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Terminale ES / L / S LV1 et LV2

Devoirs 1 8

Rdaction Madeleine LE JEUNE



Rfrence : 7-AN01-DVPA00-10 Ce cours a t rdig et publi dans le cadre de lactivit du Centre National dEnseignement Distance, Institut de Rennes. Toute autre utilisation, notamment but lucratif, est interdite. Les cours du Cned sont strictement rservs lusage priv de leurs destinataires et ne sont pas destins une utilisation collective. Les personnes qui sen serviraient pour dautres usages, qui en feraient une reproduction intgrale ou partielle, une traduction sans le consentement du Cned, sexposeraient des poursuites judiciaires et aux sanctions pnales prvues par le Code de la proprit intellectuelle. Les reproductions par reprographie de livres et de priodiques protgs contenues dans cet ouvrage sont effectues par le Cned avec lautorisation du Centre franais dexploitation du droit de copie (20, rue des Grands Augustins, 75006 Paris). Imprim au Cned - Institut de RENNES 7, rue du Clos Courtel 35050 RENNES CEDEX 9

> Devoirs 1 8


evoir 01 envoyer la correction



Collez ltiquette code AN01 DEVOIR 01 sur la 1re page de votre devoir. Si vous ne lavez pas reue, crivez le code AN01 DEVOIR 01, ainsi que vos nom et prnom.

Important > La saisie informatise des devoirs ne permet aucune erreur de code.


Veuillez rdiger ce devoir aprs avoir tudi la squence 1.

Temps consacrer au devoir : 2h30 3h ; 3h pour la srie L Faites ce devoir sans aide extrieure (cours, grammaire, dictionnaire ). Il est indispensable de faire les devoirs seul(e), car cest lunique manire de vous rendre compte du niveau que vous avez atteint. Sries ES, S (LV1) et L et S (LV2) Parties 1, 2 et 3 Srie L (LV1) Srie ES (LV2) Parties 1, 2, 3 et 5 Parties 1 et 4

1. Comptence linguistique (14 points)

faire par les inscrits dans toutes les sries au Baccalaurat

Compltez le texte suivant en mettant les verbes entre parenthses au prtrit simple ou au prtrit en be +-ing : (14 x 0,25 = 3,5 points) crivez seulement les rponses sur votre copie mais dans lordre. She (go) to New York for the first time in 1890. In those days, air travel (not/exist). It (take) three weeks to sail from France to America by boat. When she (leave) home, she (feel) very excited. Imagine! she (go) abroad on her own. For the occasion, she (wear) her best clothes. Her parents (come) to Le Havre to say goodbye. All around her, people (kiss) and (hug). When the boat (sail off), she (can see) that her mother (cry) and her father (shout) last minute recommendations! Traduisez les phrases suivantes en franais (3 points) 1. When Dally emigrated to L.A. six years ago she could barely understand English. 2. It was 1880 and he was off for an adventure; as he stepped on the boat he noticed her. 3. She was wearing a long white dress and carrying a suitcase. Traduisez les phrases suivantes en anglais (4,5 points) 1. Comme je descendais du bateau, je vis mon oncle qui mattendait. 2. Ce fut en 1967 que mon grand-pre dbarqua en France. 3. Il ma souvent racont quil regrettait le soleil de son pays.

Devoir 01-AN01-10

Traduisez en anglais en utilisant la forme passive (3 points) 1. Ellis Island, les gens taient traits comme du btail (cattle) 2. On les examinait pour voir sils avaient des maladies contagieuses. 3. On dit que les immigrants hispaniques (Hispanic) apportent une nouvelle vitalit.

2. Comprhension de texte (36 points)

raliser par les inscrits en sries ES, L, S (LV1) ET L, S (LV2) prparant un examen crit.

Read the following text.

News of New York

New Yorks debt to immigrants has become almost a clich. Since Ellis Island was established as a center for new arrivals in 1892, millions of people have sought the shelter of Lady Liberty, fleeing poverty, famine, war and persecution overseas. They literally and figuratively built New York, from the skyscrapers and dockyards* to the corner delis* and garment* factories. They brought their native foods and religions, customs and clothing, which New York graciously absorbed. But those immigrants built the city inward and upward, and few ever ventured off the cramped, self-contained island of Manhattan. The new immigrants are different. They are heading not for Manhattan, but for the more remote outer boroughs* chiefly Queens, Brooklyn and the Bronx where housing is cheaper, job opportunities abound and there are plenty of derelict* neighborhoods ripe for revitalization. They couldnt have done it without immigrants. Visiting the outer boroughs today is like taking a trip round the world. In Queens, Hindus worship at a temple with carved elephant heads. West Indians play cricket in the shadow of the globe left over from the 1964 Worlds Fair. In the Bronx, Mexicans barbecue pork over open barrels in Pelham Park. Albanians gather in corner groceries to share job tips*. And in Brooklyn, Rastafarians hold raucous drumming sessions* in Prospect Park JFK airport in Queens has become the new Ellis Island, welcoming arrivals from all over the globe and whisking them off to neighborhoods ready to help them adapt. Pakistanis in the Bellerose neighborhood of Queens, for one, advertise job opportunities in local papers back home. So its easy to understand why a newly arrived family from Karachi would head straight for* Bellerose, where a mosque and a halal butcher are already established. But what makes the first person of any given background venture into unknown territory? Some unnamable blend of courage, opportunity and desperation, without which New York would never have become what Walt Whitman* called the proud and passionate mad, extravagant city! that its renowned* as today.
Susan H. GREENBERG, in Newsweek*, August 6, 2001 (adapted)

Vocabulary help: dockyard = chantier naval deli (delicatessens) = picerie fine garment = vtement borough = district, quartier de banlieue derelict = en ruines tip = tuyau, renseignement drumming sessions = sances de percussion head straight for = se diriger directement vers renowned = renomm Walt Whitman = pote amricain (1819 -1892 ) Newsweek = magazine amricain de rputation mondiale couvrant lactualit et des articles de fond Answer the following questions a) The immigrants before 1. Who built New York? Justify your answer by giving two quotes from the text. (3 points)

Devoir 01-AN01-10

2. Why did immigrants come to New York? Justify by quoting from the text. (4 points) 3. Where did they settle? (1 point) b) The immigrants today 4. Who are the new immigrants? Give four items. (2 points) 5. Where do they settle now? (quote) (3 points) 6. Why do they settle there? (quote) (4 points) c) An example: the Pakistanis 7. Why do they come? (4 points) 8. Where do they go? (2 points) 9. What is their religion? Justify your answer from the text. (3 points) d) The qualities of an immigrant 10. What are the qualities of an immigrant? Explain the journalists opinion, give your own with a few examples. Write up to 80 words* (10 points) Comptez et indiquez le nombre de mots crits.

3. Expression crite (20 points)

raliser par les inscrits en sries ES, L, S (LV1) et L, S (LV2) prparant un examen crit.

Jane, a young woman from England, has found a job in New York. A few days after her arrival she writes to her parents back home. Write her letter (250 mots)

Indiquez le nombre de mots que vous avez crits. Rpartition des points : 12/20 pour la langue et 8/20 pour le fond (respect de la consigne, aspect formel dune lettre, ides, cohrence, clart, imagination )

4. Expression crite (36 points)

raliser par les inscrits en sries ES LV2 prparant un examen oral au Baccalaurat Pour cette premire squence, vous avez fait votre expos sur le texte seul, mais avec beaucoup daide puisque vous avez eu un expos modle sur le CD. Pour ce premier devoir, vous devrez rpondre des questions que lexaminateur pourrait vous poser sur lexpos A Boys Journey. Rpondez par crit. What do you know about Ellis Island? (environ 100 mots) (6 + 6 = 12 points) What makes a good immigrant according to the text and according to what you know of American people? (environ 150 mots) (12 + 12 = 24 points) Indiquez le nombre de mots que vous avez crits. Rpartition des points : 18/36 pour la langue et 18/36 pour le fond (respect de la consigne, ides, connaissances, clart et efficacit de la prsentation )

5. Traduction (10 points)

Seulement pour les inscrits en srie L (LV1)

Devoir 01-AN01-10


Translate the first paragraph into French.

Total sur 80 ramen sur 20 pour la srie L. Total sur 70 ramen sur 20 pour les candidats lcrit des sries ES et S (LV1) et L (LV2). Total sur 50 ramen sur 20 pour les candidats de la srie ES LV2.

Noubliez pas de joindre la notice individuelle que vous trouverez dans ce livret, avec le 1er devoir, pour le professeur correcteur.


Devoir 01-AN01-10

evoir 02 envoyer la correction



Collez ltiquette code AN01 DEVOIR 02 sur la 1re page de votre devoir. Si vous ne lavez pas reue, crivez le code AN01 DEVOIR 02, ainsi que vos nom et prnom.

Important > La saisie informatise des devoirs ne permet aucune erreur de code.


Veuillez rdiger ce devoir aprs avoir tudi la squence 2.

Temps ncessaire : 2h30 3h ; 3 h pour la srie L Faites ce devoir sans aide extrieure (cours, grammaire, dictionnaire ). Il est indispensable de faire les devoirs seul(e), car cest lunique manire de vous rendre compte du niveau que vous avez atteint. Sries ES, S (LV1) et L et S (LV2) Parties 1, 2 et 3 Srie L (LV1) Srie ES (LV2) Parties 1, 2, 3 et 5 Parties 1 et 4

1. Comptence linguistique (14 points)

faire par les inscrits dans toutes les sries au Baccalaurat

Compltez le texte suivant en mettant les verbes entre parenthses au prtrit ou au plus-que-parfait (simple ou en be +-ing) : (14 x 0,25 = 3,5 points) crivez seulement les rponses sur votre copie mais dans lordre. The first time Dunbar came to the village was back last summer. He had found a wounded woman by the river. She had a bad wound on the side of her head and since he (can, not) revive her he (decide) it (be) better to take her back to the village. At that time he (feel) very lonely. He (hear, not) from his commander for months and he no longer (know) what he (do) there. Previously, when the commander (offer) him to keep the outpost at the frontier he (see) it as an opportunity to be alone with his own thoughts. However, soon the solitude of his life (become) inhuman and only the daily visit of the wolf (take) him away from madness. But, now that he (come) to know the Indians he (know) that he (belong) there, in the Prairie. Traduisez les phrases suivantes en franais. (6 points) 1. Once the dust had settled, Dunbar could see that the warriors had prepared themselves for an attack. 2. The white man had dismounted and now stood still. The Indians decided that he must be a crazy man. 3. He could have left then but he didnt move and waited knowing that death would come soon. Traduisez les phrases suivantes en anglais. (4,5 points) 4. Comme il avanait vers eux, il vit lun des guerriers qui stait dtach des autres, venir vers lui. 5. Il avait d croire quils laccueilleraient comme un ami. 6. Il se pouvait que ce fut son dernier jour.

Devoir 02-AN01-10


2. Comprhension de texte (36 points)

raliser par les inscrits en sries ES, L, S (LV1) et L, S (LV2) prparant un examen crit.

Read the following text.

A New Kind of Warrior

1 When I got back to the reservation, my family wasnt surprised to see me. Theyd been expecting me back since the day I

left for Seattle. Theres an old Indian poet who said that Indians can reside in the city, but they can never live there. Thats as *close to truth as any of us get. Mostly I watched television. For weeks I flipped through channels, searched for answers in the game shows and soap operas. My mother would circle the want ads in red and hand the paper to me.
5 What are you going to do with the rest of your life? she asked,

Dont know, I said, and normally, for almost any other Indian in the country, that would have been a perfectly fine answer. But I was special, a former college student, a smart kid. I was one of those Indians who was supposed to make it, to rise above the rest of the reservation like *a fucking eagle or something, I was the new kind of warrior. For a few months, I didnt even look at the ads my mother circled. I just left the newspaper where she had set it down. After
10 a while though, I got tired of television and started to play basketball again. Id been a good player in high school, nearly

great, and almost played at the college I *attended for a couple of years. But Id been too *out of shape from drinking and sadness to ever be good again. Still, I liked the way the ball felt in my hands and the way my feet felt inside my shoes. At first I just *shot baskets by myself. It was selfish, and I also wanted to learn the game against anybody else. Since Id been good before and embarrassed tribal members, I knew they would take revenge on me. Forget about the cowboys 15 versus Indians business. The most intense competition on any reservation was Indians versus Indians.
A. Sherman, The Lone Ranger and Tonton Fistfight in Heaven, 1994

Vocabulary help: close to the truth = proche de la vrit fucking = un foutu (vulgaire) an eagle = un aigle to attend = frquenter (un lieu) to be out of shape = ne pas tre en forme to shoot baskets = faire des paniers au basket Answer the following questions a) General comprehension 1. What is the nature of the text? (1 point) 2. Fill in the blanks of the summary, taking words from the text. (5 points) The narrator is a young . who is returning to his ..after having resided in Seattle. At first he falls into apathy and only watches without even reading the of the newspaper to find a job. However, he begins to practice .again and gets ready to play with other Indians. b) Back home 4. What was the narrators family reaction on his return? Where is an Indians real place, (quote to justify your answer) (3 points) 5. How do we see that at first he is depressed? (3 points) 6. How did his mother express her concern for him? (3 points) c) A new kind of warrior 7. From the information in the text, say what characterised the narrator as a child and relate his life up to now. (2 points) 8. Explain the choice of the image of the eagle and the shocking juxtaposition of fucking and eagle . (4 points) 9. Explain the notion a new kind of warrior . (5 points)

Devoir 02-AN01-10

d) The importance of sport 10. Explain the attraction of basketball for the narrator and the repercussion of his past victories. Why are sporting competitions so important for young people? Answer taking the example of the text and other examples that you know of. Write up to 120 words. (10 points)

Comptez et indiquez le nombre de mots crits.

3. Expression crite (20 points)

raliser par les inscrits en sries ES, L, S (LV1) et L, S (LV2) prparant un examen crit.

Write A New Kind of Warrior from the mothers point of view, using the first person narrative : she could see her boy come back, lazy and dejected. She thought of his childhood and wondered why. (250 mots)

Indiquez le nombre de mots que vous avez crits. Rpartition des points : 12/20 pour la langue et 8/20 pour le fond (respect de la consigne, traitement du sujet, ides, connaissances )

4. Expression crite (36 points)

raliser par les inscrits en sries ES LV2 prparant un examen oral au Baccalaurat Dans cette seconde squence, vous avez fait vos prsentations de textes en vue de lexamen oral seul(e). Rdigez par crit une partie de lexpos sur The Encounter et ensuite rpondez par crit une question que pourrait poser un examinateur. Presenting The Encounter Dbut de lexpos : Part four goes from line 28 to line 43. I have called it An Indian warriors initiative . Continuez en rdigeant lexpos, noubliez pas de mettre en avant le suspense et de faire des citations. (environ 250 mots) (12 + 12 = 24 points) Question que pourrait vous poser lexaminateur (Concerning Talking God ) : What did you learn about Indian beliefs and customs through this text? (environ 100 mots) (6 + 6 = 12 points) Indiquez le nombre de mots que vous avez crits. Rpartition des points : 18/36 pour la langue et 18/36 pour le fond (respect de la consigne, traitement du sujet, clart, cohrence, ides, connaissances, originalit )

5. Traduction (10 points)

Seulement pour les inscrits en srie L (LV1) Translate the first paragraph into French. Total sur 80 ramen sur 20 pour la srie L. Total sur 70 ramen sur 20 pour les candidats lcrit des sries ES et S (LV1) et L (LV2). Total sur 50 ramen sur 20 pour les candidats de la srie ES LV2. Noubliez pas denvoyer la notice individuelle si vous ne lavez pas jointe avec le 1er devoir.

Devoir 02-AN01-10


evoir 03 crit envoyer la correction



Collez ltiquette code AN01 DEVOIR 03 sur la 1re page de votre devoir. Si vous ne lavez pas reu e, crivez le code AN01 DEVOIR 03, ainsi que vos nom et prnom.

Important > La saisie informatise des devoirs ne permet aucune erreur de code.

> >

Veuillez rdiger ce devoir aprs avoir tudi la squence 3. Les lves inscrits en srie ES, LV2 feront le devoir oral la place du devoir crit.

Temps ncessaire : 3 h pour toutes les sries,

Faites ce devoir sans aide extrieure (cours, grammaire, dictionnaire ). Il est indispensable de faire les devoirs seul(e), car cest lunique manire de vous rendre compte du niveau que vous avez atteint. Sries ES (LV1), S (LV1 et LV2) et L (LV2) Srie L (LV1) Srie ES (LV2) Parties 1, 2 Parties 1, 2 et 3 Devoir oral E1 sur cassette (voir nonc plus loin)

1. Comprhension crite (80 points)

faire par les inscrits dans toutes les sries au Baccalaurat Read the following text and answer the questions.

I knew something was odd at home when, after we had eaten our dinner, my dad followed my mum, Carl and me into the living room to sit down. This usually did not happen. Dinner was just an interruption from my dads jobs around the house. On Sundays after church Dad was always fixing, painting, adjusting or mending. He was always, in the middle of a job, that required his full, silent concentration and a *monkey wrench. If I ever asked him what he was doing hed 5 say, fixing something, so dont come bothering me now. []

But this was not the only strange thing. It used to be strange for us to go into the living room at all. It was always kept best with Mums carefully embroidered runners on the sideboard and school photographs of Carl and me smiling and showing our teeth in various stages of hideous development. [] Now we were adults, however, we could go in the room any time we pleased, our parents convinced that we could no longer damage one of the glass ornaments or spill out tea on the furry 10 fireside rug. But as I walked into the room I saw six, maybe seven of my mum and dads boxes piled up in a corner. My eye was drawn to them because they were out of place and nothing was ever out of place in that room. The boxes were also full, sealed across the top, bottom and sides with wide brown tape. What are these doing here? I asked, going over to them. I turned round and watched as Dad looked at Mum, Mum looked at Carl, Carl looked at Dad and then back at Mum. But nobody looked at me.
15 Whats going on? I looked at them all one by one. Then another strange thing happened: my dad spoke first.

Sit down, Faith, he said. He began to finger the knuckles on his hand, feeling each one in turn. He used to do this when it was time to discuss the could do better bits in my school report. I began to get scared.

Devoir 03-AN01-10


No, I wont sit down. I wasnt sure why I said that but I felt like someone in a film who was about to be told something that would make them scream and pull at their hair. Unfortunately everyone else sat down and I had to stay standing. 20 Nobody spoke so I placed my hands on my hips. Dad started, Your mum and me, then he faltered. He began again, Me and your mum, and stopped. He went back to, Your mum and me, I looked at my mum who was looking at her knees and pulling imaginary hairs off her skirt, while Dad continued to stutter his various permutations. He was onto, We, when I said, What? [.] Come, Wade, Mum said, looking impatiently at my dad who had not completed a sentence.
25 Your mum and I are thinking of going back home, Dad said finally.

I thought of our old council flat where Carl and me had grown up. Although we had lived in Crouch End for years, it was the crumbling flat in Stoke Newington that I thought of as home. The blue door with the silver number twenty-three and a knocker that could be heard anywhere in the flat. With the drain pipe in the bathroom, where bathwater from the flats above could be heard rushing through. My bedroom with its council-pink walls and tiny bed where I put my discarded teeth 30 under the pillow and the tooth fairy would replace them with a sixpence. I thought in that moment that my parents had somehow lost all their money. That Mum was having to leave her job as a district nurse, the old folk cured, the district cutting back. That Dads business which he had built up so carefully with sixteen-hour days, including Saturdays and Sundays, and evenings spent writing invoices in his best hand writing in a little blue book had after all gone bust. I thought they were having to move out of the house. The houses in a proper street 35 that they were so proud of that they sent pictures of it to relatives with invitations to come and stay. You going back to the flat? I asked. Carl sniggered and I knew I was wrong. No, Faith, Mum said. Were thinking of going home to Jamaica. And my reaction was, For a holiday. Fantastic! How long for?
40 Not for a holiday, Faith, Dad said hesitantly. Your mum and me are thinking He held up his hand, Only thinking,

mind, of going back there to live. To get a little place and live.
Andrea LEVY, Fruit of the Lemon, 2000
*monkey wrench : cl anglaise

crivez les rponses sur votre copie dans lordre. Comprhension

Read the following questions and read the whole text. a. What sort of narrative is it? (3 points) b. Give the narrators name. (1 point) Who are the other characters? Give their names and occupations when possible. Say how they are related to the narrator. (4 points) Pick out three elements showing that the narrator is no longer a child. (3 points) a. What makes it an unusual day? Pick out three different details. (3 points) b. In your own words, contrast that particular day with the family routine (30/40 words) (7 points) Read the text again from line 16 to line 25. a. Pick out three elements describing the fathers attitude. (3 points) b. In your own words, analyse his attitude. (7 points) c. To what extent can this analysis be applied to the mother? Justify your answer with one quotation? (6 points)


Devoir 03-AN01-10

Focus on the narrator. a. Select words from the list below to characterise the narrators attitude and feelings: Absent-minded carefree excluded frightened puzzled relaxed theatrical trustful. (4 points) Write down your choice of words then illustrate each one by quoting from the text. b. No, I wont sit down (line 17). Comment on this answer. (6 points) a. What do the parents want to tell the narrator? (4 points) b. What does the word home mean for the narrator? (3 points) c. What does the narrator imagine has happened to her parents? Use your own words. (40 words) (8 points) d. Is she right? Justify your answer with a quote. (2 points) Why doesnt home correspond to the same place for the narrator and her parents? (40 words) (8 points) Taking into account the different places mentioned, retrace the familys history. What can you deduce about the evolution of their standard of living? (60 words) (8 points)

2. Expression (60 points)

Sries L, ES, S Langue vivante 1 et Srie L langue vivante 2 : Imagine a continuation to the story. (300 mots)

Indiquez le nombre de mots que vous avez crits. Rpartition des points : 36/60 pour la langue et 24/60 pour le fond (respect de la consigne, traitement du sujet, clart, cohrence, ides, connaissances, originalit )
Critres dvaluation : construction dun rcit narratif et dialogu de plusieurs paragraphes respect du point de vue narratif liaisons cohrence et logique du rcit correction et richesse lexicale et grammaticale. Srie S Langue vivante 2 : Imagine a continuation to the story. (200 mots)

Indiquez le nombre de mots que vous avez crits. Rpartition des points : 36/60 pour la langue et 24/60 pour le fond (respect de la consigne, traitement du sujet, ides, connaissances )
Critres dvaluation : construction dun rcit narratif et dialogu de plusieurs paragraphes respect du point de vue narratif liaisons cohrence et logique du rcit correction et richesse lexicale et grammaticale.

3. Traduction (seulement pour les inscrits en L LV1) (60 points)

Translate from line 1 (I knew something was odd) to line 5 ( dont come bothering me now).

Total des points : Sries ES et S LV1 et sries L LV2 et S LV2, 140 points ramens sur 20 par le professeur correcteur. Srie L LV1, 200 points ramens sur 20 par le professeur correcteur.

Devoir 03-AN01-10


evoir 03 oral envoyer la correction

Ce devoir est raliser sous forme numrique en vous connectant votre espace Cned ladresse www.campus-electronique.fr o vous trouverez toutes les informations et documents ncessaires dans la rubrique

[Envoi de vos devoirs : Oraux internet]

Lisez bien toutes les informations et les conseils qui vous sont donns avant de procder lenregistrement de votre devoir.

> Nhsitez pas prendre contact avec :

lassistance en cas de difficults techniques ; votre professeur tuteur pour des questions sur le cours ou sur le devoir.

> Si vous ne pouvez pas utiliser le dispositif des devoirs oraux via internet, reportez-vous imprativement
au Guide de llve pour prendre connaissance de la procdure.

Important > Veuillez raliser ce devoir aprs avoir tudi la squence 3.

> >

Devoir obligatoire en srie ES LV2 Lenvoi du devoir oral exclut lenvoi de devoir crit et vice-versa.

Temps ncessaire : 20 minutes de prparation crite ; 10 12 minutes denregistrement Ce devoir est raliser obligatoirement par les inscrits en srie ES LV2. Il peut remplacer le devoir crit pour les autres sries.

Faites ce devoir sans aide extrieure (cours, grammaire, dictionnaire ). Il est indispensable de faire les devoirs seul(e), car cest lunique manire de vous rendre compte du niveau que vous avez atteint. Faites les exercices dans lordre et annoncez les numros.

1. Enregistrez la lecture des neuf premires lignes du texte The Color of Water du dbut jusqu black or white. (4 points)
Why do you cry in church? I asked her one afternoon after service. Because God makes me happy.
Devoir 03 oral-AN01-10

Then why cry? Im crying because Im happy. Anything wrong with that? No, I said, but there was, because happy people did not seem to cry like she did. Mommys tears seemed to come from somewhere else, a place far away, a place inside her that she never let any of us children visit, and even as a boy I felt there was pain behind them. I thought it was because she wanted to be black like everyone else in church, because maybe God liked black people better, and one afternoon on the way home from church I asked her whether God was black or white.

Lecture : environ 1 minute.

2. Faites la prsentation orale du texte : The Color of Water. Ayez le texte sous les yeux et une feuille de papier.
Passez 20 minutes pour prparer votre prsentation orale sans consulter aucun document, seulement avec le texte et lillustration et en rdigeant des notes au brouillon. Surlignez les passages que vous allez citer dans le texte. Enregistrez votre prsentation qui ne doit pas durer plus de 5 minutes. (10 points)

3. Aprs votre prsentation rpondez aux deux questions suivantes et enregistrez vos rponses :
What in your opinion are the advantages and disadvantages of being the child of racially mixed parents? (2 minutes 3 points) What do you know of the conditions of black people in the United States in the nineteen sixties? (2 minutes 3 points) Au total votre enregistrement doit durer environ 10 minutes. Total des points sur 20.

Critres dvaluation :

Pour la lecture : intelligibilit rythme (respect des pauses) qualit de la prononciation, accentuation et intonation.
Pour la prsentation du texte : prise en compte des ides contenues dans le texte cohrence et clart de lexpos production dune langue orale ou oralise (lecture dun travail crit exclue) correction grammaticale et phonologique. a


Devoir 03 oral-AN01-10

evoir 04 envoyer la correction



Collez ltiquette code AN01 DEVOIR 04 sur la 1re page de votre devoir. Si vous ne lavez pas reue, crivez le code AN01 DEVOIR 04, ainsi que vos nom et prnom.

Important > La saisie informatise des devoirs ne permet aucune erreur de code.


Veuillez rdiger ce devoir aprs avoir tudi la squence 4.

Faites le devoir correspondant votre srie.

Temps ncessaire : 2h30 3h ; 3 h pour la srie L Faites ce devoir sans aide extrieure (cours, grammaire, dictionnaire ). Il est indispensable de faire les devoirs seul(e), car cest lunique manire de vous rendre compte du niveau que vous avez atteint. Sries ES (LV1), S (LV1) et L (LV2) Srie L (LV1) Srie ES (LV2) Parties 1, 2 et 3 Parties 1, 2, 3 et 5 Parties 1 et 4

1. Comptence linguistique (15 points)

faire par les inscrits dans toutes les sries au Baccalaurat Compltez les phrases suivantes en mettant les expressions verbales entre parenthses au temps appropri (simple ou en be +-ing ) : (5 points) crivez seulement les rponses sur votre copie mais dans lordre. (You/ever/wonder) what it (be) like to live in France in 1941? He (read) that book for hours and (seem not) to want to stop. How long (you/stare) blankly on that page? I (never/see) anyone so slow! I (just see) his mother, she (take) her decision yet. I (meet) her family a week ago. I (come across) them by chance in the park.

Faites des phrases en utilisant des pronoms relatifs partir des propositions suivantes : (5 points) 1. They were good children/ their only distraction was playing in the woods and on the beaches. 2. He said he had always lived here/ it was true. 3. He now works in a nearby town/ the mayor is an old friend of mine. 4. Every afternoon he walks on the beaches./ He loves the beaches so much. 5. That girl was my childhood sweetheart/ I am talking about that girl.
Devoir 04-AN01-10

Traduisez les phrases suivantes en anglais. (5 points) 1. Le soldat qui est venu les arrter tait trs jeune. 2. Ce ntaient pas les seuls trangers qui furent emprisonns 3. Ctait le seul village quils connaissaient. 4. Je recevais rgulirement ses lettres sans lesquelles jaurais t vraiment dprim. 5. Le garon avec lequel je partageais mes jeux denfant est devenu journaliste.

2. Comprhension de texte (40 points)

raliser par les inscrits en sries ES, L, S (LV1) et L, S (LV2) prparant un examen crit. Read the following text

The Vietnam War Memorial in Washington D.C. has the list of names of the 58,169 US soldiers who died in Vietnam. It is also named The Healing Wall.
1 Then I began to move my hands over the Wall

Over names I didnt know, Slow at first, and then faster, almost frantically At first not knowing why 5 But then knowing I was looking for one name, I was looking for the one groove my hands would know The best, The one that would confirm what I always knew 10 To be true but was afraid to admit, A name that wasnt there but should have been Mine. It was that realization, that surprise, When it all rushed in, the horribleness too horrible to 15 Remember Too awful to forget When it all came back to me overwhelming me, Forcing me to face what I could not accept The source of my guilt, my one great sin 20 I had lived, I had survived. I came back I left the Wall. I ascended out of that deep, dark hole a different person. Tired, emotionally exhausted, I stood there looking back where I had been. 25 I knew my pain had not magically left me I carry it with me today but I carry it, it no longer Carries me. This was the healing I could not find before The Wall told me my name was not there 30 And said go live your life, you do not belong here. And so I do live my live now, beyond the Wall.
Patrick Overton

Answer the following questions a) General comprehension 1. What is the nature of the text? (1 point) 2. Find the English for the following words: rainure, affluer, submerger, pch, gurison. (5 points)


Devoir 04-AN01-10

b) First paragraph 3. What was the narrators first action on reaching the wall? Quote to justify your answer. (3 points) 4. What was the narrator looking for? Quote to justify your answer. (3 points) 5. What were his feelings at this point in the text? Quote to justify your answer. (3 points) c) Second paragraph 6. From the information in the second paragraph explain what the Wall made the narrator realise. Quote to justify your answer. (6 points) d) Third paragraph 7. Show that this experience was deep and moving. Quote to justify your answer. (4 points) 8. Explain the image in the end and what it enabled the narrator to do. Quote when necessary. (5 points) e) The importance of healing 9. Explain why there are such things as war memorials and war commemorations. Can they help heal people who have suffered? Write up to 120 words. (10 points)

Comptez et indiquez le nombre de mots crits.

3. Expression crite (20 points)

raliser par les inscrits en sries ES, L, S (LV1) et L, S (LV2) prparant un examen crit. We should not teach history in schools. History should be forgotten if we want to build a world without resentment. Discuss the pros and cons of this issue. (250 mots)

Indiquez le nombre de mots que vous avez crits. Rpartition des points : 12/20 pour la langue et 8/20 pour le fond (respect de la consigne, traitement du sujet, clart, cohrence, ides, connaissances, originalit )

4. Expression crite
raliser par les inscrits en sries ES LV2 prparant un examen oral au Baccalaurat. (35 points) Dans cette quatrime squence, vous avez fait vos prsentations de textes en vue de lexamen oral seul(e). Rdigez par crit une partie de lun des exposs et ensuite rpondez par crit une question que pourrait poser un examinateur. (Concerning The Simplest Kind of Love ) Part two concerns Ishmaels vision of love. Continuez en rdigeant lexpos, noubliez pas de mettre en avant le symbolisme du cdre et de faire des citations. (environ 250 mots) (11 + 11 = 22 points) (Concerning Memory ) What did you learn about the life of a soldier in the Gulf War through this text? (environ 100 mots) (7 + 6 = 13 points)

Indiquez le nombre de mots que vous avez crits. Rpartition des points : 18/35 pour la langue et 17/35 pour le fond (respect de la consigne, ides, connaissances, clart et efficacit de la prsentation )

5. Traduction
Seulement pour les inscrits en srie L (LV1) Translate the last paragraph into French (I left the wall ... to the end). (10 points) Total sur 85 ramen sur 20 pour la srie L. Total sur 75 ramen sur 20 pour les candidats lcrit des sries ES et S (LV1) et L (LV2). Total sur 50 ramen sur 20 pour les candidats de la srie ES LV2.
Devoir 04-AN01-10


evoir 05 envoyer la correction



Collez ltiquette code AN01 DEVOIR 05 sur la 1re page de votre devoir. Si vous ne lavez pas reue, crivez le code AN01 DEVOIR 05, ainsi que vos nom et prnom.

Important > La saisie informatise des devoirs ne permet aucune erreur de code.


Veuillez rdiger ce devoir aprs avoir tudi la squence 5.

Faites le devoir correspondant votre srie.

Temps ncessaire : 2h30 3h ; 3 h pour la srie L Faites ce devoir sans aide extrieure (cours, grammaire, dictionnaire ). Il est indispensable de faire les devoirs seul(e), car cest lunique manire de vous rendre compte du niveau que vous avez atteint. Sries ES (LV1), S (LV1) et L (LV2) Parties 1, 2 et 3 Srie S (LV2) Srie L (LV1) Srie ES (LV2) Parties 2 et 3 Parties 1, 2, 3 et 5 Parties 1 et 4

1. Comptence linguistique (15 points)

faire par les inscrits dans toutes les sries au Baccalaurat, sauf srie S (LV2) Compltez les phrases suivantes en mettant les expressions entre parenthses la forme approprie : (5 points) crivez seulement les rponses sur votre copie mais dans lordre. 1. She remembers (leave) the party and (feel) ashamed at his behaviour. 2. The father went on and on (accuse) him and (threaten) him. 3. How she loved (ride) through the countryside and (come) across the old villages. 4. (Read) and (play) the piano were her favourite pastimes. 5. She would have liked to (know) her servants more and (play) with their children. Compltez les phrases avec des pronoms rflchis si ncessaire: (5 points) 1. I caught him looking at ..................in the windowpane. 2. The children enjoyed ....................... at the beach. 3. I made all this work ......................... . 4. Every morning he shaved ...........................and dressed ................................ in a hurry.

Devoir 05-AN01-10


Traduisez les phrases suivantes en anglais (5 points) 1. Elle ne supportait de voir ses serviteurs si mal traits. (bear) 2. Elle ne pensait pas que bavarder avec les indignes tait rprhensible. 3. Cet empire tait fait pour enrichir lAngleterre. (make England richer) 4. Cette vie quelle menait tait comme vivre dans une illusion. 5. Je me suis retrouv en pleine fort et je ne me rappelais plus du chemin.

2. Comprhension de texte (40 points)

raliser par les inscrits en sries ES, L, S (LV1) et L, S (LV2) prparant un examen crit. Read the following text

I want some more... Oliver Twist is an orphan and is poor. He now lives in the *workhouse with other boys. They are not given enough food and it is Olivers lot to ask for more *gruel that evening.

... The gruel disappeared; the boys whispered each other, and winked at Oliver; while his next neighbours nudged him. Child as he was, he was desperate with hunger, and reckless with misery. He rose from the table, and advancing to the master, basin and spoon in hand, said, somewhat alarmed at his own temerity: Please, sir, I want some more.

The master was a fat, healthy man; but he turned very pale. He gazed in stupefied astonishment on the small rebel for some seconds, and then clung for support to the copper. The assistants were paralysed with wonder; the boys with fear. What! said the master at length, in a faint voice. Please, sir, replied Oliver, I want some more.


The *board were sitting in solemn conclave, when *Mr. Bumble rushed into the room in great excitement, and addressing the gentleman in the high chair, said : Mr. Limbkins, I beg your pardon, sir! Oliver Twist has asked for more! There was a general start. Horror was depicted on every countenance. For more! said Mr. Limbkins. Compose yourself, Bumble, and answer me distinctly. Do I understand that he asked for more, after he had eaten the supper allotted by the *dietary?


He did, sir, replied Bumble. That boy will be hung, said the gentleman in the white waistcoat. I know that boy will be hung. Nobody controverted the prophetic gentlemans opinion. An animated discussion took place. Oliver was ordered into instant *confinement; and a *bill was next morning pasted on the outside of the gate, offering a reward of five pounds to anybody who would take Oliver Twist off the hands of the parish. In other words, five pounds and Oliver Twist were offered to any man or woman who wanted an apprentice to any trade, business, or calling.
Charles Dickens, Oliver Twist (1837) (abridged)


Vocabulary help: a workhouse = hospice pour orphelins the gruel = bouillie davoine the board = le comit qui gre lhospice Mr Bumble est le bedeau qui veille au bon droulement de lhospice the dietary = le rgime alimentaire de lhospice confinement = dtention a bill = une affiche

Devoir 05-AN01-10

Answer the following questions (40 points) a) General comprehension 1. What is the nature of the text? Who is the narrator? (2 points) 2. Find the English for the following words: murmurer, faire un clin doeil, pousser du coude, regarder fixement. (2 points) 3. Who are the characters present? Name them when possible. (2 points) 4. When does the scene take place? Give the two locations where the events are happening. (3 points) 5. Sum up the passage in some 40 words. (5 points) b) First part from the beginning to line 10. 1. Give the two reasons why Oliver asked for some more food. Quote to justify your answer. (2 points) 2. Describe the boys movements and imagine his feelings when he is about to speak? Quote to justify your answer. (4 points) 3. Why is the master a particularly unpleasant character and why is he comical? Quote to justify your answer. (3 points) 4. Describe how Dickens builds the suspense at the end of this first part, from line 6 to line 10. (4 points) c) Second part from line 10 to the end 5. Show how Dickens creates comical characters here. Quote when necessary. (4 points) 6. What were the immediate consequences of Olivers action for him? (2 points) d) Charity in Victorian England 7. What did you learn about charity in Victorian England from this text? (Why do you think the good people of a parish felt obliged to help the orphans? What was expected of the orphans? What happened if they didnt conform and why? Explain the real reasons behind charity in Victorian England.) Write up to 100 words. (7 points)

Comptez et indiquez le nombre de mots crits.

3. Expression crite (20 points)

raliser par les inscrits en sries ES (LV1), S (LV1 et LV2), L (LV1 et LV2) prparant un examen crit. Would you say that our society is more tolerant than it used to be some one hundred years ago or would you say that there is still room for improvement. Discuss this taking as example the conditions of women or the poor in our country. (200 mots)

Indiquez le nombre de mots que vous avez crits. Rpartition des points : 12/20 pour la langue et 8/20 pour le fond (respect de la consigne, traitement du sujet, clart, cohrence, ides, connaissances, originalit )

4. Prsentation de texte en vue de lexamen oral (35 points)

raliser par les inscrits en sries ES, LV2 prparant un examen oral au baccalaurat. Dans la squence 5, vous avez fait vos prsentations de textes en vue de lexamen oral seul(e). Rdigez par crit une partie de lun des exposs et ensuite rpondez par crit une question que pourrait poser un examinateur. (Concerning The British Guests ) Part one concerns The First Offence. Continuez en rdigeant lexpos, noubliez pas de faire des citations. (environ 250 mots) (11 + 11 = 22 points) (Concerning A Room with a View) What did you learn about Victorian life through this text? (environ 150 mots) (7 + 6 = 13 points)

Devoir 05-AN01-10


Indiquez le nombre de mots que vous avez crits. Rpartition des points : 16/35 pour la langue et 17/35 pour le fond (respect de la consigne, ides, connaissances, clart et efficacit de la prsentation )

5. Traduction (10 points)

Seulement pour les inscrits en srie L (LV1) Translate the last paragraph into French.

Total sur 85 ramen sur 20 pour la srie L. Total sur 75 ramen sur 20 pour les candidats lcrit des sries ES et S (LV1) et L (LV2). Total sur 60 ramen sur 20 pour les candidats de la srie S (LV2). Total sur 50 ramen sur 20 pour les candidats de la srie ES LV2.


Devoir 05-AN01-10

evoir 06 crit envoyer la correction



Collez ltiquette code AN01 DEVOIR 06 sur la 1re page de votre devoir. Si vous ne lavez pas reu e, crivez le code AN01 DEVOIR 06, ainsi que vos nom et prnom.

Important > La saisie informatise des devoirs ne permet aucune erreur de code.

> >

Veuillez rdiger ce devoir aprs avoir tudi la squence 6. Les lves inscrits en srie ES, LV2 feront le devoir oral la place du devoir crit.

Faites le devoir correspondant votre srie.

Temps ncessaire : 3 h pour toutes les sries, sauf pour la srie S LV2, 2 heures.

Faites ce devoir sans aide extrieure (cours, grammaire, dictionnaire ). Il est indispensable de faire les devoirs seul(e), car cest lunique manire de vous rendre compte du niveau que vous avez atteint. Sries ES, S (LV1), L et S (LV2) Srie L (LV1) Srie ES (LV2 oral) Parties 1, 2 et 3a Parties 1, 2 et 3b Devoir oral E2 (voir plus loin)

1. Comprhension crite (40 points)

faire par les inscrits dans toutes les sries au Baccalaurat Read the following text and answer the questions.

The Clinging Woman

The girl was hanging by her hands from the railings of a balcony. The balcony was on the twelfth floor of the high-rise block next to his. His flat was on the ninth floor and he had to look up to see her. It was half-past six in the morning. He had been awakened by the sound of an aircraft flying dangerously low overhead and had got out of bed to look. His sleepy gaze, descending from the blue sky which was empty of clouds, empty of anything but the bright vanishing arrow of the aircraft, alighted at first with disbelief on the hanging figure. He really thought he must be dreaming, for this sunrise time was the hour for dreams. Then, when he knew he wasnt, he decided it must be a stunt. This was to be a scene in a film. There were cameramen down there, a whole film unit, and all the correct safety precautions had been taken. Probably the girl wasnt even a real girl but a dummy. He opened the window and looked down. The car park, paved courts, grass spaces between the blocks, all were deserted. On the balcony rail one of the dummys hands moved, clutching its anchorage more tightly, more desperately. He had to believe then what was obviously happening unbelievable only because melodrama, though a frequent constituent of real life, always is. The girl was trying to kill herself. She had lost her nerve and now was trying to stay alive. All these thoughts and conclusions of his occupied about thirty seconds. Then he acted. He picked up the phone and dialled the emergency number for the police.
Devoir 06-AN01-10



The arrival of the police cars and the ultimate rescue of the girl became the focus of gossip and speculation for the tenants of the two blocks. Someone found out that it was he who had alerted the police and he became an unwilling hero. He was a modest, quiet young man, and, disliking this limelight, was relieved when the talk began to die away, when the novelty of it wore off, and he was able to enter and leave his flat without being pointed at as a kind of St. George and sometimes congratulated. About a fortnight after that morning of melodrama, he was getting ready to go to the theatre, just putting on his overcoat, when the doorbell rang. He didnt recognize the girl who stood outside. He had never seen her face. She said, Im Lynda Simpson. You saved my life. Ive come to thank you. His embarrassment was acute. You shouldnt have, he said with a nervous smile. You really shouldnt. Thats not necessary. I only did what anyone would have done.



She was calm and tranquil, not at all his idea of a failed suicide. But no one else did, she said. Wont you come in? Have a drink or something? Oh, no, I couldnt think of it. I can see youre just going out. I only wanted to say thank you very, very much. It was nothing. Nothing to save someones life? Ill always be grateful to you.


He wished she would either come in or go away. If this went on much longer the people in the other two flats on his floor would hear, would come out, and another of those bravest-deeds-of-the-year committee meetings would be convened. Nothing at all, he said desperately. Really, Ive almost forgotten it.
Ruth RENDELL, The Fallen Curtain and Other Stories, published by Hutchinson. Reprinted by permission of the Random House Group Ltd.

Comprhension :
Read the whole text. 1. Does the story take place in a town or in the country? Justify your answer with two quotations from the text. (3 pts) 2. How many characters actually appear in this passage? Who are they? (2 pts) 3. What time of the day does the story first take place? (1 pt) Justify your answer with three elements from the text. (3 pts) Read the text again from line 1 to line 13. 4. What did the man see when he looked out of the window? (2 pts) 5. a. What were his first two interpretations of this scene? (1 pt) Pick out three words from the text to justify the second interpretation. (2 pts) b. How did the man realise that the second interpretation was wrong? (2 pts) c. Pick out three words or expressions which indicate that the situation was really serious. (3 pts) d. The girl wasnt even a real girl but a dummy. (l.13) (1 pt) Choose the correct definition of the word dummy: 1) a stupid-looking person 2) an object that looks like a person 3) a man dressed like a girl 6. After the event, how did the neighbours behave towards the man? Why? (30 words) (5 pts) 7. How did he feel about his new status? Why? (30 words) (5 pts) 8. Line 29: He wished she would either come in or go away. What does this sentence reveal about his feelings towards the girls visit? (80 words) (10 pts)


Devoir 06-AN01-10

2. Expression (30 points)

Sries ES (LV1), L et S (LV1 et LV2)
Answer the following question. What does the word hero mean to you? Illustrate your answer with specific examples. Les inscrits en S (LV2) criront 200 mots, les autres sries 300 mots.

Indiquez le nombre de mots que vous avez crits. Rpartition des points : 18/30 pour la langue et 12/30 pour le fond (respect de la consigne, traitement du sujet, clart, cohrence, ides, connaissances, originalit )

3. Traduction
a) Pour les inscrits en Sries ES (LV1) et S ( LV1 et LV2) (10 points) Translate from line 22 (His embarrassment) to line 24 ( she said). b) Pour les inscrits en srie L (LV1) (20 points) Translate from line 22 to the end.

Total des points : Srie L LV1, 90 points ramens sur 20 par le professeur correcteur. Sries L LV2, ES et S LV1, 80 points, ramens sur 20 par le professeur correcteur.

Devoir 06-AN01-10


evoir 06 oral envoyer la correction

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lassistance en cas de difficults techniques ; votre professeur tuteur pour des questions sur le cours ou sur le devoir.

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au Guide de llve pour prendre connaissance de la procdure.

Important > Veuillez raliser ce devoir aprs avoir tudi la squence 6.

> >

Devoir obligatoire en srie ES LV2 Lenvoi du devoir oral exclut lenvoi de devoir crit et vice-versa.

Temps consacrer ce devoir : 40 minutes de prparation. Enregistrement 8 minutes. Ce devoir est raliser obligatoirement par les inscrits en srie ES LV2. Il peut remplacer le devoir crit pour les autres sries. Faites les exercices dans lordre et annoncez la numrotation

Part one (15 points)

Ayez le texte sous les yeux et une feuille de brouillon. a) Vous ferez la prsentation gnrale de la nouvelle The Landlady. (Temps de parole 1 minute) b) Puis vous choisirez de vous concentrer sur le dbut donc latmosphre et les personnages et la fin donc sur les lments qui alertent Billy. Dans votre conclusion, vous rappellerez le savoir-faire de lauteur dun texte suspense et les lments qui rtrospectivement vous ont mis sur la voie. (Temps de parole 5 minutes maximum)

Devoir 06 oral-AN01-10


Passez 20 minutes pour prparer votre prsentation orale sans consulter aucun document, seulement avec le texte et en rdigeant des notes au brouillon. Surlignez les passages que vous allez citer dans le texte.

Part two (5 points)

Aprs votre prsentation rpondez la question suivante et enregistrez votre rponse: Why do you think we enjoy reading frightening stories? (Temps de parole 2 minutes)

Critres dvaluation : Pour la prsentation du texte : prise en compte des ides contenues dans le texte cohrence et clart de lexpos production dune langue orale ou oralise (lecture dun travail crit exclue) correction grammaticale et phonologique.

Total des points sur 20.


Devoir 06 oral-AN01-10

evoir 07 envoyer la correction



Collez ltiquette code AN01 DEVOIR 07 sur la 1re page de votre devoir. Si vous ne lavez pas reue, crivez le code AN01 DEVOIR 07, ainsi que vos nom et prnom.

Important > La saisie informatise des devoirs ne permet aucune erreur de code.


Veuillez rdiger ce devoir aprs avoir tudi la squence 7.

Temps ncessaire : 2h30 3h ; 3 h pour la srie L Faites ce devoir sans aide extrieure (cours, grammaire, dictionnaire ). Il est indispensable de faire les devoirs seul(e), car cest lunique manire de vous rendre compte du niveau que vous avez atteint. Sries ES, S (LV1), L et S (LV2) Srie L (LV1) Srie ES (LV2 oral) Parties 1, 2 et 3 Parties 1, 2, 3 et 5 Partie 1 et 4

1. Comptence linguistique (15 points)

faire par les inscrits dans toutes les sries au Baccalaurat

Reformulez les phrases ci-dessous au style indirect (5 points) a) We cant go tomorrow, I told her. ... b) He must be deranged, I thought. .... c) Ill phone you next week, I promised. .. d) We moved to town two years ago, he said. e) I heard the news yesterday, she whispered . Traduisez les phrases suivantes en anglais. (10 points) a) b) c) d) e) Jai dit Ben quil avait lair fatigu. Il ma dit quil ne pouvait pas le faire tout seul. Elle ma dit quils lavaient arrt il y a deux mois. Il a dit que ctaient ses affaires. Je lui ai dit quil devrait prendre des vacances.

Devoir 07-AN01-10


2. Comprhension de texte (45 points)

raliser par les inscrits en sries ES, L, S (LV1) et L, S (LV2) prparant un examen crit. Read the following text

Chapter one (an extract) 1 Okonkwo was well known throughout the nine villages and even beyond. His *fame rested on solid personal achievements. As a young man of eighteen he had brought honour to his village by throwing Amalinze the Cat. Amalinze was the great *wrestler who for seven years was unbeaten, from Umuofia to Mbaino. He was called the Cat because his back would never touch the earth. It was this man that Okonkwo threw in a fight which the old men agreed was one of the fiercest 5 since the *founder of their town engaged a spirit of the wild for seven days and seven nights. The drums beat and the flutes sang and the spectators held their breath. Amalinze was a wily craftsman, but Okonkwo was as slippery as a fish in water. Every nerve and every muscle stood out on their arms, on their backs, on their thighs, and one almost heard them stretching to breaking point. In the end Okonkwo threw the Cat. That was many years ago, twenty years or more, and during this time, Okonkwos fame had grown like a bush-fire in the
10 *harmattan. He was tall and huge, and his bushy eyebrows and wide nose gave him a very severe look. He breathed heavily,

and it was said that, when he slept, his wives and children in their out-houses could hear him breathe. When he walked, his heels hardly touched the ground and he seemed to walk on springs, as if he was going to *pounce on somebody. And he did pounce on people quite often. He had a slight *stammer and whenever he was angry and could not get his words out quickly enough, he would use his *fists. He had no patience with unsuccessful men. He had no patience with his father.
15 Unoka, for that was his fathers name, had died ten years ago. In his day he was lazy and improvident and was quite

incapable of thinking about tomorrow. If any money came his way, and it seldom did, he immediately bought gourds and palm-wine, called round his neighbours and made merry. He always said that whenever he saw a dead mans mouth he saw the folly of not eating what one had in ones lifetime. Unoka was, of course, a *debtor, and he owed every neighbour some money, from a few *cowries to quite substantial amounts
Chinua Achebe, Things Fall Apart, 1958

Vocabulary help: fame = renomme the founder = le fondateur wrestler = lutteur to pounce = pour bondir stammer = bgaiement fists = poings a debtor = un dbiteur money cowries = les cauris sont des coquillages servant autrefois de monnaie dans certaines parties de lAfrique The Harmattan is a dry and dusty wind blowing south-west and west off the Sahara into the Gulf of Guinea from November to March and December to February. Answer the following questions (45 points) a) General comprehension 1. Give a title to the extract. (1 point) 2. Who is the narrator? Whose perspective is given? Give one example to prove your point. (3 points) b) Who? Where? When? 3. Who? Name the three main characters present in the extract and give their relationship. Who are the other characters? (4 points) 4. Where? How is the wider world defined in the first paragraph? (quote) Name the two villages which give the limits of the community. 3 points) 5. When? What happened when the main character was eighteen? What happened at the beginning of time?

Devoir 07-AN01-10

How old is the main character now at the time of the narrative? When did Unoka die? (4 points) c) The wrestling match 6. Explain why one of the characters is nicknamed the Cat. Quote if necessary. (2 points) 7.Who is watching the wrestling match? What are their feelings during and after the match? (3 points) d) Portraits 8. Give a complete portrait of Okonkwo. Show how he is seen as bigger than life and find his shortcomings (imperfections). Write up to 150 words including quotes. (8 points) 9. Give a complete portrait of Unoka. (4 points) e) Achebes style 10. Find a metaphor in paragraph 3 and explain its effect on the reader. (3 points) f) Africa 11. What did you learn about African life, customs, values and beliefs in this extract? Why do you think Achebe introduces Ibo customs in this way all throughout the novel? (150 mots) (10 points)

Comptez et indiquez le nombre de mots crits.

3. Expression crite (20 points)

raliser par les inscrits en sries ES, L, S (LV1) et L, S (LV2) prparant un examen crit. The last time you went to another planet you came across a different society from the one on earth, although not quite different after all. Describe it through one or two characters and one or two events. (250 mots)

Indiquez le nombre de mots que vous avez crits. Rpartition des points : 12/20 pour la langue et 8/20 pour le fond (respect de la consigne, ides, cohrence, clart, imagination )

4. Expression crite (25 points)

raliser par les inscrits en sries ES LV2 prparant un examen oral au baccalaurat. Dans cette septime squence, vous avez fait vos prsentations de textes en vue de lexamen oral seul(e). Rdigez par crit le dbut de lexpos sur And if something happens (Vous rdigerez lintroduction puis la situation initiale qui explique la situation au dbut de lextrait). (300 mots)

Indiquez le nombre de mots que vous avez crits. Rpartition des points : 12/25 pour la langue et 13/25 pour le fond (respect de la consigne, ides, connaissances, clart et efficacit de la prsentation )

5. Traduction (10 points)

Seulement pour les inscrits en srie L (LV1) Translate the third paragraph into French.

Total sur 90 ramen sur 20 pour la srie L. Total sur 80 ramen sur 20 pour les candidats lcrit des sries ES et S (LV1) et L (LV2) Total sur 40, ramen sur 20 pour les candidats loral de la srie ES LV2.
Devoir 07-AN01-10


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Collez ltiquette code AN01 DEVOIR 08 sur la 1re page de votre devoir. Si vous ne lavez pas reue, crivez le code AN01 DEVOIR 08, ainsi que vos nom et prnom.

Important > La saisie informatise des devoirs ne permet aucune erreur de code.


Veuillez rdiger ce devoir aprs avoir tudi la squence 8.

Temps ncessaire : 3 h pour les sries L, ES,S (LV1); 3h pour la srie L (LV2); 2 h pour la srie S; 1h30 pour rdiger le commentaire oral de la srie ES (LV2) Faites ce devoir sans aide extrieure (cours, grammaire, dictionnaire ). Il est indispensable de faire les devoirs seul(e), car cest lunique manire de vous rendre compte du niveau que vous avez atteint. Sries L (LV1), ES, S (LV1) et L (LV2) Srie S (LV2) Srie ES (LV2) Parties 1, 2 et 3 Parties 1 et 2 Partie 4

Partie 1 : Comprhension de texte (30 points)

raliser par les inscrits en sries ES, L, S (LV1) et L, S (LV2) prparant un examen crit. Lisez les deux textes suivants (donns au Baccalaurat).


(Henry has just come home from school),

Henry, she gasped, youve got to help me What! Whats the matter? Was the FBI upstairs? Was she bleeding internally? Thered been gunfire! We were going to scream down the street in an ambulance while she told me her dying wish, while she expired in my arms. What!

She was doing the difficult job of holding still, so that the skin on her hands, those lily-white ones, were stretched to the thinnest translucence around my big wrists. I cant, she said, get-on-line. I looked hard and I looked long into those beseeching blue eyes of hers. Right then there was nothing not jewels or a cruise ship or money () that she wanted more than the machinery to be up and running. I could see this in her fierce little pupils. Oh, no! I finally whispered. Oh, God!


What? What do you think it is? It hadnt taken me much time, more than a second really, to understand the possibilities in the situation. () Ive Ive got to get on, she said. Ive just, just got to get on. Okay, I said. Sure. I set my backpack on the floor, squatted, took out a pencil, in case I needed to do some complicated algorithms to get the dolly1 in working order. Computations that might take, oh, a week or two. I ambled2 up the stairs after her, sat in the office chair, adjusted the setting for height and back support. Stood and fixed my belt. Sat down. Made a fine tuning with the smaller back knob3 under the chair. Tweaked the larger one ()
Devoir 08-AN01-10


She would have liked to scream at me. I could feel the urgency, the desperation, in the way she clutched the back of my chair and breathed as if she were running and running and not simply standing still. ()

Up in the office, when she could no longer control herself over the computers malfunction, when she stared to tremble, and when her breathing down my neck became irregular. I said, Wait a minute. Lets try something. I made elaborate motions, pressing the various keys and finally hitting the one under the desk that shut the machine down. Hold the phone, I said, stating it up again. Here we go. My mother sank into a hard wooden chair, put her hands into her face, and said, Oh Jesus. Thank you!

Vocabulary help: 1dolly (ici) = machine 2to amble = to walk nonchalantly 3a knob = a control button

1 A generational difference shows up in the emergence of the family tech guru, who these days is far more likely to be a

teenager than the father of the house. A Carnegie Mellon study of home computer use found that those with the least seniority claimed the most authority, with calls to technical support1 (generally a sign of the household power user) coming predominantly from children, not adults. Southwest Airlines recently ran a television ad showing a self-important 5 boomer2 dictating his travel requirements to an unseen associate. The camera pulls back to show his seven-year-old son, who is typing it all into a website. Children have always been more expert than their parents at something, but usually a game or a fad, not the eras most important business tool. For the first time in history, children are more comfortable, knowledgeable and literate than their parents about an innovation central to society, says Mr Tapscott (the author of Growing up Digital). For kids today, 10 technology is the defining event of their generation, much as wars or depression were for previous generations. Television opened the boomers eyes to the global village, but the Internet goes one better. It operates 24 hours a day and it does not just offer you a window on the world, but a way of playing a part wherever you are.
Know the future. The Economist Newspaper Limited, London, December 23rd 2000.

Vocabulary help: 1calls to technical support = phone calls to hotlines to get help about your computer 2a boomer = a baby boomer, a person born in the 1950s at the time of the baby-boom

Answer the following questions on your own paper, respect the numbering (30 points) a) General comprehension (2 points) 1. The document is composed of two texts, what is the nature of each one? b) Text A 2. Say how many characters are present in the scene, and explain in your own words what their relationship is. (1,5 points) 3. What is the womans problem? (2 points) 4. Lines 1 to 8 - Pick out three words or phrases showing that the woman finds the situation dramatic. (1,5 points) 5. Lines 9 to 20 a. Pick out four expressions showing the physical manifestation of the womans emotional state. (2 points) b. What evolution do these expressions reflect? (2 points) 6. Find in the second text the expression that could apply to the narrator of the first text. (2 points) 7. Explain how the first text illustrates the following quotation, taken from the second one: Those with the least seniority (claim) the most authority. (5 points) 8. Lines 13 to 23 The narrators behaviour has several aims. Explain in your own words what they are. (5 points)

Devoir 08-AN01-10

Text B 9. Write down whether the following statements are right or wrong. Justify each answer with a quotation. (4 points) a. The older generation call hotline numbers more often than the younger generation. b. Making travel arrangements with the Internet is presented as childs play. c. Children have always been quicker than their parents at understanding technological inventions. d. Todays childrens lives are shaped by technology. 10. Which of the following titles best applies to the document (both texts taken as a whole)? Justify your choice with a quotation from each text. (3 points) a. The computer era is born. b. Getting on line at any time. c. The young: the true masters of new technology. d. Revenge of the baby-boomers.

Partie 2 : Expression crite (30 points)

raliser par les inscrits en sries ES, L, S (LV1) et L, S (LV2) prparant un examen crit. Do both subjects. 1. Write a short monologue in which the woman in text A gives her own account of the incident. Write 100 words at least. (6 + 4 = 10 points) 2. Television opens a window on the world, whereas the Internet offers you a way of playing a part wherever you are. Discuss, in 200 words at least. (12 + 8 = 20 points)

Indiquez le nombre de mots que vous avez crits. Rpartition des points : 18/30 pour la langue et 12/30 pour le fond (respect de la consigne, traitement du sujet, clart, cohrence, ides, connaissances, originalit )

Partie 3 : Traduction
A. Pour les inscrits en sries L (LV1), ES et S (LV1), L (LV2)
Translate TEXT A into French from line one to line 3: while she expired in my arms. What!. (10 points)

B. Les inscrits en srie L (LV1) continuent jusqu la ligne 12 Oh, God! (20 points en tout)
Total sur 80 ramen sur 20 pour les candidats lcrit de la srie L (LV1) Total sur 70 ramen sur 20 pour les candidats lcrit des sries ES et S (LV1) et L (LV2). Total sur 60 ramen sur 20 pour les candidats lcrit de la srie S (LV2).

Partie 4 : Rdaction dune prsentation de texte que vous pourriez faire oral. (20 points)
raliser par les inscrits en sries ES LV2 prparant un examen oral au baccalaurat. Dans la squence 8, vous avez fait vos prsentations de textes en vue de lexamen oral seul(e). Rdigez par crit toute la prsentation que vous feriez loral du texte The New Samaritans. (400 mots)

Indiquez le nombre de mots que vous avez crits. Rpartition des points : 10/20 pour la langue et 10/20 pour le fond (respect de la consigne, ides, connaissances, clart et efficacit de la prsentation )
Total des points sur 20 pour les candidats loral de la srie ES (LV2).
Devoir 08-AN01-10


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