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3 Grade


Cours d’anglais de 3ième année
Langue 2
Classe : 3D / 3E
Enseignant : GIJSENS Romain
Sommaire :

Comportement et travail journalier

 Comportement en classe
 Journal de classe
 Évaluations hebdomadaires

Organisation du cours

 Les 4 compétences
 Chapitres du cours ( Noël)
Comportement et travail journalier :

1. Comportement en classe

Chers parents,
Chers élèves,

Bienvenus en 3ième à l’Athénée Royal de Koekelberg.

Afin d’améliorer le travail de groupe, la dynamique de celui-ci et la bonne entente durant

cette année, certaines règles seront à suivre dans cette classe.

Le comportement en classe permet à tous d’évoluer un maximum dans un

environnement sain et au sein duquel les élèves auront la chance de s’exprimer, et donc
de s’écouter, in fine, de débattre et interagir ensemble avec le professeur, dans le
respect de tout un chacun.

a. L’usage du GSM est strictement interdit ! S’il s’avère que votre enfant attend un
message ou coup de téléphone important, l’école et moi-même devons en être
b. Le bavardage sera sanctionné ! Lors de mon cours, les élèves ont la parole. C’est
eux qui dynamisent le cours et l’alimentent avec leurs interactions. Mais les
bavardages intempestifs seront rapidement sanctionnés d’une note dans le
journal de classe.
c. La bonne attitude permet la bonne entente ! En parallèle aux bavardages,
l’attitude face au travail est plus que requise. Un cours désordonné, un journal
non complété, une préparation non faite… tous ces éléments entravent le travail
de l’élève mais ralenti aussi le travail de groupe. La bonne attitude à avoir en
classe est d’être préparé, ordonné.
d. Le respect envers ses camarades ! Rien n’est plus important que le respect
mutuel ! Celui-ci n’est pas uniquement envers le professeur, loin de là. Le respect
envers ses camarades de classe est primordial, inévitable pour un bon
déroulement des cours.
Le manque e respect, que ce soit envers le professeur ou l’un des camarades,
sera SÉVÈREMENT puni !

Signature des parents et de l’élève :

2. Journal de classe

Le journal de classe est VOTRE journal de bord, votre moyen de suivre l’évolution des
cours et de noter le travail demandé par vos professeurs.

Il est donc impératif de le tenir à jour régulièrement.

S’il n’est pas complété, les sanctions seront prises ou bien vous en souffrirez les
conséquences :

- Préparation non faite = note au journal de classe. Après la 3 ième note, des
sanctions plus graves seront prises avec le titulaire de classe.
- Devoir non fait = un zéro à la note. Les devoirs sont des travaux cotés, et donc
un travail à rendre en temps et en heure, sous peine d’une sanction sur les points
de période.
- Non préparé à un test = un échec presque certain. Si le journal n’est pas en ordre,
aucun report ne sera accordé, ni à la classe, ni à l’élève. Seul un mot des parents
le jour de l’interrogation ou un certificat permettrait d’envisager le report du dit test.
- Tests surprises = le vocabulaire, une fois vu en classe, est considéré comme
connu pour le cours suivant. Une langue, ça ce travail TOUS LES JOURS, ne
serait-ce que 10 minutes. Le professeur est, dès lors, susceptible d’interroger
oralement ou à l’écrit les étudiants sur le vocabulaire vu le(s) cours passé(s).
Tenir son journal complété sur la matière vue est donc plus qu’impératif.
- Les punitions = elles sont généralement notées par le professeur suite à une note
spécifique dans le journal de classe. Si cette punition n’est pas rendue le jour où
elle doit l’être, un zéro s’ensuivra sans excuse. Les points sont comptés alors
pour la période. La punition faite n’aura, par contre, aucun effet « positif » sur les
points de période si celle-ci est faite et rendue à temps.

3. Évaluations hebdomadaires

Comme mentionné ci-dessus, le vocabulaire doit être connu de cours en cours. Il en va

de soi pour la matière vue, surtout si celle-ci a été vue dans son entièreté.

À nouveau, comme mentionné auparavant, une langue, ça se travaille de façon

journalière. Pour ce faire, l’élève doit évidemment revoir un maximum sa matière
(grammaire et vocabulaire) mais, le professeur a aussi son rôle.

Ma philosophie est que l’élève doit travailler pour chaque cours suivants. Il sera donc
demandé aux étudiants une certaine quantité de travail. Le but est de les rendre
autonomes quant à leur travail à la maison mais aussi faire en sorte qu’ils soient
toujours prêts et voient s’ils ont encore des questions sur la matière vue.

Chaque semaine, un test de Savoir et Savoir Faire Linguistique (communément appelé

SSFL) sera prévu.
Organisation du cours :

1. Les 4 compétences

En anglais, comme en néerlandais et toutes autres langues, les élèves sont jugés sur
base des 4 compétences à Noël et à la fin de l’année scolaire.

Durant l’année, une 5ième compétence reprenant la grammaire et le vocabulaire vu sont

aussi jugés. Cette compétence est appelée SSFL, les Savoirs et Savoirs Faire

 La compréhension à la lecture

La compréhension et l’analyse d’un

texte permettent aux jeunes de jaugé
leur compétences face à du
vocabulaire parfois inconnu et des
sujets de la vie de tous les jours, leur

 La compréhension à l’audition

Cette compréhension force les

étudiants à tendre l’oreille, s’adapter à
la prononciation des natifs afin de
percevoir le message diffusé lors
d’une conversation sur un sujet dont il
a été question en cours.

 L’expression écrite

L’expression écrite permet aux

étudiants de montrer à quel point ils maitrisent un sujet, le vocabulaire s’y rattachant et
surtout leur manière d’en parler par écrit en utilisant les règles de grammaires étudiées.
Le but n’est pas d’en faire des écrivains mais qu’ils montrent leurs capacités à rédiger
des phrases simples.

 L’expression orale

C’est la partie la plus importante. L’expression orale permet de juger à quel point les
élèves sont réactifs sur un sujet face à une personne qui interagi directement à leurs
propos. Leurs compétences face au stress, aux questions posées, pouvoir réagir sur ce
qui a été dit….
2. Chapitres du cours

Chapter 1 – Introduction/Starter

Chapter 2 – Alphabet, Phonetic, Numbers, School, A/An & Greeting People

Chapter 3 – Introducing someone or yourself

 countries/nationalities
 to be/to have (got) & family
 pronouns & possessives
 interrogative words

Chapter 4 – Daily routines of an expat

 Simple present – jobs & occupations

 frequency adverbs
 telling the time
 chores & people’s life

Chapter 5 – Hobbies and free time

 like/love…
 gerund

Chapter 6 – The house and neighbourhood

 chores
 there is/are + plural forms
 this/that is – these/those are + plural forms
 describing your house

Chapter 7 – Describing someone

 physical appearance
 can & to be able to
 clothes – buying things at the store (would like & to look like/seem)
 Present continuous

Chapter 8 – At the restaurant & at the store

 a/an & some/any

 how much/how many…?
 Countable & uncountable nouns

Chapter 9 – What is the way to…?

 giving the way

Chapter 1

Why do we learn English at school?
That’s a good question! Here are some good answers

According to you, why should we study English at school? Write your answers below.
Selon toi, pourquoi faut-il apprendre l’anglais à l’école° ? Écris tes réponses ici en dessous.

 _________________________________________________________________
 _________________________________________________________________
 _________________________________________________________________
 _________________________________________________________________
 _________________________________________________________________
 _________________________________________________________________
 _________________________________________________________________
 _________________________________________________________________
 _________________________________________________________________

According to the world…

1) Communication
 L’anglais, que ça plaise ou non, est la langue que le monde a choisi pour la communication internationale ;
 L’anglais est une langue officielle dans au moins 75 pays et parlée par plus de 2 milliards de personnes ;
 Il y a surement plus d’anglophones non natifs que d’anglophones natifs ;
 Environ 750 millions de personnes parlent anglais en tant que langue étrangère ;
 Une personne sur quatre sur terre a au moins des compétences de base en anglais. La demande augmente
chez les ¾ restant ;
 Selon un sondage entrepris en 1998, un citoyen européen sur deux dit pouvoir converser en anglais, et 69%
des sondés qui ne parlent pas l’anglais comme première langue pensent que c’est la langue la plus
importante à apprendre ou à utiliser.
Source: British Council and Eurobaromètre 50

2) L’information et la recherche, le quotidien

 L’anglais est la langue principale des livres, des journaux, de l’aviation, des affaires, des salons
internationaux, des congrès scientifiques, de la technologie, de l’innovation, de la diplomatie, du sport, des
concours internationaux, de la musique populaire, de de la publicité et enfin des films et séries populaires ;
 Plus des deux tiers des scientifiques lisent en anglais ;
 Les ¾ du courrier mondial sont rédigés en anglais ;
 80% des données informatisées sont en anglais ;
 Sur environ 200 millions d’utilisateurs d’internet, quelques 36% communiquent en anglais.

3) Votre avenir professionnel

 La maitrise de l’anglais fait partie des compétences techniques de base qu’exigent beaucoup d’employeur de
nos jours ;
 Le commerce international se passe en anglais et nous en vivons car vos travails passe de plus en plus par
le commerceinternationale.
Where do we speak English as a first or second language?

On parle l’anglais dans les pays suivants :

USA or the United States of America Nigeria

Canada Liberia

Alaska India

Australia Bangladesh

United Kingdom Malaysia

Ireland Hong Kong

New Zealand Philippines

South Africa Singapore

Guyana New Guinea

Zimbabwe Pakistan

Chapter 2
Alphabet & Phonetics
Numbers & date
The article a/an-the
Greeting people
1. The alphabet and pronunciations
Is the alphabet really different from French?

En anglais, comme en français, on utilise l’alphabet pour créer des mots et préciser
l’orthographe de ceux-ci. En anglais, nous utiliserons même certaines lettres pour raccourcir ou
abréger des mots.

L’analogie s’arrête là par contre… l’anglais présente plusieurs différences marquantes, non pas
du point de vue de l’alphabet en lui-même mais bien dans sa prononciation.

Let’s go!

I as in “internet”
J as in “joy”
K as in “king”
L as in “light”
M as in “man”
N as in “night”
O as in “old”
P as in “people”
Q as in “question”
R as in “red”
S as in “sleep”
T as in “train”
U as in “unique”
A as in “apple” V as in “video”
B as in “boy” W as in “woman”
C as in “car” X as in “box”
D as in “dog” Y as in “young”
E as in “ear” Z as in “zoo”
F as in “fun”
G as in “good”
H as in “house”

Astuce pour retenir facilement l’alphabet en anglais !

F–L–M–N–O–S–X–Z  idem que français

B–C–D–G–P–T–V  se prononce avec /I/
H– Q–U–W  se prononce avec /U/
E comme /i/ | Y comme le mot ‘’why’’ | K comme OK | J comme Deejay (Dj)
A comme USA | I comme « ail » (Fr) | R comme R. Kelly (singer)
Let’s practice!

Écoute les différents sont et repère la lettre.

Série 1 Série 2

1. __________________ 1. __________________

2. __________________ 2. __________________

3. __________________ 3. __________________

4. __________________ 4. __________________

5. __________________ 5. __________________

6. __________________ 6. __________________

7. __________________ 7. __________________

8. __________________ 8. __________________

9. __________________

Voyons ce que ces acronymes que tu viens

d’entendre signifient…

CIA = Central Intelligence Agency

NYPD = New York Police Department
BBC = British Broadcasting Corporation
RAF = Royal Air Force
UFO = Unidentified Flying Object
NSA = National Security Agency
EU = Europe
NCAA = National Collegiate Athletic Association
Q8 = Kuwait Petroleum International
YMCA = Young Men’s Christian Association
LA = Los Angeles
USA = United States of America
SFPD = San Francisco Police Department
LAPD = Los Angeles Police Department
UCLA = University of California, Los Angeles
NBA = National Basketball Association
FBI = Federal Bureau of Investigations
Spell it right…

Un petit exercice de prononciation avant la phonétique…

Après avoir écouté et intégré l’alphabet, à toi d’épeler en anglais les noms des
personnes connues ci-dessous :

1. Usher 14. Zac Efron

2. U2 15. Barak Obama

3. Beyoncé 16. Homer Simpson

4. David Guetta 17. Eminem

5. Oscar Wilde 18. Spiderman

6. Harry Potter 19. Mickey Mouse

7. Pink 20. Drew Barrymore

8. Julia Roberts 21. Angelina Jolie

9. Batman 22. Titanic

10. Madonna 23. Brad Pitt

11. Rafael Nadal 24. Lady Gaga

12. Black eyed Peas 25. Miley Cyrus

13. George Clooney 26. Olaf the snowman

Just for fun…
2. Numbers &
date/days of the week
Can you dial your number? Cardinal numbers

Hi, this is my number…

Pour savoir donner son numéro de téléphone en anglais, il faut pouvoir compter jusqu’à
10. C’est easy ! Voici les 10 premiers chiffres :

1 = one 6 = six
2 = two 7 = seven
3 = three 8 = eight
4 = four 9 = nine
5 = five 0 = zero / o

Maintenant, donne ton numéro de téléphone :

My phone number is: double O, three two, four seven two, five nine, eight seven, six one

= 00 32 472 59 87 61

Your turn!

And now, let’s count to one hundred!

10 = ten
11 = eleven
12 = twelve
13 = thirteen
14 = fourteen
15 = fifteen
16 = sixteen
17 = seventeen
18 = eighteen
19 = nineteen
20 = twenty

21 = twenty-one; 22 = twenty-two, 23 = twenty-three (…)

30 = thirty – 40 = forty – 50 = fifty – 60 = sixty – 70 = seventy – 80 = eighty – 90 = ninety
100 = one hundred – 200 = two hundred (…)
Can you do it by yourself?

Écoute attentivement ton professeur. Il va te donner 10 chiffres, de 1 à 150. Essaye de

retranscrire d’abord en chiffres (digits) puis en lettres les 10 nombres ci-dessous.

1. ________________________ 6. _______________________
2. ________________________ 7. _______________________
3. ________________________ 8. _______________________
4. ________________________ 9. _______________________
5. ________________________ 10. _______________________

Who’s the first? Ordinal numbers

Which day is it?

Après avoir vu les mois et les nombres cardinaux et ordinaux, voyons maintenant
comment donner la date et le jour de la semaine.

Today, it is September 1st, I’m going back to school.

On Wednesday 18th, it is my birthday.
I was born on July 28th , 1995.

Comment lire ces phrases°?

Aujourd’hui, c’est le 1er septembre, je

rentre à l’école.
Mercredi 18, c’est mon anniversaire.
Je suis né le 28 Juin, 1995.

a. Donner la date et le jour

Today is the 2nd of November, 2019

 On donne le jour où on mentionne “aujourd’hui” en début de phrase.

 On donne ensuite le chiffre ordinal correspondant au jour du mois.
 On donne ensuite le mois, et on termine par l’année.
 Monday/Today, it is the fourth of October, two thousand eighteen.

NB : lorsque l’on donne une année, on doit mentionner celle-ci en 2 parties avant les années
2000. Après les années 2000, on lit l’année comme un chiffre dans son entièreté :

1958 = nineteen fifty-eight (19-58)

1563 = fifteen sixty-three (15-63)
The 2nd World War ended in 1945 = the Second World War ended in nineteen forty-five
2019 = two thousand nineteen

b. Donner la date de son anniversaire

My birthday is on the 18th of July.

Ici, on donne la date d’anniversaire l’année où l’on en parle.

Pour donner sa date de naissance, année inclue, on suivra ce schéma :

I was born (to be born – simple past) on the 18th of July, nineteen eighty-four.

Your turn! Give us your birthday date. When were you born?

Aujourd’hui, c’est… Today, it is… jeudi thursday

lundi monday vendredi friday
mardi tuesday samedi saturday
mercredi wednesday dimanche sunday
3. School & the articles
School is a big part of your life. You learn, you discover new things, you grow up and
you become the future.

But what is school in depth? Let’s start with the beginning: subjects and material from

Let’s find out! 1. What to learn at school?

Look at the pictures below and chose in
the box which one corresponds to the
right picture.

a. History …… | e. Maths …..

b. Languages …… | f. (school) …..
Do you know other school subjects? (French, English, Dutch, | books
German, Spanish,…)
________________________________ grammar
| g. Computer …..
| science
________________________________ c. Chemistry ….. |
| h. Geography …..
________________________________ d. PE – Physical …… |
________________________________ | i. English …..




2. School supplies

Two of them are not on this picture list. The rest is written here. Find the right image
corresponding to the correct word and note it below the picture. Then, find out what
mean the last two.

1. paste
2. a (school) diary
3. a class/course book
4. a calendar
5. a blackboard
6. a pencil
7. a ball point pen
8. an eraser/a rubber
9. a pencil case
10. a paper clip/clips
11. a book
12. a ruler
13. a lunch box
14. a folder
15. a satchel/schoolbag
16. a pencil sharpener
17. a colouring pencil
18. a stapler
19. a calculator
20. (a pair of) scissors
21. a notebook
22. a sheet of paper
23. a compass
24. a chalk
25. a marker
26. a computer/a laptop
27. glue
More words:

a propelling pencil = un porte-mine

an inkpen = un stylo
a set square = une équerre
a hole punch/perforator = une perforatrice
a (drawing) pin = une punaise
a desk = un bureau/banc
a highlighter = un marqueur fluo
an encyclopedia = une encyclopédie
a USB stick/drive = une clé USB
3. The article
“a/an” or “the”

En règle générale, le choix entre “a” ou “an”

dépend de l’orthographe du nom ou de
l’adjectif précédant le nom.

Contrairement au français, on ne tient pas

compte du genre2 du nom ou de l’adjectif qui
le précède en anglais.

La règle générale veut que :

 « a » précède un nom ou un adjectif commençant par une consonne (b, c, d, f, g, h, j,

k, l, m, n, p, q,r, s, t, v, w, x, y et z) .
 « an » précède donc un nom ou adjectif commençant par une voyelle (a, e, i, o, u).


It is an * apple
* envoloppe
* eraser
* eagle

It is a * book
* stapler
* pencil
* computer

/ !\ le problème du “H” en anglais°:

Si la première lettre du mot est un ‘’H’’ aspiré3, on utilise le déterminant ‘’a’’. Si c’est un ‘’H’’
non-aspiré, on emploi ‘’an’’.

Exemples des mots avec un ‘’H’’ non-aspiré et donc avec « an » : hour, honour, heir, honest.

/ !\ le problème de l’adjectif en anglais :

Un adjectif se place entre l’article et le nom en anglais, car il précède ce dernier (le nom). Si tel
est le cas, on doit donc regarder la première lettre de cet adjectif et suivre la règle générale.

Pour rappel, en français, les déterminants indéfinis (undetermined articles) sont « un » et « une » au singulier et
« des » au pluriel.
En français, « un » est utilisé pour les noms masculins et « une » pour les noms féminins. En anglais, « a » et « an »
peuvent être tantôt masculin, tantôt féminin, selon la traduction.
Le “h” aspiré est un “H” qui se prononce comme dans la plupart des cas (to have, a hat…). Un ‘’h’’ non-aspiré est
un ‘’h’’ que l’on n’entend pas et donc on utilisera ‘’an’’ comme dans ‘’an hour’’.
“the” est l’article défini, comme en français,
équivalent à “le, la, les”.

Défini signifie que l’on parle de quelque chose de

connu des interlocuteurs, à l’inverse de l’article
indéfini qui mentionne quelqu’un ou quelque chose
dont on ne sait rien ou presque rien.

Il ne s’utilisera pas dans tous les cas pour autant,

comme on le fait en français. Très souvent, nous
pouvons nous en passer, mais les règles sont assez
complexes. Nous retiendrons au fil du cours quelques
règles afin de savoir quand l’utiliser et quand

Let’s practice!

In the following sentences, choose between “a”, “an”, “the” or nothing (Ø).

a) Mary is from 1) X England. She’s got2) _______ brother and

3) __________two sisters. They live with 4)________their family in
5) ___________ small, but 6) __________ very
comfortable cottage near 7) _______ London. Mary has
lots of hobbies. She likes
8) __________ tennis and she plays
9) _________ piano. Mary’s family has 10) __________
big garden. Mary always takes her dog for
11) __________ walk in 12) ____________ garden. 13)
_________dog’s name is 14) ___________ Charlie.

b) Steve is from 1) ____________ Manchester. He is 2) _____________ manager.

He works in 3) __________ office. He goes to work in
4) ____________ morning. He starts work at 8 o’clock and
he goes 5) ___________home at 5.00 in 6) ____________ evening.
Steve has 7) _____________ flat not far from
8) ___________ office. It is on 9) __________ third floor of
10) _________ five-storey building. It’s not big, but comfortable.
Steve is quite happy.
You are walking, strolling around Piccadilly Circus in the centre of London. What do you see?
Use either “a” or “an” for each statement by looking at the 1970’s picture.

1. _____ black taxi

2. _____ red coach
3. _____ old businessman
4. _____ huge concert hall
5. _____ yellow & red
6. _____ orange car
7. _____ open shop
8. _____ large street
9. _____ young man
10. ____ ugly clock

Is it “a”, “an” or nothing (Ø)? Open your eyes and think…

1. _____ blue bag 8. _____ union 15. _____ few cats

2. _____ English dictionary 9. _____ cinema ticket 16. _____ cats
3. _____ doctor 10. _____ young boy 17. _____ evening
4. _____ fashion magazine 11. _____ house 18. _____ listen to music
5. _____ first name 12. _____ honoured guest 19. _____ intelligent student
6. _____underground 13. _____ France 20. _____ camera
7. _____phone number 14. _____French girl 21. _____ newspaper

Quick word about using “a” or “an” with a word or an adjective beginning with “U”

With “U” as a vowel, we use “an”. But if “U” sounds like a consonant, we have to use “an”. For example,
we say “a university” as “university” is pronounced [YOU-niversity].
4. Greeting people
Chapter 3
Introduce someone
Introduce yourself
Let me introduce myself January
February School subject:
o Hi, my name’s ………………………… English/French
April Dutch/German
o I’m from ……………………………….. (country) May
o I live in ………………………………… (city) June
o I’m ……… years old. July
August Art
o My birthday is on ……………………… PE (Physical Education)
o I am a student at ……………………… October Physics
o My favourite school subject is …………………… November Chemistry
o My favourite sport is ………………….. December Biology
o There are ……… in my family. History
o My father is a ………………… and my mother is a ………………. Geography
Computer science
o I would like to be ……………………….
o My hobby is ……………………………..
o I like ……………………………………...
o I don’t like/dislike ……………………….
o My favourite food is …………………….
o My favourite drink is ……………………
o My favourite day of the week is……………………..
o My favourite month of the year is ….......................
o My favourite singer or band is ……………………… Days of the week
o I like …………………………………….. (movie) Monday
Saturday / Sunday

Action movie
Romantic comedy
Horror movie
Sci-fi movie
War movie
Hobbies – Free time activities:
Animated cartoons  Reading, painting, drawing
 Playing computer/video games
 Surfing the internet
 Collecting stamps/coins/…
 Going to the cinema / watching movies
teacher policeman doctor
nurse builder architect
 Playing with friends
civil servant engineer social worker  Going to the park/beach/…
secretary businessman shop assistant  Listening to music
manager fire fighter shopkeeper  Shopping, singing, dancing
cleaner postman waiter/waitress  Travelling, camping
Structure de la phrase simple

Une phrase en anglais se compose de plusieurs éléments qui se juxtaposent, se

mettent l’un après l’autre afin de formuler une idée.

Que ce soit en français comme en anglais, la phrase à toujours 3 éléments de bases qui
se structurent de la même manière :

Le groupe sujet + le verbe principal + le(s) complément(s)

I am a student.
Je suis un étudiant.
My mother is a nurse.
Ma mère est infirmière.

1) Le sujet ou groupe sujet°:

Un sujet peut se composer d’un seul mot (le pronom personnel) ou alors de plusieurs

Ici, nous avons vu une partie des déterminants possessifs, ces petits mots qui se
rapportent à un mot et ensemble il forme le groupe sujet.

En français, le déterminant s’accorde en genre (féminin ou masculin) et en nombre

(singulier ou pluriel).

En anglais, par contre, le déterminant sera tantôt masculin, féminin, singulier, pluriel, et
ce selon la personne qui est le « possesseur ». le mot déterminé par ce petit mot
n’influence pas le genre et nombre du dit déterminant !

Déterminant Possessive
Pronom personnel Personal pronoun
possessif determiners
Je I mon, ma, mes my
Tu you Ton, ta, tes your
Il he son, sa, ses (à lui) his
Elle she son, sa, ses (à elle) her
(ça) (it) son, sa, ses (neutre) its
Nous we notre, nos our
Vous you votre, vos your
Ils leur, leurs (à eux ou à
they their
Elles elles)
On remarque donc que, pour parler de la mère de quelqu’un, sachant que « mère » est
un nom féminin singulier, on utilisera un déterminant en rapport à la personne et non en
rapport à la maman :

Ma mère (un garçon parle) = my mother

Ma mère (une fille parle) = my mother
Sa mère (à lui) = his mother
Sa mère (à elle) = her mother
Leur mère (à eux ou elles) = their mother

2) Le verbe :

Le verbe se compose d’un seul mot, de deux ou plusieurs. Un verbe peut être composé,
composé et/ou conjugué avec un auxiliaire….

En anglais, nous verrons plus tard que chaque temps à SON PROPRE auxiliaire. Alors
qu’en français, les verbe « être » et « avoir » sont les deux auxiliaires utilisés pour
conjuguer les verbes à différents temps.

Commençons par les verbes principaux : les verbes « être » et « avoir ».

To be (être) To have (avoir)

I am Je suis I have J’ai
You are Tu es You have Tu as
He / She is Il / Elle est He / She has Il / Elle a
We are Nous sommes We have Nous avons
You are Vous êtes You have Vous avez
They are Ils / Elles sont They have Ils / Elles ont
NOT to be (ne pas être) NOT to have (ne pas avoir)
I am not Je ne suis pas I don’t have Je n’ai pas
You are not / aren’t Tu n’es pas You don’t have Tu n’as pas
He / She doesn’t
He/She is not / isn’t Il / Elle n’est pas Il / Elle n’a pas
Nous ne sommes
We aren’t We don’t have Nous n’avons pas
You aren’t Vous n’êtes pas You don’t have Vous n’avez pas
Ils / Elles ne sont
They aren’t They don’t have Ils / Elles n’ont pas

En anglais, il existe 3 formes : l’affirmative, la négative et l’interrogative. Les deux

dernières se forment avec un auxiliaire. Retenez les tableaux ci-dessus et celui de la
page suivante pour le moment.
ne pas aimer = NOT to like
aimer = to like
(= to dislike)
J’aime I like Je n’aime pas I don’t like
Tu aimes You like Tu n’aimes pas You don’t like
Il / Elle aime He / She likes Il / Elle n’aime pas He/She doesn’t like
Nous aimons We like Nous n’aimons pas We don’t like
Vous aimez You like Vous n’aimez pas You don’t like
Ils/Elles n’aiment
Ils / Elles aiment They like They don’t like

L’infinitif de tous les verbes en anglais se forme avec le « to » suivi de la forme pure du
verbe (= la forme de base).

To be = être
To have = avoir
To live = vivre
To like = aimer

La conjugaison anglaise est TRÈS simple ! Nous verrons en détail le présent simple et
le présent continu cette année. Retenez ces 2 règles pour le moment :

 On ajoute un –s (d’autres cas seront vu par la suite) à la 3ième personne du

singulier à la forme affirmative UNIQUEMENT ;
 L’auxiliaire pour TOUS LES VERBES sauf « être » à la forme négative est
« don’t » (et « doesn’t » pour la 3ième personne du singulier.)

3) Le(s) complément(s) :

Le verbe « to be – être » est un verbe dit d’état. Ce type de verbe n’a pas ce que l’on
appelle un CDV/COD (complément du verbe ou complément d’objet direct). Il a un
attribut du sujet. Cet attribut, comme son nom l’indique, attribue un état, une qualité
(positive ou négative) au sujet :

I am young = Je suis jeune  qualité (ou qualifiant le sujet) de jeune.

I am 25 (twenty five) years old = J’ai 25 ans (Je suis agé de 25 années)

Le verbe « to have – avoir » lui a un CDV, comme la plupart des verbes dits
« transitifs » :

I have a cat = J’ai un chat (j’ai quoi ? un chat)

I like books = J’aime les livres (j’aime quoi ? les livres)

Les compléments suivent donc le verbe en ajoutant des informations par rapport au
sujet (verbes d’état) ou par rapport aux verbes (complète le verbe et son action).
4) Les verbes de sentiment :

Les verbes de sentiment = verbes transitifs. Ils ont donc un complément CDV/COD.

Ces verbes peuvent aussi demander une structure particulière en anglais : une action
suivie d’un complément. Cette action demandée par le verbe d’émotion se mettra, en
français, à l’infinitif, alors qu’en anglais on trouvera le verbe le plus souvent au gérondif
(‘’gerund’’) :

J’aime les livres = I like books  j’aime quoi? Les livres

J’aime lire des livres = I like reading books  j’aime faire quoi? Lire des livres

Le gérondif, en anglais, est le verbe de l’action finissant par la terminaison en –ing.

To read = lire  reading

To eat = manger  eating

Structure en anglais :

+ gérondif + complément
Sujet + verbe
+ complément

Les verbes d’émotions se conjuguent tous comme le verbe “to like”. Voici la liste :

to like aimer
to love adorer
to dislike
Ne pas aimer
(=NOT to like)
to hate détester
to enjoy apprécier
Studying abroad

“Students from the world…” is a serie of articles

published in “TEEN” magazine this year. Read and enjoy!

This week we start a new topic at “TEEN Mag” about students

from around the world going abroad for studies. We begin our trip
near Bristol, England. Each year, a group of teachers (called
“Great ! Britain”) organizes a great holiday camp for foreign
students in Bath. Bath is a great city for students, it’s like a little
London. Students from all over the world come to England and
spend 3 weeks visiting the country and living together in Great-
Here are six interviews of young students from this year holiday
They introduce themselves, so let’s discover where they are
“Hi, my name’s Tim Banbury. I’m “Hello, I’m Liz Fernandez! I’m
from Exter, Devon. I’m English but fourteen. I come from San Antonio,
my mother’s Irish. I’m 11 years old not far from Paris, Texas. It’s my
and my birthday is on 22nd August. second camp here in Bath. I think
I love Bath, it’s full of interesting that the teachers re absolutely
places to see. I really love the great.”
Ancien Roman Spa, it’s beautiful.”

“Hi, there! Gilroy’s the name! Well, “hey, buddies! Call me Abi! I’m
I’m Gilroy Taylor. I live in Cardiff in Abigayle Myers from Winnipeg,
Wales. That’s right, I’m Welsch. Manitoba. I’m Canadian, of course.
Bath is not far from home but it’s I’m a girl but I’m a great ice-hockey
completely different… it’s England, player too. Bath is a nice place…
you know. Crossing New Severn for three weeks but I miss home.
Bridge, it scares the hell!” You can’t play hockey here, can
“’Morning! My name’s Alistair “Howdy! I’m Jennifer Picton, you
Mackenzie, you know, like can call me Jen or Jenny, as you
General. My parents and I live in like. I’m here with my sister, she’s
Kirkcaldy, Fife. I’m 12. Well, I 17. We are from Sydney, in
speak English but I’m not English, Australia. I’m a bit lost, it’s my first
I’m proud to be a Scot, and for the camp outside my country, but
record, I’m Scottish from my everyone is nice to us. By the way,
mother… My favourite place in I’m fifteen. The best place in Bath
Bath? Wells cathedral.” is the Royal Theatre, what a
magnificent place!”
Let’s discuss more about those testimonies and interviews…
Voyons un peu ce que vous avez retenu et compris de ces témoignages.

 Are they all as excited as the others? If no, tell the class why you think they don’t


 What about you? Where would you like to go? Would you like to attend to a
holiday camp?

Write down a few lines telling where you would like to go and why.
Tell me, do you have brothers or sisters?

So, you are about to write to a foreign student. And you want to know more about
himself or herself… Let’s start the introduction…

Grammar key points:

* possessive case
* family tree
* asking short questions


My name is Joan. I am going to introduce


This is a picture of my family. We are all

from Dublin, Germany. But I am studying

I am 18 years old and I am a student in

London. I am starting my finale year in high
school. She also plays tennis every Saturday with
On the left side, you can see my her best friend. Her best friend’s name is
grandparents. My grand-father still works; Sabine.
he is a heating engineer. My grand-mother I also have a younger brother and a younger
doesn’t work anymore, she is a housewife, sister. My brother’s name is Quentin. He is 9
unemployed. She enjoys her free-time to do years old. He is the first boy in the family. I
some gardening, cook nice patisseries and am the fifth. My sister’s name is Elise. She
cakes for us. She is the best. They are both is 10 years old.
my mother’s parents.
And finally, on the right side, my father. His
Sitting down, it’s my mother. She is the name is Peter. He is an electrician. He is 44
nicest person on this planet. She is a social years old and he really loves his job. He
worker. She helps people in need. doesn’t want to stop.

Some new words…

High school Mother

The left side Parent(s)
Can To sit down
To see in need
Grandparent(s) Brother
Grand father Sister
To work The right side
Grand mother Father
To do some Really
gardening To really love
The possessive case:

Le cas possessif en anglais est le “’s” qui se met derrière un nom désignant une personne ou
un prénom d’une personne. Il permet d’exprimer la possession.

My mother’s name = le nom de ma mère  ma mère possède (a) un nom qui est le suivant…

On l’emploi pour exprimer la possession des animaux de compagine (pets).

My cat’s toy looks like a mouse = le jouet de mon chat ressemble à une souris

Le cas possessif a une structure inversée en anglais : on trouve d’abord le nom du possesseur
suivi du « s » apostrophe et ensuite le nom de ce que la personne possède :

My mother ’s name

Le nom de ma mère

ATTENTION, si le nom du possesseur est au pluriel, et donc LES possesseurs, on met

l’apostrophe MAIS le mot au pluriel finissant par un « s », on ne répète pas celui du cas
possessif, sauf dans certains cas de noms dont le pluriel est irrégulier :

My parents’ car (et non “my parents’s car”) !!! = la voiture de MES parents
My sisters’ bedroom (et non “my sisters’s bedroom”) = la chamber de MES sœurs

Enfin, on a la possibilité de marquer la possession pour les objets ou une alternance au cas
possessif pour les personnes/animaux de compagnie en utilisant “of” qui exprime aussi la

The book of my sister = le livre de ma sœur

The beauty of my city = la beauté de ma ville (et JAMAIS “my city’s beauty”, “city” n’étant
pas une personne ou un animal de compagnie).

On remarque que l’ordre des mots est alors pareil qu’en français !

Let’s (quickly) practice! Choisissez entre le “’s”, “’Ø” et “of”.

1. Your father _________ car is red.

2. They have a big garden. The beauty ________ the garden is well-known in the neighborhood.

3. You have a dog, don’t you? Yes, my dog ______ name is Alfred.

4. Betty ________ friends are really nice!

5. Your grandparents ___________ house is so big!

Me, myself and I
My name is Tim,
My father’s name is Charles. My mother is called Christine.
What are your parents’ names?
I love them. I also love my sister. She loves me too, of course!
Our neighbors don’t really like us… because of their cat. He is mean,
violent with strangers.
That’s a little bit about me, myself and I…

Pronouns & determiners4

En français, vous connaissez :

Pronoms Pronoms Déterminant
personnels sujet personnels objets possessif
Je Moi Mon, ma, mes Moi-même
Tu Toi Ton, ta, tes Toi-même
Il Lui Son, sa, ses (à lui) Lui-même
Elle Elle Son, sa, ses (à elle) Elle-même
Nous Nous Notre, nos Nous-même
Vous Vous Votre, vos Vous-même
Ils Eux Leur, leurs Eux-même

a. Le pronom personnel sujet remplace un nom qui est lui-même sujet. Il se place
devant le verbe principal :

My friends love playing tennis but they hate soccer.

b. Les pronoms personnels compléments remplacent des noms compléments du

verbe et donc qui se mettent directement après celui-ci :

You love me, but i lover her.

c. Les déterminants possessifs s’accordent en genre et en nombre avec le nom qui

les suit directement et auquel ils se rapportent, afin de former un groupe nominal
sujet ou complément :

His mother is really a great cook. Is your mother a good cook too?

d. Les pronoms personnels réfléchis renvoient à un sujet pour appuyer celui-ci en

tant que complément ou insister sur un sujet, complément ou groupe nominal
dans la phrase :

I can’t help you. You have to figure it out by yourself.

Pronoms Pronoms Déterminant
personnels sujet personnels objets possessif
I me My myself
you you Your yourself
he him his (à lui) himself
she her her (à elle) herself
we us Our ourselves
you you Your yourselves
they them Their themselves

Let’s see if you understand…

Your Family Tree
Time for you to describe your family, from your parents to their brothers and/or sisters…

Should you use “to have got” or “to have”? Is “to be” a verb you can use in these cases?

Let’s review how to use “to be”, “to have” and “to have got”. Try to use the right verb in this
exercise and let’s review the grammar about those special verbs.

Un peu de vocabulaire en plus…

To come from =
To live in =
To be from =

What is the difference between “to have” & “to have got”?

I have a great English teacher.

I have got three sisters.

The difference between both is not about the meaning nor the use in a sentence, but it is more
about being formal or less formal, without being completely unformal or impolite!

Both forms can be used especially when you talk about your family:

I have a sister = I have got a sister

One is formal and said “polite” (I have got a sister),

the other is said less formal, used by many in direct speech and daily conversations (I have a

One huge difference between both is when you use either the negative or the interrogative forms
and the auxiliary:

In the negative form, you CAN’T use “don’t/doesn’t” with the formal form “to have got”. Once got
+ is used, no auxiliary is required as “to have” conjugates itself just like “to be” does.

I don’t have a sister. AND NOT I don’t have got a sister.

In the interrogative form, you follow the same rule: “Do/Does” can’t be used if you have “got” in
- the form:

Do you have a brother? AND NOT Do you have got a brother?

Finally, “to have got” cannot be used with sentences talking about action we do in our daily life:

“I have got a dinner at 8 pm every day.” This sentence is not correct!

Let’s practice /20

A. Complete the blanks with “to have got” or “to have”.

1. Sue _____________ two sisters and one brother. But she ________ _________ any cousins.

2. Mr & Mrs West ______________ three sons.

3. Tony and I are basketball players. We ________________ basket balls at home.

4. Jonathan _______________ one bookshel in his room but he _________ _________ books.

5. _______ you ___________ pets? Yes, I ______________ four dogs.

6. __________ they ___________ uncles or aunts? No, they _________________ any because

their parents ___________________ brothers or sisters.

7. Jim is ill/sick. He _______________ temperature.

8. My brother _____________ breakfast around 7 am. I ____________ mine at 8 am.

9. We __________ _________ any computer in the house.

B. Complete the blanks with “to have got”, “to have”or “to be”

1. ________ Penny ________ blue eyes or red eyes?

2. Where ________ you from?

3. They ______ _______ feeling good. they ate too much during lunch time.

4. ______ she sick? No, I don’t think so. She ______ just really tired.

5. _______ you _________ a cat? I smell cat’s food.

6. They _________ sick at all. They _______ just lazy.

7. They _______ really strong! They _________ gym sessions every day.

8. _______ I good at English? I think so. I ____________ an English step-brother who helps me.

9. _________ he _________ any siblings? Or _______ he an only child?

10. You ___________ angry, just disappointed about your result.


To be  s’utilise avec les adjectifs (émotions, sentiments, état personnel, description


To have (got)  s’utilise avec un CDV/COD généralement lié à l’appartenance d’un objet ou
une personne
Chapter 4
Daily routine of an expat
What do you usually do?

En anglais, le présent simple s’utilise généralement pour parler d’actions que l’on fait au

Pour se faire, nous utiliserons très souvent ce que l’on appelle les « adverbes de fréquence ».
Ces adverbes, qui se placent juste entre le sujet et le verbe en anglais, servent à donner la
« fréquence » ou répétition à laquelle se font ces activités de notre quotidien :

Je me lève souvent à 8h du matin.

Il mange rarement du dessert après le diner.
Nous allons parfois courir ensemble.

En anglais, une petite liste de mots à retenir sert à marquer cette fréquence/répétition d’un acte :

Toujours Always
Souvent Often
Parfois Sometimes
Rarement, presque jamais Rarely, almost never
Jamais Never
De temps en temps From time to time

Pour rappel :

Au présent simple, la 3ième personne du singulier à des règles à suivre lorsque vous parlez de
quelqu’un :

- Radical du verbe + S
- Verbes finissant en –ch / –s / –sh / –x / –z ET –o  + ES
- Verbes finissant par consonne + -y  + IES (le y disparait)
- MAIS les verbes finissant par voyelle + -y  S

Le présent simple s’utilise dans les cas suivants :

 Pour exprimer une routine

I have breakfast at 6 am in the morning every day.

 Pour exprimer une habitude

You go to the gym every week.

 Pour exprimer un sentiment (to (dis)like, to love, to hate, to enjoy, to (dis)agree…)

She loves cats.

 Pour exprimer une vérité générale

Water boils at 100°C.

 Pour exprimer à quelle fréquence les choses se passent (avec un adverbe de fréquence)
Here is an email from your penpal friend Danka, a young girl. She writes this email to your
other friend Jacek because he tried to phone her but she didn’t answer at that moment.

Let’s discuss about Danka’s email

What does she like?

How does she describe the family she lives with?
What are the things she does daily? Why?
What does the children of her hosts do?

Look at the underlined words. What does it remind you? What do you think it means
grammatically? What did you noticed?

What kind of questions can you ask from this email if you were talking to Danka?






Simple present – exercises
1. Use the present simple affirmative 6. I watch TV on Saturday morning.
and add the frequency adverb).
1. I ___________ _______ (rarement – to go)
7. She speaks Chinese.
shopping with my mother.
2. We ______________ ________ (parfois – to
use) a dictionary in class. 8. The dog likes cats.
3. My friends _________ (to study) Italian at their ____________________________
9. They listen to pop music.
4. School __________ _________ (toujours – to
finish) at four o’clock. ____________________________

5. You __________ (to live) near me. 10. I play with my hamster every day.

6. He _________ (to like) rap music. ____________________________

7. She _________ (to do) her homework before

3. Translate the questions and finish
8. We ________ _________ (souvent – to play) the short answers.
tennis in school on Wednesday.
1. Vis-tu à l’école ?
9. I __________ _________ (rarement – to
watch) TV in the evening. ____________________________

10. My mother ____________ (to teach) Art. No, ______________.

2. Est-ce que les étudiants mangent à la

cantine ?
2. Write the sentences in negative. If
possible, add a frequency adverb. ____________________________
1. I study French Yes, ______________.
3. Ton frère va à l’école le Samedi ?
2. School finishes at noon on Wednesday.
No, ______________.
3. You copy from other students.
4. Tes amis vivent-ils près de (chez) toi ?
4. we think English is easy.
Yes, ______________.
5. Est-ce que l’école finis à 15h ?
5. My friends play volleyball.
No, ______________.
You have a question, don’t you?
Yes, I do!

Questions tags and short answer – drill

En anglais, les “short answers” et les “question tags” font partie du langage courant. Les
deux s’utilisent très souvent pour ponctuer, exprimer un sentiment ou simplement poser une
question après une affirmation.

1. Question tags

Grammaire anglaise5

1. Que sont les "tags" ou questions tags ?

D'abord il faut comprendre que ce ne sont pas de vraies questions. Ou rarement en tout cas.
Correspondant tous à l'unique question tag utilisée en français, n'est-ce pas, les tags
classiques en anglais sont le plus souvent une expression d'opinion, de possibilité ou
de probabilité. Malgré la structure interrogative, les tags ne sont pas de vraies questions, mais
plutôt des demandes de confirmation... ou parfois de contradiction.

2. Comment utiliser les tags

2.1. La structure normale

Les tags sont normalement formés sur le modèle verbe + pronom sujet .
L'exemple minimal serait Am I ?
Ils sont placés à la fin de la phrase ou de la proposition. En utilisant une inversion interrogative
standard, ils répètent l'auxiliaire du verbe principal et le pronom correspondant au sujet du
verbe principal, comme dans ces exemples simples

The programme is very interesting, isn't it?

Those flowers blossoms very quickly, don't they ?
You don't have kids, do you ?

2.2. Les tags classiques

Dans les tags classiques, il est important de noter qu'il y a toujours une opposition entre
l'affirmation et la négation. Si le verbe principal est à l'affirmatif, le tag sera au négatif : à
l'inverse, si le verbe principal est au négatif, le tag sera à l'affirmatif.

She wears a very expensive coat every day, isn't she?

3. Formation et emploi des tags

Les tags sont placés à la fin d'une proposition ou d'une phrase ; ils sont formés en répétant l'
auxiliaire (to be, to have got, do) ou l' auxiliaire modal (can, must, might etc) accompagnant le
verbe principal, et sont suivis d'un pronom correspondant au sujet du verbe principal. Comme
indiqué à la section 2.2. ci-dessus, il y a habituellement une opposition affirmatif / négatif entre le
verbe principal et le tag.


1. The President's over 80, isn't he?

2. I can do this quite well, can't I?
3. You can't replace me at the meeting next week, can you?
4. The secretaries really have to work hard, don't they? *

Important: exemple 4 : les tags qui suivent l' auxiliaire modal "have to" (à la différence de
ceux qui suivent have en tant qu'auxiliaire du passé) sont des formes de l'auxiliaire do, et
non have, même quand le verbe principal est à l'affirmatif.

2. Short answers

La réponse courte en anglais équivaut simplement à répondre par OUI ou par NON en français :

Veux-tu de la glace ? Non (merci). = Non, je n’en veux pas (merci).

C’est pareil que la version « longue » reprise ci-dessus pour l’anglais : on utilise l’auxiliaire du
temps pour répondre :


Pour répondre par OUI en anglais

l’affirmative, je
reprends l’auxiliaire employé Yes + sujet + auxiliaire
dans la phrase à la
forme interrogative.

Pour répondre NON en anglais

par la négative, je
reprends l’auxiliaire employé No + sujet
dans la phrase à la forme + auxiliaire + not
interrogative et je rajoute not.

Do you love me? Yes, I do. No I don’t (do not).

M’aimes-tu? Oui. Non.
Are you happy ? Yes, i am. No I ‘m not (am not).
Es-tu heureux ? Oui. Non.
Does it snow in March? Yes, it does. No it doesn’t.
Neige-t-il en mars? Oui. Non.
Do I have to eat? Yes, you do. No you don’t (do not).
Est-il nécessaire que je mange? Oui. Non.

Exercises: question tags & short answers drill.

1. She’s from a small town in China, _________________? Yes, ………………………………

2. They aren’t on their way already, __________________? No,………………………………..

3. We’re late again, _________________? Yes, ………………………………

4. I’m not the person with the tickets, _________________? No, ………………………………

5. Julie isn’t an account, _________________? Yes, ………………………………

6. The weather is really bad today, _________________? No, ………………………………

7. He’s very handsome, _________________? Yes, ………………………………

8. They aren’t in Mumbai at the moment, _________________? No, ……………………………

9. You aren’t from Brazil, _________________? Yes, ………………………………

10. John’s a very good student, _________________? No, ………………………………

11. I like chocolate very much, _________________? Yes, ………………………………

12. She doesn’t work in a hotel, _________________? No, ………………………………

13. They need some new clothes, _________________? Yes, ………………………………

14. We live in a tiny flat, _________________? No, ………………………………

15. She studies very hard every night, _________________? Yes, ………………………………

16. David and Julie don’t take Chinese classes, _______________? No, …………………………

17. I often come home late, _________________? Yes, ………………………………

18. You don’t like spicy food, _________________? No, ………………………………

19. She doesn’t cook very often, _________________? Yes, ………………………………

20. We don’t watch much TV, _________________? No, ………………………………

21. Jenny and Nath are the members of the Photography club, ____________? Yes, ……………

22. You can swim very well, _________________? No, ………………………………

23. He can sell anything, _________________? Yes, ………………………………

24. She loves flowers, _________________? No, ………………………………

25. Jane can’t ride horse, _________________? Yes, ………………………………

26. You are a student, _________________? No, ………………………………

27. Kate always sleeps early, _________________? Yes, ………………………………

28. We don’t like cats, _________________? No, ………………………………

Once a week? I go to the gym every two days.
Other expressions of frequency.

En anglais, il n’y a pas que les adverbes de fréquences pour parler du nombre de fois qu’une
action a lieu. Il existe d’autres moyens que nous avons déjà aperçu par le passé.

Listen than read this text about two person living abroad, then point out the other
expressions of frequency.

Hi, my name’s Benoit, Hey there, my name is Claudia.

I come from France. I live in Bordeaux. I am twenty-two and I come from a small
town in the mountains in Brazil.
I am studying abroad, in Rome, Italy. I love
this city. So many things to do. I am in Rome for my studies but also
because I love traveling. I think I take off at
I love taking pictures and visiting nice least four times a year to go visit new places
places. Twice a month, I take a train ticket to or go back home to visit my family that I
go visit new spot I have read about in tour miss so much!
guide magazines.
I love pizza and Italian food. I go almost
I don’t usually practice sports, but I started every day buy food in small and cheap
running in a park nearby my apartment. I go restaurants near my place. But I also cook.
jogging two or three times a week, Three times a week I cook especially
depending how much work I have. because my friend Benoit comes twice a
week and my boyfriend joins me once a
I never study during my weekend. I prefer to
week (he works a lot!).
study every Monday and Wednesday at the
library and twice week I go to my friends I love reading. I think I read 20 books per
Claudia. year! I’m addicted. How often do I go to the
park or the café down the street to read? At
least every two days.


How often Sujet + verbe
Combien de fois “est-ce que” Sujet + verbe

How often do you go to the cinema?

How often does Marie read?
Reading and grammar exercises

Ask questions about both Benoit and Claudia’s description:

___________________________________? ___________________________________?

___________________________________? ___________________________________?

___________________________________? ___________________________________?

___________________________________? ___________________________________?

___________________________________? ___________________________________?

Answer the questions below

1. How often do you practice sports in a week? Which sport(s)?

I go to the swimming pool every Monday and Saturday____________________________




2. How often do you study English, Math, French, Dutch… per week?




3. How often do you take breakfast before school? And during the weekend? Explain.

I usually eat a banana from Monday to Friday. I drink coffee every morning.____________




Tool box:

Once/twice a week | three/four/five… times a week (a month, a year…)

Every morning/afternoon/evening/night | Every minute/hour/day/week/month/year…

Every Monday, every Friday and Saturday, every Tuesday morning…

When do you go to work?
I usually go to work at…
What time is it?

Les règles pour donner l’heure en anglais sont très simples, malgré ce qu’il se dit au quotidian.

Il y a deux façons de donner l’heure, en sachant qu’en anglais on ne donne jamais une heure
dépassant le chiffre 12. Une fois 12 atteint à partir de midi, on ne compte pas jusqu’à 24 mais on
reprend à 1 avec une particularité.

Let’s have a look at the English clock and see how it works, shall we?

Hours: from 1 to 12 (13h  it’s one in the afternoon / it’s 1 pm)

Minutes: from 1 to 60

Before 30 minutes in an hour: … minutes PAST … hour we are in (18h25  twenty-five past six in the

After 30 minutes in an hour: … minutes TO … hour following the one we are in (17h50  ten to six in
the evening)

In the morning = le matin (de 5 à 11h59)

In the afternoon = dans l’après-midi (de 12 à 17h généralement, parfois 18h)

In the evening = dans la soirée (de 17 à 22/23h voire minuit)

Let’s read Ryan Brown’s text and see how to put it in practice

Ryan Brown is ten years old. He lives in a big house in London with
his father, Mr. Brown, his mother, Laura and his little sister, Claire.
His father is a bank clerk and his mother is a travel agent. Claire is
a baby.
Every morning they get up early. At 7.20 Ryan has a quick shower.
Then he goes to the dining room where they have an enormous
The Browns go to work by car. Mr. Brown drives it. Ryan goes to
school on foot with his best friend Mum and Claire stays at home
with the baby-sitter.
At noon Ryan has lunch in the school canteen with his friends.

The Browns go back home after tea. Ryan does his homework and Laura works in the garden. Mr.
Brown goes to the library. They have dinner at 7.30 p.m. They talk a lot during dinner. Then, they
watch their favourite TV programme and they go to bed.

True or False? Answer the questions about the text.

1. How old is Ryan?
1. Ryan has got a sister.
2. Ryan lives in Hendon.
2. Where does he live?
3. He does his homework before
3. Does he live with his parents?
4. The Browns don’t watch TV.
5. The Browns have breakfast at
4. What’s his father’s job?
6. Claire is a baby.
5. What’s his mother’s job?
Order Ryan’s daily routine. 6. What time do the Browns get up?
Ryan has lunch at the school. _____ 7. How does Ryan go to school?
Ryan walks to school. _____ ---------------------------------------------
He has a shower. _____ 8. What time does he have lunch?
Ryan does his homework _____
He watches TV with his family. _____
9. Where does he have lunch?
He has breakfast. _____
Ryan gets up. _____
He has dinner with his family. _____ 10. What do the Browns do after dinner? --
Ryan goes to bed. _____ ----------------------------------
Listening & grammar review – What time is it?

Listen to Calum’s daily routine and answer the questions below.

À quelle heure se lève-t-il°? Est-ce pareil que de sortir du lit ? Quels sont les 2 termes pour
marquer la différence entre « se réveiller » et « se lever/sortir du lit » ?


Se réveiller Se lever

Que fait-il en premier ? Quels sont les verbes employés pour parler de son quotidien ?

___________________ ___________________ _________________

Qu’est-ce qu’il mange et boit généralement le matin ?


Que fait-il après avoir déjeuné ? Quand part-il pour l’école ?

_____________________________________ ______________________

À quelle heure mange-t-il sur le temps de midi ? Que mange-t-il ?

________________ ______________________________________________

Que fait-il après l’école ?

_____________________________ ___________________________________

À quelle heure mange-t-il le soir et avec qui ?


Comment finit-il sa journée et vers quelle heure ? Que dit-il par rapport à celle-ci ?


Now read the text about Calum’s daily routine and check your answers.

Calum – My daily routine.

Hi, my name is Calum and today I’m going to tell you about my daily routine.
In the morning, I get up, out of my bed at half past seven. I, then, go and have a shower and get myself
dressed. Afterwards, I go downstairs to the kitchen and make myself breakfast. Normally, I eat cereal
with milk and I drink a cup of tea.
After my breakfast, I go to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Then I leave my house at quarter past
eight to go to school.
At school, I eat my lunch at half past twelve. I eat a sandwich and crisps and I drink fruit juice. When
school is finished, I walk back home and I have to do my homework. I also eat a snack like a chocolate
bar because I am always hungry.
I eat my dinner at seven o’clock with all of my family.
After dinner, I watch the TV before I go to bed at half past ten. I’m always tired after a busy day at

Another listening practice – A typical school day in the United States.

Listen to Maryse’s typical school day description and summarize it below (in English).

After that, write down your own typical day. Be specific and detail your day, adding activities
even if you don’t do them every day. Use all the frequency adverbs and other frequency terms
you know, add time information.

Maryse’s daily routine










Your typical school day – homework















Simple Present
Grammar review
Exercises drill
I usually go to the cinema.

They are sometimes late .

She doesn’t usually eat


% 100

A) Complete the sentences with

always usually, often, sometimes,
seldom, rarely or never. Match the
pictures to the sentences.

1. I .................................. do my homework.

2. I am ......................... rude.

3. I .................................. go to cafés with my


4. I .......................... ride a bike at weekends.

5. I ........................ watch TV in the


6. I am ............................. late for school.

7. I ............................... have breakfast.

8. I .................................. speak English at


9. I ............................... get e- mails.

10. I am ............................... friendly.

B) Put the words into the correct order. C) Make eight true sentences with always,
usually, often, sometimes, seldom, rarely or
1. homework/ usually / does / at / his / seven/. never.
............................................................................................... 1. _______________________________________________________
2. is / sister / late / my / always / . __________________________________________________________
............................................................................................ 2. _______________________________________________________
3. the / go / sometimes / to / cinema / we/. __________________________________________________________
............................................................................................. 3. _______________________________________________________
4. is / unhappy / James / never / . __________________________________________________________
............................................................................................. 4. _______________________________________________________
5. always / are / they / friendly / . __________________________________________________________
.............................................................................................. 5. _______________________________________________________
6.often / the / school / walk / to / children. __________________________________________________________
............................................................................................. 6. _______________________________________________________
7. after / usually / I / meet / friends / school / my. __________________________________________________________
............................................................................................. 7. _______________________________________________________
8. pizza / mum / never / my / makes / . __________________________________________________________
.............................................................................................. 8. _______________________________________________________

1. Interrogative words

Interrogative words are the first word in a question. Each has its own meaning:

What…? Quoi?
Who…? Qui?
When…? Quand?
Why…? Pourquoi?
Where…? Où?
Which…? Lequel / Laquelle?
How…? Comment?
How many/much…? Combine?
How often…? Combien de fois?

2. Structure with “to be” or modal verbs

Usually, when we use “to be”, we expect the present continuous. But we can find question
words with “to be” using the simple present:

Where are you from? I am from Senegal. How are you? I am great, thank you. What
Who is this? This is our new English teacher. about you?
What are those? Those are my Spanish books. How many are you in your family? We are
Which is yours? Mine are the one on the shelf. four: myself, my mum and dad and my big
(talking about things) brother.
Why are you sad? Because I lost my notes for How often are they in detention? They arein
the test. detention a few times a month

The structure is simple:

Interrogative word to be subject Complement(s) ?

What is your answer to my question ?

With modal verbs like “can”, it works the same way, with one difference (in grey):

Interrogative word can subject verb (to) Complement(s) ?

What can you tell me about the test tomorrow ?
3. Structure with verbs

The structure is the same one as the one you use to form questions with the auxiliary
“Do/Does”. The only thing changing is the question word coming first in the sentence:

Interrogative word auxiliary subject verb (to) Complement(s)
st nd
(1 & 2 singular person /
1st, 2nd & 3rd plural person)
Where do you go every Friday night

Interrogative word does subject verb (to) Complement(s)

auxiliary ?
(3 singular persons)
Who does she help to study

4. Practice

_______ is this? (book) _________ is Jenny crying? (she broke her arm)

_______ are you from? (Spain) _________ money do you have? (200€)

_______ is this woman? (my mother) _________ do you eat so late? (work late)

_______ pullover do you like? (blue one) _________ is the time? (1 o’clock in the afternoon)

_______ are my keys? I can’t find them (on the _________ are those people? (my relatives from…)
_________ is your birthday? (12/12)
_______ old is your wife? (25 years old)
_________ is your favorite book? (Gulliver’s
_______ children do you have? (2, a boy & & a girl) Travels)

_______ are you doing? (I am eating – Pst Cont.) _________ car is yours? (the red one)

_______ color is your table? (brown) _________ do you have your test? (tomorrow
_______ is your best friend? (Tom)
_________ languages does he speak? (4)
_______ do you go to the cinema? (3 times a
month) _________ languages does he speak? (Fr, Eng, It,
_______ do you usually go on vacation? (Paris)
_________ time do we have left? (a few minutes)
_______ does she live? (London)
_________ does the train leave the station? (noon)
_______ don’t they listen (Because they don’t like
it) _________ tall are you? (175 cm)

_______ is this yellow jacket? (Tom’s) _________ do they study? (every weekend
A) Choose the correct answer. D) Fill in the blanks with proper
1) Do / does Dylan like tennis? words.
2) I don’t / doesn’t like playing football. 1) Marc --------------- ( not-like )
3) Do / does you swim in summers? doing housework.
4) Sam don’t / doesn’t like watching TV. 2) ---- you -------- ( listen ) to pop
5) Do / does your father work in a company? music?
6) What do / does you do in your free times? 3) We ----------- ( not-go ) to
work by bus.
7) How often do / does your son brush his teeth?
4) Oscar ------------- ( not-eat )
8) Max don’t / doesn’t like getting up early.
any hamburgers.
9) Do / does your friends like reading? 5) ----- Claire ------- ( feed ) his
10) Samy don’t doesn’t like waiting for the bus. dog regularly?
11) Do / does children like eating junk food? 6) ------ your best friend --------
( buy ) presents for you?
7) ---- Şarah’s family ------- ( go )
B) Fill in the blanks with do-does/don’t-doesn’t.
to cinema at the weekends?
1) ------ you like to drink something? 8) Our teacher ------------- ( not-
2) Susan ------- play football on Saturday nights. shout ) at us.
3) ------ your father and mother go out at the 9) ------ Karl ------ ( do ) his
weekends? homework regularly?
4) My little cat -------- like milk. It’s really 10) ------ Ezra ---------- ( clean )
her room at the weekends?
11) What ------ Martin --------
5) ------- your brother like cooking?
( do ) after shool?
6) ------- you read magazines? 12) My mother ------------ (not-
7) My sister -------- go shopping on Saturdays. cook ) fish on Mondays.
13) ------- you ------- ( love )
feeding the animals?

C) Turn the sentences into negative or question.

1) Austin rides a bicycle after school. ( - ) ------------------------------------

2) Nathan goes to the beach with her friends. ( - ) -----------------------------.

3) George loves skating with her family. ( ? ) ----------------------------------

4) Benjamin likes doing the housework. (- ) -----------------------------------.

5) Alissa gets up early at the weekends. (- ) ------------------------.

6) Shana loves writing essays. ( ? ) ---------------------------.

7) Denis has breakfast regularly. ( ? ) ----------------------------.

8) Tom brushes his teeth. ( ? ) -----------------------------.

9) Tim plays the drums in a band. ( - ) -----------------------------.

10) Sasha has a big garden. ( - ) ----------------------------.

Instructions: Read the following paragraph and complete it with the correct form of
the verbs

Hi! Everybody! My name is Gerald. This is my first year at the

University. I ___________ 1(be) from England. I
____________ 2(not – work). I just _____________
3(study) to be Computer software Engineer. I
_______________ 4(have) two sisters. I _____________
5(not – have) any brother. Karla, the oldest, _____________
6(work) as a pharmacist. She _____________ 7(have) one
daughter. Mariam, the youngest, ______________ 8 (attend)
to kínder garden.

Mr Anderson is my Computer teacher. He ______ 9(be) 50 and

he ______ 10 (live) in Chicago with his parents and his twin
siblings – Denise and Mike, who ______ 11 (be) 20 years old.

On weekdays, Mr Anderson _______ 12 (wake up) at half past

seven. He _________ 13 (wash) his face, he ____________ 14
(not- comb) his hair because he is bald, and 15________ (put on)
his tie, which he ____________ 16(hate).

My parents ______________ 17 (not – be) from England. They

______________ 18 from (come) Canada. My father
______________ 19(not-work) because he’s retired. My mother
______________ 20 (represent) people in a court. She’s a lawyer.

II. Part. Read the paragraph again and answer the following question in a long way. Share your answer.

1. What is his name? 6. Is Marian a pharmacist?

______________________________ ___________________________________

2. Where does he come from? 7. Does Gerald come from Canada?

______________________________ ___________________________________

3. How old is Gerald? 8. Does Gerald’s father work as a lawyer?

4. What does he do?
9. Does Mr Aderson comb his hair? Why?
5. How many siblings does he have?
10. Are the twins older than Mr Anderson?
Sophie’s Daily Routine
Sophie is eleven years old and she lives in Brighton, England.
She usually gets up at a quarter to eight, she has a shower, gets dressed
and then she brushes her teeth. After that, she goes downstairs and has
breakfast. For breakfast she usually has milk, toast and orange juice. Then
she brushes her teeth again because she likes them white and healthy!
Then she grabs her school bag and goes to the bus stop to catch the
school bus. Classes start at half past eight and finish at half past four. She
usually has lunch at the school canteen with her schoolmates at about 12
o’clock. Her best friend is Amy and Sophie always sits next to her at lunch.
After school she returns home and does her homework. She is a very
hard-working pupil and she never misses a school task! After homework, she
usually listens to music and watches television a bit.
At half past seven it is time for dinner. Then she usually reads a book or
chats with her parents for a while.
Finally, she goes to bed at about ten o’clock, but before that she brushes
her teeth. Sophie is a happy little girl!

Answer the questions about the text. B
1. What time does Sophie get up? Order Sophie’s daily routine.
-------------------------------------------------- She goes to bed at about ten o’clock.
2. Does she usually have a shower? She gets dressed.
-------------------------------------------------- She catches the bus to school.
3. What does she eat for breakfast? She has lunch at the school canteen.
-------------------------------------------------- She listens to music.
4. What does she drink for breakfast? She gets up.
-------------------------------------------------- She does her homework.
5. What does she do after breakfast? She has a shower.
-------------------------------------------------- She has dinner.
6. Does she go to school on foot?
7. What time does school start? C
-------------------------------------------------- Write the sentences in the interrogative and
8. What time does it finish? negative forms.
1. Sophie brushes her teeth three times a day.
9. Where does Sophie usually have lunch?
NEG --------------------------------------------------
INT --------------------------------------------------
10. Who is Sophie’s best friend?
2. She goes to school by bus.
NEG --------------------------------------------------
11. What does Sophie do when she returns home?
INT --------------------------------------------------
3. She listens to music.
12. How many times a day does she brush her
NEG --------------------------------------------------
INT --------------------------------------------------
4. She chats with her parents for a while.
13. Is she a happy girl?
NEG --------------------------------------------------
INT --------------------------------------------------
Adverbs of frequency
1. Rewrite the complete sentence using the adverb in brackets in its correct

He listens to the radio. (often)

They read a book. (sometimes)
Pete gets angry. (never)
Tom is very friendly. (usually)
I take sugar in my coffee. (sometimes)
Ramon and Frank are hungry. (often)
My grandmother goes for a walk in the evening. (always)
Walter helps his father in the kitchen. (usually)
They watch TV in the afternoon. (never)
Christine smokes. (never)

2. Rewrite the sentences in the correct order

usually - in the morning - reads the newspaper - Tom

He -frequently - is - for class - late
always –they - happy - are
help – she - often - does - her mother?
by 11:30 - is - Ann -generally -in bed.
occasionally -Molly - the museum - visits.
1. We use adverbs of frequency to say how often something happens.

2. We normally put an adverb of frequency

after the verb be. He’s often late for school.

before most other verbs. You never phone me.

1) Complete the chart with the adverbs of frequency given in the box.

sometimes usually always hardly ever often never rarely occasionally

0% 100% 100%
1_____ 2_________ 3_______ 4__________ 5__________ 6 _______ 100%
7_________ 8__________

2) Put the words in the correct order to make 3) Rewrite the sentences. Use the adverbs of
sentences. frequency in brackets.
1. go swimming / sometimes / on Sundays / I 1. I’m late for school in the morning. (rarely)

______________________________________ ________________________________________

2. in our house / cold / it’s / often 2. Sam goes out with his friends. (occasionally)

______________________________________ ________________________________________

3. usually / is / hungry / Sam / after school 3. Ann surfs the Net in the evening. (usually)

______________________________________ ________________________________________

4. goes / never / my cousin / cycling 4. My best friend takes photos at school. (never)

______________________________________ ________________________________________

5. Mark and Ted / books / hardly ever / read 5. They are at home in the evening. (often)

______________________________________ ________________________________________

6. I / my homework / in my room / do / 6. Ted reads magazines about fashion. (hardly

always ever)

______________________________________ ____________________________________

7. snows / in this area / rarely / it 7. We speak English in English classes. (always)

______________________________________ ________________________________________
4) Write questions. Use How often….? Then 5) Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions. Tick
write true answers with frequency adverbs. your partner’s answers.
1. you / surf the Net?
Are you in tune? QUIZ
How often
2. you / play board games?
1. … do you listen to classical music?
a) Often b) Sometimes c) Rarely d) Never
3. you / listen to music ? 2. …do you sing in the bath or shower?
______________________________________ a) Rarely b) Sometimes c) Never d) Often
4. your best friend / call you ? 3. … do your parents listen to the same music as
a) Never b) Sometimes c) Often d) Rarely
5. your grandparents / use a computer?
4. … do you listen to music while you are doing
______________________________________ your homework?

______________________________________ a) Often b) Sometimes c) Rarely d) Never

6. your mum / do the shopping ? 5. …do you buy CDs?

______________________________________ a) Never b) Sometimes c) Rarely d) Often

6. … do you go to live concerts?
a) Often b) Sometimes c) Rarely d) Often
7. you / do the washing-up ?
7. … do you play the piano / the guitar or other
______________________________________ musical instruments?
a) Never b) Sometimes c) Rarely d) Often
8. your English teacher / speak Chinese ?


Answer Key

Ex. 1)

1. never 2. hardly ever 3. rarely 4. occasionally 5. sometimes 6. often 7. usually 8. always

Ex. 2) Ex. 3)

1. I sometimes go swimming on Sundays. 1. I’m rarely late for school in the morning
2. It’s often cold in our house. 2. Sam occasionally goes out with his friends
3. Sam is usually hungry after school.
3. Ann usually surfs the Net in the evening
4. My cousin never goes cycling.
4. My best friend never takes photos at school.
5. Mark and Ted hardly ever read books.
5. They are often at home in the evening.
6. I always do my homework in my room.
7. It rarely snows in this area. 6. Ted hardly ever reads magazines about fashion.

7. We always speak English in English classes.

Ex.4) 5. How often do your grandparents use a


1. How often do you surf the Net?

6. How often does your mum do the shopping?

2. How often do you play board games?

7. How often do you do the washing-up?

3. How often do you listen to music?

8. How often does your English teacher speak

4. How often does your best friend call you?

Chapter 5


People around the world
Read the descriptions of the different people and do the exercise.

China France Palestine Germany Peru Canada

Hello! My Name is Otto, I’m forty-five Good morning! My Name is Sophie. I

years old and I live in Köln. I’m married live in Lyon. I’m twenty-six years old
and I have three children: Lisa, Markus and I live with my boyfriend Thomas.
and Stefan. I work as a policeman in I’m a history teacher in a French
Köln. I like playing chess. „Lycée“. I like reading books and
listening to music.

Good morning! My Name is Adam, Hello! My Name is Mohamed. I live in

I’m thirty years old and I live in Lima. Ramallah. I’m twenty-two years old and I’m a
I’m married to Manuela, we have got student at the university. I study the languages:
two little kids: Estevan and Antonio. I English, German and French. I like languages!
am an archaeologist. My hobbies are I’ve got two brothers and one sister. My hobbies
travelling and playing piano. are reading books and playing football.

Hello! How are you? My Name is Denis. I‘m

Hi! My Name is Chang. I‘m sixty years
eighteen years old and I live in Vancouver. I have
old and I am a computer specialist. I
a little sister, her name is Clara. My parents are
work for a company in Shanghai. I live
Justin and Stefanie. This is my last year in the
in Nanjing. I’m married and I have a
secondary school. I want to study art next year. I
son: Chow. He is also married and has
like drawing and playing videogames.
two kids. I like playing golf and fishing.

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.
People around the world
Fill in the blanks with information from the texts and introductions of each.

People Number
Age Family Job / Studies Hobbies Hometown Country





People number Age Family Job / Studies Hobbies Hometown Country
Otto He is married and
5. 45 has three children: He is a policeman He likes playing chess. Köln Germany
Lisa, Markus und in Köln.
3. 26 She lives with her She is a history She likes reading books Lyon France
boyfriend Thomas. teacher. and listening to music.

Adam He is married to
6. 30 Manuela, and has He likes travelling and Lima Peru
two little Kids: He is an playing piano.
Estevan and archaeologist.
1. 22 He has two He is a student, He likes reading books Ramallah Palestine
brothers and one he studies the and playing football.
sister. languages.

Denis He has a little He is a pupil. It’s

2. 18 sister, Clara. His his last year in He likes drawing and Vancouver Canada
parents are Justin secondary playing videogames.
and Stefanie. school. He wants
to study art.
Chang He is married and He works as a
4. 60 has a Son: Chow. computer He likes playing golf Nanjing China
He has two specialist in a and fishing.
grandchildren. company in
Hobbies and free-time activities
Looks at the pictures in the table and tick the correct answer.

going to concerts bungee jumping going to car boot sales scuba diving writing stories
bird watching dancing cycling climbing collecting stamps
dress making cooking!! repairing cars camping scrap booking

 going to a disco  going to the cinema  sewing going to school! rowing

going to the theatre going to the museum playing sports going to the funfair canoeing
going to the cinema going to parties watching matches going to a theme park fishing

going shopping bowling mowing the lawn painting roller skating

going swimming sewing gardening drawing walking in family
walking in family knitting doing yoga singing going for a walk

going to the beach speaking cooking walking the dog playing board games
sunbathing reading making cakes doing athletics playing video games
relaxing riding doing pottery running playing chess

taking photos  going to parties playing monopoly watching television playing cards
jumping a rope going to concerts playing cards or dice listening to music playing board games
taking evening lessons going to the park playing chess bird watching playing chess
listening to music playing the wii running repairing a car playing cards
singing playing chess jogging mending the roof! playing an instrument
dancing playing soccer hiking doing DIY jobs listening to the radio

Once you’ve finished, pick 5 of these activities and make sentences talkingabout what
you like doing and when, how often…


0. I enjoy playing chess with my brother every Saturday evening.

1. ______________________________________________________.

2. ______________________________________________________.

3. ______________________________________________________.

4. ______________________________________________________.

5. ______________________________________________________.

Now, pick 5 more and turn those sentences into sentences about someone else (use
“You, We, He-She or They”). You can use possessive determiners.


0. My mother and your sister usually love horse riding together on Wednesdays afternoon.

1. ______________________________________________________.

2. ______________________________________________________.

3. ______________________________________________________.

4. ______________________________________________________.

5. ______________________________________________________.
Infinitive “to” or gerund “–ing”?!?

Certains verbes en anglais sont suivit d’un autre verbe qui se mettra SOIT à l’infinitif
(car le verbe principale demande cette structure) SOIT à la forme “gérondive” (le verbe
suivant le principal prend ‘’–ing’’ comme terminaison).

Infinitive form

Some verbs ask the following one to be in its infinitive form because they are directly followed by the
preposition “to”:

To want to plan to decide

To hope to expect to offer
+ to… (to do/to work/to be…)
To try to forget to learn
To need to promise to refuse

 What do you want to do this evening? Que veux-tu faire ce soir?

 It’s not very late. We don’t need to go home right now. … Nous n’avons pas besoin de rentrer à la…
 You always forget to turn off the light when you leave the house. Tu oublies toujours d’éteindre la…
 I am trying to read my book but my brother usually bothers me. Je suis en train d’essayer de lire mais…
 They are learning to speak in French. Ils sont en train d’apprendre à parler français.

Gerund form

Some verbs are only followed by the gerund form “–ing”

Other verbs are either followed by the gerund form “–ing” or the infinitive.

To enjoy To like/dislike
To stop + “-ing” To love + “-ing” (doing…)
To mind (doing / working/ OR To hate OR
To finish being…) To prefer + to” (to do…)
To suggest To start/begin / to continue

I enjoy dancing. Do you hate getting up early? OR Do you hate to get…

J’apprécie/aime danser. Détestes-tu te lever tôt ?

I don’t mind getting up early. I prefer traveling by car. OR I prefer to travel by car.
Ça ne me gêne pas de me lever tôt. Je préfère voyager en voiture.

Is it going to stop raining? I don’t like working late OR I don’t like to work late.
Est-ce qu’il va s’arrêter de pleuvoir ? Je n’aime pas travailler tard.

BE CAREFUL: verbs expressing an “emotion” or a “feeling” (like, love, hate, enjoy, prefer…) require more often the
structure “–ing”. Better use that one instead of the infinitive form when you talk about daily routine activities!!!
ATTENTION – tu vas t’entrainer. Pour ce faire, retiens que, cette année, lorsque tu as un verbe
de sentiment (to like, to hate, to prefer…) il t’ai demandé de ne mettre QUE LA FORME du

1 Mettez les verbes entre parenthèses à la forme qui convient : to… ou –ing.

2 Complétez les phrases en mettant un des verbes suivants à la forme qui convient : to…
ou –ing.
3 Complétez la discussion en répondant aux questions

Complétez ensuite librement les phrases ci-dessous

4 Regardez les images à la page suivante.

Prenez-en 10 et faites, en devoir, une série de phrase à la forme affirmative et à la forme

négative (5 affirmatives et 5 négatives).

1. __________________________________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________________________________

3. __________________________________________________________________________

4. __________________________________________________________________________

5. __________________________________________________________________________

1. __________________________________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________________________________

3. __________________________________________________________________________

4. __________________________________________________________________________

5. __________________________________________________________________________
Cycling Football tennis Horse riding running

dancing Going to the swimming basketball volleyball


skiing rugby gardening painting windsurfing

sunbathing reading cooking Table tennis Playing games

Taking photos Doing DIY Playing dice or Watching TV sailing

jobs cards

Listening to music Playing hiking playing skateboarding

baseball/cricket the piano skating

Going to the funfair fishing Stamp collecting (Going) shopping Playing badminton
Go – Play – Do: which one for which activity?

In English, some verbs ask for the gerund form of the following verb:

I go shopping  to go = main verb – shopping = gerund (–ing form).

Obviously, it is really important to know how to use them to be able to express what you like or
dislike doing.

Let’s see which one ask wich activity and which one request the gerund form:

To go To do To play
somewhere something + activity/sport

Cycling Football Jogging

Tennis Climbing Mountains Swimming

Exercise Skiing Roller-Skating

Basketball Hiking Ice Skating

Running Lifting Weights Bowling

Volleyball Dancing Diving

Fishing Puzzles Computer Games

Piano Guitar Drawing

What do you like? - Likes and dislikes
Read the next expressions used when we want to talk about what we like or don’t like in English.

Positive Negative
Yes, I love… (100%) No, I don’t really like/ I really dislike … (40%)
Yes, I really like… (90%) No, I don’t like/dislike … very much (30%)
Yes, I like… (75%) No, I don’t like/dislike … (10%)
Yes, I kind of like… (60%) No, I hate … (0%)

Put an X on the free time activity or thing you love, like, kind of like, don’t like, hate or have never tried.
Then, ask a classmate about their preferences. Use the examples below the chart.

Free time activities Love Like Kind Don’t Hate Have never
of like like tried
Watching TV
Listening to music
Driving a car
Chatting with your friends
Playing videogames
Riding a bike
Going to the cinema
Doing exercise
Playing chess
Doing sports

Complete the conversation with the correct form of the words in brackets.
SARA: Hi you two! What are you doing?
STEVE: We’re playing basketball. Do you want to play?
SARA: No thanks. I (1) ________________________ (not like / play) basketball.
CARL: Wow! I (2) ________________________ (love / play) basketball, it’s great!
STEVE: What do you (3) ________________________ (like / do)?
SARA: Well, I (4) ________________________ (like / ride).
CARL: Yeah! That can be fun.
SARA: And I (5) ________________________ (like / dance).
STEVE: Dancing! Oh, I (6) ________________________ (hate / dance). I can’t dance.
SARA: That’s not true. Everyone can dance.
STEVE: Not me!
SARA: So I know you (7) ________________________ (like / play) basketball, but what else do you
(8) ________________________ (like / do)?
STEVE I: (9) ________________________ (like / play) chess.
CARL: Chess! That’s boring. Designed by Karol Adrian Meza
This is my bedroom
& those are my book

Chapter 6
What are chores? What do you do to help in your house?
“Chores” is a term that represents the things we have to do at home or in some places in order
to kept those places clean and ready to use. Cleaning, dusting, doing the dishes… all of these
actions are chores. It makes a household presentable and enjoyable either you have guests or
just want to feel at ease at home.

Let’s discuss about it… what are “chores”, according to you?

Here is a crossword. Try to fill in the blanks and find out which are chores and why.

Discuss this topic in class with your classmates and teacher.

Across Down

2. WASH THE CAR—Laver la voiture 1. WALK THE DOG—Promener le chien

5. MAKE A BED—Faire un lit 3. SET THE TABLE—Mettre la table
7. TIDY A ROOM—Ranger une chambre 4. BABYSIT—Garder un bébé
9. DUST—Faire la poussière 6. DO THE WASHING-UP—Faire la vaisselle
10. FEED THE DOG—Nourrir le chien 7. TAKE THE DUSTBIN OUT—Sortir la boubelle
11. CLEAN THE TABLE—Laver la table 8. CUT THE GRASS—Couper l'herbe
12. HOOVER—Passer l'aspirateur 13. COOK—Cuisiner
14. DO THE SHOPPING—Faire les courses
15. EMPTY THE DISHWASHER—Vider le lave-
Now talk about those chores you just reviewed with your classmates. Which ones do you
usually do? Which are the ones you never do?

How often do you…?

Do the washing Make the bed Wash the car Do the shopping Iron the clothes

Mow the lawn Take the dustbin Do the washing Clean the sweep
out up windows

Change the cat’s Mop the floor Dust and vacuum Cook Hang out the
litter clothes

Set/ lay the table Clear the table Tidy the house Walk the dog Water the plants

Sort out the Do DIY jobs Sweep the leaves garden Dry the dishes

Clean the Clean the toilet Feed the cat Feed the dog Wash the dog
Writing exercise - Chores at Your House

Think about your family. Who does these chores? Write your answers here and, if you can, use
frequency adverbs or frequency sentences:

1. Who cooks meals? _My dad cooks meals / My dad usually cooks meals on Wednesdays.__

2. Who does dishes? _________________________________________________________

3. Who vacuums? ___________________________________________________________

4. Who shovels the snow? ____________________________________________________

5. Who takes out the trash? ___________________________________________________

6. Who washes the car? ______________________________________________________

7. Who does your homework? _________________________________________________

8. Who dusts the furniture? ___________________________________________________

9. Who does the laundry? ____________________________________________________

10. Who mows the lawn? _____________________________________________________

How is your house? In my house, there is…
The house is the place you live in, sleep in, most of the time eat and drink in. you can do many
things in your house: from fun activities such as board games to cleaning your bedroom, hobbies
and chores are mixed up in a household.

Some people prefer to live in a house and some of them prefer a life in a flat because a house
means that we have to take care of the garden, cleaning… and some people are very original and
live in extraordinary places like… a plane!
Look at the text below, read it and answer the questions. Would you like to live in such a place?

1. Quel âge à Madame Ussery°?

2. D’où vient-elle°?
3. Où vit-elle ?
4. Combien de petit-fils a-t-elle ?
5. Quel âge à l’avion ?
6. Où est la salle de bain ?
7. Où se trouve la chambre de Joanne ?
8. Combien de toilette y-a-t-il ?
9. Où se trouve la baignoire dans la salle de bain ?
10. Combien de chambre y-a-t-il ?
11. Pourquoi veut-elle un BOING 747 la prochaine fois ?
12. Combien a couté l’avion ?
Rooms of the house..
There is / There are…

the living-room (1)

the kitchen (2)

the basement (3)

the bedroom (a)

the bedroom (b)

the bathroom (4)

the laundry (5)

the attic (6)

Write about things in the house. Follow the

My house
example: Fill in the blanks with the right word. Check in your
1. (fireplace) – There’s a fireplace in the living room. vocabulary database.

2. (dishwasher) – ______________________________ I take a shower in the _______________.

3. (armchair) – ________________________________ I cook in the _____________.

4. (stove) – ___________________________________ I receive my guests in the ____________.

5. (fridge) – ___________________________________ I watch TV in the ______________.

6. (lamp) – ___________________________________ I wash clothes in the ______________.

7. (sink) – ____________________________________ There is a big _____________ in my house but there isn’t a

8. (single bed) – _______________________________
There are _____ _____________ (place to sleep in) in my
9. (double bed) – ______________________________
10. (boxes) – __________________________________
There’s a small _______________ in my house.
11. (ashtray) – ________________________________
My parent’s bedroom is next to my ___________________.
12. (table) – __________________________________
In my house, the kitchen is next to the _______________.
13. (bathtub) – ________________________________
There is a __________________ in my front yard.
14. (curtains) – ________________________________
There is a __________________ in my back yard.
15. (toilet) – __________________________________
My house is at ________________ number ____________.
16. (pillows) – ________________________________
My house is _____________ (color)
17. (watch) – _________________________________
I live in a _______ house. __________ a garden in front.
18. (dryer) – __________________________________
My house – exercise drill
Choose the correct answer – tick it or circle it – cross the wrong answers

1 – We cook in the ___________________________ a) laundry b) bedroom

c) kitchen d) attic

2 – The sofa is usually in the ____________________ a) kitchen b) bathroom

c) basement d) living room

3 – Couples normally sleep on a __________________ a) single bed b) double bed

c) sofa d) chair

4 – People wash clothes in the ____________________ a) laundry room b) bedroom

c) kitchen d) dining room

5 – We often receive visitors in the __________________ a) study room/office b) attic

c) bathroom d) living room

6 – We always take a shower in the _________________ a) bathroom b) bedroom

c) basement d) laundry

7 – The room we keep things we don’t use very often is the __________________

a) dressing room b) kitchen

c) attic d) back yard

8 – Normally, the laundry is in the ___________________ a) basement b) living room

c) bedroom d) bathroom

9 – Look at the house in the picture. The living room and the kitchen are ___________________

a) outdoor b) upstairs

c) in the back yard d) downstairs

10 – The garden is usually a) in the front yard b) in the back yard

c) on the ground floor d) under the house

11 – the attic is ____________________ a) under the roof b) in the front yard

c) in the back yard d) downstairs

12 – The basement is ____________________ a) in the back yard b) the higher room

c) in the front yard d) the lower room

13 – The garden is ____________________ a) over the house b) outside

c) inside d) under the house

14 – In the pcture, the living room is next to ____________________

a) the bathroom b) the kitchen

c) the bedroom d) the basement

15 – In the picture, there isn’t a ______________ a) garage b) garden

c) roof d) windowsill

16 – The bathroom is between the ____________ a) toilet & stairs b) kitchen/living room

c) garden/attic d) bedrooms

17 – The dog is in the ____________________ a) attic b) bedroom

c) kitchen d) living room

18 – A house is always located in a ____________ a) street b) neighborhood

c) city d) country
What’s on the table? What’s under the chair? What’s next to the bed?
A bit of vocabulary first, then some exercises.

Français Anglais
des étagères shelves
la télévision the television
le canapé the sofa
syn : the couch
meublé furnished
un bureau a desk
un canapé converible a sofa bed
un lave-vaisselle a dishwasher
un lit double a double bed
un lit simple a single bed
un lit superposé a bunk bed
un meuble a piece of furniture
un pouf a pouf
un tabouret a stool
une armoire a closet
une chaise a chair
une étagère a shelf
une machine à laver a washing machine
une plaque chauffante a hotplate
une table a table
une table basse a coffee table
une table de chevet a bedside table

Where? Prepositions & adverbs of place

English French English French

On the left (side) of Sur (le côté) gauche Opposite En face de
de / à gauche de On the opposite side À l’opposé de
On the right (side) of Sur (le côté) droit de / Out of (Hors) de
à droite de
Upstairs En haut Behind Derrière
Downstairs En bas In front of Devant / en face de
Under En dessous (de) In the middle of Au milieu de
Between Entre
Above Au dessus (de) In the corner of Au/sur le coin de
Next to À côté de outside Dehors
Near/nearby Près de / aux Inside À l’intérieur
Far (from) Loin (de) On top of Au dessus de
Around Autour / aux alentours Down En dessous


A >
at 7 o'clock
at 10.45 am
at noon
at the corner
at the bus stop
at the door
> at dinnertime > at the bottom of the page
T >
at bedtime
at sunrise
at the end of the road
at the entrance
> at sunset > at the crossroads
> at the moment > at the front desk
We use IN for MONTHS, YEARS, CENTURIES and We use IN for an ENCLOSED SPACE and
> in July > in the garden
I >
in winter
in the summer
in Manchester
in England
> in 2013 > in a box

N >
in the 1980s
in the next century
in my pocket
in my wallet
> in the Stone Age > in a building
> in the past / future > in a car
We use ON for a SURFACE and PUBLIC
We use ON for DAYS and DATES

O >
on Saturday
on Mondays
on 11 July
on the wall
on the ceiling
on the door
> on 23 March 2013 > on the cover
N >
on Christmas Day
on my birthday
on the floor
on the carpet
> on Independence Day > on the menu
> on New Year's Eve > on a page
Exercises drill – put the right preposition or the right adverb

1. Their shop is _______________________ the town center. It’s around it. (à l’extérieur).

2. The kitchen is ______________________ the dinig-room (droite ou gauche).

3. My shoes are____________ the bed so I can put them on when I wake up.

4. Does John live _______________ Parker’s house?

5. My school is on the __________________ the library.

6. The TV is usually _______________ the sofa.

7. The carpet is _________________ of the living room.

8. There is a dirty cup __________ the table. Can you wash it?

9. Where are my clean clothes? They are ________ the washing machine.

10. The garden is rarely ____________ the house.

11. WATCH OUT! There is someone ________________ you!

12. Can you tell me when we start working? We start ________ eight o’clock.

13. ______ Fridays, I always go to the street market buy fresh vegetables.

14. They always study ___________________. They never study ______ the weekend though.

15. Where is Fabian going? He is going to the cinema. The movie is ________ noon.

16. My father put my phone _____________ the higher shelf so I can’t take it while I study.

17. There is something stuck _______________ the doors. I can’t close them.

18. The bedrooms are _____________. The living room on the ground floor.

19. My mum doesn’t spend a lot of time ______________. She is scared of basements and mice.

20. There is a train station ____________ the bus stop.

Holiday houses

There is / There are

En anglais, les deux structures signifient ‘’il y a…’’.

On parle de l’existence (ou pas) de quelque chose. Le sujet « réel » est ce qui vient
juste après.

On emploi ‘’there is’’ quand il est suivi d’un groupe nominal au SINGULIER.
On emplloi ‘’there are’’ quand il est suivi d’un groupe nominal au pluriel.

There is a cat on the chair. He is sleeping.

There are books on the top shelf of the bookshelf.

ATTENTION! Quand un groupe nominal contient un mélange singulier/pluriel, c’est le

PREMIER élément qui dicte la règle à suivre:

There is a dog and four cats in that house.

There are two yellow books and one blue in the store.

Read the description of different houses below.

After, write about your dream house. How do you picture it in your mind?

Emy’s house Michael’s home

My tiny wooden house is on wheels. So my home is easy to Hey guys, this is the home of the
move from one corner of the city to the other. we live in future. The front door is between the
the countryside, between the mountains and the beach. I bedroom and the bathroom! So
can go anywhere. It’s so refreshing. funny.

There is an open living room with a kitchen and a small There I no bathtub in the bathroom
sitting room. There is a big sink in the kitchen, easy to clean but there is a large Italian shower with
the dishes. There isn’t any dishwasher, we clean everything a mirror inside and the toilets on the
ourselves. right side of the shower.

We also have a coffee machine. There is also a big fridge, a The following room is the fully-
small freezer and an oven in the kitchen. equipped kitchen! There are two
small fridges, a freezer, a cooker, a
In the living room, there are four chairs and a table.
microwave and many cupboards and
My wooden house is very colorful: blue, yellow, pink walls drawers. The living room is large, with
and some green and brown because there are plants and a beautiful armchair. And then a big
the table. garden. There is no cellar but there
are two basements separated by a
The bedroom is in the attic (under the roof). There is a garage.
bathroom and a toilet upstairs.
Listening exercise – Holiday houses

Listen to Alice’s holiday house description in Miami!

Fill in the rooms based on the picture below.

1. _____________________________ 11. ____________________________

2. _____________________________ 12. ____________________________

3. _____________________________ 13. ____________________________

4. _____________________________ 14. ____________________________

5. _____________________________ 15. ____________________________

6. _____________________________ 16. ____________________________

7. _____________________________ 17. ____________________________

8. _____________________________ 18. ____________________________

9. _____________________________ 19. ____________________________

10. ____________________________ 20. ____________________________

This apartment is designed as an open living room with large windows. The living room includes an LED
TV, internet connection (there is a great Wi-Fi), and a DVD player (no Blu-ray yet). There is a giant sofa
bed in the living room, and in front of it there are two armchairs. The white coffee table is between the sofa
and the green armchair. There is an enormous bookcase with hundreds of books and DVDs. What I like
so much is the fireplace and the painting just above it. There is also a bog lamp in the corner next to the

The bedrooms are furnished with double beds and wardrobes with drawers. There are three spacious
bathrooms which complete the apartment. there is a bathtub and a toilet in each of them.

The modern kitchen is fully equipped with a sink, a fridge, a cooker, an oven, a dishwasher and a large
freezer. There is a private balcony overlooking the sea in the kitchen.

You can also enjoy a swimming-pool on the roof and air-conditioning everywhere in the apartment.
Describe those rooms

What can you see? “I can see that there is/are…”. What is this on the table/bed?

Answer those questions and make correct sentences.

Writing exercise – homework

Between both houses, which one do you prefer? Michal’s modern house or Emy’s
wooden moving-home?

Choose and say why. Then, describe your own house or your dream house when you will
be all grown-up:















I didn’t make one mistake, I made mistakes
Plural form

Read the small text below. Point out the nouns that changes because of their regular or
irregular plural form.

This exercise is about spelling and nouns. The woman has one baby on the first picture, but how
many do you see in the second? Well, she has three babies.

Also, there is a book on the shelves. But on the second one, there are five books and two
watches. On the first picture, she doesn’t have any watch on her wrist or anywhere else.

The boxes on the first picture are empty. The one (box) on the second photograph is full of

Did you spot all the changes between the two pictures/photographs?

What can you note and highlight about the nouns?

Write down in the board the plural forms of the nouns:

Noun ………………………..
Picture / photograph

A noun in its plural form has an –S at the end (general rule)

A book  two books

A pen  two pens
A window  two windows

Beside the general rule, some nouns have to change their ending:

Words finishing with an –s, –sh, –ch or –x  + –es

A bus  two buses

A dish  two dishes
A sandwich  two sandwiches
A box  two boxes
An address  two addresses

Words finishing with an –F changes into –ves: a knife  two knives / a wife  two wives
You have learned to conjugate verbs to the simple present and its rule with verbs ending
with an –y and –o concerning the 3rd singular person. The –Y changes into –ies and you
add –es after verbs ending with an –O (I fly  it flies / go  he goes)

It’s the same rule with nouns ending with an –Y and –O:

A lady  two ladies

A tomato  two tomatoes

Some nouns are irregular, and they have to be studied by heart:

A man  men a woman  women (pronounce it “wi-mèn”)

A child  children
A foot  two feet a tooth  two teeth
A person  people
A mouse  two mice

Finally, animals have the same form in their singular and plural form:

A fish  two fish

A sheep  two sheep
A deer  two deer(s)

Let’s practice:
Write the plurals of these words:

a chair _________ a watch _________

a dictionary _________ a boy _________

a man _________ an address _________

a baby _________ a girl _________

a house _________ a person _________

a diary _________ a toy _________

an apple _________ a name _________

a café _________ a camera _________

a woman _________ a country _________

a bus _________ a taxi _________

a tomato _________
Correct yourself and learn the plurals of these words:

a chair chairs a watch watches

a dictionary dictionaries a boy boys
a man men an address addresses
a baby babies a girl girls
a house houses a person people/persons
a diary diaries a toy toys
an apple apples a name names
a café cafés a camera cameras
a woman women a country countries
a bus buses a taxi taxis
a tomato tomatoes

Task 1: Write the plural forms of each noun.

1. Sister _______________ 12. Mouth _______________

2. Man _______________ 13. Cloud _______________

3. Family _______________ 14. Goose _______________

4. Fish _______________ 15. Potato _______________

5. Child _______________ 16. Woman _______________

6. Donkey _______________ 17. Key _______________

7. Deer _______________ 18. Butterfly _______________

8. Fox _______________ 19. Foot _______________

9. City _______________ 20. Tooth _______________

10. Country _______________ 21. Mouse _______________

11. Language _______________ 22. Louse _____________

Task 2: Find the mistakes with the underlined words, and correct them. Not every
sentence has a mistake. If the sentence is correct, write C

Five man left early. men .

I saw two deer in the forest. C .

1. She has two childrens. ______________________

2. Eleven millions peoples died in the war. ______________________
3. The news are on TV at 6 o’clock. ______________________
4. His pants is very expensive. ______________________
5. Five women in this class speak French. ______________________
6. Everyone wants to have a good life. ______________________
7. My mother is in her sixties. ______________________
8. Many Americans own a home. ______________________
Chapter 7
Describing someone
Human body

Do you know all the parts on your body? From your head to your feet?
Do you have 10 fingers or more?
Let’s describe a human body and listen to people after describing themselves.

English Français English Français

Head ………………….. shoulder …………………..
Hair ………………….. Chest …………………..
Forehead ………………….. Arm …………………..
Eyebrow ………………….. Stomach …………………..
Eye ………………….. Hand …………………..
Ear ………………….. Fingers …………………..
Nose ………………….. Waist …………………..
Teeth ………………….. Knee …………………..
Lips ………………….. Leg …………………..
Chin ………………….. Foot …………………..
Neck ………………….. Toe …………………..
The Human body
The principal parts of the human body
are: the head, the trunk and the limbs.
We have hair on the head. Inside the
head, we have the brain. We think with
our brain. Between the forehead and the
eyes we find the eyebrows. We see with
our eyes. The principal parts of the eyes
are: the eyelids and the eyelashes.
Between the eyes and the mouth, we see
the nose. We smell with our nose. The
mouth has lips, teeth and tongue. We
eat talk, drink and smile with our mouth.
We kiss with our lips and chew with our
teeth. Between the chin and the eyes, we
find the cheeks. On both sides of the
head, we find the ears we hear with our
ears. The neck joins the head to the

In our trunk, we have the chest. Inside the chest, we find the heart and the lungs. The
abdomen separates the chest from the waist. In the back, there is the backbone.
We have four limbs: two arms and two legs. The principal parts of the arm are: the
shoulder, the elbow, the wrist and the hand. The hand has five fingers: the thumb, the
fore finger, the middle finger, the ring finger, and the little finger, the fingers have
nails. The principal parts of the leg are: the thigh, the knee, the shin, the calf, the
ankle, the foot and the toes.
We have five senses: sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch.

The five senses


a) What are the principal parts of the body?

b) What do we have on our heads?

c) What color is your hair?

d) Do you think with your hair?

e) Where are the eyebrows?

f) How many eyes do you have?

g) What do we see with?

h) Where’s the nose?

i) What do you smell with?

j) What are the parts of the month?

k) What do we speak with?

l) Where are the cheeks?

m) What do we hear with?

n) Does the neck join the head to the trunk?

o) Where are the heart and the lungs?

p) What separates the chest from the waist?

Questions – part II

a) How many limbs do you have?

b) Name the parts of the arm, please.

c) How many fingers do you have?

d) Name them, please?

e) What are the fingers have?

f) What are the parts of the leg?

g) How many feet do you have?

h) How many toes do you have?

i) Do you work with your hands?

j) How many nails do you have?

k) Do you write with your feet?

l) Is the knee part of the arm?

Can I? Can you?

Savoir faire quelque chose. Pouvoir le faire.

En français, nous confondons souvent les deux verbes. Dans les autres langues, la distinction
entre les deux est flagrante :

Savoir faire = avoir les connaissances = to know how to do something

Pouvoir faire = avoir la capacité de faire = can (sans le “to”) do something

Nous utiliserons donc « can » pour parler de choses que l’on sait faire/peux faire/dont on a la
capacité de faire. Savoir faire quelque chose « to know » sera basé sur nos capacités

Exemple :

Peux-tu m’aider à étudier ? Can you help me study?

Sais-tu faire cet exercice°? Do you know how to do this exercise?

Maintenant, voyons comment fonctionne le verbe “can” en anglais :

Le verbe ‘’can’’ est ce qu’on appelle un auxiliaire modal. Les verbes modaux sont des verbes :

 N’ayant comme infinitif que leur forme simple (« can » = pouvoir alors que « to be » =
être) ;
 Restent tels qu’ils sont à TOUTES les personnes (I can, she can, they can…) ;
 Ne se conjuguent qu’aux temps SIMPLES (présent simple, passé simple) et jamais aux
temps continus ;
 Demandent à la suite un verbe à l’infinitif sans « to » (I can smell the dinner ET NON
I can to smell).

Temps principaux : Simple Present Simple Past

You You
He/She can He/She could
Forme affirmative
We We
You You
They They
You You
He/She can’t / cannot He/She couldn’t / could not
Forme négative
We We
You You
They They
You You
Can He/She …… ? Could He/She …… ?
Forme interrogative
We We
You You
They They
On utilisera “can” pour exprimer :

 La possibilité physique ou « ouverte » de faire quelque chose

I can speak three different languages, English, Dutch and Chinese. (based on knowledge)
We can't open the window, it doesn't open (based on physical (in)capacity)
 La possibilité suite à une opportunité de faire quelque chose
The nurse says you can get up now. (after an injury)
Can you please make less noise! (asking for the opportunity of having more quiet)

Dans le tableau, vous remarquerez que “could” est la forme au passé du verbe “can”.
Cependant, nous pouvons utiliser “could” pour exprimer le conditionnel :

Could you help me this Saturday? = Pourrais-tu m’aider ce samedi ?

Could she come a bit sooner? I have an appointment = Pourrait-elle venir plus tôt ?

NB : nous n’insisterons pas sur la forme « could » cette année. Elle apparait assez souvent, et
c’est uniquement à titre indicatif que nous l’abordons dans ce chapitre.

Now, can you do these exercises to improve your skills?

Can you touch your feet?

Can you touch your head with your feet?

Can you give a kiss to your elbow?

Can you touch your knew with your nose?

Can you scratch your back?

With your teacher, see which part of your body you can and can’t
touch. Write them down in the right column here:

Body part can Can’t

Elbow with nose __________________________ __________________________

Foot with hand __________________________ __________________________
Foot on your back __________________________ __________________________
Forhead on knee __________________________ __________________________
Shoulder with nose __________________________ __________________________
… __________________________ __________________________
… __________________________ __________________________
… __________________________ __________________________
… __________________________ __________________________

NB: “to be able to” est un synonyme de “can” que l’on utilise souvent ET surtout au passé.
What does he/she look like?

Can you describe him/her?

Physical appearances: this how someone is physically, regarding his/her body shape and

To describe someone, you need to know the vocabulary of: the human body, the adjectives to
describe those parts and their personality.

A bit of vocabulary:

In the following page, you have a board including all the parts of your body. Tick the right
box regarding your own physical appearance and compare with your friends and your
Can you describe yourself?
After ticking the boxes, you will be able to describe yourself on your own.

Make sentences and try to be as precise as possible.

Look at the example first to help you:

“Hi, my name is Christian. I’m 34 years old, so I’m in my thirties. As

you can see, I wear glasses. I love them. They are brown and black, a
bit round. I have got long hair for a man, but I comb it because it’s curly.
My face is square, especially my jaw. I am pale (my skin is pale) but I
tan easily in summer. I am 1m80 so I am quite of medium height. Men
in Belgium are on average 1m74/75. You could say I am taller than
most of men but not as my friend who is 1m85!!!

I am muscular, I train 5 days a week. It helps me keep in shape. My

eyes are blue and kind of small. So are my hands. I have thin
eyebrows. My nose is a little bit big for my taste. I have got big pointy
ears and thin lips.”

“Hey y’all! I’m Kristen. Recognize me? I’m famous! A movie star. But, I’ll talk more about how I
look like.

I have got, for a girl, short hair. Actually, I am blond and brunette at the
moment. I am quite small, 1m68. But I wear heels all the time so I look like
I’m tall. My face is really long and thin. So are my nose, it is really sharp and
a bit long. I have got big ears. So I usually wear large earrings. I love
jewelries. I also have a long neck, so it allows me to wear long necklaces,
sometimes three different kinds. I love accessorizing. I have tiny hands bu
long fingers. My body is quite thin, because I train a lot for the action movies I
appear into. My hair is a mess, spiky and all. I hate my feet. I know you can’t
see them, I did it on purpose. They are chubby. I have freckles because,
originally, I’m a red-head and my skin is pale.

Your turn – describe yourself in 5 lines:





Who is your favorite
You will listen to Jessica’s description of her
favorite superheroes, Aquaman and the Flash.

Answer the questions below to see how to

describe your favorite superhero physically
and his/her clothing style.

Look at the vocabulary first to fully understand

what she says.


Sea life Vie soumarine Lightning bolt Éclair

Stronger than… Plus fort que…
Taller Plus grand

1. Quel est la vraie identité d’Aquaman ? (Nom et prénom) _____________________________

2. Où vit Aquaman ? ___________________________

3. Comment Jessica décrit-elle le superhéros aquatique (physiquement) ?


4. Qu’est-ce que Aquaman sait faire ? Quels sont ses pouvoirs ?


5. Comment est décrit Barry ? (costume) ____________________________________________

6. Quels sont les pouvoirs/capacités de Flash? _______________________________________

7. Qu’est-ce qu’il ne peut pas faire ? ________________________

8. Lequel préfère-t-elle entre les 2 superhéros ? __________________________

9. Pourquoi préfère-t-elle celui-là? Explique brièvement.



Now, read the description and listen once more to see if you understood everything.

Aquaman and the Flash are two famous superheroes.

Aquaman has got a secret identity. His real name is Arthur Curry. He lives under the ocean and
he is the king of Atlantis. He’s got straight blond hair, and brown eyes. He can swim very fast
and he can breathe under water. He can also communicate with sea life.

The Flash is another superhero. His real name is Barry Allen. He has a superhero red flashy
costume with a lightning bolt on his chest. He can run through walls and he can run across
water. But he can’t fly.

My favorite superhero is Aquaman because he’s stronger than the Flash. Aquaman is also
taller than the Flash and he’s more intelligent.

Got it? After, choose your own superhero,

real one, from any comic books. Describe
him/her completely from his/her real life to
his/her superhero life and costume.

To help you, take this example of Spider-


“This is Peter Parker, aka Spider-Man. He is a

young superhero who uses the alias “Spider” because he has the power and agility of the animal.

In real life, Peter is just a random young photographer who works for the Daily Bugle, a sensational
newspaper run by J. Jonah Jameson. Peter is extremely intelligent and very talented when it concerns
sciences. He studies at the university of New York, where he lives.

He has a girlfriend, depending on the time we talk about him: he dated MJ – an red-hair actress – and
Gwen Stacy – the daughter of the chief of police in NYC. Those two are the most famous in the comics.

Peter is rather shy at first, but quite funny when he finally open up to people. He lost his parents very
young and lived his teenage life with his aunt, May Parker, and his uncle, Ben. Ben was a huge father
figure for Peter. Ben died and it drove Peter to enroll as the well-known “Spidey, the webslinger”.

As Spider-Man, he protects the people of New York. He is quite solitary, because a lot of his enemies
know his secret identity. It puts them in danger. He is very protective and he is always afraid for his friends
and closed-ones. He has a good heart and he is very nice.

Peter, or Spidey, is capable of carrying heavy things such as cars, trucks, huge metallic stuff…. He has
the strength of a spider. He is VERY strong for his age. He can also jump high and walk on walls, hang on
them like a spider. He also can throw to his opponent webs.

His costume is red and blue, with, mostly, a huge black spider on his chest.”
Now choose your own favorite superhero.

Tell us about him/her, in front of your classmates. Tell us how he/she is in real life, what
he/she does…. Then tell us about his/her superhero identity, powers and why you love
him/her so much.














What do you like to wear?
When you go to the store or a shopping mall, you usually or very often go to buy new
clothes. But do you know which one? Typically, girls know what they want and bring
back more than expected. Do you? Do you prefer to buy shoes or clothes? Do you like
shopping? And fashion?

Let’s listen to Renata talking about her taste in fashion and discuss this topic with your
classmates. Who is into fashion? Who is not? Why?

Let’s discuss this topic and see what we can learn from it:

Does Renata like fashion? Do you?


What does she like about fashion? What do you like to wear?



Which season is your favorite and how do you like to dress? What about her?



What would be your favorite color(s)? Why?


How do you feel when you get dressed/dress before going to school?

How does she feel when she dresses?




What do you think about fashion, brands? Do you like to follow trends or brands?





Now, let’s dress up a bit, prepare for the next fashion catwalk!
Match the words and the pictures

15. TIE
18. CAP
hat umbrella scarf tie shorts

sweatshirt cap sunglasses slippers Socks

coat belt t-shirt sweater Boots

gloves bathrobe skirt jeans Trousers

pyjamas Flip flops dress jacket Shirt

suit cardigan sweatpants shoes trainers

blazer sandals blouse Swim suit waistcoat

raincoat top overalls pantyhose purse

bra panties watch wallet handbag

Quick exercise

1. You wear this on your feet when

it is summer.

2. Baseball players wear them on

their heads.

3. A long “jacket”.

4. Only girls and women wear this

piece of clothing on the top part
of the body.

5. When it is cold they are nice to

wear on your hands.

6. A cowboy wears these on his feet

summer or winter.

7. Men wear this piece of clothing

around their necks.

8. It is a long-sleeved piece of
clothing and may be knitted.

9. They are blue and worn by all


10. This is a female shirt and is called

a blouse.

11. It is a short coat.

12. Girls or women wear it and when

they do you can see their legs.

13. Everybody has one and it comes

in many colours and patterns. It is
madde of cotton.
Le shopping est une activité largement plébiscitée par beaucoup notamment lorsqu’ils
sont en déplacement à l’étranger. Certaines villes comme Londres, Berlin ou Barcelone
sont ainsi devenues des villes d’accueil pour les acheteurs du monde entier.

Avant de vous lancer et faire du shopping tranquillement, voici quelques mots du vocabulaire du
vêtement en anglais pour réviser son anglais.



To dress : habiller quelqu’un To wear sexy clothes : s’habiller de façon

To buy clothes for someone : acheter des
vêtements pour quelqu’un To make clothes for someone : faire des
habits pour quelqu’un
To buy clothes from : acheter des
vêtements d’une certaine boutique To suit : aller bien
To wear : porter un vêtement To don : revêtir
To wear short clothes : porter des To undress : se deshabiller
vêtements courts
To take off : enlever
To wear loose-fitting clothes : porter des
To tie one’s tie : attacher sa cravate
vêtements larges
To buckle one’s belt : attacher sa ceinture
To wear light clothes : s’habiller


Rien de tel que les accessoires pour donner une touche plus personnelle à votre tenue. Cela tient en peu de choses :
un bijou, une écharpe ou encore un sac, et voilà que vous avez composé un look qui vous correspond !

A jewel : un bijou A scarf : une écharpe

A necklace : un collier Gloves : des gants
Earings : des boucles d’oreille A bobble cap : un bonnet
A bracelet : un bracelet A beany : un bonnet
A bangle : un bracelet de fantaisie A belt : une ceinture
A hair slide : une barrette A collar : un col
A bobby pin : une pince à cheveux A tie : une cravate
A rubber band : un élastique à cheveux A handbag : un sac à main
Would you like to…?
Can I have a pair of…
Read the text below. Mat and his girlfriend, Jeanne, are buying clothes in the store. See
how they ask for help and how they describe what they are looking for.

Shop owner Good afternoon. How can I help you?

Mat Hi! Well, my girlfriend and I are looking for new clothes for our holiday trip.
We are planning a trip in the south of France.

Shop owner Great! We just received our new summer collection. Full of summer outfits.

Jeanne I am looking for beautiful loose-fitting dresses. Floral would be amazing.

Also, I need a new pair of sunglasses. If possible, they would match my

Mat And I would like a pair of shorts, a new swimsuit and

maybe a pair of light sandals. I have flip-flops so I need
something more practical to walk through the cities we
are going to visit.

Shop owner Perfect ideas.

Here you go, for Madam – the newest dresses we have are in the back aisle,
only floral and jungle motif on them. You have all the size, from small to extra-
large, if you wish to wear something beneath, in case it is a bit cold in the
Here you go for you Sir.
The fitting rooms are in the back.

Jeanne Excuse me, I am actually trying one of your dresses but I don’t know if it fits
me. My hair seems to get stuck in the zipper on my back.

Shop owner It’s ok Miss, we have matching rubber bands with motifs or unicolor ones.
Sir, those shorts suit you perfectly. Maybe you would like to try the blue ones

Mat The red pair of shorts is really comfortable. The blue ones, I have a pair back
home. Maybe another color, like… orange or beige?

Shop owner We don’t have beige anymore but those sandals would be perfect with this
orange pair of shorts. Would you like to try them on.

Mat & Jeanne Thank you so much for your help.

After reading this conversation, you see that grammatical structures have been bolded.
Here is an explanation so you can understand them and start using them:

Would you like to…?

Nous avons vu que “can” est un auxiliaire modal qui demande l’infinitif sans le “to”.

‘’Would’’ est aussi un auxiliaire modal, et donc il se conjugue seul, pour exprimer poliment une
volonté, une possibilité ou une demande. On parle alors souvent de conditionnel (matière
que vous verrez plus tard).

La structure est très simple :

Sujet + would + verbe to Sjt + wouldn’t/would not + verbe to Would + sujet + verbe to

It would be nice to have a dog in the house.

Ça serait sympa d’avoir un chien à la maison.

She wouldn’t care if you borrow her jacket.

Elle ne t’en voudra pas si tu emprunte sa veste.

Would you help me study?

M’aiderais-tu pour étudier ?

Nous retiendrons principalement la formule “would like (+ to) + infinitif” dans un premier

Cette structure permet de :

 Proposer ou offrir quelque chose à quelqu’un (would like + infinitif)

Would you like some tea? – Veux-tu du thé?

Yes, I would like a cup of tea, thank you. – Oui, je veux bien une tasse, merci.

 Proposer à quelqu’un de faire quelque chose (would like + to + infinitif)

Would you like to go to the swimming pool this afternoon?

Voudrais-tu/Veux-tu aller à la piscine cette après-midi ?

 Répondre ou dire quelque chose de façon polie (= I want)

I would like/I’d like more information about the test tomorrow.

J’aimerais plus d’informations au sujet du test de demain.
I’d like to find a new pair of sandals for my holidays.
J’aimerais trouver une nouvelle paire de sandales pour mes vacances.
Let’s read the text again and answer some questions about YOURSELF. Answer those
questions below and discuss with your classmates.

What would you like to buy if you were in the shop, ready to go on vacation?

Would you buy the newest collection or old and less expensive outfits? Why?

Would you go shopping before going on a trip or when you arrive at your destination? Why?





















Today, I am wearing…
Present Continuous

Let’s review once more the conversation between Mat and Jeanne, who are shopping,
and the shop owner, who is helping them.

Have you noticed the grammatical construction “to be + verb –ing”?

Look at this example from the text:

Mat Hi! Well, my girlfriend and I are looking for new clothes for our holiday trip.
We are planning a trip in the south of France.

This is the second tense of the Present: the Present Continuous.

Read the text below, point out the examples and let’s see how it works, in which cases we
use it and how we make it.

Hi every one.

My name is Carlos. I am 30 years old and I am from Cuba.

Today, I am talking about my favorite outfit for a sunny day:

I am wearing sunglasses. I am also wearing a clear-blue t-shirt with no

motifs on it. I like wearing classic unicolor t-shirts.

I am wearing my favorite pair of ocean deep-blue shorts. Those shorts

are so comfortable.

And finally, I am wearing my super classy leather brown flip-flops.

Le présent continu est un temps TRÈS simple à former, et ne demande qu’un peu de
réflexion :

L’auxiliaire, que ce soit à la forme affirmative, négative ou interrogative sera TOUJOURS

« être – to be » conjugué au présent simple.

Après le verbe « être – to be », on place le verbe principal de la phrase en terminant celui-

ci par –ing.

La traduction française donnera « être en train de… » + le verbe principal

I am wearing = Je suis en train de porter

Tableau récapitulatif du présent continu :

Forme affirmative Forme négative Forme interrogative

Sujet + to be + verbe –ing Sujet + NOT to be + verbe – To be + sujet + verbe –ing

I am studying You are not working Is he doing something?
Je suis en train d’étudier Tu n’es pas en train de Est-il en train de faire
OU travailler quelque chose ? (là
J’étudie (là maintenant) maintenant)

Quand utilise-t-on le présent continu ?

Pour rappel, le présent simple s’utilise :

 Pour parler du quotidien (I usually wake up at 6.30 am to go to school)

 Pour parler des habitudes (Every weekend, I go visit my grandparents)
 Pour parler de vérités générales (The water boils at 100°C)
 Pour parler de choses en général (I love visiting new countries)

Le présent continu s’utilisera pour parler d’actions qui se passent sur le moment où aux
alentours du moment où l’on parle :

 Sur le moment

I am cleaning the bathroom.

Je suis en train de nettoyer la salle de bain.

 Aux alentours du moment où l’on parle

They are playing in the streets. I can’t see them but I know they are because I can hear them.
Ils jouent dans la rue. Je ne peux pas les voir mais je sais qu’ils le font car je les entends.

What is Marc doing? He is upstairs, he is studying.

Que fait Marc ? Il est en haut, il est en train d’étudier.

ATTENTION : certains verbes ne s’utiliseront JAMAIS au temps continu (présent comme


 to love, to like, to hate, to dislike, to prefer, to understand, to seem, to look like, to

think, to want, to know, to believe, to remember,….

Ces verbes ne s’utilisent qu’aux temps SIMPLES = présent simple, passé simple….
Fill in the following dialogue between two friends talking about work.
Complete le dialogue ci-dessous entre 2 amis qui parlent du travail.

1 You (to work) ______________________ late this week. Aren’t you tired?

2 Yes, I am! But our company (to improve) ______________________ the new
model of mobile phone so we have to work late hours.

3 Oh a new mobile phone! What (to try) ________________________ to

accomplish with this new model?

4 Well, we hope it will use the latest device to be able to pay by scanning a QR
Code everywhere. Chinese people (to use) _______ already ____________ it.

5 It is impressive! They (to become) _______________________ the leaders on

the market nowadays!

6 Yes they are! Did you know they (to increase) ________________________ their
export sales beyond Asia. They (to sell) ___________________________ their
newest technology to the Americans and even Russians.

7 They are so clever! But I hope they won’t buy the whole world! This week, my
son (to do) ___________________________ an exposé on China. So funny.

8 Really? That’s so interesting! Well it is a good thing the weather is cold and grey.
While it (to rain) __________________________ he can focus/concentrate on his

9 Yes, he is really committed to his school work. Children (to grow up) __________
___________________ so fast!
Simple Present – Present Continuous

Conjugate the verbs to the right tense and translate the French words in brackets.

1. I am so _____________ (content), I (not to work) _______________________ on Mondays.

But I do work every Saturday.

2. You can’t wear a _______________________ (un short) today, it (to rain) ________________.

3. The weather is so nice. The sun (to shine) ____________________ but my kid is sick. He

needs to wear his ______________ (une écharpe) despite the heat. That is so _________ (triste).

4. My mom (to cook) ______________ pasta every Tuesday. We are always very ___________

5. I bought new ______________ (des chaussures) and three _______________ (des pantalons).

6. (to play) ________ you __________ the piano? I heard you were excellent.

7. How is your new ________________ (un manteau)?

8. How many languages (to speak) ___________ he ___________ ?

9. (to think) _______ you __________ she (to want) ___________________ to come with me

to the movies? What can I wear? Maybe I need to buy an entire __________________ (une

tenue) for the occasion. I have an old ________________ (un pull) but my brother (to wear)

_____________________ it today.

10. What (to do) ____________ they ______________? They need to work not play outside!
Chapter 8
At the restaurant
At the store

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