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Universit Technique de Soa

Sixime dition du
11-13 Juin 2012, Sozopol, BULGARIE
Efcacit nergtique Sources dnergies
renouvelables Protection de lenvironnement
sur le thme gnral
Proceedings of the Conference COFRET 2012

Si x i me di t i on du

11- 13 Juin 2012, Sozopol, Bulgarie

Efficacit nergt ique Sources dnergies
renouvelables Prot ect ion de lenvironnement

( Pr oceedi ngs of t he
Conf er ence COFRET 2012)

Organis par :
Universit Technique de Sofia
Socit Franaise de Thermique

Avangard Prima
Sofia, 2012
Efficacit nergtique sources dnergies renouvelables protection de lenvironnement COFRET12, Sozopol, Bulgarie
Problmes thermiques
Analyse nergtique dun cycle organique de Rankine (COR) souscritique pour
rcuprer les chaleurs perdues basse temperature. ................................................................ 3
Michel Feidt, Abdelhamid Kheiri, Van Long Le
Etude paramtrique dun systme de rfrigration par absorption simple effet
utilisant le couple Eau Bromure de lithium............................................................................................. 9
Rabah Touaibi, Elena Eugenia Vasilescu, Michel Feidt,
Abdelhamid Kheiri, Miloud Tahar Abbes, Benyoucef Khelidj
Utilisation dun biocarburant issu des dchets graisseux de poisson comme
carburant pour moteur diesel : tests de performances et analyses des emissions ............................... ..15
Nadia Mrad, E. G. Varuvel, Fethi Aloui, Mohand Tazerout
On solar absorption refrigerator's performances ...................................................................................... ..21
Emna Berrich, Ali Fellah, Ammar Ben Brahim, Fethi Aloui, Michel Feidt
Application de la thermodynamique en dimensions finies lanalyse des
performances dun thermognrateur lectrique ...................................................................................... ...27
Yuxiang Dong, Amin El-Bakkali, Georges Descombes,
Michel Feidt et Christelle Prilhon
Analyse de cycles thermodynamiques complexes de poly-gnration................................................... 33
Michal Deligant, Georges Descombes, Radu Chiriac
Modlisation thermodynamique de systmes cramiques applications
potentielles dans les racteurs nuclaires de quatrime generation....................................................... 39
Olivier Rapaud, Nicolas Pradeilles, Alexandre Matre
Thermodynamic and economic analysis of the microturbines for cogeneration ................................... 45
Gabriel Paul Negreanu and Ion Oprea
Comparative study case of refrigerants...................................................................................................... 49
Gratiela Trlea, Mioara Vinceriuc and Ana Trlea
Comparative study of hydrocarbons, ammonia
and HFC mixture alternatives for retrofitting purposes............................................................................ 53
Ion Zabet, Gratiela Maria rlea, Mioara Vinceriuc and Ana rlea
an old refrigerant with great perspectives .......................................................................................... 56
Ciprian Filipoiu, Alexandru Dobrovicescu and Valentin Apostol
The influence of the evaporator and condenser effectiveness
on the heat pumps performances................................................................................................................ 62
Gheorghe Dumitrascu, Bogdan Horbaniuc, Michel Feidt and Mihai Adam
Performances dune machine frigorifique munie dun double vaporateur
et d'un dtendeur jecteur utilisant le fluide HFO 1234yf....................................................................... 66
Latra Boumaraf et Philippe Haberschill
Compresseurs et dtenteurs quasi-isothermes......................................................................................... 71
Arpad Trk, Stoian Petrescu, Gheorghe Popescu, Michel Feidt
An approach for developing of generalized models of evaporation and condensation
in plate heat exchangers as part of water-water heat pump system ................................................... 77
Nikola Kaloyanov, Anatoli Stoynov
Thermique mise en jeu dans les procds de changement de phase liquide-solide ............................. 82
F. Bltreu, O. Budenkova, M. Dumont, A. Ciobna,
A.-M. Bianchi et Y. Fautrelle
Theoretical study of controlled solidification
by means of an implicit finite difference scheme...................................................................................... ..88
Bogdan Horbaniuc, Gheorghe Dumitracu, Adam Mihai
Efficacit nergtique sources dnergies renouvelables protection de lenvironnement COFRET12, Sozopol, Bulgarie
Transfert de chaleur et de masse dans les processus de schage
des crales a basse de lnergie solaire................................................................................................... ..94
Corina Dana Cernianu, Marin Bic et Constantin Iancu
Construction and testing of a 600 kW burner for sawdust in suspension............................................... 102
Lucian Mihescu, Tudor Prisecaru, Manuela Elena Georgescu,
Gheorghe Lzroiu, Ion Oprea, Ionel P, Gabriel Paul Negreanu,
Elena Pop and Viorel Berbece
Influence des paramtres de systme de dtente et de mise sous vide
par jecteur sur le rendement dune centrale thermolectrique vapeur ............................................... 107
Malek Hamzaoui, Mourad Balistrou et Madjid Hachemi
Modlisation des phnomnes de condensation des fumes
issues dune chaudire bois combustible.................................................................................................. 114
Donia Hakoume, Mazen Al Haddad, Olivier Le Corre, Hassan Peerhossaini
Experimental performances evaluation of a single stage vapour
compression refrigeration system ............................................................................................................. 120
Horaiu Pop, Gheorghe Popescu, Nicolae Bran
Traian Popescu and Valentin Apostol
Combustion graphology used to improve emulsions of water-in-heavy fuel oil .................................... 126
Corneliu Moroianu and Victor Ghia
Rcupration d'nergie dans les gaz d'chappement d'un moteur diesel:
Effet des phnomnes transitoires ............................................................................................................. 129
Stphanie Lacour, Pierre Podevin, Fawaz Massouh
Optimisation dun moteur Stirling gamma
par la methodologie des plans dexperience.............................................................................................. 136
Ramla Gheith, Fethi Alouiet Sassi Ben Nasrallah
Optimisation thermodynamique en temps fini dune cinmatique de
moteur Stirling .............................................................................................................................................. 142
Juliette Bert, Daniela Chrenko, Tonino Sophy, Luis Le Moyne
et Frdric Sirot
Possibilities to improve the performance of gasoline internal
combustion engines using electromagnetic-controlled valves................................................................ 148
Plamen Punov and Radi Petrov
Prdiction du conditionnement thermique ncessaire lvaluation
de limpact du lubrifiant sur la consommation dun moteur ..................................................................... 152
Christophe Burgun, Stphanie Lacour, Alain Delacroix
Les effets des faibles leves des soupapes dadmission sur la
consommation de carburant dun moteur essence ................................................................................ 158
Adrian Clenci, Michael Deligant, Victor Iorga-Simn,
Pierre Podevin, Rodica Niculescu
Effet de la condition initiale sur le rendement nergtique des
changeurs air sol suite des terrassements rcents.............................................................................. 165
K. Dehina, A.M. Mokhtari
Exprimentation du couplage dun rfrigrateur un chauffe-eau.......................................................... 169
Romdhane Ben Slama
Stockage dlectricit sous forme thermodynamique et impact des
hautes tempratures sur les turbomachines utilises .............................................................................. 175
Christelle Prilhon, Michal Deligant, Pierre Podevin, Georges Descombes
Moteurs volumtriques alternatifs apport de chaleur externe : comparaison
entre les machines cycle de Joule et les machines cycle de Rankine .............................................. 181
Rabah Ibsaine, Philomne Sne, Pascal Stouffs
Efficacit nergtique sources dnergies renouvelables protection de lenvironnement COFRET12, Sozopol, Bulgarie
Influence de la gomtrie associe sur les caractristiques en pompage
des compresseurs centrifuges .................................................................................................................... 187
Michel Toussaint, Georges Descombes, Alain Lefebvre et Alexandre Marchal
Performances des cycles de production de puissance et de chaleur : cas
particulier de lutilisation dune source gothermale basse enthalpie .................................................... 193
Malika Rachedi OuldArbi, Mustapha Merzouk, Michel Feidt, Madjid Amirat
General performance characteristics of irreversible solar absorption
refrigeration cycle ......................................................................................................................................... 199
Emna Berrich, Ali Fellah, Ammar Ben Brahim, Fethi Aloui, Michel Feidt
Influence du rglage glissante des parametres sur performances
des systemes thermo-energetiques ............................................................................................................ 204
Marin Bic, Andrei Stoian et Corina Dana Cernianu
Influences sur le transfert de chaleur dans les installations frigorifiques .............................................. 208
Marin Bic, Nicolae Bara et Corina Dana Cernianu
L'optimisation de la combustion des gaz des installations de petite puissance .................................... 213
Alina Popa, Corina Dana Cernianu et Marin Bic
The influence of functional and constructive parameters on the
efficiency of a new type rotating machine .................................................................................................. 218
Nicolae Bran, Antonios Detzortzis and Antoaneta Brscu
Aspects of the combustion chamber architecture
of internal combustion engines regarding the pollutant emissions ......................................................... 223
Alexandru Mihai Dima, Drago Tutunea and Marin Bic
Researches regarding the biodiesel combustion in diesel engines ......................................................... 227
Drago Tutunea, Marin Bic
Modlisation de proprits thermophysiques
dans le cadre dun nouveau procd de frittage de cramiques .............................................................. 232
Radostin Blazhev, Matieu Gendre, Alexandre Matre, Nikolas Pradeilles, Ilonka Saykova
Micro-cognrateur avec moteur Stirling.
Etude de la gomtrie du systme et simulations numriques .............................................................. 238
Lavinia Grosu, Ctlina Dobre, Alexandru Ptulea
Performance evaluation of a reversed quasi-Carnot irreversible cycle
using the direct method from finite speed thermodynamics .................................................................... 244
Stoian Petrescu, Ctlina Dobre, Georgiana Trc-Dragomirescu, Monica Costea
Sources dnergie renouvelables et Environnement
Optimal integration of distributed energy storage and small generators
into an islanded microgrid with renewable source .................................................................................... 253
Vu Thang , Xavier Le Pivert, Christian Schaeffer
Transformation of horizontal global solar data into tilted irradiation at
hourly scale: comparison of various methodologies ................................................................................ 260
Gilles Notton, Christophe Paoli, Siyana Vasileva, Lilyana Ivanova,
Marie Laure Nivet, Ludmil Stoyanov
Stand for testing of hydrokinetic turbines .................................................................................................. 266
Valentin Obretenov, Tsvetan Tsalov, Stanislav Mateev
Environmental technology offset printing with alcohol free fountain solution .................................... 270
Rossitza Sardjeva
Planifications oprationnelles pour la minimisation des emissions
polluantes et le cot du fonctionnement dun micro-rseau .................................................................... 276
Hristiyan Kanchev
Efficacit nergtique sources dnergies renouvelables protection de lenvironnement COFRET12, Sozopol, Bulgarie
Feasibility study of hybridation of mini diesel power stations with
photovoltaic energy systems ....................................................................................................................... 282
Said Diaf and Gilles Notton
Regression model for electricity production from photovoltaic power plant .......................................... 288
Stoyan Yanev, Nikola Mihailov, Ivaylo Stoyanov
Matlab behavioral model of polymer-fullerene solar cell .......................................................................... 293
George Angelov, Rostislav Rusev, Elitsa Gieva,
Rossen Radonov Tihomir Takov, Marin Hristov
Apprentissage actif en electronique de puissance :
application aux convertisseurs photovoltaques ....................................................................................... 298
Samuel Portebos, Maxime Weyl, Alexandre Canon, Guilherme Durante,
Xavier Margueron, Mathieu Rossi, Alain Leblanc, Xavier Guillaud
Dveloppement dun testeur dynamique de panneaux solaires et caractrisation
du comportement de modules photovoltaques en movement ................................................................ 304
Emil Namor, Maud Nalpas, Elisabeth Huvey, Xavier Margueron,
Mathieu Rossi, Simon Davies et Fabien Verbrugghe
Power balancing in electric power system with considerable wind power penetration ......................... 309
Maria Kaneva, Zdravko Popov, Dimo Stoilov
Inertia influence on MPPT operation of a wind turbine with
doubly fed induction generator ................................................................................................................... 315
Vladimir Lazarov, Zahari Zarkov, Ludmil Stoyanov
Experimental study of losses in doubly-fed induction generator............................................................. 321
Vladimir Lazarov, Zahari Zarkov, Ludmil Stoyanov
Feedback linearization based control of squirrel cage induction
generator in wind energy conversion system ............................................................................................ 327
Stanislav Enev
Additional losses in distribution transformers caused by deviance in the energy quality .................... 333
George Todorov, Georgi Ganev
Web 2.0 technologies as a support for vocational education and
training in the field of renewable energy resources .................................................................................. 337
Zuzana Palkov, Gilles Notton, Christophe Paoli, Imrich Okenka
Photo-induced effects in ternary chalcogenide thin films ........................................................................ 341
Vladislava Ivanova, Andi Zaidan, Yordanka Trifonova, Plamen Petkov
Producing electricity from sunlight: actual situation, bright outlook
and uncertainties .......................................................................................................................................... 345
Driada Mitrushi, Pellumb Berberi, Daniala Halili, Valbona Muda
Experimental study of runners for vertical axis wind turbine ................................................................... 350
Valentin Obretenov
Assessment of the variability on the electricity production of wind
turbines technologies considering time-series of wind speed ................................................................. 354
Francisco M. Gonzalez-Longatt, Jose Luis Rueda, Dimitar Bogdanov
Parametric torsional vibrations of a drive train of a wind turbine
with faults in meshing stiffness ................................................................................................................... 360
Michael Todorov, Georgi Vukov and Julian Genov
Reactive energy compensation for distributed generation ....................................................................... 366
Valchan Guerorgiev,Borislav Bojchev, Nikolay Matanov and Haralan Penev
Augmentation du rendement des systmes photovoltaques ................................................................. 371
Hristo Vassilev, Petar Manoilov, Valchan Georgiev et Gancho Ganchev
Efficacit nergtique sources dnergies renouvelables protection de lenvironnement COFRET12, Sozopol, Bulgarie
Bio combustibles et Biotechnologies
On the way to improve bio-ethanol production from wooden
biomass as appropriate alternative fuel for spark ignition engines ......................................................... 379
Laureniu Fara, Alexandru-Cristian Racovitz, Gheorghe Niculae
Alcoholic fermentation of lignocellulose residues as way to energetic independence ......................... 383
Kantcho Lahtchev
Pilot-scale biogas plant for research and development of new technologies ......................................... 389
Ivan Simeonov, Boyko Kalchev, Elena Chorukova,
Snezhanka Mihaylova, Georgi Valevski, Venelin Hubenov,
Anatoliy Aleksandrov, Rashko Georgiev, Nicolai Christov
A mathematical study of the impact of methanogenic and
hydrogenotrophic steps on biomethane production from organic wastes ............................................. 395
Ivan Simeonov and Alexander Kroumov
Importance of the yeast S. cerevisiae for the production of fuel
ethanol from grain......................................................................................................................................... 401
Anton Stoyanov and Kantcho Lahtchev
Analyse de la consommation nergtique des schmas integers
pour la production dthanol partir de biomasse lignocellulosique ...................................................... 406
Ilonka Saykova, Ange Eric Somene, Rolph Nkeoua
MFC fed by lake sediment microbial community and application
alternatives .................................................................................................................................................... 412
Husein Yemendzhiev, Gergana Peeva, Bogdan Bonev,
Blagovesta Midyurova, Mariya Rasheva and Valentin Nenov
Brief review of gasification biomass technologies, their application
and potential risk regarding the safety and environment ......................................................................... 416
Petar Kaleychev, Kostadin Belev and Ivan Ivanov
Efficacit nergtique et Environnement
Nearly-zero-energy building: study case on a block of flats ..................................................................... 423
Emilia-Cerna Mladin, Alexandru Dobrovicescu, Tudor Prisecaru
tude numrique et exprimentale de la rehabilitation
thermique des logements dhabitations en Algrie ................................................................................... 428
Yassine Maoudj, Saad Baradiy, Mohamed Amara, Lotfi Derradji,
Farid Boudali Errebai
Influence of the coatings on the thermal performance of
Insulating glass units ................................................................................................................................... 434
Nina Penkova
Intelligent metering devices combined with ICT services aimed
at reducing the consumption of electrical energy in households ............................................................ 440
Stoyan Yanev, Ivaylo Stoyanov, Tsvetelin Pavlov
Optimal daily power scheduling for the microgrid of an
administrative complex ................................................................................................................................ 445
Vesselina Trashlieva, Dimo Stoilov, Dejan Andonov
Etude de procds de synthse de matriaux cramique plus faible cot nergtique ..................... 451
Nicolas Pradeilles et Alexandre Matre

Techno-economic evaluation of investments in regulated
asynchronous electric drives in centrifugal pumps .................................................................................. 456
Pencho Vladimirov, Valentina Kochevska, Ognyan Batolski
Efficacit nergtique sources dnergies renouvelables protection de lenvironnement COFRET12, Sozopol, Bulgarie
Techno-economic evaluation of investments in energy
efficient induction electric motors............................................................................................................... 462
Pencho Vladimirov, Valentina Kochevska, Ognyan Batolski
Investigation of the influence of the nature of the load of
brushless synchronous exciter with rotating diodes ................................................................................ 467
Ivaylo Panayotov, Dimitar Sotirov
Study of the influence of damper winding on the harmonics contents of line voltage
on synchronous machine with integer number of slot for pole and phase ............................................. 471
Ivaylo Panayotov, Dimitar Sotirov
Etude et prvision des niveaux levs de lozone O

troposphrique pour la qualit dair des centres urbains ......................................................................... 475
Agata Manolova
Opportunity for saving electrical energy by applying led lighting ........................................................... 481
Hristo Vasilev, Gancho Ganchev, Valchan Gueorgiev, Iva Draganova
Energy efficiency problems and trends in electric medical equipment ................................................... 485
Valentin Mateev, Iliana Marinova and Aneliya Terzova
Thermal field measurements for energy consumption monitoring .......................................................... 489
Valentin Mateev, Iliana Marinova and Aneliya Terzova
Development, implementation and rationalization of
cells for Brownian gas heating and transport ............................................................................................ 493
Milko Dochev and Mihail Michev
Analyse de l'impact des rglementations europennes sur
les producteurs d'nergie en cognration, en Roumanie ....................................................................... 497
Diana Tutica, Paula Voicu, Mihaela Norisor, George Darie, Adrian Badea
Computation of performance and efficiency of the water
oxygenation process in non-stationary conditions ................................................................................... 503
Nicolae Bran, Alexandru Sorin Ptulea and Ionela Mihaela Cluaru
La promotion des vhicules lectriques un pas vers le
dveloppement dun transport durable ....................................................................................................... 508
Dimitar Stoyanov et Stoyan Guichin
Approach for investigation of the effect and reliability of electrostatic filters
in "Bobov dol" TPP via specific software ................................................................................................... 513
Ivan Ivanov, Petar Kaleychev and Eleonora Petrova

Efficacit nergtique sources dnergies renouvelables protection de lenvironnement COFRET12, Sozopol, Bulgarie

Sources dnergie
renouvelables et

Efficacit nergtique sources dnergies renouvelables protection de lenvironnement COFRET12, Sozopol, Bulgarie

Stand for testing of hydrokinetic turbines
Valentin Obretenov, Tsvetan Tsalov, Stanislav Mateev
Abstract: The work is considered the scheme and the
characteristics of a test rig of hydrokinetic turbines. It
was installed in the laboratory of hydropower and
hydraulic turbomachinery of the Technical University of
Sofia. Described are the characteristics of the facilities of
the stand as the main attention is given to modeling
supply: model turbine, bearing shaft, loading systems.
Analyzed are the possibilities for testing various types of
hydrokinetic turbines, as well as their modes of
operation. Special attention is paid to the measurement
system of the stand: methods and tools for measuring of
the parameters needed to determine the internal and
external characteristics of turbines.
Keywords: hydrokinetic turbines, test stand, sensor,
The depletion of the organic fuel deposits of the
planet puts forward sharply the necessity to search for
new technologies for the production of electric energy.
One of the approaches to solve this problem is the
elaboration of efficient systems for utilizing the energy of
free water currents (in the rivers, the seas and the oceans)
applying the so called hydrokinetic (continuous flow)
turbines. At this stage it is mostly pilot installations of
this type that find practical application. The basic reason
for this fact is the requirement of considerable capital
investments, put forward by this kind of technologies, as
well as the relatively low degree of restoring back the
invested financial resources.
The elaboration of efficient turbine blade systems and
the construction of hydrokinetic turbines requires first of
all to carry out extensive experimental research work
under laboratory conditions. This imposes the design and
construction of experimental setup, which would allow
modeling of the processes of energy transformation in
this type of water turbines.
The present work considers a scheme and the specific
features of a stand for testing of hydrokinetic turbines.
The research work is part of the research program
envisaged within the framework of the project
Scheme of the Stand
Fig.1 represents the principal scheme of the stand.

Fig.1. Scheme of the stand.
Efficacit nergtique sources dnergies renouvelables protection de lenvironnement COFRET12, Sozopol, Bulgarie
The velocity of the free current at the inlet of the
turbine is controlled by a centrifugal pump 3, model
META 150-NHD-400-38-YC-20-09, manufactured by
the company Sigma Olomouc (Czech Republic). It is
driven by the asynchronous electrical engine 4. The pump
sucks in water from the main reservoir 1 through sucking
pipeline 2 of diameter 200 mm and it pressurizes the
water flow inside the feeding pipeline 5 of diameter
300/250 mm. A needle valve 6 is mounted at the outlet of
the pump, which enables adjusting the parameters of the
The water is fed into the settler shaft 7, and thereafter
it passes over into the channel 8, which has a rectangular
cross-section (11 m) and a length of 10 m. An
accelerator of the flow 9 is installed at the entrance of the
channel 9, which is driven by a single-step centrifugal
pump 10 model 650, manufactured by VIPOM (town of
Vidin). The device is equipped with 11 injection nozzles,
whose number and locations can undergo changes. The
alteration of the flow rate inside the channel is
accomplished by means of regulating the parameters of
the pump 10 or by changing the number of the included
nozzles. The distribution of the nozzles enables achieving
better uniformity of the flow rate distribution before
reaching the turbine being tested.

Fig.2. Calibrated channel
In order to create one and the same set of conditions
during the testing process of various hydrokinetic
turbines and to accelerate the velocity of the stream
within the zone of the turbine a calibration section is
designed having a constant width and sufficient length
(with a view to ensure stable conditions in the course of
the testing process) Fig.2. The device is mounted inside
the channel, whereupon its width can be altered
depending on the value of the basic diameter of the
working wheel of the tested turbine.
The measuring system 21 is mounted in a section,
located immediately after the model turbine. It is
designed to measure the flow rate distribution within the
section, where the turbine is located (during the
measurement the turbine is outside the channel). The
system allows displacing the anemometer 11and fixing it
in any point. The stand is equipped with two
anemometers: hydrometric propeller and ultrasonic
system of the VP002/10 type delivered by Mainstream
Company (UK).
A spillover wall is located at the end of the channel 8,
over which the water flows falling into the shaft 12 and
then along the pipeline 13 it is returning into the main
reservoir 1. The level of the water inside the channel is
measured by means of ultrasonic level gauge 14.
Model block
In principle it is possible to test different
constructions of hydrokinetic turbines on the stand
having a horizontal or vertical shaft. In this specific case
the turbine has vertical shaft, i.e. the classical design
construction of Darrieus (H-type). A characteristic feature
of this type of construction is the option to mount
working blades of various number and shape, whereupon
the angle between their positions in the in the grid of the
working wheel can be changed within wide limits.

Fig.3. Model block
Efficacit nergtique sources dnergies renouvelables protection de lenvironnement COFRET12, Sozopol, Bulgarie
The bearing body of the turbine is constructed in such
a way that enables the isolation and separate
measurement of the momentum of friction in the
bearings, which answers the requirements for
conventional testing of water turbines, in accordance with
the Standard 60193 of IEC [1, 2]. This is an essential
point in the specific case having in mind the
comparatively low values of the effective output.
The loading of the shaft is realized by means of an
electromagnetic brake 15, which has already proved its
effectiveness upon its application in the stand 7
(wind-driven engines with a vertical axis) in the HEHT
Laboratory [4].
The turbine is mounted on a frame. Its position can be
changed with respect to the axis of the channel along the
width or along the height. An option is foreseen to change
the position of the axis of the shaft of the turbine in
regard to vertical line.
Fig.3 illustrates the model block of the stand.
Methods and tools for the measurements on
the stand
The choice of the measuring appliance is in
conformity with the requirements of the training process
and the program for the scientific research work in the
laboratory. At this stage the following methods are
applied and the following measuring gauges are used in
the stand:
1. Flow rate
The velocity of the stream in front of the working
wheel of the tested turbines is measured using digital
anemometers. The stand is equipped with two
Hydrometric propeller 3343 (Gidrometpribor
company, Georgia);
Ultrasonic anemometer D1 (fig.1) of the type
VP002/10 manufactured by Mainstream company
Due to the non-uniformity in the flow rate distribution
it is necessary to take the average value in regard to the
flow rate:
(1) c
S = ] ] cuhub

cdhdb S . c
One obtains for the average flow rate c
in the
measurement section the following expression:
dS ) s ( c
. c
0 S

= =
where b and h are the current width and height, while
B and H are the maximal width and height of the
measurement section. The height h is measured by means
of an ultrasonic level gauge (D1) of the type 947-F4V/Y-
2D/2F-1C/D0-180E/300E of the company oneywell.
There exists an option to measure it applying the
calibrated piezo-metric tube.
2. Frequency of rotation
In order to measure the frequency of rotation of the
working wheels of the tested turbines an inductive
transducer (D4 fig.1) is used for the frequency and a
process indicator model DP manufactured by Delta
Instruments. A disk is mounted on the shaft of the turbine
having several slits along the periphery, while in the
intermediate vicinity a sensor is mounted, model 2
delivered by OMRON Co. The signal is passed over to
the process-indicator, model 4003 of the Delta
Instruments company.
3. Capacity
The capacity of the shaft of the tested hydrokinetic
turbine (effective output) is determined by the rotational
momentum M
and by the angular velocity :
(3) P = N

The rotational momentum is determined on the basis
of the force F, which the bearing stator of the brake is
exerting through the lever on the measuring gauge 16 and
the shoulder l:
(4) N
= Fl
A transducer DP3 of the type BCM 1660/50N
(Belgium) is used to measure the force and the process-
indicator of Delta Instruments.
A second option is envisaged to measure the
rotational momentum using the sensor type DFM22 2.5S,
produced by MEGATRON Elektronik AG & Co
(Germany) Fig.4.

Fig.4. Sensor for the rotational momentum
The intensity (power) of the water stream is
determined by the expression [4]:
(5) P
= S

where is the density of water; S = DH/2 is the
effective surface area of the working wheel (half of its
cross-sectional area: is the height of the wheel); c
the average flow rate.
4. Coefficient of efficiency of the turbine (power
(6) c

Efficacit nergtique sources dnergies renouvelables protection de lenvironnement COFRET12, Sozopol, Bulgarie
The signals from the primary transducers (D1,
D2,D3,D4) are transferred to the analog-digital converter
P, while the quantities converted into digital code are
input in the laboratory computer PC. The control of the
process of measurement is accomplished by means of
specialized software.
The results from the research work carried out give us
the reason to draw the following important conclusions:
1. A laboratory stand has been elaborated to carry out
model investigations on hydrokinetic turbines. The stand
opens possibilities to carry out a wide spectrum of studies
on this type of turbines with vertical or horizontal shaft,
which will find application both in training of students, as
well as in scientific research work. An important
advantage of the stand is the option to model various
conditions of operation of the turbine, which is very
difficult to realize during the operation of full-scale
industrial equipment.
2. The design of the scheme of the stand has been
done with a view to utilize to a maximal extent the
equipment, available in the laboratory, as well as from the
viewpoint of providing standard conditions, required in
order to compare results.
3. A construction of model hydrokinetic turbine has
been developed belonging to the Darrieus type (H-type).
This construction enables carrying our research work on
operating wheels of different number and varying form of
the blades, allowing the variation of the angle between
the positions of the blades in the frame of the operating
4. The selection of the methods and devices for
measuring the parameters of operation of the stand has
been done taking into account the specific character of
the basic tasks to solve the problem at this scale and in
accordance with the precision required by the standard
[1] International Standard 60193. Hydraulic turbines,
storage pumps and pump-turbines Model acceptanc
tests. Geneve, 1999.

[2] Grozev G., V. Obretenov. Manual for laboratory
exercises on water turbines pumps and ventilators (in
Bulgarian), Sofia, Publishing House Technika, 1985.
[3] Obretenov V., Water Turbines (in Bulgarian),
Publisher Ecoprogress, Sofia, 2008.
[4] www.hydrolab.tu-sofia.bg
Valentin Obretenov was born in Dryanovo,
Bulgaria, on July 2, 1950. He studied at the
Technical University of Sofia-Bulgaria and received
Dr. degree from the same university in 1982. Since
1976 he worked in the Faculty of Power Engineering
and Power Machines of the Technical University of
Sofia as a Assistant and Associate Professor in the
field of hydropower and hydraulic turbomachinery .
Valentin Obretenov is with the Faculty of Power
Engineering and Power Machines, Technical University of Sofia, 8, Kl.
Ohridski Blvd., 1797 Sofia, Bulgaria (e-mail: v_obretenov@tu-
Tsvetan Tsalov was born in Kameno pole,
Bulgaria, on June 7, 1965. He graduated from the
Technical University Sofia in 1991. Since 2000 he
worked in the Faculty of Power Engineering and
Power Machines as an assistant. His field of interest
is hydropower.
Tsvetan Tsalov is with the Faculty of Power
Engineering and Power Machines, Technical
University of Sofia, 8, Kl. Ohridski Blvd., 1000
Sofia, Bulgaria (e-mail: tsalov@tu-sofia.bg).
Stanislav Mateev was born in Dryanovo,
Bulgaria, on December 1, 1982. He graduated from
the Technical University Sofia in 2008. His field of
interest is renewable energy sources. He is today a
PhD student in the Faculty of Power Engineering and
Power Machines of the Technical University Sofia.
Stanislav Mateev is with the Faculty of Power
Engineering and Power Machines, Technical
University of Sofia, 8, Kl. Ohridski Blvd., 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria (e-mail:

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