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for Eng lish

Direction pédagogique
Mélanie Herment
Professeur, formatrice
Académie de Paris

Anne-Cécile Couturier Anna Guill
Professeur Professeur, formatrice
Académie de Versailles Académie de Versailles

Karine Letellier Activités TNI

Professeur Cindy Mathieu
Académie de Paris Professeur
Académie de Versailles
Mathias Degoute
Professeur Pages Get Better at
Académie de Paris Caroline Schneider
Professeur, formatrice
Camille Dumas Académie de Paris
Académie d’Aix-Marseille Drama Club
Rupert Morgan
Julien Herbreteau
Professeur Fluency MC
Académie de Versailles Jason Levine

Les auteurs et l’éditeur remercient Stéphanie Quattri pour sa relecture critique

toujours pertinente et ses précieux conseils.
Ils remercient également tous les collègues formateurs et les enseignants rencontrés
pour la richesse de leur réexion sur la réforme et sur l’enseignement des langues
vivantes en général, ainsi que les collègues qui ont accepté de tester avec leurs élèves
les chapitres de ce manuel.
Enn, ils remercient chaleureusement Kimberley Davis et Dan Zehr qui ont contribué
à donner au projet son identité culturelle, ainsi que les élèves de la cité scolaire
Jean-Baptiste Say pour leurs réalisations.

Édition : Virginie Soubelet, Claudine Varin

Responsable éditoriale : Catherine Laurent
Conception maquette intérieure : Primo & Primo (Sébastien Jenger)
Conception couverture : Nicolas Piroux
Mise en page : Catherine Sèvegrand (corpus) ; MARSE (sommaire et Get better at)
Illustrations : Johanna Crainmark, Sylvie Eder, Sébastien Jenger, Mélanie Masson,
John Royle, Nathalie Tousnakho, Mario Wagner, Tom Morgan-Jones
Cartographie (p. 98) : Jean-Pierre Crivellari
Iconographie : Chloé Lecarpentier
Photogravure :RVB photogravure

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© Les Éditions Didier, Paris, 2017 - ISBN: 978-2-278-08754-9 - Dépôt légal : 8754/03
Achevé d’imprimer en août 2017 en Italie par Rotolito (Seggiano Di Pioltello)
en 3e

u moment où tu lis ces lignes, c’est la rentrée... Mais pas une rentrée
comme les autres, c’est la dernière du collège !
Ce manuel est le tien. Il est destiné à être ouvert, découvert, lu, relu,
manipulé (avec précaution !). Il a surtout à cœur de...
 te surprendre : savais-tu qu’en plus d’être un boxeur remarquable,
Mohammed Ali était un fervent défenseur des droits civiques aux États-Unis?
Ou que Darth Vader avait pris part à une
campagne pour protéger la planète?
 t’inviter à t’interroger : peut-on au nom L’an prochain, de nouveaux
de l’art dessiner des graffiti sur les murs de horizons s’ouvrent à toi.
la ville ? Dans quelle mesure les dystopies
comme Hunger Games et Divergent sont- Nous allons t’aider
elles le reflet de nos sociétés? à t’y préparer !
 te donner envie de mener des projets :
organiser un concours de talents, tourner
une publicité parodique sur l’environnement, postuler pour le stage de tes
rêves, imaginer l’autobiographie d’une célébrité...
 te faire progresser en anglais : en complément des activités menées en
classe avec ton professeur, les pages How to des chapitres et les activités
Get better at en fin de manuel t’aideront à construire tes compétences. Les
documents audio et vidéo du manuel sont disponibles sur le site compagnon,
n’hésite pas à en user... et à en abuser ! Plus tu écouteras de l’anglais, plus
cette langue te deviendra familière.
E for English 3e vise avant tout à ménager une transition bienveillante entre le
collège et le lycée. Laisse-toi guider, tout en prenant une part active au cours
d’anglais: c’est toi qui vas lui donner vie.
Nous te souhaitons une année heureuse et enrichissante!
Les auteurs


P roject 1 Follow your dreams

Documents Langue Tâches
Textes Grammaire Entraînement Méthodes
 Profils de lauréats Parcours de révisions Design a poster How to listen
de la Google Science Fair  Le Présent simple to advertise for the Google to real English
 Article : Flynn Mc Garry,  Les noms en V-ing Science Fair (and stay zen!)
the Justin Bieber of Food  Les adjectifs → p. 17
What are you good at?
Images Complete the GSF
 Le Présent Have Révisions
 Lauréats de la GSF 2015 inspiration framework
+ p. passé (1)
 Flynn Mc Garry pour la
 Les questions et Introduce yourself
couverture du NY Times Ready for the test?
les mots interrogatifs and your talent. Who is
Lexique the most likely to become ÉVALUATION
 Darcy Oake dans Britain’s
 La personnalité a professional? Vote!
Faire d’une passion Got Talent
 Les centres d’intérêt
son métier, c’est Audios Tâche finale
 La pratique
possible ! Découverte  Flash interview: What Audition for a talent
 L’accomplissement
de la Google Science was your dream as a kid? show. Perform live or shoot
 Kimberley about her Prononciation
Fair et du parcours de a video!
talent  Les syllabes
jeunes anglophones
 Drama Club : Britain’s Got accentuées
talentueux  Les sons /q/ et /i:/
→ p. 11-24  Ready for the test?  La prononciation
de Have
 L’intonation dans
 Google Science Fair:
Parcours AVENIR les questions
trailer & award ceremony Activité numérique
 GSF candidates’ video Let’s build sentences!
presentations Have fun with…
 Darcy Oake’s performance Diary of a Wimpy Kid :
Probing questions
on Britain’s Got Talent
Drama Club
Britain’s Got Talent!

First internship
Documents Langue Tâches
Textes Grammaire Mini project
Décrocher son
 Extrait de Teen Dream Jobs,  Présent BE + -ing (1) Imagine a celebrity’s first
premier stage: Nora E. Coon  could / would / might
les conseils et cover letter.
 Lettre de motivation de l’acteur Lexique
les exemples Chris Evans ÉVALUATION
d’adolescents  Les métiers
Images  Le monde du travail
 Couverture du livre Teen Dream Jobs  Compétences et personnalité
→ p. 25-28  Chris Evans (as teenager / as
Captain America)
Parcours AVENIR  Flash interview: Can you tell me
about your first job experience?

4 Sommaire
P roject 2 Handle with care
Documents Langue Tâches
Textes Grammaire Entraînement Méthodes
• WWF’s achievements • Présent Have Design a spoof How to sound
• Affiches de campagne + p. passé (2) : avec for/ poster and present it (almost!) like a
Earth Hour since to the class native
Images • If… will → p. 35
Create your own
• Campagnes de Lexique “I will… if you” pledge
sensibilisation • Le réchauffement Révisions
• Tableau : Noah and His climatique : causes Tâche finale
Ark et conséquences Create a spoof Ready for the test?
Audios • Les catastrophes video advert about the
• Flash interview: “What do naturelles environment
Environnement : you think of this poster?” • Les moyens pour
le recours à la fiction • Interview d’enfants alerter
britanniques (BBC) • Le développement
et à la parodie
• Drama Club: Game durable
dans les campagnes
de sensibilisation of Thrones: The Reboot Prononciation
anglophones • Ready for the test? • Intonation dans une
Activité numérique
Vidéos phrase What future can you see
→ p. 29-42 • Campagne publicitaire • Les sons /u:/ et /y/ in the crystal ball?
Winter is not coming • La prononciation Have fun with…
• Earth Hour 2015 Official de Have Diary of a Wimpy Kid:
Parcours CITOYEN Predict the Future
Drama Club
Anglais, EMC, Géographie, SVT Game of Thrones: The Reboot
Urgence climatique : chauffe qui peut !
J Créer une pub parodique sur l’environnement

Secret Santa
Documents Langue Tâches
Textes Révision des temps grammaticaux Mini project
Secret Santa:
• Extrait du roman The Perks of Being Play Secret Santa
découverte a Wallflower, Stephen Chbosky
d’une tradition with your classmates!
américaine à Audios
• Flash interview: Christmas Special! ÉVALUATION
travers un roman
pour jeunes adultes
→ p. 43-46

Parcours EAC

Sommaire 5

P roject 3 Legends on screen

Documents Langue Tâches
Textes Grammaire Entraînement Méthodes
• Fiche IMDb du film 8 Mile • Pronoms relatifs Complete the IMDb How to read a
• Extraits de l’autobiographie • Prétérit simple / pages of several biopics text (and not panic!)
de Muhammad Ali Prétérit BE + -ing → p. 53
Play the Hollywood
Images • Discours direct /
Guessing Game!
• Affiche de films : indirect Révisions
Write a passage from
My Week with Marilyn, Lexique
Ali’s autobiography
Nowhere Boy, Mandela, • Donner ses Ready for the test?
The Social Network, Diana, impressions, exprimer Tâche finale
8 Mile, Ali son point de vue ÉVALUATION
• Parler de cinéma : Imagine you are a
Audios celebrity. Start writing your
Les biopics : • Flash interview: “If we say les genres, le scénario,
les métiers autobiography
découverte d’un genre Legends on screen who do
cinématographique. you think of?” Prononciation
Zoom sur Muhammad • Drama Club: Based on a • Prononciation de la
Ali, boxeur et militant True Story lettre [h]
pour les droits • Rap song: Musician • Les sons /eq/ et /A/ Activité numérique
civiques Legends, Fluency MC • Prononciation Let’s talk about cinema!
• Ready for the test? de la terminaison -ed Have fun with… Music
→ p. 47-60 Vidéos Musician Legends ,
Fluency MC
LANGAGES • Extrait du film Ali
Drama Club
Parcours EAC/CITOYEN Based on a true story
Arts plastiques, Français, LV
Raconter, se raconter : tous les moyens sont bons !
J Littérature, cinéma, peinture, photographie :
présenter le portrait multifacettes d’une personnalité

Documents Langue Tâches
Textes Grammaire Mini project
La lutte pour les
• Frise chronologique, textes • Prétérit Have + p. passé Record an audioguide
droits civiques explicatifs et citations • Obligation / interdiction /
aux États-Unis, à to celebrate Black History
Images permission dans le passé Month.
travers de grandes
figures telles que • The Problem we all live with Lexique
(N. Rockwell) • S’engager, se révolter ÉVALUATION
Martin Luther King,
• Photographies de situations • Discrimination / Égalité
Malcolm X ou Rosa
Parks • Peinture murale de Mr Brainwash
→ p. 61-64 Audios
• Flash interview: Norman Rockwell’s
D’AUTRES CULTURES son about his father’s painting
• Le contexte social des années 50
et les “Jim Crow Laws”
• La vie de Martin Luther King
• Extrait du discours “I have a dream”
• Fighting for freedom

6 Sommaire
P roject 4 Dystopia
Documents Langue Tâches
Textes Grammaire Entraînement Méthodes
 Extraits du roman  Expression Imagine the story How to write
Matched, Ally Condie de l’obligation behind the book cover a dialogue (a lively
 Extrait d’un blog : Book et de l’interdiction : one!)
Write a short paragraph
censorship in public schools can / must / have to / → p. 71
inspired from the novel
 La disparition de l’écriture be allowed to
cursive: titres de presse  Présent simple / Révisions
 Stopping by Woods on a Présent BE + -ing (2) Tâche finale
Snowy Evening, Robert Frost Lexique Ready for the test?
Write a scene for
Images  Gouvernement & a dystopian novel
 Affiches de films citoyens dans un monde ÉVALUATION
La dystopie, un genre  Couvertures de romans dystopique
littéraire typiquement Audios  Les sentiments
 Flash interview: How do  La littérature
anglo-saxon qui
interroge le réel : you imagine the world in Prononciation
quelles résonnances three decades?  Les suffixes -ian, -ful
dans notre monde  Extrait d’une conférence : et -less
d’aujourd’hui ? Utopias and Dystopias  La prononciation
 Les mariages forcés aux de can et must
→ p. 65-78 États-Unis: reportage
 Drama Club: The Republic Activité numérique
of Tremendous Improve the dialogue!
 Ready for the test? Have fun with… Poetry
Parcours EAC/CITOYEN Stopping by Woods on
Vidéos a Snowy Evening , Robert Frost
 Extrait du film Equilibrium
Drama Club
Anglais, EMC, Français, Histoire The Republic of Tremendous
La dystopie : réalité ou fiction ?
J Créer un recueil de nouvelles dystopiques en version bilingue

P roject 5 Street art attacs

Documents Langue Tâches
Textes Grammaire Entraînement Méthodes
 I’m the Accidental Owner  Voix active / voix You are a famous street How to express
of a Banksy (article de presse) passive artist. Present one of your your opinion (and
Images  Exprimer un point pieces! be convincing!)
 Photographies d’œuvres de vue avec should / → p. 85
Send a post on a forum
will / may
Audio to express your opinion.
Lexique Révisions
 Flash interview: What
do you think of street art?  Parler d’art : les Tâche finale
 Drama Club: One Night techniques, les goûts et There’s a Banksy on our Ready for the test?
in the Street les réactions school building! Should we
 Rap song: A Blessing  Débattre : formuler keep it? State your case.
Le street art : art or a Curse?, Fluency MC son accord ou désaccord
ou vandalisme ?  Ready for the test? Prononciation
Réflexion sur cette Vidéo  Les sons /o/ et /y/
forme d’expression et  Shepard Fairey, interview  L’intonation pour Activité numérique
convaincre The art of commenting… art
découverte d’artistes  Banksy does New York
Have fun with… Music
majeurs A Blessing or a Curse? ,
Fluency MC
→ p. 79-92
Drama Club
LANGAGES, Arts plastiques, Histoire, LCA, LV One Night on the Street
RENCONTRES AVEC Les murs, témoins de leur temps ?
D’AUTRES CULTURES J Du graffiti antique au street art : concevoir
Parcours EAC/CITOYEN une expo avec audioguide multilingue
Sommaire 7

ool ritannia
Documents Langue Tâches
Textes Grammaire Mini project
La pop rock au
 Paroles de la chanson Miss you  Les déterminants Write a parody of a
Royaume-Uni: des Rolling Stones  Have been + V-ing
chanteurs et groupes number one hit!
emblématiques ; Images Lexique
 Géographie musicale de la Grande-  La musique ÉVALUATION
zoom sur un succès
Bretagne  Sur scène
planétaire :
Audios  Les artistes
Miss you
 Flash interview: What’s your
→ p. 93-96 favourite British band?
 What British bands is Oliver talking
Parcours EAC

P roject  ia ora

Documents Langue Tâches
Textes Grammaire Entraînement Méthodes
 Articles de journaux :  Les quantifieurs Quiz your neighbour How to take part
–Moko more than tatoo  Should have/could about New Zealand in a debate (and not
–Concern over ignorant use have/must have + p. passé be petrified)
Is everyone entitled
of moko Lexique → p. 103
to have a Maori tattoo?
–World Cup - France fined  Voyager à l’étranger:
for advancing on haka décrire un lieu, Tâche finale Révisions
Images une population, Did France
 Carte de la Nouvelle des traditions disrespect the Haka? Ready for the test?
Zélande  Qualifier l’attitude Debate
 Infographie : Ten fun d’un touriste ÉVALUATION
Découverte d’un pays and quirky facts about New  Tourisme
extrême : la Nouvelle Zealand et géographie
Zélande. Réflexion Audios Prononciation
autour d’une tradition  Flash interview: What  Les sons /D/ et /B/
culturelle du peuple word would best describe  Prononciation
Maori, le tatouage, et your country? de should / could
son appropriation par  Radio debate : The use of  Prononciation
moko by fashion designers du superlatif
les Occidentaux
 Kimberley parle de son pays
→ p. 97-110  Drama Club: The Haka
LANGAGES,  Ready for the test? Activité numérique
RENCONTRES AVEC New Zealand: take the quiz!
 Take a tour of New Zealand Have fun with… Arts
Parcours CITOYEN The art of Moko
 Step into the moko shop
Drama Club
The Haka Lesson

8 Sommaire
P roject  Shaespeare lies
Documents Langue Tâches
Textes Grammaire Entraînement Méthodes
 Wordplay : quelques mots  Le superlatif Award ceremony! Grant How to work on a
et expressions que l’on doit  Les connecteurs Shakespeare the awards he group project (and
à Shakespeare logiques deserves remain friends!)
 Paroles de la chanson Lexique → p. 117
To be or not to be…
Love Story, Taylor Swift  Le théâtre Interpret Shakespeare’s
 Monologues de Hamlet  Comédie / tragédie Révisions
most famous monologue
 Monologue de Kylo (Star  Héritage et influence
Wars)  Expressions héritées Tâche finale Ready for the test?
Images de Shakespeare
 Affiche de théâtre : Hamlet Prononciation Celebrate Shakespeare!
Shakespeare,  Affiche de film : Star  Bien prononcer… Take part in the British
même pas mort ! Wars: the Force Awakens le nom Shakespeare Council’s Shakespeare Lives
De Hamlet à Star Wars Audios  Les sons /q/, /aq/ programme
le dramaturge est  Flash interview: Can et /i:/
partout. Petit détour you quote a line from  L’accent de phrase
par la pop culture pour Shakespeare?
découvrir un auteur  Interview d’un professeur
de lettres américain
de génie
 Interview de George Lucas,
→ p. 111-124 créateur de Star Wars
 Ready for the test?
Activité numérique
D’AUTRES CULTURES  Shakespeare Lives, trailer Coined by Shakespeare
Parcours EAC
du British Council
Have fun with…
 Drama Club: To Be or Not The Elizabethan Theatre
to Be
Drama Club
To Be or Not to Be

Une mise en œuvre détaillée

de toutes nos propositions
pour le cycle 4: www.epi-didier.com
Get better at... → p. 125

80 exercices d’entraînement → p. 145
Dans le guide pédagogique:
Lexique thématique → p. 159
 les évaluations des connaissances
Verbes irréguliers → p. 174  les évaluations des compétences

Sommaire 9
P roj ec t


AUDIO Flash interview:

What was your dream What are you good at?
3 as a kid? Who is the most likely to become
a professional? Vote!

Audition for a talent show!

Talented teens
An international competition
The 2015 Google Science Fair:
1-2 trailer & Awards Ceremony

 Watch the trailer. Video 1

What can you say about… Tip

Certains mots sont fortement
accentués : appuie-toi sur eux
How to
pour repérer les informations listen to
 Watch the Awards Ceremony. Video 2 importantes. real English
p. 17
a. Part 1. What is the role of the man who is
speaking? What can you expect then?  Time to write!
b. Part 2. Check your hypotheses. Use your findings to design a poster
c. Share your findings with the class. to advertise for the GSF. → WB p. 3

The finalists
Discover two finalists of the 2015 Google  Read their presentations.
Science Fair and vote for your favourite. a. Imagine the questions the candidates
 Watch the candidates’ video presentations were asked.
(p. 13). b. For each question, pick out the key words
Use them to complete the candidates’ profiles. in the candidates’ answers.
→ WB p. 4 c. Use what you have learnt to add new
information to the candidates’ profiles. → WB p. 4

12 Follow your dreams


Early Alzheimer’s diagnosis 3

1_ When I am older, I would love to study medicine as this would allow me

to learn about current drugs and help people at the same time. I would
also like to become a medical researcher at some point in my life as I
want to help develop new drugs and discover new things that could ben-
5_ efit mankind. I was also greatly inspired to pursue a career in medicine
and science by my Year 9 biology teacher, Mr Storey.
My scientific idol is Albert Einstein, not because he was a brilliant sci-
entist but because he was a teacher of moral human values, he wanted
Krtin Nithiyanandam to inspire people to ask “Why?”. My favourite quotation from him is “The
UK 10_ important thing is to never stop questioning.”

Diagnostic device for Ebola 4

1_ Outside of school I volunteer with the Connecticut Chapter of the Special

Olympics, as a middle school tutor and youth swim instructor. I am a
competitive swimmer and plan to swim in college. I hope to be a doctor
like my late grandfather, and work for a global health organization such
5_ as “Doctors Without Borders”.
I am inspired by Dr. Kent Brantly, who showed the global community our
Olivia Hallisey
collective moral obligation to act with courage and compassion.

 Choose the candidate you prefer and get ready to argue your choice.
Here are the judges’ criteria:

 Now check if the jury shared your opinion.

Watch the Awards Ceremony (Part 3). Video 2

At home
Who won this year’s Google Science Fair?
Check on the Internet and tell the class!

What are you good at?

Complete the GSF worksheet with information about yourself.
→ WB p. 6

 Présent simple  Noms en V-ing  Adjectifs → WB p. 10-12

Follow your dreams 13


How talent becomes a job

17 and already a chef!

Flynn McGarry:
the Justin Bieber of Food
Published: 19 June 2016

He’s the 17-year-old culinary wunderkind who

stepped into the kitchen aged 10 and never looked
back. Flynn McGarry has cooked at the White
House, been on the cover of The New York Times
5_ Magazine and worked side-by-side with the world’s
top chefs, and now the “Justin Bieber of food” is
headed to MasterChef Australia.

At only 17 years old you’ve been named amongst

Time Magazine’s ‘25 Most Influential Teens’ two years How important are the Internet, social media and
10_ in a row – how do you balance that success with a YouTube to you and your career?
typical teenage life? Very important! I mean, it’s a way to learn. I have learnt a
Unfortunately and not unfortunately, you can’t really bal- 30_ lot of cooking techniques just by watching YouTube videos.
ance those things while doing what I do. I have focused It’s also important for me to show my followers what I’m
really intensely on food and haven’t had much of a balance doing. It’s really cool for people to see my food as opposed
15_ between my professional and personal lives. I’m kind of con- to just reading about it [in a recipe].
sumed by my job but I love it so much that it doesn’t really
feel like I’m missing out on anything. With such a strong following on social media, do you
35_ have any advice for other young people looking to get
You jumped in the kitchen when you were 10 years old. into cooking or the culinary world?
What got you excited about cooking at such a young age? It’s not an easy world. Loving cooking and food is obviously
20_ I kind of got into food in a non-serious way at first. I became the first thing you have to have, but you need to understand
interested because my mom wasn’t the greatest cook that it’s going to be very difficult. Being really young makes
[laughs]. She took me to buy a cook book and, being 10years 40_ it even harder. People will dismiss you just because of your
old, I picked out the one that was wrapped in plastic on the age so you have to work that much harder. Like anything,
top shelf. At that time I just thought food was stuff to fill you it’s about determination but at the same time, enjoy it
25_ up but that book showed that it was an art form, a refined because if you don’t then the really long hours and the really
skill. Ever since then I’ve been hooked. stressful hot kitchens will just become miserable


 Look at the photo and the title

of the article. What can you guess
about Flynn? the role played by social media Need help? → WB p. 8

 Read the interview. → WB p. 7  Time to write! Write a short paragraph to explain

a. Were you right? why Flynn Mc Garry has been named among Time
b. Pick out information about: Magazine’s “25 Most Influential Teens”.

14 Follow your dreams


A bit of magic
Darcy Oake at
 Look at the picture. Britain’s Got talent, 2014

What do you expect:

– from the candidate?
– from the jury?
 Watch the video (part 1).
a. Were you right?
b. What have you learnt about
the candidate?
 a. Are there any other questions
you would like to ask Darcy?
b. Watch the video (part 2).
Has he answered your questions?
 Watch the big finale.
Make up your mind: would you vote
for Darcy? Why or why not?

At home
Watch his magic trick to the end
on his website!
→ darcyoake.com > videos

I’m very good

at sleeping late in the morning.
I’ve never woken up before
12 on a Sunday...
What’s your talent? Tip
Écoute Kimberley et relève ce
In groups
qui pourra te servir pour parler
Everyone has a talent! de ton propre talent. Track 4
What’s yours? Think about:

 Introduce yourself and your talent to your group. → WB p. 8

 Now vote! In your group, who is the most likely
to become a professional?

 Présent Have + p. passé  Les questions → WB p. 14/16
Let’s build
Follow your dreams 15
Audition or a talent show
You are taking part in a talent show.
Meet the jury: perform live to show your talent or make a video!

1 Get ready
 Some of you will be candidates,
the others will be members of the jury.

Imagine t
he questio
the jury w ns
ill ask you
prepare yo , and
ur answer
Think abo s.
ut how yo
show you u will
r talent. Yo
bring som u can
Jury e pictures
equipmen , your
Prepare the q


2 Face the jury 4 TIPS

to stand out in public
andidate ember o the jury 1. Be confident. Get out of the corner and into
the spotlight. Look at the jury and the audience.
 Show your talent  Discover 2. Be prepared! Make sure that you have
and impress the jury! new talents! practised your audition piece beforehand. If you
have notes, make sure you don’t depend on
them. Speak loud and clearly when talking to
the judges. Tell them your name and a bit about
Give awards yourself, tell them a funny anecdote.
to the candidates: 3. Don’t be nervous – just give it your best.
Take a deep breath and then begin your
The most impressive talent audition. It will be very nerve racking,
but just relax.
The funniest talent
4. Be friendly! You are more likely to stand out
The most original talent if you’re the chatty, sociable person, rather than
the shy one that hardly speaks! So, come in with
a big smile and do NOT have a blank face.

16 Follow your dreams

How to…
listen to real nglish
and stay zen
Pour bien comprendre un document audio ou vidéo, deux règles d’or : être actif tout du long
et surtout déterminé à comprendre !

Prépare-toi à l’écoute: Regarde ce qui accompagne le document audio ou vidéo (une photo,
anticipe ! un titre…) ou bien écoute le tout début du document.
Quelle est la nature Quel est le sujet
Qui parle ?
du document ? principal ?
interview, conférence, nombre de personnes,
extrait de film, émission... âge...

R Émets des hypothèses sur le document The 2015 Google Science Fair, p. 12.

Pendant l’écoute, Appuie-toi sur:

sois actif !
les sons (bruits de fond, musique…) R pour vérifier la nature du document
Le but n’est pas
de tout comprendre,
mais de repérer les voix, le ton, l’intonation R pour repérer les locuteurs, leurs
l’essentiel pour vérifier opinions, leurs sentiments...
tes hypothèses.
les images s’il s’agit d’une vidéo R Les images ne correspondent
pas toujours avec ce qui est dit
et peuvent induire en erreur
les mots accentués R pour comprendre
le sens général
les échanges questions – réponses R pour anticiper le contenu
des réponses
Et les mots que tu ne comprends pas ?
Pour essayer de les identifier, appuie-toi sur les sons que tu entends le mieux:
– À quelles syllabes pourraient-ils correspondre ?
– Dans quels mots pourrait-on trouver ces syllabes compte tenu du contexte ?
R Entraîne-toi à partir du document. Video 1

Après l’écoute : Fais appel à ton bon sens : rassemble les indices collectés et reconstruis
reconstruis le sens. le sens du message. Pour cela, tu peux :
– tenter d’expliquer à un camarade ce que tu as compris,
– si c’est un document audio, essayer de visualiser ce que tu as entendu.

À toi de jouer !

Entraîne-toi maintenant avec un document audio: Mark talks about his talent Track 5

1. Avant d’écouter, prépare-toi à ce que tu vas entendre. 

2. Écoute et partage ce que tu as compris avec tes camarades. 

Follow your dreams 17


Apprends ces mots

avec leur prononciation !

Interests and skills

 be into (music) (familier)

 be in puters)
/q/ /q//q/
 be a great fan of (gymnastics)
 have a great love /
passion for (science)
 be highly passionate about (teaching)
/F/ /q/
 practise (v), practice (n)
 be fond of (ballet / drawing)
 train
 be good at (dancing) =
be skilled at (cooking) iing /eq/
 exercise /eksFsaqz/
 have a natural talent for (sports)
 have an eye for (colours / clothes)
your  rehearse

Personality Preferences

 incredible, amazing  work indoors ≠ outdoors

/F/ /eq/  be in contact with people
 impressive
Achievements  help, advise people
 talented, gifted = skilled /F/
/q/ /q/  work with your hands
 advanc d for his/her age  achieve (v), an achiev (n)
/F/ /F/  travel abroad
/F/ /c:/
 ambitious  manage to do something
/q/  use your imagination
 deter
/q/  succeed in doing something
 imaginative, creative  take part in (a championship /
/F/ /eq/ a competition), compete
 hard-working  be selected for (a show)

 clever, intelligent /q/ /q/
a medal
 win / receive a prize
/q:/ an award

Learn these words
in your workbook Fair (n.): a competitive exhibition, usually
with accompanying entertainment and
→ WB p. 9 amusements > Google Science Fair

18 Follow your dreams

→ More exercises in your WB p. 10

Je m’entraîne
 Exprime la même idée en employant  Work with a friend. Regardez ces adjectifs et
une expression de la page classez-les. Expliquez vos choix.
1. I really enjoy cooking.
2. I love hiking.
3. I play sports everyday.
5. Darcy’s act is incredible.

 Pour chacun des noms suivants,

donne le verbe correspondant.
e.g. a choice → choose
1.a rehearsal 5.some advice
… …
2.a winner 6.a success Both, depending on the situation
3.an achievement 7.a performance

4.a training 8.a competition

 a. Pour chacun des verbes suivants, donne  Utilise les lettres

l’adjectif correspondant. de ton prénom pour
écrire un acrostiche
e.g. innovate → innovative
sur tes goûts et
1. impress 4. imagine tes passions.
2. work hard 5. motivate
3. create 6. compete  Écoute plusieurs
personnes parler
b. Utilise 3 de ces verbes ou adjectifs dans de leur talent.
des phrases pour parler de toi.
Laquelle pourrait
participer à un
«talent show» ?
Track 11

Je prononce
 Comme un anglophone ! Track 12 interests – impressive – jury – practice– achieve–
a. Écoute ces mots en faisant attention à receive – creative– succeed – believe
la syllabe accentuée. b. Classe-les selon la prononciation des lettres
incredible – amazing – impressive – talented soulignées :
ambition – imagination – determination – /q/ /i:/
competition – succeed – achieve – rehearse –
… …
b. Entraîne-toi à répéter ces mots. c. Entraîne-toi à bien prononcer.

 Les sons /q/ et /i:/ Track 13

/q/ et /i:/
a. Écoute ces mots en faisant attention
à la prononciation des lettres soulignées :

Follow your dreams 19


Dans ce chapitre consacré à des adolescents talentueux, on parle de leur réussite, et

des événements qui les ont conduits à être ce qu’ils sont aujourd’hui. Pour cela, on utilise
le Présent Have + participe passé. On leur pose aussi des questions sur leur parcours.

1. J’utilise le Présent Have + participe passé

“Flynn McGarry has cooked at the White House, been on the cover of The New York
Times Magazine and worked side-by-side with the world’s top chefs, and now
the “Justin Bieber of food” is headed to MasterChef Australia.”

• Avec le Présent Have + participe passé, l’énonciateur s’intéresse non pas à l’événement passé
mais à ce que cet événement dit du sujet au moment présent.
C’est pour cela que : Participe passé
– l’auxiliaire Have est au Présent, infinitif + -ed po
ur les verbes
– le verbe, lui, est au participe passé. réguliers (cooke
d, worked) ou
forme irrégulière
À 17 ans, Flynn McGarry a déjà accompli de nombreux exploits. Ceci : pour
les autres (been
– nous indique à quel point ce jeune cuisinier est remarquable, R voir tableau p
. 174-175
– permet d’établir un bilan provisoire de ses exploits (now).
• On rencontrera fréquemment le Présent Have + participe passé avec
des adverbes tels que just, recently, already, ever, never, etc. qui permettent
de faire le lien avec le moment de parole.
Dans l’exemple ci-dessus, on pourrait dire :
“Flynn McGarry has already cooked at the White House...”

Track 153
Sing, sang, sung
with Fluency MC
2. Je pose des questions
 Are you living in the UK?
 Do you have any advice for other young people looking to get into cooking?
 Why has he been named one of the “25 Most Influential Teens”?
 Where are you from?

• Les questions fermées (auxquelles on répond par yes, no, maybe, I don’t know…)
commencent par un auxiliaire suivi du sujet (R phrases  et ).
• Les questions ouvertes commencent par un mot interrogatif
(what, who, which, when, how… R phrases  et ). Prononciation :
Elles suivent presque toujours l’ordre : how
mot interrogatif + auxiliaire + sujet + verbe R phrase  /hax/
Prononce bien
… sauf avec BE qui est à la fois verbe et auxiliaire : le h au début
et la diphtongu
mot interrogatif + BE + sujet R phrase 

20 Follow your dreams

→ More exercises in your WB p. 15-17

Je m’entraîne
→ J’utilise le Présent Have + pp. → Je pose des questions

 Présente la nageuse américaine Missy Franklin  Quelles questions poserais-tu pour obtenir
et évoque son parcours à ce jour. Tu peux des renseignements sur les mots en gras ?
utiliser les verbes suivants :
My name
win – break – appear as – pass/graduate is Darcy.
No, I don’t live in the UK.

Name: Missy Franklin

Age: 22 I am 26
I live in Canada.
15 gold medals
3 silver medals
4 bronze medals
2 world records  Tu es journaliste. Prépare tes questions
a high school diploma pour une interview d’Ashima Shiraishi.
Little Liars
guest star in an episode of Pretty
A 14-year-old girl
 Work with a friend. Écris trois choses redefines rock
extraordinaires que tu as faites… ou pas climbing
(une vraie, deux fausses). Ton voisin saura-t-il
January 22, 2016
démêler le vrai du faux ?
e.g. I have never visited Canada. / I have already When it comes to
flown an airplane. / I have performed in a play. rock climbing,
few can match
 Comme beaucoup, il y a sûrement des choses the talents of
que tu n’as jamais apprises à faire, mais que New Yorker
tu sais bien faire. Note-les. (Tu peux inventer !)
e.g. I have never learnt how to read music, but I a world champion
can play the piano.

Je prononce
 La prononciation de Have Track 14  L’intonation dans les questions Track 15

a. Écoute les phrases suivantes en prenant soin a. Voici les questions posées à Darcy Oake.
de noter la prononciation de have : /hAv/ ou Écoute-les en faisant attention à l’intonation.
/hFv/. Que remarques-tu ? 1. What’s your name?
1. I have just invented something awesome. 2. Where are you from?
2. Have you ever met someone particularly 3. Are you living in the UK?
4. How old are you Darcy?
3. Yes, I have a talent, and I will use it!
5. What got you into the act you’re doing today?
4. His discovery will have major consequences
b. Maintenant compare avec la vidéo. Video 5
in the future.
L’intonation n’est pas la même. Pourquoi ?
5. They have been awarded a prize for their
invention. En théorie, les questions commençant par un
6. Why have you chosen to turn your passion mot interrogatif ont une intonation descendante.
into your job? Mais comme toujours, tout dépend du contexte
b. Réécoute et entraîne-toi à les répéter. et de l’intention du locuteur !

Follow your dreams 21

Have fun with…

→ WB p. 18 Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Do-It-Yourself Book, Je Kinney, 2011

Make up more probing questions yourself,

then submit them to a friend.

22 Follow your dreams


Dermot (presenter)
Simon (judge)
Cheryl (judge)
Bra’s Got Ta! Louis (judge)

P: C:
STOP! Put DOWN your phones because... the Well, for me then, it has to be Magic Meg, The
final votes for our talent show are now... IN! Disappearing Girl, because she is there and
S : Duh-duh-DUUUHHHNN! then... she’s not. So that’s like Barzini... but
better, isn’t it?
JUDGES! Before I reveal the name of the act P:
that WILL go through to the next stage of the Louis?
competition, who do YOU think deserves to L:
win? Simon? I like the Dancing Dog.
S: S:
Well, it has to be Barzini and his Amazing Flea Oh God! What is this obsession you have with
Circus. I think the time is right for a revival of dancing dogs, Louis? You choose one every year!
Flea Circuses in the UK. P:
P: Well thank you all. I can NOW reveal.... that the
Cheryl, can you name the act that YOU want to act with the MOST votes... and who WILL go
see win? through to next week’s round.... IS...
C: S : Tick...tock...tick...tock...tick...tock....
Oh god. I hate this part. It’s so hard... P:
P: It’s Magic Meg, The Disappearing Girl!
I’m sorry, Cheryl, but I HAVE to press you S : TA-TA-TA-DAAAAA!
for an answer!
C: Congratulations, Meg! Come up here! Meg?
I disagree with Simon. I’m sorry, Barzini, Wait, where is Meg? Meg? Are you here or... not?
but I can’t SEE your fleas!
That’s the point, Cheryl! They’re invisible!
But... then how do we know they’re there?
They’re NOT! A Flea Circus is

 Listen to the scene, then rehearse it. 16

 Act out the scene.

You can choose other acts.
or the test?
Révise Entraîne-toi
Réécoute Michael talks about his talent AUDIO
AUDIO  Anticipe : À partir du titre ci-dessus, quelles
informations es-tu susceptible d’entendre ?
Tu peux noter des idées ou des mots.
de l’oral 4
 Écoute le document plusieurs fois, en essayant de
→ Relis How to listen ne pas interrompre la lecture.
to real English p. 17  Explique ce que tu as compris par écrit en français.
Compare avec un camarade et discutez-en.
→ Pourquoi ne pas regarder d’autres tours de magie
de Darcy Oakes sur son site ? darcyoake.com

Exprime-toi Guess my talent!

sur ton expérience,  Choisissez chacun un talent et écrivez-le sur un papier.
tes talents et tes projets Mélangez les papiers, puis piochez-en un.
→ Réécoute la piste4 et Imaginez que vous avez ce talent et faites-le deviner
orale essaie d’imiter Kimberley. à vos camarades!
Enregistre-toi et compare.  Comment améliorer vos performances ?
→ Relis How to sound
almost like a native
p. 35

Relis Suis l’actualité des jeunes de ce chapitre !

→ les textes p. 13 et 14  Lis les fiches des nouveaux candidats du Google Science
Fair sur googlesciencefair.com.
 Renseigne-toi sur l’actualité d’Olivia Hallisey et
de l’écrit de Krtin Nithiyanandam en tapant leur nom dans
un moteur de recherche.
 Suis Flynn Mc Garry sur les réseaux sociaux :
instagram/twitter/facebook @diningwithflynn

Relis Rédige un court article à propos

→ tes leçons de Darcy Oake
→ les Time to write
 Imagine que tu prépares un article sur Darcy Oake.
Expression Inspire-toi de celui qui porte sur Flynn McGarry p. 14
écrite et rédige :
– l’introduction – une question – une réponse

Imagine ce que le professeur pourra

te demander dans chaque test
24 Follow your dreams
AUDIO Flash interview:
Can you tell me Imagine a celebrity’s first
18 about your first cover letter.
job experience?

How to get an internship

Before applying

Question Yourself


right or wrong answers):

. What do I like to do for fun?

. Whom do I most admire? Why?
10_ What does she/he do for a living?
. What is my most important achievement?
. What is my happiest memory in school?
. What is my favorite class? Why?
. Where do I see myself ten years from now?


themes? Are there any that feel exciting? Or make you

wish for more? By simply looking at the similarities Tip
between your answers, you might discover the type of
Si tu en as besoin,
job, or at least the field or industry, that would make utilise le lexique p. 163-164.
20_ you the happiest.
Teen Dream Jobs, Nora E. Coon, 2003
Fais bien attention à la présentation
du texte et au choix des couleurs.
Cela t’aidera à comprendre.
 Look at the book cover. What do you learn about:

 Read the text. Make sure you understand

its structure.
 Play career adviser! Work with a friend.
 Focus on the questions. Why are some words a. Give your answers to a classmate and listen
in orange? to his or her advice.
 Time to write! Take the test! e.g. I think you could…
Answer the six questions, then follow the Do you agree with these suggestions?
instructions in the last paragraph. b. Change roles.

26 First internship

Apply for an internship

March 28, 1998

To Whom it May Concern
I am writing this letter to introduce myself to you and to make myself available
to your rm for possible internship work during the summer of 1998. My name is
Christopher Evans and I am a high school junior with an intense passion for theatre.
5_ I have been very actively involved in theatre for seven years and have chosen to
spend the summer of 1998 taking classes on Saturdays at the Lee Strasburg Institute
in New York City.
Since my weekdays will be open I was hoping to arrange an internship in
the city allowing someone to take advantage of a hardworking individual like me,
10_ in exchange for tremendous opportunity to be exposed to the business side of the
theatre. I have enclosed a resume for your review. I would greatly welcome any input
you might have; I am currently planning on visiting New York City during the week
of April 20th to April 26th. I could make myself available to you then or at any time
you wish, should an interview be desired.
15_ ank you very much for your interest and for taking the time to look at this.
I am most appreciative and I am very much looking forward to speaking with you.
Respectfully Yours,

Chris Evans
Born on 13 June 1981,
Christopher Evans Published by Chris Evans on
Chris Evans is an
his Twitter account in May 2016.
American actor, famous
for playing the role
of Captain America.
 Use Chris Evans’s letter and what you know
about him today to imagine his answers
to the Teen Dream Jobs questions (p. 26).
 Look at the document: what is it?
 Imagine you are the employer.
How do you know?
Would you hire him? Think about:
 Read the text and find out:

the quality of his letter

what elements the author put forward
 Time to write! Choose a dream internship
Need help? → WB p. 19 and write your own cover letter. → WB p. 20

Imagine a celebrity’s first cover letter!

Choose a celebrity and imagine the letter
he/she wrote for a first internship.

 Présent BE + -ing  could / would / might
→ WB p. 24/26
First internship 27
Language tools

Apprends ces mots

Words avec leur prononciation !
Looking for a job Track 19

Jobs Track 20
 read an advert
 apply for a job /F)plaq/  an architect  a flight attendant  a translator
 write a cover letter /)à:kqtekt/  a gardener /trAnz)leqtFr/
 write a resume  a cook / a chef  a sales assistant
 a mechanic
/)rEzxmeq/  an engineer /mF)kAnqk/  a sports coach
 go through a job interview  a farmer  a nurse  a vet
 introduce oneself  a fireman  a personal assistant  a web designer
 be available
 position = job
 office
Skills & personality
 employer / employee
 be involved in  conscientious  helpful  reliable /rq)laqbl/
 work at (a company)  creative  interested in  responsible
 work for (a company/a person)  efficient  motivated  trustworthy
 work in (a city, country)  energetic  outgoing = friendly  willing
 earn a salary  hardworking  passionate about  be good/great at…


J’utilise le Présent BE + -ing

I am writing this letter to introduce myself to you.  Pour poser une question,
on place l’auxiliaire BE avant
 Emploi : Il ne s’agit pas ici d’informer le destinataire qu’on le sujet.
lui écrit une lettre (puisqu’il l’a dans les mains !) mais de justifier e.g. Why are you applying?
l’écriture de cette lettre: « to introduce myself to you ».
 Pour former une négation,
 Construction : on ajoute not après l’auxiliaire BE
BE au Présent + infinitif du verbe + -ing e.g. I’m not waiting for any answer.

J’évoque une situation hypothétique

 I could make myself available for an interview.

 I might apply, I’m not sure yet.
 I would love to become a vet!
Would, could et might sont des auxiliaires modaux :
– ils sont invariables ;
– ils sont toujours suivis d’infinitif ;
– ils permettent à l’énonciateur de donner son point de vue Exercices
(ici, d’exprimer une hypothèse, une éventualité). → WB p.21-27

28 First internship
P roj ec t

AUDIO Flash interview:

What do you think Design a spoof poster and present it
22 of this poster? to the class.
Create your own ”I will… if you...” pledge.

> Anglais– EMC– SVT– Géographie : FINAL TASK

CHAUFFE QUI PEUT ! Shoot a spoof advert about the environment.

The power of fiction

Winter is not coming
6 A spoof advert

 Watch the video (part 1).  React. As a spectator, do you think the video
a. What is the atmosphere like? Why? is efficient? Why?
b. What do you think this video was made for?  Time to write!
 Watch part 2. You work for Greenpeace. Write a few sentences
a. Were you right? to explain why you have made this video.
b. What kind of video is it? Explain.
A spoof : a light humorous parody

Save the planet! WWF* was created in 

environmentalists who wa
 Look at the WWF posters on p. 31. to save the world’s wildlif
The creation of WWF has he
What do they have in common? lped
environmentalism becom
a public issue across the wo
 In groups Choose one of these posters. rld.
a. Analyze it, paying attention to the following A few achievements
elements: Since , volunteers ha
ve planted
text billions of trees.
For the past  years, W
WF has helped
b. What links can you find with the video above? save dozens of endanger
ed species.
c. Can you explain the comic effect? Since its creation, it has
saved , giant

* World Wide Fund for Na


30 Handle with care


MARCH 27, FROM 20H30 TO 21H30


Noah and His Ark by Charles W. Peale (1819)

Design a spoof poster.

 Choose another fictional character
and create a poster. Need help? → WB p. 28
 Get ready to present it to the class.

GRAMMAIRE Record the voice over for one of

these posters, just like in the video
 Présent Have + participe passé → WB p. 32 ‘Winter is not coming’.
Don’t forget the sound effects!

Handle with care 31


How to get involved

Use your power 7 Earth Hour 2015 Official Video

 Watch the video. Focus on the pictures.

a. What is Earth Hour? Explain their logo.
b. What can you say about the people
who appear in the video:

What does this reveal about the movement?

 Watch the video again.
Spot as many initiatives as you can. Which
one seems the most important to you? Why?
 Oral practice! Choose a statement
How to
or a slogan in the video and practise sound like
saying it with conviction. a native
p. 35
 Time to write!
a. Look at the poster below. Explain the link At hoe
between the text and the picture. Find out more about Earth Hour
b. Use what you have learnt so far to think at www.earthhour.org and see
about other alarming facts, then complete how you can use your power to make
the poster in your workbook. → WB p. 29 a difference for our planet!

Atlantis : mythical underwater city

32 Handle with care


Take a pledge!

 Look at the pictures.

a. In your opinion, who wrote
the sentences?
b. There are two colours. Match
them with what they correspond to:
green   promise
blue   challenge

 In groups
Discuss the initiatives and the challenges.
Which ones seem:

 Time to write!
Adapt the first pledge to your own school:
what could you do?

Challenge your friends and help the planet!

Will you have a panda tattoo if 100 friends agree to recycle?
Will you run a marathon?...
Create your own “I WILL … IF YOU …” pledge, then post it
on the class’s Padlet wall. Who will take up your challenge?

 If… will → WB p. 33

What future
can you see in
the crystal ball? Handle with care 33
reate a spoof advert
Earth Hour is looking for a brand
new advert. Create one and get ready
to convince the organization yours
is the best!

1 Get ready
In groups
 Get ready to make a video.

 Decide which environmental

issue you want to expose:

Use these as arguments

 Choose a hero or fictional character from to convince Earth Hour
a series or film that could help. to choose your advert!

 Think about the message you want

to convey.

 Now shoot your advert and record Dress up in costumes

your voice over! and use props!

2 Action!  Inspire-toi des documents
(posters ou vidéo) vus dans
 Introduce your project to the class le chapitre.
and show your video!  Utilise la page How to sound
(almost) like a native p. 35 pour
préparer ta présentation.

34 Handle with care

How to…

Pour parler comme un anglophone, il ne faut pas hésiter à écouter, imiter et surtout répéter !

Pour bien parler, Regarde les mots suivants :

apprends à écouter ! planet – atmosphere – organization – environment
À l’écrit, ces mots sont quasi identiques en français et en anglais.
Mais attention, pas à l’oral !
Comment les prononcerais-tu en anglais ? Écoute et vérifie. Track 23

Apprends toujours un mot avec sa prononciation.

Dans les phrases,

certains mots sont We are the first generation to feel
accentués, et the impact of climate change and the last
d’autres non. generation that can do something about it.
Dans les mots, Réécoute ce passage :
certaines syllabes quels sont les mots accentués ? Pourquoi ? Track 24

sont accentuées et Aide-toi d’un dictionnaire pour savoir quelle syllabe

d’autres réduites. est accentuée dans un mot (elle est prédédée d'un accent :
Entraîne-toi à respecter /dGenF)reqHFn/).
cette alternance.

Comme en français, If we don’t do anything about it immediately,

il faut lier certains we’ll have lost the chance to do it.
mots entre eux.

Comme en français, L’intonation d’un énoncé en anglais monte toujours au moment où

l’intonation a du sens. l’on prononce le mot le plus important de la phrase.

I speak English!
Elle est généralement descendante pour les questions qui commencent
par un mot interrogatif (car il contient l’information la plus importante
de la phrase, on veut savoir QUI ou QUEL ÂGE, etc.) et montante pour
les questions qui commencent par un auxiliaire.

Who are you? Can you swim?

À toi de jouer !

1. Entraîne-toi à accentuer certains mots dans des phrases. → WB p. 126 Track 25

2. Entraîne-toi à prononcer des questions avec la bonne intonation. → WB p. 126 Track 26

Handle with care 35

Apprends ces mots
avec leur prononciation !

Natural disasters

• earthquake • heat wave

• landslide • wildfire
Alerting • rising sea levels
• tidal wave = tsunami
• storm, rainstorm • polar ice cap melting
• call for action, take action
• criticize, denounce • tornado
• endangered species,
• warn • hurricane, typhoon species extinction
• protest /)spi:Hqz/
/ei/ /)taqfu:n/
• raise public awareness • flood (n) ≠ drought
• sensitize opinion /flyd/ /draxt/

• make fun of
• make a parody, a fake, a spoof

• threaten
• flood (v) =
Environment • dry out
• commit to (+ V -ing) • melt
• participate in = take part in • disappear
• reduce, reuse, recycle • destroy = devastate
• save energy, water /q/
• switch on / off • damage
• give up = stop • hit = impact = strike
/q/ /aq/
• pick up trash
• pollute
• preserve, protect
• go vegetarian • aerosols /)eFrFsàls/
• plant trees • carbon dioxide emissions
reusable bottles or cups • chemical fertilizers
newable energy sources /)kemqkFl/
• deforestation
environment-friendly /di:forq)steqHFn/
products • farming live
• industrialization
• greenhouse effect
• population increase

Global warming: a gradual increase
Learn these words in world temperatures caused by gases.
in your workbook
Spoof: a work that imitates and exaggerates
→ WB p. 30 another work for comic effect. It is often
a way to criticize and denounce a situation.

36 Handle with care

→ More exercises in your WB p. 31

Je m’entraîne
 Complète ces phrases à l’aide d’un verbe. a. En équipe, écrivez autant de mots que
1. Because of pollution, more and more species possible à propos de l’image ci-dessous...
are endangered and many animals will …… . Vous avez 3 minutes !
2. Wildfires …… thousands of houses in California b. Vous travaillez pour l’agence de
in 2016. communication qui a conçu cette image.
3. Global warming makes the ice …… . Expliquez et présentez vos choix en anglais.
4. Earth Hour’s main goal is to …… energy
5. Over 30 million acres of forests and woodlands
are …… every year by wildfires.

 Trouve l’intrus.
1. pollute – destroy – breathe – endanger
2. landslide – deforestation – tornado – hurricane
3. reduce – save – recycle – damage
4. alert – denounce – prevent – warn

 Tu vas entendre un reportage de la BBC dans

lequel des enfants sont interviewés. Track 32

a. Repère les questions posées et assure-toi que

tu comprends les réponses.
b. Enregistre-toi en donnant tes réponses.

 Le temps presse pour la planète et mieux vaut

collaborer pour être efficace !

Je prononce
 Comme un Anglophone ! Track 33  Les sons /u:/ de spoof et /y/ de flood Track 34

a. Écoute des phrases extraites de la vidéo a. Écoute ces mots:

Earth Hour p. 32, en faisant attention flood – prove – fun - blood – use – spoof –
à l'intonation. move – sun – proof
imate change is the human b. Classe ces mots selon la prononciation des
rights issue of ur time. lettres soulignées :
/u:/ /y/
We are the first generation to feel … …
the impact of climate change and the last
generation that can do something about it. c. Entraîne-toi à bien prononcer.

/u:/ et /y/
b. Répète ces phrases le plus fidèlement
c. Enregistre-toi et compare.

Handle with care 37


Pour sensibiliser les gens à la protection de la planète, il faut leur présenter un bilan de la situation
présente, puis les inviter à s’engager en lançant des défis.

1. Je fais le point avec le Présent Have + participe passé

 Since its creation in 1961, WWF has become the world’s largest conservation organization.
 The creation of WWF, more than 50 years ago, helped environmentalism become a public issue.

• Présent Have + participe passé (phrase ) :

On s’intéresse non pas à l’événement passé, mais à ses répercussions sur la situation
au moment présent.
• Prétérit (phrase ) :
On s’intéresse à l’événement passé. Ici, cet événement est situé dans le passé à l’aide de ago


• On peut dire depuis qund ou depuis combien

de temps la situation actuelle est en cours. Since + poin
t de dépar
– Since 2007, volunteers have planted billions of trees. t précis
2017, last y
– For the past 50 years, it has helped save dozens I was a chil , Christmas,
of endangered species. d, …
For + durée
• Si on veut interroger sur la durée d’un événement years, a lon
qui a toujours lieu, on demandera : gt
2 minutes, ime, ages,

– How long have you worked for WWF?

Track 153
Sing, sang, sung
with Fluency MC
2. J’envisage l’avenir avec if et will

will + infinitif verbe au Présent

 I will skate the streets of Auckland if 500 people start using reusable drink bottles.
 If global warming continues, some species will not survive.

• Will permet d’envisager l’avenir de manière plutôt certaine :

 pour évoquer ce que l’on s’engagera à faire ;
 pour évoquer quelque chose de très probable, ici les conséquences du réchauffement climatique.
• Dans la proposition subordonnée introduite par if , le verbe est conjugué au Présent

38 Handle with care

→ More exercises in your WB pp. 32-34

Je m’entraîne
→ Présent Have + participe passé  Voici des titres de films :

 Présent Have + participe passé ou Prétérit ?

1. Massive wildfires are a threat to nature: they
(burn down) 9.4 million acres of forests in the
U.S. in 2015. But some insects can be even more
damaging! The bark beetle (already/destroy)
46millions of acres of American forests.
2. Since its first “lights-out” event in 2007, Earth
Hour (grow) to engage more than 7,000 cities
and towns worldwide. Pour chacun d’eux, imagine l’état de la planète
3. Australia’s natural wonder is in danger: 22% of (les gens, les paysages, la société tels que ces
its coral (die) this year and experts say it could be films les montreraient).
too late for the rest. e.g. « Meltdown » → The year is 2031,
4. Experts say the last decade (be) the hottest in land and sea temperatures have risen
history with land and sea temperatures reaching dramatically, the icebergs have melted down…
an average 58 degrees Fahrenheit.

 Complète ces phrases avec for et since → J’envisage l’avenir avec if et will
1. Electric cars have been greatly improved ……
 a. Complète cette chaîne de conséquences
they were created.
possibles. Va aussi loin que tu le peux !
2. Developed countries have conducted many
If global temperatures increase, ice caps
green actions ...... the beginning of the 21st century.
will melt.
3. Our school has adopted a greener policy …… If ice caps melt, the sea levels will rise.
a while now, and it has been very positive. If the sea levels rise,…
4. The global surface temperature has often b. À partir des amorces suivantes, fais d’autres
varied …… 1980. chaînes (aide-toi de l’image ci-dessous) :
5. Sea levels have risen constantly ...... the past

Je prononce
La prononciation de have Track 35 b. Que remarques-tu ?
a. Lis, puis écoute ces phrases en faisant attention c. Écoute d’autres phrases en te concentrant
à la prononciation de have : /hAv/ ou /hFv/ ? à nouveau sur la prononciation de have
Track 36
1. We have managed to melt the polar ice caps.
2. What have volunteers done so far? d. Entraîne-toi à répéter ces phrases.

Handle with care 39

Have fun with…

* I predicted correctly.
→ WB p. 35

Draw your own short comic strip to illustrate

your predictions!

40 Handle with care


Jon Snow
Lord Commander
Master Aemon

Game  Thr: T Rebt

J S: M A:
I have come North to pledge my allegiance It was all very well when we could build a wall
to the Night’s Watch and defend The Wall! out of ice, you see. Ice is free! I don’t know if
L C: you’ve noticed, but it’s been rather warm lately.
Yes, about that… J S:
J S (putting his hand on his heart): Now you mention it, I’m boiling hot in this fur
‘Night gathers, and now my watch begins. coat. Everyone told me winter was coming.
It shall not end until my death…’ L C:
M A: Oh, the Night’s Watch doesn’t wear fur
Umm… young man, perhaps we should explain anymore! We changed the uniform to T-shirt
one or two things before you take the oath. and shorts.
J S (carrying on, oblivious): M A:
‘I shall live and die at my post. I am the sword But they have to be black! This isn’t a holiday
in the darkness. I am the watcher on the… camp.
on the… wait, isn’t there supposed to be a wall L C:
around here? So now that we’ve got all that out the way, let’s
L C: get back to your oath of allegiance. The Night’s
Oh yes. The Wall. Absolutely! Here it is – our Watch needs men like you, Jon Snow!
only defence against the savage Wildlings. J S:
J S: But wait… I hear that if I go South there’s
But… I thought The Wall was supposed to be this beautiful girl with dragons?
 feet high and  miles long? Enormous. M A:
Impenetrable. Oh come on!
M A: Can we concentrate here?
Well, it was. But the new Wall is… um… well, Young people these days...
we have made it a bit smaller.
J S:
That’s not a wall. That’s a garden fence!
It’s pathetic.
L C:
Excuse me, but do you have any idea how
expensive  miles of garden fencing is,
young man? AUDIO

 Listen to the scene, then rehearse it. 37

 Act out the scene.

for the test?
Révise Entraîne-toi
Réécoute If we continue… AUDIO
AUDIO • Anticipe : À partir du titre ci-dessus, à quoi peux-tu
t’attendre ? Tu peux noter des idées ou des mots.
• Écoute le document plusieurs fois.
de l’oral 32
• Explique ce que tu as compris par écrit en français.
→ Relis How to listen Compare avec un camarade et discutez-en.
to real English p. 17 → Pourquoi ne pas regarder les autres vidéos officielles
de Earth Hour ? www.earthhour.org/

Exprime-toi Earth Hour in class!

à propos de • En groupes, imaginez que vous devez préparer une
l’environnement vidéo, pour expliquer ce que l’on peut faire à l’échelle
Expression → Réécoute la vidéo de la classe. Chacun doit préparer quelques phrases
orale de Earth Hour Video 7 pour évoquer la situation de la planète :
et essaie d’imiter les …
personnes qui parlent.
Enregistre-toi et compare. • Enregistrez-vous les uns après les autres, puis écoutez.
→ Relis How to sound Comment améliorer vos performances ?
almost like a native adopter une intonation plus authentique ?
p. 35 corriger les participes passés irréguliers
quand vous utiliser le Présent Have

Relis I will… if you…

→ les documents p. 33 • Découvre d’autres promesses en tapant « Earth Hour
I will » dans un moteur de recherche.
• Choisis-en plusieurs et recopie-les dans ton cahier :
de l’écrit
le plus impressionnant

Relis Dear planet…

→ tes leçons • Écris une lettre à la planète pour faire un bilan de ce
→ les Time to write qu’elle a enduré, puis évoquer son futur.
Expression • Compare ta lettre avec celle d’un camarade. Comment
écrite pouvez-vous améliorer vos productions ? Vérifiez :

42 Handle with care



AUDIO Flash interview:

Christmas Play Secret Santa
39 Special! with your classmates!

Charlie’s diary

December 7, 1991

Dear friend,
Have you ever heard of a thing called “Secret Santa”? It’s this activity where
a group of friends draw names out of a hat, and they are supposed to buy a lot of
Christmas presents for whatever person they choose. The presents are “secretly”
5_ placed in their lockers when they’re not there. Then, at the end, you have a party,
and all the people reveal who they really are as they give their last presents.
Sam started doing this with her group of friends three years ago. Now, it’s
some tradition. And supposedly the party at the end is always the best of the year.
It happens the night after our last day of school before the break.
10_ I don’t know who got me. I got Patrick.
I’m really glad I got Patrick even though I wished for Sam. […]
The first present is going to be a mix tape 1. I just know that it
should. I already have the songs picked and a theme. It’s called “One
Winter.” But I’ve decided not to hand-color the cover. The first side
15_ has a lot of songs by the Village People and Blondie because Patrick
likes that type of music a lot. It also has Smells Like Teen Spirit by
Nirvana, which Sam and Patrick love. But the second side is the one
I like the most. It has winter kind of songs.
Here they are:
1. a tape = une cassette audio


1. Asleep by the Smiths 8. Nights in White Satin

2. Vapour Trail by Ride by the Moody Blues
3. Scarborough Fair by Simon 9. Daydream by Smashing
& Garfunkel Pumpkins
4. A Whiter Shade of Pale 10. Dusk by Genesis (before Phil
by Procol Harum Collins was even in the band!)
5. Time of No Reply by Nick Drake 11. MLK by U2

6. Dear Prudence by the Beatles 12. Blackbird by the Beatles

7. Gypsy by Suzanne Vega 13. Landslide by Fleetwood Mac

44 Secret Santa

20_ And finally...

Asleep by the Smiths (again!)
I spent all night working on it, and I hope Patrick likes it as much as I do.
Especially the second side. I hope it’s the kind of second side that he can listen
to whenever he drives alone and feel like he belongs to something whenever he’s
25_ sad. I hope it can be that for him. […]
Love always,


December 11, 1991

Dear friend,
Patrick loved the tape! I think he knows that I’m his Secret Santa, though,
because I think he knows that only I would do a tape like that. He also knows
what my handwriting looks like. I don’t know why I don’t think of these things
30_ until it’s too late. I really should have saved it for my last present.
Incidentally, I have thought of my second gift for Patrick. It is magnetic poetry.
Have you heard of this? In case you haven’t, I will explain. Some guy or girl put a
whole bunch of words on a sheet of magnet and then cut the words into separate
pieces. You put them on your refrigerator, and then you write poems while you
make a sandwich. It’s very fun.

Secret Santa 45

The gift from my Secret Santa wasn’t anything special. That makes me sad. I
bet you anything that Mary Elizabeth is my Secret Santa because only she would
give me socks.
Love always,

December 19, 1991

Dear friend,
40_ I have since received thrift store2 “slacks3”. I have also received a tie, a white
shirt, shoes, and an old belt. I’m guessing that my last gift at the party will be
a suit coat because it’s the only thing left. I was told by a typed note to wear
everything I had been given to the party. I hope there is something behind this.
The good news is Patrick liked all my gifts very much. Gift number three was
45_ a set of watercolor paints and some paper. I thought he might like to get them
even if he never uses them. Gift number four was a harmonica and a book about
playing it. I guess it’s probably the same gift as the watercolors, but I really think
that everyone should have watercolors, magnetic poetry, and a harmonica. […]
Love always,
2. a shop that sells clothes that have already been worn Charlie
3. trousers
The Perks of Being a Wallower,
Stephen Chbosky (1999)

Read and explore

 Among Charlie’s gifts to Patrick, which one would you prefer? Why?
 What “mix tape” would you make? List the 10 songs you would most like to share.
 Prepare magnetic poetry for a friend.

In groups
Play Secret Santa with your classmates! Give:

46 Secret Santa
P roj ec t

on screen

AUDIO Flash interview:

If we say “Legends Play the Hollywood Guessing Game!
40 on screen”, who Write a passage from Ali’s autobiography.
do you think of?
> Arts plastiques – Français – LV :
RACONTER – SE RACONTER : Imagine you are a celebrity.
TOUS LES MOYENS SONT BONS ! Start writing your autobiography.

Let’s go to the movies!
 Look at the 4 posters. Pay attention to:
the tagline

a. What do these posters have in common?

b. What can you expect from each movie?
Need help? → Lexique p. 172

At home Choose one of these movies.

Watch its trailer in English on IMDb.
a. Does it match your expectations?
b. Write down a quote you find interesting.

48 Legends on screen

Find Movies, TV shows, Celebrities and more... All

Movies, TV Celebs, Events News &

Watchlist (139)
& Showtimes & Photos Community

8 Mile (2002) Top 5000

U 110 min - Drama Music 26 February 2003 (France)

Your rating: 7/10

6,8 Ratings: 6,8/10 from 130 548 users Metascore: 77/100

Reviews: 541 user 202 critic 38 from Metacritic.com

A young white rapper, struggling with different aspects

of his life, attempts to start a rap career in a genre
dominated by African Americans.
Director: Curtis Hanson
Writer: Scott Silver
Stars: Eminem, Brittany Murphy, Kim Basinger
See full cast and crew »

 Look at the document above. As you listen, identify: the movie
41 45
Study it in your workbook.→ WB p. 36
 Battle time! a. the film the spectator’s opinion
Close your books and say everything you
remember about the film 8 Mile b. Complete How does he/she
the IMDb page. express it?
Team 1: The release date is… → WB p. 37
Team 2: The director is…
 Tell the other groups about your movie.
 In groups You are going to hear
reactions about one of these films.  Time to write! All these films are
‘biopics’. Suggest a definition for this genre.

Play the Hollywood Guessing Game!

 Choose a movie (one you loved, or one you hated!).
 Help the class guess its title.→ WB p. 38
You can mention your opinion, the plot, the tagline
on the poster… but not the title!

 Les pronoms relatifs → WB p. 45
Let’s talk
about cinema!
Legends on screen 49

he making of a egend

Ali, the biopic An extract from the film Ali
8 2001

 Look at the two pictures. What can you expect

about the movie?
 Watch the video. What do you learn through:
what is said

 A good biopic should show the making of

a legend. How does the scene above show
the making of Muhammad Ali?

 Focus on three stills from this movie

to discover more. → WB p. 38
Discover more → Segregation p. 61

 Time to write! Write the plot of the film

Ali for its IMDb page. → WB p. 39

Ali’s autobiography
 Read the title of the text on p. 51. How do you react?
 Work on the text in your workbook. → WB p. 40

 What do this text and the extract from the film Ali have in common?
Choose one sentence from the text that could illustrate it. Explain why.
 In groups From words to pictures. You are a film crew and your job is to turn
this episode of Ali’s life into a film. Prepare the storyboard for the scene described
in the first paragraph. → WB p. 41

50 Legends on screen

“There was no such thing as a Black superhero”

1_ One Halloween, a little Black girl was trick-or-treating

around the neighborhood, dressed up in a superhero
costume, but her face was painted white. When I asked
her why, she said that her sister told her that there was
5_ no such thing as a Black superhero. She was right. When
I turned on the television, everyone was always White.
Superman was White, Santa Claus was White. They
even made Tarzan, king of the jungle in Africa, a White
man. I noticed that Miss America was always White, and
10_ the president living in the White House was White, too.
Nothing good reflected our image.
At that early age, I could see that something was very
wrong. I didn’t understand it. I thought that my skin was
beautiful, I was proud of the color of my complexion. But
15_ everything black was considered bad, and undesirable.
Like black cats bring bad luck. Devils’ food cake was the
dark cake, and angel food cake was the white cake. These
may have been subtle messages, but the effects were
profound. Every day these messages shaped the images
20_ that I and other non-white children had of ourselves.
I didn’t know how, but I knew that I was going to help
my people. Somehow, I was going to make a difference in the world. The more Children at Halloween,
injustice that I saw, the stronger my feelings grew. It made me feel that I was New York, 1960

here for a reason. […]

25_ I thought boxing would help me be that public Black role model who was
missing while I was growing up. I thought my purpose was to be that hero who
showed children that Black is beautiful. I thought my purpose was to be that to read
champion who showed White people they couldn’t treat Blacks like second a text
class citizens. I learned that all of these accomplishments were important, but p. 53
30_ even more important, I gained a platform that allowed me to carry out my real
mission, which has been to encourage all people to respect each other and to
live in peace.
The Soul of a Buttery: Reections on Life’s Journey, Muhammad Ali, 2004

Write a passage from Ali’s autobiography.

In groups
 Watch again the extract from the film Ali. Video 8
Choose a short scene.
 Imagine how the boxer could have told it
in his autobiography. → WB p. 41

 Discours direct / indirect  Prétérit simple / Prétérit BE + -ing → WB p. 47/50

Legends on screen 51
he story of my ife
Imagine you are a celebrity.
Start writing your autobiography.

1 Get ready
 Choose an English-speaking celebrity (a sportsman,
a politician, an activist, a scientist…) or imagine you have
become famous!

 Gather information about your life as a celebrity.

first achievement/performance…

 Choose the key moment you are going to write about.

Organize your notes:

2 Write your text!

 Write a draft, proofread it,  Avant de rédiger un texte, écrire au brouillon est
then finalize your text. une étape essentielle. Cela permet de :
→ trouver des idées ;
→ les mettre en ordre ;
→ corriger l’orthographe et la grammaire ;
→ enrichir ses idées.

 Tu peux faire un brouillon linéaire

Pour faciliter ta relecture et tes corrections :
→ aère-le à l’aide de marges et d’espaces ;
→ saute des lignes ;
→ utilise des couleurs pour regrouper tes notes :

1 couleur = 1 idée
 Tu peux aussi écrire un brouillon graphique,
sous forme de tableau ou de carte mentale.
Par exemple, retiens 2 ou 3 idées pour chaque
thème à développer et présente-les sous forme
de diagramme. Relies ensuite les idées par
des flèches pour les organiser.

birth of a passion

Design the cover

Idée 1
of your autobiography!

52 Legends on screen
How to…
read a tet
and not panic!
Un texte te semble difficile ? Pas de panique, il y a des stratégies pour le lire et le comprendre.
Fais-toi confiance, tu comprends plus de choses que tu ne le crois !

“There was no such thing as a Black superhero”

Ne te laisse pas One Halloween, a little Black girl was

impressionner par trick-or-treating around the neighbor-
la longueur du texte. hood, dressed up in a superhero costume,
Repère tout ce qui peut but her face was painted white. When
t’aider dans ta lecture : I asked her why, she said that her sister
– le titre told her that there was no such thing as
– les illustrations a Black superhero. She was right. When I
turned on the television, everyone was
– le type de texte
always White. Superman was White,
– l’auteur Santa Claus was White. They even
– la date… made Tarzan, king of the jungle in Africa,
Que connais-tu déjà a White man. I noticed that Miss Ameri-
sur ce sujet ? ca was always White, and the president
À ton avis, de quoi living in the White House was White, too.
parlera le texte ? Nothing good reflected our image.
At that early age, I could see that something was very wrong. I
didn’t understand it. I thought that my skin was beautiful, I was
proud of the color of my complexion. But everything black was
Lis les premières phrases considered bad, and undesirable. Like black cats bring bad luck.
de chaque paragraphe. Devils’ food cake was the dark cake, and angel food cake was the
Cela t’aidera à te faire white cake. These may have been subtle messages, […]
une idée du texte et
facilitera ta lecture
de l’ensemble. The Soul of a Butterfly: Reflections on Life’s Journey,
by Muhammad Ali, 2004

Lis le texte en t’appuyant sur Appuie-toi sur le contexte pour deviner

les mots connus, les mots transparents, la signification de mots inconnus.
les noms propres, les dates ou Mais à la maison, recherche les mots inconnus
les nombres… dans le dictionnaire. Tu enrichiras ton vocabulaire !

À toi de jouer !

1. Applique ces stratégies à l’ensemble du texte.

2. Entraîne-toi avec un autre extrait de l’autobiographie de Muhammad Ali. → WB p. 128

Legends on screen 53
Apprends ces mots
avec leur prononciation !

Positive impressions Track 46 Negative impressions Track 47

 I loved / enjoyed the movie.  I didn’t like / I hated the movie.

 The film was wonderful / great / brilliant / awesome /  The film was really bad / very disappointing/
amazing / terrific / fantastic! /c:sFm/ boring / terrible / lousy / depressing / dreadful /
 The film was so frightening = scary / thrilling / rubbish /)laxzi/
moving / funny = hilarious / very entertaining!  I was disappointed / bored / annoyed
 I was so frightened = scared / thrilled / moved / surprised!  The actors were pathetic / so bad = awful
/)fraqtFnd/ /Brqld/ /pF)Betqk/ /)c:fFl/
 The actors were great/really good/so true-to-life!  The movie plot was too complicated.
 This movie was very successful! It’s a blockbuster!  The movie was a flop. (= unsuccessful)
 It’s a masterpiece!

Track 48

 action film
 adventure film
 cartoon
inema  comedy
 documentary
 drama
 musical /)mju:zqkFl/
 romance
 science-fiction
Track 49
 thriller

 This film (= movie = picture) was released in...

 It was directed by…
 The film features (Naomi Watts) as (Lady Diana)
Track 50
 It tells the story of… with (name of the actor) in the leading role.
 I saw the trailer of this film.  producer
 It portrays / depicts / dramatizes...  director / filmmaker
 It is set in… (New York / the 1950’s)  screenplay writer / screenwriter
 The main characters are… / are played by…  actor / actress (leading actor ≠
 It starts with… / when… supporting actor)
 The film ends with… / when…  critic (who writes film reviews)

Learn these words Biopic (n.) /)baqFx(pqk/ : term derived from
in your workbook the combination of the words “biography” and “pictures”.
Biopic films present the life of an important figure from
→ WB p. 42 the past or present time. The life story is depicted
with varying degrees of exactness.

54 Legends on screen
→ More exercises in your WB p. 43

Je m’entraîne
 Comment as-tu trouvé le film ? Complète  Work with a friend. Réponds aux questions de
les phrases suivantes. ton camarade sur ce film ou un film de ton choix.
1. This film was ……! I really enjoyed it.

2. What a …… film! And the acting was so bad
as well, such a waste of time!
3. This film was so…… I almost fell asleep!
4. Titanic was so …… I couldn’t stop crying.
5. I was scared to death, the film was really ……!

 Trouve l’intrus.
1. depressing – dreadful – lousy – thrilling
2. moving – dull – funny – entertaining
3. a flop – a masterpiece – a blockbuster –
a success
4. convincing – true-to-life – authentic – fake

 Trouve le mot correspondant à chaque définition.

1. A selected group of scenes that are shown
to advertise a movie.
2. A movie with a great commercial success.
3. The actors in a play, film or television show.
4. A report that gives someone’s opinion about
the quality of a film.
5. A person who directs a play, a movie, etc.

Je prononce
 La prononciation de [h] Track 51  Les sons /eq/ et /A/ Track 53

a. Écoute les phrases suivantes en faisant a. Écoute les mots suivants :

attention à la prononciation du [h] dans filmmaker – character – amazed – actor –
les mots soulignés. translate – dramatize– fantastic – action – fake
Her biopic has been seen by a lot of people.
b. Classe-les selon la prononciation des lettres
It is the real story of her life, even if some parts soulignées :
have been changed a little, but her love affair
with her American friend was real. She lived with /eq/ /A/
him for a long time, then they finally broke up. … …
b. Que remarques-tu ? c. Entraîne-toi à bien prononcer.
c. Tous les mots suivants commencent par
un[h], mais il n’est pas toujours prononcé.
Écoute et dis si le [h] est prononcé. Track 52 /eq/ et /A/
Halloween – help – hour – how – hate – honor –
hero – honest – honesty – hotel – horror film
d. Quelle conclusion en tires-tu ?

Legends on screen 55

Pour parler d’un film, on a besoin des pronoms relatifs, cela évite les répétitions. Pour en rapporter
l’histoire, on peut utiliser le Prétérit simple et le Prétérit en BE + -ing. Et pour rapporter le discours
des protagonistes, on a le choix !

1. Les pronoms relatifs

 Biopics are films which / that are based on the lives of real people.

 Nowhere Boy is the story of John Lennon, who later became a famous singer and songwriter.

 This film tells the story of a Harvard student whose idea becomes a global social network.

 The film which / that / Ø I saw yesterday is a biopic.

Pour relier deux phrases entre elles et éviter les répétitions, on peut utiliser les pronoms relatifs
• which ou that quand l’antécédent • Ø, dit “relatif zéro”, quand il a fonction de COD du verbe.
est non-humain
I saw a film yesterday. The film Ø I saw yesterday is a biopic.
• who ou that quand l’antécédent est humain
COD du verbe see
• whose pour marquer la possession

2. Discours direct / indirect verbes introducteurs (claim/reply/answer… that)

 When I asked her why [her face was painted white], she said that
= discours indirect
her sister told that there was no such thing as a Black superhero.
On peut imaginer que l’échange entre les deux personnages a dû ressembler à cela :
 “Why [is your face painted white]?”
= discours direct
Because my sister tells me that there is no such thing as a Black superhero.”

Attention au changement de personnes et à la concordance des temps : si le verbe qui introduit

le discours indirect est au Prétérit, les paroles rapportées sont également au Prétérit.

• Verbes régulie
3. Prétérit simple / Prétérit BE + -ing infinitif + -ed ou
rs :
• Verbes irrégu
 We watched that film last week. We didn’t like it! liers :
voir tableau p. 17
 Mandela was president of South Africa from 1994 to 1999.
 Ali was heading to the back of the bus when he saw the title on the newspaper.

• Le Prétérit simple permet de rapporter des faits révolus avec ou sans indicateur temporel.
• Le Prétérit en BE + -ing permet d’expliquer les circonstances dans lesquelles s’est déroulée l’histoire.
Ali was heading to the back of the bus when…
BE head + -ing

Track 153
Sing, sang, sung
56 Legends on screen with Fluency MC
→ More exercises in your WB pp. 46-52

Je m’entraîne
→ Les pronoms relatifs → Prétérit simple / Prétérit BE + -ing
  Aide John Green à rédiger le début de son roman
1. She is the girl …… won the Oscar. The Fault in Our Stars au Prétérit simple.
2. David Fincher, …… most famous movie
Late in the winter of my seventeenth year, my
is Seven, filmed The Social Network.
mother (decide) I (be) depressed, presumably
3. The film …… we saw yesterday was rubbish. because I rarely (leave) the house, (spend)
4. The film …… won the Oscar in 2016 was Spotlight quite a lot of time in bed, (read) the same
book over and over, (eat) frequently, and
 Relie les phrases à l’aide d’un pronom relatif. (devote) quite a bit of my abundant free time
1. Jobs is based on the life of Steve Jobs. It was to thinking about ….
a flop. The Fault in Our Stars, John Green, 2012
2. Colin Firth is a British actor. He played in
The King’s Speech Si tu veux savoir ce à quoi l’héroïne pensait à
3. Mandela is the biopic of Nelson Mandela. longueur de journée, lis le roman !
His life was extraordinary.
 Complète cet extrait de l’autobiographie
→ Discours direct / indirect de Muhammad Ali à l’aide du Prétérit simple
ou du Prétérit en BE + -ing
 a. Écoute et explique ce que tu as compris.
e.g. Kimberley said that… Track 54 One of my rst encounters with prejudice
b. À ton tour, raconte ta première expérience (happen) when I (be) too young to remember,
au cinéma. but I’ve heard my mother tell the story. She
and I (stand) at a bus stop. It (be) a hot day
 Choisis une citation et explique-la en t’aidant de and I (be) thirsty, so we (walk) up the block
ce que tu connais de ces célébrités : to a small diner, where she (ask) if she (can)
have a cup of water for her son. The man
e.g. Eminem said that he sometimes felt… probably
(say) he (can) not help us and (close) the
door in our faces.
Eminem: “Sometimes I feel like apping is almost the
key to topping acism.” The Soul of a Buttery, Muhammad Ali, 2004

John Lennon: “Everybody is clearer when yu’e in lve.”

Mandela: “In my cuntry, we go to pison first, then we
become pesident.”

Je prononce
La prononciation de -ed Track 55
“I think the first film I absolutely loved was Star
a. Écoute ces verbes en faisant attention à Wars. My father was a big fan, and he was always
la prononciation de -ed (/d/, /t/ ou /qd/). telling me about it. I remember vividly where we
dressed – painted – asked – turned – noticed – watched it: it was at home, and for once, I was
reflected – considered – shaped – showed – allowed to stay up late. I was thrilled! My father
learned – treated – gained had just received the Blu-Ray he had ordered on
b. Classe-les selon la prononciation de -ed, puis the Internet and he was as excited as me. My mom
observe leur orthographe pour dégager des règles. watched the film with us and she even cooked pop
c. Lis ce texte à voix haute en faisant attention corn that night! It was unforgettable…”
à la prononciation de -ed
d. Écoute et vérifie la prononciation. Track 56

Legends on screen 57
Have fun with…

Musician legends: great artists who excite and inspire.

Their music lifts us up. Their actions take us even higher.
Bowie, Marley, Simone and many others we could name
weren’t just in it for the fame. There was much more to their game.

Amy Winehouse was a cutting-edge singer and songwriter.

She wrote fearless lyrics and had a gift for performing.
Her style was eclectic and experimental.
She opened doors for similar artists so that they could be successful.

Most people knew her for her music, but behind the scenes
she donated money and time to many charities.
She worked to fight breast cancer and climate change.
She always gave back, even when her life went off-track.

Tupac Shakur was a rapper and poet.

In his songs he told stories of life in the streets.
He grew up poor and worked hard to attain success.
He didn’t rest in his efforts to encourage others to do their best.

Shakur spoke out against unjust social policies

as he represented hip hop all around the world.
With his brilliance, insight, and famous West Coast sound,
he captivated people of all races and backgrounds.

Whitney Houston they called “The Voice” and the “Queen of Pop”.
Her debut album shot straight to the top.
She won more awards than any other female artist.
As a black woman in pop music, she was the first to go the farthest.

During her career she fought for justice far and wide.
She helped terminally ill children and protested apartheid.
As soon as she became famous, Houston established a foundation
to raise money for hospitals and education.
Chorus AUDIO

Lyrics and music by Fluency MC  Listen to this song and rap along. 57


Screenwriter 1
Screenwriter 2
B  a True Sry
Somewhere in Hollywood:
S : S :
We have this great idea for a biopic about No! The guy was just Syrian! And neither of
Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple. Jobs’ real parents were dead.
P: P:
Uh-uh. Not interested. There’s already been Pity… pity. I mean, just imagine if they had
a biopic of him. died… and Bill Gates was responsible!
S : How cool would that be?
Two, as a matter of fact. But this one is S :
different. It’s about his rivalry with Bill Gates, What? Bill Gates was a baby at the time!
the founder of Microsoft, and the whole They were born the same year!
PC-Apple war. P:
P: So we change the ages a bit. Bill Gates is this
War? Now you’re talking! I love war movies! evil genius baby, determined to destroy his one
S : rival for dominance of the world’s computers.
Oka-a-ay… well, anyway, we begin with them S :
both as children. Jobs, of course, was adopted Bill Gates is a massive humanitarian! You want
as a child. him to become an ‘evil genius baby’?
P: P:
I like that. His story begins with the tragic loss Quiet! I’m thinking! So Jobs’ parents gave him
of his parents. Same as the Batman. He is up for adoption to keep him safe… like Luke
driven to avenge their death… Skywalker in Star Wars…
S :
No, his mother gave him up for adoption
because she was young and her parents didn’t
want her to marry Jobs’ father because he was
a Syrian immigrant.
A Syrian immigrant? Ooh! Can we bring
in a terrorism angle here?

 Listen to the scene, then rehearse it. 58

 Act out the scene.

for the test?
Révise Entraîne-toi
Réécoute Michael talks about a film AUDIO
AUDIO  Anticipe : À partir du titre ci-dessus, à quoi peux-tu
t’attendre ? Tu peux noter des idées, voire des mots.
 Écoute le document plusieurs fois, en essayant
de l’oral 41 – 45
de ne pas interrompre la lecture.
→ Relis How to listen  Explique ce que tu as compris par écrit en français.
to real English p. 17 Compare avec un camarade et discutez-en.
→ Écoute des internautes parler de films qu’ils aiment en
tapant “My favourite movie” dans YouTube.

Exprime-toi Guess the movie!

et donne tes impressions  Choisis trois films et note leur titre ou imprime
sur un film. leurs affiches.
→ Essaie d’imiter
 Fais deviner l’un d’entre eux à tes camarades en
orale les personnes qui parlent évoquant les éléments suivants :
sur les pistes 41 à 45.
Enregistre-toi et compare. …
→ Relis la page How to  Comment améliorer vos performances ?
sound almost like adopter une intonation qui renforce l’expression
a native p. 35 de tes sentiments ?
utiliser un vocabulaire plus précis pour évoquer le cinéma ?
améliorer la prononciation de -ed ?

Relis Découvre la vie d’une personnalité

→ le texte p. 51.  Choisis une célébrité du monde anglophone (sportif,
→ How to read a text acteur, écrivain…) et découvre sa vie :
and not panic p. 53 – grâce au site www.biography.com
de l’écrit – en tapant son nom + “autobiography” dans un
moteur de recherche
 Tu n’as personne en tête ? Laisse-toi surprendre !
Va sur Amazon > livres en anglais > biographies.

Relis “I could see that something was wrong.”

→ les Time to write  Te rappelles-tu avoir compris certaines réalités quand
tu étais enfant ? En prenant pour modèle l’extrait p. 51,
Expression écris un nouveau texte à la première personne.
Imagine ce que le professeur pourra
te demander dans chaque test
60 Legends on screen

AUDIO Flash interview:

Norman Rockwell’s Record an audioguide
60 son talking about to celebrate
his father’s painting Black History Month
→ WB p. 53
the Civil Rights movement
Work on these documents in your workbook. Complete
→ WB p. 53-58 the timeline! 1619
→ WB p. 56 First African slaves
brought to America.
The context 1860
Election of
Abraham Lincoln, 1861
16th president Start of the Civil
Harriet Tubman (1822-1913) of the US. War.
was one of the most famous
antislavery activists in 1865
American history. Born into Assassination of Lincoln.
Abolition of slavery.
slavery on a farm in Maryland, End of the Civil War.
she escaped in 1849 to the free Late 1860s
state of Pennsylvania thanks to Creation of
the Ku Klux Klan.
a secret organization whose
coded name was the
“Underground Railroad”. 1954
After gaining her own liberty, Abolition of all
she devoted her life to freeing discrimination 1960
in education. Ruby Bridges,
hundreds of other slaves. first Black girl to
enter a White school.

The American Civil War

(1861-1865) was fought During the Civil War, President
between the Northern Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865)
and Southern US States. freed the slaves with the
The Northern States Emancipation Proclamation
wanted to abolish slavery of 1863. At the end of the war,
throughout the country, slavery was abolished with
whereas the Southern States wanted to keep the Thirteenth Amendment to
slavery as they relied on African slaves to farm their the United States Constitution.
crops of tobacco and cotton. The war ended with
a victory for the North.

Although slavery was abolished, many southern

states continued to treat African-Americans
as second-class citizens. In 1876, they
implemented laws that kept black people
separate from white people. These laws became
known as the “Jim Crow” laws

9 “Separate but equal”

62 Segregation

The reactions
Martin Luther King’s 11 “I have a dream”
10 early life

Martin Luther King Jr (1929-1968)

"We will nt est to vilence.
We will nt degade urselves with hatred.
Lve will nt be eturned with hate."

Martin Luther King Jr, near the Lincoln Memorial,

Washington DC, on August 23rd, 1963

12 Fighting for freedom

Malcolm X
Rosa Parks (1913-2005) (1925-1965)
Rosa Parks had been a civil rights Malcolm X w
activist for several years when as a civil
rights activis
she was arrested on 1st December t who
1955 for refusing to give up her African
Americans to
seat in a segregated bus. “Our objective fight:
“People alway ay that I didn't give up my eat and equality b complete freedom, justice
y any means n
He also beli
because I was tired, but that isn't true. I was nt eved African
create their o Americans sh
tired phyically [...]. I was nt ld, althugh ome wn state, sep ould
Americans. H a rate from wh
people have an image of me as being ld then. e was killed in ite
I was fty-two. No, the only tired I was, was tired
of giving in.”
From My Story by Rosa Parks and Jim Haskins (1992)

Record an audioguide about

this mural to celebrate Black History
Black History Month takes place every year
to commemorate important events and
people from the black community.
Explain who these figures are and the context Mural painted by Mr Brainwash in Los Angeles in 2009, the
they live(d) in. same year Barack Obama became the 44th president of the USA.

• Prétérit Have + participe passé • Obligation / interdiction dans le passé → WB p. 60/62

Segregation 63
Language tools
Apprends ces mots
Words avec leur prononciation !

Separate but equal

Stand up for your rights
 rights / civil rights
 equality with (white Americans)  fight for, resist ≠ give up, give in
 freedom  break = violate the law
 rules
 organize a boycott / a sit-in / a demonstration
 segregation = separation of racial groups
 protest / march / demonstrate
 discrimination (against sb) = social prejudice
 be arrested
 justice ≠ injustice
 legal ≠ illegal  be sent to jail / prison
 treat equally  give / deliver a speech
 emancipate = free  non violent / peaceful / pacific
 abolish = put an end to  an activist
 pass/implement a law  love ≠ hatred


Prétérit Have + Participe passé

Rosa Parks had been a civil rights activist for several years when she was arrested
on 1st December 1955.
1st December 1955

Rosa Parks had been a civil rights activist when she was arrested Moment de parole

Have au Prétérit verbe au participe passé verbe au Prétérit

 Emploi: On utilise le Prétérit Have + participe passé pour parler des circonstances dans lesquelles
un événement passé a eu lieu, pour faire un bilan à un moment du passé : Rosa Parks était déjà
militante depuis plusieurs années quand elle a été arrêtée en 1955.

Obligation / interdiction / permission dans le passé

 People of different races had to go to different schools.  Slavery was forbidden

 Black people weren’t allowed to vote.

Pour évoquer… On peut utiliser…

Une obligation dans le passé had to + infinitif = HAVE conjugué au Prétérit
was / were forbidden (to + infinitif)
Une interdiction dans le passé
was / were not allowed (to + infinitif) = BE conjugué au Prétérit
Une permission dans le passé was / were allowed (to + infinitif)

→ WB p. 58-63
64 Segregation
P roj ec t

AUDIO Flash interview:
How do you imagine Imagine the story behind the book cover.
63 the world in Write a paragraph inspired by
three decades? the novel Matched.

> Anglais– EMC– Français– Histoire : FINAL TASK

Write a scene for a dystopian novel.

Dystopian worlds
Decoding the genre
 Look at this poster and the one on p. 65.
What do you know about these movies?

• Si tu ne connais pas ces films, essaie
de trouver de quel genre il s’agit en
observant attentivement les affiches.
• Aide-toi de la fiche lexique “Talking
about a poster”, p. 172

 a. You are going to hear about

the genre of this fiction.
Listen to part 1. Track 64

What do you understand?

• Appuie-toi sur l’intonation du
• Fie-toi aux répétitions pour identifier
ce qui est important.
• Relis la page How to listen to real
English p. 17

b. Listen to part 2. Track 65

What are the main characteristics

of the genre?
c. Does it correspond to what you said
about the two movies?
 Time to write!
In pairs Write a definition of dystopia.

An extract from Professor
David Beagley’s conference
“Utopias and Dystopias”

At home
Watch the Hunger Games trailer.
Do you agree with Professor
Beagley’s conclusion?

66 Dystopia

“We have survived”

An extract from
13 the film Equilibrium

The film is set in 2072 in Libria, a city-state established by the survivors of WWIII.

 Look at the picture above. Pay attention to:  Now watch the scene.
people a. Is it what you expected?
b. Use the images to complete your
What sort of world does it evoke? understanding of the situation.
What may the situation be?
In the city-state of Libria:
 Focus on the soundtrack.
• it is forbidden to…
a. Listen to part 1: discover what this society
• you are not allowed to…
has forbidden.
Write down the stressed words you hear.
One of them is repeated several times. Can you  Time to write!
identify it and use it to understand the rest? Complete the pitch for the film Equilibrium:
b. Listen to part 2: discover what solutions
this society has found.
→ WB p. 64

More dystopian worlds: pitch one!

imagine what the story is about. → WB p. 65

• must, have to, not be allowed to→ WB p. 74

Dystopia 67
The link with today’s world

The example of Matched

 Look at the book cover.

 Read the text on the back cover:

On her 17th birthday, Cassia meets her Match.

Society dictates he is her perfect partner for
life. But is he?

Do you understand the meaning of the title?

What else can you imagine about the story?

 In groups
a. Choose the set you will work on:
YOUR or Set 3
Each set of documents includes:
– an extract from the novel Matched;
– an authentic news report or document.  Work on the documents in your
b. Explain the link between the documents in your set. workbook.→ WB p. 66-72

Set 1

T onight is my night.
It is easy to identify those of us being Matched;
not only are we younger than all of the others, but we TOPICS > NATION

also float along in beautiful dresses and tailored suits

5_ while our parents and older siblings walk around in
Uncovering the problem
plain clothes, a background against which we bloom. of forced marriage in the U.S
The City Ocials smile proudly at us […]. September 14, 2016

There is a system, of course, to the Matching. In

City Halls across the country, all filled with people, the
10_ Matches are announced in alphabetical order according
to the girls’ last names. I feel slightly sorry for the boys,
who have no idea when their names will be called, when
they must stand for girls in other City Halls to receive
them as Matches. Since my last name is Reyes, I will be
15_ somewhere at the end of the middle.
Matched, Ally Condie, 2010–Chapter 1

68 Dystopia
Set 2

T he almost-snow reminds me of a line from a poem

we studied this year in Language and Literacy:
“Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening.” It is one of
my favorites of all the Hundred Poems, the ones our
5_ Society chose to keep, back when they decided our
culture was too cluttered. They created commissions
to choose the hundred best of everything: Hundred
Songs, Hundred Paintings, Hundred Stories, Hundred
Poems. The rest were eliminated. Gone forever. For the
10_ best, the Society said, and everyone believed because
it made sense. How can we appreciate anything fully
when overwhelmed with too much?
Matched, Ally Condie, 2010 – Chapter 3

Set 3

“ What are you doing?” I ask him. His hand moves, making
shapes and curves and lines in the grass that seem familiar.
His blue eyes flash up to me. “I’m writing.”
Of course. That’s why the marks look familiar. He is writing
The end of cursive 5_ in an old-fashioned, curved kind of writing, like the script on my
writing in schools? compact. I’ve seen samples of it before but I don’t know how to
do it. No one does. All we can do is type. We could try to imitate
the figures, but with what? We don’t have any of the old tools.
But I realize as I watch Ky that you can make your own tools.
10_ “How did you learn to do this?” […]
Ky smiles but doesn’t answer; he keeps on writing.
This is the dierence between us. I live to sort; he knows how
Is cursive going to create. He can write words whenever he wants. He can swirl
them in the grass, write them in the sand, carve them in a tree.
15_ “No one knows I can do this,” Ky says.
Matched, Ally Condie, 2010–Chapter 15

→ WB p. 68/70/72

Set 1 You are a Set 2 You are a member Set 3 Should schools
member of the Society of the commission that has to be required to teach cursive?
described in Matched select the 5 best of everything: Or is it no longer necessary
Write an entry in your diary books / poems / movies / for students to learn this form
to explain what you think paintings... Make a list and be of writing? Publish your
of the Matching system. prepared to justify your choices. opinion on Tricider.

• Présent BE + -ing → WB p. 76

Dystopia 69
You are a writer
Remember how cursive writing had disappeared
from the world described in Matched?
What else could disappear one day?

1 Get ready
Imagine you live in a dystopian society where
something very common today no longer exists.
You catch your friend doing it. Imagine the scene.

“What are you doing?

I ask him/her…”

• Decide what has disappeared: Tip

… • Appuie-toi sur la structure de la scène p. 69:

Description Référence au monde

• Imagine what has replaced it dystopique
in a dystopian world.
e.g. handwriting → typing “What are you doing?” I ask him. His
hand moves, making shapes and curves and
• Plan and organize your text. lines in the grass that seem familiar.

• Think of how you will describe the scene: His blue eyes flash up to me. “I’m writing.”
Of course. That’s why the marks look
familiar. He is writing in an old-fashioned,
Add adjectives to make it more lively. curved kind of writing, like the script on my
e.g. cooking: compact. I’ve seen samples of it before but
I don’t know how to do it. No one does. All
“His hand moves, spreading herbs with we can do is type. We could try to imitate
an unusual but pleasant aroma…” the figures, but with what? We don’t have
any of the old tools.
But I realize as I watch Ky that you can
make your own tools.
2 Write to write
a dialogue
p. 71 “How did you learn to do this?”
Start writing your story. Matched, Ally Condie, 2010
Illustrate your text with pictures or drawings.

Continue writing your story and complete it!

70 Dystopia
How to…
write a dialogue
a lively one!
Le dialogue est une partie essentielle d’une histoire : il rythme le récit, donne vie à l’action
et anime les personnages. Mais il faut bien en connaître les règles !

Règle n°1 : N’oublie pas :

Respecte la forme – les retours à la ligne (à chaque changement de locuteur) ;
du dialogue. – les guillemets (pour rapporter les propos des locuteurs).
R Observe dans l’extrait ci-dessous :
– la forme et la place des guillemets, la ponctuation
– l’ordre des mots pour indiquer qui parle

“What are you doing?” I ask him. His hand moves, making
shapes and curves and lines in the grass that seem familiar
His blue eyes flash up to me “I’m writing.”
“No one knows I can do this,” Ky says

R Quelles différences notes-tu avec les dialogues en français ?

Règle n°2 : Varie les verbes introducteurs.

Rends ton dialogue Ils indiquent qui parle, mais aussi de quelle manière, avec quelle intention et
plus vivant. quels sentiments.
R Complète ce tableau au fil de ton apprentissage : → WB p. 133

Pour exprimer Pour exprimer

Synonymes de say
l’intention les sentiments
speak, tell, ask, answer, reply, admit, agree, disagree, beg, confess, threaten,
shout, scream, whisper… insist, promise, repeat... implore...

Etoffe tes phrases avec des adverbes !

He said angrily, anxiously, cheerfully, quietly, impatiently, loudly, proudly...
R Quels autres adverbes connais-tu ? → WB p. 134

Règle n°3 : Utilise des éléments spécifiques à la langue orale.

Rends ton dialogue… R Tags interrogatifs : You’re not bored, are you? Nasty weather, isn’t it?
encore plus vivant ! R Réponses courtes : I think so… I don’t think so… I hope not…I’m afraid not…
R Gap fillers : You see… You know… Well, er… Actually…
R Formes contractées : I’ve had… He’s been… He’d come…

À toi de jouer !

1. Donne vie à un texte en le réécrivant sous forme de dialogue. → WB p. 134

2. Enrichis un récit en remplaçant le verbe “say”
par des verbes plus précis. → WB p. 135
the dialogue
Dystopia 71
Apprends ces mots
avec leur prononciation !

Government Citizens

• control • obey ≠ • disobey /disF)bei/

• destroy /dq)strcq/ • agree • disagree /disF)gri:/
• forbid ≠ allow • conform volt against
• oppress • fol struggle = resist
• punish • give up = surren bel
• threaten /)BretFn/ /rq)bel/
• censor = suppress trust
• ban = prohibit • respect
• prohibit sb from doing sth • worship, admire • despise, hate
• deprive sb of sth
• prevent sb from doing sth
• use propaganda
• brainwash sb

• be afraid of = fear
• be frightened of sb/sth
• be pessimistic ≠
• (feel) trapped, isolated
• (feel) unhappy =
• (feel) powerless
• novel, fiction
• (feel) enslaved
• plot
• (feel) oppressed
• (futuristic) setting
• (feel) helpless
• topic = subject
• protagonist (the main character)
• depict = describe

Dystopia /dqs)tFxpqF/ (n.): an imaginary
place where people lead dehumanized and
often fearful lives.
Learn these words Utopia /ju:)tFxpqF/ (n.): an ideal place
in your workbook in which the government, laws, and social
→ WB p. 73 conditions are perfect.

72 Dystopia
→ More exercises in your WB p. 74

Je m’entraîne
 Remplace les mots soulignés par un synonyme.  Complète les phrases avec les mots suivants:
1. In this society, only a few citizens worship their despise – character – propaganda – rebel–
political leader. prevent … from – control – novel – break
2. The villagers felt defenseless against the armed
soldiers. Perhaps one of the most famous dystopian …
3. The people rebelled against the harsh new is Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell
rules. (), in which one of the Party’s main
4. The cult leader has indoctrinated his followers goals is to … people … thinking freely. The
with his beliefs. government, referred to as Big Brother, uses
5. I like the way she describes the characters cameras to … the citizens of Oceania and
in her novels. make sure they will not … the rules ; the city
walls are covered with telescreens which
 Voici une présentation d’un monde utopique: project … messages. Winston Smith is the
A Utopia presents the best of society. In a main … . He works at the Ministry of Truth,
utopian society, civilians are free to think and yet he … his job which is to rectify certain
have no fear. They live in a peaceful world. articles or news. He tries to … but is caught.
The government doesn’t control what people are He will then be tortured and transformed into
doing. The citizens trust their leader. a loyal subject of Big Brother.
Réécris ce texte pour présenter un monde
→ A Dystopia presents…

 Complète les phrases avec le mot qui convient.

prevent – oppress – trust – surrender – deprive
1. If you …… a child of affection, they can become
very quiet and shy.
2. After their defeat in battle, the soldiers ……
3. The police seem to be powerless to …… these
4. …… your instinct and do what you think is
5. Strange dreams and nightmares …… him.

Je prononce
 Voici des adjectifs se terminant par -ian.  Voici des adjectifs dérivés de noms.
a. Retrouve le nom dont ils sont issus : a. Retrouve le nom dont ils sont issus :
dystopian – egalitarian – humanitarian – utopian – powerful – fearful – beautiful – endless –
totalitarian – vegetarian – authoritarian – guardian useless – helpless – cheerful – pitiless
b. Écoute ces mots et repère leur syllabe b. Écoute ces mots et repère leur syllabe
accentuée. Track 71 accentuée. Track 72

c. Que remarques-tu ? c. Que remarques-tu ?

Dystopia 73

Dans un monde dystopique, les citoyens sont souvent privés de liberté, soumis à des interdits
et à des obligations. Pour en parler, on a recours aux modaux can, must ou à des tournures
équivalentes. Le recours au Présent, simple ou en BE + -ing, permet de rendre le récit plus vivant.

1. Je parle de ce qui est interdit ou obligatoire

 The “Hunger Games” is an event in which the participants must fight until only one individual remains.
 The citizens of Libria cannot do what they want. They must obey their leader.
 Everyday, they have to take injections which suppress their emotions.
 They are not allowed to keep books, art or perfume.

• Pour exprimer une interdiction,

on peut utiliser cannot must ou have to ?
ou not be allowed to Lorsque l’obligation est indépendante de
notre volonté,
(+ infinitif). imposée par des circonstances extérieure
on emploie have to. Comparez :
• Pour exprimer une obligation,
• The film starts at 8. You have to go oth
on peut utiliser must ou haveto erwise you’ll miss
the beginning!
(+ infinitif).
• It’s a great film! You must go and see
cannot ou not be allowed to ?
Lorsque l’interdiction est indépendante de
Track 154 notre volonté,
relève d’une loi ou d’un règlement, on em
I can, I will, I must ploie not be allowed to
with Fluency MC

2. Présent simple ou Présent BE + -ing ?

 “What are you doing?” I ask him. His hand moves, making shapes and curves and lines
in the grass that seem familiar.
 His blue eyes flash up to me. “I’m writing.”

• Avec le Présent simple (I ask him ; his hand moves…), on se contente d’informer,
sans aucune autre intention.
• Si l’on veut apporter une explication ou
un commentaire, on a alors recours au Orthographe :
Présent BE + -ing.
• Si le verbe se termine pa
Dans cet extrait, l’héroïne voit Ky faire r un -e, ce dernier
disparaît :
quelque chose qu’elle n’arrive pas
write → writing
à interpréter, qu’elle ne comprend pas.
Elle lui demande alors une explication, • Si le verbe se termine pa
r « consonne-voyelle-
consonne », on double la
qu’il lui donne. dernière consonne :
• Construction : → p. 28 run → running
stop → stopping
begin → beginning

74 Dystopia
→ More exercises in your WB pp. 75-76

Je m’entraîne
→ Interdiction/ obligation → Présent simple ou Présent BE + -ing?

 Décris les règles auxquelles sont soumis  Choisis la forme du Présent qui convient.
les habitants de Libria : 1. The book Matched (tell) the story of Cassia,
“In the totalitarian state of Libria, a strict regime a girl who (live) in a tightly-controlled society.
has eliminated art, literature and music. 2. On the night of her Match Banquet, Cassia is
People must… / they have to… matched with her best friend, Xander. She can’t
They can’t / they are not allowed to…” believe that this (actually happen)
3. As they (walk down) the steps of City Hall
 Complète l’intrigue du film Allegiant en utilisant together, Xander (ask) Cassia what she (think
must ou can à la forme qui convient. about). She (reply) that to her, this is like a
dream. She can’t believe that she (wear) this
Tris … escape with Four and go beyond beautiful dress and that she (walk) next to him.
the wall enclosing Chicago. For the first
time ever, they … leave the only city and  Conjugue au Présent
family they have ever known. Tris and simple ou BE + -ing
Four …quickly decide who they … trust
and who they … In order to survive, Tris … The Maze Runner
make impossible choices about courage, Thomas (wake up) in a
allegiance, sacrifice and love. metal elevator that (bring)
him to a place called
the Glade. He (have) no
 Complète les phrases en exprimant memory of who he (be)
des obligations ou des interdictions : or how he got there. He
gradually (discover) that
1. In the Society described in Matched, citizens the Glade is run by two
…… keep only one object from the past. boys, who both (maintain
2. They …… choose who they love. order) by enforcing simple
but effective rules. Every
3. They …… marry the person the Society has month a new boy with
matched them with. no memory of anything
but his name, (find) himself in that elevator. The
 Quelles sont les règles dans ton collège ? Glade is surrounded by the Maze, a labyrinth that
Donne au moins 5 exemples. (change) every day.
The Maze (house) strange, lethal creatures.
→ At school, we must… / we have to … /
we are not allowed to… / we can… In this picture, the boys (run) through the Maze as
fast as they can. They (try) to stay alive. They (also
try) to find an exit to escape.

 À ton tour, rédige un court texte pour présenter

un film et son affiche.
Je prononce
La prononciation de can et must Track 73
2. In Libria, you must obey the rules, whether you
a. Écoute ces phrases en te concentrant sur like it or not. You cannot cry or laugh, you must
la prononciation de can et must. hide your feelings.
1. ‘Can we leave the district?’ b. Déduis : quand can et must sont accentués,
‘Of course, we can! We can run off and live in comment se prononcent-ils ?
the woods. Come on, we really must go now!’ can: /kAn/ ou /kFn/? must: /myst/ ou /mFst/?

Dystopia 75
Have fun with…

Stopping by Woods
on a Snowy Evening
Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.

My little horse must think it queer

To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.

He gives his harness bells a shake

To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound’s the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.

The woods are lovely, dark and deep,

But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
Robert Frost (1923)

Robert Frost (1874-1963)

One of the most popular and
critically acclaimed American
poets of the 20th century.
Productions d’élèves “Stopping by Woods on a
Snowy Evening” is one of
Frost’s most famous poems.

Draw what this famous poem inspires you!

76 Dystopia

President West
Citizens Citizen B
Citizen A Citizen C

T Republic  Tmds
P W: P W:
Here in the beautiful Republic of Tremendous, That’s also a good question. And the sad...
we have everything we need. We are so very, very sad answer is... yes. Some of them do!
very fortunate. And it was to protect our good But only because they don’t know better.
fortune that, many years ago, I built a wall If they only understood what it is like to be
around the entire country! us– to think like us, to eat like us and talk like
C (applauding): us, then obviously they would all want to be
West is the best! West is the best! exactly the same as us!
P W: C A:
Thank you! Thank you! Outside that wall, the Which would be a good thing!
world is a terrifying place, citizens. People there P W:
are strange. They do everything differently to No! Can you imagine?
us! That’s why we have to stay inside the wall. The Republic of Tremendous would be
C A: submerged by a tsunami of imitators!
But why? Why don’t they want to be like us, We can’t have that! We are exceptional!
Mr. President? C B:
P W: So... it’s good that people outside the wall
That’s a good question. Why isn’t the whole are different then?
world like us? After all, we like to be the way P W: Look, for heaven’s sake!
we are, don’t we? Don’t you understand? It’s perfectly simple:
C B: the rest of the world should be like us,
Absolutely, sir! I wouldn’t want to be anyone but just... less good at it.
else. I like being me!
P W:
Exactly! And here, inside the safety of the wall,
you can be you.
C C:
But... outside the wall, Mr. President, where
people are so different and strange...
do they like being themselves too? AUDIO

• Listen to the scene, then rehearse it. 74

• Act out the scene.

You can add other questions from the citizens.

or the test?
Révise Entraîne-toi
Réécoute The violence in The Hunger Games AUDIO
AUDIO • Anticipe : À partir du titre ci-dessus,
à quoi peux-tu t’attendre ?
• Écoute le document plusieurs fois, en essayant
de l’oral 64-65
de ne pas interrompre la lecture.
→ Relis How to listen • Explique ce que tu as compris par écrit en français.
to real English p. 17 Compare avec un camarade et discutez-en.
→ Regarde Equilibrium, Divergent, The Hunger Games
ou d’autres films dystopiques... en VO bien sûr !

Exprime-toi You are the expert!

sur le thème du chapitre • Propose ta propre mini-conférence sur la dystopie.
→ Réécoute les pistes 64 Prends pour point de départ l’introduction
Expression et 65 et essaie d’imiter du Pr Beagley p. 66 et enrichis-la à l’aide des
orale le Pr Beagley. connaissances acquises par la suite.
Enregistre-toi et compare. • Fais écouter ta conférence à tes camarades.
→ Relis How to sound Ont-ils des questions ?
almost like a native • Comment améliorer tes performances ?
p. 35
accentuer davantage les mots importants ?
améliorer l’articulation de l’ensemble ?
varier les manières d’exprimer l’interdiction, l’obligation… ?

Relis Lis d’autres textes dystopiques

→ les textes p. 68-69, • Lis d’autres extraits de Matched pour continuer
ainsi que ceux de ton à découvrir la Société de Cassia !
workbook. • Feuillette d’autres romans dystopiques pour
de l’écrit adolescents sur Amazon.fr > livres en anglais > science
fiction and fantasy > dystopia
→ Recopie l’intrigue et une citation, puis soumets-les
à tes camarades: pourront-ils identifier l’œuvre ?

Relis “Tonight is my night…”

→ How to write • Imagine la suite du récit p. 68 (Set 1) : à qui Cassia
a dialogue p. 71 est-elle promise ? Rédige la conversation entre elle
Expression et son futur mari.
Imagine ce que le professeur pourra
te demander dans chaque test
78 Dystopia
P roj ec t

Street art

AUDIO Flash interview:

What do you think You are a famous street artist.
76 of street art? Present one of your pieces!
Send a post on a forum to express your opinion.

> Arts plastiques – Histoire – LCA – LV : FINAL TASK

There’s a Banksy on our school building!
Should we keep it? State your case.

Art in the street

Type of work: mural poster

2 Location: on Hollywood Boulevard, California, USA
Put up by: Shepard Fairey

Type of work: stencilled image

1 Location: on a supermarket wall, Lon
don, GB
Put up by: Banksy

Type of work: graffiti

Location: London, GB
Put up by: Banksy

Type of work: sculpture

3 Location: in a shopping area, USA
Put up by: Mark Jenkins

Type of work: clean tag (stencil + washer)

Location: alongside a motorway, San Francisco, USA
Put up by: Moose Curtis

80 Street art attacks


Urban expression
 Look at the pictures on p. 80.  React. Would you say each of these pieces
a. Say which you prefer and why. is a work of art? Why or why not?
b. Associate the following words with
Art The creation of things whose
the pictures. Does everyone agree purpose is to be beautiful or full How
in the classroom? of meaning. to express
your opinion
ugly – beautiful – funny – disturbing – p. 85
witty – striking – colourful – dull –  Time to write!
aggressive – provocative – cheeky Try to suggest a definition of street art.
 Imagine the artists’ reasons for creating Think about the following:
these pieces. message

The passion of expressing yourself

An interview with
artist Shepard Fairey 14

Shepard Fairey
American artist Shepard Fairey is one of
today’s best-known and most influential
street artists. He became widely known
in 2008 for his Barack Obama Hope
poster (see p. 80). His work is included

prestigious museums in the world.

 Before watching. What questions would you  Time to write!

like to ask Shepard Fairey? Use what you have learnt to explain what
 a. Watch the first minute of the video with played a key role in Shepard Fairey’s career.
Need help? → WB p. 77
the sound off. What do you learn?
b. Watch the whole video with the sound on.  In what different ways do you express yourself?
Did you get answers to your questions?

Imagine you are a famous street artist.

 Choose one of your pieces.
(You can either look for one on the Internet or create your own on paper.)
 Present it to the class: Tip
→ WB p. 79 Pense à faire des gestes
pour accompagner
ce que tu dis, comme
Shepard Fairey.
 Le choix de la voix → WB p. 84
The art of
art ! Street art attacks 81

Art or vandalism?
Speak your mind
 Look at the picture.
a. What do you think of this mural?
b. The Mayor of New York has called Banksy
a “vandal”. Do you see an act of vandalism here?
Why or why not?

Vandalism /)vAndFlqGFm/
1. The crime of intentionally damaging pro
belonging to other people.
2. Any activity that is considered to be dam
or destroying something that was good.

 In groups Imagine you are taking part in

a discussion over this mural.
a. Choose a role:
an artist

the mayor of the City

b. Have your say!

Date: October 1st, 2013

Location: New York City, 18 Allen Street
Type of work: stencil and spray paint
Put up by: Banksy

Should it stay or should it go?

Banksy does
 Watch the video about Banksy. What makes his work so appealing? 15 New York

 Read the title of the article on p. 83.

a. Can you link it to the video?
b. What do you think happened to Cara Tabachnik?
c. How do you think she reacted?
 Read the article. Pick out information about:
their reactions Tip
→ WB p. 80 Tu peux t’inspirer
de la courte présentation
 Time to write! Write a short description of Banksy and his work. de Shepard Fairey, p. 81

82 Street art attacks


Search keywords

I’m the Accidental

Owner of a Banksy
By Cara Tabachnick 10/18/2013 at 3:04 PM

“Are you going to be rich?” That is the first ques-

tion people ask me upon finding out that in the
morning hours of October 17, the famed street
artist Banksy painted a mural on the side of a
5_ building my family owns in East Williamsburg.
Banksy’s painting on the Tabachniks’ building
The truth is — at the end of an exhausting day
filled with phone calls talking to lawyers, secu- 30_ I had been following the Banksy phenomenon
rity companies, art experts, and reporters — I with mild interest (my husband is a fan), but
have no idea what it means. There is no rule- had no idea what was in store for our family
10_ book when one of the most famous artists in the when my father texted me yesterday morning,
world decides to drop his work into your life. “Banksy painted our building last night and a
35_ huge crowd is forming. What should we do?”(…)
The painting on our building was the seven-
teenth piece of art to appear during Banksy’s Should we preserve it immediately? Do we have
monthlong tour in New York. Each day, the a public duty to do so? How does one preserve
15_ shadowy London-based grati artist leaves a piece of art like this? How do we control the
behind a work of art somewhere in the city. crowds with gawkers and fans of the elusive3
The two prior days had witnessed the appear- 40_ artist, many of them foreign tourists, who were
ance of a small silhouette of the Twin Towers suddenly standing outside the building? Will
spray-painted on a wall in Tribeca and a sculp- it make us money? (…)
20_ ture of an expectant Ronald McDonald getting It’s hard to know what the future holds. In
his shoes shined by a real human being in the England, where many of his pieces survive,
South Bronx. 45_ buildings have gained value and local govern-
Mayor Bloomberg 1 has promised to paint ments take great pride in his work. As the cult
over any Banksy pieces on city property and of Banksy grows, that could mean tour groups
25_ has labeled him a vandal. “You running up to coming around to look at the painting. It is hard
somebody’s property or public property and for our family to envision busloads of tourists
defacing it is not my definition of art,” he told 50_ being dropped o at our front door every day.
But it is a possibility.

the reporters on Wednesday. The NYPD has

promised to charge2 him — if they can find him. 77 Comments ADD COMMENT

1. mayor of the City of New York (2002 – 2013) – 2. to officially accuse somebody of a crime – 3. hard to find or capture

Contribute to a forum!
 What do you think Cara Tabachnick should do?
Read comments in your workbook and
add your own. → WB p. 82
 Discover your classmates’ comments.

 Exprimer un point de vue avec should, will, may → WB p. 87

Street art attacks 83

There’s a anksy
on our school uilding
Imagine Banksy painted this mural on your school’s façade overnight.
Should the school keep it or clean it up? State your case!

Artwork by Banksy, in Tottenham, London, 2009.

1 Get ready
 What do you think Banksy’s intention was in painting this mural?
 Choose a role and prepare your arguments:

2 Action! Tip
Pour formuler tes arguments,
 In turn, state your case. inspire-toi de tous ceux exprimés
Explain who you are. à l’occasion du passage de Banksy
State your arguments. à New York: video 15, article p. 83
et forum (workbook p. 82).
 Vote for the most convincing!

84 Street art attacks

How to…
epress your opinion
and be convincing!
Sur des sujets de société tels que le street art, on est souvent amené à donner son opinion.
Comment être convaincant ?

Assure-toi que tu cernes Regarde à nouveau les œuvres présentées p. 80 et lis la définition
bien le sujet: de quoi de l’art proposée p. 81.
parle-t-on ? R Pour chaque œuvre, demande-toi si, pour toi, l’un des termes de la
Appuie-toi sur une définition (beautiful / full of meaning) s’applique, et pourquoi.
définition, cela t’aidera
R Prends des notes sous forme de schéma (les +, les –).
à construire tes idées.

Exprime-toi Choisis l’une des œuvres p. 80. À partir des notes que tu as prises,
avec clarté et entraîne-toi à formuler clairement ton avis et tes arguments.
conviction. R Utilise des expressions pour appuyer ton opinion et mettre en valeur
ce que tu dis.
e.g. In my point of view, the clean tag by Moose Curtis is a work of art
because... Personally, I think that he...
R Fais-toi une fiche que tu enrichiras régulièrement avec toutes
les expressions utiles pour exprimer ton opinion.
Need help? → Lexique p. 170

Pense à nuancer Voici deux façons d’exprimer la même opinion :

tes propos. I think graffiti are not pieces of art.
Le message passe I think most graffiti are not pieces of art.
souvent mieux avec
un peu de tact ! R Laquelle te semble la plus nuancée ? Pourquoi ?
Écoute une opinion sur l’une des œuvres p. 80. Track 77

R Comment cette personne nuance-t-elle son propos ?

En cas d’hésitation, Voici quelques exemples de gapfillers :

utilise des gapfillers. Well… So… Err… I mean… What I mean is…
Cela permet de Well, what I’m trying to say is…Let me think...
gagner du temps
pour réfléchir et R Écoute à nouveau le témoignage. Track 77

rendra même ton Quels gapfillers sont utilisés ?

discours plus naturel !

À toi de jouer !

1. Écoute une opinion sur le street art. Relève les idées principales. Track 78

2. Note les expressions utilisées par Elizabeth pour exprimer son opinion.

Street art attacks 85

Apprends ces mots
avec leur prononciation !


 piece = artwork  sticker

/i:/  scribbling = messy writing
 graffiti
/i:/  scratching = marking the surface
 sculpture with a sharp/pointed object
/)skylptHF/  clean tag = reverse graffiti
 spray paint  washer = detergent
 stencil /q/

 accuse sb of doing sth =

point a finger at sb =
 I (totally) agree
(with you/with that)
 condemn sb for doing sth
 I share your opinion
 criticize = disapprove (of)
 Absolutely! = You’re right!
 be against sth
Talking art  That’s true.
 praise = celebrate =  That’s exactly how I feel!
appreciate  This is quite true but…
 damage =
ruin the surface of =
deface sth with
 I disagree (with you/with that)
I’m afraid I disagree
 I don’t share your point of view
 I don’t think that’s right
 That’s obviously one opinion,
 colourful (≠ dull)  aggressive but…
/y/  shocking  That’s not always true.
 witty = brilliant  I’m not sure about that.
 ugly = hideous
 cheeky = daring /)hqdiFs/  Rubbish! No way! (fam.)
/i:/  silly
 inventive
 pretentious
 provocative /prq)tenHF/
/o/  outrageous
 funny /ax)treqdGFs/

Learn these words Street art: a visual art created in
in your workbook public locations, cousin of graffiti.
It uses materials like stencil, stickers,
→ WB p. 83
aerosol paints...

86 Street art attacks

→ More exercises in your WB p. 84

Je m’entraîne
 Work with a friend. Écris sous la forme d’un tag  Work with a friend.
les premières lettres d’un mot. Ton camarade a. Pour chaque affirmation, trouve deux
devra le compléter. arguments “pour” et deux arguments
e.g. “contre”.
1. The best music is classical music.

2. Everyone should practise a sport every day.

3. Fast-food restaurants should be forbidden.

4. Mobile phones should be allowed everywhere.

b. Discutes-en avec ton camarade.

 Classe les expressions ci-dessous dans la bonne


 Work with a friend. Décris en anglais l’une des

images vues dans le chapitre. Ton camarade 1. I’ve seen worse. 7. I don’t really care.
devra deviner de laquelle il s’agit. 2. I’m impressed. 8. It’s hideous.
3. It’s ugly. 9. This is truly amazing!
 a. Écoute une personne répondre à la question 4. I’m not really bothered. 10. This is brilliant!
“What do you think of street art?” Track 84
5. I love it! 11. Well, it’s not bad
b. Explique son point de vue en utilisant des
6. It’s outrageous! I suppose…
mots des rubriques Appreciation et Reactions

Je prononce
Les sons /o/ et /y/ Tracks 85-86
c. Écoute des phrases contenant ces mots.
Les Français confondent souvent ces deux sons, 1. There is no rulebook when one of the most
pourtant bien différents en anglais : famous artists in the world decides to drop
 /o/ = prononciation de la lettre [o] dans shop his work into your life.
 /y/ = prononciation de la lettre [u] dans bus
2. Each day, the shadowy London-based
ou de la lettre [o] dans money
graffiti artist leaves behind a work of art
a. Écoute les mots suivants : somewhere in the city.
drop – month – somewhere – promise – property– 3. Mayor Bloomberg has promised to paint
London – follow – government – phenomenon over any Banksy pieces on city property and
has labelled him a vandal.
b. Classe-les selon la prononciation des lettres
soulignées : 4. I had been following the Banksy
phenomenon with mild interest.
/o/ /y/
d. Lis ces phrases à voix haute en faisant
… … attention à la prononciation des sons /o/ et /y/

Street art attacks 87


Dans ce chapitre sur le street art, on s’intéresse aux artistes, à leur œuvre, à leur public, aux autorités
d’une ville… Selon le sujet de l’énoncé, on choisira la voix active ou la voix passive. Pour donner son
point de vue sur ce sujet polémique, on pourra utiliser les modaux should, will, may

1. Le choix de la voix
 Shepard Fairey is one of today’s best known street artists. He became widely known in 2008
for his Barack Obama “Hope” poster.
 His work is included in the collections of some of the most prestigious museums in the world.
 This sculpture was created by Jenkins.

• Le choix de la voix, active ou passive, dépend du sujet que l’on souhaite mettre en avant.
Dans l’énoncé , à la voix active, on s’intéresse à Shepard Fairey.
Dans l’énoncé , il est donc plus logique d’avoir :
His work is included… (on continue à s’intéresser à Shepard Fairey et à son œuvre)
que :
Some of the most prestigious museums in the world include his work in their collections.
• Le choix de la voix ne dépend donc pas du fait de savoir si le sujet est actif ou passif.
C’est le choix du sujet His work qui a entraîné ici le recours à la voix passive.
• Au passé, c’est l’auxiliaire BE qui prend la marque du Prétérit (phrase ).

2. Exprimer un point de vue avec should, will, may

 This graffiti may make us money.
 That could mean tour groups coming around to look at the painting.
 The New York Police Department will charge Banksy if they can find him.
 What should we do? Should we preserve it immediately?

On a recours à un modal pour donner son point de vue : dire ce qui est possible ou impossible,
probable ou improbable, etc.
– Avec may et can (could au Prétérit), on évoque une possibilité
– Avec will, on évoque une forte probabilité
– Avec should, on adresse (ou on demande) une recommandation,
un conseil Prononciation :

Track 154
I can, I will, I must
with Fluency MC d/

88 Street art attacks

→ More exercises in your WB pp. 85-87

Je m’entraîne
→ Le choix de la voix → Exprimer un point de vue avec
should, will, may…
 Observe bien les sujets de ces phrases, puis
choisis entre la voix active ou la voix passive :  Choisis les modaux qui conviennent pour
A graffiti artist (catch) red-handed in my street compléter ce dialogue :
yesterday. He (apologize) for spray-painting on Mayor: No one …… deface walls. It’s a crime and
my neighbour’s house. One of the walls (cover) it’s not art.
with graffiti! I actually (find) it quite nice, but my Journalist: Some street-artists are very famous
neighbour said the graffiti should (remove) and influent. Do you think these artists …… stop
drawing in cities just because mayors condemn
 Utilise les informations fournies pour parler street art?
de ce film :
Mayor: If they know the police …… arrest them
and judges …… punish them severely, that ……
Release date: 2010 make them think twice about doing it again.
ry film
Genre: Documenta Journalist: How …… street artists act more legally?
Director: Banksy
’Cruz Mayor: Well, out of respect for residents, they ……
Producer: Jaimie D
ask for permission first, at least.
Narrator: Rhys Ifans
Music by: Geoff Barr
 On veut effacer un tag de Banksy que tout
le quartier appréciait pourtant. Imagine ce que
pourraient dire les personnes suivantes :

 Ton meilleur ami se prend pour un street-artist !

Dis-lui ce que, selon toi, il devrait ou ne devrait

suivantes :

Je prononce
L’intonation pour convaincre Track 87

1. “This is public art, public space, for anyone

L’intonation peut être avoir un impact sur la force
to experience and to enjoy together”.
de conviction.
On accentue plus fortement : 2. “You running up to public property and
– les mots qui renforcent l’opinion ; defacing it is not my definition of art.”
– les mots qui apportent une information nouvelle. b. Écoute ces phrases et repère les mots
accentués. Comprends-tu en quoi ils renforcent
a. Identifie le point de vue (favorable au street l’opinion exprimée ?
art ou pas ?) dans chacune de ces phrases : c. Entraîne-toi à prononcer ces phrases.

Street art attacks 89

Have fun with…

Banksy, Basquiat , Fairey, and Haring.

Their street art is striking, provocative, and daring.
Should we accuse them of vandalism or praise their passion?
Should we celebrate their work or condemn them for their actions?

As Shepard Fairey says, it causes people to react.

“They can’t deface public property!” “They have to stop!” “They must stand back!”
But others disagree; they don’t share this point of view.
They appreciate these artists for the work that they do.
They’re into expressing themselves. They aim to capture our attention.
They deliver messages that expand our comprehension.

Should we keep it or clean it?

Or should we thank them for doing it?
Does street art promote our urban lifestyle or ruin it?
If you’re the mayor of a city or own a building in town,
you’ll likely call it a crime and say it has to be taken down.


“Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable,”

Banksy famously said. It doesn’t have to make a profit.
Street art doesn’t, and this may be a reason people want to stop it.

Graffiti, street art: a blessing or a curse?

What is its value? What is its worth?
It may be a disturbing sign of urban decay,
but it’s also positive expression on display.

Lyrics and music by Fluency MC


 Listen to this song and rap along. 88


Tagger 1 Tagger 2

One Night  e Stet

It is late at night as one graffiti artist surprises another in the middle of spraying his ‘street-name’ on a wall...

T : T :
Oh my god, I’m such a fan of your work! Oh come on! That’s my work on the wall right
You’re the famous Bogus1! here beside yours!
T : T :
I’m sorry, man, but you have the wrong guy. You’re the Frenchman? Benoit?
I’m not Bogus. T :
T : No, Bandit!
It’s okay, Bogus – I’m not a cop! I’m a graffiti T :
artist as well! I’m Bandit! It says Benoit.
T : T :
Look, I’m really sorry to disappoint you, but Oh no. No, no, no – I cannot be Benoit.
seriously – I’m not who you think I am.
T :
T : It could be worse. You could be that artist there.
Oh come off it! You’re literally in the middle of
T :
spraying ‘BOGUS’ on the wall!
You mean ‘Loser’?
T :
T :
That doesn’t say ‘BOGUS’ – it says ‘ROGUE’.
Yeah… he thinks he’s called ‘Laser’. No one
I’m... Rogue2
has the courage to tell him.
T :
Really? Everyone thinks it says BOGUS, dude! 1. not real, fake
2. a man who causes trouble in a playful way
Seriously, that E really looks like an S...
T :
Oh... so that’s why people talk to me about
Bogus but I never see his work? Because
he’s me? But... but I want to be Rogue!
T :
It’s too late to change now, man – at this stage
you just have to accept that you’re Bogus. But
that’s okay – you’re a legend! I mean – wow,
I can only wish ‘Bandit’ was such a famous
T :
Yeah... I have to admit, man – I’m afraid
I haven’t heard of you. AUDIO

 Listen to the scene, then rehearse it. 89

 Act out the scene.

for the test?
Révise Entraîne-toi
Réécoute Kimberley talks about clean tags
AUDIO • Anticipe : À partir du titre, à quoi peux-tu t’attendre ?
• Écoute le document plusieurs fois, en essayant
de ne pas interrompre la lecture.
de l’oral 78
• Explique ce que tu as compris par écrit en français.
→ Relis How to listen Compare avec un camarade et discutez-en.
to real English p. 17 → Écoute Shepard Fairey parler davantage de son art.
Tape “Shepard Fairey interview” dans YouTube.

Exprime-toi Art or not art? Debate!

et donne ton avis sur • Choisis un graffiti (du chapitre ou autre).
le street art.
Est-ce de l’art pour toi ? Pourquoi ? Pense à :
→ Réécoute la piste 77
orale et essaie d’imiter la
personne qui parle.
Enregistre-toi et compare.
→ Relis la page How • Fais part de ton opinion à un camarade.
to express your opinion Est-il d’accord avec toi ?
p. 85 • Comment améliorer tes performances ?
être plus précis dans la description ?
exprimer ton opinion de manière plus nuancée ?

Relis Lis un article sur le street art

→ le texte p. 83. • Tape « street art + le nom d’un site d’informations »
dans un moteur de recherche. Tu peux utiliser le New
York Times ou The Guardian, ou, plus abordable, CBBC.
de l’écrit • Prends quelques notes qui pourront t’être utiles pour
argumenter lors de la tâche finale (p. 84).

Relis Contribue à un forum sur le street art

→ tes leçons • Une des œuvres de street art du chapitre vient d’être
→ les Time to write vandalisée ! Rédige un commentaire pour donner
Expression ton avis sur cet acte de vandalisme.

Imagine ce que le professeur pourra

te demander dans chaque test
92 Street art attacks
AUDIO Flash interview:
What’s your favourite Write a parody of a number 1 hit!
91 British band?

British music
Guess the British band!
 Look at the map.
What does it show?
 Listen to Oliver.
a. Try to identify the bands with
the help of the map.
b. Pick out more information about
each band.

At home Listen again and locate

the bands’ hometowns on the map
in your workbook. → WB p. 88


What British bands

is Oliver talking about?

“I’ve been hanging on the phone”

 Here are two lines from the song Miss you: Imagine
the singer’s feelings.
“I’ve been hanging on the phone […]
I’ve been waiting in the hall”
Imagine why.
 Listen to the song.
a. What music genre does it sound like? Pay attention to:

b. Write down the words you can identify.

Explain what the song is about.
 Read the lyrics. What form is repeated throughout
the song? What does the singer want to show?
 Work on the rhythm and rhymes. → WB p. 89

94 Cool Britannia

I’ve been holding out so long I’ve been waiting in the hall
I’ve been sleeping all alone Been waiting on your call
Lord I miss you When the phone rings
I’ve been hanging on the phone
5_ I’ve been sleeping all alone 15_ “Hey, what’s the matter, man?
I want to kiss you We’re gonna come around at twelve
With some Puerto Rican girls that
are just dyin’ to meet you
Well, I’ve been haunted in my sleep We’re gonna bring a case of wine
You’ve been starring in my dreams Hey, let’s go mess and fool around
10_ Lord I miss you, child 20_ You know, like we used to”
Oh everybody waits so long
Oh baby why you wait so long

25_ I’ve been walking Central Park

Singing after dark
People think I’m crazy
Stumbling on my feet
Shuffling through the street
30_ Asking people, “What’s the matter
with you boy?”
Sometimes I want to say to myself
Sometimes I say
Oooh I won’t miss you child
I guess I’m lying to myself
35_ It’s just you and no one else
Lord I won’t miss you child
Mick Jagger
Mick Jagger & Keith Richards, 1978
Keith Richards

Write a parody of a number 1 hit!

In groups You are going to write a parody of the song Miss You
Choose your title (e.g. Hate you! / Love you! / Trust you! / Stop you! /
Call you! / Eat you! / Text you! …)
• Plan the lyrics: actions Tip
• Record your song or sing it to the class! Cherche des rimes et vérifie
la prononciation. Tu peux trouver
des rimes sur : www.rhymer.com

• Les déterminants • Have been + V -ing → WB p. 92/94

Cool Britannia 95
Language tools

Apprends ces mots

Words avec leur prononciation !

A song Performance

 title  sing a song

 tune, melody  play an instrument Artists
/tju:n/  record an album  a record
 rhythm = beat /rq)kc:d/ /)rekFrd/  lead singer
/)rqDFm/ /i:/  rehearse /i:/
 intro /re)hE:s/  guitarist
 note  perform = be on stage  drummer
= give a performance  keyboardist, a pianist
 riff
 be on tour  musician
 lyrics /txFr/ /HFn/
 chorus  interact with the public /  composer
/)kc:rFs/ with the audience /Fx/
 line /)c:diFns/  songwriter

“It’s a hip hop band. They’re from
the United Kingdom, more precisely
Les déterminants Ø Scotland.”
 On ne met pas d’article devant les
I like Ø British music, especially Ø rock’n roll, but I don’t
noms de pays (Scotland…), les continents
like the rock’n roll the Beatles played.
(Europe), les villes et les régions (London,
 L’article Ø renvoie à un ou plusieurs éléments Sussex)
en général (ici, la musique britannique, le rock  Mais on met l’article the devant
en général). un groupe d’États (the United States,
 L’article the désigne un élément précis, déterminé the Republic of Ireland…)
(ici, le type de rock que jouaient les Beatles).
On l’utilise lorsqu’on considère que notre
interlocuteur sait précisément de quoi on parle,
soit parce qu’on en a déjà parlé, soit parce qu’il s’agit
d’une chose ou d’une personne connue : the Rolling Stones, the Queen
Have been + V -ing
Have conjugué Participe passé Verbe à
au Présent de BE la forme -ing

I’ve been holding out so long

I’ve been sleeping all alone Depuis qu’elle est partie, il dort seul ;
il a bien essayé de supporter son absence mais
Lord I miss you la conclusion est sans appel : elle lui manque !

 La structure Have au Présent + participe passé permet de faire un constat présent de faits passés.
 L’ajout de + V -ing va permettre d’expliquer, de justifier la situation dans laquelle se trouve le sujet
de l’énoncé.
→ WB p. 90-95

96 Cool Britannia
P roj ec t

Kia ora!

AUDIO Flash interview:

What word would Quiz your neighbour about New Zealand.
96 best describe Is everyone entitled to have a Maori tattoo?
your country?
Did France disrespect the Haka? Debate.

New Zealand
A whole world in one country

Take a tour of New Zealand


Mt. Taranaki Mt. Ruapehu

2518 m 2797 m

2885 m

Aoraki/Mt. Cook
3754 m h

 Look at the map.  New Zealand is also said to be:

What do you notice about New Zealand? “any traveller’s dream”
 Watch the video. “the place where there is something for everyone”
New Zealand is said to be:
Explore the map, then watch the video again.
“the extreme sports capital of the world” Do you agree with these quotes?
What extreme sports did you see?  Time to write! Is there something for you in
→ WB p. 96 New Zealand?

98 Kia Ora!

Key facts about New Zealand

Here &
 Look at the infographic above. Which fact there
do you think is the quirkiest? → WB p. 97
Make a list (or an infographic) of
 Learn more about New Zealand’s history and “Fun and quirky facts about France”.
population in your workbook. → WB p. 99
Think of what a New Zealander would find
 Time to write! funny or odd about your country.
Use the infographic above and the documents in For example:
your workbook to say everything you have learnt a peculiar expression – an unusual meal
about the Maori population in New Zealand. a strange tradition – an unusual figure

Are there any snakes

in New Zealand?
Quiz your neighbour about New Zealand.
 Prepare 5 questions about New Zealand:

 Work in pairs. Ask your neighbour a question, then answer

his or hers. Continue playing for 3 minutes. You get 1 point for
each correct answer. Whoever has the most points wins!

 Les quantifieurs → WB p. 106
New Zealand:
take the quiz!
Kia Ora! 99

Maori moko
A sacred ritual

Search keywords…

Moko more than tattoo

By Greg Taipari 7:00 PM Thursday May 30, 2003

1_ Moko is a visual representation of a person’s

genealogical links, personal achievements and
connections to people and places of the heart. Moko for many Maori is a rite of Maori elder with
passage, something which is earned or passed down from generation to generation. traditional facial tattoos

5_ I have a moko and it is not a tattoo. I’m proud of it, it graces my body and it represents
my whakapapa (genealogy). I don’t see my moko as a bit of ink placed on my body,
as a decoration or a fashion statement. It tells the story of who I am, where I’ve come
from and, with my children represented in my moko, where my future lies.

 Before reading. Why do you think people  Recap.

get tattooed? Have you ever considered it a. Explain the title of the article.
yourself? b. How does the photo illustrate what is said
 Tattoos have a special meaning in New in the text?
Zealand, especially among the Maori.
Read the article above to find out why.
→ WB p. 100

Meet a Maori tattoo artist

 Watch the video with the sound off.
Step into the moko shop Try to understand the situation:
Use the screenshots in your workbook to explain
what you think is happening. → WB p. 101
 Watch again with the sound on and complete or
correct your captions. → WB p. 101
 Time to write! Answer the post below.
FORUM Question
What is moko?
I am from the UK and I am wondering: “What is moko?”

Answer …

100 Kia Ora!


Moko controversy

Concern over ignorant use of moko

3:10 PM Thursday Feb 27, 2003

A group of academics are concerned the Maori tattoo is being

used by non-Maori, without understanding what the symbols
Robbie Williams, Rihanna and Mike Tyson all have tribal
mean. tattoos inspired by Maori designs
Auckland University art history lecturer Ngarino Ellis and
5_ fellow academics Professor Ngahuia Te Awekotuku and Linda
Waimarie Nikora were particularly concerned that people were Do you think Robbie Williams’ use
“misappropriating” moko or traditional Maori tattoo. of the moko is oensive?
The concern comes after controversy over heavy weight boxer and
Courtney, Auckland
convicted rapist Mike Tyson’s moko-looking tattoo over his eye,
I think he could have checked with
10_ which he had done just before his fight against Clifford Etienne kaumatua (tribal elders) to make sure
last weekend. he wouldn’t oend their culture.
People have got to be really careful.
A spokesman for Tyson said it was meant to represent his being
a “warrior”. Daniel, Christchurch
Maori expert on facial tattoos Pita Sharples said at the time that he Everyone’s entitled to have whatever
design on their body!
15_ did not like seeing the design on Tyson because of his criminal past.
He was also disturbed by British rock star Robbie Williams’ arm Mark, Wellington
tattoo “because there are definitely Maori characters of moko” in it. He shouldn’t have done this because
he has no Maori heritage.
Ms Ellis said the fact that high profile figures like Tyson and
Williams and musician Ben Harper were sporting moko-like
20_ tattoos, “demonstrates a need for more information in the wider Send us your feedback.
community about moko, both here and overseas”.

 a. Look at the photos. Why do you think  Pick out all the elements that correspond to
these celebrities chose such tattoos? the title of the article. → WB p. 102
b. How do you think the Maori community  Time to write! Send your own feedback.
 Read the article. Check your answers.

Chic st
Maori m
are bei ko
Is everyone entitled to have a Maori tattoo? to prom
ng used
The use of moko by fashion designers has caused controversy. fashion te
Join Radio New Zealand to discuss it! Track 97

Pick your role:

fashion addict → WB p. 103
How to
take part in
a debate
p. 103
 Should have / Could have / Must have + p. passé → WB p. 108

Kia Ora! 101

All Blacks s es Bleus!
Did France disrespect the Haka? Debate.

1 Get ready
 Read the article. Need help? → WB p. 103

 Good news!
The IRB has accepted to reconsider
their decision to sanction the
French team. [fictive scenario]

The Board will listen to both sides and

give a final verdict.

 n rous Form three teams,

then pick a role:

 Captain
 Coach  Chairman
 Players  IRB members

 Captain
 Coach
 Players

 Prepare your arguments according

to your role.
2 Start arguing!  Recherche le vocabulaire dont
tu as besoin.
 Track 97
 Put forward your opinions and listen  Classe tes arguments dans un
to the other teams. tableau. Anticipe les objections et
pense aux contre-arguments
 Now it is time for the IRB to return its verdict… que tu peux apporter.

102 Kia Ora!

How to…

and be convincing!
Pour être efficace dans un débat, il y a deux règles d’or : être préparé et bien écouter
son interlocuteur.

Assure-toi que Assure-toi que tu comprends Rassemble tes connaissances

tu comprends bien bien les termes du sujet. sur le sujet
la question ou
le sujet du débat.
Is everyone entitled to have a Maori tattoo?

Qui est « everyone » ici, par Ici, on te pose une question.

rapport au sujet (Maori tattoo) ? Cela signifie que tu es invité(e)
à exposer d’emblée ton opinion.
R Réécoute le débat p. 101. Track 97
À ton avis, les locuteurs se sont-ils préparés au débat ?

Prépare ton
Que répondrais-je d’emblée ?

Pourquoi répondrais-je cela ?

Choisis des exemples qui permettent d’appuyer tes arguments.

N’oublie pas : 1 idée = 1 exemple !
Imagine les arguments que l’on pourrait t’opposer et réfléchis aux réponses
que tu peux apporter. Aide-toi d’un tableau !
R Identifie les arguments proposés par chaque débatteur. Track 97

Prends ta place Pour prendre part au débat, il faut savoir présenter ses idées,
dans le débat. mais aussi bien écouter celles des autres pour pouvoir réagir efficacement.
R Écoute la façon dont chaque interlocuteur :
– exprime son opinion, – réagit aux arguments de l’autre,
– introduit ses arguments / exemples, – tente de convaincre
R Relève du vocabulaire qui pourra t’être utile. Track 97

À toi de jouer !

1. p. 101 : Avec lequel des deux débatteurs es-tu d’accord ? Prépare tes arguments pour
Track 97
expliquer ton opinion.
2. À deux, choisissez un sujet proposé p. 135, puis débattez pendant quelques minutes.
Faites le point (ce qui était bien, ce qui pourrait être amélioré…).

Kia Ora! 103

Apprends ces mots
avec leur prononciation !

Geography Tourism

 northern / southern  travel over to

/)nc:rDFn/ /)syDFn/  fly to / sail to
 hemisphere
/)hemFsfqr/  leave ≠ stay
 Pacific Ocean  visit
/)FxHFn/  discover
 North / South / East / West  make a tour of
 explore
 main city = capital city  go sightseeing
 beach  hike = walk
 mountain ranges
/)maxntqn/  curiosity
 interest
 respect ≠ disrespect
 respectful ≠ offensive
raellin  offend someone’s culture

 local population abroad

 inhabitant
 community
 native
 heritage
 tribe /)herqtqdG/
/aq/  sacred
 ancestry  spectacular = stunning landscape /)seqkrqd/
 generation /kjFlF/  tattoo / tattooing
/dGe/  amazing = fantastic places
 culture
 identity  magnificent = breathtaking views /)kyltHFr/
/aq/ /mA)gnqfqsFnt//breB/  ritual
 islander ≠ mainlander  gorgeous = beautiful scenery /)rqtHuFl/
 race, ethnicity,  isolated = remote  symbol
ethnic group /aqsF)leqtqd/ /)sqmbFl/
 multicultural
 diversity
Tattoo (n./v.) : the word “tattoo” was
brought to Europe by British explorer
Learn these words Captain James Cook, when he returned from
in your workbook his first voyage to Tahiti and New Zealand
in 1769. In his narrative of the voyage, he
→ WB p. 104
refers to an operation called “tattaw”, using
a Polynesian word which means “to write”.

104 Kia Ora!

→ More exercises in your WB p. 105-106

Je m’entraîne
 Work with a friend. Choisis un mot nouveau  Écoute Kimberley parler de son pays. Relève
tous les mots et expressions que tu choisirais de
mettre en avant dans une brochure touristique
Spell it Spell it backwards
sur la Nouvelle-Zélande. Track 104

Use it in a sentence Explain it

 Fais deviner à la classe un animal, un sport, un

type de lieu… que l’on peut trouver en Nouvelle
Zélande. Tu peux soit le décrire, soit le mimer.

 Souviens-toi d’un voyage que tu as fait,

en France ou à l’étranger. Décris à ton voisin
un endroit qui t’a plu. Fais-le rêver !

 Trouve le mot correspondant à chaque

1. A group of people who have the same rituals
and ancestors
2. People who live on an island
3. A series of mountains
4. Go on foot for exercise or pleasure
5. Explore
6. Someone whose ancestors originate
from the country

 Barre l’intrus et trouve un titre à chaque série.

1. respectful – curious – offensive – interested
2. stunning – spectacular – gorgeous – dull
3. go sightseeing – make a tour – leave – discover KIA ORA!
4. beach – mountain ranges – forest – capital city

Je prononce
Les sons /D/ et /B/ Track 105 c. Écoute ces phrases, puis prononce-les
en faisant bien attention au [th]. Track 106
a. Écoute ces mots en faisant bien attention à
la prononciation de [th] : 1. The landscapes in New Zealand are breathtaking.
southern – enthusiast – other – both – wealth – 2. Thanks to the wonderful weather, you can bathe
in the Ocean almost every day.
thus – with – health – bath – bathe
3. Theoretically, the weather is cooler in New Zealand
b. Classe-les selon la prononciation de [th].
than in Australia, but there can be some exceptions.
/D/ /B/ 4. I think there are more sheep than people in
… … New Zealand. This can be considered as something
weird for Europeans, but it’s the truth.

Kia Ora! 105


Dans ce chapitre, on parle de ce que l’on trouve en Nouvelle Zélande en petite, en grande…
ou en énorme quantité ! Pour cela on a besoin des quantifieurs. On est aussi amené à donner
on point de vue sur des faits passés. On utilise alors les modaux should, could, must suivis
de have + participe passé.

1. Les quantifieurs
 I always have so much fun in New Zealand.
 There are no nuclear power plants in NZ. Most of the country is pollution-free.
 Many / a lot of films were shot in New Zealand.
 Are there any snakes in New Zealand?

Il existe deux types de noms en anglais :

• les dénombrables, que l’on peut mettre au pluriel et dénombrer précisément :
→ one bird, two birds, many birds…
• les indénombrables, que l’on ne peut ni mettre au pluriel, ni dénombrer précisément :
→ some information, much information

Noms dénombrables Noms indénombrables

e.g. bird(s) e.g. information
aucun, pas de no / not any no / not any
peu de few little
un peu de, quelques a few a little
du, de la, des some / any some / any
la plupart most / most of most of
beaucoup de a lot of / many a lot of / much

2. Should have / could have / must have + p. passé

 Myke Tyson shouldn’t have done this because he has no Maori heritage.
 I think he could have checked with tribal elders.
 That must have offended the Maoris. • Les modaux so
nt toujours
suivis de l’infinit
if du verbe
(ici have).
On emploie la construction should have / could have / must have • Certains verbe
+ participe passé : s ont un
participe passé ir
– pour exprimer des reproches (exemple ) (voir tableau p.
– pour faire des suggestions «après coup» (exemple )
– pour formuler des hypothèses (exemple )

Track 154
I can, I will, I must
with Fluency MC

106 Kia Ora!

→ More exercises in your WB p. 108-109

Je m’entraîne
→ Les quantifieurs → Should / could / must have + p. passé

 Complète avec le quantifieur qui convient.  Choisis entre les formes en gras
1. There are …… kiwi birds left in New Zealand, 1. I should/shouldn’t have agreed to do bungee
they are threatened with extinction. jumping – I’m scared of heights!!!
2. …… celebrities find moko appealing. 2. We were supposed to take a bus to Wellington
3. …… Maori are happy for moko to be popular, at 4pm, he must/mustn’t have forgotten.
others strongly disagree. 3. The Lord of the Rings could/couldn’t have been
4. Unlike in Australia, there are …… dangerous shot anywhere else – New Zealand was
animals in New Zealand. the perfect location.
4. You should/shouldn’t have brought winter
 Quelles questions ont pu susciter ces réponses ? clothes – it’s summer in New Zealand!
1. No, I think there aren’t any in New Zealand.
2. About 30 million.
 Écoute cette réaction, puis donne ton propre avis
sur le tatouage de Rihanna. Track 107
3. No, only some New Zealanders do, although
Maori is an official language.
4. It’s quite expensive, especially if you go to a
Rihanna’s tattoo sparks
tattoo shop in Auckland! controversy in Maori
and Pacic circles
 Réagis à ces chiffres.
e.g. There are 3 million sheep in New Zealand.
R Really, that many? Pop superstar
1. This hat costs 250$. → Really, that........? Rihanna recently got
a Polynesian tattoo
2. The Bay contains 144 islands.
done the traditional way.
→ Really, that........?
3. There are only 4.4 million inhabitants.
→ Really, that........?

Je prononce
 Les modaux should / could Track 108
The most beautiful country I have ever seen
a. Écoute ces phrases en faisant attention is New Zealand. It is home to the world’s
à la prononciation de should et could smallest dolphin, the Hectors Dolphin,
b. Entraîne-toi à les lire à voix haute. the oldest reptile, the tuatara (it has been
1. You should definitely go and visit New Zealand. around for 200 million years!), the heaviest
insect, a weta, some of the oldest trees, and
2. Could you take a picture of us, please?
many of the rarest birds, insects, and plants
3. The All Blacks should have won. in the world. Even if Maoris are not the most
4. Do you think scientists could have predicted numerous, their language is frequently
the earthquake in Christchurch? used, and the most useful phrase in Maori
is “Kia Ora”.
 Les adjectifs au superlatif Track 109

a. Écoute ce témoignage. Comment se prononce b. Lis ce texte à voix haute en faisant attention
la terminaison -est ? Et l’adverbe most ? à la prononciation des superlatifs.
Écris-les en phonétique.

Kia Ora! 107

Have fun with…

The art of moko, the traditional Maori tattoo, was brought to New Zealand by the people
of Eastern Polynesia, some time before 1300 AD. Discover the meaning of some Maori
designs and patterns!

The Koru (spiral)

depicts new
beginnings, growth
and harmony and is
inspired from
the fern

The Hei matau

(fish hook) symbolizes
prosperity and good

Ahu ahu mataroa

shows talent and
achievement in
athleticism or sport.

Pakati represents
the courage and
the strength of the

“Show me a man with a tattoo and I’ll show you a man

with an interesting past.” Jack London

 Imagine and draw your own design. Think of a meaning!

108 Kia Ora!


Rugby coach
T Haka Ls Nick

R C: R C:

Okay, boys. There’s no rugby training this Essential. Now shout ‘Ka Maté! Ka Maté!
morning because today you’re going to practise Ka ora! Ka ora!’, which means “I die! I die! I live!
something far more important. Dance. I live!”
S: A:
Dance? Coach – you can’t be serious? Ka Maté! Ka Maté! Ka ora! Ka ora!
W: R C:
Rugby players don’t dance! And stick out your tongues! Further! Aaaand...
R C: slap your thighs again! Harder! Keep those
Oh yes they do, but it’s not just any dance. tongues sticking out! Now, the next line means
You’re going to learn the Haka, the Maori war “This is the hairy man who fetched the sun.”
dance. The idea is to terrify your opponents W:
before the match even starts. What? Do we really have to say that?
N: R C:
Yes! That kind of dance I can do! Of course you do. Now let’s do it all from
R C: the beginning – as loud as possible!
Okay, everybody in a line. Spread your feet A:
apart and place your hands on your thighs. Ka Maté! Ka Maté! Ka ora! Ka ora!
Open your eyes as wide as possible.
Blow out your cheeks. And slap your thighs
as hard as you can.
Is that really necessary?

 Listen to the scene, then rehearse it. 110

 Act out the scene.

or the test?
Révise Entraîne-toi
Réécoute Courtney talks about Maori culture AUDIO
AUDIO  Anticipe : À partir du titre ci-dessus,
à quoi peux-tu t’attendre ?
 Écoute le document plusieurs fois, en essayant
de l’oral 104
de ne pas interrompre la lecture.
→ Relis How to listen  Explique ce que tu as compris par écrit en français.
to real English p. 17 Compare avec un camarade et discutez-en.

Exprime-toi Pharell Williams apologizes

→ Réécoute la piste97  Découvre pourquoi il a dû présenter des excuses :
et essaie d’imiter les tape « Pharell Williams Native American Headdress »
personnes qui parlent. dans un moteur de recherche.
orale Enregistre-toi
 Que penses-tu de cette controverse ?
et compare.
Discutes-en avec des camarades.
→ Relis la page How
 Comment améliorer vos performances ?
to take part in a debate
p. 103 mieux vous écouter les uns les autres ?
formuler vos arguments de manière plus précise ?
mieux réaliser les sons /D/ et /B/

Relis Lis un article sur Internet

→ les textes p. 100-101.  Dans un moteur de recherche, tape « Telegraph
→ le lexique : Talking Matt Dawson »… le sujet devrait t’être à présent
about a press article familier !
de l’écrit p. 173  Relève les informations qui te permettront
d’enrichir le débat proposé ci-dessus.

Relis “A need for more information […]

→ tes leçons about moko” (p. 101, l. 20)
→ les Time to write  Rédige un paragraphe pour expliquer ce qu’est
Expression le moko. Tu peux aussi donner ton avis sur les moko
écrite que se font faire les célébrités occidentales.

Imagine ce que le professeur pourra

te demander dans chaque test

110 Kia Ora!

P roj ec t


AUDIO Flash interview:

Can you quote Grant Shakespeare the awards he deserves.
112 a line from Interpret Hamlet’s famous monologue.
Take part in the British Council’s Shakespeare
Lives programme.

Shakespeare’s influence

400 years old... and still the star!

 What do you know about William Shakespeare?
Make a collective wordcloud about him.
 Read the quote about Shakespeare.
Do you know artists who have been inspired by him?
 Watch the video.
a. Watch part 1. Shakespeare Lives -
What would you answer Anniversary trailer 18 literary exports – 400 years after
to the question asked?
his death, his works continue to
b. Watch part 2. Were you right? thrill audiences of all ages right
c. Was any of the words from your wordcloud across the world, and are a source
mentioned in the video? Complete your cloud. of inspiration for film directors,
d. In what context was the video made? writers, artists and more. I’m de-
lighted that Shakespeare Lives will
 Time to write! be recognising one of our most cele-
Label the infographic in your workbook with brated writers of all time.”
information from the video. → WB p. 110 The Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport,
Rt Hon John Whittingdale.

Shakespeare is everywhere 3 In our language

See inside the world of Shakespeare, Rob Lloyd Jones, Barry Ablett, Usborne 2016


 Look at the wordplay document on p. 112. b. Listen to people using the expressions
Read the introduction. Use it to explain what he has invented and guess what they mean.
the words in italics are. Track 113

 Work on words!
a. There were no dictionaries in Shakespeare’s
time, but there are today! Use one to make sure
you understand the words he has invented.

3 In pop culture

Love Story
We were both young when I first saw you.
I close my eyes and the flashback starts:
I'm standing there on a balcony in summer air.
See the lights, see the party, the ball gowns.
See you make your way through the crowd
And say, “Hello.”
Little did I know...
That you were Romeo, you were throwing pebbles,
And my daddy said, “Stay away from Juliet.”
And I was crying on the staircase
Begging you, “Please don’t go.”
Extract from Taylor Swift’s Love Story (2008)

 Read the title of the song. Can you associate it b. Which of these topics can you find in Taylor
with one of Shakespeare’s plays? Swift’s song?
 Read the song’s lyrics.  Why do you think Taylor Swift wrote a song
Were you right? How do you know? inspired from this play?
 a. Discover the main topics in Shakespeare’s
At home
plays. → WB p. 112
“Love Story” song... Does it end as
in the play?

Award ceremony!
Use what you have learnt in these pages to grant Shakespeare the awards he deserves!
 Think about:

 Design an award and prepare a few words for the ceremony.

 Le superlatif → WB p. 121
Coined by
Shakespeare lives 113

To be or not to be?

Tragedy written around 1600 by William Shakespeare.
King Hamlet has died and as a consequence, his brother
Claudius becomes king and marries his widow, Gertrude.
Yet, one night, King Hamlet’s ghost appears to his son,
Prince Hamlet. He reveals that he has been murdered
by Claudius and therefore asks his son to avenge him.
Hamlet agrees to it, but when the time comes to act, re-
venge does not seem so easy...

Hamlet’s monologue
Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio: a fellow
of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy: he hath
borne me on his back a thousand times; and now,
how abhorred in my imagination it is!
Hamlet, Act V, Scene 1

Hamlet addressing
the skull of his childhood friend
Yorick in the film Hamlet,
directed by Kenneth Branagh

 Look at the stills and the posters on  Listen to specialists!

these pages George Lucas, the creator of Star Wars
Do you know these works?
Track 114 → WB p. 116
Name all the similarities you can see.
Dan Zehr, a professor of English literature
 Read the plot and the quote from each work.
Can you find more similarities? → WB p. 114 Track 115 → WB p. 117

 Use the document in your workbook to find out  In your opinion, what is the impact of
which genre Hamlet belongs to. → WB p. 112 the reference to Hamlet in The Force Awakens?

114 Shakespeare lives


The dark side or the light?

Epic space opera directed by J.J. Abrams in 2015.

Thirty years after the defeat of Darth Vader and
the Empire, Kylo Ren (Darth Vader’s grandson)
and the First Order are threatening the Galaxy.
Rey, a young woman, and Finn, a former
stormtrooper, join Han Solo and the Resistance
to save the Galaxy from Kylo Ren and the First Order.

Kylo’s monologue
“Forgive me. I feel it again… the call to
the light. […] Show me again the power
of the darkness, and I will let nothing stand
in our way. Show me, grandfather, and
I will finish what you started.”
Star Wars Episode VII:
The Force Awakens (2015)

Kylo Ren addressing the skull-like

helmet of his grandfather Darth Vader,
in the film The Force Awakens,
directed by J. J. Abrams

“To be, or not to

be: th
the question. at is
Whether ‘tis no
the mind to suffler in
To be or not to be? The slings and
 Read Hamlet’s famous monologue and practise repeating it. outrageous fortrruows of
Or to take arm
 Use the Drama Club p. 123 to choose how you will interpret sa
a sea of troublegsainst
the famous first line. → WB p. 118 ,
And by opposin
g end them?”
’s Hamlet, III,
 Les connecteurs logiques → WB p. 123

Shakespeare lives 115

Celerate Shakespeare
Take part in the British Council’s Shakespeare Lives programme.

1 Get ready
 Work in teams. Choose what you want to do:

Sing a song inspired

from Shakespeare
and make your audience
sing along

Design an
present it ,
an d
get your a
u dience
to label it

influence on
a particular film an d
present it to your Design an d print
au dience t-shirts w ith famous

friends sign them Act o ut a sce

ne fro m
a Shakespear
e play
an d get yo ur
from a Shakespeare au dience
to participate
play and make your
audience identify it

 Do you have another creative idea? Go for it! Tu peux consulter le site
cela te donnera sûrement des idées !

2 Present your project

 Shakespeare loved to interact with his audience so do not hesitate to involve yours.

Put all your creations together and organize

a Shakespeare Lives exhibition in your school.

116 Shakespeare lives

How to…

and remain friends!

Les travaux de groupe sont indispensables à l’apprentissage d’une langue, tu en feras encore
plus au lycée. Voici quelques conseils pour en tirer le meilleur parti.

Avec qui travailler ? Quelques questions à envisager :

Qui puis-je retrouver Avec qui Chacun d’entre nous a-t-il

à l’extérieur du collège afin suis-je capable quelque chose de complémentaire
de travailler ? de bien travailler ? à apporter au projet ?

Comment commencer ? Que faire des informations trouvées ?

 Assurez-vous d’avoir tous,  Efforce-toi d’en comprendre le sens, puis note
bien compris la consigne ! seulement les mots-clés. Il te sera ensuite plus
 Faites un brainstorming où chacun facile d’exprimer cette même idée avec
expose ses idées. Notez-les toutes, tes propres mots.
puis faites une sélection. → WB p. 136 R Entraîne-toi ! → WB p. 137
 Répartissez-vous le travail.  Trouver une information entraîne souvent...
de nouvelles recherches !
R Entraîne-toi ! → WB p. 137
Avoir la responsabilité d’une partie
ne signifie pas qu’il faut ignorer
l’ensemble ! Que faire des mots qu’on ne connaît pas ?
Le jour de la présentation, chacun Vérifie leur sens et leur prononciation dans
devrait être capable de présenter un dictionnaire (unilingue ou bilingue, papier
n’importe quel aspect du projet.
ou en ligne).

Où chercher les informations ? Robert & Collins,
Merriam Webster Beginners,
 Si ton professeur recommande des œuvres Wordreference...
ou des sites internet, commence par ceux-là.
Demande aussi conseil au documentaliste.
 Utilise un moteur de recherche en y entrant
Comment partager les informations ?
les mots clés en anglais.
Tout au long du projet, il est fort utile
Astuce de partager les informations trouvées
par chacun.
Pour trouver des informations
communiquées dans une langue plus
accessible, tape le mot clé suivi de Outils de partage
«for kids ».  Dropbox  Padlet
 Go ogle Doc
Ce dernier se prête particulièrement
 Vérifie les informations que tu trouves à faire découvrir votre projet à la
sur Internet, notamment quand tu utilises classe. Vous pourrez y inclure des
des articles rédigés par des anonymes, photos, du texte, de la vidéo, du son...
comme c’est le cas sur Wikipedia. → WB p. 136

Shakespeare lives 117


Apprends ces mots

avec leur prononciation !

Comedies / Tragedies

 a tangled plot  resentment against (sb)

 mistaken identities  resentful
 misunderstandings  bear a grudge against (sb)
 power (= be angry at sb)
 greed = cupidity  a family feud (= quarrel)
 greedy
 despair ≠ hope
 jealousy
 desperate ≠ hopeful
 jealous /)dGelFs/
 fate = destiny Theatre
 madness
 get revenge
 mad
 revengeful  a play
 misfortunes
 avenge (sb)  a playwright
 lonely
 be torn (between…)  an act
 be confused  an actor / actress
 a scene
 a line
 the stage
Influence  the curtain
 the stage director
 have an impact on (sb)
 have influence on (sb)
Shakespeare  the audience = the public
 tragic ≠ comic
 change (sb)
 dramatic
 turn (sb) into…

Colloquial expressions
 “All that glitters is not gold”
 a commemoration  “All’s well that ends well”
 a legacy  “Fair play” / ”Foul play”
 an anniversary  “Fight fire with fire”
 an achievement /F)tHi:vmFnt/  “It makes your hair stand on end”
an enduring power  “Love is blind”
 in memory of (sb)  “Much ado about nothing”
 influence  “What is done is done”
 celebrate / commemorate
 outstanding
 brilliant /)brqljFnt/
 a genius

Learn these words

in your workbook
→ WB p. 118

118 Shakespeare lives

→ More exercises in your WB p. 120

Je m’entraîne
 Cherche l’intrus !
Parmi ces suites de mots, trouve l’intrus
puis remplace-le par un mot plus approprié.
1. tragedy – comedy – drama – poem
2. celebrate – forget – remember – commemorate
3. dull – memorable – amazing – unforgettable
4. stage director – actress – audience – stage

 En équipes de 2, jouez à Taboo !

a. Commemoratio
b. L’équipe A donne une fiche
à un membre de l’équipe B, qui
doit faire deviner le mot en haut
de la fiche à son partenaire sans
mentionner les mots tabous.
Puis, c’est au tour de l’équipe A de jouer !  Si les expressions créées par Shakespeare
sont toujours employées, c’est qu’elles sont
 Shakespeare a créé des expressions qui font particulièrement imagées.
aujourd’hui partie de la langue de tous les jours.
a. À ton avis, à quelle expression correspond
Connais-tu des expressions issues de Star Wars
le cartoon ci-dessus ?
qui sont elles aussi devenues très célèbres ?
Invente des phrases avec ces expressions. b. À ton tour, choisis une expression de
Tes camarades sauront-ils les identifier ? Shakespeare (p. 118 ou ci-dessous). Assure-toi
que tu la comprends et illustre-la. Puis soumets
ton dessin à un camarade : saura-t-il retrouver
l’expression ?
“Dead as a doornail” – “Fight fire with fire”–
“Break the ice” – “Wear my heart upon my sleeve”
Je prononce
 Comme un anglophone ! Track 121  Les sons /q/, /aq/ et /i:/ Track 122

a. Classe ces mots selon la prononciation

Nom britannique le plus célèbre de l’histoire,
«Shakespeare » est souvent mal prononcé... de la voyelle soulignée.
blind – be – greedy – playwright – destiny –
a. Écoute le nom « Shakespeare » prononcé glitter– brilliant – genius – identity – achievement
et compare avec la transcription.
/q/ if /aq/ my /i:/ leave
… … …
b. Entraîne-toi à répéter le nom de Shakespeare
en faisant attention aux phonèmes en couleur. b. Écoute et vérifie : les as-tu bien classés ?
Entraîne-toi à les répéter.
c. Voici d’autres mots qui comportent les mêmes
sons. Entraîne-toi à les répéter.
sheet – shame – fear – career – appear /q/ et /i:/

Shakespeare lives 119


Le plus grand écrivain britannique, le poète le plus influent, le dramaturge le plus génial...
Quand on parle de Shakespeare, on a bien besoin du superlatif ! Et pour raconter l’intrigue
de ses pièces, on a recours à des connecteurs logiques.

1. J’utilise le superlatif
 Shakespeare is one of our greatest literary exports […], one of our most celebrated writers of all time.
 King John is among Shakespeare’s least-known plays today, but was much enjoyed by the Victorians.

Superlatif Superlatif
de supériorité d’infériorité
adjectifs dits « courts »
the + adjectif + terminaison -est
(1 syllabe)
the least + adjectif
adjectifs dits « longs »
the most + adjectif
(2 syllabes et plus)

• Certains adjectifs de 2 syllabes (terminaisons en -y, -er, -le, -ow)

peuvent fonctionner comme des adjectifs « courts ».
Orthographe :
happy → happiest
funny → the fun
• Certains adjectifs ont un superlatif irrégulier : strange → the st
good → the best bad → the worst far → the furthest big → the bigge
• Comme on le voit dans les exemples, le déterminant “the”
peut être remplacé par un possessif (“our” en ) ou par un génitif
(“Shakespeare’s” en )... Tout ce qui compte, c’est que le superlatif soit déterminé !

Track 155
Fast, faster, fastest
with Fluency MC

2. J’utilise des connecteurs logiques

King Hamlet has died and as a consequence, his brother Claudius becomes king and
marries his widow, Gertrude.
Yet one night, King Hamlet’s ghost appears to his son, Prince Hamlet. He reveals that
he has been murdered by Claudius and therefore asks his son to avenge him. Hamlet
agrees to it, but when the time comes to act, revenge does not seem so easy...

• Pour rendre plus évidents les liens logiques au sein d’un discours, on peut avoir recours
à des connecteurs. Ce sont souvent des conjonctions ou des adverbes, placés
soit entre deux propositions, soit en début d’énoncé.
Certains permettent d’établir des liens de conséquence, d’autres un contraste.
• Il en existe de nombreux autres qui permettent d’exprimer la cause, la comparaison,
la concession ou encore la condition. Tu peux trouver les principaux à la fin de ton manuel (p. 169).

120 Shakespeare lives

→ More exercises in your WB p. 122-124

Je m’entraîne
→ J’utilise le superlatif → J’utilise des connecteurs logiques

 a. Quel est le superlatif de supériorité des  Complète les phrases suivantes avec
adjectifs suivants ? les connecteurs proposés (il y a parfois plusieurs
good – great – complex – funny – subtle possibilités).
b. Crée des phrases qui pourraient contenir ces moreover – but – whereas – besides – therefore –
adjectifs au superlatif, puis soumets ces énoncés, so – however – otherwise – even though – as if
à trous, à ton voisin. Fera-t-il les mêmes choix 1. Smartphones are getting easier to use. ... they
que toi ? are becoming more efficient.
ex : Darth Vador is the... character in the saga. 2. Turn the volume down, ... you are going to
wake the baby up.
 The Famous Characters’ yearbook! 3. Wales is part of Britain, ... the Welsh are British
Un yearbook de lycée contient souvent of course.
I can’t stand her! She behaves ... she were the
Jack no longer loved his wife, ... he could not
Homer Simpson
Batman lazy ... she has lived in France for ten years, she still
Katniss Everdeen bright has quite a strong English accent.
Han Solo famous
James Bond cool
Hermione Granger dark
a. Remets-le dans l’ordre en t’appuyant
b. notamment sur les connecteurs logiques.
de voix pour chaque adjectif ? Faites la galerie Pourras-tu alors trouver de quel lieu il s’agit ?
de portraits et affichez-la dans la classe.
First, it is particularly famous for being the
 a. Écoute Annie parler de son artiste préféré et President’s town as the White House is there.
note ses raisons. Track 123
My hometown is remarkable for several reasons.
b. À ton tour, parle de ton artiste préféré à
Finally, it has the largest library in the world,
la classe. Tes camarades pourront-ils l’identifier the Library of Congress.
à partir des raisons que tu auras données ?
Then, there are some of the most well-known
monuments in the world, like the Lincoln

b. À ton tour, rédige un paragraphe structuré

sur un lieu qui t’est cher.

Je prononce
L’accent de phrase Track 124
“Show me again the power of the darkness,
a. Écoute le monologue suivant en faisant and I will let nothing stand in our way. Show
attention aux mots accentués, à l’intonation me, grandfather, and I will nish what you
et aux pauses. Quel est l’effet créé ? started.”
b. Entraîne-toi à jouer ce monologue. Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens (2015)

Shakespeare lives 121

Have fun with…

The Elizabethan era (1558-1603) was a golden age in English history. It is most famous for its theatre.
The period produced some of the world’s greatest playwrights.

Here are 10 facts about Elizabethan theatre. Only 8 of them are true…
Can you spot the false ones?

In those days, the most common Elizabethan theatre The people who stood in the pit
forms of entertainment were is called as such because were called the groundlings. At the
theatre, bear-baiting, cock- Elizabeth I was the queen time, people did not shower as
fighting and… public executions! at the time. much as we do today so apparently
the smell was... horrible!

“The Globe” was
a theatre built in 2 10 Most of the time,
Shakespeare’s time. pistols were used
It was open-air, with blank bullets.
which means the But in 1587, real
spectators would get bullets were used
wet when it rained... 3 9 during a play and
the actor who fired
the pistol
accidentally shot 2
The Globe was spectators dead.
built in 1599.
It burned down 4 8
in 1613 because
a spectator lit When the spectators
a cigarette. It was got bored, they
later rebuilt. would patiently wait
5 7 for the show to end.

The cheapest tickets in the Globe The Globe Theatre would hang
enabled the spectators to stand in various colour flags in order to
the pit, just in front of the stage. let everyone know the specific
They were the best “seats” but Women were not allowed genre of the show for the day.
you had to stand for the whole to play so female roles Red meant history, black meant
duration of the play... just like at were performed by tragedy and white meant
a concert today! male actors... comedy.

Bonus question:
in your opinion, why was The Globe open-air?

122 Shakespeare lives

 who
Watch the scene and find out
the mystery guest is. Great British actors deliver
 Now it’s your turn to go on stage! Shakespeare’s immortal line
for the test?
Révise Entraîne-toi
Réécoute My favourite Shakespeare play AUDIO
AUDIO • Anticipe : À partir du titre, à quoi peux-tu t’attendre ?
• Écoute le document plusieurs fois, en essayant 125
de ne pas interrompre la lecture.
de l’oral 115
• Explique ce que tu as compris par écrit en français.
→ Relis How to listen Compare avec un camarade et discutez-en.
to real English p. 17
→ Écoute des adolescents parler de Shakespeare ! Tape
«CBBC Shakespeare » dans un moteur de recherche.

Exprime-toi The best… and the worst

sur Shakespeare : • Avec des camarades, discutez de ce que vous préférez
que sais-tu de lui ? ou détestez dans les domaines suivants:
Expression → Revois la vidéo food
orale et essaie d’imiter
la personne qui parle. • Comment améliorer vos performances ?
→ Relis How to sound avancer des arguments plus convaincants ?
almost like a native améliorer la construction du superlatif ?
p. 35
mieux prononcer les mots comportant les sons /q/, /q:/ et /aq/ ?

Relis Shakespeare revisited

→ les textes du chapitre • Sur Internet, recherche «60 second Shakespeare»
et rends-toi sur le site de la BBC. Choisis une des pièces
proposées et découvre une page… surprenante !
de l’écrit • Prends en note quelques éléments de l’intrigue,
l’accroche et une citation, puis soumets-les à un
camarade : sera-t-il capable de retrouver la pièce ?

Relis Guessing game!

→ tes leçons • Rédige un paragraphe pour raconter un film, un livre ou
→ les Time to write une histoire connue… mais sans mentionner son titre !
Expression → les textes du chapitre • Le professeur va ramasser vos textes ainsi que ceux de
écrite tes camarades et les mélanger. Pioches-en un et lis-le :
es-tu capable d’identifier l’œuvre ET le camarade qui a
rédigé le texte ?

Imagine ce que le professeur pourra

te demander dans chaque test
124 Shakespeare lives
Get better at...

listening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 126

speaking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 130

reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 136

writing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 141

Get better at…
listening to English

Coup de pouce
Écoute activement Dans un énoncé en anglais,
il y a des « mots saillants » qui
Pour comprendre un message oral, il faut être actif pendant ressortent plus que les autres car ils
les écoutes. Concentre-toi, repère les « mots saillants » comportent une syllabe accentuée.
et fais des liens entre eux afin de reconstruire le sens Ce sont eux qui véhiculent les
du document. informations importantes.

À toi de jouer !
• Tu vas écouter ce document sonore :

Avant l’écoute
• À partir du titre et de la photo,
et les mots que tu t’attends à entendre.
• N’hésite pas à prononcer ces mots à voix haute,
tu les repéreras plus facilement à l'écoute

1re écoute
• Sois attentif aux indices sonores (accents, musique, bruits).
• Reprends tes notes:
Entoure ce qui est effectivement mentionné.
Barre ce qui n’apparaît pas.
Si tu le peux, note quelques mots saillants que tu as entendus.

Après l’écoute
• Fais des liens entre les mots saillants afin de créer du sens.
Le document t’a-t-il apporté ce que tu attendais ?
As-tu appris des choses inattendues ?
Aimerais-tu vérifier des informations dont tu n’es pas encore sûr(e) ?
Lesquelles ?
• Essaie d'organiser tes notes à partir de ce que tu as entendu
et compris.

2e écoute
• Recherche les éléments qui te manquent.
• Note davantage de mots saillants.
• As-tu compris davantage ?

• Vérifie ce que tu as compris avec le groupe et ton professeur. Fais le bilan → WB p. 140
Complète ta che de stratégies.

126 Get better at…


Défi mémoire
Pour mémoriser de mieux en mieux les documents sonores que tu es amené(e) à écouter,
il faut entraîner ta « mémoire immédiate » à retenir un maximum d’informations.

À toi de jouer !
• Écoute une suite de mots. Combien en as-tu retenus ? Track 127

• Maintenant, écoute trois messages audios. Qu’as-tu retenu ? Compare avec tes camarades. Track 128

La fine oreille
Certains mots se ressemblent beaucoup à l’oral. Il faut s’entraîner à les différencier.

À toi de jouer !
• Tu vas entendre des suites de 4 mots : Track 129 Track 129
le mot 1 – le mot 2 – le mot 3 – puis à nouveau, l’un de ces 3 mots
À la suite de l’activité,
• Pour chaque suite, tu devras dire si c’est le mot 1, 2 ou 3 tu pourras écouter un corrigé.
qui a été répété.

Derrière les mots

Pour transmettre un sentiment ou un point de vue, on peut choisir d’accentuer davantage
certains mots d’un énoncé : c’est l’ « intonation contrastive ».
Prêter attention à l’intonation te permettra de comprendre l'intention de celui qui parle.
C’est comme un jeu de piste : à toi de deviner ce qui se cache derrière les mots d’un énoncé !

• Écoute un même énoncé accentué de 5 façons différentes. Track 130

Observe la façon dont le mot accentué change en fonction de l’intention du locuteur.
1. You should stay with him. (conseil)
2. You should stay with him. (moi, je ne peux pas)
3. You should stay with him. (c’est plus que conseillé)
4. You should stay with him. (et non t’en aller/partir)
5. You should stay with him. (lui et pas quelqu’un d’autre ; il en a besoin)

À toi de jouer !
• Écoute l’énoncé suivant accentué de différentes façons : Track 131 Autocorrection 131-132
“She doesn’t want to see her mother”. À la suite des deux activités,
Dans chaque cas, essaie d’expliciter l'intention du locuteur. tu pourras écouter des corrigés.

• Écoute à présent des phrases différentes. Track 132

Comprends-tu le sens de chacune ? Fais le bilan → WB p. 140
Complète ta che de stratégies.

Get better at… 127

Comprendre un débat contradictoire
Quand deux personnes discutent d’un sujet, il se peut qu’elles ne soient pas d’accord.
Nous, auditeurs, avons besoin de comprendre la position de chacun mais aussi les arguments
afin de pouvoir nous faire notre propre opinion.

À toi de jouer !

Avant l’écoute
• Lis le titre du document.
À quoi peux-tu t’attendre ?
Jeff and Todd debate about technology
Track 133

1re écoute
• Pas de panique, essaie de comprendre la situation. Coup de pouce
Les éléments suivants pourront t’aider : Si tu veux prendre des notes pendant
l’écoute, réfléchis à la manière dont tu
vas les organiser : mindmap? colonnes?
Par exemple ici, technology
à partir du titre :
Jeff Todd
… …

• Le document correspond-il à tes attentes ? Coup de pouce
• As-tu repéré quelle était approximativement L’organisation de tes notes telle que
tu l’avais envisagée ne te semble pas
l’opinion de chaque intervenant ? appropriée ? Adapte-la à l’issue de
Note tout ce que tu as déjà compris. la 1re écoute !
(fais confiance à ta mémoire immédiate !)

Écoute(s) supplémentaire(s)
• Réécoute en ayant ces objectifs en tête : Coup de pouce
Pour affiner ta compréhension
identifier l’opinion de chacun si ce n’est pas appuie-toi sur:
déjà fait, • les connecteurs logiques (but, because,
identifier les arguments, and...): ils peuvent t’aider à repérer
décider avec lequel des intervenants tu es d’accord l’enchaînement des propos (accord,
désaccord, concession…) ;
• l’accentuation et l’intonation: elles
peuvent t’aider à repérer les différentes
intentions (certitude, surprise,
Fais le bilan → WB p. 140 détermination, doute, ironie…).

Complète ta che de stratégies.

128 Get better at…


Une seule écoute ? Aucun problème !

À toi de jouer !
• Avec un camarade,
entraînez-vous à partir
de ce document.
Obligez-vous à ne l’écouter
qu’une seule fois !
• Plus vous serez actifs avant
et pendant l’écoute,
mieux vous comprendrez.
Qui de vous deux va comprendre
le plus d’informations ?
The Japanese robot receptionist Track 134

Finish the sentences

Écoute des débuts de phrases et complète-les comme tu le souhaites. Track 135

Ex : Marylin Monroe was a famous...

You are the artist!

• Écoute deux descriptions : laquelle
correspond le mieux à ce tableau ? Track 136

• Écoute une nouvelle description et dessine

ce que tu comprends. Track 137

• Compare avec tes camarades : avez-vous tous

la même représentation ?

American Gothic, Grant Wood, 1930

Get better at… 129

Get better at…
speaking English

Fais-toi bien comprendre !

Apprends toujours un mot avec sa prononciation: mal prononcer peut créer un quiproquo…
parfois rigolo !

À i  j !
• Écoute des phrases qui se ressemblent. Dis à quel dessin chacune correspond. Track 138

1 4

a. b. a. b.

2 5

a. b. a. b.

Track 138
À la suite de l’activité,
tu pourras écouter un corrigé.
a. b.

• Répète ces phrases en t’enregistrant. Compare ta prestation avec le modèle.

• Prends l’habitude d’utiliser un dictionnaire en ligne, tel que wordreference.com ou merriam-webster.com:

threat LISTEN UK /Bret/ pour vérifier

sa prononciation
denition Synonymes anglais English Collocations Conjugueur en contexte images

Collins WR Reverse (10)

WordReference English-French Dictionary © 2017
pour vérifier le sens
d’un mot (en fonction Principales traductions
du contexte) English French
threat n (menace, intent to hurt) menace nf
The thief’s threat was enough to get everyone to cooperate.
La menace du voleur poussa tout le monde à coopérer.

130 Get better at…


• Dans les phrases suivantes, vérifie le sens et la prononciation des mots en utilisant
un dictionnaire en ligne.
1. a. He is sick. / b. He is thick.
2. a. I’m full. / b. I’m a fool.
3. a. He is sitting on a bench with friends. / b. He is sitting with a bunch of friends.
4. a. Could you pass me the ball? / b. Could you pass me the bowl?
Track 139
5. a. Look at the toy! / b. Look at her toe! Autocorrection
• Avec un camarade, entraînez-vous à prononcer ces phrases Écoute ces phrases pour
à tour de rôle. Avez-vous bien dit ce que vous vouliez dire ? t’aider à les prononcer.

Fais le bilan → WB p. 141

Complète ta che de stratégies.

Parle comme un anglophone !

Pour bien se faire comprendre en anglais :
Les règle
• il faut placer l’accent tonique sur la bonne syllabe, s d’or des
• Quand d liaisons !
c’est-à-dire, faire ressortir plus fortement cette syllabe ; eux
identique sons consonnes
• lorsqu’on prononce une phrase, il faut bien faire répète pa e suivent, on ne le
s. s
les liaisons entre les mots et marquer de courtes pauses que le 2 e d On ne prononce
e ces son
pour séparer les différents groupes de mots. au début s, qui se t
du 2 e mot rouve
• Quand u
n so
d’un son v n consonne est su
oyelle, on ivi
À toi de jouer ! entre les
deux sons
fait la liais
• Écoute le discours prononcé par Emma Watson → She lik
es sport.
aux Nations Unies en 2014. Track 141 Tennis is h Track 140
er favourit
→ I hate t e.
Fais attention aux éléments suivants : ea. But I lo
ve coffee.
ton rythme mots répétés
As-tu compris le sens de son message ?
• Écoute à présent des mots issus de ce discours. Track 142

Fais bien attention à l’accent tonique et à la prononciation.

appointed – ambassador – women – feminism – synonymous – certain – definition – belief –
opportunities – political – economic – equality
Entraîne-toi à prononcer ces mots.
• Écoute maintenant ces phrases. Fais attention aux liaisons entre les mots. Track 143

And the more I've spoken about feminism…

Entraîne-toi à prononcer ces phrases.

Get better at… 131

• Écoute à nouveau le discours en entier. Track 141

Repère :
• les pauses courtes /
• les pauses plus longues //

I was appointed / as goodwill ambassador for UN women

six months ago. // And the more I have spoken about feminism, /
the more I have realized / that fighting for women’s rights /
has too often become synonymous / with man-hating. //
If there is one thing / I know for certain, //
it is that this / has / to stop. // For the record, / feminism,
by definition, / is the belief / that men and women should have
equal rights / and opportunities. // It is the theory / of the
Emma Watson to the United Nations,
political, / economic / and social equality of the sexes. // 2014

• Enregistre ta version du discours. Fais le bilan → WB p. 141

Compare ta prestation avec le modèle.
Complète ta che de stratégies.

Prépare ta prestation
La plupart des gens qui parlent en public s’y sont préparés :
• soit ils connaissent très bien leur sujet et peuvent s’exprimer spontanément,
• soit ils préparent des notes et s’entraînent à parler à partir de ces notes.

• Quelles notes prendre ?

Voici ce qu’un spécialiste de Joan Miró a dit
pour présenter le tableau The Farm, lors
d’une exposition à la Tate Modern de Londres :

This is the first room of the Miró exhibition.

And it’s one of my favourite because you see this
very rapid development of the artist’s style from
these early pictures here to this painting, which is
a breakthrough for him. It’s called The Farm.
And it shows his family farm in northeast Spain.
And it was painted between 1921 and 1922.

Si tu devais présenter ce tableau, voici le type

de notes que tu pourrais préparer : Joan Miró, The Farm, 1921-22

1st room of Miró exhibition = because of development of artist’s style /

The Farm: breakthrough, family farm, northeast Spain, 1921-22

132 Get better at…


À toi de jouer !
• Prépare-toi maintenant à parler de Shepard Fairey, le graffeur qui figure dans le chapitre 5:
Street art attacks. Sers-toi de ce que tu sais déjà et mobilise tes connaissances sous forme de notes.
• Recherche ensuite des informations supplémentaires.
En tapant « Shepard Fairey » dans un moteur de recherche, on trouve plusieurs sites
qui parlent de lui :

Encyclopedia Britannica

Celui qui semble le plus fiable est l’Encyclopédie

Britannica, tu peux donc commencer par là. Shepard Fairey, in full Frank Shepard Fairey
(born February 15, 1970, Charleston, South
• Voici ce que propose l’Encyclopédie Carolina, U.S.), American muralist and graphic
Ajoute à tes notes les informations artist perhaps best known for his iconic 2008
qui t'intéressent. “Hope” poster depicting then U.S. presidential
candidate Barack Obama. His work combined
• Vérifie que tu sais bien prononcer les mots street-art activism with entrepreneurial spirit.
que tu as prévu d’employer. As a middle-class teenager, Fairey had
• Entraîne-toi à parler à partir de tes notes, an interest in skateboard culture. By 1984
he was designing and selling hand-decorated
puis enregistre-toi. boards and T-shirts. He graduated (1988) from
• Défi à l’année ! the Idyllwild Arts Academy in Palm Springs,
California, and earned a B.F.A. (1992) from the
Au fur et à mesure de l’année, essaie d’avoir Rhode Island School of Design.
des notes de plus en plus concises... global.britannica.com
Et parfois, quand tu maîtrises bien ton sujet,
plus de notes du tout !
Track 144
Fais le bilan → WB p. 141
Écoute quelqu’un présenter
Complète ta che de stratégies. Shepard Fairey.

Accroche ton public !

Capter l’attention de son auditoire dès le départ est essentiel !
Tu donneras ainsi envie à ton public d’en écouter davantage.

• Regarde l’expert : qu’est-ce qui rend sa prestation efficace ? Alastair Sooke about
les mots de liaison 20 The Farm, Joan Miró

À toi de jouer !
• Présente une œuvre qui te plait.
Enregistre-toi ou filme-toi puis écoute
ou regarde ta prestation.
Quels sont tes points forts ?
Que peux-tu améliorer ?

Get better at… 133

Surmonte tes difficultés
• Se rendre compte que l’on s’est trompé, c’est une compétence valorisée à l’oral !
N’hésite pas à t’arrêter de parler, à te corriger ou à reformuler ce que tu viens de dire.
• Il te manque un ou plusieurs mots ? Ça arrive ! Mais tu peux essayer de te rapprocher de leur sens
en développant des stratégies pour compenser tes manques

Par exemple, tu as besoin d’utiliser le mot « félin » mais tu ne le connais pas en anglais ;
pour le compenser tu peux employer :

Un terme générique Un terme précis Une dénition

(= hypéronyme) (= hyponyme) an animal that belongs to
an animal a cat, a tiger… the family of cats

À toi de jouer !
• Entraîne-toi avec les mots suivants :
Trouve un hypéronyme pour : Trouve un hyponyme pour : Trouve une définition pour :
French, mathematics… food goal
shirt, trouser, skirt…. means of transport global warming
painter, singer, dancer…. plant dystopia
sadness, joy, anger… holiday influential

Fais le bilan → WB p. 141

Complète ta che de stratégies.

Sois convaincant !
La clé pour argumenter, c’est d’anticiper (ce que tu vas dire, ce qu’on pourrait te répondre…)
et de savoir exposer ses idées de façon convaincante!

• Écoute un débat autour de la question : Should video games be age-restricted? Track 145

Peux-tu identifier quel locuteur répond favorablement à la question et lequel y est défavorable ?
Comment chacun prend-il sa part dans le débat ? Réécoute en faisant attention aux éléments suivants :

• À ton avis, les participants à ce débat ont-ils préparé leurs arguments ?

134 Get better at…


À toi de jouer !
• Comment trouver de bons arguments ? Choisis un sujet parmi les suivants :
15-year-olds should be Street art should not be Access to social media should be
allowed to vote in museums age-restricted

• Commence par rassembler tes connaissances Ta propre culture,

sur le sujet directement en anglais. tes connaissances personnelles
Tu peux t’aider de cette mind map →
Ce que tu as appris Des idées,
en classe SUJET
• Prépare ta prestation: des exemples

Note tes arguments 1. Ton opinion ....................................................

et tes exemples
2. Tes arguments ............. Tes exemples .............
Anticipe ce que tes
adversaires pourraient dire… 3. Les arguments ............. Leurs exemples .............
de tes adversaires
… et ce que tu pourrais
leur répondre 4. Tes contre-arguments ............. Tes exemples .............

Coup de pouce
• Passe à l’action !
Pour être un bon débatteur, pense à nuancer
Débats avec un(e) camarade qui a choisi ton opinion en prenant en compte les arguments
le même sujet que toi. Chacun défend du camp adverse :
une opinion différente. 15-year-olds are they are able to form
quite young an opinion

Fais le bilan → WB p. 141 Even though/although 15-year-olds are quite

Complète ta che de stratégies. young, they are able to form an opinion.
15-year-olds are quite young, yet/however
they are able to form an opinion.

Guess the movie

• Écoute des répliques célèbres.
Peux-tu identifier les films ? Track 146

• Répète ces répliques en jouant la comédie

le mieux possible.

Get better at… 135

Get better at…
reading in English

Mène ton enquête !

Pour lire un texte, il faut être actif et méthodique ! Commence par chercher des indices autour du texte,
puis mets-les en lien afin de formuler des hypothèses. La première lecture te permettra de vérifier,
et de rectifier éventuellement, ces hypothèses.

À i  j !
• Repère les informations disponibles autour du texte ci-dessous :

Que t’attends-tu à lire ? faits

• Lis le texte et vérifie tes hypothèses.

“A Pekinese dog?”

being personally thanked when his valet had come in

with his morning chocolate! [...]
With a grunt of disgust he picked up the topmost letter
from the little pile on the side of his desk.
Agatha Christie, The Labours of Hercules, 1947

136 Get better at…


Prélève des indices

Recherche dans le texte tout ce qui peut t’aider à te représenter ce que tu lis

À toi de jouer !
• Relis le texte pour en comprendre davantage. Tu peux repérer par exemple :
les personnages les lieux le temps

recherche : recherche : recherche :

les pronoms les mots commençant les prépositions : les chiffres, les noms
personnels renvoyant par une majuscule. lieux temps de jours, de mois,
à des humains : he, Vérifie s’ils renvoient on, in, at, around, les saisons, etc.
she, him, her... à des personnes ou between, to, from
Renvoient-ils bien à des des lieux. Attention,
behind, during, for,
personnes ? il peut aussi s’agir de
under, while,
nationalités, jours,
next to, etc. etc.

• Utilise ces repérages pour visualiser la scène. Dessine-la ou mets-la en scène avec un(e) camarade.

Déduis le sens des mots inconnus

Tu as plusieurs moyens à ta disposition pour essayer de comprendre les mots inconnus.

Tu peux t’appuyer sur :

the room the following morning.
but she had an
• la ressemblance
avec le français 5 was worth consideration. She was a born secretary.

“It’s from a man who wants you to investigate the disappearance of his wife’s
10 Pekinese dog.”
• la formation du mot

•…et tu peux aussi essayer

and precision of a quick-ring tank.
de faire abstraction
Poirot was shaken; shaken and embittered. Miss Lemon, the ecient Miss
des mots qui te gênent 15 Lemon, had let him down! A Pekinese dog. A Pekinese dog! And aer the dream
he had had last night. He had been leaving Buckingham Palace aer being
when his valet had come in with his morning chocolate! [...]

on the side of his desk.

Agatha Christie, The Labours of Hercules, 1947

Get better at… 137

À toi de jouer !
• Devine le sens des mots et images que tu ne connais pas. Par exemple :
– l. 9 : investigate dog disappearance
En tenant compte du genre d’histoire et de la situation,
que peut signifier disappearance ?
– l. 12 : secretary 1947 type
Quelle pouvait être l’activité principale d’une secrétaire
dans les années 1940/1950 ?
– l. 13 : typed speed and precision tank quick-firing
À quoi est comparée Miss Lemon ? Pour quelles raisons ?
–D’après toi, shaken et embittered ont-ils un sens positif ou négatif ?
Sur quels éléments du texte t’es-tu appuyé(e) ?
Propose des traductions pour ces deux termes.
• Compare tes réponses avec celles d'un(e) camarade. Vérie
éventuellement le sens des mots dans un dictionnaire en ligne.

Cherche le sens caché

Dans un récit, des choses peuvent être « cachées derrière les mots» : tout n’est jamais dit explicitement.
C’est à toi, lecteur, de déduire ou construire l’implicite ! Il s’agit souvent des émotions et opinions
des personnages.

À toi de jouer !
Concentre-toi sur les lignes 14 à 19 du texte p. 137.
• Regarde la ponctuation de plus près.
Que remarques-tu ? Que peux-tu en conclure
des sentiments du personnage à ce moment-là ?
• Regarde les formes verbales l. 16 (had had, had been leaving).
Que remarques-tu ? À quel événement
renvoient-elles ? Qu’est-ce que la référence
à “Buckingham Palace” suggère ?
• Conclus : que pense Poirot de l’affaire qui lui est proposée ?
Que pense-t-il de Miss Lemon à ce moment-là ? Track 147
Coup de pouce
Fais le bilan → WB p. 142 Écoute cette piste pour te mettre
sur la bonne voie !
Complète ta che de stratégies.

138 Get better at…


Spot the odd one out!

Quand tu lis, sois vigilant(e) : ce que tu as compris a-t-il du sens ? Si ce n’est pas le cas, demande-toi
s’il peut s’agir d’une intention délibérée de l’auteur. Sinon, c’est toi qui as mal compris…
• Parmi les phrases suivantes, repère les incohérences et propose une correction :
have a choice but to have their own car or to take a schoolbus.
they will no longer be able to pollinate, which will cause a major food crises.
3. Hawaii is a particularly multiethnic state. There are few ethnic groups, such as African-Americans,
Whites, Pacific Islanders, American Indians, Latinos...
4. Invisibility is now impossible. Making an object invisible was first achieved in Germany in 2010.
Since then, science has made even more progress.

Lire un article
Lire et comprendre un article (blog, presse...) fait appel aux mêmes stratégies que lire un récit.

ti m e tr ave l p o s s ib le ?”
“Is spaceplace.nasa.gov
NASA, 2013
Dr Marc Rayman, for the ting?
wrote and mother from mee
m e tr av el is on e of my favorite topics! I You would prevent yo
Ti that
or ie s in junior high school born!
som e tim e tr av el st
avel from ever having been
m y own invention to tr been
used a m ac hi ne of But then if you hadn’t
an d I ha ve continued to study have
backwar ds in tim e, born, you could not
ep t as th e years have gone by. event
this fascin at in g co nc gone back in time to pr
l in tim e. Du rin g th e last year, I’ve moved them from meeting.
We all trave other way to say
ar an d so ha ve yo u. An ve l in to the future is possible,
forward one ye ur per I am con dent tim e tra
is th at w e tra ve l in time at the rate of 1 ho ld ne ed to de ve lo p some very advanced
th at faster but we wou
. Bu t th e qu es tio n is , can we travel in time do it. W e co ul d travel 10,000 years into
hour”? Or can we actu
ally technology to journey.
or slow er th an “1 ho ur pe r
r tu re an d ag e on ly 1 year during that
ck w ar d in tim e, go in g back, say 2 hours pe th e fu
trip w ou ld consume an extraordi
travel ba How ever , su ch a ore
hour, or 10 or 100 year
s per hour?
nt of en er gy . Tim e travel to the past is m
lin g to th in k ab ou t time travel. What e do no t un de rs ta nd the science as well.
It is mind-bo gg father dicult. W
u w en t ba ck in tim e and prevented your
if yo

À toi de jouer !
• Lis le titre et la source.
Que répondrais-tu à la question ? À quoi peux-tu t’attendre dans l’article ?
• Lis le chapeau introducteur. Il propose généralement :
Track 148
un résumé du contenu de l’article une introduction situant l’auteur Autocorrection
(article « classique ») (chronique ou interview) Si tu en as besoin, tu peux
écouter un corrigé.
• De quoi s’agit-il ici ? Comment le sais-tu ?

Get better at… 139


• Lis l’article. Te semble-t-il correspondre au titre ? Quelle phrase répond le mieux à la question posée ?
Repère dans chaque paragraphe :
Ce qui correspond au titre
Cet article a é
té publié
en 2013. La re
connecteurs logiques pour comprendre l’articulation de chaque paragraphe. sur le voyage
dans le
temps a-t-ell
e avancé
depuis ? Pourq
uoi ne
pas aller faire
un tour
sur le site de
la Nasa ?
But the question is, can we travel in time faster or slower than
“1 hour per hour”? Or
say 2 hours per hour, or 10 or 100 years per hour?

• Que remarques-tu à propos de la première phrase de chaque paragraphe ?

• Infère le sens des mots nouveaux pour toi en utilisant les stratégies travaillées p. 137-138.
It is mind-boggling to think about time travel. What if you went back in time and
prevented your father and mother from meeting? You would prevent yourself
from ever having been born! if you hadn’t been born, you could not

• pour essayer de comprendre le sens,

même approximatif, de mind-boggling

Who are they... and where are they?

Les personnes suivantes sont toutes dans ton manuel.
Arriveras-tu à retrouver qui elles sont et à quelles pages elles se trouvent ?
1. She was a British woman who was part 3. She is an iconic American actress from
of the Royal family and was married the 1950s. She was blond-haired
to Prince Charles. She was famous and had stunning eyes. One of
her most famous movies is Some
She died in Paris in 1997... Like it Hot...

2. He is a magician from Canada. 4. He is an African-American civil

rights activist from the 1950s
famous when he participated who believed that racial equality
in Britain’s Got Talent... should be fought for by any
means necessary...

ur na ux ou ch ai ne s d’ in formation anglophones.
uites de jo
• Télécharge les applis grat , ch oi sissez de s ar tic le s sur un même thème.
Avec un(e) ou plusieurs ca
The Guardian (UK) BBC News (UK)

(US) National Post (Canada)

140 Get better at…

Get better at… writing

writing in English

Coup de pouce
Pense en anglais On s’exprime souvent de façon plus
spontanée et authentique à l’oral
Tu peux être tenté(e) de formuler tes idées en français qu’à l’écrit. Avant de passer à l’écrit,
pour ensuite les traduire en anglais. Et pourtant il vaut pourquoi ne pas t’échauffer d’abord
mieux penser directement en anglais si tu souhaites bien à l’oral ? Ne pense pas aux mots
précis dont tu as besoin mais
t’exprimer dans cette langue. à ce que tu veux dire en général.

À i  j !
• Imagine que l’on te demande de t’exprimer par écrit sur :
social networks

Construis tes phrases

Pour bien écrire, pars d’un noyau solide : sujet + verbe + complément.
Donne ensuite des précisions et complexifie ainsi tes énoncés.

Name: Katie Le
À i  j ! Born: 17 March
Nationality: Am
• Écris 5 phrases à propos de cette personne erican
Event: Summe
en donnant les informations ci-dessous : r Olympic Gam
Date: August 2 es
1. Nom, discipline sportive Place: Rio de Ja
2. Nom, discipline sportive, nationalité Sport: free style
3. Nom, discipline sportive, nationalité, récompenses & compétition Award: 5 gold
4. Nom, discipline sportive, nationalité, récompenses & compétition,
date Track 149
5. Nom, discipline sportive, nationalité, récompenses & compétition, Autocorrection
date, âge Si tu en as besoin, tu peux
écouter un corrigé.
• Compare tes phrases avec celles d’un(e) camarade.

Lis bien pour bien écrire

Pour apprendre à bien écrire, prends l’habitude d’observer attentivement les textes que tu lis :
techniques narratives

• Sur la page suivante tu trouveras une anecdote rapportée par l’écrivain américain Mark Twain
lors d'un voyage à Hawaï. Lis une première fois, puis observe la manière dont l’anecdote est racontée.

Get better at… 141

Les premières paroles ne sont pas celles Puis, le narrateur prend la parole,
du narrateur. Ici, cela donne l’impression sans transition, an de rendre plus
que le narrateur n’est pas maître de ce qui fort le contraste entre les promesses
se passe. du Capitaine et ses propres attentes.

Cap. Fitch said “There’s the king. That’s him in the buggy. Rien n’est laissé au hasard...
I know him as far as I can see him.” • les adjectifs sont organisés
, and I naturally took out a en fonction de leur longueur;
note-book and put him down: “Tall, slender, dark, • le narrateur donne déjà
quelques indices quant
full-bearded; green frock-coat, with lapels and collar
à la chute... Repère-les.
bordered with gold band an inch wide; plug hat, broad
gold band around it; royal costume looks too much like
livery; this man is not as fleshy as I thought he was.”
I had just got these notes when Cap. Fitch discovered
that he’d got hold of the wrong king, or rather, that he’d
got hold of the king’s driver, or a carriage driver of one Le narrateur annonce alors
of the nobility. The king wasn’t present at all. It was a le quiproquo.
great disappointment to me. I heard afterwards that the Observe comment il procède:
comfortable, easy-going king, Kamehameha V, had been • la structure de la phrase
seen sitting on a barrel on the wharf, the day before, où il révèle le quiproquo ;
fishing. But there was no consolation in that. That did • les suppositions qu’il fait
not restore me my lost king. quant à la véritable identité
de la personne qu’il vient
The Letters Of Mark Twain, Volume 1, 1853-1866, by Mark Twain d’observer (fais attention à
l’ordre dans lequel il présente
ces suppositions: quel est l’effet
Le narrateur fait part de sa déception, à trois reprises, escompté ?).
de manière un peu exagérée: repère les mots qu’il choisit pour
créer un effet comique (le décalage entre l’événement –bien peu
grave en soi– et son ressenti).

À toi de jouer !
• Écris un texte narratif à la manière de Mark Twain !
Cap. Fitch said: “There’s the king. That’s him in the buggy…”
Tu peux changer : les lieux

• Fais de même à partir d’un autre texte de ton manuel que tu as pris plaisir à lire.
Voici quelques suggestions :

The Perks of Be The Soul Matched
a Wallflower of a Butterfly (p. 68-69)
(p. 44-46)
(p. 51)

journal Imagine que quelque

→ Décris dans ton e
x qu
intime les cadeau → Raconte une anecdote ais
uant à dans ta vie soit désorm
tu as offerts en jo de ton enfance qui t’a
ou ceux interdit et raconte de
«Secret Santa », marqué(e).
ersaire… quelle manière cela
reçus à ton anniv
change ton existence.

142 Get better at…


Accroche ton lecteur !

Quand on écrit, il faut avoir en tête son lecteur et s’efforcer de lui donner envie de lire

• Lis cet extrait d’une nouvelle. Observe comment l’écrivain accroche son lecteur dès le début.
• Dans la suite du texte, comment l’écrivain parvient-il à surprendre le lecteur ?
1 Margie even wrote about it that night in her diary. On the page headed May 17, 2155,
she wrote, “Today Tommy found a real book!”

he was a little boy his grandfather told him that there was
5 a time when all stories were printed on paper. […]
She said, “Where did you nd it?”
“In my house.” He pointed without looking, because
he was busy reading. “In the attic.”
“What’s it about?”
10 “School.”
Margie was scornful. “School? What’s there to write about school? I hate school.”
Margie always hated school, but now she hated it more than ever. The mechanical
teacher had been giving her test aer test in geography…
Isaac Asimov, The Fun They Had, 1951

À toi de jouer !
• Adapte la première phrase du texte ci-dessus pour écrire le début d’une nouvelle histoire.
“… even wrote about it that night in … diary. On the page headed …,
she wrote, “Today, … found a real…”

Soigne la présentation
Attention, les normes de présentation d'un texte ne sont pas tout à fait les mêmes en anglais
qu’en français, notamment dans les parties dialoguées

• Dans le texte ci-dessus (The Fun They Had), regarde bien :

les guillemets la ponctuation la mise en page
À quoi servent-ils ici ? Est-elle à l’intérieur ou à l’extérieur Quand va-t-on à la ligne ?
Compare avec le français: des guillemets ? Chaque fois que…
quelle ponctuation Quand on veut annoncer une citation après
trouverait-on dans un un verbe introducteur, en anglais on n’utilise
dialogue en français ? pas les deux points ( : ), mais une… ?

• Relis la phrase : She said, “Where did you find it?”. On pourrait aussi dire : “Where did you find it?” she said.
Dans les deux cas, observe l’ordre des mots en dehors des guillemets et compare avec le français.

À toi de jouer ! Coup de pouce

Tu peux utiliser la page How to write
• Poursuis l’écriture de ton texte en imaginant a dialogue p. 71.
la conversation entre les personnages que tu as créés.

Get better at… 143

Chain writing Group work
• Choisis une amorce de phrase et écris-la sur un morceau de papier. → Ex.: The worst…
• Donne-la à un(e) camarade qui devra la compléter, puis à son tour faire passer ce début de récit
à un(e) autre camarade. Continuez jusqu’à ce que votre histoire soit terminée !

Construis une argumentation

Construire une argumentation, c’est faire valoir ton opinion sur un sujet, savoir que dire pour la défendre
et pour convaincre ton lecteur

Réfléchis à partir du sujet : Is global warming an emergency?

• Rassemble tes connaissances et idées en anglais, par exemple sous forme de mind map (cf p. 135).
• Pour construire tes paragraphes, utilise ces règles d’or :
Unité Organisation/Cohérence Illustration
• 1 paragraphe = 1 idée • Enchaîne tes phrases de manière à ce que ton • 1 idée 1 exemple
• 1 paragraphe = 1 phrase lecteur puisse suivre le déroulement de ton propos. Ton idée sera encore plus
principale + quelques • Utilise des connecteurs logiques. convaincante si tu donnes
phrases secondaires • Soigne la ponctuation. un exemple concret.
• Attention à ne pas • La dernière phrase peut être soit une
t’éloigner du sujet ! conclusion du paragraphe, soit une transition
vers le paragraphe suivant.

À toi de jouer !
• Voici les deux premiers paragraphes d’une argumentation sur le même sujet.
Vérifie que les conseils ci-dessus ont bien été suivis :
One of the most serious problems the world is facing today is global warming.
Many scientists believe that our production of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse
gases is having a heating eect on the atmosphere, which could threaten human life.
What are the dangers for humans? And what solutions could be imagined?
Global warming may have various devastating consequences. One of the main problems
is rising sea level. This could result in the ooding of low lying coastal areas and cities,
such as Egypt, the Netherlands, and Bangladesh. Some islands, even countries, might
disappear completely! Another problem caused by global warming is changes in weather
patterns. Many areas of the world are experiencing increased hurricanes, oods,
and other unusual weather. A third problem associated with global warming is the eect
on animals. Fish populations could be aected, while some insects which spread disease
might become more common.
However, scientists believe that there are several things we can do...

• À toi d’écrire le paragraphe inachevé et la conclusion en suivant les mêmes conseils !

Si tu veux ajouter encore un paragraphe pour développer
une nouvelle idée, pourquoi ne pas l’annoncer en ajoutant Fais le bilan → WB p. 143
une question dans l’introduction ?
Complète ta che de stratégies.

144 Get better at…

80 exercices
pour s’entraîner en grammaire

Be et Have . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 146 Les assemblages de verbes . . . . . . . . . . p. 153

Make / let + innitif

Le choix de la conjugaison . . . . . . . . . . . p. 146 V-ing ou innitif
Présent simple
Les adverbes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 153
Présent BE + -ing
Présent simple ou Présent BE + -ing
Prétérit simple Les déterminants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 153
Prétérit simple ou Prétérit BE + -ing
Have au Présent + participe passé Les démonstratifs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 154
Have been + V-ing
Have au Prétérit + participe passé Les pronoms rééchis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 154
Parler de l’avenir
Exprimer un souhait
Les adjectifs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 154
Parler d’habitude avec used to

Le comparatif et le superlatif . . . . . . . p. 154

Les modaux et leurs équivalents . . . p. 150

Can Le génitif . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 155

Will / would
Les prépositions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 155
May / might
Could / would
Les quantieurs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 155
La permission, l’obligation et l’interdiction
dans le passé Les phrases complexes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 156
Should / could / must + have + pp. Les pronoms relatifs
Faire des hypothèses Les connecteurs logiques

Poser des questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 152 Le choix du discours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 157

Le choix de la voix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 157

Exercices d’entraînement

Be et Have – I know, but she (not – clean) it because it’s dirty,

she (do) it to get some pocket money!
– (She – work) a lot at the moment?
1 Complète les phrases suivantes avec l’auxiliaire
– Well, next Saturday she (babysit) the neighbours’
qui convient. kids and she also (plan) to work at the supermarket
a. She … 15 years old and … two brothers. at weekends.
b. He … an amazing personality and … very good – Wow, she is a busy girl!
in science.
c. When I … too tired in the morning, I … coffee for
Présent simple ou Présent en BE + -ing ?
d. They … both American and … lots in common.
4 Présent simple ou Présent en BE + -ing ?
e. I … hardworking and reliable, and I also … good
communication skills. a. Peter can’t come tonight. He (play) tennis with his
b. He usually (arrive) late.
Le choix de la conjugaison c. I can’t go to school today because I (not feel) well.
d. Look at him! He (wear) a superman costume, he
(look) so ridiculous!
Présent simple
e. I (hate) dressing-up, I always (feel) uncomfortable.
f. I can’t come right now, I (help) my little sister with
2 Conjugue les verbes dans cette interview. her homework.
– So, what (be) your name? g. How long (stay) he in Paris?
– My name (be) Olivia.
– And where (you – live) Olivia? 5 Choisis la bonne conjugaison.
– I (live) in Oxfordshire. Ann Makosinski (be) only 17 and (be) an inventor but
– (be) your parents supportive? she (not – like) people to call her a genius. She and
– Yes, they (be), but my grandma (not – like) me to go her parents (live) in Canada. She (love) science and
on stage, she (think) I (be) too young. regularly (take part) in TV shows to talk about her
– OK, and besides singing, what (you – do) in your inventions. She always (invent) new devices, that (be)
spare time? her passion. She currently (work) on a coffee mug that
(charge) your phone. What she (plan) next?
– Hum, I (not – know), I usually (listen) to music and
I (go out) with my friends.
Prétérit simple
Besoin d’aide ?
Présent en BE + -ing Relis la leçon p. 28 et 74.
6 Raconte la soirée de Julia.
3 Conjugue les verbes dans ce court dialogue. Last night, Julia (go) … to the cinema. She (phone) …
her friend Susan and they (leave) … their houses at
– What (she – do)? 7pm. They (meet) … at 8 pm in front of the cinema.
– She (clean) the car. They (buy) … their tickets and (get) … some popcorn.
– But it’s not even dirty! They (sit) … in the back and (eat) … and (drink) …
during the entire movie! They (enjoy) … the film very
much. They (think) … it (be) … very entertaining.

146 80 exercices pour s’entraîner


7 Conjugue les verbes au Prétérit simple. Have au Présent + participe passé

a. We (sing) too much last night, I have a sore throat Besoin d’aide ?
Relis la leçon p. 20.
b. I (find) your keys on the floor. 10 Complète les phrases en conjuguant les verbes

c. They (sell) their house last year. au Présent Have + participe passé.
d. I’m so disappointed, I (think) our team would win! a. Darcy Oake (take part) in the “Britain’s got talent” show.
e. We (make) a delicious cake. b. (you – check on) Darcy Oake’s website yet?
f. Who (write) this book? c. Flynn McGarry (apprentice) at some of the best
g. I (fall) off from my bike and I (hurt) my knee. restaurants in the USA.
h. I (sit) on this old chair and it just (break)! d. Missy Franklyn, aged 21, (already – win) 27 medals in
International swimming competitions.
e. By the age of 14, Ashima Shiraishi (become) the best
Prétérit simple ou Prétérit en BE + -ing ? female rock climber ever.
Besoin d’aide ? f. Olivia Hallisey (invent) an inexpensive test to detect
Relis la leçon p. 56. the Ebola virus for the Google Science Fair.
8 Complète ce dialogue à l’aide des verbes
indiqués. 11 Bob s’apprête à partir en vacances, voici sa liste
de choses faites ou à faire. Fais des phrases complètes
– Yesterday evening there … my favourite series on
en utilisant already / not … yet et le Présent Have +
television. You … not … it, … you? (BE – WATCH – DO)
participe passé.
– Yes, I…. ! I … it when my parents arrived. (DO –
– And what … they …? … they upset? (SAY – BE)
– No, actually they … quite happy because it … in ✔ book my plane ticket ✘ renew my passport
English! (BE – BE) ✔ wash my clothes ✘ book a hotel
✔ buy a travel guide ✘ call the host
9 Conjugue les verbes au Prétérit simple ou Prétérit ✔ take my camera ✘ pack suitcase
en BE + -ing
a. Ali (head) for the back of the bus when he (see) on
the front page of a newspaper the death of Emmett Till. 12 Présente les performances de la gymnaste
b. Ali (look) at his father while he (paint) américaine Simone Biles. Tu peux utiliser les verbes
c. Someone (shoot) Malcolm X while he (give) a suivants : win – break – get – receive – be
d. Cassius Clay (change) his name when he (be) 25 Name: Simone Biles
years old. Age: 19
e. She (wear) a red dress when I (meet) her. Profession: Artistic gymnast
Nationality: American
f. We (have) dinner, then we (go) out.
3-time world champion
g. I (sleep) when I (hear) a strange noise in the house.
4 gold medals in Rio de Janeiro
I was so scared!
14 gold medals in total
h. We (come) home earlier last night to be on time for 2 silver medals
the TV show. 3 bronze medals
1st female American gymnast to be flag bearer

80 exercices pour s’entraîner 147

13 Présent Have + participe passé ou Prétérit 16 Présent Have + participe passé ou Présent Have
simple ? Complète avec la forme qui convient. been + V-ing ? Complète avec la forme qui convient.
a. I (work) part-time since the age of 14. a. Leonardo DiCaprio is such a great actor! He … (act)
b. Last summer, I (work) at Starbucks for three weeks. since he was 19. He … (play) in more than 36 movies!
c. We (go) skiing for Christmas. b. Look, we … (paint) your bedroom! It looks so much
better now!
d. They (go) to the cinema last Saturday.
c. Come on, you don’t know Adele? She … (sing) all
e. I (be) amazed by his performance.
around the world for many years now!
f. I (never be) to the U.S.
d. (buy) … you … your train ticket yet?
g. When we last (see) him, he was walking his dog
e. Unless you … (live) on planet Mars, you should
in the street.
definitely know this actress!
h. Which film (you – see) recently?
f. I … (see) this TV show before.
g. It’s so nice of them, they … (invite) us for the holiday!
14 Rédige un mail pour répondre à cette annonce
et décrocher un job cet été.
Have au Prétérit + participe passé
Posted by Helen D. on 3/06/2014 Besoin d’aide ?
Seattle, WA Relis la leçon p. 64.

JOB Hello! 17 Voici quelques phrases d’un exposé sur l’histoire

DESCRIPTION: My name is Helen and I am needing
a full time Nanny for my two-year-old son. des Noirs américains. Complète-les en conjuguant
I am looking for a loving, dependable, and les verbes.
honest individual to care for my son. I also
need help with light cooking, some errands, a. When the Jim Crow laws were passed and
light cleaning. Transportation is a must. I segregation was introduced, slavery (be) abolished for
am not looking for a “sitter”, I am looking
more than 10 years.
for a long term caregiver that my son and I
can welcome into our b. Ruby Bridges was the first Black girl to go to a white
small family! school after the Supreme Court (declare) segregation
in schools illegal in 1956.
$10.00 - $20.00 Start date: Weekly 1 Child
per hour ASAP Full-Time - Weekdays c. Martin Luther King (already – lecture) all over the
country on race-related issues before giving his famous
speech “I have a dream”.
Already a member? Log in WANT TO APPLY FOR THIS JOB? SIGN UP
d. If the bus driver (not – order) Rosa Parks to give up
her seat, would the Montgomery Bus Boycott have
taken place?
Besoin d’aide ? e. By the early 1960s, Malcolm X (emerge) as a
Have been + V-ing Relis la leçon p. 96. leading voice of a radicalized wing of the Civil Rights
15 Conjugue les verbes au Présent Have been +
V-ing 18 Dans cette courte biographie, conjugue les

a. How long … ? (you – watch TV) verbes à la forme qui convient : Prétérit simple ou
Have au Prétérit + pp.
b. The kitchen is a complete mess! What … you … ? (do)
c. My friends … in London for two years now. (live) Carrie Fisher was a wonderful actress. She (be) born in
California on 21st October 1956. Only two years after
d. He … at us since we came in! (stare)
she (act) in her first romantic comedy, she (get) the
e. I … a lot recently, my exams are in a few weeks. role of her life in Star Wars as Princess Leia Organa.
(study) When she (start) writing in 2000, she (already – play)
f. Where … you (hide)? I … you everywhere! (look for) in 6 films. She (take up) her role in Star Wars: The Force
Awakens just before dying on 27th December 2016.

148 80 exercices pour s’entraîner


19 Prétérit simple ou Have au Prétérit + pp. ? 22 Complète en utilisant l’expression du futur (will,
Réfléchis bien à l’ordre des actions de chaque phrase. Présent en -ing ou be going to).
a. No one (go) to Church that morning because the a. That bag looks heavy, I (help) you.
Ku Klux Klan (burn) the whole building the day before. b. My sister (get) married next month. I think I (buy) a
b. Before Rosa Parks (refuse) to give up her seat, two nice suit for her wedding.
other activists (do) the same and (stand up) for their c. The doctor said he needs to rest, he (feel) better in a
rights. few days.
c. When segregation (start), Blacks (go) through years d. Look at those black clouds, it (rain)
of slavery, forced work and humiliation.
e. There’s a good movie on TV tonight, I (watch) it.
d. Barack Obama (become) the first American President
f. I’ve tried everything but he … (not eat)
in 2008. In his inaugural speech he (pay) a tribute to
the great number of activists who (give) their lives to g. There’s someone at the door, … (you – get) it?
help his people.
e. When I (be) young, my grandfather (tell) me he Exprimer un souhait
(meet) Martin Luther King in his school.
23 Exprime le souhait à l’aide du verbe wish et
20 Imagine ce qui s’est passé juste avant ces
du Prétérit modal à la forme affirmative ou négative.
situations surprenantes.
e.g. My parents don’t give me a lot of pocket money.
a. When my brother woke up, he was sleeping with → I wish they gave me more pocket money.
a Superman costume in the middle of the kitchen!
a. I don’t have a car.
Just before that he…
b. I don’t know how to drive.
b. They heard a strange noise and realized all the
windows were broken. Just before that… c. It’s Winter.
c. She arrived with the biggest smile ever! Just before d. I’m ill.
that… e. My laptop is broken.
f. I have so much homework!
Parler de l'avenir
Parler d’habitude dans le passé avec used to
21 Exprime le futur à l’aide de will ou be going to
24 Conjugue le verbe avec used to
Pour rappel, on utilise “be going to” pour parler
d’un projet futur, d’une activité planifiée ou pour a. … a park here. Now there is a skyscraper. (there – be)
faire des prédictions dans un futur très proche. b. Every Sunday, … under that huge tree. (we – picnic)
c. When I was younger, … the violin. (I – play)
a. She is in a hurry because she … her brother at the d. … at 6 am every day? (you – get up)
station at six. (meet) e. … in England when I was a kid. (I – live)
b. I … a fresh orange juice and scrambled eggs, thank
you! (have) 25 Complète en utilisant used to.
c. I’m afraid there … a storm, look at the sky! (be)
a. When my grandparents were young, they …
d. We … next Christmas in Thailand. (spend)
b. Before planes existed, people …
e. I … to London next year. (probably – go)
c. When there was no mobiles, teenagers …
f. … you quiet? (be)
d. When there was no Internet, people …
g. You’re too close to the edge, you … . (fall)
e. When I was a kid, I …

80 exercices pour s’entraîner 149

26 Pour chaque énoncé, choisis entre les deux
b. Next year, you’ll … join the regional badminton
formes en gras. Dans les énoncés concernés, souligne
ce qui justifie d’utiliser la forme used to c. I … not lift this box, it’s too heavy for me!
d. Ask him, he should … to help you.
a. I ran / used to run ten kilometers every day when
I was a student, but I can’t anymore, I am too busy. e. Gill … play the guitar even though she’s never
studied music!
b. I liked / used to like coffee but I don’t anymore.
c. Two days ago, Sarah met / used to meet John’s
parents for the first time. Must
d. Every other week, they went / used to go to the gym
with their friends, but they are too old now. 30 Complète en utilisant must ou son équivalent
e. One day in Australia, we saw / used to see an have to
alligator and we were / used to be really scared.
a. In this school, pupils … wear uniforms.
b. You … not tell anyone what I’ve just told you,
27 Prétérit simple ou used to ? Mets les verbes
it’s a secret.
à la forme qui convient.
c. Will you … work all day during your internship?
I … (live) in Los Angeles before the earthquake. d. I don’t know, I’ll … check with my employer.
I … (have) a friend there who then … (move) to New
York. The day of the earthquake, we … (be) in the e. We … not forget to lock all the doors when we leave!
supermarket where we … (shop) every day. It was
terrifying because everything … (fall) from the shelves. 31 Repérez les phrases dans lesquelles must
But we … (survive)! exprime l’obligation, puis mettez-les au futur. Quelle
est la valeur de must dans les autres phrases ?
28 Complète à l’aide de “use”, “used to”ou “be a. She must be upset; she doesn’t want to come out.
used to + -ing”. b. You can borrow my dress but you must not get it all
a. There … be a church here. dirty!
b. They … sleeping in luxurious hotels. c. With such an accent, he must be Irish!
c. They … big machines to build houses. d. He may go out but he must be home by 10 pm!
d. He … play the guitar in this pub. e. It’s not free! You must pay to get in.
e. I … go to football practice on Mondays but I can’t
anymore, they’ve changed the timetable. Besoin d’aide ?
Will / would Relis la leçon p. 88.
f. Why … you … getting up so late?
g. We … go and see them every Sunday. 32 Complète cette conversation avec l’auxiliaire
h. Teachers often … red pens to mark tests. modal qui convient.
– When … I start?
– I … like you to start tomorrow. You … need to be here
Les modaux et leurs équivalents by 9 am.
– … you be my tutor for this internship?
Can – Yes but you … work with different teams. … you like
me to introduce them now?
29 Complète en utilisant can ou son équivalent – I … love to, thank you.
be able to – You … first spend some time within the customer
a. Not only does she speak English, Spanish and service, then you … go to the marketing department.
German, but she … speak Chinese too! – That sounds great!

150 80 exercices pour s’entraîner


33 Complète ce dialogue en conjuguant les verbes 36 Complète cette conversation avec will, would ou
à la forme qui convient. could
– If I … (live) in a big capital city, my life … (be) so much – Hi! What … you like?
more exciting! – I … have some tea please and one Cappuccino.
– Why? – … you like English tea, Breakfast tea or Green tea?
– Well, for a start, we … (go) to the cinema or to the – English tea … do. … you also bring us some scones?
theatre more often. We … (see) brilliant musicals and
– Sure. How many?
we … (eat) in nice restaurants.
– Just two. Oh and … you warm them up please?
– Maybe, but then we … (spend) our time in traffic
jams! And you … (have to) take the subway or the – Of course. Anything else?
bus to go to school instead of just using your bike! – That … be all for now. Thank you!
– Yes, but if we … (move) into town, I … (visit) my
friends more easily and therefore I … (not spend) Besoin d’aide ?
Should Relis la leçon p. 88.
so much time on my game console!

37 Quels conseils donnerais-tu si on te disait:

Besoin d’aide ?
May / might Relis la leçon p. 88. a. I’m hot. → You should…
b. I don’t understand the lesson.
34 Complète avec l’auxiliaire modal qui convient.
c. I don’t know what job I want to do.
Rappelle-toi que might a un sens futur très incertain. d. I can’t go to sleep in the evening.
e. I have a fever, I think I’m sick.
a. … I use the toilets, please? f. I didn’t tell my mom I broke her favourite vase.
b. They … come and visit us tomorrow, but they’re not
really sure.
La permission, l’obligation et l’interdiction
c. He … arrive late, he’s taking the bus. dans le passé
d. If you don’t drive carefully, you … skid on the ice. Besoin d’aide ?
Relis la leçon p. 64.
e. Yes, you … come in. Have a seat!
f. Take an umbrella, it … rain tonight. 38 Complète ces phrases avec la forme qui convient:
g. If I entered the contest, I … actually win. have to – can – be able to conjugué au Prétérit.
Ruby Bridges was a six-year-old Black little girl when
Besoin d’aide ? she became famous in 1960. She lived in Louisiana.
Could / would Relis la leçon p. 28. Until then, she … go to a black school because, during
segregation, Black and White people … not share the
35 Conjugue les verbes. Ajoute could/would lorsque same public places. But in 1954 school segregation was
tu le peux. declared illegal and, from that moment, Black children
… join any White school.
a. I (take) this book if I (go) to a desert island.
Nevertheless, Ruby Bridges’s story showed that, even
b. I (look) everywhere for my sunglasses but I (not find)
with that Supreme Court’s decision, things were
difficult. She was the only Black pupil in her class for a
c. If you (meet) the president, what (tell) him? whole year and she … eat on her own at school.
d. I (not buy) this game if I (be) you. For years, civil rights leaders … continue to fight for
e. If there (be) an earthquake, I (hide) under the table. racial equality until the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which
f. He (not make) it on time for the meeting yesterday became the turning point in American history for Black
because the train was delayed for one hour. Americans.

80 exercices pour s’entraîner 151

Besoin d’aide ?
39 Complète les phrases avec la forme appropriée : Faire des hypothèses Relis la leçon p. 38.
be allowed to / be forbidden to
a. When I was small, I … watch a little bit of TV in the 42 If … will ou if … would ? Choisis le temps qui
evening. convient, puis complète ces phrases.
b. In Victorian times, children … speak at table. Things a. If you watch too much TV, you … a couch potato.
have changed now! (become)
c. Women … vote for a long time. Nowadays, it’s their b. They will make mistakes if they … (not – concentrate)
duty as every single citizen.
c. … you…. me some money if I wash your car? (give)
d. In the 1950s, Black Americans … not … sit in the bus
d. If he …., he won’t become a champion. (not – practise)
front rows.
e. If I won a million dollars, I … around the world. (travel)
e. In this dystopian world, reading books and listening
to music … . f. You … again if I give you too much homework.

Should / could / must + have + participe passé 43 Complète les phrases suivantes avec les éléments
de ton choix.
40 Réagis aux questions en reconnaissant tes torts
a. If he asks for my address, I ….
et donne une raison.
b. If … , I will give him extra pocket-money.
a. – Why didn’t you talk to her? She is your best friend! c. If you lend me your bike, I ….
– I know I should have… d. If … there would be less pollution.
b. – Why didn’t you tell your parents?
– You’re right, I could have… 44 Rédige ton portrait chinois en choisissant
c. – Why didn’t you come to my party? 6catégories, puis devine ce que l’un de tes camarades
– I’m sorry, I must have… aurait répondu. Vérifie. Le connais-tu bien ?
If I were a colour… If I were a celebrity…
41 John rentre de vacances. On lui a volé toutes ses If I were a season… If I were a superhero…
affaires à l’hôtel. Complète les réactions de son ami If I were food… If I were a country…
James à l’aide du conditionnel passé : should have +
If I were an object… If I were an animal…
pp / could have + pp / must have + pp.
John: The thieves took all my cash, more than $100!
James: You … (be) so angry! Poser des questions
John: They came into the room through the window. Besoin d’aide ?
James: You … (close) it! Relis la leçon p. 20.
John: I didn’t go to the police because it was useless
45 Formule les questions qui auraient pu provoquer
and such a waste of time.
les réponses ci-dessous.
James: You … (go) because that’s the only way to
prevent them from doing it again. They … (show) you a. She usually goes to school at 7.30.
photos of different suspects. b. She lives in New York City.
c. Chris Evans? He’s my favourite actor.
d. I think it’s Mary’s coat.
e. My test is tomorrow.
f. No, I don’t really like him.
g. Because I hate horror movies.

152 80 exercices pour s’entraîner


46 Tu reçois un jeune en entretien d’embauche Les adverbes

pour un stage dans un cabinet de vétérinaire,
un studio d’enregistrement... Pose-lui six questions 50 Réponds à ce questionnaire en utilisant ces
pour savoir s’il est le bon candidat.
adverbes de fréquence :
never < seldom < rarely < sometimes < often < always
47 Prépare un quiz sur le thème suivant :
How connected are you? Fais des phrases complètes.
→ Rédige 6 questions et propose plusieurs réponses
possibles pour chacune d’entre elles.
a. Do you go to the theatre?
→ Échange ton quiz avec un camarade et réponds
à ses questions. b. Do you listen to the news or read the newspaper?
c. Do you jog or do some exercise during the
e.g. How often do you check your phone? weekends?
when I have time twice a day every 10 sec. d. Do you visit your grandparents or relatives?
e. Do you talk to your neighbours?
f. Are you nervous before an exam?
Les assemblages de verbes g. Are you usually punctual?

Make / let + infinitif 51 Transforme certains adjectifs en adverbes et

rédige des phrases. Attention à l’ordre des mots !
48 Choisis entre let ou make dans les situations e.g. The new Star Wars movie is (exciting + terrible)
suivantes. → The new Star Wars movie is terribly exciting.
a. John’s parents used to … him tidy his room. a. This restaurant is … . (expensive + extreme)
b. The teacher doesn’t … her students use their mobile b. The sea is … this summer. (unusual + hot )
phones in the class. c. My grandfather is … . (ill + serious)
c. The policeman … the teenagers pick up the litter they d. This actress is … . (incredible + beautiful)
had just dropped. e. I am … . (tired + real)
d. Your sister might … you borrow her laptop if you ask f. He is a … runner. (fast + surprising)
her nicely.
e. The stand-up comedian really … us laugh last night.
f. They … their dog walk alone in the street. Les déterminants
Besoin d’aide ?
Relis la leçon p. 96.
V-ing ou infinitif
52 Ajoute a / an / the ou ø dans les phrases suivantes.
49 Conjugue les verbes à la forme qui convient.
a. … teacher showed us … documentary about all … films
a. I would like … (come) to the cinema with you. shot in New Zealand. It was really … interesting video.
b. She kept … (talk) during the movie. b. I met all … crew of … Lords of … Rings when I went to
c. I’m learning how … (speak) English. Auckland.
d. Do you mind …(help) me with my homework? c. In New Zealand … children don’t spend much time
e. He decided … (study) abroad. playing … video games because they prefer doing …
outdoor activities such as … swimming or … hiking.
f. I don’t want … (leave) yet.
d. … children I told you about were surfing like mad!
g. I don’t fancy … (go) out tonight.
They were only 8!
h. She avoided … (tell) him about her plans.
e. … rugby team I met was amazing. I really love …

80 exercices pour s’entraîner 153

53 Complète ce texte par l’article qui convient. Les adjectifs

Travelling to New Zealand is such … incredible

57 Réécris les phrases en utilisant un adjectif
experience. You see things you’ll never see elsewhere.
composé. Observe bien les éléments pour choisir
For example, I saw … funniest animal I’ve ever seen
la bonne catégorie d’adjectif composé.
while hiking on Franz Josef Glacier. Did you know
it’s one of … fastest moving glaciers in … world? e.g. Ruby is 6 years old. / She is American.
Anyway, the whole trip was just … amazing → Ruby is a 6-year-old American girl.
experience. … inhabitants I met were so welcoming. Marilyn is blonde. She has got short hair. She is famous.
Their respect of … nature and of … elders is rather → Marilyn is a famous short-haired blonde actress.
moving. If you go there, you definitely need to visit …
Tom works hard. → Tom is hard-working.
city of … Roturua. I really recommend this trip!
a. Peter is a tall boy. He has black hair.
b. This is a funny film. The end is happy.
c. These children behave well.
Les démonstratifs d. I have bought a new bike. It has one wheel.
e. In Harry Potter, there is a dog with 3 heads. It is
54 Complète avec le démonstratif qui convient.
f. Mike looks good. He is a nice guy.
a. Shall I wear this shirt or … one?
g. Her daughter has got green eyes. She is a cute baby.
b. Can I have a look at … trousers?
c. We’re going to play tennis … morning. 58 Choisis la forme qui convient.
d. Let’s go to … new mall that opened last week!
a. No matter how much I study, I can’t seem to
e. Hi Stuart! … is my friend Joanna. remember this list of vocabulary. It’s so frustrated/
f. We have to do some homework, … isn’t a holiday frustrating
you know. b. This math problem is so confused/confusing, can
you help me?
55 Réécris ces phrases au pluriel. c. I’m confused/confusing now. Who is John and who
a. This child is really smart. is Paul?
d. The journey was exhausted/exhausting. Twelve
b. That superhero is amazing!
hours by bus!
c. This book shelf has to be replaced.
e. I was really embarrassed/embarrassing when I fell
d. Look, that crocodile tooth seems bigger than over in the street.
the other one!
f. This exercise is so bored/boring
g. I’m feeling depressed/depressing, so I’m just going
to go home and eat some chocolate.
Les pronoms rééchis h. The plane began to move in a rather alarmed/
alarming way.
56 Complète les phrases avec le pronom réfléchi
qui convient.
myself – yourself – himself/herself/itself – ourselves – Le comparatif et le superlatif
yourselves –themselves. Besoin d’aide ?
a. He found … in the middle of a fight. Relis la leçon p. 120.

b. I really enjoyed … today. 59 Compare les éléments suivants à l’aide

c. If you want some more bread, please help …. du comparatif de supériorité. Donne ton point de vue !
d. My brother and I decorated the Christmas tree …. e.g. Adele – Birdy – famous → Adele is more famous
e. My mother often talks to …. than Birdy.

154 80 exercices pour s’entraîner


a. the USA – the UK – big Les prépositions

b. Spain – England – rainy
c. playing rugby – playing tennis – difficult
63 Complète avec la préposition qui convient.
d. Mr. Bean – David Beckham – funny
a. He is interested … politics.
e. Elizabeth II – Kate – old
b. We meet there … 8 pm.
f. watching a musical – visiting the British Museum –
interesting c. Frank is … holiday for three weeks.
g. American food – French food – good d. He is very different … what I expected.
e. I was … the bus stop when I saw him.
60 Décris la Nouvelle Zélande en utilisant f. She was born … 28th December 2016.
le superlatif de supériorité. g. My mum’s always been scared … spiders.
a. New Zealand is… – amazing / country h. He’s determined … succeed.
b. The All Blacks are… – impressive / rugby men i. I stayed … home all weekend.
c. Auckland is… – busy / city
64 Sais-tu exprimer les goûts et les sentiments ?
d. Rotorua has… – rich / Maori culture
Complète ces verbes avec la préposition qui convient.
e. In Milford Sound you can enjoy… – spectacular /
cruises a. My two brothers are crazy … tennis. They play every
f. Mount Cook is… in New Zealand. – high / mountain day!
g. Travelling to New Zealand is… I’ve ever had. – good / b. I am really fond … her! She is so sweet and good-
experience natured.
c. People often think boys are more interested …
61 Trouve l’adjectif qui convient, puis complète computers than girls. This is so wrong!
ces phrases en utilisant le superlatif de supériorité. d. My mum is keen … playing video games.
She often plays when I’m at school.
a. The kiwi is … bird in New Zealand.
e. Anna always talks … cinema. She wants to be
b. Summer is … month.
an actress.
c. King Kong is … film shot in New Zealand.
f. I’m very pleased … my exam results.
d. … Maori phrase is “Kia Ora”. Do you know what it
g. He’s quite good … volleyball.
h. I think Julie is very different … her sister.
e. In that country you can find … dolphin.
f. Moko is … tradition of Maori people.

Les quantieurs
Besoin d’aide ?
Le génitif Relis la leçon p. 106.

65 Complète à l’aide de some, any ou no

62 Connais-tu bien la famille royale ? Explique
les liens de parenté entre ces personnes. a. Can I have … water please?
e.g. Prince Charles / William → Prince Charles is b. Please don’t make … noise, your sister is sleeping.
William’s father. c. Would you like … tea now?
a. William / Kate d. She has … homework tonight, lucky girl!
b. William / Harry e. I’m sorry, but I can’t give you … details.
c. Lady Diana / Harry and William f. Look, I’ve brought … photos so you can see how
d. Queen Elizabeth II / Prince Philip much she has grown!
e. Charlotte and George / Elizabeth II g. She needs … money for her school trip.
f. Prince Harry / George

80 exercices pour s’entraîner 155

66 Complète à l’aide de much, many ou a lot of. 70 Relie ces phrases à l’aide d’un pronom relatif.

a. Do you think … people will come tonight? Tu peux avoir à modifier certaines phrases.
b. They don’t spend … money on videogames.
c. We’ve already visited … countries in Europe. a. Milk is a biopic about Harvey Milk. He fought for the
d. She doesn’t read … poetry, she prefers fiction. rights of homosexuals.
e. Have you got … friends in your school? b. 8 Mile is a surprising film. It explains how Eminem
f. I haven’t got … change, I only have a few pennies. became famous.
g. How … eggs did you use in this cake? c. Lady Diana’s story is so moving. She died in a car
accident in Paris.
67 Complète à l’aide de few, a few, little ou a little d. Colin Firth was nominated for Best Actor Oscar. He
has the lead role in the King’s Speech
a. I have … good friends, which is enough for me. e. Steven Spielberg is perhaps Hollywood’s best known
b. He has … education, he can hardly read or count. director. His career is filled with huge commercial
c. Give me … more time to finish, please! successes such as Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) or
d. I’ve got … books on that topic, would you like to Jurassic Park (1993).
borrow one?
e. I drink very … milk, I don’t really like it. Besoin d’aide ?
Les connecteurs logiques Lexique p. 169.
f. There are very … mistakes in your test, congratulations!
g. She can count on very .… people unfortunately. 71 Complète ces phrases à l’aide de connecteurs
yet – so – since – despite – even though – but – whereas–
Les phrases complexes as long as
a. I can go out every Saturday evenings … I have good
Besoin d’aide ?
Les pronoms relatifs marks at school.
Relis la leçon p. 56.
b. A lot of pupils bring cell phones at school, … it’s
68 Complète par le pronom relatif qui convient : forbidden.
who, which, that ou Ø. c. … the cold weather, they’re going to play football
a. I sent an email to my brother … lives in Australia.
d. You want a good mark at your English test? … why
b. I broke a glass … was brand new.
are you not studying?
c. The movie … I saw yesterday was rubbish.
e. It’s weird, I’m tired and … I can’t sleep.
d. Is this the umbrella … you lost?
f. He is quiet and rather shy, … his sister is lively and
e. Do you know the girl … is sitting over there? very talkative.
f. Can you bring me the book … is on the table? g. Car racing is exciting … quite dangerous.
h. He’s been sleeping … the movie started.
69 Complète avec le pronom relatif qui convient :
who, whose, whom ou Ø. 72 Complète cette lettre par un des connecteurs
a. The police identified the murderer … fingerprints logiques suivants :
were on the knife.
unfortunately – whereas – however – despite –
b. Ellen, … is a big fan of Woody Allen, can talk for as soon as – so – even if – although
hours about his films!
c. He reminds me of someone … I used to know.
d. Tim is the boy … father is a pilot.
e. You’re the one … told me not to come!
f. The person to … you were speaking is a famous
graffiti artist.

156 80 exercices pour s’entraîner


Dear Mum, 75 Rapporte ces paroles au discours indirect

We had a really good flight to New York, … en utilisant un verbe introducteur au Prétérit
Julia began to panic, like always, when the (tell / say / answer / ask...).
plane took off. The flight seemed short and
I slept most of the time … Julia watched two e.g. Anna : ‘I am really tired’ → Anna said she was really
movies. … we landed, we met Dave’s parents. tired.
… their car had just broken down … we had Mike : ‘Do you like tennis?’ → Mike asked if I liked
to take a taxi. You should see their house! tennis.
It’s huge, they even have a pool table in their
a. Paul and Becky: “We love playing tennis.”
basement! We started visiting the next day …
the cold weather. New York is just amazing, b. John: “New York is a great city.”
… it’s very noisy. I just love it here! c. Anna: “Have you got a cat?”
…. I’m not too keen on the food: Dave’s Mom d. Kessy: “I don’t like playing video games.”
is really a bad cook!
e. My Spanish teacher: “Are you going to Spain this
Hope all is well at home!
f. The Simpsons: “Where are you from?”

76 Complète les phrases au discours indirect.

73 Complète ces phrases à l’aide de connecteurs Pense à bien observer la concordance des temps.
logiques. a. Kathy and Matt: “We have never been to New York”.
a. I hate doing my homework … I have to! → They said they…. to NY.
b. I’m good at maths … Anna is good at English. b. Anna: “I saw the new Star Wars yesterday”.
c. … she doesn’t live far from school, she’s always late → She said she … the new Star Wars yesterday.
in the morning! c. Tom: “Do you often play tennis?”
d. You need to have good communication skills … do → Tom asked me … tennis.
this job well.
d. Jake: “Sorry, I can’t come tonight. I’m working.”
e. I left the party … I was bored.
→ Jake told his parents he … come that night because
f. Why don’t you go out and do some sports … staying he ….”
home watching TV?
e. Ryan: “Did you see my brother last week?”
g. Harry is very smart, … he is quite lazy and
→ Ryan asked Anna … she…. last week.
f. My friend: “Where did you go last Summer?”
→ My friend asked me … last Summer.
Le choix du discours (direct / indirect)
Besoin d’aide ?
Relis la leçon p. 56. Le choix de la voix (active/ passive)
74 Complète ces phrases avec said, told ou asked.
77 Conjugue les verbes à la voix passive et au temps
a. Ali’s coach … him if his goal was to be the best boxer
in the world. demandé.
b. He … me he was sorry. Au Présent
c. She … that she had taken English lessons before. a. Some species … by hunting. (endanger)
d. I … if she could come but she … she was too busy. b. Many cities … by pollution. (affect)
e. My sister always … me her favorite actor was Ryan
c. You’re organizing a party? Great! … I … ? (invite)
f. They … me to come early for my first day.

80 exercices pour s’entraîner 157

Au Prétérit
79 Imagine ce qui a pu se passer et quelles sont
d. This house … in 1903. (construct)
les conséquences.
e. My wallet … last Monday. (steal)
f. Julia and Tim … to give a speech. (ask)

Have + pp.
g. The new books … this morning. (order)
h. The holidays … by a travel agent. (book)
i. The thief … by the police. (catch)
j. … you … by the customer? (pay)

78 Choisis entre la voix active ou la voix passive,

puis conjugue les verbes au Prétérit.
80 Reformule ces phrases en choisissant pour sujet
le nom souligné. Quand rien n’est souligné, à toi
Last year, my brother (bully) by classmates. de trouver un sujet !
They (call) him names and (exclude) him from
their games. He (not-want) to go to school a. Mary Tibbit was brought to America in 1774 by
anymore. a slave trader.
Some of my friends (ask) to testify and b. She had been captured in her village by tribesmen.
then some pupils in his class (expel) by the c. On the plantation she was regularly beaten by
Principal. the owner.
d. She hadn’t been taught how to write or read.

158 80 exercices pour s’entraîner

Activities and sports ................ p. 160 People .................................. p. 165
Competition Description
Outdoor activities Feelings
Practice Physical appearance
Sports Personality
Arts Negative
..................................... p. 160
Around the film
Camera and technique
Cast and crew Relationships
Film genres
Politics ................................. p. 167
Literary genres Means of protest
Literary terms Means of repression
Music State of mind
Instruments Travel .................................. p. 168
Music genres
Describing places
Songs Geography
Visual arts
Talking about art
Positive impressions Words in action
Negative impressions
Reactions 1. Agreeing / Disagreeing . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 169
2. Connecting sentences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 169
Jobs ...................................... p. 163
3. Giving your opinion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 170
Experience 4. Talking about camera shots . . . . . . . . p. 170
Interests 5. Talking about a painting . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 171
6. Talking about a poster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 172
Looking for a job (advert, film)
7. Talking about a press article . . . . . . . . p. 173

Nature .................................. p. 165

→ Si tu s besoin de rechercher d’utres mots :
Animals utilise un dictionnaire papier ou un dictionnaire
en ligne, par exemple :
www.wordreference.com ou
Alerting www.thefreedictionary.com
Changes → Prends l’hbitude d’pprendre les mots
Green actions vec leur prononcition :
tu peux les écouter sur un dictionnaire
Natural disasters
de prononciation en ligne, par exemple
Activities and sports bsketball basketball
climbing escalade
Competition cycling vélo, faire du vélo
fencing escrime
achieve (v.), achievement (n.) réussir, réussite football (UK) / soccer (US) football
awrd prix golf (n., v.) golf
be part of a team faire partie d’une gymnstics gymnastique
hndball handball
be selected (for) être sélectionné
horse riding équitation
chmpionship championnat
iceskating patin à glace
mnage to (do sthg) réussir à faire qch
jog faire du jogging
receive a prize recevoir un prix
mrtial arts arts martiaux
succeed in (doing sthg) réussir à faire qch
rugby rugby
take part in participer à
running course, courir
win a medal gagner une médaille
skiing faire du ski
softball softball
Outdoor ctivities
swimming natation
bungy jumping saut à l’élastique tble tennis ping pong
fishing pêche tennis tennis
hiking /)haqkqC/ randonnée volleyball volley
kyaking kayak
paragliding parapente
rfting rafting
siling voile
scuba diving plongée
skiing ski Cinem
snorkeling masque et tuba
snowboarding snowboard Around the film
surfing surf advertisement, dvert, ad (n.) pub
windsurfing planche à voile blockbuster, box-office hit film à gros budget
zorbing zorbing, ballule cinema house (GB) salle de cinéma
critique (n.) critique
Prctice feture in (v.) jouer, figurer dans
film poster affiche
exercise /)eksFsaqz/ pratiquer une film set plateau de tournage
activité sportive
flop (n.) bide
prctice (n.) entraînement
hit (n.) success
prctise (v.) /)prAktqs/ s’entraîner
movie (US) film
reherse répéter
movie industry industrie du cinéma
train s’entraîner
movie theatre (US) salle de cinéma
wrm up s’échauffer
part rôle
work out faire du sport
picture (GB) film
plot intrigue
preview avant -première
bdminton badminton relese (n., v.) sortie en salle
bseball baseball review analyse, critique

160 Lexique

screen écran comedy comédie

screenplay scenario documentary documentaire
shoot (v.) tourner drma comédie dramatique
soundtrack bande-son horror movie film d’horreur
special effects effets spéciaux musical comédie musicale
subtitles sous-titres romance romance
tg line phrase d’accroche science fiction science-fiction
d’un film thriller thriller
triler bande annonce
Cmer nd technique
close-up gros plan Literry genres
effects trucages autobiography autobiographie
frming plan biography biographie
freeze-frame arrêt sur image drma théâtre
lighting éclairage fntasy /)fAntFsi/ fantastique
shot prise de vue mystery roman policier
full shot plan en pied novel roman
long shot plan d’ensemble poetry poésie
medium long shot plan large science fiction science-fiction
medium shot plan moyen short story nouvelle
sound effects bruitage
Literry terms
voice over voix off
antgonist adversaire
Cst nd crew chracter personnage
ctor / ctress acteur / actrice climax /)klaqmAks/ point culminant
cast (n.) distribution d’acteurs denouement dénouement
credits générique diary /)daqFri/ journal intime
crew équipe narrtor narrateur
critic critique de cinéma plot intrigue
director réalisateur, metteur point of view point de vue
en scène protgonist protagoniste
extra figurant rhyme /raqm/ rime
filmmaker cinéaste setting cadre
leding ctor premier rôle stnza strophe
producer producteur verse vers
screenplay writer scénariste
scriptwriter scénariste Music
stunt double doublure pour les
cascades Artists
supporting ctor second rôle band, rock band groupe
composer compositeur
Film genres
drummer percussionniste
ction film film d’action
guitrist guitariste
adventure film film d’aventures
keyboardist pianiste
biopic /)baqFxpqk/ film biographique
lead singer chanteur du groupe
crtoon dessin animé
musician musicien

Lexique 161
performer artiste, interprète Songs
pinist pianiste chorus refrain
songwriter parolier, auteur intro introduction
stage scène line phrase d’une
Instruments lyrics /)lqrqks/ paroles
acoustic guitr guitare sèche melody mélodie
bass guitr /)bFqs/ basse note note
bassoon basson record (n.) album
bow /bFx/ archet refrin refrain
cello /)tHelFx/ violoncelle rhythm /)rqDFm/ rythme
clrinet clarinette riff /rqf/ riff
cymbals cymbales title titre
double bass contrebasse tune air, mélodie
drums batterie
electric guitr guitare électrique Visul rts
flute flûte
keyboard clavier, synthétiseur rtist
oboe /)FxbFx/ hautbois rtwork
organ orgue brush pinceau
pino piano chalk /tHc:k/ craie
sxophone saxophone engrving /qn)greqvqC/ gravure
trumpet trompette exhibition exposition
violin /)vaqFlqn/ violon graffiti graffiti
voice voix msterpiece œuvre d’art
xylophone xylophone mural /)mjxFrFl/ peinture murale
oil pinting peinture à l’huile
Music genres portrait portrait
blues blues sculptor sculpteur
clssical music musique classique sculpture /)skylptHFr/ sculpture
country music musique country spry paint peinture à la bombe
hip hop hip hop stencil pochoir
pop (popular) music pop sticker autocollant
punk punk still life nature morte
rock music rock tools outils
rap rap wtercolour aquarelle

Tlking bout rt
be on stage, give a performance être sur scène
be on tour être en tournée Positive impressions
interact with the udience communiquer avec amzing incroyable
le public wesome génial
perform jouer, se produire brilliant remarquable, génial
play an instrument jouer un instrument cheeky coquin, impertinent
record (v.) enregistrer colourful coloré
reherse répéter dring /)deFrqC/ osé, audacieux
sing a song chanter une chanson

162 Lexique

entertining divertissant
fascinting fascinant condemn sb for doing sth comdamner
funny drôle criticize /)krqtqsaqz/ critiquer
heart-breking déchirant, qui fend disapprove of rejeter, refuser
le cœur praise /preqz/ faire l’éloge,
hilrious /hq)leFriFs/ hilarant
intriguing /qn)tri:gqC/ fascinant
inventive inventif
mrvelous merveilleux,
moving touchant, émouvant
realistic réaliste Experience
scry effrayant
shocking choquant boring ennuyeux
thrilling palpitant enriching enrichissant
witty /)wqti/ plein d’esprit, drôle exciting passionnant
interesting intéressant
Negtive impressions monotonous monotone
wful /)c:fFl/ affreux, horrible repetitive répétitif
defcing qui abîme, dégrade thrilling enthousiasmant
disappointing décevant tiring /)taqFrqC/ fatigant
disturbing perturbant
dredful épouvantable Interests
dull /dyl/ ennuyeux,
sans intérêt be fond of bien aimer
frightening effrayant be highly pssionate about être passionné par
hideous /)hqdiFs/ hideux be into, be keen on être passionné par
lousy /)laxzi/ nul be interested in être intéressé par
outrgeous /axtreqdGFs/ scandaleux be a great fan of être un fan de
overrted surfait have a great love / pssion for avoir la passion de
peculiar /pqkju:liFr/ étrange, bizarre
predictable prévisible Jobs
pretentious prétentieux accountant comptable
provocative, thought-provoking provocant air hostess (UK) /
rubbish nul flight attendant (US) hôtesse de l’air
scry effrayant rchitect /)à:kqtekt/ architecte
shocking choquant stronaut astronaute
silly stupide, absurde bker boulanger
ugly laid bnk clerk employé de banque
unusual /yn)juGuFl/ inhabituel bookseller libraire
butcher /)bxtHFr/ boucher
career advisor conseiller
accuse sb of accuser de d’orientation
appreciate /F)pri:Hieqt/ apprécier, être chemist /)kemqst/ pharmacien
sensible à
computer consultant consultant en
be aginst sthg être contre (IT consultant) informatique

Lexique 163
cook cuisinier go through a job interview passer un entretien
dentist dentiste internship stage
doctor docteur introduce oneself se présenter
engineer ingénieur office bureau
frmer fermier position poste
fireman pompier read an ad lire une annonce
grdener jardinière résumé (n.) curriculum vitae
hirdresser coiffeur work at (a company) travailler à
jeweller /)dGu:FlFr/ bijoutier work for (a company/a person) travailler pour
journalist /)dGE:nFlqst/ journaliste work in (a city, country) travailler à / en
lwyer avocat
mechnic /mFkAnqk/ mécanicien School
model mannequin
class of … promotion …
nurse infirmière
credits notes, crédits
pinter peintre
diploma diplôme
photographer photographe
freshman élève de 3e
pilot /)paqlFt/ pilote
get a degree obtenir un diplôme
psychologist /sai)kolFdGqst/ psychologue
grade /greqd/ note / classe
scientist scientifique
grduate obtenir un diplôme
secretary secrétaire
→ graduate from high school /
shop assistant vendeur college / university
singer chanteur honors mention
sports coach coach sportif mark note
surgeon chirurgien sophomore élève de 2nde
txi driver chauffeur de taxi subject matière
techer professeur
transltor interprète Skills
vet vétérinaire
web designer concepteur de site conscientious consciencieux
internet creative créatif
writer écrivain determined déterminé, obstiné
efficient efficace, productif
Looking for  job energetic énergique
hrd-working travailleur
apply for a job postuler pour un
helpful serviable
imginative imaginatif
apply to postuler à un poste
lzy paresseux
be / make oneself avilable être / se rendre
disponible motivated motivé
be involved in participer à pssionate about passionné de
cover letter lettre de motivation reliable /rq)laqFbFl/ fiable
do odd jobs faire des travaux respectful respectueux
divers responsible responsable
earn a slary gagner un salaire serious sérieux
employee employé tlented, gifted talentueux
employer employeur trustworthy digne de confiance
experience expérience willing de bonne volonté

164 Lexique

Green ctions
commit to (doing sth) s’engager à faire qch
environment-friendly products produits écologiques
Animls give up, stop renoncer
go vegetrian devenir végétarien
bird oiseau
participate in participer à
dolphin dauphin
pick up trash ramasser les ordures
insect insecte
plant planter
kiwi kiwi
preserve, protect protéger
polar bear ours polaire
reduce réduire
reptile reptile
seal phoque renewable energy énergie renouvelable
sheep mouton reusable bottles/cups bouteilles et verres
snake serpent
reuse, recycle recycler
whale baleine
save energy économiser de
solar pnel panneau solaire
Alerting switch on / off allumer / éteindre
call for ction appeler à l’action Nturl dissters
criticize /)krqtqsaqz/ critiquer
bushfire /)bxHfaqFr/ feu de brousse
demonstrtion, protest (n.) manifestation
cyclone /)saqklFxn/ cyclone
denounce dénoncer
drought /draxt/ sècheresse
protest (v.) protester
erthquake tremblement de terre
sensitize opinion sensibiliser l’opinion
endngered species espèce en voie de
take ction agir
warn alerter
flood inondation
Cuses hurricane, typhoon ouragan
erosol /)eFrFsol/ aérosol ice cap calotte glaciaire
crbon dioxide emission émission de dioxide lndslide glissement de terrain
de carbone species extinction /)spi:Hi:z/ espèce en voie
chemical fertilizer /fG:tqlaqzFr/ engrais chimique d’extinction
deforesttion déforestation storm tempête
livestock frming /)laqvstok/ élevage de bétail tidal wave, tsunmi /tsu:)nà:mi/ raz de marée
torndo /tc:)neqdFx/ tornade
Chnges wildfire feu de forêt
dmage /)dAmqdG/ endommager
destroy /dq)strcq/ détruire
devastate dévaster
disappear disparaître People
dry out sécher
flood (v.) /flyd/ inonder
hit percuter / atteindre
impact avoir un impact Feelings
inundate inonder ngry en colère
melt fondre annoyed /F)ncqd/ agacé
pollute polluer nxious /)ACkHFs/ nerveux
threten menacer

Lexique 165
astonished stupéfait, étonné Complexion
bored ennuyé beuty spot grain de beauté
depressed déprimé drk-skinned à la peau foncée,
disappointed déçu bronzée
disgusted /dqs)gystqd/ dégoûté dimples fossettes
enthusistic /qnBju:zi)Astqk/ enthousiaste fir-skinned à la peau claire
excited /qk)saqtqd/ enthousiaste freckled qui a des tâches de
exhusted épuisé
tnned qui est bronzé
fed up en avoir marre
wrinkled qui est ridé
furious furieux
pleased content Eyes
stressed stressé blue-eyed aux yeux bleus
surprised surpris brown-eyed aux yeux marron
tired fatigué drk-eyed aux yeux noirs
worried inquiet short-sighted qui a la vue basse
blind /blaqnd/ aveugle
Physicl ppernce
Age bald /bc:ld/ chauve
elderly âgé curly-haired aux cheveux bouclés
grown-up adulte fir-haired blond
middle-aged d’âge moyen fringe (UK) /frqndG/ / bangs (US) frange
young jeune frizzy frisé
Appearance long-haired aux cheveux longs
attrctive joli(e), séduisant(e) plait (UK) /plAt/ / natte
cute mignon braid (US) /breqd/
fshionable chic, à la mode → to wear one’s hair in a braid

good-looking beau / belle ponytail queue de cheval

gorgeous beau / belle short-haired aux cheveux courts
hndsome beau Other features
nice-looking joli beard /bqFd/ barbe
plain simple, quelconque moustche moustache
scruffy /)skryfi/ peu soigné, négligé pierced percé
smart /smà:t/ élégant, bien habillé tttoed tatoué
ugly laid
unattrctive peu séduisant
well-dressed bien habillé
affectionate affectueux
ambitious ambitieux
chubby rondelet
cring attentionné
fit en forme
clever intelligent
plump dodu
curious curieux
skinny maigre
dedicted dévoué
slender mince, élancé
energetic énergique
slim mince
funny drôle
stocky trapu
generous généreux
well-built bien bâti, robuste
honest honnête

166 Lexique

joyful joyeux Origins

kind, friendly amical
ncestry ancêtres
lovely agréable
community communauté
outgoing ouvert, sociable
customs coutumes
polite poli
diver diversité
smart intelligent
eth groupe ethnique
fo étranger
rrogant arrogant
identity identité
bd-mannered malpoli
im immigrant
bd-tempered de mauvais caractère
mixed mélangé
grumpy grognon
multicul multiculturel
indifferent indifférent
multi- multi-ethnique
irresponsible irresponsable
ntive /)neqtqv/ autochtone,
jelous jaloux indigène
lid back décontracté a people un peuple
impolite impoli popultion population
mean méchant roots racines
nsty /)nà:sti/ méchant tribe /traqb/ tribu
quiet, reserved réservé
quirky /)kwE:ki/ excentrique, bizarre Reltionships
rude malpoli, grossier
selfish égoïste be crzy about (sb) être fou de qqn
snobbish snob be good friends with (sb) bien s’entendre avec
be in love with (sb) être amoureux
de qqn
inhbitants habitants get along with (sb) bien s’entendre avec
islander /)aqlFndFr/ habitant de l’île
get on well with (sb) bien s’entendre avec
local qui est du coin
minlander métropolitain
grow close se rapprocher
residents résidents
have a row / se disputer avec qqn
tourists touristes an rgument with (sb)
visitors visiteurs make friends with (sb) devenir ami avec qqn
meet (sb) rencontrer qqn
Ntionlities qurrel with (sb) se fâcher avec qqn
American Américain
Asian Asiatique
Austrlian Australien
Candian Canadien
English / British Anglais / Britannique
Hispnic / Latino Hispanique Mens of protest
Irish /)aqFrqH/ Irlandais
attempt to tenter
Ntive American Amerindien
boycott boycotter
New Zelander / Kiwi (slang) Néo-Zélandais
break (the law, rules) transgresser
Scottish Écossais
demonstrate manifester
Welsh Gallois

Lexique 167
destroy détruire
disobey désobeir
escpe s’enfuir
fight for se battre pour Describing plces
lead /li:d/ guider, mener
amzing /F)meqzqC/ extraordinaire
march manifester
brethtaking à couper le souffle
overthrow renverser
fantstic fantastique
protest protester
gorgeous superbe
rebel /rq)bel/ se rebeller
isolated /)aqsFleqtqd/ isolé
remove enlever, retirer
magnificent magnifique
resist résister
perfect parfait
revolt aginst se révolter contre
remote éloigné
sit-in manifestation
spectcular spectaculaire
stand up for défendre
stunning éblouissant
struggle lutter
wonderful merveilleux
Mens of repression
arrest arrêter
beach plage
ban interdire
cpital city capitale
control contrôler
hemisphere hemisphère
deprive /dq)praqv/ priver
island /)aqlFnd/ île
forbid /fF)bqd/ interdire
lndscape paysage
imprison emprisonner
mountain range chaîne de montagne
oppress opprimer
ntional prk parc national
prohibit /prF)hqbqt/ interdire
north / south / east / west nord / sud /est / ouest
punish punir
northern / southern du nord / du sud
send to jail envoyer en prison
suppress réprimer
threten /)BretFn/ menacer
cruise (n., v.) /kru:z/ croisière,
Stte of mind faire une croisière
discover découvrir
be afrid (of) avoir peur
explore explorer
be miserable être malheureux
fly to aller en avion
be optimistic ≠ pessimistic être optimiste ≠
get / arrive to arriver à
go sightseeing faire du tourisme
be peceful, pacific être pacifique
hndicrafts artisanat
be proud être fier
holiday (UK) vacances
be submissive ≠ rebellious être soumis ≠
se rebeller journey /)dGE:ni/ voyage, trajet
be unhppy être malheureux land (v.) atterrir
feel isolted /)aqsFleqtqd/ se sentir isolé, leave partir
à l’écart make a tour of faire un circuit
feel powerful ≠ powerless se sentir fort ≠ autour de…
impuissant, désarmé sail to aller en avion
feel trpped /)trApFt/ se sentir piégé stay rester

168 Lexique

tke off décoller Trditions

trip voyage
beliefs croyances
trvel guide guide (de voyage)
culture culture
trvel to voyager
custom coutumes
vaction (US) / holidays (UK) vacances
heritage héritage
visit visiter
ritual /)rqtHuFl/ rituel
walk around se promener
scred /)seqkrqd/ sacré
symbols symboles
tttoo /)tAtu:/ tatouage
tribe /traqb/ tribu

Words in action

1 Agreeing

• Definitely! Absolutely! Quite so!


• Not necessrily! Not at all! Nonsense!

• That’s a good point. • That’s not lways true.
• That’s true. That’s right. That’s convincing. • I don’t think so. I disagree
• I agree with you. I totally agree... • I’m not sure about that...
• I share your point of view... • I see your point, but...
• I think so too... • I’m afrid I disagree...
• I have come to the same conclusion. • I don’t quite agree with you... / I completely disagree...
• I see your point. I see what you mean. • I’m not sure I go along with that view...
• You’re quite/absolutely right. • You could say that, however...
• You took the words right out of my mouth. • That’s one way of looking at it, yet...

2 Connecting sentences

addition but cause comparaison

Besides / furthermore / (In order) to… Because… As though / as if…
moreover, … So that… Because of (+ GN) As well as…
By the way, … So as to (+ v.) As (+ GV) Compared with…
Not only… but also… For this purpose, … Thanks to…
Then For (+ n.) For…
Due to…

concession opposition condition conséquence

Although / though / Instead of… As long as… So that…

eventhough… Yet / however / Provided (that)… So much that…
In spite of / despite (+ n.) nevertheless, … Unless… Therefore / as a result /
Still, … … whereas … Otherwise, … consequently, …
On the one hand… , … hence (+ n.)
on the other hand…

Lexique 169
3 Giving your opinion

• I think / believe / feel / assume / consider / find that...

• To my mind... In my opinion... From my point of view... To me...
• As far as I’m concerned,...
• What I mean is...
• I am convinced that... I am sure that...
• I tend to think that...
• I’d like to point out that...
• It seems to me that...
• No mtter what you say, I still think that...
• Some may believe / state / rgue that, but I think...

4 Tlking bout cmer shots

Screenshots from the film Ali:

 close-up n extreme close-up

→ focuses on the emotions of the character → creates an intense mood or tension

 wide-shot
→ establishes general location, often at the beginning of a scene

 high-ngle shot n over-the-shoulder shot

→ makes the character look small or vulnerable → insists on the connection between the characters

170 Lexique

5 Tlking bout  pinting

at the top in the top right-hand corner

on the right
on the left

in the middle /
at the bottom

 Detils of the pinting (title / artist / material / location)

This [painting, artwork, sculpture] was [painted/drawn/ made] by [artist] in [date].
It is an [oil canvas / on wood / watercolour / ...].
It is made of...
It is entitled...
 Description (structure / subject matter)
It depicts... it represents... It portrays... It illustrates...
We can notice that...
In the foreground/background you can see ...
In the foreground/background there is/are
 Colours Colours Texture
The artist uses warm colours (yellow-red-orange) / bright rough
cold colours (blue-purple-green) cheerful sandy
Its colours are... dark soft
Its texture is... dull smooth
lovely uneven
 Interprettion (theme / symbols / pale
atmosphere / opinion)
What is striking is that...
We can suppose / assume that...
It seems that...
It must take place in...
The atmosphere looks...

Lexique 171
6 Tlking bout  poster (n dvert,  film poster)

at the top

the logo or EARTH HOUR

MARCH 27, FROM 20H30 TO 21H30

the slogan FOR ONCE, in the

or ctchphrase THE DARK SIDE bckground

PLANET. above
the chracter

on the left,
to the right of
the chracter on the right,
to the left of
the chracter

in front of
in the
the chracter

praise / quotes
by reviewers

the title

the tgline or

the main
ctors the credits

172 Lexique

7 Tlking bout  press rticle

the issue date hedline

Concern over ignorant use of moko

3:10 PM Thursday Feb 27, 2003

A group of cdemics re concerned* the Mori tttoo is being

the lead used by non-Mori, without understnding wht the symbols
Robbie Williams, Rihanna and Mike Tyson all have tribal
men. tattoos inspired by Maori designs
Auckland University art history lecturer Ngarino Ellis and
fellow academics Professor Ngahuia Te Awekotuku and Linda Do you think Robbie Williams’ use
Waimarie Nikora were particularly concerned that people were of the moko is oensive? a cption
“misappropriating” moko or traditional Maori tattoo.
The concern comes after controversy over heavy weight boxer and Courtney, Auckland
convicted rapist Mike Tyson’s moko-looking tattoo over his eye, I think he could have checked with
which he had done just before his fight against Clifford Etienne kaumatua (tribal elders) to make sure
last weekend. he wouldn’t oend their culture.
People have got to be really careful.
A spokesman for Tyson said it was meant to represent his being
a “warrior”. Daniel, Christchurch
Everyone’s entitled to have whatever
Maori expert on facial tattoos Pita Sharples said at the time that he design on their body!
did not like seeing the design on Tyson because of his criminal past.
He was also disturbed by British rock star Robbie Williams’ arm Mark, Wellington
tattoo “because there are definitely Maori characters of moko” in it. He shouldn’t have done this because
he has no Maori heritage.
Ms Ellis said the fact that high profile figures like Tyson and
Williams and musician Ben Harper were sporting moko-like Send us your feedback.
tattoos, “demonstrates a need for more information in the wider
community about moko, both here and overseas”.
* worried

the story

• a newspaper: un journal
• the press: la presse
• a dily: un quotidien
• a weekly: un hebdomadaire
• a monthly: un mensuel

Lexique 173
Verbes irréguliers Sing sang sung
with Fluency MC
Voici les verbes irréguliers les plus utilisés. Apprends-les avec leur prononciation. Track 153

Infinitif Prétérit Participe Passé Traduction

be /bi:/ was/were woz//wE:/ been /bi:n/ être
bear /beF/ bore /bc:/ born(e) /bc:n/ supporter
beat /bi:t/ beat /bi:t/ beaten /bi:tn/ battre
become /bq)kym/ became /bq)keqm/ become /bq)kym/ devenir
begin /bq)gqn/ began /bq)gAn/ begun /bq)gyn/ commencer
bet /bet/ bet /bet/ bet /bet/ parier
bite /baqt/ bit /bqt/ bitten /bqtn/ mordre
blow /blFx/ blew /blu:/ blown /blFxn/ souffler
break /breqk/ broke /brFxk/ broken /)brFxkn/ casser
bring /brqC/ brought /brc:t/ brought /brc:t/ apporter
build /bqld/ built /bqlt/ built /bqlt/ construire
burn /bE:n/ burnt /bE:nt/ burnt /bE:nt/ brûler
buy /baq/ bought /bc:t/ bought /bc:t/ acheter
catch /kAtH/ caught /kc:t/ caught /kc:t/ attraper
choose /tHu:z/ chose /tHFxz/ chosen /)tHFxzn/ choisir
come /kym/ came /keqm/ come /kym/ venir
cost /kost/ cost /kost/ cost /kost/ coûter
cut /kyt/ cut /kyt/ cut /kyt/ couper
do /du:/ did /dqd/ done /dyn/ faire
dream /dri:m/ dreamt /dremt/ dreamt /dremt/ rêver
drink /drqCk/ drank /drACk/ drunk /dryCk/ boire
drive /draqv/ drove /drFxv/ driven /drqvn/ conduire
eat /i:t/ ate /et/ eaten /i:tn/ manger
fall /fc:l/ fell /fel/ fallen /)fc:lFn/ tomber
feel /fi:l/ felt /felt/ felt /felt/ se sentir, toucher
fight /faqt/ fought /fc:t/ fought /fc:t/ se battre
find /faqnd/ found /faxnd/ found /faxnd/ trouver
fly /flaq/ flew /flu:/ flown /flFxn/ voler (oiseau, avion…)
forbid /fF)bqd/ forbade /fF)beqd/ forbidden /fF)bqdFn/ interdire
forget /fF)get/ forgot /fF)got/ forgotten /fF)gotFn/ oublier
forgive /fF)gqv/ forgave /fF)geqv/ forgiven /fF)gqvFn/ pardonner
freeze /fri:z/ froze /frFxz/ frozen /frFxzFn/ geler
get /get/ got /got/ got /got/ obtenir
give /gqv/ gave /geqv/ given /)gqvFn/ donner
go /gFx/ went /went/ gone /gon/ aller
grow /grFx/ grew /gru:/ grown /grFxn/ croître, faire pousser
have /hAv/ had /hAd/ had /hAd/ avoir
hear /hqF/ heard /hE:d/ heard /hE:d/ entendre
hide /haqd/ hid /hqd/ hidden /)hqdFn/ cacher
hit /hqt/ hit /hqt/ hit /hqt/ frapper
hurt /hE:t/ hurt /hE:t/ hurt /hE:t/ blesser

174 Verbes irréguliers

keep /ki:p/ kept /kept/ kept /kept/ garder
know /nFx/ knew /nju:/ known /nFxn/ connaître, savoir
learn /lE:n/ learnt /lE:nt/ learnt /lE:nt/ apprendre
leave /li:v/ left /left/ left /left/ quitter, partir
lend /lend/ lent /lent/ lent /lent/ prêter
let /let/ let /let/ let /let/ laisser, louer
lose /lu:z/ lost /lost/ lost /lost/ perdre
make /meqk/ made /meqd/ made /meqd/ faire, fabriquer
mean /mi:n/ meant /ment/ meant /ment/ signifier
meet /mi:t/ met /met/ met /met/ rencontrer
pay /peq/ paid /peqd/ paid /peqd/ payer
put /pxt/ put /pxt/ put /pxt/ mettre
read /ri:d/ read /red/ read /red/ lire
ride /raqd/ rode /rFxd/ ridden /)rqdFn/ se promener à cheval/
à bicyclette
ring /rqC/ rang /rAC/ rung /ryC/ sonner
run /ryn/ ran /rAn/ run /ryn/ courir
say /seq/ said /sed/ said /sed/ dire
see /si:/ saw /sc:/ seen /si:n/ voir
sell /sel/ sold /sFxld/ sold /sFxld/ vendre
send /send/ sent /sent/ sent /sent/ envoyer
shake /Heqk/ shook /Hu:k/ shaken /)HeqkFn/ secouer, trembler
shine /Haqn/ shone /Hon/ shone /Hon/ briller
shoot /Hu:t/ shot /Hot/ shot /Hot/ tirer (arme)
show /HFx/ showed /HFxd/ shown /HFxn/ montrer
shut /Hyt/ shut /Hyt/ shut /Hyt/ fermer
sing /sqC/ sang /sAC/ sung /syC/ chanter
sit /sqt/ sat /sAt/ sat /sAt/ être assis
sleep /sli:p/ slept /slept/ slept /slept/ dormir
smell /smel/ smelt /smelt/ smelt /smelt/ sentir
speak /spi:k/ spoke /spFxk/ spoken /)spFxkFn/ parler
spend /spend/ spent /spent/ spent /spent/ dépenser
stand /stAnd/ stood /stu:d/ stood /stu:d/ se tenir debout
steal /sti:l/ stole /stFxl/ stolen /stFxlFn/ voler (dérober)
swim /swqm/ swam /swAm/ swum /swym/ nager
take /teqk/ took /txk/ taken /teqkFn/ prendre
teach /ti:tH/ taught /tc:t/ taught /tc:t/ enseigner
tell /tel/ told /tFxld/ told /tFxld/ dire, raconter
think /BqEk/ thought /Bc:t/ thought /Bc:t/ penser
throw /BrFx/ threw /Bru:/ thrown /BrFxn/ jeter
understand /yndF)stAnd/ understood /yndF)stxd/ understood /yndF)stxd/ comprendre
wake /weqk/ woke /wFxk/ woken /)wFxkFn/ réveiller
wear /weF/ wore /wc:/ worn /wc:n/ porter (vêtement)
win /wqn/ won /wyn/ won /wyn/ gagner
write /raqt/ wrote /rFxt/ written /)rqtFn/ écrire

Verbes irréguliers 175

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(Formerly World Wildlife Fund) ® “WWF” is a WWF Registered Trademark ; 172 (b): “The king’s speech” by Tom Hooper, 2011, See-Saw Films/WeinsteinCompany © Collection
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57 (hd): “The Fault in Our Stars”, John Green, 2012, Penguin Random House; 57 (md): “The Soul of Buttery” by Muhammad Ali and Hana Yasmeen Ali, 2004, Bantam
Press; 68, 69, 70: “Matched”, Ally Condie, 2010, Penguin Random House; 76: “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”, Robert Frost, 1923, Herny Holt and Company;
83: New York Media; 95: Paroles “Miss you”: Mick Jagger and Keith Richard, 1978 © Avec l’aimable autorisation de Emi Music Publishing France; 100: Rotorua Daily Post ;
101: The New Zealand Herald © Copyright 2017, NZME. Publishing Limited; 102: Eurosport.com; 113: Paroles “Love Story”: Taylor Swift, 2008 © Avec l’aimable autorisation
de Emi Music Publishing France; 115: © “Star Wars VII : The Force Awakens”, 2015, J. J. Abrams, Lawrence Kasdan, Michael Arndt; 132 (hg): © Emma Watson at the United
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nasa.gov; 142: Mark Twain’s Letters, Volume 1: 1853-1866 (Mark Twain Papers); 143: From “The Fun They Had” published in “The Best of Isaac Asimov” by Isaac Asimov,
copyright 1973 by Isaac Asimov. Used by permission of Doubleday, a division of Random House, Inc.; 173: “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”, Robert Frost, 1923, Herny
Holt and Company; 175: The New Zealand Herald © Copyright 2017, NZME. Publishing Limited

DR : Malgré nos eorts, il nous a été impossible de joindre certains photographes ou leurs ayants droit, ainsi que les éditeurs ou leur ayants droit pour certains documents, an
de solliciter l’autorisation de reproduction, mais nous avons naturellement réservé en notre comptabilité des droits usuels.
Vowel sounds Track 2

/q/ /i:/
ship sheep

/o/ /c:/
orange board

/A/ /à:/
cat car

/x/ /u:/
book boot

/y/ /E:/
run girl

/e/ /F/
red anger

/qF/ /eF/ /xF/

fear hair tourist

/aq/ /eq/ /cq/

write play boy

/ax/ /Fx/
brown no
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The British Isles
500 m Shetland
important city 0m

regional boundary

international boundary



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Ben Nevis
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NORTHERN upon-Tyne

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Bradford Leeds Hull
Galway OF Liverpool
IRELAND Anglesey Sheffield
(Eire) Caernarvon E N G L A N D Nottingham

t Ouse

Tre Leicester

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Aberystwyth Coventry Gr

WALES Stratford- Cambridge

Cork upon-Avon

h Oxford LONDON
Swansea Bristol
g Th
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G Dover
St Southampton Brighton Calais

Bournemouth Portsmouth

Plymouth sur-Mer
Isle of Wight
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Cherbourg Le Havre
100 miles
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CHINA Shantou TAIWAN Marcus I. (Japan) Necker I.
Shenzhen 3997
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Kaohsiung Honolulu
Macao Hawaiian Islands Oahu
o S a (U.S.A.) Hawaii
Hainan Northern Mariana Islands Wake I. (U.S.A.)
1867 4206
(U.S.A.) Mauna Kea
Luzon Johnston Atoll
CHINA Saipan
Quezon City
Mindoro Legazpi (U.S.A.)
Puerto Panay
Samar c
Princesa Cebu Yap PACIFIC OCEAN
Negros Surigao r Kwajalein Atoll

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4101 Davao
Pohnpei o ai Majuro MAJURO
Kinabalu Zamboanga
Mindanao Chuuk PALIKIR Atoll
BRUNEI Jolo n Palmyra (U.S.A.)
Sandakan General

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Tawau Santos Kosrae
Manado TARAWA Kiritimati

Moluccas Tarawa Atoll Gilbert (Christmas Island)
EQUATOR Baker Island (U.S.A.)

Samarinda Gorontalo Islands EQUATOR
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Banjarmasin New

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EAST TIMOR a Funafuti Atoll
Java Bali Timor Guadalcanal 2447 Vostok Island
ARAFURA SEA To es Strait Tokelau


San Cristobal (N.Z.) ds
TIMOR Northern Cook Is. Flint Island
Darwin Cape Wallis SAMOA
Carpentaria s
INDIAN Arnhem Land York and Futuna Tua
Espíritu Santo i (Fra.) APIA American Cook Islands ot
1879 a

OCEAN Wyndham Samoa Arc
Cape Lévêque 1032 Vanua (New Zealand) hip
Cairns CORAL Papeete

Efaté PORT VILA Viti SUVA Southern Cook Is.

NORTHERN SEA Levu 1130 Vava'u Tahiti
Townsville Niue
Society Is
f Tanna Group
Port Hedland TERRITORY FIJI (N.Z.)
Great Mount Isa
1628 NUKU'ALOFA French Polynesia
Sandy Desert Rarotonga Pitcairn
Nouméa New Caledonia (Fra.) (France) Islands (U.K.)
Barcaldine Tongatapu Group
Alice Simpson
Gibson Desert Springs TROPIC OF CAPRICORN Austral sla Gambier
867 Ayers Rock (Uluru) Is.
A U S T R A L I A Gold Coast Rapa Ilots de Bass
Geraldton Mount Magnet Lake Eyre
Great Victoria Desert Norfolk Island PACIFIC OCEAN
SOUTH (Australia)
bo P a n
Perth Lake Gairdner SOUTH Kermadec
Norseman Ceduna Broken Hill
Port Augusta WALES Newcastle Islands
Cape Naturaliste Esperance Great Australian (N.Z.)
Bight Sydney
Cape Leeuwin Port Lincoln Albury- Wollongong
Arch. of the Adelaide
Albany Wodonga Whangarei
Recherche CANBERRA
Bendigo 2230 Auckland 5000 m
Island V I C T O R I A Mt Kosciuszko North
Geelong Melbourne Hamilton 4000 m
New-Plymouth 3000 m
King Island Furneaux NEW Napier
Group TASMAN Palmerston North
2000 m
Blenheim 1000 m
1617 Greymouth Chatham
Hobart South Islands
Tasmania Christchurch 500 m
0 km 500 1000 1500 km Island 3764
Aoraki (Mt Cook) 200 m

Invercargill Dunedin 0m
Stewart bellow
Bounty Islands

Winnipeg Quebec
Seattle MAINE
Olympia Montreal (ME)
WASHINGTON Lake Superior
C o l um b i a (MT) (ND)

Portland OTTAWA
Salem w
2661 ll ck (MN) MI

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OREGON ( Huron L. Ontario


St Paul I Toronto

Boise (WI) Lake
NEW YORK Hartford Providence
Buffalo (NY)

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(ID) Pierre Michigan CONNECTICUT (CT)

New York
WYOMING Detroit Trenton

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Great (IA) Pittsburgh g
Cheyenne Columbus

Platte ILLINOIS (IN) Annapolis

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Salt Lake City

M o u
R iv (IL)
Carson City er


Indianapolis Cincinnati (WV)
Denver Springfield Oh
San Francisco Mt Elbert io Richmond
(NV) UTAH 4401 Frankfort Charleston VIRGINIA

(UT) St Louis
Mt Whitney KANSAS Topeka Louisville (VA)

(KS) Jef

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Nashville Mt Mitchell (NC)

Ark 2038

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Ca n (TN) Columbia




O C E A N (AZ)




NEW MEXICO Little Rock
Dallas (GA)
A bama

El Paso (TX)
R Tallahassee

Baton Rouge


FEDERATION t Houston New Orleans (FL)
ALASKA (AK) San Antonio Tampa

on G u l f BAHAMA
Y Fairbanks MEXICO Miami ISLANDS
Mt McKinley i
o f
The United States of America

Anchorage o
PACIFIC OCEAN M e x i c o a
HAWAII (HI) Federal capital +
2000 m
Maunakea State capital
PACIFIC OCEAN Juneau 4206 1000 m
500 km Important city
200 km 500 m 1000 km

500 miles 200 miles State boundary 0m 1000 miles

é comme échanges
d comme découvertes
3 e

Le site compagnon
www.didier-eforenglish.com GRATUIT
• Toutes les vidéos exploitées dans le manuel.
• Tous les audios en ligne ou à télécharger.
• Les activités de prononciation «BBC LEARNING ENGLISH».
• L’anglais par le Rap avec Fluency MC.

Le Workbook
• Toutes les activités pour le travail en classe
• Des exercices et des conseils pour s’entraîner à la maison.
➝ Existe aussi en version numérique avec toutes les activités
sous forme interactive
➝ Existe aussi en version « spécial DYS » avec format et police adaptés.

Poids du livre de l’élève : 465 g 76 7941 3

Les papiers utilisés pour

ce manuel sont réalisés à partir
de bres certiées issues
de forêts gérées durablement.
ISBN : 978-2-278-08754-9

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