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Axe 2 : Espace privé et espace public

3 A woman’s world
Book, p. 52-61

Final project
Your project: Prepare and present a campaign, p. 61
You are launching a campaign to promote gender equality. Prepare a radio announcement to inform people
about your intentions.
Prepare your project
Pairwork Make up a slogan for a campaign, p. 56
Présenter une campagne, p. 60

BAC Entraînement aux épreuves communes en cours d’année, p. 63

Épreuve 1

Lexique Faits de langue Culture
ÉTAPE 1 droits des femmes – present perfect – femmes connues –
Ouverture, p. 52-53 évolution prononciation de histoire des droits
Poster sur la marche des femmes women des femmes
par I. C. Guijarro
Publicité Always
➥ Worksheet 12 (mots croisés)
ÉTAPE 2 famille – articles (p. 54) – used discours de Judy
Private space, p. 54-55 tâches ménagères – to + BV – modaux Syfers – Women’s
Affiche publicitaire éducation des (sens 2) – both, Studies
Discours de J. Syfers enfants – either et neither –
stéréotypes – but prononciation de la
lettre g
 Témoignage d’un père sur l’éducation
de ses enfants

ÉTAPE 3 école – les liaisons (p. 59) – STEM – Sheryl

Public space, p. 56-57 discrimination – variations parallèles Sandberg –
Photo d’étudiantes en classe de sciences lexique de la réussite (the more… the campagne pour
Article de presse (p. 58) – monde du more…) – suggestion l’égalité des salaires
vidéo travail – salaire et conseil
Les femmes dans les STEM
Texte autobiographique de S. Sandberg
Poster de campagne
Campagne Stop the robbery
➥ Words, words, words, p. 58
➥ Quizlet
➥ To go further, p. 62

3   A woman’s world 51
ÉTAPE 1   Ouverture p. 52-53
1. Projeter l’image p. 53 et faire réagir les élèves. Compléter en faisant Q1 Basics. Noter
les idées au tableau. Créer des réseaux lexicaux à partir des contributions : unfair ➙
unequal • imbalanced • lack of • deprived • access to ➙ representation • parity • equality •
equal pay • top jobs… Faire ensuite un bilan rapide de l’évolution des droits des femmes.
Réponses : Over the last century, the situation of women has evolved. Indeed, they have
obtained the right to vote and most women can now study and have a career. However,
inequalities have not been completely eradicated as they are still paid less than men for
the same job and there aren’t many female CEOs, scientists or heads of states.
Vérifier que les élèves connaissent la prononciation de women [wɪmɪn].
Élargissement lexical : évolution : change • evolve • develop • disappear • eradicate •
persist • keep on • continue • still • yet • always
➥ Worksheet 12.
2. Écrire #LikeaGirl au tableau et recueillir les réactions des élèves sur ce qu’ils s’attendent
à voir afin d’anticiper l’écoute.
3. Visionner le début de la vidéo sans le son (jusqu’à 0:39) et demander aux élèves de
décrire la situation, les actions et de réagir. Puis leur demander ce qu’ils s’attendent à
voir ensuite (après la mention écrite : “We asked young girls the same question”).
4. Visionner la vidéo en entier avec le son et faire relever les mots répétés et accentués
pour répondre à Q2.
5. Faire Q3. Veiller à restreindre les noms à la sphère anglophone.
Élaborer une trace écrite en gardant les énoncés qui se réfèrent à l’évolution de la situa-
tion des femmes et en veillant à une bonne utilisation du present perfect.

Pistes pour la trace écrite

The situation of women has evolved a lot over the last century. • Women can now… • Some have even reached
top positions in business such as… or in politics such as… • However, inequalities haven’t been completely
eradicated… • Stereotypes haven’t disappeared…
Director: Hi Erin.
Erin: Hi.
Director: OK, so I’m going to just give you some actions to do and you just do the first
thing that comes to mind. Show me what it looks like to “run like a girl”.
Girl: My hair, Oh my God!
Director: Show me what it looks like to “fight like a girl”. Now throw like a girl.
(Text: We asked young girls the same question.)
Dakota: My name is Dakota and I’m ten years old.
Director: Show me what it looks like to “run like a girl”. Throw like a girl. Fight like a
girl. What does it mean to you when I say run like a girl?
Little girl: It means run as fast as you can.
Director: So do you think you just insulted your sister?
Boy: No, I mean, yeah, insulted girls, but not my sister.
Director: Is like a girl a good thing?
Little girl: I actually don’t know what it really… if it’s a bad thing or a good thing. It
sounds like a bad thing. It sounds like you’re trying to humiliate someone.

52 Axe 2    Espace privé et espace public

Corrigés Book p. 52

Basics –the
1. Complete WS12
grid below.


2. Right to vote
6. Inequitable
Exemples de
7. Preconceived production :
unfavourable For boys, girl teenagers and adults “like a girl” evokes doing
Cliché in a stereotypically feminine way, that is for instance, wondering about your
while you’re running. On the other hand, young girls say that they don’t see any
12. Person looked at as an example to be imitated
difference between girls and boys as far as actions such as running, throwing and
13. Pay insufficiently
fighting are concerned.
14. Unequal treatment of a group
Politicians: Hillary Clinton, Theresa May, Margaret Thatcher, Indira Gandhi, Michelle
Obama… CEOs / Business women: Rihanna, Kim Kardashian, Sheryl Sandberg, Oprah
Winfrey, Madonna, Beyoncé… Writers: J.K. Rowling, Mary Shelley, the Brontë sisters,

© Éditions Bordas 2019 – Fiche photocopiable

Zadie Smith,based
1. Discrimination Toni on
a person’sJane
sex Austen…
3. Disproportionately low representation
ÉTAPE  Private
2 4. Leading space
position p. 54-55
5. Equal number of male and female members
8. Possibility roles at home, p. 54
1. Gender
9. Characteristic of women
1. Livres fermés, projeter la publicité et faire Q1. S’appuyer sur la date du document
pour faire un point grammatical sur used to + BV.
A woman’s world
Élargissement lexical : tâches domestiques : chores • hoovering • vacuuming • cleaning •
sweeping • mopping • dusting • tidying up • washing the dishes • making the beds • cooking
meals • doing the laundry • ironing.

2. Écrire le titre du texte au tableau et faire Q2. Amener les élèves à utiliser les modaux
(sens 2) pour formuler leurs hypothèses.

3   A woman’s world 53
3. Faire Q3. Faire réagir les élèves sur l’identité de l’auteur. ➙ Faire lire le Did you know?
pour en apprendre davantage sur l’auteur et la portée de son discours. Puis demander
aux élèves de proposer des réponses à la question posée par l’auteur ligne 8. Amener
à nouveau les élèves à utiliser des modaux (sens 2).
Élargissement culturel : faire faire des recherches sur le vote des femmes aux USA pour
faire comprendre que les Africaines-Américaines n’ont pas toutes eu le droit de vote en
même temps que les femmes blanches, mais seulement en 1965.
Lien utile : http://www.businessinsider.fr/us/when-women-got-the-right-to-vote-ame-
4. Faire relever toutes les tâches énumérées par l’auteur pour faire Q4. S’appuyer sur
le discours général sur les femmes pour faire réfléchir les élèves sur l’utilisation des
articles définis et Ø.
➥ Grammar, articles, p. 59.
Élargissement lexical : but : aim at + V-ing • intend to • her aim is • purpose • intention •
in order to • so as to.
5. Faire Q5. Lors de la mise en commun, en vue de la trace écrite, réactiver l’utilisation
du present perfect et des adverbes still, yet, etc., pour mettre en lumière les avancées
ainsi que l’absence d’évolution sur le statut des femmes dans la sphère familiale.

Pistes pour la trace écrite

In the 1950s, Ø women used to work… • In 1970, Judy Syfers made a speech in order to denounce… •
She aimed at showing that Ø women did all the household chores such as… • Her speech is still studied
today as the situation hasn’t evolved that much. • Indeed, Ø men still… • Apparently, Ø gender equality
has not been fully achieved within the private sphere.

1. Exemples de production : The document is a 1950s ad for a vacuum cleaner. The
caption reads “Christmas morning she’ll be happier with a Hoover”. The Hoover logo
can be seen in the top right-hand corner. We can make out the slogan just below
the logo: “Give her a Hoover and you give her the best.” Clearly the aim is to not only
underline the quality of the product but also suggest that women love domestic
appliances. In the 1950s women used to be represented as housewives whose main
preoccupation was to take care of their homes. They were considered to be content
with cleaning, cooking and taking care of the children while their husbands went to
work. Advertising used these stereotypes and reinforced them by presenting glamorous
women doing housework.
2. It might be a text written by a man who wants to find the perfect wife. Or it may be
an ironic denunciation of stereotypes about women.
3. We realise that the text is a speech delivered by a woman celebrating the 50th
anniversary of women’s right to vote in the US. This speech has become a feminist classic
and is still studied nowadays.
4. What the author wants her wife to do: take care of my physical needs – keep my
house clean – pick up after me – keep my clothes cleaned, ironed, mended, replaced
when need be – see to it that my personal things are kept in their proper place – cooks
the meals – a good cook – plan the menus – do the necessary grocery shopping – prepare
the meals – serve them pleasantly – do the cleaning up – not bother me – listen to me –
take the children – be solely responsible for them.
Exemples de production : The author lists all the chores she wants her wife to do and
which she usually does herself. She clearly intends to highlight the fact that a housewife
54 Axe 2    Espace privé et espace public
does an endless and thankless job and that men do very little around the house. Her
aim is to show that such a situation prevents women from having a career and leading
a fulfilling life.
5. Many women now have a job but they do most of the housework. Men still don’t do
their share of the housework. In case of divorce, it is mostly women who have custody
of the children. Stay-at-home dads are still an exception.

2. Parenting, p. 55
1. Projeter l’image et faire réagir les élèves sur la représentation des rôles.
Élargissement lexical : stéréotypes de genre : girls: passive • submissive • princess-like •
weak • need protection • delicate • gentle. Boys: active • courageous • bold • brave • tough •
fighter • leader.
2. Faire Q1. Demander ensuite aux élèves de réagir sur ces statistiques.

Aide lexicale (exprimer son opinion)
I am appalled / amazed / shocked to see… • I find it appalling / depressing that parents… •
In my opinion, boys and girls should both be… • I am not that surprised to read that…
out of • more than • less than • on average • just over • slightly under • a sizeable majority •
a significant minority • roughly • approximately • about • the percentage of people who…

Élargissement phonologique : prononciation de la lettre g : [dʒ] gender, generation /

[g] gifted, girls, glitter.
3. CD1 27-28  Faire Q2. Demander ensuite aux élèves d’anticiper la suite du document
en leur demandant d’imaginer comment ces parents se partagent les tâches domes-
tiques. Consigne : How do you think the boy’s parents share the household chores? Puis
faire Q3 pour vérifier. Lors de la mise en commun des éléments trouvés, faire utiliser
both, either et neither.
4. Faire Q4. Ce travail peut être donné à faire à la maison pour une mise en commun
au cours suivant.

Pistes pour la trace écrite

Parents are influenced by gender stereotypes. • Some expect their sons to… • Girls are supposed to be… •
Gender equality can be promoted by allowing kids to… • The way parents behave at home will… • If both
parents share… children will…

Script  CD1 27-28  

Part 1
One day when my boys were younger we went to a popular fast food restaurant and
the person working the drive-through asks me, “Is that for a boy or is it for a girl?”
We were quiet in the car and my boys are like, “Why does that matter?” So we get to
the window and they give us these kid meals and it turns out the reason that they were
asking is because there are two very specific toy options: one of which is “for boys”,
one of which is “for girls”. And my boys did not want that toy that was for the boy.
3   A woman’s world 55
We had to park the car and go inside to make them give me the toy for a girl. These
conversations are important because what they see from me and from their mother
and from society, that is going to shape their view of gender roles.
Part 2
In our home, I take on a lot of responsibilities that previous generations would have
scoffed at. The idea of a man doing laundry, and dropping off the kids at practice, and
going on field trips, and changing diapers. And conversely my wife, she’ll fix the dryer.
She’ll put in a ceiling fan. Frankly she’s better at that than I am, so why wouldn’t she
do that? For our boys to grow up seeing that in action and know that it’s not staged,
that it’s our reality, that’s going to open them up to so many other possibilities. I’m not
saying, “Oh, you can’t ever talk to your girls about bunnies if they love bunnies. You
can only talk to them about science.” Meet them where they are, you know, and same
with boys. By no means do I want to imply that it’s wrong for kids to embrace things
that they enjoy just because it falls on one side or the other, just that it shouldn’t be
mandated by us. Kids can be anything. Girls can be strong, boys can be strong. Girls
can be sensitive, boys can be sensitive. And everybody loves glitter. To see kids grow up
embracing that, it makes for such a brighter future, a healthier environment for everyone.

1. Exemples de production : Parents expect their sons to be gifted / intelligent /
smart whereas their daughters are supposed to look thin and pretty. More parents
worry about their daughter’s weight / appearance although boys are more likely to
be overweight. Overall, girls are more likely to take part in a gifted program. Theses
statistics reveal that parents’ expectations reflect gender stereotypes.
2. People: a father and his sons. Place: a fast food restaurant drive-through. Problem:
they were given a toy for boys but the speaker’s sons did not want this toy so they
had to go in the restaurant and ask for the other toy.
3. Men (himself): does laundry, drops off kids, goes on field trips, changes diapers.
Women (his wife): fixes the dryer, puts in a ceiling fan. Boys and girls: strong, sensitive,
love glitter.
4. Exemples de production : The first document denounces the fact that parents, and
thus society, are influenced by gender stereotypes. As a consequence, some parents
have expectations that do not correspond with reality. In the audio, the speaker says
that kids should be allowed to do whatever they like regardless of their gender and
that parents should give children the freedom to follow their tastes. He says that it’s
important for children to see both parents engaging in various activities at home so
that household chores are not associated with one’s gender but rather with one’s
tastes and abilities. So both documents question the roles families ascribe to boys
and girls and promote gender equality.

ÉTAPE 3   Public space p. 56-57

1. At school, p. 56
1. Livres fermés, faire un sondage dans la classe sur la matière préférée de chacun, puis
répartir les résultats suivant le sexe. Faire commenter les résultats.
2. Faire Q1. Mettre en parallèle les impressions tirées de l’image avec les résultats du
sondage fait en 1.
56 Axe 2    Espace privé et espace public
3.  Faire lire le titre du texte et le faire répéter à voix haute en soulignant bien les liai-
sons (How our education system undermines gender equity).
➥ Sounds, sounds, sounds, liaisons, p. 59.
Puis demander aux élèves ce qu’ils s’attendent à découvrir dans l’article. Faire Q2.
4. Faire Q3.
Élargissement lexical : discrimination : discriminate against • bias • be biased in favour
of / against • have a tendency to • be prejudiced against • partiality.
5. Visionner la vidéo sans le son et faire repérer les intervenants, les lieux et les actions.
Faire émettre des hypothèses sur le sens de STEM qui apparaît dans les mentions
écrites, ce qui permettra d’anticiper sur le contenu de la bande-son de la vidéo et
préparera le travail de compréhension de l’oral. Puis faire la Q4.
6. Faire Q5. Lors de la mise en commun, on pourra amener les élèves à formuler leurs
propositions sous forme de slogans pour les préparer à la tâche intermédiaire.

Pistes pour la trace écrite

School is not free from gender stereotypes even though… • The education system undermines
gender equity by… • Teachers tend to unconsciously discriminate… • There is a bias in our system that… •
For girls to get involved in STEM, the education system should… • Girls need role models in order to…
Emma Mullen: How can STEM change the world? How can STEM not change the
world? I mean, it’s everywhere.
Bhuvana Husain: STEM is really our future. All of the amazing products and technologies
that shape our world require STEM skills. And what we have found, time and time
again, at Akamai at the Museum of Science, diverse teams do better.
Ellen Piccioli: So the Women and Girls STEM weekend is just critical to helping
engage girls and women, and really everyone, into the STEM field. It gives a chance for
professionals, for college students, for middle school age, for high school all to interact
together, learn from each other and see not only the joy and love of science but where
it can take you in a career, where you can contribute.
Heather Alfano: Having the museum be kind of a beacon of opportunities and networking
and education, but also to help women achieve those goals that they have set themselves.
Oneeka Williams: It can be a force in really driving, kind of how girls and women see
themselves and that there are no limits to what they can achieve in science, technology,
engineering and math.
Annette Sawyer: STEM education allows you to fail and start again and succeed. We
try new things, we make a hypothesis, we test the hypothesis and suddenly we find
ourselves at the end of a problem-solving statement, with not only an answer to a
problem but an increase in our own self-esteem.
Nadege Ineza: As a young engineer, seeing professionals in my field helps me because
I have something to aspire to, I have something to look forward to, you get a lot out
of it at the end.

1. Adjectives: focused, interested, motivated, confident, skilled…
2. Participants: the author, Sarah Lubienski, small group of elementary teachers.
Occupation: Joseph Cimpian ➙ a university professor / Sarah Lubienski ➙ a professor
of math education. Place: University of Illinois.
Exemples de production : The two university professors have gathered elementary
3   A woman’s world 57
school teachers in order to study the ways in which the education system may be
influenced by gender stereotypes.
3. Exemples de production : At first she was convinced that she saw no difference
between girls and boys. Then, she realised that she unconsciously considered that
girls needed to work harder than boys to achieve the same results in math and that
she was biased.
4. Words associated with STEM: change the world – our future – shape the world –
joy – love of science – opportunities – networking – no limits to what women can
achieve – fail – start again and succeed – try new things – problem-solving – increase
in self-esteem – something to aspire to – something to look forward to.
Exemples de production : The video aims at showing that women can pursue a career
in science and that girls can achieve success in STEM.
5. Exemples de production : Teachers and educators should actively encourage girls to
believe in their abilities and take an interest in STEM. They should try not to reproduce
gender stereotypes in their classroom and not only attribute girls’ success to their hard
work. They should present them with diverse role models to look up to and present
both men and women scientists to illustrate their lessons.

Prepare your project, p. 56

Cette activité permettra aux élèves de se projeter dans le contexte du projet final et
de s’entraîner à réaliser une partie de celui-ci, en l’occurrence parvenir à résumer l’ob-
jet de leur campagne sous la forme d’un slogan. La présentation à l’oral du slogan à
la classe sera l’occasion de s’entraîner sur une compétence pragmatique essentielle
pour la réalisation du projet final : parler clairement (ton, rythme et débit). La formule
courte des slogans permettra à l’enseignant de proposer éventuellement des activi-
tés de remédiation sur cette compétence (répétitions individuelles et/ou chorales) à
l’issue de la tâche intermédiaire.

Rédiger une phrase qui résume l’objet de la campagne (= gender equality in school).
Souligner les mots-clés.
Chercher des synonymes pour trouver des rimes, des sonorités proches ou encore
des jeux de mots.
Tester les idées de slogans en les disant à haute voix pour déterminer lequel est le
plus efficace.
Rappeler aux élèves d’utiliser l’article Ø pour parler d’une notion générale. Exemple :
Ø School is cool when fair!

2. At work, p. 57
1. Faire un brainstorming à partir des mots women in the workplace et mettre les idées
des élèves au tableau sous la forme d’une carte mentale. Faire lire le Did you know?
pour découvrir la notion de plafond de verre (Most women have a job nowadays, which
wasn’t the case in the past. Some employers are still prejudiced against women employees.

58 Axe 2    Espace privé et espace public

Women can be discriminated against in the workplace. The glass ceiling still prevents
women from obtaining upper-level positions).
2. Faire Q1. Encourager les élèves à employer des modaux (sens 2) pour exprimer leurs
3. Faire Q2 et Q3. S’appuyer sur les deux dernières phrases du 1er paragraphe pour faire
reformuler ces idées. Selon les acquis des élèves, cela peut aussi être l’occasion de revoir
ou de voir les différentes structures impliquant le comparatif : adj. + -er and adj. + -er ou
more and more + adj. ou N / ou encore l’accroissement parallèle : the more… the more…
(As she obtained more responsibilities, there were fewer and fewer women working alongside
her. The higher up the professional ladder she climbed, the fewer women colleagues she
➥ More words, lexique de la réussite, p. 58.
4. Faire Q4.
Élargissement lexical : salaire : earn • pay • earnings • wages • salary • income • ask for a
pay rise • wage gap • earn one’s living.
5. Visionner les 40 premières secondes de la vidéo et demander aux élèves qui ils choi-
siraient pour cirer leurs chaussures et pourquoi. Visionner le reste de la vidéo et faire
➥ Culture quest, p. 57.
6. Faire Q6. On pourra dans un premier temps faire travailler les élèves en binômes pour
les amener à lister et reformuler les arguments développés dans les documents, puis on
pourra créer d’autres groupes (trois ou quatre élèves) pour que les élèves interagissent
de manière plus spontanée dans la partie discussion. On les encouragera à mobiliser
des expressions permettant de donner son opinion, dont ils auront ensuite besoin pour
le projet final.

Structures utiles
I feel that discrimination in the workplace should… • I can’t believe that, today, there is
still… • To my mind, it is absolutely unthinkable that men earn… • I find it inconceivable
that as women go up the ladder, they face more and more… • Can you actually believe
that women are paid less…

Lors de la mise en commun, revoir l’expression de la suggestion (how about + V-ing ?,

why don’t we… ? Let’s + BV) et du conseil (should et ought to).

Pistes pour la trace écrite

Gender equality is far from being achieved in the workplace. • Sheryl Sandberg’s successful career
reveals that the glass ceiling still prevents… • The higher she went up the professional ladder, the
fewer… • The #StopTheRobbery Campaign denounces the wage gap… • Women actually earn… •
Something should be done to change the situation of women at work: let’s create… • How about punishing
corporations that… ?

3   A woman’s world 59
Actor and actress: Get your shoeshine! Shoeshine. Get your shoeshines!
Actress: Can we give you a shoeshine?
Woman: Yeah OK.
Actress: And you can choose, you can see Ben for a dollar or you can see me for 77 cents.
So you can pay Ben a dollar or for the exact same shoeshine, you can pay me 77 cents.
Man: Same shoeshining school?
Actress: We have the same degree in shoeshining, valedictorians of our shoeshine class.
Man: Who’s better?
Actor and actress: We’re the same.
Actress: We’re the exact same.
Actress: We have the same skills. Globally, women get paid 77 cents for every dollar that
a man makes.
Woman: No, I didn’t know that.
Man: We don’t know that.
Actress: I make 23 cents less.
Man: Oh, I didn’t think about it…
Man: I’ll get the 77 cents.
Actress: Which would you rather?
Woman: 77 cents.
Actress: What if I told you that the cheaper option was robbery?
Actor: But you guys aren’t robbers, right?
Actress: Coz’ you don’t look like a robber.
Woman: No, I don’t, and I’m not, I don’t want to be.
Actress: I think it is robbery and you don’t look like a robber.
Man: No, I’m not.
Man: I’m not a robber.
Actress: I’d say about 70 years.
Actor: 70 years.
Woman: What?
Man: Really?
Actor: 70 years!
Man: Really?
Man: Wow, I’d be like ninety-something, okay.
Woman: 77 cents. You know, I would rather give you the dollar.
Actress: You’d rather give me a whole dollar?
Woman: Yes.
Woman: Here is your well-earned dollar.
Actress: Thank you, thank you so much. Thank you, sir. Thank you very much, it’s great.
Actor and actress: Thank you, thank you so much.
Man: There you go.
Actor: Thank you, sir.
Man: Alright, rock on.
Actor: Thanks.
Voiceover, various voices: Let’s keep the conversation going, Let’s talk about it. Awareness
is the first step. And then hopefully, they’ll raise their voices, man or woman, to change.
People want to be heard, people want to have a voice, let’s get our voice out.

60 Axe 2    Espace privé et espace public

1. Exemples de production : The author is apparently a woman and the title refers to
work and the will to lead, so the text may deal with women’s fight to break the glass
ceiling in the workplace.
2. Sandberg’s career: 1991: college graduation – 1995: business school graduation –
job after graduation – getting to top jobs.
Exemples de production : Sandberg’s career shows two things: that she managed to
make it to the top and that she appears to be an exception. Indeed, she noticed that
the higher the position she achieved, the fewer female colleagues she had until she
became “the only woman in the room.”
3. People: Sheryl Sandberg – men working in a big corporation – the senior partner
(male). Time: two years after Sandberg joined Facebook as chief operating officer, she
was asked to replace Facebook’s chief financial officer during a funding round. Place:
in a big corporate office in Manhattan (NYC). Problem: Sandberg needed to go to the
toilet during a break and didn’t know where it was, so she asked the senior partner.
Reaction: the senior partner was at a loss because he was unaware of the location of
the ladies’ toilet in his corporation building.
Exemples de production : This anecdote is a clear illustration of the glass ceiling: the
higher you go up the professional ladder, the fewer women you see, to the point that
they are almost nonexistent in certain top jobs.
4. Exemples de production : We can see four women who each represent a category:
white, unmarried, black and Latino. The poster reveals that there is a wage gap between
men and women and among women too, depending on their marital status and their
ethnicity. Indeed, when a man earns $1, a white woman earns 77 cents, an unmarried
woman earns 70 cents, a black woman earns 63 cents and a Latino woman earns even
less, that is 54 cents.
5. Most people decide to choose to get the cheaper option as they think it’s a deal,
without thinking of the wage gap. But when the campaigners explain what the wage
gap consists in and that it is actually robbery, people say it is unfair. They are genuinely
shocked when they learn that it would take 70 years to close the wage gap. As a
consequence, they all agree that something should be done about this problem and
they say they want to do something.
The idea used for this campaign is quite original and very effective as it makes people
aware of the problem through a practical situation in which they actually take part.
6. Exemples de production : Why not impose quotas for gender equality in top jobs?
Companies should be punished when there is a wage gap.
Let’s create workshops to teach women to be more assertive in the workplace.
How about organising compulsory training sessions in companies to make employees
and executives think of solutions to eradicate the gender pay gap and the glass ceiling?

Mener une réflexion avec les élèves pour tenter de répondre à la problématique de la
séquence : How far left to go before reaching gender equality in the US?
Créer des liens entre les documents du chapitre, l’axe (axe 2 : Espace privé et espace
public) et la carte mentale.
➥ Words, words, words, p. 58.
➥ Quizlet.

3   A woman’s world 61
Ce projet pourra être réalisé en groupe en veillant à une bonne répartition des tâches
entre les élèves. Prévoir deux séances ou une partie du travail à la maison (prépara-
tion du script via une plateforme d’écriture collaborative du type Framapad). L’enre-
gistrement des messages de campagne pourra se faire en classe, soit en laboratoire
multimédia, soit en utilisant des lecteurs/enregistreurs MP3 ou encore les appareils
des élèves (Bring Your Own Device, BYOD).
On pourra ensuite transférer tous les enregistrements sur une plateforme telle Padlet
afin que les élèves écoutent les productions de leurs camarades et votent pour la
meilleure campagne.
Faire lire et commenter Strategy p. 60 avant de commencer.

Proposition de critères d’évaluation avec barème :

A = très bonne maîtrise, B = maîtrise suffisante, C = maîtrise partielle, D = non maîtrisé.

Compétences culturelles

Choisir des exemples pertinents A B C D

Réinvestir les éléments culturels vus pendant la séquence

Compétences linguistiques

Utiliser un vocabulaire adapté au sujet A B C D

Réinvestir le lexique vu pendant la séquence : lexique de la réussite, espace privé,
espace public, lutte contre les stéréotypes…

Utiliser des formes grammaticales correctes A B C D

Réinvestir les faits de langue vus au cours de la séquence : les articles…

Prononcer de façon à être compréhensible A B C D

Utiliser à bon escient l’objectif phonologique de la séquence : les liaisons…

Compétences pragmatiques

Respecter les consignes (longueur, format, choix d’un sujet pertinent, etc.) A B C D

Parler clairement (débit clair, rythme qui retient l’attention, mots importants clairs et A B C D
mis en relief…)

Convaincre l’auditoire (ton, utilisation de données statistiques, point de vue A B C D


Proposition de conversion des compétences en notes sur 20 :

– un maximum de A : entre 16 et 20
– un maximum de B : entre 12 et 16
– un maximum de C : entre 8 et 12
– un maximum de D : entre 0 et 8

Élargissement possible
To go further, à faire lire ou travailler à tout moment de la séquence.

62 Axe 2    Espace privé et espace public

Le lexique de la réussite
1. courage and resolution ➙ true grit and determination – decide to achieve
something  ➙ set their sights on – obtain ➙ achieve – manage to ➙ succeed in – be
successful ➙ make it – get promoted thanks to one’s efforts ➙ worked her way up –
do something that will have an impact later on ➙ plant the seeds

GRAMMAR, p. 59
Les articles
1. a. the – Ø – Ø – Ø. b. the – Ø – Ø. c. Ø – Ø – Ø – the – Ø. d. the – Ø – Ø
2. Ø – the – a – Ø – a – the – Ø – the – an – Ø – the – Ø.
3. Women still spend much more time doing housework than men.


Les liaisons  CD1 32-33
Activité 2
About five years ago, while Sarah and I were faculty at the University of Illinois, we
gathered a small group of elementary teachers together to help us think how
we could intervene on the notion that girls were innately less capable than boys.


Compréhension de l’oral, p. 63
Script  CD2 58
Steve inskeep, host: Some companies are taking a new approach to a long-standing
trend. Women are consistently paid less than men. Research shows that women are less
assertive in negotiating salaries. That means they start out making less and only see the
gap widen over time. The solution for some companies is simply refusing to negotiate
with anyone. NPR’s Yuki Noguchi reports.
Yuki Noguchi, byline: Carnegie Mellon economics professor Linda Babcock studies
the gender pay gap and says men are four times more likely to negotiate their pay. That
keeps women at a disadvantage, though they’re not always aware of it.
Linda Babcock: The standard now is that people don’t really know what each other earns,
that some people negotiate it and some don’t. And so there is tremendous inequities
in salary.
Noguchi: Depending which government statistics you use, women today are paid
between 5 and 23 percent less than their male counterparts. Many people leapfrog into
higher salaries when they switch jobs. But Babcock says the pay disadvantage follows
women if their new employers use their old salaries as benchmarks, as is often done.
Negotiating, she says, can even backfire.
Babcock: When women do negotiate, people often have a negative reaction to them.
Noguchi: At least one company recently decided to eliminate the negotiation. Information-
sharing site Reddit no longer negotiates salary when it recruits.

3   A woman’s world 63
Proposition de correction :
Cette interview radiophonique aborde la question des inégalités de salaires entre
les hommes et les femmes. En effet, les études statistiques montrent que les femmes
gagnent entre 5 et 23 % de moins que leurs collègues masculins. Une étude menée
par la professeure d’économie Babcock met en lumière un phénomène qui explique en
partie cet écart : elle révèle en effet que les hommes sont quatre fois plus nombreux à
négocier leur salaire que les femmes. Celles-ci se retrouvent donc systématiquement
pénalisées. Cela se produit même en cas de changement d’emploi et donc de promotion
salariale, dans la mesure où les entreprises qui recrutent utilisent généralement comme
repère le salaire de l’emploi précédent : ainsi l’écart de salaire du début de carrière ne
fait qu’augmenter au fil du temps. À cela s’ajoute un biais sexiste : lorsqu’une femme
négocie son salaire, cela est très mal perçu et peut même s’avérer contre-productif. Aussi,
afin de réduire cet écart persistant, certaines entreprises (telle Reddit) ont décidé de
supprimer cette pratique courante qu’est la négociation salariale lors des embauches.

64 Axe 2    Espace privé et espace public

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