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BTS Informatique de gestion

1re anne
Lesley Stewart


Directrice de publication : Valrie Brard-Trigo

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utilisation collective. Les personnes qui sen serviraient pour dautres usages, qui en feraient une reproduction
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et aux sanctions pnales prvues par le Code de la proprit intellectuelle. Les reproductions par reprographie
de livres et de priodiques protgs contenues dans cet ouvrage sont effectues par le Cned avec lautorisation
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Objectifs de la formation
Cette premire anne consiste en une mise niveau comportant des activits nombreuses, riches
et varies mais ne portant pas uniquement sur les comptences de lexamen. Le cours de deuxime
anne (anne de lexamen), galement disponible au Cned, vous propose un entranement
systmatique aux preuves de lexamen.
Cette premire anne vise vous amener, travers ltude de documents oraux et crits,
acqurir une partie du lexique couramment utilis dans le monde de linformatique et matriser
les structures du langage dans lesquelles ce vocabulaire est vhicul.

Composition de la formation
Avant de dmarrer votre formation, nous vous conseillons de faire linventaire du matriel
pdagogique que vous venez de recevoir afin de vrifier que vous avez bien votre disposition :
Quatre fascicules :
un fascicule cours ;
un fascicule dautocorrection ;
un fascicule Lexique, transcriptions et informations ;
un fascicule devoirs contenant cinq devoirs, dont quatre envoyer la correction.
Deux CD :
un CD de cours contenant des enregistrements et les activits correspondant au fascicule
cours ;
un CD de devoirs oraux. Les devoirs sont envoyer la correction selon la procdure indique dans le fascicule devoirs.

Le fascicule Cours
Il est compos de six units, articules autour des thmes suivants :


Presenting, companies departements and jobs

IT evolution: problems and solutions
Inter & intra net
Security, security, security
Storage and outsourcing
Software and sales

Description dtaille dune unit de cours

Preview : vous trouverez ici deux petits tests visant prsenter du vocabulaire et de la
grammaire que vous allez rencontrer dans lunit. Surtout ne vous dcouragez pas si vous faites
beaucoup derreurs. Ce sont les erreurs qui vous font apprendre. Vous reverrez ce vocabulaire et
la grammaire tout au long de chaque unit.
Reading : cette section contient des documents crits que vous allez exploiter progressivement
pour vous prparer aux preuves de comprhension crite du BTS.
Listening : cette section vous donne l'opportunit de vous entraner aux preuves orales au
travers de l'tude de diffrents documents sonores.
Language Focus : nous vous proposons ici de revoir les points fondamentaux de la grammaire
anglaise et les principales structures ncessaires llaboration dune expression crite et orale

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pertinente. Cette section vous propose galement des activits pour consolider vos connaissances
et pratiquer des points nouveaux.
Vocubulary : cette section est oriente vers lacquisition et lenrichissement du vocabulaire usuel
et spcialis.
Speaking : cette partie vous permettra damliorer votre expression orale et de vous entraner
lpreuve orale.
Writing : vous aurez ici lopportunit de dvelopper et de mettre en pratique les techniques de
rdaction et dexpression crite.
Checklist : la fin de chaque unit, vous trouverez un petit test sur le vocabulaire et la grammaire
tudis et pratiqus tout au long de lunit. Ce test est important : il permet de vrifier que vous
avez acquis les points grammaticaux ainsi que le vocabulaire ncessaire pour bien vous exprimer
en anglais.

Le fascicule Autocorrection
Dans le fascicule autocorrection, vous trouverez les rponses des diffrentes activits proposes
dans le fascicule cours. Vous pourrez ainsi vous reporter ce fascicule autocorrection pour vrifier
vos propres rponses. Vous trouverez galement des conseils et des remarques pour vous aider.

Le fascicule Lexique, transcriptions et informations

Ce fascicule contient le lexique des 6 units, tri par unit et par ordre alphabtique. Vous y
trouverez galement les transcriptions des documents de comprhension de loral (Listening:
deux documents par unit). la fin du fascicule, vous trouverez la section Info Files qui contient
des informations utiles telles que la liste des verbes irrguliers en anglais.

Le Fascicule et le CD devoirs
Cette formation comporte cinq devoirs :
un premier devoir entirement rsolu qui sert de modle pour vous familiariser avec les devoirs
BTS et vous guider dans la marche suivre pour la rdaction des autres devoirs ;
quatre devoirs envoyer la correction. Il sagit de devoirs crits ou oraux. Les diffrentes
activits proposes correspondent celles prvues au programme de votre BTS Pour le dtail sur
le type de devoirs faire, reportez-vous votre fascicule devoirs.

Les preuves
Lpreuve crite (coefficient 2 dure 2 heures)
Une partie rdiger en franais
Elle permet dvaluer la comprhension de la langue anglaise. Elle compte pour environ 3/5 des
Elle prend la forme dun rsum, dun compte rendu ou dune traduction de tout ou partie du ou
des documents proposs.
Il peut aussi y avoir des questionnaires choix multiple.
Les documents proposs sont en langue anglaise et en relation avec le domaine professionnel.

Une partie rdiger en anglais

Elle permet dvaluer lexpression crite en langue anglaise. Elle compte pour environ 2/5 des

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Elle peut comporter la rdaction en anglais de messages de type professionnel et/ou de rponses
apporter des questions sur le ou les documents proposs.

Lpreuve orale en langue anglaise (coefficient 1)

Lexaminateur vous propose un document inconnu de vous, rcent et court, de type professionnel,
contenant par exemple : des articles techniques rcemment parus dans la presse, des plaquettes
de prsentation dun produit, des publicits, des notices techniques, etc. Il peut tre accompagn
ou non dun document iconographique quil conviendra de commenter galement.
Vous avez 20 minutes de prparation. Pendant ce laps de temps, et sans laide dun
dictionnaire, vous rdigerez un plan de compte rendu (oral) en anglais et vous vous
prparerez un court dialogue avec lexaminateur, presque toujours issu du sujet du document
prsent ou bien une discussion sur votre exprience professionnelle.

Comment organiser votre travail

Tout dabord, nous vous recommandons de faire toutes les activits proposes dans cette
formation, dans lordre indiqu.
Il vous faut adopter un rythme de travail rgulier et, si possible, quotidien. En effet, vous
progresserez plus rapidement en adoptant ce rythme de travail quen avanant trop vite et par
Les diffrentes parties rpertories dans les six units de la formation ne demandent pas toutes
la mme quantit de travail. Certains documents supports sont plus longs et denses que dautres,
et exigent par consquent une tude plus pousse.
La comprhension de loral ainsi que lexpression orale requirent un lexique riche et vari,
adapt au BTS Informatique de gestion. Vous parviendrez matriser ce vocabulaire grce des
activits cres dans ce but.
Pour finir, il faut penser consacrer une partie de son temps dtude la lecture des exercices
soumis lautocorrection. Faites de mme pour les devoirs qui vous seront retourns par les
professeurs-correcteurs du CNED, dment annots. Ces derniers ont pour but de vous faire
progresser en vous proposant une correction individualise prcise destine mettre en lumire
les erreurs que vous commettrez lcrit comme loral.
Vous ne devez pas vous dcourager si vos productions crites et/ou orales contiennent des
maladresses. Essayez en revanche et surtout dviter les rcidives pnalisantes.
Ainsi, avant de raliser vos devoirs vous devrez vous assurer que le vocabulaire et les structures
que vous venez dacqurir ont bien t assimiles.
Cest arm dun maximum de rigueur et de respect constant des consignes donnes tout au long
des units, des avant-propos cours et devoirs et des conseils promulgus par votre professeurcorrecteur, que vos progrs seront constants et rapides.

Les conseils pour les activits

La premire fois que vous vous trouverez devant une activit nouvelle, vous trouverez des conseils
pour vous aider bien la russir. Dans le fascicule Devoirs, vous trouverez nouveau des conseils
pour les activits de type examen : comment faire un compte-rendu, une traduction, un rsum,
Pour la partie grammaire, regardez les explications grammaticales dans la partie language focus,
et refaites les exercices ncessaires. Si besoin est, utilisez une des grammaires conseilles ci-aprs
pour trouver des explications plus compltes en franais ainsi que des exercices dentranement.

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Aprs avoir travaill sur les textes, regardez les nouveau pour une meilleure comprhension du
vocabulaire. On arrive parfois comprendre certains mots dans leur contexte.
Si vous conservez des doutes sur la comprhension de ce vocabulaire, consultez votre fascicule
Lexique, transcriptions et informations.
Avant de passer lunit suivante, il est conseill de relire les textes pour bien simprgner du
vocabulaire rencontr.
Les deux conseils les plus importants
1. talez votre travail sur plusieurs sances et nessayez surtout pas de faire une unit en une
seule fois.
2. Il faut voir et entendre plusieurs fois du vocabulaire pour bien le retenir. Nhsitez pas relire,
rcouter, vrifier le sens des mots, essayer de les employer lcrit comme loral.

Des ouvrages indispensables et/ou conseills

Il est videmment difficile dtudier seul, distance, sans professeur vos cts, notamment en
cas de doutes ou de problmes lis votre formation.
Pour vous permettre de renforcer votre apprentissage, vous trouverez ci-aprs les rfrences de
quelques ouvrages qui pourront vous tre utiles.

Lusage dun dictionnaire bilingue est autoris aux preuves crites.
Il vous faudra par consquent vous procurer un dictionnaire de qualit. Nous vous suggrons par
exemple :
le Robert & Collins Senior ou Super Senior (deux tomes).
le grand dictionnaire, Hachette & Oxford.
Il existe aussi des dictionnaires monolingues qui ont lavantage de ne pas vous renvoyer votre
langue maternelle (ce qui reste la faon la plus naturelle dapprendre du vocabulaire nouveau !),
ce que fait un dictionnaire bilingue. viter au maximum le recours sa langue maternelle reste la
meilleure faon dapprendre et comprendre langlais :
Le Collins Cobuild ;
Longman Essential Activator ;
Oxford Advanced Learners.

Comme nous vous lavons dj indiqu, cette formation avec le Cned prvoit une rvision
des points grammaticaux les plus importants. Si vous ne disposez pas dune grammaire anglaise,
pensez vous en procurer une. Cet achat sera bnfique pour votre apprentissage.
Parmi les grammaires les plus courantes, nous vous conseillons :
Pratique de lAnglais de A Z, Hatier
Cette grammaire est tout fait suffisante ; elle est simple, claire et peu onreuse ;
English grammar in use, Raymond Murphy, Cambridge University Press
Une grammaire agrmente de centaines dexercices avec leurs corrections. Simple et claire,
cette grammaire est en anglais ;
How english works, Michal Swan and Catherine Walter, Oxford University Press
Un des meilleurs livres sur le sujet, mais attention, il est tout en anglais.

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La presse
Les sujets de votre examen de BTS Informatique de gestion sappuient sur des articles ou extraits
tirs de la presse anglo-saxonne. Aussi la lecture rgulire de revues, journaux, etc. en langue
anglaise vous permettra dacqurir peu peu davantage de vocabulaire, vous donnant ainsi une
plus grande aisance en comprhension comme en expression. La plupart des grands quotidiens et
magazines spcialiss sont dornavant disponibles en ligne.

Revues informatiques en kiosque et en ligne

PC World
PC Magazine
Computer Active


Revues informatiques en ligne

Web Active
Information Age
Computer Weekly
ZD Net
Security Focus
Network World
World Wide Web
How Stuff Works
Computer Security
Computer Security
Open Source


Presse anglophone en ligne

Royaume Uni
The Economist
The Guardian
The Times
The Observer
The Independent
The Telegraph


NY Post
New York Press
NT Times
Washington Post
LA Times


Pour vous entraner la comprhension de loral, nhsitez pas tirer parti des nombreuses
ressources que vous offre la Toile (Web).

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Radio et tlvision en ligne

ABC News


Et noubliez surtout pas :

The Podcast Directory www.podcast.net
Un site qui liste tous les sites dinformation, presse etc. et qui vaut le dtour :

Dictionnaires et encyclopdie en ligne

Vous trouverez ci-dessous les adresses de nombreux dictionnaires en ligne (conjugaison,
grammaire, synonymes, citations et proverbes anglais).
Myriam Webster

quipement audio
Il vous faudra un lecteur CD ou un ordinateur quip dune carte son pour lire vos CD de cours
et devoirs.
Pour lenvoi et la correction de vos devoirs oraux, vous avez deux options.
1. Internet : pour cela, il vous faut un ordinateur quip dune carte-son et dun casque. Sur le
campus-electronique sont indiqus les logiciels gratuits permettant lenregistrement de vos
devoirs oraux ainsi que le mode demploi de la correction par Internet.
2. Enregistrement sur cassette : seules les cassettes de taille standard sont autorises. Il faut dans
ce cas se procurer un magntophone avec microphone.

Les pictogrammes


Comprhension de lcrit
Expression crite

Expression orale

Comprhension de loral




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Unit 1

Presenting companies, departments

and jobs
Cette premire unit va vous prsenter le vocabulaire li au monde du travail, notamment celui des
entreprises, de leurs dpartements et des profils de postes. Ce vocabulaire vous sera prsent par le biais
de documents de comprhension de loral et de lcrit.
Les points de grammaire tudis dans cette premire unit seront les prsents simple, progressif et passif,
que vous serez sans nul doute amen utiliser lors de votre entretien oral avec un examinateur.
Vous allez ensuite rinvestir ces points de grammaire et de vocabulaire dans la ralisation dactivits
dexpression crite en prsentant une socit et en dcrivant votre journe type. Vous allez vous entraner
lexpression orale dans le cadre dun entretien dembauche.

Section 1: preview .................................... 10

Section 6: speaking .................................. 28

Vocabulary: matching denitions

Grammar: Present tenses, passive and questions

Interviewing someone about his / her job.

Going for a job interview.
Social English.

Activities 1 3

Section 2: reading ..................................... 12

Activities 22 24

Presenting a company
Computer and Information Systems Manager
- A job outline

Section 7: writing .................................... 31

Activities 4 et 5

Activities 25 26

Section 3: listening .................................. 15

Section 8: checklist .................................. 33

Presenting an IS department
Computer Department Manager A Typical Day


Activities 6 9

Activities 27 28

Article / press release: presenting a company

Your typical day

Section 4: language focus ....................... 20

Present tenses
Present passives
Making questions
Activities 10 14

Section 5: vocabulary .............................. 24

Vocabulary exercises: reading and listening texts
Frequency adverbs and expressions.
Verbs and prepositions.
Activities 15 21

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Unit 1

Section 1

Before starting this unit, try this pre-test to help you with the vocabulary you will see
in the reading and listening texts.
Avant de commencer cette unit, faites ce test pour vous familiariser avec le vocabulaire
que vous verrez dans les exercices de comprhension de lcrit et de loral.

Activity 1
Choose the correct definitions.
Choisissez la dfinition qui correspond le mieux.
r number of employees starting work
r money generated by a company

r a person buying products
r a person selling products

r to go up
r to go down

r sufficient
r practical

r another region
r another country

r tasks
r installations

r personnel
r management

r summarise
r supervise

r reinforced
r reproduced

r difference
r discredit

r reproduce
r depend

r prove
r give

r principal
r maintain

r originates from
r sees


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Presenting companies, departments and jobs

Try this grammar test to see what you know or dont know.
Testez votre grammaire.
Thinking about the present tenses. Below there are examples of the present simple,
present continuous, present perfect and the passive structure.
Les temps du prsent. Ci-dessous des exemples de prsent simple, prsent continu,
present perfect, et la forme passive.

Activity 2
Put the verb in brackets into the correct tense. Be careful, it can sometimes be negative.
Mettez les verbes entre parenthse au temps qui convient. Attention la forme ngative.
a) (to be) .......... you interested in photography?
b) Jenny (to walk) .......... to work every day.
c) Wheres Frieda? She (to give) .................... a presentation.
d) We (to make) .......... finally .......... our decision.
e) I (to go out) .......... .......... .......... its raining!
f) It (to depend) .......... on the traffic, but usually Im early.
g) (to work) .......... Josie and Fred .......... for the same company?
h) No thank you. I (to smoke) ..........
i) The marketing department (to manage) .......... .......... by Stella Cribbs.

Activity 3
Make questions for the sentences below.
Mettez les phrases suivantes la forme interrogative en vous aidant des indications entre
a) I have had this car for three years.
b) I work in Milan.
c) Jane likes books and the cinema.
d) Oh ... Im going to work.
e) At eight oclock.
f) I go on the underground.
g) It costs 450 euros.
h) Shes the new girl in marketing.

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(How long .....?)

(Where .....?)
(What .....?)
(Where .....?)
(When .....?)
(How .....?)
(How .....?)
(Who .....?)


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Unit 1

Section 2

Read the following text.
Lisez le texte ci-dessous.

Document 1

Flucksons Co Ltd

A household name, the Flucksons Company

Limited to give it its full name, has its head ofce
in Soa in the west of Bulgaria. The company has a
workforce of around 15000 employees today, with a
little over half of them working in Bulgaria.
Flucksons manufactures goods in most parts of the
globe, in Europe, South America and Asia. The largest
factory is still based in Soa where the company was
founded over a hundred and fty years ago.
The company expanded rapidly in its early days
thanks to the long-range vision of its founder, Herbert
Fluckson, who was convinced that advertising and
marketing were of the utmost importance. Most
businesses in that day and age were still only selling
their products locally. This forward thinking has
helped Flucksons to rank today as a multinational
company, with products and brand names recognised
in almost every country around the world.
The company, with a turnover which runs into
billions of dollars, is divided into three geographical
regions Asia & the orient, The Americas and Europe.
The lions share (over two thirds) of its turnover is still
generated from its original manufacturing processes,
but recent hi-tech products including software

systems and interactive communication tools are all

part of this expanding company. These sectors are
organised into two separate business units, Flucksons
Manufacturing and Flucksons IT.
Flucksons has subsidiaries worldwide. Some of the
work is contracted out to other specialised companies.
For example, interactive communication tools are
manufactured by sub-contractors in Argentina.
Flucksons has invented a great number of
products since it was founded and has patented many
of them over the years. For example, it obtained a
patent for one of its manufacturing processes as long
ago as 1879. It has led the way with an abundance
of innovative products and processes to make
manufacturing processes simpler, highly practical
and more cost-effective.
In fact, today Flucksons is known not only for
these innovative manufacturing processes but also
for integrated software systems used in a variety
of leisure, business, entertainment and scientic
applications. This sector of production is growing
rapidly. Flucksons is proof that older well-established
companies can adapt to new markets and continue
to be successful.

Activity 4
Answer the following questions. Tick (T) for True, or (F) for False.
Rpondre aux questions en cochant la bonne case. (T) pour vrai ou (F) pour faux.

1) Less than 50% of the workforce is in Bulgaria.

2) Flucksons manufactures in Bulgaria and abroad.
3) Flucksons is exactly 150 years old.
4) The company took a long time to grow.
5) Flucksons fame comes mainly from manufacturing processes.
6) The company turnover is equally shared between the business units.


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Presenting companies, departments and jobs

7) All production sites are owned by Flucksons.

8) Flucksons aim is to make manufacturing processes easier.
9) Flucksons has always been at the forefront of manufacturing processes.
10) The software systems sector is expanding.



Read the following text

Lisez le texte ci-dessous
Document 2

C & IS Manager, A Job Outline

Computer and information systems managers are

involved in every aspect of a companys computerrelated activities. Their principal role is to plan,
coordinate, facilitate and direct research and design.
C & IS managers duties vary. They are involved
in activities such as, systems design, programming,
installing and upgrading both hardware and software,
developing computer networks and setting up
internet and intranet sites. They are often concerned
with the maintenance and security of networks. They
usually work closely with senior management in order
to analyse the computing and information needs of
their organisation, and decide on the immediate
and long-term staff and equipment requirements. A
C&IS manager must always stay abreast of the latest
technology in order to ensure that the organisation
does not fall behind competitors.
Within the framework of any given project, he or
she is often required to provide a variety of services,
from design to administration. One example of this
is a companys local area network (LAN), which
connects staff within a company. The C&IS manager
directs the network and its related computing
environment, including hardware, systems software,
applications software and all other computer-related
C&IS managers need good communication skills
as they frequently have to liaise1 with all departments,
nancial, production, marketing, etc., as well as
contractors and suppliers of equipment and materials.
They are sometimes expected to work long hours to
meet deadlines or solve unexpected problems. Some

of them experience considerable pressure in meeting

technical goals within short time frames or within
a tight budget. As networks continue to expand
and more and more work is carried out remotely,
Computer & IS managers have to communicate with
and oversee offsite employees and e-commuters2
using laptops, e-mail, and the internet.
Technological advancements are boosting the
employment of a computer-related workforce; as a
result, the demand for managers to supervise these
workers is also on the increase.
Employment prospects for C&IS managers
remains very good. In order to remain competitive,
rms are continually installing more and more
sophisticated computer networks and setting up
more complex internet and intranet sites. Keeping a
computer network running smoothly is essential to
almost every organisation. In addition, due to the
upsurge in e-commerce, network security has become
increasingly important. Companies need to have
a better understanding of the vulnerability of their
systems and how to protect their infrastructure and
their internet sites from viruses, hackers and other
acts of cyber-terrorism. As a result of the emergence of
these cyber-security issues, the demand for managers
procient in computer security issues is rising.
Due to the explosive growth of e-commerce
and the capacity of the internet to create new
relationships with customers, the role of Computer
and Information Systems Managers will certainly
continue to evolve in the future.

1. to liaise = from liaison
2 e-commuters = telecommuters = teleworkers

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Unit 1

Activity 5
Answer the following questions. Justify your answers quoting the text when possible.
Rpondez aux questions. Justifiez votre choix en citant le texte si vous le pouvez.
1) Why is this job not monotonous? (. 2)
2) Why is it important to keep up to date with recent technology? (.2)
3) Give at least 3 examples of a C & IS Managers responsibilities? (.2/3)
4) Why do C and IS Managers need to be able to communicate well? (.4)
5) Name as many departments in a company as you can? (.4)
6) Find a synonym for supervise. (.4)
7) How do you know this is not an easy-going job? (.4)
8) Why does the future look promising for C and IS Managers? (. 6)
9) Which duty is becoming more important today, and why? (. 6)
10) What do hackers do? (. 6)
11) What major event is changing the role of C and IS Managers? (.7)


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Presenting companies, departments and jobs

Section 3


General advice for ALL the listening exercises

Conseils pour tous les exercices de comprhension orale

1. Read the instructions and questions carefully before listening. This will help you
understand better what you are listening for.
Avant dcouter, lisez attentivement les instructions et les questions. Ceci vous aidera
rpondre aux questions.

2. Then listen to the tape once without stopping it. Do not try to answer any questions.
Just try to understand the general idea and get used to the voices. (Its a bit like
tuning into a radio!).
Puis coutez une fois le texte en entier. Nessayez pas de rpondre aux questions.
Le but est de saisir le sens gnral et de shabituer au son de la voix.

3. Read the questions again.
Relisez les questions.
4. If possible, answer any questions you can.
Rpondez aux questions si vous le pouvez.
5. Listen again, this time making notes. Dont try to write complete words or sentences.
coutez de nouveau, cette fois en prenant des notes. Nessayez pas dcrire des mots
complets ni des phrases entires.
6. Try to answer as many questions as you can.
Rpondez au maximum de questions.
7. Check your answers in the Auto-correction.
Vrifiez vos rponses dans le livre dautocorrection.
8. Always read the tape script, even if all your answers are correct. There is always
something you didnt hear.
Toujours lire le texte de lenregistrement, mme si toutes vos rponses sont exactes. Il
y a toujours quelque chose que vous navez pas entendu.
9. Check any new vocabulary in a dictionary, write them down and give a translation
or a meaning.
Cherchez les mots nouveaux dans le dictionnaire. Ensuite notez-les dans un cahier.
Noubliez pas dcrire un quivalent en franais ou en anglais pour vous aider.

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Unit 1


Presenting an IS department


Listen carefully to the following conversation in which an IS Manager explains how his
department is organised.
coutez attentivement la conversation suivante, dans lequel un directeur de systmes
informatiques explique lorganisation de son service.

Activity 6
General comprehension
Listen at least twice before trying to answer the True or False questions. The questions are in
order. This means question no 1 refers to the beginning of the text and so on. Put (T) for True
and (F) for False.
coutez au moins 2 fois avant de rpondre aux questions Vrai (T) ou Faux (F). Les questions sont
dans lordre du droulement du texte.
1. The organisation is four dimensional.
2. He mentions five different networks.
3. Conference Call Bridge allows several people to talk at the same time.
4. A lot of travelling is involved within the I.S. department.
5. Videoconferencing is used more often than Conference Call Bridge.
6. Virtual meetings are expensive.
7. External access can be used by certain outside companies.
8. The different regions work independently.
9. All equipment is standard throughout the company.
10. I.S. organisation is pyramid shaped.
11. Local suppliers deal with hardware requirements.
12. First-level support looks after emergencies.

Activity 7
Here is an extract from the first part of the listening text. The missing vocabulary is in the box.
1. Before listening, try to complete the text.
2. Listen again to check your answers.
Voici un extrait de la premire partie de lenregistrement. Le vocabulaire manquant se trouve
dans lencadr.
1. Sans rcouter le texte, essayez de le complter.
2. Puis coutez et vrifiez vos rponses.
device - are handled - help desk - broken down - related to voice - focus - point of view - global infrastructure
From the technological ___________________ ... well, Im not very familiar with the way specic
applications _________________, because Im part of the _______________________ team. This team


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Presenting companies, departments and jobs

is _____________ into 3 or 4 areas, (as sometimes 2 areas are mixed together).

Generally speaking, there is the Work Station and _____________ Area, the Server Area and the
Telecom Area. . And these areas are broken down again into different specialised units.
Okay so far. Perhaps you could describe one of these areas in a little more detail.
Ehm If I _______________ on the way the telecom area is organised, for example. . There
are 4 specialised units. The data network, thats your personal computer with internet access,
connection to one or more serverseh .well connection to whatever __________ there is on the
network. We also have the voice network, everything thats _____________ voice. The voice area
includes, of course, the phone system but also what we call the conference call bridge, mobile...
mobile phones, and also the link with videoconferencing and IP phones.

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Unit 1


An I.S. managers typical day


Activity 8
Remember the general advice before listening
Souvenez-vous des consignes gnrales avant de commencer.
Listen again to the I.S. manager, this time talking about a typical days work.
Answer the questions (1 10) giving as much detail as you can.
coutez de nouveau le D.S.I. qui parle dune journe type de travail.
Rpondez aux questions (1-10) avec un maximum de dtails.
1 How much time does he spend in meetings?
2 Give the names of at least two different types of meetings he has?
3 Who takes part in the European Telecom Managers meeting?
4 Why does he have resource management meetings with employees?
5 How often are these meetings with employees?
6 What time does his day usually start? What is the first thing he does?
7 What financial task has he been updating?
8 What does he say he needs the green light for?
9 What is the average number of e-mails he deals with per day?
10 What was the problem with the main line with Poland?

Activity 9
The following sentences (from the middle of Listening 2) are not in the correct order.
1. First, put them into the right order.
2. Then, listen and check your answer.
Cet extrait du texte (tir du milieu du Listening 2) na pas ses phrases dans le bon ordre.
1. Tout dabord, mettez les dans le bon ordre.
2. Puis, coutez et vrifiez votre rponse.

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Presenting companies, departments and jobs


During the day theyve been doing an update of all the virus definitions.


For example, this morning there was a virus attack published during the night.


. just to make sure everythings running smoothly.


So, I immediately alerted the person in charge of Europe and sent a copy to the security
manager in Peru.


Generally, I connect up to the network from home before leaving for work at about
7:15 a.m.


.. and then sent a message to all our users, telling them not to touch it if it comes
through to them.


Our American colleagues were not aware of it, because of course its still night-time over

Write the paragraph below.

crivez-le paragraphe ci-dessous.

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Unit 1

Section 4

Language focus

Language focus 1 The present

The present simple
On utilise le prsent simple pour exprimer :
a) une habitude ;
b) une routine ;
c) des faits.
I usually go shopping on Saturday afternoons (a).
We drive to work every day at 6.00 (b).
Jenny comes from Italy (c).

Activity 10
Find examples of the present simple in Reading document 1.
Trouvez des exemples du prsent simple dans Reading document 1.
Write your answers here:
crivez vos rponses ici :

The present continuous

On utilise le prsent continu pour exprimer :
a) une action en cours (en train de se faire/se drouler) ;
b) une action temporaire (qui nest pas ncessairement en progrs en ce moment) ;
c) un changement.
Im eating chocolate at the moment (a).
They are studying to be engineers (b).
Petrol prices are going up (c).

Activity 11
Find examples of the present continuous in Reading document 2.
Trouvez des exemples de prsent continu dans Reading document 2.


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Presenting companies, departments and jobs

Write your answers here:

crivez vos rponses ici :

The present perfect

On utilise le present perfect pour exprimer :
a) quelque chose qui a dbut dans le pass et qui nest pas encore fini ;
b) une exprience non dtermine dans le temps ;
c) le rsultat dune action passe, souvent rcente sans prciser le moment, et / ou pour donner
des informations nouvelles.
I have worked for this company for a long time (a).
They have written reports several times before (b).
I cant find the file. It has disappeared (c).

Activity 12
Find examples of the present perfect passive in Reading document 1.
Trouvez les exemples de la forme passive au prsent dans Reading document 1.
Write your answers here:
crivez vos rponses ici :

Language focus 2 The passive

On utilise la forme passive lorsque dans une phrase, lobjet est plus important que le sujet : ce qui
se passe est plus important que de savoir qui le fait.
It is broken.
The keyboards are made in China.
Si lon veut prciser lauteur dun fait on utilise by.
The keyboards are made in China by a local manufacturer.
The office hours have been changed by the Human Resources Manager.

Activity 13
Find examples of the present simple passive in Reading document 1.
Trouvez les exemples de la forme passive au prsent dans Reading document 1.
Write your answers here:

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Unit 1

crivez vos rponses ici :


Language focus 3 Making questions

Pour poser une question il faut souvent changer lordre des mots dans la phrase. Notez que le
sujet se place entre lauxiliaire et le verbe.



Complment dobjet


his homework?
the e-mail?
in China?

Pronoms interrogatifs Who, what where

Lordre des mots dans une question ne change pas avec laddition dun pronom interrogatif.
Gnralement, le pronom interrogatif se place au dbut de la question.
Pronoms interrogatifs














the cars


Complment dobjet
in China?

Au prsent le verbe be na pas besoin dauxiliaire.

It is difficult to explain. Is it difficult to explain?
Why is it difcult to explain?
La plupart des autres verbes ncessitent un auxiliaire.
Au prsent simple lauxiliaire est do.
I like my job.
Do you like your job?
What do you like about your job?
NB. In the 3rd person singular, do becomes does.

She likes meeting customers.

Does she like meeting customers?

Where does she like meeting customers?

Au prsent continu le verbe be est lauxiliaire.

We are going to Mexico.
Are you going to Mexico?
When are you going to Mexico?
He is changing his job.
Is he changing his job?
Why is he changing his job?


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I am increasing the power input.

Are you increasing the power input?

Why are you increasing the power input?

Au present perfect, le verbe have est lauxiliaire, et le verbe principal est au participe pass.
We have received the updates. Have we received the updates?
Why have we received the updates?
She has left the company.
Has she left the company?
Why has she left the company?
Dans la forme passive, le verbe be est lauxiliaire et le verbe principal est au participe pass.
They are made in Japan.
Are they made in Japan?
How are they made in Japan?
The report is late.
Is the report late?
Why is the report late?

Activity 14
Make logical questions for the sentences below.
Trouvez les questions logiques qui correspondent aux rponses.
1) The company is moving offices.
2) He has lost money
3) James and John have re-organised the department.
4) Oh! I live In Argentina
5) Yes, I love my job.
6) It costs about 15000 euros.
7) No, its manufactured in Portugal.
8) Yes, I do. I have two children.
9) Nearly. I still have to check the spelling.
10) Not at the moment.
11) Im working on the new plans.

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Unit 1

Section 5


Vocabulary 1
Activity 15
Match the correct definition to the vocabulary from the reading texts. There is one extra
definition you do not need to use. Be careful, when it is a verb it is given in the infinitive.
Reliez chaque mot ou expression sa dfinition. Une dfinition ne sera pas utilise. Attention, les
verbes sont donns linfinitif.
Document 1
(l.1) household name
(l.16) ranks
(l.17) brand
(l.22) lions share
(l.29) subsidiaries
(l.32) sub-contractors
(l.44) entertainment

a) the largest part

b) outside companies delegated specific jobs
c) amusement
d) a famous product
e) a products name
f) to be graded in a list
g) the employees
h) Smaller companies controlled by the mother company

Document 2
(l.2) involved
(l.17) fall behind
(l.28) liase
(l.30) suppliers
(l.32) deadlines
(l.34) time frames
(l.36) remotely
(l.40) boosting
(l.43) increase
(l.61) relationships

a) meet with people and discuss something

b) companies who sell products to other companies
c) to lose an order
d) to go up
e) fixed periods
f) from a distance
g) interaction with other people
h) specific time to finish a project, deal, product, etc
i) to concern someone / something
j) to lose your position to others
k) to push up

Activity 16
The following expressions have been taken from Reading document 2. Put them into the
sentences below.
Les expressions suivantes sont extraites du texte Reading document 2. Placez-les dans les phrases
ci-dessous :
long-range - stay abreast - a variety of services - work long hours - considerable pressure - tight budgets
setting up - running smoothly - in addition - as a result


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Presenting companies, departments and jobs

a) The technicians are having problems the new network.

b) If there is a networking problem at the weekend the manager has to
c) We have no more money. the factory must close.
d) It is essential in this job to of new technology.
e) The salary is high. a company car comes with the job.
f) This sub-contractor offers that we need for our customers.
g) We must not spend too much money; we have to keep . .
h) This solution is temporary; we will have to look at the effects.
i) When there is too much work, the manager is under to finish it quickly
j) The team is helping and so the machines are .

Find the synonyms used in Reading document 2 for the following words.
Trouvez les synonymes des mots suivants dans le texte Reading document 2.



Involved in:


Vocabulary 2 Describing frequency

Frequency adverbs
On utilise ces adverbes pour exprimer combien de fois ou quelle frquence on fait quelque chose,
habituellement avec le prsent simple, lorsque quon parle dune habitude ou dune routine.
Ils sont :
a) gnralement placs devant le verbe, pour tous les verbes autre que be ;
b) placs aprs le verbe be ;
c) placs entre lauxiliaire et le verbe principal pour les modaux, le present perfect et la forme
We usually have meetings on Monday mornings (a).
The customer is always right (b).
They must always stay abreast of the latest technology (c).
He has usually gone home before I arrive (c).
The software updates are never sent automatically (c).

Expressions of frequency
Ces expressions se trouvent en general au dbut ou la fin dune phrase.
I write poetry from time to time. / From time to time I write poetry.
Max uses sub-contractors now and again. / Now and again Max uses sub-contractors.
Most of the time our meetings last an hour. / Our meetings last an hour most of the time.

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Unit 1

Activity 18
Put the frequency adverbs and expressions of frequency in a line from 100% to 0%. Some of
them show a similar degree of frequency.
For example, frequently = very often.
Mettez les adverbes et expressions de frquence sur la ligne de 100% 0%. Certains dentre eux
sont similaires.
sometimes - never - often - from time to time - occasionally - frequently - usually - rarely
now and again - always - hardly ever - very often - generally



Activity 19
Select the most appropriate adverb or expression to complete the dialogue below.
Compltez le dialogue suivant avec ladverbe ou lexpression le plus appropri.
most of the time - occasionally - hardly ever - usually (x 2) - never - sometimes - frequently - very often

Do you know what we are supposed to do? I understand what hes

talking about.


Yes, dont worry. Ive worked with him a lot. Although he wasnt very clear just now, he
is. his instructions are easy to follow.
I think I have a hearing problem.


No, I dont think so. I suppose its his accent. He hasnt been to Spain .
He should go there more , it would improve his accent.
Anyway, up to now, I have had any trouble finishing a job correctly. But
it is true, , I have to ask him to repeat himself.


Thats reassuring. Especially as I understand most people.


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Presenting companies, departments and jobs

Verbs and prepositions

Certains verbes ont leur propre prposition. Faites attention de bien apprendre le verbe avec sa
Le verbe depend est suivi par la prposition on depend on.
la forme interrogative, la prposition se trouve souvent la fin de la phrase,
O Dans
contrairement au franais.
What are you talking about?
Who do you work with?

De quoi parle-tu?
Avec qui travaillez-vous?

Activity 20
Match the beginning of each sentence (1-10) with one of the endings (a-j).
Reliez le dbut et la fin de chaque phrase.
1) Try and listen ..........
2) Who does this CD belong ..........
3) Hes probably in his office. It depends ..........
4) They must decide ..........
5) We really need to ask ..........
6) You can rely ..........
7) The two machine operators never agree ..........
8) She has applied ..........
9) The sales department apologised ..........
10) The trade union doesnt approve ..........

a) of the redundancies.
b) on this machinery.
c) to?
d) to the instructions.
e) on his workload.
f) on which processors to buy.
g) for more information.
h) for the delay.
i) for a new job.
j) with each other.

Activity 21
Put the prepositions into the following sentences. Use the prepositions in (x 2), of, for, from, to
and on (x 2) .
Mettez les prpositions dans chacune des phrases suivantes.
1) This job consists .......... adapting software to meet specific needs.
2) After all those problems, she finally resigned .......... her job.
3) They specialise .......... supplying cables.
4) After trying for an hour, I finally succeeded .......... connecting up the computers.
5) The team took the blame ..........the mistake.
6) I object ..........working on a Sunday.
7) We are concentrating .......... launching our latest product.
8) Sally insists .......... receiving a written report every month.

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Unit 1

Section 6

Pour les activits dans cette section vous devez vous enregistrez soit sur cassette (standard ou dictaphone)
soit par moyen informatique (ordinateur, baladeur MP3 ou autre). Vous pouvez ensuite rcouter votre
production, la comparer aux modles donns sil y en a. Vous vous habituerez ainsi, petit petit, vous
entendre parler anglais.

Activity 22
Interviewing someone about his / her job
Record yourself interviewing someone about his / her job. Most of your questions should be in
the present simple because you are asking about habits and routines.
Vous ralisez une interview : vous faites parlez quelquun de son travail ; enregistrez-vous. La
plupart de vos questions doit tre au prsent simple, puisque vous interrogez votre interlocuteur
sur ses habitudes de travail.
Some ideas for possible questions are:
working hours,
travelling to work (distance and means of transport),
frequency of meetings, type of meetings,
likes and dislikes,
number of people you work with,
future projects,
qualities needed for the job,
and any other question you think relevant.
For example:
How long is your working day / week?
Do you spend a lot of time outside the office? (Why .....?, Where ....?, etc.)
Who do you report to?
Try to ask about 10 different questions.
Trouvez une dizaine de questions diffrentes.


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Presenting companies, departments and jobs

Activity 23


Going for a job interview

You are being interviewed for a job. Listen to the questions recorded on your CD and record your
answers. Do not hesitate to add any information you think would be useful. Whenever possible,
give an example.
Vous passez un entretien pour un poste. coutez les questions enregistres sur votre CD cours et
enregistrez vos rponses. Nhsitez pas ajouter toute information que vous pensez utile. tayez
vos ides par des exemples.
Notez lemploi du present perfect pour parler de lexprience en gnral.
The question:
Have you ever been abroad?
Possible answer:
Yes, Ive been to several countries in Europe. For example, Ive already visited Spain, Belgium
and Germany. And last summer I spent a weekend in London.

Activity 24
Social English
Introductions and greetings
Invent 4 short monologues and record yourself.
Inventez et enregistrez 4 monologues courts.
1. Greeting someone you know.
Dire bonjour quelquun que vous connaissez.
2. Greeting someone you dont know.
Dire bonjour quelquun que vous ne connaissez pas.
3. Introducing yourself.
4. Introducing someone to a third person.
Prsentez quelquun une tierce personne.
Below are some typical sentences you can use in these situations. Be careful, they are not in the
correct order. Sometimes the sentences fulfil both functions.
Ci-dessous vous trouverez des phrases types pour ces situations. Attention, elles ne sont pas donnes
dans lordre. Parfois ces phrases remplissent les deux fonctions (le salut et la prsentation).

Example sentences /questions:

Good morning/afternoon/evening. My names .................
Hello there. How are you/how are you doing?
Jane. Id like to introduce you to Steven. Hes just joined the team.
Steven, this is Jane, our maintenance technician. She keeps things running smoothly.
Cynthia. Hi. I havent seen you for ages. How are things?

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Unit 1

Hello. Its Martin isnt it? Pleased to meet you. My names Sabine.
Shona! Its good to see you. Hows the family?
Excuse me. Are you Ms Brent, the new travel agent?
Hows life, Brendan?
First of all, let me introduce you to the others and then Ill find us some coffee.


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Presenting companies, departments and jobs

Section 7


Activity 25
Write an article or a press release about a company of your choice.
Alternatively, you can use the skeleton below and write about the company Mercedes Benz.
crivez un article ou un communiqu de presse sur une socit de votre choix. Sinon utilisez le
squelette ci-dessous pour crire votre texte sur la socit Mercedes Benz.
Remember to organise your text into separate paragraphs.
Pensez organiser votre texte en paragraphes distincts.

Group: Daimler Chrysler
Company: Mercedes Benz
Some other companies in group: Smart, Jeep, Dodge, etc.
Founders: Karl Benz
Age: + 100 years
Market: worldwide
Official language: English
Manufacturing facilities: 17 countries
Management Board: 10 members
Present owners: European, American and other international investors
Shares in circulation: approx. 1 billion (all major stock exchanges)
Employees: approx. 385,000
Past inventions: ABS, ESP, Airbag
Turnover: 1421.4 billion euros
Product Sales: cars 4,006,700/commercial vehicles 712,000 (year 2004) Sales in over 200
Future projects: investment in safety / environment / research
Logo: 3 pointed star
Recent contracts: New York City Transport Services 500 hybrid-electric buses

Activity 26
Write a text explaining your typical day at work / at school / at home.
crivez un texte donnant les dtails dune journe typique pour vous au travail / lcole / la

Lisez lenregistrement du listening 2 pour vous aider. crivez quand et o vous faites quelque
chose. Pensez que la plus grande partie de votre texte est au prsent simple (les habitudes, routines,
etc.). Noubliez pas demployer des adverbes et expressions de frquence.
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Unit 1

Section 8


Activity 27
The words in the box below are all in unit 1. Put them in the sentences below to replace the
words in bold. Do not change the word in the box. Dont hesitate to refer back to the reading
texts to see how these words are used.
Les mots ci-dessous sont tous dans lunit 1. Mettez-les dans les phrases pour remplacer les
mots en gras. Ne changez pas le mot donn. Nhsitez pas vous rfrer aux textes de Reading
section 2 pour comprendre lemploi de ces mots.
staff - network - deadline - skill - tightly - needs - remotely - keep - issues - proficient - growth - evolve
install - conduct - smoothly - running - supplier - oversee - remain - laptops
1) Unfortunately, the company selling us the parts often delivers late.
2) The production line worker operates the machine from a distance .
3) The Human Resources Manager is taking on a lot of personnel .
4) The departmental meetings always stay the same. Nothing changes.
5) The technician will maintain the specification documents.
6) If we dont deliver the goods before the final date , we lose money.
7) Having a useful group of contacts keeps me up to date.
8) She likes to supervise all the installations herself.
9) Good technical competence is hard to find at the moment.
10) Portable computers are especially useful when travelling abroad.
11) Could you set up that new driver before leaving tonight?
12) Company expansion has been remarkable this year.
13) He needs to make sure that everything goes without a problem .
14) Hardware requirements have decreased in size over the years.
15) There are several problems we need to talk about over the phone.
16) To develop in other countries we need an oversees agent.
17) Being competent in JavaScript is essential for this job.
18) We must do more tests on this product.
19) Jodi needs more time to get the software working .
20) Overtime is closely controlled by the supervisor.


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Presenting companies, departments and jobs

Activity 28
Put the verbs in the text below into the correct tense (present simple, present continuous,
present perfect and present passive).
Conjuguez les verbes entre parenthses : soit le prsent simple, le prsent continu, le present
perfect ou la forme passive.
Hard-disk drives (to be) the major working parts of PC systems. Data
(to store) at an extremely fast rate whenever the computer (to turn)
on (except in the case of laptops as they periodically (to switch)
off to preserve the life of the battery). Every time you (to access)
a hard drive you start an incredible performance at supersonic speed.
Hard drives are very sensitive to dust and consequently (to contain) in metal
housing to protect them. If dust (to enter) the hard drive it can block the
internal components and mean that the drive can (to crash) .
When software or yourself (to order) the system to read or write a file, the
operating system (to tell) the hard-disk to move to the drives file allocation.
The operating system (to look at) and (to decide)
which parts of the disk are free to be able (to maintain) a new file.
The hard drive (to be) one of the rare components of a computer that (to
be) both mechanical as well as electronic.
They (to change) a great deal over the years, reducing in size and increasing
in performance. Today, they (to become) reasonably cheap compared to the
In this company, the hard drives (to become) old and need replacing. We
(to have) a particular problem with the magnetically coated platters which
(to get) dirty. But it is easier (to change) them rather
than trying to repair them.

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Unit 2

IT evolution: problems and solutions

Dans cette unit vous allez dcouvrir le vocabulaire li au thme de lvolution des systmes informatiques travers les annes. Sont exposs ici galement les thmes de rsolution des problmes et des
Nous allons galement en profiter pour reprendre ensemble la structure des passs simple, progressif et
passif qui constituera une des cls de vote de votre preuve orale, puisque vous serez amen, lors de votre
compte-rendu rapporter des faits passs.
travers les activits dexpression orale, vous parlerez de vos comptences acquises auparavant. Vous
exploiterez galement le pass lexpression crite en parlant dune erreur commise au pass et de sa

Section 1: preview .................................... 36

Section 6: speaking .................................. 56

Vocabulary: matching denitions

Grammar: Present tenses, passive and questions

Talking about a previous job

Talking about previous computer knowledge
Social English.

Activities 1 3

Section 2: reading ..................................... 38

Activities 24 26

IT: The Past Few Years

Setting up a network

Section 7: writing .................................... 60

Activities 4 et 8

Describing a company process

Describing past mistakes / problems & solutions

Section 3: listening .................................. 43

Activities 27 28

A Problem and Its Solutions

A Company's IT Evolution

Section 8: checklist .................................. 62

Activities 9 12


Section 4: language focus ....................... 47

Activities 29 30

Past tenses
Past passives
Past tense questions
Activities 13 17

Section 5: vocabulary .............................. 52

Vocabulary exercises: reading and listening texts
Past time expressions
Vocabulary groups
Activities 18 23

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Unit 2

Section 1

Before starting this unit, try this pre-test to help you with the vocabulary you will see
in the reading and listening texts.
Avant de commencer cette unit, faites ce test pour vous familiariser avec le vocabulaire
que vous verrez dans les exercices de comprhension de lcrit et de loral.

Activity 1
Choose the correct definitions.
Choisissez la dfinition qui correspond le mieux.
r period of existence
r product development

r distant
r attached

r ordinary
r co-working

r finished
r infinite

r mobile phones
r portable computers

r to charge
r to empty

r prisoner
r robbery

r restoration
r cover again

r divide equally
r work individually

r plug receptacle
r short socks

r something that talks to you
r something that is easy to use

r a bad dream
r a nocturnal

r waste receptacle
r file saver device

r customer complaint
r customer purchase request


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IT evolution: problems and solutions

Thinking about the past tenses. Try this grammar test to see what you know or dont
Les temps du pass. Testez votre grammaire.

Activity 2
Put the verbs in the sentences below into the correct past tense: (past simple, past continuous or
the passive). Be careful, it can sometimes be negative.
Mettez les verbes dans les phrases ci-dessous au pass : le prtrit, le prtrit continu ou la forme
passive. Attention, la forme ngative.
a) I (to think) you (to come) from Holland.
b) We (to deliver) the printers yesterday.
c) New mobiles (to manufacture) last year.
d) A few years ago Lawrence (to work) with me.
e) It (to rain) when we (to leave) home.
f) When she (to arrive) we (to try) to phone her.
g) The Accounts Department (to re-organise) a few months ago.
h) The phone system (to be) very expensive to install.
i) Jennifer (to run) the office for many years before she (to retire) .

Activity 3
Make questions for the sentences below.
Faites des questions pour les phrases ci-dessous.
a) I bought this house ten years ago. (When ..?)
b) They were finishing the reports. (What .. ?)
c) I had to walk to work because of the train strike. (How ..?)
d) The main problem we had was with the delivery times. (What ..?)
e) I got married in Jamaica. (Where ?)
f) He was a cook for several years. (What ?)
g) They forgot to send the cables. (What ?)
h) We didnt have enough time to go for a walk. (Why ?)

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Unit 2

Section 2

First, read the text to get a general idea of the subject before attempting the
Avant de faire lexercice, lisez le texte, afin de comprendre son sens gnral.

Document 1

IT: The Past Few Years

(1) .
.Whereas in the past
inventions took a long time to get from the drawing
board to the market place, nowadays this process has
been speeded up and nowhere more so than in the
eld of information technology.
Just looking at the past few years gives us an
impressive list of inventions and innovations which
includes the MP3 portable player, USB port, USB
key (otherwise known as a memory stick), digital
technology, ADSL, Wi, 3G mobiles and so on. (2)
. The main
reasons for these creations were size optimization and
data transfer speed. One example was the creation of
the USB port.
The invention of the USB port (universal serial
bus) made it possible to connect simply and easily
several devices at the same time (one USB port can
run well over 100 devices simultaneously).
Their overall success stems from their ease of
use and hot-swappable operation. It was no longer
necessary to read through huge and cryptic installation
manuals when connecting new peripherals. (3)
Its commonly called the plug n play feature. As

soon as the new device is plugged in the computer

loads the necessary drivers automatically. Data
transfer speeds become much faster and only the
requisite amounts of electric power are distributed
to the different peripherals. The memory stick, or
USB key, can store large amounts of memory on a
device the size of a packet of chewing gum. (4)
Another dramatic change affecting IT services for
businesses and homes alike was the introduction of
broadband. (5) .
This was connected to cable TV services supplied
by an internet service provider. Competition,
although limited at rst, soon arrived in the form of
DSL providing high-speed networking over ordinary
telephone lines using digital modem technology.
(6) . However,
physical distance remained a problem and it was often
unavailable in remote areas. ADSL (asymmetrical
digital subscriber line/loop) is a form of DSL. (7)
All this and much more has changed the face
of communication today, giving even the smallest
of companies the opportunity to become a global

Activity 4
The following sentences (A G) have been removed from the text below. Put the sentences back
into the correct place to complete the text.
Les phrases suivantes (A G) sont extraites du texte ci-dessus. Remettez ces phrases leur place
pour complter le texte.

It also has a greater lifespan than the now practically obsolete floppy disk.


The list is endless.


The first widely available option was the cable modem introduced in the late nineties.


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IT evolution: problems and solutions


Some of the everyday uses of commonplace devices we all use today were still in the minds
of their creators only a few years ago.


DSL particularly targeted small business and home users.


Satellite services came slowly into the picture widening the availability of internet access.


This means that anyone can safely plug and unplug devices without turning off the device
or the computer.

Activity 5
Below is a list of verbs in document 1. Write the base form of these verbs Be careful, some of
them are irregular verbs.
Ci-dessous une liste de verbes extraits du document 1. crivez la base du verbale pour chacun.
Attention, certains de ces verbes sont irrguliers.
a) were


b) took


c) known


d) was


e) made


f) introduced _______________
g) supplied


h) targeted


i) remained


j) came


Activity 6
Answer the questions below and justify your answers from the text when possible.
Rpondez aux questions ci-dessous et justifiez votre choix quand vous le pouvez.
1) Give the names of 3 recent devices mentioned in the text.
2) Why were they created?
3) Why were they successful?
4) Why is the memory stick better than the floppy disk?
5) What was the main problem with DSL initially?
6) What advantage do these changes give to small companies?

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Unit 2

Below is an article. The paragraphs are not in the correct order. Can you put them into the correct
order to make a coherent text? There are 7 paragraphs. To help you, one of the answers is given.
Paragraph 4 = (C).
Dans larticle ci-dessous, les paragraphes ne forment pas une suite logique. Pouvez-vous les mettre
dans le bon ordre pour rendre ce texte cohrent ? Il y a sept paragraphes. Pour vous aider, une
des rponses est donne. Paragraphe 4 = (C).
Document 2

Setting up a network

(A) Having successfully completed these stages

the network was up and running. Some les and
folders needed to be shared. This was the companys
initial reason for requiring a network. However, it was
essential for security reasons not to be able to share
everything on the C drive. Therefore certain folders
and les had to be given passwords to prevent anyone
being able to access the whole network. Although
this took a little time, it was an important task for the
future security of the company network.
(B) First, the computer was turned off at the
mains and the power lead unplugged. A necessary
precaution as static electricity can be transmitted to
the interior of the PC and cause damage. An empty
PCI slot was located and the covering strip on the
case was removed with a screwdriver. The card was
put in and the screw replaced. The case was put
back on and the computer rebooted. The necessary
software CDs were inserted as and when requested by
the machine.
(C) With all the physical wiring done, the following
step was getting the network congured. The network
card driver supplied enabled the machines to talk to
each other immediately and the technicians didnt
need to install protocols.
(D) Finally, the broadband was connected. The
router had a dynamic host conguration protocol
(DHCP) and this software automatically allocated
unique IP addresses to all the computers connected
to it through the switch. The IP address allowed the
computers to recognise each other and pass along
data. The technicians followed the wizards carefully
on the router. The web browser had to be told to
connect up to the internet using the network. This


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was completed by going into tools, internet options

and selecting never dial a connection. A nal check
was carried out to ensure that computer names were
unique, that cables were rmly inserted into sockets,
that all the hubs and switches were working and so
the network was complete.
(E) As the machines were now connected to
each other, the next stage was accessing and sharing
printers. This procedure was initiated through the
network settings. The printer folder was opened and
Sharing was accessed by right clicking on the printer
icon. The administrator gave each printer a name.
After that, to check that the network was working the
printer folder was opened on another machine and
the Add printer wizard was run through to make
sure it was performing correctly. Fortunately this
worked without having to specify the printer name,
which is sometimes necessary.
(F) Last year a small company decided to set up
a network. Once everything was unpacked from the
cardboard boxes, the rst thing the administrator
did was install the network cards as instructed. The
instruction manual gave information about any
specic requirements relating to their operating
systems. Following the instructions carefully was
essential as the order of installation was very
important for the future well-being of the system.
(G) Next, the switch was plugged in and the
cables hooked up to the PC. The ADSL router was
installed at the same time. The broadband cable was
then plugged in to the phone line. As this was not
a wireless network it was necessary to measure the
distances for cables to the different PCs.

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IT evolution: problems and solutions

Activity 7
Put your answers here:
Mettez vos rponses ici :
1) ( ) 2) ( ) 3) ( ) 4 ( C ) 5) ( ) 6) ( ) 7) ( )
Now write out the text in the correct order. This may take some time but it is good practice
and will help you to check that the order is logical. It will also be easier for you to answer the
questions that follow.
crivez ci-dessous le texte en entier. Ceci prendra un peu de temps, mais cest un excellent exercice
de comprhension et vous permettra de vrifier si lordre est logique. De plus, cela vous aidera
rpondre aux questions qui suivent.
The complete text.

Setting Up A Network

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Unit 2


Activity 8
Answer the comprehension questions below and justify your answers from the text when
Rpondez aux questions de comprhension ci-dessous et justifiez votre choix quand vous le
1) What was the first thing the administrator had to do? (. 1)
2) Why does the computer need to be completely disconnected? (. 2)
3) What must you remember to do if you are not installing a wireless network? (. 3)
4) What do you sometimes need to do when accessing and sharing a printer? (. 5)
5) Why did this company want a network? (. 6)
6) What security measures did they take? (.6)
7) Why did they take these security measures? ( 6)
8) What do IP addresses do? (7)

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IT evolution: problems and solutions

Section 3



A problem and its solution


Listen carefully to someone describing a problem they had in a company and the solution they
eventually found.
coutez attentivement quelquun qui dcrit un problme vcu dans une socit et comment ce
problme a t rsolu.

Activity 9
Answer the following comprehension questions during the second listening.
Rpondez aux questions de comprhension pendant la deuxime coute.

Noubliez pas : coutez entirement au moins une premire fois lenregistrement sans rpondre aux
1) What were they worried about?
2) Why did they use laptops?
3) What did they start a search for?
4) What were their criteria? (3 possibilities)
5) What were the problems with the first pieces of software they found? (3 possibilities)
6) What does eraser use?
7) Who referenced eraser? (2 possibilities)
8) How would you describe the speakers feelings at the end of the text?
Listen again, to check your answers.
coutez encore une fois afin de vrifier vos rponses.

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Unit 2

Activity 10
Translate the following paragraph taken from the listening text.
Traduisez le paragraphe suivant extrait de la comprhension orale.

Comme cest votre premire traduction, la prcision nest pas de mise. Limportant est de traduire
le sens gnral du texte. Ne vous inquitez pas si votre texte fini est plus court ou plus long que
Always do a translation in four stages.
Faites toujours une traduction en quatre tapes.
1. Read the original text more than once until you have a good idea of its general meaning.
Lisez le texte original plusieurs fois pour avoir une bonne ide de son sens gnral.
2. As you read make notes of the general meaning in French. This means do not translate word
for word, but rather translate a complete idea or at least a sentence.
Au fur et mesure de votre lecture, prenez des notes en franais, donnant le sens gnral du
texte. Ne traduisez surtout pas mot mot.
3. Using your notes write a text in French.
Rdigez un texte partir de vos notes.
4. Read the original text again to make sure your translation has a similar meaning.
Relisez le texte original pour vrifier que votre traduction a retenu les ides principales.

thefts: vols
laptop: ordinateur portable
bin: corbeille

Well, recently there was quite a bit of worry over the rising number of laptop thefts. A lot of our
managers use them especially when visiting customers. The whole point of them having laptops is
that they can travel anywhere and still have a record of all the customers detailed information to
hand. Travelling, of course, increases the risk of theft. We were worried about all the confidential
customer information on the hard disk. Our managers believed that when they put files in the bin,
that was that, they had eradicated all sensitive data. But, naturally, as you well know, all data can
be recovered from a hard disk, so binning files was hardly great security for our customers.

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IT evolution: problems and solutions


A companys IT evolution


Activity 11
First answer the general comprehension questions. Check your answers in the correction booklet
before doing activity 12.
Rpondez aux questions de comprhension. Vrifiez vos rponses dans le fascicule autocorrection
avant de faire lactivit 12.

Si vos rponses lactivit 11 sont bonnes, lactivit 12 sera facile.

1) Where are his 2 bosses?
2) What were the problems with the big mainframes they had?
3) What were the 2 main drawbacks with the phone system?
4) What did they use for remote access?
5) Why was internet access restricted?
6) What does he say about international communication in the past?
7) Which software system made an enormous difference in communication?
8) What did ERP do for this company?
9) Can you give one example of what ERP integrates?
10) Why do they wait before buying the latest technology?

Activity 12
These mixed up sentences have been taken from listening 2. Put the words into the correct order
to make complete sentences. The words within the slashes are in the correct order. Be careful not
to forget the prepositions, articles, pronouns, etc.
Ces phrases extraites du texte listening 2 sont mlanges. Mettez les mots dans le bon ordre.

O Noubliez pas les prpositions, articles, pronoms, etc.

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Unit 2

1) as it is / today / a few years ago / communication / was not / as easy

2) national / our phones / at the time / running / phone company / we had the
3) because again / too high / we had / no printers, / and / very basic servers / the cost was
4) laborious / between countries / so / was / and costly / communication
5) it / company-wide / customer service / integrated IS, / and increases / facilitates / corporate
activities / performs core
6) along the path / for example, / the different steps / customer order / it / a / can automate
/ to fulfilling
7) to maintain / the systems / were easier / meant that / of / they / this standardisation
8) as soon as / on the market / on the / its / never jump / as / latest technology /
we / an organisation
9) that way / more / its / and / cost effective / safer


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IT evolution: problems and solutions

Section 4

Language focus

Language focus 1 Past time

Past simple
Le prtrit simple est utilis pour exprimer des actions dans le pass qui sont dfinitivement
termines. Ces actions, souvent un moment prcis, sont gnralement utilises avec une
expression de temps pass, telle que :
yesterday - a long time ago - a few minutes ago - last week, etc.
I walked to work yesterday.
We sold our car a long time ago.
Phillip ordered 30 webcams this morning.

Regular Verbs
La rgle de base pour former le prtrit simple est dajouter ed la base verbale.
Base verbale (base form)

prtrit simple (past simple)







Si la base verbale se termine dj par un e, on ajoute seulement d la base verbale.

base form

past simple

Si la base verbale comporte :
une syllabe et se termine par une voyelle brve + consonne ;
deux ou plus de deux syllabes et si la dernire syllabe est accentue, ne contient quune seule
voyelle et se termine par une consonne :
on double la consonne.
base form

past simple


stopped (a)


preferred (b)

Si la base verbale se termine par une consonne + y, le y devient i + ed

base form

past simple










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Unit 2

Activity 13
In Reading document 1 there are nine examples of past simple regular verbs. Can you find
Il y a neuf exemples de verbes rguliers au prtrit simple dans le Reading document 1. Essayez
de les trouver.









Irregular Verbs
Les verbes irrguliers sont nombreux en anglais. Une quarantaine dentre eux sont communs et
doivent tre appris (cest la deuxime colonne de vos tableaux de verbes irrguliers au collge). Il
est prfrable de les apprendre dans un contexte.
Les premiers et les plus utiliss sont :
Le prtrit simple de ces principaux verbes est donn ci-dessous.

you / we / they
he / she / it
I / you / we / they
he / she / it
I / you / we / they
he / she / it
I / you / we / they
he / she / it

Present simple

Past simple

N.B. Vous remarquez quen anglais seul le verbe be au prtrit plusieurs formes Tous les autres nont
quune forme.

Activity 14
Underline all the examples of the past simple irregular verbs in Reading document 1.
Soulignez tous les exemples de verbes irrguliers au prtrit simple dans Reading document 1.

Past continuous
On utilise le prtrit continu pour exprimer :
a) une action qui dure (en train de) dans le pass ;
b) pour dcrire une scne au pass ;
c) pour dcrire une activit dans le pass qui a t interrompue.


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IT evolution: problems and solutions

The photocopier wasnt working very well yesterday. (a)

It was raining and the wind was blowing fiercely. (b)
She was reading the report when the phone rang. (c)

Activity 15
Can you find the examples of the past continuous in Reading document 2?
Trouvez des exemples de prtrit continu dans Reading document 2.

Language focus 2 The past passive structure

On utilise la forme passive du prtrit lorsque dans une phrase lobjet est plus important que le
sujet : ce qui sest pass est plus important que qui la fait.
The TOPGO Company installed new systems a few weeks ago. (ACTIVE)
New systems were installed a few weeks ago. (PASSIVE)
Si on veut prciser lauteur dun fait on utilise by.
New systems were installed a few weeks ago by the TOPGO Company.
Pour mettre la forme passive on utilise lauxiliaire be au pass, plus le participe pass du verbe
-ed pour les verbes rguliers et la troisime colonne pour les verbes irrguliers (voir Info file 1 dans
votre fascicule Lexique, transcriptions et informations).
Lauxiliaire be porte le marqueur du temps.
The sensors are repaired by Smiths. (Present simple passive)
The sensors were repaired by Smiths. (Past simple passive)

Activity 16
Can you find the examples of the past simple passive in Reading document 2? Remember to look
for the auxiliary be in the past and the past participle of the verb (often ed).
Trouvez les exemples de la forme passive au prtrit dans Reading document 2. Noubliez pas de
chercher lauxiliaire be suivi du participe pass du verbe (souvent ed).

Language focus 3 Making questions in the past

Linterrogation se forme au pass comme au prsent. Cest lauxiliaire qui change pour dterminer
le temps. Notez que le verbe principal ne change pas.
Past tense









to the bank?





on Monday?



the computers


on time?

Au prtrit le verbe be na pas besoin dauxiliaire.

It was an unusual job.
Was it an unusual job?
La plupart des autres verbes ncessitent un auxiliaire.

Past simple
Au prtrit lauxiliaire est did.
I worked very long hours.

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Did you work very long hours?


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Unit 2

Past continuous
Au prtrit continu lauxiliaire est le verbe be.
The e-mails were coming in fast.
It was raining yesterday.
She was cooking when we arrived.
Au prtrit continu les questions deviennent:
Were the e-mails coming in fast?
Was it raining yesterday?
Was she cooking when you arrived?

Past passive structure

Dans la forme passive du prtrit lauxiliaire est le verbe be.
It was imported from the UK.
Was it imported from the UK?
They were dismissed.
Were they dismissed?
Regardez le tableau making questions dans lUnit 1.
Notez les pronoms interrogatifs : Where, What, Why, When, How, etc.
Pour ajouter un pronom interrogatif les rgles sont les mmes au pass quau prsent.
When did the books arrive?
Why was she late for work?
How did you miss the train?
Where was the file?

Activity 17
Make logical questions for the sentences below.
Faites des questions logiques pour les phrases ci-dessous.
1) The CDs came from Italy.
2) He did it because I asked him.
3) No, I didnt like it at all.
4) They arrived by bus.
5) I dont know who was driving.
6) Yes, it was very expensive.
7) They were walking down the street.


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IT evolution: problems and solutions

8) Liam went to a conference.

9) The Finance Manager was there.
10) Yes, the letter was written in German.

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Unit 2

Section 5


Vocabulary 1
Activity 18
In the following activity there is one word in each line which does not have the same meaning
as the other 3. Underline the odd one out.
Dans lactivit suivante, un mot de chaque ligne na pas le mme sens que les 3 autres. Soulignez




































better protected


more secure


Activity 19
Put the words you found in Activity 18 into the sentences below.
Mettez les mots trouvs dans lactivit prcdente dans les phrases ci-dessous.
1) Each computer was .. a different name.
2) Our finance department has . help for the salaries.
3) This software helped to stop .. of old files.
4) The .. were thanked by the managers for doing an excellent job.
5) .. the packages arrived, we opened them to make sure everything was intact.
6) IT was very expensive, but today it is becoming .. .
7) We decided a .. connection was better to reduce the amount of cables in offices.
8) A few problems remained, but .. it was a great success.
9) These are the main or .. activities our company deals with.
10) The software manager was so with the results, he opened some champagne.


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IT evolution: problems and solutions

Vocabulary 2 Past time expressions

Le plus souvent, une expression de temps pass implique que la phrase, question, etc. doit tre
au prtrit.
Une expression de temps pass peut tre un seul mot :
yesterday etc.
Elle peut tre aussi un groupe de mots qui place laction dfinitivement dans le pass :
when I was younger
as a child
in the past etc.

Activity 20
Below is a short text in the past. Underline the past time expressions?
Soulignez les expressions dterminantes dans le texte au prtrit ci-dessous.
When I was a little girl, I lived in Malta. I dont remember much about the place, just a few
memory flashes. At the age of four I went to a Maltese school, and when I was six I could speak
the Maltese language very well. What I remember most about that period of time was the sun
and not having to wear shoes. Shoes were too hot so I was always happier without them. Of
course, when we went to visit my uncle in Rabat I had to dress nicely and wear real shoes. It felt
like torture. We left Malta in the early sixties, and returned to England. When I first arrived in
England, all those years ago, I remember my mother saying This is your country. This is where you
come from. I was not happy at all. It was in November 1964, a horrible day and there was a lot of
fog. I didnt know what fog was and it frightened me a little. Although we always spoke English
every day at home, I found it very difficult to understand people in England with their different
accents. During the first year I spent in England my mother had to translate for me. Of course, I
gradually got used to it, but the most difficult part for me was wearing shoes everyday. Today it
all seems such a long time ago.
Now write them here.
crivez-les ici.










Vocabulary 3 Vocabulary groups

Certaines combinaisons de mots se font dans un ordre bien spcifique. Ils forment des groupes de
mots, facile reconnatre entre interlocuteurs. Ces groupes de mots qui existent aussi dans votre
propre langue, rendent la communication plus facile.
Par exemple, en anglais, en dirait plus naturellement :
black and white
et non pas
white and black.

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Unit 2

Word Families
Des mots peuvent aussi tre regroups parce quils appartiennent la mme famille.


Noun (person)


to produce




Activity 21
Complete the table below to create word families for the following verbs:
Compltez le tableau ci-dessous pour crer des familles de mots:


to attach

Noun (person)

Adjective - Adverb

to communicate

to cost

to decide

to deliver
to locate

to print
to progress

to restrict

to use
to worry

Des mots peuvent aussi tre regroups parce quils sont lis un mme sujet/thme.
to sell

domestic market

selling points
sales figures

sales representative

Activity 22
Below are words taken from the reading and listening texts.
There are two distinct groups. Put the words into the right group.
Les mots ci-dessous sont sortis des textes de Reading et Listening. Il y a deux groupes bien distincts.
Triez les mots par groupe.

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finance department
memory stick
market place
cost effective

internet access
remote access

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IT evolution: problems and solutions

Group 1: Money
Group 2: IT

Activity 23
Some words that are found together in Reading 1 and 2 have been separated. Can you put them
back together? Some of them are compound nouns or expressions. For more information on
compound nouns see Unit 6.
Certains mots qui sont ensemble dans Reading documents 1 et 2 ont t spars. Remettez les
ensembles. Certains sont des noms composs ou des expressions. Pour plus dinformation sur les
noms composs regardez lunit 6.
First part


























data transfer









internet service























serial bus




up and






hubs and



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Second part


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Unit 2

Section 6

Pour les activits dans cette section vous devez vous enregistrez soit sur cassette (standard ou dictaphone)
soit par moyen informatique (ordinateur, baladeur MP3 ou autre). Vous pouvez ensuite rcouter votre
production, la comparer aux modles donns sil y en a. Vous vous habituerez ainsi, petit petit, vous
entendre parler anglais.

Activity 24
Talking about a previous job
Talk about a previous job you have done. The type of job is unimportant. If you are in your first
job when doing this course you can talk about what you did when you first started. Alternatively,
it could be a summer job or evening / weekend babysitting. If you have never had a job, talk
about some specific task you completed in school or at home. Remember, you are talking about
the past and consequently your monologue should be in the past. Prepare your talk before
recording yourself.
Parlez dun travail que vous avez fait. Le type de travail est sans importance. Si vous travaillez pour
la premire fois, donnez un exemple de ce que vous faisiez initialement. Sinon, parlez dun travail
dt ou du baby-sitting. Si vous navez jamais travaill, parlez dune tche prcise faite lcole
ou la maison. Noubliez pas que vous parlez du pass et par consquent votre monologue doit
tre au pass. Prenez le temps de le prparer avant de lenregistrer.

Make a plan.
Faites un plan.
1. Begin with a past time expression.
Commencez avec une expression de temps du pass.
When I was a student ;
Last summer, I ;
In December, 2003 I ;
A few years ago I ;
I recently started a new job, but before that I ;
2. Say the name of the company, what it does and where it is located.
Dites le nom de la socit, ce quelle fait et o elle est situe.
The company was called JB and Sonny Corporation and they made plastic bottles. They
were located in a small town in the centre of France, near Moulins.
3. Give the name of your job or function in the company. Look it up in the dictionary if
possible. Dont worry if you cant find the exact job title as they dont always correspond.
Move on to 4th.
Donnez le nom de votre poste ou fonction dans lentreprise. Cherchez le dans le dictionnaire
si possible. Ne vous inquitez pas si vous ne trouvez pas le titre exact ; ils ne correspondent
pas toujours.
4. a) Describe the job you did.
b) the people you worked with.
c) the type of place you worked in.

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IT evolution: problems and solutions

a) Dcrivez le travail que vous avez fait.

b) les gens avec qui vous avez travaill.
c) le lieu o vous avez travaill.
to try and use adjectives when you are describing things.
O Remember
Noubliez pas demployer des adjectifs pour les descriptions.
A difficult / easy / busy / part of the job was ; (a)
We had a tight schedule / deadline because ; (a)
The boss / my department / the team leader / my colleague(s) / my workmate(s) was / were
very easy-going / friendly / unfriendly / strict / hard-working, etc. (b)
I worked in a small team of five people. (b)
We worked outdoors / in an office most of the time. (c)
We travelled frequently around the region / France / Europe. (c)
Our building was very old and needed a lot of repairs / was very modern with a lot of light. (c)
5. Remember to say what you liked / enjoyed about the job. And / or anything you disliked about
the job. What could make the job better?
Noubliez pas de parler de ce qui vous a plus dans ce travail. Et / ou sil y avait quelque chose
que vous navez pas aim. Quest-ce qui aurait pu rendre ce travail plus agrable ?
What I really enjoyed about that job was the freedom the boss gave me. As long as the
work was done we could complete the tasks in the order we liked and keep our own time
I really didnt enjoy the hours in that job. We started very early in the morning and had to
take a long lunch break.
If they cut down the lunch break people could leave earlier and so have a shorter day.

Activity 25
Talking about previous computer kowledge acquisition
In this 2nd speaking activity you are asked to talk about where your computer know-how comes
from. How did you learn about computers? What specific knowledge do you have of computers?
You may need to think about this for a while and make some notes before recording. For a lot
of people their computer knowledge comes from a variety of sources. Some people began this
acquisition in primary/secondary school. A lot of people are self-taught. Others have been on
specific IT training courses, either work- based or as part of a higher school programme.
Pour ce 2e enregistrement on vous demande de parler de lacquisition de vos connaissances
informatiques. Comment avez-vous appris ces connaissances? Prenez des notes avant de vous
enregistrer. Pour beaucoup les connaissances informatiques viennent de sources diffrentes. Pour
certains, cette acquisition a commenc lcole. Dautres sont autodidactes. Dautres encore ont
suivi des stages dinformatique.
Think about a (some) specific task(s) you know how to do using computers and go back in time
to remember how you learnt about them.
Rflchissez une tche que vous connaissez, et remontez le temps pour vous souvenir comment
vous lavez appris.

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Unit 2

If you are entirely self-taught explain any mistakes you may have made or any difficulties you
may have had. You can also talk about what training you would have liked to have had in the
past if there had been the opportunity.
Si vous tes totalement autodidacte, parlez des erreurs faites dans le pass ou des difficults
rencontres. Vous pouvez aussi parler dventuels stages que vous auriez aim suivre si loccasion
stait prsente.
Always make notes before you record yourself.
Prenez toujours des notes avant de vous enregistrer.

Activity 26
Social English
Communicating in English can be difficult for various reasons. Some of these are:
Communiquer en anglais peut savrer difficile pour diffrentes raisons. Par exemple :
Regional accents which are difficult for non-native speakers to understand.
Des accents rgionaux difficiles comprendre pour les trangers.
Non-native speakers making mistakes which cause communication problems.
Les interlocuteurs trangers qui font des erreurs crant des problmes de communication.
Background noise while trying to communicate (traffic, music, machines, other peoples
conversations, etc).
Des bruits de fond pendant la communication (les voitures, la musique, les machines, dautres
conversations, etc.)
Talking on the phone and therefore not having the help of facial expressions and body language.
Parler au tlphone et donc ne pas avoir laide des expressions du visage et le langage du
Native speakers talking very fast to each other making it extremely difficult for a non-native
speaker to follow a conversation.
Les interlocuteurs qui parlent trs vite entre eux leur langue maternelle : ltranger narrive
pas a suivre la conversation.


In this first part you will practice useful expressions to ask people to repeat what they
have said or to ask them to speak slowly.
Ici vous allez vous entraner utiliser des expressions utiles pour demander aux gens de
rpter leurs phrases ou de ralentir le rythme.

1) Im sorry I didnt quite catch that.

2) How do you spell that please?
3) Could you say that again please?
4) Would you mind repeating that please?
5) Did you say Roland or Boland?
6) Do you mean shes not available?
7) Could you just give me those figures again please?
8) Can I just check that Ive noted everything down correctly?
9) Im sorry, did you say 16 (sixteen) or 60 (six O)?
10) Sorry, could you speak a little more slowly please?


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IT evolution: problems and solutions

11) Can I just read that back to you to make sure Ive got everything?
12) Im sorry, Im not sure if Ive understood you correctly?
13) Im afraid I cant hear you very well.


First, make sure you understand these expressions. Then, listen to the nine short extracts
on the recording. In the spaces provided on the CD use the sentences / questions above.
Sometimes more than one sentence / question is possible.
Dabord, vrifiez que vous comprenez toutes ces expressions. Ensuite, coutez les neuf
extraits de lenregistrement. Dans les silences, utilisez la phrase / question ci-dessus qui
convient. Parfois plus dune phrase/question peut convenir.

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Unit 2

Section 7


Activity 27
Describe a company process
In this part you are asked to describe a process in a company. This can be in any company or
context. If you work in a company choose a process that interests you. A process can be in
manufacturing or in any other department in a company. For example, how a product is made,
or how an order is processed, travelling through the various departments. It could also be
how decisions are made within a company; or how maintenance is carried out on a particular
machine / product. Alternatively, you can invent a process or use the model below. When
describing a process remember that you will sometimes need to use the passive. Dont forget to
use linking words which help the reader follow the text logically.
Ici, on vous demande de dcrire un processus dans une socit. Ceci peut tre nimporte quelle
socit, dans n'importe quel contexte. Si vous travaillez actuellement dans une socit, choisissez
quelque chose qui vous intresse. Par exemple : comment est fabriqu un produit, ou comment
une commande est suivie, expliquant son volution travers diffrents services. Vous pouvez aussi
expliquer comment sont prises les dcisions dans la socit ; ou encore dcrire la maintenance
dune machine ou produit. Vous pouvez aussi bien imaginer un processus ou utiliser le modle cidessous. La forme passive sera parfois ncessaire. Noubliez pas dutiliser des mots de liaisons qui
aideront le lecteur suivre la logique du texte.
First - Then - Next - After that - When this is - finished - Eventually - Finally
Below is an example of notes made for the process of making a picture frame. If you do not have
an example of your own use these notes to write a short text describing the process of making
a picture frame.
Vous trouverez ci-dessous des notes prises pour dcrire le processus de fabrication des cadres. Si
vous ne trouvez pas dexemple vous-mme, utilisez ces notes pour crire un texte qui explique ce
Document 1

Notes made for process of making a picture frame

1. Necessary materials choose type of wood; piece

of thin glass; joint connectors; tiny nails or tacks;
picture hanger or two hooks; piece of string; wood
glue; rigid cardboard; material for backing;
2. Measure picture + centimetres for space; calculate
size and quantity of wood; cut wood to size (four
pieces); cut each end of each piece of wood at 45
angle; check pieces t together well: no gaps; make
incision / groove inside each piece of wood to make
an edge to put in piece of glass; make design on
four pieces of wood and / or paint them.
3. Measure and cut glass to t inside frame.
4. Place joint connectors in each end of vertical pieces
of wood; put wood glue on wood ends; tap wood


8 A109 TG PA 00 07 U2.indd 60

ends together with hammer. (for soft wood put

material over hammer head to prevent damage);
lie frame at; check angles; rectify before glue
dries; step back for better vision of angles.
5. Wait for glue to dry completely. Place glass inside
frame. Place stiff coloured; cardboard on glass
face down. Place picture face down inside frame.
Centre carefully. Put rigid backing over picture.
Make sure picture is in correct position and cannot
6. Use nails or tacks to secure backing to frame.
Attach frame hanger in centre of frame back.
Option: attach 2 hooks to middle of vertical pieces
of wood. Measure and attach string. Tie loosely
between hooks.

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IT evolution: problems and solutions

joint connectors: raccords
nails or tacks: clous
hanger: attach
hook: crochet
backing: rentoilage
Tap: taper
hammer: marteau
frame: cadre
Tie: attacher
loosely: sans serrer

Activity 28
Describe past mistakes / problem and solution
Here you are asked to write a short text about a mistake made sometime in the past. It does
not necessarily need to be your mistake. It can be a company error, a team mistake, or a
misunderstanding/communication problem.
Ici, on vous demande dcrire un texte court propos dune erreur commise dans le pass. Ce
nest pas ncessairement votre propre erreur, ceci peut-tre lerreur dune socit, dune quipe,
ou encore un problme de communication ou un malentendu.
Make some notes before you begin. Dont forget to begin with the time and place the action
took place. First describe the mistake. Secondly, think about the problems or consequences that
arose from this mistake and/or the people affected by it. Then, in the third part describe how the
problem was solved. Finish your text by writing about what you or the team learned from this
mistake, and subsequently if anything was changed by this knowledge.
Avant de commencer, prenez des notes. Noubliez pas de commencer par le lieu et le moment
o laction sest droule. Dabord, dcrivez lerreur. Ensuite, expliquez les problmes ou
consquences survenus la suite de cette erreur et/ou les gens qui ont t affects. Dans un
troisime paragraphe dcrivez comment le problme sest rsolu. Finissez votre texte en crivant
ce que vous ou votre quipe en a appris, et si des changements ont t effectus par la suite.
In total, you should write about 4 paragraphs and between 120-180 words.
Au total, il faut crire environ 4 paragraphes et entre 120-180 mots.

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Unit 2

Section 8


Activity 29
The words in the box below are all in unit 2. Put them in the sentences below to replace the
words in bold. Do not change the word in the box. Dont hesitate to refer back to the texts to
see how these words are used.
Les mots ci-dessous sont tous dans lunit 2. Intgrez les dans les phrases pour remplacer les mots
en gras. Ne changez pas le mot donn. Nhsitez pas vous rfrer aux textes de Reading pour
comprendre lemploi de ces mots.
user-friendly - cost-effective desktops lifespan - fortunately - damage - wireless - overall - remote
however - empty - thefts - latest - order - sharing - load - available - delivery - restricted - targeted
1) It was lucky that you saw that mistake before we sent the products.
2) Where I work internet access is limited to managers only.
3) The boxes were not full when they arrived.
4) Wed like out network to be with no cables.
5) I like playing computer games. But, I dont like playing online.
6) The new software application was aimed at young people.
7) Susan found the machines easy to work with
8) The new version will be ready next year.
9) The files will have to be transferred to the office computers.
10) Dont forget to put in the new drivers.
11) Unplug the electricity or it could cause a problem to the computer.
12) The arrival of the goods was on time.
13) Examining the market before buying is more economic.
14) DVDs usually have a longer life than CDs.
15) Laptop prices are decreasing, but generally they are still expensive.
16) Distant villages were difficult to link up to the internet.
17) Taking things belonging to others can be a problem in a lot of companies.
18) The most recent innovations are not necessarily the best for everyone.
19) There was a mistake on the customers purchasing request form.
20) All departments are using the same printers and scanners.


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IT evolution: problems and solutions

Activity 30
Put the verbs in the text below into the correct tense (past simple, past continuous and past
Conjuguez les verbes entre parenthses : soit le prtrit simple, prtrit continu, ou la forme
passive du prtrit.
According to recent reports the last few years (to see) . IT students leaving universities
and schools with the wrong skills. In the past the skills which (to require) ..
to get a job in the IT industry (to cater) .. adequately .. for by schools
and universities. It must be said that in the past many companies (to have) .. less
computer knowledge and (to rely) . on these fresh young students who (to arrive)
.. to set up and run computer systems.
But IT (to grow up) .. very fast, and this (to mean) .. that company staff
quickly (to acquire) .. IT knowledge. Many companies (to organise) .
their own in-house training courses or (to send) . staff on specific courses to meet
company requirements. Staff also (to learn) . a good deal from those early days of
fumbling around in the dark which inevitably (to lead) .. to the acquisition of IT
Over the last couple of years students (to leave) ....... . universities and colleges with
IT skills that (to be) .. out of date. Consequently companies (to be) ..
reluctant to hire them as they (to have) .. to retrain them at their own expense.
This (to be) .. particularly noticeable in programming with students who (to finish)
.. courses and (to pass) .. exams only to find that they (to have)
. little training in the most recent programming languages. Large companies (to
start) .. to take on younger people and (to begin) .. their own training
programmes. These companies (to feel) .. that academics (to listen neg.) .
. to them. The academic world needs to adapt IT courses more towards business
needs. (to say) .. one manager.

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Unit 3

Intra & internet

Les thmes abords dans cette troisime unit sont lInternet, les rseaux locaux et la traduction assiste
par ordinateur. Vous allez amliorer vos capacits de comprhension de loral et de lcrit et enrichir votre
vocabulaire au travers des divers documents de comprhension.
Les sections 4 et 5 vous prsenteront le vocabulaire et la grammaire ncessaires la comparaison entre
produits, procdures, tendances, etc.
Vous serez amen dcrire des graphiques et des histogrammes loral. En outre, dans la section dexpression orale vous apprendrez comment exprimer votre opinion sur un sujet. lcrit vous procderez votre
premire traduction. Vous rdiger galement un rapport.

Section 1: preview .................................... 66

Section 6: speaking .................................. 91

Vocabulary: matching denitions

Grammar: comparatives and superlatives,
quantiers, countable and uncountable nouns.

Describing a chart or a graph

Adjectives and prepositions
Dates and figures
Describing graphs and charts

Activities 1 4

Section 2: reading ..................................... 69

Network differences
Designing a website.
Activities 5 et 9

Section 3: listening .................................. 75

Search engines
The Ins and Outs of C.A.T.
Activities 10 13

Section 4: language focus ....................... 78

Activities 26 28

Section 7: writing .................................... 94

Translation: a short text
Report: comparing two websites
Activities 29 30

Section 8: checklist .................................. 97

Activities 31 35

Comparatives and superlatives

Countable and uncoutable nouns
Activities 14 18

Section 5: vocabulary .............................. 85

Vocabulary exercises: reading and listening texts
Adjectives and prepositions
Dates and figures
Describing graphs and charts
Activities 19 25

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Unit 3

Section 1

Before starting this unit, try this pre-test to help you with the vocabulary you will see
in the reading and listening texts.
Avant de commencer cette unit, faites ce test pour vous familiariser avec le vocabulaire
que vous verrez dans les exercices de comprhension de lcrit et de loral.

Activity 1
Choose the correct definitions.
Choisissez la dfinition qui correspond le mieux.
r scenery
r plants

r present
r common

r too many
r not enough

r push back
r disadvantages

r boring
r irritating

r loyal
r fatal

r expense
r credit

r great
r terrible

r tempting
r astonishing

r unluckily
r unbelievably

r remote
r series

r moderation
r definciency

r economies
r rescues

r exaggerated
r in vogue


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Intra & internet

Thinking about the past tenses. Try this grammar test to see what you know or dont
Les temps du pass. Testez votre grammaire.

Activity 2
Put the comparative or superlative of the following adjectives into the correct sentence.
Mettez les comparatifs et superlatifs des adjectifs suivants dans la bonne phrase.
large - small - fashionable - cheap - old - interesting - good - beautiful - useful - expensive
a) Your house is .. than my flat, and my flats not new.
b) Computers were much .. than they are today. Now you can carry them.
c) In practical terms, it is more to have the technical manual than the advertising
d) The components are becoming .. and . You wont be able to see them
e) It is more . to buy a new one than to repair the old one.
f) We can easily buy this. Its as . as the you can find on the market.
g) I think that it is the most .. book on networking Ive seen.
h) Its Mathews most recent design. Its more .. than the old style.
i) David is very good, but Jennifer is even . than him.
j) Isnt it magnificent? Its the most . one in the group.

Activity 3
Put the following quantifiers alongside their definition.
Mettez les quantifieurs suivants dans les espaces selon leur dfinition.
a lot of - some - much - many - a lot - a great deal of - any - a few - a little - little - few
a) is used before any noun to talk about a large quantity.
b) is used to talk about indefinite quantity in positive sentences.
c) is used to talk about a small quantity with uncountable nouns.
d) is used to talk about a small quantity with countable nouns.
e) is used to talk about a large quantity when there is no noun.
f) is used with uncountable nouns in questions and negative sentences.
g) is used with countable nouns in questions and negative sentences.
h) gives a negative idea of a small quantity before an uncountable noun.
i) gives a negative idea of a small quantity before a countable noun.
j) is used to talk about a large quantity before an uncountable noun.
k) is used to talk about indefinite quantity in negatives and questions.

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Unit 3

Activity 4
Can these nouns be put into the plural? Do they take an s? Write the pluriel form in the space
Ces noms peuvent-ils tre mis au pluriel ? Prennent-ils un s ? crivez les formes du pluriel.


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Intra & internet

Section 2

Read the following text.
Lisez le texte ci-dessous.

Document 1

Network differences

1) Information technology is changing at

breakneck speed. Everyday new items are available
to upgrade, update or dramatically change our
computer systems. Because of this we tend to think
of information and communication technology as a
recent innovation whereas it has, in fact, turned into
a mature industry. Consequently, a lot of the new
equipment and software out there is the same but
just a lot faster.
2) As the national telephone companies no
longer have a monopoly over the telephone
industry this means that competitive new telephony
is being brought in, driving down the costs of
telecommunication. This is an expensive part of any
companys budget and it should follow therefore that
no matter how small a company the opportunity to
compete on the global stage could be provided at
little extra cost.
3) However, Europe is lagging behind the US and
Asia in the high-data-rate broadband services on
offer today, deployed using bre optics. Fibre optics
are secure and offer virtually unlimited bandwidth
capacity. In the US the competitive landscape means
operating companies are more aggressive than their
European counterparts and are pursuing a breto-the-home (FTTH) strategy. Japan is investing at
such a rate that half their public telephone network
subscribers will be reached by 2010. China is also
way ahead of Europe with at least 5 million super
broadband connections to date and its role as an
economic superpower has barely begun. At its current
rate of growth of over 90% a year China will pass the
US in total broadband subscribers (bre optics and
copper wire included) by late 2006 to become the
worlds largest broadband country.
4) Europe, on the other hand, boasts no more
than 500,000 super broadband connections today.

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Fortunes differ within Europe itself with the northern

European countries forging ahead with a sustained
period of network building. The rest of Europe is far
behind and activity is still relatively slow.
5) In the US and Asia there has been supportive
regulatory reform recognising the fundamental
importance of very-high-speed digital subscriber
lines (VDSL) for all. In Europe, for the most part,
these reforms have only referred to the large publicsector industries such as airports, power plants and
6) For the very small business, such as a local
building rm with a reasonably cheap phone system
and basic computers for administrative purposes,
changing over to these new super highways can
be a costly business and not necessarily worth the
investment. After all, there is not only the cost of the
equipment to be considered, but usually a need for
some re-organisation of the workplace is involved.
Specic training for employees could also incur extra
costs. However, for a small manufacturing company
trading in other countries, the reduction in costs
could outweigh this initial outlay.
7) For most people it is nancially unwise or
downright impossible to buy the latest piece of
technology as soon as it comes on the market. There
is a balance to be found between the price of new
technology and the likely savings for the company
once in use.
Finding out about the disadvantages and drawbacks
of any new system by collecting information from
independent observers is probably more important
than throwing the company headlong into an
exciting new business solution.


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Unit 3

Activity 5
The reading text on page 69 is separated into seven paragraphs. Each paragraph has a title which
covers its general theme. Match the paragraph numbers 1 7 to their titles A G.
Le texte de la page 69 est spar en sept paragraphes. Chaque paragraphe a un titre correspondant
son thme gnral. Donnez son titre chaque paragraphe. Les paragraphes sont numrots de
1 7 et leurs titres de A G.
A) Asia Moving Ahead Fast
B) The Hidden Costs
C) Changing Laws To Help Progress
D) Inequality In Europe
E) IT : Not As Young As It Seems
F) Balancing The Pros And Cons
G) Communication Getting Cheaper
Put your answers here:
Mettez vos rponses ici:
1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Activity 6
In the following exercise there is one word in each line which does not have the same meaning
as the other three. Underline the odd one out. All these words are in Document 1.
Dans lexercice suivant, un mot de chaque ligne na pas le mme sens que les 3 autres. Soulignez
lintrus. Tous ces mots sont dans le Document1.
1) firm




2) extra cost

pros and cons

advantages and drawbacks

both sides

3) furbish




4) collect


bring together


5) therefore




6) workmates




7) boast




8) country




9) very possible




10) costly




11) generally




12) to date

so far

up to now

so many

13) customers





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Intra & internet

Activity 7
Below are definitions for the 3 words of similar meaning. Match the words to their meaning.
Ci-dessous des dfinitions. Rattachez les 3 mots de mme sens leur dfinition.
1) , and are all people who buy things.
2) , and are used to express frequency.
3) , and are adjectives which mean a lot of money.
4) , and are all places where people work.
5) , and all mean to get bigger.
6) , and express a period of time to now.
7) , and are all people who work together on an equal
8) , and express the good and bad points of something.
9) , . and express something that can be reasonably
10) , and are linking words to express a connection which
follows logically.
11) , and are verbs which mean to fulfil a need.
12) , and are verbs which mean to assemble, centralise or
unite (for example: information)
13) , and are adjectives to express enormity of size. (for
example: of a company)

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Unit 3

Read the text several times before answering the questions below.
Lisez plusieurs fois le texte avant de rpondre aux questions ci-dessous.
Document 2

Designing a website

Nowadays most businesses have a website. At

the same time many internet sites are so awful that
they can cause more harm to a business than having
disgruntled employees, Unfortunately, a lot of
company managers are ignorant of this fact. Some
managers do not realise that today a website is an
integral part of the business.
Why do companies feel the need for a website in
the rst place? It isn't just because it's fashionable,
nor is it the 'keeping up with the Jones' effect. The
truth is that most businesses can increase their
sales signicantly with good on-line services.
Good websites provide better up to date service to
customers. Availability and any changes in product
description can be posted on site within minutes.
Consumers today expect websites; but if their
shopping experience on a website is an unhappy one,
they are unlikely to re-visit the website or, of course,
buy the product. In both scenarios the company loses
business and money.
'Websites Work Wonders' is certainly a true
maxim but only if the potential customer can use
it easily and more conveniently than going into the
shop or using the phone. From the safe knowledge
that they know the companys wares better than
anyone, managers are often too close to their own
product and create websites full of company jargon
and unnecessary detail. It is essential to create the
site from an outsider's point of view.
Getting the headline right is one of the rst
important points as it is often the rst thing a
customer sees. This can have a huge impact on sales.
A successful headline should highlight a problem the
target audience faces and stress the main benets of
the product or service in solving this problem. Too
many headlines just title the product but not what it
does for the customer. This does not incite the visitor
to continue reading the rest of the page. Another
basic point is the overall design of the site.
It's all about focus. A simply designed website
offering fewer products will have far greater success
than a detailed website with complex graphics that
take too long to load. Write a short sales letter
focussing on one set of ideas about a leading product,
put it on the home page and test the response over
a set period. This sales letter should rst establish a

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problem and then introduce the product or service

as a solution to this problem. Detailing the problem
shows the audience how the company relates to
them. When the reader feels that the company
has understood their problem they will feel more
condent about it being able to solve it.
Building customer condence is vital for company
credibility, and even more so, on the web. One way to
do this is to include customer testimonials in the sales
letter. A customer testimonial stating how a product
greatly beneted them is a great deal more effective
than comic-style ashing adjectives and superlatives
like fantastic, superb, greatest ever, etc.
Another way to create customer loyalty is having
an opt-in offer. This tool gathers customers' e-mail
addresses and should be in a prominent position on
the home page, or even better on every page.
The creation of a good website will cost the
company money so it is vital that it reaps more than
it spends. Therefore, attracting people to the site is
as important as its design and layout. Advertising
the website can be done through traditional means
such as newspapers, product magazines, etc. Special
software also exists for attracting readers to specic
sites. This is called pay-for-performance advertising
where a company bids for certain terms. The
company paying the most will come up rst in an online search. There are many afliate schemes where
companies provide links to each other's websites
thereby lowering the cost of advertising.
Other ideas for improving and revamping an
existing website are: remembering to use highlighting
sparingly, changing the lengths of paragraphs, adding
sub-headings to emphasise key messages, using bullet
lists for important points, etc.
Last but not least, a well-designed website will save
money on the marketing of a product range. It should
become less necessary to create and print company
product brochures; a huge expense. Considerable
savings can also be made on postage and packaging as
well as on man-hours. These savings relate not only
to nance, but also towards a better preservation of
the environment in the long-term with the need for
less paper based advertising.

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Intra & internet

Activity 8
Below are sentences taken from the text. Choose the correct answer which means the same as
the original sentence.
Ci-dessous des phrases extraites du texte. Choisissez la phrase qui a la mme signification.
1. Availability and changes in product description can be posted on site within minutes.
r Product modifications are implemented quickly.
r The latest product information is made public extremely quickly.
r The products are quickly available.
2. It is essential to create the site from an outsiders point of view.
r It is necessary that the website contains detailed company information.
r It is necessary to see the website through the customers eyes.
r It is necessary that managers decide the content of the website.
3. Too many headlines just title the product but not what it does for the customer.
r The headline gives the name but not the functions of a product.
r The product titles are not clear.
r The customers dont understand the headlines.
4. Detailing the problem shows the audience how the company relates to them.
r The company shows its detailed relationship to website visitors.
r Giving explanations of customer worries indicates the company understands them.
r Customers concerns are very important to the company.
5. Building customer confidence is vital for company credibility, and even more so on the web.
r On the web, the company must not lose their loyal customers.
r On the web, a customers trust is difficult to obtain.
r It is especially important to create customer trust on the web.
6. They dont realise that today a website is an integral part of the business.
r Managers dont understand that websites are as important as any company
r A website should not be run by managers.
r Managers dont understand that they need a website.
7. The creation of a good website will cost the company money so it is necessary that it reaps
more than it spends.
r It is essential that the website is cheap to design and set up.
r Companies spend more on websites than all other forms of advertising.
r Websites can be expensive so the company must get some payback.
8. There are many affiliate schemes where companies provide links to each others websites,
thereby lowering the cost of advertising.
r Companies can associate website connections to reduce publicity expenditure.
r Publicity is expensive so it is better to cut out website links.
r Several companies can use the same website.

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Unit 3

9. It becomes less necessary to create and print company product brochures; a huge expense.
r Having a good website is environmentally sound.
r Enormous costs are avoided in company literature.
r Expensive brochures are a great means of advertising.

Activity 9
Find the synonyms from the sentences in activity 8 above that helped you decide the correct
Trouvez les synonymes des mots suivants dans les phrases de lactivit 8, synonymes qui ont dtermin votre choix.
1 changes ______________________

2 extremely quickly _____________________

3 essential ______________________

4 outsiders point of view __________________

5 title _____________ / ___________

6 problem ___________ / ___________

7 relates ________________________

8 build ________________________

9 confidence _____________________

10 vital ________________________

11 an integral part _________________

12 creation _____________________

13 reaps ________________________

14 affiliate _____________________

15 links _________________________

16 lowering _____________________

17 huge expense _________________


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Intra & internet

Section 3



Search engines


First listen carefully to the conversation.

Tout d'abord, coutez attentivement la conversation.

Activity 10
Listen again then answer the questions. Put (T) for True, or (F) for False.
Rpondez aux questions la deuxime coute. T pour vrai, et F pour faux.
1) Google is the only search engine still working.
2) Google expanded rapidly.
3) AltaVista is the most recent search engine on the market.
4) AltaVista and Lycos both worked in the same way.
5) The search engine size wars started in 1994.
6) Googles simplicity made it popular.
7) Google does not allow pop up ads on its website.
8) Google had 8 million documents in 2004.
9) Most people think that the quantity of documents makes the best search engine.
10) Big search engines are adding new dimensions to their companies.



Activity 11
Below is an extract from the last part of the listening text. Listen again carefully and try and
complete the text with the missing words.
Voici un extrait de la dernire partie de lenregistrement. coutez attentivement de nouveau, et
compltez le texte avec le vocabulaire manquant.
Well, now there is a whole new batch of search engines like ask.com which use the - technology developed by TEOMA. Some are but they locate
specific groups of like-minded experts and . They link-rich pathfinders for you.
Some have no index of their own. These are meta-search engines that send out your to
other search engines and will sift the information to give you . . This is called
and it organises the results pages into different subjects. There is also Daypop which gets
information from or online diaries. As blogers are enthusiasts on a given subject theyll
hopefully provide you with . .

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Unit 3


Ins and Outs of CAT (computer assisted translation)


Activity 12
Listen carefully to the following presentation. While listening, make notes about the main ideas
he puts forward.
coutez attentivement la prsentation suivante. Pendant votre coute, prenez des notes sur les
ides principales.
List these points here in French or in English.
crivez vos notes ici, en franais ou en anglais.


Comparison of:

MT is:

MT: advantages and disadvantages (if any):


TM is:

TM: advantages and disadvantages (if any):



Activity 13
Listen again and answer the questions.
coutez de nouveau et rpondez aux questions ci-dessous.

Ceci pourrait ventuellement vous aider complter vos notes du premier exercice.


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Intra & internet

1) How many categories of CAT are there?

2) Name the different types of CAT.
3) Complete the sentence: Measuring quality is a complex business for
4) According to the speaker, what does MT lack?
5) Complete the sentence with the missing adjectives:
Through bad translation, advertising slogans for some multinationals were . or even
.. in certain countries.
6) What did the car manufacturer have to do to correct its mistake?
7) What remains the major problem with all MT programs?
8) What is the main difference between MT and TM?
9) Remembering past translations can be useful in which 2 areas?
10) What do large companies use TM for? (two answers)

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Unit 3

Section 4

Language focus

Language focus 1 Comparatives and superlatives

On utilise les comparatifs et les superlatifs de supriorit pour dmontrer la diffrence.
Les comparatifs sont souvent suivis de than.
He is older than me
Il est plus g que moi
Les superlatifs sont prcds par the.
He is the oldest
Il est le plus g.
Il y a quatre rgles principales

1. Adjectifs rguliers une syllabe







les adjectifs qui se terminent en e : + - r, - st




adjectifs qui se terminent par une voyelle

+ une consonne : = consonne double + - er, - est

la plupart des adjectifs : + - er, - est

2. Adjectifs irrguliers une syllabe










distance1 ou additionnel2




older / elder ou oldest / eldest3

On utilise la fois farther et further pour parler de la distance :

Lyon is farther / further away from here than Paris.
Lyon est plus loin dici que Paris.

On utilise further (jamais farther) pour exprimer la notion dadditionnel (plus amples) :
For further information phone 0141 426 7867.
Pour de plus amples informations faites le 0141 426 7867.
This is a further education college.
Ceci est un tablissement de la formation continue.

3 Elder

et eldest peuvent tre utiliss au lieu de older et oldest pour parler de lordre de naissance
des membres dune famille. Ils sont utiliss uniquement devant un nom.


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Intra & internet

Comparez :
My elder/older brother just got married.
Mon frre ain vient juste de se marier.
Hes three years older than me (elder than me). Il a trois ans de plus que moi.
elder brother / sister sont utilises uniquement quand une personne na quun frre ou une sur
qui est plus g(e) ; eldest est utilis quand il y en a plus.
elder est le plus g de deux
older est le plus g de deux ou plus !

3. Adjectifs deux syllabes













quand ladjectif se termine par y :

on remplace le y par i + er, i + est

quand ladjectif se termine avec une voyelle muette, /l/ ou /

E(r) /

N.B. : Avec beaucoup dadjectifs deux syllabes les deux formes (+ er + est / more, most) sont possibles.

more polite
more common


Avec dautres (notamment les adjectifs qui se terminent en + ing, + ed, +ful, & + less) seul more,
most est possible
more stressful
more relaxing
En gnrale la structure avec more , most devient de plus en plus commune.
Pour trouver la norme pour un adjectif deux syllabes vrifiez-le dans un bon dictionnaire jour !

4. Adjectifs trois ou plus que trois syllabes ;


more intelligent
more practical
more effective
more traditional
more condent

most intelligent
most practical
most effective
most traditional
most condent

avec les adjectifs de trois syllabes et plus

on utilise : more, most

N.B. : As as est utilis pour exprimer une galit entre deux choses.
Im as good as you are at maths.
Not as as est utilis pour exprimer une ingalit entre deux choses.
Im not as good as you are at French.

Certains comparatifs peuvent tre doubls avec la conjonction and pour montrer un
Life is getting more and more expensive.
I work harder and harder every day.
Sales are going down. The figures are getting lower and lower.

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Unit 3

Activity 14
Can you complete the table?
Compltez le tableau.




the most aggressive


Activity 15
Find the comparatives and superlatives in Reading texts 1 and 2.
Trouvez les exemples de comparatifs et superlatifs dans les textes Reading 1 et 2.
Reading 1
1) _________________________

4) _________________________

2) _________________________

5) _________________________

3) _________________________

6) _________________________

Reading 2
1) _________________________

5) _________________________

2) _________________________

6) _________________________

3) _________________________

7) _________________________

4) _________________________

8) _________________________

Language focus 2 Quantifiers

Les quantifieurs sont les dterminants qui indiquent la quantit.
a few / few
a little / little
much / many
a lot (of)
a good / great deal (of)


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Intra & internet

Small quantity
Des petites quantits

a few / few
a few et few sont respectivement les formes positive et ngative employes avec les noms
a few people came to the opening. (positive idea)
few people came to the opening. (negative idea)

a little / little
a little et little sont respectivement les formes positive et ngative employes avec les noms indnombrables.
Theres a little money coming in from the new range. (positive idea)
Theres little money coming in from the new range. (negative idea)

Large quantity
Des grandes quantits

a lot of
a lot of est employ gnralement dans les phrases affirmatives devant les noms dnombrables
et indnombrables.
There are a lot of cars in the car park.
There is a lot of traffic in the town centre today.
N.B. : On emploie a lot et non pas a lot of, lorsque il na pas de nom ou complement dans la phrase.
Yes. I agree with you, there are a lot.
Yes. I agree with you, there is a lot.

a good deal of / a great deal of

a good et great deal of est gnralement utilis dans les phrases affirmatives devant les noms
Theres a good / great deal of traffic on the road today.

Indefinite quantity
Des quantits indfinies

much est employ en gnral dans les questions et phrases ngatives devant les noms indnombrables.
There isnt much traffic on the road in town.
Is there much traffic on the road?

many est employ en gnral dans les questions et phrases ngatives devant les noms
There arent many people at work today.
Are there many people at work today?

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Unit 3

some est employ en gnral dans les phrases affirmatives devant les noms dnombrables et
There is some money on my desk.
There are some people waiting in reception.
N.B. Gnralement, on utilise some dans les questions quand on sattend une rponse affirmative,
et quand on propose ou demande quelque chose.
Would you like some coffee?
Could I have some coffee?

any est gnralement employ dans les autres questions et ngations devant les noms
dnombrables et indnombrables.
Is there any money on your desk?
There isnt any money on your desk.
Are there any customers waiting in reception?
There arent any customers waiting in reception.
N.B. any peut tre utilis dans les phrases affirmatives pour dire nimporte quel/quelle.
I can catch any train. It doesnt matter because they all go to the city centre.
Visit any of our customers; theyll all give you the same feedback.
You can choose any menu you like. Im not paying.

Daprs les rgles ci-dessus vous constaterez que certains quantifieurs sont interchangeables et
ont pratiquement le mme sens.
A few people = Not many people
A little money = Not much money

Activity 16
Check that you have understood the rules above by completing the sentences with the correct
Be careful, there is one sentence for each rule!
Vrifiez que vous avez bien compris les rgles ci-dessus en compltant les phrases avec le bon

O Il y a une phrase par rgle !

few - a few - a lot - a lot of - many - a little - little - a great/good deal of - some (x 2) - any (x 2) - much
1) We were hoping for better sales figures this month. But at least we sold .. cars.
2) I couldnt hear you because the machine was making ... noise.
3) Are there .. managers on training courses this week? The office seems empty.
4) Unfortunately, .. customers were interested in the latest update.
5) There was .. improvement, but we still have a long way to go.
6) Im afraid there is . chance of increasing the workforce.
7) The car doesnt use . petrol because its mainly electric.

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Intra & internet

8) You can phone me .. day of the week. Its all the same to me.
9) Could you send me .. information on your JJMS 15 series?
10) There are hundreds of different types of packaging. There are really .
11) I dont have .. money. Ive forgotten my bag.
12) .. programs are good and . are bad.
13) There is . . of truth in what you say.

Language focus 3 Countable and uncountable

Certains noms sont dnombrables.
1 dog
12 dogs
a person
some people
one reservation
a lot of reservations
one word
several words etc.

Certains noms sont indnombrables
knowledge, etc.

Countable nouns
Les noms dnombrables peuvent se mettre au singulier (employs avec a / an / one) et au pluriel.
En gnral on ajoute un s pour faire le pluriel. La terminaison dun nom en y, devient ies au
National telephone companies no longer have a monopoly.

O Certains pluriels sont irrguliers.



one person

four people

one child

a lot of children

People have favourite search engines.

Are there a lot of people coming tonight?
All the children helped during the holiday.

Uncountable nouns
Les noms indnombrables nont pas de pluriel et en gnral ne sont pas prcds par
a / an / one.
I was late because of a traffic.
I was late because of traffic.
There is a very bad weather.
There is very bad weather.

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Unit 3

On peut employer les mots tels que a piece of ou a bit of (informel) devant certains noms
indnombrables pour les rendre dnombrables.
a new piece of software.
a piece of equipment.
an interesting bit of information.

three new pieces of software
several pieces of equipment
really interesting bits of information

Activity 17
Put the following words from the Reading and Listening texts into the correct list:
Mettez les mots tirs des textes Reading et Listening dans la bonne colonne :
accommodation - firm - manufacturer - technology - computer - industry - communication - hardware - French
business - website - manager - consumer - confidence - advertising - packaging - connection - environment
tool quality - imagination - product - amount


Activity 18
Read the tape script for Listening 2 Ins and Outs of CAT. There are nine uncountable nouns in
the text. Can you find them?
Lisez lenregistrement de Listening 2 Ins and Outs of CAT . Il y a neuf noms indnombrables
dans le texte. Trouvez-les.
1) ______________

4) ______________

7) ______________

2) ______________

5) ______________

8) ______________

3) ______________

6) ______________

9) ______________


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Intra & internet

Section 5


Vocabulary 1 Crossword
Activity 19
Here is a crossword. All the words are in Unit 3. This will help you make sure you have really
understood how to use these words.
Voici une grille de mots croiss. Tous les mots sont dans lUnit 3. Ceci vous aidera vrifier que
vous avez bien compris comment employer ces mots.


























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Unit 3


28 words
21 words



1. des guerres

2. la publicit

4. la confiance

3. les abonns

8. les initiales pour les tats-unis

4. actuel/le

9. une gamme

5. les chiffres

10. un jeu (i.e., un jeu doutils)

6. faire

11. le moins

7. crer

14. le coeur de quelque chose

12. la prposition employe devant linfinitif

15. des produits

13. poursuivre

17. non

16. les personnes extrieures / trangres un service / une socit, etc.

19. les initiales qui dsigne leurope

18. organiser

20. restreint (ici)

22. lADSL

21. se fier quelquun ou quelque chose

23. jeter

24. utilisateur

27. impressionnant(e)

25. donner

29. le protocole

26. le titre (dans les journaux)

30. peine

28. synonyme pour linternet

32. les montants (chiffres)

31. tre


personne singulier du pass)

34. les conomies

33. rcolter (3e personne singulier)

36. tonnant(e)

35. les moyens

37. larticle un/une

37. rgion/secteur/domaine

40. labrviation pour une socit

38. le numro un

43. payer

39. lusage
40. le cot
41. la monnaie japonaise
42. aller
44. envoyer
45. le plus rcent
46. probablement

Vocabulary 2 Adjectives and prepositions

Certains adjectifs ont leur propre prposition. Faites attention de bien apprendre ladjectif avec
sa prposition.
interested est suivi par la prposition in to be interested in something.

Activity 20
Put the following prepositions into the following sentences. In some cases there are two
Mettez les prpositions suivantes dans les phrases suivantes. Il y a parfois deux solutions.
of (x 4) - at (x 5) - to (x 4) - for - with - about - by - from


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Intra & internet

1) I was not very good . maths when I was at school.

2) TM is also capable . helping you remember past texts.
3) No. Its not the same. Its different . / . the last report you read.
4) Shes never late for work. She is afraid . losing her job.
5) We are tired . working long hours.
6) The customer was very nice . me.
7) The marketing department is responsible . designing new advertisements.
8) The receptionist was shocked . / . the drivers language.
9) Joe was very clever . changing the subject.
10) That company is very bad . updating their website.
11) Im not accustomed using a laptop.
12) This new model is similar . the old one.
13) Looking at the figures they should be worried . the future.
14) He was skilful . negotiating new contracts.
15) The project manager was proud . his team.
16) I was fed up . all those annoying ads.
N.B : Quand un adjectif et une prposition sont suivis dun verbe, le verbe se termine toujours par -ing.

Vocabulary 3 Dates figures and numbers

En anglais britannique la date scrit de la mme faon quen franais.
10/09/06 10 September 2006.
Les amricains cependant, mettent le mois en premier.
10/09/06 October 9, 2006 ou 9 October 2006
En anglais parl on dit:
10/09/06 the tenth of September, two thousand and six. (UK)
October ninth, two thousand and six. (US)

the twenty third of August, two thousand and fourteen

nineteen ninety-five.
nineteen twenty.

N.B : voir aussi Info File 2 dans votre fascicule Lexique, transcriptions et formations.
On utilise les nombres ordinaux pour les dates, les fractions, et pour la position dans une liste :











N.B : voir aussi Info File 3 dans votre fascicule Lexique, transcriptions et formations.

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Unit 3

Activity 21
Practice saying these dates.
Entranez vous dire ces dates.





Activity 22
Write the dates as they should be spoken:
crivez les dates comme elles doivent tre dites :






Activity 23
Listen to the examples on your CD then practice saying the sentences.
coutez les exemples enregistrs sur le CD puis entranez vous dire les phrases.

Part 1


When saying a series of numbers, we say each number individually.

Pour dire un nombre ou une srie de nombres, on nonce chaque chiffre.
Phone: 008 653 15744 is said:
double O, eight, six, five, three, one five seven double four.
In decimal numbers we say:
428.6 = four two eight point six.
In an e-mail address we say:
jodjy@fdk.gh = j, o, d, j, y, at f, d, k dot g, h

O la fin dune phrase, on ne dit pas dot mais full stop.

Part 2



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When describing graphs and charts we often use percentages and fractions.
Les pourcentages et les fractions sont souvent utiliss dans les graphiques et les tableaux.

Fifteen percent of the maintenance costs can be saved.

We increased sales by forty eight percent.
Three quarters of the paper is recycled.
Half of the staff are on holiday.
A third of all translations are difficult to understand.

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Intra & internet

Vocabulary 4 Describing graphs and charts

Pour dcrire les graphiques et les tableaux on peut utiliser :
To go up

To go down



to rise, to increase, to soar, to skyrocket

to fall, to decrease, to plummet, to drop



a rise, an increase

a fall, a decrease, a drop

No change

to remain stable / steady / unchanged, to stay the same

Les adjectifs et les adverbes ci-dessus sont souvent employs avec les verbes et noms :
slight / ly, small, gradual / ly, dramatic / ally, sudden / ly, sharp / ly, steady / ily
N.B : 1. Un adjectif est employ avec un nom et est en gnral plac devant ce nom.
The graph shows a gradual / slight rise.
The chart indicates a sudden / sharp / dramatic/steady increase.
2. Un adverbe est employ avec un verbe et est en gnral plac aprs ce verbe.
Sales rose gradually / slightly.
The market increased suddenly / sharply / dramatically / steadily.

Up and Down



to fluctuate


The graph shows a fluctation in costs.

The chart informs us of our fluctuating costs.

We use different types of visual aids to help make a presentation clear: graphs, pie charts and
bar charts are some of them.
Nous utilisons diffrents visuels pour rendre une prsentation plus claire : graphiques, camemberts,
histogrammes, par exemple.

Activity 24
1. Use the Bar chart to complete the text with the
following pairs of words.
Utilisez lhistogramme pour complter le texte
avec les groupes de mots suivants.

Figure 1 Bar chart

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Unit 3

sharp increase - rose gradually - steady fall - dropped dramatically - increased slightly
2. Check your answers in your correction book.
Vrifiez la correction dans votre fascicule autocorrection.
3. Listen to the recording and repeat.
coutez lenregistrement sur le CD cours et rptez.


As you can see from the chart the South sector from 2002 to 2003. There
was a in 2004, and then in 2005 sales . The
North sectors sales between 2002 and 2003. Since 2003 there has
been a . The North sector is doing better than the South at the moment.

Figure 2 Pie chart

Activity 25
1. Use the Pie chart above to complete the text with the following words.
Utilisez le camembert ci-dessus pour complter le texte avec les mots suivants.
skyrocket - largest - stable - slightly - increase - smallest
2. Check your answers in your correction book.
Vrifiez la correction dans votre fascicule autocorrection.
3. Listen to the recording and repeat.
coutez lenregistrement sur le CD cours et rptez.


Asia is definitely the leader with the share of the market; a total of 41%.
The share is in Africa, although the US is only better at 17%.
Our European market is in that it has remained the same for several years.
We need to our efforts in Africa where reports tell us the market is going to

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Intra & internet

Section 6

Pour les activits dans cette section vous devez vous enregistrez soit sur cassette (standard ou dictaphone)
soit par moyen informatique (ordinateur, baladeur MP3 ou autre). Vous pouvez ensuite rcouter votre
production, la comparer aux modles donns sil y en a. Vous vous habituerez ainsi, petit petit, vous
entendre parler anglais.

Activity 26
Record yourself. Describe the following graph.
Enregistrez-vous. Dcrivez le graphique suivant.
Remember to use percentages. You do not need to give the exact percentage.
Utilisez les pourcentages. Il nest pas ncessaire dtre trs prcis.
Remember to use the language given in Vocabulary 4 to describe how the sales figures change.
Utilisez le langage donn dans la partie Vocabulary 4 pour dcrire les changements des chiffres
de ventes.
This graph makes a comparison of sales of two models from 1998 up to today. Lets start with
model A: Between 1998 and 2000 there was a gradual/small/slight increase/rise in sales.
Between 1998 and 2000 sales increased/rose gradually/slightly to nearly 40 %.

E x is C o

S a le s

M odel A

M odel B





20 04



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Unit 3

Activity 27
Giving your opinion
Choose one of the subjects below and record yourself. Give your views on this subject. Try to
give examples whenever possible.
Choisissez un des thmes ci-dessous et enregistrez vous. Donnez votre opinion sur ce sujet.
Illustrez vos propos, si possible.
1. Work should be fun. A company is more successful if the staff are having fun when doing
their job.
2. There should be no fixed retirement age. People should be able to stop work when they
want, and continue after 65 if they feel like it.

Make some notes stating your opinion.
crivez quelques notes donnant votre opinion.

1. Introduce the subject.
2. Give your opinion.
3. Give reasons for your opinion.
4. Try and give examples, real or imaginary.
5. Conclude by re-stating your opinion using different words.
I agree with ;

I disagree / dont agree with ;

Giving your opinion:

I think ;
In my opinion / view, ;


Activity 28
Social English
When meeting with customers and foreign colleagues it is useful to know how to have a social
conversation with them and not just talk about business. This is called small talk in English.
There are several occasions when this can happen. For example: before or after a meeting,
conference or presentation; when travelling together; at a business lunch or dinner, etc. What
can you talk about and how do you introduce topics?
Quand on rencontre des clients et des collgues trangers, il est utile de savoir non seulement
parler affaires, mais galement tre capable davoir des conversations gnrales. En anglais, on
appelle ceci small talk . Cela peut se produire diffrentes occasions. Par exemple : avant ou
aprs une runion, une confrence ou une prsentation ; en voyageant ensemble ; pendant un
repas daffaires, etc.


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Intra & internet

Below are some subjects you can talk about socially. Record yourself asking questions to
introduce the topics below, as well as some follow up questions.
Ci-dessous quelques sujets que vous pouvez aborder. Enregistrez vous. Posez des questions qui
introduiront ces sujets de conversation, et dautres afin de les poursuivre.
family and children
local customs

hobbies and interests

the news



Be careful, questions which give a yes / no answer are less productive. Try to ask open questions
beginning with what, where, when, how, who, why, etc.
Attention, les questions amenant une rponse oui ou non sont moins productives. Posez des
questions ouvertes commenant par what, where, when, how, who, why, etc.
Do you like sport ?
Are you interested in sport?
What sports do you like?
Which sport do you prefer to watch play?

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Unit 3

Section 7


Activity 29
Translating a short text
This is your second translation exercise. Translate the text below. Look at the notes on translation
in Unit 2 Listening 1 activity 10.
Ceci est votre deuxime traduction. Traduisez le texte ci-dessous. Rappelez vous des consignes de
traduction de lunit 2 Listening 1 activity 10.
1. Make notes in French of the meaning of each sentence.
2. Re-write your notes into good French.
3. Read the English text again. Compare that your sentences still have the same meaning as
the original text.
Computers, using the internet are the largest source of easily available information today. The
world-wide web is a rich source of information on practically any topic. But more importantly,
computers are also becoming the main means of communication with an enormous variety of
resources. The most well-known of these is the e-mail. As more and more people receive unlimited
broadband access e-mail has become the most cost-effective means of communication.
Apart from the individual e-mail, group e-mailing also exists in the form of discussion lists or
newsgroups, for example. These forums can be closed lists where a person needs to ask to become
a member or open where any person can contribute their ideas to an on-going subject or debate.
IRC (internet relay chat) lines are by far the most popular on-line means of communication, where
text is typed on one computer and almost instantly appears on another computer. For a lot of
young people, communicating in this way has replaced the telephone and for some, the television
as well.

First draft
Paragraph 1


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Paragraph 2

Final text

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Unit 3

Activity 30
In this unit we have spoken about the importance of a good website. Now, make a comparison
between two websites of your choice.
Dans ce chapitre on a parl de limportance dun bon site web. Maintenant, faites une comparaison
entre deux sites Web de votre choix.
1. First, choose two different websites.
Dabord, choisissez deux sites Web diffrents.
2. Secondly, make a column for each website and answer as many of the following questions as
you can.
Ensuite, faites une colonne pour chaque site Web et rpondez succinctement un maximum de
ces questions.
3. Your general impression.
Does the website make you feel confident about this company? Why / why not?
Do you think they answer a potential customers questions/problems about a product?
Do they give you good reasons to buy their product?
Do you think the home page is attractive? Why / why not?
Would it attract customers? Why / why not?
Does the home page make you want to continue reading and looking for more details? Is it
easy to extract/see the information you need from the homepage? Why / why not?
Is it clear? Why / why not?
Is the whole website easy to use? Or is it complicated and overcrowded
(too much information)?
Is there unnecessary detail which slows you down in your search for specific information?
Can you move quickly from one page to another?
Are the graphics annoying and/or slow to download?
Is the text well-written or are there any mistakes?
4. Using your notes write a text comparing the two websites.
Utilisez vos notes pour crire un texte comparant les deux sites web.
First, write a short introductory paragraph explaining what you are doing and presenting the
two websites of your choice.
Premirement, crivez un court paragraphe dintroduction expliquant ce que vous faites et
prsentant les deux sites Web de votre choix.
Your second paragraph should give your general impression as well as a general comparison of
the 2 websites.
Dans votre deuxime paragraphe, donnez votre impression globale ainsi quune comparaison de
ces deux sites Web.
Then use your columns to make a more detailed comparison of the good and bad points you
Ensuite utilisez vos colonnes de notes pour faire une comparaison plus dtaille des points pour
et contre.
Your final / concluding paragraph will confirm your overall impression as well as stating which
is the best website in your opinion.
Votre conclusion (paragraphe final) ritrera votre impression gnrale, et indiquera lequel de
ces sites est le meilleur selon vous.


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Section 8


Activity 31
The words in the box below are all in unit 3. Put them in the sentences below to replace the
words in bold. Do not change the word in the box. Dont hesitate to refer back to the reading
and listening texts to see how these words are used.
Les mots ci-dessous sont tous dans lunit 3. Mettez les dans les phrases pour remplacer les mots
en gras. Ne changez pas le mot donn. Nhsitez pas vous rfrer aux textes de Reading et
Listening pour comprendre lemploi de ces mots.
pros and cons - astonishing - cheaper - trust - emphasise - firm - topics - outlay - increasing - famous - likely
awful - counterparts - current - solve - overcrowded - favourites - advertising - headline - figures
1) She had to underline all the benefits before they decided to invest.
2) The present model is less expensive than the old one.
3) The present model will be available in November.
4) We need to look at the advantages and drawbacks before we invest.
5) Id like to work in publicity .
6) The staff are often in contact with their co-workers in other countries.
7) The company is very well-known for its quality products.
8) Hes making a list of subjects to discuss at the meeting.
9) Looking at the sales figures blue and red are the ones people prefer .
10) Our company is expanding.
11) Salaries are rising by 5% this year.
12) Our website is full of unnecessary detail .
13) It was an atrocious meeting, well have to do it again.
14) Id like to look at those numbers again.
15) I think we should change the title of this article.
16) After the initial investment there is nothing more to pay.
17) It is probable that the reports will be late.
18) They have a serious maintenance problem to sort out .
19) The managers have lost the staffs confidence .
20) It was an extremely surprising .. competition.

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Unit 3

Activity 32
Comparative or superlative?
Put the adjective in brackets into the correct form.
Complete the following sentences with a comparative or a superlative.
Compltez les phrases ci-dessous avec un comparatif ou un superlatif en utilisant l'adjectif entre
1) As I work, this course is getting (easy) . and .. .
2) Maa said he was (nice) . .. boss she had ever had.
3) You are so good at adapting software. Id like to be as (good) . you.
4) It was (funny) .. . film Ive ever seen.
5) The monitors were not as (expensive) .. we thought.
6) Its (important) .. .. to reduce delivery times prices.
7) My new car goes a lot (fast) . the old one.
8) Our sales are going up. The figures are (high) . last year.
9) Holland is (small) .. . Germany.
10) The reports are not (short) . .. we usually receive.

Activity 33
Complete the following sentences with the right quantifier.
Compltez les phrases ci-dessous avec le bon quantifieur.
1) I dont know how to finish the month. I have very . money to spend.
2) Yoann has . . work. Hell find it difficult to take a holiday.
3) Do you have exercises to do?
4) I telephone Argentina every day. I telephone there . ... .
5) Jasons Ltd doesnt have .. time before the bank closes the company completely.
6) There is . . . software to install. Itll take us a long time.
7) Broadband is . . cheaper today, but not much.
8) Well finish quickly. There are not . translations to do.
9) Very . engineers go on this course. Its not very popular.
10) There is . chance of delivery before June, we dont have any drivers available.


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Intra & internet

Activity 34
Complete the following sentences with some or any.
Compltez les phrases ci-dessous avec some ou any.
1) .. of the graphs show a rise, but not very many.
2) New search engines are not . better than the old ones.
3) Could you give me . help, please?
4) Have you received . e-mails for me?
5) Im making . progress, but I have to stop because I dont have more time.
6) It doesnt matter when you start the tests, . time will be fine for us.

Activity 35
Underline the correct noun: countable or uncountable?
Soulignez le bon nom : dnombrable ou indnombrable?
1) They have delivered the new equipment / equipments.
2) We need to update our software / softwares.
3) There was a lot of information / informations.
4) Brian got a lot of feedback / feedbacks from the customers.
5) Ill send you the document / documents when I receive them.
6) Their technicians have a lot of knowledge / knowledges about this problem.

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Unit 4

Security, security, security

Cette quatrime unit a pour thme la scurit des systmes informatiques et la cybercriminalit.
Vous allez y tudier les auxilliaires modaux au prsent et au pass. Vous y apprendrez aussi utiliser ces
modaux pour exprimer les diffrents degrs de la certitude.
Vos activits dexpression orale dans cette unit sont sous la forme dune prsentation de produit et dun
compte rendu. La section 7 vous proposera notamment de rdiger un rapport et dcrire un courriel.

Section 1: preview .................................. 102

Section 6: speaking ................................ 121

Vocabulary: matching denitions

Grammar: modals and certainty

Presenting a product
Social English

Activities 1 3

Section 2: reading ................................... 104

Computer security
Activities 4 et 8

Section 3: listening ................................ 109

Data protection and electronic signatures
Hacking and a hacker's advice
Activities 9 12

Section 4: language focus ..................... 112

Activities 19 21

Section 7: writing .................................. 124

Writing a summary
Haw to write an e-mail
Activities 22 23

Section 8: checklist ................................ 126

Activities 24 26

Modals, present and past

Degrees of certainty
Activities 13 15

Section 5: vocabulary ............................ 116

Vocabulary exercises: reading and listening texts
Basic phrasal verb
Activities 16 18

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Unit 4

Section 1

Before starting this unit, try this pre-test to help you with the vocabulary you will see
in the reading and listening texts.
Avant de commencer cette unit, faites ce test pour vous familiariser avec le vocabulaire
que vous verrez dans les exercices de comprhension de lcrit et de loral.

Activity 1
Choose the correct definitions.
Choisissez la dfinition qui correspond le mieux.
r happy
r concern

r agreements
r records

r child
r youngster

r purchasing
r bringing

r adversary
r anniversary

r start
r stop

r detailed billing document
r internet voice program

r slow
r sufficient

r abundant
r less

r to have the same diploma
r to be of the same opinion

r awareness
r agreement

r ruin
r read

r free
r untrue

r observe
r obsolete


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Security, security, security

Try this grammar test to see what you know or dont know.
Testez votre grammaire.

Activity 2
Put the following modals into the sentences. Be careful, you can only use them once.
Mettez les modaux suivants dans les phrases. Attention, vous ne pouvez les utiliser quune fois.
couldnt - shouldnt - cant - mustnt - wont - wouldnt - could - should - can - must - will - would - may - might
a) I forget my boyfriends birthday. (negative)
b) I go now, or Ill miss my flight.
c) Children go to bed late at night. (negative)
d) you play the guitar?
e) I swim, but I would love to learn. (negative)
f) Last year, the company sell those products. (negative)
g) She come tomorrow. Its impossible.
h) I think you see a dentist about your tooth problem.
i) the chairman arrive by plane or helicopter?
j) We like to confirm your personal details.
k) I need some help. you give me a hand?
l) Oh, I saw him. He was with the designer. He still be there.
m) Its going to very difficult, but I be able to get an appointment.
n) I dont believe he would do that. He just walk out. (negative)

Activity 3
Put the following modals into the sentences, according to the degree of certainty.
Placez les modaux suivants dans les phrases, selon le niveau de certitude.
can - cant - may - might - must
a) Its absolutely out of the question. You leave early tonight.
b) Theres a good chance that there be a new job for you in Accounts.
c) It be the same car. Its unique.
d) we walk or is it too far?
e) They be late, but I dont think so.
What do you notice about verbs which follow modals?
Que remarquez vous propos des verbes qui suivent des modaux ?

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Unit 4

Section 2


First read the text below and answer the questions which follow.
Lisez le texte ci-dessous et rpondez aux questions qui suivent.
Document 1

Computer secutity

In todays highly documented, widely travelled

world most people know about risk, but everything
depends on the type of risks you take - in computers
as in life. For example, if youre walking down the
street a owerpot might fall on your head, or a cyclist
could run onto the pavement and knock you over.
However, these dangers and risks to your health and
well being escalate if youre skiing down a mountain
rather than strolling along a suburban street. The
same applies to computer security.
A home computer used for family photos, recipes,
personal accounts, etc., requires minimum security,
i.e. the recording and saving of les, together with
back up using a memory stick or by putting data onto
a CD. A lone standing computer at work or a laptop
will require the same. However, often or not in a
working environment the need arises for some le
privacy; in the case of sensitive customer data, private
staff information or nance accounts, for example.
One essential method is that private les must have
password access. Consequently, in addition to back
up, encoding software is necessary. This software
scrambles data to prevent unauthorised reading.
The scrambled data will be unintelligible unless the
correct code is used.
In the workplace security cables should be put
in to stop PC theft; equipment must be protected;
e.g. the screen should be in an open well-aired
space, otherwise its components will deteriorate. No
computer equipment should be too near a radiator.
Earthed equipment has to be used as the slightest
electrical surge can destroy components.
All of the above though are small-fry in
comparison to the dangers that may come from the


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internet: viruses, trojans, worms, phishing, keylogger,

spyware, adware, etc. These attacks can use 4 main
routes to enter your computer: the electronic mailbox,
downloads, web navigators and the network.
Most people know that via their electronic
mailbox they might receive viruses, in particular
in attached les, and that spamming is an ever
annoying problem. Considerable damage could also
be caused through address book theft. There is little
doubt that computers must be equipped with antivirus software.
Downloads are another source of worry in that
spyware, viruses or trojans can enter the computer
with the free download. These hidden programs start
up automatically when starting up the new program
and some of them are malicious.
The third source is web navigators. Cookies are
implanted in your computer and are, on the whole,
fairly harmless in that they simply trace your internet
habits (where you go on the web). The information
gathered is used mainly by the company to justify to
their advertisers how many people visit the site and
hence see their adverts. There are no consequences
for the user. However this text could be used by
others to send you targeted adverts and can also hide
malicious programs.
Up to 80% of viruses are created in the hope of
extracting money from people. Others are sometimes
made for a bet or just for fun. The rest are created
with the intention of using your computer as a host.
Illicit or illegal data, such as pornography, can be sold
through your computer without you being aware of

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Security, security, security

Activity 4
Answer the questions below about the text. Put (T) for True, or (F) for False.
Rpondez aux questions : T pour vrai, et F pour faux.

1) The more dangerous the activity, the more the risks will increase.
2) Passwords are vital.
3) It is illegal to change open source software.
4) Too much heat can damage computers.
5) The worst problems come from the web.
6) Anti-virus software is useful but not essential.
7) Downloads are virus protected.
8) Cookies collect information about you
9) Cookies cant damage your computer.
10) Most people do not know their computer is being used as host.



Activity 5
Match the beginning of the following sentences to their meanings.
Reliez les dbuts de phrases leurs sens.
1) In todays highly documented

a) the accumulated knowledge

2) A lone standing computer

b) digital information in code

3) The scrambled data

c) individual non-networked pc

4) All of the above

d) the remaining are made

5) These hidden programs

e) without any results

6) The information gathered

f) in the current widely recorded

7) There are no consequences

g) concealed software

8) The rest are created

h) everything previously stated

Activity 6
Find synonyms in the text for the following words.
Cherchez dans le texte les synonymes des mots suivants.
1) road ...........................

2) sidewalk ...........................

3) client ....................................

4) necessary ...................

5) principal ...........................

6) irritating ..............................

7) go in ..........................

8) innocent ..........................

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Unit 4

First read the text below and answer the questions which follow.
Lisez le texte ci-dessous et rpondez aux questions qui suivent.
Document 2


On of the worst dangers out there on the web

is phishing, computer speak for shing. Massive
mailshots, called spamming, are sent out in the form
of e-mails claiming to be from a legitimate company,
for example a bank. The e-mail asks the customer to
update private information by clicking on a link to
connect up directly to the banks website. The link
takes them to a bogus website created by the hacker.
By spamming thousands of people, the hacker
hopes that some will actually be customers and will
unwittingly give out personal information such as
credit card details, account numbers, etc. When using
a direct link it is very important to check that the link
name which appears on the screen is exactly what it
should be and that a secure website has https:// and
not http://.
When visiting the false website the user can also
become the victim of a Trojan. In the case of private
individuals the computer becomes a zombie remotely
controlled by the hacker, often or not used in a bot
network (botnet). The bot network can be used to
send tons of spam mail to a company. Firewalls,
routers, lters, in fact all security systems cannot cope
with such great numbers of data arriving at once and
the company server goes down. The company has to
shutdown the security systems to rearm them and
this is when a virus or a trojan starts up.
Trojans or Trojan horses are programs that open
back doors into a computer. They are extremely
discreet and for the most part the user has no
knowledge of their existence. Another common
example when a Trojan horse can be implanted in
a computer is when using P2P le sharing. To access

data, the user must open up the system and a hacker

can take advantage to inltrate the computer and
consequently the network with a Trojan.
Once inside the computer the Trojan is constantly
active awaiting orders from its master. It can be
programmed to open up silently, discreetly at certain
times, for example during the night, and the user will
not know that it is there. The Trojans job is to open
doors giving total access to the computer and its sister
computers in the network. The hacker uses this access
to put data into the computer or to steal it and has
total control of the computer. This is essentially used
for attacking companies. Once control is established
the company is contacted and blackmailed. The
threat being that the company must pay a certain
sum of money or the Trojan horse will destroy all
data on the computer and /or network.
Administrators need specic equipment for
detecting Trojan horses. Anti-virus software cannot
detect them as unlike a virus they do not reproduce
themselves. One possible way to detect a Trojan is to
watch for suspicious activity on the network. TCP/IP
protocol uses a known set of numbers between 1 and
1124. Certain numbers are used for specic actions.
For example no. 22 is used for secure e-mail while
no.21 is used for non secure e-mail. No. 139 is the
windows protocol for sharing printers. If a computer
is using very high numbers there could be suspicious
activity on the network. Trojans might be using
numbers up in the 5000s. They are certainly one of
the most dangerous attacks around today as once
inside they are capable of almost anything.

Activity 7
In your own words, answer the questions below.
En utilisant vos propres mots, rpondez aux questions ci-dessous.
1) Can you explain what spamming is? (1)


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Security, security, security

2) What is the difference between https:// and http://? ( 1)

3) What do you think a zombie is in the computer world? ( 2)
4) Why do companies have to shutdown their security systems? ( 2)
5) Give examples of how Trojans can be implanted in computers. ( 2 & 3)
6) What do hackers use Trojans for? ( 4)
7) Why do administrators need specific equipment for Trojans? ( 5)
8) How can Trojans be detected? ( 5)

Activity 8
Find the sentences in the text that the following translations correspond to. There is one mistake
in each sentence. Can you correct it?
Trouvez les phrases dans le texte qui correspondent aux traductions ci-aprs. Dans chaque
traduction il y a une erreur. Corrigez-la.
1) Le lien les emmne un vrai site web cre par le pirate.
Line ..

Correction ......................................................................................................

2) En visitant un site web lemployeur peut aussi devenir victime dun cheval de Troie.
Line ..

Correction ......................................................................................................

3) Lordinateur doit arrter les systmes de scurit pour les rarmer et cest ce moment que le
virus ou le cheval de Troie dmarre.
Line ..

Correction ......................................................................................................

4) Ils sont extrmement ouverts et la plupart du temps lutilisateur ne sait pas quils existent.
Line ..

Correction ......................................................................................................

5) Une fois lextrieur, le cheval de Troie est constamment en activit attendant les ordres de
son matre.
Line ..

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6) Le cheval de Troie sert ouvrir des portes donnant libre accs lordinateur et aux autres
ordinateurs du service.
Line ..

Correction ......................................................................................................

7) Une fois le contrle tabli, la socit est envoye pour lui faire du chantage.
Line ..

Correction .......................................................................................................

8) Les administrateurs de systmes ont besoin doutils spcifiques pour augmenter les chevaux de
Line ..

Correction .......................................................................................................

9) Une manire impossible de dtecter un cheval de Troie est de chercher les activits suspicieuses
sur le rseau.
Line ..

Correction ......................................................................................................

10) Si un ordinateur utilise les cartes trs leves, il y a peut-tre des activits suspicieuses sur le
Line ..


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Correction .......................................................................................................

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Section 3



Data protection and electronic signatures


Listen to this extract from a meeting. 3 people are talking about improving data protection and
electronic signatures.
coutez cet extrait dune runion. 3 personnes parlent damliorer la protection des donnes et
des signatures lectroniques.

Activity 9
Who says what?
Qui dit quoi?
Sonia (S)

Gerhard (G)

James (J)

1) Whose idea is it to introduce electronic signatures?

2) Who gives an example to illustrate the dangers of message interception?

3) Who is sceptical at the beginning?

4) Who asks for James?

5) Who says digital certificates are popular?

6) Who thinks it isnt essential for all management to have them?

7) Who explains that all managers can spend company money?

8) Who explains that the company doesnt create the certificates themselves?

9) Who wants to understand how the electronic signatures work?

10) Who explains how the key pairs work?

11) Who suggests the signatures must be easy to remember and hard to falsify

12) Who asks for a report on electronic signatures?

Listen again and check your answers before doing activity 2.

coutez de nouveau afin de vrifier vos rponses avant de faire lactivit 2.

Activity 10
Translate the following language often used in meetings.
Traduisez les extraits suivants souvent employs dans le langage des runions.
1) The next item on the agenda
2) put forward a proposal
3) Lets discuss it

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4) The main idea

5) we could bring James in here
6) to give us more details
7) Right, to talk about
8) I agree entirely.
9) Well, lets take
10) So, I suppose
11) And, on the other hand
12) can we leave this with you?
13) a short report
14) outlining the costs
15) and timescale for implementation
16) can we move on

Hacking and a hackers advice


Acttivity 11
Listen to a hacker talking about the world of hackers. Listen to the complete recording once and
then try to answer the questions.
coutez un pirate qui parle du monde des pirates informatique. coutez lenregistrement une fois
en entier avant dessayer de rpondre aux questions.
1) How old was he when he became a hacker?
2) What was the initial reason for becoming a hacker?
3) When did everything change for him?

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4) What do most hackers do it for?

5) Why do record companies try to catch hackers?
6) Why does he use a proxy server?
7) What does the FBI do to try and catch hackers?
8) Why did 2 hackers have a contest?
9) What recent development has created new methods of hacking?
10) What do sniffers do?
11) What advice does he give to people using wifi?
12) What does he describe as being an open book?
13) What type of software does he say should be avoided?

Activity 12
Listen again and complete the missing words in the paragraph.
coutez encore une fois et compltez le paragraphe.
Once I have the I can infiltrate the whole , send instructions
to disconnect everyone from the and then change the address from my own MAC
address, .. .. , to one of the people connected
up to the router. Every leaving a factory has a unique MAC address. So then
if I want to do anything illegal on the internet, everythings directed back to the
, guarding my anonymity. This is called .

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Unit 4

Section 4

Language focus

Language focus 1 Modals: present and past

Les modaux sont utiliss pour exprimer ;
lobligation ;
le conseil ;
la permission ;
la capacit de faire ;
la possibilit ;
la probabilit.
Ils ne sont pas utiliss pour parler des choses en train de se passer, mais donnent une signification
supplmentaire au verbe principal.
She talks on the telephone.

She must talk on the telephone

N.B : Le verbe qui suit un modal est toujours mis sa forme de base.
Il ny a pas de s la troisime personne du singulier (voyez la question dans preview).

Les modaux sont employs essentiellement au prsent. En gnral, on utilise dautres verbes pour
parler du pass et du futur.

Pour exprimer une obligation forte on utilise must.
I must go to work every day.
People must drive on the left in England.
Pour exprimer une obligation forte ngative on utilise mustnt.
We mustnt forget the office party.
People mustnt light fires in forests in the summer.

Have to
Must peut tre remplac par have to. Cest une forme moins personnelle et elle est utilise pour
des rgles gnrales.
I have to go to work every day.
People have to drive on the left in England.

O Dont have to ne peut pas remplacer mustnt.

I mustnt go to work before 9 oclock. (Je nai pas le choix)
I dont have to go to work before 9 oclock.
Dont have to marque labsence dobligation.
Must et mustnt ne peuvent pas tre mis au pass ni au futur pour exprimer une obligation.
On emploi had to au pass, et will have to au futur.
They had to pay a very high penalty for the delay. (Pass)
They will have to pay a very high penalty for the delay. (Futur)

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should et shouldnt sont gnralement employs pour donner un conseil ou une opinion.
I think you should apply for the job. (Conseil)
You shouldnt drive so fast. Its dangerous. (Conseil et opinion)
They think more people should qualify for tax reductions. (Opinion)
Le pass de should et shouldnt est should/nt + perfect infinitive (have + been / gone / done /
seen, etc.).
They shouldnt have lost the contract.
They should have negotiated better.

can, cant, could et couldnt sont utiliss pour exprimer la capacit de faire, et la permission. Ils
sont souvent utiliss aussi pour faire des demandes.
You can go now. (permission)
He cant drive.
capacit de faire
I can read in several languages.
capacit de faire
De manire gnrale, could est de style plus soutenu que can. Par consquent, il est toujours plus
poli demployer could quand on est demandeur.
Could you get me a coffee, please?
could est le pass de can quand on parle de capacit de faire quelque chose.
Karl could repair a computer when he was a young child.

may peut tre employ pour exprimer la permission et est de style plus soutenu que can.
You may smoke here.

will et would sont utiliss pour formuler des demandes, pour prendre des dcisions spontanes
et pour faire des offres.
Will you come to my party? (Requte)
I didnt know you were having a party. Yes, Ill come. (Dcision spontane)
The phones ringing and Im on my mobile. Thats OK. Ill answer it. (Offre)
would est un peu plus soutenu dans ces cas.
Would you do me a favour? (Requte)
Id be very pleased to see her again. (Dcision spontane)
Would you like me to help you? (Offre)

Activity 13
Read the following conversation between two colleagues. Complete the conversation with the
modals in the box below.
Lisez la conversation suivante entre deux collgues de travail. Compltez la conversation avec les
modaux ci-dessous.

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Unit 4

Mark: should have - should (x 2) - could - will / ll (x 2) - cant - would - must have to - could have - can
Dave: have to - will/ll (x 2) - would - had to - must - couldnt - can (x 2) - has to

So Dave, how are things in your Department?


Mark, how are you? I havent seen you for ages! Im fine, but things here are very busy.


Good, thats the way it be. Go on then, give me an update. But,

you make it quick as I . leave for an appointment at 10 oclock.


OK. But first, you like coffee or tea?


I . have tea, please.


Well, recently weve been co-ordinating the transfer of mother board production to Poland.
We .. . link up all the production areas. Oh, excuse me, the phone! I .
just answer it. Hello. No, Im sorry shes not here today. . I take a message? OK. I
. give her the information. Goodbye. Right, where was I? Building the websites took a
long time, because we . wait for the German translation to be finished. Its
finished now, but it still be checked. And then, were up and running.
Im giving a presentation next week to the staff. you come?


Oh, Im sorry, I . I go to a conference in Luxembourg.


Never mind. Apart from that, weve had a lot of minor problems in the office. The photocopier
broke down and the technician . repair it, so we ... buy a new one.


You .. . sent me an e-mail. I .. lent you one.

you like me to order one for you? I . get you one quickly.


Really, thats wonderful. Colins been off work again. I dont know what the problem is.


Hes often absent. He go and see a doctor. I .. to him.

Language focus 2 Degrees of certainty

La plupart des modaux ont deux sens. Dans Language Focus 1 nous avons vu les modaux pour
exprimer lobligation, le conseil, la permission et la capacit de faire. Ici nous voyons les modaux
utiliss pour exprimer la probabilit et la possibilit.
must est utilis pour exprimer une trs forte certitude, cannot ou cant est son oppos.
I must be right. Ive calculated it 3 times. (Je suis certain davoir raison)
I cant be right. Ill calculate it again. (Je ne suis pas sr davoir raison)
Pour must et cant au pass, on ajoute la perfect infinitive (have + participe pass).
Jutlees must have taken over the company because theyve changed the name.
She cant have finished the report. She has been away on holiday.
may, might et could sont utiliss pour exprimer une possibilit. May not et might not sont leurs
opposs. Couldnt est rarement employ.
De manire gnrale, might est moins positif que may et could.
It may / could be true. (Its possible, but Im not sure)
It might be true. (Its possible but I really dont know)

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There is a problem at the airport. They may / might not arrive on time. (possibility)
Il faut ajouter le perfect infinitive (have + participe pass) pour former le pass de may / may not,
might / might not et could.
It may / could / might have been true in the past, but today everythings changed.
Theo might have taken the file home, but he doesnt usually.
The Sales Department may / might not have sent the order last week. Theyre very busy.

Activity 14
The following modals are in Reading document 1. For each one, give the reason why it is used.
The first one is done for you as an example.
Les modaux qui suivent sont dans le Reading 1. Pour chacun deux, dites pourquoi il est employ.
Le premier est donn comme exemple.
Line 5 - might (small possibility)

Line 31 - has to

Line 6 - could

Line 34 - may


Line 20 - must

Line 36 - can


Line 26 - should

Line 40 - might .............................

Line 27 - must

Line 42 - could


Line 28 - should

Line 44 - must


Line 30 - should

Line 47 - can


Activity 15
Put the modals of certainty into the sentences below. Be careful, there are examples of the
present, the past and negatives.
Mettez les modaux de certitude dans les phrases ci-dessous. Attention, il y a des exemples du
prsent, du pass et des formes ngatives.





1) I dont know why the driver is late. Hazel is her friend, so she know.
2) There be a problem with tomorrows deadline. Were not ready.
3) Linda is not here. She .. .. gone to work.
4) We spent all that money on memory sticks. We only have 25.
5) Flucksons say they didnt receive the parts, and as the plane was late they .
.. done.
6) Thelma have a higher salary than me. Shes going on a world tour, and I cant afford
7) The bar chart be right! Sales werent much higher in Italy than in Hungary.
8) Im waiting for confirmation. I . made a mistake. Im not sure.
9) The plan . be good, but Im not convinced.

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Unit 4

Section 5


Vocabulary 1
Activity 16
Word search
Find the words in the Word search below. All the words are in Unit 4.
Cherchez les mots dans le mots mls ci-dessous. Tous ces mots sont dans lunit 4.
There are:
13 words across
14 words down
4 words diagonally


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Across: .

. .

. .

. .

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Down: .

. .

. .

. .

. .

. .

. .


Activity 17
Put the words you found in the Word search into the following sentences. Be careful, in some
sentences two words are necessary.
Mettez les mots du mots mls dans les phrases suivantes. Attention, certaines phrases
contiennent deux mots.
1) We need to make an . for the meeting tomorrow.
2) Spyware is usually ., but can be malicious.
3) Ill give you my . so that you can access my files.
4) We . to give the technicians an extra days holiday.
5) Can you attach the .. to the e-mail, and Ill read it immediately.
6) The manager needs a .. before making a decision.
7) This . must be paid when the goods arrive.
8) The graph shows profits increased this year. Were more than last year.
9) You shouldnt give details of bank ... on the internet. Its too
10) To launch our new range of webcams, we need to more . on
11) Sales figures fell dramatically. We 20% less than last month.
12) Ill to Bennie about it. He always listens to me.
13) You can find all the information on this subject on the .
14) There are no cartridges for the photocopier. Could you some, please?
15) You should change your electronic . Its too easy to .
16) We need better software to stop . My mailbox is full of advertising.
17) . is a constant It gets in when downloading freeware.
18) I dont have any brothers, just one .. .
19) The total amount, or , includes VAT.
20) The . took me to a bogus website.
21) A digital signature is like an electronic . .
22) The Maintenance Department needs passwords for file . with the Production
23) These monitors are old. Were a new flat .. for everybody.

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Unit 4

24) . to protect people from hackers are difficult to implement.

25) Wifi is easy to infiltrate. You just need to . the energy.
26) Public and private are needed to send and receive encrypted messages.

Vocabulary 2 Basic phrasal verbs

What is a phrasal verb?
Un phrasal verb est un verbe avec une ou plusieurs particules.

O Souvent la particule peut tre une prposition !

look for (chercher)
come in (entrer)
go out (sortir)
look after (soccuper de)
take care of (prendre soin de)
La plupart des phrasal verbs ont des verbes synonymes dun seul mot.
look for search
come in enter
go out exit
Il en existe des centaines en usage commun, surtout en anglais parl.
Il peut tre compliqu pour les trangers de les employer correctement. Surtout parce que
certains phrasal verbs ont plus dune signification. Il y a souvent une signification littraire et un
sens figuratif. Un dictionnaire vous dira les diffrentes significations.
to put up
I put up the agenda on the wall. Jai pos/affich lordre du jour sur le mur.
literal meaning
I put up my brothers friends last night. Jai log des amis de mon frre hier soir.
figurative meaning
To take off
Its hot in here. Can I take off my coat? Il fait chaud ici. Puis-je enlever mon manteau.
literal meaning
Our plane took off late. Notre avion a dcoll avec du retard.
Dans lunit 1 nous avons vu des verbes avec leur propre prposition, qui ne change jamais.
Par contre, pour certain phrasal verbs, le changement de prposition change le sens du verbe.
Attention ne pas confondre les verbes et prpositions avec les phrasal verbs.
look for
look after
soccuper de
look at
look up
rechercher dans un livre/dictionnaire
Il est plus facile pour les non anglophones dutiliser le verbe simple quand cela est possible.
Cependant, il est important de pouvoir comprendre les phrasal verbs. Certains sont si communs
quil faut les apprendre. Lemploi de phrasal verbs rendra votre anglais plus naturel.


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Les phrasal verbs les plus communs sont :

go, come, put, look, take, get, keep, turn, bring, give et make.
Parfois le sens est vident :
go up monter,
go down descendre
put on mettre
take off enlever
turn on allumer
turn off teindre
Mais regardez ces differences :
bring up
lever un enfant
introduire une ide/sujet dans une conversation / runion
come across
trouver / rencontrer par hazard quelque chose / quelquun
trouver une ide
take up
sens littraire : monter quelque chose / quelquun
sens figuratif : commencer / dmarrer quelque chose par exemple une nouvelle activit
give up
abandonner / arrter quelque chose
take up
se rconcillier
get up se lever
get away partir / schapper
get away with en toute impunit / sans tre inquiter
get across faire comprendre
go on continuer
keep on continuer
carry on continuer
get on with sappliquer faire quelque chose

Activity 18
Put the correct verb in the sentences below. Be careful of the tense.
Mettez le bon verbe dans les phrases ci-dessous. Attention au temps du verbe.
1) There is no more room. We cant everybody up.
2) If you ............ on working like that, youll get the sack.
3) We had so much work that we couldnt away for a holiday this year.
4) She up some slogans for launching the latest model.
5) We across the Spanish delegation. They were eating in the same restaurant.
6) Id love to . up your offer. I feel ready to start a new job.
7) Lets watch the film. Fred, could you . off the lights and close the door?
8) Its freezing in here. Can someone on the radiator?

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Unit 4

9) Im sorry, but I have to on with my work.

10) We need to up with some fresh plans to present at the meeting.
11) Dont stop. on working. Ill after the travel arrangements.
12) Kumiko has resigned. We need to for a new programmer.
13) He up tennis because he wants to up golf.
14) The lack of canteen facilities was up at the last meeting.
15) Id like to at the proposal in more detail.


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Section 6

Pour les activits dans cette section vous devez vous enregistrez soit sur cassette (standard ou dictaphone)
soit par moyen informatique (ordinateur, baladeur MP3 ou autre). Vous pouvez ensuite rcouter votre
production, la comparer aux modles donns sil y en a. Vous vous habituerez ainsi, petit petit, vous
entendre parler anglais.

Activity 19
Presenting a product
Record yourself presenting a product.
Prsentez un produit. Enregistrez vous.
First, choose a product. You can choose any product you like, but make sure you have access to
sufficient information on it to be able to present it clearly. Alternatively, you can invent a product
and the information.
Dabord, choisissez un produit. Vous pouvez choisir celui que vous voulez, mais faites attention
davoir accs suffisamment dinformations afin de pouvoir le prsenter clairement.
Below are some guidelines to help you prepare the presentation. Make notes on each point.
Vous trouverez ci-dessous un guide pour vous aider prparer la prsentation. Prenez des notes
sur chaque point.
1. Decide why you are making the presentation.
Dcidez pourquoi vous faites cette prsentation. Est-ce pour vendre, informer ou former, par
exemple ?
2. Brainstorm your ideas.
Mettez toutes vos ides sur papier. Puis, organisez-les et choisissez les plus importantes. Nessayez
pas de dire trop de choses.
3. Prepare your introduction.
Prparez votre introduction. Ceci doit expliquer de quoi vous allez parler, et lordre dans lequel
vous allez le faire.
Im going to talk about the new model 3XG telephone. First, Ill explain what it is. Secondly,
Ill talk about its main features. Then, Ill move on to talk about its selling points, before
concluding with some practical information.
4. Prepare your conclusion.
Prparez votre conclusion. Celle-ci doit faire ressortir les points les plus importants.
To sum up, , Id like to conclude by saying , Finally,
5. Keep the language simple and clear.
Utilisez un langage simple et clair. vitez lemploi du jargon.
6. Use linking words to help the listeners follow you logically.
Dites quand vous avez termin un point et quand vous passez au suivant. Employez des mots de
liaison afin daider vos auditeurs suivre votre logique.
Id like to start by , First of all, , / Secondly, , After that, , Then, , / Ill move
on now to , Ive spoken about , now Id like to talk about , Now, Id like to look at
, Thats all Id like to say about , so now Ill turn to
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Unit 4

7. Examples and / or anecdotes.

Quand cela est possible, donnez un exemple pour illustrer vos dires, ou bien personnalisez la
prsentation avec une anecdote.

Activity 20
Le rsum dun discours, dune runion ou dune prsentation est trs important. Lorateur peut
ainsi vrifier quil na rien oubli. Ceci aidera galement lauditeur se focaliser sur les points
les plus importants et lui donnera lopportunit de vrifier quil a tout compris. Cest souvent le
moment pour les auditeurs de poser les questions afin davoir plus de dtails sur certains points.
To sum up,
Let me summarise that for you,
To go over the main points again,
Let me point out the main ideas,
To recap,
In a nutshell,
In summing up, Id like to say
Read the tape script for Listening 2 Hacking and a hackers advice, and write notes on the main
points the hacker makes. Summarise his talk, using the expressions above. Add any other advice
you can think of to help people fight hackers.
Lisez la transcription de Listening 2 Hacking and a hackers advice , et prenez des notes sur les
points principaux du discours du pirate informatique. Rsumez le discours laide des expressions
ci-dessus. Nhsitez pas ajouter vos conseils, afin daider des gens combattre le piratage des

Activity 21
Social English
Dans cette unit nous venons de voir les modaux. Ils sont souvent utiliss pour donner des conseils.
Le plus commun pour cela est should. Ought to peut aussi tre utilis pour donner des conseils.
Should donne une opinion personnelle, alors que ought to est un peu moins personnel.
You dont look very well. You should go and see a doctor.
I think you should go and see a doctor.
Rich people ought to pay more taxes.
We can also use expressions to give advice. The most well-known expression is used to put
ourselves in the place of the person we are advising, or in the same situation. We begin by:
If I were you, I would / Id .
On peut galement employer des expressions pour donner conseil. La plus connue dentre elles
est celle o lon se met la place de la personne que lon conseille, ou dans la mme situation.
On commence par :
If I were you, I would / Id (Si jtais toi/vous, Je + verbe au conditionnel).
If I were you, Id go and see a doctor.
I would go and see a doctor if I were you.
If I had that problem, Id go and see a doctor.

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What advice can you give people for the following problems and situations? Prepare your ideas
and answers using the different structures above then record yourself.
Quels conseils pouvez-vous donner aux gens pour les problmes et situations suivants ? Prparez
vos ides et rponses en employant les structures de phrases ci-dessus puis enregistrez vous.
I dont know how to find a job.
I have difficulty working with a particular colleague.
Im not very good at learning languages.
Im new to this town. I dont know anybody. How can I meet people?
My cars very old, but I dont have enough money to buy a new one.

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Unit 4

Section 7


Activity 22
Writing a summary
Choose one of the reading texts in this unit and write a summary. Read the complete text again
and start your summary by introducing the main theme of the text. Then, make a note of the
main idea of each paragraph. Finally, reiterate the main theme in your conclusion using different
words. Remember to use linking words. Your summary should consist of no more than two
Choisissez un des textes dans cette unit et en faire le rsum. Relisez entirement le texte et
commencez votre rsum par une introduction qui explique le thme principal. Puis, prenez des
notes sur les ides principales de chaque paragraphe. Enfin, dans la conclusion, utilisez dautres
mots pour reformuler le thme principal. Noubliez pas demployer des mots de liaison. Votre
rsum ne devra pas dpasser les deux paragraphes.

Activity 23
Writing an e-mail
Almost everybody knows how to write an e-mail. Unlike letters, there are no strict rules for
writing e-mails. However, making them clear and concise will be helpful.
Some basic rules for writing clearly, concisely and effectively are:


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Presque tout le monde sait comment crire un courrier lectronique. linverse des lettres, il ny
a pas de rgles strictes pour les crire. Nanmoins, les rendre clairs et concis sera toujours utile.
Ci-dessous, des rgles de base pour une criture claire, concise et efficace.
1. Whenever possible, use the active rather than the passive.
Prfrez la forme active la forme passive.
2. Dont make sentences too long.
Ncrivez pas de phrases trop longues.
3. Use simple language.
Utilisez un langage simple.
4. Try not to use long and complicated words.
vitez lemploi de mots longs et compliqus.
5. Try not to use clichs.
viter les clichs.
6. Read through what youve written and delete any unnecessary words.
Relisez ce que vous avez crit et supprimez tous les mots inutiles.
7. In e-mails (and letters) we generally begin with Dear.
En gnral, on commence les courriers lectroniques (et les lettres) par Dear.
Using the above rules, write an e-mail in reply to one of the following:
laide des rgles ci-dessus, crivez un courrier lectronique en rponse une des questions
1. Dear Staff
Were looking for volunteers to work on Christmas Day this year. A bonus can be negotiated.
Full Christmas dinner provided.
Contact your Departmental Manager for further information.
Thank you.
We look forward to hearing from you.
The Management
2. Id like to take a course in Business English. Do you know where I can get some information,
and can you recommend any useful books?

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Unit 4

Section 8


Activity 24
The words in the box below are all in unit 4. Put them in the sentences below to replace the
words in bold. Do not change the word in the box. Dont hesitate to refer back to the reading
and listening texts to see how these words are used.
Les mots ci-dessous sont tous dans lunit 4. Utilisez les pour remplacer les mots en gras. Ne
changez pas le mot donn. Nhsitez pas vous rfrer aux textes de Reading et Listening pour
comprendre lemploi de ces mots.
issued - stay ahead - short - payment - false - bypassing - brought up - plenty - outlining - factory - approval
agenda - foolproof recording - entirely - believe - enough - shutdown - aware - otherwise
1) Time is not a problem, we have more than enough . The deadline is not till next
2) The goods are faulty and must be sent back to the works .
3) We must have a copy of all the data.
4) Managers are not always conscious ... of staff problems.
5) We cant pay the invoice until we have the consent of Head Office.
6) That was an excellent idea you put forward at lunch.
7) To keep in front we must innovate.
8) I dont have sufficient information to make a decision.
9) The investors seem happy. If not, they wont put money into the project.
10) Getting past . the security codes is a real challenge.
11) I completely agree with you.
12) A brief . letter explaining the problem should be sent to the technicians.
13) Settlement . of the invoice is required on the goods arrival.
14) If somebody invents 100% safeguarded computers theyll be rich.
15) A lot of countries are convinced that they have the best manufacturers.
16) If we have to stop . the network running, we will lose money.
17) The boss interrupted when he was giving a general idea of the project.
18) We need to make the list of points to discuss . for the next meeting.
19) I thought the link was genuine, but in fact it was a bogus one.
20) Ive sent out new passwords to all the employees concerned.


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Security, security, security

Activity 25
Rewrite the following sentences replacing the words in bold by words from the box. Be careful
of the tenses.
Rcrivez les phrases suivantes en remplaant les mots en gras par les mots ci-dessous. Attention
au temps.
must (x 3) - can - cant (x 3) - shouldnt - should - should have - might - may - will have to - couldnt - ought to
mustnt - dont have to (x 2)
1) We dont work flexitime, so Im not allowed to arrive at 10 am.
2) It is advisable to write clearly.
3) Its a 5 star hotel. It is supposed to be good.
4) We cant possibly drive any faster, or well have an accident.
5) It is not recommended to drink the water here.
6) There is no obligation to use public transport.
7) We absolutely need the latest update.
8) I need to learn how to program. I dont know how to do it.
9) If you dont like it, you dont need to buy it.
10) I declare the meeting formally open. Ivan, you have permission to begin.
11) Am I able to help you?
12) It is necessary that I remember to get up early tomorrow.
13) There is a small possibility that youll meet someone interesting at Georges.
14) She was very upset that it wasnt possible to go to the party.

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Unit 4

15) It is not possible. They must be the wrong size.

16) Why didnt you tell me yesterday? I was in the office all day.
17) There has to be a mistake. My hotel was booked on the Internet.
18) Next month, it will be necessary to lay off some members of staff.

Activity 26
Complete the table below with the modals and the expressions from Activity 25. An example is
Compltez le tableau ci-dessous avec les modaux et les expressions de lactivit 25. Un exemple
vous est donn.


Negative obligation

No obligation


I am not allowed to ...










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Unit 5

Storage and outsourcing

Plusieurs thmes sont abords dans cette cinquime unit, le stockage et la sauvegarde des donnes, la
capacit de croissance des PME et la dlocalisation des services.
La section language focus vous aidera parler dvnements futurs. Lemploi de la base verbale prcde de to sera oppos celui de la base verbale + ing.
En recourant aux points de grammaire acquis dans cette unit, vous allez commencer par fixer un rendezvous au tlphone puis le modifier ultrieurement. lcrit, vous procderez votre deuxime traduction.
Vous apprendrez rdiger de manire formelle et correcte une rponse une offre demploi.

Section 1: preview .................................. 130

Section 6: speaking ................................ 148

Vocabulary: matching denitions

Grammar: future forms, verb + ing
or verb + innitive

Making future arrangement

Changing plans
Social English

Activities 1 3

Activities 20 22

Section 2: reading ................................... 132

Section 7: writing .................................. 151

Data storage today and tomorrow

Limiting costs / outsourcing

How to write a letter

Translation: text on maintenance

Activities 4 et 7

Activities 23 24

Section 3: listening ................................ 136

Section 8: checklist ................................ 155

A small business planning IT growth

Ordering goods on the telephone


Activities 8 11

Activities 25 27

Section 4: language focus ..................... 139

Future forms
Verb + ing v's verb + infinitive
Activities 12 13

Section 5: vocabulary ............................ 142

Vocabulary exercises: reading and listening texts
Telephone language
Activities 14 19

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Unit 5

Section 1

Before starting this unit, try this pre-test to help you with the vocabulary you will see
in the reading and listening texts.
Avant de commencer cette unit, faites ce test pour vous familiariser avec le vocabulaire
que vous verrez dans les exercices de comprhension de lcrit et de loral.

Activity 1
Choose the correct definitions.
Choisissez la dfinition qui correspond le mieux.
r unusual position
r from another country

r retention of data
r shopping area

r once per day
r all day

r distance
r extraction

r over the top
r outer layer

r work ginven to an outside company
r employees working from home

r extensively distributed
r small area

r carrier
r creator

r too hot
r complete repair or renewal

r fundamentally
r horizontally

r practical educating
r driving test

r tendency
r test

r expanded
r existed

r lacking space
r a piece of clothing


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Storage and outsourcing

Try this grammar test to see what you know or dont know.
Testez votre grammaire.

Activity 2
Complete the following sentences using the correct future form.
Choisissez la forme du futur qui convient pour complter les phrases.
a) Steven (be) .. 25 next week.
b) I cant come to the meeting. I (see) a customer at 2 p.m.
c) We went to the Travel Agents yesterday. We are (going) to Barbados.
d) I think I (stop) working soon.
e) My car has broken down.
Dont worry. I (drive) you to the airport.
f) Sheila is ......... (retire) next month.
g) I didnt know that. What is she .. (do)?
h) She isnt sure yet. She probably .. (travel) a bit.
i) I .. (phone) you as soon as I get some news.
k) Look at that sky! Its .. (rain).
l) No. Im .. (take) the train.
m) It (leave) at 11.15 tomorrow morning.

Activity 3
Put verb into its correct form in the following sentences: infinitive or ing.
Mettez le verbe dans sa forme correcte dans les phrases suivantes : linfinitif ou ing.
a) I find (meet) new people very exciting.
b) (drive) a motorbike is dangerous in big cities.
c) She really wants (leave) the country.
d) Nicola enjoys (go) water-skiing.
e) Flucksons have stopped (manufacture) that model. Its out of date.
f) We have finished . (test) on the TDA654.
g) The Sales Manager thinks (increase) the price is a bad idea.
h) Would you like (come) to the pub for a drink this evening?

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Unit 5

Section 2


First read the text below and answer the questions which follow.
Lisez le texte ci-dessous et rpondez aux questions qui suivent.
Document 1

Data storage today and tomorrow

One of the things we do best today is create vast

amounts of data. For legal reasons companies are
obliged to save more and more of this information.
They also need to be able to retrieve it with ease and as
often as they like. It is difcult for companies to cope
with the enormous amounts of data that need to be
stored. Consequently, a lot of companies are looking
to outside storage companies that offer all-inclusive
solutions. Companies can then choose when and how
they record information, and perhaps more importantly,
can retrieve it on demand. As the need to keep data on
record increases so storage is becoming a fast growing
There are two forms of storage: primary storage and
secondary storage. Generally we use the term memory
when referring to the temporary storing of data, and the
word storage when talking about a more permanent
means of storage. Primary storage uses volatile memory
and secondary storage uses non-volatile memory.
Volatile memory needs an electrical input to keep the
stored information and is therefore temporary. Nonvolatile memory maintains stored information without
electrical input and so is more suitable for secondary
storage. The main technical differences between primary
and secondary storage devices relate to the method and
speed of access to data.
Primary storage is basically part of the computer
itself as it is directly connected to the CPU (central
processing unit). It is necessary for the CPU to be able to
function correctly. Primary storage can be sub-divided
into three kinds. Processor registers, which are part
of the CPU, contain information to carry out current
instructions. Main memory contains the programs that
are currently running and can transfer information from
the processor register to main storage. In computers
today, RAM (random access memory) is used for main
memory, and is directly connected to the CPU via a
memory bus and a data bus. Cache memory is internal
memory used to increase performance or throughput by
keeping on hand the most recently and frequently used


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Secondary storage, also called long-term storage or

off-line storage, is used for maintaining data on a more
permanent basis. The hard disk is an example. Wellknown uses include backup, archiving and disaster
recovery. Backup and archiving are similar processes
of ofine storage and data protection. The difference
between them is that whereas backup is the duplication
of data, archiving is the removal of data for permanent
storage. Disaster recovery refers to the recording and
protection of data away from the possibility of localised
disasters. Magneto-optical disc storage and optical disc
storage are common mass storage devices. The rst
stores information on a magnetic surface, which is read
optically. This type of storage is non-volatile, sequential
access, slow write, fast read. Optical disc storage, the
most common today, uses a laser diode to illuminate the
disc surface and read the information stored in etched
pits. DVD, CD, DVD-RW and DVD-RAM are some of the
forms of optical disc storage in current use.
Where is data storage heading? The key words today
are smaller and faster. And recent developments are
heading in that direction. The Blu-ray and HD DVD
storage devices are examples of products which are
going to come onto the market soon. They will increase
the memory capacity of a single DVD by more than 5
times. Current discs use red laser to read and write data,
but blu-ray uses blue laser light, as its name indicates.
Blue laser light has a shorter wavelength than red and
can therefore be focussed with much higher precision.
This means that data can be put closer together on a
disc, taking up less room. Consequently, the same
size DVD or CD will contain a far greater amount of
Other future possibilities in the research and
development stages include the holographic data storage
system (HDSS), capable of storing 1 terabyte of data on
something the size of a lump of sugar. But, of course,
just around the corner, who knows what well be using?
The only thing we can be sure of is that everything is
going to get smaller and faster.

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Storage and outsourcing

Activity 4
Describe what each paragraph is talking about. Do not write more than two sentences.
Dcrivez lide principale de chaque paragraphe. Ncrivez pas plus de deux phrases.
Paragraph 1
Paragraph 2
Paragraph 3
Paragraph 4
Paragraph 5
Paragraph 6

Activity 5
Using the sentences you wrote above to help you, invent a suitable title for each of the six
paragraphs. Look at previous titles in this book and notice how they are constructed. They are
usually short, in the present tense and rarely use articles - a - an - the.
En vous aidant des phrases crites ci-dessus, inventez un titre qui convient pour chacun des six
paragraphes. Regardez les titres des articles prcdents de ce livre et remarquez leur construction.
Ils sont gnralement courts, au temps prsent et utilisent rarement des articles a - an - the.
Paragraph 1 ............................................................................................................................................
Paragraph 2 ............................................................................................................................................
Paragraph 3 ............................................................................................................................................
Paragraph 4 ............................................................................................................................................
Paragraph 5 ............................................................................................................................................
Paragraph 6 ............................................................................................................................................

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Unit 5

Read the article and answer the following questions.

Lisez larticle et rpondez aux questions suivantes.
Document 2

Limiting costs / outsourcing

More and more companies are turning to

outsourcing as a means of limiting costs. Although
outsourcing has almost always existed it was, in
the past, in a much less structured fashion and
the types of company tasks outsourced were very
different from those today. Sub-contracting parts of
the manufacturing and maintenance process to a
specialist in a particular area with expensive specialist
tools and equipment is a well-known accepted form
of outsourcing.
The massive growth in the hi-tech industry
and in particular the speed of this growth saw the
demand for outsourcing rise dramatically in order
to reduce costs. The nature of the industry along
with the development of internet communication
has facilitated outsourcing. The money saved is
being used for investment and on better paid staff.
This, in the long term, means the development of
improved products for customers. Although nancial
gains are the main motivation behind outsourcing, a
company having more time to focus on their specic
competences and business strategy is an important
added attraction. The question is: Do these benets
outweigh the possible drawbacks?
One problem with outsourcing is poor customer
service which can harm the reputation of a company.
Customers can become extremely frustrated when
trying to receive technical support and nd that
communicating with the person on the other end of
the telephone is extremely difcult due to a limited
knowledge of the language. In the case of offshoring
(similar to outsourcing, but in another country),
companies sometimes have difculty with local laws
which may be very different from the laws that they
follow in their own country. Because staff turnover is

much higher in outsourcing companies, the continual

retraining of staff can be expensive and quality will
inevitably drop. Companies can lose customers
from the outsourcing of important customer related
services in these conditions.
One change that is occurring in the ever growing
outsourcing industry is a return to outsourcing
nearer to home. This is particularly true of European
countries, which are looking to other European
countries, especially the more recently joined
members of the European Union. The advantages
of working with other European countries are
manifold. In the medium term the newer European
states labour force is cheaper. European law applies
to all companies and countries. Widespread second
language training, usually in English, means ease
of communication between these countries is
developing rapidly. Although the larger companies
are already well-established in the use of outsourcing,
growth is still slow in the small to medium business
sector (SMB). This is partly due to a lack of condence
in remote IT services, and a loss of control feared by
the head of the company who is often the founder,
and nds handing over any part of the companys
workings difcult to envisage.
It is thought that outsourcing will continue to
grow at an ever increasing rate, probably doubling
over the next few years. Some estimations consider
that this will cut costs in the IT industry by more
than half. Interestingly, in some areas of thought,
outsourcing is seen as a revolution akin to the
development of mass production back in the 19th
century, eventually bringing greater prosperity to all.
But thats another story

Activity 6
List the points for and against outsourcing according to the author.
Faites une liste des points pour et contre lexternalisation/sous-traitance selon lauteur.
Advantages: ..........................................................................................................................................


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Storage and outsourcing

Drawbacks: ...........................................................................................................................................

Activity 7
Finish the sentences in your own words. Sometimes one or two words will do. You may use some
words and / or synonyms from the text.
Terminez les phrases avec vos propres mots. Parfois un ou deux mots suffiront. Vous pouvez
employer certains mots et/ou synonymes du texte.
1) (line 1) More and more companies are turning to outsourcing as a
2) (line 16) The money saved is being used for investment and on
3) (line 23) The question is:
4) (line 25) One problem with outsourcing is poor customer service which can harm
5) (line 50) Widespread second language training, usually in English, means ease of communication
between these countries is
6) (line 63) Some estimations consider that this will cut costs in the IT industry by

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Unit 5

Section 3



A small business planning I.S. growth


Activity 8
Listen carefully to the following discussion and answer the general comprehension questions.
coutez attentivement la discussion suivante et rpondez aux questions de comprhension
1) three people are talking, Andy, Delia and Josh. Who do you think is the boss?
2) Who is more enthusiastic about Rewfringes?
3) Who would prefer Fromalston?
4) Who gives detailed information about the maintenance contracts?
5) Who do they finally decide to give the contract to?

Activity 9
Listen again and answer these more detailed questions.
coutez de nouveau et rpondez ces questions plus dtailles.
1) What does given the green light mean?
2) Why does Delia say the timing is perfect?
3) Andy gives five reasons for changing their IT equipment. Name as many as you can.
4) What will be the main restriction?


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Storage and outsourcing

5) What does Josh say he has to do before joining the discussion?

6) What does Josh say is the main difference between the two companies?
7) What does Andy think is the most important reason for choosing a supplier?
8) Which company is a little cheaper?
9) Josh gives two reasons for preferring Rewfringes. What are they?
10) Which possible problem with Rewfringes does Delia highlight?
11) What does Andy say they are basing their decision on?


Ordering goods on the telephone


Listen carefully to the telephone conversation and answer the questions.

coutez attentivement la conversation tlphonique et rpondez aux questions.

Activity 10
Four people speak during the telephone conversation. Circle the number which corresponds to
the order the person speaks in. The first person to speak is number 1, the second is number 2,
Quatre personnes parlent pendant la conversation tlphonique. Encerclez le numro qui
correspond lordre dans lequel chaque personne intervient. La premire personne parler = 1,
la deuxime = 2, etc.

Switchboard Operator/Receptionist:

Purchasing Manager:

Sales Representative:

Activity 11
In this telephone conversation there are a lot of numbers: product reference numbers, prices,
quantities, fractions, etc.
Dans cette conversation tlphonique il y a beaucoup de chiffres : numros de rfrence de
produit, des prix, des quantits, des fractions, etc.
Complete the extracts by filling in the missing numbers.
Compltez les extraits avec les chiffres qui manquent.

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Unit 5

1) Were still working with TDA .

2) he suggested the TDA as the most suitable upgrade.
3) We have . TDA on site, but currently use about of them.
4) Bought individually they cost .
5) there is a reduction for every ordered.
6) you need to have about in stock.
7) The speed has been and the size cut by .
8) the lifespan of the TDA has been extended by years.
9) What sort of discount can I expect on units?
10) An initial % discount is given on units.
11) So, thats per unit, giving a total of .
12) This will give you a full % discount, bringing the price down to per unit.
13) could we ask for the full % discount on units, instead of .


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Storage and outsourcing

Section 4

Language focus

Language focus 1 Future forms

Il est gnralement reconnu quen anglais il ny a pas un temps du futur spcifique, comme on en
trouve dans dautres langues. Il y a quatre faons pour exprimer le futur.
le prsent simple
going to
le prsent continu

Present simple
Le prsent simple nest, en gnral, employ que pour exprimer un futur bas sur des horaires
fixes ; la plupart du temps les horaires davions, trains, bus, etc.
My train leaves next Friday at 10pm.

Present continuous
Le prsent continu est, en gnral, employ pour exprimer un futur prvu. Il est souvent appel
the diary future parce quun rendez-vous, une runion, un projet, etc. est prvu lavance.
Im seeing the customer tomorrow.

Going to
1. going to est employ pour exprimer les projets et les intentions futurs. Dans ce cas, il y a
peu de diffrence avec le prsent continu, sauf que going to peut dmontrer une volont
Were going to get our tickets for the concert soon.
2. going to est aussi employ pour exprimer un futur pour lequel il y des preuves que laction va
se passer.
Look at those clouds. Its going to rain.

will est employ ;
a) pour exprimer un futur sur lequel la personne qui parle na aucun contrle ; cest en gnral
des faits ;
b) pour exprimer des dcisions pour le futur qui sont prises au moment de parler ;
c) quand la personne nest pas trs sre de ses intentions. Dans ce cas, will est souvent prcd
de I think.
The company will be 150 years old next year. (a)
I didnt know she was ill. Ill go and visit her tomorrow. (b)
I dont like it here. I think Ill look for a new job. (c)
NB: En anglais parl, on dit rarement la forme pleine, I will, they will, it will, etc. La plupart du temps on
fait la contration et on dit : Ill, theyll, itll, etc.

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Unit 5

Activity 12
Put the correct future form into the conversations below.
Choisissez lexpression du futur qui convient dans les conversations ci-dessous.

Conversation 1
A: Mehdi, you next week? (work)
B: No, Im on holiday.
A: Really! Where ............ you ? (go)
B: I dont know. I have very little money. Do you have any ideas?
A: Why dont you go camping? Thats not expensive.
B: Thats a good idea. I to Jane about it. But where? (talk)
A: Theres a lovely place on the west coast. Would you like me to find the address?
B: Oh yes. Jane loves the west. OK. Thats decided, we there. (go)

Conversation 2
A: Mehdi, you next week? (work)
B: No, Im on holiday.
A: Really! Where ............ you ? (go)
B: Were Mexico. (go)
A: Wow! Thats great. Who you with? (go)
B: Jane, of course. We the tickets after work. (pick up)
A: How are you to the airport? (get)
B: Im not sure. A taxi, I suppose.
A: No, dont do that, its expensive. I you if you like. (take)
B: Wonderful. But the plane at 7am. (leave)
A: Thats alright. I . early for once. (get up)

Language focus 2 Verb + ing / Verb + infinitive

Vous avez peut-tre remarqu quen anglais quand un verbe suit un autre ce deuxime est soit
linfinitif (comme en franais) soit au grondif -ing.
a) Certains verbes peuvent tre suivis par linfinitif ou le grondif avec peu de changement
dans le sens.
I prefer to go home on foot.
I prefer going home on foot.
Je prfre rentrer chez moi pied.
I like to go home on foot.
I like going home on foot.
Jaime rentrer chez moi pied.
b) Dautres verbes ne peuvent tre suivis que de lun ou de lautre.
I want to go home on foot.
Je veux rentrer chez moi pied.


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Storage and outsourcing

I enjoy going home on foot.

Je prends plaisir rentrer chez moi pied.
c) Dans certains cas mettre linfinitif ou le grondif change le sens du verbe.
I stopped to go home on foot.
Jai arrt ce que je faisais pour rentrer chez moi pied.
I stopped going home on foot.
Je ne rentre plus chez moi pied.
Un verbe est gnralement au grondif quand il est le sujet dune phrase et la commence.
Going home on foot is better for the environment.
Driving to work this morning was terrible because of the traffic jams.
Working for Rewfringes is exciting.
Putting the customer first is our company slogan.
NB. : La traduction en franais par linfinitif.
Reading police stories is my favourite hobby.
Lire les romans policiers est mon passe-temps prfr

Dans lunit 1 on a vu des verbes qui ont leur propre prposition. depend on, consist of, succeed
in, concentrate on, ask for, etc. Regardez de nouveau cette activity dans lunit 1 et remarquez
que quand un verbe suit un verbe + prposition, il est toujours au grondif.
This job consists of adapting software to meet specific needs.
After trying for an hour, I finally succeeded in connecting up the computers.
We are concentrating on launching our latest product.

Activity 13
Decide if the verbs in brackets are -ing or infinitive, or either.
Dcidez si les verbes entre parenthses sont linfinitif ou se terminent en -ing, ou si les deux
sont possibles.
A Nigel thinks (walk) . to work or (take) . the bus is more environmentally
B It depends on where you live. I love (walk) .. but public transport takes too long. Ask
him if he wants (try) . the bus service where I live? Im sure he wouldnt like (wait)
. for the bus for hours. To change the subject, have you finished (repair) ..
that printer yet?
A No. I stopped (try) . to fix it a week ago. I decided (send) .. it back to the
manufacturer. I expect (hear) .. from them soon.
B I suppose theyll forget (call) . you when its ready. They often do. Did Nigel offer
(help) .?
A He absolutely refused (touch) . the machine. He hasnt arrived yet. Thats unusual.
Perhaps he forgot (put) .. his alarm on.
B Probably. Why dont you try (phone) .. him?
A I suppose so.
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Unit 5

Section 5


Vocabulary 1
Activity 14
Below is a list of words from Reading 1 and 2. Make sentences using these words to show that
you have understood their meaning. You have already seen some of these words in previous
Ci-dessous une liste de mots des Reading 1 et 2. Employez ces mots dans des phrases afin de
montrer que vous avez compris leur sens. Vous avez dj vu certains de ces mots dans les units
retrieve - growing - storage - basically - outsourcing - reduce - quality - tasks - country - staff
Example: When the computers went down we thought we had lost the files, but we managed to
retrieve them.
1. ...............................................................................................................................................................
2. ...............................................................................................................................................................
3. ...............................................................................................................................................................
4. ...............................................................................................................................................................
5. ...............................................................................................................................................................
6. ...............................................................................................................................................................
7. ...............................................................................................................................................................
8. ...............................................................................................................................................................
9. ...............................................................................................................................................................


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Storage and outsourcing

Activity 15
There are several commonly used expressions in the Reading and Listening texts. Look at these
expressions in context before doing the following Activity. Then draw a line between these
expressions and their French meaning.
Dans les textes des sections Reading et Listening il y a plusieurs expressions dusage commun.
Avant de faire lexercice suivant, regardez ces expressions dans leur contexte. Puis, reliez-les
leur sens.
Reading 1 and 2: (Read the texts first)
on demand
keeping on hand
the key words
a lump of sugar
just around the corner
handing over
thats another story

un morceau de sucre
a, cest une autre histoire
cder (dans le sens du pouvoir)
tout compris
garder sous la main
la demande
les mots cls
dici peu de temps

Listening 1 and 2: (Read the tape scripts first)

just down the road
hold us back
half way round the globe
these days
in the long run
out of date
on the other hand
Im on my way
as you put it
up and running
teething problems
at the end of the day
asap (abbreviation: as soon as possible)
on behalf of
a bit tight
not in my hands

jarrive toute de suite

nest pas de mon ressort
long terme
des difficults initiales
un peu serr
ds que possible
install et en marche
aprs tout
lautre bout du monde
au bout de la rue
de nos jours
de la part de/au nom de
dun autre ct
nous freiner/nous bloquer
comme vous dites

Activity 16
Replace the words in bold by one of the expressions from Activity 15.
Remplacez les mots en gras par une des expressions de lactivit 15.
1) Thats one idea, but alternatively . we could stop production.
2) Just stay there, Im coming right now . .
3) Im speaking for . Sarah when I say thanks for everything.
4) Dont buy those yoghurts. Theyre past their sell by date .
5) Things are a little difficult financially at the moment.

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Unit 5

6) Ill phone you back as quickly as I can .

7) Nowadays . most people have a mobile phone.
8) Well try and persuade them, as you say .
9) When the machines are installed and working Ill contact you.
10) There will probably be some initial difficulties .
11) This maintenance contract is as complete as possible .. .
12) The new law will stop us from making progress .

Vocabulary 2 Telephone language

On utilise un certain nombre de phrases types au tlphone.
Certaines expressions sont utilises presque uniquement au tlphone.
Im putting you through, caller.
Je vous le passe.
When can I reach him?
Quand est-ce que je peux le joindre de nouveau ?
The lines engaged.
La ligne est occupe.
Hold the line, please.
Restez en ligne, sil vous plat.
Gnralement, les gens rpondent au tlphone en donnant soit leur nom, soit leur numro, soit
le nom de la socit.
Hello, Joanne Bloggs speaking.
052044392. Good morning / afternoon.
Spricksmiths. Good morning / afternoon.
Le langage employ au tlphone nest pas toujours le mme utilis lorsque lon est face
Are you Stella Johns?
Yes, I am.
Au tlphone la rponse cette question serait : Speaking.
Are you Stella Johns?

Activity 17
Draw a line to match the telephone expressions with their equivalent face to face expressions.
Reliez les expressions tlphoniques leurs quivalentes en situation de face face.
Im Stella Johns. A
Are you Stella Johns? B
Yes, I am. C
Whats your name? D
Shes busy. E
Would you wait a moment, please? F


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1 Hold the line, please.

2 Could you give me your name, please?
3 This is Stella Johns.
4 Shes tied up.
5 Speaking.
6 Is that Stella Johns?

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Activity 18
Put the following telephone conversations into the correct order.
Mettez les conversations tlphoniques suivantes dans le bon ordre.

Conversation 1
A: The line is engaged. Can I take a message?
B: Good morning. Could you put me through to Nayan Pajare, please?
A: No, thank you. Ill try again later.
B: Spricksmiths. Good morning.
A: Hold the line, please.

Conversation 2
A: Ill give him your message as soon as he comes out of the meeting.
B Stella Johns.
A: Spricksmiths. Good afternoon.
A: Does he have your number?
B: Yes, could you ask him to call me back?
A: Whos calling, please?
A: Could you spell Johns for me, please?
B: Certainly. Thats J-O-H-N-S.
B: I think so. Ill give it to you just in case. Its 0356893211, extension 244.
B: Could I speak to Simon Brampton, please?
B: Thank you.
A: Im afraid hes in a meeting at the moment. Can I take a message?

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Unit 5

Conversation 3
B: Ill put you down for 2 oclock then. Phone me back if theres any change?
B: Simon. Hi. Im fine. Everything OK down your way?
B: OK. Let me just get the diary on screen when were you thinking of?
B: No, Im afraid not. Shes tied up all day with meetings. What about Wednesday?
A: Is that Stella?
A: I will. I look forward to seeing you on Wednesday. Thanks Stella. Bye
A: Im going to Paris next week and I need to see her before that. Is she free tomorrow?
B: OK. Talk to you soon. Bye.
B: Speaking.
A: Wednesdays fine by me. Im free anytime after 2 oclock.
A: Hello Stella. How are you? Its Simon here.
A: Yes, fine. Listen, Im calling to make an appointment with your boss.

Vocabulary 3 Money
On a dj vu quelques chiffres dans lunit 3. Quand on parle de largent on nnonce pas les
chiffres individuellement.
7520 seven thousand, five hundred and twenty euros.

O Noublier pas and devant les chiffres infrieurs 100 dans les tranches de 100.
Voir aussi : Info File 3 dans votre fascicule Lexique, transcriptions et informations.
La virgule (comma) et le point dcimal (decimal point) sont inverss entre le franais et langlais.
450,000,000 four hundred and fifty million
2,500,209 two million, five hundred thousand, two hundred and nine
12.3 twelve point three
64.64 sixty four point six four / six four point six four
Tous les chiffres aprs le point dcimal sont noncs individuellement, sauf quand on parle
O dargent,
ex :


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sixty four euros sixty four / sixty four euros and sixty four centimes.

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En lisant la transcription du Listening 2 coutez le reprsentant parler dargent.

Il y a aussi beaucoup de vocabulaire en rapport direct avec largent.

Activity 19
In the sentences below replace the euro sign with a word from the box.
Dans les phrases ci-dessous remplacez le signe euro par un des mots suivants.
loss - capital - commission - tip - profit - dividends - bonus - fees - overtime - perks
1) Profits were so good that each employee received a of 500 .
2) My basic salary is not very good but I receive a 10% on each sale.
3) When I work on a public holiday I am paid .
4) The restaurant service was so good that we left a large .
5) The company shareholders complained that the were not high enough.
6) Some computer consultants charge very high for their work.
7) As well as a good salary, I receive good like a company car, for example.
8) Before the merger with Flucksons, we need to increase our by 10 %.
9) We made a this year so there wont be any performance related bonuses.
10) If we continue selling so well, well make a huge this year.

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Unit 5

Section 6

Pour les activits dans cette section vous devez vous enregistrez soit sur cassette (standard ou dictaphone)
soit par moyen informatique (ordinateur, baladeur MP3 ou autre). Vous pouvez ensuite rcouter votre
production, la comparer aux modles donns sil y en a. Vous vous habituerez ainsi, petit petit, vous
entendre parler anglais.

Activity 20
Making future arrangements
Before doing this Activity read through the Vocabulary Section on telephone language.
(Referring back to Unit 2, Speaking Activity 26, may also help you with this speaking
Avant de faire cet exercice relisez la partie vocabulaire telephone language. (Le Speaking
activity 26 dans lunit 2 peut aussi tre utile.)
You are going to telephone Brian Peacock and make an appointment to see him. (Invent a reason.) Below is a copy of your diary for the week. Read it carefully before making your telephone
Vous allez tlphoner Brian Peacock pour prendre un rendez-vous afin de le rencontrer (inventez
une raison). Ci-dessous une copie de votre agenda de la semaine. Lisez-le attentivement avant de
passer votre coup de fil.

Monday 14/07
9.00 dental
2.00 Mr Black
4.00 Ms Rohr

Tuesday 15/07

Wednesday 16/07

Thursday 17/07

Friday 18/07

lunch with Charlie

if poss. keep morning free
to prepare for tomorrow
4.00 flight to Stockholm

all day presentation
in Stockholm
all day presentation
in Stockholm

10.00 arrive back
from Stockholm
3.00 bank manager

5.00 departmental

Some expressions to help you

Quelques expressions pour vous aider

Im not free on / at
Im available at / on
Im afraid I cant make it on / at
I have to be back in the office at
What about ? / How about ?
Would suit you?
Would be convenient?


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Id like to speak to
Id like to make an appointment to talk
Ill look forward to seeing you on
Yes, will be fine.
Im sorry, but Im away in/at
would suit me fine.
I look forward to meeting you.

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Conversation plan

Brian Peacock

Ask to speak to BP.

He answers the phone.

Say hello. Explain your reason for calling.

(Invent a reason for the appointment)

He agrees. He suggests a time and date.

Explain why it is not possible. Suggest Tuesday 2 p.m..

He cant. He suggests another date.

Agree. Suggest a time.

He cant and suggests another time.

Agree. Confirm and say goodbye.

He confirms and says goodbye.

Activity 21
Changing plans
A problem has arisen and you need to change the arrangements you made in Activity 20.
Make a telephone call apologising and requesting another time and date. Make a note
of useful expressions. Invent a reason for the change of plan. Listen to Brians side of the
conversation before recording yourself.
Un problme est survenu et il est ncessaire de changer le rendez-vous pris en activity 20.
Passez un coup de fil pour vous excusez et demandez une autre date et un autre horaire. Notez
les expressions utiles. Inventez une raison pour le changement de rendez-vous. coutez les paroles
de Brian avant de vous enregistrez.

Activity 22
Social English
We use certain words and expressions called social responses to show someone that we
are listening and interested in what they are saying. Naturally, there are a lot of these
expressions. Although understanding them all is very useful, for practical reasons it is a
good idea to adopt just one or two of them to use in each of the following situations.
On emploi certains mots et expressions appels social responses afin de montrer
quelquun que lon coute et quon est intress par ses paroles. Naturellement, il en existe
beaucoup. Bien quil soit utile de toutes les comprendre, pour des raisons pratiques je vous
conseille den adopter une ou deux utiliser dans chacune des situations suivantes.

To show surprise:
Pour montrer la surprise :
What a surprise!
Thats terrific!
Great! Fantastic!
Is that so?
Great news!
Good idea!

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To show sympathy:
Pour montrer la compassion :
What a pity
What a shame.
How/Thats awful.
Thats terrible.
Bad luck.
Dont worry.
Never mind.
Oh dear. I am sorry.

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Unit 5

We can also show that we are listening to someone by using reply questions. These are not real
questions and follow a specific rule. The verb in the reply corresponds to the auxiliary used to
make a question.
On peut aussi montrer quon coute quelquun en employant des reply questions. Ce ne sont
pas de vraies questions et elles suivent une rgle spcifique : le verbe dans la rponse correspond
lauxiliaire que lon emploierait pour faire une question.
Reply question
Im going to Jamaica on Friday.
We won the contract!
Samantha has got a new job.
The bank is asking for more money.

Are you?
Did you?
Has she?
Is it?

Another way to show interest when listening to someone is to repeat the subject or the end of
the sentence.
Une autre faon de montrer de lintrt pour les dires de quelquun est de rpter le sujet ou la
fin de la phrase.
Im going to Jamaica on Friday.
Jamaica? / On Friday?
Samantha has got a new job?
Samantha? / A new job?
The bank is asking for more money.
The bank / More money?
Listen to the situations on the recording and make suitable responses to show your interest,
surprise or to express sympathy. Make sure you vary the type of responses you give. Use more
than one of the expressions above each time. For example:
coutez les situations suivantes sur votre Cd et faites les rponses qui conviennent pour montrer
votre intrt, surprise ou compassion. Variez vos rponses. Utilisez plus dune expression ci-dessus
chaque fois que vous parlez. Par exemple :
Im going to Jamaica on Friday.
Jamaica? Thats terrific!
We won the contract!
Did you? Wonderful!
The bank is asking for more money.
The bank? Oh dear.


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Section 7


Activity 23
Writing a letter
There are rules to follow when writing a letter. These rules are changing with the evolution of
e-mails but they can still be useful in the case of a formal letter to apply for a job or to make a
complaint, for example. In formal letters we do not contract: Im = I am.
Il y a des rgles pour crire une lettre en anglais. Ces rgles changent avec lvolution des
courriers lectroniques, mais restent encore utiles dans le cas de lettres formelles, pour postuler
pour un travail ou faire une rclamation, par exemple. Dans ce genre de lettres on ne fait pas de
contraction : Im = I am.

Useful phrases
Dear Sir or Madam
Dear Mr / Ms Princetown
Dear Susan / Duncan

Yours faithfully
Yours sincerely
Best / Kind Regards

With reference to .
I am writing to inform / to request / in reply to / to confirm

Main body
Please find enclosed
I enclose
I would like to
Could you / Would you
I would like to add that

Future reference and closing

I look forward to receiving / hearing / meeting
Please do not hesitate to
I am available for

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Unit 5

Web Editors Assistant

Come and join our dynamic web and marketing team and play an important role
in the development of our new website to promote the company and its products.
You need good writing and some editing skills with some experience of website
We offer a good starting salary and great career opportunities.
To apply, please send your CV and covering letter to the Recruitment Ofcer:
Flucksons Ltd
Buywell Industrial Centre
Welwyn Garden City

The following letter has been written in reply to the above advertisement. If sent, this application
will receive a negative reply. The language is informal and the person does not respect the rules
for writing a formal letter. Rewrite the letter. Do not forget to make separate paragraphs. Do not
hesitate to invent any details you think may help Claire receive a positive reply.
La lettre qui suit est une rponse faite lannonce ci-dessus. Si elle est poste, la candidate recevra
une rponse ngative. Le langage est trop familier et la personne ne respecte pas les rgles dune
lettre formelle. Modifiez cette lettre. Noubliez pas de faire des paragraphes spars. Nhsitez
pas inventer tout dtail qui puisse aider Claire recevoir une rponse positive.

Im Claire and I saw the ad in the newspaper about the job. Id like to do it. It looks
interesting. But I want more info. You know, how much do you pay, company
car, etc?
Ive put my CV in with the letter so you can look at it. I dont have much
experience but Im a quick learner.
Let me know asap when I can come for an interview. Im free all the time.
Write soon


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Activity 24
Before starting the translation go back and read the notes on translating in Unit 2, Listening 1.
Avant de commencer cette traduction, relisez les notes sur la traduction dans lunit 2,
Listening 1.

Maintenance agreement
We offer two different types of maintenance contracts. Please make your choice and send us the
completed form as soon as the equipment is installed.
All contracts run for a period of one year and cannot be cancelled before the termination of the
first year. After this initial year the contract can be cancelled at any time by letter. The agreement
is cancelled deux months after receipt of the cancellation letter.

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Unit 5

Option 1
7 days / 24 hours support with a guaranteed response time of 4 hours. The price includes parts,
labour and travel costs. If on-site repair is not possible, replacement equipment will be provided
for the duration of the repairs.

Option 2
5 days / 8 hours support with a guaranteed response time of 8 hours. The terms of the guarantee
are the same as for Option 1.
Our engineers make an appointment to come at a time that is convenient to you. Consequently,
you do not have to stay in the office all morning or all afternoon.
All our contracts include specially reduced rates for your staff training needs.
We, the suppliers, reserve the right to stop all maintenance and support in the event of software
modification by the customer.


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Section 8


Activity 25
The words in the box below are all in unit 5. Put them in the sentences below to replace the
words in bold. Do not change the word in the box. Dont hesitate to refer back to the reading
and listening texts to see how these words are used.
Les mots ci-dessous sont tous dans lunit 5. Mettez les dans les phrases pour remplacer les mots
en gras. Ne changez pas le mot donn. Nhsitez pas vous rfrer aux textes de Reading et
Listening pour comprendre lemploi de ces mots.
agree with - putting you through - great - utmost - founder - knowledge - hand over - cutting back - century
outsourcing - these days support - purchasing - green light - rely on - suitable - removal - allows enormous
1) They dont want to depend on . other companies.
2) It is of the highest importance that we change the laptops soon.
3) The extraction . of the faulty software took a long time.
4) We are reducing .. our sales force.
5) Nowadays .. people often change companies.
6) The updates arrive every seven days ............. .
7) When he finds something convenient .. hell call us.
8) Congratulations. That was a very good . presentation.
9) We would like to thank the creator . of Flucksons.
10) The contract permits . us a great deal of flexibility.
11) He is responsible for buying . in the company.
12) It was invented a hundred years . ago.
13) The costs were so huge , we had to stop production.
14) The bank has finally given us the go ahead . for investment.
15) Jambabies are sub-contracting . their maintenance contracts.
16) If there are any problems ask for technical help . .
17) Hold the line, please. Im passing you on .. to the manager.
18) I think the same as .. Mike.
19) Their comprehension . of our needs is vital.
20) Florian finds it difficult to give up . decision making to others.

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Unit 5

Activity 26
Complete the dialogue with the correct future forms.
Compltez le dialogue avec lexpression du futur qui convient.
D: Is this the first time youve been here?
A: No. I come here about once a month. Its my favourite restaurant. Anyway, what are you
D: I dont know. I think I . (have) a steak.
A: Thats not very exciting. Why dont you try the goulash. I think you (love)
D: OK. What about you?
A: Oh, I know already. Im .. . (have) the paprika chicken. Its wonderful.
Heres the waiter for our order.
Hello, Emerson. How are you?
E: Hi, Annie. Im fine, thank you. .. you .. (have) the paprika chicken as usual?
A: Naturally!
E: I can recommend todays special if you feel like a change.
A: Alright. I (try) it.
D: Hello. I (have) the goulash, please.
E: Right. you (have) anything to drink?
A: No. We have to get back to work. We .. (have) some mineral water, please.
D: So, Annie. You invited me here to tell me something important. What is it?
A: I had the news yesterday. Im (have) a baby. Isnt that great?
D: Oh no!

Activity 27
Translate the following telephone conversation into English.
Traduisez la conversation tlphonique suivante en anglais.
A : Je voudrais parler avec Mr Sims, sil vous plat.
B : Un moment, sil vous plat Je vous le passe.
C : Poste 85. Omar lappareil.
A: Mr Sims ?
C : Dsol, il est occup ce matin. Puis-je prendre un message?
A : Pourriez-vous lui demander de me rappeler ?


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C : Bien sr. Est-ce quil a votre numro ?

A : Oui. Mais au cas ou, cest 222487900691.

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Software and sales

Cette dernire unit vous prsentera du vocabulaire li aux trois thmes suivants : les logiciels libres de
droit, la technologie bluetooth et le e-commerce. Ce vocabulaire vous sera prsent par le biais de
documents de comprhension de loral et de lcrit.
Pour finir cette premire anne, nous allons voir plusieurs formes conditionnelles ainsi que limpratif. Nous
finirons notre rvision grammaticale en voyant comment exprimer la notion de capacit faire quelque
loral vous allez vous entraner donner des instructions pour complter une tche et demander des
conseils quelquun. lcrit, vous allez rdiger une lettre ou un courriel de rclamation et en guise de
conclusion pour votre premire anne de BTS en anglais, une troisime et dernire traduction.

Section 1: preview .........................................160

Section 6: speaking ........................................183

Vocabulary: matching denitions.

Grammar: Conditionals and imperatives
Activities 1 to 3

Giving instructions: Installing new software / new

system / network.
Asking for advice.
Social English.

Section 2: reading ..........................................162

Activities 21 to 23

Adaptable Software: OSS.

Connectivity: Bluetooth.
Activities 4 to 7

Section 7: writing...........................................186

Section 3: listening ........................................168

Activities 24 & 25

Buying and selling.

Database marketing.
Activities 8 to 12

Section 8: Checklist ........................................187

Section 4: language focus .............................172

Activities 26 to 28

Letter / e-mail: making a complaint.

Translation: newspaper article.


Activities 13 to 16

Section 5: Vocabulary ....................................178

Vocabulary exercises: reading and listening texts.
Business related phrasal verbs and expressions.
Activities 17 to 20

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Unit 6

Section 1

Before starting the unit, try this pre-test to help you with the vocabulary you will see
in the reading and listening texts, and then test your grammar.

Activity 1
Choose the correct definitions
r fortunes
r elements

r small radius
r small rest

r earphones
r hairstyles

r random jumping
r street dance

r firewall
r motivation

r general expenses
r governing bodies

r presume
r predict

r sale
r shop

r without problem
r without pleasure

r going very badly
r going very well

r show
r information

r financial
r purchasing

r exact
r external

r sizes
r examples


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Software and sales

Try this grammar test to see what you know or dont know.

Activity 2
The sentences below are all in the conditional. Choose the correct form of the conditional.
Les phrases ci-dessous sont toutes au conditionnel. Mettez les verbes la bonne forme.
a) If water (reach) .. 100, it (boil) ..
b) If it (be) .. still sunny tomorrow, we (go) .. for a picnic.
c) If people (be) .. more polite, life (be) .. much more pleasant.
d) If I (have) .. more information when I started the company, I (lose) ..
so much money.
e) They (need) .. a lot of advice if they (want) .. to start up on their own
next year.
f) If my husband (be) .. afraid of flying, we (go) .. abroad more.
g) Im too busy. I (like) .. to analyse our customer needs if I (have) .. more
h) You (see) .. the sea if you (go) .. to the coast.
i) When my computer (down) .. I (call) .. Tony.
j) Im leaving now. As soon as I (arrive) .. I (phone) .. you.

Activity 3
Make the following sentences imperative.
Mettez les phrases suivantes limpratif.
a) You should go and see a manager about that problem.
b) When the cycle is finished, could you switch off the machine?
c) You need to turn left and you drive straight on for 500m.
d) You should walk to work, youll find it cheaper.

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Unit 6

Section 2


Read the following text

Document 1

Adaptable software: OSS

The term Open Source was coined in 1998 to help

explain, in a business-friendly way, the technical and
economic benets of sharing, rather than restricting,
the availability of computer source code. A developer's
talents, abilities, and education determine what he or
she can do with software. The size and connectedness
of a developer community determines what they can do
when they all work together. A software company can
hire talented developers and get them to work together,
but when those developers are prohibited from sharing
outside their closed community, their potential, and
the software they create, is very limited. By contrast, a
software license that permits developers the freedom to
work on any software, any time, with anybody, creates
a far greater potential - given that there are many more
developers outside any given company than there are
working inside any company.
The basic idea behind open source is very simple:
When programmers can read, redistribute, and modify
the source code for a piece of software, the software
evolves. People improve it, people adapt it, people x
bugs. And this can happen at a speed that, if one is used
to the slow pace of conventional software development,
seems astonishing.
We in the open source community have learned that
this rapid evolutionary process produces better software
than the traditional closed model, in which only a very
few programmers can see the source and everybody else
must blindly use an opaque block of bits.
One well-known software company says that it's a
major advantage to have open-source code.
As a lot of security problems derive from the core, a
greater number of people keeping an eye on source code

lead to better software security. Another company, who

changed to open source software, reduced its IT costs by
over 30% and increased the processing capacity of its
web site by almost a third.
The Open Source Initiative (OSI) is a non-prot
corporation dedicated to managing and promoting
the Open Source Denition for the good of the
community, specically through the OSI Certied Open
Source Software certication mark and program. You
can read about successful sofwre products sthat have
these properties, and about our certication mark and
program, which allow you to be condent that software
really is "Open Source." We also make copies of approved
open source licenses. The Open Source Initiative exists
to make this case to the commercial world.
"Open Source isn't limited to individuals and the
hacker community anymore. Organisations of all sizes,
state, local and national governments are embracing
free and open source software and are adopting it
in record numbers. Stresses on the Open Source
community, including big corporate involvement and
the expectations of a growing user community are
challenges OSI can help with", said Russ Nelson, from
the OSI Board of Directors. "We'll be offering initiatives
aimed at meeting the needs of what has become a
serious and professional software ecosystem."
Open source software is an idea whose time has
nally come. For twenty years it has been building
momentum in the technical cultures that built the
Internet and the World Wide Web. Now it's breaking
out into the commercial world, and that's changing all
the rules. Are you ready?

Many thanks to the Open Source Initiative for this information. www.opensource.org


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Activity 4
The sentences below are all taken from the text. Circle the synonym which best corresponds to
the words in bold. This activity will help you complete Activity 5.
Les phrases ci-dessous sont toutes extraites du texte. Encerclez le synonyme qui correspond le
mieux aux mots en gras. Cet exercice vous aidera faire l'activite 5.
1) The term Open Source was coined in 1998 to help explain, in a business-friendly way, the
technical and economic benefits of sharing, rather than restricting, the availability of computer
source code.
delivering - distributing - restraining - releasing - shopping - catching
2) By contrast, a software license that permits developers the freedom to work on any software,
any time, with anybody, creates a far greater potential depends - relies - allows - restriction - liberty - ban
3) When programmers can read, redistribute, and modify the source code for a piece of software,
the software evolves.
improves - contrast - change - imitate - reduces - increases
4) And this can happen at a speed that, if one is used to the slow pace of conventional software
development, seems astonishing.
fast - community - building - surprising - recording - rate
5) As a lot of security problems derive from the core, a greater number of people keeping an eye
on source code lead to better software security.
company - protection - source - software - serious - community
6) The Open Source Initiative (OSI) is a non-profit corporation dedicated to managing and
promoting the Open Source Definition for the good of the community, specifically through the
OSI Certified Open Source Software certification mark and program.
succeeding - regulating - selling - downloading - supporting - buying
7) We'll be offering initiatives aimed at meeting the needs of what has become a serious and
professional software ecosystem.
biology - program - targeted - pushed - fired - community

8) Now it's breaking out into the commercial world, and that's changing all the rules.
exploding - business - shocking - composing - crime - talented

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Unit 6

Activity 5
Make a summary of the text in English. Your summary should correspond to no more than half
of the original text. That is, 250 words or less.
Read through the text several times until satisfied you know it well. Make notes of the main
ideas in each paragraph. Then, in your own words, write your summary. Remember that the 250
words mentioned above are an absolute maximum and the shorter you make your summary the
better. Try to limit your summary to 2 or 3 sentences per paragraph, depending on the length of
each paragraph. The lines below are separated into paragraphs.
Faites un rsum du texte en anglais. Votre rsum ne devrait pas faire plus de la moiti du texte
original. Cest--dire, 250 mots ou moins.
Lisez plusieurs fois le texte jusqu ce que vous le connaissiez bien. Prenez des notes sur l(es)
ide(s) principale(s) de chaque paragraphe. Puis, avec vos propres mots, crivez votre rsum.
Souvenez vous que les 250 mots mentionns ci-dessus sont un maximum absolu et le plus court
est le mieux. Essayez de vous limiter 2 ou 3 phrases par paragraphe, selon la longueur du
paragraphe. Les lignes ci-dessous sont spares en paragraphes.
Your summary:


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Document 2

Connectivity: bluetooth

Why the name Bluetooth? Bluetooth technology is

named after a king of Denmark from the 900s. This
king was responsible for uniting Denmark and a part
of Norway into one kingdom. This technology is also
known as IEEE 802.15.1.
Where does Bluetooth come from? In 1994 a team of
researchers started a feasibility study to discover how to
eliminate cables between devices using short-range low
power wireless connectivity. This idea and the ensuing
research saw the development of Bluetooth technology.
What is Bluetooth? It is short-range radio technology
which allows different devices to talk to each other and
can connect up to eight devices at any one time. These
devices can communicate with each other when in range.
It has a limited range of approximately 10 metres.
How does Bluetooth work? It transmits via low-power
radio waves and communicates on a frequency band
that is set aside by international agreement for the use
of industrial, scientic and medical devices (ISM). In
order to avoid interfering with other protocols which
use the same band, the Bluetooth protocol divides the
band into 79 channels and changes these channels up to
1600 times per second. This technique is called spreadspectrum frequency hopping. The various Bluetooth
devices hop frequencies in unison so as to stay in contact
with each other. In this way the connected devices form
an automatic network called a piconet. A piconet (pico
meaning very small + net meaning network) is formed
during the time of connection with one of the devices
acting as the master and the others acting as slaves. The
signals sent out are so weak that interference with a
system outside the piconet is very rare.
What is Bluetooth used for? It is found in a variety of
products including phones, headsets, modems, printers,
PDAs, keyboards, mice, and many others. It can be used
for transferring les and presentations from PDAs to
computers for example. It is commonly found in mobile
phones, being used to create the link between the phone
and the headset or for transferring data from a phone
to a computer. Bluetooth is used to avoid the problems

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that infrared systems have. (Infrared must be in line of

sight and is a one-to-one connection only).
What are the advantages of Bluetooth? It is relatively
cheap, automatic and wireless. Power consumption is
low and it does not require expensive hardware. This
means devices connect to each other in real peer-to-peer
fashion. Bluetooth replaces cables in a wide variety of
applications unlike Wi- connections. Because devices
use a radio communications system they do not have to
be in line of sight with each other making it useful for
communicating with devices in other rooms. Bluetooth
uses the SAFER + algorithm for authentication and
passkey creation enabling the user to establish trusted
pairs of devices. A device that wants to communicate
only with a trusted device can authenticate the identity
of the other device. Trusted devices may also encrypt
the data that they exchange over the air making
eavesdropping on Bluetooth-enabled devices difcult.
What are the disadvantages of Bluetooth? Its range
is limited to about 10 metres and it is therefore not
suitable for networks that need to be accessed from
remote locations. Certain devices (some printers
for example) allow any device to use their services
by default. Bluebugging is a potential threat where
hackers can remotely access a user's phone and use it
to make calls and send text messages, without the users
knowledge. Software also exists called the Car Whisperer
which allows hackers to send and receive sound via a
Bluetooth-enabled car stereo. Thieves have been known
to use Bluetooth-enabled phones to track mobile
networking connections left in cars, such as laptops.
Where is Bluetooth heading? The next version of
Bluetooth will include increased security features. For
example, atomic encryption change will mean that
passkeys can be changed periodically. Looking further
ahead, Bluetooth plan to adopt ultra-wideband radio
technology, enabling very fast data transfers. This could
see the development of software radios. New versions
will enable high quality video and audio to be used for
portable devices, television sets and in wireless VOIP


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Unit 6

Activity 6
In the following activity there is one word in each line which does not have the same meaning
as the other 3. Underline the odd one out. At least one of the words on each line is in Reading
document 2.
Dans lactivit suivante, un mot de chaque ligne na pas le mme sens que les 3 autres. Soulignez
lintrus. Au moins un mot de chaque ligne se trouve dans le Reading document 2.












































Activity 7
Find the sentences from the text which mean the same as the sentences below.
Trouvez les phrases dans le texte qui ont la mme signification que les phrases ci-dessous.
1) This man succeeded in bringing together 2 areas to create a nation.
2) If some pieces of equipment are within a certain distance from each other they are able to
3) The different pieces of Bluetooth equipment remain connected by moving very quickly from
channel to channel.


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4) It doesnt use much electricity and it is not necessary to have machines that cost a lot of
5) A piece of equipment that wants to connect just to another piece of recognised equipment can
check that it is the right one.
6) It doesnt work at a great distance and is consequently not good for groups of devices which
are very far away from each other.
7) In the future, Bluetooths project is to use super bandwidths which will make the exchange of
information extremely rapid.

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Unit 6

Section 3



Buying and selling

22, 23, 24

Listen to the 3 conversations below: A, B and C. The 3 conversations are related. I suggest you
listen to all 3, before attempting to do the activities for each conversation.
coutez les 3 conversations ci-dessous : A, B et C. Les 3 conversations sont en rapport les unes avec
les autres. Je suggre que vous coutiez les 3 conversations la suite, avant dessayer de faire les
activits pour chaque conversation.

Activity 8
Conversation A


Fill in the blanks in conversation A.

Remplissez les trous dans la conversation A.

A: Im . in buying the . ones, but find the shipping costs from

the US too .
B: Why dont you try going onto Ebay and bidding in an . for them? That way,
youll have a lot more . of where to get them from. Youll probably find the
same ones at a . .. .
A: Yes, but Im a bit about using the auctioning system.
B: You dont need to be. There are a lot of . .. to make people feel
. about using credit cards and the like. You can use Paypal for the transaction.
The customers payment information is securely routed through a network of processors and
. . .
A: Sounds OK. Maybe Ill try it.

Activity 9
Conversation B


Answer the comprehension questions for conversation B.

Rpondez aux questions de comprhension pour la conversation B.

1) Where can you find information to start up a business?

2) What do you need to start up a business?

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3) What does the e-mail invoice incorporate?

4) George says the Paypal secure website is and . .
5) How much does it cost to set up the Paypal payment system?

Activity 10
Conversation C


Answer the comprehension questions for conversation C.

Rpondez aux questions de comprhension pour la conversation C.

1) How long has she been buying and selling over the internet?
2) What does she say are very low?
3) What is eBays fee?
4) She says her sales have increased and now she is eligible for the . ...
5) What does she appreciate that is kept to a minimum?
6) What is one of the reasons she chose to sell via eBay?
7) She says eBay is the .. .. in the world.
8) What does her friend call it?

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Unit 6


Database marketing


Activity 11
Listen to the conversation between Brenda and George and answer the following general
comprehension questions.
coutez la conversation entre Brenda et George et rpondez aux questions de comprhension
gnrale suivantes.
1) What does George say is very time consuming?
2) What does George suggest to attract people to the website?
3) What criteria does Brenda use in her existing customer database?
4) George suggests buying databases from 2 places. What are they?
5) What does George say is essential?
6) Brenda says she has been working on a marketing plan. What three things has she written in it?
7) George gives Brenda three reasons why it is important to analyse the databases. What are they?

Activity 12
These mixed up sentences have been taken from the listening 2. Put the words into the correct
order to make complete sentences. The words within the slashes are in the correct order. Be
careful not to forget the prepositions, articles, pronouns, etc.
Ces phrases extraites du texte Listening 2 sont mlanges. Mettez les mots dans le bon ordre.

O Noubliez pas les prpositions, articles, pronoms, etc.

1) for a / Ive got / new product / a great idea
2) I need / of / to complete / But first / the survey / to my website / getting them / and then / to
attract people / find a way

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3) future purchases / you could / free samples /a discount / for example /offer / or / on
4) databases / can / buy / you / or / customer lists / organisations / from / other
5) If / youll / you / that / competition / do / know more / your / about
6) the / you / marketing plan / youve got / But once / make up /need to / a / right database
7) the / looked / enough / I / at / Well / youve / think / competition /dont
8) response time / for the / the / using / mean / should have / internet / survey / will / that / also /
you / fast / a
9) some / I / help / Im / of / be / glad / could

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Unit 6

Section 4

Language focus

Language focus 1 Conditionals

Il y a quatre principales formes de conditionnel. Toutes les phrases conditionnelles ont deux
parties. Deux temps diffrents sont utiliss pour chaque forme de conditionnel. Une partie de la
phrase dcrit la condition et lautre la consquence. La condition commence trs souvent par if.
Quand une phrase commence par if (la condition), il y a normalement une virgule entre les deux
parties de la phrase.

Zero Conditional
Zro Conditionnel : il est utilis pour parler de quelque chose qui est toujours vrai.
If water reaches 100, it boils.

" (consquence)
Si leau atteint 100, elle bout.

If Im late for work, I lose money.


" (consquence)
Si je suis en retard pour le travail, je perds de largent.

I lose money if Im late for work.


" (condition)
Je perds de largent si je suis en retard pour le travail.

Le prsent simple est utilis dans les deux parties de la phrase. Dans ce cas if peut tre remplac
par when.

1st Conditional
1er conditionnel : il est utilis pour parler de quelque chose qui est une relle possibilit.
If I see a good laptop, Ill buy it.

" (consquence)

Si je vois un bon ordinateur portable, je lachterai.

If I find the file, Ill send it to you.

" (consquence)

Si je trouve le fichier, je vous lenverrai.

If you pay for it in cash, they will give you a discount.
Si vous le rglez en espces, ils vous feront une remise.
They will give you a discount if you pay for it in cash.

" (condition)

Ils vous feront une remise si vous le rglez en espces.

Le prsent simple est utilis pour exprimer la condition if, et will est utilise pour exprimer la

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2nd Conditional
2e Conditionnel: il est utilise pour parler des situations imaginaires ou de quelque chose qui est
If I were the Managing Director, Id give everybody a pay rise.

" (consquence)
Si jtais le PDG, je donnerais une augmentation tout le monde.

If I had more money, Id buy a new computer.

Si javais plus dargent, jachterais un nouvel ordinateur.
Id buy a new computer if I had more money.

" (condition)
Jachterais un nouvel ordinateur si javais plus dargent.

Le prtrit est utilise pour exprimer la condition if, et would est utilis pour exprimer la
Les phrases conditionnelles 1re et 2e font rfrence au prsent et au futur. La diffrence entre les
deux est la probabilit et non la notion de temps.
Regardez la diffrence entre les deux phrases suivantes :
If I see a good laptop, Ill buy it.
La personne qui parle va probablement aller faire des courses la recherche dun
ordinateur portable, donc la situation est possible.
If I had more money, Id buy a new computer
La personne qui parle na probablement pas beaucoup dargent, donc la situation
est improbable ou un rve.
Les deux phrases font rfrence au prsent et au futur.

O Si lon emploi I aprs if, on utilise gnralement were.

If I were rich, Id buy a big house by the sea.
Si jtais riche, jachterais une grande maison prs de la mer.

3rd Conditional
3e Conditionnel: il est utilis pour parler des situations imaginaires dans le pass.
If I hadnt been so nervous at the interview, I would have got the job.
(condition) " (consequence)
Si je navais pas t aussi nerveux lentretien, jaurais eu le travail.
If I had worked harder, I would have passed my exam.
Si javais travaill plus, jaurais russi mon examen.
I would have passed my exam if I had worked harder.
Le past perfect (had + participe pass) est utilis pour exprimer la condition if, et would have +
participe pass est utilis pour exprimer la consquence.
Le 3e conditionnel est utilis seulement pour parler du pass.

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Unit 6

Activity 13
Fill in the blanks in the following sentences.
Compltez les phrases suivantes.
1) If the order (arrive) .. today, we (deliver) .. it tomorrow.
2) She (telephone) .. you yesterday if she (know) .. the
3) Our standard company policy is that if/when you (buy) .. more than 25, you
automatically (receive) .. a discount.
4) If I (win) .. the lottery, I (travel) .. around the world.
5) The meeting shouldnt be too long. If the meeting (finish) .. before 6 p.m.,
I (have) .. time to go shopping.
6) I dont go to that shop because the service is too long. If they (have) .. more
staff, the service (be) .. better.
7) Companies (get) .. more customers if/when they (have) .. a good
8) If he (arrive) .. late for work again, I (speak) .. to him.
9) That seems to be decided. If you all (agree.., we (move) .. on to the
next item on the agenda.
10) Im sorry Im late. If there (be) .. so much traffic, I (be) ..
here earlier. Attention

Language focus 2 Ability

can, could et to be able to sont utiliss pour exprimer la capacit faire quelque chose.
can et to be able to sont utiliss pour parler du prsent ou pour exprimer une capacit faire
quelque chose.
I can drive a motorbike.
Je sais conduire une moto.
We can post your order today.
Nous pouvons vous poster votre commande aujourdhui.
They are able to repair the machines.
Ils peuvent rparer les machines.
can est seulement employ au futur quand on prend une dcision. Dans dautres situations on
emploi will be able to pour exprimer la capacit faire quelque chose.
I am free tomorrow. I can see you at 10.
Je suis libre demain. Je pourrai vous voir 10 heures.
Next year Ill be able to speak English. (I will be able to)
Lanne prochaine je serai capable de parler anglais.
We will be able to work more efficiently when the new equipment arrives.
Nous pourrons travailler plus efficacement quand le nouveau matriel arrivera.

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On nemploit pas can au pass. Could et was / were able to sont utiliss pour exprimer la capacit
gnrale dans le pass.
I could drive a motorbike when I was nine.
Je savais conduire une moto quand javais neuf ans.
She could / was able to speak four languages when she was a child.
Elle savait parler quatre langues quand elle tait enfant.
On nemploit pas could pour parler dune capacit faire une action spcifique dans le pass, sauf
la forme ngative. Dans ce cas, on utilise was / were able to ou managed to.
The paper was stuck in the machine, but I was able to / managed to get it out.
Le papier tait coinc dans la machine, mais jai russi le sortir.
(Could nest pas possible ici.)
There was a problem with the car, but they were able to / managed to drive it to a
Il y avait un problme avec la voiture, mais ils ont pu la conduire jusquau garage.
The exam last week was so difficult that I couldnt / wasnt able to / didnt manage to do
Lexamen de la semaine dernire tait si difficile que je ne pouvais /narrivais pas
le faire.

Activity 14
Complete the following sentences.
Compltez les phrases suivantes.
1) When I lived in Berlin, I speak German really well.
2) I was late for the appointment but I phone and tell them.
3) I dont know how many employees lost their jobs, but I help some of
them find new ones.
4) He repair the telephone, so I bought a new one. (negative)
5) The manager says the delivery wait until next week.
6) One day in the future, we live on another planet.
7) Ben wanted to fly to Turkey, but he get a ticket.
8) I write the report tomorrow.
9) Were very busy this week, but we do the job next Friday.
10) After the accident, she work for 6 months. (negative)
11) The software is free so you save some money on next years budget.
12) Im not good at maths, but I do mental arithmetic easily.

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Unit 6

Language focus 3 Imperatives

Comme en franais on emploi limpratif pour donner des instructions et des directions. Il est
aussi utilis pour donner des ordres, faire des suggestions et pour encourager les gens.
La plupart du temps limpratif na pas de sujet. On nutilise pas you en donnant des directions
ou pour donner des instructions.
Go straight on and turn left at the traffic lights.
Allez tout droit et tournez gauche aux feux.
Unplug the machine before carrying out repairs.
Dbranchez la machine avant de faire des rparations.
Pour faire le ngatif, il faut mettre do not / dont avant le verbe.
Dont be late.

Ne soit/soyez pas en retard.

Do not touch.

Ne touche/touchez pas.

Dont worry.

Ne tinquite/vous inquitez pas.

Pour donner des instructions on peut employer always et never avant limpratif.
Always unplug the machine before doing repairs.
Dbranchez toujours la machine avant de faire des rparations.
Never touch the electric wires.
Ne touchez jamais les fils lectriques.
Limpratif la premire personne est lets, qui est souvent employ pour faire une suggestion.
La suggestion inclut linterlocuteur. Lets est suivi de la base verbale.
Lets go.
Lets go to the cinema.
Allons au cinma.
Lets finish work early today.
Je suggre quon termine plus tt le travail aujourdhui.
Le negative est Lets not.
Lets not make any more mistakes.
Ne faisons plus derreurs.
Lets not wait until its too late.
Nattendons pas que ce soit trop tard.


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Software and sales

Activity 15
Below are instructions for making documents into transparencies for overhead projectors. Put
them into the correct order.
Ci-dessous des instructions pour transformer des documents en transparents pour des
rtroprojecteurs. Mettez les dans le bon ordre.
Lower the lid carefully.
Place the overhead projector transparent into the paper feeder tray.
Press the button to start copying.
Press button to select the number of copies required.
Place the original document face down on to the glass.
Open or pull out the manual paper feeder tray.
Press the button to select manual paper feeder tray.
1) ..............................................................................................................................................................
2) ..............................................................................................................................................................
3) .............................................................................................................................................................
4) ..............................................................................................................................................................
5) ..............................................................................................................................................................
6) ..............................................................................................................................................................
7) .............................................................................................................................................................

Activity 16
Complete the following sentences.
Compltez les phrases suivantes.
1) . check the invoice before payment.
2) . put computer equipment next to a radiator.
3) . go for a swim.
4) . go the Chinese restaurant. I dont like it.
5) . the paper in the machine.
6) . tell the manager when you leave early.
7) . the machines off at night before leaving the building.
8) . meet on Friday.

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Unit 6

Section 5


Vocabulary 1
There are 3 different ways to make compound words:
1. two separate words ;
2. one hyphenated word or ;
3. two words put together to make one.
Il y a trois constructions de mots composs possibles :
1. deux mots spars ;
2. deux mots avec un trait dunion ;
3. deux mots rassembls pour nen faire quun.

Activity 17
The compound nouns and adjectives from the Reading and Listening texts have been mixed up.
Put them back in order.
Les noms et adjectifs composs des textes de Reading et Listening ont t mlangs. Remettez les
dans le bon ordre.

First part
market - short - business - low - head - television - key - pass - ultra - flea - spread - peer - over - red - feed

Second part
heads - sets - sets - power - spectrum - friendly - tape - back - place - boards - to peer-market - wideband
range - key


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Software and sales

Activity 18
The answers to the crossword below are all adjectives. Most of them come from the Reading and
Listening texts in Unit 6. A few, however, come from previous units. You should know all these
Les rponses du mot crois ci-dessous sont toutes des adjectifs. La plupart dentre eux viennent
des textes de Reading et Listening dans lUnit 6. Quelques uns viennent des units prcdentes.
Vous avez dj vu tous ces adjectifs.
There are:

17 adjectives
12 adjectives


















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Unit 6



1. working by itself (often used for machines)

1. extremely surprising

4. synonym for wide

2. synonym for financial

6. synonym for quick

3. if you work in manufacturing you are an .. worker

8. highly skilled

5. opposite of bad

10. the opposite of 6 across

6. opposite of busy/when you do not pay for something it is


11. unusual, infrequent

7. synonym for customary

12. something or someone in which you have confidence

9. opposite of first

13. to be alike

10. synonym for grave or important

15. synonym for very good

14. synonym for agreed or ratified/certified

17. opposite of light (weight)

16. opposite of bottom

18. opposite of uncertain

20. opposite of strong

19. opposite of old

22. synonym for general or habitual

21. opposite of private

23. opposite of big
24. opposite of imprecise
25. opposite of easy or soft
26. synonym for restricted

Vocabulary 2 Phrasal verbs and business expressions

Nous avons vu quelques phrasal verbs de base dans lUnit 4 (Vocabulary 2). Ici, nous voyons des
phrasal verbs souvent utiliss dans le contexte de travail.

to come up with: trouver (une ide, une rponse) ; faire (une suggestion)
to deal with: soccuper de (un problme, un client, un travail)
to get down to se mettre: (au travail)
to get in touch with: prendre contacte avec (une socit, une personne)
to get on with: sentendre avec (quelquun); se mettre (au travail)
to get rid of: se dbarrasser de (quelque chose, quelquun)
to keep to: ne pas se disperser (un plan, un ordre du jour)
to lay off: licencier (du personnel)
to put off: reporter (un rendez-vous, une runion)
to stand for: signifier; supporter (gnralement employ au ngatif)
to stand in for: remplacer provisoirement (quelquun)
to take off: partir/quitter (du travail, dune runion)
to take on: prendre en charge (un travail, quelquun)
to take over: prendre les reins de (un travail de quelquun, une socit)


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Software and sales

Activity 19
Use some of the phrasal verbs above to complete the following sentences. Be careful of the tense
Utilisez certains des phrasal verbs ci-dessus pour complter les phrases suivantes. Attention au
1) OK, everybody. Its time to start. Lets .. work.
2) She didnt say she was leaving. She just .. .
3) Could you .. me tomorrow? Ill be absent all day.
4) Weve decided to .. the old machines and buy new ones.
5) I cant .. any more work. Im overloaded already.
6) That was a brilliant suggestion you .. at the meeting today.
7) Im sorry, I know it was planned for today but nobodys in the office. Well have to
the presentation until next week.
8) Weve bought most of the shares and plan to .. the company soon.
9) The customer is waiting for someone to him. Can you send an e-mail?
Below are some business expressions often used in a work situation.
Ci-dessous des expressions souvent utilises dans le travail.

blue / white collar workers: les travailleurs manuels/de bureau
to conduct business: faon de diriger les affaires
to do business with someone: faire des affaires avec quelquun
to do someone a favour: rendre un service quelquun
dot.com companies: socits sur internet
economies of scale: conomies dchelle
equal opportunities: opportunits gales
to go on strike: faire la grve
to have a point: cest juste
industrial relations: relations patronat-syndicats
lets move on to: passons maintenant
to make a complaint: faire une rclamation
to make a deal: conclure une affaire
to make a mistake: faire une erreur
to make a point: faire une remarque
to make a profit/loss: faire des bnfices/des pertes
to make redundant: licenciement conomique
to make sense: tre logique
to make someone an offer: faire une offre quelquun

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Unit 6

point taken: je te/vous le concde ; daccord:

production targets: les objectifs de production
to run/ to head: diriger une socit, un service
safety procedures: protocoles de scurit
severance pay/package: indemnit de licenciement
thats not the point: l nest pas la question
the black economy: le travail au noir
whats the point?: quel est le but/objectif?

Activity 20
In the sentences below the words are mixed up. Put them back into the correct order.
Les mots sont mlangs dans les phrases ci-dessous. Remettez les dans le bon ordre.
1) profit / the / consecutive / made / a / this is / that / year / fourth / weve
2) they / so / industrial / were / that / decided / on / bad / strike / relations / to go
3) of / question / move / the / safety / lets / procedures / onto
4) scale / will / if / of / we / business / we / make / economies / conduct / differently
5) a favour / Charlie Smith / is / doing / my uncle / with / me / because / doing business / hes
6) procedures / review / we / our / collar / to / safety / for / workers / need / blue
7) makes sense / to / equal opportunities / it / have
8) severance / in / made / think / pay / mistake / I / youve / a / my


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Software and sales

Section 6

Activity 21
Giving instructions
You are going to pretend that you are giving instructions to someone on the telephone. First of
all, think about the subject. This can be how to install a new piece of software, how to set up a
network or any other procedure you can think of that involves a certain number of steps.
Vous allez faire semblant de donner des instructions quelquun au tlphone. Premirement,
pensez un sujet. Par exemple, comment installer un nouveau logiciel, comment mettre en place
un rseau ou toute autre procdure qui comprend un certain nombre dtapes.
Before starting look at Language Focus 3 in this unit. Prepare your instructions in the correct
order and insert appropriate linking words.
Avant de commencer regardez Language Focus 3 dans cette unit. Prparez vos instructions dans
le bon ordre et insrez les mots de liaison appropris.
First, ..
Secondly, ..
Then, ..
Next, ..
After that,
Finally, .

Activity 22
Asking for advice
Ask questions to get advice for the best way to follow this course. Think about what kind of
problems you have had either with this book; which parts you find the most difficult, or with
English in general. You should try to ask about 10 questions. You should start your questions
with How , What , Where , Why , Which , etc. Record yourself.
Posez des questions pour obtenir des conseils sur la meilleure faon de suivre cette formation
danglais. Rflchissez sur le genre de problme que vous avez eu soit avec ce cours (quelles
parties avez vous trouv les plus difficiles), soit avec la langue anglaise en gnral.
Vous devez essayez de poser une dizaine de questions. Commencez vos questions par How ,
What , Where Which , etc. Enregistrez-vous.

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Unit 6

Social english
Activity 23
Thanking and Saying Goodbye
At the end of a meeting, presentation, dinner, job, interview, etc. it is usual to say thank you
to the people you are with and make some reference to future meetings. The situation can be
formal or informal.
la fin dune runion, une prsentation, une dner, un travail, un entretien, etc. il est de coutume
de remercier les gens, dire au revoir et de faire rfrence aux rencontres futures. La situation peut
tre formelle ou informelle.
Look at how we say goodbye to you.
Regardez comment nous vous disons au revoir.

You are now at the end of this course and we would like to take this opportunity to
thank you for all the hard work you have put in. We look forward to meeting you again
next year. Goodbye.

Thanks a lot for everything. See you next year. Bye.
Make appropriate responses to the different situations using the sentences below. Use a
combination of the responses below. Record yourself.
Faites des rponses appropries aux diffrentes situations en employant des phrases ci-dessous.
Utilisez une combinaison des rponses ci-dessous. Enregistrez-vous.
Situation A: You need to leave a business meeting.
Situation B: You have just finished a business lunch with a customer.
Situation C: Youre at a party. Its very late and you must get up early the next day.
Situation D: Youre with a group of colleagues. You need to go and catch a train.
Situation E: Its the end of a conference you organised. People are leaving and thanking you.
Situation F: A friend invited you to lunch for your birthday. You must get back to the office.
Situation G: Its the end of a 2 day training course. You learnt a lot from it.
Situation H: A colleague thanks you for the advice you gave him.
Situation I: A friend drove you to the airport. You need to hurry or youll miss the plane.
Situation J: Youve spent 4 days in Ireland. The people you stayed with have come to say goodbye
to you at the airport. They are coming to see you next month.

Thanks a lot.
Thank you very much.
Thank you for a really interesting


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Thank you for inviting me

I had a great time.
It was really enjoyable.
I really appreciated the
It was lovely.

Responding to thanks
Im glad you enjoyed it.
Im glad you could come.
Im glad I could be of some help.
It was a pleasure.

Saying goodbye
Im afraid I have to get up very early in the morning. So, Id better go.
I really must be on my way. (give a reason)
I really must be going.
(give a reason)
I must be off now.
(give a reason)
I really must leave now.
(give a reason)
Goodbye. Bye.

Referring to the future

See you soon.
See you next
Looking forward to meeting you again.
I look forward to the next time.

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Unit 6

Section 7


Activity 24
Making a complaint
Write a letter (see Unit 5 Activity 23) or an e-mail (see Unit 4 Activity 22) to make a complaint.
Choose one of the following situations and invent the details:
crivez une lettre (voir lUnit 5 activit 23) ou un courrier lectronique (voir lUnit 4 activit
22) pour faire une rclamation. Choisissez une des situations suivantes et inventez les dtails :
A. You were very unhappy with the service and food at a restaurant you took 2 customers to last
B. You ordered some equipment from a company. The delivery was very late and some of the
equipment was damaged.
C. A supplier continually makes mistakes on the invoices it sends you for payment.

Activity 25
Translate the following newspaper article. Remember the advice for translating in Unit 3
Activity 29.
Traduisez larticle de journal suivant. Souvenez vous des conseils de traduction de lUnit 3
Activit 29.
Industrial relations at Flix and Sons are in rapid decline with the threat of strike action on the horizon.
The Workers Union representing over 75% of the 140,000 workforce rejected the 2.8% pay rise offered by the
companys directors. Shares in the company are also being offered to employees instead of the performance
related bonus in cash they usually receive at Christmas. The company made prots of over 480 million last year
and all top managers are being offered a substantial increase in salaries amounting to a 5.5% pay rise.
The General Manager, Dawson Pritchkin, defended the 2.8% pay rise by saying that the company needed
to invest heavily in new machinery to stay ahead of its competitors. One Trade Union representative said: A
successful company needs to invest in its workforce. This company was losing money 5 years ago. Weve all
worked very hard and accepted a lot of redundancies to change those losses into prots. We feel we deserve better
treatment. I hope strike action can be avoided through negotiation.


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Software and sales

Section 8


Activity 26
The words in the box below are all in unit 6. Put them in the sentences below to replace the
words in bold. Do not change the word in the box. Dont hesitate to refer back to the reading
and listening texts to see how these words are used.
booming - monetary - get down to - red tape display - separate - allow - feedback - laying off - accurate - false
have a point - samples overheads - near - got rid of - taking over - the black economy - business-friendly - fast
1) They do not permit . us to use the internet.
2) The companys general expenses . are too high.
3) We need to get some return information . from customers.
4) I believe some financial . incentive helps marketing strategy.
5) We can finish this quickly if we get on with . it.
6) If the recession continues, well have to start making staff redundancies.
7) There is too much bureaucracy . when starting a company.
8) Illegal work . is a growing concern in this region.
9) The delivery is not far from . the town centre.
10) Hes a very quick . writer.
11) I need to make this information easy for companies to understand . .
12) Were putting the latest models on show . tomorrow.
13) Can you disconnect . the scanner and printer software?
14) The sales figures were not very precise . .
15) Isnt it time you threw out . those old books?
16) This is not genuine . open source software.
17) Globalisation means a lot of companies are buying up . others.
18) Business is doing extremely well . .
19) We sent out a few specimens . to our best customers.
20) I think you are right . .

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Unit 6

Activity 27
Complete the following sentences.
1) What . you do if you (win) . a lot of money?
2) I used to be very good at running. I . (run) very fast when I was a child.
3) I dont feel like driving. . (walk).
4) If you (call) . me when the plane lands, I (pick up) . you .
5) When programmers . (change) the source code, we (get) . better
6) Would you like (fly) . ? (ability)
7) The computers were down. I (fix) . the fault. (negative ability)
8) If I . you, I (complain) . to the manager.
9) If I (pass) . my exam, I (buy) . you a drink.
10) Remember, . (switch off) the computer before backing up the files.
11) (write) . a newspaper article for your homework.
12) If you (speak) English well, it (be) . easier to find a job.

Activity 28
Complete the following conversation.
A: Right, its nearly 7 p.m. (stop) for today.
B: But we havent finished.
A: I know. (worry negative) we have time. We (finish) it
B: If we (leave) this until tomorrow, we (have) even more work to do.
A: Im sorry, but Im really too tired. I (concentrate) .
B: OK. (go) and have a drink before we go home.
A: Great idea. Thats just what I need.


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