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FRE 1311 EXAMEN 1 (70 points)


Exercice 1. Présentations. (12 points)

Listen as this person introduces herself to you. Fill in the following table in ENGLISH.
Click here to listen to the video. https://www.laits.utexas.edu/fi/fivideo/ch012011-marjorie

Name (first and last) Marjorie bart

_______________________ _____________________ 2 pts.
1 pt.
___14 rue de tilsitt____________________________
2 pts.
Phone number
____ 0649513568 ____ ___ 4 pts.
Birthday July 9
2 pts.
Profession 1 pt.

Exercice 2. Emploi du temps. (10 points)

Click here to listen to the video. https://www.laits.utexas.edu/fi/fivideo/ch02-cecile

Listen as this student tells you about her schedule for the semester. Complete the chart in FRENCH, including
days of the week and subjects.

JOUR: lundi jeudi

COURS: -I’informatique -psychologie -I’informatique - psychologie -I’informatique
-philosophie -espagnol - philosophie -espagnol - philosophie


Exercice 3. Write in the correct forms of the verb être to complete the paragraph. (10 points)

Je m’appelle Nicole. Je _____(suis)_______ étudiante à l’université. Dans mon cours de français, nous
____(sommes)__________ vingt-six. Mes amis Karim et Eva ______(sont)__________ très bons en français,
mais pas moi. Eva réussit dans tous ses cours (does well in all her classes); elle _________________________
très intelligente. Tu ___(es)_____________ avec des étudiants intelligents dans tes cours?

Exercice 4. Traduction. (10 points)

Translate the following sentences into FRENCH.

1. They are singers. (Ils sont chantueurs)

2. Here are the maps and the dictionary. (voici les cartes et le dictionarie)

3. Today is July 9th .(Aujourd’hui c’est le 9 juillet)

4. I do not understand.(je ne comperends pas)
5. What is it? (qu’est-ceque c’est)

Exercice 5. La salle de classe. (8 points)

Describe the following classroom in FRENCH. List at least 8 items. Remember to add the appropriate
indefinite article: un, une, or des.

Il y a…
• Un tableau blanc
• Une horloge
• Une plante
• Un Drapeau
• Des chaises
• Un professeur
• Des eleves
• Un ordinateur

Exercice 6. Culture. (5 points)

Answer the following questions in ENGLISH.

1. Write the name of the magazine from the internet activity, or the name of the person on the cover. Click
on this link: https://www.laits.utexas.edu/fi/html/act/01.html.
(1 point)
2. Explain the difference between “tu” and “vous”. (1 point) (tu is meaning you use it when you’re talking
to somebody you already know (a peer) or somebody who’s younger than yourself. Vous is the form of
you, meaning that you use it when you’re talking to a group of people.)

3. What does “faire la bise” mean? (1 point) (To do the kiss)


4. What was the video about? (2 pts)


Exercice 7. Je me présente. (10 points)

Imagine that you want to find a French-speaking pen pal. Introduce yourself in a short letter. Your letter should
include a greeting, your name, your origin, your studies, questions to find out his/her name and origin,
and a closing, all in FRENCH.

(Bonjour, je m'appelle Amanda, je viens du Nigeria, Lagos. J'étudie la science de l'exercice et la

psychologie. Quel est votre nom et d'où venez-vous ? Ce fut un plaisir de vous rencontrer et j'espère vous
voir bientôt.)

Expression Rubric

Expression Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

2 pts
Followed Instructions
Full Marks
Includes all required elements. (1pt) 2 pts
0 pts
Uses language within the scope of the course. (1pt)
No Marks

3 pts
Substantial content. Use of rich and varied vocabulary, appropriate to level. (3pts total)
Full Marks
Excellent content (3pts) 3 pts
0 pts
Adequate content (2pts)
No Marks
Poor content (1pt)

Control of grammatical forms and vocabulary. Errors do not interfere with meaning and 3 pts
comprehensibility. (3 pts total) Full Marks
3 pts
Excellent control (3pts) 0 pts
Adequate control (2pts) No Marks
Poor control (1pt)

Mechanics 2 pts
Demonstrates control of pronunciation and spelling conventions (2pts total) Full Marks
Excellent control (2pts) 2 pts
0 pts
Adequate control (1pt) No Marks
Poor control (0)
Total Points: 10

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