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Merci de votre compréhension

Axe 5 Sports and society Sports et société

Axe 5

Le sport permet un accomplissement personnel (santé, bien-être) qui remplit une fonction de
socialisation (clubs, équipes). Il traverse la société tout entière, des jeux improvisés dans les
quartiers aux grandes cérémonies hyper-médiatisées. Il procure du plaisir à travers le respect
des règles. Le sport rassemble ou divise, il se prête à des moments de liesse collective
(nationale) ou au contraire oppose les supporters les uns aux autres. Le sport renforce le
sentiment d’appartenance national et peut avoir des incidences politiques. Dans le meilleur des
cas, il permet le dépassement de soi ; dans le pire, le culte effréné de la performance peut causer
de la souffrance. Selon les cultures et les aires géographiques étudiées, quelle représentation est
associée au sport et à quel sport ? Quelle image renvoie-t-il, quel est son impact social et
politique ?

Séquence 1 : Does American football bring people together?

Les matchs de football font partie de la culture populaire américaine et se prêtent à des moments
fédérateurs de liesse collective, mais ils ont indiscutablement divisé ces dernières années, en
raison des mouvements de protestations de joueurs et des répercussions politiques qu’ils ont
entraînés. De plus, le Super Bowl, finale du championnat américain, est un événement unique
et incontournable aux États-Unis. Bien plus qu’une simple finale de football américain, le Super
Bowl, c’est aussi les 30 secondes de publicité les plus chères de la télé, l’événement sportif le
plus regardé de l’année.

Séquence 2 : Is football a medium of social inclusion in the UK?

Si l’origine du football reste assez obscure, l’invention de sa forme contemporaine est attribuée
aux Britanniques au XIXe siècle. Cette séquence invitera les élèves à s’interroger sur la capacité
d’inclusion sociale de la Grande-Bretagne à travers le football qui, au regard de son histoire,
semble ambivalente. Aussi, à travers l’ensemble des documents proposés, les élèves seront en
mesure de trouver des réponses à la problématique et de nuancer leur propos.

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Objectifs culturels : la NFL, le Super Bowl Projets intermédiaires :
et sa mi-temps, l’hymne national Star- Make a one-minute speech to
Spangled Banner, Colin Kaepernick explain what the Super Bowl
means to Americans.
Objectif pragmatique : réagir sur un forum
en respectant les tours de parole The NFL’s new policy requires
Objectif sociolinguistique : adapter son players to stand for the national
registre de langue anthem on the field or wait in the
locker room. Write a letter to the NFL in
Objectif citoyen : la prise en compte et
reaction to the new policy.
l’acceptation des opinions d’autrui
Objectif méthodologique : expression
Projets finaux :
écrite en interaction (p. 282)
Record the video that a football
Objectifs Grammaire : le présent en
player who took a knee, posted
linguistiques : be + V-ing, le pluriel des
for his fans on his Facebook
Phonologie : les consonnes
muettes Take part in a discussion on a
Écriture : les faux-amis NFL online forum about whether
Lexique : le sport, the Super Bowl brings
l’identité nationale Americans together.

Pick & mix Construire une séquence courte

Proposition 1 DOCUMENT C → DOC D → DOC E (Modélisant) → Prepare Your Project
p 111 → Project #1

Proposition 2 DOCUMENT A → DOC B (Modélisant) → DOC D → DOC F → Prepare

Your Project p 109 → Project #2

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Présentation de la séquence

Les titres et les articles de presse authentiques permettent aux élèves de comprendre différents
enjeux du Super Bowl : social, économique, politique et culturel.

Cette vidéo propose les réactions spontanées d’Américain·e·s sur ce que représente le Super
Bowl pour eux.

L’image choisie contient les symboles américains qui entourent les matchs de football : NFL
(National Football League), hymne et soldats, orchestre, drapeaux.

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Cet article du HuffPost de 2018 explique l’origine et l’importance de l’hymne national dans le
sport américain.

Il s’agit là de la une du Time magazine du 3 octobre 2016 représentant le joueur Colin
Kaepernick, rendu célèbre en refusant de se lever lors de l’hymne national.

Ce clip promotionnel Inside these lines de la National Football League de 2017, narré par
l’acteur Forest Whitaker, prône les valeurs d’unité et d’inclusion dans ce sport.

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Proposition d’exploitation de la photo d’ouverture p. 107

→ Demander aux élèves de réagir sur ce qu’ils et elles voient ou demander aux élèves d’associer les hashtags avec des éléments de
→ Faire repérer : les drapeaux, les soldats en uniforme portant les drapeaux, le soldat amputé, les couleurs vives, les cheerleaders , les
spectateur·rice·s tou·te·s debout, le public intergénérationnel, presse et photographes, les feux d’artifices.
→ Insister sur la foule, la liesse populaire, l’engouement général, la fierté symbolisée par les drapeaux.

→ Inciter les élèves à s’aider des mots-clés contenus dans les titres : Sunday / heroic / national anthem debate / advertising. Cette activité
de lecture permet de glaner très rapidement des informations sur le Super Bowl et d’apporter un certain nombre d’informations
→ Demander aux élèves de lire le Culture Tip qui éclaire l’article D.
→ Travailler en binômes ou en groupes pour la question 2.
→ Encourager les élèves à se référer au Word Spot pour pouvoir s’exprimer.
→ Le texte A peut être l’occasion d’aborder le présent en be+V-ing.

1 Match each newspaper title with its corresponding article.

1-C / 2-B / 3-A / 4-D

2 Create a mind map on the Super Bowl with words and expressions from the texts.

3 Use your mind map to explain what the Super Bowl is.

Production possible
The Super Bowl is the championship game of the National Football League. It takes place every year and it’s the
biggest game of the year. Millions of Americans watch it. People watch the game, but they also watch the half-time
show because concerts are organised, and stars perform in the middle of the stadium. Advertising became very
important as it is the largest television audience of the year. Super Bowl tries to unite people and bring Americans
together, but President Trump created a debate over the national anthem.

→ Faire anticiper les élèves à partir de la légende : que pensent-ils·elles voir et entendre ?

Axe 5 Sports and society Sports et société

→ Faire émettre des hypothèses aux élèves à partir de la photo.
→ Regarder la vidéo de 0’42’’ à 2’17’’.
→ Leur poser la question en introduction ou comme synthèse: What does Super Bowl / football / basketball mean to you?

1 Watch the video and comment on the public: clothes, behaviour and mood.
The people are happy, they are having fun. Everyone is wearing football pads, jerseys, scarves. There’s a very
festive mood.

2 PAIR WORK Create a word cloud with the different meanings the Super Bowl has and compare it with the rest of
the class.
business – national holiday – quintessential America – fun – good – happy – competitive – eat – drink – celebration –
friends – family – chips – dips – sandwiches – reunion – fun fest

3 You are the BBC journalist who interviewed these people. Write a short caption for your video post on
Twitter to report what supporters think of the Super Bowl.

Production possible
People are very excited about the #SuperBowl: it means so much! Discover what the Super Bowl means to
Americans! #happiness #familytime #fun #friends #food.

→ Donner un temps limité pour rendre l’activité ludique.
→ Jouer l’hymne américain en fond sonore pendant que les élèves regardent l’image.
→ Faire établir le lien entre le titre National pride et l’hymne pour qu’ils saisissent le terme pride.

1 Look at the photograph and list as many elements linked to the USA and sports as you can.
National Football League – flags – Super Bowl XLIX – ball – football players

2 Explain in your own words what the people in the photograph are doing and why.
People are standing. They have their hands on their hearts. A lady is in the middle of the stadium. There are
musicians behind her and she is singing. I suppose they are singing the national anthem.

3 Interview three people in the class to have their opinion about the importance of singing the national
anthem before a game.
Production possible
- Why do you think singing the national anthem is important?
- Do you think we should do the same in France?
- What’s your opinion about the show related to the national anthem in the USA?
- Do you think singing the national anthem before every game in the USA, even local, helps build a national identity?

Make a one-minute speech to explain what the Super Bowl means to Americans.

- Encourager les élèves à découvrir des documents de cette double-page si vous ne les avez pas étudiés en cours.
- Renvoyer les élèves vers la fiche de méthodologie Expression orale en continu p. 280.
- Possibilité pour les élèves de réaliser cette tâche en s’enregistrant en cours ou à la maison.
- Limiter les notes à 10 mots clés pendant la prise de parole pour éviter un écrit oralisé.
Production possible

Axe 5 Sports and society Sports et société

The Super Bowl means a lot to Americans. Millions of Americans get really excited about it and it is a festive
moment. It’s one of the biggest events of the year after Thanksgiving. Millions of people watch it on television.
Beyond the game, it is more about being proud of their country and feeling united. People enjoy the festivities, the
atmosphere and spending time with their families and friends.

Grille d’évaluation
Grille d’évaluation modifiable hatier-clic.fr/lmu2999

Pédagogie différenciée : Le Trail A est le parcours le plus guidé. Les élèves sont amené·e·s à formuler des réponses similaires, mais la
tâche est plus compliquée pour les élèves choisissant le Trail B, où les questions amènent les élèves à accéder à l'implicite du document.
Le choix du parcours peut s'effectuer par l'élève lui·elle-même, ou bien par le·la professeur·e qui veillera à créer des groupes homogènes
pour éviter toute interprétation et un éventuel découragement des élèves.

→ Commencer l'étude du document par le titre de l’article de presse et la photo.
→ Faire le lien avec le document C s’il a été étudié.
→ En anticipation, faire relever la source et émettre des hypothèses.
→ Faire repérer les dates et noms propres ainsi que l’idée principale de chaque paragraphe.
→ Le texte sera l’occasion d’aborder le pluriel.

Trail A Trail B

1 Give the name of the American national anthem. 1 Highlight the different dates or time periods in the text.
Was it first sung in 1991, 1968 or 1945? Pick up the period of time when the anthem was first played
The name of the American national anthem is "The during a sport competition.
Star-Spangled Banner". It was first sung in 1945. During world War II.

2 Give the name of the sport which played the national 2 Find the sport that first played the national anthem before
anthem first. a game.
The sport that played the national anthem first was The sport that first played the national anthem before a
baseball. game was baseball.

3 Use these words in a sentence to create a definition 3 Explain how the American hymn is linked to patriotism.
of the American hymn: The American hymn is linked to patriotism because the lyrics
national ---- patriotic sentiment ---- warfare evoke warfare and patriotic sentiment.

The American national anthem evokes / is about

warfare and patriotic sentiment.

4 Spot the names of three people who have shown 4 From line 34 to the end, pick out the different people
signs of protests during the national anthem. mentioned by the author. Explain the link between the
Tommie Smith, John Carlos and Colin Kaepernick people and the national anthem.
showed signs of protests during the national anthem. Tommie Smith, John Carlos and Colin Kaepernick showed
signs of protests during the national anthem. T. Smith and J.
Carlos raised their fists in a Black Salute and . Kaepernick
kneeled during the anthem. It created a debate over the
importance of standing for the national anthem.

Axe 5 Sports and society Sports et société

Explain the importance of the national anthem in American sports.

Production possible
Since the second world war, the national anthem is sung during sporting events. The national anthem evokes fighting,
courage and patriotic sentiment and has therefore become part of American sports culture. It is sung whether the
competition is national or local and many celebrities have sung it before games. Americans feel it is important as it
develops a sense of patriotism and unity. Many think it is important to stand during the anthem to show pride and

→ Faire rebrasser les pré-acquis des élèves : tenue de football américain, à genou, son nom apparaît.
→ Par le gros titre du magazine, faire émettre des hypothèses sur qui est ce joueur.
→ Renvoyer les élèves au Culture Tip.

1 Analyse the document and comment on the picture.

This is the cover of TIME Magazine that was published on October 3, 2016. It is the photography of an American
football player. The background is black, so the focus is set on the player, kneeling. The title of the main article
appears in white next to the player: The Perilous Fight. The player has a neutral expression on his face. It is difficult
to guess what he’s thinking or feeling. The subtitle "National anthem protests led by Colin Kaepernick" helps the
viewer understand who he is.

2 Read the cover and the Culture Tip. Explain why the fight is perilous.
The fight is perilous because it creates a lot of debate and controversy. The player lost his job because he refused to
stand up while the national anthem was played. He wants to show neither pride nor respect for a flag that he
thinks represents the oppression of the black community.

3 GROUP WORK Kaepernick’s gesture is ‘‘fueling a debate about privilege, pride and patriotism’’. Explain
what the debate is about in your own words.
Voici quelques éléments de réponses qu'on pourra attendre des élèves :
- Kaepernick’s gesture is seen as disrespectful by Americans and especially war veterans.
- Some people feel he is only a rich football player and doesn’t realise that his attitude is insulting.
- Others believe that it is the role of public figures, regardless of who they are, to fight for people’s rights.
- Black Americans feel that at last people are giving a voice to their cause.

CLASSE INVERSÉE : Ce document se prête à la classe inversée car son contenu est accessible pour les élèves, qui prendront plaisir à le
regarder en autonomie et pourront en parler en classe.

→ Anticiper avec la capture d’écran, le titre et la légende du document.
→ Insister sur les mots accentués pour que les élèves accèdent plus facilement au sens.
→ La question 3 pourra être évaluée ou non.
→ La question 3 pourra servir d’entraînement pour le Projet 2.

Corrigé hatier-clic.fr/lmu2000
Fiche de classe inversée hatier-clic.fr/lmu051

Axe 5 Sports and society Sports et société

Script DVD + hatier-clic.fr/lmu050
Voice-over. Inside these lines, we don't have to come from the same place to help each other reach the same destination.
Inside these lines, we may have our differences, but recognise there's more that unites us.
Inside these lines, it's a game of inches. And there's no such thing as an easy yard when you're fighting to move forward. Inside these lines,
we're not only defined by our victories – but by the way we handle our defeats. Inside these lines, we can bring out the best in each other
and live united… inside these lines.

1 Pick out the expression that is repeated. Explain what it evokes.

The expression that is repeated is "Inside these lines". It evokes the lines on an American football pitch, the borders
of the US as well as players’ lines of conduct.

2 Say what values are expressed in the ad.

The values expressed in the ad are those of respect and unity.

3 PAIR WORK Discuss the reasons why the NFL made this ad.
Voici quelques éléments de réponses qu'on pourra attendre des élèves :
- This is an ad to promote the values of American football.
- It helps people understand what makes American football such a unique and exciting sport.
- The NFL wants to promote American football and thus increase people’s interest in the sport.
- Maybe the NFL wants more people to go to football games.

The NFL’s new policy requires players to stand for the national anthem on the field or
wait in the locker room. Write a letter to the NFL in reaction to the new policy.

- Possibilité pour les élèves d'utiliser tous les documents étudiés en classe pour pouvoir exprimer leur réaction.
- Les inciter à utiliser le Word Spot p. 110 et la carte mentale American football p. 114.

Production possible
Dear President of the NFL

I think that your new policy is unfair because players should be able to express themselves on and off the pitch. Our
Constitution clearly states that we can express ourselves freely, so I solemnly ask you to remove this policy.

I trust that you will be sensible to our inalienable rights.

Kind regards

Grille d’évaluation
Grille d’évaluation modifiable hatier-clic.fr/lmu2999

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Le présent en be + V-ing

1. a. Look! This football player is taking a knee.

b. Are you joking when you say that you’ve never heard of the Super Bowl?
c. In this picture the football players are writing autographs.
d. Do you watch the Super Bowl every year?

2. a. You’re always disturbing me … = désapprobation.

b. I’m attending … tomorrow afternoon. = futur proche.
c. In this photograph … = description.
d. Are they watching …? = action en cours
e. The players are training … at the moment. = action en cours

Le pluriel des noms

3. a. Ø Women and Ø men can take part in any sporting event.

b. My children like watching the Super Bowl.
c. You will receive Ø invitations to the Super Bowl match in your Ø in-boxes.
d. These ladies don’t feel like attending the tournaments this month.
e. My feet are sore and so are my teeth. I won’t go to see the matches today.

4. a. children = child • games = game • kinds = kind

b. men = man • women = woman
c. events = event • festivals = festival • amateurs = amateur
d. Coaches = coach • boxes = box • T-shirts = T-shirt
e. passes = pass • groups = group • fans = fan

Les consonnes muettes

5. Prononcé : kick • kill • hotel • pastry

Non prononcé : knit • knee • hour • honourable • psychiatrist

7. Prononcé : rob • knob • rib • pub • lab

Non prononcé : climb • thumb • lamb

Axe 5 Sports and society Sports et société

Les faux-amis

car • achievement • cry • bus • pain

Faux-ami Définition
lecture speech made by an expert
eventually in the end
bookshop place where you can buy books
issue problem
library place where you can borrow books
pain what you feel when you have a toothache
potentially possibly
bread you can spread butter and marmalade on it
reading favourite hobby for literature lovers
way out exit


Production possible
Yesterday I attended a lecture by Colin Kaepernick.
He cried because his best friend had deceived him.
She has written a wonderful novel about American football players.
You need to insert a coin in order to use this machine.

1. a. American football is an important sport in the USA. Before the Super Bowl, famous artists sing the
national anthem in the stadium. At half-time in the middle of the game, there is a real show and there are
many original adverts on TV.

b. Lately, some players have decided to kneel in order to denounce injustice, oppression and racism.
American football can be a symbol of national unity but it is also the opportunity for certain players to stand
up for their rights.


Production possible
Super Bowl is an American football championship. It is followed and watched by millions of people
nationwide. A lot of people gather and spend time with friends and family. Lately, there has been many
debates about the national anthem. Indeed, people stand up during the anthem o show pride and shared
values but some players kneeled to protest against discrimination and injustice.

Axe 5 Sports and society Sports et société

Mise en place des projets

Projet 1

Record the video that a football player who took a knee, posted for his fans on his
Facebook page.

- À réaliser en classe ou à la maison si les élèves disposent du matériel nécessaire.

- Possibilité d'utiliser les téléphones portables des élèves par exemple ou du matériel à disposition dans l’établissement.
- Possibilité de leur donner le brouillon à faire en classe.
- Ne pas négliger le travail sur la prononciation des mots du chapitre, tels que bowl, anthem, pride, kneel, etc.
- Pour éviter une prise de parole lue, une fois le travail de préparation effectué, les inciter à ne noter que quelques mots-clés sur une
petite fiche.
- Possibilité de leur montrer l’utilisation de prompteurs, il en existe des gratuits en ligne.
- Renvoyer les élèves vers la fiche de méthodologie Expression orale en continu p. 280.
- Il est possible de bonifier les élèves faisant preuve d’originalité.

Fiche de méthodologie N°12 p. 266

Projet 2

Take part in a discussion on an NFL online forum about whether the Super Bowl
brings Americans together.

- Activité largement exploitée par les élèves dans leur vie personnelle mais moins dans des activités de classe : les inciter à lire la fiche de
méthodologie n°21 sur l’expression écrite en interaction.
- Possibilité d'effectuer le travail de préparation et de recherche d’arguments par un travail préalable en groupes de 4, par exemple, en
classe afin que les élèves constituent une banque d’arguments. Puis, recréer de nouveaux groupes de 4 pour mettre en place l’interaction.
- À réaliser en classe si l’établissement est doté de tablettes, par exemple, ou à la maison.
- Possibilité de se référer à des sites gratuits du types Padlet ou Tricider, ou d'utiliser des simulateurs d’applications de messageries en
ligne (voir p. 283 du manuel). Il est également possible d’utiliser un tableau blanc collaboratif type Etherpad. Sans matériel à disposition,
possibilité d'utiliser des feuilles de papier que l’on échange.

Fiche de méthodologie N°21 p. 282

Axe 5 Sports and society Sports et société

Grille projet 1

Expression orale en continu – Record a video

Niveaux du CECRL
A1 A2 B1
Critères évalués
Mes idées sont simples, apprises Mon intervention correspond au Mes arguments et interventions sont
par cœur. Il y a très peu de sujet, je propose un point de vue variés et je prends en considération
références au mouvement take a informé sur les raisons qui poussent différents points de vue pour
knee et au football américain en les joueurs à poser un genou à terre. expliquer l’action de certains joueurs
Contenu culturel général. Je reprends des choses vues en de la NFL. J’ajoute des petites
classe. variantes et mon point de vue
0-1 2-3 4
Communication faussée par une Une utilisation modérée des notes. Des qualités communicatives mises
lecture intégrale. Beaucoup de Communication adaptée mais peu en avant dans un exposé clair et
Pragmatique et socio- silences et de faux démarrages. structurée. structuré. Utilisation adaptée des
linguistique mots-clés.
0-1 2-3 4
Prononciation correcte de mots L’ensemble du discours est De rares erreurs de prononciation,
isolés. compréhensible. Il y a quelques mais il y a un bon effort au niveau de
Phonétique Discours difficilement intelligible car erreurs de prononciation qui ne l’intonation et de l’articulation.
la prononciation fausse le sens. gênent pas à la compréhension. Résultat proche de l’authentique.

0-1 2-3 4
Les phrases sont très simples. Il y a Les phrases sont simples et courtes. Les phrases sont plus longues et
des erreurs de grammaire (verbe La syntaxe est respectée et les correctes avec peu d’erreurs de
manquant...) ou de syntaxe (ordre structures travaillées réutilisées grammaire. Les éléments vus dans
Grammaire des mots...). même avec maladresse. cette séquence sont réutilisés avec
0-1 2-3 4
Les mots de vocabulaire sont très Le vocabulaire est simple mais plus Vocabulaire précis relatif aux
simples. riche avec une utilisation de champs lexicaux étudiés (sport,
Lexique Des néologismes (inventions de synonymes quand cela est possible. injustice sociale, valeurs).
mots à partir du français).
0-1 2-3 4

Axe 5 Sports and society Sports et société

Grille projet 2

Expression écrite en interaction – Take part in a discussion

Niveaux du CECRL
A1 A2 B1
Critères évalués
Mes idées sont simples, il y a très Mes idées sont simples mais je fais Je suis capable d’intégrer l’aspect
peu de références aux différents référence à différents aspects du politique, économique et social
aspects du Super Bowl. Super Bowl. autour du Super Bowl.
Contenu culturel

0-1 2-3 4-5

Mes phrases sont très simples, je J’utilise quelques mots de liaison Mes interventions sont structurées.
respecte l’opinion d’autrui mais mes pour défendre mes idées. Mes Je respecte l’opinion d’autrui et le
échanges écrits font peu de sens. phrases sont construites. Je tour de parole. Je suis capable de
Pragmatique et socio- respecte l’opinion d’autrui. reformuler si je vois que mon
linguistique interlocuteur ne comprend pas mon
0-1 2-3 4-5
Les phrases sont très simples. Il y a Les phrases sont simples et courtes. Les phrases sont plus longues et
des erreurs de grammaire (verbe La syntaxe est respectée et les correctes avec peu d’erreurs de
manquant...) ou de syntaxe (ordre structures travaillées réutilisées grammaire. Les éléments vus dans
Grammaire des mots...). même avec maladresse. cette séquence sont réutilisés avec
0-1 2-3 4-5
Les mots de vocabulaire sont très Le vocabulaire est simple mais plus Vocabulaire précis relatif aux
simples. riche avec une utilisation de champs lexicaux étudiés (sport,
Lexique Des néologismes (inventions de synonymes quand cela est possible. injustice sociale, valeurs).
mots à partir du français).
0-1 2-3 4-5

Axe 5 Sports and society Sports et société

AXE 5 Sports and society

SÉQUENCE 1 Does American football bring people together?

#hypermediatised #nationalpride #socialevent

How big is the Super Bowl in To what extent are American Why is the Super Bowl such an
American media (TV, social football games opportunities to important social event? What are
networks…)? show national pride? the big moments of a Super Bowl
Documents Photo d’ouverture Photo d’ouverture Documents B et C
du manuel
Document A (textes C et D) Documents A (textes A et
B), C et D

Réponse à la The American football The national anthem in sports Football matches are so big in the
question championship is the most has been sung since WWII. The USA that, the day of the final is
mediatised event of the year, “Star-Spangled Banner” is a even considered an unofficial
bringing people to celebrate permanent part of every football holiday.
together in front of their TV game.
screens and organising parties:
After Thanksgiving, more food is
eaten on Super Bowl Sunday than
any other day of the year.

#teamsport #politicalstatement
Which values does American football carry as a How has the stadium been used as a platform for
team sport? political statements?
Documents Document F Document E
du manuel

Réponse à la Football matches have become so important, and so Some symbols such as kneeling during the national
question many people watch them, that the NFL released a anthem in stadiums have fuelled many heated
video clip Inside these lines to help players and debates.
viewers remember the core values of sport: fair play
– respect – dignity – unity.

Axe 5 Sports and society Sports et société


How central is American football in US culture?

American football is central in US culture. The NFL championship gathers millions of Americans around their TV
sets. It brings people together in no other way. The largest television audience in the country is during the game.
American artists sing during the game. Football tries to celebrate heroes and develop national pride. It unites
Americans who share common values.

How strong is the link between Americans and the Super Bowl?
Millions of Americans gather around their televisions for Super Bowl Sunday. It is such an important event; Super
Bowl Sunday is considered an unofficial holiday in the United States. After Thanksgiving, more food is eaten on
Super Bowl Sunday than any other day of the year. Parties are celebrated all around the country to watch the final
with friends and family.

Axe 5 Sports and society Sports et société

Objectif culturel : découvrir la place du Projets intermédiaires :
football à travers le temps dans la société
britannique You are a journalist for BBC Sport.
Objectifs pragmatiques : présenter des Write a three-fact article about
faits, donner et demander des informations. football in British society.
Objectif sociolinguistique : adapter son
discours à son interlocuteur PAIR WORK It is World Football
Objectif citoyen : sensibiliser à la Day! Liverpool Football Club
discrimination, à l’inclusion sociale et aux holds a stand in a school
valeurs citoyennes promoting official membership to the club.
Objectifs méthodologiques : expression Student A You are a member of Liverpool
orale en interaction (p. 278), créer une FC. Give information about the values and
affiche ou un dépliant (p.261) actions of the club.
Objectifs Grammaire : le prétérit, le Student B You are a student. Ask questions
linguistiques : past perfect and give your views on the goals and values
Phonologie : les paires of the club.
Écriture : les homophones Projets finaux :
Lexique : le football, la Act out the interview of a British
société football player. Discuss the values
and role of football in the UK.

Create a brochure for a British

football club presenting its history
and values.

Pick & mix Construire une séquence courte

Proposition 1 Document D ou E → Document F (Modélisant) → Prepare your project p. 119
→ Document H → Project #1

Proposition 2 Document B PAIR WORK ou C → Prepare your project p. 117 → Document G

→ Document H (Modélisant) → Project #2

Axe 5 Sports and society Sports et société

Présentation de la séquence

L’image, représentant la Reine Élisabeth II et Bobby Moore, ancien capitaine de l’équipe de
football d’Angleterre, permet d’introduire le thème du football et de la société britannique à
partir des sentiments nationaux suscités à travers ce sport. Ce document favorise une interaction
orale dynamique.

Dans ces deux extraits audio, John Williams, maître de conférences, auteur et spécialiste du
football, évoque le lien entre football et société dans le cadre d’une présentation d’un module
pour les étudiant·e·s de l’université de Leicester. Au-delà du côté sportif, le football donne à
voir les questions qui traversent la société britannique.

En retraçant l’histoire et l’évolution du football, ce texte informatif issu d’un blog universitaire
permet de percevoir l’importance de ce sport dans la société anglaise depuis le XIXe siècle et
de répondre partiellement à la problématique en abordant le thème des classes sociales.

L’extrait vidéo, issue du projet No Game for Girls, traite de l’histoire du football féminin en
Angleterre durant la Première Guerre Mondiale afin de faire connaître cette histoire oubliée.
Le document permet, par ailleurs, de comprendre l’origine de la perception sociale négative
du football féminin.

Axe 5 Sports and society Sports et société

Deuxième document ayant trait au football féminin, cet extrait d’un article de The Telegraph
dresse un bilan sur la situation actuelle et revient sur les leviers et les freins au développement
de ce sport.

La vidéo est issue d’une campagne sensibilisant au racisme, problème récurrent dans le football,
notamment au Royaume-Uni, et obstacle à l’intégration sociale. Show Racism the Red Card est
la plus grande association éducative contre le racisme au Royaume Uni.

Avec un même objectif de sensibilisation, cette courte vidéo aborde les discriminations à
l’encontre de la communauté LGBTQ dans le domaine footballistique et vise à faire adopter les
bonnes attitudes.

Pour conclure sur le rôle inclusif du football, l’étude de la charte du célèbre club de Manchester
United, promouvant des valeurs sportives et sociales, ne pouvait être qu’opportun.

Axe 5 Sports and society Sports et société

Proposition d’exploitation de la photo d’ouverture p. 107

→ Identifier la scène générale à l’aide de la légende.
→ Décrire le premier plan de l’image : les personnes (expressions faciales, gestes et attitudes, espace occupé), les objets et les couleurs
faisant référence à la nation anglaise.
→ Interpréter les éléments décrits, en particulier les émotions et les sentiments, que procure le football pour les Anglais.
→ Rapprocher l’image avec les hashtags #supporters, #senseofbelonging, #nationalunity et #socialisation.

→ Prendre appui sur la légende pour décrire l’image à l’oral avec le groupe classe, ou le faire en groupes / binômes puis choisir les
meilleures productions pour débuter votre trace écrite.
→ Amener les élèves à émettre des hypothèses sur les raisons de la présence de la Reine Élisabeth II au stade.
→ Mettre en rapport l'événement sportif et l’idée de « fierté nationale » : que représente le football pour les Britanniques ? Quels sont les
sentiments pour ce sport ? Popularité, passion, joie, bonheur, fierté, patriotisme, popularité...
→ Concernant l’interaction orale, inviter à rédiger un dialogue et à employer un registre soutenu et l’expression de l’exagération.

1 Identify the people and the place. Describe the people in the foreground (attitude and expression).
Bobby Moore (captain of the England national team) – Queen Elizabeth – Prince Philip – a man and a woman –
Wembley stadium
Queen Elizabeth II is giving Bobby Moore a trophy and looking towards him. The captain is picking it up and is
looking at it.
The man behind the Queen is looking at Bobby Moore.
Prince Philip and the woman next to him are looking far away.
They are smiling and look happy and proud.

2 Imagine a short dialogue between Queen Elizabeth II and Bobby Moore. She congratulates him for
having won the World Cup and he thanks her for the prize.
Production possible
Queen Elizabeth II: Before giving this trophy, I would like to express my extreme joy and pride. It was a
captivating football game, full of surprises.
Bobby: Thank you, it was a great honour to play for England and in the presence of her Majesty.
Queen Elizabeth II: I must admit that it was my first time at an international football game, and it was a delightful
moment. On behalf of the nation, I must tell you that today you have made us proud.
Bobby: I would like to thank you for your kind words.
Queen Elizabeth II: I feel very gratified to hand the trophy over to you and I would like to congratulate the team for
this thrilling game and all the efforts you have made to bring the world cup home.

Info +
Le Royaume-Uni ne possède pas d’équipe de football nationale unifiée. Il a, au contraire, plusieurs équipes nationales. Chacune des
nations (Angleterre, Écosse, Pays de Galles et Irlande du Nord) est représentée à l’international par sa propre équipe de football. Ce sont
par ailleurs les quatre fédérations les plus anciennes de ce sport - The Football Association (Angleterre) date de 1863, The Scottish Football
Association a été fondée en 1873, The Football Association of Wales est née en 1876 et The Irish Football Association a été créée en 1880.
Lorsque la FIFA a été créée en 1904, les fédérations étaient jugées trop puissantes et indépendantes pour être rassemblées. Bien que la
FIFA leur ait demandé par la suite de s’unifier, toutes ont refusé invoquant l’intérêt de préserver leur unité nationale.

Axe 5 Sports and society Sports et société

→ Faire émettre des hypothèses sur le document à partir du titre : le football n’est-il qu’un sport ? Raconte-t-il autre chose ? Quelle
histoire (secrète) du football ?
→ Proposer la fiche d'activité du E-workbook pour faciliter le repérage des informations selon le niveau des élèves en compréhension
→ Concernant la question 3, les élèves pourront donner des informations plus ou moins détaillées sous la forme d’un duo de
→ Les deux extraits sont issus du même document, chaque élève pourra découvrir divers aspects reliant le football et la société.

Corrigé hatier-clic.fr/lmu2000
Fiche à imprimer hatier-clic.fr/lmu054

CD 1 Piste 49
John Williams. So, I'm really using football as a kind of lens to look at British society through and how British society has changed. Many of
them are interested in what happens on the pitch. You know, I'm also interested in what underpins what's going on the field, what are the
economics and cultural interests, what do we know about the relationship between the game and politics, what about gender and race and
how they play out.
Let's talk about gender. Gender is really interesting, there have been challenges to that, historic challenges. There were women in the late
19th century who wanted to play, and in the First World War there was a very successful women's game established, very large crowds you
know, 50 thousand people wanting to watch women's football matches. And it took the women's game almost 50 years to get recognised

CD 1 Piste 50
John Williams. Sport should be above other kinds of concerns you know. Sport should be above politics. The English wanted to keep sport
and politics separate. So, when Germany said to England in 1935, let's play a friendly football match. The English kind of thought well you
know this is this is what we ought to do, we shouldn't look at what's happening in Germany.
We’re now very reflexive about race. We investigate whether black and Asian people have the same opportunities as white people do in
the game.
I think that the game still stands for solidarities and community identities, a sense of being someone. In a world that seems to be changing
very fast, being anchored and having connection with the local – I think it is something that football still stands for and is still important.

Student A Student B

1 Show that football is more than a sport. 1 Sum up the opinion of the English about sports and
Football is more than a sport: it is a means to study politics. Illustrate it with the given example.
society and its evolution, it has economic, political and The English think that sport and politics should not be
cultural ties. It also brings forward racial and gender mixed. For instance, in 1935, England did not refuse to play
issues. football against Germany.

2 Describe the challenge women’s football faced in the 2 Show that football has an important role in communities
20th century. in Britain.
In the late 19th century women wanted to play football Football has an important role in communities in Britain, as
and eventually during the First World War a very it enables to question discrimination in sport. It allows for
successful women's game took place: fifty thousand more solidarity and it reinforces the sense of belonging
people wanted to watch women’s football matches. amongst communities.
But it took women’s football almost 50 years to get
recognised again.

Axe 5 Sports and society Sports et société

3 Share your findings. List three facts people should know about football in Britain and present them to the
Production possible
Football is not only a sport; it sheds light on topical issues.
Women’s football was popular during the First World War.
England prefers to separate sport and politics.
During the Second World War, England played against Germany.
Football plays an important role in communities.

Pédagogie différenciée : Le Trail A est le parcours le plus guidé. Les élèves sont amenés à formuler des réponses similaires, mais la tâche
est plus compliquée pour les élèves choisissant le Trail B, où les questions amènent les élèves à accéder à l'implicite du document. Le choix
du parcours peut s'effectuer par l'élève lui·elle-même, ou bien par le·la professeur·e qui veillera à créer des groupes homogènes pour
éviter toute interprétation et un éventuel découragement des élèves.

→ Anticiper la lecture du texte à partir du titre Football and social classes et des connaissances acquises dans le document A s’il a été
→ Utiliser le document A en anticipation s’il n’a pas été étudié.
→ Faire lire le Culture Tip pour en savoir plus sur l’hooliganisme et répondre à la question 3.
→ Renvoyer les élèves à la fiche de méthodologie Compréhension écrite (p. 276) si besoin.
→ La consigne de production Meet up! est une activité de médiation qui peut être menée à l’écrit ou à l’oral, en binômes, en petits
groupes ou par le groupe classe. La production pourra servir de trace écrite.

Trail A Trail B

1 Pick out information about the origins of football. 1 Show how football is historically rooted in British
Present the historical place of football in British society.
society. Football is deeply rooted in the urban male working
“has historically been the bastion of male working- class, it emerged in factory towns in northern England
class culture” – “roots in factory towns and cities of the where football work teams were born.
north of England” – “most successful football clubs [...]
industrial communities” – “work teams”
Football is deeply rooted in the male working class, in
cities especially. It emerged in factory towns in
northern England where football work teams were

2 Spot two words related to money. Explain how 2 Explain the link between financial and social changes
ticketing impacted football fans. in football.
"ticket prices" – "afford" Further to the rise of the football ticket prices, the
Football fans’ profiles have changed over the last three audience changed: the working-class audience were
decades because of the increase of the ticket prices. replaced by better-off classes.
Today, most of the audience comes from a well-off
background whereas before they were rather working

Axe 5 Sports and society Sports et société

3 Find words related to the design and security of 3 Recap the changes that are described in lines 13-27
stadiums. Explain the change which took place. and their impact on the image of the game.
“stadia” – “little more than tin sheds with wooden Stadiums have improved at both a design and security
planks for seats” – “safe and accessible spaces” – level: safe and accessible supporters’ areas have
“fatal disasters” – “cramped, poorly policed terraces” – replaced tin sheds, design and security have been
“regulations on design and security” regulated to avoid fatal disasters. Supporters’ violence
Stadiums have improved at both a design and security has been almost eradicated to give a better image of
level: safe and accessible supporters’ areas have British football.
replaced tin sheds; their design and security have
been regulated to avoid fatal disasters. Officials have
also tried to eradicate supporters’ violence and give a
positive image of British football.
Tell a football fan what you understood about the importance of football in British
society. You can do it in French or in English.
Production possible
Football is important in British society: it has its roots in the industrial towns of the north of England and in the
male working-class. Football teams used to be mainly composed of urban male factory workers. It was also the
cornerstone of social life even though supporters’ profiles have evolved over time. As thousands of fans attend
football game, regulations on security and design had to be brought in to make stadiums safe and accessible

→ Partir de la capture et de sa légende pour amener les élèves à émettre des hypothèses de lecture, sans toutefois donner d’éléments de
réponses. À réaliser en classe entière ou en groupes sous forme de carte mentale qui pourra ensuite servir de trace écrite.
→ Utiliser la fiche d'activité du E-workbook en amont de l’analyse du document pour favoriser les repérages.
→ Possibilité d'évaluer la question 4 qui peut constituer un premier entraînement pour le Project 2.

Corrigé hatier-clic.fr/lmu2000
Fiche à imprimer hatier-clic.fr/lmu055

Script DVD
Woman voice-over #1. This is the story of women's football in Coventry during World War one. In 1914, the great war began, dragging
every corner of the world into its horror, the British Empire was a key force in World War One and it needed arms, it needed its factories to
produce them. Cities like Coventry were key to that national factory scheme, were centres of engineering and manufacture became centers
of arms production. With thousands of men leaving to fight, it was the women who were working in the factories and they were called
Woman voice-over #2. We had in Coventry some of the key factories for output throughout the first world war, so it seemed like an obvious
place for those football teams to spring up and they started playing against one another and then of course, as they began to gain popularity,
there were bigger games against factory teams from other cities as well.
Woman voice-over #3. I think the football comes out of a fact that there is this concern about particularly young women working together
in large numbers. Sport, particularly football, one of the things that was developed as a way of keeping these girls, keeping them entertained
and filling their leisure hours.
Woman voice-over #1. To keep the workers occupied at the weekends the big factories organised games and sports events. [...] Between
1917 and 18 the ladies’ teams played many matches and tournaments across the city. [...] In 1918, after four long years, the war finally
ended. As women left their factory jobs, many teams disbanded, but some continued to play. Nationally, women's football was growing in
popularity with some games attracting crowds of over 20,000 spectators. But many were still not happy with women's newfound freedoms.
The Football Association led the way in discrediting the women's game, and in 1921 it dealt its devastating blow.
Man. The council feel impelled to express their strong opinion that the game of football is quite unsuitable for females and ought not to be
encouraged. The council requests the clubs belonging to the Association refuse the use of their club grounds for such matches.
Woman voice-over #1. Effectively it was a ban, the FA was kicking women's football out. [...] What women had achieved during the war

Axe 5 Sports and society Sports et société

years was astonishing, in the workplace and on the pitch, but the FA ban was to last for another 50 lost years.

1 Focus on the historical context. Present the munitionettes.

"Coventry" – "World War One "–"1914" – "1917" – "1918" – "British Empire" – "key force"
The munitionettes is the name given to the women who worked in the British factories that produced arms while
men were at war during WWI (1914-18).

2 Explain the place of football in the munitionettes’ lives.

Football had an important place in the munitionettes’ lives since it kept them entertained, filling their leisure time
during the weekends. The munitionettes participated in many sports events and gained popularity.

3 Spot the obstacle faced by female football teams and explain its consequence.
Although women’s football was popular and gathered large crowds, after the war, it started to be discredited by
critics, such as the Football Association which argued that football was “quite unsuitable for females”. The councils
were also asked to not give their grounds to women teams and in 1921 women’s football was banned.

4 Imagine the speech given by a munitionette in 1921 to persuade the Football Association to reconsider
their decision.
Production possible

Dear President and members of the Football Association

As captain of the women’s football team in Coventry and on behalf of all the female football players and fans in
England, I would like to talk about a serious issue – the recent ban on women’s football.
As you may know, after the departure of male factory workers to fight in the war, we were asked to take over their
tasks and produce arms, which we did proudly as engaged and devoted citizens.
It was our way to contribute to the war effort and to the victory of our troops. So, we showed that we could do the
same as men and we should have equal rights. If work has given us social recognition, football has united us and
has reinforced the sense of belonging to a proud nation. The decision you made is not only a mistake, it is also
unfair and illegitimate.
As you may know, football set the tempo of our everyday life for many long and tough years and it filled our leisure
time. We can live without it no more.
And you must surely be aware that women’s football also gathered thousands of fans - men, women and children -
for the pleasure of attending the games, and it has thus become very popular.
Maybe you gave in to the press and critics, which made you decide promptly, but I think that you should take all
sides into account. As a matter of fact, we would like you to reconsider your decision by lifting the ban on women’s

Thank you and kind regards,


Info +
D’après les sources connues, c’est en 1881 qu’a lieu la première rencontre internationale de football féminin, opposant l’Angleterre à
l’Ecosse. En 1969, la Women’s Football Association naît, puis sera affiliée une dizaine d’années plus tard à la Football Association.
L’interdiction du football féminin ne sera levée qu’en 1971 sous la pression de l’UEFA.

Axe 5 Sports and society Sports et société

You are a journalist for BBC Sport. Write a three-fact article about football in British

- La production des élèves doit rendre compte de faits ayant retenu l’attention des élèves.
- Possibilité de faire faire ce travail en cours, individuellement, en binômes ou en groupes et de faire présenter les facts à la classe.
- La sélection des informations peut porter sur un ou plusieurs documents de la double-page et sur leurs connaissances personnelles.

Production possible
1. Football has never been only a man’s sport…
2. Football in the UK is linked to social classes…
3. Football is more than a sport …
4. Women football used to be massive during WWI….

Grille d’évaluation
Grille d’évaluation modifiable hatier-clic.fr/lmu2999

→ À partir de la photographie, amener les élèves à s’intéresser à sa connotation
→ Mettre ensuite en perspective la photographie décrite et le titre du document “The fight is not over” afin de faire émettre des
hypothèses de lecture.
→ Renvoyer à la fiche de méthodologie Compréhension écrite p. 276, particulièrement si le travail se déroule en autonomie.
→ Pour la question 4, inviter les élèves à former de petits groupes afin de multiplier et varier les questions. Puis on peut imaginer que les
binômes / groupes se mélangent pour se poser les questions.
→ Renvoyer les élèves au Word Spot.

1 Identify the expressions linked to progress and victory (l. 1-10). Show that the situation of women’s football has
"Success of women’s football" – "the most important battle has already been won" – "the social stigma [...] was
The fight against social stigma attached to women’s football, fought years ago, was an important success in the
improvement of this situation.

2 Find what the obstacle is and explain the sentence ‘‘But the fight is not over’’.
The obstacle is that it remains a “minority sport”.
“But the fight is not over” means that even though the big battle has been won, participation and supporter numbers
have grown and there is an unstoppable will to develop. However, women’s football still suffers from a lack of

3 Say how the Football Association can help develop women’s football.
The Football Association can help by making women’s football break into mainstream sports and by supporting the
clubs to be at the top and to have talented players.

4 Write three questions to interview Kelly Simmons on the current situation of women’s football.

Production possible
How can individuals and society fight against the social stigma?
What other obstacles is women’s football facing?
What is your personal opinion about the improvement of the situation of women in football?
Why hasn’t women’s football broken into the mainstream yet?

Axe 5 Sports and society Sports et société

Do you think women’s football will have the same recognition as men’s football one day? Why?
What do you think of the Football Association’s ambition?

→ Anticiper la compréhension de la vidéo à partir de la capture et de sa légende.
→ Faire visionner la vidéo une première fois dans son intégralité afin d’effectuer un premier repérage et de confirmer les hypothèses
→ Possibilité de faire des groupes pour traiter les questions 1, 2 et 3. Chaque groupe traitera une question et une mise en commun aura
lieu avant la question 4. Cela permettra de différencier ou d’aller plus vite.
→ Concernant la consigne de production, renvoyer les élèves à la fiche de méthodologie Poster sur les réseaux sociaux (p. 268).
→ Cette vidéo sera l’occasion d’aborder le prétérit.

Script DVD
Gary Bennett. The event today for Show Racism the Red Card is about educating young people in regards of racism, telling them that
everybody can suffer from racism, and what, really, can we do about it. I’ve been involved in Show Racism the Red Card for over twenty
years now. I got involved while I was playing for Sunderland. Ged Grebby, which is chief exec, approached me and said would I like to come
on board and help fight racism, not just in football, but in society in general.
Luke O’Nien. It was good. The kids, I think, they all created their own newspapers and they had loads of questions for our panel. About eight
or nine of us, with players playing now from the men’s and women’s team, and then some past players as well. We got asked some tough
questions. It’s important to educate the kids on this, no one is born racist. But you might see these words come up, and if you’re not educated,
you might not understand it. So Show Racism the Red Card is brilliant, because it gives everyone the education about what these words
Gary Bennett. I think it’s important that we keep delivering the message on a daily basis, keep fighting racism, as I said, not just in sport, but
in society. You look at a football team now, you’ve got players of different nationalities, different religions, different skin colours and also of
different cultures as well. And I think it’s important to get the message out there: racism is wrong.

1 Explain who Gary Bennett is.

Gary Bennett is a football player who played for Sunderland Football Club and he took part in the “Show Racism
the Red Card” event organised by the charity of the same name that fights against racism.

2 Pick out the actions young people can participate in and why they are important.
"creating newspapers" – "asking questions to players"
These actions are very important as they help the youth understand the goals and the message of the project /
campaign / charity.

3 Focus on Gary Benett’s description of football teams now. Show the link with the ‘‘Show Racism the Red Card’’
Football players have different nationalities, religions, skin colours and cultures. The project delivers a message
about racism in football today on a daily basis, and how one should keep fighting racism in sports and society.

4 Write a tweet showing your support for the ‘‘Show Racism the Red Card’’ project.

Production possible
Great to hear Gary Bennett, Sunderland Football club player, delivering important messages for
#ShowRacismtheRedCard. Racism has no place either in football or in the UK. Let’s all #ShowRacismtheRedCard!

Info +
Show Racism the Red Card (SRtRC) est l’association de lutte contre le racisme la plus importante au Royaume-Uni. Elle a été créée en
Janvier 1996 grâce, en partie, au don du gardien de but de Newcastle de l’époque, Shaka Hislop. Pour plus d'informations, vous pouvez
visiter le site internet de l'association : https://www.theredcard.org/england.

Axe 5 Sports and society Sports et société

CLASSE INVERSÉE : Ce document se prête à la classe inversée car il présente un contenu lexical dense mais qui peut être levé hors du cours
grâce à la fiche d'activité du E-workbook. De plus, grâce aux consignes du manuel, il permet de déclencher une véritable interaction orale,
voire une discussion en classe.

→ Possibilité de réaliser la question 1 en classe avant l’écoute (en binômes / groupes / classe entière) pour anticiper le contenu du
→ Partir de la troisième partie de la fiche d'activité du E-workbook si le document est utilisé en classe inversée, et revenir sur les points
ayant posé une difficulté.
→ La consigne de production est une courte production orale en continu pouvant porter sur les thèmes abordés dans les documents F (s’il
a été étudié) et G.
→ Inviter les élèves à employer le vocabulaire du Word Spot dans la production orale et à créer des phrases impératives.

Corrigé hatier-clic.fr/lmu2000
Fiche de classe inversée hatier-clic.fr/lmu057

Script DVD / hatier-clic.fr/lmu056

There I nothing like the roar of the crowd.
Thousands of people singing your name.
It’s what makes match day so great.
But sometimes, things can get out of hands.
Instead of bringing people together, it can make some feel unwelcome. We’ve all heard it.
You may think chanting about gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people is just banter… It isn’t.
You may think there’s something wrong with being lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender… There isn’t.
You might think LGBT fans aren’t welcome at football… They are.
Abusive chanting is not OK and can affect anyone.
Next time you hear it, tell someone, tell a steward, tell your club.
Or report it with the Kick It Out app.
But don’t ignore it.
Football is for everyone.
Let’s kick discrimination out of the game.

1 Give an example of supporters’ positive behaviour and show its impact.

The crowd can roar and sing the footballer’s name.
This positive behaviour makes a match day great, people – players and supporters – feel welcomed and they create
a feeling of togetherness.

2 Show the type of discrimination the LGBT community can face in football stadiums.
The LGBT community can face abusive chanting from some fans, which can make them feel unwelcome.

3 Explain what fans should do if they witness discrimination.

If fans witness discrimination, they must not ignore it; they should inform a steward or their club and report abuse
via the Kick it Out app.

Axe 5 Sports and society Sports et société

4 Act as a coach briefing his or her young team on the main rules of conduct before attending a football
Production possible
Set the example.
Remember fair play, always.
Be respectful with the opposing fans and team.
Respect the rules.
Do not discriminate people.
Accept people for who they are and welcome them.
If you witness any abuse, come tell me and use the Kick it Out app.
Do not contest the referee’s decisions in any manner.
Support your team: you can cheer, applause, encourage your favourite players...

Info +
Kick It Out est l’association du football anglais qui promeut l’égalité et l’inclusion. Elle travaille dans les secteurs du football, de l’éducation
et au sein des communautés afin de lutter contre la discrimination et d’encourager les pratiques inclusives en faisant campagne pour que
les choses changent. Kick It Out combat la discrimination au nom de tout·e·s ceux et celles qui jouent, regardent et travaillent dans le
football depuis 1997. Plus d'informations sur le site internet de l'association : https://www.kickitout.org/.

→ Amener les élèves à émettre des hypothèses à partir du titre du document et en s’aidant du Word Spot.
→ Inviter les élèves à observer la mise en page du document et à y repérer la structure.
→ Aborder la première consigne à l’oral avec le groupe classe ou répartir la classe en groupes.
→ La question 3 peut être réalisée en groupes, en binômes ou de manière individuelle. Possibilité de l’évaluer.
→ La question 4 pourra être notée ou non ; possibilité de proposer aux élèves un simulateur de page Facebook, comme
→ Faire recréer un acrostiche avec « UNITED ».

1 Focus on the paratext and explain what type of document this is.
The document is an extract from section 9 of the Manchester United Football Club Foundation’s charter.

2 Spot the words that refer to places, people and institutions. Say who Manchester United Foundation works with.
Places: "the most disadvantaged areas" – "across Greater Manchester"
People: "young people" – "future generations" – "communities" – "school children" – "those with physical or mental
disabilities" – "girls" – "the most hard-to-reach young people" – "local communities" – "students"
Institutions: "primary and secondary schools" – "UNICEF"

3 Pick out some verbs to define Manchester United Foundation’s goal and actions.
"educate" – "motivate" – "inspire" – "build" – "deliver" – "manage" – "engage" – "improve" – "develop" – "create"

4 Write a message on Manchester United Foundation’s Facebook page asking them to launch a campaign in
your school.

Production possible

We are Jessica and Ethan, representatives of Edith Piaf’s High School, which is located in a disadvantaged area in
Lyon. We have heard of the actions you engage in secondary schools across the Greater Manchester area and we
find them so interesting that we would like you to launch a campaign in our school and maybe develop a

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We think the values you promote are really inspiring, particularly for the youth.
You could provide football opportunities for our school mates or deliver educational programmes. We have been
trying to create a sense of community and your actions could be very helpful and motivating.

We look forward to hearing from you soon and defending UNITED’s values together!

Jessica and Ethan

PAIR WORK It is World Football Day! Liverpool Football Club holds a stand in a school
promoting official membership to the club.

Student A You are a member of Liverpool FC. Give information about the values and
actions of the club.
Student B You are a student. Ask questions and give your views on the goals and values of the club.

- Faire jouer un binôme ou deux devant la classe afin de préciser les attentes.
- Ce travail peut être fait en cours, noté ou non.
- Les élèves peuvent aussi le faire hors de la classe en se filmant avec leurs portables.

Production possible
Student: What are the values of Liverpool Football Club?
Member of Liverpool FC: Well, we have many values, but I would say that the club sticks with three core values:
respect, inclusion and unity. Do you know why?
Student: Well, maybe because without them, no one can play in a team sport, especially in football with the large
number of different players on the pitch.
Member of Liverpool FC: You are totally right. And you know, these values are also very important to making
society works.
Student: True, you have a point... As a girl, I often play football at recess, but I haven’t found a good club where I
could practice. Do you have a girls’ team? What do you do to promote women's football?
Member of Liverpool FC: We have a talented girls’ team. They are really dedicated and passionate. They are as
considered as the boys, they are offered the same quality training, they participate in many competitions and large
crowds support them.
Student: Well, I am pleasantly surprised. Gender equality is real here!
Member of Liverpool FC: Definitely, yes, you should come and see with your own eyes.
Student: I have one last question. Do you think that diversity is an obstacle in your club?
Member of Liverpool FC: Not at all. Remember our core values. You must know that we educate fans, players,
anybody, against discrimination, whether it is based on race, gender or sexuality. It has no place on the pitch, in the
terraces and in society. If you become a member, you will be able to participate in educational programmes, and if
you were to face discrimination, you would know how to react.
Student: All right, your words have got me interested in having a membership to Liverpool Football Club. I will
consider the offer. How can I reach you?
Member of Liverpool FC: Here is the brochure of the club with our contact details.

Grille d’évaluation
Grille d’évaluation modifiable hatier-clic.fr/lmu2999

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Le prétérit
1. a. England beat West Germany in 1966.
b. The English team won the World Cup Final.
c. The English celebrated with cakes and party hats.
d. They were proud of their team.
e. Lily Parr was the first woman to be admitted into the English Football Hall of Fame.

2. a. Look! I have just bought tickets for the football match!

b. The last time I went to a football match was a long time ago.
c. I have never gone to Manchester but I have heard about Manchester United of course!
d. Did Sue visit Liverpool three years ago?
e. Her husband didn’t spend his childhood in this city in the 1980s.

Le past perfect
3. a. What Manchester United had achieved for many years was brilliant!
b. The previous week the P.E. teacher had told us to bring our sports gear.
c. Rugby originated in the aristocratic public school called Rugby.
d. The term “soccer” had been used in the United States, New Zealand and Australia for so many years.
e. Last year his team lost the tournament, but his former team had won four years before.

4. a. In his free time, he always did some kind of sport when he was a boy.
b. In 2010 he played football. Three years earlier he had started to play tennis.
c. They had already prepared their sports bags when I arrived.
d. She had trained a lot this year, that’s why she won the competition.
e. He had been there for half an hour when his coach invited him to join the team.

Les paires minimales

5. a. cheap – sheep = paire minimale

b. cheap – ship = pas de paire minimale
c. beg – bet = paire minimale
d. bag – bet = pas de paire minimale
e. bird – board = paire minimale
f. bull – bill = paire minimale
g. pass – part = paire minimale
h. boy – toy = paire minimale

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6. a. boy – toy
b. ball – bell
c. watch – wash
d. live – leave

Les homophones

7. a. I ate eight cookies before the game!

b. To be honest, you can’t buy two tickets. It’s too expensive!
c. You should buy the latest book by Sir Alexander Ferguson.
d. You can hear the supporters sing from here!
e. In one hour we will be champion because this is our time to win!
f. During the war women football players also wore shorts to play.

8. a. While their dog is there, they’re going to have her on a leash

b. The champion is the one who won.
c. The football final is tomorrow, you need to wait before you gain weight!
d. Where did you wear this dress before?
e. It's the dog's ball, and you can't play with its toys!
f. Did you see the sea when you were in Liverpool to see the football game?

1. a. English supporters were known for their violent behaviour in the 1960s.
b. Fans usually cheer in the stadiums to support / encourage their teams.
c. The origins of football date back to the Middle Ages in England.
d. Football gained popularity in the 19th century in Britain.
e. Football is a sport that can transcend racial, social and cultural differences.
f. Each club has the moral responsibility to ensure there is no discrimination during games.
g. There will be zero tolerance against perpetrators of violence in stadiums.

Production possible
Manchester United Club is a professional club and has a good reputation.
I like to go to the stadium and support my favourite teams.
The roots of football are quite unclear but it is bound to the working class.
Gender equality is one of the key principles of this sport.
Hooliganism generally includes violence and racism.

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Mise en place des projets

Projet 1
Act out the interview of a British football player. Discuss the values and role of football in
the UK.

- Renvoyer les élèves vers la fiche de méthodologie Expression orale en interaction (p. 278).
- Pour éviter un écrit oralisé, inciter les élèves, une fois le travail de préparation effectué, à ne noter qu’une dizaine de mots-clés.
- Demander aux élèves de prendre appui sur les documents abordés dans la séquence et le Go4It p. 125.
- Insister sur l’aspect de discussion spontanée et vive entre les interlocuteurs·rices durant l’interaction orale.
- Les élèves peuvent s’entraîner avant de s’enregistrer et de remettre le fichier audio au ou à la professeur·e.
- L’interaction orale doit durer environ 3 et 4 minutes.

Fiche de méthodologie N°19 p. 278

Projet 2
Create a brochure for a British football club presenting its history and values.

- Renvoyer à la fiche de méthodologie Créer une affiche ou un dépliant (p. 261).

- Montrer, ou inviter les élèves à rechercher, des exemples de dépliant de clubs sportifs, en plus du document H.
- Encourager les élèves à effectuer des recherches en amont, à prendre des notes et à reformuler de manière simple ; renvoyer à la fiche
de méthodologie Faire une recherche internet (p. 254).
- Rappeler la visée informative du dépliant.
- Le projet peut être mené de manière individuelle ou en groupes.

Fiche de méthodologie N°9 p. 261

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Grille projet 1

Expression orale en interaction – Act out an interview

Niveaux du CECRL
A1 A2 B1
Critères évalués
Mes idées sont simples, apprises Mes interventions correspondent à Mes arguments et interventions sont
par cœur. Il y a très peu de différentes valeurs et au rôle du variés et je prends en considération
références aux valeurs et au rôle du football dans la société britannique différents points de vue sur les
football dans la société britannique. et je propose un point de vue valeurs et rôle du football dans la
Contenu culturel informé. Je reprends des choses société britannique.
vues et ajoute des petites variantes
et mon point de vue personnel.
0-1 2-3 4
Communication faussée par une Une utilisation modérée des notes. Des qualités communicatives mises
utilisation exclusive des notes. Communication adaptée mais peu en avant dans un exposé clair et
Pragmatique et socio- Beaucoup de silences et de faux structurée. structuré. Utilisation adaptée des
linguistique démarrages. notes.
0-1 2-3 4
Prononciation correcte de mots L’ensemble du discours est De rares erreurs de prononciation,
isolés. compréhensible. Il y a quelques mais il y a un bon effort au niveau de
Phonétique Discours difficilement intelligible car erreurs de prononciation qui ne l’intonation et de l’articulation.
la prononciation fausse le sens. gênent pas à la compréhension. Résultat proche de l’authentique.

0-1 2-3 4
Les phrases sont très simples. Il y a Les phrases sont simples et courtes. Les phrases sont plus longues et
des erreurs de grammaire (verbe La syntaxe est respectée et les correctes avec peu d’erreurs de
manquant...) ou de syntaxe (ordre structures travaillées réutilisées grammaire. Les éléments vus dans
Grammaire des mots...). même avec maladresse. cette séquence sont réutilisés avec
0-1 2-3 4
Les mots de vocabulaire sont très Le vocabulaire est simple mais plus Vocabulaire précis relatif aux
simples. riche avec une utilisation de champs lexicaux étudiés (inclusion,
Lexique Des néologismes (inventions de synonymes quand cela est possible. tradition, discrimination).
mots à partir du français).
0-1 2-3 4

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Grille projet 2

Expression écrite en continu – Create a brochure

Niveaux du CECRL
A1 A2 B1
Critères évalués
Mes idées sont simples, il y a très Les éléments que j’ai choisis Ma brochure prend en considération
peu de références à l’histoire et aux informent bien l’histoire et les de nombreuses informations sur
valeurs d’un club de football valeurs d’un club de football l’histoire et les valeurs d’un club de
Contenu culturel britannique. britannique. J’ajoute des football britannique.
informations pertinentes.
0-1 2-3 4-5
Ma brochure est peu claire et Ma brochure est claire. J’utilise Ma brochure est bien organisée.
Pragmatique et socio- organisée. Mes phrases sont très quelques mots de liaison, mes Mon discours est structuré.
linguistique simples. phrases sont construites.
0-1 2-3 4-5
Les phrases sont très simples. Il y a Les phrases sont simples et courtes. Les phrases sont plus longues et
des erreurs de grammaire (verbe La syntaxe est respectée et les correctes avec peu d’erreurs de
manquant...) ou de syntaxe (ordre structures travaillées réutilisées grammaire. Les éléments vus dans
Grammaire des mots...). même avec maladresse. cette séquence sont réutilisés avec
0-1 2-3 4-5
Les mots de vocabulaire sont très Le vocabulaire est simple mais plus Vocabulaire précis relatif aux
simples. riche avec une utilisation de champs lexicaux étudiés (inclusion,
Lexique Des néologismes (inventions de synonymes quand cela est possible. tradition, discrimination).
mots à partir du français).
0-1 2-3 4-5

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AXE 5 Sports and society

SÉQUENCE 1 Is football a medium of social inclusion in the UK?

#discrimination #nationalunity #senseofbelonging

How does football fight To what extent does football How does football make people
discrimination? symbolise national unity in the feel they belong to the same
UK? group no matter who they are and
where they come from?
Documents Documents B, C, D, E, F, Photo d’ouverture Photo d’ouverture
du manuel
G et H. Documents A, B et C Documents A, B, C, D et

Réponse à la Football is not free from Even though each nation in the Football makes people feel they
question discrimination, but people try to UK has its own national team, belong to the same group at
fight it, for instance, the Football football symbolises national different levels. Because of its
Association has been recently unity as it is rooted in the origins, this sport is tied to the
involved in the development of history of the UK. British culture and society.
women’s football through large Through this sport people show
investments. their national pride and
We also saw two campaigns that patriotism, particularly during
aimed at educating people on international football matches. At
racism and discrimination against the same time, it reinforces the
the LGBT community. sense of belonging to the United
Kingdom. At a local level, it
helps develop community
cohesion. From a sociological
point of view, it gave the
opportunity to the working class -
male and female - to create social
links in the past.
#supporters #socialisation
How has supporting football teams evolved in the To what extent does football bring people from
UK over time? different social backgrounds together?
Documents Photo d’ouverture Photo d’ouverture
du manuel
Documents B, C, D, E et G Documents C, D, G et H

Réponse à la If we go back to the 19th century, fans were mostly First, it brings people from different social classes
question male factory workers. Then, when workers went to together. If football has historically been linked to
fight during WWI, women took their work over and the working class, its audience has progressively
started playing football as well, expanding football evolved because of the increase of ticket prices. It
fandom to women as well. Over the last 30 years also gathers people from different origins, nations
the rise of ticket prices has had an impact on fans’ or skin colours whether they are football players or
profiles since only certain social classes can afford supporters. Campaigns such as Show Racism the
to watch football games. Today, fans come from Red Card or Kick it Out stand up in support of the
different backgrounds and all unite behind their diversity of the British society. Clubs, are involved
flag. in disadvantaged communities as well, to help them
and convey their values.

Axe 5 Sports and society Sports et société


How does football unite the British?

Football has always acted as a unifier in Britain. The simple fact that it can gather a large number of fans creates a
sense of belonging, whether it is to the nation, the city or the community. That is what happened at the Football
World Cup in 1966 when England won. In the 19th century and during the First World War, football was the
cornerstone of social life of the factory football works teams filling their leisure time. It also has the power of
breaking down social barriers when people from different social classes support the same team. By working with
communities, football clubs, such as Manchester United Football Club, help create social cohesion. Football is a
means of transcending differences and fighting intolerance and discrimination, not only on the field but also within
British society, promoting moral values and fighting discrimination and unity.

To what extent does football bring people from different social backgrounds together?
Football is a sport for everyone no matter the social class, gender, origin, age... Indeed, if we have a closer look at
the players and fans, we can say that football is more socially inclusive than before. Firstly, it has always been part
of British popular culture, since the 19th century at least. Besides, if it was the bastion of the male working class at
the time, the consequences of WWI resulted in the development of women’s football factory teams. The profile of
fans has changed as well. While the games used to be essentially attended by working-class men, a large part of
fans are well-off today because the price of tickets has increased.
Yet, unfortunately football has been a sport for a minority of the British society at times. Let’s first take the example
of women’s football. The Football Association discouraged and banned women’s football in 1921 under the pressure
of the press and critics, although it had gathered large crowds and was very popular during World War I. Next, the
negative behaviour of some in football has excluded certain types of people because of their origin, skin colour,
sexual orientation and gender identity.

Axe 5 Sports and society Sports et société

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