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TOEIC® test




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© Éditions Nathan 2018 – 25 avenue Pierre de Coubertin – 75013 Paris

ISBN : 978-2-09-811877-5

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Ce livret d’accompagnement vous permet de développer vos connaissances sur une des
parties du test TOEIC : le vocabulaire. Pour répondre aux questions, vous devez maîtriser
certaines notions essentielles telles que merger, priceless, mortgage… dont vous trouverez
le sens dans ce livret.
Pour vous aider à préparer au mieux votre examen et à apprendre le vocabulaire,
nous vous proposons des listes complètes de mots classées en 26 thèmes. Ces listes suivies
d’exercices très variés vous permettront de vous entraîner à employer dans des phrases les
mots que vous aurez appris.
Souvenez-vous qu’en règle générale, il faut « voir » un mot trois fois pour bien le
mémoriser : une fois dans la liste, une fois en répondant à l’exercice, une fois en vérifiant
votre réponse avec les corrigés et le tour est joué ! Nous avons choisi de vous proposer
deux notions supplémentaires les Idioms & Expressions ainsi que les Phrasal verbs (verbes
à particule), car ils apparaissent régulièrement à l’examen.
Regardez également des reportages et documentaires en anglais, à la télévision ou sur
Internet, pour vous familiariser avec le thème Business. Écoutez des Podcasts en anglais
(entraînez vous à repérer le vocabulaire sans indication visuelle car il n’y aura pas de vidéo
dans le TOEIC !). N’hésitez pas à lire des articles sur tous les sujets qui vous intéressent,
et même ceux qui vous intéressent moins (car c’est souvent à propos de ces sujets que le
vocabulaire vous manque). Profitez aussi des jeux interactifs sur Internet pour améliorer
votre vocabulaire.
Comme pour tout apprentissage, l’entraînement est fondamental. Prenez un moment
dans la journée pour faire les exercices et vous entraîner à retenir. Privilégiez la qualité
plutôt que la quantité.
N’oubliez pas que ce que vous allez apprendre pour le test vous servira dans votre vie,
au bureau, en voyage ou en croisant un étranger dans la rue. Imaginez les portes que ce
livret va vous ouvrir !
“Let’s not beat around the bush. You must knuckle down and don’t cut any corners. Hang
on in there, it’s English vocabulary, not rocket science. Remember, no pain, no gain. As a
result, you will no longer feel like a fish out of water when you go abroad and break the ice at
every party because of your fluency.”
Et tout ça est: “Easy as Pie!”

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1. Banking & Personal finance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

2. Commerce. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3. Communicating. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
4. Complaining & Apologizing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
5. Corporate property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
6. Dining out. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
7. Graphs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
8. Health & Healthcare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
9. High-tech. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
10. Human resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
11. Idioms & Expressions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
12. Investments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
13. Life in the office. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
14. Logistics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
15. Marketing & Advertising. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
16. Media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
17. Meetings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
18. Phrasal verbs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
19. Presentations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
20. Products. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
21. R&D (research, development) & Industrialization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
22. Real estate & Housing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
23. Small talk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
24. Sustainable development. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
25. Travel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
26. Weather . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109

Corrigés . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114

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La banque et les finances personnelles

account compte
ATM (Automatic Teller Machine) DAB (distributeur automatique de billets)
balance solde
bank card carte bancaire
borrow (to) emprunter
bounce a check (to) faire un chèque sans provision
branch succursale
cash espèces
change monnaie
check (US) / cheque (UK) chèque
checkbook carnet de chèques
close an account (to) fermer un compte
credit (to) créditer
credit card carte de crédit
debit card carte de débit
deposit dépôt
direct deposit dépôt direct
dirt poor extrême pauvreté
filthy rich extrême richesse
financial advisor conseiller financier
hard up sans le sou, fauché
interest intérêt
loaded riche (bourré de fric - familier)
loan prêt
non sufficient funds fonds insuffisants
open an account (to) ouvrir un compte
overdraft découvert
overdraw (to) mettre à découvert
overdrawn à découvert
pay stub fiche de paie
PIN (Personal Identification Number) code
savings account compte d’épargne
statement relevé
teller caissier de banque / guichetier

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transaction transaction
well-off aisé
withdraw (to) retirer
withdrawal retrait

A Link the words to their definitions.

1. Overdraw • • A. Bank employee who handles basic transactions

2. Pay stub • • B. Money that is to be reimbursed with interest
3. Loan • • C. The amount that remains in an account
4. Change • • D. To spend more than you have in an account
5. Statement • • E. Declaration of all transactions
6. Teller • • F. Bank employee who gives insight on money matters
7. Financial advisor • • G. Declaration of salary and taxes
8. Balance • • H. The balance of money after a transaction

B Complete the following texts with words from the lists directly below them.

Dear Mr. Kudlow

We at ICON Bank are writing you to tell you that your 1.
(no. 345-78-0923) is being suspended due to 2. . Your current
3. is -$516.29. You have received numerous 4.
account notices but now that your account has surpassed this limit, it will be
frozen until you 5. the appropriate funds. If you do not follow
this request in 30 days, you will be sent to collections.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

Customer Account Services

1. a) account b) portfolio c) statement
2. a) overdraft b) non-sufficient funds c) interest
3. a) change b) balance c) credit
4. a) overdrawn b) teller c) statement
5. a) open an account b) balance c) deposit

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I’m sorry to ask you this but I’m in trouble. The bank is on my back because I don’t
have enough money in my 6. . I wasn’t careful and never looked
at my statements. My bank card made things just too convenient for me. I went
out with my friends a lot and always got cash from the 7.
and spent like crazy, I never even counted my 8. . There is
another problem too, I’ve 9. and the bank wants me to pay
that back too. Could you 10. me $600 so I can pay off my
debt? I’ll pay you back later. I understand you’re not 11.
but I need your help and really appreciate it. Thanks a lot.

6. a) bank b) account c) cash

7. a) teller b) ATM c) financial Advisor
8. a) change b) branches c) checks
9. a) opened an account b) closed an account c) bounced a few checks
10. a) loan b) borrow c) change
11. a) dirt poor b) filthy rich c) hard up

C Put the words in the right order to make a sentence.

1. to keep / stubs / pension / pay / need / problems / your / there / you / all of /
are / your / so / no / with

2. different / interest / credit cards / because / are / debit cards / charge / from /

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3. in order / because / expensive / Park Avenue / well-off / to live / it’s so / to be /

on / have / you

4. because / checkbooks / will use / cards / will be / checks / obsolete / people /

and / future / in / the

5. PIN / write it / you / remember / down / should / but / must / always / not /

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Le commerce

advance payment avance

after-sales service service après-vente (SAV)
amount due montant dû
as from à partir de
balance solde
bargain occasion / (bonne) affaire
bargain (to) négocier
brand marque
brick & mortar magasin en dur
bulk gros
buyer acheteur
caveat emptor avertissement au consommateur
chain store chaîne de magasins
commission commission
convenience store commerce de proximité
customer loyalty fidélité du client
department store grand magasin
discount remise
e-commerce (B2B, C2B, C2C, P2P) e-commerce
e-security sécurité Internet
firm order commande ferme
grant a discount (to) accorder une remise
group buying achat groupé
guarantee garantie
hire purchase location-vente
impulse buying achat impulsif
in stock (to have something) en stock
included compris
instalment acompte / versement
introductory price prix de lancement
invoice facture
invoice (to) facturer
mail order vente par correspondance
mark-down démarque
mark down (to) solder


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mark-up augmentation (des prix)
mark up (to) augmenter (les prix)
net price prix net
order commande
order form bon de commande
outlet point de vente
packaging emballage
price prix
procurement / supplies approvisionnement
purchase (to) acheter
purchasing achat(s)
quotation (quote) / estimate devis
receipt reçu
reduced réduit
refund / reimbursement remboursement
repeat order nouvelle commande
retail (price) détail / prix au détail
retailer détaillant
sold out (to be) être en rupture de stock
spare parts pièces détachées
trade fair salon commercial
unit price prix unitaire
unsaleable invendable
wholesale (price) en gros (prix de gros)
wholesaler grossiste

A What kind of commerce? Put the right word in front of its definition.

brick & mortar • chain store • convenience store • department store •

e-commerce • mail order • outlet • retail • trade fair • wholesale

1. The general word that covers all kinds of points of sale .........................................
2. A (big) event where people in the trade meet and do business .............................
3. A store with lots of different departments, corners… ............................................
4. Lots of different stores (or supermarkets) using the same name ..........................


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5. Selling goods direct to the customer .........................................................................

6. A shop in the High Street, a building..........................................................................
7. Selling goods in bulk, usually to professional buyers...............................................
8. A store, often smallish, just around the corner..........................................................
9. Buying and selling over the Internet...........................................................................
10. Ordering and receiving by post something from a catalogue..............................

B Put a suitable word from the vocabulary list into the gap.

1. We work hard to encourage . We like our customers

to come back again and again.
2. I took the sweater that didn’t fit back to the store and they gave me a
so I got all my money back.
3. He’s a salesperson. He gets a low salary, but a lot of when he sells
lots of goods.
4. To confirm your order, please fill out the and return
it to the email address above.
5. We are going to buy all our electrical appliances on .
We will have monthly instalments to pay back
6. If you have an old car which needs repairing, it can be difficult to find the
7. So, you ordered goods worth $5.00 and others worth $15.00, so the total
is $20.00.
8. You need to pay before we can actually send you the goods. In other words, an
9. Please find enclosed a of the total cost for the building and
decoration work you want done on your apartment.


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10. Please remove those clothes from the shelves and the racks. They are shop-
soiled and totally . We cannot offer them to our customers.

C Complete the word puzzle using the clues.

1 C
2 A -
3 V
4 E
5 A -
6 - T
7 E
8 M -
9 P
10 T -
11 - O
12 R

1. The general word for what goods are wrapped in

2. Another word for price increase
3. A request for payment
4. The department responsible for ordering supplies
5. The same order, again and again
6. The goods are available in the warehouse / store.
7. Proof of payment
8. An order that is sure, certain (sometimes in writing)
9. A sudden, unexpected decision to purchase (……… buying)
10. The price per item
11. When there is no more of an item in a store, they have…
12. Synonym of “buy”, used more in companies


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Les communications
Taking a call Prendre un appel
Hello / Good morning / Good afternoon Bonjour/Bonsoir, comment puis-je vous
/ Good evening, how may I help you? aider ?
[Company name], [your name] [Nom de l’entreprise], [votre nom]
speaking… à l’appareil…
Hello? (used when at home) Salut ! (familier)
Taking messages Prendre un message
Je suis désolé(e), il/elle n’est pas là
I’m sorry he/she’s not here today.
Could I take a message ? Puis-je prendre un message ?
I’m afraid he/she’s not available at the Je regrette mais il/elle n’est pas
moment. disponible en ce moment.
Could I take a message? Puis-je prendre un message ?
May I ask who’s calling, please? Qui est à l’appareil, s’il vous plaît ?
I’ll give him/her your message as soon Je lui transmettrai le message dès son
as he/she gets back. retour.
I’ll let him/her know that you called. Je lui dirai que vous avez appelé.
Making a call Téléphoner
Hello, this is [your name] from Bonjour, je suis [votre nom] de [nom
[organisation name] and I’m calling… de l’entreprise] et j’appelle…
Hello, this is [your name]. Bonjour, je suis [votre nom].
May I speak to [name]? Puis-je parler à [nom] ?
Je souhaiterais m’entretenir
I’d like to speak to [name], please.
avec [nom], s’il vous plaît.
Email phrases Phrases dans les courriels
Dear Mr. / Ms / Dr Cher M. / Chère Mme/ Cher Dr
Dear [name] Cher [nom]
Hi [Jack…] Salut [Jacques…]
Dear Sir or Madam, Madame, Monsieur,
Dear all, Bonjour à tous,
Hi everyone / ladies Bonjour à tous / mesdames
To: All team members À : tous les membres de l’équipe
Thank you for your email about… Merci pour votre courriel concernant…
Thanks for your quick reply. Merci pour votre réponse rapide.


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Thanks for your email Merci pour votre courriel

Thank you for finding the time to meet Merci d’avoir pris le temps de me
me. rencontrer.
Sorry it’s been so long since I’ve written. Désolée pour mon silence.
I’m writing to you about… Je vous contacte au sujet de…
I’m writing to you regarding… Je vous écris à propos de…
This is just a quick note to say… Un message rapide pour vous dire…
As promised… Comme promis…
J’espère que vous avez passé une bonne
I hope you had a good weekend.
J’espère que vous allez bien. / Que tout
I hope that all is well with you.
va bien.
Dans l’attente d’une réponse (rapide) de
I look forward to hearing from you (soon).
votre part.
Je vous remercie de me faire savoir si
Please let me know if that’s OK for you.
vous êtes d’accord.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me. N’hésitez pas à me contacter.
Thank you in advance. Merci d’avance.
Thank you very much. Merci beaucoup.
Any information you could give me would J’apprécierai toutes informations que
be very appreciated. vous pourriez me communiquer.
If you require any further information, do N’hésitez pas à me contacter pour toute
not hesitate to contact me. information complémentaire.
Feel free to contact me if you have further N’hésitez pas à me contacter pour toute
questions. autre question.
Yours faithfully / Yours sincerely Cordialement
Best regards / wishes Bien cordialement


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A Complete the following sentences using the appropriate register depending

upon the situation.

Making contact with a company

1. Mrs. Wilcox,
a) Hi b) To c) Dear

2. to confirm my presence at the interview

at your office on Thursday, May 17 at 3pm.
a) Sorry, it’s been so long since I’ve written
b) I am writing to you
c) This is just a quick note to say

Jenny Friess
a) Thanks a lot b) Yours sincerely c) Please don’t hesitate to contact me

A phone call in an office

4. Receptionist: Good morning.

a) What do you want? b) How could I help you? c) What’s going on?

5. Customer: Yes, this is Andrea Charles from the Luxury House.

to Mr. Daniels, please?
a) May I can talk b) May I speak c) I wanna talk

6. Receptionist: he’s not in this morning. Could I take a

a) I’m afraid of him b) You can’t c) I’m afraid
Customer: No, thank you. I’ll call back another time.

Communication between one friend and another

Hey Josh,
7. but things have just been crazy at work. 8. that
I got the tickets to the tennis match that you wanted so when you and Erin come


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visit next month, we can all go together 9. . Sophie and I
10. during your visit.

a) Sorry it’s been so long since I’ve written
b) Thanks for your email
c) Thank you for finding the time to meet us
a) I am writing in regards
b) I hope that all is well with you
c) This is just a little note to say
9. a) As promised
b) I hope that all is well with you
c) Any information you could give us
10. a) look forward to seeing you
b) If you require any further information please don’t hesitate to contact me.
c) Please feel free to contact me if you have further questions.

B Put the words in the right order to make a sentence.

1. so sorry / long / but / busy / I’m / since / it’s been / very / written / I’ve / been /
so / I’ve
2. hesitate / please / information / you / don’t / further / contact / any / to / if / me
/ need
3. promised / party / pictures / as / of / here / the / are / pictures
4. Mr. Cooper / have / back? / sorry / stepped / out / I’m / you / could / call / but /
has just / him / I
5. Mr. Carleton / hello / manager / please? / this / could / speak / I / is / the / to
6. hope / you / I / with / that / well / is / everything


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7. please? / may / calling / I / who’s / ask

8. quicksale.net / writing / car / you / I / have / am / for / on / sale / regarding / to
/ the / you

C Cross out the expression which does not go with the others.
Pay attention to the context.

1. a) I’m sorry he’s not here today. Can I take a message?
b) I’m calling regarding the package you were supposed to send.
c) Thank you for finding the time to meet me.
d) Good afternoon, Icon Bank. This is Denise. How may I help you?
2. a) Thanks for your email about Mary. She’s doing a lot better.
b) Thank you for calling, I’ve got to run. Have a great day!
c) Please don’t hesitate to write back if you need anything else.
d) Thanks for your quick reply. You’ll find the contract attached below…
3. a) I’m afraid Mr. Pratt isn’t here at the moment.
b) May I ask who’s calling, please?
c) I’ll let him know that you called.
d) Hello. This is Ariana Kolitsos and I’d like to speak with Mr. Drakos.
4. a) This is just a quick little note to say that the party has been moved to next
b) Thank you very much for taking the time to meet with me and my team.
c) Please contact me or my assistant should you require any further assistance.
d) I look forward to meeting you here in our Singapore office next month.


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Les plaintes et les excuses
Il faut comprendre la culture des plaintes et des excuses pour faire certains exercices
des parties Listening ou Reading du TOEIC. Voici une liste (non exhaustive) des mots et
expressions que l’on peut trouver. Noter le ton différent dans certaines expressions, ce qui
aiderait à répondre aux questions comme What is the man’s mood? ou How does the speaker

To make a complaint, English-speaking people usually

• Apologise before they start (1) • Use indirect language (2)
• Keep cool and stay calm – be polite • Explain why you are angry/upset… (but…)
• Use modal auxiliaries: could, may, would (3) • End complaints with a question

Start by saying:
(1) Excuse me… Excusez-moi…
I’m afraid I have a complaint… Je suis désolé(e) mais j’ai une plainte…
I’m sorry to bother / trouble you, but… Je suis navré(e) de vous déranger mais…
I’m sorry / afraid to say… Je suis désolé(e) de dire…
I’m sorry to have to say this, but… Je suis désolé(e) mais je dois dire…
I hate to tell you but… Je n’aime pas vous le dire mais…
I’m afraid there’s a problem / may be a Je crains qu’il y ait un problème / un
misunderstanding, but… malentendu mais…
I’m sorry, but I’m appalled / upset / Je suis désolé(e), mais je suis consterné(e)
disappointed / dissatisfied / offended about / contrarié(e) / déçu(e) / insatisfait(e) /
because… offensé(e) car…

(2) There’s a little / slight problem / Il y a un petit problème / malentendu

misunderstanding with… avec…
There seems / appears to be a problem / Il semble qu’il y ait un problème / que
something wrong with… quelque chose ne va pas avec…
Don’t get me wrong, but… Ne le prenez pas mal mais…
I hate to make a fuss, but… Je n’aime pas faire d’histoires mais…
Excuse me if I’m out of line, but… Excusez-moi si je dépasse les bornes
Sorry if I am overstepping my boundaries, Je suis désolé(e) si je franchis les limites
but… mais…


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(3) I wonder if you could… / Can you…? / Je me demandais si vous pouviez… /

Could you help me? Pouvez-vous… ? / Pouvez-vous m’aider ?
More direct, and more informal:
I am fed up with / had enough of / am sick J’en ai marre de / assez de…
and tired of…
I’m not happy with… Je ne suis pas content(e) avec…
I hate / can’t stand the way he… Je ne supporte pas la manière dont/qu’il…
It’s got to stop. / It can’t go on. Il faut que cela s’arrête.
You are always doing… (noter la forme Vous êtes toujours en train de…
progressive avec l’adverbe de fréquence
You never… Jamais vous ne…
Why does this always happen? Pourquoi cela arrive toujours ?
I (just) can’t believe it! Je n’arrive pas à y croire !
More direct, and quite formal:
I would like to lodge / make a complaint. Je voudrais déposer une plainte.
I would like to report an issue / to inform J’aimerais signaler un problème / vous
you / to speak to the manager. informer / parler avec le gérant.
I’m sorry, but this is unacceptable! Je suis désolé(e) mais c’est inacceptable !
It is simply not good enough. Ce n’est pas suffisant.
That is ridiculous / unfair / unreasonable… C’est ridicule / injuste / ce n’est pas
We regret to inform you that… (à utiliser Nous sommes au regret de vous informer
plutôt dans la correspondance formelle) que…
To soften the blow:
I understand, it’s not your fault, but… Je comprends, ce n’est pas votre faute
Maybe you forgot to…? Peut-être avez-vous oublié de… ?
Perhaps there was a misunderstanding. Peut-être y avait-il un malentendu.
Is there anything that can be done about…? Peut-on faire quelque chose à propos
de… ?
TO REACT TO A COMPLAINT Dans l’ordre croissant de politesse
I’m sorry > I am sorry > I am so sorry > I Désolé(e) > Je suis désolé(e) > Je suis
apologize > I do apologize vraiment désolé(e) > Je m’excuse > Je
m’excuse profondément

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I would like to apologize for the Je voudrais m’excuser pour le
inconvenience. désagrément.
Please accept our sincere apologies. Veuillez, s’il vous plaît, accepter nos
excuses les plus sincères.
Sorry for [+ the + noun]… Nous sommes désolés pour le/la/les…
Sorry about [+ verb -ing] Désolé(e) d’avoir…
I’m sorry to hear that. Je suis désolé(e) d’apprendre cela.
I am really sorry. Je suis vraiment désolé(e).
I can’t tell you how sorry I am. Je ne peux vous dire combien je suis
I’m sorry, this will never happen again. Je suis navré(e), cela n’arrivera plus.
Find out about it and offer to help:
I’ll do my best to sort it as quickly as Je vais faire de mon mieux pour régler le
possible. problème dès que possible.
Just leave it with me and I’ll see what I can Laissez-moi m’en occuper, je vais voir ce
do. que je peux faire.
I’m afraid I cannot help you at the moment. Je suis désolé(e) mais je ne peux pas vous
aider pour l’instant.
Could you leave your contact name and Pouvez-vous laisser votre nom et votre
number? I’ll get back to you as soon as I numéro de contact ? Je reviendrai vers
can. vous dès que possible.
What is the nature of the complaint? De quelle sorte de plainte s’agit-il ?
What’s the best way to / How can we deal Quelle est la meilleure manière de /
with / sort / amend this? Comment peut-on traiter / changer ceci ?
Have you any ideas about how we can Avez-vous une idée de la façon dont nous
proceed? pouvons poursuivre ?
Or not:
I’m afraid there is nothing / not much I can Je suis désolé(e), mais il n’y a rien / il y a
do about it. peu que je puisse faire.
Look on the bright side:
At least… Au moins…
When you think about it… Quand vous y pensez…
On the other hand… D’un autre côté / d’autre part…
Don’t forget that… N’oubliez pas que…


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A What might you complain about? Put a word from the list into the right place in
the conversations.

apologize • bother • dissatisfied • don’t • enough • fed up with • forget • hand •

happen • hear • inconvenience • leave • matter • misunderstanding • nothing •
regret • seems • sincere • sorry • sort • speak • unacceptable

1. In a shop
– I’m sorry to you, but I am afraid there is a problem with
this shirt. When I got home, I realised that it is shop-soiled.
– I’m , this will never again. Of course,
we shall take it back, and give you a full refund. Could I see your receipt please?

2. In a hotel
– This is totally ! We booked a suite with a view, and all
you can offer us is a twin room on the ground floor, overlooking the car park. I
would like to to the manager.
– I do for the mistake. Just it
with me, and I’ll see what I can do to change your room.

3. In a restaurant
– Excuse me, there to be a problem with our order.
Perhaps there was a because we don’t speak Italian
very well.
– What exactly is the with your meal?
– It’s not what we ordered. Also, we are in a bit of a hurry.
– I’ll do my best to it as quickly as possible.

4. At work
– Mark, I’m you telling me what to do all the time.
Can’t you get off my back and concentrate on your own work?
– I’m sorry to that, and I shall do my best to leave
you alone from now on. On the other , don’t


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that when you first arrived, you were the one who was
always asking me questions.

5. To a supplier
Dear supplier
We to inform you we are extremely .
We were counting on delivery of 400 boxes last week, and we received our order
only today, and there are at most 200 boxes. Please advise as soon as possible.
Dear customer
Please accept our apologies for any
you may have been caused. We have sent the 200 missing boxes by express delivery
and you should receive them tomorrow.

6. At the airport
– It is simply not good ! The flight has been delayed again
despite your promises. It’s not going to leave until 8pm now, which means I shall
miss my connection.
– I’m afraid there is I can do about it. Why
you go and have a complementary cup of coffee in the
bar, and wait for your flight to be called?


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B What you think is what you say… but not always! Match each sentence
to the right “thought”.

1. I cannot support the way you are always late.

2. You leave the door open all the time.
3. I want to lodge a grievance.
4. I’m sorry, but I cannot do anything for now.
5. I am perhaps saying something inappropriate, but your attire is too casual.
6. What are you actually complaining about?
7. I am very, very sorry indeed.
8. This cannot continue.
9. You are not responsible for this, but what can we do?
10. I may be going out of my remit, but your team isn’t doing as much work
as the others.

A. What is the nature of the complaint? F. I want to make a complaint.

B. Sorry if I’m overstepping the boundaries, G. It’s not your fault, but what’s
but your team isn’t pulling its weight. the best way to deal with it?

C. It can’t go on. H. Perhaps I am out of line, but you need

to be more smartly dressed.

D. I can’t stand the way you are

always late. I. You are always leaving the door open.

E. I can’t tell you how sorry I am. J. I’m afraid I cannot help you
at the moment.


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Biens immobiliers de l’entreprise

acceptance acceptation
amenity infrastructure
apartment complex immeuble d’habitation
approval approbation
asset actif
authorities autorités
bankruptcy faillite
brownfield site terrain urbain à l’abandon
capital gain plus-value
cashflow trésorerie
community communauté
construction industry industrie du bâtiment
default défaut de paiement
development développement
downtown centre-ville
factory / plant usine
financing financement
foreclosure procédure de saisie
freehold bien en pleine propriété
greenfield site terrain vierge de construction
hotel hôtel
implementation mise en œuvre
industrial property propriété industrielle
landlord propriétaire
leasehold location à bail
mall centre commercial
medical center centre médical
municipal municipal
negotiate (to) négocier
negotiation négociation
office building immeuble de bureaux
portfolio portefeuille (finance)
premises locaux
redevelopment rénovation (urbaine)


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refinancing refinancement
regional régional
rental loyer
rental income revenu locatif
requisite requis / nécessaire
retail store magasin de vente au détail
site chantier
suitability pertinence, adéquation
tenant locataire
unit appartement
valuation évaluation
void dénué de / dépourvu de / vide de
warehouse entrepôt
zone zone
zoning zonage

A Different kinds of corporate property – Match each definition to a word from the
vocabulary list.

1. A place where goods or raw materials are stored.

2. A place where goods are manufactured.
3. Where lots of stores and boutiques are.
4. Just one place where you can go shopping.
5. You go to visit a doctor, a dentist, and other medical staff here.
6. One of several habitations in a building.
7. This one is the building with all the habitations in it on several floors.
8. This building has a different purpose; it is where you go to work.
9. You go here for a bit of rest and enjoyment, or when you are on a business trip.
10. The general word to talk about the grounds and the buildings.

B Put a suitable heading from the list to each article.

A bad landlord • A prolific property portfolio • Agreeable amenities •

Bankruptcy beckons • Collapsing construction industry • Downtown development •
Zoning regulations • Greenfield site earmarked for development •
Imminent implementation • Rental income optimization
There are several classical buildings in the area, so any new construction is
submitted to careful examination to make sure it complies.


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He has been accused of housing too many people in one apartment and will be
facing trial within the next 4 weeks.
The company hopes to get at least $1,000 each month from each tenant, which is
way over what they had forecast when building work started.
The area has never been used for building before, and some of the locals are
already regretting the orchards and meadows they looked over before.
When closely examined, the company was seen to not only have many industrial
properties on its books, but other leasehold arrangements providing an immense
The company has had cash flow problems for quite a long time and despite
refinancing from banks and other sources, is likely to close down within the next
six months.
The city centre may be expensive for new building work, but it is usually a
worthwhile investment and the company has chosen the site near the railway
Following boom years, when laborers and craftsmen alike found it difficult to keep
up with demand, the drop in local and regional building projects is beginning to
make itself felt.
The new shopping mall will also house an indoor swimming pool, several cafés
and restaurants, and above all, a childcare center so parents can shop in peace.
Approval has now been received from the local authorities, who have reassured
the community that the future office block will not damage the overall cultural
heritage of the city center.


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Dîner à l’extérieur

à la carte à la carte
à la mode à la mode
all-you-can-eat à volonté
appetizer entrée
bill facture / note
booking réservation
booster seat rehausseur
buffet buffet
busboy commis
café café
cafeteria cantine
chip shop friterie
complementary gratuit
cutlery couverts
deli food/meat épicerie fine / charcuterie
dine (to) dîner
diner café-restaurant
dinner dîner
dish plat
doggie bag restes à emporter
free refills boissons gratuites
garnish garniture
hold (to) ne pas mettre
host / hostess hôte / hôtesse
house wine vin de table
lunch déjeuner
medium a point
medium rare saignant
on the house offert par la maison
on the side à côté
overdone trop cuit
rare saignant / crû
reservation réservation
rush course (ruée)
rushed débordé / pressé


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salad bar bar à salade

self-serve en libre-service
side dish accompagnement
take-out / take-away à emporter
the works tous les accompagnements
tip pourboire
to go à emporter
waiter / waitress serveur / serveuse
well done bien cuit

A Use the appropriate word or expression to fill in the gap.

1. Lettuce, pickles, tomatoes are to be put on a hamburger.

a) on the side b) self-serve c) garnishes

2. Instead of choosing from a set menu, which would be more cost-effective, you
can order , which will cost more but you have the freedom to choose.
a) on the house b) à la carte c) take-away

3. This was very good, but I can’t finish it all. Could I get to take the
leftovers home?
a) to go b) a doggy bag c) the works

4. In Italy, the service is very good, but they also charge you for the .
a) cutlery b) side dish c) tip

5. This is one of my favorite . It’s owned and run by a family from

Marseilles and is on the corner near my subway stop.
a) coffees b) cafés c) diner

6. If somebody says “it’s on the house”, it means it’s .

a) offered b) free refills c) complimentary

7. The cleans the tables after each customer has finished their meal.
a) waitress b) busboy c) hostess


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8. If you ever go to Edinburgh, there is a that you must visit. They

make the most amazing French fries.
a) salad bar b) dinner c) chip shop

9. restaurants are where you pay a flat fee and there is no limit to the
amount of food you can have.
a) Deli b) Chip shop c) All you can eat

10. Americans tend to cook their meat for a very long time so that it is
, a view that is not shared by many Europeans.
a) well done b) on the side c) medium

B Match each word to the right definition.

1. Hold • • A. A surge in customers

2. Buffet • • B. A place that sells meats and sandwiches
3. Appetiser • • C. To not include an item in the order
4. Rush • • D. To have every possible choice with the order
5. The works • • E. A large selection of hot and cold food
6. Take-away • • F. A small dish served before the main course
7. Salad bar • • G. Not to be eaten in the restaurant
8. Deli • • H. Where you can assemble vegetable dishes

C Complete the restaurant critique with words from the list below.

house wine • well done • busboy • waiter • complimentary • bill • free refills •
on the side • à la carte • reservation • self-service • doggy bag •
take-out • rare • tip • cutlery • dinner • set menu

Fulton’s Restaurant – You couldn’t pay me to go back!

I took my wife there for our anniversary last week. We had a 1.
for 7 o’clock but they didn’t even seat us for half an hour because they forgot to
manage the bookings. We sat there in the lobby for an eternity and didn’t even
offer us some 2. champagne or anything from the bar for that


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matter. Finally, we got to our table. I looked down at my 3. and
saw that it was very dirty. I asked for a new fork and knife but the
4. said it was fine and he refused to bring me new silverware.
We looked at the menu and much to our disappointment everything was
5. . There was no 6. , so I knew then it was
going to be a very expensive 7. . My wife and I both ordered
steaks and we both like them 8. . We just think that meat should
be cooked for a long time and that’s what I was paying for, but the waiter brought
us two steaks that were so 9. there was blood all over the plate
as soon as you cut into it. Nothing was included with the steak, so we had to
order potatoes and salad 10. . When I eat a good steak, I enjoy
a good glass of wine to go with, it but at Fulton’s, their wines were outrageously
overpriced, so I went with the 11. instead. That was the most
pleasant surprise of the meal as it was very smooth and not expensive at all. Our
server never looked in on us again and spent most of the time chatting with his
friends or playing with his phone in the corner. My wife and I had to scream to
catch his attention so that we could pay the 12. .
The 13. immediately grabbed our plates and threw the food in
the trash. I wouldn’t have asked but he didn’t even offer a 14.
for our leftovers. I looked at the check and was shocked. It was so expensive! They
even charged us for water! Every restaurant in town gives 15.
for water, but not at Fulton’s. I paid but was so angry that I didn’t even leave a
16. . You will find better service in a 17.
restaurant or ordering 18. . You can believe me when I say I’m
never going back.


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Les graphiques


bar chart histogramme
bubble chart graphique à bulles
flowchart diagramme de flux
line graph graphique en courbe
organization chart organigramme
pie chart camembert


climb montée
climb (to) grimper
go up (to) augmenter
grow (to) croître
growth croissance
increase augmentation
increase (to) augmenter
rise hausse
rise (to) monter
rocket (to) monter en flèche
shoot up (to) grimper en flèche
soar (to) s’envoler
trend tendance (à la hausse ou à la baisse)
trend (upward / downward) (to) grimper / baisser
decline diminution
decline (to) diminuer
decrease baisse
decrease (to) baisser
drop baisse
drop (to) baisser, chuter
fall chute
fall (to) tomber / chuter
go down (to) baisser
plummet (to) chuter
plunge chute
plunge (to) plonger


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level off (to) se stabiliser
remain constant (to) rester constant
remain level (to) rester stable
stabilize (to) se stabiliser


bottom at (to) atteindre le plus bas
reach (to) atteindre


downwards / downward vers le bas
dramatically / dramatic considérablement / de façon spectaculaire
drastically / drastic de façon drastique / radicalement
gently / gentle doucement
gradually / gradual graduellement
high haut
little by little petit à petit
low bas
moderately / moderate modérément
narrow étroit
noticeably / noticeable visiblement
overall dans l’ensemble
sharply / sharp rapidement
significantly / significant significativement
slightly / slight légèrement
steadily / steady régulièrement
steeply / steep abruptement
step-by-step pas à pas / étape par étape
substantially / substantial considérablement
suddenly / sudden soudainement
upwards / upward vers le haut / à la hausse


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A Write the name of the chart under each image.

1. 2.

--------- ----

------ ---- ---- ----

------ ------ ---- ---- ----

---- ---- ----

------ ------

------ ------ ----

3. 4.

5. 6.

B Sort the capital letters to complete the descriptions. You may need to conjugate
the verb.

1. We are pleased to announce that there has been a

(RADTMCIA NIERSCAE) in sales over the past six months. Now, if you look at
the graph here, you can see…

2. As you can see from the graph, production costs (ELFL) over the
last quarter, due to a (IISFTACNNIG RPDO) in the
price of raw materials.


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3. If you look at the right of the graph, unemployment figures

(VELDLLEE FOF) towards the end of the year, the result of an
(EVALRLO) improvement to the financial climate.

4. It has been an uphill struggle, but

(PEST YB ETPS) we have been able to persuade our suppliers to stick to our ethics
commitments. The results are clearly shown on the diagram…

5. The (PAWRUD REDNT) in ice cream sales

(EMNIERDA ELEVL) for the summer period,
followed by a (TYSDAE EILENDC) in the autumn
once the warm weather had gone.

6. Although the team won the tournament by a (RARNWO)

margin, their population has (LPETDEUMM) owing to scandals
concerning the team members.

7. If you look at the bar chart, you can see that unemployment
(OBTDOETM TA) 2% during the Christmas period, owing to
the number of temporary jobs on offer, but saw a
(HRSPA MBLIC) in January once the sales were over.

8. Surprisingly, as the chart shows, obesity levels in the 10-20s have been
(ERIGANDSEC LGYTSLHI) over the past 5 years.
However, obesity in children starting school has
(RNSIE USAAILYLTTNSB). This shows that
(IELELT YB TEILEL), older children are learning to eat less junk

9. You can see that we forecast that our advertising expenses (the dotted line),
will (OHTOS PU) over the next few months owing
to our need to react to the (PAHRS WORTGH) in
competition (shown on the thick black line).

10. (VLOLARE), our R.O.I. (Return On Investment) has

(EEANDRIM ANNTTOSC) over the past 10 years.


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We have, however, now decided to plough back some of our profit into R&D, so
shareholders will see their dividends (LPUENG) at the end of the
fiscal year.

C Choose the right preposition.

at • by • from • in • of • to • to

1. The cost of living index rose 7% in one year.

2. Unemployment has soared over 11%.
3. The Bitcoin price peaked $3,000 last year.
4. Greenhouse gas emissions are expected to rise a 0.2 percent increase
in 2016 a 2 percent increase in 2017.
5. There was a fall the real wage rate following the recession.
6. There was an increase 50 pence for 550g of butter last year.


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La santé et les services de santé

ache douleur
allergic (to be) allergique (être)
allergy allergie
bandage bandage
band-aid / plaster pansement
broken cassé
bruise bleu / contusion
catch (to) attraper
check-up bilan de santé
cold rhume
contagious contagieux
cough toux
cream crème
cure (to) guérir
cut (to) couper
dentist dentiste
diagnose (to) /diagnosis diagnostiquer
diagnosis diagnostic
doctor médecin
dose (of medecine) dose (de médicaments)
drugs / medicine médicaments
eye drops collyre / gouttes pour les yeux
feel sick / nauseous nauséeux
fit (to be) en forme (être)
GP (General Practitioner) médecin généraliste
graze éraflure
graze (to) érafler
heal (to) guérir / cicatriser
health insurance assurance santé
healthy / unhealthy en bonne / mauvaise santé
heart attack / heart disease crise cardiaque / maladie cardiaque
hospital hôpital
hurt (to) / injure (to) blesser
ill / sick / poorly / rough / peaky malade
infection infection
midwife sage-femme


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nurse infirmier / infirmière

operate on (to) opérer / intervention chirurgicale
operating room salle d’opération
operation intervention chirurgicale
pain (in my back) douleur (dans le dos)
painful douloureux
painkiller analgésique / antalgique / antidouleur
patient patient
pill comprimé / pilule
prescribe (to) prescrire
prescription ordonnance
shot / injection / jab piqûre
specialist spécialiste
sprain (to) / sprained fouler / foulé
surgeon chirurgien
symptom symptôme
syringe seringue
syrup sirop
tablet comprimé / cachet
treat (to) soigner
twist (to) / twisted tordre / tordu
virus virus
waiting room salle d’attente
ward salle (d’hôpital)
wound blessure

A Complete the conversations. Conjugate the verb if necessary.

1. – What’s wrong?
– I really must go and see the d . I’ve got the most terrible
t .
– I hope you don’t need to have a filling.
– It’s very p when I eat something too hot, or too cold.
2. – What’s the matter?
– I feel n every morning, I’m putting on weight. Oh doctor, what is
wrong with me?

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– I think you are going to have a baby!

3. – Can you describe the symptoms?
– I’ve been feeling p for some time. So I thought I ought to come
and have a c .
– Let’s have a look at you. Well, first of all, you seem to be pretty f
overall. I don’t really want to give you any d for now. Try a bit of
R&R (rest and recuperation).
4. – What seems to be the matter?
– My back h when I sit for too long. Can you give me a p
or a t to take the pain away? Something I can wash
down with a glass of water.
5. – What are the symptoms?
– I have a and p everywhere. I also have a high fever
and no energy at all!
– I think you have caught flu. I’m going to p some vitamins, and
something to keep your temperature down.
6. – What can I do for you?
– Well, I was walking down the street, and I didn’t see a stone on the road, so I
– Hmm. I think you have t your ankle. I’ll put a tight b
on it, and you should put it up when you get home. Here is a
prescription for some p to make you feel more comfortable.
7. – What’s up?
– I went to see my g yesterday for just a check-up,
and I had to wait for hours in the w . I wasted so
much time reading silly magazines!
8. – Doctor, I seem to have a sore throat and a runny nose all the time.
– Don’t worry. A lot of people catch a c in the winter. Whether it’s
because of the damp and cold, or because it’s a c disease, I couldn’t
tell you.”


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B Putting things in context – Match a word from the list below with a word in the
table. One of the words in the list has no pair.

cream • cure (to) • cut • eye drops • heal (to) • health insurance •
operating room • patient • shot • specialist • syrup • ward

band aid
eye infection
treat (to)
graze (to)

The odd-man out is:


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Haute technologie

analyst analyste
analyze (to) analyser
application application
architect architecte
computer ordinateur
computing informatique
cyber sur Internet
data données
data mining exploration de données
database base de données
design (to) concevoir
designer concepteur / designer
develop (to) développer
developer développeur
device appareil / dispositif
efficiency efficacité
electronic électronique
embed (to) intégrer
engineer ingénieur
engineering ingénierie
equipment équipement
eyestrain fatigue visuelle
function fonction
hardware matériel informatique
I.T. (Information Technology) informatique
implement (to) mettre en œuvre
implementation mise en œuvre
install (to) installer
integrate (to) intégrer
IoT (Internet of Things) Internet des objets


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keyboard clavier
keyword mot-clé
maintain (to) maintenir
maintenance maintenance
mobile portable
monitor écran / moniteur
monitor (to) surveiller
network réseau
networking interconnexion de réseaux
outsourcing externalisation
process processus
process (to) traiter
program (to) programmer
programmer programmeur
remote-control télécommande
secure sécurisé
security sécurité
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) optimisation de recherche
service service
software logiciel
support assistance
technological technologique
tool outil
transfer transfert
user utilisateur
user experience expérience utilisateur
webmaster administrateur
website site web
wireless sans fil


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A Match one part of the word in column A with another in column B to make a
compound noun. Then match the result to a definition.

A B Definitions
1. out A. base a) Computer equipment
2. eye B. ware b) A word that is a key to a cipher or code / a significant word
3. web C. word c) Getting goods or services from an outside supplier
4. data D. master d) Programs and operating information
5. hard E. less e) Fatigue of eyes from looking at a computer
6. net F. strain f) That uses radio or microwaves (and not wires) to transmit
7. key G. ware g) A set of data held in a computer
8. wire H. working h) Interconnecting things, people…
9. soft I. sourcing i) The person who maintains a website
10. key J. board j) A panel of keys to type on

B Complete the conversation with words from the list below.

analyst • application • data • designers • device • engineers • install • monitor •

secure • user experience

MIKE: Hi, Jo. I spoke to the 1. yesterday and he has been able to
2. our website traffic and will give us some statistics for the
meeting this afternoon. He also confirmed that all transactions are 100%
3. .
JO: That’s good news. What feedback does he give about the 4. ?
How easy is our website for the public?
MIKE: It seems the 5. and 6. did an excellent job.
Feedback is very positive. On top of that, the 7. is quick and easy
to 8. on a cell phone or any other mobile 9. too.
JO: It all sounds good to me. The CEO will no doubt analyze the
10. I give him in detail, so I need to be sure to have all the answers!


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C Choose the right word to put in the gap.

1. It is a device. It words from a distance.

a) remote b) distance c) isolated

2. Software such as the OS (Operating System) is into the

a) boarded b) incrusted c) embedded

3. There are many useful management on the market these days.

a) equipment b) fools c) tools

4. We need to our I.T. equipment regularly, to make sure it all

works properly.
a) maintain b) maintenance c) mainframe

5. In a high-tech context, IoT stands for .

a) Internet of Things b) In-Orbit Test c) Investors of Tomorrow

6. crime is very much on the rise, and a big worry for

a) On-line b) On-Internet c) Cyber

7. We need to the new process as soon as we can.

a) implemented b) implement c) implementation

8. It is possible to the data by Bluetooth or Wi-Fi.

a) transfert b) transfer c) transferred

9. Data means generating additional information by using

existing databases.
a) moaning b) morning c) mining

10. The has come up with some new ideas to link IoT and AI –
we shall be market leaders!
a) developer b) developper c) development


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Ressources humaines

absenteeism absentéisme
applicant / candidate candidat
application form formulaire de candidature
apply (to) postuler
appraisal évaluation
apprenticeship apprentissage
back pay rappel de salaire
bonus prime
dismiss (to) / fire (to) renvoyer
employee employé
employer employeur
employment contract contrat de travail
executive cadre
full-time temps complet
hire (to) / take on (to) / employ (to) embaucher
interview entretien
interviewee personne interviewée
interviewer personne qui fait passer les entretiens
job search recherche de travail
job sharing travail partagé
labor court conseil de prud’hommes
labor force / manpower main-d’œuvre
labor relations relation employé-employeur
taux de renouvellement de personnel
labor turnover (attention, dans un autre contexte, turnover =
chiffre d’affaires)
labor union syndicat
laid-off (to be) / made redundant (to be) licencié (être)
leave (sick / maternity / unpaid) congé (maladie / maternité / sans solde)
moonlighting travail au noir
national holiday jour férié


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notice préavis
on probation (to be) / on trial (to be) être pris à l’essai
on strike (to be / to go) faire grève
part-time mi-temps
payroll masse salariale
payslip bulletin de salaire
pension retraite
raise / increase augmentation
refresher course cours de recyclage
resign (to) / give notice (to) donner sa démission
retire (to) prendre sa retraite
salary salaire
seasonal employment emploi saisonnier
severance pay indemnités de licenciement
shortlist liste de candidats sélectionnés
short-term employment emploi de courte durée
staff membres du personnel
take early retirement (to) prendre une retraite anticipée
training formation
trial period période d’essai
unemployment chômage
vacation (US) / holiday (UK) vacances
wage salaire horaire
wage ceiling plafonnement des salaires
wage freeze gel des salaires
working papers permis de travail


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A Put the words below into the right boxes. There are 5 words per box.

absenteeism • applicant / candidate • application form • apply • back pay • dismiss

• employ • full-time • job search • labor court • labor relations • labor union •
national holiday • on strike • part-time • payslip • raise • salary • severance pay •
shortlist • sick leave • take on • vacation • wage • wage ceiling

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Job hunting Getting paid Labor unrest Hiring and firing Working hours –
or not

B Match the beginning of the sentence with a suitable ending.

1. He’s stopping work at 50. He’s taking… A. annual appraisal next week.
2. The company gave each employee a $100 B. resign. I shall leave the job at the
productivity… beginning of next month.
3. He did nothing wrong, he wasn’t fired, but he C. early retirement.
was… D. bonus last month.
4. He needs retraining, let’s offer him a… E. wage freeze.
5. She does the job half the day, someone else F. hand in my notice right now!
the other half, it’s called job…
G. made redundant for economic
6. A lot of people come and go in the company, reasons.
they have a very high labor…
H. sharing.
7. I regret to inform you that I am going to…
I. turnover.
8. We shall get no pay raise this year. Haven’t
J. refresher course.
you heard, there’s a…
9. I’m going to talk to my manager about how
I’m doing and my training needs during my…
10. I’ve had enough! I’m leaving. I’m going to…


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C Find the word. Find a word in the vocabulary list to match the definition.

1. Having a second (secret) job, often at night..............................................................

2. All the people employed by the company.................................................................
3. A probationary period.................................................................................................
4. A regular payment (from the state) once retired......................................................
5. Another word for labor force......................................................................................
6. Official documents proving you can work legally....................................................
7. A person with a (senior) managerial position..........................................................
8. The state of being out of a job.....................................................................................
9. To stop working once one reaches a certain age.......................................................
10. Having a course to learn a new skill.......................................................................


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Les idiomes et les expressions

beat around the bush (to) tourner autour du pot

between a rock and a hard place entre le marteau et l’enclume (être face à un
blow off steam (to) relâcher la pression
break the ice (to) briser la glace
by the skin of your teeth de justesse
crying wolf crier au loup
down to earth qui a les pieds sur terre / pragmatique / réaliste
draw the line (to) fixer des limites
easier said than done plus facile à dire qu’à faire
every cloud has a silver lining après la pluie, le beau temps
finding a needle in a haystack trouver une aiguille dans une botte de foin
fish out of water (a) ne pas être dans son élément / se sentir mal à l’aise
gain ground (to) faire des progrès
get into hot water (to) s’attirer des ennuis
get over something (to) passer outre
get something off your chest (to) dire ce que l’on a sur le cœur / vider son sac
go the extra mile (to) faire un effort supplémentaire / se dépasser
go with the flow (to) prendre les choses comme elles viennent
it’s a piece of cake c’est du gâteau
lose your mind (to) perdre la tête / devenir fou
make a big deal (to) en faire toute une histoire
make waves (to) faire des vagues
on the ball (to be) être réactif
once in a blue moon tous les trente-six du mois (= très rare)
out of the woods (to be) ne pas être sorti de l’auberge (= ne pas être au bout
de ses peines)
pitch in (to) donner un coup de main
rain or shine qu’il pleuve ou qu’il vente
ride out a storm (to) se sortir d’une situation difficile
salt of the earth (to be) quelqu’un de bien (être) / bon comme le pain (être)
sick and tired of (to be) en avoir marre de
sit tight patienter
stab someone in the back (to) poignarder quelqu’un dans le dos
straight from the horse’s mouth de source sûre
take it easy (to) y aller doucement


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the calm before the storm le calme avant la tempête

the tip of the iceberg la partie émergée de l’iceberg
twist someone’s arm (to) forcer la main de quelqu’un
under the sun au monde / du monde / tout sur terre
when it rains it pours un malheur n’arrive jamais seul

A Link each idiom to its definition.

1. Get into hot water • • A. To betray

2. Crying wolf • • B. To go crazy
3. To take it easy • • C. To get into trouble
4. To twist someone’s arm • • D. To be completely focused
5. To be on the ball • • E. To pretend that something is wrong
6. To stab someone in the back • • F. To cause problems for everybody else
7. To make waves • • G. To coerce
8. To lose your mind • • H. To relax

B Complete each sentence with the right expression.

every cloud has a silver lining sick and tired

go with the flow once in a blue room
go the extra mile between a rock and a hard place
piece of cake fish out of water
by the skin of your teeth the calm before the storm

1. Oh, don’t worry! This car is a to drive. Anybody

could do it.

2. If I could give you any advice on starting out here at GeoTech, it would be just
to . Look around and see what everybody else is doing.
If you do that you’ll be fine.

3. On my last business trip to China, I felt like a as I

had ever been there before, nor do I speak the language. It was a very awkward
experience for me, but I gradually felt more at ease.


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4. You’re real lucky because we were about to leave without you. I’d say you
caught this train .

5. No matter what I do it will be a difficult decision. If I lay off some employees,

people will be angry with me. If I cut salaries, people will be angry with me. I am
really .

6. Bob works over 50 hours a week and he is often very tired and rarely has time
for himself. He only goes out with his friends .

7. Nadine got laid-off from her job on Thursday, but on Friday morning she got
a call from an old friend from college who offered her a job that paid twice her
salary. She used to be pessimistic but now believes .

8. You can be sure there will be big problems when management finds out our
mistakes with the accounts but for right now they don’t know anything. We should
enjoy this time because it really is .

9. I am really of people making stupid mistakes. We

should all be more careful around here and the next person who makes a careless
error can count on being fired! There’s no tolerance for that kind of idiocy.

10. Paul is such an ideal employee as he will always

whenever he works on a project. He always does more than he’s asked which we is
why we admire him.


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Les investissements

Noter comment les Anglo-Saxons parlent d’argent :

– on dit twenty dollars fifty (cents), mais on écrit $20.50 (le signe de la monnaie est placé
devant la somme) ;
– money est indénombrable. Exemple : How much money have you invested? Just a little.
Par contre, dès que l’on parle des monnaies elles-mêmes, le mot est dénombrable.
Exemple : How many dollars did you put into that company? Many too many.

analyst analyste
assets biens
bear market marché à la baisse
bid enchère
bid (to) faire une offre
blue chip valeur sûre
bond obligation
boom vague de prospérité
bull market marché à la hausse
business angel bailleur de fonds
capital capital
capital gain / capital loss plus-value / moins-value
commodities marchandises
currency (foreign) monnaie (étrangère) / devise
diversification diversification
dividend dividende
equities actions / titres
fund fonds, capital
fund (to) financer
futures marché à terme
IPO (Initial Public Offering) introduction en Bourse
insider initié
insider trading délit d’initié
interest intérêt


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invest (to) investir

issue (to) émettre
liabilities responsabilités
make a killing (to) faire fortune
maturity échéance
société d’investissement à capital
mutual fund
option option
par value valeur nominale
penny stock action cotée en cents
portfolio portefeuille
priceless hors de prix
ROI (Return on Investment) retour sur investissement
securities titres / fonds
share / stock action
share certificate certificat d’actions
shareholder actionnaire
speculator spéculateur
stakeholder partie prenante
stock exchange / market Bourse
stockbroker agent de change
trade (to) faire des opérations en Bourse
venture capital capital risque
venture capitalist spécialiste du capital risque
volatile instable
worth valeur
worth (to be) valoir
worthless sans valeur
yield rendement


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A Making compounds – Match a word from box A with a word from box B to make
compound nouns.

bear blue bull capital insider

mutual penny share stock venture

gain / loss stock certificate trading fund

market chip exchange capital market

B Find the right word to complete the sentence.

1. ABC stocks are . They have no value at all.

2. However, the shares in PLO are . Nobody can afford them.

3. We need to insure all the company to make sure we can

replace them if needed.

4. I think I’ll invest in the market, in the people who decide

to get a few contracts now at a fixed price in the future.

5. All the shareholders get a certain amount of interest annually, which is paid in
the form of .

6. He’s an extremely wealthy man. He made a on the stock

market a few years ago.

7. Every each one of the in this project should be informed

immediately about the delay.

8. That business angel has a very varied . He has invested in

many different companies.

9. Well, a is the opposite of a recession really.

10. When my bonds reach , I should have quite a bit of

money coming in.


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C Complete the word puzzle using the clues below, and find the hidden word.


1. Raw or primary materials to buy and sell, like silver, sugar…

2. The capital stock of a company
3. The amount per share on a stock or bond certificate
4. The money in use in a country
5. A middle-man who buys and sells stocks and shares for a client
6. To supply or distribute something, in this case stocks
7. The opposite of a company’s assets
8. A sum of money for a particular use / to provide money for a particular use
9. Someone who knows information that other people don’t / can’t
10. Someone who invests in stocks and/or property, hoping to make a profit
11. To deal in
12. The possibility of purchase
13. The amount of your ROI, or what you make out of what you invest
14. Someone who has stocks and shares in a company
15. To put money into something, shares, property…
Hidden word: Varying the range of the contents of a portfolio, for example


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La vie au bureau

air conditioning climatisation

branch office succursale
business card carte de visite
car park parking
conference room salle de conférences
date stamp tampon dateur
desk bureau
drinks machine distributeur de boissons
envelope enveloppe
eraser gomme
executive toy gadget de bureau
feedback réaction / impression
filing cabinet classeur (à tiroirs)
flexitime horaires flexibles
headquarters siège
highlighter pen surligneur
hole punch perforatrice
laptop ordinateur portable
name tag badge visiteur
nine-to-five job travail de 35 heures (implique une certaine routine)
notice board panneau d’affichage
office hours heures de bureau
office manager responsable administratif
office supplies fournitures
open space espace ouvert
overtime heures supplémentaires
paper clip trombone
photocopier photocopieuse
printer cartridge cartouche d’imprimante
security guard agent de sécurité
shredder déchiqueteuse
smoke detector détecteur de fumée
stapler agrafeuse
subsidiary filiale
teleworking télétravail


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unsocial hours horaires contraignants (incompatibles avec

une vie sociale normale)
wastepaper basket / bin poubelle
water cooler distributeur d’eau
whiteout correcteur fluide
work load charge de travail
(work) shift (day / night) équipe de travail (de jour / de nuit)

Office expressions
best practice bonnes pratiques
blue sky thinking pensée créative
call it a day (to) s’arrêter là pour aujourd’hui
close of play / business fin de journée
going forward en avançant
on the same page (to be) être d’accord
scalable évolutif / extensible
skill set compétences
thinking out of the box réfléchir hors des sentiers battus / penser
de façon originale
touch base (to) reprendre contact (avec quelqu’un)

A Working hours – complete the email from the office manager with the words in
the list.

flexitime • office hours • overtime • shift • teleworking • unsocial hours

Following feedback from our employee customer survey, we have decided to

reduce the “daily grind” image of a 9-5 job, and to loosen up our
1. policy. For this reason, we shall be introducing
2. for those of you who told us it was stressful to have to
arrive at the same time on the dot every day. As from Monday, all staff can arrive
between 7 and 9am, and leave between 4 and 6pm, as long as they get their
job done. For the same reason, and under the same conditions, we are open to
proposals for 3. . However, each employee is responsible for
making sure their Internet access at home is suitable.


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Any extra hours worked, or 4. , will be paid double, and

5. , such as late at night, early morning, or Sundays will be
paid triple.
For employees working the night 6. , special arrangement will
be made with the canteen to ensure that you get a hearty, home-made meal during
the night.
I hope these arrangements will settle any grumbles.

B Office facilities – Match the word to the description.

air conditioning • car park • conference room • drinks machine •

notice board • open space • photocopier • security guard •
shredder • smoke detector • water cooler

1. Confidential documents should be destroyed in this to be sure. ..........................

2. This is useful for pinning up information, announcements, etc. ..........................
3. Here you can find a spot to put your vehicle when you arrive at the office.

4. If you do not want all the employees to have their own office, you should go for
this. .......................................................................................................................................

5. Someone who will stand at the door and check people’s I.D. as they come onto
the premises. .......................................................................................................................

6. Either of these could do if you are thirsty. ................................................................

7. A handy machine for making lots of duplicates of an original document or
image. ..................................................................................................................................

8. Used for meetings and presentations. .......................................................................

9. It’ll keep you cool on scorching days. .......................................................................
10. Nobody smokes in the office any more, but if something starts burning, this
will let you know. ...............................................................................................................


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C Equipment for your desk – Choose between the two words in italics.

1. Bobby, we have run out of paper clips. I think you are responsible for office
supplies / office furnitures.
2. Could I borrow your hold punch / hole punch so that I can put these documents
into this loose-leaf file?
3. Remember to give every visitor a name tag / name label when before they come
into the factory.
4. I am having some new date stamps / business cards printed. How many would
you like?
5. If you want to cover your mistakes, you should use a highlighter pen / whiteout.
6. Could someone change the printer cartridge / printer canister in the
photocopier? I’ve no idea how to do it.
7. Please make sure to put all your rubbish in the filing cabinet / wastepaper
basket, and your important folders into the filing cabinet / wastepaper basket at the
end of the day.
8. You’ll need a decent eraser / erasure if you want to get rid of all those pencil
marks on the envelope.
9. Why don’t we get him a stress ball, or some other kind of toy executive /
executive toy for his birthday?
10. You’ll need a hefty stapler / laptop to join that wodge of papers together.

D A project management meeting – Complete theses sentences with the right


OK, everyone. The guys at the 1. H _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S have asked John and I

to do some 2. B _ _ _-S _ _ T _ _ _ _ _ _ _, and we are going to be making a few
changes to the way we work around here. The first thing I would like you to do
is take 5 minutes to write down what you see as your 3. S _ _ _ _ S _ _, in other
words, what you can do well…
4. G _ _ _ _ F _ _ _ _ _ _ from there, we can make up coherent teams to be
responsible for each part of the project. A couple of things you must remember


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before you give me your 5. F _ _ _ _ _ _ _, is that you must follow the

6. B _ _ _ _ _ O _ _ _ _ _ example of 7. B _ _ _ P _ _ _ _ _ _ _, and not deviate
from their lofty standards. Secondly, please remember that every new idea has
to be 8. S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ – we must be able to expand or upgrade the application
according to needs. All this will require some innovative and imaginative thinking,
so get yourselves 9. T _ _ _ _ _ _ _ O _ _ O _ T _ _ B _ _ and come up with some
original ideas.
If you could 10. T _ _ _ _ B _ _ _ with me before the end of the week, just quickly
to let me know how you are getting along, it would help. I’ll be visiting the
11. S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in Germany, so you’ll have to Skype me or something.
We had better start working, because by 12. C _ _ _ _ O _ P _ _ _ today we
should be ready to roll.
Let me just check quickly. Are we all 13. O _ T _ _ S _ _ _ P _ _ _? Or does
anyone have a difference of opinion?
A few hours later…
Oh dear, I see it’s getting late! I think we should 14. C _ _ _ I _ A D _ _.


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La logistique

barcode code-barres
batch number numéro de lot
bill of lading connaissement
bonded warhouse entrepôt de douane
border frontière
bulk cargo cargaison en vrac
certificate of origin certificat d’origine
consignee / consignor destinataire / consignataire
consigner expéditeur
consignment envoi / expédition
container conteneur
conveyor (belt) convoyeur
count inventory (to) faire l’inventaire
customs douane
customs clearance dédouanement
customs officer douanier
customs regulations réglementation douanière
deliver (to) livrer
delivery livraison
dispatch (to) envoyer les marchandises
distribution centre centre de distribution
driver chauffeur
duty taxe d’importation
flat-rate prix forfaitaire
forwarding agent transitaire
free of charge gratuité
freight (air, sea…) cargaison / fret
goods train train de marchandises
handling charge frais de manutention
home delivery livraison à domicile


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import license licence d’importation

load (to) / unload (to) charger / décharger
loading dock quai de chargement
merchandise / goods marchandises
order commande
order (to) commander
overland par voie terrestre
packing list bordereau d’expédition
part load charge partielle
port authority autorité portuaire
prepaid freight fret prépayé
rail shipment expédition ferroviaire
scan (to) scanner
ship (to) expédier
shipment notice avis d’expédition
shipping expédition / frais de transport
shipping agent agent maritime
store (to) entreposer
terms of delivery termes de livraison
tracking number numéro de suivi
truck (US) / lorry (UK) camion
warehouse entrepôt
warehousing entreposage
waybill (air, sea) lettre de transport
weight poids


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A Put the words into the right box.

bill of lading • bonded warehouse • certification of origin • clearance • consignee

• consignor • driver • duty • flat rate • forwarding agent • free of charge • handling
charge • import license • officer • packing list • prepaid • regulations •
shipment notice • shipping agent • waybill



B Put the right verb next to the definition.

count inventory • deliver • dispatch • load • unload • order • scan • ship • store
1. Put the goods onto the truck / ship / plane / train. .................................................
2. Take the goods off the truck / ship / plane / train. ..................................................
3. Send the merchandise out of the factory / distribution centre,
and then drop off the merchandise at the required address. ........................................
4. Keep the goods in a warehouse, for example. ..........................................................
5. Transport the goods to a certain destination. ..........................................................
6. Add up how many goods you have got. ....................................................................
7. Request a certain quantity of goods from a supplier. ..............................................
8. Get the barcode number using RFID. .......................................................................

C Handling goods for shipment – Complete the sentences with the right words or

All goods are to be carefully inspected before leaving the 1. W E. Only

zero-defect goods are to be given the green light for 2. S G.
Remember to confirm the 3. T with


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the sales department and note on the packing list if it is to be a 4.

Stipulate if the merchandise is to go into a 20-foot or a 40-foot 5. .
Scan the 6. on the side of the box.
Double-check the 7. against the parts list.
(For 8. , please note the total 9. in kilos,
and the number of crates, sacks, or boxes containing the goods.)
10. , the date and time of the 11.
(and the name of the station) needs to be noted to make traceability
12. is for a small and light 13. only because
it is costly and is to be avoided where possible.
14. merchandise (in a 15. ) must be easy to unpack if
so required by 16. control when crossing over from one country to
17. : please ensure that all the necessary documents are
carefully prepared for goods earmarked for a cargo ship, as the 18.
has a reputation for being a stickler for procedures.
NB: for delivery to a 19. , please confirm delivery date
and time with the consignee, according to the date they need to distribute the
For 20. (direct to a customer), a 21.
is to be provided to the customer, so they can trace their goods on the
Please note that once the goods are loaded onto the 22. ( )
leading to the 23. and the trucks, there is no turning


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Le marketing et la publicité

advertisement publicité
ad / advert (UK) pub / publicité
advertiser publicitaire
advertising agency agence publicitaire
announcement / press release annonce
audience public
billboard (UK) / hoarding (US) panneau d’affichage
brand image image de marque
broadcasting diffusion
brochure prospectus
campaign campagne
circulation circulation
clip (to) couper
commercial publicité / spot publicitaire (TV ou radio)
commercial break coupure publicitaire
comparative advertising publicité comparative
complimentary copy exemplaire gratuit
copywriter rédacteur publicitaire
creative department département de création
feedback retour
graphic designer graphiste
headline gros titre
in-house interne
in-store demo version de démonstration
in-store promotion promotion en magasin
jingle jingle
layout cadre
leaflet dépliant
mail advertising courrier publicitaire
mass communication communication de masse
press release communiqué de presse
prime time heure de grande écoute / première partie
de soirée
sex appeal charme


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subliminal advertising publicité subliminale / publicité insidieuse

trade journal revue spécialisée
transport advertising publicité dans les transports
TV network réseau de télé
TV spot / commercial spot de pub
visualize (to) visualiser
window bill affichette
window display vitrine
window-dresser étalagiste
zapping zapping

consumer consommateur
cost coût
develop (to) développer
distribution distribution
end-user utilisateur final
label étiquette
launch lancement de produit
market research étude de marché
packaging emballage
point of sale point de vente
product produit
public relations relations publiques
sponsor sponsor
SWOT (Strength/Weakness/Opportunity/ analyse SWOT
trademark marque déposée


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A Match the words to the pictures.

Billboard / Hoarding • Leaflets • Brochures • Poster • Window bill

1. 2.

3. 4.



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B Fill in the gap with one of the suggested words, A, B, or C.

1. The writers have worked really hard and made a fantastic

that will surely stay in the viewers’ heads all day after they hear it.
a) sex appeal b) jingle c) in-store demo
2. Fanny’s busiest time of the year is October and November because as a
, she is hired by every major store to get their displays ready
for the holiday rush.
a) graphic designer b) commercial c) window dresser
3. The for this month’s issue is really tough because the ad
sales were not successful and there are many spaces to fill.
a) window display b) layout c) trade journal
4. On American television, there are every few minutes or so
in programs and even on the news.
a) commercial breaks b) mass communication c) broadcasting
5. We got a lot of really good on our latest campaign we did
for Tahoe Cookies which will really help us on what to do in future campaigns.
a) publicity b) press release c) feedback
6. is a controversial technique when we show how one
product is better than another by putting them side by side in the same ad. It can
cause problems.
a) comparative advertising b) commercials c) visualise
7. During sporting events, especially championships and final matches, television
networks will charge more than usual for as they know many
people will be watching.
a) publicity b) commercials c) audience
8. Having product hostesses to give is a clever and affordable
way to advertise a product and reach a target audience directly.
a) an in-store demo b) a complimentary copy c) a window bill
9. For the latest round of brochures, it was cheaper to have it done
by our intern Peter than to pay a firm to do it for us.
a) advertising agency b) visualise c) in-house
10. Advertising in can be more descriptive and detailed as
the target audience is very specific and usually trained professionals.
a) mail advertisings b) headlines c) trade journals


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C Which term does not fit in with the others?

1. a) Sponsor 2. a) Market research 3. a) Packaging

b) Commercial b) Brochure b) Jingle
c) Advertisements c) Feedback c) Label
d) Window display d) SWOT analysis d) Trademark

4. a) Consumer 5. a) Commercial

b) End user b) TV spot
c) Advertiser c) Publicity
d) Audience d) Broadcasting

D Put the words in the right order to make a sentence.

1. SWOT analysis / harder / threats / our / should / no / still / try / showed / real
/ we / but
2. catchy / commercials / their / has / for / composer / thousands / made / of /
3. product / millions / addition / on / dollars / big / in / spent / to / launch /
commercials / of / they / had / a / the
4. attention / appeal / tactic / gain / customer’s / sex / has / been / long / to /
the / a
5. many / unethical / advertising / technique / subliminal / deemed / to / by / is /
be / an


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Les médias

24-hour news network chaîne d’informations en continu

affiliate station antenne régionale
anchor présentateur
app application
article article
blog blog
breaking news dernières nouvelles
business section section affaires / page économique
campaign campagne
chat discussion
column rubrique
columnist chroniqueur
crowdfunding financement participatif
crowdsourcing production participative
e-zine magazine en ligne
editor rédacteur en chef
editorial éditorial
feed fil
file a story (to) écrire un article
hashtag hashtag / mot-dièse
host hôte
journal revue
journalist journaliste
magazine magazine
news feed fil d’actualités / flux d’informations
newspaper journal
opinion section / page pages opinion
post (to) mettre en ligne
review critique
special report reportage spécial
sports section / page page sportive
subscribe (to) s’abonner


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tabloid tabloïde / journal à scandale

trade journal revue spécialisée / professionnelle
trending tendance
troll troll (internaute qui s’immisce dans les débats pour créer
des polémiques)
TV network réseau télévisé
viral viral
vlog vlog (journal vidéo)

A Fill in the gap with the right word(s).

anchor • blogs • crowdfunding • troll • trade journal • newspaper • feed •

special report • columnist • vlogs • trending • breaking news •
editorial • to file the story • columns • host • tabloid

1. The program was interrupted with a about

a bridge that had collapsed.
2. The responded to the
who had left very violent and hurtful remarks online after the controversial
was published Tuesday morning.
3. Stories about the president’s children and dogs on airplanes are what’s
today on the Internet.
4. The of the fashion talk show has interviewed thousands
of designers and is a real expert in his field.
5. and are examples of how
individuals have become instant columnists on all subjects.
6. After writing many specialised articles on water management for a
that turned out to be false,
Ed was fired and later found work as a staff writer at a .
7. In order to make the deadline, Molly needs by 3 o’clock.
8. When banks have turned entrepreneurs down because their ideas seemed too
risky or unfeasible many seek the money they need by launching a campaign on


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9. The has decided to step down after thirty years of

reporting television news but she will not give up journalism so easy. She will start
writing for a local , but after a long
vacation of course.
10. Something really serious is happening because there has been nothing
but in my online news
all morning.

B Multiple choice.

1. Users of social networks identify trending topics with .

a) breaking news b) hashtags c) editorials
2. One of my favorite journalists does a weekly session
online where she answers all of our questions and addresses all of our concerns on
various topics.
a) editor b) feed c) chat
3. is where anybody online can contribute information to
an article.
a) Crowdfunding b) Crowdsourcing c) Opinion section
4. On average about 12 new become available every hour
for users to download.
a) breaking news b) campaigns c) apps
5. Many traditional newspapers are going bankrupt but
are thriving and becoming more and more common.
a) e-zines b) crowdsourcing c) articles
6. I’ll never forget what I was doing when I heard the
about the terrorist attack.
a) column b) news feed c) special report
7. have larger coverage of political campaigns because of
their vast resources and by their very nature they never stop reporting the news.
a) 24-hour news networks b) Trade journals c) Newspapers


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8. Kelly got her start in journalism by writing weekly book

while she was still a student.
a) editorials b) reviews c) blogs
9. The are owned by the major networks and broadcast
news and programs to the audience of towns and cities across the country.
a) affiliate stations b) newspapers c) e-zines
10. There is nothing but gloomy forecasts and stories about layoffs in the
that’s why I always skip it and go straight to the football
a) sports section b) breaking news c) business page

C Put the words in the right order to make a sentence.

1. apologised / reporting / the / the / story / broadcast / during / about / a / false

/ anchor
2. next / TV network / millennials / beginning / year / will launch / network / at
the / the / online / an / for / of
3. article / posted / criticism / bring on / online / I / no idea / so much / I had /
would / the
4. changed / companies / crowdsourcing / projects / people / start / the way /
fund / has / and
5. decided / to five / Maria / magazines / back / to cut / subscribe / only / and


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Les réunions

absent (to be) être absent

accomplish (to) accomplir
address (to) s’adresser à
adjourn (to) reporter / ajourner
agenda ordre du jour
AGM (Annual General Meeting) AG (assemblée générale) annuelle
allocate (to) allouer
AOB (Any Other Business) questions diverses
attendee participant
board of directors conseil d’administration
board meeting réunion du conseil d’administration
brainstorm (to) faire un remue-méninges
brief bref
casting vote voix prépondérante
chairperson président
clarify (to) clarifier
closing remarks observations finales
conference conférence
conference call téléconférence
consensus consensus
deadline date limite / butoir
get back on track (to) revenir au sujet qui nous préoccupe
get down to business (to) se mettre au travail
go over (to) passer en revue
hold (to) organiser
interrupt (to) interrompre
item point
keynote speech discours inaugural
kick off (to) démarrer
language barrier barrière de la langue
mandatory obligatoire
minutes compte rendu
motion proposition
objectives objectifs
participant participant


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proposal proposition
proxy vote vote par procuration
quarter (q1, q2, q3, q4) trimestre
run (to) gérer
scope portée / étendue
short on time (to be) à court de temps (être)
show of hands vote à main levée
stand in for someone (to) remplacer quelqu’un
take notes (to) prendre des notes
unanimous unanime
update mise à jour
update (to) mettre à jour
video-conference/ i-conference vidéoconférence
vote vote
weekly / monthly / yearly chaque semaine / mois / année
wrap up (to) conclure

A Match the beginning to the end of the sentence.

1. We have been through everything,

so to wrap… • • A. down to business.
2. Jo, do you think you could stand… • • B. notes during the meeting, and then
write up the minutes?
3. We need to vote on this. Could we
have… • • C. up, I would just like to thank the
development team.
4. Simon, do you think you could take… •
• D. casting vote.
5. Could we take our time, and go… •
• E. off on time this afternoon. I don’t want
6. Make sure that we kick… •
to finish late.
7. OK. Is everyone here? Right then,
• F. a show of hands?
let’s get… •
• G. on time.
8. Could you try and be brief Mark?
We are rather short… • • H. over this issue in detail?
9. We seem to be going off the point here. • I. in for me at the meeting this afternoon?
Could we get back… • I have another appointment.
10. Of course, the chairperson has the… • • J. on track?


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B Kinds of meeting – Find a word in the vocabulary list to match the definition.

1. A phone call including several people at a time

2. A meeting using the Internet with sound and image
3. A meeting that has to be held once a year
4. A meeting of the board of directors
5. A meeting of people with a shared interest, that could
last several days

C Parts of a meeting – Put the right words into the email.

Dear Stan,
Here is a quick run-through of what we need to do for the meeting. Can you make
sure that I haven’t forgotten anything?
We have sent the 1. out to all the participants so that they
know what we shall be talking about, and what the 2. of the
meeting is.
Doctor Steam is coming to give the 3. , which should only
last 10 minutes.
We shall then have a 4. , during which everyone can give
their input and opinion.
Anyone who wants to put forward a 5. or make
a 6. will be required to raise their hand.
We shall of course have to have a 7. (I shall provide voting
slips), for any important decisions. Unfortunately, the finance director cannot
be here, but he has given me his 8. .
Then we need to leave time for 9. in case anyone has any
odd questions they may want to ask.
Clive has said he is willing to take notes and send us all the 10.
within at least a week after the meeting.
Many thanks,


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D Choose a word to complete each sentence.

1. I would like to a meeting with all the stakeholders in the

project. Could you arrange it?
a) held b) hold

2. We must get a translator to make sure there is no issue.

a) languages barrier b) language barrier

3. We shall have to resources as best as we can.

a) allocate b) allow

4. You have no choice, I’m afraid. Attendance at the meeting is .

a) imposing b) mandatory

5. Stand-up meetings are a current trend but are not always easy to .
a) run b) walk

6. We need to define the of the project during our next meeting.

a) scope b) wideness

7. We have a to meet. I need your input by Monday at the latest.

a) goal date b) deadline

8. Could you give me an on the financial situation Jenny?

a) update b) upgrade

9. What we aim to today is to take a final decision on our

relocation strategy.
a) success b) accomplish

10. The figures show that the third was the best part of the year.
a) quarter b) quarterly


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Les verbes à particule

Un verbe à particule est un verbe suivi par une préposition qui transforme sa signification.
Par exemple, le verbe to shut signifie « fermer » mais lorsqu’il est suivi de diverses prépositions,
son sens varie. Par exemple, to shut off signifie « couper, désactiver » (the electricity supplier
will cut off the supply in the neighborhood to do the necessary repairs = l’entreprise d’électricité
coupera l’alimentation du quartier pour qu’elle puisse faire les réparations nécessaires).
Il peut aussi signifier « interrompre » (we have cut off all financing for the project until we
have some information about how the money will be spent = nous avons interrompu tout
financement pour le projet jusqu’à ce que nous ayons des informations sur la façon dont
l’argent sera dépensé).
Certains verbes sont suivis par une particule et une préposition (par exemple, to get up off
= se lever).
Certains verbes à particule peuvent être séparés par l’objet, d’autres non. En cas de doute,
il convient de vérifier dans un dictionnaire. De toute manière, pour un verbe à particule
« séparable », si l’objet est un pronom, il doit aller entre le verbe et la particule.

in – The start-up is raking in the money.

Symbolise l’enceinte ou les – He deals in fine wines.
limites. – Just sign in here, please.

out – A strange woman came out of the house.

Symbolise le départ, en allant – The children looked out of the window at the falling
au-delà des frontières ou des snow.
résultats. – Our band is going to put out two new albums this

on – The painting is hanging on the wall next to the

Symbolise l’attachement, la fireplace.
dépendance ou l’activation. – Since his surgery, George has been on various
– Turn on the light! It’s getting dark in here.

off – The boy fell off of his bicycle.

Symbolise le détachement ou la – My mother turned off the television when she went to
désactivation. sleep.
– This is my station, I need to get off.

up – Let’s get up off the couch and play a round of tennis.

Symbolise la mobilité, la – It’s frustrating not to be able to find my keys even if I
découverte et la positivité. know they will turn up sooner or later.
– Cheer up! There will be other opportunities.


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down – Please sit down on my new sofa. I want you to feel

Symbolise la mobilité, le rejet et how comfortable it is.
la réduction. – The publisher turned down my book.
– Karl has gained so much weight he really needs to cut
down on junk food.

away or off – She is sad because her dog ran away.

Symbolise l’évasion ou la – I don’t know what happened, but Linda got very
libération. angry, got in her car and just drove off very fast.
– Serena and Joel went away last week to their beautiful
country home.
– Our company broke off relations with that supplier.
They just weren’t reliable.

back – I forgot to buy eggs so I have to go back to the

Symbolise le retour. supermarket.
– We went to the opera then had a nice dinner near
the river and after that we drove back to our hotel just
outside the city center.
– George has been on sick leave because of his surgery
but will be back on Monday.

over – Please turn over your papers and write a new essay.
Peut symboliser le changement, – Don’t climb over the fence! You could get hurt.
le mouvement ou la réflexion. – I need to think over what you said as the offer sounds

A Tick the phrasal verb that matches the verb.

1. to return  to turn out  to go back

2. to produce  to turn out  to grow up
3. to cease  to shut down  to back in
4. to arrange  to put up  to set up
5. to take control  to take over  to take in
6. to maintain  to go over  to keep up
7. to activate  to set on  to turn on
8. to purchase large amounts  to buy up  to buy in
9. to reflect  to get on  to think over
10. to withdraw  to back out  to go out


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B Choose the right phrasal verb to complete the sentence.

1. Can you go by the store later on and a few things?

a) turn on b) pick up c) find out
2. One of the neighbors called the police and told us to the music
at the party because it was too loud.
a) turn up b) turn in c) turn down
3. In order to have the delivery clear customs, you will have to all
the proper paperwork, otherwise the shipment will sit in the warehouse forever.
a) hand out b) fill out c) go on
4. Thomas was sick during exam week, but the administration excused him for
medical reasons and have allowed him to his tests the day after
a) put out b) make up c) take in
5. Immediately after the merger, management decided to change offices. It’s been
difficult working from home, but we will to the new building
a) move in b) move up c) move on
6. Our research department wants me to on the claims that our
product is causing allergic reactions to the elderly and very young.
a) swell up b) find out c) follow up
7. It hasn’t been easy here at Franklin Enterprises and I don’t think I’m moving
up in the company which is why I’m going to the offer of the head-
hunter and work for GeoTech.
a) take up b) put on c) act out
8. Before Susan goes to China for her big business trip, she has to
on etiquette and culture to be sure she doesn’t offend anybody.
a) hear out b) come up c) read up
9. The accounting department wants the sales department to all
accounts before December 31.
a) drop off b) close out c) get up
10. You’re lucky if you can find any place on the beach for sale as that foreign
developer plans to every available lot.
a) buy up b) buy in c) log in


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Les présentations

Un petit conseil : utiliser le verbe dans la forme active et non passive – cela rend la phrase
plus dynamique. Ne pas oublier votre sign-posting et le NVC.

axis (horizontal / vertical) axe

background information informations générales / précisions sur
le contexte
back-up copy copie de sauvegarde
base on (to) baser sur
breakdown répartition, analyse
cause (to) causer
comment on (to) commenter
conclude (to) conclure
data projector vidéoprojecteur
deal with (to) traiter de / avoir pour sujet
draw attention to (to) attire l’attention sur
due to en raison de
expand on (to) développer
feature caractéristique / particularité
findings découvertes / résultats / conclusions
firstly, secondly, thirdly…, lastly premièrement, deuxièmement,
troisièmement…, enfin
flip chart paper-board / tableau de conférence
focus on (to) se concentrer sur
give an overview (to) donner une vue d’ensemble / un aperçu
handout prospectus / polycopié
handout (to) distribuer
in other words autrement dit
lead to (to) conduire à
look at (to) regarder
move on to (to) passer à
notice (to) remarquer


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NVC (Non-Verbal Communication) / langage corporel

body language
projector projecteur
punch line mot de la fin / chute
put it another way (to) le dire autrement
query (queries) question(s) / requête(s)
recap (to) résumer
rehearse (to) répéter
remote (clicker) with laser pointer télécommande avec pointeur laser
report rapport / compte rendu
report (to) rendre compte
result of (as a) en conséquence de / en raison de
result in (to) avoir pour conséquence
screen écran
signposting repères ( par exemple : finalement ;
simply put en termes simples / autrement dit
spare projector bulb ampoule de rechange du projecteur
start by (to) commencer par
sum up (to) résumer
summarise (to) résumer
take home message message à retenir
talk conférence
talk (to) parler
tie in with (to) relier à
topic sujet
turn to (to) passer à
update mise à jour
update (to) mettre à jour
visual aids support visuel
whiteboard tableau blanc


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A Top and tail – Complete each verb with the appropriate particle.

1. turn A. by
2. sum B. on
3. result C. to
4. lead D. with
5. base E. in
6. look F. on
7. expand G. to
8. deal H. on
9. comment I. up
10. start J. at

B Find a synonymous expression in the vocabulary list.

1. End on a high note.......................................................................................................

2. An indication where you will be or go in the presentation.....................................

3. Said another way...........................................................................................................

4. To link something to something else.........................................................................

5. Information about what happened before.................................................................

6. Encourage people to look at a particular point........................................................

7. Using your body, not your words...............................................................................

8. Saying something in a more straightforward way....................................................

9. To change over to another topic.................................................................................

10. To give the general picture.......................................................................................


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C Checklist of equipment for a presentation – Match the word to the picture.

back-up copy on USB • data projector • flip chart • handout • laser pointer •
remote • screen • spare bulb • visual aids • whiteboard

1. 2.

3. 4. 5.

6. 7.

8. 9. 10.


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Les produits

accessory accessoire
aesthetics esthétique
after-sales service service après-vente
benefits avantages
brand marque
compare well with (to) soutenir la comparaison avec
competition concurrence
competitor concurrent
component composant
dependability fiabilité
dependable fiable
depth profondeur
differentiate (to) différencier
dimensions dimensions
do … with it (to) faire … avec
easy-to-use facile d’emploi / simple d’utilisation
environment-friendly écologique / qui respecte l’environnement
feature caractéristique
function fonction
have the edge over (to) avoir une position avantageuse
height hauteur
improvement amelioration
innovative innovant / novateur
it comes with… il/elle est livré(e) avec…
it contains… il/elle contient…
it costs… il/elle coûte…
it is equipped with… il/elle est équipé(e) de…
it is used for… il/elle est utilisé(e) pour…
it works by… il/elle fonctionne en/par
latest dernier
length longueur
logo logo


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L-shaped en forme de L
made of (to be) fait de/en (être)
materials matériaux
model modèle
mushroom-shaped en forme de champignon
packaging emballage
performance performance
reliability fiabilité
reliable fiable
shape forme
size taille
specifications spécifications
thickness épaisseur
type type / sorte
upgrade (upgraded) améliorer (amélioré)
use it to… l’utiliser pour…
user-friendly facile d’utilisation
USP (Unique Selling Point) argument de vente
weight poids
width / breadth largeur

A Match the beginning to the end of the sentence.

1. It comes with… A. embedded software program.

2. It has the edge over… B. making soups and smoothies.
3. It is equipped with… C. pushing the button here.
4. It has an… D. under $5.99.
5. It contains… E. any competitor we know about.
6. It compares well with… F. airbags for front and back seats.
7. It costs… G. a free Bluetooth keyboard and other accessories.
8. It is used for… H. silk and cashmere.
9. It works by… I. 5 litres of olive oil.
10. It is made of… J. the former version which we have now replaced.


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B Using the clues, complete the word puzzle with a noun to describe the product,
then see if you can find an/some adjective(s) for the column on the right.

1. A shape in the form of a letter

2. The distance downwards
3. The heaviness of something
4. Red, blue, yellow…
5. The tallness of something
6. The outer part or top layer of something
7. How big or small something is
8. The distance as seen through an object (from the front to the back of a book, for
9. The broadness of something
10. The linear measurement of something from end to end
11. The wideness of something
12. A shape in the form of a mushroom
13. The proportions or measurements of an object
14. Triangular, square, round
15. A detailed description of the design and materials needed to make/do

15 Adjectives


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C What is your USP (Unique Selling Point)? Replace the gap with a consonant.

aesthetics • after-sales service • benefits • brand name • components •

durable • easy-to-use • environment-friendly • materials • features • functions •
high-performance • improvement • innovative • latest model •
logo • packaging • timeless • user-friendly

1. With us, you get all the _E_E_I _ _ of a _ _A_ _ _A_E, with our reputation for
quality and reliability.
2. Our cell phone is remarkably EA_Y - _O- U_E for all age groups – so
grandmothers can call their grandchildren as often as they like.
3. Our _I _ _ - _E_ _O_ _A_ _E glazing solutions will give you the best doors and
French windows you can find.
4. We use only E_ _I_O _ _E_ _ - _ _IE_ _ _ _ building _A_E_IA_ _ such as
bamboo, reclaimed lumber, and so on.
5. You will not be deceived once you have unwrapped the smart _A_ _A_I_ _, the
product is as good as the promise.
6. You can count on our reliable A_ _E_ - S_ _E_ _E_ _I_E to solve any problem
within 24 hours – that is, if you have any problem!
7. Our web developers are known to product the most U_E_ - _ _IE_ _ _ _
websites you could wish for.
8. Our computers go way beyond the four basic _U_ _ _IO_ _ that are required –
you will never choose anything else again!
9. The _O_ _O_E_ _ _ are carefully chosen to be both _U_A_ _E and
_I_E_E_ _ – so you can keep our watches forever!
10. Our service includes personalized AE_ _ _E_I_ _ including your company
_O_O, to make your product stand out on the shelves.
11. I_ _O_A_I_E tech _EA_U_E_ have been included as standard features on all
our new vehicles.
12. The _A_E_ _ _O_E_ is, of course, a vast I_ _ _O_E_E_ _ on the former one,
which dates from 2015.


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Recherche, développement et industrialisation
Rappel : research est un nom indénombrable et ne se met donc jamais au pluriel. Le verbe
qui l’accompagne est alors toujours conjugué au singulier.

breakthrough percée / avancée

cutting-edge de pointe
design conception
design (to) concevoir
faulty défectueux
flawed imparfait, avec des défauts
industrial espionage espionnage industriel
innovate (to) innover
innovation innovation
innovative innovant / novateur
in progress en cours
inspect (to) examiner de près
inspection contrôle
intellectual property (IP) propriété intellectuelle (PI)
know-how savoir-faire
laboratory laboratoire
lead time délai de production / de mise en œuvre
leading-edge de pointe
machinery and equipment machines et équipements
manufacturer fabricant
mass production production de masse / à grande échelle
monitor (to) surveiller
obsolete obsolète
patent brevet
patent pending demande de brevet déposée
pilot study étude pilote
production capacity capacité de production
production output production
production overhead frais généraux
production planning planning de production
production process processus de production / de fabrication
project management gestion de projet
prototype prototype


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quality control contrôle de qualité

quality criteria critère de qualité
random sampling échantillonnage aléatoire
range gamme
raw material matière première
researcher chercheur
result résultat
risk risque
safety sécurité (de la personne)
sample échantillon
scientist scientifique
sensor capteur / détecteur
shortage manque / pénurie
technological gap écart technologique
test test
test (to) tester
trial essai
validate (to) valider
waste (to) gâcher
zero-defect zéro default

A Choose the right word from the list to fill the gap

1. The invention has not been given full copyright for now, so it is patent
a) pending b) waiting c) awaiting d) imminent

2. The company carry out sampling every so often. We never

know when they are coming.
a) odd b) planned c) random d) methodical

3. There is a serious of skilled tech workers in the USA at the

a) short b) shorter c) shorted d) shortage


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4. Our production is way too high for now. We must economize.

a) overhead b) overhang c) rent d) burden

5. The purchasing department are finding it hard to get enough

a) rare b) raw c) unripe d) fresh

6. The drug is said to be a major in treating the disease.

a) breakthrough b) breakover c) break in d) breakout

7. The engineer shared his with us during the training session.

a) lack b) no-how c) how-know d) know-how

8. Please keep an eye on the results. I need you to them carefully.

a) watchdog b) monitor c) ignore d) overseer

9. Our laboratory has been carefully to be sure of employee .

a) safety b) safeness c) secure d) security

10. We need to forecast the time, that is from the beginning to the
end of the process.
a) Leeds b) lied c) lead d) led

B Match the word on the right to a definition on the left.

Set 1: Adjectives
1. Not working correctly • • A. Cutting-edge
2. Being done at the moment • • B. Obsolete
3. Highly advanced, innovative, pioneering • • C. Flawed
4. No longer produced or used • • D. In progress
5. Having an imperfection • • E. Faulty

Set 2: Nouns
1. A person who has expert knowledge of science • • A. Prototype
2. A first or preliminary version of something • • B. Range
3. A device sensitive to input that transmits a signal • • C. Sample
4. A small part to show what the whole is like • • D. Scientist
5. A number of things of the same general kind • • E. Sensor


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Set 3: Production
1. A series of steps to create multiple units
of the same thing • • A. Production planning
2. Running the production process • • B. Production output
3. The quantity of goods produced at
a certain time • • C. Production capacity
4. The maximum quantity that can be
produced in each period • • D. Production process
5. Preparing and organizing the
production process • • E. Production management

C Choose the right answer between the two suggestions.

1. We cannot show the prototype to our visitors, we are afraid of industrial

espionage / industrial spying.
2. We must do something to reduce the technological hole / technological gap
between developed and less-developed countries.
3. Protecting intellectual ownership / intellectual property is getting more and
more difficult with the arrival of IoT.
4. The searcher / researcher has made great inroads into new cures for the disease.
5. It has been voted the most innovative / innovation company in the A.I. field.
6. You ought to calculate the dare / risk before you give the project the go-ahead.
7. Clinical trials / trails help determine if new treatments are safe and effective.
8. A concept needs to be vetoed / validated before being manufactured or
launched onto the market.
9. We aim for zero default / zero defect in every product we develop in our labs.
10. A study pilot / pilot study is one of the most essential stages in a research


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L’immobilier et le logement

add-on ajout / supplément
affordable abordable
asbestos amiante
BA (bath) / BD / BR (bedroom) sdb (salle de bains) / ch (chambre)
condominium immeuble (en copropriété)
co-signer cosignataire
cul-de-sac cul-de-sac / impasse
deposit garantie
doorman portier / concierge
eviction expulsion
flat / apartment appartement
foreclosure saisie
furnished meublé
home tour visite de la maison
inspection inspection
landlord propriétaire
lease bail
listings petites annonces
manager gérant
master bedroom chambre principale / chambre parentale
move-in ready disponible pour l’emménagement
open house portes ouvertes
out of price range hors de la fourchette de prix
property tax / council tax impôts fonciers / taxe d’habitation
remodel (to) réaménager / réagencer
roommate colocataire
security deposit dépôt de garantie
sub-division subdivision
tenant locataire
termites termites
utilities services
vacancy chambre libre


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walk-in-closet dressing
wall-to-wall carpet moquette
waterfront bord de l’eau
yard (front / back) jardin
zoning zonage

Real Estate
appraisal évaluation / estimation
appraise (to) évaluer / estimer
asking price prix demandé
broker courtier / agent
brownfield friche
clause clause
collateral collatéral
co-op board conseil d’administration de la copropriété
credit approval approbation de crédit
credit history dossier de crédit
down payment acompte
easement servitude / droit d’usage
equity fonds propres / capitaux propres
escrow dépôt fiduciaire / séquestre
estate propriété / domaine
fixed rate taux fixe
fixer upper logement à rénover
flip a house (to) rénover et revendre une maison avec profit
for sale à vendre
foreclosure saisie
home owner’s association association de propriétaires
lease bail
lender bailleur
maturity maturité
mortgage emprunt immobilier / hypothèque
no money down sans apport
notice of default avis de défaut


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power of attorney procuration

pre-approval approbation préalable
purchase achat
put money down (to) verser un acompte
rate taux
realtor agent immobilier
references références
refinance (to) refinancer
sale vente
take out a mortgage (to) faire un emprunt immobilier
title titre

A Put the words in the right order to make a sentence.

1. stern / property tax / letter / because / paid / a year / county / got / haven’t /
we / from / our / a / in / the / we
2. Singapore / university / furnished / Alice / will / apartment / moving / a /
months / six / exchange / for / need / and / is / she / for / to / a
3. affordable / co-signer / the / bank / house / insisted / still / have / was / that /
but / a / the / we
4. close / to have / waterfront / Elisa / condominium / her / lucky / the / to / so /
is / so


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B Fill in the gap in the sentences with words from the table.

move-in-ready affordable out of my price range

add-on co-signer roommate
inspection asbestos home tours
master bedroom tenant lease
doorman landlord utilities
security deposit walk-in-closet sub-division
termites foreclosure remodel

1. My rent in San Francisco increased so much that it was really

, so not to fall behind I had to take on a .

2. Everything is finalised with the . She approved a five year

for the apartment, which is pretty rare!

3. Barbara and Phil are thinking of relocating to the area, so they have come
down every weekend to go on different .

4. I got the house cheap because it was a from the bank and
they wanted to get rid of it as soon as possible.

5. William’s house was and that made him very glad because
he didn’t want to handle a mortgage and a massive job.

6. The general procedure for a to rent a home is that they

have to have a and pay a that may be
refunded upon completing the lease.

7. The by the highway is really . The rents

are just right and not too expensive for most people.

8. The came back negative for both and

so we can proceed with the sale.

9. Having an apartment in a city can be really expensive with all of the extra
charges like having a full time ; of course, that’s before you add
in the rent and .

10. You should really see what Sophie did to the . She
knocked out a wall and was able to a .

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C Match the term to the definition.

1. Manager • • A. A street with only one exit and entry

2. Zoning • • B. Determining which areas are used
3. Vacancy • • C. To expel a resident who has not paid rent
4. Eviction • • D. When a residence is empty and available
5. Cul-de-sac • • E. A garden or green space for a house
6. Yard • • F. Somebody who directs a residence

D Match the term to the definition.

1. Appraise • • A. Taken due to lack of payment

2. Lease • • B. Summary of previous finances
3. Brownfield • • C. To seek the value of something
4. Foreclosure • • D. A percentage that will not change
5. Title • • E. Certificate of purchase
6. Realtor • • F. Ownership but for a limited time
7. Fixed rate • • G. A transaction
8. Down payment • • H. Someone who sells homes
9. Sale • • I. Land that is contaminated
10. Credit history • • J. A portion of money due for a sale

E Fill in the gaps with the following words.

refinancing • fixer-upper • broker • mortgage • maturity • flipping houses •
power of attorney • co-op board • no money down • escrow • sale •
rate • estate • take out a mortgage

1. Carl is a real pro at real estate because he has made so much money
. He buys them, improves them rather quickly and then sells
them right away.
2. Tomorrow we have an appointment at the bank to discuss
options so that we can have a cheaper rate on our .
3. Buying an apartment in New York City is very complicated as the real estate
is already very expensive but you also have to get the approval of a building’s
, which can be make a even more difficult.
4. The reason our house was so cheap wasn’t because we are skilled negotiators, it
is because it was old and was a . There was so much work to be
done but it was really worth it.

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5. A good rule of thumb is to be sceptical of any deal where the

will sell you a house with .
6. As my client is ill, she has given me regarding the sale of
her and other assets.
7. Generally, the longer you own a home the value increases with its
8. University is very expensive in the United States which is why many parents
will on their house to pay for the children’s studies so that the
children can avoid student loans.
9.Mark’s credit was not very good at all which is why the bank did not give him
all the money he asked for and even with that the was very
10. The house isn’t ours yet as it is still in , which means that
the transaction is in transition from seller to buyer.

F Put the words in the right order to make a sentence.

1. apartment / the clause / must / co-op board / in the / we / sell / contract / to the
/ says / that / the
2. mortgage / received / Nick / months / paid / a notice of default / his / and /
hadn’t / in
3. house / three million / Mrs. Landringham / appraised / dollars / after / was /
died / at over / her


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Parler de la pluie et du beau temps

Are you free (Friday night…)? Êtes-vous libre (vendredi soir…) ?

Are you with me so far? Vous me suivez jusque-là ?
Did you hear about…? Avez-vous entendu parler de… ?
Do you know what I mean? Vous voyez ce que je veux dire ?
Do you see what I’m saying? Vous me comprenez ?
Don’t mention it! Je vous en prie ! / Il n’y a pas de quoi !
Give it your best shot. Faites de votre mieux.
Good for you! Très bien ! / Bravo !
Hang on a second Attendez une seconde.
Hey, what’s up? Eh, ça va ? / Qu’est-ce qui se passe ?
Hi, how’s it going? Bonjour. Comment ça va ?
How about…? Et si… ? / Que diriez-vous de… ?
How are you? Comment allez-vous ?
How do you do? Enchanté
How does that sound? Qu’en pensez-vous ?
How have you been? Comment allez-vous depuis le temps ?
I can’t be asked. Ne me demandez pas.
I can’t complain. Je ne peux pas me plaindre.
I can’t stand… Je ne peux pas supporter…
I don’t get it. Je ne comprends pas.
I ran into… J’ai rencontré par hasard…
I’m afraid… (formal apology) Je crains que/de…
I’m crazy about… J’adore…
I’m down for that! Je suis partant(e) !
I’m not a big fan of… Je ne suis pas trop fan de…
I’m not into… Je n’aime pas…
I’m sorry to hear that. Je suis désolé(e) de l’apprendre.
I’ve never been better. Je ne me suis jamais senti(e) aussi bien. /
On ne peut mieux !
It was the least I could do. C’est la moindre des choses. / C’est le moins
que je puisse faire.


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It’s nice to meet you. Heureux de vous rencontrer.

Let’s grab a bite to eat. Allons manger un morceau.
Never mind! Ça ne fait rien ! / Ce n’est pas grave ! / Ne vous
en faites pas !
To the best of my knowledge… Pour autant que je sache…
What are you up to? Qu’est-ce que vous faites ?
What do you do? Que faites-vous dans la vie ?
What do you mean? Que voulez-vous dire ?
What’s new? Quoi de neuf ? / Quelles nouvelles ?
You can say that again! Je ne vous le fais pas dire ! / Vous l’avez dit ! /
Et comment !
You got me there! Tu m’as eu là ! / Vous marquez un point !
You’ve gotta be kidding me! Sans blague ! / Vous vous moquez de moi !

A T wo friends are going out for the evening. Follow the conversation and choose
the right answer to fill in the gap.

DAVE: Hey, Phil! I’m glad you could make it. 1.

a) How do you do? b) How’s it going? c) You can say that again.

PHIL: I’m doing great. It has been a really long time since we last got together. 2.
a) How does that sound? b) What do you do? c) What’s new?

DAVE: Not much. I’ve been real busy with work since I switched jobs.

PHIL: Whoa! 3. You switched jobs? What happened? You

loved your job at Icon Bank.
a) You can say that again. b) Hang on a second. c) Are you with me so far?

DAVE: Yeah, it was a bad situation. I got laid off there, but a recruiter found a job
for me almost right away at Bourne Finance Ltd. The work isn’t as interesting, and
the pay is a little less but 4. because I’m lucky to have a job.
a) it was the least i could do. b) you’ve got me there. c) I can’t complain.


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PHIL: 5. but I’m sure you’re going to be all right.
a) I’m not into that b) I’m sorry to hear that c) I can’t be asked.

DAVE: Thanks man. 6. Jessica who went to school with

us? She became a big-name actress and is in a new movie.
a) Did you hear about b) Hey, what’s up c) Do you know what I mean?

PHIL: 7. . That’s fantastic news! I always knew she would

make it.
a) You’ve gotta be kidding me b) I don’t get it c) Good for you

DAVE: Me too. Say I’m starving. 8. Is Japanese OK?

a) How does that sound? b) It was the least I could do. c) Let’s grab a bite to eat.

PHIL: Actually, 9. . Would Thai be OK instead?

a) I’m not a fan of that. b) I can’t complain. c) Never mind

DAVE: Hot and spicy! 10. . Let’s go! I know a great place
not far from here.
a) Give it your best shot b) Don’t mention it c) I’m down for that

B Match each expression with its synonym.

1. Never mind! • • A. This disgusts me.
2. Give it your best shot. • • B. Just forget about it!
3. You can say that again! • • C. What is your job?
4. How does that sound? • • D. Make your strongest effort.
5. You got me there! • • E. Would you be available…?
6. Are you with me so far? • • F. Do you follow what I’m saying?
7. I can’t stand… • • G. I totally agree with you!
8. Are you free…? • • H. As far as I know…
9. To the best of my knowledge… • • I. Is this a good idea to you?
10. What do you do? • • J. I don’t know!

C Choose the situation in which each of the expressions is used.

1. Do you know what I mean?
a) The speaker is looking for information.
b) The speaker wants to know if he appears aggressive.
c) The speaker wants to know if the listener understands him.

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2. How does that sound?

a) The speaker wants to know if the listener thinks it’s a good idea.
b) The speaker wants to know if the listener thinks the sound is pleasant.
c) The speaker wants to know if the listener can hear well enough.
3. I’m afraid we’re all out of the chocolate mousse.
a) The speaker is afraid of the listener.
b) The speaker is frightful of the reaction of the listener.
c) The speaker regrets that there is no more chocolate mousse.
4. I can’t be asked.
a) The speaker wants to refrain from asking a question.
b) The speaker doesn’t want to do what is being asked.
c) The speaker doesn’t want to hear any more questions.
5. What are you up to?
a) The speaker wants to know the height of the listener.
b) The speaker wants to know what the listener is doing.
c) The speaker wants to know the limits of the listener.
6. You’ve gotta be kidding me!
a) The speaker finds the listener funny.
b) The speaker wants to know if the listener has a joke.
c) The speaker finds what was said was amazing.
7. I’ve never been better.
a) The speaker is complaining about his situation.
b) The speaker will never be in good condition.
c) The speaker is doing very well.
8. I ran into Mrs. Larson at the store.
a) The speaker had a collision with the woman.
b) The speaker had a surprise encounter with the woman.
c) The speaker had a race with the woman.
9. I’m crazy about that new show on television.
a) The speaker has mental health problems when watching television.
b) The speaker strongly appreciates the show.
c) The speaker is angry that the show is on television.
10. I’m down for that!
a) The speaker really wants to partake in the activity.
b) The speaker feels disappointed with the decision.
c) The speaker is against the activity.


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Développement durable

alternative energy énergie alternative / renouvelable

biodiversity loss perte de biodiversité
carbon footprint empreinte carbone
committed (to be) engagé / dévoué (être)
committed to (to be) se consacrer à
cut (to) réduire
dam barrage
decarbonize (to) décarboniser
deforestation rate taux de déforestation
desertification désertification
ecological écologique
emissions émissions
energy efficiency efficacité énergétique / bilan énergétique
environment environnement
flooding inondation
fossil fuel combustible fossile
global warming réchauffement climatique
green spaces espaces verts
greenhouse effect effet de serre
greenhouse gas gaz à effet de serre
health risk risque pour la santé / risque sanitaire
hydroelectric power énergie hydroélectrique
impact conséquences / répercussions
impact (to) avoir un impact / un effet sur
impoverished populations les populations démunies
indoor environmental quality qualité environnementale intérieure
landfill ensevelissement des déchets
long-term à long terme
low-carbon à faible teneur en CO2
low-energy à faible consommation énergétique
materials selection choix des matériaux
Mother Earth notre mère la Terre / la Terre nourricière
natural environment milieu naturel
natural resources ressources naturelles


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nuclear power énergie nucléaire

organic farming agriculture biologique
pesticide pesticide
pollution (air, sea, water) pollution (de l’air, de la mer, de l’eau)
power énergie
radioactive waste déchets radioactifs
recycle (to) recycler
reduce (to) réduire
regenerate (to) régénérer / renouveler
renewable renouvelable
reuse (to) réutiliser
scarcity pénurie / rareté
solar energy énergie solaire
standard of living niveau de vie
sustainable site development aménagement écologique du site
walkable communities communautés où tout se fait à pied
waste disposal traitement des déchets
water savings économies d’eau
wind farm champ d’éoliennes / parc éolien
wind turbine / windmill éolienne

A What can be done? Match the words to make compound nouns.

1. wind • • A. efficiency
2. organic • • B. communities
3. walkable • • C. turbine
4. natural • • D. savings
5. materials • • E. site development
6. solar • • F. farming
7. water • • G. selection
8. energy • • H. resources
9. alternative • • I. energy
10. sustainable • • J. energy


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B What are the issues to be solved? Match these words.

1. impoverished • • A. pollution
2. global • • B. fuel
3. radioactive • • C. risk
4. sea • • D. warming
5. greenhouse • • E. populations
6. deforestation • • F. effect
7. fossil • • G. waste
8. biodiversity • • H. gas
9. greenhouse • • I. loss
10. health • • J. rate

C What are the 3 Rs? Finish completing the text with words from the list.

The 3Rs used to manage 1. W D are 2. R ,

3. R , and 4. R .
The target is to bring down the 5. C F , by making slight
changes to your everyday life and thus decrease the waste that goes into
6. L . It is important to look at the 7. L T
I on 8. M E of what we do daily.
Not only do we need to 9. C E from cars and other
pollutants, but we need to: encourage 10. R energies, like
11. W F and 12. H P ; discourage
the use of 13. P in agriculture, halt 14. D in, for example,
the Sahel, and 15. F even in big cities like Paris in 2016 and 2018.
We must all be 16. C T a brighter future with a healthy
17. N E and a decent 18. S O
L for all of the world’s 7.6 billion people.


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abroad à l’étranger
aisle seat siège côté couloir
amusement park parc d’attractions
apply for a visa (to) demander un visa
basic economy classe éco basique
book a trip (to) réserver un voyage
booking réservation
business class classe affaires
carry-on baggage / hand luggage bagage à main
s’enregistrer / se présenter à
check in (to)
check out quitter l’hôtel / régler sa note (d’hôtel)
couch surfing dormir temporairement sur le canapé
cruise croisière
day trip excursion (d’une journée)
downgrade déclasser
economy class classe économique
excursion excursion
expedition expédition
field trip voyage scolaire / sortie pédagogique
first class première classe
frequent flier miles / points programme de fidélité
get a shot / jab (to) se faire vacciner
go on vacation / holiday (to) partir en vacances
hiking randonnée
hostel auberge
hotel hôtel
journey voyage / trajet
make a booking (to) faire une réservation
middle seat siège du milieu
motel motel


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one way / single aller simple

premium economy économie premium
reservation réservation
complexe touristique / village
review critique
round trip / return aller-retour
sail (to) naviguer
sailing navigation
space travel voyage dans l’espace
timeshare multipropriété (pour un logement)
trek trek / randonnée / longue marche
upgrade surclassement
voyage voyage / périple
window seat siège côté fenêtre

A Use the words below to fill in the gaps in the sentences.

to get a shot space travel miles hostels

economy class downgraded hiking field trip
business class check-in safari timeshare
middle seat reservation trek hotel
couch surfing basic economy class carry-on luggage

1. Every year, I fly all around the world and never pay cash but instead redeem
thousands of frequent flier and avoid paying cash for the

2. Before going on safari in Kenya and Tanzania, the tour company wanted us
for Yellow Fever.

3. Airlines today are getting on the bandwagon by charging passengers

for everything including where they want to sit and even for bringing
. To appeal to travellers who want the cheapest price, they


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have created where passengers aren’t allowed or offered

any of the fundamental services.

4. Thanks to the program we belong to, my family is able

to stay in comfortable homes all around the world for an affordable price and
nominal membership fee.

5. For young and/or adventurous travellers on a tight budget,

is a step up from staying in as it is
free and more personalised.

6. Many tech companies are jumping on the bandwagon to see who can be the
pioneer in by creating comfortable rockets to carry wealthy
passengers to infinity and beyond.

7. My daughter’s school is in Manhattan and her class went on a

yesterday to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. They had a
great time!

8. I had a horrible experience with Liberty Airlines a few years back on a flight
from Los Angeles to Sydney. The airline messed up my ,
which I had made in because I was travelling for work, and
me to . To add insult to injury, they
stuck me in the for the whole 14-hour flight. I will never
take them again!

9. Susan and Jeff went on a to Nepal last year for their

anniversary. They had a fantastic time and did a lot of on
the trails every day.

10. To make it convenient for travellers and to save money on paying staff,
many airlines and companies have introduced online
for travellers to get to their flights and rooms much faster
than before.


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La météo

balmy doux
below freezing en dessous de zéro
blustery vent qui souffle en rafales
break out (to) éclater
breezy avec un peu de vent
chilly froid / frais
cloudy nuageux
cold snap vague de froid
cyclone cyclone
downpour déluge / pluie torrentielle
drizzle (to) bruiner
drought sécheresse
duststorm tempête de poussière
flash flood crue subite
flurry (flurries) bourrasque(s)
foggy brumeux
frigid glaciale
hail (to) grêler
hail storm averse de grêle
hazy brumeux
heat wave vague de chaleur
hotter than hell (to be) plus chaud qu’en enfer (être)
humid humide / moite
humidity humidité
hunker down (to) se replier, tenir bon
hurricane ouragan
ice storm tempête de glace
mild doux
mist brume
mudslide coulée de boue
overcast couvert
pollen index index de pollen
pour / pour down (to) pleuvoir à verse / à flots
precipitation précipitation
rain (to) pleuvoir
rain cats and dogs (to) pleuvoir des cordes

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rain down (to) pleuvoir fort

rainy pluvieux
ride out (to) surmonter / affronter
scorching caniculaire / torride
shower averse
sleet neige fondue
smoggy couvert de brouillard de pollution
snowy neigeux
storm orage
stormy orageux
thicken (to) s’épaissir
thunder tonnerre
thunderstorm orage
tornado tornade
typhoon typhon
UV (ultraviolet) index index UV
wind chill température ressentie
windy venteux

A What’s the weather like? Find a synonym in the list below.

balmy • below freezing • breezy • chilly • cloudy • foggy • frigid • hazy • hotter
than hell • humid • rainy • smoggy • snowy • stormy • windy

1. brisk, cool
2. damp
3. tempestuous
4. blowy, blustery
5. wintry, pure, white and fluffy
6. hot and misty, unclear
7. sub-zero
8. overcast
9. wet
10. mildly windy
11. extremely hot, scorching


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12. foggy and polluted

13. murky, soupy
14. pleasant, temperate, mild
15. ice-cold, frosty

B Fill in the gap in the weather forecasts and news reports (the last letter of the
words is provided).

1. Take your umbrella. There will be light _ _ _ _ _ _S throughout the morning,

which will worsen in the afternoon. Owing to the high precipitation that will _
_ _N _ _ _N today, the Met Office would also like to warn you of the danger of
_ _ _ _H _ _ _ _ _S in certain areas. Finally, farmers should protect crops where
possible, because of the likelihood of a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _M, which could cause serious

2. Wrap up warm today. _ _ _ _T will turn into real snow, which will then _ _ _ _
_ _N, with _ _ _ _ _ _ _S causing drifts in hilly areas. Freezing winds from Siberia
will increase the _ _ _D _ _ _ _L factor and may cause an _ _E _ _ _ _M mid-
afternoon. The _ _ _D _ _ _P will not be over before the weekend.

3. More rain is on its way. It will _ _ _ _ _ _E in the early afternoon but will turn
into a _ _ _ _ _ _ _R by mid-evening. A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _M (with the adjacent
danger of thunder and lightning), may _ _ _ _K _ _T later. Residents in hilly areas
are in danger of a _ _ _ _ _ _ _E and should protect themselves accordingly.

4. Protect yourselves with glasses if possible, because the _ _ _ _ _N _ _ _ _X will

be high over the next few days. You should also take the usual precautions for a _ _
_T _ _ _E (drink a lot, wear light clothing…) and as the _V _ _ _ _X will be high,
you must of course stay in the shade.

5. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _E Harriet is expected to arrive mid-morning and could cause

serious damage. Residents have been told to _ _ _ _ _R _ _ _N in their homes, and
_ _ _E _ _T the storm until it is over. Be patient, and do not take any risks. The
high winds may cause a _ _ _T _ _ _ _M in areas already suffering from _ _ _ _ _
_T conditions due to the unusual lack of rain.


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La banque et les finances personnelles Les communications
A. 1. D. – 2. G. – 3. B. – 4. H. – 5. E. – 6. A. – A. 1. c) – 2. b) – 3. b) – 4. b) – 5. b) – 6. c) –
7. F. – 8. C. 7. a) – 8. c) – 9. b) – 10. a)
B. 1. a) – 2. b) – 3. b) – 4. a) – 5. c) – 6. b) – B. 1. I’m so sorry it’s been so long since I’ve
7. b) – 8. a) – 9. c) – 10. a) – 11. b) written but I’ve been very busy.
C. 1. You need to keep all of your pay stubs so 2. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you
there are no problems with your pension. need any further information.
2. Credit cards are different from debit cards 3. As promised, here are the pictures of the
because they charge interest. party.
3. In order to live on Park Avenue you have to 4. I’m sorry but Mr. Cooper has just stepped
be well off because it’s so expensive. out, could I have him call you back?
4. Checks and checkbooks will be obsolete in 5. Hello, this is Mr. Carleton. Could I speak to
the future because people will use cards. the manager, please?
5. You should always remember your PIN but 6. I hope that everything is well with you.
must not write it down. 7. May I ask who’s calling, please?
8. I am writing to you regarding the car you
2. COMMERCE have for sale on quicksale.net.
Le commerce C. 1. c) – 2. b) – 3. d) – 4. a)
A. 1. outlet – 2. trade fair – 3. department
store – 4. chain store – 5. retail – 6. brick & 4. COMPLAINING & APOLOGIZING
mortar – 7. wholesale – 8. convenience store – Les plaintes et les excuses
9. e-commerce – 10. mail order
A. 1. bother – sorry – happen
B. 1. customer loyalty – 2. refund / 2. unacceptable – speak – apologize – leave
reimbursement – 3. commission – 4. order
3. seems – misunderstanding – matter – sort
form – 5. hire purchase – 6. spare parts –
7. amount due – 8. advance payment – 4. fed up with – hear – hand – forget
9. quotation / quote – 10. unsaleable 5. regret – dissatisfied – sincere –
C. inconvenience
1 P A C K A G I N G 6. enough – nothing – don’t
2 M A R K - U P B. 1. D. – 2. I. – 3. F. – 4. J. – 5. H. – 6. A. –
3 I N V O I C E
7. E. – 8. C. – 9. G. – 10. B.
4 P R O C U R E M E N T
5 R E P E A T - O R D E R
- Biens immobiliers de l’entreprise
7 R E C E I P T
8 F I R M - O R D E R A. 1. warehouse – 2. factory / plant –
9 I M P U L S E 3. (shopping) mall – 4. retail store –
10 U N I T - P R I C E 5. medical center – 6. unit (apartment) –
11 S O L D - O U T 7. apartment complex – 8. office building –
12 P U R C H A S E
9. hotel – 10. premises


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B. 1. Zoning regulations – 2. A bad landlord – 8. HEALTH & HEALTHCARE
3. Rental income optimization – 4. Greenfield La santé et les services de santé
site earmarked for development – 5. A prolific
property portfolio – 6. Bankruptcy beckons A. 1. dentist / toothache / painful – 2. nauseous
– 7. Downtown development – 8. Collapsing – 3. poorly (or peaky) / check-up / fit / drugs
construction industry – 9. Agreeable amenities – 4. hurts / pill / tablet – 5. aches / pains /
– 10. Imminent implementation prescribe – 6. twisted / bandage / painkillers –
7. general practitioner / waiting room – 8. cold
6. DINING OUT / contagious

Dîner à l’extérieur
B. surgeon: operating room – nurse: ward –
cough: syrup – band aid: cut – allergy: specialist
A. 1. c) – 2. b) – 3. b) – 4. a) – 5. b) – 6. c) – – eye infection: eye drops – bruise: cream –
7. b) – 8. c) – 9. c) – 10. a) syringe: shot – hospital: patient – treat (to): cure
B. 1. C – 2. E – 3. F – 4. A – 5. D – 6. G – (to) – graze (to): heal (to)
7. H – 8. B The odd-man out is: health insurance
C. 1. reservation – 2. complimentary –
3. cutlery – 4. waiter – 5. à la carte – 6. set 9. HIGH-TECH
menu – 7. dinner – 8. well done – 9. rare – Haute technologie
10. on the side – 11. house wine – 12. bill –
13. busboy – 14. doggy bag – 15. free refills – A. 1. I. c) – 2. F. e) – 3. D. i) – 4. A. g) –
16. tip – 17. self-service – 18. take-out 5. B. or G. a) – 6. H. h) – 7. J. j) – 8. E. f) –
9. B. or G. d) – 10. C. b)
7. GRAPHS B. 1. analyst – 2. monitor – 3. secure – 4. user
experience – 5. designers – 6. engineers –
Les graphiques
7. application – 8. install – 9. device – 10. data
A. 1. Line graph – 2. Bar chart – 3. Flowchart C. 1. a) – 2. b) – 3. c) – 4. a) (FYI: mainframe
– 4. Organisation chart – 5. Bubble chart –
= unité centrale) – 5. a) – 6. c) – 7. b) – 8. b) –
6. Pie chart
9. c) – 10. a)
B. 1. dramatic increase – 2. fell / significant
drop – 3. levelled off / overall – 4. step by step 10. HUMAN RESOURCES
– 5. upward trend / remained level / steady
Ressources humaines
decline – 6. narrow / plummeted – 7. bottomed
at / sharp climb – 8. decreasing slightly / risen A. 1. applicant / candidate – application form –
substantially / little by little – 9. shoot up / apply – job search – shortlist
sharp growth – 10. Overall / remained constant 2. back pay – payslip – salary – wage – wage
/ plunge ceiling
C. 1. by – 2. to – 3. at – 4. from / to – 5. in – 3. absenteeism – labour court – labour relations
6. of – labour union – on strike
Note: by after a verb (the difference); to after a 4. dismiss – employ – raise – severance pay –
verb (movement); of after a noun / before an take on
amount (the difference); in after a noun / before 5. full-time – national holiday – part-time –
a topic; at (no change). sick leave – vacation
B. 1. C. – 2. D. – 3. G. – 4. J. – 5. H. – 6. I. –
7. B. – 8. E. – 9. A. – 10. F.


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C. 1. moonlighting – 2. staff – 3. trial period – 13. LIFE IN THE OFFICE

4. pension – 5. manpower – 6. working papers La vie au bureau
– 7. executive – 8. unemployment – 9. retire
(to) – 10. (on-the-job / off-the-job) training A. 1. office hours – 2. flexitime –
3. teleworking – 4. overtime – 5. unsocial
11. IDIOMS & EXPRESSIONS hours – 6. shift

Les idiomes et les expressions

B. 1. shredder – 2. notice board – 3. car park
– 4. open space – 5. security guard – 6. drinks
A. 1. C. – 2. E. – 3. H. – 4. G. – 5. D. – 6. A. – machine / water cooler – 7. photocopier –
7. F. – 8. B. 8. conference room – 9. air conditioning –
B. 1. piece of cake – 2. go with the flow – 3. 10. smoke detector
fish out of water – 4. by the skin of your teeth – C. 1. office supplies – 2. hole punch –
5. between a rock and a hard space – 6. once in 3. name tag – 4. business cards – 5. whiteout –
a blue moon – 7. every cloud has a silver lining 6. printer cartridge – 7. wastepaper basket
– 8. the calm before the storm – 9. sick and filing cabinet – 8. eraser – 9. executive toy –
tired – 10. go the extra mile 10. stapler
D. 1. headquarters – 2. blue-sky thinking –
3. skill set – 4. going forward – 5. feedback –
Les investissements 6. branch office – 7. best practice – 8. scalable
A. 1. bear market – 2. blue chip – 3. bull – 9. thinking out of the box – 10. touch base –
market – 4. capital gain / loss – 5. insider 11. subsidiary – 12. close of play – 13. on the
trading – 6. mutual fund – 7. penny stock – same page – 14. call it a day
8. share certificate – 9. stock exchange –
10. venture capital 14. LOGISTICS
B. 1. worthless – 2. priceless – 3. assets – La logistique
4. futures – 5. dividends – 6. killing – A. Shipping documents: bill of lading,
7. stakeholders – 8. portfolio – 9. boom – certificate of origin, import license, packing list,
10. maturity shipment notice, waybill
1 C O M M O D I T I E S Terms of payment: flat rate, free of charge,
2 E Q U I T I E S handling charge, prepaid
3 P A R V A L U E Customs: bonded warehouse, clearance, duty,
4 C U R R E N C Y officer, regulations
5 S T O C K B R O K E R
6 I S S U E People: consignee, consignor, driver, forwarding
7 L I A B I L I T I E S agent, shipping agent
8 F U N D B. 1. load – 2. unload – 3. dispatch / deliver –
9 I D E R 4. store – 5. ship – 6. count inventory –
10 C U L A T O R 7. order – 8. scan
11 T R A D E
12 O P T I O N
C. 1. warehouse – 2. shipping – 3. terms of
13 Y I E L D delivery – 4. part load – 5. container –
14 S H A R E H O L D E R 6. barcode – 7. batch number – 8. bulk cargo –
15 I N V E S T 9. weight – 10. rail shipment – 11. goods train
– 12. air freight – 13. consignments –


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14. Overland – 15. truck – 16. border – 5. Maria decided to cut back and only subscribe
17. Sea freight – 18. port authority – to five magazines.
19. distribution centre – 20. home delivery –
21. tracking number – 22. conveyor (belt) – 17. MEETINGS
23. loading dock Les réunions

15. MARKETING & ADVERTISING A. 1. C. – 2. I. – 3. F. – 4. B. – 5. H. – 6. E. –

7. A. – 8. G. – 9. J. – 10. D.
Le marketing et la publicité B. 1. conference call – 2. video-conference /
A. 1. Poster – 2. Billboard / Hoarding – i-conference – 3. AGM – 4. board meeting –
3. Window bill – 4. Brochures – 5. Leaflets 5. conference
B. 1. b) – 2. c) – 3. b) – 4. a) – 5. c) – 6. a) – C. 1. agenda – 2. objective – 3. keynote speech
7. b) – 8. a) – 9. c) – 10. c) – 4. brainstorm session – 5. motion –
C. 1. d) – 2. b) – 3. b) – 4. c) – 5. c) 6. proposal – 7. vote – 8. proxy vote – 9. AOB
D. 1. Our SWOT analysis showed no real – 10. minutes
threats, but we still should try harder. D. 1. b) – 2. b) – 3. a) – 4. b) – 5. a) – 6. a) –
2. Their composer has made catchy jingles for 7. b) – 8. a) – 9. b) – 10. a)
thousands of commercials.
3. In addition to the millions of dollars spent on 18. PHRASAL VERBS
commercials, they had a big product launch. Les verbes à particule
4. Sex appeal has long been a tactic to gain the A. 1. to go back – 2. to turn out – 3. to shut
customer’s attention. down – 4. to set up – 5. to take over – 6. to
5. Subliminal advertising is deemed by many to keep up – 7. to turn on – 8. to buy up – 9. to
be an unethical technique. think over – 10. to back out
B. 1. b) – 2. c) – 3. b) – 4. b) – 5. a) – 6. c) –
16. MEDIA 7. a) – 8. c) – 9. b) – 10. a)
Les médias
A. 1. special report – 2. columnist / troll /
editorial – 3. trending – 4. host – 5. Blogs / Les présentations
vlogs – 6. trade journal / tabloid – 7. to file the A. 1. C./G. – 2. I. - 3. E. – 4. G./C. – 5. B./F./H.
story – 8. crowdfunding – 9. anchor / columns – 6. J. – 7. B./F./H. – 8. D. – 9. B./F./H. – 10. A.
/ newspaper – 10. breaking news / feed B. 1. take home message – 2. signposting –
B. 1. b) – 2. c) – 3. b) – 4. c) – 5. a) – 6. c) – 3. in other words – 4. tie in with – 5.
7. a) – 8. b) – 9. a) – 10. c) background information – 6. draw attention to
C. 1. The anchor apologised during the – 7. NVC / body language – 8. simply put –
broadcast about reporting a false story. 9. to move on to – 10. to give an overview
2. The TV network will launch an online C. 1. laser pointer – 2. spare bulb – 3. back-up
network for millennials at the beginning of next copy on USB – 4. handout – 5. whiteboard –
year. 6. data projector – 7. remote – 8. visual aids –
3. I had no idea the article I posted online 9. flip chart – 10. screen
would bring on so much criticism.
4. Crowdsourcing has changed the way people
start companies and fund projects.


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20. PRODUCTS service – 7. user-friendly – 8. functions – 9.

components / durable / timeless – 10. aesthetics
Les produits
/ logo – 11. Innovative / features – 12. latest
A. 1. G. – 2. E. – 3. F. – 4. A. – 5. I. – 6. E. – 7. model / improvement
D. – 8. B. – 9. C. – 10. H.
B. 15 21. R&D (RESEARCH,
3 W E I G H T Recherche, développement
4 C O L O R et industrialisation
5 H E I G H T
6 S U R F A C E
A. 1. a) – 2. c) – 3. d) – 4. a) – 5. b) – 6. a) –
7. d) – 8. b) – 9. a) – 10. c)
7 S I Z E
8 T H I C K N E S S B. Set 1: 1. E. – 2. D. – 3. A. – 4. B. – 5. C.
9 B R E A D T H Set 2: 1. D. – 2. A. – 3. E. – 4. C. – 5. B.
10 L E N G T H Set 3: 1. D. – 2. E. – 3. B. – 4. C. – 5. A.
11 W I D T H C. 1. industrial espionage – 2. technological
12 M U S H R O O M - S H A P E gap – 3. intellectual property – 4. researcher –
13 D I M E N S I O N S 5. innovative – 6. risk – 7. trials – 8. validated –
14 S H A P E 9. zero defect – 10. pilot study

Suggestions for adjectives 22. REAL ESTATE & HOUSING

1 L-shaped… L’immobilier et le logement
2 deep A. 1. We got a stern letter from the county
3 heavy, light, top-heavy… because we haven’t paid our property tax in a
4 colorful, colorless… year.
5 high 2. Alice is moving to Singapore for six months
for a university exchange and she will need a
6 rough, smooth…
furnished apartment.
7 big, small, sizeable…
3. The house was affordable, but the bank still
8 thick insisted that we have a co-signer.
9 broad 4. Elisa is so lucky to have her condominium so
10 long close to the waterfront.
11 wide B. 1. out of my price range / roommate –
12 mushroom-shaped… 2. landlord / lease – 3. home tours –
13 3- dimensioned 4. foreclosure – 5. move-in-ready / remodel –
14 shaped 6. tenant / co-signer / security deposit –
7. sub-division / affordable – 8. inspection /
termites / asbestos – 9. doorman / utilities –
C. 1. benefits / brand name – 2. easy-to-use – 10. master bedroom / add-on / walk-in-closet
3. high-performance – 4. environment-friendly
C. 1. F. – 2. B. – 3. D. – 4. C. – 5. A. – 6. E.
/ materials – 5. packaging – 6. after-sales


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D. 1. C. – 2. F. – 3. I. – 4. A. – 5. E. – 6. H. – 7. 25. TRAVEL
D. – 8. J. – 9. G. – 10. B. Voyager
E. 1. flipping houses – 2. refinancing /
A. 1. miles – 2. to get a shot –
mortgage – 3. co-op board / sale – 4. fixer-
3. carry-on luggage / basic economy class –
upper – 5. broker / no money down – 6. power
4. timeshare – 5. couch surfing / hostels –
of attorney / estate – 7. maturity – 8. take out a
6. space travel – 7. field trip – 8. reservation /
mortgage – 9. rate – 10. escrow
business class / downgraded / economy class
F. 1. The clause in the contract says that we / middle seat – 9. trek / hiking – 10. hotel /
must sell the apartment to the co-op board. check-in
2. Nick hadn’t paid his mortgage in months and
received a notice of default. 26. WEATHER
3. After Mrs. Landringham died, her house was La météo
appraised at over three million dollars.
A. 1. chilly – 2. humid – 3. stormy –
23. SMALL TALK 4. windy – 5. snowy – 6. hazy – 7. below
freezing – 8. cloudy – 9. rainy – 10. breezy –
Parler de la pluie et du beau temps 11. hotter than hell – 12. smoggy – 13. foggy –
A. 1. b) – 2. c) – 3. b) – 4. c) – 5. b) – 6. a) – 14. balmy – 15. frigid
7. a) – 8. c) – 9. a) – 10. c) B. 1. showers / rain down / flash floods
B. 1. B. – 2. D. – 3. G. – 4. I. – 5. J. – 6. F. – / hailstorm – 2. sleet / thicken / flurries /
7. A. – 8. E. – 9. H. – 10. C. wind chill / ice storm / cold snap – 3. drizzle
C. 1. c) – 2. a) – 3. c) – 4. b) – 5. b) – 6. c) – / downpour / thunderstorm / break out /
7. c) – 8. b) – 9. b) – 10. a) mudslide – 4. pollen index / heat wave / UV
index – 5. hurricane / hunker down / ride out /
24. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT dust storm / drought
Développement durable
A. 1. C. – 2. F. – 3. B. – 4. H. – 5. G. – 6. I./J. –
7. D. – 8. A. – 9. I./J. – 10. E.
B. 1. E. – 2. D. – 3. G. – 4. A. – 5. H. – 6. J. –
7. B. – 8. I. – 9. F. – 10. C.
C. 1. waste disposal – 2. Reduce – 3. Reuse –
4. Recycle – 5. carbon footprint – 6. landfill –
7. long term impact – 8. Mother Earth –
9. cut emissions – 10. renewable –
11. wind farms – 12. hydroelectric power –
13. pesticides – 14. desertification –
15. floods – 16. committed to – 17. natural
environment – 18. standard of living


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Livret-Parties_Corriges.indd 120 17/04/18 16:53
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