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Compte-rendu oral en français

—— Enregistrez un compte-rendu en français en faisant apparaître les idées

essentielles du document en les structurant

Le document présenté concerne le défi United Provincial Challenge, une compétition qui
offre des prix généreux aux gagnants et qui permet aux petites entreprises d'obtenir un
financement à des conditions spéciales offertes par la banque. Voici les idées essentielles
du document, structurées en points clés :

Importance accordée aux petites entreprises : United Provincial Bank accorde une grande
importance à ses clients de petites entreprises, qui génèrent des idées, des innovations, de
l'emploi et des perspectives d'avenir.

Conditions de participation : Toutes les petites entreprises basées au Royaume-Uni et

employant jusqu'à 50 équivalents temps plein sont éligibles pour participer.

Période de la compétition : La compétition durera six mois, du 6 avril au 5

octobre.Processus de candidature : Les entreprises éligibles doivent soumettre un
formulaire de candidature initial dans le mois suivant le début de la compétition, suivie de
trois documents pour la soumission finale.Critères d'évaluation : Les juges évalueront les
candidatures sur la base de l'analyse de l'entreprise, du plan de développement, de la vision
à long terme et de la viabilité globale du projet .Aide offerte aux candidats : La banque
propose des conseils et des entretiens personnalisés pour aider les entreprises participantes
à développer leur projet.Composition du jury : Le jury est composé de représentants de la
banque, d'un cabinet de conseil en comptabilité et en entreprise et de directeurs de grandes
entreprises britanniques cotées à la Bourse de Londres. Prix offerts : Les gagnants
recevront des prix en espèces de £250 000 pour le premier prix et de £150 000 pour les
deuxième et troisième prix, tandis que les autres participants pourront bénéficier de prêts de
développement d'entreprise à des taux très favorables sur une période de cinq ans.

Informations supplémentaires : Les informations supplémentaires sur le défi United

Provincial Challenge sont disponibles dans les agences bancaires ou sur le site web de la

En résumé, United Provincial Bank propose un défi pour encourager les petites entreprises
à se développer et à innover, en offrant des prix en espèces et un financement à des
conditions spéciales. Les entreprises participantes doivent soumettre une candidature en
suivant le processus de candidature, qui sera évalué par un jury composé de professionnels
du monde des affaires. La banque offre également une assistance personnalisée pour aider
les entreprises à développer leur projet.

Document support oral n°3

Examinateur :
“Hello. Thanks for taking on this responsibility – I’m afraid I haven’t the time
myself, but I’d like some more details if possible. First question: When do we
have to get our entry in and how long does the competition run for?“

1;Hello! It's my pleasure to assist you. In response to your questions, the entry deadline and
competition duration for the United Provincial Challenge may vary from year to year. I
recommend checking the competition's official website or reaching out to the organizers.The
competition is launched on the sixth of April and runs for six months after that, but we have
to send in our entry form by the fifth of May.

“OK. We’re well on in April already – is there any chance of an extension?“

2 No, I’m afraid they are not giving any extensions.but It's possible that the competition
organizers may offer an extension to the entry deadline, but it's best to confirm directly with
them to see if it's a possibility.
I recommend reaching out to the organizers as soon as possible to express your interest in
participating and ask if there have been any updates or changes to the entry deadline. It's
also important to keep in mind that even if an extension is granted, it's still a good idea to
submit your entry as soon as possible to ensure you have ample time to prepare and to
avoid any potential last-minute issues or delays

“We’ll have to get cracking, then! What must we send the bank by the fifth of May?“

3 -We must submit our registration form, including a description of the business in its
"snapshot" of our business.

“OK, and the next deadline after that?“

4 T- After that, we have until the end of the six-month period to send the rest of the
necessary documentation.

“I’ve got a document which will help you with the company description. We did an
assessment six months
ago and most of the information you’ll need is in that. But one problem occurs to me –
we don’t bank with
United Provincial. Does that matter?“

5 Don’t worry about that they ensure that all SMEs can participate

“Good. Now, my next question: assuming our first document is OK, what else do we
have to provide for the judges?“
6 We are required to provide two other documents. The first document is our development
plan, where we explain in detail how we plan to build the company and use the prize funds.
The second document is a "vision statement" that outlines our long-term aspirations for the

“And what’s the final date?“

7 I think it will be the fifth of October.

“Does the bank offer any help with assembling all this information and presenting it?“
8 YES we will discuss with experts who can help us with our project

“But does the bank have experts who know our markets?“

9 They told me that if no one is available internally, they will hire an open consultant.

“A lot of the work has to be done during the summer – surely the bank won’t be able
to help in July or August?”

10 I had posed this and they told me that the bank will be available to help us in July or

“That’s good. Now my last question is this: what do we stand to win? Are the prizes
worth all the effort involved?“

11 There are three prices and worthy entries will be entitled to special conditions

“Why do you think the bank is running this competition?“

12 I think they want to win customers and promote the bank

Document support oral n°4

“Hi. Thanks for your time – I wondered if you could brief me about this competition
entry that I’m taking
over from you. Can you give me a summary of what it’s all about, first?“

YES united province bank helps small businesses grow This contest is to encourage and
allow small businesses to develop this by winning prizes there will also financial aid.

“OK, now I think our entry has been validated – so that means we are at what stage?“
That's great to hear! If our entry has been validated, it means that we have successfully
completed the first step, which is submitting the company and project presentation form.
Now, our submission will be reviewed by the bank, and if they select our project, we will
move on to the second stage, which involves preparing a detailed business plan, an oral
presentation, and a video presentation. The deadline for the second stage is August 31st.

“What are the next steps that I need to be preparing, and what timings would you

The next steps are to prepare two other essential documents: a detailed development plan
and a "vision statement" for the future of our company. This complex task is facilitated by the
help of two bank consultants available by phone.

“Do you think I should book a telephone interview as they suggest?“

It is advisable to make both calls to obtain the objective opinions of the consultants on our
project and our long-term vision. This is not risky and has many potential benefits.

“What questions do you think I should ask at this stage?“

It would be a good idea to present them with the parts of the documents that you are
uncertain about, in order to seek their advice and counsel.

At this stage, it's important to make sure that we have a clear understanding of what's
required for the competition entry and the timeline for the various stages.

“What do you think the judges will look for in evaluating the entries?“

From my perspective, it seems to me that their goal will be to find concrete, well-thought-out
projects that will build on the strengths of our society and, more importantly, demonstrate our
ability to do so. Their quest will focus on initiatives that are achievable, thoughtful, and
aligned with the resources and expertise we have. They will want to identify proposals that
reflect reality, that are carefully crafted and that highlight the positive aspects of our society,
taking into account our proven ability to make these projects a reality.

“How can we maximise our chances?“

Strict adherence to the instructions for the documents and careful consideration of the
submitted plans are essential, and telephone conversations can help.

“Your trip to South-East Asia is connected with the project, isn’t it? What do you hope
to gain from the trip?“

Yes, We are facing a new situation that requires partners and skills to accompany us..
“The third document – the vision for the future – worries me. I’m not really involved
with that sort of long-term planning so how can I deal with that part of the entry?“

I understand your concern. The vision for the future document is a critical component of the
competition entry, as it outlines the long-term goals and objectives of the company. However,
you don't need to handle it alone. You can involve the relevant team members, such as
those responsible for long-term planning, in preparing this document.

Start by reviewing any existing documentation or strategic plans that your company may
already have in place. This can serve as a starting point for the vision document. Next, work
with the long-term planning team to identify the key goals, objectives, and strategies that
should be included in the document. You can also draw on the insights and knowledge
gained during your recent market research to inform this document.
Remember, the vision for the future document is an opportunity to showcase your company's
ambitions and potential for growth. So, it's important to invest the time and effort to ensure
that this document is well-written, compelling, and aligned with the goals and values of your

“Thanks a lot – is it all right if I contact you while you’re away if I need more help?”

I will not be absent and I am available to help you at any time. Please do not hesitate to
contact me if you have any further questions or concerns. Good luck.

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