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1 Séquence 2nde- CLICHES AND CULTURAL HABITS Axe 4 : Self-representation and relationships to others

Problématique: To what extent do people fit into a stereotype?

Réflexion : Cette séquence aborde la question des stéréotypes : quelle est l'image que nous avons des
autres pays et de leurs habitants ? Bien que souvent caricaturale, est-elle toujours fausse ?

Tâche finale : EE Après avoir étudié un article de presse sur les stéréotypes qui concernent le
Royaume-Uni et qui permet de distinguer le vrai du faux, les élèves devront rédiger un article du même
style sur leur propre pays.

Supports visuels Supports audio/vidéo Supports textuels

-Map How Americans see -Video How British are you? -Article: British Stereotypes:
Europe -Video Jamie Oliver on British fact or fiction? (blog Tandem)
stereotypes -Extract from the short story
-Audio Erica: stereotypes about The All-American slurp by
French and American people Lensey Namioka
-Video Paul Taylor English food is
Grammaire Lexique Phonologie
Les adverbes de fréquence A compléter A compléter
Quantifier les noms
Les adjectifs substantivés,
les noms de nationalité
Les noms indénombrables
Les déterminants
Les pronoms
Méthodologie/savoir-faire : savoir exprimer son opinion
Expression orale Expression écrite
Décrire, analyser, exprimer son opinion Rédiger un article
QUIZ Evaluation CO Evaluation CE Evaluation
Séance Objectif général/ce que les Réalisations/supports/matériel Remarques
élèves doivent savoir ou
savoir faire
1 Etre sensibilisé à l’idée de Video Jamie Oliver
stéréotype https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-H0YPXCozs
2 Comprendre que nous avons Map How Americans see Europe and Audio
tous une vision stéréotypée https://audio-lingua.ac-
des autres versailles.fr/spip.php?article7243

3 Comprendre les stéréotypes Video How British are you?

sur les anglais et l’avis des https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZyvX6g7lA0&t=53s
anglais à ce sujet
4 Découvrir l’humour anglais et Cartoon You can tell I’m British because…
réaliser un dessin Cartoon the Perfect Brit
5 Apprendre à nuancer Texte sur la définition des stéréotypes et les A retravailler
conséquences d’une vision stéréotypée
6 Ecrire un article selon un Article British Stereotypes: fact or fiction? Trouver
modèle (blog Tandem) quelques
https://www.tandem.net/blog/british- questions de
stereotypes-fact-fiction CE ?
2 Séquence 2nde- CLICHES AND CULTURAL HABITS Axe 4 : Self-representation and relationships to others

Homework: Video Paul Taylor English food is disgusting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2gOFuT1nwkc

et worksheet http://www.franglish.fr/share/english_food.pdf

For fun: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5kGVV8AA0I Kids try breakfast from around the world

Séance n° 1 /6 Objectif(s): Remarques :

Durée Consignes/tâches
Etape 1 : 10 min Question asked to the students: What is your opinion on the English people,
their food, their attitude, their physical appearance, the weather in England?

Etape 2 : 20 Watch the video and explain what you understand

CO min Then fill in the worksheet

Etape 3 : 10 min Let’s correct the worksheet

Let’s recap the video with your own words

Etape 4 : 10 min MOST/ALL…

Online exercise and explanations on homework

Etape 1 : EO
The British people/ The Brits / Britons/The British/ The English people

Most of the British people…

All the Brits…

However, Americans/ The American people always…

Most of the British people like tea and eat fish and chips

Most of the American people eat mainly junk food/unhealthy food

American people are often overweight

British people eat bacon and eggs, sausages and baked beans for
breakfast most of the time

Most of the Brits are fashionable (=chic)/like fashion. They have a special way to get dressed.

Most of the British people are wealthy=rich

All the British pupils wear a school uniform

In England, it rains every single day and the English people have a
pale skin.

All the Brits love the Royal family.

Etape 2 : CO Worksheet #1

Homework: 1) Watch Jamie Oliver's video once more if you failed

to understand everything2) Learn the new words3) Take notes on
the two grammatical explanations: quantifiers (online exercise to
train https://www.anglaisfacile.com/exercices/exercice-anglais-
2/exercice-anglais-7595.php ) and adverbs (padlet)4) You also
have a work to do within one week: quite a long video with a worksheet (padlet)
3 Séquence 2nde- CLICHES AND CULTURAL HABITS Axe 4 : Self-representation and relationships to others

Worksheet#1 Oral Comprehension https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-H0YPXCozs

Vocabulary: to dispel/debunk/shatter a myth= casser un mythe

Mushy=en bouillie ou mou/ramoli

Grouting=coulis (mortier)

What is this video about? ---------------------------------------------------------------------

What is the purpose of the video? The purpose of the video is to …

Name the different stereotypes and explain what Jamie Oliver says





Extra questions:

What does jamie Oliver say about the Great Fire of London? --------------------------------------------------

What funny joke does Jamie do on mushy peas ? --------------------------------------------------------------


Use the internet to answer the following ones:

Who is Jamie Oliver? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

What are mushy peas? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4 Séquence 2nde- CLICHES AND CULTURAL HABITS Axe 4 : Self-representation and relationships to others

Worksheet#1 Oral Comprehension CORRECTION https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-


Vocabulary: to dispel/debunk/shatter a myth= casser un mythe

Mushy=en bouillie ou mou/ramoli

Grouting=coulis (mortier)

What is this video about? This video is about/ deals with British stereotypes

What is the purpose of the video? The purpose (=le but) of the video is to show that these British
stereotypes are wrong and Jamie Oliver uses humour to do so. He dispels the myth.

Name the different stereotypes and explain what Jamie Oliver says

Jamie Oliver mentions several (=plusieurs) stereotypes such as (=tels que):

-cooking. He says that they (the British) can cook. Everybody thinks they can’t.

-mushy peas. He says that everybody thinks mushy peas are disgusting whereas (=alors que) he says
they are delicious. However (=cependant), he compares them to grouting (that we use to build walls)

-weather. He says that it doesn’t always rain in England and that it’s actually (=en fait) just like the
Bahamas with a hot weather every single day and that they create rain to keep tourists out of the
country/ so that (=pour que) the tourists leave the country.

-France. He says it is wrong to think that the British hate the French. They actually hate loads of other

Extra questions:

What does jamie Oliver say about the Great Fire of London? That it started in a bakery but he says that
the recipe says “well done” (=bien cuit ou bien fait! =serves you right!)

What funny joke does Jamie do on mushy peas ? he says they make the most fantastic grouting (what
we use to build walls)

Who is Jamie Oliver? He is a famous British chef. He wrote cook books and he presented numerous TV
shows in which he denounced junk food

What are mushy peas? Mushy

5 Séquence 2nde- CLICHES AND CULTURAL HABITS Axe 4 : Self-representation and relationships to others

Séance n° 2/6 Objectif(s): Remarques :

Durée Consignes/tâches
Etape 1 : 5 min Recap on what we did last time

Etape 2 : 15 min Audio Erica: stereotypes about French and American people
CO https://audio-lingua.ac-versailles.fr/spip.php?article7243
Listen to the audio several times and take notes, then check your findings you’re
your partner
Etape 3 : 10 min How far do you agree with her (Erica)?
EO Map How Americans see Europe

Etape 4 : 15 min Write a short paragraph with your partner giving your opinion on Erica’s point of
view. Try to have a moderate opinion.

Etape 5 : 5 min Les adjectifs substantivés et les noms de nationalité

Every et all

Erica: stereotypes about French and American people

Take notes:

Erika who is an American girl thinks that all the French people carry baguettes and wear striped shirt and
berets. She also thinks that they are very snooty and rude but especially the Parisians. She says that the
French smell really bad.
Then she talks about the stereotypes that French people have on the Americans. She knows that most
French people think that the Americans are all fat and eat a lot of junk food and tend to be bigger.
French people usually think that everything is bigger in the USA but for instance the pupils’ lockers are
6 Séquence 2nde- CLICHES AND CULTURAL HABITS Axe 4 : Self-representation and relationships to others
7 Séquence 2nde- CLICHES AND CULTURAL HABITS Axe 4 : Self-representation and relationships to others
8 Séquence 2nde- CLICHES AND CULTURAL HABITS Axe 4 : Self-representation and relationships to others

Les adjectifs substantivés et les adjectifs de nationalité :

→Certains adj sont employés comme des noms : the rich- the poor- the young – the blind- the deaf – the
handicapped- the disabled- the unemployed
Attention ils ne prennent pas de -s

Pour désigner un individu dans un groupe on emploie : adj+ man/woman/person

Ex : a blind man=un aveugle an unemployed person= un chômeur a retired woman=une retraitée

Pour désigner plusieurs individus on emploie adj + people

Ex : the young people next door are moving out= les jeunes d’â côté déménagent

Attention avec les adj “black » et « white »

Black people= the Blacks = les noirs a black man= un noir

White people= the Whites…

→Les adjectifs de nationalité :

*British people= the British – a British person

*English people= the English- an Englishman/Englishwoman

(idem pour French/Welsh/Irish)

*The Chinese – A Chinese (idem Japanese- Portuguese- Vietnamese)

*The Americans- an American

the American people=le peuple américain

9 Séquence 2nde- CLICHES AND CULTURAL HABITS Axe 4 : Self-representation and relationships to others

Every et All

« every » est toujours suivi d’un nom au singulier et d’un verbe au singulier :

Every summer we have a holiday by the sea. Sarah has been to every country in Europe. Every house in
the street is the same. Every country has a national flag

“every day” et “all day”

Every day= tous les jours, chaque jour all day= toute la journée

How often ? every day : it rained every day last week

Idem pour every morning- all morning, every night, all night…

How long ? all day : it rained all day yesterday


1) Learn the new words + how to express your opinion (padlet) 2) Take notes on the grammatical
explanations: quantifiers (online exercise to train https://www.tolearnenglish.com/exercises/exercise-
english-2/exercise-english-26013.php (padlet)3) Don’t forget to watch long video with the worksheet (Paul
Taylor’s) (padlet)
10 Séquence 2nde- CLICHES AND CULTURAL HABITS Axe 4 : Self-representation and relationships to others

Séance n° 3/6 Objectif(s): Remarques :

Durée Consignes/tâches Support
Etape 1 : 5 min Recap on what we did last time

Etape 2 : 15 min Video How British are you? Work with your partner
CO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZyvX6g7lA0&t=53s

Etape 3 : Correction video

Video How British are you? https://ladigitale.dev/digiview/#/v/64df96d9e7507

This is a (street interview/vox pop). The scene takes place in (the street, in England, by the seaside).
Several passers-by are interviewed on stereotypes about the British people. They are all British and
they are asked if they fit to these quite common stereotypes.

What do Ps and Qs stand for?

One suggests "Ps and Qs" is short for "pleases" and "thank-yous", the latter syllables pronounced like the letter "Q".
Another proposal is from the English pubs and taverns of the 17th century: bartenders would keep watch over the
pints and quarts consumed by the patrons, telling them to "mind their Ps and Qs".
11 Séquence 2nde- CLICHES AND CULTURAL HABITS Axe 4 : Self-representation and relationships to others

Worksheet#2 Video: How British are you? https://ladigitale.dev/digiview/#/v/64df96d9e7507

Your task in groups:

1) watch the video and answer the following questions

How many people are being interviewed? ------------------------------------------------

What are the stereotypes on British people? (make a precise list)

Examples: British people are said to be (adjective)

British people are supposed to always (verb)


2) report some of them who fit and some who don’t. Why do they fit? Why don’t they fit?


Summary on the video:

12 Séquence 2nde- CLICHES AND CULTURAL HABITS Axe 4 : Self-representation and relationships to others

Séance n° 4/6 Objectif(s): Remarques :

Durée Consignes/tâches
Etape 1 : 5 min Recap on what we did last time

Etape 2 : 15 min Discover British humour on that topic and try to make the same kind of cartoons
EO on French stereotypes

Etape 3 : 10 min

Etape 4 : 15 min

Etape 5 : 5 min
13 Séquence 2nde- CLICHES AND CULTURAL HABITS Axe 4 : Self-representation and relationships to others
14 Séquence 2nde- CLICHES AND CULTURAL HABITS Axe 4 : Self-representation and relationships to others

Pour la séance 5 : lien du texte des questions à retravailler


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