjs~ jaur. (f.)
Outside, baliar, ujjs bhar taraf, ji par,j^ zhir.
Outworks, IjjS bhar kt, t\ artal, s-j* marhala.
Owner, <^j3lc mlik, j\s>~ hakk-dr, khwind.
Oxymel, j+fS&j sikanjabin. (f.)
Pace, (step) 3 kadam, (gait) Jaij raftr (f.), ^b>- chane
kl waz*.
Pack, (bundle) l$SS gatth, <fcj basta, y> moth (f.), (of cards)
<Lsf ganjifa, (of hounds) lJ Undh, ^>- jhund: see
Package, Parcel, gathri, <_5^ ^<5, <J aste : see .
Packcloth, l:^2-J bethan, isU) liffa.
Packet, (mail) *^=>- kharlta, ^ ^j^" chitthl thaiti: see
Packhorse, ^^t Jjy partalk gh5r,j l lSj^Jj^1. brbardri k
Packsaddle, gadd, ^Sb pln, khgr.
Padlock, Ji &w/?, <__1 AaZa/ or kulaf, b' tof.
Pagan, cu^c^ but-parast, jS gabr, (JJ^L* mushrik, kafir.
Page (of a book) s.^ safha, (servant) f^y>- hhawss,j\s>-jilaudr.
Pagoda, ij^jj but-kada, <bk but-khna. Hlj- shiwl: see Idol.
Pain, -^J ?&, J^O dar-rf, ^-j (f.), ^ ; : see Labour.
Pains (toil), mihnat (f.), ^^jX-j , (of labour) xjj dard-i-

Paint, tjj rang, baran, raughan.
A Pair, \*)S>-j5r, juft, <>- jug; (one of a pair) <JL>y>- jt.
Palanquin, Ji\jplkt, ^ nlki.
Palisade, kathar, kathghar, mutakka (?).
Pall (for the dead), chaddar (f.), ^ kafan.
Pamphlet, J^f- chaupati, jJL^ risla.
250 Vocabulary Nouns.

Pan (broad vessel) \"y>~ chaura hartan, (of a gun-lock) <s)Lj

Pancake, IjJU mlpu', \*> p', ff .
Pane (of glass), <JIS^ parkla, Jf>- Xi.Jt> shiska-e-chaugsha.
Pang, j l-jI^ nihyat dard, sL-i siysat (f.), (of death) ^JJ
Panic, j 13 nagahan dar, i^-^-A haibat (f.), Jy!> //.
Paper, 1 kghaz, (_^Ji kirts.
Par (equality), tj!jL<i musawat (f.), barabari ; (at par)
Parable, J-*j tamsll (f.), Ji^ masaZ (f.), e^-j&;^ drishlnt.
Paradise, ^jS firdaus, ^Ac aw, t^i-^ bihisht. (f.)
Paragraph, nifikra, ixhi kit'a, ^fjj prakaran.
Parallel, Parallelism, cfj>\j> barbarl, ,_jL.j tos.
Paramour, li^il shn, (JJt>\s ashik,Ju yr, jr, \j&b dhagr.
Parasite, ijXc\jt>y>- khushmad. j~ e^L< muft-, J-it tufail.
Parasol, chht chht, f^>~ chhatr, lSJ^ chatri.
Parcel, (bundle) bukcha, ^jj gathrt, (part) <JUa>- Aiwa.
Parchment, raM, |-lye ms (?).
Pardon, ti^o mu'fi, f, fj^jj*\ murzish. (f.)
Parent, _b U m (f.) or bp,j\* b jJo pidar or mdar.
Parents, <_jb U m 6p, 0t!^ wlidain, jj pitarau.
Part, <Uj;>- Aissa, l^r bakhr, iJUib iwf, (duty) ra.
Parterre, sabza-zr, 1ja>- chaman.
Partiality, ^jjSiJo taraf-dri, palla-kash, pachh.
Participle, (active) J*li ism-i-f'il, (present) <u!U- ~>\ ism-i-hliya,
(past or passive) J;*^ J ism-i-mafl, (past conjunctive)
<ji uJjkjb< ijt m<m ma*tf laihi.
Particle, tLo m, ji serra, ^ aw, (in gram.) uJ/>- Aar/".
Partition, p*~Ju taksm (f.), J^/j ia/r/: (f.), (fence) jT r. (f.)
Partner, CSiji* sharlk, jloLc; bakhrdr, ^^- swjh : see Com
Vocabulary. Nouns. 25 1

Partnership, sharkat (f.), sjh, <Jsj2 shirkat. (f.)

Party, (of men) J^c ghl, i^ gurh, (in a suit) ^Jt farlk : see
Pass, ^J galt, <JL>l$fght, s\) rah (f.) : see Passport.
Passage, tj\ & guzra, ta*>j rasta, Cy sarak (f.) : see Paragraph.
Passenger, ^iLc musfir, rahgir, ^Jbjb batoht. (m. f.)
Passport, tj^^b'j parwna-erhdrt, rawna.
Paste, ^ '7, ahr, (j"le mrri, khamr. li-J /i.
Pasteboard, daftln (f.), ^j-sj wasZ7.
Pastime, cjljl aukt-basarl, C< kautak, jlyJ bahl' : see
Pasturage, ^f- c/ar, tslc //, (or Pasture) >^]y>- chargh. (f.)
Patent, sanad (f.), farmn, parwna.
Path, Pathway, ebb J (f.), <fcu, rasta, tl5j-: sarak (f.), rA. (f.)
Patriarch, ^j* ^ <j>\j$ gharari k sardr, <^fjj>, buzurg.
Patrician, i_bj> sharif, A*c mda, ^llJU lishan.
Patrimony, mirs (f.), ijj-j bapautt, Cj,! ir.
Patriot, i^jJ watan-dst, ^jio^\^^>~ hdbbu-l-watam.
Patriotism, habbu-l-watan, bJL-J desplt. (f.)
Patron, ^r* murabb, jJc~ dastgir, ^*^>- hrrii, ^ kadrdn.
Patronage, ~s^.j* tnurabbt-gar, c^jU>- himyat (f.), tA;J
parwarsh. (f.)
Pattern, <j-j , ^j^> bangi, (leader) jjJi kidwa: see Leader.
Paucity, jj*^ kamt, ghattt, kam, c^-i kllat. (f.)
Pavement, farsh, \=fj kharanj, j\2j pat'.
Pay, (payment) !j! ad (f.), (wages) tankhwh (f.), i^Jb
talab. (f.)
Peace, smZA (f.), L_J=-i>l sAil, (ease) |^| rm, (concord) J-

Peak, (top of a hill) ^J&>- chbntt,j~ sikhar, (point) ijjy nk.

Peal, \ly3 thahk, iJUV^p gargarahat (f.), dhamk.
Pearl, ye mti (m.), jJ dur, jb gauhar, ll.
262 Vocabulary. Nouns.

Peasant, jljif ganwr, kisn, (JIaJ dihknl.

Peasantry, blcj ri'y, <y ijUfcJ dihknl log, rayat. (f.)
Pebble, J kankar, ay^ gl sangriza, \j rr.
Pedestal of a column, (j^.- i_ p'e sitn, ^y~> ^ bun-i-sitn.
Pedigree, _^~3 nasab, LLi silsila, (table of) Uli -*-.j nasab-nma.
Peel, t-.-!jJ j>5s, Jl<*- cZ (f.), chhilk, oa.
Peer, j ham-sar, (nobleman) ewnr, i-o-L> : see No
Peg, rrizkh (f.), khntt, khnt.
Pellet, <tLL ghuUla, ^J> glT, girdgn.
Pellicle, L5ip- jhill, ^J\$>- chhali.
Pen, jJJi kalam, <uUi- khma? (enclosure) <?U-1 iAia.
Penalty, saz (f.), twn, >\j dnd, <Uj^>- jarlmna.
Pence (money), ^j^ paise, take : see Penny.
Pencil, (of lead) ^'Lo salal, (of hair) yo -kalam.
Pendant, *>jl weza, jhumk, latkan.
Penitence, < tauba, l^v1j nadmat (f.),jUe-l istighfr.
Penny, L-o l ^Js ilX>.^ ^ $*5 angrtzi pais.
Pension, <) wafa, j\>- jaglr (f.), ^l-XiJ bandhn.
Pentagon, (^^f^Ksr* mukhammas, *>jb J> shakl-upanj-gsha.
Penury, ^-;^' tangdastl, ^~iJuy tihulast, lsu> muflisi.
People, Zog, yoU-^l ashkhs, JjI~ khal'fk. (f.)
Perception, t-iJbjJ daryft (f.), ^>~y bjh (f.), c^jLaJ basrat. (f.)
Perch (for birds), chakkas, \\ adda.
Perfection, J-^j takmil (f.), JU kaml, (completion) jUj1 itmm.
Perfume, fJLy> Jmsh- (f.), Joe tr, subs. (f.)
Period, (circuit) j daur, (time) <Lj zamna : see Sentence.
Perjury, ^Jjjga- jhthl kasam, <_>il ^j- saugand-i-kzib.
Permission, CJjW ijzat (f.), ^Jl izn, is. %t>> rukhsat. (f.)
A Permit, ,^2*- ^ niksi chitth, <1^ parwna.
Person, ^ sha/dls, ^<\ dmJ (.), (in gram.) <~e slgAq : see
Body, Form.
Vocabulary.Nouns. 253

Perspicuity, eu*~;La salsat (f.), \~o^j>e sarhat (f.), '\su> safl.

Perturbation, tJU^-gf ghabrhat (f.), (^j--i tashwish. (f.)
Petal, ^ J^ pAZ kl patft, iJjffj pakhrt.
Petition, ^jjS- rz (f.), , v~\j\ ardas, (f.)
Petitioner, l^J ^JijC- arz-karnewaXa, J dd-khrph.
Phantasm, Phantom, J^w namd-i-bebd, chhaya.
Philology, ysrj | ilm-i-sarf nah.
Phrase, cyb Ja (f.), istilh (f.), CU,Ue \barat. (f.)
Piece, (bit) ^3 iwAr uJ3 <m, A>yb parcha, (patch) J^-jor.
Piety, ^jjiu takw, ^j^&tf bhagt't, (to parents) ^ji-^jjUijjJ^

Pilgrimage, \j\&- jtr (f.), <^bj ziyrat (f.), (to Mecca) Aay.
Pill, ^J glt, habb, ^jjf S > / gl.
Pillory, ^lijfi. chambar-i-gardan, >\>j doshkha.
Pimp, 1}J$j bharw, bs kutn, sl kultabn.
Pimple, (on the face) Lil^ muhs, (on the skin) L phunst.
Pin, j^yj sm', li\ knt, (peg) : see Peg, Straw.
Pincers, ^jJiJc~i sandsi, ^...tf-,,.1 sangst, ^-* mchn.
Pinion, ui^f guddi,j^ par, ^jb J5zm, (quill) shahpar.
Pinnacle, jyJi kalas, tj<>> kangra, (peak) sikhar.
Pipe, (tube) Jj waZ, ^Li nali, (musical) ij^jb bMsrt: see Cask.
Pitch, (resin from the pine) rZ (f.), kir : see Degree.
Pitfall, tlfcJ> dahak, j>- chor-garha.
Pith,^ maghz,j\~> sr (f.),^Jb , gd.
Pity, j*>-; raAjM, j dard, tars, bJ aya (f.), ji gham.
Place, *L>-jagah (f.), ^IC makn, (office) *^ hda.
Plainness, ^$/ hamwari, (sincerity) sdagt : see Clearness.
Plaintiff, ijSvJ farydi, s\y>- \ dad-klmah, mudda'i.
Plait, i3 tab (f.), JJa shikan, chin (f.), (plaits) ts-o^ -
nat. (f.)
Plan, (scheme) <yo^ mansba, jiysr tajwlz (f.): see Model.
Plane (joiner's tool), >j randa, (tree) J>- chaar.
254 Vocabulary Nouns.
Plank, fcr* takhta, ^ lauh (f.), \i paira, ^Jjpatr.
Plantation, (place planted) ^Lkr" nakhlistn, (colony) bast.
Plaster, (cement) tsTj rkhta, ^ gach, (salve) bj* rnarham.
Play, J-$ , bazi, JjJj kalol (f.), kautuk.
Plaything, lijl^ khilaun, c^-^x! laxbat (f.), <;^ bzicha.
Plea, (argument) t^^sf" hujjat (f.), (suit) l^cJ da*w: see Excuse.
Pleading, is>-L<> mubhasa, j\Jj takrr (f.), ti^s?" hujjat. (f.)
Pleasantness, t^-jlU latpfat (f.). Pleasantry, mazakh.
Pleasure, ^_g*f>- kJiusht, ij^s- ish, Si>- Aasz, (assent) ^y^r* marzi.
Pledge, giro, iSs><j bandhak, jbj rihn: see Bail.
Pleiades, by suraiy, ^j{ parwin, kachpachiy.
Plenty, Lj^il ifrt, jjhj wajur, (enough) jyj# bhar-pir.
Pliers, Ii*, chimt, ^>\li~> sandsi, che'nt (?).
Plot, ^Joj bandish (f.), Uj-ai^ mansba, (of ground) L faz. (f.)
Plug, \!b datt, ^ggSvjg" thnthi, ^& thpi.
Plume, (ornament) turra, kalghi : see Feather.
Plummet, JiybLs sh, Jj^~ sahol, (plumb or lead) latkan.
Plunge, dubki, <( ghota, burkl (?).
Plural (number), jam* (f.), -*^**- slgha-i-jam*.
Ply, j ia (f.), cAra (f.), parat, jLb shikan. (f.)
Pocket, i^^s-jeb (f.), khlsa, ^- kharlta, ^Jy^jht.
Pod, ^^^s- chhtmi, ^J^j phal, ^^>- chhilk, post.
Poem, jj^i ghazal (f.), Ju^ kaslda, iJj-< masnawi.
Poesy, Poetry,_yb> sAi*/", jjaj wasm (f.), c^-^
Point, (end) cSy nk (f.), til , (stop) i_JSj\dai nukta-e-wakf.
Poison, ) zahr, bis, bikh, JjbA halhal, ^ samrn.
Pole, 1 lth (f.), - cJ, (of the earth) kutb.
Polestar, _- kutb, ^JU-i" ^_-4a kutb-i-shimll : see Guide.
Police, laJj j \z~ ^ shahr kl zabt 5 rabt, ktwl.
Polish, iJUbXs. chiknhat (f.), JJu-j saihal, (of manners) khulk.
Politics, c^-)U jlc ilm-i-siyasat, lz~Lk*> jyc\ umr-i-mamlukat.
Polygon, JLb shakl-i-kasiru-z-zwiya.
Vocabulary Nouns. 255

Poppy, J^f kknr, (head) <^-w^ post, (seed) ^J^s^*^ khashkhask.

Populace, (_/-U\ jJj wmmu-n-ns, j jamkr, mm.
Population, abdi, ^j^J bast, ^jjybx* ma*mri.
Portion, iUas hissa, \jk? bakhr, (bride's) y^(s^- jahz.
Portmanteau, ^p>-jj- Jchurn, jmadm.
Portrait, <U~> shabh (.),jj^ taswtr. (f.)
Position, ^s^jagah (f.), J-sr* mahall, l^-!U- hlat (f.), tarah. (f.)
Possession, t-iy^y tasarruf, (J^c mal, <LdJ> kabza, zahl.
Possessor, i^$Le mlik, i_^s-L> sahib, is^-c mutamrrif.
Post, (stump) khambh, <-rJj^~ chb, (business) sx^ hda, *l
A5i, (for conveying letters) i^Jl5 d, (post office) j
dk-ghar, (man) LSb dkiya, AjIs ksid, \ dk.
Postage, Jjs."* ^ lISI dk k mahsl, rusm.
Posterity, Jl l (f.), J! auld (f.), santat, Ji was/.
Posture, was* (f.)> '^j*' srai (f.), i^J nishast. (f.)
Potash, jl^ Mr, ^JU ^j**' sajyl m_<7.
Potsherd, \jL thikr, JU-i siyaZ.
Poverty, ifls, ^j-Jic muisi, ^j~!&3 tangdasti.
Pound, (weight) dh-sr, Jbj rati, (fold) +> btrh.
Powder, ^jSj , (medicine) iiL> saff, (gun) cu}j\> brt. (f.)
Power, / tawn'i, (authority) jLkH ikhtiyr: see Force.
Practice, (use) J~e mashk (f.), (custom) CJlc adat (f.), J^-**-<
Praise, i_bj taKrif (f.), (^~L-> sips (f.), Uj san (f.), <x< madh. (f.)
Prayer, (request) ^USI iltims, (to heaven) jUj namz. (f.)
Precaution, ^^IjjJI c^-Jili kibat-andsh, CS)\S1 tadruk.
Precedent, <j^j , J-**!^jU~i> dasturu-l-mal.
Precinct, =- Aa<M (f.), \y* siwna.
Precipice, ^fj\>J dhng (f.), ^ sring, Ujc kandal.
Predecessor, ^^J peshin, <jjl-> sbik, jjJU mukaddam.
Predestination,^>jJu takdir (f.), e^-iy^ sar-nawisht. (f.)
Preface, <^ViJ dibja, (f.), <to-Lo dtbcha, <UJU mukaddama.
256 Vocabulary. Nouns.

Preference, ^y>j> tarjih (f.), faukiyat (f.), * sarsl.

Preferment, ^J&j] barhti, Jij tarakkl, j~> sarfarzt.
Pregnancy, Ja>- haml, ^> garbh, ^J-^-J^ bistam.
Prejudice, i_^-3*j ta'ssub, ^Jisijb tarafdrl : see Detriment.
Premises (houses, lands), ljiu* }\yo\ amwal-i ghair mankla.
Premium, (on bills, &c.) ^J^> btshl, chota : see Gift, Bounty.
Preparation, ijj^ taiyari, ijj^ banwart, t^-~yj' tahtyat. (f.)
Prepuce, ojl^ khalf, csLc ghalf, chhichm.
Prerogative, J^- khss hakk.
Presage, Jli fal (f.), shugn, i^Jti dallat. (f.)
Prescience, ^ylju-i ghaib-dnt, ^\;..> plshbini.
Prescription, (medical) i.^ nuskha, (custom) ^ rasm : see Custom.
Presence, hari, j>jy=*- huzri, (view) dtdr.
Present, ^ttjsr balthshish (f.), (in gram. ) JU hl: see Gift.
Preservation, ^ bach'o, t^lsU>- hifzat (f.), ^1 sra.
Press, (for oil) klh, (for bookbinding) shikanja, (for
printing) J chhaprit kal : see Crowd.
Pressure, (weight) -> dJ, <_.>W- cp, (urgency) LsU takz.
Presumption, (arrogance) ,^\bj dhithl, ^~ gustkhl : see
Pretence, Ol^ bahna, l^-L; skht. (f.) Pretension, da'w.
Preterimperfect, ^l^^^l ^b wzl istimrrt.
Preterite, mz, teJb guzashta.
Preterperfect, y-^i ^j-sUi im karib.
Preterpluperfect, Jux) ^j^* mzi ba'd.
Prevarication,^-* j>- chakar-makar, <d^>-<iiL&- h'a-hawala.
Prey, lt (f.), ghantmat (f.), (game) Ju^ said, (f.)
Price, J^e mol, ^--*^ klmat (f.), \^ JaA, (reward) _^ <y'r.
Prick, Ju>- chhtd, iXJ bindh. Prickle, knt,j\~ khr.
Pride, ^j-j tijii- khud-bri, jjj ghurr, Js>\ ahankr.
Primogeniture, ^/^JuJ J^l awwal paid'ish (f.), c/^ barl.
Principal, (head man) j\j~> sardr, ^j~*>j ra!is, (sum) ^sr^jpun.
Vocabulary. Nouns. 257

Principle, J*e! asl (f.), y>- jar (f.), (tenet) J\j ra'l (f.) : see Canon.
Print, ijZm naksh, ^liJ nishn, (_.>\$>- chhp.
Prison, j\~ Ju5 kaid-khna, \=1<xj bandt-khna. j\jj zindn.
Prisoner, i_iV> kaid-, \^ bandh', j~A asir.
Privilege, jJ (jOyas-* makhss f'tda, s>~ hakk.
Privity, (secrecy) bhed, (collusion) ^jbj szish. (f.)
Prize, (reward) in'am, (winnings) ,_fjb Jz : see Plunder.
Probe (surgeon's), ,_*Lj ^ ^Ir?" jarrah kl sal'l, J~<> mZ. (f.)
Problem, Jlj-j suwl, A~~* masla.
Proboscis, Jkij-j ^ lS^^ Aii fc snrf, (jt^b. khurtm.
Procedure, \^>- harakat (f.), Jls cAZ (f.), *L<\*< mu'mala.
Proceeding, Process, /, ^ kartt (f.) : see Method, Affair.
Proclamation, mandl, (by drum) ^^ dhandhr.
Procuress, ^ei kutni, <s)b dllala, (f.) Procurer, bharw.
Prodigal, ^x? -j>- bj ziyda kharch -wl, \j\ ur'.
Produce, Product, Production, J-eU- hsil, ^jJjw paid'ish. (f.)
Profit, jjIs f'ida, ^J naf*, lbh, ^ib^> rnanfi*.
Progeny, Ojl (f.), J-J nasZ (f.), bans.
Progress, Progression, J,\jj~) ptshrawni, ^yy tarakkl.
Prohibition, c^jOU mumna't (f.), i*> *.
Project, jjrfi^c mansuba, yy=? tajwiz (f.) : see Invention.
Promise, Jy kaul, ^ bachan,J\J>\ ikrr, waxda.
Promotion, J^y. barhti, Jiy tarakkl, ij'j^/j^ sarfai'azi.
Prong, 12 knt, l> shkh. Jjj sl.
Pronoun, j** zatrir, (demonst.) j\J*\*Ji ism-i-ishra, (interrog.)
^Lyi-i! jS- harf-i-istifhm, (relat.) Jj*- ^ ism-i-mauml.
Pronunciation, liilj talaffuz, makhraj, uchchar.
Proof, {J\*j\ zm'ish (f.), (confirmation) cjLjI isbt, JJ dalil. (f.)
Prop, (Jjg tlmni, ttkan, Xj tk (f.), t-~.J pusht (f.).
Property, c^-weU- fhassiyat (f.), (possession) l1L / (f.), JL
Proportion, andza, j\Ssl* mikdr, ^J}~* sudauli.
2 L
258 Vocabulary. Nouns.

Proposal, i~~Jiy>~j darkhwst (f.). Proposition, <-~< masa.

Proprietor, malik, khwind, t__^>-Ls sahib.
Prose, jiJ nasr (f.), ^ kalm-i-mansur.
Prosecution, (suit) <U3 kaziya, <UAU mukaddama.
Prosody, ijjjZ jJ* ilm-irrz, niizn. (f.)
Prospect, (view) nazar (f.), Jk madd-i-nazar : see Hope.
Prosperity, (^V*^ kamyabi, ^jjfcjkr bakhtwarl, cjjU-j sa'adat. (f.)
Prostitute, Ss (f.), Jb^=>- chhinl (f.), -e9 kahba. (f.)
Protection, u^-oU&- himyat (f.), ^ bach'o, y parwarish. (f.)
Protector, , ^Lbl nigh-bn, liW /ts.
Provender, chara, daa, U^J Uhna, ghs. (f.)
Proverb, Ji-< 7w.?aZ (f.), CJ>jly kahwat (f.), Ji^4_-y zarbu-l-
Providence, (of God) khudl. razzaki : see Foresight.
Provision, (food) khn, \& ghim (f.) : see Preparation.
Proximity, i-j kurb, nazdk, ^_c??*~> samipi.
Prudence, js>- hazar, ^>\A ihtiyt (f.), ^j^ ^Ji^j plsh-bm.
Psalm, astut (f.), pk sard,jyj zabr. (f.)
Puberty, i^-*cjb bulghat (f.), li^jT jawm, t_>U^> shabab.
The Public, jiii- MaZ (f.), J^U- khal'ik (f.) : see People.
Publication, ', (of a book) U ^^jlg- clihapke zhir
Pulley, charkhl, ^SjQ phirki, Ji> ghirri.
Pulpit,^--* mimbar, ^Igk> singhsan.
Pump, pichakk, jqf pachuka, bamba.
Pun, izJa-jugut (f.), Jjj zaa. (f.)
Punch, (the instrument), L5~^>- chheni or li^f- chh'ri.
Puncheon, (instrument) <-V?" chhp (f.) : see Punch, Cask.
Puncture, chhd, ^jy^ srkh.
Punishment, \j-> saz (f.), ->! as5, (i^Li siysat. (f.)
Puppet (doli), \}j/griy, ^ pwifi.
Purchase, J^,- khartd (f.), JisA. (f.)
Vocabulary.Nouns. 259

Purchaser, j\lj>- khartdr, CS&t ghak, mushtar. (m.)

Pureness, Purity, pk, safl, liL<y nirmalt. (f.)
Purport, |_5^* ?a, A*2u maksad, murad, (f.)
Purpose, irada, kasd, i^-w riyat (f.), (j/ gharaz. (f.)
Purse, ^jl^fi thai, <H- 7sa, ^-e surra, l?y ffS.
Pursuit, c_~JUj ta'kkub, t^it** pairmoi, <i>j raged, (f.)
Putty, ^j kala'i-i kushta, W, ^>^> saresh (?).
Pyramid, jL manar, minar, fjli gaw-dum. (f.)
Quadrangle, ji shakl-i-chaugosha.
Quadruped, &^1>~ chrpya, jy sutr.
Quality, c^-> si/a (f.), t-JLsj! ausf, (rank) <^-< martaba.
Quantity, j\&c mikdar, (heap) j^ dhr,js kadr (f.) : see Part.
Quarantine, chilla, (after the death of a relative, &c.) ^j-JU-
Quarrel, \j$>-jhagr, <UJ5 kaziya,*& bigr.
Quarry, j ^j^i patthar , c,b^v..i sangistn.
Quarter, i^j^ chauth', (district) As* mahalla : see Abode, Pardon.
Quean, ulk kuttpma, t^*-\i fjira, zan-i fhisha.
Query, Question, JIj-j suwl yt-tjt pursish (f.), istifhm.
Quest, khj, ^? talash (f.), y>-jc^w>- just-b-j. (f.)
Quickness, ^L shitab, >>- jald, chlak, ^jJJ ttz.
Quietness, Quietude, (y^- sukn, p\^1 , ^ karar.
Quill, jjj par Zc kalam,j+Y* shahpar, (porcupine) l2J\ knt.
Quintessence, <>- khulsa, t^~> sat,j\~> sr. (f.)
Quire, (of paper) <-jJ dasta, IfLo &7fA, (choir) jIL t'ifa.
Quota, <Ua- , |^? bakhr, ^j^i bihr, ijt bahra.
Quotation, ^Uil iktibs, ^jS^J\ istikhrj, <d-ta dkhila (?).
Quotient, ,J-\- AsiZ, j-L-< mblagh.
Race,JjJ daur (f.), i^J^JjjJ daum-daufi : see Breed, Family.
Rack, (engine of torture) shikanja : see Anguish.
Radiance, shu'* (f.), fjjpartau, ^Jssr tajall, iZJjS>-jt. (f.)
Rafter, barga, ^Ju^ knd,jjji .
260 Vocabulary.Nouns.

Rag, ]jfi- chiihra, bJ lata, ^^sPj dhajjl, "j? gdar.

Rail, Railing, kathara, kalhghar.
Raillery, thatth, j\y* mazfch. Ihathl.
Ramrod, jtgaz, thasrit.
Rank, (row) jlki katr (f.), <sue mff (f.), (degree) <>^ darja.
Ransom, \ fid (f.), toAifidya, ,_$JcJjc na*lband.
Rap, JytO dhaul (f.), ^-$3 thappar, b>-bw tamacha.
Rapture, wajd, >'d>-jazb, Jb>- AZ, ^if-j wajdan.
Rascal, i\j*\f- haram-zada, cSj^ mardak : see Base.
Rate, (price) t^~*-> kimat (f.), jby ', y nirkh : see Tax.
Ratio, ijijl andza,j\# bh', y nirkh.
Ray, rara, (f.) Rays of the sun, _1* a'a . (f.)
Razor, ustura, \j>- chhura.
Readiness, <_)by taiyrl, ^oUl mdagt: see Alacrity.
Ready money, raaM, cljj rk,j . (f.)
Rear, lf=U pchha, piclihwara, ^l^^; pichhr.
Receipt, (reception) b pana, (for money, &c.) s*~>j rasid. (f.)
Receptacle, j ghar, ti\i- khana, -y^>- jagah. (f.)
Reception, ^S^ giriftag, A-\ akhz, u^ib yaft. (f.)
Recess, rawanagi, ^-^ rihlat, (respite) Jj wakfa, &\j
Recipe (medical prescription), nuskha.
Reckoning, ^ gintl, <_L>- hisb,J^t> shumr.
Recollection, lib yad (f.), # yadavoari, --> s?/a7. (f.)
Recommendation, <^U-! sifrish (f.), <-y.^ takrib. (f.)
Record ,jJ daftar, tawrikh.
Recovery, c^-ibjb bz-yft (f.), (from illness) bL> s/i/H. (f.)
Recreation,^.' bahl', j~> sair (f.) : see Amusement.
Recruit, (soldier) ^b-i bJ raay sipaht, (supply) ^^j* sarbarhl.
Redemption, \J&$>- chhutkr, ^/>lsxJ istikhls.
Redness, ^j>-j~> surkhl, J llt, (pale) ^J\'gural..
Redress, ^fjL ij>- chra-szt, <^j\*2- himayat (f.), iJJ*< tadruk.
Vocabulary.Nouns. 261

Reel, (frame) ateran, (dance) l k kism k nach.

Reference, ruj*, j\ lag', <lc alka, uu^J nisbat. (f.)
Reflection, (throwing back) ^ISUil in'iks, & ks : see Thought.
Reform, Reformation, ^LA islh (f.), tashih. (f.)
Refuge, Uj panh (f.), ^1 aran, \jA sr, SLc malz.
Refulgence, ^sf tajall, s^>-jalwa,jy nur, CL>y>-jt. (f.)
Refusal, Jj\ inkr, ^J naft (.), ib, ^< man*.
Regard, mulhaza, tawajjuh (f.), (look)^la nazar. (f.)
With Regard to, is. *~J ba-nisbat, j** (J>- hakk mt.
Region, Le mulk, ^^jj^ sar-zamln (f.), j-ll .
Register, (book)j daftar, (oflicer), j\ >jj~i sar-rishta-dr.
Regret, afss, hasrat (f.), i_jL ta'assuf: see Grief.
Regulation, intizm, lz-wJjJoj bandbast: see Law.
Rein (of a bridle), inn (f.), </b ig (f.), ras. (f.)
Reiteration, takrr (f.), jJysjJ dhr'.
Relation, (recital) jij takr (f.), (affinity) c-,-^,...3 nisbat. (f.)
Relative, jljib-i^ rishta-dr, ^J^] karbatl, ^}- kfapsh.
Reliance, oUit i*timd, i%tibr, \jA sr, ^\ s. (f.)
Relief, *o madad (f.), ^J^^ pushtl, lJu&? takhfif. (f.)
Religion, yjjJ dw, -- maz'hab, dharam : see Piety.
Relish, ^< maza, <JU<iS lazzat (f.), t>!j-> sawd, ^>y>- khusht.
Remainder, ^yb JA, bach, <Uaj' tatimma, L5t mabak.
Remark, iawZ, CJb Ji (f.), (note) sarA (f.) : see Regard.
Remedy, xj^>- chra, ^.Ic /; (f.), / ', tl^JJ tadruk.
Remembrance, lib yarf (f.), ci, Jb~> sadA. (f.)
Remorse, ijbfss; pachhtw, ij~y~\ a/ss, i_J-jIj ta'assuf.
Rencounter, <$bUU mukabala, ilfU HjJ barz-i ngh.
Rennet (for curdling), &U j^pamr-mya,jJ^iA< mya-i-shlr.
Renown, nm, cfjyk nm-warl, <^-^ shuhrat. (f.)
Rent, (split) <JjW chkfj+s- chlr, (hire) kirya, \j>- kMrj.
Repentance, ljbf=; pachhtw, <J^-*-- pashlmnl : see Regret.
Repetition, takrr (.),j\jb} dhr', (rehearsal) Ju bayn.
262 Vocabulary.Nouns.

Report, jJ~ khabar (f.), (rumour) Xjy* shuhra, (sound) j\ wz. (f.)
Repose, >\j\ , ^^^1 s'lsh (f.), chain, sukh.
Reprehension, Reprimand, e^~c)L malmat (f.), bJ trn.
Reproof, taxn, . ^J\a*)? gsh-mli, \J~>j j sar-zanish. (f.)

Reputation, ^LJ -, jj\ abr (f.), X> nam.

Request, i~~>\f-j darkhwst (f.), ^Usll iltims : see Question.
Research, taftisA (f.), iJ~J taftsh (f.), khj.
Residence, ghar, ^u makm, (jibj'ty bd--bsh. (f.)
Resin, Rosin, IiyJ dhna, rZ (f.), t_jy>J (. (f.)
Resolution, Resolve, ^a^ Juai kasd-i-.
Resource, Xj\&- chara, ^.Ic *fty, ^ up'e, i-v>- hkmat. (f.)
Respect, ^kJxj ta*zm (f.), ^^o takrm (f.), >| ac?aJ: see Re
Respite, Aij wakfa, Jj l JiS aZ k wakfa, li nagha.
Rest, ^jLa sukn, (quiet) rm, j|^ karr : see Remainder.
Result, (J-eU- AtmZ, XjAj samara : see Consequence.
Resurrection, jLj j ci^u Z>a*s o nashr : see Judgment (day of).
Retaliation, Revenge, |I1 intikm, ^^s. iwaz, j badl.
Reticle, Jls>- j^>- chhtjl, ^_^> ^^>- chhiti thaili.
Retinue, ^-jilau (f.), sawr, CJp tuzuk, jjs kr. (f.)
Retirement, Retreat, ijL- khalwat (f.), l^Li. khalwatgh. (f.)
Revenue, dml iad (f.), Ji4-Iji^ madkhil, Jj^as.-* mahsl.
Reverence, takrm (f.), (^> ihtirm, (bow) j^iJ taslim. (f.)
Reverse, (opposite side) pAr, l_r-^ fe : see Adversity.
Revolution, (going round) (J^-^ gardish (f.), (change) -31 inkilab.
Reward,^?-! ajr, \j=^jaz (f.), sawb, fjttjsr bakhshish, (f.)
Rhetoric, t^ib b | jjx- ilm-i-kalm or -balaghat.
Rhyme, <U kfiya, tj^ radJ/, j-sr- sq/*, cl& m/c. (f.)
Ribaldry, ijls? fuhshfjL^ phakkar, ^^pch.
Riband, Ribbon, t-j \S ^.jJl brsham ka fita, jji kor. (f.)
Riehes, i^-JjJ daulat (f.), JU wiZ, JU mal mata*, (f.)
Rick, Oy tuda, J\5 , SIj , dlir,j\j\ mbar.
Vocabulary.Nouns. 263

Riddle (enigma), pahe, \ mu'mm, chistan.

Ridicule, j^A hasi, js^ maz'haka, ^Jj^p thath.
Right, (js- hakk, lysO da*w, (hand) Laj dahln: see Property.
Ring (circle), As>- halka, ^J& kundl : see under Apparel, Dress.
Ringleader, <U- j~* sar-halka, xj> j~> sar-guroh : see Chief.
Ringlet (small ring), J?)&?~ angthl : see Curl.
Riot, jIa hullar, <ul&a> hangma, \J*~~ khar-mastt.
Ripeness, lS& pukhtag, pakaTi : see Perfection.
Risk, xjb- khatra, ^y>-jkhim (f.), ba- chint. (f.)
Rite, jjjl '- ?, t2-j rt (f.), tfejb arA (f.), ~>j rasm.
Rivet, mekh (f.), ^jjs^pachr, andheri (?): see Nail.
Road, z~j rosta, <Jy* sarak (f.), s\j rah (f.), t!> bt. (f.)
Roar, ^garj (f.), gnj (f.), J^. ghurrish. (f.)
Robbery, chri, ^j duzdi, J~? dakaiti, ,jyo\j rahzam.
Rocket, (used in battle) ban, (skyrocket) ^/\a> hawal.
Rogue, s\j >\f- harm-zda, <- thag, Is! luchch.
Room, (space, place) ~^-jagah (f.), \* makm: see Chamber.
Roost, Gl add, chakkas, \j~~> basera.
Root,Js>- jar (f.), yo mul, bekh (f.) : see Origin.
Rope, ^j-y rassl, iJjyrT fi'ofi, Jj dr, rasan.
Rosary, (of beads) tasblh (f.), (rose bed) ^Jc^jgulbistn.
Round, (turn) ijtJ> gardish (f.), jyi daur : see Circle, Ring.
Row, (_e saff (f.), jUaji katr (f.),jy A> (f.), i^-ob pa, (f.)
Rubbish, tjUS^ kurkut (f.), il/li>U- khshk, \* kr.
Ruffian, ^Ir9- harmt, JlJ=- chandl, j& katar, jalld.
Ruin, ^>\f>- kharbi, ^> p'mll, tabht.
Rule, jjyjIS , AcU kcda, (sway) j=- hukm, J-*e <zma.
Rumour, ljil afwh (f.), <-^jf-> shuhrat (f.), gap. (f.)
Rupture, darr, <JL>y tt (f.), (hernia) Ii! and-ks.
Rust, O&j s'ang, jlj zangar, &>-jy mdrcha, /. (f.)
Sabre, j~*-> shamshr (f.), l*J ttgha, ^La** samsm. (f.)
Sack, (bag) gn (f.), ^jj br, (plunder) .^.- takht-trj.
264 Vocabulary.Nouns.

Sackcloth, !> , ^^* mekht, <13 mtami tat.

Sacrifice, kurbn, Jj bal, zabh (f.), \ d. (f.)
Saddle, zn, ^Jj^ , (pack) pln, (camel's) ijLs^
Sadness, udasi, j* gham, JLc matai, ^Jj& dil-giri.
Safety, salmati, ^\ amn, bach', \$>-j rachchh. (f.)
Sage (person), dana , jjlc lim, ^JiMfzil, ^ muni.
Sago, <ta ^Lj sg-dna. (From the pith of the Sagus Rumphii).
Saint, ^Jj well (m.), J>Jw> sidh,^ ptr, cL>j ghaus.
Sake, kJj wsta, sabab,Jb\. khtir, (f.), ^- Aior A.
For the sake, (_~1^ waste, i_ w sabab,Jo\~ khtir (f.), .
Salad, (English) <tfL> saZta (?).
Salary, <UL) sliyna, sj wafa, s\sj tankhwh. (f.)
Sale, bik', j;j>J bikr, {^-ji farkht (f.) : see Auction.
Salvation, d>L<" /i (f.), u^Cc /ci (f.), ^tL*, rastagrt.
Salutation, jLj salm, ytyf krnish (f.), ^Jj bandagi.
Sample, <yJ , bangt, mdari.
Sandal, $1 aZg, kharp, (pair of sandals) na'lain (?).
Sandal wood, Sanders, chandan, Jjc^ sandal.
Sap, jj*^ ras, jj^ raA, tjb (.), Aiij ddh.
Sarsaparilla (Smilax, sp.?), <Uc shba, lJ^~* mak'e.
Sash (for dress), JU- ^'Z, \b patk, ^?-> seit, baddhi.
Satiety, aghl, ^J>jH bhar, sr, chhakl.
Satin, uJ\s\ atlas, pLj pilm, b' tfta, stin (?).
Satire, sP hqj (f.), Ij^J bhandauw, 13 nind. (f.)
Satisfaction, (content) Jb\- khtir-jam'i : see Retaliation.
Saturday, jl*u~> sanchar, <L shamba, < hafta.
Sauce, ^jJel. clishn, chalrit, ^ binjan.
Saucer, tashtari, i)~> sakr, pirich (?).
Savour,^ bo or (f.), gandh (f.), ^c , sawd.
Saw, c^-j]/ karant, Sj\ ara, \j\ r, jlli* minshar.
Saying, ^ kahwat (f.), Ji^ wasaZ (f.), cub a. (f.)
Vocabulary.Nouns. 265

Scab, ^if4 khtht, khasr, i-iU^- chat (f.), ^j-o papfi.

Scabbard, p\j niyam, kth, i_jl ghilf, miyn.
Scaffold, (^^f--* machan, =}^ daunj, ^j\j pyath,j\j pr. (f.)
Scale (of a balance), ^affi, Vb paira, (fish) lg- chhilk.
Scalp, \ bjj khoprl k chamr.
Scammony, Ljj*~i sakmniy. (From Convolvulus scammonea.)
Scandal, ib, dagh, d&J Jtalank, badnnii.
Scapula, <_? ^ ^ kndhe hadd.
Scarceness, Scarcity, kamtt, , tang.
Scarf, orhni, -patta, <t2jt> d-patta, \jjA uparn.
Scene, Jjii did,J<x* madd-i-nazar, (theatre) Ijl^l akhr.
Scent, jJ b or (f.), bas, Jtx gandh (f.), iS^> mahak. (f.)
Sceptre, ^fcili ^Lic s-i-shhi, : ^LL -aJi kabza-i-saltanat.
Scheme, (plan) <tJ naksha, (contrivance) c^~*=>- liikmat (f.): see
School, maktb, ~>jii~o madrasa, ^Jc^i dabistn.
Science, ^c-ilm, boj bidya (f.), hikmat (f.), jfann.
Scissors, ^1jL< mikrz, l_yfiJ kainch, katarn.
Sconce, ^ shamxdn, diwr-gir, j\>-jhr : see Head.

Scope, (space) .^>-jagah (f.), jL$> phail', (aim) JuoiU maksad.

Score, (notch) ULv.g'C khandn, (line) la- khatt: see Account, Twenty.
Scorn, I^Y*-^ istihz, c>JU>! ihnat (f.), ,1- ikrat. (f.)
Scoundrel, Jjl~<> kurramsk, ljy> shuhd, Jo bad-zt.
Scourge, r, <bj\j taziyana : see Punishment, Affliction.
Scout, (^^- jss, bhldiy, sjjt harkra.
Scrape, L5&j tang, u!^ kashmakash (f.), eU^s^- jhanjhat.
Screen, Skreen, tati, L-~\p?jhamp, CJbJi kant. (f.)
Screw, ^-j^ec, ujj-jH1 mafbfi: see Nail.
Scrotum, <d? pia.
Scrutiny, (^Ij talsh (i.),y>-jUi^>-justj (f.) : see Examination.
Scuffle, taUftlaeffi khaicha-khaichi, LbJ J^b dliaul-dhappa.
Sculpture, LS->l nakkshi, (work of) <tJ ^ \ khd h' naksha.
266 Vocabulary.Nouns.

Scurf, \h baf (f.), papr, rust, ~>~ sabsa.

Seal (stamp),j^c muhr (f.), >\>- chhp (f.), f>\>- khtim.
Sealing-wax, ^i lkh, * Z.
Seam, c^>-jJ &' (0 1^*^ s*wan> jf?jT> )j darz.
Season, ^yc mausim, cl>j rit or rut (f.), J-ai /asZ (f.), jbl aiyam.
Seat, (chair) j^j*- chauki, (mansion) makan, (place) jlU makam.
Secession, J]jicl ftizl, <-2^ (f.), i_J]^=M inhirf.
Secrecy, U4 ikhf, parda, raz-dart, e^jl- khawat. (f.)
Secret, raz, j~> sirr, J^d, ^ '^i ? bt.
Sect, cyta z (f.), Hj firka, o>ct>- jam't (f.), wAX maz'hab.
Section, <u5a iTa (vulg. kaVa), S khand,y>- juz, ^}^si fasl. (f.)
Sedition, <U& hangma, \Jj balwa, jli/aid, ifiJ dang.
Seduction, 11 ighw, bhatka, ,_jl~J!>ljjj badrahsazi.
Seed, oy, tukhm, bihan, (sperm) aj nulja.
Segment, tukr, (of a circle) *>- <>1 d'ir k
Selection, _>Is&! intikhab, ijL\$>- chhnt (f.), bchh. (f.)
Seif, t_>! p, j- khiid, p-ri, iz\ zt (f.), ^^Jj na/s.
Semicircle, *}p -d'ira, \j+ib\ adh-ghtr.
Senna, L~! saw, san-.
Sense, Sensation, l^rs>~ hiss, ausan, sudh (f.) : see Meaning.
Sentence (decision), ^pifatw, &>- hukm, L> haza, (f.)
Sentence (period in writing), jumla, iifikra.
Sentiment, ^i fikr, r'e(f.), ^ zann, ^>-jJ bujh. (f.)
Sepulchre, gor (f.)fjrJ kabr {t^),j\y mazar, us-Jy turbat. (f.)
Sergeant, (military) J\jjwj daj*dar, (at law) J-^j .
Series, izJbfS sarishta, <sLLj silsila,jj daur.
Sermon, Sicj ica*2, -L- khutba, <i~*sXaj nasihat. (f.)
Service, naukari, ljJ^>- chkarl, ls-~.ScS- khidmat. (f.)
Set, **fs ganj, jr, j^U-c jZ, ilb tu1ifa.
Seton, _^jU tw, ^ gxd.
Settlement, uuji jj band-5-bast, JLoiUl infisl : see Abode.
Vocabulary,Nouns. 267

Sex, ling, Lri^jins (f.), Cjlj si (f.), culsf-jai. (f.)

Shackles, jt=j zanr (f.), >r7, Ji Icaid (f.), anc.
Shade, y^f~ chhaw (f.), <uL: sya : see Darkness, Shelter.
Shadow, ,J>}ify> parchh'in (f.), jj- ks : see Protection.
Shaft, (column) c^ situn, (pit) jj^4 khnkhar : see Arrow.
Sham, <-i>jbj banwat (f.), ptkhn, ^^>- jhth.
Shambles, maslakh, <Olsk~Ui kassb-khna.
Shank, ^l^j philR,j3>y narhar, (of a tool) J dandi.
Shape, jCi sa/tZ (f.), *Jjye srat (f.), ji ai*, (f.)
Share, eUjb , <U- hissa, (plough-) Jl^ phl, ijy tora.
Shark, j\s> hangar, S^> nihang, t\i grh: see Artful.
Sheet, (cloth) chdar (f.), (of paper) jtfard (f.), \i t',
Shell, >_... o sip (f.), ly^ ghong, ^jjf kauri: see Case, Husk.
Shelter, /\ bach, panh (f.), jT er (f.), <t>Ls sya.
Shift, Jl5 tl (f.), J^*- Lo- hila-hawala : see Contrivance, Shirt.
Shillishalli, ^fsnj if I g-pchh, j w*> pas--pesh.
Shot, (shooting) ic^j ^Aen (f.), t_ys ari (f.), (bullet) ^Jj> gli.
Shroud, ^ kafan, sU! f/o/z : see Shelter.
Shutter, (of a window) J^A#>- jhilmil, (y^*- chilwan, chik(f.\
(of a door)jf1j- kwr, (matted) ^3 <, jhmp.
Sickness, bimri, J\j \ azar, ^ marz, i^fjj rog.
Side, jl^j pahli, j=f\j pnjar, (_J,k </ (f.), (party) djy firka:
(on this side) i-J^b /1 is taraf (t.), (on all sides) jjl ?"
charo or.
Siege, a^W* muhasara, \pp gtra, ^jj^^ girdwar.
Sigh, T (f.), uj'U 'e (f.), ^JL sns (f.), j-Jj^ daregh.
Sign, (^^ Slmat (f.), ^liJ nishn, (hint) |lb\ ishara, l*A . (f.)
Signal, tijLH ishrat (f.), jLs>- jan', JJj daZF7. (f.)
Signatare, SaisLsO dast-khatt. cbjl^3 likhwat (f.) : see Mark.
Signification, ^jiJt< ma*rii, j\ arth, ^y*^ masmn.
Silence, ^jyc\~ khmdshi. CJjCi sukt (f.), ^j^o maun.
268 Vocabulary.Nouns.

Silk, (thread) fZ*},j>\ abrsham, (cloth) rshm kapr.

Silliness, bhl-pan, anr-pan, <J^U ndnl.
Similarity, j barabari, CJljL^o muswt (f.) : see Likeness.
Simile, Ji*c masal (f.), Jli-c misai (f.), tashbih. (f.)
Simpleton, j*ll -^ za'ifu-1-kl, -y- mrakh.
Simplicity, y nirl, sdag : see Folly.
Sin, aUTgwnA, t_>bpp, j>- jjurm, LZ~**a**o ma*siyat. (f.)
Singer, \J> gawaiya, <^jj> sard, ^if ga'', kalwant.
Singing, gn, jj~ sarod, laghanr : see Song.
A Sink, panbah', ^0 n, ijj^o <_] paiZ muhri.
Sinner, gunah-gar, ^jkpp, Jj badkr, ^>\s- asi.
Sir, i^s-Xe sahib, ^L miyan, \ 56, ^j>-.
Sire, Z>Z>, c-jIL- L\ \ ^jlob pdshhon k k khitb.
Sirius (the star in the great dog), j*> shi*r or shi*r.
Sirname, t_^! b t-ja- l gharari ka khitb or lakab.
Sirup, sra, 4_J) 5, ->^ rZ> (f.), IgiL* ras.
Site, Situation, jagah (f.), bl$5 thikn: see Condition.
Sitting, i- ..'j nishast (f.), baithak (f.), (j~}>- juls.
Size,jlj& mikdr, Jj3 a77, J kadd: see Bulk, Starch.
Skein, lj2i;^J phen, I ra, kalwa, larchh.
Skeleton, ijf^Sfi thathrl, \Hj tidd.
Sketch, Alii naksha, WL> snch, \yf kharra.
Skewer, s5^ slkhcha, ^ sikh.
Skill, shu'r, 5* ras7, hunar, ^ gun.
Skirt, jb kinra, daman, jjJ zaiZ.
Skylight, ^Jj\j tbdn, ^\a>jj raushan-dn, \jj>- jharkha.
Slander, tuhmat (f.), (jJJ bandish (f.), u^*? ghibat. (f.)
Slavery, ^^iU ghulmi, b-jJJj! laundi-pan.
Sleep, Jc-j wind (f.), ->^>- khwb, /^}1 ngkl : see Rest.
Sleeve, jj^^-H sim (f.), kharita. \$& hatth.
Slight, (indignity) u^i khiffat (f.), (sleight) Ju*-> shu*bada.
Sliness, siyn-pan, ^]j^ chatur't, ^j^z aiyargt.
Vocabulary.Nouns. 269

Slope, JlfcJ dhal, j\ utr, ^jl))/* sarzr.

Sloth, ' sus, ^^i-bl kahili, u^J\ askat (f.), alas.
Slough, (of a snake) ^J^f^f knchl, (of a sore) ]}fif~ chhichr.
Slowness, histagi, J-*> dhl (f.), ^J*-* sus, ^Jji^0
Sluice, i*Sjf> muhri, l-Ajy- khurb : see Drain.
Slumber, nghl, JJ .j-f-^ kachchi nlnd: see Sleep.
A Slut, J^j phuhar (f.), ^Jli! anrin (f.), JjJ>- churail. (f.)
Smallness, ^(^- chhtl, ^jj>- k/iurdi. kchakl.
Smell, ^jtusngh (f.), (odour) Jc^gandh (f.), y bo (f.), t/b 5s. (f.)
Smile, iL~2>\jL~c muskurhat (f.), J tbassum.
Smut, (spot) tL$lS klak, (obscenity), cuUl^- khurit (f.) : see
Snare, Ijjl^ phnd, (dakh. ) Cj~ sarak.
Sneer, i^y>- t-i/U nk-charhi, istihz, thtsr.
Snout, ^J4t>& ththni (?), (elephant's) oj~s snd (f.), (crocodile's)
lJj*> tumr.
Snowdrop (Galanthus nivalis), tjjl- j gul-i-chndm. (?)
SnufF, (of a candle) j gwZ, (the powder) ks (f.),
Snuffbox, ^Ij^-U ns-dn.
Soap, (yjle sbn, ^jL> suklikarm.
Sobriety, <_$>^*^ parhzgri, jJuJL^b hshyrt : see Moderation.
Society, j^rJl mms, iji^+si0 suhbat (f.), e^-^>^~<> mushrakat (f.) : see
Soda, khr, ^JU ^jsr1 ^J, ^Js JJ\ k jfism sajji mitft.
Softness, ^j*J> naririi, bL>j kmalt (f.), ^^Jh mulyamat. (f.)
Solicitation, uu*JjyJ darkhwst (f.), (.--Als talab (f.), tr-v* -
Solitude, s"l^j tanh't, ikffi : see Desert, Retirement.
Solution, pighl', y& gal', Je- AaZZ : see Explanation.
Somnolency, ^jJiXJ ninds (f.), .jSJjfi <>\j>- kjmb-ldagt.
270 Vocabulary. Nouns.

Song, git, ^ gan, )j~i sard, <U*J naghmu, <f\j rag.

Sorrow, (jy~s\ afss, gham, ^!c^ kurhan (f.) : see Grief.
Sort, kism (f.), l- bhnt (f.), ^jb tarah (f.), j^s>-jins. (f.)
Sound, jljl wz (f.), satZ (f.), (JUT Aaf, <^&b ng. (f.)
Space, kef rsa, L>li fsila: see Room, Distance, Interval.
Span, L-*Jb bsht (f.), bj Jt, i_p-j wajab, AiL bilnd. (f.)
Spasm, J*>- jakar, ^5A ainth (f.), ^r^i-J peckish (f.) : see Twist.
Spawn, i_\ ^ (j^jjw^o ^1 ^jJ^s.-"0 machhliyo aur mndak kt
Speaker, jj^c mutakallim, bji^j bolwaiya: see President.
Specimen, <yj , bangt, ,_^> madar.
Speck, ta dgh, \ chitkara, (in the eye) phuli.
Spectacle, 1>UJ tamasha, ~> i_ jaJ nwmSish.
Spectacles, <U-s>- chashma, CS-*>- chashmak, inak. (f.)
Spectre, . U> sya, bht, ^\~ shaitn.
Speech, ^bj zuban (f.), JZ, jdw $, b/b bhkh. (f.)
Speed, t/b- jald, cj^J harbar, ^b- shitabi.
Spell, ji>c mantar, jb>- jad: see Turn, Time.
Spendthrift, Jljl ', Jy^fazLkharch.
Sperm, ^y^c , dAi (f.), ^.j %' : see Seed.
Sphere, see Globe. Spheroid, j>- ^j^j baizawi chiz.
Spike, (of corn) Jb bl (f.), ^- jhsha, (nail) ^> mekjk.
Spindle, Kj takl, \Jj tak', chamrakh.
Spinning, ^Jj charkJirZarii, (-wheel) />- charkh.
Spirits, (liquors) <-J\j& sharab (f.), tz rak: see Mirth.
Splendour, ijb>- jalwa, chamak (f.), pjj raunak. (f.)
Splinter, ^ ircA (f.), snA (f.), ^^ khapch. (f.)
Spoke (of a wheel), !jl l chakkar k r, ^j*) .
Sponge, Jjb \yo mia badal isfanj.
Sport, (of the field)jL> shikar, (play) J-$ khel, ) bazi.
Sportsman, ^JJ* shikari, jbj\i> shikar-baz, ^j-jA ahlri.
Spot, (speck) dgA, (disgrace) uUcii kalank: see Place.
Vocabulary.Nouns. 271

Spout, ^J^p tnf, Sli-J paini, (pipe) <JL>j} pt (f.), Jj nal.

Spread, phaii', <JsW ihata,j~ gher : see Extension.
Sprig, Sprout, ^JiQ phungt, &f^L> shkhcha, ^J\j da.
Sprightliness, chlki, ^j-*^ achpalt, l^-vAIIj bashshat. (f.)
Spur, \5 knt,jA er (f.), j~*-Y mahniz. (f.)
Spy, u~yJ>- jss, V.1^ bhediy, j\iJj nazar-bz: see Scout.
A Square, ^-yo J-i> shakl-i mttrabbS, \j>- chauk.
Squib, (firework) patkh, (lampoon) _yss> /. (f.)
Squire, mirz, \j l_^*-Ls shib-zda, .
A Squirt, ^J^ipichkrt, damkal, \=g pichukk.
A Stab, Jy> (f.), (f.), khnch.
Stability, Jiji karr, fhahr', ^j^A ustuwr.
Stack, J\3 tl(f.\ Jl5l atl (f.),j\Jl ambr, iy tuda.
Staff, L2C s, lathi, >Jj>- chhafi, <-r>f>- ckb. (f.)
Stage, iju* manzil (f.), (platform) machan, (of a playhouse)
ilf LiU tamsh-gh (f.), Ijl^l akhr: see Station.
Stain, 1j dgA ui fi (f.), tlioJ kalank, (on cloth) LJ dhapp.
Staircase, paif, ^bjy nardban, phark. (?)
Stake, (post) khambh, l5jj^ khnt: see Peg, Wager.
Stalk, , dath, <L~j> bnt, JcJ tona, ^jgSi^ dnth.
Stall, (for a beast) ^I^j fAw, luL tawela, \^\ rgar (?): see Bench,
Stallion, JuL sawa*, l > bij k ghr.
Stammerer, Stutterer, \a>it> haklh, luknafi.
Stamp, (instrument) bl^s- chhapa, muhr (f.) : see Print.
Stanchion, 15> danda, thnt, ^-^ fkni, ^J^^J pusht.
Stand, (stop) jl31 atk', (station) UlS^ thikn: see Cessation.
Stanza, <Uz> kit'a,jX> shi*r bait (f.), bsjJ dh.
Starch, <fclij nishsta, i_>J kalap, IjU mw. (f.)
A Start, / (f.), S$s#>r jhijhak (f.), tifl bharak. (f.)
State, is.JU>- AVai (f.), was" (f.), jJU lam: see Kingdom.
State, Stateliness, Jj^a*]? tamtark, JuJJ dabdaba.
272 Vocabulary. Nouns.

Station, ^s~jagak (f.), thikn: see Place, Degree.

Statue, CJy* mrat (f.), C-o m, J^piZ, c^-S la*bat. (f.)
Stature, iX> fcadd, Jj<$ , kmat (f.), jljJt andaza.
Statute, , J^l k'ida, ^j 57, c^Oj ri. (f.)
Stay, j\3 tik', (_/ibjJjj bdbsh (f.), (^) rah'ish. (f.)
Stead, *s>- jagah (f.), mauka*, (instead) y^i .
Steak, tikk, bti. Stealth, chr, cSj duzdl.
Steed, ghr, bob bdp, samand.
Steeple, J&~o minar, <JL>$ lat (f.), \jbj^ dhaurahr. (?)
Stem, (stalk, twig) bi shkh, ,^2^3 dnth: see Lineage.
Step, |*Jj kadam, ^ gam, t-; dig, (of stairs, &c.) strht.
Sterility, *]/ sar'l, kallar'l, ^^^ bnjhpan.
Stick, ZaAn, lthT, lac as, <-r>^- cAi, IjuJ dand.
Stigma, b i/gA, -$^- chinh, (disgrace) ul&K kalank, i_ip- Aar/".
Stillness, (JL-i~ sunsrii, <JL~b~j sunhat (f.) : see Silence.
Sting, tloJ dfimft, tlX^S rfwfc, j^^iJ wsA, L(*j>- chabhak. (f.)
Stink, ^jjj bad-b (f.), durgandh (f.), (i?*J ta'ffun.
Stipulation, shart (f.\ Jijs kaul-karar : see Contract.
Stirrup, 4-lj rikab (f.). Stirrup-leather, Jb,0 rikb-d'l.
Stitch, &13 tnk, ^JJ\ lapkt, (pain) tasak. (f.)
Stock, <tij na, (gun-) a kunda, (capital) J^e /.- see Cattle.
Stocks, (wooden) har, -ilj MA, (funds) ^s^ 1>_5- (.y05"
kisl pnj .
Stop, Stoppage, jl3\ atk', atak (f.), (in gram.) |^J bisrm.
Store, (plenty) j-bJ fAr, (house) j\j>- khazna. bhandar.
Story, (tale) <UaS kissa, <JL^ kahani, (floor) <J* manzil. (f.)
Stove, j^ gul-lum, jj tanr, ^&&\ angtthi,f^> bhr.
Stranger, t-~jb>-^*c ghair-jnib, ^g-ji^j par-ds : see Guest.
Strap, (of leather) Jb,ii rf'Z, (razor) ^^y^- chamti: see Belt.
Stratum, CJfj parat, 3 tah (f.), jj? tabak, jbi> iiJ:.
Straw (stalk of grain), ^b nli, JljJ puwl (f.), &' .
Streak, ^- laklr (f.), ^3 lahar(f.), k- : see Line, Ray.
Vocabulary.Nouns 273

Stream (current), ^b>J dhara (f.), jl dhar (f.) : see Brook, River.
Street, j>-<[> kcha, z~>j rosta, ^J gall, cSy> sarak. (f.)
Strength, jj zr, Jj bal, CDjs kwat (f.), ^>>~* mazbtl.
Stress, jjj zr, <-bj- cht (f.), ^>.y bjh,j\) bar.
Stretch, ^L$iphail',j\~j pasr, 4tL- kas' : see Effort.
Strife, liii tenia, l}f>- jhagr, Kjj i-iAI : see Dispute.
String, (jryS aor, rassl, stl, J^>-jZ: see Row.
Strip (slip), ^jS^ dhajjl, katran, \Ji tukr, ^jpattl.
Stripe, (line) j- lakir (f.), (from a whip) jL> (f.), Ar.
Stroke, mr (f.), <-Zjj>- cht (f.), thnk: see Stripe.
Strophe, lko matlax, <uL kit' : see Stanza.
Structure, j**j ta*mlr (f.), (edifice) CJjUc imarat (f.) : see Shape.
Stubble, JrfA (f.), ^jpjjV thnthl, ^jj\ nrt.
Stucco, IS usi?" k Up.
Stud, (of horses) J-o- khail, \f pg, (button) J^j p/Z.
Study, <$511 mutflla', (room) <U- <Ulk mutla'a-khna.
Stuff, aj* madda, rakht, jL\a3 kimsh : see Nonsense.
Stump, i^f&y tund, Xiy <^, thunth : see Root.
Stupefaction, ^y^ bt-hsl, mrchh. (f.)
Stupidity, ^jiyj b-wukif, ^ himkat (f.), ^Jo kund.
Style, (idiom) ^- istilh (f.), c^,Lc tbrat (f.) : see Title.
Subject, ra'iyat (f.), -^^ (f.), (matter) U madda.
Sublimity, J lwiyat (f.), <^Jb bulandi : see Height.
Submission, ^^jc zr-kkwhl, J dab' : see Obedience.
Subpoena, |^f> 1 Us talab-chitthl, <- safna.
Subscription, (signing) L=cL:J dastkhatt, (sum) ^J^>- chand.
Subsidy, ^lJc* ^ j madadgari : see Aid, Tribute.
Subsistence, (being) to /as!, Jj^-j wujd: see Livelihood.
Substance, (being) (_5^> , (matter) *jU madda: see Body,
Substantive, j-! ism, .
Substitute, ^\iu k'im makm, iwaz : see Agent.
2 N
274 Vocabulary Nouns.

Subtleness, Subtilty, (fineness) 1_5^.jb brlkl : see Artifice.

Subtraction, ^- harn, waz* (f.), ghatl.
Subversion, i_Ai\ inkilb, \Jj>jJj zrzbari, ^JUb p'ml.
Suburbs, dman-shahar, \j j^J* skahar-pr.
Success, kmybt, bj\> uhda-bar't.
Succession, J.J...." tasalsul, \fl lag' : see Series, Lineage.
Successor, ^^lils- j-nishln, ^ k'cm-makm.
Sucker (a shoot), (J?3^ kmpal, karil: see Sprig.
Suckling, I j+> sKir-khwr, < l JtJ^J ddh k bachcha.
Sufficiency, <i-oU kifyat (f.), ^^ij wufur, \ij waf. (f.)
Suffocation, (j~ftM ~?>- habsu-n-nafas, dambastagi.
Sugar, JL shakar (f.), (coarse) ^J~>- chri, khand, (cand
t^bc misrt, Jci kand, (-cane) kh (f.), Uf gann, 1^

Suggestion, ,li>l ishara, lJj\ gsh-gvmrt, ^La salh. (f.)

Suicide, Jp-. khud-kushl, (murderer) i>y. khud-kush.
Suit, Vfys- Jora, (retinue) hashmat (f.) : see Lawsuit.
Suitor, (plaintiff) ^-iilo dd-khwh. (wooer) <_<S>^ shik.
Sum, jJ-^i mablagh, , (summary) Jas-* mujmal.
Summerhouse, brah-dar, SJcj bangl.
Summit, {Jix^i phunang (f.), Jp*- chnti, <d fcaZZa.
Summons, t^]]? aZao (f.), ^j^b- talab-chittht.
Sunbeam, kiran, y l <_->liil /o & partau.
Sunday, Jy\ itwr,j\*jj rabibr, <Ui-> X>! A shamba.
Sunrise, t_-)biT ^jlb m' ftb, ij<\ y sraj-udai.
Sunset, c_->bl ghurb-i-ftab, K~-~i>] sraj-ast.
Superficies, ^3~ sath (f.), wus't (f.) : see Outside.
Superfluity, bjjl izdiyd, lJtS kasrat (f.), tr-sb^j bahutt. (f.)
Superintendence, ^yL^o nigahbnt, ^thjj* sarbarhi.
Superiority, bartari, iz~Jijh fauklyat (f.), i_>^ barl.
Superstition, Jlsb ^.o din-i-btil, ta'ssub.
Supplement, &*;J tatimma.
Vocabulary.Nouns. 275

Supplication, IcjcjJ isticC (f.), IcJ du'a (f.), zari.

Supply, ^Jijg bharti, rasad (f.), J^ amad (f.), t.-^ . (f.)
Support, (prop) oliu! istda, (sustenance) lAy^J parwarish. (f.)
Supposition, (Jl aiaZ (f.), ^,~U kiys, sj\j\ andza.
Suppression, dab', chhip'.
Suppuration, 5, U\---j plbiyhat (f.), /.
Supremacy, awwallyat (f.), ^jj^j^ sardari.
Surcingle, , c^&J Ta bl-tang, ^ JJjS ktal-kash.
Surety, (bondsman) ^-l* zmin, (bail) Ly-l< zmirii.
Surf, Surge, ^a7 -.^ mauj-i-bahr, Xjh> hilkra,j^ laliar. (f.)
Surface, ^3-J sajfA (f.),^j ",& bhar, LLj Sisi. (f.)
Surfeit, (y*sH ajlran, \A aphr'l, kacha'.
Surgery (practice of a surgeon), ^^-1j^-jarraht.
Surplus, Js, j^s-b^J barh, bachtl, J-li /ziZ.
Surprise, c-^*-1 ta'jjub, ngahm, achnak.
Survey, ilfj nig (f.), jli (f.) : see Mensuration.
Surveyor,jlU nzir, nighbn : see Land-surveyor.
Surviver, JU-j pasmanda, jJJ pas-zinda.
Suspense, khauf raja (f.), UjoJ dubdh. (f.)
Suspension, y\) latka, (putting off) ^J;j*-< ^ \J"jiJ hand
' roz kt IVI mazli.
Sustenance, J&\ ahr,cS^*s- khitrk (f.), \L^k: see Livelihood.
Suture, (seam) siwan, ^J\* sil't, (of the skull) *y>- jor.
Swain, ^yy- jawn, }f>- chaupnl jawn, uJ^li nyak.
Swamp, JjJj daldal (f.), l^Jt: dhasan (f.), jjf- chbr zarnin.
Swarm, Ai^s- jhund, Ja:* mandai, j*l>-Oj\ izdihm.
Sway, \^os>- hukmat (f.), ^-'l^Ufi farmn-rawl.
Sweepings, ^j\>- jhran (f.), (y^J buharan (f.), ^ r.
Sweetheart, I^Lj pyara (m.), jjjc4 mshuka (f.) : see Beloved.
Swell, phlan, ifr)~> sjan, (wave) mavj (f.) : see Increase.
Swiftness, ijjj ftzi, LjSJ^*- jald, ^J^- chlki, ^- shitb.
Swindler, t-^i fji> mardum-fareh, jVr^ butthbz.
276 Vocabulary.Nouns.

Swing, j&&>~ jhul', (machine) Sj(Sf jhl, HycA kindl.

Swoop, jhapat. (f.) Swop, Jo Sj! adl-badl.
Sycophant, ijXc\ji>y>- khushmadl, j~ J**- chughul-kfwr.
Syllable 15* Ay, <ul kalima. Syllabus, see Abstract.
Syllogism, i~ kaziya, kiys, JJii dalil. (f.)
Symbol, nishn, \^~ lmat (f.), murd. (f.)
Symmetry, )Ji harina, ^JjX-i sudauli, j\>\ andz.
Sympathy, ^^^ ham-dard, ^jj-Jj dil-sz, l-^-~>j rikkat. (f.)
Symphony, ^&aU ham-hangi, ,j^Ua ham-wzi.
Symptom, c^~cL lmat (f.), nishn,Ji\ asar.
Syncope, see Fainting ; (in gram.) ^=* ls^ ^ ^ tarkhim.
Synopsis, jsck* mukhtasar, J-^sr* mujmal, Jt>-\ ijmal.
Syntax, jsr nah. (f.) Syringe, pichkri, ib- hukna.
System, , Aclis kcda, (plan) Ju naksha.
Tablet, ZawA (f.), ^yb ^<, |__5=^ takhti.
Tackle, Tackling, sar-anjm, l5jls (J-S kil-knl.
Tactics, t^i^-^ fann-i-jang, i-e saff-rl.
Taffeta, toilJ tfta, <_/bj darya'i, ^y^~ ch'dl.
Tail, jJ dam (f.), -= pnchh (f.), JLi^ dumbal.
Taint, (stain) dgA, (corruption) m (f.), (^b Jas. (f.)
Tale, <Ua fo'ssa, ^V^ kaharii, JJ waA (f.) : see Calculation.
Talebearer, jj~ (J*** chughul-kfwr, jtk ghammz.
Talent, (weight) ^jjj wazn, (coin) siMa : see Faculty.
Talisman, j~lb tilism, (or plur.) C?Uil> tilismt.
Talk, CJb (f.), t^-~>. tub bt-chtt (f.), JU) *. (f.)
Talkativeness, >j ziyda-gl, j\~~> bisyr-gl.
Tallow, ^^=>- charol, (f.) : see Fat.
Talness, i^*U^J ^ Aadif A lamba'!, nch'.
Talon, j^e-U nkhun, < , nakh, panja.
Tambourin, ^^. khanjar, AJb tabla, jS fopA.
Tameness, hil'l, rami, s \y* psw4.
Tap, -jlfi' A/7 (f.), ^$}' thapki, thok, takr.
Vocabulary. JVouns. 277

Tape,jji kr (f.), ^Jbpatt, (coarse) j\ niwr. (f.)

Tapestry, ^jjfjL>J dwar-gr, js~~* mushajjar.
, ^^a kitran, r/, (sailor) ^e-ebi- khals.
Tardiness, histag, ^J~~~> sustl, drT : see Sloth.
Tare, (weed) (j~\$> ghs, (in weight) dhar, Zi^ dhart.
Tariff (Arab. i^Juj), <uli-y l J^as.- mahsl k nirkh-nma.
Tartness, ^>Ji turshl, l/*^ karw't, sakhti.
Task, wazifa, ^ kam, chukaut, izjj kt.
Tassel, \^>-jhabb, XiuQphundn, latkan.
Taste, j* maza, C^jJ lazzat (f.), z'ika : see Discernment.
Tattler, bakki, gappl, barbariy.
Tavern, <U- . sharb-khna, <U- j-# bhanger-khna.
Taunt, ^jIs cTn, ^Jj tana-zani, mihna, tanz, (f.)
Tautology, takrar ((.), jjj takarrur.
Tax, Jjiss* mahsl, UUU- AsiZ, khirj, j\j~ khazna.
Teacher, ^X** mu'llim, i\z~>\ ustd, (j~j*> mudarris, j> guru.
Teacup, l*- cA klpiyli. Teapot, ^bU- ch-dn.
Te Deum, \^ja^ k& g**-
Telescope, ^j-j dr-bin.
Teller, lj-i^ kahnwala, ginntwala : see Accountant.
Telltale, j^d- J-*=- chughul-kMr, \j lutra, ^j*^ ntsh-zan.
Temerity, ^j+iXi+ be-tadbiri, jy tahawwur.
Temper, Temperament, mizaj, u^S>jj> sarisht. (f.)
Temperance, Temperateness, JIocjH i*tidal, jJbj) parhz.
Temperature, JIjcjH tidal, ^^/* *-^>- hlat-i-sardT
Temptation, .*, targhib (f.), ighwa, ylsrul imtihn.
Tenacity, cL~>L.U laslashat (f.), (JULsos- chipchiphat. (f.)
Tendency, J-^i mai, ^1?- mailn, jhuk'.
Tenderness, ^y^j narmi, bL^ kmalt (f.) : see Pity.
Tendril, sm, rsha, (of a vine) J-j , ^^-j e/L
Tcnour, (continuity) rawish (f.), (drift) \js'fahw: see Meaning.
278 Vocabulary.Nouns.

Tense, &kt*e sgha, Jj <U) zamna-i-ftl. Past, l_^Lo mzi. Pre

sent, JU- hol. Future, JJb.,,. mustakbil.
Tension, Tenseness, j*L kas',j khick', tn. (f.)
Tenter (hook), ^^\ ankr, anks.
Term, (limi0 >- hadd (f.), (word) db ai (f.) : see Condition.
Termination, Je- hadd,j- \ ahhir, (of a word) ^j>-\ uJf- harf-i-khir.
Terrace, ^y^- chabtara or chautara, A?w.
Terrour, dahshat (f.), J|y> haul, dar, ijp- khauf.
Testament (last will), <uli U-w-y wastyat-nma.
Testicle, <1*. a, <Ua- khusya, aw, VjLj pelr.
Testimony, tSJtil^) shahdat (f.), .Jb^ gawhl : see Evidence.
Tether, garnwan, \j pagh or l pag.
Tetter, jlj rfa", dinal, \y*~> slh',
Text, matn, JH sZ (f.), Jj*> mu, rawn.
Texture, <-!->jlJ binwat (f.), CJjUj bunwat, <jUi kimsh.
Thanks, Thanksgiving, ^Li> shukr, ijjte J*> shukr-guzrl.
Thaw,j*SL^ Ii ^J\j plt k pighl', <^>\ gudkht- (f-)
Theft, t_;^- chri, iJj duzd, j~~~ taskari, j~t sarika.
Theme, \t*c mansha, masdar, ci.^fC^< mab'has.
Theorem, 1< masa, kiys. Theory, /Ij kiys.
Thermometer, <s!t t_lX>^ l ^5"^ s^'ir' LfV*' garnit sard k
ek la.
Thicket, fa- jhund, "^>- j\$>- jhr-jhr (f.), js>- jangal.
Thickness, kj'^ye mtl, lsil kamfat (f.), ^jjl^is'gwTywI.
Thimble, angushtna, <p.
Thinness, tunuk, ^ patl', rikkat. (f.)
Thong, U~J tasma, jLj : see Strap.
Thorax, (JLj pi, < i^is iJJ~*> ^ ^^*"" chhit kl bhtr taraf.
Thorn, (tree) \l*>-j l i^-^ jfcnie k daralcht. (spine) 12 knt.
Thought, l^>-j~ schn, Jl>- khiyl, <4jjJ andesha, ^J^Jb dhyn.
Thraldom, Thrall, ghulmi, ^.iy^c. ibudiyat. (f.)
Thread, sf, </^ tag, icJj rishta, l^l&J dhg.
Vocabulary.Nouns. 279

Threat, Threatening, !*>J dhamka, j j^J tahdd (f.), jS>-j zijr.

Thrift, juzrasi, t>j*- kam-kfiarcht. wr.
Throe, jJ \b bam dard, j+j ptr (f.), sj j dard-i-zih.
Throne, i^sT takht, ^\^^> singhsan, u~~c masnad. (f.)
Throng, J-^J bhlr (f.), jJI ambh, fb-Jj! izdiham, ^jsl hujm.
Thrust, \=f)4 khnch, J-$j thtl (f.), \Jt dhakk, C>&> bhnk. (f.)
Thump, Thumping, ICtJ dhamka, & dhamak (f.) : see Stroke.
Thursday, jum'a-rt (f.), i^J^ssx^panj-shamba.
Ticket, ^j$>- chittht, tip (f.),JjjL-J dastwez. (f.)
Tide, (flood) jlj^- jawr (f.), madd (f.), (ebb) I^jI^ bhth,
Tidings, akhbr, L-jJi: sandes, jUUj samchar.
Tier (row), <U ia (f.), CJ^ parat, t2o tabica, Jiss katr.
Tightness, kas't, v_j^> tang, chus,j Uj tan'5.
Tillage, <_?*b>- jut't, ^^J halwht, kisnal.
Tiller, WJtfc halwh, \j^>-J-i hal-jt, <i kulba-rn.
Timber, ZaAy, ^l <f gl-kth, i gola, c. (f.)
Timbrel, U? a&Za, tJot),* mirdang, ^j^J pakhwaj. (f.)
Timidity, (_Jj- khauf, <^J dahshat (f.), ^ kam-jur'att.
Tincture, (extract) Jy: aVa#, (colour) ^ rawg, (quality) gun.
Tinder, sdkhta, jf gZ, bb> shula.
Tinsel, j cfbj raunak-i-be- o baha, 1&~" jagjag.
Tint, j rang. Tip, sir, dijj wo/c, (blow) - ^5^

Tippler, J*~>~ chusakkar, piwakkar, <e>}j& sharahl.

Tissue (brocade), c^wjj zar-baft, \j bdl, . ^UJ tammi.
Titbit, y <Ui! lukma-tar, ni mat (f.), i\y> <-r>j>- carZ? nawla.
Tithe, (^LjJ dasnSjjLs- vshr, tlijit) dahyak.
Titillation, ,_<Jifj gudgudi, lj~>j> sursur.
Title, 4__>lk- khitb, i_^! Zofca or (plur.) _!1 alkb.
Titlepage, <ulj j*> sar-nma, j) sar-i-lauh.
Tittle, (dot, particle,) sarra, Kj' ', sar-i-.
280 Vocabulary. Nouns.

Tittletattle, <--~-/ gapshap (f.), -jhak. (f.)

Toast (dried bread), ^b> ^J~~> senkt h' rti.
Tobacco, .^ tambk, lL^j bhls, Jlf gal.
Toil, cuis^ mihnat (f.), <_>y>0 jyi daur-dhip (f.), (Jv* ta^a^- (0
Token, ^liJ nishn, pai, (memorial) u^lftib ydgri.
Tolerance, Toleration, ^ bardsht (f.), sah'.
Toll, /, LS&- chungi, rhdr!,j> .
Tomb,^ Aar (f.), gor (f.), makbara : see Grave.
Ton or Tun, ^Jj -^J ^ (r* (^~~> 1-^.^ karb fis man k k wazn.
Tone, awaz (f.), sad (f.), ^ lahja, J Zai. (f.)
Tongs, ta dast-panh, ^IjL-j sandst. (f.)
Tonsil, ijyy' kauft, ^J& gilf. Tonsure, (^Jc^o mundan.
Tool, jLgiA hathyr, ic!t lat(f.); (tools)jljjl auzr.
Topj^-StV, lL'>{ phunang (f.),j~sikhar, J^y*- chnt.
Toper, j^jj pwakkar, j~>> dabs (?) : see Tippler.
Topic, ^ mazmtin, <yy* *, [es* mudda'.
Topography, (jLj l ^^f- jagh k bayn.
Torch, uUi~c mash'l (f.), teAi falta, dmar.
Torment, L-j siysat (f.), (^-ool aztyat (f.), Ijoj ez. (f.)
Torpor, ^ji^sJiJ be-harakatt, ^^ l-jumbisht, .
Torrent, \j\> \J tez dhr, sai/ (f.), J'y for, ^jj nadt.
Torture, ^y!> ^W- jn-kant, i^- ukbat (f.), ^^-9 s/.
Total, Totality, &*&-jumla, ^*s>- jam* (f.\ jjyc moth, (f.)
Touchhole, ^ ^-^fj ranjak k srkh.
Touchstone, J^y- kasautt, mihakk (f.), jLc ^ sang-i-ayr.
Tour,jjJ daur, j*~ sair (f.), fjtj gardish (f.), (tum) ,_^ r.
Tow, cJbb ^L) lys ^JVr jhr h' sn or ^)i.
Town,^^ shahr, kasba, balda, y\s gw.
Townsman, ham-shahrt, (of a town) ^Jj^> shahrl.
Toy, Uy^ khilaun, 4=*qjb bazicha, ^s>- ^ khlne kl chtz.
Trace, Track, C lik (f.), b*<CJ naksha-i-p : see Footpath.
Tract, (of country) i^u^-jamb, ^.ly nawh (f.) : see Country,Treatise.
Vocabulary.Nouns. 281

Trade, ^sj&J^ saudgari, CJjbxT tijrat (f.), psha.

Tradition, t*z~i))j riwyat (f.), Jl tadwul, ti-o Jo- kadis.
Traffic,jLo baipr, ZjJ&r tijrat ({.), ^fb^-> saudgari.
Train, dam (f.), (skirt), ^J dman : see Retinue, Series.
Traitor, jb IiJ daghbz, namak-karm, ^b bghi.
Trammel, jb^- chhnd (f.), Jb>- bJ lambjl, bvjj paikarh.
Trance, sa/cta, ^bji lauhr, (ecstacy) Jo-j '' : see Swoon.
Tranquillity, rm, ^y>\ sdagi, J kal (f.), u-^ rhat. (f.)
Transaction,jbjjl^ krbr, Lobv* mu'mala, ^j> kartt. (f.)
Transfer, <Jjj=^ tahwil (f.), j^Jj tasllm. (f.)
Transformation, J> b <^/>^* J^.'V' tabdtl-i-srat or -shakl.
Transgression, ^jbs^ tajwuz, jy tr, ta'dd : see Fault.
Transit, Transition, guzr, j^s- br, JjA-j tabdl.{(.)
Translation, (version) <U^-y tarjuma, (removal) JUsj! intikl.
Transmigration, ^ICc Jj nakl-i-makn : see Metempsychosis.
Transparency, ^bLii shafff, yj*\j> barrki: see Clearness.
Transportation, JI! intikl: see Banishment.
Trap, J kal(f.\ Jj dabkar (f.), ^j\=^-jnti : see Snare.
Trappings, ^^};! r'ishen (f. plur.), (dress) ^j^bii^j pshkhl.
(f. plur.)
Trash, Jxjjfl gor bagar, (unripe fruit) bs kachch phal.
Travail, see Throe. Travel, y) safar, CJ^iL* musfarat. (f.)
Treacle, gwr, 15^- cht, <_j^ rJ (f.), jby tiryk.
Tread, kadam, > kadam-zanl, Jb>- cAZ.
Treason, ^\^~^ namak-harmt, t^Jjbu baghwat. (f.)
Treasure, <|^- khazna, *j rkar(f.), i^--J zakhra.
Treasury, <l. khazna, khazbia, &~& ganjna.
A Treat, i^iL ziyfat{{.\ CDyz dawatif^fjj^j'nr. (f.)
Treatise, Jbv; risla, s1 nuskha, <ub , c_>bi kitb. (f.)
Treatment, <^ijL> sulk, (JJtO dhang, LsJbm mu'laja.
Treaty, J-bc< mu'mala, sulh({.), J\J J^ kaulrkarr.
Tremour, l_s-- kapkapi, jtjji larzisk{f.), JLs-j ra sha.
282 Vocabulary.Nouns.

Trencher, \Jfj& kathaufi, (trench-digger) khl-gar.

Trepan (saw used in surgery), $U mh (?), U^j parmh (?), <t=U
pecha. (?)
Trepidation, ijj$j$ tharthari, ijj lorza, JU JjS dol-mal. (?)
Trespass, \L>- Mai (f.), j-^S takstr(f.\ x\if gunh.
Tresses, t_j!j zulf(i.\ J kkul({.), ges, ijy-J babrl.
Tret (an allowance), l^1jJ)\ parlap, ^js-y skhtan, /\} ph'.
Trial, ,jjL<)! zm'ish (f.), ^Isi^l imtihn, (legal) J*5ae? tahk'ik. (f.)
Triangle, L- khatt-i-musallas. >js~i si-gsha.
Tribunal, cu-JIac adlat(f.), uXs.-* mahkama, >< masnad. (f.)
Tribute, >?', Mirqj,j bar, J&Z^j peshkash.
Trice, <tlJ lahza, J aam ; in a trice, l_s-> i j'ap se.
Trick, *Ls>- AZa, Jy J\5 tl-tl, <-^t.j> fareb, ^ /, J^*- chhal.
Trident, tirslor trisl.
Trifle, J^lj n-chiz, thrbt({.\ ^s> htch.
Trifler,jLo (^^j^-o makkht-mr, b'jjb tpt'iy, J& sjj* harza-kr.
Trigger, J^,_/ Jj1^ bandkki kal.
Trill, ^3 lahr, lJjPjP ^ j\ aiez tharthar.
Trimming, jy j^j zark-bark, (J^-%>- jhaljhal. (f.)
Trinity, <i-JJ asZ7s (f.), C-Jt slis-salsa.
Trinket, jjjj zewar, gahn, ^patt: see Toy.
Trio, </|j tlSj l ^J^JLc {Jas^'ljJ tin shakhsmilkar gan k ek rag.
Trip, (stumble) lachak (f.), /j$ thokar (f.) : see Error, Journey.
Tripe, ^xil anir, (ji-jT w (f.), raa, cL-o ai, ?^=>-jl jhaft.
Triplet, musallas, doy tripad-kabit.
Trituration, iJL~3b\Jj ragrhat (f.), pisa 5.
Triumph, ^j>-jai, fath (f.), ^jj^rozl, c^/ ^jai-glt.
Trollop, Ja^j phuhar (f.), ^Jjy , ^l^o ggZ.
Trope, jlsr* majz, cljLa ibrat (f.), <l kinya : see Metaphor.
Trophy, ^liJ l /aiA & nishn, ^s. ghanimat. (f.)
Tropic, (of Cancer) ^Ib^ k>- khatt-i-saratn, (of Capricorn) ^- la-
Vocabulary Nouns. 283

Trot, dulkl, JU- -chl. (f.)

Trouble, 4 dukJl> -*!^ taklf(f.), j-JJwa asdi* (f.), '1 ?z. (f.)
Trowel, kamt, ^If" thpt, ^<j^ surma'l. (?)
Truce, ^ ^ 4; ufj^ iAr zamarit k liy sulh. (f.)
Truck, ?\j! ^j-^j ^f" chhte-pahiye-dr grt : see Barter.
Trull, <_^\; ml-zdt, kasbt, btsw. (f.)
Trumpery, <J f*)/* harza-go', J& jjfl agar bagar : see Trash.
Trumpeter, ljjW;^Ju naftr-bajnewl, yz-^J* karncht.
Truncheon, ^Lafi s-i-hukm, tjy- cA& (f.) : see Club.
Trunk, (of a tree) <j tona, dby>- jarwat : see Box, Proboscis.
Truss, (of straw, 8cc.) S^j , (bandage) ^jSj patti, \Sjj langt.
Trustee, ^tacuJW amnat-dr, t^*\ amin,J\*ci zimma-dr.
Truth, sacA, ^J^-Aj rost, Xo sid: see Fidelity.
Tube, ^Jj nali, chng, ^ nai (f.), ^^y-fjgJ phkni.
Tuesday, mangal, <u> <u si-shamba.
Tuft, turra, S$>- jhund, ^s5 guchchha, (of hair) chanda.
Tug, khainch (f.), (f.), ^--^ kashish. (f.)
Tuition, (jLl nighbrii, (j^jfj^ parwarish (f.) : see Instruction.
Tumbler, tSJ nai, jbK kala-baz, (pigeon) Jjghirni : see Glass.
Tumult, bakhef, <u'la> hangma, shb.
Tune, jljl (f.), Jj^j sard, sur, lai (f.), ^Ij tan. (f.)
Tunic, ^j- , j kurta, (membrane) ufjl^ khalfi.
Tunnel, (funnel) chonga, (shaft) s\j rh (f.) : see Chimney.
Turbulence, -^*^ iztirb, khalbali, ^jj\ti dangabz.
Turn, plier, jU^f ghum', (tour) bar: see Change.
Turncoat, jLi<\^| zamna-sz.
Turning, iJLgardish (f.), j^J phir', (of a river) d^ib Jn.
Turpentine, fyji tc ganda birza.
Turret, kangra, jlx manar, ^>y. bur, jJZ kalas.
Tusk,^ bir (f.), ij\ khang, nah.
Twang, tankr (f.),jjL5 tankr (f.), ^ tan, ijfj*;* harhari.
Tweezers, \^>-y* mchn, \Saj>- chimt.
284 Vocabulary Nouns.

Twig, jj-J lais, L,fjf>- chhari, pallo, J>\ dl.

Twine, ;^ sutl, t,UJj rlsmn, (twist) pch : see Twist.
Twinkle, Twinkling (of the eye), ^~>- nkh kljhapkt.
Twist, (wrench) ^L\ ainth (f.), 'j* (f.) : see Bend, Thread.
Type, (mark) ^ lamat (f.), (emblem) tamfil. (f.)
Types (printer's), <j/>- i_<W" ^ Z: hurf.
Typographer, ^jI^j- chhapgar. Typography, ^j\A^>- chhapagar.
Tyranny, jjis zulm, jhr, andlitr, ^ fcahr.
Tyrant, jJU zj,lim,j*s~> sitamgar, J\b>- jafkr.
Tyro, j nau-triz, c5Jc--< mubtadi. (m.)
Vacancy, Vacuity, jL>- khul, Li- khal, i^Jy>-jauf: see Leisure.
Vacation, iU ngha, ju>\ antar, JJmJ ta*l. (f.)
Vagabond, Vagrant, j^ibj! aubsh, i^T wra, Ls5 luchch.
Valerian, |5 JU-jZZar7, ^jbL bil-lotan.
Valet, ^lii^Jci- khidmatgr.
Valetudinarian, ,jfly*Jljjtj d'imu-l-maraz, ^^j^>- janam-rgi.
Validity, (jf^jS-H ustuwri, jKLj1 istihkm, ^J~&{ yakirii.
Valley, Vale, nichn, ^Ji\^ ghtt, wdl, ij dara.
Valuation, ta'ln-i-kimat (f.), _}*1 ank'.
Value, ktmat(.), mol, bah,ji kadr. (f.)
Valve, kwr, ^Jj^ khirkl, (lid) ^^a dhakr.
Van, Vanguard, 1^ muhra, harawal, f\ agari.
Vane (weathercock), Uijb badnuma, pharahr.
Vanity, \^^>- jhthfakhr, ^s^i shlkhi : see Boast.
Variance, cJlxiU ikhtilf, ^jSs- aks, * zidd (f.), <-2^ pA. (f.)
Variation, JjJu tabdtl(t.), (of the compass) c^jy furkat.i. ?)
Variety, ^jifark, (mixture) ykj ^Jb tarh ba-tarah: see Sort.
Varnish, Zm/c, raughan, $ lakh.
Vase, iJJl Is ^jy ig bartan srat k k naksha.
Vassal, -*^ amrrii, tbi^dr. Vassalage, ^^ ghulmt.
Vat, (j>- , t^V^ chahbachcha.
Udder, l^J fw, /taw, khir'i.
Vocabulary.Nouns. 285

Vegetation, j^&Jb ^ CiilJLi nabatt blidagl, .

Vehemence, iZJJ* shiddat (f.), sakhti, jjj zr, ^cjoj tund.
Vehicle, >^> sawari, i>^jb barbardari, l*-rj* markab.
Velocity, tj^J tzi, ^b^-jald, ^j tund, *j)jj~> tzrawi.
Velvet, (Jas* makhmal.
Veneration, |j^\ ikrm, ^Jj takrtm (f.), - joiiy. (f.)
Venom, ^bj , ^ samm, bik/t, bis.
Vent, chhed, y- svtrkh, wis : see Breath, Sale-
Ventilator, l-fi^b bdkash. Ventilation, ^i^jb bdkasht.
Venture, ijh~ kliatra, ^j>- jkhim (f.), (of goods) \Jo\S tanda.
Veracity, [_J^\ rstl, /^ sacha!, t^-JlJw! sadkat. (f.)
Verb, ^jJL Verdict, jj^^ tajwiz{{.), JLul infisl.
Verdigrise, j\j zangar, pitra!, (dakh.) Jlj zangal.
Verdure, 4jrJ-o sabzi, sarsabz, ^'\ har't.
Verge, (border) c^J lab, j\i kinra, (wand) chhar.
Vermicelli, ^Jc^^yU^ kirmrii gandum, Jly~> stwa!. (f.)
Vermilion, i_J/Li shingarf, ingur.
Verse (line), misrct, tl> mA, t^i jfard (f.) : see Poesy.
Versification, 2j tanzim (f.), <^$-> <H-i^ kfiya-bandi.
Vertebra, *j> ^$ 3\! dnd girih, (of the neck) \~* .
Vespers, jljU namz-i-shm, l^sd-s sanjh(f.), lix tsh.
Vessel, (cask) Lj pip, (bason) Jij bartan, (ship) j\^>- jahz : see
Vestige, b*AJ naksha-i-p, ^lU nisn, ^ai.
Veteran, SJytj\ Ss>- jang-zmda, L5>b~J purana sipah.
Vexation, j-JJbi tasdf (f.), \joj s (f.), dukh.
Ugliness, ^Jijyo^ bad-sra, ^j'jj lsi>j zisht-ru!.
Vibration, lSj&j tharthart, CJfa pharak (f.), ^->r jumbish. (f.)
Vice, cJo iarf, /!^ bur'i, i, ^^ sharrat. (f.)
Vicinity, j|y>- j awr, karbat{.\ paros.
Vicissitude, c^jy naubat (f.), Jr, j'Ij d' ; see Change.
Victim, ^Jjji kurbn, Jj balyjA^nichhwar.i.)
286 Vocabulary.Nouns.

Victor, yUs zfir, ghlb, ~ fath-mand, ghazx.

View, ato nigk (f.), Ji nazar (f.), eUjJ drisht (f.) : see Prospect.
Vigilance, t_f^J-J bedrt, ^S- khabardri, ^Lj hshyri.
Vigour, j^J zr, CLy kwat (f.), Jj aZ, u^Je i/tai. (f.)
Villa, b >ag-A. l3b btik, ilj <U- Mina-bgh.
Villain, Jlj^s- haramzada, <J^<i>- chandl, <_5* p- (m.)
Villany, ^g^j^j>- haramzadagi, ^yjblcj daghabz.
Vine, lL^Ij i, c^y lj^fjl angr k darakht.
Vinegar, sira, J- . Vineyard, ^li-^&t angristn.
Vintage, Jis ^ angr fash
Violation, ^* fasldi, ^JL-Jii shikastagl, bigr.
Violence, j}j zr, "y^tr, j^-jabr, t_. ~c ghazab,
Virginity, ti^Kj bakrat (f.),J bikr (f.), ^j-jJ dshzag.
Virility, uS^r mardi, ci^Jj^ rajliyat (f.), ab &A. (f.)
Virtue, ^ji &, ', (efficacy) ^ gun: see Effect.
Virulence, shiddat (f.), t_<^*- sakht, ^joj uwdl.
Visage, jij rw, n"t',jldoJ dtdr, chihra.
Visibility, Visibleness, jj^ls zuhr, ^jSjytj namdari.
Vision, t_s'b.j , (phantom) JU- Jchiyl : see Sight.
Visit, Cjli)Lc mulakat (f.), -.^ < (f.), l^^r* mujra.
Visitant, Visitor, ^s'^je* mujr't, byL^ bhentwaiy.
Vitality, ^ ^jj rh-parwar, jndrt.
Vitriol, ^.Ij 2y, (blue) Ljjj ttiy.
Vivacity, JJ ajjj zinda-dil, ^j\> JJ dil-shd.
Vixen, larnk. Vizard, Vizor, t^ -e^-* mukh-chhp.
Umbrella, b"l$>. chht,ji>- chhattar, tr#f- chhatr.
Umpire, ti-J sZz'i, ^V*^ darmiynl, i*Jiai* munsif.
Unanimity, jl'l ittifk, ^JJ\ ek-dili, ek-mari.
Unbelief, ^oljcjH ^ b-i*tikd, J& kufr, ilhd.
Unbeliever, Asc*.< j ghair mutakid, & kafir: see Infidel.
Uncertainty, ijtjj-* ghair mukarrari, shakk.
Uncleanness, ^bU n-pki, n-sfl : see Filth.
Vocabulary Nouns. 287

Unction, ^iiU mlish (f.), /^-* J~> tl-mal'l : see Ointment.

Underling, cz>J,jJ ztr-dast, IjLyS tahl', y^i talihr.
Undertaker, (of funerals) jjJ kafan-doz : see Contractor.
Und.erwoodjJl^jrj^jl^p-jAHfcar, ijifarjhrl.
Underwriter, 3\j l5*j btme-wl.
Undulation,^! lahar (f.), I^V hilr, hilkr. (f.)
Uneasiness, ^y^'^ -rmi, ^buJ betabi, ^^sX) btchaim.
Unevenness, ^lytl n-hamwrt, ^yuJLj nashbfarz.
Unfavourableness, ^j\j*X> n-murdt. Unfitness, ,_/|13 n-rasi.
Ungracefulness, {jQij n-ztb'ish. (f.)
Ungratefulness, ^-iL~>U n-sipsl.
Uniformity, tJL.CA k-sn, ^jjAji barbarl, mtl.
Union, \Jj&i yagnagi, jfb-jr, y_S^>^l paiwastagi.
Unit, yakl, ahad, ikk.
Unitarian, Jo-^c muwahhid, i*L~J\!:" munkir-i-tasUs.
Unity, e^.^^ ahadiyat (f.), ,_/bL> yakil, yagnagl.
Universality, tu-1 hulllyat (f.), i^-wej* mumiyat. (f.)
Universe, jJU am, CJbJ^ k'int (f.), CL^y tri-lk.
Unkindness, jJb^O n-mihrbrii, i^nc^ b-mihri.
Unlawfulness, l;-^jU n-durusti, ^yLl^ be-insft.
Unreasonableness, ^Jjx^U n-maxkul.

Unruliness, ^^ ^ -zab, ^^^ b-lagaml, ^j\J^> magr't.

Unseasonableness, ^ b-wakf, ^<&2 ^> b-hangm.
Unsteadiness, i^fj\ b-karr, ^y^jj b-sabtt.
Unsuccessfulness, ^^ b-maksadl, ^Lotli n-kmybi.
Untruth, ,^~>^ n-rsti, jhth : see Falsehood.
Unworthiness, ijj ^J bt-kadri, |_/> n-rasl.
Vocabulary, t^&J^i farhang (f.), c^ii lughat (f.), 31 jU nm-ml.
Vocative (case), IjJ nid (f.), ^ii^*^ sambdhan.
Vociferation, ^--ijjji shr-pushti, Uji ghaugh : see Noise.
Vogue (fashion), ritoiy (f.), JU- cAi, ^jl- chalan.
Void (empty space), ^SU- khlljagah, Li- khal, ^U- khul.
288 Vocabulary.Nouns.

Volcano, ^jfL*1\)>- jwl-mukhl, J\iJ\uL\ kh-i-tashafshn.

Volley, ^ shaikh, j^ dhur (f.), (dakh.) jjjj dewar. (f.)
Volubility, (aptness to roll) ^^ lurhl : see Eloquence.
Volume, >- jild (t.),j daftar, (compass) phail'5.
Volunteer, -**^ najtb. Voluptuary, j^L^ iysh.
Vomit, ^Ja~~c mustafrigh,jj\ ^ t-/^ daw-i-kai-war.
Voracity, q>- j'ii-l-bakart, ^j-l^ll y>- ju'-l-kalbi.
Vortex, jL>- chakr, <-r>\jb girdb, bhawar.
Votary, ^jjAsfidw, dcj banda, j*l ghulam, (jJi das.
Vote, kaul, CJb bat (f.), ^Jy bl : see Consent.
Voucher, s\ gawh, dtil (f.), dastwez. (f.)
Vow, i^-w niyat (f.),jjJ (f.), i^Ji-j sankalp.
Voyage, yLs ,_/bjO dary'l safar, yL> Ii ter safar.
Upholstery, <_>L-)\ lj ghar ka asbab, ti\- ^ULj smn-i-khna.
Upland, |_5^^ zamin. (f.)
Uproar, *)U Jx ghuhghapara. \j ghavgh, <ulj> hangma.
Upshot (result, consequence), aWcM anjm, natlja.
Upside, uJjs^jj}\ upar taraf. Upstart, L^ij^j nau-daulat.
Urbanity, Ojrf murwat (f.), ^'I^j bhalmansl.
Urchin, see Hedge-hog ; iXij laund, =g bachcha.
Urethra, ajjli n'izha or n'iza, ^Jy< mutni.
Urgency, LUj takm, ^J^-"* sakhti, <Jj)s xarrat. (f.)
Urinal, y_) karra, JjJ baul-dn, ylJ -'^^ peshb-dn.
Urn, t/^=- charas, j! daZit', ^oAS guldn,j\y~ satlwr. (f.)
Usage, cL^Lj suluk, ts-^j ri (f.), Jb- cAo7 (f.), iji-O dastr.
Use, JUjc-j! isti mal, amaZ, ^t Am : see Custom, Need.
Uselessness, ^^013 -bakrl, ^LsU- l-hsilt, ^JS) akj.
Usurer, jjri- byj-khor,jyi- tij-j sd-khr, ^j>-\ tyji.
Usurper, jl^J ij^dJ dast-darz, l-~>J ^Jj zabar-dast, fc_~pl ghsib.
Usury, ^lo Jya/, or (dakh.) jLj Jy- j^i-Juj bdastr sud.
Utensil, bartan, i-jjs sarf, hathyr : see Tool.
Utility, Usefulness, kam, AjI fa'ida, jj na/*,
Vocabulary.Nouns. 289

Utterance, uchckr, la)j talaffus, Ass^j lab-o-lahja.

Uttermost, Utmost, ^-,\ nihyat (f.), u-jI ghyat (f.), <-^;j

Vulgar, (^UJI wammu-n-nas, kunjre, Jljj! arzl.

Uvula, \<fi l s- aZit k kaww, ol^i Zai (? ), Sj! Z/ (?).
Uxoriousness, ^y jj zan-murldi, jj)>- jr-parasii.
Wad, Wadding (of a gun), <ly nawla, asaw (?).
Wafer, v_slo iifc, chapr, \Jj tikiy, 1L~ chipt.
Wager, Ly. sarl! (f.),jj* hr (f.),jb cf', c^-b J burd-. (f.)
Wages, i^^Us talab, Le4 mihnatana, ij>ki~o mushhara.
Waggery, ^Ju.J garf, thathbz, ^-^ hasi.
Wail, Wailing, ^ JU nla--zrt, >- nauha.
Wainscoat, ^<xj ss? takhta-band, i_joJ|JU. khtim-bandi.
Walk,^- sair (f.), c:-.,..,^ gasht, (gait) JW- cA/, (path) alj r/. (f.)
Wallet, i^jhl, J-Jj zambl (f.), ^J^jhti.
Walnut, <-bjy>H akhrt,^c\>- chr-maghz.
Wand, (j>f$*- chhari, Lie es, Lf:4J kamchi, l^Sjpatkan.
Want, ihtiyj, i^~o~\s>- hjat (f.), ^g&J tang, db\ ght.
Ward, (guarding) chaukt, (of a lock), Jf>- JAar : see District.
Wardrobe, ^b-AJ libsdn, <U-<Liy tsha-khna.
Ware, Wares, !>j-i saud, {tJ^j>-jins (f.), Jto 1,^>- chz. (f.)
Warfare, ^jjis*- jang-war, ^j\Js>- jangbzt.
Warmth, garnit, <-Z->j)/>- hararat (f.), (ardour) <-L/Uj tapk.
Warning, ittil* (f.),j-- khabar (f.), ght.
Warp (the threads lengthwise in a loom), tri,j3 tar.
Warrant, dastak (f.), farman, (voucher) j^-j sanad, (f.)
Wash, (cosmetic) ^jiMwitow, <^gulgna, (washing) ^jlbJ dhull.
Waste, (land) <bj wlrna, kharba : see Ruin.
Waste-book, IjI^ kht, ^> ^jfi>\- jnkar kl bahi, \j~4> khasr.
Watch, cS^^ bedrl, (guard, watching) ^)>- chauk, (guard,
sentinel) b^J pahra, i^V*-^ psbn, (time piece) iSj$>'ghar.
Watchhouse, U-^ijs- chauki-khna.
2 p
290 Vocabulary.Nouns.

Watchmaker, ^.J^J ghari-banant-wala.

Waterfall, JJ\ bshr, li^s-jharn, chdar. (f.)
Wax, mom, ^a> sham* (f.), (sealing) lkh, cS lk.
Way, (road) *]j rh (f.), s~ij rasta, cSy sarak (f.) : see Method.
Wayfarer, ^t\j rahi (m.), ^j&>& batjhi (m.), jS^j rhgtr.
Weakness, kamzdrl, ij^y ntawrii, ^?*** za'fi.
Weal, e^-ibU) rafhiyat (f.), Jiji tarakki, ^Jo^L! ikblmand.
Wealth, t^-Jj daulat (f.), dhan, JL> mZ, LS-*ef lachhmi.
Weapon,jL$i hathyar, &ij>- harba, silh. (f.)
Weariness, ^ib mndagl, iJUli thakhat (f.), ^sf-bi '.
Weather, mausim, aiyam, dJj rit (f.), din.
Web, ^J\s?jal, -^jUj binwat (f.), ^l^i iAn, (film) ^s^jhilti.
Wedding, iyA, ^jLi shd, (feast) ijts>- jashn.
Wedge, j^, pachchar (f.), ^*q phani, mekh (f.), thk.
Wedlock, e^JU- hlat-i-nikhl.
Wednesday, jsjo JadA, <Ui->jU- chr-shamba.
Weed, chikhuran, ~\ ghs, (widow's weeds) La!j rndsl.
Weight, (for weighing) bat, !^iJL*j bat-khar, i~> sang,
wazn, (heaviness) bhar, (importance) jSi kadr. (f.)
Welcome, cu^jjT 'bhagat (f.), tawzu* (f.) : see Respect.
Welfare, bhall, ijJ^J bihtari, J^Z chhlm-kushal. (f.)
Welkin, aks, \jt> haw (f.) : see Sky.
Wellbeing, bihbd_^-- khar : see Welfare, Prosperity.
Wellwisher, s\f-j~>- khair-khwh, Hjs^H -khwh.
Wench, lAj u)b" jaw^n rand, ^j^>- chhkrl, ^Joj laundi. -
Wetness, ^b^J namnkt, (_s'L^ gl', >2--^)> rutubat-dr,
Whale, ^s.-^e magar machchh (?), izi^- Am (f. ?).
Wharf, dL>\p ght. Wharfage, Jj\f ghatwrt.
Wheel, ^Cs- chakr, \^pahiy, (potter's) cL/l>- cA;.- see Spinning.
Wheelwright, \ ijbj pahiy-banrii-wl.
Whelp, h pill, taft<~> sag-bachcha, (tiger's) baghel.
VocabularyNouns. 291

Whetstone, ^Lj sn (f.), ^Li sill, ^jj^jpatthri, fisn.

Whiff, (jjL sns (f.), |*J dam, Qphnk (f.), CJ>j$>~jhrak (?)
While, (time) l-^ wakt, (length of time) OJi^o muddat. (f.)
Whim, Whimsey, JL- khiyl, lahar (f.), tlJ lalak (f.), ^
;, (f.)
Whip, chbuk, \^tf kr, ^jf^ kamcki, bjlji tziyna.
Whirl, ij^ gardish (f.), ghum', JLjj\) bd-resha.
Whiskers, 4>-y mchk (f.), CUjj> burt (f.), ggf gchh (?).
Whispering, phasphashat (f.), ^-^j^-^ kkusar-phusar.
Whistle, (musical pipe) <_?-^ bnsri, (whistling) ^S-*0 s7j*.
Whit (point, jot, tittle), <2 nukta, ^Jj rati, Jj t*i7, ISoJ tink.
Whiteness, uJuL sufaidi, bayz (f.), 5*^>-1 ujl'i.
Whitewash (a compos, of lime and water), ^JZ kali.
Whiting, j^J^fsr* ^ j*~5 t^_So\ eA # ft machhU: see Chalk.
The Whole, <U kulliya, ^*-jamx (f.), *&-jumla: see Total.

Wick, ia, ^yb Jail, &xbifalita.

Wickedness, ^jj 6aa7, ijyj zabnl, <->j\f* sharrat. (f.)
Wicket, khirki, daricha.
Widow, blw (f.), Xi^ rnrf. (f.) Widower, Ijljj rand'.
Widowhood, bljuj randp, bewagi, btwapan.
Width, kj\*f>- chaur'l, ^oli^ kushdagi, (of cloth) ei>b pt,ji bar.
Wi L5<y l/ 1 * P*> <Jj *
Wight, i**o\ admi (m. f.), -jan, ijos* shakhs, kas.
Wild, Wilderness, ^bLj bayban, \jS? sahr, j>- jangal.
Wildgoosechase, *0oU-j bef'ida sai, v^+sr ob^ barbad mih-
nat. (f.)
Wile, <nL=- 7, makar, CJ^ks ^jra (f.), bj butta.
Will, (choice) ^^* marzi, b>- chah, (last) <ub i^-v-ej wasiyat nma.
Will-o'-the-wisp, chhalw, hkri (?).
Wimble, l^j barm. Winch, <fc-jj Ii (j.^ charkht k dasta.
Windegg, ^Jk>- khki and. Windingsheet, kafan.
Windfall, \y>- ch', J$j ^paraphai, (figur.) jbljci. khud-dd.
292 Vocabulary.Nouns.

Windlass, ^1^ argbd (?), J^isx* manjarik.

Wink, ^J~&? jhapk : see Hint. Wipe, ponchh : see Stroke.
Wire,j\j' tar, s*j rishta. Wire chain, i^J*~*> silcri, sa'i.
Wisdom, J kl (f.), danTi, AAi budh (f.), JdZ gyan.
Wise, ^Jb tarah (f.) : see Manner.
Wiseacre, &fjj> If? kachcha buzurg,^ssrti lal-bujhakkar.
Wisp, ift pula, (_sSjl 3n<7, \jy>- jun, ^jbj grh (?).
Wit, ^j^jj-J tz-fahml, ziArt : a Wit, Ci^J admi.
Witch, doten (f.), ^j> dankani, jadgarni.
Witchcraft, _;^- jd, \j tn,js?* sihr, ,_/\>-j\ jh'i (?).
Witness, (testimony) CJjl^ shahdat (f.), (person) >1> shhid.
Witticism, nukta, ^Jj zrak, J bazla, ls-X>- jugat. (f.)
Wo, j gham, Sjj\ andoh, (J^ sog, j~y~>\ afsos, jjU matam.
Womankind, CLi\ lJ^j rand-zt (f.), Li pile lam-i-nis.
Womb, - rihm, bachcha-dn, ^ kkh (f.), <^^ pe.
Wonder, L-^ ta'jjub, \&>-\ achambh, clj>- hairat. (f.)
Wood, (the substance) //, kth : see Forest, Timber.
Woof, pud, ^j&> bharm, lib bn.
Wool, n (f.), ^Lj pashm (f.), r're, t_iy> m/.
Word, Si (f.), bachan, ^sz* sukhan : see Message, Pro
Work, /, ^.li Ay, d^o/r* mihnat (f.) : see Book, Workmanship.
Workmanship, <jsij& karigari, ^ san'at (f.), masriu.
Worship, t_pi-^J parastish (f.), CJjL ibdat (f.), ^fSfc' bhajan.
Worth, t^-v*-3 kimat (f.), Jj^ ml,jM kadr (f.), is-L3j fazlat. (f.)
Wrangle, Wrangling, l^p- jhagr, dL^^jy jhanjhat, ragr.
Wrangler, j>\j$>-jhagrl, l&lj! larnk, hujjat.
Wrapper, iU! liffa, cJ$2-J btthan, s*? <^~ dast-bukcha.
Wrath, .(, ghazab,j* kahr, js-jazba, <_Jj p.
Wreath, (garland) L>> siAr, j^ , (thing twisted) ^j .
Wreck, (of a ship) \ khakhr (?), ^J>J ^ kish gha-
rati : see Ruin.
Vocabulary Verbs. 293

Wrench, (instrument) jU^JS> tl&j ^ ^ i'c^ ^ Aaf-

yY: see Twist.
Wretch, i^Jsx^ kam-bakht. \jj nigr, (^- n-kas : see Poor.
Wretchedness, ^^ kambakhfi, ^llJ^J parshm, u-J zillat. (f.)
Wrinkle, ^j-- (f.), ^^Sl shikan (f.), ^5>- jhuri, j~> sikr. (f.)
Writing, Writ, ^/ss? tahrr (f.), tbjl^fl likhwat (f.), 1_8;,;.} tes-
n/. (f.)
Wrong, jjis SM?m, ^j-^ na-hakki, l^J bid'at (f.).
Yard, (measure) gaz, zir*, (enclosure) i^s? sahn, lil angn.
Yarn, clj> l ft s, clj~ st.
Yearning, ^ibl^ b ib>- ijjj or khwhish, j dard.
Yeast, (tit* maya, j*>- khanr, j^J tari : see Leaven.
Yell, chkh (f.\jb>- chikkar (?) : see Roar.
Yeoman, (fji L5& milkt log, jljle mlguzr, kisn.
Yoke, ija-^u', $\y>- j'th, (pair) \"y>-jr, L^Ju>-juft.
Yolk, (or Yelk) of an egg, ui^J ^ awde A zard, IjU mawa. (f.)
Young (of any creature), bachcha, JiL jfi/ : see Child.
Youth, ijlj- jawani, t_>L shabab, ^y^jban: see Young man.
Zeal, ^t garmi, c: hamiyat (f.), ^ej^ sar-garmi.
Zone, (girdle) Joj kamarband, (frigid) *<lai^ mintaka-e-
mabruda, (temperate) ! jcjk '<tai^> mintaka-e-mutadila, (torrid)
s^sr* *L. mintaka-e-mahrka.
Zoology, cvlijj-a- Ix ilm-i-haiwnt.


To abandon, bsT tajn, Ii^ d> tark-karn, bjfj^s- chhrn.

To abase, bjl^; pachhrn, \>\j> 'girn, JJi karn.
To be abashed, UlJ lajn, UU^i sharmn, Ujs~' sukuchn.
To abate, bl^gAaJK, kimat kam karn.
294 Vocabulary. Verbs.

To abdicate, tygn, chhorn : see To abandon.

To abet, \j JA* madad karn, bjJ b himmat or tar-
ghib dtn.
To abhor, liStfi ^yO eftir bhgn, ZJji b ts^-JS!^ karhiyat or
nafrat rakhn.
To abide, L~j basn, ^ thaharn, Lb, rahna.
To abjure, b (_1^ inhirf karn, \>j ti-oJo- AatfJ.? karn : see
To reject.
To be able, bX-j sakn, pj '/ Aon, b^| cuJlb ia rakhn.
To abolish, bjJ lg5t uthden, liliU mitn, \> iJyo maukf'karn.
To abound, UjL! umadn or bjL*c\ umandn, Ujb jy**-* mmur hdn.
To abrade, (act.) bjfj ragarn, bb~$f ghisn, (act. or neut.) L-$f
To abridge, ^j^iM-* mukhtasar karn, ^ jLaH ikhtisr karn.
To abscond, Lfc; U^- chhip rahn, Ufbj bhgn, UjA (j^fijj rcpsh
To absolve, b_ Lvc mubarr karn, \j ulu m'f karn.
To absorb, L$j~j skhn, i>s>-jazb karn, bL khapn.
To abstain (from), Iii jb b^j Jar or iz w, parhtz karn.
To abstract, <_jll intikhb karn : see To select, extract.
To abuse, (revile) UjJ ^jgli den, (ill treat) b ^^jLj jj bad-suluk
To accept, bJ Un, b^ JjJ kdbl karn, Libe mnn.
To accept (a bill of exchange, &c), bjlL- sakrn.
To accommodate, b ^>- khabar-glrl karn, bb* mann.
accompany, > L* hamrh hn, \>J> rifkat karn.
To accomplish, b^ |^ pwr karn, LfebJ nibhn, bjLo srn.
To account, (compute) b^U-i shumr karn, (answer for) ^jb<b>\f>-
\>Jtjawb-dihi karn,
To accuse, b^j dkhn, b^JjjcJ da*w karn, bJbbj dhnsn.
To accustom, b Ljj b ^jbs? b UJlc dat or muhwara or raJ/
Vocabulary. Verbs. 295

To ache, Ljii dukhn, UL pirn, Ii j dard karn.

To acknowledge, ^ j\J>\ ikrr , LU- mnn.
To acquaint, UjJ- b ^o\ ittil* or khabar karn : see To inform.
To acquire, \j (J-sl^- hsil karn, \j\iiTi/ paid karn, 0L kamn.
To acquit (of crime), 1^ *Lj be-gunh thahrn : see To absolve.
To act, U^ karn, (a character) Ii^ Jj nakl karn.
To actuate, UJ ^j>- harakat dina, IjI^-j sarkna.
To adapt, 1^ c_-~iLo b JL muwfik or munsib karn.
To add, lil lagn,\j"^>- jorn, (up figures) \j gathri karn.
To address (a letter), L$3 b,-.- l (_^>- chitth k sarnma likhn.
To adduce, Uj Zn, \jhj batln : see To bring, relate.
To adjust, Lo -r^y tarb den, chukn, \i ci-^J durust
To admit, 0 tJT n den; (to allow) JLJ Aa&Z karn.
To admonish, bLe-*-- samjhn, uu^su nasihat karn.
To adopt, b ^ y-r5-* mutabann k ikhtiyr karn, (use)
^ ..Lfcc maZ ln.
To adore, L>-.jpM;re, Ls bhajn, \j tirs# bhajan karn.
To adorn, b^^i-s sawrn, \jj\&~ sudhrn, bbj bann.
To advance (v. .), barhn, \j tarakkl karn.
To advance (v. a.), Vjbbjj barhn, bl>- chaln: see To propose.
To advance (money), li0 ^^ pshgt den.
To advertise, b ishtihr karn, \jJi zhir karn.
To advise, Lo oscUaj nasihat den, b^ karn.
To afflict, Uli-i satn, Li> uO takUf den.
To agitate, bl> hiln, Lo yl> jumbish den, (in the mind) U^j
jfir .
agree, bjb J^Lc b ^-^ or muttak hn, LLc mnn.
To agree (to stipulate), b liJsr b J\J\ b I?,-! sAarjf or ikrr or
bachan karn.
To aim, LbJjb ; - * shast bndhn, LCi takn : see To guess.
To alight, utarn, by> J'farod hn.
296 Vocabulary. Verbs.

To allow, LiU manna, \>_f JjJ kabl ; (to permit), UJ dina;

(to abate) IjlS^griiw, ii-er takhff den.
To allure, >0 fareb dina, UlgJ lubhn, UL~$j phusln.
To alter, UIjj badaln, \j Jr'^ tabd'd karn, \j jJ taghir karn.
To amass, jJ>\j farham karn, ti^ 7* karn.
To amaze, bhachkn, \j djf- hairn karn.
To amuse, Ul^ bahln, UjJ ^^j tafrh den.
To animate, U5L>- jiln ; (to encourage) >J ^Jlbi dhras den.
To annex, li$ lagaa, jrn, \j Jj-j paiwand karn.
To annoy, liLs^* khijn, 0 ^.J^' tasd* den.
To anoint, li ^^^' > (if or tadhin karn, UL< maln.
To answer, IjJ ^j! Ij <__>- Jatci or uttar den, (to suit) Iii _C$3
iAz w.
To appear, Uf*^-> svjhn, U^lj nazar n, lJ ^^4^ dikhll den.
To applaud, / karn, IaI^ sarhn, Lu (^bUi
shbsht den.
To apply, (v. n.) li lagn ; (to suit) Ul tlfi *7 n; (v. .) \w
lagaa, t>jj^- jrn; (to address to) U u^wJjiyJ darkitwst
To appoint, Ul thahrn, U^ mukarrar karn.
To appraise, Ujj ktn, USol nkn, UV^^ / thahrn.
To approach, \3 c-^y . C-^ V. ^ity nazdlk or ^?s or karib n.
To approve, ^ Jej pasand karn, bj&U- chhn, U^i kabln.
To argue, U i^~s?~ hujjat karn, \ i^ssr bahs karn, \j <l\j bad
To arise, U$31 uthn, "|*- charhn.
To arrange, UJ t_..y tartib den, \jj\j-> sanwrn.
To arrive, ^^j pahunchn, Ol n, lijA ^lj wkT hn.
To ascend, charhn, toy> \L buland hn, L&L bilangn.
To ascertain, Jm=e? tahklk karn, lij^f thahrn.
To ascertain (a disease), (>^a;~j tashkhls karn.
To ask, pchhn, 1aI>- chhn; (ask for) UoL mngn.
Vocabulary. Verbs. 297

To assault, \j c^-ti L*r>- hamla or takht karn.

To assist, \j JJuj madad , ^--> sambhln: see To help.
To assuage, L>J cLiakT takhff dn, U^ iJo^S thand karn.
To assume, UJ ln, (grant, admit) \>j> ^J> farz karn.
To assure, Ii j\J\ ikrr karn, (to comfort) L> J ^^lJ tasall dn.
To astonish, li^ ^,1 hairn karn, \j\~p-jhabkn.
To attain, (v. n.) lis^j ^ baham pakunchn, (v. a.) U ^j lb/i"
To attempt, \j iXa5 b ^gX-i b ^J^ kshish or or kasd karn.
To attend, (wait on) Lb> ^U- < rahn, (observe) \i ^LaO
dhyn karn, (as a physician) b \j b <^1 mu'laja or
ifeir karn.
To attest, UJ ^1)^ V. i_*^~> shhidl or gawhi dn, (to sign)
U^ ?a karn.
To attract, bjcL$ khainchn, \j ij'e^jazb karn: see To allure.
To avail, Ut fcm w, \j x\if'ida karn.
To avert, \i Jj V.jj^ or daf* karn, bJ .
To augment, \i\>y_ barhn, \> ijbj ziyda karn.
To avoid, Uji j\j>-\ \)_ JJkji parhz or ihtirz karn, bs? bachn.
To avouch, avow, kahn, \j J\Js\ ikrr karn, \j^lls zAir
To awake, (v. n.) U^U- jgn, \&>-jagn, (v. a.) b^-jagaw.
To babble, Lj bakn, Uio Jjjfl bakn, barbarn.
To back, (mount a horse) sawr , (second) ^ i.^1-^
pushti karn.
To backbite, blg ^5^**- chughU khn, \>j i^-.* ghibat karn.
To bait, (a hook) b^> j\j>- chra rakhn, (take food) b <-blj
nshta karn.
To bake, , (to make bread) bjjpra.
To balk, bjj Sb bl dn, \j r** b ^ n-ummd or mahrxim
To bang, b mrn, Ulo pitn, \ JjA dawZ lagn.
2 Q
298 Vocabulary. Verbs.

To bar, IjLj bcnd lagaa, (obstruct) rokn, \)J -j sadd

To banish, 0 b- jil-watan , \O ^0 des-nikl den.
To bargain, (promise) b J^j wa*da karn, (to buy) bJ J^. /

To bark, (as a dog) bhaunkn, (v. a. a tree, 8tc.) -$>- chh'iln.

To bate, UlS^g/iaiH, l^ ^ ^ kmat k kam karn.
To bathe, (v. n.) lily nahn, (v. a.) Ij^s Ji ghusl karn, \>\
To bawl, ^jlG pukrn, chilln, lijU &b> An mrn.
To be, to become, Uyb An, Ua> rahn, \ut bann, U\=>-y> Kjn.
To bear, (endure) sahn, l3^ (_^->'i^j bardsht karn, (carry)

To beat, LiLj pltn, Ii mrn, \ fne : see To conquer.

To beckon, Ii Uj! b *,li>l ishra or iw karn.
To become, (suit) lijA muwk or f'/jfc : see To be.
To beget, UUis- janmn, \j Ijuj paid karn.
To beg, b&U JA/cA mngn, \j suwl karn, \i>\&~chhn.
To begin, (v. a.) \j ^jJL shur* karn, (v. .) 1 lagn, bjbJcJ
To begird, LfeJJb kamar bndhn, UiL-i lapetn, U^ Jj iand karn.
To beguile, lit^J bahkn, boJ i^iji fareb den, UjJ jJ da? /.
To behave, bl- (^- chalan chaina, b>>Lj nibhn.
To behead, UjLo gardan mrn, \1>1^-i sir ktn.
To behold, b>$jO dekhn, bjb bilkn, b^^kj nasar karn.
To behove, bjb i__-~A~<> b j3\j- muwk or munsib hon.
To believe, bJU mnn, ^>j^i bwar karn, bjU- jnn.
To bellow, bjl$ dakrn, b)L>- chilln, \jjji> shr karn.
To belong, lagn, bjA jjje muta'llik hn.
To bend (v. a.), b |>- b IJ-j irA or / karn, bVfy nihurn.
To benum (v. a.), \j\^5^j thithurn or thithirn, \> ^ sun karn.
To bequeath, b^c ,.$0 de marn, b <U b c^^j wafiyat or A> karn.
Vocabulary. Verbs. 299
To beseech, \>\vpj> girgirn, \jj ^J/>-^- V. [J^. binti or jizi karn.
To beset, \>j*p ghern, \ ^ls4 muhsara karn.
To besiege, UJ j*$ gher Un, \>J> iSjs* muhsara karn.
To besmear, U-J lepn, ^Jf^- chuparn, Xiji'&i til karn.
To bestow, > ijZs? bakhsh den, \>J* ac at karn, J den.
To betoken, U ic-JJ dallat karn, \ batln.
To betray, UJj~> ^ ojbliJ dagh-bzt se sompn, (a secret) Uj}^
phrn, b bjjxjj parda-dari karn.
To betroth, l^S V. ^-> nisbat or mangn karn, \> c_>j~-<
mansb karn.
To bid, kahn, lib-o sunn : see To command, invite.
To bid for (offer a price), U noZ karn.
To bilk, t^jblij daghabzi karn, Xiji -rV^ farb karn.
To bind, LbJjb bndhn, bj?- jakarn, UjI^s- chhndn.
To bisect, Ii^ tj^*" JJ barbar d hisse karn.
To bite, ktn, UjI t^-ta dni s ktn, t'U>- chabn.
To blab, t^S ^J i^j parda-dari karn, \>J> Ji\i jVj ras; /s
To blame, U^jJ dkhn, Xi^ cs-vcl* malmat karn.
To be blasted, lil^y murjhn, kumhln.
To blaze, LXJJSJ dhadhakn, (blaze forth) bj$i bharakn.
To bleach, nikhrn, \j t_jle b 7 or s/ karn.
To bleat, bL*< mimiyn, (dakh.) U c^ ^-^j bli karn.
To bleed, (lose blood) L>J ^1 M ?<, (let blood) Uj$ Xnifasd
To blemish, |__<b dghi karn, U V lagn, \ij> c,\*3t
nuksn karn.
To blend, bLo miln, tyls.-* V.Jr*' or makhlt karn.
To bless, > J dw' rfra, (^-?-^ den, \>J> cJj^o mubrak
To blight, > J (_r^- jhulas den, b^ pazhmurda karn.
To bloom or blossom, kliiln, phln, I; G bikasn.
300 Vocabulary Verbs.

To blow, (v. n.) L^J bahn, - chaina, (v. a.) LOjj phnkn.
To blunder, ki^s- chkn, L3^# bhln, \>ji i- .
To blush, l3l$j\ e^-Ls1*- khijlat uthn, Uj Jjs^ khajil hn.
To boast, brag, bj ^yj (_JH lf-zam karn, X>j> jk? fakhr karn.
To bode, liJO shugn den, Ii^ dallat karn.
To boggle, thithakn, UifsFT jhajhakn.
To boil, (v. n.) khauln, LW ubaln, (v. a.) UbJ ubln, (cook
by boiling) > (jLyf-jsh dna.
To book, dar; karn. To boot, U jJI f'ida karn.
To bore, to Oui*- chhedn, bJbJuJ bedhn, ULy barmn.
To be bom, lr>- jann, b~>- janamn, \jy> ljuj paid hn.
To borrow, bJ joto w?/ig fiin, 1J ^y jfcars Zn.
To bounce (jump up), lijj chaunkparn, \>> ^sf>- chaukaf
To bound (jump up), kdn, ^ uchhaln.
To bound (limit), bJbJjb Jo- aaVi bndhn, b\ Joj and karn.
To bow, (v. n. to stoop) Ujy nihurn, \^jhukn, (v.a.) see To bend.
To box (strike), lijLc ghs mrn, lijtot-Uj tamcha mrn.
To brace, LiL*-j sametn, \u~ kasn, (a drum) OIaJ- charhn.
To braid, LJJjf gndhn, Uj bunn.
To brand, L>t> b dg- dre, blfl gui lagn, Leb dghn.
To brandish, b'U^ ghumn, tolCo- chamkn, \i\> phirn.
To bray, (to pound) 1^ ktn, (as an ass) LCj^ renkn.
To break, (v. a.) Ijjjj frn, UJ^j phrn, (v. n.) Ujjj tin.
To break (become bankrupt), lib>- jb^AL* mufls hjn.
To break (v. a. break in, tame), \jj> rm karn, LfejL sdhn.
To break (v. a. dismiss), Uy> Jjy*- maxzl karn.
To breathe, (draw breath) UJ jJ dam Un, (expel breath) bj&- jJ
dam chhrn.
To breed, (produce) bL^-Jaww, by? liXo^aid karn, (nourish) b
To bring, to / (v. n.) or b I ^ U-n, (v. a.) LT .
Vocabulary. Verbs. 301

To broil, U3jj bknn, b _-!> kabab , \j * garni karn.

To brood, sewn, (over) b^ <11jJ\ andesha .
To browbeat, bljJ dabkn, nkh dikhln.
To bruise, bis? kuchaln, U^ ptsn, UI3 dln.
To brush, bjl^sf- jhrn, \j <_-iU> barash se sf karn.
To bud (v. .), blA kaliyn, bl^j konpal phtn.
To budge, L2a hatn, b taln, Ui^-j sarakn.
To build, b^ ^~**J taxmlr karn, X> bj karn.
To burden, I. ^ i/A ldn or rakhri, \jj> jb ^jj zr ir
To burn, (v. n.) >- jaln, bJj baln, bbO dahn, (v. a.) b^U-jafttw.
To burnish, b\L?- jhalkn, bl*>- chamkn, b^ J~ saikal karn.
To burst, (v. n.) 'gj$j phtn, phatn, (v. a.) bj1^ phrn.
To bury, bjlfgra, ^ da/n karn : see To hide.
To buy, bJ mZ Zen, bjo^- kharidn, kinn.
To buzz, UUfc.:.fl bhimbhinn, (whisper) bl phusphusn.
To cajole, bL-gj phusln, bjJ t_ b jJ dam ov fartb dtn.
To calculate, b^ginw, b^ ->~*- Ais6 karn : see To guess.
To calk (a ship, &c), b^ l kl-patti karn, gbn.
To call, bL buln, (send for) i iaZa karn, bs^j 5b ZmZ
bhejn, (name) b^ jb rakhn, (cry out) bj& pukrn.
To calve, (v. n.) bbj byn, bs>- j bachhre kjann.
To calumniate, b\ tuhmat lagn : see To revile.
Can, biL) satt : see To be able.
To cancel, bJL^o metn, b ^sr > karn, bliU mitn.
To cannonade, bl>- b b^L jj-Jjj' ipr mrn or chaln.
To canvass, (examine) bJb- chhnn, b^U- jnchn, Ulstr baham.
To caper, bc^ kdn, blf>-l uchhaln.
To captivate (to charm), bJ j^> 5 Zn, b zmJs farefta karn.
To card (comb cotton, &c), UicjsJ dhunakn, Lao dhunn.
Tocare, bJj fikr karn, (care for) U3 ^!sb>- khtir ln.
To caress, b^jbj^yr karn, \> Jtyf nawzish karn.
302 Vocabulary Verbs.

To carry, UUsrJ Ujn, dhn, uthn.

To carve, \jy!i kkdn, jo hunda , Lily tarshn.
To case, bfcjU marhn, LfcAi* mandhn, \i < it ghilf .
To cashier, \j isje bar taraf , Jj*- rna'zl .
To cast, pkenkn, dln, \i3^>- jhnkn, \>\ girn.
To catch, Ujfj pakarn, bJ jj pakar Una, bb$j phansn.
To cavil, Ii^ ^j$^jjs>- b ^y-- nukta-chri or harf-gir karn.
To cause, bb^ karn, \> karn, Uli!) nikln, b Zn.
To cauterize, Lelo dghn, bjJ J^b ^j dgA or gw rfna.
To cease, (v. n.) La> jlj az rahn, bj ^Ij^oJ dast-bardr liona.
To cease, (v. a.) chhrn, uJjiyc maukf karn.
To celebrate, L&Lj scirAw, bj t_by taxrf karn.
To challenge, biolc Zar' mngn, b&b>- mukbala chahn.
To change (v. a.), b Jj>x tabdil karn, \ badln.
To charge, (load) b^j bharn, (impute) bL^! thahrn, (attack)
\j L*- hamla karn, (enjoin) \j tkld karn.
To charm, (bewitch) b jOb>- jdu karn, (enchant) bJ iyo mh
To chastise, chasten, b^ i--~>Jb V. *s"^ tambih or id karn.
To chat, bi bakn, bjL i^J> gap mrn, \>J zJo guftg karn.
To chatter, bVjjjjj barbarn, L bakn, Xi\y>-y>- chirchirn.
To cheapen, V. lV" nnlorkimat karn, lllSpiivL' klmat
To cheat, Lt^5 thagn, Liga- chhaln, \j ^jblcJ daghbzi karn.
To check, lilSu! atkn, bijj rkn, bbo dabn, bJl dntn.
To cherish, b pln, \j b (j^/J parwarish or sSw karn.
To chew, bol^- chbn, bL- chabn, (the cud) bJl&>- jugln.
To chide, bSjlj dntn, \&fe>- jhirakn, b^jJ dkhn.
To chirp, ^- churagn, j / karn.
choke, \^jj^ gal ghntn, b-Jbj 1^ gal phnsn: see To
To choose, pasand karn, bx=- chunn, >1- clihn.
Vocabulary. Verbs. 303

To chop, Uli <*>\ Ik cht si kln, ^ phrn: see To

To churn, L^-o mathn, mahn, L*~< maska nikln.
To circulate, (v. n.) Ij^j phirn, \x*t$> ghmn, (v. a.) li^J phirn.
To claim, lj^ Lslj b Jgj ? or takz .
clang, lifti kharakn, (dakh.) b'U$s$- chhanchhann.
To clap, (to place) lil lagn, (strike hands) 1 tl bajara.
To clarify, U i_JLtf sfkarn, / chhntn.
To class, tarfib mim rakhn.
To clatter, kharkharn : see To chat, gabble.
To claw, b*>-jJ nchn, liL^o nakhiyn, L>-^^ kharchn.
To cleave, (to split, v. a.) l^=- chrn, l3jl$J phrn : see To cling.
To climb, charhn, oL bilangn.
To cling, U2j lipatn, 12>- chimtn, li < rahn.
To clip, Oji katarn, \->jy tarshn, l3l ktn.
To close, (v. n.) liA^ mundn, (v. a.) UjJj. mandn, \>J J^J 5?*
To clothe, Ij^J ^ kapr pahnn or IHy^ .
To cloy, chhakn, Ii^ sr karn.
To coagulate, (v. n.) li^sj-Janm, (v. a.) \jb>- jamn.
To coalesce, UL> miln, liyb -ij-j paiwasta hn.
To coax, phusln, \>\> bhuln, ^> rfam
To cock, (set up) li^ khar karn, (a gun) |jfj^ ghr
To collect, (v. a.) \jj \#A b j_*-^'am*or karn, Ii Us-jamn.
To colour, (v. a.) liSjj rangn, U> j rang bharn : see To blush.
To combine, (v. n.) UL miln, \>y>- jurn, (v. a.) Iii miln.
To come, Ul area, (arrive) pahunchn, (out) Uiio nikaln.
To comfort, J ^jL-J tasall den, J ^^^ khtir-iam'i den.
To command, li^ hukm karn, liUy farmn.
To commence, (v.n.) Ijj shuru hn: see To begin.
To commit, (entrust) ^J\&- hawle karn: see To imprison, do.
304 Vocabulary. Verbs.

To compare, Ii <djl> mukbala karn, \>\ miln.

To complain, \j \jji faryd karn, (against) ^iili nlish karn.
To compose, libj bann, (a book) U i. tasnlf karn.
To compound, liLo miln, \j <~j*> murakkab karn.
To comprehend, Ufs-*"*' samajhn, \j c^ibjJ daryft karn.
To compute, lif ginn, \j <_>L-- bjbi> shumr or AisJ karn.
To conceal, \j> chhipn, UjlJ dhmpn.
To conceive, liy> LeU hmila hn, (think) lul^-Jcimn.
To conclude, (v. n.) - chukn, Ly> tamm hn, (v. a.)
IUj tamm karn.
To concur, lij Ja* muttafik hn, (agree) bJL mnn.
To condemn, bl^^ JL gunahgr thahrn, Lvo J^jsi fatw den.
To conduct, Ij^ ,_f*Lj rh-' karn, ! le-chaln.
To confess, Li Le mnn, Uyt> Jo 13 /fc'/Z 55, U jlyil Arar karn.
To confine (v. a.), 1)^ J> b Jo band or /taiiZ karn.
To confirm, (prove) Ii^ wli sabit karn, (establish) \>j> jyu mu-
karrar karn.
To confiscate, \j js k~ zabt or # karn.
To confound, (mix) Iii miln, (perplex) \j ^JJLijjpareshn karn.
To confuse, \j pbj) darkam barharn karn: see To confound.
To congeal, be congealed, L\*s>- jamn, \5 ^ munjamid hn.
To congratulate, b cS/\~o mubrak-bd kahn.
To connect, conjoin, \j"y>- jrn, miln, U\ lagn.
To connive at, \j ^UjM ighmz karn, bLU matiyn.
To conquer, bi^sj-j'taa, U ^.'s fath karn.
To consent, UjL mnn, lys ^^^rtm , bj J^J kabl karn.
To consider, l*-_y schn, & kl daurn.
To consign, Ii^ ^y*- hawll karn, ^-> smpn.
To console, LJ tf~~i V. tasalU or taskn den.
To construct, lita bann, \ <tJ Uj Jin or naksha karn.
To consult, Ii^ c^i-x> b i^J-3-* maslahat oxjmashwarat karn.
To contain, rakhn, Uy> J*:x~ mushtamil hn : see To restrain.
Vocabulary Verbs. 305

To be contained, UU-j samn, UU\ amana, Lit antn.

To contemn, 1>- j*%>- hakir jnn, \J> t^-Jlb! ihnat karn.
To continue, Lb; rdhna, Lb> b JW1 ba-hl or bar-p rahn.
To contract, (v.n.) I'JU.,^ simatn, (bargain) LaoJb Ly sari bndhn.
To contribute, (give) Lj cien, (bear a part) L> J I chanda dena.
To contrive, l3j ^^! yed karn, UJlj nikln, Xij>_c& tadbtr karn.
To cook, litj pakn, LfcjJij rndhn, OL iSyj rasl bann.
To copy, Ii^ JJ 7 karn, U^ nakl-naws karn.
To correct, Ii^ <^x?f> b ^? or thtk karn : see To punish.
To corrode, Ll ktn, bJ \ kh Un, bb>- \ khjn.
To corrupt, (cause to rot) sarn, (spoil) bflw bigrn.
To cost, b b bjj <-^-~^ kimat parn or lagn, Ul ra, Lg5j bailhn.
To cover, L-jLj dhmpn, 1$- chhn, LCUJ dhnkn.
To covet, Ii/ llach karn, lalchn.
To cough, (v. n.) L-JlgS khnsn, khnkhn.
To count, L^girew, U jU shumr karn, (sum up) bjjjsj- jrn.
To counterfeit, b^S jJJu taklid karn, b'^ (_r-# Aes karn.
To crack, (v. n.) L> tarakn, L2^ phatn, (v.a.) ljp tarkn.
To crackle, L&L>- chatakn, b!^"^ charcharn.
To cram, L^l^ thsn, L=sry$ khnchn, L-jjJ dhsn.
To crave, b&L mngn, Lfcb>- chhn, Ii^ c^c minnat karn.
To creak, \jl^>-J=- charcharn, bbsr^-f* machmachn.
To create, U paid karn, Ls-^-j sirajn, ^ karn.
To creep, b&, ringn, (as a snake) IL-j^-j sarsarn.
To crop, L5l ktn, Lb>- chhntn, Lily tarshn.
To cross, (pass over) ^ jb^V karn, (lay across) Lgj \JI ra rakhn.
To crouch, LGj dabakn, (to fawn) b ^^LU- chplsi karn.
To crow, b^lc <&b 6ng mrn. To crowd, bj!$J bhirn, \^As^jamn.
To crush, LLs^ kuchaln, (squeeze) ? nichorn.
To cry, (out) bl- chilin, b^ta pukrn, (weep) b>j rn.
To cull, L>- chunn, <_bk\j\ intikhb karn.
To cultivate, (till) LjSf- jbtn, \ib>- Ja ? chaln : see To people.
2 R
306 Vocabulary. Verbs.

To curb, rkn, liAilfi thmn : see To restrain.

To cure, Uf ilj , Lj J s//5 den : see To heal.
To curse, ksn, sarpn, \>j> t^-od la*nat karn.
To cut, ktn, \i>\jj tarshn, ti^ jJa Aal!* karn : see To carve.
To dally, (delay) U deri karn, (trifle) \>J> t,/jjb\j tpt!
To damage, \J c^L-- khisrat karn, lijto bigrn.
To dance, L=-lj nchn, \> ^ij raks karn, (jump) Uiij kdn.
To dangle, latakn, U&fe hilagn.
To dare, U uubj>. jwr'at karn, (defy) dhamkn.
To darn, ji, / karn, UJ ^ JAar dew.
To dash, b2j patakn, \j rfc mrn, (sprinkle) ^- chhirakn.
To daunt, li^j darn, UtCtJ dhamkn, dabkn.
To deal, lyj tJL-Ob 6wf Jena, 1<^ A*- Aissa Aar rfen.
To debate, (think) U^ J-\j ta'ammul karn, (dispute) \jJj\J3 takrr
karn : see To argue.
To decamp, tj^ kch karn, (move off) liU- chale jn.
To deceive, UJ ly dhokh den, U$s>- chhaln, L^j thagn.
To decide, 1^5 thahrn, JLJ\ infisl karn, Ul>- chukn.
To deck, U,lji> sa?iwrn, U <ts->^,l rsta karn, singrn.
To declare, U^ kahn, ljl>- jatn, Ujl^l Arar karn.
To decline, (as the sun) LLao dhaln : see To bow, refuse.
To decoy, UjJ i^iji farb den, liL$j phansn.
To decrease, ghatn, liys ^ .
To dedicate, i_aj b jUi niyz or traft/ karn, lib^ |U ^J <
deduct, icaz* karn, Ut /cZ dln.
To deem, bj -jnn, \jj)jss? tajwiz karn, \>J> Iciys karn.
To deface, L;J Ii mit den, lj^ j* mahw karn, bjl& bigrn.
To defame, ^liJo bad-nm karn, U$ lagn.
To defeat, L>J shikast den, harn, (frustrate) ktn.
To defend, ^jjJL^ti b c^-U>- kimyat or dastgr karn.
Vocabulary. Verbs. 307

To defile, \ij cJ\j b b U. mail or n-pk karn.

To deform, bj\& JL saZ bigrn, \>J> JjJ^J btdaul karn.
To defy, ,_/^f! Zar' chhn, /j If^l angth dikhn.
To deign, jfc te>rf~* mutawajjih hn, \i J^J kabl karn.
To delay, (v. n.) b deri karn, (v. a.) bi tln.
To deliver, (free) Ii^ jljT b \s>j rih or zd : see To give.
To demand, (claim) \j \jC*i da*w karn: see To ask.
To demolish, bjb>-l ujrn, \>\ girri: see To destroy.
To deny, b^ Jj\ inkr karn, bjb na-mnn.
To depart, 0- ^^ji^- chale-jn, to^1-! sidhrn.
To depend, bS5 latakn, (upon) li^S ^r*^ dman pakarn.
To depopulate, bjUJ ujrn, ^J,} wirn karn.
To deposite, b-jj~> smpn, i^^JL! amnat rakhn.
To depress, bjlj dbn, \>j c-wJ pas karn, Ub J dabn.
To derive, (v. a.) bJ& nikln, (v. .) by> J. mushtakk hn.
To descend, Uy\ utarn, bb>- ^ysai rcht jn, bys Jjto waziZ .
describe, bJbJ bakhnn, \>J> js takrlr karn.
To desert, b <1^> iar/c karn, bjj>- chhorn.
To design, (intend) U jljl rada karn, (plan) \i naksha
To desire, La>\- chhn, b ^L^fi. khwhish karn.
To desist, Lbj jb bz rahn, bb>- rahjn.
To despair, despond, } Ju^b n-ummed hn, bjfc ^Jy wiVs .
To despise, LiU-^Jb- hakir jnn, \> cuj*- hikrat karn.
To destroy, bjjjb^ dn, tojs jj\> b 3 west* or halk
To detain, b^> jb rakhn, bjj rokn, \i JuS kaid karn.
To deter, bljj darn, b^ ts-**^-J be-himmat karn.
To determine, bl^^ thahrn, \jj thtk karn: see To decide.
To dethrone, bjbl c^T tafci s utrn.
To devise (by will), wasyat karn : see To invent.
To devote, b (jb/> b \a b jbj niyr ord or kurbn karn.
308 Vocabulary Verbs.

To devour, bhakhn, Iii- l khjn, b~J / Ma Zw.

To die (colour), \&j rangua, ^ rang charhn.
To die (expire), b^ mama, Cil* b di^ faut or Aaffc An.
To differ, by> CJ>jlj tafwut hon, (quarrel) bjg&- jhagarn.
To diffuse, biLgj phailn, j bistrn, b4$=sr bichhn.
dig, Ujj^ khdn, \>j grn, (up) bjb/l ukhrn.
To digest, b j-ib karn, \j\=gpachn: see To arrange.
To dignify, \jj> j~i sar-farz karn, bbvjj barhn.
To diminish, (v. n.) l2$f ghatn, (v. a.) bl5^ ghatn.
To dine, bb bb/ khn khn, ^ ^-- chsht karn.
To dip, (v. .) 0 dubn, (v. a.) lib j dubn, boO dew.
To direct, (shew) dikhln, (command) ^/?.
To disagree, ^b^b n-muwk hon, (quarrel) bj& bigarn.
To disallow, b^ j^> b jbO! inkr or karn, bjb brn : see

To, deny.
To disappear, ^- chhipn, bjA : >*'<> champat hon.
To disappoint, b t>|^ b w murd karn, blao dahkn.
To disapprove, bj >~J n-pasand karn, \>Ji j radd karn.
To disband, bJ L->\y>- jawb dln, c^r cftiw.
To disbelieve, bJUJ na-mnn, \jj>j\ inkr karn.
To discern, bjl~^ imtiyz karn, b^SjJ dekhn.
To discharge, bMj^- chhurn, \j r^/ bar-taraf karn.
To disclose, bJj^i khdln, \J> jbylst iz'hr karn..
To discontinue, U b ngha karn, <-Jyj-<> mukf karn.
To discover, b^ Iau paid karn, b^^>> zAir karn : see To show.
To disembark, (v. n.) byl utarn, (v. a.) bjbi utrn.
To disengage, b \&-jud karn, >$ khdln.
To disfigure, bjlj bigarn, b^ _/>- kharb krn.
To disgrace, bjy cuvtp- hurmat trn, \J, JjJ*^ ma*zl karn.
To disgust, bbvj kurhn, Xi J*j+i bezr karn.
To dishonour, bjb'l arw utrn, \>ji c^^sro bhurmat karn.
To dislike, LaW1 na-chhn, Jo-jb n-pasand karn.
Vocabulary. Verbs. 309

To dismiss, \i e^t-j rukhsat karn, t-jjs bar-taraf .

To dismount, (v. n.) bjj\ utarn, (v. a.) bJ\ utrn.
To dispatch, b rawna karn : see To kill, waylay.
To dispel, \j j) dur karn, \j dajx karn.
To disperse, bl2$>- chhitkn, \j jtx*> muntashir karn.
To displease, \j ^^-b n-khush karn, \j aJ)T zurda karn.
To dispose, b^ <te-J^I rsta karn: see To arrange, give.
To dispute, bahasn, (quarrel) \i^>-jhagarn.
To dissipate, blj^ urn, \> isr/ karn, LJ Ijt am dew.
To dissolve, (v. n.) bJj galn, blgf ghuln, (v. .) ^ pighln.
To dissuade, jb rakhn, \j wre* karn.
To distil, (v. n.) b^- chn, bXJ tapakn, (v. .) b!^>- ch'n, Sfc.
To distil (as spirits), bj^kiU mukattar karn.
To distinguish, b, ^ji fark karn, \jj\~~*\ imtiyz karn.
To distribute, Llib bntn, \> <u=- karn.
To disturb, b t^kyic muztarib karn, bj-f>- chhern.
To dive, ^Lc <d>^ ghta mrn, Ujj5 dubn.
To divert, (amuse) biL^j bahln, (turn away) bl^j phirn.
To divide, &> taksm karn : see To distribute.
To divulge, ^ fsh karn, bibj batln.
To do, b^ karn, bbo bann, bx^ 5y ana.
To dodge, bL kaniyn, ^j^u ptchh lagn.
To dofF, bjbl utrn, (to doff clothes, b apr utrna).
To doubt, U Xi shakk karn, bbsT li?J na-jnn.
To doze, nghn, ^J^>- jhapkl men hn.
To drag, (v. a.) ghastn, (v. n.) biL^f ghasitna : see To draw.
To drain, bil^s- chhnn, Ub J& (Jbpw wiZ dln.
To draw, bbgj;^ khlnchn, (a sword) bjbjl krhn, (out) Ullio nikln,
(on, as a garment) bbvja- charhn.
To dread, b^J darn, bb/ u^J>J dahshat khn.
To dream, ^ <-r>)j- khwb dkhn, (dakh.) li^t> ;1-J bashra
310 Vocabulary. Verbs.

To dress, li^j pahann or pahinn, (food) UIj pakn.

To drink, U-j /, \2j}$> ghntn, Ul$ 1J nask khn.
To drive, (v. n.) l}jfiJ daurn, (v. a.) \L= chalana, UlJ^J daurn.
To droop, 1>^-<> nturjhn, liy> j*^ pazhmurda hn.
To drop, (distil, v. .) 13^- , (v. a.) tapkn : see fall.
drown, (v. a.) dubn, (v. n.) bJ> dbn.
To drum, ^ JJ? teJZ bajn, L&jfS ^jr^5 tambur thnkn.
To dry, (v. n.) skhn, (v. a.) li\$~j sukhn.
To dwell, U-J basn, Lfe> rahn, \j t^~jL suknat karn.
To earn, liU kamn, \j J-eW b paid or AsiZ karn.
To eat, khn, \>j> JjbJ tanwul karn: see To corrode.
To educate, tarbiyat karn, libelo sikhn,
To efface, li2- metn, lilil mitn, IL(> chhiln.
To effect, b karn, W <_Lfce .
To eject, >0 Jli dew, li^ j^J ? karn.
To elapse, li^jo'gwsam, <-iijf guzashta hn.
To elect, bJ ^jj- Zew, U :j pasand karn.
To elevate, libj] uthn, jJj buland karn, UI&Jj barhn.
To embark, bU=- b LJs-^j j\^>- jahz par charhn or charhn.
To embellish, bj&- singrn, Ii^ jbj ban' karn.
To embrace, ^-^ J*J baghal-gtr hn, ^J gale lagn.
To embroider, Ii^ ^^f- kr-chbi karn.
To emigrate, by> ls>- jil-watan hn, bjjf- chhrn.
To employ, b JUjc-J isti*ml karn, US ^j-rc ftiw.
To enable, bjJ ! "' V. kwat or takwiyat dln.
To encamp, U, b J^O b <U-- kliaima der or mukm karn.
To enchant, b bjS b j^U- V. afsn orjd or <n karn.
To encircle, ^eW* b girrf or muhsara karn, b ghern.
To enclose, b^f ghern, \>J> \= ihta karn, UJjb bndhn.
To encourage, > J LjSj b ei-vt himmat or dils den.
To end, (v. n.) bj> |U by-T A/tir or tamm hn.
To endanger, Ut t^la- khatre min dln.
Vocabulary Verbs. 311

To endeavour, U *c^~ } V i_s*",s sa ^ 01 jidd--jahd karn.

To endure, (v. n.) \j&j rahn, (v. a.) c^>!jj bardsht karn.
To engage, (in service, &c.) bJ ^ rakh Una : see To employ, allure.
To engrave, \>y khdn, l3^ (>/j kanda or naksh karn.
To enjoin, U Jl^Ij faHci karn, ^f^"" karn.
To enjoy, lib pn, Xi\>\ uthn, \z$> bhugatn.
To enlarge, liWjJ barhn, Ii^ Jli^ kushda karn.
To enlighten, 0^ 7 or munauwar karn: see To teach.
To enrage, Ii^ b ^j^c ghusst or ghazab-nk karn,
To enrol, Ii/ Jib t;ire^b> daftar rrit dkhil karn.
To ensnare, LJl^ phnsn, bl^s? bajhn, blgJ balbhn.
To entangle, bL^pAasw, bjJlgj phndn, lil^sl uljhn.
To enter, (v. n.) 1$Lj paithn, Ji-b dkhil hn.
To entertain, U^ V. siW"* mihmrii or ziyfat karn.
To enthrone, IH^-j^j o^r takht par baithln.
To entice, OL-^j phusln, Ul$-S lubhn: see To allure.
To entrap, liJj\^pAiin, b'l~j phansn.
To entreat, b^S !! ifty karn, (dakh.) b~y tarasn.
To equip, bj* (^ULs j jLi smn den, \i\s^ sajn.
To erect, bb>! uthn, li^ *jI jfr'/nt karn: see To build. 1
To err, bi^s chkn, l^> gum-rh hn, }# bhln.
To escape, b= bachn, bfl# J& wi&aZ bhgn, chhtn.
To espy, b^SJ dekhn, Lj takn, U!b ditn.
To establish, b jJ 7m karn, bb^ thahrn.
To estimate, bil atkaln, Ljj? ktn, b^ t^J> karn.
To evacuate, b ^b. karn, bH& nikln, bjj$>- chhrn.
To evade, U115 iZw, liljfl urn, bi$>- chhaln.
To exaggerate, b^ <U!L mublagha karn, bbVjj barhn.
To exalt, b JcJj buland karn, UIjj barhn, bbVj- charhn.
To examine, bUjl zmn, (as money) parakhn.
To excavate, bjj kfn, b^ bj klidkh karn.
To exceed, jbj ziyda hn, L^j barhn: see To excel.
313 Vocabulary Verbs.

To excel, bJ U ~su.* sabkat Una, \jb i__Jl ghlib hn.

To exchange, Ujj badaln, \>J ^Js \ adl-badti .
To excite, \jj?$>- chhlrna, bjJ i_. targhib dena.
To exclaim, li^L>- chillara, Lgj] pukr uthn.
To excuse, (_Jl* mu'f , (make excuse) li jc uzr .
execute, li^ , \> (^f^ anjm karn: see To kill.
To exhibit, li^J dikhln, Iij yulls sAir karn.
To exist, Uyti n, liy> j^y* maujd hn, ackhn.
To expand, (v. n.) bl^J phailn, (v. a.) li)L$J phailn.
To expect, Ii/jUtl intizr karn, r dtkhn.
To expel, Li J Jlj wi/iZ dew, l^i jSi sAar ba-dar karn.
To expend, kharch karn, uthn, urn.
To expire, ^jj^>- p dam chhorn, (to die) l^c marn.
To explain, lil^s*"' samjhn, libj batln, X>J>jbfe zhir karn.
To explore, bo-j$ khjn, bjL (jt^ chhn mrn: see To seek.
To express, (utter) Iij\j>-\ uchchrn, (squeeze out) ^*f=f nichrn.
To expunge, 2^ mitn, \> ^sr mahw karn.
To extend, Ii^Lj pasrn, (v. n.) LL$j phailn : see To spread.
To extinguish, bujhn, ^jjz gul karn : see To destroy.
To extirpate, \jj\\ ukhrn, y^^p- jar khd uthn.
To extort, UJ j^j ba-zor len, UJ Jjasr nichr len.
To extract, ^^sdJ istikhrj karn, bJ khainch len.
To extricate, blj^- chhurn, \> ,_is~ khals karn.
To face, ljyi> ^^^ smne hn, (oppose) X) JjILc mukbala karn.
To fail, >- chkn, (become bankrupt) \j> L/_ll mw/7s /w.
To faint, (_ ghash n, libj bjs-^e mrchh khn.
To fall, Xi girn, \ijjparn, (decrease) b2$f ghatn.
To famish, (v. n.) l^o i^^^J b ^jli fkn or bhkhA marn.
To fasten, ^jeWc mustahkim karn, (tie) LbJJb bndhn.
To father, bl^ c_jb Jap kahln, Ub J U pln: see To apply.
To fear, byj darn, bhai khn, U^-j sahmn.
To feed, bi^ khiln, IjO <-^\jj*- khurk dtn : see To graze.
Vocabulary. Verbs. 313

To feel, (touch) l^yf- ckhn, \j (J^ lams : see To know.

To feign, totoj bann, Xi \* bahna .
fell, Ub dL> kt dln, bj l>\S kt dina : see To cut.
To ferment, (y. n.) L$3I -ib ^ (J^^-jsh ke sth uthn.
To ferry over, tojtol jto pr utrn, \j jb pr kam.
To fetch, Ii I J le-n, to \ JJb Ukar n : see To reach.
To fight, toj! lama, \> <&- jang kam: see To quarrel.
To fill, ^ bharn, UjO JAar ^, j^jj pr kam.
To filter, nithrn, bJl^s- chhnn.
To find, tob pn, USlii / nikln, Ul& nikln.
To finger, tatln, tojgi- chhn, to\Ji!i\ ungliyn.
To finish, Ii^ to |Uj tamm or khatm kam.
To fire, (a gun, &c.) tojfj$>- chhpi, Ujsta dghn : see To kindle.
To fish, to^jtel 1$ ,J^e* machhU k shikr kam: see To seek.
To fit, (v. n.) Iii i ' SLjS <A7A w, (v. a.) \j z~>\j\ rsta kam.
To fix, Lfcjjb bndhn, b$ lagn, \jjjL mukarrar kam.
To flame, <d*- shu*la uthn, bilp- jhalakn.
To flap, big- jhaln, (the wings) lil5$-2$j phatphatn.
To flatter, tij j^-sjbb- chplst kam, to)Lgj phusln.
To flee, b/bj bhgn, \ijigurez kam, liybJ\J> jirr hn.
To flinch, Ua> hatn, bJ3 ia/n, to^j phirn.
To fling, bi-^ phenkn, tola- chaln, biG dln.
To float, Lyj bahn, U^j bhasn, to^jJ tairn.
To flog, tojU (JJotos- chbuk mrn, tojb ^ Af mrn.
To flounder, bjjp tarapn, to\2-%- chhatpatn.
To flourish, (v. n.) toj i)to j y tor 5 ira An, (v. a.) tobt^ ghumn.
To flow, to^j bahn, by> <lfe- b ^bj rawan or jri hn.
To flutter, bV^Jjp tarpharn, to^jj^j pharpharn.
To fly, toj^ , \jj\jiji parwz kam: see To flee.
To foal, toUj byn, \s>- jann, tolo b-#= bachher byn.
To fold, toly tahn, bilJ lapltn, X> 3 tah kam.
2 s
314 Vocabulary. Verbs.

To follow, UU- b Ul pichhe arm or jn, \i ^Jj^i pairau'l

To forbid, \>J -ir< man* karn, rkn, bjb brn.
To foretel, lita- ^^-j I ge se jatn, \x gam kahn.
To forge, Uj^^^Lj garhn, bj Zi&s karn.
To forget, bhuln, U jLy\j farmsh karn.
To forgive, U (_Jbbo mu'f karn, lijfyf- chhrn.
To form, ljuj paid karn, libj bann, b'^ karn.
To forsake, chhrn, UJ\j tygn, Ii^ tl^J ter/: karn.
To forswear, (swear falsely) lil^ j~ ^^-jhtKi kasam khn.
To fortify, (make a fort) ^ * kal'-bandi karn.
To frame, UUj bann, bjbJb ^_^J> ^ JjJ dawZ 5 dAaZ bndhn.
To free, Uj >- b djjl ^d or khals karn, bj^$=>- chhrn.
To freeze, (v. n.) \iAo-jamn, ^ thand sejamn.
To frighten, \j\j> darn, (scare) blj# bharkn.
To frisk, UiA> kudakn, $; phudakn.
To front, Uj Jjbu> b ^j-I-j smne or mukbil hn.
To frustrate, \i mahrm karn : see To disappoint.
To fry, bj}$ bhnn, \i ^b^j biryn karn, J aw.
To fulfil, (complete) b^ l^jj ^ karn, (perform) \jj> \\ ad karn.
To furl, liiLj lapetn, by .^ khainchn.
To furnish, pahunchn, b^ <-s^i rsta karn.
To gabble, b dio a: >a& karn, \>J ^ l;J-c ghepe karn.
To gain, (earn) bU kamna, (get) bb pn, b^ J-eU- AsiZ karn.
To gall, (v. a.) J/*-?" \ ghiske chamr chhiln.
To gallop, (v. n.) bJb.S dapatn, (v. a.) U&-$j ,-2-*r) sarpat phenkn.
To gamble, -^ \^>-j' kheln, b /jbjU kimr-bzi karn.
To gape, (yawn) bJ />- j'am' Zn, (with surprise) U^L-j ^<
munh pasrn.
To garnish, U^lbJwj sudhrn, X>j> zJ\j\ rsta karn.
To gasp, bJ ^jSlI ij-j^-i ws ulfi Una, lil^l^J lakhlakhn.
Vocabulary. Verbs. 315

To gather, X> jani* harria, lij^b batrn, b>- chunn.

To gaze, ghrn, , C tak rahn, Lbj J deich rahn.
To gesticulate, bbj Jl# A' batana.
To get, lib pna, ljuj b AcmZ or paid karn.
To gild, li^ Ja- b 5Lyjj- snahl or AaZZ karn.
To gingle, Ubi^^-w^'Aa^'Aaraw, bLgSi^j thanthann.
To gird, LbiXib ^~l lapetke bndhn : see To tie, reproach.
To give, bJ cZn, LiLck^ bakhshn, b-jj~a smpn.
To glad, gladden, b khush karn, bLla> halsn.
To glitter, b*a~ chamakn, Lig- jhalakn.
To glow, blfj dagdagn, LGo dahakn.
To gnash (the teeth), kichkichn, L~-j ptsn.
To gnaw, bjla- chbn, 1 ktn, bL=- chabn.
To go, - jn, bis- chaina, <\jj An.
To govern, b^ cu-^yle- hukmat karn, (actuate) bi>- chaln.
To graft, b jujj paiwand karn, li$ *li kalam lagn.
To grant, bjJ (?, Li-sT bakiishn. Libo mnn.
To grasp, bjj pakarn, gahn, \>J u^ip girifi karn.
To gratify, ^ kkiish karn, (requite) l^-ja^ karn.
To graze, ^- chama, bfs- chugn, (touch) - j>- chhjn.
To grin, bJlj kji-b e/nf nikln, L!lj ^^-^ nihln.
To grind, L-. ptsn, bkn, (afflict) Ii L: satn.
To groan, Lfc^ karhn, \>J ^Jij s\ h 5 karn.
To grope, bJjj tatln, by <5, i_sy !p i'-i'i karn.
To grow, (vegetate) bol wgw, (increase) Lj: barhn.
To grub, bJlj Oy/ AAd dln, b"b/l ukhrn.
To grumble, bl*j jj barbarn, \j\j tarrn, \j\*jj> kurkurn.
To guess, bi! atkaln, \jj> ^~bS jfciys karn.
To guide, b ^/U^ rahnum'l karn, ba- chaln.
To gush, (^)b>- yLjo-jsh sejri hn.
To hail, (v. n.) Ujj Jy* t parn, (salute) b^ jOL> saZwi karn.
To halt, (limp) bVj&J langrn, (stop) La, fcAar rahn.
316 Vocabulary. Verbs.

To hang, (v. n.) VJ latakn, (v. a.) tilJ latkn : see To choke.
To happen, tijJ ^1 nparn, titi>- \ ajana, bitn.
To harrow, ti~^J heng phern, (disturb) UjJ ^ / "<.
To hasten, ti^ ^jAs>-jaldt karn, (v. a.) 11>- ^L> shitbtar chalana.
To hate (detest), ti^ nafrat karn, UiU- ^-< makrh jnn.
To have, ti$) rakhn, ti ti pn, tijL pakarn, tiyb .
heal, (v. .) tijJb jLil1 iltiym hdn, (v. a.) ti^ ti^s- changa
To heap, ti^ ^-^'* karn, titi3 ^*ao * lagn.
To hear, hearken, l-> sunn, ti ^l dharn.
To heat, ti garm karn, ti^ I g karn : see To enrage.
To heed, take heed, ^ti ti yti&J dhyn or ps rakhn.
To help, ti^ u^0Ui->! ti JXc madad or isti'nat karn.
To hem, ?;** maghz lagn, tiLjS lurhiyn.
To hesitate, ti (ji-J j t/~iPas pes karn, hichkichn.
To hew, U3l ^-j ojtii^ kulhri se ktn, LUj tarshn.
To hide, titila- chhipn, til! lukn, (v. n.) ti-$>- chhipn.
To hie, titi>- Js>- jaldjn, titi- shitbtar jn.
To hinder, L>jj rkn, tiK3\ alkn, jj~e man* karn.
To hire, bJ <Sj1^ kirya len, (to let) ti^ kir'e karn.
To hit, (v. a.) ti^U mrn, tijii -y ?ar& rfen, (v. n.) tifl lagn.
To hold, ti^ rakhn, tijjS pakarn, gahn : see To think.
To honour (shew respect), ti^ trJfc ti aai or szai karn.
To hop, ti Jj ^^j ^iti LLS/ A; pmv se kdn, ti!ji langrn.
To hunt, ti^ jtili shikr karn, tijjJ^ khadern.
To go a hunting, tiJu^jtil> shikr kheln.
To hurry, tij lS'^t jaldi karn, tiLJj> halbaln: see To hasten.
To hurt, (pain) titi/j dukhn, (injure) ti ^Lai nuksn karn,.
To jabber, U& bakn, (dakh.) ti\jj!u watwatn.
To jeer, ti^ ^jJs te*n tashnf karn, ti\"- chirn.
To jest, tij ti ti;tio l$2$3 thath mrn or karn.
To illumine, ti !ti>H ti rshan or w// karn.
Vocabulary. Verbs. 317

To illustrate, (explain) \j ^J^j tashrih karn : see To illumine.

To imagine, \>J>jy tasauwur karn, b^-j-s schn.
To imitate, (follow, ape) b 4-c.j tatabbu karna : see To copy.
To immerse, Uy<S dubn, Xify born, \j j^i ghark karna.
To impart, (inform) l^ kahn, li'hj badana : see To grant.
To impel, chalana, l^JjJ daurana.
To imply, U -Jb dallat karn, > ^J"**0 ** rakhn.
import (as merchandise), US JU ^j\y^ saudgart mal lana.
To importune, Ii^ L>li" takz karn, 1J pichhe Una.
To imprison, JCJ b i^j+s* b aJ jfcairf or mahbs or and karn.
To improve, (v. n.) Uj^^j bihtar hn, (v. a.) bjbbA-i sudhrn.
To impute, 1 lagn, b^,gj thahrn, Lbjjb bndhn.
To incite, b ^-r^J targhib den, bb>\ uthn, bj->- chhern.
To include, J-lj dkhil karn, (surround) ghlm.
To increase, (v. n.) L^j barhn, (v. a.) liljj barhn.
To indicate, b^ u^JJ dallat karn, bibj batln.
To induce, Uj ije>j=? b t-r"?4/ targJb or tahris den, b ln.
To inflame, }- jaln, $ cf g lagn, bJjjgj phnkn.
To inflate, li&gj phuln, ^ nafkh karn, b&j^j phnkn.
To inform, bb^-jaiw, Ijl^s.'*-' samjhn, \i ilf gh karn.
To ingraft, 3>J paiwand lagn, (fix) bJLij baithln.
To inhabit, b~j basn, b&> rahn, \j i^Jj-> suknat karn.
To inherit, bjA <-J)^ teris Aw, bJ C-^l irs :.
To inject, UlG dln, (with a syringe) bjU ^J^f,pichkri mrn.
To inquire, b$-jj pchhn, \j (_>~>/4 pursish karn.
To instigate, bJLiy warghalnn, UL! uksn : see To incite.
To instruct, US^L sikhln, \j ^Ixj ta'fim karn.
To intend, b *2 b iJ^l tYarfa or #srf karn, - chhn.
To interfere, b dakhl karn, b$ ^j'lb iA lagn.
To interpret, Ii^ &> tarjuma karn : see To explain.
To interrupt (hinder, stop), ^, rkn, U!il 6i ktn.
To intimate, b^ ^bH ishra karn, bjJ ^- khabar den.
318 Vocabulary Verbs.

To introduce, (to a person) cu\js! mulkt karn: see To

To intrude, \jj> J-4 dakhl karn, \jJj ghus parn.
To intrust, U-3j-i smpn, \>j> <UO b sipurd or zimma karn.
To invade, X> c/bVj- charhl karn, Jsja- cAar w.
To inveigle, bjby^ ubhrn, \31$- balbhn, bls^ lalchn.
To invent, Uj ^^ y'fld karn, Uf nikln : see To feign.
To investigate, l^ b taftsh or tahkik karn.
To invite, bJjJ nybtn, ^ CUjcO da*wat karn.
To involve, (wrap) LJb laptk bndhn: see To entangle.
To join, (v. n.) US- jutn, \>y>- jurn, (v. a.) jrn.
To jostle, li0 1 dhakk dtn, UlJlbJ dhakln.
To irrigate, sinchn, \> J tar karn.
To irritate, UU# khijn, bj-^- chhern, bb~j satn.
To issue, (v. n.) UKj nikaln, (v. a.) nikln.
To judge, b^SjU b J-aJ b uJLul insf or faisal or nyu.' karn.
To jumble, b^S L^lsr0 makhlt karn, (dakh.) bK kaln.
To jump, bjj kdn, (over) bi\j\$j pMwow.
To keep, rakhn, (preserve) bachn : see To protect.
To kick, liUJ latiyn, U^l* j^jf b CJ Zi or tlikar mrn.
To kill, bJljjte mr-dln, b^ t?**" V. d3-' or ^ karn.
To kindle, (v. a.) li\fLj sulgn, (v. n.) U^Lj sulagn.
To kiss, -<^- chmn, bu! b )> <Uy osrt or Zw.
To knead, \>j gndn, IjLj snn, bjuU> mndn.
To kneel, bLj ^ d-zn baithn.
To knit, boj binn, Lu ^ uub baghair tnt ke binn.
To knock, li&j^i thnkn, (at a door) bl2$g khatkhatn.
To know, LiU-^'imn, (recognise) UiLs-v pahchnn.
To labour, Up (j^s* mihnat karn, bj# wftA bharn.
To lack, ^b^s.-* muhtj hjjn, bj J&j darkr hn.
To lament, ! / karn, rn, \*j> nauha karn.
To land, (v. n.) \jj>\ utarn, (v. a.) JG\ utrn.
Vocabulary. Verbs. 319

To lapse, (pass) \jj guzarn, (err) \j>- chukn : see To fall.

To last, L5 tikn, l^/f thaharn, rahn.
To laugh, , . hasna, (deride) \j^ 1$! thath karn.
To lay, rakhn, IjyiO dharn, (eggs) L>J ljul awrf dn.
To lead, ^ It chaina, ^i-j ptshw hn.
To lean, Uy JJU m'il hn, (on) Ul <u> talaya lagaa.
To leap, lit)j kdn, (over) IjJI^j phndn, U-3 tapn.
To learn, U^L-j sikhn, U^ ,JeU- Zm hsil karn.
To leave, chhorn, X> CS iark karn, (by will) \j <U iia
To lend, J >^= ariyatan dn, ujJ &ars rfra.
To lengthen, liWjj barhn, UL] lambn : see To delay.
To lessen, (v. n.) ghatn, (v. a.) li\5$f ghatn.
To let, (permit) L>0 dn, (let go) luJ cMr tin: see To hire.
To lick, chtn, J ZesHa, (to beat) U^L> mrn.
To lie, (rest) l2j , parn, \unj rahn : see To lean on.
To lie (speak falsely), u lily -fr^f- jhth boina or kahn.
To lift, uthn, bJ 1^1 MiA Zn, lilbjj barhn.
To light, (kindle) liL>- jaln, (make bright) U ^^jj roshan karn.
To lighten (v. n. to flash), bil^s- chamakn, \L^ lahahn.
To lighten (make light), \3 lfc AaZa karn : see To descend.
To like, J^Js b J-J pasand or jfcaZ karn, 1>- chhn.
To liken, b^ V. "^UU mukbala or barbarl karn.
To listen, b:.-i sunn, \jjb b Ulf! lagn or dharn.
To live, (exist) -^', (dwell) >, basn.
To load, ldn, b^s-jj bjhn, bharn.
To lock, lil Jiji &w/Z lagn, L>J UVj ia/ dw : see To fasten.
To lodge, (v. a. to place) ULj basn, bll^y baithln : see To dwell.
To long, L-y tarasn, UU^ lalchn, > Jfbi~ mushtk hn.
To look, (v. n. to seem) }~> sjhn, (v. a. to behold) ^^Sai wasar
karn, b^o dekhn, b> takn, (for) ^ dhndhn, (to
expect) li^ j\lil intizr karn.
320 Vocabulary. Verbs.

To loose, loosen, khln, bjjjf^- chhr den.

To lop, bibj*. chhntn, in, b-i!^ tarshn.
To lose, Uj^ khon, (at play) hrn, (err) chkn.
To love, >- chhn, \>J* J^j pyr , JJUs- ishl rakhn.
To lounge a horse, Uj J Jj>- ^Jj^ghr ko chakkar dn.
To lower, bc nich karn, (the clouds) U^f ghirn: see To
To lug, (drag) bJL ^ ghasitn, (by the ears) ^^/j tn pa-
karke lana.
To lull, IjLj suln, b jkiJ wwd Zw.
To lurk, ^*> CL>\$> ght men baithn, USJ dabakn.
To maintain, (defend) Ul^-i sambhln, (rear) b pln: see To
To make, bbj bann, \>J> IduJ paid karn : see To do, cause, get,
To mar, bjl& bigrn, b -|/>- b Jlri- khalal or kharb karn.
To mark, 1}^ ^1J nishn karn, (brand) L)J iftigA <ire.
To marry, bj slo JyA karn, bj>Lj byhn, bj JyA Zre.
To measure, 1 mpn, bjb npn, j j^U-j paim'ish karn.
To meditate, b^ ^bj>J dhyn karn, (think) bj*-j-> sochn.
To meet, UL< miln, U culSl* mulkt karn, Uy>jb>-jO du-chr hna.
To melt, (v. n.) galn, UA^j pighaln, (v. a.) biL& pighln.
To menace, blyo dhirn, bL*J dhamkn, bSjlj dntn.
To mend, b i^-y marammat karn, bj\>~ sudhrn, bjL> srn.
To mention, b ^ii sifcr karn, b^ kahn, X>j> J\!t Jijs gsh-gugr
To milk, lijj dhn, Ul& tijJ ?? nikln.
To mince, (hack) li^sLg- chhenchn, (mince meat) b <uJ m
To mind, (regard, notice) b\ l?ls3 lihz karn, (remind) bb ob yd
To mingle, b)L miln, Xiji b bjLs.-* makhlt or karn.
Vocabulary. Verbs. 32 1

To mislead, bhalkn, Utl^j bahkn, kjZ s\yib gumrh .

To miss, (not to find) na-pn, (mistake) li^ lSa>- khat karn.
To mistake, (v. n.) chkn, bhln: see To miss.
To mitigate, IJkifi b ^L* norm or mul'im or thand karn.
To mix, (v. n.) 1L* miln, (v. .) 01 miln, \s \}^ makhlt
To moan, kurhn, \jj <j~y~\ l> JU a or afss karn : see To
To mock, (make faces at) lita muh bann, (gibe) ^y>- chirn,
\j\j> birn.
To molest, lib-j satn, UU# khijn, UJ iXj taklf dn.
To mortgage, . Sj- j (ir~cj zamn 5 ghaira girau rakhn.
To move, (stir, v. .) hiln, ^-> sarakn, (go) - chaina, (v. .)
lila> hiln, Vi)L>- chaln, lil^-i sarkn: see To excite, propose.
To mount, (v. n.) kjbj*- charhn, (a horse), \jy> sawr hbn,
(v. a.) charhn.
To mourn, Ui kurhn, ^ .*U SU j si / n/a or mtam or
gham karn.
To mow (cut with a scythe), (^Jp i/s se ktn.
To multiply, (as in arithmetic) li^S cjy>- b. -^ ?ar^ orjrfi karn :
see To increase.
To mumble, mutter, k_^J ^jJ zr /ai kahn, li'^jj barbarn.
To murder, U ^^i- karn, J ^ t_/i baghz st kail
To murmur, kurkurn, (mutter) barbarn.
To muse, schn, \>J> b JL>j\ jii fikr, andlsha or khans
Must, ^ aJ hai, ^^"- chhiyt, hg, ^ zarwr .
To name, fb' rakhn, (mention) b'^ J^cli nmzad karn.
To nauseate, feel nausea, bile* ^j>- matln, Ii Uli haliyn: seo
To abhor.
To need, bl>- chhn, bj jt^J b b^s.-* muhtj or darkr hon.
2 T
322 Vocabulary. Verbs.

To neglect (act carelessly), \j c^Jii ghaflat karn, 1- bhl

To negotiate, \j Lclx.* mu'mala karn, (a bill) Iiis- ^- hund
To neigh (as a horse), \jL$> hinhinn.
To nibble, bil^ khutakn, L&y tngn, kutarn.
To nip, &- nchn, bJ chutki Una.
To nod, b#>- jhukn, b"l$^- - sar jhukn, (from sleep) b^&j!

To nominate, bJ V. n^m batln or rfe/i : see To appoint.

To note, (observe) \j j^i. ghaur karn, (set down) bJ ^5 likh
To notify, (declare) \>J> ^Le\ i*lm karn, (tell) \j\z&-jatn: see To
To nourish, Lib pln, L-jjJ pdsn, Uf ^Jjji parwarish karn.
To number, bf ginn, b b jU-> shumr or hisb karn.
To nurse, (the sick) ^ ^1j,U-j bimrdr karn, (a child) ->jJ
b)b ?h pln, ^ J d'-gart karn.
To obey, bjb mnn, ^Ij^jb' b ^Ii^JU^ farman-bardri or
tbixdrt karn.

To object (urge against), ^ ^1^\ i*lirz karn, bjj pakarn.

To oblige, (bind) b <fc-Jj b diJ band or wbasta karn, (bind by
gratitude) u^i^^y^ -- karn: see To
To observe, (watch) s\ nigh karn, (look to) bb^sT nijhn.
To obstruct, li^jj rkn, lijf 1 Yn, ^j-* muzhim hn.
To obtain, b^ J-elo- AsiZ karn, bb , (be current) r'y

To obtrude, J^-1j dkhil karn, - ghusn.

To obviate, bachn, bJlj tln, \ij jii /* karn.
To occur, by> 55, liy>j-lj wki* hn, bjA Jj^-j sar-zad hn: see
To meet.
Vocabulary. Verbs. 323

To offer, (present) \ij ^J^*^ smhnl rakhn, (sacrifice) b ^by

kurbn karn.
To ogle, b^SLo ?$^ kankhiyd dekhn, bJ Jylf?- jhnw Una.
To omit, lijj>- chhorn, bb>- bhljn, \j il->\ j faro
gumsht karn.
To ooze, nikaln, bj- chuna, U-y mw, ^- chhann.
To open, (v. n. be opened) khuln, (v. a.) kkln.
To operate, by' Ara karn, (upon) by* asar karn.
To oppose, 1)^ cu^bs.-* mukhlafat karn, Ujj rkn.
To ordain, toj^yfi thahrn, \jjso mukarrar karn: see To fix.
To order, (command) by' hukm karn, (regulate) L J <^~>y
tartlb den.
To organize, \j b\^ tarkib karn.
To ossify, (v. n.) bU- ^ haddi hjn, (v. a.) bjG hadd
kar dln.
To overawe, liljj darn, bjJ us-wJbJ dahshat den.
To overcome, b^ /ai karn, uu%& shikast karn.
To overflow, (v. n.) bL>- clthalakn, bj-j bah parn.
To overlook, (inspect) I^jJ dekhn, (excuse) \> j&j dargvzar
To overset, (v. a.) boJ l-J! ulat den, (v. n.) bl>- ei-J! ulat jn.
To overtake, bT , barbar n, UJ pakar len.
To overthrow, (overturn) boO lLJ! wZa de : see To overcome.
To overwhelm, (crush down) bo J by daia den, (immerse) by' Jy
ghark karn.
Ought, i^eJbb^ chhiye, ^Jb pfl b zarr or lzim hai.
To oust, nikln, bjJ U1 wiA din.
To outroot, bJtj Jb^\ Mr dln, bjb/\ ukhrn.
To outstrip, b^ isJLj sabkat karn, bJ yj L5' I ge dhar Una,
^^s dln.
To owe, byJO dhrn, by J\jJi karz-dr liona.
To own, (possess) by uL3U wZi/c /ww, b^, rakhn: see To confess.
324 Vocabulary Verbs.

To pacify, U lL$5 thandh karn, Lo {^^> taskn dn.

To pack, LbJb gathr bndhn, L-! lapetn.
To paint, U (_^1x< munakkash karn, Lu- chltn.
To palpitate, Li\ kmpn, ^> pharakn, dharakn.
To pant, Lg~Jb hamphn, b'L^-a haphhaphn.
parch, L)j$j bhnn, \>J> Joj> b'vryn karn.
To pardon, jjkf)J b uJbt mu'f or darguzar karn.
To pare, LL^- chhiln, katarn, Li^j' tarshn.
To participate, bSjb bntn, \jjt>J\a>- hissa-dr Kn.
To pass, (v. n.) bjj>T guzarn, L^j bahn, (v. a.) b^^gt/zrw.
To pat (strike lightly), Libi thpn, Ii tamch mrn.
To patch, \jjj>- jorn, blfl jyj paiwand lagn, LG tnkn.
To pawn, L, Jj gir rakhn, L$, bandhak rakhn.
To pay, Ii^ 1Jl ac/ karn, L> J Mar aera : see To beat.
To peck, bJoy tngn, bl^j thngn, b^Ljl^o minkr mrn.
To peel, (v. a.) LL^- chhiln, _^\Jl l$>- chhilk utrn.
To peep, b'y> b>yj ^^i^pahl namd hn, (v. .) LClgs-j'An/cn.
To penetrate, LCi^s. chonkn, \~g>- chhtdn, (affect) \> j>\ asar
To people, liLJ basn, bjjy***> V. eftc? or karn.

To perambulate, phirn, b saiY karn.

To perceive, b sibjJ daryft karn, bb ^CuJ rfeA pn.
To perfect, (finish) b jUj tamm karn, b^jj nibern.
To perform, b karn, LbLj nibhn, bSUsr baj ln.
To perish, b^ marn, by> / An, Lb, b'U-Ji rahn.
To permit, Lo dn, Lo i^jU-l y'zatf dew, Lg, Ijj raw rakhn.
To perplex, U ^Lo- hairn karn, U13 dln.
To persevere, persist, Lb, jjl ' rahn.
To perspire, b^c,~j pasijn, LKj L~j pasln nikaln.
To persuade, OL mann, \i J.5U t'/Z karn, L>0 ^Xe saZaA dn.
To pervade, LjSgj paithn, LLjj phailna, Iii c/ar na.
To pervert, blll ulln, Ul& bigrn, \jj < kharb karn.
Vocabulary Verbs. 325

To peruse, b^ <u!Hk> mutla' , LbO parhn.

To pester, Libs satn, khijana, ) J t__LKj taktf dn.
To petition, \Jj u^j** <*? : see request.
petrify, (v. .) bj^ pathrn, Ub*-y> patthar h-jn,
(v. a.) b^^4 patthar , ^ us^i?- L^fj patthar-s sakht
To pick, - chunn, UJ cww Zre, chugn : see To choose.
To pierce, bjj>- chonkn, U1L: saina : see To bore.
To pilfer, U-jj^j msn, b'^f- churn.
To pinch, nchn, UJ chutk Una, (press) buta dbn.
To pine, lijjp jhrn, aj~i\ afsurda hn, \uj yo mar rahna.
To place, \^j rakhn, bJbLj baithln, bl thahrn.
To plan, (scheme) b jiff tajwiz karn, (design) bj>Jb <CJ
naksha bndhn.
To plant, (set) b$ lagaa, rmpn, (settle) UbiLj baithln.
To play, UL^ kheln, (to toy) b jU- >\j r' ch' karn, (music)
To plead, <^~sr>~ hujjat karn, JJ J da/i Zn : see To argue.
To please, b u^f- khush karn, rijhn, (v. n.) b.>y ruchn.
To pluck, UJ |JS4>- / /n, (as a fowl) bjb\^ pr ukhrn.
To plunge, (in water) bjbc <(S^ ghta mrn, bjjL> dubn, (v. a.)
bb dubn.
To polish, 0^ b&- b t_Ls b Jiu< saikal or s/ or chikn karn.
To pollute, 13^ C/bb npk karn, bj\ bigm.
To possess, b^, rakhn, b^s c-^j' tasarruf karn, \>f> dharn.
To postpone, bJl5 , b^^^b' tkhir karn.
To pound, } ktn, bijj^i thnkn, bjj*- chrn : see To confine.
To pour, UI5 dhln, bJj\ undlln, (flow) bahn.
To practise, b^ karn, b \ kiy karn, Xtj Jh~c mashk karn.
To praise, bjb^-i sarhn, \j <-JjyO" ta*rtf karn : see To applaud.
To prance, b^ yb-i! lambiyn karn, b'jlo <&J-> shalang mrn.
To prate, prattle, b b gapshap or bakbak karn.
326 Vocabulary. Verbs.

To pray, (entreat) L&L mngn, (to heaven) jUi amz karn.

To preach, b lcj ira*s karn, \>jj <uk>- khutba parhn.
To precede, Iiis- gejn, ^jJU mukaddam hn.
To precipitate, UjO 1^ gir den, . J^A^ dhakel den : see To
To preclude, jb z rakhn, L^ ktn, by rkn.
To predict, b^j b Ly ^j; g s kahn or bailara.
To prefer, bjt> -^y tarjih den, bJb>- ^^--1 ahsan jnn: see To
To premise, ly? J^-1 tamhid karn, ~ ^^j ^fl ge se jatn.
To prepare, U jLj taiyr karn, bta banana, \>J> Jj\j kbil karn.
To prescribe (medically), bibj IjJ b J nuskha or aica batln.
To preserve, blsr bachn, (as fruits, &c.) b\S <^ murabba karn.
To press, (squeeze) >- chpn, (out) bj^sT nichrn, (down) bbj
dabn, (to distress) Ij^ <jJ ang karn, (urge) b ub" i/cJd
To presume, b Jb- khiyl karn, (be bold) b ^j>\x~J guslkhi
To pretend, b'bj cub Jf bann, b^ b^j bahna karn.
To prevail, (be current) by> ^jj^>-jrl. hn: see To extend, conquer.
To prevent, b^j rkn, Ulo atkn, bjl rn: see To hinder.
To prick, (v.n.) bfrg- chubhn, (v..) ^- chubhn, b&j*- chnkn.
To prime, bL ranjak piln, (in painting) Ubj ^^-J zarriin
To print, bjl^s- chhpn, bj bl>- b ^ naksh or chhp karn.
To proceed, (on) bl>- g Jana, bis- chaln, (from) bKi nikaln.
To proclaim, bj^-frs sAir karn, b^j \^yiJu> dhandhr phern.
To procrastinate, bJ i/n, b^ b J j-kal or cfr karn.
To procure, ^ |juj paid karn, ^ ^ baham pahunchn.
To produce, (bring forth) b>- jann, (make grow) ^ upjn.
profess, bjj^l Arar karn, kahn, bb*- jatn.
To prohibit, b^ ?* karn, jb rakhn, by rkn.
Vocabulary Verbs. 327

To prolong, JjjL tawil karn, barhn, phailn.

promise, ikrr karn, UjJ ^g bachan den.
To promote, bbsjj barhn, ^Jtji tarakki karn.
To prompt, bjJ .^i kah den, Ubj batln, bb>>- jatn.
To pronounce, Iijb>-\ uchchrn, iaii talaffuz karn.
To prop, biLS tekn, L*bj thmn, bjl 5 : see To support.
To propose, b^jb^lsl isAr karn, b ^^^c ar karn: see To intend.
To prosper, ^Xjtf b <_->L\ km-yb or bahra-mand hon.
To protect, b^> rakhn, bbx? bachn, \> himyat karn.
To prove, (try) bUjl zmn, (evince) e^ob sJii karn.
To provide, b muhaiy karn, >0 rfera ; bjo badn.
To pry into, bJ Jl^j Ad Zn, U-O^s-JAaraftwo.
To publish, b^jy-*> mashhr karn, (a work) ^?" chhpn.
To pull, LsL^ \^ji'j zr se khlnchn, bb tnn.
To punish, Lu) I^-j saz den, bJblj dndn.
To purchase, bjS Jo^i. khartd karn, bJ J^ jwZ fre.
To pursue, bJ b \> ptchh-karn or -len : see To hunt.
To push, ULXiO dhakeln, LLj theln, ULj peln.
To put, b^, rakhn, \jyt> dharn, bS^j dln.
To put off, (as dress) ?\ utrn, (defer) bi //w.
To put on (as dress), Lx^j pahann or pahinn, bjbjM rhn.
To put out (extinguish), \$ bujhn, KiJ> j gi<Z karn.
To put up with, sahn, b otlj^ bardsht karn.
To putrefy, (v. n.) bj-j sarn, bif galn, (v. a.) blj-i sarn.
To quake, 1J\ kmpn, larazn, .
To quarrel, bj^-j'Aagarn, bj! Zarw, b <U fozsiya /carn.
To quaver, bX^l lahakn, ^"f wz marrn.
To quell, bbj dabn, \jjyt torn, \i ^Jj raf* karn.
To quench, bbas^ bujhn, \i 1a> thand karn.
To question, J1j~j suwl karn : see To debate, To doubt.
To quit, bj^*- chhrn, bar a;w<, ^ t^j' tark karn.
To quiver, kapn, bj^S larazn : see To quaver, quake.
328 Vocabulary. Verbs.

To quote, b (kJX>\ iktibs , darj , b j^-j sanad

Quoth (said), \ kah, \p kath.
To rain, (v. n.) L--J barasn, bjjj (Jb pnl parn, (v. a.) bL bar-
To raise, uthn, \j b^j bar-p , ^- charhn.
To ram down or in, L-A^j tksn, b kasn, L.. .^ thtsn.
To ramble, U^j phirn, b!j ddln, \j sair kam.
To range, (place in order) batarfib rakhn: see To
To ransack, bjbc ^1$- chhn mrn, (pillage) U5j! Zwiw.
To rattle, bVj^sJ^ kharkharn, \jji>- jhankrn.
To raze, b^bw mismr kam, bjUH ujrn, blw dhn.
To reach, lib ^.ibb AA s pn, lagn, bs^ pahunchn.
To read, Lbjj parhn, => bnchn, ^ ullli mutla'a karn.
To reap, UjI J*ai /asZ ktn, ^ J diraw kam.
To rebuke, ^ l-~cLo malmat karn, \i3j\j dntn.
To recede, - />> jn, bb>- dab jn, b!Lfe hatn.
To receive, bJ n, lib pn, \j J.JS kabl kam.
To recite, b ^L) bayn karn, \jJj takrr kam.
To reckon, b ginn \j j\a> shumr karn: see To deem.
To recognise, bjls-v pahchnn : see To allow.
To recollect, b'^ jb karn, bjj (j^0 pakarn.
To recommend, bj (_.jbLj b Ju takrlb or sifrish kam.
To reconcile, bL*> mann, \jJ s?/ZA kam, b!*> miln.
To record, b Ji-U) jJ daftar meii dkhil karn, likhn.
To recover, bb^j pn, (from sickness) bb iLi shif pn.
To rectify, bo j .Ls! isZA d, b^1-! sudhrn.
To recur, b I ^ n, (to the mind) 1 jb yd n.
To reduce, ghatn, \j kam: see To subdue.
To reflect, bjbsr; bichm, (throw back) b0 ks denn.
To reform, ^X>\ islah karn, ^'-! sudhrn.
Vocabulary. Verbs. 329

To refuse, \i b inkr or man* karn : see To abstain.

To refute, \j j b Jbb ajfiZ or radd karn, \$>-jhutln.
To regard, \j cyUsll iltift krn, biU manna : see To behold.
To register, ^ {^ jii daftar min dkJiil karn.
To regret, bb^at; pachhtn, \i afss karn.
To reject, b,-^ phtrn, \j CJj^o b J, radd or matrk karn.
To rejoice, b^xT^ rijhn, bjA (^ij>- khush hn: see To glad.
To relapse, bj^;^ phir pachharn, bjjjjU-.ijftphir bimr parn.
To relate, (tell) kahn, (relate to) b^> <lc lka rakhn.
To release, b\j$s- chhurn, bjJ ^/ ' ifw.
To relieve, (ease) bjJ dln, (help) bbv thmn: see To
To relinquish, bjfj$>- chhrn, bfUj tygn : see To leave.
To rely, b^, Lj bhars rakhn, b^ <L& takiya karn.
To remain, > rahn, 3 tikn, ^ygj thaharn, ubarn.
To remember, ^ ob karn, b^ ^LU- khatir min rakhn.
To remind, jb 7 diln, ^- chitn.
To remove, ^jjJ d?tr karn, ^-j sarkn, \> jJ taghlr karn.
To rend, bjl^ phrn, b^>- chirria, bbL_c maskn, bj^j plirna.
To render, (give back) boj Ljj phir dln: see To give, make,
To renew, renovate, b Li wa^ karn, bS ^ .
To rent, ^ db kirya karn, (take at rent) bJ <ul^ kirya Un.
To repair, b^ uuv^ marammat karn, \i uu.^J durust karn.
To repeal, b i_y^o b manskh or maukf karn.
To repeat, b *,b V^C mukarrar or d-bra karn: see To teil.
To repent, bb^s^pacAin, ^L-wiJ pashlmn hn.
To reply, bb> <|^>- b y\ war or jawb dln, kahn.
To repose, (v. n.) bj-> sh, \j jjjl r karn, (v. a.) bjJ J^l
To represent, b ^J>jZ rz karn, (personate) b Ji nakl karn.
To reproach, b i^^Le b (j*b taxn or malmat karn.

330 Vocabulary. Verbs.

To request, lU- chhn, \j ^^Js^j darkhwst karn.

To require, LfL mngn, \j i_JA> talab karn: see To need.
To reside, \u>j rahn, Uj basn, \jj ghar karn.
To resign, liJj-s smpn, U^ J taslm karn : see To leave.
To resound, l^f^f gnjn, Lb> gunj rahn: see To praise.
To respect, Ii^ ^11 b li^c *22a or taxzim karn : see To relate to.
To rest, l3^ ^ rm karn, UJ jJ dam len : see To sleep, lean on.
To restore, \ jphir ln, UjJ j+Qphtr dtn : see To cure.
To restrain, ljj rokn, 131 atkn, > jb 5 rakhn.
retail, Uu V,1^ Ijfj^J Mora Mora // btchn.
To retain, b^ rakhn, UUj tikn: see To keep, hire.
To retreat, Lj pasp hn, L2 hatn.
To return, (v. n.) bis- b Ii! j^phir n orjn, (v. a.) 15^/<.
To reveal, Ulj$ khln, (divulge) \i ^Mfsh karn, \\S kahn.
To revenge, \J 3jj b ijs^t b ^ intikm or ? or ada n.
To review, revise, Ii ^ib1Ja> nazar-i-mni karn.
To revile, liLK* galiyn, boj J gli den : see To reproach.
To revoke, bjJ bwl (Zn, bJ iJl-w wii : see To repeal.
To rid, lilj^s- chhurn, i_jL> sf karn : see To free.
To ride, jl^-s sawr hn, Lb**-^ ghrt par charhn.
To rinse, ^&^ ghanghln, Ubl$S khanghln (?).
To rip, bjfbj phfn, bj^iil udhern, b t^b>- / karn.
To ripe, ripen, (v. n.) bJ pakn, (v. a.) pakn.
To rise, uthn, \ barhn, bjbjr- charhn, (the sun or moon)
lijfc hn, }> kZ* Aon, (the moon) U' gn.
To roast, lj <-r>\ kabb karn, \i ^b^ biryn karn.
To rob, churn, bjbe i\j rh mrn, bjj! ltn.
To roll, (v. n.) b^ phirn, liJ^l lurhn, (v. a.) b^j phirn,
lurhn, \}\^> ghumn, (roll up) bJL-J lapetn.
To roof, l5b ptn, *- chhn, bjJ chhappar den.
To rot, (v. n.) U^j sarn, blf galn, (v. a.) liVj-j sarn.
To rouse, (v. n.) b/b>- jgn, uthn, (v. a.) bl>- jagn.
Vocabulary Verbs. 331

To row, khe'na, \>Jut uG dnd marna.

To rub, (v. n. chafe) ghisn, (v. a.) X>^fj ragarn, ULo maln.
To rue, Uligs^ pachhtn, rn, \> nadmat karn.
To ruin, \j ^IjLi-) b lj tahal, or satyns karn, \j"y torna.
To rule, l^ (j^oj>- hukmat karn, (lines) Ii^^k mistar karn.
To ruminate, b'lj& pagurn, U^ ^J^-jugl karn : see To muse.
To run, lijjJ daurn, IjlJ dhn: see To flee, dissolve.
To rush, lijfjJ daurn, \b^ rZn, (upon) \L$>- jhapatn.
To sacrifice, >- charhn, \j ^0 ^l^ kurbn or saSA karn.
To saddle, li>jjb bndhn, UjO <uU- chr-jma dn.
To salivate, W ftzw, Ul^j thukn.
To sally, b ^tj^ Jhurvj karn, bjj J& nikal parn.
To salute, U^ {J^jf V. j*^-* * or krnish karn.
To sap, <jj surang karn, b'j\* &tX~~i slndh mrn : see To ruin.
To sate, satiate, U^j bharn, b'l$- chhakn, (v. n.) bb/^ aghn.
To satisfy, ^ ^b khush or rsi karn, \>\u* mann.
To save, 1 bachn, b$> i~~cL salmat rakhn, rakhn.
To say, kahn, boln, \J> c^b Z> karn, bLij batiyn.
To scald, Iii- i^c j ijb garm pni ghaira sejaln.
To scan, (measure) b y-JaJ tak* karn : see To examine.
To scare, bl darn, bljj$J bharkn, b&sr bichkn.
To scarify UjJ li^Jv pachhn den, liLsr^S khnchiyn (?).
To scatter, b^$- chhitrn, \>- chhitkn, bithrn.
To scoff, b^S ^^jtL? b 1^5 thath or te w karn, \\^galiyn.
To scold, U^^-jAiran, UIC^J dhamkn, bjti ^Jgli den.
To scorch, (v. n.) L-l# bhulasn, (v. a.) ULA^- jhulsn.
To scour, LrsrL mnjn, b^ i_iL> s/ karn, (purge v. .) bis- uIU-J
ji chaln.
To scowl, b j^^ trhl karn, bbvj>- tl/b wA charhn.
To scrape, bL$>- chhiln, ^>-j khurachn, b^f- chhln.
To scratch, L>-^ khurachn, \j\s khujln, lis-j nchn.
To scream, bLs?- chichiyn, 1>- chilln, \$\ 5U- ciZZ uthn.
332 Vocabulary Verbs.

To sculk, Lb> -4?" c^Aip rahn, Lb> lLJ dabak rahn.

To seal, Ii karn, \j ocj (_5i^ // aw" .
seclude, t_;b kinre rakhn, bJ& nikln.
To seduce, b'L$j phusln, bwicy warghalnn, lilig bhatkn.
To see, b^SjJ dkhn, \j v nazar karn, bjly nihrn.
To seek, LajujO dhndhn, b jji^J talsh karn, \^-4 khjn.
To seem, ^-j-j svjhn, fj^v maxlm hn, \i\ Jbj nazar n.

To seeth, bbisr- sijhn, bjU vsnn, (v. n.) Is^-j syn.

To seize, pakarn, \> jJ kabz karn : see To confiscate.
To select, b- chunn, bJ chhn Un : see To cull.
To seil, bechn, \i \z^-j farokht karn, J^* mi demi.
To send, li^j bhejn, ^ JLyl irsZ karn, b)U- chaln.
To separate, lijy trn, lij^asT bichhrn, U^ Jcj-jada karn.
To serve, ^c^-^cJo- b- ^ naukari or khidmat karn: see To help.
To set, (place) U$> rakhn, b^O dharn, (plant) UI^sj bithln, (as
the sun) b <>^ ghurub or as Ara, (set up) bU5l
uthn, see To raise, (set on) Ijjl&A hulkrn, see To excite,
(set on fire) b\ fl g lagn, boiJ CSj^phunk den.
To settle, (v. n.) b^ILj baithn, (v. a.) Ub&o baithln, bJlgj thnn,
(an account) ViVSC^ chukn : see To fix.
To sever, tor>- chirn, bjJ Jbu pAr cfra, ljc>- Jwd karn.
To sew, sn, bj dkhht karn, ULj siln.
To shake, (v. n.) bis iZn, J duln, (v. .) b&A hiln : see To
To shape, bbj bann, \ubgarhn, La>jb JL shakl bndhn.
To sharpen, b JJ tz karn, bbj*- chkhn, JJfb &r dre.
To shave, ^ mndn, \j <bs?" hajmat karn.
To shear, bji katarn, \>j> <j\jb* mikrz karn, UjK ktn.
To shed, (v. n.) bj^s-JAara, bjs girn, (v.a.) UljrfaZna, bi^girn.
To shine, b*>- chamakn, bXlj- jhalakn, bji laukn.
To shiver, kmpn, (to shatter) chur-chr karn.
To shoot, (let go) bjj^s- chhrn, (bud) bLl kaliyn : see To hasten.
Vocabulary. Verbs. 333

To shorten, \>j> koth karn, bl2$f ghatn : see To abridge.

To shove, LLCfcO dhakeln, bl-^ theln, LLj reina, LLj peln.
To shout, terna, (huzza) b^ ^- ^j>- jai-jai-kr karn: see To
To show, dikhln, bbj batana, \J Jbs zhir karn.
To shrink, shrivel, \j*f~ sukarn, UL*-j savitn.
To shrug up the shoulders, ! ljjli kndh hiln.
To shudder, Ul^fi thartharn, IMjAjfc harharn: see To quake.
To shuffle, UC tlna, \) J^UJb tlmatjl karn : see To mix.
To shun, U tln, rgardn hn, lib) jb J^ rahn.
To shut, U Jcj aw karn, bl lagn, mchn.
To sift, UU- chln, jhpi, \x>\$>- chhnn.
To sign (ratify by writing), Ii^ ^t" b Ls-sJ dast-khatt or saAA

To signify, bl^sT bujhn, ^ jatn, (_5^ rakhn.

To sing, Ij^gw, bjl alpn or lpn, \i Jgn karn.
To sink, .5 dubn, Ui-JbJ dhasakn, L^f ghatn.
To sit, L^Lj baithn, ^ i,-*~J nishast karn : see To fit.
To skim, (v. a.) ^^ kchhn, \j\~jpasn, (v. .) Ub>- cMw

To skin, JU/ khl khmchn, (a wound) b^jl^f gA' bharn.

To slake, bl^sT bujhn, \>j sard karn : see To quench.
To slap, bUybJ dhauliyn, bjU &=e"Ui> tamncha mrn.
To slash, Uli ktn, U chirn, b katkat karn.
To slaughter, slay, U Js Aa karn, bJljU mr-dln.
To sleep, \j}-> sema, UJ / len, bJ**> stn.
To slight, t-i-Ji.r. ghaflat karn, UjU- lLb halkjnn.
To slip, Ug khisaln, L2jj rapatn, bichhaln.
To slit, ^j^il Uil fam Zam ktn, b^s. chirn, bjl$j phrn.
To slop, b&j^b ^b pmdlkl bhign.
To smart, ^>- charparn, UVjj parparn, U^J dukhn.
To smell, b^ij-; snghn, bJ y J Z, (v. n.) bly b'n.
334 Vocabulary. Verbs.

To smile, muskurn, U tabassum karn.

To smite, (strike) IijVo mrn, (kill) Lib jU> mr-dln.
To smoke, (emit smoke) UUjJjJ dhtiwrn, (tobacco) \~jpln.
To smuggle, UjU db\> ght marna, lijU chauki mrn.
To snarl (a dog), gurajn, \jghurakri, \\j ghurrn. (?)
To snatch, 1J (j^rfs- chhin len, l ci jhapat Una.
To sneak, (creep slily) U b UU- dabak jn or w: see To
To sneeze, L->- chhmkn, \>j> L-kr tsa .
snub, liib dntn, U-JLj snsn, Li'l ktn.
To snuff, (a candle) UJ Ji" gZ Ze, (inhale) Lu$ khinchn.
To soak, (v. n.) Ijj -^-- serai hn, (v. a.) bj# bhigon.
To soar, Ijj! urna, b s)W buland parwzi karn : see To mount.
To sob, l'.C i sisakn, U> thunukn, b' bisrn.
To solicit, La>b>- chalina, b \ciJ\ b minnat or istid' karn.
To solve, b Jj>- karn, U <_iU> s/ karn : see To explain.
To sooth, 0^ JbclAji- khushmad karn, ULc mann, bj^<*>- cAaw-
To sow, IjjJ in, Ub y /, b fjjj tukhm-rezl
To spare, (v. n.) bj t/^rT juzgas hn: see To save, forgive.
To sparkle, bjg- b b5j$- ching chhutna or jharn.
To speak, bJy , kahn : see To pronounce, praise.
To specify, bL^ thahrn, jIjL^j tafstl-wr kahn.
To spell, U^ b l_efe b Lo\ imZ or Aaj or tahajj karn.
To spend, b kharch karn, urn, uthn.
To spike, mrn, \j ; ^ mkh se band karn.
To spill, dhln, lil^ chhalkn, bb bhn.
To spin, ktn, (out, protract) lilbjj barhn.
To spit (eject), bij^i thkn, b&^j lL^^j tfc phenkn.
To spit (meat), b\ sM lagn, gthn.
To split, (v. a.) b^*- chtrn, bjbj phrn, (v. n.) b.2$J phatn.
Vocabulary. Verbs. 335

To spoil, (v. n.) UjA >\j~ kharb hn, (v. a.) bigrn, ->^-
U kharb karn, (to plunder) L5j! ltn.
To sport, UL^i khtln, Jjl J^!l all-kall karn.
To spout, Ljj^s- chhtn, bl^s-! uchhaln, (v. .) ^>- chhrn.
To spread, (v. .) bichhn, \jj\~^pasrn, (v. n.) UL^ phailn.
To spring, lifSl uthn, \^\ ugn, (a mine) lijj vrn : see To leap.
To sprinkle, chhirakn, l~>- chhltn, lij^j bhign.
To spur, ljjU b Jj) er or knt mrn, h>- chaln : see To
To spurn, b^L ZJ lt mrn, (reject) U tln: see To despise.
To spy, \>\>- jhnkn, b tkn, bl^sT nijhn: see To seek.
To squander, |1 urn, \>\y ganwn, \>J> i^jJ\ isrf karn.
To squeeze, (press down) libo dabn, (crush) bjjjss" nichrn.
To squint, b^J \$>-jj tirchh dtkhn, \> al l5*H trhi nigh karn.
To squirt, \jj>- V. * krt/*4f pichkrt-mrn or -chhrn.
To stab, U3^J bhnkn, Mdn, \>jf>- chnkn, ^=f knchn.
To stagger, b\> dagmagn, (be staggered) lils^f> hichkichn.

To stain, Ii^ ^eta dghi karn, \ Lao dhapp dln.

To stammer, hakln, bVyS larbarn.
To stamp, (with the foot) Lio ^^-s u/b p'ti se pitn : see To print.
To stand, La, b byb khar hn or rahn : see To stay.
To starch, bjbbl ahrn, blf! b luJ fcaZap dtn or lagn.
To stare, b^ ghrn, Lb tkn, Lbj b l tlio toA lagn or rahn.
To start, (up) bjj b lifl! <-^&jf- chaunk uthn or parn : see To pro
To startle, (v. n.) chamakn, (v. a.) bl*- chamkn: see To
To starve, (v. n.) b^ bhkhn marn.
To state, (settle) bjJL muharrar karn, (tell) b^LJl iz'hr karn.
To stay, L, rahn, L tikn, L~j na : see To prop, stop.
To steal, bL- churn, blsil La- chur lejn, L~m msn.
To steep, ti^j bhign, L^ y!) Jl J dl-dub rakhn.
336 Vocabulary. Verbs.

To steer, bl>- chalana, bbx*5 U-jn : see To direct, guide.

To step, bbi!l b li^ J*5 kadam rakhn or uthn, bis- chaina.
To stew,lj^ c^-at; *J dam-pukht karn, bl^ff- sijhn : see To seeth.
To stick, (v. .) bJL>- chipatn, bU>>- chimatn, (in mud) l^
phasn or U...:.,^ phasn, (v. a.) bl2-- chiptn: see To stab.
To stimulate, Iiis- chalana, bVjjJ daurn, chhern.
To sting, bjU (^^^J nes mrn, LfcJCJ bindhn, \j\Jj dankiyn.
To stink, b^ b jjjo bad-bo or durgandh karn, b'n.
To stir, (v. n.) Ii?,-; sarakn, bla> hiln, (v. a.) Ul^-s sarkn.
To stitch, sin, bjy turapn, bXi\5 tnkn.
To stone, Ujto patthr mrn, b^J^JL~> sangsr karn.
To stoop, b>- jhukn, b,y nihurn, (submit) bile mnn.
To stop, (v. n.) Ui3! atakn \& tikn, (v. .) bl5l atkn.
To storm, U ei^-b" tkht karn, b^tcjj^ i/awr mrn.
To straddle, >- ^1^^- <>$ <wg chhitrke chaln.
To straggle, b^ ^byj' ^^- jahn tahn phirn : see To ramble.
To strain, (filter) bJb^- chhnn, (sprain) blLs.^ kachkn.
To strangle, U.-vL^ <UJ tasma khainchn, bJj^o ga/ ghntn.
To stray, U# bhatakn, bXyj bahakn, UJ ^j bhln.
To strengthen, b\ ..^^ b ijrp #< or mazbt karn.
To stretch, bJb" tnn, ^Lj pasrn, bugj phailn.
To strew, l5-$- chhtntn, ^ barsn, bl^ssr bichhn.
To strike, bjbo mrn, bjJ jto wir dere, USo^j thnkn.
To string, $ rfr lagn, (as pearls) b\^j parn.
To strip, (off dress) b^bi utrn, (make naked) ^ lfj nang karn.
To strive, b^ j s>-jidd jahd karn, jy zr mrn.
To stroke, blyj sahln, 0 -^i ^jU M phern.
To struggle, UjL^-j .lb iA pair mrn, b kusht karn :
see To strive.
To strut, ligSij ainthn, \i\j\ itrn, bj^ akarn.
To study, b *!lk< mutla'a karn, \j> jjfikr karn.
To stuff, L-jb? thsn, b^j bharn, (the belly) ^\ aphrn.
Vocabulary Verbs. 337

To stumble, l>\$ thokar khn, r~gj fhes khn.

To stun, \i <i*~j>-\ LS- V '-r'j-*' ?arb or wzst achtt karn.
To stutter, UK> hakln, btajS larbarn.
To style, Jj*\i nmzad karn, bj J khitab dtn.
To subdue, b <^->ji*-< maghlb or i&i* karn, b marna.
To submit, (v. n.) by> tasltm hn, (v. a.) b^ rakhn.
To subscribe, ^ ^s?' V. acL) dastkhatt or karn.
To subsist, lij , ^-^', b\ ^Jij guzrn karn.
To substitute, ^JjiJ b > or iatffi rakhn.
To substract, subtract, bJ Aissa Zen, Ii j_-j * karn.
To subvert, ^J b b j <G tah--bl or zlr-zabar karn.
To succeed, bis*, b bl ^j^snj ptchhl n orjn: see To prosper.
To suck, b~ij- chsn, (as a child) OJ ddA ;?.
suckle, USj b )J ?? dn or piln.
sue, L.'Mj.gC cJrr adlat men khainchn : see To entreat.
To suffer, li^-s sahn, b"^^- b J-*ac" tahammul or saJr karn.
To suffocate, bifjj jJ b (^JLj sms or dam rkn: see To strangle.
To suggest, Ly ^j- k_f;b)l ishre sc kahn, bb- chitn.
suit, Iii ? thtk n, by J^c muwfik hn, I-^j phabn.
To sully, U iL mail karn, bJ^j dgA dln.
To sum, \jjjs^ jrn, \j ^-*>-jarn karn, \i mujmal karn.
To summon, b^ t^JJs aZa> karn, lisn^ Ijb bulw bhcjn.
To sup, bl$ / l tiJ^i ra k khn khn.
To superintend, b^ j-> b nazra or sarbarht karn.
To superscribe, ^- b^jjl par or sar-khatt likhn.
To supersede, b >U b <J> b Jkb 65iZ or /? or kinra karn.
To supervene, bjj b 1 ^jb^f ngahn n or n-parn.
To supplicate, Ii^ ^-Lsll b IcJ-jI istid' or iltims karn.
To supply, b^j bharn, \i ij^J bharti karn, boJ dw.
To support, uu-iljy bardsht karn, \>\>\ uthn, Lfcby nibhn.
To suppose, (admit) bj ^^^i / karn : see To guess, think, know.
To suppress, k rakhn, bl! alkn, > dabn.
2 X
338 Vocabulary. Verbs.

To suppurate, \jpakn, bL-jj plbiyn, ln.

To surfeit, (v. a.) bl^l aphrn, \j j~* ser karn, (v. n.) bbjfl
To surpass, bis- Jkjj 6arA chaina, bJlj L5$^u pichhe dln : see To
To surprise, UJ uLxH ek--ek Una, V^j 1 1&4 achnak -parn.
To suiTender, U^ j-!"-" taslim karn : see To consign, resign.
To surround, X>j^ gherna, b tLU-l b j* gird or iAia karn.
To survey, b^ ^1 nazar karn, (land) b^ l>_y^ t"/'T jartb-kasht
To suspect, b <_l> shakk karn, shubha rakhn.
To suspend, bl5l latkn, (to stop) b i_ maukf karn.
To sustain, bJbv/tw-o sambhln, LfcilgJ thmbhn: see To support.
To swagger, b^ b t^*^ shaikht or lf-zant karn: see To strut.
To swallow, U3j nigaln, LU ZZne, bij^i ghntn, surukn.
To swarm (as flies, &c), b# bhinakn.
To sway, (incline) ^ te>-j~ mutawajjih karn : see To rule.
To swear, bb kasam khn, (make) bJ j kasam diln.
To sweat, (v. n.) b^l-j pasijn, (to toil) bj i^^us* mihnat karn.
To sweep, bjb>- jhrn, b^Lj buhrn, LMo j\&>-jhr dln.
To sweeten, UbjiU mithn, bji biL* b shrn or mlth karn.
To swell, bJ^j phln, b>-j-> sjn, (look big) b^ bar'J karn.
To swim, b^-j pairn, X>Ji tirn, (float) b^j bhasn, U^J bahn.
To swing, (v. n.) bJ^-JAZri, bJ.0 dln, (v. a.) bS^-j'MZw.
To swoon, bb b bt mrchh n or khn.
To swoop, .be b bJ iL*~>- jhapat len or mrn.
To swop or swap, U Jo M atZZ a<ZZ karn.
To tack, Li\j tnkn, \j*}o~jrn, b^j jb^>- jahz phirn.
To taint, (stain) b dghi karn : see To corrupt, spoil.
To take, bJ Zw, bjj pakarn, (away) bbsO lejn: see To think.
To talk, bJy boln, bLu batiyn : see To prate, chatter.
To tally, bl< miln, b j> ^L> b X^5 or barbar hn.
Vocabulary Verbs. 339

To tan, \jJ> C-a1jJ dibghat karn, (in the sun) bi^i$^- jhanwn.
To tantalize, liLy tarsana, U&to dahkn, b'Ls^ lalchn.
To tap, Ul$5 thakthakn, VjV^j thpn : see To pierce.
To tarry, bjjrfj Ihaharn, \> tikn, bilambn.
To taste, ^=- chakhn, UJ i*> : see To enjoy, feel.
To taunt, \j taxn karn, bb>b- chirhn : see To revile.

To tax, bW ^/>- khirj lagn, (accuse) bji> ilzm dn.

To teach, bb~> sikhn or Ul^Ls sikhln: see To instruct.
To tear, bjb^ phrn, b^ chima, (v. n.) bi masakn, &c.
To tease, bb~j satn, bjj j-o^' tasd* dn : see To vex.
To tell, kahna, bb~j sunn : see To count, betray.
To temper, b Jjc*^ mu*tadil karn : see To mix.
To tempt, bjiy warghalnn, bbs^ lalchn: see To excite.
To tend, (incline) JjU m'il hn : see To attend, aim.
To tender, b^ jAi b -^ly tawzu* or karn : see To offer.
To terminate, (v. n.) bjA ^.1 & , (v. a.) tamm
To terrify, \j\> darn, bJ ; ^UtJ dahshat dn : see To frighten.
To testify, bjJ ^j\j gawht den, \>j> ti-J)L> dallat karn: see To
To thank, return thanks, \j jL shukr karn, biU dhan mnn.
To thaw, (v. n.) blg& pighaln, 1$ tighaln, (v. a.) big3o pighln.
To thieve, Iij ^i^^ b - cAr or duzdt karn.
To think, b>*-^-s sochn, b^y bjhn, b Jjfikr karn.
To thirst, by> L>Lj pys k, b! <^.bj pys lagn.
To thrash or thresh, Lblf ghn, Ute maln, bJLj pttn.
To thread, b^j pirn, bbj! lariyn, gthn, tgn.
To threat, threaten, b\CJ0 dhamkn, \if>- jhirakn.
To thrive, bj& barhn, b~j panapn, \> ^Jiji tarakki karn.
To throb, IiJ <, bjl* <is mrn, b*>J dhamakn.
To throng, b V. jjs# ^7r or hujm karn, bl n.
To throw, LCv.^t phenkn, Ul3 dln, (down) bjb^; pachharn.
340 Vocabulary Verbs.

To thrust, (shove) 1J la>ti dkakk dina : see To stab, shove, stuff.

To thump, li&jf! thnkn, US-j pitn, (v. n.) dhamakn.
To thunder, \s^J> garajn, \j> karakn, (in menace) lj\$l*J dham-
To thwart, (oppose) \>J> elids.-* b A sido* or mukhlafat karn.
To ticket, lijj tlX^U iya aen, Ub>- ^ ^liJ nishn sejatn.
To tickle, \)\S& gudgudn, b'l^-s sahln, b'L-i hansn.
To tie, UJb bndhn, \j^fj>-jakarn, U$2ilf gnthn.
To tighten, kasn, X>*jL>- jakarn, \** khainchn.
To tili, \jys^ jtnci, u~\f~ chs phtrn.
To tincture, tinge, lh J>j! I atera karn, UjO j rawg de.
To tingle, b'UcjJ tantann, bUs-4"^ chamchamn.
To tinkle, bb$s$~ jhanjhann, UUg*^" thanthann.
To tire, (v. n.) thakn, (v. a.) b jjU mnda karn, bli
To titter, L'.h dabk hansn.
To toast, Li*! senkn, bhnn, ^Ju,J, biryn karn.
To toil, i^-o,<r< mihnat karn, IS^j c?m/c bharn.
To torment, kalpn, bb>j kurhn, bb/j dukhn.
To toss, I^^j phenkn, l^s-l uchhln, jhnkn.
To totter, & dagmagn, .5 ln, bj^1 larazn.
To touch, (feel) bj$- chhn, ^ l_<r mass karn, (come in contact)
lagn, liL> miln, (handle) b^- chhern.
To tow, rass laght khainchn.
To toy, blf^ kheln, ^ r'o-ch' karn.
To trace, track, lj^ ^ b iJ naksha-i-p kl pairawl karn.
To trade, 13^ jLj b ^Syj, saudgari or banij-baipr karn.
To traduce, tuhmat lagn, \J> |bjj badnm karn.
To trail, L",;~i$f ghasltn, ghisiyn : see To draw.
To train, bjV** V. t^^i{p tarbiyat or hamwr karn: see To teach.
To trample, LL* ^tb p'r se maln, bis5 kuchaln.
To transact, chalana, LU^ mu'mala karn.
Vocabulary. Verbs. 341

To transfer, (make over) l-iy* smpn, Ii ^J..." taslim karn.

To transgress, Ii^ V.J^Wr ^ cb1^ or tajwuz or khat karn.
To translate, Ii^ J nakl karn, (interpret) Ii^ <U>-y tarjuma karn.
To transmit, li <^j rawna karn, bhejn.
To transport, lillSo des se nikln ; see To banish : (put
into ecstacy) j** Jtf^-j wajd men rakhn.
To travail, be in travail, lilgS <-^i> dard khn.
To travel, Ii jL* safar karn, \ji phirn, >- chaln.
To traverse, (lay athwart) li\ Ijfl r lagn, (pass) phirn.
To tread, jib kadam paw rakhn, (thrash) lijb d'n.
To treat, \j tl5jL) sulk karn, (of) U^i zikr karn : see To feed.
To tremble, kmpn, daldaln, \>j^ larazn.
To trick, Uf^i thagn, chhaln : see To cheat, adorn.
To trickle, \j\js*-j>- jhirjhirn, bb<JJ bundiyn.
To trifle, IijLo l_J$-< makkhi mrn, \> ^Jp b\3 tp-tl karn.
To trim, Ui\$>- chhntn, \>j> tzJ\j\ rsta karn: see To shave.
To trip, (stumble) UU/ j tlikar khn, (up) li^U langt
mrn (?).
To triumph, liLsT <\jU> shdiyna bajn : see To conquer.
To trot, UU. L liU- ^Jlj dulk'i jn or chaln, \\jy khdrn.
To trouble, lili-> satn, Uj i..1J taklf den, \jj$>- chhern.
To trundle (v. n.) IiJ dagarn, (v. a.) lij^ dagrn, liU*5 lurhn.
To trust, Ii^ jjb bwar karn, i*libr rakhn, (sell on
credit) Lsu^j yy Aarz pr bechn: see To consign.
To try, ^^^)! zm'ish karn: see To attempt, examine.
To tug, (pull along) \s^ khainchn, (strive) Ii^U j}j zr mrn.
To tumble, (act as a tumbler) li^ ^jb kal-bzi karn : see To fall.
To tune, liU miln, Ii j\~,^n> ham-sz karn, (the voice) Uj! alpn.
To turn, (v. n.) phirn, ghumn, (v.a.) lil^j phirn.
To tweak, (pinch) nchn, (twist) marrn, L-*< mlsn.
To twine, bb.Jujj baundiyn, (to plait) \i&jj gndhn : see To fold.
To twinkle, liUiUj timtimn, (move the eye) lili matkn.
342 Vocabulary. Verbs.

To twirl, (v. n.) ghmn, (v. a.) ,_s<As~jald phirn.

To twist, (v. .) $!>! ainthn, lilg Ja ai khn, (v. a.) L>ii Jj >aZ
dtn, marorna, \ijyo mrn.
To twit, \jjVc js taxna mrn, Ii iS-~cL<, malmat karn.
To twitch, ^ nijhtn, khastn : see To snatch.
To tyrannise, U jj V.jr?~ V. ?M^m orjabr or 2r karn.
To value, mZ thahrn, LC nkn, ;- JjJ* zlzjnn.
To vanish, Lb, \Jb>- ji rahn, ljyt> t-^Jbi b c^w*- champat or
k'ib hn.
To vanquish, bcue-jiK, li? torn, \iS ^^~L shikast karn.
To varnish, bU&- iliO^u/c charhn, bj-*- chuparn: see To cover.
To vary, ^ 0 rangrang karn, b^J phtrn : see To change.
To vault, (leap) biij kdn, see To leap, (arch) bb>; <u fcw&Ja banana.
To vaunt, bjbc uJ]j^<-JS lf-guzf mrn, \j Jij ujH lf-zam karn.
To veer, b^j phirn, \*c ghmn, bJjo badaln.
To vegetate, Lf^ ^j-j ^ c^Li wai s7 wgn, U-*.=j- jamn.
To veil, Ulli jjj burka* dln, \j (J!-^^ ghnghat karn.
To ventilate, b IbjLg ^ |y> se thandh karn.
venture, Vj V5\ j>- jkhim uthn : see To dare.
To verify, Ii^ c^L5\ b u^-ot iiii or isbi karn.
To versify, b jjj karn, L$l jj3 / men likhn.
To vex, b^ jjJ rfiM karn, bjj-^- chhern, bk-j satn.
To vibrate, (v.n.) bl^j^i thartharn, \\fj> tirmirn: see To shake.
To vilify, * b |*U jj bad-nm or mazammat karn.
To vindicate (justify), b i_i-ot b Uj bgunh or karn.
To violate, bJ c^-^- hurmat Itn, (infringe) ^ faskh karn.
To vitiate, bj\& bigrn, b^ -*!^ kharb karn, bL.5 nasn.
To vivify, OL- jiln, X> xjjj zinda karn.
To unbind, khln, bandhan khln.
To unbolt, >J Jj^ ^^ b hurk or Z efw.
unbosom, Uj^jlj khln, \ jL\i fsh karn.
To unbuckle, \yS> baks' khln.
Vocabulary. Verbs. 343

To unbutton, }^ ghundl kkln.

To uncase,
To undeceive, bl^s-**- samjhn, b'^ j^y> kshyr : see
undergo, ulhn, b^ bkarn, V.y .^ khainchn.
To underline, b^L^S i^s?^ niche khatt or ZaHr khainchn.
To undermine, liljjO surang daurn, b5\ / ktn.
To underrate, \jl5^ l-vJ klmat ghatn, Lib*- ^^Ji- haklr jnn.
To understand, b^s*-' samajhn, b$>-jj bjhn, bjb>- jnn.
To undertake, 13^ karn, lil -fiU AiA lagn: see To accept.
To undervalue, biU- j?**- J1^ kam-kadr or haklrjnn.
To underwrite, V. likhn or sA7A karn.
To undo, (ruin) Ij^ 4->}/- kharb karn, (open) UlS khldln.
To undress, utrn. To undulate, li^S lahrn.
To unfasten, khln, bj^- chhrn. To unfix, kkln.
To unfold, } khln, udhern: see To discover, explain.
To unfurl, kkln, udhern, (spread) b^L-j pasrn.
To ungird, blj^S <&J b kamarband or fang khln.
To unharness, Ojbl jL s utrn, bjJ AAZ .
To unhinge, lij^ <UjJ b Jj- cAiiZ or 6? ukhrn.
To unhorse, Ul^f ^j-i Lfj^f ghr se girn.
To unhusk, bjW ^ff- chhilk utrn, b!l3 nikln.
unite, ULo miln, Jsc^c muttak hn, (v. a.) bLe miln.
To unlace, bJj$ drl khln, ^*^ bandhan khln.
To unlade, unload, lijbl Z>/A utrn, bjl#\ ubhrn.
To unlatch, }$ iZZ khln. To unlock, Ji kufl khln.
To unloose, 0 J^ rAZ cZn, b^ yd- Jcj band se khals karn.
To unmask, ^s^j burka* utrn, \jj> zhir karn.
To unpack, }$ b JcJ b \$2^ gatth or Jaste or mZA khln.
To unravel, (v.n.) b^s^"4 sulajhn, (v.a.) li\fs)-*J suljhn : see To open.
To unriddle, b J- AaZZ karn, khln.
unrol, bjj-ao^ udhern. To unroot, lijl^ Js- ^ ukhrn.
344 Vocabulary Verbs.

To unscrew, }$ ^ pch khln. To unseal, muhr torna.

To unsheath, larn , L5f jL5 niym s nikln.
To untie, bJj$ khln. To untwist, pecA khln.
To unveil : see To unmask. To unyoke, 1j=- J' wir dn.
To vouch, L J gawhi dn, l^ c^ot sbit karn.
To vouchsafe, li^ ^^-jY" mihrbrii karn, 1 farmn.
To upbraid, Ij^ t_i-..5U fjZJjj~> sarzanish or malmat karn.
To uphold, (support) lifcjV thmbhn : see To support, raise.
To urge, Ii JuIj b 1Uu takz or /? karn, urn.
To use, bJ bartn, X tijr< Am Zra : see To treat.
To usurp, LJ chhtn lena, UJ Js-b' n-hakk len.
To utter, kahn, b^UH uchchrn, b^ z/:r karn.
To waddle, b lL=j batak- or dagmagl-chl chaln.
To wage, b^, Ispi sari rakhn, (war) b cS^rjang karn.
To wail, biLL bilbiln, \i ,_gj\j j ib n?a zr karn.
To wait, 0^ ^lliy! intizr karn : see To expect, attend.
To wake, (v. n.) b>- jgn, (v. a.) bl>- jagn.
To walk, &- chaln, (go about) b^ phirn, \ij> j~* sair karn.
To wallow, Lj J ^^>- chahl lotn, tfj^j dbji lt-pt karn.
To wander, b-c^ ramn, Lj^ phirn, (stray) bhatakn.
To wane, Ugf ghatn, \j*s> ^ kam hn, bjj> Jljj zawl
To want, (be wanting) JI. khlt hn, (need) bj>U- chhn :
see To wish.
To war, bj! larn. To warble, lilSLJ lahkn, blf gn.
To ward off, UjJ i dn, UW; bachn : see To protect.
To warn, bb- chitn, U.O ^j*^ ghi den, libs- jatn.
To warp, (v. n.) by> ^ fey kharn hn, (v. a.) LjO jj* marr
To warrant, \*pj$\>-j'fz rakhn, j\~>-\ iklitiyr den.
Was, iA5, lys ', lb, rah, \ gay.
To wash, lijJtO dhn, X , u^i Awsi sw karn : see To bathe.
Vocabulary. Verbs. 345

To waste, (v. n.) LS^f ghatn, Lis gaina, (v. a.) Wjfl urn.
To watch, L J i_S^*" chaukt den, (not sleep) Lb> bedr rahn.
To water, OLiJ paniyn, l0 ijb ^ rfn, bsn^> schna.
To waver, toys J^i^e jlyj bekarr or mutaraddid hn.
To wax, (v. a.) Ij^ , (become) on : see To
To waylay, Ii s\j rh mrn, Ii cl>\ ghat karn.
To wean, JbJj ddh chhurn, y>. kh chhurn.
To wear, (rub, v. n.) L^-f ghisn, (v. a.) UL^f ghisn, (dress) I^j
pahann, (hold out) La^ rahn, 1! tikn.
To weary, tliakna, JL mnda .
weave, Ij or bunn, LJ\ ^Jh^jU krhn.
To wed, LfcU byhn. To ween, L>U-jrt: see To think.
To weep, Ujy rn. To weigh, tbln: see To consider.
To welter, L5j5 ltn. To wend, UU-^'n, 1^ phirn.
Went, \$ gay, (out) wiAZ. Were, iA, ^j^a hue.
To wet, (v. .) baigna, (v. a.) li^jj bhign, nam karn.
To wheedle, liL-^j phusln. To wheeze, U':. sansann.
To whet, LiLs sanna, \iS -^y*- tz or chkh karn.
To whine, U^-^g- jhlkhn. To whinny, LacLb hinchn (?).
To whip, I tl^jW- chabuk or ora lagn.
To whirl, (v. .) ^, ghmn, (v. a.) lU$f ghumn.
To whisk, l^fiyyj shathn. To whisper, 01.,.^....$* phusphusn.
To whistle, ^jS--! 7< bajn. To whiten, li ^ iXjL: /1 karn.
To whitewash, ^eli kali pliern, chhuhn.
To whiz, pinpinn. To whoop, jL>jlli kilkr mrn.
To will, chalina, \j^ j! rada karn : see To command.
To win, ^>-^<, l ^~^>- jit lena, lejn.
wince (from pain), ljliLs^>- J^j dard se chhatpatn.
To wind, (v. .) ghmn, phirn : see To twist, fold.
To wink, U&U matakn, (v. a.) \iliU matkn : see To connive.
To winnow, UW usn, &^ phatakn, ^fy->- jhrn.
2 Y
346 Vocabulary. Verbs.

To wipe, ^ pnchhn, b^ t_iL s/ karn.

To wis, ^=rjJ bjhn. To wish, >>- chhn: see To desire.
To wit (adv.), ^jii yaxn,
To withdraw, (v. n.) Lib hatn, > jb Saz rahn: see To take away.
To wither, bib^ kumhln, bbjfy murjhn, b>- jhurn.
To withhold, b jb z or per rakhn, &~$- chhtnkna.
To withstand, bj t , bjj rkn, U^bj thmbhn, bJS .
To witness, UJ gawhi den, shhid hbn.
To wonder, ^ i_^ ta'jjub karn. To be wont, ^ karn.
To woo, b\ Jti-c *sM karn, b l_sbc mngrii karn.
To work, b /cam karn, (ferment) bbs? gajn : see To embroider.
To worry, bj|j$J bhambhrn, bb^JbjpAr khn.
To worship, bc>-jj pjn, Ls bhajn, b^ parastish karn.
To worst, (foil) bl2i> hatn, blys harn, bblp bhagn.
To wound, bL- chutiyn, \i zakhmi karn.
To wrangle, bj^- jhagarn, ? bahasn, bj[fi> takrr karn.
To wrap, bilJ lapetn. To wreak (revenge), bJ |Uil intikm Un.
To wrench, wrest, bJ ^"'J* marT^ khaich Un.
To wrestle, b^ (^j5-^ kush karn. To wriggle, bjjp tarapn.
To wring, bjj^1 nichorn, bjt^o marorn, bjJ ^ jjecA <fn5.
To write, bg likhn, b i^-tii 1\yf^ tahrir or kalamband karn.
To writhe, bjl akarn, bj| ainthn, jj tarapn: see To twist.
To yawn, bb^^-^'amra, bJ jamh'i Un.
To yearn, b^ c^--> shafakat rakhn, bjj^ marorn.
To yell, b)b>- chilln. To yelp, b&} bhaunkn.
To yield, bJ& nikln, \>J Iouj paid karn : see To give, resign.
To yoke, bJ.s>- jotn, bj>ob ndhn, X>\i>- jutn.
VocabularyAdjectives, Adverbs, Sfc. 347


Aback, i^jjs pichhli taraf, ^pfu pichhe.

Abashed, cu-J lajjit, ^U-^j pasheman, i*jt sharmanda.
Abject, JJj zalil, patit,j\y* khwr. c_>\j- kharab.
Able, ubli kbil, ^^Lj smarth, J^3 /'/jfc: see Capable.
Aboard (a ship), jahaz me, jahz par.
Abominable, !j~* makrh, \jy^ ghinaun, ij karih.
Abortive, birtha, ^jL 57*, J^WI l-hsil.
Above, j^)] par,ji par,jij zabar.
About, fjJ^tjJ, s-ps, \jL^ gird-plsh, (j^ps.
Above-cited, above-mentioned, mazkr, jjb~~* mastr.
Abreast,jAjt barabar, jv jb ham-kinr, ^J.\ ^ lage-lag.
Abridged, ^r. fe* mukhtasar. t_ sanchlip.
Abroad, jb\ bahar, j^jiij par-ds, j** CLc 1 ghair mulk men.
Abrupt, j^J behar,j\p nisheb-farz, (sudden) tl&UH achnak.
Absent, Ijcs- jud,j\a~j*. ghair-hzir, (in mind) Jil ghfil.
Absolved, i_JU-< mu'af, c^X* mukt.
Absolute, (supreme) J&k'6 mukhtr, (sole, complete) Uk mutlak.
Abstemious, Abstinent, jlij-Aj parhezgar, ^j*^ neml.
Abstruse, JUj daklk, jli-c mughlak, {J^J^ ghmiz, grh.
Absurd, JJsb batil, ^Ji\ anarth, JyLn^lj n-ma*kl, ijjb harza.
Abundant, l^^yJ bahutera, j\ aksar, tyj firwan, iJbj ziyda.
Acceptable, J^iU makbl, ^j^e matbu*, uuiyJ bar-wakt.
Accidental, ^SUi'l ittifki, ij^-v^ ngahni.
According (to), fj\yt muwk, ^jUo mutabik.
Accurate, thik, ^s6 sahih, (person) \j-$>- chaukas.
Acid, l5$ khatt, JJ ami, Jji tursh.
Acquainted, wkif, lfT gh, (intimate) v5^ ^.
Across, Kl r: (adv.)jb pr,Jj\ war-par.
348 Vocabulary Adjectives, Adverbs, fe.

Active, tl/SU- chalak, man-chal, \>j>- charphara, is chust.

Actual, sachch, ,<->- hakik'i. Actually, <^L^\fi-l-haktkat.
Admirable, ,;. jb, j\j nadir, (interj.) < L Aya
Affable, ^Ll- milansar, ^Jc*- halim, cl>jj<\i b-'murwat.
Affectionate, J(-i-> shafk, (Jj-sbb) day-sil, l_5Jb_}j- chhh.
Aforesaid, jjiiX %,^^~~ mastr.
Afraid, ly> *ar A', J^UJ dahshat-zada.
After, (^efsu pichht, a*j Sa*a".
Afterwards, < 6a*d, Sxj ba*"d is-ke, JJ tad.
Again, m phir, phtr, ijlc lwa, xJj > d-bra.
Against, u-^< khilaf, (over against) ^~> sanmukh.
Aged, IIj buddh, purana, kadm : see Old.
Ago, ^ 1 age, pshtar, J^L sabik.
Agreeable, <M~j Jj dil-pasand. Agreeably (to), (ji\yo muwfik.
Alert, jlj^. khabardr, jlJfo> hoshyar. Alien, ^ pardls.
Alike, ^ barabar, ^LlUoI k-s, )1*~= saman, <u-> shabh.
Alive, b-r>-j7, jJj zinda, jljJU- jan-dar.
All, c_^o sa, |Uj tamam, j^Li sr, J- sakal,^ bhar.
Almost, i__^iyi nkarb, i_-~>^ karlb, j^jJiJ nazdlktar.
Alone, Ll , l^J tanh, %\ ikl, iije sirf.
Although, <>^1 agarchi, $>- har-chand-ki.
Altogether, <_lk<> mvtiak, ^s* mahz, \y nir.
Always, sac/, - hamesha, /ar &.
Ambiguous, CjjjLso mashkk, JiSsJj pechdar, mubham.
Ancient, i^jj kadm, #>-)j> paracln, puratam.
Anew, Afresh,^ phir, y^-i sar-i-nau, ^>j~^ naye sir se.
Angry, ^^ ghusse (in anger), <- khafa, ^^jj krdh.
Angular, jljuJj^ knedr, j\a+jS>J> gshedr.
Animated,^-! dir, dil-garm; (as language) namkn.
Annual, ULj sliyn, ^y*j> baras-w, Ljys har-sla.
Another, \j~ dsr, jj\ ek aur, clX^jjl aar .
Anterior, )j iJ^j pesh-ruu, JJ AaZ. Antique : see Ancient.
Vocabulary Adjectives, Adverbs, fc. 349

Anxious, x^ejj fikr-mand, j^o mutaraddid.

Any, kl, js kuchh, k'.
Apiece, jb har Ik .
Apt, $ l'ik,j\j taiyr, JjU kbil, <Si\&- chlk.
Aquatic, pariih, ab,j^r jalchar, >J>\j daryl.
Around, ^-b^~l s-ps, gird, pairman.
Arrogant, j)j*< maghrm, ^jauS gustkh, Sz** mutakabbir.
Artful, jLc aiyr, ^j^fann-farebi, ^J^>- chhali, CJ%>- chlk.
Artificial, *^i-Lj sakhta, \ bbj bany h'.
Artless, anfi, yu bhl, <&-Lj be-skhta, jLj s<?a.
As, L-^-j'ais; (conj.) kyki: as much, as many, U^-Jii/i.
Ashamed, Ai^-i sharmanda, lajjit, ij*sr*- khajil.
Aside, (apart), alag, \ss>-jud, i^j^ kinre.
Aslant, ^j- / tirchhl st, <_ il&l tpraf.
Asleep, 1 Ijj-> sota h', j^^-c rm me.
Astonished, ghbrjfJLjbX^madhsh, u^L^-chakit, ^j^hairn.
Astray, bhatk, i\y& gumrah, i^i bhl, \}^J: bt-rh.
Asunder, \sfjud, iJ\\ alag : see Separate.
At all, (b* ?nutlak, Ulk. mutlak.
At all times, e^Jjjb har wakt: see Always.
At length, At last, j- \ khir, pas.
Atrocious, jijit o^y nihyat sharir, c-^ju o^J bahut ma*yb.
Attentive, {j-$f>- chaukas,j\+>jb hoshyr, &>-<p~* mutawajjih.
Averse, islls." mukhlif. tj);^ n-rz.
Austere, u^s^ sakht, e^-bjJ durusht, j tund, Vfi kar.
Auxiliary,jlfo.X madadgr, kumaki.
Awake, jgt, bedr, j\J*> hshyr.
Aware, <*J\j wkif,J*j*>- khabardr, \f I gh.
Away (absent), j\>-j ghair hzir,^ c^jUj tafwut par, \>-jud.
Awhile, > Ai- chand muddat, bejt \*^ thr rsa,
Azure, ^jUw| smrii, jj\ azrak, j J-3 riil-gn.
Back, (adv.)^j phtr,j\) bz, -} wpas.
350 Vocabulary Adjectives, Adverbs, Sfc.

Backward (loath), -gardn, Ju kashtda, sust.

Bad, \j> bura, bad, ^jjj zabn, <-r>\j~ kharb, j_jL sharir.
Bald, chandl, ganj, (unadorned) LijU na-zeba.
Baneful, Jbj zahr-dr, muzirr.
Bankrupt, UljJJ devwliya, ^& mufls,jbli na-dar.
Barbarian, (adj.) ^jj>-jangl, ^J^j wahsh, f>-j be-rahm.
Bare, (naked) l&J nanga, (plain) jL scfo, (void) ^J^- khfi.
Barren, (land)^-yl sar,) hallar, (animal) -fsrb banjh.
Base (adj.), p/, kamina, , ^yj .
Base-born, *1^e>- haram-zada, barn-sankar.
Bashful, ^cj-i sharrril, Lsi lajila, ^j>-~> sankochi.
Bay-coloured (a horse), ll--w kumait, samand.
Beastly, L) ^j^s*- haiwn-sa, ti/b n-pk, s ganda.
Beautiful, iZJjpaiji- khbsrat, <~ sundar, t^mj^ surp.
Because, l^ij ki, liXyJ lihaz, tijy kyki.
Becoming, J.I l'ik, <jL> shyasta, U (j-^- khiish-num.
Before, g, samnt, ^J^pesh.
Behind, ^pfo pichhe, . Jb #5 ?, 5a*.
Beloved, pyr (.), ,_$j\jpyrt (f.), < >* mahbb,jjj& ziz.
Beneath, ^t^ niche, (unworthy) J$ Ii n-l'ik.
Beneficent, Jbj dayal, ycLi faiyaz, lilj di.
Beneficial, JLo mufid, Jo^cJ^i sidmand, > bal.
Beside, Besides, /:, Sjle lwa, ^jj^ kinare, j> nazdk.
Best, jjl uttam, 1$) sa6 se bhal,Jiij\ aultar.
Between, Betwixt, ^> btch, ^,1**^ darmiyan.
Beyond, ijji pare, j\j par, ^~\ ge.
Biennial, JL^J d-sla, l > c? s tak rahnt k.
Big, 1*j bar, mola, halan, (pregnant) *LU- hmila.
Bigot, bigotted, muta'ssib, hathi.
Bilious, Ly\jbe safr', ^1yi*> safrw, zardabi.

Bitter, karw, -j la, ^ ZAA : see Cruel, Sharp.

Black, ls kl, iyh, (complexion) iT^K kalt, Ul kliy.
VocabularyAdjectives, Adverbs, Sfc. 351

Blamable, ^j^o mulzim, kusrwr. Blameless: see Innocent.

Blank, (white) JL> sufd, (unwritten) oL sda, 1$Lj b-likh.
Bleak, (cold) j~> sard, l&JOfi thandh, (pale) jj sard, Lj pil.
Blear-eyed, \^>- chipra (.), tlao dhalk (.).
Blessed, CSJ^ mubarak, JU- khush-hl, bihishti.
Blind, > andha,jf kr, Lo lj n-bin, (of one eye) 1 Aw.
Blinkard, IbJiX- chundhla, \>&Jb dhundhla.
Bloody, ^LJ jj! lh-luhn, x\ ^^>. khn-lda, ^y>- khrii.
Blue, Li /, iL! , ^^xLj ml-gn, J kabdi : see Azure.
Blunt, (dull) J Awna", \$ bhbta, (unpolite) jV><^ ^ be. imtiyaz.
Boisterous ^y*>jy* ) zor-shor-karntwala, JoA> shadid, JoJ tund.
Bold,^Jj dilr, j dilwar, bahadur, L^u mnchala.
Born, \i&-jan, paid, (in compos.) aj\j zda, \j za.
Both, yjj dorn or dnn, Ja har do.
Bounteous, bountiful, data, *i karim, ^L faiyz.
Brackish, khr,jyi> shr, lijS lona, j^aj namkin.
Brave, j\> bahadur, c^-OjLs swant, j\j* mardna : see Bold.
Brawny, \&**jlt hurmusht, kungr, ^J^>- chahkaith.
Brazen, L-j pitia, ^fy. birinji : see Impudent.
Brief, 0(f kth, ^ai* mukhtasar, ^Us* mujmal.
Briefly, ikhtisr se, (in short) Jojb gharaz, ^> algharaz.
Bright, rshan, L>-1 ujl, i_Jte sf : see Illustrious.
Brilliant, j\j (Jjjj raunak-dr, tbnk, L^>- chamkil.
Brimful, i_-JU lab--lab, bhar-pr.
Brisk, L>- jald, shkh, tl$ll>- chlk, eu-w.>- chust,jj tes.
Brittle, cJj\j nzuk, L&Jj barik, Lj paila, CS tunatt.
Broad, \jf>- chaur, jC rlz, (vulgar) kamina.
Brown, <jj gandum-rang, ^ gandum-gn.
Brutal, . haiwni, (savage) <J^-} wafishi : see Cruel.
Bulky, j*> mota, ^*~s>- jasim, Vjj bar, ijj^ bhri.
Busy, J^*i~ mashghl, j* sar-garm, i_J^b<i masrtif.
But, (except) \y* siw, j>- juz, (conj.) ^magar, l^J\ llkin.
352 Vocabulary. Adjectives, Adverbs, Sfc.

By, ^ se, t_ ..> & sabab, j ba : see Near.

Calamitous, sj fat-zada, i}^ij> partshn : see Wretched.
Callous, iji-.s."' sakht, gathil, jy5> kathdr, J,J be-dard.
Calm, UJni dhim, Jjcjk mu*tadil, Aj 5awa", l> .
Cancelled, Lf blLc mity gaya, j-* ft$ gay.
Candid, (_Jle so/", jb v^~>^ rast-baz, j*$ ^ b-lag'.
Capable, ,Jj15 kabil, Jj l'ik,J!\j ptr, jog.
Capacious, x\ kushda, ^ji farkh, Ijjs- chaur.
Capital, (as a crime) jimr, (principal) \j) bar, zim.
Capricious, ^Js^^Ij talauwun-tab*, chh.
Cardinal, a*zam, jS\ akbar, Jj\ awwal.
Careful (cautious), khabar-dr, jLy& Kshyr.
Careless, Jil ghfil,JJu be-fikr, ^j>-y^ aschi.
Carnal, tjL nafsni, ei ^jy^ shahwat-parast, kmt.
Carnivorous, gsht-khpr, ^Ibjl ms-adhri.
Casual, ^jSlu! ittifaki, ^j\ ariz, tS\& ngahni.
Cautious, jL-y* hoshyar,Jubj>- khabardr. (jjjj- chaukas.
Celestial, ^JZ^tf bihish, ^J^>- jannaf, tiU-sl sm<mz.
Censorious, ^-t-^- ib-jo,jt^jj>- harf-gir, CicJ nindak.
Central, Centric, (JL^J darmiyri, ^>? bichon blch.
Certain, cjJi yakln, i ' ^* be-shakk, jJl* mukarrar.
Certain, (some) ,<iu baxz, ^ k% (person) ^Jfuln, <i fulna.

Certainly, <fcl albatta, LJb yaklnan, mukarrar.

Charitablej^sr* mukhaiyir, data, LS^ sakhi, ^eX faiyz.
Charming, Ujy<> mohn, b^L^ suhwan, i_ - J dil-chasp.
Chary,jLijj> hshyr, khabardr, (frugal) l^^ kifyati.
Chaste, clSb ^, ^s-j pabitr, *A> swdA, <ti-i* /^ (w
Cheap, bj sosia, manda, arzan, l^J ^ kam-balm.
Cheerful, jj Airi. khanda-r, ^Lk~&> has-mukh, (j^y>- khush.
Cheerless, (^Ijl Mtfas, sn, (dreary) jO j jtf ZaM *".
Chief (principal), Jjl awwal mukaddam, \y_ bar.
Chiefly, Ule ghalban,J&\ aksar, L>ars- khumsan.
Vocabulary.Adjectives, Adverbs, Sfc. 353

Childless, ^^J. -aulad, jJjS l-walad, nipt.

Chill, Chilly, thand, sard, LA3L$5 thand-s.
Choice, (select) <UsU- khssa, (careful) Jjxo ma*kl, ^J^ kifyatl.
Christian, i^sy-^A isawl, nasrnt.
Chronic, Chronical, muzmin, ^jIj d'irni, b^J dr-p.
Chubby, S^Ji galphl. Churlish, be-tamiz, dabang.
Circular, j)X< mudauwar, ^<f gol,j\ <tiL>- halka-dwr.
Circumjacent, (J"32-* muttasil, >~-~iJ* karib, ~ aspas, CjL^j
Circumspect, {j^>>- chaukas, j\^yt> hoshyar, ^>- chaukann.
Civil, (sociable) ^LLc milansr, (political) L5^-< mulki, (not military)
Clammy, jIa-J las-dr, L-LJ laslas, \-=^>- chipchipa.
Clandestine, W^^jJ pshida, L$- chhip, gupt-
Clean, <_Jl* sf, jS\ pakiza, \sA ujla, nirmal, cJ^pk.
Clear, (bright) <_JUi shafff, uJL sa/", (not cloudy) l$>^ pharchh,
(evident) shkr, jib zhir, (free) J^- khli.
Clearly, i_JU> s/, sarhan: see Evidently.
Clever,ji- chatur, chlk, J^Jt>4 hshyr, J^oli kmil.
Close, J^j awf, Ijc^c mund, ghana, ^> bhir.
Cloudless, \1 khul h', \ ^ abr. Cloudy, j^-^ghanghr.
Clumsy, (_jLil anf, nii-Li ^> be saltica, JjJ bad-daul.
Coarse, \L mota, !> gunda, (rude) cu-bjJ durusht.
Coeval,j*s- ji> ham-mr, ^ pJb ham-sinn, >= ham-jl.
Cold, Ijo^j thand, j~> sorc?, L^- khunuk, Js-~! sJia/.
Comical, Comic, jL^',' thathbz, Jj~> hasdr.
Commercial, ^Oj-s saudgarna, ^ tijratl.
Common, cl^3~ mushtarak, (inferior) <i~* kaniina.
Commonly, ji^l aksar, jJL*> blshtar.
Compact, ths,j) pur-kr, (_/-i ghafs.
Compassionate, J>-> shaflk, JUi dayl, J^/ narm-dil.
Competent, J> S A/7, Jj /fciiZ, ~1 bas.
2 z
354 Vocabulary.Adjectives, Adverbs, Sfc.

Complete, pr, jUj tamam, (ready) j\J taiyar.

Compound, compounded, murakkab, i^^cj sanjukt.
Conceited, ^ji- khud-btn, dimghi, j\i*f\ akarbaz.
Concise, jk4 mukhtasar, sanchhep, s kth.
Confessed,(declared)jj^cmash'hr. Confessedly, ^^juAf'tirfse.
Confident, isic man-chala, dhith, mu*takid.
Conscious, <*J\j wkif, agah, j*-f- khud-.
Consequently, \} lihz, ^aJ\y^\ us-wst, zaruratan.
Consistent, i^wili^c munasib, J.}) l'ik.
Conspicuous,^bllj zhir, J>\z laniya, mashhr, \ khul.
Constant, t:\j sbit, )J\ atal, issx~* mustahkim, karari.
Constantly, c^j nit-uth, ^\ yt> har an, ^IjjJl^^Lc ala-d-dawm.
Contagious, ijj\~> sar.
Contemptible,^Jb>- hakir, JJj altl,j\y> khwr, i J - subuk.

Content, contented, rzl, khush, ^^r.,v..i santkht.

Contiguous, J.3^< muttasil, 1 51 mi/ Ait', 2^ paiwasta.
Continual, jjlj da'im, (continually) > hamsha.
Contrary, ills-* mukhlif, ulla, zidd, isls- khilf.
Convenient, Z'/r, ^'^ munasib, th'ik.
Convex, jlj gumbaz-dar, j\ Js kubba-dr.
Cool, jc^j thand, J- site?, J^-s sare?.
Copious, ci-^ bahut, \)j ziyada,j> kafir, jbJ bistar.
Cordial, (jTj< mukauwl, (sincere) Is.*- sachch, JW sdik, -ya.
Corporeal, (jl^-*. jismnl, i^f" sarlrl.
Corpulent, +^^-jasm, wi, jJj daldr,jfc3 tanwar.
Correct, ^ saAA, thlk, durust, JU&=r tahlfik.
Corrupt, durfli fsid, \y sar, ubs, \jL bigr, -y. kharab.
Costly, ^Jb*~> ktma, ^~a*s^Ju> bsh-ktmat.
Covetous, laicht, \j^f^ harts, ^fc'j! lbht.
Counterfeit, ^-jUI libs, \j>- jhth, kht.
Country (adj.), cJlJ dihkri, ^jyt gnwl, ganwr.
Courageous, J ditr, jA^i bahadur : see Brave.
VocabularyAdjectives, Adverbs, Sfc. 355

Courteous, t-JJy mu'addab, jL^^i- khnsh-akhlk, jlyjXj -

Coward, Cowardly, dar-pkn, J}J buz-dil.
Coy, L-^ sharmil, c-ls?"^ pur-hijb : see Bashful.
Crafty, jLc aiyr, ^Jijai fitratt, lL-> syn, ti^Ajfailsf.
Creditable, mu*tabar, jyc\j nmwar, J^i r-dr.
Crimson, ij!j* kirmizi, ^-J* arghawnt, lfc^s su ha.
Cripple, langr, !U ZmZ, pang.
Crooked, lajJ trh, kham. \$>-y tirchh, ^ kaj.
Cross, !jl r, tirchh, (peevish) \r>^*- chirchir.
Crude, Is? kachch, Ai- kham, z=s?\j n-pukhta.
Cruel, j=y ^ bt-rahm, kathr, JJ sang-dil.
Cumbersome, bhri, ranjwar.
Cunning, UV.- syn, jLc aiyr, ISo pakk,jx>- chatur.
Curious, y>-j\j rz-j, (rare) 1$3\ anth, (nice) ^Ju brlk-bin.
Current, (customary) r'ij, (flowing) ^jj^-jrl, rawn.
Customary, ^j* murauwaj, LS-*~y rasm, ^j^i dastr, ^}j r'ij.
Daily, i jjj rz ba-rz, jjjS> har roz, j)j jj rz rz.
Dainty, (squeamish) cS\jf>- ^p- khush-khurk : see Delicious.
Damp, \S gil, y tar, ''j^r< martub, nam.
Dangerous, Jni- khatar-nk, c^iljJ pur-fat, ^jJ pur-blm.
Dark, l^J^ andhtr, lLX;j^ trik : see Blind, Abstruse.
Darling, iji lrl, pyr,j)jz ziz, t_^.sr* mahbb.
Dauntless, jlj nidar, ti/Lj btbk, jXj bdar.
Dead, \ mu', sj.t> murda, mar, (insensible) ^ sun.
Deadly, JjI ktil, cLly* muhlik, fot> halk, Jjbb> hlhal.
Deaf, bahr, ^> summ, kar.
Dear, (costly) mahang, ^ girn: see Beloved.
Deceitful, jb\J dagh-bz, ^>- chhali,J~< makkr.
Decent, s~~A> shyasta, l'ik, wcii, z~\j\ rsta.
Decisive, ^>\i kti*, uJU sf, \j pr, ^jJ yakin.
Declinable (in gram.), u-i^is* mutasarrif, t^ij*~* munsarif.
356 Vocabulary Adjectives, Adverbs, Sfc.

Deep, \j$ gahra,jf^ gambhir, (coloured) ghr-rang.

Defective, kht, (_>aU nkis, \j n-tamm.
Deficient, S kam,jJi ksir, ei^ nkis.
Definite, JjAs^ mahdd. Definitive, ^^ muta'aiyin.
Deformed, J bad-shakl : see Ugly, Humpbacked.
Dejected, fj~\\ uds, ij zurda, ^^ gham-gln.
Delicate, (exquisite) nafis, (fine) cJft nzuk : see Dainty.
Delicious, jji j maza-dr, khush.
Delightful, dil-chasp, > Jiy- jmsh-yand.
Delirious, jLjb^j! -hdsh, . be-khud, \>< diwana.
Dense, t Aas//, tir^~> sangln, bhar, lJlS' grh.
Desirous, mushtk, i^j rghib, shauktn.
Desolate, wirn,jbA ujr, fyzQ, -chirgh, ^J^>- khlt.
Desperate, (hopeless) ~o\ U na-ummd: see Hopeless, Mad, Rash.
Despicable, JJj zalll,jJ- hakir, ^j>-\jp, .
Destitute,jls- l-chr, JU^ darmnda, khtt.
Detestable, *jL* makruh, tJ> karth, \j\u$> ghinn.
Devilish, ^1 shaitan-, Sj*>\ sur-i, ^Jj zabn.
Devious, il^-J be-rah, s\jj bad-rah, \ gumrah, ye kaj-rau.
Devoted, jlij ^- jn-nisr, ^jjh fidwl, ^ mu'iyan.
Devout, iXMso muta'abbid, ufj^ namz-, < ij^- rif.
Dexterous, uL/l- chlk-dast, J cu^-jJ dast-kr, o**- chust.
Different, s-JL-* mukhtalif, IjLi nyr,jj\ aur, <J\\ alag.
Difficult, J~c mushkil, j\j dushwr, jgZ katliin.
Diffident, ^Jji> shakkl, ^*>j wahmi, <~^ be-himmat.
Diffuse, yl^o muntashir, <JjjL tawl, lys vq>- chhitka h'.
Diligent, sar-garm, Jyti~ mashghl, chaukas.
Dim, >\ andhl, IbJjj*- chndhl, ^jsjJjJ dhndhr.
Diminutive, iS>-if kchak, \j nannh, chht.
Dire, bj\j> darwn, L^wJb ha.ibat-nk, t-^-^ muhib.
Direct, UtXj-j sldh, /-* mustav, (open) (_JL> so/".
Directly, c^j ar, Jlsh ^ -l-hl, ^\ abhi: see Direct.
Vocabulary. Adjectives, Adverbs, Sfc. 357

Dirty, (filthy) L mail, j-sf* najis, S-Li ghaliz : see Base.

Disaffected, ^Lvf jj bad-gumn, s\j- bad-khwh.
Disagreeable, Jo-j U n-pasand, n-khiish.
Discontented, ylj Ii n-rz, t/i^ U n-khmh. .La sft.
Discordant, hL ^ n-muwk, (in music) JLj be-tl.
Discreet, b b-tamiz, J*J> hshyr, 1_5~J bibk-.
Dishonest, U n-rst, ^>1 be-mn, ^jfarb.
Disloyal, <_ + ' namak-harm, be-waf.
Dismal, tlAiLfc haul-nk, tlL^ bhaynak, (jJ\\uds.
Disobedient, ^Ly ^ n-farman, ,jZ> j~ sar-kash.
Displeased, (_/^>- U n-khush,j\jj bezr, azurda.
Disputatious, \J~?~ hujjat-, <j>\srbahhf, jljj^f- jhagrl.
Disrespectful, _ ^ be-adab, shkh, tub -lihz.
Dissatisfied, " n-rz, (J^f- b" n-khtish, J^j bezr.
Dissimilar, c;iL<\j n-muwk, i_ab-sr< mukhtalif.
Dissolute, aubsh, JuJ -kaid, wra, &>j rind.
Distant, jj dur, Juju Ja'!/ : see Bashful, Shy.
Distinct, \e>-juda, Ja-* mutafarrik, (clear) i_jL> sf.
Distracted, i)^a^maztarib, ghbr, teJt\ shufta.
Ditto, Li! aizan, mazkr.
Divers, <i>- chand, ^JS kal ', <-^j e^syj bahut bahut.
Divine, (_; rabbnt, ^>^\ ilhl, rahmni.
Diuretic,j\ idrr-war,j&* mudirr.
Dizzy, i^jIJjS sar-gardn, ,jt>Xc madhsh.
Docile,^ jj tarbiyat-pazr, jJ tez-zihn.
Domestic, ^>\~ khngi, ghar-el.
Done, L kiy, Lb L kiy h', chuk : see Good, Well.
Double, UjJ dn, LbjJ dhr, Aj- do-chand.
Doubtful, lL^C-* mashkk, ..rJL* mushtabih.
Doubtless, X> ^ bl-shakk, L-b yakinan : see Certainly.
Down (prepos. or adv.), ^^snj niche, ^Jj tale, jLA At.
Downcast, sar-nign: see Bashful.
358 Vocabulary. Adjectives, Adverbs, 6fc.

Dreadful, haul-nk, uJoU# bhaynak, cS\ij}- khaufnk.

Drowsy, Li\oj ninds, iOjTf -- khwb-lda.
Drunk, %f*t matwl, e mast, ^JlS kaif-l.
Dry, (arid) iliw- khushk, I^j-j skh : see Thirsty.
Dull, (blunt) Jai kund, Ijjgj bht, (stupid) <_* afimak.
Duly, ^-ffir jais cJiahiye, i * $j f/.
Dumb, uiji gng, gung, *j .
Dunce, ahmak, bhakw, jJj batid, $\ ull.
Durable,jlJob^'-iir, ^15 k'im, b^iJ- dr-p, ^yb /c.
During (postpos.), Ai, , raht, WL^) darmiyn.
Duteous, Dutiful, j-Ja^j mui, (child) rashld: see Obedient.
Dwarf, Dwarfish, lib b'n, \5l n?, H*g5 thumk.
Each, > har ek, lL>) CS>\ k ek, {y>^^ s do trim s:
Eager, *J> j* sar-garm, shaukin, ~<yjj\ rzmand.
Early, (in the morning) <_~> sawere, (as fruit, &c.) L*f\ agmana.
Earnest, a?, ba-jidd, s'T, Ju* mukaiyad.
Earthen, gil-l, ^^2- mitti k, (as ware) ^U-j sifl-.
Earthly, arz-, (worldly) Jj\j duny-w.
Eastern, ^Jjft , j shark, ^J^-< mashrikt.
Easy, ^Lcl sn, sahl, (at ease) JU- aJyel sda-hl.
Economical, L5~>U kifyati, (j~jj=r juz-ras.
Effectual, Efficacious, j kr-gar,ytc mu'asdr.
Effeminate, zan-sifat, J^o Ii na-mard, LjJuj randi-s.
Egregious, \y bar, i^->~' sakht, i_^s? jab, mash'kr.
Eightfold, lif-fiT th-gun.
Either, >) ^ )>}^ dnn k Ik, k't, (conj.) i!j=- lvwah.
Elastic, chimtk, ]}^~ chimra,j\ * dam-dr.
Elder, \jj bara, \L>-jtth, JbS kaln, <jy. buzurg.
Elegant, i. laff, cJj nzuk, bf~> suthr, <>>- khb.
Eloquent, fasih, u^f>- kliush-g, ^bj ^jJt shtrin-zabn.
Else, (other)^l aur, dsr, (conj.) 1\ illa.
Eminent, jJj buland, al,j^<\j nm-war, iSjfo buzurg.
Vocabulary. Adjectives, Adverbs, Sfc. 359

Empty, ^\~ khl, ^>->- chhchh, sn, tih.

Endless, eu-Ayi ^jJ -nihyat, de- ^ be-hadd, mudm.
English, ijlj^\ angrez, ^Lll& inglishtani.
Enormous, jtjc m, u^s^ sakht, > J^i> shadd.
Enough, u~j bas, ^ kf, bahut: see Sufficiency.
Entire, jUj tamam, uUl amt, ^.j ^r, ^.s*" ..
Entirely, y-j^-s sar-a-sar, JL bilkull, lJ k-kalam.
Envious, JwW. hsid, aa/i, bad-chashm.
Equal, barabar, (jLsuJol h-si, j-s^b ham-sar.
Equitable, ; rsi, A munsif, js- hakk, thik.
Equivocal, mub'ham, j\ do-ma*nl-dr.
Erect, fj\i-)\ istda, mustakim, khar.
Ere long, iJUj i^jfjf iAr zamne mm.
Ere now, J-J aW a-z-, ^_^ ge is-e.
Erroneous, kl ghalat. Erroneously, ghalatan, \yr> sahwan.
Esculent, kjmrdarii, JjI ^ hhri kbil.
Especial, yoU- khss. Especially, ^yas- khuss, }.. khususan.
Et caetera, wa ghaira, lL$1j_^ ghair zalik.
Eternal, abadi, J]>1 la-yazal, d'im.
Even, (level) j^jaa hamwr, u~jf>- chauras: see Equal, Straight.
Even (adv. or conj.), ^ sacA, ^*^ waki', ^ju bhi.
Ever, (at some time) Li$- kabht, kadht : see Always.
Every, har, ^js Aar &, sai '.
Every where, > har kahi, >-J& har jagah.
Evident, ^Lc yan,jSii zhir, 1 khul, \jLi>\ shkr.
Evidently, sarihan, lybj zhiran, s/".
Evil, \j> bur, Ja bad, ^jjj zabn,j\^- khwr.
Exact, ilfi thtk, durust,jAj barabar: see Nice.
Exactly, ba-ini-hi, **^n> h-ba-h, .
Exalted, jl^j^-) sar-faraz, joJo^-j sar-buland.
Exceeding, nipat, w\jJ ziyada, bahut.
Excellent,^i^ bihtar, j;5U f'ik, uttam, c-^Jli ghalib.
360 Vocabulary Adjectives, Adverbs, Sfc.

Except, \y* siw,j=? ba-juz, jJu ba-ghair, 5 siw'.

Excessive, jlJ ziyada, adhik, u^jly nihyat.
Expeditious, j\i As>- jald-bz, z-, cSf>- chlk.
Experienced,^ to/if tajriba-kr, JSi.Ji\j wkif-kr.
Expert, jJbte mahir, phurtil, pakk.
Express, _JL> sf, yi zhir. Expressly, \* kasdan.
Exquisite, (j-J nafls, j^) bihtar,j\j nadir.
Extempore, ^jJ^J fi-l-badiha, J^Aj^j be-ta'ammul.
Extensive, j-^-y wast*, t\ZJ> kushda, \b bara.
Exterior, External, ijjye mri, ijj&b zhir, ^jjj> .
Extra, \ U> ma siwa, sh- lawa, x\ j ziyada.
Extraordinary, \y\ anth, i^s? jab, nadir.
Extravagant, Jj-s fazl-kharch, j^x be-dastr.
Face to face, ^^oLi^i.*! amne samne, r-ba-.
Facetious, ^bfjtyi- khush-tabx. Jj-* hansr, J^2 thathl.

Facing, jjijj r-ba-, JjI^ mukbil, LS^^-> samne.

Fair, (in complexion) \^ gr, (honest) ti*]j rst : see Beautiful.
Faithful, jbtlu\ Imn-dr, waf-dr, sachch.
Faithless, U^-j -waf, ^\jS- <J*j namk-haram.
False, \}p>-jhth, Jib btil, (forged) ^^m taklid.
Famous, ^0 nami, j^JuU namdar, mash'hr.
Far,jjJ dur, Jujw ba'id, (much) u^^j bahut, *jbj ziyada.
Farther, yjjO durtar, (besides, moreover) *jlc lwa.
Fast, (firm) mazbt, Wjj paurh or prh : see Swift.
Fat, \jj4> rai, < farbih, jasim.
Fatal, il^L^ muhlik, Jj'lS AiiZ, (fated) \jJ arf..
Faultless,^2J b-takstr, ^>- l-jurm, ^^s-^i b-ib.
Faulty, ^j-jjJ , ^-oJ taksir-wr : see Bad, Defective.
Favourable, ^^< mihrbn, (suitable) muwfik.
Fearful, (afraid) m J dahshaUnk, (awful) i_-^-o muhiib.
Fearless, Cib be-bk,jjj ni-dar: see Bold.
Feeble, ^ly U n-tawn, tsg ?a'f/j jjj ^ kam-zdr.
Vocabulary Adjectives, Adverbs, Sfc. 361

Fell, Jj) sangdilfjiykry. khnkhzior,J& katar.

Female, Feminine, JU mda : see Effeminate, Soft.
Ferocious, ^j^-j wahshl, f-j^j! be-rahm: see Cruel.
Fertile,^>-jj zar-khz.J~~ sansgar, s>- jaiyid.
Fetid, isx ganda, jix^o muta'ffin, IxjblJ bishind.
Feverish, sjj>^3 tap-girifta, garm, JjLh__^j tap-m'il.
Few, thr, ^jy> thof, chand, ^f kuchh.
Fickle, chh, ^^^^ talauwun-mizj, J^f- chanchal.
Fictitious, -L skhta, \$>- jhutha, taghallubi.
Fierce, jcJ tund, ^> shadid, c^w^ti durusht, ,_>jj .
Fiery, tashi, ^jj nri, (passionate) tez, x tund.
Figurative, i_;bsr* majazi, ^jl-^ tamsili.
Filthy, mail, ^j-=f najis, cl/b b -pk, li-li ghaViz.
Final, lJjs-\ khirl, khir, pichhl, uLc\ kmil.
Fine, (not coarse) tlX^b ir/, (showy) j\SL>- jildr : see Elegant.
Finite, iJjd^* mahdud, j\j\ andza 5 pyn-dr.
Firm, mazbt, u^- sakht, kam, CLJjJ subt.
First, ) pahl, \ aga, Jj\ awwal : see Chief.
Fit, ilXjfi fAt&, '/#, e^-p durust, >_^-jL^ munsib.
Fixed, k'im, jsx~* mustahkim, skin.
Flabby, Flaccid, Lb pilpil, narm, Laj </.
Flagrant, (burning) szn, (enormous) jojJ shadid.
Flat,^j^ barbar, Jiyb) hamwr, (insipid) IL^j phik.
Flexible, in*- chimr, 5Ls5 lachil, narm: see Soft.
Flimsy, pai, J-sj pai, jj^ kam-zr, ^>-bp.
Fond, <Jjti> sh'ik, J^ils shik, JjU m'<7 see Fool.
Fool, Foolish, ahmak, -wukf, >jy mrakh.
Forasmuch, jf>- chnki, iL*>- jabki, ztrki.
By Force, Forcibly, \^ jabran, ^ jjj zor si, jjjt ba-zr.
Fore, Sbl ag/, psA, peshin, L^j pahl.
Foreign, Foreigner, ^j pardsl, ^j~>-\ ajnab, 1_s0^ bidisl.
Former, I aga, Lj pahl, ^-^ pshtn, j^jLj sbik,
3 A

362 Vocabulary.Adjectives, Adverbs, Sfc.

Formerly, ^ \ age, j^j peshtar, jj-^e J^Ls sabik rri.

Formidable, ^+ muhlb, cl/b" c^- haibat-nk.
Forth, (forwards) <jA age, (abroad) y>b bahar.
Fortunate, i^-o^cLCJ nek-bakht. l^-Jjs^ bhgwant.
Forward, (early) b-*^l gman, (bold) fait shkh: see Before.
Foul, 5L maila, (_iL> Ii n-sf, najis, OjST aluda.
Fragrant, jljjJ j^iji khtish-b-dr, Jax^o mu'ttar.
Frail, (weak) > (not durable) ^ kamp, 5.
Free, Jljt zd, j\xs^> muMitr, tz~tj,j wrasta.
French, ijh+J^ farsis, ,<-~j* farstsi, \ frans ka.
Frequent, Jt\ aksar, ^jpaiham, i^-^J bahut.
Frequently, ij&\ aksarya,j\>j\> br-br, bshtar.
Fresh, (new) Li naya, xj\ taza, (not salt) bj!l alna : see Cool.
Fretful, Ijf^r?- chirchir, Us- khaf, n-khush.
Frightful, Li/Liys haulnk, bjl darawna, i^^s.-* muhlb.
Frivolous, halk, -, lL,.< subuk.
Frosty, JuS iijJ barf-dar, L l ^Jb _pe sa.
Fruitful, mwa-dr, brwar: see Fertile.
Fruitless, J^jI aphal, j~j be-bar, (profitless) a Sa.
Full, (complete) 1jjJ pr, (replete) ^ bhar, j) pur,j~ sir.
Fulsome, bj-^f ghinaun, j\J*\j n-gawr, Jojb n-pasand.
Furious, Mj tund, JOiXii shadid, ^/- ghazab-nk.
Further,^ijii durtar, (furthermore) ji tis par.
Fusty, x*$tf>phaphund, ^A> bast, 1j>Lj bishind.
Future, JLSa^ mustakbil, JcJ t a!inda, agam.
Gamesome, chulbul, j^ khilrl, Ljj rasiy.
Gaudy, -^ bharkll, L&b- chatkll, \j rangtl.
Gay, khush, ^tejbi shdmn: see Gaudy.
General, |lc am, ^.^o murauwaj,j&\ aksar.
Generally, <b^l aksartya,j>\ aksar, Ujac umman.
Generous, LJri , di, *J .
Gentle, (tame) h> hila, (well-bred) J~a\ asll.
Vocabulary.Adjectives, Adverbs, Sfc. 363

Gently, 4> histe, s_j^ dhirri, fj> narm narm.

Genuine, J-^l asil, (pure) \&- khlis, chkh.
Giddy,Ji^Jij^ghurri-dr, (volatile) J-=p*- chanchal.
Glad, {jy- khush, tili shad,jjj~~* masrwr, j* khurram.
Gladly, ^^jbf- khushi se, ^ JcJI nand se.
Globular, Globous, Jjf gl, L>^gZ-s, kurawi.
Glorious, J-L>- jalil, jAlJJ>- jalilu-l-kadr, Jur* majid.
Glutinous, Lxto- chipchip, LAJ laslas, jljuJ las-dr.
Glutton, Gluttonous, yi-J jjiii, ^^.j pttrth, J ll akkl.
Golden, y^-s snahl, ^jj zarrin, ij l? til'i.
Good, achchha, 1& bhala, ->^- "^> <-^ .
Graceful, Ljst1 sajlla, J~*>-jamJl, j\o-ja tarah-dr.
Gradually, ^j> -tadrij, <Uij zij rafia rafia.
Grammatical, is.\s b-ka'ida, marbt.
Grand, \ji bar, ^a 5zm,j~!> kabir, i^Stf, buzurg.
Grateful, JJ* shukr-guzr, (jJcJifj- hakk-shins.
Gratis, Gratuitously, oJu mufi, jjj be-zar kharid.
Grave, Lti dhir, Xii^sx* sanjida, \ gambhir.
Greasy, charbi-dr, L>- chkna, <Ji-^- chikkat.
Great, \y bar, Ac aztm, ^Sjj> buzurg, j+S kabir.
Grecian, ^^j -.
Greedy, j_^a)j>- haris, Lcf-'^ llchi, (ravenous) mar-bhukkh.
Green, Lb har,j~> sabz, (fresh) up tza, (raw) Ls? kachch.
Grey, U- khkistari, \jS kabr, i_^>1 ash'hab.
Grievous, JJJi shadid, oi"4 sakht, y>\ JjJ dard-anglz.
Gritty, L kirkir, (as bread) LX.. kaskas.
Gross, \3^o wi, ~~A-jasi.m, lsJ^> bhri : see Stupid.
Guiltless, *Lj bl-gunh, <ybj nirdokh, jj> bar.
Guilty, gunahgr, j\jaSJ taksirwr.
Hairy, (full of hair) jL\y m'edr, (made of hair) (>_s^iJ pashmi.
Half, IfcJl iiA, i84a't wis/-, jJ .
Half and half, in halves, ^^^ nisf nisfi.
364 Vocabulary. Adjectives, Adverbs, Sec.

Handsome, ^*.s- hasin, suthr : see Good, Beautiful.

Happy, (lucky) ^j^S kmrn, (at ease) JU-^j-j- khush-hl.
Hard, iz-Js?" sakht, \j kar : see Firm, Difficult.
Hardly, (with difficulty) ^ i^-i'j dikkat se: see Scarcely.
Hark ! jUm> j~> surio suno, j dkh dkh.
Harsh, e^jJ durusht, l~^s~s sakht. (sour) jLy tursh.
Hasty, (quick) b~jald, phurttl, (rash) J tund.
Haughty, jijk< maghrr. I_s^ ghamandi : see Proud.
He, (pron.) *j wuh, yih, (male) y nar.
Healthy, Healthful, t^w,dcJ tan-durust, \s>- Aaf changa.
Hearty, (sincere) bj* be-riya, so/"; see Healthy, Strong.
Heavenly, ^U-ol smrii, ^\^> samwi, ^Jli falaki.
Heavy, bliri, girn: see Grievous, Stupid, Sad.
Hebrew, ^1^* tbrni, t/<^ yahd.
Heedless, be-parw, Jilc ghfil, ^ fiet.
Helpless, j l-chr, j^sX be-chara, be-bas.
Hence, (adv.) ^l^t yaha se, (conj.) ^j-U is-liye.
Hence ! (interj.), y>jjJ dr A .' y> jJJ d/* ^5 .'
Henceforth, Henceforward, ^ <__ s, ^"\ ge, xs \ 'inda.
Her, ^ ^ ^(_/-^ V. ~ *-^, -e, -ki, ifu-\ us-k.
Hereafter, ^^- duo bctdisk, ge, 'Inda.
Hereditary, ^jjy maursr, bl, CJj^j paitrik.
Hideous, l-^^c muhib, tl/Uyt haulnk, ii karih.
High, Ab buland, nch, (proud) ^-Sa mutakabbir.
High-born, i\jj~o\ amir-zda, ^jJU-^lc li-khndn.
Highly, c^-lyj nihyat, lSwJ nipat, x{ij ziyda.
High-mettled (as a horse), jLiU-^'rtw-Jz,^ .
High-seasoned, chirpir, J\ maslih-dr.
Hind, Hinder, Hindermost, Si$=;picAA/,yM khir.
Hitherto, ilicH ab-tak, > yaha tak,jfJb hariz.
Hollow, chhchh, iys^ mujauwaf, khkhl.
Holy, (jwALc mvkaddas, j&s thir, 1 pk.
Vocabulary. Adjectives, Adverbs, Sfc. 365

Honest, \jp kkar, jb rast-baz, &4L> sadh.

Honourable, jj** mu'zzaz,jyc\j nmwar: see Honest.
Hopeless, A+*>\ U na-ummed, <jJ/ nirs, {j-^}^> myus. ,
Horrid, Horrible, *--^e muhib, haulnk: see Dreadful
Hot, garm, tatt,JJ tz: see Eager, Furious.
How long ? d> ftaJ talc ? How oft ? ^-j ^ kai ber ?
How many? ^zZ kitn (m.) ? How much 1 \u kitn (m.) ?
However, (conj.), ^jJ lkin,JLc magar, ji par.
Human, insnl, bashar.
Humane, J^f/ narm-dil, f^>- halm, jLs saUm.
Humble, pyjt farotn, gjiarlb, j*Ac jiz.
Humid, L\X> namnk, l->^sjc martub, y tar.
Humpbacked, \j kubr, i^tjj kz-pusht.
Hungiy, bhukh, ~f gursina.
Hurtful, Jj\j ziyankar,j*> mvzirr, Jisr* mukhill.
Hypocritical, Hypocrite, ^JJ kapafi, J&\ij riykr.
Ideal, (Jl?*- khiyl, ^j*^>j wahmi, ^j* farz.
Idle, (unemployed) Ji~i be-kar, (lazy) i sust.
Jealous, iJ&JJ bad-zann, (emulous) ^tZcLij+l ghairt-kash.
Ignorant, n-dn, fJsxi be-khabar : see Fool.
Ill, (bad) \j bura, M bad, (sick) jU-j bimar : see Evil.
Ill-behaved, kuchll,j\jb\J bad-atwr: see Rude.
Illiterate, jjlj- n-khwnda, ^1> b-ta^lm, ansikh.
Ill-natured, ^bjj bad-btin, d^JJ bad-nihd.
Illustrious, nml, mashhr, j\s**~c mumtz.
Immediately, ba-mujarrad, cuj turt, [(fj tabhi.
Immense, JcsAj be-hadd, b-Jiys: see Infinite.
Immoderate, be-andaza, *\>j ziyda, S be-hadd.
Immodest, b-sharm, Lscu bt-haya.
Immoral, fjL\x<J bad-ma'sh, _< ma'yb: see Bad.
Immortal, j*\ amar, <Sj**j be-marg, lyazal.
Immovable, achal, JjI atal, cJf\.< j+z ghair mutaharrik.
366 Vocabulary Adjectives, Adverbs, Sfc.

Impartial, ^J>f~, b-gharaz, ^a< munsif, Jtta dil.

Impatient, j~n+> -sabr, n-shikb, garm.
Imperfect, jtjlj n-tamm, j^U nkis,j*\s ksir.
Impious, ^.^ b-din, J~jI fsik, ^ycjb\ adharml.
Important, ahamm, ^jj^} bhri, \j) bar.
Impossible, {f^<> j- ghair mumkin, lij^l anhn.
Impotent, (unable to propagate) J^li n-mard: see Weak.
Improbable, J^^s^^-c ghair muhtamil, jj^^js- khilf-i kiys.
Improper, Ueu ^', Jybb<>\3 n-maxkul, Jij*&\j n-hamwr.
Improvident, Imprudent, ijLj\j kotah-andshfj^sx^ b-tadbr.
Impudent, b-sharm, (bold) $2*Q dhith.
Impure, i_Jl^\j n-sf, ^j-sf* najis, tl/blj n-pk.
In, , bich, bhttar, (dakh. also) ^j~q mane.
Inaccurate, jr^- ghair sahth, n-durust.
Inactive, e>~> sust, L3 <, rmi.
Inadvertently, ^> :- ghaflat se, bhulkar.
Inanimate, Inanimated, ^ -jan, b-namak.
Inattentive, Jil ghfil, CiUJI^ b-iltift, V^-j b-parw.
Incapable, fcmr, JjIjs. ghair kbil, > n-ras.
Incentive, iJi^-^! targhib-dih, cSjS* muharrik.
Incessant, J>^j^ mutawtir, J$ lagtr, paiham.
Inclined, JjU ma'il, (desirous) -^Hj rghib, J^lii sh'ik.
Including, Inclusive, J^^e mushtamil, J-\> shmil.
Incomparable, ^-li-J b-naztr, <jt l-sni.
Incomplete, jUj\J n-tamm, nJcis.
Inconstant, -sabt, -karr.
Incorrect, n-sahih, jb<xJ\ asudh, LL ghalat.
Indebted, j\j>J karz-dr, (obliged) ^^i.*.-* .
Indecent, Indecorous, _^^ -adab, *jZ~> b-sharm.
Indeclinable (in gram.), Cjfsx*j* ghair mutaharrik.
Indeed, wki', g* sack, <Jl abatta.
Indefinite, U ghair mukarrar, (noun) xjj nakira.
Vocabulary.Adjectives, Adverbs, Sfc. 367

Independent, j5-...i mustakill, y>-^ sar-khud.

Indiscreet, )>\s^. b-lihz, j\~<c\ b-imtiyaz.
Indisposed, (disinclined) jLAi -saz, (sick) s^j&Jb kasalmand.
Industrious, J~s?* mihnat-, ^>-\Lii^ kmkjl, s'.
Inestimable, b-bah, m -..,*^ b-klmat.
Infamous, jU At bad-nm, \yj rusw, &Z\ apajas.
Inferior, \s\j nicha, chht, jjj fartar, \>\ adn.
Infinite, Jicy b-hadd, ^bL-J -pyn, L^jl^ b-intiha.
Infirm, za'f, t> dubia, ^y^j n-tawn, rgi.
Ingenious, ^J zak, pb zahn, chatur.
Initial, pahl, jjJu> mukaddam, J^l awwal.
Inlaid, c^-r^ munabbat, yy*-jar'.
Innocent, lIAj pk, I^j -gunh, (harmless) c--o^ gharib.
Innumerable, jU^-j b-shumr, i^\ anginat.
Insane, diwana, V\ b'l, majnn.
Insatiable, l> Jij na-sr-hn k, \^yjj^ marbhkh : see Greedy.
Insensible, (_r-s^ b-hiss, (J^y^, b-hsh : see Gradually.
Inside, ji*$> bhitar, ^j^S andarn, andar.
Insipid, bt-maza, ISLgJ phik, lLX^xj -.
Insolent, magra, J&j sar-kash, gustakh.
Instantly, abhi, ist dam, fi-l-faur.
Instead, ^s- iwaz, Jjj badal, /^ ba-j'.
Intelligent, JjU kil, fahm, hoshyar.
Intemperate, J-^JkJ bad-parhz, ^j>\^> sharbi.
Intentionally, kasdan, amdan, ^jL>-y ^- jn bjhk.
Interior, Internal, LSj~ bhitri, ^j^ darum.
Intmate, p^b ham-dam, js* mahram, -jyo munis.
Intransitive verb, ^y J*j fi*l-i-lzim, il*c\ akarmak.
Intrepid, CJ\~J b-bk,j$j nidar, jn-bz.
Intricate, j\j^ipZch-dar, >^j ^pch dar pch.
Intuitive knowledge, JjJjJ* lm-i-ladunn.
Invalid, (null) Jtb btil, (sick) uJ^i\^\ d'imu-l-maraz.
368 Vocabulary. Adjectives, Adverbs, Sfc.

Invaluable, bt-baha, Jy<\ aml,j>jz ziz.

Inverse, Inverted, IS! ult, Ujjjt aundh, maklub.
Invincible, ajtt, Jj'l atal, ^<j. ghair maghlub.
Invisible, ^.J^l andkh, t-^J^ gh'ib, JJ-wli n-padid.
Involuntary, t_.f;^Ll iztirrt,J^-\ bt-ikhtiyar.
Jocular, Jocose, J^2$j thathl, j^-i> hansr, ibj zarlf.
Jolly, Jovial, khush, JojJj zinda-dil, bligl.
Joyful, khush. Jchurram, ^UjI shdmn.
Irregular, J^al ^ be-kafida, ^LSi-JiU- khilf-i-kiys.
Irremediable, IjjS l-daw, <^^ -ilj.
It, j wm, or yah. Its, s-/i, lJ is-.
Judicious,jLiyfc hshyr, Ai^Jc klmand, parbtn.
Jugular, \ ^Jgal k ; vein, JjjSIJ-o. hablu-l-warid.
Juicy, \j rasl, rasdr, <_j1jL> shdab.
Junior, chhot, >-fi kchak, saghlr.
Just, JjU <, ^ rsi, Ls.*- sachcha, ilX?f> thik.
Just now, ab-hi, Jls^l aZ/, a5.
Keen, (eager) Jjl- sh'ik, (sharp) ., (severe) JcJ tant/.
Kind, (jb^ mihrbn, tj^-jjbj daywant, (J-ji> shaftk.
Knotty, Knotted, \g gathl, (abstruse) iJ^n mughlak.
Knowing, 4_S!j wkif, ifH, j}J> gyari,j\<e mhir.
Laborious, jus4 mihnafl: see Industrious, Difficult.
Lame, langra, t lang, ^! lunj, (of the hands) S^l Zt.
Languid, iLxJ: za'f, jjU manda, Jj>\ /, c^w sms.
Large, \jj bar, y> mola, Sjt farakh, bhari.
Lascivious, masti J?)y* shahwatl, \\^>- chul/ir.
Last, t^l pichhl, khir, akhlr.
At last, ^>-| khir, ^IjJ nidn, cu-U akibat.
Late, (after time)^jJ der, (deceased) py* marhum, (past) ifl agla.
Lately, ^yj i-?j> thorl dino se, j darbt wil.
Laudable, qa*c mamdh, Jjl ^ i_ji ta*rif ke kbil.
Lawful, shar', (allowable) Ji\o-j'iz, Jlb hall.
Vocabulary Adjectives, Adverbs, Sfc. 369

Lazy, Lz. > sust, Jjbl khil, ^j nikhatt.

Lean, h dubia, j^i lghar, j*&2- halar : see Poor.
Learned, jjlc alim, J<li fzil, J*oK kmil, cd$j pandit.
Least, ^j- sab se chht, ^J-^ kamtarn.
Left, (opposite to right) ^ byn, (remaining) 1.
Lenient, Lenitive, {^< mulaiyin, jZ** musakkin.
Leper, Leprous, krht, l_? y^- jazm.
Less, kam, I3j>- chht, kamtar, kihtar.
Lest, (that not) mabd, (for fear that) ais nah.
Level, j\j barbar, JiyMb hamwr, ^3*~* musattah.
Liar, l^i>- jhth, <_jJl kzib, ^j dargh-g.
Liberal, (munificent) L-"*> sakh, Wo data : see Generous, Free.
Libertine, JuiLj b-kaid, \ luchch, jj rind, t\j\ wra.
Licentious, O-o b-kaid, \J&j sarkash, j^S badkr.
Lifeless, ^ku be-jan, (inactive) > sust, J^^0 maj'hl.
Light, (bright) $s>-\ ujl, rshan, (not heavy) lb halk.
Like, (equal) J?U* muwfik, (similar) L s, tksn.
Likely, (probable) jLjj* honhr, (probably) ^> hw, Uli ghliban.
Likewise, (adv.) bh, JJ z, ^J~>\ jji -isk.
Liquid (fluid), Scj paila, JU- saiyal, cjlj^ muzb.
Little, Ijj^i thr, (small) chht, jf>- khiird.
Live, Living, L>- Ji, OJj zinda, (burning) garm.
Lively, JoajJj zinda-dil, > shkh, khush-tab* : see
Lo ! j^jo dkh, Ja, -$jO dlkh.
Loath, ,j^ n-rz, A kashlda, i^^fjj rgardn.
Lofty, (high) Jib buland, (proud) maghrr : see Conceited.
Lone, Lonely, \ ikl, IfJ tanh, 1S\ akl : see Solitary.
Long, L*l lamb, j^j darz, (time, dilatory) tjj dirang.
Loose, ^ khul, chht, 5LfcJ <#, juj b-kaid.
Lost, gum, <-rLi- kharab, \S gay, i_-~jI gh'ib.
Loud, tjfyi> sAr, Hjl Job buland awz, nch.
370 Vocabulary Adjectives, Adverbs, Sfc.

Loudly, with a loud voice, ^Jpukrk, jyS> shr se.

Lovely, pyr, nzrin, jl dilbar.
Lovesick, zioj farefta, f* maftin, ^y^s^ majnn.
Lousy, chilrh, ^s*- j'H-bhar : see Base.
Low, Isnj riicfi, iz.' past, (weak) i (uxJ> za'Jf: see Base.
Low, (adv. not loud) ^ju1 histl, dhirri: see Down.
Lowly, farbtan, ls>- halm, t-^ gharb : see Humble.
Loyal, JLv-tlX*j namak-halal, *c~~ mustakm : see Faithful.
Lucid, cJLs so/", ^\j barrk, rshan, (_U-> shafff.
Lucky, i_ khush-nasib, ^ bakhtwar : see Fortunate.
Ludicrous, ijjS!-*0 maskliari, jUL iawnaz, jJoUjcci- khanda-angez.
Lukewarm, ^_fjt^ shir-garm, (dakh.) U* kumkum.
Lunar, ^^ mahtabi, , (day) iA. (f.)
Luscious, IgSLc miA, L*^ rasil, jjJ Zagg : see Delicious.
Lusty, (stout) j^liJ tanwar, s kawi,j>\jj zrwar: see Corpulent.
Luxuriant, asr, y^j wr, jbj ziyda.
Luxurious, (_/iUc iysh, ^\*^>- khush-ma'sh, JLi , <Jl>
Mad, tljjJ diwna, jb b'l, (enraged) (jJU^af. ghazabnk.
Made, 1 bany h', <fcii-L> skhta, \i\j karwy.
Magnificent, zmu-sh-shn : see Grand.
Main, (chief, principal) Jjl awwal, pSL* mukaddam: see Important.
Major, 1^ ar, </J buzurg, Jjl awwal, sardr.
Male,y war, narkh, tjj narma, j\j* mardna.
Malicious, Malevolent, <J$tJ -kash, *\yj bad-Jdaph.
Manifest, wazih,jS&> zhir, l khul, \j&JiA shkr.
Manlike, Manly, ti\dj* mardna, j*j\y>- jawnmard.
Many, bahut, ^XyJ bahufre (m. plur.), jL-j bisyr.
Marine, Maritime, bahrt, dary'.
Marvellous, c--ws* ajb, U~*-l achambh, toys? jba.
Masculine, (in gender) 'x<> muzakkar, 1* puling : see Manly.
Material, (of matter) <jl*~>- jismrii : see Important.
Vocabulary.Adjectives, Adverbs, Sfc. 371

Maternal, Motherly, u^jL madari : see under Grandfather, &c.

May be, Joli shyad, i_iy> hw, l^b hg, ho.
Mean, <~ kamna, pa, (middle) L* miyna.
Meek, jQ bhola, halim, j-Li salim, k-^ gharib.
Meet, i_--*~jb^ munsib, *j durust: see Fit.
Mellow, & pakk, norm, *Ju~y rasda, khush.
Mercantile, ^^ tijrati, s\y*> saudgarl, mahjan.
Merciful, rahim, JJ |^< -dil, cu^bd daywant.
Merciless, ^-^ bc-rahm, iiJuj bt-dard, JJt& sang-dil
Mere, (pure) 1 wtY, 31/ nirl, (merely) uJ^ sir/, ^s^ .
Merry, ^Uolii shdmn, hasor, magan, (jy>- khush.
Metaphorical, Jua~~<> musta'r, ujW* majzi, (adv.) |jls^ majazan.
Methinks, ^t> mujh sjht hai, ,Jb li ^ '
lagt hai.
Mid, Midst, l adh-bch, ^ bichon Vieh.
Middle, Middling, <L miyna, ^Ja^j wasatj, i^sf majhl.
Midway, i\js'\ij\ asn'e rh, i)j dhi rh mm.
Mighty, t-Jjb balwant, ^jy kawi, ^^fyoL smarthi, (dakh.)
Milch (giving milk), jlaJjJ ddhr, Jj>JJ dudhail.
Mild, jJL) mui'im, py norm, ^S- halim, komal.
Military, ijjj^ lashkari, ^S^r jangi, skari.
Million, das lkh, ^5, nijut: ten millions, *j karr.
Mine, ^- V. i-fji*1)/?* , mre or , ^A 1 , ,
Minor, JLi)yr. khurd-sl, (yes') jJb Ii n-bligh (shakhs).
Minute (very small), tjf>- <^V nihyat chht, [^y" mihin.
Miraculous, jb, toys? juba, ^J~*) karmti, (ju^jjI
Miser, J-st; bakMl, C-~** mumsik, pJ> shm, ~?& kanjs.
Miserable, JJi zalil, JUA^. khasta-hl, uAiu mufls.
Modern,y>\^< muta'akhkhir, Ai^jadid, ^\>- hii : see New.
372 Vocabulary Adjectives, Adverbs, Sfc.

Modest, (bashful) )LJ lal, j-L- hafim, (chaste) j^* mahjub.

Moist,y tar, ^ nam, cS^ namnk, \ gil, Ijjl od.
Mongrel, cj dghla, <sLJjJ d-nasla.
Moral, (of manners) l JjiUH akhlk k, (virtuous) JtJ*- khalik.
More, j\ aur, Jbj ziyda, iS>\ adhik, btsh.
Moreover,^-J" tis-par, upar isk, Xjlz alwa.
Morose, c^-ijJ durusht, jjbji tursh-, V kam.
Mortal, iJU fri, ^Jy> mautt, (deadly) tl^Ly^ muhlik, JjU ktil.
Most, JiS>\ aksar, bahut, iObj ziyda,Z**> bshtar.
Mostly, for the most part, J\ aksar, bshtar, Ul ghliban,
<kl aksarlya.
Motherly, ufjiiU madar, LsL> m-s, j\jVc mdarna.
Much, u^yJ bahut, jL-J bisyr, (adv.) ^> nihyat.
Muddy, (foul) 5L mail, gadl, (stupid) ^jb gwdi.
Murky, iL&tJ trik, \jtt>\ andher, j^-^ ghanghr.
Musty, \j sar, nx^) bsda, \~a!> gums.
Mute, (dumb) l&f gung, J lal, (letter) ^^.-uJp- harf-i-makhf.
Mutual, Mutually, ^ d-tarfi, ^^- jnibain.
Myself, y- j^** khud, c_;l p, <_j1 main ap.
Mysterious, makhf, *Ju>jJ pshida.
Naked, &i nanga, Jbji barahna, (^/1 ryn : see Bare.
Namely, Lji*;> yaxn, khususan. rnamlan.

Narrow, (j^J awg, ' chust, \j/L sakr, is, ~..1 sakt.
Nasty, L< mail, dub palid, J? najis, iiji l aluda.
Native, jc-iIj ^ l1L rj~ m mwZ/c k asi bshanda.
Natura], tab', ^J>\ ztt, LSil- khilk, (unaffected) fc-L-j
-skhta, (illegitimate) Uti^yAjS- harm-zda.
Naval, bahrt, Lfj\>- jahzi.
Naught, Naughty, jj bad, \ bur, <-r>\/>- kjmrab, jjL sharlr.
Nauseous, \>j*$ ghinaun, *)J~* makruh, to karlh.
Near, Nearly, (postpos.) w^ps, nazdk, (adj.) karlb,
J^ muttasil, \ lag.
Vocabulary.Adjectives, Adverbs, Sfc. 373

Neat, <_JL> sf, <Jjb pk, \ suthr, pkiza.

Necessarily, ^jjj zarratan, j S l budd, fj>- ljaram.
Necessary, Needful, zarr, ^ lzim, wjib.
Needy, Necessitous, muhtj, kangl, ^Asl muflis.
Negative, ^Jc^o manf, (sentence) <L> sliba.
Neglectful, Negligent, JiU ghfil, jJsx -khabar, t_^_ sust.
Nether, Nethermost, J tarl, ^Jj zern, JJ asfal.
Never, ^^Jijb hargiz nahm, yS kabh nahm,j\^ij zinhr !
Nevertheless, ^ j) tis par bhl, ^ tau bht, ^> lJ t ham.
Neuter, (in gram.) napunsak, (a verb) ^ lzimi.
Neuter, Neutral, yt>j\ < yo1< na idhar na udhar, alag.
New, Li naya, , (fresh) sj\J tza, (modern) jadd.
Next, (postpos.) u-kps, *^i karb, (second) \j>J dsr, jt snl.
Nice, X;f> thk, ^s* sahih, ^y^jj* mirz-mizj: see Dainty.
Nigh, (postpos.) pas, iL&J> nazdik, (adj.) c-^^y karb.
Nightly, ~> shabina, l Zi\j rt k, (every night) ys har rat.
Nimble, ti/U- chlk, ^-jald, c^. chust,JJ tz.
Noble, fi^-> sharlf, t_ -ff* najtb, - mda: see Brave.
Nocturnal, <t-~> shablna, ^JJ lai, ^jJi shab.
Noisy,j^^j pur-skdr, shor-pusht, \y- ghaughcF.
Nolens volens, dysr* s\y* khwh ma-khwak, Jv-\> chr n-chr.
None, (no one) ^j-y tSfi kl nahm, (nothing) kuchh nahm.
Northerly, Northern, ^Usi shimali, jj JU-> shimal-, W\y\uttrh.
Notorious, (well known) mash'hr, i_^ maxrf: see Infamous.

Notwithstanding, i^yrj b-wujde , Jj>-y> har chand ki.

Novel, Li naya, jadd, L>**^ achambh, badi*.
Now, U\ ab, J*sJb bi-l-jfl, \j\ alhl, ^y&\ aknn.
Nowadays, J ^\ j kal, ^ in dino.
Nowhere, kahm nahm.
Nowise, ^j-) ^Jb ^J kisi tarah se nahm.
Noxious, X~jL mufsid, muzirr, Jwili fsid: see Hurtful.
Nugatory, J-el^- l-hsil, U& nikamm, .
374 Vocabulary. Adjectives, Adverbs, fc.

Null, jjlsb btil, raddi, mansukh. JeW l-hsil.

Numberless, jUwj be-shumr, anginat, <__;Lj be-hisb.
Numerous, bahut, kar, y\y wfir.
Nuptial, nikhl, <bjlb shdiyna, ^f- rust.
Obdurate, c^s.**' sakht, (j~j>\j -tars, magra, -g2-aS dhith.
Obedient, ^a-* mufi*, j\jj*jVcji farmnbardr, p\j ram.
Objective (case), Jj*< maful, ^Jy* maful.
Obliging, ^L-s-lj-^: amimu-l-ihsn, Jchalk.
Oblique, kqj, l3 terh, ^f~J tirchh, <j>ft> knknt.
Oblong, ^j>^ kitbi, JJas-^cj-^ murabba*-i-mustatll.
Obscene, fiihish, ^y)pch,yi>^) phhar, cIAjU n-pak.
Obscure, C>j$ trik, \jJbt\ andhlr, (abstruse) (Jt* mughlak.
Obsequious, adhin, J\)3 tbi*dr, j\jj\~ khya-bardr.
Obsolete, Cjn\j^< matrk, manskh, ^j^ be-rawj.
Obstinate, 1~c magr, is=< machia, hath.
Occasional, ^! ittifkl, ariz, ^yl^lj d'-ghtl.
Occult, bjj pshida, L^- chhip, L5sr* malchf. t~-J> gupt.
Octagon, Octangular, [^> musamman, J^j ls-vJ> hasht-pahl.
Odd, (unpaired) (JU$J phut, jll? (in number) jfard: see Strange.
Odious, makruh, ghinaun, tJ karlh.
Odoriferous, Ji khush-b-dr, Jax^o mu'ttar, ^~L subs.
Off, (distant) J dr (f.), ^> se; (be off!) bj dur ho ! CL3 dut !
Offensive, (unpleasant) Jo~j n-pasand, & karih: see Hurtful.
Oft, Often,jiS\ aksar, l,b brh,Joj\i br bar, bJ daf'atan.
Oily, j\jj raughan-dr, L^j raugharii, chikn.
Old, Ul^j purn, ^si kadm, (as a man) \t>jy bfh.
Omnipotent, bcjiilS kdir-i-mutlak, J5I LjU zbitu-1-kull.
Omnipresent,^!lj j j\i>- hzir nzir, \~j j UIj dn 5 bina.
Omniscient, t^^SUlc limu-l-ghaibr ^i^jb hama-dn.
Once, j\> <1j\ k br, &xiJ tl&J k daf, (formerly) ^\ ge.
At once, all at once, ^j\ il k brgt, tliol ek lakht.
Oneeyed, kn, k chashm.
Vocabulary Adjectives, Adverbs, Sfc. 375

Only, (adv.) uJj-e sirf, js? mahz, (adj.) iklaut: see Single.
Onward, age, barhke, jS>\ udhar, ^j^j ba-tadrlj.
Opaque, i_L kastf, i_JU-> jj^ ghair shafff.
Open, 1 khul, kushda, j\j wz, (evident) jis zhir.
Openly, \ybU zhiran, \ barmal, khul khul.
Opiniative, ,_s'\j iiy- khud-r', AimJyi- khud-pasand, \-* magr.
Opportune, Opportunely, u^Sj^J bar-wakt, ^>y>j> bar-mauka*.
Opposite, ,Jjle^> mukbil, u-ls.-* mukhlif, ^-i^ smhne.
Ordinary, rasmi, ^jb>- chalan!, (middling) *&* maddham.
Organic (constitutional), ^bIj- khilk, zti, ^ asti.
Oriental, ,J*jZ> sharki, ^J*jZ~* mashraki, ^jft prbi.
Original, ^jLel asl, lyJ pahl, (as writing) ts- Jjx mankil nhu.
Other, jjl aur, y+y dsr,Jj^ ctgar, j*c. ghair,j par.
Otherwise, -rjjj\ our tarah, ^ war na, jj\ kuchh aur.
Oval, (jLb <ULj baiza-shakl, baizaw.
Over,^jj! par,jj par, bl, (across) ^j* \ are, jb par.
Overboard, _ j\^>- jahz se bhar.
Overcast (clouded), j^-^ ghanghr, \j*>j\ andhera.
Overhead,^ sir par,\ upar, % bl.
Out, jbb bhar or bhir, ^j^ , -j^- khrij, ^> se.
Outcast, mardd, wra, ^)b- khrij.
Outlandish, ajnabi, ^jJJu bidesi, (queer) ^jy} be-rawj.
Outright, uJle sf, pr, hi, c_y h bil tawakkuf.
Outward, <fij\ bhar ko, cf/bb bhari, ^jj^ berni.
Outwardly, !^> zhiran, <_>LJyfes zhir asbb.
Own, 1 apn, \ ^ nij k, l khud k, \- khss.
Pale, Pallid, jj zard, pil, l$2-~> sith, phk.
Parallel, j)\j barbar, muswi, u/^bs.-* muhzi.
Partial, (jel- khss, (biassed) t-^axx mata'ssib.
Particular, ^oU- khss. maMims : see Intimate.
Particularly, \*>y&. kjiussan, t*_j3l afog a&zg, Lai* mufassalaii.
Passionate, jt*u. ghussa-war, tund-kh.
376 Vocabulary.Adjectives, Adverbs, fc.

Past, 1 ' guzashta, Li gaya, 'guzra, (in gram.) ^j-te mazi.

Pat (fit, exact, fitly), lSJ> thtk, Jj} Ja7, jLj' taiyar.
Paternal, lJjJ pidarl, <tf Ljj pidarna, bwi.
Patient, j\> sabir, L.Cb shikb, (one sick) (./i^* martz.
Peace ! i_- chup ! ^y>\d~ khmsh !
Peculiar, yL. Mass, ^pyosr0 makhss, 1 ^ nij k.
Peevish, chirchira, i^j^jj zd-ranj.
Penitent, jhxi~~* mustaghfir, nadim, ^U-iJ pashmn.
Penultimate,^! JJ> U ma kabl khir.
Peremptory, (decisive) jJj (absolute) J> la-radd.
Perfect, J^li kamil, pr, (faultless) u^-e^ bb-aib.
Perfectly, J)b bi-l-kull, JU j |Lv tamam kaml.
. Perfidious, j*L-tlj namak-haram, Uj-j bl-waf.
Perhaps, JoLi shyad, jb hoga, ISUjI ittifakan.
Pernicious, muzirr, iX-Xo mufsid, zabun.
Perpetual, ^*^)^ d'imt, Jfa bfl, ^jJ^jM^A istimrr, ^jl ka'lm.
Perpetually, A.-a hamsha, Ijws sad, |L,jJ! la-d-duwm.
Persian, l5-^I _/.
Pert, ^yi shkh, J^^- chanchal, .$~5 dhlth, Is* machia.
Pertinent, JjS '/7c, <fc~Li shyasta, i^-jL^ munsib.
Perverse, ^sX ziddt, LgSfr hathll, machia.
Petty, ^> chht, khurd, ^ kam-mya, .
Piebald, JjI ablak, \j kabr, \^^~ chitkabr.
Pious, ^^* muttal, sZi, eu^J bhagat, ^*Jt> dharm.
Pish ! /, y^j phish, ^j- chhi.
Piteous, Pitiable, Pitiful, jJjI J>J dard-angz.
Plain, barbar, j\y*Jt> hamwar, (simple) oLj scfo: see Clear.
Plain, Plainly (adv.), La>lk zhiran, <_JL? s/, ^^-i rsi se.
Playful, jJI aZ, )^50>- chanchal, <J--l achpal, > shkh.
Pleasant, (j!iy>- khush, \#>-\ achchh, j jJ Zaz : see Cheerful.
Plenteous, Plentiful, i=~<^j bahut, j~> kasr, JLU mlml.
Plump, \jyo mt, 515^ mtl, Ji tar 5 iza.
Vocabulary.Adjectives, Adverbs, Sfc. 377

Pointed, j\jy nk-dr, \j nkll,j~\js> haj-mez.

Poisonous, j\jibj zahr-dr, ^jj&>) zahfi, samrni.
Polite, J?-b>- , J-\jLf>. tush-akhlk.
Politic, Political, ^5^- mulki, ^Jj^^ tadbiri : see Cunning.
Poor, (weak) t_iL* ?a'f/", (lean) Jl&S kangl, (needy) jj-lLc mufls.
Popular, jb har dil aziz, (usual) <pj*> murauwaj.
Populous, bd, *, jtfi lg se bhar-.
Positive (certain), ^--2 , j& la-radd, i ' ^ :; -shakk.

Positively, - , cljjJ\> bi-z-zarrat : see Certainly.

Possible, [^^o mumkin, j\>}& hnhr, shudan.
Potbellied, tndail, ^Li>^> sabrshikam.
Potent, zrwar, <~] tkatmand, > kawt.
Powerful, <-^jjb balwant, ^ shah-zr, C^wt^J} zabardast.
Precious, ^Jf*i? kimati, \tf besh-bah, jijz ziz.
Precise, (exact) lL^ thk, J^Jj daklk, (formai) ,Jjl knm.
Pre-eminent, c>li f'lk, J-il afzal,j\iA~* mumtz.
Pregnant, LW hamla, ^ s^> \$ bhar.
Present, j\s>- hsir,j)ji)j rbar, fry maujd, ^^-> smn.
Presently, ^\ ab-hl, >\ ab, jf^^j fi-l-faur.
Presumptuous, ^> shkh, ^c*J> gustkh: see Bold, Arrogant.
Pretty, suthr, see Beautiful, (in some degree) kuchh.
Prevailing, Prevalent, (common) <g)f murauwaj : see Victorious.
Previous, Previously, J-i kabl, ^1 ag, ^J.^ pahl, ^-^J pshn.
Primitive, Primeval, asl, ^t palil,j\ dau: see Ancient.
Principal, (_ awwal, \y bam, 1^ pahl, (essential) asl.
Principally, pahl, Ls^a- khumsan, Ul ghliban.
Private, Ufa- chhipa, <tiy nihufta, (own) ^/>\- khss, ^ nij.
Probable, jly> hnhr, J^isr* muhtamil, ghlb.
Probably, JjLi shyad, ho', Uli ghaliban, ^->>- chahiyt.
Profitable, Jii^jli f'ida-mand, JujU> mufd, jo^j^-j sdmand.
Profligate, -Ai fsik,y>-\i fjir, jJj rind,j^Sj badkr.
Prolix, Jjjis tawtl, |K J^L tl-kalm, ljJ^~*> bistri.
378 Vocabulary.Adjectives, Adverbs, Sfc.

Prompt, j\j taiyar, j\=>- hzir, chlk, tj~y>~ chaukas.

Proper, ^ nij, <jfil- khss, (fit) ^^ munsib, uS+p thik.
Properly, (_5-*^>- L..^ jais chhiye, ^J^ US kam yambaghi.
Proud, jjjbo maghrr, jS^i mutakabbir, \jL* magr.
Prudent, j\~>& lishyr, CJjj zirak, \j>>- chaukas.
Pshaw ! ijt) phish, uf, chh.
Public, (common) jU amm, J^l> shmil, (manifest, q. v.) yib zhir.
Pugnacious, ISVjl lark, jangl, \j#>- jhagrl.
Punctual, < * thik, *5 sachch, Uj wada-waf.
Pungent, \>- hddfJJ tz, jj tund, IJjJj parpara.
Pure, khlis. sf, J~<y nirmal: see Genuine.
Purple, arghawnl, j~*L L \$ ll-nllmez.
Putrid, \y* sar, % gala, s& ganda, *J^-"^ bsida.
Quadrangular, -Jp* murbb\ J^^~ chau-gsha.
Quadrilateral, ^^ chau-pahl.
Quadriliteral, ^gj>-jf- chau-harf.
Quadruple, ^fj*- chaugun, chr-chand.
Quarrelsome, j>\j#>-jhagrl, y>- Uw kaziya-jd.
Queer, t_- jab, c.^;^ jib,j\sJt>\^j tamshedr.
Quick, j\L>~jald-baz} cL/U- chlk,jj tz: see Alive.
Quickly, ij<A>- jald, i^iji turant, cL~%>- jhatpat.
Quiet, Quiescent, ^Lo skin, (silent) i- chup : see Still.
Quietly, ^jt^b dhm, ^j~tb\ hist, <-1 hista.
Quintuple, \tsx>> panchgun, pnchtah.
Quite, jlb bi-l-kull, L->y>- khbr \jj> , < bi-inih.
Radical, asli, ^Ji\ ztl, t_s^U\j bunydt.
Random, J-a-j -kasd. At Random, y^; J3I atkal pachch.
Rapid, jJ tez, jjJ tez-rau, jJj>- jld, <x tund.
Rare, jjU ndir, <l^ kam-yb, c.-^^ jb, j birl.
Rash, ut'l, lils^ -lihz, As>-jald,j tez.
Rather, J^l awwal, L^yJ pahl, peshtar, J-S kabl.
Rational, J^i*- ma'kl, ^Jc kli, ^Lli ntik.
Vocabulary.Adjectives, Adverbs, Sfc. 379

Raw, kachcka, <fcrk;U n-pukhta, (as skin) ol^O -jld.

Ready, jLj taiyar, &iU>l amada, >>-..,. musta'idd.
Real, ^j&Jb- hakikt, ^~su yakini, Is- sachch, as.
* "
Really, ^ sacA, biu- hakkatan, Jlj!!^ fi-1-wki*.
Reasonable, ^jic kl, i^*~j durust, i * ji &: see Rational.
Rebel, Rebellious, bgh, sarkash, ^cli' taghi.
Recent, Lj way, , >AJ^- jadd, *j'J iza, l25 ia/.
Reciprocal, do-tarfi, 1J-JU>- jnib'in.
Reciprocally, j-j\ opas men, ^> C^-Jb>- jnibain se.
Recumbent, muttakt, ijuJJ takiya-zada.
Red, J3 , j*> surkh, rata, ahmar.
Redundant, iobj ziyada, <-^V bahut, Cjis\ adhik.
Regular, iiisb b-k'tda, kiyst, i J $5 .

Relative to, jJjcui muta'allik, ba-nisbat.

Relaxed, Ljm <, l-v sust, AiZ.
Remediless, l-iljjj^-'i lrchr, j\&~b -char.
Remiss, dhil, lz sks, J^-ir?* rnaj'hul, Jilc gkfil.
Remote, ^jJ eir, ts-w-iJjjd dr-dast, Juu Ja'fcf.
Renowned, ^yU -war, ^> lLCj -,^^^ mash'hr.
Repeatedly, jbjb bar-bar, L*it> daftan, ^jQjQ phir-phirke.
Reprobate, gay-guzr, <_j!^ kharb, Jj^ rinrf.
Resolute, J,ib~.< mustakill, \jy~* mazbt, j\ji~\ ustuwar.
Restiff, Restive, Resty, \sr machia, \jbJb>- chalbidhr.
Restless, ^ be-rm, be-karar, JLj be-kal.
Reverend, tS^ buzurg, pjL mukarram, ULij^io- hazrat.
Rieh, Jc^JtJ daulatmand, Jijj zar-dar : see Fruitful, Sweet.
Right, ij^rip durust, ilCg" , o*-^ rsi, (hand) UJ dahn.
Righteous, tlXy nA, bhal, jbsJ^ rast-baz, J"bs sadk.
Riotous, Rioter, jbJjt> dangebaz, j fitna-angz.
Ripe, \jpakk, izss$ pukhta. a^^j rasida, \j^pr.
Rotten, \y sar, gala, Ju^ bsida, s ganda.
Rough, kharkhara, (rugged) yj\ arbar: see Harsh.
380 Vocabulary Adjectives, Adverbs, Sfc.

Round, Jj^ gol, chakrtl, j*<. mudauwar.

Royal, ^-fcli shhi, ^Lijb pdshhi, <tlli> shhna.
Rude, <_->>1^ be-adab, gustkh: see Ignorant, Clumsy.
Rural, Rustic, dh, gw: see Peasant.
Russet, i*jj gandum-rang, ^Ji<xj finduk.
Rusty, a>jSTi&j zang-lda, \s\-j^ murchh.
Ruthless, b rahm, J jJL: sang-dil, j Juj b-dard.
Sacred, (j-JJU mukaddas, tl/b j>/c, J^* majtd, j^j pabitr.
Sad, arfas, gham-gin, Jjbo mall, (m^r* mahzn.
Safe, (yeto mamn, Ijjsr* mahfz, <*~A~> salmat.
Sallow, jjL snwl, \L$j , 5U , llJ-L malin.
Same, wuh-1, yih-, ^fe} ek-hi, ^Ua hamn, j>\j> barbar.
Sandy, Sbjj reta, Lsjj rea, ^.j rgi, \Jj bal', kirkir.
Sanguine, ^j-^ pur-khn. JSjy>. khn-dr : see Confident.
Savage, (wild) jangli, ^^-^-j wahsht: see Cruel.
Saucy, jkJb gustakh, .g&JbtJ dhtth, ! ^ b-adab, skkh.
Save, Saving, l^-s si'm>5, chhrk : see Except.
Savoury, jta^o maza-dar, o laziz,ji^y>- khushguwr.
Scabby, LJs-iijUi- khrish, )^-& khasr-pur : see Mean.
Scandalous, -Jj^*- b, py**c mazmum, zabn.
Scant, Scanty, Scarce, kam, JJJi kalil, thora : see Rare.
Scarce, Scarcely, kam,jA kamtar, ^ us-J>J dikkat se.
Scarlet, (JaLi sultni surkh, tjj Ljj^ kirmizi rang.
Seasonable, <--}J. bar-wakt, b mauka*, iS^ji bar-mahall.
Second, \j*yi dsr, ,J\j srii, ^>J doyam, (inferior) ^ kam.
Second-hand, J^jc musta'mal, \ utr, istCmli.
Secondly, ijj-'j dsr, L3li sniyan.
Secret, J^jJ pdshida, L5rc makhf, Ls- chhip, l_^A gh'ib.
Secretly, bJb. khufyataii, <U- khufya, chhipake.
Secure, maman, )ksr* mahfz, ijas-^j be-khatra.
Sedate, Aia>T hista, dhlm, dhr,Jji karr.
Seemly, &ti shyasta, dikh', taJj\ rsta.
Vocabulary. Adjectives, Adverbs, Sfc.

Seldom, ^ kam, oli> shzz, )j^> thr, i_s**^ kabhl kabhi.

Selfish, X~**j gharazmand, lry- khud-gharaz.
Senior, Ijj bar,j~ kabir, kaln, kadim.
Senseless, ij~^y be-hiss, ^ sun, ^^ be-jn : see Stupid.
Sensible, ~-,^> kabil-i-hiss, mahss: see Intelligent.
Sensual, \-J nafsrii, J?y* shahwati, L-y rasiy.
Separate, \<x>-jud, alag, CJjIj tafwut, nyr.
Separately, 1- \s~judjud, tj3l &\ alag alag, iL)\ Jj tk
Septuple, \jj~~> sat-part, Lf-j sat-gun, i^u-ib haft-tah.
Several, Jjyb-<> mutafarrik, (many) <--^j bahut, l5*j ba*z.
Severe, JcJ tund,j tz, sakht, eiS^J durusht.
Shabby, pajr, ^Ijijj gudar-psh (?): see Mean.
Shallow, uthl, (Jas. ^ kam-muk, (silly) chh.
Sham, \$$>- jhth, Small, ^>\y^ swngi, ^ nakl.
Shameful, ^ sharm-war, Is) laj': see Bad, Vitious.
Shameless, b-sharm, LU be-haya, gustkh.
Sharp, J-j tez, burrn, chkh: see Acid, Pointed.
Shocking, jJoJy nafrat-angz, wahshat-angz.
Short, Cjf- chht, Gifi kth, \"^ thr, <.
Shortly, Asf-jald, ^-ijs^ an-kartb, (iJ~c |J ' am men.
Showy, ^j^-jUj num'ishi, j\y namdr, 4~>j# bharkil.
Shrewd, tez-hsh, pakk, IjL-j siyn.
Shrill, jJ tz, Y0 mihin, Ll&jb brik.
Shy, J-j$J bharkel, ^j^-j wahshl, tsys^ mahjub.
Sick,jU-J btmr, zrl, rgt : see Displeased.
Signal, i_~.s. jb, l$~*>-1 achambh, mash'hr.
Silence! (interj.), 1 chup, ^j^li- ktimsh.
Silent, (ji^cl>- khmsh, <'^ < >> chup-chp, i^Lj skit.
Silken, Silky, reshmi, ^Jjb ptl, ^Jjif^ hariri.
Silly, L# bhl, n-dn, oLj soda, \ kachch.
Similar, barabar, iLA ek-sn, ^jLa* mutaswl.
Simple, (plain) jL sda, (single) jk* mufrad: see Silly, Mere.
382 Vocabulary.Adjectives, Adverbs, Sfc.

Since, (conj.) Sa-^j-H is-wsteki, ~s>-jab-ki, (adv.) age.

Sincere, ^~\j rast, jol* sdik, jUi^j rst-bz, Is.-' sachch.
Sinful, gunh-gr, ^j*^ st, Cibli n-pk.
Single, Ll akel, l^J tanh, (not married) ^* mujarrad.
Singular, (uncommon) i_>vjf (*n gram0 whid: see Rare.
Sirrah ! , ^ ar, ^ 6, ^ r, (fem.) ari, ,_sj .
Situate, jJlj wkt1, %yy> mauzu, \>j rakh, ^) para.
Skilful, \ mhir, i_j\j wkif, , JjI , ^j gum.
Slack, LjO dhil, c>~~> sasi, (as a knot) ^^J phusk : see Loose.
Slant, Slanting, 1$-^ tirchh, irA, ^lJ> dhl.
Sleek, chikn, i_jU> /"; see Smooth.
Sleepy, LjIiXj ninds, cJ\j^js- khwb-nk, Llgj! nghs.
Slender, ibj^aft, ?^- chhln, Ll&jb brlk, nzuk.
Slight, Scj paila, ,_\ kghazi, CSJ tunuk, chht.
Slim, &y patl, tl>j\i brk, bJ dubia, Cjj nzuk.
Slippery, chikn, phislah, (uncertain) j\J Ii n-karr.
Slope, Sloping, jSlbJ dhl, J\ utr, j,)]/-* sarzer.
Sloppy, L&o pankil, Lsi kuchail, J^J Je- jal-thal : see Dirty.
Slothful, : v... j sms, Jj>\ khil, i^Ma j\ rm-talab.
Slovenly, <&J~-J b-salka, laJii ghaliz, ^j>- chirkin.
Slow, <&~J>I hista, u: * ' sms, iLso dhl, dhim.
Slowly, <ttJl hista, ^jb^jb hauU-haul, ^> dense.
Sluggard, Sluggish, ^^^- askati, t^Mb p\ rm-talab.
Sly, UL siyn, chatur, .) failsf, ghaddr.
Small, 13^*- chht, \$~c nannh, >- kchak, jf>- khiird.
Smart, (active) J\i> shitb-kr, ^J^J phurl : see Keen.
Smoky, jljjlybj dh'n-dhr, Jjil JjJ dd-lda.
Smooth,^^ barbar, j\f*Jt> hamwr, chauras, ^JLs sf.
Smutty, (obscene) kl ghaliz, ^J>\*\f>~ khurft'i : see Dirty.
Snappish, katah, chifchir, L^Jfc harkiy.
Snug, (private) o^^J pshlda, (neat) 1 suthr : see Fit.
So, LjJ ais, L->j wais, ^ so, is-tarah, ^j> yunhi.
Vocabulary Adjectives, Adverbs, Sfc. 383

Sober, jLiyb hshyr,j^jJbjjparhezgr, (grave) i*&~ sanda.

Sociable, jliL milansr, ^J** milpl, i^~jt\Jb\ shn-parast.
Soft, narra, j5Lc mul'im, \Xi pilpil, kmal: see Easy.
Solar, Solary, ^- shamsi, ^bJI ftbi.
Sole, Kl ikl, L! akel, l^J tanh, ^/-^e mujarrad.
Solemn, (grave) *JuL> sanjida, bhrl, (awful) ibratl.
Solid, Jl*sXc munjamid, V^3 \5 tnth, ths, ti^s-"*' sakht.
Solitary, \3 tanh, i\ ikl, f\j nirl : see Sole, Hermit.
Some, -fs? kuchh, kl, cl&i \S * /c, Jc^>- chand: see Few.
Sonorous, Jy^j par-wz,jtjl jJj buland-wz.
Soon, t_l=>- jald, (-jli-i> shitb, &~> beg, AZz, .
Sore, pur-dard, dukh'. Sorely, ^j- isjx> shiddat sc.
Sorrowful, jjftJ dilgir, jS^ ghamgin, <_jjL malul: see Sad.
Sorry, (jU-iJ pasliemn, (worthless) n-kra: see Vile.
Sound, ^sr" sahih, ti-vo5Li salmat, bhal chang: see Firm.
Sour, jjjy tursh, l2 khatt, CJf>- chuk, (>/lo- hmiz.
South, Southerly, Southern, ^^^J dakhn, i>j>>- janib.
Spacious, ->lj xosC, i\zS kushda, L^j phail, ji farkh.
Spare, JJJs aZ7/, ljj> iAr ; (to spare) ajbj ziyda : see More.
Sparing, ^> kifyatl, ^j- ^ kam-kharch : see Economical.
Special, (jflU- khss, ^yas^ makhss : see Great.
Specious, Uj<jo zhir-num, p\j.(Jjye surat-harm.
Speechless, ^bj-j be-zubn, j^bj zubn-basta, Jj-jl anbl.
Speedily, ^ ^jb-jaldJ se, ^ j\j daur-dauri se.
Spick and span new, 5 tatk, jjS^i tah-darz, \ kr.
Spirited, j\j\s>- jn-dr, JJ jjj zinda-dil, j2 dilr.
Spirituous, Spiritous, J-J tez, Jj tund, chokh.
Spiteful, kma-war, lgt, ^JiS kapafi.
Splendid, chatkil, L^J bharktl, ^ rangll.
Spoken, bl-h', ^ kah-h', si' gufta.
Spontaneous, ^LiH ikhtiyrl. Spontaneously, ^^c-l p-s.
Sportive, khmh. ^JsyLy- khush-tab*. J-*-1 achpal.
384 Vocabulary Adjectives, Adverbs, Sfc.

Sprightly, i^-~>- chust, >- cfibuk, y> shkh, jy*A hasor.

Spurious, \^t^-jhth, ^\>-jl, libsi, teJ*\~i skhta.
Square, -ij-* murabba*, ^^}f- chau-kn, i>y>- chau-gsha.
Stable, J\J>j> bar-karr, jjli k'im, j\AjU p'tdr : see Firm.
Stagnant, Jj band, \j n-rawn, skin, thir.
Standing, \j khar, Xi k'im, b^j bar-p : see Stagnant.
Stark, (adj.) t^-s-**' sakht, ^ luch, (adv.) <_$1 mutlak, {jsK mahz.
Stately, IjjJ bar, mda, ^llJlc ti-shn.
Stationary, skin, ~>\ asthir, X k'im : see Standing.
Steadfast, jJlS k'im, |Xs?** mustahkam, Jj'l atal.
Steady, mazbt, ustuwr, |J uu-ob" sbit-kadam.
Steep, khar, .J^j iArA, nch, <L~\ aughat.
Sterling, <^-s sMa, ^/\- khlis, nirl, b/_j*- chkh.
Stern, CL>jye^j)j rkhi-mrat, \<> karw, talkh-r.
Sticky, (viscous, adhesive) >- chipchip, LJ.-J laslas.
Stiff, V] a/cr, V ar, ^rsr Ja/V, (stubborn) magr.
Still, fir, ^ khar, (silent) sunsn, .
Stillborn, Up- ^ m'jan. Stingy, tang-chashm.
Stomachic, hzim, ulf-b pchak, ^^-< mushtahl. (?).
Stormy, (jtejb tfnl, IbLJol andhiyh, <J\u~s- ghazabnk.
Stout, )sf~< mazbt, ^jji , chau-dant.
Straight, IbJu-: sldh, c^-oK rsi. Straightways, c^-Jy turant.
Strait, ^^C-j sakr, ij tang, 1^j b n-pahan, ci cws*.
Strange, (foreign) <l^ btgna, (unusual) t_-ws? q/'I.
Streaked, Streaky, ^IfeJ dhri, b^l lahriy, j!k- khatt-dr.
Strenuous, JusT ba-jidd, ff* sar-garm, mazbt.
Strict, l^s."5 saM, tS^J iawg, (exact) Jj daklk, l^'' thik.
Stringy, Jtbtjj rtsha-dr, (viscous
Strong, , j^jjj zrwar, ^ bait, mazbut.
Stubborn, L$2 hathil, \JLo magr, Jjj! aryaZ, ^Ju sfcJ.
Studious, cu ilm-dst, c^-yJHjJlk mutala'-dost.
Stupendous, <-^s. q;'>, jjU ndir, l^>S\ adbhut, >Jc asm.
Vocabulary.Adjectives, Adverbs, frc. 385

Stupid, (J*>-\ ahmak, (JZ-y^J -hbsh, u.i^j b-wukf.

Sturdy, il:-:-.-o mustanda, c^-JJj>- chaudant, t^-^jb balwant.
Subaltern, nicha, tab*, kihtar : see Inferior.
Subject, j'jjuU tbCdr, ->^1 maghlub, J**cu mutahammil.
Sublime, (JjliK mu'll, ^Sle <z/t, *. mda, jJa buland.
Submissive, <ib>- AaZ&a ba-gsh, J^J dabei: see Humble.
Subsequent, ILjexT/ncAAZa. Subsequently, LSf=FJj pichhe.
Substantial, ^-e^ asli, ijjbfr jauharl, jismni : see Real.
Subterranean, zcr-i-zamn, ^^lij^se? tahtu-l-arz.
Subtile, Subtle, J^ dakik, (witty) fofi/, chatur: see
Fine, Thin.
Successful, (lijJb) c^-^Ao -*^ km-yab or bcdr-bakht (hna).
Successive, y 'y:*! mutawitir, ^J\s*e mutawlt, Jj\& lagtr.
Successively, ^ >a* dar pai, tbartr, ^j paiham.
Succulent, j\Juj, ras-dr, c-bli shdb, ! ras-bhar.
Such, Ljj wais, ats, L-j^-^'atsa, Ii is <arA &.
Sudden, i^jb^b nght. Suddenly, tl>U-l achandk, ngahn.
Sufficient, ^-j 6as, 4^ kafi. Sufficiently, ^^U- \~~c>~jais chhiyc.
Suitable, j\j]j~> sazawar, (^y muwfik, J-*-j sumel.
Sullen, jiaCc mukaddar, &j> barham, n-khush.
Sultry, khamas, khams (?), ukhmaj (?).
Sundry, do tin, CSA kal k, L5w ba'z, Ai*- chand.
Superb, jJc zjm,j~ kabr, ^LJlfi lishn, mda.
Superficial, 'jA uparla, upraunch : see Shallow.
Superfine, ^-^-V ^a'iM mihin, ilXjb ^ CSjJo brtk se brtk.
Superfluous, dJtj z'fd, ^Li-!fl jJlj z'idu-1-ihtiyj.
Superior,^ bartar, ij\ aula, JiU f'fk, \y bara, ^Ls\ al.
Superlative, J-l afzal, \j b # ^ t__^-s sai s /aZe or bar.
Supernatural, fauiu-l-dat.
Superstitious, i^r^)o^i muta'ssib, lj*&} wahm.
Supine, utn, .^--bJjjl rdh-muh, chit: see Lazy.
Supple, , lachk, ^Lc mul'im, \y*&- chimr.
3 D
386 Vocabulary.-Adjectives, Adverbs, Sfc.

Suppliant, Supplicating, -& multamis, J^j\J niyzmand.

Supreme, \c\ a*la,Jij> bartar, \j> bam, jXa sadr.
Sure, ^jJu yakin, \J\ wki'. Surely, see Certainly.
Surly, ^ talkh, \ kar, chirchir, ji^ talkh-.
Surreptitious, J|/-< masrk, \ ^ t--^ fareb st py h'.
Suspicious, shakk, cJ\j AIjjJI andsha-nk, iL,^J bharmil.
Swampy, (^jJ daldal. Swap, ^ jhap se: see Hasty.
Swarthy, SyL snwl. Sweet, l^L-< mith, shrn.
Swift, j1s>- jald,jj tz,jjjJ tz-rau, <XJ tund, big.
Symmetrical, <>> b-karlna, jldlb b-andza.
Synonymous, i.Jii\jx^c mutardif, ^ kam-ma*ri.
Tacit, ij^SL skit, , (implied) l^>^o mutazammin.
Talkative, \>y\> btniy, ^Jj bakkl, j\j ziyda-g.
Tall, LJ lamb, Jjjb tawl, Wr^l ncha, JoJj bulahd.
Tame, 1 AiZ, |^ rm, ^X=- halim, (dull) i .
Tangible, fj~f~A*c mamss, ~!\\^^> mumkinu-l-mass.
Taper, pjtfgw-dum. Tardily, Lg*~bl histe, havl.
Tardy, 5L5 dhll, khil, Ijc^c manda, ii-Jl hista.
Tart, (jiy arsA, l2g khatt, \<j karw, os.*- sakht.
Tasteful, jl J ir^< maza-dar, jo jJ &> ^c^*" khush-z'ika.
Tasteless, be-maza, aJ ^ be-lazzat, pliik.
Tawny, \j>^>- jhawkra, \jpila, <>j\j# bhr-rang.
Technical, ^^-^ istilhl, LP~*- hikmat, ^j^x. ilmi.
Tedious, Laj d/iZ, iAr, Jjj!? tawll,/^i thak'.
Temperate, Jjcju> mutadl, maddham : see Sober.
Tempestuous, ^i^jL tufri, JjjJ tez 5 wwd: see Stormy.
Temporary, j;jj&- chand-rza, ^J& ariz, ^aifasli.
Tenacious, ^Jks.*- sakht-gir, (viscous) L-LJ laslas.
Tender, ji narm, *jjLo mul'cm, tl^ : see Kind.
Tenth, . Tepid, fj?* shlr-garm, gunguna.
Terrestrial, arzi, khk, ^J*~*j , dunywl.
Terrible, Terrific, LL/bJy> haulnk, i^.JbO dahshat-angz.
Vocabulary.Adjectives, Adverbs, Sfc. 387

Testy, Tetchy, \js~y>- chirchir, ^.jj-ctliJ tunuk-mizj.

Tete-a-tete, J{j rvrba-, j> d-bar-d.
Than, ^-s s, {jr sen, son or (dakh.) s, t> ki,j\ az.
That, (pron.) ij wuh or (dakh.) wah, us, (conj.) ki, ky-ki.
Thee or to thee, josT tujh or ^i=f tujhl. Their, &f \ unh-ka, &c.
Them, jf^>\ unh-k or tp^\ unh. Themselves, _>1 j w p, &c.
Then, _^J tab, JJ tac?, y . Thence, ^ ^Ifcj wahn se: see Therefore.
Thenceforth, Thenceforward, l^jLj tis ptchh, ^ St tad se.
Theoretic, Theoretical, khiyl, ^\^ kiysi, lnit.
There, wahn, Jn\ udhar. Thereabout, t^S^ lag-bhag.
Thereafter, ^1 jl Jju baxd az an. Therefore, -\ us waste.

These, ,<J ye. They, w, ^ ye, unhn ne.

Thick, (not thin) Cj* mota, JjJj daldr, (close) \ ghan.
Thin, hj patl, h dubia, uJJ tunuk, ^ij rdkik.
Thine, \j terfjy) tor. Third, -J tlsr, |*j-~> siym.
Thirsty, L>Lj pys, <U tishna, t-J <UJ tishna-lab.
This, ^ ^ or dakh. yah. Thither, jt\ udhar : see There.
Thorny, kafil, j\J,U- khrdr, (arduous) kathin.
Thorough, jJl-oV kmil, \j> pr. Thoroughly, jJ\^ sarsar.
Those, we. Thou, y tu. Though, tS\ JU- hl-nki : see Although.
Thoughtful, **j fikr-mand, cS\j <-jJI andesha-nk.
Thoughtless, jiu b-fikr, '^-J be-parw, JiU ghfil.
Threefold, li tigun, tilar, Jo>-<U> si-chand.
Threescore, ^-J /, -$jL si. Thrice, ^ n 2>r.
Thrifty, (j-j^r juz-ras, ^J*>\& kifyati, ( kam-kharch.
Through, j^jHi sarsar, Jujj wrpr, (by means of) ^ se.
Throughout, b \jj~ sar-t-p, j# bhar, jUj tamm.
Thunderstruck, 1 _^ bylt-mr, \Jic ^ gj-mr.
Thus, ymi, ^c&*>, yhl, LjI ais, is-tarh.
Thwart, Ijl r, trh, \>-y tirchh: see Across.
Thy, IjJ ter,jy tr. Thyself, t_>T y p, ^JjJ i-i.
Tidy, A^sljT rsta, iiJa! /, 1_^i-> suthr.
388 Vocabulary.Adjectives, Adverbs, 6fc.

Tight, < tang, <*z-~~f- ckust, xxS kashda, iz^i* sakht.

Till, tli tak or dakh. 3 tag, i3i talak or dakh. t\j talag.
Timely, i^-^J bar wakt, J. bar mauka*: see Early.
Timeserving, jL <L) zamana-sz, ^Uj Ja! ahl-irzamn.
Timid, Timorous, dar-, darl.
Tiny, ^- iaAw chht, l^J nannh, Oy khurd.
Tipsy, cu- mas, SljiKi matwala, J-yi- sar-khush.
Tiresome, thak'u, /\^> sihr', waas.
, j 5 or dakh. , ^ ^ ke tain, Cj tak, CJ^> talak.
Together, ->'L S>\ Ik sth, baham, bZ~Jb* samet, ikatth.
Tolerable, /ly- sah', jlf^- sahanhr, (passable) ^ ^ bain-bain.
Tonguetied, j ^bj zabn-band, ic girifta-zabn.
Tonic (giving strength), ^j* mukawwl.i-mi*da.
Too, bj ziyda, bahut, lU-J nipat, ^ - arfd .
Toothless, Ljj ppl, y* murl. Toper, ptwakkar.
Topsyturvy, l2b ult-pult, iS tah bl.
Torpid, \%> thithar, ^ sun, \j*"SX b-hiss, is sust.
Total, |U tamam, J AaW, v_^~ saZ>, \j^pr: see All.
Totally, ^-: sarp, J j j>- juz--kull, Jflb bi-l-kull.
Tough, cMmr, i^-s? sakht, L>^-< mazbt, chimth.
Toward, Towards, t^jjs ^ taraf, cT-^- ^ kijnib, (jJj ^ kepas.
Tractable, hukm-bardr, narm, ^1- halim: see Docile.
Traditional, ^ybj zabri, ^bw-i sam'f, ^J naklt.
Traitorous, jbliii daghbz, ^j be-waf, ^\s- kha'in.
Tranquil, i thir, JjJf osuda, yjL-i-) sansn, ^^- sukhi.
Transient, Transitory, J\ Job na-pcedar, ^\sfnt, J-sp*- chanchal.
Transparent, <_JUA shafff, j^j barrk, i_iL> so/.
Transverse, Ijfl r, V^>yj tirchh, lli-J bend, \j\ ira (?).
Treacherous, ^>! be-tmn, JuS ghaddr. ^Ji kapatt.
Treble, Triple, Uvi tigun, \* tikr, j>-~ si-chand.
Tremendous, muhb, / haulnk, '^ dar'n.
Triangular, i_iJ^ musallas, Ljj tikniy, Ji>~ si-gsha.
Vocabulary.Adjectives, Adverbs, $*c 389

Tributary, khirj-guzr, ^.b bj-guzr: see Subject.

Triennial, L ~i si-sla, JLJ ti-sla, L ^ n-barsa.
Trifling (trivial), halk, \'_ $w subuk, chh.
Trim, fc^jjt rsta, L>j zeb, _:. latlf,j\jjLi sz-bz.
Trite, lil^j purn, fc^J drina, (common) jlc /wm.
Trivial, halk, lLX-> subuk, j^j be-kadr, acfo.
Troublesome, ranjwar, ijjty bhrJ, mushkil.
Truant, i sms, *>y wra, j jjb harza-gard.
True, Is-* sachch, ^* sack, <^~>\j rast: see Just, Faithful.
Truly, (jlj wjfci'f, .:^ fi-l-hakikat, g* sack.
Trusty, Trust-worthy, ^~**o muxtdbir,J\ c^-jtel amnat-dar.
Tumultuous, l_jbs^a> halchali, ,_<?j-i>l shb, dangait.
Turbid, gadl, jL mukaddar, grh : see Dirty.
Turbulent, ubng&J dangait, j\i dange-baz, lj^b hur-dang.
Tush ! Tut ! ijtyphish, V_J$*- cAA. Twain, jJ ao.
Twice, jj d-bra. Two-fold, l^J d-tah, dugn.
Typical, Jlj , tamti. Typically, L*j tamsilan.
Tyrannical, jJUi zlim, sitami, kathin : see Cruel.
Vacant, khal, ^ tiki, (unemployed) Jia*^ mu'ttal.
Vague, ghair mu'iyan, fjbt* li n-maxlm : see Doubtful.
Vain, (fruitless) JoLLj be-f'ida, Jisb J-oUJ l-hsil.
In vain, ti-Y* ias, (X^ r'egw, jb^ bar-bd.
Valiant,^-! J ditr,j\* bahdur, ^bsr* shuj*, Lsb dil-chal.
Valid, jJlS k'im, fxsL** mustahkim, t^jb" jtJii : see Firm.
Valuable, kitnafi, <U giran-maya, ^Js girn-bah.
Vapid, ^ b-maza, phik, \g*~> slth: see Insipid.
Variable, Jjui^e mutabaddil, mutalauwin : see Inconstant.
Various, mutafarrik, \s>- \jc>- jud-jud, u-sbe* mukhtalif.
Vast, Vasty, 1^ Jara, |-1 , wast*, jb\ apr.
Vaulted,jb JU*^ gumbaz-dr, j\ kubbe-dr.
Vehement, JOtXii shadid, c-js.-*' sakht, \j kara, j3 tez, JoJ iMnrf.
Vendible, <^- blchne-jg, bJ.^- chalanti, ^ rawj.
390 Vocabulary.Adjectives, Adverbs, Sfc.

Venerable, pjL* mukarram, jm mu'zzaz, <fjj> buzurg.

Venomous, clj*) zahri,j\j jbj zahr-dr, (noxious) ijy* mz.
Venturesome, Venturous, j\i jn-bz : see Bold.
Verbal, ^jjb) zabnt, ^! V. ty. muh- or -akhr.
Verbally, Verbatim, U! lafzan, laib lis! lafz ba-lafz.
Verbose, J^b tl-kalm, JjL> tul-tawil, jfjj pur-go.
Verdant, sabz, \jb hara,j*~> sar-sabz.
Verily, see Truly, Certainly. Veritable, ^ sach, t-^J durust.
Vernacular, dsl. Vernal, ^J^> bahrt, L5*^j rab'.
Versed, kr-dn,j\ sycj\ zmda-kr: see Skilful.
Very, (adj .) ^* sach, see True, Real : (adv.) i^-^ bahut, nipat.
Vexatious, zr-dih, dil-kharsh. \ ^iJ dukh-di.
Ugly, 4*jy> i bad-mrat,jj ^^lj zisht-r, JtJ bad-daul.
Vicious, Vitious, ?*0 ibl,j)jt sharr, A~\i fsid: see Bad.
Victorious, jttu, <>b faih-yab, wJU ghalib, jjs ftrz.
Videlicet, yd*ni, jn. Vigilant, \f gh : see Cautious.
Vigorous, zrwar, kawi, J>) zabar-dast.
Vile, ^5 nich, past, JJ<3 zaltl,j\y>- khwr, .
Villanous, (_5* p5/T, , rzala,j&s*- hakir : see Base.
Vindictive, -war, jtS Jj - wail-kash.
Violent, JJO> shadd, c^sr* , JcJ am?.
Violently, Li-s.**" saM-
Virile, ilj^ mardna. Virtually, ^ fi-l-hakikat.
Virtuous, dharmt, , # bhal, s/.
Virulent, iXiJbi shadd, ^-- sakht. Viscous, lajlaj.
Visible, ^fc\3 zir, . Visibly, l^lls zAiraw.
Visionary, ^j^Jbj wahm, ^J\- khiyl, i^j^ tasauwurt.
Vital, irjkij zinda, ( cl?L>- hayat-mansub, j\j\>- jan-dar.
Vivacious, JJ jJj zinda-dil, *ili> J*> dil-shd, [^c magan.
Vivid, (bright) jj^yj rshan, (splendid) ^LXb- chatkil : see Lively.
Ultimate, khir. Unabfe, jjJJU j -makdr : see Weak.
Unacceptable, jcjU w-2>asanrf,^jl3^li n-mansr.
Vocabulary.Adjectives, Adverbs, Sc. 391

Unaccoutred, jLj^jJ be-sz. Unaccustomed, iajj^ b-rabt.

Unacquainted, i__ljU n-wkif, ajan.
Unaffected, Aii-L^j b-sakhta. Unanimous, J^>j k-dil.
Unanswerable, oj la-radd. Unarmed, nihatth.
Unasked, i^Ab^ be-talab. Unassisted, x*^j b-madad.
Unavoidable, JoS l-budd. Unauthorised, b-sanad.
Unaware, Unawares, ul&U-l achnak, iLA tk--ek.
Unbecoming, tJj to n-zcb, \aj Jj bad-num : see Improper.
Unbidden (uninvited), WLjl an-buly, cu^eiXJ be-da'wat.
Unblamable, ^jfi^j nirdkh, >Jt~>jj -svfaid: see Faultless.
Unblemished, ^IjuJ b-dagh. Unblown, <fc> lj na-shigufta.
Unborn, li=cil anjan, liXo U n-paid, (future) JcjI ayanda.

Unbound, (a book) aLst* ghair mujallad: see Loose.

Unbounded,jbl apr, b-hadd, ^ss* ghair-mahdd.
Unbridled, b-lagm. Unburnt, \=f\ anjal.
Uncertain, jJl*j ghair mukarrar, Cjt~c mashkuk.
Unchangeable, JjJuj b-tabdil, JljJ j b-zawal, tJU^I <.
Unchaste, Jfyyb shahwatl, ^\^\> n-pkdman.
Uncivil, -JJ bad-khulk. jfiji.^ kaj-khulk, J^-.-J e-sH.
Unclean, see Filthy. Uncomfortable, na-khush.
Uncommon, 4->b(*^ kam-yab, l$5y\ anth, jjli nadir.
Uncompounded, l--*^-* ghair murakkab, an-mil.
Uncontrollable, ^^ -zabt, Juo b-kaid, CJjj\ ark.
Uncouth, IJuj^J bhnd, _-~*>^ b-dhab, t-j^L.-!^ b-aslub.
Uncultivated, ghair mazru, ^Jjy^ parti, ^Js- jangl.
Undaunted, tl/^ b-bk, ^g-JbL shas.
Undecided, jyUU n-mukarrar.
Undefiled, see Pure, Clean. Undefined, ^^asr^lj n-mushakhkhas.
Undeniable, JjJuJ b-daregh. Under, ^^f niche, ^Jj tal.
Underhand, ^V^J pinhani, tJ-^ mukhfl. Undermost, j>j>) zrtar.
Undeserved, \^sA j ghair tcjib, >-lj n-hakk.
Undesigned, ^^^ b-kasd. Undesigning, ij>J*~ b-gharaz.
392 Vocabulary.Adjectives, Adverbs, Sfc.

Undetermined, j^tjfi. ghair mukarrar, ^yo^jjt shakki-mizj.

Undigested, ^^cj ghair munhazim, .^ n-murattab.
Undisciplined, Ac\^j> -kawiid, )a,j^_ bc-rabt.
Undisguised, <fcs-L<-J -skhta, khul, jj-LLj be-libs.
Undone, (ruined) .Aj kharb, (opened) \j>\ udhr, (not done)
\jjb\ adhr.
Undoubtedly, i* * b-shakk, L jj\ aur , <-* ^ -shvbha.
Undutiful, ^j*Ls-\> n-hukm, (son) i_l-b n-khalaf, CJjj kapt.
Uneasy, fyl ^ K-rm. Unemployed, Jiut* mu'Sttal.
Unequal, Uneven, Jf*> n-hamwr,j\ji i^-vJJ nashtbfaraz.
Unequivocal, n-mashkk, <_JL> sf, ^ji ghair mubham.
Unerring, achuk, Uiicu be-khat, ^liJ nishn-andz.
Unexampled, Jli*^ be-miml. Unexpected, ^J^f^> ngahnt.
Unexperienced, fitojs?\> n-tajriba-kr, 4_i3b,b n-wkif.
Unexplored, Ifcjuywul an-dhundh, Oj^jl U n-zmda.
Unfading, an-murjh'. Unfair, \j^\J n-rst.
Unfaithful, Uj-j bhwafa. Unfashionable, ^jt> be-rawj.
Unfathomable, Unfathomed, Ifil ath, \ agam.
Unfavourable, ^b^b n-mihrbn, i\x^o\j n-mus'Sd.
Unfeathered, Jb jj) ^ be par bal. Unfeeling, see Cruel.
Unfeigned, (_5^ abhagli, <^-^y be-hila, bj*) be-riy.
Unfelt, u~y~s*jji ghair mahsus, ^bf\ anjan.
Unfinished, n-tamm, ^W1!^ be-anjm, adhr.
Unfit, (Jj b n-l'tk, <feuJLi) b n-sh'csta, Jjb" b n-kbil.
Unforeseen, JjlyiU n-psh-dida, JaJlj n-dida.
Unfortunate, ^-^? bad-bakht. abhgi, (JJjluU mqflk.
Unfounded, 1$3^ bt-thikn. Unfrequent, see Uncommon.
Unfriendly, b-i>l j*L ghair shn, ^^ n-mihrbn, rkh.
Unfruitful, aplial, J^if^U n-bahramand : see Barren.
Unfurnished, J bt-sz, ^ be-asbb, zJ\j\ n-rsta.
Ungain, Ungainly, ei-^ <J -nazkat, t/Jb^ anr : see Uncouth.
Ungenerous, i^jU^-lj n-jawnmard. Ungenial, Jl_j-*b n-muwfik.
Vocabulary.Adjectives, Adverbs, fyc. 393

Ungenteel, fjL- ^j-U n-khnsh-khulk, <ts-JL>t n-sh'ista.

Ungovernable, Ungoverned, kjj \z~ -xabt rdbt: see Disobedient.
Ungraceful, bad-saj, *_-Na>Li bt-dhab, ^J>\y^i be-nazakat.
Ungracious, be-nazkat, j\\> n-gawr, jjlb sharir.
Ungrateful, ^LiO n-shukr, <^~ajJ kafir-i-nimat, I^j -waf.
Unhandsome, iSJjyedJ bad-srat, ^jyu^olJ -ma kl.
Unhappy, jjip-k n-khush, jyp~U n-khushnd : see Unfortunate.
Unhealthful, Unhealthy, is_~j>jj'lj n-tandurust, JVu n-muwak.
Unheard, ansun. Unholy, ^.<13 n-mukaddas.
Unhurt, JIjjs-^jJ -cKt, b-zakhm, ^L-j b-nuksn.
Uniform, e-sw,^^ barabar. Uniformly, ^ ^j)j> barubaris.
Unimportant, ^-i ghair ahamm, i subak, halk.
Uninformed, jJlx ^-i ghair muMali*, jJs& b-khabar, ^talj nadan.
Uninhabitable, J^li J>J C-Vj'ty bd--bsh karn k n-kbil.
Uninhabited, L~jl anbas, j^-f nirjan, obi U n-bd.
Uninjured, ^Lafti-J -nuksn, Ju-^^ljt Ii n-zr-rasida.
Uninstructed, UjCJl ansikh, ^Ij ^ b-ta*lm, >jy mrakh.
Unintelligible, ^sr*~- b-samajh, na-danistani.
Unintentional, Unintentionally, J^-j b-kasd, O^^j -irda.
Uninterested, ^jj\y~*t b-swrth, l-gharaz, Oj.j -sd.
Uninterrupted, an-antar, LAi h bil-fsila.
Uninvited, iZJjC^j b-da*wat, ljijO b-nauta, bJUl anbulaya.
Unique, b yakt, ^\ ikk, Jui l-srii, j\L J5, wahid.
Universal, <_$> mutlak, ^ kulli, L5^^*-c , ? .
Unjust, n-hakk, uJlaH ^ b-insf, o\juJ -dad.
Unkind, i_i-viLi> ^ -shafukat, b-mihr, ^b^b n-mihrbn.
Unknown, |*jl*c na-m'lv.m, ! anjn, |jb=w^ anpahchn.
Unlawful, ^x_Jl>- kMlf-i-shar*, n-ja'iz, harm.
Unless, S! /a, ^-j baghair, <^ agar-na,JL< magar.
Unlike, Ajl-l5 n-mushbih, uL*i^ anml: see Dissimilar.
Unlikely, i_-Jll n-ghlb. Unlimited, Jesu b-hadd.
Unlooked for, cjl^b n-gahni. Unlucky, ^^Lc manhs.
3 E
394 Vocabulary.Adjectives, Adverbs, Sfc.

Unmanageable, k bt-zabt, sarkash, bt-lagam.

Unmanly, <^yl) n-mardna. Unmannerly, -jS^ bt-adab.
Unmarried, U>L1 anbyh. Unmeaning, LSi*-*Li bl-ma%ni.
Unmerciful, be-rahm. Unmindful, bt-lihz.
Unmixed, 1J I anmil. Unmoved, J*-l achal, Lj b-rikkat.
Unnatural, ^j-k<b na-matVu, <^~*~o t-i^U- khilf-i-tab'iyat.
Unnecessary, lj w-zarwr. Unobserved, U->^ andekh.
Unoccupied, J^~lJ n-mashghl, Ma : see Vacant.
Unpalatable, yc> bad-maza, n-gawr.
Unparalleled, jkiiL ^ be-manand. Unpared, anchhil.
Unpardonable, Unpardoned, jyb**j*c. ghair-ma*zur.
Unperceivable, ^yJuJli n-dldam. Unperceived, jujU nrdtda.
Unperishable, JljjS la-zawal, (JUS l-fni : see Eternal.
Unpleasant, j^^b" n-khmh,j\j>\j n-gawr: see Disagreeable.
Unpolished, Jju*^ be-saikal, (rude) Ju^i^j'U n-tarshida.
Unpolite, ilJjj*^ b-murwat, U-jj bad-khulk.
Unprecedented, J-as-j be-taml, Jj***>^j> bt-ma*ml.
Unpremeditated, ^jo-^-j-j b-peshband, L^>,^. badlhi.
Unprepared,jLjI) n-taiyr, ..\*r-.<^c ghair-musta'tdd.
Unprincipled, tu Jj bad-st,jifJ bad-guhar, \j be-rh.
Unprofitable, JsU- l-hsil, JoU-j -f'ida.
Unpromising, jUjjfl anhnhr. Unpropitious, bad-yumn.
Unprotected, -J bt-sya, ^o^ bt-wafila, asaran.
Unprovided, ^LL^^ Z>e-sar--mra, c-jLJ^ -asbab.
Unqualified, $0 n-l'ik, j\j\j*\j n-sazwr.
Unquestionable, ^\js\\ bil-i*tirz, .^b^ b-shubha.
Unquiet, ^pSU be-chain, ^" chanchal, t-^L^i* muzlarb.
Unread, Ia^-J^ anparh, JoLi-b n-khwnda : see Ignorant.
Unreasonable, bsu Je-^', J|jjuA3 n-ma*kl, b\$Lj -thikn.
Unreserved, ufl&uJ b-takallvf, Jji_JU sf-dil, b^ be-riy.
Unrestrained, Jus-j b-kaid, -lagm, la.J,;t be-xabt.
Unrighteous, ^^ ghair-slih, (_*^ be-insf, ^b ppi.
Vocabulary.Adjectives, Adverbs, frc. 395

Unripe, anpak, toatjli n-pukhta, Ju-^li n-rasida.

Unrivalled, jli-J b-nazr, be-rakib, i__i>^>- ghair-harlf.
Unruly, be-zabt, be-lagm, jXs^j bt-hukm.
Unsafe, i^i-AiLjlj n-salmat, ^Jai-b b-khatra. ^\ ^ be-amn.
Unsatisfactory, tj^U n-sawb, jLAj n-sz.
Unseasonable, be-wakt, bsu be-j, |(_5? bt-aiyam.
Unseasoned, bt-namak. Unseemly, !_*-Ai*iU n-munsib.
Unseen, V^.^ andkh, t_i-.bj! adisht, jJ n-dlda.
Unsettled, j^i-J b-karr, w >^ ^ be-band--bast.
Unshod, tiy^L5^ nange p'on. Unsightly, UJjj bad-num.
Unskilful, i_jsi^lj n-wkif, j^j be-hunar, ^Jt nirgun.
Unsound, i-Xi shikasta, JiA~c- ib-dr, c^s^ii -sihhat.
Unsparing, j-ijJ^J -daregh. Unstable, j^-j be-karar.
Unsteady, cA.j bt-mbat. Unsuccessful, AaiU*j be-maksad.
Unsuitable, n-muioafik. Unsullied, t-^c^ b-ib.
Untamed, lyj! anhil. Untasted, V^T^ anchakh.
Untaught, <fc-^cl lj n-mkhta. Untimely, c-j^-j b-wakt.
Until, tlX i-^*- jab-tak, lag. Unto, ^ 5, c- ke-ta'l.
Untold, 1^1 ankah. Untouched, anchh.
Untoward, see Perverse. Untrue, c^-j^ 13 n-rst.
Unusual, ji^^J bt-dastur. Unwary, j^ste be-khabar.
Unwearied, uJ^j'l athak. Unwelcome, AiJ Ii n-pasand.
Unwholesome, n-gawr. Unwilling, ^J&j li -rz.
Unwitting, anjn. Unwittingly, U n-dnista.
Unworthy, Jfj lj 7i-l'ik,j\ij\y*'\i n-sazwr.
Vocal, jbjljT wz-dr, ^Jye , ^<y~ skabdl.
Vociferous, j^i shor-pusht, lS^-^- ghavghl.
Void, khjjU, tihi, ^sun, (null) JLb a/i/.
Volatile, (winged) aj^j paranda, (playful) J-^v>- chanchal.
Voluntary, ^LirsH ikhtiyari, ^s^ii kasdt, y*-j\ az khiid.
Voluptuous, iysh, SL-y rasll : see Luxurious.
Voracious,y\ f>- j'-1-bakar, j* mar-bhukkha.
396 Vocabulary Adjectives, Adverbs, Sfc.

Up, upar, % bala, (out of bed) \\ uth : see Standing.

Upon, jj par, jij upar. Upper, yb bltar al.
Uppermost, ^1 V>ib {J^ -~> sab se bltar or nch.
Upright, (erect) \ khar, (just) jjL sdik : see Honest.
Upward, Upwards,^! upar, (more than) ii\jj ziyda.
Urgent, zarr, lzim, c^s.-' sakht, xr bajidd.
Useful, l? km k, ^Ji^J kr-mdam : see Profitable.
Useless, \J&\> nkr, Ui nikamm, *<X>U*> be-i'ida.
Usual, r'ij, murauwaj, ^jk>~ chalrii, jj^-jarz.
Usually,J\ aksar, i_~l1 aghlab, beslitar.
Utmost, Utter, - nihyat, cU-i nipat, (b; ghyat.
Utterly, JL j |*Uj tamm kaml, o- hadd, nihyat.
Vulgar, (common) le <, ^jC- rf, (mean) .
Uxorious, Jo^e zan-murid, \ karlag'.
Waggish, ii^ls zanf, maskhara, {j^y>- khush-tab*.
Wan, J)j zard, Lj ^>, ^j&j za*farnz.
Wanton, ij> shkh, jb lahar-bz, <J-~-' achpal, kmt.
Warlike, jangi, razm-pesha, l&ljl larnk.
Warm, pj> garm, bi tatt,j\*~ hrr, (ardent) ^ sar-garm.
Wary,j\*>ji>kskyr, ^>y*\ agraschi, bij*- chaukann.
Waspish, chirchir, >j zd-ranj, gkn.
Waste, <j\j- kharb, j^* wirn, Jbob p'eml, ujr.
Wasteful, ur', tij~~o musrif, ^/>- Jy> fazul-kharch.
Watchful, jljuJ be-dr,j\Jt>j> hbshyr, w>>- chaukas : see Cautious.
Watery, ^1 ab, K^u^panih, (tasteless) \~^jpans: see Insipid.
Wayward, y shkh, hathll, ,_J ziddi.
Weak, jJ ^ kam-zr, za'f, zer-dast : see Feeble.
Wealthy,jljJbc mldr,j\Ojj zardr, <A*JjJ daulatmand.
Wearisome, thak', ijfy bhri. Weary, jJU mnda.
Wedded, bjbj byht (f.), b>bj byh (m.). Wee, see Small.
Weekly, AJt. jb har hafta, & <fcia> hafta hafta.
Weighty, ^Jjj wazni, ^Wj bhri. Welcome, CJJ^* mubrak.
Vocabulary.Adjectives, Adverbs,- Sf. 397

Well (adj.), \>\ ackchh, \# bhal, 41 bhal-chang.

Well (adv.), e^-^i durust, lg bhal, -*- khb, ^Jo achchh-
Wellbred, Ju- khush-khulk, j\s\ nek-atwr.
Well done ! shbsh, ^J>j zahl, farin.
West, Westward, <i -pachchham k, ^*-* (_ taraf-i-maghrib.
Westerly, Western, LS^s pachchham, ^>j**> maghrbt.
Wet, l# bhlg, XJ> gil, Ji tar, J nam, J\iaj namnk.
What? L ky, ^ kaun. Wbet,y>*j5. Whatever, ^ s>-j kuchh.
Wheaten, geh ka. When ? ^J> kab. When, s^^-jab.
Whence ? ^ kaha se, (from what source ?) ^J^j ^r-^ ^s
Whence, ^ *?* jahn se, (from which source) ^"]) ~=" fa
Where ? U\S kaha. Where, ,J^>- jaha, jidhar.
Whereas, L~)j\ az-bas-ki, <&_y- chun-ki. Whereby, ^ j-s^-jisse.
Wherever, ,J^>-jahm jahn. Wherefore, ^jbJj <j~\ is waste.
Wheresoever, jaha kahl. Whereupon, ~J\ us-par.
Whether, <t> ki, \S ky. Which ? kaun. Which,
Whichever, j-ki. While, Whilst, <*s? jab-tak, o-jad.
Whimsical, p j& har-dam-khiylt, lahri.
White, J-i~ sufld, o-y set, (fair) \j gr, (bright) ujl.
Who ? ^ kaun, -S kis-n. "Who,jo-j, ^y>-jaun, ^^^jis-n.
Whoever, ^-j-kl. Whomever,^ ^J jis hisl .
Whole, (sound) |L~< musallam, (entire) jU tamm: see All.
Wholesome, j\ ^s.' sihhat-war, muwfik : see Useful.
Why ? , kh ko, ^~>\) kis vmst.
Wicked, \ji bur, ppijjjJ^ sharir, bad, zabun.
Wide, \y>- chaur, Ks>- chakl, \^>pahn, 1j farakli.
Wild, ^J&s>-jangl, ^j^-j wahsht, j^ZxS dashti: see Licentious.
Wilful, y- khiid-pasand, j~ y- khud-sar : see Perverse.
Wilfully, z~j\ JJ dda dnista: see Intentionally.
398 Vocabulary.Adjectives, Adverbs, fc.

Willing, ^j*>\) rzi, joai Ls!j ram-mand, ij^y- khiish : see Desirous.
Wily,jb <d-*- hlla-bz, jb ihjj robh-bz : see Cunning.
Windy, i_/ly> hawl, ^jjb bdt, (puffed up) iyjphl : see Stormy.
Winning, ba>^ tnhn, bjj dil-rub, Jo dil-kash : see Charming.
Wise, Jc*bb klmartd, Jilc |<, b'j dn, CJyj zr.
Wishful, jbi mushtk, <n*jjj\ rzmand, i_-^j rghib.
With (prepos. or postpos.), ^ se, (along with) ^jL siA, *.
Within, bhttar, jJu! andar, - , .
Without, (adv.) ysb bhar, ^yf brn, (prep.) ^ e, Sj .
Wittingly, ^i=ry {Jt'rjn bjhk, <Jc-Jb j a>j dida 5 dnista.
Witty, jJ tez-fahm, y- chatur, <_sujo zartf: see Jocular.
Woful, ti/li jc gham-nk, ^}~~> santp, jT tjj-> sg-war.
Wooden, l / k, jljf- chbln. Woody, ^J^-jangtt.
Woollen, ^jj! , ^tjpashmi, pashmtna.
Worldly, jIjUJ dunya-dar, CJ>J^~~> sansrik, u/jbjJ dunywi.
Wormeaten, xjf>- * kirm-khnrda, Lgi ghun, klrah.
Worse, y JJ badtar. Worst, \y ^ _$y burl se bur.
Worthless, b-kadr, n-kr, J+&-\j n-ckiz.
Worthy, (Jj l'ik, Jj\5 kbil, \^s>-y mustaujib, lg bhal.
Wrathful, / ghazab-nk, CJ\j khashm-nk. ^ kop.
Wretched, b-nasb, ^li-y pareshn, Jl& kangl.
Written, \ 1^3 likh h', z>y> nawishta, >yy .
Wrong, t_j^.b^clj n-munsib, J>-b n-hakk, . ghalat.
Wrongful, (_ ^ji be-imf, iy>-\> n-hakk. Wroth, see Wrathful.
Wrought, bj ban, Wf garh. Wry, b&jJ ierh, ^ kaj.
Yclad, \ U^j pahri h'. Ycleped, j jU nm-zad.
Yea, ^li hin, ^b . Yearling, ^JLJ! ek-s.
Yes, /, ^^ bU, re, tau,
Yet, (conj.) tau-bht,y par, (adv.)^j tis-par: see Beside.
Yon, Yonder, ij wuh or (dakh.) wah, parl, \ ^jy pare k.
Of yore, l tZJX< muddat k, \ agl, ^ kadlm se.
Young, yjiy- jawn, JL jf>- khurd-sal, : see Small.
Vocabulary.Adjectives, Adverbs, Sfc.

Your, tumhr, apn. Yourself, t- jj tum p.

Youthful, jawn, xjXj tza, .
Zealous, garm, j*> sar-garm, JcJ tund, ^\~> s'l.
Zigzag, UjJ ttrh, j ^ kaj 5 pich, bakr (?).


I t)\* kaha se'eh . . . . Where are you from ?

^Sj'^fj2"-^ kidhar j'ge Where are you going ?
ji> ^ jj tum h Who are you ?
y> / kis waste 'l h . . . . Why are you come ?
^yf -frf^ (_5^^ mujhe kuchh kahg . . Will you say something to
^J* ^ Sj wuh hai Who is he ? Who is that ?
I jbO\ idhar ' Come here.
j* I Jijj nazdk ' Come near.
Uf t_l^- jaldj Go quickly.
fe- ,_4x1>- jaldi chalo Go (or move) quickly.
ij t_*> chup rah Be silent.
y (^-U- hzirt l' Bring breakfast.
yi khn l' Bring dinner.
rofi l' Bring bread.
j jOjO ddh l' Bring milk.
jj lJj-^o misrt d Give some sugarcandy.
j\ lil^i khn kh' Eat (your) dinner.
Jjj -bJjJ ddhpi' Drink milk.
j Ir?" chirgh jal' .... Light the lamp.
battjal' Light the candle.
^-^ gulgtr l' Bring the snuffers.
jl J* guZ ffi Snuff the candle.
Skort Sentences. 401

\sr battt bujh' . . Put out the candle.

/*i (j~y\ fns l' . . . Bring ashade(for the candle).
j*l$51 (j^y\i fns uth' . . Take away the shade.
Ci< jJ}# bhliy mat . . Do not forget.
j lij l- c ban' . . . Make tea.
ji^j ^y^^ dhrie phir . . Turn to the right.
3jQ litf^ b'en phir 4 . Turn to the left.
jhifijjjjyo mliyn-k bul' Call the porters.
j 1 tne2 lag' . V . Lay the table.
j IsO <_>LJ asJi lej' . . Take away the things.
j l^j'l j~ triez uth' . . . Remove the table.
s> j\p>- khabar-dr h Be careful.
(_S* r* f**" AttAm y What is (your) command ?
sJ* gr taiyr kar . Get the carriage ready.
<tiLu ^s.^ AacM musyaka nah It is no matter.
^Jt> i*z~eji *j < ko fursat liai Are you at leisure ?
ti\**o < ^ mu'af kijiy Be pleased to pardon me.
3 ^ \Jfy ^J)? thp l' . . Bring a little bread.
^jff; bichhaun bichhy hai Have they made the bed ?
i ^ darwza band kar Shut the door.
(j^> i^J^ i^j w . . They are old.
^* (^s2^ tf kam-bakh hai This is a misfortune.
j <_> ijj~c friert kitb l' Bring my book.
ls^" torjtt l' . Bring my shoes.
3 V" j!>^ * bzrj' Go you to the market.
Bring a little meat.

1 J wia a?o Do not plague (me).

u^** mi' khnsmn k bul' . Call my khnsmn.
Order dinner.
Ifij l- ^> ilJtyo main bhir j'ng I shall go out.
i mer l' . Bring my clothes.
! ji>- tum jald 'iy . . You must come quick.
3 F
402 Short Sentences.

raj mistar! k bul' . Call the bricklayer.

kth! marammat kar . Repair the house.
jit K khabar k kghaz l . Bring the newspaper.
yih wuh- hat . . . This is that very (thing).
waha sab-h! hai . They are quite all there.
waha hai . Is any one there ?
wuh phr kah . Say that again.
ham kaljwmg . . We shall go tomorrow.
tp kyw chhf . . Why is the gun fired ?
t^jis- plkijaldt mang' . Send for the palanquin im
shib uthcL hai . Is the gentleman up ?
ghm-kar ' . . . Come round. Turn about.
zarr hista chal . Go a little more gently.
' mze utr . Come, take off (my) boots.
ghar se nikl . . Get out of the house.
wuh be-wukf hai . He is a simpleton.
j _jJ ^rlb ^ apnt hth dh' . . Wash your hands.
apn muh dh' . . Wash your face.
bahut garmi hai . . It is very hot.
wuh kitab ham-k d . Hand me that book.
yih ittijak kab h' . When did this happen ?
thand pni l' . . Bring (some) cold water.
thr sharbat l' . Bring a little sherbet.
ghat namd h' . It appears cloudy.
^ J\ I j pn! barseg . . It will rain to day.
us-k bahut dst harn . He has many friends.
yih achchha mausim hai . This is fine weather.
us-k! bar! drh! hai . . He has a great beard.
yih ky chiriy hai . . What bird is this ?
yih un-k tamsh hai . This is their fun.
wuh bar matwl hai . He is a great toper.
Short Sentences. 403

un-k bar gunh hai . . Their crime is great.

yih maidn kis-k hai . . Whose field is this ?
us-k mukaddama j hbg . His trial will be to day.
up0 uW^1 ^ir? uV. yahn bahut makkhiya hai There are many flies here.
kitri drnl hzir hai . How many men are present ?
chiragh mm tel nahm . . There is no oil in the lamp.
yih fakat hila hai . . . This is all a trick.
^-srj <yj ham-k ek namna dijiye . Be pleased to give me a pat
* ^- s>W tumhre pas rassi hai . Have you any string ?
l^o^J C^-r lijb bdshh takht par baith . The king sat on the throne.
us-ki wz achchhi hai . He (or she) has a fine voice.
tp aur kurttjhr . . . Brush (my) hat and coat.
yih kaun-s janwar hai . . What kind of animal is this ?
tumhri kya salh liai . . What is your advice ?
c;sV k-H kl *j wuh mewa khn achchh That fruit is not good to eat.
is-mtii tumf'ida p'ge You will find this very useful.
apne bln-meti kanghi kard Comb your hair.
tumhar mr kya hai . . What is your age ?
lA{ 4fj?* plki mere pas bhej . . . Send me the palanquin.
hath dhne k pni l' . . Bring water to wash (my)
WjS iJJ! Ik jora l' . . Bring a suit of clothes.
\ jji dawt kalam kaghaz l' Bring the inkstand, pen and
i<* >fi \jp ij wuh gr kaun hai . What European is that ?
wuh kis-k ghr hai Whose horse is that ?
LS* 4fJ^Ajb "* *?1 hamri ghrt hai This is our (or my) mare.
^jb \j IL- y yih kis-k ghar hai. Whose water-pot is this ?
vj* \r tumhr nm ky hai What is your name ?
^jb CS%>- s} wuh bahut chlk hai He is very active.
404 Short Sentences.

ls^ JT* titf*j *V zamm shr This ground is salt (barren).

^iy 2\ utr<> nahm to girg . . . Get down lest you fall.
^jssx^ tJjj -yj yih rpiya rriikhi hai This rupee is adulterated.
A) J us- shakl bad hai . . . It looks ill.
^jfc JCl^c angrtz zabn mushkil hai . The English tongue is diffi
l^sH bahut achchh hai . . This is very good.
j^*- i_ -j.^ a/i khabar hai . . This is wonderful news.
^^Jb -'^' (* ^ ^ piyst hain. , * We are (I am) hungry and
hushyar adn hai . . He is a prudent man.
jhilmil uth' Raise up the Venetian blinds.
hartan lej'5 Take away the dishes.
yih darakhtjald maug . This plant will soon blossom.
tum hamesha ghalat karte h You are always blundering.
^ ^- ^ J wuh band-khn men bhej He was sent to prison.
us- dail mazbt hai His argument is strong.
wuh bar be-adb hai He is very unmannerly.
^t> i_JU> ->- j^U^jI sman khub sf hai . The sky is very clear.

ctf* J^ 40 we lark shlch hai . Those boys are pert.

us-n bari saz p' . He got a great punishment.
we sab chup rohe . . They all remained silent
us-k dil be-karr hai His heart is unsettled.
yih kghaz tar hai . This paper is damp.
kaun shr kart hai . Who is making a noise ?

* ^ i5 tum ky kahte ho . . What are you saying?

tum ky khte ho . . What are you eating?

* Like as in Europe the plural of the second person is commonly adopted when
applied to an individual, so in Hindustani not only the plural of the second person, but
also that of the first, and even of the third, is in use much substituted for the singular.
Short Sentences 405

sails hindi to bolo Speak easy Hindustani.

> LSMt, /I- ^J*. chalej', rukhsat h Go along, you are dismissed.
waha phir matj' . Go not there again.
ham-k kinr par utar Put me down on the shore.
L S* > / u4 wahh kaun rahta hai Who lives there ?
/V l/^ CT*^ sidh ge chal j' . Go straight forwards.
kuchh sharb pani l' Bring some wine and water.
j/ l/^ pai khub thand kar Cool the water well.
khn mz-par l' . Bring dinner on table.
ham-k bari fajar jag' Waken me very early.
j din pharchh hai . It is fair to day.
j kuchh abr hai . . It is a little cloudy to day.

L S* ^jb*' us-n ikrr kiy hai . He has made a confession.

^jl JC-J ^l*fe ham-k nind ti hai . I am very sleepy.
wuh akxar matwl raht hai He is generally drunk.
yih sari lakri achchhi hai . This wood is entirely sound.
J^LzJjJl^J^ us-n bahut daulat jam'' He has amassed great wealth.
/ * ^ abhi ham kam shur' kar Let us now begin work.
apn sth ham-k jan d . Allow me to go with you.
5 Jib )JJ j wuh bar kil hai . . . He is a very wise man.
yih khub mwa hai . . . This is fine fruit.
l/ lA> L5H -Vi yih achchhi rti hai . . This is good bread.
I^L/^l/^VV^ ma bap un-k mar-ga' hain Their parents are dead.
1 srf?- sW tumhari chhuri tz hai . Is your knife sharp ?
ky yih chhuri tumhari hai Does this knife belong to you?
us-k dnt mn dard hai . . He has the toothach.
L/* l/ ?3* l/ *V yih battt mm k hai . . This candle is of wax.
yih phal bar khatt hai . This fruit is very sour.
l/ V!*!//v. yih kapr bar mt hai This cloth is very coarse.
^3*rv? l/* 4 V. yih sab s bihtar hg . . This will be the best.
L54 (V V. yih kalam bahut narm hai . This pen is too soft.
406 Short Sentences.

^jb i_ijo. yih harf bad-srat hai . . This letter is ill formed,
^j~> Jy ^~^ ^ ^ anrzt bol sakt h . Can you speak English ?
jLs- is ghafi ko l chalo . . . Take away this watch.
^s? ^x ham sab kuchhjnte hai . We know all.
'<\-*- ^sS c^yJ w bahut kuchh jante hai . They know much.

^Jb IfL* \y X gann baf mitha hai . . The sugar cane is very sweet,
^^j-y <Uj^ ISj (jJ is ghar k lawzima nahm. The house is unfurnished.
^s> ij>)~> j^i> lSj be-khabar sote hai . . They are dead asleep,
ys CJSVo j |j tumis ghar k malk ho. . Are you the owner of this
house ?
^jx liy LS Xj y ^ AaA i Aya kaht hai Tell (me) what he says.
y> j^^b- jj ^^ycj\ is drni tum jante ho. . Do you know this man?
j^'U- !j~<, |*Lj mn.j'5g .... Will you go to the auction?
^ Ij^ IS jLi *j wm 7iZ5j m Aari Aat He is by trade an auctioneer.
y*yS^S> \Sij r' k gathar kht . . . Open this bale of cotton,
^jb ^y ^j&f ^s^CJ u&kl darhi baft hai . . . He wears a long beard,
^jSibj- l.^ turn isk sabab jnt h . . Do you know the cause?
j! ^3- chaukl 15 baitho .... Take a chair and sit down.
tj+ibji jA -> ^yS kaun bob ham parhe . . What chapter shall I read?
.^jx cl|c tijj us-kl baft izzat hai ... He bears an excellent cha
^c/W l^l^* m4fi "? hai . . Bricks are made of clay.
a~y^<iLj ^ jJ turn ne naya madrasa dtkha, Have you seen the new
Aai, college ?
jj^s*- $ kanghi 15 aur sirjhr . . Take a comb and comb your
^xj>-\ IS -> yih bob k khir hai . . . This is the end of the chapter.
^x li'l^j lij-fJ UjS ylkia guftg karn tumhe bhat Are you fond ofconversation?
lys uu^yj LS< ga' baras anj bahut h' There was plenty of corn last
{ th, year.
Short Sentences, 407

ky ktmat hai in chizo-ki What is the cost of these

things ?
us-k bafi khnsi hai . . She has a bad cough.
yih hamr watan hai . . This is my native country.
yih hartan phl hai . . This bason is cracked.
is ddh se ma' nahm hti This milk produces no cream .

tumhr bat ham sachjnt I give credit to what you say.

is-k lutta kaht hai . . This is called a creeper.
wuh bib bar allma hai . She is an excellent critic.
wah bar majm dmiyn- There was a great crowd of
k th, people.
ky tumhn chhnbhthai Are you fond of curds ?
l/V^^ vi yih ghar bahut nam hai : This house is very damp.
us-k khtt kaun trikh What is the date ofhisletter?
ab kitn wakt hai . . . What time of day is it ?
wuh bar karzdr hai . . He is very much in debt.
wfarb se din ktt hai . They live only by deceit.

tum is-me ib ko dekhte Do you observe any defect in

us-n adalat-me zr kiy . He made his defence in court.
is kam bar der hai There is much delay in this
is tlab k muk ky hai . What is the depth of this
wuh chausar-bz se tabh He was ruined by playing at
hu', dice.
ham tumhr bt mneg . I shall attend to your direc
408 i Short Sentences.

^ k.lr. i\j ^) yih rah bar! ghalz hai . . This road is very dirty.
^^VctfV ^V'jry yih fauj kaw'id nahmjntl These soldiers are undisci
^ \>-\ t^Y? ^?^ *} wuh \jd bahut achchh hai That is a great discovery.
^Jj j ham sab hila na-karn . . Let us not use disguise.
y lb l jj^ |J mtk is maraz k nam kah . Tell me the name of this
*j <>\ ab wuh bahut l-chri She is now in great distress.

^Lyj ^ {Ji^ 4?s*) dsr mahm kl pahi trikh A dividend on his estate will
^ JLc 5^-1 tT"-^ -e mZ kist pahu- be paid the first of next
^Lsi^ L cAg, month,
^fc \ O-jLL <C-j K-l MS-A psha tababat k hai . His profession is that of a
c* t^ % <jj* is-k -wl kaun hai . Who was the doer of this ?
IjO CJ\jy- $ ^ji-it - do khprk-i daw It . He has taken two doses of
i_s hfjy0 1^?^ 7^ gar mor hai . . There are drains under the
Wjr* Jj *j Jar matwl hai . . He is quite a drunkard.
J^as* l ^/^- isjins-k mahsl lagt hai . Do these articles pay duty ?

Lf\ ^ i-f")-H thor din h' is mahall An earthquake was felt lately
V * 2r ^s^"* larz h'a th, in this part.
W'V |_s^ ab-hi bhth hai . . . . It is now ebb tide.
ji jLA \jj ^"*> ham-n daw us- dt par I gave him medicine, but it
Ijb ij jjJIs us-sf'da na h', had no effect.
ij, jb ham n k chiriy k ghnsl I saw a bird's nest with four
i^fSj] aur us-m chr and eggs.
^j^jJ dkh,
L^i v^-"*4 ham-n dary kinr baith I saw him sitting on the
4^V* h' un-kv dkh, bank of the river.
Short Sentences. 409

l j.IS jj-s jjj *j bare zbr s kam kart He goes to work with energy.
u^=- ji ,- Jb jUjJ baun wuh hai jis-k kadd Dwarfone who is small in
lja chht hai, stature.
u \ Jl* ^~>\ us-k mal k kaun wast hai Who is the executor to his
.Jb estate ?
L jJ6 is kam harne men kharch What will be the expense
~/>- hg, of doing this ?
J^i- ^j-^jbjjl j Aar >r mash- He has experience in busi-
shk hai, ness.
IS Ls ^J> jljc L ky yih awmm guftg Is this mode of expression
^Jbjjo k taur hai, common?
<Ji ^ L>- tj |a> Aam we is Ma ht nakl I showed you an extract
\j ^^f*^ tumhe dikhaH., from his letter.
cJy&X~-s >\ | Aam un-ko b-dharak kah I can speak to him without
L5^-! sakte hai, fear.
^jsLo Ji> ^ y^J ! t dono ki shakl milti hai . The features of these two
^yfc are alike.
tlXjj tj-r^ fl-s- MS waAm win /c drg Aai There is a ferry boat at that
J* ^5^4^ place.
(r-- '' is teZ kl machhli Are there any fish in this

^ J^^*?- <^/^ chakmk se nikl . . . Fire is produced by flint and

^^> J_j / gA7 -k ham-n I saw there a flock of sheep.
l^-O dkh,
LS0 LS"^ LS"*' ' s^ r-* ^ani* Bread is made of flour,
jb bJU- Lsr^^^jlj A bnsri bajjnt hat . He plays on the flute.
^pib yaha bahut makkhiy Here are a great many flies.
^ ^j-jjJljjt> ijfjj ^LjI ms-A dr-andsht hai . She possesses much fore
410 Short Sentences.

\S^as>-*z-4 JL^^-H us-n mal bahut jam* kiy . He has made a large for
olwJ j ghar-ki bunyad pari . . . The foundation of the house
was laid.
j tub ^ yanda- bat ham nahm We cannot see into futurity,
^iilsj- jante,
i^-** hum-ne use khabar k kghaz I saw this in the gazette.
J men dekha,
fj~\ tum us shib k jnte ho . Do you know that gentle-
jjs man ?
jjj-yjl jJa ^^- us-ne ilmi-arz kitab has composed a book on
^jb l-Jm c_>b tasriif ki hai, geography.
^JLj ^Jiji Ms-e pnch lark, tin bt, He has five children, three
^jJLj jJ do bti hai, boys and two girls.
tirrc J^-> j\ j+- khabar dar yih sahl mn tut Take care, this will easily
l ^~!~> l*bf &y j'g shish k hai, break, it is made of glass.

<kjj i^l ham-nk jora dastna mol I have bought a pair of

* hai, gloves.
jj-^ ^^" j-' tum jant ho kis s sarsh Do you know what glue is
^jUj ban hai, made of?
(Jso ^^bjJ i^)~> son lh pital y tumb Is this chain made of gold,
j-sj ls*- us?* V. ^ zanjir bani hai, silver, iron, brass, or cop-
5* J* per?
j~~ ^jjb^o _ op mihrbani kark khabar Have the goodness, Sir, to
^ss kijiy, inform me.
c^yJ <_jb ^jJ\ ^j~>\ us-n apn bap ko bahut He has caused much grief to
J i_P;\.0 takl'if dt, his father.
<>J^ l/* ^ ls9 ^ *s lark k murabb kaun Who is the guardian of this
^jb hai, child ?
^ ijj [_XS^= ~>\ tis-k subh-k phirn ki adat He is in the habit of walking
^ ci?jlc hai, out early.
Short Sentences. 411

jj 1 us'k hth pakar l . . . Take hold of his hand.

^j-j ^_j-> ^J!> ham-k srqj nikaln se kam I must go to work every day
(^IjjA^U-iJ| karnejane ht hai, yih at sunrise: this is a great
^ys tJCi-o yJ Jari mushkil hai, hardship.
^IL! jj dk ghar band hog, is-li' I write in great haste to save
^ jj*. ^~*Jb ham-iijald chitthi likhl, the post.

o" ^ tj)" >Sj^ ^J~^ us-ri kamare men ghuste On entering the room he took
ip? utar It, off his hat.
<_->! ^^^\~>\ - ge s aJ takjiflf hai, She is now much better than
^jb she was.
j-j Ijj l 1 yah kghaz k bar dher Here is a heap of papers,
jj *$g? jj\JLI hai, Ukar aur jagah men put them away.
^\ 1j~ {y^> i^f- chane mm mer p'n us- I trod on his heel.
- & l ^ Par Pa- >
j\jti /^ kitn unchal is dwr hai What is the height of this
/J wall?
Ij~c & ijjui) tum hamre is kam men Can you afford me any as-
j& x* kuchh madadkar saki ho, sistance in this ?
\ Ljfij ij) wlfakat tarkrt khkarjite They live on herbs solely.
(_^?>- hai,
jlyJ ^J^4 bangale men pahr bahut There are but few hills in
ljjb S kam hai, Bengal.
j\ jj L ^ji-il us-ne ishara kiy is irade He gave a hint to this effect.
ijjjt jb> l&f (.^-^1. yah-se gang sgar tak What will be the boat-hire
l>y> L \ J2 to)J> kirya kishti k ky hog from this place to Saugor ?
jj$ jy j?*) yahn men srkh Make a hole in the ground
karo, here.
<_j1 /^ j)J c^yJ bahut der h' ab ham ghar It is late, let us now return
^jjl- j jwe, home.
412 Short Sentences.

u/b CDje. y ^i-il us-ri baf izzat pl . . He has obtained much ho

tS- lS~^ lT"^ ha- bans se k machhl I have caught a fish with a
ijjfe ^jl^f-"* pakfi, hook.
is g' k sing nahm . . This cow has no horns.

dru-sh-shaf wah ba- An hospital is about to be

nega, built there.
US' ^a> ^jiiU- jJ tum jnt ho ky baj hat . Do you know what hour it is?
if* s/ tum'n^ girn se kuchh chot Had you any hurt from your
/ cb^>- pl, fall ?
j ^j^y JL-yLtJk ham-k khiyl nal th ki I had no idea that you would
\ .1 tum aj 'g, come to day.
~V Lf- dJ LS12^ kitne din si tum ko yih How long have you had this
ls* ^J^z3. bimri hai, illness ?
^^-Jl^ JU- -y yih khiyl kahrs paid Whence came this idea?
\ h',
|^ muhimm-i-zim hai . . This is an important affair.
^> S) wuh makkr-i mash'hr hai He is a notorious impostor.
t_yi$Ji {j^jY0 v. yih muhr nahm uth . . This seal makes no impres
i^fjij Cj)J\ ijjQ yih lakfi agar k pr bari Had this piece of wood been
cP"* (* U"\ l4}s> hti, t is ti, an inch longer, it would
l have done very well.
tJXol jJi^U- tumjnt ho us-kl mdan Do you know what is his
^s> L ky hai, income ?
i^V. l^V"* sr^ Mire mahin pahti trkh Will my staying here till the
,_^L*- CSJ fCj\-J tak hamr rahn s tum- first of next month be any
frf- li^rf^ (_5-> h kuchh ranj hog, inconvenience to you ?

u^ij^h c_>b ^fJi is kitb men fihrist hai . . Is there an index to this
^Jb book ?
Short Sentences. 413

> ^j-iO p tum kitne din se Hindus- How long have you been in
^jz* ^li-jjAiA h A, India?
f> (^y \ yJ yiA ftm nahm ki tum This affair is not to be treat-
j ghaflat hard, ed with indifference.
JL^>-1 l (_^U-J i-^V^ tumhari bimrt k ahwl I heard of your indisposition
^-" l_5:*> ham-ne ga' hafte se sun, last week.

^* ll^V ^ f aSar tum dk If the letter goes by to day's

i5^ i&i'! AiftajK Aejo i aA ?A post, you must send it to
gAar bhejne chhiye, the post-office now.

^ <tJ hakim ne yih nuskha likh The doctor wrote this pre-

hai, scription.
W 1_5if<l^i-)^,Li<-l ws- hamre samhne ais He said so in my presence.
^ e^j,J lailj IjU hamr talaffuz durust hai Is my pronunciation cor
iJ ^JJj Li jj mh y ?/ Zi A . What proof can you give of
j ^Ju> tum tsha safar k kar . Make provision for your
LW" t"^5^ "fi fto kis-tarah chhpi Is the work printed in folio,
V. ^J" sr takhta hai y quarto, octavo, or duode-
V. 4 ^ ? JJ do-warak ya si-warak cimo ?
y chau-waraka,
^jJblj l ^ *j gdar se hghaz bant hai . Paper is made of rags.
jj ^J& Lo Le malik aur malika wah The king and queen were
dono hzir the, both present.
L^-^i) J}^ (* k kalam aur Ik dasta k- Give me a quill and a quire
ijrrF^ -^L iXcli ghaz inyat klji', of paper.
L5~*^ i_s~*^ *J** ~V ./& aur kisi kitb-s This is a quotation from some
c^un ^> other book.
414 Short Sentences.

jj^^Jjjj LJi~)l is-riz sab rupT ghur-daur He lost all his money at a
\j\ ^pj^ijb ^J> bazi-me ura dVe, horse-race.
cLy j\j V bgh kuchh bar tut gal . Some of the garden rails are
bSi. kaun yih khabar ly . . Who brought these tidings ?
jJb ^j^J <&>- cJ M' hukka pite ham . . . They smoke tobacco,
^j^r J*i- ^j^b ham-ne mash'l jalak sair We travelled by the light of
\S kiy, torches.
(JJj^*- jCfcfc zt-we ham-k chhot kitb He gave me a tract.

<C-j J;\f4J tumhr psha ky liai . . What is your trade ?

{y*> S^W" ij]/*- am khazn men jte I am going to the treasury.
^ i-v?< ^jjjyo y\ un mtiyn-kt kimat ky What is the price of those
hat, pearls ?
Ljf^H ^V?" ham chht ptchh chhr' I have left behind my um-
^j- ^ 1 Aat, brella.
ulH ii c-*b is kitb kl kjild hai y d Is the book in one or two
y ^jb volumes ?
j^c^r cS) 4^ b we jahz men mandrs-k He is now on a voyage to
liJ;fLU- jLJj~c jte hai, Madras.
l aIC ^iA kis-km k hai . . . What is made of this ?
^. jij <^-^ ham-k k wfar dijiy . . Please to give me a wafer.
ijb jJ bwjY ^ % mahn tum pt h . What wages do you get ?
j^$ ibj^i bgh-ki diwr gir part . . The garden wall is fallen
^-^ tjfj-^ t-^V*-1 tumhrighafiachchKi chalti Your watch goes well.
jh- hai>
UA l^ 'J'^T' "V Chandarnagar Is this the road to Chander-
hai, nagore ?
\J^Jj> ~>\ *~^ '<<m his-tarah us-k karg In what way am I to do
this ?
Short Sentences. 415

<jJ^> l^fu -yj yih patthar kitn bhr hai What is the weight of this
^j-jl \ S>\ k k' un-se khdn kah . Tell him to dig a well.

5 1_ jj wi chh to sab 15 . . . You are welcome to the

L ^jlfc^s- tumhrt khwhish ky hai . What is your wish 1
i^^j tum-se yih ho sakt hai . Are you able to do this ?
jJ jjj jJb rfas rs ghair hazir the I have been absent ten days.

j) ham khlt zamin par baithl We sat on the bare ground.

j^na" ^^- j ^ Ay* zs-mn takslr-wr Am I blamable in this?

_jjj-a-J jj <-*.:.' be-shakk tum be-frusr ho . Without doubt you are
^> Jk ^=- 4 chhur bar kund hai . This knife is very blunt.
Ifj 1 Vj^ jO^-*-1 samundar khb thlr k' The sea was quite calm.
^ ^Jt> j^- jo wuh kaht hai tum sach Do you think what he says
^^e*-8 samajhte ho, is true ?
^jijU- lljSb LJi j ^ us-k yakin jnte Yes, I am certain of it.
^^Jb hai,
li^yJ ljU- hamtjara bahut lagt hai I feel very cold.

^ L-1 j_yc awmm ais kahtt hain . . The common people speak
J>l ,jbj j > is zabn kmil hai He is complete master of the
* language.
^ Jr3"*' "ici *^ sar i^rA hai .... This line is crooked,
ti I < tjT us-k ri na ne mn shakk It is doubtful whether he
^j tlXi , will come.
416 Short Sentences.

!<4 wu^ ng bahrt hai. . . She is both deaf and dumb.

^jUj ^ ^JLc jjfj we mitti ke hartan bate They manufacture earthen-
^jj hai, ware,
j^-j J^)jCj j tum-k sahal sabak I will set you an easy lesson.

-Y j ? apri bare bh'l k yih kitb Give this book to your elder
)> <_> dina, brother.
!> \j> ls- u)> tum dono se bar kaun hai Which of you two is the
elder ?
jsu^i 1>. jj do khatt barabar khaincho . Draw two even lines.
{^j> ^*~ i_fj we sab ke sab g' hai . . They are gone, every one of
/> jJLo^'^ tum-ko 1 mam nahm jo You are free to do as you
i y j^^- chh so karo, please.
^x^sc0j*. aj wuh ghair muhtamil hai . That is not probable,
bl iIp-jL^ ij wuh jahz jald aya . . . That vessel has made a
quick passage.
^jin yih ndir bt hai . . . This is a very rare plant.
kachcha chawal khn khub It is not good to eat rice
nahm, raw.
i_jU* Jxelb ^jtf- ye chzen bi-l-fi*l kam-yab This article is now scarce.
*j jb ^> $- ja ham jane se baz nahm rah I cannot avoid going.
^J&~> sakt,
^ {J-*3* ham-ne suna we sahih sala- I heard of his safe arrival in
^ysi^j ^il v^-cLc mat landan pahurich, London.
liT^V^ ham yakin nahm ki ais I am not certain that it is so.
!jA Lj! h' hai,
^jiblj- <X1 Ij^> j fMm mota kghaz chht h Do you wish for thick paper,
*^jV V. ** brlk, or thin ?
cablet) yjjHC ^jJa un-ke jClo men dagh-bzt Their conduct was full of
ls* , treachery.
Short Sentences. 417

Is^j til^to \a- yih khatt ngahnl pahun- This letter was unexpected.
^Jb jj\ tum-ri aur h't kism k by You have bought the wrong
15* y / hah kind of seed.
jLJi ^j-Jb j y- jo aAie s-A5 Do you accede to what I
^j-y ^ karte ho ya nahm, propose, or not?
^jj^j j ^j^i pS> ham apri ghar men tumhari I can accommodate you in
{j!Ji> ^J~ S^W"* mihmri kar sakte hai, my house.
U^y* lS^} ma aPn* khwhish bhar- I was not able to accomplish
pur na-kar sak, my wishes.
(_iyc J* ^.T j mahfil maukf hai do To day's meeting wns ad-
^^J^jiJ lS?*"' shamb k roz phir hgl, journed till Monday next.
\z*~t(> j>- ij with kliabar sunk bahut The news afflicted him
jjfc zurda h', greatly.
ij p^j > -* \~>\ itna mahina ham nahm dt I cannot afford to give so
^jSLj saktl, much wages.
OJb* i_5^Ua l^{/v* mihrbri karkar hamr Pray afford me your assist-
j madad karo, ance.
LS'^'rfj^ cF*^^ dlat-mn khar hte h On appearing before the
l! ^J*S>^ Xj vouh kampne laga, court he was much agi
^Sj-> clj1 J 0.*-> ham-nt kal ek baf machhl I caught a large fish yester-
>rf^i ij*?* PakTh dav-
cj*< ^1^ o^^" guzrt mangal- maiti-ne I saw him last Tuesday.
\j A is-kd dkh,
ll>- l^J ' /> nafri jata This writing is not legible.
Uj^e J^Ujb hamara mahin is-k-s kam My wages are less than his.
^ hai,
A cP"*J ./j^eA?^ *3 wuhbe-jn hkar zamln par He fell to the ground life-
\jj gir par, less.
- ls* 4>^ "V. bhri hai ya halk Is this package light or
Kb heavy ? '
3 h
418 Short Sentences.

^j fbjj yJ yA kamar kJib rshan hai This is a light room.

ii>Wj'c^-ViwVy^i_?'. kthriyn bahut nchi- These rooms are very lofty.
^^Jb yti hai,
\jf9"J U^"J ^ Lf"^ ium *1'> ^ wahn rahoge How long shall you remain
there ?
^-v-J i^Sj}$> c^-y j > aAai thri Jmat The price he asks is very
^t> mngt hai, low.
^ 1y Zyo ci-^j ifwA JaMi mt h' hat . He is now grown very lusty.
b>-< Ub>- (^Ibj waha tumharajana najn It is immaterial whether you
^jt, barabar hai, go or not.
j^-y (^->- Jlyj pahar k jumbish nahm . . A mountain is motionless,
ljb tXjli l^^jjj^ ^j-^-j! is-m tarafain k f'ida This will be for our mutual
hg, benefit.
) ibS~^ * (** ^ malne wahn We will go there next month.
Al'V jwenge,
^-4 ^'" &^ hamr ungliyn jare se My fingers are numbed with
thithir gain, cold.
^^' Li- ^jjI tum-neapne khatt men trkh You have not dated your
^jfj /', letter.
LS* LSr^ S1- U^V ~V zamln bol gal hai . . This land is cultivated.
# istilh fi-l-hl tnatrk This term is become ob-
,_jA hai, solete.
<i^ ^ rfar k mre us-k rang zard He became pale through
Li'jA Jy A5 gaya, fear.
L^^ t-r~J/ 4^ *j gharlb ho gay . . He is now become poor.
i^yos.-* j Aam ium se kl makhss bt I wish to converse on par-
cj*b ^j^b- cub AaA chahte hai, ticular business.
jj\ l^J i_jL> sf likh hai aur ba- This writing is plain and
liU- IJj _Lj -srii parhjt hai, easy to be read.
^^^is--* J unh ne makhfi bt-chit They held a private conver-
, S t^-^>- sation.
^~-> fcS/ -y. yA kghaz g-s snko . . Dry this paper at the fire.
Short Sentences. 419

^J\- jyAi^ \ is sandk-k kh kar . . Empty this box.

|lijjj>^J ^cA i) kaun aise lgn-k kam dega Who would employ such
people as these?
^ lsH^ hamr khatt apne khatt Enclose my letter in yours,
jii men rakh do,
15* T$ ^s*3* ham-ne is-k naukar rakha I have engaged him as my
hai, servant.
j(; 1 pchh-kar tum-k I will enquire, and let you
khabar dege, know.
^ 7* cP"* s *J ^ dn'l men har-k se He excels every one in in-
^ \y. ^j** bar hai, telligence.
jyU- ye jnwar fakai[ghs kht These animals feed only on
hain, grass.
j"$ Q j'U- j'5 bgh s thorn mewa l' Go fetch some fruit out of
the garden.
y~$> ^ j f^zte fjJt is pch-k ret se ghis . . File this screw.
^= j> j - jj tum ge j' ham pichhe You go before, I will follow,
^j&jjl awege,
i_< ( tum ye clze kitni jaldi How soon can you furnish
J* ^~>j\J t_f^^~ taiyar kar sakte h, these things ?
O^J jj^-* ^-A w apn makdur bhar bahut They hasted away as fast as
L>- jald ga', possible.
^ _ p>j is-k zakhm ab achchh hu' His wound is now healed.
^> ts-oSj ^yj?- y chize wilyat se 'm These things were imported
^4 1 hai, from Europe.
\> Lj! ^JaJ\yS ^aj tum-ne kis-wste ais karna Why did you teach him to
use sikhly, act thus ?
ji ham ky vs kam men hath Why should we interfere in
(jjJb dlen, that affair ?
^ji) jC*Jb j wuhham-kkahthai turn- You must interpret what he
l^fc (J^ (fff^j- n tarjuma hog, says to me.
420 Short Sentences.

~\ & i_^r>-U ai shib ham-k ummed hai I hope, Sir, I do not in-
< <jIj>- ^jb kijanab-k tasdf na-dt, terrupt you.
jiyz? ^jr** <-< yih mukaddama kamen We must investigate this
iSjfc ti^ tajwlz hg, matter.
CU-^j j j*si~ yik khabar sun- wuh ba- The news very much alarmed
\j /tw far gaya, him.
^ LS"0 S^^i lJL' **** nabd rpiye pane se w They allow five per cent, dis-
l^L.-> ^f^ij pnch rpiye saikr chhr count for ready money.
ijk J#- dinge,
jib ^jS^ <_jL-s- hisb karke pnsau rpiye The bill will amount to five
(^j&y hnge, hundred rupees.
wJ f*^" bisb-ki jam* dlkh-kar ham- I was amazed at the amount.
Lb _r*s*i - ta'Sjjub h',
m^.Ji ^J-*- ^j^>1 ms-? chizn kmat tajwz His goods will be appraised
^^-aaiJ jj,3s? hkar bechtjawegi, and sold.

La> JuS jjl Uf j wuh pakra gaya aur kaid He was apprehended and put
h', in prison.
ij^b^A u^Jbl- jLbJb ham-k chahiye apas-men We ought to assist each
y i JJ*- madad kar, other.
5 b ^e- ^ji^ ham- khabar pal das I have received notice to
J\ e^jj ^ yjr^ ghante ke wakt dru-l- attend the court at ten
^*-^1**^ dlat-m hxir hone o'clock.
j J^ji i-Sj? f turn/pert barhkar tanr Bake this dough in the oven.
jww lag',
aS ^j-) lS <^- wuh k pais se kam nahm He would not abate me one
bj lirr^ rfi, pice.
.J^j-r*^' ""vi (j*** kam-ne bahut admiy- I saw numbers bathing in
& j_ ^ \if gang me ghusl karte the Ganges.
Short Sentences. 421

i_iU* ^Jb \J j^ji^b y>- j ham-ne kiy kui mu'f I beg your pardon for what
L5*ctf kjiy, I have done.
j-Jjjkcl^L ^~\ is-ri apnt sre kghazon- He blotted his paper all
ljJ J!j 2>ar siyhii dal di, over.
jj> (J ^j^o jCil is-A '- sir par / I saw him carrying a load
l^lij Tjtz dtkha, on his head.
^}J\>-J*\ k> yj^il unh ne kfifltt likh-kar ch- They have circulated no-
us* *ir^ fwi taraf khabar bheji tices.
-fs^-> c_>j^ * f> ham yih nahm samajh I do not well understand
sakte, this.
A>J ! l/"*^ tum-n hamara kam darham You have confused my work.
j jJS^ barham kar diya,
^jJi ^>-jJ l ^- 3ahuz ] us<! rhat The cargo of the vessel was
Lf J t^-bjT men diya gay, consigned to him.
^5^^ ham-k na-chahiye kis-k We ought not to despise any
tiJ:;^s,- haktr samjhhi, one.
il^--c jjl J*j |j * us naukar-k aur mat Do not detain the servant
yiCl atk', any longer.
t> j> j^t jJ *j ?A pahar par ek guzrl He dines at one o'clock.
^s> khn k/it kai,
jf>- ^.1 ^ji-t ham-ne aj tk chr-k na I have not as yet discovered
lils-v < pahchana, the thief,
^j-y J; l& s-a a/c/n ham radd nahm I cannot disobey his orders.
^J~> j> kar sakte,
y> f tum us-k mar* kar saktl Cannot you dissuade him
^jj L.jI^j j h ki wuh phir ais na- from doing so?
\jb is rassi-k duhr kar t Double this string, and then
^t> ^~<^ km-k hgl, it will do.
JLr jr ^jW ?aor kar wun ao Wait a little, he is now dress-
Li51 kaprl pahant hut, ing.
422 Short Sentences.

fj~ ja ^\ is trh se ham das rpiye In this way I can earn ten
^LU \i~ifo^j}j mahn sakt haiti, rupees a month.

' vT*
^jSj\ib <>- aisa jald hankne grt- Tell the coachman not to
j ^sf -ban kar, drive so fast.

l$L L- I ^j~*Jb y>- j ham-ne age khtt na-likh Pray excuse my not writing
i^jlx^jy y yih kusur mu'f kijiy, before.
^j>- t-^s-le ai s/u/v tumhara hukmjald Sir, your orders shall be
\>- U i/L>- kiyj'g, executed without delay,
jj j>- y }$?~}t aSar tum pchh t jo turn If you ask, he will explain
Xj yb " g s-*-' na samajhte h wuh tum- any part which you do
l&J Ifs^- hen samjlm dg, not understand,
c^* <"~^ *V yih bt angrzt kis-tarh I do not know how to ex-
^ b- yLJ> / ^" ham nahm press this in English.

y ti^yj JXo j^^-'^ us- madad agar na-hoti t Had it not been for his as-
|\f^-s \jUi> hamr kam sar-anjm sistance I should have
b pt, failed in my purpose.
VjJ cjr* ^j^ *J agar wuh na-pakart t I should have fallen into the
^ji <J^ main darya men gir river but for him.
j* y \ agar tum ate t ham bahut I should have been glad if
ci* khush hte, you had come.
\xf P jH agar phir tum ais karg If you do so again, you must
^yi fjs? y to mujrim hg, be fined.
j^fT ^e* jyv j# j\<pr jawar bhar-pr hat jahaz It is high water, the vessel
^S>- j> jjb l_>! ab pai par chalga, will now float.
L**'^ i_5^~Vi agar pahle main use dek- If I should happen to see
t/O j- y tyfjJ hng t khabar d dga, him before you do, I will
tell him this.
j& j)1*** ^j^' makdr bhar bahut They hasted away as fast as
^ Ms* jald ga', possible.
Dialogue. 423

Ar?" j> i^jjP *> wuh apnghrpar charhkar Having mounted his horse,
cAaZa ga^, he rode off.
Ij ^j- jo Aam kaht hai tum sunt Do you hear what I say?
^j-j ,
i-/ L^^d wah pahunchn ke ' To go there I must hire a
j)\ ^5^^ < {jit*** hamn pk aur kisht palanquin and boat.
^> Ji kiraya karri hg,
^1>- 4jL*Jb ham-kyih umrrid haijaldl I hope soon to see you.
Ljilb CjlLc 5~- tum-s mulakat hg,
y>- ^j*^ I1 i^l^j k' yaha ais nahm jo Is there no one here that
,j*A> hamn is mukaddam can inform me concerning
^ jJ- khabar de sake, this ?
^^3~ a\i y>- jo bat khaU ke likhrit men Interline what you have omit-
*j Jj# jJ jg* tum bhl ga' wuh satrn- ted in your letter.
yi lijiAjjJa~> -mn likh do,
iJZ^J-Abjt, J~>-CS>\ k chlt par ham-n ' We fired several times at a
^J wUl3 ^Ujf goliya lag'iymi lkin chita, but not one ball
LS& ^ uJl ^jLo! Ms-e & >A na-lagi, struck him.
y jii-*) i \ agar wuh beshtar ham- If he had informed me of
C^P" '-""vi oi i < khush this before, I should have
Ai, been better pleased.


Addresses at meeting.
pL> salam Peace or safety !
j2L> saimun laikum .... The peace (be) on you !
\i ^jjs. Ljfjoj bandagt rz kart h . . My service to you, Sir !
424 Dialogue.

toa laikumu-s-salm . . . And on you (be) the peace !

sAi salamat Sir, peace or health (to you) !
mm bandagl pahunch My service, also, to you !
u^-^lL zj>- hazrat salamat bandagl . . Sir, health (and my) service
(to you)"

At parting.
\i\&~ khud hfiz . . . . God (be your) protector !
Farewell !
salmun laikum . Peace (be) on you !

Inquiry after health.

tumhrt ky hlat hat . . How are you ?
ab k mizj kais hai A
. _ . f How do you do, Sir ?
ab mizj-i mubrak kais hai)

In reply to inquiry after health.

^> \j> IcJ du' kart h .... I pray (for you).
alhamdu lillh .... Praise to God !
J*3S fazl-i ilh se bahut achchh By the divine favour (my
5* hai, health) is very good.

Inquiry after time

ij lbj>- UiS kitn din charh hai .") What o'clock is it? (Asked
b| j^J boS iin din ay hai . J before noon).
UiS t_>l a Aiin din hai .
What o'clock is it ? (Asked
i^s* Atina
after noon).
^ I*, UiS '

In reply to inquiry after time.

J4^dasghan( ) Ten o'clock.
!jSj (. das ghari J
Dialogue. 425

U" ls^J^ ' das ghari .... Half past ten o'clock.
^j> J^kc \ jlSl igrah k amal hai . . . Near eleven.
, ,Jb \ *>Lf \y saw gyrah k mal hai . A quarter past eleven.
J^ l!> Sj\s brah ghari k mal hai . Between eleven and twelve.

^^si^ \jjs^> mtr mujr pahunchl . . My respects (to you) !

Jfc sil* { \ tumhr ky maksad hai . What is your desire ?
p k ky maksad hai . . What is your wish, Sir?
(irJb ^J^f- \ (-->t p y aA chhtl hai . What do you wish to say,

&)y>J^fitd^tj?^ guftg darmiyn k aur Dialogue between a gentle-

^ naukarb 5 ghaira k, man and his servants, &c.
hai Gent. Is any one there ?
/ naukar 'e hai .... Gent. A re the servants come?
iT* s?*' ctfV sa* ^" ' Aaiw . . . Servi. They are not all come.
U ^ & 7 y .... Gewi. Who is not come ?
(_^^ ji falna shakhs Servt. Such a one.
bl ^jj^j ^/s*- Aji falna shakhs nahmy . Gent. Isnotsuchaonecome?
nahm shib Servt. No, Sir.
&jT t-^ ij wmA kab weg .... Gewi. When will he come ?
^ *4j9 i^J^ s<*rAe ghari k wakt . Servt. At half past nine.
5* Li ij^j n'l y hai Gent. Is the barber come?
t-^o-le ,jjJ!> b^.O dlkht h shib .... Servt. I will see, Sir.
tlXi-J^ i_^o-Ls j^j^y wam sii ab-tak nahm Servt. No, Sir, he is not
bj ^pyj y, yet come.
mer kapr l' .... Gent. Bring my clothes.
^1 ^j-j l->! p kaun-s kurti j pah- Servt. What coat, Sir, will
^i^i ring, you put on to day ?
3^ \J s*"* m*r* n^ kurti l' aur Gent. Bring my blue coat
^ kamrl angarkh aur izr and waistcoat and pan-
la'o, taloons.
:{ i
426 Dialogue.

tJb l ^jJj*^ $j\ AiA imA dhnl k pri Gent. Bring me water to
ft', wash my hands and face.
(yJ^e s&w e?5 Gewi. Give me the soap.
15 J4y rml kaha hai .... Gent. Where is the towel ?
^jfe ^) t-^s-Us shib yahn hai .... Servt. Sir, it is here,
j <--\j>- ijjt* mere jurrb l' .... Gent. Bring my stockings.
^jLji^ liy>- ^1 y p opn ^"f pahnegl Servt. Will you, Sir, wear
cfjy y mzl, boots or shoes to day ?
J^ stf"* wr Z' .... Geni. Bring my boots.
lSj^o ih^-ojj^ CJ\y~* miswk aur manjan mre Bring me a tooth-brush and
ji ^Ja-^j waste l', the tooth-powder.
yi kanghi l' aur sir kl baton Bring me a comb and hair-
j S jjij ^-^3 i kl tcsjf SrasA Z', brush.
(jl^ Jtcy mera rml kah hai . . Where is my handkerchief ?
j (jli:J * dastnl l' .... Bring my gloves.
j <-jT iJbujJ ^j-j ^ kaun-sl dastne p k ch- Servt. Will you, Sir, have
i-^f-i^LS^V hiy hai chamrl kl y cotton or leathern ones ?

j*3 jJU-oii chamrl kl dastne l' . . Gent. Leathern ones.

/h if (_r-4-! sals k bul' Call the groom.
e^-Le^^-eU- sals hzir hai shib . . . Servt. The groom is here,
3*^. <J 4?J3& ghf par zn bndh . . Gewi. Saddle the horse.
3 ^i? (_s^ ^tf-* "* '* fip l' . . . Bring my new hat.
^j ejr 4"g^ J4jJ rmljib men rakh hai . Have you put ahandkerchief
in my pocket ?
j4> LLle- chbuk d Give me the whip.
S^i U3J^ kahrn k bul' . . . Call the palanquin-bearers.
3j> j\ (_s^b plki taiyr kar . . . Get the palanquin ready.
j& ^ -*>Ae iL\f Grnt shib kl ghar taraf Goto Mr. Grant's.
jV *-> ,7'',
J 5^ L5*^ "V. chittht H-j' .... Take this note.
Dialogue. 427

/1 L>- jald ' Come quickly.

l J^sA akhbr k kghaz l' . . Bring the newspaper.
/i (Jb \ Ijjf thor thandh pni l' . Bring some cold water.
l L_-^>-Ue \JL^\ ~ yih Grnt shib k ghar hat Bearer. This is Mr. Grant's
,J* j house.
_^-L> j}\ ,^^5 naB /A sAiS gar Gewi. No, this is another
Jb j hai, gentleman's.
j$ l ^ J,li |W m falri shib k ghar Do you know such a gentle-
y> ^- jnte ho, man's house ?
L_^o>-Lff ^l sAi ms khb Bear. Yes, Sir, I know it
^j> bW- jnt h, well.
ijVyJ (jbjJ darbn darwza khl . .Ho ! porter, open the door.
<-^ ^ i Wibar kar ki ajnab Porter. Give intelligence
^pJb c5 t Ai> ' , that a strange gentleman
is come.
^Jb plkl utro Gent. Set down the palan
/1$ Ulf- chht lag' Hold the umbrella between
me and the sun.
kis kamar Grant shib In what room does Mr.
(_f^U^ .^o-Ls hziri khte hai, Grant breakfast ?

b i Mona In the hall or in the dining-

liJrr Jj* ig ijb/ khne kl kamare men, room ?
^ b>- j^s-Jtf>- khidmatgr ch piyU Khidmatgar, bring me a cup
jjajj t_5^* u;s Z', of tea.
- " "/J
Xj^i jj\ \j>- i^sJia shib ch am kahwa dn Khidmatgr. There is both
d "fF f? i^6" jW1 taiyV hai jo kuchh un tea and coffee, Sir, which-
jci (fnor s pasand ho ever you please I will
^Ji t->l {^o y* > so main p k wste , bring you.
428 Dialogue.

usM J^i V achchh pahle mire waste k Gent. Well, bring me a cup
piyti kahwa k l', of coffee first.
ande l' " Bring the eggs.
kuchh aur ddh t l' . . Some more milk.
k cha piyti l' . . Bring me a cup of tea.
p-k grhl ch pasand ti Khidmatgr. Do you like it
hai, strong, Sir?
hn mujh gfhl ch pa Gent. Yes, I like it strong.
sand ti hai,
k and chamcha rti Bring an egg, spoon, radish,
makkhan aur kuchh mu- bread, butter and some
rabba l', jam.
ch-dn mm kuchh aur ch Put some more tea in the
dl, tea-pot.
J"* LTV3 LS1*?* T ^ ky j machhti nahm mili . What, was there no fish to
be got to day ?
shib achchht machhti j Servt. Sir, there was no
nahm mili, good fish to be had to
piyti misr dti hai . Gent. Have you put sugar
in the cup ?
hn shib misr dti hai Servt. Yes, Sir, sugar is put
namak aur kli mirch l' . Gent. Bring me the pepper
and salt.
meri rikbl Grnt shib ke Take my plate to Mr. Grant
pas te-j' aur thri for some fish and rice.
machhti aur khushka l',

kis kism ki machhti p Servt. Which fish do you

chaht Hain bhikth y prefer, Sir, biktl or mango
*1 V. tapassi, fish?
Dialogue. 429

l"?-' LS"* bfjjP thor'1 tapassi machhti Gent. Bring me some man-
j*$ ^aJ\j <-fjr mere wstc l', go fish.
/ ^-^c JS Mtrc /' Bring the red pepper.
uj lS*- t ^ ky kannst mirch hat ki What kind of pepper is
y* J^k Jfi mirch y ll mirch, this ? black pepper or
<* -j* J -v ?5A ' . . Serw. This, Sir, is red
*f*?" ^-i-J U- il>1 cha pine-k chamcha l' Gent. Give me a tea-spoon.

_ it.:. ...^U- L> jjj^J iAr s khgina p kh'i- Servt. Will you take some
yg> omelet, Sir?
y j\j> ijftf nahm hukka-bardr k kah Gent. No. Tell the hukka-
a. ki hukka lwe, bardar to bring the hukka.
yju S y ^ULjUt- khnsmn k kah ki tifin Tell the khnsmn to pro-
^-Jj ^ k wakt pnch chr s- vide every thing for tifien ;
hibn waste smn I expect four or five
i *^- taiyar kar, friends,
i^r* j9 3^ i p ghar khn Khnsmn. Do you dine at
I^jI^ kh'iyeg, home, Sir, to day ?
-if- ^jL 5^< han mere sth pnch chha Gent. Yes, I have five or
tfl . jjl t_-v5>-le ii bibiyii khne six ladies and gentlemen ;
f> y tjl^i ko kh'ng so tum un-k prepare every thing suit-
jLj ^>\ munsib ko taiyar kard, able.

' V
4* u>' /* jl* kz aur fil-murgh in dinn Khns. Good geese and
* l*^" l5^?"^ achchhe milte ham j turkeys are to be had at
j> L5*ir* l/ ^t*' J*?" **P ^ marzi h t main do this season ; if it is your
i}y i [i?* y ml Wim, pleasure, Sir, I will buy
two or three.
^ 3 tlA j> jjU> hn har k kism kl tin char Gent. Yes, buy three or
}J , ^ * f eacft sor*"
430 Dialogue.

\-\ i*z-J> \ f>- jo bher k gsht achchh Khans. If good mutton can-
l LJ-i-*j na-mile to g'e k gosht not be got, shall I buy
', beef?
A jj\ <JL&) nahm tk murgh aur ek batak Gent. No, send for a fowl
j&~o Cjhi mavg', and a duck.
LS"* n>4i i/*^ kasl yaha sc gsht l' Get meat from the butcher's.

-T j\ khabardr j chha ghart Take care that dinner be

jLj i-^-Jj ^ 5 # khn taiyr ready to day at six
,_cjyb Ao, o'clock.
0l$ ^j&jjU- ^j^jI ^ am jwege khn I must go now, it is dinner
5 l ,Jl$ fcAa7e wakt hai, time.
i Jbj\3 Ul$i khn taiyr ho t l' . . Bring dinner if ready.
\i\ khn niez par y . . . Servt. Dinner is on the
&ijyi> thr slirba l' .... Gent. Bring me a little
iJj-a \ jj^yi shrbt k bsan mere waste Bring me a soup plate,
j'y jL\j l',
\jbj\ii t^-oly tJjy* shrba nihyat gfh This soup is too strong and
^jb {j^j^i j}\ ^jt> hai aur bahut garm hai, too hot.
^j^t ^ V cfjyf' <5r machhl viere wste Get me some fish.
(JaJj f',
JJ^ \jS^J ' ''^ ^ rikbi aur chhurt A clean plate, and knife and
/3 15 - *5 ft', fork.
jjjU-T jjl ^j***" ehatnt aur chr d . . . Give me the chatni and
LS^b sr-* ^/ kuchh tarkrl mere wste Bring some vegetables,

j'y l',
iLo jST + kuchh l kuchh karamkall Some potato, some cabbage,
^jii^j kuchh phl-kbt, some cauliflower.
/ (^-/K i/^-f* kachh ' k Ssht l' ' Brin some beef*
Dialogue. 431

J\y* i. > Is %f) Yjyfi thr bhr k gsht s'ar k Bring me a little mutton,
\ iJjPg u~bj> IS gsht bachhre k gsht pork, veal, venison, kid,
k^bj^l^^y ^^-~i>j? Airara gsAi halwn fowl, partridge, hare, duck
^-i. j-^ /* i^A3" murgh khargsh and ham.
\&J\yjjJ[ ^* murghbt aur s'ar k
-irr* -' namak-lda ran mere
j ^Jo^ij waste l',
j\> IjfjgJ iAr ms pul' se d . . Give me a little of that
V pul'.
i L- jj\ -fs aur khushka l' . . Bring a little more boiled
s'\j jj\ iUUj ^5 kuchh namak aur rl aur Briug some salt and mus-
j^! J^j'jjl j~> sirka aur tel l', tard and vinegar and oil.
j< i~Sjji> ^ -^ ** mithl se thrl d . . Give me a little of that
^jb iy^ L> ^ yiA kann s mwa hai . . What sort of fruit is this ?
jj\ |T -yJ t-^a-L saA yiA Khidmatgr. This is a man-
^> \S -y Aai, go, and this is a plantain.
jA !_ -. \$ kyangr aur sib aur anjlr Gent. What, have you not
jz=f\ nahm mile, got grapes and apples and
jj L-^Sb-L) t:f^j nahm shib is mulk men Khidmat. No, Sir, they are
t}!Jb ^Lc !> milte hai, rarely to be met with in
this country.
/ <j\j> sharb l' Gent. Bring me wine.
-T -j> ^j~> ^ kaun si sharb p-k pasand Khidmat. Which wine, Sir,
^jS> ^Ji\ ~~) ti hai, do you prefer ?
(j^* <>\ji JU thfl ll sharb mere wste Gent. Bring me a little red
L5la-j!j l', wine.
j \j * *r A shisha l' . . Bring a glass of beer.
i^sjyc <~\ ' mze utr Come, take off my boots.
j j\ ^J kurtt utr l . . ... , Take off my coat.
432 Dialogue.

^js V.V?; ^}^\ bichkaun bichhy hai . Have they made the bed ?
^i-j^ i * 5_ i .^L shib ab- tak nahm bichhy Khidmat. Sir, they have not
bl^s? yet made it.
j*U?S f]^- chirgh lag' .... Crere. Set the lamp.
jss? i_fb jLbib ham-lto bar! fajr jag' . Wake me very early in the
jjjjj~D gharl niez par rakh . . Put my watch on the table.
^Lj| ^ kursiyn mz k sps rakh Put the chairs round the
j^j table.
^ <b x) l ^yb pni k kza palang k Put the guglet of water be-
}j LS=^i niche rakh, neath the cot.
^bbj- ^ palang k sirhan par gliari Hang up the watch at the
_j*l! latk', head of the bed.
^Jj' ^J> ^jJj &\s3 kunjiyn takiy k tale rakh Put the keys beneath the
jti do, pillow,
jii Jj^i LeCj^ -*-* sa0 dariche khl do par kha- Open all the windows, but
Oj jljj jj bardar darwza band - take care to shut the door.
fjsz y,
$ j^-jJ ^j-j j&~*>. khidmatgr se puchh ki Ask the servant whether he
^j\j <J}j\b- hziri taiyr hai has prepared breakfast or
nahm, not.
^jfc L jU y ji> i tumhr nam ky Pray, what is your name,
\ l-^s-U <-j\** jf* hai aur tumhre sahib k and what is the name of
\S *l3 warn ky, your master ?
ls^ <~r" us ?hib k ps kab s - How long have you been the
jb ^> ^, kar ho, servant of that gentleman?
l/0 i^4^ \J*3 \M*^ tumhr watan kahn hai What is your native country,
^bjj^ ^^^> aur yalian se kitni dur and how far is it from
hai, this ?
> ^ lj tum kahn k rahn-wl ho Where do ypu live ?
^j- ^iJ ijf^j" tri bast yah s kitn How far hence is your town?
jj dur hai,
Dialogue. 433

^jb h~t\j \& das din k rst hai . . . It is ten days journey.
- s>W*-' tumhri mr .... How old are you ?
C*v? L/~^ ij^Ua hamr mr bis baras hai My age is twenty years.

Relating to commerce, &c*

Sarcr, take the draft and bring the

money. Be quick.
What is there to do ? It is now eleven
Be quick, that I may have the money
in time. Let me have it by one

* c.
^j* ljjj J\*- ^ JU- ^aio Go to the counting house, and speak to
the head sarcr.
Tell the sarcr to take bank notes, and
pay the amount of the draft.

The money must be sent to Mr. .

Request Mr. to order what re

mains to be paid in before three

* Extracted from " The Hindoostanee and English Student's Assistant," printed
at Calcutta in 1826.
434 Dialogue.

^j ; ,i ^ V ^ e-^l* (J^j |J Have you ever been to Mr. such a one's

garden ?
^y tiU- ^ Jjj y> ^ L_^>-le k/1 Sir, I go that way every day.

l^j ^s? SI _j j - \Jiy* yUj ? You must go there immediately, else

nothing will be done.
* *
jsngj J^ j\f j^f Send a sarcr to hire a boat.

^^^- ^j!>- ^-T | I will go to Chowringhee to day.

j*3 Jj^> ^^^J J^> j^^r jtyi Go to the China bazar, and buy a pair
of globe lanterns.
9 9 s f '
*&J> yes- Jjj ^ >Vy / Wn will collect the bills

tjlle t_>jl ^ S y*>- dV Aghjn is clever in collecting bills.

Jb JJI bL JjJ ^ t^-U ^ It is very difficult to get money of such

three and a half seers a rupee.

^jiyj LJ Jja) \y ^$ j~t> i-jj> It will be better to wait a few days, and
then buy the cloth.
J& ijj ^pJb ^ L_5\ Of what use are such people ? They
- . .. . know nothing of business.

bJ t_ l:j?*Jb ^sjW j\i J j> I understand businessI am not to be

<- > imposed upon.

^J* jir* *H5J 5^. u~^~^ Raisins are six seers for a rupee.

& eta"* ^ijj Buy about one thousand rupees worth.

liX-j^A lifiifj |*ji*"o < ljljb There is no understanding the bazar

Dialogue. 435

uLj j J / l> jljb ^ji In Calcutta, the bazar rate is scarcely

G, for two hours alike.

^$>S (ojj t^/i5*" 15* 13 ^4 (^s^^ I made a deposite ; to morrow I shall

see them weighed,
lil^j i-vy *> j^jt**- See that you are not imposed on.

"-r"- *J - ^* 5"" ->^ l^"*"" Have yu compared them with the

sample ? Do they agree ?

,/4? (_-> *-7""' ls1*-^ ttf-* V ^J Two or three packages are superior.

JJ^ J " ctfji?" fT- Go and procure a pass for the things
^_ -~- that are ready.

{j+$>\ ^J>j> >} Get a boat, and send them on board the

.1 ly ^ ^ cW^ t->>-l* lj\ Sir, the captain's sarcar said, the goods
cannot be shipped to day.

? S
^ yU ki-^j ^ y>- J&j* Do not mind what the sarcar says, but
, , mind what I say.

IjVsj. ^>- i_J\ ^1 Sir, according to your command, I am


jib/ j\>Aijtsr <_5^ Piyda, call the cashier.

^jjj! !_s j& t^*- (J^ ^ow much was collected yesterday ?

^ \2j \6 ji il^ ^ (.V*^ t^i-*jty What is the discount on the Com

pany's paper in the bazar ?
436 Dialogue.

K jJ ]1 ^Jj i*- If you purchase the Company's paper

<, , t , of six per cent, interest, the discount
t)** ^' "*" ^ ,t> is two rupees six annas ; and, if you

1 in :7 7 . sell, it is two rupees eight annas.

9 m
j $ ijW^ ls Send these letters as directed.

LC/ liP"* <rfs LS- Bring those goods in carts from the
_ Custom house.

^ CO
jj- 1 (.-s iU-ji j\ Darbn, are the counting-house sarcars
come ?
LS* ^ (*^ W ttff"* S^*^ / Who is at work in the iron-factory ?

V' <tfV ^ ls^ '-^"l"* Sir, nobody is yet come.

ijSi LSkj!j ^1 ^ Jlj^H jjy yfe This is the case every day, and there-
' t * fore Mr. 's work is not yet done.
ty> ^^j-y jUJ (JJj vi (__^>-le

efi** ls^ ls^ (*^ C"| Jv J" "r**"^ ^* 's speaking to me daily about
this work.

jj ^,> y yjjjl When they come, send them to me.

^iJU^ cJ/?" \J4h sj {^ 4-^ How lnS are t^ose Europe goods to
- lie at the Custom house ?

yoiU- -^U-j ^j^-jr*> t-.o-l.fl Sir, without an invoice to know what

' they are, how can I bring them ?

CO s ^ .
^ji^jc) c^**- jj\ i^fy^^ *^-> By opening the boxes and seeing their
value, you will be able to understand.
Dialogue. 437

(^jJ^S <ti-j W \^s\e ij\ Sir, I cannot myself open the packages.

j U- ^Ibj L>- ^jLS j^-> ^ Sarcar, take the invoice and go directly.

^^JU^j c^-j (_/-5J-rVi->J At *w0 o'clock, the custom house officer

> fb came and opened the boxes.

Kranee, copy these and give them to

the Serjeant.
9 1,9 9 9 9
Call a blacksmith and open the boxes ;
- ^ i i i ' compare the value and quantity of

'' " ' the goods with the invoice, then

^ Jcj j$i ^J, make them tight again.

^ i^J -"?" ^* Serjeant, when you have signed your

< . > name, give (them) to the cashier.

^ *~^7<J^ u^?" Taking the invoice, I had to go again

, ' ... '/ and shew it to the head officer.

'^pi l-rJ 5^{7? jV S S f LfVi Having done all this, it had struck four
. ' ^ o'clock, and the custom house was
* shut.

if *~~^"^ u^?" ij* Jj>J 5 The next day I delivered the invoice to
the officer.

.rW1 Jj"**"*^ s***i^(_/ 4jL->! _^-> Having ascertained the value of the
, { articles and the duty, he signed it.
438 Dialogue.

jj i^v^j tlil *t> lj\ Sarcar, I will not give a kowrie to the
- people of the custom house or wharf.

* ? s
^jyS <uti i^rsli J*-* J^r0 4^ Sarcar, why did you not go to the
* police office and get a pass ?
*' W s c^V
^j^Ab LS~j L$ jA k_~o-Ls ^ gFj what can I do ? For two or three
u e cf days I have not had a moment's
T w" * w" V y leisure ; one cannot get a thing done
\jj> at once at the court.
f ^
Isjy ^j^yW" sA*-* If I do not go myself, nothing is done.

jj*>- <l ><*> (jJ <^<- Sir, I know that five days ago you
> ^ <- wrote to Patna, that the things would
V ~~ , s be forwarded to morrow or next day,
L, ^ <uli ulul jj and no pass is yet obtained.

i^V 7?^ L5^ l5*^ ^/"^,r*> i^j?" ? How can they go ? They cannot be
sent without a pass.



Selected from the ^lSldiT^ (mir'tu-l-aklm), printed at the

School-book Society's press. Calcutta, 1836.

Vy S \J y*

^ fi . -

- ' " * * s * rf* "

^ - ' . fi
jj\ i-jjc. ^j>. ^j .jjl <dj _j Lo^j iJil

(r* / / u&V * ?1^ -

**-1 LS* l ^ J ' ^ Ai ^ 5- CL,L > ^

** # >** /-^ - ^ ^^ Jjb

jj t -* ^ .
1^ Uji ^ ^1 ^ c_jLs ^ uJ^ai^U. ^

* ^ the first letter, as a contraction, of JIj-j suwl, question.

+ ^ the first letter of <~J^- jawb, answer.

440 Dialogue.
!* f s -
1 V y- J ^ * uV.^ 5> S* ^

L5^^ j4i tJ^ / U^4^

L5^^ ^ *4^ L5^ *^ 5^ 5^

" -* o yo >>

^ l^b ^-j bjb> l_J LJuo cfjl^f s ^;^

<* / . t%

^ L/^*- / t*^ ubi'' ^J?- LS* 4i * L/^jV

- - w?

O ^ OO U 9 - O "
Ixldj^l JbiXU-jjj\ iSl'^- j L^** Lf^ Wji*^
' 9 O * ? <m O - " X
L S* t^b l/ ^ L5* *J ^ ?" L S* t^b c ^ l/

5* '"Hltf" l/ ^ ^" / & U~

L5^J **J^ J^ jV S&J

^ /></ S s O J>

& / li!^ JV %" CT

l^** L/?k 7^ / Lv!^ 1^* ^ *!] ^

Dialogue. 44 1

jbT<t\ _

ypbj^wc^y-ii "Vj*0 C~

* & ^V1 u>/ t ^ <V U~

9 ' o ^ c,

U2T / ,** \Jf^ *** V~


^ jJlj <U^e ^jS u/ i-j\Js\ ^ ^ Jb.Ai-> ^

. ^ Ce 9

ySC < s 9 9
jyc-^j^ u ua* er ^ c-
; to *
j**sA 4$ JA jbAi ^j J5\ JjK ^
9 +

s f s ' *
^?}*9 {jf U~

^^^-r^yi / y ^1 -
-*/ ' - 0 ^

& eft*
9 9


3 L
442 Dialogue.
* s * ff
i&bjFr^SC' Ujf * t^T" CA-

^, / Gt


9 ff
5- /^1 ?" / >/ -'> ^ "
<- ^ . >

/ /

/ / - **

^ &tr* ** J> <-rV u/i^ 4 i

y - -S /

jjl U. ^ Jliy y^. JjU J*L ^1 gy Jj^ E

'* 4 / * c/o ^ ^ *"

. y

ce f * t,

O ^ f m S -f
/4^ * 1 ^ ^WCr" / Jj' J3'
9 /
Dialogue. 443
ft* 0 S

^ L uJL>j\ jJ jcJb JI ^

o o

ib ^ jJU |Uj t--Jb; byfc jJji \S jyla-l


Translation of the foregoing "Short Description of India.'

Q. What sort of country is Hindustan ?

It is a very extensive country, which by reason of its popu
lation, products, manners and customs, has continued famous from
Q. What are the boundaries of the four (sides) of Hindustan ?
A. The northern boundary is Tartary and Tibet, the southern
boundary is the Indian ocean, the eastern is the Barm kingdom and
bay of Bengal, and the western boundary is the gulph of Arabia and
Persia (Arabian sea).
Q. What great rivers are there in Hindustan ?
A. The Ganges, which after flowing seven hundred kds (1400
miles ?) falls into the gulph of Bengal. In it the Jumna and Gogra
from the west, and Brahmaptar, called also Smp, coming from
Tibet and Assam, fall. And, on the west is the river Sindh (Indus),
also called Nllb, which is composed of five rivers : so that, for this
very reason they name the countries which are about it, Panjb. On the
444 Dialogue.

south is the Nerbada, the Godvery, and the Kishna ; which three
rivers, flowing to the east, fall into the bay of Bengal.
Q. What celebrated mountains are there in Hindustan ?
A. The Himalaya mountains are well known throughout the world,
because that, in respect to height, no other mountain is equal to them.
They lie between Hindustan and Tibet. Moreover, there are the
hills of Rjamahal; and, in the Dakhan are the Ght mountains,
the chain of which is to the east and west over against the sea coast.
Q. Into how many parts have geographers divided Hindustan?
A. Into four parts. The first part is that which is situate on the
Ganges as well as on the shores of those rivers which fall into it : the
second is in the districts of the river Sindh (Indus) as well as in those
of the rivers falling into it : the third part is that which lies between
the Ganges, the Sindh and the Kishna : and, the fourth is that which
lies to the south of the Kishna.
Q. What Subas (provinces) are situated on the sides of the Ganges ?
A. Bengal, Bihar, Ilhbd, Oude, Agra and Dehli.
Q. In the Sba of Bang (Bengal) what noted cities are there ?
A. Calcutta, Dacca, Murshidabad.
Q. What in the Suba of Bihar ?
A. Azimbd (Patna), Benares, Azam-gadh (Azemghur), Jaun-
poor, Ghazipoor.
Q. In the Sba of Ilahabad, which are the most renowned cities ?
A. Ilahabad.
Q. In the Sba of Oude, which are the most celebrated cities ?
A. Lucknow, Baraitche, Fyzabad, Bareily, Gorucpoor.
Q. In the Sba of Agra what cities possess celebrity ?
A. Agra, Mathura and Caunpoor.
Q. What in the Sba of Dehli?
A. Dehli, Meerat, Hurdwar, Kurnal.
Q. What Subas (provinces) are situate on the sides of the river
Sindh (Indus) ?
Dialogue. 445

A. Cashmere, Cabul, Candahar, Mooltan, Sinde, Ajmeer, Malwah.

Q. What celebrated cities are there in those Subas ?
A. Lahore, Cashmere, Cabul, Attock, Ghizni, Candahar, Mooltan,
Tatta, Ajmeer, Oojein, Gualior, Jeypoor.
Q. In the middle part, what Sbas are there ?
A. Gujerat, Khandesh, Berar, Orissa, Circars, Dowletabad.
Q. Of them, what cities are renowned ?
A. In Gujerat, Ahmedabad and Cambay; in Khandesh, Surat
and Boorhanpoor ; in Dowletabad, Bombay and Poona ; in Berar,
Aurungabad, Nagpoor, and Ellichpoor ; and, in Orissa, Cuttack.
Q. What provinces does the Deccan comprise ?
A. Bejapoor, Golconda, Carnatic, Mysore, Concan.
Q. What are the famous cities in those provinces ?
A. In Bejapoor is Bejapoor ; in Golconda, Golconda and Hydera
bad ; in the Carnatic, Arcot, Madras, Pondicherry, andTanjore; in
Mysore, Seringapatam, Trichinopoly, and Calicut ; in Concan is Goa.
Q. In (all) those provinces, what provinces are out of (exempt
from) English sway ?
A. To the north, whatever is lying on the north and west border
of the Sutlej and Indus ; that is to say, Cabul and Panjab, all which
country is under the government of the Seikhs : Oude is a kingdom
of itself: and Sinde as well as the small provinces of Tanjore in the
Deccan are all under the rule of their own princes.
Q. What are the articles of commerce of Hindustan ?
A. Indigo, cotton, opium, muslin, silk, rice, sugar, shawls, warm
spices, and jewels, so that the diamonds, emeralds, and rubies of India
are celebrated in all the world.
Q. How many are the inhabitants of India ?
A. One hundred millions, of which seventy-five millions are Hin
doos, eighteen million seven hundred and fifty thousand Mahomedans ;
and, six million two hundred and fifty thousand Christians and Jews,
the latter of which are chiefly in the Deccan.
446 Dialogue.

Q. What is the climate of Hindustan ?

A. In the provinces of the north and west, there is cold in the winter
season ; but, in all the rest of Hindustan except the mountains there is
no symptom of cold. The rain is excessive or the heat is excessive :
by this alternation the difference of the seasons becomes known.
Q. What are the qualities of the people of India ?
A. In manners and customs excellent; but, void of probity and
sincerity : that is to say, there is amongst them, for the most part, no
reliance on one another, and disinterested friendship exists not. In
works of art they are dexterous ; yet, with the construction of me
chanical instruments they are unacquainted : had science of this kind
also prevailed among them, it is probable they would have become
famous throughout the world in what relates to the arts.


Extracted from ' An Introduction to the study of the Hindostany Language as

spoken in the Carnatic. Compiled for the use of the Company of Gentlemen
Cadets on the Madras establishment at New-town, Cuddalore. Government
Press, 1808." (" Reprinted by order of the College Board, 1843 ").

With notes on the variations, where they may occur, of this dialect from the
Hindustani of Worthern India.

^jb <fi kl hai . Gent. Is any one there ?

liP* ^ ' 1>\* naukarn* ' hai . . Are the servants come ?
ID** /^ litfV sab nahm 'e hai . Servt. They are not all come.
\jjjbj\f> ^1 jjald sawr h'ng . Gent. I will ride out soon to
tjb ghof-wt bul' . . Call the horsekeeper.
-b^V 4f"j ghrc par zin bndh . Saddle the horse.
bh'iyn* k bul' . . Call the palanquin bearers.
j \ j\j ^Jb\j plki taiyar kar' . . Make the palanquin ready.
J " j u**-- 3 falne shakhs ke gharj . Go to such a person's house.
^ ^4j f ^"* dhob ko kapr d'5 . . Give the clothes to the wash
>^ ^j u tssi4i pahanne ke kapr l' . Bring my clothes to dress.
) (iL ^f kurta sf kar . . . Clean (or brush) my coat.
^jy btti silg' . . . . Light the candle.
ji j?* fc*** sham mz-par rakh . Put the candle on the table.
3 I 1\p~\ uV4* jaba ujl ht-chf ' . Come to morrow at daylight.
3 ' J^1 abm bari fajr-ichf ' . Come very early to morrow.

* The plural form: see Shakespear's Grammar of the Hindustani, par. 87.
f The (^- i__>j>- harf-i-takhsls, adverb of identity or peculiarity in DakhnT,
corresponding to ^jA hi or in northern Hindustani : see Shakespear's Grammar,
par. 1 56.
448 Dialogue.

cj*to ^J ^ bho4ym\ kaha ga'e hai . Where are the palanquin

bearers gone ?
yj>- L-iJb ^JbJu- stdht taraf chalo .... Go to the right.
i_ijo d'tt taraf chal . . . Go to the left.
I j\ja*>- ^-1 jam dar nahm ' hai . Is not the jamadr come to

j h j\ms>- ijJ&J> harkrejam dar k bul' . Harkra, call the jamadr.

^J&j (^r-o ciij^ J\m&- jamdr kt men rahte hai Does the jamadr live in the
j ^jJ\ b ij+b y apn ghar mm, barracks or in his own
house ?
j h fi J&s batlar ko bul' .... Call the butler.
^y^p jb- <g\ J^ji^ khabardr j char ghantn Take care, dinner must be
IjybjLj \>\ <fi k khn taiyr hn ready to day at four
<J-> 1 ^p-* ' tag ghar matja Do not go home till I come.

jj ^ 5 ^ ^..p- /a& hawei kir' ko l'd Hire a house.

parw kirya kar' . Get a boat hired.
i_-o-L (JU- kaha jne hib . . . Where are you going, Sir ?
fij*-> ^ \j dary ke sair ko ... . For an excursion to sea.
l/^^cA^ (2 i^s^ *MW w,a^an ra_ How many days shall you
hinge,* remain there ?
Jjj i^r1 V JJ * tin rz Two or three days.
j\yi j>J u^jj ij~S kiii wakt tum sawr ho- When will you embark ?
^^i^ wng,*
j \y>- ^-^f- jab khri char' hwe . . When it is high water in the
LS* J ^ ->1 ab t utr hai . . . . It is now low water.
c"5l> cffV *h\-* -ff^ kuchh muzyak nahm rat No matter ; it will be high
* I/?" * -P'"r ^'0 howg, tide again at night.

* In DakhnT, the second person plural of the future and aorist is similar to the
first and third.
Dialogue. 449

iS\i (jjSlj ^3ji parw-wlon ko tkd kar Give strict orders to the boat-
^jij jj\s- i$ ki hzir rahe, men to keep ready.
(Jl^jj\ Ul^sT1 orna bichhn aur khri Send the bed clothes, bed-
jt (JTjJj 1 -A \S pint k asbab parwe par ding, with the things for
jjj^j bhlj-de', eating and drinking on
board the boat.
^yUUi-M^ sai samara / cm All these things I have sent,
i^sXe ^j> him sahib, Sir.
wLe jj-^ ^yS ky bht h mai sabn I will positively go to
j'ng, morrow.
lS^ j! 5 * Aai Who is he (or that) ?
\i ^>-j^ \ " p e bwarchl k bhl . Sir, the brother of your
_^\>- /;^* ghr-wl ps jkar yahf Go to the horse-keeper, place
J^j ^^SLil ti\j a*na Ms-ft g rakhkar this grain before him and
jj& dekhki ghbre- khilata see that he gives it to the
J Uij? , horse.
^yU. ^ nj yaf fts iisira ke jnwar What kind of animals are
^> hai, these ?
^jjb ^jjlc^ murghbl hai They are waterfowl.
^jU . S Jjjte- j* Mm fflr khwind k hth For how much will you sell
^i^sxi ^jj kite ko btchmg,% them to my master ?
(p*< jfi u^UJ / raiera is ghar k In your opinion is the back
^ U^u plchh ge se khushtar- of this house prettier than
^s> Ui J^>y~ hai, the front?

* Dakh. he, she, that or it: see Shakespear's Hindustani Grammar, p. 158.
+ See Shakespear's Hindustani Grammar, p. 159.
% In DakhnT, the second person plur. of the future and aorist is similar to the first
and third : see Shakespear's Hindustani Grammar, par. 113.
See Shakespear's Hindustani Grammar, p. 158.
'6 M
450 Dialogue.

ijj* j> pij 'jb hargiz nahm bar ks mere By no means, on the con-
ifT JLii- khiyal men us-k g trary in my opinion the
\$oA Li-syJ ^ jjf^J pichh se bahut achchh front of it is much prettier
^Jb hai, than the rear.
jj\ lj li l^-^ ^,1^ kahn raja h bta aur What connexion is there be-
*rV** *v ii>4^ kaha yah shuhra, tween the prince's son
and this report ?
^jJd j.Ls US' l^jUj tumr* ky salh hai . . What is your advice ?
& |^5-s ^<) ya/* saJ se bihtar howeg . This will be best of all.
* eA-Icf ai It is all one (the same
i^iV / kuchh fork nahm .... There is no difference.
ls*^*"' <-^ tjgjij^l jiJ mh angrezt bolsktt hain%- Can you speak English?

tiLrfjiXJb (/-Lo JAaZ saZs hindustm t Well, speak easy Hindus-
y kah, tani to me.
LS y kah to o% ky kahta hai . Tell me what he says.
[j^> / ^jL/ jJ kaha se ' . . Whence are you come?
Liff* mujh aur kuchh dar-kr I do not want any more,
(j-y nahm,
uz~~>j 1 J \ agar tum apn kam durust If you do not do your busi-
^>j iijsji y jjj na-kare\ to bar-tar af ness better, I will turn
karga, you away.
j*2 sJi>\j nshta l' Bring breakfast.
Jj J |^< misri d'5 Give me the sugarcandy.
Jjt> y Jbtiji j\ ^s? kuchh aur ddh t d' . . Give me some more milk.

* See Shakespear's Hindustani Grammar, p. 158.

+ See Shakespear's Hindustani Grammar, par. 156.
J Dakh. 5 or wah, &c, instead of the Hindustani wuh : see Shakespear's Hindustani
Grammar, p. 158.
I See Shakespear's Hindustani Grammar, par. 113.
Dialogue. 451

-jXi ^\ ^ main b-hi bhar jy I want to go out directly,

^jjfc chht h,
j\sf ybbj waha (or w'hn) andar mat Go not in there.
^iijjjiy ^p^i litro nahm to gir parng* Come down otherwise you
will fall.
1^>>- y^fc^ j>4 jfe- jhr par khl-k charht Why do you climb up the
hai,* tree ?
L ^j-s ^^i^ tub ^Jl / se ky hsil What is the use of talking
UjI Ls! j^j^ jjueb*- main us-k dh bh nahm so much? I do not com-
^jS> hfry*"8 ^jj^j samajht h, prehend one half of it.
^^k-jlj loci- is kam par khuda waste + Do not tell me, for God's
fe t-v tJL>j$=>- bl n jAm<| mai bl, sake, so many lies about
this business.
^jS-J us basii k nam kya hai . . What is the name of that
place ?
jt>- 4 d>\4 (^) waha (or w'hn) khn Is any thing to be got there
^ ^jA-c kuchh chiz milti hai, to eat and drink ?
"*' l"^ <,>^ dp sr A waste kuchh Put up something to shelter
* \j gs? ^jla-slj khar kar, us from the sun.
^J \y>- j Sryr **** gAar dira . What o'clock is it ?
(_50ib>- jaldt mang' . . . Send for the palanquin
li ^jiji^j* mazdrb ko bul' aur sab Call the porters and send all
.L u)U& chizbast hambre sathbhej my baggage along with
j0 *'0, II me.

* See Shakespear's Hindustani Grammar, par. 113.

+ Dakh. khud waste or khud kl waste.
J Dah.jhut, in Hindustani most commonly jhth; but, in DakhnT, an unaspirated
letter often occurs where it would be aspirated in Hindustani.
In Hindustani charh. || In Hindustani usually do.
452 Dialogue.

^xUjJjl tum kahn trge shib . Where will you alight (stop),
i_^sU> ,JIs cAaf ham-k falne shib Come, take me to such a
jj j LsfL^J j^-b ^ 2?s pahunch d', gentleman's house.
Q>- t-jy tp chht Has the gun been fired ?
jj J 1^>- uli yakjora hapf de 5 . . . Give me a suit of clothes.
^> tpt kurta jhr .... Brush my hat and coat.
^Aib ^ij jj ijjjp ghbre par zin bndht hai ya Is the horse saddled or not ?
jj^yj nahm,
j LSj*y> sawri k ghr la 5 . . Bring the saddle-horse.
IM ^ aj ^jU c^U hamre sth tum-k bh n You must come along with
ljj parg, me.
<&^ L-^o-U i^Uj f sA ab-tag* utht Is your master got up yet ?
* wwg,
(jj^ jjCJ _^-L> yt> sii Z/v kahm bhar Yes, Sir, but he is gone out
i^iO*^ ^"> somewhere.
^f-^ yUj' tum-k kuchh *1 hai ki Do you know where he is
^Jf kahn ga'e, gone to ?
JbJjJ Lj tl^H yUjb kam-k k piyla ddh thfi Give me a cup of milk, a
\Sj\^\ ^jfAc^jji misri k and chamcha little sugarcandy, an egg,
Lsbj Lib""* mlt rot maska aur thr a spoon, a radish, bread,
jjj ^) Vji jj\ L~* murabba d', butter and a little jam.
^t> L tj\Ji l j\ & kirya ky hai . What is the fare per day ?
^J.&- lbJu_s srfA ge chalej' . . . Go straight forwards.
/ 1 J>j^ phir-kar ' ... Come round about.
j ^ilft ^jbJu-i srf hth k phirb . Turn to the right.
^\s> ^.j^ dwen hth ko phir Turn to the left.
yu>- t/db>- jald chal .... Go fast.
jla- <fciJb| ijj zarra hista chalo Go a little slower.
. hat-kar j' ..... Make way.

* In Hindustani ab-ta.
Dialogue. - 453

f>j khare rah Stop.

i t/ '^itij^ maiphir 'e tag* yahnchf Stop here till I return.
bj rah,
&j {j^c main ab-hi phir 'Ag . . I will be back immediately.
$ jf- 'j I ge daurkar% khabar l' ki Run on before and enquire
^ l^" vJ**J& *-r"i>"^' sahib ghar men hai yd, ifthe gentleman is at home
(j-y nahm, or not.
J*$ jtsj )t>j rah rah plk niche rakh Stop, stop, put the palan-
Jj j de', quin down.
^> ^< ^^s-\e\JXi turnara sahib ghar men hai Is your master at home?
j j\ plk uth' aur ghar k Take up the palanquin and
J>- chal, go home.
jLs^! j ya gathr ghar k U-chal Carry the bundle home,
ijl^j ^ jjlj j hamfaln shib k yahn I shall dine at Mr. sucha
^pj |J LS^4^ An khaege tum tin one's, come there in the
I ylfcj pahar k wahn ', afternoon.
%J\ lJjt* ) I ' Mir .... Come, take off my boots.
,Jb ^ii (_j> fArt sharab pni l' . . Bring some wine and water.
t Vy-(" ] /)n 5 thand kar . . Cool the water well.
_j jUj lil^ khn taiyr hwe t l' . Bring dinner if ready,
tjj \2i\ lj>~ iiL? so/" chhuri knt de' . . Give me a clean knife and
^ uXw \*(> if namak r' mirch Give me a little salt, mus-
j)j <_j\ ^-jv> chr sirka sharab pant tard, pepper, (some)
i_JLs 1 \^-J* gsi aar A s/ Jasan pickles, vinegar, wine,
j0 de', water, meat, and a clean

* Observe this sentence, which in Hindustani might have been mere phir ne tak.
+ See Shakespear's Hindustani Grammar, par. 156.
% Or, in DakhnT, daurkar; the dental or simple t, d, or r being in this dialect fre
quently substituted for the Hindustani t, d, or r.
454 Dialogue.

l$5l basan uth lej' .... Take away the things.

1 jJj cyljJ dawt kalam kghaz l' . Bring the inkstand, pen
and paper.
(jjj ^ u^o-l falri sahb lt pas yah khatt Take this letter to such a
jj\ /^ krS- le-j' aurjawb lt waste gentleman's and wait for
jjtfj |_55-) ^ ^ thahr, an answer.
LS^ Wa^ farangi kaun hai . . Who is that European ?
^jb ij wah kis-k ghr hai . . Whose horse is that ?
^-~~> |y JJJ pukrkar bten* t ham If you speak loud, I shall
sunege, hear you.
\s>- ksJ s~Jb\ hista hista aur lafz jud If you speak slowly and
jk&y ^^jjy 1. jud blen* to ham tumari distinctly, we shall under-
L5&-gjs*~! bt samjhege, stand you.
t-o-L> ^aj! |Lj IjU hamr salm apne sahb Give my compliments to
y <fi kah, your master.
^^U- jj t^*5' - MS dm k tum jante hai* Do you know that man ?

^ <f <il its kghaz ko kurs kl tale Bring me that paper from
VjI ^Jj se uth l', beneath the chair.
^Jb ty> (jUJ dkh asman khul hai . . See, is the weather cleared
<* j$>-\ jtiywh achchh tarah sf Clean (my) shoes well.
)J> kar,
j\j zJ>\> nshta taiyr hai. . . . Is breakfast ready ?
l-^-L* ab-hi nahm sahib lkin zarre Not yet, Sir, but it will be
j\j li^> lj wakt taiyr howeg, ready in a little time.

L^* ctfV l5*^* ^} ^ ty** machchh nahm mili What, could no fish be got
to day?

* In Dakhn, the second person plural : see Shakespear's Hindustani Grammar,

par. 113.
Dialogue. 455

cPV* ibjV?* LS*?*' achchhl machchht nahm There was no good fish to
ta^^-W mill shb. be had, Sir.
SIj l- ch-dn men ch dl* . . Have you put tea into the
^ \ rfZ * sAiJ .... I hare put it in, Sir.
lSj*3* ,jt!* i-fjj$ kathrt men misri rakh* . Have you put sugar into the
y& A shib Yes, Sir.
\- y** cSj)$ ->- 5 kathrt me cha ndll Well, pour out the tea.

jl^i ^ULs saman nikl Take away the things.

ijiS ^\ _^-1 shib j kite ganthnf Sir, at what o'clock must
\J j\ khn taiyr karn, dinner be ready to
Uj^if,!*- t^jL sre char ganthof . .At half past four.
^jjbU- \j.}a>- \$ lj % %a chtzln chhi'l . . What things do you wish ?
il^t-jlilu^wJi.L yaft dast k kabab yak ran A shoulder of mutton roast-
^J\>\ LSff-'< j)\ [}j aur machchht ubli h't ed, a leg and some fish
^ 5Vs d tin tarah kl saine boiled, two or three kinds
jj\ i^j^fj L5^^ tarkri aur pindl',% of curry, vegetables and
uVjJi *?*& thfi priya aur achchhl yams, some sweet cakes
^y^o ^ji>-\ j$ mewl, and good fruit.
\>-\ i^>ip IS ijjj bakrl k gsht achchh If good mutton cannot be
IS " y Lo nahm mil to g'l k got, shall I take beef?
^jj c^Jijf gsht U'w,

* In these instances, the construction is not inverted by the use of , as it would

have been in Hindustani, though lillj dln is a transitive verb in a past tense.
+ In Hindustani, this word would be ghantn.
J In Dakhn, the plural of pindl : see Shakespear's Hindustani Grammar,
par. 87.
456 Dialogue.

i^J)^ nahm k murgh aur k No, send for a fowl and

jj badakh mangana,* duck,
t/^r* ^ Ais jfciswi mi . . What kinds of fruit have
you got ?
4p}^" jj* i*' fbr'jw m mauz chaktar Guavas, mangos, plantains,
(^Lil^ji i^j>j- anar kharbuz aur an- shaddocks, pomegranates,
annas, muskmelons and pine
j}J ^"4 jW" chrpnchrz k grabis- Did not any almonds or 61-
' \Js^i.r tn s ' sjdhzA men berts or dates or raisins or
^bb^s^^^ljl^ kuchh bdm y finduk currants come in the ships
b jys b jjj b y khajr y munakkay which arrived, four or five
t;^yj [J^iJ b <1 kishmish nahm ', days ago, fiom Arabia ?

t-^-L ^ I ' < shb Ukinjald bikn Some came, Sir, but were so
^j^s-o ^Sj iAs>- se mujh nahm mile, quickly sold that I could
^ no* get -
Ubj Xj4 jj\ U- ^U> shm-k ch aur kahwa ba- Make tea and coffee in the
nana, evening.
jfi b ^J&Jij fip.}^ \$ % tumrcM waste y aur What, for yourself, or will
ul^'ir' 4? sardrn wng, any other officers come ?
^Ji\ j^j^ ^ j> h aur do tin sardr te Yes, two or three other offi-
hai, cers are coming,
.jib ! jS? i^&Xa shib fajr kaw'd liai 5p There is drill in the morning,
^^jfJ> ^j-^ t_>l ka-tai kete ganiho Sir ; at what o'clock shall
lit} 1^1 utha', I waken you ?

* In Dakhn, the infinitive form is very often used imperatively to denote the
absolute necessity of doing the action intended : see Shakespear's Hindustani Grammar,
par. 74.
See Shakespear's Hindustani Grammar, par. 156.
Dialogue. 457

\Ji^ i_5^ paune pnck gantho At a quarter before five

L (_jL ^jlljtS ab'l sf kiy* .... Have you cleaned my belt ?
\j jLj jIjIj talwr taiyr rakh* . . Have you got my sword
ready ?
j\) j\ 3j hurta aur patka bhar rakh Put out my jacket and sash.
j\j -\^>- ^ guluband ki chaprs taiyr Is the buckle of the stock
us* * A7 , ready ?
"jJj?* xj i^si P* aur urra mtz-par rakh Put my hat and feather on
the table.
ctf* \J^? *""' samn taiyr hiy* h I have prepared every thing,
i_^>-L shib, Sir.
j*?*Jy. 1$?*^ achchh bar fajr j maitl Well, if I do not get up
4-^=*- ^jj^l nahn uth t kliubtarah early, you must waken me
^-i sejagn. properly.
iy pyo j)\ ^jij mm-batt aur mom-dan ni- Take away the candle and
1_5^ W ^fr?^y** klkarfajr mujhe uthne candlestick and light (it
j> ^ waht-par silga, again) when you waken
me in the morning.
L5^ 4--^ ?hib paune pnch ghanle Sir, it wants a quarter of
five, get up.
l=f^ Jjr*^ ^ pahl tambar baja hai . . Has the first drum beaten?
i_s-^T ^y' ^i^-lo ^ A shib ab-lch bajne lag . Yes, Sir, it has just begun
to beat.
i^J achchh kapre de ... Well, give me my clothes.
ul i*^-?0" hajjm y hai .... Is the barber come ?
^yti l^GJ dekht h shib .... I will see, Sir.

* The verb, though transitive and in the past tense, agrees with the nominative
case understood ; the construction not being inverted, as in Hindustani, by the use
of the particle ^ ne.
3 N
458 Dialogue.

i iJb tJjS>^ ijj* fta haih dhri l . Bring me water to wash my

hands and face.
J ti^^"" sabun de Give me the soap.
"4j Jtojj rml rakh Hold the towel.
5 (i^si<jj\ cS\y~** miswk aur manjan de . . Give me the tooth-brush and
iS^ kangtCi la Bring the comb.
\j ^^ Jbjj rmljb-m rakh . . . Have you put my handker
chief in my pocket ?
u\p~> dastiyn hahn hai . . Where are my gloves ?
1$ cuL safe st ghanto ke wall Make the horse be got ready,
\ jL c^Jj ghr taiyr karkar ka- and send it to the place of
g&>- w'id kljagah-k bhej de, exercise at half past seven
t/<J o'clock.
t^v)L> i^s-Xe shib salmat Sir, safety* (to you).
j jtp- khair afiyat subadr shib Good and healthy Mr. S-
tbjjj \S ^\ \^oXa j ky rapt% liai, badr, what is the report
^jfc to day?
"-r0"^ i^Y* -f jj1 aur kuchh nahm shib sab Nothing extraordinary, Sir,
-r-*-1 bhali bhall,% all is right.
^jxS ^1 j kumpani-me\ befe kahili. How many sick are there
{jJt> ^jlli hai, to day in the com
pany ?
%**3 t^. l5V"> do siphl yak tambr-wl Two sepoys, one drummer
yak chhokr, and one boy.
j * kis dard-se Of what illness ?

* A respectful mode of address from a Musalman.

+ A benediction much used as a respectful return to an address.
% An English word as introduced into military use at Madras.
A phrase, meaning that all is right or going on well.
Dialogue. 459

^ <-*J fi L5aV**! siphl-k tap hai dsr- One sepoy has a fever, the
lij ^ b cryJ bl k dard tambr- other has the rheumatism,
^Ki ^l\jyAj -wtt-k stala niklt hai the drummer has got the
j~ ^ <-?J}i?- ^J* aur chhkr k sir dukht smallpox, and the boy's
Jb b^J hai, head aches.
-s t-^o-Ls dktar* sahib kuchh unki Has the doctor ordered them
cP** * !J rfaw farm'e hai, any medicine ?
j^T ^jjT {^o\ejb ho shib pf kar - Yes, Sir, he came himself,
J> ij^jbjJ u4^* marazn daryft karkar enquired into their com-
J IjJ dawa diy hai, plaints, and gave them
^Jj\ lip*e iJj~->\ spatri*-men un-ki jagah Is their place in the hospital
<_L> sf hai, clean ?
jlj J* 5 iA> Aar rozjhrjhri\ Yes, Sir, they sweep it out
^- i^j^ 4?jS&!~ karf hai, every day.
\Jr'j3Jjbj\^f>- iZJ^ kot hawldr har roz kete How many times each day
^ji- j-- <UJ rfa/' wn-K khabar lne does the kbt-hawaldar go
- Jie , to enquire after them ?
<A ^ jk'jS ^ fajr-ke kaw'id kt ba*d do After morning's drill, at
^J, |Li> jj\ pahar ko aur shm-k midday, and before even-
i \ ^ wars-k ge, ing's parade.
<JL>l~ ^yo- ^J~ y kt jane mengat* chafe How many men have mount-
i^St> lSj>- hai, ed the main guard to day?
jldJIj- jJiA**a*- CSA Ik jam dar do hawldr tin One jamadr, two hawal-
\j ^jlib bliolj n'tk bnsli-wl aur tin dars, three n'iks, the
-^jbLj |ipJjjl siphl, fifer and three sepoys.
lSs?S jjj* dLi ^ cUji A gt*-mn kite hai . How many are on the
jjjjh barrack guard ?

* Borrowed from the English.

+ A Dakhni form corresponding to the Hindustani (_.>1 op.
t A reiterative form,jhr-jhurt karn, to sweep out.
460 Dialogue.

\j <4 arda'a*-m k' ga' Have any gone as orderlies?

jjb hai,
[tfr* i kamnf- hai . . . Are any on command ?
f iJf-S ^J^>, pakhlt ktt ghanl-k At what o'clock does the
^Ji 11 ib prii lata hai, pakhli bring water ?
^ lLi jjl ^ js? fajr-k chha aur shm-k At six o'clock in the morn
(^ySi^f ^-b pnch ghanl-k, ing and five in the even
- kt banduka How many firelocks are
hai, there in the company ?
ass-par pnch achchhl hai There are eighty five good
aur pandrah kharb, ones and fifteen bad.
har k siph-k pas kt How many cartridges has
"bu / each sepoy ?
tt hai,
brah brah Twelve each.
har k siph k smn Are the accoutrements of
durust hai, each sepoy good ?
h shib har k k pas k Yes, Sir; each has a fire
ti^ bandk aur k sanin k lock, a bayonet, a pouch,
<u A uLI dabba k martl k marfi a hammer, a worm, a
J> k knt aur d phatr pricker and two flints, a
k sariin d'l k bayonet belt, a pouch belt,
U-b- <1 <_Srfv dabbe-ki d'l k bandk a sling, a bayonet sheath,
d'l k sann-k miyan a turband, a red jacket
JjAW il k pagfi k ll kurta aur and a breastplate.
^ 4 Jb5 billa hai,

4 >^ J

* Plural of ardait, the duty of an orderly.

+ Borrowed from the English.
Dialogue. 461

4 i_5*^ kumpani-kl kaprl sab ach- Are all the clothes of the
^jjs i>-\ chh / 'n't, company good ?
U"^> i f l^V*1 ' - ^- V ^ar pAi />s cr Each sepoy has four good
^jjb ^&>-\ ij'y^Tj^f" jf achchli hai, suits.
j\J~> LUoU \>-\ acheh h n'ik sbadr-k Very well, n'ik, call the
bul', sbadr.
lJj** 1^* jljjj) sbadr shib viert gt-mlti How many men, Sbadr,
s*- cJL>\f kltljawn hai, are there in my guard ?

^jlS ketl pahre hai .... How many sentries are

JAj ij> ii>^ kah kaha kharl rahte so Shew me where they stand.
mujhl bat'5,
L j fj^yij^) pahrlwln-k ky hukm hai Tell me the orders which the
yyl 0f* _j-> s mujht bolo, sentries have.
Lf^ l^ uS*^ a^* ^ darwzl kite ghan- At what o'clock do they
(-jb ^j*=-y* uy ^ t-k mchte hai, shut the gates of the
I j ^y'-j^j^ 5 cAAa gAan<5-/t5 & fA One at six, one at eight, and
jb jj\ '' "ffi ghantn-k aur bkt brah the rest at twelve o'clock.
^y*$ ijj ghanto-ko,
^y^C J~S> bandka kite ghantn-k At what o'clock did they
jy\ ^jX- sul'l aur phir kite ghan- ground arms, and at what
^jjb ^UjI &y'r$ tA-k thatl hai, o'clock will they take
them up again ?
^jS j 1$ k daf-ml kite siphiy How many soldiers are
(Jjj^^^jb/^LbU-) khnl-k chhrtl hai, allowed at one time to go
to dinner ?
jS ^y^J~ j ro* kite ghant-ko jt . At what o'clock do the
rounds go?

* Borrowed from the English.

462 Dialogue.

\Jr l5"* "-* dsr gtn*-skt ghantn- At what o'clock do they

jistyidLijij -k rapt* bhejte hai, send the reports from the
^pjb other guards ?
$ f jj^i pa^r ghant-k bad- At what o'clock do they
tJJo late hai, relieve the sentries ?
L5fsr" tfc brah ghant-k mujhe Send a n'ik to waken me
jagri-k waste Ik n'ik at twelve o'clock, and
^ j\ JJ kl>l3 bhj d'5 aur phir brah- again at four.
^ Xj\) -k chr-k,
Smr^s>Xi i$>" <>y top chhuti shib jawn The gun has fired, Sir, shall
\j &Wy>- khar kar, I fall in the men ?
t jf- ^LL siphiya-k khabar kar Tell the sepoys that we
^ Sjl ji UL>\j ki rt-k barah- do march to night at two
^jt ^J> ghant-k kch hai, o'clock,
^lls- ^^S^J^e sab kite ks chaUge . . How many coss shall we
march to morrow ?
^> Uls- kah jn hai .... Whither are we to go ?
<fcJj j+b L5 km dher-k rsta batane ke Have some village cooley
j\j ^Jadj i$ waste taiyar kar, ready to shew the road.
^ (*^** ?a mukm kahn karege Where shall we halt to mor
#> ->} <^ n'ik aur chha sipht Send a n'ik and six se-
ij>]/j\~> yULj smn taiyr karne poys on before to prepare
agAr bhj, things.
<jjS ^ ^l^t t_^s-Ue saAi yaha ke log bare sha- The people about here, Sir,
j\j\^.tjJbj>j ,_sJj rr hai hawldr gt are very riotous; you
^JLbU- Isn^j dbt^ / chhi', should send a havaldar's
^^jb j\s- l^^ sab hzir hai Are all present ?

* Borrowed from the English.

Dialogue. 463

^5 j ^& j> h sahib lm* bndkkar Yes, Sir, they are fallen in,
llJb kharl hai, in line.
2&>j jL^ijjb ^i-i mot san hshyar rah Hear the word, attention, to
<j/5 ^y.j'15 V. (^'V- dwln tarafphir- wheel or turn to the right
jJb Ij^j w Aai, or left.
^^^ ^> j^>- hukm-par -sn kadam Raise your feet at once upon
uth', the word.
J^c J-i failf milkar chal . . . March with close files.
"^ L5^b <^'A~V"C uhd-wl apnl distnsrf Officers, keep your distance.
yj ^-Jl-O rakh,
\ LJ lamba kadam dl . . . Step out.
j^o ^jf- chht kadam dl . . . Step short.
V^-y <! jlo^=S- khabar-dr ab tirchh ka- Attention now, the oblique
dam, step.
jH>jJ ^~<>\~> <'sj j^jhXj- sldhl taraf smnl barh . Forward, on the right.
j&j kharl rah Halt, stand still.
\>J\ jjljAy bandk utrn .... To order arms.
j <>b-> sannn charh' .... Fix bayonets.
- ^-^ u^^ bandka khndl-par Una . To shoulder arms.
IjAib (jJSuS ^lijjcj bandka kenchi bndn . To pile arms.
)j L5^b^rVi pahrl^wU kahn kahn Where shall I post the sen-
kkar .... tries?
^ ^jJ jj jjLi yj) dono bz-par dirt kl age On both flanks, before and
^y^su j}\ T aur pichhl aur bandka- behind the tents, and near
dXl ^jJoj -kl pas Ik Ik pahra khar the arms, one each.
>} !? ird ^ **
ly> (^5^* ^J~ l* imrs Ai ghantn-k ht At what o'clock is parade ?

* j^! lm, or ^jj /oin, from the English military term, line,
t The English word, here adopted.
464 Dialogue.

j ^< ^ijj chha gkant-ko . . At a quarter before six.

! iifb (jJu-s sdh taraf ankha phir', Turn the eyes to the right.

/ bch-mn ge '5 . . . . Dress up the centre,

jjii Sjj _/ 1 ts-^fJ buht 'e phir zarra dabo . Too much ; dress back again
a little.
jjii laf*-mt dabo Dress back on the left.
jtVSXi i1 jS-j santar* laf*-ke blch- Dress up between the centre
/1 age '5, and the left.
jb> lz^c >^ rait*-men mat hilo . . . Do not move on the right.
^ JJ ^ J""* santar*-kl do tin jawn Dress back two or three
jjJ jii zarra dabo, files in the centre.
t-v jb> ~) bas hilo mat Enough ; do not move
^j&J bandkn utaro .... Order arms.
i &\uti~> santna charh'o .... Fix bayonets.
$>\b {j*&~> salami hth Present arms.
saninn niklo Unfix bayonets.
^Uj baghll hth Secure arms.
ybj'ji, ; ghrd kal-par charh' . Cock (your firelock).
jJ tQ> ghr Ik kal-par rakho . . Half cock.
_y"^^ JS* kal khainch Draw the trigger.
uh "f^ hth rn-ko lag' . . . Keep your hands flat to the
/> ,!j sir mat hil' . . . . Do not stir your heads.
/\$\ J^ sirn uth'5 Raise your heads.
> ^j tJs"^rt sdh khar rah .... Stand erect.
^Ic y) Is * yah g'n kis-k lk men Who does this village belong
^J> hai, to ?

* English military terms, adopted in Dakhni.

Dialogue. 465

fjJ is chau-hadd-mn kl za- Is there any zemindar in this

^Jc-j-e^ mtndr hai. neighbourhood ?
1^~>\) ^ liiW sabn- rst-m kuchh Are there any rivers or ri-
^jJ naddi /tain. vulets on to morrow's
march ?
J&- lJj^t jhp jangal hai .... Is there thicket and jungle ?
cJrJb ^jLyj pahr hai Are there hills (or moun
tains) ?
^^Jb ijf talwn hai Are there tanks ?
il^Li l is\Jb\ is-k atrf-k mulk banjar Is the country about here
U ^t> ysi hai ya sg-mari ho hai. waste or cultivated ?

e^-syj (j^bJ (^e is- dhn hht pikt* They sow much rice here
jjl l;JJk ^s^ anj kam. and other grains less.

7^ _
y tlP^j j ^ ^Le sabn- rst-m to boht There will then be much
Isyb | ^yJ chikkar pn hg. mud and water on to mor
row's road.
% i_^L> ho sahib do kos-tag dhn Yes, Sir, two coss we have
^1jL< ^ i_y<> ^J& mari meda-f-par chai- to march along the banks
j\ Am b- j) n ba'd-az k ks tal' of paddy fields ; after-
^ ^Ji j$j k katt-par pailr sk wards, for one coss, on
lc^\j \j* jjLj rsta hai. the borders of a tank ;
but beyond that the road
is dry.
i^iij ^Jb ^jjj^snj bich-mznhai s naddipyab Is the river, on the way,
jJk -' hai. fordable ?

* \iLjpkn, explained in Persian by M-^jj zir'at shudan, To be

sown (?).
+ From Ji*< md or ^- mend, Bank.
466 Dialogue.

y/t ^ ^ y\~o saba k mukm k g' k Are there any trees (groves)
!_$\^\ ijffi (j~\> ^ pas k! amra'i hai. near the village where we
^jb shall halt to morrow ?
h Jlji ^ y/t g'Mrke kutwl-k bul Send for the Cutwal of the
ysbtf bhejo. village.
^jS y/t i ^> ^lyj yahn (or yhn) se falna How far is such a village
LS* 1* g'n kti dur hai. from this?
j*> ^3 Jj^> y^lje- jawnn mol We so smn Have the men paid for the
^J dL^j l ^IcLj / jpaisa dVb. things that they pur
chased ?
y^ ^s? y j.\ aur t kuchh bki nahm . Nothing more, then, remains.

clsUj (nakliyt), SHORT STORIES,

In the Persian and Nagari characters, with translations and gram

matical analysis of some parts.

CC 9 9
uT?ij t^" 5 ^ ^ "*i ^ 4* 55

/ Nagari characters.

* t ^; ^ ^ *
468 Short Stories.

\ (\) for ek, one, or paht, first, nakl, story.

Ek, one, a, mujhe, me, to me, jharkhe, window,
shakhs, person, kazskn, robbers, musfir, traveller, tra
bdshh, king, huzr, presence, vellers,
ke, of, d'iwr, wall, lute, plundered,
<zin, eye (the very), lt, having plundered, jte, going, being,
kal'e, castle, palace, liy, took. , are.
iche, under, beneath, i^arm?/,commanded, Kah, said,
lt, plundered, tu, thou, ky, what?
gay, went, was. hushyar, careful, tu-ne, thee-by, thou,
Us-n, he, , why? yih, this,
kl, of, na-raha, not remained, masal, proverb,
khidmat, service, Bola, (he) spoke, wa-Aw,not-indeed,not,
men, in, ghulm, (your) slave, sunt, heard,
rz, representation, , to, chirgh, lamp,
ki, made, malum, known, andher, dark, dark-
ki, that, na-tha, (it) was not, ness.
jahn, world, hazrat, presence,
panh, protection, zer, under,

A person was plundered beneath the very castle of the king. He

made representation in the service of the king,* (saying) that, world-
protection !+ robbers took (and) plundered me under the wall of the
castle of the (royal) presence. The king commanded,;); (saying) that,
why didst thou not remain careful ? (He) spoke (saying) that, it was
not known to (your) slave, that travellers are being plundered under
the window of the (royal) presence. The king said, what? by thee
(has) not indeed this proverb (been) heard, " under the lamp (is)

* He represented submissively to the king. + Your Majesty !

% Implying "said," when spoken of a sovereign.
Short Stories. 469

Grammatical Analysis.
Ek, a noun of number1 (frequently used as an indefinite article) :
pahl, an ordinal of number,2 feminine,3 singular, agreeing with nakl,
s. f. nominative case singular.
Ek (as before) : shakhs, s. m.5 nom. case,6 governing the verb :
bdshh, s. m.7 gen. case, governed by ke, a simple postposition8 (or
particle placed after a noun) governing the preceding word, and in the
masculine inflected state9 to agree with the substantive following:
in, s. m. here used adjectively10 to kal', s. m. gen. case, sing,
inflected from kal',11 and governed by ke, a postposition governing
the genitive case preceding, and itself in the mas. inflected state (from
A)12 to agree (like the termination of an adjective) with the following
niche, s. m. sing, inflected from nzch, abl. case, governed by a
postpos. understood,14 or used absolutely as a postposition lj or

adverb :16 Ixita, v. a. past participle,17 mas. sing, (root lt), agreeing
with shakhs before described : gaya, v. n. past tense indefinite,18 mas.
sing, (root ja) governed by shakhs ; lut gaya, however, may be
accounted the passive voice,19 past tense indefinite, mas. sing, from
the root lt. Us, pronoun of the third person,20 or the remote demon
strative, sing, from wuh, inflected by reason of the attached or sub-

I See 1st Part, Gram. par. 38. 2 Gram. par. 39.

3 Gram. par. 3. 4 Declined like tub (bat) Gram. par. 9.

5 Declined like (raja), Gram. par. 9. 6 Gram. par. 53.
7 Declined like raja, Gram. par. 9. 8 Gram. par. 6.
9 Gram. par. 6. 10 Gram. par. 11.
II Declined like J (banda) G. par. 9. G. par. .

13 Declined like jjfj (ghra) G. par. 9. 14 G. par. 57.

15 G. par. 34. 16 G. par. 35. 17 G. par. 20.
18 G. par. 23 and 20. 19 G. par. 31. 20 G. par. 15.
470 Short Stories.

sequent particle ne .-1 bdshh, s. m. gen. case, governed by A, a

postpos. fem. governing the preceding word and agreeing with the
noun next subsequent :2 khidmat, s. f.3 abl. case, sing, governed by
rrin a simple postposition : arz, s. f.5 nom. case sing, governing ,6
v. a. past tense indef. sing. fem. (root kar) : , a conjunction of ex
planation :rjahn, s. forming, with the subsequent pank, a compound

attributive (used like the English, " Your Majesty") voc. case sing. :
mvjhe, pron. of the first pers. accus, or dat. case sing. (nom. sing.
main)8 governed by the following verb : kazzkn, s. m. plur. inflected
(from kazzk) by reason of the following ne:9 huzr, s. m. gen. case
sing, governed by A,10 a simple postpos. governing the noun which
precedes and agreeing with the subsequent kal', s. m. gen. case sing,
as before : , postpos. governing the gen. case, and fern.11 to agree
with the following dwr, s. f. gen. case sing, governed by kl, postpos.
mas. inflected to agree with niche as before explained : lt, v. a. the
root12 or the past conjunctive participle :13 liya, v. a. past part.14 or
past indef. tense15 third pers. mas. sing.16 (root le), the object of the
sentence (mujhe) being in an oblique case.17 Bdshh as before : ne,
particle following the subject of the sentence before a transitive verb
in a past tense : farmy, v. a. past tense indef.18 third pers. mas.

1 G. par. 23, note. 2 G. par. 6.

3 Nouns ending in tii are frequently feminine : G. par. 2.
4 G. par. 6. 5 Declined like LZ)\i (bat) : G. par. 9.
0 The feminine of kiy: G. par. 20, a. and par. 23, with the note :
also par. 72; the verb being made to agree with the object of the sentence.
7 G. par. 36. 8 G. par. 15. 9 G. note to par. 23.
10 G. par. 6. 11 G. par. 6. 12 G. par. 18.
13 G. par. 22. 14 G. par. 20, c. 15 G. par. 23.
10 G. par. 23, note. 17 Lut liya may be considered a compound
verb: G. par. 28, Intensives. 18 G. par. 23 and 20.
Short Stories. 471

sing, (root farma), the object being the following sentence:1 ki, conj.
as before: tu, pron. second pers.2 nom. case sing, governing the
verb ; hushyr, adj. nom. case, agreeing with the person to which tu
refers: ky, adv. of method, derived from the interrogative pron.:3
na-rah, a compound of na, the simple adverb of negation,4 and rah,
v. n. past tense indef.0 third pers. mas. sing, (root rah), governed by
tu. Bola, v. n. past tense indef.6 third pers. mas. sing, governed by
shakhs understood : ki, conj. as before : ghulam, s. m.7 dat. case sing.,
governed by ,8 asimple postpos. governing the, dat. or accus, case:
malum, an Arabic passive participle, which may here be considered
as an adj. agreeing with the subject of the sentence or the nom. case
understood to na-th, verb, subst. past tense9 mas. sing, having the
simple adverb of negation10 prefixed, and governed by the following
sentence as the subject: ki, conj.: hazrat, s. f. gen. case sing.: ,
postpos. mas.11 governing the foregoing noun in the gen. case, and
inflected to agree with the compound following : zer, prepos. : jharkh,
s. m. sing, inflected from jharkh by reason of a postpos. under
stood :12 musfir, s. m.13 plur. nom. case, governing the following verb :
lute, past part. mas. plur.14 (root lut) agreeing with musfir : jte,
pres. part. mas. plur.1 (root j) agreeing with musfir : hai, verb
subst. pres. tense third pers. plur.16 (root ho), governed by musfir.

I G. par. 23, note. 2 G. par. 15. 3 G. par. 50.

4 G. par. 35. 5 G. par. 23 and 20.
6 G. par. 23 and 20. 7 Declined like U.^ {rja), G. par. 9.
8 G. par. 6. 9 G. par. 32. 10 G. par. 35.
II G. par. 6. 12 Zer jharkh may be regarded as a
compound, and inflected by some postpos. understood : G. par. 57.
13 Declined like Wj (rija), G. par. 9. 14 G. par. 20.
15 G. par. 21. 16 G. par. 32 : and, lute jte hai may be
considered as the passive voice, see G. par. 31, and the conjugation of
the passive voice.
472 Short Stories.

Bdshh as before : ne, particle following the subject of a sentence

before a transitive verb in a past tense : kah, v. a. past tense indef.2
third pers. sing. mas. (root kah), the object being the following sen
tence :3 kya, pron. interrogative,4 nom. case, here used absolutely as
an interjection : tu, pron. of the second pers.5 nom. case sing, unin-
flected though followed by ne, a particle following the subject before
a transitive verb in a past tense : yih, pron. proximate demonstrative,6
nom. case sing, agreeing with masal, s. f. nom. case,7 sing, governing
the verb : sum, v. a. past part.8 or past tense indef.9 sing, (root sun),
governed by masal:10 chirgh, s. m.11 gen. case, sing, governed by k,
a simple postpos.12 as before : niche, s. m. sing, inflected, or adv. as
before : andhera, s. m. nom. case, sing.13 governing the subst. verb,
hai, understood.


L/XJb ^JJ\ JkL> jas* j\ \jj \ .L o-jj ^j>} toj^s*

I G. note to par. 23. 2 G. par. 23 and 20.

3 G. note to par. 23, and par. 72. 4 G. par. 15.

5 G. par. 15. 6 G. par. 15.
7 Declined like (<) : G. par. 9. 8 G. par. 20.
9 G. par. 23. 10 G. par. 72.
II Declined like UHj (rj), G. par. 9. 12 G. par. 6.

13 Declined like (ghra), G. par. 9.

Short Stories. 473

In Nagari characters.

^^ Trift * ir wmb <4m f^rr

^ ^ $ il" ^ W

fp ^ $i wrt ^" it }^ *5 it

fi f^st TT ^1 i

() for do, two, or dsri, second, nakl, story.

Ahmad (proper name), sth, with, in (his) fath, victory,
sultan, king, sultan, company, mahmud ki, of Mah
aprii, own, his own, khily, given to eat, mud,
/, army, fed, shikast, defeat.
, to, kart, makes, Lgn-nt, people,
, month, aur, and, pchh, asked, in
ba-mah, by month, mahmd (propername) quired,
darmaha, monthly pay, sultan, king, sultan, is-k, of this,
diya, given, us-k, of that, ky, what ?
kart, makes, birks, on the con sabab, cause, reason.
aur, and, trary, Kisi, some one,
apne, own, his own, aria, does, practises. rie (particle),
lashkar, army, k, one, jawab, answer,
Are, of, din, day, diya, gave, given,
sardrn, chiefs, offi un, them, ki, that,
cers, , in, between, jis-ki, of whom,
5, to, lar'l, fight, battle, dgh, caldron, pot,
dnn, the two, both, ', became ; us-ki, his, of him,
tca&f, time, times, ahmad Hi, of Ahmad, tgh, sword.
3 p
474 Short Stories.

Ahmad Sultan makes given (makes a practice of giving) to his

army, month by month, (its) monthly pay ; and, to the officers of his
army, at both times (of eating in the day), he makes given to eat
(makes a practice of giving to eat) : and, Mahmud Sultan practises
the contrary of that. One day, a battle became (took place) between
them ; the victory became Ahmad's, the defeat Mahmud's. People
asked, (saying) what is the cause of this? Some one gave answer,
(saying) that, " of whom is the caldron, of him is the sword."

Grammatical analysis.
Do, a noun of number1 : dusri, an ordinal of number,2 fem. sing,
agreeing with nakl, s. f. nom. case sing.
Ahmad, n. prop. mas. nom. case, sing. : sultan, s. m.3 nom. case
sing, governing the verb : , pron. common or reflective,4 gen.
case fem. agreeing with fauj, s. f.5 dat. case sing, governed by ,6
a simple postposition : mh, s. m. followed by -mah, a prepos. with
the foregoing noun repeated in the Persian construction \ darmh,
s. m. nom. case sing, though the object of the verb : diya, past
participle8 of the transitive verb (root de), uninflected mas. sing. :
kart, pres. participle or pres. indef. tense,9 third pers. mas. sing,
(root kar), forming with the preceding part, a compound frequentative
verb:10 aur, conj.: apn, pron. common or reflective,11 gen. case
mas. inflected to agree with lashkar, s. m. gen. case sing, governed
by k, a simple postpos. mas. agreeing with sardrn, s. m. dat. case
plur. governed by ko, a simple postpos. : donb, a numeral, do with

1 G. par. 38. 2 G. par. 39.

3 Declined like > (raja), G. par. 9. 4 G. par. 15.
5 Declined like ob (bt), G. par. 9. 6 G. par. 6.
7 G. par. 8. 8 G. par. 20, c. 9 G. par. 24.
10 G. par. 28, Frquentatives. 11 G. par. 15.
Short Stories. 475

the plural affix .-1 wakt, s. m. sing, governed by some postpos. un

derstood :a sth, s. m. governed by a postpos. understood, and here
used as an adverb :d khily, past part.4 mas. uninflected sing, (root

khil which is a causal of ha) :5 karta, v. a. pres. indef. tense,6

third pers. mas. sing, (root kar), forming with the preceding part, a
compound frequentative verb :7 aur, conj . : mahmud, n. prop. mas.
nom. case sing. : sultan, s. m. nom. case sing, governing the verb :
us-k, pron. of the third pers. gen. case sing.8 the affixed postpos.
being mas. inflected to agree with bi-1-ks, an Arabic preposition followed
by the article with a noun,9 used here adverbially : kart, v. a. pres.
indef. tense third pers. mas.sing. (root fear), governed by mahmd sultan.
Ek, noun of number : din, s. m. sing, governed by a postpos. un
derstood :10 un, pron. third pers. or remote demonstrative,11 abl. case
plur. governed by ,12 a simple postpos. governing the abl. case :
lar'l, s. f.13 nom. case sing, governing h't, v. n. past indef. tense14
fem. sing, (root ho) : ahmad and mahmud, n. prop. gen. case, governed
by kl, a simple postpos. fem. to agree with the subsequent noun :
fath, s. f.15 nom. case sing, governing Infi, v. n. past indef. tense
fem. sing, (root ho) : shikast, s. f.15 nom. case sing, governing hul
understood. Logon, s. m. plur.16 (from log) inflected by reason of
the following ne,17 a particle : pchh, v. a. past indef. tense,18 third

1 G. par. 10. 2 G. par. 57. 3 G. par. 35, 34.

4 G. par. 20. 5 G. par. 27. 6 G. par. 24, 21.
7 G. par. 28. 8 G. par. 15. 9 G. par. 8.
10 G. par. 57. 11 G. par. 15. 12 G. par. 6.
13 Formed from the verb lar-n ; see G. par. 43 : and declined like
ghrl, G. par. 9. 14 G. par. 23, and 20, c. ; ' being the
fem. of '. 15 Declined like Oj\ (bt), G. par. 9.
16 Declined like W; (re/a), G. par. 9. 17 G . par. 72.
18 G. par. 23, 20.
476 Short Stories.

pers. mas. sing, (root pchh), preceded by ne and governed by the

subsequent sentence : is-k, pron. proximate demonstrative,1 gen.
case sing, governed by the affixed k, simple postpos. mas. un
infected, and agreeing with the following noun \ kya, pron. interrog.
nom. case :3 sbab, s. m. nom. sing, governing the verb substantive,
hai,4, pres. tense third person sing, understood. Kisi-nl, pron. in
definite, (nom. ko'tf inflected by reason of the affixed particle we:6
jawab, s. m. nom. sing, following n,6 and therefore, though the
object of the sentence, governing the verb : diy, v. a. past inde .
tense,7 third pers. mas. sing, (root de) : , conj . : jis-kJ, pron-
relative,8 gen. case sing, with the governing postpos. ,9 fem. to agree
with degh, s. f.10 governing the verb subst. hai, pres. tense third pers.
sing, understood : us-ki, pron. third pers.11 gen. case sing, with the
affixed postpos. , fem. to agree with tgh, s. f.10 nom. sing, govern
ing the verb subst. hai understood, as before explained.

J f ^_

- ^ 0 /W 1^" J**- 4 ls9T /

1 G. par. 15. 2 G. par. 6. 3 G. par. 15.

4 G. par. 32. 5 G. par. 15. 6 G. par. 23, note, and par. 72.
7 G. par. 23 and 20. 8 G. par. 15. 9 G. par. 6.
10 Declined like (bt), G. par. 9. 11 G. par. 15.
Short Stories. 477

In Nagari Characters.

4T fT4 I ^

fw * ? < w - wt^t

() for , three, or tsrl, third, #/, story.

Do, two, hi, very, exactly, uchti, slipped, glanced,

siphi, soldier, soldiers, , his own, to, then,
apas-men, among them kargah, work-place, julahe ke, ofthe weaver,
selves. shop. 5, having come,
kit, some, a, se, from, lagt, was applied,
shahr, city, uth, rising, reached.
A, of, kar, having made, Masai, proverb :
huche, lane, street, s, that, kargah, work-shop,
, in, among, aya, came, chhr, having left,
khna-jang, quarrel, aur, and, tamshl, (to) the sight,
rout, tamsh, sight, sport, show,
kar, having made, dekhne, to see, look at, j', may go, (if) goes,
rahe, remained, laga, was applied, m, not, un-, in-,
the, were. began: hak, right, just,
Ek, one, a, kazakar, by chance, cht, blow, hurt,wound,
julh, weaver, talwar, sword, kh'e, may suifer,
yih, this, jo, which, when, (then) gets.
khabar, news, report, dsr ke, of the other,
sMKi, hearing (on), sir se, from the head,
478 Short Stories.

Two soldiers had remained making a rout (or quarrelling) in the

street of some city. A weaver, immediately on hearing this report,
having risen from his work-shop, came into that street, and began to
look at the sight. By chance, a sword, which glanced from the head
of the other (soldier), reached the weaver's (head). Proverb : having
left the work-shop, the weaver goes (to) the sport, unjustly (without
deserving it) a blow he suffers (or gets).

Grammatical analysis.
Tin, noun of number:1 tlsrl, ordinal of number,2 fem. agreeing
with nakl, s. f. nom. sing.
Do, noun of number: siph, s. m.3 nom. sing, or plur. derived
from siph by affixing ,4 and governing the verb : pas-men, pron.
common or reflective, abl. case :5 kis, pron. indef. (nom. k'i),6
inflected to agree with shahr, s. m. gen. case sing, governed by he,
a simple postpos. mas. inflected to agree with kch, s. m. abl. case
sing. (nom. kcha) governed by men, a simple postpos. : khna,
s. m. nom. case sing. : jang- derived from jang (battle, fight),
kfina-jang- being an abstract noun, formed in the Persian way, by
adding to khna-jang (house-quarreller), fem. nom. sing. : kar,
v. a. root8 or past conjunctive participle :9 rahe, past participle,10
mas. plur. (root rah), agreeing with siph : the, verb, subst.11 past
tense mas. plur. governed by siph : rahe the, moreover, may be
regarded as the pluperfect or past past tense12 of rah, v. n. k,
noun of number used as an indefinite article ijulh, s. m. nom. sing.13

1 G. par. 38. 2 G. par. 39.

3 Declined like , (raja), G. par. 9. 4 G. par. 44.
5 G. par. 15 and 6. 6 G. par. 15.
7 G. par. 43. 8 G. par. 18. 9 G. par. 22.
10 G. par. 20. 11 G. par. 32. 12 G. par. 23, a.
13 Declined like \j (gkr), G. par. 9.
Short Stories. 479

governing the verb: yih, pron. prox. demonstrative, nom. sing,

agreeing with khabar, s. f. nom. sing, though the object to sunt,
pres. part. mas. sing.2 inflected (root sun) : hi, adv. of peculiarity :4
apri, pron. com. or reflective, gen. sing. mas. inflected to agree with
kargah, s. m. abl. case sing, governed by se, postpos. : uth-kar, past
conjunctive part.5 (root uth): us, pron. remote demonstrative sing,
inflected (from wuh) to agree with kch-men, s. m. abl. sing. (nom.
kcha), governed by mt, postpos. : aya, v. n. past indef. tense,6
third pers. mas. sing, (root ), governed by julh : aur, conj. :
tamsh, s. m. nom. sing, though denoting the object of the sentence:
dkhri, v. a. infin.7 mas. (root dkh), inflected before lag, v. n. past
indef.8 (root lag), third pers. mas. sing, forming, with dkhrit pre
ceding, a compound inceptive verb :9 kazkr, adv. : talwr, s. f.
nom. sing, governing the verb : j, pron. relative, nom. case, or
adv.10 dsr-k, ordinal of number11 or adj. used substantively, gen.
mas. sing, governed by ke, postpos. : sir-st, s. m. abl. sing. : uchti,
v. n. past indef.12 fem. sing, (root uchat), governed by tawr: t,
adv.10 correlative to jo preceding : julhe kt, s. m. gen. sing, some
postpos. or noun being understood after it: a, v. n. root or past
conjunct, participle :13 lagt, v. n. past indef.14 third pers. fem. sing,
(root lag) governed by talwr. Masai, s. f. nom. sing, used ab
solutely : chhor, v. a. root or past conjunct, participle : tamsh, s. m.
sing, inflected by reason of some postpos. understood :15 j'e, v. n.
fut. indef. or aorist16 (rootJo), third person sing, governed by julh

1 Declined like (jagah), G . par. 9. 2 G. par. 21.

3 G. par. 74. 4 G. par. 35. 5 G. par. 22.
6 G. par. 23. 7 G. par. 19. 8 G. par. 23.
9 G. par. 28. 10 G. par. 35. 11 G. par. 39.
12 C. par. 23. 13 G. par. 18, 22. 14 G. par. 23.
15 G. par. 57. 16 G. par. 25.
480 Short Stories.

understood : n, adv. forming, with hakk, s. m. following, a Persian

compound adjective:1 chot, s. f. nom. sing, though the object of
kh'e, v. a. fut. indef. or aorist2 (root kha) third pers. sing, governed

o o * -* o "
Jj jM,j ij ali>ob * J*fr ^ ^

/ Nagari characters.

- % ^ f^PSTT t% WWTT wr? ^

ii^aiH ^ "^wr: ^ftr wir ^ w^m ^hr

^rfT wr ^? ^cn: wr

^rrr wir i

I (8) for cr, four, or chautht, fourth, nakl, story.

Akbar rie, Akbar, ?&, (at) the time, rz, representation,

Brbalse, from Brbal, ky, what ? kiy, made,
pchh, asked, kam, action, use (to), jahn, world,
ki, that, t hai, coming is. panah, protection,
Zar' Are, of battle, Brbal ri, Brbal, etMs<M,presence ofmind .

1 G. par. 48. G. par. 25.

Short Stories. 481

Bdshh rie, the king, | nahm, not, ho jw, should be

kah, said, kaht, (art thou) say come,
hathyr, arms, ing. to, then,
aur, and, Agar, if, kis, what?
zor, strength, Jchat. error, fault km, action, use (to),
Jcy, why? how? On), we, would come.

Akbar asked of Brbal, (saying) that, at the time of battle what

comes (of most) use ? Brbal (humbly) made representation (saying)
that, world-protection ! (your Majesty !) presence of mind (or cou
rage). The king said, why sayest (thou) not, arms and strength ?
Brbal replied, your Majesty! if presence of mind (or courage) should
become wanting, then of what use would come (or be) arms and
strength ?
Grammatical analysis.
Chr, noun of number : chauth, ordinal of number2 fern, agreeing
with nakl, s. f. nom. sing.
Akbar, n. prop, denoting the agent or subject of the sentence, and
followed by rie, a particle :3 brbal, n. prop. abl. case sing, governed
by se, a postposition : pchh, v. a. past indef. tense,4 third pers.
sing. mas. (root^iicAA), the following sentence being the object: ki,
conj. : larl, s. f. being an abstract noun derived from the root lar
(fight) or lar (cause to fight),5 gen. case sing, governed by k, a
postpos. mas. inflected to agree with wakt, s. m. sing, governed
by a postpos. understood :6 ky, pron. interrogative, nom. case
governing the verb : km, s. m. sing, governed by some postpos.
understood :6< t hai, v. n. present definite tense,7 third pers. sing.

1 G. par. 38. 2 G. par. 39.

G. par. 23, note, and par. 72. 4 G.par. 23.
G. par. 43. 6 G. par. 57.
7 G. par. 24, b.
3 Q
482 Short Stories.

mas. (root a). Brbal rie, n. prop, denoting the agent or subject of
the sentence, and followed by n, a particle : rz, s. f. nom. sing.,
but here it is used as forming, with the subsequent verb, a nominal
compound verb2 {rz karna) : kiy, v. a. past indef.3 third pers. mas.
sing, (root kar), the following sentence being the object : jahn, s.
forming, with panh, s., a Persian compound in the voc. case: ausn,
s. m. nom. sing, answering to the previous interrogation, and govern
ing the verb ata hai understood. Bdshh ne, s. m. sing, denoting
the agent or subject, with rie, a particle : kah, v. a. past indef.4
third pers. mas. sing, (root kali), the following sentence being the
object : hathyr, s. m. nom. sing. : zr, s. m. nom. sing. : , adv.
of interrogation, formed from the interrogative pronoun :5 nahm,
emphatic adverb of negation :6 kaht, v. a. pres. indef. tense,7 second
pers. mas. sing, (root kah), agreeing with brbal understood. Agar,
conj. conditional:8 khat. s. f. nom. sing, forming, with h or h-j,
a nominal compound verb :9 ho-jwe, an intensive compound verb
neuter, future indef. or aorist,10 third pers. sing, governed by ausn :
to, adv. consequential to agar or j :8 kis, pron. interrog. inflected
from kaun11 to agree with km, s. m. sing, governed by some postpos.
understood :12 w, v. n. fut. indef. or aorist,10 third pers. sing, (root
5), governed by hathyr aur zr.

1 G. par. 23, note, and par. 72. * G. par. 28.

3 G. par. 23, and 20, c. 4 G. par. 23. 5 G. par. 35.
6 G. par. 35. 7 G. par. 24. 8 G. par. 36 and 79.
9 G. par. 28. 10 G. par. 25. 11 G. par. 15.
12 G. par. 57.
Short Stories. 483


' ' "i.

* /3" i** m ^ i/* "

/ Nagari characters.

4iftT <fl!ir*i< tI^ ^ *\ -^<

( ) for pnch, five, or rncAten, fifth, /, story.

Kamine, low-bred, najtb, noble, hkar, having become,
bhal, good, well-bred, zade, born, bol, spoke, said,
dmi, man, nkh, eyes, sach, true,
/70s, poverty, laga, was applied, hai, is, (it) is,
dos, friendship, churane, to steal. jj'a, what-like, as,
7, became. Tai, then, bl, sand,
Daulat-mand, rich, wuh, he, that (per , of,
i, (on) becoming, son), bht, wall.
7, very, exactly, khaf, angry, offended, |
With a low-bred and a well-bred man in poverty friendship became
(took place). (On) becoming rich exactly (immediately), the low
bred (man) began to steal (turn away his) eyes from the noble-born
(man). Then he, having become offended, spoke (saying) this is true,
" the friendship of the low-bred (the base man) is like a wall of
484 Short Stories.

Grammatical Analysis.
Pnck, noun of number : panchwin,1 ordinal of numb. fem.
, noun of number, used as tbe indefinite article : , adj.
mas. sing. abl. case2 (nom. ), agreeing with understood :
aur. conj. : bhal, adj. mas. sing. abl. case (nom. bhala), agreeing
with dmi, s. m. abl. sing., governed by se, postpos. : ifls, s. m.
abl. sing., governed by mm, postpos. : dst, s. f.4 nom. sing, (being
an abstract noun formed from dost, friend, by subjoining ),5 govern
ing hl, v. n. past indef. tense, third pers. fem. sing.6 (root ho),
governed by dostl. , adj. mas. nom. sing., used substan
tively, governing the verb : daulat-mand, adj . (formed from daulat,
riches, by affixing mand),7 nom. sing, mas., agreeing with , or
the substantive understood : hte, v. n. pres. part.8 mas. sing, (root
A), inflected and followed by hi, adv. of peculiarity or identity:9
najtb, adj. used substantively, and compounded with the following
zade7 adj. mas. sing. abl. case, here used substantively, and governed
by se, postpos. : nkhm, s. f. nom. plur. (from nkh),i0 the object to

the verb churane: lag, v. n. past indef. tense11 (root lag), third
pers. mas. sing., governed by : churane, v. a. (being a
derivative from chbr, thief),12 infin. mas. (root chura), forming,
with the preceding word, the compound inceptive, lag churne.13
Tab, adv. :14, pron. third pers.15 nom. sing., governing the verb :
khaf, adj.16 nom. mas. sing., agreeing with bhal adrr understood:

1 G. par. 39. 2 Declined like * {banda), G. par. 9.

3 Declined like \s*-\j (rja), G. par. 9. 4 Declined like jfjj^*
(ghr), G. par. 9. 5 G. par. 43. 6 G. par. 23 and 20.
7 G. par. 48. 8 G. par. 21. 9 G. par. 35 and 74.
10 Declined like cub (bt), G. par. 9. 11 G. par. 23 and 20.
12 G. par. 30. 13 G. par. 28. 14 G. par. 35.
15 G. par. 15. 16 Not admitting of inflection : see G. par. 4, a.
Short Stories. 485

hkar, v. n. past conjunctive part.1 (root ho) : , v. n. past

indef. tense 2 (root bl), third pers. mas. sing, governed by wuh, and
agreeing with bhal dmt understood : yih, pron. proximate demon
strative,3 nom. sing, governing the verb : sack, adj. nom. sing, agree
ing with yih : hai, verb subst.4 pres. tense, third pers. sing. : ,
adj . gen. sing. mas. used substantively, and governed by , postpos.
fem. agreeing with dsti, s. f. nom. sing, governing the subst. verb hai
understood : jaisi, adj. fem. sing, derived from the relative pronoun,5
and agreeing with bkit : bl, s. m. gen. sing, governed by , postpos.
fem., agreeing with bhlt, s. f.6 nom. sing, governing hai understood.

JJ 1

> US? tt* * 4* LS- J) J **j\ *

t !& t Jfr Jv ve* CS *** V u~i

(.yi. *bb \f ^ Au J^>~ L ^ jjj U}S \y Jijj

In Nagari characters.

<Ni<aiK ^ ^ ^ % Ir rft^T wirf

4^ *TR wr w^tr ^ W^TT

4tj eji<aii^ ^ *srcr ^ 1 *rrfc:

f%4T^: f^rr i

1 G. par. 22. 2 G. par. 23 and 20. 3 G. par. 15.

4 G. par. 32. 5 G. par. 14.
6 Declined like Cjl (bt), G. par. 9.
486 Short Stories.

1 (4) for chha, six, or chhathi, sixth, nakl, story.

Wazir, vizir, minister, jawb, answer, sara,' rotten, musty.
mam, 1, d,6 give : Pher,7 turned,
ira, three, ro, bread, na-th,9 (it) was not.
bten,2 words, jati, burnt, Bahut, much, very,
kaht,3 saying, ky,s why ? how ? khush, pleased, de
An,4 am, ghor, horse, lighted,
tu,1 thou, ar,7 stopped, become martaba, rank, degree,
ttn,5 all three, the restiff, stood still. ziyda, more, greater,
three, pan, betel leaf, kiy,10 made.

- 9 9 *
f*** ^r i^* u4=r ^ ur^- LS5 ^ u

us*^" i^*- -vi y* yrW * 1lV,

- / ce /

/ Nagari characters.

W % f^TT ^ ^tT WTrT ^T5frT

1 G. par. 15. 2 G. par. 9. 3 G. par. 21.

4 G. par. 32. 5 G. par. 10. 6 G. par. 26 and 18.
7 G. par. 20. 8 G. par. 35.
9 The adverb of negation, G. par. 35, and the subst. verb, past tense,
third pers. sing., G. par. 32. 10 G . par. 23, and 20, c.
Short Stories. 487

* wrt rfr f*r? JH^d-id gif 5 4-^4 rit ^rsm

WTt ft If T ll*-^ ^^rrr ^ i

v C) for soi, seven, or stwl, seventh, nakl, story.

Dt, day, urat, woman, saltanat, empire, sove
rishirwn, n. prop.1 maut, death (s. f.), reignty,
jahn, world, hajat, necessity (s. f.). tujh,10 to thee,
sab, all, * why? how ? pahunchti,9 arrives,
cr, thing, Na-ht,6 (if) exists comes ;
par, on, over, not, tr,11 of thee, thy,
mukaddam, prior, ex to,7 then, smAw,12 (in) front,
cellent, kahn,8 where? before,
Aai,2 is ? paid, produced, born, khar, standing,
Diy,3 given, (he) ht,9 becomest ; raht,9 remain.

1 A celebrated king of Persia. 2 G. par. 32.

3 G. par. 23, and 20, c. 4 G. par. 35.
5 The simple adverb of negation : G. par. 35.
6 G. par. 24, and 21.
The consequential conjunction : G. par. 36 and 79.
8 G. par. 35. 9 G. par. 24 and 21. 10 G. par. 15.
11 G. par. 15 and 16. 12 G . par. 34.
488 Short Stories.

. ' i~ - ' ' ' <-

/ Nagari characters.


T T 4J*T ^ < % TT

*SpT TTT ^ T ' ^ ^ rJTf 11|| %

^T wr % frt TTt T * Ir Ihi

TT T ^ 4TT ttt

t*t<i 4t ^ ^m: w^; ^ ^ gnrr

^T f%T T4 <p TX*! $TT T^ffft

^ ti^< ^ wr wwT w i

for i, eight, or thwm, eighth, nakl, story.

Kyath, name of a dn,1 the two, both, ! ,3 were.

tribe, gAar, house, ZZ,4 the master,
ghulam, slave, sort;,2 sleeping, rm-crar,

1 G. par. 10. 2 G. par. 41.

G. par. 34 ; and sot the may be regarded as the present past or
imperfect tense, G. par. 24, a.
4 Uninfiected, though acted upon by ne : see G. par. 5, and 4, a.
D Lit. slave of Rama, a term used in calling to a slave.

Short Stories. 489

dkh, see, look, jnt,3 knowing, tatl,15 handled, felt,

to, then, indeed, hai,10 art? th,16 was ;
parti, water, Tain,7 thou, bhigi, wet.
barasta,0 raining, para11 fallen, lying Chiragh, lamp,
hai, is, down, bujha, 7 extinguish,
yd,,5 or, sota hai,12 art sleeping. de,18 give.
khul,6 having opened, Billi, the cat, Muh, face, mouth,
gay, (it) is gone. at, 13 come, dhmp-k,19 having co
Us7-ne,8 he. was, vered,
Kis,7 what? WS-5, it, to it, so,20 sleep,
trah, manner (in),9 - .7 -ne,
main - 8 i1, raho,n remain ;

1 G. par. 26, and 18. 2 A mas. noun, though terminating

in : G. par. 2, a. G. par. 21.
4 G. par. 32. 5 G. par. 36.
6 Root of the verb, compounded with gay, past tense of ja :
G. par. 28 ; also, par. 23, and 20, c. 7 G. par. 15.
8 G. par. 23, note, and par. 72. 9 G. par. 57.
10 Jnt-hai, pres. def. tense of jn, know, third pers. mas. sing. :
see G. par. 24, b. 11 G. par. 20.
12 Pres. def. tense (root so), third pers. mas. sing. ; see G. par. 24, b.
Past part. fem. sing, (root ) agreeing with .
14 A't thi, pluperfect tense, third pers. fern. sing. ; see G. par. 23, a.
15 G. par. 20. 16 G. par. 32 ; tatl th, pluperfect
tense (root tato), third pers. mas. sing. : see G. par. 23, a.
A transitive or causal verb, from bujh ; see G. par. 27.
18 G. par. 26 : bujh de, however, may be considered a compound

intensive verb ; see G. par. 28.

19 G. par. 22. 20 G. par. 18.
21 G. par. 26 : but so- raho- may be accounted a compound intensive

verb ; see G. par. 28.

3 R
490 Short Stories.

andhr, dark, : 3 life, master, Sir, aisa,7 this-like, so,

h-j'eg,1 (it) will do, two, 7tujjati,s disputations,

become. , thing, business, sust, lazy,

Phir, again, kami-ne, we, khir, at last,
darwaza, door, kiy,5 done, have uth,9 rose, got up,
band, fastened, shut, done, para para, continuing,
kar? make, having tum, you, laid down,
made. karo,6 do. det,10 giving,
Bhaiy, brother, com gharaz, in short, rah,9 (he) remained.

1 Fut. tense, third pers. mas. sing, of the comp, intensive root, h-j ;
see G. par. 28, and 25.
The root, G. par. 18, or the past conjunct, participle, G. par. 22.
3 Much used after appellatives, in a benedictive or auspicious sense;

unless it be from Turkish, or some other language, in the sense of

4G. par. 15 ; the plur. of main, often applied, as in this instance, to
a single person.
5 G. par. 23, and 20, c. 6 G. par. 26. 7 G. par. 14.
8 Formed from hujjat, by affixing ; see G. par. 48.
9 G. par. 23, and 20. X0 G. par. 21.
Short Stories. 491

/ Nagari characters.

4TW *||<*< ^ W[ ^ !1* ^to *<**

^TT T( TPT 7W ? ": *<1

? ^ ^rCf % ^ wrarr <> ^

4 for , nine, or nauwi, ninth, nakl, story.

Musulman, a Mahom- /aZn,sucha,acertain, daw,2 medicine,
medan, hakim, physician, l,3 bring.
Otmar, sick, ill, ps, to the side, near, Shyad, may be, per-
ghulam, slave, servant, jkar,1 having gone, haps,

1 G. par. 22.
A fem. noun, ending in'5; G. par. 2, note.
3 G. par. 18, and 26.
492 Short Stories.

jt,1 life : master, Sir, le-j? take, karg,1* wilt (thou)

is^-wakt,3 this time (at), albatta, certainly, make ?
ghar men, house in, deng,4 (they) will give. y, or,
na-hown? may not be. Phir, again, ja'ega? wilt (thou) go ?
Hngt? (they) will be. jo, which, when, Shib, master, Sir,
j", go. unhn 9 ne, they, farz, obligation,
Tab, then, di,10 gave, kiy,15 made, done,
agar, if, f'cda, benefit, hsil, the gain, result,
mulkt, meeting, na-kare? (it) should khir, at last,
bht,5 even, also, not make. k-din, (on) one day,
Kwe? should be, Ai," 0 ! mama, to die, dying,
lkin,6 but, yet, kam-bakht^ wretch, 5ar a#/t, on right, on
-den (they) should yahm, here, (one's) lot,
not give. baith, seated, jaisa,i6 what-like, as,

Tad, then, tamhdn, preambles, ab,17 now,

rvKa, note, letter, conditions, mare? (one) should die.
hamr,7 of us, bndh,13 bound, taisa,i6 that-like, so.

Much used after appellatives, as noticed under the eighth story.

2 G. par. 15. ' Governed by some postpos. understood :
see G. par. 57. 4 G. par. 25. ' The adv. even, also.
' Conjunction ; see G. par. 36.
The plural in the first person substituted for the singular : G. par. 15, & 65.
A compound intensive verb ; G. par. 28.
9 G. par. 15, 16, and 65. 10 G. par. 23, and 20, c. a.
11 G. par. 7. 12 G. par. 48.
13 A transitive or causal verb, formed from bandh, be bound ; G. par. 27, a.

14 Forming, with the preceding past participle, a compound fre

quentative verb ; G. par. 28.
13 G. par. 20, c. And farz / should be regarded as a compound
nominal verb, G. par. 28, in the sense of " granted," or " admitted."
16 G. par. 14. 17 G. par. 35.
Short Stories. 493
C7 /

< l^i U JjJ lfs*-> *j j5>- .J

b ' * 9
U~\ ^ ^ *Y LS3-?7 >^ V &'

^ ^"} / T? <r^ tit* J'fc " * V tJS*

Jn Nagari characters.

T$ys ^$\ % $ W^rf qft <4^<^ ^*J*

5? ^wt f% Ir ^ ^tt ^ (3; ^ ^tjstt

WP! i f*rs wr f% l fe f%

Ws *TT3^ % fcr) ^ % I

! * (\e) for das, ten, or daswi, tenth, na#, story.

Larke, boy, Ms-, that, samjh* understood ?

nashat, instruction, jo j,3 what what, Bl,4 (he) spoke,
7,1 made, whatever. said.
ba*d,2 after, sab, all, Ab-5'tak,6 till now,

1 Past participle, or past indef. tense (root kar), fem. sing, governed
by the nom. sing. fem. preceding : G. par. 20, a. c, and par. 23, with
the note. 2 G. par. 34.
3 G. par. 15, note to page 27. 4 G. par. 20, and 23
5 G. par. 35. 6 G. par. 34.
494 Short Stories.
kakn,1 where 1 Kahne lag,3 began to grt,i driving down,

jd,1 when, say, mitt, earth.

surit,2 heard, heard- fikr, thought, /,5 who ?
est. mekh, peg, nail, le-jta? taking away.

. * u9
^ / ^ -* / ->V * ji ^U ^-- er*'

^ ttPV ?/ ^ J* j J" <^* (<- ^

/ t5 J-Jjii (^ji- ti^j Jl* ^ ^ jJ t \\ 3 uJj\ -i

^ Ui y" cy J5 ! Jj, Jbjy ^ J# cj jj

/ Nagari characters.


* ^

1 G. par. 35.
2 Past indef. tense (root sun), fem. sing, governed by bt, s. f. pre
ceding : see G. par. 23, note, and par. 72.
3 A compound inceptive verb : see G. par. 28.
4 Pres. participle, mas. plur. governed by some such noun as log,
people, understood. 5 G. par. 15.
6 A compound intensive verb, formed by the addition of jt, going,
to the root le, take ; see G. par. 28.
Short Stories. 495

^" ^ fRT fr ^ ^rft ^

^T "^- ^ jm ti^ ^^^

wry "^ ^ ^rrftpif W FT f%

rW wt wai: * ^ttw w g^f ^hr srff ^Wft

* <Y ^ ttr i

1! (\\) for igrah, eleven, or igrawm, eleventh, nakl, story.

Bare, great, ba*d, after, ho, who, which,

(7i/m7, man, do char,1 two (or) four, hamsha, always,
kilo, custom, habit, ghaf* (a division ofj hhte, eating,suffering,
jab, when, time so called), tumhe, to you,
naukar, servants, har, every, each, aur, other, else,
par, on, at, over, pnchpanch,3ve, five, kahl, somewhere,
_ sat,
khqfa, angry, offended, sat -.3 seven, seven, naukar, service,

ht, becomes, rupiye, rupees, -hi, not,

unhe, them, deta, (he) gives. milti, is met with, is
khub, good, well, Rz, day, got,
marta, strikes, beats. unh, those,4 bl, having spoken,
Phir, again, then, tum, ye, you, uth, rose,

In such indefinite expressions of number, it is usual to say, two

(or) four," where the English would say " two or three."
A space of twenty four minutes.
3In a distributive sense; see G. par. 41: so, ' punch punch, each,
five, &c."
*The pronoun aspirated; see G. par. 16.
496 Short Stories.

ddhll, milch, yaxne, that means, that bur, bad,

g', cow, is, na-mriy should not

lt,1 kick, kicks, ddh-wlt, milk-hav regard.
bhalt, good. ing,


ik $ \ ^ <j* ^ j fr 5* 5->
- Ob ft'

- u-J. J} uxfjpj 4g - Jw tff Pr


Jn Nagari characters.

1 feminine noun, which, though used here in a plural sense, does

not take the plural form, because it is preceded by a numeral : G. par. 61.
2 A verb, indef. fut. or aorist, third pers. sing, (root man), with the
simple adv. of negation prefixed ; and, the nom. case understood, which
may be such word as k', any one.
Short Stories. 497

frt T|%$ ^TTVt tri " Traft TT^ *rft

* *^? %^pf if ^ fTf%T t^T TTt

WT ,?WK t^C W^ *fS -sr ^ ^" TT

i ^r: ^ ^rnt ^tttw ^ ^ntr ^ TT^t ^rr ^hr

1 (\4) for barah, twelve, or barahin, twelfth, nakl, story

Amir , n. prop. Andh (f.), blind, nam, name.

hind, India, gayan, female singer, Daulat, fortune.
y, came, bafi lassn, very good Bh, even, also.
logon, people, voiced, Jawab diy, (she) gave
y, thus, bdshh, king, empe answer,
j, which, that, when, ror, tujh, thee,
rg, music, khidmat, service, langrt, lame,
khhb, good, fine, an,1 having come, rzi, satisfied, pleased,
ht hai, is becoming, hzir, present, ready. in'am, present, favour,
is; Ais,2 this-like, so, chahta, wishing, in
kisi, some, g't, she sang, tending,
gawaiy-k, singer, sunkar, having heard, us-se, from that,
bul', call, send for, bahut khush, much chand,3 what quantity,
maisunyl may hear. as much.

1 The past conjunctive participle (root a), instead of the regular form,
: G. par. 22.
2 From the demonstrative pron. yih, this, with the adjunct, s, like :
G. par. 14, a. G. par. 41.
3 s
498 Short Stories.

jb ir

tjy ^jJ Jo ->* & Jfi '*j ,vr

iJ L^ Lf*J' ^ L5^ t** P ^ ^ J **?"

's" ' * * *

, ^ O f
s, , ' - ^ ' *
S + b ^ t(< *

s. *' ,

/ Nagari characters.

vrtft fT t% ffr^T ^tr $ it %

^"t " ^rr * ^ * *ff ^rt"T

^^ w ^ ^ ^4 ^T=r ^: ^ f% (g;

TVT *PT fft TT f*T? "TST 1 T^t TT

<g$ w tw wr W ^ T^t T % I

1 it il %^i i * ^ %
Short Stories. 499

for terah, thirteen, or terav, thirteenth, nkl, story.

Sarruf, money lag,5 being applied, Unh5n9-nB, they,
changer, near, mushke bndh, 10 hav
ashrafiyon,1 ashrafees, chal, moved, went. ing tied his arms be
tora, a bag, Thf, little, hind,
liy^ having taken, dur, distance, l,11 took,
jt th, was going. \jke, having gone, ktwl, magistrate,
Use, him, it, that, chh, wished, at yahan,1* to the abode,
dkh-kar, having seen, tempted, le, having taken (him),
rahmr, footpad, cAA7n,havingsnatched, chale, moved, went.
, life, soul, IB,6 he might take, Idhar,13 here, thither,
lalchy,4, was tanta m-bainj interval, gay th, wast gone,
lized : kal, some, Kal, state, condition,
ptchh, in the rear, ka' k, some few, itnt,14: this-much, so
after, 5-ga'e,8came suddenly. much,

1 Plural of ashraft, a large gold coin so called.

G. par. 22, note. Accus, or dat. sing, from wuh : G. par. 15.
4 Past indef. tense of the neuter verb, root lalcha, apparently derived
from llach, avarice : G. par. 30.
5 Root of a verb, forming, with the next following, a compound
intensive ; G. par. 28 : or, it may be regarded as an adv.; G. par. 35
and 34. G. par. 25, a.
7 A compound of two Arabic words, meaning ' that which (is) between "
8 A compound intensive verb : G. par. 28.
9 G. par. 15 and 16.
10 Mushkln bndhn, to fasten the elbows of a man behind him, to pinion.
11 Past indef. fern. plur. (root le), governed by mushke, s. f. nom. plur.
1JG. par. 34. . 13 G. par. 35.

14 Fern, of Una; G. par. 50; and agreeing with der, s. f*.

500 Short Stories.

der, delay, space of baithi, seated, sat, sir, head,

time, shahd-par, honey-on, dhun,5 (it) may beat,
kiy,1 done, hast done? pankh, (its) wings, beats,
bndh gay,2 bound ga'e, went, continued, lalach, avarice,
gone. lipt'e,4' clinging : buri, bad,
Wah-l,3 that very. hth (its) hands, bal'e6 (for bala), evil.
Makkh, a fly, male,5(it) may rub,rubs,

JJD \f

4 w \J y& jh ^ <f 4 \J ^-j*2 4 A* ^^4

Pt_ ' * f P P O
srr* Ll ^ bi <_j|y>. ^ lj yj- ^lyj y <_>! l <

un* *ir* cr* sV j* 9 & yj>

Nagari characters.

far wr ^ rfr :^ ^

1 G. par. 20, . andi 23. 2 Passive voice, been bound; G. par. 31.

Or auh-t, the demonstrative pron. with the adv. of peculiarity, , affixed.

4 Past part. plur. mas. of the neuter verb, lipt, cling, stick.
Fut. indef. or aorist, third pers. sing.
6 The seems here added, for the sake merely of rhyming with lipt'e.
Short Stories. 501

a; wf ^%tt % fi^rr f% ^n^^ft fre

% f" r; * an? ' * nth*: ^|

(\) for chaudah, fourteen, or ckaudawm, fourteenth, nak, story.

Sh'ir, poet, tau, then, na-diy, gave not,

kisi, some, bh, also, even. ab, now,
tawangar, rich (man), Dusre, the second, yahri, here.
<a*i-7/, praise, next, (f.), desire, wish,
, made ; rz, day (on), mar, having died,
kuchh, any (thing), darwaze, door, [/atoe,1 mayest go,
na-py, found (or got) jae, having gone, marsiya, elogy,
not. bailh, sat: kalmri? may say (or)
Hajo, satire; at, ! speak.

cc o^o

O / , *

o " b '

<- .

/ Nagari characters.

1 Mar-jw, a compound intensive verb ; see G. par. 28.

2 Fut. indef. or aorist, first pers. sing. : G. par. 25.
502 Short Stories.

*t *^? ^ aii^i<: ?fhr ^r^ 1^

4Tt T^fT *^<3< ^ ^ fr$ wsn 4bjf %

4 WIT $ *^<S|< ? ^ % f*Tb

WT ft ^ f^TT $ WT * ^

?fr i

\ 6 (^) for pandrah, fifteen, or pandrahv, fifteenth, nakl, story.

ilia*,1 with, along lubd, outer coat, |/ariy,4commanded,
with, maskhart, buffoon, said,
shhzd, prince, kandhe, shoulder, upar, over, upon,
shikar, hunting. dhar, having placed, gadh, ass,
Haw, (s. f.) air, diye, gave. bjh, load.
garm, warm, hot, Ba*d uskz, after that, Jahn-panh,5 world-
dorn? both, the two, haskar, having protection !
apri apn,3 each his, laughed, balki, but, moreover.

* . ^

An Arabie preposition, causing the following noun to be inflected.

2 G. par. 10.
3 By the repetition here individuality is denoted : G. par. 83.
4 Used respectfully instead of kah, as applied to a king.
Addressed to a sovereign, like as " your Majesty " is often applied in
Short Stories. 503

/ Nagari characters.


^ fint ^ffa $ ^T^T <3HI T^

^ f% t ^ ^TW \ [ ITT

fr *nft*r ir fr^r t% Tg; gij

*rij * *^ ^* t% Ii ^ 4 ^Tit

for slah, sixteen, or solahwm, sixteenth, nakl, story.

Shakhs, person, sth, (in) company, sunkar, having heard,
bakhtl, miser, with, rakk chht,1 wish
dstl, friendship, rakhn, may hold, ing to keep,
raAA5,holding,having. keep, unglt, finger,
Ab, now, yd, memory, kJili. empty, bare,
safar, journey, yd kar, may re dost, friend,
aprii, thy own, thy, member. mngi, asked,
angtht, ring, Kalam, speech, na-dt* gave not.
mujhe, to me, me,

A compound desiderative verb, rakh chhn, to wish kept, or to

wish to keep : G. par. 28.
2 G. 20, . c, and par. 23.
504 Short Storks.

jib lv

t\j J \i> "- J jUi -> / Ji**

J es- wj* ^ & jb /

*S )VyO ^ / JT/ 41^ l JL ^ ^) \ j/jVyj

cJ* VJ tj^i c^* ^ ^i^ ?*^ 1 j\ jj >

In Nagari Characters.


^ W*ffa ^^ f\ [ ^ W

*nff ^ \^st i ftncT ^ftr it wrft * 4*1*4

f^rnr ^ * f% wtt

^* ? $ writ ai: *m t% * ^


\ V (V) for satrah, seventeen, or satrahwt, seventeen, nakl, story.

Masjid, mosque, namaz, prayer. yad, memory (in),

tara/,1 side, towards, Amcir, in the midst of, yad y,3 came in me
waste,1 for the sake, rah, road, way, mory,

1 G. par. 34. 2 G. par. 8.

3 A compound nominal verb : G. par. 28.
Short Stories. 505

chirgh, lamp, pukrkar* having itn,7 this much, so

bujhkar,1 having put cried out, much,
out ; gul fear,'3 extinguish, juta, shoes
tvah,' there, mat, not, do not, Aklmand,s wise,
phir, (he) turned khl, open, sensible,
back, ki, because, andsha, thought, care,
darwazt, door, ghisg," (it) will wear. nangt, naked, bare,
a, having come, Ai sahib, master, p'n, feet9 (on),10
laundi, slave girl, Sir, I baghal, armpit,
laya, brought, carried

f^ ^ T^T T^ft % writ

w ? ^wt wifw -

^tT tH %' fai^r farm $

W^H-TTT Tfft ^ ^ i ^) *TfrT *IWT

1 G. par. 22. 2 G. par. 35.

3 A compound nominal verb : G. par. 28.

4 Adverb of prohibition : G. par. 35, and 77.

5 G. par. 36. 6 G. par. 25. 7 G. par. 50.
G. par. 48. 9 G. par. 5, a. note. 10 G; par. 57.
3 T
506 Short Stories.

: $\ t tw f^re f%fw *trft $

^ | *pT %' %t ^ft 3TR *T#f ^PTf

$ ^rri T t Tff wnt ^fft % ^T ;

** % 4T ftre fr * ^ *prr?ft % <

^ITft % ^ ? ^ twT ^f?f

VT ; *^ 1

^; for athrah, eighteen, or athrawm, eighteenth, nakl, story.

Manush, man. bakhn, explanation. kutum, tribe, family.

surblr, hero. kl, time. kn, shame.
kyar, coward. susrl, father-in-law's akll, (f.) alone.
lajjwn, modest. house. klh, apartment.
nilajja, shameless. mre, stricken, by samai, time.
bhor, dawn of day. reason. andheri, darkness.
randt, woman. lj, modesty. hathiyr, arms.
sohl, before. bhnti, manner. \jr, paramour.
upasthit, present. gal, throat. nidharak, fearless.
smhne, before. biriyn, time. ghabr, dust (?).
abe, holla ! byh, wedding. bht, ghost.
jan, person. gliyn, indecent songs \prct, goblin,
bulwye, ordered to be sung at weddings, \prasann, pleased,
called. swrni, lord, husband, pritdshik, a compli
n5ZaM,representation. sasur, father-in-law. mentary present.
(ijna, (f.) command.
Short Stories. 507

^ WTT ^TR Vfsf TRTOr

TTt "4tX ft f%*TT i|rT *T ^^ WF?

*R TTV^ ^"T 1^ ^ ^^ ^$ ^

m- $ f * W1? T171 4T^

WTr TR ^ WT 4,1+111*1 Tt^TT

* w <rr iw?TT tsT * *rrt $

* ^ ^ ?p ^ w%

7^ i % ^Tt w #*rf%$

^ WT ^T^t 4 f*t Wt W%

^ ^TT WTrT ^ 1 TP ?^" fft

^^ Vfaill*' *rf% ^fa ^ f^TT ^~R T^t

^ttw % ^ ^ f*wrm " m

wrt ^ TT* ^ ^ fnr ^

W WT % gi j+jl* ^ ^ J-riid ^
508 Short Stories.

for ums, nineteen, or unlswln, nineteenth, nakl, story.

Jana, person. mahajan, banker, trust achraj, wonder.
gaw, village, town. worthy person. andhtr, darkness, in
baniy, trader. gand, sugar-canes. comprehensible thing.
gann, sugar-canes. nyaw, justice, decision. prdbal, predominant.
ukhr, having plucked chhtn liy, took away. brittnt, circum
up. \jutiyakar, having beat stances.
phadiy, bundles. with a slipper. cAin/i5r7,acquaintance.
chsri, to suck. dravya, property,thing. \jug pht aur nard
hhlt-wl, field-owner. bvjM,having thought. marl gal, the pair
thonh, having beaten. ujf, has wasted. (at the game of
jugat, contrivance. byj, interest. chausar) is sepa
than, having settled. dhauliyk, having rated and the piece
ram-ram, words used thumped, is stricken (taken.
as a salutation. bhntl, manner, mode. A proverb, inculcat
ji, Sir ! master ! bachy, saved, pre ing the value of
guru, spiritual guide. served. unanimity).

x > 4> \J * v *
Short Stories. 509

4 for b'is, twenty, or blswi, twentieth, nakl, story.

Kayath, name of a kmil, learned (man). dandawat, obeisance.
tribe. tab-hi, that very time. vastu or bastu, thing.
gant, singing (v. noun). siddh, accomplished daya, kindness, favour.
bajri, playing on (man). baba, Sir!
music. dhundh dhandh,search. dtv, a god, a divinity.
sansarg, meeting, as gs'?i, a devotee so jhalak, refulgence
sembly. called. dhup, glare, shine.
gawaiyt, singer. isn, to this. (The kadir, mighty.
habita, poetry, verse. nasal added, like as nadir, wonderful.
shai, thing. in tumhen). rp, form, figure.
ishk us*-t ki jhalak haij sraj dhup:
jahn ishk tahn p hai kdir nadir rp.
Love is the refulgence of that very (Being), like as sunshine (is)
of the sun : wherever (is) love, there is He Himself ; the almighty,
all-wonderful Form !
Love ? 'Tis a ray, from Him it streams,
Like as the sun darts forth its beams :
Love ? Where is love, there Him you see ;
Almighty and all-wondrous He.

This us, like the Arabic h'a {he), refers to God, as He who really
and universally is.


Cases of Nouns.*

Of the house. Housef-o/% (k, or ).

To the boy. Boy-o ( or tain).
From the horse. Horse-from (se).
From the cat. CdA. fr (se).
By deceit. Deceit-oy (se).
friend ! (ai) friend !
O boy! O (ai) boy !
At the door. Door-af (par).
On the mouth. Mouth-on (par).
On the road. Road-ora ().
In the heart. Heart- ().
In the hand. Hand- ().
In the road. Road-in ().
Up to the house. House-wp-o (tak or talak).
With sand. Sand-iii (se).
With (in company with) the dog. Dog-witk ( sth).

See 1st Part, Gram. par. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.

t The Substantives, Adjectives, and Verbs, will generally be found
under the particular heads in the Vocabulary.
J The Hindustani words are to be placed according to the order of
the English, observed on this column.
Hindustani Composition. 511

Near the door. Door-near (k ps).

Near the village. Village-near (k nazdik).
Along with the boys. Boys-aZong with (ke sth).
From among the people. People among (men) from.
Over the head. Head-cmer (k upar).
Beneath the ground. Ground-beneath (k niche).
In the midst of the city. City-of midst-in (k bch).
Towards the sky. Sky towards (ki taraf).
For God's sake. God for the sake of (k waste).
For this reason. This (is)-for the reason (waste).
For the sake of the destitute. Destitute for the sake of (ki
For the sake of a friend. Friend for the sake of (k We).
Like (in the manner of ) every man. Every (har k) man-like or -in
the manner of (ki tarah).
Before the horse. Horse-before (k ge).
Behind the house. House-behind (k plchh).
In the presence of the judge. Judge-in presence of (k smhn).
In front of the house. House in front of (k g).
Within the city. City-within (k andar or k bch).
According to that. That (us) -according to (k
With respect to him. Him (us) -with respect to (k
The boy's father's horse. Boy-of father-of horse.
The girl's mother's maid. Girl-of mother-of maid.
The merchant's brother's daughter. Merchant-of brother-of daughter.
On the back of the horse. Horse-of back-on (par).
Near the friend's house door. Friend-of house-of door-near (k
Under the wall of the house. House-of v/a\\-under (k tal).
Betwixt the leaves of the book. Book-of leaves betwixt (k dar-
512 Hindustani Composition.

Among the houses of the village. Village-of houses-among(A b'ich).

For the sake of learning science. Science learning (ilm sikhne) -for
the sake of.
Towards the door of the mosque. Mosque-of door-towards.
Instead of the book. "Book-instead of (kijagah).
Instead of the bread. 3rea.-instead of(k iwaz).
In exchange for gold. Gold- exchange of (kl badl).
Thus far (hitherto). Hitherto (yahn-tak).

Substantives with Adjectives.*

Elder brother. Elder (fiara) brother.
Younger (little) sister. Younger (little, chhot) sister.
A very rich man. Very (bara) rich man.
Good men. Good (bhala) men.
So much space. So much (itna) space.
All the chamber. All (sab) chamber.
A little book. Little (chhot) book.
Such a gentleman. Such a (faln) gentleman.
Of all the people. All people (logon) -of.
In great calamity. Great (bar) calamity-in.
With much happiness. Much (bahut) happiness-with.
By a bad business. Had (bura) business-by.
At midnight. Mid (dh) night-a ().
A very virtuous lady. Very (bahut) virtuous () lady.
A very good boy. Very good (bahut achchha) boy.
A veiy wise person. Very wise (fiar dn) person.
To such people. Such (aise, plur. mas.) people-to.
A few days ago. Few (thfe) days-from.
On last Tuesday. Last (guzr) Tuesday-on (ko).
The least part. Least (sab-s chhta) part.

* See 1st Part, Gram. par. 11, 12, 13, 14.

Hindustani Composition. 513
A very low price. Very (bahut) low (thofi) price.
Very high rooms. Very high rooms.
In the highest rooms. Highest (sab se nch) rooms-in.
The greatest power. Greatest (sab se bara) power.
Of every moment. Every (har-har) moraent-of.
On the right foot of the mare. Mare of right (dhne) foot on.
From low rooms. Low (nicht) rooms-from.
In muddy water. Muddy (gande) water-in.
Several times. Several () times (bar).
On the subject of the new book. New '(nal) book on the subject
of ( bbat).
Very large eyes. Very large (bari bar) eyes.
What sort of flowers ? What sort of (kaise) flowers.
Together with a littleish dog. Littleish (chht-se) dog-together
with (k sth).
Hundreds of thousands of cities. Hundreds of thousands (lakho?l*)
In the first chapter. First (pahle) chapter-in.
The second woman. Second (dsr) woman.
Twenty fourth year. Twentyfourth (chaubiswail) year.
In the twentieth year. Twentieth (Jbiswhi) year-in.
Fairer than the girl. Girl-from (se) fair.
The fairest boy. Fairest (sab s gora) boy.
In very hot water. Very hot (bahut garm) water-in.
Along with blackish dogs. Blackish(kl-se) dogs-with(sih) .
To a poor man like me. Me-like (mvjh-se) poor-to.
Along with both the boys. Both (dn*) boys along with
(kl sth).

Nouns and Pronouns.-^

I and my brother. I and (aur) my brother.

* See Gram. par. 10. + See 1st Part, Gram. par. 15, 16.
514 Hindustani Composition.

My dog's name. My dog-of name.

My sister's house. My sister-of house.
I, thou and he together. I, thou and he together (ikatthe).
We all three. We all three (ttrin).
In our books. Our (hamri) books-in.
With us both. Us {ham) both-with (k sth).
To thy father's servant. Thy father-of servant-to.
On your mare's foot. Your mare-of foot-on.
They and their three dogs. They and them-of (unh k) three
That horse near my mare. That horse my mare-near.
This maid servant of your mother. This your mother-of maid servant.
This boy's mother. This (is) boy-of mother.
Near these fragrant flowers. These fragrant flowers-near.
To these but not to those. These-to but {par) those-to not
He himself and they themselves. He himself (op) and they them
selves (op).
Those soldiers' turbans. Those (un) soldiers-of turbans.
Who is that stranger '.' That stranger who (jeaun) is (ha).
Whose book is this ? This whom-of (kis-) book is.
Where is your honour's house ? Your honour (jap) -of house where
(kahn) is.
Whose clothes are those 1 Those whom-of clothes are (hain).
What is the name of that village ? That village of name what (kya)
What is that for ? That what for (kh ) is.
What do you, Sir, command (say) ? You Sir (op) what commanding
(formate) are.
What you wish that do. What (jo) you wish (chho) that
(so) do (karo).
Whatever officer or soldier. Whatever (jo kol) soldier or (ya)
Hindustani Composition. 515

Whoever this may be. Whoever (j k') this may be

With whomsoever he met. Whomsoever-vnth (jis kisi-se) met
On the back of some one. Some one (kisi) -of back-on.

Pronouns, Nouns, Verbs, Sec*

Beat that dog. That dog-to beat (mro).
Open the door. Door (darwaza) open (khlo).
Bring the palanquin. Palanquin bring (l').
Give this book to him. This book him-to give (do).
I am here. I here (yhn) am (hn).
We are standing. We standing are.
Thou art going. Thou going (jta) art (hai).
Ye are coming. Ye coming (te) are (ho).
He is my friend. He my friend is.
She is my sister. She (wuti) my sister is.
They are my father's servants. They my father-of servants are.
Where are your horses ? Your (tumhre) horses where are.
This is my book. This my book is.
That is in our books. That our books-in is.
Are those your horses ? Those your horses are ?
What is the name of that village ? That (us) village-of name what is.
Who is that person ? That person who (kaun) is.
Whose hat is this? This whose (kis-k) hat is.
What has been that has been. What (jo) been (h'a) that (so)
Why do you do so ? You why (khe-ko) so (aisa) doing
are ?

* Besides the paragraphs before referred to, see 1st Part, Gram,
par. 17 to 33, as well as the Syntax, par. 52 to 83.
516 Hindustani Composition.

Of what is this the key ? This what-qf (khe-ki) key is 1

Whatever he says is true. Whatever (j kuchh) he says that
(so) true is.
He is abusing himself. He self-to (apn ta4n) abuse (gait)
giving is.
The soldier went with his officer. Soldier his own (apne) officer-
with went (gaya).
He beat his brother. He (us-ne*) his (apne) brother-to
They (respectfully for he) are They (p) sleeping (sote) are.
They were talking amongst them They themselves-amongst (pas-
selves. mn) talking (bat karte) were.
Of what place are they people ? They where-of (kahn-) people
I called him. I(mai-ne) him-to called(bulya).
But he came not. But (llkin) he not (nahm) came.
I know nothing. I any thing (kuchh) knowing not.
But what I have said. But (magar) what / (mi-ne)
said have.
He minds not my word. He my word minds (manta) not.
But abuses me. But (balki) me-to (mujhe) abuse
(gli) gives.
If he go then he will see. If (agar) he go (jwe) then (to)
he will see.
I indeed was not present. I indeed (to) present not was.
What care indeed has he ? Him-to (us-ko) indeed (to) what
care is.
At the time of beating him. Him-to beating (mrn\) of the

* See Grammar, par. 23, note, and par. 72.

t Infinitive used as a gerund or verbal noun : see Gram. par. 19.
Hindustani Composition. 517

An eatable thing. Sating (khn*) -of thing.

Never do so. So (aisa) ever not to do (karnf).
Having seen this she went away. This having seen she went away
(chal gll).
They are gone to him. They him-near gone (ga'e) are.
That woman had been beaten. That woman beaten {mart) gone
(ga4) was.
I have done eating. I having eaten (kha) have done
I had wished to teach him. I(mai-ne) him-to taught(sikhya)
wished (chha) had (th^).
They were in the habit of coming They every day (har roz) me
to me every day. near come (aya) making were.
I could not find how to get across. I across (par) going (jne) not
find (pa) could (saka).
He wished to come with me. He me-with (mere sth) to come
(ne) wished.
I have bought this horse. / (main-ne) this horse-to have
bought (ml liy hai^).
Ten men were killed with him. Ten men (jawn) him-with killed
If you had remained here, you If(agar) you here remain (rakte),\\
would have seen him. then (to) him-to see (dkht\\).

* Infinitive used as a gerund or verbal noun : see Gram. par. 19.

+ The infinitive used in an imperative or prohibitive sense : see Gram.
par. 73.
f- A compound verb : see Gram. par. 28, 10th.
A compound verb : see Gram. par. 28, 4th, 8th, 9th, 1st.
II The indef. present used in the sense of the past conditional : see
Gram. par. 24, note.
518 Hindustani Composition.

I saw that woman coming. I that woman-to coming {ate)*

saw (dkha).
In going along, I saw. In going along {ehalte '*) I
Immediately on hearing this. This hearing exactly {sunte*-hif).
Immediately on hearing so much So much (ta?) speech hearing
speech. {sunte) exactly hf).
After it became evening. Evening become {h'e)* after
I used to converse with him. I him-vsith (us-se) converse used
(bat harta tha).
(If) I go, then what? (if I) go (j'n) then {to%) what?
Pray be seated. Sit {you) {baithiyo^).
Be pleased, Sir, to say. You Sir {p) say {kahiyeSj).
What should we wish ? (What is What should we wish {chhiy).
You must get away hence. We (or they) should wish {chhiye)
that {ki) you here-froui having
issued {nikal) may go.
It is necessary to obey the orders Government {sarkr) -of order
of government. performed {ba-j lay\{) it is
requisite {chhiye^).
I cannot (shall not) go there. I there not going-of {jne-k**).
This is not a thing that can be. This being-of {hri-ka**) thing
Your coming here is of no use. Your here coming {ana) any use
{kuchh kam) -of not.

* See Gram. par. 75. t See Gram. par. 355 page 61.
J Gram. par. 79. Respectful imperative : gee G. par. 26, a.
II See Gram. par. 28, 8th. See Gram. par. 26, a.
** See Gram. par. 73.
Hindustani Composition. 619

There is no use of your coming Your here coming (tumhre yaha

here. ne) -from any benefit not.
That gentleman has departed That gentleman (shib) here-from
hence. going (rawna) become (hu'e).*
What do you, Sir, say (command)? The presence (hasrat) what com
manding (farmte) are ?
I (the devoted servant) have (has) Devoted servant (fidwi) -of one
a representation (to make). representation (rz) is.
Give to each one. One onef-to give.
Divide and place them by fours. Four four-Jy (se) having divided
(bntkar) place.
The three (all three) came toge The three (tlnn) having met to
ther to me. gether (militar) me-near came.
That person had taken up the That person-by (us shakhs-ne)
book. book taken-up (utliaii) was.
Those people bought the books. Those people-by (un Idg-ne)
books bought (mol lin).
Allow me to go with you. Self-with (apne sth) us-to to go
(jane) give.J
Their parents are dead. Mother father (m bp) them-of
having died (mar) gone are.
This house is unfurnished. This house-of furniture (law-
zima) not. [I
He has the toothach. His tooth-in pain is.
This cloth is very coarse. This cloth very (bara) coarse is.
This will be the best. This all-from better (bihtar) will
Is your knife sharp ? Your knife sharp is.

* See Gram. par. 65. + See Gram. par. 41.

X Gram. par. 28, 6th. Gram. par. 28, 2nd.
II Gram. par. 77.
520 Hindustani Composition.

Does this knife belong to you ? What (jkya) this knife yours is.
Can you speak English ? You English (angrzi) speak able
We know all. We every thing (sab kuchh) know
ing are.
They are dead asleep. They senseless (be-k/iabar) sleep
ing are.
Are you the owner of this house ? You this house-of owner (mlik)
Do you know this man ? This man-to you knowing are.
Will you go to the auction ? Auction (ntlm) -in you will go.
Do you know the cause of this ? You this-of cause (sahal) know
ing are.
Take a chair and sit down. Chair take (f) sit (baitho).
What chapter shall I read ? What {kaun) chapter I shall read

This is the end of the chapter. This chapter-of end is.

What is the cost of these things ? What price is these things-of.
This is my native country. This my native country (wraiaw)is.
This house is very damp. This house much moist is.
What time of day is it ? Now how much (kitna) time is.
Tell me the name of this dis You this distemper-of name say.
There is much delay in this affair. This affair {kam) -in great delay is.
Do you know that gentleman ? You that gentleman-to knowing
Have the goodness, Sir, to inform You Sir (op) kindness having done
me. information make (/cyiyef).
Take hold of his hand. Him-of hand having seized take

* Gram. par. 28, 3rd. + Gram. par. 26, a.

Hindustani imposition. 521

What is the height of this wall ? How much (kitnt) height this
wall-of is.
He gave a hint to this effect. He (us-nl*) hint made this in-
Make a hole in the ground here. Here ground-in hole make.
Do you know what hour it is ? You knowing are what sounded
(baja) is.
Whence comes this idea ? This idea where-from produced be
The sky is overcast. Sky (smn)-on cloudiness be
come is.
Is this the sort you wanted ? You this sort-of wishing are.
He wears spectacles. He (they) spectacles applying is
I (or we) have bought a score of We (ham-*) twenty sheep
sheep. bought are.
What did you give for that seal ? You (tum-nl*) that seal-of what
Sow this seed in the garden. This seed-to garden-in sow (5').
Send a servant. One servant-to send (bhejo).
Give me a sheet of paper. One sheet (takhta) paper us-to
Where can we get straw ? Dry grass (ghs) where shall we
get (pwnge).
He committed suicide. He (us-n*) self-to self killed
Where shall we get timber ? We timber (shah tir) where shall
Who brought this intelligence ? Who this intelligence (khabar)
They smoke tobacco. They hukka drinking (pite) are.

* Gram. par. 23, note.

3 X
522 Hindustani Composition

He gave me a tract. He (us-n*) us-to little book gave

Please to give me a wafer. Us-to one wafer (wfar) please
give (dijiy).
On hearing the news he was much This intelligence (khabar) having
alarmed. heard (sunkarf) much fear (he)
The bill will amount to five hun Account having made (karkf)
dred rupees. five hundred (pnsau) rupees
will be.
I was amazed at the amount. Account-of amount (jam*, f.) hav
ing seen-f- us-to wonder became.
His goods will be appraised and Him-of things price having been
sold. ascertained (tajwtz kokarf)
sold (becht) will go.
He was apprehended and put in He seized (pakra) went, and im
prison. prisoned became (kaid h'a).
Do you think what he says is What he saying is you true think
true ? ing (samajhte) are.
Yes, I am certain of it. Yes, we it-to certain knowing are.
I feel very cold. Us-to cold (Jra) much applying
It is doubtful whether he will Him-of coming (ne)\\ not coming-
come or not. in doubt (shakk) is.
Give this book to your elder Own (apne)^ great brother-to this
brother. book to give.**
Which of you two is the elder ? You both-from great which is.

* Gram. par. 23, note. + Gram. par. 22.

Gi am. par. 28, 2nd. Gram. par. 31.
II Gram. par. 19. H Gram, page 26 and par. 66.
** Gram. par. 73.
Hindustani Composition* 523

They are gone, every one of them. They all-of (sab-ke) all gone are.
Do you wish for thick paper or You thick paper wishing are or
thin? thin.
Do you accede to what I propose What (jo) we saying are you this-
or not? to acceptance making are or
T was not able to accomplish my I own (aprii*) v/ishcomplete(bhar-
wishes. ) not make could.
To day's meeting was adjourned To day (<y) meeting stopped
to Monday next. (mavkuf) is Monday-ofday (<5
shamb kt roz) again (it) will

I cannot afford to give so much So much (itna) pay we not give
wages. can.f
Pray afford me your assistance. Kindness having done {karkar'\)
our help make.
On appearing in court he was Court (dlat)-m standing be
much agitated. coming (on) exactly to tremble
I caught a large fish yesterday. We yesterday one great fish
seised (pakf\
I saw him last Tuesday. Past Tuesday-on (mavgal-ko) I
(main-nety him-to saw.
This writing is not legible. This written (likha) read not
goes. II
How long shall you remain there ? You how many (kitrie) days shall
The price he asks is very low. He very little price asking (mang-
ta) is.

* Gram. par. 66. + Gram. par. 28, 3rd.

+ Gram. par. 22. G . par. 23, note, and par. 72.
II Gram. par. 31.
524 Hindustani 1 omposition.

It is immaterial whether you go There your going (Jana*) not going

or not. alike is.
Enclose my letter in yours. Our letter (your) own letter-in
place (rakh) give.
Had it not been for his assistance, Him-of assistance if not becomes,
I should have failed in my pur then{to)om business accomplish
pose. ment {sar-anjm) not finds. +
I should have fallen into the river If he not seizes,f then I river-in
but for him. fall (gir parta).f
I do not know how to express This word English-in what manner
this in English. {kis tarty spoken going is, we
not know.
I had no suspicion that he had Us-to (hamn) suspicion {gumn)
done this. not that {ki) he {us-n) so done
Sarkr, are all my things ready ? sarkr our all things ready are.
Sir, the sarkr has taken money sir {ai sahib) sarkr rupee
for them ; no doubt they will taken (le-gaya) is ; and things
be here by two o'clock. two watch two-in certainly {al-
batta) here will arrive.
When the things come, send them When things may come (wen)
immediately to Nya Ghaut. then that very (us-) moment
{dam) new quay-in having sent
to give.
It is now high water ; I cannot Now-exactly {ab-hi) ebb-tide near
wait longer. is, we more {aur) patience not
make able are {kar sakte hain).
The goods you, Sir, have pur What goods {asbb) you, Sir {p-
chased, are, I think, dear. ne) purchased me near {mere
nazdik) great dear {girn) are.

* Gram. par. 19. + See Gram. par. 24} note.

Hindustani Composition. 525

House rent is very dear in Cal- Calcutta-in house-of hire great

cutta. dear is.
I would have gone there, but was We there going were, but (lkin)
fearful it would be late before this fear-from that (ki) there
I arrived. arriving-tillpahunchntak) de
lay will be (dr lig) not went.
I know not if many or few were We not knowing are, that ()
there. there few (thfe) were or many.

* State of Hindustan in the time of Sultan Mahmud Ghaznaw and

of his house (khndn).
A thousand years after the (commencement of the) Christian era (sana
tsawl), Mahmd Ghaznaw, having made invasion on Hindustan twelve
times, brought Multn, Lhaur, Dihl, Mathur, and Canauj into sub
jection (taht-mn). Afterwards (baxd us-ke) he demolished (ab

hiya) the idol-houses of Smnt and Nagarkot and of wheresoever he

went ; and spoiled the idols. Fifty thousand Hindus were killed in the
defence of the temple (mandir) of Somnat. At length (khiru-1-amr),
when (their) power availed not (bas -chala), then all the Hindus,
having agreed together (muttafik hkar), said that we will give (dte
hain) eight crores (of) rupees on this condition (ba-ln shart) that they
(or you) should not destroy (mismr na-kijiye) the image. He not
assenting (kabl na-karke), commanded that that image should be sawn
^asunder (ra-se chlrljwe) ; so that from its interior (chunnchi uske
plt-se) precious jewels, that in worth and value were more than those
rupees, issued. In the house of Sultan Mahmud Ghaznaw the sove
reignty (saltanat) remained (ka'im rahf) during (tak) one hundred
(and) eighty-five years : afterwards, it became annihilated (nst 5 n-
bd ho-gal) by Sultan Shihabu-d-dn Ghaur.

* Here, the position of the Hindustani words is not always pointed out.
526 Hindustani Composition.

State of the Afghan sway (tasallut) in Hindustan after the extinction

(ritst 5 na-bd hone ke ba*d) of the Ghaznawi family (ghaznawi
In thefirst place (pahle) Shihbu-d-dn Muhammad Ghauv, having
ravaged (tkht taraj karke) the Ghaznaw empire, became absolute
in sway (mutasallit) over Hindustan. Afterwards, during three hun
dred (and) forty two years, several ( k) different families exercised
the sway : among them, Kutbu-d-dn, a Turkish slave ( Turki ghulm),
that by the revolution of fortune had become the adopted son (rnuta-
banna) of Muhammad Ghaur, is of all most celebrated (sab-se ias'-
hr). He gave great extension {wus't) to the provinces of the people
of Islam {ahl-i-islam he mamlik) ; to wit (yaxn), having become vic

torious over the Hindu Rjs, he made Dihll the royal residence
(v' takht).

Account (bayti) of the Ttmr dynasty (saltanat-i-timrf).

Tn the year one thousand three hundred and ninety seven of Christ
(fsaw}) Tmiir Shh, having made invasion on Hindustan, arrived in
Dihll. There, having put to the sword (tah-i-ttgh karke) two hundred
thousand men, he desolated the country (mulk- tiran kar dla), but
kept it not in his possession ; yet, a hundred and twenty seven years
after, his great grandson's grandson, Bbar Shh, becoming (hkar)
victorious over the princes of Dihl, seized {l Ii) the empire.
Akbar his grandson was just and wise. He made Candahr (kand-
hr), Cashmr, Gujarat, Sindh, Bengal and Orissa {uresa) comprised
in one same (k h) empire. After him Jahngr and Shhjahn -
joyed the sovereignty (bdshhat kt), and, Aurangzb, that is Aalamgr,
who reduced all the sbas of Hindustan under his rule. From his time,
however (magar), the Moghal power became weak ; and, Bahadur Shah,
after him, enjoyed the sovereignty, and Jahndr Shh and Farrukh-
siyar and Rafi'u-d-darjt {raf'-d-darjt) and Muhammad Shh, in
Hindustani Composition. 527

whose time Nadir Shh, emperor of Persia, having made invasion (yal-
ghr) on the empire of Hindustan, overthrew (tah 5 bl kar dla) the
Moghal dominion. After him, Ahmad Shah and Aalamgr (alamgtr)
Sn and Shh Aalam (lam) exercised the sovereignty (bdshhat kt).

The cause of Nadir Shah's coming into Hindustan.

Among the nobles of Dihl was great discord. He who possessed
the rank of wazir, in the year 1722 of Christ (sawt) wrote (likh bhja)
to Nadir Shh (saying)* that, now is the opportunity (wakt kb k
hat) ; remove {uth do) Muhammad Shh from the throne. Accord-
ingly (chunnchi), he came into Hindustan, and was victorious. He
slew two hundred thousand people. Having discovered (daryft
karkt) the design of the nobles, he removed not Muhammad Shh from
the throne ; but, having taken from him eighteen crores (karor) fifty
lacs {lkh of) rupees, and having seized (kabza karke) on the provinces
(mamlik) of the west side of the Sindh river, in the year of Christ
1741, he (Ndir Shh) went to his own country. He was a great
tyrant ; so that, in the stopping of some riot at the time of a fair, sud
denly a person discharged a ball, which went near him (Ndir Shh)
and did not hit ; nevertheless, having become enraged, he gave com
mand to the soldiers that a general massacre should take place (ho).
This command he gave at the second watch of the night (do pahar
rat , twelve o'clock) ; and, by the second watch two ghris (d pahar
do baje mal tak, forty-eight minutes after twelve) of the next day,
more than a hundred thousand people were slaughtered. From his
time, the Moghal sovereignty became void of a reality (be hakikat
ho gab), that is to say (ya*ne) every commander and governor (amir
umara), becoming (ban) each himself a master, sat, and were (h ga')
rulers with absolute sway (bi-1-istiklt).

* See 1st Part Grammar, par. 78.

528 Hindustani Composition.

How and when the people of England obtained entrance (dakht) into
In the year 1600 of Christ, they first began to come in the way
(taur par) of commerce. Before them, the Portuguese and Dutch
and French were possessing factories (ktkT) in Hindustan. After
some length of time (ba*d chand muddat ke), the English, for
( We) the protection of their factor and merchandise, by permission
of the Nauwab, sent for (Jbulya) their soldiers, and prepared a
fort (kal'a). Afterwards, the Rajas of Hindustan, having become
weak from the oppression of the Nauwab Sirju-d-daula, Nabob of
Murshidbd, gave advice to the English, (saying) that do you expel
(Jkharij karo) him from his provinces, and we are your assistants :
so that, in the year 1757 of Christ, the English defeated (shikast d)
the army of the Nabob, and received from Shh Aalam (lam)
the office of the diwn-ship (dwari) ; that, by means of it, (us-ke
ba-mujib) they brought Benares and the suba of Bihar and Ursa into
their subjection (tahi). In that very time, Asafu-d-daula, the Nabob
of Oude (awadh) gave up to them (un-ke sipurd kiya) the city of
Benares : and, in the year 1793 of Christ, the kingdom of Tpoo
Sultan in Carnatic (karntak) came to (their) hand. In short
(gharaz) by some means (kist mrat se) the English people by degrees
(rafta rafta) acquired the entire dominion.

Some one said to a wise man, that such a person (faln adrnt ne)
has reviled you. Having made a little consideration, he said, hear
(me) friend : who (jisn) reviled me, as it were (gya) he threw an
arrow in the rear {plchhe), that (so) touched me not; but, thou,
having taken up (uthke) the arrow, hast thrust it into me (mujh
chubhya) : well, what advantage is there to thee in that ?
Hindustani Composition. 529

There was extreme {nihyat) friendship between a camel and an
ass. By chance a journey became necessary {dar pish h'a) for the
two. In the midst of the way, a river occurred. The camel entered
into the water : the water was up to his belly. He began to say,
friend, come hither, the water is little. The ass said, it is true, it
is up-to {tail) thy belly, it seems little to thee ; but, it will be up to
my back ; / shall be drowned {dubj'ga).

A thief went to steal a horse at the abode of some one {kisi kt
yahn). By chance he was caught. The owner of the horse {ghr-
wait ne) said to him, if thou wilt teach me to steal a horse, then I
will set thee at liberty {tujh chhr dn). The thief consented.
Having gone he loosened the foot-rope {pa-band) of the horse.
Having given the bridle, he mounted {sawr h'a) ; and, immediately
on mounting {charhtt ht) said, see, (in) this manner they steal. On
the very saying this {yih kahte hi), he made the horse run. Riders
made much pursuit {plchha) of him, but overtook {paya) not.

3 Y


Taken from the " Taleem Namuh," lithographed at Bombay in 1835.

Letter from one friend to another, (^ojJ lSj~>' ^ ijl^-jjJ <^Si}

^ ^ - ^jb Iap- ^Jj ^ <_>T -yj

&ih~ vM "V^ i/- ur^ t^* 4f'^sr f*> f* 4?/

ol. Ji> J-> ^ ^J ^ l2j s>j ^ tj ^jb ^jS 1/

Muhabbat wa dstt k glzr, the rose-bowers1 of love and friend

ship, rijakat aur ashnaH. k chaman k bahr, the vernal pride of the
parterre of sociality and kindness, yar-% jam dost garn-khwr, the

1 The plural is adopted by way of shewing greater respect.

Forms of Letters, S;c. 53 1

dear, grief-dispersing friend, fula, sallamahu-r-rahmn, such a one,

whom God preserve !
Dst-i ikhlsmand, fuln, the sincere friend, such a one, salm
muhabbat k hadiya, khair-khwht aur dl-ki chah k tuhfa gc
rakhke, having placed before (you) the gift of salutation and love,
the offering of good wishes, and of the desire of his heart, zamir-i
yagniyat tasir par rshan kart hai, is representing to (your)
unison-impressed mind, ki jis din se, that from what day, yih dst p
ke pas se jud hke, this friend having become separated from you,
Sir, yahan aya hai, is come here, khud jnt hai, God is knowing,
ki har ghaf firk k dard utht hai, that every hour he is suffer
ing the pain of absence, khud'e ta'l apne fazl se ais
sabab kar, may God the most high of his goodness and gracious-
ness make such a cause, ki tum ham jaldl mile, that you and we
may soon meet, aur liushi se sth baithn phire chalen, and with
happiness together may sit, walk and ramble. Ab ans yih hai ki in
dinn men is mukhlis k farzand ki shadi taiyari hai, now the
petition is this, that in these days is the preparation for the wedding
of your sincere friend's son, s ap-ki zt ke ba-ghair khiish aur
gawr nahm lagt, (and) that proves not pleasant and agreeable
without the being (there) of you, Sir, shafakat farmke, having
granted the indulgence, do hafto ki fursat karke, having made the
leisure of two weeks, zarwr tashrif lake shdi ki majlison ko raunak-
bakhsh hn, (it is) a matter of necessity, having done us the honour
of coming, (for you) to be the ornament of the assemblies of the
wedding. Agarchi tasdix hai sach, although it is an inconvenience
indeed ; lkin dstn khush kl waste kabl karn lzim hai,
yet for the sake of the happiness of friends it is indispensable to
accede. Aur p k farzand k bet h', and a son (is) become
(born) to your son, us-ki khabar sunk dil bahut shd h rah hai,
having heard the news of that, (my) heart has continued much
532 Appendix.

delighted. Mubarak hbwe, may he be fortunate, aur khlik-i be-

niyaz us-ki mr ziyda kar, and may the all-independent creator
increase his life, aur ap-ke sr sya parwarish pawl, and may he
(the child) find nourishment under the shadow of you, Sir ! jab
hat ki is khusht ki khahar is mukhlis k likh na bheji, it is wonderful
that (they) did not write and send intelligence of this happiness to
this sincere friend. Is-tarah dstn ko bhln munsib nahm, to
forget friends in this manner is not proper ; ummaid ki ab is mukhlis
ko dil se faramosh na-jnke, (his) hope (is) that now not considering
this sincere (friend) forgotten from the heart, yih khatt pahunchte hi,
(on) the very arriving (of) this letter, tashrif lane ka kasd karn, to
form the design of doing the honour to come; ki yih mukhlis
hamesha p-k ihsnmand rahe, that this sincere friend may remain
for ever obliged to you, Sir. Ziyada kya tasdi*, (to say) more what
irksomeness (to you) : wa-s-salm, and the salutation !

The friend's answer. IS e^-yii

^jb \j> bJl ^ Jo IS \ JisA cjULd jUaI J ^eLi-*

^ yfj* i/T J 1^ J ^U J ,Xi*s^, J

0* LS iS\j\ ICjys j ^ ^-1-* ^ ^Us3 ^ i^jU J c^Ls.-<
-tf ^ J 4=4 J J i/^ Js!Uj" ^ ^

JS - ^ LS ly Li. \S t^-^J ^ (Jj !ju

Cl/b it^j jCJ
Dost-vawz, the friend-comforter, muhibb-i sdik, faithful attached,
Forms of Letters, Sfc. 533

yar-i dildr, ally possessing (my) heart, raflk muwfik, fellow

traveller (in all things) accordant, fuln, such a one ; sallamahu-l-
lh ta'al, whom may God, the most high, preserve !
Mukhlis fuln, the sincere (friend) such a one, ishtiyk-i mulkt
ikhls-yt k dil men itn bhar hai, the desire of a meeting with
the model of sincerity has so filled (his) heart, ki zaban k tkat
nahm, that ability is not to the tongue, Art hayan kare, that (it)
should explain (it), aur kalam ko kudrat nahm ki likhd, and power
is not to the pen that it should write (it), khair salm, well, saluta
tion (?). Sunnatu-l-islm ke martib ad karke apnl hakikat zhir
kart hai, having performed the ceremonies of the law of Islam, he
sets forth his narration, ki tumhr khatt khiishi aur khurrami
ke wakt wrid hht, that your letter having arrived at a time of joy
and happiness, dil ojn par bahut s tzagl laya, brought much
refreshing to (his) heart and soul, aur us-ke mutla' se, and from
the perusal of it, farhat 5 shdmnl rshn't k surtn nkhn
lag, the collyrium of the brightness of joy and gladness was applied
to (his) eyes, aur farzand-i arjamand shdl khabar *1
karke, and having learned the intelligence of the marriage of the
worthy son, p-kl marzi mijib, by reason of your pleasure, Sir,
mukhlis ne shdl ke tajammul kl majliso men sar-afrz hn-k
irda kiy hai, the sincere (friend) has formed the intention of
becoming honoured in the assemblies for completing the marriage.
Insh'a-l-lh ta'l, if God the most high wills, jitni jaldi ho sake
so karke n pahuncht hai, as much haste as he can, that having
made, he is (about) arriving. Aur yih mukhlis pki yd dil se
farmsh nahm kart, and this sincere (friend) makes not the
remembrance of you, Sir, forgotten from (his) heart, ga'e athwre
men farzand paid hone ki tahniyat k khatt rawna kiy hai, in the
week passed he sent a letter of the joyful event of a son being born,
so albatta pahunch hg y j kal tum-k pahuncheg, that must
534 Appendia:.

certainly have arrived or will in a day or two arrive to you, wa-s-salm

bi-l-ikrm, and the salutation with honour !

Method of writing notes. c_ ..y 4

i_yj jib c-jT V^j ^ (j^jct ^^GT jjj |l> J

$ / J ^JJ- **** *7 J' LSV

Hazrat, the presence, murbbi, patron, sahib, lord, master,

salmat, safety, health!
.KiaZ sAm fco banda p- khidmat pahunch th, yesterday in
the evening (your) servant had arrived to wait on you, Sir, lkin p
bahar tashrtf l-ga' the, but you were gone out ; aur tin chr
khatt swrat bangl ko likhn the, and to day there were three or
four letters to write to Surat and Bengal ; is liy fursat na h', for
this reason leisure was not : khuda kart hai, (if) God is doing (if
God grants), to baxd maghrab khidmat hzir hng, then after
sun-set I will be present in (your) service. Ziyda kya rz, more
why the representation ? (what need to represent more ?).

^ " ^ \} <-r^ / tjbJ

Bhffi shib, Mr. (my) brother, J/m mihrban, extremely kind,

salmat, safety or health !
Niyaz-mand ne gulistn kl kitab ap-kfarman se shaikh adam
di thi, (this) indigent (person) at your commanding had given the
book of the gulistn to Shaikh Adam, s chha mahine hue ab tak
Forms of Letters, Sfc. 535

unh ne pchh nahm bheji, that (book) six months past till now they
(he) has not sent back, mihrbni kark - tktd den ki jaldl
rawna kare, having done (me) the favour (it is necessary) to give
injunction to them (him) that they forward it immediately. Wa-s-salm
-l-ikrm, and the salutation with honour !

U-& A3 F* ** 0J ^ &\ | i/ / ^

JBardar-i azizu-lkadr salmat, brother honourable in rank, safety !

Shaikh d'd tumhr kitb-i gulistn par se nakl karte hai,
Shaikh D'd is making a copy from your book of the gulistn, aur
karib tamam hone ke liai, and it has come near to being finished ;
insh'a-l-lh ta'al, if God the most high wills, is hafte men tum-k
wpas bhejege, in this week they will send (it) back to you : wa-s-
salm, and the salutation !

Lr3~),J \_f 4^ i^T* 5^^ *JT> f V ^ Jj-Lr* "V.1** -f^

Dst-i karam-bakhsh salmat, liberality-imparting friend, health !

Kai arabistn se jahz 'e, yesterday ships came from Arabia, un
mjudd k hkim ne makk sharif k kuchh hadlya marsl kiy,
in them the governor of Judda had sent some present of the honoured
Mecca, so tabarruk jnke us men se ke waste bhej hai, having
thought that a blessing (I) have sent some of it for you, Sir, ziyda
wa-s-salm, more (what need '?) and the salutation !
536 Appendix.

jj tiji^ <_/i)U (^jj cyLs -^ ^ .^>- jljJ^sfc. ^Ij t_-1

Mihrbn-i karam-bakhsh salmat, liberality-imparting friend, health !

Yih gharib shakhs nsir khn ki rm ds ki yaha naukar hai,
this poor person, Nsir Khn, who is a servant at the residence of
Rm Ds, us-k punch rpa' mahin k milt hai, he gets five rupees
a month ; so lyl-dri k sabab bas nahm hte, they are not enough
for the purpose of house-keeping ;. ab wahM huwaldar jagah hai,
now there is the place of hawldr, us-k mahln st rpa', its
month (pay) seven rupees, agar sifcirish to wuh jagah is-ko
milgl, if they will make recommendation then that place will come to
this (person), aur apn bal bachcho samt p k hakk men du'
kart rahg, and along with his children he will (ever) continue
making prayer on behalf of you, Sir, tis par yih mukhlis bhi ])-k
ihsanmand hbga, moreover this sincere (friend) also will be grateful
to you. Wa-s-salm, and the salutation !

Borrowed from the Arabic, and generally applied to the Hindustani
by the Munshs or Muhammadan native teachers in India.

Words admit of three principal divisions : namely,

*->1 ism, Noun. d*ifi*l, Verb. <*j>~ &arf> Particle.
The Noun may be of various kinds : namely,
yU- ~t\ ism-i-khss. Noun proper; as, (Li ysuf, <fcli
J\ tsm-i-m,Noun common ; as, ghr, <_> kitab.
L-Ju ism--siya,Noun adjective; as, \$>-\achchh,\j)bur.
J*** ~>\ ism-i-zamir, Pronoun personal ; as, main, t,
with. 4
j\\ J\ ism-i-ishra, Pronoun demonstrative ; as, -y yih,
j wuh ; the first of which is called *iSj\Ji>\
tJJoOp ism-i-ishara-i-nazdik ; and, the latter,
Jujo j->1 ism-i-ishra-irba'd.
{XsxJ ism-i-istifhm, Pronoun interrogative; as, kaun,
L ky.
yeyo ism-i-mausl, Pronoun relative, as, >- jo, ^y^-jaun.
Jy*j^ <_>>lji- ism-ijawab i-mausl, Pronoun correlative; as, y so,
^yj taun.
" *c j^J> ism-i-zamir-i-mushtarik, Pronoun reflective ; as,
<_j| hp.
I*^~e ism-i-mubham, Pronoun indefinite ; as, kl,
kisi, ^js? kuchh.
Jxli pJi ism-i-fh'il, Name of the Agent; as,Slj LS$! likhn
wl, 1 -hr.
538 Appendix.

Jj*iu *>\ ism-i-maf'ul, Participle Past ; as, \jVc mr, or

\j> \J* mr k'.
Uls- pJi ism-i-hliya, Participle Present; as, mrt,
or \}S> jU mrt k'.
i_>J -A ism-i-zarf-i-zamn, Adverb of Time ; as, ab,
t_^ .
{^L< i^jj *>\ ism-i-zarf-i-makn, Adverb of Place; as,
yahn,jb\ udhar.
ism-i-dad, Noun of Number ; as, Ik, j d,
For Gender, a Noun common, Noun Adjective, Participle or Verb
may be
jij** muzakkar, Masculine ; as bta, IgjJ dulh ; or,
L^jj^o mu'annas, Feminine ; as, ^JL , dulhan.
For Number, Nouns of various descriptions, as well as Verbs, may be
*>-\ whid, Singular ; as, b >} ek kutt, \$$)} k ghr ; or,
jam*, Plural ; as, ^ j d kutte, djy$ bahut
A Noun common, moreover, may be ^*-* mu'iyan, Definite, or
j^i ghair mu'iyan, Indefinite ; the first being often distinguished
by the use of some demonstrative pronoun, and the latter by that of
the indefinite pronoun : yet, this circumstance can frequently be ascer
tained from the context only. And, such Nouns masculine as admit
of change of termination in the singular may be termed mun-
sarif, Inflected ; so, Jj]$> ghre , from glir.
As to Case (i^Jb>- State), a Noun may be in the
^Lili c^Jls hlat-i-fili, Nominative case ; as lark, CJb bat.
^jj**i*zJi\>- hlat-i-mafuR, Accusative case ; as, larko .
ijj^- hlat-i-jarri, Dative or Ablative case ; as, i^ mard
, ^jUj piyl se.
i^j\>\ hlat-i-izfat, Genitive case ; as, U ^ af^ ^
Grammatical Terms. 539

IjJ u-ll>- hlat-i-nid, Vocative case ; as, ^\# ^\ ai bhl, jjtj\

5 lark.
An Adjective in the Comparative degree is termed
(J-J ism-i-tafzl ; as, >\ij ziyda nch : and,
<!L ism-i-mublagha, in the Superlative degree ; as, i_
lyj ^^-j sai s ara.
A Pronoun personal, admitting variation for number and case,
may be
First personal, jj^> zamr-i-mutakallim ; as, lirr , j4 ham.
Second personal, zamlr-i-mukhatab ; as, y , jj fitm.
Third personal, u-^l zamir-i-gh'ib ; as, j , w.
The Verb may be
LiiP J** fixl-i-lzimt, Verb Intransitive ; completing in itself the

action intended, without reference to any other object ; as,

main aya, j wuh daur.
^- J*i fixl-i-muta'dd, Verb Transitive, requiring something addi

tional to which the action passes ; as, ^js IjjU fii^tf 1^5
lark ghr-k marta hai, blj^O UjS^ti {^ main ne ghor
daury, &jy^sf <UAi \^ ^~>\ us-n kah
ki main yih mukaddama tqjwtz karMg, He said (i will)
he would consider the subject.
if}j*><i *> fixl-i-maxruf, Verb Active ; as, ^> main likht

J^* J fi*l-i-maj'hl,VeTb Passive ; as, *J>}* uj we mr ga'.
kjljlb ,_!> J* fPJri-muta'ddi -l-wsita, Causal Verb ; as, lil^J
likhn, liUd dilwn.
<J** fixl-i-murakkab, Compound Verb ; as, UJ J!J dl dena,

ULt 4$3 ZifcA sakn, l/ ai harn.

^Ik Jxi f*l-i-mu'awin, Auxiliary Verb ; as, Iij> An.
A Verb, too, may be
C,,?.< musbit, Affirmative ; as, $3 likhn ; or,
^^si^ munfi, Negative ; as, U^fl < na likhn.
540 Appendix.

The Form of a Verb is termed <U-*> sigha.

The Infinitive of a Verb,^JuK masdar orjXa* ik^o sigha-i-masdar.
The Tense, ^Uj zaman, of a Verb may be
Past Indefinite, <jllx (^to maze mutlak ; as in k- ij (iJ;re main
ne khatt bheja.
Past Proximate, AariJ ; as injy> j>, iJ
i^Jb ^ ne apri khatt par muhr hai.
Past Remote or Pluperfect, Juo mzi ba'd ; as in {jtr<j j*
^j^Li j) ham khli zamin par baithe the.
Past Continuative or Imperfect, j^j^z^i] ^>\ mzi istimrrt ; as in
^jfi jJ^^J j*> > sab ham-k takte the.
Past Conditional, ^ mz shartiya, or] ^
. i ' 'Q liJ-*
rast Optative, < ms mutamann J ^
b0 <_>b jCj! agar t to main us-k kitb dita.
Past Dubious or Past Future, \ * ms mutashakkl ; as in
t^Jb jLJi lrV$j lasi- ne ^ bhj so tts-k
pahunch hg.
Past Conjunctive, Jb** ^j-ete ma*tf or ^
ma*tfa or ii^L* j^Lc maxtf laihi ; as in
j^^jfsr* ^^L! t_Hj.lJ ^us-k yih btpchhkar
us-kjawb lk mujhe kaho.
Present Indefinite, ja- Jl- hl-i-mutlak; as in^^Jbj- ^wjante :
frequently, however, this form of the verb, with a conditional con
junction or adverb ofwishing expressed or understood in the same
sentence, is termed Past Conditional or Past Optative, as before
Present Definite or Present Present, X> Jls- ^Uj zamn-i-hal
bil shakk ; as in ^V^ main yah raht h.
Present Dubious or Present Future, ^J* JU- ^) zaman-i-hal
mutashakkl ; as in ^^ ^J\ j wuh tt hgi.
Future, Jrg..,< | zamn-i-mustakbil ; as in ^^- uj tf
Grammatical Terms. 541

In the Subjunctive or Aorist form, a verb is termed ^L (Jw^/i*/-

i-muzrix (so named, because sometimes imparting a future and some
times a present sense) ; as in y oj( *j touh awe to main
j' (if he shall come then I shall go), or jjijj t^V" ^<A*- Mkuda
chh s (what God wills, that He does).
The Imperative is called j*\ amr, or j*\ *&~ sigha-i-amr ; as in
Jjj bl, jjj bolo: the Respectful Imperative may be termed j*\
amr-i-taxziml ; as in boliye, Lj~s'3 il p djiy : and,
when strict injunction is intended, amr-i-tkldi ; as in
jjL \^\^t mira kah maniy, L5J us-k bt mat
suniy. i
The Persons in Verbs, like as in the personal pronouns, are
First person, t&^> mutakallim.
Second person, ^--JjIs.-* mukhtab.
Third person, ol gh'ib.
A Particle, i/> harf, may be
Preposition or Postposition,j>.J)j>- harf-i-jarr ; and this may
be simple, liju mufrid; as l? k, <fi ko, s, ,
jj par, tak ; or compound, k_ murakkab ; as,
1/ a?*, ^b ^ / ps, }\ ke upar, ^JaJij
k waste, J3 ^ k l', <>Je ,J taraf, Ja\- ^ ttir,
^Jo kl tarah.
Conjunction, used to conjoin sentences, <tL*i>- <,>-> harf-i-
jumla, and this is of various descriptions ; so,
tpi i_ija~ harf-i-shart (conditional); bs>,\ agar, y>- jo.
\j>- t_j harf-i-jaza (retributive) ; as, t (then).
LiiJ c-r*" farf-i-istisn (exceptive) ; as, jLi lkin, j) par, jL*
^^jb-i! harf-i-istifham (of interrogation) ; as, kyi,
^Ja^yS kiswste.
^jrf lJ^- harf-i-sababl (of cause or reason) ; as, kymki,
ljLJjH iswst.
542 . Appendix.

< harf-i-bayan (of explanation); as, 6 ki, ^L-rj- jaiski,

srLs- chunnchi, y~* masalan.
Conjunction, used to link together sentences or words, and this
may be
ieSac (_j>- harf-irtj (copulative) ; as, aur, wa : or,
Juit^J <_jp- harf-irtardtd (distinctive) ; as, b ^, lj- khwh, ki.
Adverb, and this may be
<UJ i-ip- harf-i-tashbih(p comparison); as, jais, bj gy,
i* masalan.
Jj i_^s- harf-i-kabl (of assent) ; as, , , L5b ia/.
^jj i_i^- harf-i-nafi (of dissent or negation) ; as, ,
< na, yjUbi , .
j^jyj <-Jp- harf-i-nah (of prohibition) ; as, (^~ mai.
yajos1 harf-irtakhsls (of peculiarity) ; as, ^s> 7, or $ .
Interjection, and this may be
IjO t_ip- harf-i-nida (of addressing or calling); as, ai, 5,
ij^ > 4)\ ar*> ufi abl'
<jf- harf-i-ta'ajjub (of wonder or applause) ; as, i\j wh,
i\j i\j wah-wah, \$*-\ achchha, t_>j- khib.
i_-jIj l_ip- harf-irta'assuf (of grief or sorrow) ; as, il 5A, Ub A',
t Jj tr'.
The particle ^ , used after the name of an agent before a tran
sitive verb in a past tense is sometimes termed ^cli ijvi-tV lmat-i


English and Hindustani, in Nagari and Roman Characters.*

T^T^f ^ Stand at ease. 4 *$T% chain se khaf rah.

" Attention. ^ \ hushyr hj'.

"! 4,4 Eyes right. *T^^ ^jT dahni nazar.
f%^3T Eyes left. b'l nazar.
|^^ Eyes front. *l I 'HfT smhne nazar.
7 ^2" 4f To the right face. 0 dahri phir.
7 firoZ tfr To the left face. fnfr ' ^ir.
? '' $4 the right about ^ dahn se dh
^ace* fjfi"^)' chakkar phir.

7 fwri? '4RT?To the left about WC b'U se dh chak-

^ face. 4O kar phir.

^ * } Right y (or) left ^ rf dakn y b'hi

half face. 4iO phir.
fq^Z Front. [yy) smhne.
. ...y(or) left^m^ti^^' .1?? *
N tm hisse chakkar

* Extracted from the " Ungrzee Lushkuree Kuwaed," translated into the Urdu
language by Lieutenant Arthur Hogg, and published by T. Astell, at the British Library,
Calcutta, 1837 ; to which work the reader is referred for explicit information on the
Exercises of the English Army.
544 Appendix.

ft Rear. *ftW pchhl.

Halt. "^fV thahr.
4}^<l Forward. ^TR g barh.
March. "" .
^TWZ Halt dress, (or) 1 ^< 1 ^ thaharkar barabar

4<4j ^5R Halt dress up.

v _ . 4 [lamba kadam
Step out. WWT^TT^t I
'^'4 ^ Step short. T#t eft anguthl kl pas
<%\ rakh-kar dhirl
.a kadam chalo.
Mark time. '^ ^^ ^ TT. ap Jaga^ ^haTe
' hokar kadam
~% Right close, quick < 4^*1 ^^ taraf sark
$\ wr ./* chaB-
m{44 Step back, march. 45 ^ pchh hat chal.
^ \ kadam badB.
Change feet.
the left oblique, chalo.
Two. do.
\ Quick march. jald chala.

Double march. "! daurkar chalo.

Slow march. ")lf^*ri: \<^ ahista kadam.

\{ ^"5 barabar ho j'.
qj^qi^g By the right for <%5 % . dahnl dlkh agi

ward dress. ^TTWT ^ barhkar barabar


l^tl IT firog By the right (or) ^ dahnl ya ba'l dlkh

^ left backwards ^ ^ ptchhl hat bar-
dress. ^ bar h" J'-
Military Words of Command. 545

~ . - rr-r- . ^ dahne khnt par

tervrzfm Left wheel. ** nt Par

-s smhnc
,3< se chakkar

Ttfftz ^ On the right back- ^ ^ V 4tS dahri khnt par

- pchh se chakkar
] wards wheel. kh'.

XZ " f%^3T -^;. Right y (or) left TV** ^ 4,q' ifan %5

}^ shoulders forward. \ ndA ghuma.

Right oblique. ft#T ^ rirc -

w^ft dai chal.

^TWZ 4}<2 Halt front- *^\4< 41*44 TT thaharkar smhnl

^" f%^- Right y (or) left ^" <^ ^ldhdahneyb'en

^ half turn. * Mf.
fc^ar Front turn. smhn mur,

ini *| Support arms.

^ Slope arms.
+ 1^1 Carry arms.
ift^TST ^TTT^i Shoulder arms.
fk^fX TT* Rear rank take open ft^l W *^V /tA saf khul.
!^ order.

fbn: T* * Rear rank take close fbbTQT pichh saf mil'0.

^ TIfIt order.
Right turn. *fft dab* mM-r5'
^Tt^ ^- Right ya (or) left *" ^ * 4T- dahnl
about turn. tJT dh chakkar muT-

TWm^ Squad.
546 Appendix.

\ Right wheel. ^T dahn ghum.

% ft TT f%^7 the righty (0 ^^^^^ 3fa dahn y b'l y
Tf^T^Hm 1^_^ si cham y
march ya (or) x . , ,-
-a, 2 \ j jalat chalo.
g<4<* 541 -4 quick march. *
^ ft f%^T the right y (or) <$ m * <*" 5 6'&*
04 _ sark.
left close.
ft:4 W^SRT m* Step back march. iff pichhl hat chalo.
Form four deep. ^t 4ql< *R chr lcalr ban

X^4 Rear form fourdeep. ^t *ql< pc c5r A/a/r

) *R*rHr banj'5.

^ ^ Right form four ^ 4?t <qn, daAn chr fatr

deep. cR * fcmj'.

f*P$7 ^ Left form four deep. 'ft cA5r kl ia$r

f%XR7 Left face. *mt !? b'nphir.

% ^7 By subdivisions ^^ **4t ^ ^ eU kampanl kl
r f ... 1 . n -\ dahnl khunt par
1 A samhne se chak-
kar kh'.
% ^ "4R By subdivisions on ^wtdht kampani ml
fi ftnre W the left backwards ^ W b'Ukhnt par
^ ,v> 4 ptchhe se chahkar
wheel. ^ ,5

%^?1^ f%4 subdivisions left ^r* * ^ "

* wheel into line. *^*1^ ' khnt par
v \ *v samnne se saj men
M ^T^T caMar '5.
* f^ljKZ Right (or) left *JT ft0 ctoAn fiffc*
face. joAi'r.
Military Words of Command. 547

\ f< Halt front dress. f^R^. thaharkar smhn

* fro (r) ^ ^ PMrkar barbar
' Halt front dress up. 5 .->5#

TT f%P7 ^ Right and left face. TfT ^ T ^ frg

^ ^<4 \*H "4 Right counter- ^^ kw ekar
march. ff ^ir5-
_ _ _ kamparit Inch par
**tft ft Company on the 4T*rft WH ^ dahnl pff5 chak.
3tW centre right wheel, *|" karnir.

Company on the * a 2>?* /

f%t7 % Centre left wheeL ^ mr.
W*rft ^ ft fZT Company on the ^nq^t kampan bch par
^ centre right about . dahnt adha chak-
wheel. ^rrVTWTTTTT 55.
4TKpft ft f4[ Company on the 3T*qft sffa 4Tl kampani blch par
fc. * in centre left about ___ ... bac dh chak-
*s wheel. kar maro.
4yR 3T*rt Form company, kampani ban j'd.
*^** Left subdivision left ^Hit ^ b"lA ~ kampani
^T4 4ft half face, quick W^fa^T dh Va' phir-
' march- jaldi chalo.

4} ^< Form subdivisions. 'TWt 4r*T4t 5 kampani ban


fw^Z" 4^S4 31 Hi ^ Left subdivision ^' ^TTVt 4r*rt bln dhl kampani
TPpf- f^rft . right about three $ iffaf^$ dahnl * fm
* quarters *> wf*?^. chT: ihirkaT
- quick march. _ ' jaldl chalo.
* 4 ft wr
t%4 tl^qain Le subdivision left 4T:' ^JTVt 4T*pft b'm dh kampani
fn$Z Z^H half turn, double. " dhbSvk mvrkar

Quick. . ^f^ft jaldl.

548 Appendix.

fTS J<^1!11(3} Left subdivisions ^JT^t ** bl dhi kampant

^ ^ mark time, right ^\ ?spit apnt jagah khar
* half turn. * _ a kadam uth',
_ adln dahne muro.
\ <^ wit
f^f^t ^ Three files on the ffa ^^ fin katr bal ka-
finr m left> risht tum> mar, par ftnl
, * left wheel. . V ^ .^ ae
^- ffa ghm.
7 ^Nt* One, two ya (or) TT ji TT ffa k y d ya fin
ft ffiTZ" three files t0 ^TT ' %ar samhn ko
front -y barh.

fto^ TT frftsf Sections y (or) ^ ? <t* f < -

*. frees right " ffcnfW .' pMyn k m
(or; left Shoulders dan y5 My5j
^ w forward, quick M/gM,L
^! march, forward. *^*? jald chal5 smh.
> W lit w barho.
f4\4<i&l TT ^ Sections y (or) ^fait TT tl ftl <5Z fira ln si-
threes on the right flmfaqf phiyn kl t
y (or) left back- _ ^ dahne khnt par
wards wheel, ^ _,_- pichht s chakkar
quick march. 1TWTT1TWTTT kh'jaldl ckaB.

TT >. Right y (or) left ^sfj m qrf. dahn5 y

4>W* shoulders forward. ^ kndh barh'.

TZ TT f^ fa Right y (or) left ^ ?/ y

^1 7 wheel into line. ^ ^TP^t $ khnt par smhnt
si chakkar kh'.

fqr^y ^ \ Front form company tr^ <\ ^\ y dht kam-

TT TT (or) subdivision^^ ^ > pan y {5 ban
~ . y (or) section. j'.
Militari/ Words of Command. 54

ft f^lf^T On the leading file 4f%^ft 4j7JTT katr par

^ ft 4JT<R to "Snt * l* ^ 4T*Pfl dahne & kampan
' company. ^ banfa'.

'SR ^ft f%f^T On the leading file ^<^ 4fjl< ^ par

^ ft t0 the "nt about ^ ftfrgffi ***** **
T^qn^t form company. ^ ^
_ banja'?).

^l^ ^ffa Halt, left wheel into <^</*< ^7 thaharkar b'

^lf line- tR- % 44) khntparsvihnt
04 . .., ' saf men chak-

^ ft ^2" 4} 4^*4 To the right form ^ * *K . daAn tak

company. 4ft kampan banj'.

fPiT ^^^ Left shoulders for- * *J*H^ 5^ /&A5

HjTT^l ward. ghum'.

$? Sections right. rfSRTT tliya dahne.

4yH ft TTWVt^ Form the rallying ^T^ TR 4V.jow An chau
square. 4|4lY khnt banj'.

ft ?PT f^TThe square will ^|< * I chaukhnt smhnt

\ ft f%f* "arch to the front ^ ^ ^ y5 ^ y
w ft^- W y (or) /" ^ " dahn ya bahn
KUX (or) right y (or) ^ *
^tj^aj xfo Inwards face. *ft<TT 40 bhtar phir.
^9^%^: Prepare to resist ^ fj< 1 4}4f| sawrM mud-
rv 1 ti j *\ -s_ fa!at ko mustahd
4fT^ft cavalry. Ready. ^ ^

^^ ^ T^f^T Reduce the square. chaukhnt khul

ft^TPS^T^Rear rank, take
open order. W^*t TO ^ pichh mf khuh.
550 ' Appendix.

ft*TK Tfar . Rear rank, take flW^t '} T*W pichhU saf milj%
~\ close order.

^t^#TfW^rr|.The battalion will 4^1 I ^ paitan age barhe.

" advance.

ft4^*fWT"flTThe battalion will ^ paitan hate.

^ . retire. r^ra': IP^T 4. hamla karne par
4T>m \ Prepare to charge. | ^ ^ 5 .

Charge. 1^41 hamla Icaro.

^ T VT From the right TT 4?t ek kl
W , (or) left of com- ^ fb^_
,v> * . N kamar se kalar
M % ^ P^esbyfilesto ^-^^ ^

*^ m Companies right y ^0 * *fT dahney b'en mur

(or) left turn left ^^1^^ > y* dahrw
*2 y (or) right wheel. ghm.

ft TCT4TFrom the proper TT 4* **tft ^\har'k Rampant k

: % riht ' W left ^ *rr ef daBl
^ of companies pass ^ blfi kamar se
mrftm by files t0 the ^: halr
\^\^^ rear- STTTTT^WT pichhe chalo.
fvSZ TT ^ y5Left " () rignt^TTt TT 5 b'enxjdahnemur
tv _ turn, right w (or) .>. . -s dahne y b'en

4 ft Pass by files to the *,"|'< *<< 5 Aotr ^7//

^^^ rear, right face, fqp^t chato dahnephir
right wheel. ^^5f rfawe ghm.

ft 4H< tra- The battalion will ^ ^ pahl pahl

^%ff^ advance by wings. ^ chaU.

A .^] halt> 1 . fn^l Par5'

t%4i7?PT [? J^Leftwing Uarch. J ^T4!^ ^
Military Words of Command. 551

ft s d p'e
'< par charhad,
shast lb,
tonta bharo,

1 . T^l ;i is \t'hahro>
ghaira , I' e {
(&c). J I^ITT] * ^[waghaira.

ft I<*M ft. The battalion will 44J1 1^ V^Qpaltan pahl pahfo

ZT % ft*!4 retire winSs- ^ ha$-
* f%4Z" ^ft.Riht 5 Cor) left ^^^^^"5 ya bayait tu-
^ ? ^ fqj^j division to the front. man sarnhnt barhe.

ft*f*Tl W^tj Remaining divisions 4l<it <J*H 41^1 ^ tama riaAw

* t%^3T "S right (or) left * - qrfVT %" AnriA
^^ T^T^ shoulders forward, ghum'.
* VI ft Form line on the irfi TO^., M>T J*
* barabar saf ban
WK4 ^fhR first division- tw'pi siHrr j'.
Z * Two centre subdivi-^N *t ft <*TVtKc B d dhl
_ _ . . kampan smhri
^ ^t 810ns t0 the front- 4HT4t ^ ^ barhm.
ft^PT J<^iai+Hj Remaining subdivi- TTTVt 4>*4Tt Ai riA kampan

x *N Iptf ahniilriAra - v _ .
kndh barh'.
4)V4V* ward.
%T ft ^Form line on the fW ^t ft" ^THt 7cA A rio ri/
f^T l^ro^i tw0 centre sub" 3THRt $ WTTT kamPanl kl barr
divisions. ^^^^ barsafbanj'.
552 Appendix.

X V^S f^V^S Right and left WT^t ^TRt 4T"Pt i# 5

}^<44 ^ shoulders forward, yflfl ^ ^^5 byn
t , . i, *s kndh barh'.

^ Form line to the ^fTt ^ T4j TT tarafsaf ban

right- '5-

" f%4 . Right wing left ^t*11 TT4t ? paf aya?*

)^ shoulders forward. ^" ^ kndh barh'.

t%4lT TTTlTfT3! Left shoulders for- TTT byn kndh bar-

tt ^ ward, forward. - ^ h', ge barh.

f^TT ^^ Retire by companies 4Tlft TO * y dhi

& y (or) subdivi- i??TTTTT^.
: a**.* *** f" ?
^ * - f \ i. kamar se bain ya
r^c ^ ya K : J . -^wftK^ tw da^ Aawer f
rear of the right
TT f%^T y (or) left> pichhl hat.
^ - (or) TOTT IT ^mtWan _y5 dhi
X5> ^ \ / _ _ kampani dahne se
subdivision right TOT TfT cA.ar
about face. ^* fTT phir.
ffe TTT Retire from both ^ TOT * ^TTT *< men
. &v . a i i i i- 4 _ ^ don kamar se blch
4WW4 flanks subdl- T
4 ... - ke pichK hato.
t ^; vl8I0ns m rear of Tit
the centre.

*TT *T^. Right y (or) left ^TT TT TTT <TTV dAn b'f \
*. * ir i . .
"s ~\ dahne
TT subdivision right qf^t t ^ST
, . - ^ *e chakkar
fcr aboutface- wwftrt Fir5.

T<fiN fW 1} The battalion will TT ^/ y

^ move in column ^mt **4 kamPan* *
_ ^, fv_ of divisions y ., -- ia/r bankar
( sections from ^ - dahni kamar se
W444PCTO0T* the right along * ^% * ?/ fidUi
WTT TTT the rear. chale.
Military Words of Command. 553

Left face left wheel, b'n phir b'ii

<ft*T ghm.

TZ 44 Right face. faO dahne phir.

Right wheel. ^Y dahne ghum.
4}T*T ^T^Form column at ^ ^ blch kJ dahr 5
T^TT^f^ 4R quarter distance jT^ 4L o' kampani par
^ on
(or)the rieht
leftcenfre ^ ipft ' katr

f*T< 4T"Tt company. W^T

frW T5 Tlirees right and left TN rffa Mt iJw tfw ki tli dahn
f%4^T "slft^ST^ shoulders forward, ^ | ^ \ byn kndh

fqttm f1^ "sfr^T. Threes left shoulders ^T*t 7 tU bay

>W 3J 4}^ forward. 4 " 4TL kndh barh'.

4jT* Form square. ,1 *R chaukhntbanj'.

? _. *\ Halt, right about ^?* . _*v
*V ^
* thaharkar
dahne se

face. fqTTT phir.

)* 414 Form square on the TT'ft *T 1. i'n in

<p * fare: right 5 (or) left ^,14 PanJ Par chau-

_ -W Panies right y . Sab kampani

f^z [or)left8hgoulders ^ dahn-a y-a

^ forward. "* W^HtT / barh'.

4> - Prepare for cavalry. 4I l ^ *J<^ satcr ft! mud
^ft Ready- ^TT fr fa'St k5 '
ho. Taivar.

4t*N fr^t Kneeling ranks, *[ fTRjt girl saf tai-

. ready. Present. yth. Shasthar.

554 Appendix.

\ Load. tonta bhar.

Reform column. qjrji ^ 4t< *[ ^.katr phirbanj'.

VI ft
v *\ fn; On the two centre ^mft blch kl do_ dhl_
Tfi^ subdivisions form gr*pft jfc ift^ ^ kampanl ktplchhe
-s ' square. ^ M chaukhnt ban

^T^Z' f4}4 Halt front. *^< f. thaharkar smhri


TT!j < f%^7 Halt, right and left <S^i+< thaharkar dahne
face. ^ ftR^t aur ba' phir.

?[\ fN Reform line. *T4j f4T ol'Vt mfphir ban j'o.

tTWZ f4jt? Hait, front dress. <,*^ I * thaharkar aur

fqRT4T?[ gj"^T^T smhri phirkar
^j. ^p^j- barbar hoj'o.

4j<4 Form double column TTRft 4i4ft ^5< kampanl

3^ of subdivisions. ^0 ^ 44 dMr* ^-'- an

4jA*" ' ? Form square two ^ft cA A c? kampanl

tr ? f. deeP on the tw0 " ^ ^rfTT ? ^ ** -5r
Z^ribfi. centrecomPanieS- *T *R* chaukhnt
Remaining com- ~ > - ban j'o. Bakl
panes right and ^^ kampanl dahn
f^HK^ "Sfr^. left shoulders for- TT*1 41! J5yn wd
\ <^ 4;^^ ward. ^ barh'.
T^W^T f^W Tbe square will ^Y*a',i ^ chaukhnt smhri

X ^ front ya (or) rear ^ dan y5 A

^^^^ ?a(or nght, ^^t^W 5
^fWZ^R ( left face. ^
Military Words of Command. 555

% ^! 4R By subdivisions on ^4 4TT ^ dahnl aur b'l

^\& fSFKZ the risht and left \ { par Mla
~ backwards wheel. ^ kampan mm
44^Vtj 4 W pchhlsechakkar

* Form line. ^ / j'.

^7 ijw fa Right and left ^" dahn aur layan
' shoulders forward. ^ kndh barh'.

4i< ^ ^ Change front to the 4<?1 ^ ^^ / ^

fr^T ^ rear uPon the 43|# fPT . PcM ere/
centre- ^^*rrY smhnthoj'.

fzpt*]< M flPjrr Threes right and 4>T fffa tf%4 7n tliya

left shoulders 4T4 dan aur UyM
forward. ^^ft kndh barh'.

T2" t^T^Z" 4TTJ- Right and left ^*1 W dahri aur b'ln se
ZX countermarch. ITRT ^ (^ kwdlkar phir.

4i*i Form open column 4"^*^ 4>4t ^ ^TR dahn kampan kl

f^T^ * in front of the *prt 5 *~5
^<*^ right company. ^ a^'.

^t^f^T *"^ Remaining compa- WTft <**4*Tt &5# kampan dahnl

^ nies right'face. fifi^T phir.

ftjT* Halt front dress. "H^i . thaharkar smhnl
__ _rv hkar barabar h

TT Rigbt wheel into ^ ^ dahnl khnt- Par

i- ^ ^. smhnl se chak-
* W kar >5<
\\ *1 Form open column ^ft . ^ ' kam-
'fbrC^Rft^ inrearoftheright ^ ^ ^ paru kl pchhl
' ya (or; left com- e khuR /catar ban
VJ f%^ pany. WTT 44 WT^ j'.
556 Appendix.

ftf^^^^RemaininS comPa_ 4T*rt T^bkikampanldahnl

~. - nies right ya (or) . ~ -s -.-,-. . -
*JT left face. ^TT W yabaenphiro.
fN it ft Form line to the Wr' ^amar tak
f^T* TfiiV reverse flank. ^ ^ ?/ &'5-

%^1%*R ^[fap^ By successive divi- 4^4 ^TBT^t 4Pai dar Pai kam-
fbT ? ft sions- Rearwins 4^n . paw 55 pichhl
^ . 04 to the front. -s _-s pahlu smhn ho.

% ^ 4}TT*T By double files from 4P4tft $ ^ f. kampan k blch se

ft f*T3T T^T ^ centre- Rear ft ^fTT * 4^*4" duhrt katr
ffr-Z ^ftf* wing to the front. ^m ^^ barhkar pichhl
04 v pahl smhn .

^ fZT; Two centre sections WH ft" bS\V*chkid5t5ndahnS

^FS*! %r outwards wheel- ^ * aur te {
4 4 -s -s Par smhn s
^ .

T# Form square on the "4T*reft ) 4T^R kampan par

_ _ . _ c ~ . chaukhnt ban
ft ftpC* 4TKnt front company. ^^ *R ^

Wf T^f^T Form square on the ^t ^f^t rfaAni y

ft *TT f%^2" "ghty5 (or) left ^r^* bal kampanlpar
fife* **Pt : Centre COmPry" chaukhnt ban
jas ^ Right / (or) left ^ ,a'. Bahny
-g, right about ^ %^aAZ*Jl-
^Tte face. 4^ 4^ ^ s ca-
^TWT W*: 4>"0 *ar pi'r.
Sections outwards. tliyn dahn aur
... ,,,, ,; -4-,. . , b'ft khnt par
v bahar chakkar

4)T^ %^r. Front turn. Sec- 4Tt"t"f^I4l smhn phir. Tli-

tions outwards. * ^T yn dahn aar
* 44 ' ' a'e khnt par
: 4Tf%T iir chakkar
Military Words of Command. 557

TW Form square on the ffa ^Twtft V^bichKikampant par

_ . , . -s 's.
chaukhwita ban
0 forr centre- ^^F1 44

^fcnf ^^3! Wings inwards turn. ffaY *faT <fn / JAiar

*^ ^ ft Square on the ^ft^T btchpar chaukhnt

centre. * banj'.

TZ TZ Right wing, right ^^ ^ aAn5 dalinl

^ , . turn.
about . - -s st dh
nufQ chahkar

"^ Double. ^" TT daur y (or) daar-

^reft bar chal.

<*) ^ Form close (or) fnf 44t f. i kampan par

; f<<{d'^ quarter distance ^ *rr xrHh" mily pikhuU
_ column on ___. __ _ tfaAw
^ company. Right -, ^ *<" kampan
. (or) left m * s5mhn-eh5karban
fajT? front. vftn: wr4t j'.
W^fZ ftfTZ Halt front dress. ^V*^ f^>- thaharkar smhnl
^^ ^^ phirkar barabar
m*t h5j"-

4)^*1 Form column on bich ki kisi kam-

fq^ 4THpft centre company. tj^ ^^ Panl Par chau-
khnt ban j'.

4\\*i <1 ,4T7 Form column at f%^"t <**4ft . kampan par

\*2*iH quarter distance, ^ q^j^. ^' / katr
right (or) left da7l kampan
. m front on smhnl hkar ban
1 ^ ^ - company. 41 4 N j'.

ft^nr^fq'^f^I. Remaining compa- 4T?ft 4T*Tft ffaM* kampant n

fmTWW^? nies threes right ^ y^ ^ fin kl tR bankar
-J y (or) left shoul- , dahn ybyn
. . ders forwanj ^ N kandka barha .
568 Appendix.

^ fh< Close to the front. TP5Trf**a Vi" smhne ko mil j'.

^ ^ TTTThe column will 4jqi< 41 kar dahmy 1
7t^7TTT%T(ra: march to the right ^ taraf chale dahne
4, ' y (or) left flank. .^ 6'ct ptr.
W*T*TT%. Right y5 (or) left TT^f*^. ^cAe</
^^' face. Quick march,
% f%^Tn5^ TT By sections right yTt%T TT tliy dahne y
(or) left. b'U.

^ ^ TT Column to the right ^T TT dahne y

f^^r ^ (or) left wheel, ^ T b'm khunt par
"v- sumhue se chak-
TfT karkh'.
TT t%^3TWtW Right ye (or) leftT^ TT dahnyb'U khunt
wheel. [ gpfij $ Par smhni
chakkar kh'.

^\^L\H[^ % . Countermarch by ich k gird dhi

-fe ^ subdivisions round qpqft $ ^TRT kampanl se kw

^7 TT ffr^TZ T*[_ Right y (or) left TT 4T:' THt dani y 5<

TgTT^7TTTg subdivisions right qrwrsft ^fT T ^mpani dahne sl
s * u + N ^ _ dha chakkar
%4 ab0UtfaCe' TTTTTWTf%fV phir5.

TZ ! Right subdivisions Tfft TTV dahn dht kampan

^- right about turn. $ TSTTT dahnl *l dh
N *\ chakkar muro.

4i< ^. Front turn, forward. TP5T smhn murkar ge
^ -

< ^ The column will ^ TT^ft katar agU kampani

{\ ^\ 4}< open from the front. ^ *'

^ f%4T The column will *| ft^ift ! < / -

W^fttTTT from the rear. '^^^ parslkhuljwl.
Military Words of Command. 559

TftwtT ^Deploy on the front 4<wpt $ kampan se

_ .
fqrCZ company. ^ W *R 4T4t - barbar 1saf
J ban
Deploy on the rear f^HF^ft ^T^t . pichht se
f^rC company. ^^ ^ ^,aiZ*ar ^ *an
^ Ja0,
^tWTT ^ ^ Deploy on the front 4i*P?t agR ?-
4*R> company. j<N< barbar phailkar

44 44 WTT safbanj'.

\*\ Remaining compa-^ft 4TRR*t <fa bki tin tin

fbf^fSl-. . . ^.
mes> Threes
right ^f^f qff) 7^f^l4'
tliy kndh

VT *1
^ Remaining compa- ^T^ft ^ 4TVT -
^dshouldersfor- ^> *5&,'5.

^^^8! HW* Shoulders forward. ^Hfr kndh barh'.

^ ^Companies paces qtf; ^ ka'ikadam

4 (0r)leftwheel- ttc^^W *n^

~ se chakkar kh'5.

\ <<<<* TT <Wheel back into 44} $ * "^ sa/ m?j / se

line. wHrt chakkar kh'5.

4}< TR Change front on ^^ V^dahneyb'epahl

^ company right y ^ *< $ ke gl barhn sc

4 forward. N wafbadt.

^fl**'l 4T*pffcf Remaining compa- ?\ <**4*t '

^ nies - Paces t0 ^ ^ *TT *adam dah '
^ ft the right w (or) . " ' * par
left wheel. ^ samhne se -
^$ WT4t kar >5.
560 Appendix.

* TP? Dress up. SRJ^T Tt ^ barbar ho j'b".

fa^T 1 ^\ Change front on the W4. dahnJ 5 b'1A kaw'
right y5 (or) left ^ ^ ^ P por dahne
~ fs company right y ^ _ ^ 5 b'U Pahlu ks
' _ 74 (or) left thrown 4 * hnt. se waf
back * \
^(*1<^ Remaining compa- WFft 4f4ft 4^"' bkt kampant dahn
Tggfte ^ nies right about ^ * E chakkar
^^^1%^ face -paces to ^ phir ka'l kadam
4 the right y5 (or) . . dahnt ya '
left wheel. ^ g >aj- -

^ * f^rtR" 3fr Right y (or) left I 1 *" ^ ^^ y

^ wing right about ^^^ dahn~e *
_ . v rfA chakkar
_ ^ fece. Compames 4* ^5. J^jxini
t^R^aj pacesmwars . ka4 kadam bhltrJ
s v wheel. s khnt par chak-

<**|1 TR Companies on kampanl ka'l kadam

TZ VT ftPWI 44. the riSht ^ (r) ^ ^ d* y b'n
left backwards ^ ^ ^ ^TT khnl Par *
wheel. _ se chakkar kh'.

4\M *1 TR Form line on the 4\*-4t 4" blch kl kampanl s

f4ZT ywpft centre company, yrjlf^ | barbar saf ban
_ gv Companies in *\ i'. Smhn kl
tront, right about kampant dahne se
face. rfe
b*-4*\M 44 ^ V? Companies on the 4>-4t 4^ kampanl dahn
^ right backwards ^ ^ ^; khnt par plchh
wheel. se chakkar kh'.
Military Words of Command. 561

->~sq"4 %f<<^ Advance in direct f^f **4*t tirchht kampam

^. echellon of com- - dafl "
^ panies from the ^ ^ .v . -\ bain kamar s
* right y (or) left. * age barhb.

**-4fa ^7 * Companies right y ^ . kampanl dahn y

fbV& lfl^<t (or) left shoulders ^ iy,i
4 ' forward. '5.

i<^Sc(*Jjaj TT f%^T. Subdivisions y (or) 4TTVt **-4*t V. y

*^&\*$ sections risht 5 f*r*r foliy'aA ^ y
(or) left. V

4)^*1 W*T Reform line. ^4) fqfC ^ wHtT ?a/ J>*r an 0*5.
4j^T W1 ^ ft Form line on the ^Rfrft ^TRt ^t g* rfA kampam
^ftf^T Tgsflnq leading division. ^ 4j yi -5li si ?af ban



Page line Page line

174, 21 read /cercar
11, 19 for ' read ^
217, 19 for sa read sax
12, 29 - for read ^
220, last for hr read Ai
31, 8 for laye read laye 225, 17 for ehlknl read chikn't
32, 25 for dy read diye 257, 30 for Mmssiyat read khassiyat
45, 13 for \jb read 296, 28 for M>* read u>#i*
314, 14 for thandl read thandl
61, 6 for l< (misln) read ^c
321, 5 for mlln read miln
331, 24 for jfa n read ta*n
115, 19 for ghyau read 339, 4 for lifc read L5
352, 21 for y ^Sj read ^^
118, 18 for mny read niny 352, 31 for bara read bara
120, 2 for bicheh read bichchh 358, 15 for agman read gman
121, 26 for cAir read Vff- chira. 362, 15 for read
363, 13 for ba-tadrij read ba-tadrlj
127, 14 for uJL' read u^L'
377, 29 for ghalban read ghliban
138, 8 for kokh read ftA
380, 16 for -> read j^i
142, 5 for ra sha read ra*sha
385, 4 for jljjuli read
143, 3 for nakr read
386, 6 for bharmila read bharmil
160, 16 for mtiya read mliy
402, 28 for achchha read achchh
166, 9 for ,jjf> ghyau read |>j-$s 406, 29 for 6ai read AZ
410, 7 for / read ham
168, 6 for^Z read/Z 433, 2 foryw read j*s-
564 (Jorrei

Page line Page line

440, I & 2 dele the words after ^jt, 499, 20 for 30 read 29
444, 1 8c 2 dele the words after Kishna 500, 21 for 31 read 30

448, 5 forj\juu>- read j\x*z~- 506, 5 for ^ read

450, 13 & 22 for % substitute 507, 9 for ftfrn read f^<TT
455, 28 for daln read lj dala
507, 10 for ^ read **
469, last for 31 read 30
471, 26 & 30 for 32 read 31 507, 23 for read
471, 31 for 31 read 30 508, 24 for read
476, 9 for inde . read indef.
523, last for 31 read 30
476, 24 for 32 read 31
543, 23 for Astell read Ostell
477, 6 for^tf read
544, 19 for ^ v^fa read ^fft*
478, 30 for 32 read 31
545, 20 for ft^Ti read ft^ft
483, 8 for read
546, 10 for 4$ read ^tW
484, 30 for 30 read 29
485, 26 for 32 read 31 551, 23 for dh read dht

486, 19 for ^* read ^fafonr 552, 25 for read

486, 23 & 26 for 32 read 31 553, 6 for ^TT read *Tf

487, 21 for 32 read 31
556, 10 for read ft
488, 14 for *" read ^TT
557, 28 - for fa^* read f^^T
488, 21 for 32 read 31
558, 16 for T^T read
489, 15 & 24 for 32 read 31

495, 1 for read

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APR 2 4 I960 .

MAY 2 4 1960 42


MAY 26 1960

)EC 2 4 1981
MAR 2 4 1960

LD 21-100m-9,'47(A5702sl6)476

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