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TD N3 – Lesson 2


a tour = une visite guidée

a building = un bâtiment
an auditorium = un (amphi)théâtre
the library = la bibliothèque
a reading room = une salle de lecture
a gym = une salle de sport
a pool = un bassin
a swimming pool = une piscine
a dorm (US) = une résidence universitaire
a classroom = une salle de classe
an office = un bureau (lieu)
a desk = un bureau (table)
a whiteboard = un tableau blanc
a blackboard = un tableau noir
a stadium = un stade
a field = un terrain (sport, stade)
the Hall of Fame = le "Panthéon"

a bear = un ours
a paw = une patte
the sole = la plante des pieds
a hill = une colline
to slide = glisser
an ice block = un bloc de glace
an ice cube = un glaçon
to dip = tremper
to showcase = présenter
showcase = vitrine
to display/exhibit = exposer, montrer
an exhibition = une exposition

spacious = spacieux
a vending machine = un distributeur (nourriture, boisson, ...)
recreation/leisure = le loisir
tuition fees = frais de scolarité
merchandise = produits, marchandise
sense of belonging = sentiment d'appartenance
rivalry = rivalité
to stay on = to remain
to go on = continuer
to play on = continuer de jouer, ne pas s'arrêter de jouer
to study/to do law = étudier le droit
to apply = candidater
an application = une candidature
an applicant = un.e candidat.e

a presentation = un exposé
a handout = un polycopié
to borrow = emprunter
a lecturer = un maître de conférences, un professeur (ou un conférencier dans un autre contexte)
a term = un semestre
entry requirements = critères d'entrée
a go-between = un intermédiaire


> Les pronoms personnels objets. Ils remplacent le complément d'objet (COD, COI).
Right behind me is the student activity center.
This is the UCLA mascot. Let's check him out.

> Les déterminants possessifs. My, Your, His/Her/Its, Our, Your, Their.

Exercice de traduction :
1) Vous les avez rencontrés l'an dernier. > You met them last year.
2) Nous lui avons parlé hier, elle était sympathique. Elle était avec son fils. > We talked to her
yesterday; she was nice/friendly/kind. She was with her son.
3) Elles ont appelé leurs parents ce matin. Je ne les connais pas. > They called/phoned their
parents this morning. I don't know them.
4) Sa lettre de candidature est terminée : elle l’a envoyée ce matin. > Her
application/submission letter is finished : she sent it this morning.
5) C'est son enseignante préférée, il lui montre toujours ses bulletins de notes. > She is his
favorite teacher, he always shows her his reports.

Language & culture

Differences between a diploma and a degree:

> Diploma issued by further education colleges (= IUT). It usually takes 2 years to complete
it. It is ore turned towards work or a future career. Studying for a diploma offers practical and
real-world experience.
A diploma is more accessible, in terms of both admission and fees. Further education colleges
are first less selective than universities. As for fees, they range between £1,000 and £4,000 a
> Degree, between 3 and 5 years, issued by a university. To receive a degree, you study one
subject in-depth for several years. It involves more theoretical knowledge.
Degree fees typically range between £6,000 and £15,000 a year.

Differences between a LECTURE and a SEMINAR:

> Lectures usually take place with a lot of other students in lecture halls, auditoriums. There is
not much student interaction and students are required to take notes. S
> Seminars are usually conducted in shorter groups (10 or 20) in classrooms and generally
include group work, discussions or individual work around the topic introduced during the

The role of a TUTOR:

They provide all sorts of support, guidance, advice, and information to students ; they act as
go-betweens between students and the university. Helping with finance, study, illness, ... You
meet your tutor on a one-to-one basis.

What is Freshers' Week?

A welcome period, usually in the first weeks before the term starts, for new students / first-year
students / freshers (UK) / freshmen (US).
During this period, a lot of welcoming events or workshops are being organized, which gives
you the opportunity to meet new people, discover the area, and, of course, party (the video
mentions nightclub events).
It's a rite of passage/of entry.

What is Freshers' Fair?

A place where you can meet many different organizations and student societies/clubs which
you can subscribe to or be involved in, depending on your interests (sports, music, dance,
poetry, film, media, faith, politics, ...).

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