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Customer experience

CX = customer experience
Customer advocacy
- Consumer centric
- Experience
STEPS: Need recognize, purchase, after consumption
Comportements d’achats multicanaux, DIGITAL ERA :
- Show rooming : Essayer dans un magasin mais l’acheter ensuite sur internet où autre psq
c’est moins cher
- Web in store :  Représente tous les contenus digitaux utilisés en magasin pour améliorer
l'expérience client
- Store to web : Vise à renvoyer le client d'une enseigne vers le site e-commerce de
l'enseigne pour l'achat d'un produit qui n'est pas ou plus disponible dans le point de vente
- Web to store : Désigne l'ensemble des actions et dispositifs utilisés sur Internet pour
amener le consommateur dans le point de vente physique
- Click and collect : Le client achète sur internet et vient récupérer son article au magasin

Word of mouth: e-repetition (electronics for example) in social networks etc, very important
for the brand. They want consumers talk about them.

Company draven web context : espaces web contrôlés par l’entreprise

Consumer draven web context : espaces web contrôlés par le consommateur

Touch points (point de contact) : points de contact entre les companies et les consummers
Seamless : parcours complètement optimisé sans accroc
Consummer journey: parcours du consommateur
Advocacy (plaidoyer): experience as fun as possible, as emotional as possible -> most
positive way (and rentable)
What is consumer experience? refers to the positive or negative consequences resulting
from the use of a good or service which generate meaning for the subject who lives it. C’est
l’experience de la consommation, de ce qu’on consomme.

RACE (à ne pas apprendre mais à comprendre) :

Lead: somebody who is already interested by ur brand
SQL (sales qualify lead): after MQL, somebody who is closer to purchases, he just need a final
MQL (marketing qualify lead): before SQL, extra push, information search step, he needs to
know by ur brand so we do what we need to get it on board
Marketing inbound: pull (nouveau marketing), viser des personnes qui sont déjà intéressées
par nous grâce aux études
Marketing outbound: push (traditionnel marketing), pub boîtes aux lettres etc

Consumption experience offer: produced by the company, a combination of products and

services in order to orchestrate a memorable moment for the consumer.
P-O-S: person object situation. Situation is controlled by the company or by the consumers
(ex: l’occitane, nature et découverte)

Brand tales:
- Sources: magazines, movies, or product placement around the brand
- Objectif: fictional experience -> product consumption experiences (Chanel…)
- Serves as an anchor to the other experiential contexts

Brand fests (producing festival experiences):

- Objectif: To intensify the consumer, brand relationship
- Example: Haute couture fashion shows, Paris Motor Show, the Harry Potter conventions…

Brand plants: industrial tourism, experimental contexts scripted around a technical purpose
about a manufacturing process
- Objectif: to immerse consumers more fully (than in the brand’s store) in a brand’s universe
- Example: Mercedes Museum
Brand stores (flagship stores):
- Intrigue around the brand
- Priority: not one of a commercial change but the immersion of the individual in a themed
- Objectif: To create a link with the consumer and encourage other future purchases in other
retail formats
- Example: Nivea, Abercrombie

Brand websites and apps:

- Orchestrating/setting the scenes of more or less intense virtual experiences
- Example: product customization or transferring the product/service (Pizza Hut, Leroy
1. Analyse the pepperfry brand and the reasons for its success in its initial years (SWOT
2. Discuss the customer decision-making process for online retailing
3. Taking into consideration the various stages of the engel, Blackwell, and miniard (EBM)
model, suggest how to improve customer experience at each stage (see how to improve
consumer stage, ne pas faire le EBM)
4. Analyse pepperfry’s customer advocacy strategy for creating a positive customer
5. Analyse peppertdry’s service design strategy for its multi-channel (offline to offline) retail

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