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Anglais 4e LV1

Livret de cours

Rédaction :
Sylvie Beuzon
Paul Cody
Frédéric Duc
Odile Malavaux

Coordination :
Olivier Immoune

Expertise pédagogique :
Alain Rossignol
IA-IPR d'anglais

Ce cours est la propriété du Cned. Les images et textes intégrés à ce cours sont la propriété de leurs auteurs et/ou ayants droit
respectifs. Tous ces éléments font l’objet d’une protection par les dispositions du code français de la propriété intellectuelle ainsi que
par les conventions internationales en vigueur. Ces contenus ne peuvent être utilisés qu’à des fins strictement personnelles. Toute
reproduction, utilisation collective à quelque titre que ce soit, tout usage commercial, ou toute mise à disposition de tiers d’un cours
ou d’une œuvre intégrée à ceux-ci sont strictement interdits.

‹Séquence 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Simple ways to go green at home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

‹Séquence 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Shipwrecks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

‹Séquence 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

School life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

‹Séquence 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Charities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

‹Séquence 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Computers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

‹Séquence 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

French-American friendship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Ce cours est la propriété du Cned. Les images et textes intégrés à ce cours sont la propriété de leurs auteurs et/ou ayants droit
respectifs. Tous ces éléments font l’objet d’une protection par les dispositions du code français de la propriété intellectuelle ainsi que
par les conventions internationales en vigueur. Ces contenus ne peuvent être utilisés qu’à des fins strictement personnelles. Toute
reproduction, utilisation collective à quelque titre que ce soit, tout usage commercial, ou toute mise à disposition de tiers d’un cours
ou d’une œuvre intégrée à ceux-ci sont strictement interdits.

‹Séquence 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Experimenting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

‹Séquence 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Meeting students from another country . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

‹Séquence 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Extracurricular activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

‹Séquence 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Science and health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

‹Séquence 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Part time jobs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

‹Séquence 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

West indies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Ce cours est la propriété du Cned. Les images et textes intégrés à ce cours sont la propriété de leurs auteurs et/ou ayants droit
respectifs. Tous ces éléments font l’objet d’une protection par les dispositions du code français de la propriété intellectuelle ainsi
que par les conventions internationales en vigueur. Ces contenus ne peuvent être utilisés qu’à des fins strictement personnelles.
Toute reproduction, utilisation collective à quelque titre que ce soit, tout usage commercial, ou toute mise à disposition de tiers d’un
cours ou d’une œuvre intégrée à ceux-ci sont strictement interdits.
L’apprentissage de toute langue vivante suppose la construction progressive et méthodique de
connaissances, de capacités et d’attitudes que l’on met en réseau, en situation et dans l’action,
pour communiquer. Ce processus ne prend véritablement son sens que s’il est profondément
ancré dans la diversité des cultures véhiculées par la langue objet d’apprentissage.

Ces principes directeurs, que rappellent les programmes de l’enseignement des langues
vivantes au collège (palier 1 et palier 2), ont guidé la conception de cette version du cours
d’anglais du CNED pour le collège.

Les thèmes culturels, qui constituent l’entrée privilégiée dans les apprentissages, rendent
justice à la richesse et à la diversité des cultures du monde anglo-saxon et des pays fortement
marqués par son empreinte. Ils sont pensés dans une progression qui veut favoriser la
compréhension du monde désormais globalisé dans lequel nous vivons.

La langue est en effet indissociable de l’environnement culturel et social dans lequel elle se

Conformément à l’approche actionnelle résolument adoptée ici, chacune des séquences est
tendue vers la réalisation d’une tâche finale qui exige la mobilisation en situation et dans
l’action des connaissances, capacités et attitudes construites en amont. C’est en faisant que
l’on apprend, en communiquant que l’on apprend à communiquer.

Les tâches communicatives, conçues pour mettre l’apprenant - qu’il soit élève ou non - en
position d’acteur social, sont progressivement complexifiées au fil des séquences et des
apprentissages jusqu’à intégrer plusieurs activités langagières, à l’image de la vie réelle.

Les parcours d’apprentissage proposés dans ce cours sont construits dans le respect des
programmes et adossés au Cadre européen de référence pour les langues (CECRL). Ils visent à
conduire l’apprenant-élève du niveau A1 jusqu’au niveau B1, niveau visé pour la fin du palier 2.

Le caractère rigoureux et méthodique de l’entraînement dans chacune des activités langagières,

en réception comme en production, favorise l’élaboration et la mise en œuvre de stratégies
transférables destinées à rendre l’apprenant autonome. Le recours aux techniques usuelles
de l’information et de la communication vient favoriser, chaque fois que c’est possible,
l’exposition à la langue et la production orale.

La construction de l’autonomie est donc un objectif majeur poursuivi ici, comme en témoigne
l’association constante de l’apprenant-élève au processus d’apprentissage et d’évaluation.

On voit là l’importance attachée par les concepteurs à la construction des compétences

transversales du Socle commun de connaissances et de compétences.

On l’aura compris, les concepteurs de ce cours d’anglais s’inscrivent dans une logique de
décloisonnement des connaissances et des compétences. L’anglais s’unit aux arts, à l’histoire,
aux sciences, à la technologie, à l’ensemble des champs disciplinaires pour contribuer à la
formation de citoyens responsables, autonomes, capables d’adaptation

Alain Rossignol

Inspecteur Pédagogique Régional

Académie de Rouen

4 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
Chers élèves.
Vous avez choisi d’étudier l’anglais, nous vous souhaitons bienvenue dans ce cours et de
grandes satisfactions.
L’anglais est la langue la plus répandue à travers le monde, avec près de 500 millions de
locuteurs natifs. C’est aussi la langue internationale et commune à tous pour le commerce,
l’Internet ou le tourisme.
Vous devez tous avoir de bons résultats si vous suivez les conseils donnés. De notre côté
nous ferons de notre mieux pour que nos explications soient les plus claires possibles.
Matériel de travail.
- Les deux livrets de cours du Cned, et les livrets de corrigés d’exercices.
- Les CD audio.
- Deux livrets de sujets de devoirs. Vous recevrez les corrigés-type au fur et à mesure de
l’envoi des devoirs à la correction.
- Un cahier pour faire vos exercices.
- Un carnet pour noter le vocabulaire et le réviser périodiquement. Il n’est pas nécessaire qu’il soit répertoire.
- Si vous avez Internet, un micro ou un microcasque pour pouvoir faire les devoirs oraux.
Répartition de votre travail.
Le cours Cned est divisé en 12 séquences.
Chaque séquence comprend plusieurs séances de travail à répartir sur deux semaines et
demie ou trois semaines.
La dernière séance « Je m’évalue » sert à réviser ce qui a été vu durant la séquence avant
de faire le devoir noté la « tâche finale ». Certains exercices n’ont pas d’étoile. Ce sont les
exercices de niveau « basic », indispensables pour bien assimiler la règle de grammaire.
D’autres ont une étoile indiquant une difficulté moyenne. Enfin ceux avec deux étoiles
indiquent un niveau plus avancé pour ceux qui veulent aller encore plus loin.
L’ensemble du cours est basé sur environ trois à quatre heures de travail par semaine, soit
le nombre d’heures de cours que vous auriez dans un collège en présentiel.
En principe vous devriez passer une heure pour l’étude de chaque séance. Cependant
certaines séances pourront vous paraître plus longues que d’autres. Cela dépend de la
difficulté de la compétence étudiée.
Quoiqu’il en soit, travaillez à votre rythme et sérieusement. Pensez qu’en collège vous auriez
des devoirs à faire en plus à la maison.
Suivez la progression du cours. Ne « sautez » pas une séquence sous prétexte que vous
êtes en retard dans l’envoi de vos devoirs. Contactez votre professeur principal au Cned et
établissez avec lui un calendrier de rattrapage progressif.
Chaque séance de travail doit être un temps d’étude active et sans distraction. Ne la
terminez pas sans avoir fait et appris à fond ce qui était prévu.
Avant de commencer une séance, faites une brève révision de la séance précédente afin de vérifier vos acquis.
Les CD.
Vous disposez de plusieurs CD. Ils permettent un travail oral sur le cours. Reportez-vous
au CD en fonction des indications de votre professeur tout au long de l’étude du cours.
Surtout ne vous découragez pas. Aucune difficulté n’est insurmontable. En cas de
nécessité un professeur tuteur est à votre disposition pour vous donner des explications
au téléphone (jours et heures d’appel indiquée sur votre fiche « tutorat téléphonique ») ou
par internet sur le campus électronique (mais il vous faudra attendre quelques jours pour
la réponse).Souvenez-vous qu’un travail sérieux et régulier est la clé de la réussite. Si vous
suivez bien les conseils donnés vous devez progresser régulièrement.

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 5
Séquence 1
Communication Civilisation Grammaire Lexique Phonologie Méthodologie
Séance 1 Comprendre un message Un jeu télévisé Introduction au Savoir se préparer
Jeu télévisé oral pour appliquer une lexique de la à l’écoute d’un
The Go Green TV consigne thématique document sonore
Les consignes liées à inconnu
Game Show
l’orientation :Go left/
Séance 2 Exprimer des hypothèses et Les changements Lexique lié à la Savoir associer
Texte Hot Spots des conséquences (1) climatiques thématique causes/
in the World Exprimer des prédictions (1) Proposition conséquences
hypothétiques : If +
présent, … will
Séance 3 Exprimer des hypothèses et Les énergies Will à valeur de forte La Savoir utiliser des
Document des conséquences (2) renouvelables prédiction prononciation stratégies connues
Important Exprimer des prédictions (2) Lexique lié aux des mots se de compréhension
équipements terminant par écrite
électriques -tion
Séance 4 Comprendre les grandes Les énergies Lexique lié à la Savoir mobiliser
Émission lignes d’une conversation renouvelables en thématique les stratégies pour
de radio : concernant une Afrique Les nombres comprendre un
problématique sur laquelle indiquant des revenus document sonore
l’élève a déjà réfléchi et des quantités
energy sources Calculer des quantités
in Africa de production et des
revenus en fonction des
informations obtenues.
Séance 5 Exprimer des suggestions L’environnement Why don’t you/you Être capable
Étude de cas Exprimer des alternatives immédiat : les could analyser des
Exprimer des do’s and don’ts économies Instead of situations et
d’énergie dans la L’impératif d’apporter des
vie quotidienne Le lexique de la suggestions
Séance 6 Convaincre par un L’environnement Le lexique de la Les rimes Être capable
Prospectus pour prospectus immédiat : les thématique Les mots d’organiser un
« eco bags » économies Le lexique de la accentués message porteur
d’énergie dans la publicité dans une sur un prospectus
vie quotidienne comptine
Séance 7 Réactivation : L’environnement More, less Être capable de
Emettre des hypothèses et immédiat : les mobiliser ses
des conséquences économies connaissances
Exprimer des alternatives d’eau dans la vie
Exprimer des do’s and don’ts quotidienne
Séance 8 Réactivation des outils Rebrassage des Réactivation Prise de Être capable de
Je m’évalue langagiers de la séquence thèmes culturels conscience vérifier que l’on
abordés des critères a tous les outils
à respecter nécessaires pour
pour réussir aborder la tâche
la tâche finale finale

6 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 1 — Séquence 1

Séance 1
Je comprends un message oral pour appliquer une consigne
Je me prépare à l’écoute d’un document sonore inconnu
Je découvre une nouvelle thématique
Cette séquence va t’aider à adopter des stratégies efficaces pour progresser dans la
compréhension de documents sonores inconnus. En particulier, la rubrique « Je retiens » te
donne des conseils utiles pour faire des progrès en compréhension de l’oral. Applique-les
chaque fois que tu es confronté(e) à un message oral inconnu.

j e comprends un message oral pour appliquer une consigne

Step 1
a- Be an artist! Listen to the instructions and draw. But first let’s check that you understand
all the necessary instructions. Tick the correct answers.
(Transforme-toi en artiste. Écoute les consignes et dessine. Mais d’abord, vérifions que tu comprends
bien les consignes nécessaires. Coche les réponses justes).

1- = go left o 3- = go left o
go right o go right o
go up o go up o
go down o go down o

2- = go left o 4- = go left o
go right o go right o
go up o go up o
go down o go down o
b- When your hear: Go three squares left, do this
(Quand tu entends « Avance de trois carrés à gauche », fais ceci :)
Go five squares right, do this:
Go one square up, do this:
Go two squares down, do this:

c- What will you do when you hear… (Start from the smiley.)

(Que feras-tu quand tu entendras… Commence en partant
du smiley.)
1- Go four squares right
2- Go three squares left ☺

3- Go two squares up
4- Go five squares down

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 7
Séquence 1 — séance 1

Exercise 1
a- Are you ready to follow the instructions? Take a pencil and start from the smiley.
 ................................................................................................................................

b- What does your picture represent?

 ................................................................................................................................
c- What does it make you think of? Write a list.
(À quoi cela te fait-il penser ? Fais une liste).

j e me prépare à l’écoute d’un document sonore inconnu

Step 2
a- You are going to listen to a TV Game Show. Before listening, tick the persons you are
likely to hear.
(Tu vas entendre un jeu télévisé, coche les personnes que tu es susceptible d’entendre).
- a contestant (1) o - a TV host o
- a journalist o - a president o
- a photographer o - a policeman o
- a surgeon o - a teacher o
- a cameraman o - a member of the audience (2) o
(1) un candidat (2) un membre du public
b- The name of the game show is the Go Green TV Game Show. What do you think this
game consists in? Tick one or several answers.

8 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 1 — Séquence 1

(Le nom du jeu télévisé est le Go Green TV Game Show. En quoi ce jeu consiste-t-il ? Coche une ou
plusieurs réponses).
1- interviewing farmers o
2- asking and answering questions about gardening o
3- asking and answering question about painting o
4- painting objects as rapidly as possible o
5- asking and answering questions about environmental issues or how to respect and
protect nature o

c- Listen to this Game show on your CD and check your answer for a) and b).
- a) I have heard …
- b)The game consists in …
d- Think of the subject of this Go Green TV Game Show. Then write everything you know
about it in French or in English (nouns, adjectives, verbs, expressions, logos …). You can
also draw pictures.
Pense au sujet de ce jeu télévisé et écris ou dessine tout ce que tu sais de ce thème en français ou en
anglais (noms, adjectifs, verbes, expressions, logos…)

j e découvre une nouvelle thématique

Exercise 2
Would you be a good contestant for the Go Green TV Game Show? Would you be better
than Mr. Blake? Try to answer the host’s questions.
(Serais-tu un bon candidat, une bonne candidate au Go Green TV Game Show? Serais-tu meilleur(e) que Mr Blake ?
Peux-tu répondre aux questions de l’animateur ?)
1- How do you call the gas emitted by cars, planes, factories….?
 ................................................................................................................................
2- Some forests of the Amazon are completely destroyed or burnt. How do you call
this phenomenon, “deforestation”, “defenestration” or “deterioration”?
 ................................................................................................................................
3- What is the most populated country in the world?
 ................................................................................................................................
You don’t think you have given the right answers? Don’t worry, the next lesson will tell you
everything you need to know to win the ten-day trip to Australia!
(Tu n’es pas sûr(e) d’avoir trouvé les bonnes réponses ? Ne t’en fais pas, la prochaine séance t’apprendra tout
ce que tu dois savoir pour gagner un voyage de dix jours en Australie !)

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 9
Séquence 1 — séance 1

j e retiens
Pour me préparer à l’écoute du document sonore,
1- J’ai réfléchi à la situation mise en scène dans le document, à savoir un jeu télévisé,
et j’ai émis des hypothèses quant aux types de personnes susceptibles de prendre la
parole dans ce genre de situation. J’ai surtout procédé par élimination.
2- J’ai ensuite réfléchi au titre du document et à ce qu’il pouvait m’apprendre sur le
contenu de ce que j’allais entendre. J’ai émis des hypothèses quant à ce contenu.
3- J’ai écouté le document dans son ensemble. Mon objectif n’était pas de tout
comprendre, mais de confirmer ou non mes hypothèses.
4- J’ai ensuite mobilisé mes connaissances (linguistiques, culturelles…) sur le thème du
Cette phase est indispensable pour réussir la compréhension d’un document sonore
inconnu. C’est ce qu’on appelle l’ANTICIPATION.

10 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 2 — Séquence 1

Séance 2
J’apprends à parler des changements climatiques
J’apprends à exprimer des conditions et des conséquences
J’apprends à exprimer des prédictions (1)

j ’apprends à parler des changements climatiques

Step 3
a- Read and underline with your pencil all the words you understand. Then listen to
these paragraphs on your CD.


Carbon emissions: The US produces more greenhouse gases than any other
country–and by far the most per person. The average American has a carbon footprint of
20 tons of CO2 a year. The extra CO2 in the earth atmosphere traps the heat of the sun,
which causes temperatures to rise. This phenomenon is called “global warming”.
Deforestation: Burning of forests has destroyed more than 15% of the Amazon in only 30 years.
Antarctic warming: Since 1945 the Antarctic Peninsula has experienced a warming of about
2.5°C. The ice-caps melt so that the seas could rise as much as 1.4 m by the end of the century.
Drought: Long and intense heat waves cause severe water and food shortages in
Southern Africa.
Overpopulation: If India does not reduce population growth, by 2050 it will surpass
China as the most populous nation, with a projected 1.5 billion people.
Threatened reef: As much as 86% of Indonesia’s coral reefs, home to thousands of
marine species, are severely damaged by overfishing and pollution.

b- Indicate on the map the title of the paragraphs above that corresponds to the country
it concerns. (Indique sur la carte le titre des paragraphes ci-dessus en fonction du pays concerné.)

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 11
Séquence 1 — séance 2

c- What about you and your family?

1- List 3 things you use energy for at home:
2- List 3 modes of transport you use energy for:
3- What do we burn to create energy? Write the name of these fossil fuels under each picture:

4- Read again Step 3 a, the paragraph entitled “Carbon emissions”. Use the underlined words
or expressions to answer the following questions.
(Lis à nouveau dans Step 3 a, le paragraphe intitulé Carbon emissions. Utilise les mots soulignés pour
répondre aux questions suivantes.)
a) When we burn these fossil fuels, we produce energy, but we also release a gas. What gas?
Give its chemical formula:
b) Give a synonymous expression:
c) How do you call your personal annual production of CO2?
d) What is the consequence of the extra CO2 in the earth’s atmosphere?
e) What do temperatures do? Tick the appropriate picture and write a caption.

Exercise 3
Let’s sum up: fill in the gaps with the following words: CO2, coal, energy, fossil fuels,
global warming, rise.
We rely upon …………………. in every area of our lives. To create this energy we have to
burn …………………. …………………. such as gas, oil or …………………. When we burn
these fossil fuels, we produce energy of course, but we also produce greenhouse gases
like …………………. Too much CO2 in the earth’s atmosphere makes temperatures
…………………., this is …………………..

12 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 2 — Séquence 1

Step 4
What will happen if we do nothing?
(Que se passera-t-il si nous ne faisons rien ?)
a- Match the conditions with their consequences. Number 1 is an example. Use your logic.


rely upon: compter sur

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 13
Séquence 1 — séance 2

j e retiens
Pour faire une prédiction, tu utiliseras
- if pour introduire la condition (situation envisagée), le verbe sera au présent.
Ex. : If we do nothing…
et tu utiliseras l’auxiliaire modal will (suivi de la base verbale) pour exprimer la
conséquence, et donc dire ce qui a de forte chance de se produire.
Ex. : ...temperatures will rise.
L’auxiliaire modal will permet d’exprimer une prédiction, de dire ce qui a de fortes
chances de se produire dans une situation donnée.

Exercise 4
Write the six complete sentences (conditions + consequences). Circle the conjunction and
underline the auxiliary. Use number 1 as an example.
1- If we do nothing, temperatures will rise.
2- …..................................................................
3- …..................................................................
4- …..................................................................
5- …..................................................................
6- …..................................................................

14 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 2 — Séquence 1

j ’apprends à exprimer une prédiction

Step 5
You are a very pessimistic fortune-teller looking into your crystal ball. Here is what you
see. Make predictions using what you have done in Step 4. (Tu es un sorcier/une sorcière très
pessimiste qui regarde dans sa boule de cristal. Voilà ce que tu y vois. Fais des prédictions en utilisant
l’auxiliaire will. Aide-toi de ce que tu as fait dans Step 4)



+ 3-“…

+ + 4-“…

Check and correct.

In this lesson, look out for 9 words ending with the letters -tion(s)!
1- .......................................................... 5- ..........................................................
2- .......................................................... 6- ..........................................................
3- .......................................................... 7- ..........................................................
4- .......................................................... 8- ..........................................................
9- ..........................................................
© Cned, Anglais 4e — 15
Séquence 1 — séance 3

Séance 3
J’apprends à prononcer les mots qui se terminent par les lettres -tion
Je sais exprimer des conditions et leurs conséquences
J’apprends à exprimer des prédictions (2)

j ’apprends à prononcer les mots qui se terminent par les

lettres -tion
Exercise 5
In the previous lesson, you’ve listed the words finishing by -tion [7n]. Here they are!
(Au cours de la séance précédente, tu as listé les mots finissant par -tion. Les voici !)
deforestation – population – nation – production – caption – condition – prediction
a- Listen and repeat.
b- Listen again and underline the accentuated syllables.
c- Which syllable is always stressed? Tick the correct answer.
1. The last one (la dernière) r
2. The one but last (l’avant-dernière) r

j e sais exprimer des conditions (des situations envisagées) et

leurs conséquences
Exercise 6
Use these pictures to make predictions (conditions + consequences) about the future. Go
back to Step 4 if you need to.
(Transforme ces images en phrases exprimant une hypothèse et une conséquence).
(Reporte-toi à la leçon précédente si tu hésites, ou pour vérifier ce que tu as écrit).

, …

, …

16 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 3 — Séquence 1

j ’apprends à exprimer des prédictions (2)

Step 6
a- Read this document, then listen to your CD and read it at the same time.

b- What is the title of the document?

(Quel est le titre du document ?)
 ................................................................................................................................
c- Pick out one word indicating a place.
 ................................................................................................................................

d- Pick out 8 words or expressions indicating appliances (equipment).

 ................................................................................................................................
 ................................................................................................................................
 ................................................................................................................................
 ................................................................................................................................
 ................................................................................................................................
 ................................................................................................................................
 ................................................................................................................................
 ................................................................................................................................

e- What is the source of energy which makes these appliances work?

(Quelle est la source d’énergie qui fait fonctionner cet équipement ?)
 ................................................................................................................................
Justify your answer quoting an adjective from the text.
 ................................................................................................................................

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 17
Séquence 1 — séance 3

f- What sort of building do you think this notice concerns?

(À ton avis, quelle sorte de bâtiment cet avis concerne-t-il ?)
 ................................................................................................................................
g- Underline all the verbs in the notice that refer to the future. Remember the previous
lesson. What auxiliary can be used to make a prediction?
(Souligne tous les verbes de l’avis qui sont au futur. Souviens-toi de la leçon précédente.
Quel est l’auxiliaire utilisé pour faire une prédiction ?)
 ................................................................................................................................
h- What is this document about? Who wrote it? Who is it for? You can answer in French if
you wish.
(À quoi ce document sert-il ? Qui l’a écrit ? Pour qui ? Tu peux répondre en français si tu le souhaites.)
i- Find in the text the English for:
1- Votre chambre sera dans l’obscurité.
 ................................................................................................................................
2- Il n’y aura pas d’éclairage extérieur.
 ................................................................................................................................
3- La serrure électronique de votre porte fonctionnera.
 ................................................................................................................................
j- Check your answers for questions c- f- and g- now. Don’t hesitate to modify them if

Step 7
a- “Electricity will be off”. Make a list of the hotel appliances which will work without electricity
(2) and a list of the appliances which will not work without electricity (8).
(Dresse une liste des équipements qui fonctionneront sans électricité et une liste de ceux qui ne
fonctionneront pas.)

without : with no

 
- the phone system - food freezers
- -

Check and correct.

18 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 3 — Séquence 1

b- Let’s recap.
Use both examples to help you.
(Utilise les deux exemples pour t’aider.)
 T he phone system will work, even if there is no electricity.
 If there is no electricity, food freezers will not work.
 Now it’s your turn!

j e retiens
L’auxiliaire modal will permet d’exprimer une prédiction, de dire ce qui a de fortes
chances de se produire dans une situation donnée.
Dans ce cas-là, tu utiliseras :
- l’auxiliaire modal will (suivi de la base verbale), comme nous l’avons vu au cours de la
séance précédente.
Tu peux aussi choisir de dire ce qui a de forte chance de ne pas se produire dans
une situation donnée. Dans ce cas-là, tu utiliseras la forme négative, tu feras suivre
l’auxiliaire modal will de la négation not (puis de la base verbale).
Ex. : Food freezers will not work.
Il existe une forme contractée qui est la suivante.
Ex. : Food freezers won’t work.
Réécris deux de tes phrases en utilisant la forme contractée :

a- Do you know your vocabulary well? Write captions under each picture you can recognize.
Once you have done your job, three pictures will remain with no caption: they represent three
sustainable energy sources!

(Tu connais bien ton vocabulaire ? Vérifie en écrivant une légende pour chaque dessin que tu reconnais.
Une fois ceci fait, il te restera trois images sans légendes : elles représentent trois sources d’énergies

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 19
Séquence 1 — séance 3

b- Match these three environmentally friendly sources of energy to the objects used to produce

Sources Objects
Tractors, oil-producing seeds1,
Solar energy
chemistry laboratories
Wind energy Wind turbines

Biofuels Solar panels

oil-producing seeds : des graines qui produisent de l’huile / des graines oléagineuses

20 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 4 — Séquence 1

Séance 4
Je mobilise les stratégies que j’ai développées pour comprendre
un document sonore inconnu
Je découvre un exemple de production d’énergie
renouvelable en Afrique
Je résous des problèmes mathématiques en anglais

j e mobilise les stratégies que j’ai développées pour comprendre

un document sonore inconnu

j e découvre un exemple de production d’énergie renouvelable

en Afrique

Step 8
Tu vas te préparer à écouter un document sonore inconnu en mobilisant tes connaissances
sur le sujet abordé, en l’occurrence les sources d’énergie renouvelables en Afrique. Que sais-
tu des sources d’énergie renouvelables ? Quelles sortes d’énergies peuvent être produites
en Afrique ? Pense au climat, aux plantes, à la manière de vivre des habitants… Réfléchis et
note tes idées. Tu peux le faire en français.

Bravo ! Maintenant que tu as mobilisé tes connaissances à ce sujet, tu vas pouvoir passer
aux activités suivantes.

a- You are going to listen to a radio program about sustainable energy sources in Africa.
Make a list of ten words you think you are going to hear during this radio program.
(Tu vas entendre une émission de radio sur les sources d’énergie renouvelables en Afrique).
(Rédige une liste de 10 mots que tu penses entendre au cours de cette émission).

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Séquence 1 — séance 4

b- Listen to Part 1 on your CD and underline the words you hear which are on your list.
(Écoute Part 1 et souligne dans ta liste les mots que tu entends).

c- Listen again to Part 1 on your CD and write down all the words you understand.
(Écoute à nouveau Part 1 sur ton CD et écris tous les mots que tu comprends).

En anglais, les mots accentués sont les mots importants. Ils sont plus faciles à repérer.
Ce sont eux qui sont porteurs de sens.

d- Using the words you have understood, write a short paragraph to explain what the
radio program is about.
(En utilisant les mots que tu as compris, rédige un court paragraphe expliquant le contenu de
l’émission radiophonique).

e- Listen again to Part 1 and tick the correct answers.

1- The program talks about
a) Zimbabwe o
b) Kenya o
c) Cameroon o
2- The environmentally friendly alternative to fossil fuel announced is
a) wind energy o
b) solar energy o
c) biodiesel o
3- The interviewees are
a) one farmer, Judith o
b) two farmers, Judith and Mary o
c) the director of the centre, M. Chitundu o

f- Listen to Part 2 on your CD.

Ne t’inquiète pas si tu ne comprends pas tout, c’est normal. Focalise-toi sur les repérages
que tu dois faire. Les illustrations sont là pour t’aider.
Réécoute le passage sur ton CD autant de fois que nécessaire.

1- Tick the seeds mentioned and indicate the prices given

(Coche les graines mentionnées et indique les prix qui sont donnés).

22 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 4 — Séquence 1

 Prices in 
Seeds shillings per kilo






Cape chestnut

2- How many kilos of seeds do you need to make one litre of oil?
 You need …….. kilos of seeds to produce one litre of oil.

g- Listen to Part 3 on your CD.

1- Complete the grid above. Tick the seeds planted and collected by Judith and the other
(Complète la grille ci-dessus. Coche les graines plantées et récoltées par Jane et les autres fermiers).
2- Judith says “We collect 20 kilograms per day and we collect it three days per week.
We collect as a group of farmers.”
How many kilograms do they collect in one week?
 They collect ........... kilograms in one week.
3- How much money do they make in one week?
 They make ........ Kenyan shillings in one week.
4- Tick what they buy with this money?
 a car o
 food o
 seeds o
 clothes o
 utensils o
 pencils o

La somme gagnée par les fermiers par semaine pour récolter les graines représente
cinq euros cinquante.

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 23
Séquence 1 — séance 4

h- Now listen to the complete radio program and read the script.

j e retiens
- J’anticipe
 Tu as abordé au cours de la séance 2 des activités d’anticipation. Il y a plusieurs
manières d’anticiper en fonction du document sur lequel tu dois travailler.
Aujourd’hui, il t’a été demandé en plus d’imaginer 10 mots susceptibles d’être
prononcés au cours de l’émission radiophonique. Puis tu as vérifié à l’écoute si
certains de ces mots étaient effectivement prononcés par les interlocuteurs. C’est
aussi une manière d’anticiper et de faire des hypothèses.
- J’écoute le document
 Écoute ensuite le document ou une partie du document et note tous les mots
que tu comprends. Cela te permet de te faire une idée plus précise du contenu du
 Tu sais que tu dois écouter le document avec des objectifs précis. Prends bien
connaissance de ce que l’on te demande afin de faire les repérages demandés. Il est
tout à fait normal de ne pas tout comprendre à l’écoute d’un document sonore,
par contre, si l’on te demande de repérer certains éléments, c’est que tu es capable
de le faire ou que tu seras guidé(e) pour y arriver.

j e sais résoudre des problèmes mathématiques en anglais

Exercise 7
Are you good at Math?
Write complete sentences to answer the following questions. Write the numbers in letters.
(Fais des phrases complètes pour répondre aux questions suivantes. Écris les nombres en toutes lettres).
1- If you want to make five liters of oil, how many kilos of seeds will you need?
 ................................................................................................................................
2- If you want to make ten liters of oil, how many kilos of seeds will you need?
 ................................................................................................................................
3- If you collect three kilos of cape chestnut seeds, how many Kenyan shillings will you get?
 ................................................................................................................................
4- If you collect eight kilos of croton seeds, how many Kenyan shillings will you get?
 ................................................................................................................................
5- H
 ow many kilograms will Judith and the farmers collect in one week if they work five days
per week?
 ................................................................................................................................
Grâce à cette émission de radio, tu as pu découvrir la participation des fermiers du Kenya au
développement durable. Grâce à ce qu’ils plantent, à ce qu’ils cueillent, à ce qu’ils récoltent,

24 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 4 — Séquence 1

ils gagnent suffisamment d’argent pour vivre ; leur travail sert à produire du bio diesel que les
Kényans peuvent utiliser pour leurs besoins quotidiens en énergie.
Avons-nous la même attitude éco-citoyenne ?


Colour in green Kenya on the map and write the name of its capital city.

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 25
Séquence 1 — séance 5

Séance 5
Je sais émettre des suggestions
J’apprends à proposer des solutions de remplacement
J’apprends à exprimer des « dos » and « don’ts »
J’apprends à parler de la protection de l’environnement

j ’apprends à parler de la protection de l’environnement

j e sais émettre des suggestions
Exercise 8

We rely upon energy in every area of our life, but we must try to save this energy. Here are
four everyday life situations. Can you make suggestions to save energy?
(Nous dépendons de l’énergie dans tous les aspects de notre vie, mais nous devons essayer d’économiser
cette énergie. Voici quatre situations de la vie quotidienne. Peux-tu émettre des suggestions pour économiser
l’énergie ?)

Souviens-toi bien de ce verbe : to save signifie «économiser». Tu en auras besoin au cours des
prochaines séances.

Essaie de te souvenir des expressions que tu peux utiliser pour émettre des suggestions. Tu as
abordé ces structures au cours de la séquence 11, séance 4 dans la première partie du Palier 1.
Tu peux utiliser :
- Why don’t you + base verbale … ?
ou encore :
- You could + base verbale… .
- Let’s + base verbale conviendrait moins bien dans la situation présente, car tu vas t’adresser
à quelqu’un et ne pas t’inclure dans la suggestion.

If you need any vocabulary help, look at your pictionary.

cell phone washing round the bath shower a socket

and charger machine corner

26 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 5 — Séquence 1

Situation 1:
Susie always connects her cell phone1 to its charger when she arrives home. Look! She is
disconnecting her cell phone from its charger. She is putting her phone in her bag, she is
going out.
Make a suggestion to Susie:
 ................................................................................................................................
Situation 2:
Look! Charles is eating an ice-cream. There is some chocolate ice on his t-shirt. He is putting
his t-shirt in the washing-machine and turning it on.
Make a suggestion to Charles:
 ................................................................................................................................
Situation 3:
Look! Mrs. Nosy has forgotten to buy some bread. She is taking her car to get some at the
baker’s round the corner.
Make a suggestion to Mrs. Nosy:
 ................................................................................................................................
Situation 4:
Look! Mr Brown is a mechanic. He is coming back from work. He is very dirty. He is having a
Make a suggestion to Mr Brown:
 ................................................................................................................................

Bravo, tu as eu de bonnes idées ! Peut-être correspondent-elles à celles que tu vas découvrir dans l’activité
suivante, peut-être sont-elles différentes ?

j ’apprends à proposer des solutions de remplacement

Step 9
a- Now here are some suggestions. Why don’t you match them with the situations above?

Situations Suggestions
  Why don’t you walk instead of taking your car? Short car rides are
Situation n°1 very bad for the environment.

 Why don’t you have a shower instead of having a bath? It saves

Situation n°2 water.

 Why don’t you take your cell phone charger out of the socket when
Situation n°3 you are not using it instead of leaving it plugged in?

 Why don’t you do a full load instead of putting just one t-shirt in
Situation n°4 the washing machine?

cell phone : mobile phone

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 27
Séquence 1 — séance 5

j e retiens
Quelle est l’expression utilisée pour proposer une alternative ?
 ...........................................................................................................................
Tu peux utiliser :
- instead of + nom
Ex. : I will have some chocolate instead of coffee.
- instead of + V-ing
Ex. : Why don’t you have a shower instead of having a bath?

Exercise 9
Here are three more situations.
Use the following elements to suggest alternatives the same way as in the table above.
(Voici trois autres situations. Utilise les éléments suivants pour suggérer des alternatives de la même
manière que dans le tableau ci-dessus).

take your bike / take your car / switch off the lights / have all the lights on / drive with
others / drive alone

Situation n°5:
Look! Melissa is driving to work. She is taking her car. Her neighbour works at the same
place. He is taking his car, too, to go to work.
Make a suggestion:
 ................................................................................................................................
Situation n°6:
Look! George is driving to work. His work place is two kilometers from his home.
Make a suggestion:
 ................................................................................................................................
Situation n°7:
Look! Chris is watching television. All the lights are on.
Make a suggestion:
 ................................................................................................................................

j ’apprends à exprimer des «dos» and «don’ts»

Step 10
Tu peux exprimer les mêmes idées mais en montrant davantage d’autorité. Tu n’émets plus
de suggestions, tu dis à ton interlocuteur ce qu’il doit faire. Tu utiliseras alors l’impératif,
comme tu l’as vu dans la première partie du Palier 1 au cours des séquences 3 et 4. Ce sera
ce que l’on appelle les dos (choses à faire) et les don’ts (choses à ne pas faire).

28 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 5 — Séquence 1

Dresse une liste récapitulative pour les sept situations de ces dos and don’ts. Les deux premiers
te serviront d’exemple. Observe bien la manière dont l’impératif est construit.

Situations JDos LDon’ts

Take your cell phone charger out of the
1 socket when you’re not using it!
Don’t leave it plugged in!

Don’t put just one t-shirt in your

2 Do a full load in your washing machine!
washing machine!
Tu as bien observé ?

Pour exprimer les dos :

- Base verbale… !
Pour exprimer les don’ts :
- Don’t + base verbale … !

Exercise 10
Have you got an eco-friendly attitude? Classify these actions into do’s and don’ts. Don’t
forget to use the imperative.
(As-tu un comportement éco-citoyen ? Classe ces actions en dos et don’ts. N’oublie pas d’utiliser

toss batteries in the bin

JDos LDon’ts

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 29
Séquence 1 — séance 6

Séance 6
Je teste mes connaissances
J’apprends à rédiger un prospectus pour protéger l’environnement
Je sais repérer les rimes

j e teste mes connaissances

Exercise 11
Test your knowledge by
1- … writing the name of the product in each appropriate box;
2- … ticking the boxes next to the products that typically use petroleum-based ingredients.
Teste tes connaissances en…
1- ... écrivant le nom du produit dans la case appropriée ;
2- ... cochant les cases des produits qui sont fabriqués à partir du pétrole.
Product names:

1o 2o 3o 4o 5o

6o 7o 8o 9o 10 o

Sais-tu qu’il faudra plusieurs centaines d’années pour qu’un sac plastique jeté dans la nature
soit détruit ? De nombreux pays ont mené des campagnes pour réduire la consommation
des sacs plastiques et proposer des solutions alternatives. Nous allons travailler, si tu le veux
bien, sur un prospectus qui propose une de ces solutions alternatives. Sois très attentif(ve),
tu auras à créer un prospectus de ce genre à la fin de la séquence.

30 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 6 — Séquence 1

j ’apprends à rédiger un propectus pour protéger l’environnement

Step 11
a- Read the leaflet.
(Lis le prospectus).
b- Write the correct labels from the leaflet checklist in the boxes.
(Écris les informations de la checklist dans les cases appropriées).

Leaflet checklist

- Dont’s

- Dos

- A slogan with a rhyme

- a condition +
a consequence

- The 3 R’s

- A picture

- A logo

- «Makes the
reader feel

1- “Makes the reader feel special”

Il est bien de s’adresser directement au lecteur du prospectus pour lui faire prendre
conscience du message que l’on souhaite transmettre. Ici, you montre qu’on le prend à
témoin, qu’il fait partie de ceux qui eux, sauront agir différemment, contrairement aux autres
qui ne se sentent pas concernés.

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Séquence 1 — séance 6

2- Example of a rhyme: Give plastic a flick!1

Les rimes aident à mémoriser un slogan.
Connais-tu des slogans français qui utilisent des rimes ? Cites-en quelques-uns.
 ................................................................................................................................
Connais-tu celui-ci : « Le thon, c’est bon, le thon blanc, c’est excellent ! »

j e sais repérer les rimes

Exercise 12

a- Listen to your CD and read this nursery rhyme.

Écoute ton CD et lis cette comptine.
Jack and Jill
Jack and Jill
Jack and Jill went up the hill,
To fetch a pail of water;
Jack fell down,
And broke his crown,
And Jill came tumbling after.

Then up Jack got,

And home did trot,
As fast as he could caper,
To old Dame Dob,
Who patched his nob,
With vinegar and brown paper.

When Jill came in,

How did she grin,
To see Jack’s paper plaster;
Her mother, vexed,
Did whip her next,
For laughing at Jack’s disaster.

Now Jack did laugh,

And Jill did cry,
But her tears did soon abate;
Then Jill did say,
That they should play
At see-saw across the gate.

b- List all the words of this nursery rhyme rhyming with WATER [t{]:
 ................................................................................................................................
c- List all the words of this nursery rhyme rhyming with WATER [{]:
 ................................................................................................................................
d- Can you find other English words rhyming with WATER [{]:
 ................................................................................................................................
32 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 6 — Séquence 1

e- Listen to this verse on your CD and underline the accentuated word.

(Écoute cette strophe et souligne les mots accentués.)
Jack and Jill
Jack and Jill went up the hill,
To fetch a pail of water;
Jack fell down,
And broke his crown,
And Jill came tumbling after.
f- Listen and repeat each line, respecting the accentuated words. Then read the complete
nursery rhyme.
Record yourself if possible.

j e retiens
Tu as appris lors de la séance 4 que les mots accentués sont porteurs de sens. S’il
est utile que tu les repères à l’écoute, il est bon que tu les accentues toi aussi lorsque
tu parles anglais. C’est également une bonne manière de mémoriser des phrases en
anglais. Le rythme aide la mémoire.
Essaie de mémoriser les cinq lignes de la comptine que tu viens de travailler dans e)
et f).

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 33
Séquence 1 — séance 7

Séance 7
Je sais utiliser «more» et «less»
pour établir des comparaisons
Je mobilise mes connaissances
pour préparer ma production écrite
Je découvre des moyens d’économiser l’eau

je sais utiliser «more» et «less» pour établir des comparaisons

Exercise 13
By the numbers!
a- Read these facts.
(Lis ces informations).
Over the past century our water consumption has increased tenfold (X10).
•The recommended basic water requirement per person per day is 50 litres. But people can
get by with about 30 litres: 5 litres for drinking and cooking and another 25 to maintain
•By contrast the average1 American citizen uses 500 litres per day, while the British average
is 200.
b- Complete the grid below using the facts above.
(Complète le tableau ci-dessous en t’aidant des informations ci-dessus.)

Recommended Minimum number

Litres of water used number of litres of of litres of water
Countries water required per required per person
per person per day
person per day per day
Mali (Africa) 8
Cambodia (Asia) 9.5
c- React and compare. Use “more” or “less”.
1- The average American and British citizen consumes much ………… water than the average
citizen from Mali and Cambodia.
2- The average British citizen consumes …….. water than the American one.
3- The average citizen from Mali and Cambodia consumes …… than the minimum number
of litres of water required per person per day.
4- The average American and British citizen consumes ……… than the recommended
number of litres of water required per person per day.
d- Do you know how many litres the average French citizen uses per day? Tick the correct answer.
average : moyen

34 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 7 — Séquence 1

(Sais-tu combien de litres d’eau un français consomme par jour en moyenne ?)

o 50 litres
o 100 litres
o 250 litres

Check and correct.

je découvre des moyens d’économiser l’eau

je mobilise mes connaissances pour préparer ma production

Step 12
Tu t’es aperçu(e) dans l’exercice ci-dessus que la consommation d’eau était très importante
dans nos pays. Nous devons essayer de préserver nos réserves d’eau pour le bien de tous. Tu
devras, pour ton devoir, informer les consommateurs d’un système permettant d’économiser
l’eau. Essayons d’en apprendre un peu plus à ce sujet.
a- You use water every day at home in different places. Say what you or your parents can do in
these places when you/they use water.
(Tu utilises de l’eau tous les jours à la maison. Pour quoi faire ? Essaie de lister toutes les actions pour
lesquelles tu utilises de l’eau dans chacun de ces endroits).

Rooms Actions

The bathroom

The kitchen

The toilet

The garden

The garage
As-tu pensé à ces actions ?
 I brush my teeth, my mother washes the vegetables, my father waters the garden, I wash
the car, I have a shower, I flush the toilet, I do the cooking…
Si tu n’y as pas pensé, tu peux encore compléter ton tableau.
b- Here is a list of dos and don’ts to save energy. Copy them in the correct box. Indicate each
time which room is concerned.

If you need help, use your pictionary.

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 35
Séquence 1 — séance 7

dual flush tap water butt dishwasher low-flow shower head

 Install a “dual-flush” cistern in the toilet. It can reduce water consumption by up to 67%.
 Don’t leave the tap running when washing up – use a bowl instead.
 Collect rainwater from the roof in water butts.
 Don’t run half loads in the dishwasher or washing machine.
 Install a “low-flow” shower head. This adds air to the water and it reduces the quantity of
shower water by half (1/2).
 Use a bowl of water for washing or peeling vegetables
 Don’t leave the tap running while you clean your teeth – use a glass of water instead.

Do’s Places Don’ts

- Bathroom -

- Toilet

- Kitchen -
- Garden

c- Conditions and consequences.

Reporte-toi aux séances 3 et 4 au cours desquelles tu as travaillé les conditions et les
1- Complete the following sentences:
 If you install a “low-flow” shower head,
 If you install a “dual-flush” cistern in the toilet,
2- Translate into English:
a) Si tu utilises un bol d’eau pour laver tes légumes, tu économiseras de l’eau.
b) Si tu collectes l’eau de pluie, tu réduiras ta consommation d’eau.
d- Alternatives.
1- Express alternatives.
Réécris les phrases suivantes en commençant par…
a) “Don’t leave the tap running when washing vegetables – use a bowl instead.”
 Use a bowl instead…
b) “Don’t leave the tap running while you clean your teeth – use a glass of water instead.”
 Use a glass of water instead…
Tu as découvert, au cours de cette séance, de nombreux moyens d’économiser l’eau dans la
vie de tous les jours. Essaie de t’en souvenir, non seulement pour ton évaluation, mais pour
en parler avec tes proches, et participer, toi aussi, à la protection d’un de nos biens les plus

36 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 8 — Séquence 1

Séance 8
j e m’évalue

Exercise 1
Connais-tu bien les consignes travaillées lors de Step 1 ?
Write the correct instruction:
1- : ......................................................................................................................
2- : .....................................................................................................................
3- : .....................................................................................................................
4- : .....................................................................................................................

Exercise 2
Peux-tu mieux faire que Mr Black maintenant que tu as fini cette séquence ?
Remember the Go Green TV Game Show. You can now answer the host’s questions.
1- How do you call the gas emitted by cars, planes, factories…?
 ................................................................................................................................
2- Some forests of the Amazon are completely destroyed or burnt. How do you call this
phenomenon, “deforestation”, “defenestration” or “deterioration”?
 ................................................................................................................................
3- What is the most populated country in the world?
 ................................................................................................................................

Exercise 3
Sais-tu placer les phénomènes suivants sur la carte du monde ?
Carbon emissions, deforestation, Antarctic warming, drought, overpopulation, threatened

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 37
Séquence 1 — séance 8

Exercise 4
Sais-tu établir des conditions et des conséquences ?
Complète these sentences.
1- ………….. we do nothing, temperatures will rise.

2- If temperatures rise, the melting of the Arctic and Antarctic ice caps ………….. increase.

3- If the melting of the Arctic and ………….. ice caps increase, sea levels will ………….. .

4- If sea levels rise, it will alter climate conditions and generate ………….. and droughts.

5- If ………….. conditions are altered, it will affect forests, ………….. and water supplies.

6- If it affects forests, crops and ………….. supplies, it will also affect humans, ………….. and
many types of eco-systems.


Exercise 5
Sais-tu prononcer les mots se terminant par -tion ?
a- Write three words from the lesson ending with -tion and underline the stressed syllables.
(Écris trois mots de la leçon finissant par -tion et souligne les syllabes accentuées).

1- ................................................................................................................................

2- ................................................................................................................................

3- ................................................................................................................................

b- Read these words aloud.

(Lis ces mots à voix haute).

c- Write the pronunciation rule. You can write it in French.

(Écris la règle de prononciation. Tu peux l’écrire en français si tu veux).

 ................................................................................................................................

Exercise 6
Sais-tu émettre des prédictions ?
a- Electrical Power will be off tonight in your hotel. What will happen? Make 4 predictions.
 ................................................................................................................................

 ................................................................................................................................

 ................................................................................................................................

 ................................................................................................................................
b- “Food freezers will not work”. Can you write the same sentence using the contraction?
(Peux-tu écrire la même phrase, mais en utilisant la contraction ?)

38 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 8 — Séquence 1


Exercise 7

Sais-tu parler de la production d’énergies renouvelables au Kenya ? Seeds

a- Write a caption under each picture. Maize
Cape chesnut

b- Explain what sort of energy is produced, what sorts of seeds are planted or collected. Say
who plants and collects these seeds. Say how many kilograms they collect per week and how
much they get for their production. Say what they buy with their money.

(Explique quelle sorte d’énergie est produite, quelles sortes de graines sont plantées ou récoltées. Dis qui
plante et récolte ces graines. Dis combien de kilos sont récoltés par semaine et combien ils rapportent.
Dis ce qu’ils achètent avec cet argent).


Exercise 8
Sais-tu émettre des suggestions, les transformer en «dos» and «don’ts», exprimer des solutions
de remplacement ?
Read these pairs:
1- walk/take your car
2- have a shower/have a bath
3- buy a dual-flush cistern for the toilets/use a traditional cistern
4- buy a low-flow shower head/use a traditional shower head

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Séquence 1 — séance 8

a- Make suggestions.
b- Write dos and don’ts.
c- Express alternatives.
Use number one as an example.
1- a- Why don’t you walk?
b- Walk! Don’t take your car!
c- Walk instead of taking your car!

 Now it’s your turn!

(À toi maintenant. Utilise bien le numéro 1 comme exemple et construis les autres paires sur le même modèle).
2- . .............................................................................................................................................
3- . .............................................................................................................................................
4- . .............................................................................................................................................


Exercise 9
Sais-tu organiser et rédiger un prospectus pour inciter le public à adopter une attitude éco-
citoyenne ?
a- Number the elements of the checklist in the right order.

Leaflet checklist:
o Don’ts
o Do’s
o A slogan with a rhyme
o A condition and a consequence
o The 3 R’s
o A picture
o A logo
o “Makes the reader feel special”
b- Say what the 3 R’s are:




40 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 8 — Séquence 1


Exercise 10

Connais-tu bien le lexique associé aux économies de l’eau dans la vie quotidienne ?

a- Use the pictionary to complete the sentences.

 Install a …………………………… cistern in the toilet. It can reduce water

consumption by up to 67%.

 Don’t leave the …………………………… running when washing up - use a bowl


 Collect rainwater from the roof in …………………………….

 Don’t run half loads in the …………………………… or washing machine.

 Install a ……………………………. This adds air to the water and it reduces the
quantity of shower water by half (1/2).

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 41
Séquence 2
Communication Civilisation Grammaire Phonologie Méthodologie
Séance 1 Exprimer des hypothèses, Les œuvres Introduction L’intonation Utiliser des stratégies
Extrait de Lord of the des probabilités littéraires au lexique de descendante de compréhension
Flies, de William Golding Comprendre des textes dont l’intrigue la thématique pour exprimer écrite pour découvrir
littéraires dont la situation implique un Modal May le désespoir un texte authentique
d’énonciation est simple naufrage
Séance 2 Comprendre la description Tableau : Le Lexique lié à la Entraîner sa mémoire
Visite guidée au Louvre orale d’un tableau célèbre Radeau de la thématique Comprendre un
devant le tableau de Méduse La voix passive message en continu :
Géricault, Le Radeau de au passé visite guidée
la Méduse Savoir construire et
utiliser une trame
Séance 3 Rédiger la description d’un Tableau : Le Lexique de la La Entraîner sa mémoire
Notes prises au cours de tableau célèbre Radeau de la thématique prononciation Savoir utiliser une
la visite guidée Méduse Réactivation de des mots se trame d’écoute pour
la voix passive terminant par rédiger une trace
au passé -tion/-sion écrite
Séance 4 Exprimer des hypothèses de Les œuvres Lexique lié à la Entrainer sa mémoire
Extrait de The Life of Pi, l’irréel littéraires thématique Croiser les stratégies
de Yann Martel Comprendre des textes dont l’intrigue If + prétérit, de compréhension
littéraires dont la situation implique un would écrite et orale
d’énonciation est simple naufrage

Séance 5 Comprendre un texte Les procédures Le lexique lié à La Entraîner sa mémoire

Les procédures informatif pour des besoins d’urgence en cas la thématique prononciation Savoir trouver
d’urgence en cas de pratiques de naufrage et Le pronom des mots des informations
naufrage le matériel de relatif that sujet composés recherchées dans un
survie texte abordant une
thématique connue
Séance 6 Comprendre des points de Des chansons Le lexique de la Savoir organiser
Extraits de deux vue dans une négociation mythiques thématique une prise de note
chansons : Message In A Les expressions représentant les
Bottle, Auld Lang Syne. d’opinion points de vue des
Conversation entre Betty locuteurs
et Jenny : négociation
Séance 7 Rendre-compte d’une Les messages à Les expressions Savoir utiliser une
Trame d’écoute conversation portant sur une la mer d’opinion trame d’écoute pour
négociation rédiger une trace
Envoyer un message à la mer écrite
Séance 8 Réactivation des outils Rebrassage des Réactivation Prise de Être capable de
Je m’évalue langagiers de la séquence thèmes culturels conscience vérifier que l’on
abordés des critères a tous les outils
à respecter nécessaires pour
pour réussir aborder l’évaluation

42 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 1 — Séquence 2

Séance 1
Je découvre une nouvelle thématique et une partie du lexique
qui s’y rattache
Je comprends un texte littéraire dont le lexique et la situation
d’énonciation sont simples (1)
J’utilise «may» pour exprimer une possibilité
J’apprends à identifier les sentiments d’un personnage en
fonction de son intonation

j e découvre une nouvelle thématique

Step 1
a- Look at this picture. What does it make you think of? (Regarde cette image. À quoi te fait-elle
penser ?)

j e lis un extrait d’œuvre littéraire authentique

Step 2
a- Read this extract from a book entitled Lord of the Flies, by William Golding (Faber paper
covered editions). Then listen to it on your CD.
Piggy persisted.
“This is an island, isn’t it?”
“I climbed a rock”, said Ralph slowly, “and I think this is an island”.
“They’re all dead”, said Piggy, “an’ this is an island. Nobody don’t know we’re here. Your dad don’t
know, nobody don’t know----”
His lips quivered and the spectacles were dimmed with mist.
“We may stay here till we die”.
b- Take your pencil, read it again and underline all the words you understand.
c- Complete with what you have understood from the text.

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 43
Séquence 2 — séance 1

WHO? -

d- Listen to Piggy on your CD and select three adjectives corresponding best to the feelings
expressed by this character in the extract. Complete the sentence. (Écoute Piggy et choisis les
trois adjectifs qui correspondent le mieux aux sentiments exprimés par ce personnage dans l’extrait. Puis,
complète la phrase).
hopeless o disappointed o
relaxed o desperate o
depressed o angry o
calm o determined o
Piggy sounds ………………….. , ………..…………….. and ……………..………... .

Check and correct.

e- Listen to Ralph on your CD and select two adjectives corresponding best to the feelings
expressed by this character in the extract. Complete the sentence. (Écoute Ralph et choisis les
deux adjectifs qui correspondent le mieux aux sentiments exprimés par ce personnage dans l’extrait. Puis,
complète la phrase).
hopeless o disappointed o
relaxed o desperate o
depressed o angry o
calm o determined o
Piggy sounds ………………….., ………..…………….. and ……………..………... .

Check and correct.

f- We know that Piggy sounds ………………….., ………..…………….. and ……………..………... .
What else do we know about Piggy? Use these sentences as clues.
Nous savons que Piggy a l’air ………..…………….., ………..…………….. et ………..…………….. . Que
savons-nous d’autre sur Piggy ? Utilise ces phrases comme indices.
1- “an’ this is an island. Nobody don’t know we’re here. Your dad don’t know, nobody
don’t know----”
• He speaks excellent English, his English is very formal. o
• He makes grammatical mistakes, his English is colloquial. o
2- His lips quivered and the spectacles were dimmed with mist.
• He is singing. o
• He is crying. o
3- “We may stay here till we die”.
• He is scared of dying on the island. o
• He wants to stay on the island for the holidays. o

44 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 1 — Séquence 2

g- Recap everything you know about Piggy.

Check and correct.

j ’utilise «may» pour exprimer une possibilité

Step 3
Piggy says: We may stay here till we die.
He is not sure about it. He expresses a possibility. It means:
 We may stay here till we die. On the other hand we may not.
Piggy is in a state of shock after a terrible accident. He is no longer sure about anything.
Express his doubts.
a- This is an island, isn’t it?
 ..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………...

b- They’re all dead.

 ..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………...

j e retiens
On utilise may pour exprimer une éventualité, pour dire qu’il est possible qu’un
événement survienne, mais qu’il est également possible que cela ne se produise pas.
Quand Piggy dit : « We may stay here till we die”, il veut dire qu’il est possible qu’ils restent
là jusqu’à ce qu’ils meurent, mais il ne rejette pas l’idée qu’il est également possible que
cela ne se produise pas : We may stay here till we die. On the other hand, we may not.

- Ralph and Piggy may be cast away on a deserted island.
- Il se peut que Ralph et Piggy soient naufragés sur une île déserte.
L’auxiliaire may se traduira facilement par l’expression française « il se peut que » qui sera
suivie d’un verbe au subjonctif présent.
Exercise 1
a- Translate into English:
1- Il se peut que Piggy soit effrayé parce qu’il a peur de mourir sur cette île.
 ..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..……..……...
2- Il se peut que les autres enfants ne soient pas morts.
 ..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..………….....
3- Il se peut qu’ils trouvent de la nourriture sur cette île.
 ..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..………….....
© Cned, Anglais 4e — 45
Séquence 2 — séance 1

b- Translate into French:

1- A ship may come to their rescue.
 ..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..……..……...
2- They may be the only two survivors of a shipwreck.
 ..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..……..……...
3- They may not find any food and die of starvation.
 ..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..……..……...

Exercise 2
You may find it easier to complete the grid now. (Il se peut que tu aies maintenant plus de facilité
pour compléter la grille).
WHO? -

Exercise 3
After having studied this extract from Lord of the Flies, what does this picture make you think of?

a- Listen again to Piggy on your CD (Step 2d). Indicate the intonation using this symbol

for a rising intonation and this one for a falling intonation

“They’re all dead” Your dad don’t know,
“an’ this is an island. nobody don’t know----”
Nobody don’t know we’re here. “We may stay here till we die”.
b- To express despair, depression, hopelessness, you will generally use a ……………….

46 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 1 — Séquence 2

Exercise 4

Listen to your CD and repeat these sentences using the correct intonation.
Record yourself if possible.

Lord of the Flies is a novel written by William Golding and published in 1954.
The plot : a group of British schoolboys aged 6 to 12 survive a plane crash on a small coral
island in the South Pacific during a world war. There are no adult survivors. They form their
own society on the island, with a leader and a form of government.
If you like adventures and conflicts, you can read this book in French, look for the title Sa
Majesté des mouches.
There are two film adaptations. One was made in 1963 by Peter Brook and another in 1990
by Harry Hook. Both titles are Lord of the Flies.

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 47
Séquence 2 — séance 2

Séance 2
J’entraîne ma mémoire
Je comprends un document sonore inconnu
en utilisant une trame d’écoute
Je suis la visite guidée d’un lieu
J’apprends à utiliser la voix passive

j ’entraîne ma mémoire
Step 4
Pour bien comprendre, il faut mémoriser. Plus ton lexique est étendu, plus tes références
linguistiques et culturelles sont nombreuses, plus tu peux créer de liens entre ce que tu
apprends et ce que tu sais déjà. Tu tisses ainsi une toile de connaissances et de compétences de
communication qui te sera très précieuse pour les années à venir, tant dans ta vie scolaire, que
dans ta vie personnelle et professionnelle. Tu vas donc, au début de la plupart des séances de
cette séquence, entraîner ta mémoire.

Listen to your CD and follow the instructions. Write the answers.

1- Training N° 1
 Answer: .......................................................................................................................
2- Training N° 2
 Answer: .......................................................................................................................
 Answer: .......................................................................................................................
3- Training N° 3
 Answer: .......................................................................................................................

j e comprends un document sonore en utilisant une

trame d’écoute

Step 5
a- Listen to the conversation on your CD.
b- Look at the table below, look at the number of items you are supposed to find and listen
again to the same conversation twice. Then complete the following table.
(Lis le tableau, regarde le nombre d’éléments que tu dois repérer et écoute à nouveau la même
conversation deux fois. Puis complète le tableau).

48 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 2 — Séquence 2

WHO? -


c- Write a short paragraph to sum up the situation.

Step 6
a- Imagine you are Jenny or Betty. You are standing in the painting section in the Louvre in
front of one of the paintings you will have to present to your class when you go back to
England. You would like to get a good mark. So, you ask your Art teacher many questions
to learn more about it. List your questions.

(Imagine que tu es Jenny ou Betty. Tu auras à présenter ce tableau à ta classe à ton retour en Angleterre.
Tu aimerais bien avoir une bonne note. Alors, tu poses de nombreuses questions à ton professeur d’arts
plastiques pour en savoir un peu plus. Liste tes questions).
b- Now listen to Betty and Jenny’s questions. Tick your questions when they deal with the
same sort of information. (Maintenant écoute les questions de Betty et de Jenny. Coche tes questions
lorsqu’elles concernent le même type d’information).
c- Listen again to Betty and Jenny’s questions. Tick the six pieces of information the girls
(Écoute à nouveau les questions de Betty et de Jenny. Coche les 6 renseignements demandés).
- the painter’s name o
- the quality of the painting o
- the date of the painting o
- the name of the museum in which the painting is exhibited o
- the price of the painting o

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 49
Séquence 2 — séance 2

- the painting’s dimensions o

- the title of the painting o
- the origin of the scene represented in the painting o
- the name of the person who bought the painting o
- the characters represented on the painting o

Check and correct.

d- Complete this listening frame with the six pieces of information required. Use the
keywords in block letters. One of the labels has already been written. (Complète cette trame
d’écoute avec les six sortes de renseignements demandés. Utilise les mots clés en caractère gras. Une
sorte de renseignement a déjà été notée).

Step 7
Listen to the complete conversation and take notes in the appropriate boxes of the listening
frame. There will be pauses to give you time to take notes or to allow you to listen to the
passage again. (Écoute la conversation complète et prends des notes dans la case appropriée de la trame
d’écoute. Il y aura des pauses pour te donner le temps de prendre des notes ou te permettre de réécouter le

Check and correct. Read the script and listen to the conversation one last time.

j e retiens
Méthodologie de la compréhension orale
Pour organiser ton écoute, tu as besoin d’établir une trame d’écoute.
Lorsque le document sonore inconnu est un document de type descriptif ou narratif,
il te faut au préalable déterminer les thèmes susceptibles d’être abordés. Tu l’as fait
ici en te posant les questions sur l’œuvre admirée par Jenny et Betty. Il suffit ensuite de
dessiner la trame : tu choisis la forme qui correspond le mieux à la situation, puis tu
donnes un titre à chaque case que tu as dessinée. Ce sera souvent un mot clé, c’est plus
facile et cela prend moins de place. Tu n’as plus qu’à écouter attentivement et prendre
des notes en classant au fur et à mesure les informations données dans les bonnes

50 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 2 — Séquence 2

j ’apprends à utiliser la voix passive

Step 8
a- Read these extracts from the conversation and observe the words in bold letters.
- This masterpiece was painted by a 19th century French painter, Théodore Géricault.
- It was finished in 1819 when Géricault was 27 years old. It was presented at the Paris Salon.
- The “Medusa” was shipwrecked off the coast of Africa and 150 people were cast away on a raft
with just wine and biscuits to eat and drink. In the end only 15 survivors were rescued.
- They were seen by this ship, the Argus.
Read this other extract from the previous lesson
- His spectacles were dimmed with mist.
b- Try to use the same technique to make complete sentences.
1- Robinson Crusoe (to be helped) …………………. by his friend Friday.
2- The song “Auld Lang Syne” (to be played) …………………. by the Titanic Orchestra just
before the ship sank.
3- Many books (to be written) …………………. about shipwrecked people.
4- Many paintings (to be made) …………………. about exceptional true stories.

c- Let’s think together before going any further. (Réfléchissons ensemble avant d’aller plus loin).
1- Read the list of irregular verbs used in Step 8 a- and b-
verb preterit past participle
cast (away) cast (away) cast (away)
see saw seen
write wrote written
make made made
2- The verbal group is made of
the auxiliary be + the verb in the preterit r
the auxiliary have + the past participle of the verb r
the auxiliary be + the past participle of the verb r
3- This is the
active voice r
passive voice r
direct speech r
4- In the sentences of Step 8 a- and b-, the auxiliary is
in the past form
in the present form
5- Find an example of a passive voice in the present tense in Step 8 6c.
 ..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..

Check and correct.

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Séquence 2 — séance 2

Exercise 5
Put the verbs in the passive voice using the preterit.
1- No drinking water (take) …………………. on the raft.
2- The raft (make) …………………. of wood beams.
3- The sails of the Argus (see) …………………. by the survivors.
4- During World War II, many masterpieces (evacuate) …………………. from the Louvre
and (put) …………………. into safe keeping in castles in the west of France.

verb preterit past participle

take took taken
put put put

j e retiens
La voix passive.
Elle est formée de l’auxiliaire be suivi du participe passé du verbe.
Par exemple :
- Présent : The raft is made of wood.
- Prétérit : The raft was made of wood
Si on fait une prévision, une prédiction, on utilisera l’auxiliaire modal will.
Ex. : The raft will be made of wood.
S’il y a un complément d’agent, il sera introduit par la préposition by.
Ex. : Robinson Crusoe was helped by his friend Friday.

Il est indispensable de bien connaître tes verbes irréguliers si tu veux utiliser la voix passive.
Apprends par cœur tous ceux présentés dans les tableaux de cette leçon.

52 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 3 — Séquence 2

Séance 3
J’entraîne ma mémoire
J’apprends à rédiger une trace écrite
J’apprends à prononcer les mots terminés par -sion ou -tion

j ’entraîne ma mémoire
Step 9
Listen to your CD and follow the instructions. Write the answers.
1- Training N° 4
 Answer: ..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…
2- Training N° 5
 Answer: ..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…
 Answer: ..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…
3- Training N° 6
 Answer: ..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…

j ’apprends à rédiger une trace écrite

Exercise 6
Remember the labels you used when listening to the conversation between Miss Pen, Betty
and Jenny. Remember your notes. Use your memory to write as much information as you
can about this famous masterpiece. A new theme has been added. (Souviens-toi des thèmes
sur lesquels tu as pris des notes en écoutant la conversation entre Miss Pen, Betty et Jenny. Souviens-toi de
tes notes. Utilise ta mémoire pour écrire autant d’informations que tu peux à propos de ce chef-d’œuvre

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 53
Séquence 2 — séance 3

Step 10
Use your notes to complete this short paragraph about the masterpiece described by Miss
Pen. (Utilise tes notes pour compléter ce texte présentant le chef-d’œuvre décrit par Miss Pen).

Maintenant que ta trace écrite est complète, observe-la.

- Les thèmes ont été abordés en suivant l’ordre donné.
- Les informations prises au cours de l’écoute ont été intégrées dans le texte.
- Plusieurs informations sont regroupées dans une seule et même phrase.
Par exemple : The Raft of the Medusa (title) was painted in 1819 (date) by Théodore Géricault
Mais le paragraphe est très compact. Il faut l’aérer. Peux-tu indiquer, à l’aide de / , les
endroits où il faudrait le couper et aller à la ligne.
Vérifie dans ton corrigé et recopie la trace écrite en enlevant toutes les indications entre
parenthèses et en faisant des paragraphes.

54 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 3 — Séquence 2

Exercise 7
Here is at last the famous masterprice (The Raft of the Medusa) exhibited in the
Louvre. You now know the painting well, you can write the appropriate captions in
the boxes. (Voici enfin le fameux chef-d’oeuvre (Le Radeau de la Méduse), exposé au Louvre.
Maintenant, tu connais bien ce tableau, tu peux écrire les bonnes légendes dans les cases).

Tu peux aller sur le site officiel du musée du Louvre en tapant www.louvre.fr. Une fois sur
la page d’accueil, clique sur « Découvrez l’univers du Louvre.fr pour les enfants ». Tu seras
accueilli par un personnage qui te fera découvrir certains chefs d’œuvre du musée du Louvre
de façon insolite. C’est passionnant. Tu peux choisir la langue dans laquelle tu souhaites
entendre la présentation et effectuer ce passionnant voyage dans le temps et dans les œuvres
en anglais. L’animation réalisée permet de comprendre la présentation sans difficulté.
N’hésite pas à te rendre sur ce site, véritable mine d’histoires surprenantes !

Exercise 8
a- We have already used in the last three lessons a lot of words ending with the letters -sion
or -tion. Listen to them on your CD and underline the accentuated syllable in each word.
(Nous avons déjà utilisé au cours de ces trois dernières leçons de nombreux mots finissant par les lettres
-sion or -tion. Écoute cette liste sur ton CD et souligne dans chaque mot la syllabe accentuée).
conversation – dimension – exhibition – information – instruction – starvation – intonation
b- Which syllable is always stressed?
• the first one q
• the last one q
• the one before -tion or -sion q
c- Now repeat the same words. Be careful to respect the stressed syllable.

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 55
Séquence 2 — séance 4

Séance 4
J’entraîne ma mémoire
Je comprends un texte littéraire dont le lexique et la situation
d’énonciation sont simples (2)
J’apprends à faire des prédictions lorsque la situation de départ
(la condition) est fictive, irréelle

j ’entraîne ma mémoire
Step 11
Listen to your CD and follow the instructions. Write the answers.
1- Training N° 7
 Answer: ..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…
2- Training N° 8
 Answer: ..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…
 Answer: ..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…
3- Training N° 9
 Answer: ..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…

j e comprends un texte littéraire dont le lexique et la

situation d’énonciation sont simples

Step 12
a- Read the first part of the extract. One word has been deliberately omitted, it has been
replaced by [ ].
Lis la première partie de l’extrait. Un mot a été volontairement omis, il a été remplacé par [ ].
I awoke to the reality of Richard Parker. There was a [ ] in the lifeboat. I could hardly believe it,
yet I know I had to. And I had to save myself.
b- Complete the table.

WHO? -


in a ...

56 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 4 — Séquence 2

c- Express possibilities using may as to… (En utilisant “may”, exprime des probabilités pour
1- who « I » is. qui est « I ».
 ..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..……..…….
2- what is happening. ce qu’il se passe.
 ..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..……..…….
3- Who Richard Parker is.
 ..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..……..…….
d- Read the second part of the extract and check possibilities 1 and 2. Draw conclusions.
(Lis la seconde partie de l’extrait et vérifie les probabilités 1 et 2. Tire des conclusions).
I was hundreds of miles from landfall, if not over a thousand miles. I couldn’t swim such a distance, even
with a lifebuoy.

Help! Pictionary.
- a lifebuoy land (landfall: arriving on land)
- a nautic mile: 1852 m
1- Who is “I”?
 “I” is ..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…
2- What is happening?
 ..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..….....………..……..
e- Read the first and the third part of the extract and check possibility 3. The words in block
letters should help you. Draw your own conclusion.
I awoke to the reality of Richard Parker. There was a… in the lifeboat. I could hardly believe it, yet I
know I had to. And I had to save myself. […]
He would come at me like a typical cat, without a sound.
3- Who is Richard Parker?
4- Justify your conclusion.
 ..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..….....………..…..
f- Now read the complete extract and listen to it on your CD. The mysterious word has
still been omitted. (Maintenant lis l’extrait complet et écoute-le sur ton CD Le mot mystérieux est
toujours omis).
I awoke to the reality of Richard Parker. There was a … in the lifeboat. I could hardly believe it, yet I
know I had to. And I had to save myself. […]
I was hundreds of miles of landfall, if not a thousand miles. I couldn’t swim such a distance, even with
a lifebuoy. What would I eat? What would I drink? How would I keep the sharks away? How would I
keep warm? How would I know which way to go? There was not a shadow of doubt about the matter:
to leave the lifeboat meant certain death. But what was staying aboard? He would come at me like a
typical cat, without a sound.

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 57
Séquence 2 — séance 4

j ’apprends à faire des prédictions lorsque la situation

de départ (la condition) est fictive, irréelle

Step 13
a- “I” is a sixteen-year old boy named Pi. He is the only survivor of a shipwreck and stuck on a
lifeboat thousands of miles from landfall. He is faced with many difficulties.
If you were Pi, what would you do? (“I” est un garçon de 16 ans, Pi. Il est l’unique survivant d’un
naufrage et il est coincé sur un bateau de sauvetage à des milliers de miles de la terre. Il est confronté à
de nombreuses difficultés. Si tu étais Pi, que ferais-tu ?)
Before answering the questions, have a look at the bottom of your lifeboat, there is a
wooden box. Open it!

Here is a list of what is inside:

- a fishing-kit with - 5 emergency

- a compass lines and hooks rations - 1 blanket

- 2 orange smoke signals - 1 metal cup - 1 harpoon

58 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 4 — Séquence 2

1- If you were Pi, what would you eat?

 If I was Pi, I would…
2- If you had no drinking water, what would you drink?
 If I had no drinking water, I would…
3- If there were sharks around you, how would you keep them away?
 ..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..….....………..……..…
4- If you were cold at night, how would you keep warm?
 ..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..….....………..……..…
5- If you were lost, how would you know which way to go?
 ..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..….....………..……..…

Check and correct.

Exercise 9
a- Translate into English.
1- Si nous étions naufragés, nous économiserions l’eau potable.
 ..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..….....………..……..…
2- Si tu étais un artiste célèbre, tes tableaux seraient exposés au Louvre.
 ..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..….....………..……..…
3- Que ferais-tu si tu trouvais des harpons dans une boîte en bois ?
 ..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..….....………..……..…
4- Je ne tuerais pas de requins, je respecterais la nature.
 ..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..….....………..……..…

I awoke to the reality of Richard Parker. There was a tiger in the lifeboat. I could hardly believe it, yet I know I
had to. And I had to save myself. […]

You studied an extract from an extraordinary novel, The Life of Pi, by Yann Martel (A Harvest
Book, Harcourt, INC). Pi Patel, 16, is the only survivor of a shipwreck, he is stuck in a lifeboat
with a dying zebra, a hyena and Richard Parker, a 450 pound Bengal tiger from his father’s zoo…
This is pure magic! You can read it in French, the title of the French version is Histoire de Pi.

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 59
Séquence 2 — séance 5

Séance 5
J’entraîne ma mémoire
Je sais faire une prédiction à partir d’une situation
de départ fictive, irréelle
Je comprends un texte informatif pour des besoins pratiques
(les procédures d’urgence)
Je donne des définitions en utilisant le pronom relatif “that”
J’apprends à prononcer les mots composés

j ’entraîne ma mémoire
Step 14
Listen to your CD and follow the instructions. Write the answers.
1- Training N° 10
 Answer: ..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…
2- Training N° 11
 Answer: ..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…
 Answer: ..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…
3- Training N° 12
 Answer: ..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…

j e sais faire une prédiction à partir d’une situation de

départ fictive, irréelle
Exercise 10
Answer this question:
If you were on a sinking boat and you were allowed to take three objects with you on the
lifeboat, what objects would you choose? Explain why. (Si tu étais sur un bateau en train de
couler et que tu avais le droit d’emmener avec toi trois objets sur le bateau de sauvetage, quels objets
choisirais-tu ? Explique pourquoi).

60 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 5 — Séquence 2

j e comprends des instructions d’urgence

Step 15
Betty and Jenny got very interested in the story of the survivors of the Medusa. They did
some research about shipwrecks and read passages from Lord of the Flies and Life of Pi. They
also looked for emergency procedures in case of a sinking vessel. They decided to make
a poster about it to illustrate their presentation. Can you help them? (Betty et Jenny se sont
passionnées pour l’histoire des survivants de la Méduse. Elles ont fait des recherches sur les naufrages et
ont lu des passages de Lord of the Flies et Life of Pi. Elles ont aussi recherché quelles étaient les procédures
d’urgence en cas de naufrage de navire. Elles ont décidé de faire un poster à ce sujet pour enrichir l’exposé
qu’elles doivent présenter à la classe. Peux-tu les aider ?)
a- Look at their drawings. Can you help them and write a caption for each of them? All the
words you need are in bold letters in the emergency procedures document.
Elles ont decidé de faire un lexique en image. Elles ont fait ces dessins. Peux-tu les aider et
écrire une légende pour chacun d’eux. Tous les mots dont tu as besoin sont en caractères
gras dans le document de procédures d’urgence.


© Cned, Anglais 4e — 61
Séquence 2 — séance 5

b- To complete their Pictionary they wish to give a definition for each of these words. Help
them to match the definitions below with the words.
(Afin de compléter leur lexique, elles désirent donner une définition pour chacun des mots présentés.
Peux-tu les aider à associer les définitions ci-dessous à chaque mot).
a) An international radiotelephone signal word used by ships in distress. From the French
“(venez) m’aider”.
b) Floating debris.
c) A boat designed to save the lives of people in trouble at sea.
d) A drag, usually a canvas-covered conical frame, floating behind a vessel to prevent
e) A ship slowly descending beneath the water surface.
f) A device that produces a bright light for signaling.
g) An inflatable sleeveless jacket that is worn to keep a person afloat.
h) A small combined radio transmitter and receiver that can be carried around by one
i) A radio transmitter that emits a characteristic guidance signal.

Le pronom relatif that

Observe ces deux définitions :
- 1- A radio transmitter that emits a characterisitic guidance signal.

- 2- A device that produces a bright light for signaling.

Dans ces exemples, le pronom relatif that a pour antécédent non animé
(1) a radio transmitter
(2) a device
et il est le sujet du verbe de la proposition subordonnée relative
(1) emits
(2) produces

62 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 5 — Séquence 2

Cette proposition relative est indispensable au sens de la phrase. Il est plus fréquent dans ce
cas-là de trouver that que which qui est lui aussi pronom relatif sujet pour des antécédents non

Exercise 11
a- Write complete sentences linking them with the relative pronoun that.

1- A harpoon is a barbed spear determines geographic direction.

2- A blanket is a large piece of catches fish.

woven material
3- A compass is a device is given to soldiers or survivors.
4- A hook is a curved metal is thrown when hunting whales or
device sharks.
5- A ration is a fixed daily keeps you warm.
allowance of food

1- .........................................................................................................................................
2- .........................................................................................................................................
3- .........................................................................................................................................
4- .........................................................................................................................................
5- .........................................................................................................................................
b- Underline the verbs in the passive voice in the sentences you have written.

Check and correct.

j ’apprends à prononcer les mots composés

Step 16
a- Y ou have learnt many compound nouns in the previous lessons. Listen to your CD and
underline the stressed part of each compound noun.
lifeboat / lifebuoy / landfall /shipwreck / fishing-kit / survival-kit / smoke signal / drinking

Check and correct..

b- Listen and repeat.
lifeboat / lifebuoy / landfall /shipwreck / fishing-kit / survival-kit / smoke signal / drinking

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 63
Séquence 2 — séance 6

Séance 6
Je découvre des chansons associées au thème du naufrage
Je repère les points de vue lors d’une négociation

j e découvre des chansons associées au thème du


Step 17
Betty and Jenny are working on their school project. They would like to find a song which
illustrates the theme of their project. Betty has found one she likes very much. Read a
sentence from the chorus. (Betty et Jenny travaillent sur leur exposé. Elles aimeraient trouver une
musique illustrant le thème traité. Betty en a trouvé une qu’elle aime beaucoup. Lis une phrase extraite du
I’ll send an SOS to the world
a- Answer this question: if you were alone on a fully equipped lifeboat, how would you send
an SOS? Make three suggestions. (Réponds à cette question : si tu étais seul(e) sur un bateau de
sauvetage tout équipé, comment enverrais-tu un SOS ? Fais trois suggestions).

b- Now read the beginning of the song.

Just a castaway
An island lost at sea
Another lonely day
With no one here but me
More loneliness
Than any man could bear
Rescue me before I fall into despair
I’ll send an SOS to the world
I’ll send an SOS to the world
I hope that someone gets my
Message in a bottle [x2]

64 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 6 — Séquence 2

1- How would the author of the song send an SOS?

 ..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..….....………..……..…
2- Read again. The message is hidden in the verse. It is one line of the verse. Find it and
write it down.

3- Read again. What sort of feeling do these words imply: castaway, lost, lonely, no one,
despair? The answer is in the verse.
 ..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..….....………..……..…
4- This is the feeling which would prevail in a castaway’s mind. But is the author a real
castaway? Isn’t the deserted island a metaphor to express this feeling? In what other
circumstances can a man feel lonely?
Voici le sentiment dominant que peut ressentir un naufragé. Mais l’auteur est-il réellement naufragé ?
L’ile déserte n’est-elle pas une métaphore pour exprimer ce sentiment ? Dans quelle autre circonstance
un homme peut-il souffrir de solitude ?
 ..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..….....………..……..…
5- In that case, who is the “someone” of the chorus?
 ..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..….....………..……..…
c- Do you know the title of this song? Choose…
- Castaway o
- Message In A Bottle o
- SOS o

Check and correct.

le coin des curieux

Type the title of the song in a search engine, you will find the lyrics and you will be able to
listen to part of the song. It is a very famous 1979 song written and sung by Sting and the
band The Police from their second album, Regatta de Blanc.

Step 18
Jenny has found another song. It is called Auld Lang Syne. It is originally a poem written by
Robert Burns in 1788 but also a very famous traditional song.
a- Read the first verse and the chorus.
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
and never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
and auld lang syne?

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 65
Séquence 2 — séance 6

For auld lang syne, my dear,
for auld lang syne,
we’ll take a cup of kindness yet,
for auld lang syne.
b- You can hear it in a film, at the crucial moment when a very famous liner is sinking. What
is the title of this well-known film?
 ..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..….....………..……..……
c- This song is played and sung every year in most English-speaking countries. Do you know
on what occasion?
 ..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..….....………..……..……
d- Read again the extract of the song. What is the Scottish 18th century word for “old”?
 ..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..….....………..……..……
e- “auld lang syne” means
- long long ago o
- a long scene o
- hold on o
f- A feeling is mentioned in the chorus. Which one?
 ..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..….....………..……..……
g- The song celebrates
- loneliness o
- long-standing friendship o
- a cricket match o
le coin des curieux

Type the title of this song on a search engine, you will find the lyrics and you will be able to
listen to it. Wikipedia offers a 1910 version of the song which is very interesting to listen to.

j e repère les points de vue lors d’une négociation

Step 19
a- Which song would you choose if you were Betty and Jenny? Give three reasons to justify
your choice.

66 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 6 — Séquence 2

b- Listen on your CD to the conversation between Jenny and Betty about the choice of the
song. They are arguing . Write down the arguments for and against each song. Remember,
Betty is in favour of Message In A Bottle, and Jenny prefers Auld Lang Syne.

BETTY Message In A Bottle JENNY Auld Lang Syne

Arguments for Arguments against Arguments for Auld Arguments against
Message In A Bottle Auld Lang Syne Lang Syne Message In A Bottle
- - - -
- - - -
- - -

Expressions Expressions Expressions Expressions

of opinion of opinion of opinion of opinion
- - - -

c- Listen again and pick all the expressions used by Betty and Jenny to express their different
opinions. Complete the last part of the table. (Écoute à nouveau et relève toutes les expressions
utilisées par Betty et Jenny pour exprimer leurs différentes opinions. Complète la dernière partie du

Listen to your CD again, read the script. Check and correct.

Exercise 12
You gave your personal opinion in Step 18 a-. If you agreed with Betty, play her part, using
the table to have all the expressions of opinion and the proper arguments. You can also use
your own arguments. If you agreed with Jenny, do the same. There is a recording of each
girl on your CD. (Tu as donné ton opinion personnelle dans Step 18 a-. Si tu étais d’accord avec Betty,
joue son rôle en utilisant le tableau pour avoir toutes les expressions d’opinion et les arguments à utiliser.
Tu peux aussi exprimer tes propres arguments. Si tu étais d’accord avec Jenny, fais de même. Il y a un
enregistrement de chacune sur ton CD).

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 67
Séquence 2 — séance 7

Séance 7
J’entraîne ma mémoire
Je m’entraîne à rédiger la trace écrite d’une négociation
J’envoie une bouteille à la mer

j ’entraîne ma mémoire
Exercise 13
a- Remember the conversation between Betty and Jenny.
Write down as many arguments as you can remember in the appropriate boxes (for and
against). (Écris autant d’arguments que tu peux te souvenir dans les cases appropriées).

b- Remember also the expressions used by Betty and Susie to express their opinions.
Complete the appropriate boxes.
c- Listen to their conversation on your CD and complete if necessary.

j e m’entraîne à rédiger la trace écrite d’une


Step 20
Tu as vu au cours de la séance 3 comment faire une trace écrite. Tu as travaillé la manière de prendre
tes notes de façon organisée. C’est ce que tu viens de faire dans l’exercice plus haut. Nous allons
rédiger la trace écrite à partir de ces notes, comme nous l’avions fait pour décrire le tableau de
Géricault. Nous aurons besoin cependant de mots d’articulation différents, puisque nous devons
présenter ici des arguments opposés, et non une description.

a- Here are the different steps to follow to write the text. Reorder them, from 1 to 8. (Voici les
différentes étapes à suivre pour écrire le texte. Réorganise-les en les numérotant de 1 à 8).
k Give the arguments against the choice of Auld Lang Syne m

68 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 7 — Séquence 2

k State what the problem is m

k Conclude with the absence of result of the negotiation m
k Say who prefers the song Message In A Bottle m
k Give the arguments for the choice of Message In A Bottle m
k Give the arguments against the choice of Message In A Bottle m
k Give the arguments for the choice of Auld Lang Syne m
k Say who prefers the song Auld Lang Syne m

Check and correct.

b- Let’s write the text together!

Step Fill in the blanks. All the elements can be found in the previous lesson.
1  Betty and Jenny are working on their school …………….. . They would like to find
a …………….. which illustrates the theme of their project. Betty has found one she
…………….. very much. Jenny has …………….. one, too. Which one are they going
to choose?
Step Dead easy (super facile)! You don’t need any help.
2 
Step First argument: Use the expression of opinion to start the sentence. Use the 3rd
3 person! Don’t use personally; Betty is no longer the person who gives her own opinion.
 She… a fantastic song
Second argument: link it with the previous one using and that… You will have to change
the possessive adjective our into their.
 theme.
Third argument: start a new sentence. Do not repeat She thinks, use She says that…”
You will have to change the subject pronoun I into she.
F She… voice.
Step To indicate the change of arguments, use but and use Jenny’s expression of opinion.
4 You will have to change the pronoun you into her.
 But Jenny… her.
First argument: introduce it with She thinks that…
 She… song.
Second argument: introduce it with She says that… You will have to change the
subject pronoun we into they.
 She… love!
Step To indicate the change in point of view, use the adverb Anyway (de toute façon) to
5 introduce your sentence, then it is dead easy!

Step First argument: change the underlined words: My opinion is that Auld Lang Syne is the best
6 song to illustrate our project.
 project.
Second argument: link with the previous one using and that…
 Titanic.
Third argument: introduce it with She says that instead of and
 poem
Fourth argument: link it with and that
give the reason why Miss Pen will love it, using because
Don’t use the gap filler, it is no longer a conversation, but a text.
 from Scotland.

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 69
Séquence 2 — séance 7

Step To indicate the change of argument, use the preposition But. Introduce Betty’s opinion
7 with Betty says that it is…
 question.
First argument: introduce it with She thinks that…
 old-fashioned
Second argument: link it with the previous one using and that… You will have to change
the subject pronoun we into they.
 the New Year!
Third argument: introduce it with She adds (elle ajoute: cela évite d’utiliser what’s more).
You will have to replace you by Jenny.
 Kate Winslet!
Step Use an adverb to indicate the conclusion.
8  ……………..…………….., Betty and Jenny haven’t come to a decision.

Congratulations, you’ve done it! That was not an easy job!

Exercise 14
a- It would be great now to copy the text on your exercise book and make 4 different
paragraphs. Indicate the steps that correspond to the paragraphs. (Ce serait bien maintenant
de recopier le texte sur ton cahier d’exercice en faisant quatre paragraphes différents. Indique de quelles
parties les paragraphes seront constitués. Les premiers deux paragraphes te serviront d’exemple).
For example:
Paragraph One: Step 1
Paragraph Two: Steps 2, 3 and 4
Now, your turn!
Paragraph Three:
Paragraph Four:

Check and correct.

b- Now you can copy your text.

Send a message in a bottle

Step 21
What you need:

a bottle shells a cork parchment

a ribbon sand a pen

What you can do:

Write a message to your best friend or a member of your family. It can be an invitation or a
birthday card, or just a friendly message. Use parchment-like paper, draw nice letters. Roll
your paper and tie it with a ribbon. Put your message in the bottle. Add shells, sand, why not
nice confetti. Seal your bottle with the cork. Give it as a present!
That is an original way of sending a message!

70 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 7 — Séquence 2

Here is a message for you!

Do you know the very sentimental novel Message In A Bottle, by Nicholas Sparks? It was made
into a drama film starring Kevin Costner. It is a love story initiated by… a message in a
bottle! The French version of both book and film is Une bouteille à la mer.

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 71
Séquence 2 — séance 8

Séance 8
j e m’évalue

Exercise 1
Qu’as-tu retenu de l’extrait du roman Lord of the Flies ?
Say everything you can about the following items. (Dis tout ce que tu peux sur les éléments suivants).

The book

The plot (l’intrigue)

Piggy (physical characteristics, feelings)

Ralph (feelings)

The films

Exercise 2
Sais-tu exprimer des possibilités ?
Translate into English.
1- Il se peut que Ralph et Piggy soient naufragés sur une île déserte.
 ..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..….....………..……..…
2- Il se peut que Ralph trouve de la nourriture.
 ..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..….....………..……..…
3- Il se peut qu’ils ne meurent pas de faim.
 ..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..….....………..……..…
4- Il se peut que Piggy casse ses lunettes.
 ..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..….....………..……..…
5- Il se peut que les autres enfants soient morts.
 ..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..….....………..……..…

to be dead: être mort

to die: mourir
death: la mort


Exercise 3
Ta mémoire est-elle bien entraînée ? Attention, la liste va être plus longue qu’au cours des
séances d’entraînement.

72 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 8 — Séquence 2

Listen to your CD and follow the instructions. Write the answers.

1- Training N° 13
 Answer: .......................................................................................................................
2- Training N° 14
 Answer: .......................................................................................................................
 Answer: .......................................................................................................................
3- Training N° 15
 Answer: .......................................................................................................................

Exercise 4
Sais-tu construire un verbe à la voix passive ?
Write complete sentences.
Ex. : The Raft of the Medusa /(paint)/ Gericault
+ The Raft of the Medusa was painted by Gericault.
1- Lord of the Flies / (write)/ William Golding in 1954
 ..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..….....………..……..…
2- Message In A Bottle / (record) / Sting and the group Police in an album called Regatta de Blanc
 ..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..….....………..……..…
3- A message in a bottle /(find) / the main female character in Nicholas Spark’s book
 ..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..….....………..……..…
4- Richard Parker, the Bengal tiger / (save) / 16-year-old boy named Pi.
 ..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..….....………..……..…


Exercise 5
Tu vas faire un exercice amusant qui s’appelle Funny Fill-in que tu pourras proposer à des amis
qui parlent anglais. Tu dois laisser aller ton imagination. Essayons.
- a proper noun: - an object:
- a date: - something to drink:
- the name of someone famous: - something to eat:
- a number: - the name of a famous French monument:
- the name of a country: - the name of a French city:
- a second number:
Cet exercice est loin d’être fini, tu le poursuivras lors de la révision de la séance 4.

Exercise 6
Sais-tu prononcer les mots se terminant par -tion ou -sion ?
a- Write three words from the lesson finishing by -tion and underline the stressed syllables.
(Écris trois mots de la leçon finissant par -tion et souligne les syllabes accentuées).
1- …..…………..……………..…………..……………..…………..……………..…………..…………......
2- …..…………..……………..…………..……………..…………..……………..…………..…………......
3- …..…………..……………..…………..……………..…………..……………..…………..…………......

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 73
Séquence 2 — séance 8

b- Read these words aloud. (Lis ces mots à voix haute).

c- Write the pronunciation rule. You can write it in French. (Écris la règle de prononciation. Tu
peux l’écrire en français si tu veux).
 ..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..….....………..…….....

Exercise 7
Veux-tu continuer l’exercice 5 ? C’est maintenant que les choses vont devenir bizarres !
Include the words you gave in Exercise 5 in the text below. (Inclus dans le texte ci-dessous les mots
que tu as donnés dans l’exercice 5).

The Raft of the (a proper noun) ………………………………………………… was painted in

(date) …………. by (someone famous) …………….. . This painting is approximately (number )
……………………. meters high and seven meters large.
It tells the story of the (proper noun) ……………………, which was shipwrecked off the coast
of (name of country) ………………… . (A second number) people were cast away on a (object)
……………… with just (something to drink) ………………….. and (something to eat) ……………………
to eat and drink. At the end fifteen survivors were rescued. The characters on the raft are
dead, dying, or looking at a ship coming to their rescue.
This painting is exhibited in the Painting section in the (name of a famous French monument)
………………………., in (name of a French city) ………………….. .
This is a strange text, isn’t it? That is why it is called a “Funny Fill-in”!

Exercise 8
Plus sérieusement, connais-tu bien le tableau de Géricault ?
Write the correct version of the text. Use the one above as a help. (Écris le texte correct. Utilise
celui ci-dessus comme aide).

Exercise 9
Sais-tu exprimer des prédictions à partir d’une situation de départ fictive, irréelle ?
Answer this very difficult question giving three different possibilities.
What would you do if you had a tiger in your lifeboat?

74 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 8 — Séquence 2


Exercise 10
Connais-tu le matériel du kit de survie en cas de naufrage ?
Write the name of the device or the object described in the definitions. (Écris le nom du matériel
décrit dans les définitions).
1- A ………………….. is a barbed spear that is shot when hunting whales or sharks.
2- A ………………….. is a large piece of woven material that keeps your warm.
3- A ………………….. is a device that determines geographic direction.
4- A ………………….. is a curved metal device that catches fish.
5- A ………………….. is a fixed daily allowance of food that is given to soldiers or survivors.


Exercise 11
Connais-tu le matériel du kit de survie en cas de naufrage ? (Connais-tu bien les chansons travaillées
au cours de ces deux séances ?)
Here is one extract:
‘We’ll take a cup of kindness yet’
a- What is the title of the song it is taken from?
 ..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..….....………..…….....
b- On what occasion do English-speaking people sing this song?
 ..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..….....………..…….....
c- Give the three arguments Jenny gives in favour of this song:
 ..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..….....………..…….....
 ..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..….....………..…….....
 ..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..….....………..…….....
d- Give the three arguments Betty gives against the choice of this song for their project.
 ..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..….....………..…….....
 ..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..….....………..…….....
 ..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..….....………..…….....

Relis tous les « Je retiens » de la séquence afin d’être au point

pour la tâche finale dont l’activité langagière dominante sera la
compréhension de l’oral.

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 75

Séquence 3
Communication Civilisation Grammaire Phonologie Méthodologie

Séance 1 Comprendre un Un établisse- L’école Savoir parcourir

Letter from the message de cor- ment scolaire en Lexique de cor- un document
Headmaster, respondance Grande Bretagne respondance rapidement pur
email to family managed to comprendre le
sens général

Séance 2 Comprendre un « Assembly » Matières sco- Prononciation Savoir utiliser

The Headmas- message oral en Matières sco- laires des matières les mots trans-
ter’s Speech, continu laires scolaires parents

Séance 3 Comprendre un Vie scolaire Modaux et péri- Savoir repérer

Code of texte informatif phrases modales des informations
Conduct (rebrassage) dans un docu-
Vie scolaire ment

Séance 4 Comprendre un « Extra-curricular Present Perfect Savoir inférer

Email message de cor- activities » « Extra-curricular le sens de mots
Timetable respondance activities inconnus

Séance 5 Comprendre un « Extra-curricular Present Perfect le son [I1] Savoir inférer

Internet chat message de cor- activities » le sens de mots
respondance inconnus

Séance 6 Repérer des Duke of Edin- “yet” et “al- Savoir inférer

Affiche , informations burgh’s Awards ready” le sens de mots
dialogue ciblées sur une inconnus

Séance 7 Comprendre un Un établisse- Lexique et Savoir prédire

Emily’s pre- message oral en ment scolaire orthographe le contenu d’un
sentation continu aux Etats-Unis britanniques/ texte
The Pledge of américains
Allegiance (quelques diffé-

Séance 8
Je m’évalue

76 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 1 — Séquence 3

Séance 1
J’apprends à parcourir un document rapidement
pour comprendre le sens général
J’apprends à commencer et à terminer une lettre

Step 1
Tu vas lire le document ci-dessous. Il faut le lire rapidement pour te saisir de l’idée générale.

Avant de commencer, regarde la présentation du document et imagine de quel type de document

il s’agit.

Ensuite, lis la première phrase et essaie d’imaginer le sujet.

Lis le début de chaque paragraphe pour voir si tu as raison.

Ensuite lis le texte rapidement, concentre ta lecture sur les mots que tu comprends et tenir
compte de ceux que tu ne comprends pas.

Maintenant, en français, réponds aux trois questions suivantes.

1- De quel type de document s’agit-il ?................................................................................
2- Qui l’a écrit ? . ...............................................................................................................
3- À qui a-t-il été envoyé ?...................................................................................................

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 77
Séquence 3 — séance 1

Document A

Buckhamton College
Buckhampton College
126 Westham Road
Buckhampton DX1 2PP
Great Britain
Ms Emily Steen,
1605 Palace Boulevard
Wildwood NJ 08260
15th September 2009
Dear Emily,
I am pleased to inform you that you have been accepted on the school exchange
program this year. We will be pleased to welcome you to our school for two
weeks, from the 25th of October to the 8th of November.
You will be staying in the girls’ boarding house while you are here, and will have
your meals at the school cafeteria.
You will be one of a number of exchange students in our school at that time. We
do not expect exchange students to purchase a school uniform for such a short
time but you must wear blue pullovers while you are here (the school uniform is
To get to the school you have to take the train from London and then the number
42 bus from the station. Please arrive at the school before 10 pm on Sunday,
25th October.
We are looking forward to meeting you,
Yours sincerely,
John Glanville

Exercise 1
Now read the letter again and find the following information. (Lis la lettre de nouveau et trouve
les informations suivantes).
1- Letter sent by (lettre envoyée par) ...................................................................... .
2- His job : . ...................................................................................................... .
3- Country of residence .....................................................................................
4- Letter sent to (lettre envoyée à) ......................................................................... .
5- Country of residence .....................................................................................

78 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 1 — Séquence 3

6- Emily has been accepted for ..........................................................................

7- She will stay for ................................................ weeks
8- Arrival date: ..................................................................................................
9- Departure date: ............................................................................................
10- She will stay in ..............................................................................................
11- She will eat ...................................................................................................
12- Uniform? ......................................................................................................
13- Transport : a) ...................................... b) ...................................................
14- She must arrive .............................................................................................

Tu as certainement réussi à répondre aux questions malgré la présence de quelques mots et

expressions inconnus. Maintenant tu vas essayer de les deviner. Tu vas t’appuyer sur le contexte.

Exercise 2
Entoure la bonne réponse
1- boarding house: a) pensionnat b) internat c) hôtel
2- purchase: a) acheter b) emprunter c) louer
3- we do not expect: a) nous ne demandons pas que b) nous ne voulons pas que
4- we are looking forward to seeing you: a) nous pourrions peut-être nous rencontrer avant
b) nous serons heureux de vous rencontrer
5- Headmaster: a) maître b) principal c) gardien

j e retiens
Avant de lire un document pour la première fois, regarde le titre, d’éventuelles illustrations,
et la mise en page du document pour t’aider à former une idée de son contenu.
Ensuite, lis la première phrase et essaie d’imaginer le sujet. Lis le texte aussi rapidement
que possible, sans t’arrêter sur les mots que tu ne comprends pas et en t’appuyant sur les
mots que tu comprends, pour te saisir du sens global. Cette approche va te permettre de
mieux construire ta compréhension détaillée ensuite, ou même de décider si le document
t’est utile ou non. C’est exactement ce que tu fais quand tu regardes un livre ou un
magazine en français avant de l’acheter ! Tu le prends, tes yeux parcourent la couverture
pour savoir de quoi il s’agit et pour savoir si ça t’intéresse.
Pour comprendre le sens général, tu n’as pas besoin de tous les mots. Ne t’arrête pas sur
les mots que tu ne comprends pas. Il est, d’ailleurs, souvent possible de deviner leur sens
ensuite, s’il le faut.

Step 2
Applique cette méthode de lecture rapide pour explorer ce deuxième document. N’oublie pas, une
fois la première lecture faite, de faire une petite pause pendant laquelle tu feras le bilan de ce
que tu auras lu. Ensuite tu pourras lire pour une compréhension plus détaillée et, éventuellement,
pour pouvoir répondre à des questions.

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 79
Séquence 3 — séance 1

Document B

TO: j2stee1n @aol.com


Subject: Arrived in England!

Buckhampton, Monday October 26th.

Dear Mom and Dad,
I arrived here last night after a long trip!
My plane was late so I missed the 8 o’ clock train. I had to wait for 45 minutes for
the next one but I managed to get to the school by 10pm so it was ok!
I am sharing a room with two girls. They are exchange students like me.
I have to go...I’m late again! The headmaster is going to introduce us to all the
students at Assembly. (I am not sure what assembly is!)
Bye for now,


Exercise 3
1- This mail was written a) before Document A b) after Document A (circle the correct answer).

2- Mail sent by: .................................................................................................................

3- Mail sent to: . ................................................................................................................

4- Where is Emily now?: . ...................................................................................................

5- Problem: .......................................................................................................................

6- Reason for problem: . ....................................................................................................

7- Wait for train: ..................... minutes

8- Arrived: a) before 10 pm b) after 10 pm

9- Where is she going now?................................................................................................

10- Use the context to find the meaning:

I) trip: a) nuit b) voyage c) promenade

II) missed: a) pris b) raté

III) I’m sharing: a) je partage b) je nettoie c) j’ occupe

IV) to introduce: a) présenter à b) montrer

80 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 1 — Séquence 3

Bravo ! Tu as certainement pu répondre aux questions même si le sens de quelques mots ou

expressions reste un peu flou. Ce n’est pas grave. Tu n’es pas obligé de comprendre tous les
mots d’un texte pour comprendre l’essentiel. Et puis ne l’oublie pas, le sens de certains mots et
expressions change selon le contexte.

Step 3
S’adresser à quelqu’un par courrier ou par mail.

As-tu remarqué que Mr Glanville et Emily ont commencé leurs courriers par la même formule
« Dear ». Bien que tu puisses commencer un mail à un ami par « Hi » ou « Hello », il est plus
poli d’utiliser « Dear ».

En revanche, il existe plusieurs façons de terminer une correspondance. Tu utilises

« Yours sincerely » pour des courriers formels et tu peux utiliser « Love » pour un mail ou lettre
que tu envoies aux membres de sa famille ou à une amie. Les garçons n’aiment pas trop
cette formule et terminent souvent avec « Regards » ou simplement « Bye for now ».

Step 4
Regarde cette phrase d’Emily :

I managed to get to the school by 10pm so it was ok!

Quand tu utilises cette expression tu indiques que tu as réussi à faire quelque chose mais que
c’était difficile. Quand tu n’as pas réussi tu dis simplement « I didn’t manage to ».

Exercise 4

Example: It was a difficult match but Manchester United beat Liverpool.

Manchester United managed to beat Liverpool.
1- The exam was very difficult but I passed.

2- The trip was very long but we arrived before night.

3- I had to run for the bus but I caught it.

I ....................................................................................................................................
4- The supermarket was closed when I arrived so I didn’t buy any milk.

I ....................................................................................................................................

Attention : « pass an exam » c’est réussir un examen, ou avoir la moyenne. Pour dire
« passer un examen » tu dis « do an exam ».

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 81
Séquence 3 — séance 2

Séance 2
J’apprends à lire un emploi de temps
J’apprends les matières étudiées en Grande Bretagne

Step 5
Emily est une jeune américaine qui passe deux semaines dans un établissement scolaire anglais
dans le cadre d’un échange.

Le lundi matin, le lendemain de son arrivée, elle assiste à « Assembly ». Au moins une fois
par semaine dans des établissements scolaires en Grande Bretagne tous les élèves (et leurs
professeurs) sont réunis et écoutent un discours du principal.

Selon l’établissement, on appelle le principal « The Headmaster » (« The Headmistress » s’il

s’agit d’une femme) ou simplement, « The Head Teacher ». Les élèves, en général, disent « The
Head ».

Pendant « Assembly » le principal donne des informations d’ordre général, et félicite des élèves
qui ont progressé ou brillé lors de rencontres sportives.

Exercise 5
Listen to the headmaster and complete the table. (Écoute le principal et complète le tableau).

1- The parent teacher meeting is on ..................................... at ..........................................

2- The school orchestra concert is on ..................................... at . ......................................
3- Peter Dunne, from Year .................. was the winner of a ....................... championship.
4- Three exchange students:
a) Sophie from .................................
b) Susie from . ..................................
c) Emily from ...................................
5- They are in Year .................................. .
6- They have to see Mrs Carpenter in Room ................ in Block ...................... .

7- Mrs Carpenter will give them their .......................................... .

8- What about their clothes?
a) ......................................................................................................................
b) ......................................................................................................................
c) ......................................................................................................................

82 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 2 — Séquence 3

Step 6
Mrs Carpenter gave the girls their timetable.

Buckhamton College Year 9 Timetable

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

8.15 Assembly Free Free Free Assembly

8.25 Registration
Physical Religious
8.55 Chemistry German French
Education Studies

9.35 Chemistry Mathematics French Geography
10.15 Drama Mathematics Biology English History
11.15 Drama Mathematics Biology Mathematics History
11.55 English Chemistry Drama Physics

12.35 LUNCH
1.10 Registration
Information Information
1.15 English Physics English Communication Communication
Technology Technology
1.55 German English Music Art German
2.35 French English Music Art Biology

Exercise 6
Look at the timetable and answer the questions:
1- What subject do the girls have after Assembly on Mondays? ...................................
2- What is their last class on Fridays? . ........................................................................
3- What class do they have at 11.15 on Tuesdays? . ......................................................
4- What do they have at 3.15? ....................................................................................

Est-il facile de comprendre cet emploi du temps ? En effet, tu peux comprendre assez facilement
car la plupart des matières sont des mots « transparents », c’est-à-dire des mots qui, à l’écrit,
ressemblent à leur traduction française.

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 83
Séquence 3 — séance 2

j e retiens
Beaucoup de mots en anglais sont d’origine latine ou française, et quand tu lis, tu peux
facilement deviner leur sens. Attention, à l’oral, la prononciation est souvent très différente
du français et, si tu les prononces à la française, un anglophone ne va pas comprendre.

Exercise 7

Listen to your CD and repeat: registration – assembly – chemistry – drama – art – music
– physics – geography – ICT – information – communication – technology

Exercise 8

Listen to your CD and write:

1 .............................. 2 .............................. 3 ..............................

4 .............................. 5 ..............................

Le sens de quelques mots ou matières reste à éclaircir mais tu peux le deviner aisément. Information
Communication Technology ou ICT est composé de trois mots transparents. Physical Education,
ou « PE » ressemble aussi à une matière française. Inverse le P et le E et tu pourras le trouver ! Les
élèves en Grande Bretagne ont des cours de theâtre. Quelle matière dans l’emploi de temps d’Emily
pourrait y correspondre ?

En France nous n’avons ni Assembly ni « Registration ». Il s’agit simplement de l’appel. En général

dans les établissements en Grande Bretagne les élèves se présentent à leur professeur principal deux
fois dans la journée et c’est lui qui fait l’appel.

Par ailleurs tu as certainement remarqué que les élèves en Grande Bretagne suivent « Religious
Studies », une matière où les élèves étudient la réligion en général plutôt qu’une religion spécifique.

Nous n’avons pas parlé de : « extra-curricular activities ». Pour cela il faudra lire le mail d’Emily en
Séance 4 !

84 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 3 — Séquence 3

Séance 3
J’apprends à prélever des informations dans un document
J’exprime l’idée d’obligation et d’interdiction

Step 7
When the girls saw Mrs Carpenter she also gave them this document.

Buckhampton College
Code of Conduct for Day Pupils and Boarders
1 Pupils should attend school every day and be punctual.
2 If you arrive late, you must go to the School Office before entering class.
3 Pupils must be present in school all day and mustn’t leave without permission.
Only the Headmaster or the Deputy Headmaster can give pupils permission to
4 Any absence must be explained with an official note from parent or guardian
when the pupil returns to school. Please leave the note in the special box in the
School Office.
1 Pupils who are sick during the day should see a teacher for written permission to
go to the School Clinic.
2 Pupils may only go to the clinic for a short time. If their illness persists their par-
ents will be contacted.
1 All pupils must wear the school uniform at all times. If you cannot wear your uni-
form when you arrive, explain the problem to your form teacher at registration.
2 Pupils are not allowed to wear body piercing jewellery except earrings.
3 Pupils are forbidden to wear excessive make-up.
1 Pupils are not allowed to use mobile phones during the day.
1 Boarders are allowed to go into the town from 5pm to 6.30 pm
2 Boarders may use mobile phones from 5pm to 9pm, inside the boarding house

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 85
Séquence 3 — séance 3

Exercise 9

A- Read the document rapidly and say which title in French corresponds best.
(Lis le document rapidement et choisis le titre en français qui lui correspond le mieux)

(circle the right answer)

1- Les études à Buckhampton.

2- Les activités peri-scolaires.

3- Le règlement intérieur du lycée.

B- How many sections are there in the document?

(Combien de rubriques composent ce document ?)

4- ................................................................

Exercise 10

Answer these questions as rapidly as possible. (Réponds aux questions aussi rapidement que
possible. Tu peux même te chronométrer !)

1- What must you do if you are late? .................................................................................

2- Who must you see if you have to go to the pharmacy during the day?


3- If you have been absent, what do you need when you return to school?


4- What must you do with the note?


5- If you feel ill in class, who should you see?.......................................................................

6- If there is a problem with your uniform what must you do?


7- Is it possible to wear piercing jewellery in your nose? ........................................................

8- If you are a boarder can you use a mobile phone? ............................................................

Tu viens d’effectuer une tâche de lecture rapide en cherchant des informations très précises au sein
d’un document. Les anglophones appellent ce type de lecture « scanning » car tes yeux parcourent
le document très rapidement à la cherche de l’information qui convient. C’est le type de lecture que
tu fais quand tu cherches ton nom dans une liste, quand tu cherches les résultats de ton équipe
préférée dans le journal ou les heures de départ des trains.

86 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 3 — Séquence 3

j e retiens
Quand je cherche une information précise dans un texte je fais du « scanning ». Je ne suis
pas obligé ni de tout comprendre ni de tout lire. Si je sais quelles informations je cherche,
je peux même lire des documents qui contiennent beaucoup de mots nouveaux. Mes yeux
parcourent la page et je prélève les informations que je cherche.

Cherche tous les verbes et expressions qui expliquent des obligations et des permissions dans le
Ensuite complète les cases :

Interdiction : ....................... ......................... ...........................

Obligation : . ....................... ......................... ...........................

Permission : . ....................... ......................... ...........................

Le document ne mentionne pas l’absence d’obligation. Te souviens-tu de la manière de dire que

quelque chose n’est pas obligé ? Si tu ne te souviens pas, tu peux trouver un exemple dans la lettre
du Headmaster à Emily en Séance 1.

Rappel :

Tu peux utiliser un verbe modal ou une expression équivalente quand tu exprimes une
obligation ou une interdiction.
Pour dire que tu es obligé(e) de faire quelque chose tu dis « I must » ou « I have to ». Pour dire
que tu ne dois pas, tu dis « I mustn’t ». Quand il n’y a ni obligation ni interdiction tu dis « I don’t
have to ».
Quand on te donne la permission on dit « you can » ou « you may ». On peut aussi employer
l’expression “you are allowed to”.
Tu utilises “should” pour donner un conseil ou une recommandation.

Exercise 11
Complete these sentences logically. (Complète les phrases de façon logique)
1- In France students ....................................................................... uniforms.
2- At Buckhampton College boarders are .................................................. .... use mobile
.................................................................................................................. phones in the
3- In France you ................................. smoke cigarettes in public places.
4- Most pupils in Great Britain ...................................... wear uniforms.
5- People .............................. not smoke: it’s dangerous!
6- You ............................... wear earrings in Buckhampton if you want to.

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 87
Séquence 3 — séance 4

Séance 4
J’apprends à faire le bilan de ce que j’ai fait
J’apprends les noms de quelques « extra-curricular activities »
J’apprends à inférer le sens de mots inconnus

Step 8
Read the email that Emily sent to her friend Joanna and answer the questions. (Lis le mail
qu’Emily envoie à son amie et réponds aux questions).

TO: joann2asqui2res@yahoo.com


Dear Joanna,
I’m having a great time here in England on my exchange program. I am in a
boarding-school called Buckhampton College. It’s near Oxford. Some students
are boarders like me and others are day pupils. The day pupils don’t stay in
school at night, they sleep at home. All the students wear blue uniforms!
The best part of school here is the extra-curricular activities. I’ve tried waterpolo.
It was great fun but very tiring. I’ve also done yoga. It was fun too.
I’d like to try archery tomorrow. I’ve never tried archery before.
I don’t know what the Duke of Edinburgh Awards is. I must ask one of the Eng-
lish pupils.
We’ve just had Drama and I really enjoyed it. We had to pretend that we were
characters in a mystery story.
I share my room with two other girls, Sophie from France and Susie, who is from
Australia. They are really nice.
I have to go now, it’s time for lunch!


PS I have attached the list of extra-curricular activities for Year 9. What would
you like to do?

88 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 4 — Séquence 3

Exercise 12
Read the text rapidly and answer questions 1-3. Then read it again and answer questions 4
to 10. (Lis le texte rapidement d’abord et réponds aux trois premières questions. Lis le texte de nouveau
avant de répondre aux questions 4 - 10)
1- Subject of Emily’s mail: a) the weather in England (circle the right answer)

b) places she has visited

c) her life in school

2- Her opinion is a) positive b) negative (circle the right answer)

3- What is the principal subject of her mail (quel est le sujet le plus important de son mail) ?

4- Is Emily happy in England? Yes No (circle the right answer)

5- What is the name of the school? . .....................

6- What town is near the school? . ........................

7- What colour are the uniforms? .........................

8- What extra-curricular activities has Emily tried? a) ..........................................................

b) ..........................................................

9- What does she want to try next week? ...........................................................................

10- Who does she share her room with? a) ............................... b) ....................................

11- Her opinion of the girls is a) positive b) negative (circle the right answer)

12- What does Emily call the pupils who don’t sleep in the school? ......................................

Exercise 13
Tu vas maintenant regarder le premier paragraphe de plus près. Comment Emily appelle-
t-elle les élèves qui ne dorment pas à l’école ? (Si tu as répondu à la question 12 tu as déjà
la réponse). Tu devras pouvoir trouver le mot dans le premier paragraphe qui désigne le
contraire, c’est-à-dire les élèves qui sont logés à l’école. Quel est ce mot ?
1- ........................................................................

À l’aide de ce mot trouve le mot pour désigner une école où les élèves peuvent être logés :

2- ........................................................................

Peux-tu donner l’équivalent des deux mots en français ?

3- ...................................................... 4- ...........................................................

Bravo! Tu viens d’accomplir un bon travail d’inférence. Inférer un mot c’est deviner son sens à
partir des indices dans le texte. Il y a plusieurs façons d’inférer le sens d’un mot inconnu. Ici tu as
utilisé une expression plutôt facile à comprendre, « day pupils », pour trouver le sens d’un autre
mot, à qui il était, visiblement, opposé.

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 89
Séquence 3 — séance 4

Step 9
This is the attachment that Emily sent to Joanna. It’s the list of extra-curricular activities
for Year 9 students. (Voici la pièce jointe qu’Emily a envoyée à Joanna. Il s’agit de la liste d’activités
proposées aux élèves de Year 9)


Waterpolo Swimming pool Mr Brown
Photography club D106
Netball (girls) Gym Ms Smith
Cricket (boys) Pitch B Mr Khan
Yoga Hall Ms Walsh
Cookery club Kitchen Mr Mann
Choir Hall Ms Macari
WEDNESDAY Football (boys) Football pitch Mr Watchorn
Basketball (girls) Gym Ms Russell
School Orchestra Hall Mr Purcell
Archery D206 Mr White
Debating Club D125 Ms Wilde

FRIDAY Duke of A 107 Ms Kennedy

Edinburgh Awards

Exercise 14
Answer Emily’s question! Which activities would you like to do? Write three sentences:
1- ............................................................................................................
2- ............................................................................................................
3- ............................................................................................................

j e retiens
Dans les pays anglophones, les « extra-curricular activities » sont très importants. Ils
se déroulent à la fin des cours. La liste proposée à Emily est assez représentative des
activités proposées dans les établissements publics et privés. En général ils sont sous la
responsabilité des professeurs de l’établissement. Ainsi tu peux faire du basket avec ton
professeur d’anglais et de la cuisine avec ton professeur de français !

Step 10
Regarde de nouveau ces 3 phrases d’Emily :
I’ve tried waterpolo.
I’ve also done netball.
I’ve never tried archery before.
90 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 4 — Séquence 3

Mercredi midi : Emily fait le bilan des activités qu’elle a essayées. Elle constate aussi qu’elle n’a
jamais essayé le tir à l’arc. Pour faire ce bilan elle utilise le « Present Perfect ».

Tu utilises le « Present Perfect » pour évoquer un bilan ou un constat. Il y a toujours un lien entre
le passé et la situation présente.

Tu formes le « Present Perfect » avec l’auxilaire « have » (has à la 3e personne du singulier), suivi
du participe passé du verbe (base verbale + ed pour des verbes réguliers). Les anglophones
utilisent beaucoup les formes contractées « I’ve, he’s » etc.

Dans les phrases négatives, la négation (« not » ou « never ») est placée entre « have/has » et le
participe passé : « ’ve never tried archery ».

Dans les phrases interrogatives le sujet est placé après l’auxiliaire.

“Have you finished your homework”?

Le « Present Perfect » est souvent utilisé avec « just » pour évoquer ce qui vient de se passer :

“We’ve just had Drama”.

Exercise 15

Complete this table

base verbale prétérit participe passé

try tried
play played
do did

j e retiens
Pour faire une phrase au « Present Perfect » j’ai besoin du participe passé. Les verbes
réguliers forment leur participe passé en ajoutant –ed à la base verbale, c’est donc la
même forme qu’au prétérit. Pour les verbes irréguliers, il faut chercher dans la troisième
colonne dans ta table de verbes irréguliers.

Exercise 16

Choose 3 activities from Emily’s list and say if you have tried this activity. (Choisis trois activités
de la liste d’Emily et dis si tu les a déjà essayées).

Ex I’ve played netball/I’ve never played netball.

1- ............................................................................................................

2- ............................................................................................................

3- ............................................................................................................

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 91
Séquence 3 — séance 5

Séance 5
J’apprends à développer ma compréhension écrite
J’apprends à utiliser des verbes irréguliers au « Present Perfect »

Step 11
Emily is chatting to her friend Joanna on the Internet. Joanna is in America.
What do you think they will chat about? Tick the boxes.
– the weather r
– family r
– school r
– England r
– friends r
Now read their exchanges and see if you were right.

Hi Joanna!
Hi Emily, how are you? What time is it in England?
It’s 4pm here. It must be really early in New Jersey.
It’s 11 am here. I’ve just woken up. I never wake up early on Saturdays. How’s
school? It sounds really weird. Are all English schools boarding schools?
No they’re not. Most British schools are not boarding schools. Buckhampton is
a private school so it’s got day pupils and boarders. It’s called a “public” school
here but it’s a private school. Here in Britain they call public schools “state
Weird! Do you have to wear a uniform?
No, I’m lucky! Exchange students don’t have to wear them.
Have you done any more extra-curricular activities? The list looked really inter-

92 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 5 — Séquence 3

No, I haven’t. I’d like to try the Duke of Edinburgh Awards Group but I don’t really
understand what it is.
Have you done anything else interesting?
Well, I’ve met lots of nice people and I’ve made some new friends. I’ve done two
French classes! I’ve never done French before. It’s weird! You have to speak
with a really funny accent. Now, how about you? Any news?
Not really! I’ve been to the gym three times this week. I’ve eaten in that new res-
taurant on Main Street. Things in school here are OK. I’ve finished my project on
Asia for geography class. Oh, and yesterday Billy Evans went to sleep in class.
The principal was really cross and they called his Mom.
Billy Evans, he’s really weird! OK, time to go!
See you soon.
OK, see you soon.

So, were you right?

Now, see if you can answer these questions:
1- Where is Joanna? ...................................................................................................
2- What day is it? .......................................................................................................
3- How do you know? ................................................................................................
4- You learn two things about Buckhampton. What are they?
a) ..............................................................................
b) ..............................................................................
5- Are all British schools boarding schools? . ...............................................................
6- Would Emily like to wear a uniform? . .....................................................................
7- How do you know? ................................................................................................
8- Has Emily done any more extra-curricular activities? . ..............................................
9- What else has Emily done?
a) ..........................................................................................................................
b) ..........................................................................................................................
c) ..........................................................................................................................

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 93
Séquence 3 — séance 5

10- How about Joanna? What has she done?

a) ..........................................................................................................................

b) ..........................................................................................................................

c) ..........................................................................................................................

11- What about Billy Evans? .........................................................................................

12- What word does Emily use to describe Billy? ...........................................................

Le mot “weird” apparaît dans le premier paragraphe. Il est peu probable que tu connaisses ce
mot et le contexte ne donne pas trop d’indices. Comment peux-tu deviner le sens ? Dans un
premier temps, continue ta lecture. « Weird » va être utilisé encore trois fois et cela va t’aider.

Quel est le sentiment exprimé par Joanna quand Emily lui explique que les « public schools »
sont en réalité des écoles privés ? Comprend-elle facilement ? Est-ce qu’elle trouve cela
étrange ?

Quelle est la réaction d’Emily aux cours de français ?

Le comportement de Billy est-il normal ? Anormal ?

Essaie de trouver un point commun entre les différentes utilisations de « weird » et décide quel
mot français lui semble le plus proche :

a) méchant b) bête c) bizarre

j e retiens
Un mot inconnu est parfois répété dans un document. Cette répétition est plutôt une aide
qu’un obstacle car, très souvent, en comparant les différentes utilisations du mot, tu peux
trouver une idée commune, et donc son sens général.

Lis l’échange de nouveau. Essaie de souligner les occurences du « Present Perfect » dans le texte
et recopie trois exemples ici :

1- ........................................................................

2- ........................................................................

3- ........................................................................

Est-ce que les filles disent quand elles avaient fait l’activité ? Non. Elles se contentent de faire
le bilan de leurs activités au moment de parler. C’est justement parce qu’elles font un bilan
qu’elles utilisent le « Present Perfect ».

Plusieurs verbes utilisés au « Present Perfect » sont irréguliers. Voici leur base verbale et le prétérit
de certains. Peux-tu compléter le tableau ? Le « chat » entre Emily et Joanna peut t’aider.

94 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 5 — Séquence 3

Exercise 17

base verbale prétérit participe passé

wake (up) woke
eat ate

Exercise 18

What have you done this week? Write full sentences (affirmative or negative). You can use
the ideas in the box.

(Qu’as tu fait cette semaine, jusqu’à aujourd’hui ? Écris des phrases complètes, affirmatives ou négatives.
Tu peux utiliser les idées de l’encadré).

Sport (play - do - try)

School (do a test)
Film/Cinema (see)
Football/Basketball stadium (see a match)
Restaurant (eat at)
Programmes on TV (watch)

j e retiens
Attention tu n’utilises jamais « practise » et un sport (practise : répéter/s’entraîner)
Tu dis :
do athletics – play basketball – do jazz dance – play tennis
Attention : weird [wI1d]
Malgré son orthographe, « weird » rime avec beaucoup de mots dont le son [I1]
s’écrit « ea » ou « ere » : dear – near – beard – here – sincere

Exercise 19

Listen and repeat the words: weird – dear – near – beard – here – sincere

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 95
Séquence 3 — séance 6

Séance 6
J’apprends à utiliser « yet » et « already »
Je pratique l’inférence
J’apprends des informations concernant le “Duke of Edinburgh’s Awards”

Step 12
Emily se promène dans les couloirs à Buckhampton quand elle voit cette affiche pour le Duke of
Edinburgh’s Awards. Découvre-la avec elle !

Regarde les questions en rouge et souligne le sujet de chaque question. S’il y a des mots que tu ne
comprends pas, ne t’inquiète pas. Tu vas essayer de les deviner plus tard.

Essaie ensuite de relier chaque sujet à l’une des quatre colonnes : « Volunteering, Physical, Skills,
Expedition ».

Quand tu auras terminé, réponds à cette question :

Quel mot en français correspond le mieux à « Skills » ? Entoure-le.

a) jeux b) loisirs c) compétences

Vérifie tes réponses

Bravo ! Tu as de nouveau fait appel à l’inférence en devinant le sens d’un mot inconnu
à partir des indices dans le texte.


Do you like adventure?
Would you like to learn new skills?
Do you want to help people?
Do you like physical activity?
Are you 14 or older?
COME TO ROOM A107 this Friday at 5pm
Start a programme and win an award!
There are three levels: Bronze, Silver and Gold. If you are 14 you can start a
Bronze programme now!
Here’s what you have to do!

96 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 6 — Séquence 3

Physical programme Skills programme Expedition
Plan, train for and
3 months 3 months 3 months complete a two-day,
one-night expedition!
Helping children, You can do your
Pottery, Pet care,
visiting an old people’s Cycling, Judo, Football, expedition on foot,
Photography, First
home, animal welfare, Skateboarding, Rugby, by bike, by canoe,
Aid, Gardening, Film
working with the Hockey, Athletics... by kayak, by sailing
environment.... boat.....
+ 3 more months doing one of the three activities.

Step 13
Emily est toujours devant l’affiche quand un garçon s’approche....
Ecoute ton CD une première fois et note dans ton cahier tous les mots de l’affiche que tu entends.
Ensuite essaie de classer les mots dans ce tableau. Écoute de nouveau et essaie de compléter
davantage avant de faire l’exercice.
Exercise 20
Listen and answer the questions :
1- Why can’t Emily join the group? ......................................................................................
2- The boy a) likes the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award programme (circle the right answer).
b) doesn’t like it.
3- The Duke of Edinburgh ........................... the programme.
4- The boy has already done ........................ months volunteering.
5- He helps in the .................. in an old people’s home every .....................
6- He chats to ........................... .
7- He has also started .................... and . ...................... .
The expedition:
8- Destination: ...................... Activity ...................................
9- He a) has been b) has not been on the expedition yet (circle the right answer).
Dans cette conversation le garçon explique ce qu’il a déjà fait pour obtenir son Duke of
Edinburgh Bronze Award. Il dresse un bilan. Pour renforcer l’idée de « déjà » il utilise l’adverbe
« already ».
« I’ve already done two months volunteering »
“We’ve already started preparing”
Pour souligner ce qu’il n’a pas encore fait il utilise “yet” :
“I haven’t been on my expedition yet “
« Yet » et « already » sont des adverbes.
Tu utilises « yet » dans les phrases interrogatives et négatives. En général, « yet » se place en fin
de phrase.
Tu utilises « already » dans les phrases affirmatives, et, plus rarement, dans les phrases
Dans la phrase affirmative « Already » se place en général entre « have/has » et le participe
passé, mais on le trouve aussi à la fin de la phrase.

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 97
Séquence 3 — séance 6

It’s 7pm. This is Emily’s list of things she has to do this evening.

Tuesday November 3rd

Jobs !!
Send an email to Mom and Dad
Do my Biology homework
Do my English homework
Prepare for Maths test
Tidy the room.
Prepare my books for tomorrow
Recharge my cell phone

Exercise 21
It’s 9pm. Sophie, one of Emily’s friends asks her what she has done. Write four questions
that Sophie asks Emily. Use “yet” in your questions.
(Il est 9 heures du soir. Sophie, qui partage la chambre avec Emily, lui demande ce qu’elle a déjà fait.
Utilise « yet » dans tes questions).

Tuesday October November 3rd

Jobs !!
Send an email to Mom and Dad 
Do my Biology homework 
Do my English homework
Prepare for Maths test 
Tidy the room 
Prepare my books for tomorrow
Recharge my cell phone

1- ............................................................................................................

2- ............................................................................................................

3- ............................................................................................................

4- ............................................................................................................

Exercise 22
Write Emily’s answers to Sophie’s questions (Écris les réponses d’Emily aux questions de Sophie).
1- ............................................................................................................

2- ............................................................................................................

3- ............................................................................................................

4- ............................................................................................................

98 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 7 — Séquence 3

Séance 7
Je me familiarise avec la vie dans un collège américain
J’apprends quelques différences entre la langue utilisée
aux États-Unis et la Grande Bretagne

Step 14
Emily is explaining to her class what her school in the US is like. Listen to Emily and
complete the text. (Emily décrit sa vie à l’école aux Etas-Unis. Écoute-la et complète le texte).
Avant d’écouter, regarde le texte et réfléchis à la nature des mots qui manquent. Tu peux
préparer ton écoute en anticipant les mots que tu risques d’entendre. Essaie de trouver la
catégorie grammaticale de chaque mot absent. Dans la séance précédente, tu as appris que
des mots se répètent souvent au sein d’un texte. Est-il possible que certains mots absents soient
présents ailleurs dans le texte ? N’oublie pas de regarder les illustrations qui peuvent t’aider, non
seulement à comprendre le texte, mais aussi à préparer ton écoute.

Exercise 23
Today I’m going to talk to you about my ....................... in Wildwood. It’s very different to
Buckhampton. For a start it’s a public ........................ In America a public .......................
is what you call a state ....................... in Britain. It’s not ........................

I go to school by ....................... every day. We don’t have ....................... but there are
morning announcements on a TV in every ........................ Sometimes I have .......................
in school before ....................... to first period. My ....................... breakfast is pancakes
and syrup.
We say the pledge of allegiance in class every day during first period. We have to stand up
and face the ........................ We have a ....................... in every classroom.

We don’t have a uniform. We just have a list of what we are not ....................... to wear.
We do ......................., just like you guys. We don’t have a ......................., we have a
principal. In my school we have ....................... activities but not as many as you.
I’m in 8th grade. In England you say Year 8, Year 9 but in America we say 8th grade, 9th grade.
This is my last year in Junior High School. Next year I’ll go to Senior High School for four

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 99
Séquence 3 — séance 7

Exercise 24
Emily is American. She’s got an American accent and she also uses American expressions
and vocabulary. There are some differences between American and British English. Can you
put these words and expressions in two lists. (Emily has just used some of these words. You
have already seen the other words in Séances 1-6).

cell phone – headmaster – principal – period – grade – lesson – Year – mobile – state
school – public school

American British
grade Year
..................................... .....................................
..................................... .....................................
..................................... .....................................
..................................... .....................................

j e retiens
Il existe quelques différences entre le vocabulaire utilisé aux États-Unis et la Grande
Bretagne. Il y a aussi des différences au niveau de l’orthographe. Par exemple, les mots
qui se terminent en « -our » sont écrits « -or » aux États-Unis quand cette syllabe n’est pas
accentuée : color, odor, honor etc.
Certains mots d’origine latine ou française ont gardé leur terminaison « re » en anglais
britannique (centre, theatre, litre), mais aux États-Unis sont écrits « center, theater, liter ».

le coin des curieux

The Pledge of Allegiance

“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for
which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all”

« Je jure fidélité au drapeau des États-Unis et à la République qu’il représente, une nation sous
l’autorité de Dieu, indivisible, avec la liberté et la justice pour tous ». Ce serment est récité
chaque matin par les élèves américains.

100 — © Cned, Anglais 4e

séance 8 — Séquence 3

Séance 8

j e m’évalue
Exercise 1

1- You are writing a letter or an email to a friend. How do your start the letter?

....................... John,

2- How do you end the letter?

a) to a friend: .............................. or ..............................

b) an official letter: ............................................

3- Emily has just finished a test. It was long and difficult. Can you imagine what she says
to Joanna:

The test was difficult but I ............................................ finish it.

Exercise 2

Listen and write the subjects you hear:

1- ................................. 2- ................................. 3- .................................

4- .................................

Exercise 3

Complete the sentences:

1- At Buckhampton College, the pupils ...................................... wear uniforms.

2- In France pupils ...................................... wear uniforms.

3- You ...................................... a lot of junk food.

4- In schools in the United States, pupils ...................................... stand up for the

pledge of allegiance.

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 101

Séquence 3 — séance 8

Exercise 4

Do you remember the past participles of these verbs. (est-ce que tu te souviens du participe passé
des verbes suivants) :

do - ........................ meet - ........................ see - ........................

eat- ........................ send - ........................ tidy - ........................

Exercise 5

Put the verbs in the correct form (mets les verbes à la forme qui convient)

1- It’s Emily’s last day. She ...................................... (do) a lot of interesting things at

2- She ............................................. (meet) a lot of new friends.

3- She ............................................. (try) new activities.

4- She ............................................. (eat) English food.

5- She ............................................. (see) Oxford.

Exercise 6

At 5 pm you made a list of all the things you had to do. It’s now 7pm.
Write six sentences and say what you have already done, and what you haven’t done yet.

5 pm 7pm
Do English homework Do English homework ¸
Send email to my best friend Send email to my best friend
Tidy my room Tidy my room ¸
Finish my Geography project Finish my Geography project
Telephone my sister Telephone my sister
Prepare my schoolbag
Prepare my schoolbag ¸

102 — © Cned, Anglais 4e

séance 8 — Séquence 3

Exercise 7

American English or British English? Write GB or USA beside the words and expressions.

(Anglais américain ou britannique ? Écris GB ou USA à côté des mots et expressions)

1- Mobile phones ...........

2- Cell phones ...........

3- Year 10 ...........

4- The Principal ...........

5- The Headmaster ...........

6- 10th grade ...........

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 103


Séquence 4

Communication Civilisation Grammaire Phonologie Méthodologie

Séance 1 Comprendre un Les œuvres Œuvre caritatives Savoir compenser
Questionnaire, questionnaire caritatives l’inconnu
document Comprendre un Savoir inférer
texte informatif le sens de mots
« Charities »
inconnus à l’aide
de préfixes
Séance 2 Comprendre un Les œuvres Œuvre caritatives Prononcer « ch » en Savoir inférer
Document texte informatif caritatives anglais le sens de mots
« Charities » 2 inconnus à l’aide
de suffixes
Séance 3 Repérer des Un « charity » want et la Savoir repérer des
Poster informations britannique The proposition informations dans
« The Simon ciblées sur une Simon Cummunity infinitive un document
Community »
Séance 4 Comprendre Un « charity » Œuvre caritatives Savoir anticiper
The Niall un message irlandais en utilisant les
Mellon publicitaire Les « townships » en éléments para-
Afrique du Sud textuels
Séance 5 Comprendre le verbe lexical Savoir inférer
The Niall un message «need» le sens de mots
Mellon publicitaire «need» et la inconnus grâce à
proposition leur composition
Trust 2
Séance 6 Comprendre les Conditions de vie Expansion par Savoir comprendre
Interview points essentiels dans un l’adverbe par étapes
d’une conversation « township »
Séance 7 Comprendre les La collecte de fonds What/how about Savoir parcourir
Articles de points essentiels à l’école we could/Let’s un document pour
journaux d’une conversation comprendre le sens
Repérer et général et y repérer
comprendre des des informations
factuels dans un
texte informatif
Séance 8
Je m’évalue

104 — © Cned, Histoire-géographie et éducation civique 4e

séance 1 — Séquence 4

Séance 1
Je réponds à un questionnaire
J’apprends ce qu’est un “charity”
J’apprends à compenser l’inconnu
Je pratique l’inférence
J’apprends à utiliser les préfixes pour déduire
le sens des mots inconnus

Step 1
The Charity Questionnaire: Do you care?
Answer these questions:

Are you generous? Yes No

Do you like helping people? Yes No
Do you give money to charity? Yes No
Have you ever collected money for charity? Yes No
Are you a member of an organization that helps people in difficulty? Yes No
Do you know the names of three charities?
a) ................................................................................................................................
b) ................................................................................................................................
c) ................................................................................................................................

If you answered yes to a majority of questions then you care!

Attention quand tu dis « charity » tu parles de la charité en général. « A charity » est une
organisation caritative.

Exercise 1
Read this text and choose the best title for it. (Choisis le meilleur titre pour ce texte)
a) Why work for a charity?
b) What is a charity?
c) Where do charities get money?

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 105

Séquence 4 — séance 1

Title: .................................................................................
A charity is a voluntary organisation. Some charities .................... and support people
in .................... . Some charities try to help animals or to .................... the environment.
Some charities are small, local ................... and some are large international ............. .
Some charities are managed by .................... volunteers and others have ....................
professionals working for them.

Check your answer

Bravo ! Tu as réussi à trouver le titre, et donc le sujet, de ce texte malgré l’absence de plusieurs
mots. C’est la preuve qu’on n’a pas toujours besoin de tous les mots pour comprendre l’essentiel un
texte. Tu as compensé cette absence, c’est-à-dire tu as compensé l’inconnu.

Exercise 2
Complete the text now, using the words in the word box.
Use the transparent words to help you and then infer the meaning of words from the
Tu vas t’appuyer sur les mots transparents d’abord et ensuite tu vas utiliser le contexte pour déduire
(ou inférer) le sens des mots qui restent. Ce sont des méthodes que tu as vues lors de la Séquence 3.

organisations (X 2) – protect – need – salaried – unpaid – help

Check your answer

Exercise 3
Match these words and expressions in the text to a French equivalent. Use the context to
help you! (Relie les mots et expressions à un mot ou expression équivalent en français)

1 a volunteer A géré
2 in need B un bénévole
3 unpaid C en difficulté
4 salaried D soutenir
5 protect E qui reçoit un salaire
6 managed F qui ne reçoit pas de salaire
7 support G protéger
1 ......................... 4 ......................... 7 .........................
2 ......................... 5 .........................
3 ......................... 6 .........................

Check your answer

As-tu remarqué que, si tu enlèves le prefixe « un » de « unpaid, tu as un synonyme pour
« salaried », c’est-à-dire « paid ».

106 — © Cned, Anglais 4e

séance 1 — Séquence 4

Souvent, le fait d’enlever un préfixe aide à trouver le sens d’un mot.

Le préfixe « un » est utilisé pour former des mots qui veulent dire le contraire. D’autres préfixes
en anglais sont « non » « in » et « im » qui, eux aussi, modifient le mot auquel ils sont attachés
pour indiquer le contraire.

Exercise 4
Essaie de faire cet exercice et utilise le préfixe pour trouver le sens du mot (en français).

1 unusual A mal poli

2 unknown B imprévisible
3 unfriendly C flou, vague
4 unneccessary D inconnu
5 insane E sans équipage
6 impolite F inutile
7 indistinct G inhabituel
8 unpredictable H froid, hostile
9 unmanned I fou

1 ......................... 4 ......................... 7 .........................

2 ......................... 5 ......................... 8 .........................

3 ......................... 6 ......................... 9 .........................

Check your answer

Attention : bien que les deux langues utilisent les préfixes, ceux utilisés en anglais ne
correspondent pas toujours à ceux utilisés en français : inhabituel en français se dit unusual en

j e retiens
Tu n’es pas obligé de comprendre tous les mots pour comprendre un document.
Essaie, dans un premier temps, d’ignorer les mots que tu ne comprends pas afin
d’accéder au sens du texte. Ensuite il est souvent possible de déduire, ou d’inférer, le
sens des mots inconnus, une fois l’essentiel du texte compris.

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 107

Séquence 4 — séance 2

Séance 2
J’apprends de nouvelles informations concernant les “charities”
J’apprends à utiliser les suffixes pour déduire le sens
des mots inconnus
J’apprends à prononcer « ch » en anglais

Step 2
Now you know what a charity is. But what does a charity do? Write down three ideas:
(Tu sais maintenant ce qui est un “charity”. Mais que font ces organisations ? Écris trois idées)
1- ....................................................................................................................................
2- ....................................................................................................................................
3- ....................................................................................................................................
Read this paragraph and see if you were right (maintenant lis ce paragraphe pour voir si tes idées
étaient bonnes).

What charities do:

There are many different kinds of charities. Some provide food, medicine and clothes to
people in need. Some charities react very quickly to disasters or wars by sending emergency
Other charities help people who are old or ill, and try to find shelter for homeless people.
Charities which are concerned with animals rescue and look after abandoned pets.
All charities try to publicize the problems of the people (or animals) they help. They also try
to raise money to pay for their activities.

Bravo ! Tu as réussi.

Exercise 5
Essaie maintenant d’utiliser le contexte pour trouver les mots ou expressions anglais qui
correspondent aux mots et expressions français du tableau.

1 malade
2 collecter ou chercher des fonds
3 sans domicile ou sans abri
4 sauvent
5 s’occupent de
6 guerres
7 abri
8 fournissent
9 des provisions d’urgence

108 — © Cned, Anglais 4e

séance 2 — Séquence 4

Lors de la première séance tu as vu comment t’aider des préfixes pour comprendre le sens d’un mot
inconnu. Regarde maintenant le mot “homeless”. “Less” est un suffixe. Peux-tu déduire le sens de
ce suffixe sachant que « home » indique l’endroit où l’on vit ?

Bien sûr, « less », c’est l’idée de « sans ».

Exercise 6

Match an element from column 1 to column 2. (Relie un élément de la colonne 1 à la colonne 2)

1 2
1 somebody who is penniless A doesn’t help you, it’s got no advantages
2 somebody who is jobless B is interminable
3 somebody who is heartless C has got no money
4 something that is endless D is so surprised they cannot speak
5 something that is useless E is cruel
6 somebody who is speechless F can’t find work

1 ......................... 4 .........................

2 ......................... 5 .........................

3 ......................... 6 .........................

Exercise 7


Attention de bien prononcer « charity » Le ch se prononce [t‘]

Écoute ton CD et répète :

a) charity – child – children – China – Chinese – charm – charming

b) a Chinese child

c) a charming Chinese child

d) a Chinese charity

Attention tous les mots qui commence en “ch” ne se prononcent pas [t‘]

Quelque mots d’origine grec ou latine se prononcent [k] : chemistry – chemical – choral

Le « ch » de certains mots empruntés au français ont gardé leur prononciation française et

se prononcent [‘] : charlatan – chef – chalet

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 109

Séquence 4 — séance 2

Exercise 8

[k] or [‘] ορ [t‘] Put these words in the right column, then listen and check your answer :

chips – cheese – chicken – chic – chewing gum – chemist – charitable – Christian

[k] [‘] [t‘]

Quelle est la conclusion que tu peux tirer du tableau :

La plupart des mots qui commencent par « ch » se prononcent ...........................................

Check your answer

110 — © Cned, Anglais 4e

séance 3 — Séquence 4

Séance 3
J’apprends à repérer des informations ciblées dans un
document informatif
Je découvre un « charity » britannique
J’apprends à utiliser la proposition infinitive

Step 3
Look at this poster published by The Simon Community. The Simon Community is an
organisation that works with homeless people.

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 111

Séquence 4 — séance 3

Look at the title of the poster. (Regarde le titre de l’affiche)

1- Which word is transparent? .........................................................................................

You don’t know the word “Céilidh” but there is an explanation. Read it now.

2- Which French word explains a “Céilidh” best.

a) une danse

b) une fête

c) un bal

3- Now read the poster and answer the questions :

a) When will the Céilidh take place? ............................................................................

b) Where will the Céilidh take place? ...........................................................................

c) Who will play the music? .........................................................................................

d) What time does it start at? .....................................................................................

e) Is there any food at the Céilidh? ..............................................................................

f) How much are the tickets? .......................................................................................

g) Where can you buy them? .......................................................................................

4- Who do you think the Simon Community is inviting to the Céilidh? (remember the
price of the tickets!)? Circle the right answer.

a) people who are homeless (and haven’t got much money!)

b) other people (who have homes and money)

5- The Simon Community is organising the Céilidh because

a) they want to raise money

b) they want to support Irish culture

c) they want publicity

Check your answer

Look at the second part of the poster.

What does The Simon Community want?

6- They want ....................................... to donate .......................... each.

Why do they want this money?

7- They want to buy a ................................. for .................................... people.

112 — © Cned, Anglais 4e

séance 3 — Séquence 4

« A quid » est une expression familière pour désigner une livre (£1)
Comment pourrait-on expliquer « Quids In » en français ?
a) Donnez une livre
b) Prenez une livre

Regarde l’expression “Fundraising Appeal”

Le mot « appeal » vient du français « appel ». Le mot « fundraising » est un mot composé.
Tu as déjà vu le verbe « raise ». Tu sais que les organisations caritatives ont toujours besoin
d’argent. Comment pourrait-on alors dire « fundraising » en français ?

Check your answer

j e retiens
Tu peux souvent deviner le sens d’un mot composé en regardant de plus près les
éléments qui le composent.

Step 4
Pour exprimer ce que l’on veut faire, tu utilises le verbe « want » suivi de « to ».
Exemples: I want to go to the Céilidh; I want to donate money to the Simon Community.
Pour exprimer ce que l’on veut que quelqu’un d’autre fasse, tu utilises “want” suivi d’un nom
(ou d’un pronom complément) suivi de « to » et d’une base verbale.
The Simon Community wants people to donate money.
Cette structure s’appelle la proposition infinitive.
Dans le cas contraire, quand l’on ne veut pas que quelqu’un fasse quelque chose il suffit de
mettre le verbe “want” à la forme négative :
The Simon Community doesn’t want homeless people to live in the street.

Exercise 9
What do they want? Write complete sentences:
1- The Simon Community wants/people/come/Céilidh


2- The Simon Community doesn’t want/homeless people/feel isolated


3- The Simon Community wants/everybody/have a home


© Cned, Anglais 4e — 113

Séquence 4 — séance 4

Séance 4
J’apprends à utiliser des éléments para-textuels
pour comprendre un texte
Je découvre les activités d’un nouveau « charity »

Step 5
Look at this document. Before you read the text look at the picture and follow the instructions
(Avant de lire le texte, suis les consignes ci-dessous).

The Niall Mellon Township Trust was established in 2002 with the aim of providing quality
houses for the impoverished communities in the townships of South Africa. In our first year
we completed 150 homes, over the next six years we completed 11,000 homes in total, 5,000
were built in 2008.
Our success has been possible because of the generosity and support we receive from our
volunteers, the general public, and the Irish and South African governments.
Look at the three men. Do you think they are in a hot country or a cold country?
Look at their hands. Is anything unusual?
Look at the logo on the right? There are two flags. What countries do they represent?
a) ...................................................................................................................................
b) ...................................................................................................................................
On which continent is a) ....................................................................................................
On which continent is b) ....................................................................................................
What else do you see on the logo? (Que d’autre vois-tu sur le logo)
a) ........................................ b) ........................................ (Tu peux répondre en français)
What’s the connection between a trowel (une truelle) and a house? (Tu peux répondre en
Now look at the men again. Look at their clothes again.
What do you think they are doing?

114 — © Cned, Anglais 4e

séance 4 — Séquence 4

Look at the writing in green. One word explains the Niall Mellon Township Trust.
Complete: The Niall Mellon Township Trust is a ......................................... .
Read the text now and see if you were right.

Check your answer

Step 6
Exercise 10
Now read the text again and use the context to match a word from column 1 to column 2.

1 aim A giving
2 providing B constructed
3 impoverished C another word for houses
4 township D objective
5 homes E a sort of city
6 built F very poor

Exercise 11
Complete this summary:
The Niall Mellon Township Trust is a ............................. which builds homes for
......................... families in South African ...................................... .

Step 7
Qui, penses-tu, as rédigé ce texte ? .....................................................................................
Comment le sais-tu ? .........................................................................................................
Regarde les deux dernières lignes. Tu peux t’appuyer sur les mots transparents pour
comprendre le sens.
L’auteur mentionne quatre groupes de personnes. Qui sont-ils ?
a) ...................................................................................................................................
b) ...................................................................................................................................
c) ...................................................................................................................................
d) ...................................................................................................................................

Il les mentionne pour (entoure la bonne réponse)

a) solliciter leur aide
b) les remercier

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 115

Séquence 4 — séance 4

Est-ce que les deux dernières lignes du texte te permettent de savoir pourquoi il y a deux
drapeaux sur le logo du Niall Mellon Township Trust ?


L’autre logo, à gauche, représente, à ton avis : (entoure la bonne réponse)

a) une autre association caritative.

b) une société qui soutient le Niall Mellon Township Trust.

Pour répondre à cette question, appuie-toi sur le slogan en vert !

le coin des curieux

Les « townships » en Afrique du Sud sont des banlieues à la périphérie des grandes villes.
Jusqu’en 1991 sous le régime de l’apartheid, les différentes populations du pays n’avaient
pas le droit de vivre ensemble. Les grandes villes sud-africaines étaient réservées aux Blancs
et les autres communautés (les Noirs, les métis et les gens d’origine indienne) devaient vivre
à la périphérie des grandes villes. Les « townships » sont restés plutôt pauvres mais ne sont pas
nécessairement des bidonvilles.

116 — © Cned, Anglais 4e

séance 5 — Séquence 4

Séance 5
J’apprends le verbe “need”
J’apprends à inférer le sens de mots inconnus
grâce à leur composition

Step 8
Look at the document below and then follow the instructions. (Regarde le document ci-dessous
puis suis les consignes)
Pour réussir cette activité, applique la méthodologie que tu as acquise lors des séances
• Avant de lire, utilise les éléments para-textuels (image, titres) pour anticiper le contenu
du document.
• Appuie-toi sur les mots transparents.
• Essaie d’inférer le sens des mots grâce au contexte et à la composition des mots.

Be one of our 1,000 volunteers who will come on our Building Blitzes. We need 1,000
volunteers to raise € 5,000/ £4,000 to join us on this amazing journey. This will be a
rewarding life changing experience with the opportunity to meet new people, learn new skills
and see how your work makes a difference.

Look at this document and circle the right answer:

1- This document is a) a newspaper article
b) an advertisment (une publicité)
2- It’s addressed to a) people in South African townships
b) people in Ireland

Now complete:
3- The document was published by ..................................................................................
4- The Trust needs ................................ volunteers.
5- The volunteers have to do two things:
a) .............................. money.
b) .............................. to South Africa.

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 117

Séquence 4 — séance 5

Check your answer

Step 9
Afin de comprendre le détail du texte il faut s’appuyer sur le contexte et observer la
composition des mots. Tu as déjà vu comment exploiter les préfixes et les suffixes.
Regarde maintenant ce groupe nominal :
a rewarding life changing experience.
Souligne le nom d’abord.
Il est précédé de deux adjectifs : « rewarding » et « life changing ». Life changing est composé
de deux mots. Peux-tu donner la définition :
A life changing experience is an experience that .......................... your .......................... .
Regarde maintenant “rewarding”. Si tu enlèves le “ing” tu trouves un mot que tu as
certainement vu dans des BD ou dans des westerns, associé à un chiffre, une photo d’un
criminel et le mot « wanted » !
Dans ce contexte, quel mot en français correspond le mieux à « rewarding » ?
a) récompensée
b) rémunératrice
c) enrichissante
6- In the text which English word corresponds to
a) un voyage ................................................................................................................
7- What are the three advantages of becoming a volunteer
a) you can ..................................... new people
b) you .........................................................................................................................
c) ................................................................................................................................
If you are a volunteer how does your work make a difference (look at the slogan!)
Because ......................................................................................................................

Regarde cette phrase :

The Niall Mellon Townships Trust needs volunteers.
Tu as déjà vu “needn’t” en tant que verbe modal. Ici le verbe « need » est un verbe lexical. Cela
veut dire que pour faire une phrase négative ou interrogative tu as besoin de l’auxiliaire « do ».
Exemple : Do they need volunteers?
Le sens correspond à « avoir besoin de », ce qui explique que l’on parle de « people in need », car
« need » est également un nom.
Pour exprimer ce que dont on a besoin, tu utilises le verbe « need » suivi d’un nom :
« We need volunteers »
ou de « to » suivi d’un base verbale : “We need to raise money”
Pour exprimer l’idée que tu as besoin que quelqu’un fasse quelque chose, tu utilises “need”
suivi d’un nom (ou d’un pronom complément) suivi de « to » et une base verbale.
The Niall Mellon Township Trust needs people to go to South Africa.

118 — © Cned, Anglais 4e

séance 5 — Séquence 4

Exercise 12

What exactly does The Niall Mellon Township Trust need?

Write 4 sentences and use these words.

1- It needs/people/help

2- It needs people/go/South Africa

3- It needs/volunteers/raise money

4- It needs/volunteers/build/houses/townships.

le coin des curieux

“Building Blitzes ». Le mot « blitz » vient de l’allemand et est utilisé pour décrire la tactique
de la « guerre éclair » lancée par Hitler lors de la deuxième guerre mondiale. Pour les
Britanniques il est synonyme du bombardement aérien des villes anglaises pendant la guerre.
Il est utilisé en anglais aujourd’hui pour décrire un projet « éclair », c’est-à-dire très rapide.
Ici, il s’agit bien évidemment d’un projet de construction de maisons.

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 119

Séquence 4 — séance 6

Séance 6
J’apprends à modifier le sens d’un adjectif
J’écoute un entretien avec une bénévole

Step 10
You are going to hear a journalist asking a volunteer for the Niall Mellon Township Trust some

N’oublie pas d’appliquer la méthodologie de compréhension orale que tu as déjà acquise pour
réussir cette activité. Si tu ne te rappelles pas, regarde la Séquence 1 ou les Séquences 1 et 2 des
cours AN 61.
Before you start listening, circle the words that you expect to hear.

swimming – townships – South Africa – Vietnam – build – home – poor – rich – raise –
journey – restaurants – money – children – rewarding

Imagine three questions the journalist could ask.

1- ....................................................................................................................................

2- ....................................................................................................................................

3- ....................................................................................................................................

Listen to the interview and see if you were right.

Listen again and take some notes. Then try to complete the table. If you can’t complete
everything, listen again.
1- Number of times in South Africa? ................................................................................

2- Last time in South Africa? ............................................................................................

3- What he did in South Africa:

a) ................................................................................................................................

b) ................................................................................................................................

4- How long he stayed: ....................................................................................................

5- His experience was ................................... but ...................................

6- His first reaction: he was ................................... .

The people are ...................................

They have no ..................................., no ..................................., no ...........................

They sleep .....................................................................................................

120 — © Cned, Anglais 4e

séance 6 — Séquence 4

Check your answer

Tom says he has been to South Africa twice. Twice [tw7Is] is another way to say two times.

Do you know another way to say one time? Well done, it’s “once” [w^ns]. Do you
remember how many fairy tales begin?


Regarde ces phrases :

The trip was very rewarding but quite tiring.

The people are really poor.

Les mot soulignés sont des adjectifs. Et les mots en gras ?

Ce sont des adverbes. Ils modifient ou nuancent l’adjectif.

Very ou really transmettent l’idée d’un haut degré, comme « très » en français. Ils
intensifient l’adjectif auquel ils se rapportent. D’autres adverbes ayant le même sens sont
awfully et terribly.

Quite transmet l’idée d’un certain degré, comme « assez » ou « plutôt » en français.

D’autres adverbes ayant un sens similaire sont pretty et rather.

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 121

Séquence 4 — séance 7

Séance 7
Je trouve des informations dans des articles de journaux
J’apprends à proposer et à suggérer

Step 11
Read these three documents once for their general sense and then answer question 1.

The Newtown Herald The Daytown Chronicle

Monday, 3rd June Friday, November 26th

School raises £2000 Daytown Junior High students

gave a $300 check to the
Pupils from Newtown charity, Famine Watch, here
School have raised £2,000 for in Daytown yesterday. The
a charity devoted to providing purpose of the fundraising
disabled people with trained was to raise money for
dogs. victims of famine in Africa.

The school presented the Students worked on raising

money to the charity last money for about two months,
week, after raising funds according to an 8th grade
from Easter egg raffles, student, Penny Wyse.
donations and proceeds from
a Christmas disco. «Everybody helped out,
especially on the cake sale.
Newtown School has raised They baked and sold a lot of
money for the charity since cakes,» Wyse said.
November 2002.
The cake sales were held
everyday outside the
lunchroom. According to
Penny Wyse, they sold over
1,000 cookies, brownies and

The Mountown Leader

Tuesday, 25th April
Mountown pupils help out
Pupils from our local school, Mountown school, have raised
€1120 for charity. The pupils organised a lunchtime concert
and charged teachers and staff €3 each to attend.
They also held a 20km sponsored walk. John O’Connor, one
of the pupils who organised the walk, said the walk was
a very tiring but really rewarding experience. The money
raised will be shared by a charity which helps autistic
children and one which supports homeless people.

122 — © Cned, Anglais 4e

séance 7 — Séquence 4

Part 1

What have the three documents in common? There are three elements in the answer.
(Qu’est-ce qu’il y a de commun entre les trois documents. Il y a trois éléments dans la réponse)




Check your answer

Part 2

Now read the articles again. Before you start, look at the table below and decide what
information to look for.

Complete the table

Name of school Amount raised Method(s) Charity helped

One of these articles comes from Ireland, one from the United States and one from Great
Britain. Can you decide the origin of each one? You have to be a detective and look for clues!
(Il faut chercher les indices!)

School Country Clue(s)

Check your answer

Step 12

Now listen to these students discussing the articles. Remember the steps:
• You listen for the general sense

• You listen again and take notes

• You try to complete the table

• You listen again to check your answers or complete what is missing

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 123

Séquence 4 — séance 7

1- The pupils want to .......................................................................................................

2- Three different activities are mentioned. What are they?
a) ................................................................................................................................
b) ................................................................................................................................
c) ................................................................................................................................
3- Which activity is chosen by the pupils? ..........................................................................
4- Which activities are eliminated?
a) ................................................................................................................................
b) ................................................................................................................................
5- Why?
a) ................................................................................................................................
b) ................................................................................................................................
6- Explain Mufti Day:
As-tu remarqué comment les élèves ont fait des propositions :
How about organising a cake sale?
What about having a Mufti day?
We could do a sponsored run.
Let’s go to see the Head now.
What about et How about sont suivis d’un groupe nominal ou d’une base verbale + ing.
Could est un auxiliaire modal et est suivi d’une base verbale : we could
Let’s (abbréviation de « let us ») est également suivi d’une base verbale.

Exercise 13
Imagine you are talking to these pupils. The Head refused to allow them to organise a Mufti
Day. Suggest four more possible activities to these pupils. Use a different expression each
You can imagine a fundraising activity or choose an activity from the ideas box.

Fundraising ideas
A sports day: everybody has to pay £1 to participate
A fancy dress party: everybody has to pay £1 to participate
A street collection: pupils collect money in the street
Carol-singing: pupils sing Christmas carols in the street before Christmas
A sponsored swim
A sponsored walk

124 — © Cned, Anglais 4e

séance 8 — Séquence 4

Séance 8

j e m’évalue
Exercise 1

Complete the following sentences:

1- An organisation that helps people in difficulty is called a ....................................

2- Somebody who helps but is not paid is a ....................................

3- A person who has no home is ....................................

4- Poor cities in South Africa are also called ....................................

5- You can say people in difficulty or people in ....................................

6- Charities have to .................................... money for their activities.

7- A person who has no job is ....................................

8- Some charities .................................... houses for people in poor countries.

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 125

Séquence 4 — séance 8

Exercise 2

a) Circle the prefix or the suffix of each word. (entoure le préfixe ou le suffixe de chaque mot)

b) Then find a word from the list which has a similar meaning. (Ensuite, dans l’encadré, trouve
un mot, ou un groupe de mots, ayant le même sens)

1- timeless .........................................................................................................................

2- unusual .........................................................................................................................

3- unwell ...........................................................................................................................

4- penniless .......................................................................................................................

5- unpleasant ....................................................................................................................

6- unclear ..........................................................................................................................

7- uninterested ..................................................................................................................

8- priceless ........................................................................................................................

bored – horrible – confusing – eternal – strange – very poor – ill – very expensive

126 — © Cned, Anglais 4e

séance 8 — Séquence 4

Exercise 3

Use these words to make full sentences:

1- Charities/need/volunteers/help/raise/money

2- The RSPCA/doesn’t/want/people/be/cruel/animals

3- The Simon Community/wants/people/come/a/Céilidh

4- The Niall Mellon Trust/needs/people/go/South Africa

Exercise 4

Make suggestions!

Write four sentences. Choose one element from each column. You must use each element

from Column A once. (Écris 4 phrases. Utilise un élément de chaque colonne. Tu dois utiliser chaque

élément de la première colonne une fois)

What about organize cakes
How about sell a disco
Let’s help people in need
We could collect money for charity
raise a sports day
The Niall Mellon Township Trust

1- ......................................................................................................................................

2- ......................................................................................................................................

3- ......................................................................................................................................

4- ......................................................................................................................................

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 127

Séquence 5
Communication Civilisation Grammaire Phonologie Méthodologie

Séance 1 Parler d’informatique A world of Informatique Lien graphie- Savoir lier la forme
Document Comprendre des computers Chiffres et phonie au sens
audio - com- chiffres et identifier nombres Voyelles simples
puters des prix et diphtongues
Réduction voca-

Séance 2 Reconnaître et utili- Problems Present perfect Utiliser une ‘check-

Dialogue serdes termes tech- with Verbes liés à list’
niques familiers computers l’informatique
Relier une situation
présente à des causes

Séance 3 Evoquer l’inquiétude Cyberphobia Fear Comprendre un mot

Texte: ‘Cyber- et la peur. Advice en analysant sa
phobia’ Rassurer, conseiller Nominalisation forme

Séance 4 Obtenir des renseigne- Hi-tech Present perfect Suivre le chemine-

Dialogue ments techniques business Simple past ment d’une conver-
Ecrire un message bref sation
mais cohérent

Séance 5 Exprimer l’agacement, Conflicts Be+ING Im- Intonation des Prendre des notes
Dialogue la colère within a plication de phases expri- de manière auto-
family l’énonciateur mant l’agace- nome
Present perfect ment Pouvoir analyser la
Adverbes de valeur d’une forme
fréquence grammaticale

Séance 6 Interagir avec un site Cyberspace Lexique de l’In- Transparence

Computer internet ternet Inférence
screenshots Parler de l’avenir Present perfect Faire une brève
Expression du synthèse écrite

Séance 7 Exprimer sa volonté In the Dériver un adjectif Décrypter un titre

Dialogue Envisager la réalisa- schoolyard d’après un nom d’après une illustra-
tion d’évènements Proposition infini- tion
futurs tive et verbes de

Séance 8
Je m’évalue

128 — © Cned, Anglais 4e

séance 1 — Séquence 5

Séance 1
J’apprends le vocabulaire de l’informatique
J’apprends à comprendre le sens à partir de la prononciation
J’apprends à prononcer en fonction de l’orthographe

A world of computers

Step 1
Memorize the vocabulary below :
A laptop computer A desktop computer

Phonologie :

Exercise 1
Comme le mot ‘computer’ est incontournable dès qu’on parle d’informatique, tu vas apprendre à le
prononcer correctement dès maintenant :

Entoure la syllabe qui porte l’accent :

Com - pu - ter
Computer : Laquelle des 3 voyelles en gras est réduite (presque inaudible) ?

La voyelle écrite ‘o’ r

La voyelle écrite ‘u’ r
La voyelle écrite ‘e’ r
Réécoute la prononciation de ‘computer’.
Dans lequel de ces trois mots retrouves-tu le son de la voyelle soulignée ?
- You r
- Food r
- But r

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 129

Séquence 5 — séance 1

Step 2
Voici d’autres termes utilisés en informatique. Écoute leur prononciation, et classe-les dans le tableau en
fonction du son de la voyelle soulignée. Certains mots comportent 2 segments soulignés, et pourront donc
figurer 2 fois dans le tableau :

Screen – DVD Rom drive – cable – external power unit – keyboard – mouse – External hard
drive – printer - USB (micro)drive – speaker

Diphtongue Voyelle simple courte Voyelle simple allongée

Ex : Time – lake - house Ex : Fit – letter – but Ex : Feet – Read - boot

Exercise 2

Connais-tu la règle qui permet de prévoir quand une voyelle écrite entraîne une diphtongue à l’oral ?
Si tu as oublié, compare les colonnes 1 et 2, puis essaie de compléter les phrases ci-dessous :

Quand une voyelle est suivie d’une …………………. et d’une autre …..………………..., elle
entraîne généralement une diphtongue.

Quand une voyelle est suive d’une …………………. finale (= dernière lettre du mot) ou de
deux …………………., elle entraîne généralement une voyelle simple.

Step 3
Méthodologie :

Reprenons la liste de mots sur laquelle tu viens de travailler en phonologie :

Screen – DVD Rom drive – cable – external power unit – keyboard – mouse – External hard
drive – printer - USB (micro)drive – speaker

Tu t’ y connais forcément un peu en informatique. Certains mots anglais utilisés dans ce domaine te sont
probablement familiers. Commence par placer sur le schéma ci-dessous les mots dont tu connais déjà le
sens. Tu devrais pouvoir placer la majorité des mots sans aide.

Exercise 3

Maintenant, aide-toi des définitions que tu vas entendre pour vérifier que tu as placé les mots au bon
endroit, et pour placer ceux qui ne l’étaient pas encore.

130 — © Cned, Anglais 4e

séance 1 — Séquence 5

................................ ................................

................................ ................................ ................................

................................ ................................ ................................

................................ ................................

Exercise 4
Tu as trouvé un job d’été dans un magasin d’informatique à New York. Du matériel vient d’être livré,
dont il faut afficher le prix en rayon.
Tu aides ton collègue du magasin à mettre les étiquettes de prix en face des articles en rayon. Il te donne le
prix, et tu dois lui dire à quel objet ce prix correspond :
Exemple : Collègue :
‘Two dollars fifty-five’
Toi :
‘It’s the USB cable !’.

Item Price
Laptop computer $ 700.99
USB drive $ 8.79
Mouse $ 20.15
DVD Rom drive for desktop computers $ 50.89
Keyboard for desktop computers $ 19.95
Screen $ 213.39
External hard drive $ 65.00
Power unit $ 59.00
Desktop computer $ 533.32
USB cable $ 2.55

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 131

Séquence 5 — séance 2

Séance 2
Je sais repérer des termes techniques familiers dans un discours oral
J’apprends à utiliser une « check list »
J’apprends à relier une situation présente à ses causes

Step 4
Memorize the vocabulary below:

check: To make sure everything is ok

The computer is The computer is

switched on. switched off.

Susan has a problem with her PC. Help her find out what’s wrong:

Element Checked

Power Unit r On r Off r Short circuit r

Blank r (no
Screen r OK r Error message r picture, no
Keyboard r OK r Slow response r No response r

Cables r Connected r Disconnected r Short circuit r

Speakers r OK r No sound r Strange noise r

Hard drive r OK r Slow r No response r

Mouse r OK r Disconnected r No response r

Internet connection r On r Off r Disabled r

Files and documents r OK r r Backup copies Destroyed r

132 — © Cned, Anglais 4e

séance 2 — Séquence 5

Step 5
Now Susan is in trouble, because her PC has crashed!

Match the words and expressions to sum up the situation:

her files and her documents
Susan / she gone
in touch with her office


has more careful


her PC and switched it back on

Her computer be

should blank

backup copies

The screen switched off
the cables

Step 6
Sais-tu exactement à quel moment le PC de Susan est tombé en panne ?


Pour comprendre sa situation, est-il important de savoir exactement à quel moment, à quelle heure la
panne est survenue ?


D’après toi, du point de vue de Susan, quel problème est le plus grave ?

r Que son PC ait rendu l’âme ?

r Qu’à cause de la panne de son PC elle ne puisse pas faire son travail urgent aujourd’hui ?

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 133

Séquence 5 — séance 2

Quand on dit :

My PC has crashed
Have you checked the cables? Quelle forme emploie-t-on ?
I haven’t made backup copies.

Exercise 5

Complète à l’aide d’une phrase qui explique la situation. Attention, tu sais que ‘have’ devient ‘has’ à
la 3e personne du singulier ! :

Can I use your laptop for an hour or two? That’s because my PC ………………………..

I don’t know what document you’re talking about. I …………………...…… all my files!

There is some light in Mr Dude’s office. I think he …………………..... off his computer.

j e retiens
On appelle cette forme le present perfect. Dans les phrases ci-dessus, elle est utilisée pour
exprimer un point de vue sur un évènement en rapport avec la situation présente.
Souviens-toi de sa construction :
S + Have (présent) + Verbe au participe passé
Le present perfect fait le lien entre une situation présente et ses causes, ses origines, qui
appartiennent forcément au passé, qu’il soit lointain ou très proche.
Exemple: I can’t open my door because I’ve lost my keys.
Dans cette phrase, c’est évidemment la situation présente qui compte le plus. Le problème est
bien qu’on ne peut pas ouvrir la porte ici, maintenant. Le segment ‘I’ve lost my keys’ ne
fait qu’expliquer la situation en faisant référence à un évènement passé. Mais le moment
précis où les clés ont été perdues n’a ici aucune importance.

Exercise 6

Mets-toi à la place de Susan, qui doit appeler son bureau pour expliquer sa situation. Imagine le message
qu’elle laisse sur la boîte vocale d’un de ses collègues. Pour préparer le message, aide-toi des suggestions
suivantes :

Crashed / blank / checked / lost / backup / e-mail

Hi, Eddie. This is Susan. I’m sorry…

See you tomorrow at the office.

134 — © Cned, Anglais 4e

séance 3 — Séquence 5

Séance 3
Je sais anticiper grâce au paratexte
J’apprends à parler du temps écoulé
J’apprends à dériver des mots


Step 7
Anticipation :
Regarde l’illustration et l’attitude du personnage. Essaie de déduire en français le sens du titre

Donc, à ton avis de quel genre de problèmes et de situations va parler le texte ?

Lis le texte une première fois et note ci-dessous les expressions rencontrées (parfois à plusieurs reprises)
qui confirment ta première idée.

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 135

Séquence 5 — séance 3

Cyberphobia !
In our modern world, computers are everywhere. They have been around for forty years: first
in businesses and then in people’s homes since the 1980s.
However, computers make some of us feel very uncomfortable. Some people suffer from
nausea, dry mouth, heart palpitations and they’re unable to speak or think clearly whenever
they use a computer. Why? Because they’re scared!
If you’re afraid of your computer, you are probably suffering from cyberphobia.
This fear of modern technology usually affects older people, who do not understand
how computers work. They usually start feeling better when they decide they should take
computing lessons, or computing classes for beginners.
But cyberphobia can also affect young or middle-aged adults.
There are people who worry a lot about their privacy. Computers store private information,
and many people are afraid of having their information or identity stolen by hackers. To
reassure those people, the solution is to install a firewall and protect their documents with a
Many are afraid of getting a virus. They worry about losing important files and documents.
That’s why they sometimes think they should not use computers at all, and try to stay away
from them. This is not the right think to do, of course. If you want to help those people, you
should tell them to install antivirus software and to back up their files.

Step 8
Katie has just read the article, and after what happened the other day with Susan’s PC, she thinks her
mother has a big problem with computers. Help her take notes, so that she can talk about cyberphobia
with her mom.

Object people are afraid of:

Age group(s) concerned:

Usual symptoms:

Why they’re afraid:


Their strategy to feel more comfortable

Real solutions to feel better

136 — © Cned, Anglais 4e

séance 3 — Séquence 5

Exercise 7
Katie wants to make sure her mom understands every technical term she’s using. Match the following
words for her.

To store Protection from hackers

Firewall To make additional copies
Password Software
To backup Files
Computer program To memorize on a drive
Documents Secret code

Step 9
Read the following sentences carefully and look at the diagram.

In our modern world, computers are everywhere. They have been around for forty years:
first in businesses and then in people’s homes since the 1980s.

Exercise 8
Apply the same logic to the following sentences:

Ex: My father / work for IBM / 1991

 My father has worked for IBM since 1991
I / have / this computer / 2 years / and it’s very easy to use
 I …………… had this computer ………. 2 years and it’s very easy to use.
He / work as a software analyst / 2002
 He has ……………….. as a software analyst …………… 2002
She / be afraid of computers/ last year when her PC exploded
 She …………………………. afraid of computers ……………… last year when her PC exploded.

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 137

Séquence 5 — séance 3

Step 10
Observe les éléments mis en gras dans les phrases suivantes :
They’re afraid of getting a virus.
They worry about losing their computer’s stored information.
Par quoi pourrait-on remplacer les formes en -ING ? Coche les éléments appropriés :
They’re afraid of …. r hackers. (Nom)
r to break their computer (verbe à l’infinitif + compléments)
r have problems (base verbale + compléments)
r them (Pronom)
They worry about… r it (pronom)
r a new virus (Nom ou groupe nominal)
r to destroy their precious documents (verbe à l’infinitif + compléments)
Quelle est ta conclusion ?
La forme Base Verbale+ing (they’re afraid of getting a virus) peut occuper dans la phrase la
place d’un…………………………, d’un ……………………….. ou d’un ……………………………

j e retiens
À la place occupée par un nom, un groupe nominal ou un pronom, tu peux utiliser une
Base Verbale + ING.
Ceci est très utile pour parler de l’activité désignée par un verbe :
‘Do you like swimming in the sea?’
‘Yes, I love it’. La base verbale+ING peut être reprise par un pronom.
Tout comme un nom, une forme BV+ING peut être sujet d’un verbe :
Swimming is my favourite sport.

Exercise 9
Maintenant, Katie sait tout sur la peur des ordinateurs et les remèdes contre celle-ci. Elle veut écrire une
petite affiche qu’elle collera à côté de l’écran de l’ordinateur de sa maman pour la rassurer. Aide-la à
rédiger ses conseils. Utilise les notes que tu as prises dans le tableau plus haut (Step 8).
Mom, you shouldn’t be afraid ……. us ………. your computer.
You should take a few precautions, that’s all.
Computers are not dangerous, so you shouldn’t ………………… away ………… them.
If you think you don’t understand how computers work,
You should..........................................................................................................................
If you’re afraid of ……………………. personal data,
You ....................................................................................................................................
If you’re afraid of getting a virus,
You ....................................................................................................................................
Computers are cool!

138 — © Cned, Anglais 4e

séance 4 — Séquence 5

Séance 4
J’apprends à suivre les enchaînements d’une conversation
J’apprends à reconnaître des termes techniques familiers
Je sais écrire un message bref mais cohérent

Step 11

To fix,
to repair

De quoi s’agit-il ?

Le directeur du magasin ‘The PC clinic’ vient d’embaucher un technicien-vendeur. Durant la formation, il lui
a expliqué comment recevoir les clients, et quels services leur proposer en fonction de leurs besoins.

En écoutant la conversation, aide le directeur à vérifier, fiche en main, que l’employé qui accueille Susan fait
bien son travail. Coche la case ‘OK’ lorsque le vendeur a suivi la consigne du directeur.

Say Hello to the customer r OK

Offer your help r OK

Ask what’s wrong with the customer’s PC r OK

Ask how old the computer is r OK

If PC < 3 years old If PC > 3 years old r OK

Say : ‘Sorry, we can’t fix your PC’ r OK

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 139

Séquence 5 — séance 4

Say: ‘Ok, we can fix your PC’ Show our new models r OK

Ask: ‘Desktop or laptop?’ r OK

Inform the customer of our prices Speak of our special offers r OK

Sell one of our new PCs r OK

Say ‘thank you’ and ‘good bye’ r OK

Exercise 10

Comme le ferait le vendeur, remplis la fiche-produit de l’ordinateur dont il est question dans la
conversation :

Type : Laptop r Desktop r

Wifi : yes r no r
Bluetooth: yes r nor
Hard drive capacity : ………. Gigabytes
Webcam: yes r no r -> External r Built-in r
Number of USB sockets: …………
DVD Rom drive: yes r no r

Special offer for today’s buyers:

Free ……………………..…. and ……………….…. included!
Total price: $ ..................

Step 12
Susan: My computer has crashed, and I can’t use it at the moment.

Salesman: When did it happen?

Susan: It happened this morning. I switched it on and the screen went blank. My son tried
to fix it but…

Situation présente et ses causes Informations sur événements passés

140 — © Cned, Anglais 4e

séance 4 — Séquence 5

j e retiens
On trouve souvent à la fois le present perfect et le simple past dans un dialogue ou un
Le simple past permet de construire un récit, une chronologie, un enchaînement
d’évènements passés et révolus, lointains ou au contraire très proches du moment de
l’énonciation (le moment où l’énonciateur parle).
Exemple :
I switched on my computer this morning, but nothing happened. I checked the cables and
the power unit, but everything was ok. I didn’t know what to do, so I went to ‘The PC
Le present perfect, lui, nous l’avons vu, permet de faire un bilan, un constat concernant
la situation au moment de l’énonciation, en montrant que cette situation est le point
d’aboutissement, le résultat ou la conséquence d’évènements plus anciens.

I bought this computer in 2006.

I’ve had this computer since 2006:
Simple past
Present perfect
Achat dans le passé.
Bilan dans le présent
Evènement révolu.
Si on veut exprimer le résultat présent d’un événement passé, ses conséquences dans le
présent, on utilise le present perfect.
I bought this computer in 2006 and I still have it now.

Exercise 11

Le soir de son achat, Susan envoie e-mail à ses amis et collègues pour leur dire qu’elle est reconnectée et
qu’elle a un nouveau PC à la maison. Utilise les verbes ci-dessous.

Analyse bien le contexte : Situation présente et ce qui permet de l’expliquer ou récit d’événements
appartenant au passé, proche ou lointain.

Irregular verbs :

Infinitive Simple past Past. participle

be Was / were been
buy bought bought
get got got
go went gone
have had had
say said said

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 141

Séquence 5 — séance 4

Regular verbs:
To suffer, to use

Hi everyone,

I’ve …………………. a new computer! So now I can send and receive e-mails again!

I ……………………. to the PC clinic this afternoon and they ………………….. my PC

………………. too old to be fixed. It’s probably true because I ……………………… it ………… 4

So I …………………… % off one of their new laptops and I ………………… a free printer and a
free USB drive!

Of course now I must learn how to …………….. my new computer, and you know I’m not
very comfortable with these machines. Katie even thinks I …………….. from cyberphobia!

See you soon!


142 — © Cned, Anglais 4e

séance 5 — Séquence 5

Séance 5
J’apprends à ordonner les éléments d’un récit
Je sais associer le sens à la forme
J’apprends à exprimer mon agacement, ma colère

Step 13
Méthodologie :

Écoute le dialogue et note ci-dessous tout ce que tu as compris, en anglais ou en français.

Réécoute et complète tes notes avant de passer à l’étape suivante.

John est en déplacement loin de la maison. Ethan et Katie étaient très fiers d’avoir « sauvé » l’ancien
ordinateur, et aussi très excités d’avoir enfin un PC à eux. Le soir, au téléphone, ils ont raconté à leur
père les évènements de la journée, mais leur récit n’avait ni queue ni tête. Durant la conversation, John a
griffonné quelques notes sur un morceau de papier. Aide-le à y voir plus clair, en classant ses notes
(Nb1 -> Nb9) dans l’ordre chronologique !

Nb : ___
Ethan / can’t repair PC Nb : ___
4: 00 p.m. - Susan’s cell phone / OFF

Nb : ___
Susan / back home with new laptop Nb : ___
Ethan / message on Susan’s voice mail

Nb : ___
Message from Ethan / Old PC / repaired! Nb : ___
Susan / at ‘the PC Clinic’

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 143

Séquence 5 — séance 5

Step 14
Exercise 12
À l’école, Katie doit créer un sketch à partir d’une situation qu’elle a vécue récemment. Elle choisit de
jouer des scènes de la journée d’hier.

D’après ce que tu sais sur la valeur du simple past et celle du present perfect, essaie d’anticiper
leur usage dans le dialogue. Mets une croix dans la case appropriée.

Lorsque tu as fini, réécoute le dialogue pour vérifier tes hypothèses, et inscris la bonne réponse
en toutes lettres dans la colonne de droite.
Situation dans le sketch Simple past Pr. perfect Vérification
Susan arrive à la maison et les
enfants découvrent qu’elle a
acheté un nouveau PC.

Les enfants lui annoncent que le

vieux PC fonctionne, qu’ils l’ont
réparé eux-mêmes
Ils décrivent point par point
les étapes successives de la
réparation qu’ils ont effectuée
dans l’après-midi.

Ethan dit qu’il a essayé de

joindre sa mère vers 16h

Susan dit qu’elle a éteint son

téléphone au moment d’entrer
dans le magasin
Les enfants sont fiers
d’annoncer à leur père que
Susan leur a donné son ancien

Step 15
Observe cette phrase au present be+ING, extraite du dialogue.

You’re always forgetting things!

Tu sais qu’on s’attendrait plutôt à une construction au présent simple (You always forget things) parce
que :
- Elle évoque une habitude
- Elle énonce une caractéristique stable du sujet (Susan est comme cela et ne changera
probablement pas)
- Elle contient l’adverbe de fréquence ‘always’

144 — © Cned, Anglais 4e

séance 5 — Séquence 5

Exercise 13

Écoute ce que dit Katie pour comprendre comment le présent Be+ING utilisé là où logiquement on attend
le présent simple donne un sens particulier à ce qu’elle dit. Tu peux aussi te repérer grâce à l’intonation.

Dans les 2 enregistrements, c’est Katie qui parle, et nous apprenons des choses sur Susan, sa mère. Mais
dans quel cas apprend-on aussi quelque chose sur Katie (son état d’esprit, son opinion sur une situation ?)

Tu as trouvé ?

Donc, quand l’énonciateur utilise le …………………….., c’est pour parler de quelqu’un ou

quelque chose sans donner son point de vue.

Mais quand l’énonciateur choisit d’utiliser le ……………………………., c’est qu’il n’est pas
indifférent à la situation. Il a un point de vue (pas forcément négatif) et choisit de ne pas
rester neutre, de montrer ses sentiments.

Exercise 14

Écoute-bien la phrase ci-dessous, et essaie d’imiter son intonation :

Mom! You’re always forgetting things!

Katie et Ethan doivent se partager l’ordinateur que Susan leur a donné, mais la dispute arrive vite…

Ethan utilise le PC en permanence et ne le prête pas à sa sœur.

Il s’est d’ailleurs arrangé pour qu’elle ne puisse pas l’utiliser.

Prends la place de Katie qui proteste auprès de sa mère. Le Present Perfect et le présent be+ING de
commentaire t’aideront à expliquer la situation :

Help :

Protect PC with a password / Refuse to give password / Always / Play with computer

Tu peux préparer ton intervention au brouillon, et quand tu es prêt(e), enregistre-toi !

j e retiens
Une phrase au présent Be+ING n’est jamais neutre. Elle implique chez l’énonciateur un
point de vue particulier (point ou moment d’observation, sentiment positif ou négatif,
commentaire descriptif etc…)
Le présent simple énonce des faits bruts, des caractéristiques d’un sujet, qui ne changent
pas en fonction du moment de l’énonciation ou du point de vue de l’énonciateur.

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 145

Séquence 5 — séance 6

Séance 6

J’apprends à naviguer sans difficulté sur des sites en anglais

J’apprends à faire la synthèse d’un paragraphe en quelques mots
J’apprends à situer des évènements dans le futur

In Cyberspace!

Step 16

Exercise 15

Utilise tes connaissances sur Internet, ainsi que la transparence et l’inférence pour associer chaque mot ci-
dessous à sa définition :

Settings To switch on
Account Personal secret code
To log in Parameters
User To switch off
To enable To connect to a website
To disable Personal, individualized access to a website
Password Person who connects to a website

Ethan, qui profite pleinement de son ordinateur (qu’il partage néanmoins avec Katie), a entendu parler
de Cyber-me, un site grâce auquel il pourra créer son avatar (son double virtuel) et vivre de nombreuses
aventures. C’est sa première visite. Aide-le à comprendre comment le site fonctionne :

146 — © Cned, Anglais 4e

séance 6 — Séquence 5

Voici des copies des pages visitées par Ethan. Indique à quel endroit Ethan a cliqué pour obtenir les
messages en bas de l’écran. Place les lettres A, B, C etc. à côté des menus correspondants.

Screenshot 1 (Copie d’écran n°1) :

Welcome to Cyber-me !

First time users Create an account Registered users: Search

(B) Login page
Account settings

Messages: Exemple

(A) - Sorry ! This page is for users who have already created their account.

(B) - Sorry! You need a valid password to log in!

(C) - If you are new to Cyber-me, these pages are where you should start your visit. Here,
you will get basic information on how to set your computer and its peripherals in order to be
able to send and receive messages, or to enable your webcam and other stuff. Make sure you
follow our instructions step by step, and you’ll be ready to join the community in no time!

Screenshot 2:

Computer settings What is Cyber-me? What’s new on Cyber-me? Leave Cyber-me


(D)- Cyber-me is a user-created, computer-generated 3D virtual community. It’s an online

world imagined and created by its residents. When your computer is properly set, you’ll be
ready to start your Cyber-me adventure, an experience you won’t forget!

(E) – Do you really want to close this window and quit? Yes No

Screenshot 3:

Computer settings What is Cyber-me? What’s new on Cyber-me? Leave Cyber-me


(F) - Follow the instructions below to change your PC’s setup:

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 147

Séquence 5 — séance 6

Old Settings : Current Settings :

Microphone : off Microphone : on

Built-in webcam : off Built-in webcam : on

Speakers : on Speakers : on

Instant message software : not installed Instant message software : installed

Internal 3D video chip : disabled Internal 3D video chip : enabled

Le texte ci-dessous s’affiche sur l’écran dans une couleur

peu lisible. Aide Ethan à le reconstituer, pour qu’il le note
et puisse s’en servir pour reconfigurer son PC en cas de
problème :

PC Satus:

You have …………………. your PC’s microphone on.

You ………………………… your webcam ……………

You ………………………………...... instant message software

You ……….…………………………… 3D graphics.

Accept new Restore old

settings settings


(G) – Warning! The changes you have made to your computer settings will be lost.

(H) - Your computer is READY!

This window will close in 5 seconds

You will be redirected to the Cyber-me homepage. Please wait.

Welcome to Cyber-me!

First time users Create an account Registered users: Search

Login page
Account settings

148 — © Cned, Anglais 4e

séance 6 — Séquence 5

Step 17
Voici la page web qui permet à Ethan de créer son compte utilisateur. Aide-le à remplir toutes les
rubriques :

For security reasons, you will need to type in your e-mail address twice.

First name: ……….……………………………

Last name: ……….……………………………

Age: ……….…

e-mail address: ……….……………………………

e-mail confirmation: ……….……………………………

Choose a user name: KingEthan

User name confirmation: KingEthan

Choose a password. You password must be at least 8 characters long and must not
include punctuation signs.

Enter password:******
Re-enter password:******
Trouve quel MDP a
Sorry! The password you have chosen is not valid!
permis à Ethan de
Enter password:******** créer son compte !
Re-enter password:********

Sorry! This is not a valid password!

Enter password:**********
EthanNY.09 r
Re-enter password:**********
0Eth09anNY r
Welcome to Cyber-me!. ET09NY r
We will send you an e-mail to confirm your account details.
See you soon on Cyber-me !

Exercise 16

Tu travailles pour Cyber-me, et c’est toi qui as rédigé le message-type envoyé à tout nouveau membre
lorsque son compte utilisateur est prêt. Quel est ce message, exactement ?

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 149

Séquence 5 — séance 6

Help : need / have / set / created / will

Dear ‘KingEthan’

You ………………………………….. your Cyber-me account, and you ………………………..your PC

so that you can now send instant messages, use your webcam and your microphone and en-
joy 3D animations!

Please remember that you ……………………… your user name and your password when you
log in and when you need to update your account settings and personal information.

Thank you for joining us. We hope you ……………. enjoy using our website.

The Cyber-me team.

j e retiens
Pour faire le bilan d’une situation, et des actions qui l’ont déclenchée, on utilise le
present perfect puisque –encore une fois – c’est la situation présente qui compte le plus
(Maintenant, Ethan peut utiliser Cyber-me parce qu’il a suivi les étapes d’inscription et de
configuration de son PC).

150 — © Cned, Anglais 4e

séance 7 — Séquence 5

Séance 7
J’apprends à décrypter un titre d’après une illustration
J’apprends à dériver un adjectif à partir d’un nom
J’apprends à parler de la réalisation d’évènements futurs

Spying on Ethan

Step 18
Méthodologie :

Tu ne connais pas du tout le sens du mot ‘spying (on)’ qui sert de titre à la séance, mais en regardant
l’image et ce que fait Katie, tu devrais trouver facilement !

Alors, que fait-elle ?.............................................................................................................

Step 19
Katie has decided to create her blog on the internet. She’d like to write something
interesting about her brother’s little secrets. Help her make mental notes of what she has
just heard…

Done / ready Not done yet Projects for today

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 151

Séquence 5 — séance 7

What does Ethan want his avatar to look like? What qualities is he interested in? What are
Kevin’s suggestions? Match the following elements:


Monstrous Powerful


Fearless Ugly


Exercise 17

Let’s recap:

Ethan wants his avatar to be...

He doesn’t want it ................

So in fact, he doesn’t ................ Kevin .......... help him!

But Kevin would like Ethan ........................... him a photo when his avatar is ready.

Step 20
If Ethan’s avatar is fearless and powerful...

(Tick each possible answer)

It is strong and has a lot of power r

It has no fear r
It has no power r
It is not brave and is afraid of everything r

152 — © Cned, Anglais 4e

séance 7 — Séquence 5

Exercise 18
So you can deduce that...(find the right ending for each word)
A person who can help you a lot is help ..........
A person who has no home is home ..........
When there is no hope, the situation is hope ..........
A story that means a lot to you is meaning ..........

j e retiens
Comme tu l’as vu au cours des séquences précédentes...ful et ...less sont des suffixes. Ils
se placent donc après la dernière lettre du nom d’origine, et permettent de transformer ce
nom en adjectif.
...ful indique que le sujet dont il est question possède la caractéristique évoquée par le
nom d’origine.
...less indique que le sujet ne possède pas la caractéristique évoquée.
A powerful person  A person who has a lot of power
1. A powerless person  A person who has no power

Step 21
Observe cette phrase :
I’ll work on it when I’m back home after school.
Tu sais déjà que will et sa forme contractée ‘ll’ permettent de parler de l’avenir.
Mais la subordonnée introduite par When n’est pas suivie de Will. On retrouve en fait une
construction au présent simple ‘When I’m back home’.
Tu constateras le même phénomène à la fin du dialogue: ‘I’ll send you a picture as soon as it’s

j e retiens
Tu as appris lors de la séquence 1 que will permet d’exprimer une prédiction, de dire ce qui
a de fortes chances de se produire dans une situation donnée.
Lorsque la réalisation d’un évènement futur dépend de la réalisation d’un autre évènement,
la construction suivante est utilisée:
Evènement futur Condition à remplir

Sujet + Will + base Verbale When

As soon as + Phrase au présent simple
Condition à remplir Evènement futur

When Sujet + Will + base Verbale

As soon as + Phrase au présent simple

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Séquence 5 — séance 7

Exercise 19
Spying again!
Katie a noté des bribes d’une conversation qu’a tenue Ethan avec un autre camarade. Elle n’a pas tout
entendu, alors aide-la à reconstituer ce qu’a dit son frère :

When back home

Have a snack r
Do homework r

As soon as finish homework

Switch on PC r
Check E-mail r
Work on avatar r

If avatar ready
Send message to friends r

Ethan: “When I....

154 — © Cned, Anglais 4e

séance 8 — Séquence 5

Séance 8

j e m’évalue
Si tu as des difficultés à faire les exercices suivants, relis les séances dans lesquelles ces points ont été

Exercise 1

Complète la fiche technique de ce PC

………………….. computer :
17’’ LCD ……………………………
500 Gigabyte ………………………...
DVD Rom ……………………………

Special offer:
Free ………………. and 8-Gigabyte USB …………… included!

Exercise 2

Rédige une série de conseils à partir du titre suivant :

Keep your PC virus-free! Protect your personal information and your privacy!

If you’re afraid …. You should …..

And if you’re afraid …. You should ….

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Séquence 5 — séance 8

Exercise 3

Susan’s new PC has crashed!

Help her find what’s wrong by making sure she has checked everything:

Have you ….

Have you ….



Exercise 4

What happens to people who suffer from cyberphobia (symptoms, causes)?

Exercise 5

Use the context to choose between the simple past and the present perfect:

Useful verbs: Create / start / be

Look! Ethan ………………………….. his avatar!

I didn’t know he had his own computer. When …………… he …………….. it?

He ………………………….. buy it. His mother ………………………….. him her old PC.

When ………… he ……………….. working on his avatar?

I’m not sure. I think he ………………………….. a Cyber-me member for 4 or 5 days now.
That’s all I know.

156 — © Cned, Anglais 4e

séance 8 — Séquence 5

Exercise 6

Ethan is complaining about his sister’s attitude, and he’s very angry!

Mom, Katie is a real pain!

Help: To spy / to make fun of

She ………… always …..………………………….. on me! She can’t keep anything secret!

She ………… constantly ………………………….. of me! She likes making me look stupid!

Exercise 7

Here is a summary of Ethan’s plans for this afternoon. Use ‘when’ or ‘as soon’ as to

connect the elements below. Make all the necessary changes to obtain correct and

meaningful sentences.

First Then

Back home Do homework

Homework is done Play a video game

Mom back Tell her about Katie spying on me

I - Ready Switch on PC and connect to Cyber-me






© Cned, Anglais 4e — 157


Séquence 6
Communication Civilisation Grammaire Phonologie Méthodologie
Séance 1 Comprendre des Student exchanges Discours indirect Repérer des mots-
Dialogue propos rapportés clés
Reconstituer le Mettre des
message original informations en
Séance 2 Évoquer des French-speaking Quantifieurs Extraire
Texte informatif quantités et des Americans Adjectifs composés l’information
proportions pertinente d’un
Faire une document écrit
présentation Savoir synthétiser
orale à partir de
documents écrits
Séance 3 Distinguer propos French ancestry Discours indirect Formuler et vérifier
Dialogue rapportés et propos Brother-sister ses propres
originaux relationships hypothèses
Rapporter des Anticiper à partir
propos à l’écrit d’une image
Séance 4 Repérer American colonies Simple past Mettre des
Texte informatif l’articulation Independence Lexique: expressions en
logique d’un texte War réseau
pour mieux le Colonization Identifier la
comprendre Independence structure d’un
Pouvoir parler de article
l’histoire commune
de la France et des
Remplir une grille
de mots-croisés
Séance 5 Intégrer les propos George Washington Marqueurs du Repérer des
Dialogue d’une personne American discours indirect marqueurs
dans mon récit Independence typographiques et
Parler d’un grammaticaux
personnage Anticiper et vérifier
historique célèbre des hypothèses

158 — © Cned, Anglais 4e

séance 1 — Séquence 6

Séance 1
J’apprends à enrichir des notes à chaque nouvelle écoute
J’apprends à repérer l’utilisation du discours indirect
J’apprends à reconstituer le message original au discours direct

Step 1
Méthodologie :

Lorsque tu entends une conversation en anglais, tu ne comprends pas tout, mais tu repères
tout de même certains mots-clés qui te permettent d’avoir une idée globale du sens. Si tu as
la possibilité de réécouter la même conversation, tu peux comprendre davantage de choses, et
trouver des liens avec ce que tu as entendu la première fois.

Tu vas écouter le dialogue trois fois, en notant les mots que tu reconnais dans les cercles ci-
dessous. Après la deuxième et la troisième écoute, essaie de relier ce que tu viens de noter et
ce que tu avais noté lors des écoutes précédentes.

1re écoute
2e écoute

3e écoute

Exercise 1

Listen to the dialogue once again, and underline each keyword you have recognized in the
chart below.

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Séquence 6 — séance 1

Project nb 1 Project nb 2 Project nb 3

Beginning Next week Next week Next month
Means of E-mail E-mail E-mail
Phone Chat using webcam Chat using webcam
Frequency Once a week Once a week Twice a week
Level High school Middle school Middle school
Age of students 16 to 19 14 to 16 13 to 16
Country Spain France France
Region Galicia Burgundy Brittany

Exercise 2
Now, use the information you have collected so far to decide which of the three projects
Ethan will participate in:
It’s project nb...........!

Step 2
Observe cette phrase :
He said his students were impatient. He asked me if we were ready and if we could start
next week!
Comment le message parvient-il à Ethan et ses camarades ?
Situation 1 ou Situation 2 ?

Teacher in French school Ethan and Situatio
(Monsieur Martin) his friends

Teacher in French school Ethan’s teacher Ethan and Situatio
(Monsieur Martin) (Mr Atkins) his friends

Tu as trouvé ? C’est la situation .............. !

Donc la question posée au départ par M. Martin était adressée à …………………….

Exercise 3
Et quand Mr Atkins s’adresse à Ethan et à ses amis en disant : ‘He asked me if we were
ready and if we could start next week’, Mr Atkins:
- Ne fait que leur raconter une partie de son échange de mails avec M. Martin r
- Leur pose une question et attend une réponse r

Si tu as un doute, cherche dans la phrase en gras des indices qui te permettent de reconnaître
qu’une question est posée (ordre des mots, ponctuation…). En as-tu trouvé ?

160 — © Cned, Anglais 4e

séance 1 — Séquence 6

Exercise 4
Résumons :
Dans la phrase étudiée, Monsieur Martin s’adresse à Ethan et à sa classe :
r Directement
r Directement, mais Mr Atkins intervient dans la conversation
r Indirectement. Il s’est d’abord adressé à Mr Atkins, qui a transmis le message plus tard a
ses élèves.

j e retiens
La tournure que tu viens d’étudier s’appelle le discours indirect (en anglais ‘reported
speech’). Il permet de transmettre, de rappeler le contenu d’une conversation. Il s’agit
donc de récit et non de dialogue véritable. Tu as d’ailleurs probablement remarqué
l’absence de guillemets !
Lorsque l’énonciateur dit : ‘He asked me if we were ready and if we could start
next week’, il ne fait que raconter ce qui s’est passé : « Il a fait ceci et dit cela, puis
il a demandé telle chose… ». Il ne s’agit plus d’une véritable question. D’ailleurs, les
marqueurs qui signalent d’habitude une question (Point d’interrogation, inversion
verbe-sujet ou apparition d’un opérateur do/ does / have / has en tête de phrase…)
n’apparaissent pas.

Exercise 5
À toi de dire si les phrases suivantes sont au discours direct ou indirect :

Direct Indirect
Mr Atkins said he had good news.
Kevin asked: ‘Will there be girls to chat with?’
Mr Atkins asked Ethan if he was interested.
Mike said: ‘Sorry. It won’t happen again’.
Thursday, 14:30 – Dijon, France
M. Martin: ‘My students are impatient’
M. Martin écrit de France, jeudi.
Heure locale : 14:30. Il parle au

Friday, 10:15 AM – New York, USA

Mr Atkins: Mr Martin said his students were impatient

Mr Atkins résume le message de

M. Martin. Il est 10:15, vendredi
à New York. Le message date
Mr Atkins utilise le passé pour le

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 161

Séquence 6 — séance 1

Exercise 6
Mr Atkins craint d’avoir oublié d’expliquer quelque chose à ses élèves lorsqu’il a parlé du
message de M. Martin…
Il a noté ce qu’il a dit à ses élèves à propos du message écrit la veille par l’enseignant
M. Martin said his students were impatient.
He said they loved English.
He told me they were very interested in American history.
He asked me if we could start next week.

…et il compare avec le message original de M. Martin pour vérifier qu’il n’a rien oublié :
Reconstitue le message de M. Martin.

Dear Mr Atkins,
My students ……………… English, and they …………….. very interested in American history.
My students ……….. very impatient.
…………….. we start next week?

162 — © Cned, Anglais 4e

séance 2 — Séquence 6

Séance 2
Je sais utiliser les ordinaux
J’apprends à parler de quantités et de proportions
J’apprends à faire une présentation orale à partir de documents écrits

Step 3
Ethan a pris très à cœur le travail de recherche demandé par Mr Atkins. Il a choisi de parler de
la présence de la langue française aux États-Unis, et a été surpris de constater la place occupée
par cette langue dans son pays. Il a décidé d’utiliser son ordinateur pour créer une présentation
qu’il diffusera tout en faisant un exposé devant la classe.

Lis d’abord le texte ci-dessous une première fois, puis recherche les informations qui aideront
Ethan à compléter sa présentation :

It is believed that 1.6 million Americans speak French at home, making French the fourth
most-spoken language in the country, behind English, Spanish and Chinese. French-speaking
communities have historically been located in southern Louisiana and in northern New
England. French is the second most spoken language in four states: Louisiana, Maine, New
Hampshire and Vermont.

More than 13 million Americans believe they have French ancestry. Until the 1980s, French
was the most popular foreign language studied in the United States; French has traditionally
been the favorite foreign language of millions of English-speaking people across the globe.
However, since the end of the 1980s, Spanish – probably as a consequence of immigration
– has become the most studied foreign language in the USA. French is currently the second
most studied foreign language, ahead of German and Chinese. Most U.S. high schools and
universities offer French-language courses.

The French-American School of New York, also known as the École Franco-Américaine de
New York or FASNY is a bilingual private school located in Westchester County. 69% of the
students are of French origin, 21% are American, and 10% come from all over the French-
speaking world and represent forty-five nationalities.

Voici la présentation d’Ethan. À toi de la compléter avec des informations prises dans le texte :

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Séquence 6 — séance 2



1 Série3


Most spoken languages in the USA




Most studied languages in the USA today

Most studied language in the 1980s:

Late 80s ...................................... Today

But since the late 1980s, Spanish …………………………… the most studied language in the USA.

Réfléchis un peu...

U.S. states where French is the 2nd spoken language:

Number of Americans with French ancestors:

Number of Americans speaking French in everyday life:

164 — © Cned, Anglais 4e

séance 2 — Séquence 6

A French-American school in New York!

1 Most students are ..........

Some (of them) are ..........

A few come from ..........

Origin of FASNY students

ça y est ! Grâce à toi la présentation d’Ethan est prête !

j e retiens
Most, some et a few sont des quantifieurs. Ils permettent d’évoquer des quantités et
des proportions sans pour autant utiliser des chiffres précis.
Most s’applique à une majorité d’éléments.
Some évoque une certaine quantité, inférieure à la majorité et supérieure à 0.
A few indique une quantité peu importante, mais supérieure à 0.

Step 4
Exercise 7
Observe les adjectifs en gras :

English-speaking people

The French-speaking world

Sur ce modèle, fabrique le même genre de construction à partir des définitions suivantes :

People who speak Spanish usually show an interest in Latin America

Only the students who work hard can learn Chinese

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 165

Séquence 6 — séance 2

Step 5
Maintenant, Ethan va s’entraîner à présenter son exposé, pour être au point demain en classe.
Aide-le en proposant ta propre version !

Utilise les documents remplis au Step 3 et intègre les éléments ci-dessous pour t’entraîner à
présenter le sujet à l’oral.

Écoute d’abord les mots et répète-les jusqu’à ce que tu sois sûr(e) de ta prononciation.

First, second, third, fourth…

English-speaking, French-speaking
Most (of th…), some (of th…), a few…
Spoken, studied…
In the 80s, today…

Exercise 8
Lorsque tu es prêt, enregistre ta présentation !

166 — © Cned, Anglais 4e

séance 3 — Séquence 6

Séance 3
J’apprends à distinguer les propos rapportés des propos originaux
J’apprends à rapporter des propos à l’écrit
Je sais anticiper le contenu d’un dialogue à partir de l’illustration

A genius?

Step 6
Méthodologie : Anticipation.
D’après l’image et le titre, indique ci-dessous, en français ou en anglais, à quelle situation tu
t’attends :

Dans le rectangle ci-dessous, fais la liste des mots et expressions que tu connais déjà, et qui
pourraient être utilisés dans ces circonstances :

Écoute le dialogue, et vérifie les hypothèses que tu as formulées dans le 1er rectangle. Barre celles
qui selon toi ne correspondent pas à ce que disent et font les personnages.
À la 2e écoute, complète la liste d’expressions que tu avais établie, et barre celles qui te semblent
hors sujet, s’il y en a.

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Séquence 6 — séance 3

Step 7
Now listen to the dialogue once again and match the following elements to find out what
Ethan says exactly.

if a good idea do it that well

it was it was an excellent student
only a few students could my first slideshow
I was to create a digital slideshow

Step 8
Katie a toujours du mal à croire son frère (elle est un peu jalouse) et elle insiste pour obtenir
plus de précisions. Pour la faire taire, Ethan a décidé de lui répéter mot pour mot, comme s’il
avait enregistré avec un dictaphone, ce qu’a dit Mr Atkins !

Exercise 9
Utilise le tableau précédent pour reconstruire les paroles du professeur, telles qu’il les a
prononcées sur le moment, dans la classe.
Exemple: C’est Ethan qui parle,
Ethan: “Mr Atkins said I was an excellent student” le soir après l’école

k Mr Atkins: “ You’re an excellent student!” C’est le professeur qui

parle à Ethan, au moment
de la présentation

Mr Atkins said:

j e retiens
Comme le temps s’est écoulé entre le moment où les paroles ont été prononcées et le
moment où l’on reparle de cette conversation, le temps de la phrase sera différent. On
se trouve alors dans une situation de récit, avec des marqueurs de passé :
Mike: ‘You’re very clever, Ethan’ (discours direct).
Plus tard dans la journée, ou le lendemain : Mike said Ethan was very clever. (discours
Tu notes aussi que le sujet de la phrase au discours indirect peut être différent, puisque
la personne qui raconte la conversation n’est pas forcément celle qui l’a vécue. Ici, Mike
ne s’adresse pas à Ethan, mais à une autre personne.

168 — © Cned, Anglais 4e

séance 3 — Séquence 6

Exercise 10
Katie écrit une nouvelle page de son blog pour critiquer son frère qui n’arrête pas de se
vanter de son exploit au collège. Elle y parle des commentaires du professeur d’Ethan :
You know what? My brother thinks he’s a genius.
This morning he did a presentation for Mr. Atkins.
Mr Atkins congratulated him on his work.
He said Ethan was...
Then he said...
He also said...
And he asked...
Can you imagine this? My brother, a genius?
How ridiculous!

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 169

Séquence 6 — séance 4

Séance 4
J’apprends à repérer l’articulation logique d’un texte
J’apprends à mettre des expressions en réseau
pour comprendre un texte
J’apprends à remplir une grille de mots croisés

Step 9 Friends indeed!

La classe de Katie, elle aussi, va participer aux échanges avec le collège français. Mais le
professeur a décidé que seuls les élèves qui réussissent un quiz qu’il va leur proposer pourront
‘chatter’ avec des élèves français.

Aide Katie à réussir le quiz !

America and France have been

friends for nearly 250 years. It
began in the 1760s, when the
USA did not exist yet, and when
North America was not a free,
independent country but a
number of colonies mainly under
British or French authority.
In those days, Britain and
France were rivals – two
colonial powers often at war
with each other, and the Seven
Years’ War – also called the
French-Indian war (1756-1763)
was no exception.

The French-Indian war: France and its allies lost the

The battle of Sainte-Foy, by George B. Campion war, and, as a result, Britain
became the dominant colonial
power in North America.
Victory over France had cost Britain a lot of money. That is why a series of Acts of Parliament
in the United Kingdom imposed heavy taxes on the American colonists during the 1760s and
early 1770s. For many colonists, the chains that had linked them to Britain for almost 150 years
became the chains of servitude, foreign domination and unjust tyranny. This situation was the
starting point of a rebellion in 1775.
From the moment armed rebellion started in 1775, many in France sympathized with the
colonists. The Americans and the French realized that they had a common enemy: the British
Empire. Young, idealistic French officers like the Marquis de Lafayette volunteered to support
the Continental army. France helped the American rebels by sending them guns, uniforms and
other military equipment.
French military aid was a decisive factor in the American victory. The violent conflict ended
with British troops leaving America while the two sides negotiated the terms of a peace treaty.

170 — © Cned, Anglais 4e

séance 4 — Séquence 6

The United States Declaration of Independence is a statement adopted by the Continental

Congress on July 4, 1776, which announced that the thirteen American colonies which were at
war with Great Britain were now independent states, and consequently no longer a part of the
British Empire.
The final peace treaty came in 1783 and was called the Treaty of Paris. With the help of French
soldiers, America won its war of independence.
One of the most visible signs of this solidarity between France and America is the Statue of
Liberty. It was designed and built in France, and brought to America as a symbol of friendhip
between the two countries.

Step 10
Méthodologie :
Les récits historiques sont souvent construits selon la même logique : On évoque une situation,
un évènement, puis on en analyse les causes et les conséquences.

Avant de te lancer dans le quiz, lis attentivement le texte, et recherche des mots-clés ou
expressions (pas de phrases complètes) qui te permettront de remplir ce tableau.

Origins or causes Situation or event consequences

7 years’ War in America

French-American friendship



Exercise 11
À présent, avant de tenter d’y répondre, lis les questions du quiz, et cherche quelle partie du
tableau ci-dessus peut te mettre sur la voie. Quand tu as trouvé, relis le texte pour trouver la
réponse exacte et complète à chaque question.
Which two empires were at war between 1753 and 1760?
Which empire won the war?
After the war, what was life like in the 13 colonies?
Did the people in the colonies accept the situation?

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 171

Séquence 6 — séance 4

How did France help Americans?

When was America officially declared a free country?
When did the war of independence officially end?

Exercise 12
Read the definitions and fill in the grid below. When you’re done, you’ll discover the name
of the first American president!

1 R
2 A
4 T
5 O I
6 P T
7 N
8 T S
9 P R
10 E
1- Armed conflict between two or more countries.
2- Foreign people that side with you and help you defeat your enemy.
3- Number of years that the French-Indian war lasted.
4- Number of American colonies that became independent on July 4, 1776.
5- People who leave their country of origin to colonize new lands.
6- Group of politicians who vote laws. Also the place where these people meet.
7- Firearms.
8- From the United Kingdom.
9- What makes you stronger than the others.
10- From France.

172 — © Cned, Anglais 4e

séance 5 — Séquence 6

Séance 5
J’apprends à connaître un personnage historique
Je sais relever des informations biographiques
J’apprends à intégrer les propos d’une autre personne dans un récit

Another genius!

Step 11
Méthodologie :

Avant d’écouter le dialogue, utilise l’image pour anticiper la conversation.

Dans le rectangle ci-dessous, en fonction de la situation et de l’expression des personnages sur

l’illustration, fais la liste en anglais des expressions qui pourraient être utilisées par le professeur
dans ce contexte :

Maintenant, écoute le dialogue, et compare avec tes hypothèses de départ. Ajoute les expressions
que tu as entendues et reconnues dans le dialogue.

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 173

Séquence 6 — séance 5

Exercise 13
Now, let’s make sure you’ve understood the dialogue. Tick every right answer.
r Did very well at the quiz
r Didn’t do well at the quiz
r Got some of the answers right, but not all of them
r Got all the answers right
What did Katie’s teacher say last week?
‘All students can participate in the exchange’ r
‘If you get all the answers right, you’ll participate in the exchange’ r
‘If you get some of the answers right, you’ll participate in the exchange’ r

Step 12
What have you learned about George Washington? Fill in the boxes on the right.
Job / position he held
before becoming

His age when he began his

presidential mandate:

Why the American people

chose him:

How long he served as


174 — © Cned, Anglais 4e

séance 5 — Séquence 6

Step 13
Observe bien les phrases suivantes :
C’est G.
Washington qui

He said: ‘ I only want to serve my country. I will not take any pay for my services’.

G.W. parle de
son présent et de
son avenir

Pour Katie et pour

nous, ces paroles
appartiennent au passé

He said he only want ed to serve his country, and he said he would not take any pay…

Ce n’est plus G.W.

qui parle, c’est Katie
qui parle de G.W.

j e retiens
Lorsque tu passes du discours direct (dialogue ou monologue) au discours indirect
(récit), tu sais déjà que les marqueurs de prise de parole disparaissent (guillemets,
points d’interrogation et d’exclamation).
Tu sais aussi que dans ton récit tu parles au passé, ce qui doit être visible sur les verbes
qui étaient à l’intérieur des guillemets :
He said:’ Mr Washington is a hero’ k He said Mr Washington was a hero.
Mais ce n’est pas tout :
- Les modaux, comme les autres opérateurs / auxiliaires, prendront aussi une marque de
Will devient would
Can devient could
May devient might.
She said: ‘G. Washington will do great things for our country’
k She said G.W. would do great things for our country
- Les pronoms personnels peuvent changer, si l’énonciateur change.

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 175

Séquence 6 — séance 5

Exercise 14

Aide Katie à faire un résumé des informations dont elle dispose à propos du 1er président
américain, en utilisant les verbes en gras dans les cadres à côté du portrait de George
Washington. Tu intégreras au récit ce que des Américains ont dit de lui à l’époque :

People said…

‘He’s the best man we can choose’

‘He’s brave and honest.’

‘We want him for president’

‘He knows American people very well’

‘Will he accept the office of president?’

George Washington began his .............................................................................................














176 — © Cned, Anglais 4e

Sommaire de la séquence 7

Communication Civilisation Grammaire Phonologie Méthodologie

Séance 1 Comprendre Chat via Internet Verbes Consonnes Représenter
Dialogue et suivre la prépositionnels muettes graphiquement
chronologie et Present perfect une
les détails d’un be+ing chronologie
Séance 2 Rapporter des The Mayflower In order to Créer une fiche
Texte propos The Pilgrims Prétérit de récit personnelle
informatif Exprimer un Heure GMT de recherche
E-mail but d’informations

Séance 3 Repérer So + do / did Remplir une

Dialogue l’information Whereas grille de mots
essentielle Both croisés
dans une Choisir des
conversation éléments
Evoquer des significatifs
similitudes et pour se
des différences présenter

Séance 4 Comprendre Thomas Jefferson Adverbes et Lien graphie- Lecture active

Texte un texte dérivation phonie et sélective
informatif informatif long Accent de mot d’un document
Règle -ION

Séance 5 Réagir face Le siècle des Présent be+ing Inférence

Tableau à une œuvre Lumières Foreground, lexicale
Dialogue d’art L’expérimentation background..
Identifier Description
d’après une
séance 1 — Séquence 7

Séance 1
J’apprends à comprendre un récit de manière plus détaillée
et à retrouver la chronologie des évènements évoqués
J’apprends à faire un commentaire sur la durée d’un évènement
Je sais m’exprimer de manière authentique

Tired of waiting!

Step 1
Méthodologie :

Pour comprendre un dialogue ou un récit qui comporte des indications chronologiques (dates,
début et fin d’une activité, durée écoulée...), il est souvent utile d’essayer de se représenter
l’enchaînement des évènements sur un schéma, pour savoir qui fait quoi, et quand.

Écoute ton CD et indique sur la frise les divers évènements mentionnés dans le dialogue en
utilisant les signes de ton choix pour représenter les repères chronologiques (début, fin, durée,
interruption...). Tu indiqueras les évènements en anglais.

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 
Séquence 7 — séance 1

Step 2
Listen to the dialogue:
Now, let’s make sure you’ve understood:
Who does what? Use arrows (Ë) to match the relevant elements.

Katie Is playing
wants to use the computer
first refuses to stop playing
has been playing for 2 hours
Ethan finally agrees to stop playing
needs the PC to go online
also needs to go online
will use the PC
Will sit and watch

Exercise 1
Listen to the dialogue once again and use the words below to say what Katie and Ethan
need the PC for:

They need to go online (learn / to / life / about / things / France / in)

Because they need something (students / about / to / with / French / the / chat)

Exercise 2
Parts of this dialogue have been blanked out. Fill in the gaps. (Complète les parties du
dialogue qui ont été effacées).

Who are you going to chat with?

I’m going to....................................French students

What are you going to talk about?

We’re going to................................life in France, I suppose.

As-tu remarqué la place occupée par la préposition (ex: ... going to talk about) dans les phrases
interrogatives ? La construction est la même que dans les phrases affirmatives :
Verbe + préposition.

 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 1 — Séquence 7

j e retiens
En anglais, quand un verbe est suivi d’une préposition (about, of, for, with, on etc.),
l’ensemble constitue un ‘bloc’ dont on ne peut généralement pas, en tout cas à l’oral,
séparer les éléments.
On trouve donc, dans le cas d’une phrase interrogative, la structure suivante :
What are you waiting for?
Le mot interrogatif est placé en début de phrase, et le groupe Verbe + préposition en fin
de phrase.
Le « bloc » Verbe + préposition est inchangé par rapport à la phrase affirmative :
I’m waiting for my bus.

Step 3
Phonologie :

Écoute la liste de mots suivante :

Would, could, talk, walk.

Au plan de la prononciation, qu’ont-ils en commun ?


Step 4
You’ve been playing for 2 hours!

Cette forme est celle...

® du simple past

® du present perfect

® du présent simple

Quels éléments t’ont mis sur la voie (forme du verbe, auxiliaires / opérateurs… ?)

Lorsque Katie prononce cette phrase, dans quel état d’esprit est-elle ?

Tu as déjà rencontré une forme en ING dans un contexte où tu ne l’attendais pas (séquence 5).
Te souviens-tu de sa valeur ?

La construction ‘You’ve played for 2 hours’ serait tout à fait possible ici. Pourquoi Katie a-t-elle
ajouté - ING?

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 
Séquence 7 — séance 1

j e retiens
Dans les mots Would, could, talk et walk, la consonne écrite ‘L’ n’est pas prononcée.
La construction ‘have been V-ing’ est une forme de present perfect, qui possède la
même valeur de base (relier une situation présente à son origine dans le passé). Mais la
forme V-ing apporte 2 nuances importantes :
- Elle permet de focaliser l’attention sur l’activité dont il est question.
- Elle indique un point de vue particulier du locuteur sur la situation. Ici, il s’agit
d’impatience et d’agacement. Katie veut qu’Ethan cesse de monopoliser l’ordinateur !

Exercise 4
Katie cherche sur Internet de quoi parler avec les français, mais en une demie-heure, elle n’a
rien trouvé. Cette fois, c’est Ethan qui s’impatiente.
You’ve ............................................................................................................................... !

Exercise 5
Le lendemain matin, Mr Atkins, le professeur d’Ethan vérifie que ses élèves auront des
choses à dire une fois en ligne avec les collégiens français.
Kevin n’a rien préparé, et Mr Atkins s’impatiente.
À sa place, que dirais-tu à Kevin, qui hésite depuis 10 minutes ?
Utilise les éléments suivants :
What / wait for?
What / want / talk about?
You / hesitate / 10 minutes
Who / want / chat / with? A boy or a girl?

Lorsque tu es prêt, enregistre-toi !

 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 2 — Séquence 7

Séance 2
J’apprends à organiser ma recherche d’informations
Je sais rapporter des propos dans un récit
J’apprends à dire dans quel but j’agis

From Plymouth

Step 5
Les collégiens français et américains ont maintenant fait connaissance, et cette semaine, ils ont
décidé de se lancer des défis. Voici l’énigme que la classe d’Ethan a envoyée aux collégiens français.
Aide-les à relever le défi !

From: T. Jefferson Middle School, New York

To: Collège J. Ferry

Attached file: mf1882.jpg [Click to open attached file]

Hi, everyone.
Here’s this week’s challenge.
How well do you know our country’s history?
Open the attached file first.
Then look at the picture.

Attached file: «Mayflower in Plymouth Harbor», by William Halsall (1882)

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 
Séquence 7 — séance 2

Marine, une des collégiennes françaises, a fait des recherches sur Internet, et s’est retrouvée face
à une avalanche de documents. Aide-la à y voir plus clair et à se concentrer sur les éléments
importants, qui lient ce bateau à l’histoire de l’Amérique.

Méthodologie :
Tu te doutes que dans le texte ci-dessous, tout ce qui est dit ne te sera pas forcément
indispensable à la compréhension du récit. Pour faire des recherches efficaces, tu as besoin
de savoir quelles informations te seront utiles. Pour cela, tu peux fabriquer ta propre fiche de
Ci-dessous, en anglais, crée ta fiche de recherche, en y faisant figurer les questions que tu te poses
et qui te permettront d’en savoir plus sur ce bateau et sur son rôle dans l’histoire de l’Amérique
(Époque, lieu de départ…)

The Mayflower:

Step 6
Maintenant, lis le texte et remplis la fiche que tu as créée. Ajoute des rubriques si nécessaire.

The history of American colonization really began on the morning of September 6th, 1620,
when a group of Europeans left Plymouth, England on a ship called the Mayflower. They
left England and Holland in order to start a new life on the American continent. To escape
religious persecution, or simply to realize their dream of a better future, these people,
known today as the Pilgrims, had to spend sixty-six days at sea before reaching the American
continent, which they considered their Promised Land. They were full of hope, but they knew
very little about their destination. They knew life would be hard, but they did not mind.
The Mayflower was very uncomfortable. Because there was little space on the ship, the
passengers had no privacy at all. They were cold, tired and sick. What they did not know
is that the Mayflower would not reach Plymouth, its initial destination on the American
continent, after those sixty-six days at sea. Because of bad weather, storms and hurricanes,
the captain had to alter the ship’s course and land much farther north, in Cape Cod, on
November 11th. The 102 passengers and the crew had to spend the winter on board!
When spring came, the Mayflower left Cape Cod, and in March 1621, the Pilgrims finally
settled in Plymouth, New England, where they could start their new life.

10 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 2 — Séquence 7

Today, the Mayflower is regarded as a symbol of early European colonization of what was to
become the USA. This period of history is essential to American civilization, because it shows
some of the basic values upon which American society was built – freedom, hard work, and a
sense of adventure.

Exercise 6

Si tu as conçu une fiche de recherche efficace, tu ne devrais pas avoir de difficultés à

récapituler les renseignements qui permettront à Marine de préparer sa réponse à l’énigme
des collégiens américains.

Ship’s name:

Number of passengers:

Departure from: date:


Number of days at sea:

Stop at: date:


Delay: ………. months

Journey ended in …………………… (approx. date)

Exercise 7

Now, let’s talk about the Mayflower:

Use arrows (Ë) to link the appropriate elements, from left to right:

In order to

realize their dream,

Had to

in order to
leave the European continent.
the Pilgrims had to


© Cned, Anglais 4e — 11
Séquence 7 — séance 2

Step 7
Observe cette phrase :

They knew life would be hard, but they did not mind.

Ce sont des paroles ou des pensées rapportées dans un récit, donc au passé.

Exercise 8

Peux-tu reconstruire les paroles exactes des personnes qui s’exprimaient sur ce sujet,
en 1620 ?

‘We know life…………..be hard, but we…………………mind’

Récapitulons :

D’après les choix que tu viens de faire, quelle construction peux-tu utiliser pour parler :

- d’une obligation, d’une contrainte imposée :

- d’un but fixé, d’un objectif à atteindre :

j e retiens
Pour parler d’une obligation, d’une contrainte imposée à une ou plusieurs personnes,
on utilise la forme have to+base verbale. Et bien sûr, si on s’exprime au passé, cette
construction devient had to+ base verbale.
Would est la forme passée de will.
Tu te souviens de la valeur de will : C’est un auxiliaire modal qui permet d’évoquer
l’avenir en faisant une prédiction.
In order to permet d’évoquer un but, un objectif visé par une action ou une attitude.
Exemple : They left everything they had behind in order to start an new life on the
American continent.

12 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 3 — Séquence 7

Step 8
Exercise 9

Voici le résumé que les collégiens français vont envoyer à la classe d’Ethan, pour prouver
qu’ils ont trouvé la réponse à l’énigme. Aide Marine et ses camarades à écrire un texte sans
erreurs ! Utilise in order to / had to /would

………………………start a new life in America, the Pilgrims ……………………… abandon

everything they had in Europe. Most of them left their countries (England and Holland)
……………………… escape religious persecution.

They knew the journey ……………………… be long and uncomfortable, but they
……………………… mind.

The Pilgrims thought it ……………………… be a 66-day journey, but because of storms and
hurricanes, the Mayflower ……………………… stop near Cape Cod………………………spend
the winter. That’s why its passengers ……………………… spend several months on board.

The Pilgrims knew they ……………………… be patient. And in the spring of 1621, they finally
reached the American colony of Plymouth, where their new life …………………… begin!

le coin des curieux

Le sigle GMT qui apparaît dans le cadre en début de séance fait référence à l’heure du
méridien de Greenwich. Il s’agit du méridien qui passe près de Londres, et donne la référence
à partir de laquelle on calcule le décalage horaire entre différents pays. On parle par exemple
de GMT+8 pour une région du monde dans laquelle il est 20 heures alors qu’il n’est que midi
au méridien de Greenwich.

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 13
Séquence 7 — séance 3

Séance 3
Je sais repérer l’information essentielle dans une conversation
J’apprends à parler des similitudes
et des différences entre des personnes

Step 9
Exercise 10

Preparation :

Use you knowledge of English, your logic and your intuition to match the words and their
definitions. (Relie les mots et leurs définitions).

1- An adjective referring to a Whereas

person who talks a lot
2- A word used to express Pen friend
difference and contrast
3- Very similar Talkative
4- A friend (usually in a foreign Spell
country) you exchange
messages with, in order to
learn their language
5- Enumerate the letters of a Alike

Exercise 11

Then, place your answers in the crossword grid below. And discover the mystery word in the
middle. The mystery word means “two children born of the same mother at the same time”,
and it will help you understand the dialogue. (Ensuite place les mots dans la grille ci-dessous et
découvre le mot mystère qui signifie deux enfants nés de la même mère, au même moment).

1 L
2 E
3 I

14 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 3 — Séquence 7

Step 10
Exercise 12

Now, listen to the dialogue and find out more about Katie’s pen friend.

Favourite activities
Sister’s name

Exercise 13

Find the similarities and the differences between the two French girls:

Marine Daphnée
X Tall X
Brown eyes
Short hair
Long hair
Likes sport
Likes roller-skating
Likes Tennis
Likes chatting online

Step 11
Marine likes chatting. So does Daphnée.

Ë They both like chatting.

Marine has long hair, whereas Daphnée has short hair.

Use one of the structures above to say what the girls have or don’t have in common: (Utilise
une des structures en gras pour dire ce que les filles ont, ou pas, en commun).
Marine is tall. .......... is Daphnée.

They .......... have brown eyes.

Marine likes tennis, ........................ Daphnée prefers roller-skating.

Marine and Daphnée are curious and talkative. .......... is Katie!

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 15
Séquence 7 — séance 3

j e retiens
En anglais, il y a de multiples manières de dire que deux personnes partagent les
mêmes goûts, les mêmes opinions.
On peut utiliser ‘both’ lorsqu’on parle de deux personnes simultanément et de leurs
points communs :
Ethan and Katie both go to T. Jefferson Middle School. (toutes les deux)
On peut aussi utiliser ‘So+opérateur+sujet’ si l’on évoque les personnes l’une après
l’autre :
She’s tall. So am I (moi aussi)
Ces expressions sont très utiles, mais il faut faire très attention à la construction et à
l’ordre des mots. Mémorise le tableau suivant :

Avec le verbe ‘be’ Avec les autres verbes

Both They are both curious They both play tennis
SO+opérateur+Sujet She’s from New York. They like roller-skating
So are we. So do I.
NB : Si au contraire, tu veux montrer la différence qui existe entre deux personnes, tu
peux utiliser ‘whereas’.
Dans ce cas-là, la construction est très simple. Whereas ne fait que relier deux phrases
au départ indépendantes :
Proposition indépendante 1 whereas proposition indépendante 2.
I like reading whereas my brother prefers video games. (alors que)

Exercise 14

Marine et Daphnée se sont présentées. Maintenant c’est à Katie de parler d’elle et de son
frère, et elle a choisi d’envoyer un message audio aux jumelles. Imagine-toi à la place de
Katie, et prépare son intervention en construisant des phrases complètes avec ‘both’,
‘So….I / he’ et ‘whereas’. À toi de choisir quels éléments du tableau seront mentionnés dans
le message.

Katie Ethan
Lives in… New York New York
Hair Blond Brown
Eyes Brown Brown
Age 13 15
Grade* 7 9
School T. Jefferson Middle School T. Jefferson Middle School
Likes… Reading Roller-skating Tennis Video games Computers
Hates… Maths Getting up early Maths Doing homework

* La classe dans laquelle l’élève se trouve

16 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 3 — Séquence 7

Lorsque tu es prêt(e), enregistre-toi !

Hi, this is Katie. I’m going to tell you a few things about me and my brother Ethan.

I like… / I hate…/ we both…/ We are both…/ …whereas…

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 17
Séquence 7 — séance 4

Séance 4
J’apprends une nouvelle technique de lecture
Je fais le lien entre orthographe et prononciation
J’apprends à connaître un grand personnage de l’histoire
Step 12
Les élèves français sont intrigués par le nom que porte le collège d’Ethan et Katie. Voici le
message qu’ils ont envoyé :

From: Collège J. Ferry – France

To: T. Jefferson High School – New York

Hi, guys.

There’s one more question we’d like to ask you. It’s an easy one,
about the name of your school. The Enlightenment

Who was T. Jefferson?

Have a nice day!

Portrait de Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), président des États-Unis en 1801, Bouch (18e siècle)
dessinateur (C) RMN / Daniel Arnaudet

18 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 4 — Séquence 7

Tu vas apprendre à accéder rapidement à l’information que tu recherches, même si elle est
contenue dans un texte assez complexe.

Comme d’habitude, repère les mots transparents qui te permettront de cerner le sens global de
chaque paragraphe.

Tu peux déjà faire un premier repérage en utilisant des surligneurs de 3 couleurs différentes :

Avec une première couleur, tu peux surligner tout ce que tu apprends sur Jefferson en tant
qu’individu : Age, profession, goûts, personnalité, sa pensée.

Avec la seconde couleur, surligne les éléments du texte qui évoquent les actes et décisions de
Thomas Jefferson.

Avec une troisième couleur, surligne tout ce qui concerne le contexte historique de l’époque, en
Amérique comme à l’étranger.

Thomas Jefferson (1743–1826) was one of America’s Founding Fathers, a man who, like
George Washington, made history and changed the destiny of America.

Jefferson was a scientist, a philosopher and a diplomat who lived during the Age of
Enlightenment*, a period also known as ‘The Age of Reason’, during which modern science
emerged. The age was, for example, enormously influenced by the discovery of universal
gravitation by Isaac Newton. Most scientists, writers and philosophers of this period believed
that reason should be the driving force behind politics and government. That is why most of
them thought a country should not be ruled by a king or a queen, but by representatives of the

Thomas Jefferson knew Europe very well, and went to France as a diplomat in the decades
before the French Revolution of 1789, at a time when revolutionary ideas were emerging in
the country. He thought that a republic was the ideal regime to govern a nation, and was
convinced that it was not good for America to be a British colony. He thought that the
Pilgrims, as well as the later generations of Europeans who had chosen America to build a
home and a family, had a right to be free. He said they had not come to America because the
King of England had sent them. Leaving Europe was their own decision, so they should be
allowed to have their own independent country.

Jefferson was the third American President, in office from 1801 to 1809.

He was the principal writer of the Declaration of Independence, the historical document
which, after the rebellion of 1775, put an end to British rule and turned the former English
colonies into a free nation.

Jefferson was also one of the writers of the American Constitution.

*Le Siècle des Lumières, période correspondant au XVIIIème siècle.

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 19
Séquence 7 — séance 4

Step 13
À présent, à toi de créer ta propre fiche sur Thomas Jefferson. Fais figurer dans tes rubriques
des éléments qui permettent de placer l’homme dans le contexte de son époque.

j e retiens
Quand tu dois lire un texte long, fais-le avec un surligneur en main. Il te permettra de
repérer les points essentiels très rapidement.
Dans un texte historique ou scientifique, on trouve généralement un grand nombre de
mots abstraits, un peu ‘savants’.
Au lieu de constituer une difficulté supplémentaire, ces mots abstraits te sont utiles, car
ils sont souvent transparents.
Si tu les repères dès la première lecture, tu auras une idée assez précise du sens du
Souviens-toi également que tu peux déduire le sens de mots apparemment compliqués
en repérant leur radical, et en t’appuyant sur la valeur des préfixes et / ou suffixes
Exemple pris dans le texte : ‘enormously’
Ë Radical ‘enormous’ : transparent
Ë Suffixe ‘-ly’ : création d’un adverbe qui exprime la manière.

20 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 4 — Séquence 7

Step 14
Phonologie :
Tu as déjà appris qu’en anglais, chaque mot porte un accent oral sur une de ses syllabes, qui
est donc prononcée plus fort, et en montant un peu dans les aigus. Tu sais aussi qu’il existe
des règles qui permettent de déduire la place de l’accent en fonction de la construction du

Écoute la liste de mots suivante :

age / enlightenment / constitution / president / scientist / declaration / American /
revolution / independence / philosopher / rebellion

En écoutant cette liste, tu vas t’apercevoir que l’orthographe de certains mots a une influence
directe sur la place de l’accent, qu’on retrouve toujours au même endroit.

Exercise 15
Quel groupe de 4 mots te permet de mettre en évidence ce phénomène ?
Souligne la syllabe qui est accentuée dans chaque mot.

Exercise 16
Mr Atkins a demandé à Ethan d’envoyer sa réponse à la question des élèves français sous
forme de fichier audio. Comment s’y prendre ?
Méthodologie :
Pour préparer efficacement une prise de parole, le brouillon est essentiel. Il doit te permettre
de savoir :
- de quoi tu vas parler, précisément
- dans quel ordre tu vas présenter les choses
- quelles expressions et quels outils linguistiques tu vas utiliser
Mais le brouillon ne doit pas être intégralement rédigé. Il comportera uniquement des
expressions importantes, et des mots-clés. Si tu rédigeais intégralement sur ton brouillon,
ta prise de parole serait totalement artificielle et se résumerait à une lecture plus ou moins
maladroite de tes notes.
La communication serait désastreuse et les personnes qui t’écoutent perdraient vite tout
intérêt pour ce que tu as à dire !

En gardant ces remarques à l’esprit, aide Ethan à préparer son brouillon à en choisissant parmi les
éléments suivants les aspects de la vie du personnage sur lesquels tu veux insister.

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 21
Séquence 7 — séance 4

..the man who… …president ...wrote…

…scientist… ...friends in France.. …diplomat…

…third… …believed… …declaration

Brouillon :

Quand le brouillon est prêt, réécoute la prononciation des mots sur lesquels tu as travaillé plus

Lorsque ton message est au point, enregistre-toi !

le coin des curieux

Thomas Jefferson était un personnage très représentatif de son époque. C’était un homme
instruit et cultivé, passionné à la fois par la science et la littérature. Outre son rôle dans la
construction de l’Amérique indépendante, il était aussi diplomate, fermier et inventeur !
En tant que président, il encouragea de nombreux projets démesurés, comme l’expédition de
Lewis et Clark, dont tu as déjà entendu parler.

22 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 5 — Séquence 7

Séance 5
J’apprends à réagir face à une œuvre d’art et à la décrire
J’apprends à inférer le sens des mots d’après leur construction
J’identifie un personnage grâce à des indices donnés à l’oral


Step 15
Aujourd’hui, Mr Atkins, le professeur d’Ethan, a décidé d’aborder avec sa classe l’étude d’un
tableau du Siècle des Lumières, pour donner à ses élèves un aperçu de l’esprit de l’époque.

Voici l’œuvre que la classe va découvrir.

An Experiment on a Bird in an Air Pump, Joseph Wright of Derby (1768).

Look at the picture without reading its title:

a) Which of the following elements did you notice first, when you discovered this painting?
® The two little girls on the right

® The man dressed in red, in the middle

® The boy by the window

® The young couple on the left

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 23
Séquence 7 — séance 5

b) What kind of situation is shown in the picture?

® An actor who is performing in a theatre
® A magician showing his latest trick
® A scientist
® A madman doing crazy things
Now look at the title:” An Experiment on a Bird in an Air Pump” and decide which of the
statements in (b) above is true:
The situation we have here is ………………………………………………………………..
Now that you know what situation really is, which of the following observations do you find
most appropriate?
- The painter played with the contrast between light and darkness in order to convey an
impression of…
® Tranquility
® Mystery
® Tension
® Danger
® Secrecy (Ë secret activities)
® Comfort
- The painter placed the scientist and his equipment in the middle of the picture in order
® Make us understand he’s the most important character in the scene
® Make him appear powerful
® Make him look ridiculous
® Draw our attention to the experiment
Méthodologie :
Tu vas apprendre à parler de ce que tu vois dans un tableau. Mais d’abord, pose-toi quelques
questions :
Quand tu observes et décris cette image, c’est comme si tu mettais un DVD en pause. La scène
se passe devant toi, maintenant, et tu peux l’observer d’où tu es, prendre ton temps et avoir un
point de vue personnel.
Les mots-clés « devant toi », « maintenant », « observer » et « point de vue personnel »
devraient te permettre de choisir entre les deux formes du présent pour commenter ce qu’il se
passe dans le tableau.
Alors, tu as trouvé ? ® Présent simple ou ® présent be+ing ?
On a souvent besoin de parler de ce qui se passe au premier plan et à l’arrière-plan. Il y a deux
expressions en anglais :
‘In the background’ et ‘In the foreground’.

24 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 5 — Séquence 7

Tu ne connais pas ces mots, alors comment savoir lequel permet de parler de l’arrière-plan, par
exemple ? Si tu regardes de plus près la construction des expressions, et que tu les décomposes, tu
reconnaîtras un petit mot bien connu qui te mettra sur la voie.

Le petit mot est : ………………..

Donc pour parler de l’arrière-plan, tu utiliseras l’expression


Bien sûr l’autre expression te servira à décrire le premier plan.

Enfin, tu sais probablement que lorsqu’on commente l’expression sur un visage, on utilise un
verbe au présent simple (ex : He looks happy) car, contrairement aux actions des personnages,
on décrit un état, et non une situation en déroulement, qui serait évoquée au présent be+ING.

Step 16
Exercise 17

Que dirais-tu pour faire part de tes impressions à des amis ou à tes parents, qui découvrent
le tableau en même temps que toi, au musée ?

Aide-toi tes éléments proposés dans la liste ci-dessous pour faire des observations sur la
scène du tableau, en tenant compte de ce que nous avons dit plus haut.

Noun phrases Verbs Adjectives Expressions

The scientist Show
The little girl Hide Scared In the foreground
The man who’s sitting Watch Fascinated In the background
The man who’s Reassure Indifferent On the left
Look Interested On the right
The young couple
Think Uninterested Next to / near
The situation
Explain (to someone) Satisfied
The bird
The experiment

Prépare tes phrases mentalement à l’aide du tableau, et lorsque tu es prêt(e), enregistre-toi !

Look !....

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 25
Séquence 7 — séance 5

Exercise 18
What happened during the experiment? Match the following elements.

First the bird had no air to breathe, and passed out

Then the spectators thought the bird was dead

After that the scientist pumped the air out of the machine

Finally the scientist pumped some air back into the machine

As a result the bird came back to life

Now listen to the dialogue and check your answers in the exercise above.

Exercise 19
When Ethan says ‘The bird passed out’, he means:

® The bird died ® The bird became unconscious ® The bird left its cage

Exercise 20

Mr Atkins asked his students to choose one of the characters in the picture and to
imagine what they are saying or thinking. Listen to those imaginary words, and find out
which character is supposed to be speaking.

Nb ........ Nb ........

Nb ........
Nb ........

Nb ........

Nb ........

26 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 5 — Séquence 7


© Cned, Anglais 4e — 27
Sommaire de la séquence 8

Communication Civilisation Grammaire/ Phonologie Méthodologie

Séance 1 Dire comment Échanges entre Verbes de Voyelles Inférence
Dialogue je me sens élèves de cultures volonté tendues lexicale
Parler de ce que différentes Proposition Diphtongues
j’ai envie de infinitive
faire ou non

Séance 2 Comprendre un Projets Can Analyser la

Lettre d’un courrier long d’échanges Be able to forme d’une
professeur Rédiger un scolaires Accommodation lettre
courrier Utiliser un

Séance 3 Exprimer un Lieux à visiter à Have to et

Dialogue but, un objectif New York expressions
Évoquer des similaires.
contraintes Complaining
Se plaindre

Séance 4 Répondre à un La police de New Construction Préparer une

Document quiz oral York adverbes intervention
audio Argumenter Be allowed to orale
informatif pour

Séance 5 Parler be to + BV Anticiper

Dialogue d’événements Must(n’t) d’après une
planifiés image
Remplir un
séance 1 — Séquence 8

Séance 1
J’apprends à dire comment je me sens
J’apprends à dire ce que j’ai envie de faire ou pas

Feeling much

Step 1
Look at the picture above and use the words below to imagine what’s happening to Katie. There
might be some words you don’t know, but if you look at the part in bold letters, you’ll probably
understand their meaning:

Happy / not in school today / tired / a fever / switched off / a headache/ bed-ridden /
smiling / back from school / sick

Katie is Ë

She has Ë

Her computer is Ë

Ethan is Ë

He looks Ë

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 29
Séquence 8 — séance 1

Step 2
Now listen to the dialogue. There are some words and expressions you should be able
to recognize. Write them down in the appropriate boxes:

Exercise 1
Now, show how well you’ve understood the conversation:

Ethan says Katie to check her e-mail.

wants Ethan to tell her his secret.
has incredible news for Katie.
tells her to switch on her PC.
doesn’t want to look at the screen. It would hurt.

Katie finally agrees it’s a joke.

thinks to check her messages.
What does Katie discover when she reads her messages?

Exercise 2

Listen to the conversation one more time, and use the context to match the
expressions in A with their meaning in B

What are you up to? You’ll be very surprised
I don’t feel like it. It’s authentic
You won’t believe your eyes. I don’t want to do it at the
This is the real thing. Don’t get too excited
Let’s calm down! Do you have a secret plan?

30 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 1 — Séquence 8

j e retiens
I (don’t) feel like V-ing est une expression qui évoque l’envie, le souhait de (ne pas)
faire quelque chose.
I don’t feel like switching on my computer, I’m too tired!
Quand on ne se sent pas bien, on peut dire :
I’m not feeling well
Pour parler d’une douleur, on a plusieurs possibilités :
My head hurt(s) ou bien, avec certaines parties du corps :
stomach I have a headache
back toothache
legs stomachache
Tu sais déjà que la partie en gras se prononce [eik]

On peut aussi avoir de la température :

I have a fever.

Exercise 3

Ethan, qui n’a pas envie de faire le contrôle de mathématiques ce matin, veut
s’inspirer de l’attitude de sa sœur (qui, elle, était vraiment malade) pour convaincre sa
mère de ne pas l’envoyer au collège. Il est prêt à tout, et il sait qu’il doit se montrer très
convaincant, en commençant par dire qu’il n’a pas envie de prendre son petit déjeuner…
Écoute les questions de Susan et prépare les réponses d’Ethan.
Lorsque tu es prêt, prends la place d’Ethan dans la conversation, et enregistre-toi.

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 31
Séquence 8 — séance 2

Séance 2
J’apprends à comprendre l’essentiel d’un courrier long
J’apprends à exprimer la capacité autrement qu’avec ‘CAN’
J’apprends à rédiger un courrier

And the winner Is…

Step 3
Mr Atkins, le professeur d’Ethan vient de recevoir un long mail de son collègue français, M.

Dear Mr Atkins and dear American students,

We’re very happy to announce that we have found a way to raise money for our school
exchange project. We organized a lottery two weeks ago, and I must say that we have collected
much more money than we expected.

Thanks to our lottery, some of our students will be able to spend a week in New York!

I suppose this comes as a surprise to you, as we never planned on carrying out our project
this far. Initially, as you know, our exchanges were to be limited to e-mail messages and online

But thanks to our lottery, the situation has changed. We’ll be able to buy plane tickets to New
York for 20 of our students, who will be accompanied with three teachers – including me, of
course. So there will be 23 of us in total.

You can imagine that our budget will not allow us to stay at a hotel. We definitely can’t afford

I must confess the kids are a little nervous at the moment, and so am I. We’re wondering if
your students’ families could accommodate us, from May 10th to May 17th. It would be so

Could you ask them on our behalf? We’re looking forward to your reply!


M. Martin.

32 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 2 — Séquence 8

Méthodologie :

Quand tu reçois un courrier (autre qu’un mail ou une lettre d’un ami ou d’un membre de ta
famille), il est important de comprendre l’essentiel du message qu’il contient, pour éviter de commm
mettre des erreurs d’interprétation.
Pour cela, il faut être capable de prélever l’information essentielle dans le texte, et de distinguer ce
qui est indispensable de ce qui ne l’est pas.
On peut généralement s’organiser de la manière suivante, que tu vas essayer d’appliquer au messm
sage ci-dessus. Tu peux répondre en français :

Qui a écrit le courrier ?


Qui en est destinataire ?


S’agit-il d’un courrier ® officiel (administration, affaires…) ?

® professionnel (d’un collègue à un autre…)

® personnel (famille, amis…)

Quel est l’objet (le but) de ce courrier ?


Qu’attend-on du destinataire ?

Exercise 4
À présent, dans chaque paragraphe du message, relève la phrase qui, selon toi, contient
l’information essentielle

1- .......................................................................................................................................

2- .......................................................................................................................................

3- .......................................................................................................................................

4- .......................................................................................................................................

5- .......................................................................................................................................

6- .......................................................................................................................................

7- .......................................................................................................................................

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 33
Séquence 8 — séance 2

Step 4
Exercise 5

Find equivalents for the following expressions:

A place to sleep / A hotel room…

It’s too expensive for us…
They’ll be capable of…
We’re asking ourselves if…

Exercise 6

Let’s recap. Use the expressions above to fill in the blanks:

Thanks to money they made with the lottery, the French students ……………………….. to
discover New York!

But staying at a hotel would be too expensive. They ………………………..it.

But they’ll need ……………………….., that’s why M. Martin is ……………………….. if the

American families can accommodate French kids.

j e retiens
‘be able to’ est une expression qui évoque la capacité. Son sens est proche de celui du
modal ‘can’, mais il est plus restreint.
‘be able to’ s’appliquera à une personne, un animal ou un objet capable ou non de
réaliser un action :
Ethan and Katie are able to fix almost any computer.
This morning, Katie was too sick. She wasn’t able to go to school.
Mais attention, contrairement à ‘can’, ‘be able to’ n’est pas utilisable pour indiquer
une éventualité, la possibilité qu’un évènement se produise.
On peut dire par exemple : ‘Playing video games can be dangerous’, mais cette phrase
ne peut pas être construite avec ‘be able to’!
‘be able to’ est très pratique à utiliser lorsque tu ne peux pas te servir de ‘can’ pour
évoquer une capacité. Par exemple, quand la construction contient déjà un modal,
comme ‘will’ ou ‘must’.
Donc, pour parler d’une capacité qui s’exercera dans l’avenir, on aura ‘will be able to’.
(ex : When I have my new computer, I will be able to use my webcam).

34 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 2 — Séquence 8

Exercise 7
Mr Atkins doit contacter les parents de ses élèves pour leur expliquer la situation et trouver
comment loger les élèves français.
À toi d’écrire la lettre, en cherchant d’abord dans le courrier de M. Martin et dans les
exercices que tu viens de terminer, les expressions qui te permettront de rédiger de manière
cohérente et authentique !
Fais bien attention à la manière dont tu commences et termines ton courrier.
Si tu es vraiment en difficulté, mais seulement dans ce cas, tu trouveras de l’aide en bas de
…………………. parents,
I am your child’s 8th grade teacher.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me at 123-456-7890 ext. 674 or fdatkins@tjeffersonschool.
wi.us if you have any questions or concerns.
…………………. ,
Mr Atkins

Thanks to / Able to / But / afford / Need /

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Séquence 8 — séance 3

Séance 3
J’apprends à expliquer dans quel but j’agis
J’apprends à parler d’une contrainte subie

Host families!

Step 5

Listen to your CD:

Judging from what you’ve just heard…

The American families…

® have refused to accommodate the French kids

® have agreed to accommodate them

Mr Burden, the maths teacher…

® is very popular

® is very unpopular

36 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 3 — Séquence 8

Exercise 8

Where will the French kids be staying? What will they be doing…

During class?
After class?
At the weekend?

Step 6
Exercise 9
Rule out the wrong elements:
Ethan wants to spend some time out of school

with the French students in order skip maths lessons


be present during

Exercise 10

You can build three different sentences with the elements below. Listen to the
relevant part of the dialogue, and use a different colour for each sentence (3 colours will be
If the French kids skip their maths lessons,
the teacher will

do a test
take exercises
force them

clean the
have classroom

Exercise 11
Re-order the words to discover Ethan’s reaction to this terrible situation:
that / can’t / happen / let / we / !

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 37
Séquence 8 — séance 3

Exercise 12

Where are Mr Atkins’s students planning to take the French kids?

Yes No Teacher’s comments

Central park
A musical on
New York City Police
Museum of Modern
Yankee Stadium

j e retiens
If a student skips a lesson without good reason, he’ll be punished!
Pour parler de contraintes, de ce qu’on t’oblige à faire, il y a plusieurs constructions
possibles. Attention à ne pas mélanger !

To make someone do something The teacher made us read five chapters

To have someone do something He’ll have them learn the poem by heart
To force someone to do something He forced me to do all those exercises
Au contraire, pour permettre, autoriser ou rendre possible, tu pourras utiliser la
structure suivante :
To let someone do something Ë
Do you think our parents will let us go out with the French students?

Exercise 13

Ethan est de retour à la maison, et, comme à son habitude, il se plaint de Mr Burden, le
professeur de mathématiques. Tu as accompagné Ethan, et, toi aussi, tu te plains de ton
sort. Utilise les outils suivants :

(not / never) let(s)… Suggestions :

Makes / made us…
Do 30 exercises
Have / had us…
Learn everything by heart
Forces / forced us… Go to the toilet
Talk to our neighbour
Lorsque tu es prêt, enregistre-toi !
Clean the classroom

38 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 4 — Séquence 8

Séance 4
J’apprends à répondre à un quiz à partir d’une source orale
J’apprends à construire des adverbes
J’apprends à connaître la police de New York

Step 7

Ethan a proposé de faire visiter le musée de la police de New York aux collégiens
français pendant leur séjour. Mais il lui reste à convaincre Mr Atkins, car le musée est payant.
En rentrant à la maison, il a trouvé sur Internet un podcast audio du musée, qui propose
aujourd’hui un quiz à ses auditeurs. Le gagnant remportera des entrées gratuites au musée
pour un groupe de 30 élèves. Ce serait la solution idéale ! Aide Ethan à participer au quiz, et à
trouver des arguments pour convaincre Mr Atkins si jamais il ne gagne pas…

Memorize the vocabulary below and turn on your CD

A mug shot Patrol cars

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 39
Séquence 8 — séance 4

The subway / A subway station Behind bars in a jail cell

What do the letters NYPD stand for?


How long ago was NYPD created?


What object can you find above the door of every police precinct in the USA (‘Precinct’ is the
American word for both a police station and the part of a city under its jurisdiction)

NYPD patrol officers are called Brass

Their superiors are called Cops

Who is Mc Gruff?

What is Mc Gruff going to teach you? ® How to drive a patrol car

® How to travel safely on a school bus
® How to understand NYPD radio communications
® How to use the subway safely
® That the Internet can be dangerous
® How to become a great detective
® How to use a police gun
What are kids allowed to do at the ® Take a mug shot of their friends
® Meet real detectives
® Test out police sirens
® Get behind the bars of a jail cell
® Hear live NYPD radio communications

How long ago did officers use the radio equipment shown at the museum?

40 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 4 — Séquence 8

j e retiens
‘be allowed to’, la structure que tu as rencontrée dans les questions du quiz, indique
une permission, une autorisation et donc une possibilité donnée à quelqu’un.
On peut bien sûr l’utiliser à la forme négative : ‘You’re not allowed to open this door’.
Tu as remarqué l’adverbe ‘safely’ ?
Il s’agit en fait de l’adjectif ‘safe’ (or ‘not dangerous’) auquel on ajoute le suffixe ‘-ly’
pour le transformer en adverbe de manière.
Attention, lorsque l’adjectif se termine en ‘y’, comme happy, il y a une modification de
l’orthographe : Happy -> Happily

Step 8
Exercise 14
Après le quiz, Ethan a dit : ‘It was easy’.
Il aurait également pu dire : ‘I did it …………………’

Exercise 15
Make a list of all the interesting things kids can do at the museum:
Kids are allowed to…

Now help Ethan convince Mr Atkins that the visit will be interesting and useful:
First, use arrows to say whether the following expressions are convincing or not:
I’m sure…
Determined, There’s no doubt that… Hesitant,
convincing Maybe… not convincing
It’s probably a good idea (to…)
I can assure you that…
I’m convinced that…
Let me tell you that…

Now, find arguments to convince Mr Atkins and use some of the expressions above, to make
your point:
If we visit the museum, we’ll…..

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 41
Séquence 8 — séance 5

Séance 5
Je sais anticiper à l’aide des illustrations
J’apprends à parler d’événements strictement planifiés

Step 9

Take it easy!

Anticipation :

Avant d’écouter le dialogue, regarde attentivement l’illustration, et note ci-dessous, en anglais,

les mots-clés que tu t’attends à reconnaître lorsque tu écouteras l’enregistrement.

42 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 5 — Séquence 8

À présent écoute le dialogue, et enrichis ta liste. Barre les mots qui sont apparus
durant l’anticipation, mais pas lors de l’écoute.

Step 10
Voici l’imprimé que Mr Atkins a dû transmettre au principal de son collège pour que tout soit
en ordre sur le plan administratif, concernant la journée de demain. Mr Atkins n’a pas eu le
temps de remplir le formulaire lui-même. Il a demandé à la secrétaire de le faire, mais celle-ci
n’a pas noté toutes les instructions données par le professeur. Aide-la à s’y retrouver.

What are tomorrow’s plans for Mr Atkins?

Play your CD and fill in the boxes below:

Teacher in charge: Mr Atkins

Meeting point:

Place Time People present

Means of transportation:


Place Time Objective People present

Documents teacher in charge will be carrying:

Absolutely necessary Useful in case of an emergency

Teacher in charge’s instructions and recommendations to students:


You are to ........................................................................................................

You mustn’t . ....................................................................................................

You are not to ..................................................................................................

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 43
Séquence 8 — séance 5

Exercise 17
What are the risks? Use the words below to imagine the possibilities (listen to the
appropriate passage in the dialogue for help:

will be rush hour

train late subway

might crowded (too many people)


j e retiens
La forme ‘(not) be to + BV’ permet de parler d’évènements à venir, dont le
déroulement est, en fonction de la situation et du contexte, soit :
- dans « l’ordre des choses », attendu
- programmé, planifié
- lié à une forme d’obligation ou d’interdiction dont on ne mentionne pas l’origine (on
ne dit pas qui impose ou interdit)
Exemples :
Remember you are not to say anything about our secret meeting.
Cette forme sert aussi parfois à évoquer le destin d’une personne.
He was a rich and happy young man who wanted to build an empire. But destiny had
other plans for him. He was to die in a car accident on his 29th birthday.
‘Rush hour’ is when the people in a city all go to work or go back home at the same
time. Then public transport (subway, buses, taxis) is crowded, trains are delayed, and
everyone is late!

Exercise 18
Back home, Ethan repeats Mr Atkins’s instructions to Katie, because she’ll be accompanying
him tomorrow!

… we are to …

you mustn’t …

…. you are (not) to…. because we might ….

We mustn’t…

When you’re ready, turn your recorder on!

44 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 5 — Séquence 8


© Cned, Anglais 4e — 45
Sommaire de la séquence 9

Communication Civilisation Grammaire Phonologie Méthodologie

Séance 1 Comprendre une “The Notting Hill
Dialogue conversation Carnival”
“The Notting
Hill Carnival”

Séance 2 Comprendre une “Steel bands” La fréquence (how

Dialogue conversation often, once, twice)
“Steel bands”

Séance 3 Repérer des La Jamaïque such as

Quiz informations
« Jamaica » ciblées dans un
Séance 4 Rédiger une courte Trinité-et-Tobago Savoir organiser
Factsheet description des notes pour
“Trinidad and rédiger une

Séance 5 Comprendre un Les Caraïbes à Exprimer la cause

Texte “Pirates texte informatif l’époque des et la conséquence
of the pirates
séance 1 — Séquence 9

Séance 1
Je m’informe sur les « West Indies »
Je découvre les « Steel Bands »

Step 1
You are going to listen to a dialogue. Look at the pictures below and tick the words that you
expect to hear.

music ® cinema ® festival ® carnival ® drums ® oil ®

guitars ® band ® rhythm ® spectators ® competition ® steel (acier) ®

Now listen once and see if you were right.

© Cned, Paul Cody © Cned, Paul Cody

Listen again. Circle the places and seas that you hear mentioned:

London Dublin Kingston Britain Ireland Jamaica

Trinidad Tobago India Pakistan The West Indies

The Atlantic The Pacific The Caribbean

Check your answers

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 47
Séquence 9 — séance 1

Listen again and take some notes.

Then, with the help of your notes, try to complete the table.

When you have finished, listen again to check the information or to find missing information.

City: . .........................................................
Event: The Notting Hill ..........................
People you hear: . .................................... , ...................................... and Winston
Winston’s origins: from ........................................................................
It’s an island in . .......................................................................................
Daniel’s mistake: he confuses . ................................... and .......................................
Famous explorer mentioned: . ..................................................................................
Reason for the name “The West Indies”: When the explorer reached ............................ , he
thought he was in . .....................................................................................................
The Panorama is a . ....................................................... for . ................. ......................
Daniel’s impression of the music ......................................................

le coin des curieux

The Notting Hill Carnival

Notting Hill is a district in London. There is a big West Indian carnival every year in Notting
Hill, at the end of August. Hundreds of thousands of people come to the carnival. As well
as the Panorama competition for steel bands, there are parades and many other activities.
The first carnival was organised in 1964 to help West Indians living in Notting Hill to meet
each other and celebrate their culture. Many West Indians emigrated to Great Britain in the
1950s and 1960s.

48 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 2 — Séquence 9

Séance 2
J’apprends ce qu’est un « steel band »

Step 2
Listen to Daniel and Winston talking after Winston’s concert.

What words do you think you will hear?

Write down six words here: .....................................................................................................


Listen and see if you were right!

© Cned, Paul Cody

Listen to the conversation again and take notes.

Then, with the help of your notes, try to complete the information about Winston.

When you have finished, listen again to check the information or to find missing information.

practices ..............................................................
practices with the band ....................................................................... during the year
practices with the band ........................................................................ during the summer
started ...............................................................................................................
has been playing for ...........................................................................................
His parents ........................................................................................................

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 49
Séquence 9 — séance 2

Step 3
As-tu remarqué la question de Daniel pour savoir avec quelle fréquence Winston répétait ?

«How often do you practice?»

Tu utilises “how often” pour demander avec quelle fréquence on fait telle ou telle chose.

Est-ce que tu te rappelles comment dire une fois ? Bien sûr, c’est « once ».

Et deux fois ? C’est “twice”. Ensuite tu dis « three times, four times » etc.

Pour indiquer la période de temps concernée tu dis « a week », « a month » etc.

“Winston practices with his band twice a week”.

le coin des curieux

« Steel bands » originated in Trinidad. The musicians in these bands play steel drums
called “pans”. The “pans” are made from old oil drums* which are transformed into
musical instruments. The musicians are called “pannists” and a competition is called
The African slaves transported to Trinidad used drums to communicate with each other.
Later drums were used for music. The first oil drums were used after World War II.

Oil drum*: fût en métal utilisé pour transporter l’huile ou l’essence.

Attention : le mot « drum » a deux sens : fût et tambour. Dans ce cas le fût est le tambour !

50 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 3 — Séquence 9

Séance 3
Je m’informe sur la Jamaïque
Je trouve des informations ciblées dans un document

Step 4
If Trinidad is famous for steel bands, another Caribbean island is famous for reggae. Do you know
which island? It’s Jamaica, of course!

Look at this quiz and see what you know about Jamaica:

1- Which of these musicians was not born in Jamaica?

a) Bob Marley b) Sean Paul c) Michael Jackson

2- Which sport is Jamaica not famous for

a) rugby b) cricket c) athletics

3- Which Jamaican athlete won the 100m and 200m at the Olympic Games in 2008?

. ........................................................

4- The capital of Jamaica is called

a) Kingston b) Trenchtown c) King’s Town

5- The official language of Jamaica is

a) French b) English c) Jamaican

6- Which flag is the Jamaican flag?

a) b) c)

8- Who was the first European to discover Jamaica?

a) James Cook b) Christopher Columbus c) Ferdinand Magellan

9- Many African slaves were transported to Jamaica to work on the

a) sugar plantations b) coffee plantations c) tobacco plantations

10- Jamaica’s Head of State is

a) a president b) a king c) Queen Elizabeth II

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 51
Séquence 9 — séance 3

How many points did you get? To find out you have to read this extract from a tourist brochure!

Jamaica is an island in the Caribbean, located south of Cuba.
When Christopher Columbus landed there in 1494 the population was composed of Arawak
Indians. Columbus claimed Jamaica for Spain but the British captured Jamaica in the 17th
century. The British imported many slaves from Africa to work on the sugar plantations.
When slavery was abolished they imported workers from India and China. The population of
Jamaica today includes the descendants of all these people.
Jamaica became an independent country in 1962 but remained a member of the British
Commonwealth. That’s why Queen Elizabeth is the official Head of State. The Jamaican
flag is black and green with a diagonal yellow cross. The capital city is Kingston.
Sport is an important part of Jamaican life. Athletics, football and cricket are the main
sports. There are many famous Jamaican sports stars such as Usain Bolt who won three
gold medals at the Olympic Games in Beijing in 2008.
Jamaica is also famous for music, of course. Reggae, ragga and ska all originated in
Jamaica. There are many famous Jamaican musicians such as Bob Marley, Sean Paul and
Shaggy. If you listen to them you realize that, although English is the national language of
Jamaica, many Jamaicans also speak Jamaican patois, a kind of creole.

So now, how many points did you get? ............................................................................../10

Step 5
Look at these two sentences.

There are many famous Jamaican musicians such as Bob Marley, Sean Paul and Shaggy.

There are many famous Jamaican sports stars such as Usain Bolt, who won three gold medals
at the Olympic Games in Beijing in 2008.

Tu utilises “such as” pour introduire des exemples.

Exercise 1

Complete these sentences by giving examples. Look at the text again to help you!

Many sports are played in Jamaica ......................................................................................


Many different kinds styles of music originated in Jamaica ...................................................


The British imported workers into Jamaica from many different places . ..............................


52 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 4 — Séquence 9

Séance 4
J’apprends à décrire un pays

Step 6
Do you remember Winston, Daniel’s friend? Well, he’s not very happy tonight!

His teacher has given all the pupils in his class an assignment. He has to prepare a short
written report about a foreign country. Can you guess which country he has chosen?

Well it’s Trinidad, of course.

Winston has just been on the internet and has noted the following facts:

Trinidad homework

Full name: The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.

Independent country: 1962

Famous Trinidadians: VS Naipaul (writer), Brian Lara (cricket star)

Official language: English. Other languages: Trinidad Creole.

Capital: Port of Spain.

British captured Trinidad, 18th century.

2 islands, (a big one, Trinidad, and a small one, Tobago, located north east of Venezuela)

Discovered by Christopher Columbus, 1498

British imported slaves to work on the sugar plantations.

Slavery abolished: workers imported from India, China, Portugal.

Sport important: cricket, football.

Head of state: president.

Music: famous for steel band s and calypso.

Flag: red with a black diagonal stripe.

Political status: republic.

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 53
Séquence 9 — séance 4

The problem is that Winston is having a lot of difficulty organising his report. Can you help
him? Look at the different categories below and complete the categories with his notes.
(You can look at the tourist guide presentation of Jamaica in Lesson 3 for help, if you want)

Introduction History Political status Sport, Music,
(statut politique) Famous people

Check your answers

Step 7
Well done, now you have the information to help Winston write four paragraphs about
Trinidad. Which paragraph comes first? The introduction of course! Follow the order of the
table A,B,C and D. Look at the presentation of Jamaica in Lesson 3 for help!
Here’s the beginning of Winston’s report:
The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago is composed of two islands in the Caribbean, located

54 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 5 — Séquence 9

Séance 5
J’apprends un épisode de l’histoire des îles des Caraïbes
J’apprends à exprimer la cause et la conséquence
Step 8

Do you recognize this flag?

Who is it the flag of? ...............................................................

It’s composed of a skull and two bones

That’s why the flag is called “ the . ....................... and crossbones” (complete the sentence).
Another name for the flag is “The Jolly Roger”.
Does this flag remind you of a film trilogy? If it does, what’s the name of the trilogy?
What’s the name of the star of these films? . ..............................................
Now, name two islands in the Caribbean:
a) .................................................... b) .....................................................

Step 9
Read about pirates of the Caribbean and then follow the instructions.
Pirates of the Caribbean!

a pirate ship
The Golden Age of Piracy began in the Caribbean about 1680. Many wars had just ended and
many sailors were jobless. There was no real government in the Caribbean and so many sailors
became pirates there. The Caribbean, with 4,000 islands, was also a great place for pirates
because there were lots of places to hide!

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 55
Séquence 9 — séance 5

Pirate ships flew a black flag, the Jolly Roger, in order to frighten ships they attacked. The
crews of some ships were so frightened when they saw the Jolly Roger that they surrendered
immediately! As a result, the pirates didn’t even have to fight! Some of the most famous
pirates in history, such as Calico Jack and Blackbeard, were pirates at this time. The Golden
Age ended in about 1730 due to a greater British naval presence in the West Indies.
1- Find these words in the text:

a) a fight between two countries: a ........................

b) a man (or a woman) who works on a ship: a . ...............................
c) if you don’t want people to see you, you ..........................
d) the collective word for all the people who work on a ship: the . .......................
e) another word for scared: ..........................................
f) another word for capitulate: ......................................................
2- Now complete this table

Date of the start of the Golden Age

of Piracy:
Reasons for this Golden Age: a)
Reason for flying the Jolly Roger:
Two famous pirates: a)
Date of the end of the Golden Age:

Step 10
Look at these sentences again. Pay attention to the words in bold type.
There was no real government in the Caribbean and so many sailors became pirates there.
You can use “so” to introduce the consequence of something.

As a result, the pirates didn’t even have to fight.

You can also use “as a result” to introduce the consequence of something.
The Golden Age ended in about 1730 due to a greater British naval presence in the West Indies.
You can use “due to” to introduce the cause or the reason for something.

The Caribbean, with 4,000 islands, was also a great place for pirates because there were lots of
places to hide!
“Because” also introduces the reason for something. It explains “why?”

56 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 5 — Séquence 9


© Cned, Anglais 4e — 57
Sommaire de la séquence 10
Communication Civilisation Grammaire Phonologie Méthodologie

Séance 1 Dire comment on se Vie Adverbes de Ecart entre

Quiz santé : sent quotidienne fréquence graphie et
Menez-vous Santé Expressions phonie
une vie idiomatiques Effacement de la
saine ? consonne G
Les mots
contenant GH

Séance 2 Dire ce qui ne va pas Santé Les maux de la Les mots se Repérer des
Document physiquement Médecine vie quotidienne terminant par informations
sonore : Dire où on a mal (« petits bobos ») -ACHE spécifiques dans un
les petits document sonore
« bobos » (1. parties du corps)

Séance 3 Situer un événement Médecine How long ? Repérer des

Dialogue : par rapport au moment Médicaments Present perfect informations
chez le présent spécifiques dans un
médecin Dire depuis combien de document sonore
temps dure une maladie (2. médicaments

Séance 4 Prescrire un Santé Donner des conseils

La médicament/Donner avec SHOULD, HAD
prescription un conseil de santé BETTER
médicale Les expressions ‘If
I were you’ et ‘Take
my advice’

Séance 5 Je réagis à ce que Santé Present perfect Tenir compte de ce

Jouer le rôle j’entends, en Les maladies be+ing que l’on a compris
du médecin : donnant les conseils dans un document
écouter et appropriés sonore pour réagir
réagir oralement

Séance 6 Je m’entraîne à Les grandes Objets usuels Mobiliser ses acquis

Poème l’écriture créative inventions Voix passive linguistiques pour
acrostique (poème acrostique) scientifiques produire un écrit

Séance 7 Apparier des Les grandes may have + en Mobiliser les acquis
Le tableau découvertes inventions (present perfect) méthodologiques
des grandes scientifiques à des scientifiques pour comprendre un
inventions dates, des inventeurs. écrit complexe

Séance 8
Je m’évalue
séance 1 — Séquence 10

Séance 1
Je revois les adverbes de fréquence
Je parle de ma santé ; je dis si je mène une vie saine
J’apprends à dire comment je me sens
J’apprends la prononciation des mots en -gh

Step 1
Do you lead a healthy life? (mènes-tu une vie saine ?)
Before going through the quiz, revise the frequency adverbs.

Exercise 1

Here are the most common frequency adverbs in English:

Voici les adverbes de fréquence les plus courants.
Place-les sur l’échelle, selon leur sens.

frequently – usually – often – sometimes – occasionally – seldom – hardly – ever – rarely



© Cned, Anglais 4e — 59
Séquence 10 — séance 1

Exercise 2
Here are other frequency adverbs and expressions: match them with their French equivalent.

(every) once in a while • • deux fois par an/jour

every day/week/month • • tous les jours/toutes les semaines/mois
every other day/week • • un jour sur deux/une semaine sur deux
once a week/month/year • • une fois de temps en temps
twice a year/day, etc. • • une fois par semaine/mois/an

Exercise 3
Write sentences corresponding to your everyday life, using the appropriate frequency

1- (eat snails1)

2- (be home when my grandma calls)

3- (eat breakfast at 7 a.m.)

4- (go to the zoo)

5- (go to the movies)

6- (be sick)

7- (make my bed)

8- (help in the kitchen)

Exercise 4
Go through the following quiz about your health and check your answers. You will then
know if you are healthy or not!

How healthy are you? Do you lead a healthy life?

1- How often do you exercise?

r always r often r sometimes r hardly ever r never

2- How often do you sunbathe?

r every day in summer r sometimes r hardly ever r never

3- How often do you eat red meat?

r every day r once or twice a week r hardly ever r never

4- Do you add extra sugar to your coffee or your hot chocolate? r yes r no

1. escargots

60 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 1 — Séquence 10

5- Did you have breakfast this morning? r yes r no

6- Which do you eat more of, cakes or fruit? r cakes r fruit

7- How often do you eat French fries? r every day r three or four times a week
r sometimes r hardly ever r never

8- Do you like salty food? r yes r no

9- how often do you eat snacks between meals? r every day r sometimes
r hardly ever r never

10- Do you think you are healthy?

r I think so r I don’t know, I guess I will see when I see the results of this quiz

r Perfect health

You have completed the quiz.

Your test results:!!!!

Check how many of the following you got:

t …………



Question 1: always* often * sometimes t hardly ever m never m

Question 2: every day in summer m sometimes t hardly ever * never **
Question 3: every day m once or twice a week t hardly ever* never t
Question 4: yes m no *
Question 5: yes * no m
Question 6: cakes m fruit **
Question 7: every day mm three or four times a week m sometimes t
hardly ever* never**
Question 8: yes mm no **
Question 9: every day mm sometimes m hardly ever t never**

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 61
Séquence 10 — séance 1


Mostly *: Well done! You lead a very healthy life, but you must keep up the good work!

Mostly t: You lead a rather healthy life but you can still do better!

Mostly m: You really need more exercise and you need to eat healthy. It is not too late!

Step 2
J’apprends à dire comment je me sens

Exercise 5

Listen to your CD. You are going to hear people talk about how they feel.
Say if they feel good or not.
Match the names to the appropriate feeling. Write the names in the corresponding boxes.

# 1: Sam
# 2: Susan
# 3: Helen
# 4: Peter L J
# 5: Pam

Check your answers.

Exercise 6

Listen to your CD once again and read the transcript at the same time.


- in blue: positive feelings: ‘feeling great’

- in yellow: negative feelings: ‘feeling ill’

62 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 1 — Séquence 10

Person # 1
- Hey! Good to see you Sam!What’s up?
- I don’t know why but I feel so great today! I couldn’t feel any better.
- Lucky you!
Person # 2
- You look so great Susan! What’s the matter?
- I’m on top of the world. I feel like a million dollars! I feel so great!
Person # 3
- Helen looks so poorly today….She seems shattered. She must feel really rough.
What’s wrong with her?
- No idea. Maybe she’s running a fever…
Person # 4
- Peter? He’s a picture of health! He looks so well. There’s nothing at all wrong with
him. I wish I felt that way….
- Don’t you? Any problems?
Person # 5
- Is that you Pam?
- Yes, it’s me!
- Wow! You look like death warmed up, poor thing! You look so peaky! Anything
- Yeah…you’re right, I’m on my last legs….

j e retiens
Pour dire que l’on se sent bien, voire très bien J, on utilise :
- I feel great! (Je me sens en pleine forme)
- I’m on top of the world! (Je suis aux anges)
- I feel like a million dollars! (Je respire la santé)
- I couldn’t feel any better! (Je me sens vraiment bien)
- He’s glowing with health. (Il resplendit de santé)
- He looks very well. (Il a l’air en pleine forme)
- He’s a picture of health. (Il a la pêche – Il est en forme)
- There’s nothing wrong with me at all. (Des problèmes ? Non, je vais très bien !)
Pour dire que l’on ne se sent pas bien L :
• I feel really rough. (être mal fichu)
• I'm shattered. (je suis très, très fatigué)
• I'm on my last legs. (je suis au bout du rouleau)
• You look poorly. (tu as l’air souffrant(e))
• You look like death warmed up. (tu as une tête de déterré(e))
• You're looking peaky. (tu as l’air palot)
Tu as remarqué ? Quelle est la nature du mot : ‘poorly’ ?..........................................
Bravo !
En effet, il s’agit d’un adjectif en –ly. Tu en connais beaucoup maintenant !

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 63
Séquence 10 — séance 1

Exercise 7
Imagine you come across the following people in the street.
React according to the way they look! Be honest! (Imagine que tu rencontres ces personnes dans
la rue. Réagis en fonction de leur apparence. Sois honnête. Enregistre tes réponses si possible).
1- 2- 3-

4- 5- 6-

Tu sais qu’en anglais une des difficultés majeures est la différence entre la graphie (les mots écrits) et la phon-
nie (la façon dont les mots se prononcent)
Notamment, ce qui rend l’anglais difficile à comprendre parfois et même à prononcer pour un francophone,
est l’effacement à l’oral de certaines consonnes écrites.
Tu ne peux pas le deviner, il faut donc le savoir et même l’apprendre.
L’ensemble des règles qui régissent l’anglais oral constitue ce que certains appellent : « la grammaire de
l’oral ».
Il convient d’en apprendre les règles, tout comme n’importe quelle grammaire.
Te souviens-tu de l’expression : « être mal fichu » ?
Regarde plus haut.
Dans le mot ‘rough’ , on neprononce pas le G Il se prononce comme un F.
rough = [r^f]
Tu connais un autre mot en GH qui se prononce de la même façon….Tu ne vois pas ? Réfléchis.
Puis vérifie ta réponse.

Retiens bien la prononciation des mots en GH, qui peut varier beaucoup !
[{U] although, though (bien que)
[{] borough (quartier)
[U:] through (à travers)
[O:t] bought, thought, fought, caught2, daughter, naughty3
[a:f] laugh (rire)
[åf] cough (tousser)
Écoute ton CD et répète ces mots.
Apprends-en la prononciation.
Tu auras besoin de l’un de ces mots dans la prochaine séance !

2. Verbes irréguliers !
3. désobéissant

64 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 2 — Séquence 10

Séance 2
J’apprends à parler des petits « bobos » du quotidien
J’apprends à dire comment je me sens
J’apprends à bien prononcer les mots se terminant
par ‘-ache’ [eik]
Step 3
Exercise 8
What is wrong with these people? Write the part of the body which causes them pain under each
picture (except one).

a)…………………………………. b)…………………………………. c)………………………………….

d)…………………………………. e)…………………………………. f)………………………………….

g)…………………………………. h)…………………………………. i)………………………………….


© Cned, Anglais 4e — 65
Séquence 10 — séance 2

Exercise 9
Listen to these people. They are going to talk about what is wrong with them. Try and
undestand the part of the body which is painful. Then match the number of the recording to the
appropriate picture.

Ë Write the numbers of the recordings in the boxes next to the right pictures.

Check your answers.

Exercise 10
Listen to your CD one more time and read the transcript.

Learn how to talk about health problems.

1- Ouch! I’ve got a terrible backache today. Can’t walk. Feel like a grannie…
2- Ouch…I’ve got a terrible headache.
3- I hate it when I’ve got a runny nose. And I’ve got no tissues left.
4- Wow this toothache! I’m sure I’ve got cavities! Oh my god, it hurts so much!
5- I can’t hear anything in my right ear….humm I’ve got an earache.
6- I’m sure I’m running a fever. I’ve got a temperature.
7- Wow I feel terribly sick. I’ve got such a strong pain! My stomach hurts so much! Wow
what a stomachache.
8- My ankle is all swollen! I’m sure I’ve got a sprained ankle…oh dear! I fell so badly on
the floor!
9- See that rash on my right arm? Must be insect bites! I spent the whole afternoon
picking flowers in the garden!
10- I don’t know what’s wrong with me today. I’ve got a sore throat. I can’t swallow

Attention à la prononciation des mots suivants :
- stomachache
- backache
- toothache
- earache
- headache
la syllabe « -ACHE » se prononce : [eik]
Le mot ‘ache’ existe ! Il signifie « faire mal ». Ainsi, lorsqu’une partie du corps « fait mal », on lui adjoint le
suffixe ‘ache’ :
Ex : stomach + ache = stomachache
Ex : head + ache = headache

66 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 2 — Séquence 10

Écoute ton CD et répète les mots :

- stomachache
- backache
- toothache
- earache
- headache

Écoute et répète ces phrases :

- Ouch…I’ve got a terrible headache.

- I’ve got a runny nose. And I’ve got no tissues left. (plus de mouchoirs en papier)

- Wow what a toothache! I’m sure I’ve got cavities1! Oh my god, it hurts so much!
(= ça fait très mal)

- I’ve got an earache.

- I’ve got a sprained ankle.

- I’m sure I’m running a fever. I’ve got a temperature.

- Wow I feel terribly sick. My stomach hurts so much! Wow what a stomachache.

- See that rash on my right arm?

- I’ve got a sore throat.

Apprends-les par cœur. Ce sont des expressions très utiles lorsque l’on ne se sent pas bien !

Step 4
Exercise 11

Would you make a good doctor?

Can you tell what these people suffer from judging from their symptoms?
As you are not a real doctor, you have to be cautious.

Ë What modal do you use when you are almost 100% sure that something is the case?
If you are not quite sure, you say: you………………….run a fever!

Check your answers.

Your turn! Be a good doctor!

2. caries

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 67
Séquence 10 — séance 2

1- My skin itches :I’ve got a skin irritation) You..................................

2- I feel drowsy (: I feel sleepy)

3- I’m cold.

4- I feel nauseous.

5- I feel dizzy

6- I’m tired (: I need to sleep)

7- I’m hot

8- I’m exhausted (: very tired)

9- I want to throw up (:vomit) all the time

10- My ankle is all swollen and it hurts.

Check your answers.

Have you been a good doctor? J

Pour la prochaine séance :

- Apprends par cœur toutes les petites maladies et les verbes que l’on emploie avec :

Ex : I’ve got a cold/a sprained ankle/ a headache

I feel / I’m dizzy/exhausted…

68 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 3 — Séquence 10

Séance 3
J’apprends à parler de ce qui soulage la douleur
J’apprends ce que l’on doit dire lors d’une visite chez le médecin
J’apprends à situer un événement par rapport au moment présent

Exercise 12
Have you learnt the words and expressions related to health problems?
Translate into English:
1- J’ai mal à la tête : ...........................................................................................................
2- J’ai la nausée = j’ai mal au cœur : ...................................................................................
3- Je me suis foulé la cheville : ............................................................................................
4- J’ai de la fièvre : .............................................................................................................
5- J’ai le nez qui coule : ......................................................................................................
6- J’ai mal au ventre : .........................................................................................................
7- J’ai des caries : ...............................................................................................................
8- J’ai une éruption cutanée : (j’ai une poussée de boutons) : .............................................
9- J’ai mal à la gorge : ........................................................................................................
10- J’ai mal au dos : ...........................................................................................................

Step 5
When you feel sick, you need to relieve the pain1.
Here are a few tips to feel better.

Physical stitches a sling antacid decongestant a heating

therapy pad

Cough syrup2 eye drops a prescription cough medicine cold3 tablets cream

A capsule a pill ointment a tablet aspirin throat4 lozenges

1. Soulager la douleur
2. Sirop pour la toux
3. Coup de froid
4. gorge

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Séquence 10 — séance 3

Exercise 13

Listen to your CD.

You are going to hear people talking to their doctors. The doctors are going to ask them about
their condition, prescribe some medicine, and give them some advice.

Å First listen to the dialogues and tick ¸(next to the above pictures) the medicines the
doctors eventually prescribe.

Check your answers.

If you haven’t been able to understand the names of the medicines prescribed by the doctors,
listen to the dialogues once again.

Ç Listen to the CD once again and fill in the chart. Don’t write full sentences. Just take

Here are tips if you think this is going to be too difficult for you:
- Focus on the words related to medicines (see pictures above).
If you couldn’t recognize them during the dialogues, then listen to your CD: they are going to be
pronounced for you. Repeat them so that you get used to them
physical therapy stitches a sling antacid decongestant
a heating pad a capsule a pill ointment a tablet
aspirin throat lozenges cough syrup eye drops a prescription
cough medicine cold tablets cream

Patient’s condition Doctor’s Doctor’s Doctor’s

(symptoms) diagnosis prescription advice

Dialogue #1

Dialogue #2

Dialogue #3

Dialogue #4

Check your answers.

70 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 3 — Séquence 10

Observe les répliques issues des dialogues que tu viens d’entendre :

1. Doctor: How long have you had the rash?

Patient It’s been about a week.
2. Doctor: How long have you had the pain?
Patient: For about 2 days.
3. I’ve been feeling ill ever since a barbecue a few days ago

Dans les phrases 1 et 2, souligne la forme verbale.

Reconnais-tu cette forme ? r oui, je l’ai déjà vue cette année r Non, elle ne me dit rien

Décomposons-la : have you had

HAVE + ……………………………..

Reconnais-tu maintenant cette forme ? ……………………………………………………………………..…

En effet, il s’agit bien de HAVE+EN, ou du present perfect.

Ici, on met en relation le passé et le présent.

Ex : I have had the pain for 2 days Durée de la douleur : 2 jours (et ce n’est pas fini !)

J’ai mal maintenant ça a commencé dans le passé

C’est facile à comprendre, n’est-ce pas ? Et surtout très logique !

Voyons comment on exprime cela en français.

Traduis cette phrase :

I have had the pain for 2 days :…………………………………………………………………………..........

Tu as remarqué ?

Effectivement, en français c’est bien le présent qui est employé !

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Séquence 10 — séance 3

Donc, la difficulté pour toi, francophone, est d’éviter le piège du calque : calquer ce qui se dit en
français sur l’anglais.

En français on dit : j’ai mal à la gorge depuis 3 jours.

En anglais on dit : …………………………………………………………………

Vérifie ta réponse.

Parfait ! Tu as bien compris !

Pour demander depuis combien de temps une maladie ou une douleur durent, tu dis :
How long + present perfect ?

Entraîne-toi !

Exercise 14
Tu es le docteur : demande au patient depuis combien de temps il souffre du mal indiqué.

Rappel : Le participe passé du verbe ‘feel’ est : ‘felt’ !

1- (stomachache) ............................................................................................................ ?
2- (rash) . ........................................................................................................................ ?
3- (feel dizzy) ................................................................................................................... ?
4- (be cold) ..................................................................................................................... ?
5- (Have a swollen ankle).................................................................................................. ?
Check your answers.

Les réponses possibles à la question : How long have you had/felt ?…….. sont :
- It’s been about a week.
- For about 2 days.
- I’ve had/felt….for 3 days

Rappelle-toi : FOR correspond à une durée.

Exercise 15
Le docteur est très curieux : il veut savoir depuis combien de temps tu fais les choses
suivantes, qui peuvent expliquer ton problème de santé. Réponds aussi !
1- (play soccer) ............................................................................................................... ?
Your answer : .................................................................................................................
2- (feel the pain) ............................................................................................................. ?
Your answer : .................................................................................................................
3- (be in the same soccer club) ........................................................................................ ?
Your answer : .................................................................................................................
4- (have the same ankle problem) .................................................................................... ?
Your answer : .................................................................................................................

72 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 3 — Séquence 10

j e retiens
v Pour demander en anglais : « Depuis combien de temps … ?» :
On utilise le present perfect ou HAVE+EN.
En effet, en anglais, on considère en même temps la situation présente et le passé, qui est
à l’origine de cette situation.
Ex : How long have you been sick?
Depuis combien de temps es-tu malade ?
Attention de ne pas tomber dans le piège du calque sur la langue française !
Pour bien maîtriser le present perfect, rappelle-toi que tu dois connaître parfaitement tes verbes
irréguliers !
La réponse à la question commençant par « how long + present perfect’ est simple : tu
dois utiliser aussi have + EN.
Ex : How long have you been sick?
I’ve been sick for 2 days.
La durée s’exprime grâce à FOR (qui veut dire ici « depuis »).

Learn 10 words related to medicines

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 73
Séquence 10 — séance 4

Séance 4
Je revois comment donner des conseils à quelqu’un et
j’apprends une nouvelle structure pour exprimer cette notion
Je pratique le present perfect avec ‘how long’
Je découvre le present perfect avec be+ing
Let us check what you remember of séance 3:
Exercise 16
What’s the English for:
- Points de suture : .........................................................................................................
- Une ordonnance : ........................................................................................................
- Du sirop pour la toux : .................................................................................................
- De la kiné : ..................................................................................................................
- Un comprimé : . ...........................................................................................................
- Une gélule : ..................................................................................................................
- Une pilule : ..................................................................................................................
- De la pommade : .........................................................................................................

Exercise 17
Here are the patient’s symtoms.
a) What is the diagnosis? Make suggestions, if you can. Otherwise, skip a) and go to b).
b) Prescribe a medicine or something that could relieve the pain.
1- I’ve got a runny nose and I cough all the time.
2- My ankle hurts. I fell on a banana skin. It’s all swollen.
3- I’ve got a headache and a temperature.
4- I feel nauseous and dizzy.
5- I’ve got spots1 all over my right leg. It itches a lot.

Step 6
Exercise 18
Read the transcripts of the dialogues you listened to in the previous lesson.
Then answer the questions.
1- Highlight in blue what the doctors say at the beginning of the visits.
Write down the 4 different sentences:
- ....................................................................................................................................
- ....................................................................................................................................
- ....................................................................................................................................
1. boutons

74 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 4 — Séquence 10

2- Highlight in yellow how the patients describe their problems.

There are 3 different ways to answer the doctor’s opening question (ex: ‘What’s the
Give examples by quoting the script. Write the sentences below.
• I have + noun
• I feel + adjective
• I + present perfect

Check your answers.

3- How do the doctors give their patients advice?
Highlight in green the various expressions used.
Then write examples below:

Dialogue 2:
Doctor: And next time, be careful with what you eat! You ‘d better trust yourself: if the food smells
bad, don’t eat it!

In the example above, focus on the underlined structure.

Here the doctor gives a piece of advice. Say it differently:
Do you remember any of the structures you have learnt that express the notion of ‘advice’?
Quelles autres structures utilise–t-on pour donner des conseils ? Rappelle-toi ce que tu as
appris et au besoin, reprends tes cours du palier 1 (année 2 – séquence 11).

Giving advice
You ………………………………….. trust yourself
You …………………………………… trust yourself
Take ………………………………….. Trust yourself !
If I …………………………………, I ………………….. trust myself.

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Séquence 10 — séance 4

Entraîne-toi !
Now practise!

Step 7
Exercise 19
Give these patients advice.

Say it differently each time.

1- I never warm up before playing basketball and I often sprain my ankles or my wrists….
2- I hardley ever have breakfast before my soccer training.
3- I eat anything that is in the fridge, no matter when the food has to be eaten by.
4- I like to wear T-shirts even during the winter. I sleep with my windows open all night. But I
wonder why I’ve always got a runny nose.
5- I only like junk food and I have never exercised in my life. I want to start an extreme sport.

j e retiens
Pour donner des conseils, je peux utiliser :

- You should + BV
Ex : You should eat healthy food instead of junk food.
Vous devriez manger sainement au lieu de manger de la nourriture industrielle.

- You’d better +BV

Ex : You’d better look at the ‘best before date’ on the food you take from the fridge, if you don’t
want to get food poisoning.
Tu ferais mieux de respecter la date limite de consommation quand tu prends
quelque chose dans le frigo, si tu ne veux pas avoir une intoxication alimentaire.

- Take my advice , eat healthy food and you’ll never go to the doctor’s!
suis mon conseil : mange sainement et tu n’iras jamais chez le médecin !

- If I were you, I’d warm up before working out!

si j’étais à ta place, je m’échaufferais avant de faire travailler tes muscles !

76 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 5 — Séquence 10

Séance 5
J’apprends des expressions utiles dans le domaine de la santé
Je pratique le present perfect avec ‘how long’
Je pratique le present perfect + be + ing

Exercise 20
Read the scripts of the dialogues you listened to in the previous lesson and find the English
equivalent to the following French words, expressions or sentences.
1- Êtes-vous allergique à certains médicaments.
2- Pas que je sache.
3- Intoxication alimentaire.
4- Analgésique, calmants (qui soulagent la douleur).
5- Un échauffement (avant le sport).
6- J’ai envie de vomir.
7- Ça ne fait pas mal.
8- Ça fait mal ici.
9- Prendre un rendez-vous (chez un médecin).
10- Faire faire des analyses de sang.
11- Si ça ne va pas mieux.

Step 8
Observe cette phrase, issue des dialogues entre patients et médecins que tu as entendus dans la
précédente leçon.
I’ve been feeling ill ever since a barbecue a few days ago.

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Séquence 10 — séance 5

Peux-tu décomposer la forme soulignée comme nous l’avons fait auparavant ?

I ‘ve been feel ing

………. ……. ……. ……..

Quelle forme retrouves-tu ici ? r le present perfect r le futur r le prétérit
Vérifie dans ton corrigé.
Quelle forme apparaît en plus de celle que tu viens de trouver ?...............................................
Vérifie dans ton corrigé si tu n’es pas sûr(e).
Observe les 2 phrases suivantes :
I have felt sick since the barbecue.
I have been feeling sick since the barbecue.
Que remarques-tu sans même t’attacher à comprendre les mots ? Imagine que tu vois ces
phrases écrites au loin….…………………………………………………………………………………....……

En effet, la phrase 2 est beaucoup plus longue !

Tu peux donc dire :

r que la trace linguistique laissée par l’énonciateur (celui qui parle) est plus importante en 2 qu’en 1
r qu’elle est moins importante en 2 qu’en 1
Vérifie ta réponse.

Lorsque l’énonciateur laisse des traces plus importantes dans la langue, cela signifie-t-il :
r qu’il veut dire quelque chose en plus
r qu’il veut dire la même chose mais différemment
r qu’il veut dire autre chose
Vérifie ta réponse.

En phrase 2, la personne veut donc dire quelque chose en plus de ‘I’ve felt sick’ (je suis malade).
Que veut-elle donc dire en plus ? Tu peux cocher plusieurs cases.
r elle sous-entend que ça a été pénible.
r elle veut insister sur sa peur de la maladie.
r elle a vraiment été malade ; ça l’a marquée.
Vérifie tes réponses.

Tu es surpris(e) par le corrigé ?

Tu as raison de l’être !

Car tout dépend du contexte. Ici, il est tellement réduit que nous n’avons pas beaucoup d’indic-
ces pour nous prononcer. Mais dans la vie, le contexte est plus étoffé, fort heureusement !

78 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 5 — Séquence 10

j e retiens
Pour insister davantage sur la durée d’une situation, ou bien sur sa pénibilité, ou sur un autre
aspect (tout dépend du contexte) : On utilise le present perfect + be + ing .
La trace linguistique est plus importante, l’énonciateur a donc voulu faire passer un
message supplémentaire, qu’il va te falloir décoder à chaque fois. Tu devras interpréter.
Voici des situations où l’énonciateur laisse une trace plus importante (have + en + be +
Écris à chaque fois comment tu interprètes le message qu’il veut faire passer.
Le contexte étant très réduit, tu ne peux qu’émettre des hypothèses. Donc plusieurs
interprétations sont possibles à chaque fois !

Exercise 21
1- I’ve been feeling dizzy for four days now (par rapport à : I’ve felt dizzy). Do you think I should
see a doctor?
Ë . ................................................................................................................................
2- I’ve been working on this essay for three whole weeks! And I haven’t finished yet….(par
rapport à: ‘I’ve worked…’)
Ë . ................................................................................................................................
3- You’ve been lying1 to me! I can’t believe I trusted you! How long have you been lying to
me?( par rapport à: ‘You’ve lied to me’)
Ë . ................................................................................................................................
Vérifie tes réponses.

Step 9
Exercise 22
Make questions with ‘How long’. Then imagine an answer each time.
1- (you – that rash)


3- Brian – ill
1. Lie : mentir

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 79
Séquence 10 — séance 5

Exercise 23
Use the present perfect be + ing to express the following feelings.
1- (angry): wait for you – 30 minutes!
2- (sad): work hard on this project and it failed.
3- (Disappointed): you – tell me lies! You love another girl.
4- (Happy): wait for this new computer so long! And here it is!
5- (in pain): I – suffer from racism for all my life
Check your answers.

Exercise 24
Oral comprehension – Oral production
You are a patient and you are about to knock on the doctor’s door for a visit.
Listen to what the doctor says to you, answer his questions and react! (Écoute ce que le docteur te
dit, réponds à ses questions en réagissant, comme dans une vraie conversation).
Imagine you are having a real conversation!
Listen carefully and say the right things.

Prepare for the visit:

- Decide (!) what you suffer from
- Be ready to give details about how you feel
- Make sure you can answer any question starting with ‘how long’

That is not all: be prepared to answer any of the doctor’s questions. One of them might be
Ë After the doctor says something, press pause on your CD, then reply. (Après chaque
phrase du docteur, appuie sur pause puis réponds).

80 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 6 — Séquence 10

Séance 6
J’écris un poème acrostique
Je découvre les grandes inventions scientifiques
Je revois le passif

Step 10
Do you know what an acrostic poem is?

r It is a poem of fourteen lines that follows a strict rhyme scheme.

r It is a poem where you choose a word or name and use each letter in the name as the beginning of a word.
r It is a five-line poem, which is humorous.

Check your answer!

You were right!

Example: An acrostic poem using the word “CHEETAH.”

Cheetahs are my favorite animals

Hiding in the grass
Eating always
Eating when they’re hungry
Terrific runners
Athletic too and
High jumpers.

Exercise 25
Write an Acrostic Poem using the word below.

An acrostic poem using the word ‘games’
E……………………………………………………. G iving pleasure to those who play
N…………………………………………………… A nyone can win
T……………………………………………………. M ore than one player
E veryone gets a turn
S portsmanship is the key

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Séquence 10 — séance 6

Step 11
Exercise 26
How many inventions are the result of an accident?

Go through this Scientific Inventions Quiz and answer the best you can!

If you are interested in further information, read “Le Coin des Curieux”!

Check your answers when you are finished!

Å For thousands of years doctors told patients suffering from pain to chew on the bark of
a willow tree1. Even as early as 400 B.C. Hippocrates recommended a tea made from
willow leaves. It wasn’t until the 1800’s that scientists discovered what was in the willow
tree that relieved pain and reduced fever. What was the substance called? It is very well-
known today!
r penicillin r insulin r aspirin

Did you know that?

B.C. = means Before Christ (avant Jesus-Christ)
A.D. = means Anno Domini (après Jesus-Christ)

Ç In 1904 in St. Louis, Missouri Ernest Hamwi had a brilliant idea: he rolled a waffle2
and gave it to an ice cream vendor who ran short of3 dishes. This invention has been
pleasing billions of people especially children ever since. What was invented during
those hot summer days?
r candies r ice cream cones r marshmallows

É An American Indian of the Huron tribe long ago invented a snack food that became
very popular with the new Americans, so popular that sales now exceed over four
billion dollars a year. What is this snack food called?
r the hamburger r the potato chip r the hot dog

Ñ Atlanta pharmacist John Pemberton was trying to make a cure for headaches. He mixed
together ingredients.The recipe is still a closely guarded secret. It only took eight years
of being sold in a drug store before the drink was popular enough to be sold in bottles.
What is it?
r orange juice r coke r lemonade

1. Saule (arbre)
2. gauffre
3. Manquer de

82 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 6 — Séquence 10

Exercise 27
Have you got a good memory?

What do you remember about these inventions? Don’t look at the above quiz!
Ë Avant de commencer, quelle structure sera parfaitement adaptée pour cet exercice ?
Tu ne vois pas ?
En français comment commencerais-tu cette phrase sur l’invention du coca ?
r John Pemberton inventa le .........................
r Le coca fut inventé en .............. par ..............................................
Si tu as choisi la phrase 2, quelle structure as-tu utilisée en français ?..................
En anglais, ce sera la même structure.
Comment s’appelle-t-elle ?.....................................................
Cette structure permet de faire un gros plan sur : r l’inventeur r l’invention
Si tu as répondu « l’inventeur » : quel est le nom de l’inventeur des chips ?
Est-il mentionné ? r oui r non
Pour quelle raison ?........................................................................
Vérifie tes réponses.
N’oublie pas d’utiliser le passif dans l’exercice ci-dessous : il est parfaitement adapté à
la thématique des inventions car certains inventeurs sont totalement tombés dans les
oubliettes !
Write a sentence about each invention mentioned.
Don’t forget to write about the circumstances in which the discovery was made if you can.
Write simple sentences and use your own words.
Here is a tip before you start:
Underline in each question of the quiz (exercise 26) the key words, which correspond to the
most important facts.
Coke - aspirin
ice cream cone
potato chip





Check your answers.

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 83
Séquence 10 — séance 7

Séance 7
Je découvre les grandes inventions scientifiques
Je découvre des inventions dont l’origine n’est pas certaine
Je découvre une forme complexe de la voix passive
J’accède au sens d’un document écrit en m’appuyant sur une
mise en réseau lexicale

Step 12
As you have seen, a lot of scientific inventions have changed the way we live.
Among them, medical inventions (like Penicillin)have helped millions of people to relieve their
pain or to be cured.

Exercise 28
Can you match the following inventions to the dates when they were made and to their inventors as well?

Fill in the chart below.

Here are a few tips if you need some help:

Pour réussir cette activité, applique la méthodologie que tu as acquise tout au long de cette année,
ainsi que les années antérieures, le cas échéant.
- Appuie-toi sur les mots transparents.
- Infère le sens de certains mots en t’appuyant sur le contexte (ici : domaine
scientifique) et sur tes références culturelles (tu connais peut-être des inventeurs !).
- Infère le sens de mots inconnus grâce à leur morphologie, à leur composition.
- Réduis les phrases longues à des phrases minimales.
- Mobilise le lexique spécifique au domaine scientifique.
- Aide-toi de ta logique et de ton bon sens !
Ce qui va surtout t’aider à trouver les réponses est ce qu’on nomme : « la mise en réseau
lexicale ».
Il s’agit pour toi de repérer tous les mots appartenant à un même champ lexical.
Le champ lexical est le nom donné à un ensemble de mots ou d’expressions de natures
variées qui se rapportent à un même thème.
Ex : Si tu lis un article de journal dont tu n’as pas le titre et tu trouves les mots suivants au fil des
phrases :
Cut hair – short or long – curly – shop – pay for – shampoo – dry – hair dryer –
De quel sujet cet article traite-t-il ?....................................................................

Vérifie ta réponse.

84 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 7 — Séquence 10

Si tu effectues correctement cette mise en réseau lexicale, tu réussiras sans problème l’activité ci-dessous !
À toi !
insulin Most scientists believe that the **********was inv-
vented 5000 years ago. The oldest *********known
was discovered in Mesopotamia and is believed to date
back 55 centuries. We don’t know whom to thank for
3500 B.C.
the *********, but think of what the world would be
like without it. No bicycles. No roller-blades. No cars...
buses or trains.
penicillin When most people think of the *********, they think
locomotive, which was invented by Richard Trevithick
and Oliver Evans in 1803.
1565 But the *********that uses steam to generate power
is actually much older than the train. In 1698 Thomas
Savery actually developed an efficient *********with
plastic Canadian Dr. Frederick Banting isolated ********* ,
the substance secreted by the pancreas that allows the
1674 body to metabolize sugars. Since then, ********* has
allowed millions of diabetics around the world to lead
healthy, active lives.
The steam engine The inventor of the first synthetic polymer (later known
as *********) was Leo Baekeland. He called his invent-
tion “Bakelite”. He worked as a chemist in New York.
********* is one of those inventions that people take
for granted1. It’s everywhere around us, in the kitchen,
in our cars, and even in some people’s bodies.
The microscope Dr. Alexander Fleming, a Scottish bacteriologist , made
a major discovery: the enzyme lysozyme in 1923 and
1876 the antibiotic substance ********* in 1928, for which
he shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicin in
The pencil Alexander Graham Bell taught people who were deaf2,
so he was interested in sound vibrations and how they
travelled. Bell realized that the vibrations in human
speech could be transformed into variations in electric-
1909 cal current that could be transmitted through wires3
from one place to another. His invention made it poss-
sible for millions of people to chat with friends miles
away, and opened the door for walkie-talkies, radio, fax
transmission and even the Internet !
The telephone Single-lens ********* were used as early as the mid-
15th century, but the ********* may have been
invented by eyeglass makers in Middelburg, The Nethe-
1928 erlands, sometime between 1590 and 1610. But Dutch
scientist Antonie van Leeuwenhoek developed the act-
tual prototype of the modern multiple-lens *********
64 years later!
The wheel In 1565 German-Swiss naturalist Conrad Gesner first
fabricated a writing instrument in which graphite, then
1921 thought to be a type of lead4, was inserted into a piece
of wood. The name graphite is from the Greek word
‘graphein’, meaning, «to write.»
1. Considèrent comme allant de soi
2. Who could not hear
3. Fil électrique
4. plomb

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 85
Séquence 10 — séance 7

Fill in the chart below.


The steam engine
The microscope
The pencil
The telephone
The wheel

Check your answers.

Step 13
Read the following sentence taken from the above chart:

The microscope may have been invented by eyeglass makers in The Netherlands.

The origin of this invention is: r certain r uncertain.

Now read the beginnings of the following articles which both deal with the origins of coke.

The first Coca-Cola recipe was invented by John Pemberton, originally as a cocawine called
Pemberton’s French Wine Coca in 1885. He may have been inspired by the formidable
success of Vin Mariani, a European cocawine.

Vin Mariani: This tonic evidently inspired John S. Pemberton’s 1885 cocawine drink recipe
called Pemberton’s French Wine Coca.

In which article is the passive voice used? r article 1 r article 2

Copy the underlined passive verbal form:


Who is ‘he’?............................................................................................................................

Copy it again, but replace ‘he’ with the appropriate name:


Now copy the active form, from article 2:


86 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 7 — Séquence 10

1- Pemberton may have been inspired by Vin Mariani. PASSIVE

2- The tonic Vin Mariani evidently inspired John Pemberton ACTIVE

In which sentence is the most definite degree of certainty expressed?

Dans quelle phrase trouve-t-on la certitude la plus grande ?

r sentence 1 r sentence 2

Which word conveys this certainty in Ç?..............................................

Consequently which word expresses the degree of probability in Å?..........................................

Check your answers.

En effet, tu as remarqué 2 choses :

- Les deux phrases traitent la même information : le vin Mariani semble avoir inspiré l’inventeur
du Coca.

- Cependant, les 2 phrases mettent en relief des parties de phrases différentes :

Ë En Å : r Pemberton est mis en avant r Pemberton est mis au second plan

Ë En Ç : r Pemberton est mis en avant r Pemberton est mis au second plan

En Å, la forme passive est plus complexe que ce que tu as appris jusqu’à présent :

Que trouve-t-on en plus du passif ?.............................................

Vérifie ta réponse.

En Å : Tu as remarqué que le mot ‘evidently’ levait tout doute concernant l’influence du vin
Mariani sur Pemberton. On en est sûr.

En Ç : On n’est pas du tout sûr de l’influence du vin Mariani sur Pemberton. Le modal MAY
exprime ce doute: on n’en est pas sûr, mais ce n’est pas du tout exclu.

Dans ce cas, comment traduirais-tu :

- La phrase Å :………………………………………………………………….

- La phrase Ç :………………………………………………………………….

Entraîne-toi avec la structure may+have+be + en (may + passif present perfect).

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 87
Séquence 10 — séance 7

Step 14
Exercise 29

Voici des affirmations que certains considèrent comme vraies.

Ë Tu souhaites nuancer ces propos : On n’en est pas sûr mais on ne l’exclut pas non plus
(« Il se peut que…. »).

Écris sous chaque affirmation la nouvelle phrase, plus nuancée.

1- Aspirin was invented by Hippocrates. (???)


2- The TV was invented so that the government could communicate over a long distance
with its moving armies (???)


3- The LCD or Liquid Crystal Display was invented at Kent State University in Ohio. (???)


4- The first toothpaste was invented around 1000 BC by the Persians . (???)

5- In 1862 the Italian physicist Caselli was influenced by the discovery of English scientist
Alexander Bain when he invented the fax. (???)


j e retiens
J’ai appris une forme plus complexe du passif qui inclut le modal may :
• Je savais déjà dire: Aspirin was invented by Hippocrates
• Je sais maintenant introduire une nuance supplémentaire : l’aspirine a peut-être été inventée
par Hippocrate (possibilité)
Ë Aspirin may have been invented by Hippocrates.
• J’utilise MAY + have been + participe passé

88 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 8 — Séquence 10

Séance 8
j e m’évalue
Exercise 1
Connais-tu les adverbes de fréquence ?

Écris des phrases à partir des adverbes proposés. Utilise-les dans des phrases pour parler de ta
vie quotidienne, des activités que tu fais souvent ou non.
1- (always) .........................................................................................................................

2- (hardly ever) ..................................................................................................................

3- (occasionally) ................................................................................................................
Comment dit-on… ? :
- Un jour sur deux : ..........................................................................................................

- Une fois de temps en temps : . ........................................................................................

- Deux fois par an : ...........................................................................................................

Exercise 2
Penses-tu vivre sainement ?

Écris quelques phrases pour expliquer. Illustre ton propos par quelques exemples.




Exercise 3
Comment se sentent-ils ? En t’appuyant sur les illustrations, remplis les bulles.

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 89
Séquence 10 — séance 8

1- ......................................................................................................................................

2- ......................................................................................................................................

3- ......................................................................................................................................

Comment te sens-tu aujoud’hui ?

Écris une phrase ou deux.




Exercise 4

Connais-tu les noms des petites maladies usuelles ?

Comment dit-on… ?

1- j’ai mal à la tête : ...........................................................................................................

2- j’ai mal au ventre : .........................................................................................................

3- j’ai mal aux oreilles : ......................................................................................................

4- j’ai mal au dos : .............................................................................................................

5- j’ai mal à la gorge : ........................................................................................................

Exercise 5
Sais-tu reconnaître ces maladies à l’oral ?

Écoute ton CD et écris de quoi souffrent les personnes qui parlent.

Exercise 6

Sais-tu prononcer les mots suivants ?

- backache
- earache
- headache
Vérifie sur ton cours et ton CD (séance 2) et attribue-toi ou non la réussite.

90 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 8 — Séquence 10

Exercise 7

Sais-tu donner des conseils appropriés ?

Les personnes suivantes te font part de leur problème. Conseille-leur quelque chose pour soulager
leur douleur.

Utilise à chaque fois une expression différente.

1- I feel nauseous: ..............................................................................................................

2- My skin itches: ...............................................................................................................

3- I’ve got a persistent backache: .......................................................................................

4- I’ve got a fever: ..............................................................................................................

5- My arm hurts. I think I sprained my wrist1: .....................................................................

Exercise 8

Sais-tu poser des questions commençant par ‘depuis quand’ ?

Sers-toi des amorces proposées pour poser les questions et y répondre de manière plausible.

1- 2- 3-

1- ......................................................................................................................................

2- ......................................................................................................................................

3- ......................................................................................................................................

1. poignet

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 91
Séquence 10 — séance 8

Exercise 9
Sais-tu avoir la réaction appropriée, correspondant au sentiment entre parenthèses, dans les cas
suivants ? Utilise les éléments en gras pour écrire les phrases.
1- (surprise) you – wait for me – all this time?

2- (angry) you – play – instead of working!


3- (compassionate1) You – paint the whole room – you /must be/tired!


4- (sad) my sister – lie to me – two months: she - no boyfriend at all!


Relis au besoin la séance 5.

Exercise 10
Connais-tu les inventions suivantes, et leurs inventeurs ?
Écris une phrase sur chaque invention.
1- Coke . ............................................................................................................................

2- Aspirin . .........................................................................................................................

3- Penicillin ........................................................................................................................

Exercise 11
Sais-tu exprimer une possibilité à propos d’inventions ou de découvertes ?
Utilise les éléments proposés et dis ce qui s’est probablement passé.
1- Aspirin/Hippocrates (invent)????

2- Pemberton /vin Mariani (influence) ???


3- The microscope/Dutch people (invent)???


4- Charles Darwin’s moral philosophy /the writings of Buddhist monks (inspire)???


5- Origin of malaria /by Randolph E. Schmid (find)????


1. compatissant

92 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 8 — Séquence 10

. ....................................................................................................................................
. ....................................................................................................................................
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. ....................................................................................................................................
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. ....................................................................................................................................
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. ....................................................................................................................................
. ....................................................................................................................................
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© Cned, Anglais 4e — 93
Sommaire de la séquence 11

Communication Civilisation Grammaire Phonologie Méthodologie

Séance 1 Repérer des Les petits boulots Les petits boulots
Document informations en Grande
“Job Ads” ciblées dans une Bretagne
petite annonce

Séance 2 Comprendre une Les petits boulots Les petits boulots

Dialogue conversation en Grande
“Calling about téléphonique Bretagne
a job”

Séance 3 Répondre à une « Letters of like et as Savoir organiser

« Writing petite annonce application » et mettre en forme
a letter of des notes pour
rédiger une lettre

Séance 4 Comprendre une Préposition +V-ing Savoir anticiper

Dialogue conversation le contenu d’un
“The document sonore

Séance 5 Comprendre une Les petits boulots Conditions de prononciation du Savoir anticiper
Interview conversation ; en Australie travail, contraintes. mot « clothes » : le contenu d’un
“Rachel’s job” rédiger un courriel. [kl{VDz] document sonore

Séance 6
Je m’évalue
séance 1 — Séquence 11

Séance 1
Je repère des informations dans une petite annonce
Je m’informe sur les « part-time jobs »

Step 1
Look at these four documents:


Babysitter required WANTED

3 afternoons/evenings a Boy or girl to deliver
week newspapers.
3.30 pm – 8.30 pm Age 14 minimum
2 children age 5 and 8. Must be free 7am to 8am 7
Pay rate: £3.50 an hour days a week
Young person preferred, £30 per week
age 13-18 Call Harry on 020 8990991
Call Cindy on 020 8546454 Mon-Fri 8am – 9 pm for
(after 9pm) details


Pet shop assistants required by

Frilly Sally’s Clothes Boutique
13 King’s Square
Our New Eltham branch is
looking for young, capable
Seeks people to work as assistants.
Salespeople Saturdays and Sundays 8 am
Young people, age 15-18 to 6 pm
required for Thursday and Candidates must be at least
Friday evenings (late opening, 14 years old.
until 9 pm).
Call Lucy on 020-8547654,
Pay Rate £5 per hour. Monday to Fridays, 10 am to
Please send a letter of 6 pm.
application to the Manageress,
Mrs Morgan

N’oublie pas d’appliquer la méthodologie que tu as apprise en Séquences 3 et 4 !

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 95
Séquence 11 — séance 1

First impressions! Read the four documents quickly and decide if they are:
a) Advertisements for products
b) News reports
c) Job advertisements

Check your answer!

En général les anglophones disent « ads » pour « advertisements ». Les petites annonces dans
les journaux sont des « small ads ». A « job offer », est une offre d’emploi.
Le mot transparent « salary » est utilisé en général pour décrire un salaire mensuel ou annuel.
Pour parler de l’argent gagné en faisant des « petits boulots », les jeunes anglophones parlent
simplement de « pay ». « The rate », c’est le taux.
Well done! Now look at the four documents again and complete the table:

Name of job Minimum age Pay Days Hours


Step 2
Which qualities are necessary for the job?
A) Look at each sentence and write the letter of the job offer which corresponds best.
(Écris à côté de chaque qualité ou compétence ci-dessous le petit boulot auquel elle
correspond le mieux. Utilise les lettres A, B, C, D)
To do this job you have to:
1- like animals ...................

2- enjoy being with young children ...................

3- be prepared to get up early in the morning ...................

4- be free on weekends .........................................

5- be interested in fashion .........................................

6- be 15 years old or older .........................................

B) Look at job offer B: “WANTED”. What word corresponds to “wanted” in job offers A
and D? .........................................
C) Look at job offer D: “at least”. This means 14 years old is:
i) the minimum age ii) the maximum age (circle the right answer)

96 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 1 — Séquence 11

Step 3
Here is some information about four young people. They all want to find a part-time job.
Which job offer corresponds best to each one?

Emily Jones is 14 years old. She is crazy about fashion. She lives at home with her parents,
two brothers and a dog. She loves dogs and indeed likes all animals. She does jazz dance
every evening from 8pm to 10pm.
Stephen Hunt is 14 years old. He enjoys playing football, running with his dog and spending
time on his computer. He plays football every Saturday afternoon and goes to training on
Wednesday afternoons.
William McIntyre is 13 years old. He has a brother, aged 4 and a sister, aged 7. He plays
tennis every Saturday.
Sarah Hope is 16 years old. She loves clothes and wants to be a fashion designer when she
leaves school. She loves horse-riding and goes riding every weekend.

The best jobs for them are:

Emily ....................................

Stephen ....................................

William ....................................

Sarah ....................................

le coin des curieux

Did you know?

Many teenagers in Great Britain, the USA and Australia have « part-time jobs ».
They work in the evenings or on the weekends to earn money. Some teenagers deliver
newspapers early in the morning.
To have part-time jobs, teenagers have to be at least 13 years old in Great Britain, 14 in the
USA and....14 years old and 9 months in Australia!

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 97
Séquence 11 — séance 2

Séance 2
Je complète une fiche de renseignements
Step 4
Look at these four documents again and listen to the conversations.

N’oublie pas d’appliquer la méthodologie de compréhension orale que tu as déjà acquise pour
réussir cette activité. Si tu ne te rappelles pas, regarde la Séquence 1 ou les Séquences 1 et 2 des
cours AN 61.


Babysitter required WANTED

3 afternoons/evenings a Boy or girl to deliver
week newspapers.
3.30 pm – 8.30 pm Age 14 minimum
2 children age 5 and 8. Must be free 7am to 8am 7
Pay rate: £3.50 an hour days a week
Young person preferred, age £30 per week
13-18 Call Harry on 020 8990991
Call Cindy on 020 8546454 Mon-Fri 8am – 9 pm for
(after 9pm) details


Frilly Sally’s Clothes Pet shop assistants required by

Boutique Petworld!
13 King’s Square Our New Eltham branch is
Chislehurst looking for young, capable
people to work as assistants.
Saturdays and Sundays 8am
Salespeople to 6 pm
Young people, age 15- Candidates must be at least
18 required for Thurday 14 years old
and Friday evenings (late
opening, until 9 pm). Call Lucy on 020 8547654,
Monday to Fridays, 10 am to
Pay Rate £5 per hour. 6 pm.
Please send a letter
of application to The
Manageress, Mrs Morgan

Listen to the telephone conversations once, without taking notes.

Two of the job advertisements are mentioned. Which ones? 1 .............. 2 ..............

98 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
séance 2 — Séquence 11

Check your answers!

Listen to the conversations again and take notes.

Then, with the help of your notes, try to complete the tables.

When you have finished, listen again to check the information or to find missing information.

Conversation one

Imagine you are Harry. Complete this form with the candidate’s information.

Paper boy form

Name: ....................................................
Age: ....................................................
Can get up early in the mornings: Yes No
Has got a bike Yes No
Coming to see me : Day ............................... Time ....................................................
Notes: wants to bring his ....................................................

Conversation two

Listen to the conversation and complete Sandy’s message.

Hi Lucy,
A ....................... rang about the job as an assistant. Her name is .........................................
and her number is ........................................ I told her that you would ring her back in about
.............................. when you come back from .......................

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 99
Séquence 11 — séance 3

Séance 3
J’apprends les prépositions « like » et « as »
J’apprends à rédiger une lettre de motivation
Step 5
Sarah Hope would like to apply for a job in a clothes shop. She has to write a letter of
application to the Manageress, Mrs Morgan. Look at lesson 1 and read the job advertisement
again. Read the information about Sarah again too.
1- What information do you think she will include in her letter? Tick the boxes.
- her age ®
- her interest in fashion ®
- her interest in horse-riding ®
- any work experience she has ®
- information about her family ®
- information about her personality ®
- her telephone number ®
- her address ®
2- Is Sarah’s letter going to be a) formal or b) informal? (circle the right answer)
3- How do think she will start her letter?
a) Hi Mrs Morgan b) Hello Mrs Morgan c) Dear Mrs Morgan
4- How do you think she will finish her letter
a) Bye! b) Yours sincerely c) See you soon

Check your answers

Step 6
You are going to help Sophie write her letter. Here are some notes she made. Can you help
her transform the notes into full sentences. (Aide Sophie à transformer ses notes en phrases
1- Pupil/Stevens School
2- Age 16
3- Free/Tuesday/Friday evenings
4- Love clothes/love fashion

100 — © Cned, Anglais 4e

séance 3 — Séquence 11

5- Last summer/work/four weeks/Jean Jeanie shop/Waterford Street

6- home telephone number: (020) 85541245;
mobile number: 077765015841

Check your answers

Step 7
Sarah also asked her Mum to help her. Her Mum helped her to write some sentences too. Here
they are. The letter is almost finished. Copy your sentences into the letter.
Don’t forget to start, and end, the letter correctly. Write the date.
Pour respecter un ordre logique dans la lettre il faut comparer le contenu de tes phrases avec celles
déjà formulées par Sarah. Il faut trouver les liens entre les deux, soit au niveau du sens, soit au
niveau grammatical. Par exemple, une de tes phrases décrit une expérience dans le passé.
Quel temps as-tu utilisé pour décrire cette expérience ? Ce temps est-il déjà présent dans la lettre ?

15 Allan Drive

.............. ...................... 2010

................................. Mrs Morgan,

I am writing to apply for a job as a Sales Assistant in your shop.


When I leave school I would like to study fashion. My ambition is to become a fashion

.................................................................... I really enjoyed it. I am a very friendly person and

like meeting people.
Sarah Hope

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 101

Séquence 11 — séance 3

j e retiens
L’as-tu remarqué ? Sophie dit « I’m writing to apply for a job as a sales assistant ».
« As » est ici une préposition qui sert à introduire un groupe nominal. « As » exprime
une identification. Il ne faut pas la confondre avec la préposition « like » qui n’exprime
qu’une ressemblance.
Exemple :
Sally works as a model (she is a model)
Erica is a teacher but she looks like a model!

Exercise 1

Complete with the correct preposition (like or as)

a) Sophie wants to work .................. a fashion designer when she leaves school.

b) Sophie’s mother loves fashion, just .................. Sophie.

c) Sophie’s father works .................. a mechanic for British Airways.

d) His job is ....................... a car mechanic’s job but the engines are much bigger!

j e retiens
La lettre que l’on envoie pour solliciter un emploi s’appelle “a letter of application”.
En Grande Bretagne celui qui envoie une lettre écrit son adresse en haut, à droite.

102 — © Cned, Anglais 4e

séance 4 — Séquence 11

Séance 4
Je repère des informations dans une conversation téléphonique

Step 8
Yesterday evening, when Sophie came home from school she found a note from her mother.
Read it and answer the questions.

I’ve just gone out to the shops. I’ll be back by 7pm.
Mrs Morgan rang. She said it was about the job. She’d like you to go for an interview on
Saturday at 11 o’ clock.

1- Where is Mum? .............................................................................................................

2- Who is Mrs Morgan? Do you remember?


3- What does Mrs Morgan want?


4- What time is the interview?


Before going to the interview Sophie tries to prepare for it. She looks at the advertisement
again and thinks of some questions to ask Mrs Morgan. Look at the advertisement now and
try to imagine her questions. Write three questions here.




© Cned, Anglais 4e — 103

Séquence 11 — séance 4

Now listen to the interview and see if you were right.

Listen again and take some notes.

Then try to complete the table.

Listen again to check your answer or to find missing information.

Reasons why Sophie wants to work at Frilly Sally’s

a) .........................................................................................................................................
b) .........................................................................................................................................
How much money will Sophie get every night? (total) . ...........................................................
What about a uniform? .........................................................................................................
Description of the uniform: ...................................................................................................
How many hours will she have to work? .................................................................................
When will Sophie start? .........................................................................................................

Step 9
Look at these three sentences.

Thank you for coming Sophie.

You’re interested in working here, aren’t you?

You get a £5 bonus for working until 9 o’clock.

What do you call the underlined words?

a) verbs b) prepositions c) adjectives

What do you notice about endings of the three words which follow them?
(que remarques-tu à propos de la terminaison des mots qui les suivent ?)


104 — © Cned, Anglais 4e

séance 4 — Séquence 11

j e retiens
Une préposition ne peut pas être suivie seulement d’une base verbale. Si tu veux
mettre un verbe après une préposition il faut le nominaliser, c’est-à-dire le transformer
en nom. Pour le faire tu dois ajouter –ing à la base verbale : You get a £5 bonus for
working until 9 o’clock.

Exercise 2

Write these sentences again and put the verbs into the correct form.

1- Sales assistants often get a bonus for (sell) a lot of clothes.


2- Sophie will get a bonus for (work) late.


3- Sophie will be tired after (work) until 9 o’clock.


4- Sophie’s mother will be interested in (get) a reduction at Frilly Sally’s!


© Cned, Anglais 4e — 105

Séquence 11 — séance 5

Séance 5
Je découvre les « part-time jobs » d’une jeune anglophone
J’écris un email

Step 10
Listen to Rachel, a 17 year old girl, describing the part-time jobs she had before she came to
live in France.

Circle the words you think you will hear:

job – pay – rate – week – difficult - boss – time – shop – restaurant – school – easy – uniform

Circle the jobs she possibly had:

bus driver – babysitter – teacher - shop assistant – dog-walker – newspaper delivery girl

Now listen to Rachel and see if you were right.

Listen again and take some notes.

Look at your notes and try to complete the table. Listen again and check your answers, or
complete any missing information.

Number of jobs Rachel has had. (Circle the right answer)

a) 1 b) 2 c) 3
First job: ...........................................
Her age then: ...........................................
Day she worked: ................................ Time: started at .................; finished at .................
Her job: a) ................. the cages b) feed the ................. c) .................
Time she stayed in this job: .................
Second job: ..........................................................
Days she worked: ..............................................................................................................
Differences between the two jobs:
a) clothes?
first job: . .........................................................................................................................
second job: .......................................................................................................................
b) pay? .............................................................................................................................
c) anything else? . ..............................................................................................................
Why did she have to stop working? ....................................................................................

106 — © Cned, Anglais 4e

séance 15 — Séquence 11

le coin des curieux

Attention de bien prononcer le mot « clothes » : [kl{VDz]

Ici, Rachel utilise un nom composé : “ a clothes shop”, un magasin de vêtements.
Seul, le nom « clothes » est toujours au pluriel : « your new clothes are very nice ».

Step 11
When Rachel returned to Australia she got a new part-time job, in a restaurant. She is a
waitress. She takes people’s orders and brings their food to their food to their table. Imagine
the email she wrote to her friend to tell her about her new job. Include these things in your

a) what she has to do

b) the days she works

c) the time she starts and finishes

d) the pay rate

e) her uniform (if there is a uniform)

Don’t forget to start and end your email correctly (if you don’t remember, look at Séquence 3,
Lesson 1).

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 107

Séquence 11 — séance 6

Séance 6
Je m’évalue

Exercise 1
1- Your name is Sandy Johnson and you want to work at Gold Records Music Shop. What
kind of letter do you write? Circle the right answer.

a) a letter of motivation

b) a letter of application

c) a letter of interest

2- The Manager of Gold Records is Mr Cage.

a) How do you start your letter?

b) How do you end your letter?
3- Which sentence would you choose as the first sentence of your letter? Circle the right

a) I want a job in your shop.

b) I am writing to apply for a job in your shop.

c) I write for a job in your shop.

4- Here is some information to include in your letter. Write a sentence for each piece of
a) Age 15.
b) Pupil at Richmond School.
c) Home telephone number: (020) 94578412
Mobile number: 077754654517
d) Free on Saturdays and also on Friday evenings
e) Love music

108 — © Cned, Anglais 4e

séance 6 — Séquence 11

Exercise 2

Complete these sentences with like or as.

1- Rachel’s brother works .............. a salesperson in a record shop.

2- He says he would really like to work .............. a DJ on the radio!

3- The uniform Rachel had to wear at the clothes shop was quite .............. her school

4- When Rachel worked .............. a sales assistant in a pet shop she had to start work very

5- Working in a pet shop is .............. working in a zoo because you have to like animals.

Exercise 3

Complete the sentences with the verb in brackets, using the correct form.

1- Sometimes Rachel got a bonus for .............. a lot of clothes. (sell)

2- After .............. the cages Rachel used to give the animals some food. (clean)

3- When she was a very small girl she used to dream about .............. with animals. (work)

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 109

Sommaire de la séquence 12
Communication Civilisation Phonologie Méthodologie
Séance 1
Quiz : Le Parler des Le milieu
Le système un document
système caractéristiques scolaire
éducatif authentique :
scolaire en d’un système Les activités
britannique une page de
Grande- scolaire extrascolaires
- Les adjectifs
se terminant
Séance 2 par –ly Comprendre
Une page de - Préfixes- la phrase
Parler de l’impact
magazine : Les activités suffixes Réalisation des minimale pour
d’une action
« The Bun extrascolaires - 2 comparatifs mots en -ly comprendre
School précédés des phrases
Magazine » de ‘the’ : longues
« plus…plus… »
Séance 3
Brochure : Sports
Les activités Choisir une Activités Rédiger un
extrascolaires activité culturelles email à partir
proposées extrascolaire en Grande- de notes
Vie en société
par The Bun Bretagne
Le modal
le message
Séance 4 SHOULD
Particularités laissé sur un
Un message Les (conseil)
Donner/recevoir phonologiques : répondeur
téléphonique instruments de Le modal
un conseil les instruments téléphonique
musique WOULD
de musique Comprendre une
‘If I were you’
Trouver des
Séance 5
Apparier des renseignements
Quiz musique Pronoms
instruments de La musique spécifiques
classique relatifs WHICH
musique et leurs classique dans une
et WHO
caractéristiques brochure, un
Faire des projets
Séance 6 Inviter quelqu’un
Les concerts
Conversation Convaincre Activités
entre Sandra et quelqu’un culturelles
Adrian d’accepter une
Séance 7 Prendre
Dialogue : la Le théâtre part à une
Réserver un billet Musique L’orchestre
réservation du conversation
pour un concert classique
billet pour le dans un but
concert spécifique
Séance 8
Je m’évalue
séance 1 — Séquence 12

Séance 1
Je revois le système scolaire britannique
Je découvre les activités extra-scolaires
Je comprends un article de magazine
en appliquant la méthodologie que j’ai acquise

Step 1
You have learnt lots of interesting things about schools in Britain, the U.S.A and Australia.
Now you seem to know much about British, American and even Australian school systems.
How much do you remember about British schools?
Go through this quiz and give the best answers you can.
Ë Several answers are sometimes necessary.

Exercise 1
1- Full-time education is compulsory for all children aged between 5 and 16 (inclusive)
across Britain:
r right r wrong
2- As in France, the school year runs from September to July
r right r wrong
3- Pupils sit an exam called:
r Global Certificate of Specific Education
r General Certificate of Secondary Education
r General Certification of Subject Education
4- Students usually sit this exam when they are: r 12-13 r 14-15 r 15-16
5- On what days do children attend school in Britain?
r Monday to Saturday, from 8 a.m. or 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. or 3 p.m.
r Monday to Friday, from 8 a.m. or 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. or 3 p.m.
r Monday to Friday, from 8 a.m. or 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. or 6 p.m.
6- A school day usually starts with registration, then assembly.
r right r wrong
7- Tick the subjects that can be taught in British schools :
r Maths r Science r ICT (Information and communication technology)
r Drama r Music r Philosophy r Art
r PE (Physical Education) r Magic r Humanities (History, Geography)
r Divination r Foreign languages (French, Spanish or German)
r Greek r RE (Religious Education)

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 111

Séquence 12 — séance 1
8- Children can’t have lunch at school. They have to bring a packed lunch from home.
r right r wrong

9- ‘After school activities’ (or extra-curricular activities) play an important role in most
pupils’ school life.
r right r wrong
10-Tick the school clubs that you think possibly exist in most schools:
r Drama r Computers r Choir [kwaI@] r Country dancing
r Jazz band r Fitness r Chess club r French club
r Book club r History club r Speech and debate

Check your answers

Step 2
Adrian has come across an interesting article.
Here are some words you may not understand:
• survey : étude, enquête
• grades : results


112 — © Cned, Anglais 4e

séance 1 — Séquence 12

You have now acquired efficient methods to improve your reading skills.

1- Before getting into details, and reading the text thoroughly, what elements should draw
your attention at first?
Ë ………………………………………………….
Tu as en effet appris de nombreuses techniques pour aborder un texte écrit et accéder au sens.
Comment appelle-t-on les éléments situés autour du texte ? .................................................
Observe-les attentivement. Que peux-tu en dire ? Quelle(s) informations(s) en tires-tu ?
Quelle est l’orgine de ce texte : de quel support provient-il ? .........................................
Éléments liés au support :
Ë Penny Bun Secondary School: il s’agit ….....………………………………………………………….
Que signifient … :
v ‘issue 13’ Ë …………………………………………………………………..
v ‘monthly’ Ë ……………………………………………. Quel est le mot racine ? ........................
v ‘pbschoolmag.com’ Ë ……………………………………………………………………………………
De quand cet article date-t-il ? ........................................................................................
Qu’est-ce qui dans l’indication From our Education correspondent, Gill Even définit clairement la
nature du support dont est issu ce texte ? .......................................................
- Quel mot reconnais-tu en rapport avec l’activité précédente (le quiz) ? .........................
- Le texte va donc parler de ………………………………………………………….
- Les deux derniers mots du titre sont transparents. Ils ne posent donc aucun problème de
compréhension pour toi. Que veulent-ils dire ? .........................................................
- Peux-tu sans connaître forcément le sens du mot ‘boost’ établir un lien entre le début et
la fin du titre ? Quelle est la nature de ce lien ? ...............................................
- Mais tu connais sans doute le mot ‘boost’ ; il est tellement utilisé en français ! Il fait
partie de tous ces mots anglais qui ont été intégrés à la langue usuelle française.
Le mot ‘boost’ veut donc dire : ……………………………………………
Peux-tu trouver d’autres mots anglais que nous avons ainsi « empruntés » à nos amis outre-
Manche ? (Pense à des mots originaux, ou peu communs ! N’écris pas ‘parking’ ou ‘sandwich’,
qui sont vraiment trop évidents !)

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 113

Séquence 12 — séance 1


Elles représentent ...............................................................................................................

Elles illustrent .....................................................................................................................

Elles sont en lien avec 2 mots du titre. Lesquels ? .................................................................

Conclusion :

Tu as bien observé et analysé tous les éléments paratextuels. Résume en 2 lignes toutes les
informations que tu as recueillies sur ce texte, sans même le lire !



114 — © Cned, Anglais 4e

séance 2 — Séquence 12

Séance 2
Je comprends un article de magazine :
j’analyse les éléments para-textuels
Je repère des structures récurrentes ;
j’apprends à comprendre des phrases longues
J’apprends à dire « plus…plus… »
J’apprends les adjectifs en -ly

Step 3
Read the article one more time :

Maintenant lis attentivement le texte, crayon de papier à la main pour, comme tu l’as appris au fil
de tes cours, souligner tout ce que tu comprends.

Tu vas ensuite surligner tous les mots qui sont en lien direct avec le titre de l’article, et en
particulier ‘boost’.

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 115

Séquence 12 — séance 2

En d’autres termes, relève tous les mots positifs qui sont utilisés pour définir les bienfaits des
activités extra-scolaires.

Vérifie tes réponses.

Tu as bien sûr trouvé ce qui est lié aux résultats obtenus par les élèves pratiquant une activité.
Ë Comment dit-on des « bonnes notes » ? .......................................................................
Ë Comment note-t-on dans l’école qui est mentionnée ? Grâce à des chiffres (ex : 18/20),
comme il est d’usage en France ? ........................................................................................
Ë Quel est cet examen dont il est question ? Note son nom, que tu as vu dans le quizz :

Exercise 1
Redis à voix haute à quoi correspond cette abréviation.
Tu as du mal ? Écoute et répète !
General Certificate of Secondary Education

Step 4
Tu as relevé les mots ou expressions positifs suivants :
- more likely to
- raised
- lower levels of depression
- the more schools offer, the greater….s- good at
- feel better
Tu as eu raison ! Ils soulignent tous les bienfaits des activités extra-scolaires chez les jeunes
qui les pratiquent.
Étudions-les plus précisément si tu le veux bien.

Quelle est la structure commune à ces groupes de mots ? ........................................................

Vérifie ta réponse.

En effet, la structure est identique.

Ces comparatifs servent-ils selon toi le propos du journaliste, voulant insister sur les bienfaits
des activités ? Si oui, comment ? .............................................................................................
Vérifie ta réponse.

116 — © Cned, Anglais 4e

séance 2 — Séquence 12

Those that offer 30 or more activities outside the classroom are more likely to have nearly 100% of pupils
getting grade B or above at GCSE, compared with around 30% of pupils at schools offering 20 activities.
Cette phrase est très longue mais tu peux la comprendre aisément. Rappelle-toi les conseils
qui t’ont été donnés en séquence 5 séance 5 (deuxième année du palier 1) pour allonger une
phrase courte : Ici tu vas faire exactement l’inverse ! Tu vas réduire la phrase au minimum : on
appelle cela la « phrase minimale ».
1- Trouve et isole le sujet de la phrase. Encadre-le.
2- Encadre le verbe ou groupe verbal ensuite.
3- Encadre l’élément qui exprime la comparaison (en fin de phrase).

Vérifie tes réponses.

On peut, suite à cet « écrémage », résumer la phrase à :

Those are more likely to…. compared with…..

Complète : Those ……………………….. that offer 30 activities

Traduis en français :
Those that offer 30 activities are more likely to have nearly 100% of pupils getting grade B
Tu ne connais pas ‘likely to’ ? Ce mot pourrait être un ……………………… puisqu’il se termine
par le suffixe –ly.
Tu n’as pas de chance, car ce n’est pas un adverbe ici, comme tu l’as déjà appris !
C’est un adjectif, qui signifie « susceptible de ». Tu sais maintenant qu’il existe aussi des
adjectifs qui se terminent par –ly.

Step 5
j e retiens
Les adjectifs se terminant par –ly sont très perturbants pour les français qui ont appris
que ce sont les adverbes de manière qui se terminent par –ly (comme : happily – decently –
Note les adjectifs, comme likely, que tu connais :
- friendly
- ………………………………… - …………………………………
- ………………………………… - …………………………………
- ………………………………… - …………………………………
- ………………………………… - …………………………………
- ………………………………… - …………………………………

En voici d’autres. Lis attentivement l’exemple qui t’est donné pour comprendre l’adjectif en –ly.
Tu connais des méthodes pour deviner le sens d’un mot, n’est-ce pas ?
- Reconnaître le mot racine :
Par exemple : daily Ë quel est le mot racine ? ...............................
Vérifie ta réponse.

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 117

Séquence 12 — séance 2

Quel sens ‘daily’ a-t-il Ë ...................................................................

Tu peux opérer de la même manière avec les adjectifs : ‘smelly’, ‘ghostly’, ‘costly’, ‘deadly’, manly’.
- Reconnaître le mot racine en isolant le suffixe ou le préfixe :
Ex : L’adjectif ‘unruly’ : reconnais-tu dans ce mot un préfixe ou un suffixe ? Si oui, coche :
r suffixe r préfixe Écris-le : …………………
Vérifie tes réponses.
Tu sais que le préfixe se place au début ou devant un mot, il en change le sens ou la nuance,
mais il ne modifie pas le type grammatical.
happy (adj) : heureux Ë unhappy (adj) : malheureux
Certains préfixes expriment le contraire : un-, dis-, il-, ir-, non-
Ex : conscious : conscient Ë unconscious : inconscient
legal : légal Ë illegal : illégal
responsible : responsable Ë irresponsible : irresponsable
existant : existant Ë non-existant : inexistant
Maintenant que tu as identifié le préfixe –un dans ‘unruly’, essaie de deviner le sens de cet
Reconnais-tu un mot racine dans ‘unruly’ ? Si oui, lequel ? .......................................
Vérifie ta réponse.
Tu as reconnu ‘rule’ ? Bravo !
En effet, ‘rule’ signifie bien « règlement », « règle ». Donc ‘unruly’ pourrait signifier : ………………
Vérifie ta réponse.
Tu sais maintenant traduire les adjectifs en –ly ci-dessous :
• daily my daily routine …………………………………..
• lovely a lovely afternoon …………………………………..
• silly a silly movie …………………………………..
• ugly an ugly painting …………………………………..
• curly curly hair …………………………………..
• costly a costly hotel …………………………………..
• deadly a deadly weapon …………………………………..
• manly a manly voice …………………………………..
• melancholy a melancholy scene …………………………………..
• smelly smelly socks …………………………………..
• chilly a chilly night …………………………………..
• elderly an elderly person …………………………………..
• unruly an unruly teenager …………………………………..
• ghostly a ghostly creature …………………………………..
Vérifie tes réponses.

118 — © Cned, Anglais 4e

séance 2 — Séquence 12

Step 6
Entraine-toi avec cette autre phrase longue, extraite de l’article :
A recent survey of more than 500 schools in the U.K. shows a correlation between the number of
extracurricular activities schools offer and the proportion of pupils getting top grades at GCSE.
Réduis cette longue phrase jusqu’à obtenir une phrase minimale (sujet + verbe + complément).
Ne recopie pas les compléments, mais marque-les en pointillés.
Écris la phrase minimale ci-dessous.
Vérifie ta réponse.
Ainsi, tu peux mieux accéder au sens, puisque tu as accès au « noyau » de la phrase.
Traduis la phrase minimale obtenue : …………………………………………………………………………
Lis maintenant la phrase ci-dessous.
Participation in extra activities raised pupils’ self-esteem and led to lower levels of depression
Relève les termes qui te semblent :
- positifs :
- négatifs :
Vérifie tes réponses.
Souligne les 2 verbes dans cette phrase.
Ë Comment peux-tu identifier un verbe dans une phrase, même si tu en ignores le sens ?
Vérifie ta réponse.
En effet, le marqueur –ED peut t’indiquer qu’il s’agit d’un verbe au passé. Ici, le verbe …………
Peux-tu inférer le sens du verbe ‘raised’ ? Est-il lié à un terme positif ou négatif ? ......................
Donc, il aura un sens ………………………….
Tu dois trouver le lien entre ‘participation in extra activities’ et ‘pupils’ self-esteem’.
Écris les sens que le verbe ‘raised’ peut avoir : …………………………………
Vérifie ta réponse.
Applique la même méthode pour inférer le sens de ‘lower’.
De plus, tu peux reconnaître le mot racine dans ce verbe. Quel est-il ? .....................................
Écris les sens que le verbe ‘lower’ peut avoir : …………………………………
Maintenant, vérifions que tu as bien compris le sens de cette phrase : Traduis-la en français.
Vérifie ta réponse.

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 119

Séquence 12 — séance 2

“The more schools offer, the greater the likelihood pupils will find something they are good at,”
Observe les comparatifs soulignés.
‘more’ veut dire en français ………………………………………………………….
‘The more schools offer’ veut dire ……………………………………..
‘The greater the likelihood’ Ë likelihood est le nom qui vient de l’adjectif que tu viens d’apprendre :
Donc likelihood veut dire :………………………………………………………………
The greater the likelihood : plus …………………………… sera la …………………………………………que
les élèves…
Cette phrase signifie donc : Plus grand est le nombre d’activités possibles dans l’école, plus
grande sera la probabilité que les élèves trouvent une activité dans laquelle ils seront bons.
C’est une phrase difficile mais tu en as compris l’essentiel, n’est-ce pas ?
Dernière remarque :
If a child knows they are good at something it helps them feel better”, he added.
Ne trouves-tu rien de curieux dans cette phrase ?
r oui, c’est vrai r non, je ne vois rien de curieux
Si le sujet de la phrase est ‘a child’ (3e pers. du sing.), pourquoi devient-il ‘they’ et ‘them’
ensuite ???
Explication : Le they singulier.
On utilise en anglais le pronom de la troisième personne du pluriel they pour désigner une
personne dont on ne dit pas si c’est un homme ou une femme. C’est pourquoi on l’utilise
souvent avec ‘someone’, ‘somebody’, ‘everybody’ :
Ex : Everyone was enjoying themselves = tout le monde s’amusait bien.
Ex : Nobody will admit that they are wrong. = Personne ne veut admettre qu’il a tort.

Step 7
j e retiens
Pour dire « plus … plus … », on utilise 2 comparatifs de supériorité précédés de ‘the’ :
Ex 1 : The more I work, the more I like it!
Ex 2 : The more beautiful it is, the more expensive it is!
Ex 3 : The more he eats, the happier he is
Connais-tu ce dicton ? (Merry = jovial, happy.)
The more, the merrier

120 — © Cned, Anglais 4e

séance 2 — Séquence 12

Pour la prochaine séance, voici le travail que tu dois faire :

- Apprends les adjectifs en –ly par cœur
- Revois comment on réduit des phrases longues à des phrases minimales

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 121

Séquence 12 — séance 3

Séance 3
Je trouve des renseignements
spécifiques et prévisibles dans une brochure
Je m’appuie sur une brochure pour rédiger des notes

Step 8
Exercise 2
As-tu fait ton travail ?
Vérifions cela tout de suite.
1- Traduis uniquement l’adjectif souligné.
Comment dit-on… ?
a) Une journée fraîche Ë ………………………………………….
b) Une arme mortelle Ë ………………………………………….
c) Une personne d’un certain âge Ë ………………………………………….
d) Des cheveux bouclés Ë ………………………………………….
e) Des chaussettes malodorantes Ë ………………………………………….
f) Une voix masculine Ë ………………………………………….
2- Comment dit-on… ?
a) Une chorale
b) Une étude, une enquête
c) Un résultat
d) Susceptible de
e) Estime de soi
3- Réduis la phrase longue ci-dessous à une phrase minimale, c’est-à-dire seule
l’information nécessaire pour comprendre cette longue phrase :
The young beautiful woman with dark curly hair and deep blue eyes wore a fantastic grey
silk dress that looked like a ball gown.

Step 9
Do you remember Adrian? He has just read this interesting article about the benefits of extra-
curricular activities. The article convinced him to choose an after-school activity.
But which one?
Here is the list of after-school activities available at The Penny Bun School.
Read the leaflet very carefully.

122 — © Cned, Anglais 4e

séance 3 — Séquence 12

Step 10
Adrian doesn’t know which activity he will choose. There are so many choices that they seem
Adrian ne sait pas quelle activité choisir. Il y a tellement de choix qu’il se sent dépassé !

Exercise 3

Help him find the right activity.

Here are a few ideas he jotted down on his note-pad hoping to find the activity that will suit
him. Voici les quelques idées qu’il a jetées sur son bloc-note pour trouver l’activité qui lui conviendra.

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 123

Séquence 12 — séance 3

Give your opinion: Considering what Adrian wrote about his interests and likes, what after-
school activities would you advise Adrian to pick up? Justify.
I think he ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Help him write an email with full sentences that he will send the activity advisor.

Is it too difficult for you?

Read these extracts from the leaflet presenting the after-school activities available at The Penny
Bun School: Tips on Deciding Which Extracurricular Activity to choose
These sentences might be useful to help you write Adrian’s note.
But don’t forget Adrian will use the first person pronoun in his email!

124 — © Cned, Anglais 4e

séance 3 — Séquence 12

For example: I am thinking of learning how to play an instrument.

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 125

Séquence 12 — séance 4

Séance 4
J’apprends les instruments de musique et leur classification
J’apprends à donner des conseils

Step 11
Do you remember how difficult it is for Adrian to choose an extra-curricular activity?

Exercise 4
Listen to the message the activity advisor left on Adrian’s answering machine and answer the
What activity does the activity advisor think Adrian should pick up after all?
Quelle activité le conseiller en activités extra-scolaires pense-t-il qu’Adrian devrait choisir
finalement ?
Give one reason why he should choose that one in particular, according to Alec MacMillan:

Exercise 5
Here are extracts from the message Alec McMillan left on Adrian’s answering machine:
• I undertand you feel a bit puzzled at the idea of choosing an extra-curricular activity
Translate the underlined word into French………………………………………………………………..
Ë You must be wondering if there is a link between ‘puzzled’ and ‘a puzzle’.
A puzzle is ‘a problem that cannot be easily solved’, like the game.
‘puzzled‘ means ‘confused’.
• if I may give you a piece of advice…
• I think you should consider learning to play a musical instrument.
• This is what I’d do if I were you.
Ë Que donne Alec ici ? ...................................................................................
Vérifie ta réponse.

Step 12
Observe les différentes façons de le faire :
- If I may give you a piece of advice: May a-t-il ici une valeur de possibilité, comme tu l’as appris ?
r oui r non
Vérifie ta réponse.
En effet, la notion exprimée par le modal est la ……………………………….……………………………

126 — © Cned, Anglais 4e

séance 4 — Séquence 12

Voici un exemple similaire, qui peut t’aider à trouver : May I open the window please?
Ta réponse : ……………………………………………………………
Vérifie dans ton corrigé.
- I think you should consider: quel mot exprime la notion de « conseil » ? ................................
On peut aussi dire : Consider starting a new instrument. (tu devrais commencer un nouvel
instrument. Penses-y !)
Vérifie dans ton corrigé.
• This is what I’d do if I were you.
Écris la forme pleine de ‘I’d do’ : ………………………………………………………………
Vérifie ta réponse.
If I were you : Devine le sens. Tu connais ‘if’ et ‘were’. Essaie : …………………………………………
Fais le lien avec ce que tu sais d’Alec MacMillan.
Vérifie tes réponses.

Step 13
j e retiens
Pour donner des conseils (giving advice), je peux utiliser les structures suivantes :
• If I may give you a piece of advice….
• I think you should + base verbale
• If I were you, I would + base verbale
• Consider + base verbale + ING

Exercise 6
Sandra has to choose an activity as well!
Read what she is looking for and give her advice.
Read the leaflet Tips on Deciding Which Extracurricular Activity to choose one more time
(see séance 3)
1- I’d like to do some volunteer work, such as tutoring elementary school kids or spending
time at a local hospital.
Ë ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2- I really enjoy sport but I’m not sure I’m attracted to the competition that can come with
team sports.
Ë ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
3- I’d like to be provided with a thorough grounding in vocal technique with specialised
vocal tuition.
(Tu as peut-être du mal à comprendre cette phrase assez difficile, mais cherche le mot
récurrent – qui est répété – il est le plus important et te donnera un indice pour conseiller
Sandra.) Vérifie dans le corrigé avant d’écrire ta phrase.
Ë …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 127

Séquence 12 — séance 4

Exercise 7
Sandra has got many problems! Can you help her and give her advice?
1- I’m interested in an after-school club but I need money to join in. What shall I do?
Ë ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2- I don’t know if I am fit for water sports. What shall I do?
Ë ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
3- I may have to be a certain age to join the activity I have chosen. What shall I do?
Ë ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
4- I wonder if I am ready to join the school band or the orchestra. What shall I do? My
friend Sally wants me to enroll in the band so much!
Ë ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
5- I don’t want an activity which is isolating. I love people! What shall I do?
Ë ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

It’s done ! Adrian has chosen to start learning a musical instrument. Before Adrian makes
his decision, the activity advisor advised him (advisor est le nom qui vient du verbe advise) to
look into the range of possible instruments.

Step 14
Exercise 8
Match the pictures with the words.

Acoustic guitar ………………………………


Violin …………………….

Double bass …………………


Lavignac Paris Delagrave 1895 Lavignac Paris Delagrave 1895
…………………………… ………………………… ……………………………

128 — © Cned, Anglais 4e

séance 4 — Séquence 12

Clarinet …………………………..
Oboe ………………………….. ……………… …………………………..

Lavignac Paris Delagrave 1895

French Horn
………………… ……………… ………………… ……………….……


snare drum

…………………………… ……………………… ………………………
Check your answers.

Exercise 9
Listen to your CD. Repeat the names of intruments.
STRINGS: Acoustic guitar – cello – violin – double bass – harp – piano
WIND instruments: saxophone – flute – clarinet – bassoon – oboe
BRASS: trumpet – trombone – tuba – French Horn
PERCUSSIONS: timpani – snare drum – cymbals

• Remarque la prononciation du mot ‘cello’ : tu dois le prononcer à l’italienne !
• Le mot ‘bass’ doit attirer ton attention aussi : [beIs]

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 129

Séquence 12 — séance 4

Exercise 10

Listen to your CD. Listen to the instrument Adrian has chosen to start learning:

My guess: ……………………………………………..

Too difficult for you?

Here are a few tips to help you understand the document.

Listen to the CD one more time or several times. Don’t be afraid to do so, if it is necessary!


Un conseil pour t’aider à comprendre ce document : essaie de relever les mots-clés, les mots
qui sont plus accentués, que l’on nomme ‘les mots porteurs de sens’. Ils devraient ressortir
du document.

Note-les au brouillon.

C’est fait ? Qu’as-tu trouvé ?

As-tu réussi à repérer les mots récurrents (répétés) : cela peut t’aider ! Et de plus ils sont
sans doute importants pour accéder au sens.

Vérifie tes réponses.

Pour la prochaine séance : Apprends les noms d’instruments.

- apprends leur orthographe

- apprends aussi leur prononciation !

Écoute ton CD autant de fois qu’il sera nécessaire.

130 — © Cned, Anglais 4e

séance 5 — Séquence 12

Séance 5
J’apprends à trouver des renseignements spécifiques
dans un prospectus

Step 15
Exercise 11
Do you remember the names of musical instruments?
Match the definitions to the appropriate instrument.
Write the names of instruments next to the number of the definition.
Å …………………………………………….. Å …………………………………………….
Ç ……………………………………………. Ñ …………………………………………….
1- It is part of a variety of wind instruments. The modern orchestra makes use of transverse
ones, augmented as necessary by a smaller transverse one known as a piccolo.This
instrument is known in German as Blockflöte and in Italian as flauto dolce.
2- It is an instrument which is now very widely used. Its name is a shorter version of the
word Violoncello. This instrument normally plays the bass line of the string section in an
orchestra, its register is the approximate equivalent of the lowest male voice.
3- It is now part of the orchestral percussion section. It is made from a steel1 bar bent into
the shape of an equilateral triangle and is played by being struck with a steel beater or,
for softer effects, a wooden stick3.
4- It is an instrument which was invented in the middle of the 19th century by Adolphe
Sax. It is used widely in jazz, and has never been a permanent member of the symphony
orchestra. Notable use is made of it by Ravel in his Bolero.

Step 16
As-tu remarqué ?
Comment appelle-t-on cette forme qui apparaît plusieurs fois dans les définitions ci-dessus et
que tu as déjà étudiée ?
Par exemple :
• It is known as….
• It is made of steel.
• It is played by being struck.
• It was invented by Adolphe Sax.
• It is used in jazz.

1 acier.
3 bâton de bois.

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 131

Séquence 12 — séance 5

Observe les définitions B et D.

• It is an instrument which is now very widely used.

• It is an instrument which was invented in the middle of the 19th century by Adolphe Sax.

Comment traduirais-tu le mot souligné ? ...................................................................

Quelle est la nature grammaticale de ce mot ? ..........................................................

Quels autres mots de la même nature grammaticale connais-tu en anglais ? ............................

Vérifie tes réponses.

Observe :

1- My dad is the man who is standing in front of the window over there.

2- The triangle is an instrument which is part of the orchestral percussion section.

Ë Traduis les 2 mots soulignés ..............................................................................................

Ë Que remarques-tu ? ..................................................................................................

Ë Dans les deux phrases, relie avec un crayon le mot souligné au mot auquel il se rapporte.

• Who se rapporte à ..................................................................................................

• Which se rapporte à ..................................................................................................

Vérifie tes réponses

Ë Phrase 1 : dad renvoie à : r un objet r une personne

Ë Phrase 2 : instrument renvoie à : r un objet r une personne

Ë Quelle est la fonction de which et who dans les 2 phrases ? r sujet r complément

Ë Que peux-tu conclure sur les pronoms relatifs WHICH et WHO ? .......................................


Vérifie tes réponses.

Step 17
j e retiens
Dans les subordonnées relatives :
l’antécédent est humain et occupe la fonction de sujet : le pronom relatif est WHO
Ex: The man who works here lives in Cardiff.
• l’antécédent est non-humain et est sujet: le pronom relatif est WHICH
Ex: The instrument which is called Blackflöte in German is the flute.

132 — © Cned, Anglais 4e

séance 5 — Séquence 12

Exercise 12


Entraîne-toi !

Are tou ready to take a quiz on music?

Es-tu pret(e) pour un quizz portant sur la musique ?

Fill in the blanks in the following quiz with the appropriate relative pronouns. Remplace
dans le quizz les pointillés par le pronom relatif approprié.

Then answer the questions, if you can ! Puis, réponds aux questions, si tu le peux !
1- What do you call the percussion instrument ……………… has sets of horizontally
arranged wooden bars to be struck by wooden sticks?

r a piano r a xylophone r a drum

2- What do you call a person ………………….. plays the flute?

r a flautist r a flutist r a flautista

3- George Frideric Handel, ……………. was born in Germany in 1685, spent most of his life
in England.

r right r wrong

4- Can you remember the name of this opera in four acts ……………… was composed by
Puccini in 1895 and has a French name.

r Madame Butterfly r La Bohème r La Flute Enchantée

5- Who is the famous musician ……………….. started composing at the age of five?

r Mozart r Beethoven r Bach

Check your answers.

Adrian has decided to start learning how to play the French horn (see
picture) and Sandra has eventually made up her mind: she will join the
school choir.

Step 18
J’apprends à trouver des renseignements spécifiques dans un prospectus, une brochure.

Adrian has come across an interesting leaflet.

Read it carefully.

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Séquence 12 — séance 5

Exercise 13
As usual, when you first read a new document:
- Focus on what you understand.
- Use the pictures: they usually show what the text says.
- Look for French words and transparent words as well.
- Use what you know: your cultural references in your own language or in English (Bach: do
you know anything about him?)
Are you ready?
So what is the purpose of this leaflet? What is it about? ......................................................

Check your answer.

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séance 5 — Séquence 12

Exercise 14
Now that you have understood the essential information, focus on complementary
1- There is a quotation on this leaflet:
Copy it down: ………………………………………………………………………….
Who said that? ...........................................................................
Why is it mentioned? ................................................................
Que dit l’auteur de cette citation en fait ? .......................................................................
Que vient faire cette citation dans cette brochure ? .........................................................
2- À quelle période de l’histoire de la musique classique ce concert fait-il référence ? Pour le
savoir cherche un terme qui qualifie ce concert .........................................................
3- Y aura-t-il des parties chantées dans ce concert ? Comment le sais-tu ? Relève tout ce qui
te l’indique.

4- Trouve tous les qualificatifs positifs pour ce concert, dont on vante les mérites dans la
brochure :

5- Trouve dans la brochure la traduction des mots français suivants :
a) Chef d’orchestre
b) Talentueux
c) Voix (pluriel)
d) chorale
e) achat
f) tarif de groupe

Exercise 15
Highlight the specific information given by this leaflet:
- In blue: all the words related to music
- In yellow: the names of the singers (+ range)
- In pink: the price you have to pay if you are 16 or 18 + how you can book your ticket
- dates and times
- the name of the orchestra

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Séquence 12 — séance 6

Séance 6
J’apprends à réserver des billets de concert
J’apprends à faire des projets (‘making plans’)
J’apprends à téléphoner à quelqu’un pour planifier une activité

Step 19
Adrian would like to go to the concert advertised in the brochure you read in the previous
He would like Sandra to come with him, as she seems to be interested in joining the School
Listen to the following conversation and learn how to make plans in English.
Écoute la conversation entre Adrian et Sandra, à propos du concert et apprends comment faire des projets en
Now answer the questions:
Å Sandra r is free r isn’t free on Saturday night
Ç She has to: r go to the dentist’s r go to a concert r look after her sister
É When are Adrian and Sandra going to the concert?
r on Saturday afternoon r on Sunday night r on Sunday afternoon
Ñ What time will they meet? r one hour before the concert starts
r 45 minutes before the concert starts
r 30 minutes before the concert
Ö Meeting place: r outside the theater r at Adrian’s r at Sandra’s
Check your answers.
Now read the transcript of the conversation you have just heard.
Sandra: Hello.
Adrian: Hello. Is Sandra there please?
Sandra: Speaking.
Adrian: Hi, Sandra. This is Adrian. How are you doing these days?
Sandra: I’m good. What’s up?
Adrian: Are you busy on Saturday evening?
Sandra: No, I’m free. Let me check….um…. Oh! I just remembered I have to babysit my little
Adrian: I see…and are you doing anything Sunday afternoon?
Sandra: Sunday afternoon? No, I’m free. Why?
Adrian: Would you like to go to a concert with me?
Sandra: Sounds good. What time would you like to meet?

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séance 6 — Séquence 12

Adrian: How about 3.00 The concert starts at 3.30.

Sandra: 3.00 is fine. Where would you like to meet?
Adrian: Why don’t we meet at my place?
Sandra: Sounds good. See you there.
Adrian: Great. Bye.
Observe comment…:
- Adrian demande si Sandra est là:
- Elle dit « moi-même » ou « c’est moi. » ………………………………………………………….
- Adrian fait la conversation avant d’aborder la raison pour laquelle il appelle (on appelle cela
‘small talk’ ou « petite conversation » : on parle de tout et de rien, on s’intéresse à l’autre)
- Note 2 façons de demander « alors quoi de neuf ? »
a) ……………………………………………………………………………….
b) ……………………………………………………………………………..
- On aborde maintenant la raison de l’appel : l’invitation. Auparavant, observe comment on
procède à une « approche » : Que demande Adrian à Sandra avant de lui parler du concert ?
- Observe comment on fait un projet et comment on se met d’accord sur une activité :
• Sur la nature de l’activité : Ë ……………………………………………..
• Sur l’heure : Ë ………………………………………………………………………….
• Sur le lieu de rendez-vous : Ë ……………………………………………..
Observe aussi les réactions de Sandra : elle semble d’accord sur tout.
Note ce qu’elle dit, comment elle réagit aux propositions d’Adrian :
- ……………………………………………………………………………
- ……………………………………………………………………………
- ……………………………………………………………………………
- ……………………………………………………………………………
- ……………………………………………………………………………
- ……………………………………………………………………………

Exercise 16
Écoute maintenant la conversation entre 2 amis, Peter et Mary.
Note :
• Ce qu’ils vont faire : ………………………………………………………………
• Pourquoi Mary ne pouvait pas mercredi : ………………………………………………………………
• À quelle heure ils vont se voir : ………………………………………………………………
• Où ils vont se rencontrer : ………………………………………………………………
Check your answers.

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Séquence 12 — séance 6

Step 20
Exercise 17
Your turn now! Phone a friend to ask him/her out. Choose an activity you want to do with
him/her in the list below:

___ see a movie.

___ see a play.

___ play tennis.

___ have lunch.

___ have coffee.

___ go to a museum.

___ go to an art gallery.

___ go for a drink.

___ go dancing.

___ go swimming.

___ watch a basketball game.

___ watch a soccer match.

Before you start, listen to your CD one more time and try and memorize the various ways to
make plans in English. Repeat the sentences or expressions that are hard for you. Mind the
intonation as well!

Do the best you can.

You can imagine as many conversations as you want!

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séance 6 — Séquence 12

Step 21
j e retiens
• Lorsque j’appelle un(e) ami au téléphone pour lui proposer une activité, je lui
demande tout d’abord comment il/elle va, « quoi de neuf » :
- How are you doing (these days)?
- What’s up?
• Pour vérifier que mon ami(e) est disponible, je peux dire :
- Are you free this Friday?
- What are you doing this weekend?
- Are you doing anything on Friday/next Friday/this afternoon?
- Are you busy tonight?
- Do you have time after class?
• Mon ami(e) est intéressé(e) ou disponible, il/elle dit :
- Sure! Do you want to do something?
- I’m free all weekend.
- I’m open this evening
- I don’t have anything scheduled (= je n’ai rien de prévu)
• Mon ami(e) n’est pas intéressé(e) ou est indisponible, il/elle dit :
- Sorry, I have plans this weekend.
- I’m going to (…) with (…). (= je vais…avec…)
- Unfortunately not. I have something else scheduled. (= malheureusement je ne peux
pas. J’ai autre chose de prévu)
- Not really. (I’m kind of busy tonight.) (= pas vraiment. Je suis occupé(e) ce soir)
• Quand je me suis assuré que mon ami(e) est libre et intéressé(e), je peux lui proposer
des activités, comme je l’ai déjà appris (en année 2, palier 1) :
- Do you want to go to a movie?
- How about having dinner together?
- There’s a concert at the Galivan Center. Want to go?
- Why don’t we go bowling?
• Mon ami(e) accepte ma proposition, il/elle dit :
- Sounds good. See you there.
- Good idea.
- That would be fun/great.
- When/where should we meet? When would you like to meet?

Tu dois apprendre toutes ces expressions pour pouvoir les mobiliser lorsque tu en auras besoin.
Prends du temps pour le faire car il y en a beaucoup.
Tu peux :
- Réécouter ton CD autant de fois que nécessaire
- Répéter les expressions plusieurs fois et te les dire parfois au cours de la journée
- Recopier les expressions, car la mise en plume rend la mémorisation plus efficace chez certains.
Es-tu dans ce cas ?
- Imaginer des conversations et te les dire à haute voix
- Écrire sur des morceaux de papier des activités, tirer un papier et imaginer une conversation
avec un ami qui est disponible puis avec un autre qui ne l’est pas, puis avec un autre qui n’est
pas intéressé.
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Séquence 12 — séance 7

Séance 7
J’apprends à réserver des places de concert
J’apprends le vocabulaire spécifique
Je découvre la disposition d’un théâtre
Je m’entraîne à réserver par téléphone des places de concert

Step 22
Adrian has to phone to reserve tickets for the concert he is planning to go to.
Adrian doit téléphoner pour réserver les billets du concert où il compte aller.
Do you remember the name of the piece of music? .............................................
Do you remember the name of the composer? ........................................................................
Before listening to the conversation, look at the theatre plan and learn new words.

What words are you sure you will hear during the conversation?
Write them down ……………………………………………………………………………………………………

Exercise 18
Listen to the conversation and tick the words you actually heard.
Now listen again and put a red cross ˚ (on your theater plan) on the seats Adrian has
managed to book.
Écoute la conversation et marque d’une croix rouge (sur le plan du théatre ci-dessus) les
fauteuils qu’Adrian a réussi à réserver.

Check your answer.

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séance 7 — Séquence 12

Step 23
Listen to the CD again and read the transcript at the same time.
You will learn how to reserve tickets for a concert.
A: Hello. I’d like to reserve two tickets for The Magnificat.
B: Which day?
A: Oh, that’s right; you have 3 performances. Um… for the matinee on Sunday, the 5th.
B: I’m sorry, that performance is sold out.
A: Well, how about on the 3rd of December? Any available seats that day?
B: Yes, we do have tickets for that concert.
A: Are there any seats left in the middle?
B: Yes, but they’re not next to each other. If you want them together, we still have seats in the
front and at the back.
A: The front row sounds good.
B: Okay, the front row then, left center or right center? Which do you prefer?
A: Hum…..I don’t mind really!
B: Fine, I’ll put you on seats 4 and 5 right center.
A: Great. How much are the tickets?
B: £22 in total. You are students, aren’t you?
A: That’s right. Okay. Can I use my mum’s credit card to pay for the tickets?
B: Sure. Could you just give me her name, the name of her card, the card number, and the
expiry date, please?
A: Uh, just a second. I can’t find it anywhere…Shoot! Where is it?.....ah, there it is! Mum
would have been mad at me if I had lost it!

Exercise 19
Trouve dans le script l’équivalent des mots suivants :
- Billet : ………………………………………………
- Représentation : ………………………………………………
- Complet : ………………………………………………
- Au milieu ………………………………………………
- À côté l’un de l’autre : ………………………………………………
- Rangée de devant : ………………………………………………
- Siège libre : ………………………………………………
Souligne dans le script ce que dit Adrian. C’est ce qui t’indique comment réserver un billet
au téléphone.
Recopie ci-dessous les répliques d’Adrian, pour mieux mémoriser les expressions qu’il utilise.
- …………………………………………………………………………………………………
- …………………………………………………………………………………………………
- …………………………………………………………………………………………………
- …………………………………………………………………………………………………
- …………………………………………………………………………………………………
- …………………………………………………………………………………………………

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Séquence 12 — séance 7

Exercise 20
Écoute ton CD et répète les phrases.
• I’d like to reserve two tickets for The Magnificat.
• Well, how about on the 3rd of December? Any available seats that day?
• Are there any seats left in the middle?
• The front row sounds good.
• I don’t mind really!
• How much are the tickets?

Exercise 21
You want to make a call to reserve tickets for the following performance.
Listen to your CD one more time if necessary.
Here is the concert diary, in which you found an interesting concert you want to go to.
Voici le calendrier des concerts, dans lequel tu en as trouvé un auquel tu souhaites assister.

Make a phone call to reserve tickets for 2 persons: your grand-mother and you.
Do you find it hard?
Here are some tips:
- Read the document above very carefully. Make sure you understand the information you
need to book your ticket.

142 — © Cned, Anglais 4e

séance 7 — Séquence 12

- Your grand-mother can buy a cheaper ticket as she is more than 60. She is a ‘senior’. Don’t
forget to mention it while booking.
- Remember you are a student!
- Give details on the concert: mention the conductor, the main performer and the concert
- Choose your seats on the theatre plan provided at the beginning of the lesson.

le coin des curieux

Did you notice the letter which follows the name of the concerto by Tchaikovsky: ’Concerto for
Violin and Orchestra in’… in the above leaflet?
That’s right!
It’s D.
Do you know what it refers to?

Music notation systems have used letters of the alphabet for centuries. The 6th century
philosopher Boethius used the first fifteen letters of the alphabet to signify the notes of the
two-octave range that was in use at the time.
This is called Boethian notation.
In French as well as in Italian, Portuguese, Greek, Russian, Spanish notation the notes are
Do - Re - Mi - Fa - Sol - La – Si .

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Séquence 12 — séance 7

On doit à Guy d’Arezzo, ou Gui l’Arétin - un moine bénédictin italien, né vers 990
l’élaboration du système de notes telles que nous les connaissons : do, ré, mi, fa,….
Guido d’Arezzo a utilisé les premières syllabes d’un chant religieux latin, l’Hymne à
Jean-Baptiste :
Ut queant laxis
Resonare fibris
Mira gestorum
Famuli tuorum,
Solve polluti
Labii reatum,
Sancte Ioannes.
Le savais-tu ?
La première syllabe de chaque vers correspond à une note de la gamme. Étonnant, non ?
Note que « ut » est devenu « do » au XVIIe siècle, mais ce terme est toujours employé. Ainsi,
on parle par exemple de « trompette en ut », de « concerto en ut mineur », de « clé d’ut »,
de « contre-ut » pour le chant.

If you are interested in music, or a musician yourself, here are a few things you might want to
know about musical notation:

144 — © Cned, Anglais 4e

séance 8 — Séquence 12

Séance 8
Je m’évalue

Exercise 1
How much do you know about the British school system?
Answer the following questions the best you can.
If you are not sure you can do this, read lesson 1 one more time.
1- What do you call the exam British pupils sit when they are 15-16?
2- What ritual do pupils usually attend before lessons start?
3- What do pupils bring to school if they don’t have lunch in the cafeteria?
4- What is an extra-curricular activity? (Use a relative pronoun).
5- Quote 4 activities you can do in an after-school club.

Exercise 2
How do pupils benefit from after-school activities?
Read the article and match each paragraph with one of the following titles.
A. Team Spirit and Camaraderie
B. Stress Relief 1
C. Physical Development
D. Self-Confidence
E. Creativity

Five benefits of extra-curricular activities

In the age of computers and video games, participating in after-school activities is a

lost art. While there’s a time and a place for computer-based entertainment, activities
outside of the home are important to the development of all children.

1- When children participate in sports and outdoor activities, they get good exercise
and learn life-long habits of keeping mentally and physically fit. Combined with other
life skills like learning how to eat right, it will ensure that children know the basics
of living a healthy lifestyle.

1. Relief : soulagement

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Séquence 12 — séance 8

2- Many different activities can provide an outlet for creativity and problem-solving.
Obvious choices are arts and crafts, music, performing arts, but other activities like
sports and collecting can teach problem-solving skills. The best activities for your
children are those that encourage their natural curiosity and interests.

3- Many activities take place in a relaxing environment or promote healthy methods

for dealing with tension and nervousness. In an increasingly complex world, the more
we are able to find positive ways to deal with tension, the better we are.

4- When children learn new skills and engage in social activities, they become
more self-assured. Learning social skills like cooperation, negotiation, and conflict
resolution in a fun and relaxed environment will help them interact appropriately with
others - a skill valuable in all aspects of life from home life to the workplace.

5- Sports require children to work together to achieve a common goal and remove
the focus from the individual to other people. These aren’t the only activities that
teach that, though. Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts teach these important skills as well as
some other activities like drama and dance.

Exercise 3
Do you know ‘–ly ending’ adjectives?
À partir des mots racines suivants, peux-tu trouver des adjectifs en –ly ?
a) smell Ë ………………………
b) dead Ë …………………………
c) rule Ë …………………………….
d) man Ë …………………………….
e) cost Ë ……………………………

Exercise 4
Reprends l’exercice 3 de la séance 3.
Utilise les mots ou expressions que tu as apprises pour écrire quelques phrases sur des
activités que tu aimes faire et pour quelle raison tu les aimes.

Exercise 5
Your friend wants to learn a new musical instrument. She has no money and she hasn’t got
much free time as she has to babysit her little sister every day after 5pm.
Give her 3 pieces of advice.
Use a different expression each time.
1- ……………………………………………………
2- ……………………………………………………
3- ……………………………………………………

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séance 8 — Séquence 12

Exercise 6
Do you know the names of musical intruments? Find the names of 15 instruments you know.
Then discover the hidden message, written by a famous German philosopher, who was a
music lover.


Exercise 7
Match the beginning of sentences with the appropriate endings and choose the right relative
pronoun each time.

was a German composer and

The triangle is known as an
1- A. pianist, composed nine symphonies
and three operas, including Fidelio.
The most widely appreciated ever existed is Wolfgang Amadeus
2- B.
prominent musical maestro Mozart.
has the highest register in the brass
3- Ludwig van Beethoven, C
family is the trumpet.
leads the performance of
4- The musical instrument D.
orchestras, bands and/or choruses.
The harp is an instrument of great appeared as early as 3000 B.C. in
5- E.
antiquity Sumer.
is struck with a small metal wand
6- A conductor is the person F.
who (beater).

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Séquence 12 — séance 8

Your answers:
Ex: 1-which-D
1- ………………………………………………..
2- ………………………………………………..
3- ………………………………………………..
4- ………………………………………………..
5- ………………………………………………..
6- ………………………………………………..

Exercise 8
Listen to the conversation between 2 friends. Answer the questions, which are in French.
1- Pour quelle raison George appelle-t-il Sallie ? .....................................................
2- Quand cela aura-t-il lieu ? (date + heure) ………………………………………………………………
3- À quelle heure se donnent-ils rendez-vous ? .........................................................
4- Où ? ........................................................
5- Pourquoi à cet endroit ? ...................................................
6- Pourquoi Sallie emploie-t-elle le mot ‘stupid’ à la fin de la conversation ? .........................
Bonus : Pourquoi à un moment de la conversation Sallie semble-t-elle un peu réticente à y
aller ?

When: Wednesday 17 March 2010 at 7:30

Where: Royal Festival Hall, London

London Philharmonic Orchestra

Performers: Ludovic Morlot, conductor
Anne-Sophie Mutter, violin
Programme : Richard Wagner
1: Prelude to Act I of ‘Lohengrin’
Johannes Brahms
2: Concerto for Violin and Orchestra in D, Op 77
Bela Bartók
3: Concerto for Orchestra

Ticket Prices: £9 (students) - £38 (£55 for premium seats)

148 — © Cned, Anglais 4e

Anglais 4e LV1
Livret de corrigés

Rédaction :
Sylvie Beuzon
Paul Cody
Frédéric Duc
Odile Malavaux

Coordination :
Olivier Immoune

Expertise pédagogique :
Alain Rossignol
IA-IPR d'anglais

Ce cours est la propriété du Cned. Les images et textes intégrés à ce cours sont la propriété de leurs auteurs et/ou ayants droit
respectifs. Tous ces éléments font l’objet d’une protection par les dispositions du code français de la propriété intellectuelle ainsi que
par les conventions internationales en vigueur. Ces contenus ne peuvent être utilisés qu’à des fins strictement personnelles. Toute
reproduction, utilisation collective à quelque titre que ce soit, tout usage commercial, ou toute mise à disposition de tiers d’un cours
ou d’une œuvre intégrée à ceux-ci sont strictement interdits.
c Séquence 1

séquence 1
Séance 1

j e comprends un message oral pour appliquer une consigne

Step 1
1- = go left  3- = go left 
go right  go right 
go up  go up 
go down  go down 
2- = go left  4- = go left 
go right  go right 
go up  go up 
go down  go down 
c- What will you do when you hear…(Start from the smiley)
Que feras-tu quand tu entendras…(commence en partant du smiley)
1- Go four squares right
2- Go three squares left J
3- Go two squares up
4- Go five squares down


Exercise 1
a- Script
Start from the smiley
Go 5 squares down
Go two squares left
Go four squares down
Go one square right
Go one square up
Go one square right
Go one square up
Go one square right

2 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
Go one square up

Go one square right

Go two squares down

Go one square left

Séquence 1 c

Go one square down

Go two squares left

Go three squares down

Go one square left

Go seven squares up

Go two squares left

Go five squares up

Go one square right

Go one square down

Go two squares right

Go one square up

Go one square right

b- It represents a flower, a tulip.

c- Le dessin peut te faire penser aux éléments suivants

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 3
c Séquence 1

j e me prépare à l’écoute d’un document sonore inconnu

Step 2

- a contestant (1)  - a TV host 

- a journalist  - a president 

- a photographer  - a policeman 

- a surgeon  - a teacher 

- a cameraman  - a member of the audience (2) 

(1) un candidat (2) un membre du public

b- The name of the game show is the Go Green TV Game Show. What do you think this
game consist in? Tick one or several answers.

Le nom du jeu télévisé est le Go Green TV Game Show. En quoi ce jeu consiste-t-il? Coche
une ou plusieurs réponses.

1- interviewing farmers 

2- asking and answering questions about gardening 

3- asking and answering question about painting 

4- painting objects as rapidly as possible 

5- asking and answering questions about environmental issues or how to respect and
protect nature 

4 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
c- Script

Host: Welcome back to our new TV Game Show, the Go Green Game Show. And we
welcome our last candidate, Mr. Black. Mr. Black, you are from Manchester and you are a
Mr. Black: Yes, I am.
Séquence 1 c

Host: So, are you ready for our last series of Go Green questions?
Mr. Black: Yes, I am.
Host: Are you ready to win the super prize, a ten-day trip to Australia, including trekking on
Ayer’s rock, shopping in Sidney, scuba-diving in the Great Barrier Reef?
Mr. Black: Well, I can’t swim.
Host: Never mind, even if you can’t swim, you can still take your wife shopping in Sidney.
Good, now then, first question. Come on, relax, Mr. Black. How do you call the gas emitted
by cars, planes, factories….?
Mr. Black: I don’t really know… A gas? Oxygen?
Host: No, Mr. Black, no, it isn’t oxygen. Second question: some forests of the Amazon
are completely destroyed or burnt. How do you call this phenomenon, “deforestation”,
“defenestration” or “deterioration”?
Mr. Black: Er… Can you repeat the question, please?
Host: No, that is impossible. Next question, what is the most populated country in the
Mr. Black: er…Manchester?
Host: Well, Manchester is not a country, Mr. Black. Right, last question Mr. Black, which
country pollutes more than any other country?
Mr. Black: er… I really don’t know, I would say… France?
Host: No, Mr. Black, it is not France, I’m sorry. Well, Mr. Black, I’m afraid you won’t be
going to Australia for your next holidays, you will stay in Manchester. Bye, Mr. Black, good
luck with your garage. Well, this is all for now, we hope you enjoyed the game, we hope YOU
were able to answer the questions. See you next Tuesday on our new Green Channel, CCB1.

a- I have heard the TV host and a contestant, Mr. Black.

b- The game consists in asking and answering questions about environmental issues or how
to respect and protect nature.

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 5
c Séquence 1

j e découvre une nouvelle thématique

Exercise 2
1- How do you call the gas emitted by cars, planes, factories….?
 CO2
2- Some forests of the Amazon are completely destroyed or burnt. How do you call this
phenomenon, “deforestation”, “defenestration” or “deterioration”?
 deforestation
3- What is the most populated country in the world?
 India

Séance 2

j ’apprends à parler des changements climatiques

Step 3
b- Indicate on the map the title of the paragraphs above that corresponds to the country
it concerns. Indique sur la carte le titre des paragraphes ci-dessus en fonction du pays

c- What about you and your family?

1- List 3 things you use energy for at home:
7 cooking
7 washing clothes
7 heating

6 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
2- List 3 modes of transport you use energy for:
7 cars
7 buses
7 trains
3- What do we burn to create energy? Write the name of these fossil fuels under each
Séquence 1 c

picture: COAL / GAS / OIL

oil coal gas

a- When we burn these fossil fuels, we produce energy, but we also release a gas. What gas?
Give its chemical formula: CO2
b- Give a synonymous expression: carbon dioxide
c- How do you call your personal annual production of CO2? my carbon footprint
d- What is the consequence of the extra CO2 in the earth’s atmosphere? global warming
e- What do temperatures do? Tick the appropriate picture and write a caption.
Temperatures rise.

 
Exercise 3
We rely upon1 energy in every area of our lives. To create this energy we have to burn
fossil fuels such as gas, oil or coal. When we burn these fossil fuels, we produce energy
of course, but we also produce greenhouse gases like CO2. Too much CO2 in the earth’s
atmosphere makes temperatures rise, this is global warming.

Step 4

1. to rely upon : compter sur

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 7
c Séquence 1

Exercise 4
1- we do nothing, temperatures will rise.
2- If temperatures rise, the melting of the Arctic and the Antarctic caps will increase.
3- If the melting of the Arctic and the Antarctic caps increases, sea levels will rise.
4- If sea levels rise, it will alter climate conditions and generate floods and droughts.
5- If climate conditions are altered, it will affect forests, crops and water supplies.
6- If climate changes affect forests, crops and water supplies, it will also affect humans,
animals and many types of eco-systems.

j ’apprends à exprimer une prédiction

Step 5

1- « Temperatures will rise”.

2- “The Arctic and the Antarctic caps will melt”/ “The melting of the Arctic and the Antarctic
caps will increase.”

8 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
3- “It will generate flood and drought”.

+ +
4- “It will affect forests, crops and water supplies”.
Séquence 1 c

In this lesson, look out for 9 words ending with the letters –tion(s)!
1- deforestation
2- population
3- nation
4- production
5- caption
6- condition
7- prediction
8- pollution
9- emissions

Séance 3

j ’apprends à prononcer les mots qui se terminent par les

lettres -tion

Exercise 5
a- deforestation – population – nation –– production – caption – condition – prediction
b- Which syllable is always stressed?
1) The last one (= la dernière) 
2) The one but last (= l’avant-dernière) 

j e sais exprimer des conditions (des situations envisagées) et

leurs conséquences

Exercise 6
Use these pictures to make predictions (conditions + consequences) about the future.
Go back to STEP 4 if you need to.
Transforme ces images en phrases exprimant une hypothèse et une conséquence.
Reporte-toi à la leçon précédente si tu hésites, ou pour vérifier ce que tu as écrit.
1- If we do nothing, temperatures will rise.
2-If temperatures rise, the melting of the Arctic and the Antarctic caps will increase.

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 9
c Séquence 1

j ’apprends à exprimer une prédiction (2)

Step 6
Electrical Power will be switched off tonight, Thursday, March 3, from
midnight until 5 AM Friday.

Our electrical utility company notified us this morning that power will be off for up to 5
hours beginning at midnight.
We are appalled. Apart from our food freezers, computer systems and air conditioning plant,
we are concerned about you.

Here is what we can expect

Your guest room will be dark. There will be no television. Your air conditioning fan will stop.
There will be no outside lighting. Hot water will be available, but without the electrical
pumps, probably in limited quantity. Wake-up calls may be a knock on the door to minimize
phone system usage. Your electronic door lock will work.
We are sincerely sorry for this. We will do everything possible to minimize the inconvenience.

b- “Important notice”

c- One word indicating a place: guest room

d- 8 words or expressions indicating appliances : freezers, computers, air conditioning

plant /fan, television, lighting, electrical pump, phone, electronic door lock

e- Electricity is the source of energy which makes these appliances work.

 electrical

f- This notice concerns a hotel or a motel.

g- Les verbes exprimant des actions qui se dérouleront dans l’avenir ont été soulignés dans
Step 6a. L’auxiliaire will est utilisé pour indiquer une prédiction.

h- L’équipe de direction de l’hôtel a écrit ce document afin d’informer sa clientèle d’une

coupure d’électricité et de ses répercussions possibles dans le fonctionnement de l’hôtel.

i- Find in the text the English for:

1- Your guest room will be dark.

2- There will be no outside lighting.

3- Your electronic door lock will work.

10 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
Step 7
a- “Electricity will be off”. Make a list of the hotel appliances which will work without
electricity (2) and a list of the appliances which will not work without electricity (8).
Séquence 1 c

 
- food freezers
- the phone system - computer system
- the electronic door lock - air conditioning plant
- lighting in the rooms
- television
- air conditioning fan
- outside lighting
- electrical pumps

b- Let’s recap.

 The phone system will work, even if there is no electricity.

 If there is no electricity, food freezers will not work.

F Now it’s your turn!

 The electronic door lock will work, even if there is no electricity.

 If there is no electricity, the computer systems will not work.

 If there is no electricity, the air conditioning plant will not work.

 If there is no electricity, lighting in the rooms will not work.

 If there is no electricity, television will not work.

 If there is no electricity, the air conditioning fan will not work.

 If there is no electricity, the outside lighting will not work.

 If there is no electricity, the electrical pumps will not work.

 If there is no electricity, the outside lighting won’t work.

 If there is no electricity, the electrical pumps won’t work.

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 11
c Séquence 1


gas oil


Coal floods crops

b- Match these three environmentally friendly sources of energy to the objects used to
produce them

sources objects
Solar energy  Solar panels
Wind energy  Wind turbines
 Tractors, oil-producing seeds1,
chemistry laboratories

1. oil-producing seeds : des graines qui produisent de l’huile/ des graines oléagineuses

12 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
Séance 4

j e mobilise les stratégies que j’ai développées pour comprendre

Séquence 1 c

un document sonore inconnu

j e découvre un exemple de production d’énergie renouvelable

en Afrique

Step 8
a- Voici une suggestion de mots que tu aurais pu écrire.

b- Script Part 1

Host: Hello and welcome to our program on agriculture. In Kenya, a local organisation is
offering an environmentally friendly alternative to fossil fuel. It is producing biodiesel from
oil-producing seeds found in the local area, and collected by local farmers. In our program
today, we will hear from one farmer, Judith, who grows and collects the oil-producing seeds.
We will also hear from Mr. Chitundu, the Director of the Centre.

Les mots entendus dans Part 1 et déjà dans la liste ont été souligné dans STEP 8a. Tu
auras souligné les mots entendus dans ta propre liste.
c- Tu auras écrit tous les mots que tu auras compris lors de ton écoute de Part 1 sur ton

e- Listen again to Part 1 again and tick the correct answers.

1- The program talks about Kenya.
2- The environmentally friendly alternative to fossil fuel announced is biodiesel.
3- The interviewees are one farmer, Judith and the director of the centre, M. Chitundu.
f- Script Part 2

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 13
c Séquence 1

Host: We begin with Mr. Chitundu, the Director of the Centre. Which particular seeds do
you use?
Mr. Chitundu: There are several types of seeds: sunflower, croton, castor, and cape chestnut.
Host: How much do you offer a farmer for one kilogram of seeds?
Mr. Chitundu: That depends on the type of seed. For croton, we offer five shillings per kilo,
because it is very hard to crush croton seeds to make the biodiesel. For cape chestnut we
offer 15 shillings. Basically, you need four kilos of seeds to produce one litre of oil.
Host: That was Mr. Chitundu, the director of the Centre, the non-profit organization that is
helping farmers of Kenya earn some money from growing and collecting oil-producing seeds.
Let us listen to some music before we meet one farmer who grows and collects the seeds for
biodiesel fuel.

1- Tick the seeds mentioned and indicate the prices given.

Prices in
 shillings per 
PART 2 kilo PART 3
Seeds PART 2


 

5 shillings per




15 shillings per
 
Cape chestnut

2- You need 4 Kilos of seeds to produce one litre of oil.

14 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
g- Script Part 3
Host: Welcome back. In our program today, we are learning how farmers can be involved
in producing biodiesel. Judith is one of the farmers who is benefiting from this biodiesel
project. Judith, what do you do in this project?
Judith: We plant sunflowers in our gardens. We were told that when we grow sunflowers we
can get oil from the seeds.
Séquence 1 c

Host: Are there other seeds that you collect?

Judith: We also collect cape chestnut from the area near our forest.
Host: In one day, how many kilos do you collect?
Judith: We collect 20 kilograms per day and we harvest it three days per week. We collect as
a group of farmers.
Host: On average, how much money do you make?
Judith: We make six hundred Kenyan shillings (5 ½ Euros) per week.
Host: How has this business helped the farmers in their daily lives?
Judith: We use the money to buy utensils, food and clothes.
Host: Thank you, Judith. (Pause, then addressing radio audience) For more information on how
you can start growing or collecting oil-producing seed, get in touch with our broadcasting
station. Thank you for tuning in.
Listen to Part 3 on your CD
1- Complete the grid above. Tick the seeds planted and collected by Judith and the other farmers.
2- Judith says “We collect 20 kilograms per day and we collect it three days per week. We
collect as a group of farmers.”
How many kilograms do they collect in one week?
 They collect sixty kilograms in one week.
3- How much money do they make in one week?
 They make six hundred Kenyan shillings in one week.
4- With this money, they buy utensils, food and clothes.

j e sais résoudre des problèmes mathématiques en anglais

Exercise 7
Are you good at Math?
1- If you want to make five liters of oil, how many kilos of seeds will you need?
 You will need twenty kilos of seeds.
2- If you want to make ten liters of oil, how many kilos of seeds will you need?
 You will need forty kilos of seeds.
3- If you collect three kilos of cape chestnut seeds, how many Kenyan shillings will you get?
 You will get forty-five Kenyan shillings.
4- If you collect eight kilos of croton seeds, how many Kenyan shillings will you get?
 You will get forty Kenyan shillings.

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 15
c Séquence 1

5- How many kilograms will Judith and the farmers collect in one week if they work five days per week?
 They will collect one hundred kilos of seeds.

Colour in green Kenya on the map and write the name of its capital city.


Séance 5

j ’apprends à parler de la protection de l’environnement

j e sais émettre des suggestions
Exercise 8
Situation 1:
Susie always connects her cell phone 1 to its charger when she arrives home. Look! She is
disconnecting her cell phone from its charger. She is putting her phone in her bag, she is going out.
Make a suggestion to Susie:
F Why don’t you take your charger out of the socket when you are not using it? / You could
take your charger out of the socket when you are not using it.
Situation 2:
F Why don’t you put other dirty clothes in your washing-machine? /Why don’t you wait till
you have other dirty clothes to put in your washing-machine? /You could put other dirty
clothes in your washing machine. / You could wait till you have other dirty clothes to put
in your washing-machine.
Situation 3:
F Why don’t you walk to the baker’s? /Why don’t you cycle to the baker’s? / You could walk
to the baker’s. / You could cycle to the baker’s.
Situation 4:
F Why don’ t you have a shower? You could have a shower.
1. cell phone : mobile phone

16 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
j ’apprends à proposer des solutions de remplacement
Step 9
Séquence 1 c

situations suggestions
• Why don’t you take your cell phone charger out of the socket when
Situation n°1
you are not using it instead of leaving it plugged in?
• Why don’t you do a full load instead of putting just one t-shirt in the
Situation n°2
washing machine?
• Why don’t you walk instead of taking your car? Short car rides are
Situation n°3
very bad for the environment.

Situation n°4 • Why don’t you have a shower instead of having a bath? It saves water.

j e retiens
Quelle est l’expression utilisée pour proposer une alternative ?
 instead of

Exercise 9
Situation n°5:
F Why don’t you drive to work with others instead of driving alone?
Situation n°6:
F Why don’t you take your bike instead of taking your car?
Situation n°7:
F Why don’t you switch off the lights instead of having all the lights on?

j ’apprends à exprimer des «dos» and «don’ts»

Step 10
situations J Dos L Don’ts
Take your cell phone charger out of
1 Don’t leave it plugged in!
the socket when you’re not using it!
Don’t put just one t-shirt in your
2 Do a full load in your washing machine!
washing machine!
3 Walk! Don’t take your car!
4 Have a shower! Don’t have a bath!
5 Drive to work with others! Don’t drive to work alone!
6 Take your bike! Don’t take your car!
7 Switch off the lights! Don’t leave all the lights on!

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 17
c Séquence 1

Exercise 10


- Turn off lights, TVs and radios when you


- Don’t toss your dead batteries in the bin!

leave the room! - Don’t use plastic bags!
- Recycle glass! - Don’t keep the water running while you
- Ride your bike more often! brush your teeth

Séance 6

j e teste mes connaissances

Exercise 11

1  housepaint 2  cigarettes 3  asphalt 4  pills 5  lipstick

6  piano keys 7  plastic bags 8  toothpaste 9  diapers 10  slippers

Answer: all these products use petroleum-based ingredients.

18 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
j ’apprends à rédiger un propectus pour défendre l’environnement
Séquence 1 c

Step 11
b- Write the correct labels from the leaflet checklist in the boxes.

Écris les informations de la checklist dans les cases appropriées.

a slogan with
a rhyme

the 3 R’s



a condition +
a consequence

a picture

« makes the
reader feel
special »

a logo

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 19
c Séquence 1

j e sais repérer les rimes

Exercise 12

b- List all the words of this nursery rhyme rhyming with WATER [t{]:
 after, plaster, disaster
c- List all the words of this nursery rhyme rhyming with WATER [{]:
 caper, paper,
d- Can you find other English words rhyming with WATER [{]:
 partner, bigger, smaller, singer, dancer, sister, brother, mother, father…
e- Listen to this verse on your CD and underline the stressed words
Écoute cette strophe et souligne les mots accentués
Jack and Jill
Jack and Jill went up the hill,
To fetch a pail of water;
Jack fell down,
And broke his crown,
And Jill came tumbling after.

20 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
Séance 7

je sais utiliser «more» et «less» pour établir des comparaisons

Séquence 1 c

Exercise 13
a- Read these facts
Lis ces informations
Over the past century our water consumption has increased tenfold (X10).

• The recommended basic water requirement per person per day is 50 litres. But people can
get by with about 30 litres: 5 litres for drinking and cooking and another 25 to maintain
• By contrast the average1 American citizen uses 500 litres per day, while the British average
is 200.
b- Complete the grid below using the facts above
Complète le tableau ci-dessous en t’aidant des informations ci-dessus.

Countries Litres of water used Recommended Minimum number

per person per day number of litres of of litres of water
water required per required per person
person per day per day
USA 500 50 30
Britain 200
Mali (Africa) 8
Cambodia (Asia) 9.5

c- React and compare. Use “more” or “less”.

1- The average American and British citizen consumes much more water than the average
citizen from Mali and Cambodia.
2- The average British citizen consumes less water than the American one.
3- The average citizen from Mali and Cambodia consumes less than the minimum
number of litres of water required per person per day.
4- The average American and British citizen consumes more than the recommended
number of litres of water required per person per day.
d- Do you know how many litres the average French citizen uses per day? Tick the correct
Sais-tu combien de litres d’eau un français consomme par jour en moyenne ?
q 50 litres
q 100 litres
 250 litres
1. average : moyen

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 21
c Séquence 1

je découvre des moyens d’économiser l’eau

je mobilise mes connaissances pour préparer ma production écrite
Step 12
a- You use water every day at home in different places. Say what you or your parents can do
in these places when you/they use water.
Tu utilises de l’eau tous les jours à la maison. Pour quoi faire ? Essaie de lister toutes les
actions pour lesquelles tu utilises de l’eau dans chacun de ces endroits.
rooms actions
The bathroom Shower, bath, tooth brushing

The kitchen Washing vegetables, boiling water, cooking, washing the dishes

The toilet Flushing the toilets

The garden Watering flowers and vegetables
The garage Washing the car
Do’s Places Don’ts
- Don’t leave the tap running
- Install a low-flow shower head Bathroom
while you clean your teeth
- Install a dual-flush system Toilet
- Don’t leave the tap running
when washing up
- Use a bowl of water for washing vegetables Kitchen
- Don’t run half-loads in the dish-
washer or in the washing machine
- collect rainwater from the roof in water butts Garden
c- Conditions and consequences
1- Complete the following sentences:
 If you install a “low-flow” shower head, you will reduce your water consumption.
 If you install a “dual-flush” cistern in the toilet, you will reduce your water consumption.
2- Translate into English
a- If you use a bowl of water to wash your vegetables, you will save water.
b- If you collect rainwater, you will reduce your consumption of water.
d- Alternatives
1- Express alternatives
Réécris les phrases suivantes en commençant par…
a- “Don’t leave the tap running when washing your vegetables - use a bowl instead.”
 Use a bowl instead of leaving the tap running when washing your vegetables.
b- “Don’t leave the tap running while you clean your teeth- use a glass of water instead.”
 Use a glass of water instead of leaving the tap running while you clean your teeth.
22 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
j e m’évalue
Séance 8 c
Séquence 1 c

Exercise 1
Connais-tu bien les consignes travaillées lors de Step 1 ?
Write the correct instruction:
1- : go right
2- : go left
3- : go down
4- : go up

Exercise 2
Peux-tu mieux faire que Mr Black maintenant que tu as fini cette séquence ?
Remember the Go Green TV Game Sow. You can now answer the host’s questions
1- CO2.
2- Deforestation.
3- China

Exercise 3
Sais-tu placer les phénomènes suivants sur la carte du monde ?
Carbon emissions, deforestation, Antarctic warming, drought, overpopulation, threatened reef.

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 23
c Séquence 1

Exercise 4

Sais-tu établir des conditions et des conséquences ?

Complete these sentences

1- If we do nothing, temperatures will rise.

2- If temperatures rise, the melting of the Arctic and Antarctic ice caps will increase.

3- If the melting of the Arctic and Antarctic ice caps increases, sea levels will rise.

4- If sea levels rise, it will alter climate conditions and generate floods and droughts.

5- If climate conditions are altered, it will affect forests, crops and water supplies.

6- If it affects forests, crops and water supplies, it will also affect humans, animals and many
types of eco-systems.

Exercise 5

Sais-tu prononcer les mots se terminant par –tion ?


1- protection

2- pollution

3- consumption

c- C’est l’avant dernière syllabe qui est accentuée.

Exercise 6

Sais-tu émettre des prédictions ?

a- Electrical Power will be off tonight in your hotel. What will happen? Make 4 predictions.

 Television will not work.

 The air-conditioning fan will not work.

 There will be no outside lighting.

 The computer system will not work.

b- Food freezers won’t work.

24 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
Exercise 7
Séquence 1

c c

Sais-tu parler de la production d’énergies renouvelables au Kenya ?

a- Write a caption under each picture

seeds sunflowers wheat maize cape chestnut castor croton


In Kenya, farmers collect oil-producing seeds to produce biodiesel. They plant and collect
sunflowers or cape chestnut seeds. They collect sixty kilos a week. They get six hundred Kenyan
shillings a week. They use this money to buy food, utensils and clothes.

Exercise 8

Sais-tu émettre des suggestions, les transformer en do’s and don’ts, exprimer des solutions de
remplacement ?

1- a) Why don’t you walk?

b) Walk! Don’t take your car!

c) Walk instead of taking your car!

2- a) Why don’t you have a shower?

b) Have a shower! Don’t have a bath!

c) Have a shower instead of having a bath!

3- a) Why don’t you buy a dual-flush cistern for the toilets?

b) Buy a dual-flush cistern for your toilets! Don’t use a traditional cistern!

c) Buy a dual-flush cistern for your toilets instead of using a traditional one!

4- a) Why don’t you buy a low-flow shower head?

b) Buy a low-flow shower head! Don’t use a traditional shower head!

c) Buy a low-flow shower head instead of using a traditional one!

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 25
c Séquence 1

Exercise 9
Sais-tu organiser et rédiger un prospectus pour inciter le public à adopter une attitude éco-
citoyenne ?
Leaflet checklist
3- Don’ts
4- Do’s
1- A slogan with a rhyme
5- A condition and a consequence
2- The 3 R’s
6- A picture
8- A logo
7- “Makes the reader feel special”
b- Say what the 3 R’s are:
1- Reduce
2- Reuse
3- Recycle

Exercise 10
Connais-tu bien le lexique associé aux économies de l’eau dans la vie quotidienne ?
S Install a dual-flush cistern in the toilet. It can reduce water consumption by up to 67%.
S Don’t leave the tap running when washing up - use a bowl instead.
S Collect rainwater from the roof in water butts.
S Don’t run half loads in the dish-washer or washing machine.
S Install a low flow shower head. This adds air to the water and it reduces the quantity of
shower water by half (=1/2).

26 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
Séance 1
Séquence 2 c

j e découvre une nouvelle thématique

Step 1

It makes me think of holidays on a beach, of the sea, of

the sand. I would lie in a hammock and drink a cocktail.

j e lis un extrait d’œuvre littéraire authentique

Step 2
c- Complete with what you have understood from the text.

- a boy, Ralph
- a boy, Piggy

WHERE? - on an island

WHAT? - they are alone on an island.

d- Piggy sounds hopeless, depressed and desperate.

e- Ralph sounds calm and determined.
f- We know that Piggy sounds hopeless, depressed and desperate.
1- “an’ this is an island. Nobody don’t know we’re here. Your dad don’t know, nobody don’t know----“
• He makes grammatical mistakes, his English is colloquial
2- His lips quivered1 and the spectacles2 were dimmed with mist.
• He is crying
3- “We may stay here till we die”.
• He is scared of dying on the island

1 to quiver = to tremble
2 spectacles = glasses

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 27
c Séquence 2


When Piggy speaks, he makes grammatical mistakes, his English is colloquial. He sounds
hopeless, depressed and desperate. He is crying because he is scared of dying on the

j ’utilise « may » pour exprimer une possibilité

Step 3
Piggy says: “We may stay here till we die.”
He is not sure about it. He expresses a possibility. It means:
F We may stay here till we die. On the other hand we may not.
Piggy is in a state of shock after a terrible accident. He is no longer sure about anything.
Express his doubts.
a- This is an island, isn’t it?
F It may be an island. On the other hand it may not.
b- They’re all dead.
F They may all be dead. On the other hand they may not.

Exercise 1
a- Translate into English
1- Piggy may be scared because he is afraid of dying on this island.
2- The other children may not be dead.
3- They may find food on this island.
b- Translate into French
1- Il se peut qu’un navire vienne à leur secours.
2- Il se peut qu’ils soient les deux seuls survivants d’un naufrage.
3- Il se peut qu’ils ne trouvent pas de nourriture et qu’ils meurent de faim.

Exercise 2
You may find it easier to complete the grid now.
Il se peut que tu aies maintenant plus de facilité pour compléter la grille.

- Piggy
- Ralph

WHERE? - on a deserted island

WHAT? - Piggy and Ralph may be the only two survivors of a shipwreck.

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Exercise 3

It makes me think of a deserted island. A man is the only

survivor of a shipwreck. It may be Robinson Crusoe, or
Tom Hanks in Cast Away. He has no food and no shelter.
He has plenty of imagination to make a boat and escape
Séquence 2 c

from the island.

a- Listen again to Piggy on your CD (step 2d). Indicate the intonation using this symbol
for a rising intonation and this one for a falling intonation
They’re all dead

an’ this is an island. Your dad don’t know,

Nobody don’t know we’re here. nobody don’t know----

We may stay here till we die.

b- To express despair, depression, hopelessness, you will generally use a falling intonation

Séance 2

J ’entraîne ma mémoire
Step 4
1- Training n° 1

Listen to these words:

Starvation- spectacles- thirst- shipwreck- island- rescue
What is the second word of the list?
F Answer: spectacles
2- Training n° 2

Listen to these words:

Starvation- spectacles- thirst- shipwreck- island- rescue
How many words beginning with the letter “S”?
Which words?
F Answer: three
F Answer: starvation, spectacles, shipwreck

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c Séquence 2

3- Training n° 3

Listen to these words:

Starvation- spectacles- thirst- shipwreck-island- rescue
What is the first word of the list?

F Answer: starvation

Je comprends un document sonore inconnu en utilisant une

trame d’écoute
Step 5

Miss Pen: Now children, we are now in the part of the Louvre devoted to paintings and
it is one of the most famous works in this section.
Betty: Look, Jenny, this is one of the paintings we are supposed to present to the class
when we go back from our school trip in Paris.
Jenny: Wahoo, it’s huge! …. and scary! Look, Betty, here, there is a….
Betty: Hush, let’s listen to Miss Pen. She is a fantastic Art teacher, I’m sure she will tell
us everything we need to know about this painting.

- Miss Pen: Art teacher

WHO? - Betty: an English pupil on a school trip in Paris
- Jenny: an English pupil on a school trip in Paris
- Paris
WHERE? - the Louvre
- Painting section
- visiting the Painting section in the Louvre, standing in front of
WHAT? one of the paintings Betty and Jenny are supposed to present
to the class when they come back to England.

c- Miss Pen, an Art teacher and her class are on a school trip in Paris. They are visiting the Painting
section in the Louvre. They are standing in front of one of the paintings Betty and Jenny, two
pupils from the class, are supposed to present to the class when they come back to England.

Step 6
a- Tu auras imaginé des questions. En voici quelques unes auxquelles tu as peut-être pensé.
My questions :
Who painted this painting?
What is the title of this painting?
When was it painted?
What does it represent?
Why is it famous?
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dans le corrigé celles qui correspondent aux questions suggérées dans Step 6a.


Betty: Who painted this work? 

Jenny: When was it painted? 
Séquence 2

b- Tu auras coché les questions de Betty et Jenny qui correspondent aux tiennes. Sont cochées

Betty: How big is it?

Jenny: What is the title of the painting? 
Betty: Does it tell a true story?
Betty: What are they looking at?
Jenny: Are they dead?


- the painter’s name 

- the quality of the painting 

- the date of the painting 

- the name of the museum in which the painting is exhibited 

- the price of the painting 

- the painting’s dimensions 

- the title of the painting 

- the origin of the scene represented in the painting 

- the name of the person who bought the painting 

- the characters represented on the painting 

painting dimension: date: 19th century. name: French
4m high, 7m wide Finished in 1819. painter Théodore

Title: «The Raft of

the Medusa »

characters: origin of the

150 people cast away, scene: the Medusa
15 survivors looking was shipwrecked off
at the Argus the coast of Africa

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c Séquence 2

Step 7

Betty: Miss Pen, who painted this work?

Miss Pen: This masterpiece was painted by a 19th century French painter, Théodore Géricault.
Betty:Can you spell his name, please, miss?
Miss Pen: Yes, of course, Géricault is G-E-R-I-C-A-U-L-T. (Pause)
Jenny: Thank you, miss. And when was it painted?
Miss Pen: It was finished in 1819 when Géricault was 27 years old. It was presented at
the Paris Salon. (Pause)
Betty: It is huge, how big is it?
Miss Pen: It is approximately four meters high and seven meters wide. (Pause)
Jenny: What is the title of this painting?
Miss Pen: It is called “The Raft of the Medusa”.
Jenny: Can you repeat, please, Miss?
Miss Pen: Of course, this is “The Raft of the Medusa”, M-E-D-U-S-A, the Medusa was
the name of a ship.(pause)
Betty: Does it tell a true story?
Miss Pen: Yes, it does, actually. The Medusa was shipwrecked off the coast of Africa
and 150 people were cast away on a raft with just wine and biscuits to eat and drink. In
the end only 15 survivors were rescued.
Jenny: That’s horrible. Do you mean that one hundred and thirty-five people died of
thirst and starvation?
Miss Pen: That’s right, Jenny
Betty: Well, we must talk about this with our History teacher. And what are the
survivors looking at?
Miss Pen: Look, can you see a sail in the background? They were seen by this ship, the Argus.
Jenny: This is a terrible story, but a fantastic painting. Thanks, Miss Pen.

J ’apprends à utiliser la voix passive

Step 8
b- Try to use the same technique to make complete sentences
1- Robinson Crusoe was helped by his friend Friday.
2- The song Auld Lang Syne was played by the Titanic Orchestra just before the ship sank.
3- Many books were written about shipwrecked people.
4- Many paintings were made about exceptional true stories.
c- Let’s think together before going any further.
1- The verbal group is made of the auxiliary be + the past participle of the verb.
2- This is the passive voice.
3- In the sentences of step 8 a- and b-, the auxiliary is in the past form.
4- Find an example of a passive voice in the present tense in Step 6 c-.
 the name of the museum in which the painting is exhibited.

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Exercise 5
Put the verbs in the passive voice using the preterit.
1- No drinking water was taken on the raft.
2- The raft was made of wood beams.
Séquence 2 c

3- The sails of the Argus were seen by the survivors.

4- During World War II, many masterpieces were evacuated from the Louvre and put into
safe keeping in castles in the west of France.

Séance 3

j ’entraîne ma mémoire
Step 9
Listen to your CD and follow the instructions. Write the answers.
1- Training n° 4

Listen to these words:

Masterpiece- painting- Medusa- raft- Titanic- museum- ship-
What is the last word of the list?

F Answer: ship
2- Training n° 5

Listen to these words:

Masterpiece- painting-Medusa- raft- Titanic- museum- ship
How many words beginning with the letter “M”?
Which words?

F Answer: three
F Answer: masterpiece, Medusa, museum
3- Training n° 6

Listen to these words:

Masterpiece- painting- Medusa- raft- Titanic- museum- ship.
Which word finishes with the letter «M»?

F Answer: museum

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c Séquence 2

j ’apprends à rédiger une trace écrite

Exercise 6
Remember the labels you used when listening to the conversation between Miss Pen, Betty
and Jenny. Remember your notes. Use your memory to write as much information as you can
about this famous masterpiece. A new theme has been added.

Souviens-toi des thèmes sur lesquels tu as pris des notes en écoutant la conversation entre Miss Pen, Betty
et Jenny. Souviens-toi de tes notes. Utilise ta mémoire pour écrire autant d’informations que tu peux à
propos de ce chef-d’œuvre célèbre.

TITLE  The Raft of the Medusa

DATE  19th century, 1819

ARTIST  Théodore Géricault

DIMENSIONS  4 metres high, 7 metres wide

ORIGIN  The Medusa was shipwrecked off the coast of Africa

CHARACTERS  150 people cast away, 15 survivors looking at the Argus

EXHIBITION  It is exhibited in the painting section in the Louvre.

Step 10
The Raft of the Medusa was painted in 1819 by Théodore Géricault. This painting is
approximately 4 meters high and 7 meters large. It tells the story of the Medusa, which
was shipwrecked off the coast of Africa. One hundred and fifty people were cast away
on a raft with just wine and biscuits to eat and drink. Finally fifteen survivors were
rescued. The characters on the raft are dead, dying, or looking at a ship coming to their
rescue. This painting is exhibited in the Painting section in the Louvre, in Paris.

34 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
Exercise 7
Here is at last the famous masterpiece The Raft of the Medusa exhibited in the Louvre. You now
know the painting well, you can write the appropriate captions in the boxes.
Voici enfin le fameux chef-d’œuvre (Le Radeau de la Méduse), exposé au Louvre. Maintenant, tu connais
bien ce tableau, tu peux écrire les bonnes légendes dans les cases.
Séquence 2 c

The sails of the


a survivor

the raft A dead

Exercise 8
a- conversation- dimension- exhibition- information- instruction- starvation- intonation
b- Which syllable is always stressed?
• the one before –tion or -sion

Séance 4

j ’entraîne ma mémoire
Step 11
Listen to your CD and follow the instructions. Write the answers.
1- Training n° 7

Listen to these words:

conversation- dimension- exhibition- information- instruction- starvation- intonation
What is the fourth word of the list?
F Answer: information

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c Séquence 2

2- Training n° 8

Listen to these words:

conversation- dimension- exhibition- information- instruction- starvation- intonation
How many words have got 4 syllables?
Which words?
F Answer: four
F Answer: conversation, exhibition, information, intonation
3- Training n° 9

Listen to these words:

conversation- dimension- exhibition- information- instruction- starvation- intonation
Which word begins with the letter “S”?
F Answer: starvation

j e lis un extrait d’œuvre littéraire authentique

Step 12
a- Read the first part of the extract. One word has been deliberately omitted, it has been
Lis la première partie de l’extrait. Un mot a été volontairement omis, il a été remplacé par [ ].
I awoke to the reality of Richard Parker. There was a [ ] in the lifeboat. I could hardly
believe it, yet I know I had to. And I had to save myself.
b- Complete the table

- I
- Richard Parker

in a lifeboat
1- It may be a survivor of a shipwreck. It may be a man or a woman, a boy or a girl.
2- Someone may have survived a shipwreck. He or she may have escaped in a lifeboat.
3- Richard Parker may be a man in the same lifeboat as “I”.
1- “I” is a survivor of a shipwreck far away from landfall.
2- This survivor prefers staying in the lifeboat rather than trying to swim because he is too
far away from landfall.
3- 4-
Richard Parker is probably an animal, because he is compared to a typical cat.

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j ’apprends à faire des prédictions lorsque la situation de
départ (la condition) est fictive, irréelle
Séquence 2 c

Step 13
1- If I was Pi, I would eat the emergency rations, I would also use the fishing kit to catch
2- If I had no drinking water, I would drink the water in the emergency rations, or collect
rain water in the metal cup.
3- If there were sharks around me, I would use the harpoon.
4- If I was cold at night, I would wrap myself in the blanket to keep warm.
5- If I was lost, I would use the compass to know which way to go.

Exercise 9
a- Translate into English
1- If we were shipwrecked, we would save drinking water.
2- If you were a famous artist, your paintings would be exhibited in the Louvre.
3- What would you do if you found harpoons in a wooden box?
4- I would not kill sharks, I would respect nature.

Séance 5

j ’entraîne ma mémoire
Step 14
Listen to your CD and follow the instructions. Write the answers.
1- Training n° 10

Listen to these words

compass- hooks- blanket- harpoon- rations- lifeboat- lifejacket
What is the sixth word of the list?
F Answer: lifeboat

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c Séquence 2

2- Training n° 11


Listen to these words

compass- hooks- blanket- harpoon- rations- lifeboat- lifejacket
How many words begin with the letter “L”?
Which words?

F Answer: two

F Answer: lifeboat, lifejacket

3- Training n° 12


Listen to these words

compass- hooks- blanket- harpoon- rations- lifeboat- lifejacket
Which word begins with the letter “B”?

F Answer: blanket

j e sais faire une prédiction à partir d’une situation de

départ fictive, irréelle

Exercise 10

Tu auras utilisé ces structures pour présenter les trois objets que tu emmènerais, et justifier ton

If I was on a sinking boat, I would take….. because….

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j e comprends des instructions d’urgence
Step 15
Séquence 2 c


A boat designed to save the lives of

Life raft
people in trouble at sea.

An international radiotelephone signal

Mayday message word used by ships in distress. From
the French “(venez) m’aider”.

A drag, usually a canvas-covered

Sea anchor conical frame, floating behind a vessel
to prevent drifting.

EPIRB (emergency A radio transmitter that emits a

position indicator characteristic guidance signal.
radio beacon) A device that produces a bright light
Flares for signaling.

An inflatable sleeveless jacket that is

Life jacket
worn to keep a person afloat.

A ship slowly descending beneath the

Sinking vessel
water surface.

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c Séquence 2

A hand-held radio
A small combined radio transmitter
and receiver that can be carried around
by one person.

flotsam Floating debris

Exercise 11
1- A harpoon is a barbed spear that is thrown when hunting whales or sharks.
2- A blanket is a large piece of woven material that keeps you warm.
3- A compass is a device that determines geographic direction.
4- A hook is a curved metal device that catches fish.
5- A ration is a fixed daily allowance of food that is given to soldiers or survivors.
b- Les verbes à la voix passive ont été soulignés dans l’exercice 13 a-

j ’apprends à prononcer les mots composés

Step 16
a- You have learnt many compound nouns in the previous lessons. Listen to your CD and
underline the stressed part of each compound noun.
lifeboat/ lifebuoy/ landfall/ shipwreck/ fishing-kit/ survival-kit/ smoke signal/ drinking

Séance 6

j e découvre des chansons associées au thème du naufrage

Step 17

If I was alone on a fully equipped lifeboat and I had to send an SOS, I would send a
mayday message, I would throw a flare, I would also switch on my emergency position
indicator radio beacon.

40 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
1- The author would send an SOS message in a bottle.
2- Rescue me before I fall into despair.
3- Loneliness.
4- A man can feel lonely when he has no news from the woman he is in love with.
Séquence 2 c

5- “Someone” is the woman he is in love with.

c- Message In A Bottle

Step 18
b- You can hear it in a film, at the crucial moment when a very famous liner is sinking. What
is the title of this well-known film?
 Titanic
c- This song is played and sung every year in most English-speaking countries. Do you know
on what occasion?
 For New Year’s Eve.
d- Read again the extract of the song. What is the Scottish 18th century word for “old”?
 auld
e- “auld lang syne” means long long ago.
f- A feeling is mentioned in the chorus. Which one?
 kindness
g- The song celebrates long-standing friendship3.

j e repère les points de vue lors d’une négociation

Step 19
a- Tu auras fait le choix qui correspond à ton goût et tu l’auras justifié. Ce corrigé est donné
à titre d’exemple.

If I was Betty and Jenny, I would choose Message in a Bottle because I love Sting and
also because it is a love song. Another reason would be that I don’t like Auld Lang Syne
very much.

3. long-standing friendship : amitié de longue date

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c Séquence 2


Betty: So, what do you think? I personally think that Message In A Bottle is a fantastic
song, it is a very good illustration of our theme. And I love Sting’s voice!
Jenny: I disagree with you, it’s a ridiculous song. We don’t want a love song, we are
talking about shipwrecks, not love! My opinion is that Auld Lang Syne is the best song
to illustrate our project. It will make the class think of Titanic. And it’s also a Scottish
poem, Miss Pen will love it, she loves Scotland, you know!
Betty: Out of the question, it is too old-fashioned and we sing it for the New Year!
What’s more, you’re not Kate Winslet!
Jenny: Ah ah, very funny indeed!

BETTY Y Message In A Bottle JENNY Y Auld Lang Syne

Arguments for Arguments against Arguments for Auld Arguments against
Message In A Bottle Auld Lang Syne Lang Syne Message In A Bottle
- a fantastic song - too old-fashioned - the best song to - a ridiculous song
- a very good - sung for the illustrate the - a love song,
illustration of our New Year project not a song about
theme - Jenny is not Kate - it will make the shipwrecks
- I love Sting’s voice Winslet class think of
- a Scottish poem
- Miss Pen loves
Expressions of Expressions of Expressions of Expressions of
opinion opinion opinion opinion
- I personally think - Out of the - My opinion is - I disagree with you
that… question that…

Exercise 12
You gave your personal opinion in Step 18 a-. If you agreed with Betty, play her part, using the
table to have all the expressions of opinion and the proper arguments. You can also use your own
arguments. If you agreed with Jenny, do the same. There is a recording of each girl on your CD.
If you agree with Betty, use this version:
Jenny: I disagree with you, it’s a ridiculous song. We don’t want a love song, we are talking
about shipwrecks, not love! My opinion is that Auld Lang Syne is the best song to illustrate our
project. It will make the class think of Titanic. And it’s also a Scottish poem, Miss Pen will love
it, she loves Scotland, you know!
Jenny: Ah ah, very funny indeed!
If you agree with Jenny, use this version:
Betty: So, what do you think? I personally think that Message In A Bottle is a fantastic song, it is
a very good illustration of our theme. And I love Sting’s voice!
Betty: Out of the question, it is too old-fashioned and we sing it for the New Year! What’s
more, you’re not Kate Winslet!

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j entraîne ma mémoire

Séance 7 c
Séquence 2 c

Exercise 13
a- Remember the conversation between Betty and Jenny.
Write down as many arguments as you can remember in the appropriate boxes (for and
Écris autant d’arguments que tu peux te souvenir dans les cases appropriées.

j e m’entraîne à rédiger la trace écrite d’une négociation

Step 20
J Tu as vu au cours de la séance 3 comment faire une trace écrite. Tu as travaillé la manière de
prendre tes notes de façon organisée. C’est ce que tu viens de faire dans l’exercice plus haut. Nous
allons rédiger la trace écrite à partir de ces notes, comme nous l’avions fait pour décrire le tableau
de Géricault. Nous aurons besoin cependant de mots d’articulation différents, puisque nous devons
présenter ici des arguments opposés, et non une description.
a- Here are the different steps to follow to write the text. Reorder them, from 1 to 8.
Voici les différentes étapes à suivre pour écrire le texte. Réorganise-les en les numérotant de 1 à 8.
• Give the arguments against the choice of Auld Lang Syne: Step 7
• State what the problem is: Step 1
• Conclude with the absence of result of the negotiation: Step 8
• Say who prefers the song Message In A Bottle: Step 2
• Give the arguments for the choice of Message In A Bottle: Step 3
• Give the arguments against the choice of Message In A Bottle: Step 4
• Give the arguments for the choice of Auld Lang Syne: Step 6
• Say who prefers the song Auld Lang Syne: Step 5
b- Let’s write the text together!

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c Séquence 2

Fill in the blanks. All the elements can be found in the previous lesson.
F Betty and Jenny are working on their school project. They would like to
find a song which illustrates the theme of their project. Betty has found
one she likes very much. Jenny has found one, too. Which one are they
going to choose?
Dead easy (= super facile)! You don’t need any help.
F Betty prefers Message In A Bottle.
First argument: Use the expression of opinion to start the sentence. Use the
3rd person! Don’t use personally ; Betty is no longer the person who gives her
own opinion.
F She thinks that it is a fantastic song
Second argument: link it with the previous one using and that… You will have
to change the possessive adjective our into their.
F and that it would be a very good illustration of their theme.
Third argument: start a new sentence. Do not repeat She thinks, use She says
that…” You will have to change the subject pronoun I into she.
F She says that she loves Sting’s voice.
To indicate the change of arguments, use but and use Jenny’s expression of
opinion. You will have to change the pronoun you into her.
F But Jenny disagrees with her.
First argument: introduce it with She thinks that…
F She thinks that it is a ridiculous song.
Second argument: introduce it with She says that… You will have to change
the subject pronoun we into they.
F She says that it is a love song, not a song about shipwrecks.
To indicate the change in point of view, use the adverb Anyway (:de toute
STEP 5 façon) to introduce your sentence, then it is dead easy!
F Anyway, she prefers Auld Lang Syne.
First argument: change the underlined words: My opinion is that Auld Lang
Syne is the best song to illustrate our project.
F Her opinion is that Auld Lang Syne is the best song to illustrate their
Second argument: link with the previous one using and that…
F and that it will make the class think of Titanic.
Third argument: introduce it with She says that instead of and
F She says that it is a Scottish poem
Fourth argument: link it with and that give the reason why Miss Pen will love
it, using because
Don’t use the gap filler, it is no longer a conversation, but a text.
F and that Miss Pen loves Scotland.
To indicate the change of argument, use the preposition But. Introduce
Betty’s opinion with Betty says that it is…
F But Betty says that it is out of the question.
First argument: introduce it with She thinks that…
F She thinks that it is too old-fashioned
STEP 7 Second argument: link it with the previous one using and that… You will have
to change the subject pronoun we into they.
F and that it is sung for the New Year!
Third argument: Introduce it with She adds (= elle ajoute : cela évite
d’utiliser what’s more).
You will have to replace you by Jenny

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Exercise 14
a- It would be great now to copy the text on your exercise book and make 4 different
paragraphs. Indicate the steps that correspond to the paragraphs.
Séquence 2

Ce serait bien maintenant de recopier le texte sur ton cahier d’exercice en faisant quatre paragraphes
différents. Indique de quelles parties les paragraphes seront constitués. Les premiers deux paragraphes
te serviront d’exemple.

For example
Paragraph One: Step 1
Paragraph Two: Steps 2, 3 and 4
Now, your turn!
Paragraph Three: Steps 5, 6 and 7
Paragraph Four: Step 8
b- Now you can copy your text.
Betty and Jenny are working on their school project. They would like to find a song which
illustrates the theme of their project. Betty has found one she likes very much. Jenny has
found one, too. Which one are they going to choose?
Betty prefers Message In A Bottle. She thinks that it is a fantastic song and that it would
be a very good illustration of their theme. She says that she loves Sting’s voice. But Jenny
disagrees with her. She thinks that it is a ridiculous song. She says that it is a love song,
not a song about shipwrecks.
Anyway, she prefers Auld Lang Syne. Her opinion is that Auld Lang Syne is the best song
to illustrate their project and that it will make the class think of Titanic. She says that it
is a Scottish poem and that Miss Pen loves Scotland. But Betty says that it is out of the
question. She thinks that it is too old-fashioned and that it is sung for the New Year! She
adds that Jenny is not Kate Winslet!
Finally, Betty and Jenny haven’t come to a decision.

Séance 8

j e m’évalue
Exercise 1 : Qu’as-tu retenu de l’extrait du roman Lord of the Flies.
Lord of the Flies is a novel written by William
The book
Golding and published in 1954.
A group of British schoolboys aged 6 to 12
survive a plane crash on a small coral island
in the South Pacific during a world war. There
The plot (l’intrigue)
are no adult survivors. They form their own
society on the island, with a leader and a form
of government.

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 45
c Séquence 2

Piggy (physical characteristics, feelings)

Piggy is probably fat, he is wearing glasses.
When he speaks, he makes grammatical
mistakes, his English is colloquial. He sounds
hopeless, depressed and desperate. He is
crying because he is scared of dying on the
Ralph (feelings) Ralph sounds calm and determined.
There are two film adaptations. One was
made in 1963 by Peter Brook and another in
The films
1990 by Harry Hook. Both titles are Lord of
the Flies.

Exercise 2 : Sais-tu exprimer des possibilités ?

Translate into English.
1- Ralph and Piggy may be cast away on a deserted island.
2- Ralph may find some food.
3- They may not die of starvation.
4- Piggy may break his glasses.
5- The other children may be dead.

Exercise 3 : Ta mémoire est-elle bien entraînée ?

Attention, la liste va être plus longue qu’au cours des séances d’entraînement.
1- Training n° 13

Listen to these words:

life boat- starvation-castaway- spectacles- hook- thirst- death- shipwreck- island- rescue
What is the third word on the list?
F Answer: castaway
2- Training n° 14

Listen to these words:

life boat- starvation-castaway- spectacles- hook- thirst- death- shipwreck- island- rescue
How many words beginning with the letter “T”?
Which word?
F Answer: one
F Answer: thirst
3- Training n° 15

Listen to these words:

life boat- starvation-castaway- spectacles- hook- thirst- death- shipwreck- island- rescue
What is the fifth word of the list?
F Answer: hook

46 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
Exercise 4 : Sais-tu construire un verbe à la voix passive ?
1- Lord of the Flies was written by William Golding in 1954
2- Message In A Bottle was recorded by Sting and the group Police in an album called Regatta de
3- A message in a bottle was found by the main female character in Nicholas Spark’s book.
Séquence 2 c

4- Richard Parker, the Bengal tiger was saved by a 16 year old boy named Pi.

Exercise 5
Tu auras bien évidemment choisi les mots ou expressions. Ce corrigé ne t’est donné qu’à titre
- A proper noun: Mary - an object: a table
- a date: 1789 - something to drink: whisky
- the name of someone famous: Napoleon - something to eat: cakes
- a number: one hundred - the name of a famous French monument:
The Eiffel Tower
- the name of a country: Spain - the name of a French city: Besançon
- a second number: sixty

Exercise 6 : Sais-tu prononcer les mots se terminant par –tion ou -sion ?

a- Write three words from the lesson ending with –tion and underline the stressed syllables.
Écris trois mots de la leçon finissant par –tion et souligne les syllabes accentuées.
1- conversation
2- dimension
3- exhibition
b- Read these words aloud.
Lis ces mots à voix haute.
c- Write the pronunciation rule. You can write it in French.
Écris la règle de prononciation. Tu peux l’écrire en français si tu veux.
 On accentue généralement l’avant-dernière syllabe du mot.

Exercise 7 : Veux-tu continuer l’exercice 5 ? C’est maintenant que les

choses vont devenir bizarres !
The Raft of the Mary was painted in 1789 by Napoleon. This painting is approximately one
hundred meters high and seven meters large.
It tells the story of the Mary, which was shipwrecked off the coast of Spain. Sixty people were
cast away on a table with just whisky and cakes to eat and drink. Finally fifteen survivors
were rescued. The characters on the raft are dead, dying, or looking at a ship coming to their
This painting is exhibited in Painting section in the Eiffel Tower, in Besançon.
J This is a strange text, isn’t it? That is why it is called a “Funny Fill-in”!

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c Séquence 2

Exercise 8 : Plus sérieusement, connais-tu bien le tableau de Géricault ?

The Raft of the Medusa was painted in 1819 by Théodore Géricault.
This painting is approximately 4 meters high and 7 meters large.
It tells the story of the Medusa, which was shipwrecked
off the coast of Africa. One hundred and fifty people
were cast away on a raft with just wine and biscuits to
eat and drink. Finally fifteen survivors were rescued. The
characters on the raft are dead, dying, or looking at a ship
coming to their rescue.
This painting is exhibited in the Painting section in the Louvre, in Paris.

Exercise 9 : Sais-tu exprimer des prédictions à partir d’une situation

de départ fictive, irréelle ?
Answer this very difficult question giving three different possibilities.
What would you do if you had a tiger in your lifeboat?
If I had a tiger in my lifeboat, I would give him all my emergency rations to eat, then when
he sleeps after eating all this food, I would kill him with the harpoon and I would eat him.

Exercise 10 : Connais-tu le matériel du kit de survie en cas de

naufrage ?
Write the name of the device or the object described in the definitions.
Écris le nom du matériel décrit dans les définitions.
1- A harpoon is a barbed spear that is shot when hunting whales or sharks.
2- A blanket is a large piece of woven material that keeps your warm.
3- A compass is a device that determines geographic direction.
4- A hook is a curved metal device that catches fish.
5- An emergency ration is a fixed daily allowance of food that is given to soldiers or survivors.

Exercise 11 : Connais-tu bien les chansons travaillées au cours de ces

deux séances ?
Here is one extract:
‘We’ll take a cup of kindness yet’
a- Auld Lang Syne.
b- To celebrate the New Year.
c- Give the three arguments Jenny gives in favour of this song:
 It will make the class think of Titanic.
 It is a Scottish poem.
 Miss Pen loves Scotland.
d- Give the three arguments Betty gives against the choice of this song for their project.
 It is too old-fashioned.
 It is a song to celebrate the New Year.
 Jenny is not Kate Winslet.
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Séance 1
Séquence 3 c

Step 1
1- De quel type de document s’agit-il ? C’est une lettre.
2- Qui l’a écrit ? John Glanville, Headmaster (Principal) de Buckhampton College.
3- À qui l’a-t-il l’envoyé ? Emily Steen.

Exercise 1
Now read the letter again and find the following information. (Lis la lettre de nouveau et trouve
les informations suivantes).
1- Letter sent by (lettre envoyée par) John Glanville.
2- His job (son emploi) : Headmaster of Buckhampton College.
3- Country of residence (pays de résidence) Great Britain.
4- Letter sent to (lettre envoyée à) Emily Steen.
5- Country of residence (pays de résidence) The USA.
6- Emily has been accepted for a school exchange program.
7- She will stay for 2 weeks.
8- Arrival date: 25th October.
9- Departure date: 8th November.
10- She will stay in the girls’ boarding house.
11- She will eat in the school cafeteria.
12- Uniform? She doesn’t have to wear a uniform.
13- Transport : a) Train from London b) number 42 bus
14- She must arrive: before 10pm.

Exercise 2
Entoure la bonne réponse :
- boarding house: a) pensionnat b) internat c) hôtel
- purchase: a) acheter b) emprunter c) louer
- we do not expect: a) nous ne demandons pas que b) nous ne voulons pas que
- we are looking forward to seeing you: a) nous pourrions peut-être nous rencontrer
b) nous serons heureux de vous rencontrer
- Headmaster: a) maître b) principal c) gardien

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c Séquence 3

Exercise 3
1- This mail was written

a) before Document A

2- Mail sent by: Emily Steen

b) after Document A (circle the correct answer).

3- Mail sent to: Emily’s Mom and Dad

4- Where is Emily now: Buckhamton College

5- Problem: Missed the 8 o’ clock train

6- Reason for problem: Plane late

7- Wait for train: 45 minutes

8- Arrived: a) before 10 pm b) after 10 pm

9- Where is she going now? To Assembly

10- Use the context to find the meaning:

- trip: a) nuit b) voyage c) promenade

- missed: a) pris b) raté

- I’m sharing: a) je partage b) je nettoie c) j’occupe

- to introduce: a) présenter à b) montrer

Exercise 4
Example: It was a difficult match but Manchester United beat Liverpool.

Manchester United managed to beat Liverpool.

1- The exam was very difficult but I passed.

I managed to pass the exam.

2- The trip was very long but we arrived before night.

We managed to arrive before night.

3- I had to run for the bus but I caught it.

I managed to catch the bus.

4- The supermarket was closed when I arrived so I didn’t buy any milk.

I didn’t manage to buy any milk.

Dans le cours passer un examen se dit ; «to take an exam» ou «to sit for an exam» pas «to do
an exam».

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Exercise 5
Séance 2 c
Séquence 3 c

Good morning everybody. I hope you had a nice weekend. Now, please listen carefully.
First of all I’d like to remind you that the parent teacher meeting is on Wednesday
evening. It starts at 6pm.
On Thursday evening the school orchestra is giving a concert. It starts at 7pm.
I’d like to congratulate Peter Dunne, from Year 11. This weekend he was the winner of a
judo championship. Well done Peter!
Finally I’d like to welcome three exchange students who are with us for two weeks.
Will you welcome Sophie from France, Susie from Australia and Emily from the USA.
The three of you are in class for two weeks in Year 9. That’s Mrs Carpenter’s class.
Please go to see her in Room 42 after assembly. Mrs Carpenter will give you your
Room 42 is in Block B.
By the way teachers, the three exchange students do not have to wear uniforms while
they are here so please don’t punish them! However they must wear blue pullovers and
they mustn’t wear jeans.
1- The parent teacher meeting is on Wednesday evening at 6pm.
2- The school orchestra concert is on Thursday at 7pm.
3- Peter Dunne, from Year 11 was the winner of a judo championship.
4- Three exchange students:
a) Sophie from France
b) Susie from Australia
c) Emily from the USA
5- They are in Year 9.
6- They have to see Mrs Carpenter in Room 42 in Block B.
7- Mrs Carpenter will give them their timetable.
8- What about their clothes?
a) They don’t have to wear a uniform.
b) They must wear blue pullovers.
c) They mustn’t wear jeans.

Exercise 6
Look at the time timetable and answer the questions:
1- What subject do the girls have after Assembly on Mondays? Chemistry
2- What is their last class on Fridays? German biology
3- What class do they have at 11.15 on Tuesdays? Mathematics
4- What do they have at 3.15? Extra-curricular activities

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Exercise 8
Listen and write:
1- information 2- chemistry 3- drama 4- physics 5- ICT

Séance 3

Exercise 9
A- Read the document rapidly and say which title in French corresponds best. (Lis le document
rapidement et choisis le titre en français qui lui correspond le mieux).
1- Les études à Buckhampton
2- Les activités peri-scolaires.
3- Le règlement intérieur du lycée.
B- How many sections are there in the document? (Combien de rubriques composent ce
document ?)
4- Five

Exercise 10
Answer these questions as rapidly as possible. (Réponds aux questions aussi rapidement que
possible. Tu peux même te chronométrer !)
1- What must you do if your are late? Go to the School Office.
2- Who must you see if you have to go to the pharmacy during the day? The Headmaster or
the Deputy Headmaster.
3- If you have been absent, what do you need when you return to school? An official note
from a parent or guardian (tuteur).
4- What must you do with the note? Leave the note in the special box in the School Office.
5- If you feel ill in class, who should you see? A teacher.
6- If there is a problem with your uniform what must you do? Explain the problem to you
form teacher at registration.
7- Is it possible to wear piercing jewellery in your nose? No
8- If you are a boarder can you use a mobile phone? Yes, from 5pm to 9pm.
Tu vas refaire un peu de « scanning » : cherche tous les verbes et expressions qui expliquent des
obligations et des permissions dans le texte.
Ensuite complète les cases :

Interdiction : mustn’t are not allowed to are forbidden to

Obligation : must have to

Permission : can may are allowed to

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Exercise 11
Complete these sentences logically. (Complète les phrases de façon logique)
1- In France students don’t have to wear uniforms.
2- At Buckhampton College boarders are allowed to use mobile phones in the evening.
3- In France you mustn’t smoke cigarettes in public places.
Séquence 3 c

4- Most pupils in Great Britain have to/must wear uniforms.

5- People should not smoke: it’s dangerous!
6- You can/may (are allowed to) wear earrings in Buckhampton if you want to.

Séance 4

Step 8
Exercise 12
1- Subject of Emily’s mail:
c) her life in school
2- Her opinion is a) positive
3- What is the principal main subject of her mail (quel est le sujet principal de son mail)?
Extra-curricular activities
4- Is Emily happy in England? Yes
5- What is the name of the school? Buckhampton College
6- What town is near the school? Oxford
7- What colour are the uniforms? Blue
8- What extra-curricular activities has Emily tried? a) waterpolo
b) yoga
9- What does she want to try next week? Archery
10- Who does she share her room with? a) Sophie from France b) Susie, who is from Australia
11- Her opinion of the girls is a) positive
12- What does Emily call the pupils who don’t sleep in the school? Day pupils

Exercise 13
1- Boarders
2- Boarding-school
3- Internes
4- Internat

Exercise 14
Réponses personnelles

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Step 10
Exercise 15
Complete this table

base verbale prétérit participe passé

try tried tried
play played played
do did done

Exercise 16
Réponses personnelles

Séance 5

Step 11
Emily is chatting to her friend Joanna on the Internet. Joanna is in America.
Now, see if you can answer these questions:
1- Where is Joanna? In New Jersey.
2- What day is it? Saturday
3- How do you know? Because it’s 11 am and she has just woken up. (She never wakes up
early on Saturdays.)
4- You learn two things about Buckhampton. What are they?
a) it’s a boarding school
b) it’s a private school
5- Are all British schools boarding schools? No.
6- Would Emily like to wear a uniform? No.
7- How do you know? She says she’s lucky.
8- Has Emily done any more extra-curricular activities? No, she hasn’t.
9- What else has Emily done?
a) she’s met lots of new people.
b) she’s made new friends.
c) she’s done two French classes.
10- How about Joanna? What has she done?
a) she’s been to the gym three times.
b) she’s eaten in a new restaurant.
c) she’s finished a project on Asia.
11- What about Billy Evans? He went to sleep in class.
12- What word does Emily use to describe Billy? Weird

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mot français lui semble le plus proche :

a) méchant b) bête c) bizarre

Lis l’échange de nouveau. Essaie de souligner les occurences du « present perfect » dans le texte
Séquence 3

Essaie de trouver un point commun entre les différentes utilisations de « weird » et décide quel

et recopie trois exemples ici :

1- I’ve just woken up.

2- Have you done any more extra-curricular activities?

3- I’ve met lots of nice people.

Autres exemples possibles :

Have you done anything else interesting?

I’ve made some new friends.

I’ve done two French classes!

I’ve never done French before.

I’ve been to the gym three times this week.

I’ve eaten in that new restaurant on Main Street.

I’ve finished my project on Asia.

Plusieurs verbes utilisés au « present perfect » sont irréguliers. Voici leur base verbale et le
prétérit de certains. Peux-tu compléter le tableau ? Le « chat » entre Emily et Joanna peut

Exercise 17

base verbale prétérit participe passé

wake (up) woke woken
do did done
meet met met
make made made
be Was/were been
eat ate eaten

Exercise 18

Réponses personnelles

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Step 12
Séance 6

Regarde les questions en rouge et souligne le thème de chaque question.

Do you like adventure?
Would you like to learn new skills?
Do you want to help people?
Do you like physical activity?
Are you 14 or older?
Essaie ensuite de relier chaque sujet à l’une des quatre colonnes : «Volunteering, Physical, Skills, Expedition».
adventure Expedition
new skills Skills
help people Volunteering
physical activity Physical
14 or older Aucune correspondance
Quand tu auras terminé, réponds à cette question :
Quel mot en français correspond le mieux à «Skills» ? Entoure-le.
a) jeux b) loisirs c) compétences

Step 13
Exercise 20
Boy: Hello, are you going to join the group?
Emily: I can’t. I have to go home to the USA next week.
Boy: That’s a pity! The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Program is fantastic.
Emily: It certainly looks interesting. But tell me, why is it called the Duke of Edinburgh’s program?
Boy: Because the Duke of Edinburgh started the scheme.
Emily: I see. Are you in the group?
Boy: Yes I am. I ‘m doing a program for a bronze award. I’ve already done 2 months
volunteering in an old people’s home. I go every Saturday and help in the kitchen. I chat
to the old people and play board games with them.
Emily: Have you started a physical program yet?
Boy: Well I love athletics, so I’m doing a course to improve. I’ve also started a pottery
course in the Skills section.
Emily: It sounds great. Have you already been on an expedition?
Boy: No I haven’t been on my expedition yet. But we’ve already started preparing. You
have to go in a team. There are 6 of us and we’ve decided to go hiking in Scotland. We’ve
already started preparing. We’ve made a list of all of our equipment.
Emily: That’s pretty exciting.
Boy: It is!

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Listen and answer the questions:
1- Why can’t Emily join the group? She’s going home next week.
2- The boy a) likes the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award programme? (circle the right answer)
b) doesn’t like it.
3- The Duke of Edinburgh started the programme.
Séquence 3 c

4- The boy has already done two months volunteering.

5- He helps in the kitchen in an old people’s home every Saturday.
6- He chats to the old people.
7- He has also started athletics and a pottery course.
The expedition:
8- Destination: Scotland Activity: Hiking.
9- He a) has been b) has not been on the expedition yet (circle the right answer)

Exercise 21
It’s 9pm. Sophie, one of Emily’s friends asks her what she has done. Write four questions that
Sophie asks Emily. Use “yet” in your questions.
(Il est 9 heures du soir. Sophie, qui partage la chambre avec Emily, lui demande ce qu’elle a déjà fait.
Utilise « yet » dans tes questions).
1- Have you sent an email to your Mom and Dad yet?
2- Have you done your Biology homework yet?
3- Have you done your English homework yet?
4- Have you prepared for your Maths test yet?
Autres possibilités :
Have you tidied the room yet?
Have you prepared your books for tomorrow yet?
Have you recharged your cell phone yet?

Exercise 22
Write Emily’s answers to Sophie’s questions (Écris les réponses d’Emily aux questions de Sophie)
I have already sent an email to Mom and Dad.
I have already done my Biology homework.
I haven’t done my English homework yet.
I have already prepared for my Maths test.
I have already tidied the room.
I haven’t prepared my books for tomorrow yet.
I haven’t recharged my cell phone yet.

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c Séquence 3

Exercise 23
Séance 7

Today I’m going to talk to you about my school in Wildwood. It’s very different to
Buckhampton. For a start it’s a public school. In America a public school is what you call
a state school in Britain. It’s not private.
I go to school by bus every day. We don’t have assembly but there are morning
announcements on a TV in every classroom. Sometimes I have breakfast in school before
going to my first period. My favourite breakfast is pancakes and syrup.
We say the pledge of allegiance in class every day during first period. We have to stand
up and face the flag. We have a flag in every classroom.
We don’t have a uniform. We just have a list of what we are not allowed to wear.
We do tests, just like you guys. We don’t have a headmaster, we have a principal. We
have extra-curricular activities, but not as many as you.
I’m in 8th grade. In England you say Year 8 and Year 9 but in America we say 8th grade
and 9th grade. This is my last year in Junior High School. Next year I’ll go to Senior High
School for four years.

Exercise 24
American British
grade Year
cell phone mobile
state school public school
principal headmaster
period lesson

Séance 8

j e m’évalue
Exercise 1
1- You are writing a letter or an email to a friend. How do your start the letter?
Hi (ou Hello ou Dear) John,
2- How do you end the letter?
a) to a friend: Love or Regards (or Bye for now)
b) an official letter: Yours sincerely
3- Emily has just finished a test. It was long and difficult. Can you imagine what she says to
The test was difficult but I managed to finish it.

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Exercise 2
Listen and write the subjects you hear:
1- Chemistry

Exercise 3
2- Art

Complete the sentences:

3- Technology 4- Geography
Séquence 3 c

1- At Buckhampton College, the pupils have to wear uniforms.

2- In France pupils don’t have to wear uniforms.
3- You mustn’t eat a lot of junk food.
4- In schools in the United States, pupils have to stand up for the pledge of allegiance.

Exercise 4
Do you remember the past participles of these verbs (est-ce que tu te souviens du participe
passé des verbes suivants) :
do - done meet - met see - seen
eat - eaten send - sent tidy - tidied

Exercise 5
Put the verbs in the correct form (mets les verbes à la forme qui convient).
1- It’s Emily’s last day. She has done a lot of interesting things at Buckhampton.
2- She has met a lot of new friends.
3- She has tried new activities.
4- She has eaten English food.
5- She has seen Oxford.

Exercise 6
At 5 pm you made a list of all the things you had to do. It’s now 7pm. Write six sentences and
say what you have already done, and what you haven’t done yet.
I have already done my English homework.
I haven’t sent an email to my best friend yet.
I have already tidied my room.
I haven’t finished my Geography project yet.
I haven’t telephoned my sister yet.
I have already prepared my homework.

Exercise 7
American English or British English ? Write GB or USA beside the words and expressions.
(Anglais américain ou britannique ? Écris GB ou USA à côté des mots et expressions)
1- Mobile phones GB
2- Cell phones USA
3- Year 10 GB
4- The Principal USA
5- The Headmaster GB
6- 10th grade USA
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c Séquence 4


Séance 1

Exercise 1
Read this text and choose the best title for it. (Choisis le meilleur titre pour ce texte).
B) What is a charity?

Exercise 2
Complete the text now, using the words in the word box.
Title: What is a charity?
A charity is a voluntary organisation. Some charities help and support people in need. Some
charities try to help animals or to protect the environment. Some charities are small, local
organisations and some are large international organisations. Some charities are managed by
unpaid volunteers and others have salaried professionals working for them.

Exercise 3
Match these words and expressions in the text to a French equivalent. Use the context to help
you! (Relie les mots et expressions à un mot ou expression équivalent en français)
1B 4E 7D
2C 5G
3F 6A

Exercise 4
Essaie de faire cet exercice et utilise le préfixe pour trouver le sens du mot (en français).

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Step 2
Séance 2 c
Séquence 4 c

Exercise 5

1 malade ill
2 collecter ou chercher des fonds raise money
3 sans domicile ou sans abri homeless
4 sauvent rescue
5 s’occupent de look after
6 guerres wars
7 abri shelter
8 fournissent provide
9 des provisions d’urgence emergency supplies

Exercise 6
Match an element from column 1 to column 2. (Relie un élément de la colonne 1 à la colonne 2)

Exercise 8
[κ] or [Σ] ορ [tΣ] Put these words in the right column, then listen and check your answer:
chips – cheese – chicken – chic – chewing gum – chemist – charitable – Christian

[κ] [Σ] [tΣ]

chemist chic chips
Christian cheese
chewing gum
Quelle est la conclusion que tu peux tirer du tableau ?
La plupart des mots qui commencent par « ch » se prononcent [tΣ].

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c Séquence 4

Séance 3
Look at the title of the poster. (Regarde le titre de l’affiche)
1- Which word is transparent? Invitation
2- Which French word explains a “Céilidh” best?
c- un bal
3- Now read the poster and answer the questions
a) When will the Céilidh take place? Friday 17th April 2009.
b) Where will the Céilidh take place? The MacNamara Room at the Irish Centre.
c) Who will play the music? a band called “Jacket Potatoes”
d) What time does it start at? 8pm
e) Is there any food at the Céilidh? Yes
f) How much are the tickets? £10
g) Where can you buy them? At the Simon Community office or at the door of the Irish
4- Who do you think the Simon Community is inviting to the Céilidh? (remember the price of
the tickets!)? Circle the right answer
b- other people (who have homes and money)
5- The Simon Community is organising the Céilidh because
a- they want to raise money
Look at the second part of the poster.
What does The Simon Community want?
6- They want 1 million people to donate £1 each.
Why do they want this money?
7- They want to buy a house for homeless people.

A « quid » est une expression argotique pour désigner une livre (£1).
Comment pourrait-on expliquer « Quids In » en français ?
a) Donnez une livre
Regarde l’expression “Fundraising Appeal”
Le mot « appeal » vient du français « appel ». Le mot « fundraising » est un mot composé.
Tu as déjà vu le verbe « raise ». Tu sais que les organisations caritatives ont toujours besoin
d’argent. Comment pourrait-on alors dire « fundraising » en français ?
La collecte de fonds

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Step 4
Exercise 9
What do they want? Write complete sentences:
Séquence 4 c

1- The Simon Community wants people to come to the Céilidh.

2- The Simon Community doesn’t want homeless people to feel isolated.

3- The Simon Community wants everybody to have a home.

Séance 4

Step 5
Look at the three men. Do you think they are in a hot country or a cold country?

A hot country

Look at their hands. Is anything unusual?

They are wearing gloves.

Look at the logo on the right? There are two flags. What countries do they represent?

a- Ireland

b- South Africa

On which continent is a) Europe

On which continent is b) Africa

What else do you see on the logo? (Que d’autre vois-tu sur le logo)

a) a house b) a trowel (une truelle) (Tu peux répondre en français)

What’s the connection between a trowel (une truelle) and a house? (Tu peux répondre en français)

A trowel is a tool used in building (la truelle est un outil utilisé dans la construction/le

Now look at the men again. Look at their clothes again.

What do you think they are doing?

They are building a house/they are working in construction.

Look at the writing in green. One word explains the Niall Mellon Township Trust?

Complete: The Niall Mellon Township Trust is a charity.

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Step 6
Exercise 10






Exercise 11
Complete this summary:

The Niall Mellon Township Trust is a charity which builds homes for poor (impoverished)
families in South African townships.

Step 7
Qui, penses-tu, as rédigé ce texte ? The Niall Mellon Township Trust

Comment le sais-tu ? À cause de l’utilisation des mots « our » et « we ».

Regarde les deux dernières lignes. Tu peux t’appuyer sur les mots transparents pour
comprendre le sens.

L’auteur mentionne quatre groupes de personnes. Qui sont-ils ?

a- les bénévoles de l’association (« our volunteers »)

b- le public (“the general public”)

c- le gouvernement irlandais

d- le gouvernement sud-africain

Il les mentionne pour (entoure la bonne réponse).

b- les remercier

Est-ce que les deux dernières lignes du texte te permettent de savoir pourquoi il y a deux
drapeaux sur le logo du Niall Mellon Township Trust?


L’autre logo, à gauche, représente, à ton avis : (entoure la bonne réponse)

b- une société qui soutient le Niall Mellon Township Trust.

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Step 8
Séance 5

Look at the document below and then follow the instructions. (Regarde le document ci-dessous
Séquence 4 c

puis suis les consignes)

1- This document is a) a newspaper article
b) an advertisement (une publicité)
2- It’s addressed to a) people in South African townships
b) people in Ireland
Now complete:
3- The document was published by The Niall Mellon Township Trust.
4- The Trust needs 1,000 volunteers.
5- The volunteers have to do two things:
a) raise money
b) go to South Africa.

Step 9
Afin de comprendre le détail du texte il faut s ‘appuyer sur le contexte et observer la
composition des mots. Tu as déjà vu comment exploiter les préfixes et les suffixes.
Regarde maintenant ce groupe nominal :
a rewarding life changing experience.
Souligne le nom d’abord. experience
Il est précédé de deux adjectifs : « rewarding » et « life changing ». Life changing est composé
de deux mots. Peux-tu donner la définition :
A life changing experience is an experience that changes your life.
Regarde maintenant “rewarding”. Si tu enlèves le “ing” tu trouves un mot que tu as
certainement vu dans des BD ou dans des westerns, associé à un chiffre, une photo d’un
criminel et le mot « wanted » !
Dans ce contexte, quel mot en français correspond le mieux à « rewarding » ?
a) récompensée
b) rémunératrice
c) enrichissante

6- In the text which English word corresponds to

a) un voyage : a journey
7- What are the three advantages of becoming a volunteer
a) you can meet new people
b) you can learn new skills
c) you can see how your work makes a difference

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 65
c Séquence 4

If you are a volunteer how does your work make a difference (look at the slogan!)
Because you can give people a home/ Because you can give a child a home

Exercise 12
What exactly does The Niall Mellon Township Trust need?
Write 4 sentences and use these words.
1- It needs people to help.
2- It needs people to go to South Africa.
3- It needs volunteers to raise money.
4- It needs volunteers to build houses in townships.

Séance 6

Step 10

Good morning, you’ve been a volunteer with the Niall Mellon Trust, isn’t that right?
Tom: Yes, indeed, I have.
Journalist: So when did you go to South Africa?
Tom: Well, actually, I‘ve been to South Africa twice with the Trust. I went to South Africa last
year and the year before that.
Journalist: And what exactly did you do in South Africa?
Tom: I built houses in a township. Well, actually, I was a painter; I painted the houses when
they were finished.
Journalist: How long did you stay each time?
Tom: I stayed for one week each time.
Journalist: Did you enjoy the experience?
Tom: Oh yes, I did. It was very rewarding but it was quite tiring.
Journalist: What was your reaction when you first arrived in the township?
Tom: I was shocked by the poverty. The people are really poor. They have no beds and they
sleep on the floor. They have no running water. Some people have absolutely nothing.
Journalist: Did you have to raise money to go to South Africa?
Tom: Oh absolutely, yes, I did.
Journalist: How did you raise money?
Tom: Well, we baked cakes and sold them, we collected money on the street.....we did lots of
different things.
Journalist: Well thank you very much; it’s been nice talking to you.

66 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
You are going to hear a journalist asking a volunteer for the Niall Mellon Township Trust some
Imagine three questions the journalist could ask.
Réponses possibles :
Séquence 4 c

1- When did you go to South Africa?

2- Why did you go?
3- What did you do there?
Listen to the interview and see if you were right.
1- Number of times in South Africa? Twice (two times)
2- Last time in South Africa? Last year
3- What he did in South Africa:
a- He built houses.
b- He painted houses.
4- How long he stayed: One week (each time)
5- His experience was rewarding but tiring.
6- His first reaction: he was shocked (by the poverty).
The people are really poor.
They have no beds, no running water.
They sleep on the floor.
Tom says he has been to South Africa twice. Twice [twa¡s] is another way to say two times.
Do you know another way to say one time? Well done, it’s “once” [w^ns]. Do you remember
how many fairy tales begin?
Once upon a time.

Séance 7

Step 11
Part 1
What have the three documents in common? There are three elements in the answer.
(Qu’est-ce qu’il y a de commun entre les trois documents. Il y a trois éléments dans la réponse)
They are newspaper articles.
They concern schools.
They concern charities/fund-raising....

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 67
c Séquence 4

Part 2
Complete the table

Name of school
Newtown School
Amount raised
Easter egg raffles,
(tombolas), donations
and proceeds (recette)
Charity helped
Charity devoted to
providing disabled
people with trained dogs.
from a Christmas disco.
Daytown Junior $300 Cake sales Famine Watch (for
High School victims of famine in
Mountown School £1120 a lunchtime concert a a charity which helps
20km sponsored walk autistic children and a
charity which supports
homeless people.
One of these articles comes from Ireland, one from the United States and one from Great
Britain. Can you decide the origin of each one. You have to be a detective and look for clues!
(Il faut chercher les indices!)
School Country Clue(s)
Newtown School Great Britain £2000 (pounds)
Daytown Junior High School The USA $300 (dollars)
Mountown School Ireland €1120 (euros)

Step 12
Thomas: Have you seen this? “Pupils have raised £2000 for charity”. We should raise money
for charity in our school.
Sean : Yeah, you’re right. Got any idea about what we could do?
Lucy: Well, how about organizing a cake sale?
Thomas: That’s boring, everybody does that. We need to do something original, something
that’s different.
Sean: We could do a sponsored run, couldn’t we?
Lucy: What do you mean?
Sean: Well we all run 10 km and we find people to pay us 10 pounds for every km we run.
Lucy: I’m not so keen on that. I’m no good at running.
Thomas: What about having a mufti day?
Sean: What’s that?
Thomas: Well we ask the Head for permission not to wear uniforms to school, just for one
day. If you don’t want to wear a uniform on Mufti day you don’t have to but you do have to
pay £1 to charity.
Lucy: Cool!
Sean: That’s a really good idea. Let’s go to see the Head now!
All: Ok, let’s go!

68 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
Now listen to these students discussing the articles.

1- The pupils want to raise money for charity in their school.

2- Three different activities are mentioned. What are they?
a) A cake sale
Séquence 4 c

b) A sponsored run
c) A Mufti day
3- Which activity is chosen by the pupils? c) A Mufti day
4- Which activities are eliminated?
a) A cake sale
b) A sponsored run
5- Why?
a) It’s boring, (not original).
b) Lucy is no good at running.
6- Explain Mufti Day: The students don’t have to wear uniforms on Mufti day. If they don’t
wear uniforms they have to pay £ 1 to charity.

As-tu remarqué comment les élèves ont fait des propositions :

How about organising a cake sale?

What about having a Mufti day?

We could do a sponsored run.

Let’s go to see the Head now.

Exercise 13

Imagine you are talking to these pupils. The Head refused to allow them to organise a Mufti
Day. Suggest four more possible activities to these pupils. Use a different expression each time.

You can imagine a fundraising activity or choose an activity from the ideas box.

Réponses possibles.

How about organising a sports day?

What about having a fancy dress party?

We could have a street collection.

Let’s organise a sponsored swim/a sponsored walk...

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 69
c Séquence 4

j e m’évalue
Séance 8

Exercise 1
Complete the following sentences:
1- An organisation that helps people in difficulty is called a charity.
2- Somebody who helps but is not paid is a volunteer.
3- A person who has no home is homeless.
4- Poor cities in South Africa are also called townships.
5- You can say people in difficulty or people in need.
6- Charities have to raise money for their activities.
7- A person who has no job is jobless.
8- Some charities build (provide) houses for people in poor countries.

Exercise 2
a) Circle the prefix or the suffix of each word. (entoure le préfixe ou le suffixe de chaque mot).
b) Then find a word from the list which has a similar meaning. (Ensuite, dans l’encadré,
trouve un mot, ou un groupe de mots, ayant le même sens)
1- timeless - eternal
2- unusual - strange
3- unwell - ill
4- penniless - very poor
5- unpleasant - horrible
6- unclear - confusing
7- uninterested - bored
8- priceless - very expensive

Exercise 3
Use these words to make full sentences:
1- Charities need volunteers to help raise money.
2- The RSPCA (SPA) doesn’t want people to be cruel to animals.
3- The Simon Community wants people to come to a Céilidh.
4- The Niall Mellon Trust needs people to go to South Africa.

Exercise 4
1- What about helping The Niall Mellon Township Trust?
2- How about organising a disco?
3- Let’s help people in need!
4- We could collect money for charity.

70 — © Cned, Anglais 4e

Séance 1
Séquence 5 c

Step 1
Exercise 1

Syllabe accentuée : pu  computer

Voyelle réduite: ‘o’

Le son de la voyelle soulignée se retrouve dans ‘you’.

Step 2
Diphtongue Voyelle simple courte Voyelle simple allongée

Drive Unit Screen

cable printer keyboard
unit hard
mouse speaker
micro drive

Exercise 2

Quand une voyelle est suivie d’une consonne et d’une autre voyelle, elle entraîne généralement

une diphtongue.

Quand une voyelle est suivie d’une consonne finale, ou de 2 consonnes, elle entraîne

généralement une voyelle simple.

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 71
c Séquence 5

Step 3
Exercise 3
When you want to print your work on paper, you need a printer.
If you want to listen to music or any other sound, you need internal or external speakers.
Put you hands on the keyboard and start typing you message!
How could you click without a mouse?
With a USB drive, or microdrive, you can take your work anywhere with you, in your pocket.
There are also external hard drives, with bigger capacities. They can store hundreds of
With a laptop computer, when the battery runs out, you need an external power unit to
finish your work.
Thanks to the DVD Rom drive, you can rent a movie and watch it on your computer screen.
If you need external electrical power, you also need cables!

Speaker Screen

Printer Power unit Cable

DVD Rom drive USB (micro) drive Mouse

External hard drive Keyboard

72 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
Exercise 4
External hard drive
USB drive
Séquence 5 c

$2.55 USB cable

$19.95 Keyboard for desktop computers
$533.32 Desktop computer
$700.99 Laptop computer
$59.00 Power unit
$213.39 Screen
$50.89 DVD Rom drive for desktop computers

Séance 2

Step 4
Susan: Oh, no ! Dammit ! Not today!
Ethan: What’s wrong, Mom?
Susan: I think my computer has crashed!
Ethan: Don’t worry. Just switch it off, wait a couple of minutes, and then switch it back on…
Susan: I’ve tried that, forget it!
Ethan: Are you getting any error messages on the screen?
Susan: No. The screen has gone blank.
Ethan: Have you checked the power unit?
Susan: Yes. It’s switched on.
Ethan: Have you checked all of the cables?
Susan: I have. Everything is in place. But my internet connection is disabled, and there’s a
strange noise coming out of the speakers.
Ethan: So you do have a problem, I guess.
Susan: I know. Do you think I’ve lost all my files?
Ethan: Maybe. That will depend if your hard drive is dead or not. Don’t you have any backup
Susan: No. I never make backups.
Ethan: Oh, Mom…you should be more careful!
Susan: I know, but I keep forgetting that computers aren’t reliable machines.
Ethan: Well, they are…to some extent. But you know about viruses, hackers and stuff like
that, don’t you?
Susan: Of course, but I’ve never had any problems with viruses so far.
Ethan: Well, maybe you’re having some, right now.
Susan: What can I do? I’ve got a lot of urgent work today, and I can’t do it. Besides I can’t.

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 73
c Séquence 5

send or receive e-mail. How can I keep in touch with my office?

Ethan: Why don’t you phone them or text them, and tell them you PC is out?
Susan: Good Idea.
Ethan: Then we’ll try and find a solution.

Element Checked
Power Unit  On 
Blank  (no picture,
Screen  OK  Error message
no message)
Cables  Connected  Disconnected  Short circuit 
Speakers  OK  No sound  Strange noise 
 On  Off  Disabled 
Files and  OK  Backup copies  Destroyed 

Step 5
Phrases obtenues à l’aide des flèches et du tableau :
Susan can’t keep in touch with her office.
The screen has gone blank.
She should be more careful.
Susan has switched off her PC and switched it back on.
She hasn’t made backup copies.
She has checked the cables.
She can’t send / receive e-mail.
Susan has lost her files and documents.

Quand on dit :
My PC has crashed. On emploie le present perfect
Have you checked the cables?
I haven’t made backup copies.
Sais-tu exactement à quel moment le PC de Susan est tombé en panne ?
Pour comprendre sa situation, est-il important de savoir exactement à quel moment, à quelle heure la
panne est survenue ?
Non, cela n’a pas vraiment d’importance.
 Qu’à cause de la panne de son PC elle ne puisse pas faire son travail urgent aujourd’hui

Exercise 5
Can I use your laptop for an hour or two? That’s because my PC has crashed.
I don’t know what document you’re talking about. I’ve lost all my files!
There is some light in Mr Dude’s office. I think he hasn’t switched off his computer.

74 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
Exercise 6
Hi, Eddie. This is Susan.
I’m sorry I can’t send or receive e-mail today. My PC has crashed. I’ve checked the power unit
and the cables. They’re OK, but the screen has gone blank. I’ve lost my files because I haven’t
made any backup copies!
Séquence 5 c

See you tomorrow at the office.

Séance 3

Step 7
Anticipation :
Regarde l’illustration et l’attitude du personnage. Essaie de déduire en français le sens du titre
Peur des ordinateurs / de l’informatique
Donc, à ton avis de quel genre de problèmes et de situations va parler le texte ?
Des personnes qui ont peur de l’informatique et des problèmes qu’elles rencontrent.
Des origines de cette peur.
Comment la surmonter.
Lis le texte une première fois et note ci-dessous les expressions rencontrées (parfois à plusieurs reprises) qui
confirment ta première idée.

computers feel very uncomfortable nausea

palpitations unable to speak scared afraid
worry a lot reassure solution stay away from
suffering feeling better

Step 8
Object people are afraid of: Computers
Age group(s) concerned: Older people
Also young or middle-aged adults
Usual symptoms: Nausea, palpitations, dry mouth, inability
to speak or think clearly
Why they’re afraid: They do not understand computers
Examples: They worry about their privacy
They’re afraid of hackers and viruses
Their strategy to feel more comfortable They don’t use PCs and stay away from

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 75
c Séquence 5

Real solutions to feel better Take computing lessons

Install a firewall
Protect their data with a password
Install antivirus software

Exercise 7
To store Protection from hackers
Firewall To make additional copies
Password Software
To backup Files
Computer program To memorize on a drive
Documents Secret code

Exercise 8
Ex: My father / work for IBM / 1991
My father has worked for IBM since 1991.
I / have / this computer / 2 years / and it’s very easy to use.
I have had this computer for 2 years and it’s very easy to use.
He / work as a software analyst / 2002.
He has worked as a software analyst since 2002
She / be afraid of computers/ last year when her PC exploded.
She has been afraid of computers since last year when her PC exploded.

Step 10
They’re afraid of getting a virus.
They worry about losing their computer’s stored information.
Par quoi pourrait-on remplacer les formes en -ING ? Coche les éléments appropriés :
They’re afraid of ….  hackers. (Nom)
 them (Pronom)
They worry about…  it (pronom)
 a new virus (Nom ou groupe nominal)
La forme Base Verbale+ing (they’re afraid of getting a virus) peut occuper dans la phrase la
place d’un nom, d’un pronom ou d’un groupe nominal.

Exercise 9
Mom, you shouldn’t be afraid of using your computer.
You should take a few precautions, that’s all.
Computers are not dangerous, so you shouldn’t stay away from them.
If you think you don’t understand how computers work,
You should take computing lessons.
If you’re afraid of losing personal data,
76 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
You should install a firewall / make backup copies
If you’re afraid of getting a virus,
You should install antivirus software.
Computers are cool!
Love, Katie.
Séquence 5 c

Séance 4

Step 11
Salesman : Hello. How can I help you?
Susan: Well... I think I need some advice. It’s about my computer.
Salesman: Ok. What’s wrong with it?
Susan: It has crashed, and I can’t use it at the moment.
Salesman: When did it happen?
Susan: It happened this morning. I switched it on and the screen went blank. My son tried to fix it but…
Salesman: How old is your computer?
Susan: I don’t know exactly. I’ve had it for 3 or 4 years, I guess.
Salesman: Well, if you want my opinion, it’s no use trying to fix it.
Susan: How’s that?
Salesman: Fixing it would cost you more money than buying a new one.
Susan: Really?
Salesman: Absolutely. Look, this week you can get 20% off laptops and 10% off desktops.
Susan: Sounds interesting!
Salesman: So, what’s it going to be? A desktop?
Susan: I travel sometimes, on business. So I think a laptop would be better.
Salesman: Well, we’ve got this model. Technically, it’s excellent. It comes with all the latest, state-of-the
art technologies: 600 Gigabyte hard drive capacity, Wifi, Bluetooth, a built-in webcam, 4 USB sockets,
DVD Rom drive…
Susan: Ok, Ok. I’m not sure I’ve understood anything, but I trust you.
Salesman: And if you buy today, our package will include a free USB drive and a printer!
Susan: And how much is all this state-of-the-art technology going to cost me?
Salesman: $800.99, madam.
Susan: Hey! That’s not cheap!
Salesman: I can assure you it’s a real bargain!
Susan: Ok, Ok. Here’s my credit card.
Salesman: Thank you! You won’t regret it!
© Cned, Anglais 4e — 77
c Séquence 5

De quoi s’agit-il ?
Il s’agit d’une remise de 10 % sur les PC portables
Say Hello to the customer
Offer your help
 OK
 OK
Ask what’s wrong with the customer’s PC  OK
Ask how old the computer is  OK
If PC > 3 years old  OK
Say : ‘Sorry, we can’t fix your PC’  OK
Show our new models  OK
Ask: ‘Desktop or laptop?’  OK
Inform the customer of our prices Speak of our special offers  OK
Sell one of our new PCs  OK
Say ‘thank you’ and ‘good bye’  OK

Exercise 10

Type : Laptop  Desktop 

Wifi : yes  no 
Bluetooth: yes  no 
Hard drive capacity : 600 Gigabytes
Webcam: yes  no  -> External  Built-in 
Number of USB sockets: 4
DVD Rom drive: yes  no 
Special offer for today’s buyers:
Free USB drive and printer included!
Total price: $ 800.99

Step 12
Situation présente et ses causes Informations sur événements passés
My computer has crashed When did it happen?
I can’t use it It happened this morning
I switched it on
The screen went blank
My son tried to fix it

78 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
Exercise 11
Hi everyone,
I’ve bought a new computer! So now I can send and receive e-mails again!
I went to the PC clinic this afternoon and they said my PC was too old to be fixed. It’s
probably true because I have had it for 4 years!
Séquence 5 c

So I got 20% off one of their new laptops and I got / had a free printer and a free USB drive!
Of course now I must learn how to use my new computer, and you know I’m not very
comfortable with these machines. Katie even thinks I suffer from cyberphobia!
See you soon!

Séance 5

Step 13
Susan: Hi everyone! Look what I’ve just bought!
Katie: You’ve bought a new computer?
Susan: Yes, a laptop. And I got a free printer too!
Ethan: Oops…Mom, didn’t you get my message? I left it on your voice mail at 4’o clock!
Susan: What message?
Ethan: I suppose you forgot to switch your cell phone on, as usual…
Susan: Oops…You’re right. I turned it off before entering the store, and I didn’t switch it back
on. Look. It’s still off!
Katie: Mom! You’re always forgetting things!
Susan: I know, I know. I’m sorry. But what was your message about, Ethan?
Ethan: I’ve fixed your computer!
Susan: Really? But you said you couldn’t fix it yourself…
Katie: That’s true, but he got a little help from me!
Ethan: Yeah. I must admit Katie was really helpful.
Katie: It took us some time, but we eventually found out what was wrong.
Susan: Was it a virus?
Ethan: Not exactly. Just a few bugs to fix on the hard drive…
Katie: We solved the problem quite easily.
Susan: Wow! I’m proud of you, kiddos!
Ethan: But what are you going to do with the new laptop? Return it to the store?
Susan: Nope. I’m going to keep it!
Katie: Why? Your computer is fixed. It works, no kidding!
Susan: I know. But now my old computer is all yours.
Ethan: Are you serious?
Susan: Dead serious. That’s to thank you for fixing it for me!

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 79
c Séquence 5

Katie: Wow! That’s cool! Now I’ve got my own PC!

Ethan: Hey, wait a minute! Don’t forget the PC is also mine. You must share it with me!

John: Hi everyone! Hey, what’s all this noise? You sound excited!

Katie, Ethan: Hi, Dad! You know what? Mom has given us her computer!


Voici une liste des éléments que tu peux repérer à l’écoute, parce que ces mots te sont familiers
et / ou parce qu’ils ont déjà été employés dans les leçons précédentes.

Look new computer message at 4’o clock

forgot to switch on phone always forgetting sorry
fixed your computer got help from me
Was it a virus? Not exactly bugs hard drive
what are you going to do new laptop keep it
my old computer is yours serious? To thank you
cool Don’t forget PC mine excited Hi, Dad

Si tu n’as pas obtenu une liste aussi complète, ne te décourage pas. On peut comprendre
l’essentiel du dialogue avec des notes plus limitées.

80 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
Step 14
Exercise 12
Situation dans le sketch Simple past Pr. perfect Vérification
Séquence 5 c

Susan arrive à la maison X Look what I’ve just

et les enfants découvrent bought!
qu’elle a acheté un
You’ve bought a new
nouveau PC.
Les enfants lui X I’ve fixed your
annoncent que le vieux computer!
PC fonctionne, qu’ils
l’ont réparé eux-mêmes
Ils décrivent point X He got a little help
par point les étapes from me.
successives de la We eventually
réparation qu’ils ont found out what was
effectuée dans l’après- wrong.
midi. We solved the
problem quite easily.
Ethan dit qu’il a essayé X Didn’t you get my
de joindre sa mère vers message? I left it on
16h. your voice mail at
4’o clock!
Susan dit qu’elle a X I turned it off before
éteint son téléphone au entering the store,
moment d’entrer dans le and I didn’t switch it
magasin. back on.
Les enfants sont fiers X Hi, Dad! You
d’annoncer à leur père know what? Mom
que Susan leur a donné has given us her
son ancien ordinateur. computer!

Step 15
Exercise 13

Scene A Scene B
Katie: Katie:
‘My Mom is 38. She’s tall and beautiful. ‘Oh, no! Not again!
She works a lot and she always has many Mom, I left a message on your phone, but
things to do at the same time. you didn’t get it, as usual. Why did you
Because she’s so busy, she often forgets buy a cell phone if you never use it?
to do important things, and she always You’re always forgetting to switch it on!
forgets to switch on her phone when You’re always forgetting things!
she’s not in her office. Perhaps you shouldn’t work so much!’
But she never forgets to call home when
she knows she’s going to be late.”

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 81
c Séquence 5

Quand l’énonciateur utilise le présent simple c’est pour parler de quelqu’un ou quelque chose
sans donner son point de vue.
Mais quand l’énonciateur choisit d’utiliser le présent Be+ING c’est qu’il n’est pas indifférent à
la situation. Il a un point de vue (pas forcément négatif) et choisit de ne pas rester neutre, de
montrer ses sentiments.

Exercise 14
Mom! Ethan is always playing with the computer!
He has protected the PC with a password!
He refuses / has refused to give me his password!
As-tu bien imité l’intonation ?

Séance 6

Step 16
Exercise 15
To enable To switch on
Password Personal secret code
Settings Parameters
To disable To switch off
To log in To connect to a website
Account Personal, individualized access to a website
User Person who connects to a website
Screenshot 1

Welcome to Cyber-me !
First time users (C) Create an account Registered users: Search
(B) Login page
(A) Account settings

Screenshot 2

Computer settings What is Cyber-me?(D) What’s new on Cyber-me? Leave Cyber-me (E)

Screenshot 3

Computer settings (F) What is Cyber-me? What’s new on Cyber-me? Leave Cyber-me

82 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
PC status:
You have switched your PC’s microphone on.
You switched your webcam on.
You have installed instant message software.
You have enabled 3D graphics.
Séquence 5 c

Accept new Restore old

settings (H) settings (G)

Step 17
First name: Ethan
Last name: Cameron (Tout nom de famille est accepté)
Age: 14 (or 15)
e-mail address (À toi d’inventer un e-mail)
e-mail confirmation: idem
Choose a user name: KingEthan
User name confirmation: KingEthan
Choose a password. You password must be at least 8 characters long and must not include
punctuation signs.
Enter password: ET09NY
Re-enter password: ET09NY (MDP trop court)
Sorry! The password you have chosen is not valid!
Enter password EthanNY.09
Re-enter password EthanNY.09
Sorry! This is not a valid password!
Réponse correcte:
Enter password: 0Eth09anNY
Re-enter password: 0Eth09anNY (correct : + de 8 caractères et pas de ponctuation)

Exercise 16
Résultat dans le présent et récapitulatif
des actions d’Ethan, donc PRESENT PERFECT
Dear ‘KingEthan’

You have (just) created your Cyber-me account, and you have set your PC so that you can now
send instant messages, use your webcam and your microphone and enjoy 3D animations!
Please remember that you will need your user name and your password when you log in and
when you need to update your account settings and personal information.
Thank you for joining us. We hope you will enjoy using our website.

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Step 18
Alors, que fait-elle ? Elle espionne Ethan.
Séance 7

Step 19
Ethan : Hi, Kevin.
Kevin : Hi, Ethan. What’s up?
Ethan: I’ve just created my Cyberlife account!
Kevin: Hey, that’s cool. Have you created your avatar yet?
Ethan: Not yet. I was too busy yesterday. But I think I’ll work on it when I’m back home after school.
Kevin: Does your sister know about that?
Ethan: No, she doesn’t. And I want to keep it a secret as long as possible. I don’t want her to make fun
of me the way she always does…
Kevin: I see. And what ‘s your avatar going to look like?
Ethan: Dunno. Haven’t thought about it yet.
Kevin: Do you want it to look just like you, like a…cyber…twin or something?
Ethan: Nope. I don’t want it to look ordinary. I want it to be mysterious and good-looking. Some kind
of superhero. I want him to look fearless and powerful.
Kevin: Sounds cool. Would you like me to help you?
Ethan: Why not. Are you good at designing avatars?
Kevin; Not bad, I can tell you that. I’ve designed mine, and a few others. I’ve helped a few friends
design theirs. I can show you some of them now. I’ve got some pictures. Just wait a sec…look.
Ethan: Hey…what are these things?
Kevin: Well…there’s alligator, a scary headless horse rider, a…
Ethan: Oh, man…I can’t believe you designed this stuff!
Kevin: Amazing, isn’t it? So, what do you think?
Ethan: Yuk! This is ugly! I think you and your friends are crazy!
Kevin: Wait…don’t you like this red-eyed vampire? And have you seen this monstrous spider?
Ethan: Thanks, but no thanks. I’ve seen enough. I’ll tell you what. I’ll design my avatar myself.
Kevin: Will you let me see it?
Ethan: Of course. I’ll show you a picture as soon as it’s ready.

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Done / ready
just created
Not done yet Projects for today
work on avatar after school
Design avatar himself
Séquence 5 c


Monstrous Powerful


Fearless Ugly


Exercise 17

Let’s recap:

Ethan wants his avatar to be good-looking, powerful and fearless.

He doesn’t want it to be ugly and scary.

So in fact, he doesn’t want Kevin to help him!

But Kevin would like Ethan to show him a photo when his avatar is ready.

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Step 20
If Ethan’s avatar is fearless and powerful...
(Tick each possible answer)
It is strong and has a lot of power [X]
It has no fear [X]

Exercise 18
A person who can help you a lot is helpful.
A person who has no home is homeless.
When there is no hope, the situation is hopeless.
A story that means a lot to you is meaningful.

Exercise 19
Ethan: “When I’m back home, I’ll have a snack and I’ll do my homework. As soon as I finish
my homework, I’ll switch on my PC and check my e-mail. Then I’ll work on my avatar.
If my avatar is ready, I’ll send a message to my friends / send my friends a message”.
Tu as bien noté ?
When, as soon as et if ne sont pas suivis de will lorsqu’ils évoquent une condition à remplir.
Will (ou sa forme contractée ‘ll’) se trouve uniquement dans la proposition principale (celle
qui peut fonctionner seule).

Séance 8

Exercise 1

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Exercise 2
If you’re afraid of using a computer, you should take computing classes.
And if you’re afraid of losing your data / personal files, you should install antivirus software.
Séquence 5 c

Exercise 3
Have you checked the power unit?
Have you switched it off and turned it back on?
Has the screen gone blank?
Have you made backup copies?

Exercise 4
People who suffer from cyberphobia are afraid of using computers. Whenever they need or try
to use a PC they suffer from nausea, heart palpitation and get into a panic.
It often happens to older people, but it can also happen to young adults and middle-aged
They are afraid of hackers and viruses, because they’re afraid of losing personal information.

Exercise 5
Useful verbs: Create / start / be
Look! Ethan has created his avatar!
I didn’t know he had his own computer. When did he buy it?
He didn’t buy it. His mother gave him her old PC.
When did he start working on his avatar?
I’m not sure. I think he has been a Cyber-me member for 4 or 5 days now. That’s all I know.

Exercise 6
She’s always spying on me! She can’t keep anything secret!
She’s constantly making fun of me! She likes making me look stupid!

Exercise 7
When I’m back home, I’ll do my homework.
As soon as my homework is done, I’ll play a videogame.
When Mom is back, I’ll tell her about Katie spying on me.
As soon as I’m ready, I’ll switch on my PC and connect to Cyber-me.

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Séance 1

Step 1
Teacher: I’ve got good news for you, guys!
Kevin: Really? What news? Not test tomorrow?
Teacher: No, not this kind of news, Kevin. There is a test tomorrow!
Ethan: So, what is it, then?
Teacher: Do you remember the project I told you about, two weeks ago?
Ethan: Finding French students to chat with?
Teacher: Exactly. Well, a school in Burgundy – I’ll show you on the map – has just answered
our e-mail! I found it this morning.
Ethan: Cool! But how old are the students?
Teacher: Well, they’re in middle school, just like you. 12 to 16, I guess. So you’ll probably have
a lot to talk about!
Ethan: So we’re going to send and receive text messages?
Teacher: Of course, but not only that. We’ll also be using our webcams, headphones and all.
Kevin: Will there be girls to chat with?
Mike: Ha, ha! Come on, Kev! Do you think they’ll still want to chat when they see your face?
Kevin: Hey, what’s wrong with my face!? Looks as good as yours!
Teacher: Quiet, guys! Stop it or you won’t be chatting with anyone!
Kevin: Sorry, sir.
Mike: Sorry. Won’t happen again, sir.
Teacher: It’d better not!
Ethan: And when do we start?
Teacher: Well, their teacher, monsieur Martin, said they were very impatient. He asked me if we
were ready and if we could start next week!
Ethan: I can’t wait!
Teacher: But I must ask you to do some research work before we get started.
Kevin: Research work?
Teacher: To make sure you know a few things about France and French people.
Kevin: What for?
Teacher: I don’t want my students to look like a bunch of ignorant fools, that’s all!
Voici un exemple de prise de notes et de mise en relation des informations obtenues.
Ne t’inquiète pas si tu n’as pas noté autant d’informations :

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Next week
Séquence 6 c

Project French students

A lot Teacher To chat send

How old ? receive


12 to 16 Monsieur Martin

to talk about

answered e-mail

Exercises 1 and 2

Project nb 2 Solution to
Next week exercise 2
Chat using
Once a week
Middle school
12 to 16

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Step 2
C’est la situation 2 !
Le message part de Monsieur Martin et transite par Mr Atkins avant de parvenir à Ethan.

Exercise 3
Mr Atkins ne fait que leur raconter une partie de son échange de mails avec M. Martin.

Exercise 4
Dans la phrase étudiée, Monsieur Martin s’adresse à Ethan et à sa classe :
 Indirectement. Il s’est d’abord adressé à Mr Atkins, qui a transmis le message plus tard à ses

Exercise 5

Direct Indirect
Mr Atkins said he had good news. X
Kevin asked: ‘Will there be girls to chat with?’ X
Mr Atkins asked Ethan if he was interested. X
Mike said: ‘Sorry. It won’t happen again’. X

Exercise 6

Dear Mr Atkins,
My students love English, and they are very interested in American history.
My students are very impatient.
Can we start next week?

Séance 2

Step 3




Most spoken languages in the USA

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Séquence 6 c


Most studied languages in the USA today

Most studied language in the 1980s: French
But since the late 1980s, Spanish has been the most studied language in the USA.
U.S. States where French is the 2nd spoken language:
Louisiana, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont
Number of Americans with French ancestors: 13 million
Number of Americans speaking French in everyday life: 1.6 million

Most students are French

Some (of them) are American

A few come from all over the


Origin of FASNY students

Step 4
Exercise 7

People who speak Spanish usually show an interest in Latin America.

Only the students who work hard can learn Chinese.

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Step 5
Exercise 8
Voici un exemple de ce que l’on peut proposer pour cet exercice :
French is the fourth spoken language in the USA today. That is perhaps because 13 million
Americans believe they have French ancestors. There are 1.6 million people who speak French
in their everyday life. Most of them live in Louisiana, Maine, New Hampshire or Vermont.
French was very popular in schools and universities in the 1980s. Since then, Spanish has been the
most studied language. But French remains today the second most studied language in America.
We have French-American schools in the USA. For example, the École Franco-Américaine de
New York, where most students are French, and some are American.

Séance 3
Step 6
John: So, tell me Ethan, did Mr Atkins like your presentation?
Ethan: Well, I think he did.
John: Did you get a good grade?
Ethan: Yep! I got an ‘A’
John: Well done, son! I’m proud of you! But tell me more…what did Mr Atkins say, exactly?
Did he congratulate you on your research work?
Ethan: Well, I can’t remember everything, but he said it was great work. He also said it was
always a good idea to use a slideshow.
John: Do all students your age know how to create a computer-generated presentation?
Ethan: I think they do know how this stuff works, but Mr Atkins said only a few students in our
school could do it that well.
Door opening & closing. Katie and Susan coming home
John: Hey, Susan, Katie, come over here.
Susan: Just a sec. We’re taking our raincoats off. What’s up?
Ethan: You know what Mom? I got an ‘A’ from Mr Atkins!
Katie: You? An ‘A’? Are you kidding? There must be some mistake!
Susan: Katie, please. Let him speak!
Ethan: Mr Atkins said I was an excellent student!
Katie: Yeah, right…
John: Stop it, Katie. You’re not the only one getting good grades here…
Katie: I know, dad. I was just teasing him…
Susan: I guess you’ve learned a lot of things thanks to this presentation, haven’t you?
Ethan: Yep. I’ve learned that American people and French people do have a lot in common.
John: Absolutely! They have a common history to begin with.
Katie: A common history? How’s that?
Ethan: Why don’t you go look it up on the Internet? You might learn a few things!

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Anticipation d’après l’image.
Tu avais la possibilité de formuler ton hypothèse en français, comme suit :
Ethan rentre du collège avec une bonne note (A). Son père est surpris. Il le félicite. Ils discutent
de cette note et des appréciations du professeur. Ethan est-il un génie ?
Séquence 6 c

Une liste d’expressions pour anticiper le dialogue :

Back from school.
A good grade (U.S.) / A good mark (U.K.)
Teacher  Happy
Congratulations! Well done!
Good work! Great work!
I’m proud (of you)!

Step 7
if A good idea do it that well
it was it was an excellent student
only a few students could my first slideshow
I was to create a digital slideshow

Step 8
Exercise 9
Mr Atkins said:
“It’s a good idea to create a digital slideshow.”
“Only a few students can do it that well”
“Is it your first slideshow?” “You’re an excellent student”

Exercise 10
You know what? My brother thinks he’s a genius.
This morning he did a presentation for Mr. Atkins.
Mr Atkins congratulated him on his work.
He said Ethan was an excellent student.
Then he said it was a very good idea to create a digital slideshow.
He also said only a few students could do it that well.
And he asked Ethan if it was his first slideshow.
Can you imagine this? My brother, a genius?
How ridiculous!

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Step 10
Séance 4

Origins or causes Situation or event consequences

Britain + France 7 years’ War in America France lost war
= rivals Britain = dominant colonial
power in America
= colonial powers
War cost Britain a lot
at war
A common enemy: Britain French-American friendship French idealists supported
rebellion Military aid from
Heavy taxes Rebellion France sent guns and
British tyranny
American victory Freedom Declaration of Independence
British troops left Peace treaty with Britain

Exercise 11

Which two empires were at war between 1753 and 1760?

The British Empire and the French Empire.

Which empire won the war?

The British Empire.

After the war, what was life like in the 13 colonies?

Life was hard under British tyranny. Britain imposed heavy taxes on the American colonists.

Did the people in the colonies accept the situation?

No, they didn’t. There was a rebellion in 1775.

How did France help Americans?

France sent them guns and uniforms, and supported the rebellion.

When was America officially declared a free country?

On July 4th 1776.

When did the war of independence officially end?

In 1783, with the Treaty of Paris.

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Exercise 12

Séquence 6 c

3 S E V E N
4 T H I R T E E N
5 C O L O N I S T S
6 P A R L I A M E N T
7 G U N S
8 B R I T I S H
9 P O W E R
10 F R E N C H

Séance 5

Step 11
Teacher: Well done, Katie! Congratulations. You’ve found all the answers!
Katie: Thank you, sir. Does this mean I can chat with the French students?
Teacher: Well, what did I say last week?
Katie: Er…you said if we got all the answers right, we would participate in the exchange…
Teacher: Quite right! So, yes, you’ll be allowed to chat with the French kids!
Katie: Wow! I’m so happy! When do we start?
Teacher: Tomorrow, I guess. But in the meantime, I’d like to talk about your quiz some more.
Katie: Why? Is anything wrong?
Teacher: No. I told you it was perfect. But I’d like to see how much you know about Mr George
Washington, whose name you found in the crossword puzzle.
Katie: Well…I know he was the first American president…
Teacher: Of course, but what else do you know?
Katie: If I remember well, he was the commander of our army – I mean the Americans who rebelled
against the King of England…
Teacher: Absolutely. He was one of the bravest and most intelligent people ever born in America.
Katie: And…I’m not sure, but…I think he did it for free…
Teacher: What do you mean, exactly?
Katie: I think he said he only wanted to serve his country, and that he wouldn’t take any pay for his

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Teacher: Exactly! And when did he become our first president?

Katie: Er…I’m afraid I can’t remember..1788?
Teacher: No. He officially became president on April 30, 1789! He was 57. And he served two
mandates, which means he was president for 8 years.
Computer beeping
Katie: Sir, did you hear that?
Teacher: What?
Katie: A beep or something…
Teacher: Hey! It’s the computer. A message from France!
Voici une liste de mots auxquels tu as peut-être pensé :
Well done, Katie!
Good job!
The quiz was difficult, but you did well!
I’m proud of you.

Exercise 13
 Did very well at the quiz.
 Got all the answers right.
What did Katie’s teacher say last week?
 ‘If you get all the answers right, you’ll participate in the exchange’

Step 12
Job / position he held His age when he began
before becoming his presidential
president: mandate:
Commander of the 57
American army

Why the American people How long he served as

chose him: president:
He was one of the bravest 8 years
and most intelligent men
in America

Exercise 14
George Washington began his mandate as American president in 1789. The American people
chose him because they said he was the best man they could choose. They said he was brave
and honest, and they decided they wanted him for president. They also thought he knew
American people very well, but they wondered / asked themselves if he would accept the
office of president.

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c Séquence 7

Step 1
Séquence 7
Séance 1

Step 2
• Is playing
Katie • • wants to use the computer
• first refuses to stop playing
• has been playing for 2 hours
• finally agrees to stop playing
• needs the PC to go online
• also needs to go online
Ethan • • will use the PC
• Will sit and watch
Script :
Katie: Ethan? Can I use the computer?
Ethan: Not now. I’m playing a game on Cyber-me.
Katie: Again? But it’s 6 o’clock! You’ve been playing for 2 hours! I need the computer now!
Ethan: What do you need it for?
Katie: I need to go online. I want to learn a few more things about life in France.
Ethan: Like what?
Katie: I don’t know. Stuff I could chat about tomorrow.
Ethan: And who are you going to chat with?
Katie: Are you stupid or something? The French students, who else?

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Ethan: Tomorrow? Oops…I forgot!
Katie: How could you forget?
Ethan: Dunno. It just slipped my mind…
Katie: Perhaps you spend too much time on Cyber-me, don’t you think?
Ethan: There you go again. You sound like Mom!
Séquence 7 c

Katie: You know I’m right, Ethan. And so is Mom.

Ethan: Ok, Ok. I give in. Just give me a sec and the PC will be all yours.
Katie: At last!
Ethan: But…can I ask you a favour?
Katie: Go ahead…
Ethan: Can I stay here and sit next to you while you go online?
Katie: What for?
Ethan: Well, I want to have something to chat about too.
Katie: OK. Anything special you’ll be looking for?
Ethan: I don’t know.
Katie: Neither do I. But I’m sure we’ll find something.
Ethan: I hope so. I don’t want to make a fool of myself when I get to talk to a French girl…
Katie: But you’re always making a fool of yourself, Ethan. Every time you talk to a girl, she
walks away. Ha, ha!
Ethan: Hey, that’s not true! You don’t know what you’re talking about!
Katie: Take it easy! I was just teasing you, as usual!

Exercise 1
They need to go online to learn things about life in France.
Because they need something to chat about with the French students.

Exercise 2
I’m going to chat with French students.
We’re going to talk about life in France, I suppose.

Step 3
Would, could, talk, walk.
Le point commun entre ces mots, à l’oral, est la consonne ‘L’ muette.
Si tu n’es pas convaincu, réécoute la prononciation de ces mots, et entraîne-toi à les répéter.

Step 4
You’ve been playing for 2 hours!
Cette forme est celle...

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c Séquence 7

[X] du present perfect

Quels éléments t’ont mis sur la voie (forme du verbe, auxiliaires / opérateurs... ?)
Opérateur Have au présent, Be au participe passé.
Lorsque Katie prononce cette phrase, dans quel état d’esprit est elle ?
Elle s’impatiente, donc elle est un peu en colère.
Tu as déjà rencontré une forme en ING dans un contexte où tu ne l’attendais pas (séquence 5).
Te souviens-tu de sa valeur ?
Prise de position de l’énonciateur, point de vue particulier et commentaire personnel sur les
La construction ‘You’ve played for 2 hours’ serait tout à fait possible ici. Pourquoi Katie a-t-elle
ajouté -ING ?
La construction ‘You’ve played for 2 hours’ ne ferait qu’un constat, un bilan neutre des
évènements. La forme –ING montre que Katie n’est pas indifférente à cette situation, et qu’elle
compte bien dire ce qu’elle en pense.

Exercise 4
You’ve been searching online for half an hour / 30 minutes, and you haven’t found anything!

Exercise 5
What are you waiting for?
What do you want to talk about?
You’ve been hesitating for 10 minutes!
Who do you want to chat with? A boy or a girl?

Séance 2

Step 5
The Mayflower :
Voici quelques exemples des questions que tu pouvais te poser :
What place / Where did the journey start?
What was the passengers’ destination?
How many people were on board?
Who were the passengers?
Where did they come from?
Why did they leave their country?
How long did the journey take?
Did the Mayflower reach its destination?
When did the journey end?
Was it a difficult journey?
Souviens-toi : ‘Journey’ est un faux ami. Il désigne un voyage, un trajet, en général assez long.

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Exercise 6
Ship’s name: The Mayflower
Number of passengers:102
Departure from: Plymouth, England date: September 6th, 1620
Séquence 7 c

Destination: America (Plymouth, New England)

Oui, tu as bien compris. Ils ont quitté Plymouth en Angleterre pour rejoindre Plymouth, une
colonie du même nom, mais en Amérique, dans une région baptisée ‘New England’.
Number of days at sea : 66
Stop at: Cape Cod date: November 11th 1620
Causes: Bad weather (storms, hurricanes)
Delay: 6 months
Journey ended in March 1621

Exercise 7

In order to

realize their dream,

Had to

in order to
leave the European continent.
the Pilgrims had to


Exercise 8
‘We know life will be hard, but we do not / don’t mind’
Obligation, contrainte imposée : have to
But, objectif à atteindre : in order to

Exercise 9
In order to start a new life in America, the Pilgrims had to abandon everything they had in
Europe. Most of them left their countries (England and Holland) in order to escape religious
They knew the journey would be long and uncomfortable, but they didn’t mind.
The Pilgrims thought it would be a 66-day journey, but because of storms and hurricanes, the
Mayflower had to stop near Cape Cod in order to spend the winter. That’s why its passengers
had to spend several months on board.
The Pilgrims knew they had to be patient. And in the spring of 1621, they finally reached the
American colony of Plymouth, where their new life would begin!

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c Séquence 7

Step 9
Séance 3

Exercise 10
1- An adjective referring to a person who • • Whereas
talks a lot
2- A word used to express difference and • • Pen friend
3- Very similar • • Talkative
4- A friend (usually in a foreign country) you • • Spell
exchange messages with, in order to learn
their language
5- Enumerate the letters of a word • • Alike

Exercise 11

Step 10
Exercise 12
Name Marine
Age 12
Personality Curious and talkative
Favourite activities Chatting online, reading, sports (tennis)
Sister’s name Daphnée
Katie : Hi, Dad!
John : Hi, Kiddie ! Did you have a nice day?
Katie: Yep. School was OK, and, you know what?
John: No... what’s up?
Katie: I’ve got a French pen pal – and maybe two!
John: Is this part of your teacher’s exchange project?
Katie: It is, yes.
John: So, where is the girl from?

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Katie: She’s from Burgundy. Have you ever heard about this place?
John: Burgundy? I sure know this name! They make excellent wine there. Well… anyway…
how old is your pen pal?
Katie: She’s…er…they’re 12.
John: They? Why did you say ‘They’?
Séquence 7 c

Katie: My pen friend’s name is Marine – That’s M.A.R.I.N.E, but she’s got a twin sister.
John: A twin sister?
Katie: Yes. Her name is Daphnée, and she wants to be my pen pal too!
John: Daphnée? That’s cute. It’s also an English name. How do you spell it?
Katie: Well, just as in English, basically. But in French there is another possible spelling, with
double ‘e’. And that’s how she spells it: D.A.P.H.N.E.E
John: I see. Twins…that’s nice. And do they really look alike? Have you seen photos?
Katie: Well, Marine is tall and slim, and so is Daphnée. They both have brown eyes. But they
aren’t identical. Daphnée has short hair whereas Marine has long hair.
John: Do they have similar personalities?
Katie: It depends, I suppose. But they say they’re both curious and very talkative.
John: And so are you!
Katie: If you say so…And they both like chatting online, reading and sports. Marine likes
tennis whereas Daphnée prefers roller-skating.
John: And so do you! I’m sure the three of you will get along well!
Katie: Yes. That’s why I’m so happy to chat with them!

Exercise 13
Marine Daphnée
X Tall X
X Brown eyes X
Short hair X
X Long hair
X Talkative X
X Likes sport X
Likes roller-skating X
X Likes Tennis
X Likes chatting online X

Step 11
Marine is tall. So is Daphnée.
They both have brown eyes.
Marine likes tennis, whereas Daphnée prefers roller-skating.
Marine and Daphnée are curious and talkative. So is Katie!
Fais bien attention à l’ordre des mots :
So + be / have / modal (may, must, can...) + Nom

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Exercise 14
Hi, this is Katie. I’m going to tell you a few things about me and my brother Ethan.
We live in New york, and we both go to T. Jefferson Middle school. I’m in grade 7 whereas
Ethan is in grade 9. I hate maths. So does Ethan.
I have blond hair whereas Ethan has brown hair. We both have brown eyes.
I like reading and playing tennis. I also like roller-skating, and so does Ethan.

Séance 4

Step 13
Voici un exemple de fiche de recherche que tu pouvais proposer :

Born on: (date)

Job before becoming President:
President from....to.....(dates)
Ideas on America:
Beliefs, opinions:
What he is remembered for / Why he is still so popular today:
Died on: (date)

Step 14
Exercise 15
Les 4 mots sont :
Constitution Declaration Revolution Rebellion
Entraîne-toi à nouveau à prononcer ces mots. C’est en répétant que tu vas acquérir de bons
réflexes à l’oral.

Exercise 16
Voici une suggestion d’organisation de brouillon. Tu remarques que les petits mots courants,
les verbes faciles à manipuler et les sujets « évidents » (he...) ne sont pas écrits. Tu sais qu’ils
sont indispensables, mais comme ils ne constituent pas de difficultés, c’est à toi de les placer
au bon endroit, au moment de prendre la parole. C’est également à ce moment que tu
choisiras les mots de liaison courants (because, but, that’s why, then...).
Cette technique te permet de prendre la parole de manière efficace et authentique, sans être
dépendant de tes notes !
Brouillon :
Thomas Jefferson third American president
Age of Enlightenment a diplomat, a scientist and a philosopher who had friends in
Founding Fathers Wrote Declaration of Independence Constitution

 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
sûr qu’une possibilité parmi d’autres.

Thomas Jefferson, the third American president wasn’t only a diplomat. Like many other
men during the Age of Enlightenment, he was also a scientist and a philosopher who had
friends in France.
Séquence 7

Voici maintenant un exemple de ce que tu pouvais dire lors de ta prise de parole. Ce n’est bien

He and other Founding Fathers wrote the Declaration of Independence and, later, the
American Constitution.

Séance 5

Step 15
Ici, il s’agissait de répondre en fonction de ton intuition, et en utilisant ta logique pour déduire
des interprétations d’après le contexte.

Ne t’inquiète pas si certaines de tes réponses ne correspondent pas au corrigé. Réagir face à
une œuvre d’art est une démarche personnelle, et chacun interprète le tableau selon sa propre

[X] The man dressed in red, in the middle

[X] A scientist

The situation we have here is a scientist making / showing / carrying out an experiment on a

- The painter played with the contrast between light and darkness in order to convey an
impression of...

[X] Mystery

Tu pouvais également répondre :

[X] Tension

[X] Secrecy

- The painter placed the scientist and his equipment in the middle of the picture in order

[X] Make us understand he’s the most important character in the scene

[X] Draw our attention to the experiment

Méthodologie :
[X] présent be + -ing

Le petit mot est : back

Donc pour parler de l’arrière-plan, tu utiliseras l’expression :

In the background.

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c Séquence 7

Step 16
Exercise 17
Voici une suggestion pour ton intervention orale. Tu vois que si tu utilises des expressions
que tu connais, adaptées au contexte et à ce que tu as envie de dire, et que tu les relies entre
elles grâce à des mots outils qui te sont familiers, tu peux construire un discours simple et
authentique, sans passer par le français et donc, sans tomber dans le piège de la traduction et
du mot à mot !
Look !....
The scientist is showing these people a new experiment. The man on the left looks fascinated.
He’s looking at the experiment very carefully, whereas the young couple on the left are
indifferent or uninterested, I think.
The little girl on the right looks scared! She’s crying!
The man next to the scientist is probably the girl’s father. I suppose he’s trying to reassure her
and her sister.
The man on the right, in the foreground, is watching very carefully. He’s probably very
interested and maybe a little scared, too!

Exercise 18
First • • the bird had no air to breathe, and
passed out
Then • • the spectators thought the bird had died
After that • • the scientist pumped the air out of the
Finally • • the scientist pumped some air back into
the machine
As a result • • the bird came back to life
Script :
Mr Atkins : And now, guys, I want you to look at this picture carefully.
Ethan: Wow! I like the atmosphere in it. Full of mystery…
Mr Atkins: Very good, Ethan. Any comments on the date?
Ethan: Er…1768. It was painted during the Age of Enlightenment, right?
Mr Atkins: Exactly! What we have here is a scientific experiment. Do you understand what is
going on in the picture?
Ethan: There’s a bird in the …machine…the air pump…
Mr Atkins: That’s right. What’s happening to the bird?
Ethan: The scientist might have…pumped the air out of the machine…
Mr Atkins: Yes. What happened next?
Ethan: The bird might have passed out because there was no air.
Mr Atkins: OK, go on. What about the spectators’ reactions?
Kevin: Some look scared. Others look fascinated.
Mr Atkins: Why do they look fascinated? Because the bird is dead?
Kevin: I’m not sure.
Mike: Me neither.

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scientist pumped the air back into the machine, and the bird came back to life.
Mr Atkins: Yes, you got it right! It was an amazing experiment. This picture is very symbolic of
the Age of Enlightenment. Scientific progress, exploration, invention…
I think this is the kind of experiment Mr Thomas Jefferson liked.
Mr Atkins: You’re probably right about that. This picture represents the spirit of the 18th
Séquence 7

I think I know, sir. They thought the bird had died, but it only passed out. Then the

century- an age of discovery and conquest. That was the spirit of America’s
founding fathers! They were curious, fearless and determined!

Exercise 19
[X] The bird became unconscious

Exercise 20
Mr Atkins asked his students to choose one of the characters in the picture and to imagine
what they are saying or thinking. Listen to those imaginary words, and find out which
character is supposed to be speaking.

Script :
Number 1 (boy’s voice) This thing he’s doing is not natural. I’m scared and I’d better close the
window and pull the curtain. I don’t want anybody outside to see this.
Number 2 (man’s voice) The bird was dead. Now it’s come back to life! This is fascinating.
Science has become so powerful these days! Could this be dangerous?
Number 3 (Young woman’s voice) Those experiments aren’t my cup of tea. Look at them:
they’re all fascinated. I must say I’d prefer to spend a romantic evening by the fireplace with
you, my dear.
Number 4 (man’s voice) Don’t worry, girl. This extraordinary scientist knows what he’s doing!
Look! Don’t cry. The bird’s not dead. It lives! This is the power of science!
Number 5 (man’s voice) And now, ladies and gentlemen, watch this! The air is pumped back
into the machine, and the bird can breathe again. It’s back to life. This is not a miracle, just a
successful experiment! I’ll try to explain how it works.

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c Séquence 8

Step 1
Séquence 8
Séance 1

Katie is not in school today

She has a fever
a headache
Her computer is switched off
Ethan is back from school
He looks happy

Step 2
Voici une liste des expressions que tu pouvais reconnaître.
Ne te décourage pas si ta liste personnelle n’est pas aussi complète.

back from school didn’t have breakfast
better terrible headache
checked e- mail not today
read your mail first A surprise?
surprise jokes
switch on your PC a message form my penfriend
read the message sister is too cool
French students are coming
See Marine and her sister

Exercise 1
ETHAN has incredible news for Katie.
wants Katie to check her e-mail.
tells her to switch on her PC
KATIE doesn’t want to look at the screen. It would hurt.
thinks it’s a joke.
finally agrees to check her messages.

12 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
What does Katie discover when she reads her messages?
She discovers she has a message from her French pen friend. The French kids are coming to
New York.
Script :
Ethan: Hi, Katie. I’m back from school. Are you feeling better?
Séquence 8 c

Katie: A little. But I didn’t have breakfast this morning, and I still have a fever and a terrible
Ethan: Well, sorry to hear that. Have you checked your e-mail?
Katie: Why? No, not today. I was too sick, and with my headache I didn’t feel like reading
messages on a screen.
Ethan: Of course, of course...
Katie: Ethan, what are you up to? Is there something I should know about?
Ethan: Well…yes, there is!
Katie: Why don’t you tell me about it, then?
Ethan: I could do that, but I think it would be even better if you read your mail first.
Katie: I told you it would hurt my eyes to look at a screen.
Ethan: Not if there’s a surprise waiting for you!
Katie: A surprise?
Ethan: Yes. All I can tell you is you really should switch on your PC. You won’t regret it!
Katie: All right, all right. But if it’s one of your silly jokes…
Computer beeps
Ethan: I can promise you it’s not!
Katie: Ok. Just a second…(keyboard sounds)
Ethan: When you read the message, you won’t believe your eyes…
Katie: There’s a message from my penfriend Marine and her sister Daphnée…
Ethan: Well, read it, then.
Katie: Hey, wait a minute! Is this really what I think it is?
Ethan: Yep. No doubt about it!
Katie: Wow! Can’t believe it! This is too cool! The French students are coming to see us here
in New York!
Ethan: Absolutely!
Katie (very excited now): I’ll get to see Marine and her sister. The real thing, not just online!
This is just fantastic! Yessssss!
Ethan: Ok, ok. Let’s calm down a little. And…by the way, how’s your head, now? Still aching?
Katie: What? What headache? I don’t know what you’re talking about!?
Ethan: Pffffff. Girls….

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c Séquence 8

Exercise 2

What are you up to?

I don’t feel like it.

• You’ll be very surprised
• It’s authentic
You won’t believe your eyes. • • I don’t want to do it at the moment
This is the real thing. • • Don’t get too excited
Let’s calm down! • • Do you have a secret plan?

Exercise 3
L’exercice n’était pas difficile. Une fois que tu avais bien compris ce que disait Susan, il
suffisait de ré-employer les expressions vues précédemment dans la séance.
Ethan, wake up! Breakfast is ready.
Oh, Mom. I don’t want to have breakfast.
Really? But you must eat something before going to school!
I don’t feel like it / I don’t feel like eating anything.
What’s wrong?
I feel sick this morning, and I think I have a fever.
Where does it hurt?
My head hurts / I have a terrible headache.
Ok, I think I’ll call the doctor!

Séance 2

Step 3
Qui a écrit le courrier ?
M. Martin le professeur des élèves français.
Qui en est destinataire ?
Mr Atkins, le professeur d’Ethan et Katie.
S’agit-il d’un courrier [] officiel (administration, affaires...) ?
[X] professionnel (d’un collègue à un autre...)
[] Personnel (famille, amis...)
Quel est l’objet (le but) de ce courrier ?
Annoncer une nouvelle inattendue (venue des collégiens français à New York)
Qu’attend-on du destinataire ?
Qu’il contacte les familles de ses élèves à New York pour savoir s’il est possible d’héberger
les collégiens français.

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Exercise 4
we have found a way to raise money for our school exchange project
some of our students will be able to spend a week in New York!
we never planned on carrying out our project this far
Séquence 8 c

4 there will be 23 of us in total

5 our budget will not allow us to stay at a hotel
6 We’re wondering if your students’ families could accommodate us
7 Could you ask them on our behalf?

Exercise 5
A place to sleep / A hotel room... To accommodate
It’s too expensive for us... We can’t afford it
They’ll be capable of... could
We’re asking ourselves if... We’re wondering

Exercise 6
Thanks to money they made with the lottery, the French students will be able to discover
New York!
But staying at a hotel would be too expensive. They couldn’t afford it.
That’s why M. Martin is wondering if the American families can accommodate the French

Exercise 7
Toutes les expressions en gras ci-dessous ont été prélevées dans la lettre de M. Martin, et
adaptées au contexte de la lettre de Mr Atkins. Ceci montre bien qu’on ne part jamais de
rien quand on s’exprime à l’oral ou à l’écrit, et qu’on a souvent à portée de main les outils
Cette méthode te permettra souvent de réaliser efficacement des tâches assez complexes en
Dear parents,
I am your child’s 8th grade teacher.
I am happy to announce that’ our students’ French pen friend will be able to spend a week
here in New York.
Mr Martin, their teacher, says they can buy plane tickets, but they can’t afford to stay at a
I am wondering if your family could accommodate a French student from May 10th to May
Mr Martin is looking forward to your reply, and so am I.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me at 123-456-7890 ext. 674 or fdatkins@tjeffersonschool.
wi.us if
you have any questions or concerns.
Mr Atkins

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c Séquence 8

Step 5
The American families...
Séance 3

[X] have agreed to accommodate them

Mr Burden, the maths teacher...
[X] is very unpopular
Script :
Mr Atkins: Well, guys, first I would like to thank you and your parents for accepting
M. Martin’s proposal. He’ll be delighted to learn that all his students will have
host families in New York!
Ethan: Will they be with us all the time?
Mr Atkins: Well, they’ll be with you in the evening, at the weekend…
Kevin: Sir, what will they do while we have class?
Mr Atkins: I suppose they’ll be with you.
Kevin: Even during maths lessons?
Mr Atkins: That too, I guess.
Ethan: How boring! And I’m sure Mr Burden, the maths teacher, will make them do
exercises. He’ll force them to take a test, and he’ll have them clean the classroom
if they don’t get the answers right! And he won’t let us talk to them! We can’t let
that happen! We must find a way to skip maths classes!
Mr Atkins: Ha, ha! I see your point, Ethan. So you’ll have to find something to do with them,
outside the school, in order to stay away from your maths teacher, right?
Ethan: That is…if it’s ok with you, sir.
Mr Atkins: Don’t worry. I’m not going to tell Mr Burden about your poor opinion of his
Kevin: So we must find places to take them, for a visit.
Mr Atkins: Exactly. Any suggestions?
Ethan: MoMa?
Kevin: What?
Ethan: The Museum of Modern Arts. Lots of cool things to see.
Mr Atkins: Good idea, Ethan. Besides, it’s free for New York City public school students.
Kevin: We could take them to Central Park?
Mr Atkins: Not a bad idea, but I guess you can take them there with your family, when you’re
not in school…
Ethan: What about a musical on Broadway?
Mr Atkins: Maybe. But it can be expensive. I don’t think they can afford it.
Ethan: And I wonder if they’d be interested in visiting the New York City Police Museum…
Mr Atkins: I think they might like that too.
Kevin: And what about Yankee Stadium?

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You’ll have to check with their information office.

So what do we do, sir?

Mr Atkins: I’ll tell you what. I’ll let you choose. But I want you to get more details about the
various visits you’ve mentioned. Then I want you to come up with arguments for
Séquence 8

Mr Atkins: Pretty interesting, if you want my opinion! I know there are free visits sometimes.

and against each visit.

Kevin: There he goes again! Homework, as usual!

Exercise 8

During class? They’ll have the same classes as their American pen friends
After class? They’ll stay with their pen friends and their families
At the weekend? They’ll stay with their pen friends and their families

Step 6
Exercise 9
Ethan wants to spend some time out of school

with the French students in order to skip maths lessons

for be present during

Exercise 10
If the French kids skip their maths lessons,

the teacher will

Exercise 11
We can’t let that happen!

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c Séquence 8

Exercise 12

Central park
Yes No
Teacher’s comments
Not a bad idea. But you can take the
French kids there with your families,
when not in school.
A musical on Broadway X Too expensive.
New York City Police X The French kids might like that
Museum of Modern X Good idea. It’s free (for NYC public
Art school students)
Yankee Stadium X Interesting. There are free visits
sometimes. Check with information
Exercise 13
Voici un exemple de ce que tu pouvais dire à propos du professeur de mathématiques
d’Ethan :
Oh, Mom, I hate Mr Burden, our maths teacher!
This morning he had us do 30 exercises!
He’s crazy!
He forces us to learn everything by heart.
He never lets us go to the toilet.
If we talk to our neighbour, he makes us clean the classroom!

Séance 4

Step 7
What do the letters NYPD stand for?
They stand for / mean: New York Police Department
How long ago was NYPD created?
It was created 3 centuries ago.
What object can you find above the door of every police precinct in the USA?
There are always green lights outside their doors.
NYPD patrol officers are called • • Brass
Their superiors are called • • Cops
Who is Mc Gruff?
Mc Gruff is a police dog and the Police Museum guide for children.
What is Mc Gruff going to teach you?
[X] How to travel safely on a school bus
[X] How to use the subway safely
[X] That the Internet can be dangerous

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What are kids allowed to do at the museum?

[X] Take a mug shot of their friends

[X] Test out police sirens

[X] Get behind the bars of a jail cell

Séquence 8 c

How long ago did officers use the radio equipment shown at the museum?

30 or 40 years ago.

Script :

The letters NYPD mean New York Police Department.

The Police Museum presents the history and traditions of the largest police force in the
country and its role in the history of New York City. Thanks to our permanent exhibitions,
visitors can discover the impact of the NYPD over the last three centuries.

They will learn why police precincts around the nation are marked with green lights outside
their doors, why patrolling officers are called “cops,” and why their superiors are called

Meet Mc Gruff, the Crime Dog at the Police Museum for an afternoon of back-to-school
safety. Children will learn how to travel safely on a school bus or on the subway. Mc Gruff, the
police dog will also tell kids about internet safety and awareness.

Visitors will also have the extraordinary opportunity to discover a piece of New York City’s
history when the Police Museum displays classic patrol cars used by New York’s Finest – the
other name given to NYPD officers. Also on display will be the original and replica cars
from famous crime-fighting television series. The show takes place right outside the historic

Visitors can improve their observation and memory skills as they find evidence and solve a
crime. This program is about the type of work the NYPD detectives do every day, and gives
visitors the opportunity to use some of the skills used by real police investigators. Be prepared
to become a super detective!

Kids always find something cool to do at The New York City Police Museum. They are allowed
to test out the sirens used in an NYPD patrol car, take their friend’s “mug shot” in a police
line-up and see what life is like behind the bars in a real jail cell.

Visitors can see radio equipment that was used 30 or 40 years ago by police officers, and hear
live NYPD radio communications.

Step 8
Exercise 14
Il aurait également pu dire :

‘I did it easily’ Attention à la modification de l’orthographe ! Y -> i

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c Séquence 8

Exercise 15

Kids are allowed to...

- Take mug shots of their friends
- Test out police sirens
- Get behind the bars of a jail cell
- See patrol cars
- Do what real detectives do
- See the cars used in famous TV series

Voici un exemple de ce que tu pouvais dire :

If we visit the museum, we’ll see the cars used in famous TV series. I’m sure the French
kids will love that.
I’m convinced that they’ll be happy to make mug shots of their friends, and there’s no
doubt that they’ll love doing what detectives do.
And let me tell you that they’ll enjoy testing out police sirens!

Séance 5

Step 9
Voici un exemple de liste que tu aurais pu obtenir. Évidemment, il y a bien d’autres
possibilités :

nervous meet impatient check out airport passengers wait arrive

time late train subway tickets baggage / luggage
suitcases station hurry welcome

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Step 10
Teacher in charge: Mr Atkins
Meeting point:

Place Time People present

Séquence 8 c

Outside T. Jefferson School (Tomorrow)4:30 pm Mr Atkins+ his students

Means of transportation: subway (underground / metro)


Place Time Objective People present

Airport 5:30 pm Pick up French Mr Atkins + his
Students students French
Students +
M. Martin
Documents teacher in charge will be carrying:

Absolutely necessary Useful in case of an emergency

Phone numbers (American families) School’s French teacher’s number
official documents
Teacher in charge’s instructions and recommendations to students:
You are to meet me outside the school tomorrow at 4:30.
You mustn’t bring any bags with you.
You are not to shout or do anything stupid at the airport.
Script :
Kevin: What’s wrong, Mr Atkins? You look nervous.
Mr Atkins: No…it’s nothing Kevin. Well… it’s true I may be a little nervous today.
Kevin: Why? Is it because of our latest test results?
Mr Atkins: Not at all. It’s just that the French students will be here with us tomorrow.
Kevin: That’s cool, don’t you think?
Mr Atkins: You’re right, but…I don’t know what I should say when I meet them at the airport.
Ethan: Why don’t you just say ‘hello’?
Mr Atkins: Very funny, Ethan. No, I was thinking of something a little more…formal.
Ethan: Formal? Why would you need to be formal? You know them. We’ve chatted with
them for hours!
Mr Atkins: I know. But tomorrow is going to be different. I’ll be representing our school. This
is quite a responsibility, Ethan.
Kevin: Come on, sir. It’s no big deal! Nothing wrong can happen! You worry too much!
Mr Atkins: And we’ll have to make sure we arrive on time. We are to pick them up at the
airport at 5:30 p.m. It’ll be rush hour! What if our train is delayed? The subway
will be crowded! All those people everywhere…
Ethan: Take it easy, sir. We’ll leave early, so we won’t be in a rush.

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Mr Atkins: Of course we will. But still…I have this strange feeling…Something might go

Impossible. You’ve checked and double-checked everything. You’ve got our subway
tickets, our parents’ phone numbers, the French teacher’s number, just in case
there’s a problem. Besides, you’ve got all the school’s official documents.
Mr Atkins: All right, all right. But let me repeat my instructions one more time.
Kevin (in a low voice). Oh, no! Not again! We’ve been through this a dozen times!
Mr Atkins: Guys, I need your attention. Remember: You are to meet me outside the school
tomorrow at 4:30. You mustn’t be late! Don’t bring any bags with you, because
you are to help the French students carry their baggage, so you’ll need both hands.
Remember that you are not to shout or do anything stupid once we’re at
the airport. You might get into serious trouble with the security officers. And
remember you are to be polite and very nice and…
(bell ringing)
Kevin: Er…Mr Atkins… sorry to interrupt, but…today’s class is over, I’m afraid!

Exercise 17
Voici une formulation possible :
Note bien la manière dont les modaux will et might sont utilisés.
It will be rush hour, so the subway will be crowded, and the train might be late.

Exercise 18
Remember we are to meet Mr Atkins outside the school tomorrow at 4:30.
You mustn’t be late, because the subway will be crowded.
Remember you are not to bring a bag with you because we might need to help the French
students with their baggage.
We mustn’t shout or do anything stupid when we’re at the airport.

22 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
Step 1
Séquence 9
Séance 1
Séquence 9

c c

You are going to listen to a dialogue. Look at the pictures below and tick the words that you
expect to hear.
Answer (words heard): music festival carnival band competition steel
Listen again. Circle the places and seas that you hear mentioned:
London Dublin Kingston Britain Ireland Jamaica
Trinidad Tobago India Pakistan The West Indies
The Atlantic The Pacific The Caribbean
Then, with the help of your notes, try to complete the table.

City: London
Event: The Notting Hill Carnival
People you hear: Laura, Daniel and Winston
Winston’s origins: from Trinidad
It’s an island in The Caribbean
Daniel’s mistake: he confuses India and The West Indies
Famous explorer mentioned: Christopher Columbus
Reason for the name “The West Indies”: When the explorer reached the Caribbean, he
thought he was in India.
The Panorama is a competition for steel bands.
Daniel’s impression of the music: It’s brilliant

Script :
Laura: Well, Daniel, here we are. The Notting Hill Carnival. The best music festival in
London. Do you like the music?
Daniel: Wow, it’s fantastic! The music is great.
Laura: It is, isn’t it ? They have this competition every year and steel bands from all over
Britain compete against each other. The competition is called the Panorama. The
winners are called the Champions of Steel.
Daniel: there are so many people too. The atmosphere is fantastic!
Laura: Well, West Indians from all over Britain come to London for the carnival. Some
groups even come from the West Indies.
Daniel: But the people don’t look Indian!
Laura: Not Indian, Daniel. West Indian! The West Indies. You know, Trinidad and Tobago,
Daniel: But they’re islands in the Caribbean! Why are they called the West Indies?
Laura: Well, Columbus of course. When Christopher Columbus arrived in the Caribbean he
thought he had reached India. So that’s why they are called the West Indies.
Daniel: Ok, now I understand.

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c Séquence 9

Laura: Oh look, there’s my friend Winston. He’s from Trinidad. It’s an island in the
Caribbean. Let’s go and say hello.

Hi Winston, This is my cousin Daniel. He’s from Ireland, he’s on holidays here at the moment.

Winston: Hi Daniel. Enjoying the music?

Daniel: Hi! Yes, it’s brilliant.

Winston: Well, why don’t you come with me to our concert tomorrow. I play in a steel band.

Daniel: I’d love to!

Séance 2

Step 2
Listen to the conversation and take notes.

practices every night (in his garage)
practices with the band once a week during the year
practices with the band twice a week during the summer
started when was six
has been playing for 9 years
His parents emigrated from Trinidad to England

Script :

Winston: Hi Daniel, did you enjoy the concert?

Daniel: Absolutely brilliant. The music is amazing. You must really practice a lot.

Winston: Well I play at home in my garage every night.

Daniel: How often do you practice together?

Winston: Once a week during the year and twice a week during the summer to prepare for the
carnival and the panorama.

Daniel: How long have you been playing?

Winston: Since I was six, so that’s 8, no 9 years. I’ ve been playing for 9 years.

Daniel: How did you get interested in this music?

Winston: Well my parents emigrated from Trinidad to England. Lots of people from the West
Indies did. So I grew up listening to steel bands. Hey want to try?

Daniel: Well ok....but I’m not very good at music.

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Step 4
Séance 3 c
Séquence 9 c

Look at this quiz and see what you know about Jamaica:

1- Which of these musicians was not born in Jamaica?

a) Bob Marley b) Sean Paul c) Michael Jackson
2- Which sport is Jamaica not famous for
a) rugby b) cricket c) athletics
3- Which Jamaican athlete won the 100m and 200m at the Olympic Games in 2008?
Usain Bolt
4- The capital of Jamaica is called
a) Kingston b) Trenchtown c) King’s Town
5- The official language of Jamaica is
a) French b) English c) Jamaican
6- Which flag is the Jamaican flag?

8- Who was the first European to discover Jamaica?
a) James Cook b) Christopher Columbus c) Ferdinand Magellan
9- Many African slaves were transported to Jamaica to work on the
a) sugar plantations b) coffee plantations c) tobacco plantations
10- Jamaica’s Head of State is
a) a president b) a king c) Queen Elizabeth II

Step 5
Exercise 1

Complete these sentences by giving examples. Look at the text again to help you!

Many sports are played in Jamaica such as football, cricket and athletics.

Many different kinds styles of music originated in Jamaica such as reggae, ragga and ska.

The British imported workers into Jamaica from many different places such as Africa, India
and China.

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c Séquence 9

Step 6
Séance 4

The problem is that Winston is having a lot of difficulty organising his report. Can you help
him? Look at the different categories below and complete the categories with his notes.

Introduction History Political status Sport, Music,

(statut politique) Famous people
Full name, The Discovered by Independent country Music: famous for
Republic of Trinidad Christopher 1962 Political status: steel band s and
and Tobago Columbus, 1498 republic. Head of calypso. Famous
2 islands, north-east British captured state: president Trinidadians: VS
of Venezuela Trinidad, 18th Official language: Naipaul (writer) Brian
century. British English. Other Lara (cricket star)
imported slaves. languages: Trinidad
Slavery abolished: Creole, Hindi.
India, China, Capital: Port of
Portugal. Spain.

Step 7
The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago

The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago is composed of two islands in the Caribbean, located
north east of Venezuela.
Trinidad was discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1498. The British captured Trinidad
in the 18th century and important slaves to work on the plantations. When slavery was
abolished they imported workers from India, China and Portugal.
Trinidad became an independent country in 1962 with a president as head of state. The
official language of Trinidad is English but Creole and Hindi are also spoken. The capital is
Port of Spain.
Trinidad is famous for music, including steel bands and calypso. The writer, V.S Naipaul, and
the cricket star, Brian Lara, are famous Trinidadians.

Séance 5

Step 8
Who is this the flag of? Pirates.
That’s why the flag is called “ the skull and crossbones” (complete the sentence).
Does this flag remind you of a film trilogy? If it does, what’s the name of the trilogy?
Pirates of the Caribbean.
What’s the name of the star of these films? Johnny Depp.
Now, name two islands in the Caribbean:
a) Jamaica b) Trinidad (autres possibilités Martinique, Guadeloupe....)

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Step 9
1- Find these words in the text:
a) a fight between two countries: a war
b) a man (or a woman) who works on a ship: a sailor
Séquence 9 c

c) if you don’t want people to see you, you hide

d) the collective word for all the people who work on a ship: the crew
e) another word for scared: frightened
f) another word for capitulate: surrender
2- Now complete this table:

Date of the start of the Golden Age of Piracy: about 1680

Reasons for this Golden Age: a) many sailors were jobless and became
b) no real government in the Caribbean
c) there were lots of places to hide
Reason for flying the Jolly Roger: to frighten ships
Two famous pirates: a) Calico Jack
b) Blackbeard
Date of the end of the Golden Age: 1730
Reason: a greater British naval presence in the West

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c Séquence 10

Step 1
Séquence 10
Séance 1

Exercise 1

hardly ever

Exercise 2
(every) once in a while une fois de temps en temps
every day/week/month tous les jours/toutes les semaines/mois
every other day/week un jour sur deux/une semaine sur deux
once a week/month/year une fois par semaine/mois/an
twice a year/day deux fois par an/jour

Exercise 3
Exemples de phrases possibles :
1- I seldom/rarely/never eat snails.
2- I am always/often at home when my grandma calls.
(Attention ! L’adverbe de fréquence se place après BE !)
3- I usually/often eat breakfast at 7 a.m.
4- I hardly ever go to the zoo (I’m too old for that!).
5- I often/sometimes go to the movies.
6- I am hardly ever/seldom/never/rarely/sometimes sick.
7- I always make my bed!
8- I often/sometimes help in the kitchen.

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Exercise 4
How healthy are you? Do you lead a healthy life?
Pour t’aider, voici les questions du quiz en français.
1- Fais-tu souvent du sport ?
Séquence 10 c

2- Te bronzes-tu souvent ?
3- Manges-tu souvent de la viande rouge ?
4- Ajoutes-tu du sucre à ton café ou ton chocolat chaud ?
5- As-tu pris un petit-déjeûner ce matin ?
6- Que consommes-tu le plus : des gâteaux ou des fruits ?
7- Manges-tu souvent des frites ?
8- Aimes-tu la nourriture salée ?
9- Grignotes-tu souvent entre les repas ?
10- Penses-tu mener une vie saine ?
Résultats du quiz :
Dominante * : Bravo ! Tu mènes une vie très saine ! Mais tu dois continuer à faire des efforts.
Dominante t : Tu mènes une vie plutôt saine, mais tu peux faire mieux !
Dominante m : Tu as vraiment besoin de faire plus de sport et de manger sainement. Il n’est
pas trop tard !

Step 2
J’apprends à dire comment je me sens

Exercise 5


Les mots qu’il était important de repérer dans les dialogues étaient :
Dialogue 1 : so great – lucky (très positifs)
Dialogue 2 : great – so great (très positifs)
Dialogue 3 : poorly – rough - fever - shattered (termes négatifs, indiquant que quelque chose ne
va pas)
Dialogue 4 : health – so well (très positifs)
Dialogue 5 : death warmed up - poor – wrong (termes négatifs, indiquant que quelque chose
ne va pas)

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Exercise 6
Les sentiments positifs sont surlignés en bleu.
Les sentiments négatifs sont surlignés en jaune.
Person # 1
- Hey! Good to see you Sam!What’s up?
- I don’t know why but I feel so great today! I couldn’t feel any better.
- Lucky you!
Person # 2
- You look so great Susan! How come?
- I’m on top of the world. I feel like a million dollars! I feel so great!
Person # 3
- Helen looks so poorly today.... She seems shattered. She must feel really rough. What’s
wrong with her?
- No idea. Maybe she’s running a fever...
Person # 4
- Peter? He’s a picture of health! He looks so well. There’s nothing at all wrong with him.
I wish I felt that way....
- Don’t you? Any problems?
Person # 5
- Is that you Pam?
- Yes, it’s me!
- Wow! You look like death warmed up, poor thing! You look so peaky! Anything wrong?
- Yeah... you’re right, I’m on my last legs....

Exercise 7
Dans cet exercice, tu pouvais réagir soit en t’adressant aux personnes directement ou soit parler
d’elles, en employant ‘he’ ou ‘she’, ‘that man’ ou ‘that woman’.
Exemples de phrases possibles :
1- You look poorly and so peaky!
2- Hey, you look like death warmed up! What’s wrong with you?
3- You are a picture of health! You look like a million dollars!
4- You’re looking peaky/poorly/a little rough.
5- That woman is glowing with health! She looks great!
6- The man is /seems to be on his last legs! He looks really shattered!

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Step 3
Exercice 8
a) the throat
Séance 2 c
Séquence 10 c

b) the ear
c) the nose (il tient un mouchoir)
d) the back
e) (a fever) (ne correspond à aucune partie du corps en particulier)
f) teeth
g) the head
h) the arm
i) the belly/stomach
j) the ankle
Exercise 9

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Step 4
Exercise 11
Would you make a good doctor?
What modal do you use when you are almost 100% sure that something is the case?
The modal you use is MUST.
If you are not quite sure, you say: you MAY run a fever!

1- My skin itches :I’ve got a skin irritation) You must have a rash!

2- I feel drowsy (: I feel sleepy) You may be running a fever.

3- I’m cold. You may have a cold/the flu

(la grippe)

4- I feel nauseous. You must feel sick ! You must

have an Indigestion!

5- I feel dizzy You must have a temperature.

You may be running a fever.

6- I’m tired (: I need to sleep) You must have an infection.

7- I’m hot You must have a temperature.

You may be running a fever.

8- I’m exhausted (: very tired) You must have an infection.

You must have a disease.

9- I want to throw up (:vomit) all the time You must have an indigestion.

10- My ankle is all swollen and it hurts. You may have a sprained

Check your answers.

Have you been a good doctor? J

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Exercice 12
1- J’ai mal à la tête.
Séance 3

I’ve got a headache.

Séquence 10 c

2- J’ai la nausée = j’ai mal au cœur. I feel (terribly) sick.

3- Je me suis foulé la cheville. I’ve got a sprained ankle.
4- J’ai de la fièvre. I’m running a fever. I’ve got a temperature.
5- J’ai le nez qui coule. I’ve got a runny nose.
6- J’ai mal au ventre. My stomach hurts so much!
7- J’ai des caries. I’ve got cavities.
8- J’ai une éruption cutanée (j’ai une poussée de boutons) I’ve got a rash.
9- J’ai mal à la gorge. I’ve got a sore throat.
10- J’ai mal au dos. I’ve got a backache.

Exercise 13

Å ointment

Ç antiacid

É tablets (painkillers) – physical therapy

Ñ indigestion tablets

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Séquence 10

Patient’s condition

Dialogue #1 rash on arm rash


avoid scratching
your skin - use
little soap
feeling ill – upset
stomach - feel be careful with
Dialogue #2 food poisoning antiacid
dizzy - a bit of a what you eat
tablets – Never skip the
Dialogue #3 twisted ankle twisted ankle painkillers warm-up before
physical therapy working out
terrible stomach- indigestion tab-
ache - feel sick should always
Dialogue #4 indigestion lets - a blood test
- feel nauseous cook raw meat
- feel dizzy - a urine sample

En français on dit : j’ai mal à la gorge depuis 3 jours.
En anglais on dit : I have had a sore throat for 3 days.
Script :
Dialogue 1
- A: Hi. Come on in and have a seat. Now what seems to be the problem?
- B: I have a rash on my arm.
- A: How long have you had it?
- B: It’s been about a week.
- A: Are you taking anything for it?
- B: I put some cream on it but it doesn’t seem to be helping.
- A: I see. Are you allergic to any medications?
- B: Not that I know of.
- A:I’m going to give you a prescription for some ointment. I want you to apply it three
times a day. You should also avoid scratching your skin. And it’s important to use as
little soap as possible. Make an appointment to see me next week if it doesn’t get better
over the next few days.
Dialogue 2
- Dr. K: So, what’s the matter?
- A: Well, I’ve been feeling ill ever since a barbecue a few days ago. My stomach’s still upset,
and I feel dizzy.
- Dr. K: I see. Any other symptoms?
- A: Erm, I’ve got a bit of a temperature.

34 — © Cned, Anglais 4e

some antacid. Take one in the morning before breakfast and one before dinner. You
should feel better in less than no time. And next time, be careful with what you eat!
A: Thank you Doctor.
Dialogue 3
Séquence 10

Dr K: Well, it isn’t anything serious probably, just food poisoning...I’m going to give you

- Doctor: What seems to be the matter?

- Patient: Well I twisted my ankle during a soccer match.
- Doctor: Are you still able to walk?
- Patient: Actually, not very much.
- Doctor: How long have you had the pain?
- Patient: For about 2 days.
- Doctor: Well, first I’ll give you some tablets – painkillers – and in a few days, you’ll need
some physical therapy.
- Patient: OK, thank you very much.
- Doctor: One more question, before your match, did you warm up?
- Patient: I’m afraid I didn’t.
- Doctor: A warm-up helps your body prepare its muscles! Take my advice: Never skip the
warm-up before working out or playing soccer!
- Patient: Ok Doctor. I’ll remember that.
Dialogue 4
Doctor: — Good morning. Please have a seat here. What’s the problem?
A: — I have a terrible stomachache.
Doctor: — do you have any other symptoms?
A: — Yes, I feel sick.
Doctor: — you mean you feel nauseous?
A: — That’s right. I feel like vomiting. And right now I feel dizzy, too.
Doctor: — When did the symptoms start?
A: — This morning. Yesterday evening I ate something raw.
Doctor: — All right. Please take your clothes off to the waist and lie down there. ...
Just tell me if it hurts when I do this.
A: — It doesn’t hurt. ... Ouch. It hurts there.
Doctor: — Okay. Let’s hope it’s just indigestion. You should always cook raw meat…
you never know. Ok we’ll need to run some diagnostic tests to be sure. We’ll
run a blood test and we’ll also need a urine sample.
A: — Can you give me something for the time being?
Doctor: — Yes, I’ll give you a prescription for indigestion tablets.
A: _ Thank you doctor.

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Exercise 14
1- (stomachache)
2- (rash)
3- (feel dizzy)
How long have you had a stomachache?
How long have you had that rash?
How long have you felt/been feeling dizzy?
4- (be cold) How long have you been cold?
5- (Have a swollen ankle) How long have you had a swollen ankle?

Exercise 15
Exemples de phrases possibles :
1- (play soccer) How long have you played soccer?
Your answer: For about 3 years.
2- (feel the pain) How long have you felt the pain?
Your answer: I’ve felt the pain for about 2 days.
3- (be in the same soccer club) How long have you been in the same soccer club?
Your answer: For about 2 years.
4- (have the same ankle problem) How long have you had the same ankle problem?
Your answer: It’s been about a year.

Séance 4

Exercise 16
What’s the English for:
- Points de suture : stiches
- Une ordonnance : a prescription
- Du sirop pour la toux : cough syrup
- De la kiné : physical therapy
- Un comprimé : a tablet
- Une gélule : a capsule
- Une pilule : a pill
- De la pommade : ointment

Exercise 17
Exemples de phrases possibles :
1- I’ve got a runny nose and I cough all the time.
You must have caught a cold. I’ll give you a prescription for some cough syrup.
2- My ankle hurts. I fell on a banana skin. It’s all swollen.
You must have a sprained ankle. I’ll give you some tablets – painkillers – and you’ll need
some physical therapy.

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3- I’ve got a headache and a temperature.
You must have the flu. I’ll give you a prescription for some aspirin.
4- I feel nauseous and dizzy.
It must be an indigestion or food poisoning. You will need some indigestion tablets.
Séquence 10 c

5- I’ve got spots all over my right leg. It itches a lot.

You have a rash. I’m going to give you a prescription for some ointment.

Step 6
Exercise 18
Read the transcripts of the dialogues you listened to in the previous lesson.
Then answer the questions.
1- Highlight in blue what the doctors say at the beginning of the visits
Write down the 4 different sentences:
¸ Hi. Come on in and have a seat. Now what seems to be the problem?
¸ So, what’s the matter?
¸ What seems to be the matter?
¸ Good morning. Please have a seat here. What’s the problem?
2- Highlight in yellow how the patients describe their problems.
There are 3 different ways to answer the doctor’s opening question (ex: ‘What’s the
Give examples by quoting the script. Write the sentences below.
• I have + noun
Ex: I have a rash on my arm. I have a temperature. I have a stomachache.
• I feel + adjective
Ex: I feel dizzy
• I + present perfect
Ex: I’ve been feeling ill ever since a barbecue a few days ago.
3- How do the doctors give their patients advice?
Highlight in green the various expressions used.
Then write examples below:
You should also avoid scratching your skin.
And it’s important to use as little soap as possible.
And next time, be careful with what you eat!
Take my advice: Never skip the warm-up before working out or playing soccer!
You should always cook raw meat...

. boutons

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Dialogue 2:
Doctor: And next time, be careful with what you eat! You‘d better trust yourself: if the food smells bad,
don’t eat it!
In the example above, focus on the underlined structure.
Here the doctor gives a piece of advice. Say it differently:
You’d better trust yourself:
Quelles autres structures utilise –t-on pour donner des conseils ? Rappelle-toi ce que tu as
appris et au besoin, reprends tes cours du palier 1 (année 2 – séquence 11).
Giving advice
You should trust yourself.
You’d better trust yourself.
Take my advice. Trust yourself !
If I were you, Iwould trust myself.

Step 7
Exercise 19
Exemples de phrases possibles :
1- I never warm up before playing basketball and I often sprain my ankles or my wrists....
You should always warm up before playing basketball!
2- I hardly ever have breakfast before my soccer training.
Take my advice, have some breakfast! You need calories to play soccer!
3- I eat anything that is in the fridge, no matter when the food has to be eaten by.
You’d better watch what you eat if you want to avoid food poisoning!
4- I like to wear T-shirts even during the winter. I sleep with my windows open all night. But I
wonder why I’ve always got a runny nose.
No wonder you have a running nose! If I were you, I’d wear appropriate clothes!
5- I only like junk food and I have never exercised in my life. I want to start an extreme sport.
You’d better watch your diet! You’d better lead a healthier life!

Séance 5

Exercise 20
1- Êtes-vous allergique à certains médicaments ?
Are you allergic to any medications?
2- Pas que je sache.
Not that I know of.
3- Intoxication alimentaire
Food poisoning.

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4- Analgésique, calmants (qui soulagent la douleur)
5- Un échauffement (avant le sport)
6- J’ai envie de vomir.
Séquence 10 c

I feel like vomiting.

7- Ca ne fait pas mal.
It doesn’t hurt.
8- Ca fait mal ici.
It hurts there.
9- Prendre un rendez-vous (chez un médecin)
Make an appointment.
10- Faire faire des analyses de sang
run a blood test
11- Si ça ne va pas mieux
if it doesn’t get better

Step 8
Observe cette phrase, issue des dialogues entre patients et médecins que tu as entendus dans la
précédente leçon.
I’ve been feeling ill ever since a barbecue a few days ago.
Peux-tu décomposer la forme soulignée comme nous l’avons fait auparavant ?
I ‘ve been feel ing
‚ ‚ ‚ ‚
Quelle forme retrouves-tu ici ? le present perfect
Quelle forme apparaît en plus de celle que tu viens de trouver ? La forme en –ING.
I have felt sick since the barbecue.
I have been feeling sick since the barbecue.
Que remarques-tu sans même t’attacher à comprendre les mots ? Imagine que tu vois ces
phrases écrites au loin....
La phrase 2 est plus longue ; ce qui signifie que l’énonciateur (la personne qui dit cela)
exprimer une nuance supplémentaire.
En effet, la phrase 2 est beaucoup plus longue !
Tu peux donc dire :
˛ que la trace linguistique laissée par l’énonciateur (celui qui parle) est plus importante en
2 qu’en 1
Lorsque l’énonciateur laisse des traces plus importantes dans la langue, cela signifie-t-il :
˛ qu’il veut dire quelque chose en plus

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En phrase 2, la personne veut donc dire quelque chose en plus de ‘I’ve felt sick’ (je suis
Que veut-elle donc dire en plus ? Tu peux cocher plusieurs cases.
˛ elle sous-entend que ça a été pénible.
˛ elle a vraiment été malade ; ça l’a marquée.

Exercise 21
1- I’ve been feeling dizzy for four days now (par rapport à : I’ve felt dizzy). Do you think I
should see a doctor?
L’énonciateur exprime sans doute de l’inquiétude: son symptôme dure depuis plusieurs
2- I’ve been working on this essay for three whole weeks! And I haven’t finished yet.... (par
rapport à : ‘I’ve worked...’)
L’énonciateur insiste sans doute sur la charge de travail qu’il a. Il ne voit pas le bout de ce
travail. Malgré le temps passé (3 semaines), le travail n’est pas encore fini.
3- You’ve been lying to me! I can’t believe I trusted you! How long have you been lying to me?
(par rapport à : ‘You’ve lied to me’)
L’énonciateur est très en colère ou déçu : il se demande depuis combien de temps il a été

Step 9
Exercise 22
Exemples de phrases possibles :
1- How long have you been having that rash?
Oh, it’s been a few days.
2- How long have you been having a sprained shoulder?
For a week now.
3- How long has Brian been ill?
He has been ill for 3 days.

Exercise 23
Use the present perfect be + ing to express the following feelings.
1- (angry): wait for you – 30 minutes!
I’ve been waiting for you for 30 minutes!
2- (sad): work hard on this project and it failed.
I’ve been working so hard on that project!
3- (Disappointed): you – tell me lies! You love another girl.
You’ve been telling me lies! You love another girl!

. Lie : mentir

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4- (Happy): wait for this new computer so long! And here it is!
I’ve been waiting for that new computer so long! And here it is!
5- (in pain): I – suffer from racism for all my life.
I’ve been suffering from racism for all my life.
Séquence 10 c

Exercise 24
Exemples de production orale possible :
Doctor: Come on in. Have a seat.
You: Thank you, Doctor.
Doctor: So what seems to be the problem?
You: Well, I’ve got a sore wrist....
Doctor: What do you feel?
You: It hurts there, you see. It hurts when I want to grab something for instance a pen.
Doctor: How long have you had this pain? Have you a fever?
You: For about 2 days. No, no fever. I’m sure.
Doctor: I see...and have you taken anything special?
You: No, I haven’t. I don’t want to take medicines on my own. I’m so afraid to make
Doctor: That’s clever of you. That’s what I keep telling my patients: till you don’t know
what the problem is, you’d better not take any medication on your own! Are you allergic to
You: No, not that I know of.
Doctor: Ok then. I’m going to give you a prescription for tablets to relieve the pain.
You: Thank you doctor.
Doctor: My pleasure. Bye.

Séance 6

Step 10
It is a poem where you choose a word or name and use each letter in the name as the beginning of
a word.
Example: An acrostic poem using the word “Sun.”
Sometimes when we go to the beach, I will get sun burnt.
Usually if I put Sun block on my skin, I will not burn.
Noon is when I’m really prone to burning.

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Exercise 25
Ici tu pouvais soit écrire des mots isolés :
Ex :
Soit écrire des phrases à partir de chacune des lettres proposées :
Ex :
Ingenious inventors were but
Names on the wall of fame
Victory on ignorance

Step 11
Exercise 26
How many inventions are the result of an accident?
Å aspirin
Ç ice cream cones
É the potato chip
Ñ coke

Exercise 27
Have you got a good memory?
What do you remember about these inventions? Don’t look at the above quiz!
Avant de commencer, quelle structure sera parfaitement adaptée pour cet exercice ?
En français comment commencerais-tu cette phrase sur l’invention du coca ?
® John Pemberton inventa le....
˛ Le coca fut inventé en ...par....
Si tu as choisi la phrase 2, quelle structure as-tu utilisée en français ? La voix passive
En anglais, ce sera la même structure.
Comment s’appelle-t-elle ? La forme/voix passive
Cette structure permet de faire un gros plan sur : ® l’inventeur ˛ l’invention
Si tu as répondu « l’inventeur » : quel est le nom de l’inventeur des chips ?
Est-il mentionné ? ® oui ˛ non
Pour quelle raison ? Car le nom de l’inventeur importe moins que le nom de l’invention elle-même.

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Exemples de production possible :
Coke was invented by a pharmacist from Atlanta – USA – who was trying to make a cure for
headaches. The drink soon became popular and was sold in bottles.
Séquence 10 c

Aspirin was discovered a long time ago (around 400 B.C.) by Hippocrates who would
recommend a tea made from willow leaves. He had no idea the substance that was in the
willow tree relieved pain and reduced fever!
It was invented during a hot summer in 1940 by someone who rolled a waffle one day and
gave it to an ice cream vendor who was running out of dishes. It has been a success ever since.
It was invented by an American Indian a long time ago. It soon became very popular in

Séance 7

Step 12
Si tu lis un article de journal dont tu n’as pas le titre et tu trouves les mots suivants au fil des
phrases :
Cut hair – short or long – curly – shop – pay for – shampoo – dry – hair dryer –
De quel sujet cet article traite-t-il ? Il traite de coiffure/de coiffeurs.

Exercise 28
Insulin 1921: Canadian Dr. Frederick Banting isolated ********* , the substance secreted by
the pancreas that allows the body to metabolize sugars. Since then, ********* has allowed
millions of diabetics around the world to lead healthy, active lives.
Penicillin 1929: Dr. Alexander Fleming, a Scottish bacteriologist , made a major discovery:
the enzyme lysozyme in 1923 and the antibiotic substance ********* in 1928, for which he
shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1945.
Plastic 1907: The inventor of the first synthetic polymer (later known as *********) was
Leo Baekeland. He called his invention “Bakelite”. He worked as a chemist in New York.
********* is one of those inventions that people take for granted. It’s everywhere around us,
in the kitchen, in our cars, and even in some people’s bodies.
The steam engine 1803: When most people think of the *********, they think locomotive,
which was invented by Richard Trevithick and Oliver Evans in 1803.
But the *********that uses steam to generate power is actually much older than the train. In
1698 Thomas Savery actually developed an efficient *********with pistons.
The microscope 1674: Single-lens ********* were used as early as the mid-15th century, but
the ********* may have been invented by eyeglass makers in Middelburg, The Netherlands,
sometime between 1590 and 1610. But Dutch scientist Antonie van Leeuwenhoek developed
the actual prototype of the modern multiple-lens ********* 64 years later!

. Considérent comme allant de soi

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The pencil 1565: In 1565 German-Swiss naturalist Conrad Gesner first fabricated a writing
instrument in which graphite, then thought to be a type of lead, was inserted into a piece of
wood. The name graphite is from the Greek word ‘graphein’, meaning, “to write.”

The telephone 1876: Alexander Graham Bell taught people who were deaf, so he was
interested in sound vibrations and how they travelled. Bell realized that the vibrations in
human speech could be transformed into variations in electrical current that could be
transmitted through wires from one place to another. His invention made it possible for
millions of people to chat with friends miles away, and opened the door for walkie-talkies,
radio, fax transmission and even the Internet!

The wheel 3200-3500 B.C.: Most scientists believe that the **********was invented 5000
years ago. The oldest *********known was discovered in Mesopotamia and is believed to
date back 55 centuries. We don’t know whom to thank for the *********, but think of what
the world would be like without it. No bicycles. No roller-blades. No cars...buses or trains.


He isolated the substance secret-

insulin 1921 Dr Frederick Banting ted by the pancreas that allows
the body to metabolize sugars.

He discovered an antibiotic
substance – He won the Nobel
penicillin 1929 Dr Alexander Fleming
Prize in Physiology or Medicine
in 1945.
invented “Bakellite” (synthetic
plastic 1907 Leo Baekeland
polymer: plastic)
Richard Trevithick and
The steam engine 1803 invented the locomotive.
Oliver Evans

developed the actual prototype

The microscope 1674 Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
of the modern multiple-lens

fabricated a writing instrument

The pencil 1565 Conrad Gesner in which graphite was inserted
into a piece of wood
transformed the vibrations in
The telephone 1876 Alexander Graham Bell human speech into variations in
electrical current
The wheel 3500 ? discovered in Mesopotamia

. Plomb
. Who could not hear
. Fil électrique

44 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
Step 13
The microscope may have been invented by eyeglass makers in The Netherlands.
The origin of this invention is:
In which article is the passive voice used?
® certain
˛ article 1
˛ uncertain.
® article 2
Séquence 10 c

Copy the underlined passive verbal form:

may have been inspired
Who is ‘he’? Pemberton.
Copy it again, but replace ‘he’ with the appropriate name:
Pemberton may have been inspired
Now copy the active form, from article 2:
In which sentence is the most definite degree of certainty expressed?
Dans quelle phrase trouve-t-on la certitude la plus grande ?
® sentence 1 ˛ sentence 2
Which word conveys this certainty in sentence 2? evidently
Consequently which word expresses the degree of probability in sentence 2? may
Dans la phrase 1, la forme passive est plus complexe que ce que tu as appris jusqu’à présent :
Que trouve-t-on en plus du passif ? le modal may.
Dans ce cas, comment traduirais-tu :
- La phrase 1 : Pemberton a peut-être été inspiré par le vin Mariani. Il se peut que
Pemberton ait été inspiré par le vin Mariani.
- La phrase 2 : le vin Mariani inspira Pemberton.

Step 14
Exercise 29
Voici des affirmations que certains considèrent comme vraies.
Tu souhaites nuancer ces propos : On n’en est pas sûr mais on ne l’exclut pas non plus (« Il se
peut que.... »).
Écris sous chaque affirmation la nouvelle phrase, plus nuancée.
1- Aspirin was invented by Hippocrates. (???)
Aspirin may have been invented by Hippocrates.
2- The TV was invented so that the government could communicate over a long distance with
its moving armies (???)
The TV may have been invented so that the government could communicate over a long
distance with its moving armies.
3- The LCD or Liquid Crystal Display was invented at Kent State University in Ohio. (???)
The LCD or Liquid Crystal Display may have been invented at Kent State.
4- The first toothpaste was invented around 1000 BC by the Persians . (???)
The first toothpaste may have been invented around 1000 BC by the Persians.

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 45
c Séquence 10

5- In 1862 the Italian physicist Caselli was influenced by the discovery of English scientist
Alexander Bain when he invented the fax. (???)
The Italian physicist Caselli may have been influenced by the discovery of English scientist
Alexander Bain when he invented the fax.

Séance 8

j e m’évalue
Toutes les réponses proposées sont données à titre indicatif.
Parfois, d’autres solutions étaient possibles.
Celles-ci sont indiquées en italiques ou entre //, le cas échéant.

Exercise 1
1- (always) I always make my bed/brush my teeth/help dad in the kitchen.
2- (hardly ever) I hardly ever go to the zoo/ eat snails/wear a hat.
3- (occasionally) I occasionally have some coffee for breakfast/have a toothache.
Comment dit-on... ? :
- Un jour sur deux : every other day.
- Une fois de temps en temps : once in a while
- Deux fois par an : twice a year

Exercise 2
I think I lead a healthy life because I often exercise. I practise a sport twice a week. I never add
sugar in my chocolate or my cereal and I always have breakfast. I eat 5 fruit a day and I seldom
eat French fries. I don’t like salted food. I sometimes eat snacks between meals, but I don’t eat
chocolate bars or sweets. I prefer apples!

Exercise 3
1- I feel great! /I’m on top of the world! /I couldn’t feel any better!
2- I’m shattered./I feel really rough.
3- I’m on my last legs!/I’m shattered.

Exercise 4
1- I’ve got a headache.
2- I’ve got a stomachache.
3- I’ve got an earache.
4- I’ve got a backache.
5- I have a sore throat.

46 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
Exercise 5
1- The person is running a fever (has got a temperature.)
2- The person has got a terrible backache today.
3- The person has got a sore throat (can’t swallow anything).
Séquence 10 c

4- The person’s stomach hurts very much.

5- The person has got cavities! It hurts very much.

Exercise 7
1- You’d better take some indigestion tablets or some antiacid.
2- Take my advice: use a special ointment./ Go to the doctor’s: he’ll give you the appropriate
3- If I were you I would have some physical therapy.
4- You should take some aspirin.
5- You should see the doctor. You might need some painkillers.

Exercise 8
1- How long have you had those stiches? For about a week.
2- How long have you had a toothache? It’s been 2 days.
3- How long have you had that rash? For a few days.

Exercise 9
1- Have you been wating for me all this time?
2- You’ve been playing instead of working!
3- You have been painting the whole room. You must be tired!
4- My sister has been lying to me for two months. She has no boyfriend at all!

Exercise 10
Coke was invented by a pharmacist from Atlanta – USA – who was trying to make a cure for
headaches. The drink soon became popular and was sold in bottles.
Aspirin was discovered a long time ago (around 400 B.C.) by Hippocrates who would
recommend a tea made from willow leaves. He had no idea the substance that was in the
willow tree relieved pain and reduced fever!
Dr Alexander Fleming discovered an antibiotic substance, penicillin, in 1929. He won the
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medecine in 1945.

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 47
c Séquence 10

Exercise 11
1- Aspirin may have been invented by Hippocrates.
2- Pemberton may have been influenced by vin Mariani (when he invented coke).
3- The microscope may have been invented by Dutch people.
4- Charles Darwin’s moral philosophy may have been inspired by the writings of Buddhist
monks (moines).
5- The origin of malaria may have been found by Randolph E. Schmid.

48 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
Séquence 11
Séance 1
Séquence 11 c

Step 1
First impressions! Read the four documents quickly and decide if they are

a) Advertisements for products

b) News reports

c) Job advertisements

Well done! Now look at the four documents again and complete the table:

Name of job Pay Days Hours
A Babysitter 13 £3.50 an hour 3 afternoons/ 3.30 pm – 8.30 pm
evenings a week
B Newspaper boy 14 £30 per week 7 days a week 7am to 8 am
or girl
C Salesperson/ 15 £5 per hour Thursday and until 9 pm
Salespeople Friday evenings
D Pet shop 14 We don’t know Saturdays and 8 am to 6 pm
assistant(s) Sundays

Step 2
Which qualities are necessary for the job?

To do this job you have to:

1- like animals Pet shop assistant

2- enjoy being with young children Babysitter

3- be prepared to get up early in the morning Newspaper boy or girl

4- be free on weekends Pet shop assistant, (also Newspaper boy or girl)

5- be interested in fashion Salesperson/Salespeople

6- be 15 years old or older Salesperson/Salespeople

B) Look at job offer B: “WANTED”. What word corresponds to “wanted” in job offers A and
D? required

C) Look at job offer D: “at least”. This means 14 years old is:

i) the minimum age ii) the maximum age

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 49
c Séquence 11

Step 3
The best jobs for them are:
Emily Pet shop assistant
Stephen Newspaper boy
William Babysitter
Sarah Salesperson

Séance 2

Step 4
Listen to the telephone conversations once, without taking notes.
Two of the job advertisements are mentioned. Which ones? 1 B 2 D
Listen to the conversations again and take notes.
Then, with the help of your notes, try to complete the tables.
When you have finished, listen again to check the information or to find missing information.
Conversation one. Imagine you are Harry. Complete this form with the candidate’s

Paper boy form

Name: Stephen Hunt
Age: 14
Can get up early in the mornings: Yes
Has got a bike: Yes
Coming to see me : Saturday Time: Half-past five
Notes: wants to bring his dog.

Conversation two
Listen to the conversation and complete Sandy’s message.

Hi Lucy,
A girl rang about the job as an assistant. Her name is Emily Jones and her number is
020 8280457. I told her that you would ring her back in about an hour when you come back
from lunch.

Script :
Conversation 1
Man’s voice: Hello. Harry’s Newsagents. How may I help you?
Boy’s voice: Oh Hello, I’m calling about the paper round. Is Harry there, please?
Man: Yes, Harry speaking. So you’re interested in the paper round. You don’t mind getting up
early every day, even on the weekends?

50 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
Boy: No, I always get up early. My dog wakes me up at six o’clock every day.
Man: Well then, you won’t mind starting every morning at seven o’clock then, will you?
Boy: No, I won’t. Can I bring my dog with me?
Man: No problem, He’ll get lots of exercise. Have you got a bike?
Boy: Yes, I have.
Séquence 11 c

Man: Ok that sounds good. Can you come and see me on Saturday?
Boy: Yes, at what time?
Man: Come at about half-past five on Saturday. What’s your name?
Boy: My name is Stephen Hunt.
Man: Oh, one last thing, how old are you?
Boy: I’m 14.
Man: Ok then, see you on Saturday.
Conversation 2
Woman’s voice: Hello
Girl’s voice: Is that Petworld?
Woman’s voice: Yes it is, how may I help you?
Girl : I’m calling about a job as an assistant. I’m interested in the job and I’d like to speak to
Woman: Well, I’m afraid Lucy’s out at the moment. If you leave me your name and number,
I’ll ask her to ring you when she comes back.
Girl: Well, My name is Emily Jones and my number is 020 8280457.
Woman: Can you just repeat your number, please? I’m not sure I copied it correctly.
Girl: It’s 020 8280457.
Woman: That’s fine. Ok so Lucy will ring you in about an hour. She’s just gone out for lunch.

Séance 3

Step 5
Sarah Hope would like to apply for a job in a clothes shop. She has to write a letter of
application to the Manageress, Mrs Morgan. Look at lesson 1 and read the job advertisement
again. Read the information about Sarah again too.
1- What information do you think she will include in her letter? Tick the boxes.
- her age ˛
- her interest in fashion ˛
- her interest in horse-riding ®
- any work experience she has ˛
- information about her family ®
- information about her personality ˛
- her telephone number ˛
- her address ˛

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 51
c Séquence 11

2- Is Sarah’s letter going to be a) formal or b) informal?

3- How do think she will start her letter?
a) Hi Mrs Morgan b) Hello Mrs Morgan c) Dear Mrs Morgan
4- How do you think she will finish her letter
(circle the right answer)

a) Bye! b) Yours sincerely c) See you soon

Step 6
You are going to help Sophie write her letter. Here are some notes she made. Can you help her
transform the notes into full sentences. (Aide Sophie à transformer ses notes en phrases complètes)
1- Pupil/Stevens School
I am a pupil at the Stevens School.
2- Age 16
I am sixteen years old.
3- Free/Tuesday/Friday evenings
I am free on Tuesday and Friday evenings.
4- Love clothes/love fashion
I love clothes and I love fashion.
5- Last summer/work/four weeks/Jean Jeanie shop/Waterford Street
Last summer I worked for four weeks at the Jean Jeanie shop in Waterford Street.
6- home telephone number: (020) 85541245; mobile number: 077765015841
My home telephone number is (020) 85541245 and my mobile number is 077765015841.

Step 7
Sarah also asked her Mum to help her. Her Mum helped her to write some sentences too. Here
they are. The letter is almost finished. Copy your sentences into the letter.
Don’t forget to start, and end, the letter correctly. Write the date.

15 Allan Drive
_________ _____________2010
Dear Mrs Morgan,
I am writing to apply for a job as a Sales Assistant in your shop. I am sixteen years old and I
am a pupil at the Stevens School. I love clothes and I love fashion. I am free on Tuesday and
Friday evenings.
When I leave school I would like to study fashion. My ambition is to become a fashion
Last summer I worked for four weeks at the Jean Jeanie shop in Waterford Street. I really
enjoyed it. I am a very friendly person and like meeting people.
My home telephone number is (020) 85541245 and my mobile number is 077765015841.
Yours sincerely,
Sarah Hope

52 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
Exercise 1
Complete with the correct preposition (like or as)
a) Sophie wants to work as a fashion designer when she leaves school.
b) Sophie’s mother loves fashion, just like Sophie.
Séquence 11 c

c) Sophie’s father works as a mechanic for British Airways.

d) His job is like a car mechanic’s job but the engines are much bigger!

Séance 4

Step 8
Yesterday evening, when Sophie came home from school she found a note from her mother.
Read it and answer the questions.
I’ve just gone out to the shops. I’ll be back by 7pm.
Mrs Morgan rang. She said it was about the job. She’d like you to go for an interview on
Saturday at 11 o’ clock.

1- Where is Mum? At the shops.

2- Who is Mrs Morgan? Do you remember? She is the Manageress of Frilly Sally’s Clothes
3- What does Mrs Morgan want? She wants Sophie to go for an interview.
4- What time is the interview? 11 o’clock on Saturday.
Before going to the interview Sophie tries to prepare for it. She looks at the advertisement
again and thinks of some questions to ask Mrs Morgan. Look at the advertisement now and
try to imagine her questions. Write three questions here. (Réponses personnelles)
Now listen to the interview and see if you were right.

Reasons why Sophie wants to work at Frilly Sally’s

a) To earn some pocket money.
b) She loves clothes.
How much money will Sophie get every night? (total) £25
What about a uniform? She’ll have to wear a uniform.
Description of the uniform: It’s dark blue (and very smart).
How many hours will she have to work? 4 hours a night.
When will Sophie start? Next week.

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c Séquence 11

Script :
Mrs Morgan: Hello Sophie, do come in.
Sophie: Good morning, Mrs Morgan.
Mrs Morgan: Thank you for coming, Sophie. Now, you’re interested in working here, aren’t
Sophie: Yes, I would.
Mrs Morgan: And why would you like to work at Frilly Sally’s?
Sophie: Well, um, I’d like to earn some pocket money and I love clothes.
Mrs Morgan: Fine. According to your letter, you have some experience, is that right?
Sophie: Yes, I worked during the holidays last year at the Jean Jeanie.
Mrs Morgan: Very good, I think you’re the right person for the job, then. Have you got any
Sophie: Well, I’d like to know exactly how much money I’ll be paid.
Mrs Morgan: Of course, I forgot, how silly of me. Yes, um, the rate is £5 an hour. And you
get a £5 bonus every evening for working until 9 o’clock. It’s quite late, you
Sophie: And what time do I have to start?
Mrs Morgan: If you can be here for five o’clock, that would be fine. The hours are from five
to nine.
Sophie: What about my clothes? Do I have to wear a uniform?
Mrs Morgan: Yes, you do. We provide all the employees with our uniform. It’s dark blue and
very smart. I’m sure you’ll love it. Any more questions?
Sophie: Yes, when exactly does the job start?
Morgan: It starts next week. Can you start then?
Sophie: Yes, I can.
Mrs Morgan: That’s great then, we’ll see you next week.

Step 9
Look at these three sentences.
Thank you for coming Sophie.
You’re interested in working here, aren’t you?
You get a £5 bonus for working until 9 o’clock.
What do you call the underlined words?
a) verbs b) prepositions c) adjectives
What do you notice about endings of the three words which follow them? (que remarques-tu à
propos de la terminaison des mots qui les suivent ?)
Ils se terminent par –ing.

54 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
Exercice 2
Write these sentences again and put the verbs into the correct form.
1- Sales assistants often get a bonus for selling a lot of clothes.
2- Sophie will get a bonus for working late.
3- Sophie will be tired after working until 9 o’clock.
Séquence 11 c

4- Sophie’s mother will be interested in getting a reduction at Frilly Sally’s!

Séance 5

Step 10
Circle the words you think you will hear:
job – pay – rate – week – difficult - boss – time – shop – restaurant – school – easy – uniform
Circle the jobs she possibly had:
bus driver – babysitter – teacher - shop assistant - dog-walker – newspaper delivery girl
Now listen to Rachel and see if you were right.
Number of jobs Rachel has had. (Circle the right answer)

a) 1 b) 2 c) 3
First job: in a pet shop (assistant)
Her age then: 15
Day she worked: Saturday Time: started at 6.30 ; finished at 3.30 in the afternoon.
Her job: a) clean the cages b) feed the animals c) tidy the shop
Time she stayed in this job: a year and a half.
Second job: at a clothes shop.
Days she worked: Thursday afternoon, Saturday and Sunday.
Differences between the two jobs:
a) clothes?
first job: She didn’t have to wear special clothes.
second job: She had to wear a uniform.
b) pay? The pay rate at the clothes shop was better than the pet shop.
c) anything else? It was very strict.
Why did she have to stop working? She came to France.

Script :
Clara: Did you have a job in Australia?
Rachel: Yes, um I got my first job when, um I had just turned 15, I got my first job in a pet
shop in, um, my local town and so..yeah, I would work every Saturday. That was
from, um, about 6.30 to about 3.30 in the afternoon and basically I would just go
like and um, clean the cages, feed the animals, tidy the shop... Sometimes they let me
leave early and that was nice. That was every Saturday and I worked there for about
a year and a half. Then I got another job at um, ........um, at a clothes shop. It was

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 55
c Séquence 11

a jeans shop. I worked there for about two, three months and that was um, every
Thursday afternoon after school and Saturday and Sunday as well. It took up a lot
of my time but, um, the people there were quite nice but it was very strict, um a lot
more strict than the pet shop, like...I had to wear a uniform. At the pet shop I was
allowed to wear whatever I wanted, I didn’t have to wear special clothes. The pay
rate at the clothes shop was a bit better than the pet shop. I had to give up the job
when I came to France.

Step 11
When Rachel returned to Australia she got a new part-time job, in a restaurant. She is a
waitress. She takes people’s orders and brings their food to their food to their table. Imagine
the email she wrote to her friend to tell her about her new job. Include these things in your
Réponse possible :

Dear Juliet,
How are you, I’m fine here. I’ve got a new job. It’s in a restaurant. I am a waitress and I have
to take people’s orders and bring their food to their table.
I work on Friday and Saturday evenings. I start at 7 pm and finish at 10 pm. The pay rate is
quite good.
I don’t have to wear a uniform but I have to be smart. It’s a nice job.
I hope you are well,

Séance 6

j e m’évalue
Exercise 1
1- Your name is Sandy Johnson and you want to work at Gold Records Music Shop. What
kind of letter do you write? Circle the right answer.
a) a letter of application
2- The Manager of Gold Records is Mr Cage.
a) How do you start your letter?
Dear Mr Cage
b) How do you end your letter?
Yours sincerely.
3- Which sentence would you choose as the first sentence of your letter? Circle the right
b) I am writing to apply for a job in your shop.

56 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
a) Age 15.
I am fifteen years old.
b) Pupil at Richmond School.
Séquence 11

4- Here is some information to include in your letter. Write a sentence for each piece of

I am a pupil at Richmond School.

c) Home telephone number: (020) 94578412
Mobile number: 077754654517
My home telephone number is (020) 94578412 and my mobile number is
d) Free on Saturdays and also on Friday evenings
I am free on Saturdays and also on Friday evenings.
e) Love music
I love music.

Exercise 2
Complete these sentences with like or as.
1- Rachel’s brother works as a salesperson in a record shop.
2- He says he would really like to work as a DJ on the radio!
3- The uniform Rachel had to wear at the clothes shop was quite like her school uniform.
4- When Rachel worked as a sales assistant in a pet shop she had to start work very early.
5- Working in a pet shop is like working in a zoo because you have to like animals.

Exercise 3
Complete the sentences with the verb in brackets, using the correct form.
1- Sometimes Rachel got a bonus for selling a lot of clothes.
2- After cleaning the cages Rachel used to give the animals some food.
3- When she was a very small girl she used to dream about with working with animals.

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 57
c Séquence 12

Step 1
Séquence 12
Séance 1

1- Right
2- Right
3- General Certificate of Secondary Education
4- 15-16
5- Monday to Friday, from 8 a.m. or 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. or 3 p.m.
6- Right
7- Maths - Science - ICT – Drama- Music - Art - PE (Physical Education) - Humanities
(History, Geography) - Foreign languages (French, Spanish or German) – Greek -
RE (Religious Education)
8- Wrong: In British schools, children can usually choose between a hot or cold dinner
provided by the school or a packed lunch taken from home. Some children are entitled to a
free school dinner, but most children pay for theirs.
9- Right
10- Drama – Computers – Choir – Country – dancing – Jazz – band – Fitness – Chess club –
French club – Book club – History club – Speech and debate

Step 2
Le texte provient d’un magazine.
Penny Bun Secondary School est une école.
Issue 13 : Cela signifie la parution du numéro 13 de ce magazine.
Monthly vient du mot ‘month’ (mois). Il s’agit d’une parution mensuelle.
pbschoolmag.com : C’est l’adresse internet du magazine.
L’article est paru en décembre 2009.
From our Education correspondent, Gill Even: Le mot correspondent indique clairement qu’il s’agit
d’un organe de presse, car une journaliste est spécialisée dans la rubrique Education.
Dans le titre de l’article, l’expression ’extracurricular activities’ est en rapport avec l’activité
précédente (le quiz).
Le texte va donc parler des activités que les élèves peuvent faire après les cours.
Les deux derniers mots du titre ‘exam results’ sont transparents et signifient : résultats aux
Le mot ‘boost’ établit un lien entre le début et la fin du titre. Il indique que les résultats des
élèves aux examens semblent « boostés », c’est-à-dire améliorés grâce à la pratique d’activités
après l’école.
Exemples de mots empruntés à l’anglais : fast-food, feedback, free-lance, gentleman, has been,
kidnapping, marketing, milk-shake, surbooké, piercing, prime-time, rocking-chair, hacker,
stress, start-up,....

58 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
Elles représentent deux enfants : l’un faisant du sport, l’autre jouant d’un instrument de
musique. Elles illustrent l’expression ‘extracurricular activities’ puisqu’elles offrent deux
exemples d’activités extra-scolaires en Grande-Bretagne.

Séance 2
Séquence 12 c

Step 3
Les mots positifs qui sont utilisés pour définir les bienfaits des activités extra-scolaires.
• top
• feel better
• raised
• self-esteem
• greater
• good
• good
• helps
• more likely to
Bonnes notes :’top grades’
Dans les systèmes scolaires britannique et américain, les élèves sont notés grace à des lettres et
non des chiffres comme en France.
À titre d’exemple : A+ 20 A 19 A- 18 B+ 16,5 B 15 B- 13,5
C+ 12 C 10,5 C- 9 D+ 7,5 D6 D- 4,5
F+ 3 F 1,5 F- 0
Ex dans l’article : grade B (correspond à 15/20 environ)
L’examen dont il est question est le G.C.S.E.

Step 4
La structure commune à ces groupes de mots :
Le comparatif de supériorité
Ces comparatifs servent le propos du journaliste car ils montrent le bénéfice qu’apportent les
activités extrascolaires.
Those that offer 30 or more activities outside the classroom are more likely to have nearly
100 % of pupils getting grade B or above at GCSE, compared with around 30 % of pupils at
schools offering 20 activities.
Complète :Those schools that offer 30 activities...
Traduis : Those that offer 30 activities are more likely to have nearly 100 % of pupils getting
grade B.
Traduction possible : Les écoles qui proposent 30 activités (extrascolaires) ont plus de chances
de compter des élèves obtenant de bonnes notes.

© Cned, Anglais 4e — 59
c Séquence 12

Step 5
Daily : mot racine : day
Daily signifie « quotidien »
Smelly Ë malodorant
Ghostly Ë fantomatique
costly Ë coûteux
deadly Ë mortel
manly Ë viril
Unruly : préfixe –UN Mot racine : rule
Unruly Ë indiscipliné
• daily my daily routine ma routine quotidienne
• lovely a lovely afternoon un bel après-midi
• silly a silly movie un film stupide/idiot
• ugly an ugly painting un tableau hideux
• curly curly hair des cheveux bouclés
• costly a costly hotel un hotel coûteux
• deadly a deadly weapon une arme mortelle
• manly a manly voice une voix virile
• melancholy a melancholy scene une scène mélancolique
• smelly smelly socks des chaussettes malodorantes
• chilly a chilly night une nuit froide
• elderly an elderly person une personne âgée
• unruly an unruly teenager un adolescent indiscipliné
• ghostly a ghostly creature une créature fantomatique

Step 6
A recent survey of more than 500 schools in the U.K. shows a correlation between the number of
extracurricular activities schools offer and the proportion of pupils getting top grades at GCSE.
La phrase minimale : A recent survey shows a correlation.
Une récente étude montre une corrélation.
Participation in extra activities raised pupils’ self-esteem and led to lower levels of depression
- termes positifs : raised self-esteem
- termes négatifs : depression
Les 2 verbes sont : raised et lower

60 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
Comment peux-tu identifier un verbe dans une phrase, même si tu en ignores le sens ?

Le marqueur –ED peut t’indiquer qu’il s’agit d’un verbe au passé. Ici, le verbe raised.

Le verbe ‘raised’ est un terme plutôt positif. Il signifie “augmenter”.

Séquence 12 c

Le verbe ‘lower’ signifie faire baisser, réduire.

Traduction proposée : La participation à des activités extrascolaires a augmenté l’estime de soi des
élèves et réduit leur depression.

More: veut dire “plus”

The more schools offer: Plus les écoles offrent (c’est-à-dire : plus grand est le nombre d’activités
offertes par les écoles”)

Likelihood vient de l’adjectif ‘likely’ (susceptible).

Likelihood veut dire : “chances”, “probabilité”

The greater the likelihood : plus grande sera la probabilité...

Step 7
j e retiens
Ex 1: The more I work, the more I like it!
Plus je travaille, plus j’aime cela !
Ex 2: The more beautiful it is, the more expensive it is!
Plus il (l’objet) est joli, plus il est cher !
Ex 3: The more he eats, the happier he is
Plus il mange, plus il est heureux !
‘The more, the merrier’ : “Plus on est de fous, plus on rit”

Séance 3

Step 8
Exercise 2
1- a) chilly
b) deadly
c) elderly
d) curly

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e) smelly
f) manly
2- a) A choir
b) A survey
c) A result
d) Likely to
e) Self-esteem
3- The woman wore a dress.

Step 10
Exercise 3
Give your opinion: Considering what Adrian wrote about his interests and likes, what after-school
activities would you advise Adrian to pick up? Justify.
I think he should start a music instrument because he prefers indoor activities to outdoor activities
and he seems enthusiastic about the French horn. He liked it when he borrowed one from his
How to write a formal email? A formal e-mail should be in this format :
• From: adrian@incaoli.com
• To: activityadvisor@pennybunschool.com
• Subject: extracurricular activity
• Open your email formally. Instead of saying «Hi» «Hey» or «Howdy» as you would when
writing to your family or friends, start your email with «Hello.»
Exemple d’email possible :
I am writing to ask you for advice as I am not sure about what I should pick up as an
extracurricular activity this year.
I only have a rough idea of what I want to do and I would like you to give me your opinion.
I’d like an activity that would bring me in contact with new people. I would like to meet people
who are different from me. I’d like to blow off the steam too.
I spend my time watching TV /staring at TV or napping and I think I am wasting my time.
I am not an outdoor person. Sport isn’t my thing as I hate competition spirit. I hate water
activities, so I’d rather not pick up swimming as an extra curricular activity.
I don’t like playing outdoor games all afternoon after school.
I prefer indoor activities. I’d rather do something indoors, like playing an instrument. Playing a
musical instrument must be very fulfilling.
I am particularly fond of classical music. One of my best memories is when I borrowed a
French horn from my friend Peter. It was absolutely fantastic!
Do you think it is a good idea to start learning it?
Thanks for your answer

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Step 11
Séance 4 c
Séquence 12 c

Exercise 4
What activity does the activity advisor think Adrian should pick up after all?
Quelle activité le conseiller en activités extra-scolaires pense-t-il qu’Adrian devrait choisir
finalement ?
He advises him to start learning an instrument.

Give one reason why he should choose that one in particular, according to Alec MacMillan:
Playing the French horn is quite original and he’ll be able to borrow one from school, if he
can’t afford one right now.

Le conseiller en activités extra-scolaires recommande à Adrian de commencer un instrument de

musique : le cor (French horn)
Script :

Hi you’ve reached Adrian’s anwering machine. I can’t talk to you right now but you can leave a
message after the beep....

Well...this is Alec Mc Millan. I’m the activity advisor.I got a note from you. I undertand you feel
a bit puzzled at the idea of choosing an extra-curricular activity. Well, considering what you
wrote about your interests, and your personality, ...if I may give you a piece of advice....I think
you should consider learning to play a musical instrument. This is what I’d do if I were you.

I understand you’re keenly interested in the French horn...well that sounds like a great idea.
Besides, it is quite original and you’ll be able to borrow one from school, if you can’t afford
one right now. Think about it and call me back. Bye.

You have heard the message left by the activity advisor, Alec MacMillan.

Exercise 5
Puzzled: perplexe

Alec Mc Millan donne ici des conseils.

Step 12
May ici a une valeur de permission.

I think you should consider: Le mot ‘should’ exprime la notion de conseil.

I’d do: I would do (forme pleine)

If I were you: si j’étais toi/vous

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Step 13
Exercise 6
As-tu bien relu la brochure proposant des activités extra-scolaires ?

En fonction des critères évoqués dans les différentes phrases de l’exercice, tu devais trouver des
activités correspondantes.

Ex phrase 1 : «volunteer work» correspond bien à une activité de la rubrique « community

service ».
1- I think you should try Community Service.
2- I advise you to pick up Ballet or social dance if you are not into the competition spirit.
3- If I were you I would enroll in a choir.

Exercise 7
1- Why don’t you ask your parents for some extra pocket money? Maybe you could do some
babysitting to get some pocket money or find yourself an after-school job, if you are really
2- I think you should give it a try and then decide whether you are cut out for water sports.
3- I advise you to ask just to be sure. Maybe you are wrong!
4- I think you shouldn’t limit yourself to the familiar — try something new!
5- I advise you to start a sporting activity, like badminton or social dance. It will bring you in
contact with many people!

Step 14
Exercise 8

64 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
Séquence 12 c

Exercise 10

The instrument Adrian has chosen to start learning: the French horn.

Script :

Hey it’s me Adrian! Remember who I am ? Well you remember how hard it was for me to pick
up an extra-curricular activity, right? Well, I’ve made my decision: I’ve decided to start learning
how to play the.....come on, guess what it is! It takes its name from the part of an animal. The
instrument was long associated with hunting and as a means of military signaling. It developed
in France in its familiar helical form... Does it ring a bell ? Come on, a French instrument...!
Any idea?

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Exercise 11
Séance 5

THE CELLO (réponse 2) It is an instrument which is now very widely used. Its name is a shorter
version of the word Violoncello. This instrument normally plays the bass line of the string
section in an orchestra, its register is the approximate equivalent of the lowest male voice.
THE FLUTE (réponse 1) It is part of a variety of wind instruments. The modern orchestra
makes use of transverse ones, augmented as necessary by a smaller transverse one known as a
piccolo.This instrument is known in German as Blockflöte and in Italian as flauto dolce.
THE SAXOPHONE (réponse 4) It is an instrument which was invented in the middle of the
19th century by Adolphe Sax. It is used widely in jazz, and has never been a permanent
member of the symphony orchestra. Notable use is made of it by Ravel in his Bolero.
THE DRUMS (réponse 3) It is now part of the orchestral percussion section. It is made from a
steel bar bent into the shape of an equilateral triangle and is played by being struck with a
steel beater or, for softer effects, a wooden stick.

Step 16
Comment appelle-t-on cette forme qui apparaît plusieurs fois dans les définitions ?
• It is known as....
• It is made of steel.
• It is played by being struck.
• It was invented by Adolphe Sax.
Il s’agit d’une voix passive.
It is an instrument which is now very widely used.
It is an instrument which was invented in the middle of the 19th century by Adolphe Sax.
Comment traduirais-tu le mot souligné ? On le traduit par « qui ».
Quelle est la nature grammaticale de ce mot ? Il s’agit d’un pronom relatif.
Quels autres mots de la même nature grammaticale connais-tu en anglais ? Les autres
pronoms relatifs anglais que tu connais sans doute sont : who, what, where, when.
Observe :
1- My dad is the man who is standing in front of the window over there.
2- The triangle is an instrument which is part of the orchestral percussion section.
Ë Traduis les 2 mots soulignés : « qui »
Ë Que remarques-tu ? Le pronom relatif « qui » français correspond en anglais à deux
mots : « which » et « who ».
Ë Dans les deux phrases, relie avec un crayon le mot souligné au mot auquel il se rapporte.
• Who se rapporte à the man
• Which se rapporte à an instrument

. acier
. frapper
. bâton en bois

66 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
Ë Phrase 1 : dad renvoie à : une personne
Ë Phrase 2 : instrument renvoie à : un objet
Ë Quelle est la fonction de which et who dans les 2 phrases ? sujet
Ë Que peux-tu conclure sur les pronoms relatifs WHICH et WHO ? Lis attentivement la
rubrique « Je retiens ».
Séquence 12 c

Exercise 12
Quiz on music
1- What do you call the percussion instrument which has sets of horizontally arranged
wooden bars to be struck by wooden sticks?
The xylophone
2- What do you call a person who plays the flute?
a flautist
3- George Frideric Handel, who was born in Germany in 1685, spent most of his life in
4- Can you remember the name of this opera in four acts which was composed by Puccini in
1895 and has a French name.
La Bohème
5- Who is the famous musician who started composing at the age of five?

Step 18
Exercise 13
Mots transparents :
- Orchestra
- Inspiring
- Sopranos
- Tenor
- Magnificent
- Baroque
- Concert
- Favourite
- Talented
- Arias
- Music
- Joy

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So what is the purpose of this leaflet? What is it about?

The leaflet advertises a concert that will take place on December 3, 4 and 5.

Exercise 14
1- There is a quotation on this leaflet:
‘Music should strike fire from the heart of man, and bring tears from the eyes of woman.’
Who said that? Ludwig van Beethoven
Que dit l’auteur de cette citation en fait ? L’auteur - Beethoven – dit que la musique
devrait mettre le feu/enflammer le cœur des hommes et faire couler les larmes des yeux
des femmes.
Que vient faire cette citation dans cette brochure ? La citation est supposée donner envie
aux lecteurs d’assister au concert.
2- À quelle période de l’histoire de la musique classique ce concert fait-il référence ? Pour le
savoir cherche un terme qui qualifie ce concert : le terme Baroque permet d’identifier la
période de l’histoire de la musique classique en question. Le baroque couvre une grande
période dans l’histoire de la musique. Il s’étend du début du XVIIe siècle environ au
milieu du XVIIIe siècle. Bach, Vivaldi et Handel sont trois grands compositeurs qui ont
brillé durant cette période.
3- Y aura-t-il des parties chantées dans ce concert ? Comment le sais-tu ? Relève tout ce qui te
l’indique : Il y aura des parties chantées. Les termes ‘choir’, ‘voices’ le prouvent.
4- Trouve tous les qualificatifs positifs pour ce concert, dont on vante les mérites dans
la brochure : inspiring - magnificent - eternal glory - favourite - talented - Jubilant -
5- Trouve dans la brochure la traduction des mots français suivants :
a) Chef d’orchestre : conductor
b) Talentueux : talented
c) Voix (pluriel) : voices
d) Chorale : choir
e) Achat : purchase
f) tarif de groupe : Group rates

Exercise 15
In blue: Orchestra - sopranos - contralto – tenor - bass - Music - concert – choral - Baroque -
conductor - solo voices - musicians - Ensemble - choruses - arias - composer - Chamber Choir -
In yellow: Karen Burlington - Pamela Newman (sopranos) Christina Evans (contralto) Jonathan
Swift (tenor) and David Portman (bass)
In pink: Student £11
You can either
- book online (www.gloriaorch.org)
- call 666.454.1242
- or fax your order with credit card number to (232)987-5489

68 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
Dates and time
DECEMBER 3, 4 & 5
Friday. 7.30 p.m. St Peter Theatre
Saturday. 7.30 p.m. Royal Theatre
Sunday. 3.30 p.m. Lucillus Theatre
Séquence 12 c

Name of orchestra: Gloria

Séance 6

Step 19
Å Sandra isn’t free on Saturday night.
Ç She has to: look after her sister
É When are Adrian and Sandra going to the concert? On Sunday afternoon
Ñ What time will they meet? 30 minutes before the concert
Ö Meeting place: at Adrian’s place
Observe comment... :
- Adrian demande si Sandra est là :
Is Sandra there please?
- Elle dit « moi-même » ou « c’est moi » : Speaking.
- Adrian fait la conversation avant d’aborder la raison pour laquelle il appelle (on appelle cela
’small talk’ ou « petite conversation » : on parle de tout et de rien, on s’intéresse à l’autre)
Note 2 façons de demander « alors quoi de neuf ? »
a) What’s up?
b) How are you doing these days?
On aborde maintenant la raison de l’appel : l’invitation. Auparavant, observe comment on
procède à une « approche » : Que demande Adrian à Sandra avant de lui parler du concert ? Are
you doing anything on Sunday afternoon?
- Observe comment on fait un projet et comment on se met d’accord sur une activité :
• Sur la nature de l’activité : Ë Would you like to go to a concert with me?
• Sur l’heure : Ë How about 3.00?
• Sur le lieu de rendez-vous : Ë Why don’t we meet at my place?
Observe aussi les réactions de Sandra : elle semble d’accord sur tout.
Note ce qu’elle dit, comment elle réagit aux propositions d’Adrian :
- No, I’m free.
- Sounds good!
- 3.00 is fine!
- See you there.

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Exercise 16
• Ce qu’ils vont faire : Ils vont aller au cinéma. ‘Would you like to watch a movie with me?’
• Pourquoi Mary ne pouvait pas mercredi : Elle doit aller chez le dentiste. ‘Dentist
appointment! ‘
• À quelle heure ils vont se voir : À 13h30. ‘Yeah, 1:30 is fine.’
• Où ils vont se rencontrer : Ils vont se rencontrer devant le restaurant italien Federico.
‘Why don’t we meet in front of Federico’s Italian restaurant on the High Street? ’Sounds
good. See you there.’
Script :
Mary: Hello.
Peter: Oh good afternoon Mrs. Banks. Can I speak to Mary, please?
Mary: Speaking!
Peter: Oh....Hi, Mary. This is Peter.? What’s up?
Mary: Oh, the usual....nothing new really. And you how are you doing these days?
Peter: I’m good! Are you free on Wednesday afternoon or have you got anything scheduled?
Mary: Sorry I’ve got plans for Wednesday afternoon. Dentist appointment! Why?
Peter: Would you like to watch a movie with me? The new movie staring Brad Pitt!
Mary: Sounds great! But I can’t on Wednesday.
Peter: Ok then, why not on Saturday afternoon?
Mary: No problem. I’m free. What time would you like to meet?
Peter: How about 1:30?
Mary: Yeah, 1:30 is fine. Where would you like to meet?
Peter: Why don’t we meet in front of Federico’s Italian restaurant on the High Street?
Mary: Sounds good. See you there.
Peter: Great. Bye.

Séance 7

Step 22
Do you remember the name of the piece of music? Magnificat
Do you remember the name of the composer? J-S Bach
What words are you sure you will hear during the conversation?
Voici des mots auxquels tu as pu penser :
Concert – reserve – book tickets – seats – Bach – Magnificat – how much – left/right

70 — © Cned, Anglais 4e
Step 23
Exercise 19
- Billet : ticket
Séquence 12 c

- Représentation : performance
- Complet : sold out
- Au milieu : in the middle
- A côté l’un de l’autre : next to each other
- Rangée de devant : the front row
- Siège libre : available seat
Comment réserver un billet au téléphone : Les répliques d’Adrian.
- I’d like to reserve two tickets for The Magnificat for the matinee on Sunday, the 5th.
- how about on the 3rd of December? Any available seats on that day?
- Are there any seats left in the middle?
- The front row sounds good.
- I don’t mind really!
- How much are the tickets?
- Can I use my mum’s credit card to pay for the tickets?

Séance 8

j e m’évalue
Exercise 1
1- G.C.S.E. (General Certificate od Secondary Education)
2- The ritual pupils usually attend before lessons start is: assembly.
3- They bring a packed lunch.
4- An extra-curricular activity is an activity which is performed by students or pupils after
5- See page 15

Exercise 2
Paragraphe 1 : C- Physical Development
Paragraphe 2 : E- Creativity
Paragraphe 3 : B- Stress Relief
Paragraphe 4 : D- Self-Confidence
Paragraphe 5 : A- Team Spirit and Camaraderie

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Exercise 3
a. Smelly
b. Deadly
c. Unruly
d. Manly
e. Costly
Exemples de production possible :
I enjoy playing a musical instrument because it is very fulfilling, I think.
I am fond of water activities like swimming, canoeing because I think it is very relaxing.
I am very sociable so I enjoy activities like team sports because I can meet new people.
I am not really keen on competing with other people so I prefer activities which I can do on my
own like jogging.

Exercise 5
1- If I were you I would start learning the instrument you have chosen because you really seem
to be into it.
2- Maybe you should borrow an instrument from a friend if you don’t have much money.
3- Take my advice: that activity will be fulfilling and relaxing/ You should really do it! You need
to blow off the steam!

Exercise 6
Phrase-mystère : ‘Without music life would be a mistake’ Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

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Exercise 7
1- which – F
2- who – B
3- who – A
Séquence 12 c

4- which – C
5- which – E
6- who – D

Exercise 8
1- Il veut l’inviter à une fête qui aura lieu samedi soir.
2- La fête aura lieu samedi à 18h.
3- Ils se donnent rendez-vous à 18h45.
4- Ils se donnent rendez-vous au supermarché Tesco.
5- Parce que Sallie doit y faire une course.
6- Car George lui demande si la course qu’elle doit faire au supermarché a un rapport avec
lui. Il demande si elle veut lui acheter un cadeau.
Bonus : Sallie est réticente car elle ne connaît pas très bien Jim, chez qui la fête a lieu.
Script :
Sallie: Hello.
George: Hello. Is Sallie there please?
Sallie: Speaking.
George: Hi, Sallie. This is George. What’s up?
Sallie: I’m good. Nothing new really.
George: Do you have time after class?
Sallie: When?
George: Well...on Saturday. Are you doing anything?
Sallie: No, I don’t have anything scheduled. Why?
George: Jim is organizing a party at 6 Saturday night. Do you want to come?
Sallie: Sounds great! But I don’t know Jim very well. Do you think this might be a problem?
George: Nah...I don’t think so. How about meeting at...let’s say 5.45 ?
Sallie: Yeah sure! 5.45 is fine. Where shall we meet?
George: Why don’t we meet ....hmmm.....let me think....
Sallie: Hey I’ve got something to buy at Tesco’s.
George: Wow! A present for me?
Sallie: Don’ t be stupid! Ok shall we meet there or what?
George: Kidding...Yeah Great. See you there. 5.45 sharp! Bye.

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