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Credits Vortex est une aventure NumeneraTM qui peut se dérouler presque n’importe où dans le Neuvième Monde. Il
convient aux personnages débutants et se compose de deux parties. Partie 1: Le temple, détaille un petit village, une
structure étrange vestige du passée, et un culte avec un chef néfaste. Partie 2: À travers le vortex présente une autre,
Monte Cook
structure très étrange du passé et un horrible mystère là-bas.
Lead Editor Vortex est présenté comme une sorte d’aventure «bac à sable». Plutôt que de guider le MJ à travers une chaîne de
Shanna Germain
rencontres possibles, il présente toutes les personnes, les lieux et les créatures de l’aventure, ainsi qu’un départ
Proofreader rencontre. A partir de là, les PJ peuvent faire ce qu'ils veulent.
Ray Vallese
Charles Ryan
Il y a des générations, des âmes aventureuses ont découvert une structure du passé qui existe en dehors de l'espace
Cover Artist normal, dont l'entrée existe dans le monde réel, mais qui saute à travers la réalité physique, de sorte que son
Roberto Pitturru emplacement change constamment.
Artists Au sein de cette structure se trouve un vortex tourbillonnant d'énergie qui l'alimente. Les découvreurs ont cru
Dreamstime.com, que ce vortex était un dieu et ont commencé à l'adorer. Ils ont décidé d'utiliser la structure comme temple et ont
Patrick McEvoy, commencé ce qu'ils appellent le culte du vortex.
Roberto Pitturru De nombreuses années ont passé. Au début, le nombre de membres de la secte a augmenté et prospéré. Mais il y
Cartographer a environ trente ans, le culte est tombé dans une période difficile. L'adhésion a diminué. Il y a environ dix ans, le
Alyssa Faden culte est tombé sous la direction d'un homme qui est venu pour abuser de son pouvoir. Il a ordonné à son troupeau
de commencer à kidnapper des personnes pour les endoctrinées de force dans la secte - un processus qui a abouti à
Numenera des résultats mitigés.
Editorial Team La connaissance du temple, par les cultistes sont plus étendu qu'avant, mais la plus grande partie reste toujours
David Wilson Brown,
Eric Coates, Ryan
Klemm, Jeremy Land,
Laura Wilkinson,
George Ziets

© 2013 Monte Cook

Games, LLC
Numenera and its logo
are trademarks of Monte
Cook Games, LLC in
the U.S.A. and other
countries. All Monte
Cook Games characters
and character names, and
the distinctive likenesses
thereof, are trademarks of
Monte Cook Games, LLC.


LE TEMPLE Pour les personnages de cinquième ou de sixième
rang, le MJ peut souhaiter ajouter deux niveaux à
Cette partie de l'aventure offre beaucoup d'options aux chacun des cultistes et à l'Ange de l'acier, placer deux
joueurs. Il présente les informations dont le GM a Mésomèmes (page 250, livre de base) à Dog Lake et
besoin de manière unique. Tous les personnages modifier radicalement Abrassal. Cet abrasal est de
impliqués et les emplacements viennent en premier. niveau 8, avec 40 points de vie, 2 armures et un
Vient ensuite la première rencontre qui commence contrôle beaucoup plus complet de ses pouvoirs
l'aventure. Après cela, il appartient aux PJ de déterminer magnétiques, ce qui lui permet d'utiliser son pouvoir
ce qui va se passer, où ils vont et ce qu’ils font. Le MJ offensivement à longue distance contre toute personne
devrait bien connaître les membres de la secte et leurs portant des objets métalliques ou projetant des objets
diverses motivations et savoir ou ils se trouvent. métalliques, infligeant 10 points de dégâts à chaque
personnes qui les utilises.
Bien que Vortex soit une aventure conçu pour pouvoir JUTTE
introduire les personnages joueurs de plusieurs façons Jutte est un petit village d'environ 180 habitants, qui se For a map of Jutte and
possible, la plus probable est la suivante: les PJs trouvent trouve hors des routes habituels. Autour du village, les the surrounding area, see
une étrange structure durant un voyage dans les étendus éleveurs ont tendance à avoir des troupeaux page 10.
sauvages. Alors qu'ils se rapprochent, ils aperçoivent un d'entelodon (porcs velus, ressemblant à des
groupe de cultistes qui tentent de réaliser un rituel à hippopotames), possèdent diverses cultures en petites
proximité de la structure. Après avoir exécuter le rituel, quantités et les apportent ensuite au marché du village
une porte situer dans la structure apparait et les cultistes pour les vendre. Il y a un petit lac situé à quelques
s'y engouffre. Peu après, la structure disparaît. Toutefois, les minutes à pied de la ville (sur une colline) qui offre
cultistes ont laissés derrière eux des indices qui vont bon nombre de poissons à ceux qui s'y aventurent dans
permettre aux PJs, de savoir comment faire réapparaître des bateaux proche du large.
la structure. Si les PJs le souhaitent, ils peuvent revenir Le chef de village est une femme âgée du nom de
plus tard, après s’être arreté dans un village nommé Gralle, mais elle reste chez elle la plupart du temps car
Jutte. Quand la structure réapparais, un seul cultiste en elle est malade. Un vétéran de nombreuses guerres, un
sors. Elle désire échapper à la secte qui habite à Glaive très expérimenté nommé Trummel maintient
l’intérieur de ce qu’ils appellent le Temple du Vortex, et l'ordre et protège la ville des menaces extérieures.
alors qu’elle a réussi à s’échappée, elle n’a pas été en Le marché offre un certain nombre de produits,
mesure de faire sortir son frère. Elle supplie les PJs de principalement des fruits, des légumes et des produits
l’aider. Si les PJs sont d’accord, ils découvrent que secs, bien qu’il y ait généralement quelqu'un qui vend
l’intérieur de cette structure mobile est vaste. Après du poisson frais. (Il n’y en a pas quand les PJs arrivent, Throughout
quelques explorations, ils trouvent et écrasent les pour la raison expliquée ci-dessous.). Il y a même un this
fournisseur qui vend un assortiment de diverses pièces adventure,
adeptes de ce culte, y compris leur monstrueux chef ,
de rechange provenant de toutes sortes d’appareils you’ll see page
Abrassal. Ils découvrent également un puissant vortex references to various
d’énergie qui se trouve à l’intérieur, que les adeptes Numenera. Il possède un chariot qui n’a rien de topics accompanied
adorent comme un dieu. fonctionnel, mais à l’arrière se trouve un véritable by this symbol. These
trésor pour un artisan ou un bricoleur. are references to the
MODIFIER L'AVENTURE Numenera corebook,

Cette aventure est conçue pour les personnages de

RUMEURS EN DEHORS DE LA VILLE where you can find
additional details. It
premier ou de second niveau et devrait être utilisée avec Les gens de Jutte parlent de deux choses. Tout d'abord,
isn’t necessary to use
les personnages de premier niveau en mode convention. un groupe d'étrangers est venu récemment en ville (la the corebook to run
veille de la rencontre initiale, ci-dessous). Ils ont acheté this adventure; it’s an
Bien qu'il puisse être utilisé sans modification pour des
des denrées alimentaires et d’autres fournitures, mais optional way to provide
personnages de troisième, voire de quatrième niveau
ils ont suscité des soupçons parce qu’ils voyageaient additional information.
dans une campagne normale, le MJ peut vouloir ajouter
partout en groupe et qu’ils portaient tous de vieilles
un niveau à chacun des cultistes (leurs accordant +3
robes jaunes et sales. ils étaient cinq ou six - l'histoire
points de vie, +1 points de dégâts et autres avantages
change en fonction de la personne qui la raconte.
simples. L’ange d'Acier pourrait aussi gagner un niveau
Certaines personnes sur le marché les soupçonnent de
et obtenir un point d'armure supplémentaire.
vole ou d'avoir commis des actes encore pires (ce n’est
pas le cas). Il y avait juste quelque chose de
déconcertant dans leur manière bourru et sans humour.
Deuxièmement, il y a un monstre dans le lac.
Personne ne s'en est approcher depuis la disparition des
frères Dreavish. Il y a quelques jours, les histoires d'une Tous les membres du culte portent des robes jaunes
sorte de bête ressemblant a un crabe sont mélangées à en mauvais état après des années d'usure.
des rumeurs de voix fantomatiques et d'apparitions
macabres dans et autour du lac Dog Lake. Gregor
Gregor: Niv 4, 1 point Gregor aime se considérer comme le commandant en
d'armure second d’Abrassal, mais cela provient moins de sa
Le lac Dog Lake est rempli de poissons et sa surface «position officielle», que lorsque des membres de sectes
Corvide (page 237 livre abrite des oiseaux aquatiques et des insectes. Le lac est quittent le temple (ce qu’Abrassal ne fait jamais), il en
de base): Murden en relativement peu profond et ses rives sont recouverts prend la tête et personne ne le conteste. Ils s'en
version anglaise remettent à sa forte personnalité.
avec de hauts roseaux et autres plantes.
Caché au milieu de ces roseaux, il existe une créature Gregor est bourru, sensé, et hargneux. Il se soucie
Mesomeme: Niveau 5, que certains, dans cette région, appellent un lurker peu de son apparence et semble généralement échevelé
se déplace dans l'eau et sent mauvais. Il parle fort et avec force. Il porte un
chuchotant, mais qui est également connu sous le nom
avec une discrétion de long couteau avec lui à tout moment. S'il en a
niveau 6, et detecte tous de Mésomème (page 250, livre de base).
Chasser le Mésomème n’est pas difficile, car si les PJ l'occasion, il attrape une arbalète dans sa chambre et
ce qui pénétre dans l'eau
comme un niveau 7; PV descendent dans l’eau, la créature commencera à les l'utilise comme une arme.
20, Armure 3 traquer. Il a déjà la tête de quelques villageois (les frères Gregor porte au poignet un artefact de niveau 1 qui
Dreavish) ainsi qu'une très vieille tête de Corvide (page préserve l'heure parfaite et prédit la météo du
237 livre de base) et celle de quelques animaux assortis. lendemain avec une précision de 80%. Utilise les deux
Si les PJ parviennent à tuer cette bête dangereuse (ce fonction au moyen de symboles qu’il faut déchiffrer.
qui n'est pas un mince exploit pour les personnages de Cela ne fonctionne pas à l'intérieur du temple.
premier rang), ils mériteront l'affection et le respect des
habitants de Jutte. Les gens n’ont pas grand-chose à Fea´n
offrir en récompense, mais leur donnent certainement Feán est, sans contradiction, le membre vivant le plus
de la nourriture, des boissons et tout ce dont ils intelligent du culte de nos jours. Il porte avec lui un
pourraient avoir besoin pour la durée de leur séjour cahier dans lequel il a dessiné une carte indiquant les
dans la région. positions où le Narthex (voir ci-dessous) apparaîtra,
ainsi que les dates, heures et durées pour lesquelles il
CULTE DU VORTEX apparaîtra et pour combien de temps.
Feán est grand et mince, avec des traits angulaires et
Le culte croit que le vortex que leurs ancêtres ont
un nez qui semble trop grand pour son visage. Il est
découvert est la source de tout pouvoir et de toutes vie
assez sympathique mais semble continuellement
dans le monde. Ils croient que les peuples des mondes
Feán: niv 3, competence distrait. Il porte avec lui un artefact de niveau 5 qui tire
de niv 4 avec les
antérieurs - fidèles et sages, conscients de la divinité du
un faisceau de perturbations neuronales vert à longue
compétences numenera, Vortex - ont construit le temple pour l'abriter et le
portée. Ceux qui sont frappés subissent 2 points de
géographie, or histoire. protéger. Le culte a poursuivi cette croyance.
dégâts d'Intelligence (ignorent l'armure) et doivent faire
Il y a des années, le culte comptait près de deux cents
un jet de défense ou perdre leur prochain tour,
adeptes et des familles vivaient dans le temple. Quelques
assommés. Si la cible tire sur 1D10, un 1, elle est épuisé.
cultistes (Gregor, Feán, Relle, Ashlin) ont été élevés ici.
Norrid: Niv 3. Si lui et le
Les choses sont plus sombres qu’elles ne l’ont jamais été,
PJ à qui il ressemble se et cela altère les perspectives de tous les membres
Calme et introverti, Norrid ne dit jamais rien. Il fait ce
trouve à portée restants. Ils se sentent isolés et ressentent également que
immédiate, les deux sont qu'on lui dit, utilise la violence avec beaucoup de
le reste du monde ne voit pas la vérité qu’ils voient.
affecté par une attaque réticence et se rend rapidement si il affronte une plus
Le culte est-il mauvais? Pas pour la plupart, bien
mental de niveau 7, qui grande force. Il n'est pas régulièrement armé, mais au
les rends inconscient. qu'ils tolèrent tous les goûts sombres et tordus
besoin, il peut saisir un couteau de sa chambre.
d'Abrassal, leur chef, et facilitent ses actes horribles.
S'il y a un PJ masculin dans le groupe, Norrid lui
Cela inclut (sans toutefois s'y limiter) les enlèvements et
ressemble étrangement. Si ce n’est pas le cas, il
le lavage de cerveau de nouveaux membres de la secte.
ressemble beaucoup à une «version» masculine d’un PJ
Abrassal est abominable, et certains des autres féminin. C'est autant une surprise pour lui que pour le
membres ne sont pas particulièrement bons, mais leurs PJ.
pratiques du culte et leurs croyances sont bénignes. Ils
Relle: Niveau 3, Niveau 5
dans toutes le actions de ne sont pas forcément tous désireux de se battres, mais
la plupart ne vont pas bien réagir aux intrus qui entrent
combat et de défense;
Dur et abrupte, Relle s'offusque vite et le provoque au
inflige 6 points de dans leur espace sacré. Si Abrassal était éliminé, la
dommage aux corps a combat, et elle est un combattant très capable au corps
nature de la secte changerait probablement de manière
corps; à corps.
significative (bien que vraisemblablement sous la
PV 18. Relle est petite avec de longs cheveux noirs. Elle porte
direction de Gregor, cela ne sera toujours pas
des lunettes sombres, des lunettes mécaniques qui n'ont
particulièrement «pour vaire le bien»).
plus aucun pouvoir et servent donc simplement de
4 filtres contre la lumière vive.
la «volonté du vortex» leur apportera un grand avenir. THE TEMPLE
Savra est courte et trapue, avec des cheveux courts et
Ashlin grisonnants.
Ashlin est jeune et désireuse de faire ses preuves. Et
pourtant, elle est très curieuse du monde, ayant vécu Ashlin: Niveau 2, Niveau 3
Shome avec son lance dart.
une grande partie de sa vie dans le temple. Si elle est
Shome est une personne très récemment intronisée
rencontrée à l'extérieur du temple, il s'agit
dans le culte. Lui et sa sœur Evanna ont tous deux été Shome: Niveau 2
probablement de sa première sortie à l'extérieur depuis
enlevés par Gregor, ainsi que quelques villageois dans
très longtemps. Ashlin est la fille de Nile et de Savra,
une région très éloignée du monde il y a deux mois. Il
bien que ces deux-là ne soient plus un couple et qu'ils ne
n’a jamais eux la moindre envie de se joindre à la secte
forment pas vraiment une «unité familiale». Ashlin est
et n'est guère plus qu'un prisonnier ici.
ronde et de taille moyenne. Elle porte un lanceur de
fléchettes au poignet à peu près tout le temps.
Evanna est la soeur de Shome et est néanmoins une
Duranis and Nile
prisonnière du culte. Elle essaya d'apprendre les Evanna: Niveau 2
Duranis est un homme calme et aux manières difficiles.
manières du Vortex mais ne l'accepta jamais vraiment.
Nil est un homme âgé désireux de montrer qu'il est
Maintenant, elle veut s'échapper. Elle a volé une clé et Duranis and Nile: niv 3,
encore capable. Ils sont rapides à utiliser la force contre niv 4 pour toutes les
veut l'utiliser pour se libérer et libérer son frère. Evanna
les non-adeptes. Les deux sont disposés et désireux de attaques, aussi bien que
est dans la fin de son adolescence. Elle mince, pas très
faire ce que Gregor dit, à moins que Abrassal ne soit pour la Puissance et la
grande ,et maladroite en action et en parole. célérité en defense; 2
présent, auquel cas ils s'en remettent a leurs leader. Les
deux portent une armure de cotte de mailles à d'armure; PV 15.
l'extérieur ou si le temple est menacé. Duranis porte
Abrassal est plus une bête qu'un homme. Il dirige le
une épée et Nil une hache.
culte et est considéré comme son prêtre. Il a un Abrassal: Niveau 5, Niveau
complexe de messie et croit sincèrement être d'origine 7 pour toutes les actions de
Savra persuasion, et les
divine et que tout le monde doit le servir comme le seul
Savra est une femme d'âge moyen qui a une vision discutions; PV 22.
véritable représentant du vortex sur Terre. Pour lui, les
matrone des autres cultistes. Elle éprouve une
gens sont des jouets à utiliser. Egocentrique, arrogant,
sympathie particulière pour le sort de Shome et
lascif et monstrueux, il est la pire personne à avoir
Evanna, mais elle reste un membre dévoué de la secte et Savra: Niveau 3
diriger ce culte et pourtant possède de fidèles
croit qu'ils finiront par se rendre compte que

Les autres cultistes l'évitent autant que possible, lui
apportant ce qu'il demande et partant rapidement. Ils le
détestent mais croient vraiment qu'il est semi-divin en au bout. Il a six boutons dessus. Il se place dans le trou
se basant sur les «visions» que le vortex lui a envoyées. de la serrure à l’extérieur du Narthex et, s’il est inséré,
Se soumettre à sa volonté (et parfois à ses besoins les portes s’ouvrent. Le culte croit qu’un rituel élaboré
déplaisants) n'est qu'une partie du prix à payer pour être doit être effectué avec le porte-clés à l’extérieur du
parmi les fidèles. Narthex avant de pouvoir être utilisé, mais ce n’est pas
D'une manière ou d'une autre, au fil des années à le cas.
l'intérieur du temple, Abrassal a développé un pouvoir Il y a de nombreuses clés, mais quand les cultistes
étrange qu'il ne comprend pas complètement. Il projette quittent le temple, un seul d'entre eux (presque
un champ de répulsion magnétique hémisphérique toujours Gregor) en porte un.
d'environ 3 m de large. Cela signifie essentiellement L'ascenseur: L'ascenseur doit également être activé
qu'aucun métal d'aucune sorte ne peut s'approcher de avec une clé. Il y a un trou de serrure ici aussi, et il ne
lui. Les armes à distance en métal ne peuvent pas le suffit pas de mettre la clé dedans. Il faut aussi appuyer
toucher, et quiconque tient ou porte du métal est une fois sur le bouton au bout de la tige, il est inséré
incapable de l'approcher. Le champ est un hémisphère afin d'activer l'ascenseur. Il n'a qu'une destination et
qui ne se projette pas sous lui, il peut donc se déplacer met environ 45 secondes pour l'atteindre. Lorsque cela
normalement sur un sol en métal. Il ne peut cependant se produit, les portes s'ouvrent automatiquement,
pas s’asseoir ni même tomber sur une telle surface, ni révélant non pas l'extérieur où se trouvait le Narthex,
s’approcher d’un mur de métal. Il n'a aucun contrôle sur mais l'intérieur de la nef.
cette capacité (pas autant qu'il le souhaiterais).
Si Abrassal devait mourir, le reste du culte ne le LA NEF
pleurerait pas. En fait, ils douteraient probablement de sa La Nef est une chambre gigantesque mesurant environ
divinité après tout et seraient finalement soulagés qu'il mille pieds (305 m) de large. It is, however, far
Pour certains groupes, le soit parti. too dark to make out the entire chamber, and even
mot «secte» est un terme
torches or glowglobes don’t help much. The room is
chargé qui peut
indûment influencer les
LE TEMPLE roughly an octagonal cylinder much taller than it is
actions des PJ. Si le MJ Le Temple du Vortex est une structure gigantesque, dont wide, so it is a shaft. The elevator travels through a
croit que c'est le cas, il la majorité se trouve en dehors de notre espace, mais une central stalk that rises up through the middle of this
devrait éviter d'utiliser petite partie de celle-ci, appelée le Narthex, envahit le shaft, and when the doors open, they reveal a metal
ce mot. N'hésitez pas à monde à intervalles décalés. Le culte n'utilise en réalité walkway suspended over this great shaft that encircles
substituer des mots tels
qu'une petite partie de la structure et ne l'a même jamais the stalk and then extends off into the darkness in
que «ordre» ou
"secte." entièrement explorée au cours des nombreuses many branches, like the multiple spokes of a wheel.
décennies durant lesquelles il l'a habité. Each of these leads to a door set into the outer rim of
Le Synth : C'est le nom the shaft. In all cases, the walkway is about 12 feet
qu'a donné le neuvième LE NARTHEX (3.6 m) wide, with a thin side handrail about 3 feet
monde à une grande
variété de plastiques Le Narthex semble être une structure monobloc de (0.9 m) above the edges. All the doors are closed. Like
couramment utilisés au métal gris et de morceaux de Synth jaune. Quelques in the Narthex, most everything here is far too durable
XXIéme siècle. Ils sont symboles blancs sont peints avec précision sur les côtés, for the PCs to possibly damage.
durable mais pas mais ils ont étés rayés et fanés avec l’âge et n’ont de toute In the darkness, however, the ends of the walkways
particulièrement solides. façon aucune signification pour quiconque se trouvant aren’t visible, except for one that is on a well-lit path.
dans le Neuvième Monde. D'en haut, il a grossièrement
la forme d'un œil humain (un ovale aux extrémités THE PATH
effilées) d'environ 20 pieds (6,1 m) de long. The path is decorated with beads, candles (some lit,
Il n'a pas de fenêtre ni de porte évidente. Le métal de most long burned down), incense, small religious
l'extérieur du Narthex est totalement imperméable à tout icons, and miscellaneous shiny objects (small
ce que les PJ pourraient essayer de faire pour lui nuire. mirrors, shiny bits of metal taken from machines, and
Cependant, rien n'empêche les personnages hors phase so on). There are thousands of these objects, strewn
d'entrer ou les personnages utilisant la téléportation de here over generations, marking the sides of the
pénétrer à l'intérieur. walkway leading from the elevator to one of the doors.
Le "trou de serrure": La seule chose vraiment Both the path and the railings bear the religious
remarquable sur la paroi extérieur du Narthex est une symbols.
petite dépression rectangulaire d'un côté, d'environ 5 cm Thanks to the burning candles and incense, the
sur 2,5 cm et d'une profondeur d'environ 2,5 cm. Dans la path is dimly lit. It is the only light in the Nave, and
dépression se trouvent deux petits trous ronds de la taille thus the path is the only distinct area in the sea of
d'un clou. darkness.
Religious Icons: Cult of the Vortex icons include
Clé d'accés: La clé d'accès est une tige de synthé de
spiral patterns, stylized sun symbols, and images of a
20 cm de long qui possède deux griffes métalliques
very angular humanoid with four arms (the Angel of
Steel; see page 10).

the Dwelling.
The Door: The path leads along one of the Veering off the path can be dangerous. See “Going
walkways to a door. A keystick is required to open the off the Path” for more information.
door; players will need to press the topmost button
on the stick to activate it. The door is almost 10 feet THE DWELLING
(3 m) wide and opens ponderously and loudly. The path eventually ends at a spot looking down into
Beyond the door lies a corridor whose cross- a well-lit, round chamber. From the entrance, a spiral
section is hexagonal. The corridor leads a great ramp leads down to the floor 15 feet (4.6 m) below,
distance farther into the huge structure. The religious although a 12-foot (3.7 m) wide ledge extends around
path continues, so it is dimly lit by flickering candles. the perimeter at that same height as well, effectively
Although there are side passages and turns, if one giving the room two levels. The ledge is covered in
keeps to the path, the seemingly endless maze is various control panels with screens, sliding switches,
easily navigated to the heart of the cult, an area called lit buttons, and more mysterious mechanisms.
Everything appears to be functional, although the
GOING OFF THE PATH function is not readily apparent. A few panels have
The Temple of the Vortex is far too large to detail completely. Assume that been scavenged for shins or other valuables.
it is a facility that goes for many miles. Lots of dark corridors, but a few are At the floor level, round red couches furnish the
lit by panels on the ceiling. However, a few encounters for trailblazers could space, along with a number of small, round tables.
include: The floor itself is padded synth and is soft to walk
upon. The room appears well lived in, with a few
t A large, oval-shaped chamber with a black globe depending from the books and pillows scattered about the couches,
ceiling. The globe is level 4 and senses movement and fires beams of dishes and cups upon the tables, and in more than
destructive energy in rapid-fire fashion at intruders within long range, one spot, one can see ashtrays filled with butts.
inflicting 8 points of damage. The globe has 2 points of Armor and 12 There are nine small rectangular doors spaced
health and is 25 feet (7.6 m) from the floor. Whatever passage the PCs equidistant around the room. Each of these doors
follow continues on the other side of the chamber. opens easily by sliding into the wall (no keystick
t A square, high-ceilinged chamber with a wide and deep pool of clear, needed). Behind each is the living quarters of one to
viscous fluid. It’s not dangerous or poisonous, but it is so thick that three of the cult members. Some are not currently
it’s impossible to really “swim” in. However, at the bottom lie some used at all. Each is appointed and tailored to each
interesting-looking devices that fell in long ago. If the PCs can figure cultist or cultists who live there, but they are fairly
how to get them, they can scavenge 1d6+1 random cyphers. spartan and threadbare. Beds and bedding are worn,
t A large control panel in a long hallway. If someone can succeed on a floors are stained, and so on. These rooms are lit
difficulty 5 task, they can scavenge a random oddity from it. However, by mounted glowglobes that cease functioning if
a GM intrusion could state that a sudden closing mechanism snaps removed.
shut on the character’s hand, inflicting 3 points of damage and trapping In addition to the control panels, explorers also
them. might find another elevator on the upper level.
This also requires a keystick (pushing the bottom
button again) to activate and takes people down to


Abrassal’s chamber and the vortex itself. at all.

Occupants: If the full contingent of the cult is in Occupants: If Abrassal does not know that the PCs
the temple, everyone but Norrid, Relle, Abrassal, and are coming, this is very likely where he will be. In any
Evanna are here. If caught unaware, they are simply case, this is where Shome can be found, chained to a
minding their own business, relaxing, talking, or large chair with synth manacles and eager for escape.
exercising. Most won’t be wearing their robes. If they The synth key for the manacles is hidden within a
are expecting the PCs, they will be on their guard and wooden chest full of other various belongings.
in their robes. Loot: In a ceramic bowl, Abrassal keeps a mass of
It’s worth noting that the cultists have played with pills and small packets of powder. Most of these are
the controls in this room for years and could never depressants and hallucinogens, but three are level 4
figure out what they do. They have raided some of anoetic cyphers:
them for valuables to pay for food when they leave the
temple. 1. Restores 1d6+4 points to any one stat Pool
Loot: Further scavenging of the control panels here 2. Grants the imbiber +1 Speed Edge for one hour
will yield 3d10 shins and 1d6 random cyphers. It is 3. Knocks the imbiber unconscious for one hour (or
also very likely that anyone searching through the until vigorously awoken)
rooms will find at least one more keystick.
ABRASSAL’S CHAMBERS This room is the holy of holies of the temple, so to
This is a dimly lit, disgusting den of iniquity. Abrassal speak. It is a very large rectangular chamber, and in
has abused his position and hoarded all of the cult’s the center of one of the long walls is a raised circular
luxury and wealth. Here one will find a lavish bed, platform surrounded by complex machinery. A vortex
padded chairs and couches, a table covered in food of energy swirls above this platform like a golden
and wine, beautiful artwork on the walls, soft carpets whirlpool in the air. Its radiance makes it difficult to
on the floor, and so on, all illuminated by a reddish look at, and its heat makes it difficult to stand near.
glow that comes from the low ceiling. An observant It also creates a slight mind-inducing effect due to a
PC might notice that there is no metal in this room high electromagnetic output at particular frequencies.

of the Vortex is a mechanical construct that the cult
calls the Angel of Steel. They believe it to be a direct
servant of the divine—a holy being. The automaton
moves about the chamber, occasionally adjusting
or altering machinery. It cannot speak or interact
with anyone, but if the machinery in this chamber is
threatened in any way, by anyone, it will attack.
Of course, the angel cannot come close to Abrassal
and vice versa.

Angel of Steel 4 (12)

Description: The Angel of Steel is an automaton of

metal and glass, with a round body and four long
legs. It can produce up to four arms from panels
within its round chest to manipulate objects or, if
need be, attack and defend. It has no meaning in
its existence other than to defend and maintain
the vortex.
Motive: Defense
Health: 16
Damage Inflicted: 6 points
Armor: 3 (10 against heat)
Combat: The automaton can attack up to four foes
as one action, although all must be within
immediate distance of it and each other.
Interaction: The automaton cannot be reasoned with.
Loot: If destroyed, 1d6 cyphers can be scavenged
from its remains.

The PCs are in the wilderness, well away from any
civilized area (about six hours walk from the village
Those exposed to it have a subtle feeling of religious of Jutte, but they don’t even know this yet). They
awe, as though they are experiencing something truly come upon a shallow stream flowing through a
special. rough, lightly wooded landscape. Pausing at the bank
The cultists know very well what happens to for some water, they see that upstream something
anything that enters the vortex. It is instantly artificial rises from the flowing water.
incinerated in a flash of light and heat that hardly Investigating, they find that it is the Narthex,
leaves any ash. They think of that as divine wrath. but there’s no way in. If the PCs investigate the
This is, essentially, 100 points of damage all at streambed, they’ll note that the sand and rocks are
once. not positioned in such a way that it looks like the
The vortex is actually a wormhole that leads directly structure has been there long, even though it is
into the sun. The structure around it (what the cult obviously ancient. There are also a few dead fish,
calls the Temple) uses this as a power source. It is insects, and frogs on the riverbanks around it.
not intelligent in any way. It is not even necessarily While they are looking at it, they hear people
the central focus of the vast structure. coming their way. The people are Gregor, Feán,
In the center of one of the short walls of the Ashlin, Duranis, and Nile. They’re carrying bags of
rectangular chamber, the cult has built a shrine. food and other goods they procured in Jutte. If left
This is covered in various icons, beads, candles, to their own devices, the cultists perform a religious
and incense, just like the path. On a wooden raised ritual before the Narthex, during which Gregor
platform, reached by a short set of wooden steps, one produces a keystick, and they open the door, go
can find a few handwritten religious books, decades inside, close the door, and that’s that. If the PCs stick
old, written about the glory of the vortex by past around, the Narthex just disappears in about twenty
members of the cult. minutes, leaving no sign of its presence other than
The Angel of Steel: Standing next to the vortex is a a few dead fish and some disturbed sand that will
roundish figure of metal with four legs. The guardian likely return to normal in short order. Except for one


thing; Feán set down what he was carrying during

the ritual—a burlap bag of vegetables and a leather VORTEX AS A CONVENTION GAME
shoulder bag that holds a few small tools, a pen, and This adventure was originally written as a two-
his notebook (see below). round game for GenCon 2013, the launch of the
If the cultists are confronted—politely or not— Numenera game. If you are running this game
Gregor is condescending and dismissive, asking them at a convention, the key is in pacing. There are
to go away. If they do not, he tells Ashlin to give them ways to speed up or slow down the pace as
each a shin to go away. The cultists won’t perform needed to create a satisfying adventure in the
their ritual if there are people close enough to get into time allotted. For example, if it seems like the
the Narthex with them when it opens. If the PCs agree PCs are interested in exploring the temple, don’t
to at least back off and give them a lot of room, the let them waste a lot of time in Jutte. But if they
cultists don’t care if they watch from afar (after all, have little interest in the cult or the Narthex,
It would be easy to
they’ll be disappearing soon). It’s worth noting that then roleplaying some interactions in Jutte and transplant this adventure
the cultists are under time pressure, and they know it. playing up its lake monster might make for a to any location in the
If the PCs threaten or attack them (a pretty very fun session all on its own. Ninth World. The
shocking thing to do, actually, but not every PC is a If they go into the temple but insist on sparsely wooded region
good guy), they do not hesitate to fight back. They wandering off the path, the GM may decide to could just as easily be
a desert, snow-covered
focus, however, on getting rid of the PCs as quickly put a lot of sealed doors in their way, or have the
tundra, or deep in the
as possible, and if that means driving them off rather maze of corridors lead them back to where the mountains.
than killing them, that’s fine. They certainly do not cult and the vortex is anyway.
give pursuit if the PCs do flee. This should be a hard As a convention game, of course, the
fight for the PCs, so don’t hesitate to use a GM only goal is fun. However, should the PCs
intrusion to make it quite difficult. free Shome and deal with Abrassal one way
If they watch the Narthex disappear, it’s up to or another, that’s very likely the pinnacle of
the players to decide what to do: go to Jutte, go to achievement in the Temple of the Vortex and
the next nearby spot marked in Feán’s notebook, or sets them up nicely for the next part.
ignore the whole thing and keep wandering in the
If they kill the cultists, they’ll have the map and the NON-CONVENTION GAME
key. If they act quickly, they’ll be able to get in before it If this is used as a part of a campaign, you can
disappears from the streambed. obviously pace the game as you desire, and let
the PCs explore (or not explore) as they desire.
FEA´N’S NOTEBOOK For campaign play, award 2 XP to each PC
This notebook is filled with maps, and one near the who helps free Shome from his confinement
end is a map of this general area, with this precise and helps get him out of the temple. The
spot marked, and time and dates that conform discovery of the vortex is also worth 2 XP to
to about three days ago and the precise moment each PC involved.
the Narthex disappears. It then shows a map of a
completely different area of the world (unrecognizable
to the PCs) with some dates and times that shows the
Narthex will be moving around in places unreachable
by the PCs for about ten days. If the PCs do not interact with her, Gregor will lead
The map that shows this area, however, also has a another small expedition out of the temple later on,
spot marked that is about four days’ journey away, on basically gathering fresh water and food that can be
the other side of (and well beyond) a village named found in the wilderness.
Jutte. The date and time for appearance is about ten
days away, and the area is a hilly bit of wilderness
miles from any settlement.

If the PCs go to where the Narthex will appear in ten
days, it shows up on schedule. Soon after it appears,
the door opens and Evanna comes out. She’s trying
to escape and is feeling guilt and fear for leaving
Shome behind. If confronted, she will beg the PCs
to go in and find Shome. She will give them her


The Vortex in the temple leads to an artificial habitat numenera knowledge (randomly required by the GM at
that floats, almost impossibly, within the sun. This different times for different characters, difficulty 7) to
location is known (to some, at least) as the Citadel maintain them after, say, the first hour or so.
of Radiance. Although its purpose is unknown, it
now houses a number of constructs of pure mental THE ENDANGERED RELIC-BEING
energy, stored in a complex series of high-energy Things begin immediately after the death (or removal)
cells. The citadel is on the verge of finally succumbing of Abrassal, as one of the PCs senses something
to the incredible forces arrayed against it—primarily “strange.” It is as if there is a presence that wasn’t
the heat and the gravity—and so it is crumbling and there before. Soon thereafter, that character receives
failing. Without special protection, no living creature a telepathic message—like a radio broadcast directly
GMs could change the
tenor of this adventure could survive there long. into her brain. At first, it comes in a language she
by altering the PCs’ goals cannot understand. And then, in another language
and linking them to other SYNOPSIS she still can’t decipher. Finally, she can understand
events in the campaign. The PCs are contacted by an intelligent artificial it, as if someone’s been adjusting the transmission
Perhaps an item that being named Aerridomos, who bids them to come somehow. It says, “The wall is gone.”
they need lies somewhere
to the Citadel of Radiance. First, however, they This is from a very strange creature called
within the Citadel. Or
perhaps Aerridomos will must find a special chamber within the temple that Aerridomos. Aerridomos is an artificial construct
reveal a secret that the will clothe them in protective armor that will allow powered by the psychic energies generated by the
PCs need if they assist it. them to survive the trip through the vortex, as well millions of different minds that helped create it
as what lies on the other side of it. The chamber, (and others like it) in the deep past. It (they?) is
called the Transformation Room, is a complex place one of many that has enjoyed a very long existence
of guardians and blessings, some of which aren’t within the Citadel of Radiance but is now soon
blessings at all. to be destroyed when that structure collapses. A
The PCs explore the Citadel of Radiance, but their byproduct of Abrassal’s strange mutations was that
presence there only exacerbates its collapse. To help he blocked Aerridomos from being able to sense or
Aerridomos, they must figure out how to “flush” communicate with anything on this side of the vortex.
the system and free the psychic constructs within With Abrassal gone, it can now reach out and attempt
it, or—even better, but far more difficult—repair the to communicate with intelligent creatures beyond the
citadel so that it does not collapse. But as they linger, vortex (in the Temple), and the first ones contacted
the habitat becomes more and more unstable and are the PCs.
dangerous. Further communiqués include, “The invitation is
open” and “If you come to where I am, any wish can
MODIFYING THE ADVENTURE be granted.” And finally, “But you must dress for the
This portion of Vortex is not particularly combat heavy. party.” This last message is followed by a mental set
Adjustments might be needed to make it easier of directions guiding the PCs to the Transformation
to repair the Citadel of Radiance or escape it alive, Room within the temple. As time goes on,
but in truth, doing so isn’t recommended. Doing Aerridomos will contact multiple PCs (and perhaps,
either should be extremely challenging for beginning eventually, all of them). It will not interact with them
characters and much easier for advanced characters. further (or more clearly) until they reach the Citadel of
What GMs might want to do for advanced characters Radiance.
is introduce a second complication in the citadel. For
example, multiple radiance knights that harass the PCs THE TRANSFORMATION ROOM
on an ongoing basis. Or the collapse of the armored A 25-foot (7.6 m) high platform dominates this very
sheaths while the PCs are still in the citadel, requiring large, odd-shaped chamber. Two smaller, round


platforms on single support poles stand at a similar speak. Moreover, much of the vocabulary he
height on either side of it. Beyond it is a circular pool, learns are for creatures, places, objects, and so
with two large metal machines jutting out of the far forth that he cannot understand. And of course,
wall above it, each sporting a massive mechanical no one else in the Ninth World currently speaks
arm. Characters likely first notice two large yellow this language.
crystals mounted on marble stands within alcoves t Character is knocked unconscious for one
that flank a ramp leading up to the central platform. minute, during which time he cannot be roused.
However, closest to the entrance to the room are a When he does awaken, he is horribly thirsty.
pair of golden tripods that stand about as tall as a However, after he drinks he is never thirsty again.
man. t Character floats 10 feet (3 m) into the air and
The ceiling is twice the height of the platforms. A small hovers for one round. Then, he drops and suffers
side room is connected via an 8-foot (2.4 m) diameter 1 point of damage. If the character lingers in
circular tunnel. It contains a single control console. the area within 30 feet (9 m) of the crystals, this
This complex chamber contains many different happens again.
devices, many of which are thought-controlled. t A small animal appears (it is literally created,
However, they are not designed for the brains molecule by molecule, by the crystals) that
of Ninth World humans, and so the results are looks like a hairy bird about the size of a chicken
particularly strange. with four catlike legs. Its hair is striped black
Tripods: These level 8 devices are very sturdy and orange. It licks the character with a long,
and firmly affixed to the floor. They do nothing until mammalian tongue and then wanders off.
someone begins to ascend the ramp. When someone t Liquid begins to condense all over the
does, each of these things begins to exude long character’s body until he is completely coated
crystalline growths that quickly form a circular lattice, in an orange, syrupy mixture. It is bitter but not
eventually appearing to be a globular “snowflake” of poisonous. However, it is very difficult to clean
a sort, about 4 feet (1.2 m) across. They fly across the off, being weirdly repellant to other liquids and
room toward the offender and make spinning attacks sticky and gummy when one tries to wipe it off
with their razor-sharp crystal spines. Perhaps more otherwise.
dangerous, however, they take control of creatures’
perceptions, causing them to attack their friends If the crystals are somehow destroyed, characters
rather than foes, make them walk off the platform can scavenge three small crystal shards (per larger
without realizing it, and so on. crystal) that serve as level 7 cyphers and restore 7
If the snowflakes are destroyed, characters can points to the user’s Intellect Pool.
scavenge a small crystal shard (one per snowflake) The Platforms: Characters standing or walking
that serves as a level 4 anoetic cypher that restores 4 upon any of the platforms feel a tingling sensation in
points to the user’s Intellect Pool. their feet and hear what sounds like distant screams
No more than two snowflakes are created per 28- and screeches. The direction and distance (and
hour period. source) of the sound can never be found.
The Crystals: These level 7 crystalline structures If any creature stands upon the dais on the Deadly Snowflake: Level
stand tall enough so that a character might platform, the level 6 mechanical arms on the wall 4; 2 Armor; 6 points of
barely reach the top with arms outstretched. They attempt to grab it. If they succeed, they immediately damage; anyone within
immediate range must
immediately attune to the minds of anyone that immerse the creature in the liquid in the pool. make an Intellect defense
enters the room, to the best of their ability. Whatever The Pool: The pool is filled with a liquid compound roll or the snowflake takes
their original use, they are now weird and dangerous. of smart molecules. If a creature is fully immersed control of their perception
The possible effects produced are varied and specific in the liquid, the liquid forms a sheath of complex and the affected creature
to each individual. The GM should choose (or metallic and ceramic armor around it. The creature does not realize it.
determine randomly) the effect on each character is entirely encased. The armor supersedes any armor
when they enter the room. (Do not forget any NPCs that a character is already wearing (it is unharmed,
that might be present.) Do not use any effect twice, but it is also superfluous). The protected creature has
generating new weird effects if necessary. 4 points of Armor and 100 points of Armor against
fire and heat (and can thus survive the transition
t Character goes through a powerful and painful through the vortex). If the armor is breached, which
molecular rearrangement that takes a full is to say, if the wearer suffers more than 4 points of
minute—during which he can do nothing—and damage at once, the armor is breached, but the hole
when it is over, is 3 inches (7.6 cm) taller. automatically seals within one second. This armor
t Character gains the ability to speak a new lasts for 28 hours before decomposing.
language almost immediately. It is, however, a Further, the armor emits a high frequency sound
weird language very difficult for him to physically when it first forms, which puts the direct path to the

vortex in the mind of the wearer. weathering the impossible environment, for millions
Control Console: No sense can be made of these of years.
controls, or what they are for. However, if a character Now, however, the citadel is beginning to fail. The
with two powered cyphers (a device, not a pill or heat shields falter, and it is 180 degrees F (82 degrees
liquid or the like) messes with the controls, these C) within its rooms and corridors. Without the
is a burst of electrical power that inflicts 3 points protective suits that the PCs very likely wore to handle
of damage to all within immediate range who fail a the transition from the Temple of the Vortex, they
Speed defense roll. Meanwhile, the character has would suffer 5 points of damage each round from the
one cypher drained of power and the other now heat. This damage inflicted is immediate, so if a PC’s
can be used twice. This strange effect happens only protective suit is breached, even for a moment, he
once. suffers 5 points of damage. PCs might not realize the
Characters can scavenge the following from this interior of the citadel is so hot, at least at first, thanks
panel: to their protective sheaths.
Surfaces: All surfaces (floors, walls, and ceiling) are
t 32 shins green synth and smooth, with rounded corners. It is a
t A level 7 artifact called the death by angles. stark contrast to the Temple of the Vortex.
This object can be used as a weapon that fires Doors: All doors in the citadel are stuck due to the
Initial cost, a beam of energy up to long range. The beam buckling of the interior structure. Opening any of them
page 89 always bounces off of inorganic materials but is a level 4 Might task with an initial cost of 1 Might.
not living tissue or organic materials. So the Debris: There is debris throughout the structure.
weapon can only be used against living targets Unless otherwise described, to clear a path through
(or an organic, nonliving target). However, the a debris area marked on the map would require
beam is harmless unless it ricochets off a surface ten man-hours (unless the workers possess some
first. Strangely, the beam never ricochets in the sophisticated cutting tools or numenera devices that
way that a character expects, so attack rolls with would make it easier).
the weapon are two steps more difficult than
normal. The weapon inflicts 7 points of damage. THE COLLAPSING STRUCTURE
GM Intrusion: With a Particularly skilled users discover that if the Catastrophic forces are twisting and tearing at the
whine and a shudder, part beam reflects off of more than one surface, the citadel. This isn’t new. It’s been going on for ages.
of the room or hall around damage increases. For every additional surface, But the habitat has already survived far longer than
the character collapses. If
she fails a Speed defense
the difficulty increases by one step, but the its builders ever planned, and the unimaginable heat
roll, she suffers 6 points damage increases by 3 (maximum 19 points). and pressure are finally winning. The force fields and
of damage and is pinned Depletion for this artifact is 1 in 1d20. hyper-advanced materials of the structure began to
(remember that suit t A level 3 anoetic cypher in the form of a fail decades ago.
breach is an additional small jar’s worth of oil. If a character coats The interior of the structure also falters. Support
5 points of damage). It
an inanimate object with this oil, the object beams buckle and break. Ceiling panels fall. Debris
takes a level 7 Might task
or two full man-hours to becomes almost indestructible (treat as level chokes the ground in places, making certain areas
free a pinned character. 10 for durability). There is enough for a single inaccessible. Debris is everywhere.
Even if the Speed defense object, about the size of a sword, a shield, or a The presence of the PCs likely accelerates the
roll is successful, the small case. collapse, unless they are extremely careful. More
character sustains 3 t An oddity in the form of three separate silver than likely, they will experience some dramatic and
points of damage.
lozenges about an inch (2.5 cm) long that attach dangerous events while they are there, and they may
to flesh (but can be pried off with difficulty), but very well have to flee to escape the citadel alive.
only if all three are on the same creature. There is no strict timeline, nor is there some kind
of die roll involved. Instead, the GM should use
BACK TO THE VORTEX intrusions to let the players know that things are
The trip back to the vortex is uneventful and simple. accelerating. At first, the GM should just describe the
If there are any cultists left in the temple, they will sounds of metal screeching and synth bending and
certainly flee and hide at the sight of the PCs encased snapping. The PCs should feel the surfaces around
in the armoring sheaths gained in the Transformation them shudder. Eventually, after about a half hour—or
Room (which they’ve never seen before). after the PCs have explored four or more areas of the
citadel—the GM should use a GM intrusion to have a
THE CITADEL OF RADIANCE PC potentially caught in the collapse.
The Citadel of Radiance quite literally floats within the These should accelerate in frequency. The next
corona of the sun. The portions accessible to those dangerous collapse should occur after they have
that travel through the vortex are in fact only a portion explored three more areas. Then two. After the third
of a large orbiting structure that has floated there, collapse that might damage a character, the next one


potentially affects all of the characters. And after that AREA 2: CLEAR CHAMBER
one, the citadel begins to experience a catastrophic No debris blocks this area. However, if the PCs enter
failure. this room, a red light on the ceiling flashes. While no
GM Intrusion: There is a Catastrophic Failure: Once this happens, the PCs other obvious effect is evident, what they do not know
groan and finally a loud should flee back through the vortex quickly or they will is that the radiance knight in area 7 has been alerted
bang. All characters must be trapped here and die. PCs need to attempt three and will come to find them between one to two
attempt a Speed defense separate Speed tasks (difficulty 4). Success on all minutes from the start of the light flashing.
roll, and failure means that three means that the character gets out of the citadel
the character falls into a
rent that has formed in the
before it collapses. Failure on either of the first two AREA 3: STOREHOUSE
floor by the twisting of the means that the character is moving too slowly and A character (probably a small or thin one) can worm
citadel. Characters suffer 5 the difficulty of all further tasks increases by one step. his way through the rubble and get into this room,
points of damage and are Thus, if a character fails the first task, the next two are but doing so is a difficulty 5 Speed task. Failure
caught (remember that difficulty 5, and if he fails the next one, the difficulty is means that the character is caught, trapped, or stuck.
suit breach is an additional
6. The last one is the most important, as the success A difficulty 4 Might task is required to free him, and
5 points of damage). It
takes a level 7 Might task or failure of that roll determines whether the character doing so causes the debris to shift and more of the
or two full man-hours to gets through in time, or doesn’t and is caught in the ceiling to fall. This increases the difficulty of further
free a caught character. collapse. attempts at either task by one step.
GMs wishing to can modify the difficulty of the Inside the room are various goods—sealed synth
checks based on the location of the character when packets of food and water, weird tools, and items the
he begins to flee or other circumstances. Those right PCs have no name for—on shelves, or in oval-shaped
by the vortex in area 1, for example, should always get synth containers that seal when closed but are
away safely. easily opened. Some of the objects stored here have
warped, melted, or otherwise been spoiled by the
AREA 1: THE FAR SIDE OF THE VORTEX intense heat. The food, for example, has burned (if it
This squarish chamber has a raised circular platform was ever digestible by humans in the first place) but
set into one wall. A vortex of energy swirls above this the water is fine, although near boiling. The tools are
platform like a golden whirlpool in the air. Its radiance all fine, although most have little meaning to the PCs.
makes it difficult to look at, and its heat makes it There are no weapons of any kind here.
difficult to stand near. It also creates a slight mind- The GM should feel free to place 1d6 random
inducing effect due to a high electromagnetic output oddities here, amid the clutter of mostly non-
at particular frequencies. Those exposed to it have functioning, incomprehensible items.
a subtle feeling of religious awe, as though they are
experiencing something truly special. AREA 4: THE WEIRD SKELETON
Characters may hear Aerridomos’s telepathic Amid the debris in this room is the ancient (but
“welcome” once they reach this chamber. remarkably well preserved) skeleton of a multi-


limbed, asymmetrical creature with three-fingered

hands and a large, triangular skull. No creature like
this is known in the Ninth World.


This hallway is at the outer edge of the citadel. The GM Intrusion: Messing
windows along the corridor are heavily shielded, but with any of the control
still radiance from the outside comes in. panels in the citadel
In the wide, more rectangular area, there is a level accidentally causes the
artificially controlled
3 control console. Most of it appears to no longer gravity to malfunction,
function, but someone knowledgeable might be effectively making it so that
able to completely close the windows with heavy the place is at zero gravity
synth shields (on the inside). Alternatively, a large for the rest of the adventure
mechanism on the outside can be maneuvered that (unless it can be repaired).
will give further shielding to this half of the citadel on
the outside. This mechanism is faulty, however, and
messing with it destabilizes the station further with
a horrible grinding noise. At this point, saving the
station just became even more difficult (see area 9). Fighting in
Using this panel activates a red light similar to the zero gravity,
page 98
one found in area 2 that draws the radiance knight
from area 7 in about a minute.
Dismantling and scavenging from this panel yields
3d6 shins and 1d6 random cyphers.


The room is filled with transparent columns that rise guardian called the radiance knight. This guardian
from floor to ceiling. About half of them are broken, wears armor similar to the sheath the PCs wear,
but the rest pulse with energy. Energy outside the although it seems more suited to battle. He ignores
citadel is drawn in and stored here, although the uses gravity and bears a shield and a built-in energy blade.
for this energy no longer exist. If the knight hasn’t already come out, he comes out
If a character is successful in a level 5 numenera when the PCs enter this area and attacks immediately.
task, she can recover two minor energy cells from the He cannot be reasoned with—he attacks all intruders
broken columns. Either of these can be affixed to a and fights to the death.
used cypher to grant it an additional use if another If the knight is slain, the blade can be removed with
numenera task is successful (use cypher level to a numenera knowledge roll and used as an artifact
determine difficulty). that acts as a normal broadsword that inflicts 5 points
of heat damage with a depletion of 1 in 1d100. Failure
AREA 7: THE RADIANCE KNIGHT on that numenera task means that the blade no
The perimeter of this large chamber is lined with longer functions. Radiance Knight: Level 5,
columns made of bundles of transparent tubes, like defends as level 6 due to
shield; 24 health ; 4 armor
those in area 6 but far more complex. In the middle of AREA 8: COMMUNICATION ROOM
the room, a pedestal holds a large crystal connected Coming into this room immediately triggers a collapse
to a small, curved, transparent screen. The columns event (with no GM intrusion needed). With a whine and
are the storage cells that hold the constructs like a shudder, the floor collapses beneath one character.
Aerridomos. The pedestal is a level 4 control console She must make a Speed defense roll or fall into a hole
that monitors the storage cells. Examinations might leading down into the metallic superstructure of the
suggest that the cells hold living energy forms (unlike citadel. The character suffers 5 points of damage and
in area 6), and perhaps might convey a prison-like is caught (remember that suit breach is an additional 5
motif, but neither observation is entirely accurate. The points of damage). It takes a level 7 Might task or two
constructs within the cells are not alive, but they are full man-hours to free a caught character.
aware and intelligent. They are not held against their Communication Screen: Along one wall is a Remember that suit
will, but in fact know no other existence. massive glass screen. This is a level 2 device that, if breaches result in 5 points
Dismantling and scavenging from this pedestal activated, allows the PCs to visualize Aerridomos, a of additional damage. This
is true for the radiance
yields one random cypher. creature of interconnected energy strands. They can
knight as well as the PCs.
The small room off to one side, behind the also talk to it for the first time. Aerridomos speaks
door, holds an armored, bioengineered automaton in a stilted, alien manner. It knows nothing of the

Ninth World or even of Earth. It knows only that it afford to be generous with interpreting the effects as
has existed here in a state of perpetual bliss. It knows by this point, the time pressure will be significant and
that the citadel floats within the sun, and that it will the task is so difficult.
not exist much longer. It asks the PCs if they can fix Using the Wishing Well is taxing. There is an initial
the citadel (it has no idea how to do so). If they say cost of 4 Intellect points, and the difficulty of further
that they cannot, it says that there is a way to exile attempts to use the device without significant rest is
them to a safe location somewhere in the citadel. It increased by one step.
would rather they do that than allow it (and those like The Wishing Well cannot be moved from this
it) to die. It also knows that there is something in the chamber. It is powered by the energy absorbed from
citadel of incredible power that it calls the Wishing the sun and could never function anywhere else.
If a PC uses the Wishing Well, but it has no idea what the well does or how to Attempting to use the device to repair the station
Well more than once or
use it. but failing is very likely to hasten its demise.
twice, it takes a heavy
toll. GMs should feel The screen also allows the PCs to view other
free to inflict permanent constructs, but none are able to communicate. AREA 10: THE EXILE PANEL
Intellect damage on This chamber bears a single level 3 control panel. Its
characters who press AREA 9: THE WISHING WELL use activates the red light as described in areas 2 and
their luck too far. The level 5 door to this room is locked. Within 5. This panel has one function—it flushes the mental
is a floating sphere of radiance about 2 feet (0.6 constructs out of the cells in area 7 to somewhere
m) across. This sphere is an incredibly advanced else. It does not reveal where, but it is away from the
and powerful molecular reassembler of level 8. A station.
character attempting to use it must place his hands Dismantling and scavenging from this panel yields
inside the ball of light and manipulate it with both his 3d6 shins and 1d6 random cyphers.
GM Intrusion: As the hands and his mind. This is incredibly difficult, like
PCs use the Wishing Well performing multiple complex math calculations at FURTHER ADVENTURE IDEAS
to attempt to repair the once. If successful, the user can reshape any matter The Temple of the Vortex is vast, and the cultists
station, a rent opens in currently in the station. A wounded character could haven’t explored even a fraction of it. It could hold all
the outer hull, pulling
be healed, a healthy character could be physically sorts of wonders. There also might be other entrances
the character out and
into the sun unless he improved (adding 1d6 points to her Might or Speed and exits that move through space in ways different
(or another character Pool), or a device could be repaired or even created from the Narthex.
standing nearby) can from the air (if the “wishing” character could make The Citadel of the Radiance will likely be
make a difficulty 4 Speed the device). And the citadel could be repaired, or at destroyed by the end of the adventure, but where
roll. least stabilized, although doing so would require at did Aerridomos and the other constructs go if they
least two uses of the device as the structure is large were “exiled”? This is left to the GM to determine.
and complex—three if the PCs have caused further But perhaps the PCs have not heard the last of their
damage, such as by using the panel in area 5. strange friend—who now owes them a debt.
The possibilities of the device are vast. The GM can

Obviously, this part of the scenario is only applicable to a convention game if it is a two-part game, and it follows Part 1. This was
the second round at GenCon 2013, and only one group out of twelve advanced to play it. Aaron Peterson, Michael Sanders, Nick
Barone, Yoshi Creelman, and Troy Pichelman were the players who qualified for the second round, and they performed admirably,
achieving a partial victory by saving Aerridomos but not the citadel. It could be used as a stand-alone event as well, but a different
beginning point would likely have to be created.
The key to running this as a convention scenario is ensuring that the ending—very likely involving the complete collapse of the
citadel—is dramatic and that the PCs just barely make it out. There are many GM intrusions built into this scenario, but the ending
might force a number of XP earned to be used to make rerolls to get out safely.
Using the panel to download Aerridomos and the others can be thought of as a partial victory, while using the Wishing Well to
repair the station would be a total victory (although without advanced characters, it’s very unlikely).
Each part might provide about three to five hours of play.

This is a very difficult, dangerous scenario that could easily end in PC death, despite the fact that the PCs all wear super-advanced
armor throughout. A GM will have to monitor the situation carefully. PCs that discover the Transformation Room gain 2 XP, and
they likewise get 2 XP for exploring the Citadel of the Radiance. They should earn 2 bonus XP for saving Aerridomos by exiling him
with the controls in area 10, or 4 XP for repairing the citadel.


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