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Part 1: Life-changing Inventions


The Game-changer in the Fight against Malaria

Activity 1: Anticipate
1) Read the title. What is a game-changer?
A game-changer is something that changes a situation radically.
2) Imagine what the document is about.
The document may be about a new discovery or new medicine against
3) Write the words you expect to hear.
Medicine – scientist – discover – cure – relieve – help – disease – kill – mosquito – parasite …

Activity 2: Comprehension
2) a.
— Give a title to this part: Presentation of the vaccine
— WH- questions:
• What innovation is this document about? What is it for?
It is about a vaccine against malaria. It is used to prevent malaria and it could be a great improve-
• How does it work?
It helps the immune system fight malaria parasites. Children need to have 4 doses of the vaccine
(before they are 2).
• Who does it concern?
It concerns children under 2 years old.
b. Watch from 0’39 to the end
— Give a title to this part: The experiment
— WH- questions:
• When and where does it take place?
It takes place in Kenya.
• Why do they test the innovation there?
They test the innovation in Kenya because they want to see the results in real-life settings. They
want to test the vaccine on communities that are quite isolated.


c. Pour vérifier vos réponses, vérifiez que les éléments suivants apparaissent bien dans votre compte-
rendu (toutes les propositions sont correctes).
■ Une femme présente un vaccin.
■ Il a fallu 30 ans pour mettre au point ce vaccin.
■ Le vaccin entraine le système immunitaire à lutter contre un parasite.
■ Le parasite est transmis par les piqures de moustiques.
■ Il faut 4 doses du vaccin avant que l’enfant ait 2 ans.
■ Le vaccin prévient la malaria pour 4 enfants sur 10.
■ Il a réduit les cas de malaria les plus graves d’un tiers.
■ La malaria est l’une des maladies les plus vieilles et les plus mortelles au monde.
■ On charge les camions avec des vaccins de routine.
■ Il y a aussi des vaccins contre la malaria ajoutés à la dernière minute.
■ Les tests cliniques ont déjà montré que les vaccins étaient efficaces et sans danger.
■ Il faut maintenant voir comment le vaccin fonctionne en conditions réelles, dans des communautés
■ Les zones pilotes sont situées au Kenya.

Voici le script du document. Vous pouvez le réécouter après l’avoir lu.

“This, here, is the vaccine. It’s been 30 years in the making and it works by training the immune system to
attack the malaria parasite which is spread by mosquito bites. A child needs 4 doses of this vaccine before
they reach 2 years old.
It’s been found to prevent malaria cases in 4 out of 10 children. It’s also been found to cut the most severe
cases by a third. This could potentially be a game-changer in the global fight against one of the world’s
oldest and deadliest diseases.
The lorries are now being loaded up for their long journeys to Kasumu, Kakamega…
It’s mainly routine vaccinations that are going into these areas but there are also some last-minute
malaria materials that will also be going to the pilot areas.
Now, clinical trials have already shown the malaria vaccine to be safe and effective. The task now is to find
how well they work in real-life settings, within communities, many of them very remote, here in Kenya.”

Vidéo 1https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-49681813

Activity 3: Language skills

1. Vocabulary
a. Medicine is tested in labs and real-life settings.
b. Malaria kills many people: it is a deadly disease.
c. Lorries transport the medicine to Kenya.
d. The users live in remote areas.
e. Malaria is a global health issue.
f. The aim of this vaccine is to strengthen your immune system.


2. Quantities
Observez : It prevents malaria cases in four out of ten children.
It cuts severe malaria cases by a third.
Déduisez : Quand on veut exprimer une proportion en utilisant « sur », on utilise out of. Si on veut parler
d’une évolution, on utilise by + proportion.
a. Two out of a thousand malaria cases are deadly. (2 / 1000)
b. Between 2002 and 2012, the number of deadly malaria cases have fallen by 29%.
c. Four out of five malaria cases occur in Africa. (4/5)
d. Since 2010, child mortality rates have dropped by 34%.
e. But in Niger, mortality rates have increased by 6% for children under 5.
Note: On peut aussi remplacer “out of” par “in”.

3. Phonology
c. Surlignez les syllabes accentuées.
Avant d’aller plus loin, observez le corrigé pour cette question.

“This here is the vaccine. It’s been thirty years in the making and it works by training the immune
system to attack the malaria parasite which is spread by mosquito bites. “
d. Observez les mots soulignés. Classez-les en fonction de la prononciation du « i ». Vous pouvez
réécouter le passage autant de fois que nécessaire.
“This here is the vaccine. It’s been thirty years in the making and it works by training the immune
system to attack the malaria parasite which is spread by mosquito bites.“

/ɪ/ / iː/ / aɪ/ /ɜː/

(example: pink) (example: feet) (example: light) (example: bird)
This Vaccine Parasite Thirty
In Mosquito Bites
Vous remarquerez que dans les mots comportant plusieurs syllabes, les syllabes accentuées
comportent souvent des sons longs (« immune ») et des diphtongues (« training »). Au contraire, les
syllabes non accentuées comportent souvent le son /ɪ/ (is).
Un autre son très fréquent dans les syllabes non accentuées s’appelle le schwa. Il est représenté par le
symbole /ə/ (« the »). On n’entend presque pas ces sons, qui « s’effacent » au profit de la syllabe accen-


Activity 4: Sum up

1. Compte-rendu
Sum up the document using the following words : vaccine – Kenya – mosquito – test – pilot areas – deadly –
fight – real-life settings – health
In this document, a scientist shows the brand-new vaccine against malaria, a deadly disease that is
spread by mosquito bites. The vaccine will help children fight the parasite. The medicine has been tested
in labs; now, it is going to be tested in real-life settings, in pilot areas in Kenya. The aim is to improve
health in these areas.

2. Lien avec l’axe étudié

■ The main theme is science.
■ The journalist thinks scientists have a responsibility in helping people who are ill.
□ The vaccine is responsible for many deaths.
□ The journalist thinks African countries need help.
■ The journalist thinks it is necessary to eradicate malaria.


How the Internet Was Invented

Activity 6: Comprehension
1) What can you say about:
– The people who invented the internet?
– Their motivations?
The internet was invented by several people. One of the inventors’ names was Cerf. The inventors
came from many different countries, such as the US, France, the UK, and Hawaii.
The research for the internet was funded by many organisations. Many of them are part of govern-
ments, and the most important of these organisations was part of the US Department of Defense.
What's more, there is an allusion to the “military” and to the “cold war”. Therefore, we can assume
that the aim of the research was to help the military in a context of global crisis.
2) What was the difficulty in creating the internet? Explain the metaphor of the skyscraper.
The difficulty in creating the internet was to take into account the fact that there would be new inven-
tions in the future. Not only did the inventors have to create a new programme, they had to create a
programme that could evolve. That is why we can note the lexical field of eternity (“keep pace”; “future-
proof”; “infinite”; “indefinitely”).
The metaphor of the skyscraper symbolises the fact that this project was much more than what people
could imagine. Many people, including researchers, could not grasp what the internet would be like.


Activity 7: Go further

nongpimmy / iStock / Getty Images Plus

Match the following steps with the corresponding sentence from the text:
Hypothesis • → • If the rules were robust enough, the “ensemble of networks” could grow indefinitely.
Observation • → • The military would keep innovating
Conclusion • → • It started working.
Experiment / analysis • → • First, they needed to be implemented and tweaked and tested – over and
over and over again


Activity 8: Language skills

1. Vocabulary
a. Match each new word with its synonym.
Lavishly • → • Generously
Feature • → • Characteristic
Sprawling • → • Expanding
Ludicrous • → • Crazy
Tweaked • → • Modified
b. Associate each of the following words to the correct definition: a long shot / the scale / a mesh / keep
pace / write a protocol / see in glimpses / a mothership / a lightbulb
• a device that is used to create light = a lightbulb
• the main origin of something = a mothership
• briefly catch sight of something = see in glimpses
• design a procedure = write a protocol
• go as fast as something = keep pace
• a network = a mesh
• the importance, the level = the scale
• something that is not likely to succeed = a long shot

2. Grammar

A. Observez
a. Traduisez « potentially » et « fundamentally ».
Potentiellement – fondamentalement.
b. Soulignez le suffixe de ces deux adverbes. Trouvez le radical de chacun. Quelle est la nature
grammaticale de ces radicaux ?
Potentially → potential
Fundamentally → fundamental
Ce sont des adjectifs.

B. Déduisez
Déduisez la règle pour transformer un adjectif en adverbe :
Pour transformer un adjectif en adverbe, on rajoute le suffixe -ly à l’adjectif.
Il se produit des modifications orthographiques pour les terminaisons suivantes :
– y → -y +ily (ready → readily)
– able / ible: -e +y (incredible → incredibly)
– ic: +ally (economic → economically)
– l: doubler le l (alphabetical → alphabetically)
Exception : good → well


C. Pratiquez

Exercice 1
Écrivez l’adverbe correspondant à chaque adjectif, ainsi que sa traduction. Attention aux modifications
orthographiques !

Adjectif Adverbe Traduction

Happy Happily Joyeusement

Sad Sadly Tristement
Eventual Eventually /!\ Finalement
Careful Carefully Prudemment / attentivement
Slow Slowly Lentement
Usual Usually Habituellement
Normal Normally Normalement
Direct Directly Directement
Recent Recently Récemment

Exercice 2
Combinez les deux phrases pour en faire une seule en transformant l’adjectif souligné en adverbe.
Ex: She sings. It is beautiful. → She sings beautifully.
a. Laura shouts at her children. She is angry. → Laura shouts angrily at her children.
b. They study computer science. They are serious. → They study computer science seriously.
c. I push the door. I am silent. → I push the door silently.
d. Peter sat on the armchair. It was comfortable. → Peter sat comfortably on the armchair.
e. He died in a car accident. His death was tragic. → He died tragically in a car accident.
f. You help old people. You are kind. → You kindly help old people.

Activity 9: Sum up

2. Compte-rendu
Lorsque vous rendez compte d’un document, donnez un maximum d’informations au lecteur. Pour cela,
faites comme si vous répondiez aux « WH-questions » (« where », « when », « who », « what », why, et
l’intrus « how » ) que l’on pourrait poser sur le document. En faisant cela, vous vous assurez d’avoir
donné les informations principales.
Rendez compte du document que vous venez d’étudier en utilisant cette méthode.
The document is about the invention of the internet (→ what).
The internet was created in the 70s (→ when) by a team of researchers (→ who) who came from all over
the world, but the majority of funds came from the US Department of Defense (→ where). It was at the
time of the Cold War, so the aim was to help the military. (→ why/what…for).


3. Lien avec l’axe étudié
What is the link between this document and the theme “scientific innovation and responsibility”? Tick the
correct answers.
■ The role of scientists is to help the military.

Activity 11: “Can you mend it, Iorek?” Comprehension

1) What can you say about the setting?
The scene takes place at night (“the darkness”). It seems to take place outside, as the ground is “rocky”
and they must use a “burning branch” to get light.
2) Compare the different characters’ feelings and points of view about the knife.

Lyra and Will’s point of view Iorek’s point of view

Important dangerous
Good deadly

Lyra and Will share the same point of view. They think that it is very important to fix the knife, because
they can do great things if they possess it.
On the other hand, Iorek is afraid (“I fear”). He believes that the knife is dangerous and he does not
think it is a good idea to repair it.
3) What are the advantages and the risks of fixing the knife?
Will and Lyra both want the knife to be fixed, because they want to use it to help “good things come
about”. They think they can use it for their own good, but also for the good of others. Will also thinks he
would be guilty if he did not do all he can to use the knife.
However, Iorek underlines the fact that the knife may have intentions of its own, as if it had its own will
and desires. The bear is aware of the fact that the knife may be dangerous because it serves its own

Activity 12: Language skills


A. You have learnt about adverbs formed with adjectives. Look at the following adverbs from the text,
and complete the sentences with the corresponding adjective.

a. I was going to ask more politely. → I was going to speak in a more polite manner.
b. He pushed them carefully. → He was careful when he pushed the pieces of the knife.
c. Iorek looked closely at the pieces. → His eyes were close to the pieces when he looked at them.
d. He touched them delicately. → He had delicate claws.
e. It would have been infinitely better if it had not been invented. → The advantages of not creating
the knife would have been infinite.


B. Associate each word with its French translation: To mend – A sheath – A claw – A hook – To marvel at
something – To be in trouble – A tool – A hammer – A vise – A lever – To lift – A thinness

• Avoir des problèmes = To be in trouble

• Un outil = A tool
• Un levier = A lever
• Un marteau = A hammer
• La minceur = Thinness
• Un étau = A vise
• Soulever = To lift
• Un fourreau = A sheath
• Réparer = To mend
• Une griffe = A claw
• S’émerveiller de quelque chose = To marvel at something
• Un crochet = A hook

C. Associate each of these feelings with the character who feels it (some words can describe the
2 characters) : guilty – impatient – fearful – anxious – sceptical – distressed – hostile – threatened –
a. Will feels guilty, impatient, distressed, and anxious.
b. Iorek feels fearful, anxious, sceptical, hostile, threatened, confused

Activity 13: Sum up

1. Compte-rendu
a. Summarise the document in a few words. Try to answer the WH- questions in your text.
The three characters, Lyra, Will and Iorek, are outside, at night. The two humans ask the bear to repair
a magical knife. They want to use it to accomplish good deeds, but the bear is afraid of the power of the
knife and he is reluctant to repair it. He believes that the knife has its own will and uses Lyra and Will to
follow it. Will, on the other hand, thinks it would be criminal not to use the power at his disposal.

2. Lien avec l’axe d’étude

What is the link between this document and the theme “scientific innovation and responsibility”? Tick the
correct answers.
■ The document deals with a controversial innovation.
■ The characters have a huge responsibility.
□ The characters are scientists.
■ The characters must decide how to use the knife.
■ There are two valid points of view about the knife and the characters must make a choice.
□ All innovations have downsides.


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