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(c) 1995. IREMAM (Aix-enProvence)


INTRODUCTION (en franais)

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

............. 7

La collection de manuscrits du Fonds Roux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8

Prsentation du catalogue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9
Note sur les noms des auteurs berbres


Systme de transcription. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


INTRODUCTION (in English) .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


The manuscript collection of the Fonds Roux . . . . '.' . . . . . . . ..


Presentation of the catalogue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..


Note on the names of Berber authors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..


Transcription system


. . . . . . ..



INDEX . . . .



Bio-bibliographical data on authors of works in Berber .




Dated manuscripts in chronological order

Je tiens exprimer mes remerciements aux personnes suivantes:
M. Ahmed MAHIOU, directeur de l'Institut de Recherches et d'Etudes sur le
Monde Arabe et Musulman (Aix-en-Provence); M. Marceau GAST, ancien
directeur du Laboratoire d'Anthropologie et de Prhistoire des pays de la
Mditerrane Occidentale (Aix-en-Provence); M. Salem CHAKER, professeur
de berbre l'Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales
(Paris); M. Gabriel CAMPS, directeur de l'Encyclopdie berbre (Aix-enProvence); M. Jean-Charles DEPAULE, directeur de recherches au Centre
National de la Recherche Scientifique et responsable des publications de
l'IREMAM; Mme Claude BRENIER-EsTRlNE, documentaliste du Fonds Roux
(Aix-en-Provence), qui a fourni la traduction franaise de l'Introduction;
Mme Gisle SEtMANDI; Mme Genevive HUMBERT de l'Institut de Recherche
et d'Histoire des Textes (Paris); M. Jan Just WtTKAM, conservateur des
manuscrits orientaux de la bibliothque de l'Universit de Leyde; M. Harry
STROOMER, professeur de berbre et de langues sud-smitiques (Universit de
Leyde); et finalement mes collgues Maarten KOSSMANN et Lon BUSKENS
(Universit de Leyde).

La recherche dont cet ouvrage est l'un des rsultats a t finance par
l'Organisation Nerlandaise pour la Recherche Scientifique (NWO).


NWO - Universit de Leyde

Cet ouvrage constitue le premier catalogue d'une importante collection de
textes berbres manuscrits (tachelhit) appartenant au Fonds Roux de
l'tREMAM Aix-en-Provence. Cette collection est unique au monde par le
nombre de manuscrits berbres qu'elle rassemble.
Le Fonds Roux a t cr en 1972 la suite du legs de la bibliothque
personnelle et des documents d'Arsne Roux (1893-1971) l'Encyclopdie
berbre, sous la responsabilit du Laboratoire d'Anthropologie et de Prhistoire des pays de la Mditerrane Occidentale (LAPMO) Aix-en-Provence.

Arsne Roux, linguiste berbrisant et arabisant a eu une carrire la fois

professorale et administrative. Ds l'anne 1920 il fut charg des cours
publics d'arabe et de berbre. De 1927 1935 il dirigea le collge d'Azrou
qu'il avait cr et de 1935 1944 le collge Moulay Youssef de Rabat. C'est
aussi partir de 1935 qu'il fut charg de la direction des Etudes de
dialectologie berbre l'Institut des Hautes Etudes Marocaines de Rabat. Par
la suite il fut nomm Inspecteur principal de l'enseignement de l'arabe des
Lyces et Collges. Il publia, dans le domaine berbre, trois ouvrages,
plusieurs manuels d'enseignement et une dizaine d'articles, mais son activit
professionnelle ne lui a pas laiss suffisamment de temps pour mettre luimme en uvre les importants matriaux linguistiques amasss durant ses
sjours El Hajeb, Mekns, Azrou et Rabat.

Dsormais le Fonds Roux appartient l'Institut de Recherches et d'Etudes

sur le Monde Arabe et Musulman (IREMAM), rattach au Centre National de
la Recherche Scientifique et aux Universits d'Aix-Marseille. Le Fonds
occupe une salle de bibliothque et plusieurs armoires la Maison de la
Mditerrane, 3 et 5 avenue Pasteur Aix-err-Provence.
En dehors de la collection de manuscrits arabes et berbres, le Fonds est
compos de la bibliothque personnelle d'Arsne Roux contenant plusieurs
centaines d'ouvrages concernant essentiellement les tudes arabes et berbres,
l'histoire et l'anthropologie de l'Afrique du Nord. Le Fonds rassemble

galement les papiers et les notes d'Arsne Roux, pour la plupart

manuscrites, ainsi que de nombreux fichiers linguistiques et lexicographiques.

La collection de manuscrits du Fonds Roux

La collection de manuscrits contient des manuscrits arabes et berbres

acquis par Arsne Roux durant la longue priode o il vcut au Maroc, de
1913 o il arriva dans ce pays connue simple soldat, jusqu' 1956.
Les manuscrits arabes ne constituent pas un ensemble trs homogne. ou

trs reprsentatif, car il n'tait pas dans les projets de Roux de raliser une
telle collection; il leur apponait moins d'intrt qu'aux manuscrits berbres.
Nanmoins, plusieurs manuscrits arabes d'une grande valeur figurent dans
cette collection, parmi lesquels on compte une belle copie calligraphique du
Coran (ms. l, XVIIe ou XVIIIe s.); une copie rare de an-Najm alh-IMqib, un
dictionnaire biographique tabli par aI-An!an (ms. 8, dat 983/1575, incnmplet); un manuscrit autographe de aI-Wanshansl (ldah al-masalik, ms. 126,
dat 870/1465); un manuscrit autographe de aI-l.IUdIgl (al-Tabaql, ms. Il,
sans date), et des autographes de Mayyara (ms. 48b, sans date) et aI-Qala!adl
(ms. liS, dat 849/1445). Les manuscrits vont de grands volumes relis cuir
des fragments sans couverture ou de simples feuiliets spars.
Les manuscrits berbres reprsentent la panie la plus intressante de la
collection de manuscrits. Sur une dure de plusieurs dizaines d'annes.

Arsne Roux consacra tOUS ses efforts rassembler la collection de textes

berbres manuscrits la plus complte possible. C'est d'ailleurs aujourd'hui la
plus importante collection connue de cette sone car elle contient davantage de
manuscrits et de textes berbres que n'importe quelle autre.
Les textes des manuscrits berbres sont tous crits en caractres arabes,
avec quelques adaptations pour reprsenter tous les phonmes berbres.
Cependant dans ses notes, Arsne Roux parle toujours de .manuscrits araboberbres.. A quelques rares exceptions prs, la langue des manuscrits
berbres est la tachelliit (la!0iYI), qui est parle dans le Sud-marocain. Tous
les manuscrits proviennent des rgions du Sous et de l'Anti-Atlas.
Quand Arsne Roux faisait l'acquisition d'un nouveau manuscrit berbre, il
le donnait gnralement j'un de ses assistants berbrophones, qui ralisait
une copie claire et lisible du texte dans un cahier. Arsne Roux tudiait
ensuite la copie soigne et inscrivait dans la marge ses annotations el ses
merrogations sur lei ou tel point, aprs quoi son assistant y ajoutait ses

propres notes pour expliquer certaines questions de grammaire ou de lexique

qui posaient problme. De 1940 1950, Roux a employ plusieurs assistants:


Brahim el Kounki des Achtouken

Lahssen el Bounmani des At Bram
Mhammed Lakhsassi des Lakhsass
Othman bel Bachir des Iguedmioun

La majorit des copies des textes manuscrits, trouves dans la coUection

ont te ralises par Si Brahim, n en 1905 et employ par A. Roux partir
de 1944. Son autobiographie, rdige en berbre la demande de son
directeur, se trouve dans le ms. 135a. La plupart de ces copies sont
conserves avec le manuscrit original. Leur prsence est indique dans le
prsent catalogue par la mention Olavec une copie de Si Brahtm_.
Tout comme les manuscrits arabes, les manuscrits berbres se rpartissent
entre des grands volumes relis cuir et des fragments ou de feuillets sans
couverture. On peut citer parmi les manuscrits les plus impressionnants une
traduction de la Srat an-NaM de Ibn Hisbam (ms. 60; 586 pages de texte) et
le manuel de fiqh intitul Taft/Id n ddin -Soleil de la religion- par ad-Darqwi
(ms. 64, plus de 10 ()()() vers). Au lotal, la collection contient des copies de
plus de 150 lextes berbres diffrenls.

Prsentation du catalogue
Un numro a t attribu chaque article partir du nO _h. Dans le
catalogue, ce chiffre est imprim en caractres gras avant la description.
Chaque article peUl tre reprsent par un ou plusieurs manuscrits.
Arsne Roux avail l'habilude de mettre ensemble plusieurs petits manuscrits l'intrieur d'une mme enveloppe. Ces enveloppes ont t traites
comme un seul anicle. Quand un article est constitu de plusieurs manuscrits,
une lettre accole au numro de l'article a t donne chaque manuscrit.
C'est ainsi que l'article nO 76 comprend six petits manuscrits qui sont numrots 76a, 76b, 760, 76d, 76e el 76f. Chaque manuscrit figurant l'intrieur
d'un article est dcrit sparment. Quand un manuscrit contient plus d'un
texte, les diffrents textes ont t numrots en chiffres arabes entre parenthses. Ainsi, le manuscrit nO 3 contient neuf textes, numrots de (1) (9).

Dans la mesure du possible, chaque description de manuscrit traite des
points suivants:

1. Langue: arabe ou berbre. A moins d'une mention prcise, berbre.

signifie toujours tachelhit.
2. Nombre de folios et pagination ou foliotation.
3. Dimensions, indiques en millimtres. Les dimensions de la partie texte
de la page sont ajoutes entre parenthses.
4. Nombre de lignes par page.
5. Ecriture. Tous les manuscrits sont crits en graphie maghrbine de
l'criture arabe, sauf memion particulire. Pour caractriser la qualit

de l'criture, les dsignations suivantes sont utilises: calligraphique,

semi-<:alligraphique, non-<:alligraphique, semi-<:ursive et cursive.
6. Couleur de l'encre et prsence de dcorations.
7. Reliure.
8. Colophons. S'il y a un colophon, on donne le folio ou la page o il se
trouve ainsi que dans ce cas, le nom du copiste et la date.

9. Contenu. Le nom de l'auteur ou des auteurs et le titre du ou des

texte(s) du manuscrit sont mentionns condition de figurer dans le


ou de pouvoir tre identifis dans le cas contraire.

Pour faciliter la lecture, les rfrences Geschichte der arabischen

Lilleratur de Brockelmann ou tOUl autre ouvrage ont t ajoutes
entre parenthses.

Ces descriptions ont t effectues durant plusieurs fiUSSlons de deux

semaines Aix consacres l'tude de ces manuscrits, entre 1989 et 1995,
missions au cours desquels j'ai procd un examen approfondi de ces
documenLs. Ce travail s'inscrivait dans la recherche que je menais dans le

cadre de la prparation de ma thse de doctorat sur la tradition Iiuraire

berbre du Sous (N. van den Boogert, MuhamnuuJ Awzal and tlze Berber
literary tradition of tlze Sous, thse de doctorat, Leyde 1995).


Note sur les noms des auteurs berbres

Dans ce catalogue, les noms des aUleurs de textes berbres que l'on trouve
souvent mentiOIms dans les textes eux-mmes sont crits dans une transcription arabe standardise. Par exemple, Lhsn u Mbark u Tmuddizl AbaEqi/ est
transcrit a/-lfasan ibn Mubdrak al-Tamuddizn- a/-Ba'ql1r. Celle pratique a t
utilise par MukhtIir as-Ssl dans ses dictionnaires biographiques (RijaUJt al'i/m, Ss a/-'/ima, a/-Ma's/).
Dans deux cas seulement un nom berbre a t prfr une nisba arabe.
Les auteurs en question sont Awzal (ai-HawzaJ) et A~nag (~-~anhaj), qui
occupent une place centrale dans la littrature berbre du Sous.
A la fin de ce livre, un coun chapitre a t ajout, pour runir des donnes
biographiques et bibliographiques sur les auteurs les plus imponants de
travaux en berbre. Les noms berbres de ces auteurs som donns dans cette



Systme de transcription






tha '






































Le phonme berbre g est reprsent dans les manuscrits par la lettre kaf
avec trois points diacritiques suscrits. ou souscrits; le phonme Z est
reprsent par la lettre ~iid avec trois points diacritiques suscrits ou souscrits.





a, i,


a, r, a

This book contains the first catalogue of a sizeable collection of Berber
(Tachelhit) manuscript texts. The collection in question is part of the Fonds
Roux at the IREMAM at Aix-en-Provence. It contains the largest known collectio., of Berber manuscript texts in the world.
The Fonds Roux came into existence in 1972, when the library and papers
of Arsne Roux (1893-1971) were acquired by the Encyclopdie Berbre.
They were deposited at the Laboratoire d'anthropologie et de prhistoire des
pays de la Mditerrane occidentale (LAPMO) at Aix-en-Provence.
Arsne Roux, berberologist and arabist, had a career in education and In
administration. From 1920 onward he was charged with the public courses in
Arabic and Berber. From 1927 until 1935 he led the college at Azrou of
which he was the founder, and from 1935 until 1944 he was director of the
Collge Moulay Youssef at Rabat. In 1935 he was a1so appointed director of
Berber studies at the Institut des HaUies Etudes Marocaines at Rabat.
Following this he was appoimed head inspector of Arabic education at the
Lyces and Collges. He published three books on Berber in addition to
several teaching manuals and a number of articles. However, his professional
activities did nol leave him sufficient opportunity 10 publish the important
linguistic data gathered during his residence El Hajeb, Mekns, Azrou and
At present Ihe Fonds is the responsibility of the Institut de Recherches et
d'Etudes sur le Monde Arabe et Musulman (IREMAM) which resorts under the
Centre National de la Recherches Scientifiques (CNRS) and is part of the
university of Aix-Marseille. The Fonds occupies one library rnom and several cupboards at the Maison de la Mditerrane (3 and 5 avenue Pasteur, Aixen-Provence).
Apart from a collection of Arabic and Berber manuscripts, the Fonds
contains the personal library of Arsne Roux, which consists of several
hundred volumes, mainly conceming Arabic and Berber studies and the
history and anthropology of North Africa. The Fonds a1so. contains Roux's
papers and notes, most of them hand-written, and extensive lexicographical
and linguistic card indexes.

The manuscript collection of the Fonds Roux
The manuscript collection contains Arabie and Herber manuscripts acquired
by Roux during his loug stay in Morocco, from 1913 when he arrived as a
soldier, until 1956.
The Arabie manuscripts do not constitute a homogeneous or representative
collection. Roux made no effort ta form such a collection, as Arabie
manuscripts did not have his special interest. Nevertheless, severa! interesting
Arabie manuscripts are preserved in the collection. Among them are a
beautiful calligraphie copy of the Koran (ms. 1; 17th or l8th century); a rare
copy of an-Najm ath-thtiqib, a biographical dictionary compiled by al-An~arI
(ms. 8; dated 98311575, incomplete); an autograph of al-WansharIsI (lq.iih almasiilik, ms. 126, dated 87011465); an aUlograph manuscript of al-HudIgI
(at-Tabaqiit, ms. 11, undated); and autographs by Mayyara (ms. 48b, undated) and al-Qal~adI (ms. 115, dated 84911445). The manuscripts range
from large, leather-bound volumes to loose quires and fragments.
The Herber manuscripts are the most important part of the manuscript
collection. Over a period of several decades, Roux made every effort to
bring tagether as complete a collection of Herber manuscript texts as
possible. Today it is the largest such collection in existence: its contains more
manuscripts and more lexts than any other collection.

The Herber manuscript texts are ail written in the Arabie script, which was
slightly adapted in order to represent ail Herber phonemes. In his notes,
Roux therefore always speaks of "manuscrits arabo-berbre". With very few
exceptions, the language of the Herber manuscripts is Tachelhit (tasUziyt),
spoken in the South of Morocco. Ali Herber manuscripts were produced in
the region of the Sous and the Anti-Atlas.
When Roux had acquired a new Herber manuscript, he usually gave it to
one of his Moroccan berberophone assistants, who wrote a clear, legible
copy of the text in a notebook. Roux then studied the clear copy, wrote notes
and questions in the margins, after which his assistant added his own notes to

explain difficult points of grammar and lexicon. In the 1940s and 1950s,
Roux employed several assistants. They are:

- Si
- Si
- Si
- Si

Brahim el Kounki of the Achtouken;

Lahssen el Bounmani of the At Bram;
Mhammed Lakhsassi of the Lakhsass;
Othman bel Bachir of the Iguedmioun.

The large majority of the clear copies of manuscript texts found in the
collection were prepared by Si Brahim, who was born in 1905, and was
employed by Roux in 1944. His autobiography, written in Berber at the
request of his employer, is found in ms. 135a. Most of these copies are kept
with the original manuscript. Their presence is indicated in the Catalogue
("With a copy by Si Brahim").
Like the Arabie manuscript.s, the Berber manuscripts range from large
bound volumes to loose quires and fragments. Among the more impressive
manuscripts is a translation of Ibn Hism's Sirat an-Nabf (ms. 60; 586
pages of text) and the fiqh manual entitled Tafukt n ddin "Sun of Religion"
by ad-DarqawI (ms. 64, more than 10,000 verses). In total, the collection
contains copies of more than 150 different Berber texts.

Presentation of the catalogue

Each item has been given a number, starting from "1". This number is
printed in bold type at the beginning of the description in the Catalogue. An
item may consis! of one manuscript. or of severa! manuscripts.
Arsne Roux had the habit of putting several small manuscripts together in
one re-used envelope. These envelopes have been treated as one item. When
an item consists of severa! manuscripts, each separate manuscripts is

numbered with a letter added to the number of the item. Thus, item nr 76
consists of six small manuscripts, which are numbered 76a, 76b, 76c, 76d,
76e and 76f. Each manuscript within an item is described separately. When a
manuscript contains more than one text, the texts have been numbered with
Arabie numbers printed between brackets. Thus, manuscript nr 3 contains
nine texts which are numbered from (1) to (9).

As far as possible, each description of a manuscript deals with the
following points:
1. The language: Arabie or Berber. Unless indicated otherwise, "Berber"
al ways means "Tachelhil".

2. The number of folios and the pagination or foliation.

3. The dimensions, indicated in millimelers; the dimensions of Ihe written
area of a page are added between brackets.
4. The number of Iines per page.
5. The script. Ali manuscripts are wrillen in Ihe Maghribi style of the
Arabie scripl, unless indicated otherwise. Ta characterise the quality of
the scripl, Ihe followiog dcsignations are used: calligraphie, semicalligraphie. non-calligraphie. semi-eursive, cursive.

6. The colour(s) of the ink and the presence of decorations.

7. The binding.
8. Colophons. If there is a colophon, the folio or page where il is fa und is
mentioned and, if mentioned, the narne of the copyist and the date

9. The contents. The name of the author(s) and the titles of lhe texl(s) in a
manuscript are mentioned, as far as these are found in the manuscript
itself, or could be identified otherwise. For convenience, references to

Brockelmann's Geschichte der arabischen Lilleratur and sorne other

works have becn added between square brackets.
The descriptions were made during the course of a survey of the
manuscripts. focussing on the Berber manuscripts, carried out during several

Iwo-week stays in Aix between 1989 and 1995. This survey was pan of tbe
research carried oui for my dissertation on the Berber literary tradition of the
Sous (N. van den Boogen, Muhammad Awzal and the Herber literary
tradition of the Sous, PhD thesis Leiden 1995).


Note on the names of Berber authors

The names of authors of Berber texts, often found mentioned in the texts
themselves, are given in a standardised, Arabie version in the Catalogue. For
example, Lhsn u Mbark u Tmuddizt AbasqU appears as al-Hasan ibn
MubiJrak at-Tamuddizlf al-Ba'q/lf. This practice was initiated by Ml)arnmad
al-Mukhtlir as-Ss in his biographical dietionaries (Rijolt al- 'Um, Sas al'Olima, al-Ma 'sl).

[n two cases, a Berber name has been preferred instead of an Arabie nisba.
The aulhars in question are Awzal (al-Hawzl) and ~nag (~-Sanhaj), who
occupy a central place in tbe Berber literature of tbe Sous.
At the end of tbis book, a small section is appended wbich supplies
biographieal and bibliographical data on the most important authors of works
in Berber. The Berber names of these authors are mentioned in this section.


Transer; ption system






































The Berber phoneme g is represented in the manuseripts by the lener kilf

with three superscript or subscript diacritical poinls; the phoneme z is
represented by the letter sad with three superseript or subseript diaeritieal




a. i, u


The Koran (calligraphie copy)
175 folios, 235 X 175 (175 X 122), 21 lines. Callighraphic script,
vocalisation in red, blue, orange and green. Sra headings, frontispiece and
decorations in margin in gold and various colours. The shujayrtil in the
margins indicating the beginning of a new s/ra are ail differenl. Red leather
binding with blind tooling. No colophon, 17th or 18th century.

Awzal, works
208 folios, 226 X 170 (165 x 115), 12-18 lines. Non-calligraphie script,
black and red ink, several hands. Brown leather binding with blind tooling,
heavily wom. No colophon, l8th century. 1 Contents:
(1) ff. Ir-64v: a/-Hawd, part 1 (complete).
(2) ff. 65r-164v: a/-Hawd, pan 2 (complete).
(3) ff. 165r-169v: ari-Nasl1w (complete).
(4) ff. 169v-208v: Bahr ad-dum/' (vv. 646-end missing).
Collection of stories and other texls
139 folios (incl. 22 loose folios, no foliation), 250 x 170 (160 x 135, 180
x 135), 20-30 lines. Non-calligraphie script, black ink with red, green and
blue headings, several hands. Red leather binding with blind taoling, wom.
Colophon on f. 87v, copied by aI-' Arabj ibn Ahmad al-' Aqabj, dated Rabi'
aI-awwal 1299 (January-February 1882). 1 Contents:
(1) Anonymous, Ki/a? al-maja/is.
(2) Anonymous, the story of Abu J:Iazim and the old man on the sea shore
(hikiiyar Ab Hazim ma'a shaykh Wbr 'a/a sahil a/-bahr).
(3) Mixed notes (2 folios).
(4) Anonymous, treatise on rimai slaughter (fi ahkiim adh-dhakiih).
(5) 'Abdarrahman al-Akh<;lar' (11. 16th c.), treatise on tawhrd and the
'ibdiit. [Brockelmann S II 705.)
(6) The tradition of the mi'raj (hadrth a/-mi'riij), ascribed ta al-Hasan alBa~ri.

(7) The story of the ahl al-kah! (Qissat ahl a/-ka/if!, ascribed ta al-J:Iasan
(8) The story of Tam,m ad-Dar, and his wife (Qissar Tamm ad-Dar ma 'a
zawjatihi) .

(9) Anonymous, Ireatise conlaining talismans and magieal squares !fusai fi
ma yata 'attaq bi I-Iama ';m wa I-hijbiil).
Awzal, works
195 folios, 228 x 178 (190 x 125), 16-22 lines. Non-calligraphie script,
black ink. Brown leather binding with blind looling. Colophons on ff. 55v
and 195v, copied by ~ali~ ibn Sa'd as-Samlal, daled 20 Rab' alh-than 1299
(II March 1882). 1 Conlents:
(1) ff. Ir-55v: al-lfawd, part 1.
(2) ff. 55v-154r: al-Hawd, part 2.
(3) ff. 155r-195v: Bahr ad-duma'.

at-Timfi, Kilab al-bida'
55 folios (paginated (4) "1-106"), 225 x 157 (160 x 105, 195 x 135), 1417 and 24-25 Iines. Non-calligraphic script, black ink wilh red and violet,
three different hands. Brown lealher binding wilh blind looling and blue
medallions. Colophon on p. 100, no narne of copyist, dated 19 Muharram
1283 (3 June 1866). , Contents:
(1) pp. 1-100: al-Hasan ibn Mmad al-Timl, Kitb al-bida', admonilion
againsl the onorthodox popular praclices of the Sous. three thousand lines.
With a nOlebook containing noIes on the lexl by Si Brabim.
(2) pp. 101-106: devolionallexts in Arabie.
Texts on grammar etc.; al-Hilli, Kashf ar-rumz
Arabie, Berber
155 folios, 300 x '200 (250 x 150). Small non-calligraphie script, black and
red ink, several hands. Paper boards with leather edges, heavily wom. No
colophon. 171h or 18th century. 1 Conlents:
(1) ff. Ir-6r: anonymous, Mas/ak al-las 'hi/fi ma'rifal al-Iarsil.
(2) ff. 6v-39r: (blank).
(3) ff. 39v-lOlr (Wilh double folialion in ghubar "1-65"): Mu~anunad ibn
Ab. Bakr ar-Raz., Mukhlasar Sihiih al-Jawhan-. [NOl mentioned by
Brockelmann .]
(4) ff. IOlv-102v: anonymous, granunaticaltreatise, probably incomplele.
(5) ff. 103r-ll Ir: Ibn R~ill, Nadhm al-fasi/;. [The aUlhor may he a1J:lasan ibn R~ill a1-Ma'dan (d. 114011728), cf. Brockelmann S Il 696 (lhis
title not mentioned).}

(6) ff. Illr-112r: Qutrub (d. 206/821), Kitc'Jb al-muthal/ath. [Brockelmann
G 1102, S 1131.]
(7) ff. 112v-113r: a1-J:lusayn ibn 'AIT a~-Tughra'l (d. 51511121), al-Qasfda
at-!ughra ';Ya (i.e. Lamlyat al 'ajam, with interlinear glosses). [Brockelmann
G 1 247, S 1439.]
(8) ff. 114r-140r: Abu 'Ubayd al-Qsim ibn Sallam al-Harawl (d.
233/837), Kitilb al-amthtil (copied by Mu~ammad ibn MuJ.wnmad al-Garslfi).
[Brockelmann G 1 106, S 1 166.]
(9) ff. 14Ir-153r: 'Abdallah ibn Shu'ayb a1-HilaIl, Kashf ar-rumuz, ArabicBerber glossary.
(l0) ff. 153v-155v: anonymous, Tuhfat al-mawdLl, lrcatise on grarnmar.
Commentary on Khall
197 folios (no foliation), 247 x 195 (200 x 140), small non-calligraphie
script, black and red ink. Red leather binding with blind tooling and green
medallion. 1 Contents: an incomplete copy of a commentary on Khaln's
Mukhta~a;', beginning witb biib ahkiim al-bay' .(translation Bousquet 173
ff.). The last folio seems ta contain a colophon which mentions the name of a
certain AQmad ibn Ibrahim al-.. (illegible) a1- Yarosl, and which is dated
~afar 883 (April-May 1478). These may be the name of lhe author and the
dale of the completion of the lexl by him, because lhere is one notes added
after lhis: wa wtifaqa min ikhtisarihi min ash-sharh al-kabIr fi l-yawm almubarak al 'tishir min shahr al-Muharram iftitah 'am [illegible].


an-Najm alh-Ihiiqib
135 folios (paginated "1-270"), 270 x 200 (215 x 145), 23 Iines. Large
calligraphie script, black and red ink. Loose folios in board caver. Dark
brown paper, many folios are damaged by water and vermin. Colophons on
p. 177 and on p. 270 (damaged). The copyiSI is MuI)arnmad ibn MuI)arnmad
ibn Mas'ud ibn Abl Jum'a al-Mularrizl al-Maymun a1-Marrakush, who
completed the fourth pan on 25 ~afar 983 (6 June (575) in the city of
Marrakech. 1 Contents: MuI)arnmad ibn AQmad ibn Abl l-Fa<il ibn ~a'ad
[sic] a1-Ansirl (d. 90111495), an-Najm ath-thiiqib fimii li awliya' Alwh min
nlLlfakhir al-manaqib, a biographical dictionary of famous men of the
Mashriq and the Maghrib arranged alphabetically. The ms. contains oRly
pans 1-4 and pan 8, Wilh lhree folios missing al the beginning of the firsl
pan. The author finished pan 4 on 24 Muharram 890 (l0 February 1485),

for the library of sultan Ab 'AbdaWiIl. The colophon al lhe end of pan 4 on
p. 177 reads:

Kammnla I-Juz' ar-rabi' min ki/ab an-Najm alh-/haqib fima li awliya'

Allah min mafakhir al-manaqib li khizanal Mawltina s-Sultan Amrr almuslimfll Abf 'Abdallah, nassarahu Llah, 'abd ni 'malihim Muhammad
ibn Ah/luui ibn Sa 'ad, waffaqahu Llah. Wa wafaqa l-faragh minhu rabi'
'ishrfn al-Muharram fa1ih lis'fn wa Ihamiin mi 'a, 'arrafana Lliih
khayrahu wa waqalul sharrahu. Yallahu fi awwal al-juz' al-khamis
Sayyiddf Muhammad al-Hawwtm: af4a Llah 'alayna min barak/ihi, wa
~alla Llah 'ala Sayyidina Muham/luuJ wa alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam.
Katabahu bi khall yadihi bi madfnal Marrakush al- 'aUya al-mahrasa,
'ammaraha Llah bi dhikrihi man raja (?) baraka/ man dhukira Jfhi min
awliya' Allah as-salihfn, al- 'abd al-mudhnib al-faqfr ila L/ah subhanahu,
ar-rajf 'afwahu wa ra~ma/ahu Muhammad ban (!) Muhammad bn
Mas'ad bn AM Jum'a al-MUlarrizf al-Maymanf al-Marrakushf daran,
'amalahu L/ah bi lu!fihi (... J. Wa kan al-faragh min naskhihi ft l-yawm
al-khiimis wa {- 'ishrn min

~afar sanal

thalitha wa rhamiinfll wa

tus 'imi 'a.

The texl refers several times to "our cily Tlemeeo" (baladuna Tilimsan), and
contains numerous references 10 Ihe Tashawwuf by Ibn az-Zayy"1 at-Tadal
(d. 627-8/1229-31, cf. Brockelmann SI 558-9). The margins contain
numerous handwritten notes by Roux, who used this valuable ms. as a work
of reference. [Cf. Broekelmann, S Il 362: Mu\1ammad ibn A\1mad ibn Ab 1Fall ibn Sa'd (!) at-Tilimsiin, an-Najm a/h-/haqib not mentioned. Iwo other
ineomplete copies of this text, preserved in Fs and Rabat, are mentioned by
az-Zirikl, al-A'lam, vol. 5, p. 335.)
Awzal, works; various text
Herber, Arabk
234 folios, 230 x 170 (180 x 190), 19-21 lines. Non-calligraphie scripl,
black and red ink. Main lexl in one hand, additional texlS in several hands.
Brown leather binding with blind tooling, wom and repaired. Colophons on
f. 128r and 161v, copied by Ab Bakr ibn Mas'd al-Hawwar al-Maslnl (?),
dated 16 RabI' ath-tharn 1287 (16 Ju1y 1870) and 3 Jumada l-la 1287 (2
August 1870). 1 Contents:
(1) ff. Ir-48r: al-Hawd, pan 1.
(2) ff. 48r-128r: al-Hawd, pan 2.

(3) ff. 128v-131v: an-Nasilla.
(4) ff. 132r-161v: Bahr ad-dumu'.
(5) ff. 163r-163v: extract from Husayn ibn Dawd at-Taghaun! ar-Rasmuk!
(d. 92411518), Maslak at-labyin li ma'ani at-talqin. [Cf. as-SUS!, Rijalat al'ilm p. 19 and Sus al-'alima p. 179, where. this work is mentioned.]
(6) ff. 164r: model of a document.
(7) ff. 174r-185r: anonymous, text on the events of the Day of Judgment
(ahwal yawm al-qiyam).
(8) ff. 185r-188r: a tradition.
(9) ff. 188v-191 r: the story of the judge and the thief (hikiiyat al-qadi ma 'a
(10) ff. 192v-195v: a tradition and a text on the meaning of "faith" (aliman).
(11) ff. 196r-227r: anonymous, Kittib tanbih al-ghtifilin 'an zad almusafin-n.
(12) ff. 227v-228v: extract from 'Abdalmalik al-Habib, Kitab al-aqsam.
[The author may be 'Abdalmalik ibn al-Habib as-Sularn1 (d. 238/853), cf.
Brockelmann G 1 150, 5 1 231]
(13) ff. 229r-229v: "hadhti tajrib DhU l-Qarnayn."
(14) ff. 230v-234v: extracts from a book on legal documents (al-Wathti'iq
Awzal, works
100se disordered folios, 220 x 160 (185 x 115), 18-19 lines. Calligraphie
script, black ink with red and green. Brown leather cover with blind tooling,
not originally belonging to this ms. No colophon, 18th century. 1 Contents:
the ms. contains parts of all four Berber texts of Muhammad ibn 'AlI Awzal.
None of the texts is complete. Title pages of al-Hawd part 2, an-Nasiha and
Bahr ad-dumu'.

Manaqib (autograph)
Several hundreds 100se fols, 225 x 160. Cursive script, brown and red ink.
Loose leather cover with blind tooling, non-matching, 300 x 205.
, Contents: the ms. is an autograph draft copy (miswadda) of the
biographical dictionary of SUS! scholars by Abu 'Abdallah Muhammad ibn
A1)mad al-Hud!g at-Taraswa!I al-Manz al-Lakus (d. 118911775-6). The
100se folios are of varying colour and size. They are arranged alphabetically

according to Ihe first narnes. This ms. was used as the exemplar for the
printed edition, published in two volumes (Casablanca 135711938), with
numerous CITors and omissions. Sorne information on the aulhor and his

work is given by lustinard in his Notes sur l'histoire du Sous au XVI' sicle
(Paris 1993), p. 88-91: "Ce mnaqib a t rassembl par Abouzid
Abderrahman el Jechtimi" (i.e Ab Zayd 'Abdarrahman a1-Jashtml at-Timl,
d. 126911852-3). In mss. extant in the Sous (Justionard mentions a ms. in the
zawiya of Tazerwalt), the fTUJnilqib are preceded by an introduction by a1lashtlm containing a biography of a1-J:Iuljgj, who died in 1197 (1782)
according to lustinard, and perforrned the hajj in 1143 (1730). He is buried
in Talat n'Yisi. AI-Jashtlmj's introduction is not found in this ms. or in the
printed edition. The mnniiqib proper hegin with the life of Sjdl Ahmad ibn
Msa, and contains the tariijim of 734 saints of the Sous. [As-Ss!, Rijalill
al- 'Ilm, p. 70 and sas al- 'iilimn, p. 193. Cf. a1so Brill cataloque 500 ms.
188, with sorne further references.]

Awzal, works
203 folios, 213 X 155 (170 x 110), 16-18 lines (ff. 58-110). Noncalligraphie scripl, black and red ink. H. 1-58 have been added later and are
wrillen in a different, more cursive hand. Brown leather binding with blind
looling. Colophons on f. 167r, copied by Ibrahjm ibn 'Ail as-Sarnugrn, dated
Jumada l-illa 1185 (July-August 1771). 1 Contents:
(1) ff. 1r-6r: sorne lexIs in Arabie and Berber, among them a recipe
against near-sightedness.
(2) ff. 6v-74r: Awzal, al-ijawd, pan 1 (ff. 1-58 containing vv. 1-675 have
been added later).
(3) ff. 74r-167v: alHaw,!, pan 2.
(4) ff. 167v-2oov: Ba!)r ad-dumu' (vv. 606b-end missing).
(5) ff. 201r-203v: an-Nos/ha (added laler, vv. 53b-end missing).

Awzal, works
186 folios, 220 x 160 (115 x 110), 16-17 lines. Non-calligraphie script,
brown and red ink. brown lealher binding wilh blind tooling, wom and
repaired. Colophon on f. 144r, copied by Ibrahm ibn 'Ail a1-J:Imid, daled
20 RabI' a1-awwal 1146 (31 August 1733). 1 Contents:
(1) ff. Ir-50v: al-ijawd, pan 1 (vv.1-110 missing).
(2) ff. 5Ir-l44r: al-Hawd, pan 2.

(3) ff. 144v-148r were originally left blank; an anonymous verse text in
partially vocalised Berber has been added latr.
(4) ff. l48v-186v: Bahr ad-dumu' (v. 656 missing).
Awzal, works
191 folios, 205 X 145 (190 X 120); ff. 1-16 and 171-191205 X 140 (170
x 115); 16-18 and 14-15 lines. Non-calligraphie script, black and red ink,
two hands. Brown leather binding with blind tooling, wom. Colophons on f.
52v and 150r, copied by al-J:lasan ibn Mu\1ammad at-TimlI from J:lajar arRI\1 (i.e. Azrou Ouadou), dated 12 Muharrarn 1147 (14 June 1734) and 14
Rarnac)an 1148 (28 January 1736). 1 Contents:
(1) ff. 1-52v: al-Hawd, part 1, (ff. 1-16 have been added later; vv. 1-68a
(2) ff. 53r-57r: an-Nastha.
(3) ff. 58r-150r: al-Hawd, part 2.
(4) ff. 15Ir-190v: Bahr ad-dumu', (ff. 171-191 have been added later in
another hand).
Awzal, A~nag, at-TamuddiztI, al-Bsbikri
177 folios (paginated (6 ff. ) "1-338" (2 ff. n, 230 x 185 (200 x 115),21
lines (text on pp. 335-338 in two colurnos). Non-calligraphie script, black
and red ink, two hands. Red leather binding with blind tooling which
originally belonged to another ms., heavily wom. Colophon on p. 280,
copied by A\1mad ibn Mu\1ammad Wa\lan (?) in Hisn al-Asfal (i,e.
Ddougadir), dated 20 Jumada I-Ula (year illegible). 1 Contents:
(1) pp. 1-280: Muhammad ibn 'AlI Awzal, al-Hawlj, part l, with the
commentary in Berber by al-Hasan ibn Mubarak at-Tarnuddiztf. A notebook
containing notes on this text by Si Brahim is added to the ms.
(2) pp. 281-333: IbrahIm ibn 'Abdallah A~nag, 'Aqrdal as-suluk (chapter
from the 'Aqa 'id ad-drn) , with commentary by al-Hasan ibn Mubarak atTamuddiztI.
(3) pp. 335-338: Mu\1ammad ibn 'Abdallah al-BshikrI al-Ba'qilI, alQa.Fa al-Bushiknya, poem on the Prophet (incomplete).

Awzal, works
153 folios, 220 x 175 (185 x 115), varying number of lines. Ff. 1-7 noncalligraphie script, black and red ink; ff. 8-153 calligraphie script, black and
red ink. Main text in two hands. Red leather binding with blind tooling and
blue medallions. Colophon on f. 153r. No name of copyist, dated 15
MuJ:larram 1311 (29 July 1893). 1 Contents,:
(1) ff. Ir-55v: a/-Hawd, part 1.
(2) ff. 56r-153r: a/-Hawd, part 2.
Texts on medicine, magie and astrology
98 folios (paginated: (1) "1-195"), 200 x 245 (155 x 85). Naskh and
maghribi script, black and red ink, several hands. European binding, paper
boards, leather spine. No colophon, 18th or 19th century. , Contents:
(1) pp. 1-7: magical texts in various hands.
(2) pp. 8-29: Shihab ad-DIn Ahmad ibn Man~ur ibn' AlI at-Talbn, Shif'
a/-asqm wa bu/gh a/-marm bi t-tibb ar-rhanf fi /- '/am al-insnf, also
known as a/-Bughya.
(3) pp. 30-56: Daniyal al-J:Iakm, Ma/hama, on astrology.
(4) pp. 60-104: Ahmad ibn Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn 'sa ibn Zarruq alFaris al-Malik [!] (d. 89911493), ad-Durar a/-muntakhaba fi l-adwiya a/mujarraba. [Brockelmann G Il 253, S Il 360.]
(5) pp. 105-110: ' Al ibn Muhammad ar-Rashd (?), medicinal recipes;
text completed by author in Dhu I-J:Iijja 1189 (December 1775-January
(6) pp. III-Ill b": magical texts in maghrib script (added ta the ms. later).
(7) pp. 112-192: AJ:1mad ibn 'AlI al-Bo (d. 62211225), Kitb rhnf
jama'ahu sh-shaykh a/-'a/lama Ahmad a/-Bnf fi sharh a/-Burhmya (... ).
[Cf. Brockelmann G 1497, this titIe not identified.]
(8) pp. 193-195: magical recipes.
Awzal, works
143 folios, 215 x 145 (170 x 100), 19-21 lines. Semi-cursive script, brown
ink with red, yellow and green, two different hands. No binding. No
colophons, 18th century. 1 Contents:
(1) ff. lr-47v: al-Hawd, pan 1 (vv. 1-15 missing).
(2) ff, 47v-125r: al-Hawd, part 2.

(3) ff. 125v-130r: an-Na~fha.
(4) ff. 130v-143v: traditions in Arabie.
A fragment of another ms. is added: 3 folios 205 x 145 (170 x 105).
containing an-NasilJa, vv .1-69.
Awzal, works
162 folios, 235 x 185 (190 x 120 and 190 x 140), 17-19 and 20-21 lines.
Noncalligraphic script, black and red ink, two hands (ff. 1-141 and 142162). No binding. Colophons on ff. 141v and 158r, copied by al-/:Iasan alFajwaki, dated 17 Rabi' ath-tharu 1231 (18 January 1816) and 26 Jumiida Jla 1231 (24 April 1816). 1 Contents:
(1) ff. Iv-51r: a/-Hawd, pan 1 (one fol. containing vv. 26b-44a missing
belween fols 2 and 3).
(2) ff. 5Iv-137v: a/-Hm,'<i, pan 2.
(3) ff. 137v-141v: an-Nasala.
(4) ff. 142r-158r: Bahr ad-dum'.
(5) ff. 158v-162v: a slOry in Arabie aboU! Sid AJ:1mad ibn Musa (Hmad u
Musa), the patron saint of the Sous (incomplete).

Awzal, works
178 folios, 210 x 157 (170 x 100 and 160 x 90), 15-18 lines. Noncalligraphie script, black and red ink. Brown leather binding with blind
tooling, wom. Colophon on f. 145r, copied by A~mad ibn 'AI as-Safawi alWidani, dated 6 Ramadan 1164 (29 July 1751). 1 Contents:
(1) ff. lr-55r: al-Hawd, pan 1 (vv. 1-27b missing).
(2) ff. 55r-145r: a/-HalVd, pan 2.
(3) f. 145v: a poem and two shan texlS in Arabie.
(4) ff. 146r-178v: Bahr ad-dll1ll1l' (vv. 510b-526a and 543a-640b missing;
last verse aiso missing). This text originally formed a separate ms. Two

fragmems of other mss. have been added: two folios, in the same hand and
layout as the ms., cont.ining a part of all-Nasma, and one folio in a differem
hand containing the incipit of all-Nasiha.

Awzal, works
174 folios, 215 x 155 (165 x 105), 15-16 lines. Non-calligraphie script,
black and red ink. Sporadic simple decor.tions. No binding. Colophon on f.

l72r, eopied by Muhammad ibn Sa'Id ibn Al)mad (nisba iIIegible), dated 5
Rama<!an 1158 (1 December 1745). 1 Contents:
(1) ff. Ir-44v: al-f:{awd, part 1 (vv. 1-100 missing).
(2) ff. 44v-132r: al-Hawd, part 2.
(3) ff. 132r-136r: an-Nasiha.
(4) ff. 136r-l72r: Bahr ad-dumu' (Iast folios damaged).

(Parts of) several mss. wrapped in a piece of leather.


Ca. 200 folios from several different mss., ca. 220 x 160. Non-calligraphie
script. 1 Contents: The Koran, fragments.

18 folios, 220 x 160. Semi-cursive script. 1 Contents: Ab 'Abdallah
Muhammad a1-Baghdad, al-Wilriyll al-baghdadlya (incomplete).
13 folios, 200 x 125. Cursive script. 1 ContenlS: the Koran, fragments.

25 folios of varying size. Cursive script.
documents and taHsmans.

1 Contents: Models of letters,

Register of legal acts
69 folios (paginated "1-137"),265 x 215 (225 x 210), up to 26 lines. Noncalligraphie seripl. brown ink. Brown lcather binding with blind (ouling.
, Contents: official register of legal acts, dated between Safar 1322 (AprilMay 1904) and $afar 1324 (March-April 1906). With numerous notes in
peneil by Roux.

'Aq'id ad-dln
109 folios (paginated (2) "1-213"), 204 x ISO (155 x 100), 10-12 Iines.
Non-calligraphic script, brown and red ink, main text in one hand. A few
simple decorations. Brown leather binding with blind tooling, worn.
Colophon on p. 213, eopied by IbrahIm ibn Mul,1ammad ibn Sulayman al-

Kanssi, dated 12 ~afar 1091 (14 March 1680). 1 Contents:
(1) pp. 1-213: Ibrahim ibn 'Abdallah Aznag, 'Aqd'id ad-Drn (beginning
On pp. 108 and 142, which were left blank by the original copyist, two
shan texts have been added one the times of prayer, in Arabie (p. 108) and
the other on fasting, in Berber (p. 142).
at-Tamsawti, at-Tighargharti
112 folios (paginated (ff. 1-9), "1-158" (ff. 1-24)),205 x 150 (170 x 100),
16-20 lines. Non-calligraphie script, brown and red ink; pp. 1-158 in one
hand, ff. 1-9 and 1-24 in several hands. Brown leather binding with blind
tooling. No colophon. The main text (pp. 1-158) was copied in the 18th
century, the rest of the ms. dates from the 20th cemury. 1 Contents:
(1) ff. 1-9: traditions in Arabie.
(2) pp. 1-158: D3wd ibn 'Abdallah at-Tamsawt, al-Kifiiya, a manual on
the rimai obligations ('ibiidar) , ca. three thousand lines, completed by the
author on 1 Juma631-l3 1168 (13 February 1755).
(3) ff. 1-16r: traditions and stories in Arabie and Berber.
(4) ff. J6r-2Jv: 'Abdarrallman ibn Ibrahim at-Tigharghani, verse text, 320
1ines (possibly incomplete).
(5) ff. 22r-24v: traditions in Arabie.

Awzal, works
41 folios, 210 x 150 (180 x 120), 20 lines. Small semi-<:alligraphic script,
brown and red ink. Loose paper cover. No colophon, 18th century.
1 Contents:
(1) ff. 1r-12r: aI-Hawd, pan 1 (vv. 1-551 missing).
(2) ff. 12r-4lv: aI-Hawlj, pan 2 (vv. 1230-end missing).
Awzal, works
303 folios (paginated "1-606"), 120 x 110 (80 x 65 and 90 x 75), 10-16
lines. Non-calligraphie script, black and red ink. Red leather binding with
blind tooling and green medallion (bound in peculiar manner). Colophon on
p. 498, copied by MuJ:lammad ibn al-J:Iasan al-Awsmi, dated 1 Rarna<:lan
1280 (9 February 1864). 1 Coments:
(1) pp. 1-194: aI-lfawd, pan 1 (pp. 3 and 4 missing but text is comptete).

(2) pp. 195-497: al-Hawd, part 2.
(3) pp. 498-512: an-Naslna.
(4) pp. 512-606: Bahr ad-dama'.
Awzal, works; A~nag, 'Aqii'id ad~fn
380 folios, (paginated "1-759", p. 393 twice), 137 x 150 (115 x 115),1113 and 14-18 lines. Non-calligraphie script, black and red iok; pp. 1-723 in
one hand, pp. 724-749 in several hands. Brown 1eather binding with blind
tooling, worn and repaired. Colophon on p. 422, copied by IbrahIm ibn
Mul)ammad ibn 'UbaydaWih (no nisba), dated RabI' ath-thanI 1181 (AugustSeptember 1767). Second colophon on p. 754, copied by 'Abdarralunan ibn
Muhammad an-Nadlfi, dated 1 Rajab 1197 (2 June 1783). 1 Contents:
(1) pp. 1-157: Awzal, al-Hawd, part 1.
(2) pp. 157-422: Awza1, al-Hawd, part 2.
(3) pp. 423-435: Awzal, an-Naslna.
(4) pp. 435-543: Awzal, Bahr ad-dama'.
(5) p. 544: short prayer in Arabie and a magic square.
(6) pp. 545-754: IbrahIm ibn 'Abdallah A~nag, 'Aqa'id ad-D/n.
(7) pp. 755-759: anonymous, 62 lines of a verse text on theology tn
Awzal, works
263 folios, 126 x 130 (100 x 95, oblong), 12-13 lines. Non-calligraphie
script, brown and red iok. Red 1eather binding with blind tooling. Colophon
on f. 216r, copied by Alunad ibn' Abdallah al-MaymunI al-sI of Qal'at a1Harajan, dated 17 Rama4an 1202 (21 June 1788). 1 Contents:
(1) n. 1r-2v: an-Nas/ha, (vv. 41a-52b and 65a-end).
(2) ff. 3r-8Iv: al-Hawd, part 1 (vv. l-lOa missing).
(3) ff. 81v-216r: al-Hawd, part 2.
(4) ff. 216v-263v: Bahr ad-dama' (last two folios damaged).
Nine scraps of paper containing talismans an the like are inserted in the ms.

Awzal, works
207 folios, 200 x ISO (165 x 115), 15 lines. Semi-calligraphic script,
brown ink with red, yellow and green. Extensive polychrome decoration on
f. 161r. Brown leather binding with blind tooling. Colophon on f. 161r,

copied by Ibrahm ibn .Abdallah al-HaInI at-Takarbntl, dated 1150
(1737-8). 1 Contents:
(1) ff. lr-54r: al-Hawd, part 1 (vv.I-144a and 174a-189b missing).
(2) ff. 54r-16Ir: a/-Hawd, part 2.
(3) ff. 162r-207v: Bahr ad-dumu' (yy.558b-end missing).
Tex!s on medicine and magie
Two mss. in one loose brown leather coyer with blind tooling.


43 folios, 143 x 145 (110 x 100), 17-18 Iines. Small non-calligraphie
script, black and red ink. F. 25r bears the note: yuklab dhiilik fi zaman alwaM' (i.e. ca. 1750?). 1 Contents:
(1) ff. Ir-2y: prayers.
(2) ff. 3r-25r: Muhammad ibn Sa'd al-Marr3kushl, medica1 and magical
(3) f. 25r: prayer.
(4) ff. 25r-28v: magica1 texl.
(5) ff. 29rv: Mul)ammad ibn 'AI al-Ba'qffi, Majma' al-manilji' fi 'Um allibb an-niiji' (incomplete).
(6) ff. 30r-31v: talismans, magical squares, the narnes of God, etc., in
yarious hands.
79 folios (foliated "44-122"),143 x 180 (1I7xI35), 17-18 lines. Small noncalligraphie script, black and red ink. Colophon on f. 117, copied by
Mul)ammad ibn a!-Tayyib al-Walya~, dated Jumada I-iikhira 1275 (JanuaryFebruary 1859). 1 Contents:
(1) ff. 44r-99y: Mul)ammad ibn Yabya ash-Shibb al-Hashtk al-Hamid.
lllmia min al-fawii 'id a!-libb/)'a.
(2) ff. 99y-111 y: text on the plague.
(3) ff. 112r-117y: Mul)arnmad ibn Yabya ash-Shibb, medicinal recipes.
(4) ff. 117y-12Ir: Ab 'Abdallah Mul)ammad as-Sans al-Hasan, tekst on

al-Qayrawiin, ar-Risiila
III folios (foliated (3) "1-104" (4)), 200 x 145 (135 x 95), 13-16 Iines.
Semi-calligraphic script with full vocalisation. black and red ink. No binding.

No colophon, 18th century. , Contents: Ab Mul)ammad 'Abdallah ibn AbI
Zayd a1-QayrawiinI (d. 386/996), ar-Risa/a, the matn of the farnous
compendium of Miilik law. [Brockelmann G 1 177, S 1 301.]
The Koran, fragments
Ca. 200 loose and disordered folios, 203 x 150 (150 x 95), 13 lines.
Calligraphie script, black ink with red, yellow and green. Decorations in
margins. In coarse leather caver. No colophon, possibly 16th or 17th
century. , Contents: the Koran (incomplete).
Awzal, al-Tamuddizt
145 folios (foliation in ghubar), 230 x 170 (185 x 130), 15-19 lines. Noncalligraphie script, brown and red ink. Brown leather binding with blind
tooling. No colophon, 20th century. , Contents: Mul)ammad ibn 'AlI Awzal,
a/-Rawd, part 1, with the commentary by a1-l:Iasan ibn Mubiirak atTarnuddizt.

Texls on the qira'al
Collection of three mss. in one loose brown leather caver with blind tooling.

48 folios (five loose quires), 215 x 150 (142 x 85), 23 lines. Small noncalligraphie script, black and red ink. No colophon, 17th or 18th century.
, Contents: Mul)ammad ibn Al)mad a1-'Uthmiin (d. 919/1513), lnshad ashsharfd 'an dawall a/-qasfd. [Brockelmann G II 240, S 1726.]
72 folios, loose quires, 215 x 160 (140 x 90), 20 lines. Small noncalligraphie script, brown and red ink. Date on las! folio, chronograrn (?).
, Contents:
(1) ff. Ir-7r: unidentified text on masa'i!, beginning missing.
(2) ff. 7v-lOr: 'Abdarrahmiin ibn Idris a1-l:Iasan, text on qira'al. [Cf.
Brockelmann S II 698.]
(3) ff. llr-72v: l:Iasan ibn a1-Qiisim a1-MuradI Ibn Umm Qiisim (d.
749/1348), commentary on Ab l-Qiisim a8-Sii!ib (d. 590/1194), Rirz a/amiinf (chapter waqf Ramza wa Risham 'aM /-ba' [sic]). [Cf. Brockelmann
G 1 409, S 1725 and G II 22.]

27 loose disordered folios (foliation in ghubar), 207 x 147 (180 x 100), 27
lines in two columns. Small non-calligraphic script, brown and red ink.
Colophons on f. 26v, name of copyist written in a sort of secret script, dated
Mu~arram 883 (April-May 1478). , Contents: anonymous urjaza on the
qirti 'tit.
Collection of mss.
Eight small mss. in loose leather cover.


34 loose folios, 185 x 115 (155 x 80), 18 lines. Semi-cursive script, brown
ink. , Contents: the last two ajzti' of the Koran (saras 62-114).
57 folios, loose quires, 185 x 115, varying layout. Semi-cursive and cursive
script, brown and red ink. , Contents:
(1) ff. Ir-2v: forty traditions (arba'rn hadith [sic]).
(2) ff. 3r-9r: ' Abdarr~man ibn Saghlr, treatise on the 'ibiidtit.
(3) n. 9v-13r: anonymous, Nasrhat Ibtrs, 'an Ibn 'Abbas. Ms. copied by
Mu~ammad ibn Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn 'Abdalkhaliq at-Tazkj (cf. also
ms. 36d).
(4) ff. 13v-22v: Ab 'Abdallah Muhammad ibn Ysuf (no nisba), Kittib
aghstin al-busttin, on grarnmar. [Not mentioned by Brockelmann.]
(5) f. 23r: text on metrics (?) by Ab l-J:lasan 'Ali ibn Mu~arnmad ibn' Ali
Ibn al-Barrj (d. 730/1330), end missing. [Brockelmarm G II 248.]
14 folios, loose quire, 180 x 117, varying layout. Cursive script, brown ink.
, Contents: severa! short texts. on marriage, ritual obligations, etc.

5 loose folios. 182 x 115 (150 x 80), 23 lines. Semi-cursive script, brown
and violet ink. Copied by Muhammad ibn ~mad at-Tazkl (cf. ms. 36b),
dated 1275 (1858-9). , Contents: anonymous text on the divine attributes

20 folios, 180 x 115 (135 x 60), ca. 16 lines. Cursive script, brown ink.
Iwo 100 se quires, 19th-20th centUt)'. 1 Contents: 'Abdalwahid ibn 'Ali Ibn
'Ashir (d. 1040/1639), al-Murshid a/-mu 'fil. [Brockelmann G Il 461.]
17 loose folios, 180 x 115 (150 x 75), 16 lines. Semi-cursive script, black
ink. Contents: one hizb of the Koran.

x 115 (140 x 85), 24 lines. Semi-cursive

script, brown and violet ink. No colophon, 20th century. 1 Contents: Shihab
ad-Dln AM 1-l:Iasan AJ:1mad ibn Ibrahm al-Ash'ar (d. 600/1203), Shajarar
a/-yaql wa rah/fq lIar sayyid al-mursa/fll, end missing. [Rrockelmann G 1
27 folios sown IOgelher, 178

Il folios, 150 x 100, varying layout. Cursive script, brown ink. 1 Contents:
various fragments containing talismans and recipes (hijtibar wa adwiya) ,
stories (Qissar Iblfs. Qi~sar al-yahlld ma'a 'Umllr ibll a/-Khaub), prayers
(du '' Maw/y a/-JrlaIllJ, etc,
Various fragments.
Commentary on Ibn A~im
Ca. 300 folios, 195 x 147 (145 x 90), 24 lines. Semi-cursive script, black
and red ink. In loose non-malching leather binding. No colophon.
1 Contents: anonymous commentary on Muhammad ibn Mu~ammad Ibn
'Asim al-MaIik (d. 829/1426) TlIlzJar a/-hllkkm (incomplete). Incipit: fa
ilMh sharh wajfz 'al rajaz alimm al-qdf Abf Bakr Muhammad ibll
'sim. [Cf. Brockelmann G Il 264, S Il 375.)

Awzal, works
176 folios (foliated (3) "1-170" (3), 235 x 165 (215 x 120),19-22 lines.
Rold irregular script, black ink with red, orange and brown. Red leather
binding with blind tooling and green medallion. Colophons on f. 134r and

166r. copied by 'Abdallah ibn 'Ali ibn Hammu from Taggg''all in Azegrouz,
dated Rajab 1265 (May-June 1849) and 1 Sha'ban 1265 (June-July 1849).
, Contents:
(1) ff. Ir-2v: A~nag, 'Aqrdal al-Waha'.
(2) ff. 3r-5v: sorne traditions in Arabie.
(3) f. 5v: Aznag, Lwqida n isafam (= 'Aqrdal al-adwiya).
(4) ff. 6r-53r: Awzal, alHawd. part 1.
(5) ff. 53v-134r: Awzal, al-Hawd, part 2.
(6) f. 134v: sorne verses from the Koran for magica1 use.
(7) ff. 135r-166r: Awzal, Bahr ad-dum'.
(8) ff. 166v-170v: an-Naslha (vv. 71 b-end missing).
Mul;tammad al-Amin, al- Tuhfa an-nMira
26 folios, 205 X 165 (130 X 105), 15 lines. Fine calligraphie script, black
ink with red, green, gold and silver. Red leather binding with gold print. No
colophon, 20th century. , Contents: Mu~ammad al-AlIn, al-Tuhfa an-niidira
ila l-huk1lma al-Mdira; f. 2r contains a list of titles of orher works by the
same author wrilten in English and in Turkish (titles given in Arabie).

al-Kurrami, commeotary 00 the A/ffya

245 folios, 180 X 140 (140 x 100), 20 lines. Foliation in ghubar. Semicursive script. brown ink. Loose leather binding, wom. First folio of text
substituted. Colophon on f. 243r, dated 22 ~afar 991 (17 March 1583),
copied by YOsuf ibn Ibrhm ar-RasmOkL The copyist may be the YOsuf ibn
Ibrhm ibn MOsa ar-RasmOkr who died at the beginning of the II th century
AH and who is the metemal grandfather of Al;tmad at-Taghatn (cf. as-sosr,
Rijdltil al- 'ilm p. 36). A note records that the ms. was bought by the Il/lib
'Abdallh ibn Yahya from the lti/ib MOsa ibn Muhammad at-Timl in
Mu~arram 1016 (April-May 1607) for the priee of Ihalti/h awtiqr ad-dartihim.
, Contents: Sa'rd ibn Sulayman as-Sarnlal a1-Kurrall, commentary on Ibn
Malik's A/ffya, entitled Kiltib tanbfh a/-Ialaba 'alti ma'tinr I-Alftya. The
commentary was completed in 875 (1470-1) "for [my?j children" (Ii awlad).
[Cf. as-SOs, Ss al-'dlima, p. 178.)
The author of the commentary, Sa'rd al-Kurrall (in Berber: SEid
Akrramu) , belonged ta a famous family of marabouts known in Berber as the
Ikrruma. He died in 882 (1477) and is buried at Tazmout in the territory of
the Ida Ousemlal. [See L. V. Justinard, NoIes sur l 'hislOire du Sous au XVI"
sicle, Paris 1933, p. 224, and as-SOs, Rijdlti/ al- 'ilm, p. 14.]

al-Ys Qiinn
190 folios, 222 x 170 (160 x 105), 20 lines. Semi-calligrahic script,
blackink Wilh red. yellow and blue. Incipit with fine polychrome decoralions,
text in red and blue frame. Red leather binding with blind tooling, gold
stamping and green medallion. Colophon at end, dated 23 Shawwiil 1277 (4
May 1861). 1 Conlents: al-l:Iasan ibn Mas'd al-Ys al-Marrakush (d.
110211691), Qllnn 'alll ahkiim al- 'ilm wa ahkllm al- 'Illim wa ahkllm almUla'allim. [Brockelmann G 11456, S Il 675.]
At-Tlrmidh, Klliib ash-rhamii '11
Ca. 225 folios, 210 x 150 (145 x 100), 21 Iines. Non-calligraphic naskh,
black and red ink. In worm-eaten brown leather binding. No colophon, 16th
or 17lh century. 1 ContenlS: Ab 'isa Muhanunad ibn 'isa ibn Sahl atTirmidh (d. 279/892), Kiliib arh-rhama'il. Wilh a commentary, possibly by
'Al! ibn Sul\in MuJ.1ammad al-Qari' al-Harawl (d. 101411605). Beginning and
end missing. [Brockelmann G 1 162.]

Awzal, works
200 folios, 190 x 150 (177 x 105), 18 Iines. Calligraphie script, brown ink
wilh captions in red and yellow. Text in double frame, decorations al
beginning of each tex!. Main text in one hand. Brown leather binding with
blind tooling, badly damaged. Colophons on ff. 157r and 198v. copied by
'Abdallah ibn Mu~ammad ibn Abl I-Qasim al-Hiliil, daled 6 Rab' ath-thin
1182 (20 August 1768). 1 Contents:
(1) ff. Ir-13r: magical texls and poems in Arabie.
(2) ff. 13v-66v: al-Hawt!, pan 1.
(3) ff. 67r-157r: al-Ifawd, pan 2.
(4) ff. 157v-16Iv: all-N~iha.
(5) ff. 162r-198r: Bahr ad-dum '.
(6) ff. 198v-200v: two texts in Arabie.
At-Tamsawti, works
III folios (paginated "1-221 "), 200 x 155 (175 x \00), 18 lines. Noncalligraphie script, black-grey and red ink. Red leather binding Wilh blind
tooling. No colophon, 18lh or 19th century. 1 Contents:

(1) Surat ai-Fatiha, in cursive script.
(2) pp. 1-38: Dawd ibn 'Abdallah aI-Is., admonition without title, ca. 670
lines, completed by the author in Sha'ban 1166 (June 1753).
(3) pp. 39-221: Dawd ibn 'Abdallah at-Tamsawl1 (i.e. the same as the
above), al-KiJaya, a rnanual on the rilUai obligations ('ibadat) in ttrree
thousand lines, completed by me author on 1 Jumiida I-la 1168 (13 February

The Koran
Ca. 250 folios, 200 X 150 (160 X 110), 14 lines. Non-calligraphie script,
brown ink wilh red and yellow. No decorations, sara heading picked out in
yellow. The last two folios were substilUted for two original folios. No
colophon, 17th or 18th century. Probably produced in the Sous. 1 Contents:
the Koran_ complete text.
Awzal. works
232 folios, 185 X 130 (140 X 100), 10-11 and 14 lines. Non-<:alligraphic
script, brown and grey ink with red, one, possibly two hands. Brown leather
binding with blind 100ling, damaged. No colophon, 18th cenrury. 1 Contents:
(1) ff. lr-88t: al-Hawd, part 1 (vv. 1-88 missing).
(2) ff. 88v-232v: al-Hawd, pan 2 (vv. 1619-end missing).
Two lexis on lheology
Ca. 200 folios, 210 x 150 (160 x 110), 25 lines. Semi-cursive script,
brown and ted ink. No colophon, 16th or 17th century. Copied by
MUhammad ibn MUhammad ibn Karkr (?). 1 Contents:
(1) acephalous text on the usai ad-dIn completed in 876 (1471-2), possibly
by ... Sulayman ash-Shaqranf (first pan of name illegible).
(2) Ab 'Abdallah Muhammad as-Sansf al-J:lasanf, 'Vmdat ahl at-tawftq,
a commentary on his own 'Aqldal ahl at-tawhld (end missing). [Brockelmann
Sil 352.)
Various lexts
Collection of seven mss. together in loose brown leather binding.


90 loose folios, 177 x 140 (135 x 95), 23 lines. Non-calligraphie script,
brown and rcd ink. Folios missing between ff. 76 and 77 and al the end.
, Contents: anonymous text on sfism and the Shadhillya brolherhood
48b (Mayyara, autograph)
52 loose folios, 185 x 140 (130 x 100), 17 lines. Semi-cursive script,
brown and red ink. 1 Contents: unidentified, nadllnl, with a commentary by
Muhammad ibn Ahmad Mayyara (d. 107211662). The ms. was copied by the
author of the commentary, cf. last folio: 'alii yad mu'al/ifihi \Va muqa}Yidihi.
The author calls his works a nmkhrasar.
15 loose folios, 190 x 150 (160 x 110), 21 lines. Semi-cursive script,
brown and green ink. 1 Contents: anonymous, Kifiib ad-dahiiya \Va dhdhaba 'ih \Va 1- 'aqrqa \Va s-sayd \Va I-khitan \Va m<1 yahramu min al-af'ima \Va
I-ashriba. The text contaius references to Miilik ibn Anas and Ibn Ab, Zayd
4 folios, 190 x 140 (170 x 100), 15 Iines. Cursive script, brown ink,
Copied by Maymn ibn Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Sa',d (no nisba).
, Contents: Muhammad ibn Sa',d al-Marghlt' as-Sus' (d. 108911678), alMuqni' fi 'ilm Abr Muqri', an urjza on astrology. [Brockelmann G Il 463,
SIl 707.1
9 folios, 135 x 145 (100 x 110, oblong), 16 lines, Semi-cursive script,
brown ink. Dated 1283 (1866-7). 1 Contents: anonymous, the story of Hind
and Blshr (Qissaf Hind ma' Bishr).
Ahmad ibn Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn 'sii ibn Zarruq (d. 89911493),
Risalat as-sulk fi l-fusa\V\Vu! [Brockelmann G Il 253, S Il 360, Ihis title not
Ca. 35 folios of varying size. Anonymous fragments, malnly poetry.

Ibn al-Qanii', Ki/lib al-af'al
Arabie, Berber
al-Riliil, Kashf ar-rumz
260 folios, 210 x 145 (ca. 170 x 110). Semi-cursive script, various hands,
brown, black and red ink. Red leather binding with blind tooling and green
medallion. A colophon on f. 227, daled 14 Sha'ban 1263 (28 July 1847),
says that part of the ms. was copied by Muhammad ibn Muhammad Bani
Ibrahim ibn al-Hasan in the qasaba of the Banu $.1.1 (?). , Contents:
(1) ff. Iv-227r: 'AI ibn Ja'far Ibn al-Qatta' (d. 514/1 120), an abridgment
of a work by Ibn al-Qutiya (d. 367/977), possibly entitled Tahdhb al-asmti'
wa l-atli/ [cf. Brockelmann S 1540.1
(2) ff. 229v-260v (pp. "1-63"): 'Abdallah ibn Shu'ayb al-Hiliili, Kashf arrumz, Arabic-Berber glossary (end missing).

Anonymous historieal study
335 pp., 230 x 180 (140 x 95), 21 lines. Semi-calligraphic script, black
and red ink with coloured headings, text in red and blue frame. Loose quires
in non-matching red leather binding with gold and green decorations. The
ms. originally belonged 10 the Bibliothque Zeidan at Meknes (cf. also ms.
56). , Contents: anonymous, an-Nahda al- 'ilmfva fi 'usr ad-dawla al'alawfya. The text was completed by the author in 1355 (1937). The copy
was made for the author by al-Mahdi ibn Muhammad ibn al-Mahdi al-'Alawi
ai-Isma'il!, dated 18 Dhu I-J:Iijja 1358 (29 January 1940).
al-' Ayyiishi, Rihla
Ms. in IwO volumes; 633 + 686 pp., 220 x 170 (160 x 105), 19 lines.
Semi-calligraphic script, black ink with red and bluc, leXI in red and blue
frame. Incipit of lhe first volume is skilfully decorated in gold and various
colours. Red leather bindings with gold print and green medallions. A
splendid copy. No colophon, 20th century. Contents: Abu Siilim Abdallah
ibn Muhammad aI-' Ayyiishi (d. 1091/1679), ar-Rihla al- '(mtish1)'a.
[Brockelmann G Il 464, S Il 711.1

Compendium of lexIs on grammar
306 folios, 275 x 190 (200 x 120),25 Iines. Non-calligraphie script, black
ink with red and yellow. Loose brown lealher binding with blind tooling,

WOllo Colophons (sorne with decorations) on f. 21v, 43v and 77v, dated
Rajab 1107 (February-Mareh 1696), eopied by Muhammad ibn' Abdalqadir
ibn AbI Zayyan (?) ibn Ibrarurn of the Awlad Ab Musa a1-AnjmIrI (?).
, Contents (the folios were originally in disorder. As far as eould be
established, the correct order is as follows):
(1) ff. Iv-20vand 225r-236r: Mul;1ammad ibn Al)rnad ibn Ya'ia a1-HasanI
ash-SharIf (d. 72311323), ad-Durra an-nahwfya fi sharh al-Ajurnltnfya
(ineornplete, possible laeuna between 20v and 225r). (Broekelmann, G Il
237, S Il 332.)
(2) ff. 81r-175v and 21rv: Abii Muhammad 'Abdallah ibn Yusuf ibn
Hisharn a1-Mi~rI (d. 76111360), Awdah al-masalik ila Aljfyat Ibn Malik, also
known as at-Tawdth (possibly ineomplele). [Brockelmann G 1 298.1
(3) ff. 22r-23r: poetry by MUammad ibn al-l:Jasan al-l:Jri.
(4) f. 24r: urjza of 17 abyat on the months of the solar year (ash-shahr

al- 'ajaml).
(5) ff. 24v-43v: Al)mad ibn Muhammad al-Asilsiii (narne not mentioned in
ms.), Hiddyat at-ta'n! bi shawahid sfdf sh-Sharfj, eommentary on the
eommentary on the Ajurnlmfya by Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-l:JasanI ashSharIf. cf. text (1) (incomplete).
(6) f. 43v: three riddles.
(7) ff. 176r-224v, 237r-306v and 44r-75v: 'AbdarraJ:Irnan ibn 'AlI alMakkdI (d. 80711405), Sharh Aljfyat Ibn Malik (incomplete, possible laeuna
between ff. 224 and 237). (Brockelmann S Il 336.)
(8) ff. 76v-80v: commentary on (or by?) Abu' Abdallah MUammad ibn
Al)mad al-l:JassanI ad-Dar'I, Kitab al-jumal.
N.B.: there is a lacuna between texts (3) and (4), The two parts may once
have been separate mss.

Two fU[h texts


Ca. 225 folios, 280 x 190 (205 x 140), ca. 35 lines. Non-calligraphie
script, light brown and red ink. Loose brown leather binding, WOll and
damaged. No colophon, 18th-19th century. 1 Contents: anonymous,
unidentifiedjqh commentary, beginning and end missing.

37 loose folios, 290 x 210 (205 x 140), 39 lines. Small semi-cursive script,
black and red ink. No colophon, 17th-18th century. 1 Contents: Mu~ammad
ibn Ahmad al-Mayyara (d. 1072/1662), conunentary on Ibn 'A~im entitled
al-Ilqan wa l-iMam ft sharh Tulifat al-hukkim (end missing). [Brockelmann
S 11 375.]
Awzal, al-Hawd; at-Tamuddizti
104 folios (foliated (2) "1-100" (2)),230 x 180 (180 x 135), 20 and 15
lines. Non-calligraphic script, grey ink, two hands (ff. 1-10 and ff. 11-100).
Red leather binding with blind tooling. No colophon, 20th century.
, Contents: Muhammad ibn 'Ali Awzal, al-Hawd, part 2 (chapters 48-53),
with the conunentary by al-Hasan ibn Mubarak at-Tamuddizt1.
al-Bukhari, part of the Sahh
Ca. 350 folios, 265 x 185 (145 x 100), 20 lines. Non-calligraphic script,
dark brown and red ink. The wide margins suggest that it was originally
intended to add a conunentary to the texl. Brown leather binding with blind
tooling and green medallion. No colophon, 16th or 17th century. 1 Contents:
Abu 'Abdallah Mu~ad ibn Isma'il al-Bukhari (d. 256/870), part of the
Sahi/! (Bab qissal Ishaq ibn Ibrahfm to Killib fada'il al-Qur'an).
[Brockelmann G 1 158.]
al-Mantihij as-saw.ya
441 folios, 330 x 220 (190 x 120), 26 lines. Calligraphic script, black ink
with colours. Gold and polychrome decorations of highest quality on pp. 1-2.
Dark green leather European style binding with gold stamping. No colophon,
after 1311 (1893-4). The ms. originally belonged to the Bilbiothque Zeidan
at Meknes (no. 2177). 1 Contents: anonymous, al-Maniihij as-sawya ft
ma 'alhir mulak ad-dawla al- 'alawi'ya. A historical study, containing
references to other books in the Bibliothque Zeidan, including letters and
documents. The author was schooled in European methods of research.

al-Wanshars, part of al-Mi'yiir
145 folios, X355 x 250 (260 x 165), 37 lines. Small semi-cursive script,
black and red ink. Remains of brown leather binding with blind tooling,
worn and damaged. Probably 18th century. 1 Contents: Abu I-'Abbas Ahmad
ibn Yahy al-Wanshars (d. 91411508), the fifth volume (as-si!r al-klzamis)
of al-Mi'yr al-mughrib. [Brockelmann G JI 247, S JI 348.J
Varions fiqh lexis
302 folios, 305 x 210 (230 x 135), 33 Iines. Semi-cursive script, black ink
with colours. Loose brown leather binding with blind tooling, worn and
dameged. Many marginal glosses, espeeially on ff. 45-130. Colophon on
197r, dated 17 Rab' ath-thn 1184 (l0 August 1770), copied by Ibrhm ibn
al-hajj 'Ali ;bn Sa'd ibn Ahmad ibn Sa'd al-Jafii' (i.e. of the Gueuioua?).
Folio 1r contains a note dated 25 Rab' al-awwal 1193 (12 April 1779)
conceming the sale of the ms. by the cOpyisl to a cerlain 'Abdarrahmn ibn
MUbammad az-Zadagh alFishtilll. 1 Contents:
(1) ff Iv-44v: Abu 'Abdallah Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn al-Hattb alMalik1 ar-Ru'ayn (d. 95411547), Tahrir al-kalam Jf masa'il al-il/iUim (also
known as /l/izamat al-Hattab). [Brockelmann S JI 526.)
(2) ff. 45v-130v: MUbammad ibn Ahmad al-Mayyara (d. 107211662),
commenrary on Ihe Lmi'ya of 'AIT at-Tujlb az-Zaqqq (d. 91211506) on the
duties of the qdi, with glosses by Ahmad ash-Shard (?). [Brockelmann S JI
(3) ff. 131\'-155r: Abu l-'Abbas Ahmad ibn Qsim al-Judham (?), known
as Ibn al-Qabbab al-Fas, commentary on Abu Yahy Ibn Jama'a al- Tunis,
Ki/lib al-bu)'Ii'. (Brockelmann S N [666, S JI 346 and 975 nr 36.]
(4) ff. 155v-197r: Abu Slim 'Abdallah ibn Muhammad ibn Ab Bakr a1-Ayyash, Irshad al-mushnib (?; i/ !ahm Ma 'lina/ al-muklasib, i.e. a
commenlary on his Ma 'anal al-mukrQsib WQ bughyar Ql-ltijir


which is Ihe vcrsification of Ibn Jama'a's Ki/ab a/-bu)'Ii'. The texl was
completed by the author on 7 Dhu l-Qa'da 1073 (l3 June 1663) in the Holy
Mosque (al-masjid a/-hllram) at Mecca. Cf. also ms. 103, text (4). [Not
mentioned by Brockclmann.]
(5) ff. 197v-213r: al-l:Iasan ibn Rahhl al-Ma'dan (d. 1140/1728), a/Irti!aq Jf masa 'il min al-is/ihqaq. 1Brockelmann S JI 696. J
(6) ff. 214r-273r: Abu Abdallah Muhammad ibn Abdallah ibn
Mubammad a1-Yafrn al-Miknas (d. 919i1513), Ki/ab a/-maja/is.

[Brockelmann S II 338 and Nachtrilge.]
(7) ff. 273v~300v: Ab Zayd 'Abdarrahman ibn Ab! Muhammad
'Abdalqiidir ibn 'Ali ibn Ab!I-Mahsin Ysuf al~Fiis (d. 1096/1685), Kittib
at~taysfr wa t~tas 'hl1 ft dhikr ma aghjalah sh~shaykh Kha1t1. [Brockelmann
G II 460.)

Fiqh texl

Ca. 150 folios, 325 x 215 (280 x 180), 33 lines. Cursive script, light
brownink. Text damaged by water and illegible in many places. Loose nonmatching brown leather binding with blind 100ling, worn and damaged. 18th19th century. 1 Conlents: unidentified jiqh commentary ('ibdilt), beginning
and end missing.

ad-Darqiiwi, as-Sfra
400 folios (European paginated "1-798", backward paginated in red ink "1586"), 195 x 290 (150 x 255), 16 lines. Non-calligraphic script, blue and
red ink. Regisler of European make, ruled paper. Colophon on p. 798,
copied by Ibr3him ibn Muhammad ash-ShlkI, (i.e. Si Brahim) for Roux.
1 Contents: 'Abdallah ibn al-hiijj 'AIT ad-Darqawl. translation in Herber
proze of the Sa'at an~Nabf by 'Abdalmalik Ibn Hisham (d. 218/834).
completed on 29 ~afar 1361 (17 March 1942). A noIe in Arabic on p. 207
states that 'Abdallah made this translation for his sister Amina bint 'Ali. With
a notebook containing numerous notes on the teXl by Si Brahim. Note: the
translalOr is the brother of the well-known Mu1)ammad al-Mukhtar as-Ssl.
Anthology of traditions
110 folios (paginated (2) "1-162" (4) "'-57" (3)), 180 x 230 (135 x 195),
20-23 Iines. Non-calligraphic script, black ink with violet and green captions.
ln 100se leather cover (195 x 275). Colophon on p. 162, copied by
Muhammad ibn AJ:lmad al-11gh! at Taht al-Hisn (i.e. Ddougadir). dated 20
Rab!' alh-than! 1348 (25 September 1929). Roux has added the following
note: "Le copistc serait katib du cald Sa'id en Tegzirin des Haha
Tamanar." Contents: an anonymous anthology of traditions translated inlO
Berber. The traditions are arranged by subject. With an excercise-book
containing notes by Si Brahim on the firsl part of ,he text (pp. 1-56).

Devotional texts
18 loose folios, 145 x 95 (l1O x 65), 15 lines. Semi-cursive script, black
and red in!<. Title-page in mashriql script. Texl in double red frame (5v-18v).
Dated (f. 8r) DhU I-Qa'da 1087 (January-February 1677). , Contents:
(1) ff. 1v-4v: Ibn Zam1q (d. 89911493), Ristlla; cf. also ms. 48f.
IBrockeimann G Il 253.)
(2) ff. 5v-8r: pan of al-Jazl1I's Daltl'il al-khayrtlt.
(3) ff. 8v-15r: AbU 1-l:Iasan ash-Shiidhili (d. 65611258), al-Hizb al-kabIr.
[Brockelmann G 1 449.)
(4) ff. 15v-18v: incipit of a work by Ibn 'A!a'alHili al-Iskandaran! (d.
709/1309) (1/t1h1 ana 11aqlr ft ghana'l wa kayfa Id a/alt. faqiran ... ).
lBrockelmann G Il 117.]
Collection of verse texls
201 folios (backwards-running printed foliated "199-1"),150 x 210 (l05 x
175), 12 lines. Non-calligraphic script, brown in!<, two different hands (ff.
2oor-179v and 178r-Dv). Register of Spanish ma1<e, ruled paper, lealber
spine. Colophons on f. 193r, dated Rab' al-awwal 1333 (January-February
1915); other colophon on f. 146r, copied by al-l:Iasan ibn 'Abdallah asSarnla\!, dated Ramac)an 1348 (February 1930) (olber colophons by same
copyist in several other places). , Contents: a colleclion of verse texts
entitled Jam' al-mawa'idh al-tnlldiyat adh-dhllhibtlt.
(1) ff. 200r-193r: anonymous, verse text, beginning of tCXI missing; 180
1ines (including three addcd in margins).
(2) ff. 193v-179v: 'Ali ibn Mu~arnmad al-Garsifi as-Samlall, e<honation,
"style imagin" according to a note by Roux, 324 lines.
(3) ff. 178r-170r: AbU Y~ya at-Timll, e<honation; 214 lines.
(4) ff. 170v-146r: 'Ali ibn Mu~arnmad al-Garsfi as-Sarnlall, verse texl
aboul death and the Hereafler; 580 Iincs.
(5) ff. 146v-140v: Mu~arnmad ibn 'Abdallah al-BUshikr aJ-Ba'q1, verse
text on the love of Gad and His Prophet, and about Paradise, 154 lines
(6) ff. 139r-128v: Mu~arnmad ibn 'AbdaJliih al-BUshikr al-Ba'q1, alQaslda al-Bushiknya, verse text in honour of the prophet, 282 lines.
(7) ff. 127r-l22r: anonymous verse text in honour of Ibe Prophet; 123

(8) ff. 122r-115r: anonymous verse text, 170Iines.

(9) f. 115r: part of a verse text in Arabie by 'Abdarrahman al-Jashtm, 15
(10) ff. 114v-112r: 'Abdalwahid of Tizi, verse text, 95 lines.
(11) f. 112v: anonymous, short verse text, 12 lines.
(12) ff. 11lr-96r: 'An ibn Muhammad al-Garsfi as-SamlalI, exhortation,
376 lines.
(13) 96v-79r: al-J:lasan ibn 'Abdallah [as-Sarnla1f] from Dhrii' al-'Abbas!
(who is apparently also the copyist of most of this ms.), verse text in honour
of the Prophet, 412 lines.
(14) ff. 79v-56v: 'An ibn Mul)ammad al-Garsfi as-SamlalI, exhortation,
660 lines.
(15) ft. 55r-43v: Ahmad ibn 'Abdarrahman at-Timl!, exhortation, 310
(16) ff. 42r-13r: 'An ibn Mul)ammad al-Garsfi as-Samlan, didactic verse
text on ritual prayer, 720 lines.
(17) ff. 13v-Ov: anonymous (?), exhortation addressed ta women, 300 lines
adDarqiiw, Tafukt n Ddin
147 folios (paginated "1-287"), 230 X 180 (180 x 135), 17-24 lines in two
columns. Non-calligraphie script, black ink with caprions in red, blue and
yellow. No binding, loose quires. Colophon on p. 287, copied by Miisa ibn
a\-Tayyib al-11gh! al-J:lisn!, dated Rajab 1356 (November-December 1937).
, Contents: 'AlI ibn A\Jmad ad-Darqaw! al-11ghI, Tafukt n Ddin. This is the
Berber translation in verse of a text on the ritual obligations entitled alMajmu' al-mukhtiir min Khatrl by Ahmad ibn 'Abdalqadir ibn Mu\Jammad
ibn Mul)ammad al-Amr al-Maliki (d. 123211816-7). The translation contains
more than ten thousand lines and was completed in 1316 (1898-9). According
ta a note added ta the ms., this copy was presented ta A. Roux as a gift by
Mul)ammad, the son of the author, in 1937. [On al-Amr cf. Brockelmann
S 11 99.]
45 folios
165), 23
(1) ft.

works (autograph?)
(folios missing between ff. 20-21 and 29-30), 160 x 215 (115 x
lines. Non-calligraphie script, black and red ink. No binding.
17th century. 1 Contents:
Ir-11r: 'Abdallah ibn Shu'ayb ibn Husayn ibn IbrahIm ibn

'Abdal'azz al-HilalI from Tali~la, a shon chronicle on what happened
between the people of al-Marakid and the Hilans (i.e. the lIallen of the AntiAtlas). A colophon on f. Il r states that the text was completed by lhe alithor
in 1076 (1665-6). The wording of the colophon, which wrillen in the same
hand as the main text, suggests thal tbrs ms. is an autograph copy.
(2) ff. Ilv-45v: 'Abdallah ibn Shu'ayb al-Hilal, Kashf ar-rumuz, BerberArabie glossary (incomplete at the end, although not much is missing).

Texts on medicine
64 folios (paginated "1-128"), 225 x 170 (180 x 120), 24-25 lines. Small
non-calligraphie script, black and red ink. Loose board coyer. Colophons on
pp. 30 and 128, copied by Ibrahm ibn Muhammad az-Zk al-Magniln,
dated 21 Rama~an 1269 (28 June 1853) and 28 Dhu I-Qa'da 1269 (3
September 1853). 1 Contents:
(1) pp. 1-30: Muhammad ibn 'Al al-Ba'qn, Majmu' al-manafi' fI'i/m allibb an-niifi', a collection of medicinal recipes. The text contains sorne
Berber glosses of Arabie terms, mainly plant names.
(2) pp. 30-128: Abu 'Abdallah Mul)ammad ibn Yal)ya as-Shibb alHasbtuk al-l:Iamid, Jumla min al-Fawa'id al-Tibbfya.
(3) p. 128: incipil of a text (incomplete).

Awzal, al-Hawd; at-Tamuddizt
126 folios, 230 x 175 (185 x 140), 16 lines. Bold script, gray and red ink,
low legibility because of absorbing paper. Loose quires in paper wrapping.
No colophon, 20lh cen!Ury. 1 Contents: Muhammad ibn 'AlI Awzal, alHawd, part 1, with the commcntary by al-l:Iasan ibn Mubarak al-Tamuddizt
(vv. 1-140 missing).

Awzal, Ibn "'i-~aghir, at-Tigharghart
169 folios, 220 x 170 (175 x 1(0),22 lines. Small semi-calligraphic script,
brown and red ink. No binding. Colophons on f. 12Jv, 151r, 156vand 169r,
copied by al-l:Iasan ibn Ibrarum al-Khabbas al-UnK, dated Rajab 1328 (JulyAugust 1910) and Rama~an 1328 (September-October 1910). Contents:
(1) ff.lr-44v: Awzal, al-Halvd, part 1.
(2) ff.45r-121v: al-Hawd, part 2, with 74 extra lines not found in any
other ms. added at the end of tex!.

(3) ff.l22r-151r: Bahr ad-dum', with 8 extra lines not found in any other
ms. added at lhe end of texl.
(4) ff.l51v-156v: Mu~ammad ibn al-Hasan ibn a~-$aghir, proze leXI on
theology and rilual obligations. (Copy by Si Brabim: see ms. 182a.)
(5) ff.157r-169r: 'Abdarra~man ibn Ibrahim at-Tigharghani, verse leXl on
traditions (had17h) , 542 lines, with marginal notes. (Copy by Si Brabim: see
ms. 182a.)

Sid l.Iamm
13 folios, 225 x 175 (120 x 75), 12 lines. Calligraphie script, black ink
with frame and decoralions in gold, green and red. Text on recto sides only.
Red leather binding with blind tooling. Colophon on p. 15, calligraphy by
'Abdalqadir ibn Mu~ammad a~-Sawiri, dated Rama<!an 1317 (OelOber 1909).
, Contents: poem by the famous Sidi J:lamm. Edited by as-Sa'id al-Bariz for
R.L.N. Johnston, finished 6 Ramadan 1322 (14 November 1904) at
Essaouira. The texl, Ihough beautifully executed, is highly eorrupl, and Ihe
calligrapher may have been a non-Berberophone. ICf. R.L.N. Johnslon,
Fadma Tagurramt par Sidi Hammou dit G'zgrouz, Actes du XVIe cOllgrs
imematiollal des onemalistes (Alger 1905), Paris 1906, 2nd pan pp. 100Ill. On Sidi Hamm. sec also 'Umar Amarir, Ash-shi'r al-iimiizfghf almallsab ilii Sfdf Hamm at-tiilib, Casablanca 1987.)
al-l.Iamid, adaptation of the Burda
36 folios (paginated "1-72"), 230 x 170 (180 x 115). Non-calligraphie
script, black and violet ink wilh violet and yellow captions. Sorne simple
decoralions. No binding. Colophon on p. 72, copied by Sa'id ibn Muhammad
al-Matgi al-Kuzmti, daled 8 Ramadan 1309 (6 April 1892). With an
annolated eopy by Si Brabim (154 pp.). , Contents: 'Abdallah ibn Y~y alJ:lmid, translation and tashNr of lhe faml'us Qa~fdat al-Burda by
Muhammad ibn Sa'id al-Bsiri (d. 69411294). Each verse is first wrillen in
Arabie, followed by the Berber "anslalion and added verses. The
introduction and lhe first verse are missing. [On al-BslrT, see Brockelmann
G 1 467.1

ad-Darqw, al-Hikam al-'AI'fya
10 folios (paginaled "1-8" (l) "9-16" (3)), 212 x 135 (175 x 115), 22
lines. Small non-calligraphie script, blue ink. No binding. No colophon, 201h
century. With a copy by Si Brahim. , Contents: 'Ali ibn Ahmad ad-Darqawf,
Berber translation in verse (678 lines) of lhe Hikam of the Egyplian mystic
Ibn 'A!il'allah al-Iskandarf (d. 70911309). According to a noIe in the ms., Ihe
translation remained unfinished due 10 lhe lranslator's lack of time.
[Brockelmann G Il 117.J
Collextion of verse texls
86 folios (paginated "1-171"),300 x 190 (265 x 120),16-17 Iines. Semicalligraphie script, black ink. Register with board cover, ruled paper.
Colophons on pp. 78 and 120, copied by al-J:Iasan ibn 'Abdallah as-SamlalI
of Dhru' al-'Abbasf, dated Dh I-Qa'da 1344 (June-July 1926) and 5
Mu\Jarrarn 1346 (5 July 1927). , Contents:
(1) pp. 1-78: Mu\Jarnmad ibn 'Al Awzal, Bahr ad-dum'.
(2) pp. 79-120: exhortation ascribed to Sd l:Iamm az-Zagruz, 278 lines
(possibly incomplete).
(3) pp. 121-131: Ahmad ibn Muhammad at-1aghaln ar-Rasmk, Qawm
'ijiif, a mixed Arabic-Berber poem, 346 lines. Erroneously ascribed in this
ms. ta Sa'fd al-Kurramf.
(4) pp. 132-171: anonymous exhortation, 642 lines; erroneously ascribed to
Ibrahm ibn 'Abdallah A~nag.


Four mss.

10 folios (paginaled "1-20"), 185 x 115 (130 x 85). Cursive script. Copied
by Ahmad ibn Muhammad al-Mejja!f al-Ifran, dated 16 Jumad l-khira
1321 (l0 September 1903). With a copy by Si Brahim (43 pp.). , Contents:
anonymous Arabic-Berber glossary.

1 folio, 237 x 170 (185 x 110). Non-ealligraphic script, black and red ink.
With a copy by Si Brahim (7 pp.). , Contents:
(1) recto: fragment of an Arabic-Berber glossary. The Berber glosses are
wriuen in red ink between the lines and are not foUy vocalised. Incipit: Kashf
ar-rumz bi 1- 'arabrya wa 1- 'ajamrya fa minhu: alarr! = akal, al-hajar =
avu, aljabal = adrar (etc.).
(2) verso: part of an anonymous Berber compendium of medical recipes:
(... ) idil: ssabun d Ihnna, ng agg"rn d ugu n lazan, ng idammn n wawlil, al
ln ig yan i wudm, ijji insa'allah (etc.).
8 folios in green folder (paginaled "\-16"),230 x 180 (170 x 115), small
semi-cursive script, brown and red ink. No colophon, 20th century. Wilh an
annotated copy by Si Brahim (41 pp.). , Contents: Ibn' Abdallah ibn' Ail (no
nisba) , Majm' al-la'iq 'al mushkil al-walh'iq, a .repenory of Arabie
words in verse (metre lawrl) to be used by tbe "'udl of the mountains" , wilh
a commentary in which ail Arabie words are translated ioto Berber
(incomplete copy). [Sorne notes on this glossary are found in Jacques Berque,
"Un glossaire notarial arabo-chleuh du Deren (xviif s.)", Revue Africaine,
tome XCIV (1950), pp. 357-398.]
Quire from notebook, 21 folios ruled paper (paginated "1-41"), 233 x 170.
Semicalligraphic script, black ink. , Contents: Ibn 'Abdallah ibn 'AlI (no
nisba) , Majm' al-I'iq 'al mushkil al-walh'iq. Wilh a list of berber words
with lheir Arabie translation compiled by SI Lahssen (nol completed).
Collection of verse lexis
III folios (paginated (1) "1-22" (.. ) "69-97" (..
315 x 155 (270 x \30),
16-22 lines. Large non-ealligraphic script, blue ink. Register with board
cover, ruled paper. No colophon, 20th century. Roux remarks in a note "les
pomes t, li, ttI et IV onl t copis sur un ms. aux moins de Sidi LaJ:1sen ben
'Abdallah, taleb chez les Ighallen des Ayt 'Abbas des IdawSemlal."
, Contems:
(1) pp. 1-17: Ahmad ibn 'AbdarraI:unan at-Tin al-Jashtlml, emonation,
300 lines, with interlinear transcription by Roux.
(2) pp. 17-22: 'Ail asSmiihrl al-Garsfi, sermon (agraw) , 88 lines, with

interlinear transcription (incomplete).
(3) pp. 69-92: 'AlI as-SmahrI al-GarsIfi, exhortation, 54 lines (incomplete).
(4) pp. 94-97: 'AlI ibn Abmad al-GarsIfi, qasfda, 54 lines (incomplete).

Fragments of four different mss.


25 folios, 240 x 170 (185 x 105), 20 lines. Non-calligraphie script, brown
and red ink. No binding. No colophon. , Contents: IbrahIm ibn 'Abdallah
A~nag, 'Aqii'id ad-dfn, fragment in good orthography.
1 folio, 200 x 150 (175 x 130), 23 lines. Cursive script, brown ink. No
colophon. 1 Contents: IbrahIm ibn 'Abdallah A~nag, 'Aqii 'id ad-dfn,
fragment. With a clean copy by Si Brahim (10 pp. mled paper).
22 folios (paginated "1-52", irregular), 223 x 170 (180 x 120), 16 lines.
Cursive script, black ink. No binding. No colophon. 1 Contents: IbrahIm ibn
'Abdallah Amag, 'Aqii 'id ad-dfn, fragment.
Ca. 90 folios (pagination "1-177", irregular), 220 x 155 (180 x 105),18-20
lines. Calligraphie script, black ink with captions in red, yellow and green.
No binding. Colophons on p. 177, copied by Muhammad ibn A1).mad ibn
'Abdallah at-TimlI, dated 24 Jumada l-akhira 1143 (4 January 1731).
, Contents: IbrahIm ibn' Abdallah ~nag, 'Aqii 'id ad-dm. Sorne parts have
no vocalisation. Missing parts completed with passages copied from another
ms. by Si Lahssen.
Atiggi, works
Six different mss.


6 folios, 230 x 170 (165 x 110),20 lines. Non-calligraphie script, red and
black ink. Folios sown together, in cardboard folder. Colophon on f. 6r,
copied by Ibrahm ibn al-Qal of l:Ii~n Izig for his friend Mu\1arnmad ibn
Al)mad Awghan, dated 7 Rab' ath-than 1304 (3 January 1887). 1 Contents:
'Abdarra\1man ibn Mas'ud Atiggi (ascription?), verse text recounting the
history of Morocco under the Filal sharHs, obscure style. [On Atiggi, see P.
Galand-Pemet, "Sidi 'bdrrah'man u Ms'ud des Mtougga (Maroc), thaumaturge et pote", Revue de l'occident musulman, nr 4 (1973), pp. 369-380.]

1 folio, 210 x 150, 20 and 22 lines. Non-calligraphie script, red and black
ink. Verso not vocalised. No binding. Colophons on verso, copied by
'Abdallah ibn al-Qasim al-Garsfi, dated ~afar 1231 (January 1816).
1 Contents: 'Abdarra\1man ibn Mas'ud Atiggi (ascription), exhortation.
17 folios (paginated "1-34"), 230 xl80 (195 x 110), 15 lines. Cursive
script, brown ink. Loose folios in cardboard folder. Colophon on p. 34,
copied by al-Hasan al-Adhr' al-'Abbas as-Sarnlal, dated ~afar 1328
(February-March 1910). , Contents:
(1) pp. 1-17: 'Abdarrahman ibn Mas'ud Atiggi, Ghazawt Ibn lajar. Bad
(2) pp. 17-34: al-Ma'dar (U Lma'dr, ascription), qasfda fi l-fahs (?).

6 folios, 230 x 180 (180 x 140), ca. 15 lines. Cursive script, brown ink.
Loose folios in cardborrd folder. No colophon. , Contents:
(1) ft. Ir-6r: 'Abdarrahman ibn Mas'ud Atiggi, Ghazawt Ibn la jar.
(2) ff. 6r-6v: anonymous, exhortation.

1 folio, 210 x 155, ca. 25 lines. Cursive script, brown ink. 1 Contents:
'Abdarrahman ibn Mas'ud Atiggi, first part of text on divination. With a
clear copy, possibly written by Si Brahim (with anaccuracies, 6 folios, 300
x 210).

8 folios, 155 x 145 (125 x 125), 12 lines. Non-calligraphie script, black in,
texl in double red frame. Folios glued logether, in cardboard folder.
Colophon on f. 6r, copied by Al,unad ibn Muhammad of Timguilchl, dated 7
Rab,' ath-lhan 1260 (26 April 1844). First folio damaged. 1 Contents:
'Abdarral)man ibn Mas'd Aliggi, Ghazawatlbn Ja'far.
at-Timfi, Kitdb al-bida'; poem on aFfayyib
Two mss.



108 loose folios, 160 X 140 (110 X 110), 13 lines. Non calligraphie scripl,
brown and red ink. Loose folios (several folios may be missing). Colophon
on f. 107v, no name of copyist, dated 1292 (1875). 1 Contents: al.J:Iasan ibn
Al,lmad at-Timl al-Irazn" Kitdb al-Bida '.
8 folios, 230 X 185 (180 x 120), 35 lines in tolal. Semi-<:alligraphic script.
No binding, loose quire. No colophon. 1 Contents: anonymous poem on a!Tayyib ~aIil,I (incomplete).
al-Hill, Kashf ar-rumz
Two incomplete copies:


38 folios (paginated "1-76"), 230 x 185 (185 x 145), ca. 25 lines. Noncalligraphie scripl, brown and red ink. Loose quires in paper folder. No
colophon. 1 Contents: 'Abdallh ibn Shu'ayb al-HiIal, Kashf ar-rumz (end
2 folios, 230 x 190 (180 x 150). Non-<:alligraphic script, brown ink. Loose
folios in paper folder. 1 Conlents: 'Abdallh ibn Shu'ayb al-Hill, Kaslif arrumtlz, fragment.

Collection of verse texls
19 folios (paginated "1-38"), 180 x 115 (150 x 80), 19-21 lines. Various
hands, brown inlc No binding. Colophon on f. 38, copied by Mul;>ammad ibn
Ihrahim as-Sa!~i at-Tagti, dated 23 Sha'ban 1339 (2 May 1921).1 Contents:
(1) pp. 1-13: M~ammad ibn Y~ya ibn M~ammad at-TIzakhtf,
exhortation addressed at women, ca. 490 lines.
(2) pp. 13-19: anonymous, the story of a woman (Lqisl n yal lawlml), ca.
120 lines.
(3) pp. 20-21: anonymous, on obedience to one's parents (t!aet n
(4) pp. 23-38: Al).mad ibn 'Abdarr~man at-Tirnli, exhortation, ca. 310

al-Hilau, Kashf ar-rumiiz
Three mss. in a board cover.


32 folios, 230 x 175 (150 x 115), 20 lines. Non-calligraphie script, red and
brown ink. Loose folios in cardboard cover. Colophon on f. 30v, copied by
'AH ibn AJ.unad ibn M~ammad a1-Buftasi a1-Azrb a1-Manuz, dated Sha'ban
128X (Iast number illegihle). 1 Contents:
(1) ff. Iv-30v: 'Abdallah ibn Shu'ayb a1-HiJaJi, Kashf ar-rnmuz, two folios
missing between ff. 22-23 and between ff. 29-30.
(2) ff. 3Ir-32v: beginning of a text on the law of succession by 'Arr ibn
Maymn (no nisba mentioned).
6 folios, 225 x 150, ca. 30 lines. Cursive script, brown ink. Loose folios in
cardboard folder. No colophon. 1 Contents: . Abdallah ibn Shu'ayb a1HilaIl,
Kashf ar-ramuz (incomplete).
1 folio, ca. 210 x 140, darnaged. Non-ealligraphic script, red and brown
ink. In cardboard folder. 1 Contents: incipit of a model of an Arabie legal
document, with sorne interlinear glosses in Berber.


Awzal, works
Fragments of two mss.


Ca 25 folios, 220 x 160 (195 x 120), 22 lines. Non-calligraphie script,
brown and red ink. Loose fols. sorne sown together. No colophon.
MUQammad ibn 'Ali Awzal, fragmenl of al-Hawd, part 1.

Ca 75 folios, 210 x 155 (190 x 110), 21 lines. Non-calligraphie script,
brown and red ink. Loose fols, sorne sown together. Colophon at lhe end of
Bahr ad-dumu', name of copyist illegible, dated Shawwal 1202 (July-August
1788).1 Contents: MuJ.1ammad ibn 'Ali Awzal, fragments of al-HalVd, pan 1
and from Bahr ad-dumu'.

Various lexts
Four mss.


4 folios, 225 x 175 (185 x 140),22 lines. Non-calligraphie script, red and
brqwn ink, several hands. Loose folios in paper folder. No colophon.
1 Contents:
(1) pp. 1-5: anonymous, fragment of a Berber teXl on a!chemy. With a
copy of part of the text (10 pp., 230 x 175), and another complete copy (18
pp., 230 x 175).
(2) pp. 5-8: anonymous, several shon lexis and magic squares in Arabie.

5 folios (paginated ,. 1-10"). 110 x 90, 10 lines,
brown ink. Loose folios in paper folder. No
anonymous versee tex[ in which men are warned
mingle wilh jews and the like. With a copy with
pages, 220 x 160).

Non-calligraphie script,
colophon. , Contents:
not [0 let their women
notes by Si Brahim (9

6 folios (paginated ,. 1-12"), 220 x 175 (170 x 130), ruled paper, ca. 20
lines. Cursive script, brown ink. Loose folios in paper folder. No colophon.


1 Contents: anonymous, small Berber glossary, with names of tribes, towns,

instruments and the like. Also sorne lines of poetry by Sid Hammu. With a
copy by Si Brabim (ca 40 pages, 220 x 160).
2 folios. 230 x 185 (175 x 140), 12 lines. Non-calligraphic script. red and
brown ink. Loose folios in paper folder. No colophon. 1 Contents:
Mul)ammad ibn 'An Awzal, al-Hawd, fragment, corrupt. With a copy by Si
Brabim (6 pp., 220 x 160).
at-Tamsawt, works
Two fragments, bath in the same hand as ms. 44.


9 100 se folios. 205 x 155 (170 x 95). 18 lines. Non-calligraphie script,
black and red ink. No colophon, l8th or 19th century. 1 Contents: Dawd
ibn' Abdallah at-Tamsawt, Ssllum, poem on the names of Gad. 300 lines,
completed by the author in Jumiida 1-1a 1166 (March-April 1753). With a
copy by Si Brabim (36 pp.)
30 folios, 205 x 145 (155 x 95), 15 lines. Non-calligraphie script, black
and red ink. No binding, three loose quires. No colophon, 18th or 19th
century. , Contents: Dawd ibn 'Abdallah at-Tamsawt, fragment of alKi/iiya.

Collection of traditions
42 folios (paginated "1-79"). 230 x 185 (170 x 130). 18-20 lines. Semicalligraphie script. red, violet. green and dark bluc ink. Probably copied by
Musa ibn a~-Tayyib al-Ilgh al-J:lisn (same copyist as ms. 64). a binding,
folios sown together. in paper folder. No colophon. With a transcription of
part of the text, probably wriuen by one of Roux's students (44 pp., 230 x
175). 1 ContenlS: anonymous, Berber translation of a collection of traditions,
arranged in chapters according ta subjecl.


al-Qayrawiini, ar-Risila
68 wrillen folios, 300 x 190 (235 x 140), 16 and 24 lines. Noncalligraphie, black and red ink. Register with board cover, ruled paper. No
colophon, the copy was wrillen by Si Brahim. 1 Contents: anonymous,
Berber proze translation of the Risla of al-Qayrawani (d. 386/996).
[Brockelmann G 1 177, S 1301.]

Awzal, fragments
Fragments of a dozen mss.

Berber (and Arabie)

Ca 60 folios, 230 x 180 (180 x 110), 23 lines. Non-calligraphie script, red
and black ink, Loose quires. No colophon. 1 Contents: Muhammad ibn'AlI
Awzal, end of al-Hawd, part 1 and beginning of part 2.

6 folios, 235 x 180 (170 x 1(0), 15 lines. Semi-calligraphic script, red and
black ink. Loose quire. No colophon. 1 Contents: MUllammad ibn 'AH
Awzal, fragment of Bahr ad-dumu' (verses 461-end).
6 folios, darnaged, ca. 230 x 170 (180 x 140), ca. 20 lines. Noncalligraphie script, red and brown ink, Loose folios. Colophon after anNasl1}a, copied by 'Abdallh ibn MUllarnmad (nisba iUegible), dated Jumlida
I-likhira 1295 (June 1878). 1 Contents: Mullammad ibn 'Ali Awzal,
fragments of an-Nasiha and Bahr ad-dum'.

21 folios, 230 x 180, 12-13 lines. Large non-calligraphie script, red and
brown ink. Loose folios. No colophon. 1 Contents: fragmem of Mullammad
ibn 'Ali Awzal, al-Hawd, part 1.

7 folios, 200 x 140 (160 x 110), 15 lines. Non-calligraphie script, red and
brown ink. Loose folios. Colophon at end, copied by Dliwd ibn Ibrahim ibn
'AlI az-Zakr, dated 5 Shawwlil 1285 (19 January 1869). 1 Contents:
Mullarnmad ibn 'Ali Awzal, end of Bahr ad-dum'.

3 folios, 215 x 145 (160 x 110), 17 lines. Non-calligraphic script, red and
brown ink. Loose folios. No colophon. , Contents: Mul)ammad ibn 'AIT
Awzal, fragment of al-Hawd, pan 1.
2 folios (paginated "1-4"), 230 x 160 (180 x 140), 20 lines. Noncalligraphic script, red, green and black ink. Loose folios. No colophon.
, Contents: Mu\1ammad ibn' AIT Awzal, fragment of al-Hawd, pan 1.

76 folios, ca. 230 x 180, ca. 12 lines. Large non-calligraphic script, hrown
and red ink. Loose folios. No colophon. , Contenls: Mul)ammad ibn 'AIT
Awzal, fragments of al-Ha,,'Il, pans 1 and 2.
3 folios, 230 x 180 (160 x 130), ca. 17 lines. Semi-cursive script, brown
ink with caption in red. Loose folios. No colophon. , Contents: fragment of
an unidentified verse lext on rilUai obligations. Chapler heading: Ibab Il kra 1
lmasayil galll il Ibidao ax ml skam mddn.
6 folios, darnaged, ca. 230 x 170 (200 x 130),21 Iines. Non-calligraphic
script, red and brown ink. Loose folios. No colophon. , Contents:
Mul)arnmad ibn 'AIT Awzal, pan of al-Hawd, pan 2.
10 folios. 200 x 150 (130 x 90), 9 lines. Semi-calligraphic scripl. red and
black ink. One loose quire. No colophon. , Contents: pan of an unidentified
verse texl on Ihe attributes of God (not by Awzal).
2 loose folios from different mss., 240 x 170 and 230 x 185. Noncalligraphie scripl, red and brown ink. No colophon. , Contents: Iwo
fragmenls of unidentified texts in Arabie on the attributes of Gad.

al-l.Iusayn of the Ayt Bihi, works
Two mss.


30 folios (paginaled "1-57"), 230 x 180 (185 x 120), 15-20 lines. NODcalligraphie script, red and black ink. Loose quires. Colophon on p. 55,
copied by Al)mad ibn 'Abdalkarim at-L.gI, dated 20 Sha'ban 1348 (21
January 1930). , Contents:
(1) pp. 1-55: a1-l:Iusayn ibn Muhammad min Ayt Bihi of Talmest, of the
Nfifa tribe, verse text on tawhfd and sorne legal and religious matlers, ca.
two lhousand lines. One notebook with notes on the lexl and another Wilh
biographical noIes on the author, balh written by Si Brahim, are added to the
(2) pp. 56-57: anonymous, verse texl (possibly by the same author), 54
lines (probably incomplete).
36 folios, 230 x 180 (190 x 140), 16 lines. Non-calligraphie script, black
ink, several hands. Loose quires in paper folder. Colophon on f. 33v, dated
19 RabI' al-awwal 1356 (30 May 1937), no name of copyis!. , Contents:
(1) ff. Iv-33v: al-Husayn ibn Muhammad min Ayt Bibi, texl on tawhfd and
sorne legal and religious maners, ca. two lhousand lines.
(2) ff. 34r-35r: anonymous, verse texl (possibly by the same author), 70
lines (probably incomplete).

Ibn Tnrt, glossary
Two copies of the same tex!.


Two notebooks, ruled paper, 78 and 64 folios, 215 x 170 (190 x 115),
mostly 12 lines. Non-calligraphie scrip!. No colophon. copied by one of
Roux's assislants from a ms. in lhe possession of Mu~ammad al-Mukhtlir asssI. , Contents: Ibn Toiin (name corrupled in the ms.). Arabic-Berber
glossary (probably incomplete at end).

15 loose folios, 185 x 140, ca. 16 lines. Cursive scripl, bad copy. No
colophon. , Coments: Ab 'Abdallah Muhammad ibn Ja'far an-Nahw,
known as Ibn Tnart (narne corrupted in the ms.), Arabic-Berber glossary
Texts on medicine
Arabie, Berber
31 folios (paginaled "1-62"), 230 x 180 (160 x 115),17 and 23 lines. Noncalligraphic and semi-calligraphic script, red and brown iole. Bound in
cardboard caver taken from a notebook. Colophons on pp. 14 and 61. copied
by Balqasim ibn MuI)arnmad at-Tikhfast as-SarnlalI, dated 1293 (1876) and
Jumada I-la 1294 (May-June 1877). With a copy by Si Brabim (77 pp.).
, Coments:
(1) pp. 1-14: Husayn [ibn 'Ali] ibn Talha ar-Ragrag ash-Shawshaw (d.
ca. 899/1493), compendium of medicinal recipes in Berber. This is the
translalion of a work that was originally wrinen in Arabic. ft is not known
when or by whom the translalion was made, but it may have been the copyist
of this ms. [Brockelmann G II 249, SIl 351, this work not mentioned. AsSs, Rijalal al-'ilm, p. 14, Sils al-'iilitrUl, p. 177. AI-l:1u<;lg, fabaqal, vol.
l, p. 177.]
(2) pp. 14-17: anonymous, sorne traditions in Berber.
(3) pp. 17-40: Manual on medicine and talismans. On p, 33 the language
changes from Berber ta Arabic. This may be an appendix ta ash-Shawshaw's
manual enlitled Tadhyl ad-dlbiij (litle not mentioned in the ms.).
(Belween pAO and pAl eighl pages have been lom out of the ms.)
(4) pp. 41-61: Muhammad ibn al-l:1asan a-TawU as-SarnlaIT (d. after
1212/1797-8), collection of models of legal documents, in Arabic. About
three folios are missing al t he end. (The author is also known as Mul)arnmad
at-Tughzift, cf. As-Ss, Rija/al al- 'ilm, p. 92, Sils al- 'alima, p. 195.]
an-Nawaw, fort Y traditions
16 folios ruled paper (paginated "1-3i"), 215 x 140,12 Iines. Semi-cursive
script, blue, black and red ink. Loose quire. With a copy by Si Brabim (74
pp.). , Contents: al-Madan! ibn Mu~ammad at-Tughmaw, Miftiih kalam allIlabawl fi hall alfiidh oll-Nawawl, i.e. a translalion of the well-known
anlhology al-Arba'llll hadlhall by Yahya ibn Sharaf an-Nawaw (d.
676/1278). Wilh a copy and noIes in a notebook (74 wrinen pages). The Iille


occurs in the Berber texl as Tasarut

[Brockelmann G 1 396.)


wawal n Sidi nnabi nng.

Collection of verse texts
Notebook, 56 pages text, ruled paper, 220 X 170, 10 lines. Non~alligraphic
script, black and red ink. Colophons on pp. 17, 40 and 56, copied by Si
Brahim, dated 1364 (1945). 1 Contents:
(1) pp. 1-17: Ahmad ibn 'Abdarrahm3n at-Timl, verse text on the
teachings of Islam, 166 lines (copied by Si Brahim afrer a ms. dated 1361).
(2) pp. 19-40: MuJ:tanunad ibn 'Abdallah al-BshikrI, al-Qasfda alBushiknya, incipit missing (possibly a copy of ms. 168a).
(3) pp. 41-56: Mul)ammad al-Ma'darI al-WltItI, verse texl, 130 lines
(copied by Si Brahim after a ms. dated 1348 copied by al-Hasan ibn
'Abdallah as-SarnlaII).
Various texls
Arabic, Berber
Ca. 20 folios, various SilOS. Semi-cursive and non-calligraphic script. Loose
folios in envelope. No colophon. 1 Contents: various texts in Arabic and
Middle-Atlas Berber, in proze and in verse.
Notebook without caver. 30 written pages, ruled paper, 220 x 165, 22 lines.
Semi-cursive script, black ink. Berber not fully vocalised. No colophon.
1 Contents: historical texl in Arabie, wilh Berber translation in parallell
column. The Berber is probably a Middle-Atlas dialect. The Arabic is
unvocalised, the Berber is only partly vocalised. Title of the first chapler:
Dhikr mulak ad~awla al- 'alawrya = Astay n rwala n igldan iBlawiyn.
al-Taghatini, Qawm 'ija!
Two copies of the same text.


4 loose folios, 230 X 180, 25 lines. Semi-cursive script, black ink. No
colophon. 1 Contents: Al)mad ibn Mul)arnmad al-TaghatIni ar-Rasmki,
Qawm 'ijii!, humorous mixed Arabic-Berber poem. An alternative title is

Rihlal al-hurriU. The verses are numbered 1-49 and 80-208. With a copy by
Si Lahssen (16 pp.).
10 weiuen pages, culed paper, 220 x 170, 12 lines. Non-calligraphie script,
blue in!<. Notebook Wilh board caver. Copied by Si Othman. 1 Contents:
(1) pp. 1-9: A\1mad ibn Mu\1ammad at-Taghatini ar-RasmkI, Qawm 'ijiif;
(2) pp. 11-12: anonymous, a short mixed Arabic-Berber poem.

Sa'id Una\lif, poem on at-Tijiini
58 folios, culed paper, 220 x 160, 10 lines. Non-calligraphie script, blue and
black in!< and red ballpoinl. Notebook. No colophon, ca. 1950. 1 Contents:
Sa'id ibn Mu\1ammad Una\lif Amgun, verse lexl on shaykh A(1mad at-Tijni
(d. 123011815), his awriid and lhe shunil of the Tijniya brotherhood, ca.
560 lines (probably incomplete).

at-Tamsawti, al-Kifiiya
Register book, hard caver. 176 pages text, 350 x 220 (270 x 115), 18
lines. Non-calligraphie script, red and black in!<. Copied by Si Brahim after
ms. 44. 1 Contents: Dwd ibn 'Abdallah at-Tarnsawll, al-Kifiiya.
al-HiliiJi, Kashf ar-rumz
95 folios, culed paper, 300 x 230 (220 x 165), 14 Iines. Non-calligraphie
script, writing on recto only. Register book, hard caver. Copied by Si
Drahim, dated 19 December 1946. 1 Conlents: 'Abdallh ibn Shu'ayb alHilaIi, Kashf ar-rumz. Copy made on the basis of several mss., with
variants mentioned in notes at lhe bouom of the page.
Collection of verse texts.
Collection of mss. containing verse texts, mainly by Ahmad at- Timl. Ali
mss. are accompanied by a copy and notes by Si Brahim.


7 folios (paginated "1-13"), 230 x 190. 18-22 lines. Semi-cursive script,
darkbrown ink. Copied by Ml.)ammad ibn 'Abdallah al-Garslfi. , Contents:
Abmad ibn 'Abdarrabman at-Timlj, verse text on the attributes of Gad and
the merits of the Prophet, 193 lines. Same text as 98(f).

2 folios, 230 x 145, ca. 22 lines. Same hana as 98a. , Contents: Al)mad ibn
'Abdarra!)man at-Timlj, verse text on the attributes of Gad, 87 lines

1 folio, 230 x 180, ca. 21 lines. Semi-cursive script, brown ink. Copied by
Mul,larnmad ibn 'Abdallah al-Garslfi. , Contents: Abmad at-Timlj, verse text
on the attributes of Gad, 36 lines in two columns.
5 folios, 230 x 150, ca. 24 lines. Semi-cursive script, brown ink. No
colophon. , Contents: Abmad at-Ti mil, verse text, 218 lines (complete).

6 folios, 230 x 180, ca. 15 lines. cursive script, black ink. Copy dated 1349
(1930-1). , Contents: Three verse texts, probably by Abmad at-Timlj, 124,
17 and 13 lines. The 10ngest text is about the prophet Mus,L Badly written
5 folios, 180 x 145, 19 lines. Semi-cursive script, brown ink. , Contents:
Al)mad at-Timlj, verse text (fragment). Same text as 98a.

3 folios (paginated "1-6"), 230 x 180, 18 lines. Cursive script, brown ink.
, Contents:
(1) p. 1: two short poems in Arabic, the second by Abu Zayd at-Timlj (6
and 5 abyar)
(2) pp. 2-6: anonymous verse text on the Prophet and BilaI, 90 lines (end


9 folios (paginaled "1-18"),230 x 180, ca. 25 Iines, lext in two columos.
Semi-cursive scripl, brown in!<. Copied by Muhammad ibn .Abdallah alGarsifi (sec p. 7), undaled. 1 Contenls:
(\) pp. 1-3: magical recipe in Arabic and a poem or invocation in Arabic
(fa hadhihi qasrdat as-sharifft tahqrq sana 'i' as-sharif. 65 abyar).
(2) pp. 3-4 and 5-6: anonymous, verse leXl on the attributes of God, 52
lines, marked "III" at beginning of p. 6.
(3) p. 5: "1", magical recipe in Arabic, "n" (part of) a poem in Arabic by
AbU 1-' Abbas AbU Zayd at-TimIT.
(4) p. 6: "IV", recipe (?) in Arabic (in margin).
(5) p. 7: 'v", Ahmad ibn 'Abdarrahman at-Timli, verse lexl on the
attribules of God, 36 lines.
(6) p. 8: "VI", anonymous, shon verse text, 22 lines.
(7) pp. 8-9 "vn", anonymous, shon verse lexl on pious expressions, 70

(8) pp. 10-11: "VIII" , anonymous, verse leXl, 60 lines.

(9) pp. 11-l3: "IX", anonymous. verse lexl. 86 lines
(10) pp. 13-16: "x", A!,lmad ibn 'Abdarrallman at-Timl, verse lext on lhe
attributes of God, 166 Iines. Same text as 91(a).
(11) pp. 16-17: "Xt", Ahmad ibn 'Abdarrallman at-Timl, verse text. 56
(\2) pp. 17-18: "xn", Ahmad ibn 'Abdarrahman at-Timl1, verse text, 60
16 folios ruled paper, 310 x 210, in pink cover. "7 MSS arabo-berbres
recopis et annols par Si Brahim. "
ash-Shibb, treatise on medicine
Large register book, 155 pp. tex!, 365 x 270. Copied by Si Brahim.
1 Conlents: M~ammad ibn al-I:\asan ash-Shibb' al-Hashtk al-I:\amidl asSUs, Jumla min al1awa 'id ll!-libbrya.
Various texts
Ca. 250 folios, 92 x 92. Non-calligraphic and semi-cursive script, black,
brown and red in!<, various hands. Loose and dameged leather binding.


1 Contents: a collection of shorts texts, prayers, etc., including (parts of) alJazl's Daia 'il al-khayrl1r, al-Bsr's Q~iaar al-burda and Ibn 'A.shir's
al-HilaI, Kashf ar-rumz
17 loose folios in green cover (pagination "1-34"), 210 X 155 (185 x 120),
30-35 lines. Serni-cursive script, brown and red ink. No colophon, 18th-19th
century. 1 Contents: 'Abdallah ibn Shu'ayb al-Hiliil, Kashf ar-rumuz
(beginning and end missing).
Devotional texts


Ca. 100 loose and disordered folios, 110 x 113 (82 x 72) (oblong), 8 lines.
Non-calligraphic script, black ink with colours, text in violet frame, with a
few simple decorations. No colophon, 19th-20th century. 1 Contents: parts of
al-Jazl's Dal 'il al-Khayrtit.
16 loose and disordered folios, 113 x 110 (80 x 70), 9 lines. Noncalligraphic script, brown ink, text in blue frame. 1 Contents: parts of alBusr, Qasfdat al-Burda.
4 folios, 93 x 72 (65 x 45), 9 lines. Non-calligraphie script, brown and red
ink. 1 Contents: fragment of an unidentified text.
Collection of fiqh texts
82 folios, sown together, 170 x 120, varying layout. Non-calligraphic and
semi-cursive script, brown ink, several hands. Numerous marginal glosses
lhroughout the ms. No colophon, 18th or 19th century. 1 Conlents:
(1) ff. Ir-65v: Ibn 'A.sim, Tuhfat al-lzukkam.
(2) ff. 66rv: anonymous urjuza (ff tafst1 al- 'aqti 'id).
(3) ff. 67r-68v: Abu 'AbdalHih Mu\>arnmad ibn Ghiiz, urjuza on Ihe
mushkill1r ar-Ristila. This is probably the MalUjhum f nadhti'ir Ristilat alQayraWtinf by Ibn Ghiiz al-Miknas [Cf. Brockelmann S II 338.J [Roux: see

Ibn Zaydan, llhaj, IV:9.]
(4) ff. 69r-78v: AbU Salim 'Abdallah ibn Muhammad ibn Ab Bakr al'Ayyash, versification of Ibn Jama'a's Killib al-buYI/'; cf. also ms. 58, texls
(3) and (4).
(5) f. 79rv: sorne noIes (f. 80v blank).
(6) ff. 80v-82r: Ihe LAmi'ya of az-Zaqqaq, end missing; cf. ms. 58, text
(2). [Brockelrnann S " 376.]
Various lexIs
Ca. 150 loose and disordered folios, 210 x ISO (150 x 80), 23 lines. Noncalligraphie naskh, black and red ink. No colophon, 17th-18th cemtury.
1 Contents: anonymous commentary on a grammatical treatise, with frequent
references to ad-Danawshar.
al-Fas, urjl/za
10 folios, one loose quire, 215 x 155 (145 X 100), 18 lines. Semi-cursive
script, black and rai ink. Copied by Idns ibn 'Abdallah al-Wadghr alJ:Iasan from an autograph ms. (min khall mu 'allifihi), dated 23 Shawwal
(year iIIegible), probably 18th cemury. 1 Contents:
(1) ff. 1r-7r: Mu~ammad ibn 'Abdassalam al-fasI, urjl/za. [Author
mentioned by Brockelmann, S " 698.1
(2) ff. 7r-8r: a certificate (sama 'a) written by the aUlhor himself .
(3) ff. 8r-lOr: urjl/za on SI/raI Al 'Amran, possibly by the same author.

Commentaries on al-Qur!ub and as-Ss
36 folios, ca. 190 x 150 (170 x 100), 25 lines. Non-calligraphie script,
brown and red ink. Folios sown together. 1 Contents:
(1) ff. 1r-28v: anonymous, commentary on an urjl/za on marriage by Ibn
Ma'mUn al-QurtubI, 107 abylll, completed in Ramadan 1069 (May-June
1659). [Not mentioned by Brockelmann (?).]
(2) ff. 28v-36: The 'Aqfda of 'Abdallah ibn Sa'Id as-SUsI, with an
anonymous commentary. [This is probably 'Abdallah ibn Sa'Id al-MannanI
al-J:Ia~I (d. 1012/1603), author of a 'aqlda sughra, cf. as-SUsI, Rija/lll al'ilm, p. 51 and Sus al-'Uma, p, 182. Cf. also al-lfranI, Nuzhal al-Mdl, ed.
Houdas, translation p, 343.J

22 loose folios from several mss., ca. 2.10 x 155.
mainly of fiqh texts; ail texts incomplete.

Contents: fragments,

as-Say! al-hiisim
Ca. 100 100se folios, 230 x 170. Semi-cursive script, black and violet i,.1k,
main text in two different hands. No colophon, but 1284 (1867-8) mentioncd
in texl. , Contents: Anonymous commentary on a poem entitled as-Sayj alhiisim jr sulok al-qutb al-humiim Ahmad ibn Salim (end probably missing).
The lexl mentions the Tijaruya and Constantine (Qusamrna).
Poems on the Prophet


9 folios, 220 x 150 (195 x 110), ca. 20 lines. Semi-cursive script, brown
ink. On paper caver: "EI-Halabi." , Contents:
(a) ff. Ir-9v: anonymous, acephalous collection of poems on the Prophet.
(2) ff. 9v (different hand): anonymous sennon on the merits of the
Achoura celebration (khutba ft jadl 'shOra ').
2 folios, 217 x 157 (160 x 105). Non-calligraphic script, black ink with
several colours. , Contents: poem on the Prophel, 55 verses; cach bayt
begins and ends with the name Muhammad written in coloured ink.
Text on the pilgrimage
24 100se folios, 200 x 150 (155 x 100),24 lines, and II loose folios, 185
x 150 (155 x 100), 24 lines, in disorder. Non-calligraphic script, black and
red ink. , Contents: parts of an unidentified text on the rimaIs of the
Fiqh commentary
6 folios, loose quire, 205 x 145 (145 x 90), 27 lines. Cursive script, black
and red ink. , Contents: fragment of afiqh commentary (on isti 'ara).




2 folios, ca. 215 x 110 (190 x 110). Cursive script, black ink. 1 Contents:
a qasrda of 66 abyiit by Mu~ammad ibn 'Abdal'azz al-HisnI al-Ya'qbI (d.
before 1250/1834). [Cf. as-SsI, Rijalar al- 'ilm p. 96. J

1 folio. 200 x 150. Cursive script, black ink. 1 Contents:
(1) recto: explicit of a text on the 'ibtidt by Ab I-Qasim a1-Ghl alFishtaJI. dated RabI' al-awwal 1081 (July-August 1670).
(2) verso: a poem by Ab 'Abdallah Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn
'Abdarrahmiin al-BakrI, daled 1085 (1674-5).

1 folio, 210 x ISO. Cursive script, blackink. Fragment. At the end the
Ajwiba of ash-Shaykh al- WarzazI are mentioned.
Various texts
2 loose folios, 205 x 140. Cursive script, brown ink, IWO different hands.
, Contents:
(1) f. Ir: short text on the ghusl.
(2) f. 1v: a khutba.
(3) f. 2r: explicit of a qa~rda on the Prophet.
(4) f. 2v: a short qasrda on the Prophet, and the incipit of another qasida
eompnsed by "EI-Ima.n Sahili" aecording ta a note on the caver.
Fiqh commentaries (fragments)


19 loose folios, 245 x 175 (165 x 100),27 Iines. Semi-cursive script, black
and red ink. 1 Contents: pan of an unidcntiled fiqh commentary (shuj'a,

1 folio,.240 x 170 (175 x 95),27 lines. Semi-cursive script, black and red
ink. 1 Contents: part of an unidentifiedjiqh commentary (Jaslfi l-mUltJra'a).
Collection of (parts 00 manuscripts


9 loose disordered folios, 185 X 140 (150 X 1(0), 25 lines. Semi-cursive
script, brown and red ink. 1 Contents: part of an anonymous text on
5 loose folios, 210 X 155 (145 x 90), 24 lines. Serni-cursive script, brown
and red ink. 1 Contents: Abu Zayd 'Abdarrabman ibn a1-Qag (no nisba) ,
treatise on the riwtJya of Warsh (complete).
liSe (al-Qal~di, autograph)
2 folios, 210 X 150 (140 x 90),24 lines. Serni-eursive script, black and red
ink. Colophon on f. 2r, dated 3 MuJ:Iarrarn 849 (Il April 1445), copied by
the aUlhor (katabahu bi khalt yadihi) in Tunis. 1 Contents:
(1) ff. Ir-2r: a1-QaI~iid, explicit of a text on arithmetic.
(2) f. 2v: a1-QaI~d, incipit of another text on arithmetic.
The ms. is apparently an autograph of the author of the two texts, 'Arr ibn
MuJ:Iammad a1-Qurashr al-Qal~adr (d. 891/1486). [Brockelmann G 11 266.]
10 folios, loose quire, 190 x 140 (145 x 90), cursive mashriq/ script, black
and red ink. 1 Conlents: part of a text on granunar.
3 folios, 210 x 150 (140 x 110), 24 lines. Semi-cursive script, brown and
red ink. 1 Contents:
(1) ff. 1r-3r: explicit of a text on astronomy.
(2) f. 3v: incipit of a treatise on the working of the astrolabe. The title may
be Jam' ahammtlt al-muhtaj fi 'ilm al-m/qat. [Not mentioned by
Brockelmann .)

2 folios, 205 x 150 (175 x 105), ca. 30 lines. Semi-cursive script, black
and red ink. 1 Contents: incipit of a text by 'Ali ibn Ahmad (no nisba) on the
law of succession (al-farii'itf).
2 folios, 205 x 155 (170 x 95), 27 lines. Semi-cursive script, black ink.
1 Contents:
(1) Part of a text on astrology.
(2) Anonymous qa~[da of 14 abyiit on astrology, "ascribed to an Indian
scholar" (I1Ulnsaba i/a ba'q al-'ulamii' min al-Hind), complete.
1 folio. 200 x 145 (165 x 110), ca. 25 lines. Semi-cursive script, black ink.
1 Contents: Abu I-Qasim al-Ghazj as-Sijilmasj, incipit of a lener. [Cf.
Brockelmann S 11 696.]
8 folios, 195 x 145 (140 x 85), 19 lines. Semi-cursive script, black and red
ink. 1 Contents: several texts by Al,unad ibn' Abdalliih ibn al-Qa<! al-FiJiiJj
as-Sijilmasj, among them one on holy war vihiid). [Not mentioned by
Brockelmann .]
15 loose folios of varying size, fragments of several mss.
al-Bitijrj (?)
13 loose folios, 205 x 150 (150 x 100). 12 lines. Semi-cursive script,
brown ink with red and green. 1 Contents: part of an anonymous poem,
possibly al-Bu!Irj's HamZi'ya.

Collection of (parts of) manuscripts


2 folios, 210 x 155. Semi-cursive script, black and red ink. Copied by
Mu~amnmad ibn IbrahIm ibn al-Hasan al-Anam (?) al-MallUll, dated RabI'
al-awwal 1177 (September-October 1763). 1 Contents:

(1) ff. lrv: explicit of a text bl' Mu~amrnad ibn Sa'Id al-MarghItI (d.
1089/1678) (cf. ms. 48d). [Brockelmann G II 463, S II 707.J
(2) 1. Iv: incipit of a jawab bl' Ab 'Abdallah Muh.ammad as-~aghIr ibn
Mu~anuuad al-Manl'ar.
(3) 1. 2r: anonl'mous poem of 21 abyat on the monlhs of the solar l'ear
(4) 1. 2v: incipit of the Rasa 'il of ai-Hasan al- YsI (d. 1102/169\).
[Brockelrnann G II 455, S II 675.]
14 loose folios, 195 x 140 (150 x 100), ca. 27 lines. Small non-calligraphie
script, black and red ink. 1 Contents: parts of a grammatical treatise,
possibll' a cornmentary on the Ajurrumlya.
15 loose folios, 200 x 155 (170 x 110), ca. 25 lines. Small non-calligraphie
script, black and red ink. , Contents: parts of a commentary on Ibn 'Ashir,
al-Murshid al-mu '(no
9 folios, 135 x 107 (87 x 60), 16 lines. Small semi-calligraphie script,
black ink with red, green and yellow. , Contents: part of a treatise on the
'iblidat, possibly the Mukhtasar of KhalII.
8 folios, loose quire, 165 x 120 (130 x 75), ca. 25 lines. Semi-cursive
script, black and red ink. , Contents: part of KhalIl's Mukhtasar.
24 100se folios, 150 x 110 (110 x 65), 18 lines. Non calligraphie script,
black and red ink. , Contents: part of a fiqh text, probably KhalTI 's
10 100se folios, 220 x 180 (190 x 120), 15 lines. Cursive scrip[t, brown
ink. Copied bl' M~amrnad al-Mubarak ibn Muhammad ibn Qasim ibn' Al!
of the At Messaoud, dated Safar 1283 (June-July 1866). , Contents: 'Al
[ibn Mu~arnmadl Ibn al-Barr ar-RibatI (d. 73011330), ad-Durar al-lawami',
incomplete. [Brockelmann G II 248.]

8 100se and disrdered folios, 22.1 X 180 (160 X 110), 17 Iines. Semicalligraphie script, black ink with red and blue. 1 Contents: Ibn al-Bani arRibati, ad-Durar al-lawami " incomplete (cr: ms. 117g).
15 folios of varymg size. Fragments of manuscripts, all texts incomplete.



Collection of fragments of mss., letters, documents and magical recipes, all

of small sze and of coarse quality. One fragment contains a primitive
drawing of a masque.
Large number of loose folios of varying size. Fragments of mss., letters,
recipes. etc. None of the texts is complete.


Large numbcr of loosc folos of varying size. Pans of several different mss.
All tex!s are incomplete. 1 Contents (among others):
- Muharmnad ibn Sa'id al-Busiri, al-llamz(l'a;
- al-Zayy;U, Kitab az-zakah;
- Muhammad ibn al-Tayyib at-Tihaml as-Sijilmasj, treatise;
-, poems recited during a dhikr.
Urjza on medicine
10 loose folios, ca. 220 X 140. Non-calligraphie script, brown ink:.
, Conknts: part of an anonymous urjuza on medicine.

al-Bija'i, text on kariimat
3 100se folios, 225 x 180. Cursive script, brown and violet ink. 1 Contents:
Ab 'Abdallah Muhammad ibn 'Ali al-Farusj (al-Frawsanf') az-Zawawj anNajjar al-Bija'j, text on kllrmat (unfinished copy). [Cf. Brockelmann S II


Large number of loose folios "extrait des archives d'un taleb berbre"; l7th20lh cen!Ury. , Contents: Fragmenls of mss., poems, leuers, magical
recipes, elc. None of Ihe texlS seems to be complete.
al-Qurash" Kashf al-asrar
10 loose folios, 230 X 180 (145 X 120), 23 lines. Semi-cursive script,
brown and red iole No colophon, 19th century. , Contents:
(1) f. Ir: explicit of an unidentified text and two notes on the tabyl1 alqamar and the tabyi ash-shams.
(2) ff. Iv-JOv: 'Ali ibn Muhammad al-QurashI (d. 89111486), Kas/if alasrar 'an 'ilm hlln'f al-ghllbar (end missing). (Brockelmann G Il 266, S Il
Various texts
Arabie, Derber
1 folio, 185 X 155, damaged. Semi-cursive script, brown ink. With a copy
by Si Brahim. , Contents:
(1) Anonymous. Berber poem with Ihe names of Ihe leuers of lhe alphabel.
(2) Explicit of an anonymous Berber poem.
(3) Part of an Arabic glossary of plant names and alchemistic terms,
containing sorne Berber words.
AI)mad al-Wanshar,s" ldah al-maslik (autograph)
13 loose folios, 205 X 140 (160 x 90), damaged and worm-eaten, 25 lines.
Non-calligraphie script, brown ink. , Comenls: Ahmad ibn yaf.tyii ibn
Mul)ammad al-Wanshar,s, (d. 91411508), <!ah al-masalik ila qawa'id Malik
(tille mentioned on f. 1v). The ms. contains numerous corrections and
additions between the lines and in the margins. Colophon on f. l3v:
Wa kan al-fariigh minhll \Va t-tamiim ft ukizrayiit shahr Allah alMuharram al-haram, fatih 'iim sab'in wa thamiini mi'a min hijrat kJzayr
a/-aniim Muhammad, 'alayhi afdal as-saliih wa azkti as-sa/iim, 'alii yad
mll'allifihi al- 'abd al-faqir al-mudhnib al-haqir, 'ubayd Alliih subhtinahll,
riij rahmatihi wa ghllfriinihi wa fadlihi wa ihsiinihi wa jadihi wa
mtiniinihi, Ahmad ibn Yahyii ibn Muhammad al-Wlinsharis.

As appears from the date of the ms., MUlJarram 870 (August-September
1465), it was written by the author before his move from Tlemcen ta Fes in
874(1469). [Brockelmann G Il 248, S Il 348.)
According ta a note, Roux bought the ms. from his assistant Si Lahssen on
16 January 1939.
With two carbon copies of letters in Arabie written by Roux, dated 10 July
and 23 July 1940, in which he asks a certain Mawlay 'Abdarra1)man ibn
Zaydan ta retum this and another ms. which he had borrowed. An added
note says: "Prt M. el-Kebir b. Zidan le 312-1939. Rendu en 1945."
an-Nafzw, ar-Rawd al- 'Jir
26 folios, 215 x 160 (130 x 90), loose quires in paper folder. 20 lines,
non-calligraphie script, black and red ink. No colophon, 18th or early 19th
century. , Contents: Ab 'Abdallah Muhammad ibn Mu\.1ammad ibn 'Umar
an-Nafzaw, treatise on sexual intercourse in 21 chapters entitled ar-Rawd al'atir fi nuzhat al-khatir or altematively Tanwrr al-bitah fi ma 'rifat kayflyat
an-nikiih (titles mentioned on f. 3r). Incipit: al-hamdu li Lfah al/adM ja'ala 1ladhdha al-kubra li r-rijal fi furaj an-nisa '... [Brockelmann G Il 257, S Il
368, "ein sehr obscnes Buch ber die Liebe"; printed at Fes, translated into
English, German and French.]
Varions fragments


Folder, 240 x 190, containing various papers and (parts of) mannscripts,
among others:

- a teaching-contract (musharata) between the Ait Youssef (qabz1at Ayt

Yus!> and a shaykh;
- poetry and letters;
- an amulet;
- a complete copy of the "Ode of the birds and the snare" (Qasrdat at-tayr
wa l-fakhkh, 4 pp.).

Brown envelope, 190 x 240, containing:
- leHers and documents;
- amulets;
- parts of mss. including texts in colloquial Arabie;
- medical recipes.

6 100 se folios, 190 x 135. Large non-calligraphic script, completely
vocalised. Possibly 18th century or before. , Conlents: Traditions (hadrth).

Green envelope, 180 x 120, contajning some (fragments of) letters found in
ms. 8 (an-Najm ath-thllqib).

al-Marrkushi, tex! on medicine and magic
52 wrinen pages in nOlebook, copied by Si Brahim. , Contents:
'Abdarral)miin ibn Sa'rd al-MarrakushI, treatise on medicine [nOl mentioned
by Brockelmann]. The aurhor quotes a work entitled Tahsl1 ghard a/-qiisld ft
tafsr! a/-marruJ a/-wiifid by Ibn Khatima al-AndalusI (pp. 4-5) [cf.
Brockelmann G Il 259]. He also quotes al-1:1asan a1-YsI (p. 50). The alithor
wrote this work for 'AbdalhadI ibn a\-Thir a1-J:IasanI [mentioned by
Brockelmann, S 169].
'AH as-Smhr, verse text
10 100 se folios, brown packing paper, 230 x 180, ca. 12 lines. Noncalligraphie script, black ink. With an annotated copy by Si Brahim (25 pp.).
Colophon on f. 9v, dated RabI' ath-lhiinI 1358 (May-June 1939). , Conler.lS:
. AlI as-SmhrI CL! u Smahr) , verse texl, ca. 240 lines divided into section
(fas/s). Roux adds in a note: "pome d'Ali ou Smaher, pote illeur mort il y
a une vingtaine d'annes chez les Ammeln."

Anonymous verse lexts
12 folios, 240 x 170 (190 x 125), ca. 22 lines. Non-calligraphic scnpt,
mostly unvocalised, brown ink. No binding, folios sown together. Wilh a
copy and notes by Si Brahim in two notebooks (marked 1 and Il, 59 and 44

pp.). 1 Contents: anon)'mous verse text on lawhfd and the prophets. ca.
1,030 lines.
al-Biishikri, Qa~"'da
12 loose folios, ruled paper, 215 x 140, 15 lines. Semi-cursive script, black
ink. Not completel)' vocalised, no text on f. 8rv. 1 Contents: MuJ:Iammad ibn
,AbdaWiIl al-Bshikn, a/-Qaslda a/-bashikTl)'a, poem on the Prophel.
ad-Darqawi, Tafukt n Odin
Loose quires from nOlebooks, 83 wrinen pages, ruled paper. Copied by Si
Lahssen. 1 Contents: incomplete copy of 'Ali ibn Ahmad ad-Darqawj, Tafukl
Il Ddill. With a Iist of chapters (6 pp.).
Colleclion of (verse) lexIs
Berber, Arabie
14 folios (paginated "1-10" (1) "11-27"), 185 x 115 (150 x 85), 15 lines.
Semi-cursive script, brown ink. No binding, folios sown IOgether. Colophon
on p. 17, dated 25 Rabj' al-awwal 1330 (14 March 1912), copied by
Mu~arnmad ibn Ibrahim ibn al-hajj Ahmad al-Mubarak as-Sathj at-TagtL
1 Contents:
(1) p. 1: text in Arabic.
(2) pp. 2-5: A~mad ibn 'Abdarrahman al-Tinj, verse text, 59 lines, with a
copy by Si Brahim (2 pp.).
(3) p. 6: fragment in Berber.
(4) p. 7: explicit of a puem in Arabic by Ibn Na~ir (" ... imoha mill ka/am
lbll Nasir... "), followed by a shon poem of five abylil in lawa melre.
(5) pp. 8-17: Muhammad ibn Muhammad aIHanaj, verse text, ca. 180
(6) pp. 18-27: 'Abdarrallman ibn Ibrahim at-Tigharghanj, verse teXI. ca.
160 Iines.

al-Kunki, works
Two notebooks.


39 wrillen pages. Aurobiography of Ibrahm aI-Kunk (Ssin n Brahim Aknku),
autograph, dated October 1949.
48 wrilten pages. Essay on the traditional schooling system of the Sous
entitled KayfiYai aI-ta'lfm bi naw'ayhi fi SJ, wrillen by Si Brahim on the
request of Roux.

Two mss.


1 folio, ca. 220 X 160, damaged. Semi-cursive script, brown ink.
, Contents:
(1) Explicit of a verse text by Sa'd al-Iburk aI-HilaII.
(2) Incipit of an anonymous verse text on the/ara 'id al-wudll'.
Loose quire, 14 pp. text, 220 x 170. Copied by Si Lahssen. , Contents:
(1) pp. 1-4: Sa'id aI-lburkl al-Hiliil, explicit of verse text; cf. ms. 136a,
text (1).
(2) ppA-14: admonishment to women, possibly by the same author.
at-Timli, verse text on menstruation
Three differe"1 copies of a text on menstruation by ~mad ibn'Abdarral,lman
at-Timl, 130 lines. With a copy by Si Brahim (14 pp.).
3 loose folios, 230 x 150. Semi-cursive script, brown ink. Copied by aIf:lasan ibn MUsa aI-AdhrU'i as-SamlalI.
4 loose folios, 180 x 110. Non-calligraphie script, black and red ink, two
pp. without vocalisation. Copied by ~mad ibn 'Abdallah ibn Ahmad a~
~awab al-Yahyaw, dated ~afar 1325 (March-April 1907).


5 loose folios, 185 x 115. Cursive script, light brown ink.
Gospel of John
106 wriuen pages, rulcd paper. No binding. , Contents: transcription of the
Gospel of John, made by Hammani ou Miloud (a student of Roux) after the
Berber translation in Arabie script published by the British and Foreign Bible
Society. [Linjil n Sidna tisa Lmsih f ufus n Yuhnna - vangile selon Saint
Jean, traduit en Chelha, dialecte berbre du Sous marocain, Alger 1906 (166
pp.). Another edition was published with an English titIe page, St. John 's
Gospel in Shilha, Sousi dialect, [London) 1929 (100 pp.).]
Anonymous verse lexis
Three mss.


7 folios, 215 x 155. Semi-cursive script, brown ink. Folios sown together,
unfinishcd copy. , Contents: anonymous verse text on tawfJ1, same as 139b.
6 loose folios, 230 x 170. Semi-cursive script, dark brown ink, text in two
columns. , Contents: anonymous verse texl on tawhld, ca. 300 lines, same as

1 folio, 225 x 160. Noncalligraphic script, rcd and black ink. Possibly 18th
century or older. , Contents: 85 lines of an anonymous verse text on the ages
of a human being and lhe wonders of creation. The text is similar in style 10
AwzaJ's Bahr addurrul'.
Mixed poem
1 folio 230 x 180. Cursive script, black ink. With an annotalcd copy by Si
Brahim (3 pp.). , Contents: anonymous poem in Arabie, 16 abyiit; each bayt
ends Wilh Berber a yiwi "0 my son!


al-Hana', works


Four mss.
3 folios ruled paper, 210 x 155. Semi-cursive script, black ink. 1 Contents:
verse text on bida' attributed to Muhammad al-Hana'f, ca. 160 lines.
3 folios ruled paper, 290 c 185. Semi-cursive script, brown ink.
Mu~ammad al-Hana'f, verse le xl on Ihe Prophel, ca. 200 lines.

1 Contents:

17 folios, 230 x 155. Cursive script, black and orange ink. 1 Contents:
(1) ff. 2r-4v: Mu~ammad al-hana'f, verse text on rawhid, ca. 100 lines.
(2) ff. 4v-9v: same author, verse teXl on Shaykh at-TijanI, ca. 312 Iincs.
(3) ff. Ilr-13v: same author, verse teXl on sugar and tea, 156 lines.
(4) ff. 14r-17r: same author, verse text on lhe Resurrection, 126lines.
Notebook, 92 written pages, 220 x 170. Copy of mss. 141a-d by Si
Lahssen. 1 Conlents: anthology of verse lexts by Mu~ammad ibn Mu~ammad
of the Ayt Hsayn of /:Ii~n al-hana' (i.e. Agadir lohna near Tata):
(1) pp. 1-14: verse text on bida', ca. 160 lines (cf. ms. 141a).
(2) pp. 15-32: verse texl on the Prophel, ca. 200 Iines, cf. ms. 14Ib).
(3) pp. 33-42: verse lexl on lawhrd, ca. 100 lines, cf. ms 141c, text (1).
(4) pp. 43-68: verse teXl on Shaykh al-Tijanf, ca. 312 lines (cf. ms. 141c,
text (2).
(5) pp. 69-81: verse lext on sugar and tea, 156 Iines, cf. ms. 141c, teXl

(6) pp. 82-92: verse le>! on the Resurrection, 126 lines, cf. ms. 141c, text
Verse text on the Prophet
4 loose folios, 230 x 180. Non-calligraphic script, brown ink. With a copy
by Si Brahim (13 pp.). 1 Conlents: anonymous verse text on a man who saw
the Prophet in a dream, ca. 120 lines. According 10 Roux, the pocm IS
"intressant par la forme et par la langue".


Allonymous verse lexl
2 loose folios, 230 X 170. Semi-eursive script, brown in!<. ff. lv and 2r not
vocalised. Wirh a copy by Si Brahim (16 pp.). 1 Contents: anonymous verse
text. exhortation against usury and the neglect of prayer, ca. 160 Iines.


14isl n ssabiy

3 folios, 230 x 170. Semi-eursive script, black and red ink, partly
unvocalised. With an annotated copy by Si Brahim (II pp.). , Contents:
anonymous, 14isl n ~sabiy. ca. 120 lines, possibly incomplete. [See on this
poem P. Galand-Pemel, "Une tradition orale encore vivante: le Pome du
abi" , Memorial AruJr Bassel, Paris 1957, pp. 39-49, with further

Verse lexts on al-Ifriini and al-Tijiini
3 folios, 230 x 180. Cursive script, brown ink. With an annotated copy by
Si Brahim (17 pp.). , Contents: verse text on al-J:lusayn al-lfriini and on
AJ:1mad at- Tijiini, ca. 160 Iines. The text was composed by or copied for
Mul)ammad ibn 'Abdarrahmn al-Wargiti of the Bani Ibrahim, imam of the
masque al Tasnemt (the text of the colophon is difficult ta read). [On alHusayn as-Sq at-Tinkart al-lfrani, a famous mystic who died at Tiznit in
1328 (1910) see as-Ss, Rijalal al-'ilm, p. 182 and Sus al-'alima, p. 203.J



1 folio, ca. 210 x 150, damaged. Semi-cursive script, brown ink.
1 Contents: parts of two qasidas in Arabic and a fragment of a verse text in
Middle-Allas Berber Wilh a copy by
Si Lahssen (3 pp.).

2 folios, 120 x 110 and 105 x 105. Cursive script, brown ink.
fragments of verse texts in Middle-Atlas Berber.

1 Contents:

Fragments, various formats (9 wrillen pp.). Cursive script, several hands.
1 Contents: fragments of texts in Middle-Atlas Berber.

Arabie, Berber

Six damaged fragments of Ml)3IIlIIlad AwzaJ, al-Hawrj, part 1.
1 folio, ca. 115 x 120 (oblong). Fragment of Muhammad Awzal, al-fJawd,
part 2 (chapter on the law of succession).
2 folios, 210 x 150. Non-calligraphic script, brown and red ink. Fragmeot
of Ibn Ab Zayd al-Qayrawn, ar-Risala.
1 folio, 110 x 85. Amuie!.

Verse text on A\lmad ibn N~ir

2 loose folios, ca. 170 x 140, damaged. Non-calligraphie script, brown and
red ink. With a copy and notes by Si Brahim (7 pp.). 1 Contents: anonymous
verse texl on the silsila of AJ.tmad ibn N~ir (d. 1129/1717), leader of the
N~inya brotherhood; 69 lines, end missing. [On AJ.1mad ibn N~ir, see
Brackel mann S Il 711.]
Sa'id Una"if
Il wrillen pages in notebook, 220 x 150. Copy by Si Brahim of tbe final
part of a text by Sa'id Un""if, see ms. 151, ff. 2Iv-25r.
az-Zagrz, verse text
4 loose folios, 230 x 180. Semi-cursive script, brown ink. With an anotaled
copy by Si Brahim (Il pp.). 1 Contents: Muhammad az-Zagrzi, verse text
in which the aUlhor critieises the slack morals of lhe lime, and protests

against the application of customary law by the inflas; 105 lines, possibly
incomplete. Same text as mss. 152 and 163.

Sa'id Unadif
25 folios, 230 x 180, 17 lines. Cursive script, vocalisation erratic, brown
ink with violet. No binding, folios sown together. , Contents: Sa'id ibn
Mul)ammad Unadif Amgun (of the Mgouna?), verse text on Shaykh at-Tijani
and the Tijaniya, ca. 300 lines, possibly incomplete. Copy by Si Brabim of
part of the text: see ms. 149.

Varions texts
Arabie, Berber
8 loose folios, 230 x 180. Cursive script, brown ink with red and green,
various hands. With a copy by Si Brabim (48 pp.). , Contents:
(1) ff. Ir-4r: Muhammad az-Zagruzi, verse text, ca. 250 lines, incomplete
(same text as l63a-b).
(2) f. 4v: short text in Arabie
(3) ff. 5r-7v: anonymous verse text, ca. 200 lines, incomplete.
(4) f. 8r: short text in Arabie.
(5) f. 8v: anonymous verse text, unvocalised, incomplete.

Verse lexIs
Three loose quires ruled paper, 220 x 160, copied and annotated by Si
Brabim. , Contents:
(1) Anonymous, tawassul against the djinn, wild animais and vennin. 77
lines (7 pp.).
(2) Anonymous, verse text on the jara 'id a/-wudu', 110 lines (10 pp.).
(3) Anonymous, verse text on the ablution (wudu', ghusl and tayammum),
ca. 125 lines (13 pp.).
According ta a note by Si Brabim, these texts were composed by alHusayn a1-Matg (Lhusayn n Ayt Bihi Atiggi), "teacher in the zawiya at
Talmest. "

alHana', works
Two mss., bath with an anotated copy by Si Brabim (32 pp. in total).

14 folios of varying size made from dark brown packing paper, dated 1348
(1929-30). , Contents: Mu~ammad ibn Muhammad al-Hana'T, verse text on
the Prophel, 204 lines.
6 loose folios, ruled paper, 270 x 190. Copied by Muhammad ibn' AIT alWadanT, dated 2 Sha'ban 1355 (30 November 1935). , Coments:
(1) pp. 1-4: anonymous verse text concerning sorne points of lslamic law,
with reference to al-QayrawanT, 126 lines.
(2) Mu~ammad ibn Mu~ammad al-Hana'T, verse text on the Prophet, 204
Verse lexts
10 loose folios, 230 x 180. Cursive script, brown ink. With an annotated
copy by Si Brabim (32 + 5 pp.). , Contents:
(1) pp.
1-19: anonymous, verse text on the Prophet, moral
recommendalons lO women and 10 men, description of Paradise. ca. 246

(2) pp. 19-20: anonymous, explanation in verses of the SI/rat al-Ftlliha, 43

lines. Wilh a lranscription by Roux.
Collection of verse lexis
Brown envelope, 190 x 240. The envelope originally contained a "Recueil
Factice provenant de Tata." The ms. itself has disappeared; it may have been
borrowed lemporarily by Roux who laler retumed il 10 the owner. According
10 noIes by Roux, the ms. contained lhe following lexIs:
(1) A verse tcxt on Ihe Prophel, possibly by al-MadanT ibn 'Abdallah alMmnT (this may also be lhe copyist, cf. ms. 158).
(2) A verse text on the Prophet, possibly by Muhammad ibn' AIT ibn Sa'Td
at-TinzartT (this may also be the copyist, cf. ms. 157).
(3) Dawd al-Tamsawl, verse lexl on tawhid.
(4) Dawd al-Tamsawl, al-Kiftiya.
(5) Dawd al-TamsawlT, verse text on the Prophel.
(6) Sorne pages of hadah in Arabic.

Loose quire, ruled paper, 6 pp. text, 220 x 160. Copied by Si Brahim.
, Contents: anonymous, ch;lpter on obedience to one's parents (/bab Il ttael Il
l\Valida)'tl) , possibly from one of the works of Dawd al-Tamsawt', 45 lines.
Verse text on the Prophet
Loose quire, 10 folios (pp. "1-19", p. "15" (wice), 210 x 155. Cursive
script, brown ink. Copied by Muhammad ibn 'Ali at-Tinzart of 'Unuq arRimaI (i.e. Amguerd Oumlal). With a copy by Si Brahim (36 pp.).
1 Contents: anonymous, verse text on the Prophel, 350 lines.
Litanies, prayers
18 loose and darnaged folios (pp ... 1-36"), 205 x 145. Semi-cursive script,
black and red ink. Copied by al-Madan ibn 'Abdallah ibn Alfmad ibn
Mu~ammad al-MmnL With a copy by Si Brahim (67 pp.). , Contents:
anonymous, Iitanies and prayers on the Prophet, ca. 666 lines (beginning
may he missing).
Three verse texts


Notebook, 31 pp. text, 220 x 165. Copied by Si Brahim after a ms. copied
by Muhammad ibn Ibrahm as-Sa!h at-Tagt dated 23 Sh.'ban 1339 (2 May
1921). 1 Contents: Ahmad ibn 'Abdarrahman at-Timll, verse lext, 304 lines.
Loose quire of ruled paper, 13 pp. texl, 220 x 160. Copied by Si Brahim.
, Contents: anonymous, slOry about the disagreement between (wo parents
concerning the education of their son, 130 lines.
Notebook, 27 pp. lexl, 220 x 165. Copied by Si Brahim, dated 1946.
, Contents: Mu~ammad ibn Yahya al-TIzakht, verse texl, exhortation
addressed la women, 262 lines.

Two anonymous verse texts
10 folios (pp. "1-19"), 205 x 155. Non-<:a1ligraphic script, brown ink.
Folios sown rogelher, in green cover. Copied by al-Hasan a1-Adhru'! al,Abbas. as-Sarnlal! "leacher in lhe Koran schaol of lhe descendanls of Ab
Zayd a1-Garsjfi", dated Muharram 1328 (January-February 1910). With an
annotaled copy of the second text by Si Brahim (24 pp.). 1 Contents:
(1) pp. 1-5: anonymous, verse text, ca. 60 lines.
a1.J:lasan and the troubles following it (ft wafl Mawliiy al-Hasan wa Ijawdii
ba 'dahu), ca. 230 lines.
Arabie, Berber
3 loose folios (pp. "1-6"), 220 x 160. Semi-cursive scripl, brown ink. Wilh
a copy by Si Brahim. 1 Coments:
(1) pp. 1-4: prayers in Herber. According to a note by Si Brahim. these
prayers are weil known. They are recited by men, women and children
during the normal ritual prayers as weil as on special occasions such as
burials, visiting Ihe graves of holy men and lhe two Feasts and other
celebralions (al- '[dan wa l-maiiriJ).
(2) pp. 4-6: prayers in Arabic.
Two anonymous texts
Arabie, Berber
2 loose folios, 180 x 115. Non-calligraphic script, brown ink. With a copy
by Si Brahim (9 pp.). 1 Contents:
(1) Ir: explicit of an anonymous qasda in Arabic.
(2) 1v-2v: anonymous, shan verse text on the arkt1n ad-dm, 82 lines.
az-ZagIiizi, verse text
Two mss.


8 folios, ruled paper, sown logether, 270 X 210. Semi-<:ursive script, black
ink. Texl in Iwo columns. Copied by Mu~ammad ibn 'Ail al-Wadan' a1M.r.l.nl ar-Rabw', dated 15 Sha'ban 1355 (31 October 1936). With a copy
by Si Brahim (2 notebooks. rotai 71 pp.). 1 Contents: MuI)arnmad azZagruz!, verse text on the Hereafter (ft akhbr al-iikhira), 700 lines.

16 pp. text, loose quire, 230 x 180. Cursive script, black and violet ink.
, Contents: MuJ:1ammad az-Zagruzj, verse text (same as 163a).

Varlous texls
Arabie, Berber
With a copy by Si Brahim of 164 a and 164b (one exercise book, 23 + II

3 loose folios (pp. "1-6"),210 x 150 (160 x 100). Non-calligraphic script,
black and red ink. 1 ContenlS:
(1) pp. 1-5: anonymous, verse text on lhe life of lhe Prophel, 168 lines
(2) pp. 5-6: 'Abdarrahrniin al-Garslfi, verse texl, 58 lines (end rnissing).

2 folios, 230 x 180. Cursive script, brown ink. Dated 1339 (1920-1).
, Contents:
(1) 1r-2r: anonymous, verse text, 105 lines (vocalisation erralic).
(2) 2r2v: litanies of the Tijiinlya in Arabic.
Text on 'ilm al-jafr; mixed poem
Arabie, Berber
8 folios, 230 x 185, damaged and worm-eaten. Semi-cursive script, black
ink. With a copy by Si Othman (26 pp.). , Contcnts:
(1) Text on the 'ilm al-jafr in Moroccan colloquial Arabic, anributed 10
Ab I-'Abbas as-Sabtl or 10 Shaykh al-'Ariisl.
(2) Ab Salim Sldi Ibriihlm as-SUSI, mixed Arabic-Berber poem, sorne
verses entirely in Berber (Wilh rhyme!). Text not fully vocalised. [Cf.
Ibriihlm Ab Salim al-Igrarl (d. 127611859-60), as-Ssi, Rijll/iU al- 'ilm p.
1 folio, 175 x 115, semi-cursive scripl, brown and red ink. Attractive
layou!. With a copy by Si Brahim (10 pp.). , Contents: anonymous, two
verse texts (one incomplete).
Anonymous verse texts

Awzal, fragments
20 folios, 230 X 185. Semi-calligraphic script, brown and red ink, text in
frame. Sorne simple geometrical decorations on sorne folios. With a copy by
Si Brahim (31 pp.). , Contents: fragments of the works of Mu!)ammad ibn
'Al Awzal. Incipits of Bahr ad-dum' and an-Naslna, parts of al-Hawd.
Also sorne magical squares.

Collection of texts (copied from ms .. l/l7)


Notebook, 88 pages text, 220 x 170. Annotated copy by Si Brahim after a
ms. copied by 'Abdallah as-Saml,m dated Sha'biin 1348 (January 1930).
, Contents:
(1) pp. 1-29: Muhammad ibn 'Abdallah al-BiishikrI, al-Qasfda albshiknya.
(2) pp. 32-88: 'Ail ibn Mul:lammad al-Garslff, exhortation, ca. 580 lines.

Notebook, 47 pages texl, 220 x 170. Annotated copy by Si Brahim.
, Contents:
(1) pp. 1-13: anonymous, verse text on obedience to one's parents,
niggardliness and fraud (fi Ill'at al-walidayn wa tark tatflf al-mlzan wa
l-ghashsh ft l-mu 'amalat), 124 lines.
(2) pp. 15-26: anonymous, verse text (fi fada'il as-salah 'alii n-nabty), 120

(3) pp. 29-38: anonymous, satire on the judges, sorne of which are
mentioned by narne, 96 lines
(4) pp. 41-47: anonymous, alphabet poem, 64 lines.

1 folio, ruled paper, 310 x 210. Semi-cursive script, black ink. With a copy
by Si Brahim (4 pp.) , Contents: Incipit of an anonymous verse texl.

Notebook, 48 pages text, 220 x 165. Annotated copy by Si Brahim.
, Contents:
(1) pp. 1-8: anonymous, verse text, 72 lines.

(2) pp. 11-16: anonymous, verse texl on the merit of perfonning lhe
prayers with an imam !,ft rhawb al-musaUi ma'a I-imam) , 58 lines.
(3) pp. 19-32: anonymous, verse text on the rilUal l'rayer and the way in
which 10 perform il (JI fara 'id as-salilh wa kflyft'yarihll), 140 Iines.
(4) pp. 35-42: anonymous, verse leXI (fi l-\Vasiya 'ala z-zar' \Va z-zayr
khawjan min al-jii'), 54 Iines.

Notebook, 70 pages text, 220 x 170. Annotated copy by Si Brahim after a
ms. copied by 'AbdalHih as-Sam1:m dated Dh I-Hijja 1348 (May 1930).
1 Contents:
(1) pp. 1-17: anonymous, verse text on the Prophel (fi sh-shawq \Va
l-lIlahabba li Sayyidinti nNaN)'), 168 Iines.
(2) pp. 19-23: 'Abdalwal)id of Tizi, verse lexl againsl the negiecl of rilual
l'rayer, 48 lines.
(3) pp. 25-26: anonymous, verse text on rilUal obligations (JI qawa'id alislam), 14 lines (incomplete).
(4) pp. 29-70: anonymous, verse text on the deaths of the Prophet and his
daughler Fatima. 416 lines.
Collection of verse texts
Two mss.


2 folios. 215 x ISO. Non-calligraphic script, black and red ink. With a copy
by Si Brahim (20 pp .. fully vocalised). 1 Contents:
(1) pp. 1-2: anonymous verse (incomplete).
(2) pp. 2-3: anonymous verse lexl on dealh, 65 lines.
(3) p. 4: anonymous verse (incomplete).

1 folio, 210 x ISO. Semi-cursive script, brown and red ink. With a copy by
Si Braltim (9 pp.). Contents:
(1) Anonymous verse tex! in which (he names of sorne of the Companions
are mentioned (incomple{e).

(2) Anonymous verse text on the Prophet (incomplete).

al-Garsfi, Taniibuh al-ikhwiin
2 folios, ca. 230 x 185, damaged. Semi-cursive script, brown ink. With a
copy by Si Brahim (5 pp.). , Contents: Balqasim ibn Muhammad al-GarsIfi,
Tanabuh al-ikhwan (incomplete). [cf. ms. 188 (8).]
Anonymolls verse text
2 folios, ca. 225 x 170. Non-calligraphie script, black and red ink. With a
copy by Si Brahim (16 pp.). , Contents: anonymous, verse text against the
slack morals of the time (acephalous, end missing).
Deposit; text on ablution
2 folios, ca. 160 x ISO. Cursive script, brown ink.
With a copy by Si Brahim (6 pp.). , Contents:
(1) A note on the deposit of a piece of jewellery in Berber.
(2) Anonymous verse text on the rules of the ablution.


Anonymous verse text
1 folio, 230 x 165. Semi-cursive script, brown and red ink. With a copy by
Si Brahim (9 pp.). , Contents: Anonymous verse text (incomplete).
Anonymous verse tex!
1 folio, 220 x 160. Non-calligraphie script, brown ink. With a copy by Si
Brahim (4 pp.). , Contents: anonymous, verse text in which Shaddad ibn
'Ad, Fir'awn, Dagyus (?), Namrud and Qarn are mentioned (incomplete).
az-Zagrz, verse text

1 folio, 240 x 170. Semi-cursive script, brown ink. With a copy by Si
Brahim (II pp.). , Contents: Mu~ammad az-ZagruzI, verse text on the
events of the Day of Judgment (incomplete).

Anonymous verse texl
1 folio, 235 x 165. Semi-cursive script, brown ink. With a copy by Si
Brahim (8 pp.). , ContenlS: anonymous, verse text on the miracles of lhe
Prophet (incomplete).
Anonymous verse text
Two fragmenls of one text: 2 folios, 230 x 180, Non-calligraphie script,
violet and orange ink, text in frame; 1 folio, 195 x 140, non-calligraphie
script, black and red ink. With a copy by Si Brahim (8 pp.). , Contents:
Anonymous verse text recommending men to avoid women (incomplete).
al-Hana'i, verse text
1 folio, 210 x 160. Semi-cursive script, brown ink. With a copy by Si
Brahim (7 pp.). , Contents: Mu~ammad ibn Mu~ammad aI-Han', verse
texl on the merits (mazayd) of the Prophet (incomplete).
at-Tudgh, at-Tanbh
Exercise book, 58 pages texl, 225 x 170, 22 lines. Semi-cursive script,
black and red ink. Copied by Muhammad ibn al-Husayn of Talaline, dated 17
Mu~arram 1320 (26 April 1902). , Contents: at-Tanbih, proze text on rimai
obligations ('ibtiddt). The texl is written in a dialect of the eastem High
Atlas. Interesting notation of shwa. ICf. following mss.1
at-Tudghi, aI-Tanbh
32 pages, 310 x 210. Semi-cursive script. Loose quire. Copy dated 24
Rama~an 1357 (18 December 1938). , Contents: Muhammad ibn Ayyb ibn
Mas'd at-Tudgh, at-Tanbih: prolO text on ritual obligations, eastem High
Atlas dialect. With Iist of contents (pp. 30-32). Text incomplete. Incipit
identicallo that of ms. 180.

at-Tudghi, aI-Tanbh
43 pages text, 310 x 210. Annotated copy by Si Brahim. , Contents:
Mu~ammad ibn Ayyb ibn Mas'd at-Tudgh, at-Tanbfh. The same text as

mss. 170 and 171, but not exactly the same version.
Verse text
26 pages text, 310 x 210. Copy by Si Brahim. , Contents: anonymous verse,
text, on the rights of parents (maw'idhafi haqq al-walidayn), ca. 280Iin,'s
al-Tudgh, at-Tanbh
7 pages text, 310 x 210. , Contents: transcription of the text of ms. 172. A
special and curious fealure is the transcription of ltm with /n/. The incipit is
as follows: "bdix s-nhemdu ni-nnah, rig ad-d-nawi nisnam, nawi-d awed
Iliman." (1) nfarayd n nudu "obligations of the ablution", (2) tawaSlla n inchi
"knowing God". A letter with details on the aUlhor of the text accompanies
the ms. 1t refers to the text as the "mazghiya de V-Mes'ud recueilli par BaHsin Ain-Leuh en 1936."
Admonition to women
7 pages text, 310 x 210. Copy by Si Brahim, after a ms. not in the Fonds
Roux. The pagination of the original ms. is indicated in this copy.
, Contents: Anonymous, exhortation addressed al women (al-maw'il/ha li finisa '), 84 lines.
Various lexIs
15 pages text, 310 x 210 (235 x 145), 12 lines. Non-calligraphie script,
black, blue and red ink. Text in two columns in red and blue frame. Copied
by 'Abdarraziq ibn Mubiirak al-MazdI. , Contents:'
(1) pp. 2-12: anonymous, verse text entitled Bahr ad-dumu' (not the text
by Mu\1ammad Awzal).
(2) pp. 14-151 various notes, short text on the 11/UtfU', \vith a copy by Si
(3) pp. 17-/9: anonymous, the story of the twoparents and the teacher
(Qasrdat al-walidayn ma 'a /- 'alim), 50 lines, with a copy by Si Brahim.

Text on al-Hayba
4 pages text, 310 x 210 (235 x 145), 12 lines. Non-calligraphic scripl,
black, blue and red inl<. Text in IWO columns in red and blue frame. Copied
by Razzq ibn Mubarak al-Mazd' in Marrakech. 1 Contenls: Mubarak ibn
'Umar al-Wijjani, verse leX! on Mawly Ahmad al-Hayba (hikyac m
lVaqa'a bay"a Ahmml al-Hayba lVa qUlVlVad a/-HalVzjf 'ilm 1330), 66 lines.
Story of Sidi u Sidi
4 pages lext, 310 x 210 (235 x 145), 12 lines. Non-calligraphic scripl,
black, blue and red inl<. TeX! in two columns in red and blue frame. Copied
by Razzq ibn Mubarak al-Maz<,li in Marrakcch. 1 Contents: Mawly all:Iasan ibn Mul)amm.ad (mill dhan)'al Sidi Muhammad ibll 'Amr) of Oued
Noun, lhe story of Sidi u Sidi (Qissac Sit/f u Sftit), 40 Iines.
Story of Hind and Bishr
8 pages text, 310 x 210 (235 x 145), 12 lines. Non-calligraphic script,
black, blue and red ink. TeX! in Iwo colunms in red and blue frame. Copied
by Razzq ibn Mubarak al-Mazdi in Marrakech.
Contents: AJ:1mad ibn
Muhammad at-Timggilshti, the story of Hind and Bishr (Qissat Hilld ma'
Bishr) , 138 lines. A note in Arabic mentions that the text was composed in
1201 (1786-7): lVa Iladhimuh bi /-/ugha al-barban)'a a/jaqih a/- 'alim sidi
Ahmad ibll Muhammad al-Timggilshtf bi Ss

ft lrlkh 6

Ramadilll 'ilm 1201

at-Tudgh, al-Tallbh
14 loose folios (paginaI ion "1-28"), 220 x 155. Non-calligraphic script,
brown ink. 1 Contents: at-Tudghi, at-Tallbih (cf. ms. 170, etc.). The ms.
came from the zwiya of Sidi Lhaj Ameur at El-Han n'1gourramen near
Todgha. With a transcriplion by one of Roux's students (58 pp.). Incipit
identicaJ to thal of ms. 171.

Varions mss.
4 pages text, ruled paper, 220 x 165. , Contents: extracts by Si Labssen of
an anonymous Berber ms. of 68 pages, containing a text on the merits of the
Prophet. A note in Arabie says: huna awwal kirab majhul a/-ism wa 1mu'alli/fi /-hadah an-nabawf,. kana /-asl 'indana.
19 pages text, ruled paper, 230 x 175. , Contents: transcription of three
verse texts, probably copied by one of Roux's students after an original ms.
Arabie, Herber
Sorne small fragments, various sizes and different hands, mostly in Arabie.
Ali incomplete and damaged.
al-Tighargharti; Ibn "'i-~aghir
Copies by Si Brabim of two texts found in ms. 68 (texts (4) and (5).
Exercise book, 50 pages text, ruled paper, 220 x 170 and 220 x 150.
, Contents: 'Abdarra1)man ibn Ibrahim at-TigharghartI, verse text, ca. 530
lines (cf. ms. 68 (5)). With a partial transcription by Roux.
24 pages text, ruled paper, 220 x 150. , Contents: Muhammad ibn al-J:lasan
ibn a~-~aghlr (cf. ms. 68 (4)), verse text, ca. 260 lines.
Collection of lexIs
8 folios (pagination "1-16"), 230 x 180. Non-calligraphie script, brown ink.
Folios sown together, in paper green cover. , Contents:
(1) pp. 1-2: anonymous verse text, incomplete, darnaged.
(2) pp. 3-12: Muhammad ibn Yabya at-TizakhtI, verse text, admonition
addressed at women, 440 lines.
(3) pp. 13-16: anonymous, verse text on the pleasures of Paradise for
women (lbab n Lxir da yfka Rbbi i rmgarin g ljnr), end missing.

Two verse texts
48 wrillen pages, 220 x 170. Non-<:alligraphic script. Notebook. Copy
wrillen by al-Hasan ibn' Abdallah al-' AbbasT as-SamliHi, dated Rama,tan and
Shawwal 1355 (November 1936-January 1937).1 Comems:
(1) pp. 2-19: al-l:Iasan ibn 'Abdallah as-Samlal (i.e. the copyiSl), verse
texl on lhe merils of lhe basmnla and other pious formulae, 216lines.
(2) pp. 20-48: 'Ali ibn Mul)ammad al-GarsIfi, verse texl on the merits of
the Koran teacher (Ilalb), 348 lines.
at-Timl; at-Taghattni
45 wrillen pages, 220 x 170. Non-calligraphie script. Notebook. Copy
wrillen by al-J:Iasan ibn 'Abdallah al-'AbbasT as-Samlall, dated Shawwal 1355
(December 1936-January 1937). 1 Contents:
(1) pp. 1-19: Abu Yahya at-Timll, verse text, 220 lines.
(2) pp. 20-45: Husayn at-TaghattnT ar-RasmukT (ascription, probably
erroneous). verse text on the Hereafter, lO-syllable metre, ca. 400 lines. The
tex! memions S1dT Khalid ibn Yal)ya al-Garsifi (Sidi Xald u lhya, d.
856/1452), a mystic who c1aimed la have visited Paradise and who wrote a
poem in Arabic about it. lA J:Iusayn ibn Dawud al-TaghatTni (d. 924/1518) is
mentioned by as-SusT, cf. Rija/al al-'ilm, p. 19 and Sus al-'tilimn, p. 179, but
it is highly unlikely that he is indeed the aUlhor of this text. On Khlid a1GarsIfi see as-SusT, Rijalal al- 'llm. p. 14 and Sus al- 'alima, p. 178.]
Verse text
5 loose folios, 230 x 180. Cursive script, unvocalised in sorne parts. Wilh a
copy by Si Brahim (41 pp.). 1 Contents: anonymous verse leXl, on obedience
ta one's parents and olher subjecls, ca. 400 lines.
Collection of verse texts
42 folios, 215 x 170. Non-<:alligraphic and semi-cursive script, brown ink.
Exercise book, board caver, ruled paper. Dated RabT' ath-lhani 1348
(September-Oclober 1929). Wilh a copy by Si Brahim (169 wrillen pages).
, Comenls:
(1) f. Ir: anonymous verse lext on ritual prayer.
(2) ff. 1v-9v: S1dT Mul)ammad ibn Muhammad al-Hana'T, verse lext on the

Prophel, his descendanls and his companions.
(3) ff. IOr-19v: anonymous verse lext. The aUlhor mentions his masler Abu
Yahya at-Ti mil, Sldl Khlid and several saints of Aguersif. He reviews lhe
principal ritual obligations, and gues on to lament the death of Mawlay al':Iasan, and talks of the misdeeds of lhe caid SI Sa'ld Aggillul of the Ihahan
and his punilive expeditions in the Sous.
(4) ff. 19v-24v: anonymous verse lexl, exhonalion.
(5) ff. 24 v-27r: anonymous verse texl on the Prophet and on the merirs of
addressing prayers to him.
(6) ff. 27v-29r: anonymous, satirical verse text on the judges, many of
whom are mentioned by name. lIIegible script.
(7) ff. 29v-30r: anonymous, text in which each paragraph begins wilh a
letter of the Arabie alphabet. Unvocalised.
(8) ff. 30v-33r: anonymous verse lext in which each section begins with
one of the letters of the Arabie alphabet.
(9) ff. 33v-36r: anonymous verse text, admonitions.
(10) ff. 36v-38v: anonymous verse texl on rilual prayer.
(II) ff. 39r-44v: anonymous verse leXI on rimai prayer.
(12) ff. 44v-48v: anonymous verse lext on the morals of domestic life. Pan
of the text is devoted 10 the campaigns of Mawlay al-Hasan.
(13) ff. 48v-50r: anonymous verse leXl, admonilions.
(14) ff. 50v-52v: anonymous verse lexl in which Sd Khlid is mentioned
Colleetion of verse texts
Berber Arabie
63 loose folios (pagination "1-126"), 155 x 118 (oblong). Non-calligraphie
and semi-cursive script, brown ink, several hands. No cover. Wilh copies of
ail teXls by Si Brahim in ftfteen notebooks (numbered "1-15"). 1 Contents:
(1) pp. 1-4: anonymous, verse text on the awliyii' and the popular saints
(igorramn), 119 lines, end missing. The lexl menlions IbrahIm Abuzya alHashluki, who was lhe shaykh of the author.
(2) pp, 5-32: 'Abdarral)man ibn Ibrahim at-Tighargharti al-Hawzali, verse
tex! on various subjecis (warning against corruption and us ury , and the merits
of spinning and weaving), 565 lines.
(3) pp, 32-40: Muhammad ibn Yahya ibn Muhammad at-TIzakht, verse
texl, on the obligations of men and women, 179 lincs. end missing.
(4) pp. 41-50: Ibrahim ibn 'Abdallah of Tamaruwl (a village in the
territory of the Ida Oumahmoud), verse text on the miracles and virtues of

the Prophet, 286 lines. [The aUlhor lived during lhe reign of sultan
Mu~ammad (1859-1873).J
(5) pp. 51-65: 'Abdarrahman ibn Ibrahim at-Tigharghan aI-Hawzali, verse
lexl on various subjecls (reciting the Koran, prayers, merits of agriculture,
elc.), 410 lines.
(6) pp. 65-79: 'Al ibn Muhammad al-Garsf, verse lexl on various
subjecls (family values, merits of religious study, obligations of women). 412
(7) pp. 80-86: Balqasim ibn Mu~ammad aI-Garsff, verse text on lhe rilUaI
ab1ulion, 168 lines.
(8) pp. 86-92: Balqasim ibn Muhammad al-Garsff, verse text on the
Hereafter enlilled Tanabuh a/-ikhIViin, also 168 lines.
(9) pp. 92-98: Balqasim ibn Muhammad aI-Garsff, verse texl, 121 lines.
(10) pp. 98-103: anonymous, lhe story of Maw'da, 128 lines.
(II) pp. 104-106: anonymous, verse lexl, 77 lines.
(12) pp. 107-110: Mu~ammad ibn A~mad at-Tamanan, verse text on the
merit of patience (sabr) , 65 lines (possibly incomplete).
(13) pp. 111-112: anonymous, verse text, 45 lines, end missing.
(14) pp. 113-119: Mu~ammad ibn Mu~ammad aI-Hana', verse text on lhe
life of the Prophel and his miracles, lhe onhodox caliphs, 'A'isha, Fa!ima,
Hasan and Husayn, 200 lines. ln a shon appendix of 15 lines, an anonymous
writer mentions l;li~n an-najr as (he tille of this text.
(15) pp. 122-126: anonymous, shon (fragments of) poems in Arabic.
Collection of verse lexIs
98 folios, 220 X 165. Non-calligraphie script, brown ink. Notebook, board
covers, ruled paper. Copied by aI-':Iasan ibn' Abdallah al-' Abbiis as-SarnlaJ,
daled Shawwal 1357 (November-December 1938). 1 COlllelllS:
(1) ff. 2r-lOr: al-':Iasan ibn 'Abdallah as-Sarnia" (i.e. the copyist), verse
text, 204 lines.
(2) ff. IOv-25r: 'Ali ibn Muhammad aI-Garsff, verse text on the merits of
the 'u/amil', 346 lines. [Same text as 184 (2).1
(3) ff. 26r-35v: Ab Bakr al-TimI, verse leXl, 216 lines. [Same tex< as
185 (1)1
(4) fI'. 36r-6Iv: 'Ali ibn Muhammad al-Garsff, verse text on death and lhe
Hereaf!cr, 576lines.
(5) ff. 62r-92v: 'Al ibn Muhammad aI-Garsff. verse text on various
subjcct, devided into sections (fusa/), 740 lines.

(6) ff. 93r-98r: anonymous, verse text on the maw/id and other subjects,
ca. 120 lines.
Ibn Mura""al; al-Hiliili
Arabie, Berber
8 folios, 225 x 180 (165 x 140). Non-calligraphie script, brown and red
in!<. Loose quire in paper folder. Colophon on f. Ir, copied by 'AIT ibn
Mu1)ammad al-Fas! at-Tanan!, dated 8 ~afar 1264 (15 January 1848).
, Contents:
(1) f. Ir: Ibn Mufa9\lal (?), al-Fasih (explicit only).
(2) ff. Iv-8v: al-Hililli, Kashf ar-rumz (end missing).
al-Hab!i; anonymous text
II folios, 310 x 210 (200 x 155), 37 lines. Non-calligraphic script, black
and red ink. Loose quire in paper folder. Colophon on f. Il v, copied by
Mu1)ammad ibn Ahmad as-Sajdalti (i.e. of Tasegdelt), dated la DhU I-Qa'da
1150 (1 March 1738). 1 Contents:
(1) f. Ir-Iv: 'Abdallah ibn Muhammad al-Hab,i (d. 963/1556), urjza on
the legal waiting-period ('idda) and fosterage (radii 'l, with commentary (end
missing). [Brockelmann S 11 693.]
(2) ff. 2r-11 v: anonymous, text on charitable gifts (sadaqiir) , donations
(hibiir) and endowments (ahbiis) , wilh a commentary. The text is dated by the
author 15 Rab!' al-awwal 1077 (15 Novcmber 1666).
Ibn '~im, Tuhfa
II folios, 290 x 210 (210 x 140). Small semi-cursive script, brown and red
in!<. Loose folios in paper fol der. 1 Contents: Ibn '~im, Tuhfar al-hukkam,
wilh a commentary (acephalous, end missing).
Various papers
Arabie, Berber
various papers including a short aUlobiography in Arabie by Lahssen el
Bounamani (one of Roux's assistants). an autobiography in Berber by
Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn' Abdallah of Aglou (al-Jaluwi, Berber GgWglu) ,
and a list of mdersas in lhe terri tories of the Ihahan, Achtouken and

Collection of mss. containing malhan.


10 folios, 220 x 175 (140 x 120), 15 lines. Semi-calligraphic script, black
and red ink. Loose quire. 1 Contents: anonymous, malhan, fully vocalised.
3 folios, mled paper, 310 x 210. Non-calligraphic script, black and red ink.
1 Contents: anonymous, malhan with explanation in standard Arabic, list of
incipits (iftitahiil) of qasrdas in colloquial Arabic.
6 folios, ruled paper, 310 x 210; 1 folio 230 x 180. Semi-cursive script.
1 Contents: anonymous, ma/han, fully vocalised.
2 folios, 230 x 120. Cursive script.
partially vocalised.

1 Contents: anonymous, ma/han,

4 folios, 145 x 115. Semi-cursive
anonymous, malhan, fully vocalised.


brown ink.

1 Contents:

1 folio, 350 x 117. Non-calligraphic script, brown, red and blue ink.
, Contents: anonymous, malhan, partially vocalised.
1 folio, 180 x 112. Semi-cursive script, brown ink. 1 Contents: anonymous,
malhan, fully vocalised.
1 folio, ruled paper, 270 x 210. Non-calligraphic script, black ink.
1 Contents: anonymous, malhan, fully vocalised.

1 folio, ruled paper, 310 x 210. Semi-<:ursive script, black ink.
anonymous, ma/han, fully vocalised.

1 Contents:

Notes on history
A file containing various typed notes and manuscript documents conceming
the hisrory of Morocco, including official leners, sorne with French


The index contains the names of authors and copyists, titles, toponyms and
sorne subject references. In the a1phabetical order the Arabie article, the
subscript point and the 'ayn are ignored. The numbers refer to the numbers
in the Catalogue. When an asterisk (*) is added to the name of an author, the
reader is referred to the biographical and bibliographical notes on sorne
authors of works in Berber found at the end of this book.

a1-'AbbasI as-SamHilI, al-Hasan ibn 'Abdallah (author and copyist), 63,

63(13),72,74, 76c, 160, 168e, 184, 184(1), 185, 189, 189(1)
'Abdallah ibn Mu\1ammad (no nisba) (copyist), 86c
'Abdalmalik ai-HabIb (no nisba) (author), 9(12)
'Abdalwii\Jid of Tizi (author), 63(10), 168e(2)
ablution, 153(2), 153(3), 16ge(2)
Ab 'Abdallah Mu\Jammad ibn Ysuf (no nisba) (author), 36b(4)
Ab 'Abdallah, sultan, 8
Ab Hazim, 3(2)
Ab Muqri' (author), 48d
Ab 'Ubayd al-Qasim ibn Sallam a1-HaraM, 6(8)
Ab Zayd, see A\Jmad ibn' Abdarrahman at-Timii
Aggillul, SI Sa'fd, 187
Aghsan al-bustan, 36b(4)
Aglou, 193
agraw, 74(2)
ahkiim adh-dhakah, 3(4)
ahl al-kahf, 3(7)
Ahmad ibn 'Abdalkarfm at-T[ ... ]gI, (nisba illegible) (copyist), 87a
A\Jmad ibn Muhammad Wa!!an (?, no nisba) (copyist), 15
A\Jmad ibn Msa as-SamlalI, 19(5)
ahwal yawm al-qiyam, 9(7)
An-Leuh, 174
'A'isha, 188(14)
Ajurrnmiya, 52(1), 52(5), 117b
Ajwibat al- Warzazf, 112c
al-Akhcfarf, 'Abdarral)man (author), 3(5)
,Alawf dynasty, 93
al-'AlawI al-Isma'IIf, a1-Mahd ibn Muhammad ibn ai-MahdI (copyist), 50

alehemy, 82a, 125(3)
al-Alfiya, 40, 52(7)
'An ibn Ahmad (no nisba) (author), 115f
'A1 ibn Maymn (no nisba) (author), 80a(2), 80b
alphabet, 125(1), 168b(4), 187(7), 187(8)
Amguerd Oumlal ('Unuq ar-RimaI), 157
al-Amn, Mul)ammad (author), 39
al-Amr al-MalikI, Ahmad ibn' Abdalqadir ibn Mul)ammad ibn Mul)ammad
(author), 64
amulets, 128b, 147d
al-Anjmr (?), Muhammad ibn' Abdalqadir ibn Ab Zayyan ibn Ibrahm
(eopyist), 52
al-Andalus, see Ibn Khatima
al-An~3r, Mul)ammad ibn Ahmad ibn Ab I-Fadl ibn ~a'ad (author), 8
'Aqa'id ad-drn, 15(2),24,28(6), 75a-d
al-'Aqab, al-'Arab ibn Al)mad (eopyist), 3
'aqia, 106(2)
'Aqiat al-adwiya, 38(3)
'Aqiat ahl at-tawht, 47(2)
'Aqlat as-sulk, 15(2)
'Aqlat al-wabii', 38(1)
Arba'n hadahan, 36b(l)
arithmetie, 115e
arkiin ad-drn, 162(2)
al-'Arus, Shaykh (author), 165(1)
a1-Ash'ar, Shihab ad-Dn Ab 1-Hasan Al)mad ibn Ibrahm (author), 36g
'shra', 109a(2)
al-AsilsiIT, Al)mad ibn Mul)ammad (author), 52(5)
Astay n twala n igldan iElawiyn, 93
astrolabe, 115e(2)
astrology, astronomy, 17(3), 115a, liSe, 115g
Atiggi, 'Abdarrahman ibn Mas'd (author), 76a, 76b, 76e(l), 76d(I), 76e,
76f, 153
Awdah al-masalik Ua Alfiyat ibn Malik, 52(2)
awliya', 188(1)
awriid at-Tijanr, 95
al-Awsm, Mul)ammad ibn al-Hasan (eopyist), 27
*Awzal, Mul)ammad ibn 'An (author), 2, 4, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15(1), 16, 18,
19,20,21,26,27,28,29,30,34,38,43,46,54,67,68,72, 81, 82d,
86, 147a, 147b, 167

Ayt Bihi, see al-J.lusayn ibn Mu\1ammad
al-'Ayyiishl, Ab Salim 'Abdallah ibn Muhammad ibn AbI Bakr (aurhor), 51,
58(4), 103(4)
Azegrouz, 38
*A~nag, IbrahIm ibn 'Abdallah (author), 15(2),24,28(6),38(1),38(3),
72(4), 75a, 75b, 75c, 75d
Azrou Ouadou (J.lajar ar-RIb), 14

al-BaghdadI, Ab 'Abdallah Mu\1ammad (author), 22b

Bahr ad-dumu' (not by Awzal), 176(1)
Bahr ad-dumu', 2(4),4(3),9(4), 10, 12(4), 13(4), 14(4), 19(4),20(4),21(4),
27(4), 28(4), 29(4), 30(3), 38(6), 43(4), 68(3), 72(1), 81b, 86b, 86c, 86e,
al-BakrI, Ab 'Abdallah Muhammad ibn Mu\>ammad ibn' Abdarra\>man
(author), Il2b(2)
al-Ba'qTII, Mu\1ammad ibn 'AlI (author), 31a(5), 66(1)
basmala, 184(1)
al-B~rI, al-J.lasan (author), 3(6), 3(7)
Bibliothque Zeidan, 50, 55
bida', 86i, 141a, 141d(1)
al-Bija'I, Ab 'Abdallah Mu\>ammad ibn 'AlI al-FarsI (al-FrawsanI?) azZawawI an-Najjar (author), 122
Bila!, 98g
al-BuftiisI al-AzrbI al-ManzI, 'AlI ibn A\>mad ibn Mu\1ammad (copyist), 80a
al-Bughya, 17(2)
al-BukharI, Ab 'Abdallah Mu\>ammad ibn Isma'Il (author), 55
al-BnI, Ahmad ibn 'AlI (aurhor), 17(7)
al-Bnu'manI, al-J.lasan (author), 193
al-Burda, 70, 100, 102b
al-Burhiinya, 17(7)
*al-BshikrI al-Ba'qIlI, Muhammad ibn 'Abdallah (aurhor), 15,63(5),63(6),
91(2), 132, 168a(1)
al-Bii~IrI, Mu\>arnmad ibn Sa'Id (author), 70, 100, 102b, 116, 120
caliphs, 188(14)
Companions, l69b(1)
Constantine, 108
customary law, 149

Daia 'il al-khayrm, 62(2), 100. 102a
ad-DanawsharT. 104
Daniyal al-HakTm, 17(3)
ad-DarqawT, 'Abdallah ibn al-hajj 'An (aulhor), 60
*ad-DarqawT al-Ilgh, 'An ibn Ahmad (author), 64, 71, 133
Ddougadir (I:1i sn al-Asfal), 15. 61
deposit, 16ge(l)
dhakah. 3(4)
dhikr, 120
Dhikr 1IIu/k ad-dalVla a/- 'a/awtja. 93
DM I-Qamayll, 9(13)
divination, 76e
djinn, 153
documents, 128b
Du 'a' Maw/y al-1l1iinr. 36h
ad-Durar al-lawa1lli', 1I7g, 117h
ad-Durar al-1IIumakizaba, 17(4)
ad-Durra an-nahlVrya fi sharh al-jurrmrya, 52( 1)
Jara'id, 115f
aI-FasT, AbU Zayd 'Abdarrahman ibn AbT Mu~ammad 'Abdalqadir ibn' AIT
ibn AbT I-Mahasin YUsuf (author), 58(7)
al-fasT, Muhanunad ibn 'Abdassalam (author), 105(1)
al-fasT at-TananT, 'AIT ibn Muhammad (copyist), 190
al-Fasih, 190(1)
fasting, 24
Fatima, 168e(4). 188(14)
al-FalWak, al-Hasan (copyist), 19
al-fTIalT as-SijilmasT, Ahmad ibn 'Abdallah ibn al-QadT, 115i
FilalTs, 76a
Fi,'awn, 169g
al-FishtalT, 'Abdarrahman ibn Muhammad az-Zadagh (buyer of ms.), 58
al-FishtalT, AbU I-Qasim al-Ghl (anthor). 1I2b(1)
Iraud, 168b(l)


al-Garslfi, 'Abdallah ibn a1-Qasim (copyist), 76b
al-Garslfi, 'Abdarra1)man (author), 164a(2)
al-Garslfi, 'Al as-Smahrf (author), 74(2), 74(3), 130
al-Garslfi, Balqasim ibn Muhammad, 169c, 188(7), 188(8), 188(9)
a1-Garslfi, Mul)ammad ibn' Abdallah (copyist), 98a, 98c, 98h
a1-Garslfi, Mul)ammad ibn Mul)ammad (copyist), 6(8)
*a1-Garslfi as-Samlal, 'Al ibn Muhammad (author), 63(2), 63(4), 63(11),
63(12), 63(14), 63(16), 74(4), 168a(2), 184(2), 188(6), 189(2), 189(4),
al-Garslfi, Sid Khalid ibn Yahya, 185(2), 187(14)
Ghazawat Ibn la 'far, 76c(l), 76d(l), 76f
al-Ghul, see al-Fishtal
ghusl, 113(1), 153(2), 153(3)
Gospel of John, 138

habs, 191(2)
al-HabtI, 'Abdallah ibn Mul)ammad (author), 191(1)
hadah see Traditions
Hajar ar-RTh (Azrou Ouadou), 14
*al-J:lamid, 'Abdallah ibn Yahya (author), 70
a1-Hamidi, 1brahm ibn 'Al (copyist), 13
Hammani ou Miloud (copyist), 138
al-Hamzi'ya, 116, 120
*a1-Hana', Muhammad ibn Muhammad (author), 134(5), 141, 154a, 154b,
169k, 187, 188(14)
haqq al-walidayn, 173
el-Hart n Igourramen, 180
J:lasan and Husayn, 188(14)
a1-Hasan, 'Abdalhad ibn al-l'ahir, 129
al-Hasani, 'Abdarra1)man ibn 1drfs (author), 35b(2)
al-Hasani, see ash-Sharif
al-HashtUk, Ibrahm Abuzya, 188(1)
al-Hassan ad-Dar', Abu 'Abdallah Muhammad ibn Al)mad (author), 52(8)
al-Hawd, part l, 2(1), 4(1), 9(1), 10, 12(2), 13(1), 14(1), 15(1), 16(1),
18(1), 19(1),20(1),21(1),26(1),27(1),28(1),29(2),30(1),34,38(4)
43(1),46(1),67,68(1), 81a, 81b, 82d, 86a, 86d, 86f, 86g, 86h, 147a,


al-Hawd, part 2, 2(2), 4(2), 9(2), 10, 12(3), 13(2), 14(3), 16(2), 18(2),
19(2),20(2),21(2),26(2),27(2),28(2),29(3), 30(2), 38(5), 43(2), 46(2),
54, 68(2), 86a, 86h, 86j, 147b, 167
al-Hawwar a1-Masn, Abu Bakr ibn Mas'ud (copyis!), 9
al-HawzaH, see Awzal
al-Hayba, MawHiy AJ:1mad, 177
hibiil, 191(2)
Hidiiyal al-la 'nT bi shawiihid sUir sh-Sharif, 52(5)
al-Hikam al-'alii'rya, 71
hikiiyal Abr Hiizim, 3(2)
hikiiyal al-qiidr ma 'a s-siiriq, 9(9)
al-Hilill, 'AbdalHih ibn Shu'ayb (author), 6(9), 49(2), 65(1), 78a, 78b,
80a(1), 97,101,190(2)
al-Hila1, 'Abdallah ibn MuJ.1ammad ibn Ab 1-Qasim (copyist), 43
Hind and Bishr, 48e, 179
al-I.lTr, Mu~ammad ibn a1-l:Iasan (author), 52(3)
Hirz al-amiinr, 35b(3)
Hi~n al-Asfal (Ddougadir), 15
Hi~n Izig, 76a
Hisn an-Niijr, 188(14)
a1-l:Ii~n al-Ya'qub, Muhammad ibn 'Abdal'azz (aurhor), 112a
al-Hizb al-kabrr, 62(3)
Hmad u Musa, see Ahmad ibn Musa as-SamlaH
ho1y war, 115i
al-l:Iuc,lg, Mu~ammad ibn Ahmad (author), II
a1-l:Iusayn ibn Mu~ammad of Ayt Bihi, 87

'ibiidiil, 3(5)
Ibn' Abbas, 36b(3)
Ibn' Abdallah ibn' AH (no nisba) (author), 73c, 73d
Ibn Ab Zayd, see al-Qayrawan
Ibn 'shir, 'Abdalw~id ibn 'AH (author), 36e, 100, 117c
Ibn' sim al-Millild, MuJ.1ammad ibn MuJ.1ammad (author), 37, 53b, 103(1),
Ibn 'Ata'allah al-Iskandar (author), 62(4), 71
Ibn al-Barr! ar-Riba!!, Abu I-Hasan 'AH ibn MuJ.1ammad ibn 'AH (author),
36b(5), 117g, 117h
Ibn Ghaz al-Miknas!, Abu' Abdallah Mu~ammad, 103(3)

Ibn Hisham a1-Mi~r, Abu Muhammad' Abdallah ibn Yusuf (author), 52(2),
Ibn lama'a atTnis, Abu Yl)ya (author), 58(3), 58(4), 103(4)
Ibn Khatima a1-Andalusf (author), 129
Ibn Malik (author), 40
Ibn Mufac)c)a1, 190(1)
Ibn Nasir (author), 134(4)
Ibn N~ir, A!)mad, 148
Ibn al-Qabbiib a1-rasf, Abu I-'Abbas A!)mad ibn Qasim al-Judhamt (author),
Ibn a1-Qac)f, Ab Zayd 'Abdarrl)man (author), 115b
Ibn a1-Qa!!"', 'AIJ ibn Ja'far (author), 49(1)
Ibn a1-Q!fya (author), 49(1)
Ibn Ra/)I)aI a1-Ma'dant, a1-l:Iasan (author), 6(5), 58(5)
Ibn ~aghfr, 'Abdarrl)man (author), 36b(2)
Ibn a~-~aghr, Mu\tammad ibn al-Hasan (author), 68(4), 182b
Ibn Tnan, 88a, 88b
Ibn Umm Qasim, see a1-Muradi
Ibn Z3ITq, A!)mad ibn AI.tmad ibn Muhammad ibn 'Isa (author), 17(4),48f,
Ibrahfm ibn 'Abdallah of Tamaruwt (author), 188(4)
[brahfm ibn a1-Qac)f of Hi~n [zig (copyist), 76a
a1-lburkf al-HilaIf, Sa'fd (author), 136a(1), 136b(1)
dh al-masalik Ua qawa'id Mlik, 126
'idda, 191(1)
a1-lfranf, a1-l:Iusayn, 145
ig'rramn, 188(1)
al-lIgh a1-l:Ii~nf, Msa ibn a!-Tayyib (author), 64,
al-lIgh, Mu\tammad ibn A!)mad (author), 61
'ilm al-jafr, 165(1)
Illizamal al-flallab, 58(1)
imam, 168d(2)
iitUln, 9(10)
al-Induz31, see Awzal
injlas, 149
Inshiid ash-shan 'an dawall al-qasid, 35a
al-[rmnf, see atTimlf
IrshM al-mushnib ilfahm Ma'nat al-muktasib. 58(4)
al-Irlifiiq fi mas 'il min al-istihqaq, 58(5)

al-Isl, sec at-Tamsawlf
isri 'Ora, 111
al-lrqan wa l-ihkiim fi sharh Tuhfar al-hukktirh, 53b

al-Jaluwl, Mu(lammad ibn Ahmad ibn 'Abdallah (author), 193
Jam' aluJmmar al-mull/aj fi 'ilm al-mrqar, 115e(2)
Jam' al-mawO 'idh al-madiyar adh-dhiihibar, 63
al-Jashttmf, 'Abdarra(lman (author), 63(9)
al-Jashtlmf at-Timll, Ab Zayd 'Abdarra(lman (editor), 11
al-JashtlmI at-Timl1, A(lmad ibn 'Abdarra(lman (author), 74(1)
al-Ja!a', Ibriihm ibn al-(lajj 'AH ibn Sa'd ibn Ahmad ibn Sa'd (copyist), 58
al-Jawhar (aurhor), 6(3)
al-Jazl1, Muhammad ibn Sulayman, 62(2), 100, 102a
jihad, 115i
al-Jr/anr, 36h
John, Gospel of, 138
Johnston, R.L.N., 69
Jumla min al-fawa'id a!-!ibbrya, 3Ib(l), 66(2), 99

al-Kanss, Ibrahm ibn Mu(lammad ibn Sulayman (copyist), 24
mrOmar, 122
Kas/if al-asrtir 'an 'ilm hUrlif al-ghubiir, 124(2)
Kashf ar-rumaz, 6(9),49(2),65(1), 73b(l), 78a, 78b, 80a(l), 80b, 97, 101,
Kayfiyar ar-la '/lm bi lIaw'ay-hi fi sas, 135b
al-Khabbasl al-Unl<1, al-l:Iasan ibn Ibrahim (copyist), 68
Khald u II)ya, see al-Gars1fi, 185(2)
Khalll ibn Ishaq al-Junrn, 7, 117d, 117e, 117f
khurba, 113(2)
khutba fi fadl 'Asharti " 109a(2)
al-Kifitya, 25(2),44(3), 83b, 96, 156a(4)
Kirab aghstin al-busrilJl, 36b(4)
Kitab al-amrhiil, 6(8)
Kitab al-aqsam, 9(12)
Kirob al-bida', 5(1), 77a
Kirlib a/-buya', 58(3),58(4), 103(4)
Kirlib ad-dahilya wa dh-dhaba'ih, 48c


al-jllmal, 52(8)
al-majalis, 3(1), 58(6)
al-mulhallalh, 6(6)
riihilnf, 17(7)
ash-shamil 'il, 42
lanbill al-talaba 'alil ma'ant I-Alftya, 40
al-Iaysfr lVa I-Ias'ha, 58(7)
az-zakah, 120

KOlan, 1, 22a, 22c, 33, 36a, 36f" 38(6), 44(1), 45

al-KunkI al-Hashtkl, IbrahIm ibn Mul)ammad (copyist and author), 60,
135a, 135b
al-Kurrani as-SarnlalI, Sa'ld ibn Sulayman (author), 40, 72(3)
al-Lamfya az-zaqqaqtya, 58(2),103(6)
LlJmi'yal al- 'ajam, 6(7)
L'aqida n isafam, 38(3)

letters and documents, 22d, 128b, 128d, 195

Linjif n Sidna tlsa Lmsih, 138
litanies, 164b(2)
Lqisl n Habiy, 144


yal luw/ml, 79(2)

al-Ma'dan al-WllHl, Mul)ammad (author), 76c(2), 91(3)
magic, 17(1), 17(6), 3Ia(4), 43(1)
magical squares, 3(9), 28(5), 3Ia(6), 82a, 167
Majmti' al-Iii 'iq 'ala mllshkil al-walhil'iq, 73c, 73d
Majmii' al-maniJfi'ft 'ilm al-tibb an-fltlji', 31a(5), 66(1)
a/-Majmii' a/-mukhtar min Kham, 64
al-Makkm, 'Abdarrahman ibn' Ail (author), 52(7)
Mal/tamil, 17(3)
malhiin, 194

Malik ibn Anas (author), 48c

al-Malll1, Muhamnmad ibn IbrahIm ibn al-l:Iasan al-ArtarnJ (?) (copyist),
al-Mafliihij as-sawtya ft ma 'alhir muliik ad-dawla al- 'alawrya, 56
Manaqib al-Hudtgf, Il
Mandhiim ft fladhil'ir RisalQ/ al-Qayrawanf, 103(3)

al-Manja', 15(1),34,54,67
al-Mannan:;: al-HaJ.1, 'Abdallah ibn Sa'd (author), 106(2)
al-Manyar, Ab 'Abdallah MuJ:1ammad a~-~aghr ibn MuJ:1ammad (author),
al-Marakid, 65(1)
al-Marght as-Ss, MuJ:1ammad ibn Sa'd (aurhor), 48d, 117a(l)
Marrakech, 8
al-Marrakush, 'Abdarrahman ibn Sa'd (author), 129
al-Marrakush, MuJ:1ammad ibn Sa'd (author), 3Ia(2)
al-masjid al-haram, 58(4)
Maslak at-tabyrn li ma 'anr at-talqrn, 9(5)
Maslak at-tas 'Ml fi ma 'rifat at-tam, 6(1)
al-Mas'd, Muhammad al-Mubarak ibn MuJ:1ammad ibn Qasim ibn' Al
(copyist), 117g
al-Matg al-Kuzmt, Sa'd ibn Muhammad (copyist), 70
al-Matg, see Atiggi
Ma'anat al-muktasib wa bughyat at-tajir al-muhtasib, 58(4)
Mawlay al-J:lasan, 160(2), 187(12)
mawlid, 189(6)
Maymn ibn AJ:1mad ibn MuJ:1ammad ibn Sa'd (no nisba) (copyist), 48d
al-Maymn al-Is, Ahmad ibn 'Abdallah (copyist), 29
Mayyara, Muhammad ibn AJ:1rnad (author), 48b, 53b, 58(2)
mazaya n-nabi'y, 169k
al-Maz<i, Abdarraziq (or Razzq) ibn Mubarak (copyist), 176, 177, 178,
mdersas, 193
al-Mejja! al-lfran, AJ:1mad ibn MuJ:1ammad (copyist), 73a
menstruation, 137
Middle-Atlas Herber, 92, 93, 146a, 146b, 146c
Miftah kalam an-nabaWl- fi hall alfiidh an-Nawawr, 90
al-Miknas, Ab 'Abdallah MuJ:1ammad ibn 'Abdallah ibn Muhammad alYafran (author), 58(6)
al-Mmn, al-Madan ibn' Abdallah ibn AJ:1mad ibn MuJ:1ammad (copyist),
156a(l), 158
mi 'raj 3(6)
mixed poem, 140, 165(2)
al-Mi 'yar al-mughrib, 57
months of the solar year, 52(4), 117a(3)

MuJ:lammad ibn al-J:Iusayn of Talaline (copyist), 170

Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn KarkUr (copyist), 47
Mu\1ammad ibn Mu\1ammad Banllbrahlm ibn al-Hasan (no nisba) (copyist),
Mu\Jammad ibn Sa'id ibn Al)mad (no nisba) (copyist), 21
Mukhtasar Khalz1, 7, 117d, 117e, 117f
Mukhtasar Sihah al-Jawhari, 6(3)
al-Muqni' if 'ilm AM Muqri', 48d
al-Muradilbn Umm Qasim, Hasan ibn al-Qasim (author), 35b(3)
al-Murshid al-mu 'in, 36e, 100, 117c
musharata, 128a
mushkiliit ar-Risiila, 103(3)
al-Mutarrizi al-MaymUni al-Marrakush1, Mu\Jamrnad ibn Mu\Jammad ibn
Mas'Ud ibn Ab1 Jum'a (copyist), 8
muziira'a, 114b
Nadhm al-fasih, 6(5)
an-Na",m, 'Abdarra\Jman ibn Muhammad (copyist), 28
an-Nafzaw1, AbU 'Abdallah Mu\Jamrnad ibn Mu\Jammad ibn 'Umar, 127
an-Nahda al- 'ilmfya if 'usar ad-dawla al- 'alawiya, 50
an-Najm ath-thiiqib, 8
narnes of Gad, 3Ia(6)
NarnrUd, 169g
an-Nasl1za, 2(3), 9(3), 10, 12(5), 14(2), 18(3), 19(3),20,21(3),27(3),
28(3), 29(1), 38(7),43(3), 86c, 167
Nasihat Iblts 'an Ibn 'Abbiis, 36b(3)
Niisir1ya, 148
an-Nawawi, Ya\Jya ibn Sharaf (author), 90

Oued Noun, 178

pilgrimage, 110
prayers (Berber), 161(1)
prayers, 24,28(5), 31a(l), 3Ia(3), 161(2)


al-Qal"'iadI, 'Al ibn Mul)ammad al-Qurash (author), lISe
Qal'al al-Harajan, 29
Qanan 'ala ahktim al- 'ilm, 41
a1-Qari' a1-Haraw, 'Al ibn Sul,an Muhammad (author), 42
Qarll, 169g
Q"'iabal Ban Slt, 49
qasida ft I-JallS, 76e(2)
al-Qasida al-bushikriya, 15(3),63(6),91(2), 132
al-Qasida ar-tughra 'iya, 6(7)
Qasidat ash-shari[ft lahqiq salla 'i' ash-shari[, 98h( 1)
Q~ltiat at-tayr wa l-Jakhkh, 128a
Qasidal al-walidaYll ma'a 1- 'alim, 176(3)
qawa'id al-islam, 168e(3)
Qawm 'ijaf, 72(3), 94a, 94b(1)
al-Qayrawan, Ab Muhanunad 'Abdallah ibn Ab Zayd (author), 32, 48e,
85, 147e, 154
qisma, 114a
Qissat ahl al-kahf, 3(7)
Qissar Hilld ma' Bishr (Arabie), 48e
Qissat Hind ma' Bishr (Berber), 179
Qissat [bUs, 36h
Qissat Maw'ada, 188(10)
Qissar as-Sabi";, 144
Qissat Sidi u Sltii, 178
Qissat Tamim ad-Dan-, 3(8)
Qissal al-yahad ma 'a 'Umar ibll a/-Khattb, 36h
al-Qurash, 'An ibn Muhammad (author), 124(2)
a1-Qut!Ub, Ibn Ma'mll (author), 106(1)
Qusalltilla, 108
Qutrub (aulhor), 6(6)
rad', 191(1)
ar-Ragragi, see ash-Shawshawi
Rasa 'il al-Yasi, 117a(4)
ar-RashidI, 'Ali ibn Mul)ammad (aulhor), 17(5)
ar-RasmkT, Ysuf ibn IbrahIm (eopyist),40

ar-Rawd a/- 'ii/ir jf nuzhar a/-khii/ir, 127
ar-Raz, Muha-'IlI11ad ibn Ab Bakr (author), 6(3)
recipes, 17(5), 17(8), 31a(2), 3Ib(3), 36h, 66(1), 73b(1), 128b
regisler of legal acts, 23
Resurrection, 14Ic(4), 14Id(6)
ribd, 143
riddles, 52(6)
ar-Rihla a/- 'ayyshiya, 51
Rih/ar a/-hurrar, see Qawm 'ija!
Risti/atlbn Abr zayd, 32, 85, 103(3), 147c
Risti/ar Ibn Zarrq, 62(1)
Risa/ar as-su/uk jf r-rasawwu!, 48f
riwayar Warsh, 115b
ar-Ru'ayn, Abu' Abdallah Mul)ammad ibn Muhammad ibn a1-I:Ia!Pib a1Malik (author), 58(1)


sabr, 188(12)
as-Sabt, Abu I-'Abbas (author), 165(1)
sadaqdr, 191 (2)
Sahih a/-Bukharr, 55
as-Sahin, 113(3)
as-Sa'id a1-Bariz (editor), 69
as-Sajdalti, Muhammad ibn Ahmad (copyist), 191
sa/tih, 168d(3)
samti 'a, 105(2)
as-SamJaI, al-l:Iasan ibn Musa a1-Adhru' (copyist), 137a
as-Samlan, S"lih ibn Sa'id (capyist), 4
as-Samugni, Ibrahim ibn 'An (copyis!), 12
as-Sanhaji, see A?nag
as-Sanusi al-l:Iasan, Ab 'Abdallah MuJ.1ammad (author), 31b(4), 47(2)
as-SalJ.1 at-TagtI, Ibrahim (capyist), 79
as-SalJ.1 at-Tagt, Mu\lammad ibn Ibrahm ibn a1-J.1ajj Ahmad a1-Mubarak
(capyisl), 134, 159a
as-Salib, Abu I-Qasim (author), 35b(3)
satire on judges, 168b(3), 187(6)
"'i-~awab a1-YaJ.1yaw, Ahmad ibn 'Abdallah ibn AJ.1mad (copyist), 137b
"'i-~awr, 'Abdalqadir ibn Muhammad (copyist), 69


as-Say! al-Iulsim fi sulak al-qulb al-humiim Ahmad ibn Salim, 108

Shaddad ibn 'Ad, 169g
ash-ShadhiIT, Abu I-J:Iasan (author), 62(3)
Shadhillya, 48a
ash-shahr al- 'ajamr, 52(4)
Shajarat al-yaqrn, 36g
ash-Shaqrani (aulhar), 47(1)
ash-Sharadi, Ahmad (author), 58(2)
Sharh AlftYal Ibn Malik, 52(7)
Sharl} al-Burhantya, 17(7)
ash-Sharf, Muhammad ibn Al)mad ibn Ya'la aI-J:Iasani (author), 52(1), 52(5)
ash-Shawshawi, 1.lusayn ibn 'Ali ibn TaI!)a ar-Ragragi, 89(1), 89(3)
ash-Shibbi aI-Hashlk aI-Hamidi, Mu!)arnmad ibn Yahya (aulhor), 3Ib(I),
3Ib(3), 66(2), 99
Shifa' al-asqam wa bulagh al-marilm, 17(2)
shuj'a, 114a
sharal a/-Tijonrya, 95
shwa, 170
Sidi Lhaj Ameur, 180
Sidi u Sidi, 178
Sfdi Hammu (poel), 69, 82c, 72(2)
Sihiih al-Jawharr, 6(3)
as-Sijilmasi, Abu I-Qasim al-Ghazi (aulhor), 115h
silsilat Ibn Nasir, 148
Srral an-Nabry, 60
Ssin n brahim Aknku, 135a
Ssl/um, 83a
staries, 25(3), 36h
sufism, 48a
sugar and tea, 14Ic(3), 14Id(5)
as-Sul.mi, 'Abdalmalik ibn al-Habib (author), 9(12)
Sarat I 'Amriln, 105(3)
Sarat al-Fatiha, 44(1), 155(2)
as-Susf, Abu Salim Sfdi Ibrahim, 165(2)
as-Susi, see al-Mannani al-Hal,Ji
la'al al-walidayn, 156b, 168b(l), 186
labyrr, 124(1)

Tadhyrl ad-dtbiij, 89(3)
rafsrl a/- 'aqa 'id, 103(2)
Tafukr n Ddin, 64, 133
*at-TaghatInT ar-RasmukT, Ahmad ibn Muhammad (author), 72(3), 94a,
at-TaghatInT ar-RasmukT, Husayn ibn Dawud (author), 9(5), 185(2)
Taghegg a1t, 38
Tahdhrb a/-asma' wa /-ara/, 49(1)
Tahrrr a/-ka/am.tr masa 'il a/-i/rizam, 58(1)
Tahsrl ghan! a/-qasid Jf rafsrl a/-marad a/-wafid, 129
TaI)t a1-l:Ii~n, 61
at-TakarbuntT, IbrahTm ibn 'Abdallah al-HarUnT (copyist), 30
Ta1aline, 170
at-TalbTnT, Shihab ad-DIn Ahmad ibn Mansur ibn' An (author), 17(2)
Tali<;lla, 65(1)
talismans, 3(9), 22d, 29, 31a(6), 36h, 89(3)
Talmest, 87
at-TamanartT, Muhammad ibn Ahmad (author), 188(12)
Tamaruwt, 188(4)
TantIm ad-DarT, 3(8)
*at-TamsawtI al-IsT, Dawd ibn' Abdallah (author), 25(2), 44(2), 44(3), 83a,
83b, 96, 156a(3), 156a(4), 156a(5), 156b
*at-TamuddiztI, al-J:Iasan ibn Mubarak (author), 15(1), 15(2),34,54,67
Tanabuh a/-ikhwan, 169c, 188(8)
ar-Tanbih, 170, 171, 172, 174, 180
Tanbrh a/-ghiifi/rn 'an zad a/-musafirrn, 9(11)
Tanwrr a/-birah.tr ma 'rifar kayftyar an-nikiih, 127
Tasarur w wawa/ n Sidi nnabi nngh, 90
Tasegdelt, 191
rashrrr, 70
Tasnemt, 145
rawassu/, 153
ar-TawdI11, 52(2)
rawhrd, 3(5)
at-TawTI1 as-Sarnlalf, Muhammad ibn al-J:Iasan, 89(4)
rayammum, 153(2), 153(3)
a\-Tayyib Sa1ih, 77b
at-Tazki, Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Mu\1arnmad ibn 'Abdalkhaliq (copyist),
36b(3), 36d

*at-Tigharghartj al-Hawzalj, 'Abdarrahman ibn [brahjm (author), 25(4),
68(5), 134(6), 182a, [88(2), 188(5)
at-Tihiirnj as-Sijilmasj, Muhammad ibn at-Tayyib (author), 120
at-Tijanj, Ahmad, 95, 141c(2), 141d(4), 145, 151
Tijanfya, 108, 151, 164b(2)
at-Tikhfastl as-Sarnlalj, Balqasim ibn Muhammad (copyist), 89
at-Timggilshtl, Ahmad ibn Muhammad (copyist and author), 76f, 179
Timguilcht, 76f
at-Timn, Abu Bakr (author), [89(3)
at-Timn, Abu Yahya (authar), 63(3), 185(1)
*at-Timlj, Ahmad ibn 'Abdarrahman (author), 63(15), 79(4), 91(1), 98a,
98b, 98c, 98d, 98e, 98f, 98g(1), 98h(3), 98h(5), 98h(10), 98h(1l),
98h(12), 134(2), 137, 159a
at-Timlj, al-Hasan ibn Muhammad (copyist), 14
*at-Timlj al-1razaru, al-Hasan ibn Ahmad (author), 5(1), 77a
at-Timn, Muhammad ibn Al)mad ibn' Abdallah (copyist), 75d
at-Tinzartf, Muhammad ibn 'An ibn Sa'fd (author or copyist), 156a(2), 157
at-Tirmidhj, Abu 'Isa Mul)ammad ibn 'jsa ibn Sahl (author), 42
*at-TIzakhtl, Muhammad ibn Yahya ibn Muhammad (author), 79([),
136b(2), 159c, 183(2), [88(3)
Tizi, 168e(2)
Tlemcen, 8
Todgha, 180
Traditions (Berber), 61, 84, 89(2)
Traditions, 18(4),25(1),25(3),25(5), 36b(1), 90, 38(2), 68(5), 128c
ttalh, 184(2)
at-Tudghj, Muhammad ibn Ayyub ibn Mas'ud (author), 170, 171, 172, 174,
*at-Tughmawf, al-Madanf ibn Muhammad (author), 90
at-Tughra'j, al-Husayn ibn 'An (author), 6(7)
at -TughziftI, see a~ -TawTIT
at-Tuhfa an-ruidira iln l-hukama al-hildira, 39
Tuhfat al-hukkilm, 37, 53b, 103(1), 192
Tuhfat al-mawdad, 6(10)

U Lma'dr, see al-Ma'dan
'udal, 73c


'Umar ibn al-Khattab, 36h

'Umdat ahl at-tawftq, 47(2)
Unalif Amgun, Sa'd ibn Muhammad (authar), 95, 149, 151
'Unuq ar-RimaI (Amguerd Oumlal), 157
'ul[, 149
usury, 143
al-'Uthman, Muhammad ibn Ahmad (authar), 35a
al-Wadan al-M.r.t.n ar-Rabw, Mu\1ammad ibn 'An (capyist), 163a
al-Wadghr al-l:Iasan, Idns ibn 'Abdallah (capyist), 105
a1-WadnUn, Maw1ay al-Hasan ibn Muhammad (authar), 178
al-Walyad, Muhammad ibn af-Tayyib (capyist), 31 b
a1-Wanshars, AbU l-'Abbas A\1mad ibn Yahya ibn Muhammad (authar and
capyist), 57, 126
waqf Hamza wa Hishiim 'ala loba " 35b(3)
al-Wargt, Muhammad ibn 'Abdarra\1man (authar or capyis!), 145
Warsh, 115b
al-Warzaz (authar), ll2c
al-Wathii'iq al-masmudfya, 9(14)
al-Widarn, Ahmad ibn 'An as-Salaw (capyist), 20
al-Wijjan, Mubarak ibn 'Umar (authar), 177
al- Witrryat al-baghdiidfya, 22b
al-wudu', 136a(2), 153(2), 176(2)
al-YafUs, A\1mad ibn Ibrahm (authar or capyist), 7
al-YUs al-Marrakush, a'-Hasan ibn Mas'Ud (authar), 41, 117a(4), 129

az-Zagruz, 'Abdallah ibn 'An ibn Hammu (capyist), 38
az-Zagruz, Mu\1ammad (authar), 149, 152(1), 163a, 163b, 169i
az-Zakn, Dawd ibn Ibrahm ibn 'An (capyis!), 86e
az-Zaqqaq, 'An at-TujTh (authar), 58(2), 103(6)
zar', 168d(4)
Zarruq, see Ibn Zarruq
az-Zayyat (authar), 120
az-Zk al-Magnn, Ibrarum ibn Mu\1ammad (capyist), 66

Dated manuscripts in chronologieal order


ms. 115e
ms. 126

3 Muharram 849
Mul)arram 870
Muharram 883

(11 April 1445)

(August-September 1465)
(April-May 1478)

25 ~afar 983
22 Safar 991

(6 June 1575)
(17 March 1583)

RabI' al-awwal 1081

Dhu I-Qa'da 1087
12 ~afar 1091
Rajab 1107

(July-August 1670)
(January-February 1677)
(14 March 1680)
(February-March 1696)

24 Jumada I-iikhira 1143

20 Rab' al-awwal 1146
12 Muharram 1147
14 Rama<)an 1148
10 Dhu I-Qa'da 1150
5 Rama<)an 1158
6 Rama<)an 1164
Rab' al-awwal 1177
Rab' ath-than 1181
6 Rab' ath-than 1182
17 Rab' ath-than 1184

(4 January 1731)
(31 August 1733)
(14 June 1734)
(28 January 1736)
(1 March 1738)
(1 December 1745)
(29 July 1751)
(September-October 1763)
(August-September 1767)
(20 August 1768)
(10 August 1770)


ms. 8
ms. 40









Jumada l-iilii 1185

1 Rajab 1197
Shawwal 1202
17 Rama<!an 1202

(July-August 1771)
(2 June 1783)
(July-August 1788)
(21 June 1788)

26 Jumada I-Ula 1231

17 Rabt' ath-thiint 1231
~afar 1231
7 RabI' ath-thant 1260
14 Sha'ban 1263
8 ~afar 1264
Rajab 1265
1 Sha'ban 1265
21 Ramadan 1269
28 Dh I-Qa'da 1269
Jumada I-iikhira 1275
23 Shawwiil 1277
1 Ramadan 1280
~afar 1283
19 MuJ:1arram 1283
5 Shawwiil 1285
16 Rabt' ath-thiint 1287
3 Jumada I-Ula 1287
Jumada I-Ula 1294
Jumada I-iikhira 1295
20 RabI' ath-thant 1299
Rabt' al-awwal 1299
7 Rabt' ath-thant 1304
8 Ramadan 1309
15 Muharram 1311

(24 April 1816)

(18 January 1816)
(January 1816)
(26 April 1844)
(28 July 1847)
(15 January 1848)
(May-June 1849)
(June-July 1849)
(28 June 1853)
(3 September 1853)
(January-February 1859)
(4 May 1861)
(9 February 1864)
(June-July 1866)
(3 June 1866)
(19 January 1869)
(16 July 1870)
(2 August 1870)
(May-June 1877)
(June 1878)
(Il March 1882)
(January-February 1882)
(3 January 1887)
(6 April 1892)
(29 July 1893)


ms. 19
ms. 19
ms. 49
ms. 190
ms. 38
ms. 38
ms. 66
ms. 66
ms. 36d
ms. 31b
ms. 41
ms. 27
ms. 117g
ms. 5
ms. 86e
ms. 9
ms. 9
ms. 89
ms. 89
ms. 86c
ms. 4
ms. 3
ms. 70
ms. 16




17 Muharram 1320
16 Jumada I-akhira 1321
~afar 1322
Safar 1324
Safar 1325
Ramadan 1317
Ramadan 1328
Safar 1328
Muharram 1328
25 Rabi' al-awwal 1330
RabI' al-awwal 1333
23 Sha'ban 1339
23 Sha'ban 1339
Dhu I-Qa'da 1344
5 Muharram 1346
Rabi' ath-thani 1348
20 Raoi' ath-thiini 1348
Sha'ban 1348
Ramalan 1348
Dhu I-Hijja 1348
20 Sha'ban 1348
2 Sha'ban 1355
15 Sha'ban 1355
19 RabI' al-awwal 1356
Shawwal 1355
Ramadan-ShawwaI 1355
Rajab 1356
Shawwal 1357
24 Ramalan 1357
RabI' ath-thanl 1358
18 Dhu 1-1:lijja 1358

(26 April 1902)

(10 September 1903)
(April-May 1904)
(March-April 1906)
(March-April 1907)
(Octobcr 1909)
(September-October 1910)
(February-March 1910)
(July-August 1910)
(January-February 1910)
(14 March 1912)
(January-February 1915)
(2 May 1921)
(2 May 1921)
(June-July 1926)
(5 July 1927)
(September-October 1929)
(25 September 1929)
(January 1930)
(February 1930)
(May 1930)
(21 January 1930)
(30 November 1935)
(31 October 1936)
(30 May 1937)
(Dec. 1936-Jan. 1937)
(Nov. 1936-Jan. 1937)
(November-December 1937)
(Novcmber-December 1938)
(18 December 1938)
(May-June 1939)
(29 January 1940)
(19 December 1946)

Bio-bibliographieal data
on authors of works in Berber
The following is a list eonlaining biographieal and bibliographical data on the
most imporram authors of manuscript Berber leXIs. For a general nuoduction

on lhe Berber literary Iradition of the Sous, see N. van den Boogen,
Muhammad Awzal and the Berber literaI)' tradition of the Sous (PhD Ihesis,
Leiden 1995), esp. ehaplers 2-4.

MuJ:lammad ibn' AlI al-Hawzll, commonly known as Awzal (MhmnuJ u ,Li
u Brahim u Sus Awzal, also Mhmmd u ,Li u Brahim u Sus n Yinduzal).
Awzal was born belween 1670 and 1680 and died in 1162 (1749). He
belonged to the Ikoubilen section of Ihe Indouzal, hence he is also known as
Akbil, al-AkbTIi or al-InduzaI. He was educated al Tamegrout in Ihe valley
of the Draa. Awza1 is lhe mosl imponant aUlhor in the Berber literary
tradilion of the Sous. Numerous manuscript copies of his work in Berber
exist in private and public collections. His longesl work in Berber is al-Hawd
"The Reservoir", a versified manual of MlikI law in IWO pans. The firsl
pan (1,920 Iines) deals with lawhd and the 'iMdiil; the second pan (3,264
lines) with the mu 'amalt. A commentary in prose on al-Ifawlf was written
by at-Tamuddizt (see below). The Bahr ad-dumli' "Ocean of Tears" (1,312
Iines) is a treatisc on God, the Prophet. sin, repentance, the Day of Judgment
and the Hereafter. Awzal's shonest work in Berber is an-Nasrha "The
Advice" (148 Iines). Il is a panegyric poem on Sidi A.hmad ibn Muhammad
ibn Nsir (Sidi Hmad Il MhmnuJ Il Nosr, 1057-1129/1647-1717), the shaykh
of the N~irlya. Awzal also composed two urjlizas in Arabie, the TanNIt alikhwiin 'alti lark al-bida' wa 1- 'isyan "Warning of lhe Brelhren 10 Abandon
Heresy and Disobedience- (55 verses) on unonhodox praclices (bida '), and
al-Tarq bi 1- 'a~ii liman khalfa Rabbahu lI'a 'as "Castigation with the stick
for him who opposes his Lord and is disobcdient".
References: al-l:ludTgT, Manaqib, vol. 2 pp. 117-118; as-SusT, RijiiiI al'ilm, p. 75 and Slis al-'iilima, p. 161. Van den Boogen, Muhnmmad Awzal,
chaplers 7-10. Cf. also De Slane, NOIe, pp. 526-538 and Boulifa,
"Manuscrits berbres". pp, 353-362.
Editions: al-Hawd, pan 1, was published in transcription with a French
translation by J.-D. Luciani (Alger 1897). A second edition of pan 1 of alHawd in modemised Arabic onhography was published by 'Abdallah ar-

Ral)manI (Casablanca 1397/1977). The Bahr ad-duma' was published in the
original Arabic script with a French translation by B. H. Stricker (Leiden
1960). An edition in transcription of the Bahr ad-numu' with English
translation and notes was published by Van den Boogen (Leiden 1995). The
Nasiha was published in transcription with English translation by Van den
Boogen in ludes el Documents Berbres, vol. 9 (1992).
Awzal (Ahmad), see at-Tighargharti.
Ibrahim ibn 'Abdallah a~-~anhajl (Ibrahim" eBdl/ah Aznag). Almost nothing
is known about this aUlhor. He spent a pan of his life at the zawiya of Sidi
Ousadene, southwest of Taznakht in Ihe territory of the Sektana. He died on
6 Ramac;lan 1005 (23 April 1597). He belonged to the Zenaga (known as
Sanhja in Arabic or lznagn in Berber). A+nag is the author of a versified
compendium of the "religious sciences" ('u/m ad-din) in Berber (2,816
lines) entitled 'Aqa 'id ad-din or Leqayd n ddin. This is at present the oldest
known manuscript text in Berber. Il was composed al the instigation of
A+nag's spiritual master, SIdi ' AlI ibn Mul)ammad ibn Wisa'den as-SaktanI
(Sidi ELi w Mhmmd Gg"isaedn, d. 1005/1596-7).
References: as-SUsI, Rijalal al-'ilm, p. 52, Sus al-'alima, p, 180 and alMa'sl, vol. 19 p. 15. Also N. van den Boogert, Muhammad Awzal, chapter
Edition: a small fragment of Aznag's work was published in transcription
by A, Amaban (Paris 1993).
Muhammad ibn 'Abdallah al-BshikrI al-AgmarI al-Ba'qnI (Mhmmd " eBl/ah
u Busikr Ag"mar Abaeqil). AI-BUshikrI belonged to the Ida Gougmar, a
section of the Ida Oubakil. He died in 1282 (1865-6). He composed a famous
panegyric poem on the Prophet that is commonly known as alQasida albshikriya "BshikrI's Ode" (280 lines). At lcast one other text is ascribed to
References: as-SUsi, Rija/iil al- 'ilm, p. 134 and Sus al- 'atima, p. 200.
Ali ibn Ahmad ad-Darqaw al-lIghI (eLi u Hmad u Yilg u Ddugadir). AdDarqawI, the father of Mul)ammad alMukhtar as-SUsI, was shaykh of the
lawiya of the Darqawiya at Ddougadir, near I1egh in the territory of the A!

Ouafka. He died in 1328 (1910). He is the author of a versified manual on
the 'ibllat entitled Tafukt n ddin "The Sun of Religion" which is based on a
commentary by A.hmad ibn 'Abdalqadir ibn Mul)ammad al-AmIr (d. 1232/
1816-7) entitled Majmu' mukhtar min Khalrl. Ad-DarqawI also began a
translation of al-Hikam al- 'ata 't'ja, which remained unfinished.
References: as-SusI, Rijalat al-'ilm, p. 187 and al-Ma'sul, vol. 19 p. 14.
'AlI ibn Mul)ammad al-GarsIfi as-SarnlalI (eLi u Muhammad u Mhmmd
Ggugrsif, a1so tLi bn Muhammad u Syaxt). No details are known about alGarsIfi, who probably died around the midd1e of the 20th century. His nisba
"al-GarsIfi" (or "al-JarsIfi") refers to Aguersif in the region of Amanouz,
where he probably studied at the farnous religious college. He composed at
least seven texts in verse with a totallength of 3,400 lines.
'Abdallah ibn Yal)ya al-l:IamidL No detai1s are known about this author. He
lived in the 18th century and be10nged to the At Harnd (At Ahmed). He
composed a translation and adaptation of al-Bu~IrI's farnous Qaslat al-Burda
"Ode of the Mantle". In the manuscript, the original Arabie text is always
added to the Berber translation and commentary. A1-l:IamidI a1so wrote at
1east one work in Arabie.
References: as-SusI, Rijaliit al- 'ilm, p. 63 and Sus al- 'alima, p. 188. Cf.
also De Slane, Note, p. 538 and Boulifa, "Manuscrits berbres", p. 338.

Mul)amad ibn Mul)arnmad al-Hana'I at-Tata'I (Muhammad n Ayt Hsayn).
Born between 1200 and 1210 AH. Al-Hana'I be10nged to the farnily of the
BanI l:Iusayn (Ayt Hsayn), and succeeded his father as head of the zawiya at
Agadir Lehna (Hi~n al-Hana') near Tata. He died in 1295 (1878). He
composed a number of na~i1}as and two panegyric poems, one on the Prophet
(200 lines) and one on Ahmad at-TijanI (310 lines).
References: as-SusI, Rijalat al- 'ilm, p. 215 and Sus al- 'alima, p. 200.
al-HawzalI, see Awzal.



Ahmad ibn Muhammad at-Taghatn ar-Rasmiik. Died in 1080 (1669-70).
Composer of a famous "macaronic" poem in Arabie, in which each verse
ends with a Berber word or phrase (ca 200 Iines). The poem is known as
Qawm 'ijii! "Emacialed People" and as al-Urjaza ar-rasmakl'ya "RasmiikT's

References: as-Ss, Rijll al-'ilm, p. 34 and Sas al-'iilima, p. 185.

Editions: two edilions of at-Taghatni's poem have been published by
Omar Amarir (Casablanca 1978 and Rabat 1990); in both editions the text is
not reproduced completely.
Dwd ibn 'Abdallah al-Tarnsawti al-s (Dawud bn c&lllllah Il Tamsawi
g Uflla y Yisi g AYI Mnsur). No delails are known aboul Ihis aUlhor, who
belonged to lhe A! Mansour, a section of lhe Igounane. He died in Ihe
second half of the 18th century. He is Ihe aUlhor of a versified manual on the
'ibiidiil entitled al-Kifiiya "The Sufliciency" (3,000 lines). He also composcd
a lexl on the "beautiful names" (al-asma' al-f:1usn) of Gad enlitled as-Sul/am
"The Ladder" (300 lines) and an admonition without title (ca. 670 Iines).
al-Hasan ibn Mubarale al-Ba'qli at-Tamuddizti (Lhsn u Mbark Il Tmllddizl
Abacqil). Born in 1260 (l844) in Tamouddizt near Anzi in the lerrilory of the
Ida Oubaleil. He received most of his education at Adouz, sludying under
Sidi Sa'id ibn Hamm al-Ma'dari (d. 1300/1883), whom he succeeded as
shaykh of the zawiya al Adouz. At-Tamuddizli acquired fame as a mystic. He
died on 27 Sha'ban 1316 (10 January 1899). He is Ihe aUlhor of an extensive
commentary in Berber prose on Awzal's al-J:lawf!. This is al present the

longesl known wrillen lexl in any Berber language. Many copies of il are
found in privale and public collections, allhough complete copies are rare:
most contain only the commemary 10 the first pan of al-Hawd. AtTamuddizti also wrote a commentary on ~nag's 'Aqii 'id ad-dIn, of which no
complete copy is known to exist, and severa! treatises in Arabie.
References: as-SiJs, al-Ma 'sai, vol. 19 pp. 5-32 (extensive biography),
Rijiiliit al-llm, p. 136 and sas al-'d/ima, p. 204. See also N. van den
Boogerl, Muhammad Awzal. chapter 9.
Ahmad ibn Ibrahim at-Tigharghani al-lndawzal (Hmad


Brahim u Tgrgrt

Awzal). Al-Tigharghanj belonged 10 the Ineda Ouzal, easl of Taroudant. He
died in 1279 (1862-3). He composed a long text on hadth (540 lines) and a
description of the Hereafter (500 Iines). He also wrote several works in
Arabie, among them a gloss on al-Qas(allaru.
References: as-SusI, Rijlt al-'ilm, p. 219 and sas al-'iUi/IlIl, p. 200.

Ahmad ibn 'Abdarrahman al-Timlj al-Jashtll (H/llIld u '&lrlJman Imml
Gg"agstim). Born around 1231 (1815-6) at Aguechtim in the valley of the
Ammeln. He gained a high reputation as a scholar, and becarne the
companion of sultan al-!:Iasan 1 (r. 1873-/895) al Marrakech. He died al lhe
age of 94 in 1327 (1909) and is buried al TioUl. At-Timli composed aboul a
dozen nasl1zas in Berber. The shonest text (36 lines) enumerates the anributes
of God. The longest text (ca. 400 Iines) is a more extensive treatise on
tawhid. He also wrote a long ode in Arabie in honour of the Prophet and an
urjaza on the dealh of al-Hasan 1.
References: as-Susj. Rija/at al- 'i/m, p. 107 and Sas a/- 'a/iml1 , p. 205.
Editions: one of al-Timli's leXIS on tawhid was published in transcriplion.
with an English translation. by Van den Boogen & Stroomer (Rabat 1992).
al-Timli al-IraziinI
al-!:Iasan ibn AJ.!mad ibn Mu~ammad at-Timlj al-lrmnI (Lhsll u Hmad li
Muhammad Imm/). Born around 1230 (1814-5). died in 1308 (1890-1). He
worked as faqilz of the school at Irazane in the terrilOry of the Ida OubakiJ.
He composed a lengthy treatise (ca. 2,000 Iines) against unonhodox practices
in lhe Sous entilled Kitb al-bida' "The Book of Heresies".
References: as-SusI, Rijalat al- 'ilm, p. 110 and Sas al- 'alima, p. 204.
Muhammad ibn Yahya ibn Muhammad at-TIzakhtI (Muhammad li Yhya li
Mhmmd li Tizxtl. At-TIzakhtI was barn al Tizekhl in the terrltory of the
Ammeln. He became qi1d of Taraudant in 1260 (1844) and died around 1275
(1858-9). He is the aUlhor of a versified manual on the 'iMdm (ca. 2,000
lines) and a NlIsaht11 taytSill "Advice ta women" (440 Iines).
Reference: as-Susj, Rijalt al- 'ilm. p. 1Il.
al-Madanj ibn Mu~ammad al-Habj at-Tughmawj (Lmadalli bn Mhammd
Amgar). Almost nothing is known about this aUlhor. who probably died in

the first half of the 20th ccntury. He was the head (shaykh or amgar) of a
zawiya in the territory of the Ida Outghouma, a section of the lhahan. His
works in Berber, ail in verse, include: a translation of Ibn 'Ashir's Murshid;
a text on the Mawlid entitled Hadfyat al- 'ashiq "The Lover's Gift" (176
tines); a translation of an-Nawawl's Arba'(n entitled Tasarut n wawal n
Nnabi nng "Key ta the words of our Prophet" (ca 700 lines); and an
explanation of the rules (shunit) of the Tijanjya entitled Sira) a/-alllvar "The
Lamp of Lights" (900 lines).
Edition: the text Hadi'yat al- 'ashiq has been published in transcription with
an English translation and notes by Van den Boogert & Stroomer in tudes et
documents berbres, vol. 10 (1993).

AMAHAN, Ali, "L'criture en taslhyt est-elle une stratgie des Zawaya?" in
Drouin & Roth (eds), A la croise des tudes libyco-berbres, Paris 1993,
pp. 437-449.
AMARIR, Omar, Amalu - Min aljzlflun ash-sha'b(l'a al-Maghribya IAmalou Clarts sur les arts populaires marocains). Casablanca 1978.
AMARIR, Omar. "al-Urjza ar-rasmkiya", in Mu~ammad al-Mustaw (cd.),
TiJalVin - Silsila min ath-thaqtifa al-maghriblya. nr 4, Rabat 1990.
BOOGERT, Nico van den, "A Sous Berher poem on Sidi At:unad ibn ~ir".
tudes et Documents Berbres, vol. 9 (1992), pp. 121-137.
BOOGERT, Nico van den, Muhammad AlVzal and the Berber literary tradition
of the Sous, PhD Ihesis, Leiden 1995.
BOOGERT, Nieo van den & STROOMER, Harry, "A Sous Berber poem on the
merits of celebrating the mawlid", tudes et Documents Berbres, vol. 10
(1993), pp. 47-82.
BOOGERT, Nico van den & STROOMER. Harry, "A Sous Berber texl: a shan
catechism by Al).mad al-Timl", Actes de la troisime rencontre
universitaire maraco-nerlandaise (Publications de la Facult des Lettres et
des Sciences Humaines, Rabat: Srie colloques et sminaires, nr 22).
Rabal 1992, pp. 195-200.
BOULlFA, Sad, .. Manuscrils berbres du Maroc", Journal Asiatique. dixime
srie, tome VI (1904), pp. 333-362.
DE SLANE, Baron MacGuckin, "Note sur la langue. la littrature el les
origines du peuple berbre", appendix 1 in Histoire des Berbres et des
dynasties musulmanes de l'Afrique septentrionale par Ibn-Khaldowl,
traduite de l'arabe, four vols, Alger 1852-1856, vol. III, pp. 489-584.
GALAND-PERNET. Paulelte, "Notes sur les manuscrits pomes chleuhs de la
Bibliothque Gnrale de Rabat", Journal Asimique, vol. CCLX (1972), pp.
GALAND-PERNET, Paulette, wNores sur les manuscrits pomes chleuhs du
fonds berbre de la Bibliothque Nationale de Paris", Revue des tudes
islamiques, vol. xLI-2 (1973). pp. 283-296.
GALAND-PERNET, Paulette, "Le manuscril Jean Fines: un Awzal chleuh du
xiie/xviiie sicle". Groupe Linguistique des tudes Chamito-Smitique.
sance du 18 juin 1980, pp. 43--19.
AL-HuDjGi, Manaqib al-/mam Ab[ 'Abdallah ash-shaykh Muhammad ibu
Ahmad al-Hadrgr at-TaraslVatr al-Manuzr al-Laksr, two vols, Casablanca

LUCIANI, Jean-Dominique, El-H'aoudh - Texte berbre (dialecte du Sous) par
Meh 'ammed ben Ali ben Brahim, publi avec une traduction franaise et
des notes, Alget 1897.
AR-RAHMANJ, 'Abdallah ibn Mul)ammad, al-HalVd f l-fiqh al-miilik[ bi 1lisan al-Amazrghr li sh-shaykh Mhmmd u 'Li AlVzal, Casablanca
STRICKER, Bruno Hugo, L'Ocan des Pleurs - Pome berbre de Muhammad
al-AlVzali (Publications de la " Fondation de Goeje n 19), Leyde 1960.
AS-SOSJ, Mul)ammad al-Mukhtar, Sus al-'alima, Casablanca 140411984 (2nd
AS-SOSJ, Muhammad al-Mukhtar, Rijallit al- 'ilm al- 'arabr, Tanger
AS-SOSJ, Muhammad al-Mukhtar, al-Ma'sul, 20 vols, Casablanca n.d.


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