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BTS 2023

Correction épreuve d’anglais LVA

Dans cet article écrit par Kate Morgan et publié dans BBC News (une source d’informations
CRITbritannique) le 12 septembre 2022, la journaliste fait part de la détresse des employeurs.
En effet, au cours de ces dernières années, le nombre de démissions a atteint un record. On
surnomme même l’année 2021 « L’année des grandes démissions ». Certaines personnes
préfèrent se réorienter, d’autres changent fréquemment d’emploi. Les statistiques du Bureau
of Labor Statistics (août 2022) en attestent.
Les employeurs ne parviennent pas à embaucher de nouvelles personnes. Certains secteurs
sont en manque cruel de main d’œuvre (métiers de la vente, de la restauration...) mais cette
dernière préfère se diriger vers d’autres branches.
Or, les gens veulent bel et bien travailler mais la pandémie et des conditions de travail
précaires (petits salaires) les ont probablement encouragés à poursuivre d’autres carrières.
Pour tenter de palier cela, de grandes entreprises comme la chaîne d'hôtels Hilton ou Amazon
cherchent à recruter en augmentant les primes qu’ils accorderaient à leurs employés.
Pourtant, le problème ne réside pas là puisque l’on refuse ces emplois pour d’autres raisons :
manque de souplesse au niveau des horaires, travail répétitif et précaire. Augmenter les
primes et les salaires ne suffira donc pas, selon David Dwertmann, pour rendre ces emplois

208 mots


There are several criteria that would make my first job “attractive”.
First, I would like to be able to help others. I need a first job that matters: a workplace where
I can grow thanks to my colleagues. I need to feel comfortable while I am working. I also need
to feel respected by my co-workers and by my boss. I would need a nice, wholesome and
clean workplace.
Then, I tend to get bored quite easily so even if I know that every experience is positive and
can always help me improve or better myself, I would need a first job which is not too
repetitive. If I have the impression that my job is too repetitive, I might lose interest in it.
That’s why I would like to travel for my job.
Furthermore, I would like my first job to be located not very far from where I live as I believe
that spending an hour or two hours in public transport can be very damaging and can exhaust
you pretty quickly.
Finally, it goes without saying that I would like to be paid decently: I am a hard-worker and I
graduated from my school which mean that I should be paid accordingly.

208 words

From : sam.burton@outlook.co.uk
To: m.blanchett@spinbrands.co.uk

Dear Mrs Blanchett,

I hope this email finds you well.
I cannot thank you enough for thinking of me. I am highly interested in this three-month
fixed-term employment contract. It would really help me to acquire new skills and it also
corresponds to what I have trained for.
However, I would like to ask you a few questions regarding this contract and this position.
What would I do exactly? Will I have to supervise a team? Will I also have to work night
shifts? Will I have to work on Saturdays too? How many hours a week am I supposed to be
there? Will I have to make many decisions?
Could you also let me know if this three-month fixed-term employment contract might turn
into a permanent contract?
As I have said, I am extremely interested in this job opportunity. Yet, I have to tell you that I
have applied for various positions and I am still waiting for a few replies.
I look forward to hearing from you. Many thanks in advance.
Kind regards
Sam Burton

188 words

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