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Institut de Vanves

MATIERE : Anglais

RUBRIQUE : Le groupe verbal

Les verbes pronominaux


1. Les verbes pronominaux de sens rflchi.

Les verbes pronominaux de sens
Les verbes pronominaux de sens passif.
2. Exercices
3. Correction

p. 2

p. 3
p. 3

Attention :
Vous gagneriez avoir travaill la fiche Les pronoms rflchis / Les pronoms
rciproques (groupe nominal) avant daborder celle-ci.
Il existe trois sortes de verbes pronominaux en franais:
 Les verbes pronominaux de sens rflchi :
Je mamuse: I enjoy myself.

 Les verbes pronominaux de sens rciproque :

Ils saiment: they love each other.

 Les verbes pronominaux de sens passif:

Langlais se parle partout dans le monde: English is spoken all over the world.


1. Les verbes pronominaux de sens rflchi

 Gnralement ce sens est rendu en anglais par un verbe suivi dun pronom rflchi
(reportez-vous la fiche les pronoms rflchis / Les pronoms rciproques ).
Nous nous sommes amuss : we enjoyed ourselves.
Nous nous sommes donn beaucoup de temps pour finir le travail : we gave ourselves a
lot of time to finish the job.
 Cependant certains verbes franais se construisent avec un pronom rflchi mais pas
leur quivalent anglais : Quand lactivit nest pas tourne vers les autres il ny a pas,
en gnral, de pronom rflchi :
a. Ce sont les verbes dsignant des actions quotidiennes :
To wake up / to get up / to wash / to shave (se raser) / to get dressed / to get ready
(se prparer) / to brush ones teeth / to do ones hair / to wash ones hands / to walk (
se promener) / to sit down (sasseoir) / to s tand up (se lever)
b. Ce sont les verbes dsignant des comportements individuels (ou des
ractions individuelles) :
To get bored: sennuyer / to get drunk: se saoler / to get tired: se fatiguer / to get
angry: se fcher
To feel: se sentir / to remember: se souvenir / to realize: se rendre compte / to expect:
sattendre / to worry: sinquiter / to wonder: se demander / to adapt: sadapter /to
relax: se dtendre / to stop: sarrter / to hurry: se dpcher / to train: sentraner / to
hide: se cacher
c. Ce sont les verbes dsignant des vnements accidentels:
To be/ to get killed: se tuer (par accident) / to drown/ to get drowned: se noyer / to get
lost: se perdre / to faint: svanouir / to break ones leg (arm): se casser la jambe (le

2. Les verbes pronominaux de sens rciproque

 Gnralement le sens est rendu en anglais par un verbe suivi dun pronom rciproque
(reportez-vous la fiche les pronoms rflchis / Les pronoms rciproques ).
Ils sentraident souvent : they often help one another.
Les animaux sauvages passent beaucoup de temps se laver les uns les autres: wild
animals spend a lot of time cleaning each other.
 Cependant certains verbes franais se construisent avec un pronom se mais pas leur
quivalent anglais
- Ce sont certains verbes dsignant une relation entre individus :
To get married: se marier. / to kiss : sembrasser / to fight : se battre / to quarrel : se
disputer ./ to make up: se rconcilier./ to meet: se rencontrer.:

3. Les verbes pronominaux de sens passif

 Le sens passif est rendu en anglais soit
a. Par un verbe la voix passive :
The stain will be seen: la tache se verra (sera vue).
This white wine is drunk with fish: ce vin blanc se boit (est bu) avec du poisson.
b. Ou par un verbe la voix active :
Les voitures franaises se vendent bien ltranger : French cars sell well abroad.

Cette robe se lave bien: this dress washes well.

Are you ready for the exercises?

1. This student has not understood. Could you help him to correct his 6 mistakes?
a. Peter and Mary married themselves 40 years ago.
b. And they still love themselves.
c. They met each other in Paris in the Louvre museum.
d. They felt themselves very happy.
e. They know themselves very well

And they always enjoy each other a lot

2. Compltez (si besoin est) ces phrases laide dun pronom rflchi, dun pronom
a. How long have you and Mary known ?
b. Peter and I couldnt see very often these days.
c. If people work too hard, they can make ill.
d. Wed never met before, so we introduced to
e. All over the word, friends often give presents for Christmas.
f. You are very selfish, you only think of
g. They have had an argument. They are not speaking to at the moment.
h. We are in love. We need .

Julia had a great holiday. She enyoyed .


1. This student has not understood. Could you help him to correct his 6 mistakes?
a. Peter and Mary married 40 years ago.
b. And they still love each other.
c. They met in Paris in the Louvre museum.
d. They felt very happy.
e. They know each other very well.
f. And they always enjoy themselves a lot.
2. Compltez (si besoin est) ces phrases laide dun pronom rflchi, dun pronom rciproque.
a. How long have you and Mary known each other?
b. Peter and I couldnt see each other very often these days.
c. If people work too hard, they can make themselves ill.
d. Wed never met before, so we introduced ourselves to each other.
e. All over the word, friends often give each other presents for Christmas.
f. You are very selfish, you only think of yourself.
g. They have had an argument. They are not speaking to each other at the moment.
h. We are in love. We need each other.
i. Julia had a great holiday. She enyoyed herself.


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