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Fireworks - Livre du professeur - 1re

Chapitre 5 - Uncle Stan’s army

Présentation générale du chapitre 2

Scénarios pédagogiques 5
Double-page d’Ouverture p. 78-79 8
1 double-page d’Activités p. 81-82 11
1 From WWII to the Cold War 11
2ème double-page d’Activités p. 82-83 17
2 Bye Stan… 17
3 The superheroes’ father 18
3ème double-page d’Activités p. 84-85 24
4 A never ending propaganda? 24
5 We are puppets 26
Double-page Language in progress p. 86-87 32
Double-page Final project p. 88-89 34
Double-page Reading corner p. 90-91 41
Workbook - corrigé 43
Opening video 43
1 From WWII to the Cold War 43
2 Bye Stan… 45
3 The superheroes’ father 46
5 We are puppets 46
Language in progress 47

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Présentation générale du chapitre
Le chapitre dans le programme : L’axe Art et pouvoir est au cœur de cette séquence sur les comics. Les
élèves vont découvrir comment le gouvernement américain s’est appuyé sur ce support pour véhiculer une
propagande militariste et ainsi influencer la population qui était largement contre l’intervention des États-Unis
dans la Seconde Guerre mondiale, conflit qui avait lieu à des milliers de kilomètres. Cela amène à se
questionner d’abord sur le lien très étroit entre art et pouvoir : l’art est-il au service du pouvoir ? Le pouvoir
sert-il l’art ? Grâce à cette séquence, nous allons voir comment l’industrie hollywoodienne et le gouvernement
ont des liens économiques très forts, ce qui nous poussera à nous demander dans quelle mesure les artistes
conservent leur liberté d’expression.
Enfin, nous verrons que l’art est l’expression de l’évolution de la société et devient une arme puissante pour
faire accélérer l’acceptation de ces changements au plus grand nombre.
C’est ainsi que dans les années 60, on a vu l’apparition de super-héros noirs (tels que Black Panther, Blue
Marvel, Falcon ou Nick Fury) mais ces derniers restaient des personnages secondaires. Cependant, Falcon
a fini par devenir le nouveau Captain America. Il en est de même pour l’émancipation des femmes, les super-
héroïnes ne sont plus reléguées aux seconds rôles mais ont leurs propres films, par exemple, Wonder Woman
ou plus récemment Captain Marvel. Une scène du dernier Avengers Endgame illustre bien cette nouvelle
place avec une scène du combat final où l’on ne voit que des femmes.

L’essentiel à transmettre : Il paraît important de montrer aux élèves le lien étroit que l’art peut avoir avec les
gouvernements et de développer leurs sens critique. En effet, derrière de simples comic books ou films, il peut
y avoir une véritable propagande qu’elle soit explicite comme avec les premières de couverture de Captain
America qui ont évoluées en fonction des ennemis de l’Amérique ou plus implicite avec la diffusion de
messages subliminaux dans certains films et ce, encore aujourd’hui.
Les objectifs linguistiques de cette unité ont été déterminés en fonction des besoins communicatifs des projets
En effet, la formation des questions sera indispensable pour le projet 2 alors que les propositions relatives
seront utiles pour les trois projets.

N.B. : Les projets finaux portent sur des activités de production, les activités de réception seront,
elles, évaluées séparément du projet final. Le professeur aura donc le choix du projet final à réaliser
avec ses élèves et pourra évaluer d'autres activités langagières avec les évaluations proposées en fin
de ce document.

Axe • Art et pouvoir

Ancrage géographique • États-Unis, Europe

Objectifs pédagogiques de la séquence

- Culturel : les super-héros, la Seconde Guerre mondiale et la guerre froide, la propagande
- Grammatical : La formation des questions, le présent BE + V-ing, les propositions relatives
- Lexical : les super pouvoirs, les super-héros, la propagande, description d’un document
iconographique, la traduction de “plus”
- Phonologique : La graphie -a
- Pragmatique :
Tâche intermédiaire 1 : Enregistrer un podcast, sélectionner et faire la synthèse d’informations,
argumenter, illustrer par des exemples, repérer et expliquer les caractéristiques d’un genre littéraire.
faire des liens,
Tâche intermédiaire 2 : Écrire un article, écrire une biographie, sélectionner et synthétiser des
informations, faire des recherches sur internet, illustrer par des exemples,
Tâche intermédiaire 3 : Ecrire la critique d’un film, présenter un film et son synopsis, faire un choix,
donner son avis, illustrer par des exemples, recommander, réagir à des commentaires, faire des liens
avec ses connaissances, convaincre,
Tâche finale 1 : Écrire une lettre, décrire, argumenter, sélectionner et faire la synthèse d’informations,
faire des liens avec ses connaissances, convaincre, illustrer par des exemples
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Tâche finale 2 : présenter une biographie, sélectionner et synthétiser des informations, illustrer par
des exemples, réagir à des commentaires, faire des liens avec ses connaissances, argumenter,
convaincre, interagir à l’oral, faire un choix.
Digital Challenge : Enregistrer un podcast, sélectionner et faire la synthèse d’informations,
argumenter, illustrer par des exemples, faire des liens, convaincre.

Tâches finales
- Option 1 : You send your application letter to the contest “The New Stan Lee” (180-200 words). (Dans
un premier temps, les élèves devront créer un super-héros en lui donnant un nom, une identité et en
dressant son portrait physique et moral. Ils devront ensuite expliquer le lien entre leur héros et le
travail de Stan Lee pour convaincre le jury.)
- Option 2 : Two young cartoonist claim to be Stan Lee’s heirs so a TV show organizes a confrontation
to find out who the real one is. (Les élèves qui jouent les dessinateurs devront créer un super-héros,
lui inventer un nom, une vie et dire quel impact Stan Lee a eu sur vous et répondre aux questions.
D’autres élèves préparent des questions pour les deux dessinateurs et décident qui mérite le titre de
nouveau Stan Lee.)
- Digital Challenge : Record a promotional video or podcast about Marvel’s latest superhero / heroine
or anti-hero / heroine promoting American values. (Ce challenge permet aux élèves d’être originaux
avec l’utilisation d’effets spéciaux ou de musique ; il permet aussi de réutiliser le contenu culturel de
la séquence.)

Tâches intermédiaires
- Activités 1 : Record a podcast. You’ve been asked to present a podcast about the propaganda
messages in comic books. (Ils devront réutiliser ce qu’ils ont appris sur cette double page et effectuer
des recherches pour compléter si nécessaire afin de montrer le lien étroit entre les comic Books et la
propagande de guerre.)
- Activités 2 and 3 : Write a wiki article with the help of the documents, write the introductory paragraph
of wiki article on Stan Lee. (Encore une fois, ils pourront utiliser les informations de cette double page
mais des recherches complémentaires seront utiles.)
- Activités 4 and 5 : Post a Rotten Tomatoes comment. Choose one of the films in the list and explain
how it is a means of propaganda. Then react to comments about comic inspired cinema. (Parmi les
films proposés dans la Movie Selection, les élèves en feront un résumé dans un premier temps et
donneront ensuite leur avis.)


À la suite ou avant ce travail, on pourra proposer aux élèves (dans ou hors la classe) de faire le serious
game de la séquence. Il peut aussi être fait par les élèves à tout moment de l’unité (en anticipation, au cours
pour accompagner la fixation des connaissances linguistiques et culturelles, en cours ou en fin d’unité pour
les rebrasser en vue de la tâche finale).

Documents complémentaires
- https://ecommons.luc.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1073&context=luc_diss
- https://historyrat.wordpress.com/tag/comic-book-propaganda/
- Quizlet qui reprend une grande partie du lexique de l’unité. Vous pouvez l’utiliser tel quel ou le
copier et le modifier à votre guise :
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- Deux activités learning apps :
- Un sur le vocabulaire : https://learningapps.org/display?v=p60tnj1qn19
- Un sur la graphie -a : https://learningapps.org/display?v=pewaj2foc19
- https://www.academia.edu/9651047/_This_Is_Our_Enemy_The_Writers_War_Board_and_Represe

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Scénarios pédagogiques
Mise en œuvre : pour chacun des 3 projets de fin de chapitre, nous vous proposons un menu d’activités qui
assurera aux élèves d’avoir parcouru les documents indispensables à la réalisation de chaque projet, tant au
niveau culturel qu’aux niveaux linguistique, pragmatique et phonologique.

Proposition de scénario pédagogique pour l’option 1 p. 88

You send your application letter to the contest “The New Stan Lee” (180-200 words).

Etape Pages Titre du document Activité (objectif Tâche Timing Outils

(type de document, pédagogique, type de intermédiaire approxi complémentaires
AL travaillée...) travail…) associée matif

1 Ouverture Analyse du collage X 1h WB p. 29

(document icono, (anticipation lexicale,
EO, IO et CO) travail en binôme puis
Vidéo mise en commun) et
Mindmap écoute de la vidéo, mise
en lien entre les deux

2 Act 2 Texte Compréhension du texte Over to you! 1h WB p. 31

p. 82 (CE, EO, EI) (repérage, reformulation, p. 83
mise en commun,
Grammar in progress)

3 Act 3 Planche de BD CE,, Compréhension de la BD Over to you! 1h WB p. 32

p. 83 EO, EI) et de la vidéo (repérage, p. 83
Vidéo, CO, EO, EI) reformulation, mise en

4 Act 4 Vidéos Compréhension des Over to you! 1h WB p. 33

p. 84 (CO, EO, EI) vidéos (repérage, p. 85
reformulation, mise en

tout au p. 86-87 Language in Manipulation et fixation X 1h WB p. 34

long progress des structures
de la

On pourra compléter ce scénario pédagogique par un travail sur la méthodologie (Je m’exprime à l’écrit p. 246)
et / ou un travail sur le lexique (Précis de communication p. 258-261, J’enrichis mon expression
(numérique) …).

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Proposition de scénario pédagogique pour l’option 2 p. 89

Two young cartoonists claim to be Stan Lee’s heirs so a TV show organizes a confrontation to find
out who the real one is.

Etape Page Titre du Activité (objectif Tâche Timing Outils

document pédagogique, type de intermédiaire Approxi complémentaires
(type de travail…) associée matif
document, AL

1 Ouverture Analyse du collage X 1h WB p. 29

(document (anticipation lexicale, travail
icono, EO, IO et en binôme puis mise en
CO) commun) et écoute de la
Vidéo vidéo, mise en lien entre les
Mindmap deux documents)

2 p. 82 Texte Compréhension du texte Over to you! 1h The superheroes’

(CE, EO, EI) (repérage, reformulation, p. 83 father p. 83
mise en commun, Grammar
in progress)

3 p. 84 Vidéos Compréhension des vidéos Over to you! 1h WB p. 33

(repérage, reformulation, p. 85
mise en commun

Tout p. 86-87 Language in Manipulation et fixation des X 1h WB p.34

au progress structures

On pourra compléter ce scénario pédagogique par un travail sur la méthodologie (Je m’exprime à l’oral p. 246
et J’interagis à l’oral p. 251-252) et / ou un travail sur le lexique (Précis de communication p. 258-261,
J’enrichis mon expression (numérique) …).

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Proposition de scénario pédagogique pour le Digital Challenge p. 89

Record a promotional video or podcast about Marvel’s latest superhero / heroine or anti-hero / heroine
promoting American values.

Etape Page Titre du Activité (objectif Tâche Timing Outils

document pédagogique, type de intermédiaire complémentaires
(type de travail... associée
document, AL

1 p. 78-79 Ouverture Analyse du collage X 1h WB p. 29

(anticipation lexicale, travail en
binôme puis mise en commun)
et écoute de la vidéo, mise en
lien entre les deux documents)

2 p. 80-81 Texte Compréhension du texte, de la Over to you 1 à 2h Reading corner

Couverture de vidéo et de la couverture p. 81 p. 90
comics (repérage, reformulation, mise
Vidéo en commun, traduction de

3 p. 84 Affiches Compréhension de la vidéo, Over to you 1h WB p. 32

Vidéo repérage, reformulation, mise p. 85
en commun)

Tout p. 86-87 Language in Manipulation et fixation des X 1h WB p. 34

au progress structures

On pourra compléter ce scénario pédagogique par un travail sur la méthodologie (Je m’exprime à l’oral p. 246
et Je réalise une vidéo (numérique)) et / ou un travail sur le lexique (Précis de communication p. 258-261,
J’enrichis mon expression (numérique) …).

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Double-page d’Ouverture p. 78-79
Difficultés anticipées
Pas de difficulté en ce qui concerne le document d’ouverture, les super-héros font partie du quotidien des
élèves même s’ils ne les connaissent pas tous.
Pour ce qui est du document vidéo, on entre vraiment dans la problématique de la propagande et le manque
de culture générale sur la Seconde Guerre mondiale peut poser problème. De plus, le débit du présentateur
est assez rapide et pourrait déstabiliser les moins à l’aise avec l’accent américain.

The author’s teaching trick! On pourra réaliser un nuage de mots à partir des mots du script
de la vidéo afin de faciliter le lien graphie / phonie et d’accompagner l’écoute et la
compréhensions de la vidéo.

Mise en œuvre et corrigé des questions

On pourra imaginer plusieurs entrées possibles dans la séquence :
● (10 minutes) Partir de l’image qui fait le lien entre les comics et le patriotisme. Une fois ce premier
travail d’anticipation fait on pourra travailler sur la carte mentale proposée page 79.
● (15 minutes) Partir de la carte mentale de vocabulaire :
○ On pourra noter le titre de la carte mentale au tableau et laisser quelques minutes (pour
trouver cinq mots) ou prendre à la volée les mots que ce titre évoque. Ensuite on pourra
distribuer la carte mentale vide, organiser les élèves en groupes et répartir les catégories
entre les groupes. Chaque groupe devra ainsi trouver les mots au tableau qui correspondent
à leur catégorie et éventuellement les compléter.
○ On pourra vidéoprojeter la carte mentale complète aux élèves, leur demander de choisir un
mot puis d’aller en écouter l’enregistrement et de s'entraîner à le prononcer.

The author’s teaching trick! On pourra ensuite faire l’activité “Let’s learn!” de la p. 78. Tous
les élèves sont debout. On tire au sort une catégorie et les élèves qui étaient en charge de ces
mots doivent les dire à voix haute. Ils peuvent s’asseoir si la prononciation est correcte.

○ On pourra encore distribuer des mots de la carte mentale inscrits sur des papiers à un binôme
en leur demandant de les classer, puis d’essayer de trouver 5 à 10 mots de plus. Ils pourront
ensuite les mettre en commun avec deux autres binômes pour remplir la carte mentale.
● (15 mn) Partir de la vidéo : qui se concentre sur le personnage du Flash (Marvel) et explique son lien
avec le contexte historique. On pourra accompagner son étude par la fiche fournie à la p. 29 du
● (10 minutes) Partir du titre du chapitre : En notant le titre du chapitre au tableau, on peut laisser les
élèves dire ce qu’il évoque, on peut aussi poser la question : “Can you guess what the topic of the unit
is going to be about?”. Un travail sur la problématique permettra d’élucider le sens et d’élaborer avec
eux une définition des mots “comics” et “propaganda”. On pourrait mettre les élèves sur la voie pour
les brainstorming questions en leur demandant ce qu’est le patriotisme.
● (10 mn) Partir des Brainstorming questions : Après une des autres activités de la page, on pourra
faire réfléchir les élèves à ces questions. Elles pourront aussi servir de synthèse ou de devoirs à la
maison après cette première séance sur l’unité.

Get ready! p. 78

1 Timing : 10 minutes

Productions attendues :
1 a. 1. Describing a picture
2. Superheroes’ accessories
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3. Actions
4. Super powers
5. The good guys
6. the bad guys

1 b. patriotic = 5
the Star-spangled banner = 1
American iconic characters = 5
piece of art / collage = 1
shield = 2
stars and stripes = 1
superheroes / Captain America / Spider-Man / The Flash = 5
promote = 3

2 Timing : 10 minutes
Productions attendues :
This document/picture is a collage by Ben Turnbull. It was made in 2011. In the background, we recognize the
Star-Spangled Banner, in other words the American flag (it is composed of white stars over a navy blu
background in the top left corner. In the US flag, each stands for one state. There are also white and red
stripes which symbolize the 13 original colonies) . In the top left hand corner, we can see that the stars are
mixed / mingled with Captain America and Spider-Man’s faces. Captain America has a blue mask an a red,
white and blue costume; these colours are the ones of the flag. On the stripes, there are different superheroes,
such as The Flash or Spider-Man.
The effect produced is that superheroes embody / personify and promote American patriotism as the very flag
is made of different superheroes. What amplifies this connection between patriotism and superheroes is the
name of Captain America.

3 Timing : 15 minutes
Productions attendues :
This video explains the link between comics and propaganda.
He takes the example of The Flash and explains how in 1956, he was made fashionable again and used as a
means of propaganda during the Cold War.
Finally, the man explains what the Cold War was.

4 Timing : 10 minutes
Productions attendues :
Taking into account superheroes such as Captain America and The Flash, we can conclude that superheroes
can be patriotic. For the first one, it’s even obvious physically as his costume is made of the elements of the
American flag : stripes, a star and the colours and even his name. Yet, for The Flash, it is less obvious.
As for art, it has always been a weapon used either as a means to denounce problems in society or on the
contrary to promote patriotism.

5 Timing : 5 minutes
Productions attendues :
The idiom means that using words (the pen) is more powerful (mightier) than weapons (the sword).
This idiom applies here as the Cold War was never a physical conflict, the USA and the Soviet Union never
waged war but instead promoted their culture through art, such as comics or literature.

Useful vocabulary:
This document is a… In the background… In the foreground….
Taking into account…, we can conclude…

Let’s learn! Vocabulary battle

L’activité “Let’s learn” permet de travailler la mémorisation des mots de vocabulaire. On pourra afficher au
tableau un chronomètre pour cadrer le temps alloué à l’activité. Cette activité peut être faite en fin de séance
ou faire l’objet du récapitulatif de début de séance suivante. Ce défi peut être effectué par paires ou par îlots.

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Script de l’audio ou de la vidéo d’ouverture

Titre de la vidéo : The Flash: America’s Secret Propaganda Superhero

Lien de la vidéo : LLS.fr/A1P78
Timing : 0:00 à 2:09

How are you doing, you wonderful nerds? Are you excited for the new season of The Flash? I know I would
be if I had finished last season. It’s on Netflix, right? I still have time. Either way, I thought we could take a
break from talking about comic books and politics, like we’ve been doing these last few weeks to instead
explain the hidden meaning behind The Flash. And how the superhero is secretly an allegory for Cold War
American ideals. We what? Ah, you already knew what you were in for when you clicked on this video.
That’s right. Vibrating through walls, running circles around his enemies and matching science with science,
The Flash was some prime American propaganda that will help quell the fears and anxieties that many
Americans had over a different kind of flash.
Man What are you supposed to do when you see the flash?
Children Duck and cover
As I’m sure you all know the original Flash, Jay Garrick premiered in 1940, but as the years passed,
superhero comics fell out of style and the character was quietly tucked away. Then, in 1956, The Flash was
rebooted with a new costume and a new alter ego, Barry Allen. And he was great! His grand debut would
usher in the next big superhero boom. Soon after, comic book audiences witness other golden age heroes
revamped at DC and welcomed floods of new super characters from Marvel. The comic book industry was
revitalized in a flash, or should I say with The Flash. Nope, no that’s dumb. And this is the era that we will
be focusing on in this video, Silver Age Flash. But, why was the scarlet speedster so popular? Why did the
Flash make such a splash? Well, we probably had the Cold War to thank for that, as author Frederik A.
Wright explained in his essay form the appropriately named Comic Books and the Cold War. Highly
recommend it, link in the doobly-doo. So, really quickly, I’m sure The Flash would appreciate; the Cold War
was a complex multi-national conflict that lasted over 40 years. The two principle opponents being the United
States and the Soviet Union. It’s called the Cold war because it never really escalated into direct physical
war between the two. It was a conflict of espionage, military intimidation, technological innovation and
nuclear supremacy with the two countries trying to one-up each other and advance their own power and
ideals. And of course, political propaganda is a huge part of that, especially in comics.

Build up your vocabulary!

main / central / key / leading (adj.)
brave (adj.)
superhuman / supernatural / extraterrestrial (adj.)
fast / strong / powerful (adj.)
moral / ethical (adj.)
loyal / faithful (adj.)
nationalistic / zealous (adj.)
strength / power / speed (n)
the Earth / space (n.)
rely (v.)
appeal (to) / persuade (v.)
distort / alter / desinform / manipulate / control (v.)
promote / advertise (v.)
evaluate (v.)
wage war (v.)

a. Learn these words and classify them in your mind map on page 79. Add new categories if needed.
b. Use as many words as you can to answer the questions on pages 78-79.

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1ère double-page d’Activités p. 81-82
Difficultés anticipées

Dans le premier paragraphe du texte, certains élèves peuvent ne pas comprendre que Hitler n’a pas vraiment
attaqué les États-Unis et l’utilisation “Jewish Americans” pour faire référence aux créateurs de Captain
America n’est pas évidente.

Vocabulaire compliqué :
- Le sens du mot “issue” peut poser problème puisque ce n’est pas un problème mais un numéro.
- Le mot “staple” est utilisé dans un autre sens que celui qu’ils peuvent connaître puisqu’il veut dire
- “blurring” (floutage)
- “figuratively” (au sens figuré)
- “medium” (moyen)
- “ascribe” (attribuer)
- “Axis” (les ennemis des alliés pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale)
- “analogous”, “indoctrination”, “mythologize” et “Allies” sont plus ou moins transparents mais encore
faut-il qu’ils connaissent ces mots en français.

Mise en œuvre et corrigé des questions

1 From WWII to the Cold War

Timing : 15-20 minutes pour chaque groupe

Il s’agit ici de trois documents différents (un texte, une couverture de magazine et une vidéo). Le professeur
pourra décider de répartir la classe en trois groupes et de confier le travail sur chacun de ces documents à
un groupe différent. L’étude de ces documents est accompagnée d’une fiche dans le workbook p. 29-30. Le
texte est travaillé à un niveau B1, l’image à un niveau A2+, la vidéo, quant à elle, est abordée à un niveau
Une autre approche consistera à travailler sur la couverture de magazine en classe en anticipation et de
laisser les recherches sur la période (2) le travail sur la vidéo et le texte en devoirs à la maison. Lors de la
séance suivante, on pourra laisser les élèves ayant travaillé sur chacun des documents mettre en commun
leurs réponses (1-3) avant d’en faire un récapitulatif et d’aller plus loin (4-6).

Productions attendues :

1 Group 1
This document is an excerpt / extract from A Hero for a Good War: Captain America and the Mythologization
of World War Two by Ella Donnelly, published in 2015.
The fact Captain America was used as an effective means of propaganda is striking. Indeed, this character
helped the American government demonize Hitler.
What is more, thanks to comics, the war and its participants were turned into a myth; for Americans, taking
part in this war was justified as it was the embodiment of a war between evil (America’s opponents) and good
(America and its allies).
1 Group 2
This document is a comic cover entitled Captain America, released in March 1941. In fact, it is the first issue
of Captain America’s adventures. What strikes me is Captain America’s strength, he is punching Hitler. What
is more, the way the characters are represented is biased; Captain America is in the center and Bucky is in
the foreground; they are surrounded by German soldiers.
Finally, the comic is really realistic and colourful.
1 Group 3
This document is a video about how comics and propaganda are closely linked. What is striking is the Writers’
War Board as I did not know a government influenced artists, nor that comics could influence a nation.
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2 Group 1
- “March 1941” l.1 - “wartime” l.23
- “Second World War” l.2-3 - “World War II” l.28, l.37, l.47
- “Hitler” l.9, l.29 - “Nazi party” l.29
- “Germany” l.9 - “war” l.40, l.48
- “Europe” l.10 - “Allies” l.49, l.50
- “Nazis” l.16, l.31 - “Axis” l.49, l.50

2 Group 2
- Swastika
- Hitler
- German soldiers
- Paper with sabotage plans for U.S.A.
- In the background television screen

2 Group 3
- Nazi - Writers’ War Board
- American volunteerism - war effort
- World War Two - Adolf Hitler
- war - German soldiers
- March 1941 - Swastika
- American intervention - Japan and Nazi Germany
- Nazis

3 Group 1
This document is not a form of propaganda. In fact, it explains how the first issue of Captain America was a
means of propaganda and shaped how Americans considered the war.
3 Group 2
This document is a form of propaganda as it depicts Hitler and Captain America fighting. In the background,
the German soldiers are shown as villains shooting at Bucky and Captain America. Captain America is in the
center of the cover, in movement, punching Hitler in the face and his shield embodying the United States
protects him.
3 Group 3
This document is not a form of propaganda. In fact, it explains how Captain America first issue was a means
of propaganda and shaped how Americans considered the war.
Moreover, it tells us about the Writers’ War Board and how it influenced artists in their creations to convey their

Useful vocabulary:
This document is a…
This document is a form of propaganda as… Its clearly promotes …
What is striking is ….
This document isn’t a form of propaganda because...

Let’s talk this out!

Timing : 15 minutes
Productions attendues :

4 On the one hand, the main similarity is the topic which is the use of comics as a means of propaganda.
They show how Captain America was used as a means of propaganda and how he helped to shape patriotism
and American people to identify the good and bad guys.
Finally, the third similarity is the mention of Hitler embodying freedom arch nemesis in the three documents.

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On the other hand, the first difference is that the first document is an article, while the second one is a comic
book cover and the third one is a video.
The second one is the mention to the Writers’ War Board. This organisation highly influenced the content of
some works, such as comics.
To conclude, we can say that the magazine cover illustrates the article and the video as it depicts Hitler and
the Nazi as the villains and Captain America as the embodiment / personification of freedom and justice.

5 By this time, the USA was not yet taking part in the war and American people did not want their country to
get into the war. The use of propaganda was necessary to convey a binary image of the war, the government
urged American people to accept going to war and being proud of it.
So definitely, comics were an effective means of propaganda.

● Comics books appeal to me because of their colours and the characters they depict. Moreover, I think
it is easier to read than a whole book.
● To be honest, I’m not a great fan of comics as I prefer reading books, graphic novels or newspapers.
The characters are more for kids than grown-ups.

Useful vocabulary:
On the one hand, ...
In the other hand, …
The main similarity is…
Yet, they differ…

Let’s learn! Guessing game Timing : 10 minutes

L’activité “Let’s learn” permet de travailler la mémorisation des mots de vocabulaire. On pourra afficher au
tableau un chronomètre pour cadrer le temps alloué à l’activité. Cette activité peut être faite en fin de séance
ou faire l’objet du récapitulatif de début de séance suivante.
Ce défi peut être effectué dans un premier temps par paires, puis dans un deuxième temps, on pourra
proposer aux volontaires de venir faire deviner un mot au reste de la classe.
S’il n’y a pas assez de temps, on peut demander aux élèves d’écrire leurs définitions à la maison et on fera
l’activité en début de séance suivante.

Grammar in progress Timing : 5 minutes

On pourra ensuite faire l’exercice de la page de langue p. 86.
Productions attendues :
a. et b. On peut leur demander de proposer des traductions.
speaking : verbe
punching : verbe
securing : verbe
blurring : nom
fighting : verbe
c. Ils ne se traduisent pas toujours avec des mots de même nature. (un nom, un adjectif, verbe à
strictly-speaking = à proprement parler
punching = donnant un coup de poing
securing = assurant
the blurring = le brouillage
was fighting = se battait

From French to English

Timing : 5 minutes
Montrer aux élèves que selon le contexte, toujours ne se traduit pas de la même façon et proposer l’exercice
de la page 87 du “Language in Progress”.

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Script de la vidéo
Titre de la vidéo : Captain America and its relation to WW2 propaganda
Lien de la vidéo : LLS.fr/A1P81
Timing : 0:00 à 1:57

Hydra is the Nazi’s deep science division led by Yohan Schmitt.

Our goal is to create a new breed of super soldiers.
It’s difficult to say whether American volunteerism in World War II is caused by comic books or other forms
of propaganda.
Certainly, these comic books had a significant impact. Their simple popularity gives indication of that. The
comic book was not thoroughly introduced in the American pop culture in the late 1930s. However during
World War II, Captain America comic books were selling more than some newspapers. Captain America
strong leadership and determination was meant to symbolize the attitude that America had when it went into
the war. Captain America was created in March 1941 with the explicit purpose of building a support base
for American intervention in World War II. Jack Kirby and Joe Simon were the creator of Captain America.
They worked for Timely Comics. These two creators had a very clear objective to create a character who
would fight in the war against the Nazis. The creators of these characters and the organisation that funded
them belonged to a group called “the Writers’ War Board.” The WWB was a group of writers, artists and
other influential members of the media that devoted its time to the propagation of the United States war
effort. Although it was privately run, the WWB received substantial government funding. While Kirby and
Simon may have had specific ideas about the war and how their character would be portrayed, the WWB
was definitely in control as to how their enemies were portrayed, that is the creators had control over how
the audience saw their heroes but the WWB had control as to how the audience saw the villains. Captain
America is shown here punching Adolf Hitler in the face while German soldiers and swastika symbols all
around. Captain America is overpowering the inferior Nazis despite being outnumbered in the comic.
Captain America is also larger in size compared to the soldiers, which also shows the Captain’s superiority.
Bucky is also featured on the cover and he is just a normal kid. This allows the target audience to feel as if
they have a spot in the war as well. Often times the WWB created a comics that demonized the Japanese
or Germans while they idealized Americans. In the case of Captain America, the goals of the propaganda
campaign were to rally support for the US war effort during World War II by idealizing Captain America and
demonizing Japan and Nazi Germany.

Build up your vocabulary

scoundrel / evil-doer / mischief-maker (n.)
enemy / arch nemesis (n.)
totalitarian / dictator (n.)
Axis powers (n.)
fascism (n.)
Nazism (n.)
genocide (n.)
wartime (n.)
Neutrality Acts (n.)
Office of War Information (n.)

a. Choose ten words and write a definition for each.

b. Use as many words as you can to recap what you’ve learned on the historical context and the birth of
Captain America.

Grille d’évaluation de la tâche intermédiaire (Over to you!)

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> Give a definition of what propaganda is. Use what you have learned on this double page.
> Take notes with keywords only so that you don’t read your text.
> Make your presentation realistic and attractive (use music, humour…)
> Check the pronunciation of difficult words in an online dictionary, pay attention to your intonation.
> You can practice recording yourself (labo de langues), pay attention to your intonation.
> Use as complex sentences and vocabulary as possible (proofread your text!)

Niveau 1 Niveau 2 (A2) Niveau 3 (B1) Niveau 4 (B1+-B2-) Vers B2+


Réalisation Présentation Présentation Présentation de Présentation de la

de la tâche très brève d’une première la première de première de
d’une de couverture couverture couverture choisie,
première de d’un comic book choisie, analyse des références
couverture et mise en lien pertinente et des pertinentes et variées
d’un comic avec l’idée de références à à l’idée de
book. propagande. l’idée de propagande avec des
Plagiat ou Des éléments propagande avec justifications issues Utilise l’humour,
hors-sujet. descriptifs. des justifications de l’unité et de ses l’implicite. Langue
issues de l’unité. propres fluide. Jeu d’acteur
connaissances. convaincant.
1 point 2 points 3 points 4 points

Prononciati Débit haché, Prononciation Quelques erreurs Prononciation ... points

on / fluidité prononciatio compréhensible de prononciation correcte, intonation
n francisée. mais francisée ne gênant pas la naturelle.
(-th, -h, compréhension.
0,5 point 1 point 2 points 3 points

Correction Langue très Des phrases Syntaxe correcte Bonne correction Bonne intonation.
de la langue simple, simples mais dans l’ensemble. grammaticale. Structures
beaucoup de compréhensible Réutilisation du Vocabulaire riche. complexes.
calques du s, des erreurs vocabulaire et Expressions
français. élémentaires. des structures de idiomatiques. S’auto-
l’unité. corrige.
1 point 2 points 3 points 4 points

Contenu Pas ou peu Réutilisation de Réutilisation des Plusieurs références ... points
culturel de contenu quelques connaissances à l’unité et des liens
culturel. éléments vus culturelles de avec ses propres
dans l’unité. l’unité. connaissances.

0 point 1 points 2 points 3 points

Total : / 14 Niveau atteint :

Flash tests

Flash tests de vocabulaire

1. Find the words corresponding to these definitions.

a) A widely held oversimplified idea of a person or a thing. (n.)

b) To try to persuade somebody to do something. (v.)
c) A person’s assistant or close associate. (n.)
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d) To harm the good reputation of.(v.)
e) To publicly declare wrong or evil. (v.)
f) Information used to promote a political cause or point of view. (n.)

2. Find a synonym for each of the following words.

a) hide
b) extend
c) transform into
d) a partner
e) symbolize
f) an adversary
g) nasty

Flash test de grammaire

Translate the following sentences.

a) Écrire les comics était un moyen efficace de propagande.

b) Réalisant l’impact des comics, le gouvernement américain l’a largement utilisé pendant la
Guerre Froide.
c) La construction de la morale d’entrée en guerre doit beaucoup à l’utilisation du personnage
de Captain America.
d) Bucky Barnes se battait aux côtés de Captain America.
e) Faire prendre conscience aux gens de la nécessité de participer au conflit était le but des
créateurs de Captain America.

Corrigé du Vocabulary Flash Test :

1. 2.
a) Stereotype a) conceal
b) urge b) stretch
c) a sidekick c) turn into
d) discredit d) an ally
e) denounce e) embody
f) propaganda f) an opponent
g) evil
Corrigé du Grammar Flash Test :
a) Writing comics was an effective means of propaganda.
b) Realising the impact of comic books, the US government widely used them during the Cold War.
c) The making of the morality of entering the war owes a lot to use of the character of Captain America.
d) Bucky Barnes was fighting alongside Captain America.
e) Making people aware of the necessity to take part in the conflict was Captain America’s creators’ goal.

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2ème double-page d’Activités p. 82-83
Difficultés anticipées
L’article de presse va permettre aux élèves de se familiariser avec Stan Lee, même s’il paraît peu probable
qu’ils ne le connaissent pas. Pas de difficulté majeure dans ce texte. Il peut être intéressant de leur demander
de relever tous les mots montrant d’une part l’admiration du public et du journaliste et d’autre part, ceux qui
montrent le génie de Stan Lee.

Mise en œuvre et corrigé des questions

L’activité 2 est l’étude d’un texte. Nous proposons une approche différenciée avec deux ‘paths’. Une fiche
d’accompagnement à la compréhension est fournie dans le workbook p. 31.

L’activité 3 comprend une page de comic strip et une vidéo. Pour la répartition des groupes pour l’activité 3,
la planche de BD est plus évidente à interpréter que la vidéo. Une fiche d’accompagnement à la
compréhension est fournie dans le workbook p. 32.
Pour la vidéo du Group 2 , on peut faire écouter le document en entier une fois. Puis à la deuxième écoute,
demander aux élèves de relever les noms de films ou les super-héros qui apparaissent aux côtés de Stan
Lee. Enfin on peut faire écouter plusieurs fois le début afin que les élèves remplissent le script dans le
Workbook p. 32.

2 Bye Stan…

1 / 2 / 3 Path A / Path B Timing : 20 minutes

Productions attendues :
Path A
1-A This document is about Stan Lee’s death and his role at Marvel as he just died in 2018.
2-A Among the superheroes he created, there is Spider-Man, the Incredible Hulk, Iron Man, Black Panther
but there are also squads of superheroes such as the X-Men or the Fantastic Four.
3-A With the use of words such as “legend” (l.1), “beloved” (l.3), “hype” (l.13), “loveable” (l.14), we can say
that Matt Camen draws a very positive portrait of Stan Lee. On the one hand, he is portrayed as a genius, to
whom comics books owe a lot and on the other, he is depicted as a person the audience really liked.

Useful vocabulary:
This document is about…
Among the superheroes he created, there is…
With the use of words such as…
On the one hand… On the other hand...

Path B
1-B This document is a web article entitled “Honour Stan Lee by reading the comics that defined his genius”,
written by Matt Camen in 2018. It is about Stan Lee’s death that occured in December 2018. It is a tribute to
him as it highlights the impact he had on comic books industry with the creation of many familiar superheroes
such as Spider-Man, the Incredible Hulk, Iron Man or Black Panther. This is made obvious with the use of
words like “ legend” (l.1), “legacy” (l.2), “driving force” (l.20-21), or “legacy” (l.22).
What is more, the use of words such as “beloved” (l.3) or “loveable” (l.14) show how popular Stan Lee was.
2-B Comics are associated to pop culture and according to Matt Camen, this is largely due to Stan Lee.
2-C When Stanley Martin Lieber started in the comic books industry, he decided to use the pseudonym of
Stan Lee. He wanted to be anonymous as he wanted to become a novelist and thus was afraid writing comics
could put an end to his dreams; he clearly was not aware of the fact he would be that iconic many years later.

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Useful vocabulary:
This document is a … It deals with…/ It is about… It is a tribute to Stan Lee as...

Let’s talk this out!

Timing : 15 minutes

Productions attendues :
Stan Lee is clearly depicted as being a legend, the man who helped comic industry to be considered as an art
and as the embodiment of pop culture. He was clearly ahead of his time without even realising how he would
have a lasting impact on Marvel.
He definitely had a huge impact on comics books with the creation of many famous superheroes, such as
Spider-Man, the Incredible Hulk, Iron Man, Black Panther, the X-Men or the Fantastic Four.

Grammar in progress
Timing : 10 minutes
Il s’agit ici de rebrasser les propositions relatives et leur formation. On pourra ensuite faire l’exercice de la
page de langue p. 86.

Productions attendues :
Les propositions en gras commencent toutes par un pronom relatif.
“Where he later died” : le référent est “Cedars Sinai Hospital.”
“that the public saw” : le référent est “Stan Lee.”
“who bolstered the mythological stature” : le référent est “character.”
“who keeps showing up in Marvel films” : le référent est “the guy.”
“which appeared in Captain America Comics #3” : le référent est “the text story.”

3 The superheroes’ father

1 / 2 Timing : 25 minutes

Productions attendues :

1 Group 1 It is a comic strip starring Stan Lee and a colleague, maybe Brian Michael Bendis or Bill Walko.
He has glasses and apparently he can’t see, nor hear very well. He is presented as an old guy, somebody
funny, self-deprecating / humble but at the same time as a God: “to the man who created the job,” “a nerd
staring into the face of his literary God.”
1 Group 2 What is striking is the fact Stan Lee appears in so many superheroes’ movies; it’s a fact I didn’t
know. The beginning of the video is an interview and we really understand Stan Lee loved / was fond of his
job. He also talks about his poor health. What is more, we have the image of someone self-deprecating,
humble, making fun of himself; for example, when he is not accepted to a wedding party as the guard doesn’t
believe he is the real Stan Lee.

2 Group 1
This document is a comic strip entitled My moments with Stan by Brian Michael Bendis and Bill Walko.
At the top, there are many famous superheroes, maybe they were created by Stan Lee.
It depicts a meeting between a man, maybe Brian Michael Bendis and Stan Lee. On the one hand, he is
presented as a very self-deprecating and happy man, who had health problems / who was in poor health;
indeed he couldn’t hear or see Marvel movies anymore. On the other hand, this comic strip shows how much
Brian Michael Bendis admired Stan Lee “a nerd staring into the face of his literary God.” It also highlights Stan
Lee’s impact on comic books when Brian Michael Bendis says: “to the man who created the job.”
2 Group 2
This document is a video at the beginning there is an interview of Stan Lee; he is talking about his job and his
love for it but also about his hearing problems. Then, the rest of the video is made of trailers from different
Marvel movies where Stan Lee appeared; they are called cameos.
In these cameos, Stan Lee is presented as a self-deprecating man, he makes fun of himself, i.e. in the
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Fantastic Four trailer, when he is not accepted to a wedding party as the guard doesn’t believe he is the real
Stan Lee. It also the case in Iron Man 2 when he is mistaken for Larry King, a famous American TV and radio
He also seems a wise man when he gives advice to Spider-Man.

Useful vocabulary:
This document is a… It depicts…
What is striking is… What is more, …

Let’s talk this out!

Timing : 20 minutes

Productions attendues :
3 The portraits of Stan lee in both documents have several common points. First, both allude to Stan Lee’s
health problems. Then, he is really depicted as a humble man. Finally, we really have the feeling he loved his
job, he had great fun doing it.

4 Stan Lee was appreciated for different reasons according to the age of people. For elder generations, he
is clearly the man responsible for driving the recognition of comic books as a pop culture phenomenon, the
one who made these books so popular thanks to his creativity.
For younger generations, he is the funny old guy who kept appearing in Marvel movies but they don’t really
know the impact he had on the comic book industry.

5 As far as I’m concerned, we should be really grateful to Stan Lee as he created so many famous
superheroes we love; they are all part of our everyday life, it’s impossible not to know at least one of them.
In short, superheroes’ lovers owe a lot to Stan Lee.

Useful vocabulary:
The portraits depicted in both documents are…
The common point is…
Stan Lee was really…
As far as I’m concerned, …

Let’s learn! Time is up! Timing : 10 minutes

L’activité “Let’s learn” permet de travailler la mémorisation des mots de vocabulaire. On pourra afficher au
tableau un chronomètre pour cadrer le temps alloué à l’activité. Cette activité peut être faite en fin de séance
ou faire l’objet du récapitulatif de début de séance suivante.
Ce défi peut être effectué dans un premier temps par paires, puis dans un deuxième temps, on pourra
proposer aux volontaires de venir faire deviner le super-héros au reste de la classe.

Script des audios/vidéos (si applicable)

Titre de la vidéo : Every Stan Lee cameos ever

Lien de la vidéo : LLS.fr/A1P83
Timing : 3’26

Stan Lee: It is such fun creating characters, writing stories, even doing interviews, even though I can’t hear
most of what the guy says to me and when you do something that you know the fans seem to enjoy that
gives you such satisfaction you don’t want to stop.

The Trial of the Invincible Hulk

Lawyer: Answer the question! You must answer the question!
The Hulk: Ggrrrr

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Spider-Man: Excuse me, I’m looking for some guy named Stan Lee.
Stan Lee: What? Spider-Man!

Spider-Man 3
Stan Lee: You know, I guess one person can make a difference.
Enough said.

Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer

Guard: Oh, invitation Sir.
Stan Lee: I should be on that list.
Guard: Name?
Stan Lee: Stan Lee
Guard: Yeah, nice try buddy.
Stan Lee: No, really, I’m Stan Lee.
Guard: Nice try.

Girl: Hey Tony, you remember me?

Tony Stark: Sure don’t. Look great Hef.

The Incredible Hulk

Policewoman: Possible gamma sickness Milwaukee, a man drank one of those guarana sodas. Guess it
had a little more kick than he was looking for.
Stan Lee: Wow!
Policeman: Where was it bottled?

Ironman 2
Man: Hey the oracle of Ortho. What a pleasure! Nice to see you!
Larry King: Larry!

Stan Lee: Did it work?

Captain America: Civil War

Tony Stark: You OK?
James Rhodes: Yeah!
Stan Lee: Are you Tony Stank?
James Rhodes: Yes, this is Tony Stank.

X-men: Apocalypse

Doctor Strange
Stan Lee laughing: That is hilarious!

Dead Pool 2 Teaser

Dead Pool: Ok, Ok, Ok.
Stan Lee: Wow, nice suit!
Dead Pool: Zip it Stan Lee!

Guardian of the Galaxy 2

Stan Lee: Oh man! Anyway before I was so rudely interrupted at that time I was a Federal Express man.
Hey fellows, wait! Where are you going? You were supposed to be my lift home. How I get out of here?
Hey, gee, I’ve got so many more stories to tell. Oh guys! Oh gee!

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Build up your vocabulary
Heritage: heir / heiress / tribute / heritage / legacy / values / genius / cameo / a will (n.)
Stan Lee: amazing / awesome / incredible / original / eccentric / legitimate / visionary / ahead of his time /
iconic / hype (adj.)
Comics: speech balloons / strips / onomatopoeia / graphic weight / appeal / cartoonist / realistic

a. Use the words from the toolbox to describe Stan Lee and his impact on comics.

b. With the help of the toolbox, describe the comic strip page.

Grille d’évaluation de la tâche intermédiaire (Over to you!)

Niveau 1 (A1) Niveau 2 (A2) Niveau 3 (B1) Niveau 4 (B1+-B2- Vers B2+

Réalisation Présentation Réalisation d’un Réalisation d’un Réalisation d’un

de la tâche brève de Stan article court, article correct. article complet.
Lee, contenu présentation Présentation Présentation
pauvre, hors- simple (nom, claire de Stan lee pertinente de Stan
sujet ou plagiat. carrière, des (sa vie, ses Lee, de sa vie, de
éléments films…). sa carrière et de
1 point descriptifs). son rôle dans
l’industrie des Utilise l’humour,
2 points 3 points comics. l’implicite. Langue
4 points fluide. Jeu d’acteur
Cohérence / Pas ou peu Des efforts Discours Discours
organisation d’organisation d’organisation, cohérent et argumenté et
du discours. pas ou peu de organisé par des structuré en ... points
mots de liaison et mots de liaison. paragraphe.
de paragraphe. Des paragraphes Hiérarchisation
distincts. des idées.
0,5 point 1 point
1,5 point 2 points

Correction Langue très Des phrases Syntaxe correcte Bonne correction Bonne intonation.
de la langue simple, simples mais dans l’ensemble. grammaticale, Structures
beaucoup de compréhensibles, Réutilisation du utilisation d’un complexes.
calques du des erreurs vocabulaire et vocabulaire riche. Expressions
français. élémentaires. des structures de idiomatiques.
l’unité. S’auto-corrige.
1 point 2 points 3 points 4 points
... points
Contenus Pas ou peu de Réutilisation de Réutilisation des Plusieurs
culturels contenu culturel. quelques connaissances références à l’unité
éléments vus culturelles de avec les liens à
dans l’unité. l’unité. ses propres
0 point connaissances.
1 points 2 points
3 points

Total : / 13 Niveau atteint :

Flash tests

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Flashs test de vocabulaire
Fill in the mind map with as many words as possible.

Flash test de grammaire

Choose the correct pronoun to make a correct sentence.

a) Stan Lee is the man ________________ made comics popular again.

b) Captain America appeared ________________ the USA hadn’t yet taken part in the the Second
World War.
c) The USA was the country ________________ comic books were born.
d) Comic books were the most efficient means ________________ Americans used to promote

Corrigé du Vocabulary Flash Test :

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Corrigé du Grammar Flash Test :
a) who
b) when
c) where
d) that

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3ème double-page d’Activités p. 84-85
Difficultés anticipées
Pas de difficulté dans ces documents.

Mise en œuvre et corrigé des questions

On demandera aux élèves de choisir un film et de faire les recherches à la maison dans un souci de gain de
temps, ainsi que les questions 3 et 4. On peut attribuer un film par groupe pour ne pas avoir plusieurs groupes
qui choisissent le même film. Afin d’éviter qu’ils ne fassent du copier/coller, on exigera des mots-clés et non
des phrases. On fera ensuite la mise en commun.
Pour le “Let’s talk this out!”, on peut noter les différences et les points commun pour chaque film au tableau.

4 A never ending propaganda?

Timing : 15-20 minutes (ou les recherches pourront être données en devoirs à la maison lors de la séance
précédente en classe.)

Productions attendues :
1 Libre.

Pistes de réponses possibles :

I have already seen … My favourite one is ….
I find very positive that the main character is a woman / a black man…

Iron Man
Name of the hero: Iron Man, AKA Tony Stark
Setting: Afghanistan, US
Synopsis: Tony Stark, at the head of Stark Industries, goes to Afghanistan to demonstrate his new missile.
Once there, his convoy is ambushed and he is captured and will realise that selling weapons as consequences
on civilians.
Name of the hero: Tony Stark, Black Widow, Hawkeye, the Hulk, Thor, Captain America
Setting: New York
Synopsis: The Earth is attacked by Loki, Thor’s brother, and aliens. The Avengers have to keep united to
defeat his plans.
Captain America, The Winter Soldier
Name of hero: Captain America, Black Widow, Falcon, Nick Fury and James Bucky
Setting: Washington D.C
Synopsis: The Avengers are attacked one after the other and realizes Alexander Pierce, Secretary of Internal
Security is a member of Hydra.
Captain America meets his former sidekick, Bucky Barnes, who he thought was killed during the war. In fact,
he was rescued by German soldiers and transformed into a super soldier.
Captain Marvel
Name of the hero: Captain Marvel AKA Carol Danvers.
Kree officer but half human
Setting: the story takes place on Earth and in space
Synopsis: a Kree officer, Vers keeps having flashbacks. The Kree and the Skrull are enemies. During a
mission, Vers crashed in Los Angeles and meats young Nick Fury and Phil Coulson, S.H.I.E.L.D. agents.
Thanks to Fury, Vers discovers she used to be a pilot in the army and lived on Earth before.
Black Panther
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Name of the hero: T’Challa AKA Black Panther
Setting: Wakanga
Synopsis: The story takes place in the present day, T’Challa returns to Wakanga after his father’s death to
become king. Once there, he is challenged by M’Baku for the crown in ritual combat but he defeated him.

3 All these characters are role models for several reasons. First, they are courageous but also because they
decide to change their destiny. For example, Captain Marvel is at first a loyal soldier but then she realizes she
was not on the good side and refuses orders and chooses her own fate. What is more, she is a woman, she
is strong, relies on no one but herself. So, she is definitely a role model for women.
As for Black Panther, he has the same qualities as Captain Marvel, he is courageous and loyal, he fights for
a good cause. He is also one of the first black superheroes and as thus he is a real pride for the black
community in the US.

4 Well, some of these superheroes movies are patriotic. Captain Marvel’s costume shares some elements
with the American flag such as the colours or the star. What’s more, in the movie she used to be a pilot. Finally,
just like Captain America she fights against the bad guys.
As for The Avengers, the wicked aliens attacking New-York may be compared to the terrorist attack on New
York. The Avengers are the symbol of liberty, fighting for the good of the nation and Iron Man is ready to
sacrifice himself for his people.
If we consider Captain America: The Winter Soldier, it is patriotic as it reminds us of Captain America’s first
issue with Cap punching Hitler. Indeed, the heroes realize America is infiltrated by Hydra members.
For me, Avengers: Infinity War is not patriotic, it’s a criticism of our consuming society, not respecting the
Earth. The villain (Thanos) wants to protect the Earth, of course he wants to divide all living creatures per two
to fulfill his goal.

Useful vocabulary:
Some of these movies are…
What’s more, …
For me, … is not patriotic because…

Let’s talk this out!

Timing : 15 minutes

Productions attendues :
5 Captain Marvel was released in 2019 whereas Black Panther was released in 2018.
In the first movie, the main character is a woman, while in the second one, it’s an African superhero. The scene
does not take place in the same country either, Captain Marvel is on an extraterrestrial planet and the U.S.
whereas Black Panther takes place in Wakanga, an imaginary African country.

6 As far as I’m concerned, I don’t think these movies are a means of propaganda like Captain America as
they don’t spread a government ideology. Yet, they both promote a category of society. Captain Marvel can
be considered feminist as the heroine is strong and refuses her fate so the message conveyed is that women
don’t need men.
As for Black Panther, he is a the embodiment of black pride being the very first black superhero. For the first
time, black children could identify with a superhero.

Useful vocabulary:
The main difference is … Another difference is...
In …, the main character is … whereas in …, it’s …
Personally, these movies are/ aren’t a means of propaganda because…

Your time to shine!

On pourra décider de faire cette tâche intermédiaire.

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> Present films based on comics, what subliminal messages are present?
> Take notes with keywords only so that you don’t read your text.
> Make your presentation realistic and attractive (use music, humour…)
> Check the pronunciation of difficult words in an online dictionary, pay attention to your intonation.
> You can practice recording yourself (labo de langues), pay attention to your intonation.
> Use as complex sentences and vocabulary as possible (proofread your text!)

Niveau 1 (A1) Niveau 2 (A2) Niveau 3 (B1) Niveau 4 (B1+-B2-) Vers B2+

Réalisation de Présentation très Présentation de Présentation des Présentation

la tâche brève, comics et de messages complète, des
Plagiat ou hors- l’idée de subliminaux dans références
sujet. message les comics avec pertinentes et
subliminaux. . des justifications. variées à l’idée de
Des éléments propagande
1 point descriptifs. 3 points
2 points 4 points Utilise
Prononciation / Débit haché, Prononciation Quelques erreurs Prononciation l’implicite.
fluidité prononciation compréhensible de prononciation correcte, intonation Langue fluide.
francisée. mais francisée (- ne gênant pas la naturelle. Jeu d’acteur
th, -h, compréhension. convaincant.
0,5 point 1 point 2 points 3 points
... points

Correction de Langue très Des phrases Syntaxe correcte Bonne correction Bonne
la langue simple, simples mais dans l’ensemble. grammaticale. intonation.
beaucoup de compréhensible Réutilisation du Vocabulaire riche. Structures
calques du s, des erreurs vocabulaire et des complexes.
français. élémentaires. structures de Expressions
l’unité. idiomatiques.
1 point 2 points 3 points 4 points S’auto-corrige.

Contenus Pas ou peu de Réutilisation de Réutilisation des Plusieurs références

culturels contenu culturel. quelques connaissances à l’unité et des liens ... points
éléments vus culturelles de avec ses propres
dans l’unité. l’unité. connaissances.
0 point
1 points 2 points 3 points

Total : / 14 Niveau atteint :

5 We are puppets
Timing : 20 minutes pour chaque groupe

Productions attendues :

1 Group 1 This document is a poster entitled Uncle Sam by James Montgomery, dating from 1917. In the
middle, we can see Uncle Sam; he is the embodiment of the US government. He is always represented with
the colours of the American flag and a star on his hat. He is pointing at us.
At the bottom, there is his message: “I want you for U.S army” so he is clearly urging us to enlist in the American
Army. Below, it is written “Nearest recruiting station” which is a reference to the army recruiting station.
1 Group 2 This document is a still from the film Patton, by Franklin J. Schaffner released in 1970.

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In the foreground, there is a soldier, doing the military salute. He has a lot of medals so he must have waged
a lot of wars / fought for his country.
In the background, there is the American flag and on the left, there is a curtain drawn.

2 Group 1 This document is a video about the close link between Hollywood productions and the
American military. Indeed, the Department of Defense provide either money, equipment or locations for film
makers if the image displayed in their movies suits them.
First of all, it explains that Americans have a positive image of the war as the U.S. is always depicted as the
winner in movies.
Furthermore, taking the example of The Avengers, he shows how the four pillars of the American society are
often present in superheroes’ movies.
Finally, he highlights the fact that the audience are not conscious of the fact propaganda or more precisely
the spread of the American ideology, still exists in movies nowadays.
I was quite surprised to learn that there is propaganda in superhero films.
2 Group 2 This document is a video about the close link between Hollywood productions and the American
military. Indeed, the Department of Defense provide either money, equipment or locations for film makers if
the image displayed in their movies suits them.
First of all, it explains that Americans have a positive image of the war as the U.S. is always depicted as the
winner in movies.
Furthermore, taking the example of The Avengers, he shows how the four pillars of the American society are
often present in superhero films.
Finally, he highlights the fact that the audience are not conscious of the fact propaganda or more precisely the
spread of the American ideology, still exists in movies nowadays.
I was quite surprised to learn that there is propaganda messages in superhero films.

3 Group 1 The link between the video and the document is the urge to be patriotic, the poster promotes
military enrollment whereas the video shows that behind simple superheroes there is a hidden message.
3 Group 2 The link between the video and the document is the spread of patriotic ideas.

Useful vocabulary:
This document is a…
First of all, he explains…
Furthermore, he shows…
Finally, he highlights…
The link between the video and the document is...

Let’s talk this out!

Timing : 15 minutes

Productions attendues :
4 They share the allusion to the military. The colours used in both documents are a reference to the American
In the first document, Uncle Sam wants Americans to join the Army whereas in the second one we see a
Finally, the dates are different, the poster dates back to 1917 which is during the First World War while for the
still the U.S. was waging war against Vietnam.

5 The four elements of propaganda present in most superhero films are the military, capitalism, religion and
science. This kind of message is called subliminal.

6 Other works of art carry a sort of propaganda, for example cartoons. Indeed Disney used Donald or Mickey
Mouse to depict a binary vision of the Second World War. As for the United States’ enemies, the Soviets or
the Germans also used art as a means of propaganda with painters like Usikova, sculptures like Vera
Mukhina’s work or posters.

Useful vocabulary:

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These documents share…
In the first document… whereas in the second one...
The four elements of propaganda are…
Other works of art can carry a sort of propaganda, for instance...

Let’s learn! Guess who

Timing : 5 minutes
L’activité “Let’s learn!” permet de travailler sur la description des super-héros et permettra de rebrasser
notamment la description physique. Chaque groupe choisit un héros et donne le plus de détails possibles
sans donner le nom et il passe au tableau pour le faire deviner à la classe ou alors on peut travailler en petits

Script des vidéos

Titre de la vidéo : Super heroes Movies and propaganda
Lien de la vidéo : LLS.fr/A1P85
Timing : 2’26

Many don’t realize the United States government often partners with Hollywood productions if it deems the
story and representation of the government appropriate. The relationship with Hollywood and the American
military is a long one, and is chronicled by Lawrence Suid in his book “Guts and Glory: The Making of the
American Military Image in a film.” In it Suid states Hollywood’s reputation with the DOD is one of mutual
exploitation. Film makers get equipment and locations to add production value, while the military has creative
influence on its representation and culture. “It suddenly occurred to me, “ says Suid, “that people in the US
had never seen the US lose a war, and when President Johnson said we can go into Vietnam and win, they
believed him because they’d seen 40 years of war movies that were positive.” But not all movies qualify for
help from the Department of Defense. The vast majority of productions are turned down and some production
companies prefer to not coordinate with the military. A famous example of this Joss Whedon's first Avengers
film. The Department of Defense had an infamous gripe with the film, due to its unreality, but it wasn’t the
thundering demigod or the green Mr. Hyde that had the military confused. Instead, it was the interactions
between the international agency SHIELD and the US government that the DOD found cause for concern.
Besides, allowing the production to film some humvees, the US military mostly left the Avengers team alone.
But even without the influence of the DOD, the Avengers has plenty of material for someone to consider a
propaganda reading of the film. If the Dark Knight inspired Alex Jones to go off on his tirade, I can only imagine
what the Avengers movie would inspire. To Jones, Tony Stark must be a globalist on scale with Hillary Clinton,
selling weapons around the world. And like the scientist turning frogs gay, Bruce Banner is a corrupt green
monster who represents the overreach of science. And what is Captain America but a shill for the military
industrial complex? But more than provide the subtext to bizarre Alex Jones interpretation, the Avengers offers
plenty of material for normal audiences to understand what roles propaganda plays in modern Hollywood.
When we say propaganda, we don’t mean some intentional messaging program by a government, we’ve
already stated that the government didn’t want a part in the making of the Avengers. Instead the propaganda
present in the Avengers is a more subliminal, implicit one. To borrow the term from culture critique Slavoj
Zizek, what’s at play in the Avengers is ideology. These are ideas that are so ingrained in a society or group
of people, they either: 1. Don’t recognize they exist, or 2. Have no other way of thinking about the world. So
who are the heroes of the Avengers? There’s a capitalist in Tony Stark, a patriot in Captain America, a scientist
in Bruce Banner, and the son of God in Thor. It’s likely that the widespread appeal in the Avengers has to do
with the four main characters representing the four major pillars of American life: the economy, the military,
science and religion. No one is suggesting this is conscious or deliberate, but in the attempt to craft a story of
mass appeal, the ideology that describes the social order of that mass would naturally come through. In fact,
most popular films say a lot about the societies they were created in, so the next time you enjoy a blockbuster,
try to consider not only what the movie says about your community, but also what it means for your place in
Build up your vocabulary
Captain Marvel: the earth / extraterrestrial / alien / spaceship / shoot lasers / a pilot / archives / explosions (n.)

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Black Panther: Wakanda / third world country / interrogatory room / el dorado / secret / waterfalls / spaceship /
explosions / Union Nations / a king / a bow

superhero movies and propaganda:

rely / appeal / persuade / distort / promote / evaluate / alter / desinform / advertise / manipulate / control / enroll
/ convey a message / stand for (v.)
Implicit / explicit / subliminal / conscious / unconscious / deliberate (adj.)
hidden messages / ideology / pillars / Department of Defense / mass appeal / puppets (n.)

a. With the help of the toolbox, make a recap of another video.

b. Find the word corresponding to the definition.

- Support or actively encourage (a cause, venture, etc.) (v.)

- Give a misleading or false account or impression of. (v.)
- Place you store files. (n.)
- A hypothetical or fictional being from outer space. (n.)
- Below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone's mind
without their being aware of it. (adj.)

Correction :
a. Libre.
b. urge / distort / archives / extraterrestrial / subliminal

Grille d’évaluation de la tâche intermédiaire (Over to you!)

> Choose one film from the list. Make internet research about it to be able to present it.
> What American values does it convey? How is it propaganda? (you can define the term propaganda)
> React to comments (find tips on methods to do so on p. 253 and use interaction expressions from the précis
de communication p. 258-261)
> Use as complex sentences and vocabulary as possible (proofread your text!)

Niveau 1 (A1) Niveau 2 (A2) Niveau 3 (B1) Niveau 4 (B1+B2) Vers B2+

Réalisation de Présentation brève Présentation du Présentation du film Présentation du

la tâche du film, pas de film et mise en choisi, des film choisi, des
référence à l’idée lien avec l’idée références références
de propagande. de propagande. pertinentes à l’idée pertinentes et
Plagiat ou hors- Des éléments de propagande variées à l’idée de
sujet. descriptifs. avec des propagande avec
justifications issues des justifications
1 point de l’unité. issues de l’unité et Utilise
de ses propres l’humour,
2 points 3 points connaissances. l’implicite.
4 points fluide.

Interaction Répond et réagit Répond Prend sa part à Peut participer ... points
écrite difficilement simplement, l’échange, peut activement, lie sa
0 point besoin d’un expliquer ses idées, réaction à ce qui a
traducteur reformuler déjà été publié.
1 point 1,5 point 2 points

Cohérence / Pas ou peu Des efforts Discours cohérent Discours structuré

organisation d’organisation du d’organisation, et organisé par des et argumenté.
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discours. pas ou peu de mots de liaison. Hiérarchisation
mots de liaison. des idées.
0,5 point 1,5 point
1 point 2 points

Correction de Langue très Des phrases Syntaxe correcte Bonne correction

la langue simple, beaucoup simples mais dans l’ensemble. grammaticale.
de calques du compréhensibles Réutilisation du Vocabulaire riche. Structures
français. , des erreurs vocabulaire et des complexes.
élémentaires. structures de l’unité. Expressions
1 point 3 points idiomatiques.
2 points 4 points ... points

Contenus Pas ou peu de Réutilisation de Réutilisation des Plusieurs

culturels contenu culturel. quelques connaissances références à
éléments vus culturelles de l’unité et des liens
0 point dans l’unité. l’unité. avec ses propres
1 point 1,5 point connaissances.
2 points

Total : / 14 Niveau atteint :

Flash tests

Flashs test de vocabulaire

1. s'engager dans l'armée
4. incarner
5. faire passer (un message)
8. marionnette
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9. faire pression
10. dont on a pas conscience

2. vaisseau spatial
3. déformer
6. inscrire
7. qui vient d'une autre planète

Corrigé du Vocabulary Flash Test :

1. enlist
4. epitomise
5. convey
8. puppet
9. urge
10. subliminal

2. spaceship
3. distort
6. enroll
7. extraterrestrial

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Double-page Language in progress p. 86-87
Mise en œuvre
Les rubriques proposées “Grammar in progress”, “Vocabulary in progress”, “Phonology in progress”
peuvent être exploitées individuellement pour les élèves qui ont accompli tout leur travail. Ces activités
peuvent également faire l’objet d’un travail à la maison qui peut être repris en début de cours suivant. le
workbook (p. 34) propose des exercices supplémentaires sur ces points.

Grammar in progress : Le premier point grammatical sur la formation des questions sera utile tout au long
de la séquence mais aussi pour le deuxième challenge.
Le deuxième point grammatical présent be + V-ing sera utile pour la description les nombreux documents
iconographiques présents dans l’unité.
Enfin, les propositions relatives permettront aux élèves d’étoffer leurs phrases.

Vocabulary in progress : Cette activité permettra de renforcer les acquis des élèves à la fin de la séquence.
C’est une étape nécessaire, voire indispensable avant de se lancer dans la réalisation de l’un des 3 projets
proposés en p. 88-89.

La rubrique “Let’s practice dubbing” propose un doublage d’une bande annonce pour s’entraîner à
l’enregistrement. C’est une activité qui sera très utile comme entraînement au “Digital Challenge”.

Le “Collaborative learning” est un défi entre pairs pour revoir de manière assez ludique les points culturels
de la séquence et par la même occasion la formation des questions.

Correction des exercices

1 a. Libre mais si besoin demander par quels mots elles commencent.
b. Auxiliaire + S + V et Wh- word + Auxiliaire + S + V
c. Il y a un auxiliaire. Son utilisation est obligatoire pour les questions en anglais.
Le sujet et l’auxiliaire sont inversés. C’est la règle pour poser une question en anglais et en français.

2 1) How long have propaganda and comics been linked?

2) Who is the personification of the American Dream?
3) When were comics created?
4) Which superheroes do you prefer?

3 1) I saw a man in blue and red suit flying back and forth over my house.
2) I love watching superhero movies, they are always so entertaining.
3) Wonder Woman was fighting enemies when she heard a strange noise which augured no good.
4) Having read all the Captain America comic books, I am considered a huge Marvel fan.

4 Superman is shooting lasers.

He is flying.
The city is burning.
The superheroine is flying.
Wonder Woman is lying on the ground.
Spider Man is dying.

5 1) It’s Steve Rogers who gave me this beautiful shield.

2) This is the place where she beat her arch enemy.
3) Peter Parker will never forget the day when he was bitten by a spider.
4) It was the comic book that I enjoyed reading the most when I was a child.

6 1) Captain America will symbolize the USA for ever.

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2) Heroes are still very popular.
3) He has always admired Wonder Woman.
4) Marvel sell an always more important number of comics.

7 Comic book cover / at the top / at the bottom / in the foreground / in the background / a title / an issue / a
shield / a mask / a costume / a star / stripes / a superhero / villains / fight / fall / punch.

8 Good guys: sidekick, good, superheroes, justice, democracy, alter ego, defend
Bad guys: arch enemy, evil, villains, enemy, terrorist, assassin, terrorize, spy, dictators, nasty

/ə/ /æ/ /ɑː/ /ɛɪ / / ɔː / /ɛə / /ɒ/ /ɛ /

attack attack Nazi days alter ego

assassin assassin partner decade war
propaganda catch star became
smash nasty take
Spiderman mask
panther Marvel

F. Let's practise dubbing

10 En autonomie, mais on peut insister sur les mots porteurs de sens et dire aux élèves de choisir un

G. Collaborative learning
En autonomie mais on peut passer dans les groupes pour vérifier que les élèves maîtrisent la formation des
questions voire en faire un bref rappel avant de les laisser travailler en autonomie.

Vidéo de la double-page
Titre de la vidéo : Captain America The Winter Soldier
Lien de la vidéo : LLS.fr/A1P87
Timing : 2’31

Black Widow: Most of the intelligence community doesn’t believe he exists. The ones that do, call him the
Winter Soldier. He’s a ghost, you’ll never find him.
Captain America: I joined SHIELD to protect people.
Alexander Pierce: Captain, to build a better world, sometimes means tearing the old one down and that
makes enemies.
Captain America: He’s fast, strong with a metal arm.
Alexander Pierce: Are you ready? All it takes is one step.
Captain America: People are gonna die, we can’t let that happen.
Faucon: Captain America needs my help. When do we start?
Captain America: We just did.
Captain America: The price of freedom is high. And it’s a price I’m willing to pay. You told me not to trust
anyone. This is how it ends, everything goes.
Fury: Look like you’re giving the orders now Captain.
Captain America: Damn right.
Faucon: How do we know the good guys from the bad guys?
Captain America: If they’re shooting at you, they’re bad.

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Double-page Final project p. 88-89
Corrigé de l’option 1
You send your application letter to the contest “The New Stan Lee” (180-200 words).
Object: Application letter to the contest “The New Stan Lee.”

To whom it may concern

December 11 2019

Dear Sir, dear Madam,

I would like to apply for your contest. I created a new superheroine, her name is Miss Marvel as she is Carol
Danvers’ little sister. She is blond, quite small and so bold. Her costume is red and black, like Deadpool’s but
she has wings, beautiful black wings; she also has red boots and a mask. She is incredible, she is able to read
people’s mind, control time and shoot lasers like Superman.
She is a mix of so many characters created by Stan Lee and she is a tribute to his female characters, such as
Black Widow, Storm or my favourite, the Wasp.
Before inventing her, I read all Stan Lee’s comic books.
Just like the Fantastic Four or the X-Men, I intend to invent a whole bunch of other new characters.
For all these reasons, I am convinced that I deserve to win the contest as my only goal is to do Stan Lee justice
through my future creations.

Best regards

176 words

Nb of words: 150-180

Niveau 1 (A1) Niveau 2 (A2) Niveau 3 (B1) Niveau 4 (B1 + Vers B2+

Réalisation Contenu très Lettre courte, Lattre assez Lettre complète et Utilise l’humour,
de la tâche pauvre, hors-sujet présentation d’un longue, argumentée. l’implicite. Langue
ou plagiat. super-héros, des présentation d’un Présentation fluide. Jeu d’acteur
éléments héros, pertinente d’un convaincant.
descriptifs. justifications. héros et de son
intérêt patriotique.
1 point 2 points 3 points 4 points …. points

Cohérence / Pas ou peu Des efforts Discours articulé Discours structuré

organisation d’organisation du d’organisation, par des mots de en paragraphes,
discours. quelques mots de liaison et des hiérarchisation des
liaison, pas ou peu paragraphes idées.
de paragraphes. distincts.

0,5 point 1 point 2 points 3 points

Recevabilité Langue très Des phrases Syntaxe correcte. Peu d’erreurs, Bonne intonation.
linguistique simple, beaucoup simples mais Réutilisation du vocabulaire riche. Structures
de calques du correctes, des vocabulaire et des complexes.
français. erreurs structures de Expressions
élémentaires. l’unité. idiomatiques.
1 point 2 points 3 points 4 points S’auto-corrige.

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Contenus Pas ou peu de Quelques Exploitation Plusieurs ... points
culturels contenu culturel. références à ce qui cohérente des références à
a été vu dans contenus culturels l’unité, fait des
l’unité. de l’unité. liens avec ses
0,5 point 1 point 2 points 3 points

Total : / 14 Niveau atteint :

Corrigé de l’option 2
Two young cartoonists claim to be Stan Lee’s heirs so a TV show organises a confrontation to find
out who the real one is.

Anchorwoman: Good evening. Tonight in Oh Comics, my Comics we have two guests claiming they both are
the new Stan Lee. To help me choose Stan’s rightful heir, I’ll be assisted by Martin Lieber, a comic book
Let’s start with you Jen. Can you introduce your superhero?
Jen: My superhero’s name is The Bear. He is a scientist working for an environmental organization. At night,
he turns into a gigantic black bear that is super strong like the Hulk. He’s on the good side but being helpless
to improve the situation as a scientist, his goal is to destroy whatever causes pollution.
Anchorwoman: Well, how can you say that he is some sort of tribute to Stan Lee?
Jen: Remember the last two Avengers?
Martin: Of course. You mean, your superhero is somewhat like Thanos, the villain?
Jen: Yes but he’s on the good side.
Anchorwoman: Now, let’s listen to our second guest!
Tim: Ok, my superhero is a superheroine. Her name is Miss Marvel, she is Carol Danvers’ sister. She is blond,
quite small and so bold. Her costume is red and black, like Deadpool’s, but she has huge black wings. She is
able to read people’s mind, control time and shoot lasers like Superman. She’s a combination of many Marvel
characters, so I’m definitely Stan Lee’s heir.
Anchorwoman: So Martin, did you make your choice?
Martin: Um... I am sure Stan Lee would have loved The Bear and his quest to save the Earth.
Anchorwoman: So congratulations Jen, you are Stan Lee’s heiress.

Nb of words: 256

Niveau 1 (A1) Niveau 2 (A2) Niveau 3 (B1) Niveau 4 (B1 + B2) Vers B2+

Réalisation de Peu de Participe Participe à Présentation claire et Utilise l’humour,

la tâche participation à simplement à l’interaction. argumentée. Des l’implicite.
l’interaction. l’interaction. Présentation exemples pertinents. Langue fluide.
Présentation claire. Jeu d’acteur
0,5 point simple. 3 points convaincant.
2 points
1 point
… points
Interaction orale Répond et réagit Répond de manière Prend sa part à Réagit avec vivacité et
difficilement. simple sans l’échange, réagit. pertinence. Pose des
prendre l’initiative Peut vérifier, questions. Notes
de la parole. reformuler les consultées
idées. tente de se ponctuellement.
1 point détacher de ses
2 points notes. 4 points
3 points

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Prononciation / Débit haché, Prononciation Prononciation Prononciation correcte, Bonne intonation.
fluidité prononciation compréhensible, globalement intonation assez Structures
francisé. mais francisée (-th, correcte. naturelle. complexes.
-h, diphtongues…). Quelques erreurs Expressions
ne gênant pas la idiomatiques.
0,5 point compréhension. 2 points S’auto-corrige.
1 point 1,5 point ... points

Recevabilité Langue très Des phrases Syntaxe correcte. Peu d’erreurs,

linguistique simple, simples mais réutilisation du vocabulaire riche.
beaucoup de correctes, des vocabulaire et des
calques du erreurs structures de
français. élémentaires. l’unité.

1 point 4 points
3 points
2 points

Contenus Pas ou peu de Quelques Exploitation Des références à l’unité

culturels contenu culturel. références à ce qui cohérente des et à des connaissances
a été vu dans contenus culturels personnelles.
0 point l’unité. de l’unité. 3 points
2 points
1 point

Total : / 16 Niveau atteint :

Corrigé du Digital Challenge

Record a promotional video or podcast about Marvel’s latest superhero / heroine or anti-hero / heroine
promoting American values. Be creative: add music and sound effects!

She is stronger than The Hulk! Pow! She is faster than The Flash! Swish! And she is here to fight evil
extraterrestrial spies who want to influence the next American elections.
2021, Jessica Rodgers, Captain America and Peggy Carter’s daughter, works for the Anti Alien Agency as
aliens want one of them to be the next American president and rule the world. Bang! She is dark-haired, like
her mother and blue-eyed, like her father.
At night, she becomes Miss America with her blue, red and white outfit; she has a star on the forehead that
enables her to uncover aliens having a human appearance. She is assisted by Sam Wilson’s son, the Eagle.
He inherited Captain America’s shield from his father. Together, they exterminate them all; her with a magical
whip and her ninja stars and him with his monstrous claws. Ouch!
They are young, strong and fight for freedom. They won’t let the dark side win!
America’s democracy is at stake!
Don’t miss Marvel’s latest adventure! Miss America in all theatres from November 1st.

Nb of words: 177

Grille d’évaluation du Digital Challenge

Niveau 1 (A1) Niveau 2 (A2) Niveau 3 (B1) Niveau 4 (B1+/B2-) Vers B2+

Réalisation Présentation Présentation Présentation Présentation Utilise l’humour, très

de la tâche brève. simple. Des claire, des complète, fluide, intonation
Contenu éléments justifications. argumentée et adéquate.
pauvre, hors- descriptifs. utilisation de
sujet ou nombreux adjectifs. ... points

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1 point 2 points 3 points 4 points

Prononciatio Débit haché, Prononciation Prononciation Prononciation

n / fluidité prononciation compréhensible, globalement correcte, intonation
francisée. mais francisée (- correcte. assez naturelle.
th, -h, Quelques
diphtongues…). erreurs ne
gênant pas la
0,5 point 1 point 1,5 point 2 points

Recevabilité Langue très Des phrases Syntaxe Peu d’erreurs, Expressions

linguistique simple, simples mais correcte. vocabulaire riche. idiomatiques.
beaucoup de correctes, des réutilisation du Structures
calques du erreurs vocabulaire et complexes. S’auto-
français. élémentaires. des structures corrige.
de l’unité.
1 point 2 points 3 points 4 points ... points

Contenus Pas ou peu de Quelques Exploitation Des références à Ouvre le sujet, fait
culturels contenu références à ce cohérente des l’unité et à des des liens avec
culturel. qui a été vu contenus connaissances d’autres
dans l’unité. culturels de personnelles. connaissances.
0 point 1 point 2 points 3 points … points

Apport Pas d’apport Enregistrement Enregistrement Enregistrement plus Des effets, montage
numérique numérique. simple. plus long. long et élaboré. élaboré.

0 point 1 point 2 points 3 points … points

Total : / 16 Niveau atteint :

Évaluations de CO et CE complémentaires

Deux possibilités intéressantes :

● CE complémentaire
Article : “‘Becoming Captain Marvel’, How Carol Danvers’s evolution, from love interest to the most powerful
Avenger, mirrors the ups and downs many female superheroes have experienced.”, Shelly Tan, 2019
Lien de l’article : https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2019/entertainment/captain-marvel-history/
Découpage : du début à “Danvers emerged with powers including superhuman strength, durability and

1. What is the nature of the document? Justify your answer. (1)
2. What is the general topic? (1)
3. What is the film presented? What do you learn about it? What is special in it? (4)
4. Who are the characters mentioned? How are they related? (4)
5. When did Captain Marvel first appear? (1)
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6. What are her super powers? How did she get them? (3)
7. What social movement made the character evolved to a primary one? (2)
8. True or False, explain in your own words and justify by quoting the text. (2x2)
a. Captain Marvel is a human
b. She works in the American army.
9. Briefly recap (5)

CE (20 pts)
A1 : 4 à 8 A2: 9 à 13 B1 : 14 à 18 En voie vers B2: 19-20
1. This document is a web article by Shelly Tan published in the Washington Post in 2019. There is a
headline, the names of the newspaper and the journalist and the date.
2. This article is about the evolution of the character of Captain Marvel.
3. The film is Captain Marvel. its premiere will be a few days after the article is published in 2019. It was
made by Marvel Cinematic Universe. What is special about this film is that it’s the first time the leading
role is a female character.
4. The main character is Carol Danvers, her superhero’s name is Captain Marvel. She is played by Brie
Larson. In the film, she is the girlfriend of a Mar-Vell, an alien superhero.
5. She first appeared in 1968.
6. Her super powers are superhuman strength, durability and flight. She got her super powers during an
accidental encounter with a Kree machine and her DNA was altered.
7. The character of Captain Marvel evolved because of feminism.
8. a. False. she used to be human now she is half alien -half human ‘turning her into a human-Kree
b. True. She works in the Air Force and now in the NASA ‘Air Force officer turned NASA security chief’
9. This text is a newspaper article by Shelly Tan published in The Washington Post on March 7 2019. It
deals with the evolution of the character of Captain Marvel through the years. Indeed, at the beginning,
she was just a male hero’s girlfriend. But because of feminism, she became a super heroine on her
own and the most powerful Avengers.

● CO complémentaire
Titre de la vidéo : Anthony Mackie Talks Playing "Falcon" In 'Captain America 2'
Lien de la vidéo : https://youtu.be/It8NaQ1M3EQ
Timing : 0:00 à 1:19 puis 1:44 à 2:03 (soit 1:38)

Script de la vidéo :

Journalist: Anthony Mackie says he’s thrilled to play Marvel’s first African-American superhero. Well,
production doesn’t start until next March for Captain America The Winter Soldier but Hurt Locker star
Anthony Mackie isn’t wasting any time preparing for his debut as the iconic winged hero Falcon. He’s already
devouring stacks of Captain America and the Falcon comics from the 70s, specifically Steve Englehart’s
defining contributions to the character and just as he’s gotten his hands on some stimulating reading
material, intense training will begin for the physically taxing aspects of the role. So when Website Coming
Soon sat down with Mackie about playing Sam Wilson, it was clear Mackie’s taking this role very seriously.
Actually, most actors were given a mega opportunity like a Marvel character would take it seriously at the

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very least but for rising star Anthony Mackie, it’s different. Mackie wants to make sure he does Marvel’s first
true African-American superhero justice. He said, quote “ It makes me feel like all the work I’ve done has
been paying off. I have a son, nephews and nieces, and I love the idea that they can dress up as the Falcon
on Halloween. They now have someone they can idealize. That’s a huge honour for me.” [...]
Of course, Falcon isn’t Marvel’s first superhero of African descent, before him came Black Panther… an
African from the fictional country of Wakanga. Three years after the Falcon’s first appearance in 1969 came
Luke Cage, the first African-American series star Marvel had ever seen… followed by Storm.

Deux possibilités :
- évaluation avec restitution en français
- entraînement avec des questions de compréhension globale et détaillée

● Grille d’évaluation

A1 quelques éléments isolés : Marvel / Captain America / African-American / superhero / comics / justice /
honour / Falcon / Halloween / iconic / Black Panther / country

A2 des éléments simples de compréhension : au moins 4/ 6 éléments:

Repérage de la locutrice : une femme
Repérage du thème : les super-héros noirs et plus précisément Falcon
Repérage que c’est une émission.
Repérage d’éléments isolés / de compréhension partielle : vocabulaire des super-héros et des sentiments :
Marvel / Falcon / Black Panther / honour

B1 compréhension générale, enchaînement du discours : au moins 4 / 6 éléments :

Dans cet enregistrement, on parle plus précisément de Falcon un personnage de Captain America.
La présentatrice parle de l’acteur Anthony Mackie qui va incarner Falcon, un super-héros noir.
la production de Captain America : Winter soldier commence en mars.
Elle parle de la fierté de l’acteur d’incarner ce héros et de son souhait de lui faire honneur.
Elle cite l’acteur.
Il prend son rôle très au sérieux. Elle explique comment il se prépare à ce rôle (entraînement physique et
lectures de comics).
Il y a eu d’autres héros noirs dans les films et séries Marvel (Black Panther, Luke Cage et Storm)

Vers B2 compréhension satisfaisante, sans être exhaustive, perception de l’implicite :

Même si le film ne sera produit que dans quelques mois, AM est déjà en train de se préparer à jouer le rôle.
Falcon est un super-héros qui peut voler.
Repérage de la fierté de Anthony Mackie : tout le monde prendrait un rôle de super-héros au sérieux mais lui
y donne une signification toute particulière. Il est particulièrement fier d’incarner un super-héros auquel son
fils ou ses neveux vont s’identifier, du fait qu’il veut rendre hommage au personnage. Il cnsidère que c’est une
récompense pour tout ce qu’il a fait jusque là.
Repérage de la chronologie de l’apparition des autres super-héros noirs : d’abord Black Panther (avant
Falcon), puis Luke Cage et enfin Storm

● Questions pour l’entraînement

1. Pick out all the words you understand.

2. Who is speaking?
3. What is the general topic?
4. Say whether these statements are true or false.
a. Anthony Mackie plays in the latest Captain America: The Winter Soldier. T F
b. The actor is not thrilled about his role. T F
c. Falcon is Marvel’s first African-American hero. T F
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d. Falcon is Marvel’s only hero of African descent. T F
5. Write the words corresponding to the following phonetic transcriptions:
/θrɪld/: ……………….. /nɒt ˈwɛɪstɪŋ taɪm/: ……………………………. /dɪˈvaʊərɪŋ/: ………………….
/ˈkɒmɪks/: ……………../ɪnˈtɛns ˈtreɪnɪŋ/: …………………. /dʌz ˈʤʌstɪs/: ………………….
/ˈɒnə/: ……………………...
6. With the help of some words of the previous exercise, what can you say about Anthony Mackie’s
feelings about this role and how he prepares for it..
7. Briefly recap.

On peut aussi étudier ce photogramme issu de Avengers Endgame où pour la bataille finale il y a une scène
avec uniquement des femmes et ainsi ouvrir au féminisme :

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Double-page Reading corner p. 90-91
Corrigé des questions de compréhension > à droite du document

a) Steve Rogers is Captain America’s alter ego.

b) In the 1950s, Captain America’s enemies were the Communists.
c) Before becoming Marvel, the first name of the comic company was Timely Comics and it later became
d) A “commie smasher” is a phrase used to refer to people who fight against Communist, who want to
destroy them.
e) His sidekick was James “Bucky” Barnes.
f) Senator Joe Mc Carthy claimed America was invaded by Communists. In one of adventure, Captain
America compares them to “the Nazis of the 1950s.”
g) To explain his five-year absence, Martin Goodman, founder and editor of Atlas, and Stan Lee, writer at
that time, decided that Captain America had retired from the army. But when the Red Skull, now a
Communist, reappeared, he had no choice but to come back with his sidekick Bucky.
h) Captain America’s latest movie is entitled The Winter Soldier and is about the return of his sidekick
Bucky but this time as a Hydra agent.
i) Captain America is and always will embody the American Dream and freedom.
j) Captain America’s dilemma is to find a balance between security and freedom.

Corrigé du Your time to shine!

1 Libre.
Production possible :

Dear members of the Writers’ War Board,

I write because I don’t understand why you don’t want to fund my latest film. I cannot explain your decision.
Do you think America does not have enemies anymore? Do you really think we are safe? Our enemy is inside,
people don’t believe in anything anymore; no more faith, no more values, no more patriotism. We should call
upon Uncle Sam, imagine a war is declared, we won’t have enough military to protect our nation.
In my movie, I created a new superheroine embodying American values, she is ready to defend the country
against our invisible enemies.
Remember 1941, American people were against entering the war but thanks to the marvelous Captain
America, you were able to have the country’s support and so many young men enrolled. And this led us to the
You must be aware that propaganda is still needed today, even more than before as our country has no more
I’m looking forward to having a positive answer to my request.
Yours sincerely,
One of the last patriot in this country.

Number of words: 183

2 Libre.
Production possible :

Captain America is definitely the symbol of American values; German psychologist Erich Fromm said that “The
beauty of Captain America is that he is and always has been a symbol of the American Dream.” I will try to
explain why this quote is true.

To begin, we must look back to the birth of this superhero, dating back to 1941. The country was against
entering World War II and that’s just when two cartoonists, Joe Simon and Jack Kirby, created a hero in which
American people could identify with.
One of the major American values is freedom and that’s exactly what Captain America fights for.
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Later, Captain America’s enemy was the Commies and more recently in Captain America: Winter Soldier, the
enemy was inside.
What is more, the fact that Captain America was a soldier who became a hero saving the nation symbolizes
another facet of the American Dream. Indeed, it proves that everybody can succeed.

For all these reasons, I agree with Erich Fromm that Captain America is and has always been the symbol of
the American Dream adapting to any enemy of American values.

Nb of words: 186

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Workbook - corrigé
Opening video

WB p. 29

1 Get ready!
1) Soviet Union
2) alter ego
3) nuclear supremacy
4) espionage

2 LLS.fr/A1P78
Comics The US Cold War

- close link between comics and - use of political propaganda - ideological conflict between the
propaganda: use of superheroes - American ideals = technological Soviet Union and the U.S.A. and
as a means of propaganda innovation, strength their allies
- comic book industry revitalized - Link between the US and the - started in 1947 and lasted over
during that time Flash = idea that he Flash would 40 years
- The Flash = very popular help quell the fears and anxieties - conflict was never physical
that many Americans had - tactics such as espionage,
military intimidation or
propaganda to spread their ideals

b. 1940 = the original Flash premiered

1956 = The Flash was rebooted

3 Let’s recap!

Piste de production possible : The Flash was an allegory for Cold War American ideals. The Flash helped
to put an end to Americans’ fears. They needed a hero to embody America’s greatness and strength and found
it in The Flash.

1 From WWII to the Cold War

WB p. 29-30

Group 1
1 1) a strike
2) ascribe
3) nonetheless
4) the villains

2 Captain America was created to help build patriotism and to make Americans accept their country
entering the war.
3 The “good guys” are the U.S.A and its allies (France, the UK…) whereas the “bad guys” are its enemies
(Germany and Japan).
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Group 2
1 a. This document is a comic book cover. It is Captain America #1 published in March 1941.
b. This book cover is clearly a reference to the Second World War.

Good guys Bad guys

- Captain America = center of the cover, punching - Hitler and German soldiers
Hitler, costume, shield, winning the fight, no guns - wearing the typical military uniforms of the Waffen-
- Bucky = in the foreground, doing the military SS, green for the soldier and brown for Hitler
salute symbolizing the Americans - using firearms
- TV screen = in the background with U.S. munition - soldiers shooting Captain America, they are
and a soldier on it surrounding him
- At the top = the title of the comic book is written on - looks like they are all shouting
a banner representing the American flag - several swastikas = two on the walls in the
- At the bottom left-hand corner = a map of the U.S. background and one on Hitler and a soldier’s
and military plans uniform
- in the background, in front of the TV = a soldier
speaking on the radio; maybe he illustrates the use
of espionage tactics used during the war

3 When this cover was released, the US had not entered WWII yet. So judging by the date, the aim of this
cover was to convince Americans that the US needed to enter the war.

Group 3
1 Libre.

2 LLS.fr/A1P81

Who? What did they do? Where?

Captain America - comic books used as a means America, Japan, Germany

Jack Kirby and Joe Simon of propaganda, influence of WWB
WWB = the Writers’ War Board
Adolf Hitler - first issue of 1941 = showed When?
Nazis Captain America and his sidekick
Bucky Bucky fighting against Hitler and
German soldiers World War II, 1930s, 1941
→ What is striking is that the U.S.
hadn’t yet entered the conflict in
1941; so it was used to influence
the readers, to convince them
that entering the war was a

3 1) True
2) False
3) False
4) True

4 Let’s recap!
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Exemple de production possible :

The first comic book used as a means of propaganda was released in March 1941 with Captain America #1
issue. Indeed, this date corresponds to the period of World War II but the U.S. hadn’t yet enter the war. On
the one hand, they were an effective means of propaganda as comic books sold much more than newspapers.
On the other hand, they helped / promoted the idea that waging war against Germany was a necessity. At that
time, the Writers’ War Board highly influenced how the characters were portrayed, idealizing Captain America
and demonizing America’s enemies.

2 Bye Stan…

WB p. 31

1 Get ready!
1) beloved (l.3)
2) arguably (l.32)
3) hype (l.13)
4) legacy (l.22)
5) over-state (l. 25)
6) foils (l.28)

2 a. This document is a web article entitled “Honour Stan Lee by reading the comics that defined his genius”
by Matt Camen. The main topic of the document is Stan Lee’s legacy.

b. 95: age at which Stan Lee died

#3: first Captain America Comics issue published by Stan Lee
19: age at which Stan Lee started working for Timely Comics
1941: year Captain America Comics was first published
2018: death of Stan Lee

3 a.
1) False: “the company’s [...] hype man for its many characters” (l.12-13)
2) True: “the guy who keeps showing up in Marvel films” (l.19-20)
3) True: “Lieber used the pseudonym ‘Stan Lee’ so he wouldn’t be recognised for his comics work as he
pursued his ambitions as a novelist” (l.34-end)
4) True: “the medium he made his name in: comics” (l.23-24)
5) False: “For decades” (l.11)

b. The side effect of his showing up in Marvel films is that younger fans know him for that and not for the
impact he had on comic books.

c. In fact, Stan Lee dreamt to be a novelist.

3 Let’s recap!

Exemple de production possible : Stan Lee is depicted as a beloved character who created many famous
superheroes. The journalist insists on Stan Lee’s major role in the comic book industry. He reminds about
the fact he was more than the man who appeared in Marvel movies.
Moreover, he draws a parallel between comic books and pop culture. Finally, we learn that he wanted to be
a novelist.

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3 The superheroes’ father

WB p. 32

Group 1
1 a. This document is a comic strip page entitled “My moments with Stan”, by Brian Michael Bendis and Bill
Walko. It was published in 2018.

b. I can see Black Panther, the Hulk, Spider-Man, the Fantastic Four, Dr Strange, Iron Man, Captain
America, Thor, Black Widow, the X-Men, Ant-Man or Hawk Eye.

c. The old man is Stan Lee. Maybe the other man is Brian Michael Bendis or Bill Walko. The two men are
colleagues, they both work for Marvel.

2 1) False: “But quite frankly, I can’t see them. I haven’t been able to for years.”
2) False: “I pretended to be a normal human being and not act like a nerd staring into the face of his literary
3) True: “I was whining to the man who created the job about the job.”
4) True: “I can’t hear a damn thing”

Group 1
1 LLS.fr/A1P83
a. The document is made of an old interview of Stan Lee and extracts from different Marvel movies in which
Stan Lee appeared.

b. Stan Lee’s cameos in Marvel movies.

2 a. Stan Lee really enjoyed his job, he uses the words “fun”, “satisfaction”, “don’t want to stop” to talk
about it.

b. Stan Lee: It is such fun /ˈfʌn/ creating characters /ˈkærɪktəz/, writing stories /ˈstɔːriz/, even doing
interviews /ˈɪntəvjuːz/, even though /ˈðəʊ/ I can’t hear /ˈhɪə/ most of what the guy /ˈgaɪ/ says /ˈsɛz/ to me
and when you do something /ˈsʌmθɪŋ/ that you know the fans /fænz/ seem to enjoy /ɪnˈʤɔɪ/ that gives you
such satisfaction /ˌsætɪsˈfækʃən/ you don’t /ˈdəʊnt/ want to stop.

3 Let’s recap!

Exemple de production possible : The first document is a comic book page whereas the second one is a
video It’s a tribute to Stan Lee.
Both documents tell us about Stan Lee’s health problem. Stan Lee is depicted as a beloved, humble,
mischievous and happy man who loved his job. He used to appear in Marvel movies, it is called cameos.

5 We are puppets
WB p. 85

1 Department of Defense, science, Hollywood Hillary Clinton blockbuster, ideology, propaganda, military,

Group 1
2 a. According to Slavoj Zizek, ideology is at play in the Avengers.
b. The four pillars of American life are: the military (Captain America), science (the Hulk), religion (Thor) and
the economy (Iron Man).

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Group 2
1 a.
1) False
2) True
3) False

b. A = The Hulk
B = Thor
C = Iron Man
D = Captain America

3 Let’s recap!

Exemple de production possible : Yes, propaganda still exists in superheroes movies. Yet, it’s a more
subtle, implicit one, Zizek calls it ideology to be precise. And the Department of Defense still interacts with
Hollywood nowadays.

Language in progress
WB p. 34

1 Observe and deduce!

1) Auxiliaire + sujet + verbe + complément + ?
2) pronom interrogatif + auxiliaire + sujet + verbe + complément + ?

2 Practice!
1) Who is your favourite superhero?
2) Have comics been useful for the American war effort?
3) When does the first issue of Captain America date back?

3 Down
1) swastika
2) bold
3) patriot
6) embody

4) helmet
5) sidekick

Secret word: Stan Lee

4 1) Nazi
2) Marvel
3) stereotypes
4) epitomize
5) witch hunting
6) paranoia

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