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Urban Development Strategy of Yaounde and its metropolitan areas of Yaounde-CDS Project ID: | Project Status: Approved | Cities


26.02.12 15:49


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Urban Development Strategy of Yaounde and its metropolitan areas of Yaounde-CDS

Project ID: | Project Status: Approved

Project-At-A-Glance Approval Date Closing Date Total Project Cost 17-Jan-2012 N/A Cities Alliance: $ 240,000 Co-financing: $ 550,000 Total Budget: $ 790,000 Project Focus Cities Alliance Member(s) Sponsoring the Project Other Project Focus Grant Recipient/ Implementing Agency Region Sub-Saharan Africa OECD-DAC-LIST
(Based on the most current list available at the time of project approval)

Country City/Area(s) City/National Partner

Cameroon Yaound , Yaound Communaut Urbaine de Yaound

World Bank

Communaut Urbaine de Yaound

Lower Middle Income Countries and Territories

Project Summary: Yaounde, the political capital of Cameroon, is a city of about two million people that has experienced strong growth over the past three decades (more than 5% per year) resulting in high occupancy spaces. This growth has unfortunately been poorly managed, and led to the emergence of many pockets of poverty that are holding back the economic development of the city as well as keeping people in particularly precarious conditions and exposing them to the floods, water hazards and insecurity. FRENCH: Yaound, capitale politique du Cameroun, est une ville d? environ deux millions d?habitants qui a eu une forte croissance sur les trois dernires dcennies (plus de 5% l?an) traduite par une forte occupation des espaces. Cette croissance a malheureusement t mal matrise, et a conduit l?mergence de nombreuses poches de pauvret qui constituent un frein au dveloppement conomique de la ville en mme temps qu?elles maintiennent les populations dans des conditions particulirement prcaires et exposent celles-ci de nombreux flaux dont les inondations, les prils hydriques et l?inscurit. A Yaound les activits conomiques sont essentiellement du secteur tertiaire formel. Cependant le secteur informel contribue pour une large part l'conomie de la ville. Bien qu?interdite dans le centre ville, L?agriculture urbaine et priurbaine est pratique Yaound (les produits sont destins la consommation mais aussi la commercialisation) et constitue une importante source d?emploi.

Project Objectives: Formulate and implement the strategy of sustainable urban development in Yaounde with a program to improve municipal infrastructure and basic urban services in poor neighborhoods through a partnership (technical and financial cooperation) between the Cities Alliance and all
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Urban Development Strategy of Yaounde and its metropolitan areas of Yaounde-CDS Project ID: | Project Status: Approved | Cities Alliance

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basic urban services in poor neighborhoods through a partnership (technical and financial cooperation) between the Cities Alliance and all institutional players in the development of the city of Yaounde (Urban Community, the District Municipalities, ministries in charge of urban development, decentralization, economics and planning, PTFs, etc..) and its metropolitan area. FRENCH: Formuler et mettre en oeuvre la stratgie de dveloppement urbain de Yaound durable assortie d?un programme communal d?amlioration des infrastructures de base et des services urbains dans les quartiers dfavoriss travers un partenariat (coopration technique et financire) entre Cities Alliance et tous les acteurs institutionnels du dveloppement de la Ville de Yaound (Communaut Urbaine, Communes d?Arrondissement, ministres en charge du dveloppement urbain, de la dcentralisation, de l?conomie et de la planification, PTFs, etc.) et son aire mtropolitaine. Project Activities: The activities in the context of the development of the CDS will be implemented within Yaounde through a process of consultation/negotiation and will consider poverty reduction as a top priority (use of best practices advocated by the Cities Alliance - approach Methodological Guide to City Development Strategies "- integrating the approach and the methodology of the" Sustainable Cities Programme and the "Programme for Safer Cities UN-HABITAT and UNEP). FRENCH: Les activits prvues dans le cadre de l?laboration du CDS de Yaound seront conduites selon une dmarche de concertation/ngociation qui permettra de considrer la rduction de la pauvret comme l?une des grandes priorits (exploitation des meilleures pratiques prconises par Cities Alliance ? dmarche mthodologique Guide to City Development Strategies en y intgrant l?approche et la dmarche mthodologique du Programme des Cits Durables et du Programme Pour des Villes plus sres d?ONU-HABITAT et PNUE). Expected Impact & Results: (a) increased capacity of city officials vis--vis national issues relating to the fight against urban poverty, (b) Urban and Geographical Information System (GIS) in Yaounde are revitalized (c) identification and better knowledge of the challenges of the city and proposed measures through an action plan and a clarification of the tasks of various stakeholders in the development of Yaounde (d) identification of deposits of non-or insufficiently exploited resources, assets and economic levers and disadvantages of the city and the development of a master plan of advertising, a master of market facilities, (e) special priority program to improve living conditions in informal settlements, control of urban expansion and improvement of infrastructure and basic urban services is developed, (f) specific proposals for a harmonious integration of urban shantytowns and in the peri-urban fabric such as the production of land-use plans (POS) of the City of Yaounde, improved environmental management across the full solid waste management strategy by being part of the treatment of liquid waste, the development of a Green Plan for the City and the production of an Agenda 21 and a stronger role for local development on the other, (g) a better understanding of the needs and priorities of key groups of vulnerable populations, (h) concrete proposals for actions to promote sustainable development of satellite towns, (i) strengthening institutional capacity (in terms of project management) and the capacity of communities (decision support, improving local governance). FRENCH: Les avantages directs court terme du projet sont : (a) une amlioration sensible du fonctionnement des acteurs institutionnels de l?agglomration vis--vis des enjeux nationaux relatifs la lutte contre la pauvret en milieu urbain ;(b) l? observatoire urbain et le Systme d?Informations Gographiques (SIG) de Yaound sont redynamiss au sein d?une agence d?urbanisme dont les lments organiques en vue de sa cration sont disponibles, qui implique tous les acteurs urbains dans son fonctionnement pour une vritable aide la dcision municipale ; (c) une identification et une meilleure connaissance des dfis de la ville et des propositions de mesures correctives travers un plan d?action ainsi qu?une clarification des missions des divers intervenants dans le dveloppement de Yaound ; (d) une identification, des gisements de ressources non ou insuffisamment exploits, des atouts et des leviers conomiques ainsi que des handicaps de la ville ainsi que l?laboration d?un Schma directeur de la publicit, un schma directeur des quipements marchands; (e) un programme spcial prioritaire d?amlioration des conditions de vie dans les quartiers prcaires, de matrise des extensions urbaines et d? amlioration des infrastructures et des services urbains de base est labor ; (f) des propositions concrtes pour une intgration harmonieuse des quartiers prcaires urbains et priurbains dans le tissu urbain d?une part telles que la production des Plans d?occupation des Sols (POS) de la Ville de Yaound, l'amlioration de la gestion de l'environnement travers le compltement de la stratgie de gestion des dchets solides en cours de dmarra


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Urban Development Strategy of Yaounde and its metropolitan areas of Yaounde-CDS Project ID: | Project Status: Approved | Cities Alliance

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